#may or may not do more with these later
greatstormcat · 30 days
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Thinking about being someone the taskforce boys because very close to, but you don’t work directly with them. Perhaps a medic that they gravitate towards after missions and training incidents. After a a few months you find that the dating pool dries up, anyone you think would be a good candidate for a date starts to flake on you with no notice. Even just trying to get a one night stand becomes harder and harder. Prospective partners just seem to… run scared, even when you seem to be getting on so well.
Sometimes, when a date is agreed, you’ll end up having to cancel because work gets in the way, such as Gaz needs your attention after Soap landed a punch during sparring practice. Once Ghost was having a flare up of his shoulder injury and no one else in the med bay wanted to cover for you because that big bastard was in a bad mood and intimidating everyone. Funnily enough he was perfectly sweet once you appeared and you spent a few hours strapping the injury and chatting.
This goes on the months, the longest dry spell of your life, and the frustration is painted on your face everyday. If you don’t get laid soon you feel you are going to lose your mind. The constant let down was enough to make you weep in your lowest moments. Coupled with the increasing amount of time you were spending around the Taskforce, huge slabs of muscle and menace, you were on a hair trigger.
You’d promised yourself not to turn to them though, they didn’t need some groupie chasing them around, not another one anyway. There were plenty of people on base throwing themselves at Soap and Gaz, and watching them get turned away was painful. Even Price and Ghost had their own fan clubs, but no one was bold enough to be as open about trying to get into their bunks. What chance would you stand with them when they turned away men and women you couldn’t begin to compare yourself to? Enter to stay friends with them.
In the end, you found out about a private club in town that promised anonymous sex in a safe and controlled location. You made your mind up and filled out the application. A few weeks later you find yourself in one of their cubicles, naked, and staring at the padded bench that joins the wall. At the end of it, a large hole with a curtain stares back at you. All you had to do was lie down on the bench and put your lower half through the hole. On the other side, someone would… join you. Or several someones. You’d signed up for multiple partners, maybe doing the form drunk wasn’t wise.
Swallowing your nerves, you take a deep breath and get onto the bench, shuffling down so your feet and hips slotted through the gap. Almost immediately warm, large hands grip your ankles and guide them into stirrups gently. You barely hide the jolt of shock and the accompanying squeak of shock, and the pair of hands run over your knees and shins slowly, comfortingly. It’s an oddly tender gesture for someone who doesn’t know who is the other side of the wall.
Then your eyes roll back into your skull as hot breath fans across your pussy. Finally, you sigh in relief as a tongue licks a light strip along the seam of your pussy. Once the mystery man begin to lick and suck expertly at your clit, making your toes curl and you breath coming in urgent gasps, you barely register the scratch of beard against your delicate skin or notice there’s more than one set of rough hands on your legs.
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nipuni · 1 year
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Another outfit showcase! this time for spring-summer 🥰
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dragondawdles · 3 months
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did an art sprint challenge thing tonight have a sub-2 hour deku link
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fantasykiri5 · 1 month
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Day 8 of @hermitadaymay (definitely not a day late) and it’s a swimming xB! (And a bonus tiny Keralis because I missed his day)
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canisalbus · 9 months
How do you draw so frequently???
I'm starting to think I probably have some passive ADHD so I end up always admiring ppl who can just constantly do stuff, it's like a dream, your art is also like a dream, Vasco is also a sweet dream, I really like Vasco, he looks really sweet
I set aside a little bit of time every evening just to draw, it's become almost like a wind down routine for me. It helps if I don't treat it as serious 100% effort hard mode art time, I usually multitask a little on the side, watch a movie or take breaks to do little chores around the house and art just sort of happens if it happens. Lately I've been making mostly personal low pressure feel-good pieces.
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beskarfrog · 6 months
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but that's fine, i'd still do it all over again if you asked me to
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dustbunsinspace · 6 months
Part of 🟢 Leo gets Overwhelmed au🟢
Aah, I’m so happy I made it in in time! 💙✨ Merry Christmas, tumblr nation! Here’s a little comic about 03 Usagi and Leo going so see the Rockefeller tree after the events of the Christmas Aliens episode.
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Little post about events earlier that night
Also this is literally how maskless Leo looks to me, he’s so moomincore ;
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meaningless-mayhem · 7 months
Being asexual and possibly aromantic but also being a huge shipper and hopeless romantic is such a wild experience ngl. I'm always freaking out about my favorite ships and giggling internally reading ship fics, getting invested in characters finally kissing or reading about their pining and their love and I think "I want what they have!!"
But then sometimes you have a slamming realization that your sweet shipping scenarios you imagine in your head look totally different irl and that you are extremely aspec.
One time I went down a YouTube rabbit hole and stumbled across Vsauce's "Why Do We Kiss?" video and let me tell you. When I saw that stock video footage of two people kissing each other I was a little flabbergasted lmaooo
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tomboyyyaoi · 8 months
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Fallout AU ghoul!Aziraphale and synth!Crowley (they're in love)
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tianhai03 · 1 year
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oh hey look it's april 1st again. happy trans day of visibility 💙💗🤍
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sage-nebula · 5 months
Picked up my replay of the OG Ace Attorney trilogy again and I have to say, the real criticism that needs to be made about Manfred von Karma is that he was such a little wuss back in the days DL-6. "Waaaah I got a penalty, I need to wander around the courthouse in a melodramatic daze for hours and murder someone over it, waaaah." Cry me a river, then build a bridge and get over it. I get penalties in these games every other day in court and you don't see me having dissociating episodes and orphaning children over it, smh. Honestly pathetic behavior. What a gigantic wuss. "Most feared prosecutor" my ass. This man is so stupid he hand wrote instructions so a letter could be traced back to him with his handwriting. He's such a doofus he suggested cross-examining the parrot himself. He could let a bullet sit in his shoulder for 15 years but he couldn't take one measly penalty like a man. He's a joke. Absolutely pathetic. "But I got a penalty!" BFD I've had three penalties since the recess and you don't see me crying about it, sit tf down and put away the taser you big baby. Smdh.
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fallenclan · 4 months
How's Evie and Crowflame? I imagine they'd at least have some sort of conversation while grieving their mates. They'd be a fun duo >:)
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they spend a lot of time reminiscing
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horror-vampire · 1 year
u dont get it. phoenix wright means everything to me.
hes a firm believer in love and the goodness of humanity. he was a huge crybaby in college. his exes are all serial killers. he can't drive. he's bisexual and his taste in people sucks. anyone who associates with him is gonna end up being framed for murder, kidnapped or injured one day or another. he was a pianist in a shitty bar for a few years but couldn't play the piano so he played poker and always won; his job description was still pianist. he was an art major but he dropped everything off to be a lawyer cuz he was set on 'saving' this guy he knew for like, a bit when he was a child. he kept on sending letters to him For Years with no reply. hes catty and cynical as hell but he just mumbles it all to himself. he wears a blue suit cuz that's his favorite color, duh. when he loses his job he becomes extremely cryptic and mysterious just for funsies. he cross examined multiple animals in court. he ate glass unprompted. he fell off a burning bridge and only got a cold for a couple days. he has been tased, slapped, whipped and hit on the head with a fire extinguisher, all to unconsciousness. he temporarily lost his memory bc of the last one. he has been hit by a car and he just got up and walked away. he's poor as hell even though he defended multiple famous people. he's been attacked by a tiger and a monkey, on separate occasions.
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scribefindegil · 8 months
Thinking about the Presger as foils to the Radch. How in some ways the Presgar are to the Radch what the Radch are to the rest of the non-imperial galaxy: these bogeymen that could appear at any time without warning and destroy you and everything you love. How anyone who enters the Presger side of the station in considered to be legally dead--that they'll be taken apart and reconstructed--and how this parallels both the creation of ancillaries and the assimilation of empire. How the Presger train their Translators to act and speak like Radchaai. How Anaander tries to use the Presger as a scapegoat for her own dissolution (and how she's wrong, because the thing that makes the Presger terrifying is that they're completely incomprehensible. They don't destroy things for territory or resources; they're violence without motivation.) They're distorted mirrors of each other, so of course it makes sense that there are factions who believe they're actually all the same.
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soursoppi · 2 years
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doodled some monke Jiujiu and Jin Ling a while back
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