#live stream poetry
dreaminmetaphors · 1 year
Senryu (Set 1)
Casting my own self Into this digital sea... Will I net prophet? Saying "goodbye" hurts. Good to know it's just for now. Never forever.* The best of strangers. Tumblr living with friends who've not met each other.** I struggle, carry the weight, as we spin once more: The Wheel of the Year.*** Hands at her skirt's hem, Fighting the breeze for control, Long blonde locks aloft. *inspired by @sshtonedseagoat comment during live stream **inspired by conversation in my live stream between @king945 and @kbear0111 ***written with participation by @kbear0111 during live stream
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fakesorbet · 2 months
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this is the deepest blue talking, always talking to you // bluets
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mylifeasci-blog · 3 months
bleakness and awakeness, frail and alone. A tantalizing thought would defy her, in a demonic way whilst impuriating her fears in decay. I'm awake and consolidating, I'm awake yet feeling myself so alone and purifying an ensoulment
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Because it’s just too beautiful not to share.
Hozier kept so many of us afloat during the pandemic lockdown, bringing beauty and comfort through his favorite poems and readings in real time, every Friday. These readings are a true testament to the power of the spoken word and the meaningful connections we can make with each other when we share the things that bring us joy.
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dreamcatcherwriting · 11 months
Happy Birthday Ranboo! (A Poem By Your -*koffkoff*- Esteemed -*koffkoff*- DreamCatcher)
I also sent this to them in an ask but um yeah.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY RANBOO! This is probably late due to timezones BUT it is still your birthday for me here! I hope you had a great time and that you enjoy this absurd poem I wrote.
-genloss spoilers included-
Happy birthday Ranboo!
Another year survived,
Of bringing silly laughter
Into lots of peoples’ lives
Happy birthday, Ranboo!
Another year escaped
Of barking and spiked boxes
And of moistly failed cakes
Happy birthday Ranboo!
You bring happiness to all
By making frozen ice cream
And exploring empty malls.
From Resident Evil mods
With pandas and banana guns
To sleepy streams and soundboards
And the backrooms, oh what fun.
After years of waiting,
It was Ranboo rebrand time
A new era realm of content
Time for silliness to shine
We were so excited that
We nearly hit the moon-
Bouncy little us-puffs and a lofi Ranboo tune
And that’s not all, you also
Finally chose to make a cake
It was very wet and hydrated,
But you don’t know how to bake.
So sadly it emerged
Fit enough to kill a king—
With extra frosting, lacking eggs
This abominable thing.
I almost forgot Generation Loss
Three silly painful streams
As it slowly changed from funny
To the most terrifying scenes.
From the cabin to the warehouse
To the final Choice
We were forced to listen
To the anguish in your voice.
And in the end I’m sad to say
Your doting viewers voted “die”
I guess we just can’t stand to see
Our beloved streamer cry.
Hooray! A year of Ranboo!
What a silly, silly time—
I hope I have commemorated it
In this endless rhyme
Now here is to another
Hundred years of Ranboo fun—
Please don’t eat uranium
When you decide your time is done.
We love you Ranboo!
Have an awesome day!
Never stop being silly,
Or making wet, moist cakes-
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creatediana · 4 months
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"Six Simple Cinquains" - a poem written 5/30/2024, based off of an eighth grade teacher's poetry writing prompt
Five lines, 2-4-6-8-2 syllables, title-description-action-feeling-conclusion, respectively.
Image description: an index card with a handwritten rough draft in mixed red pen and graphite. The poem reads:
Caesar never wrote a paper on the Roman empire, so why do I still have to? Early September al- ready mentally—I'm transported by thought right out of late May. Eighth grade and junior year and just turned twenty-five— debris in a river, swirling, teaching. River- side Shakespeare, nine- teen-seventy-three fall- ing apart because I don't know how to take care of things I love yet as they get older, more fragile. My grandmother's book I read— only I have read in forty years. It sat straight as we lived our lives, it held its pages.
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du-hjarta-skulblaka · 6 months
Every now and then I think about how I want to write poetry but like. I don't know what poetry is I known it when I see it but I don't know how to recreate it. And I also don't like most of what I know
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halleehalfgallon · 2 years
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some morning before the brook freezes over, I would like to be bundled up and sat beside it with a mug of something hot. in recent years the water hasn’t run for most of the summer (as opposed to never going dry my father’s whole childhood long), so when the spring and fall bring in the rain it feels a sacred sight to see.
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cato-of-blamesociety · 2 months
Recently did a live stream of my set rehearsal as I prepare for my upcoming event.
The set is 50 min long, the longest set I have ever attempted, and will be the first event I put together in over 8 years! Major and minor steps in the direction of living the dream-life I have imagined for years.
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heelmarcus · 2 months
Marcus Alford Stream | Episode 7292024 | Slap Peabody
Our last week of vacation streaming starts now. Kicking off our morning with some Pokemon Unite. Then continuing our new season in FC 24. Next we jump into Fortnite and look to tackle some challenges before we get comfortable and watch some Monday Night Raw while we NHL 24. Twitchiversary VIAugust 14th View this post on Instagram A post shared by Marcus Alford (@marcusalford) Full Stream…
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patchworked-lia · 3 months
Enough time has passed I can look it over again I'll put our years behind me as a test The memories used to sting like salt in a wound Now they only ache Everywhere I looked I thought of you I missed you and your voice and wondered if you were on the other side of the screen and thinking about me. The more I learned the more the world became larger The distance between ourselves went farther I see you in every person I'm trying to love But not like a thought, more like a trauma that tugs Harder and harder on a leash around my neck that frays You won't go away Still I question if I wanted you as the person you were Or the friendship we managed to make last for a while Don't need to say I was betrayed or broken-hearted Anyone within a ten-foot radius can tell just by looking at me The kinds of things I went though are the kinds of things people can see Hate has festered in the form of frustration since I realized That you and I didn't have some sort of soul tie It was just a matter of the right place and the right time And we were both looking for someone to find I was one of three then one of two and then one But I was the one left standing And I worked the hardest and the longest I held out when you didn't and I hope you hold that to you I don't even need to be your first love I want to be your first mistake Because both of us know more follow Every time you think of me and every time you wake To have confidence in your psyche was a hit to the face But it's the only way that I won't let our time go to waste
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mylifeasci-blog · 2 months
And her own mind she pellets everything. Secrets her own bowels, consulates in depths of weariness.
Despite this, I would still breathe, curl up like a ball and still breathe, my harmony would float and the belief would stay.
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benevolenterrancy · 2 years
Odd, for as weird as it seems... Klink probably belongs better within the realm of Napoleon rather than that of the 2nd World War. But even then... Let's say Klink wears a Prussian Uniform, and Hogan and gang in their nations respective uniforms from the era... Honestly I can't imagine how that would go. Because think of it, Technically Newkirk is allied with Klink and Schultz, with LeBeau being aligned with Hogan, Carter, and Kinchloe....
But weird Napoleonic geopolitics aside, the uniforms themselves would look very dashing.
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tbh i have NO knowledge about historical uniforms of basically any shape or form but i do enjoy this concept, absolutely adore people using their niche interests to create the wildest and coolest au's. you're so right about klink...
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milevasplace · 11 months
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I finally published my poetry book, it is a deep book and it is a journey to self love,self discovery and our purpose. When you read it, you heal, the purpose of my book is to connect you to you, to the higher realms of love.
''a single strand of light passes through your heart it opens the vessel in you, that needs to be heard, seen and felt. it is time for you to face and look for the beauty that lies within you by your side, there's your pain that overlaps your days there is your happiness that you bite into, with a small mouthful too scared of being greedy somehow you are curious to know more about yourself you, your biggest mystery''
have yours here :www.amazon.ca/Filaments-self-M…
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home-ward · 9 months
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I finally made it to Christmas, and I caught another cold. I’ve been a bit graceless in my frustration and pain, but I think my loved ones have forgiven me.
“I don’t ask you to love me always like this, but I ask you to remember. Somewhere inside of me there will always be the person I am tonight.” F. Scott Fitzgerald
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goldonion · 1 year
Watch Me Bloom and All That
And I left a piece of me with you
I remember the way my hands trembled, clinging to the life I knew, 
The one where you’d always be there
Watching with love, as I try 
To stumble and stride, 
Watch me get it wrong, and swallow my pride
Watch as I let go, let go of the very things that once saved my life
Watch as I fuck up and have no idea what’s next
I suppose I only know now what solid ground feels like— something I thought I once knew, but I don’t recall it being so scorching, 
The way it burns up those who dare to walk it 
Incinerating those who don’t 
If it hurts all around, why move at all? 
If it nothing matters, doesn’t it all? 
Watch as I come home to myself and find more parts of myself, so long unseen
Watch as I fall in love with life-
As the world falls apart 
The Heat in the pit engulfs. 
The way it has flooded and risen, oozed, hissed, scorching my veins on the way out 
Scorching all it touches 
When will I finally take the next step? 
You can’t rush your healing 
“A watched pot never boils” 
I can feel their eyes on me, waiting for me to slip
Waiting for me to fall when I haven’t even gotten off the ground 
I left a piece of me with you, the morning the world froze. 
Watch as I decide to take care of tomorrow, 
Watch as I keep all of those promises 
Watch me bloom and all that 
--- 06/20/22 ---
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Poem and photo originally posted on my personal ig.
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