#lots of hugging happening in my inbox for some reason
total-drama-brainrot · 5 months
When my cat is misbehaving, I threaten to give her hugs and kisses, until she runs and hides, so... TD Noah AU, where the ONLY thing that can truly scare Noah is getting hugged, kissed and shown affection in public... When Noah tries to skip the dodgeball challenge, Owen (his best friend) playfully threatens to cuddle Noah on the sidelines, unless Noah helps the team... Noah quickly agrees to help with a grumpy blush on his face... Alejandro thinks that this fact is hilarious! 😸
I can see this. Noah's got a reputation to uphold, after all. A reputation of being an insufferable know-it-all asshole, sure, but it's a reputation none the less. Letting people know that he likes being hugged? Mortifying. His worst fear- it goes against His Brand™.
Him being afraid of PDA, platonic romantic or otherwise, is a pretty funny idea when you consider the fact that his best friend Owen is more-or-less infamous for dragging people into his arms at the drop of a dime. He lives under the constant threat of an Owen-brand hug attack, anywhere, anytime, and that fact terrifies him.
Actually, in this scenario, I think Owen would be a little more conservative with his clinginess concerning Noah - he's not that inconsiderate, and he'd know that Noah's not a fan of public affection (but secretly just as much of a hugger as he is). Not that he's be any less tactile, he'd just be quicker to apologise for unthinkingly showing his best buddy his affections.
To bring it back to the Dodgebrawl episode:
By this point in the series, Noah and Owen have shared a cabin for (assumedly) six nights and had around a week to build their friendship. They're not as close as they are in World Tour, but that's more than enough time for Noah to know about Owen's cuddliness and, in turn, for Owen to know about Noah's physical evasiveness.
But, at this point I think Owen would be under the impression that Noah's entirely touch averse as opposed to just PDA averse. It's during this challenge that his initial assumption starts to shift towards the truth.
Owen notices that Noah's refusal to participate is getting him some negative attention from the rest of the team, and in a moment of quick thinking volunteers himself as the next person to sit out before Noah can make his "keeners" comment. Noah's a little ticked off by this, and tries to argue that Owen would be a more useful team member then him, but Owen comments something about Noah needing to get some team spirit via "motivational hugs" (or something along those lines) and suddenly Noah is very much okay with not going anywhere near Owen or the benches.
Curiously, Owen notices, Noah hesitates at his offer for a hug. For a moment he looked almost considerate, before his face flushes with embarrassment (which he staunchly denies afterwards, since Noah's adamant that he doesn't get embarrassed) and he vehemently denies needing one, quickly resigning himself to actually helping the team instead. It's just enough to get the cogs turning in Owen's mind; apparently, hugs work as negative reinforcement for Noah.
Owen's more than happy to abuse this fact to prompt Noah into actually trying during challenges. Talent show? Owen subtly threatens to hug Noah unless he, at the very least, tries to showcase a talent. Phobia Factor? Owen offers moral support via affection to motivate Noah into facing his phobia (whatever it may be) and the threat of being publicly coddled is enough to have Noah disregard his fear entirely and complete the challenge. Ect ect.
Owen has his suspicions, but things aren't cleared up for him until after Island is over and done with. Wherein Owen confronts Noah about the quirk he's pick up on, and Noah- now reassured that his every action isn't being recorded and potentially broadcast for the world to see- admits that he actually kind of likes being hugged, but doesn't like public displays of affection. It's a secret he'd only share with his best friend. So Owen promises to keep quiet about it (which as we all know isn't something Owen's very good at, but he tries his best) and resolves to save the majority of his tactile-ness for when they're in private.
Leading to World Tour, where Owen utilises this same trick he used in Island to have Noah pull his weight on the team. Like he's a border collie wrangling the world's grumpiest sheep.
Alejandro's quick to pick up on this repeated exchange, and quicker to connect the dots. Somehow, the threat of affection seems to motivate their laziest team mate into picking up his slack; of course he too takes advantage of this fact.
Noah, understandably, is pretty pissed off that two of his team members are now using his completely rational aversion towards PDA against him, and eventually snaps.
If it's Owen who tests his last line of patience, Noah would be a little more considerate in his confrontation. He'd ask why Owen's so intent on trying to smother him to death with hugs (especially when he knows that Noah doesn't like the public aspect of it), to which Owen would sheepishly answer that, whilst he's always been a pretty physically affectionate guy, he's also been using the threat of cuddles to motivate Noah into trying his best. Noah would be torn between being genuinely impressed by Owen's cunning and absolutely mortified that he's been playing into his best friend's scheme for so long. And Owen would reassure him that there's nothing for him to be embarrassed about and that he knows that Noah's "afraid of PDA" and Noah would outright deny that accusation because he's not afraid of PDA, that's absurd, he's just reasonably against it.
To which Owen would challenge him into proving he's not afraid, because he's a little shit who's intentionally tricking his best friend into giving him a goddamn hug. Which works, of course, since Noah's pretty prideful and wouldn't take an attack against his ego sitting down (which is something we see in his boy kissing denials in Haute Camp-ture), so Noah ends up being the one to initiate a hug with his chubby buddy. And Owen takes the opportunity to literally smother him in affection, and Noah quickly forgets his hesitance in his enjoyment of Owen-brand cuddles, at least until someone else walks in on the display and comments on the novelty of Noah actually letting someone else touch him.
The scene can play out however you want from there.
If it's Alejandro who breaks Noah's last straw the confrontation would be a little less cordial , Since Noah and Owen already have an understanding between them, whilst Alejandro just sort of jumped on the band wagon as he saw fit. Noah wouldn't appreciate the sudden change in behaviour and he's sharp enough to know exactly what Alejandro's playing at too- that is, using Noah's obvious aversion to PDA against him. It's a coin toss as to whether Noah figures out that both Owen and Alejandro are playing him, or if he just thinks that Alejandro is being a dick for the sake of, well, being a dick.
In this scenario, I imagine Noah either recoiling away from Alejandro trying to do something that just pushes the boundary between casual and overly friendly, like a one-armed hug or trying to hold his hand, and/or outright punching him away. Because he's not about that energy, and Alejandro's been testing both his boundaries and his patience for far too long.
So Noah would put his foot down, demanding to know why Alejandro keeps being so tactile with him. And Alejandro would in turn explain that he's just a touchy person, since he's shown a tendency for such in his many flirting attempts, and Noah would immediately call his bullshit because he knows that Alejandro only ever gets up close and personal with other people when he's trying to seduce them and- wait.
Is Alejandro trying to seduce him?
To which Alejandro immediately denies, because that really wasn't his intention at all, he was just utilizing Noah's avoidance towards physical touch to motivate him into being a better teammate- and he's just admitted his (and Owen's) whole scheme to the guy himself. As a result Noah is even more upset; not only is Alejandro making him uncomfortable, but he's knowingly doing so. As a strategy for the competition they're in.
Again, a small part of him is astounded by the play, but for the most part Noah's just incredibly pissed off. Alejandro tries to mitigate the situation by turning the absurdity on it back at Noah; why is he so against something as negligible as human contact? His prickliness is a detriment to himself and their team, Alejandro's simply doing him a favour by getting him accustomed to others' proximity. Is Noah really that scared of a hug?
And again, it plays out like the Owen situation where Noah denies being scared at all, because he's far too prideful for his own good, and Alejandro challenges him into letting himself be held and not punching him again because Alejandro is also too prideful for his own good and sees Noah's constant rejection of him as a direct insult to his charm.
Cue a scene where Noah irately subjects himself to actually hugging Alejandro as petulantly as possible, only for his secret love of physical affection to get the better of him.
Alejandro is surprised, to say the least, when the stiff and uncooperative form of Noah seems to melt in his arms after a few moments of their spite-fuelled hug. Thus Alejandro becomes the next victim of the Noahla Bear- a creature hellbent on trapping others in his vice-like embrace.
(And as a treat, maybe add in some touch-starved Alejandro here? Who's torn between the internal battle of "I should be doing something productive with this free time, not letting the resident twink cuddle me to death" and "yeah, but have you considered the fact that you've never felt this safe and secure in someone else's arms since you weren't held as a child?")
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a-hazbin-reader · 7 months
Hey did you get my ask/request of Alastor and Wife!reader having an argument and Alastor says something horrible to her leaving him to have to make up for it?
I did, I just have a lot of stuff in my inbox
Alastor X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Alastor being in the DOGHOUSE
Description: ☝️⬆️
Alastor doesn't mind fighting, likes to bicker with and irritate those around him as some strange show of dominance
But his wife is an exception, he hates fighting with his wife and goes to great lengths to avoid it
Despite his efforts, you two do still fight from time to time and he hates it, he tries so hard to reign in that cruel part of him
He doesn't really even remember what started the fight, probably something dangerous he did that upset you
Something like the Adam stunt
And he probably tried to brush it off, his pride not letting him admit that your fears were warranted
You were understandably getting worked up over his dismissal, and he was getting irritated that you wouldn't just drop it
Everyone else in the hotel had scattered and hidden the moment you two started to uncharacteristically raise your voices at each other
Angel had to grab Niffy to stop her from watching the entire argument play out
He just doesn't want to scare you with the idea of losing him, he wants to be your strong, invincible husband
It makes him uncomfortable that you see beyond the powerful overlord demon and instead zero in on the man beneath it all
"Darling, I would understand your fears if I hadn't come back to you in one piece, but I'm here. With you. Perfectly fine."
You could rip your hair out due to frustration, almost in tears, how could he not understand how you felt?
"Alastor! That's not the point! You can't be so reckless! It's not just you that you have to worry about anymore! You have a wife! You have to live and be safe for me!"
He fears a pang of anger over being told what to do, rage and irritation over the unintentional reminder of his failure to win
Which makes his mind wander to his deal, his fucking leash
The words are out of his mouth before he even realizes what he's saying
"If I knew that everything I do had to be approved by you then, I would've rethought this whole marriage ordeal."
Alastor regrets the words as soon as they leave his mouth, his ears folding back at the sight of your hurt expression
Your eyes have tears in them but you're doing your best to hold them in, turning on your heel to leave the room
"Wait-Darling, I didn't-"
"Just...give me some space, Alastor."
He regrets it so much, watching you walk away from him when he should be begging for forgiveness
He hates seeing you so upset but he hates being the reason for it even more
Alastor tries to give you the space you asked for, but it's difficult when all he wants to do is make up with you already
But he also doesn't want to actually talk about what happened
So he breaks fairly easily when he sees you again, coming up behind you and hugging you
Only to be shrugged off when he goes for a small kiss, left with a sinking feeling in his stomach
"I said to give me space, I'm not ready to talk to you yet."
Normally, Alastor loves it when you're cruel and cold, finds it a little hot, but when it's aimed at him? He hates it so fucking much
Literally looks like a kicked puppy when you walk away from him again, Charlie and Vaggie looking at anything but him
"You know what, Charlie? I do see that crack in the wall!"
He tries again later, sitting next to you and trying to wrap an arm around your shoulders while the radio bursts to life with a love song
Only to be rewarded with an ill hidden sniffle and you immediately getting up to walk away from him
"If you're not going to apologize and have a genuine conversation with me then don't even bother."
It's driving Alastor crazy not being able to be with you, to not be able to properly make up with you
But he still doesn't want to admit he messed up or have that uncomfortable conversation with you
So he tries lavish gifts and other romantic gestures that all get rejected or given to Niffty to do whatever she wants with them
"Yay!! I'm going to poison these and give them to the mother bugs!!"
Okay...maybe Angel should have these...
Alastor is starting to understand that he can't just gloss over this one
He understands it a little more later that night when you go to bed without him, and he's left too nervous to follow after you
Several hours into the night, the guilt eats at him and he breaks, sneaking into the bedroom
You're awake, your eyes red rimmed from crying but you manage to give him a glare before turning your back to him
"Darling, I believe I owe you an apology..."
The way your tense body relaxes is all he needs, crawling into bed with you and pulling you to his chest
It's a difficult pill for him to swallow, so it's easier for him to have these conversations with you like this
He doesn't want you to see his weakness even when he's laying it out for you
Luckily, Alastor is good with his words and you're willing to listen now that an apology is on the table
It's a long conversation that leaves you both sleepless and emotional in each other's arms
But things are settled and Alastor is forgiven, happy to be back in your good graces
He tried to be strong and hold himself back, he really did... but being without the warmth of your love was torture for him
It was a rough couple of hours for him
"Angel, shut the fuck up before you get yourself killed!"
He's extra clingy and romantic with you for DAYS afterwards, making everyone else at the hotel practically nauseous
Except for Charlie, of course, she loves it
He's just so relieved that you've forgiven him, still disgusted with himself for even saying what he said
Asks you for yet another kiss that morning before Husk finally walks away, annoyed by Alastor's neediness
You don't mind your husband's clingy antics, enjoying the extra attention he's giving you
You should get mad at him more often
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three-realms-archive · 2 months
(This me rambling, feel free to ignore and lesson 16 spoilers! ^^; hi hello btw!)
I wanna see MC sometimes staying at Purgatory Hall and the Demon Lord's Castle more often as an escape to truly relax and maybe see the brothers try to overcome some of their struggles in their own, even if it's just a bit, if not for them, then for MC who has done so much, maybe even too much, for them, y'know?
Lesson 16 was quite the turning point, but not a lot of things changed. I wanna see before and afters with everyone. I wanna see angst where everyone is trying to be normal (maybe because MC is trying to be normal), but when the slightest thing goes wrong, they all flinch to shield MC or something. The smallest smell of vlood after chopping up food for dinner? Flashback to lesson 16. MC being too cold? Mammon flashes back. Belphie standing over MC (holding blankets or just so happen to be there for some reason)? Levi is holding his breath.
But at the same time, i want to see MC flinch from Lucifer. Before Belphie, Lucifer was going to hurt MC or worse, and he did it the most and has succeeded in hurting MC the most out of the brothers. I want to see MC hold their breath anytime he gets angry but is completely calm with Satan. I wanna see MC's shoulders tense while helping with paperwork alone with him but be completely fine with doing the same with Diavolo. I wanna see Mammon acting as like a bridge between the two.
Everyone is so creative on how they write lesson 16 but i don't see a lot of "after the lesson" ones. I always wondered, if their MC went through that (assuming if they made ir canon in their MC's story), what changed, if at all?
Phantom Pain
First oneshot of Scars, Wounds and Minor Inconveniences: a oneshot series featuring slice-of-life snapshots of the aftermath of Lesson 16. Naturally, features spoilers for OG Obey Me! up until that point. Each oneshot will have an associated headcannons post, which will be linked when it goes up!
(thank you to @kittylilyheart for inspiring what will now be a oneshot series dedicated to everyday life in the aftermath of lesson 16, because there's just so many characters in this series with so many things you can write for each. they gave so many interesting examples in their submitted idea; so I'll be including some and incorporating my own. If you have an idea for something related to Obey Me! or Obey Me! Nightbringer that you'd like me to put to writing, please read the rules pinned to this blog before submitting to the blog's inbox!)
It’s like pins and needles, starting at your neck and running down your back. Mammon sees you arch your back oddly as you go to knock on the door to the Demon Lord’s castle; and immediately knows.
“Hey, hey.” He says as he bumps his shoulder into yours, fingers touching your sleeve. Even though he’s seen this a bunch of times, he never really knows what to do. “Ya, uh. Ya got the needles-thing again?”
“Yeah. Ugh, why now?” You groan through gritted teeth, waiting for the feeling to subside. Both you and Mammon were used to this, episodes happening every now and then. Temporary bouts of phantom pain down your back and sides, where arms had hugged you and…
Dwelling wouldn’t help. And besides; they barely inconvenienced you. You sat down and pressed your back against a nearby wall.
“Don’t do that. What are ya doin’?”
“It feels better when I put my back against something hard and flat.” You state matter-of-factly, never breaking eye contact as you slowly slide down. He looks more confused. You grin. "As long as Beel hasn't got his fifth dinner on it, the kitchen table is nice, too."
“Weird humans…” Mammon mutters disapprovingly, but he sits beside you to wait it out. His head flops to one side, cheek resting on your head, as he makes the ever-so-cliché show of pretending to stretch his arm above his head, over yours… and, eventually, around your shoulders. You snort as his fingers fidget, figuring he just doesn’t know where to place them. They first settle on your chest, lingering over where your heart beats. Then, they scurry up to your collarbone and settle on your pulse point. He presses around a little, as if searching. Then, with a satisfied hum, he leans back against the wall, too.
“I think it’s going away, now. Mams. Hey, Mams.” You shake his arm a few minutes later. He blushes at your willing contact (as if he hadn’t been holding you close this whole time) and the cutesy nickname, but shuffles back to give you space to stand. Though not before checking your back first, touching the back of his hand to the skin between your shoulder blades, which your outfit exposes. Because you’d been leaning on a metal wall, your skin is cold.
He freezes. Your skin, cold. Your lips, not breathing. The slight red from where his hand had pressed against you has a slightly red flush. Red - red, just like it had been when -
He makes a show of dusting off your shoulders, one hand curling its fingers just enough to press a little more around your neck pulse point.
He hums again, satisfied. Then, the sheer amount of touching you that he’s done today hits him - and he turns his head to the side with a not-so-subtle cough.
“Y-Yeah, okay. Good. Let’s knock, then.” Mammon straightens and flashes you one of his signature grins. You notice it wobbles a little, but you attribute that to the adorably-dramatic cough he was forcing out of his throat just moments earlier. “If we get back late, Lucifer’ll think we’re slackin.”
“We can’t stay longer? Lord Diavolo said in his letter that I can work at the castle for as long as I like.” You pout. Secretly, your heartbeat gets a little faster; you swore you read the letter correctly. You look at Mammon hopefully, avoiding looking at the path behind you; which was starting to look awfully short. “I thought we were getting back after Lucifer goes out tonight.”
Mammon raises an eyebrow. “Ya wanna stay that long? It’s dangerous out. It’s safer with Lucifer around. ” He protests worriedly - but catches himself quickly. “W-Well. Not that I can’t protect ya… But everyone’s at home, too! The more people around, the better the protectin'!”
“Mammon -”
“Mammon is probably right, MC." Suddenly, you hear a voice behind you. "Though, I admit - I hadn't thought about that when I wrote the letter requesting your visit.”
The two of you jump. You and Mammon immediately find each others’ hands, and whip around to face the source of the voice. Mammon is already stepping forward, stretching his arm in front of you protectively... when he sees who it is.
“Lord… Geez, Lord Diavolo. Barbatos.” He nervously chuckles, stepping back. “We were literally just about to knock. Warn a guy next time, why don’t’cha?”
“No worries, Mammon. Sorry for startling you.” Diavolo offers apologetically. He nods in acknowledgement to you. “Hello there, MC. Lucifer may worry too much if he doesn’t see you before leaving the House, so it may be best for him to see you’re safe and sound, first.”
You look up slowly at the Crown Prince of the Devildom. The prince’s demon butler stands just behind his liege, almost blending into the shadows. They look so… tall. So towering. You don’t register the words that come out of your mouth.
“Oh, u-uh. Okay, then. I’ll help with some RAD event planning, then leave. early”
Mammon gives you a look, shuffling closer and bumping his shoulder into yours, again. “Oi, human, are you sure? I thought earlier you said -”
“I’ll do what Lord Diavolo, said. It’s probably for a reason.” You reply nonchalantly as Barbatos steps forward and unlocks the front door. You can see the hallway as it creaks open and it’s dark. It reminds you of a room you had woken up in when you were pulled from your home with no warning. It reminds you of winding stairs that had lead up to an attic, with a shadowy figure waiting behind a locked door. It was the home of two people who, try as you might, you could never, ever say no to.
Was it fear? You didn’t think so, you could talk to them pretty easily. Agree with them, easily.
Was it hatred? Not that either. You knew Mammon appreciates them for their part in saving you, so you guess you do, too.
You think of the phantom pain from earlier, then think that the darkness of the castle hallway looks a lot more inviting than dwelling on painful memories and difficult questions. So you let your feet follow Diavolo and Barbatos into the castle, laughing when Diavolo fondly tussles Mammon’s hair and enthusiastically piping up with ideas when Barbatos lists off the upcoming events to be held by the student council at RAD.
Mammon does hang back a little at first, though; wondering why you disapproved of his idea when he said it - but then agreed so readily when Diavolo did. But Diavolo did help you with the whole Belphie situation. And he was grateful Diavolo had you brought to the Devildom at all. So he follows you and thinks nothing of it.
And you follow Barbatos and Diavolo. Listening to their every word, like it was instinct. Like you didn’t really have a choice. Just like you didn't have when they had saved you.
Just like you had no choice when they had first brought you here.
(first chapter of the blog's very first series! this was pretty interesting and challenging to write as i really didn't want anything sad or angsty; just the same tone as my other slice-of-life stuff but with little pangs of hurt from the habits that the characters pick up after the belphie incident. i'd like to think that mc and the obm cast actually do recover pretty quickly from lesson 16, but not for the reason of forgiving each other easily, which i'll get to in later chapters. in this case, mc gets along well with dia and barb out of trust for them saving them, but also because they've always taken the reigns on their fate anyway.)
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byunpum · 1 year
Ghost girl | part 2
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Pairing: Neteyam x Albino na'vi!fem x Sully family
Warning: All the characters are aged up 20’s, injured, neytiri being the mom we all need, teyam is a shy babygurl, soft & crush moments.
Note:I am taking this story as I am feeling it. I don't have an ending written, so I'm going to let it all just flow. I hope you like this chapter. You know that all opinions are welcome. BTW… I'll keep answering requests. I have a lot of them in my inbox, so please be patient. <3 Thank you for helping me in the last post.
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5(final)
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1 year ago…
"Auyat, I must accept my destiny, it's the right thing to do" you speak, adjusting a few pieces of your hair. "But…you don't love him" the girl is sitting weaving a berry basket. Berry picking season was approaching. "You're right, I don't love him…but I don't plan to disobey my father" you look at your friend, who is looking at you with a raised eyebrow. You let go of what you're doing… and settle closer to your friend's side. "I have no choice, it's the right way, you know Dad wants the lineage to continue…and according to him, Seyey is the perfect man for me" your voice sounds almost lazy, as you feel your friend stroking your hair. "So what happened about that dream…about the boy?" she asks you.
You laugh a little, remembering the vision you had had months ago. The dream was simple…a bright lake, in front of you was a man. You could recognize some of his features…but you couldn't see his whole face. You could feel more the sensation of being with him. He was holding your hand, and you could feel the love he felt for you. How you laughed, and spent time together, until you woke up quickly…damn, you were in love with a dream.
"That's just a dream!!!" you laugh, pulling away from her. "It's a vision…lately your talents are at their peak" she is excited, getting up to spin around. You both laugh, she was cheerful and awkward…but she was your best friend. Almost your sister. The girl sits down smack next to you, hugging you. "You know I'll always be here for you…no matter what you choose" your friend speaks, as you turn to look at her. "Me too…me too" returning the hug. You feel the hug grow colder, turning to look at your friend. Noticing her body fade over your hands…until there is nothing left. There is nothing left of her.
You open your eyes suddenly, where were you? What had happened? The last thing you remember is the face of that woman…your baby!!!. Where the hell is your baby? You sit up suddenly, but the pain in your leg reminds you of the reason why you had fainted. You get more comfortable on the sheets you were lying on. And you start to look at the bands on your body. It was different from what you had seen before, 'new medicine' you think. You also notice how much warmer it was than in your village. Everything was dry, and hot. This was not good for you… your body was used to the cold temperatures. Looking at the decorations that adorned the hut, you laugh a little. Somehow it reminded you of your mother. You see how the curtains of the hut open, and by instinct you try to wrap your body. But the pain gets the better of you and you let out a moan.
"Oh…you're awake," says mo'at. Carefully approaching, seeing how you had your ears pinned to your head, and your eyes dilated. "Wow…you sure have a lot of hair" mo'at reaches over and strokes the side of your hair a little. The snow na'vi were very different, not only because of their skin. But because of their physical appearance, white and abundant hair. Perfect to protect them from the dangerous cold. His eyes were brown, perfect for camouflage among the cold trees. Besides, everyone knows that brown is the color of choice for the cold seasons. "Where is my baby… I" you start to speak, but you see how the woman hands you a container, which contained a liquid. "He is with my daughter…the woman who rescued you, he is safe" she speaks, watching as your body relaxes a little. "But he is not hurt?" you ask, mo'at shakes her head. Trying to calm you down. "You need to take that drink…it will help you stay strong" mo'at says. You are looking at the drink, as you begin to sip it a little at a time. "The best thing would be for you to rest…your son is in good hands." Mo'at speaks.
The truth is that you were still tired, and having a baby in your care while feeling so tired was not recommended, and something inside you told you that he was in good hands. After taking your drink, you lay down on your side. Mo'at watches you, you were hugging your body in a ball position. You were heartbroken, it wasn't easy to be here… after all you had been through. Maybe you were the only survivor of your clan… you were alone. Mo'at, in a very motherly moment, kneels down next to you, places your hand in your hair. She says nothing, just feels you sigh, and can hear some whimpering. She settles down next to you, to comfort you. You had been through so much.
On the other side of the village, neytiri held the baby in her arms. She had spent day and night caring for him. She had to admit she was tired, jake was out hunting with lo'ak. Kiri was taking care of tuk, she was out for a walk with her sister. And she only had neteyam with her, her eldest son was helping her prepare the afternoon meal. "teyam…will you help me with something?" says neytiri, watching as her son gets up from the floor, and drops the pots he was holding. "What am I good at mother" neteyam comes to her side. Neytiri in a smooth but quick movement, stretches out her arms to hand the baby to neteyam. Clumsily he tries to hold him. "M-mama what," stammers neteyam. "I want to walk for a while…plus I'll go get what's missing for dinner" says neytiri, watching as neteyam takes the baby in his arms. Before the boy could protest, neytiri got up, grabbed a basket and hurried out of the family hut. She knew that neteyam would do a good job.
"And now what do I do with you…ahhh?" says neteyam, this was making him nervous. The last time he had held a baby in his arms was tuk, but he was still an infant. Now everything was strange… noticing how the baby moved his nose, and raised his little hands. He placed his hand, so that the baby would hold his finger. "Wow…you are small…and very white" neteyam laughs, now he was sitting on the floor. Stroking the baby's hair, nuzzling it more on his chest. "What would your name be?" neteyam touches the baby's nose, causing the baby to make a little vague smile on his little mouth. Neteyam felt herself growing tender, this baby was so tender and beautiful to his eyes. Lifting his arms, to give him a little kiss on his cheek. "You are precious!!!" neteyam speaks in a higher pitched voice.
After a while, about 1 hour or so. Neteyam had placed the baby in the small hammock his mother had made for him. While he was preparing some hunting tools, sharpening his knives and arrows. Until he hears the baby start to cry, he gets up and runs to the baby. Taking him in his arms. "Hey…what's wrong? Are you dirty?" says neteyam, examining if the baby had done any of its needs. The baby's clothes were strange, compared to the clothes of the omaticaya babies. This one was more covered, a type of cloth…that seemed to be the skin of some animal. "mmm are you clean…ahhh does anything hurt?" says neteyam, as he holds the baby in his arms, lifting him up to place his ears on the small stomach. "oh!!! You seem to be hungry" neteyam closes his eyes a little, when he hears how the baby starts to cry louder. "calm down!!!" neteyam tries to soothe him, but he doesn't even know what to feed him. I mean…this baby is supposed to be drinking breast milk. Taking some time to think, as he paces back and forth around the hut.
'Mo'at' thinks neteyam. His grandmother would help him, of course…he couldn't go to where the baby's mother was, because she was hurt. But his grandmother would help. He quickly leaves the hut, and makes his way to the mo'at hut. Entering, he sees that all is quiet. The baby had calmed down a bit, neteyam found that as long as he was moving the baby was quiet. Entering and examining the area. There was no one, until he saw a figure on one of the beds. It seemed to be a girl…and he knew immediately that you were the mother. Because it was very obvious, because of your skin and hair color. The boy approaches carefully, but a crying sound is heard throughout the hut. This causes you to wake up.
"What's going on?" you speak, carefully getting up. You still had your eyes half closed, as you tried to see what was happening. When you finally open your eyes, you see a man. Holding your baby, and your baby crying. "I'm sorry, I" neteyam speaks, but suddenly goes quiet. You both make eye contact for a couple of seconds, before you look down. "Is that my baby? WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY BABY?" you yell a little, raising your arms. Signaling, to hand him over to you. Neteyam without hesitation, rushes over. With his tail tucked between his legs, handing you the baby. Watching as you quickly embrace him. A smile comes across your face, as you sniff at your baby's hair. "Mama's here… now,now," you cuddle the baby. He is crying, but his fury has diminished as he hears and smells your scent.
"He's hungry…so I brought him with mo'at…I swear I didn't want to get you up" neteyam tries to apologize. But see how you are ignoring him, all your attention was now placed on your baby. He sits up, he wasn't too far away from you. But he was at the perfect distance to respect your space. He stays quiet, watching you cuddle your baby. Moving your top, to breastfeed your child. Giving him a little kiss on his forehead, "I think it was a woman who was taking care of my child" you look up, still annoyed. But you feel your breath catch, when you finally make eye contact with neteyam.
His eyes…his bright eyes. The shape of his nose…and how his hair fell to his shoulders. Your pupils dilate…it couldn't be him, it was almost impossible. Your gazes never leave each other's side, it seems as if the two of you have met at some point. You feel him so familiar…his gaze is so familiar. "Neteyam" you speak softly, noticing how the man's ears perk up. "Do we know each other?" neteyam asks, still making eye contact with you. You feel that same pressure in your chest that you felt when you had that…dream. "No…I don't think so" you speak, shifting your gaze. You hear a chuckle, neteyam was laughing to himself. "Sure…I've never seen anyone like you" neteyam's eyes scan your whole body. Then he looks at your face again.
"Yes" you felt a little embarrassed, out of nowhere you were embarrassed and you swear you were blushing. It couldn't be him…it could be something else. 'eywa stop doing your thing..no, no ,no ,no' you think. How could it be him, you don't even know him. "Hey are you okay?" neteyam asks, reaching over to touch your shoulder a little, but just before he touched you. You startle, pulling away a little. "Ohh sorry honey" you speak, the movement had knocked your baby off your boob. You try to get comfortable, but with the wraps and your clothes it was very difficult. Neteyam reaches over, and takes a piece of clothing that was covering your breast. Holding it up, so you could better fit your baby. "Thank you" you speak, seeing how he gives you a smile. "You're welcome…hey, why are you turning red?" asks Neteyam. And yes, you were turning very red.
The tips of your ears were red and your nose. So were your cheeks. You shake your head to the other side. "Ahhh it's nothing…I think it's the heat. It's VERY hot in here" you yell a little. Neteyam falls silent, you had surprised him. "Yeah…you're not used to this weather. My mother told us where you came from" you watch as he settles more in his seat. And gives the 'I see you' sign. "I know it must have been awful what you've been through… but you're welcome to this clan" speaks neteyam. Damn…he had to be so nice and kind. "Thank you I…" just as you were about to thank him, you hear someone enter the hut. It was three people to be more precise. Neytiri, Kiri and Mo'at. The three women are a bit surprised, when they see neteyam next to you and the baby.
"You were supposed to be taking care of him," says neytiri, approaching you. "Yes…he just got hungry. I came to see if grandma was here so she could help me…but look" neteyam points his arms at you. " His mom was awake" neteyam says. "You woke me up" you speak, seeing how neytiri gave him a dirty look. Neteyam curls into a ball, hugging his knees. Neytiri turns to look at you, smiling tenderly. "And how are you?" she asks, noticing how you cuddle your baby. "I'm fine…I wanted to thank you for not leaving me there, I'm thankful…. for everything" you speak, looking up to look at mo'at as well. Neytiri caresses your face. "You're welcome… I had to do it, I wouldn't have forgiven myself if something had happened to you" neytiri speaks, sitting down closer to your side.
"What's the baby's name?" asks Kiri, the girl is already in front of you. You are a little surprised, but you laugh. You lift the baby in your arms. "His name is herwì" you speak. Neytiri smiles a little, taking the baby's foot in her hands. "That is a beautiful name" kiri moves closer to the baby. Neytiri looks up, to see neteyam looking at you. The look seemed to be calm, while his tail wagged in fast taps. It could be curiosity, the woman thought. "Well…I see you met my oldest son…sorry I left the baby for him. I had to get things for dinner," neytiri says, apologizing to you. You wave your hands. "Don't worry he is" you give a quick glance at neteyam, who looks down at the floor when he notices that you caught him looking at you. "He's very funny" you speak. Kiri laughs, and taps neteyam. "Wow…someone says you're funny" kiri teases her brother. The latter rolls his eyes, turning to look at another spot in the hut.
After half an hour, everyone was still there in the hut. Neytiri was doing her best to make you feel comfortable in your new home. Because it was. Neytiri had a very long conversation with Jake, she wanted him to agree to let the girl stay in the clan. The only thing you were asking for was shelter, you had lost everything. Jake was quick to agree, first he couldn't say no to his mate. And second… he understood what you were going through AND he wasn't going to leave a young mother abandoned. This made Neytiri happy, she felt a responsibility to you. The only thing she was curious about was what had really happened…and where was your family? She didn't want to be disrespectful…but she was very curious.
Neteyam had moved closer to you, listening as you and Kiri talked. Kiri kept talking about how you were going to like everything in this clan. How she was going to help you. He was just giving you a few glances, praying you wouldn't notice he was looking at you every 4 seconds. At that, you hear some noises coming from the entrance of the hut. Some na'vi were carrying a man. You could see that his leg was very bad. All this noise made the baby get up and start crying. Mo'at got up and led the men to place the wounded man on one of the beds. Mo'at received the injured of the clan, took care of them. So this hut, it was almost like a hospital.
You try to calm the baby, but he was very upset. He wouldn't stop crying, he woke up scared. "May I?" asks neteyam, signaling for you to hand over the baby. You, without complaint, hand him the baby. Watching as he lays him on his chest and gets up. To now walk back and forth. You laugh, but you are surprised. "wow…look at that" says kiri, herwi had calmed down. Falling asleep on neteyam's chest. "neteyam, you have a talent with babies," says neytiri, laughing a little. She thought it was adorable to see her son, comforting the baby. Meanwhile neytiri had gotten up and was now walking towards her mother. Mo'ate was busy, helping the man. "mom… y/n is she better?" asks neytiri.
"Yes…but she needs help and supervision, in a week she will be as good as new" Mo'at speaks, still working. Neytiri takes another look, she saw how kiri and neteyam were already getting along with you. As if they had known you all their lives… you gave off such a beautiful vibe. She felt that this place was not right for a wounded mother and her baby to be. "There an empty hut?" mo'at looks at neytiri. "No…not at the moment" mo'at continues to treat the man. "Mother…I think it is right that I take y/n to rest in my hut. We will take care of her…besides this is not a safe place for a baby" says neytiri. "I find it fine…you just have to ask her" says mo'at, she was deep in her work, ignoring her daughter a bit. Neytiri gets up, and walks to your side.
You look up, watching as the woman sits down next to you. Placing her hand on your back. "Y/n…have a question" neytiri speaks, you give her your full attention. "mmm I was wondering…would you like to sleep in our hut?" neytiri speaks, this gets neteyam and kiri's attention. "yesssss say yes" kiri says, hugging your arm. Neteyam was still holding the baby in his arms. This question makes him a little anxious, he kept quiet waiting for your answer. "Ahh mmm I don't know, I don't want to disturb" you say. "No honey… it would be my pleasure. I want you to be more comfortable, besides…I think you want to be in a better place" says Neytiri. "You're right…I accept" you speak, watching as a smile forms on neytiri's face. You swear you almost started to cry…she was so much like your mom. You missed her so much.
Neytiri got up from the floor, ready to leave. "I think I'll need help" you look at your thigh, the wound was still very fresh. Neytiri analyzes the situation. "Neteyam…why don't you help me carry her" Neytiri orders. Neteyam hands the baby to her mother, approaching you. Kneeling down, "If you allow me…" says neteyam, bringing one of his hands to your waist. And another under your thigh. Lifting you carefully, in bridal mode. Out of instinct, and to keep your thigh from stretching so much. You bring your arms around neteyam's neck, you were afraid of falling and hurting yourself. Neteyam tightens his grip, and holds you tighter. Neteyam held you very close, your face was inches away from his. He swear he could smell the scent of pine and something sweet, he loved it. "Ok…we are ready" says Neteyam. Neytiri says goodbye to mo'at and they all leave the hut. Not if before hearing how mo'at shouted. "Be very careful with her…I will come later to give you all the medicines". Everyone in the group continues walking towards the family hut. Neytiri was happy…stroking the baby's tiny head. But the movement of her son's tail caught her attention, it was very fast. And it was up… Neytiri chuckled to herself.
That same night…
Arriving at the hut, neytiri set everything up. You couldn't stay in a hammock, so she set up a nice trundle bed. Perfect for you and the baby to be comfortable. "And as I was saying… the thanator are the most dangerous" lo'ak speaks, the boy had introduced himself the first minute he arrived at the hut. He had been impressed with you, asking why you were so white and why your hair was like that. Neytiri had to tap him to get him to calm down and not bother you. On the other hand, you felt very comfortable, seeing that they had received you so kindly. Meanwhile neteyam was sitting somewhere on the side of the hut, watching you.
"Ma jake… thank you for accepting" says neytiri, Jake and neytiri were outside the hut talking. "Ma neytiri..don't worry. You know I don't mind helping…that's what we're here for. Besides," jake glances inside the hut, "She gives off a good vibe," says Jake. Neytiri places a hand on his arm, somewhat excited. "Exactly…I thought I was the one who felt that" neytiri laughs a little. Jake just stood there for a moment, watching how all the young people were getting along so well. Lo'ak and you were talking, kiri and tuk were playing with the herwi, well kiri was holding the baby and tuk was showing him her new toys. Even though the baby didn't understand anything. Until he noticed how your ears were turning red and you looked a little uncomfortable. "The girl looks a little strange…I think there's something wrong with her" jake speaks, neytiri looks at you and notices the same thing. Entering the hut quickly.
"Y/n…are you ok?" neytiri asks, noticing the same thing jake saw. "Ahh yes" you speak, somewhat shyly. You didn't want to intrude, this family was completely welcoming you. The least you could do was complain. "You're getting a little red…are you sure?" says neytiri, coming towards you. "Well…I'm a little hot" you say. And of course you were hot. Your clothes were not the same as what they were wearing. While the sully family wore lighter clothing, you had a fur top that covered your breasts. And your loincloth was made of a strong, somewhat furry fabric. "Baby… I think your clothes are making you hot," Jake says, coming towards you. "I think so" you giggle a little. "Well…I think I have a few pieces of clothing that would fit you" says neytiri. You nod your head, accepting the woman's proposal.
Jake takes the men of the family with him, so that Neytiri will have more confidence to help you change. With the excuse that they would help him look for what was missing for the dinner. Neytiri looked for one of the clothes that she had kept, which were decorated with feathers and some precious stones. They matched the loincloth. Kiri and Neytiri help you, you couldn't move much. But this felt so comfortable…they were treating you like part of their family, and you barely knew them. Or so you thought…you swear you knew them, it was a feeling you couldn't understand. "thank you" you speak watching as neytiri adjusts the last knot of your loincloth. "It looks great on you…you look beautiful" says Kiri. You felt a little strange…but this relieved the heat. After a while, jake came in accompanied by his son. "oh, wow…you look better now" says jake, holding a basket full of cooked fish. Neteyam felt that now he was the one feeling hot, as he came in he saw you sitting there. Seeing you looking very beautiful in the clothes of his people.
He could notice how you give him a quick glance giving him a smile, making him change his. He quickly ran to where his father was to help him. "ok… family today we are going to eat near Y/N" says jake, motioning for everyone to settle around you. Everyone takes a seat around you. Grabbing the utensils they needed to start eating. Dinner was going very well, everyone was having a great time. But something was bothering neytiri, she wanted to know more about you. "Y/n…sorry to ask this…but could you tell us what happened…and where is your partner? Mo'at told us a little about your clan…but she couldn't say what happened" speaks jake, making neytiri turn around in surprise. "No…y/n you don't have to" neytiri tries to apologize.
"Don't worry…I'll tell you" you let go of the pot you were holding. "One year ago… they came to our village. The humans came saying they needed a mineral…that only grows in our lands. Dad refused, and you know what happened." You take a breath, seeing how everyone was giving you their full attention. "The attacks and landings became more frequent, until what I never thought would happen occurred…I had seen it in one of my visions. But I thought no…it wasn't possible. But they attacked with everything they had" your eyes began to fill with tears. "Dad stayed fighting, while my mother helped me get out of the village, she told me to come here. Everyone…there was no one left alive. The families, the children…everything. "You lower your face, as the tears came down. You feel someone hug you, and that was Neytiri. Holding you by the shoulders, so that you were closer to her.
There was a short silence, until someone begins to speak. "And your partner?" kiri asks. You raise your head, wiping your eyes a little. "He died in battle when I was three months pregnant" you speak, neytiri could sense a bit of coldness when you talk about your mate. This caused her another question, this was a forced pairing…that had to be it, neytiri thought to herself. "And about the visions…" lo'ak is so interested in your story, all of you seemed interesting to him. "ooh…I am a seer, well an apprentice…my skill is not fully developed, I am still very young. I have visions of people and future events, I myself don't understand what happens to me sometimes" you laugh a little. This made sense now, that's what mo'at was talking about.
"In our clan we are very close with eywa, much more so than all the other clans. Eywa guides us and speaks directly to us." You speak, this makes neytiri raise her ears and look at jake with fascination. "But…that's not possible" says neteyam, you look at him and laugh a little at him. "Well, yes… it's a calling. It's a unique feeling" you speak, looking now at kiri, who is watching you. Understanding every word. "Well…it's all very impressive…and I understand what you've been through" jake says, touching your shoulder. "I'm glad you found our clan…I promise you'll be safe" jake gives you a smile. Oh, you could feel that…he wasn't quite a full-blooded na'vi. He was a mixture, you almost saw jake's whole life up to this moment. You stay quiet, and smile back. You get annoyed with yourself, your ability to see events, it wasn't something you could control. Jake started talking about something else, he wanted to change the subject. He knew this was a difficult topic to talk about.
After dinner…everyone got ready for bed. You were settling your herwin next to you. You felt strange, but happy to have peace of mind. As you tucked your baby in, with a blanket. You saw neytiri come up to you. "Are you feeling all right? Don't you need anything?" neytiri asks you. You smile and let her know you are comfortable, watching her say goodbye to you. You stand there, looking at the home decor, numbering the differences. You had so much to learn… you were beginning to feel melancholy. "Hey" neteyam speaks, you turn to look at him. "Did something happen?" you ask, watching as he bends down on his knee. "I didn't introduce myself properly… my name is neteyam" the boy extends his hand to you, you timidly but confidently hold his hand. And you finally recognize him… it's him. He is the boy from the lagoon. Your heart races a million times, and again you feel yourself blushing.
"I'm Y/N" you say, seeing how her face is drawing a nice smile. "Thank you for trusting us…I hope you feel comfortable" speaks Neteyam. You barely speak, nodding your head 'yes'. Neteyam laughs, as he adjusts your hair a little. "Rest," says Neteyam, getting up from the floor. But not before stopping and looking at you. "And yes…I think we've met before" he laughs…and walks back to his hammock.
It couldn't be…it could be, it was him.
p.s: I tried to explain as much as I could in this part, but I think the Y/N story is more complicated and longer than I thought. I think it's better if I tell it little by little. Tell me what did you think about this part?
Teyam babygurls: symptoms-of-moonlight , tru-blubelle, mashiromochi, ducks118, butterfly-ibuki
If there is any problem with the tags, let me know and I will try to fix it as quickly as possible. tag list is open, just let me know *3*//
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empresskadia · 4 months
So, June is a special month to me for a number of reasons, but the main one I won't dive into and the second one is that it's the start of summer [which happens to be my favorite season].
In honor of my month being here, I'm doing reader-insert prompts for Halo throughout the month. I'm willing to do some for Commander Shepard and other characters if we discuss it beforehand.
These are gonna be short scenes with the prompt ranging 200-500 words, posted throughout the month, so if you are interested, please send in some for me!! You are more than welcome to send in multiple different asks, I want my inbox flooded
"This is absolutely not my fault."
"There are a lot of things that I didn't think were possible before you."
"You give me a reason to keep going."
"Sometimes, I wonder why I put up with you."
"I don't care. I'm not leaving you."
"Can I hug you?"
"You're the best thing that's happened to me in this fight."
"I believe in us."
"I will be waiting for you."
"Come back to me when you figure it out."
"Do you think we'll ever find peace?"
"I don't want to die"
"I'm barely holding on"
"Even Spartans need someone to rely on."
"your eyes are so pretty"
"Don't ignore me."
"I'm very concerned."
"I'll always come back for you."
“Is it possible to love too much?”
“This is without a doubt the stupidest plan you’ve ever had. Of course, I’m in.”
“I’ve seen the way you look at me when you think I don’t notice.”
“I thought you were dead.”
"Put your lips on mine."
"All I can think of is you."
"How long are you gonna keep denying you feel the same?"
"Please don't leave me like that ever again. It scared me."
"Seeing you smile gives me hope."
"I'm scared to lose you."
"I never thought a Spartan could be this gentle."
"Stay close to me; we can't afford to get separated."
"The stars look different when I'm with you."
"Do you ever think about life before the war?"
"I trust you to cover my back."
"This feels like our last mission together."
"I can't believe we survived that."
"You make even the darkest days seem brighter."
"Do you ever wonder if there's more to life than fighting?"
"I've seen what you're capable of, and it's incredible."
"I didn't think I'd ever meet someone like you out here."
"I'll be your shield if you need me."
"We make a good team, don't we?"
"You always know how to make me smile, even in battle."
"Your courage inspires me every day."
"I can't imagine doing this without you."
"Your strength gives me hope."
"Every time I look at you, I see a hero."
"I've got your six, always."
"You make the impossible seem possible."
"I thought I'd lost you back there."
"No matter what happens, I'm with you."
"Your presence is my only comfort in this chaos."
"Do you ever dream of peace?"
"I can't stand the thought of losing you."
"You're more than just a soldier to me."
"The universe feels smaller when I'm with you."
"You give me something to fight for."
"I'll follow you to the ends of the galaxy."
"Your bravery is unmatched."
"Even in the darkest moments, you shine."
"I believe in you, more than anything."
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nanamiscocksleeve · 4 months
Okay, it's not the weekend yet, but I had a very tough day and need a lot of some fluff with eventual smut with Choso. Since you're my fav JJK person here who accepts requests, I thought it was worth trying to send a request out of schedule.
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I'm sorry to hear that. And I'm your favorite JJK author? Really? You have no idea how big and ridiculous the grin on my face is rn. Like I'm giggling and tapping my feet rn. So the reason I made Thirsty Weekends is because it's hard to say when my schedule will get busy and IDK when I'd be able to answer requests in the middle of the week. My inbox is by no means closed, and I'm always open to listen about people's days if they need to talk. Feel free to inbox me with requests, or just random stuff. I try to respond to everything. I'm very nice. I only bite when I'm hungry.
(actual writing below)
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You slam the front door shut, your angry footsteps alerting Choso instantly. He sees your face, that tight, pinched, look of pure anger and quickly runs over to pull you into a tight hug. You struggle against him.
"Don't want a hug." He doesn't let go and you feel helpless, thrashing about until tears start falling down your cheeks.
"I don't want a hug," you say softly as your voice cracks.
"It's ok. I wanted to hug you anyway." Choso's arms are like a straitjacket around you, preventing movement, pressing you against his warm, muscular chest. A sob escapes you and you bury yourself into the crook of his neck.
"I fucking hate everything Cho."
"It's ok. Let's take a breath and calm down." He scoops you up into his arms and carries you into your shared bedroom, laying you down on the bed before spooning you possessively, arms around your waist, gently squishing the softness of your belly. His presence instantly calms you down. "Tell me what happened."
"It's just everything. Work was awful. I got dragged into a meeting that wasn't my responsibility. And I'm fat."
"Hey. No. You are not. You're perfect. And screw those people for making my baby cry." He presses kisses to the back of your neck and holds you tighter. You sniffle, trying to calm down.
"Yes. My sweet doll, yes. So perfect. An angel. I'm blessed to have you." His knees float under yours and bend upwards, bringing you into fetal position and tucked in more intimately with his body. That feeling of being rolled up like a little bun against him was so sweet and you feel a wave of peace wash over you. You sigh deeply.
"You're the best Cho." He continues to nuzzle your hair, and you suddenly can't ignore how firm his chest was pressed against your back, the cut abs pressing down the length of your spine. Teasingly, you grind your ass against his thighs, grinning wickedly as a whimper leaves his lips and he hardens.
"Cho." You turn to face him. "Fuck the negativity out of me."
"Ah...are you sure?" His cheeks start to show a smattering of pink.
"So sure." You brush your lips against his encouragingly, sending a current of heat through him.
Taking this as a cue, he wastes no time slipping you out of your clothes, pressing wet kisses along the length of your neck. You paw at his clothes, the garments thrown about carelessly, and press your softness against the warm, chiseled, wall of his body enjoying the intimate skin-to-skin contact. Your fingers tangle in his hair, let loose from his usual double top knots before kissing him greedily, a gasp escaping your lips, muffled by his as he rubs your clothed clit with his thumb.
The gasp becomes a moan, legs parting as he touches the needy little bud, enjoying each throb and spasm.
"So wet my angel...You really wanted me huh?" Choso's free hand tugs your nipple, adding to the growing desire in your belly.
You whine and bury your face in the crook of his neck as pleasure flows through you , and suddenly, it peaks, and you sob your delight as it passes through you, wracking your body as you spasm uncontrollably. You feel his hands pull your panties down and before you can process what's happening, he lifts your leg and throws it over his hip and slips his stiff, throbbing cock into your slick folds.
His cock felt so good, angled to hit your G-spot each time he thrusts, and you snuggle as close to him as possible, trying to touch every inch of skin possible against his, whimpering.
"Feels good Cho...mhm...don't stop...need your cock..."
His teeth are clenched as he keeps up his rhythm, and soon, you cum again, crying out weakly as he too, with a guttural groan, lets himself orgasm, cock twitching inside you as he spills himself deep into your womb. He doesn't pull out, instead pulls you against him, stroking your back and kissing your forehead tenderly.
"How was that?" he murmurs against your hair. "Feeling better?"
"Yeah." You let out a breath. "Much better."
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banners by @/ thecutestgrotto
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themadlostgirl · 8 months
Mine Alone
*Surprise bitch! I live!
Yes, after an extended hiatus I return! And I bring requests that have been haunting my inbox for months? A year? Sheesh. I will be getting the others out soon but gotta start with the one that was waiting the longest.*
Pairing: Felix x fem!Reader
Prompt: Felix smut. (That's all it said.) So enjoy you dirty little freaks!
You hadn’t really understood what was happening until it was too late. If that wasn’t the story of your life.
It had been a good couple of years since you came to Neverland. Even way back then you had been a little slow on the uptake. Nothing you did ever seemed that significant so you weren’t too worried about anything you did being noticed by anyone. No one ever gave you big jobs to do or positions of power you had to maintain. You just ambled along. It wasn’t that you were stupid, just a bit spacey. As a result you didn’t realize when something was wrong until it was well past the point of correction.
That was part of the reason you ended up on Neverland. Unloved kids came to dance around a bonfire late at night. You did too. You didn’t think anything strange of it, especially considering how many other people were there. So when the leader, Pan, offered to take you away from your boring life in your little town you agreed without much thought. Who would notice if you disappeared? There would be no great hunt for you. No people mourning you. No jobs that needed doing that only you could do. It was an easy decision on your part.
Despite it being years ago you still held some of that feeling of insignificance inside. There were so many other Lost Boys and Lost Girls on the island. Would your presence really be missed?
Then, along came Felix. Felix was one of the most prominent of the Lost Boys and Girls. He was Pan’s best friend and second in command of the island. He did something that only Pan had done once and hadn’t really again. He noticed you. Even more than that, he liked you.
What had started as an acquaintanceship turned into friendship and that friendship eventually became love. Your days were spent mainly with each other. You even shared a tent so you each could be the first thing you saw in the morning and the last thing you saw at night.
You once asked Felix why he had approached you all those years ago. What was it about you that made him want to be your friend? He never really answered it. He just said there was some pull he felt towards you. Like he was a ship on a still ocean and after years of being marooned, a breeze had finally come to push him to land.
“You had such a bright and open smile that you shared with everyone.” he had said, holding you close as you watched the waves crash on the sand. “I didn’t realize how strong it was until you turned it on me. I couldn’t stay away from you if I tried after that. Everything else came later.”
“Everything else?”
“Everything.” he said, “Your laugh. Your sense of humor. Your kindness. Your selflessness. I loved how passionate you got about little things. I love the little humming noises you make when you work. I love how tightly you hug. I love how fierce you can be when you need to be.”
“Wow. That’s a lot.”
“There’s a lot to love about you, dove.” he pulled you closer to his chest. “That was only the beginning.”
“You can be real romantic when you wanna be.”
“Yeah yeah, don’t go harping about it to the others though. For your ears only.”
“Yes, sir.” you gave a little salute. He scoffed but didn’t say anything else.
Since meeting Felix and starting your relationship you had come more out of your shell as well. You had become a lot more sociable with everyone else on the island and had made some good friends amongst them. You were still a little slow to catch on to when something was happening though. Which is where the problem really began.
You had been having a normal day when you met a boy named Andrew, Andy to his friends. You vaguely recognized him. He wasn’t new but he wasn’t an old inhabitant to the island either. Mainly you spotted him here and there but never really talked to him. The only reason you had approached him was because he was joining your fishing route to help you pull up traps.
Most of the time you spent together was walking the east half of the island checking the fishing traps. It was a long and boring job so you had got to talking. Turned out you had a lot in common. Your senses of humor were also similar so your time checking traps was spent laughing a lot. You didn’t think much of it. You were good friends, nothing more.
Felix was not as keen about your friendship though.
One day when you were out doing your route with Andy, Felix had showed up. You jogged up to greet him. “Hey, what are you doing here at this time of day?”
“I could hear you laughing.” he glanced past you at where Andy was standing. “What’s so funny?”
“Oh, it won’t make a lot of sense if I try to explain it. Just a stupid inside joke.” you waved it off without a thought. “Have you met Andy yet?”
“In passing.” Felix muttered. “I didn’t realize you two were so close.”
“Yeah. We’ve become good friends.” you grabbed his hand and pulled him along. “Come say hi. I think that you’ll really like him.”
Surprising no one but yourself, Felix did not like Andy. Every time Andy made a joke, Felix’s scowl deepened. Every little touch had Felix seething. Whether it was when you ruffled Andy’s hair or Andy put an arm around your shoulders, everything seemed to make Felix mad. You didn’t understand why. It wasn’t anything different then how you acted with your other friends. Why did it make him so upset when it was with Andy of all people?
Then one day you got your answer.
You were doing your normal route checking the traps with Andy when he asked you to stop for a minute and take a break. That was fine with you. It was an especially hot day so you could do with some cooling off.
You waded out into the ocean, the cool water bringing your temperature down immediately. Andy swam after you and you floated on the surface of the ocean together.
“Hey, can I tell you something?” Andy asked, breaking the peaceful silence between you.
“You can tell me anything.” you said.
“So, we’re good friends, right?”
“We are.”
“And we get along great. We laugh all the time. I feel like I can talk to you about anything.”
“Yeah. That’s what being friends is.” you weren’t sure where he was going with all this.
“What I guess I’m trying to say is that I--” before he could finish his sentence a large wave crested over you and pushed you down under the water.
You broke the surface and Andy was sputtering for air. “Ah! I got water up my nose!”
“Ha!” you pushed your hair away from your face. “I guess that was the island’s sign that we should be getting back to work. Come on.” you swam back to shore with Andy behind you.
You got out of the water and grabbed your boots. You were still too wet to put them back on.
“Hey, wait, I didn’t get to tell you my thing.” Andy sloshed out of the water.
“Oh right, what did you need?”
“I wanted to tell you that I…I…” Andy was clenching and unclenching his fists by his sides. “Wow, I didn’t think this would be that hard.”
“What is going on? It’s just me.” you squeezed his shoulder, “You know you can talk to me.”
“I know.” he grabbed your hand. “I just…I’ve wanted to tell you for a while now that I…I really…”
He was taking forever to say whatever it was and your focus shifted behind him where you saw someone coming out of the jungle. Oh, it was Felix! That wasn’t surprising. He made a habit of coming to find you once your route was done. A smile stretched on your face after seeing him.
“Can I take that to mean you feel the same?” Andy asked.
You cursed yourself for losing your attention and focused on him again. “Hm? Sorry, I spaced out. What did you say?”
Andy deflated a bit before his chest puffed up again. “Perhaps I should just show you.”
He pulled on your hand so you were drawn closer to him and he cupped your cheek. His face was getting way too close! You pushed him off you. “What the hell are you--”
Before you could get another word out Felix had charged down the beach and tackled Andy, murder in his eyes. He didn’t even say anything. He just started wailing on him.
You shook off your shock and pulled Felix off. “Felix! Calm down!”
“I fucking knew it!” Felix seethed. “I knew there was no way you liked her just as a friend!”
“You were so fucking pathetic! The way you just dogged after her. Did you really think she’d want a wet rag of an idiot like you!”
“Felix!” you snapped and he turned his attention away from Andy. “It’s okay. Nothing happened.”
“Nothing?” Andy wheezed as he sat up. “I know you like me. You’re so nice to me and you laugh at everything I say. You touch me like we’re more than friends.”
“I’m nice to everyone and I don’t touch you in any kind of special way. I’m a lot more touchy feely with the girls I hang out with than I am with you. Did you really think me messing up your hair was an invitation to kiss me or something?”
“You were flirting!”
“I was not! What about what I did made you possibly think I was flirting? Also, why would I flirt with you when I’m already with someone?”
“I figured you wanted someone you actually got along with. He doesn’t even act like he likes you. Why the hell are you with him?”
“Wow. It is almost like my love life is my own personal business and you don’t get to make assumptions on how much I like someone by your very limited point of view.” you snapped. “Find someone else to do this route with you. I don’t want to hang out with you anymore.”
You grabbed Felix and started to walk away but Felix quickly took the lead and pulled you along back into the jungle. He wasn’t saying anything but from how hard he was squeezing your hand you could tell he was still upset about it all.
“Hey,” you said as you quickened your steps to keep up with his long strides. “I’m sorry about what happened back there. I had no idea that he thought that way about me. I should have realized sooner what he was trying to get at. It should never have escalated to--”
“Stop.” Felix came to a halt, his back to you. “It wasn’t your fault. You were just being yourself, he was the one who--” he cut himself off. His whole body was tensed like a tightly wound spring that would break free at any moment.
“Felix…” you touched his shoulder. He whipped around, grabbing you tight by the shoulders.
“You’re mine. You’re mine and mine alone. Not his! Not anyone else’s! Mine!” It was then that you saw it. There was something like fear in his eyes. You had never seen Felix afraid of anything. But here and now there was something so desperate in his gaze that broke your heart.
“Yes. Yes I am.” you hushed him. You stroked his arms up and down in a soothing motion. “You know that. I don’t want anyone else the way I want you. You’re the only one I feel this way for. It’s alright. Take a deep breath.”
“I know…I know. I just--I can’t--” he was shaking slightly. “Do I not do enough? Do you wish I was more outwardly affectionate or something?”
“You do plenty. I love our relationship exactly as it is. I don’t need you to be glued to me all the time or make big romantic gestures.”
“If I did though, then they wouldn’t feel like they can just take you from me.”
“Is that what you’re worried about? Are you scared that someone is gonna take me away from you?”
He didn’t say anything. “Oh Felix.” you hugged him tight. “No one else will have me. I don’t want anyone else.”
“I love you.” he said, his voice quiet, “But I want to--it just feels like I have to--ugh!” he rested his head on your shoulder.
“It feels like you need to make sure I’m yours? Prove to everyone who I belong to?”
“You don’t belong to me, dove. You’re not a possession, but I just…I need it. I need to make sure I’m still yours.”
“You are. And I am yours, in every way that I can be. And if you need to “reclaim me” to put your mind at ease, then I’m certainly not going to complain.” you pulled dragged his hands down your body and settled them on your hips. “Claim me, Felix.”
He picked his head up, eyes boring into yours. “You sure?”
“Yes.” you pulled him down for a kiss. He kissed you back hungrily, his grip on you turning bruising as he covered your body with his. He dipped to start kissing your neck, sucking on the supple skin that still tasted like sea salt.
“Mine?” he mumbled against your pulse.
“Yours.” you reaffirmed.
He sunk his teeth down where your neck met your shoulder. One of his hands slid past the waistband of your pants and cupped your cunt. He began teasing your clit until you were moaning freely and bucking against his hand.
He stepped back from you just enough to pull your pants down and toss them away. “He had his hands on you. Tried to kiss you. Tried to kiss what is mine.” he muttered, his words barely meeting your ears. He stayed knelt on the ground, one hand splayed on your stomach to keep you up against the tree while the other hooked one your knees over his shoulder.
You grabbed at his choppy blonde hair as his mouth descended on your pussy. He might as well have been dying of thirst with how greedily he lapped up your arousal. You tried to grind against his face but he kept you firmly in place.
He looked up at you from between your legs, eyes dark with a feral lust. He worked you over with his tongue until your chest was heaving and your legs were shaking. “Felix! Please!” your voice was barely more than a whimper.
His nails bit into the flesh of your thigh and he sucked harshly on your clit. It was enough to send you over the edge and you came on his tongue.
You had barely started to blink the stars away from your vision before he was on his feet and shucking your shirt off over your head. In the back of your mind you knew that perhaps you should have moved to somewhere more private. It was a big island but that didn’t mean no one may come across you. That worry though was far from your immediate thoughts at the moment though.
You were quickly ridding Felix of his own shirt but it was hard to get up past his head on your own since he was so freaking tall. He ended up just taking it off himself before pressing his body up against yours.
“Feels like forever since the last time I properly fucked you.” he muttered in your ear as he freed his cock from his pants and rubbed it across your folds. The heat of his erection so close to your cunt had you squirming trying to impale yourself on it.
It had been a while since the last time you two had sex. Maybe that was part of the reason he was so pent up. And you as well for that matter.
He pressed his forehead to yours. “I can’t be gentle with you.” he stressed through his teeth, “Not right now.”
“I don’t want you to be.” you told him. “Now are you going to fuck me so hard I never forget who I belong to or not?”
“Fucking hell, dove.” he kissed you hard. He pushed inside your pussy, filling you completely. He didn’t give you a chance to adjust to the size of him before he was pounding into you. Taking what he wanted from your body without mercy. You clung tight to him, your nails scratching angry red lines across his back as you took the harsh fucking.
“Ah…Felix! Mmm!” you bit your lip to keep from crying out. It was hard to tell where the pleasure started and the pain began. Your back was being scratched to death by the bark at your back but the friction of his cock relentlessly thrusting in and out of your already sensitive pussy felt like heaven.
“Mine.” he murmured against your lips. “You. Are. Mine.” he punctuated each word with a particularly hard thrust.
“Yours. I’m yours.” you whimpered. He swallowed the sound of your moans as your body was being driven steadily closer to a climax.
“Fuck!” his hips snapped against yours even faster. “Dove, I--I--fuck you feel good!”
“Cum for me.” you wrapped your legs around his hips, keeping you close. “Please Felix! Cum for me! Cum in me!”
“Yes…yes dove…gonna…gonna--” he was cut off by a low guttural moan as his cock pulsed and spent itself inside you. He was still fucking you though even as he was cumming.
“Oh god!” you could feel his cum leaking out of you as his cock kept going. How was he still hard after cumming so much?
“More.” he said, his voice hoarse from pleasure. You were sure what he meant but were surprised when he pulled out of you and all but threw you to the ground. You turned to see what he was doing but he flipped you back onto your stomach and hiked your ass off the ground. Oh! You weren’t expecting that. At least the ground was soft so it’d be easier on your knees.
He grabbed you by the hips and pushed back inside you. It felt like he was reaching even deeper inside of you from this position.
Your nails dug into the warm soil of the jungle floor as he went back to fucking you. He was hitting a sweet spot inside you that had you panting and clawing at the ground for some kind of tether to reality. Your legs spread wider to allow him better access to your cunt.
You could feel him bent low over your body, hands splayed on your hips as he rutted against you like a beast in heat. You could feel the fringe of his hair tickling the space between your shoulder blades. A single word grunting past his lips with every sweet shallow thrust. “Mine. Mine. Mine. Mine!”
You squirmed and kicked as your body was driven into a state of pleasure that was overloading your brain. You couldn’t tell if you were trying to get away or push yourself closer to him. Felix answered by dragging your legs back so they rested by his. He was so incredibly close it was hard to tell where his body began and yours ended. Not that you could tell up from down in this exact moment.
Your words were nothing but hot blubbering sighs and garbled calls of his name. Hot tears streaked down your face. Still Felix kept chanting that one word over and over. “Mine!” it got louder and louder until he was practically shouting it.
When he came you came with him, a scream of pleasure so raw it tore your throat apart. Your chest was heaving and your whole body was twitching as it tried to reconcile the orgasm you just had.
Felix was incredibly still except for the heavy breaths you could feel him taking. His voice which had been so loud a moment ago was now quiet and hushed with whispers. “Mine…mine and mine alone…my dove…mine…”
You collapsed onto your sides but Felix kept you pressed close, his softening cock still wedged in your pussy as you caught your breath. His arms wound around you, holding you tight. “You…are you okay?” he asked after a few minutes of silence.
“Yeah. Are you?”
He pressed a soft kiss to the back of your neck. “Yeah. Thanks for letting me get that out of my system.”
“It was my pleasure…literally.” you responded. He sighed which let you know he was fighting back a smile.
“Felix?” you turned your head as far back as you could to look at him. Your nose bumped against his. “Mine.”
He smiled. “Yes, dove. Yours.”
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thorxthunder · 1 year
Cardinal Copia SFW Alphabet <3
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Hi hi! I’m Demeter! I’m primarily active in the Marvel community but I’ve shifted myself over to ghost! I still write for both and my inbox is always open for suggestions!! So PLEASE SEND ME SOME GHOST REQUEST!! I WRITE FOR EVERYONE!! Anyways, here we go!
A = Affection:
Cardinal Copia is naturally affectionate, often expressing his care through warm embraces and gentle touches. He shows affection by surprising loved ones with thoughtful gestures, such as leaving small gifts or writing heartfelt notes. He loves surprising you with things like your favorite treat or your own personal acoustic concert of new/old songs.
B = Best friend:
As a best friend, Cardinal Copia is loyal and supportive. The friendship with him would likely start through a shared interest or a chance encounter. I like to imagine that you probably met him as a sister of sin and soon became his secretary. I know it’s cliché but I eat that shit up EVERY TIME!! I ,also, like to imagine that you are a vet/ pet care worker and he brings a rat when he gets sick. He, then, starts to make excuses to come see you because you don’t judge him for his pet choice. He would be the type of friend who listens attentively, offers advice, and is always there to lend a helping hand.
C = Cuddles:
Cardinal Copia enjoys cuddling, finding comfort in physical closeness. His cuddles are warm and reassuring, often accompanied by soft whispers or soothing strokes. He cherishes the intimate moments shared with his partner. He loves any position as long as he’s basically squeezed into you. You’re his true and only love and he’s not gonna lose it.
D = Domestic:
While Copia has a busy life, he appreciates the idea of settling down. He might not be the most skilled at cooking and cleaning, but he's willing to learn and contribute. His enthusiasm in creating a cozy and welcoming home would make up for any domestic shortcomings. I love to think he’s shit at cooking. Eggs? Burnt. Toast? Burnt? Cereal? Somehow, also burnt. But those aren’t things he really ate since he grew up in Italian culture. But, he can make killer Italian food and pastry. (Oh God, am I gonna have to write a domestic Copia fic?)
E = Ending:
If Copia had to break up with his partner, he would approach it with honesty and compassion. He would ensure that the conversation takes place in a private and comfortable setting. He would make sure that you understood why it was happening But God, it would it break his heart to do it. He would probably break up with you because he felt like he wasn’t giving you enough time on tour. Or that when he became papa, he’s so involved in paperwork that he doesn’t have enough time with you. He wants to fulfill his duty as leader but, he wants to keep you as happy as possible.
F = Fiancé(e):
Copia is open to commitment and values the bond of marriage. However, he believes in taking the time to build a strong foundation before rushing into such a significant step. Since marriage really wouldn’t be a option while he’s a papa, he would probably not think about this. He would be happy just knowing you were his forever. If you were serious for a while after he became papa, he would probably make you prime mover. But he treat you with a lot more respect than just a sexual partner.
G = Gentle:
Cardinal Copia is naturally gentle, both physically and emotionally. He handles delicate situations with care and approaches relationships with a soft touch. He takes great pride in treating others with kindness and tenderness. That’s one of the reasons why Nihil didn’t like that thought of him being Papa. As Cardinal, he was kind. He never raised his voice and would always be compassionate. He would always give a hand to anyone who needed it. Nihil didn’t believe that Copia would be capable of being a strong and serious leader.
H = Hugs:
Copia enjoys hugs and believes in its power to convey warmth and affection. He is generous with his hugs, freely giving them to express comfort, support, and love. He appreciates the comforting embrace of others as well. But his hugs… are exquisite. His hugs come from gentle arms but it tell you that they are with you. I can imagine after a long day of hard work. Both of you are having a bad day so you just sit and the couch and cuddle forever. I imagine he wears a very strong woodsy cologne.
I = I love you:
here’s the thing, we all know our mans is clumsy. I would think that Copia would try to takes his time before saying the L-word. He would want to be certain of his feelings and ensure that the connection is deep and meaningful. Despite that, he probably would say it in the most random times. You could be having a bad day and crying and he would come over and comfort you and tell you that he loves you. Or he accidentally bumped into you and tell you then. It’s probably not in the most fairytale way but it’s genuine.
J = Jealousy:
Copia prone to intense jealousy…. Especially if it deals with his brothers. He trusts you and believes in open communication to address any concerns. He’ll probably seek reassurance but he’ll never become possessive or controlling. Now, if you’re at a ritual and someone comes up and starts flirting with you, you better believe that he is on you. Holding you as tight as you can the entire night. Everyone in the ministry knows not to mess with you but once you get out and about, there’s no telling what could happen. And don’t even get me started about how he acts with his brothers and you. One time, before you were together, he saw you and Primo talking and laughing in the garden. He thought that you were flirting with each other so he ran to his room to cry for three solid days. When he joked about this later on, you told him that you actually remember that. You were actually in the garden talking about what flowers were Copia’s favorite and Primo was making fun of you (jokingly) for being in love with his brother.
K = Kisses:
His kisses are passionate and tender. He enjoys exploring different areas of intimacy and finds pleasure in sharing gentle kisses on the lips, as well as on the forehead, cheek, and hands. He appreciates both giving and receiving kisses on the neck, finding it particularly intimate. His first kiss with you one of two things: After a rather successful ritual and he ran backstage and kissed you. He was so caught up in emotions that he kinda forgot it was his first kiss but everything went perfect. Or, he could’ve been trying to confess his feelings. I imagine him stuttering and getting all jittery trying to explain how he feels and you cut him off by kissing him to let him know you feel the same.
L = Little ones:
Cardinal Copia is kind and nurturing around children. He’s a bit awkward at first, especially with babies, but after seeing how you interact with them, his tension would start to melt away and he relaxed around them. As they get older, Copia enjoys their innocent enthusiasm and loves to entertain them with his rats or his musical skills. He somehow has a natural ability to connect with kids, providing them a sense of security and understanding.
M = Morning:
Mornings with Cardinal Copia are often filled with laughter and warmth. He enjoys cozy breakfasts together, sharing light-hearted conversations and affectionate gestures. He might surprise his partner with a fresh cup of coffee or breakfast in bed. Especially if he makes that breakfast. It will consist of some thing that his brothers taught him when he was younger.
N = Night:
Nights with Copia are a time for intimacy and deep connection. He enjoys cuddling in bed, exchanging whispers and soft kisses. He cherishes the quiet moments shared, where he can truly be present with his partner. At night, he likes to read some sort of book. His makeup is off, his hair messy, glasses on. Hell, he’s probably playing something like Candy Crush or something.
O = Open:
Copia starts revealing things about himself gradually, allowing trust and familiarity to develop. Being friends for a long time meant that you two were already very comfortable telling each other things. When you start dating, he was slow to tell you even more secrets, until he knew you were the one. He believes in the importance of maintaining a balance between sharing personal details and respecting his own boundaries.
P = Patience:
Copia possesses a patient demeanor. He doesn't get easily angered and prefers to approach conflicts or frustrations with calmness and understanding. He believes in working through challenges together, fostering growth and harmony within the relationship. Now if you guys got angry with each other, he would feel like it was all his fault and he would try to make it up to you only for you to apologize too and remind him that it wasn’t all his fault. Overall, you very rarely fight, and he intends to keep it that way.
Q = Quizzes:
Copia has a remarkable memory and pays attention to the details. He remembers significant moments and appreciates the little things that his partner mentions in passing. His ability to recall and cherish these details adds a personal touch to their relationship. He would pretend not to remember things about you and ask you. It never annoyed you though. He loved hearing you talk about yourself and all of the things you can do. He’s absolutely smitten by you. Those conversations would reminded of how special you are.
R = Remember:
Copia's favorite moment in the relationship would be the first time his partner truly understood and embraced his dual nature, both the light and the darkness within him. It symbolizes acceptance and genuine connection, bringing immense joy and satisfaction. It would probably be after a particularly long tour. He just needed time to sit and think. You were right there beside him and constantly reassured him that he did a great job. He also really enjoys when you confessed to each other. Remember, you’re his first love. This is not something he’s ever experienced before. Thinking about all of those things you said about him and why you love him truly makes him smile every time he thinks about it.
S = Security:
Copia is protective of you and takes your safety seriously. He would do everything in his power to shield you from harm, whether it's physical or emotional. He would even ask Sister Imperator to teach you defensive and offensive spell you can so you can never be hurt. He appreciates a sense of security in his own life and you can offer him support and protection when needed.
T = Try:
Copia puts a great deal of effort into creating memorable experiences for you. He plans thoughtfully curated dates, celebrates anniversaries with heartfelt gestures, and surprises them with meaningful gifts. He believes in continuously nurturing the relationship and showing love through everyday tasks and acts of kindness. He always wants you to know how much he loves you. He would go to the ends of the earth for you and wants you to know it.
U = Ugly:
One of Copia's bad habits would be his jealousy. Like I said before, he’s very possessive and sometimes this causes the two of you to fight from time to time. He wants you to be with him, but you need him to respect your boundaries. Eventually, the two of you would make up and find a happy middle where you both were happy.
V = Vanity:
On the outside, it seems that Copia takes pride in his appearance and pays attention to his looks. He does believes in presenting himself well and maintains a certain level of vanity. However, he very self conscious in his looks.
For his partner, he values substance over superficiality and appreciates genuine connections beyond mere physical attraction. He’s not concerned about your looks at all and you amaze him even in your pajamas or in your clergy wear. You’re beautiful because of who you are. But, it’s an absolute bonus that he finds you smoking hot.
W = Whole:
Copia feels complete and fulfilled when he's in a loving relationship. He thrives on the emotional bond and shared experiences with you. While he's an individual with his own identity, he believes that love enhances and enriches his life. Once he gets with you, however, he is truly terrified of losing you. He knows that he would never be whole again if he lost you. You are his world and he couldn’t even bear the thought of a life without you.
X = Xtra:
Do I think that he’s nervous and clumsy? Yes, but he hides it very well. When he first met you, he treated you with such elegant and poise. But on the inside he was a mess. He felt like his heart was beating out of his chest and that he could fall dead on the floor any minute.
I also feel like if he kept rats, he would love them but would be terrified of seeing one out and about. Just imagine that the cage breaks and all of a sudden there’s a rat running around the ministry. Someone will scream “there is a rat “and immediately he will turn his head and scream. He would totally forget that he actually has pet rats. Y’all know that one audio on TikTok that goes “It’s Shredder” and he goes “WHERE”… it’d be like that
Y = Yuck:
Copia dislikes dishonesty and lack of integrity in both himself and others. He values transparency and expects his partner to be honest and genuine. He also dislikes arrogance and selfishness, as these traits go against his core values.
Z = Zzz:
God, let’s not talk about his schedule. Copia’s sleep habits are hella irregular due to his busy schedule. However, when he does find the time to rest, he enjoys sleeping in a comfortable and cozy environment. That 100% means his bed, cuddled next to you or your guys matching plague doctor plushies. When he has the chance, he will always nap with you. He love those naps when it rains. The bad weather makes him want to stay in and relax with you. He loves feeling your body cuddled up against yours and when it rains, he brings you up to your bedroom and cuddles you until you both fall asleep.
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maidstew · 3 months
9 year old coral who excitedly shows off her skills as a trident and brags that she’s even better than the older boys vs 16 year old coral who would give anything to go back to being that innocent little girl
anything to go back to being that innocent little girl, you say?
that's right- i'm back about more time travel :)
coral gets taken down by the snakes (her last words from the movie haunt my mind) and wakes up young. too young to work at the docks, too young to even be part of the reaping. but what to do? she's seven years in the past and it's the third hunger games. she's not in any position to end the games.
but she can make sure that she's the one who gets to go home when the time comes. the excitement of practicing her skills with a trident has long worn off, but it's necessary now, and she knows it.
i like to think that she finds and befriends mizzen somewhere along the way too- and she gets attached. far more attached to mizzen than she had in the weeks they had known each other in the future-past. on some level, she knows this is just going to make things worse when the inevitable happens.
she keeps mizzen close anyway.
seven years is a long time, yet still too soon. but she thinks she understands the game better now, but that means she has to cooperate with their mentors. coral isn't looking forward to it- she really hasn't missed creed at all.
but she doesn't plan to die here.
she doesn't plan to let mizzen die here either.
now if she could just get creed and price on her and mizzen's side, maybe they could put their well-trained skills to use taking down and evading the guarding peacekeepers...
for the time travel to be less random (and also bc i'm still thinking about your dennis & iphigenia time travel), maybe it was gaul's doing (intentional or not) and the snake mutts were the cause-
in that case, coral wouldn't be the only one back in time. it would also be circ and treech (since they were also killed by the snakes) and maybe also clemensia (since she was bitten by them). lots of changes in this case since the four of them think they're the only one who was sent back in time (it's not like any of them have a reason to interact being in different districts/capitol).
maybe they don't go as far back as that first scenario- just a couple of months or less. enough time to put things into motion, but not enough time to get the games canceled/avoid getting reaped. i don't have any solid thoughts about what the four of them are plotting individually (tho i would love to read any of your thoughts!) but the realization will probably end up something like this:
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(i'm sorry-)
omg backpacks you have no idea how excited i get when you pop into my inbox!!! i know i’m in for a TREAT
time-travel coral i am FERAL oh my god. she’s probably the most competent out of everything in terms of getting shit done
her finding mizzen and becoming close to him….knowing how it has to end….oh oh…
coral knowing that she has to work with stupid festus creed and persephone price to try to save her and mizzen
OH MY GOS GAUL MAKING THE SNAKE MUTTS THE REASON FOR TIME TRAVEL I WASNT READY. okay let’s GO let’s get into this (under the cut bc it’s a little long!)-
okay- everyone bitten by a snake goes back in time by exactly 1 year.
starting with treech-
he wakes up in his room with his younger sister curled up next to him. it’s coming back to him- she was having nightmares because the district 7 tributes came home in a box again. the memories of his own hunger games- and that stupid hug from lucy gray- come flooding back into him. he looks down at little cedar and wonders who she ran to when it was treech that came home in a box.
he tries not to think about it because one things for certain- he’ll still be coming home in a box. he is going to do everything in his power to get lamina out of those games. she’s already proven how strong she was and this time, he’s going to have a plan. he’s going to be ready to protect her and take down coral. he recalled the way the district 10 boy would stare at him when he thought treech wasn’t looking and was ready to take advantage of that. if he can get the boy from 10 on his side, then coral will be even weaker.
he wakes up and his first thought was io jasper and how surprised she was to find out circ was actually smart. he hated that woman- it was no surprise she wasn’t very popular in the capitol (at least, that’s what teslee’s asshole of a mentor said anyway).
it didn’t matter, he was getting out of those games. he briefly considered finding teslee and roping her into his schemes but only one of them would get to live. he has to increase his chances.
he would still team up with her and they would still collect the drones- but he would make sure that he was up high when the snakes came and that she was in the line of fire. it was nothing personal, but his family really needed him. he couldn’t die for teslee of all people.
the guilt won’t get to him. it won’t. (it does).
in school he gets a glimpse of teslee laughing and almost throws up. the teacher offers to exempt him from school, but he knew he needed all the preparation he could get. he asked her about the drones he saw being tested and how he could get involved.
when clemensia wakes up, she panics. she’s in livia cardew’s room after what appears to be a party- had she blacked out? had anyone seen her scales? wait…where were her scales? and what date is the television showing?
it hits her like a ton of bricks. she knows exactly what’s going on and she knew in her heart that gaul was to blame. that evil, sick, twisted…clemensia steps back and stops her anger from getting the better of her.
she can stop this. she can.
she’s ready to find out how dr gaul likes being poisoned.
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raainy-daze · 2 years
Hey!! I saw your requests were open again- and since i really like your stuff i wanted to ask if yiu could write some trans (ftm) leo (rottmnt) and male reader hcs? I barely see any content for it- though only if youre comfortable!
If you need ideas you could dk "period" hcs, since female turtles dont get periods per say but they lay unfertilised eggs and get hormonal regardless but i understand that the thought if something humanoid laying eggs can be super uncomfy to think about so you can either leave this out completly or only go through the hormonal stuff.
Please and thank you!
FtM!Leo x Male!Reader HCs
ftm!2012!leo x male!reader
summary: why do i even give the hc posts summaries anymore. it’s in the freakin title. i could format this so much better but i’m lazy
word count: 400
it is like past midnight rn so i’m just praying any part of this is coherent tbh - i had another request in my inbox before this one, but it ended up being a lot longer than i was expecting. it’s already been almost a week since i’ve posted, so i wanted to get something else that’d take a bit less time out, and here we are!
thanks for requesting!
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if you started dating (or hell, if you knew each other at all) before his transition, he’d be really worried about coming out to you
when he does come out, just give him a hug. he already has so much on his plate, give him a few minutes to be emotional
he’s just under so much pressure all the time, and he’s constantly scared about losing others’ respect, and having his boyfriend know about and support this part of him is a whole weight off his shoulders
he’s going to cry
like for a while
he spent a while contemplating his new name. he wanted to stick with the renaissance artist theme, but he had to make sure he picked the right one, yknow?
he ended up deciding on leonardo at literally around one a.m. one night, and texted you immediately.
he wasn’t expecting an answer that second, he specifically didn’t want to call so that he didn’t wake you up
the text notification still woke you up.
you had different text tones for the guys, and the only reason you could think for leo to be texting you at one flippin’ a.m. was for there to be some emergency
knowing your boyfriend’s chosen name, needless to say, was a much better alternative to last week’s “oh my god (y/n) i think mikey broke his arm”
leo’s bad dysphoria days seem pretty few and far between to an outsider
what’s really happening is that his mind is usually too occupied with everything else that he’ll just shove it down until it just overflows, usually about every couple months
when he’s having a bad dysphoria day, sometimes he just wants to vent about it.
everything that marks him as different - his voice, his build, just everything - he’s tired of it, and he want to talk about it sometimes.
on other days, he might just want you to comfort him, however you go about doing that.
hugs are always welcome.
his periods are an absolute nightmare.
i mean, periods just suck in general, especially when you’re a transman.
when he texts you about it, grab some chocolate and some painkillers as an offering and get ready to watch space heroes for a while.
of course, donnie already has copious amounts of painkillers stored for any situation, but it’s the thought that counts.
the chocolate will always be accepted, though.
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basketprutas · 1 year
WHAT IF? ✧*。
We were meant to be?
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Characters: Businessman!Childe & fem reader
Genre: arranged marriage, angst to comfort. Set in an alternate universe
Notes: Second post, lets go (ᵔ◡ᵔ) I've been on a roll, and I've been motivated to write a lot for some reason. Let me know what you think by sending something to my inbox!
No song to recommend except speak now (Taylor's version) because that's all I played while writing this (though I do recommend Castles Crumbling)
I recently started writing again; click here to learn more about me ^-^
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Being married to a successful businessman such as Tartaglia would be a dream for others, but it felt like a nightmare for you. 
You’d spent little to no time with one another, always passing by each other when the both of you would leave for work. In the same house that never felt like home.
He was dismissive of this whole ordeal; he clearly disliked the thought of an arranged marriage, but you weren’t sure if it was the idea of it or the fact that it was you who he got married to.
Were you unattractive in his eyes? Is he detested to be with someone like you? Sure he may have had a long line of women waiting for him, but you considered yourself to be at least presentable.
Now you spend your days alone, despite having everything at your grasp.
Did you really have everything, when you had a husband who refused to acknowledge you?
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
You got home one day, tired and sleepless. You had to finish up a huge deal with a potential client and you were exhausted by the time you arrived home. Seeing that Tartaglia wasn’t home, you plopped on the couch and drifted off to sleep, letting your body rest after a tiring day.
An hour later, Childe comes home to see you peacefully sleeping.
He wastes no time and grabs a blanket to drape over you.
You wake up hours later, confused with the blanket on your body.
“You should sleep some more, it’s still the evening.” Tartaglia calmly says as he goes back to his room.
You slept again, confused and wondering if he felt obligated to do that or if he genuinely cared.
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
The morning you woke up, he was the same dismissive Tartaglia that you knew. He never acknowledged what happened last night, and just went on with his routine before leaving the house.
It ate you up inside how you couldn’t understand him. Does he hate you? Is he staying for the sake of the company?And it hits you; He feels obligated to do all of this because it really is for the company.
That hurts to think about. But how can you complain when it’s as plain and simple as that?
You can’t ask for more, you’re just a marriage on paper.
Everyone just needs to believe you’re in love, you don’t actually have to be.
So why do you feel you yearn for someone so close yet so far away from you?
˗ˏˋ ꒰ ♡ ꒱ ˎˊ˗
Those thoughts crept up more and more as the weeks went by. It was clearly affecting your performance; you kept missing meetings because of how nauseated you were knowing Tartaglia was going to be in the same room as you.
You made your time out at work earlier so you don’t have to see him at the house, and made your wake-up routine earlier than his so when he wakes up you’re already out the door.
All of that just to avoid him, to avoid seeing him, and realize you were falling deeper and deeper into something you shouldn’t have.
But all of that effort was thrown off the window when both of your families set up a dinner party, forcing you and Tartaglia to be at arm’s length.
“Same as before.” Was all he said before leaving the car to enter the estate.
You know the protocols the both of you set up to make it convincing for everyone; his hands on your waist and a bright smile with champagne on the other hand.
It hurt to smile like you were his when you know you weren’t.
“So how have the both of you been?” A guest asked.
“Same old, same old. Me and Tartaglia have been busy lately. I'm just glad we have time to ourselves when we go home at the end of the day.” You reply, hugging him with your arm as you leaned in close to him.
“I’m surprised you still use Tartaglia, don’t you feel comfortable calling him Childe?” Your eyes perk up at that comment.
“Force of habit, apologies.” You pass it off as a joke.
The night passes and you decide to stroll in the garden at the back of the estate, alone. Acting like you really were lovers took a toll on you tonight, most especially with these new-found feelings of yours that were getting harder and harder not to ignore.
As you sit on a bench, looking up at the stars, you think.
Is he getting tired of this? He’ll probably ignore me again when we go back home. I just hope no one asks us any more questions, I don’t think I can handle it.
The thoughts were overwhelming. Before you know it, little droplets of rain start to fall on you rapidly. When you stood up, you were already drenched in the very strong rain. Instead of running back to the estate, you sat back, letting the rain pour onto you as you decided to cry it all out.
Pathetic as it may be, it was helping you let out your feelings. You cried, sobbed, and didn’t care if people saw you. Either way, they wouldn’t know that you were crying because of how strong the rain was.
What you didn’t know was Childe was looking everywhere for you, out of concern because of the rain. When he saw your silhouette in the gardens, he wasted no time running up to you.
“Hey-” He called out your name as he ran. “Tartaglia?” You brushed off the tears rain from your face and looked up at him. “What are you doing here? It’s raining so hard!” He screamed so you could hear him through the pouring rain. 
You couldn’t answer right away. “Sorry.” Was all you could think of saying as he grabbed your hand to make you stand up. “You could’ve gotten sick! You don’t like getting sick, right?” 
It was true. While it would be natural for someone to hate being sick, you hated it on another level. When you would call in sick for work, you’d still have your laptop ready on your bed as you experienced a fever.
“H-how’d you know that?” You ask. “I know all kinds of stuff about you! How you hate people being late, how you like your coffee hot, how you would arrange the spices at home in alphabetical order for some reason.” He laughed, still talking loudly through the rain.
He looked beautiful. Despite the rain on his face, despite his look of concern for you, he was majestic.
“Wait, were you crying?” He asked. His hand instinctively held your cheek.
“I-I wasn’t.” You lie. “Your eyes are red.” “That’s because of the rain-” You try to excuse yourself.
“Like hell it is.” 
He quickly wrapped his arms around you. 
“Are you okay? Did something upset you tonight? Is that why you’re here in the rain?” He quickly asked those questions and you couldn’t help but let the tears fall as you stayed in his arms. “I’m sorry I’m usually more put together, I…” You couldn’t say the words. 
Maybe, for now, this short-lived affection was enough for you.
“You can tell me anything, you know that right? I’m your husband after all.” Those words caused an incredible amount of pain to you for some reason.
You breathed deeply before asking,
“Am I your wife, then?”
He looks at you, confused. “Of course you are. I know I don’t really show it, but I care for you. A lot. Contract or not, I still want to be married to you.”
One sentence was enough for all of your worries and fears to go away.
“You don't know how much those words mean to me.” I sigh and hug him tightly.
He smiles fondly and accepts the hug as the rain poured down on the both of you.
“I’m sorry. It seems like I had something to do with your current state.” He says, still holding you.
“I thought you hated me… hated this.” You finally admit.
“I could never hate this. The only thing I hated about this whole thing was how I never got to fall in love with you the right way.”
“What do you mean?”
“You-- gods you’re beautiful, you know that? And I was mesmerized by you when I would see you at gatherings. When I got the news we had to get married, I should’ve been happy. But I wasn’t. You didn’t have the chance to love me for who I was and instead, you were dragged into this contract. So I… I made sure to be distant. For your sake.” He says, clearly feeling guilty and upset about how he handled the situation.
“Clearly, that isn’t working. And I’m sorry. I thought you liked this arrangement…” His voice starts shaking. “I’m sorry too. For making it such a big deal-” “It is a big deal. No man should treat their wife this way and I learned my lesson for trying it myself. I won’t make this mistake again. Not when I finally know you feel the same for me.”
You had enough power within you to look at him in his eyes.
His mouth was trembling.
You put your arm on his cheek and smile.
“Can I finally kiss you?” You ask.
“I’ve been dying to do that.” He replies.
The two of you lean on one another, lips touching with a bright smile. Despite the ongoing rain, you savored that moment. The moment when everything clicked.
The moment when you knew you were meant to be with him.
When you pull away, the both of you smile, still holding one another. “We should probably get back now.” He laughs. “We probably should.”
He holds your hand as the both of you walk back to the estate, drenched from the rain but happy and content. 
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Notes: this trope has a chokehold on me and I swear I won't stop loving it ♡( ◡‿◡ ) This one is a bit longer than my first post, that's because I really wanted to flesh out the story properly with the right amount of angst and comfort. Hope I provided that!
Inbox is always open for suggestions and comments.
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cricket-reader · 2 years
would you be willing to write kind of a part two for the teddy bear hydra child
I certainly would! (Sorry it’s so late; I had a lot of stuff going on, but I just finished some of my finals!)
Teddy (part 2)
Masterlist | A03 | Wattpad | Recommendations | Inbox
Summary: A certain blonde haired ex-Soviet spy happens upon a random child in the halls; Steve apologises.
Warnings: HYDRA, Torture (Implied), angst, naïve (unnamed/not described) OFC, fluff
Word Count: 962
Read Part One Here
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“Hello, little one,” a blonde greets the random child she found wandering around the halls. The girl is clinging onto a wet stuffed animal. Strange, but who is she to judge? “Who’s your friend there?”
Wide-eyed, the girl is surprised the woman isn’t trying to take it away from her. That’s all anyone has tried to do since she got here.
She talks a little funny, but it is pretty cool. “Teddy,” she answers, her eyes lowered to the ground as she scuffs her toe on the ground.
“Cute,” the pretty blonde smiles at her.
She mumbles a thanks, starting to fidget with her stuffed toy. This woman is good, she thinks. She’s not trying to take away her best friend.
“Do you want me to help dry your friend off?”
She looks at her with wonder alight in her eyes, “You can do that?”
“Sure.” Yelena shrugs. “Just follow me.”
The girl waddles after the woman to her room. They go to the bathroom where she pulls out a strange looking object with a cord. After plugging it into the wall, Yelena holds her hands out. Biting her lip, the girl shakes her head.
“What’s wrong, солнышко?” Yelena questions with a frown.
“What does that thing do?”
Yelena looks at the machine then back at the girl. How does she not know what a blow dryer is? Deciding to ignore that, she grabs it and turns it on to demonstrate it. The girl jumps at the sudden noise.
“It’s okay, солнышко, I won’t hurt you or Teddy with it.” She places her own hand in front of it as if to show the girl that it’s harmless.
Yelena smiles, seeing her relax a bit.
“You promise you’ll give Teddy back?” The girl looks at her with wide, hopeful eyes.
“Of course,” the woman earnestly promises.
She watches Yelena the entire time she’s drying off her friend. They sit in a comfortable silence, the only sound being the drone of the hair dryer.
“There!” Yelena smiles. “All done.”
The girl makes grabby hands and Yelena gives the stuffed toy back. She mumbles a small “thank you” before hugging it tight.
“How’d she end up so wet?” Yelena questions, wanting to continue the conversation.
The little girl bites her lip, unsure if she should tell her. Well, she did help her, so she reasons that Yelena is a trustworthy person. “The meanie took it away and was drowning it.”
Yelena furrows her brows at the pouting child. Who is she talking about? Why would someone drown an inanimate object? That doesn’t sound like something anyone here would do. Sure some of them are a bit nuts, but none of them have any screws that are that loose.
“Who did it?”
“A big muscly guy. He looks scary ‘cause he is so huge.”
That description doesn’t really help that much. Most of the guys here are big and packing with muscles. Maybe it was Barnes. He’s very intimidating. Though, she can’t picture him wanting to interact much with anyone, much less a child.
It could be Sam. Sometimes he can be a little intimidating. But she finds it hard to believe that he would be like that around kids. He has his own nephews that get along great with him. She’s sure that he would be extra kind and cautious around her.
It’s also possible that Thor could have been the “meanie”. She knows he always has the best intentions, he’s just not the greatest with the execution of said intentions. He’s really big and loud, that could be perceived as scary.
She supposes it could be Steve too. But she doesn’t think he would take away someone’s toy to drown it. That’s just ridiculous. No one would do that.
“Hey Yelena, have you seen-” the voice of Steve echoes through the room. He stops seeing the young girl he was searching for. He breathed out a breath of relief. “Oh, thank goodness you're okay. I thought you might have tried to run away.”
The girl frowns. She wouldn't run away. She knows better. There is no escape. All running away does is bring pain and misery.
“…солнышко?” Yelena questions, trying to get the young girl’s attention. “I think Steve wants to talk to you.”
The girl backs up and clutches onto her bear tighter. No. No, he won’t take her away again. He won’t hurt her. She shakes her head and buries it in the toy’s worn fur.
Steve’s heart breaks, seeing the little girl cower before him. He kneels down from where he’s at. To respect space and keep from frightening her further, he doesn’t move any closer.
“Sweetheart? I just wanna talk okay?” Steve’s soothing voice pleads. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to lose your trust… I just… I wanted to clean your toy. It was dirty and… and I just thought that if I washed it while you were sleeping it wouldn’t be that big of a deal.”
She shakes her head, clenching her eyes shut. “You-you weren’t washing her! You were torturing her!”
Glancing over at Yelena for help, he sighs. “I would never try to hurt either of you. That machine just makes things clean… it doesn’t hurt it.”
“He’s telling the truth, солнышко. My friend Steve isn’t a bad guy. He only wants you to be happy and healthy.”
Looking up at the large man, the young girl debates on whether or not she should trust them. His face looks so sincerely sad that she can’t help but feel bad for making him feel that way. Maybe she can give him another chance?
“Okay…” she mumbles, still clutching onto the toy harder than necessary. The second part is harder for her to say. “I-I trust you.”
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zestyaahbutler · 1 year
hi!! I enjoy your works so so much, and your art is absolutely beautiful. just wondering— what is the relationship between amulya and walter? Cause it seems like there’s a lot more than just simple friendship there 👁️👁️
My first ask aaaaa! <3 Thank you so much for your kind words. I was so absolutely delighted to wake up to this in my inbox. It really does make me sooo joyful that people love Amulya and are curious about her. I'll post some Amulya doodles soon hopefully
Regarding your question, Amulya and Walter have more than a simple friendship. He is the one who assisted her in day-to-day life and she relied on him both for daily tasks and emotionally. She chatted with other workers in the organization as she was rather lonely. She couldn’t go out on her own for her safety and most people she knew were through Arthur’s connections. She relied on employees to socialize with. Being so lonely made her naturally curious about all the people at the estate. 
TW: mentions of suicide, questionable dynamics, mental illness, average Hellsing lore
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Once Walter was put in charge of her, she took it upon herself to get to know him. Amulya made it a point to break down the professional mask and learn about him as a person. Walter was hesitant to let her be able to know more about him but he eventually folded. She would bother him if he was working and as it could’ve hindered his productivity, he never reported it to Arthur.  
Walter is a sarcastic son of a bitch and she challenged that fairly often. Amulya pushed him to be more playful with her. 
I do want to say that the feelings were on Walter’s side. He didn’t realize them till she did acknowledge what happened to him in 1944. I don’t think he ever would be used to someone knowing he was put in a dangerous position and even comfort. He did keep those feelings away out of respect for her and Arthur. 
Walter was the person she opened up to about feeling alone, disliked, and damaged. In a selfish way, he would’ve felt like he was the only one able to comfort her. Yeah he acted as if he was keeping his distance but there was always the want of having her acknowledge him in the same way as he saw her. It was one of the reasons why he was so open about his thoughts events, people, and practices of the organization with her. There was always that deep respect and admiration that went beyond serving her. 
When she did have her first suicide attempt, Walter found her before she could go through it. I wouldn’t want to go too into it as I’d like to write a short story about it.
Along with the bad, he was there for good moments. They both gardened together which was her main hobby. It was the main way she was able to get out of the stuffy mansion and outside. Amulya would see it as a place she can relax and take her mind off of things. Walter may have seen it as ‘their’ place. She also got him to slack off every now and again to have tea with her or an emergency shopping trip. 
Amulya was also much more doting with him from being so close. It wasn’t odd for her to hug him. Mainly situations if she was emotional or if she comforting him. I would say once there would be an instance where she wanted to try the European greeting of kissing on the cheek but he informed her afterwards of the implications and it is not a British greeting. 
There was gossip among maids/butlers and other workers about the details of their relationship but it was just rumors. 
She was entirely vulnerable with him which made their relationship pretty intimate. When she did come onto him, it was selfish but also out of desperation. 
She would feel betrayed by Arthur for almost lying to her after tying the knot and having Integra. There would be the passing thought of perhaps he was just using her for an heir (he wasn’t and she knows but it still occurred to her). With Walter, she was looking for comfort, affection, and feeling safe. Her actions are horrible and puts him in a bad position. Nothing that scandalous happened. He stopped her for her sake and also his own. 
Walter greatly helped Amulya in taking care of Integra. Amulya would even make a joke about him being Intergra’s second dad or mom. She was always grateful for him holding her while she sits by because she felt too sick to do so. Or even just staying up with her at night if Integra was keeping her up. It would be a huge deal when Amulya was more comfortable spending time with Integra alone and even sleeping with her in bed. She also made Walter promise her that she wouldn’t be involved with anything dangerous in the organization. Buuut that promise was later broken as seen in the events of the series. 
Their relationship is more than just a simple friendship. But there were more implications and imagination on Walter’s side for the early parts. He’s a selfish character but Amulya is too. But she is tragic in her own way so I can see people sympathizing with her. As sad as she is, she isn’t without numerous flaws. 
Thank you for the question! I hope this entertains u, anon. I was thrilled to get to talk about her. I hope to get more so if anyone has anything they wanna know or see, let me know. Inbox is always open and no question is really too uncomfortable.  I do make tons of jokes about their dynamic. I am a little bit of a simp for the ship cause I like making Walter suffer. Maybe don’t be a hot old guy and betray a supernatural organization next time.
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frecklystars · 2 months
Aww, GAD anon 🥺🥺 I want to selfishly keep your message in my inbox to look back on again, but I want to let you know here that I did read it and I appreciate every word you wrote.
I'm so glad my own message back to you could make you feel better. I do mean it, I am spiritually here with you and supporting you and holding your hand through every single hard thing. Like I said, if you're struggling to sleep because you're anxious, chances are I am definitely awake at the same time as you. 2am, 4am, 7am, hell even 10am, I am most likely still awake. I go many days without sleeping bc, y'know, anxiety lol. or any of the other things you mentioned you struggle with, I struggle with too, you are not alone in those things at all. You can always think to yourself "well hey right now this task is really hard, but at least Keri is also dealing with this right now and she is so proud of me for trying!" because I am! so proud, that is -- of you! for trying! bc I know it is hard as fuck to push yourself to do literally Anything when your brain makes you feel consumed by panic 24/7. you are so strong and I believe you can do this!!!! one day we are both gonna be able to sleep more and eat more and relax more and just, exist without the little monsters in our head feeding on our fear. i got you. we got this 💪✨
And all the things you said about Barbie and Ken ;-; wow. Thank you so much. I really, really, REALLY needed to read that... 😭😭😭 That helped me feel a bit more comforted after... everything that's been happening. I had a really, really heavy trigger hit me recently, and it got to the point where today I woke up and Everything That Has Ever Traumatized Me was the first and only thing in my head, and it just stuck in my brain, wouldn't go away. I was having a reeeeally difficult day bc of it, but then I read your message when it was slow at work, and I started to relax, I just kept reading it over and over and over again and finally I wasn't as shaky, I was starting to get more control of myself ;-; It helps when someone is telling me "hey, logically, here is why your F/Os would not harm you" and yours made me laugh too. You were absolutely 100% correct and the way you phrased it was so funny. Especially what you said about Ken... that was hilarious, made me smile when I was having such a rough day.
And I also appreciate you phrasing it as "hey btw your F/Os are normal people who love in a normal way. whoever is claiming to love you in a way that is harming you is... literally Not Normal. most people are not Like That." and I literally sat there staring out into space for a few long seconds and muttering to myself "my god, they're right. it's literally... not fucking normal for people to behave like the way I have been treated." and tbh that made me feel so much better. My F/Os ARE normal!!! I mean yes some of them are evil wicked murderers or silly silly villains who try to take over the world or they like to set things on fire -- but they're, like... not manipulators who are endlessly dedicated to the bit! and it genuinely helps me SO MUCH when somebody tells me "hey your F/Os would not hurt you, and here are the logical reasons why." I always appreciate when people say "hey they won't hurt you :)" but it doesn't really "click" with me or calm me down as efficiently, because my brain will constantly be asking "yes they SAID they wouldn't hurt me, but... what if they still would ;-;" like I literally just get consumed with what-ifs. but ppl saying "no actually here's some ACTUAL REASONS why these characters would be gentle with you, and how hurting you is out of character for them, here's EXAMPLES" - that does wonders for me, dude.
So!!!! Thank you for taking the time out of your day to send me such a nice message for me to look back on. And hey, if you ever need to vent about anything, please feel free, my inbox is always open. Sending you lots of hugs and little stars to wish you a good night (or day depending on your timezone)!! 🌟✨🌟✨🌟✨
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Hello, m'lady!
If you don't mind, here are some incoherent thoughts about some of the Bois that came to my mind after reading around in your brilliant writing. You said you wouldn't mind my incoherent thoughts, so I thought I'd share them! (I'm still working on my incoherent Bad Batch thoughts, btw)
I want to hug Jesse. Like, he's hot as hell no questions asked, but I also just want to hug him. Like, a long hug. And tell him that he's loved and that he's enough and wonderful exactly as he is.
Also, I want to cook for all the clones, but these vibes are the strongest with Wrecker, and, for some reason, Hardcase and Fives.
Also, my ideal date is going to one of those public strawberry picking fields where you can just... walk around and fill your basket with strawberries, and afterwards go home and bake strawberry cake, and I'm going to drop that in this context.
Also I find it so interesting how non-commitical Rex actually is; like, who would've guessed that a guy with such a spit-death-in-the-face attitude on the battlefield would be so scared to let someone into his heart.
Also, I low-key wanna call Cody Marshall Commander, Sir and see what happens >:3
I haven't even consumed any Delta Squad material, but solely the writing on this blog made me love them all and (idk, maybe they've met in canon XD) I think Boss and Cody would get along.
And someone should tell Fixer to go tf to sleep, I'm sensing that he doesn't do that *nearly* enough.
Someone should also tell Kix that always putting others first and neglecting his own needs is not what being a good, compassionate person is about, and that he's worth it.
I could go on and on, damn, but lemme just say that your depiction of the Bois really helped shape a more 3-dimensional and rich picture of them in my head and that is awesome :)
Also thank you sm for my date set-up again, I'd 100% ask the dear commander for a second date.
I've been thinking about these gems nonstop since you dropped them in my inbox! 💙 I love getting thoughts like this so keep them coming! I don't get to talk about these wonderful clone men IRL so this is my only outlet 😅
And just so you know, I did intend to respond like a normal person and just... piggyback on your thoughts, share a few of my own, call it a day... but then my hand slipped and now I have 8 whole one-shots to share instead 😳😳
So, in honor of May the Fourth, I've got my 8 stories queued up to post throughout today (5/4), all based on what you shared here! We've got hurt/comfort, we've got silliness, we've got slice-of-life, we've even got some spice.... I had so much fun writing these and I hope you all enjoy them! 
Thanks for the inspo, friend! Wishing everyone a fantastic Star Wars day! 🌟
Jesse definitely needs a good, solid hug every once in a while. Be prepared for his reaction, though, it'll be quite an emotional moment for him...
WRECKER (+Fives and Hardcase)
They do say the way to a man's heart is through his stomach...
Why not go on this ideal date with your new beau, Blackout? 😃
His fear of commitment is interesting, huh? But he does have many loved ones who will help him work through that fear...
Oh boy, you'd best be ready for a long night after a line like that...
They're leaders with different styles, different responsibilities, different crews... and yet they're bonded together like two old men who just met in the power tools aisle...
Actually, I headcanon that Fixer is an early bird. It's more likely that someone would tell him to go back to sleep.
Tech on the other hand...
There aren't a lot of people Kix would listen to if they told him that. Thankfully you're one of them...
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scepterno · 10 months
i originally came here for insulting indifference, but i stayed for ALL your amazing takes and works, like, jesus christ dude??? anyway, the reason for this was to ask more about ranking of kings, it looks so cool, but idk how to get into it, like is it a game or a series or a movie?? oh good i could just google it, i’m sorry for wasting your time, but uhhh yeah. ur art makes me feel whole, yknow? it’s like coming home after such a shitty day, or after an argument with your mother your partner hugs you and tells you it’ll all be okay - that’s what you’re art is to me, and i’m so glad you decided to post your work, because it genuinely brightens my day
thanks dude, you’re genuinely a life line for some people, myself included, your stuff kept (still keeping) me going
Wow, thank you so much first of all. I never imagine myself as THAT artist for some people, so it's always very touching to hear a compliment like that.
Ranking of Kings is a web manga turned anime by WIT studio (same people who did Attack on Titan and Spy x Family). You can watch it on Crunchyroll or easily pirate it on any anime site lol. You could also read the manga, which I really only recommend doing AFTER you watch the anime. If you know WIT studio, you know they love to cut content in their adaptations for super snappy pacing. it works, but you're going to miss a lot of character developing moments for side characters.... and also some important world building.
Maybe it will tide you over until I get that last chapter of An Insulting Indifference finished XD
Thanks again for such a kind message. If you happen to watch Ranking of Kings, feel free to react in my inbox or tell me your thoughts!!!
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