#luckily a lot of the things do get fixed at the end of the story
kyaruun · 1 year
okay butlers was all in all a really sweet and nice story about idols from different units working together but. as most kinosei izumi i've read,,, there's something with it
i can't judge the other characters because out of the cast in butlers i'm not that much a producer for anyone other than izumi and he reads weird. and i don't mean the translation, i mean his character. i think kinosei likes to remind the players izumi's perfectionism is some kind of "bad habit" he can't/doesn't want to control, but i feel like they're ignoring two key elements to izumi's character and development throughout the series. 1) izumi's perfectionism is aimed at himself before everyone else and 2) he would never speak bluntly to someone in a higher position than he is.
an important part of his character is the fact that he's been working in the industry for a really long time (see portrait) and the way to do stuff "the right way" as been slowly ingrained into his character. things like keeping a good relationship with coworkers and not bothering his superiors to make sure he gets called in again for future work. respecting work hierarchy. yes he is bossy, yes he is hard to please —but that's on his personal relationships. he knows how to separate his work persona from his personal life persona.
i'm not saying izumi is not perfectionist and doesn't require a certain level of perfection from the people around him, but he only does that with other idols around his same level. he will be annoying and bother knights to keep practising until he's satisfied with the outcome because he knows HE can do better ><
i feel like it all boils down to izumi's "i want to show the best side of myself (only)". he doesn't want people to see all the struggle behind the cameras and wants his fans to have the best time, at all costs. he thinks it isn't fair for them not to get a wonderful experience, so he is working himself to the bone for that.
i don't think putting izumi as someone who values himself before absolutely anything else and acts like a karen all the time is actually the take they wanted to make... maybe i'm just reading too much into his motifs (pls read butterfly) but deep down izumi doesn't want to get attached to people so they won't hurt him. but being unnecessarily mean to people in his work environment doesn't really help that out? i thought e! had already worked on that.
for me he feels like the annoying senior who keeps pushing everyone around him to do better because he knows they can do better, with a little extra help! because he gets stuck in similar situations and his own pride won't allow him to ask for help, he'd rather be the help other people need, even though they might not realize it.
so tldr: in my honest opinion, izumi is the kind of person that gets frustrated with himself when something doesn't come out the way he expected it to and actually blames himself for it, even if he won't say it out loud
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bittersw33t-lotus · 2 months
Romeo and Juliet
Ghosting series pt. 2
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem! Reader
Cw:mentions of fighting, blood, pregnancy (this is gonna be on the whole series so…), hospital visit, reader is mentioned to listen to rock music :)
A/N thank yall for the love and support, I love yall (platonically of course)😘
part 1 here
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It’s been a few weeks since you’ve been living with Stacy and her husband, Jared.
It’s been pretty good, they’ve been kind to you, you been helping around as much as you could, and they’ve been doing a lot to make sure you’re okay and willing to help you with anything.
Jared has been fairly nice and generous. Today is your first check up at the hospital and ultrasound. Jared offered to take you to your appointment, which you accepted since your car battery decided to take a crap right as you returned home from the store the other day, so now you have to wait for it to arrive at the mechanics before you get take it over to get fixed. This leaves you with no independent transportation for at least a week. Luckily Stacy had been able to take you to and from work but today she wasn’t able to take you to your check up due to having to work late. Thankfully, Jared offered to take you to the doctors, to which you gratefully accepted.
On the way there you started some small talk with him. “How long have you and Stacy been together?” You ask him as you watch the trees pass by along with building around the area as he enters the highway.
Jared looks at you for a quick second before focusing back on the road. “Been together for about four years now. Two years since we’ve been married.” He says with a small smile, you’ve seen all the things they’ve done together, so many adventures, dinners, vacations, you would’ve thought they’ve been together for more than that if he hadn’t said anything.
You realize that Stacy seemed to move to marry him pretty quickly, which wasn’t a bad thing, as long as you know that Jared has the best intentions for your sister. It was the same with her last boyfriend, taking any chance she got to up and move in with him at any chance she got.
But you aren’t worried, Jared seems to be a sweetheart, you e seen it over the few weeks you’ve spent here. He always engaged and doing anything around the house he can do. He and Stacy worked like a team. You also saw the way he looked at Stacy like the held all the stars in the sky. You wouldn’t admit it out loud but, you were jealous.
“We’ve been best friends since high school. Of course, she ended up with her boyfriend before I could confess my feelings to her. long story short he tried to have her cut contact with me but with a lot of persuasion she ended up leaving him and we got together in collage shortly after I beat the shit out of him." he chuckled seeming to be a bit ashamed at admitting it, but he wasn’t sorry though.
That took you by surprise, you never expected him be a guy to use violence just by looking at him. He seemed more like a lover than a fighter. Reguardless, you’re glad he stepped in, in any way, just to get that prick away from your sister. "Well, I'm glad Stacy has you. I remember seeing that guy before she moved out and he never gave me a good feeling." You say as the car gets off the freeway on the road that leads stright to the hospital. You can see the street changing to one of a more fancy and modernized road with trees every few feet, fancy black fencing, and lighting.
Jared smiled at you, noticing that your compliment took him by surprise. "Thanks." he says and focusing on driving, a small pause of silence between you two before he speaks up. "If you don't mind me asking, your sister told me a bit about the history between you two and how life was growing up but, how did you meet that guy?" He asks, you feel yourself start to think back on the memories between you and Simon, it was bittersweet and made the strings in your heart tug. "You don't have to tell me; I respect your privacy." Jared is quick to say noticing your face drop a bit.
You shook your head and wave your hand in a unbothered manner. “No, no. It’s alright. I don’t mind.” You say as you look at ahead of you towards the road. “I met him in my freshman year of high school, Simon was a sophomore. I first saw in when he got into a fight, but I didn’t talk to him until a week later when I was put into detention.”
You were making your way to your fourth period, walking through the schools' hallway past others students walking trying to get to their next class. As you're about to turn the corner down the hall, you hear a sudden grunt before a loud metallic bang echos through the hall. A few feet away from you, you see everyone looking in one certain area from the origin of the sound hearing continuos grunts and chatter form other students looking intrigued, shocked and also unbothered with what they saw. You make your way towards the crowd getting a sense of what could be happening which was soon confirmed to be true when you manage to look between the gaps of the crowd to see two guys duke it out. The guy pinned against the locker getting multiple shots of fists to the face you recognized him as Todd Hanes. The renowned senior asshole in school. He always picked and tormented other kids younger, or others who seemed weaker than him.
The other guy punching him had his back turned to you, he had short blonde hair and wore a grey t-shirt that really defined his muscles well. You can see he worked out a lot with the way his bicep flexed as he pinned Todd against the locker. You moved closer to get more of a clear view of the fight and watched as the blonde guy raised his fist and socked Todd square in the face, repeating the action over and over again as your peers around you watching the fight. Todd tried to fight back but to no avail with the fists he received to his face. The students around cheered or reacted verbally to the fight as you heard "ooo's' and a few other words being said as they all watched Todd practically get beaten to a pulp which was much deserved. Todd looked pathetic trying to fight back and ended up shielding his face ultimately giving up on fight back.
it wasn't long before a teacher stepped in and tried to pull the blonde off Todd, whos' face was now battered with his own blood, nosebleed and busted lip dripping blood down his shirt. it took two teachers to pull the blonde off Todd and once they did Todd slid down the locker down to the floor barely conscious and seemingly dazed and confused as everyone stared in shock. You finally got to see the blonde guy's face and immediately, you felt your stomach flutter. He was downright breath taking, his brown eyes look like there was a raging fire in him, he heaved heavy breaths as he stared down Todd, whos' face was all swollen, battered and bloody. Meanwhile he only had a bloody nose.
As weird as it was but looking at him like that really awoken something in you and had your brain go fuzzy with just the image of him. As he was pulled away to what you assume was to the principal's office you watch as the teachers helped walk Todd to the nurse's office supporting him up and walking him over.
After that, you didn’t see the blonde guy. However when you asked your friend about him, they told you his name was Simon, she knew since she had a class with him. But it wasn’t long until you saw him again.
You had gotten Lunch detention for two days, you had gotten the note during you second period after you showed up to your first period late for the hundreth time. You sighed in annoyance and crumble up the paper dreading for your upcoming punishment.
When finalllylunch came by you made you way to the library where lunch detention was being held, where you had to sit there in silence for 15 minutes. Walking through the doors you look around and see how surprisingly full it was, all of the round tables had a few students sitting in every single one of them, all except for the one table in the far corner back. Where you spot Simon sitting at, your heart did a back flip at the sight of his blonde hair that peaked through the hood of his sweater. Seeing that he was the only table with less students, and it would be reasonable to sit at his table instead of the other full ones, you began contemplate on wether you wanted to sit at his table or the table next to him where a group of boys sat, you hardly judged anyone but these guys just by the looks of them seemed to be ones to torment girls just for fun, so the easier option was to sit with Simon.
It was nerve wracking walking into the library seeing so many students in the room, you expected there to be only five but there was almost twenty in here, you feared one little noise could cause everyone to turn and stare at you if you so much as breathed the wrong way.
As you walked and approached the table where Simon sat at you began to notice and take in his appearance, his blonde hair was slicked back, a bandage on his nose, from the fight with Todd, and a bruise, it was odd, it looked to be a fresh bruise on his jawline. It had been over a week since the fight, he wouldn’t have a bruise or to the least bit, just have faint bruising. Did he get into another fight?
Your thought were short circuited when his honey brown eyes move up to meet yours, he stared at you through his blonde lashes. You’re surprised and quickly avert your gaze towards the floor ahead of you before you finally reach the table and pull out the chair adjacent where he sat, sitting down trying your best to make the least amount of noise possible. You can feel his eyes linger on you until he moves his arm out to pick up his pencil and focus on the papers on the table that you assumed was his class work.
You try your best to calm your heart that’s currently beating rapidly, it’s absurd how much he’s had an affect on you just by his appearance and a singular glance he gave you. No way you’re this down bad, you thought.
You quietly settle into your seat and set you bag down before opening it up and pulling out your own homework while you steal a few glances at him, an continue to do so as you “work on your homework,” unaware of how obvious you’re being.
At the end of detention the teacher dismisses everyone as you pack away your papers and pencil back into your binder, slipping the binder in your bag your pencil slipped out and falls to the floor rolling a feet away from you. Before you lean down to pick it up, a hand lowers down and grabs the object, you look up and meet Simon’s eyes as he leans back up and extends his arm out to you with your pencil in hand.
You’re dumbfounded for a second, staring at him like a deer in headlights. You manage to mutter out a ‘Thanks’ before reaching your hand out to grab it from him, trying your best to not show how shakey your hand is. As you grab your pencil you try you best to avoid touching his fingers with yours, but you index finger barely grazed his own before you pulled away and slipped your pencil back in your bag.
“Is there something on my face?” He spoke to you, you couldn’t tell if he was genuinely asking you a question or threatening you right now. You’re taken back by how deep and rough his voice sounded, its wasn’t very deep yet but it sounded like his voice was in the process of getting there.
“Sorry…” You say with a puzzled look on your face.
Simon continued to look at you seeming unfazed. “You kept staring at me, did you need something or you just have a staring problem?” He asks, his voice unchanging from his unfazed tone, along with the blank look in his eyes.
You quickly shake your head and try to think of something, then you remembered how you noticed on his backpack he had set on the table. You saw he had a Misfits keychain hanging on the zipper of his bag so you quickly use that as an excuse. “I noticed you had a misfits keychain on your backpack and thougt it was cool-” You blurt out, you words coming out so fast as you grew nervous, Simon almost couldn’t understand what you said at first.
You see him raise a brow at your response as he looks at his bag that was still on the table, then looks back at you and takes in your appearance, his eyes glazing over your body from head to toe. “You listen to the Misfits?” He asks seeming unconvinced by your words.
You figured he may not believe you possiblywith your outfit and appearance, however he shouldn’t be one to judge, all he was wearing today was a black sweater and jeans. You do listen to rock and metal music, you recently got into it thanks to your friend. So luckily for you, you knew some music and information about the Misfits. You nod your head, “Yeah, I’ve been getting into rock music lately and Misfits were one of the first bands I listened to. They’re pretty good.” You say as a small smile makes its way to your face hoping that he’ll believe you were only looking at his neck packs and definitely not checking him out.
Simon seems like he wanted to say more but shook his head. “Alright then.” He says before grabbing his bag, slinging the strap over his shoulder and walking out the library to wherever it was he was going.
You let out a breath you didn’t realize you were holding and take notice of how hot your face felt. Crap, you were blushing. He definitely knows you were checking him out!
After that, you suddenly saw him everywhere, you noticed him in your English class, apparently, he’s been in your class this whole time and you never knew, you saw in the halls between passing periods, and of course you saw him again on your second and last day of lunch detention. There were slightly less kids in the library now which meant a couple of tables were empty. When you first entered you expected to see simon already sitting there but you noticed the lack of his presence, you assumed his days in detention were over which made you a bit disappointed. But at least you still got to see him in English class though. As you took your seat at the same table you pull out your essay you were working on for English class, you were almost done with it, just needed to add any finishing touches. Your essay was about the recent book your class read, Romeo and Juliet. The teacher had the class take a theme or idea of what you thought about what the book would be about and how it could relate to readers universally.
As you worked, you had your head looking down and hyper focused on your paper, too busy to see movement around you and a certain figure approaching your table. It wasn't until you heard a thud against the table that made you jump slightly and look up to see Simon at your table setting his bag down on the table before sitting down across from you, you look around and take notice that there were still a couple of empty tables left for him to sit at but he still opted to sit at the table where you were at, why?
Not wanting to overthink and get ahead of yourself, you thought maybe that because he's been in detention longer than you that maybe this was his designated table that he preferred to sit at. He looks at you as he sits in his chair, you look back down at your paper and tried your best to refocus on your essay but much to your dismay Simon was clouding your mind as your mind went into overdrive with him around, and suddenly you began to struggle to write anything.
As you tried to get the cogs in your head to start functioning again, unbeknownst to you, Simon was looking at you, watching how focused you were seeming to struggle a bit as your brows furrowed and your lips pursed. He takes notice of your paper and from what he can see from his view, he can see the noticeable pictures primted on next to the lettering and recognizes the paper to be the latest assignment in their English class. Writing something about Romeo and Juliet. He wondered if he should ask for your help since he saw how you had two pages done, maybe you can help give him an idea of how the story is since he hardly bothered to read the book and get the assignment done, like with all his other classes.
He debates if he should say something to you but ultimately says 'fuck it' and leans in his forearms leaning on the table to whisper to you with ease and not get caught. "You doin' the assignment for English?" He asks you in a whisper, careful not to get caught talking but the librarian was currently too caught up on whatever work she was getting done on her computer and the soft music she played was loud enough to blanket over his whisper.
you look up at him again and stare at him for a second processing what he's said to you. "Oh yeah, I'm just adding some finishing touches before I submit it." You tell him watching his eyes flicker to you and your paper.
"You think you can help me out a bit on mine? Been having some trouble with it. " He asks you as you set down your pencil seeing that you weren't going to write down anything else for now and focus on talking with Simon.
You look at him a bit taken back on the fact he wants your help. This means you get to talk to him more, perfect! "Yeah, would you be okay if we did this once detentions over? I'm not trying to get caught and have to stay here for longer." You tell him as you sneak a glance at the teacher seeing she's still occupied with her computer.
Simon nods and leans back in his chair. "Yeah, sounds good." he tells you. You try your best to fight back the smile that threatened to break through before you nod and look back at your paper completely not bothered to work with your thought clouded with just Simon.
Once detention was over, Simon gets up while you place your items back into your bag. Once you put everything away you see Simon standing there waiting for you, you zip up your bag and sling it over your shoulder and begin to walk towards the exit of the library, Simon following right beside you. “Were did you want to go?” You ask him as you both walk down the hall.
Simon thinks for a moment before pointing to the hallway to the right. “We can head down to the hallway to the band room.” He said as you look down the hall before nodding your head as you both turn right and make your way through the hallway. You figured that hall would be best to study, there’s hardly anyone in there minus the teachers but some kids go there to be alone, away from everyone else. You assume that’s why Simon wanted to go there.
Once you reached the hallway, you both spot a little lounging area at the end of the hall where the elevator was to go upstairs. Walking up to the table you set your things down and take your seats next to each other but Simon and you still kept a good distance from you. You bring out your papers from your bag, Simon doing the same.
Once you both settle and you look at Simon. “So what exactly did you need help with?” You ask him.
“All of it.” He states nonchalantly. “I haven’t really read the story much, just skimmed through a few chapters so I have a slight idea of what is going on but I don’t know what to write about it.” He tell you and keeps his eyes on the paper avoiding looking at you in case he saw the dissatisfied look in your face, he’s a bit worried you’ll think just he’s asking for your help simply to just copy off you.
“Oh well, you basically just choose a theme in the book and write about how you interpret the idea yourself and how it would make readers feel about it as a ‘universal thought.’ ” You explain to him. “So from the little information you’ve gathered from the book, what do you think one of the themes are?” You ask him.
Simon sighed and thought long and hard about it. “From what I knows is that the two are in a forbidden love story, something about family drama between their families. After the death of the two lovers they the family came together.”
You smile and nod at him, “That’s pretty much what the entire story is about. So write about that.” You tell him as you motion to his paper.
Simon nods and writes down a couple of notes to keep in mind. While he was writing he asked you, “What did you write about?”
You look at him and then at your papers. “It might sound a little silly…” You mumble as you avoid his gaze.
Simon raises a brow. “How so? Either way, I’m not one to judge considering I didn’t bother to read the book all the way.”
You glance at him as you fidget with your pencil. “Well, I focused on reincarnation and how cruel the world can be sometimes. The reincarnation part, I was worried the Mr. Jones would tell me not to include it but he told me to keep it, said it would be interesting since some people do believe in reincarnation.” You explain as you see that Simon seems to have his full attention on you, much to your surprise. “So I wrote about how love isn’t always a fairytale love story, life can be cruel and i believe we’ve lived many lives before our current one, our souls are old and our bodies are a temporary thing. Romeo and Juliet never got their happy ending due to some petty drama between her and Romeo’s families that ultimately caused them their happiness and eventually their lives. But I like to think that, reincarnation is a thing, their lifetime may not have been kind to them but maybe their next will be. They’ll find each other again and get to live the life they deserve.” You explain and as you do, Simon listens to every word, he watches you as you explain watching you ramble on about your thoughts of the matter, he watches the way your eyes dart between looking at him and then around the room, you lips moving with every word. Unbeknownst to you and Simon, he was falling in love with you. "I believe soulmates are a thing, Romeo and Juliet are soulmates and soulmates always find their way back to each other in every lifetime, romantic or not everyone has a soulmate." You explain as you glance over your papers.
"How do you know you've found your soulmate?" Simon asks confused on that part.
You then turn to Simon as you both stare at each other for a period of time. “You ever meet someone and within the seconds of your first interaction you feel an immediate connection with them, like being around them just feels… right?” You ask him.
That question made something switch in Simon in his mind as he looks at you. “Yeah… I think I know what you’re talking about.”
✯Flashback end✯
You arrive at the parking lot as you finish telling Jared how you met Simon, of course a shortened version of your story, just the main things. “But yeah, after that day we started hanging out more and more and eventually we began dating a little before I graduated high school.” You tell him as you Finnish up your story, Jared turns the car into the parking lot quickly finding an empty spot.
“He seems different compared to you. I guess opposites really do attract.” Jared chuckled as he sets the car in park and turns off the car.
“You could say that, I guess.” You say, considering your current situation with Simon.
You step out the car and Jared follows behind you as you both enter the hospital building. “I’ll be in here for a bit. You don’t have to stay, you can do your own thing and I’ll let you know when my appointment is over.” You tell him as you close the car door, Jared doing the same.
He shakes his head as you both make your way to the building. “It’s fine. I don’t mind, besides I figured you need as much support as you need.” Jared says giving you a small smile.
You return one back and nod accepting his offer before you turn to the assistant at the desk. “Hi, I’m here to see Dr. Raven for my check up.” You tell the woman as she nods looking up on her computer to check.
“Prenatal check up for y/n l/n?” She asks you as you confirm it with a nod. “Alright, Dr. Raven is currently still with her patient but she should be done in the next ten minutes. Feel free to sit in the waiting room and she’ll be with you shortly.” The assistant smiled at you as you nod back with a smile.
“Thank you.” You mutter as you head over to the lounging area and sit in a chair seeing other woman in the room, some by themselves, some with a relative or another male which you assume may be their partner but you’re not quick to assume. You notice Jared looking a few pamphlets displayed on the wall picking up a couple of pamphlets before sitting down in the chair next to you.
He begins to read one, you can see it’s about baby development, another about how pregnancy affects the woman during and after pregnancy, and the last one for expecting fathers. You’re a little confused on why he’s reading, possibly to pass the time but there are magazines laid out on the little table next to you that he could read. He notices your confusion and points to the pamphlet before speaking. “It’s good to know this stuff, ya know be prepared,” He said as he skimmed over the information.
You him and nod your head. “That’s good.” You reply back as you examine the pictures on the pamphlet.
You can tell there’s something else he wants to say as he takes a deep breath. “Uh… Stacy and I are planing to have kids soon in the near future, kinda thought this would be a good opportunity to read up on this for when the time comes.” He says as you notice his smile becomes wider at the thought of it.
You look at Jared and raise your brow in surprise. “Really? That’s great.” You say as Jared nods continues to smile.
“Thanks. We decided to wait till we settled down, and now that we’re getting there we decided it was time.” He says.
You didn’t think your sister would ever want any kids, you took her as the type to be childfree and live her life being single and on her own. But now that she has Jared by her side, she’s really changed, in a good way of course. “That’s amazing to hear, looks like my baby will have a cousin soon.” You say as you feel your bag vibrate and a chime sounds, opening your bag you fish out your phone and read the screen seeing there’s a message from Stacy.
Stacy: How’s the check up going?
You: Still in the waiting room, just got here but it’s shouldn’t be too long.
You send the message and revive a reply a few seconds later.
Stacy: Oh, well let me know how my little niece or nephew is doing, make sure you follow whatever your doctors says to keep you and the baby healthy. Also when you come back I have a surprise for you ;)
You look at the message a bit confused but smile a bit excited for the surprise.
“Yn.” A voice calls out to you, you look up to see a nurse with a clip board in hand scanning around the waiting room looking for you.
You stand up letting yourself be known, “Right here.” You say with a smile.
The nurse looks at you and offers you a kind smile. “Perfect, Dr. Raven is ready to see you.” She says.
You nod your head and look at Jared, “You okay with waiting out here?” You ask him as he looks up at you and nodded.
“yeah, I’ll be waiting out here.” Jared says and give you a reassuring smile and nod. “Good luck.”
You smile at him before making your way towards the nurse feeling anxious and antsy for some reason. You didn’t know why you felt like this but then again, you’ll be seeing your baby for the first time at least through a screen until the big day you deliver the baby.
As you walk through the halls with the nurse leading you through. You spot a couple in the distance, the woman with a noticeable bump as he husband smiles at her as the walk into a room with his hand around her waist leading her into the room. You feel a emptiness overcome you as you suddenly feel your body grow cold, if you didn’t feel alone before, you definitely felt it right now. You imagine what could’ve been if Simon wanted to stick around, how these visits would be less lonely and filled with more joy then the melancholy feeling you were experiencing right now. He would’ve been able to see your growing baby, see your bump grow bigger over the month before you finally get to meet them and live the rest of your lives as parents.
Thought of your memory with Simon, talking to him about Romeo and Juliet you found it amusing with how your life had played out, almost like the story, life didn’t play out the way you wanted with Simon. Life really can be cruel.
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sinnersweets · 7 months
DogDay x Reader Valentines Special
A/N: This is set a few months ahead of the actually story. I hope you all like this and Happy Valentines!
Today was Valentine's Day and Playcare did not slack with the decorations. I should’ve known since for Christmas they didn’t hold back on the decorations either. I laughed thinking back to that day. DogDay was so excited to give me his present. I looked down at my wrist and admired the handmade 'friendship' bracelet that he gave me. On the bracelet was his name and on his was my name; well actually it said 'Angel' which is my name for him so yeah, haha. I gave him a handmade bandana. He hasn’t taken it off since then. Well unless he needs to get cleaned then he’ll take it off but other than that nope.  
As I exited the cable car there was a lot, and I mean a lot of hearts scattered around the place. There was some on the lamp post, on the floor, everywhere! I noticed that around the statues of the Smiling Critters were streamers with hearts. There also seemed to be string hanging down from each of their hands, er, paws..feathers..whatever. It seemed like there was supposed to be something attached at the bottom for each of them but there wasn’t. I’d have to ask someone what it’s for.  
The counselor's office was decked out with streamers, candy, balloons the whole fixings. I set my stuff down in the lounge for us helpers and took out some Valentine Day cards that I made for the kids that were normally assigned to me and DogDay. As I was heading out, I spotted Sarah, Catnaps helper and asked her if she knew what the strings were for on the statues. “Hm? Oh, so like at the end of the day all the Smiling Critters are gonna go in the playhouse and us helpers must write some sappy crap for them on this big heart and attach it to the string. We do it allll the tiiiime. Oh, and like when we’re doing that, they’re in the playhouse doing the exact same thing. It’s dumb.” It didn’t sound dumb to me; it seemed sweet. I haven't been here as long as the other helpers, but I was looking forward to this. I thanked Sarah and made my way to the school. 
It looked like Cupid himself threw up everywhere. Along the walls there were hearts with the children’s names. I recognized a few of the names: Miley, Jason, Henry, Todd, and Damian. Damian was a good kid. To be honest, I’ve grown attached to all the kids. I know the day will come when they’ll get adopted, that’ll be the last I see of them. I shook my head and walked over to the art room. On my sheet for today it said that I’ll be stationed here along with DogDay.  
As I was approaching the art room, I saw Craftycorn along with DogDay through the glass. Craftycorn was short enough to not need to hunch over, unlike DogDay. I opened the door and was immediately greeted by the kids. “Angel!” I laughed as I shut the door. DogDay chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. Craftycorn waved hello and DogDay picked me up and hugged me like always. “Hiya Angel, we were just talking about you!” As he put me down, I got a good look at his face. He had a heart painted over his little brown patch. Cute. “Oh? And what were you all saying about me?” I set the bag of cards that I had on a table. “We said that we like having you around and that we hoped you brought us our gifts.” Damian spoke out. He had hearts painted on his cheeks. “I like being around you all as well and yes, I have your gifts.” I reached for the bag and started to hand out each of the handmade cards to the children that were assigned to me.  
The kids from Craftycorn looked sad that her helper didn’t get them anything, luckily, I had extra to give out. “Look at you Angel, so thoughtful.” DogDay spoke out. “I made some cards for you guys as well but there put away in the counselor's office.” DogDay wagged his tail while hearing this. “Oh, wow Angel, you shouldn’t have.” I knew DogDay was just saying that playfully. Damien told me yesterday that DogDay was hoping for a card from me. “Now, let’s get you all dolled up like me Angel.” DogDay then grabbed me and set me down on a chair in front of him. I came to about his chest when he was sitting like an actual dog would. Craftycorn then walked over to me holding a paint brush with red at the end. I smiled and closed my eyes as she also painted a heart over my eye.  
My shift was ending soon which meant that it was time to attach a heart to the strings on the statues. I walked around and placed the cards that I made for each Smiling Critter into a little basket on the floor right below the string. After I placed all the cards I walked to right in front of Dogdays' statue and attached the giant heart onto the string. “I hope he likes it.” I said to no one in particular.  
Soon a bell rang, and all the Smiling Critters came outside of the playhouse. I spotted DogDay and waved hello and he immediately waved hello back. All of them soon then stood right in front of their helpers and in unison said “Happy Valentines” while handing us a gift bag. “Happy Valentines Day Angel, I hope you like your gift.” I looked up and smiled. “Happy Valentines Day DogDay, I also hope you like your gift.” “I’d be happy with anything Angel; heck you can even give me a rock and I’ll be happy with just that!” He’s so silly. “Well sorry to disappoint but I did not get you a rock.”  
I moved out of his way so he could see his letter on the heart. While he read my letter, I opened my gift bag. Inside was a picture of me and DogDay. He was holding me in his arms, and we were both showing off our painted faces. The picture frame was covered in little hearts and dog bones. I turned the picture around and saw a note attached. Before I could read it DogDay snatched me up and buried me into his soft, fluffy chest. “Thank you Angel! This letter means the world to me. I promise I’ll cherish it forever and ever!” I laughed at his reaction. Dogday then held me up to his face and moved me closer. His nose booped my nose. “I love you, Angel.” “I love you too, DogDay.”  
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quills-of-freedom · 1 year
Short story ~
First time with Reiner Braun 🌺
Female-bodied reader X Reiner Braun
Reiner had been acting strange since the two of you shared an interrupted kiss a week ago - and now you're partnered together on wilderness training. What could possibly go wrong?
Includes: Confession of love. 18+ only ~ fluff ~ smut
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Reiner had been acting weird all day, but you couldn’t really blame him. The last time you were alone together, you'd ended up locking mouths in a steamy kiss. You hadn’t spoken about it since – You hadn’t really had the chance. Between training and having your classmates around, it was a perfect cover to avoid a potentially awkward conversation.
When Shadis announced that for this exam, you would be teamed up together, you both internally groaned.
You had another two years of training, and you were bound to wind up alone together again at some point. You'd both made sure that during the entire hike, you didn’t let one silence befall the conversation, which would force you to talk about the inevitable subject of the heated kiss.
It was quite comical, actually.
Constant talking either about your task, your friends, or at one point even pondered and speculated if a person got a sunburn in front of a cannibal; would the cannibal start watering at the mouth?
Anything to not talk about the kiss.
It’d been a whole week since the incident and it wasn’t like you didn’t want to address it. The both of you just didn’t want to know the other's thoughts on the matter. You both had serious reservations about it; you were totally focused on training and not fooling around, unlike some others in their class.
And yet…
The kiss only fanned the flames of the huge crush Reiner has had on you since day one. The crush that, over the last twenty months, had developed into something a lot deeper. He’d kill for you. He thought about that only earlier when you had made a joke about something and it really tickled him to the core; resulting in a loud belly laugh. So, when the sun was starting to set and you had found a good place to camp for the night… that was when things would inevitably go south.
“Hey Ba- uh, y/n?” Reiner called out in a chilled horror. Not only from the slip of the tongue but also from what he had discovered in their shared backpack.
You were only a few feet away, starting a campfire when a small laugh left your sweet lips. “Did you almost call me Bertolt?”
No. I almost called you “babe”
“Uh, yeah. Sorry. But we have a problem.” “What is it?” You frown, heading over.
He pulled a large, folded bit of material out of the pack. “…We only have one tent.” You looked at him like he spoke another language. “So? It’s not the first time we’ve had to share a tent with a partner during training. I had to share one with Jean last year.”
I bet Jean would have loved that…
It was a running joke amongst the men about when they had to share sleeping quarters with the women, and how they’d lie on the very edge, all limbs tucked in and never once touching them for fear of a testosterone-induced erection.
“Yeah, but I’m a big guy.” He lied, not once being concerned about that at all. “Get over yourself.” You chuckle, nudging him playfully as you returned to what you were doing.
Reiner solemnly obeyed and began to set up the tent, his frown pulling at his face the entire time. He will not get any sleep – being so close to… you. Alone… Miles away from anyone. After you'd kissed. He swallowed hard as he fumbled with the poles, wanting to be out of this situation. Reiner Braun was desperately in love with you and he was supposed to be keeping away. If you kiss again, he’s a total goner. There would be no way he could reject you if you reciprocated his feelings, even in the slightest. Luckily, the kiss had been interrupted so he didn’t know how you truly felt. He thought that if he never knew, it’s a problem he would never have to face. His fingers clumsily began to fix things together; you already had the fire going and preparing dinner. His eyes almost began to water at the thought that he was about to get your famous, amazing cooking. Sasha had been furious he was paired with you. His chest tightened and his head became fuzzy. He wished he didn’t have to be in such a complicated situation; he would just ask you to marry him already.
“You need help?” your voice called over after he dropped the pole fixtures for the third time. “Huh? Uh, no I got it.” He wavered a hand dismissively without turning around.
What the hell am I going to do? He panics in silence.
Eventually, the sun had set and the tent was erected, the two of you sitting by the fire after you'd eaten. The warm orange glow of the flames encased the two of you cosily, as Reiner sat back and patted his stomach in awe.
“Amazing. As always.” He smiled. “Thank you.” “I’m glad you liked it.” You beamed beautifully.
Surrounded by the trees under the stars and being embraced by the warm glow of the flames; You now began to feel weird about the intimate moment you'd had. It wasn’t very often you had time alone and your feelings for him remained the same since. The pair of you sat back, gazing up at the stars in comfortable silence.
“It feels like we haven’t stargazed in forever,” You commented quietly. “I bet Marco is looking at them now too.”
“Yeah, he will be.” Reiner marvelled.
Another silence.
He noticed you had been pretty quiet since you began relaxing by the fire. You were wondering why he hadn’t mentioned the kiss. He’d had plenty of time now. Maybe he regrets it? You bite your lip at the thought, eyes lowering to the flames sadly. God, he’d grown on you a hell of a lot and you resented that fact. It hurt to think he didn’t feel the same. Reiner noticed this.
Shit, she looks sad. Is it because he hadn’t mentioned the kiss?
Should he ask? There’s no way he would ever stand for you feeling down, let alone because of him.
What the hell should I do?!
His brain hurt. More so, his heart. You flinch a little in surprise when he slowly crept his hand across the ground and intentionally skimmed his skin across your fingers. He didn’t look at you though. It was his way of sending an impossible telepathic message of; Don’t be sad. I can’t say it but God, I love you. You, however, assumed it was an accident.
Ah hell. I’m going to have to mention it. I can’t see her feeling down.
He took a deep breath.
“You alright? You look a little down.” His usual façade of serious, concerned solider coming out.
“Oh? I’m fine.” You lied.
He knew you were lying. He knew you too well.
“It looks like it’s going to rain though.” You noticed the thick clouds that were rolling in, beginning to block the view of the stars. “We should get some sleep.” “R-right.” Reiner nodded, deflated. He didn’t know what he expected. His heart, body and soul ached for your lips against his again, but his mind screamed to stop being an idiot. As you go inside to get ready for bed, he stood and began to snuff out the flames of the fire, along with any hope he’d had of being with the woman he was so desperately in love with.
Sure enough, as you lay facing away from one another, the sounds of soft pattering began to tap the tent above your heads. You lay back-to-back with as big of a gap between you as possible; what the small tent would allow anyway. Reiner’s arms were tucked up around his chest and his eyes were wide. You had your limbs tucked away too but that was for a different reason – as always when you camped out, you were freezing. It didn’t matter the season. As soon as that sun sank below the horizon, your body temperature would drop. Reiner on the other hand was like a big insulated heater, sleeping in just his underwear under his sleeping bag. His heart thudded harshly against his large chest.
She’s just there! Kiss her! Talk to her! Tell her how you feel…
He’d been close to telling you a few times over the course of the last month or so. He couldn’t help it. Even before you shared that kiss, his feelings would bubble up to the surface and almost spew out of his mouth. He’d always managed to stop himself though, although it was getting increasingly more difficult each time. You were just so… perfect. And he had to say something before Eren sinks his claws into you. It was evident how he felt about you, too. Heck, half the class had some sort of crush on you. Not only were you extremely attractive and half of his classmates wanted you, but you were strong. Smart. Funny. Caring… His eyes closed in a frown as he listed the endless attributes he loved about you in his head. He was fighting a losing battle, and he knew it.
Bertolt. Annie. Marcel. I’m sorry. I tried… I really did.
He glances back and that’s when he noticed you curled up in a ball, shivering. His eyebrows furrowed. “…You cold?” “Y-yeah.” He instantly turned onto his side to face you, his sleeping bag rustling against the fabric of the tent.
“You should have said something. ‘C mere.”
With a sigh, he sat up and began unzipping your sleeping bag. “What are you doing?” your teeth chatted. “Helping you warm up. I doubt you wanna get sick and miss training.” You averted your eyes away from him when he unzipped his bag and fastened them together into a double. You knew he slept in his shorts. Your breath catches in your throat as he wraps his big, strong arms around you and pulling you back against his warm chest; heat rolling off him and encasing you like a huge bear was holding you. His scent rolled off him and embraces your sense of smell, relaxing you immediately. He kept his pelvis away from you, his manhood already stirring awake and he didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.
“T-thank you.” She whispered, still trembling. “Don’t mention it.” He sighed, silently kicking himself.
I definitely won’t be getting any sleep now.
Your heart almost stops when his head rested and lay between your neck and shoulder, his hot breath blanketing your skin. Rushes of unexpected heat ran down your body to in-between your legs and seemed to just pool there. His brows furrowed behind you; inhaling the intoxicating scent of you silently. Although he was trying his hardest not to brush his hips against you, he still felt so comfortable having you in his arms like this, like you were supposed to be in them. He was meant to protect you. To care for you. To love you. His mind flutters back to how he’d almost told you he loved you before. He’d hinted so hard but you just looked at him like he was crazy, not understanding what he was trying to tell you. When he was around you, it was like all of his troubles just melted away. Colours seemed brighter, his worries were brushed aside and life was just… amazing. You made him laugh, he could tell you anything (almost) and you always knew what to say to make him feel better after a particularly rough day.
But to him, the best part of it all was how excited you got him for the future. One that was bleak and full of sorrow was spun upside down and into a promising one, brimming with all possibilities.
“I have something I need to tell you.” He said softly, not able to stop himself this time. Maybe it was being this close to you that sent him over the edge. Or maybe it made it easier that you were facing away from him.
“Hm?” you hummed softly; your eyes closed and enjoying the warm embrace.
“…I love you.” That was it. It was out. There was no way to suck those words back into his lungs.
The tense, pregnant silence within the tent was only filled by the light tapping of the rain against the material that covered you both. He felt you tense in surprise, eyes flying open. You swivelled around to face him, eyes searching his narrow golden orbs for any sign of deception. But there wasn’t any. A crimson flush washed over his cheeks.
“I… I mean, you know –” he began before you silence him by pressing your lips against his. Both of your eyebrows pulled back as if pleading above closed eyes, his hand cupping your face, thrilled to be kissing you once more.
You pull away, your own pink hue colouring your face. “You… Love me?” you ask, voice soft and sweet.
He pressed his head against hers, closing his eyes and nodding. “ y/n, I’m crazy about you.” He whispered in honesty. “I always have been.” “…How crazy?” you teased, trying to tear away any awkwardness or negative feelings in his confession. He smirked. You know just how to make him comfortable. He grinned slyly, looking in your eyes. “Oh, absolutely insane. I should be getting carted away to the asylum, with Sasha and her potatoes behind me.” You laugh beautifully, heart swelling with joy. Even that dumb little exchange, confirmed to you that you definitely felt the same.
“So, you don’t regret that kiss…?”
“Of course not.” He replied, eyes returning to a desperate pleading. “I was just having a hard time accepting that I’ve come to cadets to be a soldier and…. Ended up meeting the woman I wanna marry.”
Every word that left his lips felt like a warm pleasant jab to your heart. “You… Wanna marry me?” you whisper, totally blown away by the intensity of this confession. “I do.” He admitted shyly. “You don’t deserve anything less. It’s just how I feel… Sorry” “You know…” you whisper shyly. “It’s more efficient to share body heat when you’re both naked.” His eyes enlarged and his breath caught in his throat, causing him to cough. You let out a cute giggle. “That’s if… You’d want to.” You added adorably. “Are you sure?” he whispered, praying you would say yes. You nod in reply. “I want you, Reiner.” You breathe. “I love you too. I want… you to make me yours. I want to be yours.”
Reiner was bombarded with emotion. Elation. Excitement. Arousal. Not to mention he was beginning to wonder if this were a dream. If he were going to cruelly wake up next to Bertolt and his weird sleeping positions. There’d been countless times he’s imagined you uttering those words in his head; sometimes while stroking his own cock. He’d lost count of how many times he’d furiously tugged himself while you occupied his mind. But as his feelings for you deepened, they became less and less so; guilt always creeping into his conscience. He just respects you too much.
He propped himself up on his elbow, running his now trembling fingers through your hair. “I don’t want to hurt you.” He breathes. “You won’t.” You shake your head. “I mean, it’s okay if you don’t want to, I under –” He put his arms under the sleeping bag with great speed and shuffled a little, before pulling his shorts out and throwing them to the side. You let out a laugh when he returned to his original position with haste. He returned your laugh.
“Okay…” You muttered shyly. “Look over there for a moment”
He turned around obediently as you begin to nervously undress under the now warm sleeping bag. All he could hear under the movement of you undressing yourself was his heart pounding in his head.
There’s no way this is real and happening.
His cock was already hard at the thought of you undressing inches away from him. His previous reservations about being teamed up with you quickly washed away as you threw your clothes to the side, before nestling back down and hiding under the cover.
“Alright… You can come back.” You inform him. At the speed of a firing bullet, he turned back around; painfully keeping his eyes glued to yours. His arm flinched, about to pull you back into his embrace but he hesitated. “Are… you sure?” He asked again, not able to believe the situation. “Yes.” you giggled, nervously. His arms snaked around you, his narrow orbs keeping their gaze on your eyes as he pulls your now naked form against his.
His eyes enlarged and jaw slackened when he feels your satin soft skin against his, bare breasts pressing against his hard chest and your lower stomach and groin against his solid erection. A gasp parts your lips as you feel, not only how hard he is, but how big.
“R-Reiner…” you couldn’t help but stammer, your face heating up as well as your insides. A pink hue raises over his cheeks, not having really thought through the situation.
He was nervous. He was excited. He was close to hyperventilating.
Your lips softly press against Reiner’s once more, fingers grazing across his scalp, your breathing heavy and needing. His arm snakes around your stomach, his brow pulled down and creased while his nose pushes out a blow of air, his heart hammering and his cock leaking with pre-cum. You could feel it weeping against your flesh as it throbbed and danced against your lower stomach.
You pull back for a moment; “Reiner. Only take me if you’re going to cherish me. This won’t be a one-time thing for me…”
He catches your gaze, lips parted and eyes still hungry. “Of course. I meant what I said.” You smile - elated at his words as you return your kiss, hands roaming his ridged, solid muscles. His mouth moves down to your neck, with slow and tender kisses - each one sending jolts of searing hot electricity through your entirety.
Reiner’s breath is deep; quivering and panting as he tries to hold back his eagerness and excitement.
“I’ve wanted you for so long…” He groans, his large palm pushing your arm above your head as he hovers over you a little, his fingers interlocking with your own, still kissing you deeply.
The pink hue across his face was deepening to more of a crimson, his eyes heavy-lidded and jaw slack the entire time. The way he kisses you is with such compassion, such tenderness. He grazes his large nose against yours, hands caressing your hair as he keeps himself steady over you, before gingerly rolling on top of you completely, keeping himself suspended with his forearms. He made sure every single graze, every grope was as gentle as possible - afraid of his lumbering huge form would somehow break you as you explore one another’s bodies, tongues entwining in a slow dance within your mouths. Deep, short groans vibrated his throat and chest from time to time, and not once did that furrowed look of desperation leave his face.
The only sounds that could be heard were the kisses, whines and groans as well as your laboured breath and the pattering of rain against the tent. He suddenly stops the kiss, placing his head against yours and rubbing his large thumb across your cheek, back and forth.
“I’m happy to just do this.” He breathes, wanting to prove to you that he really was just so happy you felt the same. “We don’t have to do anything else.” “I want to…” You reply, the snake coiled within wrapped far too tightly to be ignored now. “I want you to make me yours. Really, make me yours…"
He nods - returning his kiss, his top lip folding as his lusted haze results in him missing his mark slightly. God, it was hard for him not to touch you between her legs. But he’s a gentleman. He didn’t want to unless he knew one hundred per cent that you were sure.
Taking his fingertips, he nervously and slowly grazes them down your stomach to your pubic bone, pausing before taking a leap of courage - his calloused pads grazing down your clitoris and to your soaked lips. You both gasp at the sensation. The feeling of his warm, large fingers against your most intimate area was indescribable. And for him, your thick slick was heavenly.
“Is this all for me…?” He whispers in awe and disbelief, his shoulder flexing with his movements as he continues to slowly stroke you. You nod, biting your lip. He swallows hard, eyes closing for a moment before returning to yours. “It’s my first time. I won’t last long.” “I don’t care.” You groan, pulling him by his head for another deep kiss.
As much as he wanted to enter you, he refused to allow himself yet. Instead, his lips trail down your body, your eyes locked onto his broad back, flexing with every tiny movement as his head moved, his lips connecting with every inch of skin it could find - his hands gently rubbing and massaging - memorising every single gasp from your mouth. Every hitch of breath. He would remember where he’d been when you'd made those noises and made sure he damn well took it all in. His kisses remained so gentle, so tender…
He lets out a gasp as his hot breath caresses your skin - it was satin soft and felt better than he'd ever imagined. “Reiner…" You breathe involuntarily, fingers running through your own hair. A groan vibrated his entirety hearing you say his name in such a way. Your tone, desperate. Wanting him. Needing him. All things he'd day-dreamed about for two whole years. And it was actually happening. He felt like the luckiest man in the world. He was going to savour this moment. He leans back with shaking breaths, his fingertips gently grabbing your calf and lifting up your leg, his eyes not leaving yours as he grazes his lips down your inner thigh. Before you knew it, your back was arched in such wonderful pleasure as he leans down and encases his mouth over your bloom.
You watch the muscles in his shoulders and back flex under his skin as he slowly and sensually makes out with your slit, placing your leg up over his shoulder. "Ah~~" You melodically sing, eyes clasping shut. He grunts into you, the vibration of his vocals only adding to how good it all felt.
He tries to ignore his aching cock, now so hard it was dancing in rhythm of his pulse, begging for some friction as he watched the love of his life bare and vulnerable in the most beautiful way for him.
His tongue pin-points your bundle of nerves and he begins to flick it and roll his warm, wet muscle against it.
The deep cherry hue across your cheeks darkened further as he relentlessly invades your most sensitive spot.
How can this feel so good…? Your legs began to shake and you try your best to stifle your moans, biting down on your finger.
Reiner continues, slowly massaging the insides of your legs as he works you, his brows still furrowed and desperate, eyes now closed as he drinks in the moment. Something primal was taking over him and it was all so new. This was his woman. He'd die for you. He was made to protect you, make you happy and feel good. He whimpers into you, unable to handle all of these feelings and emotions.
He begins to rock his head up and down, his mind flashing of how jealous every single one of his friends would be if they knew. But he wasn't going to tell them. This moment was sacred to him. Your fingers run through his hair as it felt as though you were being pushed higher and higher.
"R-reiner…" You whimper as you reach realms of pleasure you didn't even think were possible. He picks up his pace thinking about how he hopes and prays you would use him for all of your needs in the future. If you're ever feeling fired up, he'd be more than happy to just have you ride his face into bliss and nothing else.
The golden moment approaches as he relentlessly keeps flicking his tongue until you go higher and higher and… Your legs tense and begin to shake, eyes close as you rides your huge orgasm through heavens gate.
Shit… Reiner thinks, totally now boarderlining into feral territory of arousal, having his love come undone into his mouth.
He slows to a stop when he feels your legs relaxing, his mouth not stopping and trailing kisses hungrily back up to your stomach, breast, neck and lips.
"You're so perfect." He whispers heavy lidded between kisses and burying his head into your neck. "I love you. God, I love you…"
Tears pricked both sets of eyes at how heightened and intense everything was.
"Make me yours…" You whisper back before nipping his earlobe with your teeth. He instantly returns to your face, cupping it and his muscular back hunches - his free hand grabbing the large base of his shaft.
“You ready for me, baby?” He breathes. You nod. He lines up his gleaming, pulsing head before pushing gently, your tiny entrance being invaded by him as he hisses, your finger returning to your teeth to stifle how amazing you feel.
He pushes harder. “ Y-y/n…" He whimpers, totally overwhelmed both with physical stimulation and emotion.
He gently removes your hand from your mouth. "Don't try to be quiet… I want to hear you. I want to hear how good I can make you feel…" He pushes again, a little firmer, his head popping in past the first hurdle. You cry out in surprise, pleasure and a little bit of pain.
“You okay?” He asks, sounding like he’s just finished sprinting a whole cross-country race. He paws your head gently. “Yeah…” He pushes again, your tight insides slowly ingesting him like a snake with a large meal - your ridges massaging him as they spasm with glee around him - his moans now a lot louder than before, as he jitters to a stop at the hilt.
“Fuck…” His tone sounds like he’s about to burst into tears as he slowly starts to pull out and slide back in again.
He's always tried his best not to curse around you, but this time it just poured out of him from how good it all felt. It felt like he had to fight the urge to burst into tears of joy just from how amazing it all felt. Encased snuggly, deeply inside of the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
The full feeling of Reiner Braun was better than ecstasy, his girth pushing and stretching you, his cock bending up slightly at the tip, already pushing against your g-spot as he trembles above you. With each slow thrust, your pleasure being pushed to an impossible new high, your nails sinking into his large back as you clung onto him for dear life - tears pooling at the corners of your orbs from how amazing it all felt. Like the only two people in the world were you and him, souls connected and swirling around the cosmos in the eternal dance of lovers.
His fat head that curved up slightly kept hitting a spot you didn't even know you had, making each slow drag of his king cock feel even better. The full feeling of him was beautiful, his short pubic hair also friction against your previously licked sweet spot.
Reiner didn't know what to do - it was all too much but in a good way. He'd never felt such pleasure like it and his hands roam your body; breasts, ass, hips, legs, face… he's spoilt for choice.
He pushed himself right in and stopped, his heavy breathing steaming up the air as he presses his forehead against yours. Your tunnel spasmed and clenched around him, massaging and milking him with strength.
"Urgh…" He groaned loudly as he feels your insides gripping him and trying to pull him in further. "S-so beautiful…" He runs his fingers through your hair gazing into your eyes. He pulls back and thrusts, this time more firmly. Your breasts bounced and eyes closed, your lips parting.
"Look at me…" He husks.
Your eyes open and lock onto his in a haze.
"I want you to keep looking at me…" he swallows hard as he painfully slowly drags himself out, before pushing in again.
"Ah ~ ! Reiner ! I can't take it, it's too good…" You beg, not really knowing exactly what you're begging for.
"Let me do this…" he pulls out slowly. "Whenever you need me to… please…" He thrusts harder.
"Ah ~!" His hand gently takes your chin. "Promise me you'll let me fuck you forever."
"Yes! Yes! Reiner, I - I'm going to…"
“Oh, baby…” He groans, eyes rolling as he plunges a little faster. “Me too. It feels so - n’urgh. So good…”
“Reiner!” You sob hysterically as you snap, coming undone around him as your legs tremble and head throws back. As you unravel around him, your name leaves his lips over and over and over again, each time louder than the last, as his thick and large cum shot explodes inside of you, his atomic detonation causing mass devastation as his legs quiver and eyes cross.
He leaves himself buried inside of you as he catches his breath, desperate whimpers escaping his vocal chords as he plants frantic kisses against your neck and cheek.
You stare into the void, the violent after shocks of your orgasm sending shivers throughout your entire body, the spasms of your insides squeezing and releasing Reiner's slowly softening dick.
"That was... amazing..." You hear him from somewhere below you as you're still floating in the clouds of satisfied haze. "I - I told you I wouldn't last long."
You silence him by running your fingers through his hair.
It didn't matter.
You were together now and nothing was going to take this high away from you.
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thisgirlnamedblusy · 29 days
Hello!! I just wanted to say I love your fics so much and your writing is so good! I was wondering if you could do a G!P Donna fic where reader teases Donna a lot throughout the day and eventually lets Donna have her release but only with reader’s thighs?
Sorry if this is one you’ve already done or it makes you uncomfy. Love your works!
Yessss!!!! Thank you for your support, and for your request!!! Well, I've done this prompt twice, but I don't care. It gives me the chance to write it in different ways ;) I hope you like it and sorry about the language mistakes!!!! :))))
Pairing: Donna Beneviento x Fem! Reader
Warnings: G!P Donna, smut, Minors DNI, semi public sex
Word count: 6,417
Summary: It's Moreau's birthday and you're going to make it really funny...
N/A: Sorry about the language mistakes!!! Requests are open!!! I'm waiting yours!!! I love you all!!! :))
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Attracted by a pleasant smell, you walked down the dark basement hallway. Once afraid of the dark, now comfortable in it, that was how you were, changeable and versatile to walk anywhere, to change your fears, your anxieties, for a state of happiness and comfort.
In that sinister village there were not many things that could be entertaining. Masses, sermons, work... Boring and monotonous tasks that turned your life into a simple breeze of air traveling through a place and then disappearing completely without anyone noticing.
But you were never satisfied with that boring and emotionless life. You were always a fearful daredevil, immersed in a constant contradiction of fear and desire to break the infinite circle of your daily life. A walk through the forest, a silent approach to the castle grounds... Anything even slightly risky meant seeing a smile on your face.
And yes, luckily or unfortunately, one day your walks stopped being simple walks and became something else, the beginning of a much better life, far from the village, far from the resonant and creaking routine of your neighbors.
The grounds of the Beneviento House could scare the bravest, and you, of course, were not that person. Even so, curiosity was much stronger than fear and not knowing what was behind that bridge, what was behind the black veil of the youngest Lord, prompted you to cross that safe threshold, that place no one had stepped on in years.
An intruder, a danger, a threat, at first you were that things for the lady in black, a nuisance in her quiet and solitary life. If it weren't for your skill with words, you would surely have ended up like the protagonists of the stories told in the village, scared to death.
However, that loneliness of the Lord was like her own veil, it was a black cloth that stood between her and the world, between her insecurities and your curiosity. Little by little, the fabric fell like a curtain opening to start a performance, one you didn't want it to end.
Yes, Donna Beneviento was a woman tormented by her past, mentally ill, terribly self-conscious about the scar on her face, about the changes her surrender to the Black Gods and Mother Miranda produced in her body. Getting to know her wasn't easy, loving her was.
Nothing she feared was a problem for you, nothing she asked for was impossible: she simply wanted you to not leave, to stay with her a little longer, just a little longer.
Of course, the time when you never wanted to leave came, the time to live with her, to become the girlfriend of fear itself, the happiness and torment of the lady in black, her only reason to smile again, and forever.
And there she was, cooking, one of her hobbies. You looked out the door, leaning on one side and letting your eyes enjoy the view in front of you: a calm Donna, humming some song you didn't know, with her gaze fixed on the oven, without fear or shame overshadowing her beauty.
“Donna,” you said, drawing her attention, breaking that tranquility with a sincere smile.
“Tesoro,” she answered, looking at you briefly, raising her lips, as if just seeing you was more than enough to make her happy. What nonsense, you knew it was just like that. “I thought you were sleeping.”
“Sleeping? No,” you joked, entering the kitchen and stealing a slow kiss from the brunette, who was soon blushing. “I was letting my eyes rest.”
“Isn’t it the same?” she asked, with that same mischievous smile, stirring the contents of a bowl.
You, amused, shook your head and raised your eyebrows.
“It’s hard to sleep with Angie…” you murmured, gently grabbing her waist and resting your head on her shoulder. Donna stopped, caressing your hands with hers and laughing shyly. “What are you doing?”
“Oh, um… A cake,” she replied, moving away from you elegantly, not without taking the opportunity to caress your lips with hers again.
With a sigh, she bent down, taking that cake out of the oven, the cause of that sweet smell you followed as if you were hypnotized. You looked at it curiously and nodded, breathing deeply.
“Mm, it smells so good,” you said, bringing your hand closer to dip it into the cake, interrupted by a soft slap.
“It's very hot, (Y/N),” Donna warned you, with a mischievous look.
You nodded, sighing, leaning on the counter.
“Well, it'll only be a matter of time…” you threatened, amused, to that appetizing cake. “Why a cake? Is it your birthday?”
“No,” the lady in black answered, with a cold, almost dark tone, relaxing her expression.
You shrugged, calming her irrational nerves with a tender smile.
“Okay…” you sighed, while she continued working on that cake, decorating it in a delicate way, like everything she did. “Well, it looks like a birthday cake.”
“Yes, because it is,” Donna said, not looking at you, touching up her creation, concentrated, almost completely unaware of your presence.
You nodded curiously, watching those skilled hands work.
“Hey,” you said, changing the subject, trying, as always, to keep a conversation, something that became less and less complicated, but was always a challenge.
The lady looked at you and smiled again, letting you speak.
“I thought we could go for a walk in the woods, you know, in a romantic way. I could even prepare my special (Y/N) buns,” you suggested, with an expectant smile.
Donna looked at you briefly and shook her head, with a calm smile.
“You mean those buttered buns?” she asked amused, touching up that mysterious cake.
“Eh, it's not easy to make them,” you protested, feigning terrible offense.
“You buy them ready-made, tesoro,” she said, without losing that calm, that smile that made you fall in love.
“Yes, well, but I put the butter on them,” you defended yourself with a mocking expression, approaching the lady again, who seemed to have finished that cake. “What do you think of the plan? You, me... The forest, the buns... A blanket...””
“I think it's a great idea, (Y/N),” she answered, sighing relaxed and taking off her apron. “But I'm afraid today it's not possible.”
“No? Why?” you wanted to know, a bit surprised by the answer, which was usually positive. “Oh, don't tell me there's another meeting... It would be the third this week.”
Donna shook her head, leaning next to you.
“Not exactly, it's my brother's birthday,” Donna explained, whispering, studying your reaction to that information.
“Oh, the crazy guy from the factory?” you joked, feigning a shiver. “That guy didn't need a cake. I think he'd be happier with a pile of corpses…”
Donna laughed softly, looking at you with a frown.
“No, it's Salvatore's birthday,” she said.
You nodded slowly, relaxing your shoulders, unable to avoid a grimace of disgust at the image of the Lord, that kind of chimera between human and Loch Ness monster.
“Ah,” you sighed. “That's good.”
“He invited us to go to the reservoir, you too, (Y/N),” she said, looking away, as if knowing what your answer was going to be.
“Oh, right… Ugh… have I told you how many things I have to do?” you said, scratching the back of your neck, trying to get out of that commitment, of course.
“Five minutes ago you just proposed to go to the forest, (Y/N),” Donna whispered, frowning and crossing her arms.
“Yes, I just remembered,” you lied, looking away, knowing that Donna could be many things, but she was not stupid at all.
“Come on, tesoro… Come with me, we'll have a good time,” the lady murmured, grabbing your hand to pull your body, knowing that at short distances,  in front of that look, that beauty, you could do nothing.
“I think we have a different idea of ​​what to have a good time means…” you said, shaking your head, sighing listlessly.
“Per favore, dolcezza…” the lady said, with a melodic, soft, pleading tone, one you couldn't resist, and she knew it.
“Ah, no, Donna, don't try to blackmail me with your sweet words,” you said amused, moving away from her grip. She laughed, coming closer again.
“Angie is coming too,” she said with a mischievous smile. You raised your eyebrows and blinked wryly.
“Is that supposed to be some kind of motivation?” you asked amused, giving in to your instincts and gently grabbing her waist.
Donna shrugged, insisting on convincing you with a smile that slowly deformed until it became a mischievous one.
“I promise I'll make it up to you,” she whispered in your ear, causing a shiver to run through you, a slight tremble in your legs.
“Okay,” you said, leaving her confused and moving away little by little.
“So? That easy?” the doll maker asked.
You looked at your nails with disinterest and nodded.
“I have several ideas so you can make it up to me,” you whispered in a seductive velvety voice, reaching out your hand and running a finger up and down her dress, making her nervous right away. “In fact, now that you mention it… Yes, to go near the swamp might be good.”
“I don’t know why I think you have something in mind,” she said, confused and distrustful of your sudden change of mind.
“Me? No, impossible,” you said with a sinister look, narrowing your eyes, drawing your mischievous plans in your mind.
Going to that sinister swamp to spend the day with Moreau was not something you were in the least bit interested in. You knew Donna had some sensitivity for the fish man, since, like her, he was an outcast, a deformed being who lived alone. You could understand that attitude, but the mere idea of ​​her being compared to that unpleasant man made you burn with rage.
But none of that mattered. You only had in mind how to make time pass faster, several evil ideas that had been in your head for a long time.
“Oh, thank you, little sister...” Moreau murmured, when Donna gave him a small and disturbing gift, a doll of his most precious idol, his beloved Mother Miranda.
The lady in black, covered by that horrible veil, nodded, silent as every time she met with the rest of the Lords, not letting anyone, except you, delight in her hoarse and soft voice.
“Hey, hey, Sal, Sal!” Angie, your irreverent companion, shrieked, jumping for joy, approaching the creature. “I helped my Donna to make it!”
“Thank you, Angie,” the man said, with a deep voice, laughing in a foolish way. “Please, sit down.”
You both obeyed, sitting at a table. You let yourself fall into the chair next to Donna, sighing and huffing continuously while Angie took care of entertaining the Lord.
“Well, at least we have cake,” you said, taking a piece and moving a little closer to the table.
“It will only be for a little while, (Y/N),” Donna whispered, with an almost imperceptible voice. “I feel so sorry about him, none of my siblings wanted to come.”
“No wonder,” you murmured, looking with disgust at that deformed being, receiving an elbow as a reprimand.
“Don't be cruel,” she asked you, slightly moving her veil aside so she could eat. “I told you I’d make it up to you.”
“Oh, that’s right, I almost forgot,” you said, raising and lowering your eyebrows seductively. Donna looked at you curiously, but continued with the cake, completely oblivious to your thoughts.
“Besides, this isn’t that bad… We’re outdoors and…” Donna tried t to it to not be a horrible torture for you, but Angie and Moreau’s squeals comically interrupted her.
“Birthday, birthday, birthday!” they sang in unison, forcing you to cover your ears and shake your head.
“Gods…” you protested, taking comfort in the delicious taste of that cake.
“Hold on, tesoro,” Donna said, grabbing your hand under the table, which sparked your mischievous instincts again.
“Mm,” you murmured, nodding, feigning disinterest, unable to stop a dark glint from appearing in your eyes as you watched Angie play with the monster. “I think… I could do it, what about you?”
“What…? (Y/N),” Donna said, startled by your hand, which released hers to travel discreetly to her leg, caressing the fabric of her dress. “What are you doing?” she whispered nervously.
You shrugged, pretending, of course, that you didn't know what she meant. Oh, you knew, you knew perfectly well.
“Nothing, just having a good time,” you said in an innocent voice, showing off your spoon. “It’s delicious, Donna.”
“Grazie,” she whispered, with a shy laugh due to the compliment. “(Y/N), stop, stop…”
You shook your head, moving your hand up her leg, grabbing it sensually, getting a little closer to her so your lascivious movements were completely invisible.
“Shh, relax, the table is big, they won't notice,” you whispered, getting closer to her ear. Donna clenched her fists tightly when your caresses intensified, passively rubbing the area between her legs, causing her to startle and hit the wooden table with her knee, drawing the attention of the others.
“Sis, are you okay?” Moreau asked, getting dangerously close. You withdrew your hand with a smug smile, glancing at your girlfriend out of the corner of your eye.
“Donna, is something wrong?” you asked amused, causing a growl from the brunette, who nodded to reassure her brother and get him to return to his place.
“Hey, you, you fool, what are you doing to my Donna? I know it's you,” Angie threatened you, walking over the table and leaning over you.
You raised your hands with a surprised expression. It wasn't that easy to fool Angie, but with hard work and patience, you had already succeeded.
“Nothing, nothing,” you defended yourself laughing, being watched by the puppet, who went back to playing with the fish man, or chatting loudly.
“(Y/N)…”  Donna hissed when the danger moved away and your hand went back under the table. “Stop doing that.”
“Doing what?” you asked without looking at her, with her leg being the victim of your caresses again, getting closer to its target.
“You know perfectly well what,” Donna protested, trying unsuccessfully to move so your fingers wouldn't brush the incipient bulge in her dress, one that you noticed, smiling maliciously.
“But you like it…” you whispered, approaching her ear, caressing her with the palm of your hand, noticing how her arousal was becoming more and more evident.
“Basta, (Y/N),” she scolded you, panting from the touch and the embarrassment of being so sensitive, something you always, always used to your advantage.
“Mm, let me think about it…” you joked, moving your hand away for a moment, looking at the cloudy sky. “No.”
“This is so… Embarrassing…” the lady in black continued to protest, moving nervously in the chair, hiding her expressions under that black veil, with the cutlery shaking in her hand. “They're going to notice.”
“They’re not, I'm very discreet,” you said amused, biting your lip as the caresses returned to her erection hidden in the black fabric of her dress. “Look, it’s hard…”
“Taci, don't say things like that, you know I don't like it,” the lady hissed, looking down to check the undeniable truth of your words. “Come on, let me go…You’re, you're making me very nervous.”
“You're such a bad liar, Donna. You like it, and you know it,” you purred, grabbing her covered shaft in a delicate but intense way, causing her to shrink, looking nervously around her.
“They're going to catch us,” she said again, her breathing agitated by your touch, putting a hand on your wrist to stop your soft movements, the lascivious caresses you made to her trembling body.
“Shhh, if you stop talking they won't find out…” you commented in a whisper, watching the screams of Angie and Moreau, who were totally oblivious to what was happening under that table, luckily for you.
With a quick movement, you freed her imprisoned shaft, caressing it without fabric, repressing your own moan to check the true extent of her arousal, which was provoked by your shamelessness.
“(Y/N)…” Donna moaned, when your hand began to embrace her erection, gently massaging it up and down while you pretended that none of that was happening, eating some more cake. “You are… You are…”
“Wonderful?” you joked, squeezing her harder, making her squirm discreetly, giving in, claiming the continuity of your movements with a gentle shake of her hips.
“Andrai all’inferno…” the lady in black whispered, her hands shaking, with your caresses stimulating her in a discreet and perfectly calculated way.
“Fine, I never liked the cold,” you said, moaning from the exquisite taste of the cake, from the throbbing arousal of the brunette. What a combination. “Would you like some more cake, honey?”
“Vaffanculo,” she snapped, looking away, trying to contain the discreet pleasure you were giving her, but making no effort to pull away, letting shy moans overshadow her protest.
“How rude…” you teased with a seductive laugh, shaking your head as your hand squeezed it a bit harder, stopping at the tip to make poor Donna suffer a bit more.
A discreet moan of protest was her only response, as she struggled to maintain her composure, to pretend that your touch wasn't taking her to the limit more and more.
“You're making me be… Rude…” she murmured, making you laugh softly, always watching the end of the table, watching that those eyes didn't rest on your actions. “Stop, stop… Sto…, sto per…”
You laughed amused when her hand grabbed your wrist, when the forbidden pleasure of that situation started to be too much for her.
“Okay, I'll stop,” you teased unpleasantly, pulling your hand away just as she was about to release. No, the fun had only just begun.
“Cazzo…” she protested, stuffing her shame back into her dress, kicking the floor in frustration at having missed the chance to release, thanks to you, of course.
“Is everything okay?” you asked again, in a petulant tone, earning a furious stomp with a heel that dug into the fabric of your boot. “Ouch! Hey, that hurts!”
“Do you want me to tell you what is hurting me?” she said, in a louder tone, which unintentionally caught the attention of the Angie doll, who turned towards you.
“I don't know… Is there a prize if I know?” you continued joking, pretending when the puppet walked slowly across the table.
“Ugh,” the lady sighed, crossing her arms, moving to ease the awkwardness of her situation. “You are unbearable.”
“You adore me,” you mocked, looking with interest at the doll, who seemed to study your each one of your gestures.
“What are you doing, fools? Didn't you hear us?” the doll asked, making you a bit nervous. You just hoped they hadn't noticed.
“Oh, did you say something, Angie?” you asked, amused by the brunette's shaky movements.
“Yes, we are going to play, play, play!” she said excitedly, apparently unable to figure out her owner's big problem.
“Sis, sis…” Moreau said, getting up from his seat and approaching Donna, who moved away, embarrassed while the fish man tugged at her dress as if he were a child. “Let's play…”
“Yes, Donna, let's play,” you said, with a childish expression, earning you (surely) a furious look from the lady, one you couldn't see.
“See, see? Your girlfriend wants to play,” the deformed man said, to who you smiled, gracefully displaying your glass of wine, causing another of his silly laughs.
Donna murmured something you didn't understand and then sighed, relaxing her posture a bit and nodding slowly.
“Good!” the monster rejoiced, walking happily towards his companion Angie, who looked at you with a certain air of suspicion.
“You want to play, silly? You're up to something...” the doll accused, pointing at you unpleasantly. You pushed away her wooden hand with an amused expression.
“What do you want to play, Donna?” a happy Moreau asked to the dark lady, who simply shrugged.
“What's your favorite game?” you asked, calmer, stopping torturing Donna, at least for the moment.
“I like hide and seek,” Moreau said, playing nervously with his hands. You smiled, looking at the lady out of the corner of your eye.
“Perfect, let's play hide and seek,” you said, getting up from the table and clapping your hands. You couldn't see her, but you felt the fiery gaze of the brunette, who stood up clumsily.
“My Donna and the fool are a team, and you and me, Sal, will look for them,” Angie explained, approaching the monster to plan a strategy.
You took the brunette's arm and got close to her ear.
“Come on, don't let them find us…” you said with childish enthusiasm, while Moreau shouted a countdown.
That hide and seek was a good game to play was no coincidence. The Lord’s swamp was immense, full of possible places to escape from him and Angie. Yes, everything you did was perfectly calculated.
Donna and you arrived at an old mill, quite far from the monster's little cabin, a perfect place, for a perfect plan.
“Okay... It's not very cozy... But it will do,” you commented, running a finger through the dust and humidity of a barrel. “Donna?”
“Lasciami stare, I'm mad with you,” she whispered, crossing her arms and leaning on a pile of boxes, letting herself fall with a haughty posture.
“Oh, are you? Why?” you asked amused, curiously exploring that sinister place.
“You know why,” she said, sighing, removing her black veil to show you her accusing face, one that only provoked more soft laughter from your mouth. “How could you do that? They could have seen us.”
“But they haven't…” you said, playing with an old fishing tackle. “Relax, honey, everything was controlled.”
“Controlled? I knew you were up to something,” she said, with a nervous laugh, looking away, playing with the black cloth in her hands.
“I was just having a little fun,” you said passively, disgusted by the humidity of the place that, on the other hand, offered many more possibilities.
“At my expense,” Donna protested, sighing tired of your attitude. You knew it wasn't that bad, and that she, as much as she denied it, was also having fun.
“Don't be mad, darling…” you purred, approaching her and lifting her chin with your finger. Donna smiled slightly but shook her head, pulling your waist. “I just wanted to give you a good time.”
“I'm just saying that…” she said, surrendered by your caresses on her face, by your good girl look. “If you wanted to do that to me, you could have done it at home.”
“That's very boring…” you protested with a tone full of malice again.
“It's not boring. It's what it has to be,” she said in her defense, blinking confusedly, not knowing if you were reproaching her for something. In truth, you weren't, you were simply looking for some variety in those intimate moments.
“Oh, yes, of course…” you sighed amused, snatching the veil from her hands and placing it on your face, moving away with a cocky step. “(Y/N), don't do those things, they can see us, let's make love in the same boring bed like we always do,” you said in a mocking tone, imitating the voice of the brunette, who, with a gasp, removed the veil from your face.
“Don't you know what modesty is?” she asked, offended by your mockery, but unable to avoid an amused smile. You pouted and shook your head.
“No, is it Italian?” you said ironically, frowning.
Donna sighed, opening her mouth to say something but regretting it instantly, playing with the black fabric in her hands.
“You know I love you, right?” she whispered seriously, as if her thoughts were tormenting her again, something you couldn't allow. You smiled sincerely, kissing her slowly, leaving the mockery aside, for the moment.
“That's a great achievement,” you joked in a soft voice, playing with her hands, sharing a brief moment of real love, far from teasing and provocations, just a look of sincere love. “Hey, I doubt those two will find us for a while.”
“What are you implying?” the brunette asked, moving away, with a frown but a relaxed posture.
You looked out the old window, searching the swamp for your pursuers, there was no trace of them. The show could go on. You smiled mischievously, approaching Donna, moving your hips sensually, with that same sparkle in your eyes that she identified instantly.
“You're not thinking about…” the lady in black murmured, with a slightly more relaxed smile, knowing that this was a much safer place.
“Mm, I don't know what you think I'm thinking, but it seems to me that you want to finish something, don't you?” you asked, whispering in her ear, making her hands grab your waist and gently pull you while capturing your lips in a hot, wet, fiery kiss, one that she surely would have liked to give you moments before.
“I don't want you to think I'm boring,” she said, amused, placing a lock of hair behind your ear, keeping your body pressed against hers.
“Mm, okay, I'll be good, what do you want?” you said seductively, moving nervously, with a mischievous look. Not at all, you had no intention of being good, but Donna didn't know that.
“On your knees, you owe me that…” she sighed, embarrassed for asking you something like that, unable to express her desire directly. You knew she loved that kind of things, but she still had a hard time admitting it, always so shy… You loved it. You loved her with all your soul.
“Oh, okay, okay,” you said amused, playing with her hand and looking at the black veil she was holding. “But with one condition…”
“Mm?” she murmured, with a smile that tried to hide her shyness.
“Put this on,” you said, pointing at the black fabric, which Donna looked at curiously.
“The veil?” she asked, scratching the back of her neck, with a visible blush on her cheeks.
“Yes, it turns me on. Put it on,” you said amused, bending down little by little to fulfill her wishes.
The brunette shrugged but obeyed, hiding her face while you played with her dress, stimulating her erection to be able to please her.
“I thought... I thought you hated it...” she sighed, closing her eye and leaning better on the boxes when your hand released her shaft again, caressing it effortlessly, causing it to grow in your hand again, something that made you moan.
“You know, it depends on the circumstances...” you murmured, moving your hand slowly, causing a soft moan of protest that made a shiver run through your body and your wet entrance.
“Stop talking…” she sighed, resting her hand on your head to guide you to your destination, to soft kisses on her erection, placing your lips all over it, settling you on that cold wooden floor.
“It's so hard… I love it…” you whispered, licking your lips at her arousal. “You seem to be in a hurry.”
“Shut up,” Donna protested with a marked accent, with an impatience that you had provoked, burying her hand in your hair and forcing you to meet her expectations, something that you did happily, of course.
In a delicate and careful way, you embraced her body with your lips, going up, down, matching the movements of your hand, licking, kissing, causing a sea of ​​wet and obscene sounds in that old mill, perfectly coordinated with her soft moans.
“So good…” Donna moaned, satisfied by your delicate kisses, by your caresses with your tongue, by your mouth embracing every inch of her skin, tasting her bright arousal, sucking and stimulating rhythmically, smiling discreetly at the trembling of her legs.
“Get up,” she told you after a few moments of silence, when her erection began to tremble in your mouth, when the overwhelming excitement and pleasure she felt indicated she had reached her limit again.
You obeyed with a smile, pulling aside the veil to kiss her, so she could taste herself, so she could moan at the sensation. It was a quick kiss, before, grabbing you by the shoulders, she turned your body playing with your waist.
“Turn around, come on…” she whispered as you, knowing what she wanted, pulled down your underwear, bringing your body closer to her erection, letting it slowly enter you, helped by the guidance of her hands on your hips.
“Donna…” you moaned at the sensation, at the intruder slowly making its way into your wet walls, at how they stretched, at that new but terribly pleasurable position. “This, this is so good.”
She laughed softly, grabbing your body, wrapping her arms around it from behind as her hips moved slowly, enjoying your wetness, the tight and intense embrace of your body on her shaft.
The moans mixed together. You couldn't tell if it was you, or it was Donna. The old mill was desecrated by her soft movements, her caresses, her firm grip on your body as she slid comfortably inside of you.
The sensation was terribly pleasurable, and for a moment you decided to let yourself be carried away by the pleasure, to let her release in her favorite way, inside of you. It was a pity that a distant scream prevented it.
“Where are you?!” a shrill voice called you from afar, Angie, who seemed to be approaching the old mill.
You tried to move away, but Donna stopped you, pulling your body, penetrating you again with a hurried moan.
“Hey, they're looking for us,” you said amused.
“Don’t, don't listen to them, (Y/N), let, let me... Finish...” she whispered, totally dazzled by your body, by the pleasure.
“But Donna...” you whispered amused, letting her play with your hips, but in a slower way. “Poor Angie, you're going to create her a trauma...”
“Just, just a little more... Sto per venire, tesoro...” she begged, moving erratically.
The evil thoughts returned to your mind, the desire and pleasure that teasing her gave you overcame your own lust, slowly moving away, causing her to moan desperately.
“What are you doing? Come back, come back here,” the lady in black asked, pointing at her trembling shaft. “(Y/N),” she growled as you pulled your underwear back up, peeking out the old door.
“Hey!” you shouted, calling the doll. “We're here, losers!”
Donna put her erection away again, approaching you and covering your mouth with one hand.
“What are you doing? Taci!” she shouted at you, her voice cracked with frustration at your little torture.
“Come on, Donna, remember that we're still playing,” you joked, pushing her hand away and smoothing your dress, carefully placing hers too, mockingly, hiding her still incipient arousal.
She growled, clenching her fists on either side of her hips.
“With me, (Y/N), you're playing with me,” she protested furiously, kicking the weak wooden floor. You laughed, waving your hand to dismiss it.
“I am, it's funny,” you said, peeking out, watching the doll and the fish man approaching you.
“Funny? Sei una strega malvagia…” the lady in black hissed, huffing angrily. You looked at her with wide eyes, feigning offense.
“Why are you saying something so mean to me, Donna?” you asked mockingly, coming closer and kissing her cheek. She pushed you away in a gentle way, but one that emanated resentment.
“It's what you are,” she said, crossing her arms, hiding her still evident arousal with her hands, murmuring to get her dress back to normal.
“Got you!” Angie shrieked, tapping your leg so you had to run after her, which you did in a funny way.
“Come on, Donna, run!” you joked, earning another furious growl from the lady in black.
You lost, but at least you were able to have some fun, maybe you were making poor Donna suffer too much. She didn't speak to you for the rest of the afternoon, and not even on the way back.
“Hey...” you said, holding her arm as you walked through the woods next to an elated Angie, who did nothing but rub her new victory in your face. “Donna...”
“I don't want to talk to you,” she said, without removing your grip, but looking away and walking faster.
“Oh, come on, it was just a game, don't be mad,” you said with a childish pout, stopping her fast walk, almost pulling her. “Hey, smile.”
“I don't want to,” she protested, with a tone that was a bit comical, but that was still terribly spiteful. “It was cruel.”
“It's not my fault that they caught us,” you said amused, resting your head on her shoulder as you walked, causing a tired sigh from the brunette, who, surrendered to your charms, kissed your hair through the veil, a gesture of affection that you loved.
“If you hadn't screamed, they wouldn't have done it,” she said in her defense, walking slower, almost stopping.
“Oh, so you were having fun, huh?” you joked, giving her a nudge. She laughed shyly, shaking her head.
“Yes” she said dryly, grabbing your hand and interlacing your fingers, resuming the walk home. “I don't want you to think I'm boring.”
“Bah, I don't think you are, I was just joking, darling,” you said with a soft, affectionate voice, far from the teasing of the whole day, at least a bit far.
“You always say everything as a joke...” Donna sighed, looking at the sky, which was darkening little by little.
“Let me make it up to you,” you said, stopping walking and slowly surrounding her, tying your hands around her waist. “Come.”
You pulled her to a slightly secluded place, near the old gardener's cabin.
“Hey!” Angie protested, who noticed your absence. “What are you doing?”
“Angie, go home, Donna and I have to talk,” you said to the doll, who screamed offended by your order, walking near you.
“No! You disgusting fools!” she shrieked, jumping angrily in the snow. “You want to make babies!”
“Yes, exactly, go away,” you said, crossing your arms, with a haughty posture.
“(Y/N)…” Donna sighed, resting a hand on her forehead and shaking her head. “Maybe we should wait until we get home and…”
“You boring spaghetti,” you said, savoring each syllable, causing Donna to stiffen, clenching her fists again.
“Angie, vai a casa,” the brunette ordered in a stern tone, unintentionally walking into your trap again. She would do anything, anything to show you she wasn't boring.
The doll growled, but couldn't disobey. However, she cursed your names several times along with a lot of insults.
“Get there, let's get this over with,” the lady in black ordered you, pointing to an old tree for you to lean on while, discreetly, she caressed herself. You shrugged and obeyed. “Bend over.”
“Hey, hey, what's the rush about?” you joked, letting her pull down your underwear, almost with a growl, positioning her sensitive shaft at your entrance, grabbing your waist so you wouldn't dare to escape again.
“You said you were going to make it up to me,” she whispered, moving slowly, playing with your wetness before penetrating it. “I want to release, and I want it now.”
“How demanding,” you purred, enjoying the wet contact, the contrast of the cold place with the burning heat of your bodies. “Hey, hey, hey, hey...” you protested when the tip slipped in, stretching your walls again. “No, no, no...”
“What do you mean by no? Please, tesoro, I can't take it anymore...” she said with a desperate moan, stopping just as you ordered her.
“I didn't tell you that you can't do it but...” you said, pretending to think, moving so she could get out of you. “I think you said something before… What was it?”
“Cosa?” she asked confused, her hands scratching your back in desire.
“Yes, yes… Something about me being… What did you say? Oh, yes, an evil witch,” you joked amused, letting her play confused in your entrance, but not allowing her to continue.
“Oh, come on, that was because, because… I was, I was…” she protested, kicking the snow, laughing nervously at your attitude. “I, I'm sorry, (Y/N), I, I shouldn't have called you… That… But, but please, I need… Please…”
“I'll let you release, Donna, but not inside of me,” you said, feigning a stern, but amused tone. She protested again, with a moan of pity.
“Why?” she asked, surely fed up with you. If you didn't know her, you would never have played with her like that. “You know I love it…”
“I know, but you've insulted me so... Well, do it the way you want, but not inside,” you finally said.
“(Y/N), I'm feeling like calling you that again,” Donna hissed, still gently moving her hips, rubbing her erection with your wet folds.
“That's my offer... You can wait until tomorrow if you want... Or you can...” you joked, biting your lip and matching her movements with yours, letting her caress you in an incredibly pleasurable way.
“Oh okay...” she growled, moving faster, causing you to moan in weakness at the unexpected pleasure, moving her shaft between your legs, sliding between your thighs, brushing against your wetness, covering it.
“It's, it's good...” you said, surprised by your own decision, by that new and exciting pleasure. “Hey, don’t, don't stop…”
“I'll stop if I feel like it. I'm sick of your little games,” the brunette growled, giving you a soft spank, one that made you moan, that made your voice taken by lust echo in the old forest.
“Deep down you like them…” you mocked, noticing how her hips moved faster and faster.
“Yes, unfortunately…” Donna murmured, with an almost inaudible voice, rubbing between your legs in an increasingly erratic way. “I, I'm going to do it… I…I, I can't hold it anymore…”
“Do it, my beautiful Donna…” you said with a kind tone, giving her permission to get her release, one that, with a moan uncharacteristic of her, she achieved, impregnating your legs with wet and hot caresses, ones that made you writhe.
“Cazzo…” she whispered, leaning on your back, bringing your body closer to hers while her seed ran down your legs in an obscene way. “Don’t… Don’t do this to me again…”
“Well then…” you said, putting on your dress, with that erotic heat in your legs, with your breath taken by that overwhelming pleasure. “Next time you make a cake, make it for me.”
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lfghughes · 1 year
You know how sometimes kids will join their dads during press conferences/post game interviews? Can you write something about that with dad!nico and maybe uncle Jack or something?
a/n: you will never see me turn down any dad!nico or uncle Jack, thank you for sending this in!
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It was after the game and your four year old still had enough energy to probably fuel the entire crowd. It was usually like this after a game no matter if it was a win or a loss because to a four year old all she cared about was that her dad was playing on the ice with all her favorite people. Then by the time you would get to the car and get her strapped in it was like the energy would disappear from her and she’d fall asleep before the car even left the parking lot.
“Let mommy fix your hair before we go find daddy, you look like you went through a hurricane.” Your words caused the four year old to let out a string of giggles but she ran over, climbing into your lap so you could fix her space buns. “Okay, let’s go find your dad.” You grabbed a hold of her hand and brought her to your usual meeting spot with Nico. As soon as he spotted the two of you, a smile spread across his face.
Crouching down, he opened his arms so your daughter could run into them which she did very easily. One thing about your daughter is she looked at her dad like he hung the moon. He lifted her up in his arm and gave you a quick kiss. “Me and Jack have to do a quick press conference but then we’ll be good to go.” He told you and you were prepared for him to hand the little one back to you. “No.” Your four year old shook her head, knowing what was coming next and there was no way she was going to leave her dads side after finally getting to be with him after three hours.
“Want to go with daddy?” Nico asked and she immediately nodded her head. Looks like she won this battle. You followed Nico, figuring that just in case she decided she didn’t want to sit there with him after a couple of minutes that she could just run off to you. That ended up not being the case. Luckily for Nico, she wasn’t distracting in the sense of interrupting the interview while he was talking. Until she waved him down so she could whisper in his ear.
“You want to sit with Uncle Jack?” He asked and she immediately nodded her head. Jack who was sitting next to Nico, immediately waved her on over. That was all she needed to climb off Nicos lap and onto Jacks. “Here do you want to ask me a question?” He asked her and handed her the mic. This was the exact reason why she loved her uncle Jack because he played along with whatever she wanted and kept her entertained.
“Can you come over to read a bedtime story?” She asked and the reporters in the room gave a mixture of laughs and ‘awws’ while Nico turned to look at Jack. “I think I just got replaced by Jack.” Again the crowd around them laughed and Jack nodded his head at your kid. “We can do that.” Jack told her and this time she turned her attention back to her dad. “Can we have ice cream before bed?” Now it was your turn to laugh because she was going to milk this. “That’s a question for your mommy.”
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atom-writings · 1 year
Nice blog! You wouldn't mind if I took a little chomp out of it yeah? :D
Mmmmm can I request France,Germany,England, Prussia and Russia with an s/o who really likes there accent and voice. S/o would listen to them talk all day just to hear there voice/accent? There just mesmerized by it.
Much appreciated partner and have a great day🙏🙏‼️‼️🔥🔥⁉️⁉️🪑🪑🪑🪑
(France, Germany, England, Prussia & Russia x Reader) S/O that loves their accent!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N have fun eating my blog but beware. Theres poison sometimes :)
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Oh, you do not need to tell him that. He knows. And he adores how obsessed you are with just his voice. Don’t worry, he won’t tease you too bad
But expect to be woken up a couple of times by him reading you love poems in French. Actually, he’s doing that all the time. Anytime that he can speak to you in French, he’s doing it.
“My beautiful language for a beautiful person, no?”
It’s also pretty obvious that he exaggerates his accent for you. Sure, he’s been speaking English for centuries, but you’d never guess that from how he talks to you. It’s a little childish, but he just can’t get enough of your face whenever he says anything even remotely romantic in that silky voice of his.
Whenever he catches you staring, he can’t do anything but grin, promising himself that he’ll spoil you sometime soon for being so cute.
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Ludwig has never really liked his own voice that much, so at least someone does for him. He always complains it’s too harsh and too loud. And years of people judging him for his accent didn’t help that…
But he trusts you completely. If you say you want to hear him, he’ll talk as much as you want. But since you’re not giving him a prompt, you’re hearing about 1870s train logistics. He doesn’t make the rules.
He would try to be all affectionate and sweet like you want him to… but that is really not his forte. He tries! But you’ll just both end up blushing and stuttering and getting nothing done then. If it’s just his handsome accent you want though, you’re all good. He can make a manual on building an IKEA chair sound hot.
He’d rather hear YOU ramble than do so himself. Even if he does love how adorable you are when you’re so infatuated with him.
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No surprise there. You’re not the first partner of his to love his voice, and you won’t be the last. Luckily that means he’s got a whole lot of experience, so he knows exactly what to say to melt your heart.
“Come on, Darling, don’t look at me like that.  Why don’t we get out of here, just me and you? How about that, Love?”
He’s not much for rambling, much less talking about himself, but he can absolutely fulfil your need for his voice elsewhere. A lot of your nights spent together will be him reading some ancient novel to you, his voice soothing as ever, until you inevitably fall asleep cuddled up next to him.
He must admit, he loves having that power over you. Being able to make you fall in love with him using nothing but his words? You’re just so cute, he can’t resist flustering you on purpose.
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Well, of course you do! He’s spent centuries making sure he sounds hot as hell! But… you’re being serious right? You aren’t annoyed by how high-pitched he can get? Ok, thank god.
He is so excited once you tell him that. It’s hard to stop himself from immediately teasing you about it. After all, there isn’t a single sight that’s cuter to him than your pretty face all lost in love for him.
If you’re ever feeling down, he tries to distract you by simply telling you a long, overly complicated story from his past. Which, with those purple eyes fixed on you and a goofy smile plastered across his face, all the while his voice drips with accent, it’s hard to not get distracted.
He loves talking about himself anyway. It’s a good thing you like hearing him. Most people don’t. But that’s just what makes you two meant to be <3
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Oh, you like his voice? He’s confused. You’re being serious? … why?
The poor guy is really insecure about his voice. He worries his accent is too strong, too ugly, and his voice is way too high-pitched. It seems like no one likes when he talks… they say he’s rude and weird. So… your adoration for him and how he speaks is a real shock.
Whenever you ask him to talk more, he gets all embarrassed and doesn’t know what to say! Especially if you compliment his accent, then he just freezes up and dismisses you. Anywhere you are, he’ll start talking all quietly and cover his face with his hands. But you can still see him blushing underneath them…
But once he’s used to it, he loves just narrating the things he’s doing. Sometimes you’ll wake up and come downstairs to see him coming up with some silly song about the breakfast he’s cooking you. Learning that you like hearing him has definitely made him include stuff like that in his daily routine. 
Plus, now when he wants a reaction out of you… he’ll lean into it. Rolling his r’s dramatically, whispering to you in Russian… when he wants to be, he’s quite a tease.
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donnalawliet · 1 month
Coffee or Tea? (Five x Derek oneshot)
I really didn't like the way they handled Five's "love story" in Season 4. And even though he would have been fine without a romance too, here's my version of a Five experiencing love with a human. Not with Lila, but with Derek, Five's CIA colleague. This is set post S3 and pre S4. This is my personal addition to the Season 4 fix it movement. And even though it's set prior to that last season, I still think it counts.
I mentioned under a post that I would rather ship Five x Derek than Five x Lila. So...Here I am, doing exactly that.
Thank you @tuttle-did-it , @ashes-and-starlight and @xx-blood-lemons-xx for the initial inspiration! I hope you like it, especially you, @ashes-and-starlight . (I‘ll enjoy your Five diner fanfic when it comes out 😊)
I also wanted to thank @lookingforhappy for the post explaining why Five being a member of the CIA didn‘t make much sense. I attempted to explain some plotholes that you mentioned 😅
One last thanks goes to @i-am-tardis-locked for listening to me rambling all day, like always.
Anyway, let‘s get going!
Summary: After being stuck in a reset universe without powers or siblings, Five joins the CIA to keep an eye on his family. There, he meets Derek and is suddenly confronted with all kinds of things he hadn't faced in years. Some of them seem uncomfortable at first, but he learns to warm up.
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Stranded in a new timeline, without his siblings or powers, Five was forced to adapt. Luckily, he was used to doing that. His father had once complimented his ability to adapt and Sir Reginald Hargreeves wasn’t exactly known for dolling out compliments for everyone and everything. In the four decades he had spent in the apocalypse, adapting to his enviroment was equal to survival. That included no longer feeling guilty for raiding corpses or no longer being picky when it came to food. The apocalypse was by no means a five star restaurant. When he transferred to the Commission, he had to adapt once more. New manners, new job, new people.
But through all of this adapting, one goal had stayed consistent. To save his family from the impending apocalypse, to go back for them. Once he left the courtyard without his siblings though, still coming to terms with the fact that he had his arm back…his goal had to adapt as well. This was no longer about actively saving his family. It was about keeping them safe. They came above everything else, not him.
Reginald had taught them a few things that back then, none of the Umbrella Academy members thought would be useful.That included obtaining legal documents, without the legal part. In the Commission, Five had sometimes watched the legal department, how they fabricated fake IDs, court orders or other documents with ease.
And even though he was nowhere near that level, he was good enough. It took him about a week to create an ID, a birth certificate and a high school diploma. All of it was a lot of work. He sometimes had to break into buildings to add himself to their records, but he didn’t care. It would be worth it in the long run.
Attending college was relatively easy in comparison, bordering on boring. Five’s father had prepared them quite well for that level of learning and in the apocalypse, he had become an expert on math and quantum physics. So a lot of the lectures ended up just being a formality.
Instead of writing things down, Five occupied himself with looking up his family. Allison was in LA with her husband, daughter and Klaus. Luther had found a new place of employment, along with Diego, who had welcomed his first daughter with Lila. Five quickly wiped at his eyes as soon as he read the announcement in the online newspaper. As much as he wished to be an uncle, he couldn’t. Not just yet.
Five finished college in record time. He didn’t attend the ceremony, even though a part of him wanted to. Only the weak need praise to carry on, he remembered his father’s words. And he didn’t have time to be weak. He had a job to do.
Protecting his siblings required sacrifices and overcoming personal challenges. That was something Five had realised a long time ago. But when he sent his application to the CIA, that realisation hit him like a ton of bricks once more. he roughly knew what a job like that was like. It required absolute loyalty, going undercover, a physical and psychological examination. All of it reminded him of the Commission. He would have an employer again, be stuck in an office instead of enjoying retirement.
Upon receiving his acceptance letter and the request to move to Washington DC for his training, Five slowly walked into his bathroom to look in the mirror. His fake birth certificate stated that he was 18, but in truth his body had just turned 16. Upon looking at his reflection though, he didn’t see himself. He saw an old man, traumatised by years of isolation and lack of things like food or personal hygiene.
“It’s going to be okay“, he whispered to himself, though it didn’t sound very convincing, “As long as they’re alright…it will be worth it.“
Throughout his training, Five felt an odd sense of numbness. He expected to feel disgusted by how much it reminded him of his training at the Academy or Commission. But there was nothing of the sort. No sense of anger towards the profiler during his psych eval, which he passed with flying colours. He knew what answers he had to give in order to be left alone. Five remembered how much the Commission profiler had bothered him, how he had hated getting his deepest insides get revealed in astonishing detail, until he had learned how to adapt.
But he felt nothing. Neither the obstacle course, examinations by a doctor or profiler really bothered him. He just went through the daily routine, like a zombie with just one goal. There was no anxiety when his test results arrived nor joy when the other cadets celebrated upon passing them. In what felt like a blink of an eye, his training was over and he was assigned jobs. And that was when he met Derek.
When Director Ribbons had announced that he wouldn’t be working alone, Five had been hesitant at first. Even back in the Commission, he had always insisted on working alone. No partner to bother him or distract him from his plans. But while the Handler had accepted this violation of protocoll, the Director didn’t.
“You’re a new and promising agent“, Ribbons had told him, without offering Five a seat to sit down in, “And despite your maturity, a partner will do you good, I’m sure of it. On undercover missions, you may go on your own, but I don’t see a reason for it in the office.“
Five bit his lip and shifted slightly. He liked being able to wear a suit again instead of the uniform that showed his knees to everyone. In a suit, people were forced to take him more seriously in some way.
“Sir, while I understand what you mean“, he hated having to take on a polite tone like that, “I really do work better alone. I’ll produce good results.“
Five wasn’t a fan of the whole respect game. But in order to stay employed, he unfortunately had to treat his boss with some level of respect, despite being much older.
Ribbons looked him over for a moment. Sometimes, Five had the feeling that his boss saw more than just an agent, but he couldn’t quite place it. Despite his request, he shook his head.
“You’ll be working with a partner. Go to your desk, he’s already waiting for you.“
Five had no other choice but to obey that order. If he protested more, it could result in another psych eval or unnecessary questions. So he simply nodded and made his way towards his desk, pushing the intrusive thoughts on how to quickly kill his boss out of his head. Ever since he had started to work at the Commission a few years ago, these thoughts refused to go away.
As soon as he entered his room, a young man stood up from his chair. If Five had to guess, he was only a few years older than himself, dressed in a dark green blazer, with a tie and light blue shirt underneath it. More casual than Five’s three piece suit, but still professional. His blonde hairstyle reminded Five a bit of the 1950s, but the glasses and soft facial features broke that illusion. Only a few seconds after entering did Five notice that he had been staring. His mind was really all over the place.
“I’m Derek Young“, his visitor eventually said after no introduction from Five came, “I’m your new partner, pleasure to meet you.“
He held out his hand to shake, a soft smile illuminating his features. Only then did Five regain his senses and shook his hand, making eye contact for the first time. He still wasn’t completely comfortable with touch, the sensation sometimes proved too much.
“Five, Hargreeves“, he replied, keeping it short and with no explanation on why he shared his last name with one of the most well known people in the world. Derek didn’t seem bothered by that cold introduction though, still smiling.
“Our boss told me quite a lot about you, Mr.Hargreeves“, Derek remarked while sorting through one of the files on the desk.
Five froze for a few moments. Not because of the first part of the sentence, he had heard that one many times. But never in his whole life had he been called Mr.Hargreeves by anyone. His siblings had called him Five, his father Number Five, the Handler and everyone at the Commission either those or Mr.Five on the rare occasion. But never Mr.Hargreeves. It didn’t feel like him, even though he was surely old enough to be called that. Still…it didn’t feel right.
“Please don’t call me that, Mr.Derek“, he told him, trying to keep his voice firm, but only being half successful. Five scolded himself for how weak he sounded. Why did a simple name break his mind?
Derek frowned for a moment, then shrugged like it was nothing.
“Very well. Is Mr.Five alright with you?“, he asked, almost carefully that time, as if testing out the waters, “Since you call me Mr.Derek.“
He had expected to not like that way of adressing him either. The Handler had called him that after all. And every time he thought of her, his stomach flipped upside down in not a good way. But surprisingly, Five felt oddly fine with it. Derek’s voice and body language was nothing like his former employer, there was no need to be alarmed in any way. He didn’t have to look up at him like he had always had to do with her and everyone else, they were roughly the same height. Five pulled himself out of his thoughts and shrugged.
“Sure, why the hell not. Do you know where in the building I can find a decent cup of coffee?“
The rush of caffeine always helped Five with distracting himself. No falling asleep, no nightmares, just work.
At first, Five had assumed that Derek would annoy him. He was much younger after all, there were still things like hope and life left in his eyes. His partner went to work with the genuine intention of helping others. He got Five coffee every morning, while he himself stuck with tea. And even though Five could never understand how one could prefer hot leaf juice over some roasted black coffee, he had to admit that Derek brought him some good coffee.
“Which machine do you go to?“, he asked one morning after taking his first sip, “No matter which part of the building I go to, all coffee tastes like absolute crap.“
Five wasn’t one for making small talk, so Derek was a bit caught off guard by the genuine curiosity. A light blush began to settle down on his cheeks and he cleared his throat a bit.
“I…I bring the coffee blend with me. I can give you the adress of the shop I go to, if that’s what you want, Mr.Five. It’s no big deal, I just thought you might enjoy it more. I can’t stand the tea they give out here either“, he replied and hid part of his face with his teacup.
For the first time in what felt like years, Five’s lip tugged upwards. It took him a moment to realise that he was smiling in  a genuine way, like an idiot. But he couldn’t bring himself to stop, a comforting warmth building up in his chest. He could barely remember the last time someone had genuinely cared about him in such a small way. Derek didn’t even like coffee, yet he brought a good blend of it to work, just so Five would feel a bit happier. The warmth in his chest moved upwards, settling in his cheeks in a similar way to Derek. He was blushing like a hormonal teenager, which he both was and wasn’t.
“Oh, I…Thank you“, he eventually managed to mumble, “That’s very kind of you. I’ll just…Go talk to our boss, he wanted something.“
Five quickly made his way out of the room, taking a few deep breaths as he leaned against the nearest wall. Ribbons didn’t even want anything, but he had needed an excuse to gather his bearings.
“Shit…get yourself together“, he whispered to himself, the taste of coffee still present on his tongue. And like every time he felt upset or overwhelmed, the last words of his former wife, Dolores, echoed through his mind: I want you to enjoy your life, Five. We had good years together, but it’s time that you learn to live without me. You fought so hard for your family, it’s time that you enjoy the results.
Five reached up as a single tear traced down his cheek, quickly wiping it away. He was a grown man, why was he so overwhelmed by this? He decided to avoid Derek for the rest of the day, he needed time to think.
A few weeks later, Five learned that if he wanted to, Derek could be just as sarcastic as he was. Ever since he had started working there, Susan had been a figurative pain in everyone‘s ass. But because she was a senior agent with a long history, almost no one dared say anything about it. One day, while waiting for their turn on the copier, she began to rant about all kinds of problems plaguing her. Five had to seriously focus on not snapping her neck, so he kept his mouth shut.
“Anyway, my son just introduced me to his boyfriend. Boyfriend?! He’s a man, how can he be attracted to another man? That’s not how it works!“, Susan exclaimed and looked at them, expecting nods or general confirming words.
Derek crossed his arms in front of his chest and looked her up and down. Five knew that look. He had given it to several idiots before.
“So you’re saying one should rather fall in love with a body than with a soul? That’s really shallow and sad“, he said and gave her a fake look of pity before grabbing the files from the desk next to the copier. While Susan still scrambled for words, Five turned towards Derek with surprise.
“Did you…Did you just…?“, he asked, lost for words for once. In response, Derek simply shrugged, a confident smile on his face.
“Somebody had to tell her, she was annoying me. Why, do you have a problem with that, Mr.Five?“
That last sentence had a certain edge to it, as if Derek was either scared or prepared that Five would say yes. However, Five shook his head almost immediately. He had been more surprised than anything else.
“No, not at all. Maybe she’ll keep her damn mouth shut for a few hours“, Five quickly deflected, still processing what had just happened. After that short conversation, they just continued with their day as if nothing had happened.
Later that evening, while reviewing his family’s files, Five’s thoughts began to wander once more. During the apocalypse, he had never really thought about his sexuality. He had Dolores, but she barely counted as a woman. He had never really felt the desire to have sex, he had more desired to just see a familiar face. Any human face, if he was being honest with himself. And the tough survival conditions didn’t leave much room to think about what he was attracted to. When he closed his eyes, he realised that he could see himself with a woman by his side just as easily as with a man.
And even though he knew how sex worked, the thought of himself having sex with anyone whatsoever left him disgusted. He vaguely remembered telling Klaus in 2019: What a disturbing glance into this thing you call a brain, when he had mentioned the topic.
Before his thoughts could go off the rails even more, Five pulled himself back to the present. He had to make sure his siblings were safe, that was why he had taken the job in the first place.
After a rather frustrating case that had taken weeks and almost made him bang his head against a wall, Five was exhausted, so was Derek.
“Would you like to catch some drinks later?“, Derek asked him as they both gathered their coats. It sounded so casual, in a way that Five could never do himself. In the last few years, Five had attempted to lower his alcohol intake, but he hadn’t completely succeeded in stopping completely.
“Oh, sure, but…I’m not a big fan of bars“, Five responded, sounding almost ashamed. He had gone to bars before, but had never been completely comfortable there. It had almost always been for work. He half expected Derek to decline as a result, mentally cursing himself for being so uptight. But surprisingly, that didn’t happen.
“That’s fine. We can go to my place, if you’d like. I don’t mind it, Mr.Five“, he said with a wink. That name had almost become a form of teasing that they used with each other. Five smirked a bit and put on his coat, a way of protecting himself from the cold November air.
“Lead the way, Mr.Derek.“
People had different types of reactions when they got drunk. Some got more angry and violent, others sad and melancholic, others happy and joyful. Five got more honest after a few drinks, dropping his walls a bit more. And after a few homemade martinis, he found himself relaxing a bit more.
“You’re quite nice“, he mumbled and took another sip from his glass, “Nicer than my family by a long shot. Why? What do you have to gain?“
Derek frowned and sat down on the couch next to him. His drinks had far less alcohol, so he was just feeling a bit tipsy.
“I’m not nice to you because I have something to gain, Five. Why would you think something like that?“ His voice got a bit softer, as if he felt that there was more behind that drunk question.
Five laughed in response, but it held no humor whatsoever. He was overwhelmed by all kinds of different feelings and thoughts.
“Because I’m a rude old man? Because I’ve never done anything to warrant friendliness from someone like you? You’re young, you could just ask for a transfer with someone who is…more like you.“ Five couldn’t care less that he had just hinted at his true age. If Derek left, it would just confirm his world view.
Derek blinked slowly as he listened to Five ramble. He couldn’t completely make sense of what he was saying, but asking would feel quite rude. So after a few seconds of silence, he set his glass down.
“You may come off as rude, yeah, but…That’s not who you are. Remember how you almost ripped Stacy’s head off because she called me a twink? You didn’t even know what it meant at the time“, Derek chuckled a bit and managed to get Five to smile as well, “I don’t care how old you are or how grumpy you can get without coffee. You deserve to be treated well.“
Five stared at him for what felt like hours, but was probably just a few seconds. He wasn’t even sure what his expression his face was making, he could be crying for all he knew. The last time he had felt close to that safe had been with Dolores in an underground bunker they had found.
He didn’t remember what came after, the alcohol sending his memory to nirvana. The next thing that Five knew, he woke up on a dark green couch underneath a knitted blanket. His head was pounding as if he was Zeus giving birth to Athena and the thirst was overwhelming. At the same time, the thought of moving was enough to make him groan.
“Shit…“, Five mumbled and lazily covered his eyes to avoid the sunlight. With it being November, that meant it must be quite late.
“Here you go“, he suddenly heard Derek’s soft voice right next to him. Slowly, Five moved his arm off his face and blinked up at him. The room was a bit darker now, thanks to the curtains. Derek was standing behind the couch so Five didn’t have to move his head too much, wearing his blue shirt without the tie or blazer. His hair wasn’t styled as neatly, it just looked fluffy and soft. But before Five could think about his hair further, his attention was drawn to what Derek was holding. A glass of water and a pill bottle, most likely aspirin.
“You’re my salvation“, Five mumbled and took both. The act of sitting up alone made him groan, but the feeling of cold water sliding down his throat made up for it. “What happened last night? After that…conversation we had.“
Derek cleared his throat a bit and sat down next to him on the couch, his expression unreadable.
“You had two more drinks, talked about your age, your ex wife, your siblings…then you threw up in my potted plant and passed out on my couch“, he explained and brushed his hair a bit more into place, “That’s it, I think.“
Five groaned and leaned back into the pillow that Derek had provided him with. He felt like he had ruined everything. The first casual relationship he had ever managed to build up with a human being that wasn’t his family or someone he had been tasked with assassinating…and he had destroyed it with alcohol.
“Shit…I really ranted a lot, didn’t I?“, he whispered, but Derek could still hear it, “I…I should go, I understand. I overstayed my welcome.“
He attempted to push himself up, his muscles aching from the hangover and hard couch he had been laying on. Though something inside of his chest ached as well. Before Five could stand up, Derek stopped him. The feeling of a hand on his shoulder was enough to make him freeze.
“Mr.Five, that’s not what I meant. You obviously needed to talk about it“, Derek took a deep breath as he looked him over, “And even though I didn’t understand half of it…You don’t need to feel ashamed.“
His words washed over Five like a wave, most of his focus still spent on the simple touch. He wanted to both pull away, overwhelmed by this simple act of comfort, but also lean into it like a starving man in the desert. So he ended up doing neither, just standing there until Derek pulled away again. Five wanted to say so much, but no words made it up his throat and through his lips. After a long and pregnant pause, he simply nodded and made his way out of the appartment. Derek didn’t stop him that time.
They didn’t talk about that incident for quite some time. For a few months, they went about their daily routine, making small jokes in between, drinking coffee and tea together in the morning. Until eventually, Five mentioned it again.
“What I said about my age, Dolores and my family…did it bother you?“
They were in the middle of sorting through reports, arguably the most boring part of their job, where it sometimes became necessary to fill the silence. Derek only glanced up for a moment before he grabbed his stapler off the desk.
“Why should it? You always seemed…more mature than others. And I’ve known about your family for months. I go through your files just as much as you go through mine.“
Five blushed a bit at the last remark. It was true, he had searched through Derek’s files on a regular basis. Maybe out of paranoia that he was working for the Commission somehow, even though that wouldn’t make much sense. And to know that Derek was doing the same…it strangely grounded him a bit.
As they continued to work in silence, Five’s mind went back to that morning when Derek had touched his shoulder. It hadn’t been an accidental or manipulative touch, it had just been a simple expression of human emotions. He recalled one time when he had been four years old, still thinking that parents were the heroes children made them out to be. They had watched a movie in which a son had hugged his father and his toddler mind had decided to recreate it. But instead of hugging him back, Reginald had pushed him away and sent him to bed without dessert.
Never trust a hug, he had sternly told his adoptive son, For it’s just another way to hide your face.
Ever since then, he hadn’t attempted to hug another human being. But that had been over five decades ago, surely it couldn’t hurt to…
“Could I try something?“, Five broke the silence once more. He hated how uncertain and young he sounded, like a teenager or child, but he couldn’t stop himself.
Derek noticed his different tone too, but decided not to comment on it. During the entire time that they had worked with each other, he had noticed that some things took more out of Five than the average person. So he simply nodded and stood up as Five approached, his arms hanging loosely at his sides until he realised what the other man was planning. Once the realisation dawned on him, he couldn’t hold back a smirk and lift his arms slightly.
It took Five a few seconds to bring himself to lean into the hug. The second that he did, fireworks went off in his brain. Sparks of colour and noise, all blending together into one picture. It was overwhelming, but he needed more. It was beautiful and hurt his eyes at the same time.
For just a few moments, everything melted away and time stood still. This wouldn’t heal all of his wounds by any means. He was still damaged, maybe beyond complete repair. But it was a start at least, a bandage on his cuts so they wouldn’t get infected. Even though he knew it wouldn’t last, Five allowed himself to feel happy, just for a few seconds.
During one of his days off, while watching a movie that Allison had recommended to him, Five’s phone buzzed. Strange, his siblings never texted him. They always called, ever since the attemp at a group chat had gone south. So he unlocked his phone and glanced at the text.
Derek: Hey, 5.  The pipes in my appartment burst and it will take a few days until it’s fixed. Would you mind if I maybe crashed on your couch?
For a few seconds, Five contemplated his choices. He could just say no, spare himself the trouble. But on the other hand…he wouldn’t mind not being alone for a few days.
Five: Sure, just stop by. You know the address, right?
Instead of getting a written response, he simply received an emoji of a hand holding its thumb up. Five still hadn’t completely understood the appeal of those modern hieroglyphics. He really was an old man.
Derek arrived not even half an hour later, carrying a bag that held the bare essentials. A few changes of clothes, toiletries and a book or two for entertainment. Five was sitting on the couch, on which he had placed a spare blanket and pillow for him. One cup of coffe rested in his hands and on the small table in front of him…
“You made me tea?“, Derek asked as he set his bag down and went to join him on the couch. The TV was on, playing a movie that he recognised as Brokeback Mountain. Normally he had always been the one to prepare their drinks and he hadn’t minded it either.
Five nodded, fiddling with his own fingers as he watched him pick up the cup. He had been a bit nervous about getting it right. Tea wasn’t his department after all. But the way Derek exhaled after taking his first sip, he knew that he must have done something right.
“Thank you, I appreciate it“, Derek smiled and kept his hands around the warm mug as he inhaled the familiar scent of green tea. It was quite comforting, just like Five’s presence next to him.
As the movie progressed, they both ended up shifting a bit more towards the middle of the couch. Sometimes Derek moved, sometimes Five did, almost like a dance, until they eventually touched shoulders. Five found himself relaxing sooner than the previous timest hey had touched.
When Derek’s hand moved to cover his own, he didn’t stop him, looking forward at the screen. It was slightly overwhelming, but nothing he couldn’t handle. During the climax of the movie however, Five gulped heavily and slowly turned towards Derek, who did the same.
“I’m way too old for you“, he attempted to lighten the mood, but it came out much weaker and desperate. At this point he could see every little detail of Derek’s eyes, the way the colours mixed together, every little imperfection and vein.
Derek cleared his throat slightly, for once not as light hearted. He seemed not as clueless as Five, but hesitant nonetheless. The coffee and tea on the table had been forgotten long ago.
“Your age is the least of my concerns right now“, he whispered back and readjusted his glasses before he repeated the same words that Five had said to him a few months ago, “Could I try something?“
At that point, Five felt like he was drowning. He felt lost, a sensation he had become rather familiar with. He could end this all with one simple word or one shake of his head, for he knew that Derek would respect his consent. But at the same time, he didn’t want to let this opportunity go. So despite not having taken in a breath for almost a minute, he found himself nodding.
Their lips didn’t touch. It wasn’t a desperate kiss like in romance movies meant for teenagers. Instead, it was a soft kiss on his cheek that he felt…warm and without the pressure to do more, not that Five would want that. Like a ray of sunshine warming his skin in the morning, right before the worries of life fully registered in his mind. Derek smiled as Five practically melted into the touch, pulling away after a few seconds.
“Good?“, he asked carefully, just to make sure he hadn’t gone too far. Five smiled a bit and brushed his chaotic hair back behind his ears.
“Yeah, good“, Five simply replied and pulled his legs up against his chest. He wasn’t sure whether he would ever be ready for a proper kiss or saying the three words that seemed to fall from people’s lips so easily. But that maybe wasn’t necessary. They communicated that through other means. Like how Derek prepared Five’s coffee in the morning or how Five’s expression lit up when his desk partner entered the room.
On the first of October in 2025, they decided to move in with each other. Five teased that it was merely to reduce costs, since they spent most of the time in Derek’s appartment anyway. It had much more life than Five’s place, with small things that made it feel like home. And getting his coffee before work certainly had its advantages. Derek simply smiled at that explanation, not bothering to engage in a meaningless discussion. Instead, he grabbed his coat and handed Five his cup.
“Happy Birthday, Mr.Five“, he said with a wink before heading off to work, leaving a frozen Five behind.
A few days after his birthday, Five started his investigation into the Keepers support group. Going undercover meant that he had to put on a disguise, so he went for a mix of Top Gun enthusiast and school janitor. The mustache had been his idea, mainly because he missed the facial hair he used to have. It at least made him look a bit older.
Derek chuckled the first time he saw him in disguise. It wasn’t clear whether he was simply amused or making fun of Five.
Five couldn’t help but sound a bit defensive. He hadn’t gone completely over the top, right? No, this was simply a cover, for security purposes.
Derek stepped forward, carefully tracing the mustache and making sure it was secure. Five sometimes got figuratively sick at how soft he looked with such simple gestures.
“Nothing. I think it works, Mr.Five“, he responded and looked him over from top to bottom, “You should get going now or you’ll be late.“
Of course, Five couldn’t have that. He still had work to do. By going on undercover missions, he could rise through the ranks and gain more information on how to keep his siblings safe. But despite all of that…At the end of the day, enjoying coffee or tea wouldn’t hurt.
I hoped you enjoyed this oneshot! I certainly enjoyed writing it, distracting myself from the mess we got in Season 4.
If you liked it, leave a like or a comment. It really makes my day and encourages me to keep going. Also, I would have an idea for a smaller additional chapter, set during Season 4. It would also have some angst. Would you be interested in that? If you are, let me know!
Until next time,
-Donna Lawliet
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phlurrii · 10 months
Out of curiosity, what does the psychic cat fam exactly do out there? (This doesn’t have to be exclusive to just now, also could have been just Meau, Noe, and Mew) Aside from vibing. They live in a paradise where food isn’t a concern and nothing with a brain would try to hurt them. Do they play fight? Teach the youngin’s their future jobs? Have games? Maybe some swipped books to read? Explore the world outside of their tree for funsies? See who can steal as many goodies from human society without getting caught?
I know it’s silly but I like the “filler” of things. To think about what characters are doing when the “plot” isn’t being progressed. It’s part of why I like the slice-of-life genre from time to time. Life isn’t always an adventure or fight against some opposing force, but it can still be fun!
I agree, I’m honestly a bit upset with myself, given how long each update takes I never noticed I wasn’t adding in enough filler. Something I plan to fix once we’re in Noe’s arc, as we are sadly, or luckily? Way too close to beginning it to shove any sudden filler in. For now I’m blaming it on first time story telling and having to do art school on the side X3
As for the gang, Meau did fly a little bit off the handle due to not having a lot of stimulation when she was younger before Noe showed up. As for what they did/do, for reasons that’ll become clear later; they mostly talked in the early days!
She would show off her creations, abilities, transformations, and forming ecosystems to him. He would ask about as many questions as one would with a new world and she thrived off it. They would watch other Pokémon’s life in secret like it was a soap opera, sometimes intervening to make it more interesting or admittedly have it lean towards the ending they wanted. Usually betting and taking opposing sides as to what would happen.
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Battling is a particular big one for Meau, she loves to get down and dirty with other legendaries and mythicals even if she has the power advantage. Most often fighting with her brothers, she wouldn’t be above transforming into the Pokémon she was fighting to even out the playing field, or even change her type so she was inherently weaker to it. It’s why she’s never been against human with their Pokémon battles, battling is an innate part of her creations and herself.
Missingno. on the other hand loves to explore, even with his age, he knows the world is in a constant state or change and ventures off on his own to explore it. He’s not nearly as against humans as Meau and has explored their cities and settlements. Most intrigue by their computers/technology nowadays and how he’s able to to interact with them. Meau has explored with him on occasion, but prefers to stay away.
I’d also imagine they like to race in very difficult conditions. High up in the atmosphere or just outside in the actual vacuum of space. Deep in the ocean, forcing them to make their own path through rock and stone. Which probably pisses off the weather trio invading all 3 of their areas, but that leads perfectly into the next one.
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They love to piss off the other legendaries, because… well, what can they do?
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There has been more then on tropical storm, tsunami, volcanic eruption, and general disaster caused by the Ancients pestering another powerful legend. Lastly, they sleep, if the current time is too boring, peaceful, or simply there is nothing to do that interests them… they’ll sleep for a couple thousand years.
As for more current day stuff, it’s much tamer since Bucket was taken, Meau woke up from a much needed thousands years nap to a very different world. Humans had well established themselves even further, technology exists, and they can clone/create pokemon. So she is staying in the tree with her suddenly growing family, just to watch. She wants to know what everything’s up too from a distance given they’ve somehow managed to trap and almost kill another mew, make a Mewtwo, and possibly a second one.
So she’s just always watching human society from the tree, whilst also teaching and nurturing Odysseus. He spends more of his time exploring the tree and occasional testing out powers. With Meau’s assistance. The trees massive and filled with Pokémon, so he’s got quite the endless bit of entertainment. Decamark is the newest edition and thus follows a lot of what Ody does! Though Noe has been poking them, figuratively, with a stick to figure out what he’s capable of.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
Re: the split/kid Kim AU, I've seen you say a lot about the interactions between Chay and Kim and kid!Kim (which are wonderful and I love them!). Do you have any thoughts about the interactions between Kinn or Khun and kid!Kim?
Ooh, you're right, most of my posts have focused on Kim and Chay which is hilarious, because actually! The fic is centered around Kim and his brothers!! Since this fic is figuratively and literally about healing Kim's inner child, a very large part of that means mending his relationship with Kinn and Khun.
When this fic starts, Kim is ~13 and his Kinn is still dating Tawan. Kinn hasn't gone through all the heart break and betrayal that turned him into someone cold and cruel. He's still Kim's big, sweet, kind older brother, and even though kid Kim is a grumpy little storm cloud, he loves his brothers more than anything. He doesn't know why everything is suddenly so much different, but he trusts Kinn to fix it. And Kinn does not know what to do with a Kim that wholeheartedly, unquestioningly (mostly) trusts him.
“Kim?” The boy doesn’t respond. Kinn wants to reach out to him, but he’s still got that knife clutched in his hand, and he might be wild enough to use it, even against his own brother.  “It’s alright, nong, you’re safe now. You’re home. I’m—hia’s here. Okay?” Kinn crawls closer. He keeps his voice even and soothing, or tries to, at least. He doesn’t know how well it works. Kim doesn’t move from his hiding place, and he doesn’t stop shaking.  Kim’s voice breaks when he chokes out, “I don’t know what’s happening.”  When Kinn comes closer, close enough to touch, Kim doesn’t flinch away from him. He picks his head up and fixes Kinn with his wide, red-rimmed eyes, and looks at him like he holds all the answers. Kinn desperately wishes he did.  “Hia?” “Come on, nong.” Kinn holds out his hand. “Let’s figure this out together.”
This is probably going to end up focused on Kim and Kinn's relationship, actually, since Kim is already a little closer to Khun. Luckily adult Khun is jsut as crazy as Kim remembers, and he takes the whole kid!Kim thing in stride, so naturally Kim gravitates towards him. But as much as he loves Khun, Kinn is the one he looks up to, the one he believes can fix everything. And Kinn, who takes on so much responsibility, who's finally the one in charge, can now protect Kim the way he thinks he should have when they were younger.
This fic is also where I started my headcanon that Khun calls Kim his little songbird. At some point adult Kim will see how easy it is for his younger self to get along with his brothers (talking, spending time, cuddling with them, all things Kim hasn't allowed himself in years) and it makes his heart ache. He thinks it's too late. Even apologizes that he isn't the brother Khun deserves, but Khun just huffs and calls him an idiot for ever thinking that jsut because he's broken out of his cage and is flying free, doesn't mean he isn't still Khun's precious songbird. He's jsut been waiting for Kim to stop being so stubborn and finally come home, and so as Kinn. Cue little Kim taking Kim's hand and dragging him into a cuddle pile bc see? how easy?? it is???
And it's not easy, because Kim doesn't have these memories of being close to his brothers. They feel like strangers to him now without them. But... it is nice. It's so good, he doesn't know how he's lived without them all these years. Kid!Kim is happily bundled up in one of Khun's fluffiest coats, calling Kim dumb for nor seeing how much he still needs them. The story is about Kim healing his inner child, but his child self ends up healing him, too.
There's also a really fun dynamic between Kid!Kim and Porsche, because Kinn. Does not know how to brother. But Porsche is very good at brothering, and he knows how to handle Little Brother Emotional CrisisTM. So until Kinn learns how to be a brother to Kim again, he's the one filling that role, and it's very cute. Esp. when Kim finds out Porsche is Chay's older brother, then he's all awkwardly trying to as about his super cute future boyfriend 🥺👉👈 (He tries to play it cool around Chay. he is not successful. Chay thinks he's adorable.)
After Kim is reunited with child self/no longer going around as two people, he ends up with really weird feelings towards Porsche? They weren't particularly close before, but suddenly? Porsche feels?? safe??? One day Kim just hugs him out of the blue and they both freeze because it was such a natural instinct to Kim he didn't even question it, but also he doesn't hug Porsche?? ever??? (Porsche thinks it's both hilarious and adorable)
Also I want to mention that I have a very similar AU to this, except it's Kinn that gets de-aged instead! Porsche drops him off at Kim's apartment out of the blue and Kim is like wtf no?? And that one has accompanying fanart! Little Kinn gets nightmares, and he sneaks in to sleep with Kim bc he's too afraid to sleep alone 🥺
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fabrickind · 21 days
so how in the absolute fuck did Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku save your life
LMAO a couple people have been wondering this so I'll tell the story.
tl;dr: if you are having severe medication side effects, get off that med.
In fall of 2017 I came down with a nasty migraine(? probably?) that disabled me to the point of being pretty much non-functional. I had to quit my job, I could barely leave bed, was in too much pain 24/7 to sleep properly and when I did sleep it was nothing but dreams about being in pain, the works.
I went through a LOT of different medications and diagnostics (MRI, spinal tap, you name it) to try to fix this problem. It never fully went away, but Botox ended up getting me functional again.
One of the medications they put me on, Topamax, was very bad for me. I did the proper ramping up of dose, got to the correct dose, and everything was so much worse. I was having hallucinations, visual disturbances, overall a bad time.
Around this time I was also having issues with word recall. I would mean to say one thing but a totally different word would come out, or I couldn't think of a word at all. Usually this was when I was super tired, so I just chalked it up to my brain being mush due to pain and fatigue (my brain is often soup when I have a migraine, let alone one that severe for going on several months at that point) and mostly ignored it, since i had more pressing problems.
Around this time the neurologist I saw also saw my symptoms and side effects and the fact that the med wasn't helping up to that point and said "well all of that will get better with time" and wrote me a prescription for quadruple (!!) my dose (without ramping up either).
THANKFULLY, just before this happened, I was in the car, fully awake, having a relatively good day, and what comes on my iPod shuffle but our old friend Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku. I was singing along, well, trying to, but I would open my mouth and only gibberish would come out, and not even the correct gibberish. I thought "that's concerning" and tried again. More gibberish.
I had remembered that my now partner (this was just before we started dating) was briefly on Topamax for migraine prevention and had word recall issues, but that hers persisted for a long time after she stopped.
So I called up my GP and said "uhhh here's my side effects (including the aphasia issues, the neurologist knew about those) and the dose he wants me on, should I do this?" and she basically said "wtf no stop the med right away."
If I hadn't had the issues with very much the wrong sounds coming out of my mouth when singing, I probably would have believed the neurologist and suddenly started a quadruple dose of the med, which would have caused even worse side effects, and side effects that were permanent, or at least MUCH longer lasting than the maybe month or so of continued visual issues and mild word recall issues I ended up with. (Also my overall health improved and I had less of the extreme eepies I had on the med once I stopped.) Luckily I was only on it for maybe two weeks at that point?
So "ZUM saved my life" is probably an exaggeration, but "ZUM prevented continued and long-lasting neurological problems" is absolutely not. It seems like sometimes the cognitive impairments go away for people after stopping Topamax, but for people who have been on high doses and/or for a long time, it sometimes doesn't, even after years.
So thanks, Utena, for my life, literally this time.
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thebestpumkin · 10 months
- title - cookies and late nights.
- pairing - katsuki bakugo x reader
word count - 705
- summary - neither of you can sleep. luckily, cookies can fix a lot of things.
- tw - sleep problems, eating, mentions of food/cookies. no use of y/n! ah, and reader is meant to be in class 1-a! it's implied you/your quirk is pretty strong too :))
- a/n at the bottom!
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It was late.
It was late, and Katsuki Bakugo was well aware. Maybe it was the fact that he took a nap right after training, effectively passing out for well over an hour. Maybe it was the fact that it was far too hot in his dorm for his liking. Whatever the reason, something was ruining his sleep schedule. He had class tomorrow, and he desperately needed to find sleep. Soon. And his "lovely, and oh so patient" mother always told him that a warm glass of milk would help with sleeping problems. And so he made his way to the kitchen.
It was late.
It was late, and you knew that very well. Maybe today was just tiring. Maybe you had a teensy bit of a habit of going to sleep too late. Whatever the reason, you found yourself in the kitchen, peeking into the cupboards containing all the snacks that the students of Class 1-A shared. You found yourself pulling out your most favorite cookies with a satisfied - albeit tired - grin. Peeking inside, that very grin faltered. 5 cookies.
Good enough.
You ate them slowly, as if trying to make yourself think there was more than just the 5. You got through two of them before you heard footsteps. You covered the evidence - if it was Aizawa, you'd never hear the end of it. You turned with wide eyes to find your witness...
Bakugo. He blinked blearily at you.
"What are you doing?" He asked quietly, his voice rougher than usual - which seemed impossible, quite honestly. "...sleepwalking?" You tried with a sheepish smile. The ghost of a smile played on his lips as he walked over. "Do we have any more of those shitty cookies?" He whispered, not wanting anyone to hear the two of you. You hurriedly moved the cookies away. "Ah...which ones?" You asked cautiously. There were three cookies left. And you were going to eat them, to hell with Bakugo. "The shitty ones." He repeated. "Can't say I recall." He glared at you. "The shitty ones you like so much." You squinted and hummed thoughtfully. His eyes slowly trailed away from you and onto the counter you were suspiciously leaning onto...
His jaw dropped. Another tiny smile. "Really?" He deadpanned quietly. And he lunged for them. You tried your best to keep them away, but it was also proving difficult to keep quiet, a laugh threatening to bubble out of you. He grabbed a side of the packaging. You held on almost for dear life. You both glared at each other, mischief sparkling in both your gazes. "Truce?" He offered. You narrowed your eyes suspiciously. "There's only three." You mention. "Truce." He repeats, adamant. You sigh, playfully long and loud, as if to try and get him to change his mind. You slowly loosen your grip. You each take a cookie and munch on it. You both look at the last cookie and exchange a glance. He sighs and looks away, mumbling under his breath. "You can have it..." You stare at him for a moment and he spares a glance before huffing and looking away again. He's thankful, deep down, that it's so late. Otherwise, you would've seen the rosiness blossoming on his cheeks. Otherwise, you would've seen the way his eyes trailed back to you, ensuring you were pleased.
And you are. You scarf it down, as if worried he'd snatch it back up at the last second. You shoot a bright grin at him. But you're not quite ready to try sleeping again. Neither is he. And that's how you end up having the longest conversation you - or probably anyone, for that matter, you think - have ever had with Katsuki Bakugo. That's how you end up spending a school night, learning all sorts of silly stories from past years, all sorts of triumphs, losses. That's how he ends up learning that you're more than just a drop-dead gorgeous face with a powerful Quirk. That's how he learns of your own childhood, of your own family, your dreams, your aspirations.
It was late. Katsuki Bakugo knows that. You know that. But maybe, just maybe, you could bask in each other's presence for just a little bit longer.
pumkin speaks: can u guys tell i love fluff? can u guys tell i have sleep problems?? i dont think so. anyways! here's another little thing! again, hopefully this is good enough for everyone. again, there are some hella talented writers under these tags. im just hoping i can maybe measure up just slightly 🫡 feedback, likes, and reblogs are appreciated! and again, the little divider credits go to r0se-designs!
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staryskullz · 10 months
Meet The Scugs!
I dunno if I will ever make this a whole series/au thing, I am working on another big Rainworld related project that takes up alot of my time. But I do wanna post lil drawings n comics. But for now here are the bio's n stuff for these guys. Just know some of the stories aren't exactly the same as the scugs in the game.. This is more of a scenario of "what if the Slugcats and other Rainworld creatures evolved into humanity and navigated the ruins of the world the ancients left behind? So, some of the lore from Rainworld may not apply or be changed to fit this narrative. Keep in mind these are also baseline character descriptions, as time goes on things may be subject to change or tweaked slightly! (and ofc there will be RW spoilers) with that said, Lets get started!
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Artificer Age: 28 Pronouns: She/Her Occupation: Hunter/Gatherer Arti is one of the colony's hunter-gatherers, She was pretty much destined for the role due to her explosive powers. She has a tough exterior and is often blunt, which makes most intimidated by her. But deep down, she's caring and protective. She gets along really well with most of the other folks in the colony but is especially great friends with Gourmand, the colony leader. He helped support her through a low point in her life. There is one person she can't stand, Hunter. She's just too pretentious for her taste. Will they ever get along? who knows?
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Gourmand Age: 40 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Colony leader Gourmand is the beloved leader of the Colony in Outer Expanse. Sweet, caring, and kind. A father of two and an excellent cook. He is a natural-born leader. He adores his community and would do anything for them. Likewise, he makes sure that the Colony is safe and comfortable for every single member and is always willing to take in others if they need shelter. Of course, he isn't perfect. He doubts himself and works to the bone, often burning himself out. At the end of the day, his friends and family are always there to support him.
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Hunter Age: 30 Pronouns: She/Her Occupation: Hunter Gatherer
Hunter is a sarcastic and smug slugcat, charming to most and pretentious to others (cough cough Artificer). Hunter is very talented at hunting and tracking, skilled with a spear, and knows how to survive even the toughest of situations. She developed rot tumors on her belly and hip. While not fatal, it has hindered her ability to survive solo, as she needs frequent breaks and rest to not completely tire herself out. She found Gourmands colony and was immediately accepted with open arms. Everything was going pretty well until she met Artificer. She still doesn't completely understand why she has a vendetta against her, hey! At least they can go on a hunt together without bickering the whole time, progress is progress!
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Rivulet/Ruffles Age: 22 Pronouns: They/Them Occupation: Gourmand's Assistant Rivulet, (or called Ruffles by their friends) help's out Gourmand with the colony. Deliveries? Chores? Packing? Moving? Whatever it may be, Rivulet is on it speedily and quickly. They are also a fantastic swimmer. It's never a dull moment with them around, they'll always be there to cheer you up. While a great helper, sometimes they act before they think, being clumsy from time to time. Luckily they got the help of their friends if they ever encounter a sticky situation.
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Spearmaster Age: 24 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Armory/Tool making/Handyman Spearmaster's name is literal, a master of spears. He is very good at building things, a true craftsman. Spears is well-rounded and knowledgeable. He is generous and always helps the colony with building stuff and supplying all the farmers and fishers with tools. He can also fix lots of things in a pinch. Spearmaster is a bit odd, he has no mouth but can still talk. How does he eat? Well, he doesn't. he stabs things with his tail spears and gains nutrients from the things he stabs with them. He came to the colony out of nowhere. There is a rumor that he is from a superstructure far far away from the colony. Maybe he is a little peculiar but definitely cherished by all.
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Saint Age: 36 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Town Physician and Cleric/Mentor Saint is a wise one, a calm and gentle soul. He is very in touch with the cycle and knows the ways of the world. Not only does he help the sick and injured, but he also is there to guide and counsel those who need it. He is also good at being a mediator and solving problems. This means Artificer and Hunter keep him on his toes, but as with everything, he handles it with grace. No one really knows too much about Saint's upbringing or origin, he doesn't really talk about himself much at all. As for right now, he is teaching and mentoring Monk about Medicine and teaching her brother Survivor, Clergy.
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Monk Age: 18 Pronouns: she/her Occupation: Saint's Pupil, learning medicine Monk is the youngest of them all, bashful and shy but a sweetie. She came to the colony with her older brother, Survivor. They got separated from their parents at a young age, and have stuck together ever since. Monk is still figuring herself out but for right now she's trying her best to take the role of physician in the future, helping the sick and injured is rewarding for her and something she is passionate about pursuing. Navigating adulthood is hard, but she is slowly learning and making a difference in her community.
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Survivor Age: 21 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Saints Pupil, learning Clergy Survivor is Monk's older brother, He has a head on his shoulders and is always willing to try his best. He has his flaws, he isn't the most socially aware person and is a bit stubborn. He never really got to socialize with other slugcats, he isn't sure if he will be a good cleric but he wants to try. Not only that, but he had to spend the majority of his life taking care of his little sister, being her main protector and caretaker. He never really grew up finding what he was good at or what he wanted in life. He just learned how to survive. He hopes that joining the colony would benefit him and his sister and being Saints pupil will point him in the right direction.
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Enot/Inv Age: 24 Pronouns: They/He Occupation: Tailor/clothier There is so much to be said about Enot, but I'll give you the gist. Enot works as a tailor and helps make and sell clothes for the colony. They are a bit melodramatic and misguided and a hopeless romantic, commonly making a fool out of themselves. Even if they are awkward at times, they mean well and are always willing to take part in any festivities, always overdressing no matter the occasion.
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Nightcat Age: 23 Pronouns: he/him Occupation: Carpenter Nightcat isn't much of a talker, blank-faced, and has almost nothing to say. Everyone knows he can build a perfect shelf or cabinet though. If you ever get to know him personally (which is rare) You will find that He is a straight-to-the-point, matter-of-fact type of guy. He doesn't have many friends, usually only talking to Spearmaster and occasionally Enot. Who knows, maybe he'll come out his shell.
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rebouks · 8 months
Idk if you’ve already done this (newer follower and still catching up) but would you ever do a post on how you plan a post? Like what your planning process looks like with shots, poses, etc? You’re one of my favorite storytellers and I hope to get on your level one day but no idea what goes into a true story telling post
Ooooh hi hello, welcome! I don't believe I have ever gone into my process, no! but how interesting.. what better excuse! let's take yesterdays post as an example, shall we? 👀
First of all, we start with the premise/notes, which are very rough n' look like this in a word document...
Camping – the twins are fiiighting/being a pain, Oscar loses temper with em n almost says why can’t u be like ur brother?! throwing him into memories of Salton saying that to him all the time :[ he catches himself like no wait ur perfect I just gotta finish this, twins like wtf?? But robin ofc knows what’s going on with his pappy.. Oscar wanders off later n Robin sits with him, ur not like them u kno, what? Grandma n grandpa ur not the same, OUGH ;-;
2. I suppose this step changes depending on what I feel like, sometimes I'll make the poses/take the screenies first, then write the dialogue, other times I'll write the dialogue first.. I try for the latter since I can make more accurate poses, but time is usually my enemy here cos dialogue needs a nice quiet period to write lmao (let's call this step dialogue for now though)
3. Rip sims for blender, make poses, then head in game to dress everyone, set dress and take screenies, I take a LOT and choose the best ones but here're some unedited examples for you... In this case cos there was a flashback, I also had to remake Oscar/fam as a child n' whatnot, but luckily I have their old house saved so I plonked them all in an alternative save to take those.
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4. Now we have our dialogue/screenies, it's time to throw it all together in photoshop, I usually edit the screenie first to fix any clipping etc, fix the lighting, sharpen it up a bit maybe.. but that's about it! Then I press my handy lil (custom made) storyboard action and end up with smth like this, to which I add the text! (this step takes the longest prolly.. cos it takes me forever to pick the screenies I wanna use my GOD 🙈)
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VOILA! Once I've chosen all the screenies in the right order I go thru each of em in PS one by one to edit/add captions, then we're done! \o/
I realise this probably seems quite quick/vague or even streamlined if u wanna toot my horn lmaooo but I've spent a while doing this by now so ig I've kinda figured out the quickest way of doing it - still tho, I'd imagine the above still taking between 4-5 hours from start to finish! I usually spread these things over days/weeks in advance tho like.. during the week I mostly make poses/take screenies and write, then at the weekend I'll usually edit a bunch n' throw it all together, so it doesn't rlly feel tedious since I'm switching it up all the time/doing what I fancy.
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clonerightsagenda · 3 months
Zigzagging the prompt a bit but I want to talk about Olivia Breckenridge today.
The first time I listened to Arden season 2, I was very worried about Olivia, considering this is a Hamlet retelling and she's one (sneakily two) of the characters who do not make it out alive. Luckily, Liv dodges the narrative's attempts to doom her. But recently I've been thinking about the 'transition killed my beautiful cis child' rhetoric and how Ophelia dies and trying to put those in conversation, especially regarding Liv's relationship with Dana.
In the show, most of Liv's acquaintances accept her identity. We learn that Paul briefly kicked her out but then changed his mind and supports her. Claude and Trudy never trip up on her pronouns, iirc. The only person to deadname her is Dana.
Ophelia gets dealt a rough hand in Hamlet. Her first appearances are her brother and father policing her sexuality because she's a woman, then everyone assuming it's her fault Hamlet's gone mad, then Hamlet being cruel to her while again targeting her gender and sexuality. She's destabilized by her father's death and dies offscreen, with Gertrude telling everyone that she fell into water and was dragged down, unresisting, by her waterlogged gown.
So, Ophelia is hassled from all angles over whether she's being the right kind of woman, and then the physical trappings of womanhood drag her to her death. The gravediggers assume she killed herself, although accident and murder are also on the table. Can we see Liv's transition as a reclamation of Ophelia's fate - an assertion of her kind of femininity, even if some people would mourn it as an act of self-destruction?
After being horrible to her for several acts, Hamlet jumps into Ophelia's grave and insists he loves her more than her brother did. As I said before, Dana is the one who deadnames Olivia. She's stuck not only in the past but her own recreation of it - insisting their marriage was a happy one, pretending her relationship with her father was great and everyone loved him, trying to get Liv to remarry her like that can fix everything that went wrong. It's somewhat ambiguous how much Dana deadnaming Liv reflects her view of Liv's gender (does she really still see her as her husband? was it calculated to hurt because she understands the truth?), but she's in the graveyard talking to bones either way, because she refuses to recognize Liv now. (When prompted, Dana can't even answer basic questions about her life.)
Liv can't quite escape Dana's orbit, but she does survive. By 'killing' her past self and recasting herself out of Dana's story, she's able to inhabit her own. So there's some toxic yuri for today.
As much as this relationship sucks and I'm glad Liv got out, "To a Nunnery" always makes me feel things, and a piece of podcast art beyond my skillset that I nonetheless fantasize about a lot is Dana and Olivia together by the fire at the end of high school, Dana with her guitar, and the sparks rising up to the future where Olivia's standing staring at the burning house. Take my hand; let's go watch the fire. It sure didn't turn out the way we hoped when we were young.
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cheekyowldraws · 5 months
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Series: Pokemon Horizons
Characters: Main plot: Murdock, Friede Minor part: Rockruff, Mollie, Orla, Ludlow Mentioned: Katy, Liko, Dot, Roy, Blanca
Ships: FriedexMurdock also called Capncrunchshipping or Airfryshipping
The story plays right after the fight against BlackRayquaza and before the Trio offically start their training at the Orange academy.
Murdock seems to work in Katys bakery and logically should stay in this town during that time. So I wanted to explore his feelings about being away from everyone, especially Friede and how they spend their last night together before being apart for a while. Lots of emotions, kisses and a little suggestive part at the end <3
Three days have passed since the big fight against BlackRayquaza, were the Brave Asagi got heavely damaged. It is heartbreaking to see their home being in this terrible state, but luckily nobody was injured during this incident and that's the most important thing. The ship can be fixed after all...even if it might take a while until they can go back to what they are used to...until the ship is filled with chaos and laughter again instead of silence and working noises. For the time being Liko went back to her parents house and Dot and Roy were able to stay at Blancas place until they can officially start with their Terastal training at the Orange academy. Only the adults stayed at the ship for now, but as soon as Orla officially begins with the repair they gonna have to stay at a hotel to not be in her way.
Murdock was sitting in his room heaving out a big sigh. He was glad that at least the kids could stay at a more positive environment right now. Seeing the damaged ship everyday just would make them relive this scary experience over and over again. Or that what he is believing anyways, knowing that he himslef is still struggeling with getting that disaster out of his head. He kept a brave face in front of the children, but in reality the cook was as scared as them, not knowing what happens next. Can the ship really be fixed completely? What are they gonna do if it's not possible? Will this the be end end of the RVTs? The cook couldn't help himself but worrying about these questions. Friede seems more faithful then him or at least knows how to overplay such thoughts. "PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!" Murdock scolded himself while he slapped his own hands against his cheeks, squeezing them with a slight agression. "You are not a child anymore, so don't act like one!" Murdock remaind in this position for a while before he loosened his grip, letting out another deep sigh.
The chef inhaled and exhaled sharly several times to calm his nerves. There is no time to feel scared. He knows exactly what he has to do. In fact everyone knew repairing the ship wont be an easy task and will keep Orla busy. But for the mechanic to even being able to start with this endeavor, she needs materials and that in turn means they need money. Lots of money. So Murdock already decided what he personally can do to help. After all working hard is something he can do best.
A small smile formed on his lips while he looked at his phone. Only yesterday he mailed an application adressed to Katy's bakery in Cortondo, hopeing she gonna accept him and allow the pastry chef to work there until the ship is as good as new. To Murdocks surprise she personally called him back this moring to tell him he's hired. Needless to say that the chef almost dropped his phone, because he was so nervouse and honestly didn't expect such a fast answer, let alone a positive one. And on top of that he was told he can already start working in five days. Though the cook needs to leave a day earlier to get the keys for the small room he rented near the bakery, right after this hopeful phonecall earlier.
His smile fastly shifted to a more sad one. Working there means he need to leave for a while and live in that town...thinking about that fact alone made him feel wistful. Murdock don't even wanna think about getting seperated from everyone for an extended period of time that he cannot yet grasp. Especially being apart from Friede fills his thoughts with horror. Having him around all the time feels so natural and became part of his daily life. Being able to go to the other man whenever he wants, just to hang out or when he feels overwhelmed or just needs a safe place. Simply just having him by his side, to feel his touch, his warmth. Before Murdock completly got comsumed by his fear he felt something cautiously licking his hand. The cook was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't noticed his puppy climbed on his lap. Rockruff knew somethings was wrong and visible was worried about it's dad. "Sorry I didn't wanted to worry you." Murdock automatically wore a soft smile and gently patted his puppies head before he lifted it up to pepper it with kisses. Cuddeling with his little angel certainly helped to ground him and let him tackle this decision rationally. The chef knew that he had to tell Friede at some point, but he also didn't want his boyfriend to start brooding about this and having to go through all those feelings for days now as a result just like him...one suffering is enough. Murdock settled to only tell Mollie, Orla and Ludlow about his plans for now.
As expected the two woman appreciated his plans but side-eyed him when he pleaded them to not say a word to Friede about that. Nointhenless they gladly did respect his wish who he was very thankfull for. From this point on Murdock tried to tell Friede as well several times. When they were shopping together, when Friede was keeping him company while cooking, when they went for a walk...he tried to tell him...he really tried but everytime he chickened out the last second and brushed it off, finding a silly excuse for his strange behaviour. There was no way that the professor didn't started to get sceptical.
And before Murdock knew it the day before his departure had arrived. It already was dinner time to be exact. The chef was spending most of the day in the kitchen to make everyones fave meals. He just had too, because he doesn't know when he will be able to cook for them again. Murdock could feel tears filling up his eyes, but hastely blinked them away, before he served it all up. "Hope you all are hungry, because I made plenty!" the chef voiced with a bright smile while watching everyone slowly gathering around the table.
"That smells great!" Friede took in the scent a bit more before sitting down and filling up his plate. Orla and Mollie digged into the food as well. Ludlow on the other hand just silently watched the scene for now, sipping his tea, observing, already knowing something gonna happen. And he didn't have to wait long. "So delicious! I gonna miss Murdocks food!" Orla spouted out, mouth full. "ORLA!" Mollie promptly scolded her, but the brown-haired woman didn't realized what she just said. Murdock on the other hand froze in place, wanting to run away. "Please don't let Friede have heard that!" the cook was pleading in his mind. But the white-haired man DID hear and now looked at Orla with a very confused look on his face, swallowing down his food before asking "Hmm? What do you mean you gonna miss his food?" Realisation hit Orlas brain like a thunder bolt. She didn't meant to say that and tried to hastly come up with an excuse. "Ah that...well I mean when we start staying at the hotel he won't be able to cook there right?" Orla cleared up while slightly laughing awkwardly. "Right Murdock?" she then added hoping he gonna help covering her white lie but to everyones surprise his seat was empty. The tall man must have taken the oppertunity to leave while all eyes were on the mechanic. Friede felt like a fool and was visably confused. The professor hated when he didn't know what was happening and didn't realized how his face got very serious. "What is this all about?" he now asked with a slighty annoyed sound in his voice. The damage was already done so there was no reason to keep up this farce. "We promised Murdock to not tell you, I don't know why he asked for that though, so it might be better to ask him yourself." Mollie finally explained. The conference room was now overshadowed by a negative vibe.
"Listen to the wind, it talks. Listen to the silence, it speaks. Listen to your heart, it knows." Ludlow spoke with a calm and encouraging voice, breaking the uncomforteable silence that had settle over the group. Friede stared at his gramps for a moment before his eyes wandered back to his plate of food. His face slowly shifted into a sad but also concerened and betrayed expression. What did Murdock felt comforteable enough to tell literally everyone but him? He needed to know but...if he haven't told him yet why should he tell him now? Friede suddenly started to heavily shake his head, trying to get rid of those unwanted thoughts. With his eyes now filled with determination, the professor promptly finished his fill and then headed to the kitchen, were he was sure to find his 'target'. Ludlow was smiling as he saw the young man leaving the room ready to clear things up. When Friede entered the kitchen Murdock was busy washing the dishes not daring to look at the smaller man. The professor didn't knew how to start the conversation, he wants to know what the chef is hiding from him, but he also doesn't want to pressure him either. The white-haired man is certain that the cook must have a reason why he haven't told him yet, so he tries to approach the subject slowly. "That was delicious as always. I'm full!" Friede praised, putting on a smile. It wasn't a fake smile though, he meant what he said. Murdocks food is always the tastiest, still he felt more like crying right now. The taller man was taken abakt by that, because he was sure Friede straight up gonna confront him and ask him questions. "I'm glad to hear that. It means a lot to me. Thank you." the cook looked at Friede for a short moment to return the smile, before focusing at the dishes again. An awkward silence filled the whole kitchen. The only sound left was the suttle cliring of the table ware Murdock kept cleaning.
With every minute passing the chef started to get more nervouse. "That's your last proper chance to tell him you idiot!" Murdock started to scold himself in his thoughts. "COME ONE JUST TELL HIM YOU COWARD!" his thoughts went further and the cook got so angry at himself, that he abruptly stopped in his tracks, starteling Friede a little. Murdock was snapped back to reality by a gently touch on his shoulder. It was Friede who now was giving him a worried but warm glance. The cook took a deep breath and slowly let out the air again.
"I'm gonna leave tomorrow to work at Katy's bakery in Cortondo and wont be back for a while. We need that money or Orla can't fix the ship so it's unavoideable." Murdock started to explain, pausing for a moment to inhale deeply before continuing. "I wanted to tell you earlier, but the more I tried the more I couldn't bring myself too..." his voice now started to tremble "If..." he had to clear his throat before being able to continue. "If I had told you four days ago, you surley couldn't have helped but brood about me leaving all these days...and I didn't want you to go through the same thoughts that kept haunting me over and over again...I gonna miss you ya know?" the cook couldn't hold his tears back anymore and started to sob bitterly. "I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you until now I'm..." before he could speak any further he was pulled into a tight hug, while a hand gently caressed his back. "You idiot..." the small man said with a shaky voice himself. "You choose to keep all this feelings to yourself because you didn't wanted to make me suffer but..." Friede now had teary eyes as well "But imagine how you must have felt all those days, being all alone with those thoughts...that's what breaks my heart!"
"I'm so sorry...i didn't mean to hurt your feelings...I'm sorry...I'm sorry..." Murdock's voice softened as he continued to apologize, hugging Friede even tighter, but gentle enough so the smaller man could still breath properly. "Shhh it's okay I'm not mad at you." The smaller man kept stroking Murdocks back in gentle and firm circles to calm him down. This went on for quite a while until Friede felt that the other mans sobbing eased. He then proceed to sat down Murdock on the small wooden stool, who was busy wiping away his tears and was still softly sobbing.
"I want to apologize myself...No I need to apologize to you!" the white-haird man stated while he rubbed the back of his head. Murdock just looked at him with wide eyes, waiting for Friede to continue. "The words gramps said to me before had me thinking. I mean you did act a bit strange all of a sudden, but I refused to question it any further believing you surley gonna tell me if somethings the matter and..." "So you did notice..." Murdocks eyes wandered to the side in embarressment. Friede had to giggle at that sight. "Are you kidding me? When we went for a walk yesterday you literally kept staring at me with such an intense look , that you ended up running into a street lamp!" Friede now started to chuckle. "You should have seen your face!" and with that he bursted out into laughter. "STOP LAUGHING THAT'S NOT FUNNY!" Murdock tried to complain, but the moment he saw Friedes genuin smile while laughing like crazy he couldn't help himslef but join, laughing away all their worries. A few minutes passed and they now were sitting on the floor, right next to each other, tummies still hurting from their laughing fit. "Guess we are both idiots!" the cook stated while beaming a smile at Friede who returned the favour agreeing with a cheerfull "Yeah!"
And without a warning Friede was leaning in for a passionate kiss, making the tall man shudder in surprise. As soon as their lips touched Murdock literally melted into this sensation. The cook gently layed his hands around the other mans arms to pull him even closer. Both of them let themselve fully taken in by this moment, there hearts are pounding in synch, hoping this pleasent feeling would never fade. They tried to delay the unavoideable, but unfortunatly they had to break the kiss at some point to breath again. Now staring into each others eyes with such warmth.
"Soooo we can either have some fun now or just cuddle all night." Friede now looked at Murdock with playful eyes and a cheeky smile. The cook just looked at him with wide eyes, cheeks still rosy. He tightened his grip a little, his eyes nervousely flickering back and forth from looking into Friedes eyes to staring into the void. Friede just amusingly watched his future husband getting all flustered, while waiting for an answer. "Wh-Why not both?" the cook finally managed to declare, taking the professor by surprise, not that he is complaining though. He kinda was hoping for that outcome, because he wants both of them to enjoy this night to the fullest. "Never thought you can get greedy." the smaller man sassily returned, while purposly coming closer to Murdock's face who then started to pout a little "So what if I'm a little greedy?" the chef playfully growled back. "Nothing wrong with that." Friede assured while trying to kiss Murdock again. The emphasis is on 'trying' because his attempt got stopped by a big hand gently pressing against his lips. "W-Wait! N-not here!! Besides I need to clean the kitchen first and..." the cook got cut off mid-sentence by Friedes lips sealing his once again. It was only a short lived kiss this time meant to stop Murdock from blabbering nonsens. Friede now was looking into Murdocks eyes dead serious. "As if I would let you do the chores right now, the dishes won't run away, I gonna deal with them tomorrow." the yellow-eyed man explained. "But...!" Murdock tried to argue, but this time it was Friede pressing his hand against the cooks lips. "No buts! I already let the others know so don't worry!" the professor replied with a snippish grin while holding up his phone to show Murdock that he in fact send a message.
»Just put your dishes in the kitchen later. I'll deal with them tomorrow. I have to take care of Murdock tonight <3«
"T-Taking ca-care of me?" Murdocks cheeks turned into an even more intense pink admitting his defeat "G-Guess I have no choice then!" he stutterd softly. Pleased to hear that, Friede then purposely placed his hand on Murdocks crotch, making the cook jump at the sudden touch. His whole head turned into a bright red now and before the professor could make his next move he got lifted up by Murdock, bridal style. The cook now was dashing into his room, while gently carrying the smaller man in his arms, locking the door behind him before he allowed himself to be all over Friede.
At the same time in the kitchen:
"Guess we better sleep with our ear plugs in tonight." Mollie said after she read Friede's message while looking at Orla, who visibly was relieved about this outcome. With their minds at peace the two woman continued eating. Ludlow did join them as well now and was seemingly happy.
The next morning:
Friede and Murdock layed in bed cuddeling together. The smaller man was resting his head againsts the cooks chest, while the taller man wrapped his arms around him. Both were snoozing softly, enjoying this harmonic atmospehere until Murdocks alarm rang. The chef turned it off as fast as he could so Friede not gonna get waken up from it. He had to blink his eyes open several times before his vision was clear and he could see Friedes peaceful face, thankfully still sleeping. The cook decided it won't hurt to stay in bed for five more minutes, before he cautiously climbed out to not wake up the other man. He didn't want too, but he needed to leave soon so he had to dress up and get ready. When he came back from the bathroom he found Friede right were he left him and couldn't hold back a smile. He looked cute when he was peacefully sleeping. Murdock than hastly pulled out his phone to snap a shot he can look at whenever he misses Friede. Not that he already has a full album full of that. Happy with the result he now was thinking about waking the professor up to properly say goodbye for now. But wouldn't that be selfish? To tear him from his sleep just to catch another kiss? As Murdock was mostly silently debating with himself to either wake up the other man or not he suddenly got hugged from behind. The smaller man tightly wrapped his arms around him. "Good morning!" Friede muttered while letting out a big yawn. "G-Good Morning Friede. Did I wake you up?" the cook replied. "Nah I was already awake before you climed out of bed, but I wanted to let you get ready in peace." The white-haired man explained while he released the hug trying to catch a glimpse of Murdock's cell phone "Sooo did you get a nice shot?" Friede asked with a cheeky voice resulting in a high pitched scream leaving the cooks mouth, while the latter tried to hide his phone. But that just made Friede even more curious, now wearing a big grin on his face "I know you made a photo of me while I was supposetly asleep." Murdock was now trying to hide his blushing face behind his phone. "M-Ma-Maybe!" he managed to stutter out. "Good thing I also got a cute shot from you." the smaller man joyfully chirped. A small chuckle left the professors mouth when he saw the chef getting all flustered. Friede then took his chance to pull his boyfriend into a kiss, which immediately made the bigger man calmer. Both closed their eyes and enjoyed this delicate moment. Taking in every second, burning this feeling into their brains. They whined a little when they had to part, but they knew it was now time for Murdock to go. " Don't overwork yourself okay?" Friede wanted to make sure and with a "Don't be too reckless okay?" and a warm smile Murdock then left for his new temporary job.
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