#loki laughs at him by the way and is no help at all. he just keeps laughing at thor's predicament
worstloki · 5 months
Thor sweating as he tries to get Odin off him about marriage to Lady Sif: I--I already have a woman I intend to marry!!!!! Thor: [covers mouth in regret] Odin: Oh? And who might it be? Thor: [muffled] an... elf? Odin, narrowing his eyes: ...an elf. Thor: she's from another realm, you wouldn't know her!
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vbecker10 · 4 months
Language (Part 1)
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: Captain Rogers thinks you curse far too much at work so he came up with a way for each word to cost you fifty cents no matter where you are in the Tower. You are desperate for it to stop and go to Loki to see if he has a spell that can help you outsmart J.A.R.V.I.S.
Warnings: swearing lol... obviously?
A/N: I'm so sorry @soubi001 lol and you know why. I've been kicking this idea around in my head for a while because I'm very aware that I swear way more often than a normal person lol hope you enjoy it 💚
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You knock on Loki's door and wait anxiously for him to answer. A few seconds later, the door opens.
"Can I help you?" he asks you with his typical annoyed expression.
"I hope so," you respond. "Can I come in?" You take a small step forward.
"I don't see why that would be necessary," he crosses his arms and leans on the door frame, blocking your path into his room.
You sigh, "Fine, I guess I can show you my problem out here." He raises an eyebrow and waits for you to continue. "Damnit," you swear then look down.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming paycheck as you are in violation of SHIELD's Inappropriate Language Policy, per Captain Rogers' orders," J.A.R.V.I.S. announces from a speaker overhead. A small holographic screen appears next to you, showing your name and SHIELD photo ID at the top, the fifty cent charge in the center and a running total at the bottom.
Loki chuckles and shakes his head, "So the Captain finally made good on his threat."
"Yea. He thinks this high tech swear jar is going to stop me from cursing all the time but all it's doing is annoying the shit out of me," you complain to Loki.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcom-," J.A.R.V.I.S. announces again.
"Shut up," you tell the program, cutting the announcement short.
Loki smiles at your outburst then says, "What is it you expect me to do?"
"I have no idea honestly," you shrug. "Don't you have a spell for everything?"
"I have a spell for almost everything, yes," he says then he is quiet for a moment as if he is thinking. "I do think I may have a solution to your... issue." He waves his hand vaguely towards the speaker J.A.R.V.I.S spoke from.
"Really?" you ask excitedly. "That would be awesome." You thought it was going to be way harder than this to convince Loki to help you.
He leans towards you and looks you straight in the eyes. "Stop swearing," he says then he goes back in his room and closes his door in your face.
You stand in the hallway, looking at his door and mumble, "Fuck."
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from-"
"Shut the hell up!" you yell, cutting it off again.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming paycheck-"
"I know! I get it," you tell J.A.R.V.I.S. You can hear Loki laughing loudly through his door and you glare at him even though he can't see you. You turn, ready to give up then you suddenly get an idea. You walk close to the door and say, "Just so I know, it would really piss off Steve if I figure out a way to get around this. Tony too, he helped set it up."
He opens the door a second later and you do your best to hide your smile. "It would aggravate them wouldn't it?" he says almost to himself and you nod but try not to look too excited. He sighs and takes a step back to open the door further, "Very well. I think I might have a spell that could work."
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Loki closes the door and you stand awkwardly in the middle of his living area, unsure what to do. You've never been in his apartment before and as far as you know, no one else on the team has either. Loki isn't known for being a fan of having people in his personal space or of people in general.
You look around his living area. One wall is lined with tall, overflowing bookshelves and a leather couch is set against the other wall. A dark wood coffee table matches the end tables, one of which has a short stack of books and a steaming cup of tea. You walk over to the end table with the books and open the cover of the top book, assuming it's what Loki was reading before he opened the door.
"Don't touch anything," Loki says from behind you and you close the book quickly, turning to see him standing closer then you expected.
"Sorry, I was just-" you suddenly feel nervous being alone with him, maybe this wasn't a good idea.
"Sit," he motions towards the couch and you do as he tells you. You sit quietly on the middle of his couch with your hands on your lap, watching him search through the numerous books scattered about. While you wait, your mind wanders to a meeting yesterday morning with the team.
You take a seat at the rectangular table across from Thor and Bruce, scrolling through your tablet to find the notes for this meeting. Natasha and Clint walk in, followed by Loki then Steve and Tony. Without a word, Steve places a glass jar that says 'Y/N's Swear Jar' on in it between you and Clint.
You look up at him as he sits. "Seriously Steve? I haven't said a damn thing yet," you tell him then groan when he gives you a disappointed look. You reach into your bag to find your wallet and drop in your last two quarters. "Happy?" you ask him as you sit back in your chair.
"I would be happier if you stopped using inappropriate language so frequently," he answers.
"I think the odds of my brother voluntarily attending one of Stark's parties is higher than Y/N giving up swearing," Thor jokes. Loki roll his eyes as his brother nudges him playfully.
You look at thor, "Did you know that people who swear lie less often then people who don't?" Thor shakes his head and you turn to look at Steve, "They've done studies that suggest that people who curse are more honest because they use fewer social filters when they are expressing their opinions."
"Is that true?" Clint leans towards you.
"I have no idea, I read it online," you whisper back.
"That may be, but it is still not appropriate for a work environment," Steve lectures you.
"I send out super professional emails, isn't that good enough?" you ask.
"No," he answers sternly.
"That's bullshit," you cross your arms and look at him. He doesn't say a word, simply looking from you to the jar and back at you. "Ugh, fine." You grab your wallet and take out a bill, "Does anyone have change for a five?"
"Just put the five in there," Fury says when he walks in. "We all know you'll use it today."
"Hurtful," you tell him but you fold up the bill and put it in the jar then you smile at Steve.
"I don't like that look," Tony says and Steve agrees.
"It's like prepaying for ten words," you laugh, "I just have to use the damn things well."
"Nine," Clint says.
"Ah shit," you look at him and Natasha laughs.
"Eight," he smiles.
"Good thing someone is keeping track," Bruce says.
"Is it ok with everyone if we start this damn the meeting now?" Fury asks annoyed from his seat at the head of the table.
"How come he doesn't get a jar?" you ask, leaning across the table towards Steve and pointing at Fury.
Tony laughs, "Believe me, Steve tried."
Loki smirks as he looks up from one of his books, "This spell may help, it will render you utterly mute."
You stand up quickly, "Yea, no, fuck that."
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted-" J.A.R.V.I.S says.
"Oh, come the fuck on," you tell it and Loki laughs again.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your-" it repeats.
"Just forget it," you tell him. "You don't know how to help me anymore than anyone else did. Coming here was a waste."
You walk past him towards the door and he says, "Maybe you should ask for a raise."
"Thanks," you tell him in an annoyed tone and open his door.
He sighs loudly just as you step out into the hall. "Fine," he says and you turn to look at him. "I'll help."
"With another stupid suggestion?" you ask.
"No, I'm sure I have a spell here we could use," he tells you, gesturing towards his books.
"Why are you changing your mind?" you ask, unsure if you can trust him.
He shrugs, "Honestly I'm bored."
"Seriously?" you ask, crossing your arms.
"Were you hoping for a different reason?" he asks, crossing his arms to mirror your body language.
You unfold your arms, "I mean... yea. You could see least feel a little bad for me?"
"But I don't," he says with a light shrug.
"Oh... well I guess I'll take it," you tell him and close the door. He nods to acknowledge your decision but doesn't reply.
You sit on the couch while his focus returns to his books. You watch him pick up a hardcover book then put it back, taking the one next to it. He flips through the pages slowly and you ask, "Your not gonna turn me into frog or anything, right?"
He looks up at you confused.
"Thor said you've done that to him before," you explain.
He groans, "It was one time and we were children."
"I'm just checking. I don't know how any of this works," you tell him.
"Clearly," he rolls his eyes and goes back to his book. He looks up again and adds, "If I wanted to turn you into a frog I would have done so already."
"Is that supposed to make me feel better?" you ask.
"Yes," he says matter of factly then he goes back to reading.
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You try to get comfortable on Loki's couch but you can't seem to relax, you are afraid to touch anything including the pillows. After a few minutes of silence he sits next to you and you shift away from him a bit. He doesn't seem to notice your reaction and hands you the open book.
"Read this," he says.
"It's in Spanish," you tell him.
"Very observant," Loki nods.
"I can't read this. I took three years of Spanish in high school but it didn't really stick," you explain.
"Humans are so dull without the Allspeak," he mumbles.
"Do you always need to be annoying?" you ask him.
"No," he smiles at you.
"What was your point with the book?" you ask, trying to get back on track.
"I will explain after. Read this part," he points to a specific paragraph.
You give the short paragraph your best attempt. Based on the way Loki flinches at how you pronounce almost every word, you assume you did awful. J.A.R.V.I.S remains silent so you ask Loki what you said.
He smirks, "Something that should have cost you more than a few dollars."
"Really?" you ask and look back at the book. You grab your phone and use it to translate the text. Your eyes go wide at the excessive swearing and insults the character uses to describe another character. "Wow," you laugh, "You weren't kidding."
"Now that you know what it means, try it again," he suggests.
You read it again, your pronunciation still off but when you finish J.A.R.V.I.S charges you for eight words. Loki laughs and you look at him annoyed, "Great, thanks. That was annoyingly useless."
"I thought it was funny," he smiles. "And it wasn't useless. Now we know that it only works if you know what you are saying."
"You're an ass," you tell him.
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from-" the program repeats.
"You owe me $4.50," you cross your arms and lean back on the couch.
He waves his hand and a five dollar bill appears between his fingers. He hands it to you, "I'm sure you'll use the other word soon enough. I want to try one more thing."
"I don't think I trust you anymore," you say, putting the money in your pocket.
"I didn't think you trusted me in the first place," he says.
"I... yea, that's a good point," you tell him.
"Here," he conjures a small notepad and pen before handing them to you.
"Where do you keep this stuff?" you ask looking at the objects.
"A pocket dimension," he explains.
"Right, sure, super normal," you laugh. "What the hell am I doing with this?"
"Y/N, fifty cents has been deducted from your upcoming-"
You groan and put your hand over your face.
Loki smiles and says, "I honesty thought you would keep those fifty cents a few seconds longer."
"You know, no one likes you right," you tell him in response.
"And I am truly devastated by that," he says, putting his hand over his heart.
"Whatever," you roll your eyes. "What do you want me to do with this?" You hold up the pen and notepad.
"I'm looking for a loophole," he says. "Go ahead, write some of your favorites."
You sigh and write a word but nothing happens. You write another and still nothing.
"Interesting," he says then J.A.R.V.I.S activates. "What did you do?" You hold up the notepad and he smirks as he read it. "Well now that's rude," he says, shaking his head.
"It's accurate," you smile then cross out what you wrote.
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"Do you eat pizza?" you ask.
Loki looks up from the book he is reading as he stands in front of the bookcase. "What?"
"Pizza," you repeat.
"Yes, why?" he furrows his brow.
"Its 8:30, I'm ordering food," you tell him. "I came here right after work so I missed dinner."
"No," he says and goes back to his book.
"What do you mean, no?" you ask, looking up from your favorite delivery app.
"I've heard humans are like stray animals, if you feed them, they return," he says.
You laugh, "First off, who told you that? And Secondly, if I'm ordering the food, technically that would make you the pet I'm feeding."
He sighs but doesn't argue, putting another book in the pile of what you imagine are useless books.
"What do you want on it?" you ask him. "Pepperoni, veggies, or are you one of those weird pineapple people?"
"Cheese is fine," he mumbles.
"One cheese pizza it is," you say, ordering from a place nearby. "It'll be here in half an hour," you tell him.
"Wonderful," he says without a smile. "I was so hoping you would be here all night."
"You can always tell me to leave," you say getting up from the couch.
He looks over at you and says, "I could but I won't."
You sit back down, "Okay, I really need to ask... why are you doing this?"
"I'm bored," he answers with a shrug.
"You said that before," you tell him.
"Because that is the answer," he insists but for some reason you don't believe him. You feel like there is more to it but you can't figure it out.
"I thought you were supposed to be good at lying, being the God of Lies and whatever," you say.
"I am the God of Lies and Mischief, not whatever," he corrects you. "And I am not lying. Why else would I want to help you?"
"Because you like me?" you smile and he scoffs. "You have to admit, I'm pretty awesome."
"I do not," he says but you see a hint of a smile on his lips. "Now, will you please be quiet and let me think."
"Can do," you give him a thumbs up.
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You put the pizza box on the coffee table and he sits next to you. "You owe me for half," you say. Before you can tell him how much it is he flicks his wrist and a brown leather wallet appears in his hand. He opens it, takes out a twenty dollar bill and gives it to you. "Wait," you say before he makes it vanish again. "Is that Thor's wallet?"
"Hmm," he opens it. "It would appear so."
"He's been looking for that for like a week," you laugh.
"I'm aware of that," Loki responds.
"Of course you are," you shake your head.
"Do you want to money or not?" he reaches to take the bill back from you.
You pull it away from him and put it in your pocket. "I'm going broke from this fucking thing," you tell him as J.A.R.V.I.S activates again.
"Ah damnit, I forgot to ask for plates," you say, ignoring J.A.R.V.I.S. Loki holds out his hand and two plates appear. "I've got to admit, you are pretty useful," you tell him. He smiles but then you add, "You would be more useful if you could fix my stupid problem though."
"I already told you the easy way is to just stop swearing," he takes a slice.
"That's no fun though," you tell him. "Plus, I really don't want Steve to win."
"What do you mean?" he asks.
You shrug, "Sometimes I do it more when he's around cause I know how much it bothers him."
He laughs, "I can appreciate that type of attitude."
"I thought you might," you smile. "So any progress with the massive pile of books or am I fucked?"
He looks up mid-bite and J.A.R.V.I.S goes off again. "I have not given up yet," he tells you but his attention is focused on the screen that popped up. "Do that again," he says. You sigh, and he flicks his wrist, putting another five dollar bill on the table between you.
"Fuck," you say and the screen appears again with J.A.R.V.I.S 's announcement.
"I'm sorry, the total says $47," he sounds shocked and you cringe. "I thought you said they only turned it on at noon."
"Yea," you take a bite of your pizza.
"You have said 94 swear words since noon," he says.
"Apparently," you shrug but he continues to look at you so you put your food down on the table. "When Steve and Tony first told me about it I was kinda pissed," you admit. "I might have lost a few bucks before I left Tony's office."
He tries not to laugh, keeping his hand over his mouth while you talk.
"Then I went back to my office to try out a few things," you tell him.
"Like what?" he asks.
You take a list out of your pocket and hand it to him. "What counts and what doesn't," you say. "Some words only count in a specific context so there's that."
"That still doesn't account for all of this," he says.
You shake your head, "I wanted to see how far it reached outside of the Tower." You sigh, "It's about half a block in all directions."
He laughs, "I imagine you were quite a sight trying to figure that out."
You laugh too, "You would think so but this is New York. I don't think anyone noticed the weird woman cursing every few feet, followed around by a hologram yelling at her."
"This city truly is very odd," he agrees.
"And yet, you still tried to take it over a few years ago," you shrug and take a bite of pizza.
"Technically, I was trying to take over your whole planet," he reminds you.
"That's not better," you tell him and he shrugs.
"I found a few spells I would like to try when we finish eating," he changes the topic a moment later.
"Think one of them will work?" you ask hopefully.
"I certainly hope so," he says. "Of course, I could accidently turn you into a frog if something goes wrong."
"That's not funny," you tell him.
"I wasn't joking," he smirks.
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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viviennevermillion · 10 months
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when they know you like them
⟡ notes: first time writing for record of ragnarok yayy! guys if you haven't seen this show you should watch it, we have tournament arc, pretty men and sad backstories. comments are appreciated.
⟡ contains: character x gn!reader, how they act when they know you like them but you haven't told them, varying lengths because i am inherently biased
⟡ characters: buddha, beelzebub, hades, nikola
⟡ warnings: all of these are fluff except for beel's which is full of soul-crushing angst i am sorry
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He's such a tease and you can't even be mad at him because unlike Loki or Hermes he's genuinely sweet about it. He overheard Brunhilde talking about how you like him and he decided to have some fun with it first before he confesses.
You meet him by the tree he likes to relax under before his fight and he's happy to see you. "Hi fam! What a pleasant surprise!", he exclaims and waves at you when he sees you walking towards him from a distance, "to what do I owe the honor?"
When you tell him you just wanted to wish him luck before his battle, he grins and pats your head repeatedly before resorting to poking your cheek. "That's sweet of you, bud", he sits down under the tree again and pats the patch of grass by his side, gesturing for you to join him; an offer which you gladly accept.
"I know you don't like being told what to do", you start and let out a sigh, "but don't you die on me out there..."
He lets out a hearty laugh.
"I'll accept it this once, because it's you", he chuckles and leans closer, whispering in your ear with a tone of voice that sounds like it's laced with honey, "if I didn't know any better, I'd say you're worried about dear old me..."
You stay silent in response to this, which just seems to amuse him more. "You know…best not to lose yourself in worry and fear, it does not do you any good", he warns with a challenging tone, cupping your cheek gently to inspect the emotion that's showing on your face, "getting too attached can often be our demise..."
"I'm good, thank you", you reply dryly, not giving in to his teasing. You reach into your bag to pull out some candy you brought along. "Offer for my favorite god", you state nonchalantly and hand it to him. "So I'm your favorite, huh?", he chuckles, booping your nose, "that's interesting."
He eats some of the candy and remarks that it's tasty before his attention shifts to you again. "I found meditation can help with worries like yours", he explains but can't hide the smile that's tucking at the corner of his lips, as he's fully aware how easily your focus shifts when he's around, "I can show you some techniques if you'd like."
So he spends the next 10 minutes instructing you on meditation and you're trying, but at this point you're suspecting that with the way he keeps whispering instructions into your ear and leans close to you or holds your hand, he's setting you up to fail. "I'm starting this on heightened difficulty", you mumble dryly and he chuckles again. He's clearly having a blast with this.
He's leaning so close to you that you can feel his breath on your lips and he's like "do you feel enlightened yet?"
You open your eyes to glare at him. "You're the bane of my existence."
He forms two peace signs with his hands and sends you an innocent smile. "That's when I'm at my cutest!"
Before he leaves for his fight he gently pulls you into his arms. "Don't worry too much, buddy, I'll be fine", he has his arms wrapped around your shoulders in a comforting embrace. You close your eyes and take a deep breath, relaxing into the warmth of his chest. "I'll see you after the fight, pinky promise", he smiles and gently squeezes you before making his way to the arena.
When you join him again after the battle he's finishing up that bag of candy you gave to him. "I heard you bailed from the infirmary", you let out a sigh and sit down next to him in the grass. "Are you here to drag me back?", he sends you a questioning gaze. You shake your head. "I know better than to try that."
He lets out a satisfied hum and you hug him. "I'm glad you're okay", you whisper and he looks at you with a fond expression, way softer than what you're used to from him. "I told you not to worry too much", he keeps an arm wrapped around you and leans closer to you again until your lips are almost touching, "I think you need more meditation." He grins and plops a candy into his mouth.
You look at him through half-lidded eyes and sigh. "You know what- fuck this shit, next time I'll just bring pocky."
He lets out a laugh and presses a sweet kiss to your cheek. "That's one way to do it."
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One word: Panic
He meets you after his round because you're one of the people who tend to his wounds. You're so sweet to him; you have no idea, not the faintest clue about the curse he is afflicted by.
He's darkness incarnate, at least in his mind; only ever leaving his secluded quarters these days to fight; like in the tournament. To fight, never to protect. His hands weren't made for protection; his heart wasn't made to be loved. But who can really help the things they long for in this life?
Meanwhile, you're like a ray of the sun that mistakenly fell into the depths of hell from which he crawled. He had been shunned; detested for what he was, yet you didn't seem to notice. He thought it was stupid. Or perhaps these were his defenses talking.
Or maybe you knew exactly who he was and simply chose to pay it no mind. Also stupid.
He acted cold around you in the infirmary. Brushed you off with quick responses. Yet you always smiled at him with this carefree, kind expression on your face. Just the way his friends had done once upon a time. Images flashed his mind of their dead bodies and the horror of what he had done. He didn't mean to, he knew he was cursed, yet he hated himself; hated that he was host to the monster that lived within him.
He left the infirmary early that day. Best not to spend too much time around people who were nice to him. It might just get them killed, he thought with bitterness clouding his mind.
But you weren't convinced when he had told you that he was fine upon leaving. So to make sure you didn't release him in bad condition, you sent him a letter, asking him how he was faring. To be honest, you didn't expect that he would actually respond, considering how closed off he was when he met you. But Beelzebub was a lonely man. Terribly lonely and suffering in silence without an ounce of company, just waiting for the day someone or something would be able to put an end to his existence. But that was a dream that felt far out of his reach. So he settled for the next best thing: easing the pain.
So for the next few weeks, the two of you changed letters and every time he opened up a little, you felt joyful and loved that you were getting to know him better.
When you ask him out one day, Beel's heart freezes. This was all too familiar... attachment. Something he couldn't allow himself to have. Something that would bring destruction upon the innocent.
He clutched the letter tightly in his hand, crumpling the paper in the process as he paced back and forth through his room, trying to calm his breathing; trying to make the thought of Lilith's dead body leave his mind. He couldn't allow anything to happen to you. He was a monster and you didn't deserve to become the next tragedy in his life. For weeks now since you had started exchanging letters he put extra locks on his doors at night; some of them with numbers only he knew; he'd freeze the keys and hide them throughout his room in the hopes that he would wake up before the monster could escape the confines it was in.
After receiving the letter where you had confessed that you had taken a liking to him and would like to go out with him; he woke up on the following morning with his room in shambles. Some of the furniture was torn apart, papers were scattered across the floor and the door showed signs of abuse and violence; large scratch marks and some broken locks.
He sent you a letter inquiring about your well-being this time. The wait for your response was spent in agony.
When he finally received a letter back; being informed that you weren't anywhere near his room that night, that you were safe and sound; relief washed over him.
But that was the last letter he ever sent. He deemed it too dangerous to keep you around. You deserved to live and to thrive. Nothing that should be cut short because of his selfish desire for companionship.
As the months went by, the letters got less and less. Until finally you stopped sending them. That was the first time he had cried since Lilith's death. The first time he had slumped down on the floor and sobbed helplessly. His room became silent again. He was alone once more with nothing but the shadow of what could have been.
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The only one who is actually normal about the whole thing.
Hades is a gentleman and he doesn't have enough humor in his heart to tease you like some of his fellow gods would.
Once he has a hunch that you have feelings for him; he prepares to ask you out.
He's very classy with it. He buys you a bouquet of roses and brings them to you, greeting you with a soft smile that few actually get to see on his face. He appears confident and casual; the only sign of nervousness being that he keeps fidgeting with the collar of his shirt without noticing.
Of course you immediately notice the bouquet. But you don't bring it up until he does. "Hades! Good to see you", you greet him and give him a smile. He smiles back at you. "Y/n, I- was wondering if you'd like to have dinner sometime?", he stumbles over his words one time but overall delivers the question very professionally.
You're a little caught off-guard. After all; Hades is not someone where you notice he has feelings for you unless he decides to let you know. "Oh...", you take a moment to process, "I'd love to!"
Hades is glad to hear that answer. Whatever was he worried about anyway?
He takes you to a nice restaurant on your date, both of you dressed up in fine clothes and Hades can't keep his eyes off you. His expression softens every time he looks at you and he finally realizes how much you make him weak in the knees.
Despite everything, he keeps his confident demeanor, offering to pay for your meal and making conversation with you during the date so the atmosphere never turns awkward.
It's mostly him complaining about his job really.
"And it's not even like they don't know that trying to feed the Cerberus is forbidden; it's very clearly stated in the 'Welcome to Helheim' leaflet and yet every month someone loses an arm to that thing-", he pauses in his rant to look up at you, "I'm sorry if you don't want to hear about my work."
You shake your head. "It's fine, I think it's quite interesting", you reach for his hand and hold it on the table, "hold on- there's a leaflet?"
Hades chuckles and pulls said leaflet out of his pocket, handing it to you. "Rule Nr. 2: 'You cannot actually climb out of Helheim. Seriously, stop trying'", you read aloud and raise your eyebrows, "I feel like there's a story behind that one." Hades gives you a painful expression. "I wish there wasn't."
Hades likes holding your hand on the dinner table and he always makes sure that you have a comfortable and fun evening
Despite his calm and serious demeanor, the man is absolutely whipped for you, so the more chaotic you are, the more likely it is that he'll end up joining you in shenanigans that are unlike anything he'd do if you weren't a part of his life.
Loki once catches him dancing in the rain with you, absolutely drenched from the water and Hades just sends him a death glare. "Not a word." Meanwhile Loki is just trying to keep his wheezing in.
If he feels like you're up for it, Hades asks if he can kiss you after the date. For a man so stoic and serious, his kiss is very gentle.
You never have to worry about Hades knowing how you feel about him because your feelings are in good hands with him.
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Is probably having a whole crisis about this.
He doesn't even notice you like him, he just sees you as "y/n, who listens to me talk about science" and that's what he appreciates you for. He has such tunnel vision when it comes to his work that he doesn't even stop to consider how he feels about you until Raiden of all people brings it up.
He's like "Wow you're so lucky that someone like y/n has their eyes on you!" and Nikola stops in his tracks like excuse me what-
"Don't tell me you didn't notice... they're down bad for you?!"
The shared human contestants lobby was a mistake, Nikola thinks
Other people have to spell out all the obvious signs to him that show that you're romantically interested in him for Nikola to "subscribe to the hypothesis"
That's when the panic starts.
"Like, what do I even do, I've never been on a date before!"
Raiden raises an eyebrow: "Seriously? Never?"
Nikola corrects himself as he paces from one side of the room to the other. "Well technically I have been on ONE date before but it was a disaster because I accidentally caused the misconception that I'm trying to build a nuclear bomb, which i wasn't-"
Basically, Nikola has no fucking idea how to approach romance
He ends up sending his pigeon to deliver a letter to you, asking you out on a date, which he describes as "a fun day full of scientific experiments" and he's ecstatic when your answer is yes.
"Don't worry, this'll be fine, I even got them a gift", Nikola says, excited about your date.
The "gift" turned out to be a giant laser he built specifically for you. He was confident in it at first but ever since people kept telling him that usually flowers or chocolate are appropriate first date gifts, he's been nervous. To everyone's surprise, you end up absolutely loving it.
"Oh my god I've always wanted a giant laser!"
"See? That's what I said too", Nikola gives you a fist-bump.
Nevermind you're going to fit together just fine.
Your date mostly consists of him guiding you through various science experiments and rambling about the scientific principles behind them.
"I understood nothing of what it was you just said but I think it's endearing how passionate you are about this", you chuckle.
His last experiment is one where he turns the lights in the room off and uses several lenses and light sources to make beautiful lights in all colors dance across the walls and the ceiling of the room. You're in awe about the beautiful sight.
"You see, this happens because the light reflects off the-" he can't finish his sentence because he's caught off-guard by the kiss you press to his cheek. You then lean your head on his shoulder. "Let's just watch them for a while", you whisper and reach for his hand. He supposes he can continue explaining later and smiles at you softly.
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kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
You're Mine (request on Tumblr for a jealousy filled fic featuring Tom Hiddleston)
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WARNING: For those that do not like SMUT, I'm sorry, you can skip this one. This is a request I got on Tumblr and I do honor all requests... within reason, LOL. 
Today was Hugh and I's third anniversary. The last three years have been amazing to say the least. We met five years ago when I'd stumbled into his coffee shop, Laughing Man Cafe, a coffee and tea shop he owned, located in New York. Hugh had stopped in to sign autographs and meet a few fans, I'd stopped in for a coffee, not realizing Hugh Jackman owned it. 
We began dating shortly after, getting married two years later. I'd always been extras in films, but he'd help me kick start my career as being a lead in some smaller films. I was always apprehensive about doing bigger films, so I strayed away from them. Hugh would spend hours going over lines with me to prepare me for various roles over the last few years. I checked my email noticing a script my manager sent over to me. It was a bigger film, of course and I had managed to get the part after a stressful audition. I didn't bother reading the script before auditioning, but I knew it was a rom-com with Tom Hiddleston, who was well known for playing Loki. 
"Holy shit." I mumbled, reading over the script. Hugh looked over at me from the opposite end of the couch, wearing his glasses, "What? Did you get dropped?" He asked concerned. 
I rolled my eyes, "Why do you automatically assume I was dropped from a film?" 
He chuckled, "What's with the 'holy shit' reaction?" He sat his laptop down, scooting beside me to see my phone. 
I took a deep breath, "Uh, well... There's a sex scene with Tom and I." 
He shrugged, "It's just acting, babe. You'll do fine. Sex scenes are fun to film."
I cocked my brow looking at him, "Really?" I asked sarcastically. 
He laughed, shaking his head, "I don't mean it like that. They're awkward. You're wearing these little bags and cover-ups, stimulating sex for hours. It's weird, but the key is to make each other laugh." 
He would know. He's the man that's always down for a good sex scene. 
I continued skimming the email, "Holy fuck! We're filming it at 5." I said mentally face palming as I jumped up to grab normal clothes, rather than the sweats and over sized t-shirt I was wearing. 
Hugh looked at his watch, "Oh fuck, it's 3:45 now. Let's get ready and I'll take you. Tom's a nice dude, you'll be fine, baby." He said as he jumped up to change out of his comfy clothes. 
As we got ready and jetted out of the door of our home in NYC, we flew through traffic and made it to the set with 10 minutes to spare. When we arrived on set, I was greeted by my manager, Tom's manager, Tom and a few of the film crew. 
"Ooooh, she brought Wolverine with her, Tom. You better be careful." one of the cameramen teased. 
Tom chuckled, "I'm always careful." as he made his way to Hugh smiling, "Nice to see you again, Hugh." 
Hugh smiled, "Hey Mate, nice to see you."
The director walked over to us, "Okay Jackman, as much as I love your beautiful ass, you're not in my movie. Get off the set." She teased. 
Hugh laughed, throwing his hands up, walking towards the side of the set, "You knew it would cost too much to book me." he said jokingly. 
Tom and I sat in the middle of the set with the director as she explained the script and how she wanted the intimate scene to take place. "So, we're going to get you two ready for the shot, you'll both be wearing cover-ups, so you won't actually be naked, but you'll appear naked to the audience and to the cameras." We nodded in agreement. "Whenever she comes in, I want you to pin her to the door in a full on make out with second base type thing, but you'll both still be clothed for that scene." 
We nodded, "Alright." we said in unison while going our separate ways to get into our character outfits. After about 30 minutes of changing and fixing our hair, we met back on set. A door separating us. This was my first time doing an intimate scene in a movie. I'd had brief kissing scenes over the years, but nothing to this level. I could feel my anxiety building as I took a deep breath, staring towards the door. 
"And, action!" The director yelled, slamming a marker. 
I grabbed the door, pushing it open to be met with Tom, grabbing me and intensely shoving me against it, pushing his lips onto mine. The kiss was deep, it was messy, there were shots where you see his tongue forcing its way into my mouth. Tom wasn't a bad kisser by any means, I will say that. The director decided the scene wasn't her favorite and wanted to re-do it two more times afterwards, wanting Tom to be more aggressive each time we'd kissed. 
I glanced over to Hugh, who was on the sidelines, playing on his phone. I could tell he was getting annoyed, but being the professional he is, not wanting to show it. Tom shook me from my thoughts, "You know, kissing you is pretty fun." He said, winking at me. I chuckled, not wanting to cause issues, but also shaking off the uncomfortable feeling his flirting was giving me. Hugh is typically not a jealous man, but I knew if he overheard the flirting, he'd knock this dude's teeth out and make sure he never did another Marvel movie again. 
On the third shot of the kissing scene, I felt Tom's hand brush slightly across my breast. Not enough for me to really react, but enough for me to know he did it. Not knowing if this was truly a coincidence, I shrugged it off as we went to get ready for the sex scene. I was completely naked, besides a small skin colored cover-up that literally only covered my vagina. Tom was wearing a skin colored bag that hid his dick. 
We wrapped ourselves in robes while we weren't filming to meet the director as she explained how she wanted the sex scene to go and what her expectations were. This was my first big film, and I knew if I wanted to score a good career, I had to sell it regardless of how I was feeling. As we made our way to the bed and stripped our robes, we both laid on the bed, under the comforter. The director wanted Tom on top of me, so he climbed on top of me and looked me dead in the eyes. I couldn't force myself to look over at Hugh, so I blocked him completely out of my brain and continued looking at the guy that was on top of me. 
"And, action!" The director yells, slamming her marker. 
Tom looked down at me, "Is this what you want?" He asks seductively, moving his hips in a motion as if he were positioning himself to enter me, throwing the comforter off of us, revealing our naked bodies. 
I moaned, biting my lip, "I want you." 
Tom stimulated his hips as if he'd slammed into me while I stimulated the scene to make it look as if I were matching his thrusts as both of us moaned. He took one of my nipples in his mouth and began sucking on it while still pretending to thrust into me while I drug my fingernails down his back and cried out his character's name. 
The scene in the movie only showed the sex for about two minutes, before cutting to a scene of both of us cuddled in bed talking about how we couldn't let our spouses find out about what we'd done. 
Tom giggled, "We can't let them know. This needs to be our dirty little secret." 
I smirked, "I know, I know... But you fuck so much better than anyone I've ever been with. He'll be out of town working all week anyways." 
Tom leaned down, kissing my head, holding me, "Do you know how long I've waited to do that? How hard it is being around you two and having to hide how hard my dick gets when you're around me... We're horrible people." He chuckled. 
I rolled my eyes, "What they don't know won't hurt them." I said as I playfully trailed my fingers down his stomach, "I want more..." I said seductively. 
"Cut! That was perfect, guys!" The director exclaimed, running towards us with our robes. 
Filming for the day had ended and I hadn't looked at Hugh in hours. I was too afraid to. I know this is what actors do and he knows good and well how acting in films can be, but something in me felt like this was going to be a disaster. As I put my normal clothes back on and told everyone bye, I noticed Hugh was outside on his phone. He looked pissed.
I walked up behind him, wrapped my arms around him, "I'm finished, baby. Do you want to get dinner?" I asked sweetly. 
He glanced at me, ending the phone and walking to get in the car, "Not hungry." He grunted. 
I opened the door of the car, awkwardly getting in, "We're going home." He said coldly. 
"Are you okay?" I asked, reaching for his arm, only to have him pull away. 
He kept his eyes focused on the road, "What's wrong, love? You won't even look at me." I said, starting to tear up. 
He scoffed, "What's wrong? You enjoyed that! You were really getting into that wannabe Wolverine motherfucker all over you!" He spat. 
My jaw dropped, "Excuse me? What are you talking about? I was doing my job, Hugh!" 
He laughed annoyingly, "Really? Your job wasn't to look like you were shooting a motherfucking pornography movie. It was to do a two minute sex scene and you took it too fucking far with him. Do you want to fuck him that bad?" 
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Was he really that jealous by me doing a sex scene in a movie he told me to audition for? 
I shook my head, "What are you talking about right now? I did exactly what the director asked me to do." I said in defense. 
He looked at me, "Really? Do you realize how fucking heartbreaking it is to watch a younger man, closer to your age all over you, sucking on your tits? Then you're both talking about good thing our spouses don't know. You know you were turned on by it. I know you."
I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, Hugh. Just get me home before I start walking. I'm seriously about to get out of this car." 
He scoffed again, "Yeah? Go ring Tom, I'm sure he'll pick you up." 
As we got home, he hopped out of the car, making sure he slammed the door and every door inside the house. He was being dramatic. Does seeing me stimulating a fake sex scene with an attractive actor that's younger than him bother him that badly? I'm literally doing what he does with other women, well maybe not that extreme, but does he forget that I have to see him kissing or flirting with other women onscreen in almost every movie or interview he does? I mean shit...Excuse me for just furthering my career. 
As the night went on, he seemed to calm down. I found him playing his piano, looking lost in his own thoughts. I walked towards him, "Are you finally calm?" I asked bluntly, bracing myself for the reaction. 
He shook his head cheekily, "I'm fine. Do you want to have a cuddle in bed?" He asked, smiling at me.  
I nodded, "Of course, love." I said, while grabbing his hand, leading him to our bedroom. 
As we approached the bed, he pushed me down, kissing me aggressively, biting and sucking on my bottom lip as if he were going to literally gnaw it off. "You really think he's better than me, huh?" He mumbled against my lips, causing me to roll my eyes. 
I brushed the comment off and continued the kiss, "Answer me." He growled while pushing his boner into my hips. "No..." I said lowly. "No, what?" He spat back, pushing himself further into my hips. "No baby, I don't." I said, looking up at him. 
"I sat on the side and watched him practically fuck you and touch you for hours. Do you know how fucking bad I wanted to rip his face off for touching my wife?" He asked as yanked my shirt off. "Watching him suck on your perfect tits... You're mine, do you understand that?" He said while pulling my pants off, leaving me in my bra and underwear. 
I nodded, "Yours..." He sat back up pulling his own clothes off as he climbed back on top of me, pulling my panties to the side, shoving his fingers inside me, while sucking on my neck. "This is my pussy." He whispered into my ear as his fingers danced inside me. 
I couldn't help the moan that escaped from my lips, "Oh fuck... Baby, don't stop." I moaned, while reaching for his boxers. "I want you." 
He pulled them down, revealing his hard cock, "You want me? Are you sure you don't want Tom?" He asked, cocking his brow at me as he rubbed my clit. 
I nodded, biting my lip so hard I could taste blood, "You're the only one I want..." I said as I reached for his cock, wrapping my hand around the length. 
"Show me." He said, pulling me on top of him. I slid down his frame, kissing every inch of his torso as I made my way down to his manhood. I felt him place his hand on the back of my head as I took him into my mouth. I sucked hard on the tip while letting my hand work the base as I felt him start roughly thrusting into my mouth as he threw his head back, his moans filling the air. 
"That's a good girl. Show me how much you want my dick." He moaned, as I began bobbing my head quicker taking his rough thrusts deep into the back of my throat. 
This was not like Hugh, but I was loving every minute of it. It almost makes me wish I'd taken more opportunities to push his buttons. I could feel him throbbing in my mouth as he pulled out not wanting to cum just yet. He glanced down at me, motioning for me to get on my knees. 
I did as I was told as I felt him push my panties to the side, entering me. His thrusts were fast and rough, not the sweet, romantic I was used to getting. He slapped my ass hard, "Is this what you wanted?" He grunted, "You wanted this cock, you don't want anyone else's cock, do you?" He gave a deeper thrust, "Answer me or I'll stop and you can go ring Tom instead." He yelled. 
I threw my head back, trying to form words as the feeling of euphoria overtook my body. "Fuck! Don't stop!" I managed to scream between moans, "I only want you." I said, trying to not let myself go this soon. 
He grabbed a handful of my hair, turning my face to look at him, "This is mine. All mine." He moaned. I could tell he was getting close, I could feel him throbbing inside me. "Cum for me, baby. Let me see how good I make you feel." He said while tugging on my hair. 
I let go and exploded on him, literally falling down to the bed as I felt him cum deep inside me. He collapsed beside me, breathless. "Do you feel better now?" I asked him chuckling, sounding a bit amused while trying to catch my breath. 
He chuckled, "I do. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He asked sweetly. 
There he was... There was my sweet baby. I smiled, "You didn't hurt me in a bad way, if that's what you're asking. Maybe I should make you jealous more often." I joked.
He laughed, pulling me closer to him, "Maybe so, love."  
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hanluex · 2 months
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bf!rafe x gn!reader | wc : 0.8k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, established relationship, swearing, somewhat morbid threats, crack / comedy (?) | loki's lines — for the way i love this man, this drabble didn’t really include much of him 😭
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“jj, i’m serious! you are always taking my things and leaving them everywhere!”
you grumbled in annoyance, tired of the blond troublemaker hijacking your items.
the two of you were having your daily banter outside the chateau, next to the hot tub, while the rest of the pogues and your boyfriend, rafe, sat on the patio, watching everything unfold.
“dude, calm the fuck down, jeez.” jj rolled his eyes, grabbing his bag off the tree stump next to him. “i literally didn’t take your airpods! i don’t have them! see!”
he turned his bag upside down over the hot tub, shaking it to show he had nothing inside.
you almost felt bad for blaming your missing airpods on jj when suddenly the small white box dropped from the bag, falling into the water.
“jj maybank!” you yelled out in shock, seeing the surprise on jj’s face as he quickly scrambled into the hot tub to retrieve your airpods that he happened to have. “you fucking asshole!”
john b, sarah, and pope stifled their laughter upon seeing what happened. while kie and rafe winced, knowing they were about to witness another showdown between you and jj.
“shit, shit!” jj grabbed your airpods from the hot tub floor, holding them up as water dripped out of it. “i really didn’t know it was in there, y/n. i swear! i wouldn’t have shaken it over the hot tub like that. i promise, i didn’t know.”
you narrowed your gaze at the blond, raising your finger angrily. “you better start running, maybank. because when i find you, i swear on my life, i will fucking skin you alive and feed you to the magpies alive so you can—” a surprised gasp left your lips as you were lifted off your feet.
as soon as you started threatening jj, rafe walked towards you, somewhat fearing for the blond’s life as he knew of your abilities to scare a person shitless with just your words.
without another word, rafe simply wrapped his arms around your hips and picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder as he walked you towards the chateau.
“we’ve talked about this before, darlin’.” he drawled. “you shouldn’t use that pretty mouth of yours to say such morbid shit.”
he sat you down on the patio, arms crossing over his chest as he looked at you. sarah and kie smiled teasingly as they made eye contact with you, knowing that all this was routine at this point.
john b and pope simply shook their heads, walking towards jj, who still stood in the middle of the hot tub, completely stunned by your threats — no matter how many different variations of them he heard.
“but you really can’t blame me!” you grumbled under your breath, avoiding eye contact with your boyfriend. “he’s the one who just dropped my airpods in water! if i could, i would burn him at stake and—”
“i’ll buy you new airpods.” rafe interjected, an amused look on his face. “only if you promise to never let another morbid threat ever leave your pretty lips. ‘kay, sweetheart?”
your eyes gleamed with excitement at getting new airpods. “i promise! not a single threat will ever escape me. i’m a new person now. threats are not my thing anymore, i solemnly swear.” you raised a hand as if you were taking an oath.
sarah and kie couldn’t help but burst out laughing at your antics, shaking their heads as they watched you become complete putty in rafe’s hands with just a few words.
just as you took a deep breath, about to let go of your old self, jj threw your airpod case at you, a teasing grin on his face as he noted the smile on your face.
this blondie really couldn’t stand seeing your smile.
“you dipshit! i swear, test me one more time and i swear i will kick–” you froze upon seeing rafe’s raised brows, an amused look in his eyes as if he challenged you to continue your sentence. “–away your worries and shower you with love because you are my bestest friend in the entire world.”
rafe snorted at your quick thinking. “great save, darlin’. i almost thought you were gonna break your promise there for a second, you know?” he smirked.
“as if i’d let jj ruin my only chance of getting new airpods.” you scoffed in disbelief and shook your head confidently. “because if that happened, i’d pop his eyes out of his head and make him eat them.”
the realization hit you as soon as the words left your lips, cursing under your breath. you covered your face with your hands, groaning in regret at your stupidity.
rafe bit back a laugh, nodding to himself. from the moment he made you make that promise, he knew it wouldn’t be long until you broke it.
“and … you broke your promise. great job holding back for the last three minutes. also, just so you know, no airpods for you.”
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taglist : @maverick-wingman @loving-and-dreaming (to be added, please send a dm or ask!)
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mimimarvelingmarvel · 1 month
time bound part three
pairing: worst wolverine!logan howlett x f!mutant!reader
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Part Three - Masterlist
summary: Y/n’s life takes a dramatic turn when the Time Variance Authority intervenes, pulling her from a critical moment in her timeline. The TVA sends her to the void where she eventually meets with Deadpool and a very familiar face. With Deadpool's universe in the balance, alongside his reluctant would-be pal, Wolverine, and the enigmatic time-bending mutant known as the Veil, the trio must complete the mission and save Deadpool’s world from an existential threat.
overall warnings: 18+, Fem!Reader, AFAB Reader, Use of Y/N, Her X-Men name is Veil, She/her pronouns, Swearing, Angst, Heavy Violence, Character Death, Deadpool (he’s his own warning), Hurt, Fluff, Angst, Eventual Smut, Slow Burn, TVA
word count: 2k
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My legs feel numb, something cold and metallic digging into my back—chains, pinching at my skin. I try to shift, but the restraints hold me tight. There’s a warmth surrounding me, and I glance up to see Johnny's face, our noses inches apart. “Welcome back, Pumpkin!” Deadpool’s voice calls out from behind, dripping with that annoying cheerfulness that makes me groan and drop my head.
Johnny twists us around, the chains binding the two of us together keeping us suspended above the ground. Now, I’m facing Logan and Deadpool. Deadpool’s staring at me, and while it’s hard to tell through the mask, the tilt of his head makes me think he’s smiling.
He turns to Logan and asks, “How long was I asleep?”
Logan’s response is gruff, “Not all of you was asleep.”
I cringe. “That’s so—"
“Hot?” Deadpool interrupts, his tone mockingly hopeful.
“I was going to say disgusting.”
Deadpool pouts, his voice taking on a playful edge. “I sense a little closeted anger there.”
I squint at him, feeling the absurd need to defend myself. “I’m pretty comfortable with my sexuality, thank you very much.”
“Don’t clench those cheeks of yours too tight, Pumpkin. I see the way you look at Wolvie here.” He tilts his head towards Logan, who finally meets my gaze.
I quickly look away, shame creeping in. He must hate me for what I did. Or for what I couldn’t do.
Deadpool starts rummaging around, searching for something. “Don’t bother. They’re very thorough,” Johnny tells him, a slight edge to his voice.
Logan cuts in, his tone demanding, “You know where we are, start talking.”
Johnny’s voice is calm but serious. “You’re in The Void. Think of it as purgatory. Reed called it a metaphysical junkyard where anything useless goes before it gets annihilated forever, and where the TVA sends people that don’t play nice with the rest of the multiverse.”
Logan raises an eyebrow. “Like you?”
Johnny nods. “And you. Or her.”
Logan’s voice hardens. “What does the annihilating?”
“Alioth,” Johnny answers, his voice low.
Deadpool’s eyes widen behind his mask. “Alioth is in this thing? From Loki, season 1, episode 5? You know she wrote a fanfic about Loki. I’m talking to you, reader.” He suddenly turns to face the empty space, as if he’s breaking the fourth wall again. 
I squint at him, my voice dripping with annoyance. “What are you doing?”
Deadpool gives me that familiar little head tilt, and I can almost see the grin beneath his mask. “Just keeping things meta, Pumpkin.”
Johnny continues, “Everyone here is on the run from Alioth. Most don’t make it. But there’s a resistance. Other people like us that manage to survive. We’re hiding out in the borderlands, trying to find a way to fuck outta here.”
Logan nods, his voice resolute. “Then that’s where we go.”
Deadpool's eyes light up with excitement. “We? Us? A team? The answer is yes. Shake on it.”
Logan unsheathes his claws, the metal gleaming menacingly.
“Fuck! You nicked it,” Deadpool yelps, pulling his hand back quickly. “Just got the tip with your little steak knife.”
Logan ignores him, turning back to Johnny. “These others can help us get back to the TVA. They can fix things.”
Johnny lets out a dark laugh, and I nudge him, trying to keep him focused.
Logan’s eyes narrow. “Something funny, Bub?”
Johnny’s expression grows serious. “She might have something to say about that.”
Logan’s brow furrows in confusion. “Who’s she?”
Johnny's voice lowers ominously. “In The Void, you’re either food for Alioth, or you work for her.”
The words hang heavy in the air as we approach the gates—or rather, the colossal, decaying corpse of Ant-Man. His gigantic hands, now reduced to skeletal remains, are locked together to form the entrance. As they creak open, a cold shiver runs down my spine, a foreboding sense of doom settling over me. Johnny’s body flares with heat, a stark contrast to the icy dread filling my veins, betraying his own spike of anxiety.
We’re unceremoniously dumped out of the cage, rolling onto the hard, unforgiving ground of the courtyard. The atmosphere here is bleak, desolate—a wasteland filled with the lost and the damned. Variants and mutants alike mill about, their eyes hollow, their spirits crushed by the relentless despair of this place.
From behind, I feel Pyro’s glare burn into my back. I turn slightly, catching sight of Toad, still nursing his wound. With a spiteful smirk, I stick my tongue out at him, my eyes glinting with a momentary spark of defiance.
The air around us shimmers, rippling with unseen energy as Cassandra’s presence draws near. In my sleep, I had only glimpses of her, vague and haunting. But now, as her silhouette emerges, a pang of grief stabs at my heart—she reminds me too much of Charles.
Deadpool breaks the tension with his usual irreverence. “Oh, you must be this year’s Juggernaut.”
“Please be quiet,” I mutter, but my voice lacks conviction.
“Keep your voices down,” Juggernaut rumbles. “She don’t like the chatter.”
Logan casts a sidelong glance at Deadpool. “She’s gonna love you.”
Deadpool, never one to heed warnings, continues, “Is it Charles? Hey, hey, Chuck, it’s us!”
Logan and I exchange a grim look. “That’s not Charles,” we say in unison.
Cassandra steps from her wheelchair, moving with a graceful menace as the sunlight catches her bald head. The air around her seems to crackle with latent power.
“Ah, shit. Oh, ableism great. That’s not gonna go over well with the woke mob,” Deadpool quips, earning a scowl from Logan.
Cassandra’s eyes settle on Logan first, cold and calculating. “A Wolverine. I wondered when I’d get one of you.” Then she turns to me, her gaze piercing through my defenses. “You’re one of Xavier’s.”
Deadpool, ever the disruptor, cuts in. “You know him, you know Chuck?”
Cassandra’s smile is thin, almost serpentine. “Oh, I knew him. We shared a womb. Tried to strangle the sly little fellow with my umbilical cord.”
“Amen,” Deadpool responds, almost gleeful. “I’ve never loved roommates. Mine’s blind, except she could see cocaine for some reason.” He turns to Logan, searching for an ally. “You wanna chime in, Your Majesty? I’m dying here.”
“Who are you?” Logan growls, his patience wearing thin.
“Charles Xavier’s twin,” Cassandra says, her voice dripping with venom. “Cassandra Nova.”
Deadpool’s eyes widen in mock horror. “Oh, shit. Is it anal birth?”
Cassandra’s expression remains unreadable as she assesses us, her tone almost playful. “You two are cute. I have a good feeling about this.”
Her gaze sharpens as she shifts back to Johnny, a predatory gleam in her eye. “And I’ve been trying to catch this little firefly for years, haven’t I, Johnny? You picked the wrong time to make new friends.” She spares me a brief, dismissive glance. “I’ll get to you later,” she adds, her voice like ice. “—pumpkin.”
A shiver runs through me at the nickname, the way it slithers off her tongue far more menacingly than it ever did from Deadpool.
Deadpool, undeterred, presses on. “Oh, Johnny told us all about you.”
Logan’s warning is low and dangerous. “Maybe shut up now.”
“Yeah, maybe don’t,” I echo, my nerves fraying.
But Deadpool barrels ahead. “We were just talking here. Yeah, Johnny told us you’re a psychotic, megalomaniacal asshole. His words, not mine. Hell-bent on domination and pain.”
Cassandra’s eyes narrow. “You said all that about me?”
Johnny stammers, panic clear in his voice. “No, no! How do you— I didn’t say anything!”
“Sticks and stones, Johnny!” Deadpool laughs, his tone mocking. “Don’t let her intimidate you. Like you said in the convoy. This finger-licking, dead inside, pixie slab of third-rate dime store nut milk can eat your delicious cinnamon ring and kick rocks all the way to bald-hell.”
Johnny looks horrified. “I have never said any of those words in my entire life!”
My muscles tense, knowing Deadpool is pushing too far. “That’s enough, Deadpool,” I warn, preparing to act if necessary.
But Deadpool continues, seemingly oblivious. “Ah! The modesty! People think I’m a shit-talker, but this guy, next level.”
“What? This- I- wait- I don’t even know what half of that means!” Johnny protests, his confusion growing.
In a flash, I manage to blip Johnny back a few hours, replacing him with a decoy just as Cassandra’s wrath descends. She tears into the decoy with brutal efficiency, ripping its skin clean off. I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing Johnny is safe, even if the others are none the wiser.
Deadpool gasps in mock horror. “Not my favorite Chris.”
Logan’s fury is palpable. “You stupid piece of shit, you just got him fucking killed!”
I feign distress, staring at the decoy’s lifeless form, playing my part.
“Hey, we’re all grieving!” Deadpool adds, his tone too flippant. “PS, do you know what he was doing to the budget?”
Cassandra’s voice cuts through the tension. “Alioth is hungry.”
“There’s been some kind of mistake,” Deadpool protests, his bravado faltering. “Big Yellow is a backup Anchor Being, and I’m Marvel Jesus, MJ if you’re nasty. This may be hard to hear, but there’s another British villain. He’s gonna destroy my universe, and I’m gonna stop him.”
Cassandra’s smile is chilling. “Oh, honey, you don’t really strike me as a world-saving type.” Deadpool flinches. “Did I hit a nerve?”
He tries to regain his footing. “I didn’t want it to come to this. Either you help us, or my friend here is gonna sing the entire second act of Music Man, with zero warm-up.”
Logan tries to change the subject. “Where’d you get the chair?” 
“Once in a while, I do get a Charles through here,” Cassandra muses, her voice distant, almost nostalgic. “Never mind, though. No. He didn’t care to find me.”
Deadpool rolls his eyes, exasperated. “Ah, Gen-Z and their trauma-bragging! Can’t you just stuff it down, turn it into accomplishment or cancer like the rest of us?”
Cassandra’s eyes gleam with dark amusement. “But I’m not like the rest of you. Except maybe the Wolverine. Now, we could be truly terrifying together.”
Logan sneers, his claws itching for a fight. “You’re that scary, huh?”
“The TVA certainly thought so,” Cassandra replies, her tone dripping with satisfaction. “They sent me here before I could walk. And you know, it’s the best thing that ever happened to me. I love it here.”
“You live in a garbage dump,” Deadpool retorts, unimpressed.
Cassandra’s smile widens, a cold, cruel thing. “I think we both know who lives in the garbage dump. The Void is a paradise. I can wield my power here without shame. Unfortunately, I had no Charles Xavier to teach me temperance.”
Her eyes lock onto mine, sharp and predatory. I’m still coated in the thick, warm blood of Johnny’s decoy, and the sight only seems to excite her. “I told you I would get to you. I’ve been waiting to crack into that mind of yours.” She steps forward, her finger outstretched, and I stumble back, my heart pounding in my chest.
But she’s too fast, closing the distance in an instant. Her long, cold fingers seize my face, digging into my temples with a vice-like grip. The pain is excruciating, a white-hot lance that stabs through my skull as she roots around in my mind. Flashes of my past flood my vision—my dead friends, my failures, my desperate search for Logan. And then, the happier memories, from a time long gone, when Charles and Erik were younger, when hope still felt within reach.
With a sudden, brutal yank, Cassandra rips her fingers free, leaving me crumpled on the ground, gasping for breath.
I hear Logan shout something, but the words are muffled, lost in the haze of agony clouding my thoughts.
“Interesting,” Cassandra murmurs, almost to herself. “But boring. Your Charles, he protected you, made you feel safe?”
Logan’s growl is low, feral. “We’re done talking.”
“No,” Cassandra whispers, her voice a silken thread of menace. “We’re just getting started.”
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Next Part
A/N: Guys, I’m on a roll and I was originally going to write this chapter as a recap but with Logan’s POV, instead, those will be added later as bonus chapters! I’ll try get a masterlist up and running.
taglist: @oscarissac2099 @somiaw
comment if you want to be added!
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Long Snake Moan 2
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Loki
Summary: your boss gives you a task you're not prepared for.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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Loki glowers at the people around him as you approach. You have to resist the urge to turn and run away. Thor helps in that. You know he won’t let you turn back. Not to mention the man who sent you. 
He looks over as Thor calls his name and slaps his arm, “told you, not very long at all.” 
“Mmm,” Loki narrows his eyes and his lips thin. He sends you a cursory sneer. “You came all this way for... Stark’s minion?” 
“I believe her title is Executive Assistant,” Thor corrects him. 
You give a helpless look. A pursing of your lips that must look painful. Loki doesn’t look at you again. His cheeks tauten and his eyes roll towards the ceiling. 
“Right, um, this isn’t very easy to say so... um, Mr...” You look at Thor and he just shrugs. “Loki, erm, alright. So the thing is--” 
“Oh, you know, there’s a cafe I’ve been wanting to try. Steve, you know Steve, he recommended it. Why don’t we sit down and discuss?” Thor claps your back and nudges his brother. You grimace and Loki looks less than impressed. 
“Be out with it.” 
“Oh brother, don’t be rude. Come. You could do with a bit of a treat. You’re in a foul mood.” Thor reproaches. 
“I wonder why that would be,” Loki hisses. 
“Well, as I was saying, I saw they have a special on. A turtle donut? Turtle on a donut? I’ve never heard of such a thing,” he rambles and drags you both across the lobby. 
“It’s not... well, doesn’t matter,” you let the murmur drift off. 
You don’t have much of a choice, or the strength to resist him. You’re ushered out of Stark Tower and towards the cafe you pass on your way in. You stopped in once for one of their holiday lattes but you don’t often get the time to have coffee outside the stale breakroom brew. 
Loki shakes off his brother and follows behind. Thor lets you in first and holds the door. He makes his brother go ahead of him and you join the queue around the counter. 
“What would you like?” Thor asks. 
You bob up and down as you search the cafe. You flinch as you realise he’s talking to you. “Oh, I’m fine--” 
“I insist. Now please, coffee or tea? A late?” 
“Latte,” Loki corrects him. 
“Yes, that.” Thor laughs at himself. 
“Well, I’ll just have a small tea. That’s fine. Um...” you look up at the menu, “Earl Grey is fine.” 
“Black tea, large,” Loki starts before you’re even done speaking. “Since you’re being generous.” 
Thor grins and leans over to look inside the display case. “No sweets?” 
“No thanks.” You answer. Loki doesn’t acknowledge the question, instead glaring at those who stop to stare at his brother. Several lenses are aimed in Thor’s ambivalent direction. 
“May as well find a seat,” Thor stands as the barista motions him up to the cashier, “I’ll find you.” 
You glance over at Loki as he ignores you, rather pointedly as he lifts his nose. You shuffle away and go to an empty table in the corner. You sit against the wall and twiddle your fingers over the table.  
To your surprise, Loki sits across from you. You fidget as your eyes continue to wander around him, never landing on him. He sighs and you chew your lip. 
“Get on with it. I am not in the mood for socializing, especially not with... whatever you are.” 
You tilt your head and your mouth. Right, this is not going to be fun. He has the right idea of it though. It’s best to just get it over with. 
“Okay, uh, right, Loki, sir,” you twist your hand around your finger. “Prince?” 
He blinks dully. You nod, egging yourself on. 
“Mr. Stark sent me to tell you something. And I’m very sorry to be the one to tell you this but--” 
“Tea.” Thor booms as he drops into the chair next to his brother, nearly dropping his armload.  
He doles out the cups and gleefully unwraps his donut. You’re sweltering as you notice the audience behind him, entranced by not only his size but his fame. Loki’s cheeks pinch in irritation as he peeks over his shoulder. 
“So let me just get it done with. Um, you... you...” you frown and your eye brows dip down then pop up. You struggle to find the right way to say it. There really isn’t on. “You cannot stay on earth.” 
Loki spins back to you, his chair scraping on the floor, and Thor chokes on his mouthful of chocolate, pecan, and dough. Both of them make confused noises. 
“You’re being deported. I... I’m sorry.” 
“Deported? Who says I cannot stay in Midgard? Who would make me leave?” Loki scoffs. 
“It... it wasn’t my decision. I was only sent the paperwork and I tried to give it to Mr. Stark--” 
“No doubt he had a hand in it. How can this be? I am a refugee. It was to my understanding that the status guarantees me safe harbour.” He blusters. 
“Brother, please, don’t be angry at the little one. She is merely the harbinger.” Thor coaxes. 
“I’m sorry,” you begin, squirming as your body’s encased in flame, “I understand it’s not ideal but--” 
“You understand?! You understand nothing. My home was destroyed.” He snarls. “How is it I am to be dejected and my brother is free to stay?” 
“I don’t know. I’m sorry, I wasn’t... I didn’t...” 
“Brother, please, she cannot be held responsible--” 
“Don’t tell me who or what!” Loki shoves him away. “Curse this planet and curse Stark.” 
A green flash has you flattened against the back of your chair and your vision speckles. You blink as only an empty chair remains next to Thor. He shakes his head at it and takes another bite. He looks at you and shrugs. 
“Let him have his tantrum. We’ll simply have to try again.” He breaks off a piece of his donut, “you must try this. It doesn’t even taste like turtle. Much sweeter.” 
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frostdayz · 19 days
Special day in Asgard
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Loki x reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: After many days of not really having loki to yourself he plans a day of only you two.
warnings: nothing unless you hate fluff!
AN: Sweet and whipped Loki oh how I love you!!!!!! Hope you all enjoy, I loved writing this :)
my stories never really describe the readers gender so unless stated otherwise all my stories are gn!
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I stirred, blinking awake to the gentle warmth that kissed my skin. I could feel the cool sheets beside me and rolled over to find Loki, already awake, his piercing emerald eyes studying me with a soft, affectionate gaze.
“Good morning, my love,” he greeted, his voice smooth and soothing, like a quiet stream in the early morning light. His dark hair spilled over the pillows, framing his face in elegant disarray.
“Good morning,” I mumbled, still drowsy as I burrowed deeper into the blankets. “You’ve been watching me again.”
He chuckled, his deep, rich laughter reverberating in the stillness of the room. “How could I resist? You look so peaceful when you sleep. It’s a rare moment when I get to see you so at ease.”
I smiled sleepily, letting my eyes drift shut again. But before I could slip back into slumber, Loki shifted, leaning over me to plant a soft kiss on my forehead. His cool lips contrasted with the warmth of my skin, sending a pleasant shiver down my spine.
“As much as I enjoy watching you sleep, I thought today we could do something different,” he murmured, his breath ghosting against my ear.
I opened one eye, peering at him suspiciously. “What kind of different?”
He grinned, mischief glinting in his eyes. “No tricks, I promise. Just a day for us. No royal duties, no interruptions—just you and me.”
That got my attention. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes as I looked at him. “Really? You’re not being summoned by Odin, or Thor isn’t planning another one of his adventures?”
Loki shook his head, his expression softening. “No, not today. Today, I’m all yours.”
I couldn’t help the smile that spread across my face as I reached out to cup his cheek. “I like the sound of that.”
Loki’s eyes sparkled as he leaned into my touch before pulling away and sliding out of bed with effortless grace. “Then let’s start the day right, shall we?” He offered me his hand, and I took it, allowing him to pull me to my feet.
We both got dressed, Loki in his usual dark green tunic that accentuated his lean figure, and I in a flowing Asgardian cloak he had gifted me not too long ago. As we left our chambers, Loki’s hand found mine again, his long fingers intertwining with mine as we made our way to the palace’s grand kitchen.
When we arrived, Loki waved away the palace staff with a gentle nod, insisting that today, we would be preparing our own meal. It was rare for royalty to step foot in the kitchen, but Loki relished the idea of doing something simple and domestic. I found it endearing—another glimpse of the man behind the mask of the trickster.
“What are we making?” I asked, eyeing the vast array of ingredients that lined the countertops.
Loki smirked as he waved his hand, and with a flick of his fingers, various ingredients floated toward us. “Something simple but delightful. How do you feel about pancakes?”
I raised an eyebrow, a small laugh escaping my lips. “Pancakes? That’s what you consider ‘delightful’?”
“Of course,” he replied with mock seriousness, his lips curving into a playful grin. “They are a delicacy in Midgard, are they not? And I’ve mastered the art of making them. You’ll see.” He joked.
Despite my skepticism, I watched as Loki set to work. True to his word, he moved with practiced ease, mixing flour, eggs, and milk with a fluid grace that only he could possess. I helped where I could, handing him ingredients and stirring the batter while sneaking glances at his concentrated expression.
Once the batter was ready, Loki heated the skillet with a flick of his wrist, and within moments, the rich aroma of cooking pancakes filled the kitchen. I couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment wash over me as I watched him work. This moment, this simple act of cooking together, felt so natural and yet so extraordinary at the same time.
Soon, we had a stack of golden pancakes sitting between us, topped with fresh fruit and drizzled with syrup Loki had conjured up from who knows where. We sat at the table, eating leisurely, enjoying the quiet intimacy of the moment.
“These are really good,” I admitted after taking a bite. “You weren’t lying.”
Loki smirked, clearly pleased with himself. “I told you. I’m full of surprises.”
After breakfast, we left the kitchen and wandered through the grand halls of the palace. The towering columns and intricately carved walls were familiar to us both, but as we walked hand in hand, it felt like we were seeing them in a new light. Loki regaled me with stories of Asgard’s history, tales I’d heard dozens of times before but never tired of. He spoke of grand battles, ancient legends, and even the occasional prank he had pulled on Thor during their younger years.
“And then, of course, Thor fell for it,” Loki said with a grin, his eyes twinkling with amusement as he recounted one of his many pranks. “He was always so eager to believe whatever I told him.”
I laughed, picturing Thor’s confused expression. “I can’t believe he didn’t catch on after the first few times.”
Loki shrugged, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. “That’s the beauty of it. Thor has a good heart, but he’s not always the most… observant.”
As we walked, our conversation flowed effortlessly, like a dance we had perfected over time. We told each other stories we had heard countless times before—tales of our lives, our adventures, and the moments that had brought us together. And yet, each retelling felt just as special as the first.
By the time the sun began to set, casting a warm, golden glow over the palace, we found ourselves in the palace gardens. The air was cool, and the scent of blooming flowers filled the atmosphere as we walked along the stone paths, hand in hand.
“Let’s have dinner out here,” Loki suggested, glancing up at the sky as the first stars began to twinkle overhead. “Under the stars.”
I nodded, loving the idea. “That sounds perfect.”
With another flick of his wrist, Loki conjured a table set for two in the middle of the garden. Candles flickered in the gentle breeze, casting a soft, romantic glow over the scene. Plates of food appeared before us—an array of Asgardian delicacies that looked almost too beautiful to eat.
We sat down, the night air cool against our skin as we dined under the stars. It was quiet, peaceful, with only the soft rustling of leaves and the distant hum of the palace in the background. Loki’s gaze never left mine as we ate, his eyes reflecting the light of the stars above us.
“You’ve made this day perfect,” I said softly, reaching across the table to take his hand. “Thank you.”
Loki’s expression softened, and he squeezed my hand gently. “You make every day worth living, my love. You are my greatest treasure.”
As the night wore on, we finished our meal and lingered in the garden, talking and laughing as the stars shone brightly above us. Eventually, the coolness of the night air drove us back inside, and we returned to our chambers, feeling a deep sense of contentment.
We undressed in comfortable silence, slipping into bed with the ease of two people who knew each other intimately. Loki pulled me into his arms, his cool skin a comforting contrast to the warmth of the blankets.
I nestled into his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. “I don’t want this day to end,” I whispered, closing my eyes.
Loki pressed a soft kiss to the top of my head, his voice low and soothing as he replied, “It doesn’t have to. We can have as many days like this as we want.”
I smiled, feeling a sense of peace settle over me as I drifted off to sleep in Loki’s embrace. Today had been perfect—a day filled with love, laughter, and the quiet moments that made life so beautiful. And as I fell asleep, I knew that with Loki by my side, every day would be just as perfect as this one.
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multiversediaries · 4 months
god of mischief indeed
loki laufeyson x reader
summary: you would’ve never thought this was what loki said about you when you weren’t around.
warnings: very small angst, wholesome, fluff
part count: 2/2
an: omg so sorry for the super late upload!!! hope you all enjoy!!
part one
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it had been only a few days ever since you overheard loki speak with thor about you. you had moved into your new room and you were comfortable. but even then, you wouldn’t and couldn’t lie to yourself and say you didn’t miss him to death.
you sat up on your bed, unable to sleep yet again tonight. you found yourself reminiscing of all those things he did that you mistook for habits. your hand ran towards the empty pillow besides yours. you missed him like crazy, but those words of his wouldn’t leave your mind. you still couldn’t believe how he proudly admitted to playing with your feelings, and how cold he seemed. you have been distant ever since. completely ignoring his existence. you wanted nothing to do with him, and everyone could tell.
you decided something to drink could help. you stood up from your bed and left your room to find yourself something to help you relax. you walked into the kitchen and began looking for any sort of tea that could help you sleep at least a few hours tonight. you sighed in pure exhaustion as you continued to look in the dark. after a few minutes of endless searching, the lights of the kitchen suddenly switched on. you almost jumped, startled.
you turned around, ready to joke with whoever turned the light on. yet all you did was frown at the sight of loki. of the man who had just broken your heart into pieces only a few days back. you took in his appearance, his messy long hair, dressed in casual clothing, it was such a nice sight. a sight you used to adore but now only caused you pain. you sighed and turned around yet again, continuing to find yourself something soothing to drink.
loki let out a sigh behind you, walking closer. he stood by the end of the counter, as he watched your every move, confused as to why you were suddenly ignoring him.
“love?” loki called out, and goosebumps covered your skin. you hated the effect he easily had on you. you ignored his call entirely. “darling, what’s going on?” he asked, shamelessly. you almost chuckled, whilst you started to heat up water in a pot. loki sighed deeper, not understanding why you seemed so distant.
“y/n.” he said sternly, but ignored yet again. he walked closer to you, now grabbing your arm, to gain your attention. “y/n—“
“don’t touch me.” you spat at him, removing his hands off you, in both anger and sadness. he stared at you in disbelief.
“have i done something? why do you act this way towards me, love?” he asked, and you almost wanted to hit him. did he really not know? you shook your head, amazed by him.
“why do you care so much for someone you’re only having fun with, huh?” you asked, crossing your arms infront of your chest. you were tired of his lies. loki tilted his head, confused, furrowing his eyebrows.
“love, what are you—”
“anyone must be insane to believe you’d settle with me of all people.” you continued, until he seemed to have realized what you were talking about.
“you heard.”
“i heard.” you replied, drily. loki sighed deeply, before looking back into your pained eyes. you turned around yet again, to continue what you were doing.
“stop calling me that. stop talking to me as if i’m stupid.” you interrupted him. loki took a deep breath, trying to find the words to possibly calm you down.
“y/n.” he said, dropping all the nicknames all together. “you have it all wrong. believe me, i—”
“you what, loki? you love me? oh, please, you can’t think i’d actually believe that.” you laughed, turning to look at him, his expression further saddening but you couldn’t care less.
“y/n. listen to me, won’t you?” loki attempted to say, his hands trying to find their place in your waist, yet you pulled away from him again. “come back to our room. let’s talk this out.” he tried convincing you.
“i mean absolutely nothing to you, laufeyson. nothing.” you painfully admitted. “i am simply someone you can screw around with whenever you’re bored. i’m nothing more or nothing less to you.” you continued, loki shook his head, disagreeing with you.
“so i won’t burden you any longer— hell, you probably only came to look for me because you wanted someone to sleep with, didn’t you?” you finished, turning around again to continue what you came for. loki stood behind you, as if frozen in place, not knowing what to do or what to say. his hand started to reach out again, needing to feel you, to hug you and beg you to come back to him. but his pride got the best of him. he pulled his hands back and began walking away from you.
“very well.” was the last thing he said, before he walked back into his room, leaving you all alone in the kitchen.
“oh, my god.” you whispered, leaning against the counter, now trying to catch your breath. it took everything in you to not forgive him and hug him. you didn’t even realize your hands were shaking until you tried pouring the hot water into a pot, and failed. maybe it was best you didn’t drink anything that night.
“you clean up nicely.” tony remarked, as you walked into the party. you let out a small giggle, shaking your head. the avengers had planned a party, to celebrate all their recent victories. you were excited for it. it had been so long since you last spoke to loki. it was painful to say the least.
it now seemed as if he didn’t care about you anymore. you’d catch him staring at you here and there, but his eyes were not full of love like before. you could only see anger and even confusion at times.
but loki. he was suffering as he watched you from a far, being so happy without him. god, it was eating him alive. he felt insane. he couldn’t understand why you seemed to be doing so well without him. how could you? when he’s helpless without you? but he would never admit his feelings for you. he wouldn’t dare speak to you.
but even then, loki couldn’t prevent his eyes from widening at the sight of you. the sight of his woman, looking as gorgeous as ever. your beauty was intense. his jaw clenched, as he leaned against the bar, watching your every move. and you knew of this. you could feel his eyes as if they were his beloved daggers. yet your thoughts were interrupted by pietro, laying his hand on your lower waist.
loki let out a breathless, bitter chuckle. who does this boy think he is? loki grabbed his cup of whiskey and drank the entirely of it, soon ordering yet another glass, his eyes still glued to you.
“you look beautiful.” pietro whispered in your ear, and you couldn’t help but blush. it has been so long since you were last complimented on your appearance. it wasn’t even close to how loki seemed to worship you back then, but those were probably lies, right?
“are you alone tonight, darling?” pietro asked yet again. you nodded gently, looking into his eyes. he smiled widely and shook his head, leaning once again to whisper in your ear.
“not anymore.”
you giggled, softly hitting his arm. he chuckled at your loveliness and looked at the others, trying to catch up on their conversation. you grinned softly, completely oblivious to the jealous loki watching you from afar.
“lovely couple.” thor broke loki’s silence, followed by a mocking chuckle, sitting next to him at the bar. “don’t you think?” he asked, whilst ordering his own glass.
loki stayed completely quiet, not daring to look away.
“he seems to compliment her quite well...” thor continued, looking at his brother besides him. he watched as loki’s expression changed all together.
“it wouldn’t surprise me if pietro’s currently pursuing her. it’s slightly obvious.” thor interrupted loki, who seemed to be getting more uncomfortable by the minute.
“i mean, she is a gorgeous woman—”
“stop it, will you?” loki finally spoke, his hands massaging his temples in frustration. thor chuckled softly, taking a small sip of his glass, amused by his brother’s stubbornness.
“what is it?” thor said after some minutes of silence, a bit worried for his brother. loki had never acted this way. loki let out a big sigh, meeting thor’s eyes for the first time.
“i simply—“
“you’re in love with her.” thor said, shrugging his shoulders, as if it was obvious. loki widen his eyes, almost shocked. was it truly that obvious? were his feelings that apparent? can’t be… because if they were, why didn’t you notice? if they were, why were you here with pietro tonight? loki looked back at you, his eyes pained as he watched you enjoying yourself at the presence of another person that wasn’t him.
“i don’t know what it is you’re talking about.”
“won’t you stop being dishonest with yourself?” thor said, somewhat annoyed by loki’s obliviousness. loki looked at thor once again, his eyes full of confusion and sadness.
“i can tell, brother. how smitten you are with her. we all can.” thor declared, finishing his drink. he let out an exhausted sigh before continuing. “you’re the only one who still hasn’t realized it.”
“i—” loki started, his eyes going back to your figure, dancing with pietro in the dance floor. his heart sinking whenever you’d smile, his hands sweating in nervousness. “i don’t know what to do.” loki confessed, dropping his head in defeat. thor listened closely.
“I don’t know how to alleviate— i just— don’t know how to fix this.” loki shook his head, as he remembered the things he said, and how hurt you were because of him. “i haven’t got a clue on what to do to get her back.”
“mhm…” thor hummed, as if thinking before speaking up soon after. “have you ever heard of apologizing?” thor joked, earning a deadly look from the god. thor raised his arms in defense, chuckling. “i’m just saying, brother. an apology can do so much… and your confession.” thor said, loki looked at his brother, nodding his head in agreement. thor offered him a small smile, before tapping his shoulder.
“you must hurry, before you genuinely lose her.” thor finished, before walking away, leaving loki all alone. loki let out a breath, he didn’t know he was holding and nodded his head. he needed to speak to you. he needed to get you back.
he kept watching you. waiting for the perfect moment to snatch you away. yet pietro was by your side all night. it was so angering and bothersome to loki. his moment soon came though, when you excused yourself. you needed some fresh air, your social battery was already running out.
you offered smiles as you walked through the party, there were more people than you expected. you let out a thankful sigh as soon as you officially walked out of the party, towards the foyer. the air was cold. causing you to softly hug yourself, seeking warmth. you closed your eyes, finally feeling peace and enjoying the quiet. you didn’t even feel the presence of loki, before he softly spoke up.
“hiding from your date?” loki gently said, breaking the silence. you almost jumped by the sudden sound of his voice. you offered him a small smile, before going back to looking upfront, shaking your head.
“just needed some fresh air.” you simply replied, licking your dry lips. loki nodded, still keeping his place close behind you. he could smell your sweet perfume, you were wearing his favorite.
“why are you with him tonight?” loki finally asked, somewhat terrified of your answer. you looked back him, confused.
“why do you care?” you asked.
“answer me, y/n.” loki pleaded. you furrowed your eyebrows, fully turning around and facing him. you tilted your head in confusion.
“because he seems to care for me, and—”
“and i don’t?”
“w—what?” you asked, baffled by his words. “no, loki. you don’t.” you confirmed, looking deeply into his eyes. loki scoffed a grin, bewildered by your stupid response. how could you ever think like that? when he loved you so?
“you must have lost your mind.” loki mumbled, shaking his head. that stupid grin of his still plastered on his face. you bit your lip, angrily. “you know i do, y/n.”
“do i?” you asked, tears beginning to well up in your eyes. “do i really? you never tell me anything, how am i supposed to be so sure of that?”
“y/n—” loki started, now walking closer to you, his hands reaching out to lay on their place on your soft cheeks, yet you pulled back from him. his eyes looked at you, shocked and hurt. “please. let me show you.” he almost begged. you sniffled, trying to decide on whether letting him touch you. after a while, you nodded.
loki placed his hands on your cheeks, his thumb softly caressing your shiny skin as he admired you. it had been so long since he had actually looked at you. so long since he had the privilege to touch you and even breathe the same air as you. he locked eyes with you once again and spoke up.
“of course i care for you. there’s absolutely no one else in this or in any universe that i care for and that matters to me more than you.” loki confessed, and you froze in place. you couldn’t believe this was happening. you couldn’t believe the words that were leaving his mouth.
“but then, why— why would you—”
“i don’t know why i’d say something like that. i truthfully— please believe me when i say that i didn’t mean any of that.” loki interrupted you, his hand softly removing a piece of hair from your face. you sighed shakily as you listened to him.
“i just don’t understand…” you whispered. “if you really care, then why would you say something like that? why wouldn’t you want to be with me?” you asked, your voice breaking mid sentence. loki felt his heart breaking into a million pieces as he watched the tears leave your eyes.
“oh, love.” loki said softly, almost in a whisper as he tried drying your endless tears. “i— i���m terrified.” loki confessed, his hands dropping gently to his sides, and stepping back from you, giving you your space. you looked at him through your watery eyes.
“of what?”
“i’m in love with you.” loki bluntly confessed. and you froze in place. he was… what? loki bit his bottom lip, his hands starting to sweat. he even looked shocked himself by his sudden confession. you could even see his chest sinking, trying to find his breath.
“i want you— i’ve wanted you for so long. i can rarely breath whenever you’re not besides me. i feel at ease by simply hearing you breathe.” loki rumbled, his hands running through his hair anxiously.
“i just— i wasn’t sure of how you felt, hell, i wasn’t sure of how i felt.” loki continued.
“loki…” you started, taking a cautious step closer to him.
“no one has ever loved me or has ever treated me the way you have and.. i am simply horrified of losing… this, by my greed. i— want more. i—”
“i love you. i— i do. there’s not a day i haven’t not loved you. i— i love you so much that it can’t even begin to be described. so much that i could and would die from it.” loki continued and yet, you couldn’t move. you just listened to his words, letting him let it all out.
“however… i don’t deserve it. i don’t deserve you. i’m aware of that.” loki said softly, so sadly it brought tears to yours eyes yet again. “how could you ever feel anything asides from hate for someone like me?” loki chuckled, and you were at the verge of tears. it hurt so bad, seeing the man you love be so insecure and overall love starved, to the point where he actually believes he’s unlovable.
“loki— listen to me, will you?” you almost whispered, closing the space between the two of you. your hands ran to his cheeks, cupping his handsome face. his pained expression pulling at your heart strings.
“i’m being selfish, y/n, i acknowledge that. but i realized i can’t live without you. my world has no meaning if you’re not in it, but i can’t— you don’t deserve this.” loki almost sobbed in your hands, closing his eyes, trying his hardest to remain strong. you couldn’t breathe by watching the man you loved so much be so vulnerable, and all for you.
“i love you.” you gently started, your thumbs stroking his soft skin. you heard as loki took a shaky breath, his hands hovering over your body, as if scared to touch you. his eyes starting to water as he looked back into your gorgeous eyes.
“i’ve loved you ever since i first laid my eyes on you.” you continued, and watched as loki closed his eyes again, a small tear leaving his eyes.
“i’m sorry.” loki apologized, already in tears and you couldn’t help but hug your gentle giant.
“i know. it’s alright.” you consoled him, your hand stroking his back lovingly as he cried in your shoulder.
“but never say or do anything that stupid ever again.” you joked, earning a small grin from loki, who only nodded desperately.
“y/n.” loki spoke, after pulling away from your hug and now looking directly into your eyes. “are—are you sure? of this? of us?” he asked insecurely, and it made you frown deeper.
“do you understand all the danger there is to being by my side? i’m not a hero, y/n, i will never be and i just— i don’t want to ruin any perception you could have of me.” loki said, his voice full of anxiety. you placed your hand in his cheek yet again, and leaned in to finally kiss your man.
you heard his breathe hitch as you placed your soft lips on top of his. you kissed loki sweetly, intending to communicate all of your feelings for him in one simple kiss. soon enough, loki finally placed his hands on your waist, comfortable and confident enough to touch you. his tongue soon entered your mouth, now fully tasting you. the kiss lasted a few minutes, and you didn’t want it to end. you didn’t know how much you loved kissing loki, until you were deprived of it for so long. you soon pulled away, resting your head on his.
“i love and want you, loki. not a perception. i want you because you’re you.” you said gently, as to comfort him. he sighed softly, only listening to what you had to say.
“i don’t know what you’ve been through, that has caused you to think like this, but you deserve all the love in this world, and i’m honored to finally give it to you.” you continued, placing a sweet kiss to his cheek, earning a shy smile from the god. “please let me continue loving you, loki laufeyson.”
loki didn’t even have to answer. he just wrapped his arms around you, engulfing you into a loving hug. you giggled softly, returning the hug. you caressed his back lovingly, as loki finally realized you were his. his woman, the love of his life. he found himself smiling knowing that his insecurities didn’t win, and here he was, hugging the love of his life. loki soon pulled away, looking into your sweet eyes.
“pietro…?” you repeated, confused.
“if he ever dares to lay his dirty hands on you again, i swear—” loki was interrupted by your laughter. he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face as he heard you laugh, but this time because of him.
“i’m serious, darling. watching him shamelessly flirt with you has been torture these part few weeks. i will not stand it any longer.” loki said, shaking his head. you giggled, nodding your head.
“you deserved it.” you joked, loki smirking at your comment.
“i did.” loki said, softly pecking your lips lovingly.
“yes, i did.”
taglist <3
@dragonmurray @lokidokieokie @luringfantasy @evolvingchaoswitch @kerst666 @crimson25 @hanndotcom @kittiowolf210 @yelkmelk @princessdragon23 @valkyre9125 @saltedcoffeescotch @assembelingavenger @oreojenni @bigbaddie45 @theliability @darknights04 @ruth-is-a-koala-bear @moony-2001 @chronicallybubbly @catradora333 @wiltedflowersundertowers @mayemperess @spiderlily-w1tch-blog @andurgonnabehappy @cultish-corner @richardsamboramylove55 @robynjasp @softestqueeen @creat0r-cat @maverickroyalromanoff
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sarahscribbles · 10 months
𝐔𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐞𝐝 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢'𝐬 𝐩𝐨𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐭 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐟𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐝, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐭 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐓𝐕𝐀!𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐱 𝐟!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: 𝐒𝐦𝐮𝐭
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 𝟐.𝟗𝐤
𝐀𝐍: 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐝𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬, 𝐬𝐨 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐛𝐛𝐥𝐲 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐲.
𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You hear the sharp sound of Loki’s footsteps on the atrium floor roughly twenty minutes after slipping the note undetected into his coat pocket. 
“You’re too chicken to fuck me in public,” you had scrawled across the yellow TVA issued notepaper, feeling a heat begin to form between your thighs with each stroke of your pen. 
Was he too chicken, though? You aren’t sure what you and Loki are exactly, but heaven help you you’re enjoying the secret trysts in broom cupboards and bathrooms. It’s what spawned the idea to write him the note - the fact that all your hook ups have been in secret away from prying eyes. 
It was meant to do nothing but tease him, to poke the proverbial bear, but with how quickly and forcefully his footsteps are approaching from behind, you fear you may have flown too close to the sun.
Your heart begins to thump wildly in your chest with each step he takes, and you lose track of what the analysts huddled around you are discussing. Vaguely, you catch snippets of their concern over yet another variant causing havoc on the Sacred Timeline, but their voices fade to a faint drone when the familiar scent of cinnamon and patchouli wraps around you. 
Each quiet inhale of his scent sends an addictive giddiness zipping through your veins. You imagine him slipping his hands in his pockets and feeling the sharp edges of the note - had he just stepped through the Time Door on another assignment with Mobius? Or had he only found it while they were already in the field? How long has he been stewing over that single, teasing sentence and assembling, to him, a suitable consequence?
It has you fighting not to squeeze your thighs together where you stand.
“Terribly sorry!” That familiar, smooth voice rolls over you only seconds later, and you feel two firm hands grip your shoulders. “I’m afraid I have a very pressing issue that requires one of the best minds in the TVA! I’ll have her back in a jiffy!”
Before you can even draw breath to object Loki’s fingers are curling possessively around your upper arm. His pace is frantic as he steers you through Chrono Bay Three, so much so that it really does look like the future of the TVA rests on your shoulders. 
You know different, though. 
You know that, beside you, is a man with enough pent up sexual energy to power a small town. 
It’s exhilarating to see what you do to him. From your place at his side, you can see the tense way he’s holding that strong jaw; you can see how his free hand is curled into a half fist, and you can feel the flex of his fingers through the material of your shirt like he’s itching to get his hands on your bare skin. 
“So, what’s this pressing issue that requires my brilliant mind?” you tease him as he continues to pull you through the deserted atrium. “Are the threads of time disintegrating as we speak? Has Miss Minutes gone rogue?” 
You swear that the corner of his mouth quirks, just a little bit, and, for a second, all you want to do is make him laugh. 
Loki’s pace doesn’t falter even for a second as he keeps weaving you both through the intricate halls of the TVA, but he turns briefly to flash you that devilish grin. “Do you really wish to do this, darling? After that little stunt you just pulled?”
Something lurches to life in your stomach, but you forcibly will it down. This is all just a little bit of fun, really. A little bit of excitement in the otherwise boring days of being an analyst. What better way to liven things up than with this man with those beautiful green eyes and the…
Not this time. 
You’re, ironically, saved from any further traitorous thoughts by the very subject of them. Loki comes to an almost comical stop beside that ridiculous “minimise chat in the cafeteria please” sign that’s become a favoured inside joke between you and Mobius, in large part due to the weary sigh it garners from Loki. He throws a casual glance at the handful of other agents milling around - none of whom seem remotely interested in either of you - and yanks you through a door with a sign that reads “Authorised Personnel Only.”
Although the corridor he’s pulled you into looks just like every other corridor in the labyrinth of the TVA, you recognise this as one you’re not overly familiar with. Does this one lead to Repairs and Advancement? Or is this the shorter route to the Automat? You aren’t sure. 
What you are sure of is that it isn’t very wide. 
You turn to face Loki as the door snaps shut. Even under the harsh yellow lights running overhead, he still manages to look every inch the handsome god that he is. It’s both infuriating and exhilarating. 
“A stunt?” you whisper with feigned disbelief. “Who would dare to try the God of Mischief?”
Loki takes two steps to the side so he’s standing directly in front of you at what counts as the “other side” of the corridor. One hand is deep in his trouser pocket while the other rises from his side. Between two elegant fingers sits your little note. “Care to explain?”
An impish smile curls across your face in tandem with your heart beginning to thump wildly in your chest. “Oh, that! I meant to slip that to the new Minuteman this morning. You know, the tall one with the blonde hair? Whoops.”
The god in front of you doesn’t smile. Instead, he inhales slowly, deeply, and locks those hypnotising green eyes with yours. “I thought we had addressed this little issue last week? Do I need to put you over my knee again?”
You swallow silently and make a valent effort to ignore the heat that’s rising to a crescendo between your thighs. The last time Loki had held you over his knee you hadn’t been able to sit comfortably for three days. It hadn’t been the first time and you pray it won’t be the last. 
“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Your Highness.” You smirk at him, knowing how much he loves this.
The quirk of his lip is barely perceptible, blink and you would have missed it. He takes two silent steps forward, closing the remaining distance until he’s looming over you. He’s so deliciously close that you could easily get drunk on the scent of him and on the mix of mischief, desire and lust that’s swirling in those pretty green eyes. 
A lavender haze of raw arousal has settled around you like a blanket, twisting tighter and tighter with each second Loki stays silent. His lips are quirked in a half smirk that makes you desperate to know what’s going on in that devilish mind of his, to know what concoction of pleasure and pain he’s cooked up to make you pay for your brattiness. 
It’s foolish, though, to think you’ll ever be able to guess his next move. 
You become overly aware of the wall at your back when he reaches out a thumb and forefinger to grip your chin. It’s a soft touch, but there’s no denying the jolt of electricity that rushes through every vein and pore. 
Because that’s what Loki is; he’s electrifying. 
“On your knees, Agent. Now.” His voice rolls over you low and smooth, but there’s a clear undertone of dominance flowing beneath each word. 
A thrill of excitement shoots along your spine, but it leaves something else in its wake. Something that feels oddly like nerves. 
“Here?” you question him, turning panicked eyes to the rows of doors lining both sides of the corridors. “But…Loki, there are people here!”
Loki answers you with a raising of his brow. “Oh, I do beg your pardon. Perhaps you’re too chicken to be fucked in public?” He throws your own taunt back at you. 
Something in you bristles and you curse your nervous outburst. He has quite enough to hold over your head. “You wish. I do this all the time,” you lie. 
His face is impossible to read. “Then why am I waiting? On your knees.” 
He expects you to obey and the threat of what will happen if you don’t hangs heavily in the air. Normally, you’d want to keep pushing his buttons to see just how far you could push him, your ass be damned, but you’re so completely under his spell that you fall to your knees after only half a second of defiance. 
A satisfied smirk curls across Loki’s face. “There. See how much easier it is when you obey, sweet girl?” he purrs, using those sinfully long fingers to tuck some hair behind your ears. 
“Don’t get used to it,” you shoot back before you can help yourself. 
Loki’s answering laughter is short but genuine. “I wouldn’t be so foolish.” 
His hand curling around your skull is a sign that the talking is over. He holds you there firmly in place while his other hand works at the belt and zipper of his trousers. In several seamless movements, he frees himself from the black boxers he’s wearing underneath, and you feel the slightest pressure on the back of your head as he pushes it forward.
“Open,” Loki orders, curling a hand around his cock and guiding it to your lips. 
They part obediently and he wastes no time in feeding you his cock inch by inch. It’s becoming familiar to you now - the taste of him on your tongue and the musky scent that quickly wraps around you - and yoi’ve done this enough times before to know how much he loves when you run the tip of your tongue along the underside of his cock. 
As expected, you’re rewarded with a soft moan and the feel of his fingers flexing in your hair. It only serves to embolden you. 
Loki’s eyes drift closed as he savours the warm wetness of your mouth around him, and you take the opportunity to take as much of him as you can into your mouth, refusing to stop until the tip of his cock slips down your throat. With teary eyes you hold it as long as you can until you feel your throat start to convulse with the need for air. Only then do you pull back off him until just the tip rests between your lips. 
“Fuck! You divine creature!” Loki rasps out, curling his hand even tighter in your hair. “Keep going! That’s my good girl.” 
You eagerly obey. 
Ignoring the ache that’s beginning in your knees and the quiet hum of voices from behind several of the doors, you focus your attention solely on getting this man off. You do everything that you know he loves - you swirl your tongue hungrily around his tip and lick the aching length of him until his hand flies out to slam into the wall with a groan. 
“Faster !” he grunts, and when you peer up at him, you see him slowly coming apart piece by piece. 
That beautiful face is contorted in pleasure and several black curls have fallen haphardly around his shoulders. He’s panting and moaning like a whore, causing your eyes to dart frantically back and forth between him and the doors behind.
But it’s no longer fear that’s pumping through your blood. It’s raw, hot arousal. 
Loki won’t last much longer, but just when you begin to drive him towards release, he pulls his cock free from between your lips.  “Enough,” he says huskily. “On your feet.” 
Shakily, and with Loki’s help, you climb to your feet, but you barely have a second to appreciate the relief before his lips crash against yours. His kiss is hungry and dominating and, at the same time his tongue slips into your mouth, a hand is pulling your leg around his waist and pushing the brown material of your skirt around your hips.
“Tell me you were wrong,” he pants, hot and heavy against your lips. “Say it.”
“I…I was wrong,” you say as his skilled hands make short work of your underwear. 
“Yes. You were,” Loki taunts, “and I’m going to show you just how wrong right here in this corridor.”
One long finger begins to circle your clit at the same time the blunt head of his cock presses against your soaked cunt. You’re aching for him - you have been since the last time he had pulled you into Time Theatre Four - but Loki only slides his cock through your wetness.
“Fucking hell!” you whimper, reaching out to grab his shoulder through the thick material of his pea coat. “Loki, enough. Just fuck me, please!” 
You see a flash of white teeth before he rolls his hips, sinking his cock into you in one smooth thrust. It’s been so long since he’s filled you that a shameless moan slips from your lips before you can stop it and echoes down the empty hallway. 
You snap your mouth closed and look to Loki with panicked eyes, but he only gives you that infuriating smirk. “I hope you can be sufficiently quiet, little mouse. We’re in quite the compromising situation.”
“Fuck you,” you murmur, but press down on his ass with your foot to coax him into moving. 
Loki chuckles and thrusts into you once more, forcing you to bite your cheek to stop from crying out. “You do have such a way with words.”
His fingers stay at your clit as he thrusts his cock into you over and over. It’s enough to send you dizzy and you grip his shoulders for dear life, but it’s impossible not to let them drift into his curls. They’re soft and silken between your fingers - like they always are - and you’re rewarded with the same deep groan when you twist them around your finger and tug. 
It’s something you accidentally discovered that night Loki had taken you on top of one of the desks in the library - he enjoys having his hair pulled. It’s a small slice of knowledge that you filed away, and it only made you eager to discover what other filth this man got off on. 
Loki, it seems, is just as kinky as you are. 
“How is it…that you feel better…every time?” he pants and slams into you with such force that you can’t swallow your cry of pleasure. 
“Just part of my charm,” you answer on a single breath, though it’s a breath that’s quickly lost to you as Loki increases the pressure on your swollen clit. 
He builds you up expertly, and the tiny ripples of pleasure that begin to ripple in your core are like no other. Whatever this thing is between you and Loki, it’s ruined you for anyone else. 
Each thrust of his cock has the edge crest ever closer, and every pant and groan that escapes his lips has you clenching down harder around him. 
But it’s right when you feel the first swells of your orgasm that the scraping of chairs begins behind a door only a few feet away. 
You look to Loki wildly, but the asshole only waggles his eyebrows at you. “I’d say you have about two minutes to cum, Agent,” he whispers wickedly in your ear. 
You whine and tug him closer, willing your orgasm to wash over you before the door opens. You’re too pent up, too desperate to be left dangling on the edge today.
“One minute,” Loki taunts, though it’s questionable if he’ll last that long.
Maybe it’s from how relentlessly he’s fucking you and the gloriously filthy way he’s grunting in your ear, or maybe it’s due to the exhilarating thought of being caught fucking this god in an open corridor, but your orgasm tears through you only seconds later, drowning you in a pleasure so intense that you bury your face in Loki’s shoulder to stop from crying out. 
It’s white hot and steals the breath from your lungs. You feel it from the very tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes. It’s a neverending tsunami that you would happily drown beneath again and again. 
Loki spills inside you moments later, panting your name and cupping your ass to keep you as close to him as physically possible. It’s a release so blinding that it leaves your ears ringing and your heart hammering in your chest, and you’ve barely come down off your high when your leg falls from Loki’s waist back to the ground. 
The afterglow of release settles around you like a pink cloud. Your chest is heaving as you stand boneless against the wall on shaky legs. It’s beyond you how they’re still supporting you in the wake of a climax so powerful that it’s robbed you of your ability to speak or to form a coherent thought. 
Though you aren’t sure if the feeling of relief is from the explosive orgasm he’s just given you or the fact that you managed to reach it before being caught. 
Your eyes drift lazily to Loki. He’s standing before you infuriatingly proud smirk as he tucks himself away and straightens the brown pea coat that you’ve nearly clawed off his shoulders. It only grows when he reaches out to straighten your skirt down just as a door opens several feet down the corridor. 
He takes a few steps backward to begin melting into the small crowd that emerges from within, but not without sticking his hands in his pockets and giving you a filthy wink. “Until next time, Agent.”
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s0ulsniper · 1 year
getting caught making out || avengers + loki
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warnings: fem!reader, cursing, suggestive/spicy but never any actual smut, not really proofread
synopsis: making out with the avengers (separate) and getting caught, how they would react.
pairings: avengers (separate) x AFAB!reader
a/n: it's not just the og six by the way, gotta little carried away, also let's pretend there was a point peter lived with the rest of the avengers.
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it was risky, up against the wall in one of the many training rooms. Natasha had been sparring with you, teaching each other tricks also. one thing led to another and nat was pushed up against you, hands roaming your body.
she knows very well how to control herself, but when it came to you she struggled. the frustration with it also didn't help any bit.
you felt her knee between your legs and her hand beside your head, it all made your brain go straight to mush. you didn't care about being caught or the consequences. all you cared about was making out with your girlfriend.
her other hand suddenly comes up to grip at your waist and push your hips even closer to hers even though it felt impossible.
the door of the training room creaks open to reveal an unamused Steve.
he apologizes profusely but scolds you guys for it being the 3rd time this week.
nat just smirks, still holding you in her arms.
"hey, we actually finished training this time. only thing wrong with this is-... well nothing." she laughs and Steve has nothing to say
he grabs his gym bag and walks off, annoyed as if he just found his kid doing something wrong.
when he finally left Natasha turned to you.
"now where were we?"
unlike usual, you guys found a private spot to make out, figuring you learned your lesson on oblivious people catching you. the spot being his room in the tower, just a couple doors down from yours, peter's and wanda's.
you were on straddling him while he rested against the headboard, he couldn't get enough. especially after not seeing you for two days while you were out with tony, bruce and rhodey to some government complaint he could care less about.
he was pretty sure he heard something about the suits and concerning things made in the lab by you and Bruce. obviously they wanted to know about it because they wanted to be greedy and take from it.
they weren't successful at all, and you guys decided to celebrate.
it was already cold in the tower but there was a noticeable change in the temperature when bucky was close, human heater was one of his many nicknames.
but there was just something about the contrast of his body and his cold arm gripping at your hips.
"missed you so much..." he mumbles into your lips.
before you could respond there's a short knock on the door before it cracks open.
both of your heads whip to the side to see who's interrupted, peter standing in the doorway.
"oh- uh sorry Mrs. y/l/n and Mr bucky" he stutters out nervously before slamming the door shut, pattering footsteps heard running down the hall.
you burst into a fit of laughter and slump against bucky, your head falling to the crook of his neck.
"not one bit of privacy..." he complains, throwing his arms over your body and flipping you over.
"anyways..." he smirks.
even though you were cautious of it, he could care less. pushing you up against a counter in the lab. it was late, and Bruce was said to have gone to bed and continue in the morning, tony took it as a chance after not getting any good alone time with you in centuries it felt like.
"tony-... tony this is risky. what if Bruce comes back?"
he grumbles while he kisses down your neck, hand at either sides of your hips securing you against the counter.
"he won't, babe... plus the doors are locked."
you roll your eyes as if there weren't glass walls everywhere.
even though you were so against it, you couldn't help but fold at the way he kissed you so passionately.
you hear a sigh behind you and Tony look up.
"had to get my phone." you hear Bruce mumble awkwardly before walking away.
you hide your face in embarrassment and tony laughs.
"guess I should listen to you more often, huh?"
it was a rare occurrence, but bruce was stressed beyond belief so you wanted to help him unwind.
you both lay in bed at the compound, lights off and a dimly lit tv playing a movie you both agreed on.
except it doesn't matter what the movie was, because you certainly weren't paying attention at all.
another thing you weren't paying attention to was the door opening and an unamused bucky in the doorway.
"hey lovebirds, tony told me to tell you guys that we've got a mission in two days and take the time to relax... have fun." he smirks and walks out.
you turn to Bruce and see him turned crimson with his face in his hands.
"well at least we have time to relax." you shrug.
"that doesn't change the fact of how embarrassing that is..." Bruce mutters. "I'm seen to be the professional one 24/7."
"not anymore!" you laugh and he couldn't help but smile.
it was obvious eventually you two would be caught considering you were pushed into a small closet for 7 minutes in heaven.
you had to convince him to relax a little, and when he did... oh boy.
there wasn't much in the closet, a couple random jackets, supposedly Tony's because he apparently 'doesn't have enough room in his closet'... his closet is as big as your bedroom. you laugh at the thought, though.
"can't believe you convinced me into this..." he mutters between kisses, hands cupping your cheeks.
"guess I'm just that convincing..." you smile into his lips.
you feel the distance close between your hips at his attempt for friction, and his other hand pulling you against him even harder.
the closet door flies open and tony smirks at the sight, Steve's hair messed up and you pushed against the wall.
"not so innocent, huh Rogers?" he jokes, walking away for the next round.
"were continuing this later..." he whispers, his lips brushing your ear.
he wasn't ashamed for anyone to see, nor did he care. you were in a dressing room while shopping at the mall and he couldn't help but kiss your perfect face.
"you're so gorgeous, darling." he smiles at you, his hands moving up and down your waist and hips.
you loved how he always showed you affection, but he really went over the top at inconvenient times.
you turned to the mirror to observe the outfit you had picked and you loved it... so did loki.
you saw him lean down in the mirror to kiss your head, then down to your neck, right at your sweet spot.
" 'mon loki... we're in public."
he presses against you, feeling him smirk into your neck.
"were secluded in public, actually. darling you have nothing to worry about-"
knocks a heard from the locked door.
"um- could you guys please hurry up? every room is taken." a worker calls.
"I stand corrected." he laughs.
aunt may had been out for the day running errands and peter called you over to watch a movie and hangout.
you both were laying on the couch, him on top of you, his head near your collarbone comfortably, a blanket messily dropped over the two of you.
he leaned in to kiss you, but came back for more and it led to him pressed against you and kissing your neck.
"you're so pretty..." he compliments and you pull him up to kiss you, feeling him bite on your bottom lip for access.
you kiss down to his neck, his bodyweight falling limp between your legs from the pleasure.
you hear a knock on the door and ned practically screaming to let him in.
he groans and gets up fully off you.
"why does this always happen..." he complains, kissing you once more on the temple before going to answer the door.
it was your birthday on asgard and thor obviously had to tell the entire civilization and invite everyone to your palace.
you found yourself being held by him, kissing passionately in the empty guest room.
you two were supposed to be greeting the guests and thanking them for coming but instead he wanted to truly show you how much he loves you.
"I am so grateful you are my queen, y/n." he praises.
his large hands find the sides of your neck and face to somehow pull you closer.
"thor we should really be out saying hello to everyone..." you insist.
"m'lady, I think everyone is too drunk to notice." he smiles, his accent soothing you. "and it is our kingdom after all, I'm sure they wouldn't mind."
you feel the door move the air around you and loki complaining.
"could you guys come downstairs, please. when you aren't around, guess who's put in charge?" he pinches the bridge of his nose. "can I just tell them all to leave, lady y/n?"
"sure, loki go ahead."
"thank you."
he sighs in relief and closes the door.
thor pauses for a moment before bringing you back to kiss him, his hand at your throat.
he has you pressed against the door just in case anyone had tried to walk in; his hand moving from your waist to lock the door, lips never leaving yours.
there was no plan to it, the moment you walked in his room he couldn't keep his hands off you.
with wanda just had moved in, it had been very... hectic.
everyone was ecstatic and welcoming, trying to help left and right. it left no room except for at night for just the two of you.
he took the little time to his advantage, even if there would be interruptions, he didn't care and neither did you. everyone around the compound is aware of your relationship and has definitely seen pda before, so what's it if someone walks in?
a sound of yelling and laughing was heard getting progressively closer to the end of the hallway, where Clint's room was.
"OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR! OPEN THE DOOR!" you heard someone scream, getting closer.
clint rolls his eyes and pulls you away from the door, a hand pulling you against him and the other opening the door.
in flies peter and Wanda, roughly shutting and locking the door behind them laughing uncontrollably.
"what did you guys do?" you quirk a brow at them.
they both look at you like kids in trouble, ignoring the pounding in the door.
"well..." Wanda starts.
"just cut to it." clint rolls his eyes.
"mr.stark, bruce and I were in the lab giving Wanda a tour and we might've knocked over a special beaker thingy..." he mumbles. "we didn't mean to! we swear..."
the pounding in the door never stops, annoying both you and Clint.
"CUT IT OUT ASSWIPES, THAT'S ANNOYING AS HELL!" you angrily yell at the door, halting the pounding.
"...sorry..." you hear Bruce mumble even though it definitely wasn't him doing it.
your demeanor suddenly changes as you talk to Wanda and peter, concerning the three of them.
"anyways, just go say sorry. if they give you anymore shit just come get me." you wink.
"and me." clint adds.
they thank you guys profoundly before walking out to go sulk to tony and Bruce.
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
what makes a princess
See my full list of works here!
Summary: Morgan asks a question about Jane's royalty status that leads to her revealing one of Loki's secrets
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning/s: potentially inaccurate depictions of how to become royalty in Asgard; other than that, none, this is just fluff [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: Morgan being an adorable lil beb; Nat doling out some tickle torture; teammates/coworkers to lovers
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"Is Auntie Jane a princess?" 
You looked up from your laptop, taking a break from typing out your latest set of reports to wrap up your most recent mission with Nat to look at little Morgan Stark, who was sitting across you at the dining table. She looked the spitting image of her father as she anticipated your answer. 
"I don't…think so…?" you trailed off, trying to remember if Thor had even mentioned anything recently about plans to marry the mystical hammer wielding scientist. "Maybe one day soon, baby. When they get married."
"Who's getting married?" The velvety low timbre of Loki's voice nearly made you jump out of your seat, his fingers briefly ghosting over the skin of your shoulder not helping in the slightest. A small squeak of protest slipped from your mouth when he picked up your coffee mug. "Ease your worry, darling. I'm simply refilling your cup. Black with a teaspoon of sugar, or would you prefer something sweeter?" 
Morgan's little laugh began to echo throughout the common area. "You have confuzzled brows again, Auntie Y/N." 
The image of the raven-haired god looking up at you through his lashes from where he stood behind the kitchen island may very well haunt your dreams tonight in the best possible way. "You know what…surprise me, Mischief." The smirk he sent your way should have had you worried with what he had in mind, and yet the only thing you felt was the violent fluttering in your stomach that had nothing to do with your prolonged fasting. "As for your first question…we were talking about Thor and Jane." 
"Ah, well my oaf of a brother may think he's been keeping relatively quiet about the matter, but that day will most definitely be coming sooner rather than later," he spoke over the clinking of a metal spoon stirring around in your cup. 
"So it's like in the cartoons?" Morgan directed her question at him. "The prince has to marry the woman he loves so that she becomes a princess?" 
"Not quite, little Stark." Your brows knit together again at the sound of whipped cream coming out of a can coming from his direction. "There are no strict marital customs in Asgard, and as such if a member of the royal court were to publicly commit themself to another, then in turn that individual would become royalty as well. Thor has publicly committed himself to Doctor Foster, and despite having abdicated the throne to the Valkyrie, he is still a Prince of Asgard." 
"So Auntie Jane is a princess?" 
"Don't arm us with this info, Laufeyson. I might just call her Princess Foster for the rest of time," Nat's voice sounded through the common area, her usually lethal hands wielding a more delicate touch when she ruffled the hair on your and Morgan's heads before occupying the seat beside you. 
"By Asgardian customs, yes. You can consider Doctor Foster a princess." 
The assassin eyed Loki's approaching form with a knowing smirk on her face, tilting her head to look at the mug he placed on the table a few inches from your hand. "Hold on, are you telling us that all that's needed for someone to be considered royalty in Asgard is if a member of the royal family is in love with them? That's it?" 
"If it's as widely known as how my brother loves his mortal," he confirmed. "And while I surmise that she will not appreciate being addressed as such, you would not be incorrect in calling her Princess or Your Highness." You were acutely aware of the god's proximity to you from the slight movement in the corner of your eye of his fingers at the back of your chair. And the slight heat coming from his body literally inches from your side.
"Her Royal Highness, Princess Jane Foster," you mused, blowing lightly on the hot beverage in your mug and holding back the slightest thrill as the taste of your favorite little indulgence, a white chocolate mocha with a cold vanilla flavored whipped cream on top, flooded your tastebuds and blanketed you in an instant comfort. "She's definitely gonna hate that. Thank you, Mischief." 
Your heart caught in your throat when he tucked a hand under your chin, keeping you looking up at him as his free hand straightened out the ruffled locks of your hair, putting them neatly back into place. "My pleasure, little mortal," he murmured, swiping his thumb briefly at the corner of your mouth before walking back to the kitchen, starting on his own drink.
"You wanna fill me in on this domestic bliss vibe I'm picking up from Horns over there?" Nat whispered, leaning in so close she was practically draped on your lap trying to sneak the cup of coffee away from you to take a quick sniff. "He knows your 'treat yourself coffee'? Alright how long have you two been doing the horizontal tango, spill the hardware details, I'm texting Wanda and Jane. Toot suite. You've been holding out on us, you absolute slut--Ow." 
You rolled your eyes at her reaction to you elbowing her in the side. "Please, we both know that barely tickled. Now stand down, Romanoff, I haven't been holding back on anything and you know it--"
"That means you're a princess, too, Auntie Y/N!"
The Russian spy chuckled at Morgan's excitement, resting her chin on your shoulder like a child awaiting a bedtime story. "Uhm…no, sweetie. It doesn't work like that," you tried explaining to the little girl. "See there's more than one kind of love. There's the romantic love like you see in your princess movies, and that's the type that your Dad has for your Mom, the type Thor has for Jane. And that's what makes your Auntie Jane a princess."
"Then there's the love for family and friends," Nat continued for you, motioning between the three of you. "The way I love you, Uncle Clint, Auntie Y/N, and the rest of the team--well, most of them." She elbowed you before you could let out the teasing words dancing at the tip of your tongue. The name of the one that Nat loved in the romantic sense. "Not a single word, Williams."
"I wasn't gonna say anything," you deflected coyly, batting your eyes to feign innocence. "It's not like when you said 'most' my mind immediately went to a certain Serge--NAT!!" You busted out into giggles as nimble fingers found every single ticklish spot by your ribs and showed you no mercy. "I'll get--hahahahaha--I'll get you back for thihihihis, Romanoff, I promise you."
You made a quick note to slip some hot pink hair dye into her shampoo bottle on your next sleepover. The tickling onslaught had taken up all your attention that you didn't even notice that the dark-haired Asgardian leaning back against the kitchen counter was watching the scene before him, a fond smile slowly stretching across his face the longer he watched you.
Nat eventually let up once you started clutching your stomach from laughing too hard, continuing her explanation to little baby Morgan, who was currently the picture of angelic patience. And now looking not a thing like her father.
"Anyway, that kind of love is the kind that Thor has for us. That means that while there is love there, it doesn't make the entire team princes and princesses. You get me, baby?" 
"I get you, Auntie Nat. But you don't get me. Auntie Y/N is a princess, too." 
You took a breath before closing your laptop, promising yourself that you'd finish the reports later tonight. "Last I checked, sweetheart, Asgardian Barbie doesn't like me like that." 
She rolled her eyes at you. "I know that! But Prince Loki does, and that's why you're a princess, too!" 
The amused smile on your face immediately dropped at her words, your neck twitching from the sound of a spoon clattering against the sink and the sound of hurried footsteps walking out of the kitchen causing your skin to prickle. "Morgan…sweetie, you know it's not nice to say things that aren't true," you said softly, not bothering to mask the wavering tone of your voice. 
"But it is!" she insisted, pointing her little hand towards the door. "Princess Auntie Jane, tell her!" 
"Princess--? Oh…I'm guessing you all know about those customs in Asgard that technically make me a princess now?" You nodded your answer at her, not trusting yourself to say anything while you were still struggling to wrap your head around that bombshell that Morgan dropped on you. Wondering if it even was a bombshell to begin with or just the child's overactive imagination. "So I'm also guessing that now you all know that Y/N's a princess, too?" 
"She most definitely is not," you protested, briefly poking at her ribs to drive your point home. "Jane. Babes, this isn't funny." You motioned a pointed finger between her and Nat. "You both know how I feel about him, so baiting me with this kind of hope is just cruel and unusual punishment, especially when I know I haven't done anything wrong to either of--"
"You kind of really are, though," the scientist kept on, giving you a look as if she was amused by how this was completely new information to you. "You really didn't know that Mr 'You are all beneath me' wants you literally beneath him?" 
"Foster, I am two seconds away from kicking your ass over that line. Mostly because I didn't think of it myself." You elbowed Nat in the side again. "Harder. I could almost feel that." 
"Can you two just be serious for two seconds and tell the baby that she's wrong about Loki?" 
You were about to face Morgan again to advise her to find the god and apologize for saying something so outlandish, when Nat and Jane moved in unison, a hand placed on each of your shoulder, leaning in a way that you were now face to face with both of them.
"Okay, little baby," Jane started with a mock serious look. "You're wrong about Loki." 
"Unbelievably wrong," Nat capped off. "Fine. If you don't believe us, then let's start with how he saved you from that building in Belarus." 
"He has saved each of our asses at least once in the last few years," you argued.
"Yeah, but he doesn't heal us with his magic and then stays with us in the medical wing waiting for us to wake up. And I should know because that entire night Thor gave me a laundry list of the times that he got injured from battle and Loki would tell him, and I quote, that 'he shouldn't expend his energy on healing magic when it could have been better utilized for fortifying defenses'." 
"That's--That can't--That doesn't sound right," you muttered, trying to remember anything from Belarus other than being trapped under a collapsed column, convinced that your legs were done for and you'd never walk again, assuming that anyone would even find you in the wreckage. And then next thing you knew you were in the medical wing, with the god only briefly touching your head and telling you that he was glad you were alright before running off to call for Bruce to check on you.
"You make him smile," Morgan spoke up, her face lit up the same way it did when you sat with her on Princess Movie Nights. 
"He smiles around everyone as long as they're not your father or your Uncle Steve." 
"No, Auntie Y/N." She flopped herself onto the table, arms outstretched towards you, like she was trying to quite literally grab your attention and hold on to it. "With us, Prince Loki smiles with his face. When you're around, he smiles with his heart." 
Her words had you stunned silent, frozen in your seat as your friends let you go to walk over to the other side of the table and lift Stark's daughter up in the air to wrap her in a warm embrace and nuzzle her cheeks, earning them several little echoing giggles from her. 
"I uhm…I should go," you mumbled, standing from the table and giving your laptop a small tap. "I'll finish my reports tonight." 
"Tomorrow," Nat corrected you. "I have a feeling you're gonna be a bit busy tonight, Princess." 
Your pulse was drumming loudly in your ears with every step you took towards Loki's apartment, every single nerve on your body on high alert as if readying you to run at a moment's notice. Whether that was away from his place and back to the compound to tell everyone they were wrong, or into his arms, was yet to be seen.
When you reached his door, you could hear voices coming from the other side. One more hushed and panicked, the other jovial and boisterous. Thor.
"You should have stayed, Brother! You finally need not hide your affections for her, and might I say. 'Tis about time because your skirting around her was getting more than tiresome, Jane and I have been considering locking you two in a tiny room together so you could just tell her." 
You couldn't hear what Loki said in response other than something about 'being exposed by Stark's offspring', but that was more than enough to convince you that maybe this wouldn't end in you feeling like a total clown. That maybe there was more credit to the words of Morgan and your friends than you first believed. 
Just three seconds of bravery, that's all you need, you told yourself, raising your hand to rap on the door before you could talk yourself out of it. 
"It seems that in matters of the heart, your little mortal is braver than you, Brother," you heard the blond Asgardian comment before the door opened to reveal the towering bulging god, giving you a knowing look before shuffling out of your way. "I will gladly answer any question he leaves unanswered by the end of the week, my friend." 
"I'm holding you to that, Blondie," you waved him off with a playful smile before turning to face Loki. "Can we talk?" 
He looked at you with a hint of caution, almost as if he was on the same level of anxiety that you were, before giving you a small nod and motioning toward the door. "Come in, darling." 
The words tumbled out of you as soon as you closed the door. "They told me about Belarus." The caution in his eyes turned into panic. "But I need to hear it from you. Because I have…gaps? In my memory. Things I can't reconcile." 
He closed the distance separating you two, taking your hands in his. "Ask me." 
"The last thing I remember from that building was that I couldn't feel my legs. And I know that even with all the tech Stark has at his disposal, I shouldn't be up on my feet right now. Not like this. Rhodey is still in crutches despite all the efforts of Stark and Banner combined, and yet somehow…I'm not. So please. Tell me. Did you--" 
"I healed you," he cut you off, finishing your inquiry. "I could not bear the thought of you waking up distraught. Adjusting to a new reality where you had to rely on any form of machinery to help you function. Not when I knew that I could cure those ails." 
The air left your lungs at his admission, leaving you struggling to even form your next words. "What happened to energy better expended fortifying defenses?" 
His mouth turned up slightly in a knowing smirk. "I see my brother told Doctor Foster of our days in the battlefield." 
"And he's a touch wounded about it." You gave him a playful squint of your eyes, trying your damnedest to keep the mood light despite how closely he was standing, so close you could feel the slight heat radiating off of him, thinning the air to the point that you found it hard to take in your next breaths. "Why did you do it? You were in the clear, everyone else was in the clear, we finished the mission--"
"I didn't give a damn about the mission," he hissed, stepping even closer to you and effectively trapping you between him and the solid door behind you. His breath came out in shuddering exhales, bottom lip quivering ever so slightly as he rested his forehead against yours. "The only objective that held any weight with me was keeping you safe." His hand rested lightly on your waist, thumb softly stroking your ribcage. "I have braved far worse things than a burning building and I will face even more dire perils if it means your safety. If it means I do not have to witness your light fading away. And as for why…"
He brought his hand up to cup the side of your face, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose before his lips ghosted a path to your forehead. If it hadn't been for the god wrapping his arm around you and securing you against him, you would have sunk to the ground from his attentions. 
"It is because Stark's daughter speaks the truth," he whispered into your skin, pressing a kiss between your brows. "Because I love you, precious mortal. I never intended for you to know this, to be burdened with the knowledge of my affections, but seeing as I cannot unring this bell, I only wish for you to know that I hold you under no obligation to say anything. All I ask is for to not detest me for my--"
"Are you sure you don't want me to say anything?" you choked out, your heart at your throat from attempting to come to terms with this reality. That these words were actually coming from the god you'd silently pledged your heart to so long ago. That not only did he feel the same, but he was on the exact same page that you were on, believing that the love was unrequited.
"I have long ago resigned to the certainty that my affections for you are--"
"Requited," you breathed, raising shaking hands to rest on his chest, tears welling in your eyes as you felt his erratic heartbeat against your palm. "Don't you dare even try to unring this bell because I don't detest you, Mischief." You braced yourself on his shoulders, rising to the tips of your toes to press a soft, fleeting kiss to his lips. "I love you, too." 
You felt your feet leave the ground as his arm tightened around you and lifted you up, bringing your faces level to one another, his fingers weaving through your hair in a firm yet gentle hold. "Are you sure, darling? You wish to be mine?" 
"Yes!" you blurted out, your face breaking out into a grin that instantly made your cheeks ache. You could feel the tension that flooded you just moments ago slowly melting away at the sight of him mirroring your joy over the turn of events. Any words you wished to say fell silent with a small squeak at the back of your throat when he leaned in again and captured your lips in a more heated kiss, sighing into each others mouths as he lifted you away from the wall, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist. 
When Loki held you up by one arm, opening his apartment door with the other and proceeding to walk back out into the hallway, you let out a little squeak against his lips. "Where--"
"You'll see, my love," he said with a chuckle, pressing one more kiss to your lips before shifting his hold on you, swinging your whole body until he carried you bridal style. "I believe I owe someone a small debt of gratitude for telling you what I had insisted I keep to myself for fear of your abhorrence." 
He leaned down and touched his forehead to yours, lightly rubbing the tips of your noses together and making you giggle at the tender gesture. "I could never--"
"I told you he smiles with his heart!" Morgan's little voice pierced the silence of the hall. "And now you do, too, Princess Auntie Y/N!" 
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A/N: For some reason this has been microwaving in my head for weeks before I even began writing it, so now y'all have it, too 👀🫡
‘everything’ taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee
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vbecker10 · 5 months
Can you do a fic were reader comforting Loki, whenever he get's nightmare..and just being a vulnerable baby🥹
Talk to Me (Part 1)
Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N)
Summary: The Battle of New York was a year ago but as the newest member of the team, you quickly discover Loki is still tormented by nightmares every night. You try your best to help him while still dealing with your own nightmares.
Warning: Past trauma, nightmares, minor injury, mentions of a house burning down
A/N: I love this request! I accidently made it way longer than I originally planned but I hope that's okay. Thanks so much for sending this! I hope you like it! 💚
Thanks @firedrakegirl for help with the title! 🙂
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You follow Tony and Steve down the hall and into the large oval conference room. "Morning everyone," Steve says and the chattering stops as all of the Avengers turn to face the three of you. He gestures towards you, "This is Y/N, I think a few of you met her already during her interview process. She's going to be the newest addition to the team."
"Hi," you wave to everyone and it reminds you of that awkward feeling you get when you're the new kid in school.
"Don't forget, she has pyrokinesis so everyone be nice to her," Tony jokes.
A few people laugh lightly but Scott looks confused and raises his hand. You cover your mouth to hide your own laugh and Steve groans. "We've been over this, she can create and control fire," he explains.
"Oooh, right. Cool," Scott gives you a thumbs up and smiles wide.
The rest of the team seems excited for you to join except for Loki. He sits quietly at the far end of the table, lost in his own thoughts. Tony notices you looking nervously at Loki and he whispers, "Just ignore him, everyone else does." You laugh at his suggestion and take an empty seat so the meeting can begin.
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You sigh and throw off your covers as you get out of bed. Two hours of staring at the ceiling is enough for tonight, you think. You put a hoodie on over your t-shirt and slip on a pair of jeans before leaving your room. You wander slowly down the dimly lit hallway until you finally reach the kitchen and turn on the incredibly bright overhead lights.
After finding the largest mug you can, you set about making yourself a cup of coffee but you are stopped in your tracks when you hear someone talking faintly. You turn but don't see anyone else in the kitchen. A part of you thinks you are finally going crazy from sleep deprivation but then you hear it again.
You follow the voice out of the kitchen and into the common area next to it. The room is dark but enough light filters in from the kitchen for you to see someone sleeping on one of the couches. The person pulls the blanket around themselves tighter and mumbles something as they roll over. You find yourself drawn closer to the sleeping figure and realize it's Loki. You notice a book on the coffee table and assume he fell asleep reading.
He tosses and turns on the couch, clearly in the grips of a nightmare. "Stop, please," he says a bit louder, still fully asleep.
Your heart breaks at his words and how scared his expression is, he seems terrified of whatever he is dreaming about. You reach your hand out and shake his shoulder lightly, "Loki, wake up. You're having a nightmare." He doesn't respond, still caught in the dream so you try again. "Loki, you're safe now. It's just a dream, wake-"
His eyes open suddenly and you barely have enough time for the fear to flood through your body as a green glow lashes out towards you.
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"Y/N," you hear a far off voice call for you. "Y/N, are you alright?"
You blink your eyes open, squinting at the brightness surrounding you. You look up towards the voice and see the fuzzy faces of Steve and Tony kneeling over you. It takes a moment for you to realize you are sitting with your back against the wall, a person sized hole in the drywall next to you. You reach your hand up and touch the back of your head lightly but thankfully there is no blood when you check your fingers.
"Y/N?" Steve asks again and you look at him, he finally comes into focus.
"I think I'm okay," you guess. Your whole body is sore but it doesn't feel as if anything is broken. "What happened?"
"Loki threw you into the wall," Tony says, his voice thick with anger towards the God of Mischief.
You look over his shoulder and see Loki standing in the furthest corner, his arms crossed and his eyes fixed on the floor. Thor stands in front of him, one hand on his hip and the other gesturing as he talks. You can't hear what he is saying but you can guess by his body language that the younger prince is in serious trouble.
"He didn't do it on purpose," you tell them and Loki lifts his head to look at you. Thor turns as well and you add, "He was having a nightmare. I was just trying to wake him and I guess I scared him or something."
"That may be but he still hurt you. Now let's get you to the med bay and make sure you're okay. Can't have you out of commission before your first mission," Tony says.
You nod, too tired and sore to argue further. Steve and Tony carefully help you off the floor. You make eye contact with Loki as you leave the room but he only holds it for a second before he lowers his eyes to the ground.
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Your sister texts you to sleep well and you toss your phone gently onto the nightstand after replying. You lay back for a moment but you sit up again, knowing you won't be going back to sleep even though it's almost 5am. You sit on the edge of your bed and think about the last three days. You learned one thing, Loki was a professional when it came to avoiding you. You hadn't seen him once, and you had tried your hardest to find him. You wanted to let him know you weren't upset about what happened but it seemed like you weren't going to get that chance.
You sigh and get out of bed, grabbing your phone, you leave your room in a t-shirt and lounge pants. Instead of going straight to the kitchen for coffee like to have every night so far, you decide to just walk around for a bit. You wander towards the other end of the hall, trying to see if you remember which room is who's as you pass them.
You reach the last bedroom and stop to look out the window at the end of the hall. There are a few clouds but it is still mostly dark out. You barely have time for your mind to wander before you hear someone talking. You recognize the voice and the quiet pleas immediately. Standing outside the door, you listen to Loki beg in his sleep for the pain to stop and you knock loudly on his door. He doesn't answer and you try again.
You groan in frustration but are determined not to give up, turning to look down the hall you know Thor's room is right next to his brother's. You knock on his door, after a minute, you see light spill out under the door and he opens it.
"Are you alright?" he asks, rubbing his eyes.
"I'm fine but Loki's not," you tell him. "He's having another nightmare. I tried knocking but he didn't hear me."
Thor nods but doesn't seem as concerned as you are. "My brother has nightmares every night Y/N. He has since they freed him from the mind stone," he explains.
"Shouldn't someone try to help him?" you ask. "He's obviously not okay."
He shrugs but you can see the worry in his eyes, "Believe me, I have tried but he does not want my help. He doesn't want anyone's help."
You look towards his door, you can still hear him faintly asking for whatever he is reliving to come to an end. "Can't we do something for him?" you ask.
Thor puts his hand on your shoulder gently. "Until he is willing to admit that he needs help, there is not much I, or you, can do. Go back to sleep Y/N." With that, he closes his door and leaves you standing in the hall alone. You try Loki's door one last time before slowly walking back to your room.
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After making your second cup of coffee tonight, you head up to the library to find a new book. It's been four days since Thor told you there was nothing you could do to help Loki but you couldn't stop thinking about him. You didn't want to believe Thor was right but you also weren't sure you were the best person to help him anyway.
You walk slowly down one aisle then another until you pick up a book that looks like it might be interesting. While reading the back cover you hear the familiar sound of Loki having a nightmare, "Stop, please don't do this."
You nearly drop the hardcover book but grip it tightly to your chest as you look towards his voice. He continues to plead quietly and you can hear the urgency in his voice. You move carefully towards the couches at the rear of the room and see him tossing and turning. You stop, unsure how to wake him without being attacked like the first time.
"No, no," his cries become louder, he struggles with the blanket that is wrapped tightly around him. You look around and then down at the book in your hand. The book lover in you cringes but you can't think of anything else. You slam the hardcover book to the ground as hard as you can.
He sits up quickly, pulled from his nightmare by the sudden, loud thud. He breaths heavily and he untangles himself from the blanket, quickly wiping the tears from his eyes. He looks towards what caused the sound and you slowly reveal yourself from your hiding spot.
"Sorry I woke you like that," you tell him picking up the book. "I wasn't sure what else to do. It seemed like you were having a really bad dream again." He is quiet, watching you come closer and you stop when you see how uncomfortable he looks. "I should go," you decide and turn to leave.
"How come you never seem to sleep?" he asks and you stop.
"What?" you turn back to face him, acting like you don't know what he is talking about.
He gets up, the blanket vanishing with a wave of his hand. He motions towards your now cold coffee and says, "You're always awake in the middle of the night."
You grip your cup and look down at it, then back up at him. "I barely sleep lately," you admit.
"Why not?" he asks.
You bite your lip nervously and walk past him to sit on the couch. Setting your coffee aside, he sits next to you and waits for your answer. "I have really bad nightmares," you tell him. "They started again a few months ago."
He sighs in response and you both sit quietly for a moment then says, "I assume I don't need to tell you my dreams are about Thanos and what happened before my brother found me?"
You nod but are a bit surprised he admitted it so easily. When you tried talking to Thor about Loki again yesterday, he made it seem as if you were more likely to get a rock to talk then the God of Mischief.
He then asks, "What are your nightmares about?"
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You pick up your coffee with one hand a create a small flame in the other, holding it just close enough to reheat the cooled liquid.
"That is a useful talent," he tries to joke and you force a laugh but neither of you have forgotten his question.
"My nightmares are of my worst fear," you tell him. "When I was seven, I lit my first fire." He watches you intently as you talk. "I had a nightmare and I don't honestly even remember it but I know it was scary enough to trigger my powers in my sleep. What was even more terrifying though was the scene I woke up to," you pause as the memory floods back. "The room my younger sister and I shared was fully engulfed in flames, my sheets, the curtains, all of our toys. The fire was everywhere and I wasn't strong enough yet to contain it."
"I remember hearing my sister scream and then our dad came into the room, our mom was right behind him. My dad picked up my sister and my mom took my hand and I stayed close to her. We all got out safely but the fire continued to spread, it destroyed the whole house, everything we owned was gone," you tell him, closing your eyes as you feel the tears gather. You wipe them away quickly then look up at him again.
"I'm sorry," he says genuinely, "I'm glad to hear your family made it out."
You nod, "Me too."
"So the nightmares, is it just the memory of what happened?" he asks, curious to see if you both relive your past horrors the same.
"Not exactly. My nightmares always start the same, my little sister screams and my parents come in to find the room full of flames," you tell him, trying to hold back the familiar feeling of panic that comes with those dreams. "But I always wake up when the house collapses with all of us still inside."
"That does sound like a terrifying dream," he agrees. You can tell there is something else he wants to ask so you sit quietly until he finally says, "I am curious though, how long do you think you can go without sleeping in order to avoid the dreams?"
"I don't do it on purpose, I would love to sleep but I guess I'm afraid to sometimes," you tell him. "Besides, it's not like you should be giving anyone advice on dealing with nightmares." The words come out much harsher than you mean for them too.
"Point well taken," he says looking down.
"Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," you tell him quickly and he shrugs then looks up as if he suddenly remembered something.
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"I should apologize to you actually," he says. "I never meant to hurt you the other night. I don't even remember doing it honestly."
"Lucky for us both I have a hard head," you try to joke but it does nothing to help either of you feel better at the moment.
You finish your coffee and he says, "Thor told me you tried to wake me again a few nights ago. That you were outside my room and you heard me."
"Oh," you suddenly feel awkward. "I swear I didn't go to find you or anything, I was just wandering around and ended up there. I felt really bad that you were having another nightmare."
"Why would it make you feel bad?" he asks genuinely curious.
"Why wouldn't I?" you ask as if the answer is obvious but he just looks at you still confused by how much you care. "You sounded so hurt and scared. I just wanted you to know you were safe here and you aren't with him anymore."
"I appreciate your concern but you don't need to worry about me," he says.
"Unfortunately for you, it's too late, I'm already concerned," you tell him and you see him fight to hold back a smile. "I really think you should talk to someone, about your dreams I mean. Your brother or one of the shrinks that works here, or even me if you want. It could help."
"Does talking help you?" he asks.
"Yea, it's definitely getting better. The first thing I do when I wake up is call or text my little sister," you tell him. "She's a really good listener, probably better then I am but I'm all you have at the moment," you joke.
He smiles a bit, "I appreciate the offer."
"Well go ahead then, talk to me," you smile and sit back comfortably.
He laughs at your determination and asks, "Are you sure you want me to... what do you humans call it?" You shrug not knowing what word he wants and he says, "Ah, trauma dump is it?"
You laugh, "That is the last thing I thought you were going to say but yea, sure. I'm just here to listen if it'll help get some of those thoughts out of your head."
The smile fades from his face and he says, "If I agree to this I need you to promise you won't tell anyone what we talk about."
"Of course. Patient, fake shrink confidentiality," you say but it's clear the joke missed. "Loki, I promise I would never tell anyone, that would defeat the purpose of wanting you to trust me," you tell him seriously.
He nods and takes a few deep breaths, his eyes on the ground. You wait patiently for him to begin talking and once he does, his thoughts and words flow quickly.
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The alarm on your phone goes off and you open your eyes, it takes a second to realize you are still in the library. Lifting your head slowly from Loki's chest you look up at him, his arm still drapped over you loosely and your arm around his waist. He yawns then looks at you with a small smile as he says, "Good morning Y/N."
"Morning, Loki," you smile back. "I don't even remember falling asleep," you tell him.
He stretches a bit as you sit up, "You drifted off just before sunrise but you seemed so comfortable, I didn't want to wake you."
He stands up then turns and looks at you with a puzzling expression. "What's wrong?" you ask him, standing up as well.
"Nothing I just... I didn't have a nightmare," he smiles slowly. "And you didn't either."
You smile, "See, I was right. You just needed someone to talk to." Without thinking you give Loki a hug and when he hugs you back you tell him, "You can always talk to me."
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Vaguely Similar Read: Someone sent a request (about 2 years ago lol) for a comfort fic where you help Loki through a nightmare. Below is the summary and link to the story if anyone wants to read that as well 💚
You wake from a recurring nightmare about losing Y/N during the Battle of NY. She comforts you, telling you she doesn't blame you for her injuries during the attack and that you will never lose her.
Shh... It was Just a Bad Dream
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
@soubi001 @mochie85 @lokiswife-dark-fox-queen @animnerd @cabingrlandrandomcrap @icytrickster17 @lokisgoodgirl @mischief2sarawr @stupidthoughtsinwriting @mjsthrillernp @holdmytesseract @lulubelle814 @goblingirlsarah @foxherder @alexakeyloveloki @siconetribal @lokidokieokie @kneelingformyloki @jiyascepter @eleniblue @loreniscrying @muddyorbsblr @alyeskathewave @loz-3 @firedrakegirl @javagirl328 @princess-ofthe-pages @morally-grey-variant @soulpiercing @km-ffluv
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buckys-wintersoldier · 3 months
Loki as your best friend
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// Pairing // BestFriend!Loki x BestFriend!Reader
// Summary // Best friend Loki - who has a secret crush on you - doing everything to make you smile when you don't feel too good.
// Authors Note // You all can thank @jiyascepter for all the Loki stuff in my mind. Congrats to you for making him to the second / third placed favorite character in the mcu. Bucky has my heart but Loki can have place two or three.
// Masterlist | Loki Laufeyson //
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Loki would immediately notice when you don't feel good, he is always around you, making sure you’re feeling good.
Someone hurt you? He will hurt that person, making them beg him to stop. But Loki doesn't stop unless they say they are sorry.
Luckily you're not often on dates, so you have more time for your best friend who’s crush on you is just as big as your crush on him.
Someone says something that makes you insecure? Loki is there and shows you in every way possible that there is no reason to feel insecure.
“Darlin’, look into the mirror and tell me what's not perfect about you,” he mumbles, his thin long fingers holding you by your hips in place.
Loki's chest is pressed against you back, while he admires you through the mirror. Like always he looks like he can read your mind, knowing exactly what you plan to say.
“I'm not the only perfect you see when you look into the mirror, my dear.” His voice is so soft, a soft chuckle escapes his lips and he presses them against the soft skin of your neck.
Loki loves the way you shiver in his hold when his warm, soft lips touch your sensitive skin.
You just want to cuddle? No problem! Your best friend brings you all the snack you want, changing into comfort clothes — even when it means he has once again a shirt less in his wardrobe.
Cuddled up with your head on his small chest, his arms wrapped around you. Loki holds you close, letting you calm down while you listen to his steady heartbeat. Maybe your favorite movie is playing as well.
You don't know what could help to make you feel better? Loki does.
Maybe magic? Giving you a little show when he makes small fireworks in his hands because he knows it makes you giggle.
Tickling you? Magic can be such a good thing when it comes to tickles. You can’t escape his fingers digging into your sides but you also can't his magic tricks which tickle on your skin just as much as his fingers.
And when all that doesnt help, KISSES! Who knew his soft kisses can be so sweet and lovely? Loki will kiss your neck, your cheeks, your forehead until you feel better.
Your best friend lets you play with his hair if you want to. His hair is his most important. But when you want to run your fingers through his long black hair he would never deny you that.
Loki loves the feeling of your fingers in his hair, the way you curl it around your fingers or just braid it.
“Do you braid my hair, darling? Again, I just get the old ones out,” he grumbles with a grin on his face. What he didn't expect: Your smile to drop and you letting go of his hair. “No, no. Braid my hair, do as you're told, darlin’. I'm a god, you should listen to me.” And with that he has you chuckling again.
You want to dance? Get up and turn on the music, Loki’s in, he loves dancing with you. It doesn't have to look professionell, just being with you, having fun and see you laughing makes his world light up. Just jumping around and calling it dancing? Who cares, you both have your fun.
As long as you giggle or laugh he is happy. He would make you laugh all the time because he can’t get enough of it — of you.
You feel like everyone hates you? Loki would never. “I love you, darlin’.” “You're loved by a god, my dear.”
Loki is ready to tell you the truth about his feelings, when you ask him. He would collect all the stars to bring them to you. He would travel through the whole multiverse to be with you. He loves you, and is ready to ask you out on a date.
“Darlin’?” His voice is soft but more serious as usual. With a nod you show him to continue while you continue to braid his hair. “Do you want to go on a date with me?” He doesn't know why it took so long for him to ask you, but he will bring you your favorite flowers and your own little fireworks, and he will kiss you until you beg him to stop kissing you.
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// Taglist // @kandis-mom @sergeantbarnessdoll @identity2212 @km-ffluv @lunaalovesyouu @armystay89 @suz7days @etherealdisneyvillainness @pono-pura-vida @somnorvos @meowmeowyoongles
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violette-hue · 2 years
Summary: Steve really doesn't like the person you're interviewing, so afterwards he fucks you sensleess.
Trigger Warning(s): unprotected sex, cursing, degradation, slight forcing, mentions of breeding kink, not proof read, maybe some typos
Word Count: 3.4k
A/N: Happy early birthday @ceo-of-daichi ! Possessive Steve is the best Steve~ (P.S. - I drank some tea for the flu in hops that it'll make me feel better, so the last half of this was written with a drowsy mind).
**Minors and ageless blogs do not interact. 18+ only**
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“You’re interviewing him?”
You turned to look at your boyfriend as you buttoned up your blouse. You cocked a brow at the tone of his implication. You had been getting ready for a meeting for an interview that was to be done in an hour when he stalked into the room.
Ever since Steve had found out you were interviewing Loki for his part in the literal destruction of New York City, he had been making comments here and there on why this was a bad idea. Maybe he was right, but you were just over the moon Loki had even agreed to do an interview with you.
"Babe, I don't really see what's the problem," you responded nonchalantly, taking your time to button up the last few buttons. To show some boobage or to not. You chewed on the inside of your lip in thought.
Steve scoffed. "Are you kidding me? He just tried to take over New York City, causing millions in destruction. He's dangerous."
"Dangerous." You repeated. "Everyone is dangerous, Steve, even The Avengers. Besides, there's going to be, like, a bunch of police guys there guarding him. I actually think they might be S.H.I.E.L.D. agents."
You watched as the muscles on Steve's arm flexed as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"Jesus Christ, Steve--"
"Why don't you just come with me? Brood in the corner like my silent protector."
It was silent for a few heartbeats, and you thought Steve might laugh in your face. Instead, he shook his head, a ghost of a smile on his lips.
"Fine," Steve said, leaning back against the door frame. "Button up your shirt again, I missed the show."
You giggled and rolled your eyes, but obeyed. You unbuttoned your blouse, then buttoned it back up again slower this time, giving a good show.
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You walked into the interview room: Loki's cell. He was held behind some type of glass box, the floors some sort of dark, holographic tile. The room was bare, housing only a dozen or so S.H.I.E.L.D. agents. Loki had escaped once from a cell similar to this, the chances of him escaping again were likely. These agents wouldn't be able to do much to stop it.
You stepped towards the glass, stopping a foot or two from the cell. Loki was already standing, and as he stalked towards you, he made sure to trail his eyes over your body.
"Did you get all dressed up for me?" Loki drawled, a smirk tugging on the corners of his lips.
You rolled your eyes and pulled out the small recorder that was tucked into the waistband of your tight skirt. "I hate to bruise your ego, but it's actually a job requirement," you responded, tripling checking the recorder had enough charge. You had checked the decent sized black rectangle before you left the apartment and then on your way over here. A nervous habit and the constant feeling that something would go wrong.
"An enjoyable job requirement. For me," Loki commented.
You heard a low growl come from Steve and felt the warmth from his chest as he stepped closer to you.
"Oh," Loki hummed. "A displeasure to see you Mr. America." Loki took a few steps closer. "Did they send you in to keep guard, too?"
"No," Steve answered roughly. "And it's Captain."
"Yes, so sorry. Mr. Captain." Loki smiled wide, clearly enjoying making your boyfriend irritable.
You couldn't help but giggle and look down. Loki was charming and funny. Too bad he was an absolute menace to society.
"Mr. Laufeyson--" you started, pressing the record button.
"Oh, I like the sound of that," Loki purred.
"--I want to make you aware that from this point forward, I'll be recording or conversation for the interview you agreed to."
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The door that lead to Loki's cell closed with a loud thud and you walked down the quiet hallways in silence. Steve hadn't said much since speaking up before the interview, and you had this gut feeling that something was wrong. You stole a glance toward him and frowned. He was brooding, his brows knitted together with irritation. Even as pissed as he looked, he still looked so beautiful, like he was carved by the hands of a goddess.
"Stop staring at me," Steve said sharply.
You frowned at the roughness in his voice. "You're angry."
"I'm not."
You moved your gaze back to the labyrinth you were walking through, deciding to stay quiet. It was no use trying to talk to Steve when he got in these moods. His walls would come up and anything you'd say would just bounce right back at you. You'd just have to wait until you got home.
The next few minutes were filled with the sounds of your shoes echoing off the dark floors. At this point, you weren't even sure where you were going, and you were hoping that Steve would guide you in the right direction. But he stopped, causing you to stop with him.
"I told you, you shouldn't have done that interview with him," Steve hissed.
You turned towards him, your brows furrowed with confusion. You opened you mouth, but closed it as soon as Steve continued.
"The whole time--the whole fucking time--he was doing nothing but flirting with you. Commenting on your clothes, commenting on your hair, commenting on your hips--"
"I do have nice 'birthing hips,'" you interjected playfully.
Steve backed you up against a wall, his hand slamming against the tile above your head. "That's not the fucking point," he growled, his face inches from yours.
"Language," you breathed. Your thighs instinctively rubbed together at the close proximity of your bodies. With just a slight arc of your back, your aching breasts would be flush against his chest. You mentally kicked yourself. Now wasn't the time to have your head in the gutter. Not when Steve was finally addressing the situation at hand.
"You looked like you were enjoying the flirting, too," he spat. "Did you?"
You were at a loss for words. Of course you enjoyed the playful flirting. You enjoyed the senseless comments just to irritate Steve and the below the belt jabs just to get a response out of him. How could you not? Steve was always so tense, so worried about his image in public that it came home with him. He didn't know how to let loose, how to just be Steve Rogers instead of Captain America.
"Yes," you finally answered. "I enjoyed it. A lot."
Steve pushed himself off the wall and ran a hand through his perfectly combed hair. "Fuck--" He took a deep breath and looked at you, then looked away. He seemed to be having an internal battle with himself.
"I liked the way you reacted to it," you continued bashfully, looking down. "Y'know, this--" You quickly gestured with a hand to Steve and stepped away from the wall.
You felt stupid at the disclosure, but you didn't want Steve to think you enjoyed the flirting because of who it was coming from. You liked the way Steve would place a subtle hand on your hip or gently brush back your hair whenever Loki would make a sly remark. Steve wasn't the possessive type, and you enjoyed it. But you also didn't know him being possessive would do these things to you. Your breasts felt heavier, your nipples pebbled, and your core ached with a neediness you had never felt before.
"This..." Steve trailed off. He gave a breathy chuckle and shook his head. "You're mine."
You blinked, taking a shallow breath. You needed to hear him say that again, needed to hear him say that while he was in you.
Steve shook his head again and backed you up against the wall once more. "You're mine." He buried his head in the crook of your neck and gave you a rough kiss against the sensitive skin. "Mine."
"I'm yours," you whispered, digging your fingers into his shoulders. You tilted your head back, exposing more of your neck for Steve to explore.
He pushed a knee between your legs and pried them open as much as your skirt would allow. His thick, muscled thigh rest on your lower thighs. If only you could hike this skirt up more, you thought, you'd be able to get some friction on your core. Your hips bucked and you licked your lips.
Were you really going to do this right here in the hallway? Steve tangled a hand in your hair and tugged roughly, eliciting a soft moan from your lips. To hell with this being a public space, you wanted Steve now. Your hands trailed down the blue button up he was wearing down to the gold buckle of his brown leather belt. You groaned in frustration, the belt lodged deep within the buckle.
"Steve Rogers and very horny girlfriend," echoed Fury's voice through the PA system. "Go fuck in your own house before I have you arrested."
Your hand froze, as did the rest of your body. How could you have forgotten you were in a public S.H.I.E.L.D. hallway with dozens of cameras? Nick Fury was practically watching the beginning of a porno. You moved your hands away from Steve's belt buckle and fixed your skirt. He stepped away from you, fixing his shirt. That's when you noticed his smirk. Had he planned all this? Realization hit you like a semi truck. Fury had exposed you all over the speakers. Speakers that sounded everywhere. Everywhere like in Loki's cell. After all the shameless flirting, Steve had proven to Loki that you were his.
You frowned. How could Steve have done this? It wasn't like him at all to dangle you like some prize.
"Real fucking mature, Steven."
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"What's wrong, angel? You haven't spoken to me the whole ride home."
"Can it Steven," you snapped, tossing your purse on the kitchen counter. "You used me back there."
Steve scoffed. "Did I make a little scene in that hallway knowing Fury would say something? Maybe, sure. Did I know that Loki would hear? Yes. But, Angel, what was I supposed to do when you liked his flirting?"
You whirled on the ball of your foot toward Steve and pointed a finger at him. "You tricked me! I thought you were finally showing--I don't know, this dominant and possessive side? And I thought it was genuine, not some fucking show!"
Steve gave a heavy sigh. "Angel--"
"Don't fucking 'Angel' me, Steven." You pointed at him again, this time poking his chest. "I wanted to fuck you in that hallway. I was ready to fuck you in that hallway."
Steve grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you closer to him. "I was more than ready to fuck you in that hallway, too," he said, his voice a tad more gentle. "I would have fucked you against the glass of Loki's cell to claim you." A hot shiver ran down your spine and fluttered in your core. "I would have fucked my cum deep inside you until it ran down your legs for everyone to see. Especially him."
Your breath caught in your throat and the anger that was once boiling over in your blood had now dispersed. What replaced it was a deeply rooted lust that burned to your very core. Your blood, your body was on fire and the only way to sate it was to rip the clothes from your body and ride Steve until dawn.
"Do you want that, Angel?" Steve ran a hand down your arm and gently turned you around. His hand ran over your abdomen, his fingers catching in the buttons of your blouse. Your back was now flush against his chest and you felt something hard against your lower back. You breathed a shaky sigh of anticipation as he untucked the shirt from the tight skirt. His fingers worked to free the buttons and you shivered at the tension it caused your body.
You could only nod as the last button was freed, your chest nearly exposed. Your nipples hardened further at the coolness of your shared apartment, your lace bralette doing nothing to keep you warm.
He ran his hands up your bare stomach, then to the bottom of your bralette. His fingers dipped under the black, Lacey fabric and caressed the bottoms of your breasts. Another shaky sigh passed your lips and you rest your head back against shoulder. The feeling of his fingers sliding and squeezing your tender breasts, pinching and rolling your nipples between his fingers had you squirming for more. Wonton mews fluttered through your lips and your own hands rest over his, begging to handle you more rough.
Warm, wet kisses trailed along your neck to the outmost corner of your jaw. Your skin tingled where his lips met your flesh, tingled and buzzed until you felt as if you were going to explode. Steve had never handled you like this, had never been so passionate with you before.
Sex had always been mostly simple with Steve. Standard missionary was the go-to, with the occasional cowgirl. Everything else was…uncharted territory. Of course, you didn’t mind the simplicity, but this…this was amazing.
You pushed your bottom against his hard bulge and whined softly. “Steve,” you mewled. “I need more—please.”
Steve paused his ministrations on your breasts, his breath shaky against your neck. He slid his hands out of your lacy bralette, pausing at the bottom. In an instant, his fingers were digging into the lace, ripping the fragile fabric in two. Goosebumps pimpled over your breasts as the cold air of your apartment enveloped you skin. You gasped softly, the sudden show of aggression catching you off guard. His hands found place at the hem of your skirt, pushing the tight professional ware down your ass.
“What do you need, sweetheart?” Steve asked, his voice an octave lower.
You shakily stepped out of the skirt now pooled at your feet, now only standing in your opened blouse and a simple black thong. You shrugged the blouse to the floor, the remnants of your bralette falling with it. You turned around to face Steve in your nakedness.
“I need you,” you answered timidly, your gaze on the floor. “I need you inside me.” It was weird to tell him what you needed, having never spoken to each other during sex other than the occasional “you like that?” But you felt brave and…sexy. You took the smallest step closer, your fingers teasing the button of his jeans.
Steve let out a shaky breath, his hands gripping your hips tightly. You managed to undo the button one-handed and drag the zipper of his pants down, your fingers brushing against his clothed cock. You felt him twitch slightly, and you couldn't help the smile that tugged on your lips. He must be so hard, probably harder than he's ever been.
"Do you need me, too?" you asked, your hand fingering the hem of his boxers. Where was this braveness coming from? You slipped your hand inside his underwear, gently grabbing his cock. Your thumb swiped along the head of his penis, smearing his pre-cum.
Steve swallowed hard, and you could see the effort it took for him to bring his hand to caress your cheek. "I want you to suck my cock," Steve grunted.
Your thumb stopped its ministrations and you pulled your hand from his boxers. "No." You stepped back, looking Steve up and down.
Steve cocked his head to the side, his brows furrowed. "'No'?" he repeated. He took a step towards you, and you took a step back, your lower back brushing against the kitchen island counter. Steve shook his head and pulled up the shirt he wore. Understandably, you were quite distracted by his chest and the dark hairs leading down to--
You let out a small yelp as Steve grabbed you by the backs of your knees and placed you on the counter. He forced your legs apart, running a finger over the thin g-string covering your heated mess. A finger pushed the thin fabric aside and delved inside your needy cunt. His finger flexed and curled almost instantly, and you let out a loud moan.
"You sound so needy," he growled, pulling his finger out. He rubbed his thumb and forefinger together, spreading your juices. "Is it me that's got you like this? Or him?" He shook his head, disgust shining through his features. "Slut."
You winced at the word, at the harshness of it. Did he really mean that? "Steve," you started, "of course it's you--" You were cut off with a loud moan pushing through your lips as Steve inserted two fingers inside you. His fingers curled once more, and with it your toes.
"This pussy belongs to me," he pumped his fingers inside you, his other hand pushing down his boxers and pants. "Your pussy belongs to me."
Without a warning, Steve's fingers abandoned your needy core, and in its place was his cock. The thickness stretched you out, and the head of his penis hit against your puffy walls. He pulled out quickly, then bottomed out inside you once more. His hands gripped your hips roughly, his thrusts just as rough. You cried out each time, nearly feeling him in your stomach. It was too much, but not enough at the same time. You had never been fucked like this before, and you relished in it. Relished in the way Steve's balls slapped against you with a wet snap. Relished in the way Steve made a mess of you--your wetness dripping down to the counter.
"I belong to you," you whimpered, back arching. Your hands gripped his thick biceps, your nails digging into his flesh.
Steve's thrusts faltered and he finally looked at you. He pulled you flush to his chest, your bare breasts against him. He gripped your chin and looked deep into your eyes. "Say it again."
You were caught aback, never having seen Steve so vulnerable before. You moved your hands up to rest on his shoulders. "I'm yours, Steve. Body and soul."
It was as if a switch had been pressed in Steve. One minute you were on the counter and the next you were bouncing against the wall. Steve thrust up into you, his cock never leaving the warmth of your pussy. His grip on your hips was ironclad as he fucking you on the wall. You screamed in bliss and in pain. You'd never been explored like this--Steve had never explored you like this. His cock was hitting places you didn't even know existed or felt good. He shifted his position, thrusting into you at a different angle and you saw stars. Tears leaked from the corner of your eyes as your orgasm washed through your body. Your legs wrapped around his torso, your ankles locking around each other.
Steve fucked you through your orgasm, sweat lining the both of your bodies. Your hands tangled in his hair and tugged lightly, another cry emanating from your lips. You ground your hips down against him, your clit rubbing against his pelvis. You could feel another orgasm coming, could feel the tension in your body rise. Your fingers tightened on the strands of Steve's hair as another orgasm was nearing its peak. Your back arched as your body trembled with another orgasm, your legs shaking. Steve's thrusts faltered and he groaned loudly. His cock twitched inside you as he pushed himself as deep as he could in your battered cunt. He allowed himself to spill his seed within you, and you both stayed in that position for quite some time. Even when you felt his cock soften within you, you stayed like that, each breathing hard.
"Steve?" you breathed, untangling your fingers from his hair.
"Hmm?" he answered. His head rest on your shoulder, his breath fanning against your neck.
"Did you really mean that? That you'd fuck me in front of Loki?"
Steve lifted his head and looked at you. "Well, maybe not in front of someone--"
"But like," you paused timidly, "in public?"
Steve chuckled. "I wouldn't mind, angel. We can try it one day."
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ghostofskywalker · 11 months
Loki Laufeyson/Fem!Reader
Fictober Day 31 of 31
Words: 1,220
Summary: Loki moved into the Avengers Compound, but the first time you saw him was at Tony's fancy Halloween party. Your brain stops working for a little bit because he's so pretty.
Note: today is the last day of fictober, happy halloween everyone! this was originally going to be based on the taylor swift song of the same name (one of my favorite songs from her!), but i think the story took control and we lost some of that along the way.
Loki Laufeyson Masterlist
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It should be illegal for someone to look that good was the first thing that ran through your head the moment you laid eyes on him from your seat at the bar. You knew who he was, it was hard to ignore the fact that Avengers Compound was now home to not one but two Norse gods, and that one of them had tried to take over New York a few years ago. You hadn’t been part of the team at that point, but you certainly weren’t in the dark about what he had done. However, that apparently didn’t mean you couldn’t appreciate how good he looked in a suit, and a lot of embarrassing thoughts were suddenly flooding your brain.
It certainly didn’t help that this was the first time you’d seen him out of his room since he had arrived. He wasn’t bound to a single room (though you were pretty sure he wasn’t allowed to leave the grounds of the compound), but he simply chose to stay away from everyone else.
A voice interrupted your thoughts. “Staring at someone?”
You blinked, slightly embarrassed that Natasha had caught you, but you could tell from the tone of her voice that it was all playful. “Maybe,” you admitted softly. “But in my defense, it’s not like I’ve ever seen him around the compound.”
She laughed. “You do have a point there. I think the only reason he’s here tonight is because Thor is making him.”
You looked back over at the god, catching the expression on his face. “Oh definitely. He’s absolutely miserable right now.”
“He’s just lucky that it’s not a costume party,” Natasha said. “He’d be frowning even more.”
You laughed, an image flashing through your head of Loki wearing a gaudy-looking Halloween costume, with Thor and Sam laughing by his side. “That’s very true,” you said. Although Tony took any excuse he could to throw a party, he hadn’t imposed a costume rule on you all this time, and for that you were grateful, because at least you wouldn’t have to meet an extraordinarily attractive god while wearing a silly outfit.
“Why don’t we go over and say hello?” Natasha said, grabbing from drink from the bar and heading over to the direction where Loki was sulking in the corner. You followed her, the whole time incredibly aware of the fact that you needed to figure out something to say to him, and your brain had apparently taken a vacation.
“What do you want?” Despite Loki’s words being standoffish, his tone was more tired, as if he wished he was anywhere else but here at this point.
“I just wondered whether or not you had met Y/N yet,” Natasha said, gesturing in your direction.
“Hi,” you said, really not sure what else to say. It certainly didn’t help that your brain had apparently not returned from its impromptu trip away. “It’s nice to meet you.”
A normal person might have waited for a response, but your fight or flight response kicked in at this very moment, and it chose the latter of the two options. If you weren’t embarrassed already, you certainly were now, because you just walked away. You could hear yourself mutter something about getting a drink, but you weren’t sure if anyone else had even heard it. And besides, the clearly full glass in your hands gave your lie away completely.
After at least heading back to the bar and lingering there for a few moments, you started to walk back around the party, saying hello to those you recognized. You knew a lot of the guests, so it was easy to flit from conversation to conversation, all the while thinking about how ridiculous Loki must find you. Maybe if saw each other on another day in the compound you could apologize for running off like an idiot and try to explain that you thought he looked nice and for some reason decided to act like you’re twelve about it.
As the hours passed and the party’s energy remained loud and joyful, you found yourself settled on a balcony. The compound boasted a different view than the one you were used to in the tower, and you found yourself missing the lights and sounds of the city, especially because it was almost completely pitch black (other than the lights from around the building itself).
The sound of the door opening behind you caught your attention, and you watched as Loki took one step onto the balcony, stopping as he noticed you. “I apologize,” he said, starting to pull back into the crowded ballroom.
“Wait!” you said quickly, hoping that he would at least be willing to hear you out for a few moments. You never wanted him to feel unwelcome, you just had terrible conversation skills around people you think are attractive, and in that moment your brain had fully sabotaged you.
By some miracle he stayed, and the door closed behind him as he stepped fully outside with you. It had gotten to the point in the year that the night air was bitingly chilly, but you didn’t mind the way it nipped at your face if it meant getting away from the chaos of the party for a few moments.
“I want to apologize for my awkwardness earlier,” you said, before he could question why you had called him out here. “I don’t want you to think that I’m afraid of you.”
“Then may I ask why you ran away before I could even say hello?” His voice didn’t sound like it held any malice, but there was still an emotion in there you couldn’t quite read.
“Sometimes it’s hard for me to talk to new people,” you said softly. “Especially ones that are dressed as nicely as you.”
It wasn’t an all-out confession, but it still seemed that he understood what you were implying. “I understand,” he said. “I also get nervous in this realm now.”
“I can help you if you need any kind of Earth Guidance in the future,” you said, immediately worrying that you sounded eager or overly-annoying to him before tempering the statement with an “if you want.”
He smiled, and you couldn’t help the way your heart fluttered at the sight. “I will keep that in mind,” you said.
The sound of your phone’s ringtone going off popped the moment’s delicate bubble, and you looked down to see a text from Natasha asking for your help with something. Loki understood this time why you were leaving, and he said that you that he was going to stay on the balcony for a few more minutes.
As you took a step closer to the door, you heard him say your name. “I think you’re dressed nicely too,” he said before turning back to look out into the darkness outward, and two things happened the moment you stepped back into the party and closed the door to the balcony behind you.
One was that you had to physically push down a giant grin from spreading across your face.
And the other was that your brain took (yet another) impromptu vacation from its duties. If you were going to spend more time with him in the future, you would really have to get a handle on that. 
- the end -
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