#lowkey transphobia
scrambleseggy · 8 months
Trans twitter discourse rant—
When the trans twitter discourse hit my TL, I was perfectly fine with people discussing how toxic masculinity can be something that negatively impacts trans men and can make them at times act out in either misogyny, internalized misogyny or transmisogny. But where I drew the line was when I started to see people insult trans men anatomy. Openly.
Trans men are not your open season target for shaming body parts and transphobia. You don’t get to make fun of T-voices. You don’t get to shame trans men for their t-dicks or their testosterone struggles. You don’t get to make fun of top surgery, the scars, the costs, etc. You should never make fun of trans mens body for any reason ever.
This is when I realized what was happening was much more insidious. I saw trans people making fun of trans mens bodies in ways that honestly broke my heart. It was the very things that have made me fear transition often and the very things that made me fear alienation.
Twitter tbh really lost the plot when it comes to transmisogyny — because what could have been a really useful discussion on how the expectations of passing trans men could turn into things that could hurt the trans community quickly turned into a friendly fire frenzy full of plainly transphobic rhetoric.
Making fun of trans mens anatomy, history or finding little ways to refer to them as “cis women” is transphobia. Full stop. And if you participate in doing it I want you to unpack that and realize you’re being no better than the conservatives who target them too.
If you wouldn’t say it to a little boy in a binder, there’s no reason you should be saying it on the internet either. Being cruel isn’t activism. You’re just an internet brain-rotted bully if you think that behavior is okay.
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hikaaa-bi · 3 months
okay but is it confirmed that ink5oul’s government name is their deadname? bc i see a lot of people complaining about “deadnaming ink5oul” and nowhere in the podcast does it say that ink5oul doesn’t go by the name grace. yes, they’re nonbinary but that doesn’t mean they can’t have a typically “feminine” name.
“ink5oul” seems to be the name of their online persona anyway, idk why people think that calling them grace is deadnaming them, when it hasn’t even been confirmed yet.
and before anyone comes at me, i’m genderqueer myself. i just wanted to add in my two cents bc i think people are blowing this way out of proportion.
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thespacesay · 1 year
so i'm out at work as a trans person who uses he/him pronouns professionally, and my coworkers are pretty good about the pronouns with one or two exceptions over the last year.
but... the idea that I use he/him and am not a man continues to astound people. yes I use he/him, no I am not a man, yes I am agender/genderqueer, no I am not nonbinary, no you are not misgendering me by not using they/them.
this conversation happens every time my coworkers complain about men in a "ugh, men" type of way, because inevitably someone turns to me and says, "except you". and tbh, even if I were a man.... uh, not great to tell a trans man they don't qualify into manhood for not displaying behaviors worthy of complaint.
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demonir · 3 months
dude now I'm just sitting here staring at a wall thinking abt how fucked up being lgbt is...
Don't get me wrong I'm happier knowing who I am and I shudder to think what would be of me if I had never found out, there's so many queer people out there that will welcome you with open arms and guide you through or just simply offer you a shoulder to cry on and that's wonderful I love that and we need more of that
But then there's the rest of the people, the assholes that want you dead just for existing, the ones that are less vocally hateful and might tolerate being in a room with you but should you need anything they'd rather let you starve than approach, the "I support you but" people that say are open minded and supportive but the moment you cross some invisible line of theirs you are no longer "one of the good ones" and must be dealt with.
We've all seen these people, they might be strangers, coworkers, acquaintances, friends, family and even our partners and their words and actions hurt like knives. But a lot of us have learned that we shouldn't waste our time with them if we can avoid it, turn around, block them, leave the room, move out of the house if you can, we can do these things
But what happens when the hatred is coming from inside the community itself? I cannot begin to tell you how soul breaking it is for me when I see discourse like "LGBT without the T!" or "Asexuality doesn't belong in the LGBT" or "If you're bi but in a straight relationship then you're a liar/traitor" or "If you don't pass as your gender then you're not truly trans" and these are just some off the top of my head, there are so many more and even if they don't personally affect me it still hurts me to see it so much.
You're not making the community nicer or safer by dictating how someone should exist, there are no "traitors" there are no "liars" there are no "pretenders" everyone is just trying to live their life while staying true to themselves but everyone around them is constantly telling them they are wrong for it, not gonna lie to you I'm sometimes afraid that I'll get someone telling me I'm not truly nonbinary because I'm not androgynous or use they/them and I'm easily perceived as a woman, I get afraid I'll be told that what I'm doing is just a phase by other queer people despite the fact that I've been trans since I was 14 and it took me all those years to be able to come to terms with the fact that yes I love dresses, yes I like makeup, yes I'm fine with she/her pronouns, yes I sometimes find it endearing to be called a girl, but no I am not a woman and I'll never be.
But guess what? being afab carries this weird notion that I am somehow harmless or at least less of an issue than lets see uhh oh yeah amab trans people! trans women get labeled predators, groomers and a danger to everyone around them so often and the punishment for not passing as their desired gender is far greater than anything I've ever personally received. People have let these notions about birth genders and sexualities carry on to their trans views in macabre and harmful ways. You want to be wary of men? sure, there's an extensive history of issues that make your fears rational and justified... but why are you pointing your finger at a trans woman? Because she has stubble or a beard? no long hair? doesn't like dresses? doesn't want hrt or surgeries of any kind? has a deep voice? because she has "male interests"? do you not realize how harmful that is?
That's not to say trans men don't get a similar treatment, but I don't see them being labeled as dangerous and violent even half as much as trans women do, it's this notion that being born with a penis somehow makes you vile or something???? unless you prove to us how innocent and righteous you are by looking exactly how I want you to, staying 5 meters away from me and never displaying any sort of sexual attraction towards anyone ever otherwise I am calling the police on you
That's bogus nonsense and I'm absolutely tired of it, stop carrying societies old and nasty views of gender and sexuality into this community that is about supporting and uplifting people no matter how they want to be, and while we're at it someone's presentation and physical appearance isn't indicative of their morality
I wish every trans woman on tumblr right now that feels afraid to speak up about the current situation or even just their life experiences as a trans person a very very happy rest of their lives, and I wish every trans woman who IS speaking up about stuff a very happy rest of their lives as well
Again just so we're clear, I'm nonbinary and afab she/he he/she whatever order so I should in theory not be the target to any uhh "mysterious" blog bans and stuff, however if my blog dies after this post know that I did not do it myself.
Stand up for trans women always and forever, we are all fighting together and there is no glory in hurting each other
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soloh · 2 years
TERF neo-nazi Posie Parker is in town this Sunday 26th March (well, most likely, she's gotta get through immigration still, although I doubt they'll stop her). There is a counter protest occurring at Civic Square, starting at 2pm, which from my understanding is when she's meant to be speaking. We need to come together in force, and show the transphobes, homophobes, neo-nazis, and general scum of Aotearoa that their beliefs hold no power over us and the members of the community they are trying to oppress.
This is intended to be a peaceful counter protest. Mayor Tory Whanau has said she is personally against the views that Posie holds, but no one wants a repeat of the hell she just created in Melbourne, so the police will be working to ensure that both Posie's event and any counter protests remain peaceful.
Bring signs, wear your pride pins, prepare a chant, share around info around counter protests. Be there.
Trans rights are human rights.
Racism is not an opinion.
Aotearoa is better than this.
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atlasisntdead · 5 months
I'm starting to look too conventionally feminine again and it's bothering me mainly bcz I'm treated noticeably better for it socially
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twunkzilla · 1 year
Once you meet like cishet dudes that are actually cool and you can dudebro around its the funnest shit I'm like dude imagine for every birthday as a kid you just got barbie dolls and dollar store nail polish and they were like broooo that sounds awful I know your pain
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0ffbeatqueer · 10 months
Tumblr media
I'm too lazy to retype everything
But basically my parents sat me down and informed me that they knew I was taking T and that I can't do that while under their roof and if I were to continue, they would stop all financial support (me living in their house, me going to my private school). Even if I stop taking T (which I kind of have to now that they literally came into my room sometime today and TOOK it - aside from a bottle i had stashed in a different place that contains about 2 doses but no new needles so idk what to do with that), if I don't "start acting like part of the family", they'll require rent.
I don't feel okay to stay here but I have no where to go and I'm just not doing well idk
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oathtorn · 1 year
// I think Minthara would be blinking slowly at confirmation that you can have no gender. Or all of them. Of just a few. Or a changing one. Like she's genuinely intrigued by a concept she didn't think existed in her own culture.
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shitty-goose-quack · 2 months
older sister -> tomboy -> lesbian -> she/they (i'm an ally!) -> she/they (im not a woman) -> 🤔🫠🤨🧐 (im 14 and edgy) -> gender fluid (my crush said she was) -> gender fluid (im indecisive) -> some complicated bullshit about genderfae/genderfawnet -> gender fluid -> it would really just be easier if i was a guy ->🤔🫠🤨🧐 (im depressed) ->
"it's like the ocean or something (xenogender) (micro labels are fun) -> 🤔🫠🤨🧐 -> gender fluid but in an ocean way -> oh i like this agender shit -> nah fuck it gender fluid (you can be all of it) -> pan gender -> you're a woman you fucking trender -> nope that was just a woman day you're gender fluid ->
✅ gender fluid hair tie
✅ gender fluid earrings
✅ gender fluid picrews
✅ binder that isn't actually a binder cause you're bad at online shopping
✅ long tumblr rant that is still your most popular post
🤔🫠🤨🧐-> you're a straight girl who's looking for attention -> genderfuck (micro labels will make me happy) -> ocean gender (micro labels will make me happy) -> genderfae (micro labels will make me happy) -> micro labels will make mehappymicrolabelswillmakemehappymicrolabelswillmakemehappymicrolabelswillmakemehappymicrolabelswillmakemehappymicrolabelswillmakemehappy -> fuck it gender fluid (part 2) -> oh whats this? people in my head? that are different genders? making me feel like different genders? -> quinn is a hot mess and nigel is a man and x is nothing and thea uses she/they...
and years go by and felt like hours or however that poem goes but also the background music box shit off of lovely ladies playing
-> hello im your chest dysphoria and i would like to *punching noises* -> so. here me out. we dissociate from the dissociative disorder so bad that all the people get repressed and you feel like your friends died can we not? nah it's fine. (neutral gender??) -> 📞 hello we have been trying to reach you about your chest's extended warranty for some time now. would you like to return your tits? -> like nonbinary i guess just use they/them and don't be weird -> but girl. ew. he/they -> no one said he so ig just back to they/them
and years went by but felt like hours
oh god but trans guys are so relatable -> what if i just went on t for a little bit for the bottom growth and the voice and then came back from it -> what if top surgery but no too scary -> what if little boob reduction so binder work -> shit i taped the bitches down and i feel alive maybe i do want top surgery -> down the rabbit hole of ftm youtubers and fuck you im a guy -> yes -> no -> yes -> no -> tiddy look good tiddy feel bad -> well you see i only wear men's clothes and never do makeup and bind my chest and sleep with a packer and get kinda giddy when someone calls me he and i dressed up as my brother for halloween and i cut my hair off and i don't wear earrings anymore but im not like,,, a guy what are you talking about that's crazy anyway how do you grow a beard without taking T asking for a friend
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lnkedmyheart · 4 months
It's always the biphobia that kills my interest in any fandom.
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cw: yet another trans + dysphoria rant nothing new
i always feel bad for preferring trans men over cis men. sometimes i feel like i’m fetishizing other trans people (which i feel can be a thing) but it’s not even that. i don’t even want them for sexual pleasure (although i wouldn’t mind it at all) i just simply find myself being pulled to them more than cis men.
i feel like as trans people we should be allowed to sexualize our own trans bodies and view trans people as sexy. we sadly will never escape the fetishism of chasers. i will say we should be careful because i feel like we could fall into something like that, but it’s a little different ya know what i mean? every trans person feels different about their body so i really don’t speak for everyone. but i really shouldn’t feel bad for being romantically attracted to and sexually attracted to transmen as a fellow transman. when i’m with cis men it just feels like something is off or something is missing which led me to having sexuality crisis number 192737282728272782277227.
i don’t know what it is but cis men just don’t do it for me genuinely, i know there are good cis men out there y’all are just hard to find. i’m not sure if any other trans person feels this way, i personally do. i’m not the only person who’s had bad experiences with cis men close friends of mine had. again, for lack of better words, i hate how this is an experience that “AFAB” people have had. it genuinely feels invalidating to my identity and it causes me a lot of dysphoria.
(i mean idk CAN trans people fetishize other trans people? i’d actually like to hear from other trans people if that is a thing bc if it is i’ll stop myself from doing something like that however i will always prefer t4t)
EDIT: also, i would like to point out that t4t does have it ups and downs. i have had a mediocre experience having sex with another trans dude. so like we shouldn’t put trans people on a pedestal just like we shouldn’t put queers on a pedestal bc we are not a monolith.
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testosterxne · 11 months
i genuinely started writing out a thinkpiece on how the tv show Psych is an example of how even less popular “trash” tv used to be so much better than what we have after the move to streaming.
won’t write all that cause nobody cares but if you need a silly show to watch and can move past some outdated humor it’s solid asf
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aemiron-main · 2 years
me 🤝 mike
trying to make ourselves like girls
#ih and internalized transphobia has an unusually strong grip on me the past few days I’ll be normal soon#anyway working on my current analysis…. the butterfly imagery around Mike makes me INSANE#the duffers really said ‘we are going to show that Mike is trying to make himself like girls & that other people are trying to make him like#girls by paralleling it to some stuff in one of the most horrifying ways possible’ like they rlly. did that#cannot wait to elaborate on this in the analysis because……. now that I Know what the butterflies mean for Mike…… head in hands#LIKE THE DUFFERS JUST COULDNT HAVE DONE IT ANY OTHER WAY HUH??? like it makes sense and it’s lowkey brilliant but. Jesus Christ that’s dark#I’ll explain the full thing in the analysis so this probably doesn’t make sense without the contex but just like. damn#like yes 99% of the time I love being gay but also…. we rlly do live in society…. and then medical transitioning is stressful#like I’m doing it but like. time. money. fear of surgery yk#don’t mind me ranting but like. the ‘trying to make urself’ like girls thing with Mike hits me like a brick every time bc while I Know#lesbians do Not have it easy & im not saying they do but growing up I knew that with where I lived etc while being a lesbian would’ve been#looked down on compared to being straight it wouldn’t have been seen as nearly as ‘bad’ as being trans yk#like that’s just the case for my circumstances and just. even trying to force myself to be bi and feeling like I Had to be into girls bc no#guy would ever take me seriously as a guy and that dudes were supposed to be into girls and if I wasn’t then I was just actually a straight#woman/not queer at all and just. a whole fucking mess like seriously I spent so long Trying to be into girls both as a girl and as a guy
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llumimoon · 1 year
me getting back into kny has me looking back at all my fun ideas and fics and aus from two years ago and then I get excited like omg this is sooo cool i should go back to work on this! i wonder if anyone else has done something similar! surely i got inspired from somewhere! and then i look and . 🧍
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urboymutual · 2 years
me when my mom only refers to me with gender neutral terms even tho i'm a guy 👹👹👹
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