#little info dump! i'm a bat
r1k-y9 · 2 years
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draw yourself or a character into a different art style!
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plead-au · 6 months
About last post, Basketball, Golfball and Testtube. Did i understand correctly that they trio of the smartASSes who gonna rebuild MahPhone-Fourhhh? And i really love this trio!!! Seriosly, they like a science sisterhood. Golfball more in math programmer PHD, Testtube psychics PHD and Basketball technical engineer. Oh boiii i so love this art-sketch!! So uhh yeah, what is there is going on?
okay, okay, i apolocheese i'll explain a bit, this'll probably be a bit of a doozy, so, "read more" jumpscare.
okay, so to start with some background; basically in PLE:AD AU there has come a need for a scientific(?) team of some sorts with the state of the epidemic and everything, to help with like; research on locations and resources, maybe help with coming up with weapons to benefit survival, figure out some sort of cure to The Larkspuration, and possibly some experiments every now and again because of course they would! And I think you could already tell where I'm going with this—Golf ball and Test tube decide to come up with a laboratory of some sorts, which also functions as a safehold for survivors—it includes some other honorary smartASSes (as you described it XD,) and that includes Basketball !!
Now, with the background info out of the way—in a specific turn of events, Mephone4 gets destroyed in some sort of way that causes him to stop being functional, but still have his body (mostly) intact. The object(?) who had caused it felt very bad about it, as it was unintentional, so they had decided to bring his broken body to the scientific group, and asked them to see if they could fix it. It's important to note that Mephone4 had been infected before then, so maybe that'd explain some of as to why that happened. For reference(?), see this post.
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draco-after-dark · 9 months
Captured and contained
Little info dump on the whole diamond prison thing with regards to my Feral JD AU
So basically what happened when Velvet and Veneer first captured JD in my au is Veneer is always looking for more animals for his little side zoo project. They happened to be doing a photo shoot outside in the woods for a new album cover. Veneer went on a walk to have some alone time and stumbled across a little goblin boy. Aka JD.
"Oooo aren't you a cute little fella, You would be perfect as desk decoration!"
*JD gets snatched*
Later when Veneer tells Velvet he got a new pet and reveals JD. Her initial reaction is "Okay, but where did you even get that thing it's disgusting." JD proceeds to bite Veneer (multiple times) and wriggle himself free from his hands. He then runs rampant through their dressing room until they manage to contain him in a crystal bottle. The only thing they thought was strong enough to hold him. Later down the line when Velvet captures Floyd (basically the same sequence of events as the movie from here) and starts using him for his talent. That's when they realize that JD is actually a troll as well. JD being JD though is as Velvet described "uncooperative" and "savage" so she refuses to use him for his talent and instead tells Veneer "That one can be yours. You're that one that found that thing anyway." So Veneer does end up using JD for his talent just not nearly as often as Velvet does Floyd. JD does still get hit pretty hard by the whole draining thing considering he is grey and unlike the average troll has in a sense "forgotten/lost" his talent. That doesn't stop him from unleashing hell on the twin every chance he gets. Goblin man will do goblin things
Then things follow the movie pretty much the same except Bruce and Clay end up getting captured when they all break into the dressing room to rescue Floyd. Poppy and Branch end up escaping into the rafters. Velvet ends up sticking Clay and Floyd in her shoulder pads and Veneer gets Bruce. Veneer leaves JD behind in his dressing room because he feels guilty and doesn't want to hurt him any more than he has to.
Fast forward to the family harmony scene where although they are technically down a brother and Floyd is still trapped in Velvet's clutches the 3 brothers and pop sisters sing on anyway. The family harmony DOES end up working to free Floyd and also JD. I'm playing this off on the idea that despite JD not being present physically he could feel the connection to his brothers and their desperation to help Floyd. JD wants the same thing, to free Floyd and that is what connects them all together. It's like Branch said "We don't have to be perfect to be in harmony, We just have to be as we are." (just go with it ok IDK) Once the diamonds are shattered JD is pretty worst for wear, unlike Floyd he doesn't have anyone to support him right off the bat. He is used to being on his own at this point tho and only cares about getting Floyd out. He tucks himself away into a corner of the room behind some furniture to hide and rest up till he can get the both of them out of this hell hole.
Mind you only Floyd knows that he's also being held captive somewhere backstage when all this is happening. So once Floyd regains consciousness and has a chance to take a moment with his brothers. he then immediately goes into full anxiety mode well explaining that they have to get to JD. The others confused about what he's talking about don't believe him at first, but do end up helping Floyd backstage since he keeps insisting that JD needs them. They do end up finding JD and that's where the real story begins.
Hopefully this makes sense? I ain't no writer sorry people
Little bonus scene
"Hey Vel does this look infected to you???"
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Any thoughts you’d like to share on the other origins characters? Anything you like about them :)
Again, haven't played the game so these are my general thoughts based on a few romance compilations, YouTube Shorts, and memes. If anybody would like to rectify this, please Venmo me $500 so I can buy a PS5.
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Admittedly don't know that much about her other than the emos love her and she follows a goddess of loss. Looks like her arc is all about questioning institutions and her god, which I think is very sexy of her. If anybody has a quest line compilation video to recommend so I can see her whole story, please send it my way.
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The other origin character I admittedly don't know that much about. Still love an arc about questioning the system she was raised in and her god. Again, very sexy of her. Fish out of water stories are some of my favorites. Pair that with a hardened character learning to enjoy the gentler things in the world, and you've got yourself a banger. I should really look up her quest line at some point to get a full view of it.
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Best girl. Strong muscles, soft heart. I want her to be my best friend IRL. She deserves better and if there is any way to get a better ending that allows her to stay in Faerun, the studio needs to get on that ASAP. In the meantime, I'm going to stay in the part of the internet that says she's fine don't worry about it. I'm hugging her and there is nothing you can do about it.
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Sweet boy. A perfect boy who did nothing wrong ever. Yeah, yeah, sold his soul to a devil, but he had a good reason. Plus, he was seventeen. Nobody should let a seventeen year old make any decisions ever. I do need to find a good romance compilation. He needs more love. His friendship with Karlach is everything to me.
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People really need to stop complaining about this man. I see too many being ragging on about how he's not over his ex and keeps bringing her up. "With you I forget my goddess?" That isn't him saying with you he forgets his ex, he's saying with you he forgets his god. How are we all not collectively swooning? And he's a nerd who will info dump about his passions? Sign me the fuck up. His comfy pjs and burnt out gifted kid swagger has bewitched me body and soul.
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Guys, you've seen my blog. I'm obsessed with him.
The moment I saw this asshole pop up on my dash, I knew I was going to love him. He was the reason I decided to finally look up a romance compilation once I realized my computer was too old to let me run the game. He's my type to the point of parody. Literally anybody who knows me, knows this guy would end up being my favorite.
His arc is about bodily autonomy and trauma. He's allowed to not be the perfect victim. He's angry and violent. He's selfish and terrified. And he is, sadly, one of the few characters who, as part of his arc, realizes he can say no to sex and he can be loved without it.
My point is, it should be no surprise to anybody that the ace community loves this man, and anybody complaining about it should shut up.
If you want to write your sexy Astarion fanfic, there is nothing stopping you. More power to you. I've seen the graveyard scene too. I recognize that regaining his autonomy and being able to have sex with somebody he cares about is part of the healing process.
At the same time, if writers want to interpret his arc is him realizing he never wants to have sex again, and that being okay; let them. We need this. There are so few characters like him out there.
At some point I do want to write an hour long video essay about his arc and how it's resonated with the ace community specifically.
Anyway, those are my general thoughts. I feel like I just swung a bat at a hornet's nest with that last bit, but what's life without a little danger?
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legendofmorons · 4 months
Rank the Links from most compatible to u to least and y? Not who ur favorite is or whatever but like relationship compatibility. I’m sad bc I love Wild and ik him the best but we’d be pretty incompatible. He loves nature and adventuring and rather chaotic. I don’t like physical activities and I like more calm down to earth people.
Most to least compatible with me
This took a while to figure out, some like Legend and Wind I knew immediately, but for others like Warriors and Four, I had to really think about it.
Eventually, I think I'd be good with all the links, but I think I'd get so with some better/ faster than others. Content under the cut
Legend -
most compatible off the bat. He's a grumpy jerk at first but hot damn do I vibe.
I'm stubborn, happen to think I'm funny, and sarcastic. Obviously I care about people and spread kindness but I enjoy sarcasm.
I think he's funny, and I think he'd find me funny too
I know we'd get along several of my friends have similar personalities
I appreciate his honesty
Twilight -
I hear his accent and am home.
We understand eachother, he's hardworking and loyal, I am loyal and always looking out for loved ones. We both love kids, we both love animals, we both are tired of the red neck jokes.
At heart we have similar values and would get along well
Time seems a little stand off-ish at first, not rude just- reserved
That's fine, though. I don’t mind reserved.
We'd bond over trying to keep the others alive and sane.
My little gremlin best friend
We both enjoy cooking and have a general lack of regard for our safety
Not to mention the love of outdoors and creatures
Wild would help me find and raise a snake
He's a charmer but I feel awkward if I pick up on flirting.
I think we'd get this sorted out sooner than later. He respects women and I appreciate honest people who do the right thing.
We'd probably bicker but that's okay.
We would definitely go shopping, I would drag him through the farmers market and we'd get distracted by shiny things
Look man I understand this little gremlin. He just wants ants to be treated like a person not a kid
I'd act like I do either all kids. Like their capable, he's old enough to start a fire and fight monsters he's old enough to be trusted
Annoying little brother acquired, I'd die for him
I'd also kick his ass in Mariokart
We'd go to the beach with a metal detector and find stuff
I love Sky so much but we would not get along as fast as I would with others.
Sky comes off as passive at first (to me at least). I don't think I'd hate him or anything but I prefer people who are passionate about things
After we got past that (perceived) lack of fire we'd be cool.
Sky is laid back and once again, honest. He loves deeply and he loves birds
He'd befriend the crows with me!
We could just hang out doing different things and I love that.
Kind of the same boat as Sky6 comes off a little too calm and easy going for me.
I wouldn't know how to handle him, and realistically he might feel the same about me. I'm stubborn, passionate, loud about what matters, and reckless.
But we'd figure it out. His healing and my interest in medicine would be a fast bond
Also he'd see a lot of me. I get into weird accidents a lot.
Hyrule and I would share folklore and info dump together
Eventually, I think we'd be close but it would take a while
But we both have a HUGE sweet tooth and I think we'd bake together
I love him okay? But we'd have some problems
He obviously wouldn't be upfront about the colors. And I'd probably pick up on the fact he's hiding SOMETHING
I HATE feeling lied to/ left out. I wouldn't confront him outright unless I felt it was a dangerous secret but I would NOT trust him
I wouldn't think he's like out to get me or the others, but still.
This would damage our compatability
After I found out I'd wonder what else he's hiding
And we'd probably get along fine but I do better when I trust you and he would probably want to be fully trusted
Eventually I'd trust him fully but it'd take a while
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violetjedisylveon · 8 months
Gay Goddess Anyone?
I made some gay sun and moon goddesses it was supposed to be for pride month, but I didn't finish in time. Then I procrastinated posting for months.
@poeticallydisgraced for being the person I spammed about all the colors and for listening to my info dumps.
Moon Goddess, Esmeray/Lysimachia
(2 names thing explained below the cut)
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Deific Domain:
Magic, all kinds, Mother of Magic
Winter weather, i.e. snow, ice, blizzards ect
Sky, split with the Sun, specifically nighttime sky
Stars(fall under the nighttime sky)
Ocean + water
Wild animals
Poison/toxins + their medical applications
Has some level of control over all aspects of life not under the preview of the Sun.
I really liked that little crescent moon thing if you can't tell, I put it anywhere I could. Lots more info on her under the cut!
Sun Goddess, Herema/Iris
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Deific Domain
Art, Mother of the Arts
Weather, winter weather is the Moon's domain
Sky, split with the Moon, specifically daytime sky
Medicine, some overlap with the Moon
Has some level of control over all aspects of life not under the preview of the Moon
She's the new head of this pantheon I am making, (these are the only two I have finished at the moment, got an ocean deity in the making). She is short, a lot shorter than Esmeray/Lysimachia. Very important detail. Smol lil fox birb goddess with tall cat bat deer goddess gf.
Esmeray/Lysimachia's weapons and shield
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She made all of these herself, her bow and her spear were the first she created and her main weapons, her bow folds in. Her scythe hook things was made with assistance of a harvest deity friend of hers, and the shield she made herself too. The sword she made as a gift for Herema to protect herself with.
All of them are sacred symbols, mortals have ceremonial mimics of it to be used for different rituals. Basically they are used to ask for her favor in something under her preview.
Herema/Iris's stuff(she doesn't really have weapons)
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Not pictured but her lantern is included as an important artifacts.
She forged her sun staff out of sunlight in her ascension process, it was to prove her abilities and control over her powers, the sun(and by association, the moon) is the most important deity in this pantheon, together they possess some level of control over every aspect of existence, the other deities have a more focused control over smaller domains. But a lot of other deities are older and more experienced than Herema/Iris.
Her lantern is something she made as a newly formed entity, before she was discovered by the other deities, she used it to light her way as she wandered around kinda aimlessly for a bit. Her lantern is a very important symbol, in festivals they hang up mimics of it all around to give a village the light of the sun during the night. She carries a tiny sun in her lantern because it's too bright/hot for others for her to take out.
I really love these two and this world I'm building, I wanna make an animation with O Sol e a Lua for them cause that's kinda their dynamic.
Now for world building and the two names thing explanation!
Each deity has a personal name and a public name.
Public names are what the other deity's call them and what they are called by the vast majority of mortals, their personal names are shared with select deities they are particularly close with, and very select groups of mortals or non god non mortal creatures, something like nymphs or fae and other spirits like that.
The vast majority of mortals do not know they are calling their gods the wrong names.
Lysimachia is moon's personal name, Iris is sun's personal name.
I'm working on more background history and world building stuff but I can give you some basics about the gays!
Lysimachia and Iris are relatively new gods, they didn't exist at the outset of creation, the sun and moon as celestial bodies existed but no deity had control or influence over them, they had no life, which the earliest gods thought was weird because everything had a spirit or some deity taking care of it.
In absence of a reason why this happened, the two deities who's domain was close enough took on those roles, even though they had no control and were essentially house sitting the positions while the other deities searched for their missing members.
Those deities were the main fire deity and the deity of the afterlife(Queen of the Dead), those two are some of the oldest and most powerful, so they could keep opportunists from trying to take a role that was clearly meant for someone else.
Thanks for reading my little info dump thing! This is an idea I really like and want to expand on more eventually, I've got the ocean deity sketched already now I've just gotta draw it digitally!
Thanks and goodnight!
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luci-j · 8 months
Hello! I love your GotG OCs and I was wondering if you could share some Laroshi and/or Farina lore/headcanons? Or even about canon characters! I'm just curious about your hcs, haha
Soooo happy that you started the new installement of your trilogy fic *-*
Hi!! Oh my goodness, thank you! I can put the ladies' ones here but if you or anyone are curious about more, I'm happy to answer!!!
- Loves some of the traditionally "less cute" animals the clinic gets in. Rats? Precious. Bats? So cool, they're rats that can FLY. That sharp-toothed thing with the fur? Would TOTALLY adopt if she could
- A little more of a quiet kid who read animal facts, facts about the universe. Got embarrassed for info dumping more than once, so stopped talking about it. One of the things she appreciates most about Nebula is that Nebula is a good listener to her, and can tell her surprisingly gently when they need to switch topics
- Also a bit of a star geek. Used to watch them from the balcony of her home when she was a kid. Also did this when she was with a bad ex and needed to get away for a bit.
- Unfortunately there's been more than one bad ex. She's learned to assert herself better though, and having her wife and the nursing staff there to back her up has been a huge help in this.
- She lets Nebula braid her hair! Nebula likes the novelty of it, and Farina likes the attention.
- Gamora still doesn't quiet get how jet dynamic works with Nebula, but loves the genuine smile Nebula has when she's with Farina.
- Really big on making sure Nebula feels included in things, and respects when she doesn't want to do something.
- Very much the "I'm not angry, just disappointed" type if fighting with Nebula. Nebula had one old-school tantrum during an argument between them, once, saw how shaken it left Farina, and vowed to be better after that. And she was.
- They've done more than one vacation to theme parks together. Everyone thinks it's Farina pulling Nebula along, but it's quite the opposite. Farina is a little more of a homebody, but loves her wife getting to experience the childhood she SHOULD have had. She's been terrified of every roller coaster she's ever been on, but her wife's maniacal laughter is just SO flipping cute.
- Big into pop music. Would play Harry Styles all day if she could.
- Identifies as a lesbian! She knew in grade school when she'd get WAY too emotional about friendships.
Now time for some Laroshi ones!
- The mom friend from a young age. Hosa and Meti were such airheads, somebody had to stop them from falling off a cliff. 🙄
- Loves numbers because they make sense! Whether it's cooking, working on alloy materials from her forge, or money, she's quite good with it all. She never really had an opportunity to spread her math wings on Fauntera, but can on Knowhere. Is the accountant for the Guardians.
- Has gotten them enough extra money they were due over the years that combined it could have bought another Knowhere.
- Comes from a large family. She had seven siblings, all who reached adulthood, got married, and had children of their own. This stung a little bit as she always wanted to be a mom and wife. It just didn't happen, though.
- Unable to have children biologically due to an illness she contracted on Fauntera during the uprising. This is why she was unable to reunite with Meti initially.
- Meti quietly offered to give her the money to have a baby like how he had Skye, and to pull strings to get her to the front of the lind. She would have taken him up on this, but she and Kraglin were too far apart genetically to have one together, so it just wasn't worth it to her. Her prayers were still answered, though, with Benji.
- She helped give Benji a Spider-Man-themed bar mitzvah without knowing what a bar mitzvah was or what a Spider-Man was.
- Practiced calling herself "Laroshi Geer" way too much as a kid. Would have had binders with their initials in hearts if she could have.
- Marrying Kraglin is literally the first spontaneous thing she's done in her life. She immediately fell for his kindness. She also loves that he isn't as proper as she felt she had to make herself be in order to help guide and protect her people, or to find a spouse.
- Loves going to bars with him. He gets her to loosen up like she's always wanted to, but never knew where to start.
- She, in turn, respects him from the get-go. He's never had to prove himself to her.
- She collaborates with Rocket a lot on creating things! She created all his mobility aides during his surgeries, so that they'd be portable for him, and has helped him mod some weapons.
- Loves jewelry making for herself. Kraglin brings her gems from planets, she turns it into bracelets, necklaces, etc for herself. Her favorite is a necklace with a gem that matches his eyes, and she wears this a lot when he's on missions.
- Big into punk rock.
- Is the neighborhood mom now. If there's a kid who needs something, they know they can go to her forge and she'll try to help.
- Learned English for her adopted son. It wasn't easy, but she loves Benji that much.
- She loves making knickknacks for the house. Yondu would have taken a shine to her.
- Intensely proud of her husband. Faunterians can be a little bit of a haughty bunch, so she brags about him a LOT. Kraglin doesn't get it, but he also doesn't mind.
- They don't get in blowup fights, but he knows she's annoyed with him if dinner is cold. She knows he's upset with her if he seems quieter and mutters about needing to look at something around the house.
- Has an iffy understanding of genders and sexualities, but is incredibly supportive. Most likely identifies as cis and hetero.
- Some of their favorite things to do as a couple is visit the beach, go to the farmers market, and making upgrades to their weapons. Ya know. Couples things!
Omggggg that was so much fun! Thank you for this request!! If anyone has any others, characters or otherwise, please feel free to throw them my way! Will probably also be doing more on my own since I LOVED this. Holy cow.
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
Am I the asshole for having a crush on my gal-pal?
Ok, so like, I (26F) have a Huge crush on my bestie (??F, probs like, early twenties) that I'll call 'eeny'.
I met eeny while she was working her sad minimum wage job, and we quickly became the bestest gal pals!! She's a bit depressed, and she has a habit of being pr vague at specific questions- but she's SUPER hot so idgaf.
So like, here's the thing. I have a teeny winsy little habit of luring people over for sex, and then like, killing and cooking+eating bits of their flesh before dumping the rest of the body off. You could call it a quirky hobby of mine-
and I got the idea to give my bestie one of my 'home meals' to help with her weird bummed out attitude. I mean, what else cures sad better than a nice lovingly made meal?? I Did tell her it was venison because like, normally people don't respond well to being told they're eating human flesh. She loved it!!!
Unfortunately, a couple months later she happened to find the current body in my People Freezer and freaked tf out, I kinda thought she was over reacting but I did really want our soon to be relationship to work so I tried to come up with a good excuse she'd like- but this girl Knocked me out!!!!! With my own bat!! And so like, I was arrested. Which totally sucked.
But she did end up visiting me in prison! Tho she was like, weirdly mad at me?? Said i was crazy (I'm quirky, ok.) Manipulative (whaaaa???) Cannibalistic murderer (i mean.. yeah true but she said it with such a nasty tone :(() and that I betrayed her trust. I honestly had very little to say to all of that, and she asked me if I had anything to say before she left forever.
I kinda slipped out with the " I'm in love with you" line...
She got this exhausted and frustrated look on her face, like she just ran a year long marathon and I just asked her a stupid impossible math question and she's been gone for months now and now I'm starting to get worried-
Am I the asshole??
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batvvvvv · 9 months
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another ref finished 🎉 i'm visiting family right now but ummm batman:) so here's harley my best friend. info(dump) below the cut as usual <3
harley quinzel was born new jersey, but outside of gotham, to a mother who never wanted a child and a father who left shortly after finding out his girlfriend was pregnant. by the time harley was nine her mother had given up on living altogether.
she takes a job at a travelling carnival one summer, and meets a boy named jack, who never stops smiling even when he gets his teeth kicked in for it. harley promises to protect him, but eventually the carnival has to leave, and they're torn apart. more on that later !
then harley's mom dies. six months later he packs up and disappears; off to gotham university. she's going to be a psychiatrist, for people like their mother, like jack, like them.
their first job is at arkham asylum— infamous for "dangerous psychopaths" the real danger lies in arkham's institution. for every good doctor there's five who don't care, and he begins to lose heart.
then she meets a nurse named pamela isley. they become fast friends despite everything, and make the suffering of arkham just a little more tolerable. then, pamela is arrested ! and yet another person harley cares about is ripped away from them!
one day, a shipment of blackgate inmates is sent to arkham. overflow, they say. a fight breaks out between them, and in the center of it, miraculously, is jack: flat on his back under someone's boot, bleeding from the nose and grinning.
one thing leads to another, and harley breaks him out of arkham. she gets fired and jack feels really bad, but hey, now they have plenty of time to hang out! he just has to do this one thing first, a job for his new boss. unless... harley wants to help?
and she would do anything for jack. of course she says yes. and it's always just one more job, with no end in sight. and, truthfully, harley's spent his entire life doing good for other people. maybe he wants to do something selfish, for once. so they keep going
then, of course, you know how the story goes; a bat, a red hood, and a soon-to-be condemned chemical plant. jack dies, and something else is born. following close behind is the faithful harlequin.
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popironrye · 4 months
🐥☁️🎀🧸 (just on anon cause I don’t really have a main blog (I do roleplay) and didn’t want to make you uncomfy with that just cause I love reading your stuff! Haha)
Oh, no need to worry! There's not much that will make my uncomfy, I promise. 😊 I like roleplay too. But WOW! Thank you so much! 🥰That means so much to me! ❤️
Since this is technically a self ship post, I'll do Erin and Dwayne (The Lost Boys) since the last question one was with them, but I would love to info dump about any of my ocs, fcs, or sonas if you're interested. 💞 🐥 - how are mornings for you guys? are you groggy and grumpy when you first wake up?
While she may get a little groggy, Erin is a pretty chill person first thing in the morning. Just kinda going about her normal routines. Dwayne is much more on the grumpy side. I imagine as a vampire it's not so much any feeling of tiredness, rather than immense hunger first thing. Like he and the boys need to take at least one person off the town census before they're ready for a night of fun.
☁️ - whats your nighttime routine? is it easy for you guys to fall asleep or does it take awhile? do you have anything you do before bed, like reading or journaling?
It doesn't take too long for Erin to sleep, especially if she's had a hard day. Stomach sleeper all the way, only a couple minutes after hitting the sheets and she's out for the night. Sometimes she has to toss and turn a few times, but usually once she's asleep she'll sleep all night. Dwayne's sleep schedule is like a tight switch. He follows the time of the sunrise to a t and once he's set on it, he's out and he's a very heavy sleeper.
🎀- do you two enjoy dressing up? or would you rather stick with comfier clothes? what are you guy’s favorite outfits?
Erin LOVES dressing up, at least to the best of her abilities. She loves feeling cute with minimal makeup, spinney skirts or dresses, high heels, and all sorts of accessories. She doesn't get the chance to dress up often, so when she does it's all or nothing. Dwayne on the other hand is comfort over style every time. Although there was a time Erin convinced him to wear a white button down with suspenders and black slacks, and the look on her blushing face was worth every moment of it.
🧸 - do either of you have any stuffed animals? how does the other feel about them?
Erin has a few stuffed animals. Mostly cat ones, a couple dogs, a bat cushion, and a purple unicorn from when she was a small child, but her favorites are the sea based ones she has including a giant puffer fish and an octopus. She doesn't sleep with the animals, instead they're on display in a book case where Erin keeps other knick knacks like figurines and desk ornaments. Dwayne doesn't mind them and in fact when Erin gets one to show him, she'll light up in excitement and hug them which he finds very cute. While they're mostly decorative, they're a comfort to Erin, and Dwayne wouldn't risk them getting ruined even a little bit.
I have SO MANY ocs it's actually crazy, and like 99% of ocxcanon ships. I am open to any and all questions for any of them. I'm afraid to talk about them without people asking cause I don't want to annoy anyone, but if there is a specific one you wanna know about, LET ME KNOW. pls :3
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pokemon-ash-aus · 1 year
I won't lie I actually kind of based Peachs social anxiety being out and about worried about people judging her and things potentially going wrong (like anxiety of the plush head popping off to embarrass her or it actually having a hidden squeaker and anxiety brr of I talked out of script fuck did I do it wrong) and it being too loud on myself XD I was like logically this would be stressful for anyone especially someone pretending to be a human who's never done this before, and I'll just sprinkle in a lil autism on top of that anxiety from myself as a treat XD
The info dumping was what I stole/remembered from your canon and how you said she loves to talk biology because she's learnt all about it
As for the overstim involving people's thoughts being way too loud I figured despite being a psychic type there's gonna be some people who's brains scream so loud it gets past any mental fortitude to block out the usual white noise of other people's thoughts, took inspiration from old mind reader ocs because without proper training them bitches struggle and like I'm sure it's the same for any powerful psychic type the struggle of other thoughts intruding upon your mind
Plus my brain was also like psychic types do be autistic coded so there's that lmao lots of inspirations but I am glad I wrote her correctly! I figured since she was anxious and probably also trying to start a new chapter of her life she'd be a bit less put off and a little more open to trying to talk to people hence her deciding to let this other person sit with her because you know what gotta start somewhere and then being awkward and unsure about it after cause ah I have done a social interaction, now what. Cause I know generally Peach doesn't really like people off the bat so Peach got a little tryna be spontaneous then what the fuck why was a spontaneous anxiety as a treat
It does help that she can just know if the person has bad intentions by skimming their thoughts
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ladykailitha · 1 year
3rd! I need to see some soulmate au!!! Omg pretty please 🙏
Hello!!! I'm going to be doing something a little different today because I have so many. I'm going to go back and forth like a braid. So I'll do this then werewolfSteve and go back and forth until it's done. The start on soulmate and go back and forth between it and the remaining two stories, first with tattoo artist Steve and then Boy w/a Bat.
This is just me emptying my inbox of asks from yesterday, please do not send in new asks. Other asks here, here, here, here, here, here and here.
This story is proving very much why I wait to post these things until I'm further a long. I'm writing things that are in the prologue as an info dump as exposition. Thus eliminating the need for that bit. So it gets worked a bit so it's not so heavy on the info dumping.
“The point is I saw her soulmark,” Eddie growled. “It’s a trumpet. On her shoulder. Right where I’m guessing there’s a clarinet on yours.” He nodded toward her. “What is she, homophobic or some shit?”
She shrugged. “Who the fuck knows. She doesn’t treat me badly and sometimes I even think she’s flirting with me, but she has a boyfriend who’s in college so...”
Eddie winced. “That sucks.”
Robin scoffed. “About as bad as learning your soulmate is your antithesis or whatever in the middle of another apocalypse.”
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totally-not-my-drama · 8 months
Ever after high AU info dump
Well with 39,1% the Ever after high au won the poll. It shouldn't surprise me as much as it did honestly.
While it's already a bit further than it's last concept it's not even close to being done, mainly due to me concentrating on other AUs. But to fill enough space and give you alot knowledge I give you an entire run down of what me and my friend, @ccaramel-candy have so far! I'm not exactly good with explaining what I want to say/ what ideas I have but I try my best.
Warning stuff:
One thing I want to get out of the bat is that the fairytales changed to make it more comfortable and less confusing. And so that everyone gets it and I don't get any complains: This is purely a Noco story. If you don't like the ship pls carry on!
Now with that out of the way let's get started:
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This Au plays like ever after high in a school for fairy tale children. But instead of following Snow whites daughter, we follow this Aus Sleeping beauty's child Noelle (Noah in this AU is Trans ftm and is refereed at the beginning as Noelle (She/ her) and later into the Story as Noah (He/ Him). Just so you don't get confused) and how she handles school in general. Sounds easy but it isn't when everytime someone annoys you with something, be it your potential future prince charming, your roommate who has yet another problem or the school erupts into chaos because someone is making a problem. And all Noelle wants is being left alone to read. And the school year has just started!!!
General Info:
-The main character here is Noah and Cody as sleeping beauty and their prince charming (So it's a Noco focused story)
-Pretty much everyone is from Total drama or has a connection to Total drama (like OCs) Tho there are still some thoughts and planning to be made
-While everyone has their own rooms and roommates in their dorms the rules that are binded to it are a bit.... well they aren't clear to anyone in school.
-the school has somewhat a mind of it's own. It's not clear however if someone used magic on it or if it was always "alive".
-while the conflict between royals and rebels was clearer in the original ever after high, it only starts to get a real story point later on in this AU. But the conflict does start at the beginning already but more of a sub plot!
-Fairytales are definetly rewritten from their original source material for various reasons, but there are also changes due to other characters actions!
Character Roles:
There aren't many yet which might be because I don't think of this AU as much as I should to give everyone a proper fairytale role but this is who I have so far:
Sleeping Beauty = Noelle/Noah
Prince charming = Cody
Belle = Edith (<- my OC)
Beast = Ezekiel
Cinderella = Mimi (<- @ccaramel-candy OC)
Red Riding Hood = Mike + his System
Evil Queen = Heather
Mad Hatter = Izzy
Littl Mermaid = Birdgette
Big bad wolf = Scott
The relationships with each other hopefully will be a big plotpoint how I intend to have it. This could also be confusing in some areas which either cause lack of context/ not much context or because I try to over explain this but I try my best!
While Noelle is the main protagonist, there aren't currently many relationships other than a few people. Not because I have no idea but because she wants to be left alone and read her books. However there are definetly 2 main people that are consistent:
-Cody the more overconfident prince charming, already setting his eyes on noelle as his destiny. He tries to get her to know her more so that later on their destiny doesn't come off as weird when cody has to kiss her awake.
-and Edith who is her current roommate, who brings a few problems pests pets to the table. Not exactly a thing allowed in school or the dorms but Noelle keeps quiet for her mainly cause it doesn't concern her (and a few petting sessions from time to time are actually nice).
Then there are also some minor ones, like Izzy who just wants her to join the crazy tea party's. Mike or rather specific Svetlana who drops by every 2 weeks to ask for a lipgloss both her and Edith share (Noelle is still confused why). Mimi also hangsout sometimes but more when Edith is with her. Then there is Owen. Defiantly somewhat friends but interact more in cooking class than exactly outside.
(I don't want to make this post all too long so I keep the relationship mainly to Noelle for now! I might make a seperate post for the rest I have)
Well that is all I have so far for this AU. I might plan a few things now that it is on my mind again but I hope you liked my ramble. See ya!
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20 questions for fanfic writers tagged by @nachtwaechterin. thanks for the tag bee! <3
How many works do you have on AO3?
45 across 4 pseudonyms!
What's your total AO3 word count?
i'm being completely honest when i say my total wc is 123,456 words as of nov 12th, 2023
What fandoms do you write for?
mostly dc and marvel but i'm drafting a bunch of harry potter and 911 fics too!
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Is it Halloween here? (1250 kudos, mcu/dc crossover, bat!peter parker [the +1 of a 5+1]) Spiders, Birds, and Supersoldiers (1238 kudos, mcu, avengers-as-family) The Red Hood is Back in Business (939 kudos, dc/wc crossover, jason-todd-is-neal-caffery) Five times Peter's background seems sketchy (910 kudos, mcu/dc crossover, bat!peter [the 5 of a 5+1]) Who the fuck is this kid? (747 kudos, mcu, irondad shenanigans)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
yes i do! i feel bad not responding to comments because i'm a bit of a people pleaser so i try to respond within a week of the comment being posted, but i always like knowing people enjoy my fics enough that they leave a comment
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
i'd have to say Mums are funeral flowers :)
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
it's gotta be What's in the name it's full of little shit!peter parker and tired dad!bruce wayne!!
Do you get hate on fics?
i don't think so!
Do you write smut?
nope! i'm sex repulsed aromantic/asexual and even if i wasn't aspec, it would be illegal for me to write smut since i'm a minor 🥰
Do you write crossovers?
yes! i love writing crossovers, it's how i got into the dc fandom!
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge. please don't steal my fics guys :(
Have you ever had a fic translated?
yup! Yuugen on ao3 translated Get this man some coffee into Chinese! (i do not speak chinese but i believe it's mandarin?? please correct me if i'm wrong)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Technically yes (the gotham guidebook), but it was mostly my friend info dumping about dc and me turning it into a "guidebook"
What's your all-time favorite ship to write for?
i don't really write shipfics ngl. i Love writing right person/wrong time and missed opportunity type relationships but i don't really have a favorite ship to write for
What's A WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
one of my first fanfics was a "peter parker goes on a field trip to stark industries" type fic but it never made it out of the drafts :(
What are your writing strengths?
my writing style is very conversationalist and i've gotten lots of compliments over it! i also think i'm pretty good at creating storylines and backgrounds for ocs
What are your writing weaknesses?
dialogue!!! i can never tell if there's too much or too little dialogue and i always overthink it :(
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i've done it before! in both Mums are funeral flowers and The boy's too young-, i used italics for the league dialect! i know i have more fics where i used translations and stuff but i don't remember them <3
First fandom you wrote for?
the mcu! specifically spider-man
Favorite fic you've written?
i have a lot of favorites but one of my all time favorites is Who knew Batman would get defeated by soap bubbles! it's so stupid i love it so much
feel no obligation to do this but i'm tagging @leymonaide @oh-stars @wibbwoby @itsfirecat @ellorypurebloodculture happy writing!! :)
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peter-pantomime · 1 year
3, 7, 8, 19 (and 20 if you’re feeling it!) for the ST ask 🥰
3. Favorite scene in the entire series?
It's a tie between Steve bursting into Jonathan's house and Dustin commandeering Steve into helping with Dart, both moments I love for the same reason. My faaaavorite thing in genre fiction is when something happens that completely bucks the conventions and expectations of the genre, and it really feels to me that Steve bursts through the script he was supposed to a part of at the end of s1 into a completely new story, and that kind of transformative self-authorship just makes me giddy. Likewise, at the beginning of s1, you would never expect Steve and Dustin to be the greatest team-up of the show, and Dustin shouting to Steve to come join him similarly feels like Dustin looking across the margins of the page he's on and going uh, yeah, I'm yoinking this guy into the story. I just LOVE it.
7. Favorite couple? (canon or non-canon)
Steddie, obviously. I loooooove that they're both such classic character archetypes on their own and how interestingly they play with the standards of those archetypes, and then when you put them in conversation with each other, all those character elements just play so WELL off each other. I love that the little we have of them to work with is SO powerful, and while of course I would have enjoyed more canon material to play with, I also deeply love that there isn't a lot of constraint from canon and how much freedom and invention that necessitates in fandom works.
8. Favorite weapon/power?
I mean, it's obviously the nail bat, right? Like is there even another choice? (I'm also biased because I made my own for a cosplay and it turned out SO well lol, so that's definitely a part of it. But also its just SO iconic, of course it's the nail bat).
19. Favorite minor character?
listen i'm about to go info-dump all my wayne headcanons in your inbox so thats the ONLY REASON im not sharing them all here because i LOVE HIM, but for these purposes I'm gonna go with Tommy Hagan. I think he provides such a fun chance to explore obsession, jealousy, possessiveness, power fantasies, and toxicity in just a dirty, delicious way, I'm just fascinated by it. It's a character archetype I think of as the Mrs. Danvers, and I feel like that character's relationship with a main character often provides the most fascinating depth and contrast to other relationships in the MCs life. I put Izzy Hands from OFMD and Kavinsky from the Raven Cycle in this category - they all have that sublimated/gothic/noir/Celluloid Closet queer(coding) flavor to them that's just riveting to chew on.
20. Something that you really want to happen in season 5?
I think the psychic energy/ghosts/souls/whatever of the UD's victims (esp Eddie) should be trapped in a dungeon, and the smoke monster/mind flayer should form into a dragon, please and thank you
ask meme here!
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peccaberry · 1 year
tell me at length about your fave character(s) and why they're so blorbo to you
Rei is legally my emotional support Blorbo at this point so I'm gonna use this to talk about him for a sec ❤️
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The version of Rei I vibe with most is the one that's more or less an OC I made for my fanfiction stuff! I consiter everything that happens in Legends of Arceus to be canon to him and I kind of just made up everything else other than that.
God idk where to start so I'll just list a bunch of Rei facts and shit in a sort of list order
-Rei's full name is Rei Akabane and was born in Johto to a Johtoan father and a Unovan mother. The last name Akabane loosely translates to "red feather" and is also the name of a train station in Japan!
-Rei looks a lot like his dad while his little sister looks a lot like his mom. Rei's hair has never lain flat in his entire life and it's definitely his dad's fault.
-Rei's mom is a Pokemon Trainer with a dream of eventually becoming a fire type gym leader. She is incredibly skilled and spent her younger years training by batting on the Battle Subway in Unova.
-Rei's Dad is a mild mannered engineer with a good sense of humor and a kind disposition. He met Rei's mom when he was on a work trip to Unova to help do work on the Battle Subway. He saw a crazy fire lady absolutely tearing through her battles while laughing manically and fell in love immediately. They got married a few years later and moved to Johto where Rei was born.
-Rei had a very good childhood with parents and a sister who loved him very much. When Rei was younger he didn't understand that he wasn't also the dad of his new baby sister and insisted that he was because he loved her just as much as dad. They grew up to squabble like any siblings would but were also pretty close with each other.
-Rei grew up around fire type Pokemon because of his mom and has a soft spot for them because of it. He chose Cyndaquil as his starter Pokemon because of this and still likes to wear the associated fancy kimono as his non-work clothes.
-Rei knew he was gay before he was taken by Arceus but was only out to his online friends. He really enjoyed being a part of the online LGBT community and it helped him gain a lot of confidence in himself. He was considering coming out to his parents but was taken before he could make that decision. He feels sad that he never got the chance to know how they would have responded but thinks it would have been positive.
-Rei and his family moved to Jubilife Town ~ a year before he was sent to Hisui for his Dad's job. He hadn't really made any particularly close friends there but was hopeful about the way his life was going.
-Rei's favorite hobbies are soccer and music. He took piano lessons from a young age and learned Ukulele as a fun thing to do with his dad when he was a bit older. He's pretty talented and has a good singing voice. He plays soccer for his school's team and that's where most of his friends were met.
-Rei's dream job is being a pokemon ranger and he's still big mad that it's no longer possible. He had applied to get in to the school but was taken before he found out if he had been accepted into the next semester. Justice for my boy, he could have done it.
-Rei was put in anger management therapy when he was younger because he kept getting into fights. He had a really good therapist and usually manages to keep things under control. He has an incredibly kind heart and it helps him to think about the consequences of his actions on other people and situations around him.
-Rei is really sarcastic and goofy and likes to have fun. He tries not to take things too seriously and likes to act like a moron but it is just an act. He's very much not stupid and has pretty high emotional intelligence.
-Rei struggles to sit down and read because he has both ADHD and Dyslexia. He gets around this with audiobooks but hasn't been able to listen to any since being sent to Hisui and it bums him out.
-Rei did passably in school but was nowhere near a star pupil. He did the best he could but school is not set up for people like him unfortunately. He's clever, but not in the way a school curriculum is set up to measure.
-Rei's "type" is honestly just exactly the kind of person Volo is. He fell in love so hard and fast he might as well have been competing in the homosexuality Olympics. The fact Volo never noticed is honestly really impressive on his part, the Arceus blinders were real. Rei managed to put his life back together after Volo betrayed him but never felt like he got any real closure for his feelings.
-Rei knows how to skateboard and used it pretty regularly just to get around. He can do a few simpler tricks but nothing too fancy.
-Rei's favorite kind of music is 2000s pop but he's the kind of guy who will go for any genre as long as he vibes with the song being played. He doesn't care if people think the songs are cringe, they're *his* cringe and he lives for it.
-Rei has high platonic attraction to woman and they tend to adopt him pretty quick because he's kind and never hits on them. He comes across as a guy who just genuinely wants to be their friend and hang out and it's part of why Akari got so attached to him.
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