#may or may not be a physical manifestation of self hatred or whatever
cassettemoon · 2 years
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A troupe of macaques
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hymn-to-mercury · 8 months
✨🪐Astrology observations🪐✨
These observations are all based off my own personal experience and are mostly generic - don't take it to heart if you disagree <3
🪐 No one seems to fully understand how Aquarius Moons work, including Aquarius Moons themselves.
🪐 I love how heavy Mars influence shows up in people's physical appearance! I’ve always noticed that people with a lot of mars dominance in their chart have a big forehead and/or a widows peak, as well as rosy cheeks or a naturally reddish/pinkish undertone to their skin.
🪐 Undeveloped Virgo and Sagittarius placements absolutely do not give a fuck about your feelings. They can be extremely self centred I've noticed to almost a dangerous detriment.
🪐 A lot of people give Scorpio women the Mean Girl rep, but honestly I think that title should be lent to Virgo women too 😭 They tend to have this hangup about perfection, and I think when undeveloped it shows more as an aversion to anything 'weird' or against the status quo.
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🪐 Cardinal Mars signs (that's Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) reallyyyyy can't hide their dislike for things 😅 people, food, celebrities, whatever. If they don't announce it verbally then you can at least tell by their face lmao.
(I once had to put on my ~emergency socks~ when I was wearing heels on a night out, and every time someone came up to me to tell me how nice my outfit looked I would say thanks and then just not stop yapping about how the socks were not originally apart of the outfit 😭 I couldn't let people think I approved of socks and sandals alksjdgfsjdh)
🪐 Scorpio placements can dish it but can't take it. Cancer placements will sneakily dish it under the guise of a joke and then start crying if you try to dish it back.
🪐 People with Leo Moon tend to 'perform' their activism a lot. That's not to say that they don't practice what they preach, but I think when they do speak up their image has something to do with it
🪐 If you were born under a Mercury Retrograde it might feel like you were destined to be misunderstood no matter how well articulated you are 🙃 I don't think it's a problem with yourself as much as it is with the people you encounter through your life though. Your biggest 'ops' might be people who are very particular and specific about word choice - think Gemini and Virgo Placements (if you are a Gemini/Virgo yourself, this may manifest for you as harbouring some self-hatred or significant self-consciousness).
🪐 Pisces want very badly to be carefree, but a lot of the time they severely struggle getting over their need for outside validation. Being carefree is also a trait they might find attractive in other people.
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corvid-lullaby · 15 hours
××𝕊𝕙𝕚𝕜𝕚𝕪𝕒 𝕊𝕠𝕛𝕠𝕓𝕠××
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Most of these bios need to be touched up and / or rewritten, but they'll do for now. RP Hooks and pics follow after the background.
×🩸× For FFXIV (Final Fantasy XIV) ×🩸× For DMC (Devil May Cry) ×🩸× For LaD (Like a Dragon / Yakuza)
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There are many versions of this being but--
At his very core, Shiki is a sort of malevolent spirit. One that feeds off the negative emotions of others. His tried and true method is by becoming a sort of mental parasite by wriggling his way into others. From there, it was only a matter of breaking them down mentally by weaponizing their traumas and intrusive thoughts against them. He would drive them mad by controlling their senses and forcing them to experience the horrendous in such vivid explicitness that they would believe it to be real. If it got bad enough, he'd be able to take temporary control of the body, which would grow longer the weaker his host became.
When it came to becoming visible to his victim, he often enjoyed taking on the form of who or whatever his host hated to see the most. A common concept was actually themself, where Shiki would end up as a grotesque doppelganger to the other. If his victim couldn't recover and push him out then Shiki would eventually eat their soul and fully inhabit the body as his own.
Where he comes from is unknown and dependent on the verse itself. He could be something that already exists, but he could just as easily be something that is born inside another due to them having a horrible mental state. Maybe they were so depressed and lonely that their emotions birthed him into existence. He would be someone that would want to take the role the other was yearning for, but spinning the whole thing onto it's head in the worst ways.
Even his personality can often vary by verse, but there will always be the same underlining traits. He was designed to live off of doing harm to others and therefore revels in it. At the same time there is a clear sense of ignorance to that which is considered ‘good’ and even more so towards that which is considered ‘human’. He understands hatred but does not understand honest love, and it's these more positive traits and emotions he is both weak to and intensely curious about. This is a monster that doesn't quite understand how to be a human.
Otherwise he's depicted as having his own vessel to house his spirit in. In these cases he's actually a tengu that can look as beastly or as human as he so wishes.
The malevolence and hunger he experiences as a spirit is extended into his physical self. Killer and assassin suits the needs of a cannibal best.
Shiki is purposely very ambiguous as he's designed to suit the needs of my RP partner. 💕 He's typically meant to be an antagonist, and as such is meant to push and develop the protag, who is your muse. Being ambiguous enables him to fit many scenarios and worlds and to better fit your muse's story and agenda.
If you'd like to RP but are unsure how to incorporate him into your story then don't hesitate to shoot me a DM! You can also refer to the verse specific backgrounds linked at the top for more solidified versions of him. DMC & FFXIV are examples of himself with his own body, while LaD is an example of him being purely a spirit within another.
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××RP Hooks××
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×Host× : Are you seeking to break your muse? Do they have inner skeletons that you wish for them to face in a devastating way? Maybe you're just curious how an AU would turn out if someone were to eat their soul and take them over? Shiki would certainly do them right as someone that can posses and manifest into reality the worst inside your muse. Who knows, something could happen where he instead makes a pact with the muse. Maybe even fall for them?
×Rivalry× : If your muse is looking for someone to seriously butt heads with, look no further. Shiki can and will get nasty when need be. How the rivals eventually end up being is up in the air. They could continue to bring the worst out in each other, enemies to lovers, or maybe just enemies with benefits. It'll be entirely up to you.
×Death AUs× : No one likes to have their character truly killed off, but what if you were curious about it? Or maybe you're curious about how it would be for your muse to kill someone? I'm always up for AU threads that end in character death, be it your muse or mine.
×Hired Strength× : As a physical being, this tengu is adept at being an assassin. He revels in harming others, and would gladly dispose of a body by straight up eating it himself. He's also just as well off being hired for other roles that require a strong arm, such as a body guard or bouncer. It has to be interesting though or there's a risk where he may just leave mid-job. Hiring him can also be extended to him even as a spirit.
×Black Trading× : Human trafficking? Organ 'donations'? Drugs? Whether you need it for money or some unspeakable black arts, Shiki may be interested in trading or helping you. It depends a lot on what you have to offer.
×Dark Romance× : The Crow is clearly someone terrible. Naturally, any kind of romance he may be involved with could turn out just as terribly. He's both very manipulative and possessive at his core, plus his volatile nature only adds to the flames. His twisted enjoyments goes both ways since he's masochistic just as much as he is sadistic. There's incredible risk to your muse, but if your muse is the type, then there is always the possibility of Shiki becoming a willing victim to them instead.
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jazzmarketing · 3 months
The Ultimate Guide to Mastering the 12 Universal Laws
The 12 Universal Laws are a powerful tool that can help you create positive changes in your life, no matter if you're an apologist or believer. These laws are based on spiritual principles such as Ho'oponopono, and hermetic philosophical beliefs dating back to ancient Egypt. The Law of Polarity is an illustration of the Universal Law. It states that all things have two poles. This includes hatred and love or evening and day. The Law of Attraction Every person has something they'd like to change within their lives. It is possible to manifest your goals, whether it is an affair, job or financial circumstance. The most famous of all universal laws, the Law of Attraction is used for manifestation. It explains like attracts like. That means that whatever you pay attention to, you will get. To apply this law, you'll have to be a positive person who focuses on soul-enriching feelings such as the joy of gratitude, love, and happiness. It is therefore essential to be aware of the 12 universal laws to work in harmony with them. The Law of Vibration This law is inviolable and states that all energy emits a sound. It includes thoughts, ideas and emotions. We attract experiences that resonate with the same frequency as we emit higher frequency. This is similar to the way quantum physicists explain atoms interacting at an atomic scale even across time and space. The law of attraction states that you are focusing on your thoughts and feelings to maintain a high frequency and this in turn leads to the life experiences you desire. It's about recognizing that you are not simply your physical body and that your positive energy might have the power to shape the world around you, manifesting your most profound desires to the physical world. The Law of Cause and Effect In accordance with the Law of Cause and Effect each action results in the same and opposite reaction. It's like Newton's Third Law but with an extra spiritual twist. It's also connected to the law of karma, in that you reap what you sow. This means that good actions will be rewarded, while poor ones will be punished although in this particular instance, it may not always be obvious. The great thing about this law, Kumar explains, is you can decide what causes you want to focus on and create the effects you want to observe in your life. The Law of Compensation This law is a close cousin to the Law of Sowing and Reaping. It says that you'll get back what you put into the Universe including love, energy or effort. It's not just about money, but can also include kindness toward strangers that impacts the entire world of our planet and the people all around us. Consider the universe as a cosmic accounting system and keeping track of all the things you say, do or think. It is essential to be aware of your words and thoughts because they can influence your life. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy This law says that everything changes or changing from one form to another. It's similar to water changing into an ice cube, rain, steam, or snow. The energy never goes away but it changes shape. The most frequent natural transformation that occurs on Earth is caused by cosmic rays that produce carbon-14, as well as the radioactive decay of nuclides which were created at the beginning of our Solar System. These include potassium-40, uranium and thorium. The law states that at a personal level, lower energies can be transmuted to higher energies by altering your vibration and turning negative emotions into positive emotions. This can be achieved through constructive self-reflection and by consciously choosing to act in ways that inspire you. The Law of Gender The Law of Gender isn't about sexual relations as we know it. It's more about two competing energy sources in us - one that nurtures and one that creates. Kaiser suggests that finding harmony between these energies will allow us to become more authentic. If you're naturally goal-oriented and assertive be sure to balance that with compassion and intuition. Be in tune with the natural flow of life, and develop a sense of deep interconnection with all living things. Like a masterful conductor, connect the symphony that is your feminine and masculine aspects--no longer at odds but in perfect harmony.
The Law of Rhythm The Universe is controlled by rhythmic ups-and-downs. As the tides move and flow, seasons change and days turn into nights as do our personal and professional life experiences. This law can assist you let go of your resistance during difficult times and also realize that the difficulties won't last forever. It will also help you to appreciate the highs while being prepared for the lows. You shouldn't be shocked by the great times. They will come. Beware of extreme mental states including over-excitement and over-depression. Source: YouTube
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pooma-bible · 2 years
Min. Kirya
Praise Jesus child of God. I salute you all in the Name of the son of the living God. I want to praise the Name of the Lord for the brand new day with a new version of anointing of God through His word in Jesu's Name.
Let's pray: Father in the Name of the son of the living God,I pray that May the Holy spirit open ears and eyes of everyone here for your word to transform us in Jesu's powerful name
Deliverance is the action of rescued or set free
Our bodies, souls and minds have to be  totally delivered from sin and evil plans of the devil.
God wants us to be totally delivered rather than delivering us  in one particular thing.
Jesus wants to save our souls ,the minds and the bodies because He will take a church without wrinkles and spots. The devil had no foothold on Jesus Christ because Jesus had no sin and ancestral blood
Mark:12.30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.'
Romans:12.2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will.
2 Corinthians:10.5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.
We have to reach a point where by the devil only accuse us for accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour only.
The devil always persist if we still have his characters, actions and relationship with it.
When we are totally delivered ( soul, minds and body) the devil can't have any foothold on us. Deliverance is so quick if the devil has completely lost foothold on us, Fight against all the footholds of the devil on your life in order to have total deliverance.
Total deliverance will help us to overcome the tribulations and persisting problems in our lives. You will always obey the one who controls your minds
Sorrows and worries
Frequent misunderstandings
Evil imagination and thoughts
Some of the demons that afflict our minds
Lack of sleep.
Excessive sleep
Self pity
Pain thoughts
Lack of wisdom
Spirit of forgetfulness
1 Chronicles:28.9 "And you, my son Solomon, acknowledge the God of your father, and serve him with wholehearted devotion and with a willing mind, for the LORD searches every heart and understands every motive behind the thoughts. If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever.
1 Chronicles:28.10 Consider now, for the LORD has chosen you to build a temple as a sanctuary. Be strong and do the work."
Demons that the devil impart in our mouths are;
Negative confession
Back biting
Some of the demons that attack the body are;
Swollen legs
Skin diseases
Pressure and diabetes
Pain during periods in women
Urinating on the bed etc
Whatever attacks you spiritually always manifest physically mostly through dreams
Dreams like;
Cows chasing you
Snakes and cats
Sexual dreams
They also make your spirit weak
Demons that attack the soul are;
Grinding teeth
Sleep walking
Things pulsing before sleeping
You need to release what disturbs your body (heart), minds and soul in order to get total deliverance
2 Chronicles:25.1 Amaziah was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned in Jerusalem twenty-nine years. His mother's name was Jehoaddin; she was from Jerusalem.
2 Chronicles:25.2 He did what was right in the eyes of the LORD, but not wholeheartedly.
Deuteronomy:34.7 Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.
Before complaining to God because of your situation, You have to search where the devil still have a foothold in your life. When we were in the world, the devil had took full control over our souls, minds and bodies
Romans:12.2 Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is-- his good, pleasing and perfect will.
May God deliver you from the patterns of the world. We have to reach a point where by the devil only accuse us for accepting Jesus Christ as our saviour only. Total deliverance will help us to overcome the tribulations and persisting problems in our lives. Thanks for the opportunity given to me. God bless you all .
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tempural · 2 years
Manifesto: Proclamation of Artistic Intent.
Inspired by reading the manifestos linked on the yesterweb site, I wanted to write something for myself.  The manifestos on the linked page are mostly about the state of the internet.  I chose to write an artist statement, which happens to be affected by the state of the internet.  I’ll put this on my site later.
Please read this if you’d like to collaborate with me, whether it’s for a commission, zine, or group project.  
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My Art
My art is a manifestation of my information and ideas.
My information and ideas may manifest as illustration, narratives, writing, and whatever I feel like at the moment.
My information and ideas should be disseminated freely and accessibly so my evil thoughts can grow.
My art does not necessarily educate, instill values, or provide comfort.
My art is meant to share emotions and experiences.
My art is made primarily for me and my wife.  If anyone else happens to enjoy it, I’m glad.
I publish almost all of the art I make so it can live outside my head and stop bothering me at 4am when I’m trying to sleep.
I unabashedly self-promote with reblogs, retweets, and reposts.  But I don’t waste other’s time with clickbait, popup ads, or spam.
Art In General
Porn is art.  Sexuality should not be inherently shunned.
Technical skill is only useful if helps depict what is in your mind, or if you’re going into the art industry to draw things for others.
Spending eons on practice and studies is only helpful if you want to improve and find joy in improvement.
Make art for yourself, and not the algorithm or for the approval of your peers or parents.
Art is semi-precious.  Discard the art at will, or treasure the art for as long as it brings joy.
Make tons of quick messy sketches to get every idea in my brain out!  
Make a couple of well-worked pieces slowly to enjoy the process.  
Other’s Art
The art I want to see is being made by independent artists and my peers, not corporations.  Independent artists need more support than corporate art to stay alive.
If I see art I love, giving the artists money to survive in our capitalist joker society is a fine action if I can afford it.
If I see art I love, sharing the art helps spread the joy.
If I see art I love, commenting on the art helps let the author know that their art is being shared and enjoyed.
If I see art I do not like, I discard it from my view and mind so I do not waste energy or time on it.  Perhaps that art was meant for someone else to see.
If I see art I profoundly dislike, use it as a learning moment to figure out what I would personally avoid and what I would personally do better.
If I see art that promotes hatred, bigotry, or other fucked up shit that hurts real people, I do not spread the art.  Spreading shit art is a net negative: vulnerable people are exposed, the spread message fortifies other bigots, and bigots crave negative attention.
My art must to free to view, read, and enjoy.
Paywalls are only for limited physical runs of zines
Paywalls must eventually be lifted when all physical copies are sold out.
If someone likes my art enough to pay for it, they will.
Closing art off with an indefinite paywall to prevent piracy does not mean you are recouping money from people who would not have paid for your art anyways.
Always credit the used works, such as fonts and design assets.
Always credit contributors.
Zines should be easy to DIY and cheap or free for others to enjoy.
Independent art books that end up with hardcovers, glossy pages, 50 contributors, $2000 budgets, and $50 price tags should be called art books rather than zines to respect the craft and work that goes into them.  They should also compensate their contributors with money.
Group zines and artbooks should at the very least compensate their contributors with a free copy of the final product, shipping included.
Actual diversity and intersectionality makes art so much more beautiful.  Diversity has meaning beyond the corporate buzzword of fictional characters depictions.  It means real living artists of every race, gender, sexuality, financial status, and other backgrounds making art, having a platform to share their honest emotions and feeling, and actively being supported.
Art is more nuanced than a 1:1 assessment of moral character.  It ain’t as simple as “wholesome, good, safe people only consume and make wholesome, good, safe art”.  The most abusive human beings can hide behind the facade of a Pixar director making cute kid’s cartoons.
That being said, viewers have the right to avoid any art or artists they do not want to see.  Boundaries should be respected.
Even with things I do not understand, I try to give basic respect.  I assume good faith, and do not debate others’ self-identification.
Bigotry, hate speech, hate mobs, shaming, “cringe culture”, insipid fandom drama, harassment, and devoted negativity is a waste of one’s life.  I do not want to provide a platform for any of that, nor associate with people who promote shit like that.
This list is non-exhaustive.  I hope it gives you a good idea of the artist I am.
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samwisethewitch · 4 years
Curses and Hexes
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Cursing is one of the most ancient forms of magic — and one of the most controversial. Whereas most magic is constructive (used to manifest or attract things), cursing is destructive (used to cause misfortune or harm).
Technically speaking, curses and hexes are similar but different types of spells. A curse consists of written or spoken words, sometimes combined with gestures. A hex is a ritual involving material items. However, most modern witches use the terms interchangeably, as I do in this post.
The fastest way to start a debate in any witchy community is to bring up the topic of cursing. It seems like everyone has strong opinions on the subject, either for or against. For your practice, all that matters is what you believe.
So, When Is It Okay to Curse Someone?
This is a tricky question, and the answer depends on the witch.
There are some witches who believe that intentionally causing harm or misfortune to another person is always wrong, and will never cast curses for this reason. This is an entirely valid position! If you fall into this camp, know that you’re in good company.
Other witches believe that cursing is acceptable when it’s truly warranted by the situation, such as when your life or livelihood is in danger. Others believe that cursing is simply a means to an end, and can be done with good intention (cursing your friend’s unfaithful partner to get them to stop cheating, for example).
The one thing that most witches seem to agree on is that curses are serious stuff, and should not be taken lightly. Unlike other types of magic, curses are fueled by negative emotions like hate, anger, and heartbreak. This makes them very powerful, but also very draining for the witch casting them. Cursing someone means reliving any trauma you suffered at their hands in order to use those memories as fuel for the fire. Some people aren’t willing to put themselves through such an ordeal, which again, is entirely fair.
Because curses are fueled by such strong emotions, they’re powerful and volatile. They’re like the nitro fuel of witchcraft — if you don’t know what you’re doing and aren’t careful, someone could get seriously hurt. That someone could be you.
My personal view on cursing is essentially the same as my view on physical violence. It’s not the answer to all, or even most, problems, and it sometimes makes the situation worse instead of better. It should never be your first option, but it might very well be your last resort. If someone is holding you at gunpoint, you’re entitled to use violence to protect yourself. Likewise, if someone is putting you or a loved-one in life-threatening danger, you’re entitled to use whatever magical means necessary for protection.
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Before You Curse
If you think there’s someone in your life who deserves to be cursed, go through the following criteria to decide if cursing is really the most appropriate action.
Sleep on it. When we’re in the heat of the moment, we sometimes say or do things we don’t mean. If you think you’re angry enough with someone to curse them, give it a couple of days before you reach for the vinegar and chili peppers. Give yourself time to cool off and clear your head. If, after a week, you still feel like a curse is warranted, move on to the next step.
Think about your own motives. Why do you want to curse this person? What did they do to make you angry enough that you’re willing to use magic to harm them in some way? If it’s a minor annoyance, like cutting you off in traffic, a curse probably isn’t appropriate. Likewise, if your motivations are petty or catty in nature — like cursing someone because they beat you out for a promotion — I highly encourage you to stop and do some self-reflection. For one thing, you may not be able to conjure enough genuine hatred and anger for an effective curse. For another, in these situations you may find it more helpful to do some work on yourself (working on anger issues, learning to gracefully accept failure, etc.) rather than lashing out at someone else.
Ask yourself if this situation matters in the long run. It may feel incredibly important now, but try to take a step back and look at the big picture. Will this person matter in a year? Five years? Ten? Are they important enough to warrant allowing yourself to channel enough negative energy for a curse? (If this person is putting your life, livelihood, or safety at risk, the answer to all of these questions is YES!)
Make sure your anger is directed at the right person. Who is really responsible for the pain you’re feeling? For example, if your significant other cheats on you, your first reaction may be to curse the person who “stole” them from you. But you aren’t really upset with this person — you’re hurt because your partner betrayed your trust. I’m not convinced that a cheating partner is a serious enough reason to cast a curse (again, will it really matter in ten years?) but if you decide to do so, at least make sure it’s directed at the person who is truly responsible for your pain.
Consider doing a banishing instead. In situations where a person is a danger to you or your loved ones, sometimes the best option is to give them a magical push out of your life. A banishing does what the name implies — it banishes a person or thing from your life. Unlike a curse, a banishing does not cause harm or misfortune to the person being targeted. It simply removes them from your life.
You can perform a simple yet effective banishing with a piece of paper, a pen, cayenne pepper, and dried lavender. Write the name of the person or thing you want to banish on the paper. Look down at the name and say, out loud, “[Name], you are no longer welcome in my life.” Sprinkle a bit of cayenne on the paper and instruct it to burn this person out of your life. Sprinkle a bit of lavender on the paper and instruct it to bring you peace and healing. Fold the paper up to create a little packet around the herbs, then take it outside and burn it to ash. (Be careful — cayenne smoke burns!) As the paper burns say, “I banish [name] from my life, never to return.” Scatter the leftover ashes on a busy road.
Consider doing a binding instead. Maybe you don’t necessarily need someone out of your life, but you do need to take away their power to cause harm. In this case, a binding is your best bet. A binding is a spell that “binds up” someone’s power, preventing them from taking certain actions. This can be useful for dealing with people who are toxic or abusive. Like a banishing, binding does not cause harm or misfortune to the target.
You can perform a simple binding charm with a photograph of your target, a pen, and red or black thread. Write your target’s full name (or as much of it as you know) across the bottom of the photo. Look down at the photo. Say, out loud, “[Name], I bind you. I bind up your power, so that you can no longer ______.” Fold the paper up as small as possible. Then, begin to wrap the thread around the folded paper. As you do, say, “[Name], I bind you.” Continue wrapping until the thread completely covers the paper — there should be no paper visible.
For whatever reason, some people seem to have a natural resistance to banishing and binding. You may find that your spell works for a while, but the person you tried to banish/bind eventually returns to their old ways. There’s some debate about why this happens — some say it’s because these people are narcissists or energy vampires, while others think it has something to do with their force of will. Personally, I think it’s because some people are so nasty and hateful that it takes nasty, hateful magic to get rid of them for good. If you find yourself dealing with one of these people, and your banishings and bindings aren’t sticking, you may want to move on to a full-fledged curse.
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Creating an Effective Curse
Okay, you’ve done your self-reflection, you’ve considered or attempted a banishing and/or binding, and you still feel like cursing is your best/only option. In that case, here are some general guidelines for making sure that your curse is appropriate, effective, and ethical.
Be VERY specific. Don’t just lob a ball of negative energy at someone and expect it to do what you want. Be very, very clear about your intent for this curse. Use precise and specific language. Make it painfully obvious what you want to happen and how you want it to unfold.
For example, when writing a petition or incantation, don’t just say, “[Name] is cursed.” Instead use something like, “Should [Name] ever contact or harass me again, he/she/they is cursed. Let him/her/them feel what I have felt and suffer as I have suffered.” You could get even more specific and detailed if you wanted to, but the important thing is to establish some basic parameters for the powerful dark energy you’re unleashing.
Make sure the punishment fits the crime. A curse to cause sexual impotence probably isn’t appropriate for an abusive boss… unless that boss is sexually harassing their employees. In that case, sticking a few pins in a rotting cucumber may be just what the situation calls for. (Yes, that’s a real curse. Yes, the cucumber represents what you think it represents.)
Making sure the punishment fits the crime also means being honest about how serious of a curse is deserved. Do you really need to ruin this person’s life to get them out of your hair, or will a mild inconvenience do? As strange as the idea of a curse being fair sounds, avoiding overkill will not only maintain balance but will keep you from expending more energy than you have to.
Make sure your curse is only affecting your target and not anyone around them. When it comes to curses, family, friends, and coworkers can sometimes get caught in the crossfire. To avoid this, make sure your spell is targeted to a specific person by personalizing it as much as possible. Include photos of your target, their full legal name (or as much of their full name as you know), and a taglock if you can get it. You may even want to include a line in your petition or incantation specifying that this curse will only affect the desired target and not their friends and associates.
Set clear conditions/parameters. The most effective curses are situational. Think of it as laying an energetic trap in or around a certain situation — this is more efficient and uses up less of your energy than if you were to just cast a blanket curse that affects every area of the target’s life. Curse parameters take the form of, “If [name] does x, they will be met with y.”
Setting parameters also makes sure your curse is truly deserved. For example, maybe your friend has an abusive ex-spouse, and you want to use a curse to keep your friend safe. If the ex-spouse is already leaving your friend alone, there’s no reason for a curse. But if they aren’t leaving your friend alone, they deserve to be met with vicious, magical resistance. For this situation, you may want to use an incantation like, “Should [ex-spouse] ever approach or contact [your friend], they are cursed with discomfort, unrest, and legal trouble. Let them be hunted and put down like a rabid dog.” This ensures that if, at any point in the future, the ex-spouse starts harassing your friend again, the curse will immediately go into action.
Don’t attach yourself to the curse. Perhaps the most important part of cursing is making sure you keep the energy of the curse separate from your own energy. Revenge is a double-edged sword, so you need to take precautions to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.
Any time you cast a curse, you want to limit its connection to you as much as possible. Don’t include any of your own personal effects in the spell. You may also want to avoid using tools that hold a special place in your practice. For example, you may not want to use your altar as a place to craft curses. You may want to use materials that can be disposed of easily. Make sure to dispose of curse remains somewhere outside your home, such as at a busy road.
After casting a curse, it’s important to set aside some time for self-care. Start with a thorough cleansing. This can be as simple as taking a bath in salt water (or dumping a bucket of salt water over your head in the shower, if you don’t have a tub), but if you would rather do a full-fledged cleansing ritual, even better! It’s important to do something to remove any lingering negativity from your energy field, and to make sure the curse doesn’t attach to you in any way.
Cursing is intense, emotional, draining work. After casting a curse, take at least a few hours to rest and be kind to yourself. Eat your favorite foods. Take a nap. Read a book or watch a movie. Do whatever you need to do to make yourself feel good.
You may want to do some inner work after cursing to help process the intense emotions involved in this kind of magic. This can be journaling, meditation, energy work, or some other healing modality. If you’ve experienced serious trauma, you may want to consider speaking to a therapist or counselor in addition to doing work on your own.
Utterly Wicked by Dorothy Morrison
Of Blood and Bones by Kate Freuler
New World Witchery podcast, “Episode 102 — Evil”
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geekgirles · 3 years
Full Disclosure
“I’m sorry for the way I used to act towards you when we were fourteen,” she admitted before softly adding, “especially when you and Danny were beginning to connect.”
In which Sam and Valerie clear the air between them.
Word count: 5176
Before we go in, I just wanted to say that I hope I did the characters justice. Really, it’s all I ask because I’m still fairly recent in the fandom (as in, actively participating rather than fangirling on my own) and I’d hate to make a travesty of characters that mean so much to me. Oh, and this one-shot can take place in whatever timeline you want: you hate PP with a passion? Don’t worry, it didn’t happen. You actually think it’s a good finale? That works too. There shouldn’t be anything that indicates this story takes place in anywhere in particular other than Amity Park, so... All you need to know is that Valerie knows.
Please, enjoy!!
As an intense throb manifested itself in her right side, eliciting an involuntary groan to escape her throat, Sam was more frustrated at herself than aching from the hit. It had been two years already since Danny had the accident that gave him his powers, consequently beginning the constant battles against ghosts that made their teenaged life significantly harder, and, as they came to appreciate their lifestyle, significantly more interesting, too. Once Danny gained his ghost powers, she and Tucker took it to themselves to make sure their friend was always supported and aided when fighting his ghostly adversaries.
And with that came the injuries. 
They certainly didn’t get hurt as often or as gravely as Danny, since he was usually the one facing the mischievous spirits head-on, but they still had to get used to their own fair share of beatings. The teachers were understandably surprised when they effortlessly completed their first aid training in Health class. 
All in all, Sam was used to getting hurt. 
Which made the fact that Valerie had landed such a perfect kick that it literally left her breathless all the more humiliating.
Valerie Gray, a.k.a. the Red Huntress. Danny Phantom’s longtime pursuer and Danny Fenton’s one time girlfriend. The once popular girl was now their trustworthy ally. And, as much as Sam hated to admit it, she was thoroughly kicking her butt. Perhaps she should have expected as much from a ninth degree black belt. 
“Had enough, Manson?” Valerie taunted with a raised eyebrow. 
Getting up slowly, Sam sent her a smirk alongside a challenging, determined look. “Never.” And with that she leaped on the ghost huntress, using her momentum to connect a punch to her face. But Valerie was faster, blocking the Goth girl’s attack with her forearm before sliding her leg under Sam’s to make her lose her balance. Seeing what her opponent was up to, the violet-eyed girl quickly got out of her way, widening the space between the two to give herself some time to think up a new strategy. 
Smirking at Sam’s maneuver, Valerie appraised her with pride. “Not bad, Sam,” she said before changing her stance, ready to pounce, “but the extra space won’t save you from this.” Leaping into the air, the Red Huntress didn’t waste a moment to knock Sam to the floor with a roundhouse kick boosted by her movements. 
Even if the Goth blocked the attack by keeping her palms up in front of her face, the sheer force behind it was still enough to knock her down. That was gonna bruise in the morning, she was sure of it. Glancing up she noticed Valerie looking down at her with a smug look on her face and her hands on her hips. Sam barely resisted the urge to scowl darkly at her. Panting, she conceded, “Alright, alright. Maybe now I’ve had enough.” 
Chuckling at Sam’s proud nature, the green-eyed girl bent down slightly to offer her friend a hand and lift her up from the floor. Once Sam was at her eye-level, she looked down on her watch, now serving as a chronometre. “Five minutes. That’s a full round! Congratulations, Sam. So far, you’re the one who’s lasted the most against me.” She applauded her, but her face betrayed her. She was about to burst out laughing. 
Snorting, the Goth girl elbowed her slightly on the arm. “Knock it off! Even if I lost, I still managed to land a few hits myself.”
“Yeah...Trust me, you don’t have to remind me.” Valerie complained with a pointed look as she rubbed her lower back. Early on in the match, Sam kneed her there. Thank goodness she wasn’t tasked with unloading the Nasty Burger’s products that week. “I’m serious, though. Danny without his powers lasts a minute and a half, tops. And Tucker...well, let’s just say that taking one hit without passing out is already a victory when it comes to him.” 
“Yeah, he and Danny really should do more exercise.” The two girls laughed at that. These past two years Danny’s skill when using his powers had skyrocketed. Enemies that used to give him a hard time were now more of a headache. He didn’t even have to pay attention to the fight to get rid of the Ghost Box. Now, as Danny Fenton… He’d gotten taller, that was for sure. But he still had the nasty habit of relying on his powers a little too much, which didn’t do his P.E marks any favours. And Tucker was still far more interested in whatever his PDA had to offer than the wonders of physical exercise. 
In truth, everyone had changed during that time, if only a little. 
Sam was still as Goth and ultra-recyclo-vegetarian as always. Her raven hair was slightly longer, now reaching her shoulders, but she still wore it mostly loose and framing her face, except for the one strand she kept in a high ponytail. Her fashion sense hadn’t changed much either. She wore a black crop top with Danny’s logo on it instead of the old purple ovalーthe town began selling merchandise of its hero to attract, and basically rob, tourists. Since she created the logo herself, she made her own outfits and nobody was none the wiser. She also stuck with plaid skirts, but this time she favoured a purple and black one instead of her old black and green. But her combat boots, accessories, and make-up were sacred. Everybody knew impending doom was near if Sam ever changed even the tiniest detail in her appearance when it came to that. 
She was still outspoken and an avid defender of animal rights, individuality, and most importantly, of Danny Phantom. Even though most people celebrated the boy and thanked him for his services, there were still some who criticised him and believed Amity Park was better off before him. Needless to say, Sam was always at the front of the line in any protest to defend Amity Park’s greatest protector. The fact that he was not only one of her best friends but also her boyfriend may have something to do with it. But even if they weren’t together, Sam knew Danny. She’d always known him. She would always defend him from those who couldn’t even begin to grasp just how noble, responsible, and compassionate he was.
The corners of her mouth curled up slightly when she remembered she’d just been sparring with what once was one of Danny Phantom’s greatest detractors. 
In a way, Valerie had probably changed the most out of everyone she knew while simultaneously not changing anything at all. 
In terms of appearance, just like Sam, she’d only modified her look slightly. She cut her long, dark brown curls so they now barely reached her shoulders instead of cascading down her back. According to her, long hair just got in the way with her suit. She originally wanted to get an undercut, but her dad almost had a cow so they compromised with short hair for now and leaving the undercut for when she was a little older. The huntress still favoured spaghetti-strapped yellow t-shirts, but now she completed her outfit with dark blue jeans or shorts (depending on the temperature) and white sneakers. She also dropped the headband due to her hair, but she kept the earrings. 
The most obvious change, though, was that she was now an ally rather than an enemy after Danny Phantom’s head. Sam feared for the worst when Valerie found out her ex boyfriend was the very same ghost she’d vowed to destroy (could she really say she and Danny were exes, though? Sure, they went on a few dates and they genuinely liked each other, but Valerie pseudo-broke up with him right when he was about to ask her to make things official... Ugh, the wonders of the teenaged heart... Always bound to give her a headache. This is why she preferred her Goth indifference...most of the time). As much as they wanted to trust Valerie was going to be sensible about it, her track record wasn’t the best, forcing them to keep an eye out in case she decided to send her more positive opinion of Danny Fenton to Hell and shoot him with her ecto-bazooka. 
Thankfully, one day Valerie just sat down with them at lunch, and when Danny tentatively asked her if they were okay, she just smiled and said, “We’re okay.” So they ate lunch in peace...until the Lunch Lady showed up and they had to send her back to the Ghost Zone. At least that time the Red Huntress was there to help them out. Ever since then, the girl sometimes fought alongside them, but for the most part she did her own thing. 
And that was something about Valerie that hadn’t changed; her hatred of ghosts. Valerie was still hellbent on getting rid of all the spirits that haunted Amity Park, with half-ghosts being the sole exception ーexcept for Vlad, Valerie held a huge grudge against him for having used her as his pawn; not like the team could complain, they all hated Vlad, after all. And that made her ruthless, determined, brutal… More than once Danny had tried talking her out of her grudge against the paranormal, explaining to her that, albeit not as numerous as the troublemaking ghosts, there were still some that just wanted to be left alone. But Valerie would not budge. She believed all ghosts lacked the humanity and self-control necessary to resist whatever crazy obsession that tied them to our world and would eventually attack. 
To Valerie, ghosts were ticking bombs. 
Seeing as, so far, most ghosts they faced were malicious or seriously causing trouble, Tucker suggested they just let her be, but the moment she actually targeted an innocent ghost (say, Wulf), then they would have to get serious with her. 
All in all, Valerie was their friend. A friend who had agreed to help her train so Danny wouldn’t have to worry so much about her safety when they were out fighting spectres. Not like he really needed to worry, she could take care of herself, but the more prepared they were, the better. And Valerie was helping her with that, and yet, the air still hadn’t been completely cleared between them. 
As much as Sam would’ve loved cutting to the chase, a part of her still wasn’t prepared to address the elephant in the room. “Not gonna lie, Valerie, I wiー” she stopped mid-sentence. The last thing they needed was to have Desirée roaming free around Amity Park just because she hadn’t been careful with her words. Clearing her throat, she went on. “I mean, I would do anything for your fighting skills. You must have every ghost shaking in their boots...or whatever they have to shake in.”
As Sam sat down on the floor of her family’s private gym, which Valerie still couldn’t get used to being in, the green-eyed girl made her way to the other side of the room far away from  the training tatami, where a middle-sized fridge was located. Pulling the door open, she grabbed two water bottles before going back to Sam. “Yeah, what can I say? I am pretty awesome.”
“And don’t forget modest.” Sam replied sarcastically. 
“Girl, when you’re as good as me, you don’t need to pretend to be modest.” She joked as she handed Sam her own water bottle, which she accepted gratefully, before sitting down on the floor next to her. “Believe it or not, though, I became a ninth degree black belt long before I started hunting ghosts.” She looked at the floor, a pensive look on her face, “...we couldn’t have afforded the classes otherwise.”
Sam did her best to suppress the urge to do a spit-take at her words. Valerie almost never brought her financial situation up. The most she used to do was remember Danny why she hated him back when she still was after him, but the topic was dropped altogether once the secret was out. Looking around her ridiculously lavish house, Sam felt like facepalming herself. How could she have been so insensitive as to remind Valerie of the life she lost?! 
“Valerie...I-I’m sorry. I should’ve told you to meet up at the park to train, but I…”
“Sam, don’t.” The huntress cut her off with a stern tone. “Don’t apologise. You have nothing to apologise for.”
“But it was insensitive of me toー” Again, she was interrupted by Valerie, who silenced her by raising her palm up in front of her.
“Please, let me talk. You don’t have to apologise for anything because you’ve done nothing wrong. I’ll admit, it’s a bit paradoxical finding out that while I was mourning my losses you’d been hiding the fact that you’re stinking rich all along. But I’m not offended by it. Actually, I think I understand.”
“You do?” The Goth girl asked in disbelief, her eyes wide open. 
The African-American girl just shrugged. “I think so. I didn’t realise it until my so-called friends kicked me out of the group, but having money attracts a lot of fakes and shallow people. People who’ll only be there when it’s convenient for them and who’ll throw you away like a used tissue the moment you have nothing else to offer. I know that better than anyone…” When she felt a hand on her shoulder, she looked up to see Sam smiling kindly at her, doing her best to get out of her comfort zone and offer her some comfort. She returned the smile. “Bottom line: you want real friends, so you never talk about your money ‘cause you don’t want to attract the wrong people. I get it.”
“You really do.”
“And I guess I’m also flattered.”
Sam blinked slowly at her. “Wow, Valerie. It usually takes a lot to take me by surpriseーwith the ghost fighting and allーand yet, here we are!” 
The huntress just chuckled softly in response. “What I mean is that I understand that it takes you a lot to let people inーand quite literally tooーbut you still invited me. That means you must trust me, if only a bit.”
Sam couldn’t help but blush at her earnest words. It was true, wasn’t it? She trusted Valerie. She would have never invited her to her house if she didn’t. And, now that she thought about it, Valerie had to trust her too if she was willing to show her vulnerable side to her. Somehow, the thought made her smile. Knowing she would have to bring up uncomfortable topics soon, the violet-eyed girl decided to alleviate some of the tension first. “Well, I’m glad you could at least get your black belt first! Otherwise we would be in for a major asskicking from some ghosts.”
That comment actually made Valerie laugh. “Oh, hush, you flatterer! Or I’ll tell Danny his girlfriend has been hitting on me.” She could only snort when Sam gasped in fake shock. “Seriously, though. I personally would love to be as genre savvy as you are. I mean, you always know what to do or have some obscure knowledge about whatever we’re facing. From the Fright Knight’s legend to how to train your dragon ghost.”
Sam merely shrugged with a lazy grin on her face, “What can I say? Obscure knowledge sort of comes with being a Goth.”
The two girls started snickering after that. As their laughter died down, Valerie noticed Sam’s smile fading from the corner of her eye, concerning her. “Sam? Is everything okay?”
“Valerie...I’m sorry.” 
That took her by surprise. After a few seconds of shock, the Red Huntress rolled her eyes good-naturedly before gently nudging her friend with her shoulder. “C’mon, Sam. I told you already. You don’t have to feel sorry for inviting meー.”
This time it was Sam who cut her off. She shook her head. “No. No, it’s not that.”
“Then what is it?”
“I’m sorry for the way I used to act towards you when we were fourteen,” she admitted before softly adding, “especially when you and Danny were beginning to connect.”
One would think that a semi-professional ghost huntress would have seen it all, and honestly, so did Valerie, but she was genuinely shocked at Sam’s apology. The shock didn't last long, though. “Are you seriously apologising for that? Sam, that was two years ago!”
Of all the things she could be apologising for...She just had to pick that one, didn’t she?
Sam groaned, frustrated and clenching her gym shorts with her hands. “I know it’s been two years, but that doesn’t change that I wasn’t the most pleasant person in the world to you for reasons that weren’t...completely pure.”
“So what?” Valerie insisted. “Neither was I for the longest time! You and Tucker were right when you called me out during Pariah Dark’s attack; how could I expect to be treated like one of the group when I used to be such a brat to you? You still eventually forgave me.” She pointed out.
“You don’t understand…” Sam whined as she rubbed her face with her hands. “While it’s true that part of my animosity towards you came from how you used to treat us, and another good chunk came from your eagerness to vaporise one of my best friends,” the Red Huntress actually had the decency to blush embarrassedly at that, “I really, really disliked you because I was...well, I was jealous. Plain and simple.” 
There. She’d said it. After years gritting her teeth and burning with envy whenever Danny and Tucker (mostly because of Danny, obviously) drooled over Paulina or any other pretty girl, she had finally admitted she was mostly jealous instead of simply not understanding what the fuss was about. Hanging out with girls more often, namely Valerie and Jazz, instead of only spending her time with the guys had really helped broaden her horizons. Especially when it came to her opinion on other girls. She was proud to say she was finally moving on from her “not like other girls” phase. 
Even if Danny’s crush on Paulina had driven her nuts more than once, it was his budding romance with Valerie that truly pushed all her buttons and caused her deepest insecurities to rear their ugly head. Even if dating her was dangerous, Danny still wanted to be with her! He was willing to throw caution to the wind if it meant they could be a couple. And he was so protective of her when Technus attacked… As much as Sam hated to admit it, as much as she wished (to Hell with Desirée) she could ignore it all and just focus on protecting Danny from being hunted by his new girlfriend, that hurt.
That hurt a lot. 
Albeit annoying, Danny’s crush on Paulina was safe. Paulina only liked Danny Phantom. Danny couldn’t really get closer to her as his alter-ego without putting her in danger, and Danny would never put an innocent person in danger. And just like that, Paulina became unattainable. But Valerie…
Valerie liked Danny Fenton. She and Danny often just wanted to have a normal life, away from ghosts and burdens that no 14-year-old kid should shoulder. Even if the Red Huntress wanted to kill Danny Phantom, Valerie genuinely liked Danny Fenton. Despite the danger, she was closer than Paulina. And despite their close bond, she was closer to Danny than Sam herself. Because Valerie wasn’t afraid to admit her feelings, unlike her. 
In fact, hadn’t Valerie put her job before her love life, Sam knew without an ounce of a doubt that she and Danny would still be together. Because she had been too afraid to tell Danny how much he meant to her sooner. 
Yes, she had been jealous of Valerie. 
She had been jealous of the attention she received from Danny. She had been jealous of the fact that they went out on several dates and nothing could embarrass them or ruin their little moment. She was jealous because it would’ve meant things would change. 
But most importantly, she was jealous of Valerie’s guts. 
And she finally confessed it.
...which made what Valerie said next all the more jaw-dropping. 
“Yeah, I know.”
Her jaw hanging low and eyes as wide as saucers, Sam slowly turned her head to look the huntress dead in the eye. “You know?” She asked, completely flabbergasted. 
Valerie snorted. She actually snorted at her question! And while Sam was looking at her with the most comically astonished expression on the face of the planet, Valerie just regarded her with a coy smile. “No offence, Sam, but it was kinda hard to miss. I think only Danny wasn’t aware of it.”
Sam had nothing to say in response to that. 
“Besides, didn’t I tell you before I even started going out with Danny? When you like someone, if you don’t make a move, somebody else will. What did you think I was referring to other than your feelings, chess?”
“That...is true.” The Goth admitted quietly. 
Seeing her usually outspoken friend acting so despondent all of a sudden didn’t sit well with the green-eyed teenager. She sighed, “Look, Sam. I understand that you were...difficult because you were jealous. I can’t deny I once or twice acted petty towards you because I was jealous, myself. But even if I hadn’t decided to just stay friends with Danny, I don’t think we would’ve worked out in the end.”
Not for the first time that day, and she was sure it wouldn't be the last time either, Valerie had taken her completely aback. Furrowing her brow in confusion, Sam insisted, “What are you talking about? You two are the best ghost hunters in Amity Park, you guys would have been the ultimate power couple!”
Leaning back on her elbows, the Red Huntress sent the Goth a smirk, “Ah, but you’re forgetting I would’ve had to know Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom were one and the same first. And I…”, for the first time since their sparring lesson began, Valerie found herself hesitating, “I don’t know how I would’ve taken that.
“Sure, I really, really liked Danny, but I had spent far longer hating his ghost half. Ever since the Cujo-related incidents I blamed him for the turn my life had taken. And even when I was growing fond of Danny Fenton, his actions as Danny Phantom still drove me nuts! I mean, he literally unmasked me right before my dad! He forbade me from ghost hunting until I got that upgrade in my suit. Could I really put all that aside in favour of having a relationship with him?
“That’s why it took me so long to face you guys once I learned the truth; I was trying to make peace with it all. I figured I could learn to forgive Danny, maybe even trust him with my life...but never with my heart again. There were too many imbalances between us for me to be comfortable in a relationship with him...and you guys are honestly better together anyways.” She winked at the ultra-recyclo-vegetarian.
“You really think so?” Sam could feel the heat making its way to her cheeks the moment Valerie nodded at her question. “I-I mean!”, ugh, how she hated stuttering!, “Danny’s always been super important to me...obviously! And we’ve always done our best to be there for each other and have each other’s backs, but there are times when I can’t help but wonder if perhaps we’re just making a mistake and we were better off as friends…” She finished with a defeated sigh. 
At the sensation of an arm wrapped around her shoulders, she turned to look at Valerie. “Sam, trust me. This is no mistake. You’re one of the very few people who understand there’s no difference between Danny Fenton and Danny Phantom; they’re both Danny and you’ve always known that and done your best to show him just that. And unlike Paulina or me, even if you hadn’t known his secret from the beginning, I’m willing to bet my right arm that you would’ve accepted both sides of him equally either way.”
At her words, Sam could only smile warmly, “You really think so?”
Valerie returned her smile. “I know so.”
Still replaying Valerie’s words and organising her own thoughts in her head, Sam turned to face her, one hand resting on her lap and the other on Valerie’s shoulder, “For what it’s worth, I still think that after a, very understandable, initial bump in your relationship, you two could’ve made a great couple too. I meant what I said when I told you that, if Danny liked you, then we would only have to make room for you at our table. I can’t think of any girl I would be willing to do that for but you, Val.”
Valerie almost gasped at Sam’s words, but she recovered rather quickly, “Thank you, Sam. That means a lot coming from you.” Resting her own hand on top of the one on her shoulder, she winked mischievously at her, “And don’t worry; I don’t go around stealing my friends’ boyfriends.”
The Goth girl snorted at that. “Glad to hear that.”
They remained like that for a moment, just enjoying the comfortable silence that had settled between them and their secret understanding. They were friends. They had similarities and differences. But that would never change the respect each felt for the other. 
Finally, getting up from the floor and dusting herself off, Valerie broke the silence, “Come on, there’s still many moves I haven’t used to kick your butt.” 
Sam smirked at the challenge, “Oh, you’re so on!”
The Fentons’ Emergency Ops Centre had, ironically, become their safe haven. 
Whenever they wanted to enjoy some alone time before they had to part ways or a ghost attack took place, they would simply climb up the roof and enter through the door leading to it. Although Danny could just phase or fly them there if they were really pressed for time, which was their usual way of getting there because they were always pressed for time. 
The Ops Centre was really just an excuse to spend some time together, really.
It didn’t matter what they did. Sometimes they would make out because they were a couple and couples made out with each other, didn’t they? Especially when said couple consisted of two hormone-driven teenagers. Maybe if they’d been a pair of octogenarians, the fuss of the relationship would have been elsewhere. Like how incredible it was that they’d survived that long in the first place.
Other times they just talked about nothing and everything at the same time. Sort of like what they usually did, but without Tucker. Sam would often talk about the latest hideous monstrosity their parents had intended she wore ー”Oh, you’re laughing now! But trust me, Undergrowth had much better fashion sense than my parents!”ー, or how rapidly the poles were melting and nobody was doing anything about it, or how her latest poetry reading went ー“Kwan’s getting better, actually. This time he wrote about the new scabs he got during the last game”ー, and how they could defeat the villain of the week who was somehow harder to beat than the previous one because, really, they always got harder to beat. 
And Danny would recall his parents’ latest shenanigans, or Jazz’s newest psychological experiment with ghosts that she was sure was going to work because it was just flawless; or he’d warn her about the food in his house ー”I know you don’t eat meat anyways, but don’t open the fridge. The ecto-weenies are back and this time they’ve brought BBQ sauce.” He would also complain about the workload of homework Mr Lancer had assigned them; sometimes because he didn’t think he’d have the time to finish it all, and sometimes he just didn’t know where to start because what the Heck is irony anyway? Didn’t anyone realise that what they often called irony was actually more of a paradox? How could they be teaching something wrong in English class?! And, sometimes, in those rare moments where Danny finally realised, only to forget his lesson all over again the next day, that he could count on her, Tucker, Jazz, Val ーand his loved ones, damn it!ー and confide his deepest secrets, he would open up about how being Danny Phantom was taking its toll on him. How being famous was more often than not more suffocating than flattering. How he was getting tired that his enemies only ever came back, or became stronger, or multiplied. How he feared, no, how he felt it was never going to end until he was 100% dead and not just 50%... He even still had trouble understanding what truly happened to him the day of the accident. 
And maybe they just would never know. 
And then, there were days like today. Days where they would just stay in silence, watching Amity Park since the makeshift observatory his zany but genius parents had built all on their own. Because, sometimes, watching the sunset in silence with that special someone was just enough. 
While Danny leaned against the railing, Sam was sitting on top of it, enjoying the soft breeze blowing around her and caressing her skin. “Today I trained with Valerie.”
Perking up at the sound of her voice suddenly breaking the silence, Danny turned his head slightly in her direction. “Oh?” He let out, “How did it go?”
“I managed to last a full five minutes and land a few serious hits myself.” She stated proudly. 
The ghost boy whistled appreciatively, “Five full minutes! Now that’s impressive.” He sent her a sly look and a smirk, his admiration turning into amusement, “And how many hits did you cushion?”
Curling her lip in annoyance, Sam muttered, “The fact that I’m even sitting here is a miracle in itself.”
That had Danny snickering like crazy, before a sharp pain in his arm stopped him, “Ow!” 
To his surprise, instead of a smug Sam as he expected, he found his girlfriend gingerly rubbing her arm, a pained expression on her face. “Okay,” she panted, “that was so not worth it.”
“Here, let me help.” Gently resting his fingers on her arm, he used his ice powers to send a chilly sensation across her limb, effectively alleviating the pain. “Anything else I should know about? Did the training turn into a battle to the death?”
“Actually, we talked things out and we finally buried the hatchet.” She said seriously.
Danny furrowed the brow in confusion. “Uh, Sam? I was kidding. And I thought you already did that when she found out the truth about my powers.”
Chuckling softly, Sam could only roll her eyes with a smile on her face as she leaned close to leave a tender kiss on his lips before whispering, “Clueless.”
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tokoyamisstuff · 4 years
Just My (Blood) Type - Hisoka x Ghoul! Reader⭐️—__—💧
A/N: I’ve started to rewatch HxH again, and you guys need to suffer for it. Sorry. That stupid Crossover-idea had been stuck in my mind for some time, and October a fitting time for a reveal, right?
Of all the f/o I ever had, that damn Clown is my guilty pleasure.
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Summary: At first sharply cutting off Hisokas flirtatious advances, you soon realize that there’s more to him than just a repulsive murderer.
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of past abuse, Blood.
Noticeable: Gender Neutral! Reader (not 2 GIFs tho), POC suitable (no mentions of blushing, etc...), I used all the Hisoka GIFs I could find
Fandoms: HxH, Tokyo Ghoul (kinda)
Words: ~2400
“The second participant to arrive at the goal is No. 13, Y/N Y/L/N” a robotic voice announced via speakers. “It took 3 hours and 27 minutes.”
So this was the end of the Trick Tower already, huh?
Not really as great a challenge as you hoped for, but whatever. That fact really wasn’t a surprise, considering that you were a Nen-User.
This whole exam up until now was a piece of cake more than anything else. Nothing exciting or challenging at all for a change.
You sighed loudly, your audible disappointment echoing through the great and almost empty hall. 
Only a dim light would brighten up the prison cell, and there didn’t really seem to be anything to kill time. So you sat down right where you stood, back leaning against the cold stone wall.
At first, you wouldn’t even bother asking yourself who had entered the goal first - until you heared an all too familiar voice.
“Congratulations. ★ I’ve expected nothing less of you.”
Goddamn it.
Before you could even find a sassy remark, the man itself already stood in front of you. Looking up, nothing less than a broad welcoming smile was playing on his lips.
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“Mind if I take a seat?”
Your posture immediately stiffened as you pulled your knees tightly against your chest. 
“Yeah. And now get lost!” At least he didn’t underestemate you - otherwise it could mean your imminent death.
He wouldn’t even try to conceal his bloodlust, does he?
Ever since you first met, you gave it your best to not cross his way throughout the whole Hunter Exam - yet for some reason, he seemed to be enjoying your presence, almost as if searching for you.
“My, my...” Instead of keeping his distance, the man just sat down right next to you, making himself at home. “May I ask what I’ve done to deserve such hatred directed at me?”
Only now you realized that the Nen you emitted was an open book to your feelings.
Hopefully he didn’t notice that you were afraid of him...any hint of weakness, and you’d probably be done for.
Yet still: Hisokas voice had always been so tender and kind - a huge contrast to his true self, you thought.
That was not the only contradiction surrounding the mysterious magician. And you knew a things or two about that kind of behaviour yourself.
Only one thing was sure to you: That man was dangerous.
It was obvious what kind of monster was right next to you - his prey. How could this man stay so perfectly calm and contain himself, considering the fact that he radiated this huge amount of bloodlost?
This could only mean this was his natural state of being - and the fact alone made you shiver.
Not answering him, your eyes wandered everywhere but his direction. You remained silent as you scanned the room for any exits, but to no avail.
The two of you were all alone - for 68 hours at max.
Only god knows when the other participants will arrive and end your misery of that unsettling closeness.
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“Rumor spreads that you’re planning to become a Head Hunter” the magician tried to engage in a smalltalk, putting his hand on his chin. “Why would that be?”
“Don’t play the fool, Hisoka.”
You were sure that he saw you using nen back in the Milsy Wetlands at least once, so it should be pretty obvious to him: There simply wasn’t any other choice for you to live without a guilty conscience.
“No, I honestly don’t understand” he chuckled, trying to get your attention. “Why someone so innocently looking would want such a profession, I mean.”
Gulping harshly, you now dared to meet his glare. “Look: Stop fucking with me. If you want to kill me, do it quick - but stop strolling for time, or whatever wicked game you’re playing right now.”
Of course you’d struggle, maybe even put up a fight - but in the end, Hisoka was so much more experienced than you.
And you knew damn well opposite to you, he was enjoying spilling the blood of innocents if it had to be.
For a brief second, all of his pretence dropped and he looked shocked, a little bit offended even.
“And why should I do that?”
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“Drop the act” you retorted harshly, “It’s annoying. I know all stories about you, even saw you kill before my very eyes. You’re a murderer. I bet, for the likes of you, killing comes to you like breathing.”
“You’re one to talk” he answered, not sounding any less polite, “I could feel your bloodlust throughout the whole tower.”
Now your face dropped as well, and only now you felt how you were shaking - not out of fear, but anger.
“I took that as an invitation” the mage spoke playfully, letting his tongue run over his lips. “Your bloodlust lures me to you every time. We’re not that different, are we? I knew from the very first second.”
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What a pain in the ass. And you were not talking about his demeanour. No.
You were simply disappointed in yourself.
For years and decades, you had principles goddamnit! Certainly you’ve never really been a saint, but...well, ever since you first found yourself lost in those golden eyes, you threw your moral compass overboard.
How could you dare to betray yourself like that and feel anything else than remorse for such a vile being?
Why the hell did you feel so damn attracted to someone you simultaneously wanted to either punch or run away from?!
“And what the hell do you want from me, then?! Why are you telling me all of this?”
“I’m just curious” he smiled, face leaning closer to yours.  “That’s all.”
You crossed your arms, now awkwardly relaxed yet still annoyed. Furrowing your brows, you just had realized that Hisoka actually managed to engage in a conversation with you.
“You first” you almost gnarled, staring him down expectantly.
“Why not?” he shrugged as he began shuffling his cards in the meantime. “There’s no greater reason behind my doing, my dear. It’s true: I enjoy killing. But I don’t do it all random. I have standarts too, you know? The people you saw me kill in here were an exception: They were way weaker, but they surrounded and attacked me first. Simple self-defense.”
Yeah. Of course.
It would’ve been way too easy for him to simply escape or at least make them unable to fight without decapitating them, but he chose otherwise.
Hisoka wrang out a twisted sound, almost like a cruel laugh as he awaited your reaction.
“Sounds like a cheap excuse. A murderer is still a murderer.”
“Tzch. What a shame.” Your words didn’t really touch him - not that you expected them to awake any kind of regret in him. “I thought you to be different than the others. Smarter.” 
You had to admit: Usually, Hisoka won’t lay a finger on innocent or weaker people. Most of the time - if he needed something from them, at least - he was very curteous, even. Or he’d simply act like they didn’t exist, sparing them from a cruel fate.
But that was part of his facade, too: A selfish man who could both be pleasure and doom, considering what would be to his favor.
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“And what would that ‘standarts’ be?” You rose an eyebrow, still irritated that you kept conversating about such a useless topic.
“Good you ask” he pointed his index finger in the air, almost as if lecturing you. “I think most people are like me in a way, maybe just not so extreme. They desire to compete with powerful enemies.”
Yeah, that much is probably true - especially in the world of a Hunter.
For some people, there’s nothing better in this world than the adrenaline rush of a real fight. Especially when they need to get all out - mentally as well as physically - to survive.
You on the other hand wished you even had such a choice, and if you had, you’d obviously choose a peaceful life instead of that of a suicidal idiot.
But to each their own, right?
“Want to help me out?” He meant the card house he was building, handing you over some cards as he continued explaining. “I’d never simply kill a person that isn’t prepared or doesn’t accept a challenge. An opponent needs to give it their all - it has to be a battle between equals.”
A shaky moan escaped his throat, face tiwsting in excitement - almost seeming aroused - as he stated “My greatest pleasure comes when such people crumple to their knees and look down upon their disbelieving faces as their plans fail!”
“You really are creepy�� was your plain answer, placing the last layer of the card house on top. “Do you know that?”
“Of course. I’m mad, not stupid.”
So this is what this is about.
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“Now’s your turn, dollface.” The fact that he still maintained his usual, sly attitude, as well as the nicknames made you more flustered than you wanted to admit.
“I’m not human.” You revealed this fact as if it was nothing, throwing your hands into the air as if you had been catched. “At least not fully. Not anymore. It’s hard to explain, really.”
“I’m listening.”
That caught you off guard: You just dropped this huge bomb of a fact - and instead of being taken aback, he’s intrigued more than anything?!
Well - it’s Hisoka. Why are you even surprised?
It took you a while to collect all of your thoughts, since this was the first time you’d ever tell someone about your past. And gladly, Hisoka just sat there in silence, invested in his cards until you were ready.
“Long story short: I was a child slave. No need to spit out all the details, but you can imagine. Hard times, torture, abuse...I was on the brink of death when my Nen manifested as some kind of defense-mechanism.”
Now you felt like you were experiencing a headache. It was nothing new to you - this happened whenever you tried to surpress the flashbacks.
Burying your head into your hands, tears of regret filling the rim of your eyes, you forced yourself to continue.
“I knew nothing about Nen, yet as if naturally, I made a Restriction and Pledge on that day: The blood of the guilty must be shed. I’d do anything to get the power to achieve this. And whatever kind of higher might determinds the conditions, it took that sentence of mine very literal.”
“So you’re-”
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“...a Ghoul, yes. My hatred was powerful enough to save my life, yet the price I had to pay for this power is something I can’t take to this day. So I’ll become a Head-Hunter and still my thirst for blood only on the bodies of criminals worthy of death.”
You’ve expected any kind of reaction: Disgust, scorn, scolding you for doing something so reckless - even attacking you right here.
However, the mage suddenly broke out in huge amusement, his muscular chest having as he laughed loudly and heartily. “You’re not very good of a story-teller.”
There was no time to react, your baffled self only able to look as Hisoka grabbed one of the cards out of a whim, infusing it with Nen.
But instead of attacking you, he cut his wrist without even twitching: Deeply enough to draw blood, yet not to leave a scar.
“Well, you must be hungry, right? Long day, many fights...”
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You wanted to object, but instead of syllables your throat suddenly felt dry as if strangulated with barbwire: Seeing him licking his own blood from the card turned this invitation into sweet torture.
Usually it was no problem for you to hold back, even for weeks if it had to be - but for some reason, you desired his blood more than anyones ever before.
“No need to be shy” the man cooed, presenting his wrist to you. “When was the last time you ate?”
The blood was already dripping to the floor, making you desperate as you closely watched every drip. “W-Why are you doing this?”
“I want to see it, Y/N. Do both of us a favor, won’t you?”
There was no use in struggling against your instincts - and as soon as your tongue gently incorporated the red liquid, there was no going back.
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Involuntarily, your fangs dug deep into his flesh, yet all that came out of Hisoka’s mouth were ecstatic groans - you weren’t quite sure if it was because of the pain or the strenght of your Nen.
How humiliating.
You despised that appearance of yours: Red irises, the rest of your eyes just a black pit. Together with those flame-like wings made from Nen, most people would say you came from hell itself.
But Hisoka wasn’t disgusted in the slightest - no, quite the opposite.
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You felt a pet on your head, long fingers digging into your hair as you finally let go off of his arm. “No, you can keep going until you’re satisfied. I heal quick, it’s no problem.”
He didn’t mean your appearance - to Hisoka, only power was attractive.
But still: Never before someone had seen you the way you were now and called you something else than a monster.
Licking your lips, you noticed that his blood tasted sweet: A lot like bubble gum. That was a surprise.
Pulling you over to his lap, Hisoka’s lips needily crashed over yours - and you didn’t reject, rather melting into his touch while he explored your mouth, tasting his own blood on your tongue.
His grip was tight and gentle at the same time, fingernails digging deep inside your flesh so he’d be able to control his murderous instincts.
He felt warm. And somewhat safe, even though that sounded ridiculous considering the situation.
After a while, your bodies would finally part again, leaving you both to gasp for fresh air. Your mind was still clouded by all those confusing emotions - yet Hisoka, pleased by the outcome, seemed to be very much petrified:
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“This may be the beginning of a wonderful friendship.”
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rare-yanderes · 3 years
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So I just realized that if there’s yandere versions of the DuckTales characters, it’s usually not from the 1987 version so here ya go. Kinda wrote this in a rush since I have work and work and work and work and you get the idea.
TW for mentions of murder, kidnapping, endangerment, manipulation, stalking and abuse.
Posts will be much less frequent and more sporadic, my apologies. I’m just kinda losing it with juggling college and a minimum wage job.
•I see Glomgold as a possessive, obsessive and manipulative yandere.
•Now Glomgold isn’t exactly an intimidating by looks kind of person so depending on how you first meet, I imagine you’d be certainly caught off guard. He’s so self absorbed he couldn’t possibly connect with someone else beyond seeing them as a tool to use to gain the advantage over Scrooge.
•Do not mistake his age for weakness. He may not be at peak physical strength but he’s still getting a workout by adventuring and engaging in dangerous fights, so he’s not weak by any means. His ruthlessness disallows him from giving up that easily in a battle.
•If you work for McDuck industries you bet your ass that this whole scenario will at first play out as a rivalry. Glomgold’s hatred for Scrooge goes to bizarre, petty lengths. As far as you’re concerned, you are just another attempt to piss Scrooge off and so Glomgold’s original intent of doing so by kidnapping you seems relatively normal and you don’t fear trying to escape the goons he sends to catch you. Eventually, however, Glomgold’s actions will portray otherwise and even his lies won’t spare you from the truth; he’s gobsmacked with you.
•Jealous, jealous, jealous. If jealously physically manifested itself as a person, Glomgold would be the result. Seriously, he cannot stand when your attention isn’t solely on him and his accomplishments. Often times, especially in the early stages of his obsession, he’ll devise plans to monopolize and direct your attention towards him. Any of your focus on anything else is a crime, even if it’s something as dumb as a butterfly floating around. If you’re in a conversation with someone else, he’ll pull you away with an excuse. If you’re doing your own thing, he’ll bud in and loom over your shoulder the entire time.
•If there’s someone else participating, he’ll whisper threats and blackmail into their ear or althogether sabatoge your experience with them so you never hang around them again.
•It’s a big mistake to ignore him in any form, even for a few seconds. His resulting wrath is not a pretty sight, especially in public. Talking to Scrooge especially pisses him off to a murderous edge. He’ll do anything to get you away from Scrooge, who he sees as trying to take you away from him. The idea that you’re focus is anywhere else but on him is incredibly frustrating to him and is a bit of a damage to his ego.
•Pathological liar. In an attempt to keep your attention and praise solely focused towards him, Glomgold will absolutely lie and spin fables on some of his achievements. He’ll say he’s #1, he’ll talk about how he’s saved people before. He’ll put on a charitable front, blabing about his recent donation to homeless shelters. (This of course, is probably false.) He’ll blackmail, extort, and cheat his way to you if he has to without remorse.
•He’s not just lying to you about himself, he’s lying to you about other people in an attempt to isolate you from them. To Glomgold, everyone else’s attempts at befriending you are an invocation of rivalry that he must prove he can triumph in. Any friends you had are now Glomgold and his approved inner circle which he still gets jealous of if you’re with them for too long. He seems himself as a perfectly fine replacement for all friends and family you have, a result of his ego.
•Speaking of ego, despite lying to you about being better at everything than everyone else, (especially Scrooge,) he can’t help but sometimes believe his own lies if you go along with them too. If you want to get on his good side, you’d better start playing along and flattering him to all hell. If he’s angry and about to murder someone, your reassurance may just save their life. Calming him down by complimenting him usually works and detours him long enough for the offender to escape with their life.
•Unfortunately, using this tactic has the opposite effect in any escape effort you may have planned. The more attention you give Glomgold, the greedier and more needy of it he gets until he’s so attached to you you won’t be able to remember a time he isn’t around you.
•Likes trashing Scrooge McDuck in any way possible. Any idolization of him from you is a huge nope. If he’s not doting on you, vying for your attention, he’s plotting on how to kill, steal, or make Scrooge McDuck miserable. The most comical thing about this is that he also wants you to share in his collective hatred of Scrooge McDuck, so get ready to hear about it all the time. Disagree and you’ll have an entire essay of why Scrooge sucks handed to you.
•Still really offstandish about spending his fortune so instead of buying you expensive gifts and items, he’ll steal them by hiring others to do his dirty work then play it off as just a simple act of kindness. This has double points, it lowers your guard around him and it also means he doesn’t have to be any less poor.
•Directly confronting Glomgold about his behavior is a bad idea. Any hit to the ego causes him to freak out and try to mend it in dangerous ways by either proving he’s better or eliminating the threat altogether. Any idea that you’re about to leave and focus your energy elsewhere will cause him to go from rationally plotting rivals downfalls financially to irrationally murdering them out of anger. Then, he’ll cling onto you even more so you don’t leave his sight.
•As his obsession grows, so does his possessiveness. Eventually, there may come a time where he sees you as more of a diamond to polish than a person with a separate existence, especially when he’s parading you around Scrooge. You’re his greatest treasure and he’s not about to give you up. He’ll brag about how he’s got the upper hand over Scrooge, how he’s got the one thing that’s more valuable than anything else.
•On the idea of parading you around, Glomgold loves showing off how wealthy he is to everyone else. You’ll be in public, dragged wherever he wants you to go, participating in whatever activities he wants you to participate in. At least, unlike other victims of yanderes, you will have the rare privilege to go outside. Unfortunately and obviously, it’s only if Glomgold is no more than three feet from you at all times.
•Escape results in angry threats of murder to people you care about, especially any friends or family. Glomgold is already a psychopath, so there won’t be any forwarning. There won’t be any downfall or an attempt to stop himself. As soon as he’s attached, he’ll do anything to achieve his goal. He has no qualms about murder. It’s rare that he’ll ever be the one to directly cause it though, preferring to hire assassins and other people while he watches from afar.
•He’ll deny it every time the idea is brought to the table, but man is he lonely. He doesn’t have close family like Scrooge and people who care about him beyond the business deals he makes. So much of his need for attention comes from that depressing fact. Few enjoy his company or hangs around purely because they like him. Maybe you ended up being dopesh enough to spare him some kindness and he just attracted to it obsessively. Don’t let him use it against you, though. He’ll guilt trip you however he needs to have you falling into his hands.
• A yandere (DT2017) Scrooge sees you as someone fragile and in need of a loving guardian to protect you. Scrooge would honestly lock you away and swallow the key and say it’s for your protection. Very lovey dovey despite having a rough exterior. Honestly, I think that 1987 Scrooge would be much like the DT 2017 version only much more possessive than just overprotective, and a little less affectionate.
• A yandere (1987) Glomgold on the other hand sees you as the prized treasure he needs to show off to everyone he runs in to. Someone who needs to have their attention on him at all times. This may, depending on the circumstances, make it a little easier to escape if you can somehow get his attention off of you for one single second. (Usually by pointing out where Scrooge is if there’s an event involving him)
•The same goes with the 2017 version, though I think with that version of Glomgold, you may have a better chance at using his emotions against him. The 2017 Glomgold is more childish and a little less logical so you’d have an easier chance. Plus, he’s short as fuck lol.
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eventidespirits · 3 years
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☥ Basic Vampire Info: Fledgling/Sire Relationships ☥
Usually, the relationship between a newborn vampire and their Sire is incredibly strained – often, newborn vampires are resentful of the one who Changed them, thanks to the trauma and the sudden change in their mental landscape. This resentment usually goes both ways, with the increase in selfishness, impulsivity and often cruelty making the fledgling seem like an entirely different person than they had been prior to the transformation in some cases.
Additionally, since the newborn vampire is suddenly acutely aware of the nature of their curse (and often reeling from guilt after killing their first human) they may find it difficult to be around their creator at all.
This problem is compounded by the fact that the presence of the older vampire’s blood within the newborn’s body creates a sort of psychic link between the two. The effects of this link include:
Insight into the mood and general condition of both parties
The intense desire to be near one another (feeling a sort of “pull” in the veins when they’re apart for too long)
the elder vampire gains a sort of mental control over the fledgling vampire. Those with weaker wills generally find it impossible to refuse a direct order and will find themselves acting in accordance with their creator’s will even without the older vampire saying anything. Those with stronger wills will be able to resist commands but won’t want to. (A decent creator will use this control to keep a newly born vampire under control, stopping them from engaging in unchecked bloodlust or frenzy)
As the young vampire grows stronger in their powers and becomes more capable of being independent, the strength of this bond will wane, eventually fading entirely.
IMPORTANT NOTE: In “Feral” vampires, this bond will never weaken. In fact, because the “human” portion of the Feral never resurfaces after phase three of the Change, the Feral’s consciousness is entirely beholden to the will of the vampire who Changed them as long as the two are around each other. Because of this, there are certain, more solitary, bloodlines of vampires that became known for creating scores of Feral vampires to defend territory. This practice became far, far rarer after the Veil fell during the late Middle Ages.
(for information on the creation of Feral Vampires, see “Basic Vampire Info: The Change”)
As a general rule, no matter how close to people might be when someone is Changed, they will (due to the effects of the Curse) grow apart over time. There are of course, exceptions to this rule but they are few and far in between and often rather sinister in their nature.
The Effect of Sire/Fledgling Relationships prior to Change on the Curse:
While the bloodline one’s Sire belongs to will determine what bloodline the fledgling belongs to, the reasoning behind the Mortal’s transformation will usually have some kind of effect on the way the curse manifests in the newly changed vampire.
The Vampire Changed for Love:
Regardless of Bloodline, vampires created out of love tend to be more compassionate and emotionally driven than other vampires. Emotions in Love-Turned vampires are dialed up to 15, as opposed to 11. More likely to value human morals and dislike human suffering.
Regardless of bloodline, vampires who were Changed out of love (or perceived love) will be:
More emotionally driven than the average vampire of their bloodline.
have their emotions dialed up to 15 as opposed to 11 (like most vampires)
Have a tendency to deeply dislike seeing others suffer (though they generally aren’t opposed to causing suffering in others, they just don’t like to see it)
May have a stronger sense of compassion or morals than the average vampire of their bloodline
Have a magnetic “aura” about them that tends to attract others to them, and cause those with weaker wills to feel an intense infatuation/admiration for them… This causes them to accumulate obsessive stalkers and have incredibly jealous partners.
Have a bite which has a similar effect to the Siren’s, creating a sense of obsession in those that the love-turned vampire feeds from frequently. (in Sirens, this ability causes the obsession to kick in immediately and if the vampire is not careful, their prey may become murderously obsessed with them.)
The Vampire Changed to Preserve their Beauty:
Vampires who are Changed to preserve their beauty are generally visually driven – they want to be surrounded by the best and most beautiful things, don’t want to be around anything that they consider aesthetically “displeasing” and are generally very shallow.
Regardless of bloodline, vampires Changed to preserve their beauty will:
Be incredibly self-obsessed and assured of their own superior beauty
Be incredibly beautiful/attractive, often finding that whatever trait their Sire most appreciated about them will be exaggerated (a mortal with beautiful eyes will have eyes capable of entrancing people with a mere glance as a vampire and etc.,)
Be abnormally obsessed with appearances, will fidget constantly with clothing/hair/makeup, check their reflection in every mirror they pass, constantly talk about their beauty, be worried that they don’t look their best and etc.,
have a tendency to accumulate admirers and stalkers
have a tendency to be incredibly pretentious
The Vampire Changed out of Hatred or Vengeance:
Vampires who are Changed because their Sire desired vengeance against them or hated them tend to be more bestial in nature. These vampires will:
Have an “aura” of rage around them that drives others to violence or anger – whether against the vampire in question or against others.
Be physically stronger than most other vampires
(if belonging to a bloodline with a euphoric bite) have a diminished euphoria to their bite, instead causing a vague sense of pain. in bloodlines where the bite is painful or paralytic, the bite of hate-changed vampires will be excruciating.
Hold grudges longer than any other vampires
Be more violent in taking down their prey
Tend to be less attractive than they were in life.
Be incredibly quick to anger.
Experience bloodlust not as similar to sexual lust but rather as all consuming desire to “destroy” the object of their hunger.
The Vampire Changed out of Admiration:
Are usually exacting perfectionists with an exaggerated sense of ego… They will also generally find that their addictive personality turns more quickly towards work or creative endeavors than simple pleasures. They tend to be workaholics. These vampires will:
Have an inflated sense of their capabilities (especially when it comes to whatever their Sire most admired about them)
Tend to inspire a sense of perfectionism and dedication in others
Become incredibly despondent or enraged if anyone insults their abilities or doubts their chosen craft/cause/etc.,
Develop an obsession with the thing that caused their Sire to choose them
Often develop a rigid code of behavior
The Vampire Changed out of Lust:
Very similar to the love-changed vampire, vampires turned out of lust tend to be very driven by their id and pursuit of pleasure. These vampires will:
have a magnetic aura similar to that of the Love-Changed but rather than inspiring devotion and admiration, the Lust-Changed vampire will inspire intense sexual lust.
Have a far, far lower sense of self-control than the average vampire of their bloodline
tend to leave broken (physically and emotionally) mortals in their wake, feeding on them once or twice, becoming bored and moving onto the next (newest) thing in their endless search for pleasure.
Like the love-changed, their bite inspires obsession in their victims.
Have difficulty with respecting boundaries
be incredibly “touchy-feely” and often very physically affectionate
Often become infatuated with mortals
The Vampire Changed out of Pity:
These vampires are among some of the saddest of vampirekind – self-loathing and often unable to act on their wishes, rather hoping someone else will take care of them. These vampires will:
Have an immense sense of self-loathing
A stronger sense of compassion than most vampires but immense difficulty in taking action to help others
a tendency towards deep depressive episodes stronger than other variants
have an “aura” around them that inspires others to feel pity or sympathy for them, regardless of the situation
Generally seem sad or lonely
Have difficulty forming long-term bonds of any kind
More likely to avoid feeding for long periods of time
The Vampire Who Steals their Immortality:
On the rare occasion, a mortal will steal immortality from a vampire, thus taking the curse upon themselves in its entirety. When this happens, the cures manifests with far more virulence than in other variations. These vampires will:
often be entirely numb to positive emotions
be incredibly selfish
be incredibly cruel and callous
have almost no self control
feel negative emotions to a deeper extent than any other bloodline
often develop intense obsessions with horrifying or macabre subjects and become addicted to things like murder, torture and etc.,
Have very pronounced claws and fangs, regardless of bloodline
have yellow, virulent green, red or even black irises
have a paralytic bite that causes feelings of pain and dread in their victims that may persist for years after the initial bite.
These aren't the only variations that exist (there are vampires who have been forced into vampirism by a Witch's curse, for example) but these are among the most common variations.
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Hi! Could you do a Prince of Heart?
I can gladly give a little sneak peek to the wonderful combo of existential AND identity crisis that is the Prince of Heart!
Now, as we all know, Princes can be quite dramatic and extreme in how they present themselves, but also how they perceive themselves. They often are ones who regard themselves as better and higher than everyone else around them. It’s just that some Princes do this in far more humble ways than others, often being vague in what they really mean with their compliments(?) but also in their insults(?). The best way to describe them is the masters of giving back-handed compliments left and right.
As also highlighted before, the Prince is one who often rejects their given Aspect; oftentimes out of fear, disgust, or even hatred for it. They see it more as a flaw of not only their character, but everyone else, as well. Because of this, if the Prince is to go unchecked, which they, unfortunately, often do, then they will commit the act of attempting to cleanse themself, everyone else, and in the most extreme cases the very world and/or universe itself of their Aspect. This is otherwise known as them destroying their Aspect and, in the process, themself.
No Prince better highlights this power of self-destruction than the Prince of Heart themself. They are someone who sees no point in only thinking for themself, or even worrying about such a subjective matter of contemplation and discussion. Instead, the Prince of Heart is one who steers far closer to the mannerisms to that of the Mind-bound. Cold, calculating, and always looking for the best possible outcome in any situation they or their friends are in, the Prince of Heart is one who puts their identity - and their Aspect - on the very back burner of their mind.
Much like any other Prince, the reason for the abandonment of their Aspect is one that varies. However, for the Prince of Heart, there are two common reasons for this negative connotation that they have crafted on their own. The first one is that the Prince has seen only the negatives of being Heart-bound; the pain, turmoil, and confusion that comes from desperately trying to search for one’s identity. The countless nights of lost sleep that will never happen again, all the while laying in bed, looking up at the ceiling and asking the same questions. Who am I? What do I stand for? Where do I want to end up? When will it finally be my time to shine? Why do I have to be me?
The other reason is that the Prince knew of someone, or multiple people, who became so wrapped up in their own identities and destiny that it ultimately consumed them. When that funeral came around, no one would be there, for that person had pushed themself away and above everyone else. Such a fate of arrogance, foolishness and, ultimately, loneliness is one the Prince of Heart wishes to avoid at any and all costs. And so they went towards the way of the Mind, following the electrical surges through their brain rather than the rhythmic beating of their Heart.
To save for time, the full length of the Prince of Heart’s journey will not be entirely laid out here; however, do believe it is one of discovering that self-importance and identity. Of having to inevitably face the fact that as scary as the unknown may seem, the beating of the Heart will always be there to guide them, no matter how lost they may feel. Sometimes, in those dark, murky depths that is the ocean of identity, the Heart the Prince follows may not even be their own, but rather someone who they hold close and love dearly.
The journey of the Prince of Heart is one about overcoming deep-rooted fears, traumas, and internalized manufactured walls of false security. Ultimately, the Prince of Heart should be one who not only comes to realize who they are - how important of a role they play in the lives of others and the story they inhabit - but also how to destroy through that very sense of Being, of Self, and of Heart.
By destroying through one’s Heart, or rather self, it is most certainly an interesting power to ponder on. After all, doesn’t everyone already destroy through their “selves”? When people in locked in battle, they are using all that they are and made up as to try and overthrow the other side. Although that is partially the case, the Prince of Heart is one who is able to take such a thing and make it into something more.
They are capable of essentially powering themself up, making themself into a pristine, perfect bio-weapon to be unleashed onto even the toughest of enemies. In a heated duel, if anyone is to land one of the most devastating blows, chances are that it would be the Prince of Heart to do it. They are a warrior, much akin to any Knight and maybe even Page, and their fighting style most certainly shows it. Where all this power comes from, most importantly, is the amount of essence of Heart that they Prince holds inside of themself. Which is to say, the more stability the Prince, and maybe even their teammates, have in their Hearts, the stronger the Prince’s power can grow. If such stability were to falter, though, then the Prince runs the risk of becoming  not as powerful as they once were.
As for the base power of destruction - the power to destroy their Aspect - this is another instance of the Prince of Heart posing as quite the intimidating figure. Much like every other Aspect, the Heart Aspect is one that has at least two manifestations. One of these is the literal one; though, for the Heart Aspect, this one will be far more linked to the Sense of Self. Essentially, this power would be able to destroy anyone’s certainty in their identity, or at the very least certain parts of it. A person could be dead-set on themselves being the main character, though such self-importance may not last too long if the Prince of Heart deems such a mindset too imposing or problematic.
Another form is the metaphysical one, which, in this case, would be the Soul of a person. By focusing deep, deep into the very being of a person, the Prince of Heart would be able to essentially spiritually destroy someone. Whether this is done physically or rather in some odd magic sense wherein the person’s soul is torn to shreds by the Prince’s own hands, or it is done far more psychologically and by word of mouth. After all, with the right words at the right time, a person’s spirit and soul could so easily be crushed under the weight of judgment and disapproval.
The exact role of the Prince of Heart is a rather finicky one, and they most certainly are a figure to stir up quite a bit of controversy in whatever group they find themself within. Whether it is because of their inherit “holier than thou” air and attitude, their cold and uncaring ways of handling conversations with others, or the underlying threat of having your very sense of self being destroyed at any moment, the Prince of Heart is one that will always have eyes drawn towards them for one reason or another. Love them, hate them, or moderately tolerate them, one thing is for certain; a Prince of Heart who achieves the power to become the very ocean that makes up everyone’s identities, and has mastered the skill of destroying through the Self, then they are someone who is not to be taken lightly.
Hope this helps a little bit, Anon, to give a somewhat-below-the-surface look at the Prince of Heart!
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lucidpantone · 3 years
I just had a thought.. Mikael never returned Evens feelings. If Sander was the Bel!Mikael in this scenario he would not have returned the feelings Badr or whoever it might have been had for him. Maybe this is why he feels guilty?
similar anon: May be the roommate is Abi who also be the Be!mikael to Badr and just a friend with Sander as mentioned in S4, that's the connection I guess. I don't know why I have strong feeling that Sander is going to be Younes's new friend rather than a friend in the past. If Badr is the dark side of alternative universe, then Sobbe may be the bright side, the journey and struggles that Sobbe had may give a proof to Younes that what Yasmina said "that is nothing to do with religion but fear" is correct and this let Younes start to rethink about his faith and religion.
My theory and what I hope for.....
Exactly so here is my theory because I kept printing everyone else’s. We pretty much know Sander or Aicha’s brother are the roommate. Its almost certain. Badr was Younes’s friend so we can estimate they were the same age and we know Aicha’s brother and Sander are younes’s age. If Badr is our Even that means Aicha’s brother or Sander are bel!mikael its either one of them or maybe both of them in some round about way. That one anon that said maybe Even and Bel!mikael stories is cut up differently in this remake and different slices of the story were imposed onto other players makes a ton of sense. I already said that I would prefer Sander not to be bel!mikael because that would just really hurt and I dont know it pains me to think he experienced that and a hate crime its seems like overkill for such a young dude but canonically as a fic writer it makes way more sense and explains a lot of s3 plot holes if Sander is badr’s bel!mikael. However my preference and what am hoping for is the roommate is badr’s bel!mikael and this is a badr/Even story takex2 alternative universe moment. Because remember bel!mikael didn’t return Even’s feelings and Julie hints at him at some point coming to terms with his feelings eventually. 
I hope in this remake Aicha’s brother is Badr’s Bel!mikael but also Sander’s bel!mikael and he befriends Sander and maybe he even tries to make a move on Sander but he kindly explains he has a bf and doesn't share those feelings. So its basically a take 2 on the queer muslim boys story but in this plot he doesn't fall into the darkness and he embraces friendships and he goes forward. I think this would be a nice parallel to Yasmina and about coming to terms with physical desire and its manifestation. Plus I don’t like depictions of queer muslims being that of honor killings or self inflicted endings. I know this happens I know its a current topic but queer muslim kids should get a happy hopeful endings. So the ending I would like to see here is the roommate be badr’s bel!mikael and maybe he supressed those feelings after badr’s lost but he meets Sander and all that surfaces again for him but this time around the darkness doesn't take him and he finds some semblance of acceptance. Also it would play into the AU Evak narrative but to me the equivalent of an Isak in the gay muslim’s boys journey is Allah. If Badr was Even and if Badr’s bel!Mikael also becomes Even then their Isak imo is Allah. Thats who they are looking for in this universe. Thats what Badr kept looking for in the Quran but the anger and hatred pushed him farther away from Allah and he lost his way. So if Aicha’s brother is Badr’s bel!mikael then I would like to know in the end he is safe and walks into the sunset with the light guiding him. 
**The issue here is that at most pretty eyes if it is him only filmed one scene so this whole story would take place via other people’s accounts very similar to Laui’s in SkamIT where everyone else fills in the gaps of what happened to him through their testimonies. I dont like that but also its Yasmina’s pov so whatever way she hears the stories is the way we will hear it.**
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coolgirlontheweb · 3 years
sasuke uchiha (Naruto) - INTJ
when typing, a lot of people forget that the individual functions work in tandem with each other in a single type - they don’t exist in a vacuum, but instead have relationships that sometimes compliment each other, and sometimes oppose each other, like sasuke and his Ni-Fi. sasuke is the single most distinguished and potent example of an unhealthy INTJ - the things this poor guy went through all for the sake of the “shinobi world” is enough for the healthiest INTJ to only ever use Fi-Se; which is the exact problem we have with Sasuke. he isn’t an ISFP, but because of his use of Fi, overwhelming Fi loop and Se grip, a lot of people think he is.
sasuke’s dominant Ni and auxiliary Te in early naruto:
sasuke is practically the poster kid for dominant Ni and auxiliary Te in early naruto. his immature dominant Ni at 12 years old was over-serious, perfectionistic, and was quite unrealistic in his beliefs and expectations. his auxiliary Te, however, walked the line between healthy and immature. sasuke strived for a well rounded goal, he was tenacious and disciplined in his training and in realising his goals. with a great work ethic, he learnt systematically from mistakes in every fight he found himself in, which made him highly efficient. his great work ethic teetered over into immature territory by having an excessive and perfectionistic pursuit of results. just think of his attitude towards the notion of naruto surpassing him and the amount of training he resorted to in an effort to make sure that this never happens, and to achieve his goal. his overindulgence in auxiliary Te also made him stiff and humourless, and seemingly addicted to training which thwarted any healthy Se expression he might have had, which carries on throughout his entire character arc. sasuke was always devoted entirely to whatever goal he had for the future, and present sensory experiences were completely overlooked by him; there is no way that Se could be his auxiliary function when he has practically zero healthy expression of it. if sasuke was indeed using Fi-Se as his dominant/auxiliary, he wouldn’t be as stand-offish or combative as he is toward naruto in the beginning. his dominant Fi would make him noticeably more attached to the uchiha massacre which would make him more outwardly emotional, and his auxiliary Se would let him live in the present moment and thus, not be as objective or calculating as his Te allows him to be - sasuke would be less meticulous in his training, and less high-strung about things and people in general.
development of Se grip and Fi loop in late naruto:
his goal (his entire reason for living, in his words) however, doesn’t come easy to him. towards the end of the original naruto, sasuke steadily becomes more and more distressed, with his sensory experiences plummeting from pleasant and stable with Team 7, to insecure and agonising (which ends up fostering his Se grip and Fi loop), his past is exposed which is sure to make him uncharacteristically vulnerable - the reappearance of itachi, orochimaru and his damning curse mark, and naruto’s steady and quick growth all amalgamate into one glaring symbol of his own mental and physical decline. something important to note that this is all to himself, no one actually believes everything he thinks about himself, that he was weak on the night of the uchiha’s massacre or that he will never have enough strength to defeat itachi, what’s significant to his state of mind at that point in the narrative is that he believes this, which is because of his Ni’s natural tendency to speculate on potential implications, and his Fi at work contemplating in times of stress for him. the top comment made by AsuraPsych said something I think should've put the ISFP/INTJ debate to rest already: “Fi is a stress point for sasuke, not a point of natural strength”.
because dominant Ni operates closest to the unconscious mind, Ni doms have an unhealthy tendency to overindulge in introspectivity, which leads sasuke to overthink and over-criticise himself. this is very indicative of the unhealthy relationship with his Ni-Fi - both of these functions participate in making him critical of his own actions as well as his own emotions. functions operate in opposition with each other; they push and pull against each-other which creates internal conflict. i don’t think anyone can disregard sasuke’s internal conflict with Ni-Fi: his Ni is geared toward his future plans to defeat itachi, and notes its potential implications (like naruto getting so strong that he can’t get defeat him to unlock the mangekyo sharingan, which is where all of his hostility toward naruto comes from - watch the hospital fight and you literally can see the insecurity on his face), and his Fi is geared toward thinking about his traumatic past and is stuck making sense of the night of his clan’s demise, which literally comes to fruition at the end of naruto shippuden when he explains he could never move forward in spite of the past holding him back; that's practically word for word the description of his Ni-Fi conflict.
sasuke responds terribly to the sensory experiences of the outside world (Se) and his own internal rumination (Fi), which makes him develop into an extremely unhealthy INTJ, this time with an Se grip and Fi loop in full swing. it’s almost too apt that itachi’s infinite tsukuyomi is what sends him hurtling into an Se grip, and later Fi loop. the tsukuyomi that itachi puts him in is a repeat of the night of the massacre, where he is forced to live through the worst experience he has ever had. the sasuke that returns to consciousness is no longer the sasuke we once knew, but a deeply cut, volatile shell of his former self. this is the first time the expression of his Fi changes this dramatically, the second is after finding out the truth about itachi. by the 107th episode, sasuke’s Se grip is violently evident: he feels easily thwarted, provoked and distrubed. we see this in his refusal to listen to kakashi’s advice, where instead lashes out at him with harsh words - this is also a very clear expression of Fi loop, where someone’s own conception of morals and beliefs will blind them to any opposing opinion, nuance or context. sasuke’s previous use of Fi solely for personal rumination goes out the window, and is replaced by an unhealthy expression which shoots down any good advice as being too hard or too complicated. additionally, when naruto and sakura visit him in the hospital, he physically lashes out at sakura, who was only cutting him apples, and did nothing to provoke him. sasuke’s Fi loop also causes him to have irrational fears about compromising himself or his integrity, and is easily frustrated about challenges (the primary one here being naruto’s growth) which makes him take things way too personally. naruto was trying to receive acknowledgement from sasuke, but he took this as a show of hostile competition. coupled with his Se grip, it makes him uncharacteristically impatient and explosive, and the combination of the two causes him to challenge naruto to the fight on top of the hospital in an effort to try and salvage some sense of self and security.
sasuke finally succumbs to his overbearingly dominant Ni, unhealthy use of Fi, and Se grip, which makes him finally leave the leaf village. one of the defining features of dominant Ni is its ability to use idealistic impressions and symbolic imagery to set a direction. Ni as a function takes the abstract in and forms ideas on it. in children, this tends to manifest as being overly imaginative and insightful. paired with his piercing auxiliary Te, sasuke’s decision to leave the village is based on the relationship of his Ni-Fi, and his Se grip gives him the push to leave with the sound ninja 4. sasuke’s Ni uses idealistic impressions and symbolic imagery, such as naruto making a larger hole in the water tank using rasengan than him, to come up with judgements about the future. he rightfully determines that if he keeps on going as he is, naruto will surpass him in the near future, and he uses this to determine that he won’t be able to beat itachi this way. from all of this, he ascertains that if he wants to get power, he must also venture into evil and hatred. the use of symbolic imagery in his thought processes is clear as well - sasuke sees itachi as the symbol of all hatred in the world, and sees orochimaru as the symbol of evil. his tertiary Fi kicks in strong as well, to support his decision to leave as well by evoking the memories of his clan’s demise.
i think people are mistaking him for an Fi dom in his childhood because of how introspective he is, but Ni is easily misunderstood as being very impersonal, which it is not. applied to oneself, a dominant Ni becomes a powerful tool of self-assessment, which is exactly how sasuke uses it at age 12. a lot of his thought process isn’t recognised, and i think that this much more pronounced in the anime - because sasuke doesn’t have an internal monologue outside of battle strategy like naruto does, the viewer is left to gage what he is thinking a lot of the time, which is why people may find it hard to recognise his dominant Ni.
stable expression of Ni-Te under orochimaru’s guidance and as leader of hebi/taka:
under orochimaru’s guidance sasuke devotes himself to training, which allows his Ni-Te to shut down his Se (orochimaru’s hideout isn’t really a place that stimulates his Se), therefore it’s easy for him to completely disregard any sensory inclinations he has: he spends his time training and meditating - which no doubt strengthens his use of Ni-Fi. his Ni and Fi work in tandem making him committed to his goal. he begins to develop his Fi here - he follows a strict code of “no killing innocents” to be actively against what itachi did, and declares his hatred for orochimaru for the same reason he hates itachi before he kills him. whilst his expression of Fi helps him uphold his morals, this doesn’t mean it is his dominant function. i’m beginning to think that people are deliberately ignoring how much Ni-Te that sasuke actually uses. from the beginning of his introduction to us we learn he has an “ambition”, that he doesn’t care to call a “dream”, because he knows he is going to bring it to fruition one day, which he does, through his Ni making him resort to meticulous internal planning and excessive, austere training. sasuke’s dominant Ni gives him an unequivocal understanding of what his goal is and the easiest route he can take to make it happen.
INTJs use Ni-Te to see the consequences of the application of new ideas, and live to see systems translated into real substance. we see this in the formation of hebi - sasuke uses Te to be an assertive leader who is very terse and dominating in organising the group to reach his goal in the most efficient way possible. he says that over the 2 years he was with orochimaru, he paid attention to different shinobi and selected suigetsu, karin and jugo based on how he could use their individual abilities to get to his goal. there is no instant whatsoever where sasuke isn’t taking charge of the situation as the leader of hebi, or isn’t using his Ni-Te to gage the next move he should make, and how he should combat problems that he is presented with. dominant Ni is fundamentally focused inwards, on the internal world of thoughts, ideas, and concepts, as opposed to dominant Fi, which is fundamentally focused on personal ideals, morals, and emotional understanding of oneself. the only time that sasuke prioritises Fi over Ni is when he is trying to come to terms with the uchiha massacre and the truth about itachi. a weak argument to support sasuke having a dominant Fi is that all of his actions are driven by his feelings, however this isn’t true. his trauma and emotion, as well as the seed of hatred that itachi planted and sowed in him is what drives him. his feelings act as a mere catalyst to reach his end goal, but every action he takes, and his natural thought processes are certainly driven by Ni. sasuke is far too stunted and close-minded in his outward expression of feelings or authenticity for him to be an Fi dom - they don’t come naturally to him at all, but act as a hindrance to his mental stability - which only gets worse after he finds out about itachi.
instances of Ni-Te in sasuke’s battle strategy:
this isn’t part of the analysis, but i wanted to add that sasuke’s Ni-Te is also observable in his fight style, which i thought was interesting to pick up on. his Ni foresees his opponents moves: he consistently used lightning style throughout his fight against itachi to heat up the atmosphere so that by the time he is out of chakra, he knows he still has kirin left as a final move. sasuke’s Ni-Te is also merciless in clearing ramifications so that he can reach his goal; he literally asks karin to stand still whilst he sacrifices her by piercing through her heart to kill danzo using chidori spear. his Te systematically learns from mistakes, which makes him highly efficient in battle. in his final battle against naruto (part 1) he recalls that two chidori is his limit so resorts to another method of defeating naruto; in his final fight against naruto (part 2) he knows that using shadow clones are naruto’s preferred way to fight so he stops him making the hand sign around 4 different times before he can complete the jutsu.
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Humans are Weird “Aliens Explaining Emotions”
From a discussion I had with my friend from some days ago. it was a fun and challenging exercise, and I hope you all like it :) 
A lot of my academic counterparts had been asking me about the scope of human emotional range. This may seem like a confusing question to humans seeing as that emotion is an every second part of their lives, but there are many species in the galaxy who are only limited to a restrictive subset of emotions including fear, contentment, anger, happiness  and interest. I, and other scientists have taken the liberty of studying human emotion, as well as human studies on the matter, and come up with 29 emotions on the human emotion spectrum. I took the liberty of asking a human to describe just what these things feel like, and when they occur and will try to explain it as well as I can. 
Admiration = The human categorized this as a subset of awe but ONLY for people. This involves being impressed, and the desire to BE more like another person, or the desire to be closer to that other person. I’d consider this some function of social integration for humans an instinctive way of modeling proper behavior. Admiration is usually towards a figure in authority or position of power a parent, friend, icon, or celebrity. 
Adoration = Not to be confused with admiration, adoration does not necessarily involved the desire to become like that other person, but it does involve the desire to be around them, to make them happy. Anything the target person does, no matter what, is seen as exciting, cute or admirable in whatever combination. Humans will generally do anything for someone they adore. Adoration can be for animals, small children, a mate, or someone famous. 
Amusement = I have learned to personally experience this one myself. It is an extreme requirement if you are to spend any time with humans as it is the single most important emotion for social bonding. I would say it is similar to happiness, but much more physical. It is almost a cognitive joy taken from a specific phrase or situation that manifests as a bubbling in the stomach and chest. It is a pleasant feeling. 
Anxiety = Just imagine feeling like a boulder will drop out of the sky to crush you at any moment, or the impending feeling of knowing the world is going to end, but you don’t know when. I would consider this a subset of fear, but less intense, more chronic and physically catastrophic. 
Awe = awe is an extreme emotion which manifests with the widening of the eyes, and the mouth. This is a response to unbelievable or amazing situation. Humans describe it as a feeling of the chest expanding, may include tingling or the piloerection of hair on the skin. This emotion can be completely overwhelming and may manifest when the human understanding is stretched to capacity, and the brain is having trouble comprehending what it saw. 
Awkwardness = is a motion manifested when something socially inappropriate happens. Awkwardness is a way of letting others know that something socially unacceptable just happened. This may include saying something insensitive at the wrong time, like asking a fat woman if she’s pregnant only to realise she isn’t. The modern use of the word Cringe is a subset of awkwardness that is more intense and usually involves a person or situation being EXTREMELY awkward  so much so that it causes a person to cringe. Includes a tightening in the stomach and chest manifesting in a human making their body smaller and curling towards the center like someone is about to hit them. The awkwardness is so bad it is physically painful. 
Boredom = when a human is lacking in cognitive stimulation. The brain will try to find something to interest itself and may lead to frustration or anxiety as the brain gets frustrated over the lack of stimuli. May also manifest as a flat affect or staring off into space. 
Calmness / Contentment = a limbo emotion suspended between all other emotions. It is not happy, it is not sad, it is the closest emotion to the state of just existing in which my species spend most of their time. Humans do not often spend time here.
Confusion = An emotion that is common in many species, when cognition cannot figure out what is happening. It often manifests in humans with head tilting, frowning and looking around to gather more information.
Craving = This is a want, but to an extreme. A craving turns a want into a need to the point where the human finds it hard to pay attention to anything else. It is very common when it comes to food, but can also involve a craving for attention, company or other emotions.
Disgust = An emotion you do not want to be on the side of. Disgust is being repulsed by something, can be a smell, sight, or even a person. Disgust is a strange expression that involves turning the head away and the upturn of one corner of the mouth. It can be directed towards a specific behavior, but it is mostly used to determine that a human does not like something. I would argue that having a human disgusted with you is worse than having a human angry at you. Anger and respect can go hand in hand, but disgust and respect are mutually exclusive. 
Empathetic pain = an emotion that seems almost entirely human. This involves a human’s ability to watch another person and feel their pain. For instance human males describe watching another man be kicked in sensitive areas and experiencing the contraction of muscles or even a tingling sensation in the area in which the other human was hurt, females can also experience the same sensation despite never having actually felt that sort of pain. 
Entrancement = Sort of like adoration but involves less cognitive processing. A human isn’t likely to be thinking very clearly if they are entranced with something. I would describe it almost as a hypnotic state.
Envy = When a human wants something that another person has. It can include an object a situation or an attribute they wish they had. In short it is the desire to have what someone else has an a resentment towards the person who has it instead of them. 
Excitement = The most adorable human emotion. Excitement is joy but more aggressive, generally used situationally for an event, or for seeing someone they have not seen in a long time. Excitement can be in the moment or anticipatory. Humans like making lots of noise when they are excited weather it be screaming or talking, they may jump up and down or cavort around in other ways. Humans are very active when they are excited.
Fear = Self explanatory, we all know fear. The imminent worry that you are going to die, be bodily injury or experience something else unpleasant. Humans have the ability to fear on  behalf of others.
Frustration = This is a stepping stone to anger that involves the desire to do something but the inability to do it. Frustration happens when things are not going your way, and you cannot change it.
Hatred = the scariest of human emotions. I would argue it is an amalgamation of anger and disgust and may manifest in the desire to avoid, destroy or terminate whatever is the target of this emotion. Hatred, and maybe envy, are the wo greatest emotions that lead to murder. Once a human hates you, there is no coming back. Humans may use the word lightly to describe a mild dislike, but rarely do humans hate pickles they may dislike them but not hate them. Hatred is the desire to destroy, or obliterate whatever it is. If a human hates something, they wish them dead, desire to make them dead themselves, or desire for them something worse than death. Humans will use the word lightly, so make sure you examine body language when discussing this word with a human. 
Horror = horror is a mixture of disgust and fear. This is a human’s response to seeing something so terrible that the brain can hardly comprehend what it is. It is almost like an equal but negative version of awe. It can be in response to horrible accidents, terrible situations or incomprehensible actions or atrocities committed by other humans. 
Happiness = Contentment turned up. It is almost described as a warmth through the body, and an inability to stop smiling. Happiness is the emotional manifestation of feeling the sun on one’s skin after a dark night. 
Interest / curiosity = a common emotion we understand as the desire to want to know more about a specific subject..
Joy = happiness turned to 11. This is happiness so intense the body cannot hold the emotion. Humans may scream, cry, laugh or many other physical actions in order to allow the release of this emotion. Joy is not a quite or unnoticeable emotion.  
Love = This is the best emotion to be the target of. Humans have many versions of it, but in essence if a human loves someone, their only desire or goal for that person is to see them happy. A human would do anything for someone they love, and that includes die for them , not just die for them but walk over fields of glass, through fire, thousands of miles. Humans have been known to survive past all odds and hold onto life in order to see someone they love one last time. If you are lucky enough to have a human who has any sort of love towards you, you can rest assured that they will do whatever it is possible to keep you safe and happy. 
Nostalgia = a strange human emotion that involves the desire for the past, or a fondness for the past. Playing a human a song that they may have heard often in their childhood may have them experiencing nostalgia. 
Romance = This is a love specifically between two partnered humans. Think love as mentioned earlier but with a physical or sexual component. 
Sadness = This is the opposite of happiness, and is often described as a heavy feeling. Increase that feeling and you get something called sorrow which is the opposite of joy. This generally happens during unfortunate events like the death of a family member. This is generally associated with the loss of something, another human, a pet, innocence, a situation, or a better period of time. Sadness should be curbed quickly, for it is not good for humans over a long period of time. It is theorized that the feeling of sadness is evolutionary designed to get other human’s attention looking for comfort.
Satisfaction = this is an internal feeling of pride usually experienced when a human does something and it works out. I would call this the opposite of frustration. Humans experience this when they believe they have done a good job with something. 
Sympathy = this is like empathetic pain accept can include emotion or situational. A human does not have to have experienced the pain or situation someone else is going through to feel sympathy for them. It is almost the feeling of proxy sadness and the desire that another person’s situation get better. This is why humans are so good at understanding other species. A human who sympathizes with you might take your situation, imagine something similar and determine how they would feel if they were you, then they can experience a shadow of what you are feeling and thus sympathize. Is extremely important in a social society. 
Triumph = A mixture of satisfaction and joy. This happens when a human has gone through a very difficult project, or experience and come out victorious. Triumph is experienced in war, beating a terrible illness, receiving what one has worked really hard for after years and years of dedication. 
 Some humans may tell you that they have not felt some of these emotions. and , unless they have a mental illness, or some other rare reason)  that makes them physically incapable, than they are absolute lairs. They may not KNOW they experienced that emotion, or may not have the understanding to explain it, but deep down they know exactly what it means. If a human claims they don’t experience emotion that way, tell them to stop being an edge-lord and that the inability to experience emotions is neither a good thing, something to be proud of, or even a possibility if you are a human.
Im looking at you there human, the one who read this and was totally like, yeah but i've never felt that before. Stop trying to be special, you're human you know what all these feel like. You cannot be human without them.
Just a reminder that this was designed as being written by an alien, so if it doesn't seem entirely accurate, than that is okay :) This list was written with the idea of vast humanity ( and not acceptations ) if you find yourself an acceptation that is okay, but the list will remain unchanged. I myself am technically an acceptation in one aspect, but I didn’t want to confuse the issue. 
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topconfessions · 3 years
How can you do witchcraft? Also How can you protect yourself from negativity and bad pple??? I got horrible family members and their negativity always got me sick(different illness and stuff) I ask to someone and this person say they envy me and bring this negative emotion to me so I need to protect myself from them do you know how this work? Also, Do you know if witchcraft bring negative mindset to the people that do this?? Sorry all the question I love your mindset so I want to know ur opinion
I would have to make a separate text post about this. You make spells basically. I'll list some YouTube channels of the ones who make a variety of spells for different objectives and situations. And yes that happens all the time in life and a lot of us have had this put on us whether we realize it or not. Distance yourself from them if you are allowed to physically and financially
I understand some people live in secret unique situations where they can't just up and leave a toxic household even if the toxic abuser allows them to but the best defense to that is not make yourself a pawn to them. It may take months or years but these people cast negative energy on you to kill you they want to weaken you and keep you in a chaotic anxiety riddled insecure state of mind and emotional state so you never leave and amount to nothing in life. It's a form of ownership and abuse.
You have to not react to them no matter how hard or at least put up a facade of them not affecting you even if it does. They feed off of and need your reaction. Witchcraft or not you need enough self esteem and grit to make it known somehow verbally or silently whatever their hatred is towards you does not apply outside of the family and household. Period. They want to ingrain this into you so whenever you get to a positive place or somewhere far from them you are still mentally trapped in the bubble of envy and mean things they threw at you. You can't carry that everywhere so if you can't escape this toxic situation, so long as these words don't start a physical fight at home (if you can afford to leave and you get hit, leave and don't stay!) Let them know to their faces that their opinion isn't what others see and you leave all the drama at home.
LOL. I had someone in my life try that shit with me but she knows deep down her opinion don't apply and I won't let it apply. I learned pretty fast abuse can only go as far as you allow it to socially in the real world. When your leave toxic enviorment and for example take a short trip for a day downtown somewhere or to a new place you never been to before: people don't know you. They are only going off of what you yourself present yourself as. Whatever hateful things you experienced at home becomes a blank slate when you meet new people or at work if your job isn't a local town thing. That's your chance to build yourself up again.
I will make a post soon by this weekend.
Look up protection spells and spiritual cleansing baths. Invest in crystals you can buy them online or on amazon, buy Sage and burn it in your home just spreading it in the air in your room. Get your self an evil eye necklace just to ward off negativity. As silly as it may sound say prayers and rebuke negativity towards you. Listen to Subliminals on YouTube as well. Good Vibes Binural beats has many different type of Subliminals to help in almost any situation. Get into manifesting as well and making vision boards.
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