#lying on the ground now
benetnvsch · 8 months
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we're all gonna die
[Familiar/Platonic- pls don't tag ship if reblogging]
so my friend passed away young when I was eighteen and I am still,, dealing with That All .. today would have been his birthday. He would have turned 25. Oda + Dazai's story have always reminded me of his and mine down to Oda's birthday. this song has also reminded me of him since we have spent time around tillamook actually so decided to draw this in memory. I hope you're resting peacefully friend
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beaulesbian · 8 months
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;-; completely normal about this
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nothing hurts. everything is fine :'))
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puppyeared · 8 months
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Swapped playlists with a friend and I have normal feelings about it
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xshinormx · 6 months
Orm in Aquaman 2: A Summary
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jessicas-pi · 4 months
my dad and sisters have sang their version of I Knew You Were Trouble enough that whenever I hear the real version, I'm always surprised that it's just the "aah-ah" vocalizations after "now I'm lying on the cold hard ground," as opposed to the bloodcurdling screams I'm used to
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quirkle2 · 2 months
you mentioned that ritsu, by the end of the story, is broken and practically insane. once shigeo is cured and "back to normal," i'm guessing that ritsu doesn't exactly go back to "being normal" either :( he'd gone through too much to be the same after everything... do you think he ever goes back to old habits and treats mob like he's still a zombie, only to be shellshocked at the fact that it's all over?
also this au is very reminiscent of this post (grieving the undead) https://www.tumblr.com/applejuicewerewolf/735120232698593280/no-need-to-keep-this-in-the-tags-youre
WEEEE IMSO GLAD U LIKE IT it's the direct result of my brainworms
yes ritsu is definitely Not Normal by the end and he should be put into therapy immediately. poor kid's seen way too much at way too young of an age, and he's been put through unreal amounts of stress that is definitely not good for a growing brain. he most certainly does not go back to "normal" when mob is cured, and much like his brother, he's never quite the same as he was before
he Absolutely has trouble squashing old habits, yes. he tends to just Do Shit for mob that he's fully capable of doing now, no matter how simple, bc as a zombie mob couldn't rly do all that. he opens food packages for him automatically, he unlatches doors even though mob is perfectly capable of Figuring Out a Lock. sometimes when it's raining ritsu will even pull mob's hood over his head—he used to do that for him when he was a zombie, to keep the rain off him, even if zombie mob didn't rly give a damn if it was raining or not
if mob were anybody else, he'd prolly find it a bit insulting, but instead he finds it kind of amusing most of the time
sometimes he grabs mob's hand and leads him around and it's only when they're like halfway there that he realizes what he's doing. mob doesn't particularly mind, but when his goal is elsewhere and they're aiming for different places he has to go "ritsu ..." and it's this awkward blinking session like . oh .right. yes.ofc
i think mob would ? maybe get a little annoyed at the hovering that ritsu totally unintentionally does. he hovers so closely bc zombie mob never rly minded, or ,, noticed. so now that he's back to "human" levels of awareness it is . extremely obvious. and it's not even that ritsu is Worried, it's just like he's spent so long Hovering and Fretting that it's just kinda second nature to him now
it's a strange role-reversal—it's very weird for mob to wake up and have scattered memories of the last two years, and suddenly feel like he's the younger brother instead. ritsu is now the caretaker, and it's... strange. and honestly, the first real goal mob has in mind after waking up and recovering for a while is settling back into the role of older brother. it's important to him
but much like how reigen now has trouble corralling that kid, mob has some difficulty getting ritsu to settle back into it too. he's too high-strung and stressed and permanently scarred to rest and let people take care of him, too used to being the caretaker himself. for the longest time he was forced into the mindset of, "you stop, you die," so ritsu keeps going bc his instincts r shot and he feels like he's in danger all the time
after a while of gentle nudging, mob gets the hang of convincing ritsu to lean on people, to lean on him, but mob is quietly distraught at the overall state of ritsu's mental well-being. it takes him a while to rly get a grasp of how bad it truly is, but once he realizes the damage, he's .. so fuckin upset w himself for letting this happen to his brother
as if it's rly his fault at all, but he regrets being slow and getting overrun by that zombie horde to begin with. maybe if he hadn't turned, ritsu would be a lot better off now—they woulda been able to join a settlement, and live in a place where there is supplies and food and clothing and other people to talk to other than your mumbling brother who no longer fully understands you. it likely would've spared him a lot of trauma
and alsoYES that post is EXACTLY it the concept of mourning a person u still see every day is ougougouhoguhg ,., .,witsu ..................
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akuma-tenshi · 24 days
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i should REALLY be writing but i have no thoughts other than stupid disjointed shitposts
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theglidingbat · 2 years
I find the idea of bruce sleeping with Tim's dad hilraious
Also because this random thing popped in my head:
[after bruce does something dumb]
Tim: smh hetrosexual people
Bruce: where?
Tim: *looking at bruce as if he's dumb* you bruce
Bruce: Tim,did you not know I was bisexual?? I mean did jack never tell you? I'm publically out as well
Tim: why would my parents know that??
Bruce: so they didn't tell you anything...at all...
Tim: well, my mom did tell me to stay away from you cause you were "a sinner" and "a weirdo" and- ohhhh, but wait why would my dad tell me something like that-
Bruce: don't think about it tim
Tim: Bruce...what do you mean "jack never told you"
Tim: BRUCE!?
Bruce: I was in highschool-
Bruce: language young man,also I think I hear the bat-signal
Tim: oh no old man, explain now
Bruce: I uhm...may or may not have had sexual intercourse with your biological father...
Tim: what...?
Bruce: if it helps it really wasn't that enjoyable-
Tim: okay- I'm gonna leave-
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kairithemang0 · 2 months
I feel like I just had an epiphany
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I dunno but these two parts of it is very Owen like while he’s falling
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fagidarity · 10 months
why is chip pretending to be a grandma so fuckin funny
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something tumblr loves to do is recreating the big bad straw man vegan because it's easier than reevaluating your beliefs and god forbid changing your habits, again and again and again and ag
#oh yes this is about the vegan to ecofasc post#so we are ecofascists because we do not support animal abuse???#get this. veganism is For the animals. first and foremost.#they are not objects. we do not own them. they do not exist to benefit us humans. we are not entitled to their bodies.#yes! i too used to say oh i could never go vegan. but it's not about me. it's about them. i dont want baby chickens to be ground to death#i dont want cows to be raped again and again just so i can drink milk from their udders wtf#i dont want whales and dolphins to be sentenced to a lifetime inside a tank with no contact with their kin#i dont want another ryder lying on the streets of new york because he was exploited so tourists could prance around#i dont want beagles or rats or monkeys suffering inside laboratories getting experiments done on them#animals do not exist so we can abuse them#i loved fried chicken too much and my favorite food was sushi and i didnt see animals as beings#and all i see now is the mass suffering that we cause and im ashamed and i wish people on this goddamn website understood#because when i was at the supermarket someone made a joke pointing to the dead bodies of baby turkeys frozen and wrapped up in plastic#and they thought it was funny and i would've thought so too before. and now it's just . a fridge with corpses. and we had no right.#and it's victims you're making fun of. it's not vegans.#now go post in support of all other social movements. as long as they're human-centered of course#vegan#boohoo to anyone and everyone getting mad at this or saying i missed the point . i did not .#the only time carnists reblog vegan posts is when said post puts veganism in a bad light. pleather or quinoa or almond milk or ???#oh but dont you dare compare humans to animals!! why the fuck not . antivegs will be the first ones to say animals eat other animals.#im so tired so fucking tired and it's this tumblr toxic troll behavior whenever veganism is mentioned
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zukkaoru · 2 years
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if i die young...
[ID: four panels from the JJK manga. the first two show teenage Suguru and Riko while the last two show Nobara and Yuuji. the first panel shows Suguru from the shoulders up, facing the viewer, eyes wide in horror as Riko is shot in front of him. the back of Riko's head can be seen as she falls. the second panel shows a bird's-eye view of Suguru standing over Riko's body. he asks, "Riko?" the third panel shows Yuuji, facing right, watching in horror as half of Nobara's face explodes. she is falling backwards, her body facing left. the fourth panel shows a bird's-eye view of Yuuji standing over Nobara's body. /End ID.]
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enagismos · 11 months
if I don't see and hug my boyfriend soon I'm gonna kill everyone and then myself i miss him so much i'm going crazy
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ozlices · 9 months
kaito......................................................................................... [lays down so hard i clip into the floor]
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1ouis · 2 months
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fisheito · 2 months
Have you ever done a brain scan?
If yOu dId can i take a look (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ )
sadly i must disappoint u and say that the only time i've been to a brain scan has been on the technologist side.. nothin worth running a machine over in THIS cranium(for now)...... ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞
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