#long and ranty
14dayswithyou · 5 months
💖 Day 3.5 is now available! 💖
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For the last couple of months, only Server Boosters had access to the 3.5 update... Buuuuut now it's available for everyone to play in the 14DWY Discord — and soon itch.io once I'm happy with the QA and state of the game — so please don't feel pressured to join unless you want to!!
The full devlog + even more screenshots are under the cut ^^
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What's been added to the 3.5 version?
📺 Streamer Mode!
I've been told that it's difficult to stream and monetise age-restricted videos on YouTube and Twitch, so I added an option to remove the sexual content and strong language used in the demo.
Now y'all can invite Ren into your bed for cuddles without putting your streamer career on the line /silly /lh
This won't affect the 18+ rating or dark themes/elements of the game, however! Although Streamer Mode will prevent you from seeing any "gruesome" CGs in the future, most of the core elements of the game will still be tied to the choices and decisions you make. So you won't miss out on the overall experience by using streamer mode!!
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⚙️ Custom Pronouns!
It only took me one entire year to get around to it, but you can finally choose your own preferred pronouns (or use a set of pronouns instead)... At the cost of being able to change them mid-game ^^;
Since the original pronoun screen wouldn't update until a new scene was displayed, I temporarily disabled the feature. But once I find a workaround, I'll bring it back!
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💗 Choose how others perceive you!
You can now choose how the cast and narration perceive you! Originally, the narration was kept strictly gender-neutral (outside of pronouns and genitalia picked by the player), but this will soon change in future updates.
For more clarity: you don't get to choose the words specifically, but you can choose between masculine, feminine, and androgynous terms!
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📋 Separate top and bottom genitalia!
You can now choose your tatas and pps separately! >:3
Alongside that, you can also choose your preferred body type!
I removed the "both" genitalia option because a few players still assumed it was an obscure version of "intersex". That wasn't my intention and I don't want to mislead anyone, so I took it out for now ^^;
I also didn't want to include a screenshot of the new genitalia choices in action (because it's NSFW), so y'all get the same character menu screen for the nth time instead lmao
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📱 Relationship Screen Overhaul!
You can now change your own status for more immersion, and long-term Server Boosters will eventually be able to submit and use their own icon within the game as well!
Stalking finding your friends has now become easier by using "Buddy Maps"; a new app that allows you to see the location of all the cast members!
I want to offer players more incentive to check the relationship screen since they tend to miss the status updates, so hopefully this might help ;v;
It also says it "updates every few hours" so folks don't go overboard and check every 5 seconds to see where Ren is gdsghf (also keep in mind that he's a hacker lol)
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🖤 Additional Scenes Update!
Day 2 received a brand new CG!!!!! Originally, I planned on only adding a few CGs sporadically throughout the game, but it didn't feel right to leave Day 2 so... empty... so I added a brand new CG to (hopefully) make things feel more balanced and natural!
If you decline Teo's offer on Day 3, Leon will now call and try to convince you to reconsider. However, players are still allowed to decline, and if they do, they'll reach a dead end.
After listening to feedback on itch, I changed some of the dialogue during Days 1-3 to make it seem more consistent! They're only small changes though, so it's honestly not worth looking for sdgjssga
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🎶 Updated BGM and SFX!
I wanted to try out a different style of music to see if it fits the vibe of 14DWY more! The BGM features more acoustics to suit the "beachy" theme of Corland Bay, though I made a conscious effort to include piano elements as well to stay true to the original!!
I figured it'd be better to give players a live example before I make a poll (to see if they prefer the change or not) and publish it to Itch.
Some new SFX have also been added, though it's very minimal and honestly not that noticeable.
How to download and play the update?
(warning: clicking on the following links will open Discord!!) To download the Day 3.5 update, simply join the 14DWY Discord server, verify your age, and visit the "14dwy-updates" channel!
Alternatively, you can also wait until the update is publicly released on Itch to play it as well!! (It normally gets released shortly after a round of QA testing/getting feedback from the server, though I may release it earlier if I feel like it hehe ^^)
#14 days with you#14dwy#💖 — 14 days with queue.#🖤 — updates.#🖤 — spoilers.#I'm not gonna say much about my current doxxing situation because I've got it under control now + it's being handled privately#Plus I don't wanna give it/the people involved any unnecessary attention. I just wanna announce the update and Get Back To It™️#(''it'' bein the grind 💪 It never stops lmao /silly)#OG followers will also know that these topics aren't the vibe I normally have on this blog (or any of my accounts); so I don't think I'll—#—make ANOTHER public post about the situation and bring more attention to it (when I just want everything to be over and put to rest ^^;)#However I also don't want people to think that I'm... ignoring?? the situation entirely (because gettin doxxed is a very endangering thing)#So I DO want to quickly acknowledge it here and say that it's all currently handled + I'm safe and okay + this won't stop me from—#—continuing to work on 14DWY (and other future projects). I also don't want to give these awful people more power and incentive to continue#—this kind of pathetic behaviour; so the less attention and encouragement being shown will ultimately be better in the long run :3#Aaaaaanways!! 😮‍💨#My other accounts will be restored shortly and my askbox will be opened once I feel comfortable. I'll get around to following folks—#—again in my own time; so please don't feel offended if I unfollowed you during a moment of vulnerability and anxiety!!#This is all EXTREMELY overwhelming and scary for someone with SAD/AvPD; and I /gen can't handle seeing it all over my timeline ;v;#Sorry this got ranty and personal again hjdsgjsdh T_T I said I wouldn't say much; so I'll shut up now hehe#🖤 — shut up sai.
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potofsoup · 3 months
i love your fourth of july comics every year but this years feels extremely optimistic about biden’s abilities in the face of him letting roe get overturned and funding a gen*cide at worst or letting it happen at best by taking the bare minimum of regulatory action… i mean can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands? and how do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?
Hihi! Thank you for reading and enjoying my July 4th comics every year! I am in a non-US airport en route to a month-long trip in a place with sketchy internet, so sorry in advance for sloppiness in my response (and potentially going radio silent).
I don't think he "let" Roe get overturned, since that was the Supreme Court's overwhelming conservative majority, which really started with Mitch McConnell refusing to approve Obama's appointee and forcing it into a 2016 election issue. The fact that Trump got to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices is what got us here.
Re: Biden and the Israel/Hamas war ... on the one hand, there's definitely more that he could have done, but on the other hand, they are a whole other country over there. It's Hamas that initiated the Oct 7 attacks and took the hostages. It's Netanyahu and his right-wing government who decided to retaliate to such extreme extent. Biden can talk about how he would really like Netanyahu to stop fighting and step down, but at the end of the day that's not his call, any more than he can stop the Sudan fighting that is near-genocidal either.
So, to come to your question #1: "Can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands"?
For me, it's a resounding YES. Guyz, he has passed so much good domestic policies. My spouse works in green energy and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act halved his anxiety and gave him legitimate hope. The tumblr post I linked to in my comic has links to many of the other great things that Biden has done. Tbh I voted for him in 2020 because "a moldy onion is still better than Trump", and I've been pleasantly surprised. Like how he tried to cancel student loans, the Supreme Court overturned it, and then he came back 6 months later with a different way to do it that didn't lead to a court challenge.
Is he perfect? Hell no. There's tons of stuff that I wish he did more about, or he went further on, but also he's just one guy heading one branch of government who is heading into an election year. (Just like FDR promising not joining WWII, while behind the scenes doing all the Lend-Lease Act stuff). And "the people" have lots of demands, many of them conflicting.
I'd also like to push at the unspoken part of your question... "Can he really be trusted to do the right thing..." compared to whom? Because right now the answer is "compared to Trump." And compared to Trump... I don't even trust Trump to respect the results of a legitimate election. Heck, he might just take his favorite state secrets, sell them to the highest bidder (or just show them off to someone for funzies), and then claim Presidential immunity. A decent Democrat who got stuff done vs someone who probably wants to pardon himself and all his friends and do Project 2025 stuff is not even on the same level. (Do I wish that there was a viable Democratic alternative to Biden? Sure! But who?) Heck, at this point -- imagine if it's Kamala Harris vs. Trump. Who would you vote for?
As for your question #2: "How do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?"
We don't. But also what can we do besides showing up to vote?
Actually, I need bullet points for this:
The 2022 midterm elections brought in fewer-than-expected election-deniers into crucial electoral offices at the state level, which means that hopefully most state electoral boards will continue to have integrity
Yes, voting is harder but at least we can still vote. So it's about getting out there and getting your vote counted. For some states, it involves waiting in 8 hour lines. For some states, it involves bringing 2 forms of ID. Document. Track. Make sure it's dropped off in a real ballot box and not a fake one. Don't believe messaging that the voting is happening on a different day or location, etc.
A 50.1% majority is easily challenged. A 55% majority, less so. Which means getting people out to vote.
The more people know about and think about the reality of a second Trump term (versus being disappointed by a Biden term), the more they will be motivated to vote against Trump.
Finally, let's be real here: I'm braced for a 2nd Trump term. That said:
I'm still going to go and vote for Biden, because the only way to prevent a 2nd Trump term is to vote.
A Trump term where either the House or Senate is controlled by the Democrats will be *very* different from a clean Republican sweep.
Even with a clean Republican sweep on the federal level, States have so much more power now, and voting the state level stuff will help shore up Democratic goals for the future. States get to draw voting districts however they want. States get to decide on abortion policies. If you live in a deep Red state, there still might be things to vote for that make it easier to live in now, and turn it purple a few elections down the line.
So at the end of the day, it's "Vote AND". Vote and keep living your best life. Vote and tell others about Project 2025. Vote and have hope. Even if Trump wins, at least you'll have voted against him. Vote and stay to build up a progressive wave for the next election.
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whatisgoingoninmyhead · 10 months
there's something to be said about how public unawareness about aspec identities contributes to the infighting within the aspec communities.
for example, I've seen a lot of "don't say ace people don't have sex because that's harmful to the sex favourable aces" and the opposite: "don't say ace people can have sex because what about the sex repulsed/averse?"
and they're both valid points, but because of it, aspec posts have to cater to the entire spectrum or risk starting arguments over this. Ideally, people could look at an aspec post and accept that it's for a different part of the aro/ace spectrum to where they are, but that's where the public unawareness comes in
because outside of the aspec communities, there's so little understanding of what the terms mean, that people within the community have to make every post generic so that the unaware won't see one post and make an assumption for the entire community based on it.
I see where every side is coming from, but infighting doesn't really solve any of the issues. The only thing that can start to solve it is more expansive aspec media representation, and spreading the "aro/ace identities are a spectrum" posts as much as possible to reach outside of the community, rather than trying to make specific posts fit that generic message.
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weaponizedducks · 6 months
poor shiro cannot catch a fucking break can he. first he gets a crippling disease he's got two years to live. then an angsty wattpad breakup with his boyfriend then he gets kidnapped by aliens and pumped full of alien weed then he crashes on earth with so much walking midlife crisis energy that he gains the skinning puppies to make a fur coat hair, and then he immediately gets shot right back into space by his shittass little brother and weirdo friends with the literal matt clone. then this poor man is made the leader of an alien war, becomes a father to four fuckass teenagers through accidental child acquisition, is forced into the kim kardashian lifestyle by a ginger on drugs, gets kidnapped again, gets cloned, fucking dies, somehow comes back (yeah I'm not really clear about this) then this pathetic wet cat of a man, this stressed jean valjean father of four, experiencing his fourth midlife crisis and millionth mental breakdown, gains that senior citizen swag at twenty five. you could colour match his hair with a polar bear. then he witnesses a walking loreal ad (derogatory) get melted alive, watches a castle get blown up, loses three years in a space time jump and then finds out his ex- fiance who broke up with him right before he left has fucking died in a purple thumb invasion before he got to marry him. but oh no no no that's not the end for this poor sad man. poor guy doesn't get a second to grieve before he is visually assaulted by a less cunty sue sylvester ripoff and her gang of bitchy cheerios (this is admiral s*nda), and yet again made a leader against his will, and shot right back off into space again. then he watches the only other responsible adult in this entire franchise (hot badass space princess who like shiro did not catch a break) sacrifice herself and is left a struggling father. ends up marrying some random fucko. all while suffering through his shitass hot topic brother and blueberry disaster's doomed yaoi romance. oh yeah and he's only got one arm. give the guy a BREAK. FREE my man he doesn't deserve this 🔥🔥
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rant time
This is so disappointing, and the worst part is I have no one to blame but myself. I've always sorta seen the writing on the wall. Hori has always had a really weird track record with his writing; dropping plot points, being purposefully cagy and noncommittal to certain themes etc. However I do think there is a difference between something being an objectively poorly written story and just a story that, while well done, might no be something I personally enjoy (or even a overall fine story with a few flaws). For awhile I thought, like many people that mha was going to be a scathing critique on hero society and Deku & Co. would have to reccon with their places in it: how the hero-villain dichotomy does not help anyone, scapegoats those deemed undesirable, allows heroes to get aways with murder, and perpetuates the complicity of the masses leading them bring about some sort of systemic change with the help of the antagonists . When I realized it wouldn't be that I thought "OK" then it is a story about saving the have-nots and proving why they are going about things the wrong way and offering another solutions while working within society–a bit sanctimonious but sure–they become the greatest heroes because of their compassion and willingness to save. And then when the villains bring up their issues with society their continuously told to shut up or that their wrong with no further elaboration, better yet that they just dealt with what happened to them the wrong way as if was somehow their fault for reacting badly to being treated badly and given no real recourse. And then the All For One reveal happened. And god. the last minute reveal (right before he's 'killed') that all of Shigaraki's family issues and quirk were the direct result of AFO? It's a really nice way to further invalidate all the criticisms he's ever made now that nearly everything bad that's ever happened in his life was because of some really bad guy, doubling down on making everything an individual problem rather then a social one–because that way you don't have to challenge your characters core ideologies right? or think of actual solutions? And that's where I feel like MHA crosses into being an objectively poorly written story overall; to establish all these issues and themes and back out on them at the last minute for a simple solution.
I have to ask: What the fuck is going to change? Stories set in a fantastical world usually have something to actually fucking comment on in that world. We are shown explicit issues in the world of mha What has been deconstructed about the world of MHA? After all of this, what have any of these so called greatest heroes done to make an actual, tangible difference in the world they live in? The end of MHA is shaping up to be just a continuation of the same cycle it the begins with, all of it's issues going unaddressed or swept under the rug. People want to say that MHA doesn't need to address those things, that it's just a story about hope and redemption, where is the hope and redemption in killing off the people shown to be the most victimized by society? If it is a story about true heroism being intrinsically linked to saving then what does it say that some people just can't be saved, that are 'too far gone' that have to be fucking mercy killed.
In conclusion, the LOV deserved to be in a story which actually lived up to what it promised.
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squeezetheduck · 6 months
Here’s the thing with people shipping Alastor, I could not care less about who people ship Alastor with or whether they ship him at all, what I do care about though is people making him allo.
This is one of the few cannon ace (possibly aro) characters out there and he can 100% be shipped in verity of ways without ignoring he is ace or aroace.
Make him aroace but still platonicly obsessed with Lucifer or Vox.
Make him sex repulsed or indifferent it doesn’t really matter (I could 100% see him having sex with someone for entertainment purposes just like I can see him being sex repulsed).
Even make him Demi/grey-ace if you must show him reciprocating sexual attraction.
Bonus points if he’s aro and you play around with platonic relationships/QPRs.
I know at the end of the day he is a fictional character and people will do what they want, but please listen to aro/ace fans when we ask you not completely ignore his sexuality when there are so many ways you can still play around with his characterization without disrespecting one of the few cannon ace characters to exist in TV.
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catsandgoodbooks · 10 months
So. Punz and George. They're both very much defined by their relationships with Dream, probably more than anyone else on the server. It's hard to talk about Punz without bringing up Dream, and it's hard to talk about George without referencing him either. They have lives, of course, but Dream is always at the forefront of their minds. Punz spent a whole year of their life just waiting for Dream's escape; George dreams away the days even after the jailbreak in a fantasy world of his imagination where everything is perfect and he can be with Dream.
But they don't really have a relationship. They don't talk, especially not about Dream, because that would show that they cared, and George is trying to deny that to himself after the dethronement and Punz cannot allow anyone to consider even for a moment that they are on Dream's side or it was all for nothing. So the relationship they do have, weak and distant as it is, is based on bitterness and perceived betrayals and envy.
George doesn't really think about Punz much. If he did, he'd had to think about Dream, and not his Dream, not the Dream that exists only in his dreams now, but the actual, real Dream. The Dream who dethroned him without a second glance. The Dream he abandoned. The Dream locked away in an obsidian prison, rotting away as George sleeps. And George doesn't want to think about Punz. Not when it pulls him out of his dreams and makes him think about Dream.
When he does think about Punz, though, he's not exactly a fan of them. They betrayed Dream; undeniably, inexcusably, they did. They had his trust, and they threw it away for a little extra bit of money. George would never do something like that. Dream left first, after all. Dethroned George first and told him he didn't care what happened to him. Dream never did that to Punz.
And that's important. Dream never turned against Punz; they were the one who chose to betray him. Dream never quite trusted George the same way he did with Punz, and, in the period leading up to the dethronement, he let George in on less and less of his plans, grew closer and closer to his mercenary. George told himself it was because Dream wanted to keep him safe. After the dethronement, he accepted the fact that Dream just didn't care about him anymore, and that it had been a sign of that.
George tells himself that if he had been in the situation as Punz, if Dream trusted him, he would of never done what they did.
Punz...doesn't have a great opinion of George, to tell the truth. They might of pretended to betray Dream, but George (and Sapnap, and everyone who was there and just watched it happen) is the one who actually did. George left. He left and didn't come back, didn't even show up for the arrest/execution (because that's what it really was, an execution, no use dancing around it). He didn't even go visit Dream in Pandora's Vault, even when he had every chance to, even when he didn't have a plan dictating that he absolutely could not do that. Not like Punz did.
Unreliable. Untrustworthy. Uncaring. Those are the nicest words for what George is, at least to Punz. Dream died, twice, and George was nowhere to be found. Just because Dream had been trying to keep him safe. To make sure people didn't try to target George to hurt Dream. And George just left, like that was an option in this game they were all playing, that none of them save Wilbur had chosen to play, like you could just throw up your hands and say "okay, that's it, I'm done" and leave with immunity, taking everything you've done with you. That wasn't how the world worked. And it didn't matter if George understood that or not, because it still hurt Dream, and that was what was important. Because what George did was a betrayal, and because they were already familiar enough with that to know how bitter it tasted. Because Punz had to constantly pretend and reap what they had sown and deal with this betrayal they had committed - not the one they were infamous for but the one in their heart and their brain and the way people looked at them and laughed with them and the way they had agreed to the plan and let Dream die and the sneaking suspicion they had, growing louder every day, that something had gone wrong and that they had to do something about it but that too would be a betrayal - but George didn't, just because he had been there earlier and knew some people longer. Because people trusted him more and he didn't have to prove how reliable he was and how much he hated Dream and all that.
And because George had Dream's love in a way Punz never could. Dream loved too freely, that much was true, but he flinches at every motion Punz that was a little too fast, a little too sudden, and makes sure to call everything a business arrangement, makes sure they're mercenary and client, makes sure to suppress any little trace of attachment that could get either of them hurt. And, even now, even after George has gone and left, Dream still loves George; Punz isn't too blind to reality to miss it. And they had kinder days together, back before everything went wrong; there were no kinder days for Punz, and there never had been.
Despite everything, they're two sides of the same coin: wishing for something that is no longer reachable, no longer possible, because things have changed and because people have changed. Because Dream has changed, partially due to the decisions they made, and there isn't anything they can do to go back to how it was. Not truly.
And neither of them really care about anything or anyone else. They're not here to fight for ideals or morals, they just want to keep the people they love safe and away from the people who would want to hurt them. They are willing to kill for it, but, because of who Dream is, and because that would put them in danger, they can't. They're not allowed to, explicitly in Punz's case, implicitly by Dream pushing George away. Because Dream wants to keep the people he cares about safe, and that can't happen if it looks like he cares about them or vice versa.
(It's only okay if Dream's the one getting hurt, after all)
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ted-answers · 3 months
Hey Ted, were you ever like… bullied as a kid? If so, what for?
(ooc; long post and sorry for typos, I cannot be bothered to reread this for a 7th time)
Oh. Oh yes. It was for what you'd expect honestly, my family was dirt poor. Growing up I had, at most, maybe four outfits? None of them ever stayed clean long enough to be decent, as I wore them not only to school but also while doing farm work. My hair was never clean, I was always being sent around places to work on machines- I had a knack for them and if there's one thing me and my parents had in common, it was knowing when something was profitable- I wasn't ever getting homework done or sleeping because of how much work I'd be doing. I passed out in class often. My hair always had oil or grease in it. I had burns, cuts, and bruises nearly constantly, and my already filthy clothes started getting oil stains.
All of that was the perfect recipe for pre-teens with better living situations to tear me to pieces. Didn't help that while growing up I was skinny, tall, and pretty malnourished. I couldn't fight anyone off if I tried. I was a bookworm for fucks sake, I was practically a walking target. I think one of the reasons my parents pulled me out of school in my early teens, before I could even become a freshman in high school, was likely so they could avoid the responsibility of what was essentially neglect. Plus, with no homework, I could get so much more work done. yay.
Despite it all, and despite the fact I think I hated my parents, for loads of good reasons. I miss them. I can't even remember their faces. I don't remember our family name. I barely remember the farm. I can't even recall my siblings. Not to sound like a child, but I miss them, so, so much. I would give everything, anything, to say sorry for leaving them. For never giving them any of the riches I acquired. For changing both my names and pretending I had been an orphan all my life. I want my mom. I want my dad.
I haven't thought this in years, decades even, but
I want to go home.
(ooc; hot take but Ted genuinely has one of the saddest backstories because he is such a victim of circumstance. I see people going "omg he used rich women for their money" and what they don't realize is that his only other option was slaving away on a farm in South Carolina for the rest of his life. Something that had already consumed his entire childhood. He didn't even have a high school diploma. Tell me what the hell he's supposed to do for career paths without one of those. Yes, he was a genius, he was entirely self-educated from the age of 13 onwards. He dove into books to ignore his outward circumstances. He can't really get a decent job with that. Hell- He was on an entirely different continent by the time he finally had freedom. His literal only option was to be a fucking playboy. Scamming was the only constant stream of cash. I'll admit that can be mildly comedic in some scenarios but it's also sad. Justice for Ted I love him.)
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jun-wuist · 2 months
XIE LIAN BIRTH 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 my #1 fav character to sexualise im sorry but yeah. moving on. genuinely tho at the risk of sounding cringe ive been hyperfixated on xl and tgcf for a good 3-4 years??? and he's had a LOT of impact on me. i kid u not stuff about tgcf make bad days much better especially after these last 2 years when there's been crazy amount of ups and downs. he's literally THE character ever. book 4, the bamboo hat scene, his love for hua cheng, book 2, his entire story and motivations and traits is smth i think about way too much. tgcf has unironically helped me process some of my own shit and inspired a bit more self compassion. and ofc ill never forget the people on this fandom no matter what i say i've found many people i learnt from, Wise Older people, talented artists writers n creators, empathetic friends, ppl with a great sense of humor and friend groups who spend a lot of time with me :] genuinely this is one of the few fandoms ive had tons of enriching friendships in. whether or not i still talk to those people ill never forget. anyway yeah i donf see myself getting out of this hellhole of a tgcf fandom anytime soon!!!!
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ner0w0w0 · 1 year
Why is Cloud flame and its box weapon so... weird
Okay so before I talk myself into a corner, I'd like to establish my observation: the Cloud box weapons all have propagation factor, but they can only either multiply in number, or change size.
Like, with Iris, her way of using her flame was fairly basic in usage. She used her box weapon, a Cloud whip, to whip her cloud receptive slaves and propagated their muscle mass, sometimes even elongated their bone to make them bigger (in a rather unnatural way). Its straight forward, easy to understand, it's a propagation in size.
Next, Kikyo. His dinosaur box weapon was rather... normal in the large scheme of thing tbh. It made him into this... Hydra-Dinosaur-Medusa thing. His hair grew into spinosaurus heads that follows the common rule of Cloud's attribution: multiplication in number.
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Honorable mention to Lal Mirch's box weapon, Cloud Centipede that could change its size and length, but not number.
However, Hibari's Cloud Hedgehog, Roll, funnily enough, could do both. And, horrifyingly enough, more.
So, Roll's usage could actually be splitted into 2 categories: how adult Hibari used it, and how baby Hibari used it. So, Roll under adult Hibari only propagated in size. It could expand, thicken, become thin layer and act a shield for Hibari, or roll forward. But never multiplied in number.
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Furthermore, after being fed so much flame that its box got broken, it can do shit like this... like... how?! I don't recall any Box Weapon based on living creature can become a separate space the way Roll did.
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Tbh, I have a rather... bizarre headcanon for this. It could be because of Hibari's secondary Mist Flame with its construction factor that mix in with the Cloud Flame to influence the Box Weapon (also like, the dimension thing kinda similar with what Mukuro's Vongola Gear can do yk). And only adult Hibari can do this because he has more experience with Mist Flame and more open to use it. But then Cloud Hedgehog is only for Cloud flame so it's impossible for his Mist to seep through. Unless his wave energy is already an incredible mix between Cloud and Mist, like Xanxus's Flame of Wrath, so much so that it can't be distinguish through Cloud rings, and Roll's also affected by this. And could this also be the reason that normal Cloud rings couldn't withstand his flame, thus break upon 1 use?
Also can we talk about how he had two, the same exact Cloud Hedgehog boxes? Like we're told that there only 343 designs based on living things made by Geppetto Lorenzini, and Verde team made 343 boxes based on the designs. Are you telling me at least 2 (because he clearly tried the Reverse technique once before, so at least one box had been broken to do it) of those boxes are of the same design? cus the numbers are not adding up.
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Ok, moving on to baby Hibari. Now baby Hibari used Roll in the Vongola version, and X version more. But there's a snippet when we see him using the OG version, and upon being fed so much flame that it went berserk, it multiplied both in size and in number.
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There's only one difference between the two Hibari: the Vongola Cloud Ring. Like adult Hibari only got one chance to put however much flame he could in the box before the ring broke, and the hedgehog would have to do bunch of stuffs with just that reserve before it went back into the box. (God adult Hibari was basically nerfed during the whole Future Arc, imagine if he got more Cloud rings or just the Vongola Cloud Ring. He'd probably solo the whole base)
Could this be the same for other Cloud boxes? That they require much much more Cloud flame for both of the factors to be used. What does it say about Hibari's flame, that afterward, when he had the Vongola version and X version, he went on and did insane shits like these? Like how strong, vast and dense his Cloud Flame has to be so that he can fight like this?
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Okay, a little side track into weird flame territory since we're talking about it, let's discuss Skull. Skull is interesting in the way that his flame usage is rather similar to Iris', which is basically the propagation of human cells. But unlike Iris whose control is rather crude, as there is little to no finesse in the way those slaves' muscle grow (they grew in places that muscle shouldn't have been, pushing each other and probably crushing their own bones with their muscle mass), Skull's control on his Cloud Flame is absolute and instance. His cells grew instantly the moment he was hit, so much so that even when he got a critical hit from Squalo, he remained fine, albeit a bit hurt.
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Now, human' cells have things like genetic code and more to tell them what they're and where they would be and how they would grow, so they could automatically slot into place during the propagation process. But it's the control Skull has that he could grow just enough of what he need, and not accidentally grow, idk, an extra finger or giving himself cancer, and that makes him incredibly strong and I don't think enough ppl is talking abt it (like just think about the potential)
Other than that, we have a rather fascinating OP factor of Cloud flame in general and Skull in particular. They can absorb other Flames. Other than Tsuna's Zero Point Breakthrough: Revised where his Sky Flame harmonize with other's and absorb it, no other flames is able to do this, other than Cloud. And if we went with how Hibari said it, it's sort of its default function.
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And Skull? Oh he's just straight up absorb the whole flame attack from, what? four Varia. Like ez pz home boy only whine because he's hurt from Squalo's sword attack.
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My working theory for this is because in nature, cloud has already been rather... versatile and can be affected by other elements (sun, lighting) to change and thus creating other phenomenon (rain, storm); also mist is like... thinner ground version of cloud anyway. And Skull's using his own body as a flame conductor, thus directly absorb other Flame types to himself. Though his flame isn't Sky, there's no harmonizing factor to neutralize the Rain, Storm, Lighting and Sun attributes. His body is probably fighting itself to stabilize, or using those attributes to stabilize each other (his Cloud can swallow the Sun since they're similar, the Rain's tranquility can block and neutralize the Storm and Lighting too) (Now it'd be funny if Skull got shot by Tsuna's X-burner, like would Skull's Cloud strong enough to absorb Tsuna's concentrated Sky Flame like I'm curious.)
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otgo-brooklyn · 22 days
MDZS Seven Deadly Sins!AU
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discododging · 1 year
It's fitting that Dan Fucks is about to become the mayor because everyone in this brain is fucking horny right now
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piosplayhouse · 1 year
what are your controversial wwx views? 👀 (asking as a fellow controversial wwx view-haver)
In the grand scheme of things I personally think my opinions are pretty lukewarm but I got a lot of shit a while back for making a post saying that it's important to acknowledge that wwx has privilege as a male cultivator member of the gentry and certified genius, and that that's important because even though he knows that his position in society is extremely tenuous and that so many people are willing to fight to force him to lose it, he still chooses to stand up for those even lower in society (in that post I was thinking specifically of the women in mdzs, particularly the brothel women because they're basically never considered). And then? A bunch of people started shittalking me because apparently wwx is the most underprivileged character in the story? And he's lower status than even the non cultivating sex workers because he was homeless as a kid?
I'm also neutral-positive on Jiang Cheng and made the great sin of making a completely neutral poll asking for people's opinions on him correlating with if they grew up with siblings and got a bunch of accusations of being a wwx anti, rigging the poll, and misrepresenting the answers (the results of which were completely even btw) based off . The fact I used a picture of grapes as the poll banner. Yeah . Wwx was never mentioned in the poll at all also. You can probably still find all that shit if you search my username, anons were just fully accidentally pinging me and everything, it's why I don't name search any more even though I know some people make posts based off my ideas but are afraid of pinging me (don't be btw!!! Please ping me 🥺🥺)
I actually really didn't like wwx in my first read-through of mdzs because I really related to teen lwj and felt very personally about the idea of overly pushy boundary breaking teenager attitudes, but I definitely grew to like him lol. I don't know how much that shows through in my posts, I think I've made a few comments about thinking that he was definitely a little bit of a dick as a teen but I don't know how controversial that is
So overall I'm sorry to disappoint, not very controversial opinions, but I've gotten so much grief for them anyways you'd think I posted some shit like wwx is my least favorite character in all of fiction 😵‍💫😵‍💫 there's probably more stuff that could be considered controversial but I'm so disconnected from mdzs fandom at this point that I don't really know what the general consensus is. I'd love to hear yours though!!!! Feel free to anon or message or whatever you feel comfortable with, I won't judge
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emailsicantsnd · 4 months
i always found it annoying when people were like “ive been a stan since always” shit but GOD i need everyone to know ive been here for sabrina since always!!!!!!!!!!! last year when i was deciding on my outfit for her show my friend said “u should go w ur evolution merch to show everyone youre an og” and HSHDJDNDJDKDKDKDKDSJGHJDNSGU shes MINE go away!!!!!!!!!! leave her alone shes mine shes mine
this is SO real!!!! like i wore my EVOLution sweatshirt to eics tour and i was barricade for it and in the video i have of her singing BILAB to me she looks down at my sweater and then back up at me and smiles and im like YES I'VE BEEN HERE ALL THIS TIME (and earlier) AND IM NOT GOING ANYWHERE !!!!! i 100% agree like she was mine FIRST like something that irks me so bad is i have IRLS who put me down for liking sabrina in general but in 2021/after especially and now im watching those SAME people who tried to make me feel bad be fans of hers and im like GO AWAY SHE'S NOT FOR YOU !! like i want to make people know that i've BEEN HERE even when everyone else was against her, i defended her, i've supported her from day one rooting for her and her success, and NOTHING is gonna change that for me and i want people to KNOW THAT especially those who put her down for so long (@ my IRLS lol)
adding more stuff under the cut:
it's like this: i want her to have the UTMOST success possible because she absolutely deserves it and all the attention and hype she's had lately but of course deep down i miss when she was our little secret you know? but i only want her to be successful at the end of the day even if she's not just ours anymore, but in my heart she'll always be ours FIRST
and i was looking at all her album covers and how EWO - EICS all look connected to each other and how different short n' sweet feels compared to them and it's like ... those five albums feel like they're for US and this new one feels like her first step into popstardom for more than just the OG carpenters and being for the general public and that comes across in the design of the album cover alone like...
this whole rant is the embodiment of that template that's like "how i met her / she's still with me" like i met her and have been with her since the CBAGFT ep before silver nights was even ON IT and now look at her!!! like she's always gonna be my girl forever and in a selfish way i feel like im gonna always hold that over the heads of new fans/new eyes on her yk?
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 4 months
So, a new anime series (an adaptation of a manga series) was just announced called, "Sakamoto Days." Let's take a look at its promo art:
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Basically, we see someone who was a mafia/hitman/yakuza type of guy - who used to be very hot and fit, etc. that then settled down and got out of shape. Okay, cool. It's nice to see the MC being older and without the more stereotypical "hot bod" found in anime. A dude with a dad bod, nice. Cute, I love it. It's an action-comedy, but I can already tell from this promo, the premise, and the trailer I saw that the male character is a character first and foremost, with the character's weight gain being a part of the larger concept of having settled down and what not.
I wish female characters could get this treatment. There are some fat and overweight female characters in anime that are written well, but those usually tend to be secondary or minor characters:
Agnes from Tiger & Bunny 2
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Miss Anna from Buddy Daddies
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Chieko from Kuragehime/Princess Jellyfish
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All of these characters exist as characters first, with their own interests and personalities, and their weight is a secondary aspect to their characterization as a whole. So, we have a number of secondary and minor female characters that can exist like this, but when I think about female main characters who are fat, overweight, etc. within the anime sphere...all I got is this:
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A series that is a comedy like Sakamoto Days, but it also happens to be an ecchi series and that changes everything. From this promo alone, we can tell that the focus is being placed on the female eating and on her weight gain first and foremost. The ecchi tag also indicates, to me anyway, that a fetishistic lens is the one that is primarily going to be used for the series.
I know issues like these ones with male characters being allowed to exist as characters who are fat, rather than as fat characters who are then not taken as seriously or who are fetishized (female characters) is a problem in all media around the world...and I know that Japanese media like anime (especially) even acknowledging characters of different weights and shapes is still very new in and of itself...but it is also just tiring. In many other medias around the world there has been some shifts and some improvements in these areas, so it's just kinda sigh worthy to see that anime is still only just reaching this stage/level of representation.
It's an interesting experience for me, a reminder of how my taste and wants in media have changed so much from when I was a pre-teen and teen who actively sought out anime back then, because it was so different and unique and filled a gap in what I was looking for media-wise, that American media at that time wasn't filling. But, now it almost feels like the roles have reversed and the stagnation and inability to fill the gaps with difference and uniqueness is anime for me, while American and other Western forms of media seem to be more unique, different, and progressive/forward moving/changing.
There are always exceptions to the above though, and I absolutely LOVE when a good anime comes out that reminds me of why I used to love the medium so much when I was younger. That's always so refreshing and nice, but becoming increasingly harder and harder to find.
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skepticalcatfrog · 7 months
Every so often I see a post that makes me believe I'm the only person on this website who can correctly characterize my favorite character
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