#maskless and cursed
mudkirby · 9 months
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claitea · 9 months
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sirensongsea · 2 years
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gf and i made alts
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crowncrown · 1 year
I had a dream ranboo reuploaded genloss and it was the exact same except halfway through he was suddenly maskless and spent the entire rest of the show trying to find it but he was talking like it was an episode of Dora and then I woke up very confused
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darkdragon768 · 20 days
From time to time it happens now that I wake up too early but due to the old man being in my head right now I can't continue sleeping. He's there. I'm thinking of him. Impossible to fall asleep again.
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angled-blade · 2 years
Being childhood friends with the Slashers
Slashers; Billy Lenz, Bubba Sawyer, Ghostface (Billy Loomis + Stu Macher), Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers (OG + RZ), Thomas Hewitt
To think that you were so close with them, it’s almost as if it weren’t coincidental.
• Billy Lenz
You only recall Billy as one of the only friends you had who had been so willing to try out all the weird dares back in middle school. You were fond of his strange antics, as it made you giggle at times. You kept his secrets as well, pinky promising him. Billy was really happy that day, his small hand holding yours the whole time. You never really thought you’d ever interact with him again after he had been pulled from public schooling altogether.
“___… ___’s here! Billy’s gotta call.. Right? Right! ___’s coming here!” Billy whispered under his breath, barely able to contain himself as he picked up the rotary right as you stepped inside the sorority home. He saw you from the attic window, your appearance remarkably the same, in which he identified in an instant. It made him giddy.
“Hello?” A voice responded. Someone that wasn’t you. Billy began to scream, his screams were calling for you all while he was simultaneously insulting the person on the other end. You were concerned, though you held the phone to your ear when one of the girls handed it to you teary eyed before exiting. 
You didn’t expect to hear someone blabbering expletives and curses on the other end as he signed off with the name, ‘Billy’. What you didn’t expect was to recognise that voice, no matter how loud and unintelligible it was.
“Billy.. Billy..” That was when you realised, shock overtaking you. “Is that really you, Billy?” You murmured. You looked around the room nervously, though you were relieved that nobody was around.
“___!” He cheered, repositioning himself on his stomach as his kicked his legs. He was absolutely delighted to know you still remembered him, a coo escaping him.
• Bubba Sawyer
You had known the Sawyers since you were little, your family having been quite close with them as your father had been working at the same slaughterhouse as they did. With the automation of the slaughterhouse, your parents decided to move in response to it, much to your protests that went ignored. After moving away, contact with them began to lessen and got a lot more harder—though you missing them had gotten a whole lot more bigger, especially for Bubba. He was always so kind to you. 
You didn’t expect your visit through the heart of Texas to have you running into the man you missed.
You saw that Bubba had been maskless, washing his face and his bloodied arms in the pond,  maybe he was finished with butchering meat. The pond tugged at your heartstrings, seeing that it was where he and you always went to whenever your parents were busy. 
“Bubba!” You hollered his name, your voice startling him at first. When he saw you, he was quick in running over to you. His pig-like squeals were amplified, wrapping his arms around you tightly. To the average person, those sounds from him would be unnerving—but you found it a familiar sort of assurance.
• Ghostface
  • Billy Loomis
Billy was initially distant with you when you tried to talk to him at school, though he crawled back to you at the end of the day, shyly asking to be your friend in school. He would excitedly talk to you about movies, more specifically action. You reciprocated by rambling about the movies you’ve watched, too. Billy became something of a quiet protector, though, you two were already difficult to tear from one another in the first place, as it resulted in Billy being petty in the ways he sought for your attention. This friendship continued on until you made it to Woodsboro High, Billy making sure to keep his eye on you as he continued on with his plan.
Billy patted at the seat beside him, a smug smile across his features as he began to eat at his sandwich. You followed suit, setting down the books you had been holding onto from the previous class. 
“How’s Mrs. Lake? She any good of a teacher?” Billy asked, chuckling at the sight of you huffing in frustration.
“Don’t even talk about it.. Anything you up to tonight?” You changed the subject, Billy catching onto it quickly, having known you for a long while. He nodded, a smile appearing now.
“I’m going to make a call tonight, nothing much, really.” 
After answering, Billy returned to his sandwich after doing so, ending the conversation right after.
  • Stu Macher
Stu had been dubbed as a problematic child long before you were even enrolled into the school. From what was honestly meant to be a day long interest in the new kid, Stu found himself quickly getting attached to you. He honestly craved the fact that you readily accepted him as he was and helped him focus on class in that really gentle way you did. Imagine his reaction when he heard the news that the school had offered you to be his aid in class, with you accepting it in a heartbeat? He was absolutely ecstatic. This arrangement continued until you two were in Woodsboro High, that fact itself had him quietly grateful. 
“Uh, hey ___?” You hummed softly, indicating to him that you were listening. His tone alone already had you knowing what it was that he wanted. You quickly passed him your notes for him to copy down. 
Stu smiled wide, patting your back as he always did. You knew that he couldn’t help the fact that he struggled finding ways to focus, so you always made sure to keep things easy for him to understand and recognise. By then, you always got the news from Stu as he boasted about the grades he had improving significantly.
“Andddd.. It’s all thanks to you~” Stu cooed, hugging you gently—which was uncharacteristic, but it showed how grateful he was. 
• Jason Voorhees
You were practically attached to the hip with Jason, having been promoted to being his buddy throughout the time you were in camp. You didn’t mind it all. You met him purely by accident, being far more interested at the drawings he made at the bench that was behind the mess hall. Jason’s mother saw you, and the rest was history. You didn’t understand what was it with the others attending camp, but you made sure to protect him whenever you could from those bullies. You were pulled away from camp due to complications that you never knew. You honestly felt heartbroken when you found out what really happened.
Years passed.
No matter how long it had been, you couldn’t help but feel as if you failed Jason. 
You shed many tears for him once you found out. If only you weren’t sick on that day, you could have stopped those cruel kids from throwing him in.
Here you were, resting white chrysanthemums on the bridge, right by the spot where it happened. It was quiet, as you would have expected, really.
You were startled by the sight of a hulking man donning a hockey mask as he stared at you.
What you didn’t expect was him dropping to his knees as if he didn’t want to intimidate you.
• Michael Myers
  • ’78/OG
OG clung onto you similarly to a cat with a toy trapped in its jaws, unwilling to let go. His possessiveness over you was as prominent as it could possibly appear, making sure that he scared away the boys and girls who shyly came up to you in an attempt to play. You were his only playmate, never to play with another unless you wanted to betray him. That fact remained prevalent even after the incident on Halloween, due to your aura seeming unwelcoming to others ever since that day onwards.
You watched the news, overwhelmed with emotion as you read the headline over and over.
“After all this time, you decide on escaping now.” You murmured, checking the calender. You sighed quietly at the coincidence. You felt a presence behind you a good few feet away, feeling eyes on your back. Having known Michael for as long as you did, a small smile now formed on your face.
“How fitting for you. Welcome home, Michael.” You whispered, turning around to face your friend after so long.
  • RZ
RZ didn’t expect to make friends, seeing how it was his family that had him endure terrible treatment at school. He was surprised that you became someone who he felt protective over, being sure to keep an ear out for anybody who dare speak ill of you. While his size was puny in comparison to the other boys at school, he sure knew how to torment someone. RZ often pulled mean pranks, even going far to put his hobby of photography into the mix of the student’s bags. He even made sure to get the most gruesome shots to creep them out further. They stopped after a while, and he was never really caught per say… until that fateful night of Halloween, of course.
You didn’t know if it was purely by luck, but Michael found you as he basked in the aftermath of his murder spree. You were heading home, feeling eyes on you. You shivered, assuming it was due to a heightened paranoia ever since Michael had been taken away to the sanatorium.
You returned home, placing your keys on the side table. It was once you heard the back door creak open did you whip your head in its direction. Before you stood a man in a boiler suit who donned a white rubber mask. You remembered it all too well, knowing how it was one of a kind.
One thing that you knew especially was that mask your Michael wore on that Halloween night.
“Michael..” You muttered, his hand grabbed at his mask. He removed it, unveiling the long hair that he hid under it, further proving your statement. He stepped forward, his hand out for you to take.
• Thomas Hewitt
You were extremely close with the Hewitts, despite your parents warning you that it wasn’t for the best to form attachments; especially with people and places that aren’t permanent. You went ahead and did it anyway, being friends with Thomas Hewitt. He was the youngest of the Hewitt family and you learnt that he was really skillful with his hands in sewing. When you left you given Luda Mae your number for him to take. In exchange, he gave you a handmade handkerchief as his own version of goodbye to you right before you left, which made you cry on the spot. You kept in touch with him regularly as you moved, your relationship with him remaining as close as ever despite the distance.
“Guess what, Tommy!” You said, holding the phone closer to your ear as you felt your excitement course through you.
A grunt of curiosity escaped him, allowing you to elaborate on your words. He was in his bedroom, his head tilted to the right to avoid holding the phone as he sewed.
“I’m passing through Texas for something. Do you know what it means, Tom?” You asked giddily, your voice airy and light—indicating your elation. Thomas perked up at that, a few chuffs from him as if he wasn’t sure about it entirely, but a good feeling began to form. 
“I’m going to meet—no, I’ll be meeting you soon!” You answered, unable to keep it quiet any longer.
Thomas paused on his sewing, making sure he heard that right.
“We’re finally going to be able to catch up face to face after—how long has it been? Ah, it’s been so long…” You sighed as you moved on to ramble what you could do.
With that confirmation, Thomas reacted with his foot thumping against the wooden flooring excitedly.
Sure, Hoyt was annoyed, but Thomas couldn’t care in that moment.
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Thank you again for reading this, please reblog!!
I hope you enjoyed this post, have a wonderful day/night!! (:
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hina-hina · 2 years
Perhaps when you’re ready can you write a Ghost and Soft!Reader and their child?😭❤️ I love your writing by the way!❤️❤️
Hello friend!! This is such a cute idea to go along with the soft!Reader series!! I'm so happy with how well received that post is and I'm loving everyones comments and ideas (ノ*ФωФ)ノ Hope you enjoy this one, thank you for requesting and I'm glad you like my writing!! (I put aside my final paper for class so I could post this today o_o)
I guess this is kinda a series now so chronologically it goes Soft!Reader post, Ghost getting secretly married post, then this one!
|| Ghost and Soft!Reader with a Child ||
Warnings: cursing, labor mentions, some angst
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Ghost had been on deployment when you found out you were pregnant
You were shocked an unsure of how Ghost was going to react when he found out
but also really excited
Despite the two of you doing video calls whenever he could, you kept it a secret until he got back from deployment
You put the pregnancy test in a small gift box and wait for him to arrive
You are filled with anxiety all day, worried about what his reaction would be
When he comes in, you can already tell he is extremely tired so you don't want to bombard him immediately
So you hug him when he comes through the door, pull up his balaclava, and give him a few soft kisses
He immediately relaxes, happy to be home
You instruct him to go take a shower and he goes without fuss
When he comes back out in a simple black t-shirt and sweats, his wedding band still attached to its chain hanging from his neck, you feel your heart skip a beat
"Sit down," You instruct
"Awful bossy this evening, aye?" He teases, but does it anyway, small smile on his maskless face
You present the small box to him, biting your lower lip nervously
He raises an eyebrow, large hands coming up over the box as he shifts his eyes between it and you
He opens it gently, staring at the small device for a moment before his eyes widen
Sets the box aside and immediately stands
"Your being serious?"
You simply nod and his eyes shift down to your stomach before he grabs you into a hug
He would be scared and distant at first, he would need time to process
I do think he would be good with kids
Once you two talk it out, he would become completely on board
Ghost is a girl dad, fight me
Would be so nervous when he goes to appointments with you
He Is so used to the good things in his life being taken away,
When he learns its a girl, he becomes slightly uneasy
He's not sure how he's gonna be with a kid period but knowing its a girl? He is terrified
Nonetheless, he finds himself buying things that he thinks you would like for the baby anyway
would hate it if he had to go back onto deployment before the baby is born
You reassure him you'll be fine and he reassures you he will be back for the birth
An ultrasound picture is placed alongside the picture of you in his breast pocket
Eventually tells his team he's going to have a baby and they are in shock, even more so than before
Imagine you go into labor early and he almost misses it
He shows up still in uniform (minus the weapons bc there isn't anyway he is getting into a hospital with all that on) and black grease paint still smudged around his eyes
But, damnit, he's there
Is scared shitless during labor
He doesn't want anything to happen to either of you
But you deliver the baby and it's handed to him and she looks so small in his hands o(*////▽////*)q
Tears fill his eyes and he feels his cold heart thaw a little more
He gets leave for a little while to take care of you and the baby
He doesn't want to leave you two but you reassure him that you know his work is important
You make him promise to always come back to the two of you
The little girl grows up looking up to Ghost a lot and he feels he doesn't deserve it but loves it anyway
Whenever he comes back, he wants to spend as much time with the two of you as possible
He sends her letters that you read to her before bed
She helps you make care package and includes her drawings
A third picture is put into the pocket, one with all three of you
He brags about all of his daughters accomplishments to his teammates
Imagine one day he decides to surprise her at school when he comes back home
So after you drop her off, you go and pick Ghost up
The two of you go to her school and the teacher sends her to the principal's office
Ghost is waiting there with you, uneasy about being around so many people but when he sees his little girl? He is GONE
She comes in and immediately brights, running to her dad
Immediately drops to his knees to hug her when she comes running at him
Hugs her so close, then stands and goes over and grabs you too
He has never been this happy to be home
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princessbrunette · 6 months
Spiderman JJ sneaking into your room after a fight only to find you and John B with an entire ass yarn-evidence board discussing which of the people they know might be Spiderman
today was the day, he’d decided. the day jj was going to reveal to you that he was infact spiderman. it wasn’t so much a choice, infact — he didn’t have much. he’d gotten in a bad fight, and knew you could patch him up, being a nursing student and all. he stumbled through your window, wearing his suit that now was home to a few rips and tears he was relying on you to sew up. his heart was racing, wondering what your reaction would be. he smiles as he hears your voice, about to exit your bedroom door — but his smile is quick to drop when he hears another male voice accompanying you, your joint best friend john b.
“look, i know you said to rule out rafe — but who else has his access? those web thingies that spiderman has, they had to cost a shit tonne of money, right? what does rafe have plenty of? money.” john b theorises.
“i think the webs come from his wrists john b, i swear — he’s like a spider mutant.” jj can hear the smile in your voice, clearly excited over the theories.
“yeah, you know that’s like— impossible, right?” john b’s voice flattens sarcastically.
“oh, and a guy flying across the skyline is totally normal. embrace the impossible, jb.” you grin and john b shakes his head, not buying it.
“whatever. you got anymore yarn? runnin’ kinda low here.”
“yeah, there’s some in my room somewhere. come.” you nod to the brunette for him to follow him, the sound of footsteps drawing closer. jj realises he’s about to be caught, big time.
“oh shit.” the now maskless blonde curses, going to take a step back but walks straight into your vanity, spilling an abundance of bracelets and necklaces onto the floor. he knew the commotion gave him away, so quickly — his wrist shot out and he closed the door with his web, the footsteps stopping suddenly in the hallway.
“who’s there?” you call out fearfully, and john steps infront of you protectively.
“got a baseball bat and im not afraid to use it, dude.” john b calls out, making jj pipe up quickly.
“its me! guys its me!”
“jj? what the hell are you doing in here?” you relax, storming over to the door. “how’d you get in?” he senses your hand reach for the door knob, and he panics once more.
“w—wait! okay! i’m uh— i’m naked!”
“dude.” john b’s flat voice sounds from behind the door.
“i got jumped, okay and they nabbed my freaking clothes.” as he speaks, he’s working on ripping his suit off, stuffing it into your full waste bin below your desk, covering it with balled up papers, making a mental note to retrieve it later.
when the door opens, jj stands fully naked, only his hands covering his junk.
“oh gosh.” you gasp, and the brunette shakes his head.
“they took your boxers, too?”
“wasn’t wearin’ ‘em to begin with.”
he’ll tell you another day.
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minihotdog · 7 months
Locked Out On Valentine's (Choose Your Ending)
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(Photo Cred: @chatskaja on twitter) <3
Pairing: Simon "Ghost" Riley x Fem!Reader
Summary: You get locked out on Valentine's Day and have to sleep over at a certain Lt.'s flat.
C/W: Reader is dressed a little inappropriately
A/N: Never tried something like this before so I hope it buffs out. Also, super late Valentine's fic whoops
Word Count: 1k
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“What do you mean he’s not available?!” You stand with your forehead against your door.
“Barrack’s manager is out on leave, he’ll be back tomorrow. Recommend you stay with a friend for now.”
“Wait! Where’s the emergency ma-” *click*
What the fuck!
You huff, banging your head against the outside of your door. Today was one of the worst days of your life. You planned a date with your boyfriend of one year only to be dumped right before you were supposed to meet up. And after bawling your eyes out decide to run out to the fountain to get back the hydration you lost.
The redness around your eyes finally went away but they were so puffy you couldn’t even see your keychain still hanging on the wall.
You’re now stuck in the middle of the hall on Valentine’s Day in a short tank top and your bedtime booty shorts hoping a soul doesn’t appear and see you with all your goods hanging out.
The barracks manager - or whoever that was - told you to find a friend. You didn’t have any here. You’d been in the unit for all of five months and they weren’t all that accepting of new people. They oozed the “prove yourself worthy of our clan” mentality. You roll your eyes just at the thought.
Ughhh. I really don’t want to.
You whine internally as you pull up Cpt. Price’s contact on your phone hoping you’re not interrupting anything.
“Sergeant y/n, what’s the purpose of your call?” He sounds annoyed. You hear a feminine voice in the background and him softly shooshing it.
“Sir! I’ve been locked out of my room and the primary barracks manager won’t be in till tomorrow. I don’t have anywhere to stay.”
“That’s unfortunate, isn’t it?” His voice strains lightly. He’s quiet for a moment and you’re unsure if you’re supposed to say something or…
“I’ll see what I can do. I’ll message you soon.”
You sigh in relief. Maybe he’d contact the emergency manager and they’ll come unlock your door.
You stand with your arms crossed, back against the cold wall for what feels like forever until your phone finally buzzes.
Cpt. Price: Bld 920 Room 1208. Stay there tonight.
You’re about to flood him with questions, like: Where’s the key? Is there someone already there? Who’s room is this? But before you’re done typing he sends one last message.
Cpt. Price: I’m busy tonight with work so no need to thank me. Or call me again.
Work…? Yeah right!
The room was at least in the same building as you. Beats trekking in the snow in slippers and the ungodly attire you have on at the moment.
You make your way up the stairs cursing the base for not putting an elevator in your building. You peer at each door while wandering further down the hall.
1206… 1207… 1208!
You take a deep breath before knocking quietly.
God, I hope it’s at least a woman.
A few seconds go by before the door swings open. You stand wide-eyed. If you had less control your jaw would be on the floor too.
You stare back at your Lt. in all his glory. He stares back at you in nothing but low-hanging sweatpants. His blond hair is disheveled, the color matching the patch of hair on his bare sculpted chest. You’d seen him maskless before but from afar. He’s someone many avoided, his demeanor wasn’t exactly inviting and his wrath, from the rumors, was even worse.
The light flooding through the door frame illuminates his face enough to show the fine features up close. The scars running through his lips and cheeks only add to the stirring inside you that’s leaving you speechless. 
As you try to stop yourself from ogling him right here and now he notices your eyes popping out of your skull and softly blows air out of his nose.
Is he laughing at me?
He decides to finally break the staring contest.
“What d’you want, pet?”
You stutter a bit before getting the words out,
“I got locked out, the captain told me to come here. He didn’t tell me it was your place.”
It was his turn to let his eyes wander. His eyes rake over your tank top, your arm over your chest to conceal the fact you’re braless, your exposed stomach and shorts that barely did their job as clothes. You stand there waving your water bottle around as you speak, completely unaware of the look on his face.
A smirk pulls at one of his lips as he listens to you ramble about the barracks managers not doing their jobs. Your voice gradually gets higher the angrier you get.
“What the hell are you wearin’?” He interrupts.
“Why are you answering the door half-naked?” You shoot back.
He sneers, “You show up at my door wantin’ a place to stay and you have an attitude?” He pulls his phone from his pocket seeing a barely coherent message from Price.
“Fine. No point in arguin’, Price is probably with the missus, doesn’t want to be bothered.” He steps to the side allowing you to come in. You cautiously accept and step into the space.
His place was neat, and well-kept, more like an apartment rather than the prison they kept you in. You turn back to look at him and notice the tattoos covering the skin of his arm. He pretends not to notice you checking him out as he walks to the hallway closet and pulls out a pillow and blanket.
He hands them to you, “Is that enough or d’you need a bedtime story too?”
“Little Red Riding Hood’s my favorite, please.” You snark, as you drop the pillow and lean over to throw the blanket over the cushions. You swear you hear his breath catch in his throat but get quickly covered up by him clearing his throat.
“So… What are you up to on Valentine’s Day?” You prod hoping to learn something about the most feared individual of the unit.
“Just another day, means nothin’.” He leans against the wall behind him. You sit with your legs crossed on the almost comically large couch, probably custom-made for his giant ass. You lean on your hand and look up at him.
“Is that so?”
“What happened to that muppet you’re always moanin’ bout? Should be with him.” He tilts his head to the side.
“Nah, he’s no good. Decided he liked by friend better.” You laugh sadly. “Can’t seem to keep them this time of year. I’m too cool for it.” You try to joke but end up cringing on the inside. His chest rises with a soft chuckle.
“That right?”
“You know it.” You wink at him.
The two of you go quiet for a moment. 
He decides to break the silence.
”You want some tea, love?
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*** Decision Time ***
Why not? I'm already here and he's being nice. Sure, I'll have some tea.
I don't wanna be a bother. He's already having to let me stay over. I'm gonna pass on tea.
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chixkencxrry · 1 year
oh, baby
Summary: Miguel O'Hara x Fem! Reader; Miguel was a mystery you'd hardly began to solve. Too bad you were already in love with him.
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Two weeks. 
It had been two weeks since you last saw or heard from Miguel. Now, you tried not to feel abandoned — per se, but the emotion nagged to the corners of your soul. Miguel was secretive and cagey. You’d just sort of embraced that part of him. It wasn’t like the two of you were in a relationship or anything like that: a fact you have to remind yourself of constantly. You just slept together; sometimes. 
He was a mutant like most people in the city; like that Spider-Man kid. But he never got caught on YouTube or anywhere. In fact, if it wasn’t for the marks he left on your skin — you were quite sure you would have thought he wasn’t real.
“I’m tired of you moping around in your apartment.” Your best friend, Tia, had said when she called. “You’re going on the date whether you want to or not.” 
Tia’s solution to everything seemed to be getting dicked down. To you, this date wouldn’t even begin to scratch the itch Miguel left behind. Yet, here you were, putting on lipstick and wearing your good lingerie set beneath a new cocktail dress. 
“And where are you going?” Snarled a familiar voice, causing you to snap your lipstick in half.
Miguel stood by your window. Black and red suit on but maskless. His face looked worse for wear. Your heart clenched at the thought that he might be hurt.
You wiped your hands and grabbed your first aid kit, exiting the bathroom and jogging to him. “What the hell happened to you?”
He passed his tongue over his teeth; watching you scrambling over him in a little black dress. “Fight. Where are you going?”
“A date.” You didn’t have to answer to him.
You padded rubbing alcohol to a nasty scar on his chest. He didn’t even flinch as you cleaned it. “With who?”
“Not sure. Tia arranged it.” 
“Plan on fucking him?”
“What the fuck, Miguel?” 
“I’m just asking. That dress barely covers your fucking ass, your tits are all the way up to your neck —”
Angry, you poked the bruise until he flinched. “Don’t you fucking start! You disappear for what, two weeks? And just barge in? I don’t even know your last name, Miguel. So yes, I can go out and fuck whoever I want.” You threw the supplies at him and grabbed your bag. “You can clean up yourself you fucking asshole.”
The date went horribly.
You couldn’t blame the guy — he was nice, Peter Something was his name, but he was a little young to you and you weren’t in the mood for a bad decision tonight. 
So, you came home alone and cold. Miguel had long since gone. Your supplies had been returned and surprisingly, there was a note at your bedside with some sort of tricked-out cellphone. 
My name is Miguel O’Hara. You can contact me on this.
It took you two days to send a message. A bright, sunny June morning. And it wasn’t anything poetic or well-thought-out. A simple hey. 
You’d shoved the phone aside and gone on your laptop to teach a few classes. At lunch, when you opened it — you were surprised to see he had responded.
I’m sorry. It wasn’t my place.
Damn right. 
The reply came instantly; Did you have fun? 
Should you lie? No. That was petty. Biting your lip, you twirled your fork in your ramen. What the hell. 
Yes, I did. 
This reply came slower. Okay. 
Another text came in before you could respond. I don’t want you going on dates with other guys.
Your reply was automatic. Did he think you were some well-trained maltose? 
Then do something about it. 
I plan to, cariño  .
It seemed you’d underestimated what those texts had started. Miguel had honestly started to court you. He called you often, even video-calling and you spoke at great lengths about each. Then, the gifts came. 
The first was a bouquet of flowers. Carnations, roses and tulips. You had set them on your nightstand. Looking at them every night until they turned brown. 
Then, the Nat King Cole record. It was mint and sounded crisp when you played it. A perfect sound and echo. 
Miguel was determined. 
At least now you knew he was serious. Excitement coursed through you. You liked getting to know him. You liked the vulnerability he shared with you. You liked that you knew his favourite meal, his hatred for his father, his love for his mother – you knew he lost someone he cared deeply about, you knew his aches as well as you knew the curves of his back. The scars healed and were left behind. You cared for this man. You loved this man. That was scary.  
The two of you stayed over at each other’s homes on and off. Miguel’s home was clinical and lacked warmth. He had offhandedly said he lived at work and not really here, in this little apartment he showed you. 
“Someday, I’ll take you to where I actually sleep.” he’d promised one night, rubbing your feet as you queued up an old movie. 
You’d said nothing, not wanting to show him how eager you were for any scrap of information he had to give. You wondered if it was sane; to want someone the way you wanted Miguel. This craving hunger seemed to get the better of you. Was it foolish? To let him in when there was so much pain, so much secretiveness about him. 
Could you want something so much it killed you?
You’d taken a summer job when classes had closed down. Waitressing in the city, like you had when you were a grad student. The problem, however, came with getting back home during the night shift. The buses ran till midnight and sometimes, you had to walk home. It was lonely, sure, and you kind of regretted taking the shift. You preferred it being you – older, fewer ties than the other girls with families and who were now getting their degrees. Plus, the late-nighters seemed to tip better.
 A cold glock pressed itself to your side – pausing you from moving. Your fingers trembled. “Give me the purse or die.”
Twitchy fingers dug into your fanny purse for your cash, eager to get the fuck away from the psychopath. Then, a flash of colour popped before your eye and the feeling of the glock disappeared. The gun hit the floor and you turned slowly to see the attacker on the ground clutching his throat. Over him stood a familiar black and red, hulking form. Talons dripped crimson and in the shadow of the street light – Miguel appeared fearsome.
Your lips quivered. Words couldn’t wrench themself from your throat. But Miguel turned to you, leaving the man bleeding on the ground. 
“I’m taking you home, now.” His voice was a growl. Modulated and unlike the voice you had come to care for. His arms wrapped around you and soon, you were swinging through the city until you met your apartment. 
Miguel stripped you and bathed you, tied your hair in a satin scarf and laid you on your bed. You watched him, he seemed laser-focused on you as he tried to make sure you were safe and comfortable. He made that orange tea you liked so much, lit a pine candle and wrapped you in your favorite blanket. 
It was when he was half-way out your window that you found your voice. “Stay. Please, Miguel.”
Miguel turned. Removing his mask and suit until he was just in his footlong briefs. “Of course, mi cariño.”
In the morning, Miguel took you to HQ. And boy was that a mindfuck.
“Beef or chicken?”
Miguel opened the box, took a seat next to you on the park bench, and took a sniff. “Beef.”
“Oh. Yum.” you made grabby hands.
Your boyfriend relinquished them to you, smiling as you dug into one. “So good. I think we should keep coming to this universe just for the food.”
He hummed. “Highly unlikely.”
You licked your fingers and rolled your eyes. Your eyes caught an alley in dark corner and red flushed across your neck. It had been a while since you and Miguel fucked. He wanted to take things at your pace. Sure, he ate you out from time to time and you certainly couldn’t go long without deep-throating his cock but you hadn’t had him deep inside you for a while.
Wiping your hands on your jacket, you placed a hand on his thigh and rubbed a circle. “Mig?”
“Yeah, baby?”
You dropped your voice low and pressed your breasts against his large arm. “Wanna do a quickie in a dark alley?”
Miguel stopped what he was doing and flickered his eyes over you and then back to the alley. “Baby, don’t do this to me.”
“C’mon,” your hand went higher to his groin. “Fuck me like a whore up against a dirty alley wall.”
“Fuck.” Miguel rolled up his sleeve to show his gizmo and in a few taps, you were home.  
Your hands were pinned on top of your head by webbing. You showed your teeth and snarled. Though, everything about this was consensual. You liked making things difficult for Miguel. He was about to turn your pussy inside out and you were going to weep on his cock, anyway. 
So, yes – you liked making things a little difficult for him. It was your thing. You fought and acted like a bitch and he made you pay deliciously for it. 
A hand slapped across your heavy breasts, eliciting a whimper and drawing you from your thoughts. Red eyes flashed down at you, fangs hanging between pouty lips. “I must be doing something wrong if you’re so distracted?” 
“Yes.” You answered without hesitation. “You aren’t fucking me.” 
Miguel didn’t respond. His hand pinched a hard nipple, sharp talons tracing your skin and making your pussy grow wetter at his teasing. Cupping your pussy, he parted your folds and caressed it — sticky love coating his finger as his thumb rubbed your swollen clit. You buckled beneath his touch. 
“Look how that mouth disappears when I’m touching my pussy, cariño  .” Miguel kissed your neck; determined to make you come just by playing with your clit. Which wasn’t hard to do. Not when he was pressed against you like this. Kissing your throat and nipping at the swell of your breasts; sucking your nipples as if to draw nectar from them. 
You became a wiggling — snivelling thing under him. Fuck. Fuck. Your pussy quivered with the impending fall of your climax. 
Arching you back, your mouth hung open as your peak approached. Just as the crescendo reached its high Miguel pulled away from you. Tears burned your eyes as they snapped open to look at him. 
“What the fuck?” Your voice came out needy, weak and pleading. 
Miguel simply grinned at you, sucking on his fingers. “Are you complaining? Stop being such a whiny little puta.” 
Raising your hips, you demanded attention to your pussy. “If you’re going to tease me I might as well take out my vibrator and get the job done.”
“Neta?” The humour in his voice was dry and you felt as though your horny mind had just made a fatal mistake. “You’re going to pay for that.”
Miguel bowed his head and started eating your pussy slowly. Tongue lapping like a cat to cream, he licked from your clit to the end of your slit. Sucking and tonguing your weeping pussy at his own slow pace. Building you up all over again. 
He pressed his pretty lips to it, kissing your pussy like it was a precious thing. Then he pressed it to your aching clit. Sucking it slowly, making loud sloppy wet sounds as your hips worked desperately against his face. Miguel made pussy eating a gourmet art. 
His index and middle finger pressed into you, sinking into the depth of your carven. You shivered, moaning loudly at the combination.
“Miguel! Oh, please, baby. Miguel! Miguel!” 
Moments from it. You felt your release coming before he pulled away again. This time tears fully flowed. “Please, please, please.” 
Licking his lips, Miguel showed his fangs, brown eyes dropping to your dripping pussy. He set his hands on your thighs, then rubbed his thumb over your clit before slapping your pussy softly. “Oh. I wouldn’t want to put your vibrator out of business, cariño  .” 
You groaned. God, if only you’d kept your fucking mouth shut. 
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry, baby. Just let me have it. Make me come, please baby. I’m sorry. Baby, please.” You were outright begging now. Your voice a pathetic, weak mewl. How the mighty had fallen already. 
But that pleased Miguel. He liked you pleading. Liked it when you wanted him so badly it made you insane. Writhing on his bed, tied up and weak for him and only him. 
Stretching his body over you, he let his hard cock rub against your wet core as he grabbed the aforementioned vibrator from your bedside. Flicking it on, the purple device vibrated. Then he clicked it up to the highest speed. 
You hit your lip; excited to see where this would go. 
Miguel went back to his meal. Kissing and sucking your pussy before focusing on your clit again. 
The vibrator slowly inserted into your pussy as he sucked your clit. You arched your back, whimpering and moaning as the vibrator went in and out of you. Miguel’s expert kissing and use of the toy had you collapsing in moments, spraying his face with your orgasm. 
You felt raw and overstimulated but Miguel kept the toy there even as he raised his head to kiss your breasts. Covering them in bite marks.
You are already mute at his work. He worked the vibrator deep into you so that it would stay there in you as he sat on your face — working the tip of his cock into your open mouth. 
“Relax your throat, slut.” He growled, working his cock in and out of your mouth. It was an awkward angle sucking his cock as you lay down. The salty taste of his velvet member was a favorite of yours still. You often told him it was your favourite thing to eat. 
The vibrator stayed in you even as you wiggled your hips to try and get it to slip out. The sensitivity of your pussy with its motions and the delicious feel of Miguel fucking your mouth had you trembling.
Looking up at Miguel felt like a religious experience. A god, looking down at you as his balls slapped your chin. 
“Look how pretty you look — silent and full of my cock. Fuck. Yeah, suck it like that. Fill up on my cock.” 
Miguel held your head, controlling the pace but you made your cheeks shallow and kept your tongue wrapping around him. His member jammed the back of your throat and slid down it, you gagged — naturally but Miguel kept it there for a few seconds before pulling out. He rubbed his head, coated in spit and pre-cum all over your lips. 
“Pretty puta. You like sucking my cock? You like being my fucking whore?” 
He didn’t give you a chance to respond before slipping the tip in. He slid in and out before pulling out and cumming on your face. A spurt landed on your lips and forehead — barely missing your eye. Miguel slipped it back into your mouth and you sucked the head, swallowing the milk that came from it. 
You’d lied before. His cum was your favorite meal. His cock was a close second. 
Pulling out from your mouth, Miguel reached forward and sliced the webbing open with his talon. Your hands fell to your sides and automatically went to your face. He removed the vibrator from your messy cunt, planting kisses on the poor, trembling pussy.
Miguel wasted no time and plucking a wet-wipe up from his nightstand and wiping your face clean. 
“There’s my pretty girl.” He said with softness. You smiled, kissing his cheek and lips. “How’re you? I wasn’t too rough?”
“There’s my beautiful man.” Your hands trailed his body, all the way to his still hard member. Miguel let you lead, guiding his cock into your trembling pussy. You bit your lip and moaned as his thickness sunk into you. “You weren’t rough enough, baby.”
His head dropped, lips to your ear as he hummed against the familiar feel of your walls. You hissed as he pushed himself to the hilt, kissing your skin. You were sure by the end of the night you’d resemble a leopard. “Let me endeavor to correct that then, cariño  .”
Miguel’s hand settled onto your throat as he began to stroke you. His girth stretched you slowly, thickness digging deeper into he attempted to dissolve fully into your warmth. He was being kind to your sensitivity but that kindness ended quickly.
His fingers tightened around your neck, conjuring a gasp. He slipped his tongue into your mouth, kissing you sloppily as his hips picked up a harsh pace. His cock spreading you and burning your pussy with its fever. 
“You like stretching out this pretty little pussy? Like me making this a home for my cock, whore?” 
His teeth nipped your lips, tongue passing across your jaw before he bite your neck. 
“Yes, baby. I like you fucking your little whore’s pussy. Stretch me out.” You whispered, fingernails digging into his impossibly large back. You doubted you broke skin but mania overtook you when Miguel’s cock was inside you. 
His hips stuttered, ever so slightly, and you couldn’t help but squeeze your pussy around his cock, rocking on the member. 
Miguel placed a hand on your crouch, pushing you down. “Not so soon, cariño  .”
Staying perfectly still for a moment, he released your throat and sat on his hunches — forcing you to sit up. Miguel placed a hand at your back and another beneath your buttocks, keeping you up. 
The movement, and friction of your clit against his pubes, caused for a shutter of an orgasm to race through you. A little thing like that, made you coat his cock. 
Full of machismo, Miguel puffed his chest out and began fucking into you. Hard. “Miguel! Fuck, oh god. Oh god!”
“That’s right, baby. I want everyone to hear me fucking you.”
“Oh god, oh god!”
“That’s not my name baby. Fucking say my name!” 
And you did, over and over. Until his name became the only word that would fall from your lips. His thick cock dragged against the walls of your sensitive pussy rough and fast, fucking Miguel was holy. Fucking him was close to heaven.
“Love fucking this pussy, cariño  . My tight little pussy. Love spreading it open with my fat cock. Oh, take it baby. Roll those pretty eyes back on this cock. My cock dumb little whore.”
Still sensitive, you came wet and messy on top of him. Miguel followed after, chasing his orgasm with hard, burning thrusts until he came inside you. Laying you on your back, he made a few more jerky thrusts; just to get it all inside you and collapsed on top of you. 
He rested on you for a moment, before pulling out, cock bouncing onto his thick thigh. Miguel’s chest heaved, his dark eyes looking over your face. His hand found its way between your legs, rubbing his leaking cum all over your sore pussy — pressing some of it back into it. 
You couldn’t help it. You kissed his lips and cheeks. God, you loved this man.
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grimace-writes · 8 months
New Kid New Mission
{NKIT No 3}
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GN!Reader x Task Force 141
| No.1 | No.2 | No.3 | No.4 | Masterlist |
Summary: It’s been over a year since {Y/N} joined Task Force 141, they were given the post of being the team’s medic. They enjoyed having the opportunity not to be strictly forced to cause harm, though they trained as equally as hard as the others. Unfortunately for Task Force 14, slip ups still happen. Due to some unforeseen circumstances on a intel gathering operation, the team find themselves in this situation. Will they make it out?
Word count: 2199
(3rd Person POV | They/Them so anyone can read :) | Early to Mid Twenties)
[Enjoy! (๑ º ᗜ < ๑) ⋆。˚✩]
-——————⋆ ˚。⋆ ˖⁺‧₊˚。⋆ ˖⁺‧₊˚°˖✧˚ʚ🦋ɞ˚✧˖° ˚₊‧⁺˖ ⋆˚₊‧⁺˖ ⋆ ˚。⋆——————-
They were shoved through countless halls, the burlap sack on their face made their skin crawl but it didn’t mean anything to what could come next. {Y/N} groaned, clenching their jaw as they were roughly shoved to the ground, the tight grip of the handcuffs holding their hands behind their back made it impossible to brace the impact. Scuffling footsteps and familiar voices filled the room, their team were being held in the same room, though one voice was missing. ‘Where is Soap.’
{Y/N} was hoisted roughly up by their arms into a kneeling position then the sack was ripped from over their head. They winced as an aggressively harsh light hit their eyes, once they could adjust, the scene before them made their blood boil with unadulterated rage. 
Kneeling in front of them was Gaz, Price, and Ghost, bloodied and bruised with their hands tight behind their backs and a gag over their mouths. The field medic took shaky breaths as they counted the many possible injuries they had under their uniforms, but knew Ghost had it the worst. His maskless face had plenty of visible wounds, which fueled their rage even more, ‘I’ll find his mask after I get information on our Johnny boy.’ 
{Y/N}’s gaze snapped their capture, the tone of their voice sent chills down the spines of everyone in the room. “I’m gonna ask this once nicely, Where the fuck is Soap?”
{Y/N} got quite the reputation for being the tenderhearted person amongst Task Force 141, they never raised their voice or cursed more than a simple ‘shit’ now and again. This was a new sight, not even their team had seen, it almost made them feel bad for their capturers. Their uncomfortably calm demeanor made the likes of Ghost fearful as the two guards stepped away from the medic. 
“You don’t call the shots we do.” One of them spoke up, he was the bigger of the two, his voice deep with a heavy foreign accent that {Y/N} couldn’t quite place. Though it didn’t really matter to them as {Y/N} rammed their head into the big man’s gut, causing him to double over in pain. 
{Y/N} was hit in the cheek by the butt by the second guard’s gun making them fall onto their side. “You dumb c#?!..You shouldn’t have done that..” Guard 2 said, aiming his pistol towards {Y/N}’s head, their team screaming against their gags pleading to spare them. 
“No you shouldn’t have..” {Y/N} basically growled as they kicked Guard 2 in the groin making him drop his knees and loosen his grip on the pistol, now clattering to the floor. They took this as an opportunity to kick the gun towards their Captain, swinging their legs around to get themselves standing. Guard 1 stood up recovering from {Y/N}’s first blow, it clearly looked like an unfair match, two men versus a field medic with their hands tied behind their back.
{Y/N} bent their knees into their best guarded position before they quickly ran towards Guard 2 hopping over his crouched form. They kicked him in the back causing Guard 1 to trip over his partner, giving Y/N an opening to roundhouse him into the wall closest to them, rendering him unconscious.
Guard 2 rolled over on his back as he tried to regain composure to fight back, {Y/N}’s foot landed hard on his chest knocking the air from his lungs. “Don’t move..Now I’m gonna ask again, while I’m still being nice. Where. Is. My. Sergeant?”
Guard 2 gasped, “ I-I don’t know who you are talking about..Why would I tell you anything..”
“We came here with a loud Scot with a Mohawk, is that ringing any bells? I just kicked your ass with my hands behind my back..It’s wise to tell me the truth or I’ll show you what the fuck I can really do without my damn hands tied.” {Y/N}’s leaned down with a dark look on their face making the guard feel like pissing himself. 
“He’s down the hall..” Guard 2 whimpered out before {Y/N} quickly collided their knee into his face to knock him out. They felt around the unconscious guard’s hands to get the keys to the handcuffs, luckily it was in his front pocket. {Y/N} quietly walked over to Price first to have him help unlock their cuffs, which they repaid the kindness with a small smile on their face. They untied the rag keeping him gagged, then gently removed it from his mouth. {Y/N} handed the keys to their Captain for him to unlock other’s cuffs as they walked over to Guard 1 searching his coat pockets. Stuffed inside his breast pocket was Ghost’s signature mask, {Y/N} took great care handling the mask as they went over to its owner. 
Ghost stood by their teammates rubbing his wrists looking at {Y/N} as they approached. “Here..” Their voice barely above a whisper, handing it to him sheepishly not looking at his face out of respect, earning a hum of thanks. {Y/N} didn’t look at Ghost until he had the mask fully back on, they looked over his arms for any active bleeding wounds to only find scabs and bruises. “I’ll be good, luv. Check on the others.”
{Y/N} nodded looking at Gaz next, they gently took his face in their hands to observe his facial injuries. He winced at the physical contact whilst giving a pained chuckle,”Careful, beautiful. I’m fragile.” He earned a small snort from the medic who moved to look at the rest of him, finding a similar pattern of wounds to Ghost’s. They went to turn to their Captain, though he took their hand in his before they could check his wounds. Price tenderly held their arm up to wipe the debris from the small cuts caused by them falling on the uneven concrete. Unfortunately the only cloth to his disposal was the gag that once was in his mouth, but they weren’t in a position to bicker about proper sanitation. 
“I’m fine, hen. I’ve had more than my fair share of battle wounds, we can worry more about it later.” Price said, giving {Y/N} a reassuring smile. “As of now we need to find Soap, get the intel we came for and eliminate any targets that get in the way before we rendezvous with evac. That is if they even have us at the right facility.” With how they were ambushed, Price couldn’t be sure they were at the original target location. 
“Better to split into two groups, one gets a message to the chopper and the other gets Johnny.” Ghost voiced as he searched the guards for any more weapons or details of the team's whereabouts.
“Alright then, You and {C/N} will get Soap, Gaz and I will meet you back here once evac is called. Try to find any details about this place as you can, especially the maps and shipment documents. And most importantly, keep each other alive.” Price ordered placing the guard’s gun in the back of his waistband before he and Gaz exited the room, leaving the other two to come up with a plan to find Soap. 
Ghost held a small pocket knife he picked from the guards out to {Y/N}, “Not much but it’ll work in a pinch.” They reluctantly took the blade since it seemed to be the only physical weapon between them. Though the remembrance of Ghost being a weapon himself, quickly faded their concerns as they walked over to the door with Ghost taking the lead. 
The hallway was empty as they went the opposite direction of Price and Gaz, the faculty they were in starting to match the data they had gathered before the mission. The possibility of victory was increasing. 
{Y/N} ran forwards, slid onto the ground to swipe the unsuspecting enemy ahead off his feet into Ghost’s waiting arms. The lieutenant covered his mouth as he snapped the guards neck then slumped the lifeless body against the wall. {Y/N} searched his pockets finding a handgun along with a cell phone, they used the corpse’s finger to unlock the device before handing Ghost the gun. 
“Looks like this one was high on the food chain. He has their entire schematics on here along with shipment time..Score.” They scrolled through the phone more, only looking up when they heard the click of Ghost checking the magazine’s ammo count. “According to this, Soap is being held close by..”
{Y/N} slipped the phone into their back pocket leading the way towards their captive teammate position, they stopped at the edge of the hall to check for any guards outside the door. Coast is clear. They moved forward, gently pulling the handle down to test if it’s unlocked. “Damn, of course it’s not gonna be that easy,” {Y/N} cursed under their breath, taking a step back to look for a new way in. The map showed a vent that connected the hallway to the room, Soap was being held in, that’s their way in. “Ghost, I need to get into that vent, mind giving me a hand.”
He almost wanted to question their motives but this wasn’t the best time, Ghost just went over cupping his hands together and held them out as a boost for {Y/N} to climb on his shoulders. They jammed their knife in the seam of the vent grille removing it with haphazard care as they threw it to the side. {Y/N} was hoisted up by their lieutenant into the ventilation shaft. “When you hear the signal, you kick the door down and join me,” they said, ascending further before Ghost could question what they meant.
{Y/N} got to the other side, kicking the vent grille out comically hitting the guard that was about to torture Soap in the side of his head. The other two guards held their guns up at {Y/N} as they snaked out of the vent, they then stood tall with all the rage they’ve collected in their eyes towards the barrels of the guns. “If you are planning on shooting, you better not miss..” 
“DUCKIE!” Soap cheered loudly, which Ghost assumed was the signal kicking the door near its handle to swiftly open it. He made quick work shooting the enemies in the room, whilst {Y/N} dodged any crossfire to get to Soap. They used the pocket knife to cut the ropes holding him to the chair he was seated in, standing up when the room was clear. 
“Aren’t I glad to see the likes of you two, where is the Cap and Gaz?” Soap said stretching his arms and legs out staying seated for a moment to relax. {Y/N} moved to face Soap to get a better look at his visible injuries, a gash above his left brow made them worry the most. “They went to search the rest of the facility for the intel and get a message out for evac.” Ghost explained gathering any ammo from the fallen guards, only obtaining a magazine and half worth of ammo. 
Soap gave a hum of acknowledgement to the details, though his thoughts were occupied by {Y/N}’s scrunched nose as they worried about his condition. “Duckie if you hold that face any longer it’s gonna stick that way..I’m fine, a few punches aren’t gonna take me down.” His signature smile dashing across his face, lifting his colleagues spirits as his confidence was contagious. “Yeah, whatever you say, Suddies.” {Y/N} replied, giving Soap a playful but gentle punch on the shoulder.
The three followed the map back to the regroup room, where Price and Gaz were looking over the intel as they waited patiently for the others to arrive. “Good to see you all made it back in one piece, it seems we all finished our tasks successfully.” Price said in a relieved tone to his team then he stored the documents on his person and motioned for them to follow his lead towards the exit. As much as he hoped for them to escape covertly, the misfortunes of this mission just kept coming as an absurdly loud alarm blared, signaling the base of their escape. Their only option was to make a break for the exit, make it to the forest and lose them in the trees until they reached the helicopter. 
Ghost and Price took the lead as the others followed close behind, they quickly were able exit the building to a large gate leading in the direction of their destination. The enemy began their assault on the team who tried to dodge the shots in the open area. Price turned to return fire to cover the others, he made eye contact with {Y/N} with horror in his eyes. 
The image of their figure illuminated by the searchlights stumbled forward holding their side, blood beginning to seep through the thick uniform. “No..It’s not supposed to be like this..” 
To be continued…
-——————⋆ ˚。⋆ ˖⁺‧₊˚。⋆ ˖⁺‧₊˚°˖✧˚ʚ🦋ɞ˚✧˖° ˚₊‧⁺˖ ⋆˚₊‧⁺˖ ⋆ ˚。⋆——————-
Author's Note: I know, how dare I end this on a cliffhanger. Don't fret, Kittens~ For this all part of the plan. The next chapter will be separated into a Epilogue along with 4 parts to include long awaited Romance.
Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed the story. Let me know what you thought of it, Love Love~
(o´ ω `o)💕💕
| No.1 | No.2 | No.3 | No.4 | Masterlist |
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mtayl0rr · 1 year
The Anomaly: 2
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Prologue Chapter 1
Pairing: Miguel O’Hara x f!Original Character Rating: Mature Length: 1.4K Summary: Nobody gets the upper hand on Spider-Man 2099. Nobody, until a strange anomaly slipped from his grasp. Now, he’ll stop at nothing until he finds her. Warnings: enemies to lovers, eventual smut, cannon typical violence, graphic depictions of violence, Miguel is a bitch but so is she, cursing, angst, etc. trauma
The scent of cold rain flooded the basement as Miguel opened a portal back to Nueva York. The faint moonlight outside leaked through the thin windows that looked out at the streets above, illuminating the anomaly’s face. Miguel approached the bleeding figure on the ground, finally getting a closer look at her face. She had to be a little younger than he was, with skin so pale it looked like she’d never seen the sun before. Constellations of freckles cascaded from her cheeks to her neck, creating patterns that matched the soft curves of her face.
Retracting his claws, Miguel pushed a stray curl of red wine colored hair from her complexion, exposing more of her appearance. As much as he denied it, upon first glance, she was painstakingly beautiful. But, her beauty meant nothing to him. Pulling out a pair of electro-charged handcuffs, Miguel restrained her wrists before lifting her bridal style and carrying her through the portal.
He had half a mind to snap her day pass, being as she managed to disable the tracking device. Even still, the idea of punishing her with glitching was inhumane, even for him. But, the minute he stepped into his office in HQ, he swapped her jailbroken day pass for another, tracking device intact. She wouldn’t slip through his fingers again.
It bothered Miguel that he didn’t know what it was about her that made her such a challenge. Once he caught her unsuspecting, he was able to overpower her easily. But, what she lacked in comparison when it came to brawn, she made up for in quick thinking and agility. That made her dangerous.
Miguel nonchalantly placed her on a chair in his office, pushing her limp head to the side as he examined the bite marks he left on her neck. They weren’t healing like he assumed they would. Over the time he’s run the HQ, he encountered hundreds of thousands of spider-people. One thing they all shared was quick rehabilitation. He’s left bite marks on dozens of unruly variants, but they always closed up and healed within minutes. Most of the time, at least. But the anomaly’s neck was still bleeding, even when he held a cloth to the marks to stop it. Her blood stained his suit blending with the red accents he wore. Eventually, he gave up on trying and used gauze to tape onto the wound before lying her on the floor, removing the cuffs, and encasing her in a red prison.
“Miguel,” Lyla said, her form hovering over his wrist. “We have no way to run a diagnostic on her unless we get her down to Spider-Byte.”
“The venom should be wearing off soon anyway. I’ll figure it out,” he grunted, moving to remove Lyla’s hologram. Her voice stopped him.
“Did you really have to bite her?” she asked, raising an accusatory brow.
“Who’d he bite this time,” sighed Jess, catching sight of the maskless girl on the floor. “Oo, is this the girl who finally bested you? I wanna thank her for the shot to your ego.”
“I don’t appreciate your quips, Drew,” snapped Miguel with a glare. “And clearly she didn’t best me because I’m not the one unconscious on the floor at the moment.”
“What did she even do?”
There was a beat of silence before Lyla confirmed what Jess was thinking. “We don’t know yet.”
“Yes, we do,” Miguel snapped. “She is an anomaly. Somehow, she managed to hitch a ride here, steal a watch and hack a day pass. She’s been universe-hopping ever since, until I put a stop to it.” His eyes trailed down to the limp figure on the floor, his mind flooding with unanswered questions.
“I mean, if she was able to get away from you on all those occasions, then maybe that would make her a valuable asset to the league,” offered Jess with a shrug.
Miguel’s crimson eyes widened in disbelief. “There’s no way this anomaly is coming anywhere near the league. She’s nothing but trouble. Not to mention, we don’t know anything about her.”
“Then ask.”
“No.” He approached Jess, his tone dropping whatever kindness there was as he towered over her. “I don’t remember giving you permission to make decisions. You answer to me, Jessica.” She didn’t argue it any further after that.
The drumming in Madelynn’s head was a steady pulse. Although it hurt to move, she slowly realized that she regained control over her muscles again, first twitching her fingers, then rolling her feet. Her already ruined suit was again crunchy with dried blood, the metallic scent piercing her nose with a foul sting. Her shaking hand shot to her neck, feeling around to find the bite marks 2099 left on her neck. Her fingers graced the reddened gauze over the wound, grasping at the edges to peel it up.
“I wouldn’t take that off, if I were you,” someone droned behind her, but she didn’t drop her hand. 2099. She began to sit up, taking in the situation around her as she opened her eyes. The room wasn’t bright by any means, but the strain on her pupils sent a shockwave of pain to her head. What hurt the most was the glow of the red prison she was encased in. Turning around, she saw 2099’s touring figure looming over orange holograms, his broad shoulders blocking the majority of the displays. He didn’t even bother to look back at her.
“You know, usually when I’m pinned to the wall and bitten, I appreciate being taken out to dinner first,” she grumbled, stretching out her aching joints. “There’s always next time though. I don’t need anything fancy, but it’s the thought that counts.”
“There won’t be a next time,” 2099 snapped, running a hand through his disheveled hair. “You’re not getting away this time.”
“I wouldn’t be so certain about that,” Madelynn said emptily. To be transparent, she had no idea what her next move was. She had been able to avoid 2099 through sheer luck and nimble skills, but now she has nowhere to run.
2099 turned around sharply, stepping off the platform with the holograms and swiftly stomping towards her prison on the floor. His stature was painfully impressive, looming over her like a wild animal stalking its prey. “If you run, I will catch you. If you hide, I will find you. No matter what universe you flee too, what corner you think is safe, I will be there. Nowhere is safe from me. So escape if you want, but I strongly advise against it.” His voice was nothing more than a low growl, only slightly louder than the humming of the electric prison he put her in.
“So why am I not with the other anomalies?” she asked, staring up at 2099. “I don’t trust this.”
“Good thing I never cared about whether you trust me or not.” 2099 crouched down to meet her level on the ground. “Besides, I have a few questions for you.” Her gazes met, and in his eyes, all Madelynn saw was rage that boiled in his blood-red pupils. But she knew his type. She knew a Spider-man like him before. Now, she knew how to get out.
“Ask away.”
“What is your universe of origin?” 2099 interrogated, standing and walking back towards his set up.
“That’s classified.”
“What’s your name?”
“Classified,” she responded again, watching 2099’s muscles tense through his suit.
“When were you bitt-”
“Also classified, sorry.”
2099 grabbed a computer monitor and hurled it across the room, and Madelynn grinned to herself as the plastic pieces shattered, spreading across the floor like a sick confetti. Now was her time to strike. Feeling around the waistband of her suit, Madelynn grasped at the needle stored in her utility belt. 2099 clearly wasn’t smart enough to check her for weapons. He stormed over to her prison on the floor, ripping through the red forcefield as if it was paper. His clawed hands wrapped around her neck, cutting off her airways. This was a long shot, but it had to work. If she was wrong, then there was no way out.
“Miguel,” she choked out, and immediately, his face shifted from that of rage to confusion. “Miguel, please,” she pleaded. His grip loosened slightly, his crimson eyes burning through her’s.
“What did you just call me?” he seethed, unsteadiness leaking into his strong voice. Madelynn gripped the needle in her hand, uncapping the end slowly before whipping her arm up and around, plunging the shining metal into 2099’s neck.
“A sucker,” she grinned as his hands dropped from her neck, crimson eyes fluttering shut as his body slammed to the ground with a massive thud. Slipping through the opening he left in the red prison, Madelynn ran, ignoring the pain coursing through her veins.
Chapter 3
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I’d like to request a full on smut of Jason and a plus sized fem! S/o. Like their first time making love so they’re both kind of shy about it but once they’re on it Jason’s a beast + aftercare. I’d love to see how you put it together since you’re literally my favorite writer. 💜
Pairings: Jason Voorhees x reader
Contains: established relationships, maskless Jason, fingering, masturbation, Jason watches the reader get off, SMUT, Sex, reader is as GN as possible, cursing, first time, deflowering (yes the gif is a pun)
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It was an awkward topic between you and Jason and quite frankly something that hadn’t been talked about. You had tried to kinda push him as gently as you could but he always pulled away. You figured it would happen when he was ready so you decided to take care of yourself when you could and letting things happen naturally.
Today was a perfectly normal day between the two of you, Jason when out to patrol the camp and gather some food and firewood and you stayed to clean the cabin and tidy up. You finished early so you decided to take advantage of the alone time, you locked the front door knowing Jason had a key and went to your shared bedroom, pulling out a nice romance novel to get yourself going. The parallels between the romantic interest of your story and your own big strong man really had your imagination running and before long you had a hand in your underwear and was working away, trying your best to imagine what it would feel like if it was Jason instead.
Before long you had decided you had enough time to get a bit risky, and you tugged your top off, the idea of Jason coming in and finding you like this making your blush heavy and let out a small moan as you played with one of your nipples and decided to take off your pants and underwear, now you lay naked in your shared bed, legs spread as your hand worked between them, before long you had brought yourself to your first orgasm with Jason’s name on your tounge, you laid for a moment, chest heaving and head spinning from the intensity.
You looked over and locked eyes with Jason, who was standing there shocked with a unmissable tent in his pants, he is frozen still before he began signing, telling you about him coming home to the door locked, how he unlocked the door and shut it behind you and started putting things he brought home away before he was alerted by the sounds you were making, and how his heart pounded as he slowly made his way to your bedroom, hearing his name repeated from your lips like a chant, he told you about how he pushed open to door to see your naked form writhing with each stroke of your fingers and how he became so dizzy and entranced watching you, and how he wanted to touch you and be the cause of those beautiful noises your were making.
At this point you simply stood up with your legs slightly shaking and walked over to Jason, taking his hands in yours and pulling him to the bed,
“Can we try? If you want to stop at any point we can, but I want to try.” You whisper and he nods, he begins to unbotton his flannel and you start helping him, once you have him down to his undershirt and boxers you gently push him to the bed, he sinks down, you can see the nervousness in his eye and his body, you start by pressing soft kisses to his neck and exposed areas of his chest. You feel his head tilt back allowing you more access to his throat which you happily kiss all over before getting a little rougher and giving him soft nips and sucking to leave him peppered in hickeys.
Jason hesitantly moves his hands around your body, seemingly avoiding the areas you want him to touch the most,
“Jason, I want you to touch me, please. I need you touch me.” You beg causing him to let out a groan, he lets his hands freely roam your body seeing where you react, he gropes your chest and ass before he takes his mask off, you smile and kiss his face. You were used to a maskless Jason but this was an absolute treat nonetheless. He then begins to mimic what you did to his neck on yours, leaving soft kisses and bites along the most sensitive areas he can reach. Jason is spurred on by your moans and gasps, you pull away to make eye contact with him,
“Jason, can I touch you? Are you okay with that?” You look him in his eyes and he nods, you see his hesitation is gone. You smile at him before pulling off his shirt and undoing his pants. You can see the massive tent bulging through and you can’t help but bite your lip and you free his dick. You look at his face as you take his dick in your hand and give it an experimental light jerk. His hips jerk and his hand comes up to cover his face but you can still see the expression of pleasure on his face.
You stop jerking him off causing him to whine, you look at your scar covered lover, with his big muscles and hands bigger than your head as he can’t help but shake from the pleasure you’re giving him, he pulls you in for a passionate kiss while he drags his fingers down your torso, down to your private area, you let out a gasp as his fingers brush against your most sensitive area. You moan into his mouth as he gently massages you, his rhythm is off but it’s pleasurable nonetheless.
Jason pushes you down onto the bed next to you before settling between your legs, you smile up at him as he looks to you for direction,
“Can you finger me?” You ask and he nods, you decide to show him what to do, you teasingly slip your hands down your body you can see Jason’s eyes locked onto your hand, you stop for a moment to tease yourself making sure to let a few moans slip out before you slowly slip your fingers into yourself, he watches intently until you pull your fingers out. He gently grabs your hand to study the wetness left behind, before he gently pushes his fingers into your entrance and he carefully replicated the same movements you made. He let out a few groans as he watched you play with yourself while he fingered you. The both of you were a bit lost in eachother, enjoying the sounds of pleasure that was coming from the two of you.
“Jason, please, I want you inside me.” You moan and he tenses and freezes, the two of you stay there staring into each others eyes, just as you’re about to say he doesn’t have too if he’s not ready yet, he takes his dick in his hand and slowly pumps himself before lining up with your entrance and he slowly pushes in. Jason moans loudly and buried his head into the crook of your neck, you wrap your legs around his waist and gently run your hands up and down his back, and you both lay there for a moment as close as humanly possible before Jason props himself up and grabs your hips before he slowly pulls out before pushing all the way back in, you moan and he stares at you before doing it again.
Before long you and Jason are in a hard and steady pace, as he pounds away mercilessly in the position that makes you scream the most, as you do your best to get yourself off as he fucks you into the mattress. Jason is completely giving in and letting himself give into to pleasure, the feeling of you around him driving you insane. He looks down to see his dick going in and out of you, he loves watching you stretch around him as he fucks you.
It’s not long before you’re moaning his name and pulling him down to kiss you, he kisses you so lovingly, before he moves down to sloppily kiss your neck, leaving soft bites, it’s not long before Jason can feel you clenching around him, causing his hips to stutter a bit as he powers through his own rising orgasm, you both are lost in pleasure as orgasms take over your bodies. Jason pulls out one last time before burying his dick in you as he cums with a deep groan.
The two of you stay like that for a moment, chests heaving as you catch your breaths, you stare up at Jason with a big smile across your face,
“That was amazing, thank you so much. I love you.” You say as you press a soft kiss to his lips, he smiles down at you before pulling out and pulling you into a tight hug.
“Cmon, let’s go shower love.” You say and he nods sleepily.
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kesujo · 2 months
The Parallel Pursuit of Happiness and Acceptance
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“…which, of course, meant that I…”
How was Jimin doing? She hopefully wasn’t making too much trouble for the babysitter.
“…but when I said that, he acted all self-important…”
Should I get this boxed? Jimin loves chicken parmesan pasta, she’d probably be delighted to have this for lunch tomorrow. In fact, there’s probably enough for both of us, meaning one less thing to worry about.
“…but he didn’t know that I was—um, are you ok?”
“Hm?” I snapped out of my thoughts, smiling at the woman sitting opposite me. “Yeah, of course!”
“Sorry, was I boring you with my story?”
“No!” Internally, I smacked myself. Why was I zoning out again?“I was just—um, thinking about something.”
I offered an apologetic smile, but I could tell the date was already falling apart. “I see.” I internally cursed at myself. Why did I have to make it so hard on my dates? It wasn’t fair to them. “Are you already done with your pasta?”
“I think so.”
“Really? But look how skinny you are! You should eat more; I heard the desserts here are to die for.”
“Oh, really?”
I really was trying. It wasn’t my intention to reply with a tone so devoid of emotion that she made a face. “But I guess if you can’t finish that, you don’t have room for dessert, do you?”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean—” I couldn’t just tell her that I was simply full. How could I salvage this? “—I had a bad experience with an Italian restaurant serving dessert to me, and from then on, I don’t really trust them anymore. But, I swear, I usually have a second stomach for desserts.”
The fake smile, the fake laugh, the fake anecdote, even the fake tidbit about myself … all of it was exhausting. But I had no other choice; the normal me was boring beyond belief and awkward beyond comprehension.  Who would want to associate with someone like the maskless, naked, vulnerable me?
It was only after we had begun to go our separate ways that I realized my date was beginning to outstretch her arms for a hug—but wasn’t it too late already? How awkward would it be if I sheepishly turned around, went back, and hugged her? But wouldn’t it be worse if I just ignored her?
No, I couldn’t end it like this. Not again. She seemed so nice, too. I needed to swallow my pride and anxiety and any semblance of awkwardness. She deserved better.
“Um.” Watching the woman’s auburn hair whirl around along with the rest of her body caused a sense of dread that diverted my eyes. “I—” what kind of an apology was this, with me staring at the ground like some antisocial loser? “—I’m sorry. For tonight. I, um, really did have a great time, though.”
Just as quickly as I called out to her, so too did I turn back around and half-walk, half-run off, all the way back to the car I had parked in a nearby parking garage.
Stupid, dumb Taeyeon. Apologies, sincere apologies, were said while looking into another’s eyes. They were also spoken with an open heart, not with that lie that I, for some reason, found necessary to inject in at the end. Why was I so insincere with everyone? What was wrong with me?
The entire car ride home, I could think of nothing but that. Another failed date, huh? What was this, five? What would I even tell Kibum?
Unlocking the door to my apartment and taking my shoes off at the entrance, it wasn’t until I put on my slippers that the babysitter showed up at the door. “Hi Joohyun, how was Jimin?”
“Oh, she was great! We did some vocab and watched some TV; she even ate all her carrots for dinner today. She went to bed an hour ago, and I checked just a few minutes ago to make sure she was asleep.”
“Fantastic!” I could feel myself cringing at the enthusiasm I injected my voice with, but showed no signs of it on my face. “Thank you so much for looking after her again today.”
“No problem! How was the date, if I may ask, Mrs. Kim?”
“It was superb. I wouldn’t be surprised—” No. How many times have I said almost the exact same things to her? Yet here she was, coming over to babysit my Jimin time after time.
“Oh, really?” I could tell—it wasn’t that Joohyun was naïve, it was that she was a kind young lady who simply played along, not questioning the reasons behind why I lied to her so often. “Well, I’m glad to hear that, Mrs. Kim!”
“Thank you, Joohyun. I’ll wire you the babysitting fee tomorrow, ok?”
She nodded gratefully. “Thank you! Well, I’ll be off for tonight—”
“It’s so late, do you want me to drive you home?”
“Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly bother you with such a request, Mrs. Kim.”
“It’s not a problem. It’s dangerous for pretty young girls like you to be walking around so late at night.” I wasn’t sure if she resisted due to a learned politeness or because she didn’t want to be with me for another second. “Take it as part of my apology for taking so long to come home.”
“Oh. Well, if you’re ok with it, then I’ll take you up on your offer, Mrs. Kim.”
Other than the occasional questions about her studies, the car ride was silent. When I returned back to the apartment, I pulled out a beer from the refrigerator and plopped down on the sofa in the lightless living room, absent-mindedly staring at the blank TV screen.
What would she say? How would she scorn me for my rude behavior towards my date today? What of the promise I made to her?
Not halfway into the can, I stood back up, stealthily peeking into Jimin’s room. Sure enough, her sleeping frame, hidden mostly by a sky-blue blanket, laid atop the twin-sized mattress. A smile sprouted on my face, slowly closing the door behind me and walking to the bedside.
“I’m sorry angel, you’re going to have to wait before you can meet your other mommy,” I whispered, leaning forward, brushing the bangs away from her forehead and planting a kiss there.
The action stirred her awake, a light groan coming out of her pursed lips. “Mommy?”
“I’m sorry angel, did I wake you up?”
Her eyes opened, face turning towards me, a disgruntled smile spreading across her lips. “How was your date, mommy?”
Laughter erupted from my lips. “Is Jiminie worried about mommy?” She unabashedly nodded, my laughter growing at the direct nature of my daughter. “The date went well, princess.”
Almost immediately, her lips curled into a frown. “Mommy is lying.”
In the second that it took to gather my thoughts, the concerned expression on her little face was ultimately what caused me to sigh and say, “You’re right. I’m sorry, honey; the date didn’t go well. Mommy messed up again.”
“It’s ok mommy, she just doesn’t understand you. She’s not your soulmate.”
“Hm? Where did you learn that word?”
“From ‘Joey and Kim Versus the World’!”
That must’ve been the TV show Joohyun was talking about—the one that caught Jimin’s attention because ‘it has mommy’s name in it!’ “I’m sorry, Jiminie. Mommy is terrible at dates.”
“It’s ok, mommy.”
Feeling her tiny hand patting my head, I felt my heart melting on the spot. A smile formed on my lips, my head turning up to look at her. “Go back to sleep, ok? It’s late.”
After tucking her back in and watching her fall back asleep, I quietly exited the room, returning to my spot in the living room, grabbing the half-finished can of beer, dumping the rest of the contents into my throat, and leaning against the cushiony back of the sofa.
“Um—” She was actually here … now what? I didn’t even know what kinds of movies she liked. Why did I even invite her here? “—did you have a movie you wanted to watch?”
Tiffany plopped down on the sofa next to me, but the proximity at which she did so caused me to jump. Was that intentional, sitting so close to me that her leg was pressing against mine?
I stared at it with a red face, not realizing Tiffany was scrolling through the options on Netflix until she asked, “What type of movie do you like?”
“Um, rom-com, that kind of stuff. I know this sounds cheesy, but basically, chick flicks.”
“Hm…” she mused, going back to the home page and scrolling to that section. However, she stopped short of reaching that section. “You didn’t really strike me as a chick flick type of girl.”
“Oh.” What did she mean by that? “Um…”
“If I were to guess, you like action and thrillers more.”
“Ah—” How did she know?
“You know how I know?” I turned to see Tiffany’s grinning face. “I saw your face light up when this movie popped up,” she said, hovering over a spy-thriller movie whose trailer caught my attention.
“Um…” Was I supposed to admit that she was right? But wouldn’t she hate me for lying? “I don’t—”
“Actually, I think I saw the trailer for this movie. I sorta wanna watch it, how about you?”
There was something about the smile she directed at me that caused me to nod. Her inviting gaze, her warm facial expression, her unquestioning smile, it felt all but inevitable that my mask slid off.
She clicked play and leaned back. I followed her lead, jumping again when I felt her arm intertwining with mine.
“You know,” she said with a giggle, “for someone who asked if I wanted to come watch a movie at her house, you’re awfully jumpy.”
“What? What do you mean?”
“I mean, the only thing missing from when you asked me to hang out was saying ‘Netflix and Chill’.”
Realizing what she meant, I felt my face explode in a fiery burst of red. “Oh, I didn’t—I mean, I wasn’t—It didn’t, I mean, I wasn’t, I didn’t—”
“I know,” she said, stopping my idiotic stammering dead in its tracks, “that’s the reason why I agreed to come. Although…” Seeing my brain short-circuit caused Tiffany to explode with a fit of giggles. “I’m just kidding, Taeyeon. You’re so precious, what’ll I ever do with you?”
The next morning, as I was preparing breakfast, my phone rang. Seeing the caller id, I felt all color drain from my face.
“Mommy, your phone!” Jimin shouted, running out of the bathroom and into the kitchen, only to find me staring at it. “Oh. What’s wrong, mommy?”
I shook my head. “It’s nothing, angel,” I said, declining the call and turning my eyes back to the refrigerator.
“Was that grandma and grandpa?”
She was seriously too smart for her own good. She must’ve gotten it from her biological father. “No, honey—” I was interrupted again by my phone’s ringtone. I swiftly declined the call again and pulled out a carton of milk.
I sighed. Why was I lying to my own daughter? “I’m sorry honey, I just don’t feel—” again, I was interrupted by my phone’s ringtone.
This time, I took a bit longer to stare at the caller id: ‘Hyesook Kim’. “Well, I don’t want to talk to grandma and grandpa either,” Jimin huffed, defiantly turning her head away from the phone.
“Don’t say that, honey. Grandma and grandpa probably really miss you.”
“But they’re so mean to mommy and Tiffy mommy, so I hate them.”
In a childish way, hearing that was vindicating, but I didn’t want my issues with my parents to affect the relationship between my child and her grandparents. “Don’t say that, honey. Here, I’ll pick up the call, ok?”
“No!” she screamed, turning around and running back into the bathroom before I could do anything.
I sighed, accepting the call and walking after her.
I almost gagged at the overly-sweet tone my mother used. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she called her own daughter with the expectation that her granddaughter would pick up, as if they didn’t have to send me monthly checks to get me to not block their number just to talk to Jimin, hearing such a fake voice nearly made me want to hang up right then and there. Although, it wasn’t like I really had the right to comment on that.
“She’s in the bathroom, I’ll get her.”
In an instant, the sweet tone disappeared, replaced with the vitriolic, bitter voice I was so used to. “Aish, you dumb child, you can’t even control your own daughter?”
“No, I don’t control my daughter. She’s her own person.”
“Oh Lord and Savior, where did I go wrong in raising this child? You’re too free-spirited. That’s why your—”
“Shut up!” The scream that tore through my throat silenced the ‘la-la-la’ing that Jimin was doing from the other side of the closed bathroom door. “You have no right to speak about her like that! You’re the reason why I turned out the way I did! Have you ever thought to consider that?”
“I don’t remember teaching you that it was ok to take in a random man’s sperm. When did I ever teach my daughter to be such a slut?”
“If you ever listened to me for once in your life, it was a sperm bank!”
“Why would I listen to someone who wasn’t even capable of making a man fall in love with her?”
I didn’t know why I bothered. Every time I spoke with her, my blood boiled, and I swear I could feel my blood pressure shooting up. “You’re so—”
“Ah, whatever, you put me in a bad mood.”
The dial tone that followed made me want to throw the smartphone across the room. How could a mother treat her own daughter like that?
Hearing the warbled voice of my own daughter blew away all semblance of anger. I wiped away the tears coalescing in my eyes, turning towards the bathroom. “I’m sorry honey, are you ok?”
“…is it all my fault?”
Hearing the uneven speech and the wailing erupting from her lips, I felt a new onset of tears building up in my eyes. “No! Of course not!”
“Liar! M-Mommy’s lying! It—It was all because Jimin was a bad girl, right?”
“No, Jimin—”
“It was all b-because Jimin didn’t want to talk to g-grandma and grandpa, right?”
“Jimin, it wasn’t—”
The wailing from the other side of the locked door grew louder. I shook my head, my forehead pressed against the door. “I’m sorry, mommy…” How could I do this to my own baby? How could I make her cry like this?
I felt I could barely gather myself together, the churning, twisting, tight sensation in my chest causing my heart rate to skyrocket. “Jimin, open the door, please.”
“No!” she screamed, voice still shaking with the sob echoing about the apartment.
“Mommy’s not mad, Jimin-ah. Please open the door.”
Tiffany’s sweet voice was almost instantly drowned out by the ugly wailing coming from me.
“Please open the door, Taeyeon.”
Why? Why did this have to happen to me?
Was this God’s punishment to me for being a lesbian? Or was it His punishment for lying to my parents for so long?
“Taeyeon, let’s talk.”
“What—What is there to talk about?” I hated it. I hated myself. Why was I yelling at her? She didn’t deserve it. She was the last person who deserved it, especially after learning what she just did.
“Then we don’t have to talk. I just want to be there for you.”
Why did I even lock myself in my bathroom? Why was I hiding from her? If anything, I should be the one trying to comfort her.
“B-But, I-I, I can’t, I can’t—” just trying to get the words out caused another burst of tears, that ugly wailing sound echoing all around the room, inside my ears—stop it. Stop it! Go away!
“Taeyeon…” Hearing her weakly calling for my name, everything stopped all at once. “Taeyeon, please…”
I rushed to the door and flung it open, Tiffany tumbling onto the bathroom floor. “Fany?” I dropped to the ground, gingerly picking up her head. When I saw the tears running down the sides of her face, I felt my tears come back in full force.
“Taeyeon, w-what am I going to do?” I shook my head, cradling her head in my lap and arms, my forehead pressing against hers. “There’s so much I want to do with you…” her voice, which was usually so energetic and full of life, was reduced to a quivering, shaking mess, “… I want to celebrate all your birthdays with you … I want to proudly see our Jimin become a beautiful young lady … I want to see your first gray hairs and wrinkles on your face and tell you how beautiful you are even still…”
With how emotionally charged the morning was, I had decided to call in sick, which soon proved to be a questionable decision as I was left with nothing to do. So, with the memory of last night’s date in mind, I called Kibum.
“Hey Taeyeon! How was the date?” It barely took him a second to see my face that he was able to glean the answer. “I see. That bad, huh?”
“Yeah. And, I had to talk to my mom again.”
Seeing Kibum physically cringe was, again, in some childish sense of the word, vindicating. “That old hag, huh?”
“I’m sorry. That must’ve been horrible.”
“It was.”
“Are you at home? Do you not work today?”
I shook my head. “I took today off.”
He nodded. “Well, do you wanna come over then? I’m making lunch right now, but I can make an extra portion for you.” I thought about the pasta I had portioned for myself for lunch earlier in the day, but figured I could just let Jimin have it for dinner.
“Great. See you in a bit.”
It was something I could never get used to, hearing her voice so weak. Not when its volume was something I used to jokingly complain about to her. “Hm?”
“Promise me something.”
I almost recoiled at the feeling of her frail, bone-thin arm brushing against mine. I used to love leaning against it, feeling her soft skin against my cheek. I even slept against it once while on an overnight train. But now, I was afraid to even touch it, fearing doing so might cause her arm to shatter.
The upward curve of her dreary eyes, the inverse curve of her pale lips, a smile that had changed so much yet never lost its beauty. But, seeing it made my heart ache all the same. I could tell from the slight twitches in the corner of her eyes that she was fighting through immense pain, all because she refused to saddle me with the additional costs that it took to treat it.
“Promise me you’ll love again after me.”
“What are you saying?”
“You said ‘anything’.”
“Promise me—” she was interrupted by a coughing fit. I shot straight out of bed, rushing for the ‘call nurse’ button.
“Tiffany, hold on—”
She grabbed at my sleeves, weakly attempting to look at me. However, all I could see was the hacking cough wracking her entire body. “Tae—”
“Aish, don’t speak! Where’s the nurse?”
She tugged at my sleeves again, but I ignored it, staring at the door. “Taeyeon…”
Her voice was faint and pained, but was thankfully finally devoid of the cough.
“Tiffany, don’t—”
“Taeyeon, promise me.”
In the second I took to answer, a nurse burst through the door. “Mrs. Tiffany, did you need something?”
“Can you give her some morphine? She was just coughing really badly.”
“No!” Tiffany’s weak, yet firm, protest caused the nurse to freeze. “I don’t need it. I’m fine.”
“Fany, it’s ok. I can—”
“I don’t need it. You may leave.”
“Are you sure, Mrs. Tiffany?” When she nodded, the nurse stepped away, towards the door. “Alright. If you—”
“No, she’s just saying that because she’s afraid of the cost. She really needs it, please…”
“Is that true, Mrs. Tiffany?”
But she stubbornly shook her head. “My wife is a worrywart. I’m fine, Ms. Kwon. I’ll—”
“No, she’s lying! I-I mean, clearly, she’s not of sound mind and body! I’m her wife, can’t I give you permission to administer the morphine?”
I stopped upon feeling her frail hand reaching out to mine. “Taeyeon, I’m fine. Ms. Kwon, I’ll be sure to call for you if I need anything.” The weak smile she sent the nurse off with made me grit my teeth. Weren’t nurses supposed to help their patients? How could they refuse treatment their patient so obviously and desperately needed?
“Taeyeon, promise me.”
“No!” Seeing her saddened expression only pained me more, but, as she proved time and time again, she was the one person I could not lie to. “How can you even say that?”
“No! I—” my hand shot to my mouth, quickly turning away to hide the tears that were now flowing down my face, “—my heart, my soul, every part of my being belongs to you. How can I give someone something that isn’t even mine?”
“You deserve to be happy, Taeyeon.”
“But—” I gulped, swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat, “—But you are my happiness. Without you, I have nothing.”
“You have Jimin.”
Jimin. With Tiffany now living in the hospital, I had no choice but to send her to live with my parents. All I could do was hope that they wouldn’t turn her against me; I was prepared to go to court to get her back, as I have so many times in their numerous attempts to steal her from me, the most recent one being after learning of Tiffany’s fate.
“If you can’t do it for yourself, if you can’t do it for me, then can you do it for Jimin?”
I didn’t even want to think about it. What would that be like? Getting back into the dating scene, talking to other women, hoping they saw through my mask of deceit like Tiffany did … but how could I ever love again when I loved Tiffany this much? Just the thought was terrifying enough, but … could I do it? Could I wake up next to someone else? Could I smile and celebrate another woman’s birthday like I did Tiffany’s? Could I share my Jimin with another lover?
I shook my head again. Just the thought of life without Tiffany, of never being able to see her again, of never being able to say how much we loved each other again, of never being able to hug her again, it was all enough to make me want to throw up.
I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want her to leave. I didn’t want to imagine what my life would be like without Tiffany in it. I wanted to be by her side, and her by mine, until we became old ladies. I wanted to celebrate our 80th, 90th birthdays together, to continue to laugh and love each other until we couldn’t physically open our mouths any longer, and still try to communicate it with our hands or our eyes. Every time I thought about growing old, it was always with Tiffany by my side.
So how could I ever do all of that with anyone else?
“Fany, I just can’t. I spent everything I had in loving you, and—”
“Taeyeon, what does it mean to love someone?” I shook my head, still refusing to look at her. When I didn’t answer, she continued, “It means to wish for the greatest amount of happiness for that person, right?”
“You’ve given me so much happiness, Taeyeon. More than any one person could ever receive in their lifetimes.” I continued to shake my head, unable to stop the tears from flowing down my cheeks, dripping off my chin and hands and onto my week-old pants. “All the love you’ve given me, I can feel it. And it’ll never go away, Taeyeon, and I’m thankful for that.”
All I could do was shake my head. “Stop…” It was too cruel. How could God do this to me? How could He do this to Tiffany, the purest, most sweet and loving and caring angel on Earth there was?
“So, what kind of a bad wife would I be to not wish the most amount of happiness to the one I love? Even if I won’t be the one giving you the happiness, I still want you to have it. I want you to be the happiest woman in the world. Knowing that, when I’m gone, you’ll take my place as the happiest woman in the world is what would make me happy.”
The hum of the hospital’s air conditioner. The occasional beeps of the machines attached to Tiffany. The slight sniffles from the tight feeling in my lungs and the uncomfortable lump in my throat.
“You want me to be as happy as possible, right?”
I nodded.
“Then, promise me, Taeyeon.”
“Promise me that you’ll never forget me, and that you’ll always love me, and, because you love me, you’ll fall in love with someone else so that my love can be rewarded with your own happiness.”
A selfish, childish part of me wanted to scream out, to tell her that I would never love again, that she would take my heart and my soul if she ever left my side. But, I knew that wasn’t what she needed. Of all the times to argue with her, right now was not the time. Right now, I needed to do everything I could to quell her concerns so that she could pass on with as few regrets as possible.
“I-I promise.”
“Say it.”
“I promise, th-that I’ll never forget you and that I’ll always love you, and because I love you, I’ll come to love again to make sure the happiness your love has given me will be worth it.”
That was the first time I successfully lied to Tiffany.
"I think you should give Jessica another chance.”
I looked up from my bowl at Kibum, who held a steady gaze at me. “I said, I think you should give Jessica another chance.”
I scoffed into the bowl. “It’s not me who needs to give her another chance, it’s the other way around.”
“Hm, that’s not what I got from her text.” I looked up at him again, prompting him to continue. “She told me about how she regretted the way she acted and begged me to set you two up again. Although, she did say to not tell you, so—”
It was only halfway through his third sentence that his words started to sink in. “Wait, what?”
Kibum shrugged. “She didn’t really seem to want to give me the details, but she sounded really apologetic. So, I’ll go back to what I initially said: I think you should give her another chance.”
I couldn’t help but laugh at that. “No, you have it mistaken. I was really rude to her during the date, and didn’t even hug her before turning around and walking away from her.”
“Funny you say that, because the one detail she did give me was how your apology as you began walking away from each other made her realize that she might’ve misunderstood you.”
“I don’t—…why are you so insistent on this, anyway? Is this you, like, pitying me or something?”
“Hey,” he said, holding his hands up defensively, “you know I don’t interfere with your dates. I just set them up and leave things be.” I had to admit that was true; the other four women he introduced me to were a testament to that fact. “But I have a good feeling about Jessica. I think, maybe, she was able to see the considerate, loving person you are underneath.”
I thought back to the promise I made to Tiffany. I remember how badly I wanted to be sincere in making that promise, but in the back of my mind, it just felt impossible. Of all the people in my life, no one has been able to see through my mask unless I took it off myself—not even my parents. Making that promise and noting to myself that it was the first time I’ve ever lied to her was a result of that thinking. It wasn’t like I was as against the idea as I was when she first brought it up, but that it just simply fell outside the realm of possibility.
But, if what Kibum was saying was right, and Jessica really did want a second date despite how the first one went, then maybe the reason why Tiffany was satisfied with the promise was because she knew me better than myself. Maybe, the lie that hung over my head as the one regret I thought would never go away wasn’t actually a lie.
Inspired by ‘Promise’ by kimkimsara and also my own mother, who was brave enough to find love again.
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ninjakitten1699 · 4 days
Heard we are sharing cursed maskless time twins? Would you like to see my art of them with no masks?
Too bad!
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Little gremlins they are
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bigdicktitties · 1 year
The Dead man and the Austrian
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Your phone buzzed, jumping, you took the vibrating object out of your pocket and checked the notifications. It was from the group chat the boys had put you in. You, Soap, Ghost, Konig, price, and Alejandro decided to keep in touch, and thus made a group chat named "The boys". You giggled when you heard that idea. Mainly over the thought of those big burly men, using Snapchat.
     You opened it to see the usual flow of memes, and occasionally random phrases in German, that you learned long ago was Konig's way of throwing the most creative curses you had ever heard into the chat. You rolled your eyes at the chats. A bitmoji appeared at the bottom, it's masked face tilted up in thought. What was the point of creating a bitmoji, if they were just going to cover everything up? You didn't even bother with emoji's.
     Much like Ghost and Konig, you wore a mask, and you often took it to extremes with covering your face. You wore colored contacts to hide your own eye color. You remembered when you would switch the colors daily to fuck with Soap. You didn't want them to know your face at all, and they understood that, afterall, it wasn't abnormal, seeing as how half of the team had their faces covered.
     However, it wasn't like Ghost or Konig who covered it for safety reasons. Looking in the mirror, you knew once more why you wear that mask, that was more of a veil. Your shoulder length hair hung messily around you, dripping water onto your bare chest. Your bra laid next to you on the sink, and you didn't feel like putting it on. All you wore were your panties.
    Your phone buzzed again, Ghost's chat appeared on the screen, "Drinks tonight with the boys, you in Oni?"
     Ah, yes, that nickname. Price made the joke one time, 'I bet you're a demon in the sheets.'
    He was drunk one night and didn't know it was you. Not that you looked particularly masculine back then.You were shocked when a hand grabbed your ass, causing you to turn around and shout in Japanese at him. His eyes went wide when he saw the mask in your face, to them, you were a guy. The whole room erupted in laughter. They wanted to call you demon after that incident, but you told them if they did, they had to say it in Japanese. Not that you wanted to be remembered as Price's drunken mistake, but you had no choice. It had stuck before too long.  It was better than them calling you (L/n).
    You picked your phone up, wiping the condensation off the screen, and began to type. You let the click of the keyboard echo out through the bathroom, "Sure, let me get dressed, and I will meet you guys at the bar.We going maskless tonight?" You typed with a few emojis to show the joke.
    Konig's bitmoji, almost identical to Ghost's, popped up, "Sure, maybe we can make it a striptease if Ghost can get on the pole." Laughing emoji.
     "I will shove that pole up your ass."
     I laughed at that. They were like an old married couple most days. You stuck the toothbrush in your mouth and quickly began to type, trying to get a word in before you were cut off, "okay, ladies. I will be there in an hour."
       I sat the phone down and walked to my closet. I pulled out my binders and my mask. It looked a lot like Konig's, but it was mesh, so I could see through it. It also had an oriental design embroidered into it. You couldn't tell it by looking at my actual face, but my Japanese ancestry meant a lot to me. I carried a piece of my actual self everywhere, and right now it was on my mask.
    I looked at the fabric in my hand, and chunked it to the side. It didn't look as badass tonight, and  the airiness of the mesh would give off the flowery smell of my body wash. I dragged a box out filled with many masks, I bought over the years in case I ever had to change identities. I dug until my hand felt a smooth, plastic horn. I pulled it out from the bottom of the pile.
     My sister had bought me an Oni mask to hang on my wall as a gift, but the mask was fully functional, so I wore it tonight. I walked to the mirror, binding my hips and chest to my body before I put on black cargo pants and an anime hoodie. I dried my hair, letting it hang free this time. It didn't look too girly, so that was enough for me.
    I left, making sure that every trace of my woman hood was swept away under baggy clothes. I didn't feel like driving, and it was only a few blocks to the bar, so I decided to walk. I needed to break my shoes in anyways. The sun was starting to set behind the clouds, and night was beginning to fall over the city. Most people, especially women, would be scared, but after being in the military for four years, I was confident some dope head with a knife, would not be the end of me.
    I heard the group before I saw them. I shook my head, opening the door. They raised thier glasses, cheering when they saw me. Everyone except Ghost who just stared. His eyes burned through me, and for a moment I wondered if I forgot to bind all the way or something. I sat down beside him, his eyes following me the whole time, "You're looking at me like I got a dick hanging from my forehead."
     "I didn't know you had that much hair." He said, taking a sip of his drink.
     "Ha! Did I finally pull the wool over the eyes of the infamous Ghost?" I playfully elbowed him in the side.
     He rolled his eyes, and Konig sat down next ot me. I turned to him, 'dabbing him up'. "Hey Konig, what you up to?"
     He put his arms around my shoulder and pulled me close, pointing to some generic blonde chick at the end of the bar sipping on a grey goose martini. I cringed behind the mask, don't tell me Konig has a type. "Oni, you see that frau over there?"
     I could smell the liquor on his breath, It had taken me an hour and a half to get here, and he was already hammered, "The blonde one? No thanks." I put my hand up.
      "No, the Asian bartender. I tried taking to her, but she don't seem to really understand me, go hit her up for me. You speak Chinese don't you?"
He smiled, still pointing.
     You swatted his hand down, "First of all you drunkard, I'm Japanese, and she is Korean. Neither of us speak chinese. Secondly, she probably understands you, you're just too slammed to make a coherent sentence." I waved my hand in front of my face, "How many drinks have you had."
     "Same as Ghost."
    I pushed Konig back, "Okay, well Ghost probably drinks away his sorrows, and look at those sad puppy dog eyes, he has a lot of sorrows. You are the biggest lightweight i've seen. Go drink a glass of water."  I looked over to see Ghost glaring at me. I smiled shrugging my shoulders. "Don't take that personally."
    The night went on, and it was filled with more banter from the team. You tried your hardest to fit in, but the more sake you drank, the more out of place you felt. The room began to feel more hot to you, so before long, I had taken my hoodie off to reveal a thin, plain black, long sleeved shirt on. You had a couple cups of sake, and you were a bit buzzed, enjoying the atmosphere.
    To tease Price back for the years ago he harassed you in this same bar, you strolled over, sitting in his lap, and running your hand down his face. The other guys began to laugh. You never understood how very open, homosexual acts could make them laugh so hard, they choked on their own tongues, but you didn't care. This is what being a boy entailed. You had to be a complete dumbass.
    You got up, excusing yourself to the bathroom, praying it was empty. Thank god it was. You rushed to the stall next to the urinals, seeing as how it was the only one in order. I jerked my pants down, slamming my butt on the toilet. That sake ran through me quickly, and I was pissing like a racehorse. A sigh of relief left my lips when I finally let it out.
    The door swung open and a pair of boots stumbled in. You heard a burp, and realized Konig had stumbled in here. You finished up, and opened the stall door. Thank god, I had that mask on, because when I left the stall, Konig was standing there with his dick out. A blush spread across my face at the sight. Konig was hung like a fucking horse. He made no attempt to conceal the thing. He was uncircumcised, but that don't matter when his dick looks like it would split me in half.
    He caught me staring, "You look like you have never seen a dick before. Don't get gay all of a sudden."
     You rolled your eyes, "Please, like I would get turned on by a guy who wears a fucking trash bag over his head. You're probably ugly anyways."
       He put his dick back in his pants, zipping them, "Is that why you wear the mask? I bet your one ugly hosensheiße underneath that mask." He stumbled forward, pointing a finger.
     He tripped over his shoelace, falling into your arms. He was fucking heavy, and it was taking everything in my power to not drop his drunk ass, "Jesus, your fucking heavy."
    "Sorry, that's just my ~burp~ huge cock." He put his arms on either side of my body, and pushed himself up using me as a prop. He picked up my mask and held it out to me, "oh shit you dropped this."
     I didn't even know that I dropped it, and shock flooded through my body when I saw the red, chipped painting. I didn't put anything on under it to conceal my face, I felt no need to, boy was I wrong for that.
    Konig's face dropped before his eyes went wide. They looked like they would pop out of his skull and roll onto the ground. You flinched, putting your arms on the counter. Your face alone was so painfully feminine, that no matter how much you bound everything else, those long lashes, full cheeks, and plump lips gave it away. You looked up at him through your lashes, "You better not tell the others. Konig I swear to god, I will tell every one about the time you was smoking at my place and sold your feet pics for pocket money." You threatened.
    He held his hands out in front of him, "Okay, Okay, I won't, but it will take more than bribery to buy my silence."
    He moved closer to you, pressing his body against mine, "W-What do you have in mind?" I closed my eyes as I felt his breath snake down my neck.
    He began twirling a lock of my hair, "A Blowjob. Suck me off, and I might think about keeping your little secret."
    I pushed his body off me. He was drunk enough, that it didn't take all that much to shove him back. Konig is usually way more controlled than this, but the copious amounts of liquor in his system has him unraveling. "Just a blowjob? Nothing more?"
    He shook his head. I sighed, silently agreeing by getting on my knees and unbuckling his belt. It was nothing to suck some dick in order to guard my most precious secret. It's not like I haven't given head before. I lifted his shirt, seeing a trail of hair that went down his stomach. My mouth watered at the sight of ripped abs and the smell of his body made me want to bite him.
     I pulled the belt out of the buckle, and I unzipped his pants. I traced his v-line with the tip of my finger, a shiver ran down his spine. He growled under his mask. "du machst dich über mich lustig" (You tease me)
    You cocked your head, not understanding his german, but finding it sexy that he has reverted back to his most basic instinct. I finally got enough courage to pull down his boxers. It almost hit you in the face when it sprang up, freed from it's prison. I knew I couldn't take all of it at once, but I was still really excited to see what I could do. He had minimum hair, giving me a clear view of everything.
     You parted your full lips, looking ups at him through your eyelashes. He stared at you with intensity as he saw his own cock disappear behind that velvet face that you had. He put a hand lovingly on the side of your head, as you took what you could, stopping about half way. He shook his head, disapproving of your decision to stop, " I think you can take more, Bärchen." You shook your head, trying to look at him pleadingly, "Do you need my help?" He stroked down the side of your face, your caramel eyes, pleading for his mercy.
    He put both hands on either side of your head. You slammed your eyes, knowing what he was about to do. He chuckled, "Eyes on me, Hase. I will be gentle." He slammed his cock to the back of your throat. The precum lubricated it, allowing it to slip further down with ease. You gagged, feeling tears prick up in your eyes. He slipped out, allowing you air. "Take your clothes off, I want to see your body."
    "I thought this was just a blowjob? Why do I need to get naked?" You asked, hoping he hadn't changed his mind. it was one thing to give head, another to actually fuck.
    " I would come quicker if you were naked. Don't you want to get this over with sooner?" I nodded, taking off my shirt. I averted my eyes when he began to pump himself. "Look at me. I want to see those eyes."
     You gave a whimper of protest, but abliged anyways. The army had you so used to doing what you were told. Your bare body now lay on the wet bathroom counter. You slid off, getting back onto the floor, you took his cock into your tiny hands. Putting the weeping tip in your mouth, you swirled over the small slit that settled on top.
    He threw his head back, "Scheiße!" He howled. His whole body shuddered. You took his cock deeper into your mouth, adjusting slowly. Inch by inch you felt his thick cock slip past your throat and press against it's insides. You gagged, just so he could feel your throat tightening around him. He moaned, spewing german nonsense from his lips. He was so close, and you was ready for this to be over with.
    That was until the door swung open, and you saw Ghost walk in. He stopped, staring at you. Your cover had been blown again, and this time in the worst way imaginable: you in between Konig's legs, taking his dick like the whore you were. Ghost widened his eyes, seeing the scene, "Bloody hell Konig, where did you find a prostitue?"
     I pulled back, ready to fire off, saying how I wasn't a prostitute, but right as I began to slide off, Konig, slammed my head back down, "She isn't a prostitue, but she was desperate." He looked down to you. You could see the smirk in his eyes. That damn bastard.
    "How desperate? I came in here looking for you and Oni, but I guess you have been occupied...Wait!" His eyes went even wider as he realized the tiny woman that clutched Konig's thighs with mascara running down her face was the same guy that once killed forty men with a single knife. "You mean he was a girl this whole time?"
     I choked on his cock, causing a shiver to go down his spine. Konig noded. There was no use in hiding it, Ghost had already put two and two together. You pulled of his dick with a pop, "M'sorry for lying. There was no way 141 would take me seriously as an asian female. You all would have sexualized me for no reason!" you shot a spiteful glance to konig as he rubbed the back of his neck chuckling.
     Ghost stalked closer, "I see your point, but if you don't want repercussions, I suggest you give me a good reason not to turn you in." He looked stern. You could see the betrayal in his eyes. The person he shared so many personal thought and moments with turned out to be lying to hims about the biggest thing: who they really were.
    You put your hands up to beg, but Konig cut you off, "I think she needs to be punished." He said to Ghost, sarcasm and lust lacing his voice.
     "Your right Konig, and good news is you get to help me. Turn the bird's head my way." Konig put his big hands on the sides of your hand and turned you towards Ghost. He walked closer, tugging his pants from his waist, revealing his half hard cock. You widened your eyes, because where Konig had all the lenght for days, Ghost was girthy as fuck. Not to say he didn't have length, but it was no where near Konig.
    Konig directed your precum stained tongue to the twitching cock in front of you. 'You didn't know how to feel about taking your lieutenant down your  throat, but the thought of being kicked off the team sucked worse. You thought about the effects of your actions and how something as harmless as lying about your gender could get you dishonorably dishonorably discharged.
    Ghost pressed his tip against your lower lip, "Quite the dick sucking lips innit?"
    Konig, pressed his masked face to the crook of your neck, "You hear that schatzi? How do we thank the lieutenant for complimenting you?"
You wrapped your lips around his cock, hearing him groan. "Good girl, that's the spirit." Konig said, giving a light slap to your ass.
     You moaned, sending vibrations up Ghost's dick. He decided to take it upon himself and slowly inch his way down your throat. He could feel the walls of your cheek suckle him, trying to milk him of his cum. He reached your tight little throat, pushing his way past. You gagged around him, feeling tears prick in your eyes from gagging.
    The feeling of your throat flexing around his cock made him ache for your sweet sweet heaven between your legs. Konig kept his hands on your head, pulling your head back and forth onto Ghost's cock with a nice pace. Ghost had moved his hand to wrap slightly around your neck, relishing the sight of your throat bobbing with the thickness of his cock. "I wonder what's between this lassie's legs? Maybe we should take her home and try her out?"
    You shook your head in protest. Konig had promised this would only be a simple Blowjob, but Ghost hadn't. All he said was that he intended on punishing you. You gagged more on his thick cock, and when your lungs began to burn, you pulled back. A string of precum hung between your tongue and the red, weeping tip that was held in front of you. You looked up to Ghost with pleading eyes, "Please don't."
     "Why is that? Afraid we will break you?" He held her chin in his hand, stroking his dick right by her face.
    "Yes actually, please!" You begged, "Look, I've given head before, and I have even touched another guy. I've done just about everything but actual sex."
      Konig pulled your hair back to meet his eyes, "So we got ourselves something to break in huh? Don't worry Hase, we won't be too rough." He released your hair.
     "I'm a soldier dammit! Why are you doing this?" You crossed your arms.
     Ghost pried your mouth open, aiming the head of his cock at your pretty pink tongue, "You're quite dishy when your being disobedient. I might keep you personally." You could see the amusement in his eyes.
    You were too busy focusing on those dreamy brown eyes to see the ropes of cum splattering onto your face. You closed your eyes, opening your mouth. Both men gave a chuckle at your surprise.
    You felt their hands withdraw from your body, and you clutched yourself, covering up your bare body. Cum dripped down your face and onto your bare breast. Konig handed you a paper towel, "You might want to clean yourself up. We decided to take you back to your place and have some fun~" He smirked.
     Slowly you got off your feet and began to dress yourself. Your knees had prints in them from sitting on the tiled floor for so long. Your joints cracked and popped from the weight of you lifting yourself off the floor. You timidlycleaned yourself off and put your mask on.
     The boys walked you out, waving to the rest of 141, "I'm driving Konig and Oni home, they had too much to drink." Ghost said, grabbing his keys and heading out the door.
    You kept your head down, still ashamed of what was to come next. You never thought you would sleep with a superior, but here you were about to have a threesome with not just your Lieutenant, but a member of another team.   Where was your pride and dignity?
    Ghost clicked his keys, and the headlights of a truck began to light up across the parkinglot. The sleek, white finish had you a little jealous, but when you saw it had no backseats you looked at Ghost, "How will we all fit?"
    "The middle seat folds up, your small enough to sit there." He opened the door and helped you climb inside. You watched Konig climb in, ducking his head to fit his massive body into the truck. You locked eyes with him, and hurriedly turned away to look at Ghost.
     He was also trying to fit his massive body in the truck. When they finished settling in, you found yourself wedged between two giant men, and you found your mind wandering to dirty places. You wanted to be sandwiched between them while they filled your insides. You began to whimper to yourself.
     Konig reached over, taking your mask off, and grabbing your chin, "What's wrong little maus?"
    You blushed making eye contact with him, "Please." You begged, not really knowing what you wanted specifically, but knowing that you wanted something.
     Konig looked at you intensely, his gaze piercing you, making you whimper even more. You began to rub your legs together to do something about the burning that you created by having such sinful thoughts. His eyes followed your shaking figure all the way down to your crotch, watching your legs grind against each other. His eyes widened, "You want me to touch you maus?"
    You pouted, nodding. You didn't care that you looked pathetic right now, begging for a man to touch your pussy, you only cared about getting that feeling to go away.
     Konig unzipped your pants, sliding his hands down to your crotch. He stroked your slit through your cotton panties, hissing when he felt how wet you were. You clung to his arm, watching his hand move under the fabric of your pants. He pulled your panties aside, and began to slide his finger between your lips, spreading your wetness over your whole body. You threw your head back, moaning.
    Konig slipped a finger in you, relishing how tight your walls are. Your head snapped up, wide eyed as more choked moans fled your lips. Konig pumped his finger in and out of your slick cunt, feeling it suck his thick digits in with every thrust. It made obscene noises the whole drive.
     You felt another hand join. Looking over, you saw Ghost with one hand on the wheel, watching the road intently as his other hand found your clit. He stroked it in big circles, making sure you felt it everytime his finger dragged across each nerve. You could swear he had a smirk on his face as you threw you head back, feeling the overwhelming pleasure from being played with.
     You felt the car stop, looking up, you saw Ghost lean over, switching hands, he bagn to stroke your face, "That's a good little slut. Just sit there and feel good while we do all the work. Let the men do their jobs." He purred into your ear while your moans and hisses filled the truck.
    Konig leaned into your other ear, making sure you can feel his hot breath snake down your neck. He picked up his pace, adding another finger. You flexed your legs at the stretch, mewling over the two men simultaneously finger fucking your whining pussy. Konig purred in your ear, "So eine Kissenprinzessin. so eine hübsche kleine Schwanzhure." Such a pillow princess. Pretty little cock whore.
    Your eyes rolled in the back of your head as you felt your lower body grow hot. You arched your back as your orgasm hit you like a steam hammer. You opened your mouth only for strangled noises to escape. Your body felt like it was being pulled apart, and you loved it.
    Konig watched you ride out your orgasm with dark eyes. You could almost see the dark fantasies he had about you playing through his mind. If it felt better than this, then you would fulfill his darkest fantasy. You held eyes as he slipped his fingers from you and placed them in his mouth, licking them. He pulled them out with a pop, telling you how good you taste.
     Your legs were shaking. They felt like jelly. Ghost opened the door, offering you his hand. You took it, allowing him to pull you into his arms bridal style. You clung to his grey shirt, burying your head into his chest, enjoying his scent. He tossed Konig the keys, and he unlocked the door. You anticipated what was to come next. Would they carry you to the bedroom, or would they simply fuck you right here in the living room while you were sandwiched between them. 
     Ghost walked over to the couch, setting you down. Your legs shook, and you whined from the lack of contact. You reached down to your sopping cunt, trying to play with yourself in hopes of relieving some of the pressure in your body, but you had never done it manually. You made enough money to afford toys, so you never learned how to do it by hand. You looked down between your legs with a defeated look on your face. 
     You felt a presence behind you, and a hand snaked between your legs. You could smell the alcohol on his breath, " Does the lass not know how to touch herself? That much of a princess?" He sank his finger into your wetness, watching as you tilted your head back and rested it on your shoulder. Your mouth stretched open as did your pussy as Ghost slid two finger deep inside of you. "Good little bird. Come on sunshine, mewl for me." He continued to whisper in your ear as your legs clamped around his thick arms. You felt os small compared to him in so many ways. That turned you on, just imagining your tiny body being pulverized by these two giant men...wait no. You were a soldier, and you needed to act like one instead of throwing yourself onto people like this. If they were the enemy, you would already be dead. 
    Would death really be that bad if you got to feel every inch of an Austrian and a brit going in and out of you? You hoped it would ill you to be split in half over them. To be juiced like an orange on their dicks. Your mouth began to water at the thoughts of what they would do to your bodies if they had the chance to. You felt your legs being spread apart. You were snapped out of your daydream, seeing bright blue eyes resting beneath you. 
     Konig pulled your pants off, swatting away Ghost's hand while he spread your lips apart with his fingers. He took in the sight before him, " Heilige shieß, so klien und perfekt." (Holy shit so small and perfect.) He said, running a finger up your slit. You let out a cry of pleasure not caring about your dignity anymore. Konig began to kiss your thighs through his mask, trailing up your leg, stopping right before the thing you wanted him to kiss the most. He looked up at you, "Willst du, dass Daddy dich auswärts isst? bitte darum Prinzessin." (Do you want daddy to eat you out? Beg for it princess.)
     You didn't understand german that much, only what Konig had took the time for in the past, but you knew what he wanted. He wanted you beg. "Please Konig." You took a moment to mentally put together a sentence with what german you know, "Bitte Konig. Fick mich. Ich mich aus!" (Please Konig. Fuck me. Eat me out!) You screamed, just wanting contact from him. He was the one that got you into this mess, he might as well make it worth your while. 
     Konig's eyes perked up at your german. You saw the surprise fade into primal, animalistic lust. Part of you felt scared of the look on his face, but the other parts were begging him to eat you out with fervor. He lifted his mask up slightly, showing his pink lips. You caught a glimpse of him licking his lips before he rested the bottom of his hood on the crevice between your stomach and pussy. 
    He huffed on your clit, teasing you with his breath. You whimpered under his touch when you felt his tongue go down on your swollen clit. He worked in so many different patterns. He went in circles, and then he switched, going up and down. You felt like you would pass out from the feeling. It was too much to feel his wet muscle glide over your small clit. It felt like your ovaries would tie in a knot from this. Your holy body felt alive. 
    Ghost was beginning to feel jealous of all the attention Konig was giving you. He walked around the couch, sitting down beside you. He slid his pants off watching Konig go to town on you. He wanted to dip his tongue inside you just as much. He tapped Konig on the shoulder, "Oi, move to that side, and we will tag team her. Punish her real nice." You could see the smirk under his mask. 
    Konig moved over, focusing his tongue on one side of your clit while Ghost got on his knees and pulled his mask up. You felt his tongue next. It flew over your slick folds, and your hips bucked, pushing their faces deeper into your cunt. You wanted to take their masked faces and slam them into your pussy, rubbing their faces in it like dogs. They made this mess anyways, and their skilled tongues were next to make a mess. 
     Your body slid down into the couch, but perked up when they both slid a finger each into your tight hole. Your back arched, causing you to scream. They picked up their pace, aroused by your screams. You leaned forward, caressing their head, muttering in Japanese as they feasted upon your body. 
     The knot in your stomach was getting tighter, and you couldn't tell if it was from the extreme fingering or the cunnilingus. All you knew was that you was slowly inching closer to sweet release. You wanted it so bad, and much like them, face deep in your whining cunt, you could taste it. It was that close. Sparks began to form behind your eyelids like a lit firework, and as they took off you could feel that spike, that climb. You were ready for the mind numbing orgasm, but right as they were to explode, they stopped. 
    You opened your eyes, glaring at the two men. They pulled back. You saw ghost stick his finger in his mouth, pulling it out with a pop. His eyes rolled back at your rich flavor. Konig licked his lips, and swiped tow fingers up your cunt. He held the digits up to your mouth. You didn't need him to tell you as you leaned forward, wrapping your puffy lips around his soaked fingers. You bobbed your head up and down, making eye contact. Konig grabbed your chin with his other hand, "You just want me to fucking ruin that needy little whore hole of yours don't you?"
    You pulled off his fingers, "Please do. I want my tight little body to be abused tonight. Make me regret lying to you!" You cried, wanting them to get this show on the road. 
    Ghost grabbed you by the legs pulling you against him, "That's all you needed to say." He leaned close, lining his dick with your entrance. You could feel him breathing on your collar bone, sending shivers down your spine. His breaths formed words, "I'm going to make you my cumdumpster." He stated as he rammed his thick cock all the way into you. You screamed feeling the stretch happen so suddenly. He held your hips as you leaned back over the arm of the couch. The stretch was intense. You wee afraid to straighten your back, thinking that it would snap. 
    "Cup your tits together Schatzi." Konig spoke, stroking your sensitive nipples. You brought your hands up, pushing your boobs together. Konig took his precum soaked dick and slid it between your tits. His lubed up dick sliding through with ease. He put his hand on his back as he thrusted. He cupped her mouth forcing it open, "Open wide for me pretty." He slid his balls in your mouth as he tit fucked you. 
    You felt like their little slut. It made you smile a bit. The two most feared men on 141 and KorTac was making your their little fuck toy. You were positive that the socks they jerked off into as teenagers got more respect than you in this moment, and that was fine. You were in the army, it was nothing for you to get yelled at and degraded. Honestly its half the reason you joined: to hear men tell you how fucking pitiful you are. 
     You would be as pitiful as you needed to be for them. You hoped they fucked you out of pity. You hoped that everytime their thick, heavy balls slapped against your sopping pussy, they felt so sorry that they fucked you harder. 
    All your pride and dignity had flown out the window. 
     You felt Koing withdraw, "Ghost. Let me have a turn inside of her."
     "Alright, I was about to cum anyways." He pulled out, watching a string of juices follow. Koing walked around, eyeing his prey. His deep oceanic eyes, stalked you from your spot. You began to whimper as you watched him lurk around the couch, his hard cock being pumped by his equally as big fist. You were scared to have him inside of you, but you needed it so bad. 
     He grabbed your legs, pressing them together tightly. You placed your hand over your mouth, whimpering as you felt the tip probe your wet hole, and gradually it pushed it. You could feel the weight of him pressing against you from just the tip.  Your eyes rolled into the back of your head when you felt the stretch he supplied you with. Gods it was fucking beautiful.
     "Like a bitch in heat." You heard Ghost say, his caramel eyes, looking at you with predator intent.  He took you hair in his hands, almost petting you as he watched Konig disapear in you just to resurface again. Each time, drawing a moan from your lips in the most begging way. His string of broken German made you want to cry. You could'nt tell what he was saying, but you knew it was so dirty that even Satan would have to plug his ears to this.
     Ghost sat there, lightly tugging on your hair as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. Your mouth hung agape, and you didn't even try to stop the noises that left your lips. You felt Ghost tug your head back by your hair. You closed you eyes, when you felt his tip probe your cheek. You welcomed it. He slipped in, using the juice he picked up off you earlier to lube up his journey down your throat. Your body stiffened. You felt so full. You wanted to always feel like this.
     You felt so nice being used and abused by these two big men. You could do this all night, just having them fuck you like some sock they would toss behind their beds after a quick wank. The way their bodies pressed against you like a slutty little Chinese finger trap made you want to cream that very instant. It was so good and they were so heavy against your tiny body. 
      Ghost was slowly slipping his tip in and out of your throat, liking how your throat flexed around him as you gagged on it. The girth bringing  you to heaven. He dragged it in and out slowly, before deciding you were ready for the full effect of it. He put his hand on your throat and clamped down, tightening the already snug space in your throat. 
     You let out a moan and a gag as your body tensed up causing you to clamp around Konig. You could feel his thrust grow sloppier inside of you, and neither of them had a condom. You wondered if they would fill you or cum on you like some cheap whore. You didn't know which part had you more excited. 
     Konig leaned his body over you, and he began swirling his tongue over your nipples, feeling the roughness of the hard peaks on his tongue. You moaned with Ghost in your mouth. You loved being filled to your hearts content, and you wished it would never end, that they would fuck you like their little cum dumpster for the rest of their big, burly lives. 
     Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as another orgasm hit you like a freight train. Your body shook with fervor as you felt your heat pulse with ecstasy. Your small frame trembled under their grip as you opened your mouth letting out a scream. Ghost pulled out of you, holding you from under your arms. Konig drilled into you as you came all over his lengthy cock. 
     Ghost leaned in petting you, "Right there baby, right there. When you get done cumming like a good little slut, I'll go back in, and me and ol' konig here will tag team you." He planted kisses on your temple, felling your body shake with every wave of euphoria that washed over you. It felt like it would never end, but soon your trembles died down and you could breath again. 
     That was until you felt a tip probe your sopping whole from behind. You shook your head trying to say you wasn't ready, but he pushed past, stretching out your body so well. You were ruined now, and hoped that maybe this is a forever thing now, because no other man could ever want you after this. These two big men just ravaged your body and there was no turning back now. You were forever sealed to these men. 
     They pumped in and out rhythmically. When Konig pulled out, Ghost pushed in. You were never empty of them. Ghost held you from the back while you wrapped your legs around Konig, feeling as they tugged you back and forth like a saw on their dicks.  You let out so many screams and moans. Your throat felt dry and you just wanted some water, but the only thing that seemed wet at the moment was your cunt that was weeping onto the men holding you. 
      You felt like you were going to explode everywhere, all over their throbbing hard ons. You couldn't keep quiet and Konig had to clamp his hand over your mouth. You looked at him wide eyed as it turned you on so much to be dominated, deprived  like this. He leaned in closer where his blue eyes met yours, "Can you still breathe liebling?"
     You nodded not being able to breathe. He gave you a curt nod before resting his forehead on yours. You were starting to feel tired and wore out. You came all you could, yet again and again they rung orgasm after orgasm out of you. You felt dried up and used. You gripped the part of konigs mask on each side of his head while Ghost buried his face in the side of your neck, placing hickeys up and down the side as he drilled his hot cock into your tiny pussy. 
     Konig pulled his mask up to a little above the tip of his nose, and locked lips with you. He had tiny beads of sweat on his upper lip, and a stubble had begun to grow in. You could feel his long hair on your shoulders. You broke from the kiss to moan. You felt a firm hand slap your ass, and looked back to meet eyes with Ghost. "Keep going, I'm almost there. be a good girl and I will finish in you." You moaned at the thought " You like that? You like the thought of me filling you with my hot, wet cum? I bet you want it dripping out of you and onto my couch? I'd let you ruin my couch with your weeping cunt. I bet you feel honored." You shook your head violently. 
     Konig jerked your head around to meet him, "Enough of him hase. Look at me, I can fill you more. You want my Austrian babies? Oh I bet they will look cute with those lips of yours. I will take you back to Germany with me. C'mon. I bet you would rather have this huge cock ramming into you every night. That british asshole can't fuck you like I can."
     Ghost rolled his eyes, "I have more experience with women. I know what make you tick. What makes you cum," He reached around to rub your clit in circles. 
     Konig began palming your nipples, "You don't want a depressing guy like him. You can't get anywhere with him. He doesn't exist to the government, but me? We can live and go places."
     "Who do you want to cum inside baby, just tell us. We won't be mad. Whose babies do you want to have?" Ghost cooed into the nape of your neck.
     "B-both..." You stammered out cautiously. 
You felt a slap on your ass, "Good girl." Konig pulled you close, "Let us both cum in you and play baby roulette. I bet you will look so good swollen with my german babies." HE began to pump faster inside of you.  
     "Don't listen to him (y/n) think of my little brunette babies with their chocolate eyes and your high cheekbones, we would practically raise models." He breathed into your neck as he began to hammer your hole. 
     "Oh fuck~I'm cumming~ fuck!" You shouted as you felt your walls give and pump hot cum onto their balls. Your body went limp as you shook in their arms. You were ready to be filled with their babies. You wanted it so bad.
     They got closer, sandwiching you between them tightly. Their bullying cocks pumped so fast they were sweating and panting. Finally after enduring the feeling if being rammed into so tastily, you felt Ghost bite your neck as he emptied his balls deep in your womb.
     Konig was soon to follow with his string of german curses. As they both emptied their seed inside of you, the spilled, catching their breath. They pulled out of you, hearing you whimper from not being full as you were used to being for so long.
     They laid you down on the couch while Ghost petted your hair and Konig left to get something to clean up. "Shhh, its ok. Its over now. Just relax in my arms princess." He pouted as you shook from everything.
     Konig returned a moment later and began to wipe you down, throwing his shirt at you to put on. You started to get up, but he stopped you, "Dont stand liebling. We don't want anything to seep out. Where do you need to go, I can carry."
     Your voice came out small and hushed, "I want a bed to sleep in please. I'm so tired."
     Konig turned to Ghost. He pointed down the hall, "Put her in my room, she can sleep there tonight. You can sleep on the other side and we can stick her in the middle."
    Your brain was cumdrunk and you couldn't think straight. To think you were once feared by many just for you to lay there in a tshirt, rubbing your sleepy eyes, "cuddles?"
    He cupped both sides of your face, bringing your eyes to meet his, "Yes, luv, cuddles all night. We don't have anywhere to be tomorrow, so we can sleep in."
     You gave a sleepy smile as Konig wrapped his arms around you, carrying youback to the room where he laid you in the middle of the bed. " If he lets me I'll steal his kitchen to make us some breakfast." He kissed you on your forehead.
     You closed your eyes to drift off to sleep as you felt them climb into bed and wrap their arms around you as you allowed your body to finally rest. To think you fucked a dead guy and a German.
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