#loki fic request
peachyjinx · 1 year
*furiously running to your ask so hard there are skid marks on the ground*
I’ve been CRAVING some more orgasm denial so a drabble with that would be 💯
Only if you can, of course! There’s no pressure! 💚💚
@sarahscribblesssI couldn't decide who would be denied, so I figured- why not both?
This ended up more than a drabble tho...
The Denial Game
Pt 1: Dom!Loki x Sub!Reader,
Pt 2: Sub!Loki x Domme!Reader
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: 18+, oral (M & F receiving), spanking, orgasm denial
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Part 1
“What are…what are you doing, Loki?”, you ask as he angrily pulls you into your room by your arm. The cocktails from the evening course through your veins, making you stumble into the darkened room. 
“Did you think your actions tonight would go unnoticed by me??,” Loki sneers as he closes the door behind him and walks closer to you. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about…”, your mind races through the evening as Loki towers over you, a menacing glare on his face. You can feel his warm breath lightly hit your cheeks as you look up at him, as you try to figure out why he’s acting like this. 
It was poker night in the Avengers tower, and you can’t recall what could’ve riled Loki up so much. The night was raucous as you all blew off steam, laughing and carrying on.  The evening came to an end with Tony winning the final pot to everyone’s annoyance.
Your look of confusion was obviously irritating Loki, his hands balling into fists as he glared at you. 
“You informed Stark and Banner of my ‘tell’”, he sharply explained, enunciating “tell”. 
“Oh that? How did you know that?” you bite your lip, trying to hold back a grin as you attempt to feign innocence while you step back, giving yourself breathing room from the irritable God. You think back an hour before, when you had joked with the two men when you had grabbed snack refills in the kitchen. Loki, naturally, had been cleaning the team out all night. So amidst the complaining in the kitchen, you offhandedly remarked to them that when he had a good hand, to watch his right eyebrow. 
Loki prided himself on his ability to remain unreadable. But you knew him better, especially when he had mead. 
“You thought you could obfuscate your intentions around me? That I wouldn’t notice Banner and Stark’s obvious improvement in the game?,” Loki chided you, crossing his arms.
“Are you serious?,” you scoffed. “It was just a game of poker, Loki, what’s the big deal?”, you ask incredulously as you remove your heels and make your way to your bedroom. 
From behind you hear Loki sigh. The room is suddenly eerily quiet as he doesn’t respond. 
“You are supposed to be loyal to me- and me only- pet. And now tonight I must remind you where your loyalties should lie”, he darkly responded, his voice lower now. 
“What are you talking about?”, you turn around, indignant at his apparent tantrum. Then your eyes land on his face. Loki’s features are calmer now, but his eyes are filled with a fire that you recognize- he isn’t just mad, he’s turned on. Your eyes drift down to the prominent bulge in his tight pants. A wave of heat crashes  through your body, as you realize what was probably going to come next. 
“Did you really think you could betray me without my knowing? And when I discovered your recalcitrance that I would not seek to punish you?”, Loki asked, slowly walking over to your couch while removing his suit jacket. You resist the urge to roll your eyes, thinking better of it.
“Come here”, he commanded from his seat on your couch, his cool tone sending a thrill through you. A flood rushed to your core, and you’re suddenly very aware of the wetness in your panties. You loved when he was like this.
You make your way to Loki, and he quickly snaps his long arm out, grabbing your waist and forcefully bending you over his lap. You know what’s coming and you hear blood rushing in your ears in anticipation. His erection is pushed into your stomach, and a small whine escapes your lips. 
Loki slowly hikes up your dress, exposing your lace covered ass. He hums in appreciation as he caresses your skin tenderly. You feel the wetness in your folds, and brace yourself for the impact about to come. 
THWACK. He smacks your ass and you squeal loudly. The burning sensation spreads throughout your left cheek, making you squirm on his lap. 
“Stay still and receive your punishment,” Loki grabs your wrists and holds them behind your back, making you moan.
THWACK. Another hit, his hand stretched against both cheeks. You feel your breath quicken, arousal consuming you. 
THWACK. Tears well up as you feel the might of his hand landing on your ass for a third time. Loki pauses for a moment, the only sound is your breathing and quiet moans. 
“And how is my pet feeling now? Do you regret working with our cohorts against me?”,  Loki’s deep voice affectionately coos.
“Yes, Loki…”, you know better than to argue with him, or you’d be raw and unable to sit tomorrow.
Loki lifts you off of his lap, his prominent erection making you whimper as he carries you to your bed. He lies you down on your back, and the cool comforter feels like a balm on your sore skin. Loki slowly removes your panties, while he drops down to his knees. He gently spreads your legs, kneading your inner thighs. You know you’re already close to coming, his intense, lust-driven spanking driving you mad. 
“Now you are not to hold back, I want everyone in this tower to remember where your allegiances lie,” Loki drawled as he took a large lick up your slit, moving slowly, tantalizing you.
“Oh God..” , you groaned, hips bucking into his mouth.
“That’s right, pet. I am your God, do not forget that,” he teased, nipping at your thigh. The next moment, he dips his tongue between your lips, and he feverishly devours you, licking and sucking at your folds. 
You look down to see his eyes burning with angry lust, his fingers digging in harshly into your thighs. You writhe under his demanding attention, moaning and screaming his name. The pressure builds quickly, your body alight with electricity from the spankings and intensity Loki is bestowing on you. 
He continues to feast on you, and you begin panting quickly, nearing the edge. 
“Do you want release, pet?” Loki purred, looking at you with dangerous eyes. 
“Yes…please, sir,” you moaned, on the precipice.
A dark chuckle comes from Loki as he lifts his head from your wet core. You lift your head and look at him, confused. Loki stands up, removes a silk handkerchief from his pocket, and dabs  your wetness off of his face.
“No. You have not earned it. Do not touch yourself, and do not find release until I say so.”
“But..what? Loki..you can’t,” you desperately cry, propping yourself up on your elbows with  pleading look. 
“Oh but I can. You are not to come until I give you permission,” Loki turns with his back to you as he walks towards the door, and looks over his shoulder as he walks out. 
“Good night, pet”, he flashes a devilish smile as he disappears into the darkness. 
PT 2
Two whole weeks. It had been two weeks since Loki had left you dazed and on the brink of orgasm. And he had been teasing you mercilessly since. Any time he was around you, he would send you sultry glances, touch you seductively on the small of your back, or whisper in your ear. He was becoming unbearable. 
On the elevator just a couple days after he had left you needy in your bed, he had pinned you up against the wall and kissed you passionately, groping you and grinding his hard length into your thigh. You would’ve let him take you right there, cameras be damned. 
A week into your torment, he came on to you in the communal showers. Walking up to you with his large erection, he demanded you let him wash you. You let him, as he pushed his cock against your ass while he caressed your body with a soapy loofah. Pure torture. 
And now he was grinning at you in the back of a car, as the two of you made your way to the restaurant for a birthday dinner. 
“And how is my pet faring without her God to release her?,” He asked, a casual air about him as he sat close to you, his finger lightly trailing down your thigh. 
“Like you care,” you snap. You are so tightly wound, you could probably come just by sheer will at this point. But you don’t want to give him the satisfaction. You can’t let him win. You have a plan- and he won’t like it one bit. 
“I’ve decided to give you what you need..what you crave so desperately. I expect you to be waiting for me in my quarters, midnight.”, Loki looked at you with his trademark smirk, and your eyes leered down over his bespoke suit covering him with aching perfection. Perfect, like always. 
“Loki, you better not be lying because I don’t know how much longer I can take this,” your voice broke as you felt hot all over, trying not to mount him in the car right now. 
Loki reaches out his hand to your chin, making you look into his eyes. He leans forward, slowly kisses you gently, as his hands cup your cheeks. You moan into his mouth as you dip your tongue into his, your hand wandering to his cock. It’s hard already. He gently grabs your hand and removes it from his lap, breaking the kiss. 
“You have been so good for me, pet. I promise I will be there,” Loki assures you from his pink lips. Breathless, you nod, as the door opens and Loki steps out. A shiver runs through your body and you take his hand as the two of you get out of the car. 
Then you smile to yourself, knowing what’s in store for him. After the first week, you had had enough of Loki’s teasing and enlisted help to pay him back. You had gone to Bruce, knowing he had special shackles that could restrain Loki, built with the help of Dr. Strange- and that Loki didn’t know about. You had visited Bruce in the labs, asking for the restraints. 
“Can I borrow them? Just for a couple of hours, I want to test them out”, you smiled at Bruce, batting your eyes. 
“Why? We haven’t needed them. What on earth would you need them for?”, he looked at you with a puzzled look.  
You shifted, looking away as you tried to come up with a less slutty reason to need them. 
“Oh ew, I don’t want to know about whatever sick things you guys are into”, Bruce made a face of disgust as he put down the soldering tools he was using. 
“Please, Bruce? I promise I’ll return them. Think of it as an experiment- we won’t know they really work unless we try them on him under extreme duress..”, you smile and look hopeful at him. 
“Ok fine,” Bruce sighed, unable to resist the urge to see if his invention was successful. “Let me show you how they work…”, he walked you over to the cabinets where they were stored.
“And don’t say a word of this to the others,” You looked at him sternly, pointing your finger at him. 
“I don’t even want to know, so don’t worry about that.” 
The anticipation is killing you. You shift on the edge of his couch, facing the door. You had told everyone you had a headache, left the  party early, and are now eagerly waiting for his arrival. You fidget with the controller and small metal balls in your hand. Nanotech that worked like Tony’s suit, all you had to do was turn them on and the shackles would find Loki immediately. 
The door opened and Loki steps in gracefully, a proud smile on his face as he looks you once over, waiting for him.
“There’s my good girl, waiting for me like the perfect pet,” the tremble in his deep voice betrays how turned on he already is. You suspect he is probably just as needy as you. Good.
You launch yourself at him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders as he pulls you tightly to him, the two of you feverishly kissing each other, the build up unbearable. You begin to suck and nip at his neck, his soft curls tickling your cheeks as you mark him. 
Loki reaches his hand down under your skirt and cups your sex, feeling the dampness there under your panties. A moan slips out as you attempt to move the two of you towards the wall. 
“You’re already so wet for me, pet. You’ve been so patient, I promise you will be rewarded,” Loki assures you as his back gently thuds on the wall behind him. 
“I want to show you how much I appreciate you. Can I please?,” you bite his ear, and Loki moans in response as his hands on your hips tighten. His erection pushes against your stomach, and you feel the wetness in between your thighs soaking your panties. A growl emits from Loki’s chest but you fight your instincts to let him take over and fuck you relentlessly like a wild animal.
As you continue to lick and bite his neck, your hand travels to his tight slacks, finding its prize, and you suddenly feel weak in the knees. He is so hard. So hard for you, and he’s all you wanted for weeks. You could barely think about anything else.
But this wasn’t about you bending to his will anymore, this was about control. You wanted to inflict on him what you had experienced. Make him squirm, beg, and plead.
 Newfound resilience flooded you, and you pull the small controller and pods from out of your pocket, turning the manacles on. They nanotech zooms from your hand, finding Loki’s wrists and transforming into large cuffs that fasten his hands firmly to the wall with loud CHUNK.
Loki’s breathing hitches, and you stop your attention on his neck. 
“What–what is this pet?”, he asks as you look up at his face, which is shifting from confusion to anger. 
“I told you, I really really want to show you how much I appreciate you. You deserve to be worshiped,” you smile teasingly and wink at him. 
Loki pulls on the cuffs, unable to move himself, now realizing he’s totally at your mercy. He looks down at you, his pupils blown wide in intense arousal, an arrogant grin on his face. 
“Of course pet, as you wish. You are always welcome to worship me as you see fit-” he gasps as you unzip and pull his aching cock out and begin to run your small hands down the length. 
His eyes close as he leans his head against the wall, any fight in him gone, as he feels you deliver him the pleasure he knows he deserves. 
“I just thought tonight I’d take things slow and make them extra special for you”, you hummed, beginning to pepper kisses on his hot skin of his length. His cock is bright red, precum already beading the tip as you lick gently.
“Mmmm you have a devious mind pet…”, Loki trails off, lost in the moment of feeling your hot mouth wrap around his painfully hard member, just aching to come down your throat. 
You increase your speed, sucking and stroking where your hand cannot reach. Moans begin to spill out of Loki’s mouth, and find yourself feeling faint. His smell, his taste, is overpowering after all of your restraint. 
You feel the ridges of his hot cock against your tongue, as you push your head against his stomach as far as you can go. Tears are beginning to burn your eyes as you choke and sputter, taking your mouth off of him to give your jaw a break. 
You look up at Loki and appreciate  the disheveled state that he’s in, his chest heaving and sweat beading on his forehead. Momentarily you think of changing your plan, letting him come in your throat like he so desperately wants. No, almost there. He looks down at you as you continue to suck on him, massaging his balls. He’s getting close, you can tell by the way his hips are jerking forward. 
You suck up his length one more time, release his cock with a “Pop!” sound. His eyes are now fixed on you, his hair messy and falling around his face, framing his tensely set jaw. You stare back at him, a wry smile on your face as you lean back, gently running just the tips of your fingers down his length. 
“Darling…please..” he looks down at you with pleading eyes, his eyebrows slanted. You feel your cunt clench, his neediness turning you on more than you thought it could. 
You stand up slowly, taking in the scene in front of you- Loki continues to pant, his weeping cock just moments from coming as he looks at you with confusion and desperation.
“Good night, sir,” you smile at him, turning your back to him as he’s left speechless, hot, and ready to burst. You quickly leave the room, and hear a primal, angry scream erupt from behind you, sending a chill down your spine. 
Peachyjinx Masterlist
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donaweasley · 11 months
Congrats on 350 followers! Here's to this milestone and every next one I know is coming!
For my request…2 and 22 for Loki? 👀
First of all, apologies for taking a lifetime to complete a request! I'm really really sorry!!
And although I had planned on a drabble, it went on to be a full-length story! I'm sorry, I just can't stop writing!!
Anyway, *exhales*
Here's the story (that I could finally complete after 8 months!!). Hope you enjoy it!!
And, once again, thanks a LOTTTT for the request! I really enjoyed writing it.
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muddyorbsblr · 5 months
would've could've should've pt1
See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: Anonymous
Summary: A careless comment from Thor calls into question the stability of your relationship with Loki
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: 18+ | mature themes; the slightest bit of steam toward the beginning; angst; Tony and Thor having a very much "bro" type attitude and not in the good way; hinting at Reader's emotional baggage; the slightest mention of human experimentation [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established but private/secret relationship; Reader's baggage will be explained further in part 2
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There was something rather peaceful in the routine you and Loki had settled into when either of you came back from a mission. Decompressing the night before the debriefing care of Rogers that you took bets on how long this one would last. And whoever won would get to pick where to get takeout from on your next indoor date night.
Your last mission was particularly stressful, nearly losing a limb from triggering a booby trap while retrieving intel about potential human experimentation from a HYDRA base. The second Nat mentioned that little tidbit in passing while you were unpacking your equipment from the mission, the god left the common area, raiding the pantry for a selection of your favorite snacks, and queueing up one of your comfort movies.
The one about a woman that hit her head and found herself stranded in a romantic comedy only to realize that her best friend, the one that had been in front of her all this time, was her great love all along.
When you got to your apartment, Loki was already there with the movie ready to play on the screen, and he even went the extra step to open and plate the snacks on the coffee table in your living room for easier access. And the cherry on top of it all was that he brought over one of his sweaters for you to change into, something he'd been doing more and more ever since you mentioned how comfortable they were during one of your missions together where you'd shared a suite.
"You know, I'm pretty sure they're watching the same movie outside," you mentioned, speaking around the wafer stick you were munching on. "Nat just texted me that she has Netflix power considering how this mission got us stressed out to hell and back. Wanna just watch it outside with the rest of the guys?"
The god shook his head, pulling you closer to him. "If we join them outside, then I would be unable to do this." He tilted your chin up and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "And this is my favorite part," he mumbled against your skin before proceeding to give you a series of kisses, increasing with passion in each one.
Suddenly whatever was happening in the movie didn't matter to you anymore, an army of butterflies fluttering near violently at your stomach as he wrapped his arm around you and maneuvered your positions until you were straddling him on the couch, your knees on either side of his hips. He kept his hand on your waist, holding you steady while his other hand buried itself in your hair before he licked into your mouth, letting out a decadent sounding moan when your tongues met.
He moved his hand to your lower back, changing your positions once again so that your back was flat on the couch, and he hovered over you and between your legs. You leaned into his touch, losing yourself in his attentions, until his hand moved upward, cupping your breast. That was when you broke the kiss.
"I'm sorry," he panted, immediately moving his hand away once he saw the frantic, panicked look in your eyes. "I got carried away--"
"No, sweetie, I'm sorry," you insisted, placing your hands on his shoulders, and pulling yourself up slightly to kiss him, trying to reassure your boyfriend he did nothing wrong. "It's just…I want to be ready, really, I do. And I know it's frustrating for you it's just that…every time we take a step  in that direction something in me starts running and cowering in a corner, it's not fair to you that--"
"Please don't apologize, darling, you have nothing to be sorry for." He righted your positions on the couch, delicately stroking your hair and giving you a soft peck on your lips before he stood, offering you his hand. "I think we could both benefit from cooling off a bit. Would you like to join the others outside?"
Despite having offered it yourself just a few minutes earlier, your stomach dropped when the tables had turned, knowing that you'd put a stop to something that could have turned out completely mind-blowing and possibly even life changing. Only thing was, when you reached the peak of a relationship, that was it.
The only way forward was down.
"You go ahead," you told him, walking toward your bedroom. "I'll just change into my sweats first…so no one asks questions."
By some miracle, no one on the team had caught on yet that you two had started seeing each other and had been in a relationship for the better part of the year. And neither of you seemed to be itching to burst your little bubble of privacy quite yet, knowing that the second the team knew, Wanda and Nat would be down your throat with questions practically begging for every detail. And Thor would be doing much of the same for his brother.
At least that was the story you tried to tell yourself. It was better than what that little voice in your head tried to scream at you every time he didn't take the seat next to you. Or when he'd drop your hand and take a few steps back the second he heard someone rounding the corner.
Loki gave you a strained smile, starting to walk toward your front door. "I'll see you outside then." Before you could reach your bedroom, he called out to you. "I love you, little mortal."
You blinked back the tears that were threatening to come out, looking back at him with a contrived smile of your own. "I love you, too, Mischief."
A good few minutes passed before you exited your apartment, the movie paused on the TV and a rather lively discussion being had among your teammates. Something about Barnes' new girlfriend.
"Oh good you're here, jellybean, welcome to the circus," Tony greeted you, jutting his chin toward the empty seat next to Wanda. "Need your input on something."
Instead of taking the seat, you walked over to the bar to pour yourself a glass of wine. You had a feeling you were gonna need it. On your way there, you spotted Loki seated near his brother, giving you a minuscule smile and a tiny wave of his hand.
"Go ahead, I'm listening," you called out.
"Stark's trying to tell me the woman I'm seeing isn't all that interested in me because she doesn't want to spend the night," Bucky started. "Said she's just with me for the aesthetic of dating me, whatever backwards 21st Century nonsense that is. I'm trying to tell the rest of these horn dogs that maybe she's just not ready yet. Good things take time. Flowers need to blossom--"
"Sarge, don't ever say that line again, it's so cheesy you'll attract rats in here," you shot back, pointing your finger at the soldier before turning toward Stark. "That said though…I'm with Bucky on this one, Stark. Maybe she's just not ready yet I mean…not everyone's ready to drop trou and put out so easily, you know. How long have you been dating this girl anyways?" You turned back to Bucky as you asked the question.
"Three weeks? Give or take?"
"Dammit Stark, it's only been three weeks, give our boy some time." You made a show of facepalming before you picked up your glass, plopping down next to Wanda who immediately rested her head on your shoulder.
"They've been at this for the last ten minutes," she groaned. "Wake me when they put the movie back on." Meanwhile, you clocked Nat next to her, not so subtly massaging her temples in an attempt to calm herself down. You shared the feeling; this was such a common sense discussion it shouldn't have lasted thirty seconds.
"Well then perhaps you could provide some insight for another situation, Lady Y/N," Thor boomed from across the floor, swatting his brother's hand away when he tried to get the blond Asgardian to stop.
"Brother you really need not--"
"Nonsense. Lady Y/N seems knowledgeable on how timetables and relations between mortals work, perhaps she'll finally give the perspective I have been seeking."
Your boyfriend shot you a look, as if he was already embarrassed by what his brother was about to say, piquing your curiosity even more. "I'm all ears, Thunder. Ask away."
"My brother has been seeing a mortal woman for the better part of the last Midgardian year. My best estimate…eight moons," he began, your stomach once again dropping at the realization that he was about to ask your insight about…yourself. You gave him a motion to go on, placing your glass on the table to hide the way your hand had begun to shake. "And while it has been as you here on Midgard would say 'like pulling teeth' trying to get him to divulge any detail about her, something I have surmised is that she also seems unwilling to spend the night with him. Yet he claims they love each other."
"Yikes, tough break, Reindeer Games!" Tony winced. "My two cents? You're not just on the same boat with Barnes over here, you're the goddamn captain of the ship. Go on, jellybean, tell him."
"I-I…" you stuttered, your heart thundering in your chest from unwittingly having been placed on the proverbial hot seat. "Maybe she just…wants to be sure, you know? I mean…I don't know how y'all do it in Asgard but here, with some people, being intimate is…something m-more than physical."
You could see from where you sat that the raven-haired god's fingers were twitching, his leg bouncing as if he wanted to stand up and leave the room. You pretty much wanted out of this, too.
Thor waved off your explanation. "I completely disagree. That amount of time passed, I believe one should be sure lest she be wasting both of their time. Brother, much as I can tell you love this mortal, it is my expert opinion, which I believe will be backed by the men in this room, that your mortal woman does not love you. This is, as our genius friend Stark has stated earlier, all for the optics of having you at her arm."
It was getting impossible to breathe. How dare he say that about you right in your face like this? Thinking he knew everything there was to know about your relationship just because he was in one of his own?
"You know not the first thing about her, Brother," Loki hissed, speaking through his teeth as if he was readying himself to strike.
"I know enough," the blond Asgardian shot back dismissively. "You know I think the world of you, Brother, and after everything you've endured, you deserve every bit of happiness this universe will grant you." He clapped his hand on Loki's shoulder. "If this mortal shares not this sentiment, then perhaps your time is better spent elsewhere."
"He's right, Mischief," you choked out, your voice so small you were surprised it even traveled that far that it had everyone looking to you. "Maybe you are wasting your time with this one…you know, if she's making you wait so long." You stood up abruptly, making Wanda groan in protest when she nearly fell over to the spot you'd just vacated.
In what was probably your most poorly miscalculated decision for the night, you downed your wine in a single gulp, starting to walk back to your apartment.
"Hey where you going, jellybean, you just got here," Tony hollered from his seat. "Come on, I know talking about Frosty the Snowman's nonexistent sex life was a drag, how about we all drop it for now, I'll order some tacos and we can go back to grilling Manchie here."
"Or we could lay off either of us and grill someone else for a change?" Bucky groaned, throwing his human arm over his eyes as he turned his face to the ceiling.
"You know what, you are so right, let's talk about the big guy who has a lot to say about being the resident relationship expert." Stark turned to face Thor. "How is Lady Thunder lately? And how are you with the whole your old hammer chooses her over you thing?"
The conversation faded into a dulled roar in your ears as the wine begun to take what fleeting effect it would have on you, your pulse faintly thumping in your ears as you made your way back to your apartment.
You hadn't even been back two minutes before your door swung open again, the God of Mischief standing at your entryway looking a mix of concerned and distraught. "Darling, I completely apologize for my oaf of a brother, I had no idea he would--"
"It's okay, Loki," you cut him off, throwing your hands up as if to push away the conversation. "Maybe he's on to something, I mean you should be with someone who doesn't take forever and a day to be ready for something like this, maybe we should--"
In an instant, he stood inches away from you, placing his hands on your shoulders in a gentle but firm grasp. "Don't say another word, my love, please." He rubbed his hands up and down your arms in a soothing gesture; whether it was to soothe you or him was beyond you.
"You want more, I get that," you pressed on. "And I can't give that to you--"
"You are all that I want, precious mortal." He leaned in, pressing a desperate kiss to your lips before wrapping his arms around you. "I am already more than content that you've even granted me the honor to know who you are outside of our duties. This is all I need, to be able to love you as I have these past moons."
Tears began to fall from your eyes as your words weighed heavy on your tongue. "I'm sure there's someone out there more than willing to give you what I can't, it's selfish of me to keep you--"
"Stop, little mortal, I beg of you," he pleaded, repeatedly pressing his lips to your forehead. "Don't rid yourself of me like this. I don't care if there's someone else out there, they aren't you." He sat you both down back on the couch, cradling you against his chest as his hand rubbed up and down your back in soothing motions. "Please just try to put what my oaf of a brother said out of your mind. His opinion is entirely his own and it is one I do not share."
Your next question blurted out without much resistance. "Loki what if I never become ready? What if you really are wasting your time with me, you shouldn't--"
"Any time I spend with you, regardless of how it is spent, is never a waste," he whispered, stroking your face as he held your gaze. "If ever you decide to share that part of yourself with me, it will be an honor that I will cherish for the rest of my days, but I will never be the one to place pressure on you to move yourself at a pace you're uncomfortable with."
You nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, prompting him to press a kiss to your temple when you sniffled from the tears you were trying and failing to hold back. "I do love you," you mumbled against him. "You know that, right?"
"Of course I do, my darling mortal." He pressed his cheek against yours, taking deep breaths to calm himself after the scare your words from earlier gave him. He wanted to punch his brother clean across the jaw for jeopardizing his happiness with his careless words, and the stabbing pain it put him through seeing how deeply that opinion had cut you.
He started moving toward your bedroom, carrying you in his arms bridal style. Mostly in refusal to let you go even for a fraction of a moment.
"What're you doing?" you mumbled, making a motion to move out of his arms.
"We're going to bed, darling. Just to sleep, nothing more, I swear."
"Hmph…" you shook your head, the motion making the tip of your nose nuzzle his neck in a slight tickling sensation. "Maybe…maybe you should stay at your place tonight." Your voice was so small, so unsure of what you'd just said. The god stopped in his tracks, his body going rigid and making you immediately regret your words.
"Do you want me to leave, dear heart?" he choked out, his heart at war with himself as it protested against him putting you back down on your feet.
"No," you admitted, lifting your head from his shoulder and showing him the tears that had begun to redden your eyes. "I want you to stay, I'll always want you to stay, I just don't…" Your breath hitched in the back of your throat, almost sounding like a hiccup. "I don't want you to be frustrated because of me--"
"I'm not," he reassured you, resting his forehead on yours. "Being with you like this is more than enough for me. I need you to know this, my darling."
He laid you down on your bed before his clothes changed into his own loungewear set with a wash of his green magic, settling under the covers next to you and pulling you into his arms.
"Promise me something, Mischief?"
"If…and when…the time comes that you get tired of waiting? And you want to be with someone else--"
"Little mortal, not another word." He tightened his hold on you, as if he couldn't hold you close enough. "Please, my love, let's just retire for the night."
"Just let me get this out," you insisted. "Let me say my piece and I'll never mention it again. Okay?"
He sighed, pressing a lingering kiss to your forehead. "Okay."
"If you want to be with someone else, just promise you'll tell me and leave me first? I don't wanna find out waking up one morning and seeing someone else with her arms around you and just waving it around for everyone to see." Your voice dwindled and wavered into barely a whisper, your arm tightening around his midsection, a part of you already refusing to give him up even if the day were to come.
"That will never happen," he told you. "Why would I ever wish to leave you?"
"Just--Just promise me anyway. Please?"
"Look at me, little mortal." He traced along your jaw with his finger, tilting your chin up so he could see your eyes. The sight of the genuine fear of that precise outcome reflected in your expression knocked nearly all of the air from the god's lungs. "On the remotest chance of that happening, I promise I will never do wrong by you. But I want nothing more than for you rest assured that I will never wish to be with another.
"Perhaps one day you'll believe it. But I will gladly spend my days proving my devotion to you. This…This I will gladly swear to you. On whatever semblance of a soul I have left." He brushed the tip of his nose against yours before pressing a tender kiss to the same spot. "I love you, my darling Y/N."
You finally settled in his embrace, resting your head on his chest as you began to let your breathing even out. "I love you, too, Loki."
Just the thought of history repeating itself one day had your blood going cold, feeling as if your very bones were shaking from the images your mind conjured of the inevitable day that Loki would leave you. Somewhere deep inside you knew it was ridiculous for you to even think that your boyfriend was anywhere even near capable of putting you through what he had all those years ago.
But that was the thing about fear. Sometimes it was rational, like jumping out of the Quinjet and having a passing scare that your parachute had a hole in it. And other times it was outright absurd. Like now. Thinking that in the morning after you first had sex, the god would have realized there wasn't anything worth spending more time with. That he'd have had his fill of you and now it was time to move on to better prospects.
It didn't help, either, that your overly cautious mind was yelling that the signs were all there. That it could tell you exactly where this was headed because of the dropped hands. The refusal to even sit near each other. The barely there acknowledgement when you were even in the same room together. Everything that had happened before with him…felt like a mirror image of what was happening now. With Loki.
And you didn't have it in you to tell him that his desire for privacy was slowly and quite surely crushing you.
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A/N: Starting off another story from the request pile! This is going to have 3 parts, where both parts 1 and 2 will deliver on the more angsty part and part 3 will be the comfort/fluff. I know you asked for "90% angst", Anon, but hopefully 10k words worth of angst will do it…because part 2 is 6.5k words long 😳👀
everything taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover
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pleasantlycrazyworld · 2 months
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I found this on Instagram and I want to write so many of these!!!!
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valiantphantomangel · 6 months
The Party
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You slowly opened your bedroom door, cringing as it made a low creaking sound, you looked around to see if anyone would come out of their room and sighed in relief when that wasn't the case.
Shoes and bag in your hand as you sneaked through the halls in your best clothes, hair up and light make up on, trying your best to stay as quiet as possible.
The ding of the elevator alerted you that someone was coming and you quickly ducked behind a corner, hoping that it was someone who wouldn't recognize you.
But low and behold, there stepped out of the elevator the three people you didn't want to see the most, The God Of mischief, The Winter Soldier and Captain America. Aka the three people who would never let you go to a party like the overprotective guys they were.
"Are you sure she's here?" Bucky asked as he looked around the hall.
"Yeah, Stark said he saw her on the camera's looking all dressed up" Steve answered as he put his hands on his hips.
You slowly started to sneak out, trying to remain as quiet as possible as you tip toe into the opposite direction.
"Did you really think I wouldn't notice you Y/N?" Loki chuckled as he turned around to face you.
Your eyes widen as you come to a hold, turning around to see them looking at you.
"Go back to bed and you'll only get a lecture" Steve suggested.
"Never" you grinned before sprinting away.
You heard the thundering of footsteps behind you as you ran like your social life depends on it, luckily you also had a gift and that was a mutated super soldier serum that you got as a child, the team was aware of it but never tested it to its full ability.
"God damnit she's fast"! Bucky exclaimed behind you as he nearly ran into Steve who shouted "Language"!! at him.
Your 'ahhhhhhh' echoed through the halls, stopping for a second and then continuing loudly, making it almost look like a chase scene from a Disney movie.
You quickly rounded a corner before running straight into a brick wall, well it felt like a brick wall but was instead Loki waiting there for you.
He immediately trapped you a bear hug before throwing you over his shoulder "Hey put me down!!" You yelled with a laugh as you punched his back.
"Now now darling no need to be so aggressive" Loki smirked as he carried you back to the other two who were waiting there with wicked grins on their face.
"You are in big trouble young lady" Steve chuckled as Loki carried you to the couch and threw you on to it gently, immediately straddling your waist with a mischief smirk on his face.
"Wipe that stupid smirk off of your face" You said accusingly as you squirmed underneath him.
"How about no?" He grinned before tasering your sides and blowing a raspberry on your neck.
You let out a squeak before laughing your head off, suddenly feeling a pair of fingers scribbling on the soles of your feet.
"God Damnit AHHHHAHAHAHHA" you screamed with laughter as you wiggle around now also feeling someone squeezing your knees.
"Steve she said a bad language word" Bucky said with a faux gasp as he continued to trace your soles.
"I'm never going to escape that" Steve muttered before laughing and squeezing your thighs.
It was God Damm torture, Loki obviously knew what he was doing as he expertly digged into your ribs.
"I'm actually quite hungry" he said with a grin before leaning down and blowing a good raspberry on your tummy right next to your belly button.
"GHAHHAHAHHAHA" you screamed in hysterical laughter as you trashed around.
"Have you learned your lesson doll?" Bucky asked as he wiggled his fingers on your toes.
"And what is it?"
"DONT SNEAK OUTHIHIHIHI" you laughed breathless as your face turned a little red.
Loki chuckled fondly and let up, same for the other two and helped you sit up as the remaining giggles left your lips.
"You know you are absolutely beautiful and adorable right darling" Loki said with a smile as he pulled you to his chest with Steve and Bucky sitting nearby with fond smiles.
You just nodded with a blush as he kissed your forehead "Now how about a movie night and when there is a party anytime soon you'll tell and you can go?" He suggested.
"Really?" You jumped up excited and Loki nodded.
"thank you thank you thank you" you giggled as you gave all of them a hug before running off to your room to change into comfortable clothes and spent the rest of the night eating snacks, watching movies and joking around with Loki, Steve and Bucky.
Honestly it was better then any party could be.
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I Will Write A Fic For You If You Donate to the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund!
I came across the super cool organization Fandom Trumps Hate just recently (as of this post actually), and unfortunately I learned of its existence too late to apply to be one of the writers for this year. Since I don't want to wait a whole year to do some good with my love of writing, I'm holding my own little auction! Let's use that autistic special interest for good!
How Much I Will Write: 1K-5K words (if I end up writing more, well, yay for the lucky auction winner I guess, but that's what I'm willing to commit to)
What Fandoms I Will Write For: Baldur's Gate 3, The Dragon Prince, Good Omens, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Loki (just... the character. I will write so many things involving that character)
What I Will (and Will Not) Write: Character x Character, Character x reader, Character x OC even if you can give me enough about your OC, are all good! Not into shipping? No worries! I love the platonic and I can even just write a character study or a songfic. I am willing to write up to M rating for this, so some spicy stuff, but not pure smut. Any of the Main Warning Tags on AO3, save Major Character Death (gotta love that angst), are off limits. If you are worried that I can't write your idea before you want to bid, go ahead and shoot me a message before you bid and I'll let you know! You can also check out my pinned post for my masterlist of past fics. I have written all the examples I have given as requests before.
How to Bid: Place the dollar amount (in US $) of your bid in the replies of this post! The bidding period begins at the time of posting, March 3 2024 12pm ESR and ends March 10th 2024 2pm EST.
What Happens If You Win: When the bidding closes I will message the top bidder from this account here on tumblr. From there, you have 48 hours to send proof of your donation. I'm giving myself a deadline of a month to have your fic ready for you.
If the winner does not send proof of donation before the time period is up, I will contact the first runner up.
Additionally, I will match the winning bid in my own donation up to $100
The purpose of this endeavor is for fun fic writing and most importantly, doing a little bit of good for the Palestinian people. Any bigotry done on this post will result in the perpetrator being blocked and disqualified from receiving a fanfic.
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louloulemons-posts · 10 months
Loving More Than One
Bucky X Fem!Mutant!Reader X Loki
summary : reader has a crush. well she has 2. and they’re in a relationship. with each other.
word count : 0.7k
Requested 🤍
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warnings : not proofread, 3am writing, haven’t watched marvel in a while so i’m a bit rusty sorry, talks of natural disasters, very sweet and fluff, simple reading?
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
You knew it was wrong, okay crushing on people from afar wasn’t wrong, but they were your friends and they were dating and well … you liked them both.
You’d been recruited into the avengers a few years back for your powers, elemental control. You were able to cause a flood, droughts, fires, earthquakes, the list goes on.
During this time you’d met some of your best friends, some even becoming family. People like Wanda Maximoff and Natasha Romanoff.
You’d also quickly become used to Lokis teasing, he was always lurking trying to get a rise out of someone. His favourite target had become you, cheeks flushing whenever he’d taunt you, small touches here and there.
Along with this you’d met Bucky. He did seem intimidating from the outside, but once you got closer he opened up. He told you how he struggled with what he did as the Winter Soldier, and how he hated himself.
You understood, also having been tested on and used for causing damaged all around the world. When you could you only used your powers for things that were good, like helping grow crops and flowers.
However, over time you’d become very fond of Bucky and his gentleness, but also Lokis rambunctious charm.
That was until, “Hello Love,” Loki leaned down, pecking Bucky’s forehead. “Hi,” he gave the god a small smile, even that a rarity from Bucky.
“What are you two up too?” he asked.
“Oh, Bucky was just helping me with some gardening stuff.”
“Ah I see, I must apologise though. I have to steal James from you. We have a reservation.”
Standing up, the shorter man wiped down his jeans with his metal hand, taking one of Lokis in his flesh one. “O-oh yeah of course. Have fun,” you smiled, waving them off.
Oh my god, they’re together.
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
Wandering to your room after a long day, you overheard familiar voices. “So we both feel the same way?” Loki.
“Yeah but it’s wrong.” Bucky. He sounded upset. “My Love it is not. It is not abnormal for people to love many during their lifetime. You are more than 100 years of age, and me a thousand. It’s alright.”
This wasn’t a conversation you should be hearing. “So what? We just ask her? Hey we both like you, wanna date us both?”
“That is exactly what we are going to do. Come, she should be here.”
Shit they were heading your way, quickly walking down the hall, you heard Loki call out your name. “Oh hello,” you said, be calm.
“We were just coming to find you,” Loki smiled at you. “Right, what can I help you with?”
“We need to talk to you,” Bucky said quietly.
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah Darling nothing to worry about, shall we go somewhere more private?” Loki suggested.
The three of you headed out to a balcony, sitting on one bench, Loki and Bucky sat across from you. “So what did you want to talk about?”
“Well umm, you know how well we all get along, and this - this man come as a shock to you but-“ Bucky began, stumbling over his words, when Loki spoke.
“We like you.” It was so simple for him to say, he shrugged when he said it, flicking lint off his trousers. The man next to him nudged him harshly.
“L-like me?” you asked.
“Indeed. We were wondering if you would like to join us in our relationship.” It wasn’t even a question. “Sorry Sweetheart, Lokis a bit … well very comfortable with this,” Bucky spoke softly, coming to sit next to you.
“We both like you. Enjoy your company, find you attractive, we want to get to know you better. But we’re already in a relationship, we were wondering if you’d be interested in being with us both?”
“Yes.” Bucky looked at you shocked, even Lokis eyes widened. “I’m sorry? Darling did you say yes?” The god asked. You nodded, humming, “I’d like that very much, thought I was crazy liking you both … turns out it’s not too unusual.”
“So, you’d like to go on a date with us, see how it goes?” Bucky questioned.
“I’d really like that,” you kissed the man’s stubble covered cheek and rose. Leaning over and doing the same to the other mans.
“But for now I must sleep,” you smiled at them both, bidding them goodnight. “D-did that really just happen?”
“Yes my Darling it did.”
~ / / / * \ \ \ ~
A/N: Written for @melodymishahiddlestan
I hope this was okay for you! I’ve never wrote for Bucky or Loki and I’m a bit rusty on my Marvel atm. I’ve also never wrote for a 3 person relationship, but it was fun to do. I wanted to keep it simple and sweet. Hope you enjoyed 🤍
Thank you so much for reading! Please leave any requests 🤍
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darkserenity24 · 4 months
DarkSerenity's Fic Masterlist
𝘞𝘦𝘭𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘺 𝘔𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵! 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘮𝘺 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘭𝘢𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘥 18+, 𝘴𝘰 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘋𝘕𝘐❗𝘚𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘦 𝘨𝘳𝘢𝘱𝘩𝘪𝘤 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘴. 𝘐𝘧 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘯𝘥𝘴 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘤𝘦𝘦𝘥.
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《 Loki Laufeyson x Female Reader 》
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⤜ Series
Freedom and Forgiveness - (Part 1) Complete When the infamous God of Mischief escapes his cell in the basement of the Avengers Tower, he accidentally comes across you while looking for revenge.
Freedom and Chaos - (Part 2) In progress The God of Mischief discovers a new sense of purpose beyond himself, but when this newfound direction spirals out of control, chaos ensues, and something much more twisted is formed.
Haunted - In Progress Being a housekeeper at the Odinson Manor was nothing but a job to you. That’s until one Odinson brother changes everything, and the other tragically ends it.
⤜ OneShots
Strong You have a thing for your new boyfriend and he has a thing for you.
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《 Steve Rogers x Female Reader 》
⤜ OneShots
𝑳𝒂 𝑷𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒆 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒕 Death himself has come for you, and you have no other choice than to surrender to his whim.
𝑩𝒓𝒆𝒘𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑨𝒎𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒂 You've been granted a life many would envy, complete with a devoted husband who showers you with affection around the clock. Yet, despite it all, an inexplicable sense of absence weighs heavily on you.
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𝑶𝒖𝒕𝒆𝒓 𝑩𝒂𝒏𝒌𝒔
《 Rafe Cameron x Female Reader 》
⤜ Series
Conceal and Carry - In progress You return to the Outer Banks to wrap up some familial unfinished business, only to be caught up in something so much more sinister.
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⋙ I do not give any permission for anyone to copy, imitate, or translate my work. Same thing with fan art. If you want to post anything related to this story, please ask me first. Thank you.
⋙FAQs & Rules
26 𝘺𝘳 𝘰𝘭𝘥 𝘣𝘭𝘢𝘤𝘬 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘺𝘦𝘴, 𝘐 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘴. 𝘏𝘰𝘸𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳, 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘺. 𝘐𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘢 𝘳𝘦𝘲𝘶𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘧𝘢𝘴𝘵, 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘦. ⤷ 𝘒𝘰-𝘧𝘪 ✨ : 𝘩𝘵𝘵𝘱𝘴://𝘬𝘰-𝘧𝘪.𝘤𝘰𝘮/𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺24 𝘯𝘰, 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘣𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘰𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘰𝘧 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴. 𝘯𝘰, 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘤𝘩𝘦𝘥𝘶𝘭𝘦. 𝘐 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘪𝘮𝘦. 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘥 𝘰𝘯 𝘧𝘪𝘤𝘴 𝘭𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸. 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘐 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰 𝘦𝘪𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵 𝘰𝘳 𝘳𝘦𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘨. 𝘐𝘧 𝘯𝘰𝘵, 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘯𝘰 𝘭𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘢𝘨𝘨𝘦𝘥. 𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 𝘥𝘰 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘢𝘴𝘬 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘯𝘦𝘹𝘵 𝘶𝘱𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦𝘯'𝘵 𝘢𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘧𝘵 𝘢𝘯 𝘪𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵. 𝘪𝘧 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘺 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘨𝘦, 𝘐 𝘩𝘢𝘷𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘭𝘰𝘤𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘪𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘸𝘳𝘪𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨, 𝘫𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘷𝘦. 𝘯𝘰 𝘯𝘦𝘦𝘥 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘳𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘵𝘧𝘶𝘭 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘴.
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thewritersaddictions · 3 months
Christmas Stories 2024 Master List
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Welcome to the Christmas Stories 2024 Master List
A/n- There will be some fluff for and during the Christmas time. This is 24 days of fluff, dedicated to the cold holiday time.
Word Count-
Series Master List
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Day 1- Jim Hopper + Fake Dating
Day 2- Joel Miller + Kissing under the mistletoe
Day 3- Alcina Dimitrescu + Looking at Christmas Lights
Day 4- Negan Smith + Catching snowflakes
Day 5- Steve Rogers + Sick s/o
Day 6- Eddie Munson + Building Gingerbread houses
Day 7- Koing + Cuddling Together
Day 8- Elijah Mikealson + Drinking hot cocoa by the fireplace
Day 9- Spencer Reid + Celebrating new years together
Day 10- Rick Grimes + Roasting marshmallows
Day 11- Leon S. Kennedy + Opening Christmas Gifts
Day 12- Daryl Dixon + Building Snowmen
Day 13- Steve Harrington + Christmas Shopping
Day 14- Jensen Ackles + Watching Holiday Movies
Day 15- Soldier Boy + Watching Snow Fall
Day 16- Joyce Byers + Baking Cookies
Day 17- Loki + Chirstmas Cruise
Day 18- Michonne + Snow Angels
Day 19- Billy Hargrove + Sleding
Day 20- Ellie Williams + Snowball Fight
Day 21- Bucky Barnes + Slipping on ice
Day 22- Stefan Salvatore + Ice Skating
Day 23- John Price + Decorating Christmas Tree
Day 24- Karl Heisenberg + Babys First Chirstmas
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Completed On: (12/24/24)
Posted On: (03/28/24) - (12/01/24)
CS24 Tags-
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peachyjinx · 1 year
Smutty drabble idea: something with somnophilia, like Loki comes home from a mission or battle and finds Reader sprawled out naked in his bed asleep and it drives him wild
Ooo this one was fun cause I haven't written somnophilia before and only read like maybe 2 fics with it. Hope you enjoy!
Relationship: Dom!Loki x Sub!Reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: 18+, somnophilia, Loki's POV
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Loki keys in the password to your shared living quarters in Stark tower, wincing as he feels a tinge in his shoulder that had taken the brunt of a sonic blast last night. Loki scowls as he quietly enters your living room, thinking about how Stark had insisted his new shields would be impervious.
Idiot, Loki thinks to himself.
He enters the room quietly, glancing at the clock-2:30 am.The others insisted that he showered in the communal showers when they landed, under the assumption of possible exposures in the lab. Loki had huffed in response, grabbed some of Banner’s soaps, and headed to your private shower you shared. He needed to be back home- where you are. 
Loki silently steps towards the bathroom, already feeling relief to be in the space you shared. He runs the shower and steps in, feeling his tense, sore muscles begin to relax under the hot water. Loki gently soaps his body down and lathers his hair, his mind wandering.
Loki’s thoughts drift to the last 48 hours. A whirlwind of reconnaissance and the subsequent invasion of new Hydra labs. He proudly grins to himself with his eyes closed as he stands under the hot water, remembering flashes of green spread out amongst the crowds of henchmen. How thrilling it felt, feeling his power coursing through his veins. Loki feels his heart beating faster, the adrenaline still pumping in his system.
He had been told by Rogers not to kill anyone, but Loki had rightly ignored that order as he took the lab technician’s lives. He had been alive longer than the rest of the team- he knew there was no use for the sort of ilk that experimented on others. 
As Loki reminisces on how glorious the battle had been, his hand wanders to his cock, which is beginning to twitch. He begins to gently pump his hardening length while his thoughts drift to you, sleeping soundly in your shared bedroom.
There was something about you he couldn’t resist; like magnets, the two of you were drawn to each other. All it took was a giggle and a glance from you and Loki was ready to burn everything down just to be inside your welcoming cunt. 
You had always told him he could have you whenever he wanted- even when you were sleeping. He normally chose to wake you up… but tonight was different. As Loki dries himself off, his need feels even more pressing, a heat is building in his lower back. 
Loki softly steps into your bedroom, his eyes drawn to you peacefully passed out, wrapped in your sheets. His gaze slowly drifts down your body and he feels his cock twitch again, warmth spreading over his body as he hears himself breathing faster. 
His aching need to bury his cock inside your wet folds is unbearable, and he gently removes the sheets off of you and turns your pliable body on your back as he stands over you. Loki climbs onto the bed, his muscular thighs encasing your hips. His cock is flushed and he resists his urge to sink it in you immediately. He needs to make sure you are ready, because he’s not waking you up this time. 
You let out a soft whimper as he gently caresses your breasts with the tip of his finger, his eyes widen as he watches you respond to him. 
So beautiful…and always so willing under my touch.
Loki’s hand drifts to your core, a finger gently discovers your wetness in between your legs. His heart races as he touches your soft skin, fingers mingling in the sticky sensation.
Always wet and ready for me. 
Loki shudders as his skillful hands begin to massage your clit, and he works his finger inside of you.  His finger gently pumps inside, preparing you for his girth. You let out a quiet moan in your sleep, “Mmm Loki…”.
The sound of your voice floods his senses in the dark, his need to fit his thick cock into your tight hole overwhelms him as an intense heat from the base of his cock becomes too much to ignore. 
Loki withdraws his finger and lowers his large frame on top of yours, needing to be inside of you immediately. 
With ease, he pushes his cock slowly inside of you, holding back a moan as he closes his eyes tightly. Your warmth envelopes him, and Loki knows this is Valhalla. He restrains himself as he starts slowly and begins to pump himself inside. 
You begin to squirm, and he gently grabs your wrists with one hand, moving them above your head. Loki feels his cock twitch as your hips begin to buck gently against his as he rhythmically thrusts inside of you. 
Loki nuzzles in your neck, your scent driving him wilder as he increases his pace, trying to get deeper inside of you. 
“Ohhh..” you begin to shift and Loki watches as your eyes move under your lids, and he can tell you’re going to wake up at any moment.
Loki feels his breath hitch at the sight of you stirring, and his grips on your wrists get tighter. His panting is louder and he can feel his balls tighten against you as he continues to desperately chase his high in your warm cunt. He needs to come inside you, with your wet heat tightening around him. 
Your eyes slowly open to look up and see Loki above you, his hair fallen in a black curtain around his face. Your face is one of shock and then pleasure as you realize Loki’s taking you in your sleep. 
Loki feels the pressure building, cursing under his breath as he sees you’re awake. Your legs instinctively wrap around his hips, and he bottoms out inside of you.
“Ohh Norns…” Loki groans as he begins to fuck you deeper, grabbing tightly onto your hip and chasing his high. The moans coming out of you now are enough to send him over the edge. He pistons himself inside of you, and with a final hard thrust he feels the coil in his core snap, coming hard into your tender cunt. A shuddering wave of relief washes over him as he spills his seed inside of you while he moans your name. 
The air is filled with the two of you panting loudly, as Loki continues to gently thrust into you, savoring the moment. He releases your wrists, and begins to nuzzle in your hair, breathing in deeply. You feel like home to him.
Peachyjinx Masterlist
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lizmaximoff · 1 year
Hi friend! For the drabble requests, how about one with Loki and Reader reuniting after a mission (or something)? Can’t wait to see what you come up with!
AREN'T WE A PAIR? - Loki Laufeyson x f!Reader
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Rating: T                                                                                         Warnings: Mentions of violence.                                                                     Summary: After being transported in the midst of battle, you're left to ponder on the nature of yours and Loki's relationship. What happens once you're reunited?
Send Loki x Reader requests here!
A/N: I'm trying to get back into fic-writing again! I have a small multi-chapter fic for Loki planned, but, in the meantime, I would love to fill some drabble requests for our God of Mischief. Don't be afraid to send some my way!
The last thing that you remembered was hearing Loki shout your name as the rest of the world slipped away in a vacuum.
It had been one week since you were ripped away from him in the heat of battle, leading you somewhere dewy and warm - somewhere off-planet.
It was only the two of you in the Hydra base that evening, stumbling upon a sorcerer who had developed a new serum from remnants of the tesseract. You had lost track of how many soldiers' throats you had slit or how many bodies Loki had thrown against the wall. The only thing that ruined your streak was touching the remnant of the tesseract when it became within reach. And then nothing.
You had absolutely no idea if Loki was dead or alive for seven whole days. You lost count of how many distress signals you sent to the Avengers compound. It wasn't until this morning that you finally got a signal back from Fury.
Here you were, twelve hours later, on a ship back to earth with Steve and Clint. You hadn't been given much information regarding the mission, but Steve did tell you that Loki was safe which was really all that you cared about.
Being isolated this past week gave you a lot of time to think about the complexities of the relationship between you and Loki. You'd been friends for nearly a year, opening up yourselves more and more to each other with each movie night, game session and mission. You knew you had started to develop feelings for him a couple of months ago, but the strict requirements of work to focus on the mission ahead made you push those feelings away.
You couldn't even focus on your own mortality as you fought to survive on your own. All you could think about was if Loki had persevered in the battle that you had left him in. Your guilt almost ate you alive. You didn't know if you'd even get the chance to tell him about how he made your stomach flip whenever he chuckled under his breath at one of your jokes or how warm you felt your chest become whenever he sat next to you.
These were the only thoughts that plagued your mind as you sat on the seat of the ship staring at your lap, your knee shaking so harshly that you couldn't even begin to try to blame it on the jet engines beneath your feet. Your thumb's nail was lodged between your teeth, biting nervously as the minutes ticked away.
You were shaken from your reverie as you heard the Captain's footsteps approach, causing you to look up at him with a silent gasp.
"You all good over here?" Steve asked, tilting his head as he planted his hands on his hips.
You sighed with a shrug, "I'm alive."
"Thank god for that," he replied with a chuckle, sitting in the unoccupied seat next to you. "Do you want to talk about it?"
Right next to Loki, you would consider Steve to be your closest friend on the team. You'd been like brother and sister since you joined the team years ago after the incident in Sokovia. You knew you couldn't hide your feelings from Steve - he probably knew you better than you knew yourself at this point.
"Not really - no," you bit your lip, avoiding his stare.
He nodded his head, rubbing his hands together, "You do know I'm not going anywhere until you do, though, right?"
You rolled your eyes, tossing your head back against the seat with a grunt, "I just need to think, Steve."
He smiled with tight lips, "You know - he was worried about you, too."
You turned to him slowly, smiling sadly. You had never mentioned anything to him, but you should have known you'd been obvious, "What are you talking about?"
"Horns," he deadpanned. "Who else would I be talking about?"
"Clint," you motioned over to the archer sarcastically with a chuckle.
"We all knew you could handle yourself," he replied, crossing his arms. "For christ's sake, you've survived atomic blasts and being strangled by two super soldiers. You're probably as un-killable as Loki is."
You snorted at that, shaking your head, "So why would he be worried, then?"
"Why would you be worried about him?" he replied knowingly.
"I just don't want to ruin what we have," you groaned, rubbing your face with your palms in frustration.
"I don't think you'll be taking that big of a risk," he shrugged. "I've never seen him so concerned. You're all he talked about the entire week. You know - he was the one who found your signal, not Fury."
Your stomach fluttered at the thought, "Well, he is persistent."
"That's one word for it," he smirked, bumping your shoulder with his own.
The rest of the ride home went by smoothly, the three of you joking around and catching up over the last week. You were actually slightly relieved to not think about Loki for more than five minutes.
As the ship began to land on the campus, you stared straight ahead at the door, tapping your foot impatiently. You could always just continue on like things have always been. Or...well, maybe we wouldn't think about an "or."
It shouldn't have surprised you to be met with a pair of striking blue eyes no more than twenty feet away from you. You sighed in relief, your shoulders physically slumping from the weight of Loki's safety being lifted from your shoulders. You felt your face break into a wide smile.
Similarly, Loki's chest rose deeply as he saw you appear from the shuttle, his breath nearly stuttering as he saw you descend with the same gorgeous smile he hadn't been able to get out of his head the past week. He felt himself being pulled towards you, the both of you jogging towards one another.
You met in the middle in a warm embrace, the both of you whimpering at the feeling of each other.
His arms wrapped around your waist tightly, his head nestled in the crook of your neck as he inhaled you. You smiled, feeling yourself tear up as you put your face in the loose curls that fell to his shoulders. You never thought that you'd smell the scent of his shampoo and cologne again.
"I thought I had lost you," Loki whispered against your neck, his lips whispering a kiss against your skin.
"Me, too," you cried, curling your fingers in his hair.
He parted from you slowly before cupping your cheeks gently, "What the hell happened?"
"I still don't really understand," you whispered, your eyes never leaving his face. "I think some of the remnant power of the Tesseract transported me."
He couldn't help but chuckle, "Well, aren't we a pair? Tied together by the power of the Tesseract."
You rolled your eyes, letting your hands rest on his shoulders, "I take it you killed the rest of the base."
"I don't remember much," he replied solemnly. "I tend to black out in fits of rage."
You frowned, tracing the lines on his forehead, "I missed you."
He whispered your name, pressing his forehead to your own, "I cannot believe how much I missed you, love."
You inhaled sharply through your nose. Something in his eyes twinkled, and at that moment you knew that you would never have the guts to do this again.
You leaned forward and captured his lips with your own, hearing him gasp lightly before he replied in kind. It was sweet and full of adoration, your lips dancing against one another before breaking apart for a breath.
"Never leave me like that again, darling," he whispered against your lips.
"I won't, Lokes," you said with a smile. "I promise."
FOREVER TAGLIST: @fabulous-brii; @zombiesnips-blog; @beltzboys2015-blog; @cant-shake-this-feeling-off; @nerd-without-a-cause; @liliumdream; @im-not-great-at-making-up-names; @yourmajesty13; @girlwiththenegantattoo; @eleanor-gillespie; @the-undateable
If you would like to be added to my taglist, please send me a message here (let me know if you would like to be on my forever taglist or my Loki taglist).
If you liked this, please make sure to leave a comment! I love hearing back from you guys.
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muddyorbsblr · 4 months
would've could've should've pt3
See my full list of works here!
Part of the 500 Follower Celebration Requested by: Anonymous
Summary: Loki makes things right with you and your relationship, and Shuri makes a heartbreaking discovery about your past
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 8.5k [prepare drinks & snacks accordingly]
Warnings (spoilers ahead but y'all need these) : 18+ | heavy themes (dubcon hinted at in log reports; a whole portion detailing human experimentation involving drug-induced mental and emotional subjugation); Loki committing crimes (in the name of his bb); angst; Thor's mega-himbo behavior; language [let me know if I missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: established relationship; soft bf Loki hours
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"I do not understand why we must be the ones doing such a menial task, Brother," Loki grumbled, walking through the large aisles of the marketplace that Thor all but dragged him to. "We are Asgardian royalty, and we are gods, we should not have to procure our own supplies."
"Stark says it is important that Midgardians perceive us as more than gods and heroes, Brother," the blond explained. "We do have staff in the Compound tasked to perform these duties for us, yes. But every now and again, there is a rotating schedule wherein we perform them. So that we may lessen the perception that we are a sort of enigma to them that only makes our presence felt when there is crisis. They can see us living our respective lives when we are not saving theirs."
While he could see the logic somewhat, he still wished that he would have been assigned to do this with you instead. It had been a few days since you two got back from your mission in California, and since then he outright refused for you to spend a night alone. And all he wanted at this moment was to finish with this drudgery and make his way back to you.
"This may be menial to you, Brother, but let me offer you the same advice that Jane once gave me when I expressed a similar sentiment on my first time," Thor continued on, walking down an aisle filled with those Pop Tarts that he favored munching on and tossing a half dozen boxes into his cart. "Find a semblance of fun in the exercise. Personally, I see this as my opportunity to include more my favorite Midgardian snacks, since staff don't put nearly enough and they expect me to share them. I get some of Jane's favorites as well."
Loki mulled over the seemingly basic advice, grabbing some of your favorite drink and tossing some extra into the cart. "I think I can begin to see the appeal," he conceded, he was still relieved when they finally crossed off all the items and brought the carts to the register, however.
"And another appeal for the unattached…" his brother murmured, not so subtly nudging him in the direction of the cashier. "This is a prime place to meet some stunning Midgardians who are also performing their own duties."
"Well hi there!" the woman greeted him. "I'm Sandy." She started ringing up the items with a peculiar stance that had him quite uncomfortable where he stood, always angling her body to offer him a few of her breasts down the wide neck of her shirt. "Thor's told me all about you."
"Brother…" Loki hissed the word through gritted teeth. "What in Norns' name are you doing?" Was this oaf trying to play matchmaker with him? Fully knowing that he was already happily committed to another? To you?
"Oh come on, Brother. It's clear that your current entanglement with your mortal will go nowhere if she refuses something as basic as laying with you. You've had many lovers back on Asgard, so I am not mistaken in assuming that this is her issue, and not yours."
"And may I say what. A. Shame," the clerk Sandy interjected. "In my opinion anyone that doesn't know and appreciate what they have don't deserve--"
"Hold your tongue," he snapped at her. "It is not your place to impose your opinion on me, you vile woman." She began to cower where she stood, suddenly becoming shifty in her stance. "You know nothing of her and yet you stand here pretending as if you have the higher moral ground. And you." He turned to address Thor now. "You call yourself my brother and yet you attempt to mastermind me away from my beloved and you haven't the slightest clue who you dare to offend--"
"Brother she is not your beloved. This woman isn't even willing to--"
"This woman's name is Y/N Y/L/N. You have regarded her as someone brilliant and fierce and yet you disrespect her so sickeningly." He gave his brother one last sneer before handing over the little plastic card that held Stark's money. "Not another word from you. I wish to be done with this task as soon as possible."
The clerk nodded wordlessly, the faintest hiccup coming out of her as she tried to temper her fear.
"Brother, my deepest apologies I did not know you and Lady Y/N had been--"
"Not a word from you, either," he hissed. "Lest you have forgotten the extent of my rage, Brother, allow me to put it into perspective. I would repeat my actions from over a decade ago in a heartbeat if it meant making her happy. Worse even, if she asked it of me. And of the two of us, she is the one that deserves your apology. She is the one you so flippantly disregarded with your words and your actions."
His oaf of a brother stayed silent the entire way back to the Compound, only uttering a simple sentiment that attempted to convey the remorse that he was trying to process.
"This time I might actually deserve you stabbing me, Brother."
That got him a singular mirthless chuckle. "I will do much worse if I ultimately lose her."
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"Morgan, sweetie, be honest with me and your Auntie Nat. You're not doing your homework, are you?"
The little girl looked up at the two of you from her side of the table with wide eyes feigning innocence, looking the spitting image of her father. "I am, Auntie Y/N. Promise…"
"You sure, baby? Because…I know it's been a while since I went to school. You know, in the Bronze Age?" She let out a tiny bubbly giggle at your antic of placing your hand on your back and hunching over, pretending to hold yourself up by an invisible cane. "But baaaaaack in my day, my teachers would've smacked my hands clean off my arms if I was doing my math homework in crayon."
"This isn't my Math homework, silly Auntie Y/N," she giggled again, putting the crayon down and turning the paper around to push it in your and Nat's direction. "It's for Art class. We're supposed to draw our family. Look it." She threw her little body across the table, reaching out with the eraser end of her pencil to start pointing at the parts of her drawing. "There's Mommy and Daddy, and then Auntie Nat and Gruncle Bucky--"
"Wait hold on, Morgan, what did you call Bucky?" the currently platinum blonde assassin asked Morgan, trying so hard to hold back her amused smile. And failing.
"Well, he's an old man but he doesn't look it, so I got confused if I should call him Uncle or Grandpa, so now it's both. Gruncle."
Nat pursed her lips, her body beginning to shake from the laughs begging to escape her."That makes so much sense, sweetheart," she said, holding her hands up as if in surrender. "Keep going, baby Stark, who else you got in there?"
Morgan pointed to the next couple. "Auntie Wanda and Vision, and then Uncle Thor and Auntie Jane, then me…and right next to me." She pointed her pencil at a final couple, the drawing of her holding the woman's hand. "There's Auntie Y/N and Prince Loki."
A lump formed at your throat, combing back through all of your memories in recent months if there was something that the child might have seen that revealed your relationship to her way too perceptive eyes. "Uhh…why'd you pair me up with Mischief, sweetie?"
"Oh…well, because you're alone all the time, and Prince Loki's alone all the time, and if I drew you both alone it'll just look kinda sad so…I drew him next to you."
You had to fight against the urge to sigh in relief. "That makes sense. That's really thoughtful, baby."
The ding of the elevator effectively stopped the conversation, Morgan bringing the piece of paper back to her side of the table so she could finish coloring in everyone's hair. "We've returned!" Thor's voice bellowed as soon as he stepped into the common area.
"Welcome back," you droned, typing a reply to Shuri's message that just came through. My friend, I found something on these reports that I think you should see first. "Wonder what Shuri found…"
Nat leaned over your shoulder to see the message, her brows furrowing together after giving it a few passes. "You want, I could come with you when you go see her in case it's something real bad, Babes." All you did was nod at her, giving her a soft smile before tilting your head to lean against hers.
She had no idea what went down with you when you were in your late teens, in those years roaming the halls of that campus. Nobody except Loki knew, and if you were being completely honest with yourself, part of you regretted being so vulnerable with him because now he treated you like you were so fragile the tiniest little poke could break you apart.
And you'd spent so long doing everything in your power to make yourself stronger, more guarded. So that no one would ever be able to hurt you again.
"Y/N?" You sat up straight at the sound of Loki's voice filling the common area, the three of you at the table looking at each other with questions in your eyes.
"In here, Mischief," you called back, giving both Nat and Morgan a signal to act normal and stop watching like they were sat in front of the TV with a soap opera playing. You tried to finish up your reports from your mission in California when a familiar large hand placed a can of grape soda next to your water bottle. "Oh…Thanks, Loki." You looked up at him, giving the god a tiny smile before going back to your reports.
What he did next had both the assassin and Stark's daughter dropping their whole schtick of 'acting normal', taking your hand in his and gently tugging you to your feet. He didn't seem to care that there were very curious eyes intently watching on, brushing your hair back to tuck it behind your ear.
"What's wrong?" you blurted out, your heart at your throat from his actions. Before you could say anything else, he closed the remaining distance between you, pressing his lips to yours. You melted into his embrace, the gasps and squeals around you blurring into the background.
When he broke the kiss, he pulled you into an embrace, tucking his face into the crook of your neck and taking a deep breath, as if he was grounding himself. "I'm so sorry, darling. I've been a terrible partner to you, treating our relationship as if it were a secret to be hidden away. I never meant to--"
"Hey hey shh it's okay…" You wrapped your arms around his neck, doing your best to not sound like you were on the verge of tears. "It's okay, sweetie, you didn't know. And I didn't tell you, so that's on me, too."
"Absolutely not," he grumbled. "No part of this was your fault." He pulled away to frame your face in his hands, pressing a kiss to your forehead. "Nothing that ever happened to you was your fault. I love you, little mortal."
"I love you, too, Mischief--"
"Hold up, you're Reindeer Games' girl?"
You pulled away just enough to look over and address Stark, placing your hands over Loki's. "Yeah, Stark…I'm 'prim and prissy'." His face visibly paled at your confirmation, remorse immediately coloring his features. "You got some more genius barbs to throw at me for not sleeping with my boyfriend?" You gave Nat a signal to cover Morgan's ears, which she quickly followed much to the child's visible pouting dismay. "What've you got this time? Tits sagged up? I'm probably dry like the goddamn Sahara in the nether regions? What if there's actually nothing down there and I'm built like a goddamn Barbie doll?"
"Goddammit, I really put my foot in my mouth this time, huh?"
"More like you decided to put all that yoga to good use, bent over and gave yourself a rimjob and then started running your mouth, but sure, Stark. Let's go with that." 
Tony flinched at your words, visibly biting his tongue from what was undoubtedly his instinct to dish out some snark just as good as he just got it. "You know what, I totally deserved that. I'm really sorry, jellybean, I never should have said anything."
"As am I, Lady Y/N," Thor spoke up as he joined the rest of you. "I never should have imposed in on your and Loki's life together. He has told me in numerous ways on our way back that my careless actions have jeopardized his happiness, and for that I beg for your forgiveness."
You and Loki shared a look, both of you arguably right for questioning the sincerity of both apologies. Neither of them had any hesitation subjecting either of you to their opinions when they didn't know that they were throwing verbal darts at your head.
Ultimately you decided not to double down on your own barbs. At least until Thor apologized some more for his mega oaf behavior. "And I sincerely apologize for attempting to introduce another woman to my brother in hopes that he'll be lured away from his current partner, truly I had no idea it was--"
"Hold the fucking phone there, Blondie, you what?!" You could feel your blood rushing to your head, all your irritation toward both imbecilic men bubbling all the way up to the surface after Thor's confession.
"It was moronic and--"
"You're damn straight it was moronic," you seethed, your hand itching to risk potentially permanent injuries just to take a swing at the god that pulled the buffoonery. "I get that you want the best for your brother and all that, trust me I want that, too. But you were all the way out of line for that one."
"Yes, I know," he mumbled, his head turned down in visible shame. "Loki if you wish to stab me for my idiocy you're than welcome to--"
"Fuck that, I'm gonna stab you," you seethed, the god next to you holding you a touch tighter and trying to rub small circles into your skin to calm you down some. "This was none of your business. Even back when you didn't know it was me, you were both out of line for the jabs you took at Loki's private life. And honestly if you're so remorseful about it, you owe Bucky an apology, too. Y'all were dogpiling on his girlfriend way before you started going in on me."
With every word that came out of you, it felt as if there was still something completely blocking you from the truth. A question that went unanswered even by you and the memories you held ever since college. Ever since Simon.
"I don't…I don't know why I'm like this," you said more softly this time, turning to Loki and trying to find the words that could convey at the very least what you showed him a few nights ago. "It's been like this since I was a student in that damn campus. I don't know why but every time I've been in a relationship since then, if things start moving…physically, I--"
"Shh darling…" He pulled you into an embrace again, placing a kiss to the top of your head. "You need not elaborate. You were wronged, none of this was your fault."
"Your god is right, my friend," Shuri spoke up, announcing her presence, a grim look on her face as she held her tablet. "I have combed excessively through the reports for the compounds you found in your college building, and I have…distressing news."
"Yeah…Nat and I were about to come find you, Shuri. What'd you find?"
"This will be…quite an uncomfortable question, Y/N, are you certain you wish to discuss this with all this company?"
"They'll find out anyways. Most of them are nosy like that." You threw a pointed look Stark's and Thor's way, both men immediately looking away in shame. "But I suppose we can spare some innocent souls. Morgan, sweetie, go find your mom, we have to discuss bad guy things now."
The little girl pouted but followed your request, making her way to the elevator to go and find Pepper.
"My friend, what can you tell us about your former relationship with Simon Richardson? Only what you remember and what you are comfortable with sharing. We can start there."
Loki led you to sit on the couch, keeping his arm around your shoulders and rubbing up and down your arms to ground you as you started to recall. "He was…kind and sweet. Until he wasn't. It started with him offering the faculty lounge for me to hang out in during my free periods, then…coffees…lunches. The days when I had a class during first period, he'd be there and we'd grab breakfast together. Then came the first dinner together and he kissed me, told me he was falling in love with me."
"Hold up there, jellybean, this Richardson…he was your professor, right?" You nodded at Stark's question. "Add that comment I made about saying hi to your old professors to my list of things I have to make up for then, I'm so sorry, Y/N."
You just shrugged. "As with most of the things you're gonna have to apologize to me for, Stark…you didn't know." You took a sip of your soda before continuing your story. "The next few months after that were…confusing to me. Every time we had a moment alone he was so sweet and doting, always staying close to me, kissing me, regular degular boyfriend things, you know? And then the second someone else would come in the room he…pulls away. Becomes distant and…almost clinically professional. Drops my hand, immediately puts three feet of distance between us. Tells me it's to protect our relationship. That if people found out, they'd take him away from me and I'd be punished somehow. Told me he was protecting me."
Loki placed a soft kiss to your temple, keeping his forehead pressed to the same area as he spoke. "My love, I'm so sorry. My actions toward you in our time together have brought your memories of your time with him up to the surface."
"You didn't know," you sighed, leaning in to his embrace. "I never told anyone and…nobody ever really bothered to stick around to find out what was actually going on with me the second they realized they weren't gonna 'score'." You took a few deep breaths, finally finding a bizarre sort of relief now that you were talking about the memories that plagued and taunted you for so long.
"And when did you two end things?"
You let out a sound between a scoff and a chortle at Shuri's question. "Generous of you think there was a concrete 'end' to things, sweetie." There was a faint whoosh somewhere to your right, the new silhouettes in your peripheral alerting you to Jane's  and Wanda's entrance. "Hey, Babes."
They both offered you some form of greetings before pulling up a seat, the Sokovian speaking up first. "Morgan mentioned something about you looking angry and hurt. Something about Thor doing something idiotic?" She addressed the blond god next. "I mean, a bit on brand for you, but really? Introducing Loki to someone that's going to start bad mouthing his partner? Shouldn't you know your brother well enough by now that that'll get you a stabbing? You know…after a thousand and a half years?"
"Wait hold on, you what?" the scientist spoke up, swatting her boyfriend upside his head. "You know that just got you kicked off the prospects on wedding officiant, right?"
"Well considering my brother is no longer King of Asgard, I surmise that the Valkyrie would be the one that performs that particular duty regardless," Loki shot back before turning back to face you, a soft smile gracing his features. "One day, I mean. When you're ready."
"You sure you want that, Mischief? Considering I might just be a lousy non-existent lay after all this?"
"About that…" Shuri spoke up again, prompting you to continue your story.
"Right, sorry. The ending…I suppose that started when he suggested we'd go away for a weekend. Somewhere farther away from campus where we could actually be a couple outside his apartment. We got a hotel room and…I'm sure you can all fill in those particular blanks." Everyone grimaced at the mere thought, looks of sympathy thrown your way from every direction. Loki pressed another kiss to your temple, his embrace pretty much the only thing holding you together. "We spent a few more nights like that over the next few weeks. Then the academic year ended, a new batch of students came in, and one day I got to campus and…someone new was at his arm. He stopped answering my calls, my texts weren't even left on Read. One day I asked him point blank what happened and all he said was I don't know what you mean, Miss Y/L/N. You're not my student anymore."
"Bastard," Wanda hissed. "He should be locked up. Maybe have Strange throw him in one of those mirror dimensions so all he'll see for the rest of his miserable life is his own ugly lowlife mug."
"And even worse, he's still doing this. We saw him in that reunion. Fucker even had the brass balls to exchange words with me like it was no big thing. He had one of his current students clinging to him like a barnacle. Chances are he's gonna do her what he did to me and that girl from so many years ago. And who knows who else. Anyways ever since then, something always felt kind of…fucked up with me. Every time things got too physical with someone it's like my body recoils. Even when I don't mean to it's like…it closes up shop without consulting my heart. Or my brain."
"I may have an explanation for your body's behavior, my friend." Shuri tapped away at her tablet, projecting the screen's contents into a larger holographic rendering in the center of the room, showing you all a photo of one of the compounds you'd come across in the lab. "This is PM-19, a substance that can mentally and emotionally enslave a subject to the closest source of pheromones and leave them more open to be controlled. Manipulated. When the connection between subject and administrator is severed, the effects…well, the reports all say that the effects are varied."
"Varied on what?" Nat spoke up, moving to sit on the other empty seat next to you and grabbing hold of your free hand.
"Potency of the compound in the subject's system," Loki answered through gritted teeth. "They experimented with dosage, form of administration, wear-off time…"
"O-Okay but what does this have to do with my shitty predatory ex?" you butted in, your voice shaky with the fear that you knew exactly where Shuri was going with this.
She flashed a set of log reports next on the screen. "I isolated the reports that took place while you were in your relationship with Richardson," she explained, waving a hand at the screen. "Going on to the reports that reference all test subjects from this period moving forward. I will let you all read at your own pace."
Nat handed you a large glass of water, telling you to down it before going into the reports. Thankfully you heeded her advice, or else your body might have forgotten how to function reading through the various statements.
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April 15, 2013 -- Potential test subjects found. Administrators have been granted permission to pursue and administer PM-19 at their own discretion.
April 20, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-A initiated into PM program. Mode of Administration: aerated by means of cologne. Precautions were taken to ensure that Test Subject 13-31-A and Administrator BG were at a safe distance from bystanders that could have been exposed to aerated PM-19
April 22, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-A exhibited signs of withdrawal from engagement. Subject has been administered aerated PM-19 again. If pattern continues, dosage for aerated PM-19 should be every 24-36 hours to sustain potency in Subject's system.
April 30, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-B initiated into PM program. Mode of Administration: ingestion by means of beverage. Administrator MP notes instant shift in 13-31-B's receptiveness and an increased eagerness to comply with Administrator MP's suggestions regarding trivial lifestyle choices.
May 2, 2013 -- Administrator SR has attempted administering PM-19 to potential Test Subject 13-31-C via aerated form through body spray, but 13-31-C has shown no tangible effects. Will administer stronger dosage via ingestion if effects are still negligible.
May 5, 2013 -- Administrator SR has successfully initiated Test Subject 13-31-C into PM program. Mode of Administration: ingestion through beverage and food. Shift in receptiveness is incremental. Will observe effects through continued dosage.
May 7, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-A actively seeks out Administrator BG and displays an obeisance toward him. She seems to rely on his approval of her decisions. Administrator MP has considerable control over Test Subject 13-31-B's food and clothing choices by means of simple suggestions and the slightest form of positive feedback. Administrator MP to proceed with furthering connection with 13-31-B.
May 9, 2013 -- Administrator SR has been continually administering PM-19 to Test Subject 13-31-C via ingestion. She has begun to gravitate toward him during free periods. Administrator SR to proceed with furthering connection with 13-31-C.
May 13, 2013 -- Administrators BG, MP, and SR have been granted permission to administer more potent dosage by means of injection. Will use the campus' free vaccination as the means of delivery.
May 15, 2013 -- Test Subjects from batch 13-31 have been administered PM-19 directly into bloodstream and collectively show visible ardency toward their respective Administrators.
May 20, 2013 -- Test Subjects 13-31-A and 13-31-B showing more agitation when respective Administrators BG and MP are not by their side. Test Subject 13-31-C appears visibly calmer but shows significant internal disquiet when away from Administrator SR.
May 21, 2013 -- Administrator SR has officially begun to engage romantically with Test Subject 13-31-C to observe if she will exhibit the same signs of agitation that Subjects 13-31-A and 13-31-B possess when away from their respective Administrators.
May 25, 2013 -- Administrator BG has severed the connection with Test Subject 13-31-A after significant increase in agitation after having PM-19 introduced to her bloodstream. 13-31-A created a spectacle in Science Building cafeteria and was escorted by Administrator BG to campus clinic. Subject displayed alarmingly elevated blood pressure and was immediately admitted to nearest hospital to be put under HYDRA monitoring until subject recovers.
May 26, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-A has been terminated after waking in hospital and repeatedly threatening to pursue all avenues of action against Administrator BG and put PM project at risk of being brought to public awareness. Action sanctioned by all active Administrators. Administrator BG now evaluating new potential test subjects.
May 27, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-D initiated into PM program. Mode of Administration: ingestion through food and beverage. Administrator BG has been instructed to keep careful watch of 13-31-D and tasked to increase dosage every 3 days and observe waning time. Administering via injection no longer viable due to window closing to guise under free vaccination.
May 30, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-B shows little regard for caution and attempted flagrant display of affection when crossing paths with Administrator MP whilst surrounded by both colleagues and other students. 13-31-B has been thoroughly admonished for her actions.
June 1, 2013 -- Administrator MP began distancing from Test Subject 13-31-B. Subject is now displaying visible signs of distress and is aggressively seeking him out even outside of campus grounds. Increasing frequency in initiating correspondence. Administrator MP expresses concern that 13-31-B's behavior will require intervention if no improvement shows in next 30 days.
June 1, 2013 -- Administrator SR notes increased obeisance in Test Subject 13-31-C since compound PM-19 was introduced to her bloodstream. Administrator SR has been granted permission to proceed with next stage of relationship: Consummation
June 3, 2013 -- Administrator MP has placed a request for the termination of Test Subject 13--31-B after a spectacle in the campus parking lot where subject was shouting at MP for not answering texts and calls. Administrator MP will remain inactive for batch 13-31 and will resume his duties when evaluating for Test Subjects for batch 13-32.
June 6, 2013 -- Administrator BG notes that Test Subject 13-31-D is more aggressive and attempts to initiate contact with BG. Administrator has placed a request to speed up timeline to romantic engagement to observe if 13-31-D will become more submissive and deferential.
June 7, 2013 -- Administrator SR has begun final stage of PM program for Test Subject 13-31-C. No other task will be assigned to him other than observation of 13-31-C's behavior once connection is fully severed. He will resume his duties along with Administrator MP when evaluating for Test Subjects for Batch 13-32.
June 8, 2013 -- Test Subjects 13-31-B and 13-31-D have been simultaneously terminated after 13-31-D disclosed details of relationship with Administrator BG and both subjects agreed to report this behavior to campus faculty board. Only remaining active Test Subject is 13-31-C.
June 13, 2013 -- Frequency in Test Subject 13-31-C's initiation of correspondence after Administrator SR has begun final stage.
June 15, 2013 -- Administrator SR has fully severed the connection for Test Subject 13-31-C
June 20, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-C has been notably absent in classes. Administrator SR has placed a request to send a HYDRA representative to check on 13-31-C's status.
August 20, 2013 -- Test Subject 13-31-C shows signs of detachment from her peers and current relationship. Potential side effect of PM-19 after severance of connection between subject and administrator seems to be physical recoiling upon implication of intimacy. Subject's body seems to perceive this either as a threat or as a breach of her loyalty to Administrator SR.
April 15, 2014 -- Test Subject 14-34-E initiated into PM program. As mentioned in preliminary notes for batch 14-34, test conditions from Test Subject 13-31-C's case will be replicated in hopes of replicating the only surviving case of batch 13-31.
April 22, 2014 -- Unexpected and unaccounted for circumstance occurred. Test Subject 14-34-E shares a class with Test Subject 13-31-C and has asked questions on how to gain better favor with Administrator SR. It seems that test subjects that were connected to the same Administrator are also drawn towards each other.
April 24, 2014 -- Administrator SR initiated contact with Test Subject 13-31-C to extract information about what she may have told Test Subject 14-34-E. 13-31-C remains adamant that no details of their prior involvement were divulged and answers remained strictly academic. Administrator SR's feedback for her elicited positive reaction. It seems even after prolonged period since severing their connection, submissiveness and deference to Administrator SR remains. Hypothesis: If connection is severed at peak potency of PM-19, Test Subject's actions post-severance are subconsciously geared to seek the approval of their Administrator.
April 25, 2014 -- Administrator SR has been instructed to hasten timetable for Test Subject 14-34-E after subject witnessed SR's interaction with Test Subject 13-31-C and created a spectacle demanding to know what his history with 13-31-C was. Noting that subjects may be prone to increased irrational tendencies and paranoia while connection with Administrator is active.
May 1, 2014 -- Administrator SR has placed a request to terminate Test Subject 14-34-E after threats of her escalating him to the faculty board for their involvement. SR notes that 14-34-E has mentioned the existence of video and audio recordings containing indisputable evidence of their interactions. Directors of PM program have considered close monitoring of Test Subject 13-31-C to determine what differs in her case compared to the rest of the test subjects from Batch 13-31 as well as the replication attempt with 14-34-E.
May 2, 2014 -- Test Subject 14-34-E successfully terminated. Her belongings have been incinerated. All potential evidence of involvement with Administrator SR destroyed. Test Subject 13-31-C once again the only surviving test subject under this specific set of test circumstances. Replication of scenario will not be attempted again until further studies have been conducted on 13-31-C. Actions to be taken to closely monitor and intercept hospital records, therapy session notes and/or recordings, and all other documentation that will provide better understanding of 13-31-C's physiological and mental make up.
March 10, 2016 -- Administrator SR has expressed concerns regarding Test Subject 13-31-C becoming a SHIELD Agent. He has been reassured that there is no cause for concern as long as she stays a low to medium ranking Agent and does not become involved in high level operations.
September 16, 2019 -- Test Subject 13-31-C has been put on High Alert List. Her status as an Avenger warrants the action of capture on sight.
August 10, 2020 -- Multiple mentions of jilted former entanglements of Test Subject 13-31-C have surfaced online, detailing a 'frigidness' that the team is confident in surmising is due to the amount of PM-19 in 13-31-C's system when connection between her and Administrator SR was severed in 2013. It would seem that Test Subject 13-31-C's physiological reactions are tethered to Administrator SR's pheromones and can only successfully sever the connection on her end when the source of the pheromones ceases to exist. Or when she does.
November 16, 2023 -- Administrator SR expresses grave concern given Test Subject 13-31-C's current status of being romantically involved with highly dangerous individual Loki, Asgardian God of Mischief.
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Your vision began to blur from the tears flooding your eyes as you read the reports over and over again, your mind stubbornly denying what you were seeing on the screen. Test Subject 13-31-C. You'd seen numerous log reports about her when you first perused the files a few days back but it never occurred to you that you knew her much better than you could have ever expected.
She was the girl in the mirror. The one with the haunted gaze and the smile that struggled to reach her eyes no matter how hard anyone tried.
You'd been so haunted by your worries that history would repeat itself and what Simon did to you, discarding you as soon as someone even incrementally younger came along and not giving you a second thought, would happen again the second you gave yourself fully to Loki. And now it turned out that your refusal to let the dark thoughts that plagued you when Simon left you all those years ago take over your life…turned out you haunted him right back.
"There is one more thing," Shuri spoke up, flashing a message on screen that came from Simon himself. "Our duplication of their machine seems able to receive their correspondences in real time. Simon Richardson has begun to explore requesting for termination of Test Subject 13-31-C. He wishes to see you dead, Y/N."
"Over my putrid rotting corpse," Loki seethed, tightening his hold on you. "He won't be able to touch you, my love. I swear it."
"Could you…" you tried to speak through the sobs you were trying to hold back. "Would you be able to send a message back? Make it seem like it's coming from his bosses?"
She nodded enthusiastically. "Child's play, my friend. What do you wish to send?"
"I want you to arrange a meeting." You adjusted your hold on Loki's hand, lacing your fingers through his. "And I want you to come with me."
The god raised your joint hands to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Of course, my love. I would have come with you regardless." He pressed his forehead against your temple again. "I'll never leave your side."
"Okay am I in a position to say that seeing Reindeer Games being affectionate is giving me fucking whiplash?"
"No," everyone collectively said in unison.
"Personally I think it's adorable," Jane quipped. "And I know your brother has a real crappy way of showing it, but we really are happy for you."
"'Tis true, I am happy for you and Lady Y/N, Brother--"
"No no, Macho Barbie, you don't get to talk, either," Nat spoke up, throwing a balled up piece of paper at his head. "If Tony deserves the time out on the steps, you deserve the goddamn dunce cap for your antics."
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If there was ever a moment that could solidify beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were practically tailor-made by the Norns for Loki, it was this precise moment here. Watching in the shadowy corner of a room as the culmination of your flair for the theatrics almost eerily mirrored his.
You were sat at a desk situated in the middle of a dark seemingly empty warehouse, with only a single hanging lamp serving as a light source. Positioned in a way that your face was still mostly shrouded in the darkness until you wished to make your identity known.
And in your respective positions, you two waited in silence for Simon Richardson to arrive. The unsuspecting pathetic bastard thinking he would be meeting with the higher ups at HYDRA to rectify the situation that he'd been raising with them regarding the safety of their project now that your status on their watchlist has been raised to the highest alert level due to your relationship with the god.
Loki's enhanced hearing allowed for him to hear the shaky breathing and the faltering steps before the wretch pounded his fist at the entrance. "Showtime," you sighed under your breath, taking a moment before calling out in an accent that vaguely resembled the Valkyrie's, "Enter!"
The professor looked around the warehouse, visibly irritated upon seeing that almost the entire place was pitch black, and made his way slowly toward your desk. When he got close enough, another light switched on, illuminating a rather uncomfortable looking stainless steel chair.
"Sit." He did as you told, nervously running his hands up and down his thighs. A quick whiff in the air told the god that the weak mortal was already sweating bullets and barely any words have even been exchanged yet.
Good, he inwardly seethed. You don't deserve to know peace after the lingering damage that you'd dealt to the woman I love.
"Speak," you commanded, the faintest creak of the leather from your hand gripping the armrest being the only indicator that betrayed your facade of "cool and level-headed".
"Have the council agreed to a course of action regarding Agent Y/L/N? You told me before that you allowed for her to continue on with her life due to being the only survivor of batch 13-31. That her situation fascinated you. But now I fear that she is too dangerous to let live given her current romantic associations with the Asgardian that tried to raze New York."
"You never stated on the request your reasoning," you told him through gritted teeth. "How come you are so intent on the expedience of Subject 13-31-C's termination?"
The fidgeting man let out a nervous chuckle. "All due respect, ma'am but are you new? Maybe you didn't hear me? Her boyfriend tried to lay waste on New York! I don't wanna give her the time to open up to him and realize that the reason she can't get with him in the sack is because of PM-19! Who knows what he'll do to me?"
"Well we can start on breaking every joint in your body as an appetizer," you answered back, dropping your accent and leaning forward to let the light illuminate your face. "And from my understanding, the only way to sever the connection from my end is for the source of the pheromones to cease existing. All I have to do is kill you."
Richardson visibly relaxed in his seat, letting out a haughty chuckle as he tsk'd at you. "Silly girl, you didn't actually think it's that simple, did you?" He stood up, making his way to your desk and slamming his hands down on the tabletop, making you flinch at the sound. "Should've known you really were more beauty than brains. Then again it looks like even that is fading away. You really should use some of that Stark budget to take care of those lines on your face because aging does not become you, sweet thing."
"Whatever remnants of PM-19 I have left in my system physically inhibit me from killing you myself, is that it?"
"Maybe there's still some brain left in you after all," he mused in a condescending tone. He grasped the bottom half of your face harshly, your face twisting in horror as you tried to twist his hand off you, finding that you couldn't. "You can't harm me, sweet Y/N, let alone kill me. You literally don't have it in you." Your form began to visibly tremble in his hold, disgust now coloring your expression as he gave you a once over. "It's just you and me here. Maybe we could take a walk down memory lane. For old time's sake."
"Go to hell," you spat at him, jerking your head away from his hand with a sickening crack that Loki took note of to heal once everything was taken care of here. "And I'm not alone, you sick fuck." Richardson turned around, terror finally entering his eyes once he caught sight of the god's silhouette.
"You can't kill me," he tried to threaten. "You kill me and they'll come after you. All of you."
"HYDRA coming after us?" you quipped, giving Loki a tiny nod as he stepped menacingly closer. "Sounds like a regular Tuesday, doesn't it, sweetie?"
"To quote my brother, at least make it a challenge for me." He couldn't help but let his mouth stretch into a wicked grin as he watched the pathetic man start to shake where he stood.
"You kill me and that won't stop the project," he blurted out, most likely in a final desperate attempt at some form of a bargain. Or a threat. "Aren't you hero types all about the greater good and all that shit?"
"Normally we are," Loki answered, a dagger materializing in his hand in a flash of green. He grabbed the back of Richardson's head, poising the blade at his throat. "But I'm not a hero. Not today. Not for you." He pressed the blade harder against his throat, looking to you for his cue to follow through. You gave him all the answer he needed with a little nod of your head, wincing from the minor injury you'd given yourself just moments earlier. "As far as you're concerned, I'm the god you made an enemy of the moment you laid your grimy hands on the woman I love."
He could have made it quick, almost relatively painless, but after the prolonged impact that his vile actions had on you, it would have been a mercy if he were allowed to shuffle off this mortal coil with little suffering. And Simon Richardson was undeserving of mercy. He ensured that he felt every agonizing second that the blade dragged across his neck, and that he stayed lucid until the last possible moment that the light faded from his eyes.
When the late professor's body went limp and fell to the ground, you doubled over in what seemed like shock, bracing yourself by slamming your hands down on the tabletop, your arms shaking with the effort of holding yourself up. The god was by your side in a heartbeat, wrapping an arm around your waist to hold you upright.
"What is it, my darling? Are you alright? What are you feeling?"
"I feel--" you tried to say between shallow breaths. "It's like…I just won tug of war."
"Is that…is that good, sweetheart?" He found it rather difficult to tell with the panic setting into him from your shortness of breath. He rubbed circles on your back, trying to guide you to take deeper breaths and standing upright on your own.
"It's like I got all the air knocked out of me from being flung to the ground because the other side finally let go, and I'll probably have a few battle scars, but at the end of it all…Yeah. It's good. So good." You suddenly stood up straight, turning to face him and throwing your arms around his neck. "It feels like I can finally breathe."
You pulled away, pushing back locks of his hair and looking over the blood that spattered across his features. There was such an innocent, almost disoriented look in your eyes. Something that eerily reminded him of how he felt when he was finally free of the mind control the mad titan Thanos had him under. As if he was trying to find his footing again. Learning how to live in his skin and mind without the presence of another lurking in the darkest corners.
Freedom, he realized. You were free.
"Come on," you told him, smiling as you reached for his hand, your whole hand engulfed so easily by just his palm. "Let's get you cleaned up."
"You need not trouble yourself, little mortal. I can simply wave it all away--"
"I want to," you insisted, starting to tug on his hand. He relented rather quickly, a fond smile tugging at the corners of his mouth from your suddenly playful nature. Was this what you were like before you were shackled by that repugnant drug?
And just when he thought he couldn't possibly fall even deeper in love with you.
You led him to the car where Hogan was waiting for you both. Loki gave him a singular nod and he spoke into an earpiece calling for someone to dispose of Richardson's body. When you were both settled in to the back seat, you tore a strip off the shirt you were wearing, dousing it with water to start wiping away at the blood on his face.
"We have rags here for exactly that purpose, Y/L/N," Hogan quipped. "You didn't have to go all book boyfriend."
"Okay first, what have you been reading that you know that reference because I want recs. And second, I have no idea how Tony organizes stock in this car, and I didn't wanna wait. You're more than welcome to put the divider up if it makes you uncomfortable, Happy."
The bodyguard put his hands up, as if conceding in the exchange. "Fair enough, fair enough. I'll send you a list of those books when we get back. Right now I'm just gonna put up the divider, let you two get some rest. I'll let you know when we're at the Compound."
"Thanks, Happy. Maybe send it through FRIDAY. Just to my tablet. Morgan likes playing with my phone and I don't want my goddaughter near those books until well after drinking age."
You'd finished wiping away the blood from Loki's face moments after the divider fully went up, giving the god a playful satisfied little smile before giving him a quick peck on the lips.
"There you go, all done." You settled easily into his embrace as he wrapped his arm around you, his hand finding yours and lacing your fingers together. "I know that…now that he's dead, the PM-19 doesn't have a hold on me anymore but…mentally…" Your brows knitted together, your frustration visible as you struggled to find the words.
"It still feels as if there's a lingering presence in your mind," he offered, his heart aching for you when he heard your sniffle as you nodded against his shoulder. "I'm all too familiar with that feeling, my love. I wish I could tell you it goes away completely with time but…I cannot be too sure. Some days will be better than others, as if the presence has been kicked into the farthest darkest corners of your memories but…they remain."
"Right now it feels like it's in a car just behind us so…doesn't feel too far." You tilted your head to look up at him, relief flooding him when he saw in your eyes that you no longer seemed as distant. As if whatever journey you would embark on towards healing the wounds that Richardson left you, you knew and you welcomed the notion of not going through it alone. "I hate to say it, Mischief but…killing him didn't kill the fears he left behind."
You did not need to say more; he could surmise which fear you meant. The one he saw when you allowed him into your memories. The fear of being replaced as soon as you laid with him. The fear of leaving him dissatisfied and forcing his hand to look to another to fulfill what you couldn't.
Perhaps even a fear of being touched altogether.
"I want you to know that I am here for you, little mortal." He pressed a kiss to the tip of your nose, and another to your jaw, using his seiðr to heal the slight fracture from your altercation with that wretch of a professor. "Always." Another kiss, featherlight, to your lips. "You need never worry of pressure coming from me, I swear it."
"Maybe a little pressure wouldn't be too bad," you mumbled against his lips, kissing him back a with a touch more passion than he'd ever seen coming from you. "Maybe just…baby steps?" Your next action stole every bit of breath from his lungs, keeping his gaze while you moved his hand, placing it on the bared skin of your stomach. There was only the slightest tremor in your breath as he tentatively caressed your skin, but you no longer flinched away.
"Baby steps," he breathed out, pulling you closer to his side. You nestled your head into the crook of his neck and he felt you steadily succumb to your exhaustion, relaxing against him.
Loki finally allowed himself a moment of rest, pressing a kiss to the top of your head before closing his eyes and leaning back against the headrest. It would be a long and arduous journey as you healed from the prolonged damages that your time with Richardson wreaked upon you, but he would be with you throughout every step. Through every nightmare, every frustration, and ultimately every victory.
And then perhaps one day you both would wake and the step to be taken would be toward an altar.
But for now the god was more than content exactly where he was, holding you close with his hand on your skin, following at whichever pace you would be comfortable taking.
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A/N: Another request from the pile done! 🎉🎉 Next up is gonna be a fluffy lil thing that I'm gonna turn into an outtake for one of the first stories I wrote, 'a heart like yours' 🥹
But before we get to that, we've got a good bit of RTC and OLTK and 'the final Lady Sharpe' coming…and whatever else my silly lil writer brain decides to start on 😳👀
'everything' taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @kats72 @kikster606 @asgards-princess-of-mischief @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th  @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @smolvenger @gigglingtiggerv2 @lokidokieokie @superficialdomina @kmc1989 @november-rayne @goddessofwonderland @buttercupcookies-blog @peaky-marvel @lokiified @tom-hlover @dryyoursaltyoceantears @cabingrlandrandomcrap
224 notes · View notes
mochie85 · 2 years
Hi hun, can you do one one shot where reader writes erotic stories (no a fanfiction really) an Loki finds it (like she publish them on her blog). He doesn't say anything, but keep reading it, (he is in love with her) and one night he get so frustrated and have to go to her room, she has no idea, he trapped her between the door and him, and is all sexy (you know, sensual deep voice), and if you feel comfortable can be smut ♡
One-Shot Masterlist Complete Masterlist
A/N: I really REALLY liked writing this one 😈. Thank you to the Nonny who requested it. I'm sorry this took a while to finish. I promise to get to all my requests soon. Pairing: Loki x Female Reader Word Count: 3.7k Warnings: Fluff and Smut. Dom!Loki, praise kink. Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
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The sound of your dulcet giggles carried itself across the room to where Loki was sitting. You and Natasha were sitting down, sharing a screen, and reading something entertaining.
You covered your mouth in a gasp as she giggled in her seat. “Natasha Romanoff, you naughty girl!” you exclaimed.
“Me?! Didn’t you just read that last paragraph, Mommy?” She fired back. The dark hue of your blush almost turned purple. “I can’t believe people are writing this about us?”
“What are you two going on about?” Loki asked, his curiosity getting the better of him. He strode over the short distance to where you two sat.
“Nothing!” you said as you stashed your tablet behind you, having been caught doing something you weren’t supposed to.
Loki waved his fingers and your tablet appeared in his hands. “Hey!” You stood up to grab it back, but Loki was already reading the explicit contraband. He held his hand out to your forehead, holding you back. Your arms flailing around trying your hardest against the god’s strength.
Loki only read a few lines before he realized what the two of you were reading. Natasha only laughed as she registered his expression. His eyes grew round and wide. His mouth opened to shock and awe.
He could only handle so much before he sat down on the sofa, right where you had been sitting. Loki held the tablet and scanned the filthy words on the screen. His eyes darted back and forth to you quickly – standing in front of him, fidgeting.
“What exactly am I reading?” Loki asked aloud.
“It’s fanfiction,” Nat said.
“Fan…fic…tion.” Loki annunciated each syllable to drive the point.
“Yes. Our fans have written little narratives of us in their heads and are sharing it with other fans.” Nat continued.
“And this -” Loki pointed to the words on your tablet. “Is the narrative that goes on in their heads?”
“Some are cute! There are romantic ones in there.” You corrected, slightly embarrassed.
“Oh! So you’ve read some of these, have you?” Loki teased. “So what’s this business about calling you, mommy?” He asked deviously as he leaned back into a comfortable position. You blushed darker. Nat just laughed at the situation.
You shuddered, hiding your face in your hands, “I am not explaining kinks to you, Loki. So help me God.”
“I’m right here, love, and I don’t think I’ll need help there.” He trailed off, still reading.
“Come on babes. You have to find it endearing somewhat?” Nat said to you.
“Oh, I totally do! It’s just…” You looked straight at Loki who was busy reading the story in his hand to notice your stare. “…nothing. Never mind.” You ended.
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Later that night, Loki ended up finding the website you were on and started reading on his own. There were all manners of stories, from all different types of entertainment.
He centered on the stories around the team. There were scenarios for everybody. Even some for that android that the witch is betrothed to. I wonder if the rest of the team knows that these exist?
Loki narrowed his search. He found some dedicated blogs that wrote about you unreservedly. Some were romantic and light, as you said. Others were darker and wicked. Lewd images popped in his head as he continued reading scenarios involving you.
His hand involuntarily roamed in between his legs. Relieving himself to thoughts of you, written by strangers.
He was addicted.
Addicted to thoughts of you. To reading about you and the debased words written on the screen. He would visit the website almost every night. He would feel a sort of closeness to you that he savored. His imagination only fueled the interactions you had with each other during the day.
Loki came upon you cooking in the kitchen one time. Your headphones were on, dancing to the melody in your ears. He lingered for a while, watching you sway your hips, extending your chest out to a private show only Loki could see.
He pictured some of the more explicit stories he’s read, just by watching you dancing. He couldn’t wait till tonight to see what new stories he’d be able to read.
You turned around, surprised to find him watching you. You jumped slightly, then took your headphones off. “Loki, you scared me. How long have you been there?”
“Long enough.” He said with a smirk.
“Lunch will be ready soon.”
“I can’t wait. Thank you.”
The next night, a new story popped up on his feed. It was from an author he’d never read before. What caught his attention most was that it was about him.
Loki didn’t search for stories about him. He didn’t realize there would be any interest. He was curious about what a fanfiction story regarding himself would be like.
As he read through it, the situation started to become familiar. The reader was an Avenger working in the tower where most of the team resided.  They were in the kitchen making dinner, and Loki happened upon them dancing to the music playing in the background. It was almost similar to what happened yesterday, with you.
~ Loki caged you in between his arms and the counter. You could feel his hard length press behind you through the thin fabric of your shorts.
“Loki! You scared me. How long…” your words were interrupted by the feel of his soft lips on your collar as he pulled your shirt down. His nose ran up the length of your neck, stealing your words, muddling your thoughts.
“Long enough for you?” he asked as you felt the rigidity of his aching cock. His hands roaming your body, pulling you flushed against him. “I can’t wait any longer…” ~
Loki didn’t know how to feel. Confused? Flattered?
Yes. Definitely flattered.
It was pleasing to think that someone out there liked him enough to write about him. That they liked him enough to write something so uninhibited; made it feel mischievous – taboo.
Reading the story again, he supposed it’s a very general occurrence. To come up on someone dancing in the kitchen. Then subsequently wanting to fuck them to Valhalla. Norns, he wanted to do that with you the other day too. He continued the rest of the story, impressed by the imagery and detail. But not thinking too much about it. So, he bookmarked the author as a favorite.
Days later, another instance of bizarre déjà vu occurred when Loki sat down on his bed and read a different story from the same author.
~ He looked tired and beat. His arms spread out on either side of him wanting to relax. You looked around to see that you were both alone in the jet.
You strode in between his legs and knelt down as your hands trailed down his strong chest towards his muscular thighs. His head straightened up as he asked, “What are you doing?”
“Just relax. Let me take care of you,” you whispered as you slowly untied his leather trousers, pulling his pants further down to give you access to his growing cock.
“Darling, we could get caught.” He said trying to stop you.
“That’s half the fun.”
“Are you sure?” he asked. You answered by giving him a strong lick at the tip of his cock. You could taste his sweet early offerings and it made him shudder in anticipation.
He grabbed your hair with one hand and pumped his dick with the other. “Open.” He commanded. And you complied.
You looked up into his darkened eyes and stuck your tongue out as an invitation. He sank his red-hot cock inside your mouth. Inch by aching inch.
He was growing impatient inside your tight lips. He grabbed you on either side of your head and bucked into you fully. His forceful attack made you gag. The sound turned him on even more as he continued to fuck your mouth senselessly. ~
Loki couldn’t believe what he was reading. His breathing got heavier and tighter. Wasn’t it just the other day that you both came back from a mission? He remembered sitting in one of the seats, taking a break from helping unload the cargo off the plane. His arms rested open on either side of him as his head leaned back onto the wall of the jet, hoping to get a little respite. Just like in the story. Then you came up to him and asked if he was ok.
“Go, Loki. I can handle the rest.” You offered.
“Are you sure?”
“Ya. You look really tired. Just relax.”
“Thank you, my dear. I owe you.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” You smirked as Loki got up to leave.
He remembered seeing something darken in your eyes. But he dismissed it, thinking he was just tired.
“No! It couldn’t be.” Loki said aloud.  “Could it?” There was such detail in the story. The description of the jet. His sitting position on the seats. The account of his pants being tied on and not buttoned. How could anyone know that, unless…
Loki clicked on the author’s page.  The first post to come up was a list of all their works. Loki only recognized the recent two, but apparently, they’ve been writing for a lot longer and for a lot more people than him.
There were stories about the Captain. Some were about Sgt. Barnes. There was even one about Agent Romanoff. The more recent ones were about him, however. He felt unprompted pride over that fact.
As he read through most of them, Loki noticed minute details in their portrayals. Specifics that no one should know unless they lived at The Tower. He decided to test this theory out.
It took a while, but he found you down at the boxing ring in the gym training. Perfect.
“Hello, darling,” Loki said coming up to you.
“Oh. Hey, Loki,” you responded.
“Can I join you?”
“Sure.” You accepted. Loki went to put on some punching mitts and got into the ring with you. You circled each other once. With precision and speed, you aimed for his temple, but Loki was quicker and had the mitt by his head to fend off your attack.
“You know, I’ve been reading that website. Ever since you presented it to me.” Loki started.
“I didn’t present anything to you. You took my tablet, remember?” You jabbed again, this time straight for his nose. He swatted away your assault and continued.
“I found some very concerning stories on there. By some mysterious writers.”
“I’m not surprised you found something you didn’t like. Do you not read the tags or the warnings?”
“Who said I didn’t like them? They were intriguing and playful. Some were just downright wicked.” Loki’s smile grew. “I quite like this one author I discovered, who writes about me.” Loki quickly tapped your head with his mitt. You gave him a surprised look and narrowed your eyes.
“Looking up stories about yourself? You’re so vain.” You teased.
“Oh, I didn’t look this up, my dear. It just showed up on my homepage. And imagine to my surprise when it was written about me. Naturally, I was curious. So, I read it. The detail and the imagery were very well put together.” He followed you with his eyes. He noted your quickened heartbeat, your flushed cheeks, and your uneven breathing.
“So what do you go there for if not to read about yourself?” you asked trying to distract him. You launched into a front jab.
“I was reading stories about you,” he confessed. His words rang in your head causing you to misstep. It registered too late and your frontal attack wavered at his declaration making you miss your target and stumble.
Loki caught you before you hit the mat. “Darling are you alright?” he turned you over to face him. His arms wrapped around your body securely. “Or maybe I should call you anonymousavenger48? I mean that is your name on the website, is it not?” His voice was low and deep. It tickled in your ear making you shiver and close your eyes.
“I – I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You said flustered. His face was mere inches from yours. You could see his eyes dancing with mischief.
“That’s too bad. I guess I was wrong in my assumption.”
“You were reading stories about me?”
“Yes. I especially like the ones where they imagine us together. Such depravity.” Loki whispered. His breath fanned your face. You could almost feel his lips touch yours. “I have imagined us countless times using those stories.” His grip on you got tighter. His voice got deeper.
“You have?” you said barely audible.
“Mhmm.” Then Loki stood and righted you up. “Oh, well. I mean, I told myself that there was no way you would ever feel that way about me. And I guess I was right. But you know I had to see. I had to try.” Loki gave you a pat on the arm and strode out of the ring. “Thank you for the spar, darling.” He yelled out.
He left you wet and thirsty in the middle of the ring. You took off your gloves and threw them onto the mat, anger and spite rising within you. “So that’s how you want to fight? Then let’s fight.” You whispered to yourself.
Loki had to get out of there quickly. It took all his strength to not ravage you there on the floor and reenact some of the more decadent stories that plagued his mind. Your innocent eyes looking up at him. Your dark cherry lips inviting him closer. Gahh, I need to remedy this, quickly, he thought as he sought the privacy of his chambers.
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The next couple of nights were some of the most excruciating and lust-filled nights either of you ever had. Your little bout in the gym had fueled countless stories for you to write about.
Endless notifications from your followers thanking you or sincerely wondering if you’re getting enough sleep from all the stories you seem to be writing and putting out.
In truth, you had a bunch of works cached on your laptop. You wrote whenever you had the time or were inspired to and just kept them stored in hopes to release them sporadically every few days.
But when Loki played you, you felt an undeniable urge to make him pay. Make him crave after you as desperately as he had left you. You thought of the sexiest most deprived things you’d ever wanted him to do to you and just typed it out on the screen.
If he was reading this, then let him squirm a little bit. Let him stew in that lust-filled haze and then you’d innocently come up to him and flirt to high-heavens thinking he wouldn’t do anything about it.
That was your first mistake. Thinking that you could go head-to-head with the god of mischief. Days and nights happen and not a single word from him. Not a whimper, a nod. Not even a secret glance was thrown your way. You were on the verge of giving up. You were only making yourself more desperate. Your promiscuous attempts at flirtation were only met with excuses and hasty retreats back into his own private quarters.
The second mistake was thinking he wouldn’t retaliate and do anything about it. The moment you had given up, the moment you thought it was safe, he attacked you with full force.
You were typing a field report on your laptop in the conference room. You didn’t notice him marching outside the glass windows of the room. Only when he slammed the door closed did you look up from your screen.
“Writing another one of your stories to torture me with?” Loki said pointing to you. You narrowed your eyes at him and were confused. The field report was hardly anything to be angry about…OH SHIT! Your eyes widened in alarm. “I know you’re the one writing those fictitious stories pet. Don’t deny it this time.”
“Okay then. I won’t” You said smugly. You stood up, leaning over the desk, resting your hands on the cool wood, challenging him. He turned on the switch for the electronic smart glass, making the glass panes of the conference room opaque and cloudy.
Loki circled you. One by one the window panes turned murky, following his footsteps. Each turn, each step, heightened the growing fear and excitement inside you.
You unconsciously backed yourself towards the exit, reaching for the knob. But Loki got to you quicker. He reached behind you and turned the lock, inexplicably trapping you inside with him.
“So you confess? That it was you who wrote those deviant words I’ve been reading every night?”
“Every night?” You whispered in shock. Loki had trapped you between him and the door. The coolness of the glass seeps through the fabric of your shirt. His knee separated your thighs as he intruded in your personal space.
“Do you really think that I would let you get away with it? That I don’t know what you were up to?”
“And what is it that I’m up to?” You let out moans as he continued to rub his muscular thighs against your aching clit. You turned your head, biting your lip.
“So responsive.” He said appreciatively as he ran his nose up your neck to nibble at the shell of your ear. You let out a whimper as he smiled into you diabolically. “Last chance to stop me, kitten.”
You didn’t want him to stop. You had wanted him from the moment you laid eyes on him. It’s what prompted you to start writing your stories. To put your dirty imaginations on paper. You grabbed his hard cock through the leathers of his pants and ran your hands up and down his bulging prick as your answer. He whimpered at the contact, then growled.
He turned you around quickly. Your back to his chest, and he pushed you up against the door. “This is for me. Do you understand, darling? This will be your punishment for making me obsess over you every night.” He nipped at your ear. When you had said nothing but whimpered, he tugged your hair back lightly. “Say it.”
“Yes,” you moaned. He tugged again. “Yes, sir.” You corrected.
“Good girl.” He reached in front of you and unbuttoned your jeans. He pulled them down quickly, along with your panties, as he worked on untying his own trousers.
He propped your delicious ass up slightly to give him better access and was pleasantly surprised that you were already dripping and waiting for him to enter.
“You’ve been waiting for me haven’t you?”
“Yes sir”
“How badly do you want my cock inside you.”
“Desperately, sir.” You whimpered. And without warning, Loki thrust inside your tight heat, making you both moan out loud.
He started bucking into you. Not waiting for you to adjust. Each hard thrust was angry and passionate. He pushed you further against the door, your back sliding flushed against his chest, hoping that no one passed by. Even with the smart glass on, people would still be able to see the outline of your body being pounded from behind.
“Loki…” you wept. “I’m cumming.” He wrapped his hand around your mouth and stuck two of his fingers inside your lips.
“Don’t you dare!” he said panting in your ear. “This is for me, remember kitten. Be a good girl and hold it. Now, suck!” he commanded. “Keep quiet. You don’t want anyone to see you like this, do you? All hot and pathetic for my cock.” Your eyes rolled back at his salacious words. You sucked on his two fingers and ran your tongue in between them.
Loki felt you tighten around him. He rutted into you quickly and severely. He couldn’t help it anymore.
He lost all control when he saw you on your laptop here in the conference room. You were typing away, no doubt, imagining more lewd thoughts about how he would take you. 
He had to have you. He needed to feel you around his cock. Wrapping him, squeezing him, milking him for all he’s worth.
“Oh, fuck! Kitten, you feel so good.” He looked down and watched as his thick cock re-entered your glistening folds. “Unh…”
“Loki, please.” You begged around his fingers.
“No!” he said forcefully. “Be a good girl now and I promise I’ll make you scream my name over and over again tonight,” he vowed. You continued to suck on his fingers, trying to distract yourself from the growing sensation on your clenched pussy.
He moaned in your ear. He grunted and praised. The echo of his undoing rang in your ears. And you swore you would never forget the sound. The sound of him finding his release inside you. His pleasure.
When he grew still, he took his fingers out of your mouth, and you sucked on them slowly, biting the pads as they passed your teeth.
He dismounted you quickly, placing his forehead on the crook of your shoulder. “You’re amazing, darling. Thank you.” He said as he kissed your neck. You tried rubbing your legs together, creating friction in between your thighs.
Loki spanked you, a sharp slap that reverberated across the room. He bent down to pick up your panties and jeans then placed them up over your now-red ass. “Good girls do as they’re told. Don’t come until I tell you to.” He reached around to your front and buttoned you up securely in your jeans.
“Yes, sir.” You said meekly, out of breath, as you watched him stuff himself back inside his trousers.
He unlocked the door and opened it. Before he left, he gave you a devastating kiss on your lips. “Tonight, after our private dinner, I was thinking we could reenact one of my favorite stories of yours. Would you like that kitten?”
“Yes, sir.”
“Good girl.” He said placing a stray hair of yours behind your ear. Then he left, switching the smart glass off. You felt exposed as the windows cleared up giving you a full view of the common room outside.
You took deep, slow breaths as you tried to center yourself and process what just happened. You quickly went to your laptop, shutting down the field report to start writing a new story.
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Taglist: @lokiprompts @lokiprompts21 @lokisninerealms @lokisgoodgirl @alexs1200 @a-witch-with-words @britishserpent @huntress-artemiss @mischief2sarawr @user13cabs @one-oblivious-nerd
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anukulee · 10 months
Period Comforts
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Requested By; Hold My Tesseract.
A/N: This is my first time trying a period type of comfort, so please bare with me 
Tap, tap, ratted Loki's fist against the door, only to recieve no answer, Loki allowed his eyes to gaze his surroundings ensuring that he was in the right place, before once again allowing his fist to knock against the door. Once again there was no answer, with no sound of her angelic voice entering through his ears. While some upon getting no response might've left, Loki Friggason (formally Odinson and Laufeyson), was far from what the Midgardians deemed as normal. The words were already on the tip of his tongue, for he knew excatly what he must do. "Rest assured one way or another you shall open this door, so we can either do this the easy or the hard way. Now pick your choice." Thus rather then teleporting like most other magical beings would've done in his place, instead with a quick glow of his seidr, he materialized two daggers, ready to stab the door if need be, for if anyone was in there aside from her, they would get the message whether that be through his words or through his actions. 
Click, Loki heard the door unlock, daggers still ready in his arms, until upon the door opening he saw her. Slowly Loki lowered the daggers down allowing them to vanish in a puff of green seidr. "Are you coming in or not," she asked, her tone lacking all of her usual amusement. Rather then question it, Loki slowly stepped into their shared apartment, giving it a good once over to ensure that he still had the right apartment. 
Thump, was the next that Loki heard, upon looking into it, he was faced with his darling now lazily spread across the couch, with a tub of ice cream sitting abandoned on the table. That's odd, rarely does she abandon such a sweet treat, he thought as he allowed his eyes to drift around the table to see if he might be able to find some more clues, that may answer his darling's particular mood. 
Before Loki could even look into it, he heard a sharp groan, along with a certain cuss word slip from her lips. Words that Loki wasn't used to hearing from his angel's lips, for while she did cuss, she usually kept it the tammer words of those Midgardian cuss words. Yet upon hearing a word that Loki only really heard when she was deep in her pleasure did Loki know something was wrong. As Loki opened his mouth to speak without putting thought into it, something that while would be fine on any other day wasn't fine for this day nor this week in particular. "Darling," he uttered, inching every so closely to the couch.
At this he recieved a glare from his darling, eyes boring into his, almost as if she was starring daggers into him. "What," she muttered, her voice full of grumpiness, and a bitter tone.
"Is everything alright?"
All Loki heard at first was a deep exhale escaping her lips, as the tips of her fingertips rubbed against her forehead. "Life."
"Life," Loki asked, very much confused of what she might mean in regards to life. 
"What else?"
"And what does that mean excatly," Loki asked, his voice treading ever so careful given the tension that was clearly filling the air. 
"It means I am on my period."
"Your period?"
"Yes, and I hate my life," Loki's darling said, throwing her hands up in the air in frustration. 
Despite other maybe taking this as a sign to back away, Loki instead went closer to what one would call the lion's den, slowly wrapping his arm's around her. "And this period is the reason for it?" His voice far softer then one might expect from him.
"Yes," she muttered, as she seemed to embrace it going so far as to nuzzle her head into the crook of his neck, allowing her to embrace in the warmth before she spoke.
"I see, and may I ask what excatly this period might be?"
Slowly did Loki's darling head rise, her frustration, now going to the side, as she gazed at the clear confused look on her godly boyfriend. "You don't know what a period is?"
"No, should I?"
Rather then being frustrated or irritated as one might think at being asked this question, instead Loki's darling seemed more at ease. After all how would one expect Loki to know? As Loki's darling voice seemed to lower, now calmer, as a laugh soon escaped her lips. A laugh that Loki usually loved at least when it wasn't at him. "hm ha ha hm."
"What is it?" Confusion still continued to cloud Loki's face, as he watched his darling continue to laugh. 
"I never thought I would hear you ask that?"
"And why is that?"
"It's just generally men aren't particularly interested in our womanly troubles."
"And why is that? For on Asgard we worship those we choose as lovers as the goddesses, for they are the one who provide us children, who carry on our names on their back."
"Sadly we Midgardians aren't like that."
"And why not?"
"Back in the olden days, periods were a thing of shame, woman forced to hide their troubles, so as not to be seen proper. Sometimes it was a sign that a woman could produce heirs, or she was reaching womanhood."
"I see, so what exactly does this period entail?"
"Basically woman bleed from their vagina, every month due to the lack of fertilized egg in our system."
"The egg is what produces children right?"
"Looks like someone studied up."
"While I may not be as knowledgeable in Midgardian sides, I am not as lacking as others."
"Loki, be nice."
"I never said it was him."
"You didn't have to."
"Fine, so you bleed every month?"
"Unless we are pregnant, during that time our periods will stop, this way our the linging that sheds during periods remain in."
"So this means you stop bleeding?"
"In simple terms yes."
"I see, so what I might do to help?"
"You want to help?"
"If you are in pain, why shouldn't I be of use?"
"Oh, have your mere excuse of a Midgardian men, not done this?"
"Yes," Loki's darling responded as with this, she allowed her head to nodd, the moment that Loki saw this, his fist slowly curled ready to punch something. Yet with one touch of her hand on his, slowly Loki's fist began to uncurl.
"Clearly they are more lacking then I thought. Seeing as you provide us with so much, are our pillars, and our better halves you should be worshipped."
"What would you build a shrine for me," Loki's darling teased, her hands folding against her chest in a teasing manner.
"Perhaps," Loki hinted, as slowly he allowed his arms to wrap around her waist. 
"Aren't I a lucky one?"
"Yes, now what is it that you wish for me to do?"
"Are you sure about that?"
"Why wouldn't I be," Loki asked, as another confused look crossed against his face.
"Who knows what I might ask."
"How bad could it be?"
"Don't you know about craving?" At this Loki's darling began to move her arms in a siggly motion, despite Loki's arms still wrapped around her.
"Is that not something one gets during pregnancy?"
"Yes, and during periods."
"And what might these craving entail."
"Who knows, it could be normal or it could be as abnormal as pickles and mayo."
"I see, well whatever it might be, I shall get it for you."
"Even when I am moaning about cramps?"
"Cramps, like muscle contraction?"
"Well then I shall be here to assist in whatever way I can."
"I did swear my loyality did I not?"
"Yes, but..."
"Nothing you shall ask of me will be out of question, for while your other partner's might not been as supportive, I will do anything for you."
"You doubt my word?"
"No, it's just..."
"Not this again," Loki said going so far as to allow his finger tip to be placed on her lips. "As I have said I will do anything for you, even if it means burning the world for you."
"Overdramtic much," Loki's darling asked once Loki took his finger off her lip.
"You know love me."
"Now I shall ask again what is it you require?"
"I suppose I could use," Loki's darling started as bit by bit she named what she might need. Just as promised Loki provided it all, never faltering on his word. Bit by bit leaning more about the Midgardian woman's time of the month, yet with this the two grew ever close in their comforts of one another. Comforts that would continue throughout time and time again, for no matter what happened the two always found their comforts in one another, no matter what time of the month it was. For as long as they found comfort in each other that is all that mattered, at least it did to them.
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valiantphantomangel · 7 months
I saw you requested ideas for stories! Maybe one where steve have told his little sister numerous times to clean her room, but she haven't really gotten around to it (didn't feel like it haha) and when she is about to leave to meet some friends he ask if she cleaned her room and she says yes, but when he goes to check she clearly haven't, maybe pushed some of her clothes under the bed or something
Big brother
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After literally months of Steve's voice demanding in your ear to clean your room you had enough.
So? Glad you asked.
You shoved all your clothes, books, toys and everything that was out of place like empty chip bags or empty cookie packs, into your closet and quickly closed it before it could fall out again.
You smile to yourself in your 'clean' bedroom and skip out of your room, down the stairs to hang out with your friends.
"Where do you think you're going young lady?" The devil named Steve Rogers aka your older brother asked as he leaned against the doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest.
"to hang out with my friends" you answered as you put on your jacket, it was getting colder in New York and the first snow was already expected.
"Have you cleaned your room"? He asked with raised eyebrows.
"alright then go and have fun" Steve said before walking away.
Wait, it was that easy? It couldn't possibly be that easy to fool Captain America, you shrugged your shoulder's and walked out of the Avengers tower.
When you returned to the tower later that day, you could almost feel the eerie quietness. You looked around on alert as you put your jacket down, slowly walking towards the stairs when you hear someone clear their throat behind you.
You turned around faster then the speed of light and sighed in relief when you saw it was Steve, but that quickly changed when you saw the look on his face.
"Had fun with your friends"? He asked as he walked to stand in front of you.
"Yeah it was nice" you answered with narrowed eyes.
"Well i came into your room and I had to say it was very clean, really thought you were fooling me there" he said with a laugh as he casually put his hand on your shoulder.
"O-oh good" you stuttered nervously.
"Now what was less pleasant was when I opened your closet door, it was a literal avalanche of toys, clothes and books which hurt by the way, any idea how all of that got there?" Steve said with a squeeze on your shoulder.
"Nope no idea, anyways I need to get some sleep, very tired you see" You quickly said with a fake yawn as you tried to walk around him.
"Not so fast young lady" He laughed as he threw you over his shoulder in one fast movement before throwing you on the couch and straddling your thighs.
You were already giggling nervously, you knew what he was gonna do since it has happened A LOT of times when you were younger.
"Already giggling hmm? And I haven't even done anything yet" Steve said with a mischief grin as he suddenly spidered over your tummy.
You instantly fell back in a giggling mess which turned high pitched as he began digging into your ribs. Which was a death spot.
"Ohhhh I think I've found myself a good spot" he teased as he continued to spider over your tummy before switching spots again.
"NOHAHAHAHA STOP ITHIHIHIHI" you threw your head back in laughter as you squirmed around.
"lemme think about that, uhm no" he grinned before continuing his tickle attack.
"Sounds like someone is having fun" Someone said from behind you that you just didn't want to hear. Loki
"SHUT UPHAHAHAHAH" you can't even make full sentences anymore from laughing your breath away.
"Don't forget her underarms, she's really sensitive there" Loki said with a wink before walking off again.
"DAMM YOU LOKIHIHIHI" you screeched with laughter as Steve full on attacked your underarms.
"seems like you got a new death spot" Steve grinned as he tickled you.
When your laughter fell silent and you stopped trying to fight back he finally let up.
"You alright little sis"? He asked with a smile as he pulled you up to let you cuddle up against him.
"You are the worst brother in existence" you grumbled as the remaining giggles left you.
"You love me"
"Yeah alright, i do"
"Love you too giggles, but you do have to clean your room, properly this time"
"Fine" You sighed before snuggling against him with a soft smile.
You love your big brother, even if he was a pain some times.
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late-to-the-party-81 · 2 months
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AN: So here is something a little different inspired by this ask from my sweet Nicoline
@nicoline1998enilocin asked: Hi! 💙 I hope I'm still on time to request something for your 1.5K follower celebration! This idea has been swirling around my mind since seeing your message that they're open and of course I forgot about it with my scatterbrain. 🫠 I don't know if you've ever written anything like this (in case you have, it's okay to ignore this message), but may I request some soft/slow morning smut with Loki? Perhaps with some of his magic included as well? Before I forget, congratulations on reaching 1.5K followers, and I wish you many many more because your work is amazing and you deserve it 💙
Unfortunately there is no magic in this, other than the magic that is just Loki, but I hope you still enjoy. You also get a two for one - the second part is a very lyrical drabble, from the Reader POV, which came to me first, but I then re-wrote from Loki’s POV to add more detail and in case people didn’t like that style. Click here to find it.
Not beta’d
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Summary: With a new day comes a new chance for Loki to show you what you mean to him. He can’t wait until you wake up.
He was lying behind you, as usual, one strong arm slung over your waist, holding the bottom half of you flush against him. He hadn’t wanted to disturb you, so hadn’t moved, just watched as the invading light and retreating shadows cast shifting stories over your skin. One persistent shaft of sunlight had encroached so far that it lay across your shoulder and under its warm touch you stirred.
Relationship: Loki x Reader
Word count: 1k
CW: Sleepy Sex, Soft Sex, Vaginal Fingering, Vaginal Sex, Emotional Sex, Fluff, Loki PoV
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Loki didn’t know how long he’d been lying awake. The colour inside the room had shifted from black, to deep purple, to pink and then to orange as the sun rose outside the window. However, time meant nothing to him when he was with you.
He was lying behind you, as usual, one strong arm slung over your waist, holding the bottom half of you flush against him. He hadn’t wanted to disturb you, so hadn’t moved, just watched as the invading light and retreating shadows cast shifting stories over your skin. One persistent shaft of sunlight had encroached so far that it lay across your shoulder and under its warm touch you stirred.
Loki’s lips twitched up into a smile. You were waking and soon he would see the brightness of your eyes as you welcomed the new day.
“Good morning, darling,” he whispered softly in your ear and he looked on, enamoured, as your eyelids and nose scrunched up as your brain tried to cling onto your fading slumber. 
Softly, he brushed his lips over your shoulder blade, wishing that his lips could leave marks that would stay adorning your skin for all to see. He shifted the hand that lay on your waist, his fingers gently stroking over the soft skin of your abdomen. At first you had tried to hide this part of yourself from him, self-conscious about the rolls and marks to be found there, especially in comparison to his own defined abdominals. However, he’d let you know in a myriad of ways since then that he loved every single inch of you and that any changes you wished to make to your body should be for yourself, and not out of some misguided notion of what appealed to him. Every version of you was perfect.
However, as much as he normally loved to worship your body with slow reverence, the time he had spent waiting for you to wake had made him impatient, and Loki slid his hand further down your body, skimming between your folds. You sighed at his touch, your hips rolling instinctually. You rocked, still half asleep, forward onto his hand and then back onto his erection, where it grazed your ass. Shivers rocked Loki’s body, but as impatient as he was, he could still manage to wait, just a little longer.
Loki knew your body so well now - knew just how and where to touch you, and it wasn’t long until his tender strokes had your cunt gushing. Part of him wished he could see it, but this would do for now. He would savour the whimpers that broke from your lips as his fingers finally dipped inside of you, his thumb taking over the stimulation to your clit. He rolled his wrist and curled his fingers as you continued to rock forwards and backwards. Your channel clutched at his fingers and one of your hands now clung onto his forearm. He kissed your shoulder once more and your body tensed then juddered under his touch, your head still turned slightly into the pillow, absorbing some of the sounds of your ecstasy. 
He smiled to himself as you drew in deep breaths, but then Loki turned you to lie on your back. He covered your body with his own, his hips slotting between your thighs as though you were two matched puzzle pieces. His hair, dark as a raven’s wing, tumbled over his shoulder and he looked down at you, marvelling at the way your eyes were fixed upon his, your adoration clearly telegraphed on your face. You only shifted your gaze when his tongue poked out between his lips and he snorted in amusement, knowing exactly where your mind was going. There was no doubt in his mind that he’d indulge that particular fantasy of yours later on, but his patience was exhausted. He needed you! Now! 
Loki lined himself up with your puffy cunt and you spread your legs even further, tilting up your hips as he slowly sank inside. He let out a groan in time with yours and enjoyed the way you clung to him as he started to move his own hips, slow and sensuous. Bracing himself on one forearm, Loki trailed his lips across your jaw and throat, nipping at your skin, while his free hand roamed over every inch of your body he could reach. The breathy sighs you made in response were music to his ears.
“My beautiful darling,” he cooed in your ear. “Just feel it, my love. Feel how much I adore you.”
The way you moved under him, incapable of coherent speech, made him feel both powerful and possessive. He had done this to you and only him. No-one else would make you feel the way he does. No-one else would be privy to the sounds you make as pleasure sweeps you away. They are all his. A Prince of Asgard he may be, but he was the King of your body, and he would make no apologies.
You trembled and whined and he kept his steady pace, despite how difficult it became. The way your body clenched around him was driving Loki closer to his own peak, but he needed you to precede him.
“Let go for me, dove,” he told you and, the good girl that you were, you did, your body seizing around him, milking his cock, as you tumbled headfirst into bliss. A few more strokes and he could hold out no more, following you with his own cry, his hips now jerking without rhythm as he spilled into you.
Somehow he managed to roll to the side, pulling you with him, your arms and legs entwined. He held you close, his heart feeling so full he was worried it might burst. He pressed kisses to your forehead. Your nose. Your chin.
“My angel. My dove. You are the centre of my world. You saved me, darling.”
He mumbled his words as you looked up at him, eyes glazed and cloudy with a combination of residual pleasure and sleep.
He loved you so much. You made him content.
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Tag list: @alexakeyloveloki, @wolfsmom1, @buttercupcookies-blog, @goldylions, @crayongirl-linz,
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