#marcus flint x hermione granger x adrian pucey
its-a-scream--baby · 4 years
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Daydreaming about Adrian Pucey
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hprarepairfest · 3 years
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Title: Bastards, Beignets, and Bourbon Street Creator: GaeilgeRua Ship: Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger/Adrian Pucey Rating: Teen Prompt: Self-Prompt Word Count: 1,591 Warnings: None Summary: When her world came crashing down around her, Hermione disappears on a much needed holiday. While there, she runs into wizards from her childhood, can they help her pick up the pieces?
Link to work on AO3 can be found [Here]
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thegrangerarchives · 4 years
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Middle of Adventure by @nauticalparamour
After his Quidditch career is cut short by injury, Marcus decides to start a youth league. When Hermione has to go pick up James, she doesn't expect to see the furious Flint is so great with children.
Rated: M; Chapters: 11; Words: 22295
→ Link: Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own
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anendofeverything · 4 years
Part Two of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
Chapter Five
January 1994
He didn’t know what he was expecting when he mustered up the courage to head to the Quidditch Captain’s office after the first match back after the holidays. Slytherin had all but obliterated Ravenclaw, which was a testament to Marcus’ dedication as a Quidditch Captain, and that he was the only person capable of rivaling Oliver in how relentlessly they trained their respective teams before a match.
They’d sat there, discussing their Christmases, and Oliver had handed over the gift he’d ordered very last minute, which had left Marcus dumbfounded. Oliver didn’t blame him for that reaction - if Marcus had come up to him and given him a neatly wrapped gift, his head would’ve exploded in sheer shock.
And then he said it.
He’d told Marcus he didn’t hate him and spouted off some nonsense about being Captains of their favourite teams someday way off into the future.
“Sounds nice,” Marcus had said. “We’ll be the best of friends, huh?”
It’d hurt, that statement, and Oliver could feel tears stinging in the corners of his eyes. It would have almost been kinder for Marcus to have laughed at him. To straight up reject Oliver’s gift and continue hating him.
But as strong as Oliver Wood was in other aspects of his life, he was completely and utterly weak for Marcus Flint. And he always had been.
He somehow stumbled his way back to his dorm room, which was (thankfully) empty, and sunk onto his bed, drawing his knees up to his chest. He could feel wetness forming in the corners of his eyes, but he did nothing other than sit there, staring into nothingness as Marcus’ words echoed in his head.
“I don’t hate you either.”
“We’ll be the best of friends, huh?”
“Fuck,” Oliver muttered, swiping at the tears threatening to spill over. “Don’t cry, don’t cry, don’t cry.”
“Shit,” Oliver sighed. “Hey, Percy, I-”
“Wood,” Montague tilted his head to the side. “You look bloody awful.”
“Graham!” Percy hissed, elbowing his boyfriend.
“What? He does!”
“Maybe, but you don’t say it! It’s rude!”
“It’s okay,” Oliver shook his head. “Don’t w- wait! Montague? What are you doing inside Gryffindor Tower?! If someone sees-”
“Wood.” Montague interrupted. “Everyone’s downstairs at dinner. Me and Percy were gonna- doesn’t matter. Never mind us, what’s eating you?”
Oliver scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “It- It doesn’t matter.”
“Dear Merlin,” Montague rolled his eyes as he sat opposite of Oliver, Percy sitting next to his best friend. “Întotdeauna e aşa de încăpăţânat?”
“Nu sunt încăpăţânat!” Oliver protested. “Şi de când vorbeşti tu româneşte?”
Montague blinked. “Eu? De când ai-”
“Boys! Graham knows Romanian because I’m teaching him, and he’s teaching me Hungarian. Oliver can speak Romanian because he spent the summer last year with Charlie at the dragon reserve. Băieţi proşti. Ce o să mă fac cu voi doi?” Percy shook his head. “Can we get back to  the matter at hand? Oliver nearly being in tears?”
“Perce, please. Don’t-”
“No, Ollie, you looked heartbroken.”Oliver squirmed in place, ducking his head so he could avoid Percy and Graham’s eyes. The three of them sat there for what felt like an age, Oliver trying and failing to spill his feelings. The words got stuck in his throat, and he could feel his heart pounding in his chest. 
Wood looked like he would faint, or throw up, or worse - not that Graham knew what worse would even be, honestly, but he could hear Wood breathing harshly, and, whatever it was, it wasn’t good. Graham thought he was good at reading people, and, instinctively, he supposed, whatever Wood was fretting about, he would not talk about it with him in the room.
“Drágám, where do you keep your O.W.L. Potions notes?”
“In a folder in my trunk, why-”
But Graham had already shot off Oliver’s bed, and dragged Percy’s trunk out from under his bed, and took out the aforementioned folder, flipping through the sections until he found the Potions notes.
“Montague, what are you doing?”
“Look, Wood, whatever’s bothering you, I’m not prying, alright? And I think me being here isn’t helping much, so I’m gonna go, yeah?”
“I-” Wood swallowed nervously. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t,” Graham said reassuringly. “The notes are just my alibi for why I’m up here, I’ll give them back.”
“You better,” Percy said teasingly.
“I’ll see you later, drágám,” Graham gave him a quick kiss, and offered Wood a rather awkward pat on the shoulder.
As he exited the dormitory and made his way down the stairs, clutching Percy’s Potions notes as he went, he could hear light chattering. Looks like some Gryffindor’s were back from dinner early. As he walked down further and stepped into the Gryffindor Common Room, he saw that Percy’s youngest brother, Ron, Hermione Granger, and Harry Potter occupied it.
Of fucking course.
Ron and Potter were playing Wizard’s Chess in front of the fireplace, and Granger was curled up on a very comfortable looking sofa, reading an enormous book. It looked vaguely familiar, but not something Graham himself had read, he didn’t think.
Sighing to himself, he started walking towards the portrait hole. If he was lucky-
“Weasley, Granger, Potter,” Graham nodded. “Lovely day, isn’t it?”
“It’s raining.” Potter pointed out.
“Never mind that!” Ron had jumped up, knocking over the chessboard, much to the pieces’ disgust, and pointed his wand straight at Graham’s chest. “Give me one reason not to hex you!”
“Ron!” Granger exclaimed.
Potter looked torn between joining in with Ron in threatening him or not, his wand dangling loosely in his fingers. 
“Look, I’m not here for anything nefarious. Just borrowing some Potions notes from my tutor, see?” he waved the notes in Ron’s direction.
“May I see them?” Granger had approached him, holding out one hand to take the notes, the other clutching the hefty book she’d been reading.
Graham shrugged and handed them over to her. With Granger closer, he could read the title of it - Ilvermorny: A Comprehensive History of the North American School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
“Interested in Ilvermorny, huh?” he asked, nodding at the book.
“What? Oh… yes!” Granger nodded back vigorously. “Percy leant this to me. Their version of sorting is fascinating, I-”
“Hermione,” Potter coughed lightly. “The notes?”
“Yes, yes, alright.”
“What?” Ron asked gleefully at Granger’s frown. “They’re not Potions notes, are they?”
“No, they are.” Granger said, shooting Montague an odd look, as she looked up from shifting through Percy’s notes. “They’re dated from September 1991 through to May 1992. Why use notes that are two years old? The exams change every year.”
“Do they?” Ron asked, perplexed, which made Granger throw him a dirty look.
“If I can but in,” Graham said, taking the notes back from Granger. “Yes, the standard end of year exams change annually, but the O.W.L.s and the N.E.W.T.s, they get changed less. Once every decade, or thereabouts, anyway. Lupin let slip about in DADA once, it’s bizarre, really. Luckily, two-year-old notes will do for studying.”
“Maybe,” Granger narrowed her eyes, suddenly hostile. “But that doesn’t explain why you have the Head Boy’s notes.”
“I recognise Percy’s handwriting,” Granger continued. “What are you up to, Montague?”
“Nothing. I said I was borrowing my tutor’s notes, and that’s exactly what I’m doing.”
Unbeknownst to the four students, the Fat Lady’s portrait had swung open, and a tall, pale man had stepped inside. “Now then, what do we have here?”
“Nothing,” Graham answered hastily. “I was just leaving.”
“Is that so?” Professor Lupin asked, amused. “What exactly are you doing up in Gryffindor Tower, Graham?”
“I’m afraid that’s my fault, Professor.”
Thank Merlin.
“Percy,” Lupin greeted cheerily. “Ah, yes - the tutoring? Severus mentioned it a few months ago. After some goading from Minerva.”
“Ron,” Percy turned to his younger brother, voice sharp. “I’m taking fifteen points off you. You will report to Penelope on Saturday morning after breakfast and help her with her rounds.”
“What for?”
“Threatening another student.” Percy sniffed. “Professor Lupin, was there something that you needed?”
“Extra lessons.” Potter murmured, tucking his wand back up his sleeve.
“You git.” Ron rounded on Percy, after Lupin and Potter had left. “You can’t just take points off me and expect me to go swanning after your girlfriend-”
“Ex.” Percy whispered, suddenly pale.
“What?” Granger looked between the two Weasley brothers, awkwardly clutching the borrowed book to her chest.
“Me and Penelope broke up months ago.” Percy said, looking pained. “That’s another fifteen points, Ron.”
And with that, Percy turned and fled back upstairs.
“Ron, that’s enough.”
“Lay off your brother, Weasley.” Graham snapped.
“What do you care?”
“I don’t,” Graham lied. “I’d just hate to fail my Potions O.W.L. because your brother was too busy having to deal with you being an insufferable prat.”
Graham shrunk the notes and stuffed them into the pocket of his robes, before storming out of Gryffindor Tower.  
Jobban kellett volna csinálnom, drágám. 
“I don’t believe it,” Cassius whispered. “I honestly don’t believe it!”
“Warrington,” Bletchley said, shuffling in front of the Ravenclaw student he’d just been snogging. “We weren’t doing anything!”
“Right.” Cassius eyed the Ravenclaw that Bletchley couldn’t hide from view, as the Ravenclaw was taller than him.
The Ravenclaw had short brown hair, ebony skin, blue eyes and freckles. He pushed his square framed glasses back up his nose, and Cassius grinned in response, showing off his teeth.
“Alright, Fernsby?”
“Warrington,” Fernsby crossed his arms. “What do you want?”
“Oh, nothing. Nothing at all.”
“My, my, my, such language, Fernsby. And from a Prefect, no less.”
“Cassius, please.” Bletchley pleaded. “Just get on with it.”
“On with what?”
“Whatever Pure-blooded, homophobic rhetoric you’re delaying in ranting about.” Fernsby rolled his eyes.
“Well, for one, I’m not a Pure-blood. And for two, I’m gay. Surprise!”
“You… are?”
“I’m sure Bole and Malfoy are the only straight ones on the team. Don’t get me started on the reserve team. It’s a well-known secret that Slytherin produces the most queer students each year.”
“Who produces the least?” Fernsby mused.
“Hufflepuff. But everyone in Hufflepuff is accepting, so that’s summat, I suppose.”
“Everyone?” Sputtered Bletchley, finally finding his voice. “B-But- you- I- Flint?!”
“Bisexual.” Cassius nodded. “Don’t tell ‘im I told ya, dear Merlin, he’d skin me alive!”
“Of course,” Fernsby said, slipping his hand into Bletchley’s.
“Look, guys, you can snog each other to your heart’s content for all I care. Maybe don’t do it in the alcove right next to the entrance to the Slytherin Dungeon, though, eh?”
Bletchley blushed bright red, and Cassius cackled loudly as he walked down the hall, only stopping to mutter the password - Salazar - before he entered the Slytherin Common Room.
“Wotcha, Flint,” Cassius grinned. “Or can I call ya Marcus?”
“Screw off, Warrington.” Flint muttered, returning to his book.
“You’re reading?” Cassius asked incredulously. “I’ve never seen you read. Should I be worried?”
“Don’t be daft, Warrington.” Flint scoffed. “It’s the Montrose Magpies’ biography. New edition too.”
“Bet that cost a fair few Galleons.”
Flint paused, idly thumbing the cover. “It was a present.”
“Wood?” Cassius smirked.
“So what if Ollie got me the book?”
“Well, that proves it.”
“Get to the fucking point already, would you?”
“The defensiveness, for starters. You didn’t call Wood Wood, or even Oliver - you called him Ollie.”
“Mate, you don’t call people by their first name. Accept Pucey. Sometimes. And that’s only ‘cause you knew him before you started Hogwarts,” Cassius pointed out. “The way you’ve talked about Wood-”
“I’ve barely said shit to you about Ollie.”
“-an’ the way you look at him… Marcus-”
“Cassius, don’t-”
“It’s not just a crush, is it?” Cassius asked softly. “You love him… don’t you?”
“So what if I do? Nothing can happen between us. Not like that.”
“Says who?”
“I’m a Slytherin. I’m a Pure-blood. And he’s a Gryffindor and a Muggle-born.”
“So what?”
“Just drop it, Warrington.”
“Flint, can you stop being a bloody coward for two-”
“I’m a coward?” Flint laughed harshly. “At least I can talk to the guy I like without becoming an enormous stuttering mess!”
“That’s not fair.”
“Oh, Ch-Charlie,” Flint began mockingly. “Y-You work w-with d-dragons, that’s s-so b-brave!”
“Stop it.”
“M-me? I’ve only b-been in l-love w-with you s-since s-second y-year!”
“Enough!” Cassius screamed, throwing a wandless Flipendo at Flint, knocking him over, which resulted in him colliding with the armchair he’d been sitting in.
Enraged, Flint roared out a Langlock, but Cassius dodged the spell, and fired off Impedimenta and Oppugno in quick succession. A flash of turquoise light slowed Flint down, making him unable to defend himself from the flock of small birds pecking at his head as they circled around him, and became a blur of yellow and green. Suddenly, a powerful burst of magic echoed throughout the Slytherin Common Room, a pale blue light swirling around to separate Cassius and Flint from each other. Adrian Pucey, usually rather cheery in disposition, was glaring between Cassius and Flint, before silently casting a couple counter-jinxes to eradicate the birds pecking at Flint’s head.
“What the hell are you two playing at? Having a pissing match in the Common Room? What if there had been other students in here? I cannot believe you two! Twenty points from Slytherin. Each!”
“Warrington started it!”
“And I’m ending it.” Pucey snarled. “I should give you both detention, if I didn’t know Marcus would give me hell for disrupting Quidditch practice. I’m giving both of you a warning. You dare do something this foolish again, I’ll- I’ll-”
“You’ll do what, Pucey?” Flint laughed humourlessly. “Tattle on us to Snape?”
“No,” Pucey answered. “I’ll go to Professor Dumbledore and get you both removed from the team.”
“You can’t do that!”
“Watch me!”
“Guys,” Higgs reluctantly dropped the spell he’d cast. “You can’t just duel each other every time you have an argument. Flint - you struggle to control your anger. Warrington - you don’t know when to stop pushing, and you can be manipulative about it. You carry on like that when you’ve both left Hogwarts, and you’ll end up in Azkaban. Or dead.”
“Terry’s right.”
“Of course he is,” Cassius muttered. “Perfect Terry can do no wrong, can he, Ade?”
“I don’t know why I bother,” Pucey shook his head, roughly pushing passed Cassius as he stormed toward the stairs to the dormitories. “Go on, keep dueling! Kill each other for all I care, fucking jumped-up, pig-headed gits!”
“Adrian,” Higgs sighed, following his boyfriend, stopping only to tell Cassius and Flint to ‘fucking sort yourselves out’, and descended into the dormitories.
“I’m not apologising.” Flint snapped, picking up his book.
“Me either.”
Cassius scoffed as Flint went back to reading. “You’re fuckin’ unbelievable. And you are a coward.”
“Right back atcha, Warrington.” Flint mumbled, sounding almost defeated.
“Aw, what’s the matter, did I touch a nerve?”
“Yes!” Flint yelled. “You don’t get it Warrington, you just don’t. It doesn’t matter what I do, or what I try, nothing will change. It’s never going to. Don’t you get that?”
Cassius blinked. “You’re… are you crying?”
“No,” Flint protested. “Allergies.”
“We’re in a dungeon.”
“Dust, Warrington, I- I’m allergic to dust!”
“Well, that’s new information.”
“Just- just piss off Warrington.” Flint said, his voice uncharacteristically small. “Please.”
“You gonna hex me if I stay?”
“Yeah,” Flint’s voice wavered.
“For what it’s worth, mate, I think you’d make Oliver Wood dead happy. If you gave yourself a chance to do so.”
Flint said nothing, just shook his head, and tried desperately to refocus on his book. As Cassius walked out into the dungeons in search of distraction, and Flint sat shakily, silently fighting off tears, neither of them knew about the intruder to their conversation - a third year Slytherin slumped on the stairs, out of site of the Common Room, their heart beating wildly. Marcus Flint liked Oliver Wood? Flint? Quidditch Captain Marcus Flint fancied Oliver Wood?  
Maybe their own crush wasn’t so hopeless after all...
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fangroyal · 5 years
FIC REC: Operation (S)pam (Marcus/Oliver, Draco/Harry, Terence/Adrian, Graham/Cassius, Ron/Hermione, PG-13)
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Title: Operation (S)pam (The Fault in our Chat Logs, Part 5 of ?) Author: @mxrcusflint​ Fandom: Harry Potter Pairing(s): Marcus/Oliver, Draco/Harry, Terence/Adrian, Graham/Cassius, Ron/Hermione Rating: PG-13 Warning(s): Text Chat Fic, Crack!Fic Word Count: 2.3k Summary: Warrington: i can’t believe you messaged graham privately to make fun of him Flint: look Flint: my darling husband is playing matchmaker to two selectively-obtuse people Flint: i have slept on the couch for the past two days because Oliver needs to sleep in a very particular position that doesn’t allow me room Flint: Let Me Have This
You can find more recs in my tag and on my shelf.
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Verdant Paths and Sunflower Fields Rated Gen Author: GaeilgeRua Pairing: Adrian Pucey/Blaise Zabini/Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger Universe(s): Harry Potter Prompt: Berlin, Germany - Sunflower Summary: Hermione and her trio of husbands decide to take a break from preparing to open their new restaurant and enjoy a unique feature of the Berlin countryside. They mustn't forget that they are technically still supposed to be enjoying their honeymoon after all.
View the entire Christmas in July Collection here!
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hermioneficrecs · 7 years
Fic Rec #295
The Granger Feint  by Mary Royale
Hermione x Marcus Flint x Adrian Pucey
The Ministry of Magic is recovering from the Wizarding War. Fines? Most families can deal with those. Threatening to make former Death Eaters wards of the state with the Ministry in control of their vaults? Not so much. Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey decide to take a gamble and enlist the biggest champion of underdogs they know. Will she accept their unlikely proposal?
WIP as of 20/11/17
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fanficweasley · 3 years
Pairing Masterlist
Love rare pairings? You have come to the right place. Here you can find any fanfic recommendations for our favorite rare pairs as well as other popular ships. I will continue to add to this list with pairings as I make the posts.
(List updated as of June 20th)
Adrian Pucey x Hermione Granger
Alphard Black x Hermione Granger
Bill Weasley x Hermione Granger
Blaise Zabini x Penelope Clearwater
Blaise Zabini x Theodore Nott
Charlie Weasley x Hermione Granger
Charlie Weasley x Millicent Bulstrode
Charlie Weasley x Pansy Parkinson
Cedric Diggory x Hannah Abbott
Cedric Diggory x Pansy Parkinson
Cormac McLaggen x Hermione Granger
Cormac McLaggen x Hermione Granger
Daphne Greengrass x Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger
Fred Weasley x Hermione Granger
George Weasley x Pansy Parkinson
Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley
Harry Potter x Hermione Granger
Harry Potter x Theodore Nott
Harry Potter x Pansy Parkinson
Hermione Granger x Pansy Parkinson
James Potter x Hermione Granger
Lavender Brown x Pansy Parkinson
Percy Weasley x Pansy Parkinson
Marcus Flint x Hermione Granger
Marcus Flint x Pansy Parkinson
Neville Longbottom x Hermione Granger
Neville Longbottom x Pansy Parkinson
Neville Longbottom x Theodore Nott
Oliver Wood x Hermione Granger
Oliver Wood x Pansy Parkinson
Regulus Black x Hermione Granger
Remus Lupin x Hermione Granger
Sirius Black x Hermione Granger
Theodore Nott x Luna Lovegood
Tom Riddle x Hermione Granger
Victor Krum x Ginny Weasley
Bill Weasley x Hermione Granger x Charlie Weasley
Blaise Zabini x Hermione Granger x Theodore Nott
Blaize Zabini x Ginny Weasley x Draco Malfoy
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger x Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy x Hermione Granger x Theodore Nott
James Potter x Hermione Granger x Sirius Black
Marcus Flint x Pansy Parkinson x Oliver Wood
Remus Lupin x Hermione Granger x Sirius Black
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hptriadfest · 4 years
Title: Those That Move <- Clicky
Author: @hippocrates460
Rating: Explicit | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Ronald Weasley/Viktor Krum
Summary: “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” - Benjamin Franklin.
How Ron and Hermione decide to figure out what they really want, how they come to realize that it is Viktor, and how all of them choose to move.
Title: In The Dying Light <- Clicky
Author: @marshmallowmcgonagall
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley x Tom Riddle/Voldemort
Six years after Dumbledore died, Harry appears to defeat Lord Voldemort but everyone flees the battlefield in the wake of a magical storm. In the depths of the nights which follow, someone unexpected arrives at the door of Harry and Ginny’s safe house in Godric’s Hollow.
Title: NEVER ENOUGH <- Clicky
Author: @big-draco-energy 
Rating: Explicit | Throuple: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini
Established couple woos a third party for a one-night stand. However, it’s not that simple, and nothing is what it seems.
Title: The good things in life <- Clicky
Author: @harrypotterfanfictionwriter 
Rating: General | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
Severus reflects on his life since two witches came into it.
Title: Yes, My Loves <- Clicky
Author: @cheekytorah / @hptruefan-cheekytorah
Rating: General | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
For years he served an evil bastard, and now he only wants to serve his women.
Title: Three To Be Free <- Clicky
Author: @gremlin-writing
Rating: Teen | Throuple: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/James Potter
With his wife dead and a toddler in his arms, James Potter shows up on the Black-Lupin doorstep.
Title: One Of Our Own <- Clicky
Author: @themadmage-fanfiction
Rating: Teen | Throuple: Ginny Weasley/Astoria Greengrass/Luna Lovegood
Five years after the war, Astoria asks her wives about having a child of their own.
Title:  The Sweetest Question <- Clicky
Author: @aneiria-writes
Rating: Explicit | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott
After a bad day at work, Hermione’s Slytherin lovers know exactly how to soothe her anxious mind.
Title:  Company For The Waiting <- Clicky
Author: @parsley_sage_rosemary_and_thyme4tea <- clicky @non-binarypal7
Rating: General | Throuple: Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
green light the promise of connection and commitment burning impressions, questions, passions
a short exploration of life, death, and love
Title: Three’s Company <- Clicky
Author: @Snarry5evr 
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Ready for a change after his divorce from Ginny, Auror Harry Potter accepts a position in America. Discovering his new charges were none other than the living Severus Snape and his housemate Draco Malfoy was only the beginning of the changes in store for Harry.
Title: Starting Anew <- Clicky
Author: @lillymoid
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle/Severus Snape
Harry Potter couldn’t accept how the war ended, so he tried again but this time helping Voldemort and changing everything.
Title: Ron Weasley and the Triad of Support <- Clicky
Author: @littlebozsheep
Rating: Teen | Throuple: Ronald Weasley/Blaise Zabini/Neville Longbottom
When Ron stresses over the 10yr school reunion and seeing Hermione for the first time since their disastrous split, his partners take it on their shoulders to cheer him up.
Taking an ansty situation, removing the angst and adding fluff.
Title: Even Chasers Get The Blues <- Clicky
Rating: Teen | Throuple: Katie Bell/Alicia Spinnet/Angelina Johnson
Alicia and Angelina are saying goodbye to Hogwarts after completing their seventh year, but their girlfriend Katie still has one year left. When the dreaded conversation about long-distance relationship woes finally catches up with them, will they be able to all agree on how to navigate it?
Title: my girl, my girl, my girl <- Clicky
Author: @klarogasms
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson
They all looked quite different and had vastly varying senses of style, but they looked lovely together, all beautiful in their own ways. And the matching necklaces they wore - golden with a star, a sun and a moon pendant respectively - tied it all together.
or Pansy, Luna and Hermione being adorable for 5k words straight
Title: Before We Say Goodbye <- Clicky
Author: @cheekytorah / @hptruefan-cheekytorah
Rating: General | Throuple: Rose Weasley/Polly Chapman/Marisa Thomas (Original Female Character)
Rose Weasley, Poly Chapman and Marisa Thomas have one more thing to do before they say goodbye to Hogwarts.
Title: Harry Potter and the Witches of the House of Ill Repute <- Clicky
Author: @hippocrates460
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes/Emmeline Vance
“One for the money, two for the show, three to make ready and four to go.”
If by go you mean disrupt all the carefully laid plans in order to be good and kind to someone in need. That’s just how they do it.
A story of how three becomes four, and how love is essential, and some very fictionalized accounts of what it might be like to run a sex shop.
Title: maybe I just wanna be yours <- Clicky
Author: @fleurting
Rating: Teen | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley
Harry’s always had a place in Ron and Hermione’s bed. He’s the only one of them who doesn’t see the spot as permanent.
Title: Enchanted Encounters <- Clicky
Author: @ischa-posts
Rating: Explicit | Throuple: Teddy Lupin/Scorpius Malfoy/James Sirius Potter
James decides he wants to go on a road trip with his brother and Teddy, of course Scorpius and Albus’ girlfriend tag along. But also: James is scheming, Scorpius is pinning (and maybe sulking) and Teddy is fighting a losing battle.
It’s really just a friends to lovers story with magic (and sex).
(More on the Ao3 Post)
Title: Love To Give <- Clicky
Author: @kittycargo
Rating: Explicit | Throuple: Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy
Neville and Harry are in a relationship when Draco moves back from Italy and needs a place to stay. Neville never knew how much love he had to give.
Title: Sealing Their Bond - Clicky
Author: @articcat621
Rating: Explicit | Throuple: Regulus Black/Hermione Granger/Rabastan LeStrange
Summary: After the Marriage Law spell revealed her two wizards, Hermione had been looking forward to her wedding night. Finally, it was here.
Title: Stay With Us <- Clicky
Author: @thunder-of-dragons
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Sirius Black/James Potter/Lily Evans
Summary: A week before the Fidelius Charm will be cast over the Potters’ home in Godric’s Hollow, Sirius has a suggestion to keep the Potters better hidden, and it’s one that does not include Peter Pettigrew.
Title: The Chasers and their Gold Digger <- Clicky
Author: @gaeilgerua
Rating: Teen | Throuple: Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger/Adrian Pucey
Reading the gossip column in the Daily Prophet these days is usually good for a laugh.
Title: Studious <- Clicky
Author: @lilithshadefanfic
Creative Medium: Fan Art
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott
Summary: Fanart created for HP Triad!Fest 2020.
Prompt #54 by GaeilgeRua
A group project in Eighth year leads to a new friendship.
Title: How To Impress Your Muggleborn Lover; Texting Edition <- Clicky
Author: @littlebozsheep
Rating: Teen | Throuple: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
It has been a couple of months since Hermione had started using positive reinforcement to get her partners to use Muggle technology. So far, it was getting some humorous responses. This month, they had started texting, and Draco was determined not to be beaten by Pansy again.
Title: Drive Me Wild <- Clicky
Author: @cheekytorah / @hptruefan-cheekytorah
Rating: Mature | Throuple: Neville Longbottom/Charlie Weasley/Viktor Krum
While on a trip searching for a rare plant, Neville finds himself in the company of two wizards that can help him. How will Neville ever repay them?
Prompt #59
Prompter: GaeilgeRua
Title: Dining Under Duress <- Clicky
Author: @cheekytorah / @hptruefan-cheekytorah
Rating: Explicit | Throuple: Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Dining under duress was a theme in their lives.
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storytellerssanctum · 4 years
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Petals & Thorns - chapter 9/?
Pairing: Fred Weasley x oc
Warnings: none
Word count: 2.6k
SONG OF THE CHAPTER - speechless • dan + shay
The music outside the castle doors was booming as they stepped to the entrance to the ball. Adrian Pucey had his girlfriend wrapped around his arm. The two were dressed in nothing but the best as they were expected to be. They never fell short of crowd expectations. Her black, elegant dress clung to her body with a hint of perfection. The off-shoulder lace sleeves stuck to her arms. It was nude enough to show her pale skin underneath it. The slit in the skirt stopped just shy of the mid-thigh, showing off a ghastly white, toned leg. A thin, sheer curtain of fabric hung around her waistline, framing the form fitting body of the gown. Her icy blue eyes held the hue of Slytherin. The makeup on her face was arguably the only bit of colour she held. Her eyelids were encased in an emerald green, showing her house pride. The necklace that danced around her neck held a serpent, decorated with actual emeralds. It had been a Christmas gift from her parents, it arrived earlier that morning. Her blonde hair was pinned to the top of her head in a storm of curls, some falling down her back and tickling her shoulders.
Her boyfriend was in an all black suit, his tie only green. They looked like bearers of death and beauty. The crowd couldn't decide which was more fitting. They truly looked like royalty, more so than the Triwizard Champions themselves. Fred Weasley had not yet caught sight of the girl of his dreams. While Angelina Johnson clung to his arms, he was only thinking about seeing Adalinda later that night. As the champions entered the ball, mouths stood agape not at them, but for the Slytherin couple that entered behind them. Adalinda had a beauty standard set high for every other girl in the school, but that night she surpassed it by miles. The music of the Weird Sisters pounded in their ears. Students were agitated with excitement. Cedric Diggory courted Cho Chang, Viktor Krum was accompanied by Hermione Granger, Fleur Delacour with Roger Davies, and Harry Potter was with Parvati Patil. All students were permitted inside after their entrance. Applause sounded for them as they opened the dance, tumbling around gracefully.
Adalinda stood, hooked arms with Adrian Pucey as they watched. Even at her painstaking beauty, her boyfriend wasn't that interested in her company. He barely gave her a word as they made their way inside, and again as the night ensued. Not once did he pride her on her stunning dress or her outstanding looks. Both knew they were only there together for appearances. Still, even with her dislike for the boy, she was put out at his lack of interest. She wanted to be appreciated by somebody, if it couldn't be by the boy she loved, she wanted it to be by the person she had to go with. Their relationship was on a thin rope, and one wrong movement would make it break. She hoped maybe this night would take it in a better turn, but he was as cold as ever.
The area was decorated with white lights and snow. Christmas trees taller than Rubeus Hagrid himself stood at the far end, towering over everything inside. As the first dance came to a close, everyone began to mingle. Addy found herself lost from her boyfriend, as he went to talk to some other Slytherin girls. Her chest twanged in hurt as he did so. Still, by her side she had Lucian, Marcus, Graham and Cassius. Even so, it didn't stop the whispering at Adrians wandering eyes for the other girls. "He's just being social, is all." Lucian told her as she watched her boyfriend laugh with a fifth year girl.
"Yeah, I'm sure that's all it is." She mustered a smile.
"You look beautiful tonight, Adalinda. He's crazy for not seeing it." Marcus placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. She didn't shy away from the gesture.
"Thanks, Marcus. You don't look so bad, either. Finally cleaned yourself up for once." The group let out a hearty laugh.
"I thought now would be the time, after eight years at the school." He joked back.
"Thought maybe you'd finally get yourself a girlfriend." She nudged him with her elbow.
"Maybe," he replied. She was being nicer than usual to them. She realized if Adrian left, she would need them more than ever. If the two broke up, she would have to use one of them as a backup to keep her father at bay. "If he doesn't dance with you, I'll have to take you for one." He told her. She gave a small smile at his statement.
"I might have to take you up on that, Flint."
"I'm better than him anyway. Older, and smarter." She scoffed as she laughed.
"He hasn't failed yet, love." She reminded Marcus.
"He's got time." The five erupted into another chorus of laughter.
"I'm going to go grab some punch, maybe you should pay attention to your actual dates." She told them, ushering them away. They obeyed and found themselves back with their own company. She made her way to the snack table, her eyes resting over the mound of food that was held on it. 'Hogwarts really went all out for this ball', she thought to herself. As she filled a glass with a beverage, her brother made his way to meet her.
"You look beautiful, Addy." She gave a sad smile at the ground as he spoke to her.
"You look good, too, kid." She looked over to her brother in his attire. It was the first time they'd exchanged kind words since before school began. Tonight was a special occasion.
"What's that prats issue?" Draco nudged his head towards his sisters boyfriend. She looked down at the glass in her hand. "I won't tell dad, you can talk to me." She looked over to him through her long eyelashes.
"We've been growing apart. He isn't very kind to me, anymore." She admitted.
"What do you mean? Has he hurt you?" She stayed silent for a moment.
"Just pushy, really. When he grabs onto me it's tight, like he thinks I'll try and get out of it. He's mean, too." She said. The two took a seat at a chair by the table.
"You don't have to stay with him, Addy." Her brother took her hand. "It doesn't matter what our father thinks. If he's treating you badly, get away from him."
"You don't understand, Draco. I have to stay with him. Father..." she trailed off, looking out to the crowd. "He's adamant on us being together. It's important to him. I think I can make it work." She explained.
"He'll get over it." The younger of the two gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. She didn't believe the words, though. The thought of The Dark Lord's approval pounded in her mind. "Do what you think is right." He had no idea what she thought was right. If she truly followed her heart, she would disgrace their family name. She would put a lot of people in danger.
"I love you, Draco." She said after a moment. "I know we fight, but you'll always be family." She looked over at him. "I'm sorry I've been so mean to you." Her sibling was shocked at her statement. She had never apologized to him in their lives. She thought of this, too, thinking maybe that Fred Weasley's kindness was rubbing off on her. Maybe being genuinely happy was changing her for the better. She'd spent most of her life in misery, never enjoying the days that passed. Now, she was excited. She had something, or someone, to look forward to.
"I love you, too, Adalinda. Through thick and thin." He promised. The two shared a brief hug before he stood. "I better get back to Pansy before she throws a fit." He laughed, making his sister do so as well. She gave a brief nod.
"Keep the beast calm." She chuckled, darkly. With that, he swept himself back into the crowd. Her eyes gazed the students faces. She caught sight of her boyfriend, hitting on another one of their sixth year Slytherins. Although she was no better, she was angry at the action. For someone who was so adamant on her being involved in the relationship, he wasn't doing a good job himself. She finished off her drink and tossed the plastic cup into the garbage, clenching her fists. Adrian looked over to her, seeing her expression. He dropped his conversation with the girl, and made his way to her.
She wanted to turn away, to revolt against his attempt at reconciliation. She was angry with him for everything he'd done to her, not just simply about that night. "Finally decided to join me?" She asked as she stood to meet him. Hostility was laced in her tone.
"You haven't been exactly trying, either." He pointed out.
"At least I haven't been flirting with other people." She spat. "You were the one who wanted me to try harder. Now, you don't even care when I dress up for you." She hissed.
"You didn't dress up for me, Addy." He sighed. "You dressed up for everybody in this room but me." She looked away, knowing he was right. "You're so concerned about how we appear to everyone else, but when we're not in public you don't even look at me." She didn't know how to respond. "What is the point of this anymore? I thought I wanted to be with you, but as soon as we put a label on it, you've changed."
"My father, is the point." Tears were stinging her eyes. She forced them back in, unwilling to cry in public. "He will kill me if we break up."
"That's it? That's your attempt at clearing the air?" He scoffed.
"No, Adrian. I love you. Why do you think I've been sulking all night? I dressed up and you can't even give me a second look. You're too occupied with the other girls." She lied easily. She was ready to let go. She held less than a liking for him now, but her fear of her family kept her there.
"Then dance with me." He reached his hand out. She grabbed it, hesitantly. He led her to the middle of the floor, placing a hand on her waist. It was rough, hard against her frail body. His fingers felt like they were burning a hole through the fabric. Still, she placed her arms around his neck as they swayed to the music. "I'll try harder." He said, giving in.
"Me, too. Just not tonight." She said as he twirled her around. The skirt of her dress glistened as it moved in time with her body. "I'm tired of fighting. We can work it out in the morning." He agreed with the statement. "I think I'm going to leave soon, anyway."
"Tomorrow, then? You promise we'll work this out?" She nodded. As the song ended, he pulled her into a kiss. As they parted, they gave each other a nod and went their separate ways. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of him for the first time. Fred Weasley stood, mouth open in shock, staring at her beauty. It was the first time that evening his eyes had fallen on her. The night was dwindling by then, couples were already separating and going back inside. The novelty of the ball had worn off.
For Fred, the night had begun all over again. As soon as he saw the dress that complimented her beauty, he felt weak in the knees. He was a mess, and was completely speechless at the sight of her. They eyes caught each other, unable to look away. Across the room, Draco Malfoy caught a fleeting look at the interaction. Remembering the words his sister spoke to him earlier, he looked away. He let ignorance become him as the two stared holes into each other's heads. Whatever was happening, he didn't care. In a silent exchange of words, the two were ready to honour their earlier promise they had made at Hogsmeade. Adalinda let herself back in the castle, walking down the hallway to where she knew the room of requirement would show itself.
She had stumbled across it early in her third year when she needed to escape her act. She was tired of pretending to be mean and angry, but had nowhere to do so. As she paced the hallway, the door appeared on the wall. Now, she needed it more than ever. Back at the ball, Fred was formulating an excuse to leave. He told his date he was getting tired. Luckily for him, she agreed. He walked her back to their common room, and made sure she was safe in her dorm before he made a bolt to the exit again. He raced down the hallway, scared to waste a second of time.
The door revealed itself as he ran to it. He knew, behind those doors, held something his heart wouldn't be able to handle. He had never felt anything like he did when he saw her standing there. When he let himself inside, she was standing. Worry was etched into her features, wondering if he was blowing her off. As soon as he saw her once more, his knees buckled in amazement. As she stood, clad in the dress, he was weak. For once in his life, Fred Weasley was nervous. He had no idea what to do. "My god," he whispered, taking his firsts steps towards her. "You are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen." He took to her like a magnet, unable to get enough of her.
"Fred Weasley, I need you to kiss me." She demanded. He didn't even think before he stole a kiss from her. He had been waiting all night for this moment, and it had finally arrived. It was messy, hungry, and lustful. The two didn't care. She grabbed at his neck, trying to bring him closer than he could get. His hands roamed her, taking in everything he could. He was holding her with as much love as he could muster. When they parted, they were breathless, but blissful. "I was waiting all night for this." She told him. "I didn't know if I could take it any longer." His lips met her skin once more, first from her cheek and down to her collarbone.
"You are an absolute masterpiece, Adalinda Malfoy." He breathed against her skin. It sent a shiver down her spine. Her fingers danced in the hair on his head. "I can't take my eyes off of you." He let his gaze fall over her body one more time. His eyes landed on her face and stayed there, looking at the green that stood so prominently on her eyes. His lips hovered over her ear, placing a gentle kiss on it. "I'm speechless." Warmth flooded her as he did so. She couldn't believe how badly she wanted him all night. The knowledge of her being unable to touch him until that moment drove her crazy.
"You're my weakness, Freddie. You just do something to me that I can't explain." She said, letting her lips graze his cheek. "From the moment you said hello, I couldn't get you out of my head." Their mouths hovered over one another's once more. They didn't move to kiss, though. They let the moment fill them, trying to stay in it forever.
"Maybe it's because it's forbidden." He let a smile crack at the corners of his lips.
"Whatever it is, it's driving me insane." His hands went to her hair, taking out the pins holding it in place. As he did so, he let his lips find her neck. She let him dishevel her, knowing she had already made her impression.
"I'm done talking," he said as her blonde locks cascaded down her back. "We don't have to say anything else."
Tags: @play-morezeppelin
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ngfics · 4 years
Huff and Puff
Huff and Puff, The Fool’s Journey
(SIOC as Leanora 'Lea' Pyrites in Harry Potter world)
Series Tile: Huff and Puff, The Fool’s Journey
Story Titles: Fool's White Flower, Fool's Sea, Fool's Web, Fool's Calling Card (HP1), Fool's Bag of Trick (HP2), Fool's Clarity (HP3), Fool's White Dog (HP4), Fool's Last Dance (HP 5), Fool's Cliff (HP6 ), Fool's Gold(war and epilogue) + SnakeSkin (Before the Fool)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Genre: Friendship / Family
Characters: Leanora 'Lea' Pyrites (SIOC), Ferdinand Pyrites (OC), Smantha Pyrites (OC), Vincent Pyrites (OC), Simon Pyrites (OC), Isobel Pyrites (OC), Hector Pyrites (OC), Cedric Diggory, Éimhín Hynes(OC), Nymphadora Tonks, Gabriel Truman, Adrien Pucey, Cassius Warrington, Graham Montague, Terrance Higgs, Velda Lute(OC), Gemma Farley, Marcus Flint, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Lee Jordan, Alicia Spinnet, Angelina Johnson, Kenneth Towler, Oliver Wood, Percy Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Roger Davies, Patricia Stimpson, Penelope Clearwater, Robert Hilliard, a LOT of OCs, Harry Potter Game characters, Hogwarts Teachers, assorted family members, OCs of all kinds   
Relationships:  Ferdinand x Samantha, Leanora x Adrien  
Tags: asexual relationship, asexual characters, blood politics of the wizarding world, love and family, Magical Rituals,Wizarding Culture, Pureblood cluture, Muggle x Wizard pairing, loving relationship, relationships are hard work and compromise, Hufflepuffs are good at that thankfully, Black!Hermione Granger, Biracial!Harry Potter, Hufflepuff pride, Inter-House friendships, making study groups to change the world, how to make a support group for the titular character - the Hufflepuff way, some genuinely Nice!Slytherins, Disabled!students, 
Summary: She knows it's not impossible. It's not a far off dream. Her parents made it work, they worked hard fir it, true, but they did it. She won't let anyone else feed her excuses, no one will take her for a fool.
Slightly ordered notes and Ideas
Inspired by this - "What's a soulmate?" "Someone who makes you a better person, they don't actually make you a better person, you do that yourself, because they inspire you."
Ferdinand Pyrites and Samantha 'Sam' Noble have a very sweet and loving love story despite him being a Pureblood Slytherin and her being a muggle
Having grown up watching their relationship it is something Lea aspires to heavily and terminates a few relationships over, because she has seen better and knows that blood and circumstance can be overcome
She understands from the start that work is needed - or maybe it's pointed out to her that 'both sides need to learn how to deal with the situation, compromise and sacrifice' 
Lea and Adrian are actual soulmates, and both are pretty asexual
EverybodylovesCedric2K16! Leandra quickly catches on that Cedric is the GoldernRetriever!Boy and makes sure everybody else knows that too
Cedric is well liked by nearly everybody and that is one of the reasons Voldie doesn't manage to recruit from Hufflepuffs at all when the war gets started
Lea is BFF with Cedric and forms a very nice group in her Hufflepuff year with Cedric, Trudy, Raashid, Sisi, Hecate, Satinder, Marilyn, .. Really the whole year functions well as a tight group and they all pull in more people from different houses and years.
But the group is generally Cedric - Lea - Hynes trio as the main ringleaders, then they pull others in their plans with gusto.
Focus of feel-good relationships, networking, Inter-House friendships - students helping each other and nurturing curiosity through friendly debate and self-directed research projects.
Lea heads a Debate Club that talks about all of these various things that exist and a Self-Study and Research Club that teaches others important things like wizarding culture for muggleborns and muggle culture for wizardborn, about disabilities, sexualities, all the little things that these people from other worlds may take for granted as being the same. Discussing news, laws and current events through there clubs makes people think and look things up on their own.
Ensures Harry has a support network from the start by making that her project for Harry's first year and this pays off whenever people don't believe him over something, he gets used to giving people opportunities to view his memories.
Lea learns how to extract memories as soon as she can really, manages in her second year, her argument is that this way her mother can view memories of Hogwarts even if she can't really go there - her talent fro this runs from her Obliviator father.
Support network of older students did exist before and Hufflepuffs were better than most, but Lea seriously buffs it up, spreading inter-house unity and genuine interest in things as soon as she possibly can
Citing all sorts of reasons to get there, like excuses for why she's reading about deafness and blindness aides
 In preparation for Harry's  troubles with the media, one of the things discussed early one is how the media works? How does the Prophet work? Who picks the articles? How do they research?  Etc.
So when Harry slander starts there are a lot less people believing it, simply because they heard from a friend of a friend that this or that journalist is a glory hound, that this or that journalist is actually being bribed to write good shit about Fudge, etc…
Of course there is no cure for actual stupid, but if somebody is going to start recognizing shit when it's under their nose, Lea knows you gotta start young.
 Due to her interference there are less deaths in the final battle, because a buddy system of sorts is prevalent
Fred's legs get crushed by debree, but he doesn't die, Percy loses an arm, Colin Creevy is loses sight in one eye and is knocked out in a coma for five months, but survives, Nymphadora  Lupin ends up having to wear a prosthetic like Moody, but doesn't really mind, says she'll carry on the legacy.
Remus Lupin gets more scars than people think possible, but does manage to save his wife's life and stay alive himself, Lavender Brown survives, but ends up a werewolf, actually becomes close to the Lupins and Potters, Hermione has curse burns up and down her arms, but this doesn't stop her from becoming a Minister for Magic by 2019
Ron loses three fingers, Nevile has a scar down his face, Shacklebot loses an eye, Luna is missing a part of her left ear, she and George bond
Lea is depressed, looking at younger kids and thinking if any of them died because these canon deaths didn't happen, keeps saying she 'should have done more', her friends help her through this
Some snippets, thoughts and scenes incoming, but this one has a lot more stream-of-though outlines than anything else so we’ll see how much actually gets posted.
No beta! You’ve been warned!
now for some art from way back 2016. of Ferdinand and Samantha, the wizard x muggle pair.
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and also some designs for the Pyrites family
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hermionefanfics · 8 years
√ Dramimathean (Draco x Hermione x Marcus x Theo x Adrian) √ Setting: 5 years later √ 39 chapters √ My score: ❤❤❤❤ (very nice) √ Rating: M √ Language: ***** (close to no mistakes)
Hermione Granger returns to England after years away. Things have changed back home, but so has she; though Hermione doesn’t know just how much. No-one ever said change was easy and in her case it’s downright dangerous, but she wouldn’t be alone. Not only do drastic changes affect Hermione’s life and magic, but she will also end up bound for life to another.
My notes: Yes, I do like my self invented term Dramimathean, thank you.😜 At first I thought really, four hot Slytherin guys? At once? This is going to be a smut fest!😱 Turns out, though it does have some good smut scenes, it’s a really good story. It’s so much more than just Hermione’s love life and I promise, in the story it actually makes sense for her to have Draco Malfoy, Theo Nott, Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey at her feet. One thing irked me and that’s the ugly duckling part. As if guys can’t love her if she’s not groomed to perfection and dressed fashionable. Totally beside the point, the Atlantis thing made me giggle, it was really fitting in a funny way.
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anendofeverything · 5 years
Green and Red Make Gold
Part One of the When a Snake Loves a Lion series
Read on AO3
Chapter Five
April 1994
Marcus spent the next week agonising about how to tell Oliver his feelings. Ollie was single, he’d been single the entire time Marcus had assumed he was dating Weasley. He wasn’t. They were friends. Best friends sure, but just friends.
“Ollie’s my best friend.”
“I love him, sure, but I’m not in love with him.”
Marcus had been so wrapped up in his thoughts that he’d barely noticed that he’d been blanking Oliver. He hadn’t restigered the worried looks Ollie had shot at him, the concerned ones from Adrian, or the frustrated ones from Montague.
“Ollie’s my best friend.”
“I’m not in love with him.”
Not. In. Love.
A loud knock startled Marcus out of his daydreaming. He was sat in the Quidditch Captain’s office, in the same comfy armchair he’d been in when he had that conversation with Oliver back in January. Marcus didn’t say anything, just sunk further into the armchair, curling in on himself, which was difficult considering he was six foot. The door opened and Marcus ducked his head as Oliver entered the room.
“Hey, Marcus.” Ollie said softly, as if he was trying to not spook him. “Thought I might find you here.”
Marcus didn’t reply, trying to shrink even further into himself.
“You’ve been ignoring me, Marcus. Why?”
Marcus only shrugged, still not being able to look at the other wizard.
“Have I done something wrong? Did I say anything to upset you? Did I hurt you? Marcus, please.”
Oliver’s voice was small, pained, and when Marcus looked up he saw how Oliver was trying to steel himself so he wouldn’t start crying.
“Shit.” Marcus shot up in an instant. “Ollie… Ollie, you haven’t done anything wrong, okay? I swear.”
“Then why- Why have you been ignoring me? Why- Why act like- Like- Like before, Marcus?” Ollie was shaking now, and he wrapped his arms around himself.
Oh God, oh God, oh God, you fucking idiot Marcus!
Marcus pulled Ollie into his arms, resting his chin on the Keeper’s head. “I’ve been dealing with some stuff. I’m sorry if I scared you.”
“You could’ve talked to me.” Oliver said, muffled by Marcus’ shirt.
“Ollie, mate, you know how bad I am at talking about my feelings.” Marcus sighed. “But I owe you the truth at least.”
“Okay.” Oliver pulled back from the hug, wiping at his eyes with his sleeve of one of those ridiculously adorable jumpers that he favoured. “Spill.”
Marcus took a deep breath and sat back down in the comfy armchair, Oliver sitting in the other one.
“I guess everything started back in December, just before the holidays, and I thought something was going on when it wasn’t.” Marcus drummed on his knee idly.
“What did you think was happening?” Oliver prompted gently.
“I thought you were seeing someone. I thought- you and Weasley…” Marcus trailed off, embarrassed.
Now he knew for definite that Ollie and Weasley were just friends, best friends, he felt idiotic for assuming otherwise.
“Me and- Percy?” Oliver’s eyes widened. “You thought-”
“I know, Ollie, alright?” Marcus scowled. “Don’t laugh at me.”
Oliver shook his head. “I’m not. Percy’s my best friend. Besides, he’s dating- Um…”
“Montague, I know.” Marcus sighed. “I saw them kissing, and because I thought you were already dating Weasley, I made the assumption they were having an affair. When they weren’t. I agonised over how to tell you, I didn’t think you knew, but I couldn’t do it. I didn’t know how to, Ollie. ‘M a fucking coward.”
“You were scared.” Oliver clarified.
“I suppose.”
“Of what?”
“Hurting you.” Marcus whispered. “I didn’t want to be the one to tell you that, you know? I- I wasn’t sure if you’d even believe me, and these last few months have been great. Not having to pretend to hate you. ‘Cause I don’t, Ollie. I don’t hate you. I can’t hate you.”
“Marc, w-what are you saying?”
Marcus reached out, nervously taking Oliver’s hand in his own, making the younger man’s breath hitch. “O-Ollie… I- I- I- My father, Ollie, I just-”
Oliver laced their fingers together in silent support, squeezing the Slytherin’s hand. Marcus swallowed, and finally glanced up at Oliver, who smiled gently.
“I love you, Oliver Wood.” Marcus finally, finally admitted. He finally said the words he had been petrified to say for months. “I’m in love with you.”
Oliver’s smile brightened, and he took Marcus’ other hand. “I love you too, Marcus Flint.”
Marcus sighed, relieved, and looked at their joined hands, letting out a half laugh, half sob. “I’m an idiot, Ollie. I wasted so much time, I-”
“Oh, love,” Oliver stood up and sat himself on the arm of Marcus�� chair. “Marcus, it’s okay. We got there. So it took a little time - so what? We made it and I have no intentions of letting you go. I love you.”
“I’m never gonna tire of hearing you say that.” Marcus declared. “I love you too.”
“Good.” Oliver beamed. “‘Cause I’m a Keeper, Marcus.”
“Your puns are awful.” Marcus chuckled, pulling the Gryffindor onto his lap.
“How many people will give us shit, you reckon? When they find out?” Oliver smirked.
Marcus scoffed. “Dunno babe, all of them?”
Oliver’s eyes lit up. “Babe?”
“W-Well- I mean- I d-don’t have to c-call you that.”
“Marcus, love.” Oliver cupped his face. “Shut up.”
Oliver leant down, his breath ghosting over Marcus’ mouth, their lips brushing against each other. Marcus gasped, his hand finding Oliver’s neck, leaning up and kissing the other man. Oliver whimpered, which only made Marcus pull him closer.
“I love you.” Marcus said against Oliver’s mouth. “I love you. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Oliver rearranged himself, so his head rested against Marcus’ chest, the rest of his body sprawled over Marcus. The Slytherin Captain wrapped his arms around Oliver, kissing the top of his head.
“Pucey’s gonna go mental, you know that right?” Oliver chuckled.
“Weasley will give you shit, too, y’know?”
“They all will.” Oliver snuggled further into Marcus’ chest.
“Dear Merlin, Ollie, you’re like a cat.” Marcus laughed.
“I am not like a cat!” Oliver hissed.
“Yeah. right.”
“Not another word.”
“Whatever you say, babe.”
The next morning saw Marcus and Oliver sat together, which wasn’t odd in and off itself, but they chose the Gryffindor table, bringing with them Adrian, Higgs, Warrington and Montague. Bell and Spinnet instantly moved to sit opposite Adrian and Higgs, with Johnson sitting in between Spinnet and Oliver. Weasley - Marcus was going to have a call him Percy, now, wasn’t he? - sat next to Montague, and Potter rushed over to claim the seat next to Warrington, eagerly dragging Granger with him.
“Braving the Lion’s den, Flint?” Potter grinned.
“I suppose so, Potter.” Marcus sighed dramatically. “For this idiot.”
“Hey!” Oliver protested. “It was your idea to sit here. I just followed you because you’d sulk if I didn’t.”
“Whatever you say babe.” Marcus chuckled, adding eggs and toast to his plate.
He glanced at Oliver, who was blushing, and noticed the silence surrounding their section of the table.
“What?” he said around a mouthful of toast.
“Babe?” Adrian’s eyes lit up, and Marcus realised everyone was grinning, even Percy and Granger.
“Oh.” Marcus took a deep breath and laced his fingers with Oliver’s. “Me and Ollie are dating now.”
“Finally!” Higgs cheered.
“Took you long enough.” Warrington added.
“I was honestly close to locking the pair of you two in the Captain’s office.” Johnson admitted.
“Oi, Johnson, we can still do that.” Montague grinned mischievously. “At least one of them will need some comfort after the Quidditch final.”
“Montague, I like your style.”
“Thanks, J- Ow!” Montague turned to Percy. “What was that for?”
“Behave, Graham.” Percy sniffed. “They are children present.”
“Graham?” Potter asked. “Since when did you call Montague by his first name?”
“Flint and Oliver do.” Granger pointed out. “As do you and Warrington.”
“The only reason Flint and Oliver did it was because they were-” Potter’s eyes widened. “No. No way.”
“What?” Granger looked between Potter and Percy. “Harry!”
“You- You- You and Montague?” Potter stuttered.
Percy blushed. “I, um, I mean-”
Montague sighed and wrapped his arm around Percy’s waist. “They were going to find out sooner or later, Percy.”
“Not like this!”
“Wait, what’s going on?” Bell frowned.
“Yeah, explain it for those of us not in the loop.” Spinnet added.
“M-Myself and Graham are- Are-”
“We’re dating.” Montague said. “Me and Percy. We’re a couple.”
“Since when?” Adrian demanded.
“October.” Percy muttered.
“Oh, calm down, Ade.” Warrington rolled his eyes. “It’s really not that surprising.”
“You knew?!”
Warrington scoffed. “You think I couldn’t see my best friend falling for Weasley?”
“I knew too.” Oliver piped up. “I caught them once. In my bed.”
“Oliver!” Percy shrieked.
“-is going on-”
“-here, dear brother?”
The Weasley twins sat themselves opposite their brother and Montague.
“Why Percy-”
“-are you blushing?”
“Shut up.” Percy hissed. “What do you want?”
“It’s breakfast.” Said one twin.
“That’s what we want.” Said the other.
Percy groaned. “You just want to annoy me.”
“As if we-”
“-would do that.”
“Do you two always do that?” Montague blinked. “The twin talk thing?”
“Yes,” they spoke in unison.
One twin noticed Montague’s arm around Percy’s waist and nudged the other. “Hey Gred. Look. I think Montague likes our Percy.”
“I think you’re right, Forge.”
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake!” Percy yelled. “Graham’s my boyfriend, alright?”
The twins looked at each other and grinned. “We know.”
“We saw you-”
“-and Montague-”
“-snogging in Snape’s classroom.”
Percy blushed deeper and Montague froze.
“Really?” Oliver laughed. “Snape’s classroom? Snape?”
“Oliver’s dating Flint!” Percy blurted.
“Really?” The twins turned to Oliver and Marcus. “Our Captain-”
“-and Flint?”
They looked at each other once more and again spoke in unison. “Makes sense.”
The twins grinned and turned their attention back to Percy and Montague.
“Those two are gonna give ‘em hell, aren’t they?” Marcus whispered to Oliver.
“Probably.” Oliver answered.
Marcus snorted. “Gets ‘em off our backs at least.”
“Probably.” Oliver chuckled, looking at their group of friends.
Bell, Spinnet, Johnson, Adrian and Higgs were talking about Quidditch plays. Warrington was discussing Defence Against the Dark Arts with Potter and Granger, and how he was relieved to have a competent professor for his O.W.L. year.
“Warrington’s got a point.” Marcus murmured. “Having Lupin as a teacher is gonna make all the difference to me passing my Defence Against the Dark Arts N.E.W.T. exam - I’m surprised anyone passed last year with Lockhart.”
“Whatever you say, love.” Oliver grinned.
“Arse.” Marcus stabbed at the eggs on his plate.
“Yeah, but you love me.”
“‘Course I do, Ollie.” Marcus whispered. “I love you.”
“Love you too.” Oliver leant into him.
(Marcus wasn’t blushing, fuck you.)
“Hey, Marc? Is that your Beater talking to Diggory?”
Marcus looked up and saw that Derrick was standing by Cedric Diggory, the Slytherin green of his robes standing out amongst a sea of Hufflepuff yellow. Diggory was sat with two of the Hufflepuff Chasers, Heidi Macavoy and Tamsin Applebee, and the team Keeper, Herbert Fleet. Derrick was blushing fiercely, talking quietly so only Diggory could hear him, and the Hufflepuff Captain was smiling so brightly that it almost looked fake.
Diggory took Derrick’s hand, which silenced the Slytherin Beater, and pulled him down to sit next to him, making Macavoy move which she didn’t look happy about. Diggory whispered something to Derrick, which made him duck his head shyly, and Macavoy’s eyes practically bulged out of her skull when Diggory started making up a plate for Derrick and poured him a cup of tea.
“Are those two… Are they together?” Oliver murmured in his boyfriend’s ear.
“I don’t know.” Marcus answered truthfully. “I know they’re mates at least, and Derrick’s been crushing on Diggory all year.”
“They look more than friendly, Marcus.”
“Maybe. Maybe not. Macavoy looks pissed though, see the way she’s glaring at my Beater? Stuck up b-”
“Love.” Oliver kissed Marcus’ cheek. “Look at Diggory. He’s glaring back at her. Sure he likes Derrick back.”
“I hope so.” Marcus sighed, looking at how Diggory was now cheerfully engaging Derrick in conversation, without a care as to how odd it may look. Applebee and Fleet were trying to distract Macavoy from sulking.
“Oh, for Merlin’s sake!”
“What?” Marcus looked to where Oliver was. “Fuck.”
Malfoy had approached the Hufflepuff table, with Parkinson in tow, and he spoke so loudly that the rest of the hall could hear.
“Derrick, what on earth are you playing at? Consorting with Diggory? I thought you had better taste.”
“Piss off, Malfoy.” Derrick frowned. “Why do you care who I sit with?”
“Flint, Warrington and Montague have already lowered themselves to friendly with Gryffindors.” Malfoy sniffed. “I’d hate for you to lower it further.”
Derrick’s face twisted in anger. “How dare you, you arrogant little sh-”
“Peregrine.” Diggory interrupted. “It’s alright.”
“Like hell it is!” Derrick yelled.
Diggory placed a comforting hand on Derrick’s shoulder and turned to Malfoy. “What’s your point here, Malfoy? You wanted to stir a little trouble? Cause a scene?”
Malfoy scowled. “I think he can find better people to spend his time with, that’s all, Diggory.”
“Cedric is better than you.” Derrick said. “He’s funny and charming and intelligent, and you think you’re better than everyone else and you ain’t.”
“Defending your boyfriend?” Parkinson sneered mockingly.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” Derrick mumbled.
“Yet.” Diggory grinned. “Saturday will be our first date.”
“What?” Parkinson shrieked. “Seriously?”
Malfoy’s eyes widened in shock. “Does Flint know?”
“Well, I do now.” Marcus spoke up. “And honestly, I don’t really give a damn, as long as Diggory treats him well.”
“Don’t worry, Flint, I intend to.” Diggory smirked and pecked Derrick’s cheek.
Marcus chuckled as Malfoy paled. “Just a heads up, Malfoy, I’m dating Ollie.”
Oliver snuggled closer, waving at Malfoy and Parkinson.
“And I’m dating Percy.” Montague added, and kissed the Head Boy, making Warrington and Potter whoop.
“What the f-”
“Careful, Malfoy.” Montague warned dangerously. “I can always let Higgs play Seeker again for our final match.”
“I’m up for that.” Higgs said cheerfully.
“You’re all mad!” Parkinson shouted. “The lot of you!”
“Miss Parkinson, Mr Malfoy,” McGonagall’s voice echoed across the hall. “Ten points from Slytherin for disturbing your fellow students. Each. And if the pair of you don’t sit back down, I will take more points away and give you both detention.”
Marcus saw Snape shoot McGonagall a filthy look, but Parkinson and Malfoy had already turned back around to the Slytherin table with their tails between their legs.
One twin whistled lowly. “Go McGonagall.”
“Minnie! Minnie! Minnie!” The other twin chanted in a whisper.
Oliver hid his snort in Marcus’ shoulder, and the Slytherin Captain wrapped his arms around his boyfriend, resting his cheek against the Scotsman’s hair. Up at the staff table, Professor Lupin raised his goblet and nodded, smiling kindly.
Well done, he mouthed.
Marcus suddenly wondered about what Lupin had talked about once - the event in his professor’s seventh year - and whether it had something to do with his own love life. Or maybe that of his friends? Lupin had been close friends with James and Lily Potter when they were all students here. Regardless of what Lupin meant, Marcus returned the smile with one of his own, and mouthed back.
Thank you.
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hptriadfest · 4 years
Anonymous Master List
Title: Those That Move <- Clicky
Rating: Explicit
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Ronald Weasley/Viktor Krum
Summary: “All mankind is divided into three classes: those that are immovable, those that are movable, and those that move.” - Benjamin Franklin.
How Ron and Hermione decide to figure out what they really want, how they come to realize that it is Viktor, and how all of them choose to move.
Title: In The Dying Light <- Clicky
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Harry Potter x Ginny Weasley x Tom Riddle/Voldemort
Six years after Dumbledore died, Harry appears to defeat Lord Voldemort but everyone flees the battlefield in the wake of a magical storm. In the depths of the nights which follow, someone unexpected arrives at the door of Harry and Ginny’s safe house in Godric’s Hollow.
Title: NEVER ENOUGH <- Clicky
Rating: Explicit
Thruple: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Blaise Zabini
Established couple woos a third party for a one-night stand. However, it’s not that simple, and nothing is what it seems.
Title: The good things in life <- Clicky
Rating: General Audiences
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
Severus reflects on his life since two witches came into it.
Title: Yes, My Loves <- Clicky
Rating: General Audiences
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Severus Snape
For years he served an evil bastard, and now he only wants to serve his women.
Title: Three To Be Free <- Clicky
Rating: Teen and Up
Thruple: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin/James Potter
With his wife dead and a toddler in his arms, James Potter shows up on the Black-Lupin doorstep.
Title: One Of Our Own <- Clicky
Rating: Teen and Up
Thruple: Ginny Weasley/Astoria Greengrass/Luna Lovegood
Five years after the war, Astoria asks her wives about having a child of their own.
Title:  The Sweetest Question <- Clicky
Rating: Explicit
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott
After a bad day at work, Hermione’s Slytherin lovers know exactly how to soothe her anxious mind.
Title:  Company For The Waiting <- Clicky
Rating: General Audiences
Thruple: Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
green light the promise of connection and commitment burning impressions, questions, passions
a short exploration of life, death, and love
Title: Three’s Company <- Clicky
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter/Severus Snape
Ready for a change after his divorce from Ginny, Auror Harry Potter accepts a position in America. Discovering his new charges were none other than the living Severus Snape and his housemate Draco Malfoy was only the beginning of the changes in store for Harry.
Title: Starting Anew <- Clicky
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Harry Potter/Tom Riddle/Severus Snape
Harry Potter couldn’t accept how the war ended, so he tried again but this time helping Voldemort and changing everything.
Title: Ron Weasley and the Triad of Support <- Clicky
Rating: Teen
Thruple: Ronald Weasley/Blaise Zabini/Neville Longbottom
When Ron stresses over the 10yr school reunion and seeing Hermione for the first time since their disastrous split, his partners take it on their shoulders to cheer him up.
Taking an ansty situation, removing the angst and adding fluff.
Title: Even Chasers Get The Blues <- Clicky
Rating: Teen
Thruple: Katie Bell/Alicia Spinnet/Angelina Johnson
Alicia and Angelina are saying goodbye to Hogwarts after completing their seventh year, but their girlfriend Katie still has one year left. When the dreaded conversation about long-distance relationship woes finally catches up with them, will they be able to all agree on how to navigate it?
Title: my girl, my girl, my girl <- Clicky
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Luna Lovegood/Pansy Parkinson
They all looked quite different and had vastly varying senses of style, but they looked lovely together, all beautiful in their own ways. And the matching necklaces they wore - golden with a star, a sun and a moon pendant respectively - tied it all together.
or Pansy, Luna and Hermione being adorable for 5k words straight
Title: Before We Say Goodbye <- Clicky
Rating: General
Thruple: Rose Weasley/Polly Chapman/Marisa Thomas (Original Female Character)
Rose Weasley, Poly Chapman and Marisa Thomas have one more thing to do before they say goodbye to Hogwarts.
Title: Harry Potter and the Witches of the House of Ill Repute <- Clicky
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadowes/Emmeline Vance
"One for the money, two for the show, three to make ready and four to go."
If by go you mean disrupt all the carefully laid plans in order to be good and kind to someone in need. That's just how they do it.
A story of how three becomes four, and how love is essential, and some very fictionalized accounts of what it might be like to run a sex shop.
Title: maybe I just wanna be yours <- Clicky
Rating: Teen and up
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Ron Weasley
Harry’s always had a place in Ron and Hermione's bed. He’s the only one of them who doesn’t see the spot as permanent.
Title: Enchanted Encounters <- Clicky
Rating: Explicit
Thruple: Teddy Lupin/Scorpius Malfoy/James Sirius Potter
James decides he wants to go on a road trip with his brother and Teddy, of course Scorpius and Albus’ girlfriend tag along. But also: James is scheming, Scorpius is pinning (and maybe sulking) and Teddy is fighting a losing battle.
It's really just a friends to lovers story with magic (and sex).
(More on the Ao3 Post)
Title: Love To Give <- Clicky
Rating: Explicit
Thruple: Harry Potter/Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy
Neville and Harry are in a relationship when Draco moves back from Italy and needs a place to stay. Neville never knew how much love he had to give.
Title: Sealing Their Bond - Clicky
Rating: Explicit
Thruple: Regulus Black/Hermione Granger/Rabastan LeStrange
Summary: After the Marriage Law spell revealed her two wizards, Hermione had been looking forward to her wedding night. Finally, it was here.
Title: Stay With Us <- Clicky
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Sirius Black/James Potter/Lily Evans
Summary: A week before the Fidelius Charm will be cast over the Potters' home in Godric's Hollow, Sirius has a suggestion to keep the Potters better hidden, and it's one that does not include Peter Pettigrew.
Title: The Chasers and their Gold Digger <- Clicky
Rating: Teen and Up
Thruple: Marcus Flint/Hermione Granger/Adrian Pucey
Reading the gossip column in the Daily Prophet these days is usually good for a laugh.
Title: Studious <- Clicky
Creative Medium: Fan Art
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Theodore Nott
Summary: Fanart created for HP Triad!Fest 2020.
Prompt #54 by GaeilgeRua
A group project in Eighth year leads to a new friendship.
Title: How To Impress Your Muggleborn Lover; Texting Edition <- Clicky
Rating: Teen and Up
Thruple: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson
It has been a couple of months since Hermione had started using positive reinforcement to get her partners to use Muggle technology. So far, it was getting some humorous responses. This month, they had started texting, and Draco was determined not to be beaten by Pansy again.
Title: Drive Me Wild <- Clicky
Rating: Mature
Thruple: Neville Longbottom/Charlie Weasley/Viktor Krum
While on a trip searching for a rare plant, Neville finds himself in the company of two wizards that can help him. How will Neville ever repay them?
Prompt #59
Prompter: GaeilgeRua
Title: Dining Under Duress <- Clicky
Rating: Explicit
Thruple: Neville Longbottom/Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Dining under duress was a theme in their lives.
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