#makes it all the more embarrassing that every year I fret about what to get him for a month and then - panicking - buy either:
eee-lordy · 8 months
Practice Makes Perfect
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!!! nsfw minors dni !!!
Jacob offers to help fem!reader get her first time over with. 6k
───※ ·❆· ※───
"Ready for your big move?" Jacob huffed, dropping a particularly heavy box onto the top of another. He'd come over to help you start packing up, you had a week left.
"Mostly, yeah I think so." You grinned, knowing he was talking more about emotionally than materialistically. Your eyes scanned the bare bones of your first apartment. It had been a welcoming and safe space for a handful of years now, but the time had come to move onto bigger and better things.
"Let's drink to the beginning of the end, then, shall we?" Your dearest pal declared, toting over glasses and liquor from your fridge.
"Don't say it like that, nothings ending here." You warn, sick at the thought of there being a time limit on your friendship once a little space got in the way. Jacob sat next to you on the sofa, pouring you each a drink.
"Okay sorry, we'll toast to now, then. May we enjoy every moment." Jacob's sincerity past the silly tone he used warmed your confounded heart. So many feelings had plagued you since finding out about your big move. How excited you were for the fresh start, and how you were, in fact, dreading leaving behind everything you loved so dearly, everyone.
As you sat and drank, it was all Jacob could talk about. He asked you all kinds of questions. What the place was like you were headed to, how you may come to decorate the home you were set to buy. How you may plan to spend your time. You fawned over descriptions of some new furniture you'd had shipped to your new place. And excitedly quipped about the plans you were making for the distant future.
"I hope to just go wild. Create a whole new thing for myself, ya know? Try everything, live to the fullest." The realizations that you could become whoever you wanted most to be in an all new place had your imagination running wild since theses plans became solid.
"And what are you most nervous about?" Jacob countered, squinting as if he knew this question was one that might really challenge you.
"Oh... I don't know." You feigned a laugh, hoping your face hadn't flushed red. Because you had been increasingly nervous about one thing, fretting over the many outcomes your imagination brought to life every time you wondered how to take on this certain situation...
"Ohhhh no." Jacob grinned wickedly, shifting in his seat to face you a little more head on, pointing his half full beer in your direction. "There is something, I know when you aren't telling me things, you know?"
"Jacob, can we please drop this?" You plead, feeling like sinking in on yourself for letting your facade drop for even a second.
"All I'm saying is, if you're this nervous about something, maybe I can help?"
"I highly doubt you can help with this one, dude." You let out a mortified giggle, feeling your blush coming back tenfold.
"Hey." Jacob lowered his tone, cocking his head to catch your eye. His were serious. "You know you can tell me whatever it is-"
"Is embarrassing-"
"And I won't judge you. You know that." And you did know. Jacob had told you his own mortifying confessions, from the time he'd lost his clothes in a sketchy overnight gym, to the salacious dreams he'd had about certain unattractive costar way back before you knew him. As you reminded yourself of the story Jacob once told you of his mishap with a zipper during the first night he spent in the bed of a lady, you realized you could tell him what was on your mind.
"Okay fine." You gritted through your teeth, clasping your hands together only to anxiously wring them. Jacob stayed quiet and awaited your words.
"I'm most nervous about having sex." You declared. "Because I'm more than ready to get out there and do it, but the thought of sleeping with some stranger is appalling, and I don't know who I trust enough to ask to see me through that awfully awkward first time. And what if I never meet someone I trust enough, just-" With a disgruntled sigh, you realized you were rambling.
"You're a virgin?" Jacob's mouth twisted into a confounded frown as his head turned much like a baffled puppy dog. Your friends studying of you made you want to slip into nonexistence.
"So what?" You huffed a nervous laugh, daring to meet Jacob's piercing eyes for the first time since revealing your secret.
"It's just I thought you'd have done it, like... a lot." He shrugged. "Being so smokin' hot, and all."
"I am not hot, Elordi, and despite really being ready, I'm way too nervous to do it. That's the whole issue here." You scoffed, taking a frustrated swig of your drink.
"Uh, yeah you are. And what is there to be nervous about, anyway?" He quizzed.
"What if I do the wrong thing or say something weird or just make a complete fool of myself? Or what if I hate it? I'm ready for it. But I really am scared I will never meet the right person to deal with how in my head I am about this..."
Jacob let his gaze fall to the floor, seeming to puzzle over your words. A considerable amount of silence settled about the room before either of you spoke again. He was the one to break that silence.
"Do you... trust me?"
Your eyes widened and your stomach tied itself into a knot.
"I mean, you know I think you're attractive. So, I won't care or even notice if you make a complete fool of yourself. And we know all each other's secrets. That's trust. And if you hate it, we stop. I'm kind of the perfect candidate her, love." His confidence had blossomed with the help of the drinks you two had shared tonight. Jacob spoke with assuredness, letting no signs of awkwardness show in his daring offer. The whole thing had your head spinning.
"All I'm saying is... if you want, I'm down. If not, I get it." He took a swig, the last of his third glass. "I'm just saying..." Jacob let his sharp dark eyes rake across your figure as you sat in place, trying not to squirm. You considered the expression in his gaze, clearly drinking you in, yet keeping a respectable distance.
"I'll... think about it." And you really would.
He nodded. You nodded. He got up and turned on a movie. You went searching for more to drink. As some rather boring action flick unfolded on your telly, your mind raced. You did trust Jacob. You did find him attractive too. With his angelic features and fit figure. And you wouldn't mind if this little... experiment led to something a little more serious either. But that was a wild far off distant dream. And still, all the things that mortified you about doing it with a stranger made you just as nervous to consider in the company of one of your closest friends.
"It would just be, like, educational right? Just... one friend helping out another?" You pipped up in the middle of the action movies climax.
"It would be whatever you needed or wanted it to be, doll. I'm offering my sincerest assistance." Jacob spoke easily, keeping his apparent focus on the telly screen, settled an inch away from where you sat on the sofa.
You hummed in understanding, acknowledging how both of you kept your eyes glued to the movie on your screen, and that seemed soothing. There didn't seem to be any pressure, there didn't seem to be any stakes. And as you considered your nerves, you wondered if the feeling was more that of anxious wonder. And then you realized there was a way to test this theory...
"Kiss me. Then I'll know." You thought out loud.
"Know what?"
"If you're a shitty kisser or not. And if I'd even dream of letting you sleep with me." You were drunk enough to speak without consideration. You were curious enough to take Jacob up halfway on his offer. You really hoped he wasn't a shitty kisser. You may have let him have his way with you even if he was.
With a decided shrug Jacob leaned in. His lips were soft, the gentle way he pressed his against yours was more than comfortable. You let yourself relax into pressing your own kiss back, and he took that as a signal to deepen his display of affection. And the kiss that began as a seemingly casual interaction took a different form. Jacob let his lips slowly open, encouraging yours to do the same. As your kissing grew longer and deeper, your very dear friend let his fingers reach to brush your hair back; then let his digits press against the base of your neck to pull your lips ever closer.
The gentle forcefulness Jacob commanded brought a contented sigh from your throat, and your friend's smile in response broke your interaction.
"I'll take that as a yes?" He smirked, eyes focusing on yours close up.
"It's just... a lot to consider."
He had kept his hold on you. His hand clutching the back of your head, his thumb rubbing soothing circles against your hair.
"Listen. I won't push this on you. It's no sweat if you decide against it. But I really would be very patience and more than glad to help you out here. That's the last I'll speak of it. Now, what are we watching next?"
You spent the rest of that evening next to Jacob in mutual silence. You watched films until your friend grew tired and called it a night. All the while your mind raced from one scenario to the next. Wondering what the worst could turn out to be, if you said yes, or no.
Jacob stopped by one night later, saying he was simply in the neighborhood and wondered if you'd needed any kind of help continuing to pack up. So, you put him to work, cleaning out drawers and folding clothes into suitcases. You talked a lot while working, about eachothers lives and dreams and silly things. But the conversation kept leading back to the topic of your move.
"I'll be hours away from all my family and it's not like I won't see them but I'll be so alone you know?" You confessed your fears for living in solitude and worrying over worst case scenarios.
"Hey, you'll make it just fine. You don't give yourself enough credit." Jacob insisted, moving about your room from one task to another. "Plus, I'm only one phone call away."
"I know." You whispered, peering up to your friend through your lashes, biting back a frown. You set a roll of tape and a box cutter on a nearby shelf, done with the tools for now.
"This is supposed to be a good thing, a happy thing." Jacob reminded you, shuffling to stand before you. He reached out to tilt your chin upward as if that would encourage a smile from you.
"I know." You whispered again. And with no way of knowing who leaned in first, all you knew was Jacob was kissing you again. And you relished the comfort of his affection. Nothing stopped you now from slinking a lazy arm around his neck as the guy let his grasp splay across your back.
Jacob was the first to break away, like before. But unlike then, he said nothing now. Jacob just leaned back far enough to catch your eye, as one of his brows lifted in a silent question.
"I think I might want to take you up on your offer..." You seemed to realize out loud. Maybe you had always wanted it to be him. Or maybe his encouragement had done the trick of talking you into feeling this way now. But you were never surer about being intimate with someone than now, with the way your dearest friend held you in his arms.
"Yeah?" He nodded with a furrow in his brow.
"Yes, I- if you're really sure." You stuttered.
"I am if you are." Jacob continued to nod. And after a beat, when he asked "Like, now? Right now?" You moved to nod along with him, even though your heart threatened to leap from your chest.
"Okay." He whispered. "You just need to tell me if it gets all too much, no matter what. Promise me you will."
"Yeah. I'm, like, really nervous. That's the big problem. But I trust you, so I am very sure."
"Well, I can certainly help with that." Jacob brought a hand to your hair, "I think." He lightly chuckled, pulling a face, setting your nerves at ease already.
"We'll just go very slow. How does that sound?" He asked, still keeping a hand rested on the side of your head, while his other crept down to the bend of your waist. You let out a held breath and nod assuredly.
"Okay." You flickered a smile. Jacob nodded too, his lithe grin remaining as he searched your face, his eyes landing on your lips. You hadn't fully expected him to agree to this, and you hadn't at all expected things to start right off the bat. But you couldn't complain when Jacob closed the gap and pressed a gently feather light kiss to your lips. As he did so, he tucked a bit of your hair behind your ear, and ever so slightly tightened his grip at the bend of your waist.
This resulted in your hands finding his shoulders, resting them between there and his chest- where you wondered if you were feeling your own rapid heartbeat in your palms, or his.
His lips left yours for a moment, but another feather light kiss came soon after. A couple more small steady pecks made you comfortable enough to fully relax in the hold Jacob was beginning to wrap around you; his hand moving to hold the back of your head, his other moving from the bend of your waist so his arm circled around you.
When your arms slid into a loose hold around the guy's neck again, his kisses started to ever so slightly deepen. His tongue teased your lips, his thumb caressed soothing circles against your rib cage, a delightful hum escaped his throat.
"This okay so far?" Jacob wondered in a hushed rumble, meeting your eyes between kisses. You nodded and softly smiled, waiting for the guy to continue. When he dove back in, his kisses deepened even further, his tongue pressed against yours, his hold tightening, pulling you almost entirely against himself. You stayed like that for what felt like forever, just kissing and letting hands roam against backs and through hair.
He'd barely done as much as hold you close, but you were already feeling the hot coil of desire burning low in your belly, and it was starting to spread every place else. Your every nerve was already on end.
"I could gladly do this all night." Jacob hummed, moving his kisses to pepper your jaw, and then down your neck. "But would you like to go any further? You tell me, doll."
"Sure, we can go further. I just need you to guide me through." You blew out another shaky breath, trying to release the jitters.
"I can do that. Just remember you can tell me to stop anytime for any reason." Jacob kissed your forehead and waited for you to nod in agreement. He kissed your cheek and then your lips, and let his hands begin to roam new territory. his fingers grazed under the hem of your shirt, brushing against the skin of your hips, skin that had never been touched by anyone but yourself until now. It was starting.
"Can I take this off, doll? I'll take mine off too. We'll be on the same page." Jacob sighed into your mouth, and couldn't resist kissing you between words. He left one set of fingers creeping under your shirt while the other gently tugged at the garment.
"I like that idea." You smiled, his lips brushing against yours in a phantom kiss.
He opted for his first, shedding his tee in a lazy fashion, revealing a sight you had seen before, his bare chest. But now was different from the hot summer days you'd been near the guy in such a state. Now you were free to oggel his frame entirely. 
Jacob watched you watching him as he delicately took hold of the base if your shirt, and pulled it up. You lifted your arms instinctively and tried not to shiver in an anxious display of vulnerability.
The man you'd come to trust tossed aside your favorite old concert tee and brought both his hands to the bare skin of your waist. He'd see you in swimsuits and crop tops but he'd never been so close. Never had his hot skin been so easily accessible under your touch. Never had he caressed you in such a state. The pair of you stood there, holding each other in a delicate morphing clasp, for a brief moment. Your breathing synchronized before Jacob nuzzled against your neck and mumble something about how beautiful he thought you looked, and how lovely he thought it was to hold you so close like this. It was almost too sweet, his musings and the gentle way he held you. But the pecks he placed against your neck turned into something fiercer, his teeth grazing, his breathing audible. All the while, his caresses turned too, his fingers pressed possessive against your skin, one hand moving to bring your hips as close to his as possible.
You let it happen, dragging your nails across his shoulder blades and letting out a delighted sigh. You knew this was supposed to be a fun positive experience. But you felt quite unprepared for how much you were enjoying yourself.
Jacob planted another sloppy kiss to your lips, encouraging you to match his energy.
He began to drag you a few steps in another direction, never daring to break away from the kiss you were sharing, until he had to. Jacob eased onto the side of your bed, gently pulling you into his lap. He maneuvered you into a straddle you were happy to settle into, leaving no space between the two of you, as your kisses continued.
"This all okay, doll?" Jacob hoped, as his warm hand made its way toward your breasts, still covered.
"Yes Jacob," you breathed, taking your turn in moving kisses down the man's neck, not totally sure of your execution but lead by passion what could go so wrong, you wondered?
To your delight, Jacob practically melted under your bites and licks, and you were beginning to melt a little yourself, as he kneaded at your bra.
"You can take it off. If you want." You sighed, keeping up your work at his neck, moving from one side to the other.
"Oh, I've wanted to for a longer than you know." He let out a little laugh after his confession.
You sat up to meet his gaze, asking a question with one look.
"You know I've always thought you were beautiful. But I have always wondered just how much more beautiful under all your clothes." Jacob mewled, unclasping your bra after two tries. You let the thing fall away and slide down one arm to the floor, as Jacob ogled you shamelessly. Somehow the moment didn't cause you nearly as much nervousness as you'd anticipated. The way Jacob was handling this new interaction, the way he'd been handling you; caused your nerves that kept arising the settle, provoking much more excitement than you knew you were capable of feeling in a time like now.
"Even more beautiful than my imagination has been able to conceive." Jacob grinned up to you before rolling his eyes closed on his mission to cover you in kisses.
You couldn't hold back your sigh, one you'd never heard yourself make. A noise you didn't know you were capable of producing. Jacob's lips closed around one of your nipples while he let his hand attend to the other. You could feel his pants tightening beneath you, and his messy hair tangled in your fingers as you grasped at something to ground you. Things were moving at a steady pace yet seemed to be rocketing into progression much quicker than you were prepared for.
"Jacob." You reluctantly halted him, grabbing his attention away from making you feel so good. "Jacob, I don't want to stop, but can we slow down a little?" You asked in a shaky breath, watching your chest rise and fall rapidly, like you'd just run a mile.
"Of course." He promised, planting closed mouth kisses across your collarbone. "Come'er."
Jacob pushed you from his lap to the middle of the bed and adjusted himself behind you, as you took in a couple deep breaths. Then his hands found your shoulders, and began to massage the tense muscle there.
"Are you still nervous? More or less? What can I do to help?"
"Still nervous. But you've been very patient so far and I can't imagine doing this with anyone else. Thank you, Jacob."
"You're practically a natural," Jacob purred in your ear, keeping up his work on your shoulders. You began to feel more at ease under his touch, and more ecstatic by his words and the tone of his voice. "Nothing to be nervous about."
Your hum gave him a green light to follow his hands with his lips, kissing the trail of his massaging.
He soon let his hands start to wander, keeping his face in the crook of your neck as his hands trailed lightly across your chest and tummy, stalling for a brief second at the hem of your pants before ghosting back up to brush at your already exposed skin.
You flipped around crawling into a position closer, moving to undo the button of his pants.
"You sure?" Jacob asked quickly, waiting for you to nod before shedding the trousers as lazily as he removed his shirt.
"Want me to do yours?" He asked, not wondering if you'd rather handle the task, but if you were ready for the next step to be initiated at all. You told him you were ready, looking right in the guy's hooded deep brown eyes.
Jacob gently pushed you against the stack of pillows at the head of your bed. For one small moment, you paused to look at each other and smile. And then your friend shifted and reached for the button of your trousers. You watched as he hooked a couple fingers in the hem to peel the fabric away from your body, his eyes drinking in every newly exposed inch of you. You helped kicked away the pants, as Jacob reached to pull you back into his lap. In one swift move, you pushed him back into the pillows. You relished having the boy pinned below you, as you closed in for another kiss.
His hands traced across the expanses of your skin, his warm form settled beneath yours in the very best ways. You began to let your fingers trace patterns across his chest, feeling the hammer of his heart. Now both clad in nothing but underwear, the thin fabric allowed for you to feel more exactly of how worked up you'd gotten the boy.
You weren't nervous now to roll your hips against his. Or even if you might've been, they seemed to move on their own accord, your body seeking to satisfy its growing desires. Your rocking against the man's lap grew quietly more confident, and in the matter of a couple grinds you had Jacob whimpering against your lips.
Jacob gently pushed you from his lap, moving to hover over you in turn. "Okay?" He asked more succinctly but paused and watched for your confirmation just as patiently as every time before. And right as you began to nod, Jacob pressed his clothed hips against yours, encouraging your legs to open a little wider to make space for him. He kept his eyes sharply focused on yours, as he kept grinding, palming at your breast all the while. You were overcome, the coil in your belly tightening, and you hadn't even gotten to the good part.
His hand that had been working at your breast traveled downward, stalling near the hem of your underwear. Just as Jacob opened his mouth to ask if his next move was allowed, you were quicker. You grabbed his forearm and gently pushed his hand past the fabric of your undergarment, immediately glad for it.
His fingers found their way gently to your heat, giving subtle barely there caresses to the part of you that was most sensitive. Your toes curled and your heart stalled as he touched you with such tender intention. The pair of you managed to settle side by side, and without discussion, you reached to move Jacobs fingers to the spot he'd been nearly close to finding. The feeling that followed sent sparks through your nervous system, and your own hand shot out toward Jacob's underwear in response. You didn't ask, you simply slid your digits up and down the clothed length of your friend's crotch, relishing the shuttered breaths he released as you did so. The pair of you kept this up for a short moment, kissing when you weren't stealing each others breath away.
"Can we get to the part where you fuck me?" You sighed, worried that if you didn't do so soon, in the midst of your highest confidence, you'd lose the nerve. Jacob let out a quiet chuckle as he nodded, moving to shed the last of both of your clothes. Gentle as ever, he took as much time with this process as ever, making you more at ease and anxious for the next step all the same.
"Are you sure?" Jacob worried, settling between your legs. You kept one hand against his face and the other set of your fingers grasping his shoulder. You nodded quickly between shaky breaths, your nerves heightening slightly at the realization this was happening. But then Jacob shook his head. "I'm not doing anything until you relax, doll."
You were fully aware of your uneven breathing and the tensing of your body, due to the anxiousness that threatened to swallow you whole. You wanted this, you really did. But that didn't stop your nervous system from going a bit haywire during such an unprecedented situation.
"Relax." Jacob repeated. He petted your hair back and smoothed a hand across your shoulder, attempting to ease the tension you held there. You tried your best to settle a bit more comfortably against the sheets as the guy spoke up again. "Take like four deep breaths, and relax." Jacob guided you through his desired number of focused inhales, taking them in just as deeply himself. You closed your eyes during the last couple and felt yourself truly a little more at ease by way of Jacob's help and kind focus. You watched the guy breath out same as you, the fourth time, and after a beat he gave you a subtle nod.
"Good, that's better. Now, are you super sure?" He prompted, letting his hands hold you firmly against him, not daring to move until you gave your full, more at ease, confirmation. When you said yes with a smile, Jacob smiled too, and proceeded to line his hips up with yours.
As he pressed into you slow and steady, he cooed in your ear. Mumbling pet names and sweet encouragements about how good you'd already made him feel. Between his saccharine words and the pressure between your legs, you were done for.
Your breathing quickened all too soon but wasn't as shaky and uneven as before. Your skin burned with want. Your legs spread far as they could. He placed a loving hand against your temple, and you gripped his wrist as he began to move his hips in a sinfully slow manner.
The press of his lips to your throat was made more intimate by the grazing of his teeth there too. The speed at which he rocked into you began to increase, your heart rate following suit. everything felt better than you could've even fathomed. You were glad you did this with someone you knew and trusted. Someone whose hands were familiar to at least some parts of your own body and whose voice was welcomed in your ear. So glad you were doing this with someone you'd let do it all over again. So glad you're doing this with Jacob.
"You're doing so good, so good, nothing to be nervous about." The last word of his sentence was abruptly cut off by a growl the man couldn't seem to hold back.
Jacob was relentless now, pulling your hips against his as he rocked so hard against you, the bed frame kept hitting the wall. You couldn't imagine feeling much better than this, but then he asked if you were close to reaching your breaking point. You realized you'd never known before, and you really weren't sure now. "I don't know." You admitted with a twinge of worry. "It feels so good, Jacob, but I-I don't know." A sigh escaped your lips as he hit a certain spot within you. He grumbled encouragement in your ear, saying it was okay that you didn't know, and kept up his efforts.
"But I can't hold back much longer, I'm sorry." Jacob cried, his movements becoming sloppy, still heavenly though. It was your turn to encourage him, and let him know it was okay to come undone. Jacob was a goner soon after your brief pep talk, pulling himself from you as his seed spilled across your stomach. As Jacob caught his breath, he promised to go hunting for a towel to clean you up as you propped yourself on your elbows.
"Is it disappointing that I didn't come?" You worried, sitting up a little, catching your own breath. Jacob smirked, and petted back your hair, settling a little closer to you.
"I'm just glad you didn't fake it. Sometimes it just takes practice to know how to make it happen... to find out what you like, ya know?"
"Yeah, I s'pose." You contemplated, a bit cross that it hadn't happened, because it was half the reason you were eager to get this first time sorted out, so you could know how to handle yourself. Jacob had spotted a towel a few steps from your bedside, and was quick to retrieve it. And as he sweetly took to cleaning up the mess he'd made about you, he spoke up.
"You know, I never said our little educational experiment was over..." Jacob was smug, but turned up a brow to nod seriously your way and in a moment that made your cheeks flush even still after everything that had just occurred.
"Would... would you?"
Jacob said nothing. He simply dove back in to kiss you again, with more passion than ever, you thought. The man pressed you to lean against the pillows once again, as his fingers danced lower and lower down your abdomen.
"You seemed to like when I did this." Jacob cooed, letting his fingers ghost over your heat for the second time that evening, grazing a certain spot you'd once helped him find. You sucked in a breath at the feeling, giving Jacob the green light to proceed with more vigor. He pressed his fingers against you with more certainty, swirling more meaningful circles in that one spot. Jacob watched as you bit your lips together, struggling to keep an undignified moan from bursting from your chest.
"Think I must be doing something right." You friend boasted, keeping up the motions he'd settled into perfectly making. All the while, he moved to kiss you. His mouth, you were certain, must've left marks peppered across you skin as his lips moved from your neck to your throat, to your breasts and down further and further and further.
Once his lips ghosted across your core, you knew you were done for. The man let his tongue replace his fingers, as his digits moved to slide inside of you. His hair tickled your thighs, and every sensation added up together was nearly too much to process.
You thought Jacob's hands were magical, his lips and tongue were mind blowing. His warm breath, his teeth grazing, it was all more intense than you'd though it could've been. Your back arched, your hips rolled, and Jacob shouldered closer, putting as much vigor into this process as he could manage. Now, you suddenly seemed to understand the answer to his previous statement. You were close, now. You had to be. Your every sense buzzed and all you felt was increasing ecstasy.
You couldn't begin to hold back your cries of pleasure now, as Jacob worked you into a frenzy. He kept up his efforts until your legs shook, and only when you nudged his head gently away from it's latch onto your lower half, did he cease.
"I would ask if you enjoyed that but I think I know the answer." Jacob grinned, crawling to lay at your side. You laid in a daze, wondering how someone could've gotten that reaction from you. Of course it was Jacob who had.
You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, and for no good reason at all, you both burst into a fit of laughter. Exhausted giggles, that died down when a cough alerted you to how dry your throat had become from all the harsh breathing you'd done.
Jacob insisted on taking care of you, finding water for the pair of you to drink and escorting you to the shower. You pulled him in with you, and talked about silly things as you washed up, comfortable as before in your friendship.
"Hey, thank you. I really was so scared to go through all that. But you made it easy. You made it fun." You confessed, as Jacob wrapped a towel around your frame. He ran his hands up and down your arms, warming you from the chill of the room.
"Thank you for trusting me. You'll never know how much of an honour it was, really." Jacob nodded sincerely, before pulling you into an embrace. He went home shortly afterward, promising to see you soon, and joking that he'd more than happily help you practice again, anytime. You laughed along with him, and secretly hopped he wasn't joking.
After he left, sleeping with Jacob constantly played back in your mind. The phantom feeling of his body lingered about your skin. You thought of little else than your dear friend, as you moved through the motions of the next day. So, to remedy your fever for the lad, you called him and asked about meeting up for dinner. He responded quickly insisting he'd love to, and that he would swing by your place a little later on. Time dragged on as you counted the minutes until he arrived.
When the knock came at your door, you opened it with perhaps too much excitement. Neither of you said anything, and a brief moment of silence filled the space between you.
"It's still a little early for dinner." You schemed. Jacob quirked a brow, stepping in as you stepped back to make room for him. He shut the door behind himself, as you crossed your fingers behind your back... "Maybe... to kill time, we could do what we did the other night?" You hoped, casting a hopeful glare up to the man before you. And before you even finished your sentence, he reached out to pull you closer, crashing his lips against yours once you'd finished talking.
It wasn't long until he had you lifted from the ground in his arms, your legs wrapped around his torso as he moved to throw you on the sofa.
"You do have a lot still to learn." Jacob smirked, untying the joggers that hugged your hips.
"But we are eating later." You demanded, craving a certain local restaurant.
"Well, I'm not waiting till later." Jacob growled, smiling as he lowered himself between your legs right away. The night spiraled into a mess of moans that were familiar to you now. When the pair of you were spent, you cleaned up and went to dinner, and then parted your separate ways.
After that night, there were four days until you were set to move away. And Jacob showed up at your door every evening with a different excuse each time.
He'd wanted to see the newest horror film in the local theater. You left halfway through to fuck in your car. Jacob mentioned that practice made perfect, and he was more than happy to help you hone this craft. You'd wanted to throw a party with all your friends before summer sent you each different way's. A whole soiree was planned in which you and Jacob skipped out early on; because the broom closet you'd snuck into wasn't giving either of you enough space to work with, and you'd both concluded this may be the last chance you got to really participate in your new found hobby.
But the next day, he found his way over all the while. And neither of you had to ask. It was only a matter of time before he had you pinned against the bathroom counter, and you'd never been happier. Just as you began reaching your climax, Jacob spoke up between sighs, "I don't want you to leave."
"Then come with me."
"Come with me." You manage to get out the words before losing all composure. He followed close behind. But you both knew finding release together wasn't what you meant when you asked him to come along.
As you both caught your breath, Jacob brushed your hair back, and let his eyes consider all of your features. As he took too long to respond, you decided to draw a bath, and invited him to settle among the bubbles with you, where you brought up your question one more time.
"We've had lot's of practice, you know." You settled across from the man you'd come to know better than you ever expected. "Maybe we can go pro. Make it official?" You watched Jacob watch you, as you spoke.
"Was this your plan the whole time? You're twisted way of getting me to fall for you?"
"No, I genuinely just wanted your help that one night. Then it turned into many many nights. And now I don't want to ever have to worry about practicing with anyone but you."
And so after a few more rounds of questions of answers, it was decided. Jacob would follow you to a new town to live a new life. But with your oldest friend at your side and under shared sheets, you weren't so nervous about all the new things you would get to encounter, together.
───※ ·❆· ※───
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ceruark · 4 months
May I please ask for some crumbs of Sunday and Reader’s childhood from the entwine au 😔
Was it love at first sight! What sort of shenanigans did they get up to! At what point did Reader start to become wary of him!
Doesn’t have to be a fully fleshed out fic or anything. I just wanna know!!!
Oh I am so glad you all are eating up entwined au... please keep doing so. Please keep asking about prince Sunday (or the other hinted suitors...). It fuels me.
It's very much puppy love in the beginning; you and Sunday stealing shy glances of the other from across the ballroom, flushing bright red when one is caught by the other (there's no need to be so embarrassed— the other was staring first). As mentioned in the fic, Sunday makes the first move by stealing flowers from the table centerpieces and handing them to you in an attempt to woo them. It's fairly effective, considering that you two are seen together at every ball.
From there, it's typical child royalty shenanigans. You two sneak out of the ballroom and into the gardens, where you complain about their ever-growing list of responsibilities and frustrating lessons and tutors. You two could talk for hours, settling for climbing up a tree and settling against the branches while basking in the other's company.
Sometimes, you play pretend; it could be a number of things depending on if Robin or other royal children are around, but Sunday much prefers the games where he is the king of an empire with you ruling by his side. His little wings flutter erratically when you take your role very seriously and hook your arm around his, holding your head high. He thinks you'll look even lovelier when you're both older and ruling over Penacony together.
Speaking of playing pretend— one day, when it's just you, Sunday, and Robin in the gardens, Robin makes the seemingly harmless suggestion that she could oversee your and Sunday's wedding. Sunday gets so flustered at the situation, but you just laugh, agreeing that it would be fun.
It's a fine ceremony for a couple of eight year olds, and for being held by a seven year old. You weave blades of grass and dandelions together into bracelets to use in place of rings. Robin uses her hairpiece to fasten Sunday's handkerchief over your face as a makeshift veil. Sunday uses every fancy word he knows to proclaim his undying love for you. Cheek kisses are exchanged, and bracelets are slipped onto wrists. It's the wedding of the century.
It's the promise he's never forgotten, the one he refuses to let go.
When you two become teenagers, everything changes. Sunday has started his tutelage under Gopher Wood, and you notice it's taking a toll on him; he's far more serious now, offering tight, practiced smiles in place of the childish, side-splitting laughter he would partake in with you and his sister. He's far too tense, too mature, too stressed for someone your age.
But despite the change, his crush on you doesn't wane— no, it only seems to grow the more you pester him, the more you ask about his wellbeing and curse his tutors for putting so much pressure on him. It grows with each concerned hand on his shoulder, with each time you fuss over him.
You promised you would rule by each other's side one day. You had a ceremony sealing it. And here you are, fretting over how much sleep he's getting and how someone ought to put his tutors in their place for overworking him, for Aeons' sake.
So why do you giggle and flirt back with the other royals? Why do you entertain your mother's notions of arranging meetings with the children of other kingdoms? Why won't you tell her that you've already found someone?
Why won't you tell her that you're his?
It's a frustration he doesn't express outright, yet it's also one he can't hide. He practically clings to you at balls, a second shadow walking in your footsteps. Each time someone gets just a little too flirty with you, your arm is seized in a vice grip and Sunday is at your side, a too-polite smile present on his face and an unspoken warning glinting in his eyes. Your pursuer flees the second they see him.
After all, who would risk upsetting the prince of one of the most powerful kingdoms in the world?
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carmillascrusade · 6 months
Jealousy, Jealousy | Larissa Weems x f!reader
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Summary: Larissa misinterprets an interaction between you and Morticia, only to reject you when you ask her to the Rave’N. She comes to regret it but can you find it within yourself to face her after such a recent heartbreak?
Young!Larissa AU.
Word count: 2,311
A/N: Hurt/no comfort. Something quick I wrote on the bus so please excuse any mistakes as this has not been proofread.
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Nevermore’s air buzzed with uncontrollably excitement. The Rave’n was fast approaching, with only a few hours left to prepare. Perhaps you had left it too late. What if somebody else had already asked Larissa? What is she said no to you?
Snapping fingers and waving hands brought you out of your thoughts. Morticia stood in front of you, smiling at the dazed look in your eyes. “You’re going to be alright, you know.” She stated, kindness beaming from her eyes. A stark contrast from her usual blank, if not bored, facade.
“What if she says no?” You huffed. “Or what if somebody else has already asked her? What if I mess it up so terribly that she doesn’t want to speak to me ever again?”
You brought your nails to your mouth, chewing the skin roughly until it bled- an awful habit you had picked up in childhood. Morticia pulled your hands away from your mouth gently and pushed them down so that you couldn’t abuse your skin any longer. Her hands cupped your face, forcing yo to look into her eyes as you fretted.
“Practise your speech on me. That way you can make it perfect, so nothing will go wrong.”
“Are you sure? It’s really embarrassing.” You murmured , cheeks tinted red at the thought of showing Morticia just how much you loved Larissa through the words you were about to speak.
“Of course I am sure.” She beamed, stepping back and gesturing for you to begin.
You gaped at her for a moment, willing yourself to muster just enough courage to perform your Rave’N proposal to her. You exhaled slowly, subtly picking at your cuticle so that Morticia wouldn’t notice. “Okay,” you spoke, ever so quietly. “I’m ready.”
A shaky nod of approval was given, your eyes flickering to every possible spot in the room; desperately trying to find something to settle on in hopes it would make this interaction less awkward than it already was. Every single word in the English vocabulary seemed to dissipate into thin air as you tried to call upon them. Your love for Larissa so overwhelming that mere words wouldn’t do it justice.
Morticia stared at you as you squeaked out a “Will you go to the Rave’N with me… please?”
She barked out in laughter, loud and boisterous as she processed your pathetic attempt of asking a girl out. Her obnoxious laughing the only sound in the room as you narrowed your eyes at her, your glare only causing her to laugh even more. Not impressed in the slightest, you stood with your arms crossed, an ‘are you being serious right now?’ expression painting your face.
It felt like you were waiting years before her laughter subdued into quiet giggles, a chocked ‘I’m sorry’ escaping her as she looked over at your disgruntled form. “Is that all you got? Good lord, you may as well have thrown yourself down to her feet and begged her for her attention.
“Yeah, laugh it up Morticia. It’s hilarious, truly. ” You spat, seething silently, lamenting at your inability to express your emotions in speech properly.
Morticia took pity on you and ceased her amusement for the time being. She reached out for you, rubbing her hands up and down your arms in an attempt of comfort. “You know, maybe you should just get her a box of chocolates and some pretty flowers. Every girl loves flowers.”
“Yeah. Good idea.” You smiled slightly, ideas whiting in your head as you thought of the perfect flower combination to gift Larissa.
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Larissa stood on the opposite side of the door, just out of view from you and Morticia. She hadn’t meant to eavesdrop but the conversation you were sharing with Morticia piqued her interest.
She stood, crestfallen, as she overheard you asking Morticia to the dance. Her hand reached up to cover her mouth as tears blurred her vision, the last thing heard from the room being Morticia’s cruel laugh. How could she be so stupid? To think that you, or anybody, would look at her instead of Morticia. Why was she subject to this awful fate of existing only in Morticia’s shadow? It wasn’t fair.
Larissa took herself to her room, mascara ruined by tears, eyes puffy and red. Accepting the fact that she would never be better than Morticia, she took herself to her bed she laid there for a moment, simply staring at the ceiling as her whole world crumbled around her. Your carefully crafted memories tainted by the lick of flames, charring them a sulky black.
She wouldn’t let this get the best of her. No. She would go to the Rave’N regardless of whether you wanted her or not.
She would make you as insignificant to her as she was to you.
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Pressing eyes and curled lips followed you as you made your way through the centre. Head hung low and feet which you pressed onward to the flower shop, the townsfolk had always had abysmal views on outcasts and today was no different. Children stopped playing, their faces stricken with fear as you passed, parents glaring in contempt. You knew it would all be worth it however as you thought back on Larissa. No feat would be too difficult to pass as long as you were doing it with her in mind.
You walked up to the desk and patiently waited for the cashier to come back; flowers already paid for and ordered in advance, all that was left to do was pick them up. Your fingers drummed nervously against the countertop, weary of the suspicious glances being thrown your way.
The cashier was nice enough, though, as she handed you your bouquet. You smiled and thanked her softly before making your way to the chocolatier down the street. Larissa had a terrible sweet tooth; whether she liked to admit it or not.
Your trip, albeit short, was something you were glad to get out of the way. The townsfolk would never be welcoming to an outcast like you and, unfortunately, it was just something you had to take with a pinch of salt. Larissa was worth the risk.
By the time you had arrived back at Nevermore the busting day to day life had lulled to a stop. Scurrying along to Larissa’s room, wanting to catch her before she would undoubtedly be asleep, you skilfully avoided the teachers on walk around duty, meandering your way up the wide staircases and through the narrow corridors until you reached her door.
Your breathing was irregular as you stood outside Larissa’s door. Whether that was from the minimal exercise you did to get here or the nerves overtaking your body, you weren’t sure. Larissa would be awake at this time. Wouldn’t she?
You muttered a quick ‘You can do this’ to yourself before taking the plunge and knocking in the door. You jumped slightly as the door was forcibly swung upon. If you weren’t in love with Larissa already, you certainly would be after seeing her in nothing but her silk slip.
Words evaded you as you gaped at her like a fish. How could somebody look so beautiful in nightwear? Her curvy figure was only accentuated by the lilac slip she had on, drawing your eyes to her hips. Heat creeped up your neck as you shamefully ogled her.
“Can I help you?” She drawled in the bored tone she used when speaking to people she didn’t like very much.
Her tone snapped you out of your, very inappropriate, appreciation of her in all her glory. “Oh, yes. You can actually.”
Perfectly manicured nails tapped against the door impatiently, the cherry red a striking contrast to the burnt umber of the doorframe. Had you done something to upset her?
Yes. You definitely had.
“I bought these, for you.” You muttered, avoiding all eye contact as you did so.
“Why?” She questioned with a furrow brow as she observed you from where she stood.
“Well. I was sort of hoping that you’d like to go to the Rave’N… with me?”
You shifted from side to side, anxious under Larissa’s unusually stone cold glare. A soft pitter-patter rang out in the silence, the ceiling not yet fixed and still leaking. Larissa barked out a laugh, startling you in the process.
“Do you think I’m a fool?” She snarled, jabbing you in the chest with her pointer finger.
“It’s pathetic really. You coming to my door, begging for my affections.”
“What? Larissa, where is this coming from?” You were beyond confused and hurt at the way she was rejecting you. Why couldn’t she just say no?
“Listen here. I will not subject myself to the torture of being a rebound. So, no. I will not got to the Rave’N with you.”
And with that she slammed the door in your face. You were stunned to say the least. What did she mean rebound? What had you done to warrant such cruelty?
A small, barely audible, defeated sigh sounded out in the corridor. The bouquet drooping miserably as it hung loosely in your hands. Morticia would be asleep by now so you couldn’t even go to her for comfort.
Dejected and heartbroken, you headed back to your dorm. Stumbling into things as you went, vision blurred by the tears you refused to let fall.
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Obnoxiously loud music shook the foundations of the academy, letting you know that the Rave’N was in full swing. Your outfit sat forgotten in the wardrobe. There was no point in going if you couldn’t go with the person you wanted.
Morticia had came by before, asking you about how it went, so she knew you would not be present tonight. Instead, you had chosen to snuggle up in bed and read; desperately trying to get Larissa’s brutal rejection as far out of your mind as you could.
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Larissa has gone all out with her outfit. She wanted to show you what you were missing, that she was far better than Morticia and you were a fool not to see it. Only she hadn’t seen you yet and she’d been here half an hour already.
Her bottom lip caught between her teeth as she surveyed the room. Had you already left with somebody? Raven black hair caught her eye. Morticia. Surely she would know where you were.
Sidling up beside Morticia, Larissa smiled at her, saccharine sweet as she asked about your whereabouts. Morticia gave her a sarcastically friendly grin in return before answering her.
“What’s it got to do with you?”
Larissa stuttered a little. Slightly taken aback at Morticia’s subtle aggressiveness towards her. “Well, I- I would just like to know.”
“You don’t get to know where she is.” Morticia sneered back.
“And why is that?” Larissa was beginning to get defensive. She could ask about you if she wanted to. What has it got to do with everybody else?
“What did you say to her?”
“Look,” Morticia sighed. “You have every right to reject people but she wouldn’t even let me in her room. So, I’ll ask again, what did you say that has her refusing to come here?”
“She’s not here… because of me?” Larissa questioned quietly.
“Why else wouldn’t she be here?” Morticia was getting snappy with her and Larissa knew she had done something wrong.
“I don’t know.”
“Let me spell it out for you. She wanted to come to the Rave’N with you, and only you, but you rejected her so she isn’t here.”
“What?” Larissa’s smile faltered ever so slightly before she managed to school her features.
Her world came to a stop as she mulled Morticia’s words over. Continuously rolling them around her head. Again and again. Over and over.
Her vision swirled as the room spun around her, Morticia reduced to nothing but a blur. She felt sick. Swiftly turning on her heel and fleeing the dance, Larissa set out to find you, intent on fixing her mistakes before it was too late.
It wasn’t too late… was it?
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You were in your room, hidden under a mountain of blankets and pillows in a pitiful attempt to drown your sorrows. Reading had failed- your mind being too preoccupied to truly focus on the words of the page. A sharp knock, brief and to the point, made you peak your head above your fortress. Who would be knocking on your door instead of going to the dance? You sighed as you left the comfortable embrace of your duvet and braved the chill night air of your room.
“Morticia,” you shouted. “I’ve already told you I’m not going to-“
She stood in your doorway; her flushed face a rosy red, her breathing slightly irregular and her normally pristine hair tousled. You went to shut the door, not wanting to deal with the emotions you had failed to bury under your pile of blankets right now. Her foot stopped the door from closing and she forced herself inside your room, carefully as to not damage the goods in her hands.
“Wait! Please, just listen to me.” She begged.
“Why should I?” Were you being petty? Yes. But she deserved it.
“I bought these for you.” She whispered, extending her lithe arms towards you. “I know that they’re your favourite.”
You sighed agitatedly as you tossed up the idea of letting her in or shutting the door in her face. Although it would bring you great satisfaction to leave get stranded on the hallway, you knew the feeling would only be momentary. After a silence that stretched for hours, you finally decided that you couldn’t see her right now and shut the door in her face.
Leaving a stunned and heartbroken Larissa on the other side; much how she had left you earlier the same evening.
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ashessonfire · 1 year
hello lovely!! would it be possible to write smth w wylan?? like, sweet little headcanons abt him in a relationship!! thank youu <3 love ur fics
Dating Wylan Van Eck - Headcanons <3
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- Pairing - Wylan Van Eck x Reader (gender neutral)
A/N - Hi Hi!! One exam is down, only four more to go! Very soon my other works will be completed, but i missed writing so much, so here are some of my sweet headcanons for Wylan. I hope i have done him justice in this, as I am normally a Kaz type of girl. I hope i have done you proud anon <3333
Reminder - my requests are always open, please keep sending them! <3
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The most attentive partner you could ever find, he will pay you 100% of his attention no matter the topic
He never wishes for you to experience the loneliness and isolation he felt with your father, EVER
As a result of this, expect the sweetest and most heartfelt gifts to be hurriedly placed into your hands before he runs off to distract himself from the blush blooming across his face
Every single present you receive from him will be extremely intricate and personal, remembering childhood stories you've recalled, or things you wished for years ago
"I know you said it about six months ago, but..."
He does not forget nor ignore a single detail about you
Despite his sheepish nature, the longer you're with him, the more adorable outbursts occur
By this I mean sudden bursts of bubbling confidence as he explains something he's passionate about, or witty jokes he's thought of
"Well, actually, did you know that technically, humans can create their own venom? So, it starts with....."
Although he may be embarrassed and retreat into himself afterwards, any sign of encouragement from you would melt his heart, prompting him to keep opening himself up to you
Another thing that would simply make his heart implode, is if you took interest in his passions - allowing him to teach you simple chords on the piano, or help him produce a few basic chemical reactions down in the lab
Just showing care for the things he adores would result in him losing his mind, since very few people in his past had taken any true interest in him, at all
He would be the most gentle and patient teacher ever, placing soft kisses on your knuckles when you succeeded in getting a melody correct on the piano, or a peck on the cheek when you have accomplished anything
In terms of love languages, I am certain that Wylan actually uses all of them... <3
Although he can be nervous to express his feelings through words, he is a poetic and creative soul, so given time to grow comfortable with you, whispers of "I love you," or "I'm so lucky to have found you," would slowly slip into conversations
Quality time is a given for Wylan, since he's never had someone who wants his company for long, again wishing to shelter you from the pain he has experienced himself - expect many quiet evenings by the fireplace where he crafts melodies on the flute, and you bake or read in comfort
Once time has gifted the boy more confidence, expect his touch to increase swiftly, never wanting to let you go - soft brushes of your shoulders as you walk side-by-side, fingers gently interlocked, brushes of stray locks as the breeze shifts them...
He would do anything for you, no matter what you ask of him, so always expect your home to be spotless, your chores already completed when you turn to do them - with Wylan its very unlikely you will need to do much at all, he is so attentive
As mentioned earlier, gift giving is definitely one of his favorite ways to express his love, clearly portraying his heart to you when his words may fail him
In terms of what he wants and needs in a relationship? I think his standards would be on the floor, merely needing your presence in a room to comfort him
However once he realizes that you reciprocate his acts of love? Well I think he'd be completely at your mercy by that point
Although it may take some time to stop his fretting and insecurities, once he accepts that he doesn't just have to give, but he can receive love back, he is the happiest he has ever been in his life
With your love and affection, he would absolutely thrive, becoming a more confident and strong version of himself - slowly stripping him of his nervous behaviour and allowing his true self to shine more often
To me, a relationship with Wylan would be a gentle, affectionate, and peaceful experience - both partners being showered in love constantly
Being with him is like having a personal ray of sunshine, who would express his love for you in any way he can <3
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p.s ~ any reposts help me infinitely!! ^^
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mrsmikaelsxn · 2 years
Rainy Day Reads
pairing: remus lupin x any gender reader
warnings: remus being the perfect person he is, fluff, a hint of kissing
summary: remus reads to you in the library on a rainy day
a/n: remus is honestly my comfort character, hes too precious
song: what falling in love feels like - eoxinum
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It was early in the morning and it was raining outside. You and Remus were in the Hogwarts library on a couch that was covered by bookshelves, allowing privacy - not that you needed it, the library was practically empty.
Your head was on his lap, and his fingers were running through your hair. You could have fallen asleep right there if you hadn't just woken up.
His other hand was holding a copy of Little Women, both of yours favorite book. His voice was soft and quiet, barely above a whisper. His voice is so calming, everything about him is. He is, as you put it, your comfort person.
The two of you have been dating for about a year now, and you bother were so happy. You two were always close, before the two of you got together, you were the best of friends. The two of you are perfect for one another. Sort of like sunshine and rain, you create something beautiful when with the other.
"I love Laurie," you sigh dreamily.
"Laurie? What about me," Remus pouts. You sit up and peck his lips.
"Don't fret, my love. I'll always love you most"
"Hmm, you better"
You smile while laying your head back down. You look over the flowers he bought you this morning. You constantly told him that he did not need to do that, but he continuously does it anyways.
The full moon was coming up soon, in two days. So, James, Sirius, and Peter, were all resting as much as they are able to now- so they could help Remus.
He, of course, feels horrible that his friends do this for him. He blames himself and calls himself a monster. He is also embarrassed by the many scars he has. You make sure to kiss every single one, it makes him feel better, but he's still weary of them.
It makes him want to cry, when you do that. He couldn't be more in love with you.
You also help him during the full moons, as much as him and the other Marauders try to stop you - since they don't want you to get hurt - you do anyway.
When the two of you met in the library this morning, he tried to talk you into going back to sleep. You didn't listen and assured him you will be perfectly fine.
He paused his reading making you frown. "I love you," he whispers, "so much, darling"
"I love you, Remmy," you smile up at the boy you adore. "Now, please continue, I wanna hear more about Laurie," you joke.
That was how you two spent the lovely rainy day together- until you got interrupted by your friends begging to help them prank some Sytherins.
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silent-sanctum · 1 year
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Anon didn't pm me for their preference 🥲 however because of a reply and my choice of "playing safe" because I don't know how the fandom responds to a/b/o in tumblr, I'll be doing this for now. But if this fic does well, then I have an alternative omegaverse ft. Jotaro in mind 😏
So for now, here's a short fluffy au with alpha joots 😊
Loving Me - Jotaro x Reader
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word count: 1.2k
Being in a stable relationship with an alpha was honestly a bit complicated than it should be.
Considering Jotaro was one of the institute’s most sought out alpha with a literal group of omegas fawning after him, it was a genuine surprise a stoic man such as he would find interest in a mere beta instead of the other omegas available around him.
You thought about what made you attractive to him in the first place. It wasn’t that you didn’t like having him around, it was just strange. You liked talking with him ever since you got paired for a project, it continued even after it’s finished, and you grew more confident when the alpha didn’t mind your constant talking- paying attention to you even.
Sooner than you realize, he wanted to be close to you and knowing how nice he was beneath his bad boy façade, you liked getting close to him as well.
For the first few weeks, you had no issues being with him. You felt proud that you managed to get him to be your lover.
But you couldn’t deny that every time you hung out with your boyfriend, you’d begin to feel a bit insecure about it. Not about the relationship itself, but about yourself.
Every time he’d hold you close to him as he napped, you would fret about how you didn’t have a scent that could make his inner wolf satiated. Every second he would walk around with you by his side, you’d begin to worry if you were making him bored with mundane things or if you were embarrassing him in public for making a perfect example of an alpha date a beta.
Every time he’d make love to you, there was always that voice in the back of your mind thinking about how you didn’t have the basic omega instincts that would bond with his alpha on a deeper level.
Whenever he’d nuzzle into your neck where the scent gland should be, it broke your heart for you to hear his low growl or whimper when he couldn’t smell you.
You tried not to think about it too much, you really did but the longer you stayed with him, the more consistent the voices of doubt started to bother you.
It’s been a year now since you’ve first gotten together with Jotaro and today was your first anniversary with him. He offered to take you to the park where cherry blossoms were in bloom and who were you to say no to his offer?
As you had wanted, you and Jotaro had a lovely time strolling down the place, admiring the falling pink petals around you while you shared conversations with your boyfriend along the way. To your relief, he would glance at you from time to time with a smile, adding to the conversation when appropriate so it wouldn't be one-way.
Though when you two would rest under the shade of a tree, you’d see other alpha-omega couples having a good time, laughing and being in love, likely basking in each other’s scents. All you could do was huddle closer to him, hoping he’d notice your affections despite your lacks.
Then there were the single omegas who would stray a bit too close to the raven-haired when you went to buy you both something, trying to woo him when they couldn’t smell someone else’s scent on him. He’d decline them with a hard ‘no’, but it was still a gnawing feeling to be known as a non-omega with an alpha in a crowd of “standard” couples.
By the end of the day, you entered your apartment with your head bowed while Jotaro stepped inside after you.
Insecurity was such a bitch sometimes, giving you so much things to overthink about with images of Jotaro being with a proper omega who would know how to placate the alpha in him.
“Y/N? You’ve been quiet nowadays,” he said as he sat beside you on the bed. “Is something wrong?”
You shook your head, putting up a smile. “Nothing’s wrong… I just have a lot in my mind.”
“Tell me.” A hand covered yours laying between you two, his thumb caressing the skin. “And don’t lie.”
Where to start… “Be honest, do you…,” you started with hesitation, but he remained patient. “I mean… are you happy being with me?”
“I mean look at us, you’re an ideal image of an alpha who can intimidate and overpower most people, while I’m just a beta living life the best that I can.”
“I don’t care what your secondary gender is,” he said. “The reason why I like you so much is because you’re able to stand up against my bullshit, all while being one of the most competent in your work field. Whether you’re an alpha, beta, or omega, I’d not care at the slightest.”
You felt your eyes tear up and nodded. What Jotaro said was true- you were one of the best in the team, able to take charge of any situation and lead groups of people, demonstrating assertion and control like how one would define an alpha, while still possessing a caring and nurturing instinct similar to that of an omega.
And you know your boyfriend wouldn’t be the type to lie. He was always forward about his thoughts. You were aware of all of these so why start overthinking all of a sudden?
“Ah really…” you chuckled, wiping the unshed tears off your eyes. “And here you said you were shit at consolation.”
Jotaro huffed, looking away. “I am, but it’s not like you were asking for professional levels of counseling-!”
You threw your arms around him in the middle of his sentence, nuzzling against his scent gland while he secured you close to him. “True. I always like you helping me like this. It’s nice.”
Drawing back, you cupped his cheeks and gazed at his shining aquamarine eyes and minuscule smile. “But it’s still a shame I can’t appreciate what your scent is.” You drew back with a pout. “I heard that it’s kind of a built-in perfume that does loads of things to their significant others, like easing one’s emotional distress.”
You sighed and laid your head on his shoulder. “I’d like that right now, basking in whatever your scent is.”
“I’ll do what I can to ease you in a different way… but I appreciate your ideas on what I smell like…”
You hummed, nearly purring as Jotaro caressed your waist. “Still loving the thought of you smelling like earth rain and sea breeze. Do you remember your thoughts about mine though?”
Your boyfriend pressed his nose close to your neck, mirroring your movements from seconds ago. “Deep down, I like to think you’d have a calming chamomile scent with hints of vanilla mixed in the middle.”
“You really have a preference for vanilla stuff, huh pup?”
“Stop calling me that,” Jotaro grumbled as his cheeks and ears grew a faint red.
“Do you really want me to though?” You leaned close to his ear and whispered, coy and full of intent. “Alpha?”
A satisfying growl escaped your lover’s throat and his hold on you tightened, nearly causing you to whimper. “Now you’re tempting me again.”
“Perhaps…” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, bracketing your legs around his waist. “That was my intention?”
“You minx,” Jotaro said, leaning to hover his lips before yours.
You smirked, muttering a quiet “yours only” before closing the space between.
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missparker · 1 year
Hi! Can I ask for the, Perspective Flip: I’ll write a scene from [that fic] from another character’s point-of-view prompt? For The Devils in The Details, the scene being the few little lines after they have sex and Sharon is cleaning Brenda up in ch. 23? I’m mostly curious about Sharon’s thought process, is she like ‘Oh god. Who raised this woman who doesn’t pee after sex?!’ or is it more of ‘oh. look at this this woman who can barely take care of herself, it’s ok because she has me now.’ If that makes sense?? Thank you so much if you end up doing this! P.S. I absolutely love your fics and if i’m being honest they are my comfort fics so tysm.
ok i know this took a hot minute, but life got how life gets, you know? also this passage was a lot longer than i remembered!
Sharon doesn’t mind Brenda’s mattress, though she prefers her own linens. That’s what she’s thinking about, thread counts, when Brenda says, “You’re okay, right?”
“Yeah. Just sleeping and not… it’s no reflection on you, I just…”
Sharon’s heart always seems to be breaking in one way or another for Brenda. As tough as she seems: strong-willed and capable and intelligent, there’s always some uncertainty when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Like while everyone else was learning how to be a person who functioned in society, Brenda was learning how to catch murderers with her nose in a book.
“I think the expectation of sex every time we see each other is unsustainable,” Sharon says, trying to imbibe some warmth into her voice for reassurance. When Brenda doesn’t reply to that, she says, “Actually, I was starting to worry that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with your libido, over time. I’m old, you know.” The age difference usually doesn’t matter, but it occasionally rears its ugly head enough for Sharon to fret about it. It’s fine now, but what about in ten years? It’s fine now, when Sharon’s so enamored with Brenda that she wants her all the time, but she knows that no matter how attracted to someone at the start, those urges fade into something different with time. The urgency isn’t sustainable, though Sharon can’t imagine the desire will ever fade. 
“You’ve been keeping up with me just fine,” Brenda assures her. “And you may be older than me but you’re still the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
Sharon can’t let that sail by her so she props herself up enough to kiss Brenda. When she pulls away, she just wants more, but Brenda getting sleep is more important.
“I mean if you really wanted to.” 
Sharon rolls onto her back and says, “No, no.” She wants Brenda to have it all. To have her cake and eat it, too.  So she offers, “You want me to get you off? Just to put you to sleep?”
“No,” Brenda says, though Sharon thinks she’s probably lying.
She sighs as she considers her options, letting a whole array of scenarios play out swiftly in her mind. “Okay.” There’s nothing Sharon likes more than being observed, but she also likes to do the observing. “Want to do it yourself?”
“I could watch,” Sharon says.
“Is that—” She stops herself. “Would that be good for you?”
“I like to watch.” She exhales and then says, “Or be watched.” Something prickles up the back of her neck, like embarrassment, but in a different flavor. She feels shame, yes, but excitement and arousal and a certain sense of safety that she’s never felt before. She feels safe with Brenda. Safe enough to say her darkest desire aloud. 
In the moonlight, Brenda’s face shifts into understanding. “Oh my god, the stuff on the phone. And here, the first time we… you said we didn’t have to touch. We were just going to watch each other. That was your idea.”
“People like what they like.” Embarrassment now surges to the forefront, past the other things. 
“No, it’s good. It’s great. I just didn’t know you liked it so… so specifically.”
“It’s a difficult thing to ask for,” Sharon says. “You have to be so, um. Vulnerable, I guess.” She laughs nervously. “Forget it.”
“You need to get some sleep.”
“Which do you prefer?” Brenda presses. “Watching or being watched? Or at the same time?”
“Brenda,” Sharon says. It’s difficult to be the one who keeps saying no. This is what she meant when she said she was worried about Brenda’s libido. The physical aspect eventually, sure, but having to be the responsible one holding the line late at night when they’re both tired and sleep deprived. “We weren’t going to do this.”
“Too late for that,” Brenda says. “We can be fast or you can keep dragging it out, but no turning back now.” And to illustrate how serious she is, she reaches for the hem of her white tank top and pulls it up over her head. “Which is it? Captain?”
Sharon groans. “Being watched.” Saying it outloud sweeps the embarrassment aside and replaces it with arousal so strong that her hands slide down into her own briefs and she whimpers at the contact. They’re her hands, but with Brenda’s eyes on her, they may as well be Brenda’s fingers working her so expertly. Sharon loses herself easily like this, slipping in and out of herself, lost in the sensation. 
Brenda pulls the blanket off of her and then carefully helps Sharon out of her bottoms. 
“Beautiful. Look how ready you are.”
And she is ready. She could pop off like a cork out of champagne at any moment, but she hovers instead, easing herself back from the edge and then running toward it again every time she sees Brenda’s dark eyes, her hips squirming on the mattress. 
Sharon can hold herself off better than Brenda can. Brenda is a train going full speed toward a broken track. Brenda is on a suicide mission of pleasure, she always is. She has no patience for the hazy in-between hovering that Sharon has mastered after years of being her own source of pleasure. 
“Look at you,” Brenda says. “So fucking hot.”
Like Brenda has reached right into the haze and yanked her out, hard and fast. Sharon comes and comes and comes. 
When she finally floats back down to herself, she says, “Good. That was good.”
“Looked good,” Brenda says, strangled and sweating, her hands on her breasts.
“Lie back,” Sharon says, taking pity.
“I thought… just watching,” Brenda pants.
“Lie back.” It’s no longer a request. The only thing she likes more than her own orgasm, like floating on the ocean with her ears submerged, is getting Brenda off. It’s just that she enjoys it so much, she’s so shameless and hedonistic. She gives Sharon every part of herself, every cell. Sharon gets drunk on it.
Brenda groans and flops back, her head missing the pillow by an inch or two. Sharon yanks her underwear off. Brenda lifts her legs so Sharon can guide them off swiftly and then Sharon pushes her knees apart.
Brenda gasps when Sharon presses a finger in and then a second. She pumps in and out a few times and then pushes her hair over one shoulder and leans down to drag her tongue over Brenda’s clit. Carefully sucks it, adding more pressure with each pulsating slurp until Brenda is coming right against her tongue. 
It doesn’t happen every time but it’s happened more than once where Brenda comes so hard that she blacks out and Sharon allows herself to feel smug, looking down at Brenda’s still form, sweaty and breathing hard but clearly gone dark. 
Sharon will clean her up. A warm washcloth and a kiss on the forehead. It’s rare she sees Brenda helpless, anyway. And it’s rare that any woman feels safe enough to be this vulnerable with another person, so Sharon is honored to have gotten her Chief off so hard that she gets to provide affectionate aftercare now. 
Brenda tries to say Sharon’s name, but it’s mostly a mumble. 
“Shh,” Sharon says. “Go to sleep. I’ve got you.”
Brenda hums a happy sound and drifts away again.
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It took two days for Inko’s fretting to ease up enough for her to approve another attempted training session after the villain attack. Izuku, at least, seemed to bounce back pretty quickly, insisting that he’d felt something when pushing Tenko out of the way and practically demanding the chance to try channeling it again.
Toshinori, faced with overwhelming youthful enthusiasm, put on his widest grin and of course agreed. When Izuku darted off to change into gym clothes, however, that expression faded into something much more concerned. Tenko made a point of sidling up to him and gently giving the man a nudge. “This is what he wants to do, remember?”
“I know,” his uncle murmured. After a moment, he went on, “I admit, until now I’ve held a, a rather rose-tinted vision in my mind of what Izuku with One for All will look like. It’s only just clicked, though, that he’s going to start throwing himself forward with greater abandon from now on.”
“He is the kid who threw a shoe at All for One’s face,” Tenko agreed in a dry tone, making Toshinori snort. “But I think UA will be good for him. If nothing else, Aizawa-sensei is very practiced at knocking hard heads together until his students learn to be careful with themselves.”
“An excellent point, my boy.”
So. Good news! Izuku figured out how to activate his new Quirk.
Bad news - turning it on at full power apparently shattered all the bone and muscle in his arm.
Tenko first met Recovery Girl when he was a kid, and visited her infirmary a few times during his high school years. During those brief visits, he’d never seen anything besides her gentle, generally kind bedside manner. Witnessing that grandmotherly demeanor turned from a passive to almost weaponized state proved to be... an interesting experience.
For one thing, she managed to thoroughly chastise both his uncle and cousin without once ever raising her voice or using foul words. Her Healing Quirk was of course beyond impressive, and watching her hold up a piece of candy close enough to Izuku’s face to make him go cross-eyed looking at it almost made Tenko burst out laughing.
“Are you going to make sure this doesn’t happen again on a whim, young Midoriya?”
“Yes, Recovery Girl.”
“Good. Take this and get out while I fuss at your father some more.”
Both cousins were rather red-faced as they stepped out of the infirmary, Izuku from embarrassment and Tenko from trying to hold back his amusement. The little old woman’s voice started up again right as the door closed behind them, but rather than linger to try and eavesdrop, Tenko went ahead and pulled his cousin along towards the elevator. “How are you feeling?”
“Tired,” Izuku admitted, listing a little to one side as he walked. “And, confused - Dad never said anything about this happening to him.”
Tenko hummed, thinking of the couple of pictures Gran Torino showed him once, of a very young and very tall and very buff Uncle Toshi in his UA gym uniform. “Pretty sure he was about twice as big as you when Grandma Nana first gave him One for All.”
His baby cousin pulled a face at that, and Tenko gave in to the urge to ruffle his messy hair as the elevator doors opened for them. “It can’t just be the difference in muscle mass, can it? I mean- the other Bearers, it isn’t likely all of them were the same size-”
“Ah, I’m gonna stop you right there. What is One for All, at its core?”
Izuku blinked at him, gaze going a bit distant as Tenko pushed the button for his personal floor. “...it’s a stockpiling Quirk.”
“Mmhm. Meaning, as each Bearer wielded it, One for All kept getting stronger with every generation. Uncle Toshi got it from Grandma Nana, and spent decades using and strengthening and adding more to the stockpile.” He paused for a moment to let that sink in. “You’re now carrying around more power than any other Bearer before you, Izu, so I can’t really say I’m surprised it’s proving to be overwhelming at first.”
“But I’ve got to master it, I can’t let Dad down-!”
Even as the doors opened for them, Tenko tugged on Izuku’s hair until the boy looked up to meet his serious gaze. “You won’t. You could decide to bail on being a Hero and just open up a bookshop or something, and he’d be proud of you. And so would I. What you decide to do with your life isn’t nearly as important as how you live it.”
“...but I’ve got One for All now,” Izuku muttered, hunching his shoulders a little. “I can’t just let it go to waste.”
Tenko shrugged, catching the elevator doors before they could close again and nudging his cousin out. “I mean, the whole point of all the other Bearers building it up was so that it could be used to beat All for One. Uncle Toshi did that. What you choose to do with it now is up to you.”
Izuku didn’t say anything else, as Tenko got him settled at the kitchen table with a mug of warm tea while the young man fixed them both some lunch. “...Tenko?”
He shot a smile over his shoulder. “Anytime.”
I am still working on this next chapter for Double Take, but I promise it’s not abandoned - I just need to make it to the start of Izuku’s school year, and then some of my pre-written snippets will kick in.
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jokertrap-ran · 9 days
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[スタオケ] La Corda d'Oro Starlight Orchestra Mikado Ukiha Cast Story Chapter 2 Translation
*Starlight Orchestra Masterlist | Mikado Ukiha’s Personal Masterlist *Spoiler free: Translations will remain under cut *Mikado's Route Tag will be #Ukiha’s Star
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Ukiha: You can see red maple leaves everywhere in Kyoto during this season. 
Ukiha: I hope what few maple trees we have in this courtyard make for an adequate scenery to admire in your eyes.
▷Choice: They're beautiful
Ukiha: Hehe, thank you for the compliment. I am certain that the gardener in charge of maintaining the yard will be overjoyed to hear that. Ukiha: Your profile as you look up, blissfully gazing into the red foliage, puts anyone who wishes to monopolize you for themselves to shame…
▷Choice: This isn't what I'd call “few”
Ukiha: Really? I find what little maple trees we have here pale in comparison to the likes of those in Hogaike Park, Kiyomizu-dera Temple, and the Tofuku-ji Temple.
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Ukiha: We used to have many people coming and going from this place, so efforts were made to take special care of the courtyard back then….
Ukiha: However, we no longer have our gardeners come in as frequently as before, so the current state of the courtyard is a little… embarrassing.
Ukiha: It may give off the impression that it is lacking in some places, but please close an eye to it.
Ukiha: This courtyard was originally designed with the intention of being able to enjoy the scenery it provided regardless of the season. Hence, every season boasts a different view.
Ukiha: I believe that out of all the seasons, autumn is when the view here is most beautiful.
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Ukiha: The courtyard is dyed red in autumn. Look… Some flowers continue to bloom ever so stubbornly, only to gradually wither away.
Ukiha: Seems like some flowers have successfully bloomed this year.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ukiha: These are winter peonies. They are still eye-catching despite being sequestered in the corner of the garden.
Ukiha: Peonies only bloom twice a year, but they may also fail to bloom before the season, such as this autumn, ends…
Ukiha: The peonies had bloomed beautifully this spring, so I thought that I would not be able to see them in full bloom this autumn.
Ukiha: But it looks like they still have enough vitality left in them to bloom.
Mikado’s eyes softened as he gazed at the peonies…
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ukiha: If you like it, then how about taking one with you as a gift?
▷Choice: I'll gladly take one!
Ukiha: I will get Genichiro to prepare one for you later. Ukiha: I believe the flower will be satisfied to be able to live and wither under your care.
▷Choice: That would be too much of a waste
Ukiha: Fret not. After all, these flowers will not remain in bloom forever. Ukiha: Here, please accept it.
Ukiha: Peonies really are beautiful, are they not?
Ukiha: (L/n)-san. Have you ever seen how this type of flower withers?
Ukiha: They bloom even more intensely near the end. The large petals will gradually spread out, slowly falling apart and drifting to the ground…
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Ukiha: I find the way it slowly falls apart to be much more interesting than how well it blooms.
▷Choice: When it falls apart…? You're captivated by its withering?
Ukiha: Since ancient times, Japanese people often find beauty in things that are about to reach their end, do they not?
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Ukiha: The tale of the Heike, Oda Nobunaga, the Shinsengumi… They are well-loved and praised by the public for the tragic ends of their glorious stories.
Ukiha: The victor is always the one in charge of recording past historical events, yet generations later, it is the loser’s side of the story that manages to win the hearts of people.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
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Ukiha: Flowers are the same… In fact, there is a much wider range of vocabulary to describe how they wither, compared to how they bloom.
Ukiha: Cherry blossoms flutter, plum blossoms fall, chrysanthemums drop… and peonies fall apart…
Ukiha: Just like a home that falls apart, it instantly loses its shape. So fleetingly, that it's almost akin to a midsummer night's dream.
Ukiha: One day, when I reach that end myself, I too, wish to simply disappear like a peony.
Ukiha: Is something the matter?
▷Choice: That's kinda sad
Ukiha: Flowers bloom and fade, but I fear that flowers are the only thing that can tug at your heartstrings in that manner. Ukiha: But, if you are there to feel sorry for me when I wither, then I will have no regrets.
▷Choice: Let's think of happier thoughts
Ukiha: Hehe, I do apologize for dampening the mood by talking about such grim matters when there are such beautiful maple trees to be admired. Ukiha: I am afraid making metaphors like this to get reactions out of others is a bad habit of mine.
▷Choice: I can relate to that
Ukiha: Oh, great minds think alike. Ukiha: Then perhaps we should both seek comfort from one another in this courtyard as we await the end… Ukiha: Hehe, you look awfully pale. I am joking, of course.
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Ukiha: I wonder what Genichiro would say, had he known of the things I have said to you today.
Ukiha: But I suppose this is enough joking around.
Ukiha: We should get inside. I shall get someone to make you a cup of warm tea.
☆ ━━━━━━━ ∘◦♬Ukiha’s Star♬◦∘ ━━━━━━━ ☆
Previous Part: (Chapter 1) Next Part: (Chapter 3)
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astraule · 2 months
"We'll Protect You Now"
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Pairing: Jasper & Alice x Reader TW: Bullying and strong language. Y/N: She/Her human reader. Word Count: 2.1 K Summary: Jasper and Alice, concerned about Y/N canceling their plans, show up at her house to find her. She shares a painful memory from her past where she was bullied and humiliated by her classmates. With a promise to address the bullies peacefully, Jasper, Y/N, and Alice opt for a diplomatic approach to resolve the situation.
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Jasper POV:
Throughout my existence as a vampire, the emotions I’ve sensed from others have often been overwhelming, particularly those emanating from humans. Their desires are repulsive, steeped in villainy. That all changed when I encountered her—my Y/N, the blood singer for both Alice and me. Exercising restraint in her presence felt nearly impossible, yet if Edward could manage it with Bella all those years ago, I held onto the hope that I could do the same.
Having both a vampire mate and a human one definitely presented its own set of challenges, but I wouldn't change it for anything. The main drawback was that I often found myself fretting over Y/N more than Alice. While I did have my moments of concern for Alice, being a vampire meant she was less susceptible to harm from anything other than our own kind or shapeshifters. Y/N, on the other hand, was a delicate human who could be vulnerable to a multitude of dangers.
It took me months of hard work to manage my thirst before I allowed Alice and myself to enter Y/N's life. Alice was incredibly supportive and understanding, helping me every step of the way. When I finally gained some control and got closer to Y/N, it was truly amazing. Being in her presence exceeded all my expectations. I could always sense her emotions from afar, but being near her was pure bliss. It felt like she never had a bad day or negative emotion. However, I still couldn't be left alone with her, as I feared I might lash out at any moment.
I've been with Alice long enough to pick up on her occasional negative emotions. It only took a few months of living with her to sense when she was stressed or upset, although most of the time she exuded positivity. I haven't experienced Y/N's negative emotions yet, but her strong positive emotions made me almost hesitant to find out what her negative ones were like.
Alice POV:
Other than the day I first encountered Jasper and the rest of my family; meeting Y/N stands out as one of the most joyful experiences of my life. I could envision a bright future where the three of us shared a wonderful bond. With such confidence in our relationship, I felt less compelled to worry about what lay ahead; everything seemed destined to turn out well. In my mind's eye, we were already happy together, and that future was just a few years away, with Y/N fully one of us. A nagging feeling inside urged me to stay vigilant, just in case, but I was too caught up in the moment to concern myself with what lay ahead.
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Y/N POV: (High School)
“Thanks for coming with me to my class," I said, running my fingers through my hair. Jasper, Alice, and I have been together for a few months, but I still get shy around them. It's hard to believe that someone like me could be with people like them.
"No need for thanks, we're happy to walk you to all your classes," Alice offered, to which I replied with a gasp, "But what about your classes?" Jasper chimed in, saying, "Your safety is our priority, we care more about you getting to class safely than our own." I chuckled at Jasper's overprotective nature, knowing that nothing could harm me at school nowadays.
“Alright, you should probably head out now; I have something I need to take care of first,” I said. I observed them as they walked away before making my way to the ladies' room. I truly cherished Alice and Jasper, but I couldn't shake off the embarrassment that came with these kinds of discussions.
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??? POV: (Outside Female’s Bathroom)
"Jenna, we really don't have all day," I said, inspecting my nails with a hint of irritation. "Sorry Jessa, I was just filling my water bottle-" Jenna started to explain, but I interrupted her. "I don't care, I have two perfectly good eyes. And you should really get a new water bottle, I don't want people thinking MY twin sister is stuck in the goddamn past."
"Jessa, wait-" Jenna began, but I interrupted her. "Can you hear that? I hope it's not a fucking teacher," I said as we turned to where the footsteps were approaching, and that's when we spotted her. "Y/N?! Scrawny, irritating, clueless Y/N-" Jenna started. "JENNA, JUST STOP!" I yelled. "Wow, Y/N, it's been a while." I smirked.
“Jessa... Jenna, it's quite a surprise to see you both here... oh, who am I kidding, it's not," Y/N remarked. This disgusting weakling had quite the mouth on her. "Listen, who do you think you are to talk about us like that?" I interjected as I grabbed her by the hair. "You may look beautiful now, but you'll always be that scrawny, irritating, clueless Y/N-" I was interrupted by Jenna chiming in, "Actually, Y/N was always beautiful. Remember when all those guys would ask her for her number because of her captivating eyes, pretty smile, or cute nose? All her features really came together-" Jenna just couldn't stop. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP, JENNA. Now, help me out here," I chuckled.
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Jasper POV: (Y/N’s House)
Today, Alice, and I had plans with Y/N. We were supposed to pick her up later, but she called to cancel. We couldn't just let it go, so we decided to show up at her house. Y/N spends most of her time alone at home since her parents work long hours and her sister hangs out with friends.
As we approached the house, a feeling of unease washed over me, and Alice seemed to sense it too, as she turned to see tears streaming down my face. "Jasper, what's the matter? Are you okay?" she asked, concern etched on her face. I couldn't find the words to answer, just shook my head as I continued to cry. "What's happening, Jas?" she pressed, and all I could manage was to point at my tear-streaked face and murmur, "This isn't me." It was then that we realized it must have been Y/N, and we hurried into her house and straight to her room.
There she was, the angel who always appeared so positive, crying into her pillows. “Y/N!” Alice exclaimed with concern as she removed her shoes and sat beside Y/N on the bed. The emotions were overwhelming, but at least I didn't feel the need to harm Y/N, so I took off my shoes and sat at the edge of her bed.
As Y/N raised her head from the pillows, we noticed a bruise on her cheekbone, and her arms and neck were covered in handprint bruises. In that moment, my desire to drain Y/N of her blood disappeared. All I wanted was to seek revenge on whoever hurt her.
“Oh, my goodness Y/N, who could have done this to you?" Alice asked, her hand flying to her mouth in disbelief. I could see the tears welling up in her eyes. Y/N buried her face in her pillows, crying uncontrollably. "I'm so sorry, my dear. I should have been more vigilant, I should have anticipated this," Alice said, moving closer to Y/N. She lifted her head from the pillows, flinching at Alice's approach. It pained me to see Y/N in such distress and fear.
“We're not here to harm you, sweetheart, we simply want to grasp the situation," I reassured. Y/N gazed at me with sorrowful eyes, and I couldn't resist the impulse to embrace her to provide comfort. I settled on her bed, cradling her head against my chest, with Y/N lying rigidly on my right side and Alice on my left. Holding her in my arms after months of daydreaming about it brought me immense joy. After a few minutes, she finally relaxed in my embrace, while Alice placed Y/N’s hand on my chest to further soothe her.
Y/N didn't take long to start sobbing once more, and I found myself joining in, overwhelmed by her emotions. It felt like an honor to share in her feelings, even though they were incredibly intense. I couldn't help but wonder if this meant she would have a unique power as a vampire. Despite her tears, having her in my arms was all that mattered.
Alice gently touched Y/N's hand and asked if she would talk to us. Y/N took a deep breath and wiped away her tears before sharing a memory from her past. "Do you remember when I mentioned attending a different high school two years ago?"
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3RD POV: (Flashback)
“Y/N, you're such a loser," Jessa taunted, while Jenna and the other students joined in with laughter. "You better clean up my brand new shoes that you ruined," Jessa demanded, tossing Y/N a handkerchief before roughly pushing her to the ground.
While Y/N attempted to clean Jessa’s shoes with the mocking laughter of her classmates in the background, Jenna decided to take action by opening her water bottle and pouring it on Y/N. This only made the students laugh even more as Y/N sat on the ground with tears in her eyes.
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Jasper POV:
"I regret not sharing this with you earlier; I... was scared," Y/N confessed, tears streaming down her face. A wave of intense anger surged within me, and I vowed to ensure that everyone who had bullied my human would feel the weight of their shame. "There's no need to apologize, my dear, not ever," Alice said gently, reaching out to stroke Y/N's cheek. "What were you afraid of, sweetheart?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.
“ I was meant to be happy all the time, so I crafted a facade to ensure no one would witness my struggles and shame again. When you and your family arrived nearly a year ago, I was completely smitten over you two, but I didn’t want to be treated the way I had been in the past, so I buried my darker emotions,” Y/N shared. It pained me to hear my beloved express such feelings, realizing how deeply someone must have hurt her for her to conceal her true self.
Alice and I exchanged a knowing look before she broke the silence, "You never need to conceal your true self from us, darling. We're vampires, after all. If anyone can relate to hiding, it's us." I nodded in solidarity with Alice, noticing how her words helped ease Y/N's tears.
I reassured her again, promising to make them pay for hurting her, and vowed to protect her from any harm in the future. After that, I sat up and had Y/N sit between my legs while Alice positioned herself in front of us. "Jasper, you know that's not a wise decision," scolded Alice, causing me to rest my chin on Y/N's shoulder in resignation.
“Engaging in combat sets us apart as vampires, but we can definitely engage in conversation with them, darling,” Alice glanced at Y/N, who nodded enthusiastically. "So, it's settled then. We'll have a nice little chat with them," I said with a grin.
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(High School, 2 Weeks Later)
 I sincerely wished for a smooth day ahead as I shut my locker door, only to find a stranger girl standing beside me. Normally, this would have caught me off guard, but being a vampire, I had faced far more unsettling situations.
“Nice to meet you, I'm Jessa. And who might you be? You're quite tall and handsome, you must be quite the catch." Jessa said with a sly smile as she glanced at me. "Actually, the popular one is my brother, and he's happily in a relationship. You must be new here if you don't know who I am. I'm Jasper, Jasper Hale." I replied, a hint of irritation in my tone.
"Jessa and Jasper, those names really complement each other, don’t you agree?" she said, and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Honestly, you'd just seem out of place with me, and I doubt my two girlfriends would be okay with it," I replied, realizing this was the one teasing my sweet Y/N.
"Two, huh? So you're one of those types. No worries, I’m pretty sure I could outshine both of them," Jessa said, trying to sound clever. "I highly doubt that. You could never compete with my wife Alice or my girlfriend Y/N," I replied with a smirk.
“Y/N?! That weirdo is your girlfriend? Oh man, I feel nauseous just thinking about it. You definitely deserve someone way better than that.” She reached out to touch my bicep, so I grabbed her wrist and squeezed it firmly, leaving a bruise but not causing any serious harm. "I can't stand people like you. If you come near Y/N again, you'll regret it," I warned. "That's harsh!" She protested, attempting to break free but failing.
I murmured, "Promise you won't go near her again." I released her abruptly, causing her to stumble back. Through her tears, she pleaded, "I swear I'll never go near her again, PLEASE! Stay away." It was clear she was seeking attention, and it was definitely working as heads turned in our direction.
"Jasper, what are you up to? Just let her be," the principal interjected at the perfect moment. Damn, I thought, knowing I definitely didn’t want Carlisle summoned to the school.
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Sorry for taking a while to get something out, I'm currently working on a part 2 of another fan fic I did. But if you guys want to see a part 2 for this story, I have some ideas. Either Jasper getting expelled from school and the Cullen's having to move or he doesn't get expelled. I will let you guys choose.
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sukirichi · 4 years
— just the two of us
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request: I almost read all of your jujutsu kaisen writings and I love it. Your writing is really good! I do not know if a request about a fics🥞 about satoru gojo who is really in love and not very possessive with an oblivious reader. It will be fun to see Satoru try to flirt with her and she doesn't get it🤣
pairings: gojo x oblivious! reader
notes: THIS IDEA IS SO CUTEEE I absolutely loved every second of writing it! thank you for the request and I hope you like this! 🥞 breakfast has been served!
word count: 3.3k
warnings: none, other than this is unedited and written humorously rather than seriously~
masterlist !
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Gojo doesn’t know whether he’s lucky – or completely cursed – over the fact you’ve got no idea he’s so in love with you.
It’s a bright sunny morning, perfect for outdoor training, and he walks with you all the way to school with his hands shoved deep in his pockets. You stretch your arms out in the sky to bask in the morning glow and warmth of the sun, sleeves pushed up to your forearms to “get that vitamin D.”
Satoru snickers at your statement, because you’d totally be getting a different kind of Vitamin D if only you’d notice him. Sometimes he wonders, if maybe you’d inherited the Six Eyes instead of him, would you finally be able to see him – or would you still remain unaware?
He doesn’t even know where it began. A year ago, Yaga introduced you as the newest staff member. You’d been so fidgety and nervous then, unsure of what to do and worried if maybe the kids wouldn’t love. They did, of course, how could they not. Not only were you extremely fun to be with, you’re also caring, fretting and even crying whenever one of the students got injured over a mission.
Shoko reminds you all the time that this should be normal for you by now, but you always cry every time, sobbing that they’re still only kids and should be out having fun.
Yeah, maybe that’s where it began. Your kindness struck a chord in Satoru’s heart, and before he knew it, he was falling for you. Hard. Next thing you know, he shows up five minutes before you leave for work, mock-saluting you before inviting you to breakfast. He does this every damn day, and you still don’t get a single thing.
“That café was really good,” you muse, fingers stretching outwards and giggling as the sun peeks through the spaces. Satoru sighs beside you, wanting nothing more than to slip his fingers through those softer ones. “We should go back there sometime. Maybe even take the kids with us this weekend so we can all have breakfast together!”
Satoru masks a snicker with a cough. It reminds him of the time Megumi called you mom and dad by accident, to which you happily responded with before tackling the boy in hugs, while the strongest jujutsu sorcerer only flushed in embarrassment.
Him being him though, Satoru played it off cool, flipping his hair before striking a pose. “Huh, a dad?” he smirks, “The only person who gets to call me daddy would be no one else but Y/N.”
The raven haired first year student immediately recoils in disgust. Meanwhile, the innuendo flies straight through you, and you peer up at him innocently with your head tilted to the side. “Daddy? Why would I call you my dad? My father is still alive and well, and I don’t see you marrying my mom or anything,” Just as Megumi nearly howls in laughter – another evidence that you’re really something else to get the usually stoic boy to lose his composure like that – you snap your fingers, the light bulb above your head practically shining. “Oh, I get it! You prefer younger women and you want them to call you that! Kind of like the hype for onii-chan nowadays.”
Hopeless, Satoru wants to say, you’re absolutely, utterly hopeless.
“Hmm, I don’t know,” Satoru shrugs nonchalantly, sending a smirk your way. It usually drives everyone crazy, but you only smile back up at him in the same way you smile with everyone, and he tries his best to not show his shoulders are deflating. Nevertheless, he doesn’t give up. “How about you and I go out somewhere this weekend? The movies, perhaps?”
Say yes, say yes – please say yes.
Really though, he’s waiting for that ‘no’ already. Satoru knows you always go out of town during the weekends to visit your family in the countryside, only coming back on Monday the next week with a basket of fruits and traditional goods that isn’t so easy to find in the city.
But then you clasp your hands together in excitement, lashes fluttering delicately as you beam up at him. “Really? You’d like to go to the movies with me?”
“Of course I would,” Satoru tries not to stutter, hiding the fact that he’s completely taken aback. He’s the Gojo Satoru for heaven’s sake, he shouldn’t be this affected by anyone’s presence. “What makes you think I wouldn’t want to?”
“Oh, nothing, I just thought you were busy. This Saturday, then?”
Holy crap, holy crap, holy crap, it’s actually happening – his mind was barely functioning at this point, and he even slapped his cheeks to snap him back to life. “I thought there was a fly,” he lied with a chuckle, “But yeah, Saturday. I’ll pick you up?”
“Yeah, sure!”
Satoru wouldn’t stop smiling the whole way to the school. Even when Yuuji had face planted into the ground and Megumi sprained his ankle from training, he wasn’t able to get rid of the ridiculously big smile that stretched across his lips. He’s floating in cloud nine, flowers erupting from his ears and heart-shaped emojis bursting in his background.
“Well, you look creepy,” Shoko commented in the faculty room the moment you excused yourself, “Did you land a date with her or something?”
“That I did,” he stated proudly, even banging his fist on his chest like a deranged form of King Kong.
“I can only hope Y/N makes it out alive,” Nanami announces from behind the newspaper he’s reading, legs crossed over another before he peeks above the paper, narrowed eyes dead set on the blindfolded man. “Don’t be too wild with her, Satoru. She’s a gentle soul despite being a sorcerer – I humbly suggest you don’t mess with her feelings.”
“Are you kidding me? She’s the one messing with my feelings by being so fucking cute all the time!”
“Who’s cute?”
Shoko nearly spits out her coffee the moment you enter, glancing around the room and sitting down next to a shock-still Satoru. Nanami only huffs in his seat with a shake of his head. It doesn’t take long before Satoru regains his confidence and recovers from his shock – he’s turned to you with his torso completely facing your way.
You bask in the attention, mimicking the gesture until your faces are mere inches from one another. The fact you’re so responsive and attentive to him yet still painfully naïve strikes a mental war of himself debating whether he wants to kiss you or knock your head upside down. Satoru chooses neither options as he leans closer, his smile growing wider when you don’t pull away, and he doesn’t stop moving until his lips are right beside the shell of your ear.
“You’re cute.”
Shoko shudders at the same time Nanami just gives up on everything, folding his paper and lying that he’s got someplace to go with Ichiji. Satoru patiently waits for your reaction; for you to crumble this time around.
You’re silent for a moment, brows almost right across each other when you register his words. Satoru ends up holding his breath for your next words, wondering: is this it? will she finally understand what I feel for her now?
Even Shoko ends up sitting at the edge of her seat, silently watching the exchange with interest barely hidden in her sparkling eyes. Satoru watches as your lips open, his eyes transfixed on the way the soft flesh moves. They tilt upwards, revealing a set of a wide smile – the smile he can never get enough of. “Thank you!” you giggle at his compliment, “You and Shoko are very cute too! And the kids too, especially Toge! Not that I’m saying he’s my favourite—”
“He’s definitely your favourite student,” snorts Shoko who is ignoring the way Satoru turns completely gray beside you.
It turns out you still haven’t figured it out after all.
“The kids this – the kids that,” the tall, lanky man whines, his head falling back on the back of the leather couch. He looks so utterly defeated you can’t help but lean over him to check if he’s okay, but Satoru pouts and hides his face under his uniform instead. “Why can it never be just the two of us?”
“Sorry, what did you say?”
This time, you’ve kneeled on the couch to hover him. You even pluck one side of his blindfold off to see how he’s doing, and suddenly thankful you can’t see the way his cheeks are absolutely flaming right now. 
“Nothing,” he assures, his smile hidden behind his shirt. You look absolutely adorable hovering over him like that – eyes wide and lips pouty – what he wouldn’t give to kiss those lips right now, but it isn’t the right time, and Satoru just needs to find a better way to tell you how he feels. “It’s nothing.”
It’s absolutely not nothing.
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Saturday couldn’t come faster.
Satoru finds himself willing time to go faster. Once the awaited day finally comes, he wastes no time in choosing his best outfit; an oversized black shirt tucked into black skinny jeans before styling his hair up the way he likes.
He winks at his reflection in the mirror, going ooh and aah at how hot he looks. It’s another reason why he can’t comprehend why you don’t like him yet, when, uhm, he knows he looks damn good? He’s pretty funny too – and his strength and power is already a no-brainer. Satoru can’t wrap his head around any possible reason why you wouldn’t like him; it’s basically a life or death mission at this point.
With that end goal in his mind and a spritz of perfume later, Satoru sashays out his apartment. Even though it’s already dark outside and he spent the whole day walking back and forth in his room trying to come up with ways to confess to you, he acts coolly all the way to your apartment.
This time around, he’s more than confident. He’s going to have you wrapped around his pretty little finger, “Wow,” is the first thing he says, pulling his blindfold down just to look at you.
Satoru feels blessed in that exact moment to witness how the heavens took their time with you, creating only the best out of the best and birthing the most magnificent person ever. Suddenly, he grows an urge to run to the countryside and thank your parents for going funky one night and creating you, because you’re an absolutely magnificent gift and it really baffles him how you’re real.
“Wow,” he repeats again, and you chuckle when he shakes his head. “You look beautiful. Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thank you,” you look him up and down, smiling in satisfaction. “You look very handsome yourself.”
Satoru’s been called handsome a million times before that it’s gotten too much in his head already, but hearing it come from your lips hits different. If he was excited before, it’s nothing compared to what he feels now when you loop your arm through his, dangling off his arm like you were a lover.
He knows it’s not real and this is probably just a friendly date for you – something he intends to clear up later – but it doesn’t stop him from puffing his chest up a bit, almost as if bragging to everyone around you that he was the one you’re with, and that he was the one you’re going to the movies with.
All your babbles about everything goes straight into one ear and out the other. He wants to listen to you, he really does, but he’s so intoxicated with your voice that he just ends up nodding at everything you say; his attention mostly on how sweet you sound and smell.
His feelings only intensify a hundred times more when you finally make it to the theatre. Not only is it dark, but you’re sitting right next to him, arms and thighs brushing against each other. He takes note of every little movement you make, smiling to himself when you don’t pull away from his thigh flush against yours.
In this close proximity, your perfume overwhelms his senses. He finds himself leaning closer just to get a little more taste of it, his arm resting on the armrest beside him and placing his cheek on his open palm.
He doesn’t even know what the movie is about. All he can see, hear, feel and recognize is you – nothing and no one but you. Just as he wanted, it’s just the two of you.
Satoru reaches out to the bowl of popcorn in his lap to distract himself from the need of kissing you already. He was so smug that he’s on this date with you; now he feels like the world is laughing and mocking at him because you’re so close yet so far away. The last thing he wants is to say something weird and have you running for the hills. It’s clear you don’t like him, after all.
You end up reaching for it the same time he does, making your fingers brush. It sends a jolt of electricity down his spine and he immediately retracts it.
Looking up at him with an apologetic smile, Satoru knows he’s messed up. “I’m sorry,” you blurt out, raising your hands in surrender with a nervous chuckle. “I should’ve gotten my own bowl instead.”
Satoru stares at you through his blindfold. You’re close enough that he can count your lashes – both top and bottom row – and he’s so stupefied at this point that he just says the first thing that comes to his mind; absolutely anything just to get your attention. “Cold,” he shows you his hand, “I’m cold.”
“Oh,” you nod and slip your fingers through his. Satoru nearly gasps at how electrifying the sensation is from having your smaller, softer fingers collide with his, your hands fitting perfectly in his bigger, calloused ones. Then, you close your intertwined hands and smush your cheek with it to transfer your heat – completely unaware that Satoru feels like he’s floating in his own Infinite Void right now. “Feel warmer now?”
“Yes,” he replies. “Extremely.”
Something beast-like wakes within him after that. Now that he knows you don’t mind touching him at all, Satoru can’t help but want to take out all his playing cards and just go fuck it. So he does – and he might regret, he might not – who cares? It’s just the two of you, and you’re the only one he ever cares about this much that he’d pretty much let you do anything at this point.
“You know,” Satoru begins, shifting until your joined hands are resting on top of his chest. His heart is just about ready to burst through its confines at this moment, but he holds back. It’s now or never. “Shoko and Nanami are annoyed that I talk about you all the time.”
Your eyes widen at his statement. “Really? Do you talk badly about me or something?”
“No,” he nearly groans in frustration, “You’re really pretty and cool. You’re amazing during missions, too, when you fight, it’s like I’m witnessing a warrior princess. So cool.”
This makes you laugh until the person sitting behind you rudely shushes you. You bow your head in apology, turning to Satoru with a softer smile this time; one that looks reserved and private compared to your big grins. “Oh, no,” he closes his eyes even behind his blindfold, “Don’t smile at me like that. I don’t think I’ll still be cool if I end up stuttering over my words.”
“Satoru!” you whisper-hiss, although your chest is filled with so much giddiness too that you’ve both forgotten about the movie; unaware that the entire theatre was crying over the main character’s friend’s death. “What are you going on about?”
He wants to laugh so damn hard. He thought confessing his feelings for you would end up in a pitiful heartbreak that you’d be weirded out and push him away. For a moment, he forgets it’s you, and that nothing is ever difficult or painful with you – other than, of course, you being oblivious, but that isn’t something he can’t fix. He’ll get you on the train one way or another.
“I have a confession.”
“I was practicing how to ask you out for a whole hour in the mirror,” Satoru whispers, careful to not ruin the melancholic mood of theatre. It doesn’t even surprise him that his world is filled with nothing but sunshine even if the world around you has descended into grief and loneliness. “I also called Nanami on first date tips.”
“Nanami?” you echo with a gasp, “Why Nanami?”
“Because he’s married, that’s why. Mans know some tips for sure.”
“Wait, so,” you chuckle nervously, and Satoru waits, waits for you to pull away or push him back – anything that would indicate discomfort. He’s patient the whole time, watching carefully as you only squeeze his hand and gesture to the both of you with your free one. “This is a date? Our first date?”
“Only if you want to be,” Satoru shrugs, grimacing afterwards at how sappy he sounds. “Well, I actually consider this our first date and I’ve been waiting for this for like forever now, so I sure as hell hope you want this too. I didn’t dress myself up today only to come back home crying.”
Satoru’s heart – if possible – only beats crazier and sings the syllables of your name when you start laughing harder to the point you have to muffle it by burying yourself in his bicep. He feels like his muscles and nerves could erupt at any moment. It’s crazy – absolutely insane – how you have him wrapped around your finger like this. He doesn’t complain though; he never will.
“I’m glad,” you mumble through his shirt, your erratic heartbeat matching kiss when you take the first tentative step of kissing his jaw.
Satoru stiffens underneath you, a low growl ripping from his throat. He’s feral, wild, drunk at the sight and scent of you. You make him feel like he’s fluctuating between dimensions, all the planets just crashing on one another until the stardust is left in your eyes because what else could be an explanation for what he’s feeling other than a supernova collision of hearts?
“You always make me feel so happy when you’re around that I still can’t believe you feel the same way. I was so worried that maybe you wouldn’t get my hints.”
Satoru groans, “What the hell? How long have you liked me?”
“I guess when you started bringing flowers to Megumi randomly just to piss him off.”
Satoru wants to rip his hair out. That was just a few weeks after you’ve started working with him, meaning you both have liked each other this whole time and he’s been suffering and feeling stupid just for nothing?
“God, Y/N,” he mutters to himself, “You really do know how to make a man go crazy, huh?”
That innocent smile on your face lets him know that as usual, you’re oblivious of everything. Satoru is right; he still can’t decide whether he wants to whack you in the head upside down. With a sigh, he ends up choosing the latter, nearly falling over his seat when you let out a surprised yelp at the feeling of his lips on yours.
It doesn’t take long before you grab onto his shirt and cling to dear life, laughter bubbling through your lips as you kiss. The sound is so precious he wants to bottle it up and keep it treasure for the rest of his life, but Satoru doesn’t rush anything.
With you and only with you is he ever capable of feeling like it’s just the two of you in a world filled with chaos and destruction.
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hearts-hunger · 2 years
wild and blue — part one
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Read on AO3 | Masterlist | Series Playlist ♫
Series Summary: In the middle of a sudden heartbreak, getting away for a weekend of camping with your best friend seems like both the best and the worst thing you could possibly do.
Chapter Summary: At the boys' last show before your trip, your boyfriend doesn't make a good impression on his future camping partners.
Pairings: Danny Wagner x Reader [+ Sam x Birdie] | Genre: friends to lovers, angst, mutual pining | Word Count: 4.8k | Chapter Warnings: one (1) toxic jerk of a boyfriend
A/N: Yes, I started Danny's cabin fic before I finished Sam's or Jake's. I'm awful at being consistent in any way, rip. This is just the set up for the cosy camping vibe this fic is going to have, so don't fret if it doesn't seem very "cabin-y" right now. I hope you like it, and please let me know what you think! ♡
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“You look perfect, Danny. Quit fussing.”
You batted your best friend’s hand away from his artfully mussed head of curls, not wanting him to mess them up in his characteristic pre-show nervousness. Danny gave you an unimpressed look in the mirror, a little put out at your scolding, but you both knew you were right.
“Don’t look at me like that,” you said, and the longer you held his gaze in the mirror, the harder it was to keep a firm tone. A smile spread over his face until the corners of his eyes were crinkled with it, and you couldn’t help but grin back.
“I’ll look at you however I want,” he said, straightening to brush his hand over the sparkly mesh top he wore. “I’m the rock ‘n roll god here, remember?”
You rolled your eyes, but it was affectionate. “Sure. Remind me again what kind of rock ‘n roll god still shakes like a chihuahua before every show.”
He sighed and turned to sit on the edge of the makeup table. “Yeah, it’s stupid.”
“Hey,” you said gently. You moved closer and touched a few fingers to his cheek, careful not to muss his makeup. “It’s not stupid. I was just teasing, but I shouldn’t have. It’s ok to feel nervous.”
He gave you a wry smile. “Even though I’ve played a million shows and I should be used to this kind of thing?”
“Oh, you should be used to thousands of adoring fans screaming your name?” you teased. “How very big-headed of you, Daniel.”
He chuckled. “You know what I mean.” He tugged on one of the curls you’d purposefully left out of your space buns. “Thank you for being here.”
You smiled. “You’re welcome,” you said. “Thank you for inviting me.”
You knew you had an open invitation to any of the boys’ shows — all you had to do was ask, and they’d roll out the red carpet and fly you in, get you a room in the hotel they were staying at, and make sure you were backstage or in the pit or wherever else you wanted to be for the show. You’d been kind of embarrassed the first couple of times they did all that for you, trying to explain you were only letting them know you’d be at the show, not that you’d been expecting or even asking for the VIP treatment. But you’d since realized that it was their way of showing you love while their lives were so hectic on tour, and you didn’t protest the royal treatment any more.
You hadn’t needed all that for this show, though, because it was only half an hour away from where you all lived in Tennessee. You’d only asked to be able to bring your boyfriend, and the boys had been kind enough to include him even though you knew good and well that none of the boys were particularly keen on him. You’d been dating Ben for about a year now, and while his bad-boy charm had attracted you to him like a moth to the flame, Danny and the Kiszkas weren’t overly impressed. You had to admit that Ben wasn’t the perfect boyfriend, not by any stretch of the imagination, but there was something about him you just couldn’t give up.
He was waiting for you backstage, likely sulking at your absence instead of trying to make friends with the boys you’d known and loved since middle school. You’d stayed with Danny when he hung back in the dressing room, knowing your best friend needed a few more minutes to get a hold of his nerves and wanting to be there to help.
“You’re gonna do great, Danny,” you said, giving him an encouraging smile. You kissed his cheek, and you hid your smile when you saw a telltale blush under the glitter on his face.
“Just pretend you’re playing for me,” you said, a little sassy, and you were pleased when he smiled.
“Who says I don’t already?” he said cooly, and he smiled when you laughed.
He tapped your nose as he stood. “Come on, sunshine. Let’s go play some rock ‘n roll.”
You beamed up at him, feeling a comforting warmth in your chest like you did every time he called you that. It had been his nickname for you since you were kids, and while Sam, Jake, and Josh had taken to using it too, it always sounded different in Danny’s voice.
You followed him out to the backstage area, finding the brothers and a couple of roadies talking in a lopsided circle while last-minute checks were conducted on instruments, outfits, and mic sets. Sam’s girlfriend, affectionately dubbed “birdie” since your childhood, had her arms wrapped around his lanky frame and was looking up at him with an adoring gaze. They’d only started dating in the summer, and the glow of the honeymoon phase looked good on them.
Just as you’d expected, your boyfriend was standing off to the side looking like he’d rather be anywhere but here. You reluctantly walked to him instead of the circle of your friends, holding your hands out to him.
“Ben, honey,” you said, uncrossing his arms and taking his hands when he didn’t offer them to you. You’d learned not to let stuff like that bother you, else you’d be tied up in knots all the time.
He scowled. “Where were you? I’ve been standing out here forever.”
You threaded your fingers with his. “I was helping Danny. You could have gone and talked to the guys.” You gave him a teasing smile. “They won’t bite, honey. They’d actually like to get to know you. Maybe you could be friends.”
He didn’t return your smile. “I don’t need any more friends.” He moved your hands behind your back, untangling his fingers from yours to hold your wrists together with one hand. You felt an odd thrill, the same kind you did when you slept with him — equal parts nervousness, excitement, and an unwavering knowledge that you should do what he told you if you wanted his attention.
“You don’t really need any more either, do you?” he asked, and finally, you saw him smile. It was a little hard around the edges, but it was a smile, and you’d been the one to draw it out.
You shivered when he grazed his knuckle down the side of your breast, feeling his warmth through the flimsy lace top he’d picked out for you. You couldn’t help but glance over your shoulder, heat racing to your face at the thought of the boys seeing Ben touch you so intimately.
“Ah-ah, baby doll,” Ben chided, touching your jaw to get you to turn back to him. “Eyes on me. Wouldn’t want me thinking you’re looking for someone else, would we?”
You flushed. “I’m not looking for someone else,” you said sincerely. “I just... maybe we shouldn’t be so...”
His expression hardened. “So what? So obvious?” He took your chin in an unforgiving grip. “Don’t you want everybody to know you’re mine?”
“Of course I do,” you said, knowing better than to try and fight his grip. He’d only make it tighter, and it hurt a little already. “But everybody here already knows that, Ben.”
“They do?” he said. “Well. Maybe I should have a chat with Wagner, then.”
You paled. “Why?” Ben had always held a particular dislike for Danny, though you’d never understood why. Danny had been nothing but friendly to Ben from the day you’d introduced them.
Ben brushed his thumb over your bottom lip, smudging your lipstick. “He must be pretty stupid to try and make a move on a girl who’s already taken.”
Your eyes widened. “He didn’t,” you said quickly. 
“What were you doing back there alone?” he demanded.
“We were just talking,” you assured him. “Nothing happened, Ben, I promise.”
“You swear?”
You nodded. “Yes, I swear.”
He didn’t say anything for a long moment. Then, with his hand on your neck, he gave you a bruising kiss.
“You better not be lying to me, baby doll,” he said in a low voice. He kissed you again, and it sent a dangerous, electric thrill running through you.
“I’m not,” you breathed. You thought of how to get back on his good side. “When we get home... why don’t I do something special to show you how much I love you?”
He gave you a wicked grin. “Why wait? Let’s go right now.”
You frowned. “I don’t want to miss the show.” You kissed him before he could protest. “I promise I’ll make it worth it, Ben. Please.”
He gave a displeased huff. “No, you know what? If you care about them more than you care about me, I guess I should just go.”
You held on to him as he tried to pull away from you. “Ben, please don’t go. I want you to stay, please.”
“I want you to leave with me,” he said. “Why don’t I get what I want? Why is it always you who gets what they want?”
“I...” You didn’t know what to say.  You hadn’t been trying to make this into a competition. 
“I thought it would be nice to do this together,” you said. “They’re my friends, and you might like their music if you give it a try.”
He broke away from you, and you knew any chance of getting back into his good graces ws gone for the night.
“No, I’ll just go,” he said after a moment, but it wasn’t as harsh as you thought it would be. “You have a good time with your friends, doll.”
You were a little uneasy, trying to read his mood. “Are you sure?”
“Yeah,” he said, and it was almost sincere. He closed the distance between you and gave you a too-innocent smile.
“And since I’m being so generous, I know you’ll be just as eager to please when you get back home.”
You wilted. You should have guessed you wouldn’t be getting off scot free.
“You will, won’t you?” he asked, nipping at your bottom lip. “My sweet baby doll. You’ll be good for me because I love you so much, won’t you? You know I love you more than anything.”
You softened a little. “I know you do.”
He kissed you, quick and hard. “Good.”
He left, and you felt guilty at the twinge of relief that accompanied his departure. You watched him go, and as much as you wanted to stay for the show, part of you felt like you ought to chase after Ben and make him happy with you again.
You jumped a little at his voice, and you felt him put a steadying hand on your back.
“Just me,” Danny said. He came around to face you. “You ok?”
“Yeah,” you said quickly. You looked beyond Danny to make sure Ben was gone, not wanting him to get the wrong impression. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
He shrugged. “You look a little tense.” He licked his thumb and wiped at your smudged lipstick, and you blushed vividly.
“I’m fine,” you said, pulling away and attempting to repair yourself. Hopefully the lipstick wouldn’t be so visible once you were in your seat. “Ben’s just... tired. He decided to go home.”
“Ah.” Danny let his hand drop. “Well, you’ll still have birdie. But you can stay backstage if you’d rather.”
You shook your head. “No, I’ll stick with her.” You wanted to be close to your friend and enjoy the show with her, not spend the whole night being upset about Ben. 
Danny gave you a sweet smile. “Good. I know she’s been missing you. We all have.”
You knew without him having to spell it out that he wasn’t just referring to how little you’d seen them during the tour. Since you’d started dating Ben, you’d spent less and less time with birdie and the guys, and you missed them too.
You collected yourself and gave Danny a smile. “Well, we’ll have plenty of time this weekend to catch up.”
He grinned. “I know. I’m really excited for it.”
Sam and birdie had planned a camping trip a while ago for the first weekend of the boys’ break, and they’d invited everyone else to come along, including Ben. The twins had politely declined in favor of spending a long weekend at the beach, but Danny was going and you’d somehow miraculously convinced Ben to go with you. It worked out wonderfully that this last show before the break was close to home, and you were all supposed to meet at the campsite tomorrow evening.
Danny took your hand, chaste and comforting. 
“You and birdie should get your spots,” he said, leading you towards the group of your friends. He nodded to the stage where the opening band was playing. “They have one more song after this, so you still have time to get Jake to make you a drink.”
“Or two,” you said.
He laughed. “Yeah, or two.”
Jake was happy to make you and birdie drinks strong enough to get you plastered before they even went on stage, and after wishing the boys good luck, you wove your way through the venue to get your seats in the first row. You sat back to enjoy your drink and your sweet friend’s company while the opener finished their set, relaxing into your buzz and the energy from the crowd.
When the boys came on stage, you cheered as loud as the rest of the fans and waved like they could see you. Sam blew a kiss, and though a wave of swooning cheers was given in response, you nudged your shoulder against birdie’s. She grinned back, knowing the kiss was for her but pleased to share it with the rest of the fans.
You forgot all about your argument with Ben as the boys played, letting yourself get lost in the familiar, incredible feeling of their shows. You sang along with every song and laughed at Josh’s stream-of-consciousness ramblings, knowing you’d tease him about them later. You sat in awe like you always did when Jake, Sam, and Danny soloed, blown away at the talent you’d never be able to wrap your mind around no matter how many times you heard them play. When Josh sang the final notes of “Black Smoke Rising,” you made yourself hoarse with cheering, proud beyond words and alive with joy and energy.
You stayed in your seat after everyone else had left, drinking in the post-show ambiance as the roadies started to break down the set. Birdie had gone backstage right after the show to see Sam, but you were content to be alone; you watched as groups of friends took final pictures together, some crying and laughing, some with love tokens like picks and flowers and necklaces generously given from the boys during the show. You loved to watch how much people loved Greta Van Fleet, enjoying how all the love the boys poured out was given back tenfold by the fans to the boys and to each other.
Danny stepped out on stage after a while, careful of the roadies diligently working around him, and you knew he was looking for you. You waved, feeling a tight squeeze in your chest at the sight of him looking for you. He grinned and waved back.
“Come here,” he called across the pit, his voice carrying in the near-empty venue.
“I can’t,” you called back. “I’m too tired.”
He laughed, and he gave you an affectionate shake of his head. “Alright then, trouble. Stay put. I’ll come get you.”
He jumped down from the stage and made his way to you, pausing on his walk to pick up some of the empty cups and little bottles of alcohol that littered the floor. He tossed them in a nearby trash can, much to the surprise of the teenager with a broom instructed to sweep up the pit; the kid gave him an almost bewildered “thank you” and Danny smiled in response.
He climbed up on the railing above the wall of the pit, holding on with one hand and leaning back precariously as he surveyed you.
“You’re just exhausted, huh?” he asked. “All that cheering and worshiping really took it out of you?”
You laughed. “Is that what I’m doing now?” you asked. “Worshiping?”
He grinned. “Weren’t you?” He swung himself over the railing and leaned back against it, nudging his shoe against yours.
“Did you have a good time?” he asked.
You smiled. “Of course I did. You were great, just like I said you’d be.”
“Oh, right. I forgot you know everything.”
You huffed a laugh, and he cracked a smile for you. He offered you his hand.
“Come on,” he said. “You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.”
His mom had always said that when it was time for you and the Kiszkas and birdie to go home from hours of hanging out at the Wagner’s house, and you smiled at the memory now.
He groaned a little when you let him help you up, his muscles sore from their workout on the drums, but he steadied you like it was second nature when you realized just how strong Jake’s drink had been.
“Easy, sunny,” he said with a chuckle. “You alright?”
You hummed. “Jake’s an alcoholic.”
He laughed. “I coulda told you that.” He swept his hair back from his face, his curls damp with sweat and his makeup smudged. “In fact, he’s the one that suggested we go out. You coming?”
You sighed. “I shouldn’t,” you said, reality coming back as you came down from your post-show high. “Ben’s waiting for me.”
He raised a brow. “He left in your car, though. How are you supposed to get home?”
“He sent me money for an Uber.”
Danny rolled his eyes, and for the first time in a while, your best friend couldn’t hide his dislike for your boyfriend.
“What?” you said defensively, a little hurt and embarrassed. You wanted more than anything for Danny to like Ben, but you also wanted Ben to be someone worth liking, and you didn’t seem to be faring well on either front.
“He sent you money for an Uber?” Danny repeated. “Come on, sunshine. His apartment’s, like, twenty minutes away. He can’t come get you?”
“I don’t want to make him drive if he doesn’t have to,” you said.
“It’s not safe,” Danny insisted.
“Oh, relax,” you said irritably, disliking the thought that Danny was looking out for you better than your own boyfriend was. “I’ll be perfectly fine. It’s not like I’m jumping in the back of an unmarked van and asking for a ride home.”
“No, you’re not,” he agreed. “And you’re not getting an Uber, either.”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “What should I do, then, Danny? Walk home?”
He gave a dry laugh. “Yeah. I’m gonna make you walk home, sunshine.”
He went over the railing again and jumped down to the pit. For an awful moment, you thought he was leaving you, and you leaned over the railing to call him back.
“What?” he asked, looking up at you. He was waiting patiently at the bottom, not leaving you all alone.
You shook your head. “Nothing. I thought you were leaving.”
His expression softened. “No, sunshine. I’m right here.” He extended his hand to you. “Come on.”
“I’ll meet you down there,” you said, intending to find the stairs down to the pit. You looked left and right; the stairs were way off on the edges of the bleachers.
“Nah, it’s quicker to come this way,” he said. “Just come over the railing.”
“No way,” you said. “I’ll fall to my death.”
He gave you a grudging smile. “When have I ever let you fall to your death, huh? That’s right. Never. So come on.”
You cautiously, hesitantly did as he said, easing yourself over the railing until you were standing on the other side. You looked down; the floor seemed a lot farther away than it had a few seconds ago.
“Just drop,” Danny said. “It’s not as far as it looks.”
“Yes, it is,” you said, clinging to the railing. “Besides, I’m drunk. I’ll break my ankle trying to do that.”
You heard him sigh and walk over to you; a moment later, you felt his hands on your waist.
“Let go,” he said.
“Let go?” you repeated.
“Yes, sunny.” His voice was tired but patient. “Let go of the railing.”
You did, and he took you by the waist and set you down on your own two feet.
“There,” he said. “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”
You were a little embarrassed at your theatrics, especially considering that the railing really wasn’t that high up now that you were looking at it. 
“Thanks,” you said bashfully.
Danny’s tired smile soothed your embarrassment. “No sweat.”
He led the way backstage, and you were surprised to see that he only went into the dressing room that was obviously hosting the post-show party to get your jackets.
“You’re not gonna try and get the guys to convince me to stay?” you asked as he helped you put on your coat.
“If I thought it would work, maybe,” he said. He looked over his shoulder at you as he put on his own jacket. “Would it work?”
You sighed. “No. I need to get home to Ben.”
He turned back and continued to walk towards the exit, and you had to jog a few steps to keep up with his long strides.
“Where are you going, Danny?”
He gave you a bemused look. “I’m driving you home.”
You stopped. “No you’re not.”
He noticed you weren’t walking with him any more and turned around with a huff.
“Yes, I am,” he said. “Let’s go.”
“Why are you driving me home?” you pressed. “You’re... you’ll miss out on the party.”
He shrugged. “We probably shouldn’t be partying all night anyway if we’re going camping tomorrow.”
“Sam and birdie are partying tonight,” you said.
“So they’ll be hungover as shit tomorrow,” he said, tossing his hands up in exasperation. “Who cares? You said you needed to go home, and I’m not letting you get in some creepy axe-murderer Uber just because your boyfriend’s too lazy to come get you.”
“Danny,” you warned.
“Fine,” he said. “Your boyfriend isn’t coming to get you for some chivalrous, sexy reason. Either way, I’m driving you home. So come on.”
You had no choice but to follow him as he started walking again, and you tugged on his jacket pocket to get him to slow down.
“Danny, wait.”
He sighed and stopped again. “Yes?”
“You don’t have to take me home,” you said. “It’s sweet of you to offer, but I’ll be fine taking an Uber, really. I don’t want you to miss out on the party.”
After a moment, he gave you a half smile. “Wouldn’t be much of a party without you there, sunshine.”
You softened. “Danny. Please don’t make yourself miserable because of me. I’ve already had one too many people do that tonight.”
He affectionately tweaked your cheek. “I’m not making myself miserable, I promise. I’m ready to go home, and you’re on the way.”
That was only sort of true, but you didn’t argue. You wouldn’t have been able to change his mind even if you had. He offered his hand and you took it, walking together to the parking garage.
You got in Danny’s car as he cranked it and turned the heat on low, combating the chilly early October weather outside. It wasn’t often that the boys drove in to shows by themselves, but they liked the novelty of it and did it whenever they could. You propped your arm on the door and pressed your head against the window, watching as Danny texted the group chat he was in with the guys.
“Just telling them I’m taking you home,” he said, sending the text and opening up Spotify. “Any requests?”
You shook your head. “Whatever’s good with me.”
He put a playlist on shuffle and backed out of his parking space as you pulled out your own phone to tell Ben you were on the way home. 
You found an Uber ok? he asked.
No, Danny’s driving me, you said. Are you at mine or yours?
He didn’t text back right away. You set your phone down and listened to the song that was playing, John Anderson’s “Wild and Blue”. 
“Hey, you listened to him,” you said, pleasantly surprised. “I didn’t know if you’d like his music.”
You could just make out Danny’s smile in the dark. “I do like him,” he said. “This song’s one of my favorites.”
It was one of your favorites too, and you hummed along to the melancholy, honky-tonk tune. 
“ In somebody's room on the far side of town, with your mind all made up and the shades all pulled down, someone is trying to satisfy you — he don't know you're wild and you're blue.”
Danny was singing along, his voice soft and a little distracted as he made sure you were headed in the right direction on the highway. Your phone buzzed, and you read the text from Ben.
I’m at my apartment. Tell Wagner to take you to yours.
You felt a thrill of panic.
I thought you were waiting up for me, baby, you typed back, frantically trying to soothe him. I’m really eager to please, remember? ;)
Again, a pause, and you bit the inside of your cheek.
I don’t want to fight, you typed. Do you want to meet me at my place?
Finally, he replied, and your heart sank.
No. Tell Wagner he can keep you.
You put your phone in your pocket and tried to take a steadying breath. No reason to get worked up. He was just upset about what happened earlier, and you’d call him when you got home and work everything out. 
“Everything ok?” Danny asked.
“Yeah,” you said quietly. “Fine. He’s... he’s at my place, so if you could drop me off there, that would be great.”
Danny seemed to sense that you weren’t up for conversation, and the rest of the ride home was quiet. When he pulled into one of the two parking spaces for your apartment, it was glaringly obvious that Ben’s care wasn’t in the other one.
“Didn’t you say he was here?” Danny asked, and you noticed a tinge of frustration in his voice.
“He’s... he’s coming in a little bit,” you said.
Danny looked over at you. “Sunshine...”
“It’s fine,” you said, taking your purse from the floorboard and opening the door. “He said he’s coming, so he’s coming. Thank you for driving me home.”
“You’re welcome,” he said. “Do you want me to wait with you until he gets here? I know you don’t like to be alone at night.”
You felt an uncomfortable ache in your chest.
“No, thanks,” you said, trying to keep your voice from wobbling. For some reason, the idea of Danny staying with you made you want to cry. “I’ll be okay.”
He didn’t say anything for a moment, and you knew he was trying to decide whether arguing would do any good.
“Okay,” he finally agreed. “But... please call me if you need me, sunshine. I mean it.”
You tried for a smile. 
“I will,” you said. “Goodnight, Danny.”
He gave you a soft smile back. “Goodnight, sunshine. See you tomorrow. Try and get a good night's sleep, okay?”
He waited until you were safely inside to head home, and you watched him leave until you couldn’t see his car any more. Part of you wanted to call him and tell him to come back, to confess everything that was going on with you and Ben, to ask him to stay with you in your apartment that you hadn’t spent a night alone in for a long time.
Instead, you called Ben, and you got his voicemail. You texted him and asked him to call you when he got a minute, wanting to explain and ask his forgiveness; you showered and curled up in bed, waiting for your phone to light up with a notification.
It did, and you jumped up to read it. A heartsick sigh escaped you when you saw it was from Danny.
Sorry for being kind of a jerk tonight, he said. I shouldn't have talked about Ben like I did. I know you love him, and I just want you to be happy. I’m sorry.
You didn’t know what to say back. He texted again before you thought of how to respond.
Thanks for coming to the show, sunshine. I’m really glad you came. I’m excited about our trip tomorrow, and I can come get you if I need to. Just let me know.
You texted back a quick thank you and told him you’d text if you needed him. You looked back at your messages with Ben, and you felt the sting of tears. You sent him one last text, saying that you were sorry and still wanted to talk.
You fell asleep with your phone in your hand, waiting for your boyfriend to call you back.
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series taglist: @dannythedog
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thestoryden · 2 years
Heyyyy can I get one where the reader plays guitar but isn't really good at it so she's embarrassed about playing around eddie because he's so good?
Eddie x Musician!Fem!Reader
Warnings: Kissing, Embarrassment, Fluff
Word Count: 663
A/N: okay as someone one who played an instrument for years i love, love, love fic ideas that involve people bonding over music. there are some truly cute moment i have had in practice rooms that make this one of my favorite tropes. so let's get into the fic.
Masterlist/Requests: Open
Music Lesson
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Your face heats up as you look at the book on the music stand and down at your fingers on the fret board. You try to position them correctly, but it feels wrong. Your hand begins to cramp as you try position again, incorrectly. You drop your hands. 
“I can’t Eddie.” You huff, “No, matter how I try it never comes out right.” 
Eddie puts a hand on shoulder and you turn to face him.
“Don’t stress about it.” He says calmly.
Your skin pricks at his touch, and your body begins to heat up. You try to focus on the task at hand, but it is impossible. You had seen Eddie perform at shows, and the way he came alive on stage. Sitting in this somber practice room with what felt like the world’s greatest guitarist is eating you alive.
“Face it,” You cry, “I am not going to get this in time for the Spring Showcase.” 
“Don’t say that, let's go over the intro again.” Eddie soothes.” 
“Face it, Eddie,” You assert, “I am no good.” 
It feels true when you say it though. This was your third lesson with Eddie, and your confidence had crumbled. The first two lessons were smooth sailing, but then you felt a twist in your stomach whenever you saw him. You would peek around corners if you heard his voice down the hall, and then when you saw him your heart would begin to flutter. You were destroyed when you had seen Chrissy and him walking down the corridor, and your friend leaned over and mentioned she had heard they were an item now. So, now you sat in the practice room with him feeling embarrassed you had even crushed on him. On top of that it made his well practiced technique less guiding and more intimidating.   
“Look, I am serious, you shouldn’t say that about yourself.” He insists.
“Okay, I get it, I shouldn't be hard on myself like that.” You comply.  
“Good,” he says his tone is a bit more demanding now, “Play through the intro.”  
He taps his finger at the top of the sheet of music. You respond by tapping your foot to get a holding on the tempo, and then you work your way through the intro. You surprise yourself when your fingers follow the directives you give them, and the intro comes out plainly. You rest your guitar on your lap. 
“I did it.” You breathe in disbelief. 
“I told you, you could do it.” He laughs. 
“I am just kinda in my head about something today, is all.” You mumble. 
He looks you over. His eyes work their way over your face. He takes in each feature, chin, cheeks, mouth, nose, eyes, and brows. Eddie enjoys the way each knit together to complete your profile.He wets his lips and looks back to your eyes. 
“What about?” He asks in a cool tone. 
You interlace your fingers and sigh loudly, “You.” 
“Oh?” He remarks. 
You begin to ramble, “It is just everything about you. Your hair, your eyes, your talent. Every time I think of you my head spins, because you are just so amazing. So, now every time I go to pick up my guitar to practice I just think of you, and I am just left reeling, I can not get you out of my head. And, I know that, that is an issue, because you giving me lessons and your with Chrissy-” 
His lips meet yours with a smooth movement. It is a bit of a mess. His top lip brushes against the skin right above your mouth as he tries to find his orientation. His curls usher his scent into every breath you take. For a moment everything is upside down as your stomach flips and bursts with butterflies. He pulls back and exhales. 
“So, do you think you can focus on the lesson now?,” He asks, “I promise I will make it worth your while.”
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blu-joons · 2 years
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His eyes were on you as much as possible when you were somewhere with Soonyoung. Although he cared about all of his friends, you were the one that he was particularly aware of and wanting to make sure that you were alright.
Everyone knew that the two of you bickered, it became quite the watch for most people quite a lot of the time. Whilst the two of you would be deadly serious whilst bickering with one another, others around you would be in hysterics at some of the stupid things that you’d both come out with to try and win.
As much as the two of you loved to joke, when it came down to comforting one another and being there during the tricky times, you always pulled through. The moment that he saw you starting to get upset then Soonyoung’s smile would drop, and his arm would go around you to try and get you to talk to him.
The two of you were quite prone to a disagreement every now and then, there was nothing that you hated more than to be proven wrong by the other person. Even if it had been figured out that one of you was wrong, you’d still try and suggest otherwise to save yourself the embarrassment of having to admit to the other that they were right, especially if you were wrong and saw a smug smile on Soonyoung’s face.
It didn’t take the two of you too long to start forming a pretty strong friendship, you both were comfortable, and arguably confident, around one another to start talking about anything random pretty much from the off. You didn’t fret about embarrassing yourself around the other person because you were both as bad as each other for tripping up and sometimes putting your foot in it as well.
Soonyoung’s family absolutely treated you as if you were one of their own, it was quite rare for their family to get together without you there too. It wasn’t just his immediate family who were fond of you either, many of his extended family were also aware of exactly who you were because Soonyoung loved to tell all of them about you and gush at how incredible of a best friend he was lucky to have.
Neither of you really minded what you did when you hung out, you knew that whatever it was that you’d have fun together. Soonyoung was usually the one who planned things for the two of you when you did go out as he knew the best places for you both where you’d be able to not be interrupted too.
The two of you had a habit of teasing, it was as simple as that for you both. Even when one of you had said something innocent, the other person wouldn’t be able to stop themselves for coming back with a smart reply, only to realise that the other was harmless, apologising for being so quick to go on the attack.
Just when the two of you thought that you’d had exhausted your list of inside jokes when you talked about them, there would usually be at least one or two which would then suddenly come back to you. It never failed to surprise the two of you just how many inside jokes you’d picked up over the years together.
He would definitely have his eye on quite a few of your other friends to make sure that he didn’t step on his toes. Although most other people wouldn’t notice that Soonyoung was watching them, you’d absolutely be able to tell when he was getting jealous as he’d be a lot blunter with his words. He didn’t like to intimidate other people, but he definitely would stand his ground as your best friend at least.
Soonyoung got a kick out of winning an argument with you as the two of you were quite stubborn with one another. You could both go for quite some time if you wanted to, finding comeback after comeback, but Soonyoung was much more determined than you and liked to try and get the last word always.
He loved how much fun he had with you, Soonyoung was constantly laughing whenever he was around you, you tickled him sometimes doing as little as possible. Together the two of you almost always knew how to make a situation funny, and with your bright personalities on top of that you were constantly having to hold onto your sides because of how much you made the other person laugh.
The two of you first met when you were in a dance class together when you were younger, getting along with each other almost straight away. Soonyoung was pretty confident to approach just about everyone in the class, but he definitely found himself drawn to you more as soon as he watched you start dancing.
The Soonyoung that everyone saw on camera was the same Soonyoung that you saw off the camera. He never changed for anyone, although he’d definitely push the boundaries a little bit more when he was with you.
Soonyoung was obsessed with your laughter, especially when he was the one who had made you laugh. All he wanted was to see you smile, and as long as you were doing that, then everything else would be alright.
The moments that meant the most to Soonyoung were the moments when he was able to take you home with him. He absolutely loved seeing how well you got along with his family as he was incredibly close with them and seeing how adoring they were of you was all that Soonyoung wanted for his best friend.
Quite often if he was with you and inspiration hit, Soonyoung would ask you to record him. If a step or a lyric had come to mind, he’d be handing you his phone so that you could catch it for him before he forgot it.
He absolutely loved to post about you on his social media feeds, Soonyoung was very proud to have you as his best friend and wanted as many of the fans as possible to know how proud he was too. Although he posted a lot, he was careful about how much he shared, not wanting to risk putting you in any harm.
Having your support meant a great deal to Soonyoung, he loved having you there cheering him on, especially because he knew that it wasn’t just him that you were cheering for, but the whole group. They all loved how well you looked after every single member, although you’d care for Soonyoung a little bit more.
Most of the time when he went home, his family would tell him to bring you along too. They took great care of you and made sure that you left their house well fed and cared for just like they did with Soonyoung.
As much as he loved to mess with you, he also wanted you to always know just how appreciative he was to have you as a best friend too.
He absolutely loved whenever you visited him at the studio, showing off to you was one of his favourite things to do. The more compliments that he could hear from you the better as far as Soonyoung was concerned.
Giving you advice was one of the rare instances where Soonyoung could be serious, trying his best to advise you as well as possible.
Both of you were pretty affectionate with one another, usually as playfully as possible too. You were constantly tickling each other, and quite often you’d be hitting Soonyoung too when he teased you too much.
You were his biggest prank, there was no one that Soonyoung liked to tease more.
One of the things that irritated you about Soonyoung was how often he’d invite himself to your place for the night, assuring you that as his best friend it was the right thing for you to do, and that you couldn’t.
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whumperooni · 4 years
Oh to be aizawas favorite student that gets stuffed on the regular, during class breaks, after school and special visits to his room at night. He baby's her quite a lot. He can't help it. And she gets favoritism but no one actually suspects he's teaching her how to be such a good girl behind doors.
yes yes yes
we all just want to be Sensei’s favorite student and have him teach us how to suck his cock just right
uh, nsfw rambling under the cut. and ye student has been aged up
It’s something that doesn’t happen on purpose or right away- first, you arrive at UA and you’re blessed with Aizawa as your homeroom teacher. And lucky, lucky him- you’re a wonderful student. Smart and polite and eager to learn. Your quirk is similar to his- erasure but by touch instead- and you’re always so respectful and attentive when you come to him for advice on how to use it, how to improve, how to be better. Sensei, I just want to do my best.
You quickly become his favorite the more he helps you and it’s a pleasant surprise when he finds the two of you have some common ground beyond quirks. Movies, books, shows, food- your tastes are similar and it’s easy to talk to you about things beyond the strict realm of what he should stick to.
You’re just so...easy to get along with. Relaxing. And, god, it’s such a nice change to have a student that is constantly working on improving, that lights up so much when given praise and absorbs every bit of advice that you can. You’re malleable, but not brainless and it’s no surprise when he realizes that he has a soft spot for you.
Your second year is a little rough- new homeroom teacher, internships, work studies, all the competition that comes with making a name for yourself in the hero world. Even though he’s not your teacher anymore, you can’t help wander back to him for advice and a familiar comfort. Aizawa, for his part, is content enough to keep guiding you along- will listen to you as you fret and worry and question yourself. His calm words and solid advice are always enough to raise your confidence again and the little sessions you two have will end with you nodding in determination and saying Sensei, I promise I’ll make you proud.
He already knows you will- you work hard and you’re so eager for his approval, always chasing after success and the reward of a pat to a head and your favorite sensei telling you good job. you did well. i’m proud of you. (He never doles out praise like that but, god, do you work hard to earn it- you deserve your sensei’s approval and compliments. You always work so hard. for him.)
The third year is a bit easier, but it’s tiring- you’re working properly as a hero now and juggling balancing school and being an acting sidekick. You still come to your sensei for help and it fills him with satisfaction whenever he hears how you’ve blossomed under his instruction.
This is the year, too, when his gaze keeps trailing after you, when he finally realizes just how much he enjoys your eagerness and your wide eyes, the way you nearly melt when he gives you praise.
Like any good teacher, he feels disgusted by himself. Disgusted but...interested. He swears to himself that he’ll never be inappropriate with you, that he’ll keep being there for you as always and keep the relationship respectable.
He tells himself that, but...
But his hands start brushing against you when you walk next to each other. But he begins to tuck your hair behind your ear and brush it from your eyes, trail his fingers along your check. But his touch becomes more frequent during training- experienced hands moving you to get your stance to perfection and lingering as he explains technique, giving the lightest of squeezes before dropping away.
And you...you never pull away or balk or do anything- you just look up at him with wide eyes and cheeks holding the lightest, sweetest flush and nod along to whatever he’s saying, keep following his instructions until you’re perfect.
You trust him so much and respect him to the highest regard- Sensei is important to you in every sort of way and you’d follow him into hell if he asked.
You’d do anything if he asked.
With your third year and all your hero work comes attention, popularity. Boys keep hounding after you and, honestly, it’s flustering. Embarrassing whenever they put their hands a little too low on your waist while chatting you up and look over you with hooded eyes. Their touch is nothing like Sensei’s- you don’t want to melt into and you don’t want more; all you want is to shy away.
The attention troubles you and it’s something that Aizawa picks up on. You almost don’t want to tell him about it whenever he asks, but you can’t not answer your sensei and, besides, he’s given you so much advice before- he’s sure to guide you through this confusing time in your life.
So you tell him, shyly, about the boys and their touches and their crude remarks. You blush and mumble that it’s overwhelming, that it’s embarrassing. You’ve never dated anyone before- you’ve never even kissed anyone before. You don’t know how and...and you’re nervous about it- what if you’re bad? What if they laugh?
Seeing you blushing and embarrassed would be a KO to Aizawa- one quick snap of his already frail self-control. He’d tell you that you just need practice, that it’s not something you need to rush. And, god, sweet fretting you who has danced through his fantasies and turned a respectable man into a closet pervert would be helpless when Aizawa- when the man you look up to with stars in your eyes, when the man whose every word you hang on to, when the man you’ve had such a sweet little crush on since day one, when Sensei- places a hand to your cheek and tells you that he could teach you.
How could you pass it up?
So it starts with that- his lips pressing against yours and your mind going dizzy with wonder and giddy, anxious disbelief. So, so chaste at first- slow to keep you from growing skittish and pulling away. And when it gets deeper, more hot that’s when he starts to tell you how to angle your head, how to use your tongue, how to mold your lips perfectly against his. Less tongue this time. That’s better. Try biting my bottom lip like this.
You listen to his instructions like a lovesick puppy- cheeks flushed and eyes hazy and the need to please him flooding through you stronger than ever before.
It starts with kissing and then it’s him teaching you how to ride his thigh, how to get off with just that grinding pressure and his murmured praise, his hands running over your waist. Then Sensei teaches you about pleasuring yourself- long fingers stroking over your cunny and curling deep inside, little whimpers and mewls leaving you while he explains your g-spot and how to stretch yourself for a cock, how to rub your little clit and make yourself come. He’ll get you off and suck your juices from his fingers, sit back in a chair and then make you do everything he just did- telling you when to add a finger, when to stroke your clit, encouraging you when you whine and say that your fingers are too small and they don’t feel as good as his.
So, of course, if you’re fingers aren’t good enough then he has to teach you about sex toys. He buys you a vibrator and uses it on you until you’re shaking, makes you stuff it in your panties before class and has you hurrying to him on break so you can show him that you’re soaked, that you can come now and please let me come sensei, i need to- it’s so much.
He’ll have you stuff your fingers into your soaked, throbbing pussy and he’ll let you come whenever you mewl a “Sensei, please.” And then he’ll have you suckle your juices from your fingers, teach you how good you taste.
Which, of course, will lead to lessons of him eating you out- face burying between your spread thighs and tongue flicking over your clit until it’s too  much and you try to squirm away on instinct. That gets his wraps around your wrists and you sat on his face- his hands gripping your bum and making you hump against him until he’s soaked with your cum and you’re too tired and sore to give more than a twitch of your hips.
Then, of course, it’s your turn to learn about pleasing someone else with your mouth- you get to see Sensei’s dick for the first time and it’s so, so flustering to watch him stroke it while he explains blowjobs and how to run your little tongue over his head, how to suckle his balls like a good girl. Just like that- you’re doing so good. Watch your teeth, okay? Remember to breathe.
This particular lesson gets repeated again and again- it’s hard to take his length fully at first and he has to let you train your throat until you can take him down to the root and swallow his cum without choking and gagging.
It becomes a habit of yours to suck your sensei off at the end of the day- you sinking to your knees and swallowing him down while he grades papers; his hand petting your hair and a serene look on your face as you bob your head along your sensei’s length, make him come.
The biggest lesson- the most important one- is when he finally, finally fucks you.
Aizawa knows he has to do it right- he knows that it has to be good for you. He wants it to be good for you- you’ve certainly earned it with all the hard work you’ve put in so far.
It happens during a break when he actually has time to dedicate to a good, proper fuck. You’re nervous at first, heart fluttering with anticipation, and he’s quick to soothe you with doting kisses, pull you into his lap and make you dizzy with his touch, his lips. He kisses you until pleasure is smoldering down low and then he carries you to the bed- cradling you gently and laying you out, taking a moment to soak in your flushed cheeks and adoring eyes, the way your lips move with a shy, needy murmur of “Sensei.”
He gets you off once, twice before stripping down and crawling over you. It hurts a little when he slides into your wet, warm cunny but he soothes that sting with kisses and hummed praises of how good you’re doing, how you’re such a good girl for him. You’re taking me so well. You’re doing such a good job. Good girl- you’re such a good girl. Honestly, the praise is enough to have your eyes watering and your already overstimulated pussy squeezing around him.
You come before he’s fully in and he takes advantage of that wave of pleasure to slip in the rest of the way, bury himself completely in that soaked cunt that he’s been starving for. You’ll have time to sob a “sensei” but then your mind will get hazed over by the feeling of being full, by how good it feels to have your teacher rocking into your needy pussy and pressing hot, open mouthed kisses along your neck.
The first time you come on his cock it’s with his lips pressed to your forehead as he murmurs for you to come for him- to come for sensei.
The next time you come on his cock is when you’re riding him the following night- his mouth sucking on your soft breasts and your back arching as he shoots hot ropes of cum into your spasming pussy.
He’ll show you how to clean yourself after and he’ll make you come again- face buried between your thighs and his tongue eating out the creampie he had nestled deep into your cunny.
After that, it’s fair game for him to call out of class for “just a word” or to drag you from regular training for some “one on one” training. And you’re just as bad- coming to him like a bitch in heat as soon as you feel your cunny begin to tingle and begging him to fuck you, let you suck him off- sensei, please!
Of course he spares the time to do that for you- you are his favorite student after all.
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chloe-spade · 2 years
To Be a Princess
Yaz immediately rushed inside the Film Studies Club Room, looking around. He took a sigh.
"Vil!" He gasped, alerting Vil and Ortho, both busy looking at the newest script.
"Oh my, Sweet Potato," Vil sighs,"what happened to you? You look shocked."
"And your heart rate is increasing by the minute!" Ortho added. "What happened to you?"
"Ok, run down." Yaz took a breath. " I started to date Kalim and after maybe a month of dating, he asked me to meet his family! But I don't know how to act around his family and I'm incredibly nervous and.."
"You want to impress them?" Vil chuckles, walking over to him. "And why, pray tell, are you asking me for this?"
"You...you are the closest person to ask how...to act royalty.."
"Royalty?" Vil asked. "My, you are going way to far with this, Sweet Potato. However I suppose I can do my best."
"You asking him? Really, herbivore?" Leona chimes in, walking in. "Don't get me wrong, sweetheart but you don't know the 1st thing about being a prince."
Vil scoffs."Oh really? As compared to one who sleeps all day and repeated 3 years?"
"I'm still a prince regardless, sweetheart. I think I have a bit of knowledge of royalty."
"Are you sure," Vil smiles."Are you challenging me?"
"Of course, I never back down a competition, especially those I'm interested in winning in."
"I should be scared, right?" Yaz mumbled.
"You should be." Ortho says.
Before he know it, Yaz was sitting in front of Leona and Vil, preparing Yaz for the longest lesson he has ever been in.
Remember, No nagging, bragging,
sweating, fretting,
slipping, tripping,
twittering or frittering allowed.
"That's a lot.." Yaz mutters to himself.
"I think there's a lot more than that.." Ortho sighs,"Even I don't know much of this stuff..."
"Nice to know you're on the same page as I am.*
Stay present, stay pleasant, stay proud.
To be a princess is to know which spoon to use, ("But Yaz isn't a princess?")
To be a princess is a thousand pair of shoes. ("Thousands!?")
To maintain a regal gait,
leave the parsley on your plate,
and be charming,
but detached and yet amused.
To be a princess is to never be confused.
"I must say I'm impressed," Leona says.
"You think you can do better?" Vil challenged. "If so, show me."
"You two are talking this way to seriously." Yaz groaned.
Do a plie and never fall,
Dont ever stray from protocol,
All through the day there's just one way you must behave.
Do keep a grip and never crack,
Stiff upper lip and arch the back,
Bend from above,
and always wear your gloves, and wave.
"Get up, Herbivore, this is where things get hard."
Yaz, with major hesitant, stood up as Leona began to circle around him.
Shoulders back and tummy in,
And pinky out and lift the chin
And slowly turn the head from side to side
I see now
Breathing gently, stepping lightly,
Smile brightly, nod politely
Never show a thing you feel inside.
"You look very pretty, Yaz!"
Yaz was in a new sea green outfit, matching the ones seen in Scalding Sands, face decked in simple make-up, absolutely beautiful, but Yaz was so incredibly embarrassed.
"I question how this is necessary!?"
To be a Princess is to always look your best,
To be a princess is to never get to rest,
Sit for a portrait, never squirm,
Sleep on a matteress extra firm,
Speak and be clever,
Never at a loss for words.
Curtsy to every count and lord,
Learn how to play the harpsichord,
sing lullabies,
and always harmonise in thirds.
Thirds, thirds!
"I'm definitely learning a lot!" Ortho giggles.
"Lucky for you, Ortho. However I feel like a doll."
Leona smirks and grabbed Vil's hands.
And he has beautiful eyes, ("Leona!?")
Your spirits rise,
when he walks in the room,
("We See!")
Doors close and the chemistry grows
She's like a rose thats forever in bloom.
"Your attempts at flirting are absolutely futile.." Vil murmurs.
"But I can tell they worked." Leona remarked.
"Hey, lovers, I'm glad I'm not a result of a feud, but can please get back to the lesson?"
Do a plie and dont
Ever, ever, ever fall
Never show dismay
And be there when people call
Be prepared, whatever royal life will bring.
Do keep a grip and don't
Ever, ever, ever crack
Take a dainty sip
Never, ever turn your back
There's a time and place and way for everything.
To be a princess is to never make your bed ("Of course...")
To be a princess is to always use your head!
Yaz was now resting. On the floor, absolutely defeated.
"Was that too much for you?" Leona laughs. "I don't we were that harsh towards you."
"I agree, I think our lessons weren't that hard to follow, right, Sweet Potato?" Vil said, helping Yaz to a chair.
"I'm fine," Yaz mumbles,"It's not as bad as I thought it would be. However, that was a lot of remember."
"I have everything memorized." Ortho reassures. "So you can ask me anything."
"Aw, the show's over." Complained Cater. "But, it was hell of a show!"
"Yeah," chimed Lilia, laughing. "Though Kalim definitely went silent after the outfit change."
"That's why I took a photo!"
"And...how long...were you three sitting there?" Yaz gasped in embarrassment, sinking down in his seat.
"Maybe since Leona walked in? I can't remember! So we walked in and saw a free show, and Yaz looks absolutely stunning!" Cater laughs.
"I thought drama was going to happen! By golly, I was so wrong!"
"And what I am here, Kalim's with you?" Ortho asked.
"Yup! You couldn't tell as he was silent since Vil gave Yaz such a beautiful makeover!"
There Kalim was, flustered but had a hugs smile on his face. "I'm ok! I was just stunned by Yaz's beauty! He looks so gorgeous!!"
"Yaz is hiding behind the chair if you want to see him." Ortho cheers.
"Don't say that!!"
Kalim laughs and goes over. "You look amazing!" He held Yaz close."I mean, you look beautiful regardless, but-!"
"I get it...."Yaz mumbles.
This was the most embarrassing day of his life.
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