#magical boy radius
juniperdugong · 2 months
Relationship Quirks 96s ver.
Aka habits I can see the boys doing in a relationship || 95s || 96s || 97s || Maknae line ||
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Avoids foods you don't like or are allergic to
You thought it was weird when after you had mentioned that you were allergic or didn't like a certain food that you would never encounter it when you were with Jun. Of course, you would always avoid it but you knew Jun to not be that picky, in fact, he's quite an adventurous eater. So it just struck you as odd.
That is until you overhear him on the phone with the restaurant you guys were having a date at later tonight asking about the ingredients used in certain dishes and if {insert food here} was used. When you talk to him about this he casually says that he just wants to make sure that you eat well and like what you eat. (THE SWEETEST BOY IN THE WORLD)
Little do you know that he's started to exclude those foods from his diet as well, especially if it's an allergy you have. If it's a food you don't like then he doesn't want you to avoid kissing him if he's eaten it. BUT IF IT'S AN ALLERGY, red alert red alert, he thinks you'll go into anaphylactic shock if he eats something you're allergic to and then he touches/kisses you.
If you're not by his side when he's making decisions then it feels like the balance of the universe is off. Could be halfway across the world from each other and dude is calling you at 3am to ask which magnet he should bring home as a souvenir.
Needs your input on almost every decision he makes
Ooh it's bad, like looking at your parents when the doctor asks what your age is type of bad. He will know exactly what he wants at a restaurant but as soon as the waiter comes he's looking at you like a sheep and you have to mouth what he said he wanted seconds ago as he repeats you blindly. Almost all his decisions must have you're input or else he doesn't know what to do. This might be annoying to some but he values what you have to say so much. And honestly, if you disagree with something he takes it into genuine consideration and thinks about it a lot before making the final call.
His mindset can be summed up like this, "If y/n doesn't think I'll like that pasta then I probably won't like it, they know me very well."
Dude is clingy but not in a physical way... just in the way that he follows you around like a cat that wants your attention but can't say it. He does it unconsciously and to be honest it takes a mutual friend or one of the boys to point it out for either of y'all to notice. Truly it feels like he has to stay within a 30ft. radius of you sometimes.
Follows you everywhere
The reason this behavior even started was because he missed you so much after tours and arduous schedules that he just HAD to be near you but he never wanted to initiate physical contact. (Being near you is enough for him) It's gotten to the point though that he ASSUMES you're taking him everywhere with you. You're upset and need "space"? Good luck! You'll be in another room for max 5mins before he's in there sitting the farthest possible distance he can while keeping you in sight.
"I can't do this right now, Wonwoo." "Fine then." "I'm going to my mom's place for a while." *Magically has both your suitcases and bags packed* "When are we leaving?"
I know I know... it's unexpected but true! The thing that I don't think a ton of carats realize is that this man does not fear affection AT ALL. He just doesn't like it in public displays. So in the privacy of his studio or at either of your homes, he is clingy, 100%.
Needs to feel your touch
Has a computer chair that is specifically for you to be next to him while he's in the studio. If you're in the same room as him or HELL even the same building and there are no cameras or minimal people and you're not next to him then what even is the point? Might as well tell him you hate him or something, at least that's how he treats it.
The crazy part is that he doesn't even ask you for affection! He'll just say things out loud and expect you to get the message or he'll say things directly towards you but won't look in your direction. His number one phrase is, "I miss you..." all while you're feet away from him on the couch in the studio. You can be sitting in your designated chair BUT YOU DON'T HAVE YOUR LEGS DRAPED OVER HIS???? Suddenly, you hear a constant loop of "Damn, I miss my partner sooooo much, right now.", like sir? They're right there?
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A/N: I am clinically insane over the 96 line. ALSO EVERYONE SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO WONWOO!!!! (Even though it's literally 10pm and his day is nearly over) I'll try to have the next 2 parts out sometime tmrw. Stay sweet lovelies!! Reblogs and comments are like power surges for my writing so they are much appreciated!
TAGLIST (open): @bemybabiibish
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cherryslyce · 1 year
Unearthed | Regulus Black
Synopsis: You felt your world turn upside down at the revelation that your husband was a wizard, and you get a sense of deja vu when three teenagers appear on your doorstep seeking him out about a locket.
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Pairing: Regulus Black x Muggle!Reader
Notes: Not canon-compliant! Word Count: 3.3k
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The warbling of sparrows stir from the swaying trees and into your open window, bristles of morning wind brushing against your night clothes. You stare intently at the stove to your side, back pressed against your kitchen island as you mentally count. The glistening finish of your sage-colored tea kettle shone at you as you pace forward to remove the instrument off the flame.
Regulus was still asleep and the last thing you needed was to interrupt his rest because you wanted a cup of tea. As you steadily pour the water into your mug, your mind spirals into a wave of nostalgia. 
It had been nearly two decades now since the man stumbled into your life with proper-fitted clothes and a closet of skeletons. You hadn’t met Regulus by any conventional means, having found him stumbling around blindly in front of your house, clutching at his head. You remember that it took a few days for the boy to wake after that night, his lithe figure draped across your couch as the sun rose and set. Those days of waiting felt like centuries now that you thought about it. You had been springing back and forth, debating on running over to the closest town for a doctor, but luckily, the boy woke just as your resolve hardened. 
The first thing you had done when Regulus managed to sit up in your living space was offer him a cup of tea, trying to give yourself time to formulate questions as he steadied himself with reality again. He had informed you that night that he had been mugged, and had escaped into the fields within an inch of his consciousness. You had known that he was lying, recognizing that no one was even within a mile radius to do such a thing to him, but you somehow grew to care for him despite your suspicions. After many months of coexisting in your home, with Regulus taking on a good heft of the house chores, he had opened up to you about his family and home life. 
You both sat staring into the streaks of flames stirring in your fireplace, the room gradually becoming enveloped in a blanket of grey as the sun sank further along the horizon. 
“My parents were not good people.” Regulus murmured into the darkness, eyes trained on the pillars of heaty orange lapping at the blocks of wood and bark. 
You gulp and nod along, “Dead like mine, too?” 
“Dead to me,” Regulus supplied, hand reaching up to push his curls back as he continued, “I was not pulling your leg when I told you I had been mugged that night. My parents… they stripped me of my freedom and choices. There wasn’t a day that passed by where I could pinpoint my true aspirations or future. Not a day where I could lift the veil that disillusioned me since birth.” 
Your lips slant down at the abrupt confession, and you could feel your fingers itching to rest on his hand for comfort. Heaving in a tense breath, you bite the inside of your cheek as you let your curiosity bleed through, “And the rest of your family?” 
“The same, but my Uncle Alphie, he was different,” Regulus hesitates for a few moments, and you see his face darken, “so was my older brother.” 
Another year after that, he finally cleared up a majority of your suspicions by demonstrating his magic. You went to bed in denial for a week, unable to maintain eye contact with him the whole while as you felt your world flip inside out. Once the reality sank in, you had demanded answers about the secret society that he fled from, trying to wrap your head around the influx of information. 
“So… magic.” You breathe out, eyes flying around the perimeter of your kitchen as you lean back against the faded wooden counter. 
Regulus allows himself a small small before he drops his gaze down towards his dinner plate, “Yes, magic.” 
“Tell me more.” Your tone splintered into brusqueness, leaving no room for Regulus to dodge away.   
Regulus, to his credit, seems hardly perturbed by your request. Nodding jerkily, he takes a sip of water before motioning for you to sit across from him, “What would you like to know?” 
“Everything. Start from the beginning.” Your words are coated in anticipation, eyes glittering brightly as your mouth sets into a firm line. 
Laughter bubbles in Regulus’ throat and he shoots you an indecipherable grin, “As you wish.”
It was a slow process of acceptance, one convoluted with your developing feelings for the boy, eyes no longer seeing a stumbling, comatose boy, but a dependable and bright partner—a life partner. 
You both stewed in silent pining and agony for a few more months before the tension boiled and tipped over the precipice one night with a silent kiss by the fireside. As your relationship continued to bloom, you both decided to move toward the city with the last of your savings. 
“Are you certain?” Regulus whispers against your lips, eyes trailing across the plane of your face. 
You nod and bring a hand to thread through his hair, “I have the money. Besides, a change of scenery would be nice.” 
Regulus hums and catches your lips in a swift kiss, bringing his arms to wrap around your figure. 
Once you both edge back to breath, he gives you a boyish grin before musing, “Thank you.” 
“Good morning, love.” A groggy voice cuts through the air as you squeeze your tea bag against the side of your cup with a spoon. 
Swiveling your head over your shoulder, your mouth tugs upwards as you take in Regulus’ disheveled appearance, “Hello, dear. You’re up early today.” 
Regulus draws his arms around your waist before kissing your temple as he hums, “Couldn’t sleep without you.” 
You huff out a laugh before dropping a hand down to pat his arm, “You don’t have work today, right?” Your eyes drop down to your mug as your head flits through several thoughts about Regulus’ work duties, pleased that the company was flexible, yet you still vied for more. 
“Yeah, got the day off,” he murmurs, burying his face into your shoulder, “how should we spend it?” 
“The new bookstore around the corner?” You hum as you sip on your tea, noting that the brew of jasmine was much more potent than usual. 
Regulus shifts from behind you and maneuvers his chin over your shoulder, “Sounds like a plan. Which reminds me, I should get our bookcase built today, too.” 
“Lots to do.” You murmur absentmindedly, not bothered by the fact that Regulus was now inching to take a sip of your tea. 
He takes a small mouthful of the cooling beverage before brushing his lips against your cheek, “We have all the time in the world, love.” 
“That we do.”
The day seems to speed by in a blur, shrouded with an atmosphere of serenity and bright clouds. Your walk with Regulus through the idyllic streets is bundled with small lingering touches and peaceful silence. As you drift through the bookstore with your husband, you find yourself suppressing a smile as Regulus opts to carry the growing collection between you both, not a peep of complaint slipping past his lips as the sea of pages lengthen in height. 
He had always been good to you in that way, and at first you had chalked it up to him repaying you for providing sanctuary, but you soon learned that such manners were practically instilled in his bones. 
As you both trail towards the check-out line, an idea strikes you and causes you to hum audibly. Regulus peers over at you with an inquisitive gaze, curiosity barred by the need to shuffle forward in line. 
“Dear, we should invite Severus over for dinner.” You mutter in hopefulness, feeling a familiar mawkish pang bud in your chest. Regulus maintained few ties to his life before you, but Severus had been a near constant presence in your life ever since you encouraged him to invite someone to your wedding. You had initially been nonplussed by the doleful man, aware of the turmoil and despair that practically radiated off of him, but you grew to care for him nonetheless. 
“We have to build our bookshelf, no?” Regulus hums with consideration, eyes steeling as he notices a fussing customer holding up the line. 
You wave him off and lift a finger to run along the spines of books in his arms, “Severus can help us if anything. It’s good to get things done without certain abilities every once in a while.” 
Regulus’ lips flicker into a minute grin as he nods, “I’ll send for him when we return home, but he did say he would be rather occupied for a while last time we corresponded.” 
You bite the inside of your cheek at the thought, a tidal wave of unease washing over you, “I hope everything is alright.” 
“Severus is quite capable, he’ll be okay.” 
The lingering traces of worry that pervade your mind fail to dissipate as you walk hand-in-hand with Regulus, the both of you intent on heading home as quickly as possible as streaks of grey clouds roll across the sky. 
A sense of foreboding coils around your nerves as you tread closer towards your destination, head thrumming as the sound of your shoes clicking against the concrete permeate into the air. Regulus seems to share your feelings of inexplicable unease as you feel his grip tighten on your hand. 
As you both round the corner of the street and near your front door, you feel yourself stop in your tracks as three figures come into view. 
“Reg?” Your words are barely above a whisper as confusion ousts your previous apprehension. 
Regulus mirrors your feelings, and his perplexity is palpable as he slowly inches forward, “Just some kids, I think.” 
You both mutely compose yourselves as your pacing resumes. As your footsteps echo into earshot for the trio, they all spin around with wide eyes. Your eyes drop down towards the redheaded boy’s hand, gaze narrowing as you discern the outlines of a wand. 
Regulus seems to draw the same conclusions and he steps in front of you as his eyebrows furrowed together, “Hello, can we help you?” 
The three kids, probably no older than 18, share silent looks before the curly-haired girl steps forwards and nods, “Yes, hello. We’re looking for Regulus Black, do you happen to know where we can find him?” 
Your thoughts sputter and whirl as your gaze burns into Regulus’ head, trying to correctly assess the situation at hand. It was entirely possible that these newcomers were enemies seeking to drain Regulus of his life, but it was also plausible that they were completely harmless and you were overestimating the danger and animosity of wizards in general. 
Regulus seems to stew over the same dilemma, and you catch the calculative look that flashes across the girl’s face as she considers your husband’s hesitance. You decide to interject into the tense silence, not wanting to see the situation escalate, “Hello, I’m Y/N. Sorry, we don’t get many visitors in the neighborhood. Are you all a part of a youth group? A church? Unfortunately, if this has to do with fundraising, I don’t think the Black’s are interested, neither will most residents on this street. Perhaps, you can try with the Miller’s down over at that blue house.” 
You plaster on an assuring smile as you point over to yonder, feeling Regulus inch towards you until he was practically pressed against your back. The girl hesitates and looks over her shoulder at her companions as they silently begin to communicate again with wide eyes and emphatic eyebrow raises. 
Finally, one of the boys steps out and into direct view. Your eyes run across his face, catching against his round glasses and black fringe. Regulus tenses against you as the boy peers towards him with striking green eyes, and you’re almost too entranced by their vividness to stay on guard. 
“My name is Harry Potter.” 
The announcement does absolutely nothing for you, but you feel Regulus’ breathing hitch before he relaxes. Your husband brings his hand to rest atop your shoulder as he adjusts the paper bag in his grip, “I see the resemblance now, Harry Potter. Why don’t we all head inside?” 
You mask your bewilderment at the invitation, turning to send a questioning glance at Regulus. The man merely shoots you a look of conflict before he guides you towards the front door. 
As the trio awkwardly shuffle into your house, lingering in your entryway, you shoot them a small smile before beckoning them inside. You still had your reservations, but it seemed that Regulus recognized them — or Harry, to some extent. 
The girl slowly walks further into your home, stopping in front of your living room as she glances at the large box propped up against the wall. 
“Ah, we were planning on building a bookshelf.” You supply, bringing a hand to run across the nape of your neck. 
The girl nods and sends you a shy smile, “I’m Hermione Granger.” 
“Y/N Black.”
Your name seems to drop some intangible bombshell on the three young wizards as they all peer at you with wide eyes. Clearing your throat you turn towards the ginger as you gesture towards the couch, “You can all sit. And I don’t believe I got your name earlier.” 
They all trudge towards your couch and the boy nods towards you, disbelief still painting his face, “Ron Weasley.” 
“A Weasley and a Potter. Interesting.” Regulus’ voice emits from behind you, evidently finished with putting your newly purchased books away. He approaches the living room and stops to stand beside you, eyes assessing the three as they shuffle uncomfortably under your husband’s scrutinizing gaze. 
You turn to look at him, nudging your hip against his, “Care to explain?” 
“After we get answers,” Regulus murmurs, eyes trailing towards the loveseat, “Come, love.” 
As you both settle on the cushions, Regulus immediately bypasses formalities, still uncertain about your guests’ presence, “So, there must be a reason that we’re meeting this way, Mr.Potter.” 
Harry visibly gulps at the intense look in Regulus’ eyes, clearing his throat as he leans forward, “Yes, we’ve come because of this,” you tilt your head to the side as the boy fishes out a pendant from his pocket before he holds it up to you both. 
Regulus’ hand drops to your thigh as he hums, “I see.” His tone indicated a lack of surprise, yet an unwillingness to indulge. You knew Regulus’ ways of dancing around conversations well. 
“You have the real one.” Harry’s words are firm, eyes stormy as he seems to drift into thought. 
“So you have come to find me, and pray tell, how did you find me?” Regulus’ flinty words have Harry retreating back imperceptibly, eyes flickering away to consider his answer. 
“Well, you used quite a bit of magic to make this.” Harry clears his throat, slowly retracting the dangling locket from the air. 
Regulus quietly huffs through his nose, leaning back as he hums, “Tracking spells. Of course. I assume you’re here for the real deal then?”
Your mind was spinning in circles as you tried to keep up with the conversation, having half the mind to be disconcerted by how you both were effectively tracked down by three kids. Hermione licks her lips before leaning forward to address Regulus, eyes scanning him with confusion, “How did you survive that night, sir? If what Harry told us was true, that cave…” 
“You lot aren’t the sort to dawdle, are you?” Regulus muses, fingers brushing down to your knee, “To answer your question, Ms.Granger, I received some help that night.” 
“Help?” Ron interjected, eyebrows raised in perplexion as he glanced at Harry for an answer. 
At Regulus’ admission, you redirect your attention to him, lips furling into a faint frown as you question all the hidden facets of his life. Of course, you knew the foundational details about the magical world, and perhaps tidbits of his past, but the avenue of conversation unfolding before you was completely foreign. 
Regulus peers at you for a brief moment before he nods, “Yes. Severus helped me. He gave me the antidote for the potion inside of the basin.” 
Ron sputters at this. “Severus? As in Snape?” He spins to look at Hermione who looks equally dumbstruck, yet she steadily caps away her shock with a hum of acknowledgment. 
Harry nods slowly as he runs his thumb over the pendant in his palm, “He’s a traitor.” 
You gape at the uninhibited jab, wanting to insert yourself into the exchange to defend your friend. Regulus pats your knee before steadily riposting, “Self-servitude finds companionship in loneliness.”
“Is that the life motto for all you snakes?” Ron mutters, hands clasped together as he leans his elbows on his knees. 
Regulus seems hardly fazed by the boy’s acrid tone, eyes slowly rising to gaze away, “You know us Slytherins. Self-preservation and then some.” 
“To see the right and not to do it is cowardice.” Hermione blanches, mouth set into a thin line as she examines the wall opposite of her. 
“Confucius.” You muse, hand trailing down to cover Regulus’.
Regulus nods and gives Hermione a look of consideration, “Gryffindor, then.” The girl nods in confirmation before tilting her head, causing Regulus to continue his train of thought, “I was a bit partial to betting on Ravenclaw. I suppose you hear that often. That being said, I implore you to examine the nuances to Severus’ situation. I can assure you, he is not your enemy.” 
The three teenagers seem to sink into their thoughts and Regulus takes this as his cue to slowly push himself up, giving your knee a parting squeeze as he huffs, “I do hope you all know how to destroy it, and I hope you’re able to accomplish your endeavors, Harry Potter.” 
Without waiting for a response, Regulus cascades out of the room and up the stairs, only the sound of his muffled footsteps occupying the hushed atmosphere. You slap your palms against your knees as you begin to get up too, mouth slanting into a small smile, “Would any of you like some tea?” 
The shock from the impromptu visit from the three teens stew in the air long after they departed from your home, eyes glistening with determination as Regulus relinquished the mysterious locket to them. A lingering itch of curiosity occasionally swept through your head, but you figured that there would come a time when answers would be granted to you.   
You just hadn’t figured such a time would arise so soon after. Not even a week after meeting Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley, another novel face was taking residence by your front door. 
“Hello, may I help you?” You asked pleasantly, propping your hip against your door frame as you balanced a stack of towels by your side. 
The man surveys you with poorly concealed anxiety before he clears his throat and nods, “Hi, I’m looking for a Regulus Black. I was told he lives here.” 
You tilt your head and look over your shoulder at the clock, “Yes. He won’t be home for another hour or two. May I ask how you know him?” 
“My name is Sirius. Sirius Black. I’m, uh, his older brother.” 
Shock flashes across the forefront of your mind at the man’s words, and you barely thread together any semblance of composure as you nod, “Please come in, I think a much needed chat is in order.” 
“Thank you.” He breathes out, straightening his coat with a gulp. 
“My pleasure, Sirius. I’m Y/N Black, by the way. Which, I suppose, makes you my brother-in-law.” 
“Wait—I'm sorry, what?” 
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darkstaria · 3 months
Since you mentioned in you previous ask that there isn't multiple copy of MC soul animal? Do the boys sometimes steal Soul Animal MC from the current soulmate and run? Or does it waddle/skips/wanders to their next soulmate?
Which makes me wonder how fish soul animal work? Does it float? Magical sphere of water? Or does it always magically have a bowl of water (which i know isn't good for fish)?
Haha I love how you're thinking!~
Yep! That's absolutely happened. A limitation of Reader's perspective is that they never know what's going on with their soul form. I won't detail it too much since it's either getting revealed later or in an extra. But yes, certain Batfam members occasionally do keep Reader to themselves for a while. For shame!
Generally soul animals with multiple soulbonds visit and leave their soulmates depending on how they feel about their soulmate. So Damian and Tim's animals don't visit their human selves too much, Jason's soul animal tends to not visit Bruce, and so on. If there's a substantial amount of hatred, the soul animal might not visit the hated person at all. As for how they visit, it's magic. They just appear within a certain radius of their soulmate.
Reader hasn't interacted with any of the Batfam (until recently), so their feelings on the subject are rather muddled. The Batfam tend to get rather balanced visits to all of them from Reader. They have some extra feelings for Jason though, which has affected their own soul animal behaviours.
Thinking about it, if Reader became too wary of Tim after meeting him in person, and it showed in their soul animal's behaviour to him, that'd be rather revealing, huh? Uh oh..
Oh, and as for marine animals. Since soul animals are always a little magic, they essentially fly around without the need of water. No fish bowl required! It'd be rather depressing to have your soulmate's soul animal constantly flopping about.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
But if it's okay could I please ask for more Twisted Wonderland characters with kianna
It's really up to you and what you wanted to be about
A/N: This was so much fun to write! I wanted to incorporate Kianna’s past, but have it make sense, so this is featuring the Past! Sakamaki brothers and Yui, also this is mainly focused around Malleus x Reader, just so you know! I hope you enjoy this piece, @nunezs-stuff!!
What If The Past! Sakamaki Brothers and Yui Wound Up In TWST?
PURELY Malleus x Kianna! Reader, all other characters are platonic
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🐉 Malleus was not pleased in the slightest with what he was seeing.
🐉 You were standing beneath six men. Two had matching purple hair, two had red hair, one with blonde, and one with white and hints of pink.
🐉 He stood there and glared for a while, he knew who these men were, and what they had wanted.
🐉 Behind you was a female, maybe around late teens like you guys, but, unlike you with your stone-cold facial expression, her eyes shone with fear.
🐉 Malleus walked up and blasted the six men away from the two of you with his magic.
🐉 He heard as they stood up and groaned, one yelling at him something along the lines of, “How dare you mess with Your’s Truly?! I’ll have your head for this!”
🐉 Malleus just turned around after securing you and Yui with his tail, glaring at the men with the smallest pupils and brightest green glowing eyes.
🐉 His magic was testing the limit at the moment, anyone in a mere 5 mile radius must be feeling an earthquake.
“ Who are you exactly? And- ”
🐉 “And what are you doing with them?! They’re ours, you slimy lizard-man!” One red-haired male interrupted the fancier purple one.
“ Malleus, stand down. ”
🐉 He flinched at your touch and looked down at you from ahead. He kept his stern look, eyebrows furrowed as the finer-appearing purple-haired one walked up to them, his brothers following suit.
🐉 “My apologies on behalf of my astoundingly dumb brothers, I am Reiji Sakamaki, and those,” he pointed towards you and Yui, “are our human brides. I apologize, but you must be mistaking them with other people.”
🐉 Your boyfriend stood there and just growled under his breath, “I did not mistake them for other people, this,” he patted your head, “Is my S/O.”
🐉 “And this,” his tail wrapped tighter, more protectively around your sister, “Is my S/O’s sister. Now, I recommend you leave this vicinity, else I get mad.”
🐉 The other purple haired boy laughed wickedly, “And if you do get mad? What are you going to do? Stab us? Burn us at the streak? Pour ‘holy’ water down our bodies? How sad, that doesn’t work~”
🐉 Malleus’s stance grew very stiff, his magic growing in his hands, fire teasing the fingertips you loved to grab and kiss before resting after a midnight walk around Ramshackle while Yuu and Grim laid asleep.
“ Mr. Draconia! What is the meaning of this?! ”
🐉 “Waka-sama! Who are these men? Did they dare try harming you?! How dare you try harming Waka-sama?!” Sebek’s familiar tone rings through Crewel’s stern one.
🐉 “Backup? How sad, I guess we’ll just have to go through them all, huh, Ayato?” Laito teased. Ayato turned to his brother and smirked, “It seems so, Laito.”
🐉 “Enough!” Trein’s voice screamed, his wand out, wrapping the six brothers up in tight magic-made bubbles.
🐉 “Y/N, who are these men?” Silver asked you. You just glared at them, causing them to tense up, you had never glared at them with such fierceness before, it kinda made them a mixture of intimidated and turned on.
🐉 “They are the people who ridded my sister of her life, the one person, the only one, who I held in my heart.” You answered, making your fellow Night Raven College students shiver with your dark tone.
🐉 Malleus sighed deeply, causing slight amounts of smoke to exit his nose and mouth. He was getting angrier by the second they floated there in their separate bubbles.
🐉 “What do we do with them?” Ace asked.
“ Punish them. Get rid of them. Whatever causes the most pain. ”
🐉 Yui spoke up and grabbed your hand, reaching over Malleus’ tail. 
“ Did you say I died? ”
🐉 The brothers began to scream, but not before a male’s cheery-sounding voice echoed over Yui’s soft one.
🐉 “Well, well, well. What have we here? My dearest Y/N, aren’t these the men who harmed you back in your world?” Crowley asked.
🐉 You sighed and nodded as his smile grew more and more forced-appearing.
🐉 “Well, thankfully, we have a spare room in the basement where each of these unfortunate boys can stay.” He answered.
🐉 “Crowley, are you sure that’s the smartest idea?” Crewel asked, assisting Trein in holding the boy’s bubbles intact and keeping their voices muted.
“ Certainly. ”
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That Walk
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Pairing || TFATWS!Bucky x Female!Reader
Summary || That walk. That goddamn walk of his that’s laced with [s]ex and confidence. Fuck, you can’t get enough of it.
Word Count || 524
Contents & Warnings || Smut, Fluff — [N]SFW, 18+ Only, Minors DNI, [e]xplicit content/language, [h]orny thoughts, alluding to [s]exual activities.
Authors Note || My submission for the One-Word Drabble @the-slumberparty My word is “walk”. A little bit of a different style of fic than I usually do, but I enjoyed it! Apologies for no readmore function on this. The gifs above just screws up the text below.
TFATWS!Bucky Masterlist
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You and your boyfriend Bucky planned to meet up in the park today for some coffee, cakes, and adventure.
You were waiting for him on a bench amongst the busy crowd—wearing a summer dress. The sun [k]issed your exposed [s]kin—making you feel warm and relaxed.
That was until you spotted him—and that relaxed exposure turned into need and fantasies.
Oh. My God! That walk. That goddamn walk of his.
The way he walked was Godlike. The kind that had [p]anties and [u]nderwear drop within a mile radius.
Your heart started racing, your mouth [s]alivating, and your [s]kin ignited in delicious tingles as you examined all of him.
Power, confidence, and [d]ominance were evident in his posture, in his every stride, as he walked, trying to locate you.
His arms swung back and forth with each step he took—so much ease in them. His fists balled up at his sides.
His [c]hest was puffed out, and his shoulders were broad as he swayed with each move he took.
His groin tightened against his jeans with each foot he took forward—no secret that he was absolutely packing in those pants.
His mouth remained in a thin line. His eyes narrowed as he searched around for you. His expression made him look rugged and [h]ard—so [s]exy beyond belief.
You had to stifle a whimper as you felt the ache and need in your [p]ussy—[t]hrobbing, [b]egging, yearning for his riveting [t]ouch—[t]ongue, fingers, and [c]ock.
If people weren’t around, you would have snaked your hand into your [p]anties and played with yourself.
As soon as he spotted you, the contrast between his demeanor before and now was massive. The man that previously exuded [s]ex and [s]in turned into a boy seeing his crush for the first time—mannerisms softening, and his face beamed bright with love and joy.
“Hi, doll!” He cheered.
As he walked over, you got up to your feet, [l]egs unsteady as you were still spellbound by his magic.
He hummed as he towered over you and cupped your cheek, leaning down to [k]iss the other before pressing a captivating one to your [l]ips. He lingered there for a moment, making you dizzier, before pulling away.
Your face was stunned—[l]ips slightly parted, and eyebrows shot up. And he noticed, furrowing his eyebrows.
“What is it, doll?”
“I-I… yo-your walk.”
“My what?”
“Your walk… fuck, it’s so [s]exy,” you breathe out.
“Is that so?”
His previous hold on you—soft and endearing—turned into a [r]ousing and demanding one. He palmed your [a]ss and pulled your flush into his broad [t]orso, ignoring the [d]irty looks from the strangers.
He leaned his head down, brushing his [l]ips against your ear. His warm breath fanned the sensitive [s]kin of your neck, making goosebumps erupt all over you. You purred in approval of his intoxicating [t]ouch.
“Fuck this date then,” he hummed, making you shiver, “let’s go home, and I’ll walk for you like that there, [n]aked.”
Oh God…
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Thank you for reading 🖤 Feedback through a comment is highly appreciated! Or let me know through an anonymous ask if that feels more comfortable. As well as a reblog to share my work with other people!
Follow @bucky-barnes-diaries-library and turn on notifications to never miss out on my writing!
Apologies for the [ ] on some words! I’m testing it out to see if I can evade getting a Label put on this.
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winxwannabe · 7 months
I’m frothing at the mouth for as much info from the Winx encyclopedia thing as you’re willing to post thank you for your service
Good news! There are a series of pages regarding the girl’s childhoods that are ripe with✨family dynamics✨ and L O R E. I forgot to take photos of the pages before leaving for a weekend trip, but I can tell you what I’ve learned and post the images on Monday!
Before the good stuff let’s get the boring out of the way: there’s no new info on Bloom’s childhood since it was covered so extensively in Season 1. Expected, but I will tell you my favorite part: Bloom says no matter what Mike and Vanessa are her parents. You love to see it.
Flora has a distant relationship with her dad compared to her mom and Miele. He’s a landscape architect for ‘The Senatorial Chamber of Public Greens,’ and wasn’t around much. She was also one of those kids who could make flower jewelry. So jealous.
Stella was raised mostly by the Solarian royal staff instead of Radius or Luna. Big day for the Radius Haters. She always had a thing for brunette boys and either A) got the magic equivalent of Lasik or B) wears contacts. I’m going with B in my own head cannons.
Layla has childhood trauma from being forced to stay inside. Yay? We knew about that but you know what I found that was new: ANNE LORE! Aisha knows where Anne moved - a planet called Eros. There’s no mention of it anywhere else in Winx, so re-write people can go ape with it. (This is apparently on the wiki now but it’s not mentioned in the series so I never looked whoops)
Musa’s pages are just…a right mess of contradictions. Ho-Boe wanted Musa to become a singer like Matlin was, a TOTAL 180 from the series where he’s worried about Musa following in her mother’s footsteps. He’s worried about her going to Alfea to be a fairy? I don’t know I’m missing a key word in the translation or something, but I will report back!
Also, there’s a footnote about her mom’s hologram being stored in a camellia flower, which is important in Chinese and Japanese culture. Not surprising, but makes the whitewashing Fate did funnier.
And lastly, Tecna heavily implies on Zenith it’s common to have memories stored in virtual reality? A true gold mine of potential story content (especially when you did a season about time travel). They give Tecna anxiety to look though - which to be fair is a mood. But it does mention specifically Tecna’s always been a smart kid, even on Zenith, and that she had friends. I don’t know why that made me happy but it did (probably because ‘nerd’ characters are usually portrayed as outcasts, so I appreciate Tecna not going through that).
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pebblume · 7 months
guys i haven’t had time to write in weeks and it’s driving me INSANE. to help cope here are a bunch of percabeth fic ideas i have rattling around my brain that i may or may not get around to writing at some point
annabeth is assigned for cabin inspection and percy slept in (cue speed cleaning and attempted flattery and bribery to avoid punishment). this one is deeply unserious
since we didn’t get it in the show with the spider trap in the tunnel of love i’d love to write some other situation where annabeth gets scared by spiders and percy helps her through it and they talk about their fears 
ok ok. hear me out. pjo tv trio watching the lightning thief musical. i’m normally not into “characters watch their own media” type fics, but i think it could be fun to write while also allowing for some introspection! they’re just experiencing this weird uncanny valley where everything is familiar but it’s so different at the same time and also everyone is singing?? percy laughs at his own jokes of course and grover is a theatre kid so he’s nerding out and annabeth is confused (the only musical she’s ever seen is the wizard of oz) but entertained. i think it could be silly
lovesick au with an extra dose of angst. percy gets accidentally drugged with aphrodite’s love magic (and naturally annabeth is the first person he sees) so now she has to deal with a very clingy percy who's sweet and considerate and would do anything she asked but it's not her percy. like she wanted him to like her back but not like this ;-; happy ending tho obviously
hypervigilance and hyperfixation - annabeth has always had to be aware of her surroundings and never let her guard down (ptsd from her childhood and being a demigod), until this boy comes into her life and now all her attention zones in on him whenever he’s within a 50 yard radius. just a little drabble on all the little things you notice when you’re constantly aware of your crush and how even their annoying habits or flaws become hopelessly endearing
annabeth with glasses would be so cute?? (credit to @vicwritesfic for the idea!). basically just some percabeth moments told through glasses: annabeth first getting them and percy helping her feel comfortable with them when she gets self conscious, annabeth losing them in the lake and percy retrieving them, percy trying her glasses on because i think that’s a universal glasses wearer experience, percy finding her asleep at her desk with her glasses askew and taking them off gently, etc. etc. you get the idea
ok y’all know that saying that’s like “you know you like your crush when they get an awful haircut and they’re still attractive to you”? that’s it, that’s the fic. i’m thinking percy gets an unwilling haircut and he gets all embarrassed because his head is a fuzzy egg now, but annabeth still finds him cute because she's down catastrophically bad. he gets his curls back at the end tho don’t worry!
percy is cursed to be honest when he lies to a god and now he can’t stop telling annabeth how pretty her eyes are and how much he admires her; he can’t even use sarcasm - he’s defenseless! basically an excuse for me to torture percy and make him finally talk about his feelings
post tlt. annabeth ran away again after fighting with her father, but instead of going back to camp she goes to stay with the jackson’s (with the obligatory shows-up-on-their-doorstep-sopping-wet-and-pathetic scene and sally decides to adopt her immediately). it was supposed to be for a weekend, but percy convinces her to just stay until they have to go back to camp (about three weeks) and cute domestic shenanigans (and angst) ensue!
percy just got his driver's license after the titan war and takes annabeth for a ride to montauk to meet grover (she obviously has to tease him about the time he was 12 and crashed a car because he was too busy looking into her eyes). they sing along to their favorite songs and percy gets road rage and they stop for ice cream. basically a chance for them to be normal teens because they deserve it!
pen pal au where percy and annabeth write each other letters during the school year (takes place after tlt). just little moments in their lives told through letters and photos and mementos (sally insists on express mailing annabeth blue cookies after a fight with her parents ofc). it’s not the same as having each other there in person, but it helps with the distance. my way of coping with the hiatus between tlt and SoM ;-;
bi percabeth my beloved!! fic about percy’s bi awakening after reflecting on all his boy crushes (childhood friend, luke, beckendorf, etc). he comes out to annabeth after the war and they have this very touching moment where they talk and hug it out. then annabeth is like “oh also I like girls” “you couldn’t have led with that??” “i didn’t want to steal your moment!”
i've also been drafting out some percy pov chapters to my fics "i miss you like a little kid", "nothing's going to hurt you baby", and "punched in the gut (feels like being in love" so those are in the works!!
phew. and that's not even all of them (i think about them an unhealthy amount). i miss writing these two so much, but i won't really have a chance to breath from my school work until spring break so wish me luck ;-;
as always you can find my finished fics here :3
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gayashelljatp · 8 days
James Hook x Morgie Le Fay | You Look Like A Dumb Boy, My Favorite Type Chapter 5/5 + 1
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GIF by menheim
Tags Fluff, Roommate, Flirting, Friends to Lovers, Magic, Banter, Hook Is Flirty that's cannon btw , I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Boys In Love, Sad and Sweet, Short & Sweet , Himbo Morgie, Bisexual Disaster James Hook, Morgie Has Golden Retriever Energy (Disney), Oblivious Morgie (Disney), Boys Kissing, Love Confessions, No Beta Read we die like Brandy Cinderalla, 5+1 Things
Hook flirts with everyone in a five-mile radius. That means the people around him are victims of his often excessive advances. Morgie, however, was unaware that he was Hook’s favorite for a special reason. Or 5 times Hook was flirting with Morgie and it went completely over his head and the 1 time it didn’t.
Content Rating: Teen and Up.
Wordcount: 13, 771
Hi, I'm Ace. This is where this fic gets so long. If your here from the first part hi!!! I recommend y'all read on ao3 for better reading experience.
But here's the playlist that inspired this fic that you can enjoy:
Chapter 4
All that scheming finally came to fruition. It was the night of the school's infamous slumber party, hosted in the girls' dormitory where princesses and princes, heroes and villains were all together in one space. In their sleepwear and vulnerable—a perfect setup for Uliana’s plans.
Uliana wanted to scheme bigger than her older sister. Her older sister was legendary for being a menace to students, though usually one at a time. Uliana dreamed big; she was going to ruin multiple people's nights, pulling a prank that would turn the one night the school had this sleepover event into a snooze fest.
She had planned to replace the balloons that came down at midnight with balloons filled with sleeping fairy dust, courtesy of Maleficent. They could go and mess with the students and staff while they were asleep, making this sleepover party a true sleeper hit.
As they gathered outside the dormitories, dressed in their individual sleepwear fit for the occasion, Uliana explained the plan with her usual authority. "Alright, listen up, crew," she said softly, her tentacles swaying behind her. Unfortunately, the villains were too busy chatting with one another to notice her voice.
“I said listen!” Uliana repeated, screaming. “Thank you for finally paying attention to my fabulousity.”
“What’s the plan, Uli?” Hook asked, stopping his chat with Morgie to pay attention to their friend group. It was more of a clique than a friend group at times.
“Thank you, Hook, for being so attentive and vocal,” Uliana said dripping in sarcasm. "So, we get in, we set the balloons, and we get out. It’s simple. Maleficent and Morgie, you’re on balloon duty. Don’t mess it up."
The group soon got to work, consisting of a few other villain kids who were supposed to help set everything up. Maleficent, who was part fairy herself, found this task easy—it was like breathing fire to her, something she was accustomed to.
Morgie, on the other hand, was eager to prove himself, wanting to impress Uliana and the others. He managed to transform some of the confetti inside the balloons into the powder. As he watched the shimmering powder mix seamlessly, he felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. Maybe this wasn’t as nerve-wracking as he thought it would be.
But relaxing proved to be a mistake. Morgie accidentally recited a spell wrong, causing an unexpected burst of dark magic. The magic hit the other VKs, whose bodies fell instantly to the floor, their sleepwear fluttering as they collapsed.
Uliana’s eyes widened with fury. "Morgie! What did you do? How could you be so stupid? Maleficent, can you fix this?”
“Uli, you know these spells are irreversible. They’ll be knocked out till the morning,” Maleficent responded, her voice tinged with frustration.
Morgie felt sick with guilt. He had just ruined the plan for tonight. Before he could even open his mouth to utter an apology, Uliana interrupted. “Instead of making this task easy, you made it ten times more difficult,” she snapped.
Maleficent gave Morgie a sympathetic look that quickly turned mean. "You tried,” she said, attempting to offer her support. She knew magic was difficult, but her words came off as more hollow and forced.
Hades made a sly comment, "Well, at least they’ll be well-rested for tomorrow."
Hook chimed in, trying to fit in with the group's disdain. "Yeah, Morgie, you should probably just stay out of this one." Morgie knew Hook was just trying to fit in with the others, but those words coming from him: hurt ten times more than from the others.
Uliana threatened to speak again, but Hook cut her off, saving Morgie from another reprimand. “Uli, tick-tock—it’s almost midnight,” he reminded her.
Uliana's tentacles twitched with irritation. "We don’t have time for this. Morgie, you’re on the lookout. Don’t mess that up too, or we’re all screwed."
“Maleficent, you're on magic duty. Just spell them when we get there. Let’s hit it,” Uliana commanded, her voice firm.
On lookout duty again. Morgie wasn’t surprised. He had messed this up for himself, and instead of being able to enjoy the mischief with the others, he was demoted to lookout duty again. Morgie sighed heavily, putting his hands in his face, feeling the weight of his mistake.
As Uliana, Maleficent, and Hades left to proceed with the plan, Hook hesitated. He shot a glance back at Morgie, who sat on the bench, looking utterly defeated.
After a few moments of darkness and silence. Morgie felt a hand running through his styled hair. He knew who it was immediately.
“Hook, I don’t have the time for this. Go and have a jolly good time with the others.”
“Can you leave your little dark, sad manhole first?” Hook replied, his tone light but concerned.
Nothing but silence from Morgie, but he eventually turned to face Hook. The aspiring pirate of the seven seas was running his hand—well, his hook—through Morgie’s hair. “Stop, James, you're messing the style up!”
“I’ll let that James slide since you’re in a bad mood right now,” Hook said with a smirk.
“Come on, Hook, it was my fault. Why don’t you ski-daddle along already?”
“A pirate does not ski-daddle along—that’s utterly ridiculous,” Hook shot back, a playful glint in his eye.
“Like you said, maybe I should stay out of this one,” Morgie said, mocking Hook’s accent exaggerating it’s poshness.
“I don’t sound like that—I’m not a total 1910s Brit,” Hook said, trying to intervene but getting interrupted. “But yeah, that was a mean thing to say. I only said it—”
“Because Uli and the others actually like you,” Morgie finished, his voice tinged with bitterness.
Hook sighed, his facade dropping for a moment. “Peer pressure gets to me too, Morgs. Sometimes it’s easier to just go along with them. But I didn’t mean it, you know that right?”
Morgie looked away, his heart heavy. “I just wanted to be a part of something, to prove I could do it. Make Uli see I am valuable to this team,”
Hook scooched closer, his voice gentle. “You are a part of something. Maybe it doesn’t feel like it right now, but you are. And you don’t have to prove anything to me.”
Morgie finally met Hook’s gaze, his hazel eyes filled with a mix of frustration and sadness. “I’m tired of always being the one who messes things up.”
“You’re not always the one who messes things up,” Hook replied softly. “You’re just the one who tries the hardest. And that counts for something.”
Morgie blinked, taken aback by Hook’s words. “You really think so?”
Hook smiled, his usual cockiness tempered with sincerity. “I know so. And for what it’s worth, I think your spell was pretty impressive. A bit too impressive, maybe.”
The two boys looked around to see all the VKs asleep around them. Instead of looking threatening, they all looked peaceful for once.
Morgie couldn’t help but laugh, the tension easing slightly. “Yeah, a bit too impressive.”
"Don't tell anyone this, but out of all of us, you're the only VK who has the most heart. The rest of us are heartless crooks," Hook said, his tone softening. "But don't get me wrong—you can bite too."
Morgie couldn’t even respond to that; he just had a huge grin. Being alone with Hook felt much better than spending this lookout alone. Well, less of a lookout and more of a punishment. Morgie blinked, taken aback by Hook’s words. For a moment, he saw the pirate’s tough-boy act fall away, revealing the genuine concern beneath. Hook looked towards Morgie, his eyes locking onto the other boy's hazel eyes.
“You know,” Hook said, a teasing smile creeping onto his lips, “you look pretty adorable when you were all serious, sad, and brooding in your crocodile pyjamas.”
Morgie's cheeks felt that burning sensation once again as he tried to hide his embarrassment behind the reptile designs in his pajamas. “You- you look- Yeah, I got nothing.”
What could Morgie say when Hook wore a black tank top (that showed off his arms) and pajama pants that were red and black checkered? There was nothing to make fun of in Hook's carefully chosen ensemble. He looked good in Morgie’s eyes.
“Insulting perfection is hard, Serpentine,” Hook said, his voice dropping to a playful whisper. He reached out, brushing a strand of hair from Morgie’s face. “You’ve got no idea what you do to me, do you?”
Before Morgie could respond, the clock struck twelve. The loud school bell rang, and after a few moments, they heard the sound of loud footsteps and cheering. The other VKs were running out of the dorm, and their prank was successfully executed. Morgie and Hook quickly widened the space between them as the group arrived.
“We did it, well, thanks to my brilliant mind,” Uliana gloated, her tentacles twitching with excitement. Maleficent flashed her green eyes at Uliana.
“And Maleficent’s idea,” Uliana said, correcting herself with a huff. Hades pulled Maleficent closer affectionately, a rare display of warmth from the god of the underworld.
“Let’s go in there and mess with them,” Hades suggested, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
“Let’s go, crew. And Morgie, you can come too,” Uliana said, somewhat begrudgingly.
“I can go?” Morgie asked, disbelief evident in his voice before Hook shushed him.
“Just celebrate this before she changes her mind, my little troublemaker,” Hook whispered, giving Morgie a quick, reassuring smile.
Morgie’s heart swelled with a mix of relief and excitement. He felt Hook’s hand linger on his shoulder for a moment longer than necessary before the pirate pulled away, maintaining his cocky demeanor.
As they moved towards the dormitory, Morgie couldn’t help but feel a sense of belonging. For once, he wasn’t just the funny one on the lookout or the one who messed things up. He was part of the group, even if it was just for tonight. And Hook’s words kept echoing in his mind, giving him a newfound confidence.
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Chapter 5
The aftermath of a successful prank did come with consequences. As a response to the mysterious perpetrators, the academy had tightened its curfew and increased security at night, which meant no more trips to the Black Lagoon for the time being. 
This was particularly tough on the VKs, who were naturally night owls due to their nocturnal outings. For now, they needed to keep a low profile.
Morgie buried himself in magical textbooks, determined to learn more spells that he could recite flawlessly. He didn’t want another familiar-turned-unfamiliar situation in the courtyard. His side of the room was a mess of open books and scrolls, glowing faintly with the essence of dark magic.
The pirates' side of the room was currently dark and quiet. This was rare, as Hook often used his full-length mirror, which had the brightest lights in the magical kingdom, to plan his clothing choices and parade around like a runway model. Morgie couldn't deny that he enjoyed those impromptu fashion shows, despite Hook's vanity.
Recently, Hook had been spending more and more time outside their shared room. Morgie thought nothing of it at first. Maybe Hook was practicing sword fighting, exercising at odd hours, performing some bizarre moonlight skincare ritual, or flirting up a storm with another student. Morgie shook his head, trying to stop thinking about Hook and focus on reciting spells correctly. Enunciation was key.
Moments passed, and Morgie heard the dormitory door creak ever so slightly. The footsteps of boots on the hardwood floor were quiet, more controlled than usual as if the person was trying not to draw attention to themselves. This was not a skill Hook had mastered—he was more adept at the opposite.
“If you’re trying to sneak up on me to scare me, it’s not going to work. I heard you,” Morgie said without looking up.
“Yeah, I was trying to scare you, lad. You ruined the fun,” Hook said, rushing to his side of the room.
Morgie whipped his head around. “What are you in such a rush for?”
“Um, just wanted to get these clothes off as quickly as possible,” Hook said, letting out a nervous laugh. Hook, nervous? That was odd. Morgie never heard Hook want to take off his fashions; it was usually the opposite.
Hook often took his precious time with his items, as if they might be stolen back at any moment. The pirate also kept his hands behind his back—or rather, his hand and hook.
“Are you just gonna stare at me, love?” Hook's voice cut through Morgie’s thoughts.
Morgie realized he was indeed staring hard at Hook. “I...uh, sorry. I didn’t mean to.”
Hook's eyes sparkled with mischief. “I know it’s hard to look away, but if you want me to put on a little show for you, I would.” His voice was suave, the accent ringing melodiously, but he still kept his hand and hook behind him.
Morgie felt his cheeks burn, quickly looking away and pretending to focus on his books. “Don’t flatter yourself,” he muttered, but the thought of Hook hiding something from him gnawed at his mind. What could that eyeliner-wearing teen be hiding?
Trying to sound casual, Morgie ventured, “You know, if you need help with anything, you can just ask. I’m pretty good with...whatever it is you’re doing.”
Hook chuckled, a deep, throaty sound. “Oh, I’m sure you are, Serpentine. But this is something I’ve got to handle myself.”
“Come on, Hook. You can’t keep secrets from me. I’ll find out sooner or later.”
Hook's smile widened, but his eyes were cautious. “That’s the thing about surprises, sunshine. They’re meant to be discovered at the right moment, not a second before.” He turned slightly, as if to hide whatever he was holding even more.
Morgie sighed, his mind racing. “Well, if you’re not going to tell me, I might just have to use a little magic to find out.”
Hook's expression turned serious for a moment. “No spells, Morgie. Trust me, you’ll ruin it.”
This only made Morgie more determined. “Ruin what exactly? Come on, Hook, just tell me. I promise I won’t ruin anything.”
Hook shook his head, his usual playful demeanor returning. “Nice try, lad. But my lips are sealed. Now, go back to your spells and stop trying to pry.”
Morgie huffed, flipping through his textbook in frustration. “Fine. But don’t think this is over. I’ll get it out of you eventually.”
Hook laughed softly, a secretive glint in his eye. “We’ll see about that, won’t we, darling?”
As Hook busied himself on his side of the room, Morgie couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever his roommate was hiding, it was something significant. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t help but wonder what Hook was up to and why he was being so secretive about it.
Morgie woke up in the wee hours of the morning to Hook’s side of the room, which was lit by Hook’s oil candle lamp—the one he’d stolen from one of the pirate sophomores.
Morgie closed his eyes, trying to doze off again. But then he realized the lack of snoring. The silence was odd. Hook was a snorer, whether he liked to admit it or not. The pirate was not the most peaceful sleeper, but as Hook said, the beauty rest was worth it, and you can't hear it on the sea anyway.
In the absence of Hook’s snoring, Morgie rolled over and looked at Hook's side of the room, facing the bright light. Hook was nowhere to be found in his bed. His silk sheets were empty. But then Morgie heard Hook hissing through his teeth; the sound was coming from Hook's side of the room.
Morgie thought casting a teleportation spell he'd been practicing would be a fun way to sneak up on the pirate. But before he could even recite the words, Hook's voice interrupted his thoughts.
"Having nightmares, darling?" Hook was on the other side of his bed, his head resting in his palm.
Morgie closed his eyes tight shut. "I'm fine. Totally asleep," he muttered.
"If the sleep could talk?" Hook teased.
"Your little bright light woke me up and the lack of snoring," Morgie grumbled.
"You like it when I snore?" Hook asked, his voice laced with a mix of curiosity and amusement.
"Not like—more tolerate it. I kinda get used to the sound of it," Morgie admitted, feeling his cheeks heat up slightly.
"And I'm sorry for waking you up, lad," Hook said, his voice softer now as he bent down to put something away.
"What are you up to? You've been strange lately. This whole curfew got you cuckoo?" Morgie asked, trying to sound casual but failing to hide his curiosity.
Hook chuckled, the sound low and smooth, but there was a hint of weariness to it. "Cuckoo, am I? Well, it's not just the curfew, love. I've got...projects. Important ones."
Morgie squinted at Hook, trying to decode his words. "Important like what?"
Hook's laugh was louder this time, but it quickly turned into a more serious tone. "If you must know, I've been working on something."
Morgie’s curiosity was now fully piqued. "Something special? Like what? Can you at least give me a hint?"
Hook hesitated, then shook his head. "Patience, Serpentine. Let’s head back to bed."
Morgie huffed, rolling his eyes. "You know, you're really good at keeping secrets. It's annoying."
Hook smirked, his usual flirtatious glint returning to his eyes despite the early hour. "And you’re really good at being adorable when you're annoyed. Now, go back to sleep. You'll find out soon enough."
Morgie muttered something under his breath, but he couldn't help the small smile that tugged at his lips. Hook had that effect on him—making him feel both frustrated and charmed at the same time. Is this how you’re supposed to feel with your best friend?
Hook walked towards the bathroom with a bit more pep in his step, his red robe shimmying like he was celebrating a silent victory. He was presumably doing his night skincare routine. Morgie was so tempted to sneak a peek at Hook’s side of the room. What could he be hiding? Why the sudden secrecy?
But instead, Morgie tried to settle back into bed. He couldn’t shake the feeling that whatever Hook was up to was going to be worth it. The anticipation of the surprise kept him awake a little while longer, his mind racing with possibilities.
Hook returned from the bathroom, his face glowing slightly from whatever potion he’d applied. He moved with an air of mystery, almost theatrical in his silence. Morgie couldn’t help but watch him, his curiosity burning stronger than ever.
“Why do you always have to be so cryptic?” 
Hook turned, his eyes glinting in the dim light. “It’s part of my charm, darling. Keeps things interesting.”
Morgie snorted. “Interesting? More like infuriating.”
“"Harpoon, doubloon—it's all the same tune",” Hook replied, his tone playful yet elusive. “Now, close those pretty eyes and get some sleep.”
Morgie sighed, turning over and trying to relax. But his mind was a whirlwind of questions and theories. What was Hook hiding? And why did it feel like this secret was different from the usual mischief?
As the night stretched on, Morgie found himself drifting in and out of sleep, each time with thoughts of Hook and his mysterious behavior. (He was obsessing over this in a not so platonic nor healthy amount.)
After a few days of Hook sneaking around. Morgie woke up, Hook was once again nowhere to be found in their room. This was very odd behavior; Hook was usually the last one to leave the room, due to quote-on-quote being fashionably late. "You don't ever rush perfection," he'd always say. Morgie was starting to think this whole surprise thing was just a cover-up. 
Throughout the day, Morgie couldn't shake his unease. Hook's absence gnawed at him, making it hard to focus on anything else. Was this surprise really worth all the secrecy? Why wouldn’t Hook want to spend time with him? Why was Hook being so unlike himself? Did Morgie do something wrong? The questions spiraled in his mind, and he found himself overthinking every little detail of their recent interactions.
By lunchtime, Morgie was noticeably less peppy than usual. Maleficent and Hades, always keen observers (They loved teasing Morgie he was an easy target), quickly picked up on his mood.
“What’s up with you, Morgie?” Maleficent teased, her voice dripping with mock concern. “You look like someone stole your spellbook.”
“Yeah, cheer up,” Hades added with a smirk. “Where’s that stupid smile of yours?”
Morgie forced a smile, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “I’m fine, just tired,” he muttered, pushing his food around on his plate.
Maleficent and Hades exchanged glances but didn’t press further. It wasn’t like Morgie to be so down, but everyone had off days. Morgie barely noticed their exchange, his mind still tangled up in thoughts of Hook. The rest of the day dragged on, with Morgie’s usual spark dimmed by his growing worries.
By the time Morgie returned to their dorm room, the sun was setting, casting long shadows across the floor. Only this time, the pirate in red was waiting for him. Hook stood by his bed, hands behind his back, a familiar mischievous smile playing on his lips.
“If you’re going to dangle the surprise over my head again, I don’t wanna hear it,” Morgie snapped, not even trying to mask his irritation as he dropped his bag onto the floor.
“I can dangle it all day on my hook, love. I’m the taller one, remember?” Hook quipped, unfazed by Morgie’s tone.
“Yeah, only ‘cause you’re wearing boots,” 
“Sunshine, don’t get all snappy on me,” Hook replied, his tone still light, though he took a step closer, his eyes narrowing slightly as he tried to gauge Morgie’s mood.
Morgie huffed, crossing his arms. “You’ve been acting so weird lately! First, you disappear for days, and now you’re all secretive. Do you even care how that makes me feel? You just—”
He paused, his emotions bubbling up faster than he could control. He wasn’t used to feeling this way, wasn’t used to being left in the dark by his best friend, and the more he thought about it, the more upset he became. 
“You just waltz in here like nothing happened, like I’m supposed to just be okay with you being all cryptic and… and it’s not fair, James!”
Hook remained composed, letting Morgie’s words wash over him without reacting. He simply stood there, waiting patiently as the little sorcerer tried to sort through his feelings. When Morgie finally trailed off, his breath hitching slightly from the intensity of his outburst, Hook raised an eyebrow and tilted his head.
“Are you done?” he asked calmly, his voice steady, as though he had all the time in the world.
Morgie blinked, the anger that had flared up within him now flickering out under Hook’s steady gaze. He found himself face-to-face with the pirate, his heart racing not from the argument but from the proximity. Hook’s composed demeanor only made Morgie feel more foolish for lashing out, and he realized with a start that he had stepped closer without even noticing.
The room was quiet, the tension between the roommates palpable as Morgie struggled to come up with something to throw back at Hook, something that wouldn’t sound ridiculous after his outburst. But Hook didn’t seem annoyed or angry—instead, he looked almost… amused, his brown eyes twinkling as he waited for Morgie’s next move.
“May I have a moment to intervene?” Hook’s accent, smooth and teasing, cut through the silence.
Morgie stuttered, caught off guard. “O-Okay.”
“Well, I apologize I haven’t been a very good roommate or friend,” He continued, his tone softening. “But I’ll make it up to you sooner or later and you’ll understand, love.”
The word "love" hung in the air a little longer than usual, lingering in Morgie’s mind. It was a staple of Hook’s vocabulary, but this time it felt different. It irked the teenage warlock in a way he couldn’t quite explain.
“And you’ll be doing that how?” Morgie asked, trying to regain some composure.
Hook finally removed his hands from behind his back, revealing a sleek black gift box wrapped with a crimson red ribbon. It was perfectly on brand for the fashionable eyeliner-wearing pirate, every detail meticulously chosen.
“A gift? Is it my birthday? Did I forget my birthday?” Morgie’s mood shifted in an instant, the curiosity and excitement bubbling up despite himself.
“Just open it, save the blubber for later,”.
“What did you steal this time, Hook?” Morgie asked, narrowing his eyes, though the corners of his mouth twitched with a smile.
“Morgie, enough chit-chat or I’m going to make you walk the plank,” Hook threatened, but there was no real menace in his voice. As if to emphasize his point, he softly grazed his hook against Morgie’s cheek, the cold metal sending a shiver down Morgie’s spine.
“Before I—” Morgie began, but Hook cut him off.
“Open it before I take it back,” 
“Fine,” Morgie huffed, though he couldn’t suppress the flicker of anticipation that ran through him.
Morgie tore into the box, barely noticing as the lid clattered to the floor. His heart raced as he peered inside, eyes widening at the sight of the crochet plushie nestled in black tissue paper. 
It was a quirky, endearing mix of the golden retriever familiar he summoned in the courtyard and the serpentine creature it had become. The creature Hook defeated for Morgie.
The plushie's golden yarn fur was soft to the touch, with tiny, rounded wings stitched onto its back— one was more whimsical the other one was bat-like from Morgie's botched spell. The stuff toy’s large button eye was innocent and sweet, and the other had that menacing red eyes.
The elongated body hinted at its serpent transformation, but in Hook’s hands, it had become more puppy-like, with pastel green scales adding a gentle touch.
Morgie's jaw dropped. Speechless, he did the only thing that felt right—he flung himself at Hook, wrapping his arms around the pirate in an impulsive, tight hug. Hook stiffened for a moment, caught off guard, but quickly melted into the embrace, trying to keep his cool despite the warmth spreading through him.
“Do you like it?” Hook asked, his voice wavering as he struggled to maintain his usual bravado. The tough, pretty-boy facade was slipping under Morgie's touch.
“This is what you’ve been working on?” Morgie pulled back just enough to look up at Hook, his eyes wide with disbelief and admiration.
“Well, I know you’ve been going through a lot with the curfew, so I thought it would be nice to do something for you and I had to do something with all that free time,” Hook said, scratching the back of his head with his hook, trying desperately not to sound too sentimental.
“But how? Like, how! When did you learn to crochet?” Morgie’s eyes were practically sparkling with curiosity.
“I took a home economics class. You know, a pirate needs to know how to sew up his own sails. But… Mali helped me out a bit,” Hook admitted, a sheepish grin tugging at his lips.
“Maleficent? That witch” Morgie’s eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“That girl is obsessed with sharp things, and she knows her way around a crochet needle,” Hook explained. “But don’t tell her I told you that, or she’ll put me to sleep for a thousand years.”
“All the avoiding me… so worth it,” Morgie said, his earlier irritation completely evaporated.
“I’m still sorry,” Hook offered, sincerity in his voice.
“Apology accepted, in all the seven seas, or whatever you say,” Morgie teased, mimicking Hook’s accent with a playful grin.
Hook chuckled, but his heart was pounding. “I know this plushie isn’t as good as the real thing or entirely accurate, but I tried my best.”
“It’s better than I Imagined or conjured up… It’s perfect. You’re the best roommate and best friend ever!” Morgie declared with the kind of enthusiasm that made Hook’s heart swell.
Without thinking, Morgie leaned in and planted a quick kiss on Hook’s cheek, before twirling away with the plushie in his arms. The sorcerer was completely oblivious to the effect his gesture had on Hook, who stood frozen in place, a deep blush spreading across his face. The usually composed pirate looked like he was about to fall apart like a shipwreck, his mind reeling from the unexpected kiss.
Morgie, meanwhile, was blissfully unaware, his scarf flying around him as he danced around the room with his new gift. To him, this was just another display of affection for his best friend—but to Hook, it was something far more complicated. Hook, utterly smitten, could only watch Morgie with a dazed expression, wondering how someone so clueless could have such a devastating effect on him.
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Morgana Le Fay’s son had done the impossible—he had broken James Hook. Not in a literal sense, of course, but the once unflappable pirate was now a flustered, blushing mess, thanks to Morgie’s innocent, yet devastating, kiss on the cheek.
As the very next day rolled around, Hook rushed to Maleficent and Uliana’s dorm room, his mind buzzing with thoughts he couldn't quite untangle. The leader of their little clique, Uliana, was nowhere to be found, leaving only Maleficent in bed, her eye mask securely in place as she slept away in the afternoon.
Hook didn’t even bother knocking, his boots clattering against the floor as he stormed in. "May I interrupt the beauty rest?" he asked, not bothering to lower his voice.
Maleficent didn’t even flinch, though her lips curled into a smirk under the eye mask. "You interrupted as soon as your loud boots walked in. James, leave me alone, or I'll spell you to sleep for a century."
"Do you have a thorn up your-" Hook retorted, his tone laced with teasing, but before he could continue.
Maleficent interrupted him with a groan, finally pulling off her eye mask to glare at him. "This better be good. What’s got you in such a tizzy that you’re willing to face my wrath?"
Hook flopped onto the edge of her bed, running a hand through his hair. "It's an S.O.S. situation, Mali."
Maleficent rolled her eyes but sat up, intrigued despite herself. "Well, spit it out, Hook. Or I’ll have to read your mind—not that you’d have much going on up there to read."
Hook shot her a look but took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "It’s Morgie. Remember you helped me make this—" he gestured vaguely, "—plush thing for him, and he just… he kissed me on the cheek like it was nothing. And now I can’t even think straight."
Maleficent blinked at him, then let out a laugh that was more mocking than anything. “This why I don’t teach you how to crochet I told you crocheting is stronger than any love potion,”
Hook just pouted at Maleficent.
"Oh, poor Hook. You, the great pirate, undone by a kiss on the cheek?" Maleficent continued taunting Hook.
Hook scowled, crossing his arms. "I’m serious, Mali. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been trying to get him to notice me for ages, and now that he has, I’m the one who’s a mess."
"Of course you are. You’ve spent so long being the one in control, the one doing the chasing, that you’ve completely forgotten how to handle it when someone chases you in your own boots," Maleficent said, clearly enjoying his discomfort.
"I don’t know if he even realizes what he’s doing,"
"Maybe he does, maybe he doesn’t. Morgie may be dense, you can only be dense for so long. He’ll figure it out soon enough, and then you’ll be in real trouble," Maleficent said, her tone almost gleeful.
"I’m doomed, aren’t I?"
Maleficent patted him on the back, though the smirk never left her face. "Completely. But don’t worry, James. Watching you squirm is the highlight of my day. Now, if you’re done whining, I’d like to go back to my beauty rest. Some of us need it."
Hook stood up, brushing off her teasing as best he could. "Thanks, Mali. Now go back to being awful."
"Anytime, you wretched soul. Just remember, when you finally get your act together, I want to be in your wedding party," She called after him as he left the room. Oh, Maleficent, that girl always wanted to be invited to things.
When the chestnut brown-haired teen finally returned to the dormitory after his “girls talk”  he opened the door, to a loud, enthusiastic bark echoing through the room, startling him so much he nearly dropped his cool. 
His eyes darted around, landing on the source of the noise For a moment, Hook’s mind reeled. Had Morgie somehow managed to shape-shift into a dog? Maybe by accident another spell went wrong. It wouldn’t be the weirdest thing that could happen, but still…
“Morgie?” Hook called out cautiously, his heart pounding. The puppy barked again, bounding toward him with an energy that was almost too real. 
As the creature got closer, Hook’s eyes narrowed. The puppy had an odd, stitched-together look as if someone had tried to sew a living being out of yarn and magic. Then it clicked—this was Morgie’s toy, which Hook spent hours making.
“Well, I’ll be,” Hook muttered, a bemused grin tugging at his lips as the plushie-dog started sniffing around his boots. “Looks like you’re barking up the wrong tree, little one.”
Morgie’s voice came from the corner, where he was lounging on his bed, clearly pleased with himself. “It’s not too bad, right? I mean, I know I didn’t get the spell quite right, but look how cute it turned out!”
Hook glanced up at the sandy-haired boy, who was watching the puppy with the same lips stuck on a grin the same lips that had melted Hook’s heart earlier. 
“It’s, uh…Nice,” Hook replied, trying and failing to keep his cool. He could feel his composure slipping, like sand through his fingers, especially when Morgie hopped off the bed and sauntered over to him, that signature sweet smile on his lips.
“Nice, huh?” Morgie teased, his tone light and playful as he bent down to scoop up the plushie, holding it close to his chest. “You know, you’re the one who made it. Don’t be too proud, Jamie.”
Hook’s heart went into overdrive over a nickname? — never in Neverland did Morgie ever use another nickname for Hook. Despite Hook’s plethora of nicknames for the sorcerer.
Hook swallowed hard, trying to focus on anything other than the fact that Morgie was standing way too close, looking way too cute, and too oblivious for his own bad.
“I was just… commenting on your spellwork not on my craft,” Hook managed to say, though his voice was a little too breathless for his liking. “You’ve really outdone yourself this time, sunshine.”
Morgie beamed at the praise, his eyes sparkling with pride almost giddy. “Well, I had some inspiration, I guess,” 
He scratched behind the plushie’s ears. The thing let out a soft, almost purring sound, like it was the happiest little thing in the world.
Hook bit his lip, trying to pull himself together. He wanted to talk about the — situation, about what it meant, but every time he opened his mouth to say something, Morgie would do something else that made him a lovesick fool.
Like now, when Morgie reached out to fix Hook’s collar, his fingers grazed the skin just above his collarbone. It was such a small, innocent friendly gesture, but it made Hook’s heart race like he was facing down a kraken.
“There,” Morgie said softly, his voice laced with satisfaction. “Much better. You said I should always keep you portrait perfect.”
Hook felt like he was going to lose it. He was supposed to be the suave, smooth-talking pirate, that could have any person in the school but here he was, being completely undone by a few simple touches and actions that was far too sweet for someone who was supposed to be a villain.
“Thanks la-ad,” Hook replied, though his voice cracked slightly on the word lad. He cleared his throat, trying to regain some semblance of control. “You know, Morgie, you really—”
But Morgie wasn’t listening. He was too busy playing with the plushie, now cradling it in his arms like a real puppy. The sorcerer was so lost in his own world.
Hook took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. This was not how he’d imagined this conversation going. He’d planned to be direct, maybe even a little teasing, but now… now he was the one who was a flustered mess, the one who couldn’t get his thoughts straight.
Morgie looked up then, his eyes meeting Hook’s with a gaze that was so innocent, so unassuming, that it nearly broke Hook all over again. “You were saying something?” Morgie prompted, tilting his head slightly, the plushie still clutched to his chest.
Hook swallowed hard. “Uh, nothing important,” he mumbled, suddenly feeling like he needed to get out of the building before he completely lost his cool. “Just, uh, keep working on that spell. You’re gonna get the hang of it.”
Hook nodded, trying to ignore the way the wave of feelings hit at the sight of Morgie’s smile. He was in too deep, and the worst part was that Morgie didn’t even realize it. Or maybe he did, and he was just that good at pretending.
Either way, Hook was in trouble. Big trouble.
Days after the yet-to-be-named, reanimated, living, breathing (though thankfully not eating) dog had entered Hook and Morgie’s life, the two villains found themselves spending a lot of time alone in their dorm room, playing with their peculiar new pet. 
Unfortunately, the villain roommates couldn’t play puppy parents for too long before being tasked with something. They were glorified henchmen, of course, and senior year was coming to a close. With the end of the year looming, the pressure to pull off something big—something legendary—was mounting.
Enough time had passed since their last successful sleep prank, and it was time for Uli’s grand, dramatic, epic final scheme. Her own words, of course. The sea witch had devised a new scheme. She’d only given Morgie a vague task: scout the area before the others follow.
But in reality, everyone knew Uliana was simply using Morgie as a test dummy, a guinea pig to make sure the area was safe. Morgie, ever eager to please and maybe a little too trusting, had agreed without hesitation.
The area in question was inside the enchanted forest, situated right next to the academy. Merlin had dubbed it the Forbidden Forest until now, and it had remained off-limits to students for as long as anyone could remember. But with a new event on the horizon— called the Flower Forest Fest—the forest was about to be opened to the public. Or rather, to the rule abiding students. 
The whole event was really just an excuse to have all the teenagers corralled in one place so the academy staff could have a break from them.
This party in the deep, dark woods with no supervision was the perfect opportunity for mischief, and Uliana wasn’t going to let it go to waste. Days before the event itself the VK crew rounded up by the entrance of the forest.
Uliana was leaning against a tree, her tentacles twitching with barely contained excitement. "Morgie, you know what to do," she said, her voice laced with anticipation. "Follow the map, scout the area and make sure it's safe. And don't mess it up."
"Totally, I won’t disappoint," Morgie said excitedly, He turned to leave, only to find Hook standing there at the entrance of the woods, a smirk playing on his lips.
"Don’t leave without me," Hook said almost melodically, his accent ringing.
"I'm tagging along. Gotta make sure you don't get into too much trouble." Hook added running his hands through his hair.
Morgie raised an eyebrow, caught off guard by Hook's sudden insistence. "Did Uli ask you to come? Tell her I can do this on my own I promise."
"Oh, I don't doubt it. But you may need a pirate's help with map navigation,”
Maleficent chuckled from her perch on a bench in the distance. "Just try not to get caught, boys. I’d hate to have to spell you out of trouble." She yelled out to the two.
"Or watch Uli lose her mind if the plan goes south." Hades whispered to the dark fairy as they chuckled.
Uliana shot them both a glare before turning back to Morgie. "Just do your job, and we'll be fine. Hook try to keep Morgie alive!”
Morgie nodded, still a bit baffled by Hook’s sudden interest in tagging along. But he didn’t have time to question it further. He turned and headed towards the forest, Hook following closely behind.
As dusk fell, the two found themselves sneaking through the overgrown path leading to the forest. The trees loomed overhead, their branches twisting together like gnarled fingers, blocking out what little light remained.
“Watch where you’re stepping, sugar,” Hook said, his voice slightly gruff. He sidestepped a twisted root and glanced back at Morgie, who was following close behind him.
“We wouldn’t want you to trip and alert your Uncle Merlin, now would we?”
Morgie snorted, wrinkling his nose in mock disgust. “Ew, Hook, please don’t remind me that my mother tried to seduce our headmaster,” he replied, shaking his head as if to clear the unwanted image from his mind. 
The story was infamous, practically a chapter in their history books, and unfortunately for Morgie, it was unavoidable—Hook had read all about it.
“ Still gotta be careful,” 
Morgie rolled his eyes, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips despite himself. “I think you’re just trying to make me nervous so I mess up, and you can look like the hero.”
“Oh, come on now,” Hook replied, a smirk creeping onto his face. “If I were trying to be heroic, I’d be carrying you over my shoulder right now like some precious cargo.”
Morgie laughed, the sound echoing through the darkening woods. “Please, let’s be honest—it’d be me carrying you,”
Hook’s smirk widened, but there was a flicker of something softer in his eyes, something that Morgie, in his usual obliviousness, didn’t catch. “Spoil me too much, and I might start expecting it,” Hook quipped, though his voice had a slight edge to it, like he was hiding something beneath the banter.
Morgie was too busy trying to decipher the map of the forest to notice the subtle shift in Hook’s tone. He ducked under a low-hanging branch, then turned to make sure Hook was following. “Come on, James, you’re falling behind!”
Hook huffed, picking up the pace to catch up to Morgie. “I’m just giving you a head start,” he retorted, though he couldn’t help the small smile that tugged at his lips. Being around Morgie was like that—he found himself smiling more often than he cared to admit.
As they walked deeper into the forest, the sounds of the academy faded away, replaced by crickets and cicadas. The air was thick with the scent of earth and damp leaves, and somewhere in the distance, an owl hooted.
“Are we there yet?” Morgie asked, his voice breaking the silence. 
“Almost there sugar,” Hook replied, his eyes flicking to the map he’d brought with them, it was Uliana’s hand-drawn self proclaimed master.
“These boots are not made for walking” Hook was going to jokingly complain more. Then Morgie suddenly stopped, turning to face him with a serious expression.
“Hook, can I ask you something?” Morgie’s voice was soft, almost hesitant, like he was weighing his words carefully. Which was rare for the wizard; he looked like he was thinking too hard.
“Yeah?” Hook replied, his voice a little too eager, betraying the hope that had been building up inside him. He took a step closer, his dark cold heart pounding in his chest. “What is it, serpentine?”
Morgie hesitated, biting his lip as if he was trying to decide how to phrase his question. This was it. This was the moment Hook had been waiting for. Then, finally, he looked up at Hook, his eyes wide and innocent. 
“What should we name the dog?”
“Wait, what?”
Morgie’s serious expression melted into a smirk, as if he hadn’t just completely turned Hook’s world upside down. “Well, you made it and we’d had them for a few days and I was just thinking as its parents what should we name our child?”
Hook just stared at him, trying to process the emotional whiplash. “You’re asking me about the dog’s name? Now? When we’re trekking in the woods?” The darker haired boy tried not to sound too baffled.
Morgie nodded, completely ignorant to the turmoil he’d just put Hook through. “It feels wrong not to give him a name. Don’t you think so?”
Hook opened his mouth to say something, anything, but all that came out was a strangled laugh. He shook his head, running a hand through his hair in disbelief. “You really are something else, you know that?”
They arrived at where x was marked on the map, but instead of the dark and murky black lagoon they were used to, they found themselves in front of a big body of water. The lake before them was surrounded by vibrant flowers. The water shimmered like liquid silver, reflecting the semi-dark sky, now painted with hues of deep blue and violet.
Morgie’s eyes widened in awe, taking in the beauty of the scene. He couldn’t believe that the bumbling fool of a wizard—his mother’s words, not his—had been keeping this kind of beauty hidden from the students. If only the villains could have hung out here instead of the fish carcass-filled lagoons they were used to. But a sorcerer could dream.
“Uli wants us to ruin all of this beauty?” 
“It is a beauty,” Hook agreed, his eyes lingering on Morgie for a moment longer than necessary. “But not as beautiful as—“
“The seven seas,” Morgie finished Hook’s sentence, attempting to mimic his accent but ending up sounding more posh than the pirate's accent.
Hook chuckled, shaking his head. “Am I that predictable?”
“Maybe you are, Captain,” Morgie replied with a grin, he also added a wink at the end.
Hook cleared his throat “Enough chit chat, let’s do this,” the pirate declared, though there was a reluctance in his voice, as if he didn’t really want to disturb the moment.
The pair soon split up around the lake, each taking a different section to look for any magical traps. There were already a few chairs and tables set up, indicating that the employees had been there before them, likely preparing for the upcoming festivities. But the two ended up finding nothing.
But the mood between them was different tonight, less focused on mischief and more on simply being together in this strangely beautiful place. As they worked, Hook found himself glancing over at Morgie mindlessly for too long, his mind not fully on the task at hand.
“Hook, focus,” Morgie called out from across the lake, snapping Hook from the one-man staring contest he was winning.
“I am focused,” Hook shot back, lying through his perfectly white teeth. His mind was racing with thoughts that had nothing to do with their villainous mission.
Eventually, they ended up near the water’s edge, the moonlight casting a soft glow over the lake. Hook stood beside Morgie, trying to find the right moment to say what had been on his mind for weeks now.
“You know, Morgie…” Hook began, his voice uncharacteristically hesitant. “There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you.”
Morgie turned to face him, wide eyes and just happy. It was clear there were no thoughts behind those eyes, just pure curiosity and unabashed happiness. “What is it?”
Then footsteps, the sound of them put the two villains on high alert. It sounded like there was a group approaching. Then they heard metal clanking against the stony path. It was the school's security knights.
As the sound grew louder, Morgie’s heart raced. "We’re running right?" he whispered urgently, grabbing Hook's hand.
"Right behind you, sugar,"
The two villains bolted as if they were living on the run like Bonnie and Clyde. Hand in hand, they attempted to navigate between trees, until they skidded to a halt at the water’s edge.
“A dead end? Seriously?” Morgie panted, his eyes wide with panic as he looked back over his shoulder. The footsteps and metal clanging were getting closer, echoing through the trees. They had nowhere to go.
“Guess we’re going for a dip,” Hook said with a wry grin, without any warning pulling Morgie with him as he splashed into the lake, soaking them both. 
Hook glanced at Morgie, who was still scanning their surroundings, his panic evident in his wide eyes.
 “Don’t you have a spell to get us out of here?” 
“I don’t know... What if it doesn’t work or teleports us somewhere else?” Morgie’s voice trembled as he voiced his concern.
“Just give it a try,” Hook urged, his usual confidence faltering just slightly.
Morgie raised his hands, beginning to mutter the incantation. But after a few moments, nothing happened, not even a flicker of magic. “Why isn't it working? It should be working! Why isn't it—"
“Easy, love,” Hook interrupted, chuckling softly to hide his growing concern. Then, as if a ship crashed into the shore, Hook smacked his own forehead in realization. “The lake is enchanted. Spells don’t work here. Duh.”
He had known this—Uliana had mentioned it while laying out her plan—but Hook had been too distracted, stealing glances at Morgie, to process the information fully. Now, that lapse in attention was coming back to haunt him.
Morgie’s eyes widened in alarm. “How was I supposed to know that?!”
“It’s called an enchanted lake, darling,” Hook replied, trying to keep his tone light. But while Morgie was freaking out for one reason, Hook was freaking out for another entirely. His gaze kept slipping back to Morgie’s wet form, the way his clothes clung to his frame. The way the water glistened on his skin.
“You knew that the whole time? This is no time for jokes” 
But Morgie, ever oblivious to Hook’s not-so-subtle ogling, ran a hand through his drenched light brown hair, groaning in frustration. “This is just great. We’re going to get caught because I stupidly—”
“Hey, hey,” Hook cut him off, stepping closer until they were nearly chest to chest, water dripping from his shirt and revealing the toned muscles beneath. He tried to keep his cool, but the sight of Morgie soaked was making it difficult to concentrate on anything else. “We’ll figure this out. You’re not stupid.”
“They’re getting closer,”
Morgie finally noticed the way Hook’s shirt clung to his chest, revealing his toned physique, but it was just a fleeting observation as his worries took over again. “What do we do now? We can’t swim our way out of here,”
“We don’t need to, do you trust me?” Hook whispered urgently, their faces inches apart.
“Of course I do,” 
“Then hold your breath,” Hook instructed, and they both submerged beneath the surface, the water cool and oddly calming despite the danger. Hook just hoped that they wouldn’t be detected in the crystal clear waters.
They stayed underwater for what felt like an eternity, the tension building as they waited for the footsteps to pass. When they finally resurfaced, dripping and breathless, the coast was clear. Hook couldn’t help but grin at Morgie, who was still panting slightly, his hair a mess of wet curls.
“See? We’re fine,” Hook said, trying to maintain his usual cocky demeanor, though his heart was pounding for reasons beyond just the chase.
Morgie shook his head, a faint smile finally breaking through his earlier panic. “You’re too cocky for your own good.”
“Part of my charm,” Hook replied smoothly, though his thoughts were far from smooth as he took in Morgie’s disheveled appearance. He had to remind himself to breathe.
With a quick, whispered incantation, Morgie tried the teleportation spell once more. This time, the spell worked, though instead of teleporting them directly to their dorm room, they arrived at the entrance of the forest in a flash of light, still soaking wet and shivering slightly.
“I still need to get the hang of that spell,” Morgie muttered, slightly frustrated.
“You did your best, my little spell caster,” Hook teased, though there was a fondness in his tone that belied his words.
“I never thought there’d be a day I’d miss concrete pathways,” The sorcerer looked like he wanted to kiss the pavement beneath him.
“Come on, let’s get back to the dorm before trouble comes knocking at our door,” Hook said before dragging Morgie all the way back to their room.
On the morning of the flower festival instead of skipping class and preparing outfits as Hook suggested. Both of them were in alchemy. The Alchemy class was, according to the legend himself, an “Honors” course, though most of the VKs privately agreed that the only thing honorable about it was their patience in tolerating the old wizard's droning voice.
Morgie sat at the very front, his brow furrowed in concentration as he half-heartedly attempted to focus on the day's lesson. 
His mother had always insisted that listening to “bumbling fools” like Merlin was a waste of time, but Morgie was starting to think that maybe—just maybe—there was some merit in learning the craft properly. (Or his mom was just very jaded with Merlin.)
After all, his spells were a bit hit-or-miss, and Alchemy seemed like a skill worth learning. He was determined to at least make some sense of it.
Meanwhile, Hook had taken up his usual spot at the back of the class, lounging as if he owned the place. His crimson blazer was draped lazily over the back of his chair, and he seemed more interested in staring than listening to Merlin’s lecture. 
His eyeliner-heavy lids kept drifting from the clock to Morgie, who was diligently—or as diligently as the boy could manage—taking notes.
Morgie, feeling the weight of Hook’s stare even from across the room, decided to liven things up. It wasn’t like he was getting anything useful out of the lecture anyway.
He quickly folded a piece of parchment into an origami shape, whispering a quick spell under his breath. The paper crane floated up, flapping its wings gently as it made its way across the room to Hook.
Morgie couldn’t resist a small, mischievous smile as he watched it land gracefully on Hook’s desk. Hook glanced down at the crane, his brows lifting in mild surprise before he unfolded the paper.
Morgie: Wherefore art thou, James-eo?
Hook couldn't help but smirk. Morgie practicing Shakespearean soliloquies caught Hook’s interest. Moments later Morgie received a paper cannonball to the head.
Hook: What is this nonsense? Go back 2 studying, u nerd no Xo, Hook
Morgie rolled his eyes. He quickly folded the paper, this time into the shape of a flower, and sent it floating back to Hook.
Morgie: You wound me, sir! Such harsh criticism from one so noble
Hook suppressed a laugh, shaking his head. He pretended to be irritated but couldn’t resist playing along. He picked up his ostrich feather quill and scribbled another reply.
Hook: Noble? I’m more like the dashing thief stealing the <3’s 
Morgie’s heart did a little somersault when he looked at the pirate’s little heart doodle. He felt a strange hot feeling lingering in his face. Is this how you're supposed to feel when you're passing notes with your friend?
Morgie: Thief, you say? More like a dashing rogue who can’t help but be charmed by my wit.
As Hook read the note, he was about to pen a response when Maleficent, who was sitting next to him, caught the exchange. She elbowed Hook, whispering with a smirk, “Stop it, you love birds.”
Maybe it was Morgie growing a bit too lax, or maybe his spellcasting was just off today, but instead of landing on Hook’s desk, the paper crane began to shimmer and shift. In a flash, it transformed into a real, live messenger dove, cooing softly as it flapped its wings and landed on Hook’s shoulder.
Hook’s eyes widened in surprise, and Morgie’s heart dropped into his stomach. The entire class turned to look, and Merlin’s voice, which had been droning on about the properties of transmutation, came to an abrupt halt.
Morgie’s eyes widened in panic, and he desperately tried to recast the spell to no avail.
“Mr. le Fay!” Merlin’s voice boomed across the classroom, making Morgie jump in his seat. “What, pray tell, is the meaning of this interruption?”
“I… uh… I didn’t mean to…” Morgie stammered, his face flushing with heat as he tried to explain. The dove on Hook’s shoulder gave a soft, accusatory coo, as if to say You’ve really done it this time
Morgie stammered, “I-I… It was just a note! I didn’t mean for—”
“Not our fault you can’t keep our attention,” Hook cut in with a smirk, his tone dripping with mockery. “Maybe if your lectures weren’t as dull as dishwater, we wouldn’t have to entertain ourselves.”
Morgie’s eyes widened in shock. He had never expected Hook to defend him, let alone by taking a jab at Merlin. He barely had time to process it before Merlin’s voice cut through the moment.
“You’re passing notes in my class?” Merlin asked, his eyes narrowing as he waved his hand dismissively. “You and Mr. B artholomew-Hook can explain yourselves at the library in detention, Tonight.”
Morgie’s heart sank even further. Not only had he messed up his spell, but now he had ruined Uliana’s plans as well. He could already imagine her fury, and it was enough to make him want to sink through the floor. Hook, on the other hand, seemed entirely unbothered.
“Great,” Hook muttered under his breath as Merlin turned back to the blackboard,As the class resumed, Hook threw one final note to Morgie.
Hook: See u In date-ention <3
Morgie unfolded the note, his earlier irritation melting into reluctant amusement. His lips curled into a small smile, at the heart doodle at the end. He quickly folded the note back up, shoving it into his pocket. After more boring lectures the bell soon rang.
“You better thank the Gods Uli wasn’t in that class or she would have done a number on both of you,” Maleficent commented. It didn’t sound like she herself was scared of Uliana but more fed up with hearing Uliana’s constant reprimands to others.
“Pfft, not like she can do much to them. Hook is her favorite,” Hades added, a smirk playing on his lips as his eyes flicked to Morgie, the flame in his hair flaring slightly with amusement.
“Who’s gonna tell her?” Maleficent asked, her gaze turning serious as all eyes fell on Morgie.
Morgie opened his mouth to speak, dread creeping in, but before he could say a word, Hook stepped forward. “I’ll tell her,” he said confidently, not a trace of fear in his voice.
Morgie blinked, taken aback. Hook had always been a bit of a smooth-talker, but standing up to Uliana for him? That was new.
Later, in the shadowy corner of the courtyard, Uliana’s eight tentacles rippled with barely contained anger. Hook and Morgie stood in front of her, trying not to flinch under her intense gaze.
“Detention? Detention” Uliana hissed, her voice venomous. “How could you two idiots let yourselves get caught passing notes? You're not children!” Her tentacles flared out, emphasizing her frustration.
Morgie shrunk under her words, guilt bubbling up inside him. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the weight of her anger almost too much to bear. But before he could apologize, Hook stepped forward.
“Uli, ease up,” Hook said, his tone as calm as shores with no waves. “It wasn’t all Morgie’s fault. I was the one who got us caught up in the notes. If you’re mad at anyone, be mad at me.”
Uliana’s eyes narrowed, her anger now directed at Hook. “I am mad at you, James! You think you can just talk your way out of this?” she snapped, “This is serious!”
“I know it is,” Hook replied smoothly, not backing down. “But you’re coming down way too hard. We’ll handle it.” His eyes met hers with a steady confidence, refusing to be intimidated.
Uliana’s lips pressed into a thin line, her frustration mounting as she felt her control over the situation slipping.
“You two—” Uliana started, but Hook interjected quickly, “Uh uh, we’ll figure out how to get out of magical detention. We always do,” he said with a casual shrug, as if it were the easiest thing in the world.
Then, with a playful smirk, he added, “Don’t yell too much, you’ll get wrinkles. And you’re scaring Morgie, so like… stop.”
Hades chuckled under his breath, “The pirate is talking back,” His voice dripped with sarcasm, the flames on his head flickering as he spoke.
Maleficent rolled her eyes, leaning closer to Hook and whispering, “You’ve got guts today, Hook. Didn’t think you’d actually stand up to her.
Hook shrugged, but his eyes softened as he glanced back at Morgie. “Had to be done.”
Uliana, sensing the moment was slipping from her control, took a deep breath, her anger simmering down to a more manageable level. Her tentacles slowly relaxed behind her, though her eyes still burned with residual frustration. “Just… don’t let it happen again. You know how important tonight was. And Morgie,” she added, her gaze hardening as it landed on him, “next time, don’t let yourself get so easily distracted.”
Morgie nodded, his cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and something else—gratitude, maybe? He glanced at Hook, who was still standing protectively by his side, and he felt a flicker of something more than just friendship, something he wasn’t quite ready to name yet.
Uliana, having said her piece, finally stormed out, her anger leaving the air heavy with tension. Once she was gone, Morgie let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding. The courtyard seemed quieter, almost peaceful, now that her storm had passed.
“Thanks,” Morgie mumbled, glancing shyly at Hook. “I didn’t expect you to—”
“Don’t mention it,” Hook interrupted, a soft smile tugging at his lips. He reached out and ruffled Morgie’s hair, the gesture light but filled with warmth. “Can’t let you take all the heat, can I?”
Being magically locked inside the library was the worst. Well, for the not as bad as doing manual labor or being forced to be good against their will. Just being locked inside a room that was fun-proof was going to be punishment enough for them.
“This sucks,” Hook groaned, slumping against a bookshelf.
“Well, at least we have… yeah, I got nothing,” Morgie tried to stay positive, searching for a silver lining, but even he was stumped.
Hook shot him a sidelong glance, amused by Morgie’s attempt at optimism.
“I could try this magician trick I’m working on,” Morgie suggested, perking up a bit at the thought.
“Magician? Seriously, sunshine, you’ve downgraded to magician tricks?” Hook teased, unable to resist ribbing Morgie just a little.
“Hey, they’re cool! And less dangerous when you mess up,” Morgie defended, his tone brightening. He reached toward Hook’s ear with a playful smile. “You’ve got something in your ear,” 
Even in the dullest moments, Morgie found ways to entertain. His sandy-brown hair fell into his eyes as he concentrated, trying to pull off his trick with a flourish. Hook tried to suppress the smile that tugged at his lips, finding it increasingly difficult to hide just how cute he thought Morgie was in these moments.
“Ta-da!” Morgie exclaimed, triumphantly holding out his hand—empty. “Huh, it was supposed to be a coin,” he said, furrowing his brow in confusion.
“A for effort,” Hook smirked, though his eyeliner covered eyes softened with fondness.
“It should be A for… for… Amazing! ” Morgie insisted, puffing out his chest with exaggerated pride.
Hook chuckled, but as Morgie’s words faded into the silence of the library, he realized that they had a lot of time to kill. And with nothing to do but stare at dusty old books or each other, it hit him—this was the perfect opportunity to talk about the big boat in the room. 
But was Hook really ready? He’d built this moment up in his head for what felt like forever, but did Morgie actually like him back after all this time? Hook hated overthinking. He’d always been content with being  pretty, being a reckless himbo, and knowing he was good at things. But the sorcerer definitely changed that for him—made him want to think, to feel, to be more.
Lost in his thoughts, Hook found himself staring off into space, his mind racing with all the possible outcomes of this conversation. The scenarios played out in his head like scenes from a movie, each one more nerve-wracking than the last.
When he blinked back into reality, Morgie was suddenly inches away from his face, their noses almost touching. Hook hadn’t even noticed him move closer. Morgie’s wide, concerned eyes bore into his, and before Hook could register what was happening, the other boy began to shake him—violently.
“Hook, are you okay? Did I upset you or something?” Morgie’s voice was filled with worry, his hands gripping Hook’s shoulders tightly.
“You looked like you were thinking too hard—I got scared, honestly,” Morgie added, his voice small, as if he were afraid of the answer.
But before Hook could respond, he felt himself tipping backward. He’d been leaning too far off his chair, and now, gravity was pulling them down—fast. Morgie’s eyes widened in alarm as he realized what was happening, but it was too late. With a loud crash, the pair went tumbling to the floor, a tangle of limbs and startled yelps.
Hook landed with a grunt, Morgie sprawled across his chest, their faces just inches apart once again. For a moment, neither of them moved, both too stunned by the sudden fall. Hook’s heart was pounding hard and he hoped the wizard didn’t notice.
Morgie’s cheeks flushed a deep shade of pink, and he quickly scrambled off of Hook, mumbling apologies under his breath. Hook, still lying on the floor, couldn’t help but laugh—a genuine, carefree laugh that echoed through the silent library.
“You okay, love?”
Instead of the response Hook was expecting, Morgie groaned, “I should have transformed into a cat. I could have landed on my feet.”
Hook laughed, still chuckling as he sat up and rubbed the back of his head where he’d hit the ground. “I wish you weighed like a cat,
As they both got to their feet, dusting themselves off, Hook noticed that Morgie’s scarf had started to untie around his neck. The pirate’s eyes lit up with a mischievous glint, and a smirk spread across his face as he reached out fixing the scarf.
“What’d you do that for?”
“I can’t be the only one who’s portrait perfect. I can’t have a disheveled wizard standing next to me, can I?” Hook retorted, his tone teasing, though there was an undertone of genuine care.
Morgie shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips. The other teen however did not stop staring at the pirate. His expression could only be described as pure wonder.
“All done. I know it’s hard but you can stop staring at me lad,” Hook added, though in reality, he could stare into Morgie’s hazel eyes for hours on end if given the chance.
“Oh, I’m just admiring your eyeliner,” Morgie bit back. “It looks on point today… not that it was bad before, but you get the point.”
Hook shook his head, trying to suppress the warmth rising in his chest. “Morgie, you’re not gonna get mad if I told you a secret?”
“Why would I be, James?”
“Don’t—” Hook started to correct him but stopped, a rare flicker of uncertainty crossing his features. “I just have been feeling things for this person, and I don’t know how to handle it.”
“Who?” Morgie asked, his voice catching slightly. The sorcerer didn’t know why hearing those words coming out of the pirate stung so much, but it did. The fuzzy warmth he’d been feeling suddenly twisted into something else, something more intense and painful.
Hook’s golden hook grazed against Morgie’s cheek, the cold metal a stark contrast to the warmth between them. It was a surprisingly gentle gesture, almost affectionate, but instead of calming Morgie, the unexpected touch sent a shock through him. His emotions, already teetering on the edge, tipped over into something uncontrollable.
Before Hook could say more, the air around them crackled with dark magic as Morgie’s pent-up feelings surged to the surface. A heavy book, glowing ominously with a dark aura, suddenly dislodged itself from a nearby shelf and came crashing down on Hook’s head.
“Hook!” Morgie gasped, his heart racing in panic as he rushed to his friend’s side. But as he knelt down, he noticed the book opened to a page but decided to save that for later. 
Hook groaned, rubbing his head where the book had struck him. “Next time, just tell me you don’t want to hear it,” he muttered with a half-smile, trying to lighten the mood despite the throbbing pain in his skull.
Morgie’s heart was pounding, not just from the shock but from the realization of what he was feeling. He looked at Hook, still reeling from the rush of emotions. Maybe, just maybe, those fuzzy feelings were more than just friendship after all. 
“I didn’t mean to do that,” Morgie stammered, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him.
“I know,” Hook said with a small, forgiving smile. “But can’t you play nurse and find something for me?” He pouted, looking up at Morgie with those big, imploring eyes that always seemed to get him whatever he wanted.
He carefully grabbed hold of Hook’s head, pushing back the pirate’s chin-length chestnut mane. He quickly recited a simple healing spell, concentrating on getting it right. He wasn’t about to mess this up and hurt Hook even more.
“How are you feeling?” 
“Better that you’re here,” Hook replied, his words carrying a weight that made Morgie’s breath hitch.
“I’ve been here the whole time,” Morgie said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“You should lay down,” Morgie suggested, and before Hook could argue, Morgie lay down beside him on the floor, the cold stone beneath them doing nothing to quell the warmth between them.
They were so close now, lying side by side, and Morgie could feel his heart pounding in his chest, loud and fast. The reality of his feelings hit him like a wave, overwhelming and undeniable. 
“Morgie, what’s wrong?” 
“I think I like you,” Morgie blurted out, the words tumbling from his lips before he could stop them. His eyes widened as he realized what he’d just said, his face flushing with embarrassment. “I mean, I really like you… like, more than just as a friend and I know you don’t like me like that.”
Hook blinked, clearly flabbergasted. “You think I don’t have feelings for you?” he asked, a hint of disbelief in his voice. “Morgyn Le Fay, I’ve been flirting with you since I've known you!”
“You flirt with everyone,” 
“That’s beside the point, you—you’re only just realizing you like me?! Now after everything” Hook couldn’t help but laugh, a mixture of relief and astonishment coloring his tone.
“Well… yeah,” Morgie admitted, feeling both sheepish and exhilarated at the same time. “But I do. I really, really do.
For a moment, they just stared at each other, the air between them charged with a newfound intensity. Slowly, instinctively, they began to lean in, their lips inches apart. Morgie’s heart raced, anticipation thrumming in his veins. He could feel Hook’s breath on his skin, warm and inviting.
But just as their lips were about to meet, something caught Morgie’s eye. He glanced over and saw the spell book lying open on the floor beside them. He could barely read but the page it was opened to glowed faintly.
Wait,” Morgie murmured, pulling back slightly, his eyes fixated on the page. He reached for it with trembling fingers, his curiosity piqued.
“It’s a spellbook,” Morgie said, his voice laced with surprise.
“You’ve got plenty of those,” Hook replied with a smirk, watching him closely.
“But look at this page,” Morgie insisted, his excitement growing. “It’s a teleportation spell and it looks like a strong one. We can get out of here!”
Hook leaned back, a mischievous grin tugging at his lips. “Wouldn’t that get us into more trouble? We could just wait it out and enjoy each other's company here…” His voice trailed off, his eyes full of suggestion.
Morgie huffed playfully. “Since when have you cared about getting into trouble?”
“Besides, we have a dance to get to, remember? I really want to go and dance,” Morgie added with a sweet smile. “Pretty please?”
Hook’s resolve crumbled at that, unable to resist Morgie’s infectious excitement. That smile could bend even the most hardened pirate. “Alright, alright,” he relented with a chuckle. “You win.”
Morgie’s smile broadened as he began to recite the teleportation spell. His voice, though steady, carried the weight of the magic he was summoning. The spell tugged at his energy, each word making him feel more and more drained. But this time, there was a motivation that went beyond mere escape—he wanted this, not just for himself but for Hook too.
With the final words, the spell was complete, and they were enveloped in a swirl of dark energy. In an instant, they poofed into their dorm room, greeted by the loud, excited barks of the dog.
“Are you okay, love?” Hook asked, his voice softer than usual, the word love carrying more weight than it ever had before. It wasn’t playful this time—it was full of genuine concern.
Morgie blinked, still feeling the dizziness that came with powerful magic. “Just a bit woozy,” he admitted.
“Sit down for a minute, breathe,” Hook instructed, moving quickly to help Morgie to his bed. The wizard looked like he was about to tumble down, and Hook didn’t want to risk another fall.
As soon as Morgie sat down, the pup leaped into his lap, wagging its half snake tail enthusiastically. Morgie petted the dog gently, his fingers running through the soft polyster. The exertion from the teleportation spell had taken more out of him than he anticipated.
Strong dark magic was exhausting, especially for someone who was still relatively new to it. But Morgie didn’t regret using it. Not this time. He glanced up at Hook, whose usual smirk had softened into something more genuine, more vulnerable.
“I’m sitting too. I’ve fallen way too many times today,” Hook said, dropping down beside Morgie on the edge of the bed.
Morgie laughed at that. “You’ve definitely fallen… literally and romantically,” 
Hook, who would usually fire back with a cocky retort, simply smiled. There was no act anymore—no bravado, no sarcasm. This was Hook, laid bare. Vulnerable, eager, caring. It made Morgie’s heart swell with warmth. Hook wasn’t the ruthless pirate he always presented. He was more than that, and seeing him like this—seeing him care—made Morgie feel something he hadn’t expected. It was more than just attraction. It was affection, and it was real.
“Can we finally talk about it?” Hook asked, his voice breaking the comfortable silence. “No more distractions?”
“I didn’t get to say all I wanted to say earlier.”
Hook nodded, taking a deep breath. “I didn’t either.”
But before they could dive into their long-overdue conversation, Morgie’s eyes lit up with another spontaneous idea. “Wait! Before we say anything else, I finally know what to name our little pupparoo!”
Hook raised an eyebrow, amused but not surprised by Morgie’s sudden shift. “Of course you do,” he said with a fond smile. “Go on then.”
“M.J.—for Morgyn and James!” Morgie beamed, clearly proud of his idea even if it was just a combination of their first names. “It’s perfect, don’t you think?”
Hook’s expression softened even more, his eyes filled with warmth. “It’s perfect,” he agreed, not even needing further explanation. “You can call me James now,” he added, his voice quieter, more intimate. “You have the privilege now, even if you say it all the time already.”
Morgie let out a satisfied humm, a shy but genuine smile spreading across his face. “James,” he repeated softly, savoring the sound of it on his lips.
Hook—no, James —smiled back, and in that moment, everything between them seemed to fall into place. 
"James Hook, I like you," 
“What a revolutionary idea.”
Morgie frowned, a bit more serious than usual. “No sarcasm, please.”
Hook’s smirk faded, and for once, the pirate looked… nervous. “Yeah, I like you too much for my own good,” he confessed, his throat suddenly dry. He shifted his weight uncomfortably, avoiding Morgie’s gaze. “Liking you is terrifying. You’re the one person I smile too much at, and honestly? It hurts.” His voice was quieter now. “I was scared you’d think I was just sleazy, that I was flirting with you for fun.”
Morgie opened his mouth, but no words came out. There was so much he wanted to say—to thank Hook for sticking by him even when he felt like a loser in the villain gang, for not moving out despite Morgie being a clueless, oblivious mess of a roommate. But all of that was too much. All that came out instead was, “Can I kiss you?”
Hook’s expression softened, his smirk returning just slightly. “I thought you’d never ask.” With the confirmation, Hook leaned over meeting Morgie’s lips.
Their kiss was short, tentative, but sweet. James tasted like that vanilla chapstick he put on every morning. Meanwhile, Hook was enjoying this kiss way more than any of the kisses he's stolen from others. But before things could get steamier, Morgie pulled back, his face flushed.
Hook, breathless but amused, cocked his head. “Was that any good?”
Morgie stared at him, wide-eyed. “We could’ve been kissing this whole time? Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
Hook couldn’t help but roll his eyes. Of course, the boy he liked was an absolute idiot when it came to love. But it was his idiot. “Stop thinking and more kissing, please,” he teased.
This time, the kiss deepened, turning into something far more passionate. To Morgie’s surprise, Hook was gentle, far gentler than he would’ve expected from the experienced pirate. His touch was light but sure, guiding Morgie through it as if savoring every moment.
When they finally broke apart, both of them breathless, Hook chuckled, still holding Morgie close. “As much as I’m enjoying this,” he said, glancing down at the pup staring up at them, “our child is watching. And we’ve got a party to crash.”
Morgie smiled, though it was softer, less mischievous than usual. “I’m not really in the mood to be villainous with the others today.”
Hook shook his head, brushing a stray lock of hair from Morgie’s face. “Who said anything about being villainous? Let’s just go and have fun, yeah?”
The two of them started getting ready for the Flower Forest Fest, though unsurprisingly, Hook took the longest. Morgie was about to walk out in his usual green ensemble when Hook stopped him, gently draping his favorite crimson blazer over the wizard’s shoulders.
Morgie blinked, looking down at the jacket. “You sure? This is your favorite.”
“And it looks good on you. You should wear it,” Hook said, his voice low and full of pride.
Morgie was about to protest, but when he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirror, he realized how well the jacket suited him. He looked… nice. Nicer than usual. And if it made Hook happy, he wasn’t going to argue.
When Hook finally decided his own outfit was up to standard—after about ten more minutes of preening—Morgie picked up MJ, their little doll-like dog, giving him one last scratch behind the ears. “Be good, MJ. Don’t tear up the place,” Morgie said softly looking at it button eyes.
Hook raised an eyebrow as Morgie rummaged through his things, finally pulling out two flower crowns. “We’re supposed to be festive, right?”
Hook chuckled, amused but indulgent, letting Morgie place one on his head. He even smoothed his hair as Morgie adjusted the flowers, looking ridiculously pleased with himself. However, when Morgie put his own crown on, the flowers wilted almost immediately, their bright petals curling in on themselves.
Hook snorted. “Perfect,” he said, giving Morgie a once-over. “You’re looking drop-dead beautiful.”
Morgie pouted, fiddling with the dead flowers. “Just my luck, huh?”
“Hey, don’t be mean to my serpentine,” Hook teased, playfully bumping his shoulder against Morgie’s.
They both stood there, Hook in his meticulously curated outfit and Morgie in Hook’s crimson blazer, a wilted flower crown perched on his head. The sight of the two of them like this, after everything—after all the teasing, the near-misses, the flirting—it felt... right.
"You know," Hook began, his voice soft but still carrying that teasing lilt, “I like dumb boys like you.”
Morgie laughed, the sound light and easy. “I guess that’s fitting, considering you’re my dumb pirate.”
Hook grinned, pulling Morgie closer, the space between them disappearing as their lips met again, a sweet kiss that lingered just long enough to feel like a promise. When they pulled apart, Hook brushed his thumb along Morgie’s cheek.
“And don’t you forget it.”
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jestermarotte · 10 months
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want to draw hetalia boys and girls as characters for a fighting game🌝💫🫐🪄🫐
HP loss over 80% "better to stay away"
-breakage of the spear (respectively reducing the attack radius)
-reduced speed
+ deals more damage in melee (critical damage chance >30%)
+ if there is a sufficient amount of mana, strikes
imposes “freezing” and “decay” effects on the enemy
+ the appearance of a magic field imposes the “blindness” effect on shooters*
*type of fighters and/or reference point for their fighting style
**their attacks, selectively, have no effect
81 notes · View notes
the-banana-0verlord · 5 months
The polished glass
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Name: Achilles Vair Twisted from: Cinderella, Cinderella Dorm: Cinderquartz(RSA) Age: 17(second year) Birthday: 3rd of December (sagittarius) Homeland: The Shaftlands Signature Spell: Quest for the lost He can find any lost item provided he knows what it is and has previously seen it. He has a detection radius of a few kilometers. Appearance: He has a golden mullet, and is 182 cms tall. He has soft eyes the color of ash. He has long eyelashes and features that makes him look like a prince straight out of a fairytale. Personnality: Very soft and quiet. He's very much of a pushover and often does things others ask of him even though he doesn't want to do it. He's although quite resilient. Uncategorized Trivia: 💎Excellent at animals linguistics 💎His stepbrothers always hid his things to make fun of him, which is how he manifested his unique magic. 💎While mainly being inspired from Cinderella, he also holds some inpsiration from the prince. 💎He grew up with his father, stepmother and two stepsiblings. His biological mother died in childbirth. 💎While his stepsiblings bullied him, his stepmom brushed it off as "boys being boys" and that it was normal for younger siblings to bug their older siblings. His father turned a blind eye to this, all while rarely being present due to work. 💎He owns a locket with his mother's picture in it. It's the only thing he gets defensive for when his brothers try to take it to annoy him. 💎Due to his father being somewhat rich, he got the housewarden seat due to recommendation of the previous housewarden, who was the son of one of his father's business partner/friend. Many of his dormmates are unhappy with the decision because of his doormat nature. 💎He finds animals to be quite more interesting than humans. 💎He has a dove named Pidge as a companion.
Askbox is open for any ask about him!
tag list(tell me if you want to be added or removed!): @thehollowwriter @iabsolutelylovedragons @xen-blank @casp1an-sea
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witch-ix · 6 months
The Characters
Putting down the basic information's about the most important characters here. Everything from their full name, their ages and birthdays, sexual -identification and -orientation, family dynamics and relationships, to the titles and powers they have.
My rewrite will start on Earth in 2004, since that's when the first season aired.
One year on Magix is just as long as one year on Earth and Stella teleported herself there around the end of July but Alfea's school year doesn't start until about the 11th of September.
I'll list everyone's age at the time of September 1st 2004.
The Winx girls are around 18 years old in the beginning, as the three schools of Magix City are colleges. The boys are about to start their second year in Red Fountain and the Trix get in their third year in Cloud Tower.
Bloom Peters
18 - brought to Gardenia on August 24th 1986, which she celebrates as her birthday actually born on December 10th 1985 nonbinary, bisexual (she/they) she was born as Princess Melia, Flame of Marion, in Domino. Daughter of Queen Marion, Priestess of the Hearth and King Consort Oritel - both from Domino. Younger sister of Princess Daphne who was the Nymph of Domino, but died during the fall of Domino at age 25. Daphne saved Bloom's life by bringing her to Earth, where she grew up under the care of Vanessa and Mike Peters. They are amazingly supportive and loving parents. she considered Selina as her best friend, until she got into a relationship with Andy - Selina confessed having romantic feelings for her, but Bloom couldn't return those. Andy and Bloom's relationship lasted for almost two years and ultimately ended in a big fight, resulting in her leaving their band (she played the drums). Bloom has fire magic and is the Keeper of the Dragon Flame, she will be a Fairy
Shining Princess Stella Luna-Ray of Solaria
19 - August 18th 1985 cis, pansexual (she/her) she is very close with her father, the Radius Cyrus, who is the King of Solaria. Rather distant with her mother, Lady Luna from Callisto. The two of them are about to be divorced. she was in a relationship with Amaryl, but they fought a lot and ultimately decided that it's not worth it. At the beginning of the story she's already in a relationship with Brandon - they've started dating half a year before. Her best friends are Sky and Nova. She knows about Brandon and Sky switching places, since she's always known Sky. Stella is the Fairy of Sunlight
Flora de Alyssa Rose
19 - March 1st 1985 cis, panromantic and demisexual (she/her) daughter of Alyssa and Lord Rhodos of Silva, both from Linphea. Very close with her mother, but broke off the contact with her dad, since her parents got divorced. She is the older sister of Miele and they are very close. Their mother got together with Sage, who is very close with both girls. she is really close with her family members, but never had too close friends, since she always focused on studying. She went to Cloud Tower in hopes of becoming a Witch, but she ultimately transformed into Magic Wings and had to switch over to Alfea. Flora is the Fairy of Flowers
Musa Mai-Lin Song
18 - May 30th 1986 androgyne, bisexual with preference for women (she/they) child of Ho-Boe and Mai-Lin from Melody. Mai-Lin died when Musa was 12 and Ho-Boe moved with them to Magix City after that. Since then he was very distant and forbid Musa to pursue a career in music. Musa however, was able to keep contact with their grandparents in Melody. they were always distracted with school, or helping out their dad in the shop. But they were in a relationship with Darcy, at least until she became closer with her coven sisters. Musa is the Fairy of Sound
Tecna "Tec" Cryos
18 - Dezember 16th 1985 agender, panromantic and asexual (they/them) child of Magnethia and Electronio Cryos - both from Zenith. Older sibling of Ace Cryos. They are very distant with each other. was always very focused on studying and never made any close friends. Tec is the Fairy of Technomagic
Ísey "Icy" Skadis
20 - Dezember 5th 1983 cis, lesbian (she/her) both of her parents died when Jotunn was destroyed. Her older sister Sefira had to take care of her ever since. They were taken in by a woman in Eraklyon, who was very kind to them and taught both of them basic magic. when she grew up in Eraklyon she never thought of making friends as important, rather being focused on learning magic. Only when she came to Cloud Tower, met Darcy and Stormy and the three of them became a coven, she saw a point in becoming friends with someone. Icy is the Witch of Frost
Darclila "Darcy" of Griffin Aster
19 - October 5th 1984 cis, bisexual (she/her) daughter of Griffin from Callisto, younger sister of Darko. They don't know their father and their mother doesn't talk about him. she had some friends growing up, but only got closer with Musa, who she also got in a relationship with. They however broke it off when Darcy preferred spending time with her coven sisters over Musa. About one year later Darcy got in a relationship with Riven and they are still together. Darcy is the Witch of Illusions
Storm "Stormy" Donna-Wind
20 - April 5th 1984 doesn't care about labels but would put herself as nonbinary, aromantic and asexual (she/they) daughter of Lady Donna and Lord Bruce, both from Serenia and divorced now. Stormy and her mother are estranged and she doesn't have a lot of contact with her dad. was homeschooled and didn't care about gaining friends, until she met Icy and Darcy. Stormy is the Witch of Storms
Brandon Masonz
19 - September 23rd 1984 cis, bisexual (he/him) son of Sir Mason and Esme, both from Eraklyon and happily married. Older brother of the twins Jacky and Rayna, as well as baby-sister Fran. Very close with his sisters. He and his family consider Sky as his younger brother. As Brendon started being the Prince's squire from a young age he grew up in the castle and quickly became Sky's best friend. They need to pose as each other, in order to keep Sky save from assassinations. Thus Brandon is a excellent fighter with swords. He got into a relationship with Stella about half a year ago. Brandon has metal magic, he will be a Paladin
Crown Prince Skylan "Sky" Erendorz Jörd
19 - March 20th 1985 cis, straight-romantic and asexual (he/him) son of Emperor Erendor and the Empress Consort, Nymph Samara - both from Eraklyon. Both are very commanding and distant. Younger half brother of Prince Thoren, who he is close with. But he's closer even with Brandon's family, since Thoren prefers to spend the least time possible in the castle. as long as he can remember, Brandon is his best friend. But so are Stella and Diaspro. Sky has gravity magic, he will be a Paladin
Riven of Arcadia
19 - October 15th 1984 cis, bisexual with preference for women (he/him) grew up in the orphanage of Magix City. His mother, the Dark Witch Minerva, is form Arcadia. His father is from Melody, but he doesn't know him. he has some friends in Magix City but he's not too close with anyone, besides his girlfriend Darcy. Riven has void magic and the magic of others doesn't work on him, he will be a Paladin
Timothy "Timmy" Aella-Wind
20 - Feburary 15th 1984 agender, sraightromantic and greyasexual (they/them) son of Aella from Serenia and Bernard Cache from Zenith. Very distant with their dad, but close with their mom. Younger brother of Kelvin, who they get mocked by. they always had troubles when it came to finding friends and preferred working on their projects or helping out at their parent's lightning-farm. Timmy has electricity magic, he will be a Paladin
Roxy and
Selina Morgan
Roxy: 17 - September 22nd 1986 Selina: 18 - Dezember 21st 1985 they were both Terrestrial Fairies, thus born genderless - Roxy doesn't care about genders or labeling themselves, so they say - none, aromantic and asexual (they/them) Selina associates as female, lesbian (she/her) they grew up under the care of Eldora and Klaus Morgan. A very tight-knit and loving family. Roxy has always had one best friend - Macy. Selina saw Bloom as her best friend, until she realized she was having a crush on them, when they began dating Andy. When she confessed they got into a fight after which Selina started to hang out with Roxy and Macy. Both Roxy and Selina are terrestrial witches, but they don't know about that yet and thus haven't decided on their sources
Macy Lilo
16 - March 20th 1987 cis, bi-romantic and asexual (she/her) daughter of Fred and Ariana Lilo, both from Italy. Her mother died when she was born, but she is very close with her father. she became best friends with Roxy when they were young and it never changed for them. Macy is the first human born with the ability to practice magic - She has elemental magic, but doesn't know that yet she will be a Wizard
Princess Diaspro Wyatts Eraklyon
20 - Dezember 30th 1983 cis, lesbian (she/her) daughter of King Wyatt from Eraklyon and Queen Consort Iris, who came from Solaria. She is quiet close with her mother. she was homeschooled and spent a lot of time at Erakyon's main palace, where she became friends with Sky. At royal events she spends most of her time with Stella. When she got into Alfea, she focused very much on her studies, but also became friends with one of her room mates - Anne. They dated for a bit until they came to the conclusion they'd be better friends. Diaspro is the Fairy of Crystals
Mirta, Flame of Brenda
17 - October 31st 1986 cis, lesbian (she/her) comes from a long line of witches from Domino. Of her family only her Grandmother Maia escaped. She had saved Mirta's live and moved to Magix City. They are very tight-knit. growing up in Magix City Mitra always had one friend - Lucy. Mirta has emotion magic, she will be a Fairy
Lucy Ray
18 - June 24th 1986 transgender mtf, lesbian (she/her) daughter of Sibylla, who is half arcadian, half solarian and Grey from Solaria. Very tight-knit family, who moved to Magix City when Sibylla became a teacher at Red Fountain. After moving to Magix City Lucy was able to gain a close friend in Mirta. She always wanted to be popular, but never quite got there. Lucy is the Witch of Nightmares
Crown Princess Aisha Waters of Niobe, from Andros
18 - June 15th 1986 cis, lesbian (she/her) daughter of King Teredor and Queen Consort Niobe of Andros. Younger sister of Princess Politea, who was the Nymph of Andros, but unfortunately died during the Fall of Domino. Since then Aisha's parents are very strict and overprotective. she grew up very secluded, as her parents were scared over losing their second daughter. Growing up in the castle she had one friend - Anne, who also was her first crush. Through her Aisha found her hobby in dancing and sneaking out of the castle. Aisha however, hasn't seen Anne in years - since her parents caught them sneaking out of the castle. she will go to Alfea under a fake name - Layla Aisha is the Fairy of Morphix
Helia and
Krystal de Rachel Lavandula 
Helia: 20 - September 2nd 1983 Krystal: 17 - March 19th 1987 Helia is transgender ftm, straight-romantic and demisexual (he/him) Krystal is cis, panromantic and demisexual (she/her) children of Queen Rachel from Linphea and Professor Codatorta from Eraklyon. Grandkids of Saladin. A very tight-knit, but also very status oriented family. Since their mother is also the Nymph of Linphea she had to give up her family in order to achieve that title. Codatorta, Helia and Krystal live in Magix City with Saladin. Helia was always more focused on his art than being interested in finding friends. He was always very popular anyway, just didn't care about it enough. Krystal on the other hand traveled a lot to royal balls, even though she couldn't be too close to her mom anyway. She became close friends with Princess Galatea of Melody and soon started to spent a lot of time with her. Helia has blood magic, he will be a Wizard Krystal is the Fairy of Sand
Princess Yùnyáng "Galatea" Lian-Shi Yijun
16 - September 30th 1987 nonbinary, pansexual (she/they) Galatea is her stage name, but she generally prefers it. she's the seventh of nine sisters and not too close with any of them, since she got popular with her music from a young age. she met Krystal at a royal ball, they have been best friends and hanging out almost everyday together ever since. Galatea is the Fairy of Melodies
Lady Nova Elaine-Ray
17 - June 23rd 1987 cis, bisexual (she/her) daughter of Duchess Elaine from Solaria and Aiden, who is half dominian, half callistian. Younger sister of Amaryl. Very close family, even though she and her sister are fighting most of the time. growing up Nova spent a lot of time in the Solarian palace, due to her needing lots of medical attention and the best sun-healers being there. Over time she became best friends with Stella. Nova is the Fairy of Warming Lights
Lord Nabu, Waters of Uma
21 - January 30th 1983 cis, bisexual with a preference for men (he/him) son of Duke Ophir from Andros and Uma, the Nymph of Serenia. Twin brother of Anemone "Anne". He is very close with his mother and sister, but doesn't get to see his father a lot. he's been homeschooled and after that focused on mastering Arcane Magic, thus never caring about making friends. He had some acquaintances, just no one he's keeping in touch with. Nabu has thermal magic, he will be a Wizard
Lady Chimera Cassandra-Ray
14 - June 22nd 1990 cis, straight (she/her) she grew up very sheltered due to her mom, who she is not very close with but gets controlled by. she's a student of Beta Academy for future Fairies and Witches, where she met her two best friends. Chimera has meteor magic, she will be a Fairy
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echoing-gravity · 1 year
Blind Earthshaker Au
I wanna see a series rewrite where everything is the same except Percy is blind but can see better than everyone around him and has Katara's ice bending and toph beifong's Seismic Vibration Senses.
Like his dad is called the earth SHAKER so I don't think he can bend the earth too well but Percy is like feeling and making tiny vibrations/Earthquakes with his feet to see. He's super weak to air based projectiles think arrows. Or like literally anything a wind spirit picks up and throws in his general direction.
(He will tap his foot like an angry rabbit when hes stressed or caught off guard. I'm thinking wind spirits since they don't touch the ground OR have any water inside their bodies)
He can also "see" like where all the water is around him in a certain distance. Like mentally he has a 3d map of where things are. He doesn't like going places where theirs not a lot of water/or gorund. he can like tell when people are nervous by the speed of their blood flow/ the rhythm of their hearts. And is super precise with his ice bending be cuz of it.
Maybe Sally dies early or something and like we've got like 7 year old blind Percy wandering the streets but like since he can see where all the monsters are with his vibration earthy senses he can avoid them really well. Like "oh huh that guy has Hoooves? Nope. Percy outta here. Noo thanks." Since the mist is mostly sight based, and stuff, I feel like Percy would have a HUGE advantage.
In cannon it's shown that Percy is like really clairvoyant, what with all his dreams and stuff. So in my au he knows about the big three pact, and is just bullshiting people into thinking he's related to Khione goddess of snow and ice. And desperately trying not to let into the fact that he's blind.
(Luke/or/annabeth/or/Leo/or/Rachel/or Whoever he ends up being best friends with figures it out eventually be cuz theyve been friends for so long.)
At some point he runs into an 11yr old Luke pre- Luke meeting Thalia&Annabeth. And then we have them having the dynamic of Percy being a manic feral little shit and Luke trying to be responsible and protect him but ends up being the one protected all the time. I think it'd be funny.
Or maybe he runs into 7 year old annabeth and they become badass -cant be beat- besties. Percy snipe murdering every spider in a quarter mile radius, after he finds out annabeth is afraid of them.
I'm more partial to the meets Luke one cuz then when Percy and annabeth go on their first quest we'd get this fucking glorious scene:
Annabeth: no don't look Percy! You'll die!
Unhinged feral blind Percy: hahaha bitch u thought!!! *He says as he uncaps riptide witch was hidden in his hand.*
Medusa: *gurgling noise be cuz there is now a sword in her neck.*
Or in book two:
Circe standing with Percy Infront of enchanted mirror: isn't there Something u wish u could change about ur appearance? Drink this magic smoothie!
Unhinged feral blind Percy: haha bitch YOU THOUGHT.
Circe is now being held at knife point. (Or.. smootie- icicle point?)
Or if a pissed off god flashes their true form.
Hera: how... how are you alive?!
*Percy with his head tilted/angled so it looks like he's looking at them.*
Percy: *sing-songy voice* I know something yoooouuu doooonnntt! :)
Or if he gets hit by cupids arrow.
Cupid: the next person u look at with direct eye contact you will fall helplessly in love with them.
unhinged feral blind Percy: HAHAHA BITCH GUESS WHAT!
I'm sure there's more areas in the books or just Greek mythos in general where being blind is actually an advantage, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.
Or oooor -this is the one that I see being most likely to happen- hear me out: he runs into LEO. Since Hera was using the mist like crazy to hide him, but Percy is unaffected/immune to the most because He. Can't. See. It.
They steal/hijack an RV to live in. That could be cool. Leo has trama based on like burning people, right? Percy in canon Swam in LAVA, boy is fire-fucking-PROOF!! Fire and ice friends!
('oh my gods, they were roommates' perleo shipping intensifies)
Leo probably: you're nickname shall be Snowflake. Becuz ice powers.
Leo mentally: "wow! this person is really pretty, and funny and is like me, AND THEIR FUCKING FIREPROOF?"
Leo mentally: lets get fucking married.
Or maybe Sally doesn't die and Percy's blindness is known. He goes to school and guess who volunteered to help read his paperwork to him. That's right our favorite eco-rights activist: Rachel Elizabeth Dare!
Since Percy is blind he doesn't? Have dyslexia? I'm not entirely sure about how to explain this one. But like he's blind. People read things for him. (so he isnt effected by having dyslexia, becuase someone else is reading things for him.) He'd have good grades. Percy is sooo fucking smart. But like no one remembers cuz annabeth is always putting him down with all that doubt in canon. "Seaweed Brain!" I hate that nickname. Fuck canon annabeth. U don't have to put others down to have confidence in yourself omfg.
someone who isnt me write it. this is a writing prompt go! fanfic writers gooo!
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When We're Older || Rumors
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AO3 Link
Word Count: 7,289
Chapter Rating: M (Warning: references to sex)
A/N: Some seventh year shenanigans and an awkward trip for potions ingredients! Thank you as always to my lovely beta reader @happyaccidentsonly <3
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September 1892
“Welcome back, seventh years!”
The Slytherin seventh years had all been gathered in the center of the common room. Professor Ronen and Professor Sharp stood before them; Ronen had his usual jovial look, while Sharp looked sour as ever.  They had just passed out the seventh years’ schedules, and were now preparing their start of term speech for the house’s eldest students.
Sebastian appraised the group. Ominis was standing with Imelda and Grace, the rest of the girls squeezed into a couch.  The other boys in their year were on the couch opposite them, robes already discarded after a long welcoming feast. He felt something tugging at his hand, and his cheeks flushed as he realized Theo was draping his arm around her.  He pulled her in tightly, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Ominis, hearing the sloppy wet kiss, pretended to gag as the girls snickered. 
It was a far cry from last year’s scene, Sebastian thought to himself. This day last year, Sebastian was sitting by himself, staring at Ominis and Theo opposite him. Things had been so tense, and he was positively desperate to do anything it took to prove his worth to them. But now, seventeen and on the cusp of his last year at Hogwarts, he was draped across the loveseat with his beautiful girlfriend, ready to take on the world. 
“This is your final year at Hogwarts, and we are excited to welcome you to what will be your most robust year of learning.” Ronen smiled.  “As the leaders of Slytherin house, I must ask each and every one of you to set a good example for your younger Slytherins.”
“With that said, we know you are all of age now, and will enjoy more freedom than your younger counterparts.” Sharp interjected. “And while we understand wanting to enjoy fun, you are here primarily to learn and pass your NEWT exams.”
There were several audible groans and eye rolls to his statement, but Sharp relented. “We implore you all to obey the following rules—all seventh years back in the dormitory by midnight, at the very latest. And in their own beds, I might add. While I have no desire to know your…extracurricular activities, there will be grave punishment if you’re found in the wrong bed.” Sharp’s eyes flitted over to the couple, and Sebastian blushed, having flashbacks of being thrown against the edge of the Prefect’s bathroom pool by Sharp’s well aimed depulso.
“Seventh years will also be allowed to travel further than Hogsmeade, as far as Keenbridge, but on weekends only.” Ronen warned.
Theo coughed while Ominis suppressed a laugh.  The three of them had been breaking the rules on the radius restriction since their fifth year. Sebastian had always been allowed to travel to Feldcroft whenever he desired to see Anne, and no teachers dared to discipline Ominis.  Theo had been under the protection of Professor Fig her first year, and had spent most of fifth year traversing the entirety of highlands on her own. Even without Fig's excuses, she was given free rein. Most of the staff had witnessed her ancient magic, and they knew she couldn't be controlled.
Ronen and Sharp droned on about more rules, such as no liquor in their dorm rooms (Sebastian knew Violet McDowell had been hiding cases of firewhiskey in her trunk since at least third year) and when they could be out of uniform (as if Theo ever followed the uniform policy—she was always wearing something fashionable and certainly not included in the standard uniform requirements). 
Sebastian felt his eyes starting to droop, until Sharp cleared his throat.
“That concludes our meeting, and you may head to your dormitory.” He said, clasping his hands in front of him. “Per the headmaster’s request, there are…necessary supplies in your rooms this year. Should you need replenishment, Nurse Blainey can assist.”
The seventh years dispersed, heading to the stone staircase that led up to their rooms.  Sebastian stopped at the foot of the staircase, his hand tentatively resting on the railing.  He remembered staring up at the seventh year dormitories when he was eleven, and how the seventh years looked so grown.  He’d never been inside, but the students had all regaled about the large, fancy rooms for the older students.  And now, in what felt like the blink of an eye, the room was his.
“You okay?” Theo asked, nudging him with her shoulder.  He looked down at her; she had her robes draped over her shoulder, the little bow at the neck of her uniform shirt undone.  If he looked hard enough, he could see the purple hickey he’d left at the base of her neck when they’d snuck out of the welcoming feast for a quick snog. Mr. Moon had awkwardly cleared his throat when he caught the pair in the entry hall, Sebastian’s lips leaving blooming marks on her skin.
His, he thought.  Thoroughly marked.
“Just can’t believe it’s our last year.” Sebastian breathed. “All the hard work…it’s finally paying off.”
“Don’t get too cocky,” Ominis huffed, passing them on the steps. “We’ve still got the NEWTs to conquer.  Come on Sebastian, we have to make sure we don't get the worst beds.”
Sebastian walked up the steps with Theo; he frowned at the loss of her hand in his as she let go. 
“No goodnight kiss?” Sebastian pouted.
Theo rolled her eyes, but gave in, pressing her hands to his chest as she kissed him. Sebastian’s fingers trailed up to her hair, lightly tugging on the locks.
“Get a room!” Imelda bellowed, while Grace and Nerida wolf whistled.
Sebastian laughed against Theo’s lips as she gave the girls a rude hand gesture.  She finally pushed him away, grinning as she stepped up the stairs to her dormitory.
“See you in the morning?” she asked.
“Can’t wait.” Sebastian started walking up the opposite stairs, blowing a kiss goodbye.
He walked up to the door, pushing it open to reveal the spacious seventh year dormitory.  Eyes scanning the room, he spotted his trunk in front of a bed—always the one next to Ominis’s.  Ominis was already pulling pajamas out of his trunk, as their fellow roommates lounged on the settee. It wasn’t that Sebastian didn’t like the other boys in his year, but they’d all grown up in the same pureblood social circle as Ominis in London. He knew they looked down upon him for growing up in the countryside, so they’d maintained a polite but distant acquaintanceship with him. 
“I wonder what Sharp meant by supplies,” Cyrus Lestrange hummed. “Any ideas?”
“Wager they’re school supplies?  But we already buy our own.” Peter Parkinson shrugged.
“O-ho, look at these.” John Avery said, hands digging through the fruit bowl on the table.  He pulled out a tiny vial, purple liquid dancing and splashing within.  “Wonder what these are.”
Sebastian immediately flushed, knowing exactly what it was.  In fact, he’d learned to brew the very potion himself that summer, spending several painstaking hours to ensure he’d done it just right.
“What is it?” Ominis asked, scooting forward in the bed.  He rarely interacted with the other boys outside of a quick greeting, but the silence had him intrigued.
“Some sort of potion,” Avery explained. “But I don’t…I don’t recognize it.”
“Sallow does,” Lestrange said haughtily. “The look on his face says so.”
Parkinson turned his attention to Sebastian. “Well, come off with it Sallow, what are they?”
Sebastian scratched the back of his neck, pursing his lips. “They’re…uh, they’re contraceptive potions.” He confessed.
The three other boys burst into laughter as Sebastian blushed.  Avery clapped him on the back, throwing an arm around his shoulders. Sebastian shifted uncomfortably at the contact. 
“Sallow, you brute.” Parkinson snorted. “You and Caulfield are off to the races then, are you?”
Sebastian felt even more mortified, realizing that he’d not only confirmed his lack of virginity, but outed Theo’s as well.
“I just—just research, y’know.” Sebastian rolled his eyes, pushing Avery’s arms off him.  He walked over to his bed, bouncing onto the mattress. 
“Bit embarrassing none of you knew what it was,” Ominis huffed.  In the moment, Sebastian was forever grateful to his best friend for changing the subject.
“You didn’t either, Gaunt.” Lestrange pointed out.
“Cyrus, I’m blind, if you haven’t noticed.” 
The other boys started roaring again at Ominis’s quip; Sebastian, feeling quite queasy,  rolled off the bed and started to dig through his trunk. In all his years at Hogwarts, Sebastian rarely felt homesick for the Feldcroft cottage; however, he longed to be there now more than ever.  He shucked on his pajamas, sliding into the down feather bed, imagining it was the rickety one in Feldcroft instead.  At least there, he could sleep next to Theo.
Ten months, Sebastian thought to himself.  In ten months, they’d be done with school. After that, he could take Theo home.
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Sebastian woke late for the day; he figured his regimen could be delayed for at least one more day while he acclimated to school.  He dressed with a spring in his step, taking great care to shave his stubble.  Everything about the day was going to be perfect, he thought. He was going to savor every last moment he had at Hogwarts, with very best friend and very best girl at his side. 
“Oh, are you done primping yourself yet?” Ominis complained from his bed.  He’d been dressed and ready to go down for breakfast, visibly regretting his decision to wait for Sebastian. “I swear, you take longer with your hair than me these days, and that’s saying something.”
Sebastian laughed, tucking his ancient runes textbook into his bag. “Fine, let’s go.” 
The two opened the door, hearing yelling and screeching from the common room.
“What’s going on?” Ominis cocked his head. 
Sebastian leaned over the railing, seeing the commotion below.  The girls were squabbling; Violet McDowell was being held back by Grace and Nerida, while Imelda wrangled Theo’s arm.  Lestrange, red in the face, was seated on the steps, his cheeks bright red.  
“I’m just saying what we’ve all been thinking,” Violet yelled loudly. 
“Go ahead,” Theo roared. “Say it again.”  
Sebastian raced down the steps, stepping between the fight.
“What’s going on?” he gasped. 
“McDowell and Lestrange here don’t know when to shut up,” Theo snarled, her eyes squeezed shut.  Sebastian knew why–whenever her emotions were running high, Isidora’s magic threatened to spill out of her.  “Speaking on things they don’t know anything about.”
Violet gave a vicious laugh. “Oh, don’t we all.  We were just saying how everyone was so shocked Philippa Bustrode fell with child so quickly–I was only wondering if you and Sallow were up next.”
Sebastian whirled around. “Watch your tongue,” he seethed.
Violet’s head fell back as she laughed again. “As if I haven’t already told everyone how Sebastian Sallow was spotted in a very cheeky section of Flourish and Blotts,” she turned to Cyrus, who was now rubbing his jaw. “Cyrus tells us that you two are intimately aware of the potions Professor Sharp provided.”
Theo wrestled her way out of Imelda’s grasp, pushing Sebastian out of the way.  Everyone fell silent as the sound of Theo’s hand slapping against Violet’s cheek rang in the air. 
“You little slut ,” Violet screeched, lunging forward. Sebastian himself nearly sprang at her, until he suddenly snapped backwards.  Ominis had grabbed the hood of his robes, tugging him away from the fight.  Grace and Nerida both grabbed Violet’s arms, while Imelda struggled to push Theo back towards Sebastian.
“Ladies! Separate at once!” a booming voice interjected.  
All of the seventh years turned their attention to the door, where Professor Ronen was standing.  The man rarely yelled–Sebastian couldn’t think of a time he’d ever seen their charms professor angry, and here he was, standing with his hands on his hips, frowning at the group.  Sebastian’s hand flew down to grab Theos, squeezing tightly.
“Just last night I asked all of you to set a good example for your fellow students, and we’ve already had a physical fight in the common room.” Ronen bellowed. “McDowell, Caulfield, follow me.  The rest of you, off to breakfast.”
Theo huffed, pulling her hand from Sebastian’s. She opened her eyes, very much back to their normal light brown, and scratched at her collar.
“I’ll see you after breakfast?” she asked breathily.
Sebastian nodded, watching her break away and follow Professor Ronen and Violet McDowell down the steps.  The girls maintained a healthy distance from one another, and Theo looked back at him, pouting.
“Your girlfriend packs quite the punch, Sallow.”
Sebastian turned to Lestrange, whose jaw was now sporting a blossoming bruise. “What did you say to her?” he growled, shoving him against the stone railing.
Lestrange laughed, wincing a little as the stone dug into his back. “Just that I wish more of the girls were like her,” he jested. “Free and willing, you know? Asked if she minded the taste .” He wagged his eyebrows, clearly proud of his innuendo.
Sebastian’s fist made easy contact with Lestrange’s nose; luckily, Professor Ronen was already too occupied with disciplining the girls to have noticed.
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Sebastian could hardly focus during Ancient Runes.  On top of worrying about Theo, he now had to worry about all of the studying he’d neglected over the final weeks of summer. His mind was completely blank as he stared at the translations in his textbook, leaning over quite often to whisper questions into Amit Thakkar’s ear.  Amit, always the most pleasant Ravenclaw, obliged, only growing annoyed when Sebastian asked his twentieth question.  By the middle of the class period, Sebastian found himself staring at the clock, willing it to move faster so he could get to the lunch table. 
As soon as the bells rang and class was dismissed, Sebastian took off, nearly sprinting from the classroom back to the Great Hall.  As he burst through the doors, he saw Theo, sitting at the Slytherin table with Ominis, Poppy, and Imelda.  Her eyes were glued to her plate, absentmindedly pushing around her lunch.
“Hi,” Sebastian greeted them breathlessly. “How did it go?”
Poppy slid from the bench to allow him room, grimacing.  Imelda, who was on the opposite side next to Ominis, mouthed good luck.
“Spent first period being chastised by Ronen, and I had to apologize to McDowell.” Theo said dryly, looking up at Sebastian.  She had a grim look on her face. “Detention tonight and tomorrow with Sharp.”
Sebastian tucked into the bench next to her. “Two nights of detention?  She was slandering you, that’s not fair.”
Theo sighed, lolling her head. “Apparently, physical retaliation is just as bad. Suits her and Lestrange, they were both being prats.”
“You did the right thing,” Poppy huffed.  Despite her small stature, Sebastian knew from Theo’s stories that Poppy wasn’t one to shy away from a fight. The petite brunette turned to Sebastian, folding her hands on the table. “The things she was accusing Philippa Greengrass of–that’s serious.  Perhaps she’s just carrying large, that’s all.”
“Bulstrode, now.” Ominis interjected. “I went to the wedding in July. Dreadful affair.  Looked like she’d been crying the entire time.”
It took Sebastian a few moments to put the pieces together–he couldn’t understand why it would be scandalous for a married woman to be pregnant.  As he pondered, his gaze caught Andrew Larson from across the room.  The blond was sitting at the Ravenclaw table, looking rather forlorn. His smug smile was long gone, a lonely look in his eye as he stared at the empty end of the Slytherin table where Philippa used to sit. 
Sebastian’s mind immediately flashed back to the last night of term, when he and Theo had caught him with Philippa in the elevator.  Ominis, saying she’d been crying over her wedding, and the broken look of Andrew Larson sitting alone.  If she’d gotten married in July, she should’ve been early on in her pregnancy, but Poppy had mentioned she was already growing large.
“Oh,” Sebastian gasped.
“Right.” Imelda said dryly, leaning in. “Rumor has it, that’s why Professor Black has asked Sharp to keep a steady stream of contraceptive potions in the dorms. It’s quite the scandal.”
Theo rolled her eyes. “It’s natural,” she huffed. “It can't possibly be the first time they've dealt with this. What I’d like to know is how Cyrus Lestrange came to think I would be an authority on the new supplies in our dorm rooms.”  
Sebastian swallowed thickly.
Imelda coughed. “Y’know, I’d like to try sitting over at the Hufflepuff table. Fancy joining me, Pops?” 
Poppy nodded quickly, sliding out of the bench. “Coming, Ominis?” 
"Change of scenery would be nice," Ominis blurted, abandoning Sebastian for the other table despite his lack of sight.
Their friends vacated the Slytherin table with swiftness; Sebastian stared at Theo, who was glaring down at her plate.  She stabbed her fork through a chicken breast, sawing it with her knife aggressively.
“I just want to start off by saying I'm sorry.” Sebastian said, sliding in closer to her.
“What reason would you have to be sorry, my dear?” Theo’s words cut as sharply as her knife. “Do you want to tell me something?”
Sebastian winced. “Some things…came up in conversation last night.”
Theo dropped her silverware, the pieces clattering against her gold plate.  She laid her palms on the table, eyes shut as she breathed slowly. “Did you tell your roommates about our intimate experience ?”
Sebastian froze, turning red in the face. “I didn’t mean to.” 
“How?” Theo opened her eyes; to his surprise, they were not red, but she was still seething.
“The potions,” he stammered. “Lestrange, Parkinson, and Avery didn’t know what the potion was, and I just blurted it out.  I swear, I didn’t say anything–they just assumed.”
“Well, he’s told just about everyone.” Theo snipped. “So, I'm assuming the whole school knows.”
“I’m sorry,” Sebastian groaned, head falling into his hands. “I didn’t mean to tell them.”
The anger melted off of Theo’s face, and she sighed. “I know.  I’m just frustrated. And now I have detention, so I won’t be able to spend time with you for the next two days.”
Sebastian looked up at her. “So you’re not mad at me?”
Theo rolled her eyes. “It’s stupid.  People would’ve assumed we were sleeping together anyways, so let them have fun with their rumors.” She eyed him, giving him a pointed smile. “Besides, I think me having detention is more of a punishment for you than me.” 
Sebastian swallowed thickly as he felt her hand touch his thigh. “How so?”
Theo raised an eyebrow as her hand inched towards the inside of his leg, closer and closer to his groin. “You’ll have to go two nights without me,” she murmured. “And any extracurricular activities.”
Sebastian’s eyes flitted down to her lips. “Such a shame,” he tutted.
Theo put a finger under his chin, tilting his gaze back up to her eyes. “ Anyways, I heard you got a better shot at Lestrange; Nurse Blainey had to stop the bleeding. My hero,” she chuckled.
Sebastian gulped. “Do you have a free period next?”
Theo nodded. “You haven’t eaten lunch though.”
“I’ll grab something later,” Sebastian muttered into her ear. “But right now, we’re going to the Undercroft.” 
“Why?” Theo feigned innocence. “Whatever for?”
“To reward my girlfriend for taking out two enormous prats in one day,” Sebastian grinned, gripping her hand. “Now come on, before Ominis realizes where we’re going.”
Sebastian stood quickly, tugging her up from the bench. Theo laughed, letting her napkin fall to the floor as the majority of the Great Hall stared at them. The two of the giggled as they ran from the Great Hall to the Defense Against the Dark Arts wing, nearly mowing down a herd of first years in the process.  Sebastian couldn’t unlock the door fast enough, with Theo prodding him in the back.  As soon as the wrought iron gates shut behind them, Sebastian pushed her against the stone wall, making quick work of her shirt.
“Careful now,” Theo teased, wrapping her leg around his waist to pull him closer. “Remember the last time I got naked down here?”
Sebastian growled against her lips.  He pressed his growing arousal into her hips, slipping a hand underneath her skirt.  It bunched at her waist as she moaned, his fingers making contact with her soaking wet core. Sebastian sucked another mark into her neck, only now in a more visible spot. If the whole school knew they were being intimate, he didn’t care anymore.  At least they knew Theo was his.
“Hold on,” Theo gasped, batting him away.  Sebastian backed up for a moment, eyebrows furrowed, until he saw her shove her hand into her pocket, pulling two tiny purple vials from her skirt.  She handed one to Sebastian, who blushed as he took it.
“Might as well put them to good use,” he observed, downing the vial in one go.
Theo did the same, chucking the vial after she drank it. “Saves us some knuts since we don’t have to buy the ingredients ourselves.” she winked.
Sebastian laughed, pressing his body against her once more.
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“So much homework,” Sebastian groaned, dropping his head against his textbook. “Three rolls of parchment for Runes, two for Potions, and four for Defense Against the Dark Arts!  It’s inhumane.”
Ominis let out a loud sigh. “It’s just how NEWTs are, Sebastian.”
“Well, NEWTs are going to ruin my life.” Sebastian grumbled.
The boys were sitting at a study table in the common room, nearly everyone else off to bed.  They were waiting for Theo to get back from her detention with Professor Sharp, which had been to scrub the cauldrons the first year students had inevitably destroyed during their first ever potions lesson.
“I don’t know how I’m going to balance it all,” Sebastian mused, dribbling ink onto his parchment. “School, grades, working for Sirona again, Theo…” his voice trailed off.
“I’m sure Theo will understand that school and work comes first,” Ominis reminded him.
Sebastian fiddled with the quill in hand. “I told her I want to help her figure out a cure.” he admitted.
Ominis froze, setting his wand down. “You can’t still be going on about Anne, Sebastian.” he snipped. “Haven’t you learned–”
“It’s not for Anne,” Sebastian interjected hastily. “For her .”
Ominis’s eyebrows lifted in confusion. “What does Theo possibly need a cure for?”
“The magic she absorbed,” Sebastian reminded him. “I told you–the red in her eyes, she’s absorbed Isidora’s magic.  I want to help her figure out a way to get it out, safely.”
Ominis chewed on his lower lip thoughtfully. “Did she ask you to help her?”
Sebastian hesitated, and that told Ominis everything he needed to know. 
“You can’t keep trying to fix people who didn’t ask for help, Sebastian.” Ominis said gently. “We’ve gone down this path before.  We know how it ends.”  There was a lilt in his voice when he ended the sentence, as if Sebastian of all people could ever forget what had transpired.
“I don’t need a reminder, thanks.” Sebastian said tersely. “She agreed to let me search, so I’m doing it.” 
They could hear the doors of the common room open, feet dragging down the spiral staircase.  Sebastian turned, seeing a very tired Theo.  Her hair was tied up in a knot, and she was rubbing her hands.  Sebastian immediately stood, enveloping her in a hug.
“You smell awful,” he wrinkled his nose. “What the hell were the first years brewing?”
“I don’t know,” Theo groaned. “But it was something to do with stinksap. And Sharp made me clean them by hand.”
Despite the smell, Sebastian pressed a kiss to Theo’s sore fingers.  “Come on, you need a bath.  Let’s go up to the Room of Requirement.” he nudged her knuckles with his nose.
“I can’t possibly,” Theo complained. “I’ve just walked all the way down here, and what if Deek comes in?”
“I can carry you,” Sebastian said softly. “And I’ve paid Deek five galleons to leave us be for the night.  He’s a very reasonable little house elf, after all.”
Theo looked up at him, a faint smile on her lips. “You bribed a house elf.”
Sebastian laughed, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I did indeed.”
“And you won’t be bothered if Lestrange and the others say something funny about you not being in bed?” she asked curiously. “What about all the rules?”
“You and I, darling, have never been good with rules.” Sebastian murmured. “And if Lestrange feels fit to say something again, I’m happy to duel him.”
“Can the two of you please decide if you’re leaving?” Ominis rolled his eyes. “I’d like to know if it’s safe to go to bed or not.”
“We’re going, we’re going.” Theo laughed. “Have a good night, Ominis.”
Ominis waved them off; he could pretend to be annoyed all he wanted, but the smile on his mouth said otherwise.
Sebastian yanked Theo up the stone stairs to the exit; she huffed, but he only tugged her hand even more, encouraging her to follow.
“Does a disillusionment charm work if you’re carrying someone?” Theo asked as they neared the top.
“I think we’re about to find out,” Sebastian breathed, lowering himself so Theo could straddle his back.  He lifted her up, hands under her knees, shifting her weight further onto him.  One of Theo’s arms lifted from his shoulders, uttering the disillusionment charm.  The two of them disappeared, like a trick of the light.
It was a long trek from the Slytherin dorms to the Room of Requirement, but Sebastian relished the silence with Theo.  They were lucky enough not to encounter any prefects or ghosts on their way to the astronomy tower.  Theo tightened her arms around him, nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck.
“Remember the last time I carried you around the castle?” Sebastian let out a breathy laugh.
Theo snorted. “I don’t–mostly because I was too drunk.”
Sebastian chuckled at the memory of him dragging her down to the dungeons, sopping wet from snow. “You were awfully heavy.”
Theo swatted at his head and Sebastian laughed again.
The last set of stairs up to the Room of Requirement had been excruciating, taking quite a bit of time. Theo had offered to walk them herself, but Sebastian remained steadfast in his insistence that he could carry her the entire way.  Once they’d made it to the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy, Sebastian let her fall from his back, concealing his groan as the ornate door flew open.
“Deek has been keeping the place running,” she breathed, walking ahead of him. “I should check the vivariums, start brewing some potions to have on stock…”
“All of that can wait until the morning, love.” Sebastian stood with his arms crossed. “You, bath, now .”
Theo rolled her eyes, letting her hair down from the knot atop her head. “Whatever you say,” she hummed, kicking off her shoes.  She walked down to the lower chamber of the room, audibly requesting a bathtub from the room.  Sebastian could hear the room adjusting itself, the floor in the other room opening up to reveal a large clawfoot bathtub near the window.  He followed at a lazy pace, watching as she stripped her uniform off and kicked it to the side. Leaning to the side of the doorway, he stared as Theo stepped into a steaming bath.
“Happy now?” she mused, splashing water out of the tub. “Are you going to join me?”
Sebastian smiled, shaking his head. “I’m already clean–but I’ll sit here.”  he said, pulling a stool up to the tub.  “Perhaps the room can conjure me a book.”
“I’d much rather talk to you,” Theo rested her elbows on the edge of the tub. “I might say, you’ve gotten the perfect opportunity to have me naked, yet you’d rather fool around in the Undercroft.”
Sebastian leaned down from the stool, placing a finger under her chin to lift it up. “You’re tired,” he murmured. “And I’d rather you relax. You’ve had quite a taxing day.”
And so, Sebastian watched Theo melt into the bath, the room having conjured her favorite bar of soap.  They talked about their first day of school, the homework they’d already been assigned, and any gossip they’d overheard during class. Ominis and Poppy were still painfully shy around one another, Theo had reported.  Sebastian eavesdropped on a conversation between Garreth and Leander, the latter already plotting how to brew his spiked potions under Sharp’s watchful eye.
“Is it really true about Philippa Greengrass?” Sebastian asked as Theo stepped out of the tub, wrapping herself in a robe the room had provided her.
Theo sighed, shrugging. “I don’t know. Probably. I saw her in Diagon Alley when I met up with Grace and Nerida to buy school supplies.  She definitely looks further along than two months, I’ll tell you that.” Theo twisted her hair, wringing out the water. “She looked absolutely miserable.”
The room creaked again; this time, a large bed appeared at the other end of the room.  Without a word, the two meandered over to the edge.  It seemed to know both of their needs–there was a nightlight and a book on the table next to Sebastian’s side, as well as a valet stand for his clothes.  Theo’s side was empty, save for a rack that had a simple nightgown draped over it.
“Poor Larson,” Sebastian sighed.  He shrugged off his uniform shirt, hanging it on the stand as he sat on the bed to work on his shoes. “I mean, can you imagine?  Never knowing if it’s your child?”
“It’s the reality of things,” Theo mused, hanging the robe.  “I doubt the Bulstrodes will ever say anything, especially since they went through with the wedding.” She slid the nightgown on, slipping into the bed. “I honestly can’t believe she’s having a baby.  A whole baby.”
Sebastian hung his pants and socks, dropping his shoes as he hopped into the bed. While the rest of the room had darkened, he flicked on the nightlight, thumbing through the magical theory book the room had produced for him.  As Sebastian read, Theo sidled up to him, drawing circles on his chest. There was a pregnant pause between the couple, until Sebastian cleared his throat.
“Would you like to have children someday?” he asked quietly. “I just realized I’ve never asked.”
Theo nuzzled her cheek into him. “I think I would,” she whispered. “With you. When we're older, of course.”
Sebastian’s heart fluttered, shutting the book and setting it down on the nightstand. He pulled her close, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “We’ll raise them in London then,” he said confidently. “Somewhere they can go to museums, to the theater.  We’ll raise the smartest buggers in Hogwarts’s history. And maybe on the weekends and school holidays, we’ll stay in Feldcroft. We'll spend Christmas in Feldcroft,” he trailed off. “That sounds good to me.”
“Planning already? Awfully forward of you.” Theo laughed.
“You know me, always one step ahead.” Sebastian joked. “I’d like to plan my whole life with you, if that’s alright.” His voice softened. 
Theo merely hummed in agreement as Sebastian stroked her hair. Her breathing slowed, and he could soon hear her soft snores. There would be time for lovemaking (perhaps in the morning, but he knew both of them wouldn’t wake up early enough) but Theo was tired, and he wanted her to sleep. Sebastian relished the feeling of her sleeping in his arms, rubbing his chin on the top of her head. 
Before long, he too drifted off to sleep.  His dreams were filled with Theo, carrying his child, at home in Feldcroft.
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September 1898
Sebastian opened his eyes, immediately turning his head to the right.  As he’d hoped and dreamt, Theo was laying face down next to him, her wild hair splayed on the pillows. She had always been a deep sleeper, barely stirring as he dragged his fingers up and down her spine.  She shivered, but then relaxed back into the sheets, snoring lightly.
Perfect, beautiful, Theo. This was always how he’d imagined it, the two of them waking up in bed together.
Sebastian slid out from under the sheets, naked as the day he was born.  He padded into Theo’s dressing room, hoping to fix some of the mess they’d made the night before. Florence the owl was hooting angrily in the window, her stand having been knocked over.
“I’m sorry,” Sebastian laughed, setting it upright. “Don’t be too angry.”  
The owl merely clicked her beak, demanding treats.  Sebastian happily obliged the bird, thankful that she’d spent many hours delivering him letters.
Finding his wand under a discarded cloak, he slipped on one of Theo’s fluffy robes and got to work.  First casting reparo on the changing screen, the lattice work threaded back together as it went to its intended space. He then started picking up the boxes and papers that had been flung off Theo’s desk in their flurry of lovemaking–stacks of boxes filled with baubles, and then her letters.  Most of them were from him (he felt especially smug seeing some of the erotic letters he’d penned her were kept together with a sweet little ribbon) others from Ominis, Leander, and Natty.  He organized them on the desk, putting them in neat little piles. 
He picked up a letter; the penmanship was eerily close to his, albeit a bit tidier.  He swallowed thickly as his eyes poured over the text.  Something about a new job, moving into a small flat.  How she and Theo needed to find time together, apologizing for going so long without notice.
Love, Anne
Sebastian shut his eyes, imagining Theo sitting with Anne for tea. Were they friends now?  Did they see each other often? His heart pattered at the thought of his long lost sister with Theo, waiting for him to come home.
“You’re up early.”
He whirled around, seeing Theo in the doorway.  Her hair looked like a bird’s nest, clad in a rumpled nightgown. She gave him a saucy grin, tiptoeing over the mess towards him. “And you look hilarious in my robe.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes, putting the letter down on the desk as Theo wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. 
“How did you sleep?” Sebastian asked. 
“Deeper than I have in years,” Theo gave a dreamy sigh. “You’ve worn me out.”
Sebastian bit down on his lip. It would take all of his willpower not to stay in bed with her for another day.  The thought was tempting though; the sight of her, lips still swollen from a night of lovemaking, was enough to drive him mad.  He lifted his hand to her cheek, letting his thumb run over her puffy lips. Looking up at him through her thick lashes, Theo’s lips parted to let his finger slide in.
“You can’t do this to me,” Sebastian strained. “We have to get out of the house.”
She let out a sparkling laugh, pulling back from him. “I know,” she rolled her eyes. “We should get to the apothecary before too many people are out and about.”
Sebastian nodded. They had played it rather risky the night before–while he’d spent the better half of five years imagining Theo’s belly swelling with his child, he’d rather hoped it would be after they had settled down.  The matter of his placement was still at hand, and he hadn’t even told Theo about Rothwell’s proposition for him to stay in Cairo yet.
Another time, Sebastian thought.
“Go off, get dressed. I’ll meet you back here when you’re done.” Theo said, sitting down at her vanity.  She picked up her brush, trying to tame her locks. “We’ll go to Diagon Alley."
Sebastian nodded, walking over to the mirror to go back to his flat.  Before he stepped in, he turned back, watching her at the dressing table.  She was humming a song as she pinned up her hair, twirling it into some fashionable updo.  “What?” Theo asked, pins in her mouth. She turned; the silver chain was still around her neck, the ring dangling at her decolletage. 
Sebastian shook his head, smiling. “Nothing.  Just glad to be home.”
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The streets of Diagon Alley were bustling, despite the early hour.  Sebastian had put on a nice linen suit, slicking back his hair.  Theo’s arm was laced through his; she wore a pretty purple day dress, with one of those terribly impractical hats atop her head.
“I’d forgotten how formal everything is here,” Sebastian mused. He’d wanted nothing more than to throw an arm around her, pressing kisses as they walked through the streets. Instead, they stayed a healthy distance away from one another, walking politely.
“It’s just for now,” Theo reminded him. “Once Ominis and I have figured out a way to end things–”
“I know,” Sebastian grumbled.  
“In good time, my love.” Theo murmured, patting his arm. 
They walked down to the apothecary; once inside, they went their separate ways.  Theo pretended to look at ingredients as Sebastian dealt with the shopkeep.
“I’m looking for a few items,” Sebastian said quickly, shoving his hands in his pockets. Despite being a grown man, having to ask for the ingredients was still mortifying.  He could never forget the way Mr. Pippin had laughed when he bought a surplus of ingredients the summer before seventh year.  He’d even given his own advice on how to brew it, leaving Sebastian red in the face.
“What kind, sir?” The old shopkeeper asked innocently.
“Er, tansy, peppermint, and wormwood.” Sebastian pulled at his collar. 
The shopkeeper gave him a curious look. “I do have those on hand–and a particular brew pre-made, in case you needed it sooner.” their eyes flew up to Theo, who was still innocently browsing.
“That would be great,” Sebastian rasped.  
The shopkeeper nodded, turning to go down into the cellar. As soon as they were out of sight, Theo walked over, laughing. 
“I can’t believe you’re still embarrassed.” she snorted. “What are you, a teenage boy again?”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “You buy it then,” he demanded.
Theo chuckled, fixing the lapels of his jacket. “I vividly remember you promising that you would buy it. After the third…no, was it the fourth time…”
Sebastian was definitely red in the face. “Have mercy on me,” he murmured, wrapping an arm around her waist. “You weren’t complaining, if I recall correctly.”
Theo bit down on her lower lip, her eyes dropping to his. “No, I wasn’t.”
Sebastian yearned to kiss her, but the bell at the front of the store rang.  The two of them jumped several feet apart as customers walked in. A few ladies came into the store, and to Sebastian’s surprise, Violet McDowell. She had her hand on her stomach, clearly pregnant.  
“Sebastian!” Violet exclaimed. “What on earth are you doing here?”
Sebastian gave her a meek smile. “Nice to see you, Violet.”
Violet turned her head to Theo, her nose turned up. “And Theodora, how lovely to see you.  You must be so excited that Sebastian is home.”
Theo gave Violet one of her saccharine smiles, one that Sebastian knew was obviously fake. “Vi, so good to see you.  How is your husband?”
Violet swung around to Sebastian, showing off a diamond ring. “It’s Violet McLaggen now,” she announced, waggling her fingers. “Married last year. He’s lovely. A junior undersecretary to the Minister of Magic himself.” she bragged.
“How nice,” Sebastian feigned.
“Due any day now, aren’t you?” Theo interjected. “That must be so exciting.”
“Buzzing with excitement,” Violet rubbed her stomach proudly. “Oh Theo, you really should be settling down soon before you’re too old.  I keep telling Grace and Nerida the same. Imelda however, she’s a lost cause,” Violet giggled. “How is Ominis?”
Sebastian hardened his jaw; he could tell Theo was also fighting the urge to set Violet aflame.  
“Oh he’s just fine, he’s actually–”
“Your ingredients, sir.” The shopkeeper said loudly. “And I had a few vials of the brew on hand.”  They set the purple vials on the counter, out for everyone to see. “So for the tansy, the peppermint, and wormwood it’ll be six galleons. With the potions it’ll be–”
“Here,” Sebastian said hastily, shoving money towards the shopkeeper.  Theo kept her eyes glued to Violet as he stuffed the bag into his jacket pocket.
“Well, my, my.” Violet simpered, a smug look on her face. “I see not much has changed.”
Theo rolled her eyes. “Oh Vi, I wouldn’t assume.” she snapped. 
Violet held up a gloved hand. “No assumptions from me, Theo.” she grinned. “I’ll let you two go; it was lovely to see you both.”
Theo and Sebastian left the apothecary, both red in the face.  Sebastian gripped the bag with the ingredients and potions, feeling more embarrassed than he had in years.
“I would’ve slapped her all over again if she wasn’t pregnant,” Theo grumbled. “I hate her.”
“Oh, it can’t be that bad.” Sebastian said. “I mean, everyone knows not to trust Violet McDowell.”
Theo crossed her arms, shifting uncomfortably. “Word travels fast around here, Sebastian. I wouldn’t be surprised if some rumor was in tomorrow’s Witch Weekly.” She craned her neck, appraising the crowd. “We should tell Ominis.”
Sebastian rolled his eyes. “I hate this,” he muttered. “I hate that we have to pretend.”
“Well, if you had told me you were coming home, I could’ve dealt with it ahead of time.” Theo sighed. “No use being glum about it.”
The pair walked in silence, Theo’s heeled boots clacking against the cobblestone as she tightened her grip on his arm.  Sebastian had promised to take her dress shopping to replace the one he’d torn to shreds the night before, but all he really wanted was to be home with her, free to kiss her as he pleased. And as beautiful as the purple gown was, Sebastian imagined it would look far, far better on the floor.
He cleared his throat as they walked down the street. “Did you still want to go dress shopping?” he asked. “Because if not…”
Theo released her grip on his arm, dancing as she turned to face him with a coy smile. “Let’s go another time.  I can think of many more fun things to do at home.” 
Sebastian grinned broadly, pushing the entire awkward morning out of his mind.  He pulled Theo into the closest dark corner, tugging her close as they apparated back to her house.
Keeping their relationship a secret was just an annoyance for now. He’d have to find the right opportunity to snatch the ring around her neck.  Once he had it, he could propose again, and then they could truly live the lives they’d planned.  A house in London to raise the children, and Feldcroft for Christmas. Perhaps he could convince her to stay in Cairo with him for a few more years before they settled down.  Twenty three was still young, after all.
They reappeared in Theo’s dressing room. Theo immediately started taking her hair down, her dark tresses swaying back and forth as she struggled on the buttons of her skirt. Beaming, Sebastian shrugged off his jacket, leaving the bag of potions on the table. Two new dresses couldn’t be that expensive, he thought, helping Theo tug off her skirts.  She shrieked with laughter as he walked her into the bedroom, buttons falling to the ground in the corridor.
There would be time to talk–but for now, Sebastian had to make up for lost time. 
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siremasterlawrence · 10 months
Moonlight On The High Seas
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Leon Wild is a pirate on the high seas of the Atlantic Ocean well known for his bloody ire, harsh attitude and corruption consuming the world in dramatic fashion of horrific odds scenes.
He stood proud on his pirate ship using his binocular telescope reaching for it in his coat pocket he yanks it out elongating it to full form and places it on his eyes as he stares ahead on him.
Staring in to the see he can see the moon in all its glory the moonlight dances across the dark blue sea delicately free flowing for all to see and he is mesmerized unable to look away.
He is immobile at this point frozen I place his eyes growing a bit dim getting narrow he is starting to peer down seeing something very strange in the sea a wave of hand from in the ocean.
He is lost at the sight of a started looking boi well odd to him flowing in extremely high and fast speeds under the ocean as he flips upward and leaps in to the air then landing in to the ocean.
He dips down descending just a bit with his fin in the air it swings back and forth right in front of his eyes Captain Wild is in a deep like state catching his eyes their is magical glow to it.
The Captain’s eyes are now glued to the sea creature he walks forward ignoring the call of his crew closer and closer to get edge of the boat the sea man smiles so brightly at him.
He calls him using his hand to urge him to the edge of the boat he walks forward ever so closer to him and he falls absolutely in a state of love and pleasure to fully consume him.
The water suddenly rises up from the ocean in to the sky it floats in an encircling pattern on and around him changing into a colorful multiracial of arrays of covers to wave him on.
“Captain! Captain NO!” The crew screams as they race to his side trying to hold him back.
“I have to walk to him, I must be with him.” He begins to murmur a bit to himself but it only grows louder.
The crew is frighten for his life arranging on all four sides of him as they try to push him propelling him back.
Captain launches them back continuing to move to the only person that matters to him his true leader.
“Captain resist”
“Please wait for me”
“Yes! I am on my way “
“Here I go”
He strips off his clothes bathing in the white light of the moon taking a plunge into the ocean and the mermaid takes his hand as they swim away.
“Yes, enter in to the void be like your ex Captain.”
The end
Debauchery Of The Night
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It is a cool crips winter night in the darkness
with the air swirling as people enter the Lord of the manors Prince Leon sitting on a table awaiting the change that is happening all over the world.
He has no idea I am the young man who is bringing the massive mammoth of a wave that has brought down all of the last of the royal families and their connections in our existence.
The great hall soon fills up to the brim of the wall covering the area radius wall to wall in a great fan fair of excitement to meet the Prince himself enters with a power radiating from him.
He hops onto the chair sliding onto the main table in the great hall he starts to do a slow sweet dance so sexy he feels himself grow more confident with himself he lifts his pale hands in the air.
He pumps his fist in the air signaling for the event to commence as the trumpets sound loudly blaring through the window the whole entirety of the country shouts uniting in his and their downfall.
A few miserable hours earlier people were at work trudging around doing their daily jobs and activities exhausted from the grind of simplicity and complexes of what we truly experiment.
Barrels of lights hit including the spotlight
from the sky roof shining down on him as he is now given an aura of golden glow making him look all saintly because he is indeed a devil.
He hops off the dinner table dancing across the room as the spotlight hits him yet again as he attracts people to swoon through the hall the music addictive quickly swooping them up.
A young man takes the stage of the great room in the state picking up a microphone he begins to speak informing the crowd to keep dancing and to listen without a care of the world.
“Hey Prince Andrew! Great Party! You forgot one thing.”
“I would love to give you a gift”
“Would you like it?”
“Bring it on! Bring it on”
“Everyone silence! In three…two…one”
“Drop that shit down”
“Hell yeah!”
“That is glorious”
“Magical! What a beautiful sensation”
“By the way this is for one night only”
“The moon is being roped to you “
“The cracks, the lines all a sight to behold”
“Worthy of a king”
“Sure you concur”
“What are you thinking?”
“I….i….why can’t I…..hahaha”
“Because you miserable oaf! I you met the orb of doom”
“Enjoy your final thoughts”
“The fog is eclipsing it all”
“Infact all you can do it be him”
“The dumb party animal”
“Everyones favorite Prince”
“A joke”
“This my kingdom now”
The end
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masterqwertster · 10 months
So I made a list of possible tricks Ashton could pick up upon awakening the Shard of Ka'Mort.
This is my list of abilities I think Ashton should definitely get from Ka'Mort's Shard.
Increase to Ability Scores- Mainly into Strength. Though I don't think a little Constitution would be remiss, given Earth Elemental's have equally good STR and CON. Beef up my boi with titan strength!
Siege Monster- Given Grog barely used the siege function of the Titanstone Knuckles while owning them for a little over half of the aired campaign, I think it's safe to throw this in the pot without worrying about game balance. The worst this will do is give Ashton a really good chance of one-shotting Otohan's Echo Backpack. Which I'd give 50-50 chances he'd actually do, for "No more Echoes for her" vs "Loot her backpack!" reasons. After all, they just had an item attunement slot open up...
Earth Glide- I feel like this is what the Whitestone touching earth scene hinted at: solid ground, but also the feeling of water surface tension. Like maybe they can dive in and "swim" around in the earth.
Tremorsense- If Ashton gets Earth Glide, they're going to need Tremorsense to navigate being in the rock. I also think it's the better sensory upgrade vs Darkvision. Laudna and Chetney already have Darkvision covered, meanwhile, Tremorsense opens up some new Perception paths. Like trying to feel people through/on the other side of walls, around corners, or invisible observers, so long as they're moving on the ground.
Earth Tremor- Or more accurately, an ability to the spell's effect. Combat spells get tricky when barbarians aren't supposed to be able to cast or maintain concentration while raging. Anyways, I think an earth titan should be an earthshaker, so a small, localized quake makes sense as an ability for Ashton. Also, he might have already done this during the panic attack in Zephrah.
And a bonus few that I would like to see added to the pile:
Mold Earth- If Ashton gets a cantrip, I feel like this is the one that gets better use, because while Magic Stone is a useful bonus action, it's also a spell and concentration, neither of which Ashton can use while raging. So the utility spell of Mold Earth is more favorable for general use. And I think shaping earth (vs enchanting a pebble for a damage bonus) is more thematic for an earth titan
Conjure Minor Elementals- Give Ashton their own earth version of the Doompa Loompas!
Stone Shape/Wall of Stone- Just something strong enough that Ashton can carve out/create a little hidey-hole campsite since Bells Hells is lacking in camp making spells. It also has the bonus of potentially sparing Fearne and/or FCG from having to prepare or use such spells for travel and puzzle solving.
Guardian Pillars- I'm still really curious what extra protection this modified Bones of the Earth was supposed to offer. And my own wild fantasy version of this would channel Ashton's base rage effects into the pillars. Like a half-size radius from each pillar of the Temporal Morass, Orbital Decay, or Probability Matrix while Space maybe allows allies to walk in one pillar and out of another. But all that is overpowered, thus the wild fantasy label.
Earthquake- Of course I'd love to see the ultimate earth spell be added to Ashton's toolkit. Though if that ever happens, it'll probably be held back until they're at or much closer to Level 15, when the pure casters like Imogen and FCG get 8th Level spells.
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Say, recall that alt butterfly we discussed, IE how the Peacock & Sentimonsters are too akin to Akuma so why not smoosh them together ETC.
So in that idea, Familiars were a thing the Butterfly could make in place of or alongside certain Akuma. That were connected to the Akumatized Item & fed off their makers emotions & energy passively for months until they "Manifest" IE become real creatures as Feast did. Familiars replaced as the source of the Akuma-Kids via Emilie not realizing forcing a Familiar to manifest right away takes a huge chunk of the givers vitality.
With that context re-established, what sort of Familiars do you think characters would get?
I ask as they tend to operate a bit like Akuma in that the Butterfly user can't just whip up whatever he wants, only at best influence the resulting creature. Hence why Fu's Familiar was driven solely by his starvation trauma & eats uncontrollably.
Gabriel's is basically a copy of Emilie's former Familiar, IE a big butterfly that exists to shield, evacuate & when all else fails defend the family with a piercing strike. (Hilariously this means it may not hurt Adrien, ever)
Nathalie's was basically her bending and stretching every rule and the resulting Familiar's creation nearly killing her as a result. IE forcing the Butterfly cosplay as the Creation Miraculous is a bad idea. So she's an outlier, but what do you think others might be?
Some ideas I have would be like:
Reflekta's Familiar is "Hype", that sort of lets her enhance and project herself and her powers over a greater radius in reflection of wanting to be heard and boosted up. It may look like Rose or be a sort of weird combo of camera, mirror & microphone.
Low key could actually see Lollipop Boy's being exactly the same XD
Andre's Familiar I could see being a spin on Mega Leech with Life Leech, basically it latches onto a target and drains them to empower him.
Jagged's Stone's could be a creative spin on Familiar Creation by essentially Akumatizing Fang alongside him. Could fit well with your, "Jagged Stone has magic" stuff to, as he can use aspects of Akumatization in ways others can't.
I keep trying to imagine Marinette's and basically just et a sword wielding hamster from Redwall XD
love the idea of a sword-wielding hamster lmao!
On one hand using that to warp Fang could be nice, but on the other hand I got the image of both 'Fang becomes Dragon because he's already a Familiar' and then Jagged gets another one on top and Fang has beef with it.
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