#magazine script
coderelynet · 3 months
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inthedarktrees · 2 years
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Marilyn Monroe
Edward Clark, Life, August 8, 1950
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joshtuff · 4 months
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Favorite time of the day (:
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untimelyambition · 7 months
now that we’re on the topic i would fucking love to read through the sheet music for nerdy prudes must die… not even to play or try and put on my own performance but just so i could read it and follow along with the show to try and work out all the harmonies
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gogojetters · 5 months
Surprise !! And I guess… unofficial voice reveal??
I’ve wanted to get more comfortable with using my voice in online spaces, and really wanted to discuss some things regarding this merch find verbally, so I recorded a video of me going through the GJ magazine prizes !! While I will admit it got a bit long, I did go on a few spiels, whoops! Nonetheless, I hope that you all can enjoy this video!! Would you be interested in a part two discussing the magazine itself?
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marley-manson · 4 months
me after watching and reading a few essays about the pain of womanhood and its ubiquitous depiction in media: save me xena... xena... xena save me...
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spnscripthunt · 1 year
Hidden Treasures of Internet Archive: full scripts!
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 1 No 1 (1995)
Four Weddings and a Funeral
The Silence of the Lambs
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 1 No 2 (1995)
Groundhog Day
Five Easy Pieces
What Happened Was…
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 1 No 3 (1995)
The Usual Suspects
Picture Bride
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 1 No 4 (1995)
Quiz Show
Heavenly Creatures
His Girl Friday
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 2 No 1 (1996)
Get Shorty
To Sleep With Anger
A Little Princess
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 2 No 2 (1996)
Lone Star
To Die For
Atlantic City
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 2 No 3 (1996)
Big Night
Walking and Talking
Girls Town
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 2 No 4 (1996)
Tin Cup
Citizen Ruth
Bad Day at Black Rock
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 3 No 1 (1997)
Donnie Brasco
Addicted to Love
I Can't Sleep
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 4 No 3 (1998)
Pickup on South Street
Shock Corridor
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 5 No 1 (1999)
The Conversation
Enemy of the State
Mrs. Dalloway
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 5 No 2 (1999)
Rebel Without a Cause
The Birds
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 5 No 3 (1999)
Being John Malkovich
Midnight Run
Scenario: The Magazine of Screenwriting Art, Vol 5 No 4 (1999)
Rosemary's Baby
American Psycho
The Sixth Sense
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shararan · 7 months
good news: started shortfic 300 words
good news 2: its binggehua
??? news: its pushing the boundaries of a shortfic as im at 1500 words and cant stop for a break
worse news: my back is dying
good news 3: still kicking and screaming as the words flow like waterfall
less good but also ???? news: its in swedish
not good but kinda makes me laugh news: ill be the one to take yet another fandoms swedish fic virginity on ao3
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fontriver · 2 years
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Richard Martha font designed by Noah Type
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marthammasters · 8 months
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I am Normal and Can Be Trusted to have a Normal Number of books :)
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strawberriemars · 2 years
Malicious computer programming tortures you for a 109 years and has the nerve to be like "Can't help being an Aries"
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corinneecrivaine · 1 year
The Jump (short film 2018)
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Hi everyone,
I just watched this short film « The Jump » and the story is really interesting.
We come into this world with a life capital, often we have dreams full of head but the reality takes over.
And we end up taking paths that don't correspond to our life path, our soul.
Often we grow up, we are put in boxes and we remain prisoners of what society wants us to do and who we should become.
We must not hesitate, we must not let our doubts or our fears stop us from jumping.
If we want to follow our dreams then we all have « to jump ».
Ruby Cruz, once again shows us her talents as an actress. She is beautiful. She deserves to have a great career.
Salut tout le monde,
Je viens de regarder ce court métrage « The Jump » et l'histoire est vraiment intéressante.
On vient au monde avec un capital vie, souvent on a des rêves plein la tête mais la réalité prend le dessus.
Et on finit par prendre des chemins qui ne correspondent pas à notre chemin de vie, notre âme.
Souvent nous grandissons, nous sommes mis dans des cases et nous restons prisonniers de ce que la société veut que nous fassions et de ce que nous devons devenir.
Il ne faut pas hésiter, il ne faut pas laisser nos doutes ou nos peurs nous empêcher de sauter.
Si nous voulons suivre nos rêves alors nous devons tous « sauter ».
Ruby Cruz, nous montre encore une fois ses talents d'actrice. Elle mérite d'avoir une belle carrière.
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coralsgrimes · 1 year
I find it amusing that no one has called BB on obviously trying and failing to rewrite the last few years in interviews recently. He knows everything that’s been said since the Jules mess started and now he’s quietly trying to make excuses. Everyone assumed JH and her besties talked him into the album, but all of a sudden he’s open about it being his mother pushing him to do it— which I figured, anytime he gets pensive and serious it’s about his parents. Talking about watching a “vibrant friend” go through a low period after a breakup. The best one was him talking about a family vacation, and casually dropping that he “hadn’t been on a mountain or ski trip in at least a decade.”
August and Christmas blew up in his face, and he needs to look like nothing was ever going on, so this Peyton girl pops back up practically out of of nowhere. Why doesn’t he just get a PR manager and save himself the trouble
So first, all his career all he says are excuses and pre-rehearsed stories. It's not new but it became very fucking obvious lately is all
Next, who is the everyone who 'assumes' that fairy queen and her crowd (also kind of Benny's crowd xd) talked him into the music? Like this is first time imma hearing this? Thought the story is that his overblown ego, fangirls, unemployment blues and finally the yes people he surrounds himself with were the factors? and obvi the blessing from momma too lol not like them pushing him. He was pushing, everyone was looking at the trainwreck....
Thiiiiiiiird, ye like he was kinda off hand dropping what the inspiration was for the EP, then everyone sniffed sum shite so he started to change the story in real time. Like we all know, everyone and their neighbor dog aunt knows lol cuz we witnessed in live like?
Can't remember anything about him saying he wasn't on a lil trip but ima not interested in listening to him sooooooo also montana never happened like ye seen pictures? yer problem cuz Benny said it never happened ye gotta live laugh love with that x.x
And miss P is around FOR YEARS, she just got a pass outta basement lately and honestly still can't figure out why?
And he not getting PR team cuz he is a renaissance man with a useless degree and also an empath so he can manage on his own lol also why does he needs them for? he has no job? no one cares about him in the big world? theres only his established fans, half of which will protect him with their lives and the other part that would shit on him but forget about his misstepies in two to four weeks if he pops them two top buttons or gets cutesy with Jessie lol
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rivertalesien · 1 year
So now I'm seeing ads for AI-based apps that will "write your tweets for you."
It's going to write blog posts, podcasts, novels, write movies, write songs, hell, might even write our obituaries.
(this is where I hint to bring this up to your reps and not shut up bc its going to ruin everything)
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Queer personality Dianna Agron…. Now a podcaster
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