#made me pause so much to really process everything in that chapter
kingofthering · 9 months
A collection of fully unhinged quotes from Chapter 8 of Being Marquez : This is How I Win My Race :
“Of course there are a few crashes in my life I would rather have avoided. Going beyond the limit too often at the start of the 2011 season, regularly ending up flat on my face and losing all-important points to Bradl was my decision and my mistake, so not a problem. The crash in Sepang, when we came to an impassable, dangerous spot with no warning, was bad luck. But I had been incredibly lucky that year just the race before, and in a situation I was solely responsible for screwing up.”
“When we riders see the slightest chance of being able to compete in the race, we take it. You couldn't think any other way. At least, I couldn't. I really turn into an animal that no power in the world could restrain.
If it turns out in the course of a race that I'm actually not up to it, then I can deal with that. But I wouldn't be able to sleep if I hadn't tried.
But I'm not naive either. That time, I had to be sure my humerus would hold. "Definitely," the doctors said. "We've put a titanium plate in for you." Marc the cyborg... I kind of liked that.”
“Dr Sanchez-Sotelo didn't know me or what I did for a living when he said that you can't even clean windows with an upper arm twisted through 34°. I told him I rode motorbikes, but pretty miserably at the moment.”
“In the US, they severed my humerus and rotated it outwards back into its original position. The mechanical problem which had limited my mobility and that, obviously, no amount of physiotherapy was going to cure, was now resolved. The improvement in function was noticeable immediately. If I'd wanted to drink a glass of water beforehand, I had to stretch out my entire arm. It was the same thing with eating. My mechanics really noticed it of an evening. No one wanted to sit on my right anymore because they knew they'd get my elbow in their face! I only realised how warped and screwed up the whole thing was by getting feedback from others, because if the hands are basically where they are meant to be, you don't notice how far off the rest of the arm is.”
“My character changes depending on whether I can ride a motorbike or not. I need the adrenaline. Desperately. If I don't get it, like in the winter of 2022/23, when I gave my arm all the time in the world to heal completely and made sure just to get it back to where it had been, I become completely unbearable. It ended up with my brother, Álex, telling me to go out and find a girlfriend, or do something else to keep myself busy, because I was unbearable. I was like a caged tiger.”
“Your willingness to take risks is different depending on whether you're 20 or 30. But my willingness to take maximum risk, if I have to, remains unchanged. Now I think about things more precisely when I take it to the max. I used to think my body was made for racing. Now I say if I don't look after my body, I won't be able to race. It's a small but crucial difference. Risk management is new to the Marc Marquez system.”
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champagnefountains · 4 months
CHAPTER II - Prompt: Lucifer continuing to wear his wedding ring despite being in a relationship with you.
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Previous chapter: [x] Word Count: 3.4k+ words (unedited). Genre/other tags: Angst with some fluff. Jealousy. Fem pronouns used. Warnings: Swearing. Self-deprecation. Manipulation (on Alastor's part).
It had been nearly over a week since you and Lucifer last talked – it had also been a week since Lucifer was last seen around in the hotel. Angel, being the gossiper he was, relayed everything that had transpired between you two to the others the following day. Seeing the sensitive and sad shell of a person you were left in, everyone remained cautious and had started walking on eggshells around you. Of course, you were quick to pick up on that, as embarrassing as it all was (minus Alastor, who continued on with his usual theatrics and mischief). 
Charlie in particular was the most concerned out of them all, since this was her dad we were talking about. She knew with certainty that he was confining himself in the castle to distract himself from what happened – likely something involving his rubber-ducky obsession – instead of facing the problem head on. It was his pride that sometimes got in the way of his better judgement.
Not only that, but Charlie clearly saw the massive toll it took on you. If you weren’t distracting yourself with work or doing something related to the hotel, you would lock yourself away in your room, only coming out to quickly grab a bite to eat from the kitchen. Charlie even made efforts to strike many conversations with you from time to time, but was either excused or was only given one-worded responses. She knew not to take your dismissive behaviour to heart, but she couldn’t help but fret over you.  
So it came as an absolute surprise when out of nowhere, Charlie received a call from her father. She messily scrambled for her phone on her desk, fumbling and nearly dropping it in the process before violently tapping on the small screen. “H-Hello?! Dad, hey!” She answers a bit too enthusiastically while nervously combing her hair with a free hand. “Uh, hey Charlie!” Lucifer stiffly greets from the other line, “I just…um, thought I’d give a call to, uh, see how everyone’s going at the hotel!” The Princess noted how much hoarser his voice was than usual, but decided not to comment on it aloud. 
“Well, y’know how it is! It’s been busy and lively as always–everyone’s been working really hard and all,” she answers vaguely, nervously chuckling. “Err, yeah! Right. That’s a–that’s a relief to hear. Yep,” he hums. There was a brief, awkward pause that ensued soon after, the both of them not knowing what to say next. The whole exchange was becoming increasingly painful that Charlie resisted the urge to pull her hair. She then clears her throat. “H-How about you, dad? What’ve you been up to? You’ve been gone for a couple or so days,” Charlie finally musters, “are…are you doing alright?” 
“Me? Oh yeah, psh! I just got, erm…a lot of things going on at the moment. It’s not so easy being the big boss of hell after all! Got a lot of important things to do! Plus, I’ve got heaps of paperwork to do for the hotel. You should know how tedious that is,” He says, adding an exaggerated groan. 
The princess furrows her brows. “Oh, that’s…strange. ’Cause I could’ve sworn you left all the papers here…y’know, the ones you told me to revise over?” Charlie replies, side-eyeing the said documents stacked neatly on her desk. A startled yelp escapes his throat. “O-Oh...did I?” He stammers.
Charlie couldn’t help but wince at the evident panic that began to set in as she listened to her father make incomprehensible noises from the other line. It was a poor attempt in reasoning, which ultimately became useless in the end. Lucifer let out a long sigh, caught red-handed. “Oh, who the hell am I kidding? You guys probably already know what happened–which by the way, Charlie, you shouldn’t be lying to me about!” He pointedly remarks. 
“I-I’m sorry, dad! It’s just…I’m really worried about you,” she reasons, before shortly adding, “...The both of you.” 
There was a small pause. “...How is she, by the way?” He then asks quietly. Charlie nervously tugs her bottom lip with her fangs. “Well, she’s keeping herself busy. Constantly, as a matter of fact. And I know she’s trying hard to convince us all that she’s holding up okay, but…she doesn’t look too good, dad. She seems really upset.”
A shaky exhale sounded from his end. “I…I really am hopeless, aren’t I?” He mumbles defeatedly. Even though she couldn’t see him, she could picture him burying his face in his hands. The image caused Charlie’s eyes to soften. “Dad, no. It’s not too late. You still have a chance to make things right,” Charlie gently encourages through the speaker, “you just need to talk to each other–”
Suddenly, from the corner of her eye, a bright, blazing portal manifests from thin air – from it, emerges Lucifer himself who appeared extremely dishevelled, effectively catching Charlie off guard. 
“But, hun, y-you don’t understand! I messed up big time!” He exclaims, tugging on his unkempt hair as he aimlessly paced around her office. “I-I mean, look at me! I’m a fucking mess and a coward! Why would she ever think to take me back after what I did!?” He chuckles humourlessly, shaking his head in disbelief, “I-It’s like no matter how many times I try to redeem and convince myself that everything’s finally going right in my life, I just continue to fuck myself over and over again. And it’s just– ugh! It’s pathetic! I’m fucking pathetic!” 
Charlie’s chest tightened considerably as she watched her father self-destruct before her. Strands of his golden hair were sticking out here and there, his dress-shirt tousled, and his eyes were glossed over and red, from both a lack of sleep and crying. He looked utterly devastated. Chucking her phone away, she immediately sped towards and enveloped Lucifer in her arms, who immediately broke down into heavy sobs. Seeing him like this brought tears to her own eyes, but she firmly told herself to be the stronger person in this situation, for his sake. 
“Hey, hey. Dad, listen to me, okay? Everyone deserves a second chance. You of all people should know–you were the one who taught me that, remember?” Charlie rubbed his back soothingly, trying to ease the jumpiness of his shoulders. “And that also applies to you. I…I know you’ve been through a lot, especially with mum…” She couldn’t help the way her frown deepened as she spoke, “...and I miss her too. I miss her a lot. But…I think it’s finally time for you to move on. It’s been years, dad. You deserve to be happy and you’re allowed to be in love again.” 
“[Name]’s an amazing person, and there’s no doubt about that. She’s proved that more than many times already. I’m certain that once things ease over and you guys finally talk things through, everything will turn out okay; she’s very understanding and kind like that. You’ll both be okay.” Charlie gently pulls Lucifer away and with the sleeve of her blazer, she wipes his damp, reddened cheeks. “I know for a fact that she loves and cares about you deeply – we can all see it as clear as day. You…you love her too, don’t you, dad?” 
For a brief moment’s contemplation, Lucifer suddenly recalled the times you spent together, from your initial meeting to now. He had always thought you were a strong and independent soul, with the way you carried yourself. You just had something about you that naturally drew in those around you, including himself. When Lucifer got to know you in a deeper level, he was enthralled by how kind and understanding you were – you were always there to listen to his many tales and endless nonsense; you would always seem genuinely interested in his rubber-duck-esque inventions, offering some input and critiquing his creations; and you would always be so, so supportive of all his plans and ideas, no matter how extraordinary they all seemed.
If he hadn't known any better, Lucifer would've thought you were an actual angel. You were the saviour that wore off the darkness in troubling times, and the one who pulled him out of the void that Lilith had left him in. That and more, as you continuously gave him a real reason to remain hopeful. You were proof personified, that he was able to open his heart once more, and to love again.
“I-I do, I really do,” Lucifer affirms in a heartbeat. Charlie smiles warmly, relieved by his answer, “then that’s all you need to say.” At that moment, Lucifer's chest swelled in overwhelming pride for his daughter, knowing that despite not being as present in her life until recently, she grew up to be the good and strong-willed person he had hoped for.
“O-Oh, jeez. Since when did you grow up so big? I should be the one comforting you,” He tearfully jokes, sniffling whilst returning her smile, “but thank you, Charlie. Really. I’m…I-I really am grateful to call you my daughter.” The two royalties then shared a heart-felt moment and a bone-crushing hug, with the King's heart being filled with a new-found determination. Because, just as he always says: The show must go on. 
Earlier on:
On the other side of the building, you were drowning yourself in your own self-despair as you overlooked the balcony by the front entrance of the hotel. Your eyes lazily scanned the new hotel patrons below, who were engaging in some trust exercises led by Vaggie, who came in to cover you just moments ago. Every once in a while, you couldn’t help but glance at your phone, silently hoping to receive some sort of notification from Lucifer, or even an inkling of his whereabouts. But you received nothing, which only fuelled your growing anxiety.
You felt awful leaving the way you did that night, especially after dumping so much onto Lucifer. You felt like you were being completely selfish, and had cornered him into making a big decision. And because of that, your relationship was on the line. You let out a frustrated sigh, rubbing angrily at your face.
Little did you know however, that you had some company lurking nearby, watching you in silent amusement. 
“Now, don’t you look as miserable as ever?” Alastor mockingly chimes in, stepping out from the shadows to make his presence known and joins you by the balcony. You roll your eyes at the deer-demon before turning your head the other direction. “Yeah, and what about it?” You scoff, leaning in to rest your arms against the rails, “Can’t you go bother someone else, Alastor? I’m certainly not in the mood right now.”  
“Why, I wouldn’t be a good hotelier if I left a dear co-worker of mine so down in the slumps!” To your dismay, Alastor reappears in front of you, obstructing your field of view, "And might I add, it's not healthy for you to be all cooped up in your room all the time – stay there any longer, and it can do silly, little things to your head!" He emphasises his point as he spins a finger in a circular motion by his temple. You shot him an irritated look, slowly growing fed up by his prodding. 
"Listen, I don't need you telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I’m more than capable of deciding that on my own,” you growl, straightening up to cross your arms firmly against your chest. “Hm...no, I don’t think so!” Alastor hums, shaking his head disapprovingly, “The unfortunate affair that took place in your courtship with the King has left you in such a vulnerable, and problematic state. And I’m sure you’ve taken note of how everyone’s been acting around you – constantly walking on their tiptoes in fear of setting you off on a hissy-fit. You’ve caused them to worry a lot about you, dear. Poor ol’ Charlie, especially.” 
You open your mouth to retort back, but nothing came out. A strong pang of guilt struck you as his words began to sink in. Seeing this, Alastor’s grin widened a faction as he stepped forward and levelled himself with you, now facing you eye-to-eye. “And as the executive producer of this fine establishment, might I critique that your behaviour is affecting our team’s morale and performance…and we mustn’t have that now, should we? Especially not since we’ve all been more preoccupied recently with our guests!” He…had a fair point, as much as you didn’t want to admit it.
“I…I’m sorry. I didn’t…know…” Your voice began to trail off, shoulders slumping in realisation of how selfish and contemptuous you’ve been acting this whole week. You recalled the fretful expressions of your friends and your dismissive attitude towards them. “I-I didn’t mean to make everyone worry…” you quietly say. Alastor’s words only made you feel immensely worse about the whole situation, leaving you sniffling on the spot. 
“Now, now. As long as you realise your mistakes, then you shall be forgiven,” he coos, softly patting the tuft of your head. At that, you couldn’t help but send a doubtful glance his way. “W-wait a minute…why do you care all of a sudden? What exactly are you playing at?” You suspiciously question as you rub at your eyes. 
“Oh, how you wound me, dear! Why must you always question any act of kindness I display? Is it really that hard to believe?” He adverts, evidently feigning hurt. You deadpan. “Yes, it is,” you reply almost instantly. Alastor chortles at your bluntness, “Haha! You’re quite a work of art, aren't you, dear? Now, let’s go out for a walk, shall we?” 
Before you could’ve processed what he had said, Alastor had already spun you around, pulling you with him as you both headed down a flight of stairs. “Wha–Alastor, where are we–where the heck are you taking me?” You asked, trying to keep up with his long strides so as to not trip down the stairs. “Hm? Did I not already specify? It looks like your brooding has impacted your hearing, dear. That’s a shame,” he slyly comments, now dragging you towards the entrance, “We’re both going for a walk around town, it’ll help clear that cloudy head of yours!” 
“Hold on-Stop! Just what makes you think I’d agree to go out with you?” You shoot back, retracting your arm from his hold and stopping metres behind him. Alastor sharply turns around and pulls out a wrinkled, yellow piece of paper out of thin air. Your eyes dart towards the sheet, seeing a familiar hand-writing across the page. 
“Why, I just knew you were going to question me – you're so predictable. But might I add, we’re not going out without purpose! No, no! Our lovely Charlie has composed a list and requested we fetch a couple items in town!” Stepping forward, you swiftly snatched the paper from his clawed hand and briefly scanned the list, noting that it largely consisted of decorations and party items. “She wanted to organise a heart-warming celebration for the wayward souls here who have accomplished some milestones on their journey to redemption! An anniversary ceremony of sorts, if you will,” Alastor explains, lightly patting the non-existing dust off of his suit.
“But couldn’t you just…I don’t know, teleport the things here?” You blatantly ask, raising a brow at him. You knew he was more than capable of doing such minuscule tasks within a span of seconds. “And waste such a beautiful day outside? Now, why would I even consider doing that?” Alastor states matter-of-factly, “And like I said, the short trip will help clear your troubled mind! Consider it a gesture of compassion from yours truly.” 
There was clearly something off about all this but you couldn’t see any reason for an ulterior motive. It was just…simply a manager looking out for the well-being of his work-colleagues, as uncharacteristic and off-putting as it sounded out loud. Already exhausted, you couldn’t bring it in yourself to question his actions any further.
“You’re really not going to take ‘no’ for an answer, are you?” You ask. Seeing the way Alastor’s grin widened had you sighing in defeat. “Shall we then?” Alastor questions, offering an arm out to you. Rolling your eyes, you loop one of your arms through and follow him out the hotel. ‘A small walk wouldn’t hurt…’ you think to yourself as the doors shut behind you. 
Lucifer tiredly dragged himself to his designated room in the hotel, to rest for a while and take a much needed bath as per Charlie’s advice. He gave himself a lengthy pep-talk in front of the mirror as he brushed his teeth, deciding to approach you tonight to finally talk and clear things out. Yes, he was absolutely terrified about the possibility of things going south during the confrontation, but he didn’t think he could handle another second being without you. And he needed to make that loud and clear. 
After putting on an outfit and neatly slicking his hair back, Lucifer looked at his reflection once more in the bedside mirror, inspecting himself up and down to flatten any remaining creases of his clothing. But it wasn't until his gaze landed on his left hand that he tensed up. Peering down, he brought his hand into view to inspect the very wedding band that caused it all. With a shaky sigh, Lucifer slowly pulled the ring off of his finger. He took a moment to examine it, eyes filled with sentiment before kneeling down to open his bedside drawer, where its designated ring-box sat. The moment he encased the ring in its box and locked it away in his drawer, it felt like a breath of fresh air. To his own surprise, Lucifer found himself tearfully laughing – he felt...genuinely happy. Proud, even. It was at this very moment that he felt like he was finally ready to move forward.
After patting the stray tears away from his face, Lucifer slowly made his way down to the front lobby. There, Charlie and Vaggie were talking amongst themselves by the lounge area, whilst Angel and Cherri chuckled away by the bar, with Husk tending to their beverages. The King didn’t give an inkling of care as to where Alastor had gone, and he was certain that Nifty was hiding somewhere in the small crevices of the hotel, cleaning away. All in all, there was no sight of you whatsoever, visibly disappointing him. 
Seeing his approaching form, Charlie waved his father over towards them. “Hey, dad. Are you feeling a bit better now?” She asks with a comforting smile. “Yeah, totally. Thanks, dear,” he says, patting her shoulder affectionately before turning his attention towards her partner. “Hey! How’s it going, Maggie? I’ve heard you’ve been working real hard lately, huh? Good on yah!” He commends, playfully nudging the said demon. “Oh, um…it’s–it’s Vaggie, sir. And uh, thanks,” she nervously chuckles, rubbing her arm. “Mhm, yeah…that’s–that’s great,” Lucifer distractedly hums, all the while scanning around the room. Noticing this, Vaggie shared a worried look with Charlie. 
“Erm, dad, she’s not here at the moment if that’s what you’re wondering,” Charlie starts, alerting her father. “Oh? Well, is she up in one of the guest rooms?” Lucifer asked, gesturing upstairs with a thumb. To his confusion, Charlie appeared somewhat nervous, her hands fidgeting with her suit. “Uh, no, she’s actually not in the hotel at the moment,” Vaggie steps in, “she’s been out doing a couple of errands for us.” Lucifer raised a brow at the slight edginess in her tone, eyes darting back and forth between the two girls. “...Um, alright. What the heck is going on right now?" He asks, pointing an accusatory finger at them both, "You guys are acting sketchy as fuck. Are you...are you guys hiding something from me?" He narrows his eyes. Charlie sucks in a breath, brows pinching together, “Well...dad, t-the thing is–” 
“She’s out with Smiles right now!” Angel suddenly intervened, calling out from the other side of the room, and causing Charlie to cower and duck behind Vaggie. Lucifer felt his shoulders grow rigid. “She’s…what now?” He dangerously asks, glaring at the arachnid. Before Lucifer trudged towards the direction of the bar, the front doors of the hotel abruptly flew open. He felt the vein in his neck nearly burst at the sound of your laughter interlacing itself with that god-awful, irritating radio feedback. What a wild coincidence.
As Lucifer turned around, his eyes nearly flew out of his head as he saw how close you were with Alastor, arms basically locked together. The radio-demon was quick to meet eyes with the King, and out of spite, Alastor flashed him the biggest shit-eating grin he's ever seen.
“Oh, fuck no!”
Chapter III - Finale [x]
Thank you for reading!
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yusiyomogi · 4 days
some episodes of dungeon meshi reaffirm my belief that even a good adaptation is still just an adaptation. when i was a kid i believed in the idea of "perfect adaptation", but it can't exist. everything has to go through filter of someone else's perception and opinion. and of course, a lot of things have to be changed for different media (like, pacing and tone and suddenly music is here too to set up certain mood). that's why i think, if you really like something, it's important to read/watch original work.
i didn't like senshi's backstory in the anime. it was such a memorable and tragic chapter for me in the manga, but i mostly didn't feel anything in the anime because it went so fast. the constant shift in tone is also so much more noticeable with music and animation, that it really feels like anime doesn't give you a room to think and process emotions. and that pause, that slow pacing are important here, so you can really understand what senshi went through. it really should have been an entire episode, but they had to cut it because of the time constraints. it's just unfortunate that it's difficult to adapt, especially with all the episode planning.
also i may sound bitter at this point, but. even the fact that they put it in the first half of the episode right next to purely comedic chapter, which is even in a different volume of the manga (senshi's backstory is the ending of volume 7). i'm just saying that some decisions had to be made and i have no doubt that they knew it wasn't the greatest idea, but had no other choice. in a sense, format dictates everything
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thechaoticdruid · 5 months
[This Bites] (2)
Astarion x Chubby Female MC
Content/Warnings: Winnie freaks the fuck out. Astarion gets an owie. Asshole Brian strikes again. Nothing really crazy in this chapter.
Chapter One: Here it is.
Chapter Two: You are here.
Chapter Three: Lets goooo!
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Winnie fell back with a shriek as the vampire reached out, touching the other side of the screen. 
“Ah….Well that's not exactly the reaction I was hoping for.” He muttered as Winnie continued to stare in shock and disbelief, mouth agape.  “Hello?”
“I have got to be dreaming. This is insane.“ Winnie looked back at the screen before then putting her hand back on the mousepad and attempting to click on Astarion. 
“Hey! Quit that!” He said, swatting the mouse away from him. “I can see how this may be a little overwhelming, but I'll explain everything in a moment. I just need you to do something for me.”
“I’m not sure if I should be listening to you. You just murdered Tav!” 
“Don’t worry about them. They die all the time! They're used to it.” He said in an all too cheerful tone. “I, however, need your help. I'm trapped in this place and you're the only one who can free me.” 
“Still not sure if I should trust a hallucination…”
“Oh for gods sake I'm not a hallucination! I'm as real as you are. Don't believe me? Put your hand against mine. See what happens.” Astarion stared at her intently, keeping his palm pressed against the screen. Winnie paused, thinking it over.
Well It's not actually real after all, right? Probably just a dream…
Finally she placed her hand against his over the screen. For a moment there was no reaction, but then she felt a zapping pain in her hand as if she'd been shocked. Winnie let out a yelp, her hand about to retreat before Astarion phased through the screen and grabbed hold of her wrist. The female jerked back in fear, pulling the vampire out in the process. She fell back and let out a squeak as the male fell on top of her. 
Pink tinted her face as she felt his chiseled muscular physique pressing down upon her much more soft round squishy one. Her mind was flying, filled with shock, concern, disbelief, and a little arousal….
I….I think I'm gonna faint!
“Finally.” Astarion grinned before getting off of the flustered girl. He breathed out, clenching and unclenching his fists as Winnie noticed his fingernails had become more claw-like now that he was outside of her computer. It was so nonsensical that this was even happening. This was a character out of a video game. How in the actual fucking hell was he standing right here?!
“Thank you. It feels like I've been stuck in a time loop for gods know how long.” The silver haired elf looked around her room, a look of pure glee plastered over his face.
“I'm sorry I'm trying to process this all without completely flipping out…” Winnie said, still rather shaken up. “You're a fictional character, you can't physically be here!”
“Well I am. Though if I'm honest everything up until about three days had ago felt rather trance-like. Like I had just woken up from a reoccurring dream.”
“Three days ago? Shit…” An idea began to form in Winnie's mind. Three days prior was when she installed that cheat mod and the game locked her out. What if somehow that was the cause of this!?
“I tried to snap the others out of it, but they were still stuck in the same routine, like some mindless thralls forced to repeat the same journey over and over!” Astarion made a spinning gesture with his hand before rubbing his temple with a sigh.
“None of them seemed phased in the slightest when I tried to speak to them. Not even a good slap did the trick.” Astarion smirked with a hint of mischief, the memory of slapping Gale repeatedly and yelling ‘WAKE UP’ coming to mind.  “So I had to get your attention.” 
“So you messed with my computer?” Winnie glanced back at her laptop.
“The little box portal thing you pulled me through? Yes.” He nodded. 
“And how did you even know about me?”
“You act as though we’ve never met, lover.~” His tone suddenly turned flirty and seductive. “Falling in love with you over and over was one of the few things that didn't grow old. Well that and murdering Cazador of course.” He chuckled with a smile.
“Oh…Well maybe I am just dreaming or hallucinating.” Winnie muttered under her breath. 
“I’ve been able to tell you were there the entire time, darling. That little portal thing of yours goes both ways.”
“You've been able to see me through the screen this whole time!?” Winnie bit her lip, fearful and a bit embarrassed of what he possibly could have seen.
“See and hear, yes. Although you always looked fuzzy from my end. Tav does resemble you a little bit, but you're much more….” His eyes scanned Winnie over, taking in her shape and stature. The girl was quite short, about five feet and three inches. She had short messy brown locks and dark circles under her chocolate brown eyes. A pair of black round glasses framed her round face. Her body was chubby and stocky and her only redeeming quality it had (in her opinion) were her large round breasts. “Voluptuous…” He finished after getting a good look at her.  Despite the meaning of the word Winnie immediately wrote him off as bullshitting as usual. She had played the game enough to know how he was.  
“But it is rather delightful to finally meet you in person. Honestly it feels like we've known each other for years.” 
“Alright…..I'll accept that you're actually sentient. And that everytime I go through the game you can see all my choices....” Winnie said, still coming to terms with the fact that a fucking fictional vampire  just came out of her computer.  “So…What happens now?”
“I see what this new world has to offer, I suppose.” Astarion let out a sigh, “I feel so much stronger here. Like I could do anything I want.” He grinned. Winnie felt very unnerved. He had this somewhat feral look in his eyes and before she could say anything he walked over towards her window like a dumbass only to let out a yell once the sunlight touched him. 
“Ah! Bloody hells!” He hissed before rushing to hide under her nightstand like a cat.
“The fuck are you doing!?” Winnie said before rushing over to shut the curtains. “Did you suddenly think you'd become invincible!?” 
“I assumed I was still under the tadpole’s protection, but it seems I was wrong…” Astarion said with a wince. His face looked a bit singed, Winnie knelt down by the table to look at him. 
“Hold on, I'll be right back.” She said before getting up and leaving her room. She rushed down into the kitchen, opening the medicine cabinet before grabbing some aloe vera ointment. 
Winnie eventually returned to see Astarion crawling out from the table. “Stay still. This is probably going to feel cold.”
“What are you doing?”
“Just patching you up, now hold still.” She unscrewed the lid off the ointment before dabbing some on her fingers and rubbing it over his burns gently. He winced a bit as she rubbed it in over the burns on his face, but eventually sighed in relief. “There. All better.” Winnie smiled slightly. 
“...Thank you….” He said, his tone a bit hesitant. 
“Yeah, well maybe try thinking before rushing into something next time?” She hummed before setting the ointment down on the nightstand. 
The vampire appeared to be staring at her intently, a small smile forming on his face before he cleared his throat a bit. Winnie turned and looked over at her computer before suddenly hearing the front door slam open. 
What the hell were they even doing back this early? Winnie’s mother had specifically stated they'd be home late!
“WINNIE!!!” She could hear Brian's voice shout from across the house. Loud stomping quickly followed.
“Who's that?” Astarion asked. 
“Fuck. You need to hide, now.” Winnie said before looking around the room frantically. She grabbed hold of Astarion's wrist, panic flooded over her face.  Astarion pulled his hand back.
“Now hold on one minute! I think I deserve an explanation!” 
”No time. Now shut up and get in the closet!” She quickly grabbed his shoulders and yanked him over towards her closet door.
“Excuse me!? I will not!” He scoffed.
“Get in the goddamn closet Astarion!!” Winnie growled before forcing him into the closet and shutting the door. Her heart was pounding. 
Not like she wanted to stuff him in there, but if Brian found out there was this strange man in her room she'd likely be called a whore and kicked out of the house. Brian was old fashioned like that. 
The door to Winnie’s room suddenly opened with Brian shoving his ugly head inside. 
“Your mother is sick, so we came back early. I'm going to need some cash because she ruined my new seat cover.” Brian held his hand out as if he expected her to immediately cough up a wad of cash.
Winnie immediately scoffed, “so let me get this straight your wife is sick and you're more concerned about your seat cover? Nevermind, no. I already gave you 200$ last week!” 
“Oh you ungrateful little bitch! I let you stay in my house for free! It's about damn time you start pulling your weight!” Brian snarled and pushed at Winnie’s shoulder, making her step back. Winnie glared at him. Her mother was the one who owned the fucking house, not him. 
“I need to be able to pay for classes! I can't just give you money for every little thing.” Winnie tried to reason with him, but it had absolutely no effect on the man whatsoever.
“You have your own fucking job and live in MY house for free! You better cough up some goddamn money by tomorrow night or you're out!” Brian shouted in her face before stomping out of the room and slamming the door. Winnie sighed, feeling mentally exhausted from that conversation. She stood there for a few moments until she was sure Brian wouldn't be coming back.
“Okay, Astarion, you can come out of the closet now.” She said as the closet door slowly creaked open. The silver haired male stepped out, flicking a sock off his shoulder before speaking.
“Charming fellow isn't he?” 
“Mhm, my mom sure can pick em.” Winnie replied sarcastically, crossing her arms. “That asshole has been a thorn in my side for about four years now. Anyway sorry about the closet thing. It's just better that he didn't find out I had some random man in my room. He tends to get set off by….well everything.” Winnie said before sitting down on her bed, her hand reaching for her laptop. She was rather curious to get down to the bottom of why and how this video game character gained sentience.  
“You know darling, if this man is causing you so much grief I could get rid of him for you? It wouldn't be too difficult.” Astarion said with a sadistic smirk, crimson orbs eyed the door to the hallway.  “After all, I'll likely start to feel peckish soon…”
Winnie’s eyes widened and a look of horror formed on her face. She quickly put her laptop to the side.
“No! No no no no! No killing!” The brunette stood up quickly. 
“What? Oh come on…I doubt anyone would miss the bastard, besides your mother can do so much better I'm sure.” The pale elf said with a grin.
“No, I mean it. You can't kill anyone.” Winnie said sternly.
“Not even bad people? Ugh! You're being completely unreasonable!” Astarion scoffed, his grin completely disappeared and was replaced with a look of frustration and annoyance.
“This world isn't like where you're from Astarion. People don't get away with murder here. And if you aren't caught it'll probably end up being pinned on me.” Winnie tried to explain calmly.
“Fiiiine.” The vampiric huffed, “I'll let him live. For now…” He murmured the last part under his breath. Winnie glared at him before returning to her computer. 
“So assuming you don't want to go back into my computer…” 
“I absolutely do NOT.” Astarion was quick to say.
“I'll have to figure out what to do with you, but for now I guess you can stay here.”  Winnie said, typing in Nexus Mods onto her laptop. Astarion went and sat beside her on the bed, spralling out behind her in a sort of paint me like one of your french girls kind of way.
“We can do whatever you'd like.~” He purred seductively. 
“Stop that.” Winnie said, her cheeks turning bright red as she tried to focus on what she was doing.
“Ugh, you're no fun.” Astarion rolled his eyes and got up off the bed.  The elf scanned Winnie’s bedroom, slightly curious of some of the strange technology the girl had stored there, but not too invested. Then movement caught his crimson eye. A small fluffy black feline emerged from under the bed. She had a pink collar around her neck with a little silver bed attached to it. Curiously the cat padded over, approaching Astarion and sniffing at his shoes.  
“What an adorable little snack.~” He picked up the cat who began to pur at the attention, “don't you just look delectable?” The vampire cooed, scratching the feline behind the ears.
“Astarion. Don't you fucking think about it.” Winnie hissed, immediately feeling protective over her cat.  
“Think about what?” Astarion rose an eyebrow and looked over at Winnie with a mischievous grin.
“I swear if you even think about eating my cat-”
“I would never! Honestly I'm hurt you think so little of me. As if I could harm such a precious little pet.” Astarion held the feline up towards his face, allowing her to gently headbutt against his cheek. Her purring sounded as if it was getting louder and louder. Winnie still kept her eyes on him, though perhaps she was a little paranoid. After all he did seem to fancy cats in the game. Likely felt a kinship towards them being that they were stealthy sadistic little predators who refused to let anyone be their master. 
Winnie sighed, today had been utterly insane. Forget how it happened. What the hell was she going to do now!? She's stuck with a vampire in her house who she has to hide from her asshole of a stepdad. She already knew off the bat there was no way he'd go back where he came from and releasing him out into the real world by himself was probably a terrible idea. 
He'd either wreak havoc or end up burnt to a crisp.  This was just great.
Note from TheChaoticDruid: Ngl the temptation to make this into an Astarion x Maddie (The cat) story is growing. I really think there should be more stories where Star has a cat cause the dynamic is just so cute. Astarion in this story is going to be a bit different because of how I set up that he literally has been through a bunch of different playthroughs that Winnie has done. I'm also planning on diving into the mystery of how the hell this even happened in the first place. Also eventual smut. Yes, it'll be here at some point. Also don't worry Brian's time will come.
Taglist: @the-disaster-in-waiting
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hellish-sunsets · 3 months
Curses and Blessings - Chapter 5
Chapter 1 ~ Chapter 2 ~ Chapter 3 ~ Chapter 4 ~ Chapter 6~ Chapter 7 ~ Chapter 8 ~ Chapter 9
Inwardly, Lucifer was panicking. Outwardly, he remained as bubbly and happy as ever. At least, he hoped he did. He was trying very hard to not let the panic show. 
He had been surprised when the first person he ran across when visiting the hotel was… her. He still had doubts that Charlie was right about her, but her presence still made him nervous. He just didn’t know what to think about… any of this. Despite fussing and worrying about it, alongside Charlie’s meeting today and the upcoming extermination, he hadn’t come any closer to a conclusion about her. But he shouldn’t be rude, right? It’s not her fault he was a mess of a man. So he kept a smile on his face and went along with it.
And maybe, if somewhere along the line he could confirm Charlie’s suspicions… 
Word count: 1643
Read on AO3
@cherry-4200 @adaizel @kyo-kyo1 @elleofdragons @snoozewritezz
Y/N shot up in her bed, eyes flashing in the dark of the room. She sat there as her panting breaths gradually steadied and her mind cleared, but her tears remained. Her face scrunched up as she tried to wipe away the remnants of her nightmare. The sound of crunching metal and shattering glass still rang in her ears.
She took a deep breath and glanced at the alarm clocks, the bright red numbers flashing 7:36. It was early, most of the hotel didn't get up until late. Even Charlie didn't get up till 9, preferring instead to stay in bed and cuddle with Vaggie. She had said it with hearts in her eyes and a blush on her cheeks. How disgustingly adorable.
Which meant Y/N was the only one up at this time.
She tossed the covers off and went to her bathroom, deciding to shower of the remnants of her nightmare and make breakfast for the hotel. If she kept herself busy enough she could move past it and into her day.
Once she was dressed, making sure her sweater sleeves were plenty long enough, she took off through the hotel. The halls were dimly lit by the sun, or the closest hell had to one, casting everything in a gloomy red and gray. It took her a bit to remember the way to the kitchen. She had been here, what, maybe a month or so? She couldn't remember, but it was clearly still too soon to have the layout memorized. She managed to get to the lobby and she was sure she could find the kitchen from there. 
She paused, a confused frown pulling at her lips. 
Was that someone laying on the couch? Yes, surely it was. It looked like… Lucifer? He was laying on his back, staring intently at the ceiling with a rubber duck clutched in his gloved hands. His brows were furrowed, like he was deep in thought. It was odd to see him without his hat and coat, but he did still have his vest on over the white dress shirt. 
She debated approaching him. She had only talked to him the one time before. They certainly weren't close, and he looked like he was really thinking hard. She probably shouldn't interrupt…
But her curiosity got the better of her this time. 
She approached with quiet footsteps, but he didn’t notice her. 
“Hey-” She tried to keep her voice gentle and quiet, she didn’t want to startle him, but he was startled anyway. He jumped at the sound of her voice, staring at her with wide eyes for a moment. Once he processed who he was staring at, he scrambled to sit up and hide his rubber duck, a faint blush painting his pale face. 
“Oh, uh, hey! Y-Y/N, right?” He said, giving an awkward smile.
She still couldn't believe this man was the king of hell. She chuckled, leaning over the back of the couch to smile back at him. 
“Yep! May I ask what brings you here so early in the morning?”
He chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. 
“We'll, I just… couldn't sleep much, so I thought I'd visit Charlie. But nobody's really up yet, so I decided to just wait. Then my mind got away from me, I guess. Just started thinking and worrying and all that, I guess.” 
She found herself staring as he rambled out his thought process, taking in the details in the dim red morning light. God, his hair was so blonde and his eyes were so big. The little blush on his face was so clear on his pale skin. 
Oh, the blush was because she was making him uncomfortable, wasn't it. She turned away and sighed.
“Yeah, she usually doesn't get up till 9. I was just heading to the kitchen to make breakfast or something.” She paused. “If you would like to join me… could be a good distraction.”
He seemed to think her invitation over before brightening up, a wide, sharp toothed smile taking over his face.
“Good idea!” He hopped off the couch and made an exaggerated bow and motion. “After you, my dear!”
She chuckled and led him to the hallway. “I think the kitchen's this way…”
Inwardly, Lucifer was panicking. Outwardly, he remained as bubbly and happy as ever. At least, he hoped he did. He was trying very hard to not let the panic show. 
He had been surprised when the first person he ran across when visiting the hotel was… her. He still had doubts that Charlie was right about her, but her presence still made him nervous. He just didn’t know what to think about… any of this. Despite fussing and worrying about it, alongside Charlie’s meeting today and the upcoming extermination, he hadn’t come any closer to a conclusion about her. But he shouldn’t be rude, right? It’s not her fault he was a mess of a man. So he kept a smile on his face and went along with it.
And maybe, if somewhere along the line he could confirm Charlie’s suspicions… 
No, he couldn’t think like that. It would only lead to disappointment. 
“Here it is!” Her voice broke through his thoughts and a smile slid back onto his face as she led him into the kitchen. It was a very large room, surprisingly clean despite the state of the rest of the hotel. He could work with that. He watched her as she started looking through the fridge. “What should we make…”
”Let’s do pancakes!” he immediately suggested. “I use to make pancakes for Charlie all the time when she was little.”
She nodded her agreement, taking out the eggs and milk and butter. They worked together in silence, Lucifer combining the needed ingredients and stirring while she chopped up some fruit to put in or beside the pancakes, they still hadn’t decided which. 
He found himself glancing at her more than he probably should. He hoped she didn’t notice. He should probably stop, but his eyes were simply drawn to her in a way he couldn’t help, peaking at her wrist. But her sleeve was pulled down and he couldn’t get more of a glimpse than the very edge of the colors. 
They were very similar colors to his…
The thought made his heart jump in his chest and he focused on his stirring.
“Do we have a skillet or something, you think?” He asked, managing to keep his voice even. He smiled at himself, giving himself an imaginary pat on the back.
“Yeah, let me get looking.” She said, putting down her knife to rummage through the cupboards. While she wasn’t looking he smirked at himself and stole a banana slice.
“Don’t touch!” She playfully snapped at him and he froze.
“How the hell did you even see that?” He wondered, staring at her with wide eyes. She turned around to smile at him and wave a large pan. 
“Reflections. If you want fruit, get your own, they’re right there.” She motioned to the bananas and strawberries and the counter next to the cut ones. He narrowed his eyes at her, giving her a big mischievous smile and slowly reaching out to take another slice. She leaned over to slap his hand and he snickered, rubbing at the sting. His little stunt managed to earn himself a small smile from her, one that made her eyes sparkle. “Don’t be a little shit. Do you want to cook the pancakes?”
“I would love to!” He took the pan from her and took his spot at the stove top. 
He hummed happily as he cooked. She handed him the batter and cut fruit when needed, and it wasn’t long before they had several large stacks of pancakes. The smell of the fresh cooked pancakes filled the kitchen. 
It was a surprisingly pleasant moment of domestic levity. Lucifer didn’t think he’d experience such a thing again, not since Lillith… shit, and now he was going to ruin it thinking about her. He tried to clear his mind and focus on the job in front of him. But he kept getting distracted by memories. His smile slowly slipped off his face and he leaned heavily against the neighboring counter. His gaze started to grow distant, the pancakes growing blurry on the plan. Focus, focus…
“Hey Lucifer.”
He managed to snap out of it, a smile easily slipping back onto his face as he turned to her. “Yeah?”
“Do you think we should make blueberry pancakes too?” She asked, holding up a container of the berries in question. The tension in his shoulders seemed to ease some as she spoke. He shrugged. 
“I don’t see why not. Give the people one more choice!”
She nodded, taking the container to the sink to rinse off. Has she done that to the strawberries too and he didn’t notice? Checks out, his mind seemed to wander quite a bit this morning. 
His breath caught in his throat. She was starting to push up her sleeves, the right one first then the left where her mark was hidden. His eyes snapped to her wrist, biting down on his tongue and holding his breath, like if he made a wrong move, or any move at all, she would stop. His eyes widened as he looked over the swirl of colors on her arm, slowly revealed as the sleeve was pushed up. The colors blended into her skin better, almost looking natural on her like it always belonged, a familiar array of gold, orange, and pink. 
He quickly looked away, flipping his pancakes before they could burn. She continued to wash the blueberries, unaware of what he was going through. 
He took a deep breath. Then another. He couldn’t get his thoughts in line. 
Looks like Charlie was right.
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whosscruffylooking · 1 year
The Beginning of Us Part 2 (Joel Miller x Fem! Reader)
A/N: Here is part 2! Next chapter brings the ultimate heartbreaks, so I will be spending a little extra time on it. Also, if anyone wants to be added to the tag list for this series please let me know!
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Warnings! Spoilers for TLOU Episode 1, mentions of death, mention of panic attack, angst.
Word Count: 3.9k
»»————- ♡ ————-««
*September 26, 2003* ~Later That Evening~ "So, the answer would be 783?" Sarah appears unsure. You give her a reassuring nod, "Exactly. Great job. You know, as much as I dread going to work every day, I'm so glad I don't have to do homework anymore." The two of you are sitting on her bed agonizing over her algebra homework.
As she piles up all of her papers into her folder, you wander around her room, examining all of the little touches that make the room hers. There is a simple, yet strong feminine touch to her room. A clear representation of the latest teen trends, and yet it is all a reflection of her youthful vibrance.
The poster in the corner of the room catches your eye, "You really do love Halican Drops huh?" "It's my dream to see them in concert one day," she says with a sparkle in her eye. "I think we should go sometime," you wink at her.
She jumps off of her bed, "Are you serious?"
"Yeah, I saw them once live and they are amazing. It would be even more fun to go with another fellow superfan."
Her enthusiastic expression turns to a more solemn one. Extending your arm out to her you bring her back over to the bed to sit down, "What's wrong Sarah?"
She pauses and takes a deep breath, "My dad is a good man...but he's been through a lot. He has been hurt a lot. Uncle Tommy has tried to get him to date, but nothing ever comes of it. That's why I know you are different."
"W-what?" Your brain stutters for a moment, struggling to process what is happening.
"I know you slept over last night. And before you freak out about that, I just want you to know that it makes me happy to see my dad as optimistic as he's been. He's come out of his shell again. I swear to God everything we talk about somehow comes full circle back to you too. The other day I said I want to go to Disney World and he told me how you have a baby picture of yourself with Mickey Mouse on your fridge. That was my first signal that my suspicions have been accurate."
Leaning forward, you take her hands into yours once more, "Sarah...if any of this makes you uncomfortable at all please tell me. I would never want to overstep or make you feel like-"
"Hey hey hey, I'm so happy about this. Since you moved in a year ago, you've slowly brought my dad back to me. I can see the way he looks at you, it's kind of how he looks at me...but different."
Tightening your grasp around her hands, you draw her into a hug. She settles into your embrace and whispers, "Just don't hurt him." Kissing the top of her head you quietly express, "I'll keep him safe I promise."
»»————- ♡ ————-«« The rest of the night is spent waiting on Joel to get home. You and Sarah intensely watched the clock as the hours passed by, wondering when he'd get back.
Finally, the door-knob to the front door begins to shake and you can hear Joel mutter a curse word when he realizes it's locked. "Well, you locked the door for once, good job," he acknowledges Sarah once inside. "That's because I made her," you stare down at her. Nothing can hide the disappointment on her face. She'd wanted so badly to spend the day celebrating her dad, and nothing had gone according to plan.
The young girl kindly reprimands her father for coming home past the time he'd promised AND for forgetting to bring home a cake, she makes him swear to make up for it tomorrow. Eager to move past the awkwardness and save Joel a little embarrassment, you signal to Sarah to give him his watch.
"Fixed it for you," her hopeful eyes look to his in search of commendation and gratitude. He tricks her into thinking that the watch wasn't properly fixed and you watch the two of them with such admiration, for the beautiful bond they have. The ability to have a deep father, daughter relationship and yet be each other's best friends was so endearing. You never want to come between them, but you'd be honored to have a front-row seat to their little family unit.
"Where'd you get the money for this?" He inquires.
"Drugs. I sell hardcore drugs," she says in all seriousness.
You and Joel laugh in unison, your eyes meeting briefly before turning your attention back to his daughter.
"Actually," she rests her head on your shoulder, "Y/N helped."
There is a pleased look in his eye, as his gaze meets yours. It's as if some element of peace washed over him and pure contentment settled into his rough features. It's been years since a woman showed him this much kindness, and you'll be damned if that job ever goes to someone else. »»————- ♡ ————-«« Sarah had fallen asleep to a movie, her head laying in Joel's lap. The two of you kept stealing glances throughout the movie. You feel his fingertips graze your shoulder and you turn to him, resting your head on the back of the sofa.
"Hi Joel," your pupils dilate.
"Hi beautiful," his eyes twinkle, fixated on studying every detail of your face.  
Very quickly, you learn that your conversations do not need words to feel meaningful. The tilts of your heads, the shrugs of your shoulders, the serene sighs of surrender when you feel completely at ease with one another. Both of you are soothed by each other's presence and it is evident even in the voids of quietness. In those moments you can fully savor the company of the other and thrive off of the respect and admiration that radiates from you. There is a feeling of safety and confidence that stays between you and has existed since the beginning of your friendship.
The sharp ringing of the phone snaps you both back to reality. He answers it. You can't make out the words but can tell it is Tommy on the other line. With a heavy sigh, Joel falls back against the couch in defeat.
Damn it Tommy. You got yourself locked up again, didn't you?
Joel turns to you, jaw clenched with annoyance, forehead furrowed in disappointment. He wants to stay here with you a little while longer.
You offer to remain at the house and make sure Sarah is taken care of while he picks up Tommy. He takes her upstairs to tuck her into her bed. Dragging himself back downstairs, he rolls his neck from one side to the other in an endeavor to relieve the kinks. Stifling a yawn, you meet him halfway in the living room.
"We'll be here when you get back."
Although his expression was pensive, it eases slightly as you pull him out of his thoughts and back into the present with you.
"Thank you for staying with Sarah. Hell, sleeping over two nights in a row...things are getting serious." He gives you a goofy smile.
"Go!" You let out a short laugh and shove him out the front door. »»————- ♡ ————-«« As the hours rolled by, your sense of urgency grew. Joel should have been back with Tommy by now. Eager to distract yourself you turn on the television and aimlessly channel surf until you discover a movie that piques your interest. Another hour of watching the front door, willing Joel and Tommy to walk through it, passes by.
Drowsiness begins to overtake you. You take your eyes off of the television screen not wanting to exert any more effort into looking at it. Each muscle in your body begins to release the tension of the day, one by one as you settle onto the couch. The faint buzz of the television lulls you to the edge of sleep in mere moments.
Jolted awake by the deafening rumble of helicopters passing overhead, you fight off the dream that is still clouding your mind. Everything from your eyelashes to your feet feels heavy. Resting your eyes once more, you grant yourself another moment to enjoy the void of unconsciousness.
That moment is interrupted by Sarah shaking you awake.
"Y/N, what's going on? I think I can see explosions outside..."
Groggily sitting up, your vision finally focuses on the TV just past Sarah. The channel that was airing a movie not too long ago is now distorted with static. Sarah picks up the remote and changes the channel.
"STAY INDOORS! Law enforcement and emergency services are in the area and will be in contact with further instructions."
"What the f-"
Your attention shifts from the national alert to the sound of scratching at the window. The Adler's dog is loose and attempting to get into the house.
Okay, this night CANNOT get any stranger.
"It's Mercy! We need to see if he's okay," Sarah rushes to the door. You grab her arm, "Uh, I don't think that's a good idea. I think we need to stay inside right now and keep the doors locked."
"But he never gets loose. What if something is wrong with the Adlers?"
Suppressing the dread that is developing rapidly within you, you swallow your fear for Sarah's sake. You have to keep things calm and safe for her.
"Alright," you smooth your hand over her hair, "I'm gonna go over to my house and grab my nursing kit okay? Let me go check on them, but you do not, and I am so serious right now....do NOT leave this house by any means. Understand?"
She was too frightened to even lift her head, rather she stared out the window at the distant flares of light coming from the city.
You kneel to her level and hold her for a moment, "Everything is going to be alright okay?"
"Can I see if Mercy is okay?"
Conceding, you cautiously open the door and allow Sarah to clutch onto the dog. "Remember Sarah, do not leave the house."
Your pulse beats in your ears, as you turn to face your house. Although your mind is intent on making the trek across the street, it is as if your feet are cemented to the ground.
You tell yourself that being a little nervous is a completely normal reaction to what is going on. But that's just it, what IS going on?
God Joel, where the hell are you?
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Damn it Tommy can you drive any faster?"
Tommy's grip on the wheel tightens, finding an odd comfort in the grooves between his fingers.
"Joel, I am going as fast as I can okay? They will be fine. Sarah is a smart girl and she has Y/N who won't let anything bad happen to them."
Joel could not wrap his mind around any of the events that transpired once he left his home to go get Tommy. One second he was in the comfort of his living room, within arms reach of the woman he'd just spent the most incredible night with. And his daughter, the embodiment of his heart and soul, was safe asleep on his lap. Next thing he knows, he and Tommy are being chased by a stampede of rabid-like inmates at the Travis County Jail. He could no longer restrain the tremors in his hands, shaking in an irregular rhythm.
"You really care about this girl don't you," Tommy's voice manages to break through the wall of thoughts blockading Joel from thinking clearly.
Recalling the night before, he is transported back to the moment when you pulled his shirt over his head and started grazing your hands across his chest, down the ridge in between his abs. It was a sensory overload, every nerve ending in his body tingled with anticipation. The two of you collapsed onto his bed, your bodies trembling as you bonded with every motion, each passionate touch leaving a flaming sensation on your skin. Your hearts raced in tempo with one another, like a symphony crescendoing to its epic finale.
"I do. This is the only time since Sarah's mom left that I've felt alive. Young again, invincible." Joel has never felt so certain in his life about someone, not even his ex-wife. Being with you is effortless. In your presence, he feels weightless. Like a drug, you drew him in slowly, tempting his every desire. At first, he took you in, little by little. And without detection, he became addicted. »»————- ♡ ————-«« Emerging from your home, nursing kit in hand, you prepare yourself for whatever you might face at the Adler's home. Surely it is nothing too grave, and yet you can't help but wonder why her kids didn't come to get you or call 911 if something happened to Nana?
Passing Joel's house, panic passes over you, causing the fine hairs on the back of your neck to rise. The front door is still open. Your mind races faster than your feet as you rush into the house. The endless possibilities as to what could've happened to her plague you.
You are confident that if anything happens to Sarah, Joel will strangle you with his bare hands...and not in a pleasurable way. Even if you told that stubborn girl not to move a finger from where you left her. She reminds you so much of yourself though. Curiosity can be so enticing at times that it blinds a person. Especially someone with as honorable of a heart as Sarah's.
"Sarah!" You frantically call out in each room.
Where are she and that damn dog?
Joel, hurry up. Please.
After surveying the entirety of the house to no avail, your chest tightens, and your lungs feel as though they have been wrung out of oxygen. Unsure of whether or not your lack of oxygen is due to the running or the panic attack creeping up on you, you take a moment to gather your thoughts. Mind over matter. Where would she go?
The dog. The damn dog. She's at the Adler's.
The next few seconds are a blur. You are uncertain how you got to the Adler's doorstep so swiftly. It felt like you were practically flying. Similar to Joel's home, the front door is open.
This girl needs to learn how to not only lock doors but actually CLOSE them.
A sickening sensation flares through your body as you peer into the still home. There go the hairs on the back of your neck again, but this time, the tingling sensation snakes down your spine and arms too.  Instinctually, you know not to go in there. But, Sarah is in there and she matters more than any gut feeling or self-preservation right now.  
Apprehensively, you venture deeper into the house. That's when you lay eyes on her, frozen in the kitchen. Unclear as to what she is fixated on, you join her in the doorway. That's when you see it. A trail of blood leads directly to Mr. Adler, his mouth agape and his limbs contorting. At first, the sight does not phase you. As a nurse working in an emergency room, you handle bloody wounds day in and day out. It's not until you look closely at where the blood is coming from that your fears reignite.
Is that...a bite wound?
A guttural noise captures your attention. Following Sarah's line of sight, terror sucks the very breath from your lungs. There is Nana, atop Mrs. Adler. Another river of blood floods from the daughter-in-law's neck.
Nana's raspy breathing slows to a more even tempo as she raises her eyes toward you. Vine-like appendages protrude from her mouth, attaching themselves to Connie's neck. The drumming of your heart, deafening and irregular, obscures your mind with fear.
Fight? Or flight? First, get Sarah as far away as possible.
Latching onto Sarah's arm, you tug her behind you.
One word. "Run."
Keeping your eyes on the gasping old woman, you ready yourself to prevent her from reaching Sarah at all costs. You listen intently for Sarah's footsteps pounding out of the house until you are positive she's made it outside.
You can feel the flight responses taking over your body, flooding you with increased adrenaline.
Nana stumbles to her feet as she releases a splintering screech. That is when the adrenaline ceases full control over your body, sending you hurdling towards the front door. Whatever creature has possessed the once docile elderly lady, is now hot on your heels. Her bone-chilling snarls signal you to her presence behind you.
Just as you begin to fear the worst outcome, you see him.
"Don't go," Joel's pleas echo in your mind from mere hours ago.
The thought of being wrapped up in his secure embrace once more drives you to push your legs harder.
Anguish pierces his voice as he calls out your name. Even so, it translates into a calming melody that brings some clarity to your mind.
"Get behind me..." He motions you over to Sarah.
As you hold her trembling frame, you turn back to Nana who is collapsed on the ground. Her limbs are mangled and her eyes are void of any life. Suddenly, the sharp cracking of her bones churns your stomach. Like a rabid animal, she growls and sprints toward Joel on all fours. Rising to her feet and closing in on him, she flails her arms wildly.
"What are we doing Joel!?" Tommy exclaims.
Without hesitation, Joel swings the wrench clutched in his fist and lands one solid blow to the side of the woman's head, sending her motionless body to the ground. Sarah screams and you quickly shield her from the sight of her father standing over their neighbor's corpse...or at least the shell of what she used to be.
Joel rushes to his daughter's side and caresses her cheek, looking her over to make sure she's safe and in one piece.
"You killed her," she cries in disbelief as she collapses into his arms.
He tightens his grip on her, "Baby, I'm sorry." He pulls away and stares into her eyes with strength and focus, "It's not just the Adlers. But we're gonna be brave and we're gonna get out of this."
Not just the Adlers? The helicopters flying towards the city...whatever took control of Nana did not die with her, she was merely the introduction.
Feeling lightheaded, you lean against Tommy's truck. He rushes to your side and holds you up, "You got that nursing kit of yours?"
"N-no. Inside," you point to Joel's house.
One by one, generators and streetlights begin to explode. Sparks of orange and gold, light up the sky over your neighborhood.
Joel ushers Sarah into the car and turns to face you. For a brief moment, time stands still. His pupils dilate, as he looks at you, the woman who made the future look like skies as clear as sapphire. Yet, he recognizes a shift in the atmosphere. A shared dread hanging over you like a dark, impenetrable cloud. His hands tremble, searching for yours to steady them. He twitches, his body responding to your delicate touch.
"Don't go." He implores you. His signature phrase to you. That in itself could be your new love language.
Attempting to open your mouth to speak, no words flow out. A simple nod is all you can manage. With that permission, he hurries you into the truck, meanwhile warning another one of your neighbors to stay inside and lock her door. Once Joel is inside, you lean forward and drape a reassuring hand on his shoulder. A subtle, but significant sign of solidarity. He laces his fingers with yours and holds you in place against the back of his seat.
As aggressively as Tommy floors the truck into motion, he brings it to a screeching halt. The headlights of the truck illuminate the Adlers stumbling onto the street. Their limbs are just like that of Nana's, wrenched and fidgeting.
"Get your seatbelts on," Joel declares.
Tommy warns, "Hold on..."
His foot finds its way back to the accelerator with no delay. Bracing yourself for the unthinkable you turn to Sarah, "Come here." She folds into your lap, a whimper escaping her lips. The Adlers charge at the truck simultaneously. Connie soon disappears from view as the truck plows over her and sideswipes Danny.
Closing your eyes, you do everything in your might to hold down the bile rising in your throat.
Sarah sits up and wipes a few stray tears from her eyes, "Daddy-"
"We don't know," Joel interrupts.
You shake your head in disbelief, "The Adlers, they were infected with something, some kind of parasite maybe?"
"That's what they're saying on the radio, some kind of virus," Tommy confirms.
"Are we sick?" The young girl persists.
"No. Of course not," Joel's fearful tone turns to a more frustrated one. As a father, his instinct is to protect his daughter and provide her with comfort, but he has no clue what kind of threat lies ahead and can't give her satisfying answers. You tighten your hold on his hand, and he gives you a firm squeeze.
Joel's brother slows the truck as you spot a family pulled off onto the side of the road.
"Tommy, don't," you state firmly. The family shouts after you in desperation.
"But they have a kid."
"So do we," Joel glares at Tommy.
It's officially every man for themselves. Each outsider you bring into your safety net becomes a variable. An unpredictable risk that could put you and the people you care most about in grave danger.
Beams of crimson light glow in the distance, a vast sea of unmoving taillights. Seems like everyone in Austin had the escape plan as you, sending Tommy into a frenzy.
"It's okay, just think it through, we'll think it through," Joel says in repetition, not just for Tommy, but also to ease himself.
Coming from the opposing direction, panicked vehicles race towards you, and away from the perpetual gridlock that hundreds of other cars are trapped in.
Looking out the window into the vast, empty land that stretches for miles uninterrupted, you have a plan.
"Tommy, the field. It's the perfect detour. Cut across it and we will end up on the west side."
Speedily, he veers off onto the barren land. A stampede of cars follows behind you. The collective rays of the headlights light your path to....another dead end. The highway is infested with army vehicles crawling along it.
Tommy and Joel bicker over what the next move should be. Joel opts for a small town on the north side.  
"And then what?" You interject.
Joel steadies himself against the dash, the unstable terrain tossing your bodies left and right.
"I don't know. Mexico. Just far, far as we can."
Sarah's eyes gloss over. "Maybe it's everywhere. Maybe there's nowhere to go."
"Hey, hey look at me. We are going to be fine. As long as the four of us stick together, we will be fine. There will be somewhere for us to go and find safety. I promise you, we won't let anything happen to you," you place your hand over your heart and affirm to her.
The dilemma is, you don't know if you can even accept what you promised Sarah. This isn't some influenza you can shelter in place from. The battle is against mankind's worst enemy, man. But not normal men, men being transformed into monsters.
"I-I believe you." Sarah's faith in you is unshakeable, "And I love you too Y/N."
»»————- ♡ ————-««
Tag List: @midgetpottermills​ @erenswiffe​ 
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girlwiththepapatattoo · 5 months
you see through me what lies beyond, Chapter 2
Warnings: vaginal sex, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, intimidation, Ganondorf being himself
Summary: Left alone in the Demon King's rooms, you pick up a new skill.
Notes: I hadn't expected to do a second chapter, but I managed to get an idea for a plot! Granted, I'm not sure where it'll go right now, but...that's part of the fun. If you spot any mistakes in this, feel free to point it out, I'm falling asleep editing lol <3
Read on Ao3 here!
Previous chapter
You wake alone. For a moment, you startle at the unfamiliar bed, the silk sheets under your naked skin, before memories of the previous night come rushing in. You feel your face go hot as you remember everything that happened. I can’t believe that I really…with him…
You roll over, pressing your hand to the space he’d been in when you fell asleep together. The sheets are cold. He must have gotten up early, you think. You stamp down on the rising disappointment. I doubt he’s a cuddler…
Slipping out of bed, you make a face at the lingering stickiness between your legs. You start to make your way to the bathroom, before pausing. On the table where you shared dinner last night is a place setting for one, and what looks like a folded piece of paper sitting in front of the plate. Smiling faintly, you grab the card as you head into the bathroom for a quick wash, opening it and reading it on the way. In tidy, efficient handwriting, it says: 
My little beauty, I have work to do today, so you will not see me until dinner. You may read anything in my rooms that you wish; I cast a spell this morning upon your brow that will let you read our common tongue. Avail yourself of my bathroom. If you get hungry or thirsty, simply press your hand to your plate or cup and the food you want will appear.  Above all else: Do not leave this room! I cannot guarantee your safety if you do. I would not see you killed so soon after you’ve arrived.  Ganondorf
“Not until dinner, huh?” you murmur, disappointed. But you know that he’s a busy man, so you try not to take it personally. 
You soak in the tub until pruny, enjoying the way that you can stretch out in the water as much as you want, even floating at one point. But your stomach rumbles insistently at you, and so you finally get out, wrapping yourself in a big, fluffy towel and heading out to eat. Breakfast is delicious, hearty and filling, with a variety of fruits that burst on your tongue. 
And all the while, your mind is racing. Yesterday, so much happened that you couldn’t process it very well. (It didn’t help that you were very thoroughly distracted by a certain giant king, either.) But now that you’re alone without much to do, it all hits you like a truck. 
The Legend of Zelda is real. Ganondorf is real. And this isn’t a game. 
A part of you aches to go explore, wanting to see all the places you’ve only been to in pixelated form. But your lover’s warning gives you a healthy pause. This isn’t a game, and you were no warrior like Link. Odds are, if you were to meet one of Ganondorf’s minions, you would be killed. The thought made you shiver in fear. 
And so, once breakfast is done, you peruse his bookshelves. Leather-bound volumes sit proudly in neat rows, and scrolls are tidily piled in drawers. Titles in languages you can’t read decorate the spines and covers of many of the tomes, and some books give you such a bad feeling that you don’t dare to touch them. But there are a fair few that are written in Common, and thanks to the spell he placed on you, could be read just fine. You settle on a bestiary of various monsters, thinking to arm yourself with some knowledge at least, and settle down into Ganondorf’s huge armchair before the fire. 
This particular book is large to accommodate detailed pictures of monster anatomy, the binding sturdy and a muddy brown color. You read about the different monsters that one could encounter in the world, doing your best to commit them to memory. But when learning about their biology no longer holds your attention, you return to the bookshelves, looking for something different. 
And indeed, you find it. Sitting there amongst the tomes is a thick book, written in common: Magic Primer. “Primer…that’s for beginners,” you murmur, and pull the book out. As your fingers touch the binding, a gentle warmth flows up your arm. It makes you smile, hopeful that this will be something you’ll be able to learn. 
You quickly make your way back to the armchair, Ganondorf’s words from yesterday about your possible talent swirling through your mind. Excitedly, you crack the book open. 
New student of magic, this author says to you: above everything else, above natural talent, above raw power, the one thing that a learner of magic must remember to be is patient. Learning magic is akin to befriending a feral cat. If you try too hard, it will run from you. Not hard enough and it won’t be interested in what you have to offer. And if you do not guard yourself, it will rip your throat out.  As in all things, you must find balance, and be not discouraged if the power doesn’t immediately leap to your fingers.  Patience, student, will get you far further than anything else. 
“Patience,” you murmur. “Well, I’m stuck in this room until he gets tired of me, so I can do patience.” 
You turn the page. The first chapter is about meditation, and how important it is to beginners learning magic. “It is highly recommended that new students meditate for at least an hour before trying anything beyond this chapter. A chaotic mind will yield chaotic spells, which can be dangerous for new practitioners,” you murmur, reading aloud. 
You shift in place, following a diagram from the page about how you should sit. “Clearing one’s mind, for most people, is easier said than done. But it need not be full silence. A monotone hum can be even more effective than trying for nothing at all.”
You nod to yourself, lay your hands on your knees, close your eyes, and start humming. A soft, straight tone sound filters into the air around you as you focus on your breathing. You didn’t think you’d be any good at it, and it is difficult, trying not to latch on to the random thoughts that pop into your mind. But almost before you know it, the hour’s past. You shift, stretching out joints gone stiff from sitting in one place for so long. 
The second chapter details some easy first spells. “A light spell is always handy,” you read, “and relatively easy to do. Hold open your dominant hand and fill your thoughts with light. Keep in mind, light can take different forms. If you think about firelight, a flame will light in the air above your palm, so be cautious. The easiest and safest is to think about pure sunlight, as it will result in a simple glowing ball of light.” 
You open your hand above your knee and close your eyes. You think back to…just a few days ago, actually. On Earth, it’s the beginning of spring where you live, and the snows are beginning to melt. You’d stepped out of your door and felt the warm sun on your skin, the feeling pleasant enough to make you stop for a few moments just to enjoy it. 
It’s that feeling that you bring up. The light against your eyelids, the warmth on your face, the uplifting feeling it gave your spirit…so strong is the memory you nearly feel sunlight on your skin now. 
Your eyes snap open, and hovering above your palm is a baseball-sized orb of light, giving off a softly radiant glow. 
You gape it as it floats above your hand. You did magic. 
You did magic.
You did magic!!!
You’re so excited that your mental control over the spell is thrown out the window, and rather than just fade, it bursts into motes of light that slowly disappear, like a tiny firework that reflects your elation. You all but squeal in delight. “Holy shit, I can do magic!” 
Your stomach takes that moment to grumble, but you didn’t want to stop now. So you take up the book and move to the plate on the table. “Let’s see if I can figure out how to make the light stay without concentrating,” you murmur as the tray conjures you lunch. 
And so it is that later that night, when Ganondorf unlocks his door and enters his room, he’s met with dozens of globes of light, softly shining and floating in the air, and you in the process of making another, still only clad in a fluffy towel. 
He stares in shock as he watches you gently toss out another globe, which comes to rest a few inches from one that’s already made. He closes the door behind him, locks it, and snaps his fingers. At once, all the globes go out. You gasp, jumping in sudden fright as the room is suddenly much darker than it was, and you turn to look at him. Those golden eyes all but glaring down at you make you swallow. “Y-You’re back! Ganondorf, I-” 
“What do you think you are doing?” he all but growls at you. He walks toward you, slowly, and you feel your spine trying to disintegrate. You’ve never felt so small, so insignificant before in your life, like a gnat before a colossus. 
“I’m sorry, I…I found this book!” You hold out the primer in front of you like a shield. “I-I was just curious, I didn’t think it would actually work, but then I made a light, and-” 
You cut off with a yelp as he snatches the book from you, flipping through the first couple pages. He’s quiet for a few minutes, before uttering, “Have you tried any other spells?” 
“N-No! I swear, I only did the light spell!” you gasp. 
He closes the book and sighs as he takes in your terrified appearance. “...that is well then.” He offers you the book back, which you gingerly take. “I did not mean to frighten you. But magic can be dangerous to learn on one’s own. I would be cross if you’d burned up my room.” 
You figure that’s as close to an apology you’re likely to get from him, and your shoulders start to relax. A little, anyway. “I…I wouldn’t want to learn the more dangerous spells on my own anyway. I’m not stupid,” you mumble defensively.
“Glad to hear it,” he rumbles wryly. He tilts his head slightly, and despite himself a hint of  curiosity enters his gaze. “How long did it take you to perform the spell the first time? Tell me about your method.” 
You perk up, and you start grinning. “Okay, so, the book said that before you start on magic work for the day that you should meditate to calm your mind, so I did that. Then, the light spell said to ‘imagine a light source, but be careful if it’s fire.’ It suggested sunlight, so I just…” You explain to him your thought process. “...and when I opened my eyes it was there, above my palm!” 
He looks surprised. “That easily?” 
You nod eagerly. “That easily! I was so surprised and excited that the spell sorta burst, it was pretty.” 
“I see.” He looks thoughtful. Then he suddenly scoops you up with one arm and strides to the armchair, sitting and settling you into his lap. His arms wrap around your waist, and he curves his chest over your back. “Show me. Perform the spell again.” 
You’re a little breathless from being manhandled like that-one night in his presence wasn’t nearly enough to get you used to this. But you nod and close your eyes. “Give me a moment to settle my mind again.” 
Amusement enters his golden gaze, as if he knows exactly what you’re thinking. “Of course.” 
You both sit there in silence as you calm down. Though, it was easier said than done: the fact that you could sit cross-legged in Ganondorf’s lap and still have room left over was…very distracting. But eventually, your emotions settle, and you open your eyes. “Okay.” 
He watches you as you lift your hand, but he’s not just watching your physicality. He’s practiced enough in the arcane arts that he can feel other people’s energies. He hadn’t been kidding yesterday when he told you his thoughts about you and sorcery, but not just because your feelings were able to breach dimensional boundaries. He can feel a wealth of energy inside you, locked behind your world’s limitations. But upon traveling to a world where magic is common, those limitations were shattered, and now your energy flows freely. 
He watches as it travels from your heart and brain, the epicenters of magical force, down your arm, up through your palm to curve into a ball and burst into radiant light. It took all of two seconds. It hovers there, casting a cheerful light over the area. You grin up at him. 
He watches it for a moment. “Show me how you anchor it.” 
“Okay.” You close your eyes again. He watches just a tiny sliver of your energy break off from the main body of the pool available to you. It sticks through the ball of energy as if nailing it to a wall, and you take your hand away, letting it float there.Ganondorf reaches out, poking at the orb, trying to move it–but it stays firm. 
“...I have to admit, I am fairly impressed,” he finally says. You light up, almost brighter than the orb you’d created. “Do not get me wrong, this is a beginner spell. Creating light is not difficult for even children, once they have even a rudimentary grasp of their own energy. However…” He leans back in the armchair, looking thoughtful as you turn around in his lap to face him. “You performed this spell instantly the first time you tried it. That is rare. And to follow it up, in your first session ever using magic, with a holding technique?” He nods. “I will give credit where credit is due: that is very well done.” 
You beam happily at him. “Thank you! I didn’t think something like that would impress you, I’m honored.” 
He nods. “As you should be. However…this will be the last time that you practice magic by yourself.” 
You blink, your stomach sinking like a rock. “...why?” 
“Like I said, I do not want you burning down my room. I have too many important documents and relics in here. Instead, starting tomorrow, you will learn directly from me, in a training room much more suited.” 
Your jaw drops. “You…you’re going to teach me yourself?!”
“I am. Your potential is too great to leave to someone else. I will see to it personally.” 
“Holy shit,” you breathe, and he rumbles a chuckle in amusement. “I…well, I’ll do my best to learn.” 
“Of course you will. I do not expect any less.” He watches you for a long moment, before reaching forward and capturing your chin in between his thumb and forefinger. “Be warned: I will push you to your limits.” 
You swallow hard, but smile faintly. “I figured you would. You’re good at that.” 
His lips quirk up into a smirk, and he leans forward, so close his nose brushes yours. “Am I? Is my little beauty thinking of last night?” he purrs. 
Your heart rate ramps up, your eyes blowing wide. “I’m sitting in your lap and you’re about to kiss me. How could I not?” you whisper back. 
He abruptly grabs your hips, and he yanks you forward against his chest. “I do enjoy how eager you are, little one,” he whispers into your jawline, nipping playfully as his right hand lifts to curl gently around your throat. Heat explodes into your veins, and your gasp is music to his ears. “I like the thought that you are so eager, you would do anything I ask. Would you not?” 
You whimper, trembling at his touch, your hips already pressing forward into his. “V-Very nearly, yes,” you gasp. 
He chuckles, low and dark, the sound curling lithely into your core. “As I thought.” Then abruptly, he plucks you from his lap and stands you next to his chair. “However,” he says, standing as you sway a little, “I have not eaten anything since breakfast. Delicious as you are, you are not very filling.” He smirks down at you as he moves for the dining table. “I will save you for dessert.” 
You gape at his back in disbelief as he leaves you there. The heat is rapidly dissipating as you realize that he’d been only playing with you, and you huff, blushing darkly as you come over to take your seat at the table. “You’re a damn tease, Gan.” 
He flicks his hand at the covered platter, and when he removes the cloche there are slices of roasted beef, smelling of spices and something like wine. There’s also steamed vegetables, and on the other plates appear fresh fruit. It’s a very well rounded meal. “I do not recall giving you permission to shorten my name,” he muses, raising an eyebrow as he serves you a portion of the food. 
You flush faintly. “Well…your full name’s a bit of a mouthful.” Much like other things, you think, though you don’t say it out loud.
“Even so. One night of passion does not entitle you to such…familiarity. Not yet, anyway. You will call me Ganondorf, or my lord. Understood?” 
You glower at him. “If that’s what you want, then fine. But it feels weird being so formal with you, and not just because we…we had sex. I grew up knowing you and your stories, for God’s sake.” You pause as his eyes flick to yours. “How about a compromise? Can I call you Ganon?” 
His lips purse in disapproval. “I am not Ganon. Ganon is my bestial form, and you should know that.” 
“I do, but that doesn’t mean-”
“I have given you your options,” he says firmly. “If you cannot follow my wishes on such a minor subject, how am I to trust you to follow my orders when I teach you magic?” 
Despite yourself, you wince and look down. “All right…I’m sorry, Ganondorf.” 
“Apology accepted.” 
He goes quiet after that. You examine him as you both eat, though you try your best to be subtle about it. He’s perfectly mannered, but his eyes are miles away. You wonder what he’s thinking about, if there’s some problem with his plans. You wonder if it’s Link and Zelda…and that thought makes you freeze, your eyes going wide in sudden realization. 
“Could I ask you a question?” He grunts an affirmative. “If you die, am I stuck here?” 
He looks at you sharply. “Why are you thinking of my death?” 
You hold up your hands placatingly. “I’m not! I mean, I am, but not in-I don’t want you to die, that’s not what I meant. But generally, if you’re alive then Zelda and Link move against you, and that tends to lead to you dying. What if you die while I’m still here?” 
He stares at you for a long moment, before sighing. “If they were to slay me, yes, you would be stuck here. But they would not kill you, as you are not part of my plans. You are only my companion.” 
“All right…” You look down, swallowing slightly as you cut another piece of beef. “That would…kinda suck. I mean, not only do I not want you to die, but I wouldn’t know where to even start about living in a fantasy realm.” 
He snorts. “Yes, a world of much lower technology would be a culture shock for you. But once Zelda learns that you know about…all of us, I am sure she would provide for you.” 
“You think?” 
“Of course. Not only because she is kind, but because you would be a source of information for her.” 
You smile ruefully. “Wisdom.” 
The tone of your voice sounds almost resigned, and he chuckles without much humor. “Wisdom. You understand better than I thought you would.” 
“The outside perspective helps with that.” 
It goes quiet again, save for the snap of the fireplace and the clink of utensils. Only once the food is gone does he turn to you. He smirks, his eyes roaming your form, and he flicks his fingers. The platter and plates disappear from the table. “Stand.” 
You flush, but you push your chair back and stand before him. “Good girl,” he rumbles, and the praise makes a shiver run up your spine. “Come closer.” 
You step forward, and as soon as you’re within reach he grasps you and lifts you from the floor, stripping the towel off and laying you face down on the table. You gasp as he pulls your hips up into the air, his enormous hands framing themselves around your ass cheeks. “Ganondorf!” 
He chuckles, a low, amused, aroused rumble as his eyes feast on the view before him. “Yes? I told you that I would have you for dessert, did I not?”
“You did, b-but I didn’t think you meant it literally!” 
He snorts. “Rarely am I anything but literal, little one. Now, unless you’re crying out in pleasure, hush.” 
You flush darkly as his thumbs pull your lower lips open. You glisten in the firelight, and in the light from the nearby candles, and he watches with relish as your weeping hole twitches in arousal. He says nothing, just emits a pleased near-growl as his eyes roam your folds. His right index finger hooks gently over your labia, leaving his thumb free to rub teasing circles over your entrance. A choked cry is muffled into the table top as all the eager nerves are stimulated around your hole, and he smiles when he feels your thigh muscles twitch under his left hand. 
His thumb suddenly sinks into you, punching a curse out of your lips. He plunges it in and out a couple times, watching the way your slick builds around the digit, before he pulls it out to swipe once over your clit. 
He chuckles as your hips buck. 
His right hand leaves your ass as he sinks one long, thick middle finger into you. Your fingernails scratch against the table top as that finger slowly undulates, and your hips move of their own accord, pressing back to meet his intruding digit. His left hand tightens on your hip, forcing you to stop. 
“You will move when I tell you to,” he growls, and all the while his finger continues to move, to slide along your slick walls. 
“P-Please,” you gasp in vain. You know after last night he doesn’t respond to your begging until he’s good and ready. 
He smirks, his golden eyes darkened and molten, as he watches your quivering cunt responding to him. He watches the way your clit engorges under its hood, wanting attention. He watches the way your juices drip down your folds, squelching around him. 
And then he adds a second, stretching you around his massive fingers. 
“FUCK,” you shout, your hips twisting against his grip as he slowly presses forward. His pace is achingly relaxed, not because he thinks you need him to go slow after last night, but to torment you, the sweetest torture. “Please, please, I-I need more!” 
“Is that so?” he replies, his tone as casual as if talking about the weather. 
“YES! Please, Ganondorf, please!” 
The second please is barely out of your mouth before his thumb is suddenly swiping rapidly over your clit, before his fingers in you suddenly piston rapidly. You shriek in pleasured surprise, your left arm shooting out and knocking a cup off the table with a clang. He laughs as you writhe against his hold. 
And then he slows back down. You whine in protest, feeling the beginnings of an orgasm fade back into your belly, and your clit throbs. 
He stands, suddenly, but your hips come with him, and you yelp as you hang upside down, your thighs hooking over his shoulders. Your face is pressed now against his clothed erection, his cock firm and hot against your cheek through his pants. His left arm is wrapped around your lower back to keep you there, while his right stays where it is, his fingers still deep in you.
 He says nothing, and you get no more warning, before his lips wrap gently around your clit. Your fingernails dig into his thighs and pleasure surges up your nerves like a lightning storm. His lips work gently around your clit, not sucking, just rubbing, and you choke on a sob of pleasure. 
You can feel it building again, the beginnings of your orgasm, rolling in the base of your belly as he works you with all the patience in the world. His hips never once twitch despite the massive erection under your face; he’s fully focused on you, on making you lose your mind in desperate need. 
Impaled on his fingers, orgasm building achingly slowly, his beard tickling your labia and inner-most thighs, you cry out his name like a prayer. 
Then his tongue begins to swirl rapid, tight circles on your jutting clit, and his fingers piston once more into your aching cunt, and you explode into blinding pressure and heat. He growls against you as your walls seize his fingers in a velvet vice, and before you could even realize that he’s pulled his pants down, you’re bent over the table and he’s pushing into you. You scream his name as his fingers keep rubbing your clit, your orgasm not stopping as his cock spears you open. He bends almost in two over you, biting down against your shoulder as your walls do their best to milk him. His hips slam into your ass, his cockhead hitting a spot inside you that sends lightning up your spine, and with a bellow he follows you into bliss. 
Your body buzzes as he empties himself into you, his teeth leaving your shoulder, replaced by his lips and his rapid breathes, exhaled through his nose. His hips keep pumping, slowly, sliding his softening cock through the mess he made of you. You whimper his name, going boneless on the table under him, shivering as sweat cools on your lower back, on your thighs, in your hairline. 
He gathers you up, making you gasp as his cock slips out of you, and he carries you into the bathroom. You smile tiredly against his shoulder as he lowers you into the water. “I have a feeling we’re going to be in here a lot,” you murmur. 
He smirks. “I have a feeling you may be right,” he rumbles as he sheds the rest of his clothes. “But I do not see you complaining about it.” 
His smug tone makes you want to argue…but you can’t. After all, your new favorite pastime is letting the Gerudo King turn you into a whimpering, dripping, desperate mess. 
Not that you’d say that out loud, anyway.
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plooto · 9 months
𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐚𝐝𝐯𝐨𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ⊳ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞
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synopsis . colonel miles quaritch—respected, feared, a machine . now, only bluer and younger the recom was near perfect. that is, until he catches the scent of a younger, field trained scientist. a distraction..but maybe that’s just what this programed machine needs.
warnings . pretty simple chapter , reader hasn’t met quaritch , pinky is reader nickname ,
words . 1.3k
notes . tag lists now open , js shoot me a pm or an ask and i’ll get you added.
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you were the last recom to wake. it was.. different. you felt as if you haven’t moved, like you were in a coma. you tried to make your movements as fluid as possible, the tail behind you making things wayy more difficult than it needed to be. curling itself when it shouldn’t have, obnoxiously wrapping itself around your arm, after a bit of time, you grew fond of it, like a little you that couldn’t hold a secret.
they dropped you off at a computer to have you watch a video of you. wait what? you didn’t get much time to process before the video was playing in front of you. you pulled your brows together, confused. it really was you—well, human you.
“ hi! so i’m not sure if you’ve caught on yet, but.. you’re me! surprise ! ” you giggle to the camera, you look around for something to talk about, biting down on your bottom lip.
“ let’s see.. i’m a field trained researcher, and i worked with grace, eywa rest her soul, so..i know quite a bit about the na’vi and their ecological systemm. i know i said i’m field trained, but i only got that because zdog double dared me.. we do not back down from double dares and we don’t break pinkie promises. ” you smile, shaking your head and covering your mouth with the back of your hand to stifle your laugh. commotion in the background made your head turned, only for you to be engulfed in a headlock by your close friend, zdinarsik, but everyone calls her zdog. “ zee! get offf! ” you huffed, trying your hardest to get out of her grip. “ this is all-hmph! recorded y’know. ” zee paused her antics to wave to the camera before messing up your hair sone more before the colonel called her.
“ that’s my closest friend, she knows everything about me.. the things i wouldn’t dare say out loud, she already knows. ” you begin to ramble, you could go on and on about the people in your life, your new life here on pandora. it was absolutely breathtaking—aside from the animals who wanted you to never see the light of day once they get their teeth in you.
“ pinky! pinky, c’mon there’s a time limit on these things! ” you rolled your eyes at parker, calling you by the nickname grace so lovingly bestowed upon you. all because of one pinky promise bet you made to jake! it was simple really..you bet jake that he wouldn’t be able to get his own banshee, and he came back saying if he did, you’d have to go by pinkie around base till the end of time, or pandora is safe for humans. whichever came last that is.
“ wish i could tell you more! take good care of yourself, okay? zee too.. she acts like she doesn’t care, but she does. ” you stood up, holding your little finger to the camera, curling it as if the person on the other side looped it with yours. you blinked a few times before smiling and waving bye to the camera.
you looked around you, watching as more human-na’vi hybrids are pulled from what you assume were incubation tanks. you watched for a little, before you were directed out and onto a ship, headed for pandora. your ears perked up, blindly taking the breathing machine as you looked at the people floating in front of you. they didn’t look much smaller, at least not from your perspective. you strapped the mask over your face as you got on the ship. pulling at the straps securely, you made sure the mask was on tight enough one last time before you dazed off, wondering how much it has changed since you were last there, thankfully, it was a long way down to pandora.
the shift of the ship landing woke you. looking around slightly confused. you’re on pandora. you removed the straps, standing up and stepping out. feeling the heat of the sun against my skin, you stretched your limbs, your tail joining in on the fun.
“ this way, ” you follow behind the humans, leading you to wherever they needed you to go. you didn’t pay attention, you were too busy looking around, eyes landing and scanning everything around you.
“ the general, ” they state, snapping you out of your dazed state, you looked down, seeing a lady already engaged in conversation.
“ general ardmore? ” you spoke softly, not trying to stop their conversation, but just let her know you were here. she turned, bidding farewell to her colleague before fully turning to you.
“ y’n l’n, good to see you. ” you sat down on your knees before saluting. looking down so far hurt your neck..
“ we’ve brought you back to continue the avatar program. we want better avatars. with your research and you being the one to work under the late grace, you’ll be overseeing and ensuring our avatars are in the best shape. ” i nod once,
“ great. where can i set up? ” you say, pulling yourself to stand, gripping the straps of your backpack.
“ easy there, you’ve gotta learn your own avatar body first. ” your face turned a little darker, embarrassed that you missed that after working with the previous avatars.
“ right, thank you, general. ” you nod once, excusing yourself to find your room. getting in, you took a moment to look around. it wasn’t much, a bed, table and a bathroom. talking a breath, you settled, dropping your bag at the foot of the bed and plopping on the bed which was surprisingly soft. you groan, your lower back thanking you for giving it a rest. a soft chime rang through your room, confused you sit up. another chime. inwardly whining, you got up, opening the door only to be tackled in a bone crushing grip.
“ oh it’s really you! dude, took ya long enough! ” the much taller avatar pulled away from you, grin on their face, chewing gum. your brows pulled together, your mind putting together the puzzle pieces. your face lit up, jaw dropping and voice raising a pitch,
“ zee? ” she nods, bringing her hand to mess up your unruly hair. grinning, you threw your arms around her middle, tail swishing excitedly behind you. she laughed,
“ heard you had to go do some motor tests, so i opted to help ya, took the colonel forever to a king request though. ” she shrugged. you pulled back, telling her you needed to change, you turned, opting for some shorts and a cropped shirt they had for you in a bag.
“ ready? ” you turned to her, pulling your hair and kuru out of your shirt. she nods, gesturing for you to follow her. walking next to her, you jogged every now and again to keep up with her long strides. passing other avatars you concluded you were definitely irregular height. at 8 feet tall, you definitely we’re definitely an anomaly..
“ pinky! ” you jumped, head snapping up to zee, who just shook her head, pressing a flat hand to your forehead, you closed an eye, ears falling flat against your head, “ get outta ya head, you’re short, no biggie. just means you’ll be able to move faster. ” she smirked at you, looping an arm around your shoulder as the two of you reached a large room with various numbers of equipment and obstacles.
“ hope you’re ready cos ‘m not going to go easy on you, ” you huffed, pulling your hair into a makeshift bun before following her to the first piece of equipment.
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published . september 28 , 2023
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mamadoc · 2 months
If you’re in the right state of mind for some angst, I’ve updated by current Chenford fanfic.
Here’s a snippet -
It was while he was scrolling away with a half-smile on his face that Ashley quietly appeared at his door. “Hey,” she said quietly with a lot of hesitation.
He hadn’t realized it had gotten that late and glanced at his watch. “Ash. Hey. You’re early,” he said as he saw that it wasn’t even noon yet.
“Yeah. Sorry. I thought it might take a while to talk about everything, so I decided to come early,” she admitted as she walked to the chair by his bed. “If you need me to go…” she started to say before she sat down.
“No. No. Stay. Please,” he said motioning toward the chair.
“I…” she started and then she looked at her hands again. “I’ve been thinking a lot about… everything. I’m really sorry again that I sprung everything on you all at once yesterday,” she said, still looking at her hands. “I just never wanted to be pregnant, and then you had to have emergency surgery because of an old bullet, and…” She paused for a moment. “I don’t know what I’m trying to say…. It’s just too much.”
“Yeah. Yeah. I agree. I was reeling with everything happening at once and needing to make so many big decisions at one time,” he said. “But I think I’ve made a decision.”
“Really?” she asked, surprised. “Me, too.”
“I think we should keep the pregnancy,” he said.
“I think I should get the abortion,” she said at the exact same time.
They just stared at each other for a moment in shock.
“You really want to get an abortion now?” he asked.
She nodded.
“You’re willing to retire and cut ties with Lucy to keep this baby?”
He nodded.
The room was silent again for a few moments as they both were trying to process what was happening.
Read more here.
I’d love to hear what you think. Thanks! 🫶🏻🫣🥰
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allzelemonz · 10 months
His Boy, Part 9: Found
Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader X Colm O’Driscoll
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9
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Pronouns: he/him Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of dub-con of another chapter, possessive behavior, past relationship, Reader is an asshole O’Driscoll, shootout Summary: Colm and the boys come to rescue you.
Dutch puts his arm over you as the gunfire picks up. He takes the chance to look around, finding no immediate danger. You push his arm off of you and sit on the ground, your head still pounding and the rest of the pain coming back with it. Dutch peers between a few of the boards that aren’t so close together and just as he turns to you, a voice shouts over everything.
“Dutch Van der Linde!” Colm shouts. “Come on out, Dutch.”
The lantern isn’t anywhere near bright enough to see Dutch’s expression, but you’d bet on anger.
“Unless ya want, uh…” Colm pauses. “Mister Williamson here ta die.”
“Bill…” Dutch mutters. “Damn it.”
“He seemed like a nice guy, Dutch.” You take a deep breath. “Take me out there, let us leave, and never talk to us again.”
“Are you telling me what to do?”
“Yes, your majesty.” You grunt, trying to stand on weak legs that once again feel the pain Dutch inflicted. “There are people in this gang I still care about and I don’t want hurt, so let’s go.”
“Ya got ten seconds, Dutch!”
He doesn’t move for a few of those precious seconds, then he grabs your arm and pulls you in front of him. You feel his arm tight around your middle and a gun pressed to your head as he kicks the door open and walks. Outside, there are a lot of people. The Van der Lindes are all under cover and most of the O’Driscolls hide in the trees. But Colm, he stands out in the open as if nothing can touch him. It worries you more than anything.
Colm settles a scowl on his face at the sight of you and Dutch. “Hand him over ‘fore I blow this handsome fella’s head off.”
Beside him, Bill struggles against the hold of two large O’Driscoll boys. Danny and Lars. You made a point to know everyone’s name a long time ago, at least to make sure they get labeled graves.
“Nice ta see you, Colm.” Dutch shouts, straining your ear. “Why don’t you boys move on, you’re outgunned here.”
Colm shakes his head. “I ain’t goin’ nowhere without what’s mine.”
Dutch’s arm tightens around you.
“Be reasonable, Dutch.” You huff. “No one has to die tonight. Not you, not Colm, not your boys, no one.”
You can feel his hand shake, the gun against your head wavering. Dutch, for all his smarts, gets stressed easily and bringing up the possible death of his family really hits the bullseye. At least enough for you to throw your head back and, from the sound, break his nose. Shots ring out as you scramble behind something. You don’t care about much now aside from getting Colm and the boys out of here, just hoping there’s minimal shooting in the process.
So you move fast, keeping behind things until you can run around the trees and reach one of the boys. Sam, you think, he’s new. He sees you, recognition thankfully covering his face.
“You have a gun I can use?”
He nods. “Yeah, yeah, boss.”
He hands you a revolver and the weight is comforting after being tied up for days. You can see him a few yards away, ducked behind a rock. Colm’s alive. You wind through the trees until you reach him, not bothering to try and shout over the gunfire.
He grins as he pulls you close. “That was a beautiful sight, sugar.”
You return the smile. “We gotta go, Colm. No point in fighting this out.”
“We could kill Dutch, sweetheart. Make him pay.”
You hold his cheek to make him look at you. “Our boys are no match for his, we need to go. We can always find the son of a bitch again.”
Colm looks at you for a moment before he nods. “Fine, let’s get you safe, sugar.”
He whistles and slowly the boys retreat with you, running off into the trees. Colm grips your hand, leading you to his horse and helping you on. From there the boys split off to keep the path to camp indirect. You keep your arms tight around Colm and his hand settles to hold yours on his stomach as he rides. It’s a long journey, you're not sure when your head leaned against Colm’s back or when your eyes closed, but you fall asleep fast.
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sarahowritesostucky · 3 months
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📖"Hydra Sanatorium"
Rated: Explicit
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
Word count: 5112
Tags: a/b/o, medical institutionalization, cognitive disability, made up kinky medical things, diapers, catheters, non-con medical procedures, restraints, forced wetting, hurt/comfort, humiliation, kind!Careworker Steve, bratty!Patient Bucky, alpha Steve, omega bucky, dub con everything due to a/b/o biology, dry humping, forced orgasm, masturbation, implied self harm, orgasm therapy, age difference (19/30), omorashi
Summary: Bucky is a troubled teen coping with the traumatic transformation of late-onset omega puberty.
Steve's been developing too much of an attachment, he knows he has. But he might not have the self control to remain detached anymore.
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A/N: This fic contains heavy medical kink, diapers/wetting, and a/b/o dub-con shenanigans. Consume Responsibly.
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Wait! I think I missed a previous chapter! Series Masterlist
Chapter 5: Excited Catatonia with Aggression
It takes a while longer for Bucky to calm down, shuddering and shivering in Steve’s arms.
This session has been a big deal for the poor kid, since he’s been denied for so long. Omegas don’t do well when they don’t get release regularly. And Steve’s pretty sure that not only is Bucky sobbing because of that, but also because he’s likely been touch and sensory-starved at home as well. Who even knows the last time the boy was hugged, outside of a stay on-ward?
It is, unfortunately, going to be time to tell him about his family situation soon. Steve knows that if he doesn’t bite the bullet tonight, then his boss will do it for him tomorrow. And that won’t increase her confidence in Steve’s impartiality any. Steve could almost stomach her ire, but the part where Christina would be the one breaking the news to Bucky that his folks don’t want him is what sways Steve.
The kid deserves better than Doctor Raynor’s notoriously blunt demeanor. Christina doesn’t do it on purpose, but she’s ex-military and that’s very, very apparent in the way she approaches people. There’s a reason why she has a PhD and not an MD after her name. Raynor is much better suited to managing employees and administrative duties than she is dealing with patients … She tends to make them cry.
It’ll be much easier on Bucky if Steve is the one to tell him.
Still, after watching him come apart in his lap so beautifully, Steve has to pause a few times to steel himself for this conversation. “Well,” he says, trying to think of something else to help put the omega in a good mood. “You earned your reward. Been good all day. You want to take the cath out now?”
Bucky sits back with wide eyes. “Really?” he says, brightening. “Yeah! Can we?”
“We sure can, Sweetheart.” Steve kisses his cheek. “Good boys get nice things.” Bucky blushes, and Steve chuckles about it as he swaps out to a new pair of latex gloves. “Okay, bear with me here.”
It’s a simple process. All Steve has to do is use safety scissors to snip the inflation valve off the tubing, and a second later Bucky’s making a tiny noise of surprise, and the small amount of saline liquid that’d filled the balloon comes dribbling out. “Oohh,” he sighs, relieved. “Oh God. Thank you. Fuck, that was so annoying!”
Steve hums sympathetically. “I can imagine.” Having an object in one’s bladder giving the constant urge to pee doesn’t sound like a good time to him, either. But that’s why it’s one of the consequences that Hydra utilizes. It’s a way to help combative patients accept that they’re no longer in control of their bodies. “Bet you’re not gonna give me trouble on your diapering anymore, huh?”
Bucky grumbles and tucks his head down. “Mmn.”
Steve’s lips twitch fondly. “I’ll pull it out now,” he warns. The first few times that they’d had to cath Bucky, he’d been a crying, resisting mess, but after three years of coming in and out of the ward, he knows the drill. Steve gets enough lube to coat the head of his cock, being sure to slip some all around the tube and push it into his slit as much as possible. “Mmkay. Relax your muscles. Annnd deep breath.” Bucky inhales, and Steve slides the catheter out.
“All done.” He tosses it in the medical waste bin. “Good job.”
Bucky exhales hugely, eyelids fluttering. He looks down at himself, and flushes when he sees that his penis has dribbled a little more in Steve’s lap. “Sorry,” he mumbles, and Steve shushes him.
“S’okay. It happens.” They both know that Bucky’s bladder control won’t return to normal for a couple of days, which is to be expected. Bucky seems self-conscious of having wet on him though, no matter how miniscule the amount. So Steve reiterates how it doesn’t bother him, even taking Bucky’s hand in his and pressing their joined hands to the wet patch that’s right at the waistband of his scrub pants. Bucky blushes massively, but his scent radiates comfort, which is the goal. “You’re a good boy, Bucky,” Steve tells him in his best soothing rumble, then just keeps talking at him like that, because it clearly helps Bucky to calm down and be happy.
Steve’s dick is mighty happy, too, though he’s dead set on ignoring it. It’s not like it’s unusual for him to get aroused in-session with patients. It happens. … But it happens a lot more frequently with Bucky than with anybody else. Steve’s been aroused ever since he first got into the double-sit chair with Bucky, and half hard since he started fingering him. Things are a little more pronounced now, and he knows his erection is obvious. It’s approaching a full-on boner, though thankfully still angled down and towards the crease of his thigh. His compression underwear are doing an admirable job of keeping things contained, but it’s still a thick and obvious shape under the pale green of his scrubs. “Um,” he says stupidly, seeing their entwined fingers so close to it. He hastily releases Bucky’s hand.
Over the years at this job, Steve’s gotten used to not acting on his own arousal, but he isn’t surprised that Bucky gets distracted by it. The boy is a sexually frustrated omega teenager, after all, and Steve’s the only alpha who’s ever touched him intimately, probably the only one who’s been dominant to him in any sort of organized or respectful fashion, too. He can’t expect the kid to have the same control of his faculties that a regular person would. That’s just not how omega bodies work. And Steve is a healthy, thirty-year-old adult alpha male, so it’s simple fact that when he’s aroused like this he’s gonna wind up clogging the air a bit for Bucky. He can see it happening already, knocking the kid a little woozy. “You okay, bub?”
His nostrils keep flaring and he keeps sucking his bottom lip compulsively as he stares at Steve’s crotch. He stops using his words and switches to little grunts and hums, starts making this needy little sound in the base of his throat that both medical literature and video titles on PornHub would refer to as a ‘keen’. His eyes go glazed and he makes that noise repeatedly while his backside weeps and his nipples pebble up beneath his shirt.
This, right here. This is why people make fun of omegas as being empty headed cocksluts. Not that Steve sees it that way—God no, he doesn’t. It’s a beautiful thing to him, to see Bucky go all soft and wanting, a natural reaction that tells him the omega is feeling pleasured enough and protected enough to let go. It means his body and brain have actually decided that it’s safe enough for him to be vulnerable like that. If nothing else, it’s a huge fucking compliment to Steve as an alpha. “Oh, Honey,” he coos, petting up and down Bucky’s sides. “You gettin a little soft, mm? Sinking a little?” Bucky whimpers and Steve hushes him supportively. “That’s okay, Buck. I’m here. Alpha’s here. You can let go for a little while if you need to.”
“... ‘pha,” Bucky slurs, latching onto the word, and Steve nods.
“Yeah, Sweetheart, Alpha’s got you. You want to lay your head down for a—”
‘Going soft’ usually only means whining and slicking and, well, going soft. It’s something easily contained and soothed, encouraged into a nap or a bit of cuddling. But that’s in healthy and well-adjusted omegas. Bucky veers in another direction altogether when he slides his hand over and starts aggressively cupping Steve’s erection through his pants.
Steve’s eyes widen. “Hey, hey. Uh-uh.” He tries to grab Bucky’s wrist but the boy evades him and his scent sours at what his dumbed down mind perceives as rejection. “Buck, now listen: you can’t touch me there.”
Bucky’s too far down already, and hearing this just makes him get more aggressive. He shoves forward, hand moulding back to the shape of Steve’s dick and squeezing insistently. “Nnn.”
A guttural sound of pleasure escapes Steve before he can cut it off, and then he’s on course correction. “O-okay bub,” he chokes out, gathering Bucky’s hands and guiding them away. “You know I can’t let you.”
Bucky whines mightily at being denied, rocking in his lap like a tantrum and trying to tug his hands free. His hips are jerking in tiny movements, and the strap support that’s under his thighs is definitely the only reason he’s not grinding directly against Steve’s crotch right now. “Nnn!” he whines, when he tries to tug his hands free and can’t. “Nnn!” He starts to get violent. He gets his hands free for a split second and manages to whack Steve upside the head before Steve regains control.
“Bucky,” he Voices, quiet but stern, “Stop. Don’t hit. I can’t let you touch my dick. You know that. It’s against the rules. Now stop. Alpha’ll be real mad if you don’t listen, right?” After Bucky finally tapers off and goes lax in surrender, Steve cautiously releases his hands. The omega grumbles unintelligibly and puts them on his shoulders instead of trying to get them anyplace Steve’s employment contract says they can’t be. His fingers curl hard at the bend of Steve’s neck and his nails do dig in a little meanly, but the point is he’s trying. Steve relaxes and praises him with a gentle, “Good job, baby. That was good listening.”
Bucky grunts a little more, and he seems to get his brain back online after a few more minutes pass by and he’s relaxed into Steve’s lap better. He doesn’t look as buzzed, looks like maybe he remembers most of the English language.
“You back with me?” Steve asks, when he notices him starting to try and hide his face in shame again.
Bucky nods, scrubbing his cheek on Steve’s shoulder. “Sorry,” he mumbles. “Didn’t mean to.”
“I know, sweetheart. You’re okay. You pulled out of that one real good. I’m proud of you.”
One of the things Bucky struggles with is the tantruming that he tends to shoot off into during or after release. ‘Excited Catatonia with Aggression’—Present in every edition of the DSM since III came out in the eighties. It’s somewhat like a heat frenzy, only with behaviors that can turn self-injurious and emotionally harmful in the blink of an eye. Steve is relieved that they were able to avert an episode this time. “Real good,” he repeats. “Have you been practicing your calm down techniques at home?”
Bucky squirms. “Mmn.”
“Use your words, bub.”
Bucky grumbles some more, and he keeps hiding against Steve’s shoulder, but eventually he does admit, “I do ‘em sometimes. … Sometimes in my room. At night.”
Steve feels his heart ping in with another dent. ‘At night’, he knows, just means when Bucky’s family won’t catch him doing it. When he won’t be shamed for rocking or sucking or stimming in some other way. Steve’ll never forget the first time he’d tried to send Bucky home with a few helpful items. The father had gone red in the face and dragged Bucky out the doors, and Steve had been unable to do anything but watch from the building’s west entrance as everything they’d given Bucky to take home with him was dumped right there in the parking lot.
Deep down, even way back then, Steve had known in his heart that Bucky wasn’t going to be able to stay with his family. Not if he was going to make it.
(And Steve really needs him to make it.)
“... Steve?” Bucky sounds shy and fatigued, which can happen when he’s fought off the emotional stress of a tantrum. “Can we stay here for just a little bit? Please?” He shuffles on his knees with a sniffle, pressing close for comfort. “Just for a little bit? You smell so good, and I don’t wanna leave yet.”
“Of course, sweetheart, yeah. We can do that. We can stay for as long as you want.” Steve really means it, because he knows he’s got to figure out a way to tell Bucky the bad news tonight. And Steve hates to think the worst of any patient, but he’s got a bad feeling that it’s not going to go over well at all. “Buck?” he prods gently, waiting until he knows the omega is paying attention. “Honey, can we talk a little bit?”
Maybe if he can get Bucky to talk it out, he thinks, get him to conclude on his own that going home isn’t the best option for him, then maybe Steve can present the change in custody as a choice. It’s wishful thinking, but he has to try. He doesn’t want to crush Bucky’s sense of self worth more than it already has been. Bucky already feels dejected and unloved, and knowing that his family has legally washed their hands of him isn’t something Steve wants him to have to deal with. It’s better if Steve can talk him around to the other side, make him ‘decide’ that he doesn’t want to go home to his family.
Steve knows Christina wouldn’t approve of the deception. And he knows if she found out, he’d be taken off Bucky’s case at best, professionally reprimanded at worst. He’d be considered compromised. And hey, maybe he is. Doesn’t mean he’s going to do things any different until somebody makes him. Bucky’s still his patient right now, and Steve is going to take care of him the way he thinks he needs. “So … um, I wanted to ask you about how things’ve been at home, lately.” Bucky tenses and Steve hushes him, bringing a hand up to cradle the back of his head and encourage him to press his face closer. Bucky takes the cue and snuffles into Steve’s neck, mouthing over the pulse point. Steve pats his back. “Has anybody been close with you?” he asks, near-pained because he thinks he already knows the answer. “Your mom maybe, or your brothers?” Bucky shakes his head and Steve feels awful. “Are you sure? Snuggling? Or, even just a hug when you need it? Some scenting?”
The last time Bucky had been admitted on-ward, the social services team had roped his folks into a session to try and better educate them on their son’s new special needs. Steve hadn’t been present—had been on vacation, of all things, Christ—but he’s heard that the parents did not appreciate the instruction, and they didn’t take any of the information to heart. Obviously.
“Mm mn,” Bucky’s saying, rubbing his mouth over Steve’s skin as he speaks. “I never ask. Don’t want ‘em to know. They’d just make fun’a me if I asked.”
Steve inhales sadly. “You need regular touch Bucky. Hugs, skin contact, lap time, something.”
“No,” he mumbles, sounding like the surly teenager he is. “You don’t get it.”
“Well explain it to me, then.”
“They’re totally ashamed of me. My dad hates me.”
Steve tuts. “I’m sure that’s not true, Honey. They may be uncomfortable about certain things—uneducated, or ill-equipped to help you. The counselors here have talked to you about it, haven’t they? You know: about how people can have implicit biases that they—”
“No!” Bucky gets angry and pulls away, sitting back on his knees and giving Steve a sharp look. “I’m embarrassing to them. They don’t want the neighbors to know! My brothers’ friends aren’t allowed to come over to our house to hang out anymore, so they hate me too, and just … Ugh! You just don’t get it, Steve. Not everybody believes like you guys do here. Lots of people just think that omegas are … they just think that we’re …”
“Mm mn,” he sniffles, stubborn. “They think we’re useless, dumb. A waste of space.”
“That’s not true and you know it Bucky,” Steve says sternly.
“I don’t know shit,” he growls. “That’s how it is in the real world, Steve. And how’re they wrong, huh? I’m never going to be able to have a job, never gonna be able to take care of myself.”
“Bucky,” Steve pleads, concerned at the vitriol in Bucky’s voice. He should not be talking like this, and the fact that he is means that things at his home have been more abusive than Steve realized.
“—Just a waste of tax dollars. A drain on society. Waste of hardworking people’s tax dollars,”
“Stop.” Steve’s pissed when he Voices it, and it comes through loud and clear. Bucky shuts up right away. He blinks wide eyes at him, and Steve takes the opportunity to shut him down. “I don’t ever want to hear you talk like that again, Bucky,” he says, easing off from his Voice when he can see he’s gotten the kid’s attention. He puts his hands on Bucky’s hips and looks at him sternly. “There are people who think like your parents do, yes. But it’s not nearly the majority. I think you’re under the impression that a lot of people share those ugly beliefs.” He waits, and when Bucky says nothing to deny it, Steve huffs. “It’s not many. I’d say … ten percent of folks? Maybe fifteen, when there’s a Republican in the white house.”
“What? Really? …You’re not just saying that?”
Bucky looks slightly swayed. Bolstered, Steve pets his hands up and down Bucky’s sides, rucking the soft material of his tee shirt as he does it. “No, I’m not just saying that. Most people don’t think the way your folks do. Only assholes who watch Fox News parrot out the sort of vile shit you just did.” He raises a knowing eyebrow, daring Bucky to deny it. He’s met George Barnes a few times. He knows what type the man is. “You are just as important as any other person, Hon,” he promises, and when Bucky starts to sneer again, he’s struck by the distinct urge to smack him.
He digs his fingers in warningly at the boy’s waist. “Hey, listen to me, now.” Bucky stops sneering, and Steve sighs, trying to think of something he can say that’ll make Bucky realize he’s actually worth something. “Do you … Do you believe in God, honey?” he asks—not at all professional, but Steve’s gone past professional with Bucky for a while now, whether he wants to admit it or not. He’s heard Bucky make a few flippant comments in the past, about ‘God’ or ‘heaven’ or ‘prayers’ (usually in relation to morbid comments about wanting to die or off himself), so he’s taking a chance and going out on a limb here. “Hm?”
“God?” Bucky’s brow furrows. “I guess so. I mean my family never really goes to church except for—”
“I didn’t ask if you go to church,” Steve interrupts. “I asked if you believe in God, in one form or another.” He waits patiently for Bucky to answer him. When he does, it’s with a tiny nod and a mumbled,
“Yeah. I think so. … I do.”
Steve softens. “Okay then. Me too, by the way.” Bucky makes a weird face like he’s still unsure why Steve is talking about this, So Steve explains, “Think about it: Do you really think there’s any God out there who’d create a whole class of people that didn’t have a purpose? Ten percent of humanity that’s just a ‘stupid waste’?” He waits until Bucky makes a face in consideration. “Right. I’m Catholic, you know? My ma dragged my butt to mass every Sunday growing up. And I just wish you could’a heard the things I did, the things they preached. It was never ugly like what your folks’ve been telling you. Omegas are different from other people, but so are Alphas. Doesn’t mean we’re not just as good and important as anybody else. We just have different needs, and that’s okay.” He offers Bucky a cautious smile. “I mean, maybe it’s not a coincidence that we’re five and five of the population, huh?” He reaches up and cradles the side of Bucky’s face, tracing his cheekbone with the pad of a thumb. “It’s like somebody had this idea we’d be complimentary, or something.”
Bucky’s lips have parted, and he even smiles reluctantly at the soft teasing in Steve’s tone there at the end. He reaches up and covers Steve’s hand with his own. “I guess so,” he murmurs. “I mean, it kinda makes sense.”
“Mm.” Steve smirks. “It does.” He kisses his cheek and gives another little squeeze on his waist. “C’mon. Let’s go get cleaned up.”
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Bucky is sullen at first when they exit the massage room, but when Steve makes it clear that he won’t be leaving Bucky’s side now that their lap time is over, the omega trails along happily enough. They wash up in the bathroom and change into clean clothes. Bucky doesn’t fuss at all when Steve helps him into a fresh diaper, but he does mumble, “I hate ‘em.”
Steve has just pulled up the soft fleece pants for Bucky. “Do you really? Or d’you just hate how embarrassed it makes you feel?”
Bucky chews his lip and doesn’t answer for a long minute, his lashes lowering and his cheeks darkening. “... The second one, I guess. Embarrassing.”
If you were my omega, Steve wants to say so badly. You’d never have to feel embarrassed about anything. Not for the rest of his life, because Steve would take care of him, make him feel like the treasure he is. Like he deserves. He licks his lips, overly emotional and trying not to let it show. “Hey,” he says softly, putting his hand over Bucky’s fleece-covered knee. “You know it’s a common thing, the wetting, right bub?”
Bucky nods sullenly. “I guess.” He’s still sitting on the changing table with his legs thrown over the side, and Steve steps forward to give him a hug. “Who’s ever gonna want to put up with me?” he says, and Steve’s heart just about fractures.
Me, he wants to say so badly, but he can’t. He holds the words back like bile in his mouth, hugs him tighter and says into his hair, “Lotsa people, Buck. There’s whole agencies devoted to helping omegas find their mates.”
“There are?”
“Of course. Half my job is making sure patients are set up to succeed in the world, once they get outta here.” He steps back and takes Bucky’s hand, and together they walk out of the bathroom and down the ward’s hallway. “That’s actually something you and I need to talk about.”
It’s dinnertime, so Steve walks them to the room where all the patients on C Hall eat their meals. He makes himself a coffee while Bucky goes to load up a tray with food from the line, then they sit together away from the other patients. Steve works up the nerve to have the conversation he’s been avoiding all day. “So,” he says. “When you get out of here,”
Bucky makes a face down at his tray of food. “Ugh.”
He shrugs. “I dunno. I hate thinking about going home. They’ll come and pick me up, be jerks all over again, till next time.” He stabs vindictively at the little pile of peas he’s got. “I know it’s crazy to want, but … sometimes I wish they’d never come back, that they’d magically just forget about me and I could stay here forever.”
“Aw, you don’t want to stay here forever,” Steve coaxes. “In a mental hospital?”
Bucky shrugs. “I’d rather be here with you then back home with them.”
God, Honey. You’ve got no idea how much I want to keep you. Steve tries not to get overeager, but this is a good start to the conversation they need to have, so he goes with it. “Yeah?” he prods. “I’ve always been able to tell your dad’s a bit of a prick, but things are that bad at home?” He wants Bucky to talk about the abuse, then they can segue into discussing healthier options. “Buck?”
Bucky avoids looking at him, poking around his food and making patterns in the mashed sweet potatoes with his fork. “... Nobody makes fun of me here,” he says quietly. “I’m allowed to relax and … and do what feels good.”
Christ. Steve grits his teeth and imagines beating George Barnes’ face to a pulp. “Yeah Honey,” he eventually croaks. “Yeah that’s how it should be. Always. The fact that your folks make you feel that way, that they treat you the way they do … It’s wrong. It’s abusive. So is the way they’re always dumping you here and yanking you out, using it as a punishment. You do realize that?”
Bucky glances up at him, but he shrugs. “I guess so,” he mumbles.
“No, not ‘I guess so’, it is,” Steve insists. He nods at Bucky's tray. “Stop playing with your food. Put a bite of that in your mouth.” Bucky’s eyes get a little wide at the command, and then he flushes and responds positively, listening to Steve and eating a forkful of potatoes. Steve feels a warm thrill of satisfaction at being obeyed. “Good boy,” he praises. “Look, Buck. I want to talk about your options for when you leave here. You do realize that I’ll help you, right? If you put in a petition on grounds of abuse, I’ll sign it. You could choose where you live. You wouldn’t have to go back to your parents’ place. In fact I don’t think you should. It sounds to me like they make you pretty miserable.”
“What?” Bucky looks surprised. “But where else would I go? I don’t have a job or any money.”
“That’s okay. You know the state puts money aside for omegas, right? We can get you set up with what you need.”
Bucky looks wary, but he nods. “Yeah. They talked about it in life skills class. Welfare programs.”
Steve supposes that’s the sort of thing George Barnes talks trash about at home. “Yeah,” he says encouragingly. “You can apply for an apartment and an income. It won’t be a lot, but it’d be enough to live off of. You’ll get medical, housing, heat support.” Bucky’s face goes scarlet at the mention of his heats, but Steve presses on. “And there are jobs out there for omegas who want to work. You just have to know where to look. Like this girl I know from my church? She got a job working at a childcare center. Told me she loves it.” Bucky’s brow is furrowed as he takes in all that Steve’s saying, and Steve holds his hand out over the table, palm up. “C’mon, tell me what you're thinking.”
Bucky bites his lip but he does put his hand in Steve’s. “I don’t … I don’t know how to be on my own,” he admits. “I’m afraid. What if I mess up?”
“Oh, sweetheart.” Steve squeezes his hand. “You won’t mess anything up. You know, I have so many omega clients who do well. Almost everybody does, really, when they get out of here. And you wouldn’t be on your own. There’d be people helping you. You’d get a caretaker assigned from an agency. A good one.” He hates thinking of another alpha helping Bucky, scent marking his apartment and making him feel good. But that’s Steve’s problem, not Bucky’s. “Honey, I think your self esteem has taken such a huge hit from this when it didn’t really have to. Your folks have been saying nasty shit in your ears ever since you presented three years ago, and I’m sorry but that’s a damn shame. It’s fucked up.”
Bucky is looking at Steve like he can’t believe what he’s hearing, and Steve knows why. He’s never really cursed in front of Bucky before, and he’s certainly never verbally trashed the kid’s family. But Steve is fed up. He just spent the last hour helping the most beautiful, sweet omega through a release, and knowing that the poor thing is so mixed up about his gender because of his asshole family absolutely burns Steve up. He’s had enough. Bucky deserves to feel good about himself and have a good life. Steve gives his hand another supportive squeeze. “Hey, why don’t we sit down tomorrow and make a ‘what if’ plan, huh?”
“... What’s a ‘what if’ plan?”
Steve smiles gently. “It’s where we think up options for what you might do, where you might go, if you want something different when you get out of here.”
“Steve, I don’t … I don’t know.” Bucky looks down, face screwed up in worry. In a tiny voice, he admits, “I’m not sure I can really take care of myself. Not like this.” He says it so sadly, and Steve doesn’t know what ‘like this’ means, but he can make a few guesses. Across the table from him, Bucky is looking rather miserable. “My parents’ll probably be by any day now to pick me up, anyway.”
Steve cringes. He finally forces himself to say, “Well, that’s um, that’s not really going to happen, actually.”
“What?” Bucky’s wide, hurt eyes coming back up to lock on Steve don’t make this task any easier. “What do you mean?”
“Um, you see, your folks decided to sign a paper when they came by this last time, saying that they agree to relinquish custody.”
Bucky’s entire face falls in a way that absolutely breaks Steve’s heart. “Oh,” he says, voice tiny. “They got rid of me?”
“They signed over custody, baby. I think they finally realized that it was hurting you more than helping, so they agreed to let us take care of you from now on. They’re finally trying to do right by you.”
It’s a complete lie, Steve is pretty sure. He knows Bucky’s parents and he’s certain that nothing about the situation was done for Bucky’s benefit, only their own. The Barnes’ simply didn’t want to deal with their son’s needs anymore. But Steve is trying to put the best spin on this he can, for Bucky’s sake. “It’s going to be okay, Buck,” he promises. “I’m not going to let anything bad happen to you. You know that, right?”
Bucky’s already pulling into himself. He physically almost seems to shrink, shoulders hunching and arms tucking in. He nods at Steve’s question though, and he doesn’t rage or fit at the news that his family doesn’t want him anymore. “Yeah,” he says, voice dull. “I know.”
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purplemarshal · 8 months
Cause For Concern
Chapter two of my 2012 Caseytello fic! I don't know how long this will go on for but, I have many ideas. I am also going to start posting some of my art soon!
Casey’s P.O.V. 
Our laughing stopped as we watched Donnie sprint out of the dojo, promptly slamming their lab door behind them.
“Great job Casey, now we won’t see him for like two days.” Raph claimed.
“What?” I turned to look at him, “does this happen a lot?”
Leo took a step forward and placed one of her hands on my shoulder, looking past me.
“I’m sure it wasn’t all you, they mainly just do it if they're overwhelmed.” She looked at Raph, and even with her still not looking at me I could see the concern in her eyes.
“Well,” Raph started. “This time it was clearly from Casey!” 
Now if I said that I wasn't confused before, I definitely was now. I never thought that my flirting really had anything to do with their attitude lately. Maybe I embarrassed them though? But this seems like a real cause for concern.
“No, my children. Donatello just has some things they need to figure out.” Splinter paused. “Emotions that they aren’t sure about.”
Leo steps back as Splinter takes his spot, startling me.
“Perhaps Casey should talk to them. Hm?”
I looked up at the rat man. “Yo, I don’t know if that is such a good idea, I mean like what if they try to get revenge or something.”
“Pft- like they would dude.” Mikey laughed. “Do you really not know yet?” 
“Not now Michelangelo, you go check on them.” 
“You got it Sensei!”
And with that the orange turtle was also gone.
Leo and Splinter sat down to talk and most likely meditate, kicking out Raph and I in the process. So we just went to the entrance/living room of the lair and talked, awaiting the arrival of the other family members.
“What was that anyway man?” I looked up at Raph as he said that. “You were like a major cringe fail.” Raph stated with a look of disgust on his features.
“C’mon man.” I whined as I stretched out my limbs.
“I’m serious Casey, you aren’t going to get anywhere with how you're going about it.”
I gave him a look that told him to elaborate, so he did.
“Don and I are like twins so we know everything about each other. And to get them to melt like you want, you have to massage their intellect.”
“Massage their what?” I stared at him blankly.
“Look.” He sighed, “the smarter they feel, the more they’ll melt. Complement them dude.”
“Y’know I can’t do that!” I threw my hands up dramatically. “Everytime that I try to, it just becomes an insult.”
“Or maybe you should write it down and get them a gift. That’s their love language.”
I shot up at that, jumping off of the couch.
“Y’know what, I will be back.”
I started to walk to the turn thingies but the sight of two turtle mutants made me rush back to my original spot, then moved again by the orange clad turtle who plopped down basically on me. Donnie on the other hand just stood there awkwardly probably waiting for Splinter or Leo.
I took careful note of their fidgeting, how their three (6 if you count both hands) fingers messed with about everything they could before finally landing on their mask tails. The light purple seemingly dancing between the light green of their skin.
Oh how much I wanted to know what their hands felt like. They have clear burns and scars, but something about them just seemed so soft and warm and. I don’t know.
“You gonna be okay Don?” Raph was the first to speak which was followed by a hesitant nod from the mentioned sibling. “You can sit down y’know, you don’t really look too good.” 
If this was any other time the turtle in red would’ve followed that up with a snicker, but I took note of the lack of one. 
See, I can be very observant when needed.
“Casey, could I talk to you for a moment?”
Wow, a cliffhanger! Who wants to talk to Casey? We may never know. Hope you enjoyed it, stay tuned. <3
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fandomworld9728 · 5 days
Letters to Emily - Chapter 1:
Dear Emily,
It's been almost a year since the Extermination Day battle here at the hotel and I wanted to tell you about all the new things that have happened since then! The hotel had been left in ruin and we lost two of our dear friends in the battle, Dazzle and Sir Pentious. However, we continue to push forward and remember the good memories they left with us and the sacrifices they made for us.
We actually rebuilt the hotel! It's a lot bigger than before. Dad helped us and did a majority of the work with his powers, so we got it done in no time! We've been working on an open house/opening day party to get the word out around Hell. Alastor and his friend Rosie have even been giving us tips on how to work around the other Overlords to not cause too much trouble with them.
It's slow going, but that's fine. With the Exterminations currently on pause, we don't have to rush and worry about our safety at the hands of the Angelic Army. Not to mention, all good things take time. As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Oh! Vaggie got her wings back! I get to watch dad and her fly around the hotel now that he lives with us here. He's even been teaching me how to properly groom Vaggie's wings. Speaking of my dad, he's been working hard to fix all the problems of Hell that he's been neglecting since him and mom drifted apart. It got worse after she just left. But something's shifted and he's been taking better care of himself.
He still has really bad depression days, but they're few and far between now. I'm pretty sure all of these new changes in him have something to do with the new friendship him and Alastor have. I'm not sure how it happened since they used to hate each other. Always at each other's throats. At some point though, their arguments are more teasing and done just for the fun of it.
Not to mention that whenever they get into actual fights, they take it away from the hotel as to not hurt anyone by accident and don't damage the hotel in the process. They come back together, covered in different injuries and blood, laughing and discussing what the other could have done better during the fight. Come to think of it, they're usually with each other. I've seen them cooking together, they pick each other all the time for bonding exercises when I let them pick, and on more than one occasion I've caught dad asleep in Alastor's radio tower.
I'm really happy they're getting along now! Especially since it helps with the tension now that Adam is a sinner and staying with us at the hotel. Things got off to a rough start, however, dad and Vaggie stood up for him knowing the pain of being kicked out of Heaven. After they helped him adjust, we all had a talk about it. Which ended up turning into a fight.
I'm not usually a fan of that, although, it seemed to be just what they all needed. Things aren't great between Adam and everyone, but it's a step in the right direction. Him and dad are actually bonding now! Becoming friends again, like in the good days in the garden before everything went wrong between them. I'll keep you updated on the hotel's progress and eagerly await your response. I can't to hear about how things are for you!
With love, your friend, Charlie Morningstar
"Okay guys, get in place while I set up the camera!"
"Charolette, is it really necessary for me to be in this photograph?"
"Come on, Al, you can suck it up for one picture. This is going to that nice Seraphim girl and will be hung up in the hotel. At least let Charlie have one clear photo of you."
"I don't believe that is- would you stop that?"
Giving his best puppy dog eyes up at the Overlord, Lucifer tried his best to play innocent. "Stop what? I'm just making a request. As your king and friend."
"Don't do it, Alastor. Be strong." 
Placing a hand on Husk's mouth, Angel Dust cheered the smaller man on. They all knew Alastor was a sucker for the Morningstar begging eyes. "Nah, just give in! It's a game ya know you're gonna lose so don't fight it!"
Watching her friends and family with a small, warm smile, Charlie got the camera set and ran over to join them. "Okay everyone! Say cheese!"
"Cheese? Why-" Before he could finish his question, Adam tripped over his new tail he had been trying to get used to, sending everyone toppling over as the camera went off.
Next >
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majesty-madness · 1 year
A Past Encounter - Bucky Barnes x reader (nsfw)
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Summary: Being in a relationship with Bucky, Y/N prided herself on knowing him quite well but when she’s accidentally teleported back to 1940, Y/N discovers that there is a whole other Bucky that she has yet to meet. The sweet flirt that had everything going for him before his unfortunate capture by HYDRA.
Word Count: 4300+
Warnings: 40’s Bucky & Steve, flirty 40’s Bucky, small 40’s Steve, slight angst, doing every day 40's things, cursing, nothing much else really
a/n: not proofread.
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Chapter Six
With a huff, Y/N stood up from her crouched position inside the alleyway. 
She straightened out her blue dress and cardigan, taking a deep, slow breath before taking one more look around the alley then left. 
She stuffed the device into her pocket, as she didn’t want anyone to know that she had it. It would be a tough thing to explain. 
Right now the only thing left to do was to head back to the apartment and keep it safe there. 
The apartment. 
Oh shit!
She needed to get back to the apartment before Steve and Bucky came out looking for her!
Taking another breath, Y/N sprint once again down the sidewalk street with less adrenaline this time. 
Running back seemed to take forever and when she saw the front door of the apartment building, she pushed herself to run just a bit faster even though her lungs were beginning to hurt. 
When she got to the lobby, she contemplated taking the elevator but that would take too long to get upstairs so like she’d done before, she went up the staircase. 
Five stories up; it was a lot of walking but she was going as fast as she could. Without the sense of urgency she felt earlier, she was more aware of the sweat forming in her forehead and back of her neck. 
She made a mental note to wipe herself off when she got back. 
A couple more fast paced steps and she reached the door leading to a hallway that was lined with apartment doors. She jogged now, down the hallway approaching the corner to her left, she made a sharp turn and then- 
With a thud, she ran right smack into someone, letting out a surprise squeal as she did. Her eyes bounced up to immediately apologize but stopped when she saw Bucky. He looked just as surprised as she was. 
“Bucky..” she panted out. 
“Y/N, what are you doing out here? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah I’m fine, I just…” she paused, panting harder as her body began to relax. “I uh….”
“Where the hell did you go? One moment we were making dinner then the next, we heard the door slam shut and you were gone.” Bucky stressed as he took a small step toward her. 
Y/N inhaled, finally getting some air in her lungs. “I’m sorry, I just…I thought that I left something in the alley, you know the one where you guys found me and I wanted to go back to get it in case someone tried to steal it.” 
Bucky took a second to process what she said, jerking his head up in confused nod. Mostly he was put off by her behavior, not so much what she said. 
“Well next time, tell us when you’re gonna up and leave, please? I don’t think it’d do any good for Steve and I to die from a heart attack.” He joked with a hint of seriousness lacing his voice. 
His tone gave her pause, causing her to tilt her head to the side a bit. “You were worried?”
“Of course, we were, especially knowing the fact that you were robbed last night with nowhere to go.” Bucky explained thoughtfully. 
“I’m really sorry, next time I pick up and leave, I’ll let you know.” Y/N reassured, ignoring the pounding of her heart that wasn’t just from running. 
Bucky sighed, shaking his head but it didn’t center around annoyance; Y/N could tell that much from his body language. Instead it seemed to be somewhere between motherly worry and playfulness. 
“Why don’t we head back? Told Steve I was going out to find you, figured I’d be out longer than this but obviously, there’s no need.” 
“Right…” Y/N nodded at the same time. She felt Bucky’s arm raise up to push gently on her lower back, guiding her back to their apartment. 
The spot he touched her had warmth radiating from his skin into her body. He was always naturally warm, and she thought that it might have been because of the serum but now she didn’t think so; Bucky must be a warm person is all. 
When they got back to the apartment, Bucky was the first one to turn the doorknob to open it. He stepped through, Y/N ahead of him by mere inches and out of the corner of her eye she saw another, smaller figure. 
“Is she okay?” Steve asked, jumping up from his place by the dinner table. 
Y/N nodded and Bucky spoke. “She’s fine, just had to make sure she didn’t leave anything behind in the alley, you know? The one she jumped out of and we almost hit her?” 
Steve’s shoulders visibly relaxed and he breathed out a sigh of relief. “Did you find what you were looking for?” 
“Unfortunately no, I didn’t find anything in there so I must not have left anything behind.” Y/N lied, looking away for the briefest of seconds. 
She hated herself for lying to their faces. 
“Or maybe someone had already taken whatever it was you left.” Bucky chirped in, standing behind her.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders. “I suppose that’s plausible but it doesn’t matter now. I couldn’t find anything there and if someone did take it, there’s no way I could find them.” 
“Well let’s just be thankful you came back okay…” Steve admitted, massaging his forehead with his fingers. 
“Ain’t that the truth.” Bucky agreed as he walked over and onto the kitchen. 
Steve then stepped closer toward Y/N, his blue eyes still swimming in worry. “For next time, tell us where you’re going to leave, okay?” 
For a moment, Y/N tilted her head to the side in wonderous amusement; Bucky said the same exact thing. 
She didn’t have time to answer when Bucky spoke.
“Hey Steve, did you start the sauce yet?”
The smaller man turned to face him and shook his head. “No, I haven’t had the chance.” 
“Okay, well I can get it; all I need is a pan.” Bucky said as he was already opening a cabinet and pulling out a small tin pan. 
Both Steve and Y/N watched for a few seconds before Y/N turned back to face Steve, “Again I’m sorry about ditching you guys. I just really…needed to make sure.” 
Steve was already nodding, showing he understood. “Hey, it’s okay, honestly. I know that you were probably in a rush, so that’s alright. We want to know that you’re gonna be okay.”
“And I am grateful for that, truthfully, I mean I didn’t know it was possible for strangers to care so much for others.” She thanked him again, though a little more heartfelt. 
“It was the right thing to do.” Steve politely countered, but not ignoring what Y/N said.
She couldn’t help but smile at her kindness; both of them. Even in such a city, back when things were much more difficult than in modern times, Bucky and Steve had a compassionate heart  for those in need. They wouldn’t sidestep people who were reached out, asking for someone to simply listen. This time, they took it a step further, they let Y/N (someone they didn’t know) stay at their apartment. 
Y/N had to admit if she had met her the same way, she probably would’ve sent herself in her way, hoping she’d figure it out on her own. 
Selfish, she knew and that’s why she was thankful because she didn’t know if she could have done what they’ve done for her already. 
The rest of the time Bucky spent cooking the spaghetti, Y/N sat at the table with Steve, chatting about this and that. 
 Based on what she could tell, the more she spoke with him, the more comfortable he seemed to feel around her. It seemed that Steve was kind of a shy guy, though she wasn’t sure if that was because she was new or if she was a girl; probably a bit of both. 
In a way she found it endearing considering the fact that women practically throw themselves at him in her time.
He got all flustered whenever a woman showed a clear interest in him. He’d never know what to say, causing him to stammer about as he tried to calm himself down. 
Y/N and Bucky once had been eating at a restaurant with Steve when a woman came right up to the three of them. For a moment, Y/N thought that perhaps she came up to talk to Bucky to chat him up but the thought was dashed the moment the woman said: “you’re really handsome” to Steve. 
They kept quiet, but Y/N and Bucky were dying inside trying not to laugh at Steve as he said “Thanks, you too” before correcting himself saying she was a pretty girl and that he didn’t mean handsome like a man. 
His face was completely red by the end of it, shyly trading phone numbers with the girl. 
Once she skipped out of Y/N and Bucky burst out laughing. Bucky nudged his shoulder asking him what the hell that was and Y/N was just laughing. She admitted she was happy for him but he really fell apart there. 
Maybe he wasn’t all that different. 
“Foods ready!” Bucky shouted from inside the kitchen. Y/N turned in her chair to look over him.
“Do you need any help?” 
He looked up, eyes beaming with gratitude. “Yeah, sure. If you could set the plates and stuff out, I’d appreciate it.” 
“Of course.” Y/N was already getting up from her chair and walked the short distance from the table to the kitchen. She took a brief look around, quickly realizing that she didn’t know where the plates were. 
Steve must have noticed her debacle since he too got up from his chair, and walked over to stand by her side. “The plates are in here…” He reached up to his immediate right to pull back the cabinet door. 
Y/N peered inside instantly seeing the plates inside as Steve mentioned. “Oh thank you, Steve.”
She then reached inside and grabbed three porcelain plates, turning on her heel to move out of Steve and Bucky’s way to set the dishes onto the table. Setting out the three plates, Y/N took a step back to observe the finer details of the plates. 
Easily enough, she could tell that these particular dishes had been put through the ringer, chipped in  several spots with slight discoloration to the once smooth surface. 
They must have had these plates for a long time because there’s no way that these plates look like this and haven’t been kept for quite some time. 
When she heard the slight laughing of the boys, it broke her from her thoughts and focused on the two guys joking around in the kitchen while Bucky stuck a lid over the pot. They’ve been nothing but cheerful since the day she met them which was a bit odd for her since the way she knew them, it took some time for them to show this side to themselves. 
It took nearly a year before Bucky started to relax around her, free enough to make jokes or laugh and took even longer before he allowed himself to be vulnerable. Eventually he took that step, but it definitely took time and effort. 
However those were the parts of their personality they were showing freely without worry something might happen. 
“Coming through, watch out!” Bucky said a bit strained as he grabbed the hot pot from the stove and speed walked to the table. In a rush, he plopped the pot down, waving his hand quickly in a motion that means someone just hurt themselves. 
“Are you alright?” Y/N asked, stepping around the table to stand in front of him.
“Heh, yeah I’m fine, just burned a little.” Bucky reassured nonchalantly. 
Y/N glanced between him and the pot of spaghetti, eyes squinting in confusion once she realized a key object missing. “Do you not have any potholders?”
“Uh…” Bucky started, bringing his hand up to rub the back of his neck while he thought. “No, I never got around to it and I guess I didn’t think it was important enough to get.” 
“So you’d rather burn yourself then get potholders that keep you from doing that exact thing?” 
He shrugged. “Honestly, I don’t think about kitchen utensils that often.” 
Y/N scoffed in amusement. “Well I suppose I’ll have to buy you some then.” 
“With what money?” He inquired, raising a brow at her. 
She couldn’t resist the urge to nudge him. “I’ll find a job, and get you some, you jerk.” 
“Please do..” Steve cut in as he set the saucepan next to the spaghetti with a towel wrapped around the handle. “He’s not good at kitchen convenience.” 
“Who’s side are you on?” Bucky pointed asked, a playful aura surrounding the question. 
Steve shrugged that time. “I’m afraid I’m not in liberty to say.” 
“Well sorry for not taking the proper steps that go with taking care of the kitchen. Why don’t you show me how to, princess.” He smirked, eyes narrowing in on Y/N. 
Y/N’s mouth hung open as she gawked at him, caught completely off guard by the nickname. There was also the little problem of the blooming heat in her cheeks. 
All she managed to do was scoff one more time, almost sounding like a stunned laugh then dashed into the kitchen.  
Bucky watched the embarrassed woman duck to the kitchen while desperately searching for the silverware. He had to admit, she was very cute especially when she got bashful. She opened several drawers before she found them, grinning at her when she’d looked over at him only to see her whip her head away from him. 
Steve leaned closer to Bucky so only he’d hear him. “Stop it, you’re embarrassing her.” 
“That’s what makes her so cute.” Bucky chided, as he pulled out a chair and sat down. 
The smaller male rolled his eyes at his friend before sitting down himself. 
Y/N walked over to the table, gingerly handing Bucky and Steve a fork then sat down herself; seating herself next to Steve and across from Bucky. 
The entire course of dinner, Y/N managed to make normal conversation while trying not to let Bucky’s earlier tease get the better of her. For the most part, he had refrained from teasing anymore but every once and a while, he grinned at her and it would remind her. 
She would fight the flustered sensation and blush that shot up to her face, shaking her head out of a stupor. 
Overall, it was a good time. 
Once everyone had finished, Bucky took the dishes to the sink to wash them while Steve set the spaghetti and sauce inside a container and stuck it inside the fridge. 
Y/N busied herself, wiping down the table with a washcloth then setting it inside the sink to use later. 
Bucky wiped down the wet dishes with a towel, and put them away once they were dry enough. And after he put the pans he used, he dug out a couple of bowls and a pan Y/n would need for the pie. 
“Do you need any help?” He asked her after laying out the dishes, and she had set the ingredients on the counter. 
“No, I got this. Besides, if I let you help me, it would defeat the purpose of my doing this to repay you.” 
He smiled, “Alright, fair, but still if you do need anything let me or Steve know.” 
“Okay, thank you. It’ll probably take about an hour or so.” Y/N nodded, while also checking the time on the wall clock. 
“That’s fine. We’ll probably play cards on the couch; to keep busy until you’re done.” 
“Hopefully it turns out good.” Y/N added a bit weary of her cooking skills. 
Bucky reached up to pat her shoulder, thumb subconsciously rubbing the clothed skin there. “I am confident it will be great.” 
She bashfully smiled, head dipping down as she accepted the praise. They stood there for a couple more moments before Bucky took his hand away. “Well I’ll leave you to it, don’t want to distract you.” 
He stepped around Y/N toward the living room, turning to his immediate right. He reached down to the knob in the front of the radio sitting on a side table, and as soon as he did soft toned music began to play. 
Y/N listened in for a moment, thinking maybe she knew the song but not surprisingly she didn’t, although she liked the music and when words rang out in a gentle chorus, she liked it even more. 
Despite her respite from being able to make a proper apple pie, Y/N let the music take over, letting it soak into her bones and even humming along with it. 
She started with the pie crust, starting from scratch. First she mixed the flour, salt, butter and cold water together then kneaded it into a ball and set it inside the fridge to harden a bit. 
Then she cut the apples into thin slices and dumped them into a circled pan. Over the slices, she poured the sugar, flour, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and touch of lemon juice and mixed them together until it coated the apples entirely. 
Like the crust, she set the apples aside to get out the dough, cut it in half, then rolled it out against the counter top. Once flat enough, she set the first slice inside a circled pan to cover the bottom of the pan. Next, she poured the apple slices inside then covered the top with the remaining dough. 
Y/N took a step back, ready to put the pie in the oven when she realized she hadn’t preheated it and as her eyes scanned the oven itself, she realized too that she had no idea how to work the thing. 
For a second, she thought that she should try to do it herself, after all she was trying to do something nice for the two men that showed her so much kindness. However, the longer she eyed the cooking machine, she knew it was no use. 
A bit anxiously, Y/N poked her head out from the kitchen. “Hey Bucky?”
He stopped the moment his name left her lips, hands holding a deck of cards he was about to deal to Steve. “Need help?”
“Just help with the oven.” She explained timidly while scolding herself inside. 
Bucky got up with no questions, and walked over to her. He stepped past her and bent down to the dials on the front. “What do you need it set to?” 
She walked next to his side, hand resting on his back. “375oF.” 
He turned the dial exactly where she said, then stood up taking note of the hand still resting against him. He chose not to say anything about it. “Never used an oven before?”
“It’s not that, it’s just- uh..” She thought of a way to explain without it sounding bizarre. “My..my family has a different model so this is new to me.” 
She inwardly cringed at the lie. 
Bucky didn’t seem to notice it was a lie and only nodded. “Oh, I see.”
“Well do you need help with anything else?” He offered politely. 
“No, I’m fine now. Thank you for your assistance, Sir.” She said, exaggeratedly.  
He bowed a bit to her. “No problem, Miss, that’s what I’m here for.” 
They shared a laugh as he walked out and back to the couch with Steve. 
Just as she had said, the pie took about an hour to bake and Y/N had nothing to do but to sit and watch Bucky and Steve play whatever card game they were playing. She hadn’t been interested in playing so she didn’t bother to learn the rules, instead enjoyed the conversation between Bucky and Steve. Every once in a while laughing when either one of them said something she thought to be funny. 
Over that hour, she became completely enraptured by the boys not knowing how much time passed until a beeping came from the oven. 
She jumped up from her spot on the couch to jog into the kitchen. 
With a towel in her hand, she opened the oven door and grabbed the pan all while making sure bare hands did not touch the scolding dish. 
After shutting the oven door, she set the pan on the stove then turned the dial to turn the oven off. She could feel the heat coming off the pie crust, and knew that anything inside would be basically liquid magma. 
“Is it done?” Steve asked from his chair in the living room. 
Y/N blew on the pie a few times then answered him. “It is but, it’s going to be really hot so probably should wait a few minutes.” 
Bucky already got up from his spot to walk over to her. “Eh, it’s alright, besides I’m getting a little impatient. Want to know how good this turned out.”
“Alright, alright, I’ll cut you guys a piece.” Y/N surrendered as she took out a knife from the wooden knife holder. 
Without much fuss, Y/N cut two pieces and watched anxiously as the boys both took a bite. They were silent for a couple of seconds and then Bucky spoke first. 
“Oh my god.” 
She grimaced. “That bad?” 
“No, it’s delicious. I mean, it’s really really good.” Bucky beamed, quick to take another bite. 
That made Y/N perk up excitedly. “You think so?” 
Steve nodded then. “It’s great, Y/N. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a homemade pie.” 
“I’m glad you like it. For a second there, I thought I messed it up.”
“If this is how you are gonna repay us, you can make as many pies as you want.” Bucky joked, finishing up the last of his slice. 
Y/N laughed heartily, lightly slapping his arm. “Oh stop it you.” 
“You should get a piece yourself before Buck consumes the whole thing, plate and all.” Steve suggested while gesturing to the pie sitting peacefully on the stove. 
“I believe that.” Y/N remarked as she cut herself a slice and set it carefully onto her plate. 
She dipped her fork into the soft crust, scooped up the apple inside, then brought it to her mouth to bite. She could taste the sweetness of it the moment it hit her tongue and she couldn’t help but giggle happily. 
“I cannot, however, believe I made this. It tastes so good.” 
“You see?” Bucky chimed as he too nudged her arm. 
“If this is how this it’s gonna turn out, maybe I will make you more.” 
Steve, with the last bite in his mouth, tried to speak carefully. “Don’t tempt him, he will eat it all.”
The three shared another jovial laugh, voices mixing together with the music from the radio made it sound euphoric with a touch of nostalgia. The perfect recipe to eat home cooked dessert with friends. 
Finishing the last of their pie, they set the pans and plates into the sink shortly after. Y/n offered to wash them, but Bucky said to worry about that tomorrow since it was getting late and they probably should head to bed. That made Y/N check the clock again and it was nearly ten at night. 
And though that wasn’t really late for her, she didn’t mind the idea of going to bed right now. 
“I can take the couch tonight.” Y/N said as Bucky led her into the living room, noticing Steve turning off the radio to her left. 
Bucky stopped to peer down at her. “I don’t think that’s a good idea, the couch isn’t that comfortable. I’d rather give you somewhere decent to sleep.” 
“But Bucky, you have already let me sleep in your bed, you’ve bought me new clothes, new everything. I can at least give you your bed back.” She reasoned. 
“It's not a big deal though, you can take my bed as long as you want.” He attempted to convince her. 
But she wasn’t having it. She shook her head and crossed her arms. “I thank you for that, but with this, I will not take no for an answer.” 
Bucky smirked at her, briefly glancing at Steve who had moved to stand behind him. 
The smaller man shrugged. “You heard the lady.” 
Bucky threw his hands up in the air, relenting. “Okay, you win. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.” 
“I would never.” She retorted back. 
“I’m heading to bed, good night you two.” Steve bid, already standing by his bedroom door. 
“Good night, Steve.” 
“Good night, Punk.” 
Steve shook his head, a sincere smile still gracing his face even as he stepped inside his room and shut the door. 
“And good night to you too, princess.” Bucky winked, reveling in the way Y/N had frozen up. 
She closed her eyes, trying to gather her thoughts but still amused by his teasing. “Good night, Bucky.” 
All he did was smirk, as he seemed to do when he thought he had the upper hand, and backed away a few steps then turned towards his bedroom door. 
“I’ll see you in the morning.” 
Y/N hummed. “See you in the morning.” 
With that, he opened his door then closed it once inside. 
The apartment was finally quiet, leaving Y/N to fall into her thoughts uninterrupted by the adventure she found herself on. 
Her mind again ran over the events of the day, remembering everything that happened and that caused her to reach into her sweater pocket to pull out the device she had found earlier that afternoon. 
Holding it in her palm made one thought shout above all the rest. 
Fix it.
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truths33k3r4 · 6 months
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( TW for blood, needles, stitches, minor surgery, vomiting- not graphic cause ewww )
CHAPTER 13 - A Prick and a Pull
Who knew a little splash of blood could completely end a conversation dead in its’ tracks?
.. Well, now Leo and Lotus did.
Leo’s face twisted into a small grimace as he quickly jolted his foot away from the slowly growing crimson puddle on the floor. After shaking off the excess blood like a cat shaking it’s paw in the snow, Leo drew his attention to Lotus’ incision. 
It wasn’t a lot of blood.. Just what happens when you have a deep cut in your body and you have nothing to stop the bleeding. A thin stream had trickled down Lotus’ leg and slowly began to drip off the side of the surgical table.
‘ I should’ve covered the incision with something.. MAN I SUCK AT THIS. ‘ Leo self- scolded himself.
The strange thing was Lotus didn’t even notice it.. Guess she got too caught up in the so-called ‘conversation ‘ between her and Leo.. If you could even call it that..
Lotus tried to turn herself over to see what it was that made Leo jolt back, but instead jolted herself as another burning sting shot up her leg in protest of the movement. 
‘ ..OK… NOT GONNA MOVE ANYMORE.. NOTED. ‘ Lotus mentally stated as she let out a slight hiss from the pain.
After Leo promptly cleaned up the small puddle and what was remaining on his foot, he brought his focus back to Lotus.
“ Ok.. I’m really sorry Lotus, but I have to stitch you up before it gets infected.. “
Lotus’ shoulders raised the smallest bit.
Leo knew she was scared.. Heck, HE WAS THE REASON she was scared. It was his mistake that brought her so much pain.. Her fear was totally valid thanks to Leo’s awful track record today. 
“ I promise- I’ll go as fast as I ca- “
“ NO, LEONARDO. “ Lotus nearly shouted. 
Leo’s eyes filled with shock at her sudden impulsive reaction to his words.. He was used to her being so.. soft spoken. Blunt, yes, but never fiery or passionate.
Lotus’ shoulders were now completely up as her head began to subtly recoil into her shell. Not completely, but enough for Leo to notice.
“ YOUR MEDICINE DOESN’T WORK. It wore off -  It’s useless. “
Lotus gulped down the lump building in her throat of dread for what she was about to say.
“ You said it will take you 2 minutes? “
Leo nodded.
Lotus paused.
‘ Am I really gonna do this?...
The medicine didn’t work.
It still really hurt. ‘
Lotus subconsciously stroked her left thigh to relieve the pain that was building once again.
‘ It’s only two minutes. 
It will be fine.
I’ve been through worse.
I’ve survived worse.
A prick, a pull, and done.
…. This.. is gonna SUCK EDAMAME BEANS. ‘
“ I don’t need any numbing. Just start. “
Leo’s already wide eyes somehow grew in size as he processed what Lotus said.
“ I- You- You want me to stitch your leg with NO lidocaine???? “ Leo was nearly huffing as he ran through the scenario of what it would look like for Lotus to get stitches feeling… EVERYTHING. He tried again to talk her out of it.
“ Lotus- it’s just one pinch- and then I’ll work as fast as I can!! Don’t you at least want the CHANCE of not feeling it???? Maybe if I work fast it will last long enough! “
Lotus stayed quiet, taking a minute or so assessing Leo’s option.
… But her mind was already made up.
“ No.. thank you. ‘ She spoke in a huff. “ It’s a matter of the mind here Leo. I’m not going to lie to myself thinking that your dumb meds will work when it was just PROVEN that they don’t.
I just gotta tough it out. “
Lotus curled her arms around herself attempting a self hug, as she laid her head onto the surgical table’s pillow.
“ It’s just two minutes. Do your worst.“ 
Leo’s face became flushed with agony and shame. 
Normally, the phrase “ do your worst “ is used in a sarcastic tone. A comedic context. Something two friends would say to each other whilst playing video games, or forcing the other to eat something gross at a sleep over.
But Lotus spoke with no sarcasm. There was no humor to water down the potency of her words. Nothing to make it more bearable. 
Leo’s eyes attempted to form more tears, but the wells remained dry. He pulled a small rolling stool underneath himself and turned to face Lotus’ incision.
“ .. Are you sure?.. You’re going to feel everythi-”
“ YES. DO IT. “
Lotus braced every muscle despite all the protest of her incredibly sore body.
“ NO PAIN. NO GAIN. JUST DO IT. “ She choked out through gritted teeth.
Leo let out a silent sigh as he reached over to the cupboard and pulled out a package of needles and a spool of thread. 
Lotus shut her eyes as she listened to the faint sounds of Leo opening a bottle.
The putrid fumes of rubbing alcohol filled her senses.
With everything that had happened, the horrible burning pain, the constant fight against her nightmares and memories, and the dread of what was occuring NOW.. One couldn’t blame her for what happened next. 
The growing knot in her stomach took the horrid smell as the signal to vacate its’ contents.
It began with Lotus letting out a small gag, to which Leo IMMEDIATELY dropped the bottle onto the rolling table, and reached underneath for a small basin, handing it to Lotus in a panic.
( As the oldest brother of four, he was well-versed in knowing the tell-tale signs of nausea. And.. what came up with it. )
He gently rubbed Lotus’ shell, trying his best to bring her any comfort he could. He could feel under his hand that she was shaking more harshly now. Under such bodily distress, it certainly made sense.
She was completely exhausted.
After Lotus’ stomach was squeezed empty, she placed the basin to her side and hid her face in her crossed arms.
“ I hate this.. I hate this…. “ She squeaked as she began to sob into her arms. 
Lotus’ mind filled with question after question. An action to which nothing responded. No answers. Nothing. 
The void remained still and steadfast; The darkness covering up any chance of answers being given.
Lotus had heard many times at the lab various people shouting out the names of deities. Usually when they accidentally dropped something, or if an experiment proved successful.
On their podcasts or tv shows there would be characters praying to a god. Asking for direction or guidance or answers.
That’s how you knew it was just a tv show. Their questions were always answered. All of their problems magically were taken away thanks to their so-called faith. Thanks to their god.
And all Lotus could sense in her mind was darkness. Unrelenting stress, fear, shame, and anxiety. 
No answers.
Just endless silence.
‘ There is no way there’s a god out there.’
She heard a snip of scissors.
Lotus’s mind was yanked back to her horrible reality in an instant.
“ Try not to brace your muscles.. It will hurt worse. “ Leo spoke to her.
Before she could react, Leo inserted the needle. 
Lotus grasped onto the sides of the surgical table with both hands, squeezing as hard as she could to somehow relinquish the pain. A quiet whimper escaped her lips.
This pain was different. With the implant removal, it was more of a sharp burn accompanied by the frigid cold of the tweezers.. 
But this.. This felt as though someone stabbed into her leg with the thin edge of an iron-tip pen. 
Over and over again. 
With each stitch came a small snap of her skin, and with each needle prick came a tightening pull of the thread. 
For once, that day, Leo’s calculations were correct. 
Lotus’ incision took about 3 stitches to fully close, coming to around 2 minutes to finish the full procedure.
But as Lotus understood quite thoroughly, PAIN SLOWS TIME.
Seconds disguised themselves as minutes and hours. It felt like an eternity as Lotus dug her hands deeper and deeper into the surgical table’s rim. 
Every time the needle pierced into her skin she let out a sharp hiss, followed by a long whimper as Leo tightened the stitch.
It was awful.
Leo ( for once ) kept his word with moving as fast as he could. His hands worked swiftly and smoothly as he finally snipped off the remaining strand of thread.
NOW it was over.
Hohohohooo I had FUNN with this one. :)
If you have any questions about my story, the characters, whatever, you can send me an ask! :)
To God be the glory!
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
TWICE x M Reader - “Cry For Me”: PART 2
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Surpriseee! Yeah, I know. I thought this would take a longer time to be published because I was about to move this to the Set 6 line up but it all ends up being... NOPE! Well, fortunately as I said in my announcement; despite of my phone got broken I was able to save my whole plot outline for the CFM series Part 1-7 on the MS word of my laptop. I honestly forgot that I actually made it in my laptop and thought I did it instead on the phone that's why I got saddened a lot when I realized it at first. So yeah, thanks to what I did I was able to atleast continue follow to the Set 5 lineup and work on this next. Another good news too, MY PHONE IS HAS FINALLY BEEN REPAIRED! I'm still saving up to buy a new one tho but hey, atleast my OG device where I usually write is back. I mostly my laptop rather on editing my work. So now that my phone is back... that means ALL OF MY SAVED PLOT OUTLINES FOR MY FUTURE ENTRIES ARE BACK. Now I can finally write for my next works and chapters for my TWICE ships and 1% Of Chances books respectively. Anyways, have fun reading! To be honest, I feel like this one increases the buildup for the next parts, especially the ending. A bit dark but I know I can somehow come up with darker ideas. Just wait and see. PREVIOUSLY ON "CRY FOR ME" PART 1...
"I felt betrayed so much...", Tzuyu finally speaks, Nayeon just attentively listened to what she has to say. She started wiping the tears from her face with her own handkerchief. "I thought seeing him sometimes with his acts that makes me suspicious of him was just me overthinking because, like he said, I am the only woman he loves but I never even knew that he really does hiding a dark secret from me," she sighed heavily as she felt her heart ache with every skips between on its beat her senses numbing at how her body feels lifeless at the immense despair she's experiencing. "YN is an asshole, Tzuyu; I'm warning you right now to stay away from him," Nayeon cautioned. "And as you said, we might not know... maybe he has other girls out there that he's keeping with him at the same time as you," she said, referring to the part where she acquired that Tzuyu had already noticed some strange and suspicious behaviors from you that made it appear as if you were hiding something from her.
"To be sure, starting today, I suggest we keep a watch on him at all times," Nayeon says before helping Tzuyu rise up by offering her free hand to the heartbroken lady. Nayeon swayed several strands of hair that blocks off her face to make Tzuyu seem presentable and prepared to greet the customers entering the business where she works and continue performing her job properly again. Before she lets go of the Taiwanese woman, Nayeon said one last thing to her before they parted ways. "So Tzuyu, are you in with me?" Nayeon said, folding her arms, awaiting the younger's response to her invitation to assist her in carrying out the vengeance plot she had for you.
Tzuyu then looked at Nayeon as she lifted her available hand to instigate a handshake. She stared at the hand for a few more seconds before coming up with the finalized answer she made up in her mind from rewinding everything Nayeon has told her about you being a goddamn cheater and a two-timer to her and to your ex-wife Jeongyeon.
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"So, what happened?"
Jeongyeon was sipping her hot machiatto coffee on the mug she's holding when she heard Nayeon's question coming from the kitchen, preparing their breakfast for today. "It went... good." Jeongyeon said, quitely paused in the middle as she recalled her first meetup with you after the breakup they had. "He agreed for a closure and there, we had it." "Was he sincere?" Jeongyeon stared deeply for a few seconds on her drink, processing Nayeon's question. She remembered how there was none of a trace that you even acknowledged your wrong doing to her still but the hug as you told her how thankful you were that she won't go away because you can't make it happen that you gave her was contradicting her thoughts. She also can feel that warmth of your embrace. It may not gave the same feeling as the both of you would share before but it kind of gives her assurance that although you won't speak it for your own, it's giving her the hint that you still think and care for her otherwise. But then, she disregarded again that theory. You cheated. How the hell would make her convinced that you are what she's guessing. If you did think fo her, why did you betrayed her trust? If you did care for her, why would you break her heart and leave her without any sign of regret and guilt from you? "I... I... don't know." Jeongyeon concluded. It was too confusing and complicated to her yet. "Why do you say so?" Nayeon exits the kitchen, bringing two plates placed with freshly made sandwich each for them with her and place it on the table. "How does he responded to it anyway?" "He asked me first if I'm sure with what I'm doing. I said yes. He accepted, got surprised again because he... he knew what happened to us before." Jeongyeon gulped, fiddling her fingers on the handle of the cup as Nayeon listened to her.
"He's aware." Nayeon nodded. Jeongyeon looked at her. "Did he apologized?" Jeongyeon only bowed her head, sighed and shook her head gently. Nayeon's lips twitched in disappointment. "So, let me guess; he did accepted your closure... because he's good with the idea that you and him should remain friends. That's it?"
"Yeah." "That selfish prick." Nayeon huffed in the air. "He still won't admit it huh." Jeongyeon continued sipping on her coffee before taking a first bite on her food. While doing so, Nayeon took the chance to ask again. "What keeps you from being sure?" Heat all over Jeongyeon's body increased as the replay of you hugging her unexpectedly once again reoccured in her mind. It's as if she's in sync again with what that yesterday's her who received that felt while being entrapped in your arms again. A culmination of all the stories, memories, and experiences gathered into one done purely with the love that was once keeping you and Jeongyeon apart. Her arms suddenly moved by itself, hands began caressing each other's opposite skin as she tries to prevent it from disturbing her. "Jeongyeon?" "B-before I go he..." Jeongyeon catched her head with her hands grasping at both sides, feeling stressed because of what you're doing to her again. "He catched up to say thank you again then he hugged me." Nayeon stared at her friend for a while, monitoring her expression and reaction about it. She can tell that it brings back the familiar things that were once given and shared with her by none other than you who became her first and only man, confidently thinking at first that you were the right person she would love to spend the rest of her life to be with. Troubled. That's what it got her from deciding whether your actions and words are true. But then again, it got her thinking that at some point it makes her feeling stupid for herself asking her friend if you were sincere. You betrayed her. How could she even figure out if can you be trusted again at whatever the hell you do in front of her if you destroyed that very valuable thing that cannot or almost impossible to fix within a person's value. Now she made sure she won't ask her again about it. She can speak something about it, but then again... it's pretty understandable for Jeongyeon now to feel this way. "I know I hated how he could just do that to me but when he did it, I sensed something on him. My urge to let go was held back, Nay. It was like... a glimpse at least, that he... he still has something in there that belongs to me." Jeongyeon began slightly choking on her breath, head bobbed as she sniffed on her tiny tears slowly escaping in her eyes. Nayeon didn't hesitated to stood up and approach her poor friend to comfort her with a caress to the back and a pat to the head. "It's okay, Jeongyeon. I can't blame you if you're still feeling this way. I know it's still hard to move on and you're trying." "But just to let you know always, I'm here to help this time okay?" Jeongyeon nodded. "I will help you back up again, Jeong. Trust me." Nayeon kissed the crown of Jeongyeon's head before giving a last squeeze on the pityful lady before she returned to her seat and continue eating her sandwich. It went silent for a moment as both took time to enjoy their precious meal as respect for the blessing presented in front of them. After emptying their respective drink and food, Jeongyeon took the turn to collect the plates and mug as Nayeon opened her phone. "By the way, how was your meetup with her too?" Nayeon heard it. To be fair, she answered it too. "A success, if I must say. She was trying to be in denial as I expected. Thankfully, I'm prepared. Showed her everything I got to prove my statements are true." "Oh...", Jeongyeon reacted. "Well, so what does she said then?" "She believed, and she agreed to my proposal." Nayeon smirked as she glanced at Jeongyeon standing beside her while holding the dishes. "So, Tzuyu? Are you in with me?", Nayeon said, folding her arms, awaiting the younger's response to her invitation to assist her in carrying out the vengeance plot she had for you. Tzuyu then looked at Nayeon as she lifted her hand to instigate a handshake. She stared at the hand for a few more seconds before coming up with a finalized answer she made up in her mind after rewinding Nayeon has told her about you being a goddamn cheater and a two timer to her and to your ex-wife Jeongyeon. Nayeon felt a touch on her available hand. The sight is very clear and what a glorious thing to see for her as it only means one thing for her: accomplishment. Tzuyu's hand grasped Nayeon's hand, accepting the handshake to seal the deal. "If... that's what everything you say abut him being all true. That his love and everything he showed to me was fake and I'm just nothing but a mistress I've never wanted to... I- I accept your offer Miss Nayeon. I'll help you get back on him for what he did to your friend while I get mine... for me."
Nayeon grinned widely at Tzuyu's answer. She thanked her after and assured her that they will get this done someday until they achieve what it matters the most for them: your endless suffering. They exchanged numbers before Nayeon bought another one in the store in the store as she leaves the mall, her first plan now crossed out in the list. "So yeah, as of now she's on the standby; waiting for me to send a signal for our next move." Jeongyeon remained silent as she nodded. "What's her name by the way?" "It's Chou Tzuyu. She's a Taiwanese. Works as a saleslady in a famous luxurious designer clothing store, and I'm telling you..." Nayeon halted to chuckle in amazement and impressed at the next thing she has in mind. "What?" "She's a very gorgeous looking young lady. So pure, kind and innocent. Your husband surely does pick so well on women with the likes of you and now her but too bad, he fooled that girl and even hurt her also with you.". Nayeon clicked her tongue in dismay. Jeongyeon became even more intrigued at this Tzuyu girl regarding her friend's description.
"W-wait, what do you mean "fooled"?" "She doesn't know it also, Jeong. I don't why I didn't hesitated to atleast doubt first if she's telling the truth, but the way how I saw her face when she looked at your wedding picture with YN and how she just shambles down in front of me. Those were enough for me to realize that she... she is a victim here too, Jeong." "Seeing her broke down when I had to tell her that she's being cheated. It was like I saw you in her, and it breaks my heart immediately." Nayeon looked at Jeongyeon and showed a tightlipped expression. "I'll introduce her to you someday, Can't wait for you and her to meet." Nayeon smiled at Jeongyeon before retuning her gaze at her phone, allowing Jeongyeon to place the dishes on the sink as her head were filled of many new informations she learned all caused by your intoxicating sin. MEANWHILE... "I got to go now, okay? Have a nice day on your work today, babe." You kissed Tzuyu's cheek as both of them reached the front of the store. Tzuyu fakely smiled at your greeting, but being the oblivious you are; you didn't notice it. "You too. Bye." You waved your hand at her one last time which she also did before she quickly entered the store, her back now facing your sight. Tzuyu on the other hand, had her emotion shifted into a serious one as her fists began clenched tightly in uplifting rage that is cursing into her. You pulled out your phone and glanced through it as you stepped into one of the steps of the moving escalator. A message popped out of the screen which caused you to be excited and grin heavily because of the person who sent this to you. You drove away with your black sedan and head through your scheduled destination. A peek of the place caught your eyes from the window. You turned the steering wheel to the left as you finally arrived; parking your car on one of the available spots in the parking lot. After hopping out and start walking through the entrance door, you opened it and entered the place, on what is called to be a gym where there's some men and women busily doing also what you also came here for today: to work out. However, unlike them though; you have another reason in mind that encourages you to come here and establish yourself to become a regular and a "special" customer. Beng the only person who has a VIP like pass in this place, you shamelessly walked through the counter and pose yourself there while waiting for that particular woman locked in your gaze who is helping a customer to arrange herself to a perfect position to use an exercise machine. Now that she finished and received a thankful remark, she was about to return to the cashier when she caught your presence there, a smirk crept up in her eyes immediately. You had to watch this woman walk towards you, weren't sure if the way everything she does as it feels like it was all in slow motion when she comes in contact of your attention are either intentional or not. The way her hips sway, strong legs switching movements, her hair bounces as she combs sexily, bending her upper body where those perfectly built stoned abs get flexed and ofcourse those huge rounded chest of hers being barely hidden by her grey Calvin Klein sports bra that only compresses and instead forms a hypnotizing cleavage that you find it diffult to ignore. "You're finally here, YN." She slapped your chest before taking out her jacket and place it on her chair. She comes up to you and gave you a peck in the lips. Her hand caressed your chest as she greeted you with her seducive low pitched voice. "Good morning, hotshot. Ready for our intense workout today?" "When I have ever not if I'll do it with you, Momo?" You fixed some disarranged strands of hair in her bangs before pinched her peachy cheeks. "That's great to hear." She giggled. She took your hand and pulled it with her as she made you follow her around. "Come on, let's get started. The usual first then I have some new sets prepared for us." "Okay." You nodded. As you and her placed the tumbler and some other belongings that both of you will definitely need throughout the workout, you came up to her and wrap your arms around her waist. "Hey, I'm sorry if I never got to visit you for days, okay? Work has been requiring me a lot." You apologized to her. She did that adorable pouty look very close to your face as she sulked. "Now that you reminded me of that, yes I do felt lonely not seeing you around here" She glared away from you. "But, it's all okay now. Atleast you're sorry." She wrapped her arms around your neck. "Are you taking care of your health?" "Yup. I'm still doing a bit of cardios and endurance at home. Jogging outside, if I may include." You enumerated. "And oh, I also organized my meal plan again. Got some new additions." "Well, that's good. You're listening and . Keep it that way." She patted your head like a good boy. "Ofcourse I do, you know I'm still doing it all just to make us finally official, right?" You sniggered. Momo laughed. "You really want me to be all yours, huh?" "You have no idea." You shook your head. Momo pressed her body against yours, her face leaned closer on your ears as she whispers. "Say, what if we complete our session today... you can finally get the answer you've been waiting for." You got taken aback at what she said. Mouth went agaped as you got stunned for a while before proceeding to reply. "S-sure! What are we waiting for then? Can we start now?" You motivatedly said. Momo lets go from you and sets up the timer in her phone as she chuckles. "Easy there, tiger. Don't rush me around. I'm your coach, remember? Do you want me to reconsider-" "N-no! No. I'm sorry. I'll behave." You frantically waved your hands to gesture her to stop saying the next words you're afraid to hear. Thankfully, Momo listened as she's just only messing around with you. She stood on her own position beside you after. "Alright, ready? We'll do the stretches first. 8 counts. Left and right." After 3 hours of working out together with Momo, you two decided to continue your rest outside of the gym after you and her were both contented enough with the amount of cold temperature to help ease each other's exhaustion and body heat from the intense exercises you've gone through. You and her are now sitting behind the trunk of your car, your towel wrapped around your neck and your head placed atop of Momo's shoulder whose back is leaned behind her foldable chair. Drinking a cold water in your tumbler, you cleansed your throat before proceeding to talk to Momo. "I'm all ears, Momoring." "Eh?" You shrugged and laughed softly. "You know what I mean." "Ahh" she dumbfoundedly reacted. "Oh yeah... the answer." "Mmmhmm."
"But I'm not rushing you, okay? I just want to tell you because I thought-" You got silenced when Momo pushed her index finger on your lips. "Don't worry, YN. I'm not, okay? Actually... I've been thinking about it for days now and I had it prepared to do it... today." Momo dragged her fingers to your chin as she cupped and played it with. "And I thought... after everything that you've done and showed to me. You know I do have feelings for you too, YN and... the more I've been seeing you a lot as I reflect myself how I feel so comfortable, complete and happy when I'm with you, I thought... why don't I just turn it up, you know?" "So yeah... YN...", Momo looked down and smiled, blush forming in her cheks before looking up at you as her eyes twinkled. "You passed. I would really like to have you as my boyfriend." "Woah? Y-you are?", Your separated yourself away from Momo in shock. Momo nodded and just giggled at your actions. With pure happiness, you pulled Momo for a grateful hug which she accepted immediately. "Thnak you, Momo. Seriously." You kissed Momo in the lips after. "I love you." "You're welcome, YN. I love you too." *click* Unbeknownst to you and Momo, one of the cars parked near in the gym has a person inside of it that has been spying both of you earlier way since you entered the gym hours ago. After clicking on her camera for the nth time, she looked at the image she captured, and oh boy what a great shot she just took, A perfect formula for your sudden destruction. Her wicked smiled crept up in her lips. "Gotcha." She dialed someone on the phone before putting it in front of her ear. "Hello, Tzu. Let's meet tomorrow. I'll show you something." "What did you see, N-Nayeon unnie?" Tzuyu replied to the caller she sent to track you down. Back at the store earlier, when she reached the backroom where all of employee's locker are placed, she pulls out her phone and called Nayeon to inform her of your departure. Nayeon who is waiting outside the mall, saw you exit and silently followed you before saying goodbye to Tzuyu as she confirms her target on you. That's where it led her being here in front of the place where you secretly go to meet your other sidegirl, who is the owner of the gym you've been visiting recently named Hirai Momo. "I can't tell you yet, Tzu. I think it's best for you to see the truth in your own eyes but I only have one word to answer you: positive." She quickly pressed the end button, not even waiting any longer for her comment. All that Nayeon has in mind now is to face her tomorrow and send this to her directly. She woke up her car again and drives away back to her home to rest, leaving you and Momo to sepnd little more time to rest before also leaving together with her, as she invites you to stay with her for a while in her own house. "I figured it's been a while you've been here so... that's why I brought you here." Momo said before knocking on the door twice. "Yeah, I've missed being in here. Your house looks great. I presume what I'll see inside would be the same as always.", you smiled. The door then opens, you saw it reveals a woman sporting a brown curvy long hair, face presenting a breathtaking beauty, wearing a purple t-shirt and a jogging pants. Your eyes were fixated even more when the woman stares back at you cluelessly. You were indeed right at what you just said. It was undeniable that she even looked more beautiful today from the last time you saw her. "Momo-chan! O-oh... YN? Hi..." the squirrel looking girl said with her high pitched squeaky voice before her tone lowered when she catched your apperarance standing beside her cousin. "Hi, Sana. Long time no see." You smirked as you bounced your eyebrows that made the Japanese girl gulp and tense up in shyness. Meanwhile, Jeongyeon was walking on her way through your company building with her phone on her hand. It was open and it has your message on her agreeing that you'll meet with her there to spend time and catch up with her too. She decided to do it today so as of now she's about to visit you in your workplace today.
Entering the building, greeting the guards kindly; she made her way through the concierge area where the receptionists are always present to help the concerns of everyone who comes in here. "Uhh, hi miss." "Hello, maam. How can I help you?", the receptionist glanced at Jeongyeon first before typing back on her computer. "Can I ask if the name YN LN here today?" "Do you have an appointment with him, maam?" "N-no, he's my friend and I just want to request if you could atleast reach out to him for me. Tell her that a certain name of Yoo Jeongyeon wants to visit her."
"Okay, one moment maam please.", the lady nodded. "Thank you."
After waiting for a while, the receptionsit speaks again. "Sorry maam but Mr. LN is on the leave for today. He'll be resuming his work tomorrow though, you can come here again for him if you may so." "Oh... is that so." Jeongyeon reacted understandably. "Sorry, I didn't knew he's on a dayoff today. We just actually met again yesterday after few months of being away." She explained.
"Anyways, thank you for the help miss."
"You're welcome maam. Happy to serve." The lady and Jeongyeon bowed at each other before she leaves the building with a mix of disappointment, relief and sadness consuming her inside. "Tomorrow it is, I guess." She said before entering her car again and drive back home. Later that night, you just picked up Tzuyu in the clothing store and ate together with her on the mall for dinner. You are currently driving her to her home and you noticed that Tzuyu seemed silent and emotionless, so you assumed hat she's just tired or she's just lonely about something. To find out, an idea developed in your mind. Arriving in front of her house, you escorted her out of the car. "Thanks." She was about to come to the doorway when you interrupted her. "Tzu, are you okay?" You asked worriedly. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." You looked at the house and noticed that the lights are off. It's only 9PM in the night so far and it's weird if her parents are already asleep. "Are you parents' not at home?" "It's their anniversary today, they'll spend a vacation in Jeju for 3 days."She answered, explaining the reason. "Ahh..." You nodded. "Tzu, since your parents aren't home and you're alone. Do you want me to say for tonight and you know... help you rest with something?" "What do you have in mind, YN?" You stepped closer to Tzuyu and slowly nuzzle your face inches away to the crook of neck. Your lips began in contact with her smooth creamy skin. Tzuyu finally understood what you're referring at and to be honest, she isn't impressed at all. Instead of being aroused, she's just getting irritated and annoyed more and more. Tzuyu groaned and gritted her teeth as your hand became even more active, slowly touching her thigh up to her plump ass traced by her pencil shirt as your lips crawls down even more dangerously to the middle of her chest. "S-stop." Tzuyu isn't letting this go further now. She gently pushed you away from her which made you stare at her in curiousity. "I appreciate the concern, YN but I'll be fine. I just want an alone time for now and all I want to do so far is to sleep. I'm super tired." "A-are you sure, Tzu?" She just nodded. "O-oh, okay. If you don't feel well, I'm just one call away okay?" "Okay." "Alright, goodnight babe. Love you." You kissed her on the cheeks which she only grimaced. You entered your car and closed the door. Before driving away, you peeked at the rolled down window to say one last thing to her. "Rest well, okay?" Tzuyu just nodded. Again. You finally made your way exit. Tzuyu didn't even need to watch your car disappear on her sight from the distance as she quickly opens the door and enter her house. After changing her clothes and cleaning up, she lays down on her bed with her posture sideways. Then, she recalled what exactly happened that leads to her mood being completely ruined.
Nayeon arrived at the mall and invited Tzuyu to eat with her for lunch at one of the restaurants during her break. After they gave their orders to the waiter, Tzuyu spoke again for their conversation to proceed. "You followed him?" "Yeah. He went into this gym located in Hongdae." Nayeon nodded. "Did he say something to you before he left you?" "Nothing much. He just said he has to go now. He didn't told me where he'll be going or what's his purpose of." Tzuyu answered.
"Makes sense that he won't. Why would a cheating bitch would take down his guard if it'll risk his dark secret to be exposed, right?" Nayeon raised her eyebrows and created a sour face. "Y-you said it's positive, what did you see when you were there?" Tzuyu nervously asked and waited for Nayeon to inform her what she got. Nayeon opens her bag and takes out her camera. She turns it on and scrolls down on the gallery and paused at the exceptional picture that when she shows it toher, it won't need any further explanations to spill in addition. "I must say, he did kept you out from it. Although, having an eyes is useless when your mind is blind... and that what he is." Nayeon then gave the camera to Tzuyu and watched her look at it horribly. "I know it's not the perfect thing you want to see, but I have to remind to you again Tzuyu. You agreed to help me, I'm just doing to favor in return. This is one of my ways. I'm going to open your eyes and see the reality. Especially... when the truth is right there to set you free." In the middle of the night, sounds of helpless, broken and grieving screams and cries can be heard in the Chou residence. Despite of the exhausted eyes, Tzuyu's tears still pours out from her eyes one after the another until she finally burst out in loud sobs. She pounded the bed, raked her hair aggressively and threw all her pillows with her clenched fists in all anger, rage and devastation. She remained suffering inside the darkness as the image of you and Momo kissing outside of the gym earlier continues to intensify the pain in her heart and mind while her vengeful state becomes intensified.
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