#sc: james sirius potter
cassiaallen · 1 year
The Jily Wedding post, which includes how I imagine their wedding has looked and what happened to them (and the rest of the marauders) afterwards.
Jily Wedding
Proposal 31.03.1979
Wedding 31.08.1979
(I tried to attach pictures of the venue, engagement and wedding rings, bridal/maid of honour/bridesmaids dresses, Lily’s hair, the reception, groom/groomsmen/best man’s tuxedos, but tumblr kept messing it up)
After the wedding
-Dorothy & Robert Evans die in a car crash two days later (on their way home) 02.09.1979
-burial in Little Whinging 07.09.1979
-Petunia and Lily each inherit half of the house and money, but Lily leaves it all to Petunia as she (Lily) lives in the Wizarding World
-"honeymoon" late October
-31.10.1979 Sirius organises a Halloween party for the Order (the making of HP+NL)
-Lily finds out she’s pregnant a few days before Christmas
-she tells James by gifting him a onesie that says "I love Daddy"
-last big mission for the Order 08.05.1980
-Voldemort shows up (because Peter started leaking information), Order + Voldemort duel (third defy) [it was meant to be a harmless mission + he finds out Lily is pregnant, making the Potters potential Prophecy subjects]
-15.05.1980 Prophecy
-the Potters as well as the Longbottoms go into hiding
-Harry James Potter is born 31.07.1980
-Death Eater meeting in August informs Voldemort of the birth of the two boys
-by the end of the month he decides Harry is The One™️
-Snape pledge August 1980
-Euphemia + Fleamont visit Jily in September 1980 and meet Harry for the first and only time
-they also give them a baby book
-Jily find out V officially targets their son in October 1980
-E&F become ill with Dragon Pox
-because of his generally bad health, F dies 28.10.1980 and E dies 30.10.1980 largely because of heartbreak
-funeral 01.11.1980 (the last time Jily leave the house/they have the whole Order to protect them for this - the reason this is the last time is because they are marked people and the Order has other things to do and can’t always have everyone take care of them)
-Fidelius Charm (with Sirius as Secret Keeper)
-family bliss
-horrible vase 🏺 25.12.1980 (they adopt a kitten [Crookshanks])
-the war worsens
-little excursions
-Prewett brothers' death May 1981
-Dumbledore confiscates the Cloak
-Harry’s first birthday 31.07.1981
-McKinnon death 05.08.1981
-Peter visit 08.08.1981
-Letter to Sirius 12.08.1981
-early October 1981 Sirius is on an Order mission with the Bones’ during which they die and Sirius barely survives
-Sirius decides that him being SC is too risky, so he, James, and Lily decide to give the role to Peter
-switch happens 26.10.1981
-Peter thinks about the Betrayal for 3 days
-Peter tells Voldemort about the Potters' whereabouts 29.10.1981
-Voldemort decides to attack them on Halloween because symbolism
-31.10.1981 🖤💔
-Peter-Sirius confrontation 01.11.1981
-Jily funeral 04.11.1981
-Harry wakes up around 7
-James gets up, changes Harry, puts him in a pumpkin costume and makes breakfast with him for Lily
-they have breakfast at 8:30
-Jily put up a few Halloween decorations
-Sirius comes by for lunch, telling them about the Order in general and Remus' mission in particular
-he leaves in the early afternoon after some Halloween fun and taking a picture of the Potters
-James puts Harry down for a nap
-Lily writes in her diary
-Jily sit on the sofa and talk about the war and other things (including how much they love each other)
-Lily gets Harry, takes him downstairs and they have family play time
-Harry gets fussy, so he and Lily snuggle while James makes dinner
-they have dinner and Harry spits up on his onesie, so Lily cleans him up and already puts his blue pyjamas on
-Jily finish dinner, James goes to the living room with Harry and plays with him for a bit while Lily cleans up (she leaves her wand in the kitchen)
-puffs of coloured smoke
-Lily watches them for a few seconds through the door which is slightly open
-she fully opens the door ("I think I’ll put Harry to bed, James.")
-James kisses Harry on the head and Lily on the lips
-stretching, yawning, wand on sofa
-door bursts open, J runs into the hall ("Lily, take Harry and go! […]")
-V kills J
-Lily screams, V laughs again and goes upstairs
-Lily places as much furniture as possible in front of the door and picks Harry up to give him one final kiss
-V opens door and Lily drops him into the crib ("Not Harry, not Harry, please not Harry! […]")
-V kills Lily
-Harry stands up, clutching the bars of his crib
-attempted Harry murder and rebounding curse
-destroyed house and screaming Harry
-Dumbledore finds out about the broken Fidelius Charm because his wand shoots bright sparks and makes a noise
-Dumbledore sends Hagrid to the Potters
-Hagrid encounters Sirius who gives him his motorbike
-D gives H a portkey to his office, so they could talk about what should happen
-D explains to H that Harry needs to stay with Petunia + Vernon
-Harry stays in Hogwarts overnight, mainly to check if he’s ok
-D moves Jily's bodies and provisionally seals the Potter Cottage
-Harry stays in D's office with Hagrid + occasionally Madam Pomfrey who checks on him
-McGonagall watches the Dursleys in her animagus form
-D takes care of things all day (Potter and school business) and tells Hagrid to meet him at the Dursleys at ca. 22:00
-when the time comes, Hagrid isn’t sure how to travel, so he takes Harry, wraps him in the blanket and takes the portkey which already took him to D's office the previous day
-he arrives at the Potter Cottage, finds the motorcycle and rides it to the Dursleys
[canon events]
Simultaneously (Sirius POV)
-after Hagrid leaves, he sits down on the stairs and thinks
-he realises Peter’s betrayal and, filled with rage, hatred and grief, decides to go after him
-Sirius finds Peter in a muggle street [S remembers a piece of information about P that leads him there] and starts a fight (verbally) that starts to draw a crowd
-P pretends to be sorry, while secretly taking his wand out
-P loudly accuses Sirius of betraying Jily, casts the Blasting Curse, cuts his finger off, transforms into a rat, and disappears into the sewers
-Sirius starts laughing hysterically in sheer desperation
-aurors appear, Sirius is captured and imprisoned
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mystiriuminc · 1 year
Marauder's Pranks Throughout the Years:
The odd dung bomb, all the time.
The Slytherins were hexed so that their pants caught fire when they lied.
Love potion was delivered via chocolates from a secret admirer and it made many, many people harass Snape on Valentine’s Day.
They faked Peter’s death via choking, in the great hall. Marvelous acting. McGonagall nearly had a heart attack.
Hidden Portkeys in quills, books, door handles, goblets, hairbrushes, ect.
On Lily's birthday, all the silverware turned to lilies. ALL of it.
Flooding the dungeons (and thus Slytherin common room) There’s debate to this day if it was actually the Marauders or just a plumbing issue. 
Before a quidditch match with Gryffindor, The Ravenclaws were charmed so that whenever they touched a book it would start flying around them shouting NERD! SWOT! FEATHERHEAD!
Illusions of each of the house mascots at dinner. Terrible fright. They kept chasing eachother. The lion caught and killed the fake snake in its mouth.
A fly kept buzzing around Regulus’ head for like a week before he noticed it was a prank and hexed Sirius back. Only Regulus got detention.
Yearly mistletoe traps.
For a few months, if someone said the word 'mudblood' in the castle, they'd start vomiting uncontrollably.
The glitter fairy. (Glitter is still found around the castle to this day)
They somehow safely made the giant squid fly around the air above the lake. It seemed to be having a great time.
They filled Dumbldore’s office with Popcorn. He didn’t mind.
All of the portraits sang opera for a day—Different operas, over each other.
A storm cloud followed Snape around for 3 days straight and would rain more heavily the angrier he got.
Before a quidditch match, all of Hufflepuffs started smelling like farts, but only to other people. The Quidditch stands were unbearable.
All the school toilets were made to overflow with soap bubbles. It took hours to find the source.
One Halloween, almost everyone in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, and Ravenclaw walked around dressed, acting and talking like muggles.
They ever-flavor-beaned the pumpkin juice, so it would taste like different things to people. Some people got things like lemon, marshmallow, or cinnamon, and some people got earwax (Snape)
The entirety of Slytherin was rendered mute for an hour.
They hid raw eggs before one Easter break, but they were disillusioned and smell-disillusioned somehow, so when students returned, suddenly the whole castle smelled overwhelmingly of rotten eggs. The eggs were painted, and over 100 were hidden. One still hasn’t been found.
Making Snape's wand electrocute him when he touches it.
On the first night of 3rd year, they charmed the sorting hat to float around, evading capture. Finding it took almost an hour, as the hat had escaped outside. The sorting was postponed until after the feast.
They made it so the quidditch announcer was jinxed to say ‘snatch’ instead of ‘snitch’. Not the individual, but whomever was speaking at the microphone.
Sometimes door handles still disappear from a randomly-timed spell they put in place decades ago.
Fake Earthquake.
James Potter's yearly birthday prank as follows:
Year 1 everyone’s hair was turned either red or gold. 
Year 2 there was a food fight. Peeves got involved. It was massive.
Year 3 All of the Slytherin’s feet and hands became slimy and webbed and they started growing scales. They would hiss when they spoke.
Year 4 hundreds of rabbits were released in the school and they would shout insults at people. 
Year 5 A potion was slipped in at breakfast that gave blokes long hair, makeup, and pretty nails and gave girls bushy mustaches.
Year 6 Any written words, anywhere in the castle instantly transformed into Gobbledygook for the day. Class was canceled.
Year 7 All of the professors reversed aging at dinner. All of them, babies. Someone from St. Mungo's had to be called in to reverse them safely.
Finally, on their last day at Hogwarts, the Marauders made every person in the school able to fly (except Snape).
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thegrangerarchives · 4 years
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Middle of Adventure by @nauticalparamour
After his Quidditch career is cut short by injury, Marcus decides to start a youth league. When Hermione has to go pick up James, she doesn't expect to see the furious Flint is so great with children.
Rated: M; Chapters: 11; Words: 22295
→ Link: Fanfiction.net and Archive of Our Own
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heartofspells · 2 years
Ask game for blurb request prompt.
Sirius and Remus going on a their first date after moving into their flat with James after school. Smut is up to you. Go wild!
I am screaming, nearly. This was so enjoyable to write, to just let Sirius go and do as he wished in his effort to please Remus. And allowing Remus to just be his exasperated self. Thank you for the prompt. I'm thoroughly happy with how this turned out and I hope you enjoy it. (Also, no smut. Sorry. But we know that's where they're headed, right?)
"We should go on a date."
Remus looks up from his tea, blinking slowly with bleary, half-open eyes. His mouth opens briefly before closing again as he regards Sirius as though he's got three heads and an erumpent horn sticking out his forehead. Sirius finds this marginally unfair even if the other man has just woken up after a near catastrophic day of moving into their new flat. Most of that had been James' fault, the prat. Sirius is claiming no responsibility for the chaos of the previous day or his friend and dormmate now turned flatmate.
"All right," says Remus eventually, his voice gruff, hoarse, suspicious. Sirius supposes it's his own fault. He knows better than to tackle anything with Remus before the man has had his first (third) morning cup of tea. "Why?"
Sirius flails a bit at the question. "Why?" he demands indignantly, clutching at his chest dramatically. "Why? Moony. Moony. How could you ask such a thing? Don't you want to go on a date with me?"
Remus' face screws up as he obviously thinks very hard about Sirius' words. Sirius waits (impatiently) for him to catch up. Sometimes it takes a while. He taps his fingertips against the faux marble countertop to keep himself occupied.
A full three minutes later, containing mostly silence within their brand-new kitchen, Remus speaks. "I don't understand. Didn't we just go out last week? It was Thursday. No, wait. Wednesday. Ah, bugger, no. It was Friday. It rained and I got drenched and you laughed your arse off, so I shoved you in the pond in the park. I remember all that. And I remember the date. It was lovely, up until the rain and the laughing and the pond scum that you brought back to the Potters' with you and forced me to clean off because you couldn't stop whinging long enough to do it yourself."
Sirius pouts deeply, crossing his arms over his chest. "We're not to speak of that again," he mutters petulantly, "or did you forget that bit? I'm still scraping scum from my ears. I'm fairly certain there's a tadpole swimming around in there somewhere. What sort of bloke pushes their boyfriend into a pond for laughing because he got a little wet?"
"A little wet?" cries Remus, his eyes bulging a bit. "Sirius, I was soaked through and you stood there perfectly dry because you'd cast a protective charm over yourself and left me defenseless because you'd stolen my wand when we'd gone from the house. And you weren't just laughing. Cackling is a better description. Madly. Like you'd been possessed by Peeves. Not your best moment."
Sirius shrugs his shoulders halfheartedly. "Sorry," he offers and Remus exhales a long breath, allowing his head to fall to the countertop beside his quickly cooling cup of tea.
Sirius shuffles over and taps the cup with his wand, reheating it until it's steaming once more. Somehow, Remus must sense it, or possibly he just knows Sirius too well at this point, because he mumbles to the swirled marble-like substance, "Ta."
He finally lifts his head back up and peers at Sirius, looking far more alert now, but still distrusting. "I'll ask again, why the sudden need for a date?"
"Because it's special, Moons!" exclaims Sirius. "New flat! On our own in the great big world. We're officially adults now. We should do adult-like things."
"Yes," mutters Remus caustically, clutching at his hot cup of tea like a lifeline, "because the turning seventeen and all the sex wasn't enough adult-like things to make it real, is that it?"
Sirius pffts. "Not hardly," he scoffs.
Remus rolls his eyes to the ceiling, as though begging for something to sweep in and save him. He lowers his gaze back to an expectant, nearly vibrating Sirius. "And a date – something we've done nearly every month for over two years now – is what's going to really cement our adulthood for us. Is that what you're trying to tell me?"
Sirius nods his head vigorously, feeling triumphant, though the other man hasn't yet agreed to anything, but Sirius has a feeling, a sense for these things, an intuition for all things Remus Lupin. He prides himself in it, puffs out his chest boastfully, like a puffer fish creating an emboldened figure. His brain gives him a right good kick for the lousy comparison but Sirius elbows it sharply back into place.
Remus releases a very weary, long-suffering sigh as his shoulders droop. "Fine," he agrees reluctantly. "But not tonight. I'm tired. You and Prongs were a nightmare yesterday. Did you really have to levitate all my books and then try to permanently stick them to the ceiling? What is wrong with you both? I need at least two full days to recover from that."
"We wanted you to be able to read wherever you were in the flat. It was thoughtful, stop complaining," says Sirius as he plans. "And two days is acceptable. Gives me time to plot."
With that, he turns on his heel and retreats to their shared bedroom. Remus' eyes follow his retreating form, wariness spreading across his features along with a healthy dose of trepidation. Sirius Black and plotting never end well. Remus groans and lets his head fall back to the countertop, cup still clutched firmly in his hands.
Which is how Remus finds himself, two days later, standing in front of the wardrobe mirror as he pulls an acceptable-enough collared shirt over his head. He's halfway into it when he hears a knock sounding from the front door, Remus pausing in his movements. He waits, hears nothing, and huffs.
"Prongs," he calls out, "think you can get that? Bit busy in here."
"I'm busy, too," comes the muffled reply through the thin walls. "Can't be bothered. You do it."
Remus grumbles in irritation, attempting to pull the shirt the rest of the way on, but it's now stuck over his (too large, as Sirius has told him repeatedly and fondly) head. He gives the fabric a yank, but it still resists, another, more insistent knock sounding through the flat. Remus growls to himself, taking off almost blindly from the room and down the hall, barely able to see through the pinprick holes in the stretching material trapping his head and face. His hand runs along the wall and he briefly stops at the entrance to the sitting room, just about to make out the form of James sprawled across their purple and green striped sofa, flipping through a Quidditch magazine.
"Thought you were busy?" demands Remus heatedly.
"I am," replies James lazily. "There's a shirt caught on your head. Might want to take care of that."
"Lousy mate you are," grumbles Remus as he moves away from the room and closer to the door as another impatient knock rattles the hinges. "If Lily doesn't murder you soon, I probably will. What have you, flobberworms for legs now?"
"I heard that!" shouts James from the other room. "And yes, actually. They're very fashionable right now in Milan. You should get some before they're outrageously overpriced."
Remus rolls his eyes behind his cage of a shirt, reaching out for the lock on the door just as it begins to rattle forcefully again, whoever is behind it insistent on being allowed entry. "For fuck's sake, I'm coming. Merlin, do you have no patience at all?" he nearly snaps as he yanks open the door, finally manages to give his shirt a successful tug over his head, and then gapes at who stands before him. "Oh. No, you actually don't, do you?"
Sirius, standing in the small hallway outside the door of their flat, dressed in a (admittedly dashing) solid black three-piece suit, tilts his head a little to the side as Remus stares at him. The top hat he's also wearing wobbles precariously. Remus continues to gape.
"Your hair's a bit…" says Sirius slowly, waving a hand around his own head to indicate a silent 'all over'.
Remus ignores him. "What, may I ask, are you wearing?" he demands.
Sirius blinks before looking down at himself, hands coming up to tug at the lapels of his suit jacket a little. "You like it? It's new. Just for you." He beams at Remus like this isn't something out of the ordinary. Remus takes a moment to check his memory for the past seven years of his life, thinking maybe, possibly, it really isn't.
"I thought this was just a date," moans Remus, glancing down at his own rumpled appearance, his shirt still sitting a bit wonky on his torso. "Not that we're going to meet the bloody queen!"
Sirius smiles at him as his eyes drift over Remus. "You look good," he says sincerely, his hand reaching out to adjust Remus' shirt. "And it is just a date. The hat's just for your benefit, no one else's." He plucks the hat from his head and gives it a toss through the door, sending it flying into the sitting room and somehow managing to hit James if the man's sudden and incredibly loud yelp of startlement is anything to go by. Sirius looks over Remus as though nothing has happened and their friend isn't currently cursing them both from the other room. "Ready to go?"
Remus gapes again before he regains control on his motor functions and shakes his head a little. "Two questions." Sirius waits expectantly. "Why are you here? At the door, I mean. You left a half hour ago and instead of using your key or even your bloody wand, you're here beating down the door."
"It's a date," answers Sirius simply, his mouth pulling out at the edges slightly, looking confused. "I'm picking you up. Isn't that what people do for dates?"
"Not when they live together!" Sirius merely shrugs one shoulder and Remus bows his head, rubbing two fingers over his temple. "All right, moving on. Merlin, help me. Should I change?"
"Why?" asks Sirius, his eyebrows knitting together as his confusion grows.
"Padfoot," Remus nearly whines, "you're in a bloody suit."
Sirius blinks again and then his grin is returning, blooming over his face brightly, blindingly. Remus' knees feel a little weak beneath his weight.
"This is just for you, Remus," he promises. "You look fine. Nice. Like yourself." His hand reaches out, fingers winding into the sleeve covering Remus' arm. "I like this shirt. Makes your eyes look more amber than brown."
Remus deflates at the words, a smile stretching his lips out over his face. Sirius stares at him knowingly before giving the fabric he's holding an encouraging tug.
"C'mon, Moony," he chirps. "Our adventure awaits."
Remus huffs a laugh and follows him out, closing the door behind him. He begins to step away before he pauses, his eyebrows arching. "You don't mean an actual adventure, do you? Because I didn't sign up for that." Sirius barks out his own laugh before urging Remus down the stairs to the ground floor of their building.
They go to a restaurant they'd discovered recently while exploring the neighborhood before deciding to rent their current flat. It's a modest place, nothing too upmarket, and Remus notices the outlandish looks on the other patrons' and staffs' faces as they spy Sirius in his suit. Sirius, for his part, pays them not mind, seating himself across from Remus at a table that – shockingly, but also not, because Sirius Black is a charmer of everything that moves and breathes – is adorned with a candle and flowers. Remus gawks at it, knowing it's not a customary practice for the establishment. He shakes his head in wonder.
"You're something else, you know that?" says Remus affectionately as he stares across the intricate table at the dark headed man that somehow managed to sweep in and steal everything Remus is, both good and bad, and take it for himself, turning it all into better versions of what they once were. Sirius Black mystifies Remus on a daily basis, and he doesn't think that will ever stop, not for a second. And he's fine with that so long as he gets to look into those stunning grey eyes for the rest of days.
Sirius smiles at him, smaller than before, something private, intimate held within it. Remus feels something wriggling inside him, some sort of excitement, something that's possibly compared to love, or maybe is love. He's not sure, but he swallows it down as their waiter arrives and they order their food.
Their meal is wonderful, but Sirius slowly begins to shift throughout their time in the restaurant, Remus feeling his leg bounce beneath the table. His mouth pinches every time he looks away from Remus, like he's becoming locked in some sort of thought process that Remus can't unravel without more to build on. As they finish eating, Sirius begins fidgeting, tugging and readjusting the cuffs of his jacket every so often. By the time they pay and walk outside of the establishment, Sirius has pulled on the sleeves no less than thirty-two times (Remus had tried to count at first, but had eventually lost track), and Remus studies him surreptitiously as he follows Sirius' lead down the street, the two men trailing into a semi-dark park.
When they finally stop next to a small body of water that ripples in the light breeze ghosting past them, Remus can take no more. He reaches out and grips Sirius' elbow gently, turning the other man to face him.
Sirius glances at the water and then back at Remus, looking wary. "Not going to throw me in again, are you?" he asks, his voice sounding almost tremulous.
"What? No!" denies Remus. He shakes his head a little, releasing a small surge of air in half amusement, half uncertainty. "Sirius, are you – are you nervous? Because that's how it seems. You're acting…odd, and I'm not sure how else to describe it." Sirius looks away again, back at the water, and shrugs halfheartedly. Remus frowns. "Baby, why? It's just a date. We've done this a hundred times."
Sirius shrugs again, looking back up at Remus, a little uneasy, a little unsure of himself, two things that are so extraordinarily out of place in association with his almost always confident, self-assured, chaotically energetic boyfriend that it pulls at Remus' heart in a painful way.
"I just wanted it all to be special this time," he murmurs, still slightly downcast, doubtful. "I dunno. It's stupid."
Remus studies him for a moment before he smiles and pulls Sirius closer to him, until they're pressed against one another. His arm slots around his waist and back, his other hand lifting and cupping the side of his face. Sirius is the perfect height for Remus to press his lips against his forehead without having to duck his head or crane his neck.
"It's always special. Everything, all of it. Because it's with you," Remus tells him softly. His fingers coax Sirius' head back so that Remus can stare down at him properly, the other man still looking far too uncertain for Remus' liking. "You don’t have to put on a nice suit or bloody well pick me up at our own flat or even take me out for it to be special. Sitting at the table in the mornings without speaking, just reading the Prophet and drinking tea, or curling up in bed while you let me read to you, or watching you brush your teeth is special enough because it's all with you. You're the thing that's special, Sirius, not the things we do. Just you."
Remus ducks his head a little, brushing his lips over Sirius' softly. Sirius makes a small noise in the back of his throat and Remus smiles against his mouth. "I love you," he says clearly, without hesitation.
Sirius pulls back suddenly, staring at him with wide, stunned, beautiful grey eyes. "What?" he asks sharply, his voice rising several octaves.
Remus breathes out a small laugh, his smile broadening. "I love you," he repeats. "I have for a long time."
Sirius searches his face for a long, silent moment before a bright, wide, beaming smile spreads across his face, lighting everything up like a shining spotlight. His hand wraps around the back of Remus' neck, pulling him back down for another kiss, his lips passionate, awestruck, but tender. "I love you, too, Remus," he says when they finally part. "That's why I wanted this to be special, better. Because I wanted to tell you, finally."
Remus opens his mouth to speak, but he's cut off as something white flutters at the edges of his vision. He begins to turn his head, but Sirius holds him in place, eyes squinting a little.
"Ignore that," he advises even as several more white bits float down around them. Remus stares at him suspiciously and Sirius eventually sighs in resignation, releasing his restraining grip on Remus' neck. "Oh, go on, then."
Remus looks up into the air, following the dancing path of what he now realizes are white flower petals. And then he's gawking, because above their heads are James and Peter, both perched in the branches of the sprawling tree rooted deeply beside them on the ground. They've got buckets clutched precariously between their knees that seem to be charmed to magically refill themselves as they run empty. James, the tosser, is emitting soft, breathy 'aaahh's with every handful he throws out, like he's trapped in some horrible romantic comedy and is creating his own personal sound effects.
Remus looks back down at Sirius slowly, the other man only smiling up at him sheepishly. "I love you," he says again. Remus' mouth still hangs open, but then he's laughing, pulling Sirius closer against him, wrapping him in his arms as he shakes his head in amused exasperation.
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nombreux · 4 years
‘ oh, don’t look at me like that molly. ’ he chides, tone short, words to match it. he can’t help but feel annoyed when he sees her judgment passed over on him. it was so easy for everyone to judge him, but so hard for those to remember what he went through, that he was a boy when he was locked away in azkaban, that he came out barely by the skin of his teeth that--------------------he was lucky to be alive. it seemed it didn’t matter any of the good, just what he was doing wrong. but then again, perhaps it was just the house that made mothers cruel to him. his mother never loved him in this house, why would molly, sweet, dear molly weasley be any different. he hoped she would. ‘ are you going to r e m i n d  me again that harry isn’t james ? ’ 
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*      ╰       ⋮      harry potter sc (sirius black)━━ @murkyhazed​ (molly weasley)
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Hey, could I get a marauders era and lightning era ship? With boys please. I’m a 5’7 girl with brown hair, blue eyes, freckles and a fair amount of surgery scars. I’m a sarcastic ravenclaw who has a bunch of medical conditions including a super rare one, MALS. I have an anxiety disorder too and can get pretty shy sometimes. I’m having major surgery too and I’m a little embarrassed about the scar. If you had time could you maybe do something either my marauders era dude comforting me? Thanks!!!
I ship you with James Potter 
 ·         James, since the young age, was an asshole. And as a young boy, eleven and completely full of himself, he was a bully and his job as a bully was finding someone different than him and picking on them. That person was you. 
·         He hadn’t known you in the beggining of the First year but when he did at his first class with the Ravenclaws, he noticed the girl with the scars. You hid them pretty well but it didn’t mean that some scars stretched on places that were too visible and somehow he always found Ravenclaws rather annoying because of their quick with and all smart mouth. So if you weren’t a Gryffindor and beautiful like Lily Evans, you were James’ special little prey.
·         But you were shy and sometimes you got special treatment from the professors which annoyed James the most. Why would you get special treatment? Why weren’t you on the regular exams and why were you allowed to go home for a few weeks, sometimes even months but you didn’t tell that much to anybody. You kept this secret for yourself and just because you didn’t share this big part of your life, people started making up their own story about you. 
·         “Do your parents beat you up?” he said in your first year, curious but grinning as well. “Is it because you don’t go to school.” - “No.” you said, trying to keep your eyes on the ground as your heart rate started to go up. “No what?” he stepped in front of you, observing the scars on your visible places. You knew where he was watching and you tugged your clothing to try and cover it, your anxiety kicking in faster than ever. “No, my parents do not beat me up.” you muttered quietly. “What? I couldn’t hear you?” he leaned forward. “Are you always this quiet? Didn’t mum and dad teach you-” -”Leave her alone, Potter.” one of your older housemates wrapped their arm around you and lead you away from him. -”Just popping some quiestions!” 
·         You started to avoid him since them. Every time you saw James Potter, you felt extremely anxious and nausious. You just weren’t prepared for him to ask questions you didn’t want to answer. 
·         It continued through the years where he talked and embarrased you once or twice a week but it kept going less and less every day when you started to get used to it, telling him off. It was quite fun for him, when you first told him off, he got more excited for the next of times. “Why don’t you eat like the rest of us?”- he asked, running by your side. “Haven’t you heard? I’m a vampire. I don’t do human food. You should know, you suck my blood every time you’re around me.” you rolled your eyes and he laughed. “What happened to the quiet, muttering you?” - “She met you.” you said and he started laughing again, clearly. 
·         He started hanging around you more and more. For him it felt like something he would do daily. Just annoy you and poke you, ending with laughing at your funny retorts. Since he had found out about Remus lycontraphy, he was sure you had one as well, the only illogical thing for him was why were you gone for more than months when you left- was your lycontraphy be more severe in any kind of way. You always came back with a few new scars. “Hey there-” he started, walking after you. -”What is it now, Potter?” you stopped and turned to look at him, realizing how he had changed in all those months you’ve been gone. He felt taller and you could actually see the stubble growing on his chin and jaw. His features were outlined and his eyes were facinatinely beautiful so up close. “Where have you been?” - “You care?”- “Well, there’s no better person to torment than you.” - “I bet.” you rolled your eyes and started walking away, him following you. “I know your secret.” he said and you stopped in your tracks, feeling your heart pump faster in that moment. “Wha-what do you mean?” you asked, looking at him with your eyes bulgng out of your skull. Did he already tell others? Does everybody else knows? What if now everybody will start to look at you with pity and sorry- “You’re a werewolf.” he grinned and your mouth felt open, wathcing at him in shock. “A what?”- you asled before you could think. Clearly you weren’t prepared for that answer. -”You’re a werewolf with-” he continued but you couldn’t help yourself but to laugh at his theory. He felt confused but surprised by the sound of your laugh to which he hadn’t heard in all your seven years, he hadn’t heard you laugh like that and it was a nice kind of laugh “I told you already Potter. Keep your conspiracy theories. I’m  a vampire.” you continued to laugh, leaving him behind you. 
·         So to James, the main question was: If you’re not a werewolf than what the hell are you? He’s been curious all seven years where you went and how did you get your scars and why weren’t you eating with the rest of the students and have exams as the rest of the students. Yes, you did sometimes eat in the Great Hall but that was so rare. He had seen you only a few times but it was getting up to his head to find out. He had to, right? - “You could just ask her.” said Sirius to him as James confided in him. “Ask her out on a date-” -”Date? Why would I ask her out on a date?” James cut him off, furrowing his eyesbrows at his best friend. “You clearly Fancy her, Prongs.” said Remus, walking in from the bathroom. “I do NOT fancy her.” James denied but both Sirius and Remus exchaned looks. “Mate, you talk about her 24/7. Last time I had to listen to you talk about how you heard her laugh for the first time for about 15 minutes. If you hadn’t had Quidditch practice, I bet it would be more than that.” 
·         Okay, so maybe James did fancy you and maybe that was one hell of a realization for him because he didn’t know anything about you, rather than how you laugh and all the things that make him built theories in his head. But if one thing was sure for him, whenever he did think of you, he smiled like a real man in love. He wanted to see how this would lead but as soon as your friendship grew, you disappeared again. 
·         How long would this be again? Days, weeks, months? - Well, it was only a month and when he saw you, he was angry and excited at the same time. 
·         He had enough. He’s been pinning after you before and during your time away but he had had enough of this. He took your hand and pulled you to the side to talk. “I don’t know, okay. I don’t know where you go and what you do or how you get these scars you do. I don’t know and it’s driving me mad! I want to know because I want to take you on a date.” - you blinked at him, staring and being unable to process his words. “Why?”  was all you said. He chuckled. “Why do you think people take other people on dates. I fancy you.” he said but you didn’t believe him. “It’s not funny, James. It’s just not.” you shook your head, feeling tears built up in your eyes. Shocked by your reaction. “What?-” -”I get it, okay. It’s easy for you to pick on me because of the scars and the way I look but playing with my feelings-” -”I don’t care about the scars! I want to take you on a date?” - “Why!?” -”Because I like you!” the two of you were just yelling at each other. “A guy like you wouldn’t like someone like me.” you shook your head and wanted to leave but he took you by the hand and pulled you back to him. “Why would you say that?” he held you close to him and placed both of his hands on your cheeks, his eyes on you. “You’re funny and smart, you’re mysterious and sarcastic. You’ve got freckles and they are so bautiful, especially on the sun when the light outlines them- and your eyes.  I love your blue eyes and your scars? You don’t have to tell me how you got them because with or without them, I’ll still like you and I will still want to take you on one date.” - tears welled up in your eyes and you could feel that he was sincere becuase having him so close was giving you one hell of a safe feeling. So you hugged him, despite the anxiety that was not long before there. 
·         First date? He took you on a picnic because he loved seeing you on the sun. And all the time he kept watching you and you knew. He was watching you with these gentle eyes. He never asked about the scars and you never told him but when you found out you will have another surgery, you needed to tell him. 
·         The two of you were about two months into the relationship and both laying on the sofa. You were laying on top of him as he read a sports magazine with one hand and running his hand through your hair with the other. Your head was on his chest, your ear pressed on his heart as you contemplated of how you’re going to tell him. When you were finally ready, you sat up and kept watching him. He could feel you watching, so he peered over his magazine and narrowed his eyes. “Yes, I ate your peach but to be honest, it was just sitting there and I felt like eating a peach-” he started saying but you only furrowed your eyebrows and smiled. “It’s not about the fruit and I knew already.” - “Than what is it about?” he sat up, noticing that you were more serious than he had seen you. “Are you breaking up with me?” was the first thought that came into his mind and you quickly widened your eyes and denied. “No! No, no, no. I’m not breaking up with you.” you took his hands and he squeezed them firmly in return. “Then what?”- “I’m going to disappear again.” you said and he kept watching. “I’m having a surgery.” - “Surgery?” he furrowed his eyebrows. “You’re a witch.Muggles have surgeries, wizards have” -”I’m a witch from two muggle parents.” you looked up at him. “All these scars... they are from my surgeries.” -”Surgeries?” he asked. “As in plural?” he continued and you nodded. “I have a lot of medical conditions-” - “But you look healthy.” -”I hide it.” you said. “Whenever I feel nausuos or having any pain, I get away from you.” you said and he let out a scoff. “Study- right.” - “Study, nap, bathroom-” -”Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” -”I don’t want you to carr my burdons or think that you have some sort of obligation of taking care of me.” -”I will take care of you. Always-” he grew quiet, thinking back and realizing something. He kept staring at the floor before looking back up at you. “I made fun of you.” he said, clearly feeling guilty. “For seven years, I made fun of you.” -”You didn’t know.” - “I made fun of you.” he kept saying as if it was a crime. “You were in pain and I made fun of you.” -” You couldn’t have known and I made fun of you too.”- “No. You were not and you know it.” he stood up. “James!” you took his hand. “I don’t want to go under a surgery thinking we’re breaking up.” he turned around, this time with his eyes bulging out. “Who’s breaking up?I’m not breaking up with you!” he sat back down, taking your hand in his. “You’re not?” you smiled, relieved. “No. Why would I break up with you?” - “Because I lied to you and because I-” -”I’m going with you. You need someone there with you.” -”You need to stay here. Write down notes, so when I get back I can copy them, and you can write me and please don’t get in a relationship while I’m gone-” you said and he laughed, bringing you into a hug. “What can I do to get it through your thick head. I’m in a relationship with you and you is all I care about. There is no other girl.”
·         He did tho, before you went into your surgery, he was there and when you got out, he was there as well. He kept visiting you whenever he could. He loved you and he showed just how much. He didn’t care about your scars and he loved them. Every and each one of them. He always said. “Each one is proof for how strong you are.”
I usually make like really long ships but I think this one is quite long on its own.  I hope you like it and just for those who want to send ships in, DON’T because this is the only ship I’m doing until I open them. Am a bit out of practice but yolo.  SHIPS ARE CLOSED!
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Marauders x reader - We’ve got you
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Could I request a Marauders x reader? All platonic, where the reader is Sirius's little sister, and is also a Marauder. She and Sirius run away to the Potters, and maybe their mom had used the cruciatus curse on her. Like angsty fluff. -Fandom Fanatic❤️
Sirius held you in his arms tightly as he ran through empty streets. It was well beyond midnight, that’s all you knew.
Dry tears stained your cheeks as you blankly stared upwards, eyes dull and lifeless.
Sirius ran up to a familiar door and begun kicking it profoundly, eyes darting around nervously. Inside lights turned on and someone cursed as the unlocked the door.
“What in the bloody-“ they stopped, “Sirius? Quick come in boy!”
“Mr Potter I... I don’t know how to help her!” Sirius sniffled.
The man ushered Sirius into the living room where he placed you on the couch, but you were still yet to react to anything going on around you.
“What is all the ruckus? Sirius? Why are you here, who is this girl?”
“Oh love, someone’s done something absolutely cruel and unforgivable.” Mr Potter whispered to his wife.
Sirius quickly ran to wake up James, once everyone was ready he sent a helpless glanced your way and begun to explain what had happened. How you had been sorted into the same house as him and how your mother reacted and how she used one of the three unforgivable curses on you.
“Oh the poor girl...” Mrs Potter whispered.
“They can stay, right?” James asked desperatly.
“Oh of course! Of course! Sirius can stay with you and (Y/N) can stay in the guest room.”
The two adults quickly rushed away to gather some things and Sirius turned back to you.
“She hasn’t said anything... she’s been like that the whole time..”
“The cruciatus curse is a horrible one, but we’ll help her mate, we’ll get Remus to come over tomorrow.”
Sirius just nodded his head and continued to watch you. Throughout the whole night he tried to talk with you, everyone had, but you said and did nothing.
When morning came James when to write a letter to Remus while Mrs Potter brought you in some food.
“Surely your hungry dear, eat this.” She said gently.
You didn’t react and everyone’s heart sank.
“I’ll bloody kill her for what’s she’s done to (Y/N)!” Sirius cried.
“Now son, that won’t do your sister any good. She needs you more than ever. Try speaking with her again.” Mr Potter sighed.
Sirius calmed himself and walked over, dropping to his knees in front of you, he gazed up into your lifeless (E/C).
“Hey, you’re safe now (Y/N) I promise. Please eat something... or say something...”
Everyone anxiously waited, but you did nothing. Sirius was about to stand up when your hand slowly came and balled into the fabric of his shirt, and tears filled the corners of your eyes.
“Oh (Y/N)!”
Quickly Sirius crushed you into a hug, your chin rested on his shoulder and you closed your eyes taking a small breath.
“S... Sirius.. I.. I’m s.. sc.. scared...” you chocked out.
Sirius tightened his hold on you, bringing you closer into him. You heard other people enter the room and tensed up.
“It’s just me and Remus.” James said gently.
“I promise we won’t let anything hurt you, or anyone.” Sirius whispered.
“S... she.. t.. the c... curse...”
“Shush, I know, I know...”
Sirius held a hand to the back of your head and tried to soothe your cries. Once you had cried yourself out, he pulled you up to feet and turned your to James’ parents.
“You’re both more than welcome to stay here love.” Mrs Potter smiled.
“There’s always room.” Mr Potter nodded.
You shuffled behind Sirius, glancing behind you, you saw Remus open his arms and silently walked into his embrace, shaking a little from fear.
“I’ve got you...” he whispered.
Remus rubbed his hand up and down your back as he hugged you.
“Y... you’ll... st.. stay...?” You asked quietly.
“Yeah, I’ll stay (Y/N), I’m not going anywhere.”
“You’re our little sister, we’re all going to stay with you!” James declared
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fandumb-thoughts · 5 years
Rating: General
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Harry Potter - JK Rowling
Relationships: Sirius Black/James Potter, Sirius Black/Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black/Remus Lupin
Characters:  Sirius Black, James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin
Additional Tags: polyamory, poly trans Sirius Black, Hindi James Potter, animagus choosing, animagus, explaining why Peter is the Way He Is, marauders, fix it fic, start of a fix it fic, marauders era, Peter Pettigrew isn’t awful, that’s just the tea, well he is awful, only he’s not awful as a fifteen year old, cuz like, he’s just a kid, and he was one of their friends, ignoring that is ignoring the magnitude of the betrayal, Sirius has a shitty homelife, but it’s kinda background?, werewolves and shit, the war is happening in the background, domestic marauders
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of “Choices (are uniting)”, Part 1 of “A Hundred Divides (make a piece whole)”
Sirius was the first one to see his potential animagus forms.
He dreamt of a tree with bark that was blackened like coal. It was twisted, and gnarled, and rotted at the core. But above the tree sprouted young and pure leaves that shone through with sun and shaded the ground below.
There was a rabbit near the edge of the roots that was too terrified to move, erratic eye movements showing he was caught debating. Bolt and hope to outrun what endangered him, or hide in the roots and hope to avoid detection.
There was a snake that lay coiled at the base of the tree, half hidden in a deep hollow. His eyes glinted a familiar, unnatural blue-grey.
There was also a tiger, proud and lazy, dangerous claws glinting obsidian in the sunlight. He lay far away from any roots--away from the protection of the shade, farthest from the other creatures.
There was also a Grim, standing right before Sirius. Or rather, a large black dog that looked uncomfortably like a Grim. His eyes were blue-grey, like the snakes, but instead of unnatural it seemed rather more striking. As Sirius looked at him, he sat and wagged his tail, head tilting and tongue lolling from his mouth.
When Sirius awoke to Remus nudging him awake for breakfast, he debated on what he should say. Tell them he saw that he was still, somewhere deep down, part Slytherin? That part of him was skittish and terrified of what his future held, that some days he wanted to run and run and run and others he wanted to hunker down and weather the storm? That part of him was powerful but lonely, and content in the way it was? That the strongest piece seemed to be a loyal, obedient dog that took a rather uncoincidental appearance of a Grim?
“Are you alright?” Peter asked, bumping their shoulders and tangling their fingers together over the silverware.
Sirius fought the urge to pull away. There was no reason for him to get so flighty.
“Of course,” he said, stiffly.
Janmesh narrowed his eyes at him. Whenever Sirius was uncomfortable he reverted back to a very formal way of speaking, as had been ingrained in him. Shit.
“I just-I had the dream last night,” Sirius admitted. It was the final step to the animagus process, just in time for the full moon coming up in a week and a half. All there was left would be to choose, and then the transformations should be possible.
Janmesh leaned forward excitedly, nearly sparkling with excitement (or maybe that was just the water he’d shaken out of his still-wet-from-the-shower hair a minute ago, clinging to his skin). “Really? What did you see?”
Peter squeezed Sirius’ fingers, silently supporting him. He was sensitive like that, he understood that whatever Sirius had seen had shaken him up. It was a sweet gesture, just like Janmesh’s excitement was sweet in an entirely different way: it was a distraction. And Sirius loved ignoring his problems.
With a reassuring squeeze to Peter’s fingers he made an attempt to match Janmesh’s enthusiasm. “There was a tiger, a rabbit, a-uh, a snake, and a big black dog.”
Janmesh ignored Sirius’s stumble over the ‘my animagus form could be a snake,’ like a good friend/maybe-significant-other/whatever-the-fuck-they-are should do. “Really? Which called to you the most?”
“The dog was right in front of me, and seemed the friendliest.”
“You’ll have to focus on that when you go to bed tonight, then, and drink-”
“What are you talking about?” Remus asked, practically flinging himself onto the bench next to Janmesh, reaching blindly for the kettle. 
“Divinition,” Janmesh answered casually, automatically pouring Remus a cup and pushing it into his hands so that he wouldn’t knock something over or burn himself. “Peter has a dream journal as an assignment this month.”
Remus mumbled something to indicate that he’d heard, too tired to continue the conversation. Sirius thought he ought to start studying before late at night, and go to sleep at a decent enough time so he’d be able to function before noon.
“Speaking of that, I’m going to be late,” Peter squeaked out. He was so terrible at lying it was cute. “See ya guys.”
Sirius twisted his neck so Peter could press a quick kiss to his cheek before rushing off to his first class. “Bye, babe.”
Janmesh grinned. “You’re so cute.”
“Fuck off, it’s better than being starry-eyed over someone who doesn’t even look at you.”
Janmesh placed his hand over his heart, and dramatically swooned into Remus. “How callous! You wound me!”
Remus elbowed him, knocking him to the floor. They both laughed. Remus glared through foggy, baggy eyes.
“C’mon, Moony, off to Runes for us,” Sirius prompted, leaning across the table to push a piece of buttered toast and bacon into Remus’s mouth before he could curse at him for interrupting his morning caffeine.
“See you in Charms!” Janmesh called after them. Lucky bastard, the Arithmancy classroom was closest to the Great Hall. Then again, Arithmancy first thing in the morning.
When Sirius fell asleep to the effects of the binding potion that night he thought of all of the options that had been presented to him.
The rabbit was the first thing to greet him.
“We’re scared,” said the rabbit. He had Sirius’ voice, but it sounded younger. Sirius’s blue-grey eyes seemed trapped within the rabbit’s face. “We’ve always been scared.”
Sirius nodded. It was true.
“It’s all we’ve ever known, for a long time. It’s comfortable.”
And it was comfortable, in a familiar sort of way. Sirius had grown up in his mother’s house, and his family’s world. He knew how to navigate it and avoid trouble, and how to run from it when he met it. It would be so easy to silently struggle and stay right in the position he’d been born into.
“I don’t want to be that person anymore,” Sirius told the rabbit.
“Very well.”
The rabbit vanished, and next there was the snake.
“We were raised to be this,” said the snake. His voice was smoother, refined in the way all purebloods were forced to be. Sirius’s eyes fit within the snake’s face but didn’t belong.
“I’m not a Slytherin,” Sirius protested. “I’m a Gryffindor.”
“That’s not the only indication of character,” the snake said. “We have it in us. We could do great things.”
Sirius could do great things within pureblood society. He was higher in line for lordship than any of his other cousins, aside from Alaric, and Alaric was a Prewett in name. The chances of the family magic claiming him as heir after his mother Lucretia were fairly low. It would likely go to Sirius’ father, and then Sirius if he hadn’t married out of the family at that point. He could have power. He could-
“That’s not who I want to be,” Sirius told the snake.
“Very well.”
The rabbit vanished, and next there was the tiger.
“We don’t need anyone else,” said the tiger. His voice sounded old and arrogant. Sirius’s eyes were wrong and disjointed in the tiger’s face.
“Yes we do,” Sirius argued.
If tigers could smirk, the tiger would be doing so.
Sirius wanted to squirm under his stare. He-he was self reliant, wasn’t he? The only people that knew even close to everything about him weren’t his friends, or even his boyfriend….s. It was his cousins and brother. In their own strange way, they stuck together. Even then the information shared was only enough so that everyone was able to get by in the strict way of living within their family and marriages and Hogwarts house. Sirius could shut himself down completely around his friends, and close himself off from his cousins and do things all on his own. No expectations to live up to, no rules to follow, free-
“I don’t want to be alone,” he told the tiger. He didn’t know if he fully believe even himself.
The tiger was judging him. He didn’t believe Sirius fully either, but it was Sirius’s choice to make.
“Very well.”
The tiger vanished, and next there was the Grim.
“We want things to be different,” said the Grim.
Sirius nodded, almost shaking with relief. All of the other options seemed to be rooted in staying right where he was, doing slightly different variations of what he was already being forced to do.
“No matter what happens, we need to go with our heart and stick with what we know is true,” said the Grim. His voice was Sirius’s voice. Sirius’s eyes were too intelligent for a dog, but they were fitting.
“Yes,” agreed Sirius, reaching to make contact with the Grim and bind his soul to him.
The dog stepped back. “There is danger in blind loyalty. Do you accept these dangers, know of them? Do you believe I am the best piece of you?”
Sirius thought of the rabbit, and the snake, and the tiger. 
“Yes,” he answered honestly.
“Very well.”
Janmesh saw an elephant, and a squirrel, and an owl, and a stag.
He dreamt of a river bank, the water slow moving and vast, and a grassy bank. The sun made the water shine and the grass alight a vibrant green.
In the water was an Asian elephant, pouring water over himself with his trunk. He was powerful and proud, uncaring to the other animals about. He had no reason to worry, so he didn’t.
The squirrel scurried between the small trees and bushes along the water’s edge, making cheerful noises as he played, unheading of the predator that sat on one of the branches.
The owl ignored the squirrel. He was a barn owl, pale-moon face staring smugly down at Janmesh. He was above the rest, arrogant in his full view of the world.
Then, closest to him at the edge of the water was a stag. His antlers weren’t quite full grown, but they gleamed in the sunlight. He watched over the squirrel and the uncaring elephant and the arrogant owl. The cautious protector.
Janmesh woke up to Peter screaming.
He bolted upright and shoved aside the partially-opened drapes around his bed. Peter was knocked to the ground, a great black dog with gangly legs and too-big paws standing on top of him and attacking his face.
No, not attacking. Licking.
“Sirius!?” Janmesh cried out, elated. The dog leapt off of Peter and bounded up to Janmesh, tongue lolling out of his mouth, tail wagging.
“What in the bloody fuck is going on?” Remus growled, poking his head from his drapes, squinting.
“Oh, um-” Before Janmesh could come up with either an excuse or begin to explain that they had been attempting to become animagi since the past summer and had neglected to tell him as a surprise, Remus continued.
“Just get the dog out of here and let me sleep until I physically need to be up.” And with that Remus snapped the drapes closed.
“Dramatic,” Peter remarked in a whisper. Janmesh struggled not to laugh. Sirius-the-dog thumped his tail loudly against the bedpost. Remus let out an ominous growl.
“C’mon,” Janmesh told them and ushered them out of the dorm and up the boys staircase. The few early-risers gave Sirius some odd looks but decided not to comment. Upon reaching one of the empty rooms towards the top of Gryffindor tower, Peter locked the door behind them.
Sirius ran around the room, jumping and knocking into things. Janmesh had seen toddlers that were more coordinated, but at least Sirius could functionally move.
After three loops, he stopped and shifted back into his human form.
His very naked human form.
For all of five seconds Sirius didn’t seem to realize, so caught up in the excitement. “I did it! I did it firs-oh fuck.”
Peter covered his eyes with a squeak and a blush. It wasn’t that they hadn’t seen anything before (living in a room with each other for over four years would ensure that), however, it was very rare that it was Sirius being unclothed--even more so since he’d openly admitted to fancying all three of them. 
Janmesh valiantly decided to pretend that nothing too-far from ordinary was happening. He wasn’t going to check his...maybe, almost boyfriend out, no matter how much he wanted to. He also wasn’t going to look away, making it blatantly obvious that he wanted to check him out.
“Might’ve been the first one to shift, but that doesn’t mean you’ll be automatically able to keep your clothes, mate.”
Janmesh forced himself to focus on Sirius’s face, which was tinting pink high along the cheekbones. Even though he didn’t look down, he could tell Sirius was twisting up to attempt to cover himself up.
Instead of waiting for a more intelligent response, Janmesh pulled off the nightgown he wore over the flannel sleep pants Remus had introduced to all of them (after years of having his stolen, Remus had just gifted them each two pairs last Christmas and James wore them nearly every night).
Sirius’ blush intensified as he took the offered garment, quickly pulling it over his head.
“He’s decent, Peter, you can stop being scandalized,” Janmesh teased, shoving at Peter.
“Yep,” Peter managed to say, keeping his eyes firmly on the ground.
Sirius wouldn’t make eye contact, either, just as red as Peter. Janmesh’s nightgown was too big on him, and it kept making attempts to slip down his shoulders.
“I had my dream last night!” Janmesh announced, perhaps a bit louder than he meant. 
“Lucky,” Peter mumbled.
“What’d you see?” Sirius asked eagerly.
“An elephant, an owl, a squirrel, and a stag,” Janmesh relayed proudly.
Sirius frowned. “None of those would be quite useful against Moony, would they be? A stag would get eaten, a squirrel and an owl’d be too little, and the elephant would be a touch too dramatic.”
“Hey, the owl could, uh, could be lookout! And the squirrel would probably be good for getting through the Whomping Willow!”
“That’s actually a good idea,” Peter said. “Accuracy levitation is finicky, and it’d be a bit suspicious if any of the professors looked out and saw a stick hovering in midair.”
Sirius spun around Janmesh and Peter as he passed to get to the door. Janmesh attempted to will away the heat in his face at the reminder of how graceful Sirius could be when he wanted to, the aesthetic only intensified at the swirling of the borrowed nightgown. 
“It will also be easier to fit two of us and a squirrel under the cloak, rather than trying to squeeze the three of us.” Sirius opened the door, and the collar of the nightgown finally slipped off his shoulder, exposing the sharp line of his collarbone.
“Huh-yeah!” Peter agreed, hurrying to follow. From his momentary stutter Janmesh knew Peter had likely noticed the same thing he had.
“Squirrel it is, then,” Janmesh confirmed.
That night Peter dreamed of a black bear, and a blue bird, and a rat, and a wild boar.
He was in a field of raspberry bushes. He couldn’t see the edges of it, but he knew that not too far away there would be a little stone cottage with painted blue shutters. It was his muggle aunt’s place, out in the countryside. The sun was weak, but still bright in the middle of the sky.
The black bear was eating from the bushes. He moved slowly and calmly from bush to push, rolling gate peaceful as it sought out more of the sweet fruit.
The blue bird sat on one of the bushes that had yet to be picked over by the bear. The berries on that particular were full and ripe and red. The bird was jealously guarding the bush from the other animals there.
The rat was hard to see, hidden in the underbrush. He ate the berries from the lowest branches and the ones that had fallen to the ground. They weren’t the beautiful berries from the blue bird’s bush, or the bountiful feast that the black bear had, but they were food and it kept him hidden.
The boar was paying no heed of the black bear, marching right in front of his path and interrupting him when the boar wanted the berries the most. Even the blue bird with his beautiful horde was not enough to stop the boar, though he did not attempt to eat from the bird’s bush, only around it. He was fearless, yet still respectful.
And here is the divergence. The moment that would define the rest of history--or, at least, the history of the four boys sleeping in the dormitory that night. 
Either Janmesh Puther would choose with his head, or he would choose with his heart. The conversations with his animal pieces would go along a similar strain as Sirius Black’s had. Janmesh would be at the same stream as in his first dream, only he wouldn’t really know that, and the pieces would try to sway him to their side.
The elephant with freckle-spots around his eyes would tell Janmesh that he should reclaim his heritage of an ancient and powerful pureblood, to bask in the benefits of the Puther name. 
The owl with heavy brown markings around his eyes would tell Janmesh that he was capable of great things, if only he stopped lowering himself. 
The squirrel with pale spots around his eyes would tell Janmesh that the world was harsh and cruel, and he had people like his parents and Dumbledore to look out for him. He was still only a child, these things weren’t his to worry about.
The stag with large white marks around his eyes would tell Janmesh that he was in the best position to help his friends. He wasn’t the best duelist, and he wasn’t a genius, and he didn’t even know how to properly cheer someone up when they were unhappy, but he had the name and the wealth and the support that came behind it.
Janmesh would always reject the idea the elephant proposed. He was uncomfortably aware of the privilege he had over Remus and Peter and Lily and Sirius, in some regards. He wouldn’t ever want to ignore that.
Janmesh would instantly chafe against the owl’s suggestion, despite knowing, deep down, that if he were to mature some things could be going much differently in his attempts at wooing Lily and actually talking things over with Sirius. His parents would be less exasperated at his interactions with the rest of pureblood society.
To the squirrel, Janmesh might accept. It would be with trepidation, and the squirrel would make him hear out the stag first, but he would agree. Even if what the stag promised was true, it was not the correct choice for him. His friends need him to be a squirrel and he couldn’t be a stag, or else the very friend he was becoming an animagus form might try and hunt him.
Or, Janmesh might reject the squirrel. He would tell him that he didn’t want to live that way, with his head buried in the sand, that he had an obligation to his friends and if the squirrel wouldn’t allow it, he’d find another way to be there for them. In this version of events, Janmesh would immediately agree with what the stag was saying. He wouldn’t care what warning was issued with, just that he couldn’t live his life the way the squirrel wanted him to.
If Janmesh went with the squirrel, he would wake Sirius first by chittering loudly in his ear, and then wake up Peter in the same way. The three would go to the same empty room as the day before (this time with clothes for Janmesh in tow) and discuss the dream that Peter had.
If Janmesh went with the stag he wouldn’t have a choice on who to wake first as his young antlers would get tangled in the curtains and he’d nearly bring an entire bedpost down while clattering around. Sirius would be forced to explain to Remus why there was an animal in their room for the second morning in a row, inciting a disagreement that wouldn’t end until after the full moon.
If Janmesh went with the squirrel, the next night Peter would go with the wild boar. It had felt the most right to him. It was brave in a way that Peter had tucked way down deep inside, and not oblivious like the bear or jealous like the bird or scheming and afraid like the rat. Remus wouldn’t be woken up by his first transformation because he would have fallen asleep in the common room late the night before, and they would go with the plan to surprise him outside of the Shrieking Shack (in order, of course, to be sure that as a werewolf he wouldn’t attempt to kill them). The next day Remus would be furious at the risk but secretly touched.
If Janmesh went with the stag, the next night Peter would go with the rat. It would make the most sense, if they still needed a small animal, and Remus had shouted about how a dog and a stag was already enough attention, without a third giant animal in the mix. Peter wouldn’t wake anyone up with his transformation, he would sit on his pillow with some strange sort of forlornness that he couldn’t place, until Sirius pulled back the curtains to wake him and offered up a beaming smile at Peter’s accomplishment.
But these are just two possibilities, neither set in stone.
Janmesh had to choose, and his options were difficult, each weighed for their worth with the information that was known.
But choices, as everyone knows, have power.
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rey-ophelia · 6 years
talking about ships...
i registered on tumblr quite some time ago in order to have fun and interact with other fans. hopefully i’ll have pleasant time here (probably should confess that sometimes i regret finding tumblr because as much as i like it, people here seriously need to obtain common sense firstly and secondly they should google what decency and toxicity are).
i plan to possibly create content for pairings which are forever in my heart. i realised that some of them are not only ‘not popular’ but ‘barely there’. if everything goes my way  i’ll try to slightly change the situation.
anyway, i decided to list my favourite pairings and relationships and bits and pieces of information you should know about me/
I’m huge fan of Mylene Farmer (my childhood icon), Jensen Ackles and Dylan O’Brien, Ian Bohen, Kaya Scodelario, Adelaide Kane, Sophie Turner, Emma Stone, Lily Collins, Emma Watson, Keira Knightley, Natalie Portman, Lena Headey, Holland Roden, Crystal Reed, Colin Firth, Kate Beckinsale, Kate Blanchett, Norman Reedus, David Tennant, Billie Piper, Christopher Eccleston, Adam Driver, Daisy Ridley, Felicity Jones, Mackenzie Foy, Hayden Christensen, Katie Mcgrath, Rachel Weisz, Emmy Rossum, Hugh Jacman.
I’m also an EXO fan, EXO-L (Aeri), as well as NCT fan, czennie. 
Absolute DC Universe fan.
I will not tolerate hate towards characters listed below:
dean winchester (spn)
stiles stilinski, peter hale, theo raeken, lydia martin (tw) 
teresa agnes (tmr) 
sansa stark (got)
severus snape (hp)
kylo ren|ben solo, rey (sw)
*when i use anti it means that i really don’t like it (hence the anti) and don’t want to discuss it unless you want to tell me how much you hate it too; not friendly means that i’m primarily indifferent but can be really irritated and annoyed if provoked. 
teen wolf: 
stydia, steter, steo, stallison, tbh every ship with stiles is my ship (unless it includes sc*tt, m*lia and derek then it’s defenitely NO, these characters could die and i would celebrate), 
pydia, cordia, allira, lydira, peter/cora (more hales with hales)
ot3: cora/stiles/lydia (stordia), peter/stiles/lydia, peter/stiles/cora, theo/lydia/stiles (stydeo)
anti malaria toyota trash, jesus mcwerewolf (not my nicknames but they’re wonderfully descriptive), moody broody eyebrow pity-that-a-hale, i hate them with a passion of thousand suns =)
anti marrish (i just can’t ship her with a cardboard character), anti jydia (emotionally abusive assholes with pathetic background stories are not allowed to be beside my girl)
really not jackson whittermore or how is he called? friendly
i guess dean/jo harvelle or anyone who treats him well which brings us back to the first point
nope: anti the other brother, pathetic excuse of a character - some nongel; destiel and wincest
the maze runner:
i ship teresa with everyone
thomas/sonya (’cause i can)
(this is movie version, although in the books i don’t ship anyone, i mostly cursed while reading)
notp: trenda and newtmas, brenderesa
chanbaek (these two are actual real life soulmates and the manifestation of dream coming true)
and everyone with everyone (ot9)
bill denbrough/richie tozier (bichie)
bill denbrough/beverly marsh/richie tozier (ot3)
bill denbrough/beverly marsh (billverly) 
bill denbrough/pennywise (too interesting dynamic to ignore this ship)
not reddie friendly (i’m sick of this pairing already)
cole turner/phoebe halliwell (phole)
stranger things:
nancy wheeler/jonathan byers 
not steve harrington friendly
mike wheeler/eleven (jane)
mike wheeler/will byers
harry potter:
harry potter/hermione granger
severus snape/harry potter
severus snape/lily evans
james sirius potter/albus severus potter
not weasley friendly, not drarry, dramione friendly
anti maradeurs, anti jily, anti ronmione, anti hinny, anti ron x harry
silmarillion and lotr:
maedhros/maglor, melkor/sauron, melkor/feanor, feanor/fingolfin; 
turin turambar/nienor niniel (how can i make it easier for myself? ofc i should make it worse! tragedy is like a poison in my veins and it refuses to leave), 
luthien tinuviel/beren
aragorn/boromir, boromir/faramir, 
the cruel prince, the wicked king of the folk of the air series by holly black:
cardan greenbriar/jude duarte - i’m having fun with desribing them as faerie prince and lethal human or stubborn and oblivious in admitting feelings, awfully charming teenagers 
the oa:
hap/the oa
notp: homer/the oa
batjokes (batman/joker)
joker/harley quinn 
poison ivy (pamela lillian isley)/harley quinn
jaytim (jason todd/tim drake)
brujay (bruce wayne/jason todd)
batcat (bruce wayne/selina kyle)
wonderbat (bruce wayne/diana prince)
notp: superbat, nightbat, bruce/talia
game of thrones:
jon snow/sansa stark (canon, idc what anyone thinks)
rhaegar targaryen/lyanna stark (my eternal cursed lovers who made the world bleed)
robert baratheon/lyanna stark (the infinite what if of the story)
i/m very lyanna stark protective
petyr baelish/sansa stark (i’m intrigued when sansa owns him otherwise NO)
cersei lannister/jaime lannister (no offence but this fucked up dynamic always wins)
a lot of crackships tbh 
anti targaryen restoration, anti jonerys, anti jonrya, not braime friendly
not sansan, sanrion friendly 
sheith (shiro/keith)
keitor (keith/lotor)
sheitor (shiro/keith/lotor)
sharkon (shiro/zarkon)
kidge (keith/pidge)
punk (pidge/hunk)
heith (keith/hunk)
krolivan (kolivan/krolia)
keith’s dad/krolia
lowkey allurance (lance/allura) but lowkey
anti lance and his pairings, anti klance
pirates of the caribbean:
jack sparrow/elizabeth swann (sparrabeth, should have been canon)
anti willabeth (only grown up i realised that elizabeth was robbed)
lord melbourne/victoria - vicbourne
doctor who:
9th doctor (10th doctor)/rose tyler - ninerose/tenrose and david x billie forever (yes, i’m aware that they’re not in a relationship but i’ll always love them together)
13th doctor/rose tyler and every doctor/rose (except 11th)
12th doctor/clara oswald (this is so hard, my love for them stems mainly from the actors themselves and the age difference, otherwise...)
rtd-era friendly
very anti-moffat, not amelia pond, river song friendly, anti doctor/river, anti 11th doctor
the haunting of hill house:
hugh and olivia crain are ideal match made in heaven. i cry and i smile when i think about them
nell and arthur vance, my heart broke for them
this fandom will crucify me if they know whom i ship with whom because i give no f about shipping nell with luke or theo
tony stark positive
loki lafeyson positive
loki/jane foster (lokane)
peter parker/gwen stacey
polyamorous guardians of the galaxy
notp: stony, stucky,... anti steve’s ships, thorki, scarletvision, cherik
anti steve rogers, anti wanda maximoff (after pietro’s death), anti team cap
x-men positive, jean grey positive
different crackships
casey newton/frank walker
star wars (actually i thought i would never be a fan of sw and here we are);
anakin skywalker/padmè amidala (anidala) - just nostalgic and tragic feelings from chilhood times
luke skywalker/leia organa - yeah, you got it right. my incesty space twins
han solo/leia organa - i warmed up to them, it’ll never get boring with them
kylo ren|ben solo x rey (reylo/benrey) - yeah, it’s all because of them *currently the ship which cured my depression
anti finnrey, damerey, kylux (idc about discourse, im just rarely a multishipper)
pro kylo ren, pro rose tico
finn/rose tico (stormflower)
rogue one:
cassian andor/jyn erso (rebelcaptain)
i love everyone from rogue one 
my ahjussi/my mister (dorama):
park donghoon/lee jian - soulmates in every sense of the word, is this what true love looks like...
anime/manga (yeah, i was a big fan, can still call it myself now actually):
kurosaki ichigo/grimmjow jaegerjaques (you can kill people with this name, i swear)
kurosaki ichigo/abarai renji, 
ayasegawa yumichika/madarame ikkaku, 
hisagi shuuhei/muguruma kensei (i cant believe what sensei did, i remember loving shuuhei to pieces and thinking about his crush on captain kensei and the tattoo, oh the tattoo and now the captain returned and shuuhei is his vice, can you believe it? мальчик, который смог, я охриневаю до сих пор)
and ohhh yes, renruki and ichihime - kurosaki ichigo/inoue orihime, abarai renji/kuchiki rukia (believe it or not but i never shipped any het pairings in bleach but these 2 are the exceptions. i’ll forever be amused that people didn’t get their vibes throughout the series. ah also, brotp ichigo and rukia for life)
ulquiorra cifer/inoue orihime (just a little bit, very promising and intriguing dynamic)
allen walker/lavi
allen walker/lenalee
lavi/allen/lenalee (i just love them ok?)
allen walker/johnny gil (crackship too but the latest ark really did it for me)
everything hurts just thinking about it; i’m in love with their realationship because ofc it’ll never be explicit but their platonic friendship had some serious romantic undertones
frau/teito klein
katekyo hitman reborn:
no f idea i kinda shipped everyone with everyone
yamamoto takeshi/gokudera hayato (classic)
shingeki no kyojin:
jean/eren (erejean)
eren/mikasa (eremika)
jean/mikasa (jeankasa)
eren/mikasa/jean (ot3 erenjeankasa)
connie/sasha/jean (ot3 springlestein)
connie/sasha (springles)
but tbh eren/mikasa/armin/jean/connie/sasha and no one can stop me with my ot6
eren/historia (erekuri; more curious than actually shipping)
notp: ereri
satsuriku no tenshi:
isaac foster/rachel gardner (zackray)
boku no hero academia:
katsuki bakugou/midoriya izuku - katsudeku (bakudeku)
kirishima eijirou/kaminari denki - kirikami
bakukirikami - ot3
anti tododeku, kiribaku
guts/casca (i’ll just mention here, i won’t tolerate hate on casca and femto apologism, get this sh*t away from me)
farnese/serpico (they grew on me, didn’t expect that)
umineko no naku koro ni:
battler ushiromiya x  leon ushiromiya/shannon (sayo yasuda)/the golden witch beatrice
battler ushiromiya x ange ushiromiya
jessica ushiromiya x kanon/shannon
(spoiler!!!!) so long i/ve been waiting for the end of the series and i was mindblown by sayo’s story. i always felt that the most important stuff happened behind the scenes. i was so hurt while reading. this is probably the incarnation of the incestual love story of all times (for me ofc, just my opinion). it was so heartbreaking that the only people sayo found herself to be in love with were her actual relatives and she was also a child of incest thus her struggles with her own feelings of denial, disgust and misery. in the end, i think she got her happy ending. everyone did. in the golden lands.
let it be known that i’m not a fan of naruto but im salty enough to ship naruhina out of spite
the promised neverland  
ray x emma
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papillon-mechant · 3 years
request rules
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i do not take full fic requests
i am however always open for dialogue requests (unless stated otherwise) please follow these rules and guidelines when requesting anything.
these rules apply to everything including celebrations and sunday specials, unless stated otherwise
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who i write for:
draco malfoy
ron weasley
fred weasley
remus lupin
sirius black
stiles stilinski
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i only write for james potter when writing poly!marauders, i do not write for him as an individual
dubcon, dark themes (stepcest, manipulation, stalker!character, ect.), threesome (mmf only) and poly relationships are all accepted
i don’t write dom!reader or sub!males
i don’t write g/g in any way, including threesomes
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i will not write:
incest (stepcest is okay)
pedophelia (all characters are of age)
sc@t play
rape (dubcon/cnc is okay)
anything to do with suicide
anything to do with self harm
anything to do with eating disorders
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extra info:
i do write fics that contain dark content such as dubcon, cnc, stepcest and pet play. to stay away from this content and avoid unnecessary drama in my inbox, please block the tag #dark.papillon
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cassiaallen · 1 year
I’m like halfway through with my Marauders headcanon series, so here’s my version of Sirius Black's life.
Once again, this is partly inspired by gorgeous accounts like @halfblood-princes-crown, @moonlightdancer26, and @thecarnivorousmuffinmeta - thanks to you all for the inspiration!
PS: I think there are minor inconsistencies between my Marauders hcs, such as on what exact day a specific event happens, but that’s minor and is largely because I wrote those on separate occasions and in the middle of the night. Apologies in advance.
I will also post the referenced Jily Wedding at some point (the one referenced at the end of this post).
The Marauders’s Journey - Sirius
Full name: Sirius Orion Black
DOB: 03.11.1959
Born in: London, Grimmauld Place
Parents: Walburga & Orion Black
House: Gryffindor
In Hogwarts: 1971-1978
-he grows up with massive blood purists as parents
-had the pressure of being the oldest/heir on him and hates it like Bellatrix
-unlike her though, S rebels by not buying into the pureblood ideology
-he is on good terms with his younger brother and feels protective of him
-despite not believing in the Ideology, he does have internalised classicism
-he meets James on the H Express and likes him instantly (both are rich purebloods, both hate the Ideology)
-to him, Slytherin = bad, so when he sees Sev he takes an immediate dislike to him (Sev wishes to be in Slytherin and looks poor [internalised classicism])
-was terrified of being Sorted into Slytherin, but more than relieved to be in Gryffindor with J
-latches onto J as an escape from his awful family and because he actually likes him
-his internalised classicism makes him pick Sev as his punching bag
-likes Peter because he idolises him and J; Remus because he’s nice and helps with homework
-gets shite at home for being in Gryffindor and being friends with non-blood supremacists
-this contributes to his hatred and bullying of Sev
-R's frequent disappearances pique his interest
-when he finds out about 🐺, he is supportive but mainly sees it as a challenge and adventure (and "aren’t I such a good person for befriending an outcast")
-the longer S is in Gryffindor and has those Friends, the more shite he gets at home
-meanwhile, Regulus is now favoured as he’s in Slytherin and buys into blood purity
-all of this fosters his hatred of Sev
-he is the last person to become an animagus, which upsets him (he of course lets it out on Sev)
-he loves the adventures once a month, and focuses much more on that rather than Remus being in pain
-February 1976, he bullies Sev and when it does not have the desired effect, he tells Sev that if he wants to stop the bullying, he must touch the knot on the Whomping Willow and follow the tunnel
-he is not punished for this
-summer 1976 he has another huge fight with his parents and for the first time they actually hit him across the face
-that is the final straw for him and he leaves and moves in with the Potters
-this fuels his hatred for Slytherin and everything Sev stands for, so S bullies him even more
-he becomes more and more aware of the war and wants to fight
-he slowly changes his mind about Lily and actually starts rooting for Jily
-tries his very best to get them together
-likes both Peter and Remus, but mainly sees them as charity friends
-moves into his own house after graduation (inherited from Alphard)
-starts auror training, but drops out after a few months to fully focus on the war
-is J's best man
-is overjoyed to be named Harry’s godfather
-R often goes on long solo missions around the time Peter starts leaking information, so S suspects R of being the spy
-S is made the Potters's Secret Keeper in 1980
-he goes on a few missions where he watches many people die
-is torn up because of suspecting R to be a spy
-in October 1981 he is on a mission with members of the Bones family (they die and S is gravely injured)
-he decides that him being SC is no longer safe (if something were to happen to him, the Secret would become weaker or at least he thinks so) and suggests P instead (since he mistrusts R who’s on another long Order mission)
-switch 26.10.1981
-[Jily Wedding]
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thegrangerarchives · 4 years
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Mistletoe Mayhem by @curlykay
The truth twisted in the pit of Hermione's stomach as she lowered her voice to a raw whisper. “It doesn’t matter what I want. I’m not meant for you.” With a look of utter bewilderment, Sirius moved toward her until he was just a heartbeat away. “Hermione,” he breathed out her name in a way no one had ever said it before, “the only thing in this world that I’m absolutely certain of, is that you are.”
One year after being thrown back in time during the battle in the Department of Mysteries, Hermione celebrates Christmas in 1978. When a charmed mistletoe goes rogue, she's forced to confront her feelings for a certain silver-eyed Marauder.
Rated: E; Chapters: 1; Words: 7277
→ Link: Archive of Our Own
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grangermalfoys · 7 years
Absence of Love - HP Ficlet
Here’s a short thing I wrote, inspired by this headcanon. I haven’t written in the Harry Potter universe in several years, so hopefully this isn’t too off. Title: Absence of Love Rating: PG (tw: abuse, but nothing graphic) Length: 2,000 words Summary: Harry doesn’t remember much, but he imagines he would’ve had a life like Ron’s if his parents had lived.
Harry was dropped on his aunt’s doorstep barely out of infancy, left solely in her care. He didn’t remember his mum or his dad. Not the way his mum would soothe him to sleep by telling him stories of the adventures his dad had with Moony, Padfoot, and Wormtail while they were at school. Nor the way that James’ face lit up as baby Harry zoomed around the room on the toy broom Sirius bought him. He didn’t remember the kisses to his forehead every night when he was laid down, or the loving way Lily would give him baths in the sink in their little bathroom.
What he did remember was his Aunt Petunia screeching at him for once again burning the eggs but it wasn’t his fault-even with the stool it was hard for him to reach for the pan to check on the eggs. He also remembered the way that Uncle Vernon looked at him in distaste, as if he were a bug on the floor. But Harry was in the way, wasn’t he? They hadn’t asked for him, they had their own son. He was just intruding. They didn’t want him, they didn’t have room for him. He tried not to be a nuisance, but sometimes he just got in the way. Every time he’d get a beating he’d promise to himself that he would be better, but still, the beatings came anyway.
So, when Harry is woken up by Ron and the twins late one night after Dobby’s visit, he doesn’t understand their indignation. He doesn’t understand the sad looks Mrs. Weasley gives him when they arrive at The Burrow several hours later. He doesn’t understand why she’s always on his case about eating seconds when Ron looks just as tall and gangly as he does. If he hadn’t embarrassed his aunt and uncle so badly-if he could have just controlled that damn house elf, they wouldn’t have put bars on his window.
 Harry exits the kitchen after Mrs. Weasley ordered him to go sit down, that, of course, he was not going to clean up after dinner, he’s just a child! After turning down dessert for the tenth time, Harry stumbles into the living room to see Mr. Weasley sitting in an armchair, working on an old muggle radio, while Percy laid sprawled out on the couch, his book slowly slipping off as his chest rises and falls with the even breaths produced by a good nap. Harry stutters and glances at Mr. Weasley.
Mr. Weasley glances up, his glasses slipping off the tip of his nose. “Hello, Harry.” He says with a gentle smile.
Harry, still slightly skittish since it was his first night at The Burrow, gives a small smile and scampers away. He gives one more look at Percy before bounding up the stairs, baffled at the thought of Percy feeling like he can just fall asleep anywhere in the house, where anyone can get to him. Harry couldn’t imagine ever feeling safe enough at the Dursleys to do that.
Harry and Ron are sitting on their respective beds, laughing while playing a game of exploding snap. After a particularly loud bout of giggles, Harry hears the stairs creak. All of Ron’s siblings were already in bed-they were meant to have gone to bed hours ago, they were going to Diagon Alley for school supplies first thing in the morning-so Harry knows it must be Mr. or Mrs. Weasley.
Harry panics, wondering if he did something wrong. Did he make a mess and forget to pick up? Did he do something to offend Mr. and Mrs. Weasley? He had tried so hard to be a good house guest, he prayed they didn’t send him back to the Dursleys.
Ron notices Harry’s apprehension and speaks up.
“Harry, mate, it’s your turn.” But Harry doesn’t hear him, his eyes wide and hearing attuned to the footsteps coming closer and closer. Finally, the door opens to reveal Mrs. Weasley’s head.
“Goodnight boys. Don’t stay up too late.” She gives a kind but stern look at the boys before closing the door with a quiet snick.
Harry lets out a breath he didn’t realize he had been holding. Ron misreads his relief as irritation.
“Sorry, she does that every night. I told her I’m not a baby anymore, but-well, she insists.” Ron’s grimace shows that he is apologetic.
“No, no. It’s okay. It’s nice.” Harry murmurs, eyes still on the door. “The Dursleys have never done that.”
He’s too busy to notice the sad frown his friend gives him.
 The next morning Harry, Ginny, Ron, and the twins are all seated at the table along with Mr. Weasley.
Mrs. Weasley is busy at the stove, making breakfast for everyone while Mr. Weasley reads the morning edition of the Daily Prophet. Ginny is seated to her dad’s left, too anxious for her upcoming trip to buy her school supplies so she is swinging her too-short legs, occasionally meeting Harry’s shin. He winces the first time but controls his features after the third kick. He’s used to much worse from Dudley anyway. A little kick isn’t going to kill him-it probably won’t even leave a bruise.
Harry and Ron are munching on their toast as they wait for the full English Breakfast Mrs. Weasley is preparing. Ron is going on about Chudley Cannons facts with the twins while Harry remains quiet. They all seem to chatter at the breakfast table, but Harry knows better. The rules don’t apply to him.
“Daddy, what house do you think I’ll be sorted in?” Ginny looks up at Mr. Weasley.
“I’d guess Gryffindor, dear. Same as the rest of us.”
“But what if I’m not?”
“Well, then you’re not. We’ll love you just the same.” Mr. Weasley glances down at her over the top of his newspaper.
“Well, what if-” she begins, but Harry shoots her a warning look. If she kept asking questions she was going to make Mr. Weasley angry and Harry really didn’t want that to happen. He doesn’t understand why Ginny insists on interrupting her dad while he’s reading the paper-even Harry knew you weren’t supposed to do that.
Ginny shoots a questioning look back but continues with her line of questions. Finally, Mr. Weasley sets down his paper and gives Ginny his undivided attention. To Harry’s surprise, however, he never gets angry. He patiently answers all the questions his daughter has.
 Later, after their school supplies are bought and they are playing in the backyard after lunch (they were supposed to be de-gnoming but there were many distractions). They were all chasing each other and play fighting and just generally being rough with each other. Harry stood on the sidelines, for the most part, enjoying the sight of Ron playing with his brothers. He never had someone to play with like this at home. Dudley never wanted to hang out with him, and he was much bigger so the chances of Harry getting hurt were high and he didn’t want to risk getting in trouble.
Finally, after half an hour of watching Ron makes him join in. It’s a lot of fun-way more fun than Harry would have ever thought. He yells out as Fred takes off after him, his legs no match for the taller boy. He whips his head around to see how much of a lead he has on Fred when suddenly Fred’s determined face reminds him of the time Dudley and his friends chased him through the neighborhood and into a yard with a chained-up dog that tried to eat Harry as a snack.
Suddenly, Harry is terrified and starts running for his life, his feet pounding the ground harder than they ever have, his legs carrying him across the field and into the trees bordering the Weasley’s property. Somewhere in the run to the trees he loses Fred and squats behind a tree, listening intently. Fred is a lot bigger than Harry – he was stocky in build, unlike Ron – so while he didn’t have much more than Harry in the height department, he could definitely do some damage due to Harry’s small build.
He hears Ron, Fred, and George’s voices from several yards away. Ron is yelling at Fred, while Fred is apologizing profusely.
“Listen, I’m sorry-I didn’t mean-” Fred reasons, but Ron doesn’t care.
“Just, sod off will you.” Ron’s voice gets closer and Harry figures it’s safe now and stands up to see Ron several feet away.
“You okay, mate?” Ron asks, a worried frown on his face.
Harry forces his mouth into a smile as he brushes off his trousers. “Yeah, sorry about that. Didn’t mean to scare you.”
Ron gives a little shrug, showing that he really isn’t bothered now that he knows his best friend is okay.
“Fred can be a bit of a prat sometimes, but he’s mostly harmless.”
They head back to the house, walking side by side.
“Hey, Harry?” Ron stops suddenly and turns to Harry. “You didn’t think Fred was really going to hurt you, did you?”
Harry looks down sheepishly and wraps his fingers around the back of his neck awkwardly.
“Yeah, I just…Dudley used to chase me and-I don’t know, it’s stupid.”
“Nah, mate, Fred would probably pull that rubbish on me but he knows mum would box his ears if he did that to a guest.” Ron claps him on the back and that was that.
 “Hey, Harry, look…I’m sorry about before. I-I don’t know what got into me. I should’ve laid off, I could tell you panicked.” Fred apologizes that night at dinner.
Harry pushes his glasses up and looks down at his plate. “It’s really alright, Fred. Didn’t mean to alarm you.” He murmurs.
With that Fred turns to George and they began talking about the pranks they had planned for when they arrived back at Hogwarts.
“Oh, bloody-” Mrs. Weasley cries in exasperation. “Sorry everyone, I burned the potatoes. It’ll be just a bit longer.” She apologizes distractedly as she dumps the pan out into the trough out back.
“She could’ve given those to me, it’s what I eat at home when I mess up dinner,” Harry mutters to Ron. After a few seconds of silence, he looks up to see Ron’s eyes wide in horror, his mouth hanging open.
“What?” Harry asks, annoyed at his friend’s staring.
“You-your folks make you eat that? It was charred, mate! What the bloody-”
“Ronald!” Mrs. Weasley screeches at what comes out of her youngest son’s mouth, silencing the conversation between the two 12-year-olds.
Harry wonders if it really was that odd, eating the burnt scraps no one else wanted to touch. He just saw it as comeuppance. If he paid more attention to the task at hand then there wouldn’t be an issue.
 Harry doesn’t remember the love bestowed upon him by his parents and their friends. He doesn’t remember his mum and dad always making sure he was well-fed and comfortable. He doesn’t remember Sirius and Remus taking him for walks before Godric’s Hollow and the safehouse. He doesn’t remember Peter reading him stories while James was at work and Lily was tending to the laundry and household chores.
All he remembers is the little cupboard under the stairs, and then the proper, yet tiny room upstairs and the bars on his window and the cat flap installed for meals and the cold soup and burnt leftovers and block of cheese and bread that was to last him several hours. He remembers the cuff on the back of the head here and there when he got to be in the way. He remembers dodging the frying pan hurled at his head for messing up or forgetting a chore.
These were all just givens to him. This is how an orphan was treated. They didn’t ask for him, he didn’t ask for him. But he was still grateful to have a roof over his head, clothes (whatever their condition) on his back, and whatever amount of food they could give him.
But spending those weeks at the Weasleys’ before starting his second year changed his perspective. Seeing Mr. and Mrs. Weasley give their children love and affection every spare chance they got, Mr. Weasley calmly answering Ginny’s hundred questions when Harry surely would have been locked in his cupboard for doing the same, Mrs. Weasley checking on them every night before bed, and playing with Ron and his brothers without worrying about being seriously injured. Maybe this is what a normal, functioning family is like. Maybe this is what his life would have been like had his parents lived.
Being with the Weasleys makes Harry happy. He feels at home, welcomed, loved, and appreciated which was something he hadn’t felt before. But as happy as Ron’s family and life make him, he feels doubly sad at the fact that once he leaves the Weasleys home, he will lose all the warmth. And that, he decides, is not okay.
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