#little one is probably my favorite for omegaverse though
soaps-mohawk · 3 days
(i apologize in advance as this is probably gonna be long as hell. I love Price so my brain just honed in on him this latest chapter, sorry for the rant but i. am. invested.)
Since Price always has and always will be my favorite character in both canon and AUs, it breaks my heart (in a good way) to see him doubt his entire person. It almost feels like he could sit on the edge of the bed after yet another sleepless night, sigh and just go "i'm leaving the pack". Saying Simon can take over and that he never should have marked anyone, not even Kyle, because of his lifestyle and personality. Not sure if it's the same as canon in this fic, but Price has been a military man since he was a teen. He's not going to leave it, not even sure he can even if he wanted to and it has shaped him as a human. With him now being so experienced, (traumatized), mature and capable of cold hard logic, I could see him looking at the current situation and just going "this isn't working", identifying himself as the biggest reason for it not working and attempting to remove himself just as coldly as he would leave fatally wounded soldiers in the field or blowing up civilians (like in the 2019 game with the bomb hostage) because that's just what you have to do sometimes for the greater good. I could see him sitting down and having this talk with Simon over a cigar. Not sure how this AUs Simon would respond though, especially with the current situation..
A lot of focus is always on omegas (for understandable reasons) in omegaverse AUs when it comes to weakness, doubt and hurt because alphas are the strong providers and protectors with all the power, both physically and emotionally. It's nice to see fics where alphas aren't some indestructible machines that don't get affected when things happen. They're even more sensitive than omegas if you look at things close enough. Just look a little too long at their omega and they're ready to throw hands like immature teenagers.
All that to say; Even if it hurts, I'm always glad to see Price get some focus, especially as the packs leader. And always looking forward to updates!
I love long as hell asks, so bring it on!!!
Mhm mhm I agree with this 100%. John is such an interesting character to flesh out because he's totally committed to his job, even if it means sacrificing others. And now he's having to face that in this fic, not just with his team and pack, but also with 'mega. He's being hit with that reality right now. He has a lot of hard decisions to make. Does he continue with his lifestyle or does he leave the military? Does he leave the pack and live with that pain forever for the sake of doing what he's always done, or does he face the fact that his life has changed drastically and now he has to leave to take care of his pack and omega? That's a huge conflict for him in this part of the story, as well as the rest of the pack. His decision is going to change them forever, one way or another. They all have decisions to make, but they can't really do that without knowing what he's going to do.
I do 100% agree with that too. Alphas get portrayed as these big, tough people that have no emotion except provide and protect and they get watered down so much when really they'd be so emotional. Probably more-so than omegas at their core.
I love showing stuff from Price's POV. He has such a contrasting POV from 'mega and I think it's important to show kind of what's going through his head in different situations since there's so much that weighs on him and his decisions. It's also just fun to show other POVs besides 'mega's. I love exploring things from other perspectives.
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puella-peanut · 1 year
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Hierarchy of Silverusso pet names according to me.
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frogchiro · 1 year
141's sweet sweet mate spending time with her pups, 4 out of 5 pups are asleep snoozing. Lifting one up into the air as it tries to blink away its weariness away, wanting to protect his mama but once you start singing Love Like You By Rebbaca Sugar (yes its a steven universe song) the poor pup can't resist sleep,
"if i could be half of what you think of me, i could do just about anything, i could even learn how to love"
Ghost seeing this little scene through a crack in the store and OOH HOHOHH he has to bite his tongue so he doesnt let out any happy chirps, it makes him feel /so/ warm on the inside.
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Nesting with your newborn puppies has become one of your favorite things; whether it's your instincts, your love for your babies or most probably both, doesn't really matter. All that matters that your litter is already with you and their fathers, all safe and comfy in your nest ;;
Gaz, Price, Soap and Ghost almost can't be torn away from their new family, their instincts and hormones raging at even the thought of leaving their omega and babies but being a soldier is a demanding job and even though they already filed for extended leave, there's still so much to do. You assured them that the babies and you will be alright, they're still tiny, barely a few weeks old and not very active yet so all you need to do is feed them and cuddle with them in your nest.
After a few hours Ghost became terribly restless and decided on checking up on you and the pups 'just in case' and that's when he walked onto a sight that will be engraved into his mind until the rest of his days.
You, beautiful, sweet you was holding one of your babies, the rest four pups were in a cuddle pile and sound asleep but the one you were holding was looking a you with a look of sheer child-like wonder and adoration, although due to your singing Simon could see from the gap in the door that his little son was slowly drifting away, lids getting heavy and finally his tiny chest was rising and falling with slow, steady breaths, finally asleep.
The blonde man had to physically restrain himself from chirruping at the sight, chest already vibrating with deep purrs as he continued looking at the sight of you smiling and nuzzling against your son before putting him back down to his sleeping siblings and laying down yourself to drift off to sleep with a small smile still on your lips.
Simon had to forcibly move away from the door and back to his duties before his instincts would take over and he'd just go and cuddle with his family all day. He promised himself in that moment that the second his and the rest of the packs duties end, they will B-line to the den and cuddle, nuzzle and scent to his hearts content.
He loves his family so so much <3
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gatorbites-imagines · 9 months
Do you take omegaverse requests? If so, I'd like to request Moon Knight system/male beta reader, where Moon Knight's dynamic/scent changes based on whether it's Marc, Steven, or Jake in control of the body
Steven Grant, Marc Spector, and Jake Lockley x beta male reader
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This is inspired a lot by my kinktober omegaverse prompt, so if things are similar, that’s probably why.
To keep things fun, let’s say Steven is an omega, Marc is a beta, and Jake is an alpha. You, being a beta, isn’t really affected by any of the changes in their scents and behavior for the most part.
Betas aren’t as troubled by scents, and doesn’t go into heat or rut. This doesn’t mean you don’t have a scent, or that you aren’t able to pick up your lovers’ scents and the changes in them. It just means you don’t get driven up a wall when Steven smells a little too sweet, or Jake gets a little too growly.
You can always tell who’s fronting depending on their scent. The base scent is the same, but Stevens has a sweeter tinge to it, mixed with books and the tea he loves the most.
Marcs scent is more neutral because of his beta status, but it still has his own personal touch to it, like his favorite gun oil, or his favorite drink or savory dish.
Jake, being an alpha, his scent has a deeper tinge, something akin to musk or something a little wilder, especially if he’s feeling agitated. He always has a slight metallic tinge to his scent, mixed with high quality leather.
You have your own scent too, something more neutral than Marcs as your scent doesn’t change as regularly as theirs do, something inoffensive, meaning it goes well with all three of their scents.
Theres regularly a muskier tinge to your scent from Jake scenting you or nibbling on your scent gland, be it on your neck or your wrist. He’s an alpha, and marking you as theirs always puts them all at ease, but Jake more than the other two.
You guys probably need more than one bedroom, mainly so Steven has a place to build a nest for whenever he needs it. He makes sure to stock it with things for the other two, in case they need somewhere to just relax and be away from the world.
I can imagine Steven fronting, only to take them to the nest and get comfortable, and then shove whoever needs the comfort to the front so they can take a well-deserved break in the nest.
Because their secondary natures are different in all three, their needs are a little all over the place for example, Steven wants you to leave bitemarks all over his neck and wrists. Marc is indifferent about it for the most part, but Jake is left antsy and is gonna leave larger and deeper bites on you for dominance reasons.
Not that you mind Jake biting you, Marc and Steven always wince a little at the number of bites littering your skin sometimes though. You know that it’s a way for Jake to show you that he loves you, so you don’t mind.
Steven will want to wear your scent, and so will Marc to an extent, but Jake wants you to wear his scent. It ends up with them wearing something you scented, as you wear something with Jakes, or their combined scents on.
Omega’s purr, Betas chuff, and Alphas rumble, so its always a little funny when they switch whenever you guys are cuddling. Because it’ll go from Stevens high pitched purr to Marcs softer chuffing, to Jakes deeper rumble.
They were probably scared in the beginning that you would leave them because of their situation, so when you accepted them with open arms, they were so relieved. It helped somewhat that you were a beta and didn’t feel more drawn to one partner over the other based on biology too.
Heats and Ruts were a little confusing in the beginning, since it was mostly Jake and Steven fronting during that time, their needs and scents clashing like crazy.
One moment Steven would be laying on his back and barring his neck, whimpering and whining for you to bite him and mark him. The next Jake would be rolling you onto your stomach and clamping his teeth down on the scruff of your neck as he snorts and growls.
When Marc fronts during heats and ruts he’s just uncomfortable and sweaty. He typically takes care of their needs, like showers, drinking water and eating. You guys just always end up cuddling and watching a movie or documentary on some streaming service.
You use the time with Marc to catch your breath, since you aren’t an omega or alpha, meaning it’s a little hard to keep up with your partners ever switching needs. But you guys make do, and they all love you very much for doing so.
When you guys become bonded, you’ll end up with three mating bites, one from each of them. From Jake its on the back of your neck, right where he scruffs you when in a rut. Marc bites it over your scent gland on the side of your neck, intertwining his beta scent with yours. Steven bites his on the other side of your neck, just below your scent gland in a more submissive area.
They’ll end up with three bites on their body too, one for each of them. Jakes bite is under their scent gland for the same reason Steven left his there on you. Stevens is right on top of their scent gland, and Marcs is the area between the neck and the muscle, below the scent gland since that one is bitten for Steven.
The start of the relationship is a little confusion, but after some trial and error, you guys figure it out well, and you are all happy with it all. Your biggest challenge is probably their heat and rut combo, but after a while you figure it out to a science.
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graciereadshannigram · 7 months
Five Star Fics: Hannigram Edition
hey fam, welcome to the inaugural roundup of the best hannigram fics i've read this past month! i read over 60 fics total, and these were the cream of the crop.
the ingredients for a five star rating typically (but not always!!) include some combination of a.) believable characterizations of both Hannibal and Will, b.) compelling plot and/or character arcs, and c.) high quality smut.
that being said, my judgment of the aforementioned ingredients is powered almost exclusively by vibes and as such, is incredibly subjective.
in no particular order, let's go!
Title: Veins As Fine As Rabbit Hair Author: lovetincture Word Count: 42,953 Summary: After their fall, the little yellow house Hannibal brings them to is a charmed space. It’s easy to forget there, when Will is in the mood for forgetting. In the Pennsylvanian woods, it’s easy as breathing to ignore the life he left behind. Simple to pretend they’re the last men on earth. Molly and Jack, the murder victims and the FBI seem farther away in the sea of tall, sweet grass—an echo from someone else’s dreams. That’s their life now: Will wants to forget, and Hannibal wants to let him. But reality has a way of asserting itself. No one can ignore it forever.
This was absolutely beautiful. And tender. And sweet. This is probably my favorite post-fall fic. I just get Will and love how they figure out their dynamic together. Definitely hit me right in the gut, but in a very very good way.
Title: Peccavi Author: Yggdrastiles (yoingle) Word Count: 30,067 Summary: After a terrifyingly vivid dream, Will realizes that he's going to need to pick a course of action, and the one he picks no longer involves betraying Hannibal. He knows he'll have to confess because if Hannibal were to discover the original plan on his own, it would tear them apart, and Will's not planning on letting him go anytime soon.
I'm a slut for a well-executed daddy kink, what can I say? Long enough to get really invested in the characters and top-notch smut. Nothing more to say here, folks!
Title: Demonstration Author: HotMolasses Word Count: 11,660 Summary: Will goes to a heat clinic a few days before he is due, to determine whether he wants to use the facility. But then he finds himself blindly following the scent of a delicious Alpha. Before he knows what's happening, he finds himself naked, bound, and gagged on an examination table that is being prepared for a medical demonstration, given by Dr. Lecter to a room full of students on how to properly treat an omega during heat. At first he is mortified, but Dr. Lecter's treatment soon has him enjoying himself to the point of begging for more.
This got five stars purely for the SCORCHING smut. If you're into the omegaverse and also enjoy exhibitionism, you'll enjoy this!
Title: Paragon Author: BloodyWar2411 Word Count: 552,462 Summary: When Hannibal met Will Graham (the man who had, three years prior, been mistaken for the Chesapeake Ripper), he expected amusement. What he got was his first taste of obsession. Dark and bitter in the back of his throat but achingly sweet on the tongue. He knew at once that this feeling, this Man, would consume him. And Hannibal would consume Will right back.
Need I say anything? I still don't have words for how much I loved this fic. The plot was excellent, well-paced, and I loved the characterization of Matthew so much! Bonus points awarded for making me truly understand the appeal of primal play.
Title: Realignment Author: HigherMagic Word Count: 23,120 Summary: Hannibal has a daddy kink. This was easy enough when he was younger - plenty of men were eager to take a pretty-faced, arrogant youth in hand. But as he got older, people started to see him differently, even though his own tastes and kinks never changed. He started to attract men who expected him to take the lead, and it just felt awkward to try and broach the subject. Then he met Will Graham.
As I said, I can't resist a well-executed daddy kink, but I was surprised to find out how much I enjoyed Hannibal calling Will daddy.
Title: Mark Me Not A Savage Author: KatherineKrawl Word Count: 401,953 Summary: When Will opens Hannibal's letter, it wakes something primal locked inside of him. He doesn't understand it, but what he does know is that he has to go to Baltimore hospital for the criminally insane, and he has to go now. Dear Will. He could still see the words, written in the curly elegance of Hannibal's hand, burning behind his eyelids. He breathed deeply through his nose to try and calm the unsteady flutter of his heart. A deep breath. One that clawed at his nose, one that penetrated his nostrils like a liquid, a smothering sting he felt intruding behind his eyes. One. Deep. Breath. And then it took him.
An INCREDIBLE omegaverse fic that convinced me hannigram was made for ABO dynamics. Not only was the smut incredible, but the author brilliantly incorporated their canonical mind melding and retooled it for the omegaverse. I think I also set a new reading record by reading this in under 48 hours.
Title: Kindling Author: gleamingandwholeanddeadly (something_safe) Word Count: 10,281 Summary: “You should take a date to your fundraiser." “Yes, perhaps you’re right. It would be improper to invite someone under false pretence, mind, and for my patient to understand, the evidence would need to be… compelling.” “Perhaps an ex-girlfriend,” Will says, unsure why the thought makes him feel flat and remote. “That would be incredibly inappropriate.” “A friend then. Someone you can explain the problem to. You could take-” “You,” Hannibal interjects. The words belly-flop into silence. Will’s mouth opens, and then closes, and then opens again. When Franklyn's advances of friendship become too much for even Hannibal to politely ignore, he enlists Will's help.
Another favorite trope: fake dating. This fic just had me giggling and smiling the entire time and I loved it. I feel moderately bad for Franklyn as a character and yet... I love when Hannibal and Will flaunt their relationship in front of him. Sue me.
Title: Nothing For It... Author: phenobarbital Word Count: 11,360 Summary: ...not thinking to consult Hannibal on the matter, Will went ahead with venting his anger and he thudded the headboard against the wall again, before pressing his lips together and letting out a loud humming moan, which he trailed off into an ‘aaah’ sound as he parted his lips. He didn’t even glance behind him, totally missing the startled and intrigued look on Hannibal’s face as he made another humming moan and thudded the headboard lightly again.
GOOD GRIEF. This fic left me UNWELL. In the best possible way. We love making homophobes uncomfortable, and if it leads to accidentally having sex? Oh noooo. Also, Beverly makes an appearance at the very end and she's great. Love her.
Title: Transcendent Suffering Author: itsbeautiful Word Count: 484,659 Summary: Blue eyes closed suddenly against Hannibal’s searching gaze, sucking in a breath, body going rigid. “You can’t say things like that to me, Hannibal. You cannot glorify the dark impulses inside of me and call them… beautiful.” Will stared up at the ceiling, head thrown back as if struggling to breathe, fragile and bending against the sound of his voice. “You can’t. You just can’t say them.” “Only the celestial moon and I have truly seen you bathed in blood, savoring the darkness, embracing your becoming, and I can assure you it was truly breathtaking.”
I can't remember the last time I read a fic that was as deeply gut-wrenching as this one. I cried. Multiple times. If you like incredibly well done, character-driven stories, this is IT. And the author also wrote some of the most romantic stuff I've ever read, ever. I will be processing this fic for the foreseeable future.
Title: Love Is What You Make It – A two part series! Author: orphaned on ao3 Word Count: 181,771 (both parts combined) Summary: Will and Hannibal make their way to Hannibal's safe house in New Hampshire a couple days after their plunge off the cliff and plot their next move, Will coming to terms with the fact that he is committed to it this time.
A twofer!! And oh my god this was TENDER. I am a sucker for fics that really explore Will and Hannibal's emotional journey post-fall and I think this did an incredible job of realistically portraying that, while still being indulgent. The first fic is very character-driven, and the second part is more plot-heavy. Both are so good! I found myself actively taking breaks just to make it last longer.
And lastly, the honorable mention(s)!
Title: Hannigram: Cuts Unscene -- Season 1 Author: DBMars Word Count: 71,097 Summary: Cuts Unscene is a Hannigram fanfiction challenge – to write one scene for each episode of the series where Will and Hannibal have some kind of intimate interaction that builds their romantic connection. These stories operate on the concept that they were scenes cut from the original episodes, and the attempt is to make them fit into the plot in ways that are as plausible as possible while still having a good ol’ time writing them. The devil is in the details!
Okay WOW, this is the first of four (one per season, and then an imagined season 4), and I am so deeply impressed with how the author made these truly feel like cut scenes from the actual show. The only reason I'm not giving a full five stars is because I want to actually rewatch a couple episodes and pause to read some of the cut scenes to really assess how well they fit into the overall plot. I'll hopefully have an update on this at some point in the future!
And that's all she wrote, folks! Feel free to let me know what y'all are reading and what I should read next :)
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lenaboskow · 2 months
Ok what is sentinel cause I’ve seen it a few times in fic and mentioned on here and I have no idea what it is 😭
sorry this took so long i went a little deeper than i probably needed to lol.
so i went on a research binge before i started reading the fics and this is what is what i've gathered. feel free to add onto this in the rbs because this is just what i've seen in the 911 fandom and on my research binge but here it goes:
a sentinel is someone who has extremely heightened senses. think being able to tell the difference between brands of spice, able to hear the heartbeat of someone in a different room, able to read the small text on the wall across the room. when they learn to control their senses, they typically will envision "dials" that go 0-10, with 4-5 being human range. certain things can cause them to "spike", and if it gets too bad, they'll "zone" which puts them in a catatonic state, leaving them vulnerable. this happens when the dial is at 10.
depending on the au, sentinels can function to varying degrees without help/being bonded (because just being around a guide can help to some degrees). but they're always better off when bonded to a guide.
guides are basically what they're named. they help guide the sentinel in controlling their senses. a lot of times, they're also empaths. this means they can sort of sense the emotions of people, and encourage them to feel certain emotions. they're most sensitive to their bonded sentinel.
one thing i didn't see mentioned in research binges is the terms "online" vs "offline". a sentinel or guide doesn't always know they're a sentinel or guide. for the first part of their life, they're offline. then, usually in times of stress (eddie usually comes online in afghanistan, for example) or danger (i've seen buck come online when eddie was in danger before), their senses hit a switch and suddenly they're able to use their abilities, coming online. usually i've seen it depicted that other sentinels and guides can sense when this happens within a certain radius.
also, there's s&g centers that help train s&g teams (and even solos that haven't bonded) and care for them when they're sick in a way that regular hospitals wouldn't be able to (they have shielded rooms, i'll get to shields in a moment). usually these centers have what's called an alpha team (the reason i thought it was similar to omegaverse), who are kind of the highest level. they're like, really strong.
shields are another thing sentinels and guides use to control their abilities. it's an ability that effectively "shields" them from the intense senses (i'm probably not explaining this properly but hopefully you get it). they can create them themselves, or they can enter a shielded room at the s&g center if it gets too much. i've seen guides shield unbonded sentinels and vice versa (there's one fic in particular where chris comes online as a guide when buck is struck by lightning (i think) and the alpha sentinel creates a shield over him until eddie and buck can watch over him because he's still a teenager)
now. bonding. in most cases, bonds can technically be created by an intense mutual meditation session. however, this is fandom and there's another obvious way to create a bond. sex. though i have seen one fic where buck and eddie were bonded before getting together, and then when they got together and had sex for the first time it kind of made it deeper? it depends on the author.
that's all i can think of for now, i'm probably missing some things, but feel free to add onto this like i said. i'll edit with any major things i missed, as well. this is now my favorite au for buddie because it works so well with them being firefighters
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hlficlibrary · 2 months
Wich is your fav Category at the moment and can you please give us some fics from it :)
Hi, anon! My mind started racing with all the fics I've been reading and what tropes I've been enjoying and then I laughed because I don't think I even need to look back at any of my bookmarks to know that I've read a ton of omegaverse fics the past few months. Well, and the past few years, haha. But I'll give you some of my more recent favorites...
Behind Smoke Stained Curtains by @jaerie
It was a particularly lonely night when Harry walked through his door with a flurry of snow. He was a little rough around the edges with a trucker hat pushed down over untamed long hair. He looked a little greasy, a shower definitely not in his recent past. His tan Carhartt work coat was smudged with dirt and oil and caked with grime, his hands shoved deep in his pockets. The scent was overwhelming as soon as he walked in, unmasked alpha from days on the road stewing in a cab of his own pheromones. Louis was sure it was so deep into the fabric of his coat that no amount of washing would ever truly remove the stench.
The worlds align when Louis meets an alpha from the road with as many secrets as he holds himself.
never just the tip by journeytothepast / @suckerforhome
Harry believes alphas can't control themselves. Louis proves him wrong.
Half a World Away by @silverstuff50
Bothy: A bothy is a basic shelter, usually left unlocked and available for anyone to use free of charge. It was also a term for basic accommodation, usually for gardeners or other workers on an estate. Bothies are found in remote mountainous areas of Scotland, Northern England, Ulster and Wales. They are particularly common in the Scottish Highlands, but related buildings can be found around the world (for example, in the Nordic countries, there are wilderness huts).
now i'm tracin' all my steps to you by @alwaysxlarrie
Of all the things Harry was prepared for this summer, Louis Tomlinson and his wonderful, wonderful scent isn't one of them. It probably shouldn't be as shocking as it is that it makes Harry want to nest. There's only one slight problem -- Harry and nesting aren't exactly on familiar terms. At all.
This does not stop Harry from borrowing ("borrowing") Louis' things all throughout summer, though. Oops?
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And now i want my neck bitten ...
... and can pls somebody help me with the heat???
Hello my lovely co-readers! I fell into my first A/B/O-fanfic and what can i say ... I have another fanfic-review or more ff-recommendation for you!
Mark of the serpent by @naromoreau and @summerofspock
Whats it about:
Prince Aziraphale is about to be crowned King of Angelhaven when he's taken captive by pirates. When he's sold as a pleasure slave to King Crowley, ruler of the nation readying for war with his, he is forced to keep his identity a secret as he tries to find a way home and keep peace. But not everything at King Crowley's court is as it seems and Aziraphale will have to face machinations of a Royal Court that are far more complex than he had thought. A Captive Prince AU with an omegaverse twist.
What i love about it:
❤️Well, for starters - this is my very first contact with the Omegaverse. I never read anything like this before.
Basically in this story it means that Crowley is an Omega, he is a male but can get pregnant (yes i googled it and yes there are even explanatory pages for that ... 😅 i just took it as given and read on). Aziraphale is a male Alpha. I have come across some A/B/O-stories so far but never started them. Why here? Well because of the plot - Aziraphale a prince and Crowley a King - and Az becoming a pleasure slave? I am sorry, but who am I to resist?
The whole setting is already like a tale, so this makes it a lot easier to just take Omegaverse in additionally.
🤷‍♀️That said if you never have read something like this before, mind the tags. Though i would like to add: i only read stories with happy ends and sometimes the tags are even a bit off-scaring and i am truly happy i just looked at the "eventual happy ending"-tag and dove right in.
❤️When you read the summary you already know the ending, right? I mean a prince, a king, rivaling kingdoms - come on! BUT - as always its the way how we get there and the plot here is twisted, which i found quite interesting.
🤔There is also a bit of tension here, you might even call it angst - i have to admit in the last third i once went back to check on the tags if it really predicted a happy ending. Go through with it - its worth it!
❤️Without any spoilers - there is quite a span where Aziraphale has to earn Crowleys trust and love. And though i sometimes thought Crowley was a bit overreacting (i think Demon Crowley wouldnt have been able to resist Aziraphale for so long 😂) - i actually found it very healing for ME to see Ziraphe so stable and safe in his love for Crowley.
OMG the explicit scenes! You have to know that in Omegaverse Omegas go into heat and Alphas into rut. You can imagine what happens to explicit scenes when the hormones kick in on top ... I think i am going in heat, too 😂
Look out for:
🤓a little bonus!!! there is an extra fanfic, one shot, telling Crowleys perspective on the first shared heat!
My favorite quote:
“Acceptance is a powerful thing. Once I accepted I could never stop loving you, things got easier.”
So if you like tales, are into very explicit scenes and want to give Omegaverse a try, this probably is a very good and easy start for you!
I am absolutely hooked and will look for more GOOFF (good-omens-omegaverse-fanfics) now. If you have some recs, pls comment!!! 🤗
Reading is not a hobby - it´s an attitude.🤍
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chromotps · 10 months
Hello! Been in the OP fandom for more than a decade (i miss the days where ace/luffy were a normal ship) and finding fics have been difficult.
Do you have any luffy/ace fic recommendations? Wishing you a good night!
hello! I wish I had been around for early acelu days... I was reading OP fic back then, but it was mostly zo/san 😅. I get what you mean, it's tough to find stuff for them these days that's not just luffy-harem stuff (which is fine! just not what I'm looking for) or ooc
I prefer fics that are mostly sweet and not too angsty, so my list won't include some of the ones that are really bittersweet/dark/endgame-tragic, even though they're beautifully written. I'm sure if you ask another acelu fan, you'd get a completely different list... I'm just a big weenie! 😭😂
I'm also really disorganized, so I'm probably forgetting a bunch!!! I need to keep better bookmarks omg
SFW Fics:
spinning on that dizzy edge by to-a-merrier-world (wayward_wolves) fav fav fav (helps that this was sort of a gift? based on some art I drew;;? hhh i love it so much) A sweet!!! and playful, relaxed scene between Luffy and Ace—who's joined the Stawhats!
this short fic by 002yb a really lovely, atmospheric piece of writing about the boys just being cute and speaking through touch
forget me not by 002yb a touch more bittersweet, but I loved how insightful this little look at Ace's last night with Luffy in Goa was
to be deserving by 002yb (after acelu week I need to have a separate section for 002yb!! tbh consider this a blanket rec for all their fics) adorable!! very nuanced, quick look at some courtship (or lack thereof) (but hope for some in the future?) between ace and luffy in an omegaverse AU
Bridesmaid Blues by Anonymous so much fun!! a rom-com style take on Luffy and Ace eloping in canon. Hilarious, and just makes me adore all the characters even more
In Your Heart Shall Burn by kayura_sanada oh my god. so it's a fix-it fic that involves a mysterious mirror and wishes. the tone feels just like canon with maybe a hint more bittersweet hopefulness, and the heartfelt moments between ace and luffy in this MELTED ME INTO PIECES. this will be one of my forever favorites.
oxytocin by ruche Gen fic but the author has other great shippy acelu work; this one is, post-marineford-ace-lives scene with Ace being worried and grateful for Luffy... the characterization is amazing
Near Death Experiences by monch_monch (WIP) This is a reincarnation AU, and it's got one of my absolute favorite acelu scenes in one of its flashbacks... I love everything about this fic—the way the other characters are brought in, and how cute and heartfelt Ace and Luffy are... I can't compliment it enough
The Same As You by PeachyStud (WIP) (jksgfhd oops i put this is sfw when the latest chapters have some messing around in it, but... i'll just leave it here) This one's a very sweet and fun modern AU—I reread it when I just need some feel good acelu fluff.
Next Stop, Everywhere by NewWonder This fic is the 2nd part of an "Ace lives and sails with Luffy" series, but it's my favorite of the 3 parts because it focuses a lot on Ace getting to work through his heartache 😭
Together Again by Swinky Swanks (SpobSpucci) A sweet, short piece about when Ace visits Luffy in canon
I'll Always Want You by PeachyStud This is part 1 of another "Ace lives in canon" series—this fic focuses on Luffy asking Ace to join his crew during their 2 years training and is SO cute and lovely. Part 2 is also a treat (and rated M 👀)
Arrangements by Sully-van I feel a little crazy for including an FF.net story on here, but this little royalty/arranged marriage AU just made me smile.
Find the Hat by authenticaussie  funny, slightly bittersweet AU where luffy's a ghost in ace's university library. i know, unusual concept, but a quick, fun read
(Ir)Responsible by oumriel (WIP!!!!! probably permanently from the looks of things) okay I have to recommend this one—it's a modern AU with drama/slow burn, and some incredibly heart-warming moments and really interesting characterizations. it does end on a heart-breaking cliffhanger, but... acelu seems to be a little bit cursed with WIPs, in the end, haha
Sleeping Habits by RainyCatharsis surprisingly fluffy soulmate AU where a soulmate who's died stays in their partner's dreams until they're both ready to move on. short and sweet!
on brotherhood by LadyCrimsonAndBlack another gen fic; age-swap! older Luffy runs into Whitebeard and makes sure Ace is happy on his crew
Lock; Key by Anonymous (SFW.... for now. since there's only 1 chapter up) very interesting modern, omegaverse AU with cool worldbuilding
NSFW Fics:
Hatchling by Anonymous good old-fashioned "not too loud or dad will hear us" modern AU incest. haha. really, this one is a nice mix of cute and dirtyhot, with a looooot of teasing smug ace
and what do they say about dreams by ruche uhh. a smut fic that... focuses on Ace's narcolepsy? it's surprisingly cute and funny—mind the tags, but I really enjoyed it!
Tearjerker by necroesthe OKAY so I love a lot of Necro's acelu fics... They do tend to skew darker, so that's a good thing to remember if you go browsing. This fic, though, is an adorable and fun and hot modern AU, with Ace thinking Luffy looks cute when he cries.
for the asking by irrelevant  another modern AU, I love the relaxed dialogue and vibe of this one. There's something about Ace and Luffy acting like dumb brothers while also being devoted to each other that gets me every time.
You're Built from Motorcycle Exhaust, Cigarette Smoke, and Starlight by Novicecomics Modern AU, really atmospheric story about biker!Ace and Luffy going on a little adventure and being in love
born hungry by ruche hard to summarize... i guess, modern AU, drunk/troubled ace has surprisingly sweet sex with luffy. this author always captures such a like, darkly funny, wry attitude with ace, and their luffy is a treat. still good to check the tags!
the blood of my brother by fizzyren another maybe odd one. uh. short summary is, acelu period sex with trans luffy. i'm not usually into those kinds of fics but this one got me down, what can i say
Lake Pontchartrain by necroesthe definitely read the tags for some of these dead dove recs i'm sneaking in here. anyway uh. the first chapter in this is, modern au, preteen luffy catches ace watching porn aaaaand then there's fallout
Virtue by necroesthe ditto above w the tags. um. 15yo luffy wants to ride ace. i'll add, necro's darker fics are more psychological-hot to me than like, silly-yummy-smut hot? if that makes any sense haha
I'd also like to recommend my own Once Piece fics... I think they're all pretty sweet, and not too bad if I do say so myself. :3c
Anyway!! Hope this helps! And pls feel free to tell me your thoughts on any of em............. 👀
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r0-boat · 2 years
If Poke-men(and Rika) had audio accounts part 5(???)
Scarlet and violet Edition
(Guzma too)
Sfw and Nsfw
Cw: mentions of yandere, noncon
Hassel and Brassius
They share the same account. They treat each one of their audios like a work of art. It has to be perfect in their eyes using their own sound effects if they have to. Even using their own artwork for thumbnails
You can find them on YouTube doing story-like audios with compelling characters and arcs. Their most popular is two men fighting over you,Sometimes they'll even post ASMR readings of popular books
Sadly their nsfw is patreon locked, but but if you do cough up money for their tear, you will be fed because you'll have access to all sorts of wonderful horny content for your consumption. And sometimes they'll even post illustrations of scenes from those audios.
Their viewers have pointed out a pattern between the two. If it is a Brassius centered audio then it will be more kinky and rougher a little darker. But with Hassel, the audios are much more gentle and loving.
Pet names for their listeners
(Muse/My muse/Our pretty little Muses~) Hass&Brass
(Pet) Brassius
(Beautiful) Hassel
(Love/My Love) Brassius
(Dear) Haasel
Started gwa shortly after his snowboarding career when he had nothing else to do at home. At first it was just something to relieve to sexual desire. But he hates to admit that he's grown a liking to his audience.
Favors darker, kinkier Scripts. Yandere( is his favorite), noncon. Rolls where he plays more villainous character or cocky pretty boy. Occasionally As a treat, he'll do a much nicer gentle audio.
Grusha has a nice voice and can voice Act. He could not only do some game characters he could also probably do a more feminine voice. It's funny to watch the comments scream about his more feminine voice.
He has thought about starting a patreon where he only does audios of game or anime characters. ( though he's a little disappointed himself that he's stupid this low)
Pet names for listener
My love
Fucking Larry dude where do I begin. Started on youtube as a joke and a Pastime and now he's too deep to stop. Even has a gwa now( HIGHLY requested from fans). His voice always sounds tired and slightly monotone so he doesn't even know why people like him either.
Larry will do any script people want him to. You tag him in a script he'll most likely have it out within a week. And he always posts some at like midnight or 3:00 a.m. On a certain day once a week. He's always completely on time.
His most common are ramble faps. His listeners love to listen to him slowly become undone, mindlessly babbling about biting you or filling you full.
His audios slowly become kinkier over time. Favoring the ones where he's marking you or choking you. A lot of his audio have pretty good quality too. No one knows how he does it.
Pet names for listener
( he's working on it)
Almost always does anime or video game inspired audios. Making his own scripts and even posting them so people could use them as well. He's extremely creative and all of his audios are very well done. However he doesn't post a lot. He only makes audios when he's too horny to think or work or when he's so hyper-fixated on a game and creativity Hits him.
Pretty chill when it comes to Kinks. if the script calls for it he'll do it. And provide a good Aftercare audio. He's always wanted to try an Omegaverse audio but has been too scared to do so.
His audios drastically very. There are some where he's dominating you in the most kinkiest way. And others he's under your heel whimpering feeling you put pressure on his poor cock.
He turns into the biggest monster fucker you've ever seen around Halloween
Pet names for listener
amor/ Mi amor
Excellent voice range. Can sound like a man or a woman. she mostly makes F4F/F4A audios though. Most of her audios is Improv, sometimes she makes her own Scripts. Absolutely adores Scripts where she's playing a position of greater power.
This is all just for horny fun and fulfilling Her Fantasy so she's pretty chill with all Kinks. She does Kinks that only she's into even flirts with her listeners in the comments.
Her favorite audios, however are the one's were its just her making kiss noises and making out with the listener, or eating them out. Rika just likes making mouth noises.
Also becomes a huge monster fucker on Halloween. She likes to pretend that she's a slime grinding her cunt against you or bending you over, sliding her cock inside of you.
Pet names for listener
After he broke up team skull he needed something to do. He did this to kill time. Now he's so far that he doesn't know if he's proud of himself or not.
Apparently, he's really good at acting and writes all of his scripts himself. All his audios are sweet and very wholesome. With each kinky audio having their own aftercare. "this is how I would treat my sweetheart in real life" -Guzma probably
The close friend of him mentioned that he could make quite a pretty penny with his side gag and even though they're kind of right. He doesn't know if he wants to. He's kind of grown attached to his sweethearts.
All his audios have titles like " bad boy protects you". Or "bad boy boyfriend makes love to you"
Pet names for listener
Sweet heart
Posted it introduction audio. The mic is terrible and you can hear a car noises in the background and he basically tell you that he is new, and he hopes that his voice will make you swoon.
People fucking loved him. They're not sure if hes a troll but they listened to some of his audio. Oh boy the mic... And oh boy, that acting... It's okay he's trying his best. And he is. Taking notes and heating his listeners advice for acting tips and better Mics. He's getting better and he has his audience to thank. They even tag him in scripts for him he is a little worried about how many age Gap scripts he gets...
" there goes our peepaw off destroy the world. they grow up so fast!"
Clive is his alter ego when he wants to play a younger version of himself. Clive is very cringe and he somehow sneaks in dumb slang words that don't make sense. no matter how much they tell him Clive is here to stay.
Pet names for listener
Bae( Clive)
My Treasure(s)
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the-mad-starker · 2 years
Starker Smut: The Daily Life of a Stark Heir [4/6]
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Yay another chapter done. I feel like it was rushed but I'm satisfied. 🥲
Summary: A fun little car ride before the big event.
WC: 2353
(AO3 Link)
Tumblr: Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3
Fic notes: Omegaverse, starkercest, alpha Tony Stark, Omega Peter Parker, intersex omegas, vaginal sex, anal sex, creampie, knotting, felching, free use, somnophilia, kitchen sex, blowjobs, oral knotting, cockwarming, exhibitionism
Chapter notes: anal sex, car sex, vaginal fingering
It's a Friday night and usually, he has a nerdy hang out planned with Ned but SI is hosting a gala tonight.
So Peter will make an appearance and he'll take as many pictures with his genius father as the photographers want. The questions, though, he'll field to his dad. They're always asking when he'll be mated off and who the lucky alpha would be.
Peter knows he's a genius like his dad but sometimes he really wonders how no one could see his father's plans for him.
The omega shrugs it off as he trudges his way toward the parking garage where he knows Happy is supposed to pick him up.
There's a limo there instead and the distinct familiar figure leaning against the side has Peter perking up.
"Dad!" He calls out surprised but pleased. It's not like it's uncommon for Tony to swing by but with how fast things have to move for the Gala, he hadn't expected to see his father until they met up at the event.
Tony gives him a cheerful wave and when Peter gets close enough, the alpha envelopes him in his arms. His dad nuzzles against his neck, inhaling the faint scent of books and ink and nestled deeper, his omega son's unique one.
Peter indulges in it, letting his father scent him as much as he pleases. When Tony finally pulls away, Peter smiles at him.
"Thought you would be too busy to come today," Peter says with a bright smile.
"Never too busy for my favorite kid," Tony says seriously.
"I'm your only kid," Peter says cheekily. He takes a step towards the limo door only to gasp in surprise when his father pushes him against the shiny polished surface. "Dad…?"
"As my only kid," Tony says, "gotta make sure you're ready for tonight."
There's some shuffling behind him before Peter realizes that his father is going on his knees. His hands are pressed against the tinted windows, but he sees the way his breath fogs up the glass. His cheek feels warm, too, against the cool surface.
It comes as no surprise then when he feels his daddy pulling his pants and underwear down.
Since they hadn't fucked in the meeting, Peter's body has been in a state of arousal since then. His body is just too used to a fuck, quick or otherwise, when his daddy gets his hands on him but their schedule is so tight today.
His pussy is getting wet, of course it is. How can he pretend to be unaffected? He feels his daddy's breath against his exposed ass, his fingers gently rubbing and spreading the slick around with soft wet sounds.
"Dad…" Peter complains.
"I'm sorry I couldn't fuck you properly earlier," his daddy apologizes, "A quickie probably isn't in the works right now either. Don't wanna tire you out too much before the big event."
"I can take it, dad," Peter protests fiercely. "You've made sure I can take anything you dish out to me so don't…"
His father's insinuation that Peter can't kind of annoys him because he's Peter Stark. Only he knows how to thoroughly please his father. Even when he's thoroughly used and dropping, he can handle anything his daddy wants.
"Mhmm," comes his daddy's hum of approval but Peter isn't sure he's even listening.
His daddy's too focused on playing with him and he does play.
Tony grips his ass and spreads his cheeks apart with just his thumb. Even if he looks over his shoulder, Peter wouldn't be able to see what his dad is up to so he just waits.
He doesn't have to wait for long. His daddy thumbs the tightly furled hole of his asshole and finds it dry. The light touch makes Peter clench up instinctively.
"Daddy wants to use my ass?" Peter asks curiously, shifting on his feet and wiggling his hips a little. With the time crunch they're in, he figured his dad would just do a quick fuck and hold off on knotting.
"It's too tempting not to, kid," his daddy admits. "Just for a little bit, okay?"
"Mmkay, you can use it whenever you want, dad," Peter says, "I'm your omega, after all."
Tony purrs at the words. "That's right, isn't it? My good omega son."
Peter shudders when his daddy moves his hand between his legs, rubbing against his pussy lips and dipping into his wet hole. Peter's already wet so when Tony starts to leisurely pump his fingers in and out, Peter moans in appreciation.
It's not what he needs– he needs his dad's cock– but it's good enough.
Peter leans his forehead against the window, fogging it up even more with his breath.
His heart jumps when the window he's leaning on jerks down just slightly.
"Boss, we need to get going," Happy calls from within. "Is he– Pete, let your dad know cause we gotta get going."
"Mmk–" Peter barely acknowledges it but he calls out to his dad with a soft moan. "Dad, Hap– Hap says we gotta go."
His daddy's fingers persistently jab inside him, fingers circling and rubbing in a spot that has Peter's eyelids fluttering. Another deep press has the omega biting down on his lip because it's right where the knot would sit. The pressure isn't the same, so it's not the same as being knotted, but it still feels good.
"Just need a minute," his daddy says.
Peter repeats it to Happy but he's barely aware of doing so. He only knows that the window rolls back up because his fingers leave streaks where his breath had fogged up the glass.
"Dad… daddy…" Peter whines. His voice echoes and bounces around in the large open space of the parking lot.
His alpha daddy gives one last shove of his fingers, one last jolt of pleasure that has Peter arching his back before he removes them.
"Keep it down, kid," Tony reminds him and then those slick wet fingers return but not to his pussy. They nudge against his back hole, one finger testing the tightness before sliding in.
Peter gasps and holds very still, trembling, as his daddy works his asshole open. It's been a while since their morning fuck so his hole is tight but still soft and ready for use.
His daddy prepares him diligently, slicking up his back hole with the wetness from his pussy. Peter opens easily, knowing to relax and push back so that the prep takes almost no time at all.
His hips push back, chasing after the pull of his father's fingers. It's a different kind of pleasure, getting fucked in the ass. But it's one that Peter's gotten used to.
He expects his daddy to press him against the limo once he deems Peter ready.
Instead, his alpha yanks the limo door open and Peter gets shoved inside. His chest is pushed down against the expensive leather seats and he scrabbles to get up.
Hands grab into his hips, keeping him right where his daddy wants him. His alpha's cock is pushed inside his hole, fucking in halfway before his father pulls out and does it again.
"Mmph!" Peter groans and clings to the seats as his ass gets fucked.
His daddy fucks him from behind and he steadies himself. His jeans help to cushion his knees and his daddy's hands keep him in position.
"Boss!" Happy complains from the front, "Pepper's gonna kill me if we're late. We gotta get Peter ready for the gala too."
"Ah…!" His daddy's cock pushes up right against his prostate.
It doesn't seem as though his father would stop and Peter revels in it even when he feels bad for causing trouble for Ms. Potts.
The alpha reaches around, fondling Peter's hard cocklet as it drips and stains the floor of the limo. He gives another thrust, sinking in deep and making Peter gasp as he sees stars. Then Tony grinds in deep, savoring the closeness of their connection, the tightness of Peter's ass.
He stills and his hands slip back to Peter's hips before sliding down, each warm palm settling on his cheeks. Then similar to earlier, he spreads Peter's ass apart and gives a hum of approval at what he finds.
"God, look at that hole trying so hard to take cock," Tony groans in appreciation. He rubs at the reddened hole, the tip of his thumb threatens to breach the already stuffed rim.
Peter clenches even tighter around his daddy's cock, breathless with how full he feels. When Tony doesn't do anything else but admire the view, Peter gets impatient and bounces a bit. He rocks on his dad's cock in an attempt to get him to continue.
"Ugh, hold on, Pete," Tony grunts. He pulls out a couple of inches and then spits to where his cock is exposed. When he sinks back in, the renewed wetness makes it even slicker and easier to slide in.
To Peter's dismay, his dad doesn't resume fucking him like before. After a few more thrusts, his daddy pulls out completely and leaves the omega feeling unfulfilled. Peter's about to turn around and complain when a swift smack against his backside has him jolting.
"Get in, kid. I'm not done with you yet but we gotta get going, as our dear Happy keeps reminding us." Tony says. His cock is still glistening wet and so hard, twitching between his father's legs.
Peter eagerly obeys, holding onto his pants as he gets in. His daddy slides in after him and tugs at the omega's pants.
"Get these off and get on my lap," he instructs Peter. Then to Happy, he says, "Let's get rolling, Hap! We got a gala to attend."
Peter kicks off his pants, leaving them in a heap on the floor along with his underwear.
Happy starts to drive off as Peter moves into position. He wobbles on his feet as the limo moves but with his daddy's help, he sits on the alpha's lap.
Tony's cock is hot against his bare skin and he shifts up.
"It'd be so much easier if you just used my pussy, dad," Peter complains when he blindly tries to position his dad's cock at his other hole.
"I love all your holes, Pete, but just get my cock inside this sweet ass of yours. Don't want your pussy too sore for tonight so it's this hole fo now," Tony says patiently even with his voice strained.
He's helping Peter balance while Peter finally presses the alpha's cockhead to his rim. Once positioned, Peter sinks down on his father's cock and they both groan when he fully sits on Tony's lap.
Peter presses a hand against his belly and groans when he feels Tony's cock twitch inside him.
"Go on, kid, fuck yourself on daddy's cock," Tony orders him. He helps Peter bounce on his dick, his hands tight on the omega's hips.
Outside, the sky is starting to darken and once they join the road, other cars flank the limo. The windows are tinted but uncovered so even from where Peter's sitting on his daddy's lap, he can see other drivers and passengers and even the buildings as they drive on.
Peter eagerly continues his bouncing, helping along with the movement of the car, though it sometimes gives him trouble. He doesn't want to slip off his daddy's cock, though, so eventually, he keeps his bouncing to a minimum. It's just enough stimulation to pleasure his daddy.
At one point, his daddy helps him turn around so that his knees settle on either side of his daddy's hips. This position is much easier and he tucks his face into Tony's shoulder, drinking in the scent of his alpha.
"Happy, can you turn right here?" Tony interrupts.
By then, Peter has his eyes closed, just focusing on his daddy's hands, his voice, and his cock.
His eyes shoot open when they hit a rough patch of road.
"O-Oh!" He cries out when he falls back against his daddy's chest. "Mmph!"
He quickly realizes this was his daddy's plan all along because the rough patch of road doesn't end. They've turned down a bad stretch of road that's partially under construction and each pothole, each rough bump, has Peter bouncing roughly in place.
His daddy is enjoying it immensely and Peter… Peter is too distracted by the now rough fucking. He's barely catching his breath and has to cling to his father.
His daddy's cock is fucking into his ass roughly, in and out– Every bump has him bouncing higher than intended and when he drops, it's to the shock of his daddy's entire alpha cock shoving in from tip to hilt.
Peter barely has control and only had the help of his daddy to keep him in place. He ends up giving himself over to the mercy of the road and his own luck and just braces himself for the rough fucking.
By the time they get back on smooth clean road, Peter's come twice and has ruined his daddy's clothes. His daddy also came, shooting off a load into his ass but making sure to keep his knot from shoving in. As a result, they've made a mess between their legs, his alpha daddy's come spilling from his used hole.
His daddy has shoved two fingers back into his asshole, swirling the mess of alpha come and slick together.
"We're here," Happy announces cheerfully.
Peter groans even as his daddy finally pulls his fingers out and gently pats his ass. His hole feels a bit sore but it's nothing he can't handle, especially since it's more than likely his daddy only intends to use his pussy for the gala.
"Time to get ready, kiddo. Hope you're ready for tonight."
His legs feel like jelly but Peter huffs against his daddy's neck.
"'m okay, dad. Just… maybe carry me in?"
Tony chuckles but Happy opens the doors, his daddy does exactly that and brings Peter in his arms to where their team is waiting to get them ready.
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 9 months
𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞, 𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐢𝐭 𝐠𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠
Thank you for the tag my loves @reidsbtch @eddiesxangel ✨
𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭...
Your favorite?: See You Again (Eddie x Fem!Reader x Fem!OC)
Most popular?: Cat and Mouse (Perv!Eddie x Perv!Fem!Reader)
Least Notes?: Situations (Rockstar!Eddie Munson x Rockstar!Reader) This one is a collab with my baby @bimbobaggins69 you can read her part Here.
Least amount of time to write?: Darling Don’t Be Afraid (Y2K!Steve x MallGoth!Reader)
Most amount of time to write?: All You Have To Do Is Ask (Steddie x Reader)
Fic that started with an ask?: See You Again
Character you rarely write for?: Jonathan I suppose since I’m writing my first fic with him right now.
Character you always write for?: Eddie of course🖤
Character you will never write for?: The kids obv and probably Billy.
S5 predictions?: Uuuhh I think max will definitely be alive but blind.
Kas theorist why/why not?: I like to read it in fics because I think it’s hot, but do I think it’s actually going to happen? Probably not.
Stancy come back why/why not?: Nonononononononono I will cancel Netflix if they end up together fr. No hate to stancy supporters but it’s absolutely not for me I don’t think they’re good for each other.
Smaller blog that deserves love?: I don’t really know what to classify as a “smaller blog” I think everyone’s blog is big in its own way and blogs with less followers deserve the same amount of love as a blog with more followers than they have.
Blog that made you love your blorbo even more?: oh man there’s so many but to name a few @hellfire--cult @bimbobaggins69 @bettyfrommars @lokis-army-77 @oneforthemunny and so so many more, you’re all wonderful and talented and I’m proud of all of you.🖤
First fic you read in this fandom?: I have no idea who it was by but it was on AO3 and it was called “Favorite Flannel.”
First friend you made in this fandom?: @bimbobaggins69 my baby girl Tori.✨❣️
Favorite reaction meme?: some of them lol
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Goals you’ve achieved writing this year?: honestly writing at all feels like an achievement, having the courage to share my fics for the first time in my life even though I’ve been writing them since elementary school. Having people like them feels pretty cool too.🖤
Most words written in a chapter?: 9k
Favorite troupe?: Omegaverse and I’m a sucker for a good soulmate AU always.
Smut, fluff, or angst?: Smut with fluff mixed in for sure. I’m not a huge angst girlie, I’m sensitive.
Marry, Fuck, Kill:
Ted, Murray, Mr. Clarke: Marry Mr. Clarke, fuck Murray, kill Ted.
Joyce, Karen, Claudia: Fuck Karen, MARRY JOYCE, Kill Claudia.
Hopper, Wayne, Dr. Brenner: Fuck Wayne, marry Hopper, Kill Brennder.
Jonathan, Argyle, Keith: Fuck Argyle, Marry Jonny bear, kill Keith.
Eddie, Steve, Argyle: Fuck Steve, Marry Eds, Kill Argyle(sorry king)
Demobat, Demogorgan, Venca: uuuhh can I kill them all?
No pressure tags: @babygorewhore @bimbobaggins69 @take-everything-you-can @slutty-thevampireslayer @jamdoughnutmagician @taintedcigs
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evilpenguinrika · 2 months
3 and 20 for the fanfiction ask game?
Ask Game For Fanfic Writers
3. on a scale of 1-10 how much do you enjoy incorporating romance into the average story?
About like, a 7.5 or an 8. Which is funny because I love love. I love reading about love, I love learning about love. I just love love. I think the reason I'm rating it like that is mainly because when I'm writing a story where romance is not the prime focus, I tend to forget about the romance.
For example, I got this question asked to me on one of my current-on-going Hosie fic (You're The One Born To Save series) why one of the main character, Hope, refers to the other main character and partner, Josie, with "my love" or other pet names while Josie doesn't. And honestly? It's cuz I forgot. Weird thing to forget about, yes, but like I said--if romance is not the prime focus of the story, I will forgetti spaghetti until someone reminds me. I have since rectified that oopsies and started having Josie call Hope pet names just sprinkled through here and there ::>_<::
Though... I guess maybe even if romance is the prime focus, I probably would still forget about pet names because I, as a person, am meh/indifferent to pet names in a relationship. I have only ever been called 'babe' once in a prev relationship but other times we just referred to each other by name, so maybe that's why.
20. what is your favorite trope to write?
My favourite trope to write... Oh man, I don't know cuz I don't think I've written a lot of trope-y stuff?
Upon going through my fics that has a few tropes, I've realized that I really enjoy writing Single Parent tropes haha. But I also do enjoy writing Modern/High School/College AU, Punk/Nerd AU, and Omegaverse (even though I kinda suck at remembering it's Omegaverse).
I have two THREE (I CAN'T BELIEVE I FORGOT ONE) Single Parent AU fics but I guess they're also slotted into Modern AU as well.
A Redhatshipping fic called MYOSOTIS. A Hosie fic called Sad Bedroom Eyes, and a Lightning/Vanille fic called do you think god knows you've been sneaking out of heaven
I just really love reading Single Parent AU fics where one half of the ship is a single parent and the other half is either like the babysitter or neighbour with their own kid or no kid at all. Just something about it tickles my fancy so much. Which is why I wrote three Single Parent AU fics haha. Actually, Sad Bedroom Eyes(I'm a nasty little forgetti spaghetti liar) MYOSOTIS is my first Single Parent fic I've ever written! Sad Bedroom Eyes is my second (and first fic for the Hosie/Legacies fandom). Then Sneaking Out Of Heaven is my third because I was craving for some Lanille fics (alas, the struggle of shipping a rarepair).
I also feel bad that I have not updated MYOSOTIS in like forever and so sorry for those like small number of people who read that fic and was met with nothing I'm so sorry.
For the other tropes tho, I've only written one of each (I think?):
I've written one College AU trope--another Hosie fic called photo gallery meme--which is fun and I would like to go back to writing and finishing that fic sometime in the future.
I have written a Punk/Nerd AU one that I absolutely love with all my heart--an Ikarishipping fic called Hold Me, Hold Me Like A Grudge written for Ikarishipping Day. Mostly because I love the idea of a Punk!Dawn/Hikari and Nerd!Paul/Shinji it's just so cute and I love switching obvious characters for their obvious choice around since it's fun. I think I would like to write another Punk/Nerd AU trope because I had such a fun time writing the PNAU Ikari fic.
And last but not least, I have written only one Omegaverse fic--yet another Hosie fic called Terra: This Is My Always And Forever, which is part of a 3-part series. I haven't really updated this in a while, but I have worked on bits and pieces of it whenever I'm in the mood to do so.
I think that's about it, thanks for the ask anon!
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mattdillon · 2 months
20 questions for writers
tagged by @chejuu, tyty
1. how many works do you have on AO3? 195. i orphaned some old works but they're inconsequential. i also had a storied career as a teen on ff.net but those are all blissfully deleted <3
2. what's your total AO3 word count? 963,052 words.
3. what fandoms do you write for? the outsiders mainly and whatever fandoms i decide go into the blender with it. i also had a stint in grease: rise of the pink ladies.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
fire in the sky — not a surprise as this is my longest fic and the one that's being updated regularly over almost five years.
alpha major — i think people like this one bc it's outsider pov and reader blind. it's also the most stereotypically omegaverse
this is your heart (can you feel it?) — soc au my beloved!!
sits before us, scattered into ash — one of the first fics i ever put up since i came back to fandom, thought i feel the rust whenever i read it
it is not enough to be dumbstruck — trojan horse ass fic that i adore.
5. do you respond to comments? always! i do have a huge backlog that i've only recently cut down on and i'm slowly getting to it.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? a little less conversation (a little more action) is probably the most heart wrenching thing i'll ever write.
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? though i never laid a hand on you is my personal favorite in this regard because the possibility of love in the future is sweet to me.
8. do you get hate on fics? lmfao yup and they got their little assess suspended by ao3.
9. do you write smut? If so, what kind? yes lmfao. i wish i could write more but my brain is like "but we have plot!" it's mostly kinky, loving sex so sue me.
10. do you write crossovers? all the time!
11. have you ever had a fic stolen? nope
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? nope!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? not really no.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship? dallas winston/ponyboy curtis you will always be #1 in my heart.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will? i finish all my wips eventually but i think the hardest one right now is sempre la stessa storia cause i have to semi go back to the drawing board and don't you look good in red? because i kinda don't care about steve randle but i think the concept should be out there.
16. What are your writing strengths? i can do long form fic pretty goddamn well, i'm good with character voices, i'm good with scene setting.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? i sometimes can only do longform, i think my smut can be improved, and sometimes i'm too occupied with established relationships
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? that's fine.
19. First fandom you wrote for? sailor moon, lmfao.
20. Favourite fic you've written? i think a little less conversation (a little more action) is my magnum opus but a fic i'm fond of currently is this is your heart (can you feel it?) cause soc au my beloved.
tagging anyone who wants to do this!
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allwaswell16 · 9 months
- 2023 Fic Fest Participation -
Number of fests: 5
Number of fics: 8 out of 13
Favorite fest/fic: @louisrarepairfest because it's mine lol. I get so excited not only to write for it, but of course, to read all the fics that get written for it. It feels like the greatest gift ever! I ended up writing 3 fics for my fest this year. My fav of those is probably: One 
Fests you would love to do again this year (if they come back): Obvs @louisrarepairfest and the newly reformed @1domegaverseficfest
Tagging: @voulezloux @enchantedlandcoffee @letthemusicmoveyou28 @justanothershadeofblue @nouies and anyone who wants to do this, just say I tagged you!
Fics & thoughts under the cut
Do You See What I See for @faithinthefutureficfest
T, 2k, Louis/Harry | vet Louis, humor, stray animals
I don't know what to say for myself here. I had already signed up for another song for this fest, but this one didn't have anyone signed up for it so I said I'd write a second fic for the fest. I apologize to SIBWAWC for writing the silliest fic ever for it. I have so so so enjoyed the comment section for this though hahahahaha! Loved everyone's screaming :)
Bitter Ends Turn Sweet for @faithinthefutureficfest
E, 30k, Louis/Harry | songfic, famous/not famous
Well, this is the fic I actually meant to write for this fest lol. The first time I listened to Chicago I was at an 11 waiting to hear what it sounded like and as I listened this whole story appeared in my head. And I was just like...nah, not gonna write a long kid fic, am I? Turns out I did.
All This Time for Knot in my Name (multi-fandom event)
T, 1k, Louis/Harry | omegaverse, flower shop
So this has a complicated backstory that I won't get into lol, but I noticed this event happening to counteract AI and was like ohhh that's very cool and when I went to the collection I saw @louisthiccsexyglitteryass already had fics there and I was like ooh there are already 1D fics there? So then I felt comfortable joining in, too!
On That Note for a defunct fest that is now @1domegaverseficfest
E, 6k, Louis/Harry | omegaverse, office au, epistolary
Someone suggested a prompt based on a Reddit post that I liked about co-workers who only spoke through random notes on their Dropbox folders. And I saw a post on Tumblr about feral omegas and so I put those things together for this. And I really loved the omega friendships in this one. And it was fun to write the little notes that went back and forth between Harry and Louis.
Ace of Hearts for @sevenseasofharryandlouis
E, 10k, Louis/Harry | pirates, sequel
I had been saying I would write the sequel for Ace of Spades for a YEAR when I saw this fest and asked if I could join way after sign ups closed because 1) it fit the theme and 2) a deadline was the only way it was going to get written lol
Crush for @louisrarepairfest
T, 1k, Niall/Louis | co-workers, office
I decided I wanted to write rare pairs I hadn't ever written before and Nouis just felt right for the prompt. I found the prompt on Tumblr about how some office himbos tried to cheer up their co-worker who had just been dumped by her boyfriend. And they thought maybe mac & cheese would help.
Daydream for @louisrarepairfest
T, 2k, Zayn/Louis | girl direction, coffee shop
Another rare pair I'd never written AND I'd never written girl direction before. I got the prompt from a fic I read in another fandom about two strangers who see each other at the coffee shop everyday and what happens after one of them doesn't show up one day. But then I started writing and it all got chaotic and a bit different than that prompt lol. I think it turned out really fun though!
One for @louisrarepairfest
E, 4k, Louis/Tommy Shelby (Peaky Blinders)
SO. Obviously a v rare rare pair. BUT I had been wanting to write Louis/Cillian Murphy for years and couldn't figure out the right story for it. And finally it occurred to me that what I wanted to write was Louis/Cillian's character on Peaky Blinders lol. And then it all fell into place. I really enjoyed writing this as a historical Peaky Blinders fic and playing around with the structure a bit which is why the title is One. You follow Louis from the start, then one month later, then one week later, then one day later, then one hour later...and it actually really worked!
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mthofferings · 1 year
Tumblr media
See Sayah1112’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Discord: selip Email: [email protected] Tumblr: sayahs-corner
Preferred organizations: - Assistance Dogs International - Center for Reproductive Rights - Médecins San Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) - National Disaster Search Dog Foundation - Rape, Abuse, and Incest National Network (RAINN) (See the list of approved organizations here)
Will create works that contain: Alternate Universe, Enemies to Lovers, Dubious Consent, ID porn, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Omegaverse, Powerdynamics are all my jam. I will do those all day, every day. As far as AUs go, I've dabbled in Werewolf, Shifter, A/B/O centric, BDSM, Aliens, Fantasy, College, etc I'm open to most AUs, and I do enjoy a challenge.
Will not create works that contain: I really don't write gore, main character death, or angst without a happy ending (or at least a happy for now). I don't do bodily fluids (scat, watersports, unclean themes/play). For the t-shirt auction, I'm fine with having anything on it as long as it's not racist or inflammatory.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1044
Will create works for the following relationships: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark - 616, MCU Bucky Barnes/Tony Stark - 616, MCU
Work Description: I'm auctioning off a 5k word one-shot for a minimum bid of $15. For every additional $5 I will add another 1k words, maxing out at 15k words. I write mainly Stony romance/smut, but have been known to dabble in Stuckony, and WinterIron. I've also written a Bucky/Steve/Clint one-shot in the past. Basically, if it has Tony in there, I can probably write it. I don't write canon compliant fic, I'm strictly an AU writer. If you have a pairing or AU that you'd like me to write, please feel free to reach out to me. I suck at filling these things out and I'm pretty open to most things. I swear I don't bite. Anymore. :)
Ratings: Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
-- Beta Service --
Auction ID: 2030
Will create works for the following relationships: Tony Stark/Any - Any Universe Steve Rogers/Any - Any Universe Bucky Barnes/Any - Any Universe Tony Stark-centric - Any Universe Steve Rogers-centric - Any Universe James "Bucky" Barnes-centric - Any Universe Peter Parker-centric - Any Universe Wade Wilson-centric - Any Universe Clint Barton-centric - Any Universe Bruce Banner-centric - Any Universe
Work Description: I am offering 6 months of Cheer Reading or Alpha Reading for a minimum bid of $10. Let's talk fic! Whether you need someone to keep you motivated, tell you all the juiciest parts of your fic and what makes it great, or you're looking for someone to help you plot and bounce ideas off of, I'm your girl Friday. There's absolutely nothing more I like doing than reading good fic, and plotting. My favorite part is that I don't have to write it! That's your job, my talented author friend. I love me some Stony, Stuckony, or WinterIron BUT HONESTLY - it doesnt matter. I'm happy to read whatever you've written. I'm pretty much down to read everything though I'm mostly familiar with 616, MCU, and the Deadpool movies. I have very little triggers and read mainly M or E rated fics. But again, if you want me to read a nice, fluffy, genfic I have literally no probelm with that. I can be just a cheer reader (no plotting or brain storming sessions needed) or an Alpha reader, or a mix of both. Let me help you in whatever capacity you need for the low, low, price of a $10 donation to a good cause. For the sake of transparency I will admit that what I can't do is grammar. I'm terrible at it (shame, shame) which you may have picked up from this rambling description!
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
-- Craft or Merchandise --
Auction ID: 3011
Will create works for the following relationships: Avengers fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe X-Men fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Iron Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Spider-Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Deadpool fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Captain America fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Doctor Strange fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Thor fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Ant-Man fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe Venom fandom any gen and ship - Any Universe
Work Description: I am auctioning off a custom t-shirt for a minimum bid of $15. Vinyl Colors Available: Black, White, Royal Blue, Grass Green, Cranberry Red, Gold, Glitter Turquoise, Rainbow Shimmer T-shirts: sizes XS - 5XL available. Reach out with your size to discuss color/type of t-shirt. (color and material vary depending on size) >Tier One at $15: You get a custom t-shirt in the size and color of your choice. >Tier Two at $50: You get a custom t-shirt in the size and color of your choice. You will also receive a custom drink coozie with your favorite character's hero logo/catchphrase. >Tier Three at $75: You get TWO custom t-shirt in the size and colors of your choice. You will also receive a custom drink coozie with your favorite character's logo/catchphrase. Things You Should Know Before You Bid: -I will cover up to $10 in shipping, anything after that the winning bidder is responsible for. -I ship from the US -I will be using a cricut to cut heat transfer vinyl and applying it to the shirt of your choice. -Follow the care instructions to get the most life out of your shirt. -I will be washing the t-shirt first using the laundry detergent dujour (usually gain). -This is a cat and dog friendly house. I will try my hardest to keep the dander away from my workspace, but if you have severe allergies this is something to consider before bidding. -Turn around time is dependent upon availability of materials. Some shirt sizes are online order only and will delay production. I will keep you updated every step of the way. Feel free to reach out to me with any design questions BEFORE you bid. I don't do layered vinyl. I also won't make political t-shirts. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me! I don't bite :)
Ratings: Gen
Can pods bid on this auction? No - I'd rather not be bid on by pods
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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