#mainly because let's be real I get distracted lol
patheticwomenlover · 2 months
Holm Kranom x Gen!Neutral Reader CW: None, just straight fluff Although this fic in particular is completely sfw, my profile has nsfw content on it so minors pls dni! ♡
Summary: Holm gets distracted by you and Rin thinks you're evil
Author note: Hello! I haven't posted on here in so long omg lol. I don't really plan on posting as much on tumblr specifically, (I'm mainly on AO3 as patheticmenlover!) honestly I just wanted to share my Holm Kranom fic on here cuz he seems to get the most content on here AND because he doesn't have a lot of x reader fics. It SUCKS!! Anyways I hope yall like this I don't really like it as much but I wanted to feed my fellow Holm enjoyers even if its bad (≧ڡ≦*)
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Rin just had a feeling you’d cause trouble for the party when you tagged along with them on the journey back to the surface. She couldn’t believe Kabru allowed Holm to heal AND let you tag along despite her concerns. You were a stranger.. for all they knew you could be an enemy.
The party had found you purely by accident, you passed out on the ground near the water on the 4th floor alongside your belongings, which happened to be a patchy bag and an axe...a dodgy looking one at that. They straight up thought you were dead until they caught a glimpse of your chest breathing up and down, you were just unconscious. You were real lucky that a kelpie or mermaid hadn’t found you before they did. How clumsy were you?
Of course, Holm did have the power to resurrect you if you did die but simply healing you made it easier. He quickly healed you and Kabru proceeded to ask If you were alright. You thankfully were alright and had explained that you were ambushed by a few other party members suddenly. You would’ve offered some of your food and even treasure, but it was unfortunately stolen. You knew you couldn’t continue further in the dungeon with NO food and a damaged axe, so you knew you had to go back to the surface to restock your items.
You tried to search inside your bag for something to offer them as thanks for healing you but Kabru quickly grabbed your hand, saying there was no need. That and it’s not like you had anything valuable…at least not anymore. You were certainly a strange one. Before you were about to leave on your own, Kabru asked if you wanted to tag along with the party since they were traveling back to the surface anyways. Just as Rin was about to protest, you quickly accepted it.
You thought to yourself, you might as well since they are going back up anyhow, if you happen to run into the same party members that attacked you and stole your stuff you have a high chance of getting it back.
Everyone within the party had no issue with this, if Kabru deemed you to be harmless then you should be, right? As creepy as it sounds, he was really good at reading people. To him, you were… harmless. He even doubts your axe would do much damage, seriously when was the last time you sharpened that thing?
Anyways, Kuro and Mickbell didn’t seem to mind your presence. Kuro sniffed you and the area to make sure you weren’t planning on ambushing them, which you weren’t! So, you’re alright in Mickbell and Kuro’s book…doesn’t mean they trust you though! ৻(  •̀ ᗜ •́  ৻)
Daya on the other hand was nice to you. Albeit, she did have her slight suspicions, but she didn’t express them in front of you. But then again, if Kabru trusted you then…surely it was worth it to believe your innocence. And as for Rin well, you already know. She’s keeping a close eye on you..! Anything shady coming from you and you’re going to go back to sleep.
Finally, as for Holm, he didn’t mind either..at all actually. It was to be expected from him because he was the calmest in the group but…something seemed off. When you happily pranced up to Holm, shaking his hand thanking him for healing you, he appeared to be bashful?! What was wrong with him.. was he alright?
His face was beet red, and he was stuttering like crazy. His normal half-lidded eyes were replaced with wide flustered eyes. Rin has never seen him like this before. What did you do to him?
You gently grasped Holm’s hands with yours while looking him I’m directly in the eyes, praising him sweetly for healing you. “Thank you so so much! I probably would’ve died if you hadn’t healed me!” You almost looked angelic, like a sweet soul but…Rin thinks otherwise. He looks up at you with a flushed face, continuously stumbling over his words. “Ah..It’s…it’s nothing…haha..really..!”
Rin glares suspiciously at you two as she gripped her staff. The hell were you planning? Kabru took notice of not only you and Holm, but also Rin. It didn’t need to take a genius to know Rin was annoyed. “Kabru..! Why would you let them tag along?..” She huffs. “They could be up to something you know.” Kabru just chuckles at this, to which she looks at him with confusion. “I don’t think so, they don’t look dangerous to me.”
His eyes travels back to you, happily conversing with a bashful gnome. “Besides…they seem occupied with someone.” Rin looks at the duo with Kabru. “You noticed them too?...Do you think something is wrong with Holm?” He smiles. “No, not at all.” Before she could oppose, he leaves. Despite Kabru’s lack of concern, she still chose to watch your every move. Especially after overhearing you asking Holm to stick beside him on the journey back to the surface.
You might have everyone fooled but you can’t fool Rin.                     
After healing and allowing you to follow them, you and Kabru’s party began to continue the journey back to the surface, but not before going through a few ridiculous monster encounters. As you were conversing with Holm by your side, you two were passing by the rooms in the dungeon hall. A few were closed, some were opened. It’s smarter to simply not go inside either of them, after all you all are trying to get back to the surface and not get killed on the way back.
Unfortunately, Mickbell got a little too curious.
“Man..I remember almost getting killed by a mimic here. I hope it’s gone or somebody already got rid of it.” You say cautiously. Holm hums in acknowledgement. “I see..a mimic huh? Those are pretty scary.” You gently put your arm around his shoulder. “Don’t worry Holm, I got an axe with me. I’ll protect you If they try to come near you.” You joke.
His face flushes as he turns his head to the side and coughs into his hand. “O-oh?...ahah…mm..thank you..” You chuckle at his adorable reaction. Meanwhile..Mickbell and Kuro came across an open room with a single ‘treasure chest’. The duo not knowing that it was a mimic decided to go up to it. Mickbell hopped off Kuro and inspected the chest.
“I don’t remember seeing this when we came through here. Think there’s anything valuable in here?” Mickbell asks Kuro, to which he lowly growls at the box. Mickbell looks at him in confusion. “What is it Kuro..?” Before Kuro could answer…
A massive blue crab popped out of the front box, knocking back Mickbell and Kuro against the wall harshly, causing them to both groan in pain. “Ugh..what the..? Oh fuck!” Mickbell yells as the mimic began to quickly charge towards them. Kuro swiftly gradded Mickbell and began to sprint out of the room as fast as he could, but the mimic had no trouble following them at almost the same speed.
The duo (mostly Kuro) continuously ran up and down the halls hoping to tire it down but it didn’t seem to work, that mimic must be starving for roasted kobold with a side of mashed half-foot. “ARAUUGHH!! HELP US!” Mickbell screams as he held onto Kuro for dear life. “HOLM...Y/N!….UH?” He called out for you two, but you weren’t anywhere insight anymore. Where the hell did you two go?
Fortunately for them Kabru, Rin and Daya heard their cries for help and immediately came to their aid. Kabru and Daya quickly carried them both out of the way while Rin casted a spell to electrify the mimic, causing it to pass out. Kabru and Daya set down the panicked duo on the ground. “Holy fuck..!” Mickbell gasps.
“Are you alright?” Kabru asks. “Y-yeah..were-“
“Wait.” Rin interrupts. “Where’s Holm and Y/n?” They both shrug.
Meanwhile you and Holm further down, oblivious to the chaos happening down the hall:
“Treasure bugs huh?” He tilts his head. “I never knew those were even a thing…how interesting. I don’t think I’ve seen those before.”
“Yeah! It’s pretty cool huh? I’ve got a few fried ones in my bag actually..i’ll gladly share it with you.” You say as you start to dig inside your bag. “Ahah..that’s quite alright— wait did you say fried?” You nod. “I know it sounds odd but…!” You pull an insect coin from your bag. “Its tastyyy!~” You then held it up to Holm’s mouth.
“Come onnn!~ Try it! It’s yummy!” His face and ears flush from your closeness, then he quickly turns his head. Not only because of how close you were, but…you were trying to get him to eat a treasure bug. “N-no thank you!...I appreciate the offer but…It’s not my thing!”
You hum in acknowledgement. “No problem, more for me.” You pop the fried treasure bug in your mouth, happily eating it. Holm wasn’t sure what to think of you eating treasure bugs…you were a strange one indeed but that’s what made you unique in his eyes.
“You’re pretty strange.” He jokes. You let out a chuckle. “Is it because of the treasure bug thing?” He nods. “Yep.” You two then let out a series of laughing until you two hear fast foot steps coming your way, it was the rest of the group. Mickbell and Kuro specifically looked a little irritated and shaken up.
“HOLM! YLN!..WHAT THE HELL?” Rin yelled. “Where were you—”
“ME AND KURO ALMOST DIED TO A MIMIC WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU TWO? YOU WERE JUST NEAR US WHYD YOU LEAVE?!” Mickbell screamed. “You two were in trouble? I’m sorry!...we didn’t notice—”
“CLEARLY!” Mickbell interrupted Holm. “Sorry guys!” You sheepishly rub your neck. “If we heard you, we would’ve helped, I swear!”
“Mickbell, please.” Kabru sternly shushed him, causing him to huff. “Can I ask what you two were doing all the way back here?” He looks at the both of you. “We don’t need you two doing any funny stuff while were trying to get back to the surface!” Rin exclaims.
Holm immediately tensed up. “W-wait hold on! Don’t get the wrong idea please!” He held up his hand in defense. “We didn’t realize we had walked so far off…we’ll be more careful next time.” You voiced. “I’ll try not to steal him from you guys again.” You subtly flirt.
The party aside from Kabru didn’t seem to catch on, but Holm sure did.
His face immediately flushed again along with his ears. A batch of incomprehensible words spouted from his mouth as he grabbed his beret, covering his burning face with it. You snicker at his reaction, while Rin was seemingly eyeing your interaction.
“Wha..?” She mumbles to herself. What was going on with him?..you must have done something to him! She just knows it but..she can’t prove it. Not yet at least.
She scoots close to Kabru. “Kabru..are you seeing this? That isn’t normal behavior from Holm!” She muttered. “I know they did something to him..just give me the word and I’ll take care of it.” She grips her staff tightly in anticipation like she desperately wanted to hurt something.
“Don’t.” He responds casually.
“What?!..” She looks at him in surprise and confusion. “But…why not?”
A relaxed chuckle escaped his lips. “They are harmless, besides, we should keep going while were not being attacked.” Before she could oppose again, he began leading the way out. What is this? She thought. This was ridiculous, why was nobody seeing that you were clearly scheming something?!.. she’ll have to talk to Kabru properly about this when they get to the surface.
The second floor…surrounded by beautiful trees, flowers, and strange monsters…like the mandrake for example. As the party passed by the crowded plants they began to notice it started to cloud their vision of other members...specifically, you and Holm. If you weren’t there then this wouldn’t exactly be an issue, sure Holm tends to get easily overwhelmed and freeze up sometimes but he definitely can defend himself if absolutely necessary.
She dedicated herself to watching you two for any suspiciousness but she can’t do that if she can’t see either of you…! And speak of the devil, after checking on her other party member’s statuses, what do you know…you two were gone AGAIN!
So much for ‘trying not to steal him away from us’.
Meanwhile you and Holm…again:
“Wow, these trees are huge," you exclaim. "Are you just realizing that now? Haven't you been through this area before?" Holm asks, and you nod. "Well, yeah, but I never really stopped to take in the surroundings," you reply. You reach out and pluck a flower from a nearby tree, an angel's trumpet. "Now that I'm really paying attention, this place is full of beautiful flowers," you say, turning to him and leaning in close. He starts blushing at your proximity. You gently tuck the flower behind his ear, then step back to admire your handiwork.
"You look so cute!" You say cheerfully. Holm, on the other hand, can't seem to get a word out, his eyes fixed on the ground in embarrassment. "Th-thank you... I really appreciate it!" he stutters, his face turning even redder. So adorable..you thought. So adorable you just want to squish his cheeks but…you think he might not appreciate that. At least not right now.
A loud scream alarmed the both of you, causing you both to turn to where the noise came from, which was a hollow tree. “What was that?” You cautiously asked while observing the area carefully. “That..sounds like the scream of a!—”
“BAT!” You screamed, as soon as you did the big bat quickly flew near you two and attempted to attack. Instead of fighting, you chose to tackle Holm to the ground and into the bushes hoping to hide from it until it tires itself out. Thankfully after a few minutes of it flying around the area searching for you two, it flew to another place hoping to find other victims.
“Phew..that was close.” You say in relief. You then realized— you were still on top of Holm! Poor thing probably almost suffocated. “Ah! Sorry!” You quickly get off him. “I hope I didn’t tackle you too hard, my axe wouldn’t have done much damage to the bat especially since it’s already crappy.”
He didn’t respond. Instead, he just stared at you with a red face while still laying on the ground. You may want to give him a moment to collect himself.
*Back to Mickbell and Kuro*
A distant screech could be heard, causing Mickbell to hear it.
“Hey Kuro…did you hear that?” Kuro’s ears perk up, attempting to hear what Mickbell was.
Another screech could be heard, this one being a little louder.
“Yes!...it sounds..familiar.” Kuro mumbles. “Wait..that…sounds like…!” Before Mickbell could finish his sentence, the big bat made itself known and screamed at the duo.
“UWAAAAHH??!” Both individuals let out a loud exclamation of fear as they clung tightly to each other. During their panic, the bat swooped down swiftly, attempting to attack them multiple times but somehow they dogged each attack. Kuro swiftly lifted Mickbell and started running in the opposite direction, searching for a safe place to hide from the enormous bat.
“Mick, be careful—!” Kuro cautioned Mickbell as the bat descended closely behind them, almost managing to sever Kuro’s tail completely, leaving it barely attached to his back. A cry of pain escaped him before he collapsed to the ground and inside a bush with Mickbell in his grasp. “KUROO!” He shouted.
He positioned himself beneath Kuro, allowing the kobald to rest his head on his friend's lap. Mickbell stole a quick glance at his injury, relieved to see that his tail had not been completely torn off, indicating that it could be properly healed. The only thing they needed now was Holm. However, he would have to call out for him - surely he must be close by. It was a risky move, but Mickbell couldn't bear to see his friend in pain. He needed to act quickly and hope that they wouldn't end up as a meal for a passing bat.
"Holm...!" Mickbell shouted, but there was no response. The bat was now scanning the area from a distant tree branch. "HOLM...!" He raised his voice a bit more. This time, the bat pinpointed the source of the sound. This was not a good sign. "HOLM!!" Mickbell screamed, catching the bat's attention.
The bat began to fly directly towards them, its sharp claws and teeth poised for an attack. "AAAUHHH!!" Mickbell held onto Kuro's head tightly, bracing himself for the bat's claws to pierce his skin when suddenly—
Kabru swiftly and decisively slashed the bat's throat before it could reach Mickbell. The bat struggled for a moment, choking on its own blood, before collapsing nearby. Kabru put away his sword and ran towards the duo alongside Daya and Rin. “Are you two alright?”
Mickbell angrily lamented, "Kuro’s tail is about to fall off! I called for Holm, but he's not even NEARBY! Where is he?!"
"They wandered off again? Are you kidding me?" Rin complained, "I'll find them, and when I do..."
“Don't worry, Rin. I've got this under control. Just focus on checking Kuro for any other injuries. I'll be back soon." With those words, he hurried off to locate you and Holm. It took a bit but in the end, he successfully found both of you.
Fortunately uninjured, but still... The two of you were unwinding on a picturesque bed of flowers, with him in particular reclining on your lap as you gently ran your fingers through his hair. How did it even come to this? Kabru pondered. Nevertheless... he thought it was cute, but Kuro needed his aid so, this can wait.
"You two were hiding here, then?" Kabru chuckled. You both gasped in shock because you hadn't even noticed him there. "Oh, I see. Hello, Kabru. "Didn't even notice you were here," you waved. You guys move so slowly, don't you?” You tease.
"Ah, Kabru!" Red in the face and ears, he raises his head off your lap. "Did something happen?"                                                                                                         
Kabru nods. “Yes, actually. A big bat attacked Mickbell and Kuro, Kuro specifically. He needs his tail healed, if you aren’t too busy.” He teased, poking fun at him for resting on your lap, you didn’t seem to catch on but Holm caught it. He quickly got up and dusted his dark robe and swiftly put his beret back on. “N-no no! Of course not!” he stammered. “Please lead me to him!” Kabru then proceeded to lead Holm and you to Mickbell and Kuro’s aid.
You two were definitely going to get an earful from Mickbell….again.
The party returned to the surface unscathed and undamaged after going through a lot of nonsense involving you and Holm. It's a miracle, really, because whenever you and Holm ventured off, bad things would happen, and Mickbell and Kuro were nearly always involved. Holm and you did take the time to apologize for any unintentional trouble you may have caused at the party. (poor guys).
They seemed forgiving enough but as for Mickbell…ehh not so much. Just be thankful he acknowledged your apology. As for Rin…she just stared at you two. She just knew in her gut that you had done something and that you were planning on killing them..! She just needed to say something. NOW.
She walks towards the two of you with an angry look, more so specifically towards you. “You!” She points at you. “What have you done?” She accuses. “Ever since you’ve tagged along our party nothing but bad things has happened. And as for Holm… why is it that every time were traveling you manage to get him alone? And he’s always red-faced! What is your deal?”
You look at her in surprise before laughing to yourself. Holm however he’s frozen in place, just as Rin said his face and ears were burning. “That’s not!—I’m…they’re..! Agh!..” He quickly snatched his beret and covered his face. “What?” Rin questions.
Kabru laughs to himself as he strolls next to Rin. Rin was confused as he leaned into her ear to clarify that you weren't evil and that Holm wasn't the problem; he was just obviously infatuated with you. She glanced at you, then back at Holm, and then gave herself a mental face palm.
How ridiculous..!
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scaredycatqlt · 8 months
Ben drown x reader platonic?
Omg YES!!! This lonely guy needs some friends dudeeed 💀
Ben Drowned X Reader [PLATONIC]
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So, for starters, you guys either met online during a game, or you got the cursed Majora’s Mask Game, OR you’re another pasta.
Regardless, Ben probably befriended you relatively quickly. If you can put up with him…
He is widely considered a nuisance by everyone else in the mansion, and for good reason too. Imagine trying to sleep and all you can hear is him blasting some shitty video game music.
Anyway, gaming together is an obvious must.
trolling kids on roblox? You betcha.
hes gonna kick your fucking ASS in Mario kart.
Tired of the HC that he’ll go easy on you. He’s a total asshole, ain’t no way he’s gonna let you win.
OMG I just love the thought of you two getting up to stupid pranks and mischieffff <3
Pranking Jeff, and then having your life threatened afterwards is one of your guys’s favorite activities.
Ben totally randomly comes out of your devices whenever he feels like it.
I personally think he wouldn’t go through your stuff. Atleast not very often at all. Not bc he respects your privacy, just because it’s boring to him.
He may be a total asshole but he does care for you. He’s not good at emotional support…at all…
But he’s quick to offer up distractions if you’re ever feeling down.
He never will admit this but he’s genuinely happy that you’re his friend. He thinks you’re too good for him, even though he acts like he’s the coolest.
You guys are kinda like siblings lol. Play fighting and insulting eachother all the time
I just imagine him popping out of ur laptop one day like “heyyyyy ;)” and then you just push him back in 😭
Drinking monster and playing games until 3 in the morning is something that happens often.
Idc if you’re super mature, being around Ben is bound to rub off on you. You are going to start laughing at ‘your mama’ jokes whether you like it or not.
He gives you guys cheats on video games lol.
If you’re human he loves showing off all the cool shit he can do, especially if you thought it wasn’t real before.
If you’re another type of entity, he still shows off to you but he tries harder.
He’s pretty unhygienic, mainly cus he’s a ghost but also cus he’s just lazy. Make sure he cleans his room up a little bit at least every once in a while.
And there you have it, the Creepypasta Mansion’s CHAOS DUO!!
I really loved this idea :D sorry btw cus my version of Ben is a stinky loser gamer 😔/aff
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sad-drake-lyrics · 1 year
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alright, i’m having a lot of feelings™ about giyushino & i have to talk about it because otherwise i will implode. i’ve liked the idea of them together from s1, like most people who ship them seem to; but then i stopped thinking about them much due to obsession with other ships, and also because after their initial altercation on Mount Natagumo they don’t really get much screentime together, so i just lost interest.
but in my modern day obamitsu AU (you can find my ao3 link on my page!), i’m featuring giyushino as a background ship, & i am starting to catch fucking feelings myself from writing them. (if you head off to read the fic, there’s only two chapters posted so far & Giyuu + Shinobu are not in it yet, but will be very soon.)
so, here we go. gimme a moment to ramble about what inspired these HCs / character analyses before i get to the meat & potatoes.
street lights by killedmyself is one of my favourite songs despite the fact it being really more of a piece of audio art than a song - it’s mainly a movie dialogue sample mixed with sad boi lo-fi beats, but i play it all the time because it somehow hurts so good. so i was listening to it when thinking of the aforementioned modern AU, & i had an epiphany like “holy fuck, this is exactly how a giyushino relationship would go down, whether in a canon AU or any other story.”
the sample in the song is from No Strings Attached, a typical romantic comedy/drama about two close friends who have a deep understanding of each other and casually have sex, but the guy catches feelings and the girl wants nothing to do with a relationship.
(honestly, most people would probably find this movie boring - it’s a basic white het ship storyline; i only watched it because of the song, & the conversation in the song is literally the best part - otherwise the movie is hella bland & i wouldn't care if i never saw it again LOL so i’m def. not saying “go watch this” here.)
anyway, i’m listening to this song, and i’m like “omg, i can hear Giyuu & Shinobu saying every fucking line.”
basically, in my mind, Giyuu & Shinobu would start hooking up just for the sake of it - probably as a result of a quiet development of closeness born essentially out of convenience (they are always at the Ubuyashiki Estate together or working together), and then one night boning goes down. they’re attracted to each other; they like each other as people; and then the sex is good, so it keeps happening.
& very quickly, sad boi Giyuu, who is typically self-isolated and depressed, starts crushing hard. he’s alone and he’s desperate for human interaction and affection, even though he doesn’t realize it - and Shinobu is beautiful, and he admires her. plus they’re starting to have a lot of sex; & it’s pretty common for that to bloom some sense of love, ranging from base level attachment to infatuation to real feels - and it gets to the point where Giyuu wants to be with her.
but Shinobu doesn’t want the same thing. she cares about him (more than she can admit), but she’s fiercely independent and immensely dedicated to her work (with all her research and crafting of medicines & poisons). she puts this work above absolutely everything else with self-denying devotion - her happiness doesn’t matter; like she tells Tanjirou, she’s angry, and all that matters is success. a relationship for her would be a distraction, & she doesn’t need it - doesn’t want to deal with it; too many emotional ups & downs; too much drama; too much risk; too much intimacy with someone else, which actually terrifies her. so when Giyuu tells her he wants a relationship, she rejects him.
now let’s take the samples that slap me in the face with giyushino feels from street lights, which i can literally hear coming out of their fucking mouths.
Shinobu: You know me, this stuff freaks me out. It's fake. What’s wrong with what we’re doing? It’s working, we don’t have to fight -
Giyuu: Maybe I wanna fight.
Shinobu: Yeah, well I don’t.
Giyuu: What are you gonna do - you’re just never gonna feel anything? How are you gonna do that?
Shinobu: I don’t know. I’ll figure it out.
^ this exchange already starts murdering me because i feel like once Giyuu realizes he has legitimate feelings for Shinobu, and is wrestling with his own self-denial and inability to accept love from others because of how much he hates himself - he sees that Shinobu does the same thing - she doesn’t want to feel anything too deeply because she’s traumatized from Kanae’s death. she doesn’t want to love anyone else in a way that makes them more important than anything else (though, yes, we have to also acknowledge her love for Kanao here, but i imagine that's it for her - no more), so that she can’t experience loss again. she’s scared; she protects herself by being self-sufficient and dedicating herself to her work.
she's also stubborn asf, and sincerely believes in herself and what she's capable of, and so "I don't know. I'll figure it out." is literally what she would respond to this challenge.
Shinobu: I don’t need you to take care of me. I take care of myself. That’s what I do.
^ destroying me because this is exactly what Shinobu does. this is her MO; her armor.
Shinobu: Why don’t you go find some other girl who’s not gonna hurt you?
Giyuu: Because I love you.
^ help. why are they like this. it’s because Giyuu’s so alone, but when he feels, he feels deeply (seen even in his initially inexplicable sentimentality for Tanjirou & Nezuko from the beginning, all the way to when we finally hear his backstory with Sabito). he’s smart and intuitive, he can see right through Shinobu - right through everything she does to protect herself. he also doesn’t give up on people he cares about, and his sad boi meter is off the charts - he probably thinks he deserves rejection. plus we have Shinobu pushing everyone away so hard because she can’t handle it.
also going off the HC here that they’re casually hooking up throughout this: oh boy is this a mess of confusing emotions for both of them, both struggling to keep it bottled up, and Giyuu is clearly the weaker link. he just would be. he’s too sensitive.
Giyuu: It’s obvious, I completely love you - there. You’re such a wimp.
Shinobu: I am not!
Giyuu: Well then be with me.
^ why is this dialogue like, canon. it’s their personalities to a T - the way they push at each other in a way of making fun of each other; the way Giyuu is honest despite his problems with feelings; the way strong, independent Shinobu would be so offended at him calling her a wimp (which he totally would fucking say) - calling her out on how she blocks out feelings for others to stay focused on her mission so she can protect them, but so she also can’t get heartbroken, because she can’t go through that again.
anyway. there’s my roughly 1k word count essay on how i envision a romantic giyushino dynamic. i’ll be trying to work this into my modern AU - but considering Giyuu and Shinobu are secondary characters, i don’t know how much i can explore this; still, i don’t have the full fic planned out, so nothing’s off the table.
but seriously, this shit hits me in my gut so hard i could probably write an entire fic about them just on this premise lol.
anyway, yeah. woke up at 7:30, made a cup of coffee, sat down on the computer and just wrote this essay out of nowhere in an hour because suddenly giyushino is also ruining my life.
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ughgoaway · 11 months
it really is a mental health dip kind of a month i swear seasonal depression is mf real 😔💔 but while you take a backseat on writing etc (idk how you guys write so often like burn out would hit me after the second sentence 😭💀) here's some insane brainrot and perhaps inspo but mainly just blurb like comfort to think ab bc honestly why lie matthew may be a headache but he really is the best of distractions in such times <3 (here's to hoping some serotonin will roll its way over to both of us)
(dad matty universe ofc bc well-)
- matty singing his songs to baby annie and absolutely dying when she'd giggle to it
- babysitting annie mid studio sessions like can you just imagine the boys producing and recording and annie taking turns sleeping in each of their laps etc 😭😭
- matty calling adam at the randomest times to ask for parenting advice (crying)
- the very idea of matty holding a sleeping annie in his arms as they both doze off will actually kill me i swear
- any thought remotely related to dad matty doing dad things honestly
- like imagine him packing her school lunches etc and including little notes for her kms
- the boys taking annie on trips etc like imagine them all at the zoo gn
(honestly a pre-reader blurb list/prequel may be a need somewhere down the line-)
anyways yes I totally do not.... think about dad matty......like at all......
bff anon is going to run away and disappear now 😍 xx
(late to respond to this bc I am still violently ill lol)
YES BFF HI!!!! seasonal depression is EARLY this year!! honestly, I don't get it either. Some writers literally write every day... if I did that, I'd die. I don't even write that much, and I still burn out so quickly
okay I don't have the mental capacity rn to discuss each idea in depth but let me just say; YES YES YES YES YES I LOVE IT.
(not very) brief comments on each one below the cut;
- matty singing people to baby Annie and she is just laughing like crazy... yes.
- do not even put this into my head. the idea of baby Annie sitting in Ross' lap while he plays bass. Or Adam takes her from matty when he needs to record a little vocal take, and he and Annie wave from the other side. Matty promptly messes up that take because he's busy making heart eyes at his beautiful baby (and after much pressure, he reluctantly says he was making heart eyes at hann too...) Or she's sitting in George as he produces something, she giggles and presses a button. at first George is like, "No!" But then he plays it, and he's like, "...wait that kinda bangs, " and annie gets a producer credit!!!!
(side note imagine them including an accidental take at the end of a song of Annie babbling or laughing... people are like "what is that cute laughter at the end?" and matty is like "💞❤️💖my baby girl💖❤️💞")
- it's like 12am, and Adam is just getting into bed when he gets a facetime from matty who is PANICKING. Adam is immediately like "bro, what's up", all he can hear in the background is SCREAMING bc Annie is clearly unhappy. matty is freaking tf out because "I can't find her stuffed rabbit Adam. it's been 2 hours. she won't stop crying. I don't know what to do and -" and Adam cuts him off like "matty, calm down, it's okay. didn't you put it in that weird pocket of your bag in the studio today?" and matty looks like he could literally cry of joy and just is like "YES I LOVE YOU BRO. BYE. SLEEP WELL." and abruptly hangs up, leaving Adam laughing and carly asking."oh god, what did matty need"
- perhaps a long day in the studio and matty is like "I'll just rock Annie to sleep on the sofa in the other room, be back in 10" and he simply... does not return. George comes in prepared to have a go at matty for being a helicopter dad when he sees them both open mouth snoring on the sofa lol.
- the idea of messy hair 3am matty trying to test the temperature of the milk on his wrist but getting confused at what it's meant to feel like. simultaneously rocking a screaming Annie and just trying not to also scream.
- OHMYGODDDD. like she's a little older, and it starts with a little note explaining something in her lunch, and she comes home SO EXCITED because "it was a note from you, Daddy!!! it's like we're spies sending secret letters!!!" And obviously, matty is now in full spy mode. they create a secret code, and he decorates them to say "top secret" on the outside. the notes are always things like "love you peanut! have a good day!" But we can play pretend okay.
- maybe Annie has become obsessed with penguins recently (Ross is obviously encouraging this and loves her giggles whenever he shows her his tattoo) and matty wants to show her irl penguins. matty offhandedly mentions him and Annie are going to the zoo tomorrow for the first time and the other boys are like "HMM??? WITHOUT US???" especially Ross bc like... hello he got her into penguins... the audacity from matty to be silent??? so they all are like "we're coming." thus a group trip to the zoo happens, and hann brings his little one and its just a family affair. sooo many pictures, especially Annie seeing her very first penguin and a group shot that a very confused old woman took for them (seriously, why are there 4 grown tattooed men with two children crying at penguins???)
these thoughts became much less concise as time went on...
I might have to do some prequel/early dad matty blurbs... if yall are interested???
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delurkr · 1 year
Criminal Clarkes AU
BECUZ LISTEN I was really tickled with the crimes tierlist @kindheartedgummybears posted. This isn't necessarily related to that but it's what got me started imagining the Clarkes as a ✨family heist ring✨ because literally yes.
I'm thinking they're mainly burglars, aiming for the safes but cleaning up whatever else they find along the way. They're always planning occasional high stakes burglaries like banks and museums (shoot for the stars amirite) but more often they do smaller house burglaries and sometimes bank robberies for quick money (I want them to have range lol).
Breakdown of everyone's roles under cut, I think I'm a genius:
ANNE - Mastermind, doesn't get her hands dirty much but she's the best at keeping everyone organized. She generally takes a backseat during the actual heists and might not be there at all if it's low risk, but she'll always go along for the big ones because she's excellent at sensing danger and predicting people's next moves, and also because she can easily identify valuables and knows what's worth stealing
Likelihood of getting left behind in a panic: 2% (Stranger things have happened, but really no one would dare)
Likelihood of ratting out the others for a reduced sentence: 30% (She could be convinced, sometimes she wishes she was a lone wolf. But she'll get revenge on whoever made her do it)
JAMES - Second-in-command, sources the supplies and vehicles and such and heads the heists. Way too jumpy ofc (he's this close to making a stupid move in any charged atmosphere), but he's the most attentive to safety, trying to minimize risk beforehand and making sure all the evidence is disposed of and everything
Likelihood of getting left behind in a panic: 40% (He's not a fan favorite)
Likelihood of ratting out the others for a reduced sentence: 25% (But he's already planning how to break them out of jail)
TANYA - Information gatherer in the planning stage, the inside lookout during the heist, and the impromptu distraction if some guard or a neighbor gets suspicious. She goes undercover sometimes to scope out the joints and is basically the public relations member, charming enough to extract a lot of critical information without arousing suspicion
Likelihood of getting left behind in a panic: 5% (Not if Dennis has any say)
Likelihood of ratting out the others for a reduced sentence: 85% (She would, be real)
DENNIS - The muscle ofc. He keeps the hostages in line during a robbery, and during burglaries he's usually the first one to enter to make sure it's clear for the others. He also carries the crowbars and other supplies, but nobody trusts him with the nitroglycerin
Likelihood of getting left behind in a panic: 15% (He's strong, right? He can take of himself...probably)
Likelihood of ratting out the others for a reduced sentence: 35% (They said they would come for him! And then 10 years go by. But he'll believe you if you say they won't get in trouble, so he'll spill a name or two)
ANTHONY - The getaway driver, was there ever any question? He helps with a lot of the prepwork to plan a smooth getaway but he doesn't go in with the others during the heists, he's the outside lookout. And if something goes wrong for everyone inside (say, somebody let Dennis handle the nitroglycerin) he'll be stuck outside helpless to do anything and he'll feel guilty and experience all the horrors of being the lone survivor years down the line but he'll do it from inside a prison complex because he actually was a criminal this time
Likelihood of getting left behind in a panic: 10% (Only by mistake. If he gets left it's because everyone thought he was with someone else)
Likelihood of ratting out the others for a reduced sentence: 15% (Was it on purpose? Who knows what goes on in that brain of his)
MEGAN - MVP, they'd be nowhere without her precision. She's the one to disable the cameras and alarms and crack the safes (her favorite method is torching). Unmatched sticky fingers and maximum stealth, and gets no appreciation. She's not at the scene during bank robberies, she's on the other side of town committing arson to distract the cops
Likelihood of getting left behind in a panic: 3% (Everyone would have to answer to Anne)
Likelihood of ratting out the others for a reduced sentence: 60% (It's their fault that she doesn't feel like part of the team)
VINCE - Normie, not usually involved but he'll run errands and buy the newspapers if the gang is in hideout
Likelihood of ratting out the others for a reduced sentence: 2% (It would get Tanya in trouble)
If anyone has different ideas or anything to add I'd love to hear it 😁
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grapecinnamon · 1 year
Welcome Home characters and what Melanie Martinez songs I think of when I think of them (bc why not)
Wally Darling 🍎👁️🎨
I know we're only in the prologue of the arg, but I honestly think of Void when I think of him, since he sounds so trapped. Plus, we're going to be exploring themes of isolation anyway. Also Show and Tell and The Contortionist. Because it feels like he's being used. By who? I'm not sure. Tunnel Vision works, too, mostly cause of the lines involving eyes (open your view, eyes on the prize, your focus is empty, etc.) And the whole song, mainly the line show me how far obsession goes is really fitting for us Wally fangirls.
Barnaby B. Beagle 🐶🤡🌭
In a way, I feel like Field Trip is kinda fitting. I feel like Barnaby's misunderstood by some people in the fandom. He's just a comic who likes playfully teasing people, speaks his mind, and is pretty much on his own path in life. He's just doing what he likes and most don't seem to understand, just like the song. I think Lunchbox Friends works too, mainly for his friendship with Wally. They have such a genuinely good relationship with each other, the type of friends Melanie describes wanting in the song.
Frank Frankly🦋😒🌺
Honest to God, he's an Alphabet Boy. Likes things his way and likes to over explain his favorite things. He doesn't mean to come off condescending, but I like to think it just happens by accident for him. Also Fingers Crossed fits him and Eddie. It seems like they want to keep their relationship secret from the others, or one of them has yet to confess but is afraid to.
Julie Joyful😁🪀🧮
Jump rope comes to mind, because it's a song about jump roping to distract yourself from your crush. Faerie Soiree works too, especially the ending with the lyrics gather me, all of we, everyone I've been, the boys and the girls and everyone in between. It's also a fun song to dance to, the kind of song I imagine Julie really liking. Recess also works as well, as it's a song about taking a break when things get tough.
Poppy Partridge 🦚😨🍰
She is 1000% Soap, a song about being scared to say too much and be careful with how you are with the person you love. She also seems to love baking so I feel like The Bakery works great as well.
Eddie Dear💌😅💃
Soap works for him as well, but I feel like Function works, too, with lyrics like tripping on my toes, can't help it, limbs all numb from my mind, and it's generally about being nervous. Time Flies works really well too cause it's a long song that has lines involving sending letters, and Arts and Crafts, since that's what Eddie likes to do.
Sally Starlet🌞🎭✨
Emerald works really well, extremely well, it's something I could genuinely see Sally singing (rarity I am, it's offensive, got them on my tail and they're restless). And the Amulet segment of Nymphology. It's pretty much the same as Emerald anyway. Drama Club is also super fitting as it's about being dramatic (who would've guessed lol).
Howdy Pillar🐛🏬💵
Howdy is said to be kinda bossy and I like the idea of him being The Principal. Numbers also works in a way since he's a business man who's not selling real products, just earning a profit without much effort (as far as we know of course).
Dollhouse. I know, I know, it's already pretty obvious, but the lyrics paint a good picture of him and Wally (everyone thinks that we're perfect, I see things that nobody else sees, don't let them see what goes down in the kitchen, etc.)
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allunatory · 11 months
@bipbopdepmop Hiya! Hope this doesn't scare you but I'm answering this ask on my minecraft-related art blog LOL
Anyways I have been staring at these asks for the past few days I hope you know that you have a special place in my heart tysm
This is so long, so I'll put it under a readmore- I have a lot to say (And spoilers for anyone who hasn't read Dreams From Within The Cage yet!)
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THANK YOU SO MUCH THOUGH!!! AAAA- I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!
AND YES YES!! I have so much I can say.... First of all I have to thank random ambient noise soundtracks for carrying me through the entire fic. Without them, I definitely wouldn't have been able to keep focus for long stretches of time without getting distracted by something.
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Fun fact: Fic was not titled until it was time to publish LOL- I was so indecisive
I think my original ambition with the fic when I first started was just writing an Apocalypse AU... but at the same I also wanted to write world-hopping. I was inspired by a comic I had read back when I was in the UTMV (Undertale AU) fandom that explored AUs through way of dreams, and I've been wanting to try my own spin on that for a while so this was the perfect opportunity.
Now the plot wasn't actually supposed to go so crazy, that was mainly me getting extreme brainworms over the concept of an inter-dimensional organization stepping in. Originally, it was going to be mainly exploring the grief that comes with being unable to ever see the one person you feel you connect to most. Having to either accept that fact, or find a way to let go. (Definitely way more depressing, i think)
I was so stuck on the plot for a while, how to wrap it up with everything I'd planned. For a while, I was originally planning to have Grian be the one interrogated, in which he would then hide things from Scar to keep him safe, even going so far as to say they should never talk again. And then the real reason would be revealed when GIGA stepped in.
The way that was set up though, it basically meant all the cool stuff was happening where the readers couldn't see it. So after a long conversation with my good friend @/boxofwasps, I had a stunning revelation on how to swap it around- which is where the fic stands today. I think I remember literally stopping in my tracks and going "Wait. I know how to fix this. I know what I need to do." and Sprinting for my doc to write it down. Imagine me with a cork board and a bunch of red string- that was me putting this fic together
Another fun thing was that, I had so much fun writing the apocalypse world in chapter 1 that I partially wanted to just keep writing that instead of moving on with the plot LOL. I think if I had more time I definitely would have fleshed out some of the AUs they were in, as well as Scar's travels in the waking world and his own lingering trauma
Another fun fact? Me and @/cuteiemonster actually have a whole alternate timeline tree exploring the various ways the plot could have differed if things were just ever so slightly different. There's three main ones, though. Dreams (canon timeline), Nightmares (scar's awful no-good very bad day), and Delusions (grian's awful no-good very bad day) with varying degrees of angst. Please talk to me about them, because I'll likely never write anything about them but I have so many notes.
I'm guessing you're asking about the cage from the hanging cages chapter? I love that scene so much btw there's so much symbolism there.
Every one of the main characters in the fic is stuck in their own cage, in a different way. I think in that chapter in particular, the cages themselves represented the fact that Scar and Grian were both trapped in separate universes. Leaving the cage wasn't an option, there. All they could do was reach across the gap and try to make do that way. Scar fiddling with the bolts of his cage is a show of his motivations and ambitions to escape the confines of his universe to get to Grian, far before he even says it aloud.
Grian stays in his cage because to him, there is no other way out. He's weighed the options, seen the dangers- and even the smallest movements out of line cause the cage to sway. It's just not worth it to try anything different, even if it means being trapped for an eternity...
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I am so so so excited to write more for this series, I'm not going to lie. I've been writing notes and gathering ideas for what exactly I want to focus on for a potential sequel. Thanks to help from @/cuteiemonster I have a lot of headcanons for their roommate (yes, roommate) behavior. As well as what they're up to post-fic!
I will say, there is a chance there will be something I put out before the sequel fic- depending on where my motivations lie. I've been thinking about writing the story of Scar's family, and what happened to them. After all, Scar wasn't always alone out there, in the wastelands... Ooh, just thinking about it just makes me excited
The main reason I haven't immediately jumped to write more already is mainly due to school taking up a lot of my time atm! Not to mention I've been getting into a new minecraft server I've been playing in (if you see the art I've been posting to this account LOL), which is basically just every trope I'm obsessed with (Multiversal Purgatory...)
AND!!!! INSPIRATIONS AND STUFF! The anomaly was originally going to be a Creature of uknown origins, but I felt it would be more fun to make it someone with a name and face. Mumbo was a character I've been really interested in writing, so it was a bit of a no-brainer when it came to picking him. Though, it did change things slightly, because the anomaly was originally going to be an irredeemable villain character. But the more I wrote about Mumbo, the more I was like "dude this guy is too wet of a cat to be a villain on purpose" so instead we ended up with the Mumbo in the fic, who's just ever so slightly too casual about world corruption (against his will)
As for universes? I'm going to be honest, pretty much all of the universes in this fic were pretty much straight from my own noggin. I just wrote whatever felt right! There was that Pirate AU with renchanting and navy captain Grian, the Graveyard AU with a groundskeeper Scar and vampire Grian, the Superhero AU with Hotguy and the unnamed villain Grian (who's either named Xelqua or Poultry Man lets be real). A lot of the universes I wrote in-depth about were universes that I would love to write standalone fics of, so this fic itself was partially a collage of various ideas that I may or may not ever write about.
MAN I wrote way more than I was expecting. Tbh I could've written more but I don't want to keep you for TOO long LOL! If you want to talk more about it I'm so chill to chat on discord or through tumblr messaging (im crazy)
Ok one more thing
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This snippet from chapter 1 is Lizzie from Empires season 2 okay goodbye
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leaffiii · 1 year
Hi, sorry for waiting, i have a little headache
- Snake man and Gemini man have a little agreement between them. Mostly all they do is trying to investigate who was Gemini before he ended up activating all alone in Archive Sector 019. I honestly believe that ether Gemini has no memory at all or that he has only handful of fragments but nothing more.
- Gemini provides cover for Snake with holograms and Snake is the one to search for clues. Maybe Gemini himself is distracting guards, saying that he was curious about tours that will be there or just with pep talk, while Snake trying to search for something thats worth to look at.
- Sometimes Gemini asks Snake to search for some "dirt" about some people. But they aren't trying to investigate who is Mega Man, since if he will find out about this beforehand, it will be a lot of trouble with him, trying to figure out they're goal or just straight up fighting them.
- Gemini is actually weak to Search Snakes. In a sense that he finds them very, very adorable and useful. It's a big part of the reason why he chose Snake man to begin with.
- Search Snakes have mind of they're own, they are not just some modified security cameras. But they can be plugged in Snake to share information they have with him. Same with Aki too. (Imagine Mega Mini riding it, or having it in Aki's head, saying "get out, you are an outdoor snake!")
- Snake just thinks that Gemini is afraid of them, because he sees him looking at them a lot, but trying at all costs not to interact with them (Gemini DROWNS that urge to snuggle with them, he simply can't be seen acting like this)
- Gemini may or may not had intrusive thoughts about stealing Search Snakes after his deal with Snake man will be over. These thoughts might go away if he'd received some more character development because of Snake.
Thanks for listening to my rattle of an insane man, have some sketches
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Oh my GOSH I am slurping these up like soup- let me try and reply to most of these because hrngnrng the brainrot is real and these are so cute
I currently consider most of the backstories spoilers, since I want to do more comics for the AU as a whole (For example, story-wise almost no one knows where Gemini came from. DZN-001 did end up disappearing from the archive a while before Gemini showed up in Silicon City though...). I'm glad i was able to spark theorization hehe >:].
But yeah! They do have a sort of "agreement", with Snake ending up working more closely with Gemini (Mainly since they work well together and get along pretty well), but there ARE others involved ;)
OOOH definitely. They both know a lot more than they let on, specific people of interest to them are notable figures from the Hard War, like Sgt. Night, but the reasons behind it are spoilery (oops)
OH MY GOD IM. That's so god dang cute, that's definitely being canonized oh my lordy
THE REST OF THE HCS TOO... i made the search snakes the little guys of all time, i should've expected this hrngnnrg /pos
I can't convey to you the sheer joy I get from seeing your art of them like.. i treasure all the fanart i get but these invoke so much positive emotions to me it's INSANE. It's . Thanmk you so much hhrnngng :]
Once I get the final two or three more planned robots designed, I'm gonna try and kick myself into story/backstory mode (or at least give them some profiles at least lol) so stay tuned ehehe :]
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teeelsie-posts · 2 years
Just cause I know you have a thing for round numbers, I'll ask for 10, 20 or 30 (or all 3 if you please 😁)
Hey broken--bow! I DO love round numbers, lol! Here you go!
10. Top three favourite fic tropes. 
Whump or H/C. Hands-down, my favorite (in case there was any question about that)
“we’re just fuck buddies, but not really” I never know what to call this one—I think it needs a good, pithy 1 or 2 word name.  But you get my gist.
self-sacrifice (IDK how much this one is a real trope, but for me it's hnnnggg, especially when paired with whump.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?  Mainly just one; I’m terrible at dividing my focus on multiple fic.  If I get an idea I feel compelled to write while I’m writing one fic, I usually end up setting the first one aside to focus on the second.  Right now, though, I’m trying really hard to work on two at once because I have an auction fic with an end-of-the-year deadline, but I just got distracted by a whumptober prompt and started writing on it.  I’ll let you know how that goes!  😅
30. Describe a fic that almost happened, but then it didn't.  I drafted a good bit of a post CACW AmeriHawk in Wakanda fic about 4 years ago.  The working title was “Spinning Wheels” and it was basically a slow burn, where Clint and Steve start sleeping together mostly out of boredom because they’re stuck in Wakanda with nothing much to do. But Clint’s still hung up on Coulson (who’s off with his shiny new team), and Steve’s hung up on Bucky (who’s in deep freeze and also not gay, so it’s unrequited) so it’s never going to go anywhere, but then they catch feelings.  Except I never could decide if I wanted them to catch feelings or not because part of me couldn’t let go of the idea of C/C because the idea of Phil leaving Clint in the dust to be with his new team just made me sad and part of me wanted to turn the fic into a C/C fix-it.  I had two separate endings drafted and I liked them both. I wanted to fully flesh it out because I really liked the parts I drafted, but I got stuck where to take it and then I moved on to “Falling Off the Face of the Earth” and got hypnotized by WinterHawk and I just never went back to it.    
Thanks for the ask, @broken--bow !
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whitefluffybearcub · 1 year
— every big entity or big name is corrupt somehow one way or another, beware of what is coming out of them always. And they are all somehow connected.
It is just how this reality is.
— when it is viral and put out in the public arena for all to see, though marketed as good, but i would always question whether it is genuinely good. Often times it is not what it seems.
— the funny thing is, the end result is already decided but all that smoke and mirror along with hype would make you think otherwise and super excited. Just a circus really. Enjoy but don’t lose sleep over it ;)
— supernatural or natural by human standards, all of it are components of fate, destiny, and karma.
— the game of thrones requires of cutting throats and be voided of all compassion. At the end when the game is over for the participants , the deep buried conscience would surface and make them beg for forgiveness.
And the game of thrones would go on to repeat itself again for others but only in the lower realm as a game of illusion, experience, lesson, and karma.
— it always makes me chuckles and lol 😆when a certain people try to make the elephant in the room to be perceived as an unicorn.
Let it make you chuckle too.
— when you live a lie, you would never have genuine happiness. Different vibes. One operates either at one level or another.
It is like you can’t be In the ocean and be in the sky at the same time.
— realize that by keeping up the deceit and the denial further when you know the truth, you are also further imposing further self punishment on yourself. But if you do, it is also part of your destiny.
— psyops everywhere, coming from the big mouths, this one gets some, other ones get others.
— the big mouths work hand in hand and it is obvious because they all repeat the same thing from the script.
— even if everything is an illusion, I am still eternally grateful for every blessing within this journey. There is force of love and energy of good even in this seemingly low vibrational reality.
— the games created by the hand behind the curtain , who wins isn’t important, what is important to the hand is that the audiences are participating and consumed by these distractions. The bigger the hysteria there is, the hand knows how effective their agenda works.
Everything is a psychological operation when it is reported and repeated every second by the mainstream outlets.
—Thank you L for being here. Your journey is still young. Be safe, healthy, and always happy.
— I have to believe, that this reality is for entertainment purposes only. What a low vibrational realm but it is by design. Each low frequency scenario and character is an expression that couldn’t have otherwise be in the upper realm.
Perhaps just being here itself for whatever expression a spirit chooses, is reasonably enough.
— the human reality is an evolving energy of ego and karma.
— in the simulation, the definition and the illusion of what is real to a person, it is simply whatever they can perceived as real In their simulated program.
— the mainstream media is mainly used to shape its audiences’ perception.
— fear is used as a distraction and to limit its audiences’ perception of this reality, but this game can only last temporarily though May repeat.
— most humans wouldn’t like or understand the concept of karma and ego, until they are free of ego and are earning only good karma.
It is a phase of evolution in the human spirit.
— each smaller piece of truth is projecting the bigger picture of truth. Same goes with deceit, corruption, exploitation and illusion.
Each story is symbolizing a allegory of a different perception.
— each decision leads to a designated outcome, there are an infinite of decisions which leads to each of its designated outcomes. You will be attracted to the decision that is within your vibration or your destiny.
— don’t judge. Don’t get angry. Don’t react.
Just watch their temporary karmic and egotistical journey unfold.
— celebrities or not, to want to put up a filter of image that isn’t truly you, though your ego is fed, you are only telling your inner self child “you are not enough”.
To want to portray a life that isn’t yours truly. You are reflecting and projecting that your true life isn’t good enough.
Have you wondered what that does to your mental health when you constantly tell yourself “you aren’t enough”.
— 3: first, money, work, food, and materials, along with needs, wants, romance, excitement and pleasure. Second, learnings, fulfillment via art, education, and intellect. And third, sit back, see the big picture and quietly understand how everything in this reality works. And know that all of it is ultimately an experience of illusion.
— acquire only what you need.
— let karma, fate, and destiny reveal the path, don’t fret as there is no point. do your best. Enjoy while it lasts.
— it is the ego in human that wants to hold onto something forever but humans are also here to experience limitations, thus there is no forever. Emotions are inevitable and a built in part of a human journey.
It would only pain more if one decided to go against the natural flow of their fate, destiny, and karma.
— everything and everyone has their time here. When they are free of this world, it is time to release them if you are still here. Everything is meant to be. Love would still be bounded by love always.
— it can be as simple or as complicated as anything can be in this world. It all depends on one’s perception In this simulation.
— if you could see this human world from afar, all seems simple because every story and character, though under different circumstances and scenarios, all operate and guided by the same concepts. Concepts of karma, ego, and destiny.
— the universe shows its humans from time to time, that mass hysteria is caused by fear in the mind, and fear only.
— the success you ride on is based on the exploitation of others. You rid of your compassion, mercy, and consideration for others. You operate at a lower frequency and you would never encounter true happiness and love at this rate.
But Your choice. Your experience. I wish you love always.
— the evil that does not allow others to do the same evil, is still evil.
— the people that you’ve pushed off the cliff, would come back to haunt you one way or another. How many people have you pushed off the cliff, directly or indirectly, would all add to your karmic debt.
— wars are based on deceit, corruption, greed, and ego. Such low vibrational energy, the participants of it, from the creators, directors, fighters, and anyone else involved in it, would not end well, unless they elevate in spirit or energetically.
— at their level, they are not to understand a certain things from where they are, and it is meant to be this way. It may change or it may not. Let them be.
— light and dark are all designated in this humanly reality. Be free of anger, judgements, and ego.
Watch the stories unfold through the eyes of soul.
— nothing lasts forever because everything is designated to only be temporary in this realm.
One day you would see that, and you would let it all go and, enjoy and embrace all that this place has to offer.
— perhaps the souls said let’s be humans for a while and then from there it goes on repeatedly and infinitely. Good humans, bad humans, love stories, sad stories, big noises, and silence are all inclusive.
Perhaps that is all there is to it.
— love yourself as you are no matter where you are in your journey.
— the ghosts that haunt, are really just in a pact of karma.
— some may be above the law, protected by the crooked crowns, But no one is above karma, fate, and destiny.
Fate would have it that their destiny play out the way it has been designated to. Even seemingly unfairness is just a part of the narrative from one perspective.
Smile, the innocents. The rest would always walk its courses.
— some reach Enlightenment from encountering the devil in this place, but some would save enlightenment for a different life. Their soul would watch but would not judge at all because they also see the greater scheme of their karma and destiny.
— remember this, everything comes from the one, the unconditional and infinite love, though in low vibrational frequency it would appear to be otherwise but ultimately everything and everyone comes from the courtesy of love, for purposes of the
Human experiences.
— there is no right or wrong from the soul’s perspective but there is a human perception of morals while having a human experience.
— don’t take anything too seriously, whether it be a game of throne or a game of chess. Just a ride.
— strong water would carve into the hardest rocks. soft standing water would house the most beautiful and delicate koi. Life can not be without water, yet it can drown the life out of most living beings.
How amazing is the concept of water. Each drop of water may be having its own experience and expression.
— in each movie, towards the end the monster usually shows itself before being defeated by the heroes. The next movie would usually be exactly like that.
— they make it seem so precious and privileged via illusions and tricks. It triggers most egos.
— there are certain things only to understand, when ego is rid of, and in nothingness.
— each perception is its own world. Each body is its own universe. Each conscience is its own hell or heaven. Each sense, feeling, and emotion is an experience. Each judgement comes from ego but only in human worlds.
— earth has soul. Each era is a chapter selected by the soul to experience. What plays the current times, also plays the past, and the future, all simultaneously at different frequency such as the radio stations. Everything exists and has been created by the soul yet all of this is also an infinite illusion. Isn’t it amazing ?
— what I think of you? Nothing.
What I think of myself? Nothing
Then I can finally see with clarity.
— everything and everyone in this world, is exactly where they should be accordingly to their vibrational frequency. Judgments only come from egos.
— humans experience life through simulation. Is it worth it to determine what is real and isn’t real when all of it is an illusion?
A game of perception.
— from nothingness to everything. If you want to create a movie, if you want to experience and watch a movie, shouldn’t it be the most exciting movie ever made and experienced ?
Let there be fun and excitement.
— if it is here, it is part of the destined narrative from fate.
— everything that happens, according to the mainstream arena, is basically and always a marketing for something.
— I’m eternally grateful for whatever this realm has shown me. I now see and understand better. Thank you for showing and teaching me at a comfortable pace.
— karma is a cycle of perpetual energy that goes on infinitely.
— humans would see things and people more clearly now that there is a collective energy that is lifting the vibration and frequency of earth.
The truth is More obvious at the first glance for the elevated.
— the rise and fall of each civilization is just a part of the earth’s karmic journeys.
If a dog has to die and reincarnate, it would die with all of its fleas in one life, Then a new life begins.
— karma is eternal. There would always be light and dark within the lower vibrational dimensions. Both intertwine and go on forever in different packages and scenarios.
— karma and ego are eternal and would always exist within the lower vibrational dimensions. It would express themselves via circumstances such as revenge, love, hate, heroes, ghosts, evil aliens, good aliens, and on.
All of this is a simulation. Who is to say what is possible and what isn’t? Maybe your ego and limitations of vision ; )
The stories would go on forever, and there would always be participants participating all sorts of characters, humans or not, playing out a destined narrative.
— a god, a ghost, a demon, an alien👽 , a zombie 🧟, a lizard, a dragon🐉 or just simply a human, as long as you can fulfill a destined role, you can be anything you want in this simulation.
— in names of honors, but a mockery In disguise. Why else would they be walked all over in a rotten land.
— In the stories of propaganda, they tend to repeat the same key words. If you could recognize them, it is just another day of pure propaganda.
— even the hardened has softened to be open, to know, to learn and to see. I see that there is a shift in humanity.
— the creator who makes you out of their likeness, would of course give you hints of what this is all about, but only if you are in the right place to know.
— fame and greed walk hand in hand in the same frequency. They belong and attract to each other. See it.
— time itself is a human experience, and only in human realms.
— for humans, the stress itself is a factor that determines one’s overall health. It would be a disease if one gets their pants scared off by anyone else.
— at some points, I have no more interest in what you have to say. It is like, um ok..ehh whatever, but best luck to you, kiss kiss, peace out ;)
— karma is an energy that projects out and swings back like boomerang. Good energy or bad energy depends on what one does.
— in human narrative, there would be an illusion of pandemic with no cure, an illusion of shortage of water and food, and that leads to shortage of humans. There is also a shortage of morals and ethnics.
Humans are to learn, heal,and evolve thru such designated narratives. All by design.
— happenings by the cosmic, the universe, the stars, Mother Nature of earth, or by man, it is all the same. Fate is behind everything. Each is a way to play out the designated narrative and outcome.
— all ideas, the greatest ones and the very opposite, are all from the one consciousness from the higher frequency realm. It is given into this human world so the getters would be able to fulfill the designated narratives of fate.
This human world is a eternal karmic realm so this would always be expressed as good and bad.
— karma is amusing to watch. Think of it this way I would suggest, rather than be angry.
— in karmic realms, the roles and characters get switched, the elites become the rest, some of the rest become elites, all via different lifetimes. Fun for all. Ain’t it amazing?
— denial is a form of deceit. What you do with it is your choice.
— the games of humans are sometimes way too harsh from a human’s perspective. I send all of you much love anyway no matter where you are.
— there seems to be a disconnect in all the pieces but all of it is connected somehow. A human perception can only decode one piece at a time but all are connected by the perceiver.
— people who want revenge aren’t all bad. Each is to fulfill their destiny via their karmic wheel. The karmic wheel will roll on forever into the eternity via all these scenarios of revenge and payback.
— the poison one puts out would slowly come back to them because everything is connected. Karma itself is a teacher. Live and learn.
— you are what you are. You will do what you do In your script. Deep down you know how you will end up. You reap what you sow. It is a reminder that would never leave you.
I wish you love anyway.
— life is basically a contrast of light and dark, all hang in balance by an invisible force called karma and fate.
— there is beauty in everyone but for some, their deeds overshadow them, and slowly morph them into something else.
— in a simulation, a human would still have to figure whether something is indeed real, isn’t it funny and powerful how the perception works In the dimensions of illusion.
— in smaller pieces of information, some seemingly have accurately predicted the future. The simulation itself is letting you know that everything has been destined, like a movie playing out, from the beginning to the end all already existed. Some could tap into that information before they happen but surely it would happen because everything happens accordingly to the frequency and vibration of this very dimension.
Like watching and experiencing a movie while also being in it. All already materialized within the simulation, It is where in the course of this movie that you perceive the information. If I watched a movie before you do, I could accurately tell you how it would end, because we watch the same movie at different points.
— our lives happen as the script is already written. This is how simulation works. Spoil alert isn’t for everyone ; )
— if a god gets angry or has desire to have lust, now matter how it is portrayed, it is also a character created by the one consciousness within this illusion of simulation.
—you can’t change them. They might not change themselves. They are still a part of this destined narrative nonetheless. If they do carry low vibrational energy, they would not end well, and would attract similar energy to them. It is how this system is designed.
I do not wish anything bad to them, but I simply analyze how energy, vibration, frequency work in this realm.
— the only way to elevate from any circumstances is through patience, kindness, compassion, mercy, and love. It would be hard to even imagine this for some as they live in the vibrations that lack morals.
— in this reality, nothing is ever random but one can definitely perceive everything to be.
— the elites, the influencers, the high authority, the famed, are all going through a chapter of lack, lack of morals and ethics. This is a lesson for them, Whether they make it to the new earth in which requires them to elevate energetically and spiritually, depends on how they fare. They could also stay in the same space for eternity, if and should they choose.
the only way to elevate from any circumstances is through patience, kindness, compassion, mercy, and love. Anyone can elevate and sink.
— through the human perception, you get to experience what is good and what isn’t. You get a profound sense in both at the courtesy of the human world duality.
— in the human construct, good and evil sometimes are also in disguise, but time would tell. The energy would be shown, of either good or evil, thanks to the karma. Deceit would be given a way to heal.
— the path is led by fate. All already designated. Embrace it and focus on the good. See everything and everyone as amusing as possible.
— when you’ve completely destroyed your reputation and disregarded everyone’s trust, you may never regain it. That is the thing with trust and reputation. Others now have a different perspective about you.
— In the human construct, people in the now always underestimate people from the past, thinking they should not have been able to figure something out.
Always makes me chuckle 🤭 because it is a ego thing, as long as there is human, ego is part of the experience.
— don’t react.
— humans is a simulated experience in a program. Anything goes.
— let it be shown that who is telling the truth and what isn’t. Isn’t it amusing that the simple time is the remedy for this ? Be patient and be mindful.
— the deceit would be surrounded with many inconsistencies because the energy itself is out of balance. When there is no balance, there is no harmony thus all the
inconsistencies would show up.
It has been designed this way. See it.
— the negative energy such as greed, corruption, ego and others, they always end up destroying themselves. It is a cycle they go through.
— men encounter greed, power, and ego, and would be totally seduced by them. It would teach and eventually lead to their own end but it is simply one cycle of a civilization. It is simply a simulation and an experience.
— what must be born, must die but the energy behind all goes on force. Birth and death are just perception of a simulated experience in a program,
— don’t react. All is well.
— the cut throat games of thrones. The kings, the queens, the elites, all have to be paranoid because it comes with the experiences being who they are and their surroundings.
All experiences of such are similar no matter what the era is. It repeats itself. The lord of the ring and games of thrones.
— the ideas to invent, innovation, and advancement. The greed, the destruction, the destroying. All of it intertwined with each other, each is a designated part of fate, good or bad, including total destruction.
An end of an experience is merely an end of a designated story. There is a infinite of stories. The energy behind these stories go on Eternally, never ceases to exist.
— no human journey is pain free, otherwise it would not be here in this human world but pain itself is a low vibrational illusion.
— if it is on viral social media or mainstream news outlet, it is most likely not real because humans are going through a phrase which is lack of morals. Deceit is everywhere.
It is funny to see how people respond to fake contents and yet their response is also fake 😆. The games you play.
— your conscience is your moral compass. Your conscience would treat you as good as you are.
— enjoy the present. Go at a comfortable pace. All is well.
— though it can only be temporary in this reality, your light shines so bright and it is so magnificent. All that perceives is in awe.
— everyone is waiting for their cue to read out loud the script. It has all been orchestrated and rehearsed because it is simply a stage show or a psychological operation, if you will.
And those who speak of the same words, no matter who they play on the stage, you know they are just part of the show. You would see and hear them.
— stress is a crucial gateway leading to diseases. Good health requires peace, a relaxed state, tranquillity, and compassion for self and others.
Ask yourself why do certain entities are so eager to make you afraid? Money, ego, power, and control.
— when it is humid, your skin is bouncy bouncy 😘
- free the hand.
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aliceblisss · 2 years
Hey, so you know how it’s like a thing where when you’re using a soda can you take off the tab and depending on how it comes off then someone “owes” you a kiss, a hug, or sex. Well maybe you could do like a tasm! peter parker x reader where they are like out and about or whatever and the reader is like drinking some coke and is like “oh shit, guess someone owes me a kiss” this can be either smutty or fluffy. Thank you!
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This is so cute akshakyswjbw. Tysm for your request and also sorry it’s taken me so long *sobs*. I hope you enjoy it!
Also once I got to the end of the fic it felt too long to make it smutty so lmk if you guys would like a smutty part 2!!
A/N: thought the gif was somewhat fitting lol
Peter and I always sit together at lunch; mainly because we have no friends besides each other. But we also just genuinely enjoy each other’s company.
Neither of us can exactly remember how we became friends, we just roll with it because we get each other so well. He even trusted me enough to let me in on his biggest secret: that he’s a big fat virgin. Oh and also that he’s Spiderman.
We take a seat at our usual table, facing each other. I’m a bit distracted by the fact that the lunch meat actually looks decent and not rubber-like for once. So it takes me a few seconds to notice Peter giggling to himself, staring at his soda can.
“What’s so funny?” I ask as I pop a potato chip into my mouth.
“Oh nothin’. Just looks like you owe me a kiss” he replies with a big grin plastered on his face.
I nearly choke on my chip, “What?”.
So he points to his soda can, slightly sliding it towards me; still with a shit eating grin on his face.
I lean forward on the table to get a closer look; his soda tab has a small circle in the middle of the big circle.
“I’m pretty sure that’s the ‘hug’ one” I say matter-of-factly.
He shakes his head, “No, the big circle with nothing in the middle is hug. The small circle inside de big circle is kiss and the semicircle is, well, sex”.
Regardless of wether he’s right or not is he serious about wanting to kiss me? He seems pretty convinced that it means kiss…
I knit my brows together, still staring at the top of his unopened soda can. “Are you sure?”.
Peter pulls out his phone, “Here, lemme look it up real quick”. I roll my eyes at him but can’t help smiling at his determination to prove he’s right.
“See?” he turns his phone screen towards me to show pictures of the soda tabs and their meanings. He’s right. Looks like I owe him a kiss.
Not that I haven’t thought about it before; kissing him. I mean he’s handsome and he does have nice-looking lips. But he’s my friend; my only friend at that. It’d be stupid to risk ruining that. Besides I’m almost 100% certain he doesn’t even think about me that way. So he must be joking, right?
“Okay well, whatever, good one I guess” I say somewhat begrudgingly, avoiding his gaze.
“What do you mean?” his mouth is now full of food, muffling his voice.
“Well you can’t be serious. You don’t actually want me to kiss you” I force out a laugh in an attempt to not sound as pathetic as I feel.
He scrunches up his face, “Why not? Wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world”. It seems I didn’t do a good job at disguising my shock because he looks like he regrets every word he’s ever said.
“Like on the cheek, no?” he nervously attempts to fix it and eliminate the awkwardness but it’s too late; we’re neck deep in awkwardness.
“In your dreams Parker” I try to play it off.
He chuckles, “Yeah, it would be a dream to get a kiss on the cheek from you. I’d never wash it again” he teases which ultimately makes me giggle. He always knows how to make me laugh.
“That’s disgusting”
“Only for you baby”
As he walks me home like he normally does I keep thinking about it; the whole kiss thing. I still can’t tell if he actually wanted to kiss me. And if so, would it be a real kiss? Like a romantic kiss? Or a stupid kiss for shits n’ giggles.
I’m snapped out of my developing mental spiral by the feeling of a cold drop of water on my cheek. Which is then followed by a thousand more drops.
“Oh shit!” Peter exclaims and we both start to run seeing as we’re not that far from my house at this point. We can’t help but laugh like little kids as we run in the rain.
By the time we reach my porch we’re totally drenched and out of breath but continue to laugh together.
“We’re soaked” I say as I look down at myself and then at Peter.
“Feels kinda nice don’t you think?” He says raising his voice a bit since the rain keeps getting louder.
“Wet socks feel nice to you?” I reply and he just drops his head and laughs, leaning against me. He does that a lot, whenever he’s in a fit of laughter his body goes slightly numb and he always ends up falling or leaning on me. I’d me lying if I said I didn’t get a warm fuzzy feeling every time.
Once he regains his strength and stand up straight we both realize we’re standing very close to each other; too close.
Suddenly I can’t remember what was so funny. All I can really focus on is the feeling of his breath tickling my face. Why doesn’t he move? I can’t back up, my back is pressed against the door. So why does he just stand there, looking at me like that?
After what feels like forever he breaks the silence, “Well uh, I’m gonna head home” his voice is low and raspy. As he starts backing away I’m suddenly met with this weird feeling, like I don’t want him to go.
“Wait,” I blurt out, “You’re not walking home in this rain are you?”.
Peter smiles, “Y/n I was bitten by a radioactive spider; unless this is acid rain I think I should be fine”.
A gust of wind blows hard in our direction and I shiver. “Still, you should come inside until the rain dies down. It’s fine, besides my mom loves you so she’ll be happy to see you” I insist.
He sighs what seems like a defeated sigh and says, “Okay, only to see Janice though” with his pointer finger up.
I shake my head giggling as I open the door.
The house is empty. We’re alone.
“Oh,” is my initial reaction, “right, I forgot mom was working today”.
We take off our shoes and leave them at the door and we drop our stuff nearby since they’re also very wet.
“Damn, and here I was looking forward to seeing her”
“Hey, watch it” I warn him. Obviously I know he would never hit on my mom but it’s a bit of a running gag with us.
He throws up with hands, “Relax I’m innocent” with that goofy smile of his.
I stop and take a look at his very wet self, quite literally dripping on the floor. “You should probably take those off” I say as I stand in front of him with both hands on my hips.
He raises his eyebrows, “Damn y/n take me out to dinner first”.
I face palm so quickly, practically slapping my face, “Dude you know what I mean”.
He chuckled mischievously, “Are you gonna give me clothes to change into or should I just remain naked? You’re the boss, just say the word—”
He starts to laugh, hard. And as much as I try to remain irritated at him I just can’t.
“I’ll get you some clothes, be right back” I start walking up the stairs. “Don’t sit on anything!”
When I come back down changed and with some of my dad’s clothes in hand as well as a towel I find him awkwardly standing right where I left him. I toss him the clothes and he stares at me for a bit before walking off to the bathroom.
He walks back out in sweatpants and a t-shirt that fits him surprisingly well; I half expected it to be bigger on him but he’s buffer than you’d expect.
I smile, “You look cute”.
I could’ve sworn I saw him get a little bit red. “Are you sure it’s not weird for me to be wearing your dad’s clothes?” He hands me his wet clothes and I toss them in the dryer along with mine.
“It’s fine, he left them behind and they’ve just been in boxes for years now. I doubt he’d mind” I reassure him. He takes a seat in front of the kitchen isle and rests his elbows on the table.
Meanwhile outside it’s still pouring. We stare at each other in silence. It’s like we’re in our own little world. Outside it’s cold and loud, and normally if I were home alone right now I’d probably feel just as cold. But here with him, it’s warm, I feel safe. The quiet isn’t unsettling or awkward, it’s peaceful.
His big brown eyes are captivating, I can’t bring myself to look away. And the way he looks at me is so soft, I feel like I’m melting.
Shit shit shit. What am I thinking?.
I clear my throat in an attempt to bring myself out of the trance. I walk over to the fridge, “You, uh, thirsty, hungry?”.
He perks up a bit, “Do you have any grape Fanta?” his eyebrows rise with anticipation.
“Lemme check” I open the fridge and lean down to look through it. The truth is I always keep grape Fanta for him because I know it’s his favorite.
“You’re in luck! Here, blegh” I hand him the soda can and I notice that it’s not until he hears my ‘blegh’ that he meets my eyes, his were focused on…my legs? I mean I am wearing some pretty short shorts but surely this isn’t the first time he’s seen my legs is it?
“What do you mean ‘blegh’? That’s just disrespectful and frankly very wrong” he exaggerates his indignation.
I take a pineapple Fanta for myself and set it down on the counter in front of him. “You’re like the only person I know that likes grape” I say in defense of myself.
“A) you don’t know anyone else besides me and b) whoever those people may be they clearly lack good taste” he leans forward on the counter.
I can’t help the slightly offended gasp that escapes my lips, “Talk about disrespectful”.
“I say it like it is babes, if you can’t—no way” whatever he was gonna say was quickly interrupted by whatever he saw when he looked down at his soda can.
“What is it?” I ask before taking a sip of my drink.
He just lifts the can closer to my face and says, “kiss”.
And for the second time today I almost choke at what he was saying. I look at the tab and lo and behold, it’s just like the one he got at lunch. Im left speechless.
“This is a sign from the universe!” He exclaims as he holds back his laughter.
“Pete come on—”
“Let’s see yours” he stands up and walks over to my side of the counter and grabs my can.
After taking a closer look at it he exclaims, “Ha! That’s three for three baby” jogging in a circle around the kitchen meanwhile I can’t help but laugh as I boost myself up and sit on the countertop.
He walks back to me and stands in front of me. He leans over to put the can down next to me and takes a few steps closer. I hadn’t noticed but my laughter subsided, as did his. Suddenly I find it hard to breathe.
“Pete,” I manage to spill out, my voice small and frail. He raises his eyebrows at me, with big puppy dog eyes.
“Are you for real? Do you really wanna kiss me?” I couldn’t bring myself to look at him, so I opted for staring down at my hands in my lap.
He bends down a bit, as if trying to meet my gaze; resting his hands at my sides on the table, caging me in. “What if I did? Would you be cool with that? Cause if you’re not that’s totally fine I don’t—”
“I’ve never kissed anyone” is all I could blurt out, interrupting his nervous rambling. He chuckled, “Okay so?”
“So! What if—” he starts to lean closer, making me trail off.
“What if what?” his voice is low yet playful; I still haven’t met his gaze.
“What if I suck at it?” he places his finger under my chin and lifts it up, forcing me to look at him. I have to swallow the gasp that threatened to come out.
He’s now standing right in between my legs, our faces only inches—no, centimeters apart. My heart is racing but my mind is still, empty, I can’t seem to produce any coherent thoughts.
“I can teach you, but I doubt you’ll suck at it” his voice is just above a whisper.
“How do you know?” at this point I can’t keep track of what I say, his lips are so close to mine and his breath is warm on my face.
He smiles, “Cause I’ll be kissing you, don’t get much better than that” and next thing I know his lips are on my lips. He’s kissing me and I’m kissing him back. His hand which was holding my chin up has slid into grabbing my face ever so gently.
Just like the kiss. It’s gentle, sweet, slow. I actually feel lightheaded.
He slowly pulls away and rests his forehead on mine, I feel the coldness of his wet hair from the rain. We both smile.
“For the record,” he breaks the silence.
“That totally didn’t suck”
I can’t help but giggle like a little schoolgirl.
“But, you still need practice” he adds, meanwhile his other hand has found itself on my thigh.
“Well I do owe you two more kisses”.
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iwonderifthatisart · 2 years
Vee!! I saw Top Gun 2 yesterday and would love to hear your thoughts 😍😍
OKAY OMG. you probably weren’t expecting this much stuff, but you gave me a chance to talk about it so here goes.
first off, spoilers for top gun maverick, be warned.
So. lol. I'll preface this by saying that my thoughts on this absolutely arent objective in any way... i waited 3 (t h r e e) whole years for this movie to come out and honestly up until i was sitting in the movie theater i still thought they would push it out again, didnt feel real lmao
now a few of my thoughts, in no particular order:
i arrive at the cinema. i sit down. the lights go out. i lean over to my friend. i whisper: i hope they play Danger Zone. they HAVE to. my friend agrees. the movie starts, and lo and behold, the first notes of Danger Zone reach my ears. My crops are watered, my skin is clear. i look to my friend, we nod at each other. we turn back to the screen. we understand. we know this’ll be good.
Thought 1 flows neatly into Thought 2, which is that they knew exactly what kind of movie they were making. like, the main target audience for this movie were Dads™ and they hit the right balance between making it attractive in terms of nostalgia vs. new stuff. i think i saw a letterboxd review that phrased it like "having references to the original without being distracting" and that’s exactly what i felt like (see re: the Danger Zone example). And also: iconic homoerotic beach volleyball scene set to the tune of "playing with the boys"? turned into fun football scene on the beach set to New Music From Today (which was good, but the whole scene could've been gayer imo.)
sure. it's basically military propaganda, i know, we all know, it is known. It still looks cool as hell, i love people flying planes and say smart stuff and click a lot of buttons that look very complex and professional
AND that opening was so perfectly maverick i love it. he just HAD to push a little further
it was SO FUNNY at times! there were sincere (and at times cheesy) parts, but there were a few really funny moments that worked really well
rly liked all the new young pilots, though i expected them to focus a little more on them? but tbh it worked as it is, i didnt really felt like too much was missing (again, maybe a lil homoeroticism but you cant have everything)
Listen. Jennifer Connelly. Penny. Her character was... well. I liked her! But also. Well, she was a lil two dimensional, but idk? Or maybe its bc she was the love interest of Tom Cruise, who i really cant imagine in any kind of romantic relationship, no matter what movie he's in. I didnt really expect too much and i felt like it was done alright. it was solid.
(also... i kinda dont like tom cruise as a person, mainly bc of the whole scientology thing, but lets not get into that here. no negativity in this ask)
ofc ICEMAN!! RIP my man. Obviously wished he was in the movie more but *waves at the real life complications with Val Kilmer* still though, mav and ice texted throughout the movie and it was. so gay. like, i've read fanfiction that might have had these exact messages in them lmao
also. the whole thing about ice and mav? like we all expected there to be more of a rivalry, but they're just out here texting and chilling with each other. good for them.
"it was a nice moment, dont ruin it" lmao.
phoenix...loved her :) my girl :) also loved that they didn’t make a big deal out of ~oh shes a woman among men~ and she has to be the Strong Female Character, because that just falls flat 90% of the time
when they explained the mission to maverick and mentioned that there are still a few f14 tomcats there i was like *cocks checkovs gun* that'll come in handy later! and it did and i loved it!!
the scene where they had to fly the route in 2 mins 30 seconds and everybody’s like “thats impossible” and maverick is like “hold my beer” and does it in 2:15 and yeah i’m LIVING for that shit! call me a basic bitch i dont care!!
maverick and goose vs. maverick and rooster. we love cinematic paralles in this house
so yeah. theres probably a lot more but i didnt want this to get so long slfksjlks.
i know its not a perfect movie, it has it’s flaws, but i enjoyed it so much! there were a lot of scenes and tropes that could’ve easily been super cliche but i thought they worked really well. or maybe i'm just biased.
please!! enlighten me with your own hot takes if you feel like it. id love to hear them <3
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Oh oh, I just had an idea!! Do you have any headcanons for the knights (I say the knights and I mean: just include whoever you want to lol) with an s/o who’s a total daredevil?
ohmygod yes absolutely this is a genius idea and I loved writing it
Gwaine would swoon so hard. But he'd also be so concerned. Like. Someone who's even more of a daredevil than he is? Nobody fucking knew that was possible. So he's just. Allowing you to drag him by his collar anywhere you want to go but still being like, praying that you don't get hurt. Silently. Because he knows you're very much capable of taking care of yourself and you would hit him if he said that out loud.
Leon would sometimes let himself get involved in your shit, but mostly he'd just stay out of it. Try to distract you from any quite too stupid ideas and otherwise going "don't die" and watching you take off. Mainly done with your troublesomeness, sometimes up for it though! Those are the best moments tbh.
Lancelot would be surprised every single time you have another of your suicidal ideas. But he'd definitely be easily convinced to help out (if only to protect you from accidentally dying). Also the one who gets in trouble after if anyone catches you - at some point even betters your plans??? like. that man can be so cunning. Especially when he's fed up.
Arthur would basically run around behind you and go "don't do that" "don't hurt yourself there" "please, where are you going now, just stay" "maybe don't jump off of that" etc etc. Very concerned for your safety. Would never consciously join in on your stupid shit, but probably ends up part of it anyway because he's trying to talk you out of it.
Percival would sometimes be up for joining you, and sometimes he'd just wrap you into his arms and hold you there and go "calm down or you'll kill yourself". Generally not that concerned about your own safety (he knows you can take care of yourself, and if you do get hurt, he's told you that's your own fault even before you started) but about that of other innocents that get involved.
Merlin would just join you. Let's be real. I don't need to say more. Like, any bar fight you get in, any cliff you jump off, any prank you pull on Arthur, he'd gladly be part of it.
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mumscarian · 2 years
runs in here super quick.
henlo astro <3 I hope you don’t mind me popping in rq dbfbh buuuuut, I’m trying to get a feel for redscape and their dynamic (def not for a certain au or anything 😳) and I’m politely asking for any head canons you have
OHHHHHHHHHHH oh my god you have come to the RIGHT place mochi!! ok ok here we go:
They both LOVE dancing. Like idk the word for it but ballroom? Waltz? The type with partners and stuff. It's fancy, its rhythmic, and impresses other people! Their favorite types are both Swing dancing, simply because that is my favorite and also the only one i know anything about lol.
Mumbo is often super shy and embarrassed when partnered with someone he's not used to dancing with, but even so he typically leads, only partially because in almost every given situation he is the tallest one. When he's not supremely anxious and overthinking every step, he gets really into it. Like, once he's in his element you can tell. He loves dancing and you can see it in every step. ^-^
Scar, on the other hand, is perfectly content to be the one getting swung around and twirled and stuff. He started learning how to dance in around s7 or maybe s8 simply because he thought it would look good for his image lol, but he also really enjoys it!! (though it mainly might be because getting spin dipped by Mumbo K. Jumbo is an Experience for the ages)
(Okay im done nerding out about swing dancing hsjhs)
Mumbo overthinks a LOT. That's not even a headcanon, he's just like that. (i mean, just watch him trying to reason out if eating potatoes was cannibalism or not!!) Luckily, scar has learned to tell when Mumbo's too deep in his own head, and always sorts it out real quick. Sometimes it's just him grabbing his hand and kissing it to let him know its there, other times he offers a random paradox or riddle for mumbo to think about rather than the Bad Thing (the equivalent of giving a dog a chew toy so it doesnt hurt its teeth on the leg of the kitchen table), or sometimes he does something very Scar-y, like falling into the boatem hole or a random pit without any rockets or building blocks in his inventory. Just something to pull Mumbo out of his own head! Mumbo has not caught on so far.
Mumbo can and will pick up Scar to take him places if Scar's in too much pain to walk himself. Scar was very surprised and very flustered the first time Mumbo did this. and the second time he did it. and the third. and the fourth. (i think you get the idea at this point)
Scar's got a thing for scary people. (cough cough Mumbo's killing spree in Last Life, Mumbo killing him in the first ep of s9, as well as Grian in, well, everything, but especially third/last life. Scar just sees a man covered in blood and goes 'hey is anyone gonna date that' and doesnt wait for an answer)
Scar LOVES the feeling of Mumbo's stubble, when he has it. He runs his fingers over Mumbo's chin all the time. (grian, on the other hand, hates it, and WILL make mumbo shave at the threat of doing it in his sleep. He and Scar have yet to reach a compromise. Mumbo is just happy Grian hasn't threatened his mustache yet)
Mumbo and Scar are BOTH scaredy-cats, but at least Mumbo acknowledges it. Scar just denies it over and over agains and then jumps ten feet in the air when someone walks up behind him and says 'hi'.
Scar canNOT tie a tie for the life of him, and he hasn't bothered to learn, not when mumbo can do it for him and Scar gets to unabashedly stare at him the entire time.
Mumbo gets SUUPER flustered with physical contact. Scar takes full advantage of this and takes every chance he gets to grab his hand and just fiddle with his fingers when mumbo is rambling about some redstone thing. He finds it super endearing to watch Mumbo try to keep talking, even though he's obviously distracted by scar playing with his hand.
Jellie likes to sit on Mumbo's lap when he's working at his desk. Scar just about dies every time he finds them both asleep, Mumbo's hand buried in her fur, like he fell asleep petting her.
Scar is the resident flirter in the relationship, but that just makes it so that the few times mumbo does flirt at him its 1000% times more potent. Scar absolutely can NOT take what he dishes out.
okeyyyyyyyyy that's all i can think of for now + its getting pretty late so uhhhhh thanks for sending the ask!!! I hope you like the hcs haha
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notnctu · 4 years
through the lens ❀ l.jn
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❀ lee jeno x fem!reader ❀ genre - slow burn, smut/mature content, fluff (romance?), slight angst ❀ details - photographer!jeno, model!reader, college!au, shy!jeno but he aint shy in bed, strangers to fuckers!au ❀ word count - 8k (this is the longest thing ive ever written) ❀ warnings - nude modeling, swearing, oral (f/receiving), some sweet love makin’ ❀ brief synopsis - jeno asks you to model for his internship project, but little did you know, it was going to be a nude photo shoot.  
❝ jeno was too shy to hold eye contact, but he stared at you endlessly through the lens. ❞
❀ a/n - hihihi this is author doie❀ ! im bad at writing smut so pls dont hate me ah ha lol i tried my best i also dont model/do professional photography so really apologize if i butcher any terms lmaoo the only thing i am is that im in college and im shy
Jeno had applied to almost a hundred internships and almost close to none returned with an offer, even after a whole month of waiting. He absolutely needed to start building his portfolio before the beginning of his senior year of college. The embarrassment of possibly graduating without any experience loomed over the desperate boy. 
Photography had been more than a hobby to him, to the point where he wanted to take it seriously. His parents weren’t the most supportive of an Arts major, but that couldn’t stop him. Jeno saw the best through a camera lens. He had a special eye for beautiful moments and the impressing urge to capture it forever. 
It was too late to change his major, if he wanted to graduate with all of his friends. If he wanted to be successful, he had to act on it now. 
The swoosh! of a new email startled the sleeping boy. He stared at the brightly lit screen, reading the words over and over again to make sure it was real. Jeno was so enthralled with excitement that he scrambled out of bed to wake up his roommate, Jaemin.
He shook him so violently that the sheets fell from Jaemin’s warm body. “Dude! I got an internship!” He spoke with incredible glee, a wide smile couldn’t leave his face.
Jaemin groaned and had to hold Jeno by the shoulders to halt the boy from causing the room to spin. “Why--What is going on?” He dazely rubbed his tired eyes to blink at his giddy roommate.
The screen blinded Jaemin as it was shoved too closely to adjust. “Whoa--,” he pushed it away and shut his eyes, “--repeat what you just said one more time.” Jaemin held a finger up and Jeno grabbed it, jumping onto his best friend’s bed.
“I got an internship. Someone got back to me.” Jaemin returned the same excitement the moment he processed his words. He shot up in bed and hugged his friend tightly. 
“Wo-w, dude! Congratulations!” The two boys hurried on their feet to cheer together. There was no concern for the rest of their housemates, only celebration that roared throughout the entire night.
Truthfully, Jeno had no recollection of applying to this studio. It could have been a random link on a job scouting website, but he couldn’t be more grateful. An internship was long overdue and Jeno had been itching to get some recognition for his craft. 
“Hello, I’m Lee Jeno.” He bowed slightly at the receptionist, who had a stern stare that made him feel vulnerable. The first thing he noted about the office: white and minimalistic. 
Jeno’s specialty was landscape photography. His aesthetics consisted of black and white filters, city lights, dark mood lighting, and background commotion. He enjoyed capturing chaos the most, a scene where more than one thing was happening. The only reason being that there was more to look at. 
“Nice to meet you. The name is Lee Taemin, but you can call me what you please.” A young, lean man strolled his way towards Jeno with a wide grin and his hand for him to shake. Taemin was slightly shorter than him, but his stylish, expensive boots made up for his height. He had to be only a maximum of five years older than Jeno as Taemin appeared relatively youthful. 
Taemin’s firm grip pulled Jeno along inside the studio. A small gasp escaped from Jeno which earned robust laughter from the older man. “I hope you can break out of your shell soon. There is no room for timidness around here, Mister Lee.”
“Please, you can call me Jeno.” He smiled, quite awkwardly at the beautiful man. 
The tall glass windows, the concrete, gray floor, the white doors that lined the hallway, had to be all too predictable. Jeno envisioned this is what high class must look like. It was the pristine, bright feeling and the smell of vanilla that lingered distastefully. There was chatter behind the closed doors --- mainly directing, and high praises. 
The only off-put was that photographers worked behind closed doors. From the few studios he has visited previously, photographers often worked in open spaces due to lighting fractures or the ability to roam more freely. 
“I’m actually very ecstatic you signed up for the internship, since you do seem a bit on the younger side.” Taemin gestured toward the sofa in the middle of his massive office. Jeno sat across from him. Water was already placed on the glass coffee table that separated the two. A laptop was opened to face Taemin.
Jeno slyly rubbed the condensation from his palms on his jeans. Taemin’s stare bore deep into the shy boy, who had to break eye contact from time to time. “I know.” Jeno chuckled nervously, “thank you for getting back to me. I was really hoping to gain work experience through mentorship.” 
Taemin nodded at everything Jeno was saying. His face being completely expressionless. Jeno sipped his water to regain moisture in his dry throat. Taemin was more intimidating than he was anticipating. “Sounds great. Happy to have you here. It might be a small business, but the experience is worth investing in. Every photographer who has come in and out of my building has found their forte. Let’s say, it’s eye opening.” 
“That’s exactly what I was looking for actually.” As scared as he was of this mysterious man, he really enjoyed the comfort the environment radiated. 
Taemin leaned forward and squinted at the screen. “I noticed in the portfolio you sent that you don’t have any portraits or any people, in general, in your photos. Do you have any works with people? Since this is a studio of fine art nude photography.”
Nude. Jeno practically choked on the last remaining spit he gathered. Taemin acknowledged the boy’s shocked reaction and tilted his head curiously, “you did know that I specialize in contemporary fine art nude photography, right?” Unfortunately, Jeno did not. 
Jeno cleared his throat, “yes, of course. I wanted to challenge myself.” He had to lie, there was no other way to cover up his disbelief. This internship was the only hope left for him to gain something. Though, even the thought of shooting a naked body made him anxious.
He hated how timid he was. His friends and family say otherwise, mainly for the reason that Jeno automatically lit up behind a camera. In all honesty, he hid behind it. It was the only safe place that Jeno knew what he was doing. However when it came to real life situations without it, he lacked the confidence to be himself.
As ironic as it was, he hated being seen. He liked to be the background character in his own life, because the main character took too much of a toll. It could also be his deafening insecurities and lack of self esteem, but Jeno didn’t mind not being the center of attention.
“You like a challenge?” It was more of a statement rather than a question. Jeno caught a glimpse of the twinkle in Taemin’s dark eyes. “Then for your first task, I want you to show me that you can take on this role.”
Jeno scrambled for his phone to jot down notes. “Send me an emotional portfolio, model of your choice. They could be a friend of yours that you feel comfortable seeing naked. It must include a variation of headshots, full body, and body details. It must also be raw and unedited photos. I want to see if you have the eye for the art to capture these types of images.”
“When would you like it by?” He stammered, completely winded at the sudden project that unloaded on top of him. 
“Next Friday, and you’ll present it to me here in person. Feel free to use this studio if you don’t have a place of your own with equipment. All you need to do is book a room with the front desk. Any other questions?” The sound of the laptop shutting caused Jeno to look up at the brilliance in front of him. He needed Taemin to help him succeed. 
“Why do you take nude photography?” 
Taemin was unable to stop the laughter that erupted into the room. “I don’t run a pimp business or sell soft core porn, if that’s why you’re staring at me so funnily. What I make is an art masterpiece, it has nothing to do with physical features or desires. It’s the pure emotion that clothing distracts from. Clothing conforms the model into an aesthetic, and while that works for editorials, it won’t be a consistent thing here.” 
Jeno nodded understandingly. Overwhelmed and lost at words. He was unsure what he had gotten himself into. Where was he going to find a model on such short notice on such lewd conditions? He was really going to need to step out of his comfortable zone, in his photography and social skills. 
Taemin stood up and extended his hand once more. “I take pride in my art, so I hope you, too, start finding that in your own.” 
Jaemin held his stomach from the endless laughter, tears welling up in his eyes. “Nud-Nude photography? And you didn’t know?”
“Jaemin, keep it down.” Jeno whispered and cautiously peered around at the few people flooding into the small lecture hall. “I don’t want everyone in our club to misunderstand and think I’m some creep.”
His best friend straightened up in his seat and placed his hand on Jeno's slumped shoulder, “first of all, you’re a complete idiot for not researching. Secondly, it’s an art form. If you really got yourself a shady, rated R internship, I would’ve told you to drop it instantly.” 
His spirits were slightly lifted, but he was still struggling with who he should ask to model for him. As much as he’s already seen of Jaemin, being his roommate, he honestly would rather leave the rest to imagination. Jeno wasn’t purposefully searching the room for a candidate, but he could not stop his eyes from drifting.
He spotted the most attractive side profile that sat two rows below him. He shook his head to make sure he was seeing her correctly. Peering around, he looked for another possible face to shoot. But oh god, how she caught his eye every time she even slightly moved.
You smiled happily with your friends by your side as your club’s executive board members introduced this year’s goals and events to attend. It had to be the smallest amount of alcohol still running in your system that caused you to giggle every time guys tried to turn around and hit on you.
“Why don’t you focus on our club members instead?” You smirked at the smug older boy, who had poorly attempted to grab your attention. “I think this information is important to you. These events could help you develop your social skills to be much better.” Your voice was barely above a whisper, but your girl friends scoffed by your side.
He got up in disbelief and quickly walked out of the room. There was a brief pause at the sudden movement, but the announcement carried on per usual.
Jeno impatiently waited for the club meeting to finally be over, so he could talk to you. The longer it dragged, the more his confidence was subsiding. “I’m heading to study, wanna come with?” Jaemin poked at Jeno’s knee.
“Yeah, but you can go ahead first. I need to talk to someone.” His voice was shaky and his throat went so dry. Jeno’s shifty eyes scanned the room, hoping no one saw how nervous he was acting.
Jaemin’s eyebrows lifted suspiciously, “who? I didn’t even know you talked to anyone who came today. Donghyuck and Renjun aren’t here---”
“--her, Jaemin... her. I’m going to ask her to model for me.” Jeno motioned his head. His heart beating faster at seeing a small grin appear on your face from a comment someone made.
Jaemin hummed, “good luck with that, bud. I’ve got two shoulders for you to cry on after.” The extra hint of sarcasm only made Jeno sweat nervously. He was seriously doubting his decision, but it wouldn’t be a challenge if he didn’t do it. He knew he’d regret it more if he didn’t just ask you. 
Once the meeting was dismissed, you wanted to get out of the room before the heavy rush into the hallways. Unfortunately, a few frat guys pulled you into their conversation and chatted up a storm. Your friends played into their foolery, but you stopped paying attention when they asked for your numbers.
There was a faint tap on your shoulder and you turned to see who the culprit was. You didn’t seem to know him, because you would’ve remembered such a demeanor. His eyes were glued to the floor behind you and his shaky hands ran through his brown locks. His shyness was quite endearing, yet alarming since you weren’t sure why exactly he had approached you.
“Yes?” You asked curiously.
The moment Jeno heard your delicate cadence, he melted like a popsicle left out in the sun. He peered up, but quickly reverted his eyes to the white tiles when he noticed how beautifully you stared at him.
He counted his breathing to calm his rapid heart beat. He cleared his throat to introduce himself, “I’m Jeno. I’m a third year Arts major, um-- I was just--- I know we don’t know each other. I wanted to ask, uh-” Jeno was horrified at how he stammered over his own words. His cheeks burned with a red glow, and if he couldn’t look you in the eye before, he definitely couldn’t now.
“Hey, see you later.” One of the bulky frat guys called and you waved back weakly. 
A guy who had been chasing you endlessly scoffed at the pitiful sight and smirked at you, “see you at my house tonight? Been missing you in my bed lately.”
“Thought you would’ve guessed the reason why I stopped coming around.” Jeno heard the sting in your remarks and the disbelief in the male. 
You honestly could have left, Jeno knew that. But you stayed and waited patiently for him to finish. Jeno could tell how strong you were just by your intimidating aura that practically suffocated him by standing in close proximity to you.
You sighed and reached to grab your jacket on the folded seat, “look, Jeno. It’s nice to meet you and all, but I gotta get going.” 
Shockingly, the shy boy reached out to stop you by your fingertips. His touch lingered before he dropped your hand quickly. “I’m sorry. Are you free this Monday?”
“Uh, that depends. If you’re asking me on a date, then I’m busy.” Rolling your eyes, you weren’t sure why you still stayed to listen to what this random stranger had to say. If it were anyone else, you would’ve walked away the moment he asked if you were free. However, you acknowledged his timidness and the courage he must have mustered up to approach you.
Jeno shook his head violently, completely in shambles from that type of misunderstanding. “Not a date. I need someone to model for my portfolio photos that my internship assigned. It’s actually very important to me because it’s the first internship that responded back to me when I had applied to so many a whole month ago. Basically, I really need this and you because I think you’d be perfect to take pictures of. Oh-- wow! That sounded very bad --- uh --- what I meant is that your facial proportions are perfect and---”
“I’m free Monday.” You cut off his endless ramble and gestured toward his phone. He handed it to you without any hesitation and you typed in your number. “Text me the time, place and what I should wear.” 
“Oh actually, it’s a nude photoshoot.” Your eyes doubled in size, completely offended by that statement.
Jeno felt the sudden shift in the air and brought his hands up to block himself, “to be more clear, it’s a contemporary fine art nude photography studio. The pictures are pieces of art and to be seen as that only. I have no intentions or ulterior motive to sleep with you, see you naked or sell, leak your nudes for the profit of your body. But, I understand if you no longer want to do it because it sounds super strange now that I am explaining it.” 
Your shoulders relaxed and the fist that formed unraveled. You exhaled deeply, “I’ll do it. We can talk more about it on Monday and I get to leave on my own accord if I don’t feel comfortable. We work on my conditions.” Picking up Jeno’s chin, he was absolutely petrified at the forced eye contact and your incredible, powerful gaze. He was mesmerized by the fire in your eyes, and if he stared any longer, he could’ve lost himself in them. 
“Of course.” With that, you dropped his face and left without another look back. Jeno looked down at his phone and the new contact name, (Y/N). It had slipped his mind to even ask what your name was and he slapped his face in utter stupidity. “Do better, Lee Jeno.” It was a remainder to himself to, hopefully, be better the next time you two speak.
Monday, 3:03 PM. 
Jeno paced back and forth in the brightly, lit white room. He was trying to find any blinds or curtains to cover the tall windows of the high rise building. It should not be too much of a problem, the extra lighting was a positive. Jeno was only worried for your comfort of the openness. 
There was a soft knock before Jeno practically tripped to open the door. His breath hitched at the sight of your bare face. This time, you were the vulnerable one. Jeno only saw purity, yet impressed at how your tired eyes still managed to bid him a soft smile. He admired your uneven complexion, and the sparse moles that dotted your skin. 
“Okay, so you want to see me naked now or later?” Filled with jokes, your voice was light and airy this afternoon. There was a bit of a contrast from the first time you two met. Softer, enchanting, almost ghostly. 
Everything in the room was white. The mattress on the floor had a white comforter and white sheets. The backdrop. The walls. The hardwood floor. The only color was the blue sky that the tall windows let in.
“Here’s a robe. You can change in the bathroom.” Jeno scratched the back of his neck and his eyes wandered everywhere, but your’s. 
“Would you be okay with me just taking off my clothes in here?” You saw the light tint of pink cover his face, and spread to his ears. You examined more of the shy boy’s embarrassed face, finally getting a really good look at him. Jeno was very attractive, and you could only imagine how beautiful he must look if he fully faced you.
Jeno fiddled with his camera strap, “only if you are okay with that.” Clearing his throat, he stood next to the window to give you some privacy. “I’ll go over what I plan on doing. I’m going to take photos of your face details, parts of your body, full body, and portraits. You can lay down on the bed and I’ll direct you in poses. Have you modeled before?”
He was scanning the bustling city below his feet. Cars zoomed quickly and crowds of tiny people flooded the streets. He brought his camera up to his face, not being able to resist the urge to capture such a thrilling sight. 
“If Instagram counts, then yeah. Professional model gig would be a no. Nude photography is a definite no, unless we are talking about being filmed during sex.” Jeno chuckled, while also holding the camera steady and stealing a few moments to keep for himself.
For a strange reason, being naked for a non-sensual reason felt even more vulnerable. Laying on the soft fabric, you felt oddly exposed and slightly more reserved. You’ve had countless strangers see you naked. Men were sexually desiring to see a sexy picture. You were always lusted after, but this feeling of nakedness was special.
“Are you ready?” Jeno gulped, finally setting the camera down. 
You hummed cheerfully. Your heart was leaping out of your chest as the boy shifted slowly to face you. As he turned, you noticed he had his eyes sealed shut, which caused a small laugh to erupt. “Jeno, you have my permission to open your eyes and to look at me.”
Holy shit, he was trembling with an inexplicable fear. The camera was slipping from his sweaty hands. His mouth was as dry as the desert. Jeno’s pounding heart was loud in his ears. 
Jeno has seen his past girlfriends laying naked in bed, but this situation was too different. When he saw you laying there in absolutely nothing, he was overwhelmed, yet astounded at how graceful you appeared.
There was no exchange of words and no exchange of eye contact. He towered over your lying figure and shakily brought the camera to his eyes. He selfishly wanted to capture your elegance. Through the lens, he saw all of you: the curve in your eyelid, your curled eyelashes, the small mole next to your soft lips, the sharp color of your eyes, the way your hair frames your face.
This was the most beautiful sight he’s ever seen. You were comparable to the arts found in popular museums. Your body lines were enticing and an impressive shape. Your breasts pooled on your chest, the round nude nipple in the centers. Your details had to be sculpted by gods, who took their sweet time making you. You were a true masterpiece. 
Confused, Jeno felt a huge mixture of emotions. Was he aroused? Was he infatuated? Did he just fall in love with a complete stranger? He recognized the same thrilled feelings he felt taking landscape photos. With each click, he grew more excited with how beautiful the photos were turning out.
“Sit up and rest your chin on your left hand. Lean your weight on your right leg.” Jeno’s direction was clear and firm. There was no evidence of a smaller tone he usually spoke in. Sitting up, you placed your elbow on your upper thigh to steady your chin. Jeno had already gotten down to floor level to you. 
Without the camera that separated you two, it had to be the first time he faced you completely in such close proximity. There was so much to admire about Jeno. He remained concentrated on his craft, but it was actually very sexy to see his dedication. It was almost like he was a whole new person, like all the shyness drifted away. 
Jeno couldn’t take his eyes off of you. It wasn’t simply your beauty that amazed him. Your confidence made everything easy. There was something about your blank stares, when he asked for an emotion, you portrayed it perfectly.
“Can we talk while you shoot?” Your sudden voice startled the photographer. He lowered his camera and his gaze automatically wandered off behind you, which didn’t go unnoticed. He nodded after a short pause and the shutter noises continued.
“Why did you choose me as your model?” 
Jeno peeled away from the device, “because you’re you.” He didn’t even know what that statement meant. It wasn’t like he knew you before the first time he asked you to model for him.
The corners of your lips dipped down, drawing an evident frown. Click. Jeno loved that image especially. It was a simple way to get real, authentic facial expressions. He marveled at the photo, but registered the reason behind it. “I wanted to ask you the second I saw you. I just knew that I wanted you.” 
“But you don’t know me.” 
Jeno looked through the lens once again, welcoming a full view of your stunning attributes. He spoke in a low voice, “then, let me know you.” Click. 
It would be the biggest lie to say that you weren’t aroused by Jeno at the moment. He was cool, without trying to be. He really did shine when he had a camera to work with, like a star to a dark night. While he had a distinct demeanor off the bat, you enjoyed unraveling the rest of him. He was, also, the first man you met that didn’t seem sexually driven by a naked woman in his presence. 
You had to resist every urge to push the camera away and share the few seconds of his entire gaze before it wandered away. You wanted to rock his world, he was so innocent and beautiful. You wished to wreak havoc on him, have him show you how much he wanted you. 
You anticipated an awkward photoshoot, but Jeno made you feel safe and comfortable. He made sure to adjust the temperature when goosebumps rose on your arms and when your nipples became painfully hard. He never touched you or came too much into your personal space. He always asked for your permission. 
Nude modeling was a new experience for you, but you were surprised at how much you liked it. or how much you liked Jeno taking your photos. He sat next to you on the bed when you put on your articles of clothing and panned through several shots to satisfy your curiosity.
Leaning close, your head ducked to see the photos. A gasp escaped your lips when you saw just the first few. “Is that really me?” The pictures made you feel an abundance of emotions, you felt what they reflected. Sadness, melancholy, happiness, confidence. You didn’t know images had that much power to make you feel that, especially photos of you.
Jeno nodded, smiling so wide that his eyes turned to moon crescents. He was so in love with the results. He found respect for Taemin’s craft and he was right, he might’ve found a new forte to experiment with. “I can send you the photos digitally too, if you want them.”
“Maybe I’ll print them out, frame them, and gift it to every horrid man who has tried to flirt their way to my body since they want to see it so fucking bad.” 
Jeno peered over and saw the tiny glimpse of pain in your orbs, “why would you give horrible people what they want?”
“So they can finally shut up and leave me alone. Plus, this is art and if I tell them it’s actually me, maybe it’ll change their minds to start treating me like it.” 
He held his palm up and almost immediately, your fingers filled the spaces between his. “I’m going to need you to start treating yourself as fine art.”
“Keep taking more photos of me and I just might start thinking I’m Mona Lisa.” Your laughters blended nicely into each other. There was mutual mental acknowledgement of the happiness you were both feeling.
Jeno never let go of your hand, and there was a short moment of comforting silence where you two sat in each other’s existence. You were the one to break it, “are you doing anything after this?” 
He shook his head. “Well then, you’re mine for the rest of the night. We’re going to pretend we’ve been close friends since first year and eat take-out on my bed because that’s what I need at the moment.” 
“I know you respect my body and see this as an art form, but I’m genuinely surprised that you didn’t feel aroused at the slightest.”
Jeno didn’t even realize how much time had already passed being you. You two ate and chatted as if you’ve known each other forever, as if the friendship wasn’t established several hours ago. It felt safe and right, like you two belonged in each other’s existence and nowhere else mattered.
He felt warm inside from your hearty laughter and courage, like he was watching a painting come to life or a photo in movement. You were smitten over how endearing and complex he was. He was more than what meets the eye and that alone drew you towards him.
“Okay, I’ll admit,” Jeno paused to watch your reaction, “in the most respectable way, I was somewhat turned on. But! Before you trail blaze me for being just like every disgusting male in your life, I genuinely didn’t have any sexual thoughts during the photoshoot. That was all professional and it will continue to be like that.” 
Getting up from your bed, your mind was working at lightspeed to process his confession. Jeno was fast to pick up someone’s personality, what stood out and what was kept hidden. He knew quicker than anyone else that you were not someone to offend because you were a strong, straight forward woman.
His personality breakdown went like this: you knew what you like, you knew you were going to get what you want, you enjoyed flirty banter (with people of your choice), you weren’t afraid to be blunt, or kick someone’s ass. You carried yourself with confidence that graced your every step, which makes anyone attracted to you instantly. Bold, confident, sexy had to be what came to mind whenever he thought about you. 
Nonetheless, he really liked you as a person. He could pat himself on the back all day long for just approaching you, but he knew the real reason as to how this all happened. It was you saying yes to a stranger’s odd photoshoot. You made him the luckiest man in the world. 
“Continue? Are you looking for excuses to keep seeing me?” You smirked and Jeno’s voice grew small. 
“I--- uh, well,” there goes the nervous stammering, “I know the conditions were a one time thing, so I understand if you don’t want to do it again.” As the night had progressed, Jeno gradually began to hold eye contact and actually looked at you directly without the help of seeing you through a lens. This was the first time he broke it. 
“Hey now, I’m messing with you, Jeno.” He had been sitting on your floor, at the end of your bed. You crawled on your elbows to reach him, and to hold his chin to face you again. Deja vu. “I’d love to get naked for you again, and again, and.. as many times as you want me to.” 
He stared at you with his mouth hung open in disbelief. His eyes scanned your beautiful face to see your lips pull back into a mischievous smile. Gulping, he swallowed every ounce of courage he had left. “You don’t have to say it like that.” He tried to remove your grip, but it latched onto his hand. 
“You’re finally looking me in the eye, sweet thing. I don’t think you realize how much I had been wanting that from you.” You caressed his cheek, rubbing small circles on his texture. 
“What else do you want from me?” His implication sounded suggestive, even if his curiosity was innocent. 
Your hot breath brushed against Jeno’s lips. “I can show you.”
Jeno, the one and only college guy who has seen your naked body in a non-sexual context. Jeno, the shy, sweet boy who appreciated and recognized you as a form of art. Jeno, the talented and skillful photographer, who consistently made sure you felt comfortable. Jeno, the only person in the world who you’d model nude for. Jeno, the dazzling character behind the camera who you wanted more than anyone else you’ve ever met. Lee Jeno.
He seemed like he was inching closer, already tilting his head to fit your’s. You smiled to yourself, seeing that your words were received well. Diving in, your lips swam together fervently. 
The poor boy found himself lost in your enchanting, alluring gaze. He let the trance consume him, selfishly kissing the art he admired so dearly. A small part of him felt the guilt and confusion that began to rise. He wasn’t sure why he suddenly wished to feel your lips on his neck, or run his hands across your hot skin. He swore these thoughts were not present earlier. 
A small pop! and Jeno held your shoulder to pull away. “I’m sorry, did I do something?” You asked, honestly concerned that you were taking more than you deserved. The least you desired was to hurt Jeno, who had been nothing but nice and sweet.
“(Y/N),” you could listen to your name roll off his tongue all day, “I feel somewhat guilty. I don’t want things to be misunderstood.”
“Which would be?”
“I don’t want you to think I coerced you into being my model just because I had intentions to sleep with you.” Jeno was already gathering his things, but you hopped off your bed and placed a hand on his chest. “Because that’s what it’s starting to look like at the moment.”
“Was that something you did though? Did you have those intentions?” Your stare bore right through him. The warmth of your hand relaxed his racing heart.
“Never, (Y/N), I would never do that to someone.” Your hand traveled down to grab his belongings and tossed it back onto the ground. 
He silently watched as you took off your pants, and stood in front of him in your underwear. “Then, we’re fine. I know your intentions have always been pure. But truthfully, Jeno, seeing you focused while you worked sparked something in me. You don’t understand how aroused I got and how badly I wanted you to fuck me on that bed.” His hand trailed up your exposed thighs, finally touching your softness. “You’re the one guy I wanted first, and it’s been a long time since I’ve felt that.” 
“I-- I don’t know what to say.” His cheeks revealed how embarrassed he was, but his dark, lustful eyes were telling a different story.
A smirk fell upon your face, “then don’t say anything.” 
Jeno devoured you, inhaling the light hint of vanilla that still lingered. He hoisted you onto your mattress and kissed you like his life depended on it. His antsy hands roamed your free range, exploring, holding, gripping the parts he marveled over. Small moans from the back of your throat encouraged him to continue.
No one has ever kissed you with the amount of passion Jeno did. It was gentle, with enough vigor to cause your panties to dampen. It wasn’t sloppy, where previous guys had a problem of missing your mouth entirely and slobbered your chin. 
His lips worshiped you, highlighting your good sides. Flashes of the photoshoot popped into Jeno’s head as he left purple marks on the places he loved capturing the most. He pushed up your shirt, exposing your chest to him again. His tongue circled around your hard nipple as he made sure to give the same amount of attention to each one. 
Jeno knew he was too shy to hold your intense stare, but getting to know you during and after the photoshoot, he could see the softness in your gaze. He was, now, able to see all of you. The sight of you through the camera was addicting enough, so finally taking you all in was more than satisfying. 
Your hands ran through his hair as he kissed down your torso. His thumbs hooked the waistband of your underwear, and peeled it off your body. You gasped as the cold air from your apartment grazed against your exposed figure.
Jeno paused to admire your glistening pussy, “would it be okay if you let me make love to you?”
Your heart burned, not out of embarrassment, but at how he still managed to ask you for your permission in the sweetest way. You rested your weight on your elbows, “no one has done that before, would it actually make me want to fall in love with you?”
“It wouldn’t be too bad. I have a lot of love to give and you look like a person who deserves all of it anyways.” Jeno’s finger ran over your wet slit and rubbed your clit slowly.
Your moans filled the room as the electric jolted throughout your veins. The wetness grew, seeping out of you like a waterfall. Jeno dropped down to his knees, and lifted your legs on his broad shoulders.
“Are you usually this wet, baby?”
Chuckling, you smiled at his bold choice in using pet names, “Just for you.”
He hummed, chiming at how he liked your answer. Spreading you open, his tongue met with your swollen bud that begged for his licks.
His tongue darted side to side, up and down and in result, your back arched in pleasure and a darkness clouded your mind. His name and mindless profanities streamlined their way out of you as Jeno ate you out in such a precisely delicious way.
Grabbing a fist full of hair, you pulled him closer, even if there was no more space to fill. Looking down, you two exchanged glances before he thrusted a finger into you. Your hips bucked harder as he eased in another one.
Jeno curled his fingers in search of your sweet spot and found it when a deep moan escaped your throat. His fingertips rubbed and pressed into your plush flesh, causing you to practically scream and squirm in his mouth. 
He suckled your clit and fingered you simultaneously and quickly. The pleasure was overflowing and you released his hair to grip your sheets below you. Your legs shook and trembled as he had no caution to stop.
“Please, I’m going to--” you could barely talk due to your face contouring to the splurge of pleasure every single time Jeno rubbed your spot. “--to explode.” 
He had to take back what he thought earlier in the day. This was the most beautiful sight he’s ever laid eyes on. The whole scene played like from one of his favorite films. It felt like he was giving his photos life. Your body twisted and turned, accentuating the curves of your lines. 
Jeno had become painfully hard against the fabric of his jeans, but seeing you fall apart because of his minimal movements exhilarated him. “P-Please, don’t stop.” A breathy moan followed suit and your thighs tried to press themselves together. Jeno didn’t allow it, his free hand hooked underneath your left thigh to pull one side away from his cheeks.
Your high gradually grew so tall that it all eventually came cascading down. Your legs shook violently and sat up from the euphoria that took over you. Jeno prolonged your buzz and you screamed loudly, having to bite down on your fingers to stop yourself from angering your neighbors.
Jeno drank you up, letting your wetness cover his chin and drip down his knuckles. He pulled away, at last, and you took deep breaths to control your heavy breathing. It was like Jeno knocked the wind completely out of you. 
He stood up and you saw the outline of his hard bulge straining itself through his jeans. The next scene was quite animalistic. You, still embodying your high, sat on your knees and unzipped his pants with your needy hands.
“Now, it’s your turn to get nude for me.” You whispered, tauntingly. Jeno groaned when you reached down and gently pulled him out. He stepped out of his clothing, all of it. His shirt was lost in the corner and his bottoms were scattered over your floor. Mirroring his actions, you took off your last piece of cloth.
Jeno was built. Though his biceps did not go unnoticed during the photoshoot, you were surprised at the lines of muscle that sketched his body. It made your mouth water, seeing his extremely hard dick stand against his toned abs. His red tip fell just below his navel. Jeno only kept getting better as the night continued on.
Pulling him closer, his hand found their way to the back of your head as you aligned your mouth to the wetness that spilled from his tip. “I want to make you feel good.” Jeno’s hoarse voice made your knees weak.
Peering up, you batted your eyelashes at him fondly. “Just a little taste?” You begged, having to hold his shaft with both of your hands because of his thickness. Your tongue was already stuck out, your hot breath causing the tiniest bit of sensation for him.
He nodded and his eyes were trained on you. He didn’t want to miss any second of your kitty licks. You flattened your tongue against his warmth, dragging it up to the top. The saltiness hit your palette as you swirled around his redness. “Oh--” Jeno threw his head back and bit his lip, “--lay on the bed now.” 
You smiled sweetly and gave his member a quick kiss before reaching for a condom in your drawer. Jeno climbed onto your bed and situated the rubber comfortably. You laid on your back and he was fast to pull your legs around his waist. 
He lined himself at your entrance and eased his tip in slowly. Squirming, you craved him to fill you up to the brim. He leaned down to kiss you, letting your tongue lap with his. It’s your hands with the mind of their own when they flew automatically to hold his face whenever you wanted to deepen the kiss. Then, Jeno stretched himself all the way in and he caught your gasp with his lips. He groaned, feeling the mess he created merely minutes ago. 
His hips moved so easily with your wetness, but he went slow. Dragging out each pull and then, pushing himself back in roughly. “Jeno!” Your body jolted up the bed each time. His body fell over yours to hold you intimately, letting you bury your face into his neck. Your lips latched themselves onto his sensitive skin, painting a purple sunset. 
Jeno’s arms snaked underneath your thighs as he pressed them to your chest, folding you almost into a ball. Your mouth hung open as he fucked you harder, rougher, deeper yet keeping the tempo rhythmically slow. At this point, you could feel his hits in your gut. Your weak hands gripped loosely around his strong wrists that held your legs down. “You’re pussy is so tight and holy shit---, you keep getting more beautiful.”
A familiar burning sensation set in your chest as you saw how concentrated his face had become. You were so fucked out that you could barely speak, “you—” his hips mercilessly slammed into you powerfully, enacting a low moan every time he reached your sweet spot. “—keep surprising me.” His actions came to a halt and he stared deeply into your soul. 
You whined, wiggling your hips for any friction. He held them down into the mattress, knowing his grip was strong enough to leave a mark. “I told you, I was going to make love to you tonight.”
“I’ve already fallen for you.” You said breathlessly, tracing the side of his face and pecking his lips softly. 
“You don’t understand what you’re doing to me by saying those things.” He whispered and pushed his entire shaft to fill you to your brim. 
You yelped his name and gripped his shoulders, but he wasn’t done yet. “Show me how badly you wanted me the first time you saw me.” Jeno blinked at you in slight shock. 
As he continued to hold the deep gaze, he kept pushing his dick further and further into you. He was balls deep, almost impossible to keep going. He fucked you without the need to pull out, just burying his cock deeper into your wet pussy. You exclaimed, moaned, cussed at every push. Holding the stare was more than enough to lose yourself all over him again. 
Jeno was drunk with the image of your fucked out expression and every time the mixture of pleasure and pressure caused your eyebrows to crease and mouth to open release sensual sound. He had been trying his best not to come undone, to fixate another climax for you.
The feeling of you wrapping tighter and tighter around him drove him insane. “Give it to me, please.” Your muffled plead called for his release, but he could feel that you were close to your second.
Jeno sat up on his knees and pulled you into his arms where your thighs fell over his. You groaned at the empty feeling, though it was quickly replaced with a gratifying moan when he inserted himself again. Your arms dangled around his neck, foreheads touching intimately. 
The fucking eye contact again, how could you get enough of it? You giggled, amused at how different Jeno was when he eventually opened up. He wrapped his strong arms around your back and thrusted his hips up into you. The way this man made you squirm, scream, and shake were nothing you’ve experienced before. 
He smirked, placing a gentle kiss on your cheek when he went rampage on your pussy. “Not laughing now, are you?”
You whined in pleasure, brushing your fallen strands of hair out of his face. “Shut up before I make you.” 
“Then I’d rather keep going.” Kissing up his jawline, you lead your way to his pout. His kisses intoxicated you with his passion and madness, like the most intense part of a symphony, or when the bass drops after a long build up in a song. 
Jeno sped up, ramming up into your slick pussy over and over again. He even brought your hips down to match him, guiding you down as he went up. The headboard was knocked against the wall, your windows steamed up, cries of pleasure from the both of you created the ambiance, the smell of sex filled your lungs. Jeno reached between your bodies to furiously rub your clit to where it felt almost raw. It all sent you into the clouds, the familiar queasiness settled in your lower half.
Your eyes rolled back and your back arched, having to pull away from the desirous kiss with Jeno. “I’m cumming!” You announced before the tension unraveled, causing you to see absolute white. The second wave was much more uncontrollable, Jeno felt you squeezing radically around his dick as he tried to fuck you faster to prolong the feeling.
Your legs shook around his and your upper body went limp with pleasure. You reached the peak of the mountain and it came crumbling down underneath your toes. It was catastrophically enthralling, to the point where you physically felt something leave your body.
“Oh shit..” Jeno stopped his motions at the sight of you squirting over his lap. He pampered your torso with fluttering kisses, hoping to calm your spastic body. “...baby, are you okay?” He asked with a bit of concern of how lack of life you seemed. 
This man just gave you the best climax in your whole life and he asked if you were okay? Regaining your senses, you sighed a small yes to reassure him that he didn’t actually murder you. Hopping off, you pulled the condom that restricted him.
He hissed when you cupped his balls in your palm. “Cum, my sweet thing.” You purred and Jeno’s hand pumped his member aggressively. You leaned in to help, sucking the tip and flicking your tongue over his slit. 
His other hand gripped your neck, causing you to drip on your sheets. Jeno was panting and with every tug, it became louder. He seemed so desperate to release that it made you smile to be the reason behind it. “Can you lay down,” A grunt followed his question, “please.” He huffed.
“Because you asked nicely.” Smirking, your back hit the sheets and you opened your legs to give Jeno a view. He situated himself above your stomach, as he fucked his tight grip.
“I’m cumming---” He couldn’t look any more amazing. With a final moan, the white streaks streamed out in short sequences. It landed across your abdomen, over your nipple, and pooled around your belly button. 
Bringing himself back to reality, Jeno stepped back to marvel you, his masterpiece. The white streaks coated your purple skin and your chest rose fast to catch your reality. Gazing upon your naked body, he was utterly infatuated with all of you. He was so in love with the sight of you that not a single photo could capture the beauty that you were. 
Jeno pondered the thought of how merely a day changed a small part of him. You were life changing, addicting, an incomparable character that he felt like he’s known forever, and now, couldn’t live without. It was the taste of your juices on his lips, your sweet melodic music that was your voice, your daring smile that enticed him to never peel away from you. It was simply you. 
He leaned down to rub his knuckles against your cheek, planting a lovingly peck on your forehead. “I’ll go start the water for you.” 
Jeno anticipated the reaction of his mentor. He found himself at the same scene he was when he was first given the task. Taemin sat across from him, hunched forward to analyze his new set of photos on his laptop. Raw, unedited photos of you, your body, your details. 
The hum of the air conditioning droned on, driving him mad. Jeno needed one reaction, but Taemin had been silent and expressionless for the past ten minutes. Whenever he did move, it was to click through to the next picture. 
Suddenly, he shut it closed and stood right up. Jeno, panicked, did the same. Taemin stuck his hand out and Jeno hesitantly grabbed it, incredibly unsettled and unable to read the older man.
Taemin received it firmly, giving Jeno a good handshake. “Welcome abroad, Lee Jeno. I expect even more great things from you.” 
Jeno registered his delightful mood switch and he was fast to follow up, “my photos, --- you --- like them?” 
Taemin nodded generously, patting Jeno on his shoulder. Taemin reached up to tap his own eyelids. “What you can see, is very special, kid. You’re an artist and I’m here to recognize that for you. It seems to me, you can do more than take pictures of sidewalks.” 
Jeno smiled happily, his eyes disappearing from joy. He couldn’t wait to tell you about it. 
The rest of the week, leading up to Jeno’s appointment, had felt nothing short of blissful moments together. You and Jeno spent almost every waking minute together without the cost of your friends’ time. He walked you to your classes, some even being across the campus from his own. You accompanied him for meals, even sitting in his lectures to just be with him.
There were no words that established what you two had become to each other. Jeno wasn’t looking for that anyways, in fact, he somewhat liked the ambiguity. If only he could tell you how making love to you made him begin to actually fall for you.
You were never one to hold a serious relationship, but you found a small want for that festering in Jeno. It was hard to admit to yourself, but Jeno saw you for all that you were. He truly saw you, whether it had been through a lens or through his own eyes. He captured your rawness and you were able to find vulnerability around him. 
He ran to you, where you sat in the lobby waiting for him to finish his meeting. Peering up from your phone, you noticed the beaming smile on the boy’s face. You couldn’t hold back your own grin, seeing him apparent with so much joy. “I’m guessing good things?”
“I got it, (Y/N)!” He jumped into your arms and you laughed at the sudden affection. “He loved my photos.” 
“I didn’t doubt it for one second. You’re an artist, Jeno. You create masterpieces that make even someone like me, feel like art.” 
Jeno hugged you closer to his chest, giving you a tiny squeeze. Pulling away to face you, his eyes examined your outstanding grace. You knew what he was already going to say, but simply wanted to hear him say it. “That’s because you are art.”
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
The RotBTD+ Gang Plays DnD! (Feat. my ships, sorry not sorry XD)
So highkey I’ve actually been wanting to do a “The Gang Plays DnD” type post for AGES now, but then I saw @hobie-brown and @ohlooksheswriting-wips do DnD AU posts for RotBTD, and then I was like “Ah shit, I really should finish mine, eh?” So thank you to both of you for inspiring me to get off my ass and actually write the post!!!
Hiccup DMs. He comes up with this super complex plot revolving around dragons (because of course) where the party has to dismantle this society ruled by evil knights who want to genocide all of the dragons. Imagine his chagrin when the party wants to do nothing but fuck around in towns and aggravate NPCs 90% of the time.
They usually end up playing at Jack’s apartment, mainly because Hiccup’s dad doesn’t really want a bunch of loud nerds yelling about 20-sided dice in his household while he’s trying to work, if he can at all help it. Jack’s sister regularly barges into their living room and roasts the fuck out of Jack and his friends for being such damn nerds and eats all of their DnD snacks they’ve set out. If they’re in the middle of a combat session, she always gleefully proclaims that they’re all going to die. While Jack is annoyed by this, the rest of the party finds it deeply hilarious.
Jack Overland plays the absolute mayhem warlock Jack Frost, who got his powers through making a deal with the archfey Prince of Frost and has absolutely no qualms about being an evil god’s mortal Sower of Chaos. He spends the vast majority of the campaign doing such useful things as creating ice slicks under annoying NPCs and freezing people’s drinks. He also plays a Tiefling because absolutely no one can talk this boy out of playing the creepy demon race.
Rapunzel plays a woodland nymph druid who is also the party healer (because of course she is). Her name is probably Sunlily or something else suitably hippie-esque. Whenever there’s downtime (or whenever the rest of the party is also dicking around, and she can get away with it), Rapunzel likes to go into the nearest forest and pick the best berries and nuts for the rest of the party. She also loves baking fruit pies and cooking the best nymph food for her companions when given the chance. Definitely the party Cinnamon Roll (every party has one!). She often will turn into cute animals to distract the guards while the party infiltrates a building.
Merida’s character is the party archer and general ranged weapon master, as well as a raging lesbian. Hiccup learns very quickly that any male NPC who tries to flirt with her will very quickly get impaled with an arrow. She can’t ever decide if she wants to be a ranger or a rogue, so she multiclasses in both for flare. She also plays a Tiefling, and continually insists that her character is both scarier and sexier than Jack’s. In combat, she either Leeroy Jenkins her way in with a sword and just starts slashing every which way, or just shoots 90% of the enemies with arrows before the fight even starts. There’s really no in between. She can get away with this because she’s highkey one of the party tanks, and consistently deals a shitton of damage.
Anna plays a human bard, basically having read over the class options and going “Wait, in this one I get to make stylish medieval music??? And wear dramatic and garish outfits and a dumb hat??? And cast wacky illusion spells??? And do silly little magic tricks??? And INSPIRE EVERYONE??? Hell yeah, I’m in!!!” She mostly uses magic attacks in combat (definitely favors Tasha’s Hideous Laughter), but occasionally when she’s out of spell slots she’ll just take to slamming enemies in the face with her lute. She also has WAY too much fun with Vicious Mockery, let’s be real.
Elsa, upon hearing Jack’s character concept, rolls her eyes so far up in her head she can see her damn brain, and vows to play his concept, but serious–solely out of spite. She rolls up a super OP elf Chaos Sorcerer, filled with lots of brooding angst about how uncontrollable her winter powers can get if she isn’t careful. She combines it a bit with Storm Sorcerer so she can create literal blizzards, and Hiccup ends up allowing it just because he thinks it’s cool. Although Elsa’s character is undoubtedly aggravated by the rest of the party’s antics, she starts becoming grudgingly protective of these idiots and can deal some pretty crazy damage when her companions are threatened. She also contains one of the party’s only brain cells.
Eugene of course plays dashing rogue master thief Flynn Rider. Although his high deception and lockpicking skills certainly come in handy, he’s the most chaotic neutral fucker you’ve ever met and will take any excuse to rob NPCs blind or cheat them out of every cent they have in a tavern card game. It’s nigh impossible to get him to cooperate with the rest of the party much of the time, and often Elsa’s character has to either bribe him with some of her family’s gold or threaten to freeze him to stop him backstabbing one or more party members. Eugene’s character forces Hiccup to add in many more heist plotlines than he originally intended. This delights Eugene immensely, and sometimes he goes a bit crazy planning elaborate heists.
Moana plays a sorcerer water genasi. She can control any body of water, but she has a special affinity for controlling saltwater (i.e. the ocean lol). She also requests an animal handling bonus, but only with marine animals, solely because she thought it would be funny. She’s also an ex-pirate who robbed a lot of wealthy merchant ships and freed their slaves back in the day, which Merida thinks is incredibly badass. Moana tends to get bored and unengaged when there are no bodies of water to play around with, so Hiccup ends up having to add a lot more lakes, rivers, and oceans to the campaign than he originally planned on. Moana also takes a sailing skill, and thus the party often ends up traveling by boat. Typically Eugene and Rapunzel will infiltrate and hijack it, and Moana will sail it. Moana probably contains the party’s only other brain cell.
Astrid plays a gigantic berserker orc barbarian who is never without his trusty axe. Astrid is hands down the party’s top tank, and unquestionably deals the most damage every combat session. Much like Merida’s character, Astrid’s character is absolutely a shameless power fantasy. Hiccup pretty easily picks up on this, but is too polite to say anything about it. Jack also picks up on this, but is hardly as courteous as their DM, and teases Astrid mercilessly. Astrid is not amused.
Rapunzel requests that her weapon of choice be a frying pan, her justification being that her character found a discarded one at the edge of a human village outside her woods and mistaked it for a highly-dangerous human weapon. Hiccup is like “…you know what? Fuck it” and rolls up stats for a goddamn frying pan. Jack has nigh-endless admiration for Rapunzel for choosing such a goddamn memey, absurd, yet oddly effective weapon and it definitely makes the poor boy even more smitten with her than he already is.
Eugene and Merida have a bet going on who can sleep with more sexy barmaids. Merida is currently winning, much to Eugene’s chagrin. She’s not even inherently better at seducing NPCs, she and Eugene have the same charisma stat–she just consistently rolls better than Eugene. Eugene is incredibly salty about this.
Anna and Elsa want to be sisters in-game as well, but neither want to change their race–so Anna decides her character was adopted. Hiccup and the rest of the party go along with it, mainly because there’s something deeply hilarious about a regular human bard being adopted and raised by a family of high-powered elf ice mages.
Astrid is absolutely the sort of player who tends to get bored and restless outside of fights, and tends to fidget and twiddle her thumbs waiting for the next combat session. Jack picks up on this, and purposely does more roleplay for longer just to piss her off. He’s also just a very dramatic fucker and highkey loves roleplay.
When she’s not causing mayhem around the town or sleeping with hot women, Merida tries to entertain Astrid between combat sessions by offering to spar with her. Unfortunately, this does not usually end well for poor Merida, as even the most hardcore and badass of tieflings is prone to getting dumpstered by an 8-foot-tall barbarian orc with an axe. Astrid is, nonetheless, grateful to have someone to fight.
Rapunzel, Elsa, and Moana will humor Hiccup and attempt to actually play the main plot. Meanwhile, Jack, Merida, and Eugene are a DM’s worst nightmare. They constantly derail the damn campaign to fuck around, cause mayhem, and do inane shenanigans in every. Damn. Town. They go to. Anna is kind of a wildcard–she’ll typically go with whatever group looks like they’re going to be doing something more interesting. Astrid will go along with whichever group is more likely to get into a fight–which, often as not, is Jack and his posse of terrible Chaotic Neutrals (who have definitely pissed off a number of NPCs into attacking them).
As the campaign goes on, Elsa and Eugene become the beleaguered Party Mom and Dad. Both are quite aggravated by this–especially poor Eugene, who just wanted to play a morally-gray charming rogue who stole everything and got away with it and then accidentally ended up caring about these idiots he got stuck with.
Anna initially joins the campaign because she has a planet-size crush on Hiccup, and inevitably is the one who dragged Elsa into it too. Being the hopeless romantic that she is, Anna writes a love interest into her backstory. Hiccup eventually has the party run into said love interest, and Anna is overjoyed. He starts flirting with her as the love interest, and it’s easily the best 30 minutes of Anna’s life.
Moana and Elsa also give Hiccup pretty detailed backstories, and he works in little subplots for them. Moana gets to bring water back to a dying part of the jungle in the middle of a draught, while Elsa gets to go on a whole sidequest to explore her family history and how they came to be sorcerers.
Jack, Merida, and Eugene also give Hiccup fairly elaborate backstories, but Jack’s and Merida’s are like 99% memes and Dumb Shit. Hiccup tries to give all of them backstory-related plot hooks, but inevitably any hooks he provides are either stabbed, robbed, or frozen. Honestly any plot hook offered to these 3 will be all but spat in the face of and tossed off a cliff.
The one relevant part of Eugene’s backstory is that he and Rapunzel decide they used to be partners in crime before the campaign started. Rapunzel would infiltrate and scout out places he wanted to rob as small, unobtrusive animals (her preferred Wild Shape is a chameleon) and later distract the guards as a bunny or kitten while he went in and took every gold coin in sight. In return, Flynn Rider would bribe builders to not develop into Sunlily’s forest. Rapunzel and Eugene partly came up with this For Funsies, but also it was Rapunzel’s sneaky way of tricking Eugene into having prior connections in the party so he’d be less likely to betray them. It works pretty well–although the entire party is protective of Cinnamon Roll Sunlily, Flynn is certainly especially protective of her.
Astrid does the absolute bare minimum as far as backstories go. She is literally just here to smash stuff, slice people, and beat some fuckers up.
Rapunzel has a backstory, but she’s typically so invested in the main plot and the other party members that Hiccup rarely needs to bring it in to keep her engaged. She’s highkey the party emotional rock, and probably the only one keeping them all together.
On that note, Rapunzel’s character is the ONLY one who can get Jack’s character to take the plot even REMOTELY seriously. Like he’ll be dicking around in the nearest tavern challenging the nearest orc to a drinking game, and Rapunzel will come in and ask him to help them on a Main Plot Quest. And he’ll be like “come onnnnn I’m having funnn” and she’ll be like “Jack pleeeeeease?” and you just. Can’t resist Sunlily’s puppy dog eyes. At all. Also, whenever Sunlily is genuinely threatened, any silliness immediately goes out the window and Jack Frost is OUT FOR BLOOD.
For better or for worse, Rapunzel is not immune to being looped into Jack’s shenanigans. Occasionally if either Merida or Eugene have a particularly hare-brained scheme she’ll go along with it, but by and large Jack is the most successful in convincing her to temporarily abandon the plot and cause mild mischief with him. They once wasted half a session creating an elaborate “ice theme park” for some squirrels in the forest.
Hiccup tries to get Merida to play the main plot by eventually having there be no more sexy female NPCs to seduce in the towns they go to. Unfortunately, this backfires–Merida just hooks up with Moana’s character instead. When asked to roll for how good the lay is, Merida gets a nat 20–and thus her character and Moana’s character end up hooking up regularly throughout the rest of the campaign.
Hiccup introduces a few Wise Old Mentor-type NPCs to guide the party throughout the campaign. While Rapunzel, Elsa, Moana, and Anna actually try to listen to them and take their advice, Merida, Jack, and Eugene absolutely refuse to take them seriously and mercilessly play pranks on them.
At one point, Hiccup gives the party the option to attempt to tame a group of wild dragons and use them as mounts. They all have to make animal handling checks. Anna, Rapunzel, Elsa, and Moana pass. The rest of the party fails, with Jack and Eugene crit-failing. Hilarity ensues.
Hiccup ends up bringing back Anna’s backstory love interest as an NPC regular. Anna thinks he’s just being a good friend and a good DM and trying to incorporate her backstory as much as he can, but really, he just wants an excuse to regularly flirt with her. He hardly has the balls to out-of-game.
Merida comes out as gay toward the end of the campaign. Everyone in the group is extremely supportive, of course, but everyone is also like “Merida…with the amount of barmaids you’ve banged…and the amount of times you and Moana’s character hooked up…this isn’t exactly surprising.”
Hiccup actually finds a way to use Jack and Elsa’s same-concept-opposite-execution characters to the plot’s advantage. He decides one of the main villains will have a prophecy saying he’ll be taken down by a powerful ice mage. The party manages to fool this guy into thinking this ice mage is Jack, and sends Jack to fight him. As soon as the villain sees Jack, he’s like “WHAT??? THIS clown???” (word has absolutely spread throughout the land of Jack not using his ice powers for anything besides mildly annoying trolling). Naturally, the bad guy lets his guard down after thinking he’s going to fight this literal joke, and then Elsa crashes in from the side and absolutely dumpsters him.
Jack tries to defeat the final boss by just annoying him so much that he leaves. Unfortunately, he just annoys him so much that he attacks Rapunzel’s character. Jack’s just like “oh HELL no” and attacks with absolutely nothing held back. Turns out he’s pretty terrifying when he’s not using his magic for Dumb Antics.
During the final boss of the campaign, the Big Bad tries to one-shot Moana’s character, and Merida’s character super theatrically jumps in front of her to take the blow instead. Rapunzel just barely manages to heal Merida’s character, but it’s a really close call. During all this, Merida is like “ah shit...maybe I’m NOT just in this to get fantasy-laid.” After the fight’s over, her and Moana’s characters have a big dramatic love confession and share a Big Damn Kiss in front of everyone. It’s pretty epic.
After the final session of the campaign, Merida drags Moana outside Jack’s apartment and sputters and trips over her words for a solid minute before she finally gets out that through all this nonsense...well...maybe it’s not just in the game that she thinks Moana is hot. Moana just gets this HUGE grin on her face and says “c’mere, Leeroy Jenkins” and just pulls Merida in and kisses her. Cue the rest of the party barging in on them. Merida and Moana freeze, and there’s a moment of terrified silence...and then the entire party starts cheering them on like “took you long enough!”
The entire rest of the party could detect the sexual tension. Literally all of them.
By the epilogue session, Jack and Rapunzel are dating. Merida and Moana are also dating. Hiccup and Anna STILL haven’t figured out why they’re so prone to spending half the session flirting when Anna’s love interest shows up, and Hiccup STILL hasn’t figured out why he likes to have Anna’s love interest show up so often. Bless their souls. Maybe they’ll figure it out next campaign...?
Damn I actually really like this...maybe if people like it I’ll do some incorrect quotes or a drabble or something??? Or maybe some HCs from next campaign???
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