#lovecraft Kurt
gnawgag · 2 years
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lovecraft in brooklyn - the mountain goats // john carpenter's the thing (1982) movie poster
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kinsey3furry300 · 6 months
I Feel that it's very funny that The Twilight Zone, Star Trek and Dune are such wildly different takes on the universe, and yet are all a product of the same generation of white American sci fi writers. Like, "Hey what flavour do you want your future to be? Spooky, Utopian or Cocaine-knife-fight?"
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kurtty-drabbles · 4 months
The fic is updated when I was about to give up on it.
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dagonsvault · 10 months
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khelinski · 2 years
The Loot Crate
Once upon a time there was a fella name Ron. Poor, poor Ron. The last time we had seen poor, poor Ron – he was stuck in line between a Team Edward fan and a Team Jacob fan while buying a Twilight DVD for his girlfriend. Ron is still poor and poor, being dragged to stuff he doesn't like (just this past weekend, he was forced to go to the screening of the third Fifty Shades of Grey film with his girlfriend – poor, poor, Ron). This tale doesn't involve Ron or his girlfriend. This tale involves Ron's not so poor brother, Ben.
Benjamin Benny Ben goes by just Ben. He was named after the Michael Jackson song, 'Ben.' He hates that song and Michael Jackson. He also doesn't care for his poor brother Ron, and Ron's girlfriend. Ron doesn't have much of a personality. Ben doesn't either, though Ben thinks he does.
 Ben Benny Benjamin loves WWF. No, not the World Wildlife Fund. He loves WWE, which is referred to as World Wrestling Entertainment. It was once called the World Wrestling Federation, but the World Wildlife Fund sued the World Wrestling Federation for the WWF name. The World Wildlife Fund won the battle, so the World Wrestling Federation had to change its name to the World Wrestling Entertainment. Ben still calls the World Wrestling Entertainment the World Wrestling Federation. He used to be a moderator (mod for short) on a wrestling fan forum called NoDQ, which used to be called The Mayhem after it was initially called WWFWCW. The World Wrestling Federation, before it was the World Wrestling Entertainment, sued the WWFWCW for using its name without legal authorization. The circle of life as we know it. Ben doesn't mod NoDQ anymore, for NoDQ fan forum no longer exists (but the site exists). Instead, he does weekly podcasts on YouTube called THE MAIN EVENT. He has a whole whopping 14 weekly viewers on his weekly podcast. 13 of the viewers are his co-workers at his employer, Dime-a-Dozen. The 14th viewer is Ron, poor, poor Ron. Ben doesn't care much for Ron, but poor, poor Ron sure does enjoy Ben's podcast. It is Ron's only escape from the clutches of his girlfriend's world. Ron doesn't watch WWE, aka WWF. It's not part of Ron's scheduled TV time (his girlfriend controls the TV). Ron gets away with watching Ben's THE MAIN EVENT while hiding in the bathroom.
Benny Benjamin Ben enjoys collecting Pop! Funko figures (don't you dare call them toys around his presence, much like don't you dare call graphic novels, comics around him either). Ben has five china cabinets, just to keep up with his collection. He never takes them out of the box, as they would lose its value. He is a regular at the local Gamestop, which he will spend hours glaring at every single Pop! Funko figure, making mental notes in his head of what he owns and doesn't own. Mind you, he has three Stranger Things Sheriff Jim Hopper (512), 6 Kill Bill Gogo Yubari (71), and 10 Macho Man Randy Savage (10). A friend from work came over once and asked Ben if he could spare a Macho Man. The friend also did a tasteless impression of Macho Man grabbing a Slim Jim. That was the last time that friend was over Ben's house. The friend didn't get a Macho Man Pop! Funko either.
Among Ben's hobbies (which isn't much, to be honest, TBH for short), Ben really digs getting loot crates in the mail. Not only does he dig it, but each time he gets a loot crate in the mail, he Facebook's live himself opening the loot crate. Never-mind that majority of the monthly subscribed loot crates are dollar store junk (and replica Pop! Funko figures). Never mind that each time Ben opens a loot crate (and Facebook's live himself opening the loot crate), he always looks disappointed afterward. Never mind Ben, um, never mind!
In the mail, today arrives yet another loot crate. But this one is very unique. Unlike the majority of so-called loot crates that are made out of cheap cardboard – this was an actual metal crate. And it's small. Certainly wouldn't hold a handful of dollar store items and a few Pop! Funko figures (never toys). Its sender reads Providence, Rhode Island, USA, North America, Earth, and Milky Way.
           The loot crate that was meant for Ben was accidentally shipped to a neighbor across from Ben. The neighbor's name is irrelevant because as soon as the neighbor opened the loot crate and discovered its contents, the nameless neighbor died. The nameless neighbor lived alone and wasn't discovered until a month later. The discovery spawned an investigation. No foul play was found. The loot crate also didn't cause the nameless neighbor to die. That's silly, considering it's just a crate – a loot crate. The nameless neighbor simply had a heart attack after he opened the loot crate that wasn't meant for him. The loot crate sat at the nameless neighbor's house for another week before it finally reached its designated home: Ben.
           Like clockwork, Ben got his live Facebook feed working. He has 14 followers (the same followers that follow his THE MAIN EVENT podcast). He plays Metallica 'The Call of Ktulu' on his Spotify account. He then handles the loot crate carefully, as if it is the Holy Grail, or the Ark of the Covenant, or a crate that consists of a Mogwai named Gizmo. The 4 by 4 by 4 metal loot crate, weighing half of a pound, has a simple lock that you can unlock by lifting the lockup, unlocking the lock. With luck, Ben unlocks the lock and opens the loot crate. As he does this, he talks to the Facebook feed, giving the 14 viewers something to chew on.
           "Okay, guys, this is the second loot crate of the month. I wasn't expecting this, but hey – the more the loot crates - the better! Not familiar with the packaging. It's not an anime loot crate, or a Star Wars loot crate, or a DC loot crate, or a Marvel loot crate, or a WWF loot crate. Maybe it's a new loot crate, like a horror movie loot crate."
           Ben doesn't open the loot crate immediately – he still talks to the Facebook live feed and guesses what could be in the loot crate. He could just as well open the metal loot crate and unveil the mystery once and for all. Instead, he continues to guess. This is one of Ben's infamous traits. It keeps the 14 followers enticed. Ben doesn't know this micro-size fact, in which the majority of the 14 followers find annoying – they all scream at the screen, 'just open the fucking box!' They never directly tell Ben this, though.
           "Maybe it's a The Conjuring loot crate with a small Annabelle doll. It would be sweet if it was the original Annabelle, a Raggedy Ann doll, instead of that crappy version they have in the movie. Did you know...?”
           Ben rambles for a bit. He rambles about the inaccuracy of The Conjuring films to its inspired story counterparts. He tends to do this once he finds a topic worth flapping his jaw about. He thinks that this gives him a personality. It doesn't. It just makes him very annoying, as most know-it-alls are. As he rambles on, 13 of the 14 viewers on his Facebook live feed go about their daily lives. They keep Ben's live feed on their personal electronic device (whether it is a phone, a computer, or a TV screen), but they are pre-occupied with more important stuff in their lives. 13 of the 14 viewers do this quite often. They never directly tell Ben this, though. The only viewer that is watching Ben's Facebook live feed is poor, poor Ron. Poor, poor Ron is sitting, uncomfortably, on the toilet in his bathroom. He has the volume really low, and the door is locked. This would be strangely suspicious under normal circumstances, but poor, poor Ron doesn't live a normal life. Being whipped is love, and love is being whipped. The circle of life, as poor, poor Ron sees it.
           After some time, Ben stops rambling and finally opens the metal loot crate. He eyeballs what is inside the metal loot crate. A dumbfounded look surfaces on the dumbfounded dipshit's face.
           He reaches inside the metal loot box and pulls out a slimy, green Beanie Baby. But it isn't a Beanie Baby. There is no TY label. And it's too slimy and ugly to be any resemblance of a Beanie Baby. The appearance is what would happen if you blended a man, an octopus, and a squid together. An infinite amount of tentacles are attached to the mouth.
           "What the fuck?" is the only thing Ben can utter. And he didn't say it out loud. He whispers it.
           Ben stares at this bizarre plush doll (never a toy). Ben then tries to think where he has seen the likeness of it before. As Ben is possessed (and obsessed) with his brain's wheels turning (and turning) ever so slowly, attempting to crack the case – Ben doesn't notice the tentacles attached to the mouth of the small octopus/squid man move slightly.
           Poor, poor Ron also doesn't notice. By now, his girlfriend pounds the bathroom door. The jig was up for poor, poor Ron. He turns off his phone.
           Ben's Facebook live feed is now down to 13 viewers. But none of the 13 viewers were viewing the live feed. Ben was all by himself. He still talks to the live feed, as if people were watching him. They weren't.
           "I can't place where I've seen this guy from. I am trying to think. Maybe a monster from a Tora film."
           He means Guillermo del Toro.
           "Or a creature from Studio Ghib…Gib…Studio Ghilbia."
           He means Studio Ghibli.
           The little slimy plush's mouth moves. Its voice is faint – almost a whisper that even dogs wouldn't be able to pick up. Ben doesn't notice the voice, the quiet but effective call…
           After some time, the little slimy plush repulses Ben. Not because of it being slimy, or ugly. Of course, Ben doesn't notice any of the hobbit-size octopus/squid man's strange little quirks no plush figure (never a toy) would do. Ben is still occupied, trying to figure out what it is.
If there is something Ben can't figure out, or doesn't know right away, or has no answers for – he immediately becomes distressed and rules it out as of any significant importance to him. He does the same thing when it comes to politics, philosophy, and even the opposite sex. If he doesn't understand, he doesn't want anything to do with it. That's why WWF (WWE), Pop! Funko figures (never toys), and loot crates are his preferred fancy in life. He can easily understand these facets.
He puts the ugly little dude back in the little metal loot crate. He proceeds to walk out of the house. The Facebook live feed is still live, not that there is anyone watching it, despite the 13 viewer's icon lit up.
           Ben takes the loot crate and throws it in the garbage can in front of the house. Luckily, it's garbage day tomorrow.
It starts to rain. Ben runs inside as if the wet, watery liquid rain is acid rain. Luckily for
Ben, it isn't. Unluckily for us, it isn't. But that doesn't stop Ben from running to the house. Luckily, this is the last time we see Benjamin Benny Ben that goes by just Ben. Unluckily, this isn't the last time we see the little ugly. slimy green plush.
           Ben, of course, doesn't notice the garbage can in front of his house is knocked over. The loot crate falls out of the garbage can. The loot crate lands in the curb of the street. The wet, watery liquid rain creates a little stream along the curb. The little stream grows bigger, and grabs hold of the loot crate. The loot crate drifts away, passing houses. No one notices because no one is outside. It is raining, after all.
           The stream (and the loot crate) flows directly into Clinton River, which resides half a mile away from Ben's house. The loot crate submerges into the river. It floats for a little bit, then sinks. A faint voice, a whisper, a call can be heard. Within an hour, the rain stops. Drip, drip, drip can be heard from the water off the trees drip, drip, dripping onto the ground. A few bubbles appear in the river randomly named Clinton. No one sees it, though, because no one is outside. The bubbles increase to a lot of bubbles. The water in the river begins to turn into waves. The waves intensify into violent surges. No one sees it, of course, because no one is outside.
           A dark shadow appears underneath the water. It rises up. All of a sudden, a monstrous huge green octopus-man figure appears, increasing in height, width, and dimension. It rises out of the water. It is the slimy green plush (never a toy) that upsized itself, considerably. Its infinite tentacles attached to its mouth move in all different directions. If this were a scene in a movie, the audience would say, out loud, 'whoa!' If a person saw this in real life, they would shit their pants. But, no one sees it because no one is outside to see it.
           The monstrous huge green octopus-man opens its mouth and starts to say with an ear- piercing volume for all to hear:
Kissimmee, Florida, USA, North America, Earth, and Milky Way.
"…R'lyeh," I hear again. This is the fourth time I've heard the word as I am writing. But it's always at a faint whisper.
         "What the fuck?" I say out loud. Everyone is asleep. Its 3 A.M., the best time to get some writing done. I love it this time of night. Half of the world is asleep. It's quiet, except for the music I have playing in the background. Tool's 'Ænima' is currently playing. Maynard James Keenan is screaming about taking a vacation from this shit. I don't blame him any. While he takes a vacation from this shit, I am starting to freak out a little bit.
         I get up from my desk and look outside to the backyard. I then open the door and go outside for a few. I can hear the wind make sweet love to the palm trees: 'CHHHHHHHHH…wastin' away again….CHHHHHHHHH.' At least, that's what it sounds like to me. A few dogs nearby start barking. Then they stop. Everything else is peaceful, quiet, relaxing. The very definition of tranquility. And no, that wasn't a cheap reference to Wastin' Away.
         I go back inside, lock the door, and sit back at my desk. By now, 'Ænima' is over, and Tool's 'Schism" starts playing.
         I stare at my computer monitor and re-read what I've written. Should I keep the reference of Metallica's 'The Call of Ktulu' in the story, I ask myself. Hmm…I stare at the screen for a few seconds, and finally decide to keep it in. Fuck it, I say to myself! It's a cheap reference, but it works. I then add a few finishing touches, proofread it several times (but knowing I will still miss one or ten simple mistakes – the joys of writing!)
         'Schism' concludes with Maynard James Keenan screaming about knowing the pieces will fit.
I debate with myself between Amazon or Fiction Press, Fiction Press or Amazon. The story is good, I think. Whatever. I go to Fiction Press, upload the story, and publish it. I then get an email confirming that the story is published.
         "R'lyeh!" This time, it wasn't a whisper. It was a full-blown shout consisting of a million voices at once – and it came from somewhere far, but loud enough to be heard. My computer turns off. The power is out.
         "Oh great,” I say to myself. I check my phone, turning on my mobile data. No Internet source on my phone. I can hear thunder outside. I look out the window, and I see a lightning strike nearby. Thunder rumbles a few seconds afterward. A separate rumble can be heard from a distance.
         I really start to freak the fuck out. The family is still asleep. How could they sleep through this?
         I am still looking outside. Another lightning bolt flashes the night sky. With it came a brief image of a huge, monstrous creature standing above my house, looking down at me. I also saw very briefly a monstrous creature standing above a house next to my house. But that's got to be my pure imagination, right?
         Before I could register what I was seeing, I hear a huge explosion outside. I am so scared; yet, I cannot look away. I am possessed (and obsessed) over what I was seeing. My eyes are glued to the window looking out the backyard; I didn't even notice that half of my house is torn apart
         I've read my share of dark and bleak stories about horrors and death, as well as writing my own share of gruesome tales. Never occurred to me while writing those stories, how to completely convey what goes through a character's head before they ultimately meet their demise. They didn't know. But I, the writer playing God, knew when they would die.
         I didn't quite register that I was about to die. I also didn't put two and two together that I am the cause of the end of the fucking world. I just thought it would be cool to write homage for both Kurt Vonnegut and H.P. Lovecraft. Hell, so many writers throughout the year's written stories, was honoring H.P. Lovecraft. Movies, TV shows, authors owe their success to H.P. Lovecraft. I doubt they knew with each Lovecraftian story written, it was just another piece to the puzzle to call the great ones, the ancient ones, the elders.
A huge hand crashes into the window and grabs hold of me. I feel like I am on a simulator ride at Universal Studios. But what is in front of me isn’t a screen. It is a big, fucking, green, monster. It is a Cthulhu. But not just any Cthulhu – the Cthulhu.
         "R'lyeh!" it says to me.
         The big, fucking, green monster raises his hand to his mouth. Contrary to what I wrote, the tentacles attached to his mouth stay in one fixed position. The big, fucking, green monster opens its big, fucking, green mouth and places me inside. I feel a sharp pain all around my body. The last thing I hear is a loud CRUNCH.
K.H.; February 13, 2018.
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whereserpentswalk · 7 months
You have a computer that can access the internet of any dimension. You don't have the ability to physically go places, just to observe them and interact with them through this one machine.
Sometimes you'll just do it for fun. Seeing other timeline's versions of sites and the content that's created there. Getting to see work from artists if they hadn't sold out or moved on. Or getting to see what YouTube is like in a world where it never become corpratized. Or get to go on Vine in a world where vine exists in 2024. You've read writing from Shakespeare if he had been sent to the new world, seen stories from Lovecraft if he had unlearned his bigotry, seen experimental films from George Lucas if star wars had floppe, heard music from Kurt Cobain if he hadn't died young.
And you've gone off to weirder places to. You've seen what political discourse is like in a world where Constantine converted to Buddhism instead of chrsitianity, where that's the dominant religion of the west. And you'll see conservatives talking about how sjws are undermining the west's Buddhist values, or YouTube videos talking about chrsitantiy as this forgotten dead religion from the crisis if the third century. And you asked someone in the comments of that video what they thought a world would be like if chrsitanity survived, and they said it was impossible, that it was doomed to die out just because it did.
And you've talked to people from a world where humanity lives underground, where an apocalypse made the surface of the world uninhabitable, and every human on earth lives in massive subterranean complexes. You talked to them about what they wanted, if they wanted to see the sun, see the forests and the birds and the creatures that they knew were above them, and most of them didn't really want it. Most of them didn't really want to see the surface, they had grown up having never seen it, it didn't bother them, they were confused why anyone would be that committed to finally go somewhere that humans weren't. And there was one person who told you they did always really want to see it, that it's their hyperfixation, but that they'd obviously go back with the other humans if they had the chance, that they couldn't live somewhere without them.
And you've seen a world where humans where dead, where only robots and ai and cyborgs were still around. And even though they couldn't touch you, you were afraid, because you thought they would hate you. But they didn't, on every site where they talked about humans they talked about how cool you were, and how much aprication they had for their culture. And when you made a post asking if they'd want to hurt humans if they saw them, everyone who replied called you weird.
You've seen the internet in a world where cryptids and monsters are real. And you ended up on a forum for vampires. And you asked a newly turned vampire how they felt, and they said it was cold, that their body felt so cold, but it was still their body, and that they still wanted to live, still wanted to find a way to enjoy their life even if they didn't like their body.
And you've seen a world where all humans are completely aroace, and don't desire sex or romance at all. And you decided to upload sexual and romantic art, and even fetish art, to one of their sites. And the people there loved it, despite not understanding its purpose, they loved the way the artist depicted the world, saw it as so unique and strange, as something weirdly beautiful, and not at all gross, because nobody ever told them such things were gross.
And you've made online freinds from other worlds. People who you can never touch, never see, but who you see through their words. You've comforted someone who doesn't exist in your world, from a country that doesn't exist in your world, but you've comforted them, and made sure they don't get hurt or hurt themself, from very far away, because despite everything you can't help but care.
Mabye the internet isn't that bad. Mabye the world isn't all horrible. Mabye people aren't that bad.
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bitterkarella · 1 month
Midnight Pals: The Thing
Stephen King: wow, john, i just heard that you're going to be in the The Thing Expanded documentary! John Carpenter: [playing Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy on Playstation 2] King: Carpenter: King: i said Carpenter: i heard you
King: i'm just really excited cuz that's my favorite movie! Poe: mine too! Koontz: oh wow! me too! Barker: everyone loves that movie Lovecraft: great film! Carpenter: Carpenter: yeah well Carpenter: that's not what you were saying in 1982
King: yeah ok that's true King: but we all like it now Carpenter: Carpenter: son of a bitch
King: john can you tell us about the making of The Thing Carpenter: i'd rather talk about Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy Carpenter: this game rules Carpenter: check it out Carpenter: reactive controls, great gameplay, just a total package
King: can you tell us where you got the idea for The Thing? Carpenter: now in jak and daxter 2: Renegade, see, you have to collect all 8 power crystals before you can escape the wizard's dungeon King: Carpenter: if you press X & Y at the same time, you can skip to the molten core
Koontz: i have a question about the thing! King: ok dean ask your question Koontz: mr carpenter is it true that the dog in the thing was a really good actor? King: oh gosh dean now i'm sure john is very busy Carpenter: actually that's a really good question
Carpenter: let me tell you Carpenter: that Jed? a consummate professional Carpenter: always on time, hit his mark, knew his lines. took direction well. a real class act Carpenter: made kurt russell look like a giant pile of shit!
Lovecraft: i have a question too Lovecraft: when are you gonna do a mouth of madness sequel? Lovecraft: that's my favorite adaptation of my work! Carpenter: Carpenter: Carpenter:
Carpenter: you didn't write that Lovecraft: sure I did! it has all my hallmarks Lovecraft: cosmic horror, unknowable monsters from beyond, creepy new england hamlets Lovecraft: it's even got "madness" in the title! Lovecraft: i think i did a pretty good job if i do say so myself!
Lovecraft: i think it's the best lovecraft movie ever made, in fact! Carpenter: you didn't say that in 1994 Lovecraft: ok but i like it now Carpenter: son of a bitch!!
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nothingenoughao3 · 6 days
So long, and thanks for all the necromancer dreams
Dreams in the Necromancer House (100944 words) by NothingEnough Chapters: 17/18 Fandom: Re-Animator (Movies - Combs), Cthulhu Mythos - H. P. Lovecraft Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Daniel Cain/Herbert West Characters: Daniel Cain, Francesca Danelli, Herbert West (Re-Animator), Original Male Character(s), Original Female Character(s), Henry Armitage, Nyarlathotep (Cthulhu Mythos), Yog-Sothoth (Cthulhu Mythos) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Swearing, Drinking, Smoking, Psychologists & Psychiatrists, Hypnotism, Slow Burn, Fix-It of Sorts, Plot With Porn, Exes, Character Study, Making Female Characters Actually Characters, Surrealism, Virgin Herbert West (Re-Animator), Tickling, Laughter During Sex, Anal, Unsafe Sex, Pining, Blood and Gore, References to Lovecraft, Lovecraftian Shenanigans, Reagent (Re-Animator), Reagent As Lube, Love Confessions, Angst, Body Horror, Trypophobia, Facial Shaving, Jealousy, Minor Character Death, Lovecraftian Cults, Chases, Kissing, To Be Edited, Strangulation, Illustrations, Bullshit Quantum Mechanics, Geometric Nightmare Fuel, I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream References, Weirdness, Herbert West Whump, Herbert West Has Feelings (Re-Animator), Period-Typical Homophobia, Oral Sex Chapter 17 summary:
"This here’s a re-search laboratory. Re-search means look again, don’t it? Means they’re looking for something they found once and it got away somehow, and now they got to re-search for it?... What is it they’re trying to find again? Who lost what?" -"Cat's Cradle", by Kurt Vonnegut
There'll be an annotated chapter discussing/revealing all my sources, to be uploaded once all the illustrations and editing are done... but yeah, this is it.
until the sequel
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quasi-normalcy · 1 year
A while ago while I was in tumblr jail, you posted that you had a masters in science fiction literature (unless you didn't, I have been known to be mistaken), and I am wondering, what do you consider 'important' works of science fiction? Like the science fiction literary canon? I am so curious. Feel free to ignore, I will not harass you.
Yes! I do. I can tell you the ones that I was assigned (I'm afraid that the list skews extremely male and (especially) white).
Mary Shelley, Frankenstein (1818)
Olaf Stapledon, Last and First Men (1930) and Star Maker (1937) [You can probably add Odd John (1935) to this list]
Jules Verne, Journey to the Centre of the Earth (1864) and 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (1870) [You can probably add From the Earth to the Moon (1865)]
H.G. Wells, The Time Machine (1895) and War of the Worlds (1897) [Though you can probably go ahead and add The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896), The Invisible Man (1897) and The First Men in the Moon (1901)]
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Herland (1915)
Catherine Burdekin (writing as Murray Constantine), Swastika Night (1937)
Karel Čapek, R.U.R. (1920)
Isaac Asimov, I, Robot (1950) [You can probably add the first three Foundation novels here as well]
Yevgeny Zamyatin, We (1921)
George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949)
Arthur C. Clarke, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1967) and Rendezvous with Rama (1973) [Add: Childhood's End (1953) and The Fountains of Paradise (1979)
John Wyndham, Day of the Triffids (1951) [add: The Chrysalids (1955) and The Midwich Cuckoos (1957)]
H.P. Lovecraft, "The Call of Cthulhu" (1926) [add The Shadow over Innsmouth (1931)]
Richard Matheson, I Am Legend (1954)
Alfred Bester, The Stars My Destination (1956)
Robert Heinlein, Starship Troopers (1959) [Probably Stranger in a Strange Land (1961) and The Moon is a Harsh Mistress (1966) too, depending on, you know, how much of Heinlein's bullshit you can take]
J.G. Ballard, The Drowned World (1962) [Also, The Burning World (1964) and The Crystal World (1966)]
Phillip K. Dick, The Man in the High Castle (1962) [Also Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? (1968) and several of his short stories]
Frank Herbert, Dune (1965)
Michael Moorcock, Behold the Man (1969)
Kurt Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-5 (1969)
Ursula Le Guin, The Dispossessed (1974) [Also The Lathe of Heaven (1971) and The Left Hand of Darkness (1969)]
Brian Aldiss, Supertoys series
William Gibson, Neuromancer (1984)
Kim Stanley Robinson, Red Mars (1992) [Also Green Mars and Blue Mars]
They also included Iain M. Banks's The Algebraist (2004), but I personally think you'd be better off reading some of his Culture novels
Other ones that I might add (not necessarily my favourite, just what I would consider the most influential):
Joe Haldeman, The Forever War (1974)
Matsamune Shiro, Ghost in the Shell (1989-91)
Katsuhiro Otomo, Akira (1982-1990)
Octavia Butler, Lilith's Brood (1987-89) and Parable of the Sower (1993)
Poul Anderson, Operation Chaos (1971)
Hector Garman Oesterheld & Francisco Solano Lopez, The Eternaut (1957-59)
Liu Cixin, The Three-Body Problem (2008)
Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, The Illuminatus! Trilogy (1975)
William Hope Hodgson, The House on the Borderland (1908)
Neal Stephenson, Snow Crash (1992)
Joanna Russ, The Female Man (1975)
Orson Scott Card, Ender's Game (1985) [Please take this one from a library]
Edgar Rice Burroughs, A Princess of Mars (1912)
Margaret Atwood, The Handmaid's Tale (1985) and Oryx and Crake (2003)
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World (1932)
Osamu Tezuka, Astro Boy (1952-68)
Ray Bradbury, Fahrenheit 451 (1953)
Madeleine L'Engle, A Wrinkle in Time (1962)
Walter M. Miller, A Canticle for Leibowitz (1959)
Douglas Adams, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1979)
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homosandhomies · 1 year
glee minis in 2023
(Note: all of this information is public and i do not condone stalking)
Alexys Alonzo (Santana) graduated high school as class president and now goes to Penn State. Alexys is no longer acting, but she is currently competing for Miss California Teen USA.
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Lauren Boles (Rachel) is 19 years old. She is in her second year at Stanford University and is taking a hiatus on acting. Lauren has been interning for Fox Entertainment this summer. In an interview at her school, she said she is now more interested in behind-the-scenes work, but is exploring all of her academic opportunities.
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Jada Harris (Mercedes) is a cast member of Lovecraft Country. She was nominated for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series.
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Evan Kishiyama (Mike) is 16 years old. He has mostly done voice acting, with his most recent role being in Minions: The Rise of Gru in 2022.
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Jake Vaughn (Finn) is 17 years old. According to his instagram bio, he is currently “chilling in [his] mojo dojo casa house” (might be a different Jake Vaughn but I’m hoping it’s the same one).
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Avery Phillips (Quinn) is 18 years old. She is a student at University of Utah.
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Loryn Shay Charbonnier (Brittany) is a student at Boston University. She is still acting.
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Connor Berliner (Sam) is most likely no longer acting, as he does not have an IMDB page.
Matthew Lepper (Puck) stopped acting in 2013, with his last role being in Kroll Show. Not much is known about him.
Uncredited actors: Kurt, Tina, Artie
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hornyforpoetry · 1 year
Autumn Reading Challange
My favorite season of the year has arrived! With pumpkin-flavored cookies and flavored green teas and black turtlenecks matched with jackets, it's time for a new reading list. I didn't have much success in the summer, that's why I hope that everything will go better in the autumn. I tried to choose books that keep the atmosphere specific to the spooky season, but I'm not a fan of modern horror, so my selection is more towards mystery, drama, gloomy, spleen.
I will soon start my last year of my master's degree, so I am returning to an old passion of mine, philosophy. I tend to immerse myself too much in work for whole months, so I work with myself now to make reading my quiet moment that I need every day. Wish me luck!
From: 01.09.2023 - 30.11.2023 (European calendar)
‌Dead Souls // Nikolai Gogol
‌The Red Room // August Strindberg
‌The Gothic Rooms // August Strindberg
‌Haunted // Chuck Palahniuk
‌In Cold Blood // Truman Capote
‌The Call of Cthulhu // H.P. Lovecraft
‌Slaughterhouse-Five // Kurt Vonnegut
‌And Then There Were None // Agatha Christie
‌Human Lost and Other Short Stories// Osamu Dazai
‌Confessions of Felix Krull // Thomas Mann
‌The Demons // Fyodor Dostoevsky
‌The Virgin Suicides // Jeffrey Eugenides
‌Artificial Paradises // Charles Baudelaire
‌The Metamorphosis and other stories // Franz Kafka
‌The Devil's Elixirs // E. T. A. Hoffmann
‌The Crime of Olga Arbyelina // Andreï Makine
‌Carrie // Stephen King
‌Frankenstein // Mary Shelley
‌Fahrenheit 451 // Ray Bradbury
A selection of nuvellas // Anton Cekhov
Dialogues // Plato
Metaphysics // Aristotel
Prolegomena to Any Future Metaphysics Article Talk // Immanuel Kant
Logic // Immanuel Kant
Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus // Ludwig Wittgenstein
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Reading List 2023-2024 📚
The Secret History - Donna Tartt
The Song or Achilles - Madeline Miller
The Myth of the Wrong Body - Miquel Missé
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Remainder - Tom McCarthy
If We Were Villains - M. L. Rio
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
Bones and All - Camille DeAngelis
The Goldfinch - Donna Tartt
The Picture of Dorian Gray - Oscar Wilde
Beyond Good and Evil - Friedrich Nietzsche
Diaries - Franz Kafka
Frankenstein - Mary Shelly
Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky
The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird Tales - H. P. Lovecraft
The Divine Comedy - Dante Alighieri
1984 - George Orwell
The Iliad and The Odyssey - Homer
Unnatural Causes - Dr Richard Shepherd
Things Have Gotten Worse Since We Last Spoke and Other Misfortunes - Eric LaRocca
Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde - Robert Louis Stevenson
The Trial of the Templars - Malcolm Barber
Foucault's Pendulum - Umberto Eco
Demian - Hermann Hesse
Pride & Prejudice - Jane Austen
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
The Atlas Six - Olivie Blake
Giovanni's Room - James Baldwin
The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo - Taylor Jenkins Reids
Ninth House - Leigh Bardugo
Vita Nostra - Maryna & Serhiy Dyachenko
Pageboy: A Memoir - Elliot Page
Slaughterhouse-Five - Kurt Vonnegut
The Brothers Karamazov - Fyodr Dostoevsky
(updated: 03/01/24)
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kurtty-drabbles · 7 months
Here is a new fic I crafted. A rewrite where horror (cosmical horror) is used.
@djinmer4 you know how I created Zaorva and make Lovecraftian stories for Kurtty...well, don't fix what is broken. Lol. Zaorva is here and so is Kitty. Can the X-Men survive the experience?
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sourweather-fics · 1 year
Hi, it's me AGAIN !!!! But i'm obsessed with Lonely Eyes and I was wondering if you have a list of all the books/movies that Will recommended and talked about!!!!! If not i'll skim through it to find them all but i thought i'd ask!!! 🫀🫀🫀 have a lovely day 💗💗💗 (- June on ao3 ☺️)
JUNE!!! you've been brightening my week so much you've got no idea<3
I, too, am obsessed with LE, so compiling this was super fun for me ehehe. theres overlap on certain things because they're in multiple categories but eh so it goes. I THINK I got everything so far? I might have missed one or two but I tried lol
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Exorcist by William Peter Blatty
Frankenstein by Mary Shelley (Will's favorite)
At the Mountains of Madness by H.P. Lovecraft
Val Lewton: The Reality of Terror by Joel E Siegel
Slaughterhouse Five by Kurt Vonnegut (chapter title reference only)
Poltergeist (1982)
Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1978)
The Exorcist (1973)
The Evil Dead (1981)
The Evil Dead 2 (1987)
Alien (1979)
Lawnmower Man (1992)
The Thing (1982) (Will's Favorite)
Basic Instinct (1992)
Return of the Jedi (1983)
Little Shop of Horrors (1986)
Heathers (1989)
Carrie (1976)
Pretty in Pink (1986)
The Kiss by Anne Sexton (Will's favorite)
Just Once by Anne Sexton
Beast I, original
Song in a Minor Key by Dorothy Parker
The Triumph of Achilles by Louise Gluck
Having a Coke with You by Frank O'Hara
Beast II, Original
Beast III, Original
To You by Frank O'Hara
Sitting On Top of the World by Doc Watson
Forever Young by Alphaville
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
Songs Referenced in Meta (ie chapter titles):
Lonely Eyes by The Front Bottoms
Freeze Your Brain, Big Fun and Seventeen from the musical Heathers
Forever Young by Alphaville
Sorry For Me by Ricky Montgomery
Landslide by Fleetwood Mac
High Time by Kacey Musgraves
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my reading list +_+
🍀=currently reading
🐜=on my bookshelf (locked and loaded)
🐜🐩On the Road- Kerouac
🐜🐩From Bauhaus to Our House- Tom Wolfe
🐜🐩The Subterraneans- Jack Kerouac
🐜🐩The Electric Koolaid Acid Test- Tom Wolfe
🐩 The Kite Runner- Khaled Hosseini
🐜🐩 Naked Lunch- William Burroughs
🐜🐩 One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest- Ken Kesey
🐜🐩 Doctor Rat- William Kotzwinkle
🐜🐩 The Picture of Dorian Grey- Oscar Wilde
🐜🐩 Still Life With Woodpecker- Tom Robbins
🐜🐩The Dharma Bums- Kerouac
🐜🐩Slaughterhouse Five- Kurt Vonnegut
🐜🐩The Cat Inside- Burroughs
🐜🐩The Wild Boys- Burroughs
🐩The Fall- Albert Camus
🐜🐩 Dr. Sax- Kerouac
🐜🐩 Another Roadside Attraction- Tom Robbins
🐜🐩 Breakfast of Champions- Vonnegut
🐜🐩 The Sirens of Titan- Vonnegut
🐜🐩 Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates- Tom Robbins
🐜🐩 Timequake- Vonnegut
🐜🐩 Slapstick or Lonesome no More- Vonnegut
🐜🐩 The Kandy Kolored Tangerine Flake Streamline Baby- Tom Wolfe
🐜🍀 Totem and Taboo- Freud
🐜🍀 Society of the Spectacle- guy debord
🐜🍀 Even Cowgirls Get the Blues- Tom Robbins
🐜🐩 On Dreams- Freud
🐜🍀 Woolgathering- Patti Smith
🐜🐩 Leonardo da Vinci and a Memory of His Childhood- Freud
🐜🐩 Diary of a Genius- Dalí
🐜🐩 Radical Chic & Mau-mauing the Flak Catchers- Tom Wolfe
🐜🐩Satori in Paris- Kerouac
🐜🐩The Pump House Gang- Tom Wolfe
🐜🐩Me Talk Pretty One Day- David Sedaris
🐜🐩Small Scale Subversion: Mail Art & Artistamps- John Held Jr.
🐜🐩 With William Burroughs- Victor Bockris
🐜🐩 Frank Lloyd Wright's Furnishings- Carla Lind
🐜🐩 Mauve Gloves and Madmen, Clutter and Vine- Tom wolfe
🐩The Hasheesh Eaters- Fitz Hugh Ludlow
🐜🐩Junkie- William Burroughs
🐜🐩Illuminations- Rimbaud
🐩A Season In Hell- Rimbaud
🐩The Color Out Of Space- HP Lovecraft
🐩Suspiria de Profundis- Thomas De Quincy
🐜🐩The Poetics Of Space- Gaston Bachelard
🐩The World As Will And Representation- Arthur Schopenhauer
🐩Correspondences- Charles Baudelair
🐩Les Champs Magnetiques- André Breton + Philippe Soupault.
🐩Geek Love- Katherine Dunn
🐩 Visions of Cody- Kerouac
🐩Scattered Poems- Kerouac
🐩The Holy Goof- William Plummer
🐩 Learning from Las Vegas- Robert Venturi
🐩 Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture- Robert Venturi
🐩 Junkie- William Burroughs
🐩 Queer- William Burroughs
🐩 Desolation Angels- Jack Kerouac
🐩Drugs are nice- Lisa Crystal Carver
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starghoulnyxx · 2 years
so im dm-ing a dnd campaign for my friends, and as "the writer" of the group, my friends and i have a system where they'll send me a sort of bare bones version of their character's backgrounds and then let me flesh them out and basically just make them sound pretty.
now, months ago, my mom sent me a link to this "i write like" website where you can plug in a chunk of your own writing and it'll tell you which famous author you write like. at the time, i was in a writing dry spell and didn't get around to using it, but i came across it in my bookmarked websites as i was typing up these backstories, and just for the hell of it i decided to put one in and see what it said.
i initially just used a little chunk of descriptive text, which told me i wrote like Ian Flemings (the man who wrote the 007 novels, for those of you unfamiliar) which was cool, so i decided to see which other writers would pop up depending on what i put in.
i was not expecting to get Kurt Vonnegut, (the author of slaughterhouse-five, as well as many other well known books) Anne Rice (interview with a vampire) James Joyce (ulysses) and H.P. Lovecraft (if you dont know him, just- google him)
so anyway, my point is, if you want a confidence boost in your own writing (because seriously, ive always disliked my writing style and this made me feel so much better about it) check out this site - ill link it at the bottom of all this. id totally suggest running a few different bits of your writing through it, because you can end up with totally different authors based on the writing, but its still fun to see who you're similar to
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