#love working the sunday shift it's so relaxed i get to watch my shows and do laundry and my nails whenever nothings happening
damiansgoodgirll · 2 months
hi, I love your blog! especially your Damian x reader stories.
could you do a super fluffy, soft, Damian x fem!reader where reader comes home from work super tired and Damian helps her bath, change her clothes, and tells her a memory they share together as they fall asleep please❤️
damian priest x reader
‼️mention of nudity but no actual smut
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taking care of you
you just had the hardest week of your life.
two of your colleagues were sick so you had to do your job and theirs, you were barely home and everytime you came back, damian was out training or on the road with rhea.
you weren’t properly taking care of yourself too. quick showers, eating a lot of take outs, watching movies to help you fall asleep but ending staying awake because you couldn’t fall asleep, lacking hours of sleep and surviving with coffees and sugary drinks.
damian knew you were tired.
he saw it everytime he faced time you. he saw it when he came back home from travelling and you fell asleep on the couch still in your work clothes and with your favourite show on.
he just wanted to make you feel better.
you, on the other hand, couldn’t wait for saturday night to come so you could just rest all sunday.
so when saturday night came, you left your office and hopped in your car, driving your way home. once inside, you kicked your shoes off somewhere in the room and sat down on the couch.
damian was in the kitchen when he heard you.
“hey love” he smiled seeing you sitting on the couch.
“hey” you tiredly smiled back.
his heart ached seeing you like that. he told you so many times to quit working, that it wasn’t worth it, especially for the many hours you worked and the little wage you gained but you couldn’t stand the idea of not working, of not having your independency and having to depend from damian. he told you that he didn’t matter, that he was happy to provide for you, that he wanted for you to live your life, relax and travel but you still didn’t like the idea.
but you reached a point where you couldn’t handle it anymore.
“do you want me to cook something for you? we can order take out if you want” he proposed, softly kissing your hands.
“thanks…i’m not that hungry now…i just want to take a hot bath and sleep for 24 hours” you chuckled.
“okay” he sat up “come with me…” and you silently followed him. his hands led you towards the bathroom door and you watched him as he got a hot bath ready for you. you told him it wasn’t necessary, that he had a hard week too and that he had to relax but you were quickly silenced with a “nonsense my dear, i want to do this for you…”
so he helped you getting undressed, he gently removed your make up and he tied your hair up knowing that you recently washed it and he helped you inside the hot tub.
his hands covered in shower gel and lotion, while sitting on the edge, he gently massaged your back, making you shiver under his touch “you like this hermosa?” he asked you and you simply nodded.
“lay back a little mi amor” and you did as he told you. he washed your collarbone, your breast, your stomach. he helped you washing your legs too and the soft touches near your vagina almost made you tremble. there was no shame between the two of you. you were beyond past that time. counting all the times you took care of him after a hard show or showered him after a long training, but his hands, touching you there always made you feel good.
he chuckled when he saw your expression change “not now mi amor…even if you are so tempting, i want you to relax your body and mind, we have all the weekend together” you couldn’t help but agree with him.
“thank you damian…” your soft voice thanked him.
he saw how tired you were, even your voice shifted a little.
“is the water still warm?” he asked and you nodded “perfect, why don’t i set a timer and you sleep for a little while i cook something for you to eat? is there anything in particular you would like to eat? i know you said you aren’t hungry but you gotta eat something mi amor” his hand gently caressed your cheek.
“can you make me those toast that i love so much? the ones with cheddar and bacon? you make them so good” you asked him and he laughed, agreeing with you.
“yeah, they are pretty good” he smiled “of course i can make them…you stay here and sleep for a little, i’ll wake you up when they’re ready” and so he let you sleep for about fifteen minutes before waking you up.
he helped you changing in a clean t-shirt and underwear and he led you towards the bedroom “i know you don’t like eating in bed but we can make an exception for tonight” he said and you smiled when you saw everything he got ready for you.
your toast and some fries were waiting for you on the bed with your favourite drink too. there were fluffy blankets everywhere and your favourite show on tv ready to be watched.
“you didn’t have to do all of this for me…”
“i wanted to. you’ve been taking care of me for so many years that i wanted to do something nice for you too, you deserve this and way more y/n, tr amo” he smiled kissing your lips softly.
you enjoyed the rest of the night eating and falling asleep in arms, exactly where you felt safe the most.
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ithebookhoarder · 2 years
Joel teaching you how to ride a horse: (Joel Miller x Reader)
A/N: I apologise in advance as I am through and through city bred, and do not -in fact - know how to ride a horse. I’d love to learn though, especially if Joel was willing to teach me 😅
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Warnings: swearing, light smut, references to smut
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Riding a horse isn’t scary. Or, at least, it shouldn’t be. 
Getting into college was scary. Surviving the outbreak after finishing a 12 hour shift at work was scary. Hell, every day since then, fighting and scrambling to stay alive despite the unknown horrors that seemed to surround you… now that had been scary. 
But this? Learning to ride a horse? From Joel no less? It should have been a cakewalk. 
You were embarrassed to say you were trembling all over before you’d even entered the training paddock. It had taken a whole lot of coaxing from your all too patient partner to get you to at least make it close enough to pet the horse, let alone mount it. 
Why had you agreed to this again? 
Oh, yeah. 
Because of those big brown eyes of his and his soft, sultry tones… begging you to let him teach you so you could go on romantic rides together, beyond the borders of Jackson, see the sights, get some time alone… he’d made it sound so appealing, as he peppered kisses up and down your spine. 
“But Joel… You know we could just skip the horse part and still go for a ride here, in bed-“
“Not that kind of ride, you minx.” 
It’s also a smart idea, as Joel explains, so that you both knew you had a way of making a quick escape should it ever come to it. 
It makes sense. Annoyingly. And you know you have no choice but to agree and give in. 
Which is how you ended up here… frustrated, sweating, and regretting ever saying ‘hi’ to Joel Miller. 
It’s not fair at all. 
You have no idea how he makes it look so easy, what with him trotting about like one of those damn cowboys you’d seen in movies growing up. The kind your Nanna had fawned over whenever she got you to agree to watch an old black and white flick on a Sunday afternoon. 
It was like the horse just knew what he wanted him to do without Joel ever having to do or say anything. 
“It’s all in the grip, darling,” he explains after you huff and complain that your horse hates you. “Come here. I’ll show you.” 
And he does. 
He stands behind you and grabs you around the waist, changing his position and his grip several times in quick succession. It feels like you’re back in medical school again, being shown the various parts of human anatomy. 
“What do you feel when I grab you like this, all super tight, like I’m crushing your ribs?” 
“L… like you’re trying to hurt me?” 
“Exactly? And when I hold you here? Like this, much looser, instead?” 
“Like you’re trustworthy… that, I’m safe. That you’re trying to hug me rather than wrestle me.” 
“Now imagine my arms are your legs, and your waist is that horse. You wonder why he’s getting all worked up, but he’s sensitive. He feels the same as you do. Relax and he’ll relax too. See? Easy.” 
Yeah. Sure. Easier said than done. 
Still, Joel is determined to see this through and does not allow you to quit - no matter how much you try.
He keeps on urging you back on to the horse every time you fall off, and is the first to praise you when you do something right. 
“No wonder Ellie bitched so much about you teaching her to swim. Heard you pushed her in a river-”
“She learned to swim, didn't she?”
You hate to accept he has a point. After all, by the end of the day you’ve managed to learn to stay on the horse, and can actually steer them in any direction you wish. 
Which, in Joel’s eyes, makes you a damn state champ and he’s keen to tell you as such. 
In fact, he sounds so proud of you, gushing praise about how well you did, and how he knows it was tough but you stuck with it and that’s the most important thing about learning any new skill... 
It makes you feel all gooey inside - especially as he runs you a hot bath later that night, so you can soak your aching body. You know without asking that the slowly growing pain will be even worse come morning. 
It’s no wonder Joel’s stayed in as good shape as he has, given how much time he spends riding around the countryside beyond Jackson’s walls. In fact, you have a new found appreciation for it.
“You did real good, darling. I mean it. I’m proud of you.” 
“Thanks, baby.”
“You’re welcome... now skooch on over so I can get in there with ya. Who knows when Ellie will get home, and I plan to make the most of having this place to ourselves.” 
He doesn't have to ask twice. 
Soon enough, your groans and moans of pain were soon replaced with those of pleasure, accompanied by the sound of water sloshing over the sides of the too-small tub. 
If this is your reward then you’re not opposed to getting back in the saddle again at some point to finish your lessons. 
But, be that as it may, you still definitely prefer being left aching after the other kind of ride instead... one that involves a bed, and a whole different kind of wild creature. 
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tags today, friends @letraspal @artsyunderstudy @j-nipper-95 @hushed-chorus @iamamythologicalcreature @larkral @forabeatofadrum @confused-bi-queer love to see what you guys are working on!
So, the good news is: my vacation is finally here!! Which means lots of free time to write and read and relax. Whoo!
The even better news is: I've fully shifted into CORB mode. You guys, I lucked out. I get to work with not one but two absolutely amazing artists for this fest, and it's been so fun to come up with ideas with them both.
I've got a general outline + some words for both of these wips and I'm so excited. Have a snippet for each:
#Wip 1, Baz pov: a list.
1. The Mage is my captor. He sent numpties, of all creatures, and told them to lock me up in a coffin.
2. He doesn't want me dead, just locked up. There must be a reason, and I'm going to find out what it is. Soon.
3. Simon Snow isn't coming to my rescue—hell, he might as well be in on this, following orders from his mentor. He's probably guarding the damn bridge, waiting with his sword at the ready in case I try to escape.
4. (I know it probably isn't true—I'd be able to smell him a mile away—but still, the thought sticks, rotting in my mind.)
5. No one is coming to my aid—I've heard the numpties talking about a ramson. If my family pays, that would be like admitting defeat. Maybe it's what the Mage really wants: to wring out as much money and resources as he can using me.
6. Despite knowing all those facts, I won't stay here. I'm tired of the dark.
7. I don't need to be saved. I'll take matters into my own hands.
And #Wip 2 (also Baz):
I grew up underneath the Cirque's lights.
My first memories belong to the stage, watching my mother dance with flames like they were part of her. Like she was made of fire.
She was the star of the circus. Natasha the Great, they called her. They might as well have named an entire show after her.
I'd like to say I learned everything I know from her. I would have, if I'd had the chance.
But I learned it, anyway. Fiona likes to tell everyone that I used to do handstands before I even learned how to walk. Which is a gross exaggeration, but not far from the truth.
I suppose I do fare better upside down.
“It's the blood rushing to your head," Snow poked me once. “Makes you even more of a prick."
So there you have it. These both feel very tentative and drafty, but it's a start. I can't wait to tell you more about them!
Tagging a few friends for Wednesday: @cutestkilla @bookish-bogwitch @captain-aralias @rimeswithpurple @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @ivelovedhimthroughworse @whatevertheweather @fatalfangirl @aristocratic-otter @blackberrysummerblog @prettygoododds @palimpsessed @valeffelees @facewithoutheart and anyone who'd like to share!
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billpottsismygf · 9 months
The Church on Ruby Road (spoilers)
Oh my god! I absolutely loved that! Ncuti Gatwa is phenomenal. He's got so much presence right from the start, and there were some lovely little Doctor-ish quirks that he got across very nicely. I particularly liked his disdain for the Goblins' supposed time travel, him loving the name Lulubelle and the way he rattled off his police interview answers (though the bit about the proposal was perhaps a little too Sherlock). On a sadder note, his 'maybe I'm the bad luck' line was also delivered really well.
Ruby Sunday is pretty cool too, though I'm not quite as sold on her yet. Millie Gibson's performance felt just a trifle stilted to me, but I hope that goes away as she relaxes into the role. I loved her family, especially her gran. It's so nice to have a wider companion family like this again. We got it a bit with Yaz (and sort of Ryan and Graham), but I hope we get to see a bit more of this lot!
I wasn't sure what I was going to think of the Goblins, but I really like the alternative physics time travel thing they have going on with the language of luck. The Doctor's line about learning the vocabulary of rope was great; some real 'resonating concrete' vibes. But yes, the Goblins were fun and interesting. I don't know if they'll become anything particularly iconic, but not every villain needs to be.
The musical number was enormous fun. Obviously the first part was released ahead of time, but the Doctor and Ruby launching into a second part was unexpected and fantastic. Ncuti has a damn good voice. There have been questions about whether a musical episode of the show could work before, and I'm definitely here for it if there's ever a plan to give us more than just one song! Ruby's own ability to sing (improvisationally!) was also quite nicely set up with her being in a band.
Perhaps the best part of the episode was when Ruby was taken out of time. Her mum being a far more jaded and unhappy person, with even the lighting getting dimmer, was incredibly effective. Her declaring she was happy alone with tears in her eyes, the Doctor also crying, really got me. Ncuti's performance throughout that as well gave me a lot of faith in what's to come (not that I needed any, given what I've seen of him in Sex Education). (That 'then why are you crying' also had more than a hint of Amy crying for Rory.)
I have to mention the timeless child stuff. As with what he did with the flux in Wild Blue Yonder, I'm over the moon that RTD is taking things from the last era and actually doing stuff with it. I know there will be people angry about it because they expected him to retcon the whole thing, but I far prefer this approach. Granted, I never minded the timeless child stuff that much (unlike the flux), but it was really effective having the Doctor actually bring up the fact that he doesn't know where he's from. I wonder if RTD is planning to do anything more with it, or if it will just be used as character and relationship building material.
Smaller stuff:
We got another mavity mention, so is this just here to stay or is it part of a longer arc?
The way the gloves work didn't make sense to me. The way the Doctor explained them was as if the weight just shifted to the glove (which makes sense for making balancing and gripping easier), but if that's the case where does the extra weight come from when pulling the rope down? Oh well, I'll just imagine they're magic weight deletion/creation devices and move on with my life.
That spike through the Goblin King at the end was brutal! I'm surprised they were allowed to show it. No blood or anything, I suppose, but still!
Ruby's mother (we presume) was somehow still walking away after the Doctor's whole escapade with the Goblins. Bad directing (I might have bought it if she were much further away on a long road) or an indication of more at play? Either way, presumably this isn't the last of that plot thread!
What the hell is going on with Mrs Flood? When she was watching the Doctor towards the end, I thought it was pretty strange, and then in the mid-credits sequence I started to wonder if she was something more than she seemed. Then came the look to camera and her line about TARDISes… Technically, this could be a weird little moment a la Feast of Steven, but it seems more likely something else is at play. The Toymaker could bend the rules of reality, so perhaps she could be part of the legions he mentioned, able to break the fourth wall at will. We shall see, I suppose!
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sometimesraven · 1 year
Fandom: Quantum Leap (2022) POV: Jenn Chou
in which "would you still love me if i were a worm" is answered through tears of the kingdom because ian is a dork
AO3 Link
(contains ToTK spoilers)
Work had been rough. It quickly became part of Ian and Jenn's routine to spend some time relaxing once per week, especially since finding out the literal apocalypse was a very real possibility. They'd invited the rest of the core Quantum Leap team a few times but apparently their tolerance for socialising with the same four people they saw all week at work began and ended with Housewives.
Ian and Jenn didn't have many other friends, however, and Jenn was more than happy to just sit and watch Ian play video games all day as long as she could spend some time not thinking about the end of the world.
It was on one of these lazy Sunday afternoons that Jenn put down her phone, leaned slowly against Ian's shoulder, then abandoned that idea entirely in favour of resting her head in their lap, gazing up at them with heavy-lidded eyes. "Would you still love me if I was a worm?"
Ian blinked, glancing down briefly from their game to quirk a brow at their friend. "Really?"
"Turtle, how high are you?"
Jenn snorted, squirming at the nickname, "Shut up. Answer the question."
Ian looked back up at their game, seeming to contemplate it for a while. "...What kind of worm?"
"Does it matter?"
"Maybe. What if you were like a tapeworm or something?"
"Are you saying you don't want me to live in your intestines?" Jenn pouted in mock-offense, sitting back up to lean on Ian's shoulder again.
"You wouldn't enjoy it," they said, somehow managing to keep an entirely straight face. "Too much anxiety in there already; you hate living cramped."
"Okay, well... what about like, just an earthworm or something?"
"Sure, if you don't eat my flowers."
Jenn gave them a playful slap, trying to brush off the anxiety that grew unbidden in her chest. It had been a playful hypothetical, but apparently her broken-ass brain had other plans, "You are a flower."
Ian glanced down at her again, their expression softening and their brow pinching as if they could sense the shift in her mood. Slowly, they rested down their Switch controller so they could give her their full attention. “You can eat me, that’s fine.”
“Ugh, be serious,” she laughed, torn between annoyance at how quickly her mood could drop and amusement at how stupid the circumstances were.  “You’re asking me to consider you turning into a word and you want me serious?” Ian’s chuckle rumbled their chest and vibrated to her cheek as they paused to think again, then picked up their controller once more. “Let me show you something.”
Jenn rolled her eyes, but shifted to pay attention regardless. Honestly she hadn’t cared too much to notice what was going on until now — her only interest in most of Ian’s games was that Ian themself was so into them. Right now the game of choice was one of the new Zelda games, and the most she was getting out of it was some nice bright scenery to chill her out in tandem with some really good weed.
Ian’s little twink guy was wearing an open back dress, because of course that’s what they put him in. Jenn watched them run him through some fields, then leap into the sky with some weird rocket thing they’d built out of nowhere. So far she had no idea what the point of this was, but Jenn trusted Ian to get to the point eventually.
They came to rest on the snout of a… dragon? Jenn was pretty sure that was a dragon. It looked like a giant, glowing sky w-..
”A sky worm,” she realised blankly, amused by the topical imagery but unsure how it related to her.
”Wyrm with a ‘y’, yeah.” Jenn sat up straight as they continued to play, watching as they pulled out some kind of flower and nestled it amongst about a dozen others in the dragon’s mane. "Her favourite," they explained, their voice softer still as if they were lowering it for the dragon's sake. "I bring one every time I visit."
Jenn couldn't help but smile, enraptured by how easily her friend became immersed in these games. This right here was why she always came over to watch them; seeing the bittersweet joy twinking in their eyes was enough to almost make her forget what she was talking about. "'Her'?"
Ian nodded, "Without spoiling too much, this dragon used to be a-.. well-loved character."
Realisation dawned, then, and Jenn felt tears prickling her eyes at how sweet what Ian was doing in this game truly was. "And the character was your friend?"
Another nod, "Sometimes, when-.. when things are a lot. I come to this spot on her snout and just-.. tell her everything." Ian looked down at Jenn again, letting their game continue to drift through the sky on this dragon Ian had befriended. Wrapping an arm around her, they offered Jenn an adoring smile. "You're my best friend, Jenn. Nothing will ever change that."
"What if something does?" she sighed, nuzzling into their cuddle, "What if Ben changes something, or future us?"
Jenn could feel the weight of the sigh that lifted Ian's chest, but they squeezed her a little tighter. "I like to think we'll find each other again. Even if we're totally different people."
That settled something in her chest, at least. The silence that followed was comfortable, broken only by the comforting sounds of the game still running on-screen. Jenn watched the dragon glide for a while longer, transfixed by the glowing flowers Ian had decorated her hair with, and hummed thoughtfully. "She's kinda pretty."
"Yeah," Ian agreed, the teasing edge returning to their voice, "Little too femme to be you, honestly. If anyone's turning into a wyrm it's me."
"I'll be sure to bring you flowers."
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lucy-268 · 2 years
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Series/Pairing: Open Heart - Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Charley Valentine)
Other Characters: Tobias Carrick; Bryce Lahela
Disclaimer: Most characters belong to PB, Charley is sort of mine
Rating / Warnings: T
Summary: Ethan decides that he is going to learn to make pancakes. Bryce and Tobias are going to help him.
Comments/Notes: Written for the For the Boys event at @choicesficwriterscreations​.
Word count: ~1,510
Ethan looked around as Charley bounced into the kitchen. “Good morning,” she wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him.
He shifted his coffee cup to the other hand and turned in her embrace, leaning down to kiss her. “Good morning to you. This is unusual. You, awake and dressed at this time on your day off.”
“I hope you can drive just a few miles out of your way to drop me off at Sienna’s this morning. She’s giving Bryce a cooking lesson and I was invited for breakfast.” She smirked at him. “Sienna is hoping that her pancake lesson goes better for Bryce than her last student.”
He shook his head. “Don’t remind me.” He poured her coffee into her to-go mug. “Let’s get you to Sienna.”
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Ethan walked out of his meeting with Leland and decided he needed to shift his focus. He checked his watch and headed for the nurses station on the third floor. “Dr. Varma, when do the interns have rounds?”
Jackie’s head snapped up from Tobias’ phone that the two of them were laughing over. Tobias grinned at Ethan. “Still haven’t learned how to make pancakes yet, buddy?”
Ethan took the proffered phone and looked at Charley’s post.
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“Interns, Varma?”
“Right.” She pushed herself up from where she had be leaning against the counter. “They should be here in about five minutes. Dr. Carrick is leading rounds today.”
“I’ll be joining you on rounds today, so if Dr. Carrick wants to find something else to do, he may.”
“You will?”
“Bad meeting with Bloom?” Tobias asked. When Ethan glared at him, Tobias added, “I’ll go along on rounds, too. You may scare them off.”
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The next Sunday after Charley left for her shift at work, Ethan poured himself his second cup of coffee while he waited for Bryce and Tobias to show up.
Bryce arrived first and handed Ethan a recipe card. He recognized the neat hand writing of Sienna. “She swears by this recipe,” Bryce stated, “and I was able to master it on my first try.”
As Bryce followed Ethan into his kitchen for coffee, he looked around and let out a low whistle. “This is some kitchen. My apartment in Palo Alto could fit in here with room left over.”
Ethan smiled. “It was actually one of the selling points when I bought it. Cooking is relaxing for me after a difficult day.”
Tobias had arrived and walked through the apartment. “As long as it isn’t pancakes.”
“Don’t you ever knock?”
“Not when I’m expected and you leave your door unlocked.” Tobias set a bag on the counter. “I have in here the ingredients for the best pancakes ever.”
Bryce picked up Sienna’s recipe card. “Sienna’s are the best.”
Ethan handed them a printout of a recipe he had. “I have my own recipe here.
Tobias pulled the page out of his hand. “What is this? Grams? Milliliters?” He laughed. “Nigella’s recipe, right?”
Before Ethan could answer, Tobias set the paper down and pulled a container of ricotta cheese, a quart of buttermilk, and a couple of lemons out of his bag, setting them on the counter. “We are going to make lemon ricotta pancakes.”
Bryce objected. “No. Those sound too difficult for Ethan. He needs to start with something easy.”
“I will have you know, I am a fantastic cook.”
Tobias waved his hand to silence Ethan. “Bryce, first of all, Ethan has proven time and time an time again that he cannot make a simple pancake recipe. Second, except for his pancake game, he is a wonderful cook, so a more difficult recipe should be right up his alley.” Tobias pulled his printed recipe out of his pocket and dropped it down with the other two.
“Charley loves Sienna’s pancakes.”
Ethan sighed. “Let’s go with Sienna’s.”
Thirty minutes later, Bryce frowned as they looked at the pancakes. They were flat. Ethan sighed. “This always happens.”
“I told you Sienna said not to mix the batter until it was smooth. It’s best to have a slightly lumpy batter.”
Tobias picked up the plate and moved it to the counter by the sink. “Next recipe?”
“Nigella’s.” Ethan said as he carried a blender over to the counter they were working.
Bryce and Tobias looked at each other. “A blender?”
Ethan picked up the paper and read. “The easiest way to make these is to put all the ingredients into a blender and blitz. But if you do mix up the batter by hand in a bowl, make a well in the flour, baking powder, salt and sugar, beat in the eggs, melted butter and milk, and transfer to a jug: it's much easier to pour the batter into the pan than to spoon it.”
Tobias shrugged. “If Nigella says blender, I guess we use a blender.”
Bryce set down the electric griddle they had used. “Let’s do this.”
Soon the batter was ready and Ethan poured some of the batter onto the griddle. “Should it spread like that?”
“It should not.”
While Ethan and Bryce gathered the second batch of pancakes and set them on the counter next to the first while Tobias assembled the ingredients and mixing bowls for the lemon ricotta pancakes. “Saved the best for last.”
Tobias stepped back to allow Ethan to mix the batter. “Careful you don’t overmix. Make sure it’s just combined.”
“I can read, Tobias.”
Soon Ethan was dropping the batter onto the griddle. Even Bryce looked impressed. “We may have a winner.”
Tobias smiled. “I knew it. Regular pancake were just too easy and not for you.” Within ten minutes the men sat at Ethan’s kitchen island to dig into the stacks of pancakes.
Tobias took the first bite and his eyes widened in horror. He used his fork to dig into the pancake pulling out a clump of ricotta cheese. “I warned you not to overmix. I should have also said don’t undermix.”
Bryce and Ethan both pushed their plates away. “At least these ones looked edible.”
Tobais looked at his watch. “It’s now past noon. Let’s go grab lunch. My treat.” Ethan looked at the mess spread over his kitchen. Tobias grabbed Ethan by the shoulders and turned him towards the door. “We’ll come back and help you clean your kitchen before Charley gets home.”
Four hours later Tobias pulled up in front of Ethan’s building. “Just drop me off.”
“No, Bryce and I will be happy to help you clean up, won’t we Bryce?”
“I got it. Thanks for trying to help me this morning.”
Ethan was soon unlocking his door. He stopped short as he saw Charley leaning against the island in the kitchen. “What happened here?”
“Bryce and Tobias decided to teach me how to make pancakes. It didn’t work, so we went out for lunch. I intended to have this mess cleaned up before you got home.”
She smiled as she glanced at him over her shoulder. ”I’ll help you clean the kitchen, then you can fix me Georgian stuffed chicken.”
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Two weeks later Charley woke up alone in bed. She tipped her head as she heard voices from the kitchen. She headed down the hall and stopped out of sight of the kitchen.
Tobias’ voice floated back to her. “Man, the least you can do is let me have breakfast with you.”
“You’ve already eaten three!”
“I didn’t get to wish Charley a happy Sunday.” Tobias protested. “Are you going to tell her you didn’t make the pancakes?”
Charley heard plates clattering before Ethan said, “Here are plates for you and Bryce. Enjoy work and you should head to the hospital now.”
Charley smiled at the exchange between the two men, thinking back to the meeting with Tobias in Bloom’s sitting room. At that time, she would have never thought she would see them together, not that she would consider Tobias a treasured friend. She headed back to the bedroom as the front door closed behind Tobias.
Ethan returned to the bedroom, carrying a tray loaded with pancakes, bacon, and coffee. “Good morning!”
Charley yawn and stretched, sitting up in bed. “Breakfast in bed? What’s the occasion?”
“We’re both off today. It’s special enough for lemon ricotta pancakes.”
Charley dug her fork into the fluffy stack of pancakes. “Mmm. These are wonderful! I’ll have to thank Tobias next time I see him.”
“He helped with the recipe, right?”
“Oh, um. Yes, yes, he helped.”
As they enjoyed breakfast together, Ethan finally broke down. “Tobias made the pancakes!”
Charley threw back her head and laughed.
“You knew! He told you.”
She shook her head. “If you want to surprise me, you need to be quieter in the kitchen.”
Ethan grabbed the tray off the bed and carried it over to the dresser. He returned to bed and pulled Charley against him as she was still laughing.
“You need to stop laughing and I can think of one way to make you stop.”
Charley wrapped her arms around his neck, “Your methods are very effective.”
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Tagging List (since Bryce and Tobias were featured as well as Ethan, I’m tagging all of my Open Heart lists): @choicesficwriterscreations​ @openheartfanfics​
Perma - @a-crepusculo @bex-la-get @danijimenezv @genevievemd @jamespotterthefirst @jerzwriter​ @liaromancewriter​ @potionsprefect​ @writer-ish​ @crazy-loca-blog​ @quixoticdreamer16​ @starrystarrytrouble​ @zahrachoices​ 
All Open Heart - @annfg8 @coffeeheartaddict2 @utterlyinevitable @differenttyphoonwerewolf​
Open Heart - Ethan & Charley only - @ohchoices @queencarb @headoverheelsforramsey @rookiemartin @youlookappropriate 
Open Heart - Bryce & Maggie only - @burnsoslow​
Open Heart - Tobias & Samantha only - @burnsoslow @kat-tia801 
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To the Shadows that Cry Witch /// Chapter 11
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Hello!! I know it's been less than a month, but it feels like I haven't posted a chapter in forever! As much as I've enjoyed this small hiatus, it's definitely given me the motivation to start writing again. Now, as for the first chapter of Part 2, Chapter 11 includes an introduction of one of my own OCs, who's name you will find out below and I can't wait for you to meet him! Enjoy! <3
Summary: Magic was real, but it came at a price. So when two girls end up in the one place they never thought they could reach, strange things began to happen. Good or bad? That's up to them to find out.
Tags: Kíli x oc/reader - Fíli x oc (POV to be written soon) - Thorin's company x ocs/reader (platonic) - fluff - angst - EXTREME slow burn - crack - Bagginshield
Word Count: 2355
Warnings: Mentions of Minor and Major Injuries from last chapter.
Taglist - comment or message to be added!
Want some background music? Check out my Soundtrack Playlist!
Now available on Wattpad and AO3 (please let me know if links aren't working)
< Part 1 // Chapter 11 // Chapter 12 >
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PART 2: Chapter 11 -
Unfortunate Beginnings
Anodyne (Definition): Capable of soothing or easing pain. (Figuratively) soothing or relaxing. (Adjective / Origin: Derived from the Greek/Latin word anṓdynos/ an·​o·​dyne ˈa-nə-ˌdīn)
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Hobbiton, The Shire – T.A. Sunday 25th September 2939 of the Third Age (1339 in Shire-reckoning)
The moment Bilbo’s footsteps faded away, Kay was immediately upon me as she whipped around in her chair and I could see the question she had wanted to ask earlier burn in her eyes.
“Why’d you ask for his name?” she practically blurted out.
“Because we don’t know him.” I stated. Kay’s brows furrowed in confusion.
“But we do? Don’t we?”
“From the book and movies, yes,” I began explaining, “But we don’t actually know him, we just know of him. Plus if we called him by his name without asking for it first, I’m pretty sure he would be given enough heebie jeebies to throw us out. Then we would really have no place to go.”
Kay nodded slowly in agreement, before responding. “I mean, we do know of other places to stay.”
“But, would we actually get there alive, let alone know how to get there?” I questioned rhetorically.
Kay slumped back in her chair disappointedly with a groan at the obvious truth. We were raised and conditioned to live in a – somewhat – sheltered society. We hadn’t had a single lesson in life on how to survive out in the uncharted wild, apart from the occasional Bear Grylls show that I couldn’t remember anything from, except that thing where you drink your own urine, but I would honestly die on the first day of thirst than go anywhere near my piss. Soon Kay pulled me out of my spiralling thoughts as she pushed herself out her chair and I twisted my head to watch as she passed me.
“Oi.” I said, reaching out to prod at her arm. “Bilbo said to stay put.”
“He also said help yourself to tea.” She fired back as she made her way to the kitchen. “And I have two working ankles.”
It was now my turn to slump back in my own chair with a huff. A bit bored, I stretched my legs towards the fireplace in an attempt to warm my feet as I listened to Kay’s footsteps as she pottered around. You couldn’t let her be too sure of herself whilst she walked around with a knocked head after all. The clinks of ceramics became clearer as she wandered back through, balancing everything on the ornate wooden tray in her hands. She plopped it onto the small table that sat in between our armchairs before settling herself back into her chair.
Swatting my outstretched legs away from the fire whilst muttering something about my lack of fire safety, she passed me my cup of steaming tea, before picking up her own. Facing towards the open window, where the sun and many sounds of the morning wandered through, her expressions shifted as thoughts floated around in her head.
“Where do you suppose he’s gone?” She pondered as her eyes wandered about.
“Some sort of healer maybe?” I suggested, taking a sip of tea. “He did seem to panic over our whole ‘We’re severely injured!’ ordeal at the end of breakfast.”
“Huh, maybe.”
We sat in a peaceful silence for a bit as we waited for Bilbo’s return. Though whilst I stared at the crackling fire, an unwanted thought came to mind.
“Wait, so.. how are we gonna repay him in this condition?” I said worriedly. Kay joined me in staring at the fire as she tried to think of something. “I just don’t want to be kicked out for not being able to do anything meaningful.” I added.
“Eugh, you’re right.” Kay replied with a slight panic in her eye as she looked away from the flames at me. She took a moment as she thought of her next words. “Though I’ve read the hobbit enough times to know he’s surely not like that. We’ll explain that whilst we’re healing, we’ll start with smaller things, then the better we get, the bigger tasks we take on.”
I took a deep breath as I nodded, drinking more tea to distract myself from overthinking.
Moments passed before the second stretch of silence was interrupted. The muffled sounds of voices getting closer to the front door increased, one voice sounding familiar but frantic, whilst the other one unfamiliar and annoyed. We both leant over our armchairs to fixate on the circular door as it swung open, and we both watched as a now tussled up Bilbo quickly ushered in another hobbit. This other hobbit looked as if he had been dragged out of bed then through a bush backwards by his pointy ears as he stumbled in with bleary eyes. Poor guy was nodding almost subconsciously at the words that were pouring out of Bilbo’s mouth as he rubbed at his eyes in an attempt to be rid of his tiredness. He slipped off the coat that was already askew on his shoulders, before haphazardly patting down his unsightly bedhead of mousy brown hair as he turned away from his now hung up coat to follow Bilbo deeper into the house.
“Now Master Baggins,” The stranger managed out whilst stifling another yawn. “Let us see what caused you to wake me up at the crack of dawn, on a Sunday might I add.”
“Yes, yes, through here.” Bilbo said almost dismissively as he strode up to where we were sitting, beckoning the other hobbit over. I spotted the relief on his face as he saw that we hadn’t really moved at all from where he had left us. As for the second hobbit, his tiredness was snatched away from him in an instant as his half lidded eyes landed on us, and he almost stumbled back in shock at the sight of us, his hand clutched over his heart.
“By Yavanna! Where in Middle Earth did they come from?!” He cried as his wide chestnut eyes scoured over our appearance. We recoiled slightly at his outcry, eyeing each other concerned. Surely we didn’t look that bad?
“Fell straight from the top of the hill, they did.” Bilbo began explaining, , (Ok, maybe we did look that bad) stuffing his hands in his pockets as he swung back and forth on his heels. The other hobbit faced him with a gaping mouth at Bilbo’s casualness, before turning towards us.
“And you’re still alive?!?” he gasped incredulously. I shrugged whilst Kay gestured at herself with a ‘guess so!’ look on her face. He faced back to Bilbo, “And what in Yavanna’s name made you make the decision to bring two unknown big folk into your home???”
“That’s what I was saying!” Kay muttered to herself, though the two hobbits were too busy squabbling to notice.
“They mean no harm to any of us. No weapons or anything malevolent in their packs. From what they’ve told me, they simply got lost in the woods and never found the way out.” Bilbo stated, his tone indicating that this was his final decision. “And they’ve given no reason for me to have them leave. Nothing but impeccable manners.”
We both eyed each other confusedly at Bilbo’s sudden defensiveness, then all three of us watched as the second hobbit’s mouth bobbed open and shut, unable to form the words. Bilbo looked between him and us for a moment before letting out a frustrated sigh. Gesturing towards us with a firm hand, he glared at the unnamed hobbit expectantly. Looking rather panicked for a second, Mr No-Name brought his eyes back on us. He then straightened up, nervously digging his thumbs into his belt loops as he began to speak.
“I errrr – Good morning.” He managed out and we both smiled politely as he spoke, which seemed to relax him slightly. “I’m Erard Noakesburrow, Hobbiton’s doctor, and uh – my good friend Bilbo here, told me that you both had quite the night!. And he’s certainly not exaggerating, from what I can see.” He said whilst mostly eyeing the bruises and cuts that were scattered around on the both of us.
“You’re not wrong.” I replied jokingly. “I’m pretty sure everything’s broken.”
Erard huffed a light laugh at my half-joke, giving us both a weak smile back that emphasised the freckles dotted on his face. Luckily he seemed to be calming down from his original panic.
“Right,” He said, lightly patting his legs to rid of the rest of his nerves. He turned back to Bilbo who was looking back expectantly. “I guess I’ll go and get what I need to examine them both. Then we can go on about the healing process.” He explained. “I take it they need a place to rest?” He asked Bilbo.
“There’s no need!” Exclaimed Bilbo, causing Erard to blink at him in surprise. “They’ll be.. staying here.”
Erard eyed us both slightly, then back at Bilbo.
“Allllright then, if you insist Master Baggins! Saves me the hassle!” He said as he turned towards the door. “I’ll go get my stuff.”
Kay and I both looked at each other questionably at Bilbo’s insistence. He was a hobbit, and I’ve read many times that hobbits do love having guests, but surely he wouldn’t be this eager to let two strangers he just met (officially) this morning?
We watched as Bilbo waved Erard out the door, nodding at whatever the doctor was saying as he walked away, before pushing it shut and heading back over to us. Bilbo went to say something, but I quickly interrupted as to not forget what I wanted to say.
“Are you sure you want us here?” I questioned. Bilbo blinked at me in confusion. “I mean, you don’t actually know us and you seem very sure about letting us stay.”
“Well I – I’m not too sure, actually.” He said uncertainly. “It’s true that I don’t know you both, in fact the only thing I know are your names.” He uttered half a word, before quickly changing course,” But you should know! Us hobbits truly love having guests – and to send you away, seeing the state you both are in, it would be very cruel to do so!” He finished with a nervous laugh.
My eyes drifted to the ground as my thoughts darted around to try and guess what Bilbo would have said, but the answers were too far out of reach right now, so I simply nodded at him. He gave a strained smile before disappearing off into the kitchen, muttering something about another kettle of tea. Kay and I instantly had a silent conversation, the both of us mouthing questions and gesturing our confusion at each other. It was somewhat unusual for Bilbo to let us stay and despite our uncertainty, it wasn’t like we were complaining.
Finally, Erard had returned with his bag. Placing it on the floor near us, he knelt down to take out what he needed and placed it on the table next to the fresh tea Bilbo had brought in. I leant forward to take a look at what he had. Most of it looked like traditional doctors equipment. I identified a stethoscope, but I’m not a doctor, so everything else I couldn’t put a name to.
“Okay, why don’t we start with what you know.” He said.
Just like we had done with Bilbo over the dining table, we listed off everything we knew. With each injury, we watched as Erard’s face became more and more concerned, and by the time we had finished, he was quite pale.
“I.. – I’ve got to say,” he huffed, his cheeks puffing out as he took a deep inhale. “It’s a miracle that you’re both here.”
Everyone had grim looks on their faces as he said this, reality setting in as Kay and I both realised how lucky we were to survive (and land in Middle Earth of course).
As respectfully as he could, Erard gently examined my ribcage, lightly pressing his small fingers down to identify which areas were broken. As for Kay, no torch lights were available in this dimension, so he used his finger for her eyes to follow to check on her head injury, confirming that she indeed had a concussion, but to add to our growing list of luck, it was only minor. Like he did with me, he used his fingers to see where Kay had injured her back as well. Standing back up, he brushed off his trousers and retrieved a book from his bag. He asked to borrow a quill and ink, which Bilbo quickly rushed off to get. He spoke as we waited.
“From what I have examined from the both of you, it’s not looking good.” He said a bit solemnly and we looked up at him with worried faces. “Though, it’s not the most terrible, either.” At this point Bilbo had walked back in and wordlessly handed him the quill and small bottle of ink. Erard thanked him with a nod and began writing in his book as he spoke again. “Everything I’ve observed will heal on its own, though it will take a while. Bed rest with short spurts of gentle exercise will ensure that you stay healthy. You – ” he pointed the quill at me, “ – will need a sling for that wrist of yours, but your ribs and ankle should heal as long as you’re gentle with those areas. And you – ” the quill darted in Kay’s direction, “don’t lift anything heavy for a while, otherwise you’ll worsen the strain on your spine.”
The two of us nodded obediently at his words and he snapped his book shut, satisfied. After repacking his bag, he beckoned Bilbo over to the front door for a private conversation. We carried on drinking our teas as we tried to tune in to the unintelligible murmuring going on down the hallway. Eventually the front door opened and we both leant over our chairs again to call out our thanks and wave goodbye. Erard raised his hand in response as he slipped on his coat, sending a warm smile in our direction before he turned. Giving Bilbo a nod – most likely to do with what they conversed about privately – he picked up his bag and stepped out, leaving Bilbo to push the door shut behind him.
I hope you enjoyed meeting Erard! I'm going to create a character sheet of him soon, so look out for that <3
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korusalka · 2 years
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There is this trend on tik tok basically friendzoning your husband and I would to very kindly ask dick Grayson smut where he fucks the shit out of you very respectfully after your prank friendzone him, you are the best love your work, your girl is very stressed and if you could very kindly provide some serotonin I would be very thankful 🥰🥰
Dick Grayson x plus size reader
DC Masterlist | Main Masterlist
You pull a prank on your husband and he doesn’t appreciate it
Warnings: smut, Dick doesn’t appreciate being called by his name, slight breath play, oral (f receiving), unprotected sex, Dick is strong as fuck, no use of Y/N
WC: 1.5k
Minors DNI
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Sundays were for relaxing, that was the rule you instigated when you moved in with Dick. Every week, no matter what, you would just have a day at home, just the two of you. Everyone knew not to bother you on Sundays or face your wrath.
Dick was lounging on the couch, lightly dozing as he watched an old re-run of his favourite show, wearing only the light grey sweatpants he’d had since college that he refused to throw away. The light material showed a perfect outline of his cock that you had to tear your eyes away from every time you saw him. Even though Bludhaven was now in the middle of fall, your husband always ran hot so, when he could, he forewent his usual tight shirts just to sit around half naked. He always pretended to be surprised when you would snap and jump him, furiously trying to get him into bed, or wherever was closest, but he knew how wild seeing him shirtless made you.
But the hanky pinky could wait. You both were exhausted from the week, too tired to even have a quickie in the shower like you normally did when getting home from work in the hospital. It had been a full week of overnight shifts on your end, and nights of crime fighting in Gotham for Dick since Bruce had broken his leg and was out of commission for a while. Each time either of you got home, you greeted each other with a small kiss and immediately fell into bed, falling asleep as soon as your heads hit the pillow.
So, it had been a week since you’d done the horizontal tango and you were so ready for your beautiful golden retriever of a husband to fuck you like he hated you.
You were sitting at the kitchen table, trying to concentrate on the copy of Dracula in your hands but not having much success when your phone began to ring. You picked it up without looking at the number. “Grayson’s Mortuary. You stab ‘em we slab ‘em. What can I do for you?” That earned a little chuckle from Dick.
“Jesus, you’re fucking weird.” A gruff voice came from the other end. “Hi Jay. What’s up? You don’t usually call me on Sundays.” “You forgot, didn't you. Well, let me remind you, you wanted to pull a prank on Dick after you saw that TikTok.” “Fuck sorry man I’ve been so busy with work.” “Alright alright just get this over with. He in the room with you?” You hummed in agreement, glancing at your husband who had gone back to his show.
“Ok so what are you up to?” “Oh you know, just hanging out with a friend.” You concealed your smirk just as Dick whipped his head around, eyes wide. The idea had been born from late night scrolling on TikTok when you saw a series of videos of wives referring to their partners as friends or calling them by their first names instead of a pet name. So with a quick text conversation with your brother-in-law, a rough plan had been made and promptly forgotten.
Your husband gave you a side-eye and you had to stifle a giggle as Jason continued to speak. “So I’m guessing he’s listening in.” “Yeah, I agree man, sometimes it’s so nice to just chill with a friend, that’s what I’m doing today and it’s so refreshing.” Dick’s crystal blue eyes were slowly getting darker with a mix of rage and lust. “Hey Dick, do you think you could grab my jumper from our room?” Apparently that was the last straw because your giant of a husband vaulted over the back of the couch and ripped the phone from your hand.
“She’ll call you back.” He growled into the phone, angrily hanging up. “First of all, my name is Dickie, baby, baby bird, bear, hubby or sweetheart to you. Not Dick. Secondly, I put a ring on it so I will always be referred to as your husband. Now bend over and pull your pants down, it’s obvious you’ve gone too long without my cock since you’re acting like such a brat.”
You smiled brightly, quickly shucked your pants down your thick thighs and bending over the table so your plump ass stuck out. Dick grunted and shifted you more forward so your feet dangled in the air and your entire torso was resting on the cold marble. “Right. Now let me have my dinner.”
Dick’s knees hit the hardwood floor with a thump, his huge calloused hands spreading you open. He leaned forward, tongue flat, and licked your slit in one long, slow motion, gathering as much of your juices as possible. “Delicious.” “Oh god!” You moaned loudly when he buried his face in your pussy.
“Yes! Right there please!” He alternated tongue fucking into you and sucking your clit. After two years of marriage and three years of dating, Dick knew your body better than yourself and knew exactly what you needed. Using two fingers, he rolled your clit between them, pinching slightly as he ate you out, devouring all you were giving him. “Holy shit holy shit.” You chanted, your orgasm coming on fast since you had gone a week without one. “So close, please baby.” You were panting, eyes shut, the pleasure building in your tummy threatening to crash over you at any moment.
“No.” The growl rumbled through his chest as he pulled away, giving one last lick to your cunt before standing, pulling his sweatpants down just enough for his cock to spring up, slapping his toned stomach. “You’re not getting off easy tonight my love. You won’t even remember your own name when I’m done with you.”
Without warning, he shoved forward and buried himself to the hilt in one stroke. You screamed as you came, your pussy fluttering and clenching almost painfully around your husband’s length. “Oh fuck baby girl. So fucking tight.” He tucked his face into the back of your neck biting down on the skin harshly to stop himself from blowing his load too soon.
“That’s my good girl. Cumming just from getting a cock stuck in her. You’re my good girl right?” You groaned in the affirmative. “No no. Words my love. Need to hear that beautiful voice.” As he thrust slowly into you, angling perfectly down to hit your g-spot, you found your voice again. “Yes! ‘M your good girl! ‘M yours!” “That’s right. My fucking wife.” He spoke through his clenched teeth, jaw locked, muscles straining as he pumped into you faster.
Your body was being pounded forward, hips digging into the corner of the counter but you couldn’t bring yourself to care, not when your husband was pulling every bit of pleasure from you as he could. No doubt, there will be massive bruises along your stomach tomorrow.
“Touch your clit baby. Need you to cum one more time.” “Can’t” You slurred, your vision becoming tunneled. “Fine. Guess I’ll do it myself.” A huge arm wrapped around you, spanning the length of your torso, forearm resting between your breasts so his hand could encircle your throat, applying only the slightest bit of pressure so your breath only came out in small puffs.
Your eyes rolled back into your skull as he picked up the pace once more, supporting all your weight on his forearm, hand squeezing your neck tighter, bringing your body back towards him. The crude slaps of his hips against your ass and his deep moans drove you higher and higher, your orgasm looming on the horizon.
Dick’s cock twitched wildly inside you. “God, gonna cum.” His other hand wedged itself beneath you and with a slight flick of his fingers against your clit and the loosening of his grip around your neck, you exploded. White dotted your vision, your mouth dropping open, a high pitched whine escaping you with each punch of his cock against your cervix.
“Fuck yes!” His pelvis met your ass as he released himself into you, groaning beautifully into your ear, a warmth spreading through you. He laid a sloppy kiss to your cheek and pulled out, his seed spilling from you and slowly running down your leg. “Oh god. I needed that.” You breathed, voice hoarse. Dick pulled his sweatpants back up, not caring about the wet spot appearing from the remnants of his cum.
“Me too baby. I love you.” “Love you more bear.” You muttered as he pulled you up, scooping you into his strong arms and striding into your bedroom. Placing you on the bed, he pulled off your shirt and sports bra as well as his own pants, depositing them in the hamper in the bathroom. He paused in the doorway, just looking at you.
“What are you doing over there, lover?” He chuckled. “Just looking at my beautiful wife.” “Then come over here and give her some lovin’ Dick.” You smirked as his eyes darkened again and his dick twitched. “Oh you’re in for it.”
He kept onto the bed, pinning you down as your giggles turned into moans.
You’d have to send Jason a thank you gift for putting up with your shit.
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illegal-spiegel · 3 years
Firsts w/ Kaoru
Pairing: Kaoru Hitachiin x gn!reader Genre: fluff Warnings: none
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first meeting:
y’all met through, you guessed it, The Host Club
it wasn’t your idea to go
but Haruhi, poor, sweet, innocent Haruhi, was about to lose her marbles
she practically got onto her knees to beg you to keep her company
and what kind of friend would you be if you declined?
(you mainly just went because she bribed you with free tea and desserts)
when you showed up to Music Room #3, it was all that you were expecting and not at all what you were expecting at the same time
you eventually spotted Haruhi through all the people and eventually made your way over to her
the look on her face was almost comical
she bid her guests she was entertaining farewell and they left with watery eyes
you covered your mouth to hide your giggles as you took a seat on the soft couch across from her
“Thank god you showed up,” she groaned as she slumped back into her seat
you let your giggles out freely, studying her tired form
“Awe, is Haruhi tired of flirting?” you teased
she only grunted in response, closing her eyes and letting out a content sigh
you hummed in return, picking up a cookie that was on the table and started to munch on it
you two had a few minutes of silent peace before it was rudely interrupted
“Oh, Haruhi!” you hear two voices shout from behind you in unison
you swear you saw an irk mark appear on her forehead
you raise your brow and go to turn around to see who was causing her so much trouble just by saying two words when two people were suddenly leaning over the back of the couch you were sitting on
you looked to your left and saw a boy your and Haruhi’s age
you turned to the right and had to do a double-take when you saw the same face
‘these must be the infamous twins,’ you thought as you studied them
“What?” Haruhi groaned with dead eyes
you could see the smirks come onto the two boys’ faces
“What are you doing slacking off-” the one on the right started off
“-when you have a guest?” the left one finished you raised a brow at them as you pursed your lips
“She could ask you two the same thing? Why aren’t you tending to your guests?” you defended
the twins’ eyes widened as they turned to look at you, both silently studying you for a moment
“We got bored-”
“-so we came to see what Haruhi was doing.”
your brows furrowed as you look to the one on your left
“You just left your guests?”
Haruhi was the one to respond
“Kaoru probably ran out of fake tears,” she said with a smirk
the twins’ attention went back to her, the one on the right’s eyes widening
“Fake tears? My tears are real!” he defended
you took a mental note that the one on your right was Kaoru. Haruhi may have told you about them before but you were terrible with names
Haruhi only grunted in response before closing her eyes again
you saw their mouths open, ready to bother her some more
so, being the good friend you are, you quickly said something before they could
“Just leave her alone, okay? How about you entertain me?” you offered
from what Haruhi has told you, the twins liked to mess around with people. Whether it is playing pranks and tricks or just annoying them
so, you figured they’d happily take you up on the offer to ‘entertain’ you
as soon as you finished your sentence, a smirk was curling up on their lips
“Entertain you?”
“Why, we’d be honored!”
they ended up trying to actually do so at first, using their little brotherly love act
you quickly shut that down
once they realized you knew all their secrets, including Haruhi being a girl, there was a sudden shift in the way they acted towards you
they were more open suddenly
hanging out:
after meeting, he instantly took a liking to you
he and his brother wanted to become friends with you, mainly to annoy Haruhi 
they hung out with you as much as you allowed them to, which was often so you could give Haruhi a break
it took a couple weeks for Kaoru to work up the nerve to ask you to hangout with him without his brother there as well
you were surprised when he asked you, to say the least 
“Hey, would you wanna go to this museum with me? I somehow won free tickets in class and Hikaru doesn’t want to go. I, uh, know it sounds boring but—”
“I’d love to go with you, Kaoru,” you reassure with a big, warm smile
it was the first time he felt his heart do something weird in his chest 
that weekend, you two went to the museum and honestly had a really good time
you two pretty much just wandered around and talked the entire time, which was several hours 
he found it surprising and like a fresh breath of air at how easy it was to talk to you
he liked studying you when you would stare at something before you, your figure glowing under the big lights 
he knew by the time you two left that he had feelings for you
first hug:
you two hugged for the first when he took you home from the museum, actually 
his palms were sweating just from thinking of doing it 
he tried to tell himself that it wasn’t a big deal but he was just so nervous 
he opened the car door for you when you reached your house and even walked you to the door 
“Thanks for today, Kaoru,” you say softly, giving him that radiant smile that he loves so much 
“It was nothing. I’m just glad you agreed to go,” he admits with a small chuckle
you giggle in return and then you both go into silence 
“Well, I’ll see you at school on Monday,” you say to break the silence
without another word, he quickly pulls you into the hug then
he hears and feels you gasp, your arms staying by your side for a moment before slowly wrapping back around him 
“Yeah, see you on Monday,” he whispers, still holding onto you
you two hug each other a little longer than necessary but neither of you cared 
when you finally did let go of each other, both of your faces were warm
“Goodnight, Kaoru,” you whisper a little breathlessly 
“Goodnight, (Y/n),” he whispers back, finally stepping back to let you go inside
he walks back to his car and watches you unlock your door to make sure you get inside okay 
he then finally leaves with a racing heart and a red face
first time holding hands:
after going to the museum together, you two slowly started to get closer
you texted more often, always called, hung out without Hikaru more, and so on 
it didn’t take long for you to fall for him but you were unsure if he liked you back 
well, that is until October came around
the boys decided they wanted to do a haunted house type thing for their monthly event
after Kyoya talked it over with the principal, the club got permission to do it and to have it held inside the entire school
Kyoya went all out too. He hired professional actors and businesses to scare in the school
the club held it during Halloween weekend, that way they could clean up all the props before Monday
the club made a killer with the amount of people that wanted to participate and walk through the ‘haunted’ school
on Sunday, after the ‘maze’ closed, the host club decided that they should be able to walk through it as well
that’s how you ended up partnered up with Kaoru to walk through together
you two went last out of all of the groups, both of your hearts racing as you two walked into your dark school 
after the first jump scare, you two clung together before relaxing until the next scare
after a few scares, you two just ended up holding hands the whole way through 
you honestly didn’t even really notice since you were too focused on what’s around the corner, what’s in that room, or what that sound was
but Kaoru’s entire focused was on your hand in his, the way your skin looked, the way it felt
when you came out the back main exit of the school though, you instantly noticed
you both shyly smiled as you let go, trying to ignore everyone’s teasing as you all started cleaning up 
first date:
it wasn’t until mid-November that Kaoru asked you out on a date
you both were blushing like crazy as he stuttered out his date proposal and it was the most enduring thing you’ve ever seen 
he asked you out, to which you instantly said yes to, but when you asked where you two would be going, he refused to tell you 
he ended up taking you to a festival that was in town after you said that you didn’t want him wasting a lot of money on you 
plus, he’s really competitive, so it’s fun to play games with him 
you two tease each other back and forth the whole night, both of you winning a lot of games
he even won you a stuffed animal to which you playfully named it Hikaru
he ended up getting too much cotton candy and begged you to help him finish it 
you two spent the entire day there and when the sun started to set, he dragged you onto the ferris wheel 
it was very cliché but he kisses you at the top and you loved every second of it 
when he drove you home, neither of you were ready for the night to end 
so, you just ended up sitting in the car for hours just talking up a storm
when your first yawn is released, he does his best to ignore it but after the second time, he sighs and gives you a soft smile 
“You should head inside. I’ll text you when I get home, okay?” he says quietly, secretly wishing he didn’t say anything when you start to pout 
you rub at your eye though as you yawn again, slowly nodding your head
“Okay. Goodnight, Kaoru,” you whisper sweetly before hugging him
just before you get out of the car, you quickly peck his cheek before practically flying out of the vehicle
he chuckles at how flustered you are as you walk to the door of your home
he makes sure you get inside okay before driving back home
he sticks to his word and texts you when he arrives at home to which you both stayed up late texting each other because you didn’t want the mystical night to come to an end
first time giving a gift:
(we ain’t counting the stuffed animal (Hikaru) he gave you on your first date)
you two had been together for 3 months when Kaoru decided to get you something to celebrate
he asked all your friends along with all the people in the Host Club what they think you’d like 
he got many ideas ranging from clothes to food
he wasn’t quite sure what he wanted to get you but he’d figure it should be something nice but ‘simple’ 
on the day of your 3 months together, he picks you up from your house and takes you on a date
you tried telling him that you two didn’t have to celebrate the 3 month mark, but he wasn’t having it 
“You’re special to me and being together this long means a lot to me,” he said softly to you before kissing the back of your hand
he ends up taking you to a hill that looks over most of the town, a smile coming to your face when you see the view 
“It’s beautiful,” you reply when he asks what you think
“Not as beautiful as you,” he teases, shooting you a wink before hauling the picnic basket over to the blanket he set down for you both 
after setting everything up and getting comfy, you two dig into the food that he made
once you two have had your fill, you curl up together and watch the sunset
just before the sun completely sinks below the horizon, he pulls away from you a bit to reach into the basket
“Here,” is all he says as he offers you a rectangular box covered in velvet
you raise your brow up at him but gently take it from him and open it up 
you jaw drops open a bit when you see what rests inside, your heart skipping a beat as your tummy fills with butterflies
“Oh, Kaoru...” you whisper breathlessly, staring down at the intricate necklace
“Do you like it?” he whispers, worriedly staring at your shocked face 
“I, um, got it to represent our first date at the festival...” he continues when you don’t reply. “Sorry, I know it’s ugl—”
“No! No, I love it, Kaoru,” you quickly interrupt when he starts to backpedal. “Sorry, I just was thinking that it looks kind of expensive...”
“Well, ha, you see—”
“Kaoru, how much did you spend on this?”
he stays quiet for a moment, knowing how you’d react when he tells you 
he finally pipes up when you give him the look™️
“It was, um, ¥43,687...”
“Kaoru Hitachiin!” you screech, fully turning to face him with a horrified expression
“What? It’s not that bad!” he shouts, his cheeks starting to warm for some reason 
“Not that bad? Not that bad? You’re right. ¥43,687 is way worse than bad!” 
he groans and rolls his eyes, taking the box from you and taking the necklace out 
“Turn around.”
“No way! What if I break it? What if I lose it? What if—”
“What if zombies raised from the ground right now and killed me? Bam! Dead! Wouldn’t you want something to remember me by?” he teases with a smirk
it’s your turn to huff and roll your eyes now 
“That would never happen.”
“Well, yours would never happen either,” he argues
“Yes it could!”
“We can go back and forth all day, sweetheart. We can never know the future and it’s best to just live in the present.”
When you don’t reply, he smiles at you and holds up the necklace 
“You like it, right?”
“Well yes, but—“
“And you like me, right?”
“Do you?”
“Yes! But, Kaoru—”
“Then put it on!” 
you two have a stare off before you give in, letting out a hefty sigh and turning to put your back to him
he slips the necklace onto you and your hand instantly goes to the ferris wheel pendant resting between your collar bones
“There. Ya see? That wasn’t so bad and you look even more beautiful than usual.”
your cheeks warm with the compliment as you spin around to face him again
“Shut up and kiss me,” you snap with a pout
he chuckles and leans forward to do just that 
first “I love you”:
you both actually wanted to say this on your picnic date but both ended up chickening out since you both thought it was too soon
ever since then, you both have tried and failed to say it 
when is the right time to say it? How long do you have to be dating for it to be okay? What if the other person wasn’t ready to say it back yet?
yeah, a lot of unnecessary worries and insecurities
it isn’t until it’s almost your sixth month anniversary that Kaoru finally works up the nerve to say it 
he was planning a little get away vacation for you two during the summer
when you came over to his house one day to hangout, he first plays it cool
you two do the normal stuff whenever you two hangout, watch your show, makeout a little, make food, the works
after you two are done eating and go to continue watching your show, he stops you
“Hey, there’s something I want to show you.” 
you raise your brow at this, wondering what he could want to show you
maybe a new show he wants to watch? 
“Yeah?” you ask, watching him pull something out from between the couch cushions 
he hands over an envelope to you with a smirk, making your brows furrow 
a letter?
“Go on. Open it,” he says with a chuckle 
you let out a short hum in reply and begin to open it up
you pull out two tickets to something, turning them around to look at the front 
“Are these first class tickets to Italy?” you ask, your voice trembling a bit 
“Yeah! I figured it was about time we went somewhere together!”
you shake your head and offer the tickets back to him, feeling as if you’re going to be sick 
“Kaoru, no. This is too much. I don’t need to go somewhere far or fancy or expensive to have fun with you,” you force out with wide eyes
he frowns at your words, refusing to take the tickets out of your shaky hands
“What? (Y/n), this is an amazing opportunity! Besides, these tickets were for me and Hikaru to go with our mom to one of her fashion shows in Italy. Hikaru is grounded now though for that stunt he pulled in class and she asked if I’d like to take you instead,” he explains with a soft smile, bringing his hand to your free one to give it a squeeze
you relax a bit at this news, now knowing he didn’t waste thousands of yen on you 
“Your mom offered?” He nods his head. “You’re sure she doesn’t mind me coming?” 
“Of course not, baby. You haven’t been around her much since she works so often, but she really does like you. She wouldn’t have asked you to come if she didn’t want you there. Plus, she has to punish Hikaru somehow.” 
you chuckle at that last part with a nod of your head
“Okay, fine. I’ll ask my parents about it and see if they’ll be okay with me going,” you agree
he lets out an excited squeal and surges towards you for a hug
“Yes! You’re the best! I love you!” 
at the three words, you both freeze and stare at each other, both of your faces heating up to a dangerous degree
“Sorry, I, um, I d—”
“I love you too, Kaoru,” you rush out before he can take it back
his grin comes right back to his face before he kisses you passionately 
first trip together:
turns out your parents were okay with you going since Kaoru’s mom will be there 
when you three were on the plane, you and Kaoru leaned against each other the entire time
to keep you busy, you two watched your show and movies, played card games, played games with each other on your phones, and so on
when you all finally reach your destination, you’re exhausted but you instantly perk up when you reach your ride to your hotel
you climb into the limo and both you and your boyfriend ‘ooh’ and ‘aah’ at the beautiful scenery 
when you get to the hotel, his mother announces that Hikaru will share a bed with her while you get the other one. You don’t really mind since she’s paying for all this and you’re in Italy for crying out loud, but Kaoru whines and pouts for at least fifteen minutes
once you’re all in your jammies, you all practically pass out as soon as your heads hit the pillows 
you three were there for two weeks and you and Kaoru had so many cute dates
you went hiking, rode on gondolas, went on tours, took cooking classes, saw a musical, visited ancient buildings, went to the beach and did lots of swimming (where Kaoru got burned), and lots more!
his mom even let you participate in her fashion show
she dressed you up in expensive clothing and pushed you to walk on the runway
you were nervous at first but eventually got into it the more claps and cheers (from Kaoru) you got 
it was honestly some of the best days of your entire life
when it was the last day of being in Italy, Kaoru took you on your last date in the beautiful country
you both shared lots of ‘I love you’s followed by several kisses
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Kaoru 
Tag List: @pointlesslygay, @katsuhera​ ✦ if you would like to be added or removed, comment or send an ask. Also, remember to tell me if you ever change your username so I can continue to tag you :)
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
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brettsey-two-tts · 2 years
Brettsey Drabbles: “I love coming home to you.”
Matt was used to his routine in Oregon. He would wake up early and start the coffee maker. He’d then take a shower, get dressed for work, go into the kitchen to drink a cup of coffee and then fill up his travel mug to take some to the firehouse, and then either eat a piece of toast or take it with him to eat on the road, depending if he was running late or not.
He’d work on reports before and after the morning briefing, and then calls would come in between. Drills were both spontaneous and planned and his new crew didn’t mind too much. Some inside jokes were established here and there, bringing some much needed relaxation and lighthearted laughs throughout the day.
He’d text Ben and Griffin, asking about their day, every few hours or so. Griffin almost always answered and Ben sometimes answered. Before he left shift, he’d go on a grocery run and ask the boys if they needed anything. Most of the time they’d compile a list and other times, it would be on the fly. Sometimes Matt would forego the grocery trip entirely and just pick up some breakfast or lunch on the way back home.
In March, that routine, the one Matt had been so used to, changed.
As Matt woke up the next morning, at the tail end of his shift, a beaming smile was plastered across his face. He held that same grin as he went into the co-ed bathroom to brush his teeth, as he filled out a few last reports and furlough requests, and as he packed his duffle and carried it to his car parked in front of the firehouse.
He skipped the group text with Ben and Griffin and the grocery run.
He parked his car in front of the Darden’s house and walked up to the front door. His grin grew impossibly wider when he heard faint laughter and then a couple voices. When he opened the door, he heard Griffin and Ben laughing about something on the television in the living room.
“Morning, Matt,” Griffin greeted him with a wide smile.
“Morning,” Ben said with a bit of lightheartedness in his voice right after.
“Morning you two,” Matt replied cheerfully. “Sunday morning cartoons?”
“Of course,” Griffin replied with utmost certainty.
“Ben, did you–” Matt was interjected.
“Yes, Matt. I did my homework and Sylvie is a witness,” Ben replied with some sass, but Matt decided not to press him about it. He looked suspiciously at the boy before he heard his girlfriend chime in from the kitchen.
“It’s true. I am a witness!”
Matt beamed at the sound of her voice and followed it. His eyes lit up when he saw her in a pair of black yoga pants and a gray tank top. Her hair was tied up, almost messily, with some short strands coming loose in some places. The urge in the pit of his stomach carried him to her and loving wrap his arms around her from behind.
“Morning,” Matt greeted her softly.
Sylvie laughed when she felt his lips on the back of her neck, a sensitive spot and one that would elicit more than a laugh if he were more daring. (Ben and Griffin usually exited the room at that point).
“Morning, Babe,” Sylvie replied happily. “How was work?”
“It was good.” He kissed her shoulder and then continued, “Surprisingly quiet. Was everything okay here?”
Sylvie’s bubbly reply made the butterflies in his stomach go crazy. “Everything was more than okay. Ben got a B on his pop quiz in Chemistry and we celebrated with some ice cream. Griffin started filling out his college applications. And then we watched some superhero show last night that had way more blood than I thought it would. We went to the grocery store to stock up and we got you some snacks to take to the firehouse. Oh, and I also bought some stuff to make brownies.” She then whispered, “I was hoping Griffin would take it to class tomorrow to give to you know who.”
Ben laughed when he heard Sylvie and poked fun of his brother and his hard crush on his classmate. Griffin painfully grinned and shook his head at him before yelling, “She’s not Voldemort. You can say her name.”
Matt chuckled against Sylvie’s shoulder at that (and the only reason why he got that reference was because they binge watched all eight Harry Potter movies the weekend prior). He hummed happily as he held his girlfriend in his arms and listened to her give him a list of updates on things that happened in the last twenty-four hours.
When she was done, she noticed he was rather quiet, so she asked worriedly, “Everything okay?” She craned her neck a bit to look at him.
He realized he was deep in thought when he heard her and replied with a small nod that turned into a nudge against the side of her neck. He kissed the spot and murmured affectionately, “I love coming home to you.”
When he came to Oregon, his thoughts were always filled of her and her support and encouragement, and her unconditional love. He really couldn’t have moved for the boys without her. Of course, he missed her, but they called and FaceTimed often. There were days when they missed each other like hell, but they voiced their fears and anxiety surrounding their long distance relationship and communicated their feelings to each other without any difficulty.
He was of course very, very happy when she told him she was going to be stay with him for a couple months. The moment she arrived, Matt wore the biggest smile and everyone at the firehouse noticed. They poked fun of him for days, and when Sylvie stopped by to meet everyone and bring them cookies she baked, they told her all kinds of stories about him, embarrassing or otherwise. While laughs were shared between his girlfriend and his new firehouse, Matt took a moment to relish the joy that swelled in his chest, because there wasn’t quite anything like it. He was watching two parts of his lives mold into one without any difficulty or adjustment. He honestly felt so carefree at that moment.
“What time are you leaving for the gym?” he asked.
She hummed in thought as she checked the clock above the kitchen sink. “Foster’s friend is doing a session in thirty minutes, so I should probably start leaving soon.”
Matt’s hands reached underneath her tank top and gently grazed the soft skin of her belly. “Should I wait for you to get back to take a shower?” he teased with a soft feather-like kiss against the spot behind her ear. When he felt her shudder against him, he grinned wildly and excitedly. He didn’t realize a small growl had reverberated in his throat.
She wanted to laugh at his teasing and gently nudged him with her elbow. “Hey, there are kids in the other room.”
And then they heard Ben yell, “And the kids can hear every word!”
Matt nearly choked on his own spit at that and then felt Sylvie’s hand press against his chest as she eased her way out of his arms.
“I’ll be home in an hour,” she informed him. Her eyes hungrily raked him from head to toe before her fingers played with the hem of his white Captain’s polo. There was a bit of darkness in her eyes as she continued lowly and seductively, “We are in a drought, right? We should do our part and save water.” She teasingly bit her bottom lip in anticipation and he stared at it longer than he should have.
He tried to suppress a smirk at her innuendo. “Yes, yes we should.”
She laughed at their playful exchange and kissed him happily on the lips. “Welcome home, Honey.”
He loved this new routine.
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Running Up That Hill (A Deal With God)
Chapter Seven
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Warnings: none (for now smiley)
Chapter Six | Chapter Eight
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A casual date. The many places you have taken each other, the physical attention you give him, and both of you handling adulting; a casual, not expensive, date is nice.
Ice cream at the park water fountain. Nice!
"I will be gone on holiday for a week," You listened as he spoke to you while you both relaxed at a water fountain. Licking your ice cream almost distracts him! "My brother Marc is going to be house sitting for me this week." You hum as his eyes drift to your lips then back to your eyes, "Is he cute?" Steven blinks twice then you elbow him lightly in the arm, "I'm kidding, but could I meet him? You met my dad so– Unless that's moving too fast!"
Both of you are completely clueless to the rules of dating. Love birds blinded by each other. Something, something, Cupid's arrow.
Marc would've said no, he was still unsure about you even if you are nice.
"He would like that." Steven is beaming with joy. "He's a bit of arse until you get to know 'im.
Marc rolling his eyes in the mindscape, he just was being cautious and not instantly lovestruck!
"Bah, if he's anything like you, I'll impress him with my extensive knowledge on comics and useless information." Laughing at yourself.
"Don't know about the useless part. You are very informative."
You giggle and continue to eat your ice cream, sometimes a funny thing pops into your mind and you say it. Steven's fingers rubbing yours as you held hands.
"Would you love me if I was a worm?"
"I know that meme, (Name)." He had to look up so many references and memes to understand some of the things you said. Sure there is an age difference between you both, him being older than you. A few years difference, you always did prefer old dates. Maturity and all, Steven is the only one who doesn't have greys in his hair.
One time you dated an older woman who was old enough to be your mother (cougar from France! Met her at the New York museum, heh)… Mom was still trying to be open about the whole… Equality thing but that was a little too much for her to see you with an older person (she said it! No one her age!)
"But would you?"
Hah, mom, he isn't her age!
"Would you love me if I was a spider?"
You frown as you think about it, "Eh.." He snorts as you shiver thinking about it more, "F-for you I-I'll endure."
"That was painful to watch, love." Patting your back.
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Being in the dating scene hasn't left you much time to hangout with your dad. Sure you check in with him during your time at his apartment but outside you have been caught up in your life! He doesn't blame you nor mention it, it's you who voices wanting to spend time with him. "I have a few days off and Steven is on holiday soooo," Your dad is cooking while you up the table.
"Hm," In a 'dad' way as he shuts off the stove, "Sunday."
"The restaurant needs an extra hand and I'm working all day."
When you were a kid, a lot of your father daughter time was spent with him at work. When he was only doing paperwork, you would play in his office on your portable game system (a gameboy and later on a DS). When you felt nosy you would sit on his lap watching him review reports (none you understood) or as you got older he would show you around the station. It was his way of connecting with you.
You regret that word! Waking up at the crack ass end of dawn to be driven to the restaurant to start prep. "Dad, this is a diner." A Johnny Rocket level knockoff. He explains how it is not a restaurant while teaching you how to load a dishwasher and how to buser tables.
"My first job was a busser when I was old enough to work."
"Back when dinosaurs roamed the lands!? Wow, dad."
He flicked your forehead, "Don't get sassy." There is a crack of a smile on his face as he goes over the instructions again and gives you a spare uniform.
The morning shift is rough, if you see one more kid act like they have never been outside before you might throw them! Then you got the adults acting like they got no damn brainbells.
Afternoon is fairly tame with some people enjoying their lunch. Some coming from church, some from work, others just want a bite to eat. Still see some kids but with parents that taught them better. During the slow lunch hour, you take some diner kid's pack crayons and paper table mat-thingy (not going to bother recalling the name). Carefully sketching out the people around.
The atmosphere was perfect!
By dinner table you wanted to pass the fuck out!
After completing the shift dad had you cover, you rest in front of the diner counter you bus numerous times now. It's a diner and you will die on that hill!
"You've improved." Checking out the sketch you drew with crayons. Once you drew him when you were little, soon every birthday and Father's day gift was a drawing of him as a way to show him your artistic growth and how important he is to you. He still has the drawing you made of super dad when you started getting into super heroes. "The eyes are off on this one." Pointing at an old woman you drew in the background.
Normally you hate unnecessary criticism you didn't ask for but from dad it brings a smile to your face. He always encouraged your artistic talent, even asked a friend at the station who worked as the sketch artist.
"Your nose is off." Poking his nose.
"Years of dealing with punches gets you a crooked nose."
It's nice to be able to talk to him after so long. Physically talk to him face to face. Sure it doesn't erase the emotional damage but at least… You know he loves you still.
Sunday night you are hanging at the restaurant (a diner but dad said it's a restaurant) while your dad is in the kitchen. Your shift ended two hours ago and currently it almost one in the morning.
You are on your tablet reading the chapter your professor wants to review tomorrow. You yawn as you had to reread a page twice because of wording. Highlighting certain words or sentences with a drag of your finger.
It is the late night shift at this Johnny Rocket looking diner and you think it would be a ghost town or maybe two people in here, it is sort of busy. Lots of night owls. There was a big break up in the back a few hours ago.
"How do you like it?"
"Still say it's a diner, dad." You smile at the way he rolls his eyes, shaking his head, "You even got the drama too." Jerking a thumb towards the crying girl with her ex boyfriend by her side.
"Again?" He sounds exasperated by the sight. Must be a regular. "Anyway, want something to eat?"
"Burger and fries oh I mean a burger and chips."
"Silly kid." Going back to the kitchen leaving you to go back to reading at the diner counter. You groan as you slightly move the stool, tempted to spin around in pure boredom.
Back when you were young, dad tried to spend as much time with you as possible given his job. He sometimes would miss things but made sure to make it up to mom and you. It was rough and back then you didn't appreciate how often he wasn't around, older you are grateful for him trying.
"Haven't seen your doll-face around here," Spanish accent and sharp scent of cologne draws your attention from your thoughts to the man sitting next to you. He wore a flat cap and dressed like a man from another era. Definitely someone you would love to…
"Steven?" The face is similar save for the mustache.
He raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly, "Seems you met my hermano." He turns his body completely towards the counter, pulling out a cigarette from his unlabeled small pack, "Don't tell me he has you waiting here for him." Tapping it on the counter.
"No, my dad works here." Steven has two brothers? One who speaks Spanish?
"Hey, Lockley, the usual?" Dad wipes his hands with a small towel before putting it in his apron pouch.
"Si." Voice so smooth with an accent. So different from Steven's British cute movie level accent.
You looked between them, "You know him?"
"Yeah, he's regular here. Helps drive home people like," Nudging his head towards the couple that wasn't a couple but now a couple again in the back. "The few not creepy cab drivers."
"Eh." You made a face. He looks like he works for an old time mobster.
"Be nice. This man was almost your godfather."
Dad never talked about his days in the military. You weren't sure why nor did you ever push to know, dad to you was only a police officer dad who hated superheroes. Not a drill sergeant who knew Jake Lockley and Marc Spector. From what jokes they crack and the way your dad looks comfortable around the cabbie driver, it is as if they are old friends. Both slipping into Spanish at times when you know they are saying something neither wants you to know about.
What a name… Jake. Steven, Marc, Jake; sounds like they sell insurance. And you already thinking how Spector sounds like the Specter of Vengeance from your favorite comic book series.
You lean forward now realizing your eyes are closing.
"Can you drive her home?" Dad being dad after seeing you dozing off while reading, "Got to do some overtime cleaning tonight." Not to be funny but you never thought your dad would trust you around any man.
"Who are you and where's my dad?" Sleepy chuckling at the way he looks offended. "I just need coffee."
"Two espressos and coffee."
Jake whistles.
"You just don't make them strong, dad."
"Uh huh," The last coffee he slipped you was smooth Mexican coffee with more hot chocolate blend than coffee. A bit underhanded, but hey, your dad isn't going to have you crashing hard later. "Jake, make sure my kid goes inside the building." Can't believe he really is dad-power moving on you.
"Unbelievable…" You sigh.
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lonely-lost-soul · 3 years
Immortality and Nymphs Pt. II
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(Philza x reader)
Kisses. God Phil missed your kisses against his skin most of all, you were always so warm and gentle. He couldn’t wait for you to be a constant in his life once again, he walked all three of you back to his home. Wilbur was eyeing you the entire time almost like he was trying to find the differences between himself and you, thinking, The boy looked much more like himself than he did you, but there were tiny similarities here and there. You didn’t seem to mind though when he asked you questions you answered them truthfully. Once they arrived back at his house Wilbur stood up a little straighter,
“As much as I’d like to stay and talk more, Fundy and I need to get going.” He trailed off a little looking at you, “I still have thousands of questions but I have a revolution to plan.” Wilbur continued as you raised a questioning eyebrow, Phil’s wings ruffled a little as he cleared his throat.
“You should come back next week with the others.” Phil gave a slight nod of his head, “I’ll send a crow to Techno.” Fundy was the one to whip his head and nod eagerly, Wilbur adjusted his glasses but eventually nodded.
“That should work.” Wilbur turned to face you taking a shaky breath, “I’ll see you then?” A tender smile spread across your lips as you reached out to cup Wilbur’s cheeks.
“I’m not going anywhere again baby boy,” You whispered as he flushed hesitantly leaning into your touch “I promise.” He pulled away, clearing his throat taking Fundy’s hand as he waved.
“Bye, grandpa! Bye, grandma!” The fox hybrid called and Phil watched as you flushed deeply. Phil wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close, his wings spreading around your body like a cocoon. You giggled softly as he nuzzled his face into your neck, his beard prickled your skin, you missed the feeling.
“Fundy seems sweet,” You mused as the man behind you kissed the skin of your neck. Phil only hummed in agreement which caused you to laugh, “you’re so not paying attention to what I’m saying are you?”
“What?” You burst into laughter at his genuine confusion, “Come on now. I missed you, can you blame me? You’re distracting.” Phil let out a little huff as you pulled away to face him,
“Then show me how much you missed me my crow,” You purred running your fingers through his feathers, you felt his entire body shiver as his breathing hitched. His fingers dug into your hips,
“Careful. They’re sensitive and wouldn't want a pretty thing like you to get hurt.” Phil teased pressing his forehead against yours,
“Oh, I remember.” You winked teasingly as Phil leaned in to swallow your words with a blistering kiss. He felt you melt against his body as his wings fluffed up, both of you poured all your love and admiration for each other into one another. It was then Phil knew nothing changed between the two of you even after all these years apart, there was still the same amount of love and longing you always shared. Phil lifted you into the air and you hooked your legs around his waist, he felt young again, back in the forest by his old home. He felt you giggle against his lips and pull away to rest your forehead on his own, he chased your lips almost desperately. Your hand came up to cup his cheek and he closed his eyes to lean into his palm, “Take me inside first.” You murmured and his eyes lit up mischievously.
“If I remember correctly you never had a problem with making out in the woods before.” He watched your face turn beat red as he smirked proudly, he adored getting you flustered which way to Sunday.
“Yeah well, I’ve lived in the woods all my life. I think I’m ready to stay with my adoring lover in his house, is that really such a bad thing?”
“No. I’d never be opposed to something like that, not when I’ve missed you this much. It’s all I’ve ever wanted, living with you and raising Wilbur, being a family.” He watched you visibly wince and guilt ebbed at his heart, “Hey, hey you had to do what you needed to. I’d rather have you alive and here now than dead or worse.” Phil reassured and you seemed to relax a little bit in his arms,
“I wish I could’ve been here to raise Wilbur with you...I wish I could’ve seen him grow up.” Your voice wavered a little as Phil pulled you close, he hesitated slightly trying to find the right words to say.
“I wish you were there too. But you’re here now, you’re safe and that’s what matters. Plus…” His cheeks flushed a soft pink, “we could always try again.”
“Jesus Christ Phil,” you giggled covering your mouth with your hands and he looked embarrassed. “I just got home Crow, let's give it some time. But...I’m not opposed in the future.” Phil’s face lit up again and he nodded rapidly, he could agree with that, maybe once you built a better relationship with Wilbur and his other boys that’s when the both of you could try again.
Oh god, the other boys. When he invited them all here next week, he hoped they’d make a good impression if not Dadza was going to craft a belt.
“How long has it been since you’ve had an actual meal?”
“God decades!”
He chuckled deeply, kissing your cheek, and led you into his house to have a nice warm meal. Having you around definitely took some getting used to, his days suddenly shifted around as he accommodated for another person but he didn’t mind. Phil woke up happier than he'd felt in a long time, you were curled up against his chest, the top of your head was right under his chin. He ran a hand through your (h/c) hair, letting it run through his fingers, even though it’s been about a week he still felt like you weren’t really beside him.
Wait a week.
His eyes snapped open and he shot up like a rocket, feathers flying everywhere as you groaned, “Crow? Everything alright?” You asked adorably rubbing your eyes, his stress melted away momentarily as he watched you wake up. A few flowers bloomed in your hair as you came to your senses.
“Everythings fine! Just remembered it’s Sunday and the others don’t usually follow set times.” He pulled you from the bed giving you a quick good morning peck on the lips. “Get dressed, something nice I wanna show you off,” He kissed you again longer this time you giggled.
“To who? Our son and your friends?” He gave a happy little nod, as you rolled your eyes, he felt your fingers fix the hair on his face, Phil closed his eyes and leaned against your touch. “But I’ll do as you wish my Crow,” You stood up from the bed and stretched your arms above your head. Phil had managed to get some clothes for you from a nearby village, he still remembered your style, but tried to make it more modern so you didn’t stick out like a sore thumb. You slid on the new clothes, they hung off you loosely. They clearly needed some tailoring, and you slid on the boots he got you the day before, as much as you like walking around barefoot it was pretty impractical.
“Shall we?” Phil held his arm out to you, you wrapped your arm around his own as he led you outside. You both stood on a hillside covered in soft green grass and a big willow tree. Phil looked down at you, his big wings gently covering your back from any danger, he was sure not feeling the grass between your feet was a foreign feeling to you but you didn’t seem to mind. The smile on your face said it all, you were peaceful and relaxed, letting the breeze flow through your hair. “You’re beautiful,” your eyes snapped up to him your cheeks turning light pink,
“Oh stop it old man.” He made an indignant sound as you laughed, your hands reached up and dragged him down to your level, kissing him tenderly. Phil felt his eyes flutter closed and his wings drop, he was snapped back to reality by loud whistling. You pulled back and he pushed you behind him, wings puffing up defensively, standing on the side of the hill were Wilbur, Tommy, Technoblade, and Fundy. Tommy was the one whistling eyes sparkling mischievously, Wilbur whacked him on the back of the head to get him to shut up.
“Dad! Wil’s being mean to me!”
“Don’t be mean to Tommy Wil,” Phil pressed his fingers to his nose with a sigh “Wilbur don’t antagonize your brother.” Fundy was cackling at their mischief, your eyebrows shot up on your forehead and Phil cleared his throat, face pink. Technoblade just stared seemingly eyeing you suspiciously, “(Y/n) these are my other sons. Boys this is (Y/n) Wilbur’s birth mother.” It was Technoblade’s turn for his eyebrows to raise and Tommy’s jaw dropped to the floor,
“No shit.” Tommy gawked, “You don’t look like her at all Wilbur! You’re so ugly, must’ve gotten that from Phil. Sad.” You burst into hysterical laughter watching Phil glare over at Tommy. Wilbur was seething at his sibling but ignored him in favor of giving you a light hug,
“Good to see you, mom.” He whispered,
“Good to see you too.” Phil heard you respond and hug him back, Wilbur whispered something to you and you made a little surprised face before nodding. Phil assumed he told you that the other boys were not in fact his biological children, but those he had adopted. Fundy soon joined in the hug snuggling into your stomach, you ruffled the young fox’s head and he chirped happily. Tommy walked over to introduce himself to you next, he proclaimed to be not only Phil’s favorite son but Wilbur’s favorite brother too. Which lead him to then boldly declare he’d be your favorite as well and Wilbur sent him a scathing look, ah yes, Phil knew that look rather well. Wilbur inherited that look from you, nose all scrunched up and eyes sharp. You shook the young boy's hand and happily told him you couldn't wait to see him fall into the number one spot. Wilbur shot you an offended look and Phil covered up a laugh with his hand, the offending look was sent to his father next,
“What?” Phil laughed holding up his hands, “If he wants to win your mother’s attention I’m not gonna stop him. Every man for themselves.”
“Phil,” You nudged him with his elbow “be nice.” Tommy began to boast about how awesome he was in comparison to his brother, you sent a wink to Wilbur’s, and his shoulders visibly relaxed.
You were his number one, anyone with a brain could see that.
Phil noticed Technoblade had his eye on you the entire time, it took him much longer than the others to gain trust. He decided to walk away from you to stand by the hybrid's side, “Hey mate.” Technoblade only grunted in response, arms crossed over his broad chest protectively, “What’s crawled up your butt eh?”
“You didn’t tell me ‘bout her.” He motioned in your direction with his chin, “you tell me everything. Why not her?” Technoblade was trying to remain stoic but after all these years he could tell he was hurt. Phil sighed softly scratching the stubble on his chin as he watched Fundy run around you trying to fight for your attention.
“It was hard for me to talk about, she didn’t leave on her own free will. Her life was in danger and I didn’t know if I’d ever see her again. It was a shock when she came back last week, a good shock but a shock nonetheless. (Y/n) was my everything, is my everything. I kept it from everyone because I hoped it would keep her alive and safe from those who wished to harm her.” Phil looked over at Techno, for once Phil’s eyes showed his true age, “I’m sorry mate you know I would’ve told you if I could. Doesn’t take much for me to start gushing ‘bout her. I mean look at her.” Phil glanced back over at you, Fundy was on your shoulders, his hat on your head, meanwhile, Wilbur was wrestling with Tommy on the ground. You looked over at him desperate for his help and Phil only smiled over at you and shook his head. Your eyes screamed distressed as you tried to get the boys to stop fighting, Phil felt Techno’s eyes on him and he looked back at his son and friend.
“I understand I suppose,” Technoblade sighed rubbing the back of his neck, “You wanted to protect her. I can’t be mad at you for that, but no more secrets alright? Promise me?”
“Promise. Now go say hi to her before she gets upset and thinks you don’t like her,” Phil nudged him forward and his eyes widened a little,
“Heh? Phil hold on-”
“(Y/n)! This is Techno.” Phil clapped the man on the back, you looked up at him with a kind smile.
“Pleasure to meet you Technoblade, I like your cape.” Phil watched the man flush in embarrassment at the compliment,
“Eh...thanks. Like your flowers.” He motioned to the flowers blooming in your hair, you beamed brightly at him, always happy to talk about your flowers.
“Thank you, sweetie!” His ears turned red and he waved you off anxiously, he moved to peel Tommy away from Wilbur, wanting to get out of this conversation. Fundy hopped off your shoulders to tackle his father and you let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding in, “wow. They’re…”
“A lot?”
“Yes.” You laughed fondly, “but…”
“I wouldn’t trade them for the world.” Phil nodded kissing you on the apple of your cheek,
“Good. You better not. They’re all my sons now. I hope you know that” You leaned against his chest, he laughed and you felt his chest rise and fall.
“I’d expect nothing less from you.”
Letters. That’s how most of you communicated in the years to follow, Wilbur would send letters and you would beam in delight. It melted Phil’s heart, he knew his son was busy with the revolution and the now Presidency but he wished he’d visit his mother. You would write him back almost immediately after receiving a letter, you’d seal the letter with a kiss before sending it off with one of Phil’s crows. Afterward, Phil would take you in his arms and pepper you in tender kisses, you would giggle and snuggle into his arms. He told you he loved you, and you cooed and told you loved him back, then you both would share a kiss. Phil loved those days the most, seeing you truly happy made his heart swell. There were days where Phil taught you how to fight, days where you would garden, and days where he let you groom his feathers. He loved that, grooming was another one of the things he missed the most, you got out all the tangled feathers just perfectly. He would lean back against your hands head falling on your shoulder as he panted, his pupils were blown wide as you hummed fondly.
So, maybe Phil enjoyed it a little more than he remembered.
It was a cold autumn day when the letters stopped coming, you were heartbroken, always anxiously petting and feeding his crows. They could sense your disappointment in waves, it was almost choking Phil himself, his heart ached to see you so sad. He pets your hair gently as you both sat on the hill with the willow tree, he noticed the bags under your eyes were dark, Phil’s frown only deepened.
“My love please smile for me, I’ve missed it so much these past few weeks.”
“Somethings wrong,” Your voice was soft looking up at Phil “He wouldn’t just stop writing to us. He always writes to us.” He hated the way your voice quivered, “what if he changed his mind about me?” Phil shushed you softly with a kiss,
“First of all, there’s no way he changed his mind about you. The way the both of you bonded these past few years, Wilbur wouldn’t throw that all away for no good reason.” He tried to reassure you, “Although, I will admit this is strange. Wilbur isn’t one to not write to me, it’s something he’s always done ever since he was old enough to spell.”
“Crow…” You whispered, “can we visit him? Just to put my mind at ease...please.” Phil’s heart melted as soon as he saw your puppy dog eyes, he nodded and you smiled.
Good. He was going to keep that there as long as he was physically able.
The next day, Phil scooped you up in his arms and you headed towards the direction of his son's new nation.
It was called L’Manburg if Phil remembered correctly.
What the both of you didn’t expect to see was a war zone, “Phil…” You murmured eyes wide in fear, he held you to his chest, your brow furrowed in worry. He swore he could see Tommy and Techno looking up at them from below, it didn’t ease the anxiety prickling at his skin, the sky suddenly went black with crows.
A bad omen, something bad was going to happen, and they knew it.
“Phil they’re distressed. Somethings wrong.”
“I know hon,” Phil looked around worriedly, he spotted a glance of Wilbur walking into some sort of room. He landed just outside the entrance, he put you on your feet, “Stay behind me.” He instructed you, you nodded your head clutching onto his bicep. The both of you stepped into the dimly lit room, there were scrawlings etched into the wall, all scratched in by Wilbur. Your brow furrowed in concern, fingers dancing across the lettering, “what’re you doing?” Phil spoke, his tone flat and serious, looking dead at your son, wings spreading out behind him.
“Wilby?” You asked softly as he slowly turned around, his big brown eyes were wet and wide.
“Mom…” He whispered, “I didn’t want…” Wilbur looked away from you and grit his teeth, “Welcome to L’manburg. Sorry, you have to see it like this, war-torn and broken. I wanted you to see it in its prime, a shame you didn’t visit sooner.”
“Wilbur, don’t do this,” Phil said watching his son look longingly at the button in the middle of the wall, almost with longing. “This is your country, it can be fixed. Things can be rebuilt, it’s where you raised your son,” Phil continued his entire body tense and nervous he was too aware of the sword on Wilbur’s hip. Phil reached out his hand as you walked towards Wilbur,
“Baby boy…” You whispered tenderly, vines slowly growing out of the cracks in the floor. “Don’t do this I only just got you back, please think about what you’re doing.” Wilbur’s brow furrowed watching you smile softly holding out your arm, “Everything will be alright I promise you. We can help you.” He let out a wet laugh running a hand through his brown curls, his pointed ears visible.
“It’s not the same nation anymore. There was a special place where people could go but it’s not there. It’s no longer the nation it once was Mom.”
“It is there. You've just- You've just won it back, Wil!” Phil spoke up in opposition to his son.
“MOM, Dad, I’m ALWAYS SO CLOSE to pressing this button, Phil! I've BEEN HERE like seven or eight times, I've been here seven or eight times...Phil, I've been here so many times…” All of you jumped a little at the sound of crackling fireworks outside, “They're fighting. They're fighting!” Phil and you glanced at one another, there was a beat of silence.
“And you want to just blow it all up, You fought so hard to get this land back... So hard.” You argued reaching out to cup his cheeks, he melted into your palms, snuggling into them like they were his last lifeline.
“I don't even know if it works anymore, Mom, I don't even know if the button works, I could, I could... press it.”
“Do you really wanna take that risk?” Phil laughed, “There is a lot of TNT potentially connected to that button.”
“Phil... There was a saying, Phil. By a traitor. Once part of L'Manburg. A traitor- I don't know if you've heard of Eret? He had a saying...It was never meant to be!” He tossed his hand back and slammed it against the button, you let out a devastating shriek pulling Wilbur into your arms to try and protect him from the blast. Phil felt pure adrenaline enter his bloodstream as he flew towards you and his son. His wings wrapped around the both of you and you whimpered, some of his feathers caught fire and he squeezed his loved one’s harder. Wilbur meanwhile let out a roaring cry “MY L'MANBURG, PHIL! MY UNFINISHED SYMPHONY, FOREVER UNFINISHED! IF I CAN'T HAVE THIS, NO-ONE CAN, PHIL!”
“Oh, my god…” Phil spoke, his voice quivering with horror, Wilbur looked down at you, hurt and pride swam in his eyes,
“Are you proud of me mama?” He whispered softly as your thumb caressed his cheeks, Phil glanced down at you ignoring the pain in his wing, your eyes were wet but you were still smiling.
It didn’t reach your eyes.
“I’ll always be proud of you Wilbur. I’m your mother, and I love you, I’ll always love you.” He let out a little cry, you were so genuine with him, your love was smothering him. Wilbur looked up at his father and grabbed his wrist,
“Kill me, Phil. Phil, kill me, Phil kill me!” Wilbur broke away from his hold and tossed his sword Phil’s way. Phil caught it in his arms the lines in his forehead creasing with worry, “Phil, stab me with the sword, murder me now, kill me! Killza, Killza, do it! Kill me, Phil! Murder me! Look, they all want you to! Do it, Phil! Kill me! Phil, kill me!”
“I- You're my SON!”
“Wilbur NO! PHIL DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE!” You cried as Wilbur shoved you away from him, your growing distress caused vines to spill into the room, filling it with greenery, nature wanted to protect you.
“No matter what you- dude, no matter what you've done, I can't-” Phil’s voice cracked, his knuckles turning white against the hilt of the blade.
Wilbur slammed his fist against the wall, “Phil, it's- LOOK! LOOK! HOW MUCH WORK WENT INTO THIS, and it's GONE!” He grabbed Phil’s hand and shoved the point of the sword into his chest, “Do it. Do it.”
“PHIL!” You sobbed grabbing onto his other arm, eyes red and puffy, fat tears were running down your pink cheeks.
The man squeezed his eyes tightly, his throat closing up, he couldn’t look at you, he could feel the look of horror that was slowly spreading across your face.
“Phil. I’m begging you we can get him help, I can’t lose him. Not again, not when I’ve only just got him back.” You choked out, “he’s my baby. He’s our baby.” You were clinging to Phil desperately, your smile was gone, he failed you and he failed his own son.
“Do it, Dad.” Wilbur interrupted you, you let out a desperate cry and Wilbur shushed you softly, brushing away your tears. “It’s better this way,” Wilbur leaned down and kissed your forehead, “I love you and I forgive you.” He looked back at Phil and his disintegrating right-wing, guilt ate at him, “It’s time.”
Phil let out a deep breath, jaw tense and he felt you bury your head in his uninjured wing. He ran his sword through his son’s chest, Wilbur fell forward against the blade, he choked on the blood in his mouth, it flowed out of the corners and stained the front of his shirt. Phil felt you move to look but he covered your face with his wing once more, “Don’t look darlin’” He whispered as your sobs only increased, Wilbur slowly died in his arms with a smile on his face that would forever haunt Phil’s nightmares. He stroked Wilbur’s hair as he slowly faded out of existence, three lives completely snuffed out, Phil was part of giving him life and was the one to take his final one. Once Wilbur was gone you crumpled to the floor loud sobs echoing in the chamber, he fell beside you and wrapped you in his arms, you clutched his beanie to your chest.
“It’s alright. It’ll be okay.”
“Okay! Philza Minecraft how the FUCK is this gonna be okay!” You snarled in his arms but he only held you tighter, “Our son...our baby is dead.” You choked holding your hand to your mouth, the vines that had grown started dying feeding off your agony. “He’s gone…” You whimpered letting Phil caress your hair and plant kisses on the top of your head.
“We’ll get through this. I promise you.” He swore up to you cupping your cheeks within his hands, you sniffled a little and gave a small nod of your head. You were drained emotionally and physically, Phil’s heart ached in his chest.
“You’re hurt…”
“I’ll be alright,” He tried to stretch out his wings he flinched as pain shot up the right side of his body. Phil’s wing was charred to bits, you both knew the unspoken truth that he’d never fly like he once did, Wilbur wasn’t the only thing Phil would mourn.
“We need to set up a grave for him. Under the willow tree, I’ll plant yellow flowers. That way he can always be close to us so long as we live there,” You looked up at him eyebrows pinched so tight “Please.”
“You don’t need permission Darlin’.” He whispered to you resting his forehead against your own, “If that’s where you want it that’s where it’ll be.”
Phil slowly helped you to your feet, you weren’t injured, a few cuts and scrapes he took the majority of the damage from the explosion just like he had planned. He hissed as he tried to put pressure on his left ankle, “Fuck me. I’m too young to need a cane.”
“Eh,” You smiled weakly “Wouldn’t say that.”
“Shut the fuck up.” You giggled softly, your laughter significantly improved his mood, even if it was a minuscule adjustment. “We all can’t be as spry as you,”
“What can I say some of us have it and some of us don’t.” You smirked slightly hearing another loud explosion go off in the distance, “the Withers. Technoblade spawned them didn’t he?” Your eyebrows furrowed in thought and Phil gave a little nod,
“Most likely.”
“Our boys, they can’t do anything without explosions can they?” You shakily whispered and Phil couldn’t help but let out a dry laugh,
“Guess so,” He shrugged limply as you slipped Wilbur’s beanie on your head,
“What now?” You looked up at him through wet eyelashes, Phil caressed the back of your head,
“We go home, bury what’s left of Wilbur, and take a look at my wings to assess the damage.” Phil watched you nod numbly against him, “it’ll be a long walk back.” He groaned rubbing his eyes and you rubbed his back soothingly.
“Let me handle that,” You reassured and he raised an eyebrow the both of you moved to leave the structure neither one of you wanted to put up with anyone, you both had lost a son and wanted time to mourn. Plus, it seemed Tommy and Technoblade were busy fighting. Phil watched you with careful eyes allowing himself to lean against one of the trees that survived the explosion. You placed your fingers in your mouth and gently whistled, not only did a crow from a tree flutter by but a wandering horse as well, you really were an animal whisperer. The crow ruffled its feathers and cawed loudly at Phil, he shot the crow a look and flipped it off, meanwhile, you worked your magic taming the horse in a matter of moments. “Come here Crow,” You held as your hand and he fell into it, you helped him onto the horse and he shot you a look,
“I’m not riding on this horse with you walking on foot. Switch with me.” Phil tried to argue but you shushed him,
“You took an explosion to the back. Take a breather, relax, nature helps me heal anyway.” You hummed fondly as he slumped against the horse reluctantly, it took about an hour to get back home, Phil had lost all feeling in his wing and wanted nothing more than to curl up with you and go to sleep. As the looming willow tree came into view Phil heard you sniffle and clutch his son’s beanie on your head,
“I-I’m alright.” You cleared your throat shaking your head, “Let’s get you looked at before anything else, okay?” Phil too exhausted to argue only nodded limply, you helped him inside and set him down on a chair. “Spread your wings for me,” You commanded, helping him stretch out his wings. He cursed, only feeling pure agony shoot through his right side,
“Ow! Fuck me!”
“Sorry, sorry,” You whispered out tenderly rubbing the base of his left-wing. The mixture of pain and pleasure was foreign but not completely unwelcome. “Oh, Phil…” You trailed off hesitant to touch the damage that was inflicted, “I don’t...I don’t think-” You chewed the bottom of your lip, but Phil got the message, he wasn’t going to be able to fly as he once did, maybe ever again. His flight feathers were singed to hell, completely burned away, not to mention the patchiness of his other feathers. His shoulders slumped forward as he ran a hand down his face, he was exhausted, he felt the coolness on his wing as you spread some antibiotic on the injury. “I’m sorry,” You kissed the back of his neck and he shivered at the feeling. “We’ll bury what we have tomorrow, you need rest.”
“I’ll be fine-”
“Phil, I will force you into bed. Don’t fucking test me right now, I will force you if I have to.” You hissed out glaring daggers at him, he should be threatened but he just felt oddly aroused.
He decided to attribute that to how fucked up he felt today.
Phil allowed you to tuck him into bed as gentle as you were capable of doing, “I’m going to send out some letters. I’ll join you in a little bit.” He felt you remove his hat and run your fingers through his blonde hair, he leaned into your touch like a kitten. As soon as you shut the door, Phil was out like a light.
Phil found out the next day that you had sent a letter out to both Tommy and Technoblade, you wouldn’t specify what you sent but you seemed a bit more relaxed than you had the other day. You both didn’t get a chance to bury what was left of Wilbur until a week later, Phil’s healing process was slower than he could’ve imagined. Phil reluctantly had to use a cane to get around easily, his crows laughed at him but you were also so kind and careful.
You were an angel.
The two of you buried him under the willow tree on the hill where you’d met the other members of your odd family for the first time. Technoblade had shown up at your doorstep holding out a large box inside of it was a stone tombstone inscribed on the tombstone was Wilbur’s name and date of birth and death. It had surprised Phil that the hybrid even agreed to make this for you, but at the same time, he was Phil’s adoptive son and closest friend, he appreciated the gesture nonetheless. Phil had placed Wilbur’s coat and beanie into a box and placed it under the ground. You had kept your promise and had grown little yellow flowers around the site of the burial, and the two parents mourned the loss of their biological son. Technoblade stood close by a hand resting on Phil’s shoulder in hopes to soothe him at least a little bit, Phil would never admit it but he appreciated the gesture.
Little did the three of them know, a small smile spread across a young ghost’s face. He picked at the sleeves of his yellow sweater, maybe he could give both of them some blue sometime to help them heal.
He had a feeling they’d like that idea.
I usually don't tag people in my stories but I figured a lot of people wanted a part two:
@xx-smiley-xx @dreamsofficialwife @dirtydiavolo @thatguythatsshy
@shinyshimaagain @little-odd-dude @theultimatewifu32 @hee-hee-haw @thegeekishere
601 notes · View notes
ggukkiereads · 4 years
hi hii I was wondering if you had any taekook x reader fics ? 🙈 , also wondering if I could I go as 🗯 anon if that's okay? I love ur recs so much and ur page is a LIFESAVER , ily bae <3
🌷 Dear 🗯️ anon! I am sorry for answering so late. My drafts are all messed up but I was able to focus on this. On my 📍 pinned post, I actually asked if you meant love triangles or MMF smut but you didn't reply. So, I'll just put both =)
Enjoy! Much love and credit goes to all these wonderful writers who brought these fics to life 💖🥳
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TaeKook Fics (Taehyung x Reader x Jungkook)
Love Triangle/s
M/M/F Smutty One Shots/Series
#ReadwithMe (fics in my reading queue/planning to read)
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Love Triangle
All I Want @ardentlyjae - series [6/6] | 126k | War AU, Soldier!Taehyung | Heavy Angst, S
I actually read this on AO3 but I realized it’s on tumblr too. I remember this fic every time I hear Kodaline’s All I Want, which the fic was inspired by
Anima Meaology @arckook - series [5/5] | 26k | Soulmate AU, soulmate glitch (those with mismatched tattoos on their wrist) | A, F
I read this long ago on AO3 when I had this soulmate AU-fixation phase and I saw it on tumblr recently. Just had to read it again 🥺
Aquarium, Part 2 @whatifyoulivelikethat - two shot | 6.9k | cheating/infidelity, healing/comfort, second chances | A, F
I really like this comfort fic 🥰. Also shows that people deserve second chances, even the person who caused so much hurt. Screamed about it here and here
Change @junghelioseok - series [10/10] | 39.2k | a kind handsome stranger (Taehyung) makes you question your deteriorating relationship (Jungkook) | A, S, F
can I just say that Taehyung is such a sweetheart here 🥰? I always envision Paris Taehyung 2018 in this
Everything Goes @jamaisjoons - one shot | 24k | Fuckboy!Taehyung, Bestfriend!Taehyung, Stranger!Jungkook, unrequited love | A, S  (really angsty)
First Light @inktae - one shot | 24k | Bestfriend!Taehyung, Masked Jungkook who can’t seem to leave the forest, Fantasy AU, based on hotarubi no mori e | F
If you’ve seen my fic recs list, inktae is always part of my recs. The way they write is just emotionally and visually haunting. Their works are just masterpieces. This is beautifully heartbreaking and heartbreakingly beautiful.
House of Cards @aiimaginesbts - series [10/10] | 40k | infidelity au, taehyung in an arranged marriage with someone else, roommate Jungkook | A, S, F
don’t we all want to have a roommate like Jungkook who will be there to comfort you over your heartbreak over someone else?
Stealing the Bite by wildernessuntothemselves - series [6/6] | 37k | witch!reader x werewolf!taehyung x vampire!jungkook, supernatural au, fantasy au | S, A
I mentioned before that some are divided re the ending, so I wonder what’s going to be the reactions of others
The Muse @daddychims - one shot | 30k | Author!Reader, Bestfriend!Taehyung, Fuckboy!Taehyung,  Coworker!Jungkook, Taehyung offered OC to watch him have sex with another so she could write an erotic scene | S, A, F
The Universe of Us (read on mobile) @/taesthetes (officially closed her account) - one shot | 21k | Dream AU, Fantasy, Slice of Life, Kimi no Nawa-inspired | F, A
I am never going to shut up about this fic lol. It’s not exactly a love triangle, ugh hard to explain but please read this wonderful fic. Check their other KTH x R x JJK soulmate fic Cloud Ten too.
When You Least Expect @johobi - series [12/14 + drabble] | 118k | Slow Burn, Love Triangle, Drama, Childhood Friend Taehyung, set up with another guy (Jungkook) | S, A, F
ugh, I want to put another tag about Jungkook but I guess it’s a surprise. I just love the drama 🍿
🌷 I’m forgetting two more fics but I’ll update this once I remember. I haven’t read recently released fics too! I’ll add if there are good ones that come along
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MMF Smutty One Shots/Series
A Piece of You @httpjeon - one shot | 13.9k | abo dynamics, camboy AU, camgirl AU, fan jungkook joins the cam session | S, F
All’s Fair @kimvtae - one shot | 13k | soulmate AU, college AU, dating Taehyung for a year but different name (Jungkook) showed up on OC’s wrist (lol it’s not a problem if you can get them both) | S
Blacklisted @/httpjeon - one shot | 21k | dom/sub AU, CEO AU, “after departing from your dom, you’re assigned to two incredibly powerful men” | A, F, S
Business @btssmutgalore - two shot | 28.9k | executive!reader, inventors/start-up owners taekook | S (seriously, how could I have missed including this here)
Dulce Periculum @forgottenpasta - two shot [2/2]  | 16k | Hybrid AU, Tiger Hybrid!Tae, Owner!Reader, Wolf Hybrid!Jungkook | S, A, F
Easy Like Sunday Morning @ofsugakookies - one shot | 11.8k | boyfriend AU (yes, both of them), dom!taehyung, sub!jungkook | S, PWP
It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Right @imaginethisbts - two shot [2/2] 11.6k | Hybrid AU (dog hybrids) | S, A (side note: I realized I’ve read all of their fics! give their masterlist a try)
Just Kidding @/whatifyoulivelikethat - series [5/?] | 21.1k+ | nympho OC, friend Taehyung, tae’s roommate Jungkook | S, kinda F, crack
this is actually fun 😊; and the episodes are written in a drabble-ish sort of way so you won’t feel like it needs to be updated to get the story moving. It’s basically just reading fun scenarios of nympho OC and these two satisfying her needs *wink wink
Not So Digital @jiminables  - sequel to Digital Boy | 2.7k | camboy!taehyung, bestfriend!jungkook, short mxm | S, slight F
Playing to Win @tayegi - one shot | 8.6k | FWB AU (tae), sort of enemies to lovers (jungkook), TaeKook (mxm), originally Taehyung x OC (fwb) | S
okay this is one of my favorites! I’m amazed at how the power dynamics were written. Taehyung seems a dom with OC but with Jungkook he is all soft and sub; then, there’s that dynamic between Jungkook and OC who disliked each other originally. I just found the shifting so interesting and the writer was able to display these changes in dom/sub behavior among the three characters really well
Pour Up @jungkxook - one shot | 14k | fuckboy AU, fratboy AU (applies to two of them), one sassy OC, one kind of jealous Koo | S (thank you dear author for reposting this! 🥰)
Shhh @bang-tan-bitches - drabble (with OT7 sequel) | 2.7k | PWP (just pure hot imagine)
Shameless @imaginethisbts - one shot | 5.1k | established relationship (jungkook x oc), Taehyung’s POV, exhibitionism | S (not exactly threesome, because JK and OC are just doing it in front of people, Taehyung had a bit of action in the end)
Sugar & Spice @divine-bangtan - one shot | 20.8k | Kiki’s Delivery Service!AU, Baker AU, Noona AU, Assistant!Jungkook, Rich!Taehyung, pining Koo, a bit of M x M  | S, F, A (it’s all good everyone ends up happy 😊)
Sugar and Spice @sunkissedjk - two shot [2/2] | 8.6k | Your friends ask you whether you prefer sugar (jjk) or spice (kth) | S
ugh this is such an indulgent imagine. If taekook are your friends and they help you decide what type of sex you prefer through a demonstration, wouldn’t you want for multiple demos before deciding? *wink wink
Sacrilegious @therealmintedmango -  part of the Gods and Monsters series | 15.6k | Demon!Jungkook, Fallen Angel!Reader, God!Taehyung | S (so sinful 😈💦)
Sweat Pea @nitaescence - series [10/10] | 63k | DDLG!AU, caregiver!jungkook, caregiver!taehyung, little!oc | S, F, A
so I’m glad there was an ask about caregiver!jungkook because I remembered this. I actually checked if there’s a follow up drabble because the ending is open to any interpretation so I’m curious how other readers interpreted it
051 + Scum’s Wish @scriptmin - one shot | 3k | bestfriend!jungkook, pining!oc (unrequited), rebound!taehyung | S, A
it’s actually kind of sad 😭 but I added this because it's good to have variety. Not all smutty pieces will be a happy one
Tattooed Two @/httpjeon - one shot | 8.5k | tattoo artist AU, boyfriend Jungkook joined by his bestfriend Taehyung | S, F
The Doms Next Door @tatertotthethot - series [3.1/?] | 33.8k+ | BDSM AU, Poly, Neighbor AU, Tattoo Artist AU | S
I really love this series. It’s so funny too, I remember Jimin here - he’s THAT bestfriend you want to have. PLUS TaeKook are absolutely hot. If you're not interested in being a sub or partaking in bdsm, you will reconsider
The Hush Series @suga-kookiemonster - two shot [2/2] | 16.9k | coworker’s friends TaeKook, sort of E2L (Jungkook), dom!taehyung, a bit of voyeurism | | S
okay, I really like author’s writing. It can be about sinful delicious smut scenes but I noticed the members always have this developed characterization. I actually find Taehyung so adorably charming - makes me wonder if irl tae is secretly sinful too behind that sweetness lol
Thic Trilogy @btsinned - series [3/7] | 37k+ | CEO AU, Hybrid AU, College AU, Chubby!Reader | S, F, A
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🌷 I’m throwing in fics in my reading queue #ReadwithMe
Attitude Adjustment @s0seo - one shot | 11.8k | Roommate AU | S
Chain Reaction @kissmetae - one shot | 3.2k | boyfriend Taehyung and friend Jungkook helping OC relax | S
Cherry @kpopstories - series [4/?] | 29k+ |  college AU, fuckboy AU, love triangle | A, S, F (this is part of my ongoing reading list)
Cobalt Blue @hauntedlilies - one shot | 11.3k | artist AU, “you asked Jungkook to draw you like one of his french girls” | S
When You’re Mad @honeyj00ns -  one shot | 3.8k | established relationship (boyfriend Jungkook), enemies to lovers Taehyung, Taehyung is JK’s bestfriend, Christmas AU, College AU| S
Madam Cupcake @craztextae - series [6/?] | 69.2k+ | Sugarbaby AU, Idolverse, idol!jungkook meets OC through an app called “sugarmamas(.)com” | S, F
Player Two @minjoonalist - one shot | 10.6k | Gamer!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Jungkook, Boyfriend!Taehyung, Brat!Reader | S
Tag Team @goodnight-tae - one shot | 5.2k | stripper AU, TaeKook are roommates and friends who share most things 😉 | S, PWP
Whoa @bangtanlalaland - one shot | 4.7k | skater!taehyung, 1970s AU, coworker!jungkook | S, PWP, Crack
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posted: 2021 March 12; updated: 2021 May 12
link to other fic recs here
feel free to recommend a fic
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queenshelby · 3 years
A Friend with Benefits (One Shot)
31 Days of Kink: Day 26
Pairing: Cillian Murphy x Reader
Warning: Smut, FFM Threesome, Breeding Kink
Words: 2,365
Notes: Alright now. I am in a same sex relationship and this is my biggest fantasy. Here you go. I hope you enjoy.
You and Laura have been together for five years. You recently got married and purchased your first house together and, whilst you were extremely happy, there was one thing that had been missing in your lives. A baby!
You were well aware of the fact that you wouldn’t be able to make a baby without a man and it was on a Sunday afternoon that, over several drinks at the local pub, your close mutual friend Cillian had offered his help.
‘Let me know what clinic you are going to use and I will, you know, do what has to be done’ Cillian chuckled, causing you both to laugh.
‘You know, we could just fuck. It saves everyone the hassle of going through the artificial insemination and a lot of money too’ Laura smirked, causing Cillian to choke on his pint of Guinness.
‘You mean like me with the both of you?’ Cillian asked somewhat flustered and you both looked at each other and then nodded.
‘Yes. You are single, we are willing and you really need to get laid’ Laura observed as his last date with a woman he had met at an art exhibition didn’t go very well and Cillian admitted to you both that, the last time he had sex, was six months ago.
‘Hmm, I always wanted to have a threesome with two women’ Cillian admitted, flushing cheeks as he did.
‘Well then Cilly, let’s set a date then, shall we?’ you asked and he nodded eagerly.
Your soft feminine mouth was pressing against Laura's as her tongue caressed yours. You both felt a little awkward being watched by someone at first but when you heard Cillian's breath deepen with arousal at the sight of you kissing each other, you started to relax in to it.
Laura then wrapped her arms around you allowing one hand to drift down to the curve of your spine while you took Laura’s bottom lip between your teeth pulling at it gently before resuming the kiss deeply and passionately.
Soon the familiar flutters in your panties began and you both yearned for each other’s touch.
But, just as you hungrily pressed into the kiss, Laura pulled away and turned to Cillian and delivered the same intense kiss, parting his lips and pressing her tongue in to his mouth as you watched on.
Laura then gestured with her head that it was now time for you and Cillian to kiss. Without losing any time, you pulled Cillian towards you, sharing the kiss you had been craving for and it was at this point that he felt his cock swelling as the thoughts of being with both, you and Laura, intruded his mind.
All of you were so turned on that the kiss was animalistic as your tongues fervently danced around one another and you both grabbed at one another aggressively, not caring if you caused the other pain before Laura had yet another turn, doing the same.
As Laura was kissing Cillian, you stepped behind her, laying your hands on her slender waist. Slowly your fingers started creeping up Laura's ribcage closing in on her chest.
Your hands stopped short just as your index fingers reached the underside of Laura's breasts and your thumbs pressed against the sides. With featherweight movement you drew your thumbs across Laura's breasts lightly brushing against her nipples.
Laura had neglected to wear a bra that evening as she had intended to tease Cillian with that fact, perhaps even accidentally let him glimpse down her shirt. Now her nipples pressed hard against her shirt clearly visible to Cillian as he broke off the kiss and watched you both put on yet another show for him.
He watched your hands stroking Laura's breasts and felt his cock springing to action in his pants. He loved the light moaning noises Laura was making as your dainty fingers flicked and pulled at her nipples unremittingly.
Cillian lifted Laura's shirt over her head admiring her perky breasts as they came into view. He stepped to the side and reached out further to repeat the action with you. You did have a bra on, a fine lacy black number which left almost nothing to the imagination. Your breasts were much larger than Laura's and the bra did an amazing job of pushing them up in a deliciously tempting way.
He reached behind and unhooked the clasp with ease. Coquettishly, you let both straps fall down your arms whilst holding the main material of the bra to still cover your breasts. Cillian looked at you directly in the eye.
‘Drop it’ he growled.
‘Yes sir’ you giggled as you let the fabric fall from your hand revealing everything. Your skin was bronzed from hours in the sun and your large firm breasts beckoned for him to touch them. He placed a hand on one feeling the weight in the palm of his hand whilst he lowered his mouth to the other. As he took your nipple in his mouth he felt it harden against his tongue.
Cillian then reached out and took Laura's hand and guided it towards your breast. There now were hands all over and you leaned in towards Laura and again began kissing her passionately as Laura grew more adventurous and lightly flicked at your nipple. Her other hand rested on the curve of your narrow waist enjoying the feeling of your womanly shape and soft feminine skin.
The removal of the remaining items of clothing was a blur and soon Cillian found himself naked, splayed horizontally across the bed with you and Laura standing at the foot. As the clothing slipped away clearly any remaining inhibitions had too. You whispered something to Laura who got on to the bed between his legs.
Her large eyes looked up at him briefly before tenderly she bent over and kissed his thigh a few inches short of where he wanted to feel her mouth. She planted another kiss and then another, slowly working upwards until her mouth reached his soft pubic hair. But instead of taking him in her mouth she skipped over his penis and ran her kisses down his other leg.
During this time, you had moved to the side of the bed and were now kneeling alongside him. In one athletic gesture you stretched out her leg, pivoting slightly until your smooth pussy was positioned just above his face.
He breathed in your sweet, intoxicating scent and stretched out his tongue to take that first tempting taste.
Almost exactly as his tongue met with your soft mound he felt Laura's tongue connect with his erection. Tantalizingly slowly Laura's tongue worked her way up his seven inches until she reached the head and plunged it in her mouth. Again, she reversed her action and made her way back down his penis until she reached his balls which she gently took in her mouth and sucked.
At the same time, Cillian’s hands were on your ass to support you as his tongue lapped at your wet opening and you bucked around. Occasionally he would push his long tongue through your pussy lips and thrust as though he was fucking you with it driving you wild. Then he would shift his focus to your clit, skilfully stroking it with his tongue.
He had a girl on his cock and another on his face. It was heaven.
‘Let’s change it up a bit and make this baby, huh’ Laura then said eagerly as she let go of his cock and let it fall from her mouth.
‘Who first?’ Cillian chuckled, as he lifted you from his face and laid you down on the bed.
‘Y/N first’ Laura said as she collapsed next to you and, after you shared another brief but seductive kiss, you climbed up on all fours, pushing your ass out towards where Cillian was kneeling.
You shifted over, between Laura’s legs while Cillian lined himself up with your entrance.
Tentatively you placed your hands on Laura’s slender, toned thighs, her thumbs turned inwards so that they almost made contact with her labia. You then brought your mouth close and softly breathed on Laura’s skin causing her to shiver involuntarily just as you could feel Cillian push his length inside of you slowly.
‘Oh god he feels good’ you groaned against Laura’s wet mound, causing all three of you to moan.
As light as a feather you traced the tip of your tongue gently up one side of Laura’s pussy hearing her moan in response all while Cillian pushed into you further and further from behind until he bottomed out against your cervix.
Then, Cillian started off with slow but firm trusts while you tried your hardest to seductively tease Laura’s velvety haven, alternating your deliberate, predictable patterns with sudden surprise moves.
‘Is he fucking you good Love?’ Laura moaned, enjoying the sight of Cillian taking you from behind while he watched you giving Laura head in the most seductive and pleasurable way.
‘So fucking good’ you moaned as Cillian picked up speed, causing you to groan and moan even louder.
‘Fill her with your cum, Cilly’ Laura moaned as she observed Cillian’s facial expressions change as he continued to thrust into you.
‘Oh my god fuck, Cillian’ you moaned, unable to pay any attention to Laura’s needs at this point as you could feel your climax approach quicker than you had expected.
It was at this point that Laura scooted up from beneath you and kneeled next to Cillian, kissing him passionately as he continued to fuck you.
‘You are making her cum Cilly, I can see it’ Laura groaned as she pulled your ass cheeks apart, giving Cillian a better view of his cock as he slid in and out of your wetness.
‘Oh my god yes that’s it’ you moaned loudly as your orgasm finally washed over you and your walls tightened around Cillian’s cock, milking his seed from him.
‘Fuck’ Cillian groaned as he reached his high only seconds after you did, filling you with rope after rope of his warm cum.
‘Hmm fuck, yes’ Laura groaned as she watched some of Cillian’s cum spill out of you and, just after he pulled out, she pushed one of her fingers into your pussy, pushing his seed further into you.
‘Jesus Laura’ Cillian huffed out, watching her play with his cum inside your pussy and, just after your breathing had returned to normal, she scooted beneath you and began pleasuring you with her tongue.
The sight of Laura licking his cum from your pussy turned Cillian on immensely and, within mere seconds, he grew hard again.
‘Common, my turn now you stud’ Laura chuckled as she spread her legs while she continued to dip her tongue into your wet folds.
Cillian was quick to line himself up in between Laura’s legs while you turned around, facing him while Laura, who was still lying beneath you, continued her attack on your cum dripping pussy.  
Without losing any time, Cillian pushed in to her tight little hole and felt the satisfaction as she cried out when his girth filled her up completely.
He fucked her slowly, watching as her enthusiasm for licking you continued to grow. She was not holding back now and he knew that her face would be wet with your juices and his cum.
Then again, Cillian watched Laura work a couple of fingers into you and focus her oral attention directly on your clit causing you to become even more feverish.
Knowing that she was having this effect on you was such a turn on and combined with the feeling of Cillian's incredible cock slipping and in and out of her she felt the familiar tension building in her body that ached for release.
As he was fucking Laura, Cillian began to rub his fingers over your clit while, ever so often, play with your breasts and kiss you.
Laura felt like she could cum at any second but continued to focus on her own work. She slipped your clit between her lips, cradling it in her tongue and sucked gently. This caused you to suddenly cry out with a shattering moan thrusting her pelvis as your orgasm overtook your body.
‘Your cum tastes so fucking good’ Laura growled after you finally moved away and took a closer look at what Cillian was doing.
‘I can’t wait to have a taste’ you moaned as you pulled Laura’s legs back, giving Cillian better access.
‘Fuck me hard now’ Laura screamed at Cillian who obliged only too willingly drilling his cock in to her so hard that a loud slapping noise filled the air. Her back arched upwards off the bed and her pussy gripped tightly at his erection as she cried out in pleasure amidst her climax.
Overwhelmed from the intensity of the sensations that had shot through it, Laura's body crumpled beneath Cillian causing his rock-hard cock to explode for a second time.
‘Oh god yes, fill her up’ you groaned as you watched Cillian come inside Laura, coating her insides with his seed until, finally, his movements came to a standstill and he pulled out.
Just as he slipped out, you lowered your head and took his hard shaft into your mouth, cleaning the cum of it and tasting Laura’s sweet juices.
‘Holy shit’ Cillian gasped as Laura sat up and joined you, taking his balls deep into her mouth while you focused on his shaft.
‘Is there more for us Mr Murphy?’ Laura then asked cheekily and Cillian couldn't take his eyes off the sight as both of you taking your turns to pleasure him.
‘Are you girls for real?’ he asked and, despite the fact that he had only just come, Cillian could feel his cock starting to stiffen again. This was going to be a long night!
Three weeks following your encounter, you were excited to break the news to Cillian and thank him for his efforts.
‘So, which one of you girls is pregnant then?’ he asked as you called him rather excitedly.
‘We both are you stud’ you both cheered.
‘Jesus, well, congrats ladies’ Cillian said.
‘Want to come over to celebrate?’ you then asked.
‘How does 7 o’clock sound?’ Cillian asked.
‘It’s a date’ you responded.
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vannybarber · 4 years
Rude Boy
Summary: You're practicing a dance routine at Chris' house and you can't get a move down, so he helps you out ;)
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Chris Evans x Famous¡BlackReader
(Imagine you're on Beyonce's level of fame. You can sing, rap, dance, act. All that 🥰.)
Warnings: SMUT, cursing, spanking, tiny fluff.
Words: 2.8k
S/N = Stage Name
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"Chris pleaseeee" you say, literally on your knees in front of him.
"I don't know if I'm qualified for that. I mean you're S/N." He rubs his face and sighs. You hate when he talks down on himself like that.
You were currently in his living room, begging for him to critic your choreography for your upcoming performance this Sunday night at the Teen Choice Awards. Its nothing different from what you've done before, but you like the feedback. Chris was nominated for 2 awards and also is attending with Scott.
"Stop acting like I'm better than you. Can you please do this for me? Please boo?" You beg him once more, using the nickname you developed for him over the time you worked together.
You met him in the beginning of both you guys' career when you both got casted for Not Another Teen Movie. Then worked together again in Infinity War after the Russo brothers discovered your years old string of tweets begging to be in a Marvel film. You both vowed to never lose touch again after that.
He smiled to himself at the nickname and finally agreed. You clasped your hands together, squealing like a 2 year old. You get off your knees, grimacing at the slight pain on the pads. Grabbing your phone and speaker out your bag, you run to one of his large spaced rooms in his house and hook up your Bluetooth.
You were ready, but hearing his feet shuffling behind you, it was evident he had no intention of speeding up. So you run to him and grab his thick arm and pull him the rest of the way.
"Alright alright I'm comin' " he chuckled at your excitement. He picks up his pace so you don't pull his shoulder out his socket. Finally making it back to the room, you grab a chair for him and make him sit in it.
He sits, getting comfortable and you quickly walk over to your phone and start the music.
Tonight I'ma give it to you harder
Tonight I'ma turn your body out
Relax lemme do it how I wanna
If you got it, I need it and I'ma put it down
You start the dance, lipsyncing the lyrics. You already have great breath control, so you don't have to worry about messing up your vocals.
Buckle up, I'ma give it to you stronger
Hands up we gon' go a lil longer
Tonight I'ma get a lil crazy, get a lil crazy baby
You swirl your ass up in the air, in doggy style position. You look up at Chris and see him looking at your butt. You just smirk and keep going.
Going into your last verse, the nastiest one, the one move you've been struggling with is coming up.
I like when you tell me kiss you there
I like when you tell me move it there
So get it up, time to get it up
You say you want rude, boy, show me whatchu got now
Come here right now
You catch his eyes and wink. He winks back playfully. You guys had flirty exchanges, but they were all joke based. One of the great parts of you guys' relationship.
You lie on your back and prepare to do the move.
Come here rude boy boy can you get it up?
Come here rude boy boy is you big enough?
You attempt the move and mess up for the 50thousandth time. Sitting up on your knees, you bring your hands to your face and groan. Frustrated, you rise and bring the music back to the last verse.
Chris gets up and walks to your side, wrapping his huge bicep around your shoulder. "Hey what's wrong, bean?" He dips his head down to look at your scrunched up face. Like he ain't just watch you fuck up the move.
"I can't get the move right. It's the one part I'm struggling with." You stomp your foot on the brown hardwood floor and fold your arms.
"Well how about you just change it to something you already know" he suggests, but you're not hearing it.
This move is perfect for the song. The move is like you're riding an invisible dick. You have to roll your hips twice and jump back up on your feet, ass in the air, right away. But your rolls are so mechanical and stiff. And you need to do it so you can go into the next move right after.
After you explain this to him, you sit down feeling defeated. He comes over and crouches infront of you, hands on your thighs. You stomach twirls a little. You haven't gotten any in like 2 years, so simple touches you riled up. It's honestly sad.
He scans you from your legs, stops at your lips and up to your eyes. You narrow them at him and wiggle your eyebrows smiling, lowkey wondering why he's checking you out. He smirks and speaks.
"How about I help you with the move?" So many thoughts and images of him riding an imaginary dick on the floor evade your mind and has you giggling like an idiot.
"You gonna get on the floor with me?" You question half jokingly and half serious.
"I have a better idea." Confused, you watch him rub his big hands up your slightly bigger thighs. He reaches your hips and squeezes them, making you squeal because you're ticklish. He stands up and bends down to your level and looks you in your eyes.
"I want you to ride me, Y/N." Your body moving faster than your brain, you get up and walk to the window and stare at it. Hands against the glass you just watch the trees blow in the wind, wide eyed. You hear him laugh behind you and you turn around.
"Chris what do you mean 'ride you'?" You asked the dumb question, knowing exactly what he meant, but you needed to hear it from him. You needed to know exactly what you just heard.
"Honey, you know exactly what I mean. Can we just be honest here? We both are sexually attracted to each other, but push it aside for our friendship" he counters, walking up to you, rubbing your sides again. "Might as well admit it."
You were definitely attracted to him, but him attracted to you? Like that? The flirty jokes you guys shared with each other and the playful touches didn't really mean anything though. Right?
You didn't have time to think about that as you come back to reality and hear him calling your name.
"Y/N? Y/N, you there? You alright?" He grabs your face and checks your eyes. You slap his hand away and look at him. He's so annoying, but so beautiful. Its not fair.
"Maybe we shouldn't do this. I don't want to pressure you into sleeping with me. You're my friend." He backs up and shakes his head. "I'm sorry bean."
You heart pangs a little at his words. You actually wanted to do this. I mean as long as it didn't ruin your friendship, you were cool with it. You grab him back to you and tell him.
"Chris, you're not pressuring me into anything. I want to do it. You're helping me out and plus I trust you with my body. I know you'll respect me." You smile at him and he does the exact same.
"Are you sure because-"
"You have to thumb promise me that this won't mess up our friendship" you cut him off. "I really value that with you." You hold out your thumb, waiting for him to touch it with his. He smiles widely at you, connecting his thumb to yours and kissing his thumb nail, you doing the same.
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Everything happened so fast. One minute you're making out straddling his lap and next he's picking you up and heading towards his room. And now here you are, on top of his splayed body on his bed. His tongue is still dancing with yours and his hands grip the hell out of your ass.
You both pull away after sucking out 75% of each other's carbon dioxide.
" Y/N, is this your first time riding?" He looks at you for your answer and you sheepishly nod your head, covering your face out of embarrassment. In your only two relationships, you did the same old things. Missionary and all that. You never really had control or lead so you were nothing less of inexperienced.
He softy pulls your hands from your face and chuckles. "Don't be ashamed, baby. I'm gonna help you okay? It'll be good for the both of us." Giving his famous wink, he adjusts his body a little higher.
"First, let's get these clothes off of you. Is that okay?" You nod eagerly and your heart warms up with how respectful he's being. Consent is so sexy.
He pulls your black t-shirt above your head and tosses it behind you. Observing your beddable torso he slides his hands up your ribcage, around your back and to your bra clip.
"Let's get this off, yeah?" Another eager nod. The entire time, you're just smiling. Because for one, he's being so patient with you and two, you're excited as hell. It's been a long ass time.
After your bra comes off, his hands shoot straight up to massage your boobs. They actually fill his hands and he's most definitely enjoying it. You laugh outloud and lower yourself down so he can slip one on his mouth. He quickly latched on twirled his tongue around the nipple and switches over to the other, doing the same. You throw your head back and grind on his crotch area.
He sees this and teases you about it.
"Is someone ready for their lesson?"
You whine out your words.
"Yesss." He halts his grip on your boobs and looks at you. "Yes what?" You pause and register what he's asking you. He quirks an eyebrow, waiting for your answer. You bite your lip.
"Yes Daddy." He pulls your head down by your neck and kisses you sweetly. "Good girl", he smiles at you proudly. Him praising you only made your panties even more soaked. You shift your body around, removing your tights. Throwing them to the side, you lean down and kiss him again. Only this time, you were the one removing the clothes.
After getting his shirt off and reconnecting your lips, your hands run over his chest and he moans in your mouth. You grin against his lips and reach for his belt. Pulling away, you earn a whine from him too.
Someone's eager, you think smirking to yourself.
Undoing that red belt he literally was in love with and removing his pants, his boner was on full display and you were not disappointed. According to your calculations, based off your sight, he was at least 7 maybe 8 inches. His shaft was visibly thicc and wide. You were in for a treat.
He watches you gawk at his coCk and thrusts up into your hand, making you squeal. He could literally feel the excitement radiate from your body. But he was way more excited than you could imagine.
"You like what you see, pretty girl?" You look back up at him and stick your tongue out like a child. You truly could not stand this adorable puppy man child. His hand rests on the side of your face and his thumb grazes over your cheekbone.
"Take it out for me, baby girl." All these nicknames he was giving you did not help your horny predicament. You reach inside his Calvin Klein's and feel for him. Grabbing his humongous length, you pull it out and pull the boxers down and off his legs.
Absentmindedly, you stroke him, dragging your thumb over the head and collecting the bits of precum sitting. He groans lowly, bucking his hips up into your closed hand.
"Now you're just gonna get up and sink on it slowly, okay? Stop for a second if it hurts" he coaches you. Following his orders, you move up so your core is right on his tip. Slowly you sink on him.
The slight pain does not go unnoticed as he stretches you out. Ignoring it, you push down a little more.
"That's it, sweet girl. You're doing so good for me. So good." He rubs your hips encouragingly, relieving some of the pain. When you finally get him completely inside, you look at your bodies connected, shocked you even got him in so easily.
"When you're ready, just move back and forth. If it gets too much, let me know and I'll help you. Okay, pretty girl?" You let out a soft 'yes', clenching around him. After most of the pain subsides, you move on him. His heaving breathing doesn't slip past you and neither does your tiny whimpers.
"There you go baby. You're learning so fast. Just keep moving, just like that." He throws his head back gritting his teeth. The pleasure is coming in fast and you moan out his name. Hands on his chest, your hips roll against his, cock sliding in and out of you. His hands on under your butt help you move swiftly.
You speed up at his praises and a swat lands on your bottom, leaving a tingling feeling. As if you weren't already fired up, that did it for you. Your pace increases and your skin slaps against his, echoing in the bare room. A yell leaves your mouth as reoccurring ecstacy shoots through your body everytime you slide back down on him.
Chris tries to grip onto you but his hands keep slipping.
"Fuck, Y/N! You're doing so perfect. Ride me just like that. You're such a good girl"
He starts to meet your rhythm, rutting up into you. Now you're screaming and the slaps get louder, his hands coming in contact with your ass more frequent. You feel the coil in your abdomen and you aren't short of letting him know.
"Daddy I'm- Fuck I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna cum!" You balance yourself with your hands on the sides of his head and give it your all one last time.
"Let go baby. Cum for me. Cum all over my cock, sweet girl." You didn't need to be told twice. Your eyes twisted shut and your pussy gripping around him, you cum all over his length. He thrusts a couple more times and shoots his load inside you, filling you up. Both your bodies go limp against each other.
"That was so fucking amazing" you force out, in between breathes. You raise your head to look at his fucked out state. Pride rises in your chest, knowing you did this to him. He looks down at you, giving a dopey smile.
"You were amazing. I would've never guessed this was your first ride. Hopefully it won't be your last, with me of course." Hope is evident in his voice. You take a moment to contemplate, but you already knew your answer.
"I think we could make it happen" you say tapping your fingers on your chin and a huge grin on your face.
"Then it's settled. I think you have this move downpacked." He leans down giving you another kiss. You were in for the ride of your life.
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Blinded by your excitement to perform, Sunday night came quick. You were backstage watching the program as you got ready. The movie nominations were up and Chris was nominated for Movie Actor: Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Movie Scene Stealer. Hearing his name called for both awards you freak out while your make up artists Stella tries to put on the finishing touches.
Chris honestly deserves every award he is nominated for and every one he isn't. He's so talented, but people never appreciate the actual talent around here. He doesn't win many awards so this was extremely big for him. You were so proud.
You hear Maya Rudolph present you and you get into position.
Throughout the performance you were grinning from ear to ear. Excited for the move Chris helped you perfect and reminiscing on how he helped you perfect it. The part comes up and you absolutely nail it. You look at him in the front row and see his mouth a 'good girl' at you.
When the performance is over, you take in your applause, wink at Chris and head into the back. Moments later, everyone is in the back congratulating you. Chris comes up beside you and smiles.
"You did such a good job, bean." He kisses the side of your forehead. Your bestfriend comes up and asks you how you got the move down. You look up at Chris.
"Well I had a very good teacher. He taught me very well."
Glances did not fail to be thrown across the room and your bestfriend did not fail to bombard you and Chris with questions on the ride home.
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Hmmm I actually liked this one 😎
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