#literally nothing else makes me happy other than thinking about my baby talking to my baby and of course
juleswritesstuff · 4 months
Am I the only one who thinks most of the Marauders and the Slytherin Skittles would have the biggest praise kink in history ?
warnings: smut
Just a little thought I had today. Let me know if you want a part two with the reader and the boys' roles reversed, I'll be more than happy to comply 😉
James would have one because of his constant need to be perfect, to be what he thinks the others need him to be: the perfect son, the perfect friend, the perfect student. But he always has doubts ‘am I enough ?’, ‘am I doing enough ?', ‘will they like me ’, ‘what if they don’t ? what if they hate me ?’ He needs to be reassured that he is. He is enough, he is more than enough. 
I feel like it would be more prominent while he is intimate with you. He is mostly afraid of not living up to the expectation he thinks you have of him. So you make sure he knows that he makes you literally touch the sky.
‘That was the best match i’ve ever watched ! Merlin, you were brilliant on that broom James’ after Gryffindor wins the last match of the year.
‘What do you mean ‘stupid’ ? They’re your glasses baby, they help you see. And you look really hot wearing them in my opinion’ after he overhears someone talking about another person and saying they look stupid with that specific pair of glasses.
‘Like that, baby. You’re doing so good’ while he is covering your neck with kisses and gentle bites.
‘Yes, yes, fuck, right there Jamie’ after a particularly deep and strong thrust leaves you breathless.
‘You look so good between my legs, love’ while he is eating you out messily and hungrily and so, so perfectly.
‘No one feels as good as you. No one could ever make me feel the way you do, James’ while he is still inside of you, catching his breath and looking at you with devotion.
‘Are you sure it was ok ?’
‘James, it was more than ok. My legs are shaking baby, that's a sign that it was pretty damn amazing’
‘Are you serious ?’
‘Apart from the very lame joke I am sure you’re thinking about, yes, I am. Actually, why don’t I show you how serious I really am ?’
‘What do you mean, baby?’
‘I mean that you’re gonna fuck me again and i’ll show you how much I always crave your lips, then a third time and i’ll make sure the entire castle hears how you can make me cry with just your tongue, then a fourth because that perfect dick of yours needs to be fucking worshipped, and, finally, a fifth to show you that you fuck me so good that not a single coherent thought processes in my head when you're taking me apart on your cock, Jamie’ 
Remus would have one because he has hated himself his whole life. He feels like a monster, like he doesn’t deserve all the love he is surrounded by, like all the good things people say about him are just lies. And he knows the truth, he knows he is nothing but an horrid creature and that he doesn’t deserve to be loved. Except that it isn’t the truth, and you tell him everyday.
With him I feel like it would be more out of the bedroom, and outside of sex, but not exclusively.
‘You’re really good at that spell Remus, mind showing me how it’s done ?’ after he gets a rather difficult charm right at the first try.
‘You look very hot today, Rem. Well, you look hot everyday actually’ which makes him blush from head to toes.
‘You’re the best, you know ? You really are’ after he explains a difficult concept that nobody else got, but him.
‘Holy hell, right there Remus. You feel way too good’ while he eases in and out of you with a steady rhythm, knocking the air out of your lungs.
‘You take such good care of me’ while he is going down on you, slowly, sensually and with a glint of hunger in his eyes, knowing exactly what to do to make you fall apart.
‘I love you, you know that right ?’
‘Yes, darling. You tell me everyday’ 
‘Well, that’s not enough. From now on, I'll tell you twice a day’
‘But why ?’
‘Because it’s true' and then you give him the sweetest kiss.
Sirius would have one because he has been told his whole life that he wasn’t enough. That he needed to be better, to do better, to be a better heir for the Noble House of Black, to be a better son, to be a better brother. He was told that he was worthless, that his parents had no use in having a son like him. He was a disappointment, a shame to the family. For them he didn’t exist anymore.
But for you he was the most perfect person to ever walk on earth. Your brightest star.
He would love it both inside and outside the bedroom. I feel like he would also ask you to tell him something that makes him feel good, especially when he is having a bad day. He has no problem being praised in public, but he becomes especially vulnerable when you’re intimate because he can finally let go.
‘Tell me what did I do to have the best boyfriend ever ?’ After he brings you flowers one day because he told you they reminded them of you.
‘It’s ok Sirius, you’ll get it eventually. You’re one of the best students, you just need a bit more time which is totally fine’ after the tenth time he tries to get one of the most difficult spells right, only for it to go wrong.
‘You’re worth it Sirius. You’re worth every single good thing that happens to you, never doubt that’ after he breaks down reading one of his mothers older letters, full of foul words directed at him.
‘You’re such a good boy, aren’t you ?’ after he listens to you so well, kissing every inch of your body.
‘Fuck, you should see yourself baby. You look so good, so perfect for me’ while you’re on his lap, riding him slowly to savor that sultry fucked out expression on his face that makes you go feral.
‘You’re so sweet, Sirius, do you know that ? So fucking sweet’ after you bob your head on his length, swirling your tongue around his head to suck gently as his taste coats your mouth.
‘Was I good ?’
‘You’re always good, Sirius. More than’
‘Are you sure ?’
‘Do you want me to describe in detail how good you are at splitting me open in every position known to man ? Because I can do that if you want. Might take three whole days though, a week if you want me to talk about that sinful tongue of yours, too’
‘I think we have enough time’ and then you both start laughing.
Regulus would have one because he’s been second his whole life. Second for his brother, second for his parents before Sirius left , sometimes he feels second even for his friends. He thinks no one cares deeply about him, he’s just there as a rebound. He’s never been anyone’s first choice, and he thinks he never will be.
You make sure he knows that not only he would be your first choice in every lifetime, but that he would also be the only choice for you, no one else would or could ever compare. He is the center of your universe after all.
I feel like he would blush like crazy and pretend he is annoyed by your words when you’re in public and you praise him even for the simplest thing, but his eyes would also warm up a little, just for a second, before going back to his blank and rather stoic expression. He would be a mess in the bedroom though, when he can finally let go and he allows himself to feel good about the sweet words that leave your lips.
‘You have the prettiest eyes I have ever seen’ after he catches you staring at him for a moment too long.
‘Your poems are literally art, Regulus. I can’t believe you can write like this, you know this is pure talent, right ?’ after he shows you his poems for the first time and you nearly cry because more than half of them are dedicated to you.
‘You were so good up there, Reggie. And the way you caught the Snitch ? Fucking incredible. You are incredible’ after Slytherin wins one of the biggest matches of the season thanks to Regulus catching the Snitch one minute from the end.
‘You feel so good, love. Stretching me out so well’ after his cock slides inside of you perfectly, filling you up so nicely.
‘Eyes on me, Regulus. They’re so gorgeous, I want them focused me while I make you cum, ok ? Be good and keep them open’ as you stroke his length up and down, feeling the velvety soft skin on your palm as you give his head a gentle suck, tasting him on your tongue.
‘You’re so pretty when you’re all fucked out, Reggie. You feel so good taking me like this’ while you’re riding him and he looks at you with hazy eyes, lust and pure bliss fogging his brain’
‘I’m yours Regulus. I’m undoubtedly, irrevocably and utterly yours’
‘Promise me’
‘I promise, I’m not going anywhere. I’m afraid you’re stuck with me forever, actually’
‘Mmh, it’s gonna be hard, but I’ll survive I guess’ while you’re still joined, one body and one soul as you kiss him slowly and sweetly, his tone sarcastic but betrayed by the smile that's progressively growing on his lips.
Barty would have one because his father never gave him his attention. He was never enough for him, never a good son, never a good student, never good. He was constantly ignored, and the few times his father acknowledged him was to tell him that he was a lost cause, a disgrace, a shame. He was just a stupid boy, too reckless, too careless, too unhinged, too much, and, at the same time, never enough. But it wasn’t like that. He was a bit impulsive, and sometimes he went a little bonkers, but he was a good person, and there were people who cared about him and his well being. You always made sure he knew that. He was your priority.
I have a feeling that he would be completely unashamed of being praised in public exactly like he is praised in the bedroom. Probably not in front of the whole school, but he wouldn't really care if people eavesdropped, his crooked grin widening when he notices their horrified faces. It is  their fault, they could mind their own damn business.
‘Yes, Barty, you’ve been a good boy’ after he asks you if he has been good after getting an O in Potions.
‘Baby, we’re in public, I can’t just scream about how good you fuck me. There are people eating, for Merlin’s sake’ after he sees a guy talking to you before sitting at the table in the Great Hall. He asks you if you could tell him that he is the only one who could make you come with just his skilled fingers.
‘Don’t think like that ever again, Barty. You are not a lost cause, you aren't. You deserve good things, you deserve the best things, sweetie. You deserve to be loved, and I do. I love you so much Barty, don’t ever think you are not important to me because you are. You mean the world to me’ after he receives a letter from his father asking how a cretin like him was able to find someone who could love him. If he hadn’t begged you to stop after calming down a little you would’ve been in Azkaban with a murder charge by now.
‘Fuck, I love when you do that. Feels amazing, baby’ after he trails a path of kisses down your chest only to focus on the tender flesh of your nipple as he sucks gently, and grazes it with his teeth, teasing you.
‘Harder, baby. I know you like it like this’ while his thrusts become more erratic, stronger and deeper and you can hardly think.
‘You’re cock is perfect, Barty. Fills my mouth so nicely’ while you’re sucking him off, his tip hits your throat and you swallow as the loudest moan leaves his mouth.
‘I told Mulciber that no one can make you scream as loud as I do’
‘You did what ?! Barty !’
‘What ? Is it not true ?’
‘I- of course it’s true, but why did you have to tell him ?’
‘He was being rather cocky about the fact that he could make you scream like, and I quote ‘a bitch’. Then he started using other very disrespectful words to describe you baby, and at that point I had to punch him right in the face, because no one has to even dare to talk about you like that. He is actually lucky my Sectumsempra is not perfect yet, or he would’ve ended way worse. And then I added that little detail. I probably shouldn’t have done it, but I was furious. Do you want me to obliviate him ? I can do that if you want’
‘It’s fine, he needs some salt rubbed on his wounds’
‘Are you sure ?’
‘Yes, baby. And it’s nothing new, I'm sure the entire dorm hears me when you’re fucking me, I can't help it. Now come on my knight in bloody knuckles, let’s go to Madame Pomfrey to get those bruises checked’ you kiss him lightly before heading to the infirmary.
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sugarlywhispers · 5 months
b.katsuki + reader!Quirk similar to him
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Your first year at UA was going amazingly. Not only because it meant it was one step closer to your dream of being a hero, it also brought new challenges and new people into your life. You have made two new best friends: Gouna, a tall girl with an elastic type of Quirk, and Zynu, an exchange student from Greece, who had a fast Quirk. Literally, she was freaking fast.
The first semester of school consisted in getting to know each of the classmates and oneself. Training, studying, physical tests in groups. Also boring tests like Maths and English.
But it has been magnificent so far.
Until the training camp. Pushing one's Quirk to the limit had literally brought you to tears. Being a cold type of quirk yourself, you never thought you would be able to do what you were doing. But you gave your all, like always. You were focused. Witty and ready. Ready to fight for that number one spot in the rankings at every moment of your life. And very loud about it too.
"She reminds me of someone…" Kan-sensei once commented to Aizawa-sensei, smiling amused.
Your black haired teacher rolled his eyes, "Please, no…"
You didn't know who they were talking about at the time, but whomever they were, you decided you would be fucking better.
That camp had been one hell of a test for everyone. 
Or so that's what all of you thought until the day to meet the Big Three came.
Despite other previous years, these Class 1s, A and B, hadn't met them until closer to the end of their first year. Apparently, they had been on a mission in another country.
"Can you believe it??? They haven't even graduated yet and they already go on missions!!" Zynu exclaims, giving little fast jumps as the whole classes 1-A and B awaits for the Big Three to arrive at Gym Gamma.
"Well, our little Y/N has nothing to envy them, right?" Gouna lays her forearm on one of your shoulders, making you smile.
"Ughh, I still can't believe Hawks himself asked you for help…" Zyna smiles so happy for you, her hand grabbing yours and shaking it way too fast in excitement. Gouna laughs at the way your one fast and joyful friend pulls you.
"She was only called because Hero Shoto wasn't around to help."
The annoying voice behind you makes you groan.
"Don't you have anything else to do than to prove how very in love you're with my friend here?" Gouna's words make you snort before turning around.
Hamata Aiko, the one guy that always has an opinion about you –a bad one, if you may add– stands there, all bulky, full of himself and annoyingly looking down at you like you're scum, with hands closed in fists.
"All of you are going to be in love with me once I take down all three of the Golden Trio…" He declares, flexing his arm so his bicep pops out even more. Disgusting.
The look you share with your two best friends, followed by a cackle of loud laugh, brings the attention of most students around.
"I'll bring tissues for when you cry like a baby after being embarrassingly defeated. But that was a great joke, Aiko-chan," you can hear the grit of his teeth at your mockery.
A huge shadow with red eyes suddenly appears behind Hamata. "A joke indeed," the low voice that came from the shadow makes this same boy jump away like a scaredy cat.
You back away a few steps just so you don't get stepped on. Light then clears everyone’s vision and you see this man– this mountain of a man, with red eyes and blond hair, a few steps in front of you. You can’t help but think he’s insanely huge, more than anything you could have ever imagined. And the other two guys that also appear on each side of this blond mountain are just as big. Maybe not in muscles and height, but each of them has a powerful energy and stance that immediately makes you succumb to their glorious presence.
Like… fuck. Like fucking heroes! The biggest ones you have ever seen. Ever been in front of.
And you want that. You want that majestic power. That strength that makes everybody believe and trust that they are the best.
"Hello, everyone! It's very nice to meet you finally!" The green haired one greets enthusiastically as the blond mountain rounds him to let him stand in the middle. You also noticed how the blond one and the duo colored haired one stand two steps behind, giving this greenie one space, giving him the lead. "We are very sorry it took us this long to meet, but we hope to make the best of our time together!"
"He's too much of a sunshine," Gouna whispers at you and Zyna, the latter smiling and nodding. You somehow doubt it. Something tells you he is as deadly as his two companions look.
"My name is Midoriya Izuku, hero name: Deku," lots of whispers and gasps from the students are heard as he turns to his right, where the blond mountain stands with his arms crossed over his big chest, a frown deep in his face, "this is Bakugou Katsuki, hero name: Dynamight," some grunts and groans are heard. You even hear a kid say "this is going to fucking hurt", and you definitely feel that. Especially when you see the satisfying smirk on the blond mountain's face. "And, this is Todoroki Shouto, hero name: Shoto."
More whispers and grunts. Some look excited, others are already lamenting getting to class today. But most of the students are terrified. These Big Three look nothing like third year students. They look fucking Pro, and that shit’s scary. Not even your first day as an intern in Gang Orca’s agency made you this uneasy. (And it’s Gang Orca we are talking about!)
"It's Endeavor's kid," Gouna whispers, eyes open wide in excitement looking at Todoroki Shouto. Her biggest dream is to be part of the fire hero agency, but she had told you how that was a mere dream considering how Hero Endeavor only took fire type Quirks in. You feel sad for her, but still encourage her to at least try it. The “NO” was already a given; what harm could be to try for the “YES”?
Of course, you all have heard about the rumors circling the Big Three and their achievements. You are a liar if you say that, even if they are supposedly rumors, their stories don't ignite a spark of hope and admiration over them. However, being in their actual presence is a whole different feeling.
"So today, we are fighting," Midoriya Izuku smiles, but surprisingly enough for everyone except you, the kindness doesn't reach his eyes. His eyes change demeanor and look challenging, a bit scary even. (Ha! You knew it! He isn't as sunshinie as he looks.)
"We did this exact same exercise with the current Big Three of our first year, but this time we decided to give you all a bit of advantage, uniting both classes for the exercise, so you can have the upper hand." The shiny smile doesn't leave his face, and while most around you sigh in relief, you know right then and there is a fake sense of security. It's a trap.
And by the way some unnoticed snorts are heard from behind greenie, it's more than obvious.
This will definitely hurt.
You realize then, as Midoriya Izuku takes his bow and school jacket off and steps back closer to his own classmates, how his other two companions are getting ready. Todoroki Shoto hasn't his jacket nor his school shirt on already, but a sport kind of shirt that accentuates his defined chest, where the sleeves only cover a bit of his shoulders, arms on display. This is definitely strategic for his own quirk, half hot and half cold. You wonder if the material is actually made to bear and endure the changes of temperature in his body, like the ones you wear. Bakugou Katsuki, on the other hand… Holy. Mother. Of. All Might. He now stands with his whole school shirt unbuttoned, chest and muscles and freaking abs on display, sleeves rolled up his forearms, jacket lost somewhere. You haven't actually had time to admire any type of physics in boys since the year started, being completely focused on your goals and dreams. Now, this hot mountain of a man makes you feel things you haven't before. Is that the feeling of butterflies on your stomach as the tingles travel through your body? Fuck, it’s distracting. (Very much so.)
You have to mentally slap yourself to focus. This is not the time to drool over an upperclassmen.
"This is your moment to try your moves and Quirks, they will gladly take them and give you feedback. But remember, this is a sparring, nothing to seek real harm. Have fun, children," Aizawa-sensei speaks as he walks towards the entrance door of the gym and stands there, away from the bloodbath that is about to happen. (If you had to define what betrayal looked like, Aizawa-sensei’s smirk as he stands there looking should be it.)
You, in a very calculated and dissimulated way, grab both of your friends' wrists and pull them back slowly, away from where the Big Three stand. They don't say anything and follow you. After so many group tests passed, you three have learned to work together very well. And with one look, all three of you understood. If you wanted to at least hit one of them, you would have to be a team. No solo fight could win them. And even then, there was no guaranteed win over them. They look, and you're pretty sure they are, very strong.
All three of them crouch a bit, showing they are ready, evil smiles plastered in their faces like they enjoy each and every little sound that showed how scared the two classes were. 
How sadistic. You love it.
You so want to fight at least one of them, one on one. But you know you don't have a chance to win moving on your own. Yet.
"Should we go first?" Deku suggests, seeing how no young student is brave enough to approach.
It's not that you are not brave. You're not stupid enough to volunteer for death first.
Dynamight and Shoto look at each other for a moment before looking back to the front, both smirking, and then the blond mountain yells, "FUCKING DIE, EXTRAS!"
A blast clouds everyone's sight for a moment, before you have to jump to the side as Shoto slides with his ice way too close to you. And then it's chaos. Quirks and fights are seen and heard around. And fuck, you have to dodge Shouto's ice three more times. Not to mention his fucking fire.
Your best friends and you remain as far from the Big Three as you can. Gouna got caught by a little piece of ice from Todoroki on her right cheek, cutting it a bit. Zyna, on the other hand, in these kinds of environments gets anxious, moving rapidly on her spot, needing release to do something in her fastness tempo. You… you get calculating and observing. Everyone around is losing against the Big Three. They are too strong, too big. Students are falling to the ground like levees, no matter how strong some of their Quirks are. These three professionals know what they are doing and how to do it.
It's going to take more than just guts to confront them.
Then you see it. Shoto is standing close to Dynamight. And if he moves, he comes back closer to the blond as fast as he can. Oh. Are they guarding each other's backs? Your eyes travel around the gym until you find Deku on the other side of the gym, fighting at least a dozen of the students, who are trying to get their one on one sparring. Of course, none of them win, other than detailed observations from the one third of the Big Three and a punch that knocks them out. 
An idea then surges in your head. The one creating way too much chaos is Bakugou Katsuki. Maybe, just maybe, if there's a way to distract Todoroki Shouto, you could have a chance to at least try to take Dynamight out.
Alright, maybe not completely out, but at least a punch or two. That would be satisfying enough.
Your eyes travel to your two best friends, and somehow –even though none of you have any telepathic Quirk– you all know what to do.
You three high five together before running to different parts of the gym. You run towards the build up rocks behind and explode some to create more small and medium ones. While doing this, Zyna is smartly distracting both third year students. Running, flying around them to just annoy them as they try to attack her with their Quirks, which is impossible to target her for how fast she is. Once you're done, Gouna is right there, arm expanding to create like a catapult to throw the rocks in their direction.
"Hey!" Deku yells, but he's been held back by his own fights to do anything. It's enough though to grab his other two classmates' attention.
It's your turn to smirk now at their surprised expression, excitement driving your whole system.
Bakugou's eyes find yours as you say, "Now you fucking die."
The rocks fly their way faster than they expect. Both of them fire at them to disintegrate the rocks into ash. And that's exactly what you wanted to happen. The ash creates a wall of smoke that won't let them see either of you.
Zyna helps Gouna to run fast towards Todoroki Shouto so she could evolve him with her elastic arms and legs, putting him out of the fight. One down.
And you… Fucking. Damned. Shit. Why do you always pick the hardest and most difficult fights? You don't know. But you always win. So, could you win against this big mountain?
Only one way to know…
The smoke helps you disguise yourself in it, but you can feel his careful and ready at all times stance. So you play. A spark of explosion from your ice here, and he answers with another of his own fire one. Creating more smoke. Funny. Another spark of your ice there, and he answers again, groaning in annoyance and pain when a sudden spark of your ice finds his left forearm.
You chuckle maliciously from behind him, right at the moment your ice explosions hit the back of his knees. You're not stupid to even think that you'll be able to win a one on one. You need the advantage in height at least.
How's the saying goes? If the mountain won't come to Muhammad, then Muhammad must go to the mountain… Or well, in this case, you'll make Bakugou Katsuki, a.k.a. Hero Dynamight come to you.
Before Bakugou inevitably falls after that cold blast against the back of his knees that unbalanced him, he tries turning around and shooting whomever it's being a pain in his ass. He doesn't count with the knowledge of how small you are compared to him that you fit perfectly in between his stretched arms that are ready to shoot.
As he falls back, your crazed smile is the last thing he sees before an explosion of white and cold happens just in his goddamn face.
A hard and strong thud is heard as the smoke around finally dissipates, giving one impressive image that leaves everyone around stoic and in silence.
Bakugou Katsuki is laying on the floor. You're kneeling on his big chest, hands with spreading cold smoke, like snow, right at his face. His expression is one of complete taken aback and surprised. Like, he can not believe what just happened, as the smirk it's still on your face.
"Who's the fucking extra now?"
You're both inhaling rapidly, trying to bring your breathing back to normal. Your eyes won't leave his, completely enraptured in his deep ruby color, filled with so much fire it feels like he's trying to melt you. (And you would, if these were other circumstances.)
You then stand up and step back from him, smiling. You fucking won! And against this enormous and angry mountain! Fuck yeah!
He’s still lying on the floor, looking very surprised, so you laugh as you stretch a hand to help him up. Bakugou Katsuki takes it, a little side smile finally appearing as he shakes his head and stands. Now you definitely have to look up at him. Jesus, he’s way taller now up this close.
Before any of you says something, the annoying voice of Hamata Aiko says, "You're still an idiot," and he punches you on the side, making you literally fly meters away and hit your head with the wall.
The roaring scream of "HEY!" from several people is the last thing you hear before passing out.
When you next wake up, you encounter the kind smile of Recovery Girl.
"Hi, sweetie. How are you feeling? You took one hell of a punch…"
You groan. "Ugh, don't remind me… I'm going to fucking…"
"Language, dear."
"...kill him to pieces!"
She chuckles amused. "Alright, but first, you should rest. Then kick his butt." Her wink makes you smile in content as you relax in the infirmary bed.
"There are people outside waiting for me to report to them. Want them to get in, or should I tell them to come later?"
"It's okay, they can come in," you nod delicately, not wanting a new headache to deal with.
When Recovery Girl said they, you were expecting your two best friends. Not the Big Three entering the room in a hurry, especially the first one, the blond mountain who enters and walks directly at your side.
"How are you, Coldie?" Bakugou Katsuki asks, his big and calloused hand landing over your small one laying on the bed. You pull up an eyebrow at his nickname for you, but don't comment on it.
"I'm fine, Mountain. My left side still hurts a bit, but I have had it worse."
Bakugou Katsuki growls. Literally, like an angry dog.
“That kid was completely out of line,” protests Todoroki Shouto.
You sigh. “It’s Hamata Aiko. He needs to be the center of attention or he snaps.”
“I’ll snap him in two, give me a minute…” You don’t know if Bakugou it’s being serious or not, but the idea makes you snort as Midoriya Izuku exclaims, “Kacchan!” Todoroki just shakes his head and a small curve of a smile in his face.
“He’s being talked down to by Nezu-sensei. What he did… It's not okay at all. I hope he reconsiders his actions.” Midoriya says, in a stern but worried tone.
“What you and your friends did, on the other hand, was pretty impressive,” Todoroki says as both of his classmates nod, Midoriya more enthusiastically.
“I have never seen Kacchan so taken aback!”
“Shut up, nerd!”
“You were smart and fast and careful with all your moves. You took into consideration how different Kacchan was physically compared to you and you brought that to your own advantage! It was the true thinking of a hero in a dare situation! We were all impressed!” Midoriya rambles, his eyes shining now in true awe.
“Not to mention how in sync you and your friends were. I never expected being gripped like that by arms and legs functioning like ropes. It was funny, and smart,” Todoroki also comments while Midoriya nods in agreement.
You feel the tears in your eyes itchy, so you look down in shyness and smile.
“I… I just looked. Midoriya-senpai was on the other side of the gym, being held back by students so I knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything,” you look elsewhere but them, which is the window next to your bed, “and then I looked how Todoroki-senpai and Bakugou-senpai kept being close to each other, clearly looking for each others back, so I thought that the best option was to try and separate them. By looking at Todoroki-senpai using his quirk, I knew he was avoiding close contact combat, so I guessed that was his weakness. At least if you take him by surprise. So, I knew my friends were gonna be able to catch him. Me, on the other hand, I didn’t know what I was gonna do. I just knew I was gonna give my all to win.”
You finish shrugging, taking a deep breath to finally get the courage to look in the way the Big Three are standing.
They all look at you in complete amazement, pleased smiles on their faces.
“Another nerd alert,” Bakugou comments and Todoroki laughs.
Midoriya looks in reprimand in Bakugou’s direction, arms crossed over his chest. “Well, that nerd took you down very easily, without counting the times I also took you down…”
Todoroki then passes an arm around Midoriya’s shoulder in clear partnership as he prepares to pester Bakugou.
“There’s the fact that she is younger than you, Kacchan…” You think Hero Shoto has a death wish.
“I will blow both of your heads off,” Bakugou responds in a growl, pops already sounding from his hands. Both of his classmates snort in amusement.
Oh, yep, they all have a death wish.
“Oh! That reminds me…” Midoriya suddenly changes the subject, “Your Quirk.”
His eyes open wide and look at you in expectation. You tilt your head to the side a bit confused as you put your palm up and then make sparks of blue and white pop as the temperature around you gets colder.
“It’s a lot like yours, Kacchan, but…”
“Cold. Your explosions are cold.” Todoroki says, directing his hand from his cold side closer to your palm so he can feel the sparks.
“Did they discover how it’s produced?” Bakugou asks, looking very serious in your direction. But he isn’t angry, he’s just observing.
You shake your head. “They said it’s a composition of two or more chemicals, but they still can’t find which ones create this type of reaction.”
“That is a very important thing to know. I would investigate a bit if I were you. Knowing your Quirk to the fullest, even the small things, helps you be aware of the possible weaknesses and advantages you can have. That way you can be prepared at all times.” The professional tone in Bakugou’s voice leaves you mesmerized. He is… good. What he’s saying is so true, you haven’t actually thought about it.
“But, the doctors…”
“Doctors sometimes know shit.”
Midoriya physically slaps his own forehead while saying, “Kacchan..”
“He can’t help it. He’s an ass.” Todoroki snorts.
Bakugou decides to ignore them, not before stabbing them with his glare.
“What I’m fucking trying to fucking say,” you laugh at his foul mouth. He smiles a bit in your direction, “is that go beyond. You take the initiative to learn. Don’t wait for the teachers or doctors to tell you who you are.”
You can’t believe the Bakugou Katsuki is actually being nice and giving advice to you.
“You know who you are… Fucking number one, ain’t ya?” You nod smiling as he extends his hand closed in a fist so you can bump yours with his.
Midoriya’s big and proud smile makes you shy. And it's funny when he exclaims, “Plus ultra!”
Everyone laughs.
And, boy… Did you go plus ultra.
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a.n; this will have a part two. 😉💥♥️❄️
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just-null · 10 months
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I forgot halfway that these were supposed to be costumes and not mini aus... SO REMEMBER IN MY PLACE, EVERYTHING IS HYPOTHETICAL. also. some have a bit of yandere elements to them bc its SO FITTING FOR NORITOSHI.
Happy late October, everyone. it's winter now. Let's get it, baby.
[Long rambles and doodles under the cut!]
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I kept asking myself, "How sexy is too sexy.." and "How the fuck does a sexy vampire even look like without it being a shirtless guy w fangs or Edward Cullen....." I think I figured it out
Sure, sure, vampires are superhumans with sun allergies that can drink blood really hotly. They can also easily overpower you to feast and blah blah blah, but what if said vampire (Noritoshi) was too weak to do any of that? Not literally, but he craves your say. He wants not only your blood but your affection. He wants to get praised as he drinks you in. Are you comfortable? How much will you allow him to take? Do you want to get him back in return? Guidance with this makes him feel more at ease. It's still Noritoshi at the end of the day. He's going to find a way to be a little awkward about you because of his crush. He refuses to drink from anyone other than you, even if it causes his death. Therefore, he has to keep you healthy! For the rest of your lives..! Besides, he can't really go outside or else he'd.. y'know. So if you think about it, this is a very beneficial relationship for both of you!!
The only downside is that you're losing blood on the regular, and for some reason, more people are moving away... Probably nothing, right? Noritoshi is always there to keep you company and help you recover anyways.
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my attempts also bled into the witch design.... you got greedy with requesting two in one ask, but I'll spoil you this time bc I also wanted to see Noritoshi as a (sexy) vampire and witch. heh. AND I DIDNT REALIZE HED BE SO CUTE AS A WITCH..... WHAT THE FUCK?? rip momo, fight for your title of cute witch...
Noritoshi strikes me as one of those witches who'd rather be left to their own devices because they're running some important magic whatever in the background. though, he'll take some breaks and indulge you if you insist on having him around. Insist meaning you pass by and strike conversation, leaving him to neglect anything and everything to prioritize his time with you. He doesn't want to use magic on you unless it's beneficial for either you or both. Noritoshi likes a natural progression with you that he knows for a fact is true and not some product of some spell. Though it doesn't mean he wouldn't use charms and such to get you to interact with him more often to speed up the process!
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Can't sleep? He has a remedy perfect for that! Bad luck? Oh no, take a charm. Nerves? A potion he perfected will help you ease your jitters. Annoying peers? With a snap of Noritoshi's fingers, they're gone! Just don't ask what happened. Enjoy yourself instead and come to him with any new issue. He's quick to resolve it.
Definitely has some sort of doll that looks suspiciously like you.. Noritoshi would probably talk to it and practice one liners that give you the strongest sense of nostalgia once he uses them. He's simultaneously giddy that the charm he put in the doll works but also a little annoyed that his hard work isn't surprising you, but leaving you with deja vu.
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i was crying the entire time bc what does an idol look like.... noritoshi is handsome enough to be an idol without actually being an idol... now i can confirm that idols are very well dressed though. thumbs up 100% but i had some thoughts...
Noritoshi would be the type to cherish his fans, but hold clear favoritism over you. he'd be those idols that look cold, but they talk, and they sound smug in a charming way. i don't know much about idols, but i know he'd be so fucking good.... he'd be the type of guy to sing to you amongst the hundreds in the crowd.... ahhh the interviews w these famous aus. they're just talking and acting like themselves. can you imagine Noritoshi getting asked the question if he has a lover or not? he can lie, im sure you're alright with that, but he doesn't want to!! he does have someone!!! someone he loves more than all his fans love for him combined!!! he just can't say it for the sake of your privacy and his career. so Noritoshi does what any charming guy who's good with their words does. he deflects the question. answering the question, but not really, that'd be something he's known for. fans online are split on why Noritoshi does this. some think he's trying to keep that side of his life private, others think he's trying to mess around, and others think he's hiding a secret lover!!! though the last one is usually seen as the outlandish one, sometimes it makes Noritoshi's heart drop bc they get some things right. "Having a lover is a complicated question hidden behind a simple disguise. If I had to answer, I'd say my lovers are my audience. they make sure i'm well cared for, some more than others." AND HIS FUCKING LITTLE SMIRK I CANT COUGHS UP BLOOD. IM A THEORIST TOO. SECRET LOVER. 🫵🫵🫵🫵🫵
[Not an Idol]
An amusing thought where Noritoshi goes out in his casual clothes, and he's mistaken for an idol. No one knows who he is, but he just looks like he'd be one. bro's just trying to buy groceries, and now he has a fan group asking him to take pictures with them.. He'd tell them that he's just a guy, not an idol, but the group would still want a picture with him. it'd be a waste to pass by someone who's so naturally gorgeous, so with a sigh of defeat, he relents. It's just a photo, right? No harm done. Noritoshi'd go home and feel overwhelmed/embarrassed by the whole ordeal. later, he gets a call from someone in the kyoto group or you to inform him how he's all over social media, known as that handsome guy in the supermarket. HED BE COMPLETELY UNREACHABLE TO MEDIA OUTLETS BC NORITOSHI IS THAT GUY WHO DOESNT HAVE SOCIAL MEDIA.... he'd have to make one to make sure no one pretends to be him online. "Hello, I don't use social media, but I've been informed I've been getting attention online. To prevent anyone from being fooled by an impersonator, this is my official and only account. thank you." P.R. STATEMENT WRITING ASS.. his single post gets flooded with likes, comments, and DMs. it almost blows up his phone..... he was just buying bread, dude...... people try to dig up and find him through the other Kyoto group's social media.
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[bonus] my second in command requested to put him in a fem idol outfit bc he thought it was funny. after frothing at the mouth and coughing out blood, I complied.
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Noritoshi as a doctor...... apple sales would plummet. his little clinic's business would skyrocket. sick cases would peak in his area. getting your heart checked by his stethoscope would be so fucking embarrassing bc all he'd hear is THUMPTHUMPTHUMPTHUMP
Noritoshi would probably own a small clinic that he wants to expand. That or he opened one after working for a hospital for a while. He's a great doctor who's most likely respected but a pain in the ass to work with. Among patients, he's gotten the hot doctor reputation. Most want to be treated by him, but he's so professional, any chance of trying to flirt goes down the drain. Yeah, he puts his hair up to avoid it in his face even though his eyes are closed classic lab safety procedures. He seems like the type to have a soothing but authoritative voice during examination, so he gets his message across. it's a bit difficult when dealing with patients for Noritoshi. If he sees them too often, he firstly scolds you for not taking care of yourself, then feels guilty for not giving you the proper care. Keep yourself safe and healthy, or else Noritoshi will clearly :( Putting him in a yandere setting would be dangerous. He'd have a lot of control over you, considering he can prescribe medication, shots, visits, and other things.... he'd have a ball.... nothing that would cause you any harm, of course. he's only looking out for you and doing what's best for you..!
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my second in command wanted a pirate. pirates are so fucking cool and i know damn well if this guy were a pirate he'd have a bunch of battle scars under that fancy coat.
Noritoshi as a pirate would be more than a little odd, but also fitting. He looks like the type of guy who'd be well put together, yet he's willing to get his hands dirty. Like the guy who got into the pirate life because of some personal issue that couldn't be solved fast enough through conventional means. Even as a pirate, i imagine he holds everyone to high standards. They're still pirates though.. so his expected standards aren't even that high. He has more freedom here, so even he himself lets loose once or twice. Especially with you. He's even able to get away with more violent actions for you, the seas are unpredictable, after all. While taking some treasure, Noritoshi'd toss you a gem or golden coin, just so you can say you were the first to claim it. Just so he can see that happy glint in your eyes when getting your hands on treasure. God forbid anyone try to get their hands on your hard earned goods. They'd be met with a bullet to the foot or a sword at their neck. Everyone and their mother knows how you're his favorite, but Noritoshi downplays it. Its not a crime to help out someone from his crew is it? Not in the seven seas. He leans more into his cold ruthless killer side here. He has goals and people to help keep in line whether hes captain or not. Yet when around you, he's almost adorable in how he shows you a pearl so entrancing that it reminded him of you.
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Corpse Bride!
my submission to my Noritoshi Halloween costume closet.. CORPSE BRIDE, THIS MOVIE FUCKS. esp w the yandere elements.
Noritoshi 100% made you recite the wedding vows to him before accepting the ring. If you fumbled up, he'd correct you with SO much attitude and expect you to start from the top until you got it perfectly.
Hypothetically, in the chalice scene towards the end..
Noritoshi is the type to never be fully relaxed unless he knows for sure you'll be eternally his. In this scenario, YOU proposed to HIM but have to die to continue being together. Not only that, but someone in the living world is also after your heart. Someone who bleeds. Someone who's the obvious choice. Someone who can give you the life that you deserve. Someone who will succeed in their pursuits if you. remain. alive. Noritoshi's life was cut short, yet he still managed to lose so much and be abandoned a considerable amount of times. When he meets you and finds out about the possibility of having to go through that again even in death, it finally clicks in his rotting mind. He realizes he's been doing something wrong to keep constantly failing. Noritoshi revises his methods to a more.. selfish course. Why should he care about anyone else's wants or how his actions hurt them? You were the only one who made him truly fulfilled, to make him feel alive. The only one who deserves anything and everything good that comes from this world. Destiny is never done toying with him when he realizes your marriage is invalid because of your pulse and his lack thereof no matter how hard he'd try, but the opportunity arises. of course, he's ecstatic to give you an afterlife worth much more than what a silly beating heart can achieve. "All people die eventually. If you miss your living family or friends, all it takes is patience, darling. I'll wait by your side in the meantime." He weighs the pros and cons of everything, but when it comes to swaying manipulating your thoughts he only highlights the ones that'll get you on his side. in this case, the pros of dying to be with him! Honestly, the answer was so obvious that Noritoshi didn't know why he was stressing about it before. It hurts him to see you in any type of pain, but he reassures both himself and you that it'll only be for a moment. Afterward, he'll have the rest of your afterlives to make it up to you!! What happened to Till Death Do Us Part? Noritoshi thinks it's insulting that something as shallow as that could be so widely accepted. If your love were true, it wouldn't stop just because the world decided to take them away. "Till death do us part? Darling, don't be silly. 'Not even death will do us part' feels much better, doesn't it?" 
#noritoshi#kamo noritoshi#noritoshi kamo#noritoshi x reader#kamo noritoshi x reader#noritoshi kamo x reader#yandere noritoshi#yandere kamo noritoshi#yandere noritoshi kamo#merry october#???#ragingbisegzual#charamander459#I FUCKING LIVED THROGUH THIS GOD I FELT SO BAD I TOOK SO LONG ESP SINCE ITS ALREADY HALFWAY INTO NOVEMBER BUT HERE WE GO. BABY IS HERE#i thought i was so smart making this look like a fashion show. anyway hi im still alive just busy#vampire and witch nori were makin my brain fry bc all the outfits for guys were their shirt off. it was both funny and testing my creativit#as for idol.. heh. <- in love with forbidden love and secret relationships and 'we shouldnt be doing this' 'i know' *does it anyway*#I WAS TEARING MY HAIR OUT AT DOCTOR. LIKE I LIKE THE CONCEPT BUT WHAT WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO.. PUT HIM IN SCRUBS???#im not upset im just so entertained by how straight forward you were yet there are still so many implications in this ask#LIKE YOU WROTE FOUR WORDS AND TWO EMOJIS AND THATS ALL IT TOOK FOR ME TO DO A DOUBLE TAKE#now that i think abt it. i shouldve put him in a hot nurse outfit... //punches myself in the face#THATS WHY ANY FAMOUS/ROYAL/REPUTATION AU IS MY SHIT BC THEY HAVE TO HIDE THEIR RELATIONSHIP/EACHOTHER AGH FROTHS AT THE MOUTH#i love how the pirate noritoshi is a cool guy until he sees you and turns into a simp#CORPSE BRIDE WAS SO SELF INDULGENT. THAT MOVIE FUCKS SO HARD. THE USE OF 'DARLING' WAS BC EMILY USED IT IN THE MOVIE#IT HAD SO MANY YAN VIBES BUT FUCK. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO BE SUCH A GREEN FLAG EMILY. I LOVE YOU#heh. the lace and mask are supposed to represent the bones and such. didnt mean to give him a phantom of the opera look.. though it fits...#null rot
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luvyunjinxo · 1 year
I'll make you feel better || jang wonyoung g!p x fem!reader
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CW: mentions of cheating (do not cheat ever it's just for this fic 😡), g!p wonyoung, body worship, toxic relationship mentions, squirting & not proofread lmk if I missed one! (kinda longer than my usual fics btw)
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you felt awful. walls felt like they were caving in and your emotions were taking over, not to mention it felt like your life was over. you had just walked into your newly ex-boyfriend cheating.
for context, you just got off of work texting wonyoung saying how happy you were to finally see him after a long day. BUT. you and wonyoung had this thing. It was a type of tension between each other, something that you and him never had. You felt it, and she did too. yet, you denied your feelings for her always because you knew it was wrong.
continuing, you walked into your shared apartment with him and heard noises more like groaning coming from your room? You honestly thought it was just him jacking off or something which you were honestly excited for but instead you saw something else.
your heart sunk, broke, and suddenly you're on the floor. crying and screaming out curses "why would you do this to me!?"
"baby please, it's not what it looks like." he lied. what a fucking liar. he was literally just fucking a girl on the bed two seconds ago like crazy.
"I just felt lonely without you here, I love you so so much." he screamed back while trying to kiss your hands. cringey and pathetic. you told him that he was kicked out and never to come back to your place again, since you were technically the one who bought it for both of you.
he packed his stuff and left for good. blocking his number, throwing out his toothbrush and everything else he forgot. you were a mess and you could tell, so was he. but who the fuck cares he cheated?
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the next day now, still not doing well. you were forced to go to college by your strict parents so you had nothing to do but comply, and just go. You didn't tell wonyoung about what happened yet but you were planning to. you showed up to the class you had to go to which apparently wonyoung was in too.
now was finally the chance to tell her. she sat next to you like always, exchanging secrets always. but this time it was different. She looked at your eyes while she sat down and saw your red eyes and eye bags.
she was so worried about you. she really did love you. she didn't tell you, yet but she has a big crush on you but you just couldn't realize it fully. she scooted closer to you and tucked your hair behind your ear. with that she also lifted up your chin with her finger just so you could look at her. "butterflies😻" was all you could think of in your head.
"whats wrong y/nnie? what happened to you?"
"I d-didn't tell you yet but, he cheated as soon as I got home yesterday andicouldntcallyoubecauseiwasacryingmessand-"
you were talking to fast and you got cut off with her finger going on your lips. tears were threatening to fall out any moment now just by talking ab this topic.
too late. you were already crying so hard that you ran to the bathroom without notice and had wonyoung running after you like a crazy person.
guys this was like a k-drama really. running through the wide halls of the college and finally finding a bathroom at least 2 minutes away, you have slowed down. wonyoung caught up to you eventually as your pace slowed.
now walking there together to clean you up, you both made it and got 10 tissues. It was a cute moment:( . wonyoung looking at you straight in the eyes while wiping your tears with the tissue.
you were against the wall right next to the sink still crying and sniffing. There was that tension again. both of you now looking each other deeply. you got lost in her beautiful eyes.
you swear she was about to go in for it. getting more bold and eager she stopped wiping your tears and went to focusing on your soft lips that stood out to her the most. this was so bad. just getting out of a relationship and already falling for someone new.
all you needed right now was wonyoung. and wonyoung needed you. she now has trapped you with both of her arms, one on the left and one on the right so you could not escape from her.
"y/n, I know you feel this between us and I'm letting you know I'm about to do something to make you feel good."
you nodded eagerly as she smashed her lips onto yours. making out deeply. and shit, she was so pretty. moans slipped out of your lips as your tongues fight for dominance and wonnie being a switch, she still won.
realizing you were making out in the bathroom made it hotter for you. the feeling of getting caught frightened you, but who cares at this point.
you pulled away with a string of saliva leaving both of your lips. "you know were gonna get in trouble by the professor right?"
"yeah I know. but its worth it." she smirked, took your hand and lead you to her car.
you didn't know where she was driving to but I guess it was your apartment. one hand on the wheel while the other is gripping your thigh. THAT WAS SO HOT TO YOU.
it was supposed to be an innocent make-out session but now your starting to feel things. your getting more drenched and wet you just couldn't help but think about all the stuff she could do to you right now. and if she did you would gladly let her. god, you were such a loser for her.
on the way to your apartment unlocking your door with your keys, you bent down to take your shoes off and place them on your rack. she couldn't help but seem to notice and slap your ass<3. sorry just had to say it because she actually did. your dumbass let out a moan because of how needy you were. any touch from wonyoung would sink into your horniness.
"was that a moan l/n y/n?" she smacks your ass again, you covering your mouth trying not to make any noise this time.
"no let it out?.. I wanna hear you." one last slap and being the loser you are for her, the loudest moan possible slipped out.
no questions asked, you were now being pushed onto the bed while she crawled over your body, topping you.
wonyoung stripping you completely but also pinning your hands above your head.
"you look so pretty like this y/n, you were always mine in the first place not his." she says while brushing your torso with her slender hand admiring your body.
she was touching you so well. the places where you were sensitive at most. She started to kiss your neck sloppily, leaving marks all around you so everyone knows your hers now. all you could do is lay back and love what she is doing to you.
"wait y/n .. can y-you uhm ride my face? .." awh how cute. she was being shy for once. no questions asked again, you complied and sat on her face slowly, not wanting to suffocate her.
"fuck! wonyoung thats s-so fast!" you screamed out as her tongue kept flicking up and down in a consistent pace which left you a mess. you were moaning so much the neighbors could hear you at that point.
"yeah, can he fuck you like this? hm?"she groaned in a husky voice, also a little mumbly because of your thighs making her suffocated.
"I-I .. no .." funny how you can't breathe because of her fucking your brains out so good.
still eating you out, she has pulled down her baggy jeans to pull out her cock. shitttt, you had to admit you wanted some of that. she got off to the thought of you coming all over her face and the thought of you moaning her names and dirty stuff you could never imagine.
You looked behind only to see her getting off to your moaning and so much precum was dripping out from her.
"ive b-been waiting so long f-for this, please I'll be good for y-you and only you." you sobbed.
"I'm really gonna c-come!" screaming out loud so everyone could hear you at this point.
"sh-shit your body is stunning. i-im coming too!" you were confused and didnt know where that compliment came from but all you know is that you were squirting all over Jang Wonyoung's face ..
you immediately collapsed onto her titties which led to you sucking them while she started to ride out of her orgasm.
"looks like you need help cleaning up a little?" wonyoung chuckled and nod making you give her head.
your tiny mouth was swirling over the tip eating all her cum. so sweet yet so bitter, just how you liked it. she didn't like the way you were teasing her so she pushed your head down a little farther making you gag. all good though because you made her cum again<3.
while you guys were all cleaned up again and under the sheets together naked, you cuddled and confessed to each other in the endd. it all worked out.
- I'll make you feel better.
I'm sorry if this was rushed because it def was 💔
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ilwonuu · 6 months
got a thing for you.
↬ kim hongjoong
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❋ pairing- roommate!hongjoong x fem!reader, softishdom!hongjoong x sub!reader, fboy!hongjoong x fem!reader, roommates to fucking????
❋ summary- you roommate sorta has got a thing for you,,,
❋ warnings- protected sex (everyone is shocked), oral sex (m receiving), joong is kinda a tease, kissing, riding, cum swallowing, dirty talk, pet names (sweetheart,baby)(joong), lmk what else !! MDNI
❋ a/n- i literally wrote this when i was high asf,,, i was thinking abt hongjoong so much (i still am) and i liked how this turned out so lmk what you think<3
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hongjoong liked to think of himself as cool and calm. never get upset or anything from what you can tell. but he did give himself a reputation to be a well the campus fuck boy.
he didn’t really care that much though. if anything hongjoong truly owned up to his name. until he met you. he started seeing differently, he doesn’t even know why. you make him feel so good and he hates it.
you haven’t even touched him and he thinks he’s in heaven. having you as a roommate makes hongjoong happy but he also feels bad. how could he be roommates with someone he’s fucking his fist to every night.
he never wants to look you in the eyes because of it. you’ve started to notice his eyes shifting from you as soon as you look at him. you shrug it off but hongjoong don’t want to let his self control go too quickly.
he’s afraid he’s doesn’t know how long that’ll last though, especially with you coming into the kitchen around midnight in your loose pajamas. the two of you having the same idea to get a midnight snack.
“oh shit you scared me for a second.” hongjoong is shocked before he relaxes to your presence. “sorry i was trying to be quiet.” you giggle grabbing some water.
“what are you doing up?” his eyes are making direct contact with yours. it has you blushing, you hope the darkness is helping you so he doesn’t see.
“just couldn’t sleep. what about you?” you set your water bottle down shifting your attention to him fully. he nods slightly.
“yea me too- just been watching tv.” he smiles at you, you just want to kiss him so bad. it’s almost like he hears your thoughts. “if you want you can come up to my room? if you’d like that.” he says the last part as he moves a little closer to you. he rubs his hand against yours as you smile.
“mm yeah i would like that.” you bite your lip at how close he his. you both want each other more than you realized, as you follow him to his room. you forget about the water that you came for.
you have never been one to sleep around or hook up but maybe you’ll start now. but only because it’s hongjoong. your roommate draws you in, he’s sweet but mostly to you. his messy hair from sleeping you assume, looks so sexy. you just want to mess it up more.
“something you thinking about sweetheart?” that stupid nickname that he would call you gave you so many butterflies. of course you wouldn’t tell him to stop. the name coming from his voice made it even better. “nothing- just thinking about homework.”
your lie works but hongjoong still smirks to himself. “what?” you question his expression as you sit on his bed. he just shakes his head.
“just thinking why we haven’t hung out in here before.” he sits next to you as the show that he was watching plays on his tv.
“yeah i don’t know.” you look at the boy next to you with a half smirk. “what do you want to do?” you ask trying to break the silence for a second.
“can i kiss you?” he looks from your eyes to your lips as his face inches closer. you nod slowly as his words catch you off guard but you want that more than anything.
“please.” you breathe out quickly. he grabs your face to kiss you passionately. you respond instantly, trying to pull him closer to you. he smirks into the kiss as the two of you find a rhythm.
“you don’t know how bad i want to do that every second.” he kisses against your neck as let out a soft whine. “you’re so beautiful sweetheart. you know that? just want you to myself.” his whispers and kisses are gentle but your skin is burning from want.
his voice sounds a little raspy and it’s got plenty of arousal pooling in your panties. “get on your knees and use that pretty mouth hm yea?” you should be embarrassed at how fast you nod at him, but you have no shame.
“get to work sweet thing.” he rubs some of your hair back as you get on your knees. you grabbing at his pants, pulling them down. hongjoong just watches you with so much lust. his eyes dark as he sees your hands move to his boxers, tugging them down. your mouth waters at the sight of the pre cum leaking at the tip.
“just gonna stare baby?” he smirks down at you teasingly. “mm so big-“ he looks down at you in such a intimidating way. your panties are completely ruined at this point.
“yea? spit on it sweetheart.” he smiles at you as you spit on the tip. you spreading it with your thumb causes him to hiss. you lick at the side slowly as you look at him.
“shit-“ his mouth falls open as he watches you suck on the tip. you humming making him laugh in disbelief. “just- like that. fuuck- how are you so fucking g-good at this?” you moans making him start to fuck your mouth. he fists some of your hair in his hand as he thrusts with your head.
“you take it so- oh fuck.” he throws his head back as you start to gag on it a little. you pulling away you spit on it just to go back to your movements.
“gonna cum in your mouth- shit sweetheart. a-ah god fuck- baby.” he is beyond shocked as you sloppy gag on his cock. there’s spit and pre cum all over your chin but you don’t care.
“i’m coming- fuck fuck!” his hips start to fuck into your mouth roughly after a couple thrusts his cum fills your mouth. you moan at the warm liquid. hongjoong just watches as you swallow with his mouth open. you show him your clean tongue giving him a smirk after you hear him curse.
“can i fuck you now sweetheart?” you bite your lip a little as you nod. “can i ride you joong?” you ask with a smile as you see him slowly nod. he lays back against the bed as
he watches you take your clothes off. he throws his shirt off not wanting to waste any time. he thinks he’s in heaven when he sees you crawl to him on the bed. he’s thought about you like this before but you’re way dirtier than he imagined. he loves it.
his dick all the way fully hard as you crawl on his lap. “you’re so good for me huh sweetheart? show me baby.” he grabs a condom out of his drawer before rolling it down on his dick. his vision is somewhat blurry as he watches you grab his dick lining it up with your entrance. you lower yourself onto him with a gasp.
“so big-“ your eyes roll back as he starts move his hips up. your arousal dripping making noises that has him groaning. “s-so fucking wet-“ your moans getting louder as you start to grind to meet his thrusts. he kisses your neck softly as he fucks you rougher.
“h-hongjoong- yea fuck me! p-please don’t stop o-oh.” you whimper at the softness of his hand on your hip. he fucks you at a perfect angle causing your legs to shake a little.
“don’t run from it baby. feels so good huh? you’re riding me so well sweetheart.” he plants a couple kisses on your neck as you start to bounce on him quicker.
“l-love your cock! o-oh my god! so deep joong- i’m g-gonna cum- ah please!” you moan as you feel him start to rub your clit. “cum on my dick sweetheart. this perfect little pussy is all mine now huh? gonna let me fuck you nice and full every day now?” he smirks as he feels you clench around him.
“you like that? fu-uck best fucking pussy i’ve ever had. squeezing me so fucking tight baby.” your whimpers are starting to sound more like cries as you see stars and cum hard on his dick. still grinding slightly through your high.
“you’re so pretty-“ he cuts himself off by pulling you into a kiss. he comes hard into the condom, your kiss being enough to bring him to his high. you lift off of him with a whine.
“i can understand why you have girls lining up- that was too fucking good.” you giggle as you rub at some of your cum leaking out of you.
“don’t fall in love now.” he says playfully as he kisses you again. you roll your eyes but slowly melt into his kiss.
“oh you wish.”
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
So in 1944 my grandpa got tuberculosis. It was bad enough that they sent him to a sanitarium up in the Adirondacks for a rest cure, which was what was recommended at the time. He'd been married to my grandmother for just a little while; they had a son, my uncle, and she was pregnant with my dad.
While he was there he wrote letters daily. He wrote a lot of letters, I think, to his parents and sister and friends. But the ones he sent to his wife, my grandma, she kept.
I don't know the chronology of it all, but after Grandma died, probably my dad found the packet of letters, as he was the one who went through her effects-- might have been his little sister, my aunt. Anyway the packet got circulated around, and then came back to my dad, who carefully organized all of the letters into a binder with individual plastic archival sleeves. Someone asked after them recently, and Mom found them and pulled them out. I was over there today, feeding her cat while she's on vacation, and so I leafed through them.
Grandpa's handwriting is similar, a bit, to my late father's, so I was able to read it reasonably easily. He started strong, the first letter he recounts how he fared in the rainstorm he'd apparently left home in, and then asks how Grandma fared.
How are you, my Baby? Did your schooner of sleep bear you safely thru the storm? If it didn't then you won't be reading this sorry excuse for a letter.
In that same letter he goes on to say,
Zounds! How can I create in this infernal bedlam? All the patients are up (as far as possible) and braying, the phone is ringing, Ma is delivering the Gettysburg Address + Pa is making more noise with a piece of wrapping paper than I could make with a hammer and a piece of steele [sic].
It rapidly escalates from there, and in a later letter he explains that the rest cure was so boring he had literally nothing to do, nothing to write home about, and so in an effort to keep from dwelling on how much he hated it there, he would write these flowery, possibly-repetitive love letters, because he simply had nothing else to talk about.
Your accounts of the marital woes of the [illegible, probably neighbors] are really hair-raising, but I don't think that the happiness of our marriage is due entirely to good fortune. As I have always said, we were made for each other a long, long time ago and our hearts refused to love anyone until the right one came along.
Looking at the postmarks, I realized they dated from right around the time of my father's birth, so I found the one that was sent the day after Dad was born, and it did not disappoint.
My beloved Words cannot express just how I feel this morning; I am all mixed up. You are so wonderful that sometimes I wonder what I ever did to deserve you. You are the one who is increasing our fortunes, for truly our children are the treasures that make us rich. You are so brave, so cool that I hold you in undying amazement. I am sure of one thing, My Darling; I know your sons will love you, not just because you are their mother, but for your own precious self, for the truly great woman you are. For the ordeal you have gone thru to bring these precious lives into being, rest assured of the eternal devotion of your menfolk. Last night all I could think of was you. I heard the night train coming into the station and my heart said "Run, run and catch the train before it is too late. Run to your loved ones and to hell with the results. Run, let nothing keep you from their sides." But my head said, "No, don't undo all that has been done. They also serve who stand and wait. Wait, and by so doing, prove your love to be more than the reckless love of youth, prove it to be the wise, guiding love that lives on long after passion has spent itself and thus spent, dies." And so I waited and the train left without me + my heart hated me for it.
Oh boy I cried, I sure did. (I had to look it up; "They also serve who only stand and wait" is from John Milton's Sonnet XIX.)
He always uses beloved or darling or somesuch as the salutation, but he often refers to her as Red within the text of the letters, because she had red hair. He occasionally made saucy references to their sex life, elsewhere in the letters. But mostly it's absolutely banger shit like this:
My thoughts and deeds, my smiles and tears, my happiness, my loneliness, my joy, my sorrow, my every breath, yea, even the final beat of my loving heart are poor blossoms placed on my altar of adoration, raised in humble gratitude to you.
Her name was Margaret, and I never knew her to have any nicknames, she just went by her name. Except to him, apparently. But as for him-- his government name was John, as was my father's, but my father never had to have a nickname, because there was never a day in his life Grandpa went by John. His name was Buddy, everyone called him Buddy, and he signed his letters as Buddy.
He died in January of 1978 of complications related to the damage to his lungs from the tuberculosis (not directly, but it was related). Grandma was standing in the hallway of the hospital, watching him sleep, waiting for him to wake up so he could meet my older sister, his third grandchild. He never did meet her.
She died in 2002 of congestive heart failure; I'd spent much of the preceding week with her and she'd spoken mostly of him.
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harrywavycurly · 6 months
Hey Sarah I’m in a mood and I was wondering if you could break my heart (pls put it back together tho) with any of the Eddies or Joes
Hiii lovey!! I will gladly break your heart and I’m gonna be totally honest I had a whole moment where I went “what if…I don’t put it back together?” but don’t worry I will…eventually(I really will fix it I promise) 🙈 but I did this in a conversation formate because that’s how it flowed the best in my mind so I hope you enjoy💖
-I had to create a whole new Eddie for this because I simply couldn’t bring myself to break any of my precious babies hearts😂
A/N: This has a cliff hanger and I’m sorry I feel like it’s necessary and you’ll see why, don’t hate me✨
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“You know staring at it won’t make it magically disappear right?…you’re gonna have to open it eventually.” “Gee thanks Steve…what would I do without your words of wisdom?” “Listen jackass sitting here on your front porch staring at a cardboard box isn’t exactly how I planned on spending my Friday night okay?” “Then why’d you come over?” “Because…you called and sounded all…upset…and you’re like one of my bestfriends so…here I am.” “Thanks…” “So…what’d you do?” “I fucked up.” “I mean yeah…that’s a little obvious…I mean what did you actually do to make her send all your stuff back in a box marked…the asshole’s stuff?” “We got into an argument and she walked out and I didn’t go after her.” “Wait..what?..what do you mean you didn’t go after her?” “I mean exactly what I said Steve…I said some shit…she said some shit and then she left and I just…let her….” “What was this argument about?” “She got a wedding invitation from some girl we went to high school with and it made her all…happy and hopeful for our future and..she started talking about us getting married and I just…I’m not ready for all that shit man I’m only twenty three I can’t be someone’s husband.” “Okay so you just tell her you’re not ready yet…you don’t just throw in the fucking towel Eddie.” “You didn’t see her face when she was talking about our lives together Steve…she’s ready for that like right now and I don’t…I don’t know if I’ll ever be ready.” “What exactly did you say to her?” “I just told her…if she’s looking for someone to marry she’s looking in the wrong place…and…and she just..called me a selfish asshole and left.” “Well she wasn’t wrong…and that’s when you just let her drive away?” “I didn’t even move from the couch…I sat there the rest of the night because I just assumed she’d come back after she calmed down a bit.” “You’re such an idiot man…but just tell me…is it the idea of being with her forever that you don’t think you’re ready for? Or is just being her husband you can’t wrap your head around?” “I love her…more than anyone and I know she’s it for me but I’m not husband material Steve and that’s not…fare to her.” “Oh fuck off with that…she clearly thinks your husband material or she wouldn’t bring it up so don’t go trying to say you did this as a favor to her okay? You did this because you’re scared.” “I’m not scared.” “Yes you fucking are Eddie…you’re terrified that someone else loves you so much that they literally want to be legally bound to you…that’s some heavy shit man so I get it but that’s why you made her run away…it has nothing to do with this lame ass excuse of you not being husband material.” “I just..I don’t want to fuck it up..I’ve seen enough horrible marriages I don’t need to be apart of one too.” “Sorry to break it to you man but…you kinda already did.” “Yeah…I did didn’t I? She couldn’t even write my name on the box…” “Oh asshole isn’t your first name? I’m shocked.” “Fuck off…” “Sorry…but you wanna go through it now or…wait?” “I don’t need to go through it…I know what’s in it.” “Oh really? What?” “A few mix cds I made her… a teddy bear from a claw machine at the arcade…some letters…a photo of us at the lake one summer and hopefully a few Metallica shirts.” “Letters?” “Yeah? We used to write each other all the time…it was like our way of expressing how we felt sometimes when we couldn’t really…get the words out…why are you looking at me like that?” “Do you want her back?” “What?” “Answer the question man.” “Yes…yes I want her back…” “Just checking…because…I may have an idea…” “Okay…I’m listening…”
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infiniteetcetera · 2 months
Potentially controversial statement here but I swear this is not an attack just a genuine question: why do people assume Lucien will genuinely want/be heartbroken by Elain???
A point I see so often attacking Elain/defending Elucien is that Lucien has “been through too much to be heartbroken again” and “deserves happiness” and “SJM loves his character and wouldn’t just take his mate away” but like…why do we equate mates with happiness and Lucien with liking Elain at all??
Obviously, Lucien is far more willing to try out the bond than Elain is. We know he’s attracted to her physically (but let’s be fr she’s obviously attracted to him too, our fox boy is hot) but beyond that there’s like…nothing to it?? They don’t talk, he doesn’t know her particularly well, the time they spend together is awkward, and Elains initial impression on a lot of people is being simple/boring (I am NOT saying Elain actually is these things, just that’s the vibe she gives off to people as other characters have noted).
I think Lucien is definitely curious about Elain, he grew up believing a mating bond was this big powerful perfect thing and thought he lost his mate ages ago. Elain doesn’t make sense as a mate to him, which seems to make him all the more curious about her. I think there’s also a lot of guilt tied up between them too, we know Lucien feels bad about what he did to Feyre and how he was involved with what happened to the sisters. We also know Lucien is a well bred polite courtier of a man. All these things together make it seem perfectly reasonable why Lucien still tries to speak to Elain, buy her gifts, acts how one would expect a male to act with his mate, is put off by her cold shoulder, etc but I genuinely don’t believe he has real feelings for her beyond the bond (yetttt) because…literally how could he???
Again this really isn’t me hating on Elain, she’s lovely but a pretty private/complex character as well and Lucien doesn’t know her. I’ve seen so many posts lately about how “Lucien would be so crushed to know what happened on Solstice” or “Elain has to grovel for liking Azriel because it’s wrong” or even just the insinuation (which silly goofy characters like Rhys make themselves) that Lucien is ready to blood duel and start throwing hands for Elain and again I just REALLY DONT SEE IT. I think he’s curious about the bond and willing to see the whole mess through but Lucien really has no reason to want Elain any more than she wants him. I know apparently the bonds “effect the males more” or whatever but if Cassian’s ridiculous “I’ll let Rhys threaten my mate any day” self has taught us anything it’s that it’s reallyyyyyy not that simple.
I don’t know I just feel like there’s this weird babying of Lucien’s character I’ve seen a lot in the fandom recently that completely misunderstands him. Like our boy was spitting 10/10 rizz in the first book and gets called hot by 90% of the characters, he is not some underdog here. Elain is not above him and he really doesn’t need her. The love triangle is really more a fandom thing than some actual competition between the characters. Even if Azriel wasn’t involved Elain would still act the same way toward Lucien and I honestly think if he really wanted her/ if they had a connection prior to being told they are mates he’d be handling the situation differently. For now, I think people are assuming he’s a lot more invested than he actually is.
Obviously this is a romance series and there will be drama involving the Elain/Lucien/Azriel love triangle in the next book because that’s been what’s laid out, but if Elain just turned around and said “sorry respectfully I want someone else let’s break this bond” I really don’t think Lucien would be “heartbroken” or “crushed” over it. Again, there’s this whole weird “mating bonds drive males crazy” thing up in the air but I’ve failed to see any real examples in the ACOTAR universe that show me these bonds are a good thing so I’ll believe it when I see it🤧
IDK, overall I know this series is about the sisters but I love Lucien’s character so much and really want to see more of him (and believe there’s a lot to unravel there) and people threatening to not read the rest of the series if next book is Elriel because “Lucien’s been through enough” just seems silly to me because I think his happy ending has nothing to do with Elain. It might involve Elain, yes, but Lucien also has a father, a mother, and a brother out there who are all decent people that would love him which he hasn’t gotten to explore yet. I’m also convinced this man could pull any male or female in Prythian if he wanted so I don’t think just because she’s framed as his big love interest now Elain is his only option.
I know a lot of people feel strongly about their side of the love triangle but I just really want to see all these characters happy and think a lot of people are overthinking it😭 I think SJM has equal probability of making Elucien a great 10/10 ship and ruining their potential and making them Nessian 2.0 so I’m much more concerned with these characters being written well and getting a real happy ending than who that ending is with. I also think ACOTAR has been very limited in scope thus far and Lucien is one of the few characters with the possibly to break out of that mold and get us out of the night court for a bit (yes this is me once again asking for a Lucien TOD book😔✨) . He could still 100% wind up with Elain, but I really just don’t imagine the love triangle/build up to that being as dramatic as people think. Lucien and Az are both decent respectful males and as long as neither oversteps I really just see it coming down to what Elain wants and whatever her choice is I think both characters will respect it and be able to move on perfectly fine.
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insolentgod · 11 months
If you need motivation on your loa journey or are experiencing difficulties, this post is for you. warning: i still don't speak english fluently, so if I have grammatical errors it's for that reason.
hi guys, maybe I'm high! i was watching the trend on TikTok of Lana Del Rey's song "Margaret" (yes, maybe I cried watching some videos, but that's not the point!!!) and the song has nothing to do with manifestation lol. 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
listening to a viral part of the song made me really want to come here and maybe motivate someone who needs it, so if this reached you, it's because you need it.
the part goes like this: "Because when you know, you know. When you're old, you're old."
and all I can think of is the law of assumption when I hear that. because WHEN YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW! your 3D only reflects when you KNOW THAT YOU HAVE IT. when I say I'm pretty, I'm pretty. when I say I'm rich, I'm rich. THE END, just THE END. there's no "but..." "I don't see..." "it doesn't seem like it's going to happen" baby, that really doesn't matter. just KNOW, know that you have it!!!! and WHEN YOU KNOW, you know. and when you know, you have it. it's simple, stop complicating things, it has to happen. and guess what? it will become reality because YOU SAID IT WILL, because you said it's THE TRUTH.
just leave the 3D alone, my life LITERALLY turned around when I left that damn 3D alone and believed in what >I< was saying. and I'm still a bit skeptical about some topics but I chose to give myself this opportunity to trust myself for the first time with my manifestations and take advantage of this chance to have my dream life, and I will never regret it. because when I TRUSTED MYSELF and said "I have this shit and I don't care if the world is falling apart around me, I still have it." that's when I finally had my desires.
gurl, I just want you to please, if you're struggling. leave the 3D alone! "but I'm manifesting my SP and he just married someone else" leave the 3D alone. "but I'm manifesting my dream body and the mirror is showing the opposite" leave the 3D alone. "but I'm manifesting making 10k a month and they want to evict me from my apartment because I'm behind on rent" leave the 3D alone (obviously do what you can to not be evicted from your home, don't be so crazy lmao). just focus on your affirmations, live in the state, visualize, WHATEVER FUCK IT. just trust yourself and work on your self-concept (because when you have a healthy self-concept, love, you have the world at your feet).
another part that I think is worth mentioning here is this: "So if you don't know, don't give up. 'Cause you never know what the new day might bring."
It's okay if you don't "know" and don't believe in yourself yet, you can definitely change that. just don't give up, if you know about the law of assumption it's for a reason. I believe in you and you should too, manifesting is so simple but so many people spend YEARS complicating it (I will never judge you for this, I have definitely been there several times) . if so many people have achieved their dream lives, give me a good reason why you can't achieve it too? the universe shouldn't hate you like that. just give yourself a vote of confidence and live in your damn imagination, i swear, I swear that if you live 100% in your little imagination, the 3D HAS NO OTHER OPTION but to reflect it. bro... this got longer than it was supposed to be. i'm sleepy and high, so that makes me talkative (unbelievable). but I really want this TESTAMENT to help someone, if it motivates one person, I'm already very happy. i'm thinking of making more posts, I don't know, I'm just sleepy. sleep well my loves and don't make me have written this for nothing.
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mdhwrites · 10 months
The Grimwalker as a concept was so weird. Mainly that Hunter was all 'ohhhh no we cant tell them im a spooky Grimwalker!' But... why would anyone care? The only reason given is that hes a reincarnation of a guy nobody even knows or cares about. Theres not even like, a spooky myth about Grimwalkers because its got such a vague ruleset and premise. He's barely different from a demon.
That COULD have linked to the demon discrimination plotline youve talked about, but there is none so it cant be that. Which i understand was partially because Dana wanted the gays to just exist, so she scrapped discrimination in general. But, a big part of forming cultures and identity is 'Otherness'. People compare themselves to others and define themselves by how theyre different. So scrapping discrimination ends up making the witchs and demons feel like nothing. They have nothing to compare their identity and culture against because theres just no conflict to spark comparison.
This lack of substance also means the fans don't care about Grimwalkers. See the moring comic where the Grimwalker was turned into ANOTHER way to say 'haha Boscha so cringe amirite? point and laugh because she has nobody who loves her.' even though the grimwalker is to reincarnate the dead.
OH MY GOD I'M SO HAPPY SOMEONE ELSE NOTICED THAT! *SCREAMS BLOODY MURDER* Like I know Mark just writes Boscha how the entire fandom sees her (which hasn't helped me enjoy A Hint of Blue, not that I think it's good regardless) but seriously what the fuck!? Why do that to her except just to be mean!?
*sighs* What were we talking about? OH RIGHT! Grimmwalkers.
So for why Hunter has anxiety, it actually is because TOH is doing a very basic clone/artificial human storyline with Hunter and those arcs are actually a lot more internally motivated than externally motivated. Clone lives a life believing they're their own person, then one day finds out they're not, perceives themselves as less because of this distinction but then in the end decides that regardless of their origin, they are their own person and so throw off their shackles, embrace who they are and become better for it. It has nothing to do with race and while it is baby's first clone story, I also still like it conceptually because, well, there's a reason why it's the default clone story. It especially is good for kid's media because while the clone can struggle with the anxiety of it, their friends never have to actually be bad or discriminatory against them because the point is loving yourself for who you are and not who you were made to be.
But I've talked before about how this basic framework actually has a Catch 22 built into it when it comes to Hunter... Which apparently Tumblr wants to tell me I've never done before. Thanks search function. The short version is that this template requires not only a rejection of what they were made for but for them to become distinctly different, usually opposite, to their purpose/original. For Hunter, he only knows Belos so this takes shape in trying to be the opposite of him. The problem is that the opposite of Belos... Is Caleb. Who Hunter mimics in every action he takes after getting away from Belos. There's literally no way to follow this template without adding complexities like him accepting his true origin and being okay/happy with that, something that was probably unlikely in general but especially wasn't going to happen with the shortening, which I will actually give people for. Because the Grimmwalker twist happens so late, they either had to cut it or had no time to actually do anything with it which like... Why not cut it? You did nothing with it and it actually made sure you didn't have the time to actually have Hunter reject Belos' morality so that his redemption doesn't come across as self serving and for survival more than an actual, you know, change to his beliefs.
As for how interesting Grimmwalkers are... They're just clones. Boilerplate, boring clones. Make a body based on another person, put memories in, BAM! Got yourself a clone. Doesn't get more classic than that. It's hardly even magical honestly besides the components, especially with how it actually doesn't give them magic despite those components, or have weird quirks since they're not actually made of flesh and blood, elements that the fans have had a lot of fun with that the show never does, though admittedly part of that is due to how late it happens. Then again, all magic in TOH is boring so it's not likely they would have anyways. Also, you know, a lot of shows will do a single clone episode and have more fun and magic to it than TOH does with one of their core cast members being one so *shrug*
Now, for the final part, I do want to also touch on the 'other' aspect because while discrimination is one way to do it, you can get this across in other ways. One such way is the core defining trait of the Grimmwalker from a tangible standpoint: He doesn't have magic. In a society that mostly has magic, him not having it is a big deal. It's literally what gives him and Willow their first connection as a couple, as insulting as that scene actually should be to Hunter.
And then Hunter is 'fixed' when he gains his magic. His 'other' status removed because he's a real boy now. *SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIGH*
I have so much more I could say about TOH and 'The Other' (made a blog about a lot of it between writing this draft and publish) but I'll leave it at that so it actually stays on topic instead of the half a dozen tangents I've deleted. None of this makes it good by the way and with how TOH tackles most subjects like this, it's incredibly unlikely that more time would have made it better. After all, being a Grimmwalker is only one of like a half dozen TANTALIZING character/arc concepts for Hunter that are never addressed. The fact that he is trained to kill witches and likely has. His relationship with the Isles because he doesn't have inherent magic. The fact that he is filled with such care for the nation and its government that it blocks out all else in his world. How a sheltered child reacts when they suddenly have freedom and are thrust into the wider world. Etc. etc. that are just footnotes to the writers more than anything to actually build a complete arc around or else they wouldn't have just keep adding to the angst bucket without actually resolving any of it.
So of course Grimmwalkers are bland while being a fine to good concept that's then made terrible by narrative implication or neglect. That's EVERYTHING to do with Hunter.
Sidenote for this one: It is funny that Dana wanted there to be no bigotry in the Isles when her villains entire scheme is through religious persecution. You know, bigotry. Whole other blog I could go into.
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deluweil · 5 months
To be honest the way part of the fandom has treated this Tommy character as a god makes me dislike him more. Unfortunately the Buck bi arc was tainted for me because it all feels force. Also what doesn't help is that Eddie was to much involved in that storyline.
The way people are acting like it's a perfect relationship and yet we barely saw them together feels just weird.
Also I don't like how some literally push Eddie away for this new white man.
This is Taylor Kelly all over again. The sad part is that the season is short and people wAnt to to spend their time giving more to the new guy.
I hope him and Marisol are gone, but I'm afraid. These two characters took the joy out of the Buck and Eddie storyline for me.
The fandom, I think, in this case, is definitely the problem here,
Lou is completely unassuming and enjoying the process and being a buddie shipper just like us - if one actually bothers to read the interviews and not just pick and choose what to talk about.
That is what makes me like Lou.
The fandom has somehow glorified Tommy's character after a couple of episodes and yeah it rubs the wrong way, because, what about the story we had so far?
Is season 7 a reset to 911? and everything that came before that doesn't count? Why not just make it 911 abc pilot then?
I don't think that's the case, but I think the last minute switch between Buck and Eddie kind of ruined it for the Tim because, yes, in a way it feels forced and out of left field.
Supposed that Buck was indeed vying for Tommy's attention, why do it like that? and why involve Eddie in the first place?
I have a lot of questions and my main problem here is not that Buck is experimenting with Tommy, it's the way they practically propelled this ship off the cliff into a dangerous spin, they went from zero to 200 in a second. - That is not how you build a relationship.
You don't try to figure out what you want, mess up the first date, then invite said date to an apology coffee and then invite him to family wedding on the way. It just doesn't work that way.
I may be straight, but I have gay and bi and lesbian friends, neither one of them has ever brought a second or even a third date to so much as a friends get together before they were sure that this is something that would last, before they brought the intended victim to be judged by friends and family.
And people who talk about Tommy as being established in the 118 family, that is not true. He has a connection with Chimney in that that he owes him his life and an acquaintance with Hen, who is clearly not very fond of him, because of obvious past she had with him and their old house before Bobby came into the picture. - Remember - Chimney was her ONLY lifeline in that house.
Tommy was not a liked character before.
Arguably Buck had more history with Taylor than he did with Tommy (which is none at all) - But Taylor is a strong opinionated and often self-serving woman (not unlike Buck mind you), emphasis on woman. - That is the only reason she never stood a chance. Because the writers could have made her and Buck the greatest love story this show has seen, but they continuously managed to ruin any fondness for any female LI to ever grace that set.
And this season is short, to bring in a new LI kinda defeats the purpose of re-establishing the team and this show, because it does feel the same as any of Buck's old relationships that were being pushed for the benefit of 'god forbid Buck actually learns how to be alone and healthy and happy' - the only thing that changed in Buck this season is his sexuality and nothing else, and that vexes me.
My problem is not with Tommy, it's the perpetuation of 'poor baby Buck' society. - I love Oliver and I love Buck - I am tired of the ever repeating pattern of forgiveness for his self serving ways without any accountability that we keep seeing.
I don't think Buck's or even Eddie's firsts or you know what? even seconds should be each other, I am more than happy to make this journey with them, but let it be a marathon not a sprint to the finish line - they knew they would get renewed for another season, they could have written and built it better than what we got - because the moment they switched gears after the second episode, the story became written in the same messy last minute way both S4 and most of S5 were written.
There is no grand plan, at this point they are merely winging it and see where the wind takes them. - And that is idiotic, they had SO MUCH TIME to make this a well written story with the strike and long break after that, to write as they film is lazy and stupid and mostly childish.
And yes this is Taylor all over again, not in that they are the same type of people, but that Buck is jumping head first into a relationship without actually knowing how he got there. - Bobby said that himself - and it is the same, because who in their right mind invite a second (kinda) date to a family event? Like dude have you ever dated before? Do you how this works?
It is a LOT of pressure and not even for Buck himself - because he brought this on himself - but rather for Tommy (aka the intended victim) to be first introduced to the family after a couple of dates when he himself has no idea where he and Buck are standing.
Marisol, has indeed sucked the joy out of the Eddie's story, I don't get why do either of the boys had to be in a relationship starting this season to begin with. Like, she is literally a handbag, the token hetero symbol, so to speak, what she is doing there? is beyond me.
The catholic guilt of her being a nun is bullshit, and as Bobby said himself, Eddie has no problem committing to certain people/things. She serves no purpose this season other than a seat warmer/ glorified babysitter since Buck is otherwise engaged.
They could have gone for Eddie finding his way in the department, Eddie dealing with his mommy issues, Eddie trying to figure out what and who he wants in his life, Eddie trying to navigate Chris' terrible teenage years.
They could have explored the fact that a guy going with his supposed gf/wife in the golf course checking Eddie's hot ass (6X17) - Oh wait, they were going to... the ground for Eddie's coming out was all laid out and they took a sharp turn to left field in the second episode of S7 and made it all about Buck again, because the Natalia actress couldn't come?? what kind of a weak ass reason is that?
And yes, the cliche of receiving the odd white man out (who played a controversial role in early seasons) rather than the regular casted poc male or the guest starring woman, for that matter, better is all kind of f-ed up, but no one would talk about that, of course. 👀
Anyway, I am hoping that whatever is coming next will be worthy of our time and attention because so far we got about more of the same as far as Buck and Eddie are concerned - except that Buck has just broaden his variety and has a bigger pallet of mate choosing at his disposal.
I have two very close bi friends, so I know how their minds work, because God knows they share with me more than I ever wanted to know lol. And one of them is watching 911 with me and she is happy for the rep as well, but unhappy with how it was developed too.
At the moment, I have decided to put any Buck and Eddie topics aside and just want to get the LONG AWAITED Madney wedding, if anyone deserve a happy ending, it's them. ❤️
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gabatronnie · 5 months
,, request prompts !!
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these are for people who know they want to make a request but don’t have an exact plot and/or reader in mind!
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fluff ~
1. “there it is, there’s that cute smile! i knew you had it in ya!”
2. “don’t worry, i’m staying, for as long as i need to.”
4. “is that my shirt?”
5. “i’m just glad you’re okay”
6. “just because you can doesn’t mean you should.”
7. “you’re a terrible influence.”
8. “i know we’re not… friends or anything. but if you just need to cry, i get it.”
9. “i don’t hate you.”
10. “you’re pretty -“ “pretty stupid”
11. “i’ll spend a thousand lifetimes coming back to you.”
12. “it’s cold, take my hand, my body heat can warm you up. y’know, cause i’m taller.” “hey!”
13. “you got me flowers?”
14. “ha! you fell on your ass!”
15. “they get annoyed about how often i talk about how much i love you”
16. “you fucking dumbass! just be careful, okay?! i’m kinda sick of worrying about your safety! i love you too much to think about it!”
17. “may i have this dance, my fair lady?”
18. “you look so good in my clothes”
19. “come back to bed”
20. “i love you, but that’s gonna get you killed. not literally though.” “then why can’t i do it?!”
21. “love, can you calmly and politely shut the actual fuck up?”
22. “your my mom loves me, let’s go make cookies.”
23. “thank you, for never giving up on me.”
24. “i think i’m in love!” “who’s the next victim, and how are you gonna torture them this time?”
25. “yeah, i have massive feelings for you, but moving on from that…”
26. “you took all the blankets, asshole. so now, you’re filling the gap, you ARE my blanket.”
27. “did y-you just…kiss me?”
28. “when we get home, you’re in big trouble, missy!” “i won’t in as a big trouble as your big ass, love.”
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angst ~
1. “i’m sorry, i hurt you, i can’t promise perfect. but i can promise effort, hon.”
2. “please don’t leave me.”
3. “thank you, but our chapter has ended. but that doesn’t mean i don’t love you anymore.”
4. “let’s just become strangers again.”
5. “i hate you for what you did.”
6. “i’m not your problem anymore.”
7. “I don’t owe jackshit!”
8. “does it ever stop hurting? i mean the wounds on the inside, on your heart, on your soul, love.”
9. “make it stop, please baby. it hurts…”
10. “all you’ve ever done is hurt me.”
11. “you wanna hurt me? go ahead. i already know how it all feels. it doesn’t matter anymore, i’ve given up.”
12. “if you’re going down, so am i. there’s no happy life without you in it.”
13. “i hate knowing you’re hurt, please, tell me i can fix it. even if it’s only once.”
14. “i’m out of empathy for you! fuck you and your privileged ass!”
15. “we’re over.”
16. “everyone wants to hate me, why can’t you be different?”
17. “i don’t need you! why are you still here?!”
18. “just go away!!!”
19. “when will i ever be enough?!”
20. “i can’t look at the night sky anymore, it makes me think of him/her too much…”
21. “come back… please…”
22. “it’s okay, peace has been made, that’s all i wanted. now it’s my time.”
23. “hug me until my eyes pop up because i’ve been crying since four in the morning!”
24. “was it all a lie?”
25. “i’ve lost so much there’s nothing else left.”
26. “i’ll see you on the other side, dearest love.”
27. “i tried so hard to trust you! and i know it wasn’t for nothing! stop being so cross!”
28. “i should’ve trusted you, i’m sorry i didn’t.”
29. “i’m just mad, okay!? i’m beyond pissed i’ve ruined my only chance!”
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smut ~
1. “never tease me like that again.”
2. “i’m not fucking done with you. bed. now.”
3. “i’m tearing that dress/suit off the moment we’re alone.”
4. “you’re a lot less quiet when i’m fucking the shit out of you.”
5. “and go, be a good girl and spread your legs, okay baby?”
6. “such a naughty little slut for me/us, adorable.”
7. “cover your mouth one more time, and we’re stopping. i wanna hear you.”
8. “b-but, i wanna see you too. don’t blindfold me, i-i wanna see your face.”
9. “look at you, you’re already shaking, it’s been less than a minute.
10. “crazy, naughty girl. who do you think you are?”
11. “keep your hands on me, don’t let go.”
12. “i’ve always thought of us kissing, but i never thought i’d actually fuck you.”
13. “i’m gonna touch you until you beg.”
14. “you’re more than a fling, my dear.”
15. “you’re so sensitive, i almost feel bad.” “am not!” “oh really? then how about you ride me until you fall to your knees?” “u-uhm…”
16. “you make such sexy noises, hot stuff.”
17. “keep acting up, i dare you.”
18. “fuck me senseless and pin me to the bed, i can’t wait any longer.”
19. “if you keep staring at me, we won’t get to make a baby. or six.” “h-huh?!”
20. “don’t be too loud, or else the others will hear.”
21. “listen to me, you little whore. you’re gonna do exactly what i tell you to.”
22. “i am this close to ripping those clothes off you myself.”
23. “you have ask first, sweetheart.”
24. “sorry, was i drooling? i just really want to bang you right now.”
25. “go on, i wanna see what your mouth can do.”
26. “lay it on me, or in me, but you get my point.”
27. “the outfits great, but i really wanna see you without it on.” “but you told me to buy it?” “i meant i wanted to see you naked.”
28. “i don’t care how good it feels, don’t cum until i say.”
29. “give me a baby. for two reasons, firstly, i wanna fuck you. secondly, i wanna bang you.” “that’s the same thing!” “no, it’s two different words.”
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© gabatronnie - don't translate, heavily inspire, feed my work to ai, or repost it on other platforms.
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decent0distraction · 1 month
Solo harmony au - part 4
Now that I have ranted and raved about the little details and dynamics a bit, let’s finally talk about the storyline.
The last night of Baby’s Concert for the Pop Troops ends with a rocky fight between the two royal sisters before everyone moves out to the next posting.
Also just to be clear, the Baby team, by John Dory’s design, is going to the same safe zone towns the Pop troops are as a way to…um, gain further fame for Baby from the soldiers and the civilians. Branch, however, believes that John Dory set it up this way so Branch could use the perfect harmony to heal the spirits of those negatively impacted by the war. And it’s war, so that means literally everyone.
I’m sure that miscommunication won’t be a problem. Anyway-
With their soldiers were drunk, asleep, or at least taking one last time to relax before back into the fray, Viva and Poppy follow each other, arguing, while Branch and his brothers are wrapping up.
“I just need you to explain your thought process to me, Poppy,” Viva said as she rubbed her temples. “What could possibly make you think it would be expectable to-“
“-Oh, please, enough with the mature, regal act. You think you’re better than everyone when really, you’re just full of yourself. Okay? So take it down about 10 notches-“
“-Don’t talk to me like that! I’m still your queen-“
“-Yep, sure are!” Poppy shoved Viva to the ground, gaining the attention of Branch and Floyd, Bruce stepping in.
“Hey, um, your highnesses? Maybe there’s something we can do to help sort this out,” he offered.
John Dory and Clay suggested Branch and Floyd go back to their tent, Floyd agreeing.
“Yeah, Branch. Let’s just-“ but Branch leapt off the stage, knowing that words wouldn’t reach the disconnected sisters.
“I want to run,” he sang. “I want to hide.”
Poppy hadn’t yet turned to Branch, but Viva had and saw the glow beginning to form around the pop star.
“I want to tear down the walls that hold me inside.”
Poppy saw something reflecting in Viva’s eyes and turned around to stare in wonder and amazement as the perfect harmony echoed off of Branch as he sang.
“I love this song,” Viva sighed, smiling at the memories the melody brought her.
“I watch to reach out.”
Poppy couldn’t help but join in. “And touch the flame.”
“Flame,” Branch sang, happy to have a singing partner who seemed to actually enjoy singing. “Where the streets have no name.”
While humming along, Poppy held her hand out to dance with Branch. But when he reached out to accept, the glow pulsed and began to wrap around Poppy’s hand and up her arm.
Startled and a little drunk, she pulled away.
Branch feared her offended her and stopped singing, the glow lost.
“What was that,” Viva asked. “I’ve never felt so at peace; so…so safe.”
“Yeah, whatever that was,” Poppy said, shaking her head. “I’ve never seen anything like it. Hey, is that gonna do anything to my hand? Because listen, super-Troll good looks, I’ve always had ‘em. But super-Troll strength; I mean, can you imagine the possibilities with-“
“-No, no, it won’t do anything to you. Or at least, it shouldn’t, right, JD,” Branch asked, all eyes on John Dory.
“Uh, well, you know…I don’t know,” John Dory admitted. “But I’m sure the princess will be fine.”
“Please don’t sue us,” Clay pleaded.
No one gets sued, of course, and nothing happens to Poppy. But Branch is kept awake that night by the possibility that if the princess was able to almost take on the harmony with him, then maybe he can give it to the Bergens and prevent them from wanting to eat Trolls.
But when he tries to suggest it to his brothers…
“Branch, you can’t be serious,” Floyd fussed. “You really think we’re going to let you put yourself in danger like that?”
Branch couldn’t believe it. “But the whole point of these concerts and shows is to share the perfect harmony and help Trolls. The Bergens feed on happiness; what else could be better than-“
“-You’re not doing it and that’s final,” John Dory cut off sternly.
Branch got closer as he spoke. “But that isn’t fair for the Trolls that have lost everything to the Bergens! Maybe this is why I’m the only one of us who can produce the perfect harmony; because you won’t do what’s right and I will-“
The air was heavy and buzzed like static after John Dory slapped Branch, the oldest horrified as he watched himself send the little body of his baby brother to the ground.
“Branch!” Floyd and Clay fussed over him, Bruce calming them down.
“Okay, okay, you two. Just give us a second here. Branch, babe, you okay? Did he twist your neck? Let me see where he hit you.” Holding Branch’s chin, Bruce sighed at the red mark from JD’s open hand. “You should be okay. Go back with Floyd and Clay. We’ll join you guys soon.”
Branch didn’t move except to shrug Floyd’s and Clay’s hands off of him when they tried to help him up. He stared at John Dory. “Both of you, right? No one is going to leave?”
Bruce gave him a smile. “Both of us. No one’s gonna lea-“
“-I need to hear it from him,” Branch stated.
John Dory turned to Branch and held his hand out to help his littlest brother up. “I’m not going anywhere, shining star.”
“Okay,” Branch nodded, standing up while refusing any of the four hands offered to him. “Floyd, Clay, let’s hurry up and head back before it gets to dark to see.”
And my dearest reader, I wish I could I say that when John Dory and Bruce joined their younger brothers in their tent, they all sat down and saw reason, agreeing to Branch’s idea.
But the only thing that happens is that Bruce, Clay, and Floyd supervise a well thought out apology between the oldest and the youngest, before John Dory awkwardly excuses himself and Branch is shooed off to bed like a child.
And nothing happens. Er, for another week, that is.
I mean, nothing except that Bruce keeps catching Poppy sneaking into Baby’s rehearsals.
Poppy watched from the rafters as Branch had fun with a number, pulling Clay away from his work to dance with him. “You can dance. You can jive.”
She thought it was strange that when Clay sang with him, the older one didn’t glow too. “Having the time of your life.”
“Hold it, hold it,” John Dory called, Branch dropping his happy mood and Clay returning to his work. “Branch, we talked about this. These rehearsals are hard work. Not for you to interrupt Clay or anyone else while they’re working.”
Clay rolled his eyes. “Lay off, will you? He’s just trying to make things fun. Isn’t fun what being a pop star is supposed to be?”
“Not when we have four shows back to back,” John Dory argued.
“We? He wouldn’t have to do four shows back to back if you hadn’t set them up that way,” Floyd reminded him.
“Please don’t fight,” Branch requested. “That won’t solve anything. I’m sorry, JD. Clay’s right; I was just trying to make things fun. It makes the harmony stronger for the performance.” Clay looked smug and Branch gave him a look. “But JD’s right too. We have work to do. Speaking of, let’s run through Wanna Dance. I need to lock down the choreography before we start on the performance for Wonderwall.”
John Dory proudly watched Branch seamlessly perform the fourth song in the set.
Meanwhile, the princess was effortlessly climbing along the rafters to get a closer look.
“Oh, I wanna dance with somebody. I wanna feel the heat with someb-“
“-Hey, who’s up there,” Bruce called, halting the rehearsal and sending all eyes towards Poppy as a flashlight was directed at her.
“The princess? But why would-“ Branch’s question was interrupted when she fell, catching herself with her hair and landing on her feet.
“Sorry,” she shrugged, sober and sheepish. “I just had to see more of that glowing thing you made happen.”
Branch approached her kindly. “It’s okay. I understand-“
But John Dory got in the way. “Forgive us, your highness. But this is a closed rehearsal-“
“-JD, you’re being rude. It’s fine, your highness. Really,” Branch insisted.
“You can just call me Poppy. The only Trolls who call me your highness are the guards and they’re all assholes. So…”
So yeah. Poppy watches the rehearsal until the ground starts shaking. She may be a princess and a pain in the ass, but she was still trained for this kind of thing. So when a scout warns that a Bergen has been spotted nearby, she prepares to defend Branch and his family.
However, the Bergen isn’t attacking. Things die down but everyone is still very much on edge.
With the concert cancelled, Branch tells his brothers that he’ll meet them at their tent, staying behind to tell Poppy his idea.
And Poppy, who has always been either a joke or the spare, agrees to help Branch find that Bergen and test his theory.
And that’s all for right now, people. More to come.
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eddiediazismyhusband · 2 months
Can I ask you to list a couple things you do like about the show? Or the actors? Or the characters? Or heck anything 911 related? Because it seems like you and your other anons don’t like anything to do with any aspect of it at all from the writers down to the smallest of storyline details 😅
which at that point is probably a good time to step back and stop engaging with it either temporarily or permanently since all it’s gonna do is continue to feed into the negativity your having over it since nothing seems to be bringing you joy about it.
can yall not read? like seriously can yall not read the words when i say “i am not goign to watch season 8 until something good happens”
i feel like a goddamn parrot on here when people like you keep coming into my inbox with this same fucking “maybe you should step back” thing like yeah that’s what i have been fucking saying????
im not going to stop interacting with my friends on here- that’s out of the question. i still love being involved in the fanfic community and i still love the first 5 seasons of the show, but im not going to lie and say that i have been pleased with the most recent installments. if you actually took the time to read my blog and what i talk about you would see that i adore eddie and his queer subtext. i adore buddie as a ship, probably to a crazy degree. i love henren, and bathena, and madney. josh russo is literally one if my favorite canonically queer characters on tv.
i adore this cast with the exception of the talentless nepo baby half the fandom wanna suck the dick of (god knows why other than he’s a fugly white man who kissed their favorite white boy) i love seeing them interact with each other outside of the show.
can i ask you what the writers have given us to actually enjoy the past two seasons? other than the madney wedding? nothing else has been decently written, or taken the story in a positive direction. yeah, we got bi buck but he’s in a relationship with a literal misogynistic racist man who has had repeatedly treated buck horribly with no acknowledgement whatsoever. so no, i don’t like the writers or tim minear at the moment because they have had every opportunity to usher in something positive for eddie, but no bc tim “this show is a drama” minear would rather give the happy plots to his white characters while running his poc characters through more unnecessary trauma and pain (with the exception of chimney, although his happy plotline only happened after he was near-fatally sick an entire episode and bobby whose plotline was centered around a black man’s trauma being dug up and thrown in his face)
the earlier season of this show were such a joy to watch live when it felt like there was actually care going into it from the showrunners and writing team, but lately it’s just them throwing darts at whatever wack-ass drama plot they can think of.
this cast works too fucking hard for the vapid shit they get given to act out each week.
which is why i (once again, in case you were about to gloss over this) I AM NOT WATCHING SEASON EIGHT UNTIL SOMETHING IS DONE TO FIX THE MESS THEY MADE
perhaps writing it in bold, italicized caps will make it easier for you to get it through your head.
and as far as “my anons” if you actually had enough confidence in your message, then why are you hiding behind anon, hm?
i have said multiple times i love interracting with my friends and fandom content that doesn’t have to do with spec. i have said multiple times im holding off on season 8. i have never said i hate the cast or i hate every single plotline the show has ever had, but you know what i did hate? how s6 and s7 turned the show into a fucking ooc mess. it is within my rights as a fan to dislike a season of a show for valid reasons.
what’s not okay is you coming into my inbox repeatedly saying “take a break” when i’ve said multiple fucking times that i plan to rather than just blocking me if youre so offended by people agreeing with me that the show is at a make it or break it point.
please kindly take yourself out of my space if you’re not going to actually take the time to read the words i post and just immediately send me anonymous hate because you didn’t like my posts
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wordslikesilver · 8 days
Spoilers for Demon Slayer anime only watchers!
The best moment in all of demon slayer by far is and will always be Yoriichi going to visit tanjiro’s ancestors. Yoriichi is literally supposed to be like, the Buddha of demon slaying. There is literally no one as powerful and skilled as him with the sword and his sun breathing technique, not even his twin brother. This mfer is the Gojo of his era, more than that, he’s like a karmic beast formed from the endless decades, centuries perhaps, of cruelty that Muzan committed. His blade forge for no other purpose to be ever be used for than for killing demons. His entire reason for EXISTENCE is explicitly stated To Kill Muzan.
And he is an utter and complete failure in nearly every way. Remember, Muzan is still alive. Yoriichi couldn’t complete his singular karmic purpose in life. And he HAD a chance, he was face to face with Muzan and ALMOST killed him when at the last millisecond Muzan managed to escape him. He had one chance and he failed. But he failed worse than that. His brother turned traitor and became a demon himself, Muzan’s most trusted upper moon. We know from Zenitsu’s grandpa and the oath about if nezuko were to ever eat a human, shame like that is worthy of slitting one’s belly pretty much on the spot. He was exiled from the demon slayers for his failures and for this shame. And then he’s so, so empty. This is a man as passionless as the Buddha himself and this grief has cut him to his deepest depths because of course, he’s still just a man.
So he wanders. He wanders and seeks a reason to live and finds himself at the house of tanjiro’s ancestors, a humble, happy family of charcoal makers that he once saved from a demon. He sits with the father on the porch, watching the kids play and tells him of his failures, as unreadable and closed off as ever. He calls himself a failure. He had one reason for existing and failed it twice over. And tanjiro’s ancestor, he turns to yoriichi and says what in the world are you talking about, my family is alive because of you. Look at them, look at the joy you SAVED with your own two hands, we’d all be dead without you. We owe you everything.
And the perfect moment that strikes such a lovely, beautiful chord in me is when he then hands yoriichi his newborn baby daughter who laughs and giggles and makes funny noises at yoriichi with her chubby cheeks and big ol eyes and lil grabby hands. And yoriichi finally gets it. He was genuinely ready to end it all and seeing this joy, this beautiful baby girl laughing in the sunlight, he understands what he wants to live for. To take life is not his karmic reason to live. He lives for the sunlight, the beauty, the nurturing love and warmth and happiness that makes it all feel like nothing short of a blessing. It’s just a moment really where I think we see him give his most genuine and biggest smile in the whole manga (this is a dude with exactly one facial expression at all times, mind you) but you see the hope and happiness come back to him. You literally watch his heart heal right there on that page.
And the next beautiful moment is tanjiro’s ancestors asking yoriichi to show them all his beautiful dance once more. It reveals that sun breathing is not a combat style, it’s not MEANT for killing, it’s a dance made to carry the sunlight in your chest and in your limbs and in your heart from dusk all the way through to the dawn. It’s meant for love and for protecting one’s family. Thats why no one else but tanjiro’s family could learn it. They never learned it as a way to kill. They only ever knew it as a dance of beauty and light. For what that family did for him, yoriichi left them his earrings and his dance as a gift that would be passed down generation after generation and it would culminate one day in Muzan’s defeat. To this end, yoriichi really did fulfill his karmic purpose in ultimately defeating Muzan. Not only that, he did so twice over, because the moment he failed to kill Muzan was the same moment he allowed Lady Tamayo to escape his control, another person directly responsible for helping defeat him. For his two great failures, failing to kill Muzan and failing to save or kill his brother, he succeeded twice in far greater ways by freeing Tamayo and saving Tanjiro’s ancestors, passing on his dance to them. His dance that was made for nothing more than carrying the light from dusk til dawn, from person to person, from generation to generation. Even if he couldn’t succeed in his time, if he could just carry forward the light to those who came after him, then it would be enough.
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docholligay · 5 months
Yellowjackets S2E2: Shauna
Hello! This is about up to Season 2, Episode 1 of Yellowjackets, and ONLY that of Yellowjackets. I have not seen beyond this spot, at all, and know NOTHING about this show. Please do not spoil it for me.  Things that are spoilery in nature, for me, include: saying things like  “Just wait!!” confirming or denying anything I put forward, outside information about the cast interviews or creator statements, leading questions like “Do you think “blank moment” means anything?” etc. Remember  that Y’ALL HAVE SEEN THE SHOW AND I HAVE NOT. This informs the way you  talk about things relating to the show. Just be really careful is all  I’m asking. Also: If there is LITERALLY any stance I  could take on this show or character that would make you upset, please  just fucking block the tag
If you WOULD like to discuss the show and my takes on it, the Discord is right here! I don’t go there, so it’s a great place to get every emotion out.
Please thank @sailorsunspot and @moonlight-frittata for backing this odd way of doing a liveblog, and remember my tip jar is always open
I love the whole line of devotion with Shauna, and how I don’t know and I’m not sure Shauna knows where devotion ends and insanity begins. Is she even loyal to Jackie, or is she happy enough to use the memory of her as the pawn in whatever she happens to need? 
Jackie has functioned primarily as her chief critic, in her death, in a way so much meaner and sharper than in life. Jackie is the tool by which Shauna criticizes herself. I loved Jackie, especially when she was bitchy, but she wasn’t clever in that emotionally intelligent, meanspirited way that Shauna actually is, on the inside. Jackie wouldn’t ever think to say these things even if she knew them, but Shauna, oh Shauna has been waiting to tell herself this shit for years. Jackie, who she loved, Jackie, who she killed, Jackie the god she worships and her own demon, only she’s the one possessing jackie, isn’t she? Making Jackie say the things she wants her to, be as mean as Shauna thinks she must have been, because why wouldn’t she be?
Even the whole braiding of the hair and doing of the makeup is this sort of adornment you might give a shrine. As long as Jackie is there she can be anointed in oil, metaphorically. More on that later. 
It’s all deeply fucked, and I am very here for it. 
This is also a really good example about how your inability to deal with a problem always affects more than just you. I mean, obviously, this is an outside case, but they are waiting for dinner because Shauna can’t stop drawing her fingers to the candle of jackie’s memory. Calling it now, the baby is almost certainly going to die or be stillborn because of the things that Shauna is doing right now. She is also providing a major point of friction for the group, represented mostly by Taissa and Lottie. Lottie wants her to be allowed to process in whatever way she sees fit, including apparently staying out until all hours of the night in a freezing shed, because Lottie is an idiot. Taissa forces the issue of confrontation with her grief, because that’s a huge part of this episode, and, I suppose it really does deserve its own post but its unlikely to get it: The things people do to confront the grief of others. But because Shauna won’t deal with her feelings, everyone else has to. Shauna is still trapped in a world where her friend is her judge and jury, in a way that was never true when she was alive. And it costs EVERYONE. 
Anyway, back to what i was originally talking about, I’m so glad they had Shauna eat the ear first because it sort of got the “What the fuck!?! Ick!” out of the way so we could use this literal consumption of Jackie as something else. We’ve had time to sit with our disgust, and so it’s not the first thing we think of when Jackie talks about Shauna’s HUNGER. We already tip our hat to this when Jackie says that Shauna slept with Jeff just so she knew what it felt like to be her, but so much of this is about never being able to be close enough to Jackie to become her, to crawl inside her skin, to love her as a sister and a friend and a lover and as herself. I feel like some of this resonates differently as a woman of a certain age--because being a lesbian was so fringe, we were afforded the intensity of female friendships that blurred the line between love and desire and possession in a way that realy just doesn’t exist anymore, because things are seen through a more sterotypically romantic lens. It’s not bad, per se, and it makes a lot of things easier, but it means that when looking at things like this, the question of “Was Shauna in love with Jackie?” has a multifactorial and complex answer that I’m not sure SHAUNA knows the answer to. Yes, and, you get me? 
So when Shauna-speaking-as-Jackie tells herself that it isn’t some fucking game stew she’s hungry for, that she literally wants to eat Jackie, and make her a part of herself, wants to cut her open and feast upon her, it’s true. She knows it’s true, and it’s not just the physical hunger talking. You could give Shauna a big old dead elk and she would still want to eat Jackie. 
Because if they cremate her, as Tai very wisely says they need to do, then she will be lost forever. There will ne nothing tangible that Shauna can point to. Shauna needs that. Jackie has been the trellis on which Shauna has grown, and as much as she might have sometimes longed for freedom, she found herself wandering right back to that trellis. What will she do without it? But consuming her? Well, then won’t she always be a part of Shauna? She  can finally have Jackie literally inside her, like Nut swallowing the sun only to give birth to it again. Giving her something to revolve around.
I made a joke about while i was watching the episode, but this is why Shauna won’t let them take her jacket, but they CAN eat her. Because taking her jacket would make her less Jackie, but eating her will allow Jackie to be ever-present, in every one of the girls. It will allow Jackie to have been the most useful of them all. It is such a fucked up form of love and intimacy, and i ADORE it, because we often in media have cannibalism as a way of showing how far people have been pushed from society, and that’s certainly a part of what is going on here-- that’s the whole reason the spirit of the forest dumps snow onto Jackie and helps force their hand--and that’s great, but ALSO, the reason i love it is as a show of Shauna’s grief and love and need to carry Jackie with her. 
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