#marvel space mom
battleswanofciya · 7 months
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Here is my first real attempt at a collage and I made it of my Marvel space mom because I love her and I miss her so much
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 226
"Mother. Mother. Mom. Mum. Mother. Mom-"
Danny sighed as Dan did his best to annoy him, no doubt revenge for the child leash. Which wouldn't have been needed if not for his continued attempts to go off on his own.
As a five year old.
Which wasn't going to happen, no thanks. They had to deal with people trying to kidnap them as "elf people" or something in this dimension already. Ancients, can't people let him travel with his kids for vacation in peace?!
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buckys-metal-arm · 1 year
Also every so often Marvel makes something that reignites my anger over the fact that Marvel has some characters that they could do some TERRIFYING cosmic horror stuff with and they just. Don't. Give me my Marvel movie about things beyond mortal comprehension dammit. You have characters that are the literal personification of concepts like "time" and "eternity" not to mention Lovecraft's Great Old Ones are canon in the comics, and yet Marvel does nothing with it because they're COWARDS. GOTG 2's final fight was getting there because like. They're fighting a living planet that's horrifying and I love it gimme more of that but with less Chris Pratt.
Anyways TLDR I will not be happy until Marvel makes a movie in which Sam Wilson's Captain America throat punches Cthulhu thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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buthearmeouttho · 1 year
If I was part of the mcu (pt 1)
(Basically, the idea of this is just to be funny. Written in the format of incorrect quotes mostly because they’ll be funny a good portion of the time. This isn’t entirely taken seriously like how I would actually act and just exists to make at least someone laugh if anything) (mild language warning) (and make sure to look at the tags, I add some fun details about after each little skit thing)
Me, noclipping through the universe into Age of Ultron: holy shit.
Natasha, in the cell when Untron captured her: where did you come from??
Me: no idea, let me just have a mental breakdown real quick, I’ll get back to you.
*much later*
Natasha: Bruce! Did you get a key?
Bruce: kind of, stand back.
Me, being summoned by people talking: oh, we’re leaving already? Ok.
Bruce: who’s the kid?
Me: teen.
Natasha: she came out of no where and to prevent giving herself a heart attack she’s been telling me everything she knows about everything she knows about. I believe her, I’m also mildly concerned with what she knows.
Bruce: …alright, uh,
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woulddieforloki · 2 years
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somebody needs to stop me from going online during Cyber Monday 💀
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justthatspiffy · 3 months
so much wanting to have the house back
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gyeomsweetgyeom · 1 month
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The Return of Superman- Mark
(cw: f!reader called “mama”, a child duh)
Mark had spent a good few decades with a lot of his life documented on cameras. There were music videos, behind the scenes vlogs, cameras, talk shows, selfies, you name it- he did it. There was however, one area of his life that wasn't show or documented for the public. That was you, your marriage, and his son.
There had of course been the announcement on SM's end about Mark being in a relationship, then there was SM the announcement five years later about the two of you being married paired with a post from Mark with a wedding picture of the two of you where your face wasn't seen, and then the last announcement 3 years ago announcing the birth of his son.
Mark completely understood and agreed with your apprehension to show aspects of your life to the public, especially regarding your son. There was the occasional post with you and you can recall the uproar it caused across social media when Mark finally posted your full face on his public account. It was complete madness. People had managed to track down your place of work and even found other pictures of you from your friend's account. You had reason to be apprehensive regarding the privacy of you family.
However, as your son got older, you and Mark got more comfortable sharing more and more about your life, still being mindful of your privacy. So when Mark's managers called and mentioned his own episode on The Return of Superman, you had both discussed it and cautiously agreed with a few conditions. Conditions that were met with no argument since Mark was such a big celebrity to lock in.
Mark was sitting in the confessional, the familiar black curtain behind him as he introduced himself to the camera, "uh yeah, hi. My name is Mark Lee, I've been a member of NCT since 2016. My wife and I have been married for almost 9 years and our son is 3 years old."
He pauses as he listens to a producer as a question. He chuckles and shakes his head, "My son and I spend a lot of time together, but loves his mom. I try to take him out for some father and son bonding, but he cries for mom after an hour, when he play together he always involves her. It's great, I obviously love her too, but I think these few days the two of us will be kind of rough."
The scene cuts to the cameras panning over the space of yours and Mark's home as the commentators laugh and predict what they think will happen.
Mark is shown sitting up in bed, rubbing his eyes tiredly before putting on his glasses and heading for his son's room. You had left the night before for a much needed girl's weekend with friends. You waited until your son was gone, peppering his chubby cheeks with kisses as he slept in his toddler bed before sneaking out of the room and bidding Mark goodbye with his own barrage of kisses and watery eyes. You knew Mark would be fine alone. He was a good dad and his confidence had skyrocketed once his son had grown out of the shaky steps phase.
"Wow, that is such a cool boy room!" One of the commentators marveled as the camera in Mark's son’s room showed the room covered in Spider-man. He had Spider-man sheets, blankets, wall stickers, toys, books- everything.
Mark smiled softly at the sight of his son sprawled across his little bed, still deeply asleep. Mark made his way to the kitchen and began making breakfast. He turned on the rice maker and began cracking eggs into the pan, watching tiredly as they turned from translucent to white.
One commentator cleared her throat, "this is interesting. Isn't it well-known that Mark can't cook eggs? I wonder if he's gotten better or his son likes them?"
The scene shows Mark and his son sitting at the dining table, his son blinking slowly and using both his hands to keep his head up. Mark laughs softly, scooping up a spoonful of rice and fried egg to feed his son. Usually, he'd be able to feed himself but this morning he's just too sleepy and Mark admittedly likes babying him. He is still a baby.
His son tiredly chews, his eyebrows furrowing and his face falling into one of confusion. He opens his eyes fully as he leans away from the next spoonful of food heading for him. "What's that?" his little voice asks as his finger points at the egg.
"It's eggs and rice, bub. Say ah," Mark instructs.
"Mama made it?" his son asks while turning his cheek away from the spoon.
"No, I made it," Mark replies, deciding to instead take the bite of food for himself.
His son scrunches his face up and takes the fried egg from his bowl and places it into Mark's, "yucky, Appa. No thank you!"
Mark tilts his head back with a roll of his eyes as the commentators laugh and compliment his son's good manners despite him calling the egg 'yucky.'
The scene cuts to Mark and his son standing in the entryway of your home, putting on their shoes. As Mark opens the door, his son freezes, "is Mama sick?"
Mark is hesitant to respond, "no, Mama isn't here. Remember it's going to be just me and you until tomorrow night?"
He can hear the familiar catch of his son's breath as he nervously looks up at Mark, "she's ok? She's coming tomorrow?"
Mark feels his heart melt, and the commentators all aww and coo over how cute the 3 year old is. Mark crouches down in front of him, picking him up and hosting him onto his hip, "of course she's coming back. Come on, we're going to go ride bikes at the park and get dinner with uncles later. Does that sound fun?"
His son sniffles and nods, "and ice cream?"
Mark laughs, "yes, and ice cream."
The camera crew follows Mark and his son around the park, watching as Mark teaches the boy to pedal and steer the bike. He eventually gets the hang of it and begins riding around on his own with a big smile. His little laughs and giggles fill the air as he zooms in every direction much faster than Mark or any of the cameramen expected, especially the cameraman tasked with following the boy around with his heavy camera.
It's all going well, no tears, no complaints, not even a mention of you, until the tricycle comes to an abrupt stop and turns when it gets too close to the edge of the grass. Mark sprints over the second he sees the tricycle teeter over and makes it to his son before the tears start.
He keeps calm as he looks his son over for any wounds, finding none and immediately being filled with relief. His son must have just gotten scared from the fall. Nonetheless Mark holds him close and rocks him as he cries into Mark's t-shirt.
"I want Mama," his son cries.
"I know buddy, I'm sorry. Does it hurt anywhere?"
His son continues to cry and shakes his head, his sobs turning into sniffles as he calms down. Mark pushes the hair away from his son's forehead and presses a long kiss to the sweaty skin, "you are being so brave, bub. I know it was scary, huh? I am so proud of you."
"And Mama too?" his son asks with watery eyes.
"Yes, and Mama too. You can tell her all about it when she comes home tomorrow. You can tell her that you heal fast like Spider-man."
His son perks up and his eyes brighten, "like Spider-man?"
Mark nods and stands, with his son in one arm and the tricycle in the other, "Oh yeah, big guy. Just like Spider-man, whenever he gets scared he keeps going, right?"
This sets his son off on his little tangent about Spider-man fighting the Green Goblin, then Doc Oc, and how he uses his webs and how the bad guy loses and Spider-man always wins.
The scene cuts to Mark in the confessional, "I really have enjoyed my time on the show, but I may be worse than my son. If you have me back, can she stay too? Please."
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jiarkives · 4 months
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ summary — you ask your boyfriend to watch your followers.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ character — bucky barnes (marvel)
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ content — fluff
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ notes — rushed ending WEEWOOWEEWOO also, this is based on @loveisallyouneed1125’s idea, i just added a ~little~ twist to it. i hope this is to your liking, bestie! 🤍
Occasionally, you would do a cooking and baking livestream where you would teach your followers how to cook certain dishes or bake, while you talk to them about other stuff. Your teammates would sometimes pop in and talk for a few minutes before leaving you to your thing once more.
Today, however, you had decided to let Bucky join you since your followers have been asking you for more boyfriend content with Bucky.
So you quickly set up your phone on the kitchen counter, making sure to leave enough space for you to work while also being in the camera’s view, then you went live.
You and Bucky waited for your followers to flood in, greeting some of them as they left comments and greetings. Although most of them were just smashing their keyboards and emojis, you still did your best to greet them.
After a few minutes, you got started on your baking with Bucky helping. You had mutually decided on baking chocolate chip cookies, finding it the easiest to bake together. Throughout the process, you occasionally gave out instructions to both Bucky and the viewers.
“Okay, you guys, let me just pop these into the oven real quick,” you said as you placed the last piece of dough on the baking tray. “Babe, can you please watch them while I do this?”
While you were busy with the cookies, Bucky watched the comments like a hawk, staring at them as they flooded in.
User 1: dude you’re literally so fucking cool
“Someone said a swear!” Bucky called out to you as he continued staring at the camera, his eyes narrowed.
“Tell them not to swear, it’s bad,” you chided like how a mother would to her child.
Bucky then recited the username of the commenter, pointing at the camera, “You better watch your language, kid. Your mama’s not going to like that. Mine certainly did not.”
The comments were flooded with all kinds of keyboard and emoji smashes, and words that are borderline incoherent as they reacted to you and Bucky acting like strict parents.
User 1: sorry mom and dad 😔
User 2: pls adopt me y’all are literally my parents
User 3: do u guys need a dog i can bark
User 4: ilysm pls dont die yet
“I don’t think your parents would appreciate you having Avengers as your new parents. Sorry, kid.” He shook his head in mock disappointment. “No, we don’t need a dog. We already have Sam. And no, I’m not dying anytime soon. Thanks for your concern, I guess...”
Sam, who was currently in the livestream, spammed the comments with all sorts of insults for Bucky. He, of course, ignored them all, but not without rolling his eyes.
User 5: i’m gonna tell my friends i spent time with the avengers on the weekends 😎
“Well then, tell your friends I said hi.”
“Tell them I did too!” You said as you came into the camera’s view. “And you seem like you’re having fun without me. I am very hurt.”
User 6: NOOOO we love you mom!!!!
User 7: mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry. mommy? sorry.
You snorted as you saw the comment, while Bucky’s brows furrowed, “What does that even mean?”
You laughed, “I’ll teach you all those slangs later, babe.”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 4 months
I love science experiment!reverse!! But I need more science experiment!reverse reader and everyone's favorite grandpa and butler Alfred!! Extra fluffy pls!! 💕💕💕
Bruce rubbed the bridge of his nose. Boys were simple. He could understand the ebb and flow of those emotions. The triggers and what made them tick.
But even with the way everything you felt swirling around you like an undertow, he couldn't make sense of today. Today, it felt like... a different sort of hell. You were keeping to yourself. Avoiding everyone.
Days of sleep deprivation and struggling to eat anything. Nightmares and a perpetual fear of cages. Nothing anyone said or did could draw you out of your hiding places. And it worried him.
He stopped at the kitchen door, and took a deep breath. Alfred was baking. And talking. Keeping up, it seemed, a running commentary trying to explain to you what was happening on his soap opera.
"But why-"
"Because, my dear," Alfred said, cheerfully, wrapping a pan on the counter, "Dramatics and theatrics are always entertaining as long as they aren't happening to you."
"It's just so much," you murmur.
"Well, of course it is. It's been on the air for 35 years. They have to justify the airtime somehow."
"The guy in the suit is a jerk. I don't like him."
"You aren't supposed to like Stefan. You're supposed to love to hate him," Alfred chuckled. And Bruce hears the sound of the oven door opening and a pan being slid out and another pan taking place.
You make a soft thoughtful noise and Bruce smiles a little. some of the hellish storm you'd been living in seems to have faded, even if it wasn't entirely gone. And he's dying to peer around the corner and see what's happening but- he doesn't want to draw attention to himself. You're tired and discombobulated. That's the only reason you haven't fled.
But then, Alfred had some experience with strays. And he had nieces. So as Bruce listened to him, fussing without fussing. Just letting you respond when you wanted to respond instead carrying on his monologue with spaces for you to break in if you felt like it.
"- Alright," he said, "Now you just try that and tell me it isn't marvelous."
"I think my mom used to make cinnamon rolls on Christmas morning," you murmur. And Bruce can hear the frown. Like You're trying to remember. Like you're squinting at water-smeared ink on a page.
"You think?" Alfred asked
"There's- There's a lot I don't remember. I don't really remember what they look like anymore either."
"I don't have a cure for that," Alfred admitted. And Bruce heard the sound of a plate and fork being pushed towards you. "But, there's no day a hot cinnamon bun and a few hours of horrid soap operas can't make a little better."
"The stories are sad."
"Then perhaps," Alfred suggested, "we'll find something more cheerful."
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battleswanofciya · 3 months
If I had a nickel for every fandom that has a green space mom I’d have 2 nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice………
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cochart · 5 months
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Some headcanons about PT and film they enjoy:
Joker: Sundance type, documentary—esp. nature or space ones, soft spot for classic Hong Kong movies because his parents watch them.
Morgana: Detective Columbo, old 007 movies (pre Daniel Craig), most action movies
Ryuji: Fast and Furious, anything fast-paced and popular but can also stand romance. Would watch stupid rom-coms with his mom if she asks. Only person in PT who can stand Oscar movies. More of a Marvel man than DC. One Piece, Tokyo Revengers
Ann: Like Ryuji, fast-paced action films, 007, Jessica Chastain, action movies with hot female protagonist. Would watch romance with Shiho.
Yusuke: A24, Dario Argento, Akira Kurosawa, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Nosferatu, would’ve watched Lars Von Trier if only his films weren’t all rated R, shares some passion for practical effects with Guillermo Del Toro, kaiju stuff, would probably like John Wick
Makoto: Kamen Rider movie, Sylvanian Families
Futaba: classic tokusatsu, Fate series movies (except Heaven’s Feel), most anime movies, Doraemon, kaiju stuff, American animation, yes she can stand Disney
Haru: Studio Ghibli, British romance movies, John Wick
Kasumi: Japanese romance and drama, Disney
Akechi: Claims to absolutely hate romance but watches Wong Kar Wai films because his mom used to like them, anti Batman (Christopher Nolan or not), soft spot for Featherman but doesn’t keep up with all tokusatsu, probably empathizes with Lars von Trier protagonists, Hirokazu Koreeda films trigger him.
Now, I must admit that some of the choices are heavily influenced by my taste.
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beardedalcoholic · 5 months
Medical Emergency
‘Medical Emergency, Navigation 4, Medical Emergency, Navigation 4.’
The message repeated over and over across the PA system of the Leviathan Class exploratory ship. A massive space fairing vessel dedicated to finding the edge of creation and everything in between the Galactic Edge was a marvel of multi-species engineering.
Fifteen different habitats built to within micro-specifications for the species they were meant to hold, seven multi species common areas built to accommodate every race on board. Enough FTL drives to be able to be fired in succession so when one batch went down another could be brought online so they didn’t even have to stop for a cool down period between jumps. Recycling processes efficient within .0001% allowing near as possible full self-sustainability for an indefinite amount of time.
The main drawback of such a marvel of galactic traversal being of course…the FUCKING size…larger than some moons, a population numbering more than some planets (or at least it felt that way) and yet somehow never enough personnel in the right places at the right times.
‘Of course the emergency is right inside the border of my territory, because why wouldn’t it be? And of course, it had to be JUST as I was about to go off shift.’ Thought MD1 Joseph Jarl, JJ to anyone who wanted to continue a comfortable existence, after all no one knew how best to take someone apart than the ones who had to put others back together.
Running at full human speed JJ flew down the various passages dodging, spinning, ducking and jumping around the many obstacles in his way with all the predatory grace humans were gifted with.
‘Ha! and mom always said it was a waste for a doctor to learn parkour.’ 
Sliding on one hip beneath the centaur like body of a Gravelin engineer and popping back up to a full run JJ jumped and thrust one foot out to run alongside a bulkhead when he came to a T-section of corridor, narrowly missing the heads of a group of Ranki environmental scientists as he fell from the wall and rolled to maintain momentum.
Slamming a hand to the Medical Bypass Badge on his chest, signaling the door immediately in front of him to open JJ slid to a stop inside Nav.Bay 4 eyes flicking around the space looking for the emergency.
Sharp ocean blue eyes registered three different species, one of which still tensed when in direct line of sight of his forward-facing predatory gaze. Attention landing on a group of navigators clustered in a small huddle JJ slung the med-pack off his back and approached the group.
Head held high, shoulders wide and a purpose in his stride JJ projected every ounce of authority he could dredge up from his years as a medical professional he could when he ordered the group to back up and give him some space to work with. Approaching the center of the group JJ noticed the Elental on the floor, curled into a ball and rocking back and forth while making small pathetic whining sounds while very obviously having a hard time breathing.
Dropping to one knee in front of the one species on board that most closely resembled a human JJ slowly reached out and rested a hand on the Elental’s shoulder. Being a species that stood on average around 6.5-7 feet tall he barely had to reach to grasp the rocking figure’s shoulder.
Elental were a bipedal race with nearly translucent skin in direct light, long sharply pointed ears, eyes that stretched from the bridge of a dual slit nose to where the temple would be on a human with three pupils each, mostly human proportioned faces and a universally slender build.
It was a very little-known fact but the first time the human council met an Elental the lead diplomat was in fact recorded on official record as having muttered the phrase ‘Fuck me we found Space Elves’… though the actual audio recording of this moment was very deeply buried beneath as much galactic red tape as was possible. Noticing there was no response to his touch JJ turned to the closest navigator and asked for any details on the medical emergency.
“We don’t really know Human JJ, he was trying to determine some FTL jump coordinates and the timing required to make them when he started shaking and his speech became rapid and somewhat slurred, he began shaking and clutching his, well it would be the stomach on you, but his main pulmonary area and his respiration began to rapidly increase. When he tried to walk away from his station he collapsed and that was when we called the emergency, is he sick?” The Fenra asked nervously after the quick report on what happened.
JJ would never admit it but seeing a three-foot alien that looked like were-shitzu nervous and scared was absolutely adorable.
“I don’t think so no…hold on,” Quickly determining that there was no external injuries JJ tried raising the Elental’s head to look into his face but his patient seemed to be in a stubborn mood.
Taking a chance JJ reached into his pocket and pulled out a simple twentieth century zippo, an antique passed down in his family that he kept in working condition and never went anywhere without.
Flicking it open with a sharp, practiced snap JJ kept the grin off his face when the Elental’s gaze snapped up at the sudden sound. With a flick of his thumb JJ lit the lighter and held it directly between his eyes. The Elental’s six pupils swiveled and in a rather disconcerting motion…fused into a single large pupil for each eye the size of an Old Earth quarter, totally focused on the flame a mere six inches away.
“What is your name?” JJ asked slowly, in a deep and calm voice that witnesses would later report had a strange resonance to it.
“E-e-ekariel” The Elental responded with a slight stutter, eyes locked on the tiny flame as JJ slowly began to move it back and forth.
“Listen to my voice Ekariel, listen to nothing but my voice, focus on the sound of my words and know nothing but my words…What do you feel Ekariel, what is beneath you right now?” This question spoken in the same deep resonating voice.
“Tell me what is in the now, what is beneath you at this very moment.”
“Deck plates.” The answer came out in a somewhat hurried response.
“Describe the deck plates Ekariel, what are they made of?” The flame moved slowly from left to right and back again, never going further than the outer reaches of the human’s own eyes…left eye, right eye back to left and repeat.
“Cold, metal, textured in small waves, rigid.” Ekariels voice came slightly stronger, less breathless and wheezing.
“What do you see Ekariel, describe what your eyes are telling you.”
“Fire, small flame, glittering eyes, blue stars and black holes.”
“What do you smell Ekariel, describe what you smell in the immediate area around you?” JJ asked as he pitched his voice slightly lower and slowed the waving of the lighter marginally.
“Four species…Musk, fur, water…Otorian species fresh from the hydrosphere…Dust, heat, insects…Lidarians recently from the arid habitats…mold, plant decay, rain…Jaguras from the forest dome…pheromones, sweat, spice, disinfectant…human recently in the medical bay.” Ekariels breathing slowed and stabilized as he spoke, voice gaining slightly more strength.
“What do you hear Ekariel, tell me what sounds you hear in this moment.” The flame now slowly traversed from one pupil to the other, no faster than before but slowly closing in on the middle of the human’s face.
“Typing, I can hear digits impacting sensor boards to the right…scratching, someone is writing equations long hand for accuracy checks near the forward portion of the bay…breathing, so many breathing patterns.” The Elental’s eyes never wavered from the flame, slowly tracking it back and forth, voice becoming stronger, limbs no longer shaking as bad though still quivering slightly.
“Focus on the breathing Ekariel.”
Now the flame only traversed from the inner corner of JJ’s eyes, never moving faster or slower, JJ’s voice becoming slightly deeper, seeming to hum and resonate more from his chest than his throat or mouth.
“Listen to the breaths around you, feel the air move as it is taken in and expelled…smell the breaths of those around you, those who would look after you…now slowly block them out…block out all the breaths but your own…tell me about your breaths Ekariel.” The lighter now barely moved past the outer edges of JJ’s nose.
“Three respiratory voids…expanding and filtering contaminants from the air…nutrients being stripped from the atmosphere into the blood stream…collapsing and expelling by-products of respiration…oxygen, nitrogen, helium being removed from the system via respiration…” Ekariel’s voice now had an almost sleeping dream like quality to it, low and slow.
“Tell me about the heartbeats Ekariel…how many do you feel?” The flame was still now, directly between JJ’s eyes, the focused and unblinking eyes of a predator staring directly into Ekariel’s own dilated pupils.
“I can only feel one heart beat…I can only feel my own heart.”
“Come back to us Ekariel…focus on my voice and with every beat of your heart come back to us…with every beat, shed the fear that imprisoned you and follow my voice.” JJ slowly began to back away from Ekariel as spoke, incrementally rolling onto his haunches as the Elental followed the flame.
Slowly JJ closed the lid to his antique lighter snuffing the flame. As if waking from a deep sleep Ekariel blinked and shook his head, pupils splitting back into two sets of three and eyes widening.
“Easy, easy, Ekariel… focus on the now, sight, smell, touch, hearing focus on those. Come on lad breath in…out…in…out, there you go, no don’t get up…lay down and focus, gather your thoughts.” JJ slowly eased the Elantel down fully onto the deck plates and raised his reverse jointed knees as best he could.
“Ekariel I need you to listen to me, listen to my voice…are you listening?” Ekariel nodded his head, looking up a JJ with a slightly dazed look on his face.
“You had a panic attack E.K. logs show you haven’t had a sufficient rest period for three cycles and in that time your nutritional intake has sharply declined. You are suffering from lack of rest and negligence of sustenance. As such I am removing you from the duty roster for the next four cycles and requiring you to report to the Galley Watch for every normal meal time where you will eat AT A MINIMUM a full standard meal of no less than one and a half again the daily nutritional requirement for at least two cycles. You are barred from any areas or activities relating to the navigation or piloting of this vessel…basically you are going to take the next four cycles to eat food, sleep, relax and either work on or find a hobby.” JJ finished with a small smile at the oddly shell-shocked look on Ekariel’s face.
After having received JJ’s report on the medical emergency and that Ekariel would be fine with a few cycles of rest and full meals the captain instigated a mandatory rotation of extended rest periods lasting at least three cycles unless otherwise noted by a Corpsman.
On paper the decision was to help the training and cross training of individuals by exposing them to a variety of new positions for longer periods of time and to potentially familiarize more of the crew with the inner workings of other departments and areas of the ship. In reality it was so the entire crew could have a chance to catch their breath and actually enjoy it before being thrown back into high stress situations, they were going to be on this ship for quite a long time after all, no need to have them burn themselves out so early in the voyage.
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outro-jo · 1 year
skz when your brother doesn’t like them
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pairing: skz member x reader
type: scenario
warnings: reader gets groped in minho’s, reader gets burnt in changbin’s (a lil hurt/comfort), han is pretty mistreated, i can’t think of anything else
request: yes
note: i couldn’t find individual pics i like and i didn’t feel like digging too much to ot8 it is 😅
masterlist | info
chan- you were kind enough to give him a warning in advance that your brother was overprotective and he’s never liked anyone you’ve brought home. chris LOVES a challenge so he did his homework ahead of time. when you finally went over to your family’s house, chris was ready. one thing your brother loved more than anything was marvel and… ryan reynolds. all it took was a quick message to his bestie and chris had an in like no other partner you brought home before had. that wall your brother had built up came crumbling down the second chris handed him the signed piece of deadpool merch. that evening after dinner your brother told you, “you better marry him” before the two of you left which certainly wasn’t a problem.
lee know- minho is the type to not care. if people don’t like him, that’s not his problem. however, this was your family and he wanted to leave a good impression with them. he was off to a good start with both your mom and dad liking him… it was your brother that was a different story. you two are so close and always have been. he’s seen you get hurt too many times to like someone right off the bat. minho, of course, understood so he didn’t push anything. it was icy at first. your brother giving him cold blank looks while the smile faded on minho’s face and he cleared his throat. the conversation was mostly one sided until minho decided to give up and give your brother space. it wasn’t until the three of you ran out to pick up some ice and a few other things your mom needed for dinner that things changed. someone groped your ass, making you cry out in surprise and before your brother could come to your defense, minho was already cussing them out then comforting you. an extremely unfortunate event but it made your brother have a little respect for minho and the way he looked after you.
changbin- someone hating THE seo changbin was something he simply could not fathom. he’s incredible so like??? it broke your heart to see when your brother and he met how he absolutely deflated. but to changbin’s credit, he kept trying. every conversation was shot down. changbin eventually gave up and came to hide in the kitchen where you were helping your mom prepare dinner. sure, he sulked for a minute but just like when he was at home with you, the second he saw you try and lift something heavy, he rushed over to take it from you. then he helped open a jar with a lid that would not budge. then it was helping clean vegetables. soon enough, changbin was fully and happily helping you and your mom in the kitchen. the three of you were laughing at a joke that was made when you suddenly felt the sting on your finger, making you yelp and jolt back. binnie was over to you in a second checking on your burnt finger and ushering you over to the sink to run it under cold water. your brother had come in to check the commotion but found you and changbin at the sink where changbin was babying you and tending to your wound. your mother sent your brother a look who just scoffed it off but from then on he started treating changbin a little better.
hyunjin- one thing about your brother is he despised wealthy people and as soon as your brother heard you were dating the literal ambassador for versace, he couldn’t have been more annoyed. he immediately wrote hyunjin off as some rich, snotty brat who couldn’t hold an intelligent conversation or care in the slightest about people “beneath him”. so when the two of you went to meet your family, your brother wouldn’t even look at hyunjin. it was incredibly disheartening but hyunjin shrugged it off. instead, he went and talked with your parents, sharing his experiences with travel and meeting all kinds of people. he gushed over learning the different cultures and trying new foods and everything he loved about travel. then he talked about when the group went to meet a little boy minho had “adopted” and been financially caring for over many years. that day they met the boy and his family, playing soccer with him and taking him to get ice cream. he shared the memory so fondly your brother started to see him in a slightly different light and when he saw how he attended to you throughout the meal, he decided to give him a chance… just one.
han- so things were not going well. jisung was anxious the whole week before and he was a mess on the drive over only for his worst nightmare to come true. your brother hated him. it was so apparent in your brother’s body language and facial expressions and even in the way he spoke to jisung. thankfully your parents liked him but the treatment from your brother was getting out of hand. seeing the defeat written all over jisung face broke your heart and after one particularly snarky comment about his job you finally snapped. your fists pounded against the table as you stood to your feet and roared at your brother, giving him absolute hell. when you finished you took jisung’s hand, thanked your mother for the food, and pulled jisung to the exit. days later your brother came over to your shared apartment to apologize and eventually it was a funny story that was included in his best man speech.
felix- when your mom invited you and felix over for dinner, you were curious to know how it would go especially since you knew your older brother would be there. you loved your older brother but he’s always been a little too protective. you knew it was sure to be an interesting dynamic because your boyfriend is a literal ray of sunshine and there was no way anyone could be rude to him when they met him. felix didn’t seem too fazed when you warned him, quite honestly, he was expecting it. that afternoon he came prepared with wine, flowers, and some of his homemade brownies which he did purely because he wanted to and wanted to give your family a good impression. the second your brother saw your boyfriend’s bright smile and that he brought sunflowers and fucking homemade brownies???? there’s no way he could be as cold to him as he had been to your other partners. he wasn’t overly nice but he didn’t even have the heart to give the tight gripped handshake me normally did. eventually they really got along and even made plans to hang out… without you.
seungmin- seungmin did not care. he gets thousands of vile comments on the internet, if you think some intimidation from some guy well on his way to fifty was gonna get to him, then think again. he was far too happy to ignore the deadpanned looks and the tightly gripped handshakes to just go into the kitchen and have pleasant conversation with you and your parents. your brother was FULL-ON sulking because seungmin was pretty much ignoring him but he had to respect it a little. you were more important to him and your brother would just have to accept that he planned on spending his life with you… and he really didn’t care if your brother was a part of that.
i.n- not only was jeongin completely unbothered by it, he was also to utterly likable that your brother couldn’t even keep up the facade for long. the dinner started off quiet but once the two found a common interest, they couldn’t stop talking. it was so adorable to watch both of their stupid (lovingly) faces light up while they were talking. suddenly the two boys were best friends and the dinner ended with the two of them in front of the tv in the living room playing mario kart. before you started to feel too forgotten about, jeongin, who had just lost a race, called you over so he could have his “good luck charm”. it must have worked because he won every match after that. the night ended with the promise of the two of them meeting up again to hang out when jeongin’s schedule cleared.
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dxrksong · 2 years
There's just this ghost like being being held in JL captivity and all of a sudden Marvel just crashes through the wall and tackles the being before suddenly crying!
He missed his parent damn it!
"Who's my little champion? You are, you are! Who's my little champion? You are, you are!"
The voice carried through the halls of the watchtower gently, bearly being able to penetrate the walls and floors of the space station.
But it was just enough to reach Captian Marvel's ears all the same. And just like that, a feral part of his brain activated and he was tearing through the halls, trying to find the source of the song with no concern to those around him, not even a "sorry" being said to any workers that got knocked over.
The moment he pinpointed the sound, he dove through the metal walls as if they were tissue paper and dove for the person on the other side.
Easily caught as if he weighed nothing, Danny wrapped Billy into a hug.
"Bill-star! There you are!"
And every single emotion that had been building up that day just gushed out as Billy Batson aka Captian Marvel sobbed into his parent's shoulders.
"Also it's "Dad" now, sweetie."
Memories of his adopted mother coming home with a cheerful call. A call that always spoke "I'm home. I'm here"
And Billy could only sink into his Father's arms, ignoring everything else around them.
The JL that were interrogating Danny: ...... WHAT?!
If it was the Robin's tho? He'd be their imaginary friend/parent when their family wasnt
And it'd be birdybirdybirdy!
Jason would probably be instantly cured of pit rage fkdbsjsd.
If you say something enough times with something ALWAYS positive behind it like: "I GOT COOKIES!!", even a honey badger would come running.
And they usually don't care lmao.
If it's reversed I can see someone going "ghostyghostyghosty" and getting immediately tackled
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withacapitalp · 6 months
Okay so @lazylittledragon I am so sorry to just randomly toss this at you and run, but I COULD NOT RESIST AFTER THAT LAST MOMBIN POST!!!! For anyone that hasn't seen it this is inspired by this amazing amazing art
tw: Pregnancy and Childbirth
“Steve I can’t do this-” Robin choked out, unable to complete her sentence as a new wave of pain crashed over her. The plastic of the birthing pool squeaked under her knees as she tried to find any position that would be even slightly more comfortable, her fingers squeezing tightly against Steve’s that were trapped in her iron grip. 
“Yeah you can! Robinbird, look at you. You’re already doing it!” Steve said, completely in awe of her, acting like she was doing something special when she was just barely managing to hold on. 
He had done this for the whole pregnancy. Every little thing, every milestone, all of it a marvel to him. Like she was brilliant, special, thriving when Robin had spent most of the last nine months alternating between crying, yelling, and crying some more. All of this over something that women went through every single day. 
God she had been a mess and now she was messier than ever. 
“No, Steve, I mean I don’t think I can do this alone,” Robin sobbed, the tears she had managed to hold back all day finally breaking through. She was hurting, confused, scared, and more than anything she wanted her own mama here with her, which was really something she never thought she would want. 
One and done. One and done. She was only going to fuck up one kid. Just like her mom.
A delirious giggle cut through her sobbing, and Robin leaned her forehead against their conjoined hands, continuing to babble. 
“I thought I could, I really did, but he’s here, and he’s mine, and I can’t do it alone, Steve. I can’t do this alone-”
Because that was the scary part, wasn’t it? She was alone. She had chosen to do this all by herself, ignoring every person, including her sainted mother, who tried to convince her to wait till she had a partner. She had ignored them all, so sure of herself and her abilities, and now all she could think about was how easy it was going to be to fuck this kid up when there was no one there to help her.  
“Alone?” Steve said with a wild laugh, a slightly feral look in his eyes as he raised his free hand up and cupped Robin’s cheek, lifting up her head and brushing away her tears, letting her lean into his familiar, safe, touch, “Now who’s being a dingus?”
Robin shut her eyes against the latest contraction, taking a deep breath in, smelling Steve’s cologne as he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, holding onto her tight through the pain. He had always done that. Period cramps, headaches, flu and colds, whatever had happened, Steve had been there. 
Steve was here now. 
Steve was here. 
“Robin, you are not alone. You have never been alone, and you will never be alone,” He whispered furiously into her ear, reading her mind the way he always had, “As long as there is breath in my body, you and this baby will never be alone.” 
He had proved it over and over again. Running to get ice cream at three am, holding her hand at every ultrasound, standing in front of their 'how many times have we cried' board, kneeling here on the floor for god knows how many hours it would take to get this GD baby out. 
“You’re here?” Robin said softly into the space between just the two of them, her voice wobbling and shaky, but still alive. 
“Forever.” Steve promised. 
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captainkirkk · 3 months
All the fics I’ve read and really enjoyed in the past week-ish. Reminder: This list features any and all ratings and themes. Please look at tags and warnings on ao3 before reading.
midnight sun by merils
Who would win: four men with guns who just happened to get Red Robin to walk into a trap, or one royally-pissed Kryptonian juggernaut?
Yeah, it's not even a contest.
reasons are better than rules by destiny919
"No one will actually explain Father's rules to me," Damian blurts out. "They tell me we don't kill, and killing is wrong, and Father would never do it, but no one ever actually says why! As if repeating the rule is the same as explaining it! As if I am supposed to just know, when I do not!"
Drake is quiet, eyes on something in the distance that Damian cannot see. "Damian, may I tell you a secret?"
Thirty Hours by polaroid15
The sun sets. Peter breaks three toes and hits his head hard against concrete. There’s a steadily bleeding wound in his side that he’s staunched with his webbing and tries not to acknowledge it when it burns. He can still walk in a straight line, which is good. He’s starving and tired and cold. It’s been fifteen hours.
Or, Peter doesn't take any breaks during a lengthy fight with the Avengers. The mind-melting fever that follows really should have been expected.
Clone Wars
An Hourglass In Hand by ecarian
“I thought daemons didn’t eat,” Rex noted once, during a celebration feast, as he and Cody watched Boga devour her meal with some fascination. Varactyl she may be, but she was a tiny one. There wasn't much interior space for the truly momentous amount of meat she was ripping into.
Boga daintily rubbed her beak against a folded serviette that looked kind of like a bird, and said, prim, “I can do anything a human can do.”
“Oh?” Obi-Wan said mildly, from where he’d been tapping at a datapad. “Shall I save you a portion of these reports then?”
Set My Mind at Ease by Eightbitpale
Marshal Commander Cody - clone commanding officer of the 7th Sky Corps, second in command of the 212th attack battalion and, currently, the proud caretaker of one still-warm lightsaber - was having a very long day.
Actually, fuck that. It had been more than a long day. Long days were Cody’s bread and butter, practically his comfort zone. Marshall Commander Cody ate stim shots for breakfast and every shiny this side of Coruscant knew it. Long days were his bitch.
No, this had been more than a long day. Today had been a bad day.
The one where Cody and his general try their best to tell each other that they care. At least they’re trying.
Your Smile In Stone by ecarian
Wooley: can we arrest people for yelling this early?
There were two figures standing at the foot of General Kenobi's statue with their backs to Wooley, an adult with a hood, and a child with light hair. The child was pointing at a puddle of Temple tookas who were curled up in General Kenobi’s lap, lounging in the stone folds of his robes, the bend of his knee.
Wooley: belay that. Child nuisance.
The Goblin Emperor
Sweet Hope by baladric
Maia Drazhar arranges a festival, meets his gay aunt, falls in love with his secretary, and misses his mom through it all.
"In the way of true stories, there was no discernible beginning. Perhaps it had begun that first day, in the shabby receiving room at Edonomee; in the cockpit of the Radiance of Cairado; at the mooring mast of the Untheileneise Court, with that first smile.
The pith of the matter was that Maia Drazhar was wildly, tremulously in love, and love had made fools of much wiser men than he."
In All Its Forms by Anonymous
Before his father ruined everything, Nurevis Chavar only thought to introduce the new emperor to all the most beautiful things life could offer.
When he found himself free from relegation again after his father's death, would the emperor whose friendship he had sought so long ago wish his presence at court? And, if he could return to court, would his emperor wish his friendship again?
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