#maybe i’ll do her genetics n such in another post
gnarlyscorpio · 1 year
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lil pride fit for one of my legacy sims
top // bottoms // shoes // necklace // rings // earrings // flag acc
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kats-baku1999 · 3 years
Hidden Secrets, Part Two.
wait I can’t believe you guys actually like part one (read that here) I was so insecure about posting it. I’m glad, I’m so glad. Everyone was asking for Bakugo’s suffering so here it is…
warnings: I won’t even lie to you all, I have father problems, so this writing hit a little close to home. if in any way you think it’ll hurt or upset you, please don’t read any further okay? mentions of cheating and sex too. also there is some momo slander. I am so sorry.
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It was as if the entire world stopped spinning for a second. Kirishima took a step in front of you and Haru, standing chest to chest with Bakugo. Bakugo glared at him, before looking at you. Every ounce of anger you felt towards him began bubbling up. There was so much you wanted to say. So much you wanted to scream at him. You couldn’t yet though, not in front of Haru.
“Kirishima, will you take Haru to your office? I know how excited he has been to see it since the renovation,” You forced a smile, and looked at your son who’s middle brow was creased, which was a for sure sign he was worrying about something, “It’s alright Ru, I will come meet you in there soon,”
“Yeah, come on little monster, I have a huge TV in there now!” Kirishima’s tone did not match the glare on his face, “The conference room is open you two,”
“Thank you Ei, have fun sweetheart,” Haru released himself from you, and let Kirishima take him. He perked his head back over Kirishima’s shoulder and gave you a small wave with his tiny little hand. You forced another smile and waved back, before turning around to face your ex boyfriend. His face was still frozen in shock, as he watched his old best friend walk off with the tiny little human.
“Please tell me what the fuck-”
“Go to the conference room, now.” You snapped and stomped away from him. Bakugo followed after, the boots of his hero costume echoing on the floor of the lobby. He clicked the door behind him as soon as he was in the same room as you.
“So did you just plan on never fucking telling me I had a kid?!” Bakugo yelled, his voice echoing. You turned around and glared at him, “When the fuck did you even find out you were pregnant?”
“Oh, I found out a few days before I found out you were cheating on me,” You laughed dryly, “I was going to tell you that night, but I got a little side tracked,”
“Bullshit absolute bullshit, you should have told me!” Bakugo yelled, not backing down, “Four fucking years! Four!”
“Cut the bullshit Bakugo, I came to your office two weeks before he was born, I ran into Momo and she said you would call me, that night I get a simple text that says you wanted nothing to do with him,” You yelled, jabbing a finger into his chest, “Then you just mysteriously move away with Momo, and no one hears from you, and now you are in Kirishima’s office demanding to know things?!”
“What the fuck are you talk about?! What text?!” Bakugo yelled, grabbing your hand and moving it away from him, “I just found out about the kid today! You still haven’t even confirmed that he was mine?!”
“Take one fucking look at him and tell me he isn’t yours, the only thing that even convinced me he might be from some magical conception is that he is so sensitive and caring!”
“(Y/N) what fucking messages? We haven’t talked since the night you left?” Bakugo’s voice lowered, “I promise you, if I would have known about him I would have, I would have-”
“What? Come back to me? Be with me?” Your voice was monotone and cold, he felt like he was talking to a stranger. A stranger that hates him.
“I mean, yeah maybe, or at least I would’ve been there for his first steps, words, breath, just anything,” Bakugo’s anger was subsiding for the first time in years, “Momo, that day, I know what you’re talking about, because she told me that her and I would never be happy as long as we were here,”
“Oh wow, so the person who you cheated on me with was also a liar, what a shock,” You scoffed, “Sorry, I’m sorry, I heard about her and Todoroki, and their affair,”
Bakugo paused for a second, shocked by your apology. Also by the fact that you even knew. It wasn’t public knowledge yet, considering it just happened two weeks ago. That was the one reason Kirishima was even acknowledging his presence again. He was the one who found them together, and despite his anger towards him, at one point Bakugo was his best friend. So he called him, told him to come to the bar he was at. When Bakugo got there, he found Momo practically on top of Todoroki. A poor, still oblivious, Todoroki who was convinced that Momo had left Bakugo. That she had called off their two year engagement.
“I didn’t realize Kirishima told you, still don’t know how he failed to mention my son-”
“Hey, don’t do that okay? Be mad at me for not trying harder, but don’t be mad at Kirishima, he knew if he would have said anything he wouldn’t have been able to see Haru anymore,” You sat down in one of the chairs, “To be honest, I had just planned on you never finding out,”
“That isn’t fair (Y/n), he is my son.” Bakugo’s tone of voice was frustrated and angry. He didn’t want to be mad at you, he knew he couldn’t be mad at you.
“No, he is my son, mine, I’ve done everything, I was there for all of the bruises and scratches, for when he got into my hair gel to try and make himself look like Kirishima, for his birthdays and Christmases, you weren’t there,” You snapped, “Sharing his genetics does not make him your son,”
“No but you don’t get to hold this shit against me, it wasn’t my fault,” Bakugo fired back.
“You’re the one who fucked her,” You sneered. Standing up again, running your hand through your hair, “You cheated on me with her, you chose her over me, you don’t get to be the victim here either, I don’t even get to be the victim, the only person who deserves to even act like the victim is my son,”
“I’m here now, I know now, and I want nothing more but than to get to know him,” Bakugo looked at you with pleading eyes, “To be apart of his life, of your life,”
“I don’t know, I can’t just tell him that you’re his dad, he has been asking for the past year, and he has so much more going on already,” You laughed, “He doesn’t have his quirk yet, it’s becoming evident that he might not ever have his quirk, so how do I tell him that his dad is the number one hero, and a person he idolizes?”
“So you’ve faulted me because my ex fiancé was a psychopath who didn’t think I needed to know about my son, and now because I’m the number one hero- wait, he doesn’t have his quirk?”
“No, no he doesn’t, that’s why we are in town, for Denki and Hitoshi’s wedding, and to see a doctor,” You explained, the tears finally spilling over, “I can’t just dump this on him too Bakugo, please, you have to understand,”
“I do, okay I do, but please I can’t just let you walk away today with him and not do anything, I have to know him, but I don’t want to make this a problem bigger than it needs to be,” Bakugo grabbed your shoulders, “Please don’t make me villain here, okay I don’t want to be,”
“As much as I want to, I can’t, I know I can’t it wouldn’t be fair to him,” You grabbed his hands off your shoulders and held them for a second, a small sob threatening to escape your throat, “But please don’t take him from me, he’s all I have,”
Bakugo stopped and tightened his grip on your hands. Forcing you to look up at him. His eyebrows were creased, furrowed up exactly like Haru’s always did. The same look of concern Haru’s always had on his face when you said something close to sad.
“I wouldn’t think about taking him away, so get that shitty ass thought out of your head right now,” Bakugo sighed, “He doesn’t even have to know I’m his father right now, not until your ready, but I would like to be your friend, your friend that comes around him, your friend that he gets to know like he knows Kirishima,”
“Okay, okay,” You mumbled, nodding your head, “You can pick us up and take us to his doctor’s appointment, then we can all go out with Kirishima after so he feels more comfortable, we can start there,”
“Okay, let’s start there,” Bakugo let go of your hands slowly, “Does he you know like anything?”
“Yes, Bakugo he likes things, heroes specifically, are you going to blow up this office if I say Deku is his favorite?” You wiped the tears off your face, and finally bust out laughing at Bakugo’s groan that followed, “I’m going to grab Haru, I’ll have Kirishima send you my number okay?”
“Okay, thank you, let me know about the doctors thing.”
You gave him a small nod and walked out of the room. Stopping the bathroom to rinse off the tears. When you opened up the door to Kirishima’s office, you found Haru staring at the large tv completely awe struck by the footage of Midoriya fighting alongside Bakugo. One of their earlier fights, they were just barely pros. You remembered it because that was when he and Shinso agreed to work together. That was the fight that introduced you to him.
— a few days later
“Momma, you’re doing your upset walk,” Haru whispered, as if he was telling some kind of secret. Shinso snorted into his coffee, and earned him self a dirty look from you.
“Your mother is just nervous over seeing her friend small human,” Shinso called you out, and earned another dirty look.
“Momma is friends with Dynamight, Uncle Toshi! She has even met Deku!” Haru’s eyes were sparkling as he said it, waving around his Deku plushie.
“You know, I’ve worked with Deku before, almost beat him-”
“In the sports festival, yes Uncle Toshi we knowwww,” Haru groaned, having heard the story at least fifty time. It was your turn to laugh. Haru loved Shinso, but when it came to his favorite heroes, being ranked under his own fiancé was a bit of a sting.. So poor Shinso tries to impress the kid every chance he can.
“You’ve told him the story at least ten times,” You backed up your son, shrugging your shoulders.
“You know, I was in the room when you came into this world little man, I deserve some props as a hero,” Shinso groaned, and Haru just laughed, taking another bite of his cereal.
“I know, but you’re a hero like you know a dad would be,” Haru said casually and both of you froze. He was trying so desperately to figure out what it meant to have a Dad. The last time Kirishima came to visit, he had even asked him if he was his dad because of their red eyes, and how Kirishima is always there for his big moments. Then he asked you if Shinso was his dad, because they both liked cats.
“Haru, our ride is here, we better go outside okay?” You smiled, changing the subject, “Give Toshi a hug!”
Haru jumped down and gave Shinso a quick hug. You grabbed your things, and your files about Haru’s past doctor’s appointments. After he grabbed his backpack you walked over and kissed Shinso’s cheeks, mouthing a quick apology. He waved you off.
“Let me know how it goes,” He smiled, and you knew he wasn’t just talking about the doctors appointment.
You picked up Haru and carried him outside. Bakugo waved at you both, and Haru hid his face again. Although he was excited to get to meet one of his heroes, he was also terrified. Bakugo pouted a little bit, and you gave him a small glare. He straightened up and forced a smile.
“I just need to grab his seat!” You forced a smile, trying to avoid how awkward this was. Bakugo shook his head.
“Nope, I bought one, it’s got all the things,” Bakugo sounded proud of himself, you raised an eyebrow but walked towards his car. He opened the door and you saw a seat, one of the ones with a cup holder, and in it was a collectible Deku doll that Haru had wanted for months. Along with a signed picture of him.
“Haru, look,” You whispered, making sure to tell Bakugo later that he can’t just buy his love. Haru’s face lit up though, and he quickly jumped down out of your arms. He grabbed the doll and picture, looking at you with wide eyes.
“Thank you Mr. Dynamight sir!” Haru grinned, before climbing in his seat so you could buckle him in. Bakugo stood behind you, and you could practically feel the grin radiating off of him.
“Call me Katsuki kid, all of my friends do,” Bakugo smiled, and got in the drivers seat. You walked over to the other side, and climbed into the passenger seat.
The ride was quiet, just the sounds of Haru playing with his new toy in the background. Neither you or Bakugo knew what to say to one another. So you just sat in comfortable silence, looking through Haru’s main doctor’s notes. Then Haru needed to blow his nose, and out of habit you opened up the glove box to grab a tissue as if you were in your own car. Inside it though you found Bakugo’s necklace that had matched yours, that you gave back to him when you left. You grabbed a tissue and handed it back to Haru.
“Yours is hanging up on the rearview mirror of my other car,” Bakugo mumbled, his eyes not leaving the road. You studied the side of his face, just nodding in response. It was odd that after all of this time he still had that dumb thing. You two had gotten them on your fourth time of hanging out, he had found them at a festival he made some appearance at. They were cheap, but you both wore them all of the time. The necklaces meant something to both of you, the day you took yours off was the day you knew it was over.
The rest of the ride felt tense. You felt silly over thinking the necklace. You figured he would have thrown them away at this point. When you finally got to the hospital, Bakugo went and found a parking spot. He went to walk in with you two but you shook your head.
“I’m not ready for the rumors to start surrounding Haru, so would you mind just hanging out here?” You whispered.
“Oh, yeah no you’re right, I’ll be here,” Bakugo nodded his head, looking a little disappointed. You climbed out of the car and grabbed Haru, who waved a tiny hand at Bakugo as the two of you walked towards the entrance.
You weren’t in the waiting room for long till you were called into the exam room. They did a few X-rays, and tests, on Haru. Then after about an hour you were sitting in the Doctor’s office as Haru played with his toys on the floor. The doctor say down across from you and showed you all of the test results.
“Well the good news is, Haru will most definitely have a quirk, his body is already adjusted to what his quirk would be,” The doctor smiled, “I’m guessing his father’s quirk has something to do with nitroglycerin?”
“Uh well we don’t actually know much about his father,” You lied, knowing Haru was paying attention now.
“Well Haru has high levels of it in his sweat glands according to the tests, but my only concern is that I think he has some kind of mental block keeping him from using his quirk,” The doctor explained, “You’re quirkless correct?”
“Uh yes sir, I am,” You nodded your head. Haru walked over to you and grabbed your hand. So you put him in your lap.
“Maybe he just won’t use his quirk because he doesn’t want to be different from you, since you are his sole provider,”
“No that’s not it,” Haru interrupted and you both looked at him, “It’s not Mommy’s fault, I just want to use my quirk when Dad comes back for us,”
You felt your heart break into a million pieces.
“Haru sweetie, have you known about your quirk?” You whispered, and he nodded his head sadly.
“I accidentally blew up Mira’s doll at the playground, but made her promise to not tell her parents so you wouldn’t know,” Haru hung his head, and avoided eye contact. Like he did whenever he thought he was going to be in trouble.
“Haru you could’ve told me, then we wouldn’t have had to do all these tests, why didn’t you-”
“I just wanted dad to be the one to help me,” Haru cut you off again, his eyes watering. You let out a sigh and pulled him closer to you. The doctor nodded his head, smiling softly at you.
The two of you walked out to the car again. Bakugo’s head perked up at the sight of you both. He jumped out of the car and opened the door for you to put Haru in. Bakugo raised an eyebrow at the sad look on his face, and then looked at you.
“Tell me he has his quirk? Or at least a hope of one?” Bakugo asked, and you closed Haru’s door. Glaring at Bakugo, before walking over to your door. You climbed in the car and didn’t say a word until you got the park where Kirishima was meeting you guys.
“Hey, Haru why don’t you go with Uncle Ei and play while I talk to Katsuki?” You smiled at Haru, who climbed out of his seat and went to Kirishima who had opened the door for him. Kirishima closed the door and walked away with Haru. Bakugo looked towards you with a raised eyebrow.
“Why did you do it?” You whispered and Bakugo just looked even more confused, “Why did you fuck all of this up?”
“What do you mean?” Bakugo’s tone was proof enough that he was annoyed. Not necessarily at you, but more so at the fact he could see Kirishima playing with his son so effortlessly.
“Cheat on me, leave me alone to raise him, leave him confused and upset because all he wanted was his dad,” Your eyes started water, tears threatening to spill over. Bakugo turned his head back towards you, your words stinging a little bit.
“I didn’t leave you alone, I didn’t know.” His voice was stern, “You can’t make me out to be the dead beat father in this situation (Y/n) I would have been there for him if I would have known he was alive,”
You let out a sigh of defeat, making eye contact with him. Bakugo felt his heart break at the look in your eyes. You looked.. Defeated.
“I know, I know it’s my fault okay?” You whispered, “I should have never kept him from you, I should have told you I was pregnant but I was selfish, and hurt, and-”
You were sobbing now. Your words falling off. Bakugo unbuckled your seat belt, and pulled you over the center console so you were sitting on him. He hugged you, tightly. Letting you let out every single sob, as he rubbed your back. You cling onto his shirt as you buried your face in his shoulder.
“I know why you were mad, and I don’t blame you but (Y/n), I would have been there for you both if I would have know,” He whispered against you, you pulled your head back and looked at him.
“I know, and I’m sorry, I still hate what you did to me, to our relationship, but Haru deserves to know his father,” You sighed, Bakugo reached up and wiped some of the stray make up on your face.
“So we’ll tell him?” He smiled hopefully, and you nodded.
“Eventually, eventually we will tell him, but for now I just want you to get to know him, ease him into it,” His smile faded a little but he knew you were right.
Bakugo stared at you and it settled in for him that it was never Momo. It was never once her for him, it was you. Back then, he was too scared to let himself admit it. Despite how long you two had been together when his affair with Momo started, he was scared. Scared of how much he could love a single person. Then he felt guilty because he had no reason to have that fear. He grew up watching his parents have that kind of love. It was his own selfish mindset that pushed him to that decision.. That pushed him to losing you.
You crawled back into your seat, flipping the visor down. Bakugo watched as you wiped the make up off your face. You turned back to look at him, smiling a little.
"I have a proposition for you, if you want to spend more time with him?" Your voice sounded a little nervous, and Bakugo grinned a little nodding his head, "Go to the wedding with us to the wedding? I mean you and Denki were friends right?"
"Are you sure? I mean I know how all of them must feel about me?" Bakugo laughed a little, and you shook your head looking back at Haru and Kirishima.
"They all love Ru, so much, so I think they will understand why I want you there, and besides Hitoshi does nothing but tell me to get back in the dating game," You rolled your eyes, and Bakugo laughed at you a little bit.
"How long has it been since you've been on a date if Dead Eyes is making jokes about it?" Bakugo was half teasing, and half curious what the answer was.
"Oh don't you start asshole, I have been raising our kid," You laughed, a genuine laugh. A laugh that made Bakugo's heart do some kind of internal flip. He smiled softly at you.
"You said our kid," He whispered, and you blushed a little.
"Our kid who is staring in here trying to figure out what's wrong," You laughed, pointing towards Haru who now had an adorable pout on his face. You climbed out of the car and ran towards him, picking him up and spinning him all crazy like. Bakugo smiled as he watched you two together. Realizing that all he ever wanted in life was right here, and in his reach again.
tagging all of the people who replied to hidden secrets part one <3
there is going to be a part three, and i promise for everyone who asked for bakugo suffering.. it is coming because i am feeling evil >:]
@girl-who-likes-cold-bois , @leximoron , @shyonigirichan , @tspice283 , @heyomie , @beigeunburdened , @xoxo-teddybear , @silentw-lkr , @semhal , @justmewoo , @jazzylove , @nolimitsam , @da1chisjuicywatermelons , @ayoooooooooooo
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light-yaers · 3 years
Fools in the Darkness: Chapter One
Darkling x Reader
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Warnings: Death, violence, drugs (Parem), NSFW and sexual content. This content is explicit and 18+ at some points.
A/N: I caved. I am a wildly stupid individual who has no control over her actions. I know I might come to regret posting this so fast and thus forcing myself into my third ongoing x reader fic, but I also just generally don’t care. I’m still working on No Saints and Sweet Esacpe, just as a slower pace due to my mental health, but this baby here floated out of me like melted butter. I’ll be alternating between uploading this fic and my currently ongoing others! I just had to get this shit out of my system about Shadow and Bone, fr. 
Fic Masterpost
Word Count - 3.4k
Chapter One
Ketterdam covered up your secrets perfectly. It’d only been a matter of weeks since you’d fled there, after travelling the exhausting journey across East Ravka until the Fold had stood before you; brooding, dangerous, a death-wish just to look at, let alone enter it.
Maybe you had to thank him for one thing, General Kirigan, because without him—
You never would have crossed the Fold on your own.
Maybe Ketterdam was made for a person such as yourself. Dark, danger around every corner, full to the brim with power-hungry men and women trapped behind silks. You’d never warmed to anyone yet, but that wasn’t a surprise—it was easy to hate people in the Barrel, but even easier to take their kruge and send them sailing upon the True Sea without another glance.
Kerch was a merchant port, stuffed with expensive clubs and those with no money troubles, armed and ready to open their pockets if they so wished. There were two sides of the docks—Fifth Harbour; the lavishly bright sector for the rich and wealthy—and the Barrel; a breeding ground for crime, killings and losing all of your kruge in one night.
You’d made acquaintances with the Barrel rats from the very beginning, hearing stories about the destruction they caused. You’d much rather not be on the side of the wealth, but the side of fear.
“I found her wandering the harbour, Kaz,” A petite lady in dark clothes spoke to her boss. She’d dragged you from the bustling harbour, flying you through the dark streets of Ketterdam. You tried to hear her footsteps across the cobblestones, but she left no footprints, like a Wraith in the night.
Kaz approached his desk then, stepping into the small lamp light of his office in the Slat. Kaz Brekker was a man that no one wanted to cross. With his clenched jaw and unforgiving stares, the Bastard of the Barrel was cut-throat in every sense of the description.
“She’s a rat, Inej. Not our responsibility—,”
“Do you see the clothes she’s wearing?” Inej cut over Kaz, stepping towards him abruptly. He stayed in place, looking at his Wraith in the eyes, unwaveringly. He regarded her for a moment, taking all of her in, before turning back to you.
His eyes skimmed you up and down, traversing the darkened and muddied fabrics on your body.
“A Kefta,” He whispered it, his eyes widening. “It doesn’t look like the usual Second Army attire,” He added. You perked up, trying to keep your expression as blunt as possible. After your journey, it wasn’t hard not to show anything—you’d been forced to endure a quiet and agonising journey for a month, while trying to stay in the shadows at the same time.
“Because it’s not,” You spoke up, for the first time since entering Brekker’s office. Kaz turned his attention to your face, stepping forward menacingly. His crow-headed cane slammed the wooden floorboards threateningly, but you weren’t scared—
You’d crossed the fucking Fold on your own. Nothing scared you anymore.
“Who are you?” He questioned, trying to keep his voice steady. Men like Kaz tried not to show off what they felt either, but the curiosity in his tone was undeniable. You cleared your throat.
“How much time have you got?”
Fjerda, 1 Year Ago
It was a risk to take, that was for sure. But choosing whether to go through the Fold or around it was a no brainer. Evidently, it had paid off so far, as you and your sister travelled through the barren coldness of Fjerda, headed for the Ravkan border.
“How much farther?” Your sister chided. She was older than you by a year, but on this mission, you’d taken charge. You shuffled into your pack, pulling out a tattered map and a compass. You set the point to North, calculating the miles you had left to trudge to safety.
Your sister wasn’t Grisha, no—you were. A Squaller; untrained, unenthusiastic about your power and utterly afraid of the Druskelle. But you’d had no choice in getting you and your sister safely around the Fold. There was no other way to go from where you’d first found asylum in Novyi Zem; going through Fjerda was the safest route to the Ravkan army.
You smiled at the map. “Five miles. Then we’ll be in Ravka,” An exhausted but relief filled scoff fell from your lips. You locked eyes with your sister, before the two of you embraced tightly. “We’ll be safe soon,” You whispered in her ear, enjoying the small warmth you got from her bare cheek pressing against your jaw.
“You’ll be safe soon,” She replied, bringing a hand to rest on the back of your neck. She pulled away then, as the tears began to well in her crystalline eyes. “You put yourself in this danger to keep me safe. I’m the older sister—I should be keeping you safe,”
“It was this, or through the Fold,” You spoke, furrowing your brows at her. “I’d rather take on twenty druskelle than step foot in that heaping mound of darkness,” Laughter trickled from both sisters, floating over the snow-covered trees and giving you hope.
You both continued forward tirelessly, mercilessly, trudging through inches of untouched snow and praying to whichever god out there who was listening. You prayed for your sister’s safety, for a safe life for her in the First Army. You prayed that you could stay with her—
A Squaller you were, yes, but over your dead body would you be taken to the Little Palace. You knew that’s where Grisha were trained for the King, you knew it was different. Your abilities didn’t define you; Saints, you barely even used them.
They were unpredictable. And you were scared of hurting those around you without meaning to. Ever since an incident when you were younger, you’d almost been afraid of your own power. You kept it hidden from those who you didn’t know closely.
Those who knew you were Grisha in Novyi Zem called you zowa—blessed, in Zemeni. It also meant Grisha, so you didn’t know if they were simply calling you what you were, or if they were commenting upon how strong your Squaller abilities were.
You’d never even met another Sqauller. You had nothing to compare yourself off of.
With a mile until you hit the Ravkan border, you stopped abruptly. Plumes of smoke rose high above the skies, coming from somewhere further on before you. You stuck your hand out, halting your sister from walking any further.
You were silent, listening for any signs of breakings twigs, compacted snow, or other indications of druskelle being near.
“Saints, you look like a fentomen,” Your sister scoffed beside you.
“Quiet,” You hit back with.
“What is it?” She spoke again, quieter this time, but not by much.
“Quiet,” You hissed.
You both waited another few minutes, silently standing like statues in the garden of the Grand Palace. You let out shaky breaths as you eventually straightened yourself once more, clutching onto your sister’s forearm for dear life.
“It’s okay. We just need to be wary,” You whispered. She nodded in response.
You both set off once more through countless trees and untouched snow. But you didn’t get far—until two druskelle spotted you. Neither of you could speak Fjerdan, and you were a fucking Grisha. This couldn’t have been any worse, when you were so close to being free.
“Hje marden,” One of them spoke. They were both tall, with broad shoulders and the white hair and blue eyes of Fjerda. Neither had beards—they were in training to being full druskelle. The trainees were always worse than their commanders, you thought. They would do anything to prove themselves to their superiors.
You tried not to shake as they circled you and your sister.
“I’m sorry, we don’t speak Fjerdan,” You said honestly. The druskelle immediately changed. Their hands rested upon their guns, ready to fire if need be. You raised your hands to the sky as your expression dropped. “Please! Please, we are just travellers—uh—we are perjenger—,”
“Perjenger? Travellers? To where?” The second druskelle spat.
You glanced at your sister quickly, knowing that if you answered Ravka, you’d both be shot immediately. Ravka was at war with Fjerda—Grisha were at war with Druskelle.
“Kerch,” You said strongly. “We have to go through Ravka and Shu Han. We can’t cross the Fold,”
For a moment, you thought it had worked. The druskelle looked at each other gruffly, muttering some words in Fjerdan. You clutched onto your sister’s arm tightly, not planning on letting her go now until you’d both crossed the border.
“Wait here,” One of the men said, as he began trudging back through the snow. He disappeared in the white landscape, leaving you with one druskelle.
You stayed quiet, feeling the warmth of your sister next to you. You glanced at her then, traversing your gaze over her side profile. Her nose, which was the same as yours; her eyes, brighter and more beautiful than your own, mimicking your mother; her hair, lighter and softer than yours. She was shorter than you, smaller than you, getting a lot of genetics from your mother, while you took from your father greatly. His height, his broad shoulders, his darker hair.
But she was your only family left, your only love and focus and everything.
And you were less than a mile from getting her to safety. You were less than a mile from being free of this Saint forsaken country, full of killers and fascists and men who only cared about power.
It was one druskelle against a Squaller. One against one. You could do that. You could beat him.
That’s what made you push your sister back, falling into the snow slowly as you brought your hands together. The druskelle yelled as he saw your movements, trying to aim his gun at you between your eyes, but it was too late—
In a flash, you summoned a storm that whipped him off of his feet. It circled him, gliding him backwards through the trees as you kept pushing and pushing, ignoring the raging winds as they whipped your hair from your face and agitated the snow on the trees.
“Come on!” You yelled behind you, as your sister scrambled up from the floor to stand beside you. She held your arm sturdily, watching fearfully as the druskelle struggled against the rapid winds that you wielded.
You thought that was it—you could both run with the time you’d bought—but that’s when the entire druskelle camp rocketed through the tree line. They yelled and boomed as they came to aid their brother, pushing back against the furious winds you were trying desperately to wield.
“Drüsje!” The commander yelled, storming through the group as he set up the largest of their guns—a machine gun, aimed and ready fire. You gasped, and for a second the winds wavered—they wavered long enough for the machine gun round to penetrate the small snow snuffed tornado that you’d created—
Until those bullets trickled over the blanketed ground, moving steadily closer and closer—
Until one landed straight through the heart of your sister.
All you remembered was that time slowed, then, as you saw the bullet exit her shoulder blade. She fell to the floor, unclasping her hands from your forearm and collapsing into a shocked heap on the floor. You remembered the way her blood dyed the snow. You remembered the way her eyes stayed open—
And then you remembered screaming.
It was a blur, as you tensed all of your limbs to the point where they yelled beneath your skin. You mustered all of your strength into this one storm; one that was merciless and unforgiving, circling all the druskelle in the clearing around you. You knew that soon all of the air would fade from within the eye of the storm that whipped devilishly around them.
You knew that soon they’d all begin to run out of oxygen and pass out, or better yet—maybe their hearts would stop. Cease to beat, drained of any energy to fire more rounds of bullets or kill Grisha for no fucking reason.
The storm was the largest you’d ever summoned, engulfing the entire druskelle camp and uprooting trees from their homes in the cold, hard Fjerdan ground. You saw them get sucked into your whirlwind, flying high, high, high until they eventually slipped out of the storms’ gusts; then they fell back down to earth, landing aggressively and dangerously on the ground below and being spat out at any random location.
You didn’t stop the storm, not even when you saw a tree fall atop a druskelle, crushing him where he’d stood moments before. The commander was the last one standing, rising above his suffocating men to look at you, face on, menacingly.
“Drüsje like you deserve to lose that which you love,” He boomed, using his remaining energy to cast you to Hell.
You wasted no time when you adjusted your stance, focusing the brunt force of the storm onto him—you decreased the eye of the storm until it flowed over him, and only him, grunting all of your strength into the circling winds that now surrounded him utterly and completely.
You collapsed at the same time that the commander did, falling into inches of snow and crawling exhaustedly to your sister. She was motionless, cold, her lips turning blue by the second as her blood continued to flow on Fjerdan soil. Dead. Gone.
Tears cascaded down your cheeks without any indication of stopping, but you couldn’t sob. It was impossible when you were already holding your breath, too afraid that if you were to breathe, only screams would pour from your coarse lungs.
The clearing was deserted, now, as druskelle bodies laid motionless on the snow-covered ground, their camp up ahead completely destroyed. Broken branches, twigs, tree trunks were dotted around, acting as just another indication of the destruction that you were truly capable of. Saints, you wanted to know if you were a normal Grisha, a normal Squaller, since those old women on Novyi Zem had looked at you like a weapon from the first day you could summon and control hurricanes and tornados at will.
Your fingers found your sister’s forehead then, swiping the hair off of her face. You cupped her cheek, laying your other hand upon her stomach. “Vaarwell,” You whispered shakily. “I’m sorry—I’m so sorry—,”
“Who’s there?” A voice spoke up from just beyond the clearing. You got up from the floor immediately, feeling a strange sense of power surrounding you. You waited silently, until First Army soldiers made their way to the clearing. A few stopped and checked the pulses of the druskelle upon the floor, before continuing forward until you were finally spotted.
A young man approached you slowly, holding his gun tightly, draped against his shoulder. “Was this... you?” He asked, looking you in the eye. His gaze dropped to the ground by your feet, seeing the blood-stained snow where your sister lay dead, before he looked back up to you.
He was joined by the rest of his crew. They slowly approached you, almost as if they were trapping you within a circle of their bodies. You stepped back once then, keeping your chin high and proud. The young man at the front was trying everything to keep you calm, you could see it in his eyes, but what he didn’t know was that you were seething—
And nothing would stop that.
Without your sister, you’d be taken to the Little Palace. Without knowing she was safe in the First Army, nothing would get you through the rest of your life—
You were dead. Inside and out. Nothing would change that.
Without a word, you brought your hands together, far too quickly for any of the soldiers to raise their weapons in defence. You ignored their begs and pleads as you circled them within in your storm, slowly suffocating the air out of their lungs and seeing the way their eyes bulged uncomfortably in their skulls.
“General!” The young man shouted, clutching at his throat as he tried desperately to suck air into his lungs. His voice echoed throughout the clearing, travelling through the trees slowly, until an eery type of silence settled into the air around you.
That’s when he arrived—his horse just as black at the Kefta on his frame, the stubble on his chin and the irises of his eyes. He dismounted, ignoring the cries from the soldiers within your raging storm as he began to approach you, step by step by step, crunching through the snow broodingly.
You knew who this man was; General Kirigan of the Second Army.
The Darkling.
He got ever closer, walking around the circular storm. The gap was beginning to bridge, and the more it did, the more you faltered. He took one more step, and you lost it.
“Stop!” You yelled. “Don’t come any closer, Darkling,” He stopped on command, keeping his arms by his sides, but the corners of his mouth upturned into a smile. “You find me amusing?” You spat.
“By the looks of this,” He gestured to the druskelle. “You were trying to get to Ravka. We’re here to help, yet you’re trying to suffocate my men,” You ignored his words, but you found your energy waning slightly—or maybe your heart was finally giving in. It didn’t really want to hurt anyone else, didn’t want to cause more damage than was already on your hands. “You’re a Squaller?” Kirigan asked, and that surprised you.
“Isn’t this how all Squaller’s are?” You asked in reply. Kirigin raised a brow at you.
“Not usually,” He said honestly. “You’ve never met another Grisha before?”
“I know what you’re doing,” You furrowed your brows at him. “You’re trying to distract me, to make me let my guard down and go with you willingly. I’d rather die than work for the King at the Little Palace,” Your breaths were getting more laborious the longer you held on to the storm. You were losing energy rapidly.
“Interesting,” The Darkling muttered.
There were a few moments then, where he was simply staring at you. Regarding you, analysing you, or perhaps— waiting for you to lose all of your energy. You were in a somewhat sticky situation, losing a grasp on your power with every passing second and feeling the intense gaze of Kirigan to your left.
“Let go,” He spoke softly. “I can see you’re tired, you don’t truly want to kill these men,”
“You don’t know anything about me,” You forced your eyelids to stay open as a wave of exhaustion flowed through you.
“And you know me?” He chided. You moved your gaze to him then, as your limbs finally lost momentum. Your hands dropped to your sides, your storm dissipating into the cold air at the Fjerdan border. Soldiers sucked in breaths noisily, gaining back their vision.
You stumbled back once, forcing yourself to stay standing despite the immense urge to pass the fuck out. Kirigan stayed still the entire time, a softness on his jaw that you hadn’t been expecting.
“Everyone knows you,” You mumbled. “I never wanted to meet you, though,”
Your heart jolted then, when the General let out a scoff. You forced yourself to move. Step by step through disturbed snow, until you were back where your sister lay on the floor. You collapsed to your knees unwillingly, as your body threatened to blackout at any moment.
You laid a shaky hand on her collarbone, curling your fingers up to her jaw. Kirigan moved slowly in your peripheral, turning towards you but staying at the distance he’d always been.
“Don’t take me to Os Alta,” You muttered. “Please, don’t take me,” You looked up at the General with pleading eyes.
“Why?” Kirigan whispered with furrowed brows, as if he was trying to work out why on earth you didn’t want a life within the royal Ravkan walls, living in luxury, fighting with other Grisha and honing your power.
Your vision began to blur then, as black spots dotted the white snow that surrounded you.
You never answered the General, your body gave up before you could—
And all you saw was black.
Tag list of those who were interested from my earlier post (tell me if you want off/on the list): @notawritergettingtherethough @rbg1993 @mayallyourbaconburn @luminous-99 
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queenofspades6 · 4 years
More than Partners -The Mandalorian x reader
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Kiss me
Chapter 14 of More than Partners
Summary: You finally see the Mandalorian’s face.
Warnings: Spoilers from Episode 15 season 2. Lot of fluffffffffff.
AN: Hellooo guyyyys! Another chapter is out! It waaaas soooo cool to write it! I really hope you’ll like it! Next chapter will be smut btw!! And just a little teaser: smut in Boba Fett’s ship. Be prepared. Don’t forget to like, reblog and comment! Thanks to all of you who do you are the best!!
<-Chapter 13 - Chapter 15->
“Mayfeld.”The Mandalorian declared taking a few steps towards the man.
“Hey Mando! Long time. I see you brought Y/N with you. You are as beautiful as the first time I met you, sweetheart.”
Mando blocked Mayfeld’s view, so he couldn’t see you anymore, and he began to talk about why they needed him.
You didn’t really like Mayfeld, but deep down, you knew he wasn’t a bad guy.
“We need coordinates for Moff Gideon’s cruiser.”Mando announced nonchalantly.
“Moff Gideon? Yeah forget it. Just take le back to the scarpyard. I’m not doin’ that.”
“They have the kid.”You exclaimed, clenching your fists tightly in anger.
“The little green guy?”Mayfeld replied, eyebrows raised in wonder.
You nodded.
“So…I help you guys get him back, you guys let me go?”
You giggled, and Cara told him that wasn’t how it worked.
“Well, then what’s in it for me? Can I have a night with the Jedi?”
Cara glared at him threateningly.
“Can I have at least an afternoon with her?”
“No.”Mando said in a lower but frightening tone.
“You are not funny. Maybe a kiss then? Just a kiss from her and I’ll do whatever you want.”Mayfeld gestured to you sitting next to the Mandalorian.
“I said no, she is not for sale.”The bounty hunter almost shouted raising his tone, and already planning to kill the ex-imperial.
“Calm down, Mandalorian.”Fennec interrupted.”He is not gonna lay a finger on her, and if he does, she’ll slice him and you’ll burn his corpse.”
“Nice. I love it.”Mayfeld joked, trying to hide his fear away.
“That’s not fu-“The Mandalorian tried to pronounce but you stopped him with a soft hand on his thigh.
“All right, but here’s the thing. I can’t get those coordinates unless I have access to an internal Imperial terminal. I believe there’s one on Morak.”
Hearing this name made you stare at Mando who was looking at you in return.
“Morak? There’s nothing on Morak.”Mando raised the tone again, but with a caress of yours on his thigh, he began to relax and soothen.
“It’s a secret Imperial mining hub, okay? If you can get me in there, I can get you the coordinates.”
The bounty hunter stared at you, waiting for you answer, you acquiesced, and he commanded Boba Fett to punch in the right coordinates.
“I am not gonna need long inside, so once I get the coordinates, you guys gotta get me the hell out of here.”Mayfled affirmed.
“You get to the roof. I’ll drop in and pull you out.”
“All right. Mayfeld and I will swap out for the drivers in the tunnel.”Cara said looking at the group confidently.
“As much as I’d like to take a road trip with Rebel-dropper here, that’s not gonna work because these Remnant bases are set up and run by ex-ISB. If you get scanned and your genetic signature shows up on any New Republic register, you’re gonna be detected and it’s guns out.”
“Fennec will go.”Mando suggested, scratching his fingers in worry.
The more time we were wasted, the less chances the Child had to remain alive.
“No, I’m wanted by the ISP. I’ll trip the alarm too.”
“They might recognize my face.”
“so it’s me goin’ there alone. Great!”Mayfeld joked, trying to hide how scared he was.
“I’ll go.”
Mayfeld tried to object but it was to no use.
“I am coming with you. But I won’t be showing my face.”The Mandalorian declared.
“I am going too then.”You shouted loud enough so everyone can hear.
“No, it’s too dangerous.”Mando murmured to you.
“And you are a Jedi, they might know you. We can’t take any risk.”
“They don’t know who I am. They never saw me, and everything on me in this damn universe has been destroyed, so instead of wasted time here, we’re going right now.”
The Mandalorian approached you, took you by the shoulders and tried to take some distance with the group.
“You can’t go, Y/N. It’s dangerous, and if they understand you are a Jedi, you’ll be killed straight away. I won’t take the risk.”He whispered, still holding you by the shoulders.
“Wherever I go, you go, right? Then wherever you go, I go too. Period.”
He sighed and loosened his hold on your arms in a defeated way.
“Great.”Mayfeld exclaimed with an ironical tone.” The more, the merrier, right?”
The Mandalorian was unrecognizable with his new armor on.
Mayfeld began to laugh, and made fun of him, and you kicked him in the crotch.
“Ah! You have a rough one, Mando!”
Mando sighed.
“You look cute, Mando.”You murmured.”Want to take a drink with me after?”
You heard me laugh a bit under his armor, and you smiled, hoping he would relax.
Mando talked with Cara a bit and gave her his armor.
You were sitting next to Mando in that weird thing which was supposed to help you get the coordinates of Moff Gideon. The Mandalorian seemed anxious, and you intertwined your fingers with his and squeezed to reassure him.
“Hey, how’s it feel? I mean c’man, you still get to wear a helmet, right.”Mayfeld tried to annoy Mando.
“Shut up, Mayfeld.”You replied, feeling anger rushing through your body, and your fist ready to punch the man.
“I don’t know how your people do with this thing.”
“Mayfeld, stop talking or I’ll kill you with my bare hands right now.”
“So rough. I like it. You won’t kill me, princess, you need me.”
You clenched your teeth and took a deep breath.
“All right. I am taking this thing off.”The ex-Imperial said, removing his helmet.”Feels better when it’s off.”
“Shut up.”
“Princess, stop flirting with me.”
Your conversation was disturbed by someone talking, and the Mandalorian commanded Mayfeld to keep drivind steady.
“Yeah. Empire. New Republic, it’s all the same for those people. Invaders on their land is all we are.”The ex-Imperial exclaimed, his voice getting on your nerves.
He talked again and again, trying to attract Mando’s attention desperately. You tried to clear your mind, watching the locals and your hand still in Mando’s. These people were looking at you with scorn, and it saddened you. You were an intruder on their land, taking advantage of their resources only for your benefit. How could they love you?
“Control, this is Juggernaut Three.”Someone said over the comms.”We’re coming up on some route interference. Control. Control! We need a new…”
A huge explosion mushroomed some meters away from your truck. The voice told you to maintain the speed and remain cautious, while you heard another explosion.
“This is bad.”You shouted, and at the same moment, you saw aliens trying to jump on your vehicle.
“What was that?”
“Pirates. Keep driving. I’ll take care of it.”The Mandalorian declared, sure of himself.
“Mando, be careful, please.”
He squeezed your hand and nodded, opening the window of the Juggernaut and then climbing on the roof.
“How sweet you two are.”Mayfeld joked.”Quite the impossible love story.”
“I said shut up, Mayfeld!”
You heard screaming, and Mando asked Mayfeld to go faster.
“Be careful with the rhydonium.”You screamed to the Ex-Imperial.
“Going faster is a bad idea!”
“Mando, is everything okay?”You shouted, trying to look up on the window.
“He is a big guy, he can take care of himself, you know?”Mayfeld stated, an annoying smile on his face.
“Shut up.”
“TIE fighters!”You proclaimed.”For once, I am glad to see them.”
The juggernaut crossed the bridge, and the Mandalorian came back sitting next you, safe.
Stormtroopers were saluting you in respect as the vehicle passed. Mayfeld returned the salute, and you pushed Mando a bit in order for him to push the ex-Imperial too.
A crowd was slowly forming around the juggernaut while you, Mando and Mayfeld descended from the vehicle.
“It’s probably in the officer’s mess.”The ex-Imperial murmured, saluting the crowd.
Just at the entrance of the officer’s room, you could perceive officers dining peacefully.
“There it is.”
“Good luck.”The Mandalorian declared, watching you carefully not to lose you with all those stormtroopers.
You and Mando watched Mayfeld come back and murmured that he couldn’t do it because of his ex-officer.
“Give me the data stick.”The bounty commanded.
“It’s not gonna work. In order to access the network, the terminal has to scan your face.”
“Give it to me.”He repeated louder this time.
You watched the Mandalorian glancing at the officers’room, saluting one officer and then heading towards the terminal. And then, when you didn’t expect the most, the man you loved removed his helmet, only to show his brown and soft hair and his pale skin. You gasped.
You and Mayfeld caught the officer advanced towards the Mandalorian, and pulling you with him, the ex-Imperial went to Mando’s rescue.
“This is my Commander, officer, TK-593, sir. I am Imperial Combat Assault Transport Lieutenant TK-111, and this is Commander TK-666 with me. I am afraid you’ll have to speak up to him a little bit since his vessel lost pressure in Taanab.”Mayfeld told his ex-officer with an impressing confidence and gesturing to the Mandalorian.
The officer eyebrowed Mando and then you.
“You.”He pointed his finger at your face.”Remove your helmet.”
“Yes, sir.”You replied, removing your helmet obediently.
To say the officer was shocked to see you was an understatement. He glared at you, and stared at your feet, your stomach, and then your face, scrutinizing every bit of you.
“What’s your name, Officer?”The man shouted to Mando.
Din looked at Mayfeld and then he crossed your gaze. Finally, you could see his features. His brown eyes were in yours, and you never wanted him to have a helmet again. Seeing him for the first time in a so uncommon place was disturbing, but at the same time pleasing. Of course, you were sad that he had to break his Creed, but deep down, you were glad to see his face. Now, you could place a face to your love.
“We just call him, Brown Eyes. Isn’t that right, Officer? Let’s go fill out those TPS reports, so we can go recharge the power colis.”
You began to walk towards the exit, but it was too good to be true.
“You are not dismissed.”Valin Hess exclaimed.
You stopped in your tracks, grazed Din’s hand and turned back to the Officer.
“You the tank troopers that delivered the shipment of rhydonium?”
“Yes, sir.”You all replied at the same time.
Valin Hess stared at Din, scanning him cautiously. You held his hand and squeezed it in reassurance.
“Well, you three managed to be the only transport today to deliver their shipment. Come with me.”
The Officer patted Mando and Mayfeld’s shoulders, and let his hand wandered along your waist.
“Let’s get a drink, Brown Eyes.”
You sat beside the Mandalorian, his thigh against yours.
Mayfeld and Valin began to talk, and you felt tension rose across the room. In a rapid motion, the ex-Imperial shot Valin Hess impulsively with his blaster.
“Shit!”You shouted, drawing out your gun and shooting a stormtrooper.
The Mandalorian followed you and shot two Imperial Officers.
Mayfeld gave the helmet back to Mando.
“You did what you had to.”The ex-Imperial stated.”I never saw your face.”
You watched Din hesitating with the helmet. Without thinking, you grabbed his face, caressed his cheek, and then kissed his lips tenderly. You put your hand on his hair while the other was stroking his cheek.
When you pulled away, breathless, the Mandalorian intertwined his lips with yours again, his hands fondling your hips softly.
“I don’t want to interrupt you, lovebirds, but now we need to run.”
Pulling away, you tried to catch your breath while Din put his helmet back on, holding your hand firmly.
You wanted to think about Din’s face and how soft his lips felt on yours and how brown his hair was, but it wasn’t the time. Stormtroopers were coming your way, and you needed to make it alive.
While walking close to a window, you shot many stormtroopers. Mando helped you climb the window as shoretroopers were trying to kill both of you.
The Mandalorian let you climb the ladder first after Mayfeld, fearing you would fall.
Climbing on the roof, you discovered Boba Fett’s ship coming your way.
The Mandalorian jumped first, and then Mayfeld.
“Come on, Y/N. Jump!”Mando screamed at you, ready to catch you.
You jumped and fell on the Mandalorian’s arms.
“Thank you for helping.”Mando declared to Mayfeld, grateful.
“Huh, good luck gettin’ your kid back. And take care of this one.”Mayfeld said gesturing to you.”She is a tough one, but a princess at the heart.
You smiled and snuggled against the Mandalorian’s armor, and for the first time you didn’t care about people watching you together.
“Take me back.”Mayfeld declared and Cara let him go.
You had seen the Mandalorian without his helmet. Now, you knew what he looked like. You had kissed him, and without his helmet, and he had kissed you back. You were everything to each other. Wherever you went, he went. If he fell, you fell. The only thing missing was the Child. No matter what, you would take him back. And you would be a family again.
A clan of three.
⬇️Chapter 15⬇️
Taglist: @lol-who-am-i @kiaralein @kryttlebee @hoodedbirdie @eyeliveinabook @horsesandwolvesaremyanimals @mitamixer @fleurdemiel145 @kneeldowntoyouralpha @pinkninja190 @esoltis280 @over300books @sad-anxious-girl @jedi-dreea @katialvi @lover1307
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sly-merlin · 4 years
Killing Me - 6 | n.y
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pairing : law student!reader + yuta
genre :    angst , mafia au/ arranged marriage au , smut
warnings of this chapter : use of few curse words. weapons
summary : “life’s never fair y/n. realise it as soon as you can . it is the only secret for living a regretless life.”                                  
                         “  curiousity got the cat hitched”
taglist :: (not tagging the old ones because they have read it already bt if u want , lemme know! )  @yiyi4657​ @sorrywonwoo​ @sillywinnergladiator​ @suhweo​ @exfolitae​ @minejungwoo​
K.M masterlist
k.m 5    k.m 7
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And yuta’s words kept ringing even when he was gone. Mechanically, your hands were balled into fists, anger rising. You were not feeling bitter at his words, for you didn’t expect anything better from him. But he shouldn’t have attacked your dignity in front of strangers.
only five minutes had passed and you were already encumbered with the weight of the ornament.
Your eyes were fixated on the place where yuta stood earlier. Each and every presence in the room could easily sense your aggravation for the man.
After a few more moments of silence, Kun took your hand in his, dragging you inside with him. You were startled at his sudden action but nonetheless tagged along.
“We are having brunch, whoever wants to eat can join us!” he announced whilst  facing forward.
You both passed the open kitchen to halt at the big dining hall packed with a large table and what looked like countless chairs. It was just twin room of the hallway, with just more accommodation.
“The house doesn’t seem this big from outside though?” Kun chuckled as he set his eyes on your genuinely confused face.
“The ground floor has only two halls, kitchen and one other room. We skipped the backyard and just constructed this according to our needs. Big family, you know” he scanned the chairs and continued. “And we’ll add one more chair for you” you responded with only a tight lipped smile. He seemed to be content though.
Before you could converse further, your attention was diverted to the muttering of several boys, entering not so quietly into the room.
“Sit here, near my chair” Kun ushered you towards a chair. “I’ll be back with the food.”
A taller boy, maybe Jungwoo was the first to sit near you and greeted you with an electric eye smile which you tried to return with same energy. Everyone was scattered around the table by now. Some of them were glancing at you but no words were spoken.
You were about to distract yourself with your phone when Kun and another boy came back to the hall with two trolleys occupied with the food and plates. After plates were passed to everyone, delicious ttaekbokki ramyeon and tempura veges were served. the food looked mouth watering and hums of satisfaction confirmed your belief. you had just started eating when someone entered the room.
“Why is she sitting on my seat?
You stopped chewing hearing jaehyun’s voice.
“I told her to! And don’t use this tone again. Not with family at least!”  
You could’ve paid heed to Kun’s sensible words but jaehyun seemed too keen on robbing you of any kindness.
“It’s just been a day and she is already replacing people here!” he remarked before sitting far away from his supposed seat.
“Jaehyun!” Kun’s voice was laced with an unsaid warning.
“Yeah, whatever.”
Despite being hungry earlier, you couldn’t swallow the food properly. You were not there to replace anyone .you were just as displeased to be in his presence as he was. But his displeasure for you was getting unbearable.
You were so engrossed in thoughts that you didn’t notice that everyone was already leaving with their plates. Kun and Johnny had noticed your hurt expressions at jaehyun’s words but there was so little they could do right now.
Under their studying eyes, you hurriedly tried to finish the remaining food.
“You should not move in today” taeil, whom you recognised from the first day, spoke.
“And why is that?” Johnny asked, pointing his chopsticks towards him.
“It’s just not a very fruitful day for moving in. that’s it” taeil replied with a serious expression.
“Now welcome to the 21st century grandpa! We don’t believe in superstitions devised when YOU were born!” Johnny snickered at the older.
“Ok do it! Don’t come to me later on. The legends are there for a reason.”
“I dreamt pigs the day I came across him anyway and I don’t think any spirit can be more evil than him!” as you finished, the four men started laughing hysterically.
“Y/n is such a match for me!”
But taeil quickly disapproved. “No, I don’t need two Johnny here.”
“I gotta go” taeyong announced. “Welcome to family y/n. I know this is not a very pleasant situation but it is what it is. You are welcomed here anytime and this place is yours as much as ours. Take care!” you merely nodded towards him. Were you supposed to show gratitude? You weren’t sure of that yet!
“So everyone I saw earlier lives here!” you asked Kun curiously. You weren’t sure to whom this place belonged and what exactly was this house. Their residential place? But why did they have a basement with metal doors then? It was better to just ask than assume.
But instead of Kun, taeil responded. “This house was designed by ten and doyoung to facilitate us with everything that wasn’t possible in the apartments we used to live earlier. Whilst looking like any posh dwelling in the area, it is not just that. The dining room might have provided you some insight already. My room is downstairs or I might say the only room on this floor in mine. Everyone else is settled on first and second floor. You can do a tour if you want. And if you want to stay here, I would love to displace Johnny outta his room and you can spend the night in mine.” his speech ended with a sincere smile.
“Whoa hyung!” Johnny exclaimed with eyes opened to infinity. “She didn’t ask for a lecture. And don’t waste your breath explaining that you have the best room in the whole world when we are short on time here!”
“Why is that now?”
“I have to drop y/n to her apartment. Whenever she is done with the food of course.” Johnny said pointing towards your plate. Sometime while listening to taeil, you had dropped your chopsticks again but continued again, muttering an apology.
“What’s the hurry? I want to talk to her!” Kun whined at Johnny.
“Then tag along but only if y/n wants!” both of them raised their brows at you, waiting for an answer.
“Yeah, of course you can come. Why would I refuse? “You chuckled at their childish tactics.
Once you were done with the food, Kun seized your utensils as you tried to get up with the plate.
“Wait for me. I’ll be back and then we can go” he announced going out of the room.
You sheepishly looked at the both taeil and Johnny who were now busy in their respective phones. Just when you were fishing out your phone from the pocket, it ringed, startling you.
You hurriedly excused yourself to the farther corner of the room ,ready to get a scolding from her.
“Where are you?” you gulped at her cold voice.
“I’m –I had to-
“You moved out right. Your desk is clear. And you lied to me” her voice was laced with frustration. You could imagine that she was on the verge of pulling her hair. “You know what! Don’t talk to me again!” and with that she hung up.
You tried her number twice but she didn’t pick up. You knew she won’t be mad for too long. She was genetically incapable of doing that but still her being angry with you was not settling in.
you gave up calling her and decided in favour of letting her cool down first. not like you had any other option!
“Are we going?”
“Yup and jaemin is going to join us.” you almost rolled your eyes at his mention. You couldn’t understand his interest in you but at least he was harmless, not like yuta.
As you four reached the large parking space, taeil went inside again saying his goodbyes. Now you were all waiting for jaemin to come outside but the boy was nowhere in sight.
“I’m here!” jaemin chimed but he was not alone. There were two other boys with him which he had tried to introduce earlier.
“I was packing some food . Jungwoo hyung told me that -
“Chit-chat in the car! Let’s go!” Johnny scolded them.
With few adjustments, you were on the road. The position of jisung and chenle appeared quite pitiful. Due to lack of space, they both were practically sitting on each other. Jaemin forced them to converse with you which turned out pretty nice for you.
All the three boys were techies or the backbone of the team, as jaemin exaggeratedly explained to you. And they were younger as well. Talking to them was easier than you thought. And surprisingly they had many budding questions about your studies as well which were happily answered by you.
You were so engrossed in your little exchange that none of you released you were already there. You checked the time and it took about thirty minutes of drive including the traffic to reach there.
“Oh shit!” your face dimmed on realisation. “It’ll take about an hour to reach university from here!”
Kun and Johnny faced each other with shocking faces. Johnny slowly mouthed something to Kun before he chuckled “I think taeyong totally forgot that you are a student. Taeyong tends to do that. He’s very stressed out lately but I think you’ll love this place. I’ll park the car and Kun will take you to the apartment and others will help me with the boxes.” Johnny instructed everyone like a boss.
“Saved it!” Johnny whispered to Kun with a smug smile.
“Oh did you!” Kun shook his head in disbelief and stepped out of the vehicle.
You looked up to see the skyscraper in its whole glory, hand robotically shielding your eyes. The curved reflective glass windows were gleaming, you wished your room would also have that beautiful glass balcony, reflecting the sun.
“you’ll have plenty of time to gawk!” Kun practically dragged you by your elbow, towards the elevator.
“It was Johnny right.” you said quietly as Kun pressed the button to 10th floor.
“Yesss. he chose the place but he really put some effort in this task.” you couldn’t help but smile at him.
“Here we are!”
As you exited the lift, three doors met your sight, one facing you, while others opposite to each other. Kun headed for the right now, you following behind.
“I’ll set up the smart locking system in your phone for the keypad. Everything from mail room to amenity access is controlled with this single pin so remember it. 2610 is the code but you can change it whenever you want.” you nodded consuming the information.
The front door to your new shelter was opened and you were left in awe at the first sight. The entry was narrow but you could see a big living room at the end of it. You removed the shoes following Kun.
Your eyes shimmering, moved everywhere as a smile crept up your face.
The hall was big, at least for two people it was! If you could somehow drag the single seater sofa towards the half glassed window, you don’t think anyone would want to move from there. The rustling of the city could be seen from up there. Down there, a small portion of the park attached to the building was also visible. you were practically attached to the window still by now.
Kun noticed. He noticed how how eyes turned lively as you beheld your surroundings. His own lips curved up watching your reaction.
“Do you like it?” Johnny voice quizzed. Your suitcase now placed besides him. Chenle, jisung and jaemin trailed behind him with boxes in their hands.
“Yes, I love it actually!” you voiced your joy, leaving the hall windows.
“I’ll help” you offered but before you could actually do something, they left like the wind.
“Let’s explore” Kun suggested.
To the right of the hallway was the semi-open kitchen as half of it was covered with a wall but the other part was visible from the couches. The kitchen was itself very sophisticated but poor thing you won’t be cooking any five star recipes in there.
The small space between hallway and kitchen led you towards two rooms. Good thing they were hidden from the sight.
“You can choose your room but I’d prefer this one!” as he opened the left door, you knew what he meant. The scenery you beheld outside could also be seen from this room. The sliding glass door lead to a small balcony opening to the same view. The room itself was very decent just like the rest of the place.
There was a desk with a bookshelf on the upper side of wall which made you confused about Kun’s previous statement. “How could Johnny forget that I was a student but still remembered about these things.” you asked pointing towards the study space.
“His involvement was only till the real estate stuff. Everything else is planned by me so I’m ready to accept some gratitude.”
You let out a small giggle, thanking him immediately.
“Unfortunately, there is only one bathroom. 2b2b apartments are harder to find and there was no need for three bedrooms so you’ll have to compromise here!” he explained pursing his lips. You nodded your head at him while opening the door to the bathroom. To say it was beautiful would be an understatement. It was twice the size of your dorm bathroom. from shower enclosure to bath tub and sink, everything was made of ceramic and marble.
“Hey come out! Where are you both?” you heard Johnny’s screaming voice. You and kun both rushed towards the sound.
“Should I keep the boxes in the room?”
“Yeah, thanks, this one!” you pointed to the left room. He smirked at your choice, winking your way.
Finishing the task at hand, you all slouched down on the couches. Even if you didn’t move a limb, you were just exhausted by other activities of the day.
“I’m hungry!” chenle groaned stroking his stomach.
“What are you?? Even a whale has some control you insatiable boy!” jaemin scolded him, making everyone laugh.
“Call me whatever. But can’t I have some from the box. Just a little!” chenle pleaded giving him an eye smile.
“That is for noona. And you aren’t getting anything!”
“What is he talking about?” you inquired after you were mentioned.
“Jeno told me you don’t cook so I got you the leftovers for dinner. The container is in the kitchen. heat them and eat them!” jaemin replied nonchalantly like it was nothing big. But it was meaningful gesture, for you.
So you didn’t hold back this time. “That’s so kind of you, thank you!” you said smiling to him. “And feel free to eat chenle. Go help yourself.”
Chenle grinned like a happy child but was met with a pointing finger of jaemin. “Get a grip!”  And he slumped down further into the cushion, grumpily crossing his arms over his chest.
“By the way y/n.” Kun addressed you, searching out for something in his pockets, that something, you discovered, were the keys.
“People usually don’t need keys for separate rooms when they live together but you are a special case, so you might need these.” you nodded knowingly, taking the jiggling set from him.
“Let’s watch some t.v before going. The first thing that I did was setting this up and there’s a gaming system attached as well.” Johnny announced before leaving his place to locate the remote under the TV system.
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Squatting in the middle of the bed, you looked at the deep blue boxes with a twisted face. Unpacking these boxes would certainly be a chore.
Were you any eager to do it? No.
Was it essential? Very.
You pouted and slumped on the silky white sheets, the queen sized bed providing you with the enjoyment of being a starfish, for the first time in forever. It felt nice and cosy. Unknowingly, your lips curved a bit, releasing a sigh of content.
You couldn’t say for how much longer, but the feeling of having a home brought tranquillity to your muddled thoughts. You have always dreamt about buying your own house, having a place you would be enthusiastic to come back to!
But this was not reality. This was just an intermission to the life you were heading towards! A timeout. And it would just end in smoke, with no accurate termination.
You raised your left hand to view the small diamond resting on your finger. It was beautiful, meant to be worn by a real bride, someone whose ring didn’t came with an expiration date.
Shaking your head, you pushed yourself off the comfortable position. You couldn’t spend your day in melancholy whilst that yuta was probably plotting something to make your life miserable and organising yourself would be the first step towards preparation of retaliation. So you got up from the soft bed to look through the boxes. You picked up the box with some of your random stuff and staggered towards the bathroom.
If there was a place you’ll love more than the room, that’d surely be this bathroom. but so was the hallway!
Even after placing everything from your hair products to the sanitary ones, the ceramic cabinet over the sink still looked empty. You decided to buy some things only to fill that up! Though you were swamped with work right now, you couldn’t resist looking at the frameless rectangular mirror. it was dreamy! and you felt it was a nice ego booster for you as well!
One by one, within one and a half hour, you cleared all the boxes and orderly arranged everything into the cupboards and closet. The only thing left was your desk space but it could be delayed.
You flopped on the couch tiredly, wanting nothing more than to sleep. But there was one more thing on the checklist.
You looked at her contact, tapping your foot constantly and when you knew there was no enough courage in you, crossing your legs on the sofa, you dialled her number.
“Hey!” a male voice answered the phone instead.
“Um jay, where is chelin? Can you tell her it’s me!” you said sheepishly, trying to sound as innocent as possible.
“I don’t think she wants to talk right now. And why did you ran away?”
All your anxiousness suddenly left your body at the overstated accusation.
“I didn’t run away jay, who told you that!” and you were trying to be serious here!
“Nobody told me that. I can figure common things out, you know. Your stuff is gone and you didn’t inform chelin whilst doing that. So imma assume-
“My winter clothes are still there, dumbass. Just give the phone to chelin so I can explain.”
“Nope, she’s in bathroom and angry but for you, only you, I’ll try, to make your position better if you buy me lunch tomorrow!” you scrunched your nose, imagining him doing his sly brow lousy thing with a smug look. But the deal looked good. So you just hopped in.
“ok.” and before you could say anything, he cut the phone. Annoying brat!
and it was also favourable that you were easily distracted for as soon as you turned the TV on ,you got lost in another world, forgetting all the worries for a while.
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Your irrational fear of sharp microwave beeps was the reason you were eating the bland ttaebbokki right now. Cold food is the best food had already left the chat as you opened the lunch box. You didn’t enjoy the delicacy earlier due to certain someone and now you couldn’t appreciate it because of your own heightened senses. The ramyeon was a saviour, ttaebokki, on the other hand was now in a contest  with the double caramelised candy that could not be chewed even with metal teeth.
You have spent about 4 hours watching t.v and it was already eight. Your desk was yet to be decorated with books and stuff, still your brain cells favoured watching two movies that would’ve made no sense in real life, but like you always say, who cares! And now you were watching some random football match. Just as you were about to scream at the goal, the front door closed with a thud.
You placed the food down on table, craning your neck above the back of the sofa, looking for the intruder.
Yuta. You had totally forgot about your so called roommate!
“Do you think the food would settle down in your gut?” he took long strides to reach you and asked with a quirking brow.
You turned around to focus on the food instead. But with the slight dip in the head of sofa, you could feel his presence hovering over you.
“Why wouldn’t it!” you replied with equal affection. “And I’m avoiding you so it’s better if you keep yourself on silent mode as well.”  You said again with a hint of finality in your unwavering voice.
Whilst you were trying to direct your attention towards the t.v. in an attempt to ignore him, you felt his warm breath fanning against your ear. You nervously swallowed the bite you took earlier, hoping he would just go away instead of being so inquisitive.
“But I’m willing to make peace here and you are being so harsh to me. you should respond when I talk to you” your shoulders tensed at the fake pout that you assumed he was wearing now, just to get under your nerves. His expressions might have been cordial but you got the innuendo in his words perfectly.
You placed the food container on the table again. “If we have to live together get one thing in your head! I’m here because of you! So don’t try to act up like you are the boss of me! And I don’t agree with your idea of peace if it involves the death of my dignity.” you kept your cool but irritation was radiating from your body and you hoped he would get the message and leave you alone.
“Oh wow!” yuta chuckled a bit before walking around to sit beside you. Instinctively, you shifted towards the other end of the couch. “You think you are the only one who-
His eyes followed your movements as you rolled your eyes, blatantly disregarding him in favour of leaving the couch. But he was quick as he pulled you down by your wrist, causing you to yelp in discomfort.
“You think you are the victim and sufferer here!” he leaned closer, his hand still on your wrist, his attitude changing. That’s when you smelled some alcohol on him. “You think you can deal with anything, catching a criminal red handed and living the life of glory as someone who bravely handled a dangerous situation where anyone else would have cowered away. But guess what!” his voice rose at the end and nostrils flaring with every syllable. “You are the most foolish person I’ve ever met. You have not only ruined your life but mine too. Why couldn’t you have walked past that day like any other person? Everything was fool proof from cctv to police, but you had to intrude!”
You bit the inside of your cheek as your breath quickened. He was staring right into your eyes but the intensity in his orbs unabled you to look away. He could sense your building anxiety but he still continued. “And now I am fucking suspended for a month due to your stupidity. Taeyong told me I’ve become a risk to them. Do you know how it damn feels when your own family fucking doubt you? They questioned my abilities all because of you. I’m-I’m unsure of myself only because of you. I can’t go back to my house, my job, my brothers! why can’t you just fucking leave!” yuta’s chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as he stood up, leaving your wrist with a jerk. His grip wasn’t that tight but it still left a stinging pain.
You watched him while rubbing your wrist as he raked his hand through his hair, apparently controlling himself. his other hand was shuffling for something in his pocket.
A loud gasp echoed in the hall as yuta’s hand moved and he aggressively stabbed a knife into the table. And it was not a normal kitchen knife!
“Just fucking leave!” 
and with that he was gone.
as you heard the bedroom door closing ,you let out a harsh breath, shoulders slumping in relief.
You eyed the weapon that has damaged the classy wooden table. 
Taeyong had assured you that yuta won’t harm in you in any way but his actions were speaking another language!
but for now all you could feel was….fear?
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earlier in black neos estate-
“You can’t stay here forever, you know” mark’s words pulled yuta back to reality. As much as he wanted this nightmare to end, he knew there’s wasn’t even a slight chance of odds being in his favour.
“But there is nothing that can’t be delayed!” yuta shot back at him, chugging his beer.
“You can leave tomorrow. Half of the place is empty, you can easily sneak in!”
“You want me to hide in my own house?” he snorted at younger.
“No. I meant-
“Besides yong gave me clear instructions to make peace with that women which includes breathing the same air as hers and I’m going to follow his command like a happy puppy I am!” he let out a chuckle towards the end, making mark gulp in panic. “And I gotta transfer my stuff tomorrow and you’re going with me.”
“Not until 8 in the evening. We are going for a weapon exchange in the afternoon.” mark said taking sip of the drink. Some questions in his head still needed to be answered but he was lacking right words. Yuta was already on edge since the whole fiasco started and mark, in no way wanted to trigger him anymore. “What are you going to do, if I may ask?” he questioned hesitantly.
“Nothing for now. I went to her university and all I have till now is that she is extremely close to her friends. Maybe have a thing for hook-ups, can’t be sure though. In her head, she is too smart and can surmount anything. That day in the basement proved it already. she isn’t fearless, in no way she is but still she manage to fight back with that rising panic, I don’t know how!” he paused to look at mark, biting his lower lip to cover a smile creeping on his face. “With her whole strength, she tries to pretend that she isn’t frightened down to her soles but whenever I’m near her, he-her throat tightens. It-it’s like she forgets the whole process of exhaling.”
Mark’s mouth went dry hearing that.
“Hyung!” he addressed yuta, almost losing his grip at the beer. He was in no way being intimidating but mark was feeling apologetic for him.
“What now?”
“How closely have to observe her? You sound like a stalker hyung!”
“Don’t call me that.” he slapped mark’s back lightly. Had he applied a little of his strength, he would have been lying on the ground floor right now!  “Maybe I read her file more than a couple of times to just create some familiarity but she’s, hmm, how to explain it! Maybe authentic! But I did nothing creepy though and even if I did, those marriage papers cuts out everything” he chuckled again and it was now concerning mark. he was not drunk but was still laughing too much for it to be normal.
“I’ll suggest just leave it be! Haven’t you thought that she was just at wrong place at wrong time?”
“No!! the problem is that she still somewhere in her head thinks that she was at wrong place at right time! I would’ve had no problem if taeyong had just let her go but no !! he has to go and make my life miserable.” his soothing voice rose a few octaves. He was frustrated and had no other way of letting that go.
Mark watched him, looking into the sky, like he was finding some solutions. He couldn’t turn around the time nor he could do anything for yuta.
He tried to focus on the sky instead. It was so quiet, but what that silence engulfed in it was a mystery for now.
the stars looked beautiful, almost poetic, for the time being.
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Off Guard (Modern!Ivar x reader)
Part 1
A/N: This is my entry to @hecohansen31​‘s 1K writing challenge. Congratulations once again, love 💐! There’ll be a second part. Heco, I know how much you love insecure!Ivar, so bear with me and trust me 😉
The prompt I chose: Don't panic. Are you sitting? You probably don't need to sit. Well, possibly. At least lean on something. (”The Raven Boys”, by Maggie Stiefvater)
As usual, thanks to @inforapound​ 🌺
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Summary: Y/N wants to surprise her three-year long-distance-relationship boyfriend. Things aren't going to turn out the way she hoped.
Warnings: slight angst for this first part, nothing more.
Words: 2416
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Reaching the entrance of the building, you heave a sigh of relief, seeing the guard standing at the door. You know him. He won't mind letting you in and it makes the first part of your plan so much easier. 
 "Miss Y/N, how nice to see you again."
 "Hello…", squinting at his badge, you give him a broad smile, "… Erik. I'm glad to see you too. He's still in there, right?" Pointing at the building, you look up, Ivar's office being on the top floor. 
 "Of course he is. You know him, don't you?" Showing his disapproval by shaking his head, Erik waves at an employee leaving the building  before explaining his thoughts. "He never leaves before nine pm, sometimes later. He's far too young to work that hard." Erik lowers his gaze, pursing his lips. "I'm afraid I'm overstepping my role, sorry Miss. Shall I let him know you're here?"
"It's fine, Erik, don't worry." Putting a reassuring hand on his arm, you squeeze it lightly, nodding. "I agree, Ivar works way too hard. Hopefully it will change,” you add with a dreamy smile before remembering his question. "No, don't tell him I'm here please, I want to suprise him."
 Erik winks at you, seemilingly pleased. "All right Miss, as you wish." Pushing the door for you, he invites you in. " My shift ends in thirty minutes. If I don't see you again, I'll say good night." Thanking him, you head to the main elevator but stop in your tracks when another question pops in your mind. "Hvitserk and Ubbe are out of the office, right?" 
 Erik nods, stifling a chuckle, his answer obvious. "Of course Miss. They left two hours ago, together with two young ladies, very blonde and very pretty if I may say so." You can't help but grin hearing that. So far so good. Everything's going according to your plan. Giving him a thumbs up, you shout "Thanks Erik, good night," while the elevator doors are closing. 
 And now, it's time for action. Selecting the top floor button with a shaky finger, you're beyond excited, your heart racing faster and faster the closer you get to your goal. 
 As soon as the doors open, you quickly cross the seemilingly deserted floor, pleased once again with your perfect timing. Friday night at seven pm, there's hardly anyone left in the building. Yet, you're still careful.
 As you walk passed Ivar's office, you have to fight with all your might not to burst through the door, your heart beating frantically at this point, the burning desire to finally be in his arms after more than four months, literally, eating you up. 
 By now, you're used to this long distance relationship, this ocean between the two of you. Yet, since your first encounter on a Caribbean island three years ago, you've never been without each other for so long. You want, you need, his strong arms around you, his lips against yours. You resist the urge, inhaling deeply, determined to pull off the surprise as you planned. He'll love it. Of course he will. 
 With Hvitserk and Ubbe gone, you have a choice but don't hesitate before entering Hvitserk’s office. Hvitserk being Hvitserk, you know he spends few hours at work – to the great dismay of his brothers – more interested in women than in the family business. His office, impersonal and with blank walls, is therefore perfect for your plan.
 Sneaking in, you close the door quietly as you swing your backpack from your shoulder, putting it on Hvitserk's desk. Glancing around, you see that you were right, there's nothing on the walls or personal items on the desk. 
 The moment you open your backpack, you take out your laptop, turning it on. It would have been faster with your phone, but the battery is dead and its charger lies in the bottom of your suitcase. Bursting with impatience, you nervously bite your lower lip, eventually releasing a short breath as soon as your laptop is ready.  
 As you open Skype without a moment's hesitation, it's like your heart is exploding. Finally! Holding your breath, you click on the call button…
 It rings.
 "Y/N?" Ivar gives you a dumbfounded look as soon as your face appears on his screen. "Is everything all right? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Looking briefly at his watch, he nods. "Yes, you should, it's awfully early for you."
 Playing along for now, you fake a yawn, stretching your upper limbs. "Yeah, I know, but I couldn't sleep so I thought I'd call you, my love. Hope I'm not disturbing anything."
 "No, don't worry. Guess I can spare five minutes even though I've got a lot of work to do." Slightly shaken by his sharp voice, you wince. You know he does indeed have a lot to do. Between his doctoral thesis and his leading post within the Lothbrok Corporation, Ivar is more than busy most of the time. Too busy to your liking. Still… 
 "Where are you?" Squinting at his screen, Ivar frowns, his index finger clearly pointing to the blank wall behind you. "This is not your bedroom, is it?"
 Relieved to have a ready answer, you're about to tell him that you're in your father's office on the ground floor, so as not to wake anyone, but you don't get the chance as he waves a dismissive hand at you, leaving you speechless.
 "Never mind, forget it, just tell me why are you calling, Y/N?" There's no pet name, no frills. On the contrary, in his tone is a urgency that doesn't suit you well. Feeling baffled and a little hurt, you nervously run a hand through your hair, pursing your lips. Of course, you know Ivar doesn't like talking on the phone, video calls or not. It's nothing new and not something you're happy about, but you've learned to accept it.  Still, you have to admit, he has been more distant lately.
Biting your inner cheek, you try to brush your uneasiness off. Ivar had never been much of a talker, rather a quiet and straight-to-the-point guy, but, he loves you, that's something you know for certain. So, instead of paying too much attention to his obvious lack of enthusiasm, you focus on what's about to happen. Your surprise. He'll love it. You're sure he will. 
 "Well…", you begin, unsure, wishing you could pretend a little longer, have him believe for a few more minutes that you're home, thousands of miles away. But you can't. You've been dying to break the news to him for days, ever since your parents said yes. Keeping it a secret had been hard, and you don't want to wait anymore. 
 Taking in a deep breath, you give him a dazzling smile. "Actually, I'm calling you with a good reason, Ivar. I have something to tell you. Something huge, if I may say so."
 Furrowing his brow, he looks at you questioningly, leaning his head towards the screen. "Carry on." His terse voice gives away how uninterested he is. He must be VERY busy, you think, but that's not going to undermine your eagerness. 
 "Listen, it's the most unexpected news of the year!” Waving your arms enthusiastically, you suppress the urge to get up as you just want to rush into his office, failing to notice his frozen-with-concern face.  
 However, you don't miss the way he clenches his jaw a second later, swallowing loudly. "Fuck, you're scaring me, Y/N. You can't be… " He stops and you catch a glimpse of... fear in his eyes. Realizing he's genuinely afraid freaks you out a little bit. While many terms can describe Ivar – cranky, handsome, stubborn, smart, cheeky, yet sometimes insecure, short-tempered but often so sweet in private – scared is certainly not one of them. What can he be thinking about?
 "No Ivar, please. I promise, it's not bad news. Maybe you should sit down, but trust me, it's nothing bad. Don't panic. Are you sitting? You probably don't need to sit. Well, possibly. At least lean on something. Oh no, you know, I think it would be better if you were sitting. Yeah. Sit down Ivar. But I promise, it's not bad news. Are you sitting? Because I think that you should, definitely."
 You'd probably keep going, but he interrupts you harshly, "Y/N!", a finger over his lips. "Stop your rambling! Look, I'm behind my desk, of course I'm sitting. Now tell me… I need to know… You're not… You're not fucking pregnant, right?"
 Huh?? You stare wide-eyed at him, utterly taken aback. You just can't believe it. Pregnant? How could you? Even if you're on the pill, Ivar always uses condoms, repeating his explanation each and every time, so much so that you memorized it. 'My fucking condition is the result of a fucking genetic disease, Y/N. My child will have a fifty percent chance of inheriting it. It can't fucking happen.'
 Part of you wants to tease him about it, but because you can see he's genuinely worried you choose instead to reassure him. "Of course not, Ivar." A look of relief immediately washes over his face, Ivar breathes a huge sigh, his features relaxing visibly as you give him an affectionate smile. You're truly delighted when he smiles back at you. 
 "Okay, good. So what is it? What's the big news, Y/N? Won't you tell me?" Hands clasped under his chin, he seems to be giving you his undivided attention now, narrowing his eyes. Glad to see you've finally managed to arouse his interest, you nod excitedly, beaming. 
 Determined not to keep him waiting any longer, you clap your hands twice before breathing out heavily. "Yep, I will. Listen Ivar, you know how my parents have always been reluctant for me to study there, right?"
 Rolling his eyes, Ivar shrugs, shaking his head slightly, a disappointed look on his face. "Yeah I do, indeed." He's not doing as well in the whole long-distance thing as you are. He had once, a long time ago, put words to his feelings, fists clenched, his anger barely hiding his sorrow. 'Sometimes I do feel like I've been cursed. Nothing is ever easy for me. Don't get me wrong, Y/N, I love you and I don't regret having you in my life, but I wish things could have been different. One normal thing in my abnormal life. Guess it was too much to hope for…' It had hurt you, but you understood him.  
 Your desire to move overseas so that you can live with Ivar had been a real bone of contention between you and your parents for the past two years. You may be twenty-two, but your parents still think of you as their little girl. Of course, you don't let your 'little girl' go abroad, do you? And since you didn't want them to get mad at you, you stayed, to the great distress of your lover.  
 Speaking of Ivar, it's not even that your parents don't like him, because they do. They just don't get it. ' Why doesn't Ivar come here instead? We would be sincerly happy if you two lived together, you know? Here. In our country, that could become his.' You had argued endlessly, explaining that it was much more complicated for him to move than it was for you. Partly because of his job, obviously, but mostly because of his disease. His doctors are in Norway, his PT too, as is the surgeon who has operated on him many time. They know Ivar, his special condition, his rare genetic disorder. More importantly, he knows them, trusts them, and sadly needs them. 
 You had never been able to get through to you your parents, at least not until recently. Surprisingly, they finally changed their minds a few weeks ago and you jumped at the chance without delay, applying to Kattegat University while taking care of the red tape, all this of course behind Ivar's back, so that the surprise was complete. 
 "Well, they're not anymore." As soon as you understand that he's not sure what you're talking about, you quickly add, eyes sparkling with excitement, "Reluctant, I mean."
 "Ex… Excuse me?" Ivar stutters, clearly flabbergasted, his blue eyes widening.  
 "You heard me, Ivar. They said yes. My parents agreed. I don't know why and I don't care, but yes, they did. And so, my next academic year, which starts in two months, will be
in Kattegat." You're nearly screaming now, fully excited, your heart rate picking up speed as you remember that you're almost there. The surprise! Ivar may think you've already broken the big news, but he couldn't be more wrong. 
 "Wow! That's unexpected! Guess it's… awesome, Y/N." Swept up by your enthusiasm, you miss the way Ivar frowns, just as you don't sense the little indecision in his voice. You do notice the silence that follows, though, but even if you had hoped for a little more eagerness, it doesn't trouble you. It's Ivar, after all, your taciturn, sullen boyfriend.
 Yet his silence bothers you when you realize he's not going to ask you the question you're looking forward to. Looks like you're going to have to take charge.
 "This is the part where you're supposed to ask me when I think I'm coming, you know?" Chuckling, you wink at him, oblivious to his cool and aloof manner.
 "Ivar?" Raising your eyebrows, you try again as he remains speechless. "Did you hear me?" On an ordinary day, you'd know something's wrong. But there's nothing ordinary about today. 
 "Huh? Sorry, just got a lot on my mind…" He mumbles, lost in thought, scratching the back of his neck. "What did you…? Oh yes, got it." Holding up his index finger, he tilts his head, cracking a bashful half-smile. "Tell me Y/N, when do you plan to arrive? Two weeks before college starts, so you have time to settle in? Or one? One should be enough, what do you think?"
 Almost squeaking – that's your moment, the one you've been waiting for days – you jump out of Hvitserk's working chair."That's the thing, Ivar, that's the thing!" 
 Walking away from the desk and your laptop, you can barely hear Ivar asking where you're going as you rush to the door and through the corridor leading to his office. 
 Stopping for a second when you get there, you inhale deeply before pulling the handle down and opening the door wide. "See Ivar, that's the thing, I'm already here!"
@honestsycrets​ @lisinfleur​ @waiting4inspiration​ @saldelys​ @gearhead66​ @readsalot73​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @hecohansen31​ @lonewolf471​ @milkkygirls​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @fuckindiva​ @tgrrose​ @shannygoatgruff​
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jincherie · 5 years
florescence | i
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❀ — pairing: taehyung x reader x seokjin ❀ — genre: hybrid au, hybrid tae, hybrid jin, poly, fluff, smut (future), angst  ❀ — words: 4.7k+ ❀ — rating: sfw ❀ — warnings: lowkey highkey threat of euthanisation (wooo dystopian hybrid elements!), shy and blushing boys prepare your hearts ❀ — notes: this is written for an old old old old request! you can find it here for now, but I’ll make a post for more convenience later. besides that, I already have about 18k written for this and have barely dented what I want to include so... guess we’re in this for a bit of a long haul! I’m still in the process of guiding where I want this to go, but until then... I’m eager to kick-start it! Since I technically already posted this, I’ll post the second part relatively soon. Please enjoy! lmk what u think!!! love u!!
Okay, so maybe you’re lonely, and maybe there is something missing in your life, a void that you maybe want to fill with a companion that may or may not be of human origin... You’re perfectly content not doing anything about it though, until your best friend calls you in desperate need for your help and you suddenly end up coming home with not one, but two hybrids that may or may not have been on the way to the chopping block had you not taken them in. They’re more than a little rough around the edges, and the situation is less than ideal but... maybe the best things don’t always come in perfect, shiny packages. Maybe they just need a little time to bloom.
— posted; 28.07.2019 // masterlist || next.
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Nerves have your knees wobbling slightly as you stand in place, the impressive height of the B.H. Laboratories building looming over you. Really, you’re not that anxious about what you’re about to do, yet your knee still feel slightly weak and your shoulders pinch with minute tension. Your body might be a little out of tune with your brain, you think, or perhaps the emotions attached to the physical reactions just haven’t hit you yet.
You waver in your spot, finally deciding to bite the bullet and take the handle into your grasp. It’s cool against your palm and smooth to the touch, if slightly worn. As you shift your wrist and twist the bolt, you recall the panicked and desperate voice of your friend as she’d called you barely half an hour ago. Seulgi is hardly the type to get worked up over nothing, so when you’d answered the phone to the sound of nothing but fear and urgency in her tone you’d been instantly at attention.
Your raven-haired best friend works at the massive Lab currently in front of you, filling in the role of the receptionist and taking her placements here as she completes her degree. Her ideal career path is one of science, but one of her passions and interests lies in the complex matter of hybrids. Really, this job is perfect for her—B.H. Laboratories specialise in genetic matters and in the creation of hybrids, most specifically those made to be companions. Long since passed are the days where hybrids were still new and shiny and held under the most barbaric of laws, if any. For some the strangeness and novelty has worn off since then, yet that doesn’t mean that the laws regarding hybrids have kept up with the shift in the population.
B.H. Labs, from the very beginning, have been pioneers of sorts in the field. Always pushing the limits, extending past perceived boundaries and paving the way. A lot of what Seulgi gets glimpses of is new hybrids, new combinations and variations. The goal of the company is to achieve the perfect companion for the people and the individual, and they work hard in their efforts to create such a thing.
This means that new lines and batches of hybrids are always being created, prototypes always being tested and tried out. Usually, the hybrids pass and go on to the next stage—they go to shelters for adoption while the data recorded from their stay goes towards the creation of the next batch. Usually, this is how it goes. However, there are the rare exceptions—batches that begin to vary and differ as they grow, turning out nothing like intended. Batches that don’t meet the goal of the experiment or that are lacking in some way or another, are marked as failures. If even a single hybrid of the bunch is deemed unfit, the rest are scrutinised brutally and received the blemish on their records as well. This, actually, is a topic that sparks heated debate in the community— because it’s common knowledge that at most hybrid facilities, failed batches aren’t sent to shelters like their predecessors, but instead are put down, like nothing more than the animals they are spliced with. They don’t have the opportunity to make connections for a possible home, and so the only destination that awaits them is the gallows. B.H Labs stand out from the rest here, due to their spotless record of product success. Never have they euthanised a hybrid of their making, and never has a batch or single hybrid been deemed a failure. However records and streaks of success, like all things, must come to an end eventually.
This… is why Seulgi had called you in such a frantic manner earlier.
She’d caught wind of a last-minute decision that had been made about two hybrids who had been deemed ‘failures’ for whatever reasons. They were being moved from their quarters as she spoke and are scheduled for the chopping block tonight. Seulgi is far too good a person to just stand by and just let it happen, and while floundering for any possible solution she’d come across you.
You can’t believe she remembered it, but one time you’d confessed to her while blind-rotten drunk that you were actually a little bit lonely, living by yourself in your large two-bedroom apartment as you were, and kind of longed for a companion. You’d never ever meant to let slip that you’d considered getting a hybrid, because you both held very similar views regarding them, but it had tumbled from your pouting lips nonetheless and now Seulgi is privy to one of your most embarrassing secrets. If she wasn’t your best friend and didn’t know that you’d rather cut off all four of your limbs than mistreat a hybrid, then your drunken confession might have earnt you a potent smack and the cold shoulder. As it is, all you can remember receiving was a drunk laugh and sly smile.
You didn’t think she would remember it, but clearly you were wrong because here you are now, all of a sudden about to receive not one but two hybrids in one go.
The second you step foot into the reception area your presence is noticed and a high tone pierces the air, stationery and folders cluttering against a desk along with the familiar sound of small wheels sliding across the linoleum.
“Oh, y/n, thank god you’re here.”
You turn, catching sight of Seulgi as she bolts up from her position behind the counter and darts around the desk, heading straight for you. She might have slammed straight into you if she didn’t catch herself a little before she arrived.
“I’d give you more info but we really don’t have time, they’re going to move them soon so we need to get our asses going.” She’s speaking so fast you can barely keep up and if you didn’t know her so well then you might not have understood what she was saying at all. She grips your hand and begins down the stark white and light blue hall, tugging you behind her. Fuck, okay, this is going much faster than you prepared yourself for. “Thank you so much for coming, y/n. I know you were kind of thinking of adopting only one, and from a shelter, and this is way out of the ball park of what you ever imagined but… thank you.”
At the mention of the other details you’d accidentally confessed to her while drunk that time, you blush, but choose to let it go for now. You aren’t sure why it embarrasses you exactly, but you know she doesn’t say it with ill intent and that she is stressed to high hell right now so you’re willing to ignore it.
“It’s no problem,” you say, shooting her a reassuring smile when she turns to catch your gaze. “I couldn’t live with myself if I said no, knowing what will happen if we don’t…”
Seulgi doesn’t say anything but the way her features twist into a grimace are telling enough that she knows what you mean.
“I asked them earlier if they could be spared if someone was interested in them, and they said yes but since they don’t know anyone, they’re still going ahead as per normal procedure,” the raven-haired female informs you, the two of you hastening your pace down the winding halls. Deeper into the bowels of the building you venture, Seulgi navigating with so much ease that you are sure she could do it with her eyes closed. “So long as we get there before they start the final part of the procedure, we should be good.”
Everything has gone so fast since Seulgi first called you over half an hour ago, and it continues to do so as you round corners and duck down halls. Eventually you reach a wing with walls painted pastel red instead of soft blue and your stomach churns and dips as the situation suddenly becomes much, much more real to you. Are you actually ready for the way your life is going to change in just a few short minutes? What if things go wrong, or they hate you and—
Seulgi stops suddenly, turning to you with wide eyes. “Oh, shit. I almost forgot—I should tell you before we go in there, they aren’t… from a batch that was deemed a failure.”
Your brows furrow before you can stop them, confusion on your face plain for her to see. She hurries to explain, “They’re… they’re from two previous batches. The rest of their batches were fine, but these two… something about them deemed them unfit to be pushed forward to the next stage.”
You can see the embitterment on her features as she continues, lips tugging down, “They… they were kept for a while, observed a little, but they… the next batch is larger than the last ones, and they’re clearing out the block to use all the room they have available. And with nowhere else to send them, since they weren’t ever officially cleared for release from the lab like the others that go to shelters and sellers…”
You’d come here already empathising with the poor hybrids, but your chest aches and your heart throbs even more now. It saddens you that this is happening to them, that this is their reality. The idea of how powerless and scared they must feel right now… it makes your lungs pinch and constrict in sorrow.
Seulgi swallows, turning her gaze to the side; you hadn’t noticed before but she’d stopped you right outside a frosted glass door, and if you strain your ears you can just barely hear the low tone of male voices on the other side.  The shorter female seems hesitant as she glances back to you, as though concerned that your mind has suddenly changed or something along those lines.
“Stop stressing,” you smile, pushing down the incriminatingly thick, wriggling bundle of nerves in your stomach. “I already agreed, I’m not going to turn back now. I want to help them.”
Your words ease her worries instantly, and she appears sheepish for a moment as she averts her gaze. “No, I know, I just… the thought of what would happen if I didn’t know you…”
She trails off, shaking her head before catching the reassuring gaze you send her. “Alright, let’s go in. We can’t afford to waste any more time.”
With that, she reaches for the handle of the door, swiping her personal card on the scanner beside the frame with her other hand. A beep permeates the air and the light flicks from red to green, lock clicking open. She’s quick to act, twisting the handle and bursting into the room with you hot on her heels, acting in the moment before your nerves can catch up to you.
“Wait, please wait! I brought her, I brought someone who will take them, please wait!”
The sight that greets you as you enter the room is one that you should have expected yet it still comes as a surprise. Three people dressed in slacks and button-ups with clinical coats over the top turn to face you in shock; one is by the door on the other side of the room, hand poised by the handle, and the other two are stationed either side of the remaining two figures in the room.
The hybrids, you realise instantly. You feel the breath whoosh from your lungs suddenly as they spin in place with wide, fearful eyes and you catch sight of them in all their beautiful glory.
They’re about the same height, with the same golden skin that glows nicer than it should beneath the unforgiving fluorescent lights of the lab. That is where their similarities end for the most part though, as they appear to be different hybrid types altogether, something that is consistent with what Seulgi said to you earlier. The one to the left has soft, pale reddish-coloured hair and large triangular ears with thick tufts of white on the inside. His eyes are rimmed by long, dark lashes and the iris swims citrine green-gold with dustings of cocoa by the pupil. His hips are narrower than the hybrid beside him, his posture drawn in as he hugs himself and his tail, deep russet and incredibly fluffy and thick, wraps around his long legs.
The male beside him sports soft charcoal hair, the ears settled amongst the strands speckled grey and black to match the fluffy, white-tipped tail that brushes his calves. His eyes are deep amber, gleaming gold in the light, and rimmed with dark lashes that only serve to emphasise the contrast of his irises. His shoulders are impossibly broad and his upper body tapers into hips that, while aren’t as narrow as the male beside him, are still slim and give way to long legs. Both of the hybrids are wearing the standard loose white clothes that come complimentary from the lab, and both are looking at you with mixed emotions playing on their features.
“Seulgi,” the male by the door lets out a heavy breath of relief, hand dropping from the handle completely. “Thank god, I thought you weren’t going to come—I tried to take as long as possible but there’s only so much I can stall when I have orders from the higher-ups, you know?”
Seulgi nods, her gaze flitting from the hybrids in question to the male’s face. “I know, I’m sorry I took so long, Jooheon. Are these the ones?”
The male, Jooheon, nods and begins walking over to where you are, reaching into the deep pockets of his lab coat. The other two humans in the room visibly relax at the turn the situation has taken for them.
“They are,” he affirms, gaze falling to you with what you swear is a hint of gratitude. “And this is your friend, y/n? The one who offered to take them?”
You nod along with Seulgi, and Jooheon lets out another huff of relief. “Thank god. Okay, I brought the release forms down so all you will have to do is sign and then the three of you can be out of here.”
He pulls a folded bunch of papers from the pocket, placing it along with a pen on the desk to your side that you in all honesty didn’t even notice until now. He then turns to the two hybrids, who are looking frantically from you to him with wide, confused yet somewhat hopeful eyes. Your heart gives a painful throb as you see the glossy sheen beginning to gather over them.
“You’re saved,” Jooheon breathes, and you watch as the hybrids seem to shake slightly. “This is y/n, she agreed to be your owner and take you two home to take care of you from now on. You’re safe now, you won’t need to worry about… what we talked about earlier, anymore. Okay?”
The two hybrids look like they’re about to cry, chins wobbling and lips trembling, but they manage to keep the tears at bay just a little longer. They turn to you, appearing as though they want to say something, but Jooheon takes your attention again before they get the chance.
“Alright, y/n I need you to sign here and here, on both forms,” he instructs you, holding the paper open and pointing to the areas amongst the lines of fine print that needed your signature. You take the pen and do as told, and once he is satisfied with your progress, he turns to the other two staff members that were in the room. “Hyungwon, Changkyun, you can take their wristbands off. They won’t need them. Did you bring the collars?”
They both nod, the taller one reaching into his coat pocket while the other goes about removing two thick bands from the hybrids with a tiny, specialised key. You finish scribbling your signature where it’s required just in time to receive the two simple leather collars that the tall one is holding out to you.
Now that what you guess to be the ownership forms are signed, Seulgi has visibly sagged in a combination of relief and exhaustion—she did stay here well after her shift ended to sort this all out, after all. She isn’t normally here until almost nine o’clock at night.
“Thank you, Jooheon, Hyungwon, Changkyun,” she breathes, striding forward to grasp the papers and fold them neatly. “Thank you for letting us do this.”
Jooheon shakes his head, a fond, thankful smile tugging his lips and making dimples appear on his cheeks. “No, thank you. I… I don’t know what we would have done if you two didn’t…”
The silence that falls at his words is heavy, and you look to the two hybrids to see their gazes directed at the ground, forms trembling. You want so badly to comfort them and reassure them that everything is going to be okay, that you’ll keep them safe and do everything in your power to make them happy, but you can’t bring yourself to overstep that boundary. You’re new to them, they don’t know you. The recollection of that fact makes your face heat in embarrassment at the nature of your instincts in this situation.
“It’s no problem,” you say, the first words you’ve uttered so far in this room—every gaze whips to you accordingly. You shoot Jooheon and the two hybrids a smile. “I’m happy to help. I promise to do my best.”
The male nods at that, relieved, and he turns to the two hybrids.
“Alright, you two come with me. We’ll go grab your things and make sure you have everything ready to go.” He turns to Seulgi now, “We’ll meet you at the front of the building in a few minutes, make sure to grab the guidebooks for her.”
And with that he’s grasping the two hybrids gently and leading them down the hall, disappearing from sight within moments. You don’t even notice the other two lab employees bidding you farewell until Seulgi is tugging at your arm and leading you in the direction you came from.
“Come on, let’s go,” she says, a smile tugging her lips to replace the stressed frown from earlier. You’re glad to see a brighter expression on her face. “I’ll grab those guidebooks for you then we’ll meet them out front. You caught the bus here right? I’ll drop you three home.”
x     +     x     +     x  
Barely half an hour later finds you standing on the footpath outside your unit complex, waving to a grinning Seulgi as she pulls from the curb and toots her horn in farewell. Something that you probably could have gone without, if the way the two hybrids by your side flinch is anything to go by. Silence drifts over the three of you as you watch her car disappear into the night, taillights flashing before she rounds a corner and is gone form your view. The short trip to your house was spent much in the same manner, Seulgi the main perpetrator driving the conversation as you respond occasionally from the front seat, the hybrids bunched together in the back with their tiny amounts of luggage. You’re not really a quiet person— quite the opposite, really— but you don’t want to overwhelm and intimidate your new housemates more than they already are. Thus, a majority of the trip was spent in silence.
You realise as you’re standing there that you know little to nothing about these two hybrids—there was no ‘getting to know them’ process as there might have been at a proper shelter. Normally, the procedure is that you enter the shelter, fill in application forms and tell the clerk what you’re looking for—they direct you to hybrids they think will be suitable, and then you spend some time with the hybrid to get to know them a little. Obviously, nothing like that happened tonight; actually, you’re still reeling a bit and the events that have occurred so far haven’t even caught up with you yet. You can’t find it in you to complain though, not when you know that choosing them meant that you saved them from a fate more befitting to an animal.
“Do you two have everything?” you ask suddenly, doing your best to make your voice as gentle and nonthreatening as possible. It still startles them though, and they flinch before their attention whips to you, their eyes wide—both are taller than you so it’s almost kind of comical, the way they react. When they nod you let out a hum and send them each what you hope comes across as a reassuring smile. “Excellent, please follow me and we’ll go inside.”
They do so without qualm, and you can’t help but wonder as you turn on your heel and begin to walk towards your unit—sat on the ground floor to the front of the complex and hidden behind a tiny courtyard—what exactly was quote-unquote wrong with them for them to have been marked as failures and lined up for the fate they almost faced tonight. You climb the few steps that lead to the courtyard with them in tow, making it to your front door and unlocking it with speed and practiced ease. You hold the door open for them, closing it softly after they file in.
“Alright,” you hum to yourself, moving to slip your shoes off and deposit your bag to the small table to the side. You go to face them, about to ask them what they would like to do first, when you come to a startling and embarrassing realisation.
You don’t even know their names.
The two hybrids are already looking at you as you turn to face them, soft smile on your face.
“I’m sorry,” you apologise, hands wringing somewhat nervously. The events of the past hour are only just sinking in, a jumbled mess your mind is struggling to disentangle, and it all feels so….surreal. “This has all gone pretty fast, huh? I just realised I never asked your names. I’m y/n, as you probably already guessed. And you…?”
The two of them share a glance before the one to your left, the one with raven hair and bright amber eyes, speaks first—the other shifts behind him, cheeks dusting pink as he ducks his head a little, russet-coloured strands hanging over his forehead.  
“I am Seokjin,” the male speaks clearly, but you can hear the tremble in his tone that betrays just how nervous and on edge he still is. “This is Taehyung. Th-thank you for taking us in, mistress.”
At the title he attaches to the end of his sentence you blanche, shoulders pinching in discomfort as a squeak escapes you. You reach and take his hands into yours without thinking, desperate to reassure him.
“No, please! You don’t have to call me that. I don’t know what you’ve been taught but we’re equals in this house, just y/n is fine,” you inform them, gaze flicking from one face to another. “Okay?”
The second your hands grasped his a deep blush stains Seokjin’s cheeks, his eyes wide and ears slightly pressed to his skull in what you guess is fluster. He nods when you send him a prompting look, Taehyung following suit from next to him. You allow your eyes to scan their trembling forms for a moment, taking in the way their tails press tightly to them and wind around their legs, ears half lowered. You’ve barely recovered from what almost happened to them, so you don’t doubt that they’re still caught up on the fate they oh so narrowly missed. Your heart goes out to them.
“You’re still a little shaken up, huh,” you murmur in observation, brushing your thumbs over the knuckles of the hands in your grasp before you realise what you’re doing and gently let go. You do your absolute best to fight the embarrassed flush trying to colour your cheeks as a result. “I’ll show you to your room, then you can decide if you would like to shower and freshen up or have something to eat first. Is that okay?”
Seokjin’s eyes are wide as he regards you with something akin to shock, plush lips falling open before he musters an answer for you in the form of a nod. You turn and see Taehyung shyly nodding as well, a hand reaching to grip the back of the other hybrid’s shirt as he shuffles slightly behind him. You suppress the urge to raise your brows—wow, he’s a shy one, huh? You’re a little taken aback but it’s honestly a little endearing.
“Okay, let’s go,” you say, offering them a smile again. Seokjin attempts to return it, but Taehyung is too busy staring at the floor to catch it. “My house isn’t very big, but I’ll point out places as we go.”
The two hybrids trail after you as you proceed to give them a makeshift tour, pointing out the main rooms and adding little comments of what you liked to do in there or what you use certain things for. They observe their surroundings with wide, inquisitive eyes, and the further into the house you delve you catch them sniffing subtly as they take in the different scents in your home, tails unwinding from their legs to tentatively brush wall corners and furniture. Bit by bit they seem to ease, tension fleeing their forms somewhat, and you’re glad for it. You don’t want them to be on edge for the whole night, and you don’t want them to feel uncomfortable for longer than is normal.
“—this one is my room, and this one here is yours. I’m sorry, you have to share a bed for now but I will be able to get two separate ones soon.” You run your hands through your hair sheepishly, eyes sweeping over the room for anything that shouldn’t be there. You duck in and grab a box of paints you left to the side, offering the two hybrids an embarrassed grin. “I promise I will get all this stuff out of here as soon as possible, too. Ideally I would have cleared it before you got here, but tonight was a little short-notice so… yeah.”
Taehyung is hiding behind the other male but is watching you with rapt attention over his shoulder, absorbing everything you say even if the blush on his cheeks betrays that he’d rather be averting his gaze right now. Your eyes flick to Seokjin and you catch him chewing his lip as he processes your words, amber hues flitting about the room and taking everything in.
“It is fine,” he says, offering you a small smile in reassurance. “We will be okay. You have already been more than generous enough.”
You shake your head at him, attempting to smile though it doesn’t reach your eyes. “I appreciate that, but you guys deserve better than the state of the room as it is right now. I want the two of you to be happy , so… as soon as we can, we’ll get some stuff for you to decorate and make it your own… okay?”
You swear his eyes are shining as they whip and meet yours, his mouth falling open once more as he struggles to form a response. You clear your throat, speaking so he doesn’t have to.
“Just there is your bathroom. I have one attached to my room, so that one is just for you two,” you inform them, fingers wringing nervously again. “We can maybe go tomorrow and get everything we need, but it would be really helpful if you guys thought about what you want and maybe make a list? I’m happy to get whatever.”
They seem taken aback at your words, not for the first time tonight, but nod nonetheless. You let a bright smile onto your face. “Awesome, thanks. You can pop your bags in here—would you like to shower and freshen up first, or do you want some food?”
The hybrids share a look, and Seokjin turns back, opening his mouth to answer when two loud grumbles pierce the air. Both hybrids flush bright pink, mortified, but you just laugh.
Guess that answers your question, then.
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a/n: please let me know what you think! i hope you liked it, i’m excited for more to come :) 
also as always, please feel free if you like my works to support me by buying me a coffee!! and if you enjoyed this, please let me know by liking and/or reblogging <3 next.
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maomaomeows · 4 years
Hairless Cat! S/O: Mao Mao
Request: your ask box seems to be closed on your tumblr, or at least I can't find it, so I'll drop my request here bfyudksbvfjdsvx- What if s/o was was a hairless cat? i think it'd be kinda interesting to see how he'd handle the whole 'hairless cats are ugly and mean' stereotype and stuff like how they get cold easier or can't be in the sun for too long without getting sunburnt. (sorry i rlly like hairless cats aaa) thanks-
[A/N: I'm back!! Sorry for the giant hiatus everyone!! Hopefully I should be posting regularly again! This was very fun to write, (I love hairless cats!!!) and I can't wait to fill the next request! I love you all so much. Thank you for all of the love and support <3 Anyways, under a read-more since it’s long!]
He’s had a lot of experience with all sorts of animals, so you’re not the strangest person he’s seen: not by a long shot. Not to mention, he grew up in a cat-dominated city. Some of his more distant family members are Peterbalds, as well! He has a very deep respect for hairless cats, and he has plenty of experience with them.
That’s not to say he views y’all accurately, though. At least, not at first.
He actually bows to you the first time you two meet. Hairless cats are typically royalty where he’s from!
He’s very confused when he looks up and doesn’t see you wearing gold jewelry, or bearing the traditional tattoos. It’s an... awkward few moments of eye contact. You don’t understand why he’s bowing, and he doesn’t understand why you look so... normal? Civilian-like? Why are you dressed so casually?
He follows you around for a little while out of habit. He thinks he has to protect you. You must be royalty in disguise, right? There’s no way a hairless cat is just another citizen! You have to be some sort of royal family member in disguise. Maybe you’re on a secret mission? Yeah, that has to be it! He follows you from the shadows, ready to protect you from danger at a moment's notice.
You eventually convince him that you’re just a normal cat and god, he’s embarrassed.
He thinks you’re really cool, honestly. There aren’t many furless mammals around, so it’s really cool to see natural skin. He views it as a symbol of strength and individuality.
Adorabat loves to paint on you since it’s easier to get the paint off! The little paint swirls stand out so well on your skin, and you can't help but giggle at the starry-eyed look she gets. It's like painting on a breathing canvass to her!
She got so excited when you mentioned tattoos and their significance in your culture: she likes to pretend she’s giving you pretty tattoos now!
Mao Mao loves the bond you two share. It makes him fall so much deeper in love with you. She's practically his kid, after all.
Mao Mao will absolutely defend you from bigoted folks. You look a little different from everyone else: so what? What’s their issue with that? Are they really so close minded that they can’t even fathom a different genetic structure? He gets really heated about it. He hates it when people judge you right off the bat, condemning you without getting to know you. He will throw down with someone over it, if you let him.
He honestly doesn’t understand where the “ugly and mean,” stigma comes from. You’re so kind...how could anyone perceive you differently? Why make such broad, negative generalizations about people they don’t even know? And you’re so pretty!
He loves how naturally social you are! You’re always someone he can come to when he isn’t feeling his greatest, and he treasures that so much.
He buys you a little parasol to help you weather the sun. It makes even more people stare, but honestly, it’s better than getting a sunburn! It ends up becoming a key piece of your aesthetic. Some people think you're a witch at this point. You don't bother correcting them.
The most embarrassing moment of your guys relationship was when you got up from the couch, only to reveal a small oil stain. Despite the embarrassment, you both had a big laugh about it. You remember the way he doubled over, laughing until he wheezed. He tried to stop himself from laughing by putting his paws over his snout, but once you assured him that it was, in fact hilarious, he took his paws away and laughed for ages. You laughed along with him despite the raging blush of embarrassment. It’s a very fond memory that really solidified your relationship’s trust. You ended up changing your diet that day anyways. Oily skin isn't fun, anyways.
He always picks at your food while you eat. He claims he’s just trying it, but it happens every night! He actually just likes the high quality ingredients he uses in your food.
He ends up switching his diet over to yours as well to make things easier. It makes him feel fancy, anyways.
He tries his hardest to get you to blush. He thinks it's adorable!! He loves how easy he can gauge his advancements as well. You can't fake a blush! And you can't hide yours!
He gets really nervous in the winter. I mean, he gets cold in winter, and he grows a whole new coat for it! He can’t imagine how chilly you get. He totally goes overboard when buying clothes for you. Most of your closet consists of parkas, scarves, and thermals.
Wakes up early to start the fireplace in the morning once winter hits.
He loves to give you forehead kisses. He thinks it’s cute when you flex your “brows” at him in response. He can’t help but snort at the patterns it makes, and he ends up poking you whenever you respond that way. It’s a sweet little inside joke.
He honestly thinks clothes fit you super well? Skin-tight stuff is mesmerizing. The way it clings so effortlessly to your frame, without a single hair marring the cling of the fabric...it’s incredible to him. He's enchanted.
He loves to hold you. The feel of fur on skin is weird, but it’s become a comforting feeling to him. He loves to trace little patterns on you when you cuddle.
Which is very unfortunate if you’re ticklish. His fur always seems to drag across your skin in a way that makes you giggle!! And he knows what he’s doing!! He’s so stubborn about it as well. He won’t stop until you call a time-out.
He smiles every time you yawn. He thinks you’re cute.
He wants to draw on you, but he has no artistic talent. He’s too shy to learn!! He hates not being perfect at first attempt, and well...art is a honed skill. He loves the idea of painting night skies on your back, and making sharpie tattoos for you, but it’ll probably never happen.
You can convince him to write on you, though! He does great calligraphy.
Sometimes he’ll write little poems on your wrist, or your sides. He likes to do this when you’re sleeping, for two reasons. A.) So he doesn’t get embarrassed or flustered about it, and B.) So you have a nice surprise when you wake up!
They’re short, but sweet.
He’s actually a really good poet! Most of the things he writes on you are of his own creation.
Beauty isn't seen by eyes.
It's felt by hearts,
Recognized by souls,
In the presence of love
Overall, he thinks you’re gorgeous. He won’t hesitate to defend you from bigoted people, and he’s always here to help you with any accommodations you may need. You’re beautiful. He loves you so much, and he feels so lucky to have you by his side. He’ll do anything for you!
111 notes · View notes
alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 003
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: Hey all! Enjoy the chapter. Billy trying again to woo Evie. They strike up a bet. TW: Pica. Light fatphobia. Taglist open :)
Chapter 3: To The Devil
   “Hey, Karen, here for the two o’clock?” Evie was jotting down slanted notes at reception, crossing the name off. Mona’s salon smelled of mousse and hairspray. Fans blared to keep the air moving. Karen beamed back.
   “I am. Need a touch up.” She touched her waves to give them a flick. "I'm so jealous of your curls, how do you get them to sit like that?"
   "Genetics, I'm afraid. Ah, I just dip myself in water and pray for the best." The dry humor she was known for. "Mom has them too, if only she didn't inject a gallon of product into her hair every morning."
   "Water. Innovative. Your secret is safe with me." Karen paused to laugh when Evie grinned, nodding as she finished the notes.
   “Seat four, Claudia’s getting your stuff ready now.” A smile beamed.
   “Thanks, sweetie. You’re mom in back too?”
   “Yeah, fixing the music, she’ll be out in a sec.” Evie flicked a page and peered around. Yellow walls with baby blue trim. Similar to a dollhouse her mother made once. Too many plants to count, but that was Evie's fault. 
   She did rounds and cared for each one. Even the new bloom of begonias in one of the back rooms hanging just out a window. Twisting silk petals all blushed and unfurled.
   Evie watered them, let the soil grow damp. Listened to the thumping of a dryer full of towels behind her in the cramped space. A rhythm she could write a song to. She saw a fallen petal and plucked it up. Felt the baby smooth texture between her finger pads.
   Lifted it idly to her cheek. Let it caress her skin in one graze. It comforted, the mere touch of it. And the calm stillness that followed as if someone was holding her welled euphoria. The petal ran her lips, she felt in control of her senses. This touch that was warm and ticklish. Evie gave a shuddered breath and just wondered. 
   Evie spent too much of her life wondering.
   The petal touched her tongue and she half expected it to melt like a chocolate. Rich and silky. She rolled it damp around her mouth. Chewed for an earthy twang. Looking at the flowers. Feeling them across her running palms. Gently bouncing into place before she swallowed. Evie turned quick, jolting back into her skin for one fleeting moment.
   She was aware again. She was here. Still patting her cheek to stay grounded. Maybe the flowers would bloom a dainty beauty inside her. A delicate sensibility that’s evaded her all this life. Another flower petal plucked.
   He loves me.
   He loves me not.
   Fingers pulled a begonia clean. Chanted the little game in her head.
   He loves me.
   Swallowed. There was a slight of guilt. She’d stolen the power from this living thing and brought it into her own being. That washed away. She was carrying it now. Patting her cheek again to console herself.
   No one noticed Evie hidden in the back room. Indulging in control. It felt like a dirty school girl secret.  Evie dipped her fingers into the wet soil. Sighed and let the earth fall back into the plot. She brought them up to see the filth. Thought to lick herself clean.
   “Evie, can you bring the broom out?” A voice had her heart bursting. Evie yanked the watering can close, feeling the weight of liquid slosh. Her mother was next door fussing with music still. Blissfully unaware. Their usual relationship.
   “Y-Yes!” She felt this shame etch her spine. The rush of being caught doing something she shouldn’t have. Which Evie Fenny was already no stranger to. She washed the evidence away and snatched a broom handle. “Coming!” 
   “Thanks, honey.” Claudia took it and let Evie go about her business. Watering the last few pots at reception.
   The bell dinged right behind her as she stretched to water a pot above the door hanging from the ceiling, tip toeing upon a wooden stool. 
   Billy stood there, face at ass level and didn’t stop her. Not that he minded the view. A pink frilly apron over her violet dress. Black tights and belt to match. Big shiny hoops dangling caught the light above her, illuminating dark hair with a halo. Curls shifted and she eyed Billy Hargrove at the same time the music blasted back up. Dolly Parton of course.
   Here you come again
   Just when I've begun to get myself together
   "Angel...what a view." His bright eyes scanned, full of glittery stars. Tongue crossing pink lips in a vaguely obscene way.
   “Billy?” She hitched a breathy gasp and stumbled. Braced to fall on her ass before an arm swooped out to stop her. Muscles pulled Evie into a chest. A very cologned, hard chest. Those damn stars danced like she was in a movie, draped into Billy with the watering can clutched tight. Shifting around. Air sent their hair up and the door shut.
   Dolly’s lyric timing was really the worst. 
   You waltz right in the door
   Just like you've done before
   And wrap my heart 'round your little finger...
   Billy and his long lashes. Fluttering so pretty at her. Pulling her flush into the metalwork of his hot body. Evie lost herself.
   Swept up in his arms with no words. No synapses obeying her body’s commands. She choked there looking like the cover of a romance novel. Blushed at him. Flowers in full bloom.
   “You won’t soak my head if I make a joke about you falling from heaven, will you?”
   There he is. Evie rolled her eyes and found her footing.
   “Oh, but I will.” Hands pushed him to arm's length. No thank you followed.
   “Hon, you alright?” Claudia had dropped her shampoo bottle. Few women echoed the call, eyes on the gorgeous boy who just strode in. Evie was quick to step from him.
   “Fine, fine, I’m…” Evie brushed herself awkwardly and went around the reception counter. Mostly to put distance between them, setting the can aside. Billy followed after to lean against the wood so she kept her voice low. “What are you doing here?”
   “I got bored.” He crossed his arms there to shrug, dressed to the nines and hair all done up. Eyes flicking. “Nice apron.”
   Evie scowled at him.
   “If you’re asking me to that party again, the answer is still-”
   “Billy! How nice of you to visit, I hope I see Susan in here again soon.” Mona swept toward them. Both teens leaned out from each other. Billy flashed his teeth, all charm.
   “She’s never felt better since coming in for the new do. Made my old man crazy.” He ignored Evie glaring at him.
   “That’s what I love to hear.” Mona came up to pat his cheek. Billy slid his eyes to her daughter. “What can we do for you?” She touched golden hair to sweep it aside. Mona was just the friendly sort. “You know, we do boy’s hair too. All the time. You look like you take care of these darling curls.”
   “I’ll keep that in mind, but actually I was just walking by and I saw Evie in her apron and thought we’d hit that burger joint for lunch.” His shiny teeth flashed to smile so Evie cut in.
   “And,” her voice rose, “I was just carefully explaining to Billy that we’re super swamped today. I couldn’t possibly go. Shucks.”
   Both Mona and Billy peered to see exactly three customers getting their hair done. No one outside. The appointment book near empty too.
   “So busy.” Evie pressed her teeth, eyebrows lifting for her mother to get the hint. "Extremely."
   She didn’t.
   “Oh, no, Evie. It’s your winter break." Arms waved at her daughter. Near ready to give Billy Evie's hand in marriage. "Go have some fun with the nice young man.”
   What a laugh.
   “Are you sure? I can stay...literally all day here. I can move in here and never have to leave ever. Never. Ever.” Evie was getting her apron snatched off by her mother. A couple shoves got her around the counter.
   “No, no. Go, shoo, have fun with a boy. Good to see you, Billy. Tell your parents that I said, hi. Have Susan bring your little sister in next time. What I wouldn’t give to style that pretty red hair she has.”
   “I’ll let them know.” Billy actually held the door for Evie as she shrugged on her coat. Another heated expression before she huffed and went out. Ire. He can work with that. “Bye, ladies.” A wink.
   “Bye, Billy.” Came the chorus. Both teens grinned all the way to the end of the window before hands snatched Billy’s collar when they were out of sight.
   “What the hell are you doing, Billy?” Evie shook him by the leather jacket. Even the scrunching snarl at him was cute. Actually had his taller, broad frame pressed into a brick wall. Made Billy pause to observe her face. Mauve lips frowned deeper.
   This was a cruel thing and she couldn’t stand it. This back and forth. These sides of Billy that only came out when it suited him best.
   “Making it up to you. Christ, just fucking let me. Easy...” He shrugged off, going around her. She was being difficult about this, maybe rightfully so, but it still gnawed at him. 
   “C’mon.” Billy went on. Not bothered by the cold in his white button up shirt and jeans. Tucked and tight. The gold saint chain bounced against his chest as he walked. Hard, intent steps with a lazy wave. “You like burgers? Who doesn’t, I’m hungry.”
   “I don’t need you to make it up to me, Billy.” She trailed after him. “This weird game you’re playing really doesn’t interest me.”
   “This town is so fucking boring. You know that?” He spoke instead, clicking his tongue and looking beyond them. “Got nothing to do, why not hang out? We’re neighbors.”
   “When have you acted like a neighbor?”
   “Right fucking now, Angel.” Blue eyes shifted to spot the right building.
   He was such an ass and she was still willingly walking beside him.
   “Ask Tommy or Carol to hang out.”
   “No one likes Tommy or Carol, would you want to hang out with them in your free time? Fucking annoying. Carol wants to fuck me and Tommy? ...You know, he might want to fuck me too. I'm the whole package.”
   “So, you’re with me because I’m not annoying like them and I don’t want to fuck you?”
   Billy turned sharp to see her at the crosswalk. Golden curls swept up. Almost offended.
   “Who said you didn’t want to fuck me?” The shit asked it so genuinely too. "I never said that."
   “Literally me, just now.” She pressed the walk button because he had her under a spell and Billy went before it changed. “Ugh.” Evie, ignoring her better judgment, paced after him. Street was empty.
   “You’re plenty annoying, Fenny.” Billy strode inside the diner and didn’t wait before he grabbed a table. Slapped a plastic menu down across the way until she moved to take the offered seat. A waitress appeared from nothing, but Evie figured Billy just had that effect.
   “Know what you want, sugar?”
   “Number three. Coke. Cheese Fries. Jalapenos on the burger and on the fries. And whatever the lady wants.” He stole an ashtray and dug for a smoke, not looking at either girl. Few people eyed them and Evie gave in.
   They were both still pretty hungover and she didn’t want to make a scene. Which Billy knew well and used to his advantage.
   “I will have the exact same thing.”
   “Are you sure?” The waitress looked Evie up and down as she said that. Oh, so carefully. Evie paused to tense up, acutely aware that she didn’t look right across from this gorgeous, golden boy. 
   The thought hadn’t even struck her until it was pointed out, that’s what sobered it painfully.
   “Yeah, she’s sure. We’ll take a large chocolate milkshake also. Two straws.” Billy snapped, flicking his menu up. The waitress bowed her head and hurried away. Evie’s jaw hung open while he played with his lighter distractedly. Eyes flicked up. “What, are you catching flies over there?” He lit a cigarette and her mouth shut.
   “I’m in the fucking Twilight Zone.” Elbows hit the table
   “That stuff you said Heather liked...” Billy tapped his ashes. Ignored the waitress when she set Cokes down. “That was about you, wasn’t it?”
   “Yeah, so?”
   “Museums and horror flicks. Noted.” He shrugged. “You into that poetry shit? Always writing.”
   “Song lyrics.” Evie took a breath and answered slower. This was weird. It was weird that...it wasn’t so weird all the sudden. Billy did what suited him. Blue eyes lingering on her then darting all over. He sat back with one boot up on the seat. Actually listening. Smoking. Present. “I play guitar and sing."
   Yeah, he heard her guitar from his window every other night if it was open.
   "You're always writing too," she went on, "I know it isn't school work." Observant.
   "I'd rather write some shitty story than listen to a lecture about nothing in class." Billy's ashes hit the tray again. “Are you going to be the next Dolly?”
   “My mom would love that.” She broke to laugh at herself and sip. “More Kate Bush or Stevie Nicks.”
   “Thank fuck, one Dolly is enough.” He snuffed his smoke out. “Why won’t you go to the party with me?”
   “Why do you suck with rejection?” She asked it bolder than intended. Half expected Billy to get upset and walk out. Smoke etched out his pink lips when he chuckled, catching his tongue between teeth. This girl was all four seasons in one spitting firecracker.
   “You got a wall up bigger than your mom’s hair, Evangeline.”
   “I built it myself, William, thanks.” Evie smiled sweetly that time, gazes locked. He twitched at the use of his birth name. A beat of staring before food arrived. 
   “Will that be-?”
   “Yeah, we’re good.” Billy plucked a fry up, watched melted cheese string from it before he chewed and the waitress saw herself off. “Don’t tell me you’re not gonna eat like normal in front of me.”
   He caught Evie picking up a knife and fork. She shot him a look. Dropped them and stole the milkshake to sip. Passed it over for him before she went for the burger.
   “There you go.”
   “Stuff it.” She grabbed a fry and watched him take the biggest bite he could. Cheese drooped out the bottom. “Hangover miracle, huh.”
   “Hmm.” Billy was too busy chewing. Evie took a bite, sipped more coke and decided to engage this. 
   “Can I ask why your dad moved you across the country during your last year of high school?”
   “New bullshit job.” He went at his fries, smearing them around cheese to eat with crunching jalapenos. “Wanted to start his white picket fence over since it didn’t work the first time and he thought he could spite me in the process.”
   Billy licked his thumb, eyes elsewhere.
   “I’ll bet he just wanted away from memories of my mom.”
   Evie paused carefully. It was the first he’d spoken of her.
   “Oh.” She pulled for a napkin, eyes on her food. Peculiar how quick he got real with her here. Billy Hargrove was usually putting up thick layers of artificial bullshit. Plastic cheese on greasy fries.
   “Didn’t help that I was in and out of fights.”
   “That changed?” She reached for the milkshake. “So, your mom-”
   “Did you really get into a fight last year?” Billy had finished the burger and was now going at his fries again, gestured so she slid the milkshake back.
   “I don’t remember it well.”
   “Bullshit, Fenny.” He smirked to himself. “I’d know. You see red and you remember how it tastes every single time.”
   “You’re the expert.” She shrugged, wiping her greasy fingers on napkins. Left a few bites of burger because a voice drilled to do so. Same with the fries. “He was a jerk and...my parents just got divorced. I was upset. I let him have it. Everyone got dramatic about it because I’m Evie Fenny and not Randy Savage.”
   "So, how'd it taste?" Billy looked at her eyes and saw them flash.
   He’s had enough! Students kept chanting that in her ear. Pulling Evie and her clawing talons out of the huge football player under her knees. She breathed pure smoke. Hair flying all directions. Felt the coolness of dewy grass and warmth of blood crusting her fingers.
   "It was like..."
   Descending upon Tannen like thunder. Heavy rain and cracks of lightning followed by a boom. Thunderous applause too. She stared back at Billy with a dreamy expression. Recalled cowering through rainstorms as a little girl. Into the closet where she felt safer.
   Her father, Jack, always found her. He’d sit next to her in there and bring her close under one arm.
   “Don’t be scared, little mouse.” Never could make out his smile in darkness.
   "It's...hot metal. Lava pouring down your throat trying to harden inside you." She got real too and Billy's lip lifted. Soft as can be. "Like it's making a cast of you in that specific moment of rage."
   Evie blinked out of the memory. Watched Billy stare again before he pushed the milkshake back to her side. A peace offering. She accepted and drank, let lipstick print on the candy cane colored straw.
   “I’m going to ask you out.” He decided gentler. Intent. “New Years Eve. Seven on the dot. You can show up in a nice dress when I knock and we’ll go. Or not.”
   “You might want a back up girl.” Evie sucked in her cheeks, eyes had to leave his to see the table. Thighs pressing. He'd definitely just undressed her.
   “No need.” Billy crossed his arms to shrug. “Don’t want one. Already asked the girl I want to take. C’mon, Fenny, quit hiding and get out. What are you waiting for?”
   “I’m not hiding.” Evie shook her head, chest sinking. “You’re the one hiding.”
   “Me?” His shoulders rose. Got all puffy like a peacock.
   “Hawkins High King. Billy Hargrove.” She lifted her hands for dramatic effect. Leaned forward to match him in intensity. “Thrashing forth in a billow of hairspray and cigarette smoke. Sun left in your wake along with a trail of broken hearts. You pose for them and they eat you up. There won’t be much left..."
   That sentiment kicked Billy in the chest.
   "...Everything you say is layered in rage and cheese. It’s mind numbing. I have a wall up, but you put up this flashy front that just blinds everyone. You want their eyes to bleed for you. Get real, Hargrove.”
   “I’ll get as real as you want. Ask me anything.” Came the challenge.
   “Okay. Why’d you beat up Steve Harrington?”
   “Cause he was lying to me and because I hated him.” Billy shrugged, eyes averting. "Because I wanted to taste hot metal. It's home to me."
   “Lying? About what?”
   “Still don’t know and frankly, I don’t care anymore.” A quick sip from his coke. “Go to the party with me.”
   “You just don’t give up.” She peered into her glass. Wanted to eat the ice cubes clicking there.
   “Maybe I’m asking you not to give up on me.” There was something almost sincere there like Billy was touching the earth for the first time.
   “Why are you trying to trick me?” Evie pushed her cup aside even though her teeth chattered to crunch.
   “Trick you?”
   “This party thing.” She paused when the waitress returned to clear the table. Leaving the check face down. “You’ve been nothing but an ass to me since you moved in. Ignored me. Probably can’t even recall what I was wearing when we met.”
   “Your mom’s hair kinda got in the way when she brought you over.” He joked and didn’t miss her stifle amusement, eyes rolling. “It’s not a trick, we might actually have something in common.”
   “What’s that?”
   “The people in this hell town aren’t very interesting. Maybe I find you interesting.” His brow quirked. Fingers tapped the lacquer table.
   “I don’t find you all that interesting.” Evie smiled that time and Billy matched it.
   “That’s fine. You will."
   "So certain?"
   "Give me a chance.” Billy’s eyes flicked over her before he sat up. Didn’t miss a damn beat. “You wore red button up shirt tucked into a little denim skirt with suspenders. Black tights. Grey shoes. Sunglasses with big white cat frames. That same gold necklace with the music note and dangle earrings to match. You introduced yourself with your mom. Took the sunglasses off and even had gold on your eyelids too. I remember it.”
   "Yeah?" Her lips parted with the audible breath he stole. And oh so easily. Evie leaned closer so he followed. Hooded eyes all aflutter.
   "Made your eyes look..." Billy searched. "Molten. Volcanic like."
   "Molten?" Evie wasn't even hearing herself anymore.
   "Just, I don't fucking know, warm like..." The beach. California. Home. Billy lost the thought and licked his lips. "You just looked painted."
   "Painted?" Evie had mused then. Entertained now at his odd way of description. Tried not to think about Billy running a wet paintbrush down her bare neck.
   "Yeah." Billy breathed slower. Painted. With the autumn breeze and sun in her hair, slowly brushing curls around those full, tinting cheeks. A subject the fucking Pre Raphaelites would have lost their shit over and painted all seasons. He could picture Evie floating in an endless pool being kissed by fallen flower petals. Draped in miles of iridescent chiffon reclined in emerald green grass. Looking straight at the viewer with intensity and still dreaming all the same.
   "You had on a black tee. Jeans. Your saint chain. A pair of aviators tucked into your denim coat pocket." Evie peered under the table. "Same boots... You looked like you wanted to be literally anywhere else."
   "That'd be the truth. Wasn't you or your mom's chipper greeting." Billy was looking down now. "Just realized I couldn't see the ocean anymore is all. You held out your hand and I ignored it because I'm an asshole. We established that this morning and now I'm making it up to you."
   “And you still peeked at my chest." Evie flashed a cheekier smile. "Said your name only after Neil gave you this hard stare. Max sped by on a skateboard, you must have thought I was distracted. But, I caught you.”
   “I did check your tits out, sue me. I have eyes. You have tits. The world spins.” He smacked a couple bills down as she went through her pockets. The spell on them both shattered to rain. “Already paid. Let’s go, the waitress is staring at us. We'll make a grand exit, huh?”
   “But-” Evie stopped when he grasped her wrist and pulled her up into his side. Spied the waitress scowling as he held her hip and they went out. Got away from the window before she pulled from him. “Get your mitts off me, Hargrove.”
   “Still open for questions.” He sniffed and they went back down the street. Another smoke was lit.
   “Okay. I'll go for the obvious. Do you think we look funny together?” She crossed her arms when Billy leaned against the side of his car.
   “Who cares. You’re making a big deal over nothing. It’s just a party.”
   “The world cares. That waitress back there. Kids at school.” She shrugged. 
   “You.” He clicked his tongue, head tilting.
   “I don’t care.”
   “That’s why you don’t want to go to the party with me, you’re stuck on what they’ll think.” He pointed with the red hot cherry of his cigarette. “Fuck ‘em. As your Louisiana folk would say: to the devil with false modesty.” He mocked her mother's accent with that.
   “Maybe, it’s because you’ve been a jerk to me. That reason enough?” Evie dropped her arms and Billy paused to nod, inhaling. “I don’t know what this is, Billy, but...just stop it. Ask someone else.” She eyed her mom’s salon and took a few steps back. “Thanks for lunch. I gotta go, my mom won’t turn this place over to the evening girl unless forced.”
   “Can’t tell me what to do, Angel.” He stood taller. “I’ll bet you another Coke that Mona invites me to dinner tonight. TV included.”
   Evie gaped at him.
   “A Coke?”
   “I’m easy to please. I’m gonna come to your house for dinner. Hour of TV at least.” He cocked his head. So full of pride.
   “Why are you dragging this day out?” She turned to face him again.
   “I want to meet your cat.” Billy wrapped his lips around the smoke. Exhaled after. “That little creep stares at me from your window day in and out.”
   “He doesn’t like boys.”
   “Bet he’ll like me.”
   “I bet he won’t. He’ll stay in his bed and not spare you the time. It'll hurt your ego.” Evie came to Billy with her own certainty.
   Bourbon was old. He liked to sleep, have his ears scratched, and purr. A lot. He hid when company came and keeps a safe distance once wandering out.
   “Oh, another challenge. Okay, Fenny. We’re doing this.” Billy came to her, flicking his smoke to crush it under the toe of his boot. Cold wind blew. “When I come to dinner tonight-”
   “If.” She corrected.
   “When Mona invites me with her beat to hell Louisiana accent,” Billy insisted, “you get to play hostess. If that cat takes a liking to me, you’re going to the New Years party with a Hargrove.” He towered there and studied her.
   “And that’s if you can even set foot into my house... It’s not a date. The dance.”
   “What do you have to lose here?” Billy offered his hand and Evie eyed him suspiciously. Lips pursed before she reached to take it. His other broad palm came up to prolong it, engulfed hers before he leaned in even closer. Whispering and sultry. “Oh, and literally everyone in that place is already staring at us. We look just fine together, Evangeline. To the devil.”
   Evie hitched a breath. Inhaled his cologne and twisted to see many eyes snap aside behind the glass.
   “Ah, shit.” She tugged from his warm palms and went inside. Billy, cool and collected, trailed after. He cleared his throat and spoke up.
   “I just really don’t want to impose, Angel.” The tone changed and her body locked, turning to question it before her mother replied at reception first.
   “Impose?” Mona blinked, snapping a book shut.
   “Your daughter kindly invited me to dinner, I figured it was too short notice for her lovely mother." Billy made a thing of it to sigh with longing. "Any other day, I’d-”
   Evie's entire face scrunched at him. Cheeks red like strawberries when her jaw set.
   “Oh, no! You’re always welcome. We’re having Swedish meatballs. Easy thing to whip up. I always make so much extra, don’t I, Evie?”
   Evie Fenny hated Billy Hargrove. Officially and totally. Hated his smug little face.
   Her tongue clicked at him.
   “Mm hm.”  
   Billy only smiled, winking. Too easy.
   “What a wonderful idea to invite him, baby. I’m going to be headed home soon. We might have a late meal. Is eight alright for you?” Mona tucked Evie’s curls behind her ear and flashed a hundred watt grin.
   “Eight is perfect, Ms. Fenny.” Billy charmed the entire room. Except the painted, plush storm cloud in front of him. “I also have to say, has anyone ever told you that you look like a brunette Dolly Parton?”
   The woman about squealed at him.
   “You know, I get it sometimes.” She touched her collar with one hand and pushed at him. “Does your family want to come over for dinner?”
   “Unfortunately, no. My dad is taking Susan out. You know, date night. Max is spending the night at a friend’s house. Police Chief’s new kid. So, I’m all alone tonight.”
   “Well, not anymore, come over and I’ll get you fed. My door is always open, Billy.” Mona tapped his chin. “Eight o’clock sharp.”
   “I’ll be there.” He turned to Evie. Speechless. Voice lowered as he leaned in to brush one knuckle along her jawline. “And I’ll be seeing you, Angel.”
   Billy seemed to linger for her to say something more, finger curling into unruly locks.
   "To the devil." She uttered with pointed brown eyes. Unable to leave him.
   The curl bounced back into place. Billy heard her lungs sputter with need and bit his lip, sly. A final wink just for Evie.
   One bell and he was gone.  
   “Mom.” Evie broke to moan and pull herself back together, following. “Why?”
   “Why, what? Let the boy come over for dinner.” She plucked up a comb to put some finishing touches on a woman’s hairdo, nodding to her stylist.
   “He’s trouble, you know about him. The whole town does.”
   “Sweetheart, we’re always going to be hospitable. Especially to troubled souls. It’s what Dolly and the Bible would have wanted.” That was always Mona's sound advice.
   “Evangeline.” Mona shot her a look. Fussed. “Do not take that tone with the Lord, young lady.”
   “I’m sorry, just,” she blew air out her lips and whined, “I can’t stand him.”
   “Seemed awful cozy out there or have I gone blind now? All the smiles and nicknames.”
   Evie bit her tongue at that because there was plenty Mona chose not to see.
   “Billy does that, he tricks you and then steps on you because it’s a game to him.”
   “Maybe he’s trying to do better. I know he gotten into some trouble, but what do I always tell you?”
   Evie crossed her arms tight, hip cocked. Monotone.
   “You’d tell me Dolly would want us to see the light of a clear blue morning.”
   “And has Dolly ever steered me wrong?” Mona pointed with the comb before she fluffed the locks up. “Perfect, go ahead and finish this. Good work, dear.”
   “Thanks, Miss Mona.” A new hire moved to finish, pushing large glasses up her nose. Mona went around them and Evie followed.
   “I know, I know. Be brave and kind. Honest and always open your heart. Blah. I’ll be civil if he is.”
   “Oh honey, let a boy be nice to you once in awhile. You might like it.”
   “Pssh. Find me one first.” Evie passed her mom to get her bag. “They only get nice when they’re older and mature.”
   “I wouldn’t always bet on that, baby.” Mona replied softer than intended. “Cruelty takes so many forms, that’s how it seeps into our lives so easily. It’s a comfort.”
   Evie didn’t find something to argue with there. Just watched her mother’s back tense.
   Let the words flutter like silken petals on the wind.
   To the damn devil.
Thanks everyone xoxo! Askbox is open. TAGGED:: @80sbxtch​ @nottherightseason​​ @orxhidshavana​  @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly​
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yakumtsaki · 4 years
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Well guys, it’s that time of year again. To recap, Jojo is still not a werewolf, Wyatt has shattered every record of incompetence and still not reached the top of his career, noogiesexual Shajar got dumped by Sophie Miguel and befriended a vampire, Cyneswith continues to date black-lipstick-broken-face-template flop Don Oates, Wulf grew up in the most iconic outfit of all time, and we got a new cat named Alcibiades for D’vorah to mate with since she refused to have kittens with poor Sweets. So let’s pick up right where we left off, which is of course the endless battle of getting D’vorah to procreate..
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-Come on sweetie, we got a new boy toy just for you, get on with it, you’re almost an elder!
-NEVER! I’m a direct descendant of Zoroaster’s cat herself, I’ll never sully my bloodline with the genetic material of some pound mutt! You find me an appropriate mate before I go full Henry VIII!
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-Do we have any custom blue fur paint for my balls?
ALCIBIADES SHUT UP. You assholes are by far the worst generation of pets yet, the two cat losers are bad enough but then add fucking Maxx to the mix-
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-AND FORGET ABOUT IT. Look who’s getting along all of a sudden! 
-Yes, now that it’s become clear that this cat legacy shitshow is crumbling, I’ve stopped beating up the cats because I will look like a bully kicking them while they’re down. It’s part of my image revamp to get the audience behind a dog legacy! 🐶
Maxx, nothing personal, but I hate you more than you can possibly imagine. Let’s check in with the humans, I’m sure they will be totally normal, likable and stable as always-
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-I can see your beating heart with my x-ray vision. I want to eat it. 
-Yay, let my sister eat your heart! 💗
-Stop patronizing me, you little bitch, I can get my own hearts to eat. 
-I just get excited when we do things together! 💗
-GAWD GTFO CYNESWITH, you’re ruining my Aztec sacrifice!!! 
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-Ah, to be middle aged and in love, with your terrible children about to fuck off to college at any minute.. Looking at you, Wulf. Literally looking at you. 
Somehow that is already enough checking in with the humans for one update?
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-No it’s not, the paper that got my father kicked out of the mad scientist association said so! 
They hated Jojo because he told them the truth.
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These two are actually getting along great and I get my hopes up that Shajar will stop being a literal incel! Let’s all join together in prayer-
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-Did someone say ‘prayer’?
-HAHA I was waiting for a situation where my appearance would hinder the biggest amount of sin!!!!
UGH you’ve gotten even more religious in death?!
-Of course I have, what do you think heaven does to your faith?
How the fuck are you both in heaven and wandering the earth as an apparition?
-My spirit takes earth vacations to cockblock! 
Well at least you’re dying how you lived: pissing me off. 
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And of course Maxx goes in for the kill with his ‘good doggie’ routine, terminally distracting Blueshirt Whatshername from Shajar’s heart-eating charms. As always, big thanks to our pets, both alive and dead.
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End of the road, Shajar! Enjoy this dancing scholarship that you hilariously earned during all the outings I forced you into to get rid of your incelitude.
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As Shajar leaves for college a kissless noogiesexual, I decide to try and solve at least one of my problems, and that problem is called Don fucking Oates. So we call Lakshmi back, hoping she has forgiven me for our last tense interactions-
-I have not.
Wow ok well now you’re just being petty, you saddled me with Don Oates, don’t be a sour winner. Now is there anyone out there that can potentially beat Cyneswith and Don’s natural 3 bolts???
-I’m telling you, there isn’t anyone else, they’re a perfect match!
Well I refuse to accept that reality, so hit us with your best shot.
-Whatever, it’s your money.
I mean technically it’s Jojo’s and maybe I shouldn’t be spending it so freely..
-Daddy wouldn’t have a problem with it! 💗
Yea he sure wouldn’t, Cyn, since he’s literally this post.
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-Je suis back et je non get prόmόted agàin! :D
Another hugely successful day for Wyatt as usual. Honestly as long as you don’t get fired or demoted for a third time, whatever.
-Sό je can go to sleepé?? :D
Yea sure, it’s not like there’s anything for you to do around here now that the kids have grown up. Not that you ever did anything to begin with-
-Oui oui, all tres fascinàting, bonne nuit now!
Oh actually wait, I do need you to do something before you go to sleep for 16 hours.
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-Ohh, le pόrtait de le morté!
Le portrait de le morte indeed. Jojo is predictably super into his death portrait being painted, as one is. Seriously what are you doing.
-Composing a tragic opera about myself, what else.
On a casio??
-I could afford a concert piano but it wouldn’t fit into this pathetically tiny house you built, would it?
Ok I get where you’re coming from, but in my defense, given your youthful days, who the fuck could had anticipated you evolving into a financially successful and mentally stable adult instead of a bankrupt lunatic that eats his own feces?
-Oui, that’s what Shajàr est going to be! Huhu!
-HAHAHAHA oh Wyatt, you’re so attractive when you’re insulting our two terrible children. Where is that little goblin anyway?
Omfg you assholes, she went off to college yesterday.
-She did??? About time! One down, one to go. If only Cyneswith could stay here forever :(
-Oui :(
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Speaking of, let’s try this one more time. Lakshmi please, for the love of god, give us something I can work with. 
-Alright fine, you wore me down. Ask..
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-..and you shall receive.
OMG YAS RICKY CORMIER, I LOVE HIM AND HIS FACE TEMPLATE. What the fuck are you wearing, Rick? Don’t dress up on our account. 
-I was teleported here right from work, where the fuck am I???
That’s a great question Rick, you’re in our front yard on a date with our resident 10 nice points freakshow, Cyneswith. And I see that you have 7 nice points to Don’s 4, so you crazy kids just go ahead and hit it right off now!
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-Not if I have anything to do with it!
-It’s always the time for ghost bingo.
I try my best to make this date go well but Ricky isn’t into Cyneswith AT ALL. It’s honestly pretty offensive and I hate him now. 
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‘I’ve had better dates’, you’re like 15, Casanova, calm down. What a twerp. 
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With that last doomed attempt to break her and Don up, the time has come for Cyneswith to fuck off to college as well, and yes, Don is coming with us to be endlessly cheated on by Miss 20 Simultaneous Lovers/Grey Hair turn on. Fuck both mine and Don’s lives. 
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As if my failure to perform a Donectomy wasn’t bad enough, what does Wyatt get the day he’s finally guaranteed to be promoted, BUT ANOTHER FUCKING CHANCE CARD, WITH WHICH HE HAS A 2 OUT OF 2 FLOPPING SCORE. One of them got him demoted, the other got him fired, it took us forever to get him the 9 fucking friends he needed, so this is just terrific. Istg I could go to a police academy in real life, graduate, join the force, rise up through the ranks and become a superhero in less time than it has taken Wyatt to do it. Here goes nothing but Wyatt’s hopes and dreams..
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F I N A L L Y. 
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What a sight for sore eyes. 2 days before elderhood, but we did it, mon bebe! I’m so proud of us, but mainly me, for not giving up and making you a househusband which I know realize I should had done, because you’re so gonna destroy this city. 
-Je will savé la city! First ordér of enterprisé, àpprehending le killér seriàl knόwn as Dr. Gingér Violetté! ⭐
Oh boy. Good luck with that!
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flamingo-writes · 5 years
Setting Up The Prank — Corazon x Reader
Request by @attack-on-onepiece:  Not sure if this qualifies as fluff, but since you wanted something for Corazon ^_^. Could I ask for a scenario where Corazon and his s/o, who's also part of the crew, keep their relationship a secret from Doffy and co. But then one of Doffy’s men (your choice who) starts hitting on/flirting with her, like in a really creepy way with stalking and so on. So they decide to make it clear that they are taken.
Fluffvember Post
A/N: I swear to god, I’ll fling myself into the sun if I can’t post this on my 6th attempt. If you guys see this, then I’m okay, if not, I’m already crisping myself in the sun. Also, this turned longer than expected. 
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: swearing, stalking. 
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It didn't come as a surprise to anyone that you two eventually became close friends. Corazon, the clumsy man prone to accidents, always followed by the only one who can treat them. Whether if he was your second shadow, or you were his, people could not tell. You two were always together. 
Doffy once accidentally saw you two going at it. You on top of his brother rocking your hips back and forth, low grunts and soft escaping the passionate kiss you were sharing. 
However, he didn't think much of it at first. Thinking, maybe you two were dealing with some sort of dry spell, and dealing with it.
It wasn't until other occurrences in which he found you two asleep, cuddling next to each other. Bodies tangled in such a way that only lovers did. That's when he started suspecting about the affair Corazon and you kept secret from the rest of the family. 
Not that Doflamingo minded, he certainly did not care who his brother slept with, or whether he told him something or not. Yet, Doffy wanted to have his share of fun. 
One morning, Doflamingo was ready to wreak havoc and see the length Corazon would let things go before admitting your secret affair. 
"Hey, Trebol, look at that" Doflamingo gestured with his hand, his cup of coffee in his hand. "Don't you think [Name] looks particularly fine lately?" From the corner of his eye he could see how Corazon shot his eyes open, drinking from his coffee, no particular look in his eyes. 
"She does look sexy, doesn't she?" Trebol smirked, his usual gross smile reflecting the not so good thoughts he just had. 
At this, Corazon clenched his jaw, knowing the kind of dirty guy he was and hating that he was talking about you. 
Doflamingo noticed the way his brother's knuckles were turning white from how firmly he was holding his mug. 
"Doffy, you think she'd go out with me if I asked her out?" 
Several things happened within the seconds following Trebol's question. 
For starters, Doflamingo smirked, pleased with what Trebol had just said, thinking he didn't have to work his way there and instead Trebol did it on his own. 
Secondly, such question made Corazon almost choke on his coffee. Coughing, he accidentally knocked over his mug, not really minding the hot coffee pouring on his leg, or his unstoppable coughing, as his entire mind was focused on the idea of Trebol thinking about making a move on you. You were  Corazón's girl and no one else's.
Unfortunately for you, the next week was horrific. There was a reason why you usually avoided all the high ranks in the family, most of them either creeped you put or you were slightly afraid of them. But Trebol, holy shit, Trebol.
The man simply disgusted you. He was creepy and physically he was also repulsive. Ever since he started chasing after you, it all became a living nightmare. 
And needless to say, Corazon was pissed. Very annoyed. And since Trebol started his hunt, Rocinante would hardly leave your side, and would always be defensive, standing up for you. 
One day, the highest ranks were simply hanging out in the dining table, everyone else had just finished having breakfast and went to attend their respective duties. 
"Oi, Corazon, how the fuck am I supposed to ask her out if you're always with her!" Trebol complained. 
Blowing smoke out of his mouth and nose, Corazon wrote on a small notebook he usually carried around. 
"Leave her the fuck alone, you're creeping the hell out of her" it read in long stylized handwriting. 
"Aren't you just jealous of Trebol, Roci?" Doflamingo joked poking his brother's buttons. Corazon, however, scoffed sarcastically. "Aren't you afraid he'll steal your precious little friend?" 
Corazon kept writing. 
"As if!" Doffy laughed loudly as Corazon once more wrote in his notebook. "Stay away from her"
"Are you reading this shit, Trebol?" Joker smirked. 
Corazon's attitude annoyed Trebol, very much to Doflamingo's attitude. And driven by said annoyance, Trebol was more careful to hunt you down, more silently, more carefully. Creeping from the shadows and the corners like a worm or a ghost. 
While you were cleaning the many drawers with all sorts of medication, you heard the infirmary's door slide open. Your first thought, sparking flutters in your stomach and missed beats, you thought maybe it was your lover. 
Such was your disappointed, only surpassed by your fear when you saw Trebol's wide smile lurking from the entrance. The coldest of shivers running down your spine as your.mind quickly entered fight or flight mode. 
"You're not busy, are you, [Name]?" It was hard to hear what he'd just said from your strong heartbeat pounding blood to your lumps, the adrenaline spiking the hairs on your neck, as unconsciously you scanned the room for the quickest escape route. "You don't seem very busy" he hissed walking closer to you. 
You stepped back, still paralyzed by the fear
 Tripping on the bed behind you falling flat on your bum on it. 
"You're looking a little pale, [Name]-chan. Let me take care of you" his voice was sour, tainted with malice as one of his slippery wet hands stretched, reaching slowly towards your face. 
As much as you wanted to stop him, you couldn't. As much as you desired to hurt him, you'd be dead before you even knew it. And as much as you wanted to scream, you didn't have any control over your body.
Before Trebol could lay one of his sticky gross hands on you, another hand stopped him. 
A strong grip, menacingly stopping him. And before Trebol could complain, knowing perfectly well who it was who stopped him, he still felt an ice cold shiver wash over him when he met Corazon's dreadful stare. 
He'd never seen such a look in Corazon before. The look alone was enough to remind him who his brother was, making him realize that if Doflamingo was unstoppable, his brother should be too. After all, psychopathy was a genetic trait, thought Trebol.
A low gasp echoed inside the infirmary, as you noticed a few more members of the family poking inside, curious, confused, alarmed. 
“What is going on here?” Diamante aked, walking inside. 
“I was about to ask the same thing” Doflamingo followed, gazing into the scene. “Everyone, out. Except you three. You need some explaining to do” 
Just as commanded, everyone else dissipated, fearful of Doffy’s low frightening voice. 
“What is going on?” 
“Co-Corazon intervened with…” 
Rocinante glared at Trebol, feeling the same cold shiver run down his spine, he shut up immediately. As Corazon pointed at you with his index finger, motioning his arm, now pointing at his chest with his thumb. 
The silence was dense, almost palpable. A cold consuming silence until Doflamingo spoke. 
“What the fuck do you mean by ‘she’s mine’?” He hissed, comprehending what Corazon tried to say. 
Corazon pulled out the small notebook he usually used to communicate and quickly wrote in it. 
“She is my girlfriend” It read in Corazon’s handwriting, his eyes glued to his brother’s sunglasses.
“Is that so?” Doffy murmured. “You, nurse, what exactly do you have with my brother?” 
“I-I’m in love with him…” Nervously, you felt your heart in your throat. 
Corazon turned around and looked into your eyes, a special kind of warmth showing in them as he smiled gently,happy to hear those words coming from your mouth. He mouthed, not a single sound coming out of it, but you could clearly read his lips. 
“I love you” He mouthed. 
“How long?” Doflamingo interrupted the sweet little stare exchange you two had
“Two...years now?” You said exchanging stares with Corazon, not really sure of how long it had been, yet Rocinante’s nod confirmed your answer. 
“Corazon, why keep your relationship a secret?” Doffy asked.
“Because of the rank difference” Corazon wrote, to which Doffy nodded as it made sense. The highest rank with a lower rank. 
“Oi, lady” Doflamingo addressed you defiantly as you felt a slight sense of fear. “You hurt my brother, you better leave this island before I find out, otherwise, you’re dead. Understand?” 
“Yessir” You nodded. “Don’t worry, I don’t think I’d ever hurt Corazon, he’s far too dear to me” Suddenly you were feeling confident while talking. And felt slightly shy since you could feel Corazon’s stare on you.
“You better be telling the truth” Doffy hissed in a lower voice before turning towards the other commander “Trebol, leave, now”
“Bu-but Young Master…” He whimpered, however, Doflamingo interruted hi, not really caring about what he was going to say.
“Stop creeping on my brother’s girlfriend. If he hurts because you were messing with his girl, I won’t interfere and let him beat the shit out of you, understand?”
“But...Master…” Trebol’s voice shook nervously, however, Doflamingo interrupted him once more.
“Did I make myself clear?”
“Y-yes ir” Trebol’s voice shook slightly nervous, as you were looking at the scene fascinated by how intimidating Doflamingo could be. Corzon, however, was still looking at you lovingly, not minding the mess happening before him.
“Good, now get your sticky ass away from her... “ Doflamingo said leaving the infirmary. 
Trebol followed him soon after, leaving you and Corazon alone. You sighed loudly and sat on the bed. You felt a slight change in the atmosphere and looked around, recognizing the slight faint bubble surrounding you and Corazon. 
I’m sorry about that…” Rocinandte said, sure that only you could hear him. 
“It’s okay, thank you for standing up to me. Especially in front of your brother….” Grateful, you smiled at him, while he sat on the bed next to you. 
“Don’t thank me, darling…” Wrapping his arm around your shoulders, he kissed the top of or head “I love you” He purred.
Looking up, you smiled back at him, leaning closer and placing the softest of kisses on his lips, and brushing your nose lightly against his.
“I love you too” You whispered before Corazon leaned closer, kissing you with a wide smile on his face. 
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teutonicfanfics · 4 years
Should I post my unpublished work on here??? Eh, here is the first draft of ‘Androids and Detectives’!
All rights reserve to me, ‘Detroit: become human’ isn’t.. I think there is a ‘AndroidTale’? This is different - AH
(Phone upload)
The police department of Ebott was bustling with life. Paperwork messily scattered on desks, cubicles stacked with written reports, and the distant smell of cheap instant coffee.
A tall male walked through the doors, sporting black waist coat with a white button up and a long coat barely reaching his calves.
His pale face was slender, a semi-permanent scowl on his mouth, two jagged scars lined his right eye, slitting his brow tail. Deep brown eyes narrowed at the wandering looks that dared to stare, feeling satisfied that they turned almost immediately after eye contact. Standing near the entrance with his arms crossed over his chest, he squinted slightly.
Examining the desks that lined the floor underneath the chief’s office. The blinds where shut — not that Edge cared, of course. He only (slightly) cared that he couldn’t find nor see his coworker and insolent brother.
He ignored the androids standing at attention near the wall, underneath a charging pod, and walked towards the kitchen area. His badge clipped on his belt as he passed security.
Pushing the door open, he scoffed at his brother. “Where is she?”
The smaller male shrugged his shoulders, slipping off his police uniform with the words ‘Aster’ on both the sleeves. “she didn’t come home last night.”
“Where did she go, then.” He huffed, crossing his arms over his chest — chocolate brown eyes wandering towards the android janitor in the corner, mopping up the floor with a far away look in his glassy eyes.
The Android didn’t spare him a glance as he continued to work - as he was programmed to do.
He scoffed. Edge didn’t really like Androids. They were just trinkets used by people who were too damn lazy to do things themselves. Edge is a man of expertise, he liked doing things on his own (with the help of his partner, of course.) and not rely on a hunk of garbage.
“dunno. maybe at a bar? she’s been visiting those lately.”
Edge narrowed his eyes at his brother. Glowering silently as Red nervously fiddled with his fingers. A deep sigh coming from the eldest brother as he ran a hand through his messy white hair.
“look, bro.” Red hissed. Edge rolled his eyes. “she aint wanta talk. maybe lay low, let her hav’ her peace and - i dunno, leave her the fuck alone?”
Edge’s shoulders trembled, fighting back from lashing out at his brother in the middle of the kitchen. Face flushing red in anger as he continued to glare at Red. He, in turn, rolled his eyes, taking a large bite out of a hotdog with waayy too much mustard splattered over.
“Need I fucking remind you: if chief finds her missing today, he’ll have her fucking head. So let’s go and look for the stupid wench.”
“No need.” A female said, walking into the room with a stack of folders in her arms. Carelessly placing them on the table and sat down, a long sigh coming from her.
Red grinned widely at his brother, showing the genetic fangs - Edge mockingly mimicked him and followed to sit next to the female.
“ya look like shit, doll.” Red said, eyeing her oversized sweater, large pants and the lack of one shoe - striped socks and the heavy bags underneath her eyes. (Colour) hair basically a rats nest.
Breathlessly laughing, she punched Red in the arm - although it was terrible to say the least, he still pretended to act as if it hurt. “You were always the charmer.”
“what can I say? ladies love it.” He winked, placing a cup of coffee in front of her.
Y/n rolled her eyes, staring into the coffee cup and tipped it into her mouth without hesitation. Red and Edge flinched slightly - knowing how hot the coffee was.
“L/N!” A voice shouted behind the closed door. The female in question rose her head, her eye bags seemingly heavier upon hearing the chief’s shout. Edge glanced over towards the door, a low grumble coming from him as he slowly inside his crossed arms.
“I’ll go speak with the chief.” He pointed at her. “Chew on some fucking ice or something, that was unhealthy!” And then turned to leave.
(Colour) eye’s trailing after the tall man, Y/n shook her head. Stood up with the chair screeching loudly and grabbed the pile of files. Red quickly got to his feet, easily towering over her as he took the files.
Looking at him gratefully, the two walked out of the kitchen and into the vast room filled with desks - another room sectioned off from the rest by glass; over looking the workers below. Inside the room was the Chief: Asgore, and her Partner: Edge.
Y/nducked her head, pulling Red along towards her desk before plopping down with a loud, exaggerated sigh. Red chuckled throatily, placing the files on his desk and swiped half.
“ya look like yer in need some help. sorry fer bein’ a shit roommate.” He said, sitting a cross from him where his desk was pushed against hers. His (and her’s) computer blocking his head as he hunched over, reading over the file.
Y/n shook her head, taking the top file and flipped it open. “You’re fine. It’s my fault for not asking when I need it.”
“L/N!” The Chief sounded pissed off. The glass door was wide open, arms arms crossed over his chest. A scowling Edge walking down the small flight of stairs, face burning with rage - luckily, he kept himself in check.
Red winced. “o’fuck. if boss ain’t able to soothe ol’fluffy beard, then that means yer in it fer good.”
A shiver crawled up her spine at Red’s words. A sinking feeling weighted in her stomach - yet she looked unbothered as Edge stomped towards his desk, the one on her left side, and revived his computer tower.
Flipping the file closed, she stood up and pushed her hair in. Shoving her hands into her hoody pockets and sauntered towards the opened door. Asgore keeping it wide open for her to walk through.
Good ol’daddy bara.
She thought, the corners of her mouth twitching in amusement. Although she knew Asgore would not appreciate a smile, she kept her face as straight as possible. Lips pursing into a line before she sighed. Watching the large man walk around her like a vulture, eyeing her choice of clothing with a scrutinizing nose wrinkle.
“Where have you been?” His voice was deep and raspy. Rumbling like thunder on a rainy night. His hands neatly folding behind him as he stopped circling her, walking to his desk instead.
“Paperwork at a bar, at home, in my car.” She said sarcastically, a soft sigh coming from her. “No offence, sir. But what is the reason for—”
“Have you heard of TaleLife?” He cut her off, leaning over to grab a file in his desk. A large red ‘classified’ stamped in the front of a brown folder. Eyebrows softly knitting together, she nodded.
Asgore hummed. “It seems they have created a new android. A highly advanced robot — it’s a prototype and will be sent here.” He said rather shortly. Eyeing the folder for a second before slowly sliding it to you.
Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked up at Asgore for a second before grabbing it. The paper feeling aged, more ‘life’ like than the simple ‘tabloid’ people use nowadays.
“It is called a ‘Sans’. An RK800.” He said as you opened and flipped through it.
Sans was human-like, pages showing the insides of the androids. A ‘heart’ that pumped blue blood into their systems, keeping them functional for primary tasks.
“Supposedly, this thing is designed to assist human detectives on cases. You, however, will be in charge of this android until its mission is complete - I am moving you from Homicide department to Deviant cases per TaleLife’s requests.”
You instantly bristled, slamming the folder down and stood up so fast that the chair tipped over. (Colour) eye’s heatedly flaring into honey brown ones that always held malice within.
“What the shit!? I don’t want to work with some stupid tin can!” You shouted, face colouring with rage at Asgore’s annoyingly calm features, as if he knew you were going to act out. The façade you had on melted away almost instantly, eyes snapping downward to the desktop and at the photos of this ‘Sans’ android.
“You weren’t my first choice, Lieutenant. It was either you or Mr. Harrison.” He said, gathering up the papers and slipping them back into the classified folder. Tightening the small sting before putting it back into his desk, locking the drawer.
“Always Mr. Harrison!” You say, slamming your hand on the table each word.
“I do not trust Harrison like I trust you,” Asgore snapped silently. Honey brown eyes scanning over to the desks in front of his office. Narrowing them into glares when a unfortunate person caught his gaze.
“I need a fucking drink.” You muttered, running your hand through your hair - ignoring the pointed look Asgore shot you.
“Expect the ‘Sans’ Android to be arriving within fortnight. That is all, Lieutenant.”
Sarcastically saluting the Chief, you turned on your heel and stormed out of the office, grumbling underneath your breath just as you plopped down to your chair. A low hiss coming from the person in front of you.
“Burn in hell, Red.”
It was blandly obviously that you were displeased to your two partners in crime when you returned to the partners, carelessly throwing your back onto the couch and immediately raided the refrigerator for a bottle of water
Edge shook his head, snatching it from your grasp.
You pouted softly - although instantly perked up when he twisted the cap and handed it right back.
Your ‘job’ persona melting away when you sunk into the couch, not caring that you still had your jacket on and sighed deeply.
“Stupid paperwork.” You say into the silence.
When Edge or Red hadn’t said anything, you frowned and sat up, looking over to their direction. Identical honey brown eyes searching your own (colour) ones as if you were a difficult puzzle they couldn’t solve. The unspoken question lingered in the air, the brothers watching and waiting for you to elaborate on your recent foul attitude, only to come around in a full circle and act as if you didn’t slam a donut into some poor maintenance person’s mouth.
You rose your eyebrow challengingly.
Red huffed, taking off his jacket and fell next to you - Edge did the same but more mannered than his brother -
“so, why’d chief need ya?” Red asked the unspoken question.
Knowing that you had no way around this, you capped the bottle and placed it in between your thighs, leaning back with a soft grumble at the mere thought of your boss.
Interwining your fingers with Edge’s longer ones, you lightly pinched his nails. “I’ve been reassigned to the ‘deviancy’ cases.”
“What?” Edge hissed, not bothering to take his hand from yours - a sense of amusement blooming in his chest that he quickly shoved away.
“Yep.” You muttered, dropping his hand and leaned your head back, staring at the ceiling. “Fan-Fucking-tastic.”
“but that isn’t near yer profession. th’fuck are ya going to do with rogue robots?”
Tightly shutting your eyes, you waved with your free hand at your bag. “The file has the information and implications about the cases i’ll be taking along with an Android.”
“no fucking way.” Red’s eye’s were wide, looking at you for a second then to your bag. “and yer ok with it?”
You scoffed loudly, rolling your eyes as you slipped from Edge’s hand and stood up, tossing the bottle into the air and caught it. “I have no choice but to listen to the Chief.”
Red got up from the couch and ransacked your bag for the file - he grabbed it and tossed your back carelessly back on the couch and pulled the papers. Honey brown eyes scanning the contents - features turning darker and angrier the more he redid.
“I’ll ask for a transfer.” Edge suddenly said, intertwining his fingers together (trying to act as if you still held his hands). “The fucking crud should’ve known better than to assign you to these cases.”
Red shook his head, returning to his seat and slammed the papers on the coffee table. A low, throaty growl coming from him as he crossed his arms. “no can do, bro. it says that talelife had asked for baby girl specifically.”
“Are you fucking serious?” Edge hissed, leaning forward and displayed the five papers out on the table. Honey brown eyes checking the content at mark speed before scowling deeply. A low, almost like Red’s, growl coming from his chest.
You wondered how they did that —
“yep. Might as well kill myself, yeah?” You laughed humourlessly. Glaring at the bottled water and placed it onto the table. Ignoring the concerned looks Red and Edge shot you for a split second.
”c’mon, you guys know I’m not serious.” You frowned before sighing.
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Peripheral, Part 4
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Author’s Note: After going several rounds with these characters, I am finally ready to post this chapter. It’s so much fun when the personas you create in your mind take on a life of their own. As a writer, all I can do is let the story unfold as it plays out in my mind. I don’t always have control over it. This chapter is a case in point. I can’t fight against this Jungkook and win. The boy is relentless. That being said, I hope you enjoy this little slice of smut. Let me know what you guys think!
Pairings: OT7 x reader; Jimin x reader, Jungkook x reader
Series Summary:  An unfortunate accident leaves Kim Namjoon with amnesia, and Big Hit, BTS, ARMY, and the entire world is desperate to help him regain his memories and knowledge. Fortunately, a new genetics company has successfully created a system to alter our brains into human databases which can help someone regain knowledge and memories through a simple input/output exchange. Can this new invention give us back our beloved leader?
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Smut, Idol AU
Warnings: NSFW, 18+ cursing, dirty talk, exhibitionism, scratching, orgasm denial, noona kink, handjob, Jungkook striptease, anal play, oral sex, biting, hair pulling, slight dom/sub play, blindfold, Jungkook massages, unprotected sex, sex toy use, choking
Word Count: 9K+
“Ugh, we need new games,” Jimin complained. “I’m tired of these!”
“We haven’t had time to shop, Jiminie,” Tae reminded him. “This is the first time we’ve been able to play together for a long time.”
In a dramatic display of distress, Jimin flopped on the floor by the couch and whined in frustration. Y/N burst out laughing at his ridiculousness. She leaned over and started petting his fluffy silvery-blue hair to calm him down. He purred and cuddled his head in her lap, encouraging further head scratching.
While Y/N happily obliged, she suddenly remembered the purple plastic tub in her room she had yet to unpack.
Do I really want to open up that box?
Trying to remain as casual as possible, Y/N looked over at Jungkook and Taehyung, who were already in another battle on Bubble Fighter. She bit her lip indecisively and then spoke before she could change her mind.
“Hey guys,” she piped up. “I have my PS4 and Nintendo Switch in my room. If you want to hook them up in the living room, we could all play together.”
All movement in the room stopped, reminiscent of a record scratching. The maknae line’s faces lit up with bewilderment and their smiles were reaching their earlobes.
Oh no...what have I done?
“Noona,” Jimin spoke first, sitting up to face her. “You play video games?”
She leaned over and pushed his hair back over his forehead, holding his squishy face in her palms.
“I work with technology, manggae,” she replied. “Of course, I play video games.”
Tae and Jungkook rushed to her sides on the couch, eyes glittering with anticipation.
“What games do you have?” Tae was quick to ask. “Are they only in English?”
“Are they multiplayer or single player?” Jungkook spouted before she could respond. “How many controllers do you have?”
Y/N looked at all three faces, hungry for a new source of entertainment, and her heart melted.
These poor deprived boys…
“Tae, honey,” Y/N cooed, reaching up to cup his cheek. “Under my bed is a purple box covered in stickers. Can you please bring it here?”
Jungkook launched himself over the back of the couch before Tae could react and started running down the hall.
“Kookie-ah,” Tae whined, scampering behind him. “She asked me to get it.”
As the other two fought over who would bring what, Y/N turned her smiling eyes back to Jimin, who was now sitting on his knees leaning toward her. His half-moon eyes and dazzling smile made Y/N sigh in appreciation.
So pretty…
Jimin’s eyebrow twitched and his eager smile morphed into a knowing smirk. He’d caught her actually looking at him like the snack he was, and he wasn’t about to let that slide by unnoticed.
Without thinking twice, Jimin leaned in to press his plush lips against Y/N’s. She almost pulled back in surprise, but Jimin reached his hands up to cup her face, essentially trapping her in his grasp.
The kiss was sweet and soft. He’d just wanted a little taste, but their sudden connection gave Y/N other ideas. Moving her lips against his more firmly, their kiss shifted from sweet to spicy. Within seconds, they were both fighting for dominance over the kiss, tongues at the ready, neither one winning out over the other.
The sounds of raucous laughter and running shoes broke them apart, and Tae and Jungkook were too busy unpacking the gaming systems and the large stack of games to notice the kindled flame growing between Jimin and Y/N.
Jimin was now laying his head back on Y/N’s lap, still receiving head scratches from her deft fingers. His eyes were closed and his kiss-swollen lips were slightly parted, enjoying the attention to his scalp.  She tugged on his roots and he let out a barely audible whimper.
“What should we play first?” Tae exclaimed, holding a stack of PS4 games in his hands.
Jungkook stood up, holding up copies of Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 and Dragonball FighterZ.
“I want to play these,” he cried out in excitement. “I’ll kick all of your asses!”
Y/N chuckled lightly and rolled her eyes. She patted Jimin’s cheek and his eyes flipped open. He pouted and reluctantly lifted his head to let her off the couch.
She walked over and grabbed a Switch controller and booted up a game they’d never heard of. The upbeat synthesizer music was catchy and the bold colorful graphics caught their attention.
“What’s Runbow?” Tae asked, tilting his head in confusion. “I’ve never heard of that game, noona.”
“It’s an indie game, Tae-Tae,” Y/N replied. “It’s an easy to play, multiplayer game that we can all enjoy. Everyone grab a controller.”
After explaining the rules and having a few trial runs, everyone was thoroughly enjoying the game and laughing hysterically at the snarky game commentary. Y/N was more than happy to translate the English words they didn’t understand and they were all trying out their newly learned phrases.
“Ok, boys, I’m done playing,” Y/N yawned after 30 minutes of intense gameplay. “I think I’ll just sit and watch you for a while.”
A flurry of fighting games later, Y/N started to doze off. She was surprised when she felt herself gathered up and stretched out across a firm chest.
Blinking her eyes open, she looked up to see Jungkook’s goofy bunny smile and squinty eyes above her watching Tae and Jimin play Tekken 7. The two players were viciously berating each other as they played, and it was obvious they were evenly matched in skill and temperament.
“Didn’t want to play anymore, Kookie?” Y/N murmured against his chest, snuggling into it.
“Nah,” he bragged, wrapping his arms around her. “Just got tired of winning. Thought I should give someone else a turn.”
Y/N looked up at his toothy grin and smiled. He bore the age of an adult, but there was still so much little boy glittering in those eyes. It was endearing to see him so happy.
Y/N shivered and Jungkook pulled a blanket over her and rubbed her arms and back, trying to coax her back into slumber, but she stubbornly fought against it. His hand started to travel a little further south under the blanket at each stroke, and Y/N popped an eyebrow at him when he slid his hand over her ass.
“What do you think you’re doing, Kookie?” She demanded quietly.
Jungkook feigned innocence and shrugged his shoulders.
“Did we not learn our lesson earlier?” Y/N reminded him. “Does Noona need to teach you how to behave?”
Jungkook grinned down at her and Y/N caught a glimpse of the little mischief demon dancing in his eyes.
“Noona can teach me anything she wants,” he taunted. “Any time, any place.”
Such a naughty boy.
Y/N glimpsed the other two boys who were fully engrossed in their match. Maybe she could have a little fun while they were preoccupied.
She shifted her body sideways so her back was to the boys by the TV. Her leg nestled between his thighs, subtly rubbing across his crotch. Jungkook gasped at the contact and rolled his hips a little. Y/N smirked at his reaction.
For a few seconds, nothing happened. Jungkook debated on whether or not to continue teasing Y/N, and opted for a change in tactics. He let one hand slip down to the hem of her shirt, slipping his fingers underneath, palming her bare skin just above her hip.
Her skin was incredibly soft, and Jungkook sighed happily as she clutched his shirt and hummed in response to his touch. He absentmindedly rubbed his thumb back and forth across her side and snuggled into her hair, inhaling the scent of her shampoo.
He was about to back off and just enjoy the cuddles when he suddenly felt her nails dragging sharply down his side, not enough to draw blood, but enough to draw out a loud hiss from his mouth.
Jimin turned to the couch and gave Jungkook a questioning look. Jungkook untwisted his face and readjusted Y/N in his arms.
“She moved and grazed her knee against my balls,” Jungkook lied. “Close call.”
Jimin giggled and shook his head. The match started up again, and he dove back into the game with Taehyung.
Jungkook let out a sigh of relief and then trained his fiery gaze on Y/N’s smug expression. She shrugged her shoulders at him innocently and batted her eyes. Before he could muster up a response, he realized her hand was on his thigh, centimeters away from the partial erection he was trying to hide and it was moving closer.
He widened his eyes and shot her a look of warning while looking back at Jimin and Taehyung. The panic in his eyes only increased the size of her grin, and she winked at him as her fingers crawled over his now throbbing erection and gave it a gentle squeeze.
He bit down on his lip to stifle his groan. Jungkook buried his face in her hair and let out a small whine of pleasure. He clenched his jaw and tightened his grip on her as she started stroking softly up and down his length. His sweatpants did nothing to hide his growing arousal.
“Noona,” he pleaded in a whisper. “Please, not here.”
“Why not, Kookie?” Y/N quipped. “You did say any time any place, right? Don’t you like it?”
“Yes, of course, but they might see us,” he continued. “They might hear us.”
“Not if you’re quiet,” she whispered back, tightening her grip around his girthy shaft, earning another whimper from his lips. “Can you be a good boy and stay quiet for your noona?”
It took Jungkook a second to calm down enough to think clearly, but the temptation was overwhelming the rational part of his brain. He couldn’t let the others see him like this, not if Y/N was running the show. He’d never hear the end of it. He took one more look at his brothers and then made his decision.
“Ok, noona,” he responded softly, nuzzling into her hair. “I’ll be quiet for you.”
Y/N dropped her hand into his sweats and cupped his balls over his underwear, massaging them gently. Jungkook was floored by the sensation and his whole body clenched to push back the moan threatening to escape his lips. Encouraged, she dipped a finger lower and teased at his perineum, earning another muted whimper in her ear. His fingers dug into her sides, and they were definitely going to leave marks behind.
Her hand traveled back up his shaft, groping and stroking him firmly along the way. She played with the tip a little, encouraging the small wet spot of precum to grow in size. Jungkook’s hips shifted against her, but any attempts to rut against her hand halted her actions completely. They were playing by her rules, not his.
She slipped her fingers up under his shirt, tracing the lines of his abs and finding one of his pert nipples. Y/N looked Jungkook in the eyes as she tweaked it and pulled.
The herculean effort to silence his moans was commendable, but Y/N was positive that his lips were on the road to destruction. Jungkook was biting down so hard, she was afraid he’d break the skin soon. To soothe his battered lips, she leaned up and offered him a few chaste kisses, swiping her tongue over his bruised bottom lip to soothe the pain.
“You’re doing so well, Kookie,” Y/N praised softly. “Do you think you can take a little more?”
Jungkook opened his half-lidded eyes fully and Y/N clenched at the sight of his lust-blown pupils. He was ready to devour her, but he continued to submit to her commands. The sexual beast inside of him was clawing at its shackles, but he kept it restrained for her.
Such a good boy.
“Noona,” he replied shakily. “I’m trying so hard to be good for you, but-“
Y/N was circling his sensitive nipple, and it was making it difficult to form coherent thoughts. His hips lurched forward again involuntarily, and he nearly cried out when she stopped touching him again. This was absolute torture.
“Just a little more, sweetheart,” Y/N soothed. “If you can hold out a little longer, I’ll give you a reward. Would you like that, Jungkookie?”
As she purred his name out in his ear, she reached into his underwear and took his throbbing cock into her hand, squeezing it for emphasis.
Jungkook rolled his hips abruptly, but then slowly braced them against the couch. He was resolute in his decision to play his noona’s game, and he was going to win at any cost. If there was a reward for this, he was going to earn it, no matter what.
“Please, noona,” Jungkook pleaded. “I need you.”
“I know, Kookie,” she responded, stroking him slowly. “I’m right here, sweetheart. Don’t worry, Noona will take care of you.”
Y/N reached up and gave her palm a long wet lick and reached back into Jungkook’s pants, resuming his handjob with renewed lubrication. Jungkook’s breaths grew shaky and his subtle thrusts into her hand grew in desperation. She increased her speed to meet his silent demands.
A sudden outcry from Taehyung stopped their little session completely. They both froze in place and Jungkook sneaked a peek at Jimin and Taehyung through the long hair covering his face.
Jimin was celebrating an apparent victory over Taehyung, and Tae was not happy. The two were starting up a heated argument about alleged cheating when Jungkook found an excuse to get rid of both of them.
“Hey,” he whispered angrily. “You’re going to wake Noona up. If you’re going to fight, go do it in your room.”
The two immediately dropped their voices, not wanting to wake the beautiful dragon feigning slumber in Jungkook’s arms.
“Do you think she’d mind if we took the Switch to our room and kept playing?” Jimin asked. “I mean, we’ll bring it back.”
“Jungkook-ah,” Tae teased, wiggling his eyebrows. “Are you going to sleep on the couch with her tonight?”
“Ya, I don’t know, hyung,” Jungkook said, rolling his eyes in annoyance. “Maybe I will? I just don’t want to wake her up, you know?”
“Good point,” Tae agreed. “You wouldn’t want to make her mad again. She might just pull your hair and make you her bitch again, huh, Jungkookie?”
Jimin and Taehyung erupted into fits of giggles while Jungkook scowled at them. Jimin leaned in to look at Y/N curled up on Jungkook’s chest.
“She looks so sexy when she’s asleep,” Jimin whispered.
“She always looks sexy, Jimin-ah.” Tae countered.
Jimin reached over and pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. Y/N maintained her sleepy ruse but secretly sighed at his touch.
“You’re right, Tae,” he admitted. “She really does.”
“Will you guys just take the Switch and go before you wake her up?” Jungkook quietly growled. “I’ll let her know you have it when she wakes up.”
“Ok, ok, relax, Kookie,” Taehyung chuckled. “Don’t get your panties in a bunch.”
Taehyung and Jimin gathered up the Switch and said goodnight as they tiptoed to their room for more gaming shenanigans.
Y/N waited until she heard their door close to look up at Jungkook. Their eyes met and so did their hungry lips. Now that they were free from prying eyes, Jungkook unleashed the frenzied arousal he’d been holding back and assaulted her with his mouth, his tongue, and his hands.
Y/N was pulled up onto Jungkook’s lap, where he proceeded to grind her onto his raging hard-on. She moaned lightly at the sudden friction to her throbbing clit, but she was still trying to maintain her dominance over him.
Jungkook was lost to his ecstasy, wildly chasing after the orgasm that was building in his balls. The game was long forgotten, so was the reward. He’d been patient, and he’d kept his desire in check at her behest, but he needed release and he needed it now.
He was just about to reach down to get them both undressed, but Y/N caught his hand and dug her nails into his palms to get his attention. He whined at her in frustration and rolled his hips into her aching core.
“Ya, noona,” he whimpered. “Please, just let me cum already.”
“Only good boys get to cum,” she replied, reaching up to grab his hair. “You promised that you would be good for me, didn’t you, Kookie?”
She stroked his hair softly, tugging slightly at the roots. Jungkook leaned into her touch, drunk on the hormones surging through his brain. Little whines left his lips as he writhed underneath her like the fucked out mess he was.
“Jungkookie?” Y/N asked sharply. “Are you going to be a good boy? Don’t you want Noona to give you a reward?”
He gripped her hips roughly, and he inhaled deeply, closing his eyes and trying to find his sanity. He hated losing, and if he gave in to his animalistic urges, he would definitely lose to Y/N. He couldn’t let that happen.
Releasing the vice grip on her hips, he forced himself to relax against the couch cushions. His eyes were glazed and unfocused as they opened to meet Y/N’s.
“I do want my reward,” he replied. “What does Noona want me to do?”
Y/N smiled and caressed Jungkook’s flushed cheeks. She leaned in to kiss him and rolled her hips as she penetrated his mouth with her tongue. Jungkook eagerly allowed her to own him completely, whatever it took to earn that reward.
Y/N licked up his neck and tugged on his earlobe with her teeth. The gasp he released was full of need and it made her grin.
“Let’s go to your room, Kookie,” she whispered into his ear. “I can give you your reward in there.”
His eyes popped open and he gathered Y/N into his arms and quickly carried her bridal style to his room.
As a result of the game the boys had played to choose their rooms, Jungkook had ended up with the largest room in the same hallway as Namjoon and Jin. The other four members were in a different hallway, so the chances of them being heard were slim to none. Jin usually played video games at this time of night with his headphones on anyway.
He barreled through the hallway and rushed into his room, kicking the door closed with his heel. He laid Y/N gently on the bed, then scampered across the room to lock the door. When he turned around, he reached down to pull his shirt off, but Y/N stopped him with a pointed finger.
“Not yet, Kookie,” she giggled. “Why don’t you give your noona a little show now that we’re alone? I know you love to dance. How about a little striptease?”
Jungkook’s lips lifted into a sly grin. He pulled his phone out and picked out his favorite workout playlist. The beats started pumping out of one of his many Bluetooth speakers, and he kicked off his shoes.
When given choreography, Jungkook was always precise and fierce, but when left to his own dancing imagination, his moves were slightly chaotic. He couldn’t seem to decide on a theme, he just kept jumping from random swivels, turns, and hip thrusts.
Y/N took in his random assortment of sexiness and just drank it up. During a successful gyrating knee drop, Jungkook lifted off his shirt and threw it at her. The appearance of his chiseled abs and firm chest glistening with sweat was enough to knock the wind out of her lungs. The man was flawless.
With each article of clothing Jungkook removed, Y/N removed one as well. She matched him piece for piece, shucking her bra as he removed his socks. Soon, it was black boxer briefs versus burgundy hip hugger panties.
Jungkook tossed his sweats to the side and stood in the middle of the room, breathing heavily because of his mini dance workout. He reached over and changed the music to an R&B station, while Y/N hopped off the bed and sauntered over to him, running her hands up his granite arms. Her fingers lingered over his right arm, tracing out the designs of some tattoos she hadn’t seen before today.
“Why haven’t I seen these before, Kookie?” she inquired. “They don’t look new.”
“They’re not,” he admitted. “I’ve been getting them for a while now. I’m just not ready to show them in public yet. I’ll eventually get more. The pain is so addictive.”
Y/N nodded and turned her back to him, pulling her hair over one shoulder. In between her shoulder blades was a tattoo of an intricate black-winged snake eating its own tail.
“What is it?” Jungkook asked, running his fingers over the lines. “It’s beautiful, noona.”
“It’s called an ourobouros,” Y/N explained. “It’s a symbol of rebirth and renewal. I got it after a really bad time in my life.”
She turned back to face him and smiled at his concern.
“Don’t worry about me, Kookie,” she assured him, stroking his cheek. “I’m ok now.”
He smiled as he stroked her arms, pulling them around his neck and pressing a sweet kiss to her lips. He suddenly reached down and lifted her up by her thighs, wrapping her legs around his waist.
“You’re better than ok, babygirl,” he grinned. “You are incredible.”
He punctuated the statement with a bruising kiss to her lips, biting lightly on her bottom lip, earning him a throaty moan from Y/N.
“Incredibly naughty,” he chuckled. “Do you have any idea how frustrated I am right now? If my balls get any tighter, they’re going to explode.”
Y/N winked at him and pulled him in for another kiss. They made out relentlessly as Jungkook walked them over to the bed. He laid her out across the bed, stopping momentarily to remove his boxer briefs and then crawled on top of her, grinding his swollen cock on her sloppy, panty-covered center.
“Let’s just take these off,” Jungkook suggested, drawing the soaked underwear down Y/N’s legs. “They’re ruined anyway.”
Once her panties were tossed aside, Jungkook crawled on top of her. Catching Jungkook off guard, Y/N rolled over on top of him and straddled his hips, grinding her wetness onto his dick and making it twitch.
“I really shouldn’t be indulging in sexual activity that isn’t associated with my contractual obligations,” she pouted. “But if you’re up for it, I could log this as a work session.”
Jungkook sat up and popped an eyebrow.
“Are you going to do that thing that you did with Hobi-hyung?” he asked. “Because I’m totally down for that.”
“Are you sure?” Y/N remarked. “It’s going to be pretty intense. Do you think you can handle it?”
“I can handle anything you can dish out, babygirl,” Jungkook boasted. “Just try me.”
“We’ll see about that,” Y/N shot back, arching her brow. “First, I need your consent to the transactions and any sexual activity that may happen in pursuit of transactional information. You will also need to choose a safe word.”
“Yeah, I consent, noona,” he smirked cheekily. “And I don’t need a safe word.”
Y/N clicked her tongue and shook her head.
This boy…
“Your consent is noted, Jeon Jungkook,” Y/N said pointedly. “If you refuse to choose a safe word, one will be assigned to you.”
“Whatever you want,” he shrugged. “It’s not like I’ll use it.”
“Your safe word is ‘cherry,’ you brat,” she shot back. “Now, I think it’s time I gave you your reward.”
Y/N slid down his thighs, dragging her nails down his chest and earning an excited yelp from Jungkook.
“You’ve been such a good boy, Kookie,” Y/N praised, rubbing her hands up and down his thighs. “Are you ready for your prize?”
“Yes, noona,” Jungkook whined. “Please give it to me.”
She chuckled darkly and leaned forward and grasped his shaft and planted a loud kiss on the tip of his swollen dick. As soon as her lips touched him, she activated the transaction, causing Jungkook to thrust and whimper in response.
“Holy shit,” Jungkook groaned. “Your mouth feels fucking amazing on my cock.”
Such a filthy mouth...I love it
Y/N smirked as she sucked on the tip of his cock, swirling her tongue to collect all the precum smeared on top. Jungkook pushed his hips to the ceiling, trying to push further into her mouth, needy moans exiting his lips at every thrust. Every tingle and spark soaring across his nerve endings was being driven straight to his core and radiating out to his extremities.
It was the most amazing sensation he’d ever felt in his life. His entire body felt like it was floating in an electrical storm. His mind was swirling with desire, he couldn’t escape the tempestuous hormones at war in his brain, and all he could do was ride the wave of ecstasy as it crashed into his bed.
He looked down at Y/N and the sight of her devouring his center was almost too much for him.
He almost came from the image now seared into his retinas.
“Noona,” Jungkook gasped. “Please, I need more.”
Without responding, Y/N dipped her head lower and licked a fat stripe between his aching balls. She lavished them with such affection, alternately kissing, sucking, and licking them. Jungkook could hardly contain his voracious whimpers and moans at the incredible sensations.
Y/N hummed in pleasure and dipped lower and began flicking her tongue at Jungkook’s perineum, which drove him absolutely insane. Electricity seemed to bubble out of Y/N’s mouth and pulse up Jungkook’s lower back. She struggled to hold his hips in place while she continued to inflict pleasurable licks and tongue flutters on the sensitive area.
“Ah, noona,” Jungkook wailed. “I’m gonna-“
“Cum for me, Kookie,” Y/N growled from between his legs. “Show your noona how good she’s making you feel.”
She reached up and began stroking his throbbing cock and she continued her attention to his balls and the pleasure spot just below.
It only took a few seconds for Jungkook to lose complete control of his impending orgasm. One well-placed lick and a well-timed stroke pushed him over the edge. Rope after rope of hot white cum spurted up and landed all over his washboard abs. He nearly screamed at the intensity of his climax, and Y/N carefully stroked him through it, leaving him a shivering mess against the sheets.
“You ok there, Jungkookie?” she teased. “Did you like your reward?”
Jungkook pulled at his flowing locks with both hands and released a loud groan into the open air.
“Where the fuck did you learn how to do that?!” Jungkook cried out. “That was unbelievable. So fucking hot!”
He continued to sing her praises, not realizing that she was still softly stroking his dick, working it back into a raging hard-on.
Y/N listened to his ramblings for a few seconds and then decided to silence him once and for all. She put her index finger into her mouth and sucked on it to get it nice and wet.
As Jungkook continued to express his disbelief at her sexual prowess, Y/N started up another transaction and stroked her finger along his balls, then dipped slowly back to his perineum once again.
“Oh fuck,” he responded quickly. “Fuck yes, do it again, noona.”
One eyebrow popped on Y/N’s smug face and she almost giggled.
I hope he remembers his safe word.
While moving in a circular motion, Y/N dipped past Jungkook’s perineum and began massaging his tight little asshole, sending jolts of electricity through it and beyond.
“OH MY GOD,” Jungkook screamed. “Noona, what are you-“
Y/N took Jungkook’s dick back into her mouth to distract him from her fingers. Pulses ebbed and flowed across his lower body and he was writhing on the sheets, twisting handfuls of fabric in his hands.
He couldn’t believe how amazing everything felt. Her mouth and her fingers were reducing him into a puddle of submission. He couldn’t resist the pulsing throbs of the transaction as it spread from her fingertips and mouth and surged throughout his entire nervous system. His brain was rapidly firing serotonin and his body shook with pleasurable prickles.
Euphoria didn’t even begin to describe what he was feeling at the moment. From what he could tell, this was just the beginning.
They hadn’t even fucked yet, and he wasn’t sure he could handle that right now. He was already on the brink of another orgasm.
“How are we doing, Jungkookie?” Y/N asked sweetly, popping her mouth off of this swollen tip. “Does my good boy want some more?”
“Yes...God...noona,” he gasped desperately. “I need you...need more...ah!”
“Such a needy boy,” she cooed. “Ok, Kookie. Noona will give you more.”
She slipped her index finger into his tight little hole and began thrusting in and out at a gentle pace. Instead of pulling away from the intrusion, Jungkook pushed against her finger, seeking more friction.
Y/N added a second finger and Jungkook cried out in ecstasy. He clenched around her slender fingers and mewled out a series of strangled curses.
It only took a few seconds for Jungkook to lose control of his body and his second orgasm hurtled to the finish line, lifting his hips off the bed and drawing a loud moan out of his mouth.
Y/N: 2 Jungkook: 0
Y/N withdrew her fingers and left Kookie to recover while she walked into his en suite bathroom to wash her hands. She took a moment to gaze at her reflection in the mirror, and her disheveled state made her smirk.
The transaction from Jungkook was settling in nicely, and she could already feel the information sorting itself into nice, neat quadrants. There hadn’t been any hiccups this time around and that was reassuring.
I’m not done with Jungkook just yet. I think he can take a little more.
She dried her hands, grabbed a small damp towel, and walked back to the bed. Jungkook was sitting up on his elbows, the flush of his cheeks enhancing his chiseled face. He pouted at her and Y/N almost burst out laughing at his cuteness.
“Noona,” he began. “You play dirty. I’m supposed to make you feel good, not the other way around.
“Awwww,” Y/N cooed at his pouty face. “Am I not allowed to give my good boy a treat for behaving so well?”
Jungkook blushed harder at her words, but he couldn’t stop the smile from creeping across his lips. She reached up to clean the mess he’d made on his chest and abs. He sighed at her touch and smiled widely.
She had promised him a reward for enduring the earlier torture on the couch. A thought crossed his mind, and the smile transitioned into a smirk.
“Maybe I should reward my noona for giving me such a good treat?” Jungkook offered. “It’s only fair to repay her kindness.”
He sat up and took the towel to place it on the bedside table, then he reached out his hands to her. She returned his smile and allowed him to help her back onto the bed. Before he could do anything else, she pulled him into a sweet kiss, exploring his mouth with her tongue. Jungkook responded with his own tongue seeking refuge along her lips.
She crawled back onto his lap and rubbed her weeping pussy along his hardened length. The delicious friction made them both moan with approval.
Y/N was about to give Jungkook the condom talk, but his lust-fueled brain had other ideas. He reached down and in one swift motion, he lifted her hips and shuffled his body under her thighs, her luscious center hovering above his face.
“Sit down, noona,” he pleaded. “Let me taste you, please.”
Y/N was more than happy to oblige, settling her hips over his inviting lips.
Jungkook didn’t waste any time. He dove in with gusto. He lapped up any arousal drippings he could find, intoxicated by Y/N’s sensuous flavor. He was determined to make her feel as good as she’d just made him feel.
Not that it was a competition or anything.
Y/N pulled at her own breasts and rocked her hips against Jungkook’s sinful mouth. The boy definitely knew what he was doing, and it became painfully obvious that her own dominance over him was slipping with every stroke of his tongue and every moan she emitted.
“Oh, noona,” Jungkook groaned against her clit. “You taste so fucking good. I just want to eat you out for days.”
He hummed in satisfaction as he drove his tongue into her sloppy cunt, feeling her walls clench around him in response.
“Jungkook,” Y/N gasped. “Oh, you’re so good at that, honey. Don’t stop.”
Jungkook looked up at the goddess riding his face and his lips pulled up into a mischievous bunny grin.
“I’ll stop once you cum all over my face and can’t hold yourself up anymore,” he taunted. “Let me see how long you can last.”
With that challenge, he dove back into her hot center with renewed enthusiasm. He was relentless in his assault, pulling at her ass to help her rock against his mouth.
Y/N’s thighs strained to keep her upright. A roaring orgasm was crashing into her from below, and it took every bit of her concentration not to collapse onto Jungkook’s greedy lips. The climax reached its apex and Y/N tumbled along with it.
Luckily, Jungkook braced her body with his strong hands and held her in place as he watched the orgasm ride out on Y/N’s face. He kept licking and sucking to prolong it as much as possible. When she whimpered at the overstimulation, he finally relented and placed a final kiss to her trembling center.
He maneuvered her hips down his body and placed her onto his lap, her dripping center rubbing along his rock hard length. She hissed slightly at the contact, but couldn’t withhold the urge to slide her hips back and forth across his aching dick.
“Ah, come on, please,” Jungkook whimpered. “Can I put it in? I promise I’ll make you feel so good. Please let me fuck you, noona.”
Y/N groaned as he lifted his hips, pushing his cock against her even more. Her resolve was weakening, but she needed to talk to him before they went any further.
“Jungkook,” she groaned. “Wait, we need to talk about protection. Look, we’re both clean, but if you want to use protection, then we need to get that on before we continue.”
He stopped beneath her and sat up on his elbows again. The look on his face was a mix of disbelief and anticipation.
“You mean I get to choose?” Jungkook whispered incredulously. “We can do this without anything between us?”
Y/N cupped his face with her hands and nuzzled his nose with her own.
“Whatever you want, Kookie,” she whispered. “Just let me know what you want.”
Jungkook’s forehead wrinkled indecisively and he pulled his lip between his teeth. He leaned over and reached into his drawer and pulled something out.
“I trust you, noona,” he began. “But, if we’re going to go bareback, I’m going to need a little more control. This will be my first time going without a condom, and I want it to be special.”
Jungkook held out a Cooky headband to Y/N and pleaded with his eyes.
“Can you please put this on and cover your eyes?” he asked, eyes full of hope. “I promise I won’t do anything weird. It’s just been a fantasy of mine and I want to try it with you.”
Y/N took the headband and looked at Jungkook, her eyes full of questions. Instead of pressing the issue, she decided to play along. After all she’d done to him, he deserved a little playtime of his own.
“What are you going to do to me, Kookie?” Y/N purred seductively.
The grin on his face could barely express his excitement.
“You’ll see, noona,” he teased. “Now, put on that blindfold and get on all fours. I need to get a few more things.”
She smiled back and complied with his request, anticipation renewing the arousal between her legs. Y/N listened as he romped around the room, opening drawers and digging out unknown treasures.
“Now, I don’t want you to think I’m some kind of Dom,” he proclaimed. “I don’t know if I am or not. I am curious though. I just want to try a few things and see how it feels. Nothing too crazy, I promise.”
“Do we need to go over hard and soft limits before we start, Kookie?” Y/N questioned. “Do I need a safe word?”
“You can use my safe word, but I doubt you’ll need it.” Jungkook chuckled. “I don’t know much about hard or soft limits, to be honest. Like I said, this is all new to me, so I’m not ready for anything that would require a safe word. If I do something you don’t like or if you aren’t comfortable, just tell me. I will stop immediately. Is the blindfold ok?”
“Yes, it’s fine,” she responded with a smirk.
“Ah, I’m sorry,” he replied nervously. “I should have asked first.”
“You did ask,” she reminded him. “I wouldn’t have put it on if I didn’t want to.”
“Good point,” he said with a giggle. “I’m learning so much from you, noona.”
“In more ways than one,” she teased, wiggling her ass in the air enticingly.
Y/N felt a dip in the mattress behind her. She inhaled sharply as a heavy hand grabbed onto her ass.
“Let’s see if you can teach me anything else while you’re like this,” he challenged.
His hands roamed over her ass and trailed up her spine. The light massages he delivered earned him a satisfying moan from Y/N’s lips.
“Oh, God, Kookie,” she strained. “That feels amazing.”
One hand left her briefly and she heard a bottle being opened. When the hand returned, a generous amount of scented oil came with it. Jungkook lowered her forward onto the mattress, straddling one of her legs, and concentrated on working his skilled hands into Y/N’s tight muscles. The massage intensified with the addition of a lubricant, and the herbal aroma was incredibly soothing.
“Mmmm, what is that wonderful smell?” Y/N moaned.
“It’s sage and eucalyptus,” Jungkook responded, working his thumbs along her shoulder blades. “It’s supposed to be aromatherapy or something. I just like the way it smells. How does it feel, noona?”
“Amazing,” she admitted. “I haven’t had a good massage in such a long time.”
Jungkook’s thumbs moved up to her shoulders and he soothed the tension out with his agile fingers. Occasionally, he’d dip down to her thighs, calves, feet, or her arms, seeking to destroy any tension that may be lurking on Y/N’s body.
Y/N gave in to his rapturous muscle manipulation, releasing one satisfied moan after another. Her attention was so focused on the massage, and when his thumbs kneaded her lower back, she didn’t think anything of it.
Without warning, Jungkook lifted Y/N’s hips and pulled her ass against his still hard cock, grinding against her wet core. Before she had time to react, his hands wrapped around her waist, lifting her against his chest.
Jungkook’s oiled hands found their way to Y/N’s breasts, cupping their weight and pulling at her nipples. She arched her back and rubbed her ass against the hardened length behind her.
“Mmm, Jungkook,” she crooned, leaning her head against his shoulder.
He reached up with one hand and lifted her chin up with his fingers. He leaned in to ardently capture her lips with his own. Her impaired vision left him in complete control, and she willingly submitted to his all-consuming hold on her body.
The kiss reached a fever pitch and Y/N yelped at one particularly harsh tweak of her nipple.
“You still ok, babygirl?” Jungkook whispered against her earlobe. “Do you want me to stop?”
“Don’t you dare,” she gasped, gripping his thigh with her nails. “Feels too good.”
“Oh, yeah?” he chuckled. “How much more can you take?”
“As much as you’re willing to give me,” she croaked out. “Show your noona what you can do, Kookie.”
Jungkook hummed with elation as he pulled her back to the edge of the bed. He hooked his arms under her knees and lifted her off the bed and sat down with Y/N across his lap.
He positioned Y/N in front of him and propped her back against his chest while spreading her legs open with his own. He lifted his thighs so that her legs dangled over the edge of his own in a spread eagle-reverse cowgirl position.
“Ok, noona,” Jungkook instructed, nipping at her neck and earlobe. “I’m going to put my dick inside your pussy now. It’s slippery enough, so I should slide right in. As soon as you reach my lap again, start up another buzzing session.”
“I can do that,” she confirmed. “But how will I be able to ride you like this? I can’t even reach the floor.”
“Don’t you worry about that,” he assured her. “Just let me take care of you, yeah?”
Jungkook reached under Y/N’s right thigh with one arm and took his quivering dick in his hand. He braced her left side while running the tip of his greedy length along Y/N’s creamy folds and aching clit.
With impressive precision, he slid past her folds and buried himself to the hilt. Y/N’s vaginal walls tightened at the intrusion, pulling a groan out of Jungkook’s mouth.
“Wow,” he gritted out. “You’re so fucking tight, babygirl. I can feel everything. It’s like you were made to take my cock.”
He bounced her in his lap and she moaned lasciviously in response. She was a little off-balance, so Jungkook reached up and latched onto her throat with his right hand, squeezing slightly to hold her in place.
“Is this ok, Y/N?” He whispered into her ear. “Tell me now before this goes any further.”
Y/N reached behind her head and laced her fingers into his long raven hair, pulling sharply. Jungkook thrusted into her, loving the sharp burn on his scalp.
“Fuck me, Jungkook,” she moaned roughly. “Show me why they call you the Golden Maknae.”
Y/N started up another transaction and the sudden sensation triggered more hip thrusts from Jungkook.
“Oh, noona, be careful what you wish for,” Jungkook groaned. “Hold on.”
Using his powerful thighs, Jungkook started jackhammering into Y/N’s slick center, using his hold on her throat and one hand on her breast to bring her back down onto his lap. With the lack of sight, Y/N was completely consumed by the tactile sensations surging throughout her body.
The transaction fired away between them, and Y/N was struggling to focus on keeping the channels open and steady. She was so overwhelmed by Jungkook: his veiny hands on her throat and breast, the wild abandon of his rhythmic thrusts into her heated core, the glorious groans he released behind her.
How is he so good at this? It doesn’t seem possible.
Without warning, Jungkook’s fingers found Y/N’s swollen clit and she clenched tightly around him as soon as he made contact.
“Fuck, babygirl,” he whimpered. “If you keep clenching like that, I’m going to explode inside of your pussy. Would you like that, noona? Do you want me to fill you with my cum? Leave you dripping and sticky? Tell me you want that.”
His thrusts increased in strength and Y/N could only moan louder in response.
“That’s not an answer, sweetheart,” Jungkook admonished. “Use your words.”
When she still didn’t reply, he growled in dissatisfaction and reached up to pull her head back by her hair. Jungkook looked down at her fucked out face and wished he could see her eyes instead of the comical pink bunny with the cocky eyebrow.
“Answer me,” he growled into her face. “Don’t make me fuck the answer out of you.”
Still unable to get out a coherent sentence, Y/N was jostled off of Jungkook’s dick. She whined at the loss of contact but was quickly spun around and bent over the bed. He entered her from behind, pulling on her hips at a torturous pace.
“Ah, Jungkook,” she pleaded. “Please-“
“Please what, babygirl?” he grunted without losing a beat. “Tell me what you want.”
Her climax was broiling just under the surface, and Jungkook’s motions left her flailing in the darkness. She couldn’t ground herself at the moment and the orgasm felt just out of reach.
“I-I need m-more,” she wailed, arms seeking out something to grab onto. “Please-“
Jungkook reached over and pulled her against his chest by her hair. He exposed her neck and kept grinding his cock into her weeping pussy. He licked a fat stripe up her neck and tugged on her earlobe.
“If my babygirl wants more,” he murmured against her cheek. “Then she’ll get more.”
He leaned forward, then pulled her back upright. He started pumping into her slowly, stirring the arousal back to its peak. Just when Y/N thought she’d never reach her end, she heard a distinct vibration on her left.
Before she could react, the vibrations traveled lower and nudged her clitoris ever so slightly. The device was attached to Jungkook’s finger, so he was able to circle her sensitive nub in time with his lazy thrusts.
“Ah, Jungkook,” she cried out. “Faster!”
He chuckled and the vibration speed increased and so did his pacing between her legs. Her moans grew louder with each thrust and Jungkook reached up and stuffed a piece of fabric in her mouth.
“You’re being so loud, noona,” he teased. “Do you want the whole house to hear how good I’m fucking you?”
She mewled desperately in response and her thighs clenched as his dick hit just the right spot. He picked up on it right away and adjusted his angle to keep hitting that spot consistently.
“Come on, Y/N,” Jungkook purred into her ear. “Just let go and cum all over my cock, babygirl.”
The transaction between them erupted across her synapses as she finally reached the crest of her impending orgasm. The sensations bubbled over and Jungkook could swear he felt her orgasm quake around his cock and down his balls.
“Holy shit,” he yelled. “What the fuck are you doing to me, noona?”
He only lasted through a few more pumps and then lost complete control. Y/N’s walls milked every ounce of cum he had left. After two outstanding orgasms, he didn’t think he had any more to give.
He was wrong.
After he recovered from his own climax, he quickly realized Y/N was hanging limply in his arms, her breathing shaky and her body slick with sweat.
“Fuck,” he panicked. “Hold on, Y/N.”
He turned off the vibrator on his finger and took the fabric out of her mouth. They were still connected below, and Jungkook felt her wince as he carefully pulled out. Thick dribbles of cum made their way down her thighs, and he reached over to grab the damp towel from the bedside table.
He wiped her up as best he could and lifted her up to stand in front of him. She was trembling slightly and he was worried he’d taken things too far. He reached up and removed the Cooky blindfold and was mesmerized by the look on her face when she finally opened her eyes.
Her eyelashes fluttered and she lifted her eyes to meet Jungkook’s. She was breathing heavily, but it didn’t stop the small smile from breaking out across her face.
“Damn, Kookie,” she breathed out in a giggle. “ I certainly wasn’t expecting a treat that good.”
“Only the best for my noona,” he smirked, pulling her chin up for another kiss. “Are you ok though?”
“I’m fine,” she sighed contentedly. “Just a little light-headed. What did you put in my mouth by the way?”
“Ummm,” he squirmed, biting his lip. “Your underwear.”
Y/N’s jaw dropped in disbelief and Jungkook broke out into a nervous giggle.
“I’m sorry,” he swore. “It was the first thing I grabbed. I hope you aren’t too upset.”
“Well, it wouldn’t have been my first choice,” she admitted. “But I guess I’ll live.”
Jungkook grinned and reached down to sweep Y/N off her feet. She swooned lazily and leaned up to kiss Jungkook once again.
Ugh, I just can’t get enough of him.
He carefully placed Y/N on the bed, tucking one of his pillows under her head. She was still twitching slightly with the aftershocks of bliss. Jungkook wriggled his way into her arms and cuddled against her bare chest.
Y/N welcomed Jungkook with open arms, noting that even in his cuddles, he’d slipped into a submissive role.
What have I done to him?
She smiled and kissed the top of his head. Sure, she’d pushed him pretty hard, but he sure gave back as much as she’d dished out.
Y/N stroked Jungkook’s hair and focused on the converging data in her brain. There was an odd sting at her temples, but it faded as quickly as it manifested.
Jungkook started snoring softly, and Y/N rolled him over, placing the pillow in his grasp. She needed to go back to her own room.
She used his restroom briefly to clean up and get dressed, then walked back over to the bed. Jungkook was deep in sleep, and the innocence etched on his facial features was at odds with his rippling muscles and tattooed sleeve. Y/N tucked his long bangs behind his ear and leaned down to kiss his forehead.
“Sleep well, Kookie,” she whispered.
She made her way out of his room and down the other hallway. She didn’t encounter anyone on the way back to her room, even though she swore she heard something when she passed by Jimin and Taehyung’s room.
She stepped under the spray of the shower and leaned her head back. She needed a break from these boys. Any more encounters like this and she’d be broken by the weekend.
Where the hell do they get so much energy?
She finished up and walked over to her dresser to fish out some purple Badtz Maru pajamas. She wrapped her hair up in a turban and sat on the floor to stretch. After all that physical activity, she needed to do something to counter the soreness she was starting to feel.
I should really drink some water before I go to bed. Hydration is key.
She got back up and stepped into her fluffy house slippers. She pulled on her silk kimono and made her way to the kitchen. The dormitory was surprisingly quiet. She poured herself a glass of water and walked over to the sliding doors that led into the backyard.
The stars were barely visible past the lights of Seoul, but Y/N could still make out a few. She sighed deeply and took another sip of water.
This is going pretty well so far. I just wish I could figure out why the transactions are going wonky.
She thought she’d prepared for every possible scenario, but these boys were really testing the boundaries of this technology. She’d made it through two successful transactions already. She’d established some groundwork with almost all of the members in some way.
I wonder who will be next.
Y/N’s mind wandered to her earlier encounter with Yoongi in her room. Losing her Mom’s elephant figurine was still weighing heavily on her heart, but that wasn’t what had her stomach twisted in knots.
It was him.
She didn’t know how or why she’d ended up naked in his arms, but she sure as hell knew what she’d felt when she’d looked into those tar pits he called pupils. The air in her lungs had dissipated and her throat had locked up. She’d been completely paralyzed by Yoongi’s presence and she had been inexplicably drawn to his pouty lips and husky voice.
She’d leaned in to kiss him, but he’d panicked and fled without warning.
Was it something I did?
Y/N leaned against the windowpane and sighed. She wanted to talk to him, but based on their earlier interactions, that conversation was probably not going to happen anytime soon.
Why is he being so difficult?
“Oh, Yoongi,” she sighed, looking off into the distance.
“Yeah?” A voice piped up behind her. “What’s up?”
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Strong Idiot Vibe Part 2
Paring: Peter Parker x Reader
Words: 1.8k
Warnings: None
Summary: After moving to Midtown High a few months ago, you start to settle in with your new friends — including the one and only Peter Parker. But a few things don’t line up with him and you catch a glimpse of something that changes your perspective.
A/N: This is part two of ‘Strong Idiot Vibe’ (you can search for the tags ‘my fics’ or ‘strong idiot vibe’) but can be read on its own. Thanks so much for reading and let me know what you think or if you’d like this story to continue!
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‘5...4...3...2...1...’ You smiled as the bell rang, signaling the beginning of your AP Chemistry class. You leaned back in your chair and grinned as someone ran through the doorway, a solid 15 seconds late.
“Mr. Parker, what did I say about being late?” Ms. Jones chastised without looking up from grading papers at her desk.
“Sorry, Ms. Jones!” Peter said while trying to smooth down his disheveled hair. “I, uh, had a thing and—“
“Mr. Parker, just go sit down,” Ms. Jones said, shaking her head with an exasperated grin on her face.
“Thank you, Ms. Jones. Sorry, Ms. Jones” Peter said and looked to you with a pleased smile on his face as he walks over to your shared lab station.
“I’m surprised she let you get away with that one,” you said as Peter set his backpack down and sat in the chair next to you. “But... you were still late so that’s another mark.”
“Y/n... come on! I was way closer this time,” Peter whined.
“Nope. It counts,” you said while trying to repress your smile and be serious. You pulled out a piece of paper with the title ‘Number of Times Peter is Late’ at the top and an impressive 20 tally marks, now 21, and first semester wasn’t even halfway over. At the beginning of this school year, you didn’t know anyone since you had just moved to Queens and started going to Midtown High. But you quickly met your now best friend MJ and lots of other people on the Decathlon team after you joined. Including, the one and only Peter Parker who you’d met on the first day of AP Chemistry when he’d arrived, of course, late.
After a pattern had started arising, you’d started counting and eventually a list had been formed with a deal that if Peter reached 50 by the end of the year he’d have to go up to Flash Thompson and tell him ‘how amazing he is’ and that ‘he’s an undervalued member of the decathlon team’. After struggling to find a counter-motivation, MJ suggested that if Peter didn’t reach 50, you would have to say yes to one of Flash’s endless attempts to go on a date. When you rejected Flash on the first day of school, initially he’d seemed aggravated, but soon made it his mission to ask you out until you said yes.
Of course, after realizing how horrible Peter was at arriving to class on time, you knew that you wouldn’t have to worry in the slightest about going on a date with Flash. “And considering you were 15 minutes late yesterday, it wasn’t too hard to beat that record today,” you laughed.
“Fine, fine. I’ll let you count it,” Peter seceded, raising his hands in the air defensively. You could feel your heart skip a few beats during your banter with Peter and tried to calm your nerves at the sight of him. You’d accepted the fact that you might have some feelings for Peter but it really was nothing. At all. You were fine.
“All right everybody, settle down,” Ms. Jones announced over the chatter. “We’re finishing up our two-day lab on exothermic reactions so hopefully you all got some work done yesterday.” Everyone chuckled and you and Peter got the materials from your lab yesterday and set up.
“So where’d you go yesterday when you left Decathlon early?” You asked, pulling out the lab aprons when Peter arrived with the goggles. Yesterday, Peter had suddenly left their Decathlon practice 30 minutes early after receiving a text — not that you had been watching him.
“I, uh, had a thing with the Stark Internship.” Peter busied himself with tying his apron behind his back and in the corner of your mind, you noticed that he was avoiding eye contact.
“Was it an emergency? I saw you leave pretty quickly.” You finished tying your own apron and put on your goggles.
“Uh, yeah. I was... called in to do a thing but I, um, don’t think I’m allowed to talk about it — confidentiality and all, you know,” Peter rambled as he fumbled and set up the test tubes. You nodded like you understood, which you did. You were sure that Stark Industries was very particular about keeping their information secret, but you wondered what Peter, an intern, would be working on that would be so important. A voice in the back of your head, that sounded an awful lot like Flash, wondered if Peter could be lying about the internship but you shook it off. As much as Flash didn’t want to believe it, you were sure that Peter was telling the truth. After working together for a few months, you and Peter completed the lab easily in a choreographed dance — weaving between each other and finishing in record time.
“I’ll clean up if you turn in the lab?” Peter asked, already picking up the cleaning materials.
“Deal,” you said and walked over to Ms. Jones’ desk.
“Done already? You and Mr. Parker do seem to make a good team.” Ms. Jones picked up the lab report from your hand. “... And only 1.3% error, I think that’s a record for this lab. It had quite a few difficult variables. Good work.” She smiled and nodded, placing your paper in her pile of papers to grade.
“Thank you, Ms. Jones,” you said and walked back to your now clean lab station where Peter was reorganizing the reactants you’d used. “Jones said we broke the record for the lowest percent error on this lab,” you said with a grin Qand sat down next to Peter.
“Not to mention we finished,” Peter looked down at his watch, “35 minutes earlier than everyone else.” You both looked around the room at everyone else still working on the final reactions for today. Peter snorted and you followed his line of sight to see Flash fumbling with an overflowing test tube and yelling at his poor lab partner. You both laughed at the sight and you flicked your eyes at Peter for a second, taking in his untidy hair and pink indent marks on his cheeks and forehead due to the goggles. But really, you focused on his smile as he threw back his head in laughter and the way he crinkled his eyes. Peter turned his head and you quickly looked away, hoping that he hadn’t caught you staring like an idiot.
“Hey, at least we don’t have any homework. The post-lab questions are the only thing on the board,” you said hoping to deflect.
“Thank goodness because I have tons of statistics homework from Miller.” Peter opened his backpack, shoving something to the bottom — probably a jacket— and pulling out his homework.
“Ugh, don’t get me started. I have his class first period and I think he takes out his morning grumpiness on us,” you said only exaggerating your misery slightly. Mr. Miller really was the strictest teacher at the school and loved to give his AP Statistics students extra work for one toe out of line. Peter laughed and you both returned to your homework.
After about 15 minutes, you were so absorbed in your homework you almost didn’t notice Peter start to mess around with a beaker in one of the drawers on the other side of him... again. You never brought it up, but after finishing labs early or during lectures, Peter would do experiments on his own — occasionally huffing in disappointment or whispering comments under his breath. You didn’t want to seem pushy and you knew Peter wouldn’t do anything dangerous, but you couldn’t figure out what Peter was doing with his body blocking your view and the chemicals he grabbed so obscure. Your best guess was something carbon-based but you had no idea; maybe it was something for the Stark internship. Suddenly, Peter leaned back and stretched, making your heart race slightly at the way his shirt— but more importantly, it gave you a view into the drawer. You only saw it for a few seconds but it looked like the beaker was filled with a white, stringy material almost like spider silk. Spider silk. Peter leaned back and continued working on his statistics homework, giving his experiment time to react. Spider silk. It took your mind a split second to think of Queen’s own superhero that just so happened to use the same— no, Peter couldn’t be. But once you got the thought in your head a few things started to line up. His disappearance from decathlon yesterday just so happened to align with what you saw on the news: the appearance of Spider-Man and Iron Man at a battle against a rouge science experiment, genetically-modified hamsters the size of buses, that were terrorizing northern Manhattan. Not to mention D.C., that everyone had told you about, Peter going missing and Spider-Man suddenly showing up in D.C. to save the Decathlon team in the Washington Monument.
“Hey, have you done the homework on standard deviation? I’m stuck on number 14,” Peter asked, oblivious to your internal meltdown, still trying to work out the problem he was working on. After you forgot to respond for a few seconds he looked over at you.
“Uh, um, yeah I did. Let me see,” you said trying to not either freak-out and run out of the classroom or blurt out and ask Peter if he was... Spider-Man. You decided that you might be going crazy. You looked at the problem and remembered it from when you had done the problem yesterday, it had a strategy but it was difficult to figure out. You pointed out a few things in the problem and Peter picked up on what you were trying to lead him to.
“Thanks so much, y/n,” he said and smiled at you, making your cheeks flush slightly. Wait, Spider-Man. You’d almost forgotten. But, you’d rather base your suspicions on more concrete material than coincidences and some weird experiment Peter was doing. And the Stark Internship. Of course, Spider-Man would have connections to Tony Stark, his suit was obviously Stark tech. Again, not concrete evidence but you didn’t think that Stark Industries took on many teenage interns that had access to confidential information and had to be called in for ‘emergencies’.
You tried to return to your homework but not even a few minutes later you were distracted by someone making a scene walking up to Ms. Jones’ desk to turn his lab in. Flash handed over his lab and turned around with his arms spread, a smug grin on his face. He looked to your side of the room and when he made eye contact with you, his grin widened. Oh crap, he’s going to walk over here to brag, of course, about how well he did on the lab.
“Oh crap,” you whispered as you realized that Peter hadn’t noticed Flash walking over and still had the drawer wide open.
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prorevenge · 6 years
Call Me Mean Shit AND Cheat On Your Fiancé? Here, Let Me Ruin Your Dating Life
So, first post here, kinda scared, but oh well. Also, this is kinda very long so, uh, grab your stash of candy or whatever and enjoy I guess. This also happened a few years ago so it's kinda fuzzy
First, I'll introduce you to the cast. The reason I describe their personalities and some of their looks is because it comes into play a little later. A little context is that I come from a considerably large family, with five siblings. My parents died when I was around four (or at least, I've been told), so my older brothers were my main caretakers. Mostly Lukas 'cause he had a lot of time on his hands. We are all blonde with grey/blue eyes except for my only sister, who got most of her traits from our mother.
(these are listed in order from oldest to youngest (for siblings), also, you can probably tell we're of Scandi origin so shut up any racist bastards out there)
Markus: quite tall, around 5'9, but his spiked hair adds to his height, so he really looks like he's 6'2. He is the big dummy of the family, but is still very lovable. Very loyal and it is very rare for him to betray someone. Kinda like a giant puppy or a really tall child. He's super kind and hardworking, and you can rarely see him shout, get angry, or ignore anyone. His personality is very important later
Lukas: also quite tall, around 5'9 as well, but looks hella shorter cause of Markus' goddamn hair. His most prominent feature is his eyes. This hard, cold, emotionless, and dead scary blue eyes. He could kill you with his glare if he wanted. He controls his emotions very well, and it's hard to get him to loose his temper. He's also kind of a drag queen. His personality is also very important later
Erik: on the shorter side, he acts like your insecure and awkward teen all the time. Doesn't like confrontation, and would rather spend his time studying for Uni than actually talking
Hilde: a little taller than Erik, which is embarrassing for him, brunette, hazel eyes, a slightly darker complexion. Acts like an awkward mix between Erik and Markus, her looks are important
WellInTheory: the shortest of the all ;n;, but still considerably tall compared to the average. Looks a lot like Lukas, with grey eyes instead. I have a short temper, if you know how to set it off, but otherwise, I'm pretty chill. The most important thing to note is that: I love my brothers to no end. Hell, I missed one of my Uni finals for Markus *very very very important*
EB: entitled bitch, Markus' fiancée whom I just happen to hate very, very much
Now that we've gone through introductions, let's begin, shall we?
So, here's the background information: Me, Hilde, and Erik are all in UNi. Erik in his third year while me and Hilde were in our second. Luckily, Markus and Lukas have a house so us three are staying there
Markus had come from the local bar with EB. Now, it was 3 AM at the time so none of us knew (he called a cab). In the morning, since I'm always the first to wake up to go to morning lectures, I go down for breakfast, and low and behold, there is EB, standing in the kitchen with my brothers fucking makeup on her fucking face. So naturally, I had no clue she was there and instantly panic. I grab the nearest frying pan and threaten her with it.
Me: Uhm, who the fuck are you, why do you have my brother's make up on, and why the fuck are you in our house?
EB: oh, didn't you know, you must not be very sharp then! Markus brought me home with him~ I'm EB, Markus' girlfriend~~~~~
Me: okay, that explains two questions, now answer the last
EB: what do you mean
Me: *deep inhale* I MEAN, why the fuck do you have my brother's makeup on?!
EB: it's not hissss~
Me: yes it issssssssss (me mocking her)
At this point she just ignores me and pulls her phone out of her purse, and I happen to catch a glimpse of Lukas' eyeshadow palette in it. Of course, I lunge and pull it out of her purse instead of asking for it like a normal person. EB starts shouting at me that "I stole her makeup" and that "you will pay for this!". Yea right. I just stole back something you stole originally. Just at the right time, Lukas comes down, searching for his makeup and his coffee. He notices EB and basically asks her the exact same questions, and she responds with the exact same answers. Another perfect timing, and Markus comes down. Same questions, but now:
Markus: why do you have Lukas' makeup on?
EB: oh this, this isn't his. At least, not anymore. It's not like he needs it, he's so ugly even this makeup can't cover it!~ (keep in mind my brother was constantly getting hit on by boys and girls alike, ie. he's one of the prettiest men out there (its my opinion (no I am not incest (fight me James Charles fans))))
Markus: it doesn't explain why you stole his makeup--
at this, EB cuts him off and starts throwing a fucking tantrum
*dead silence*
EB: whAT/!?!?11/!? oh so NOW you're scared--
Markus: Lukas is my brother...
Needless to say, she was embarrassed, but that did not stop her for ridiculing me
EB: well, that doesn't matter, that little girl shouldn't have reached into my bag, it's a violation of private property
And literally everyone in the room (except maybe Markus cause he's too nice for his own good) was literally like: no u, but in a mental or very quiet way.
Time passes, I get to witness Markus get harasses verbally daily by EB and as he drifts away from our little family.
Finally, the last semester of Uni arrives.
Over the course of multiple stressful weeks, EB just gets more and more annoying, and for some reason, she absolutely hates me and my sister, but mostly my sister. Why? cause she's a racist bitch that clearly doesn't understand genetics.
Markus: cause she's our sister--
Markus: well thats because--
Markus: why?
she turns to me, who had just come through the fucking door
I had just come back from a particularly confusing lecture and my mind was still swimming at the new information thrown at me, and I was now being yelled at the moment I stepped through
Me: ...wha...?
It was all I could manage
She's abruptly cut off as Erik, who had come down a few minutes earlier and was watching from afar, and Lukas stepped in front of me. Lukas gives his signature death glare and leads me away.
Lukas: insult us one more time and you'll be prohibited to come in contact with any of our family, you racist son of a bitch. Markus, you can follow her if you wish.
Erik: I wonder what Markus sees in you...
EB: a- wha- bu- AFAKLDAHFALHF (no really its what it sounded like)
this is surprising cause as mentioned before, Erik HATES confrontation and Lukas rarely looses his temper.
Fast forward a little, I'm hanging out with my friends at the local pub, when suddenly...
EB: AND OMGGGGGG WellInTheory IS SUCH A BITCH11!!!!1!!111!!!!!!
She continues complaining about me loudly, so naturally, I take out my phone and record the whole, goddamn thing. But I also recorded something I didn't expect.
EB, started to french kiss some guy. I don't know what this whore was thinking, but it seemed no one cared except for me. After she finished making out, she starts to complain about me and my sister loudly for another 10 mins or so before leaving.
I captured the whole thing. Markus and EB's marriage was going to happen in less than two days. You know what this means? Simple. Nuclear revenge! In the purest form, over the course of many years! :D
So I drive home as fast as I can without violating any laws, and run into our house. EB had gone home with one of those three men to do some sacrilegious acts, I would presume. I leap up the stairs and crash through Markus' door, then shove the video into his face.
I had to comfort him for five hours. FIVE. HOURS. He was that distraught at the video, and had either cried or hiccupped while ranting to me. Lukas, Erik, and Hilde eventually came in as well, probably to complain about the noise, only to find Markus breaking down and had to help as well.
After he had calmed down enough to form legible words, I presented my nuclear revenge plan. Everyone was in on it in some way or another, and they all loved it.
Fast forward, (wow there are a lot of these) and it's now the wedding day.
Markus had asked whether EB wanted him to invite his siblings, she of course, said no. But here we are, dressed in our best dresses. Erik, being the sneakiest one of all, had switched EB's wedding dress to the exact same dress me and Hilde were wearing an hour earlier. Lukas and Erik were wearing the exact same suit EB's secret boyfriend was and EB's father were wearing. When EB sees us, she goes fucking insane.
Lukas: Really now...? We got invitations~ Signed by you at that
Lukas hands over four invitations that indeed, has her signature on them. She became furious, and of course, started dumping all the blame on me and Hilde. I could clearly tell that my brothers were livid. They however, kept it all in as they waited for the plan to unfold further.
We could tell people were staring at EB, me, and Hilde because of the dresses. We had specifically chosen dresses that better suited me and Hilde's body types, and looked absolutely horrendous on EB. Some brighter people were starting to laugh as they figured out the plan to destroy the wedding. It's time for wedding vows. As request from the four of us, the officiant asked for EB's vow first.
Officiant: do you take Markus as your husband?
EB: yES~~~~
Here, is where shit went down
Officiant: Markus, do you take EB as your wife?
Markus: do I? Well, considering she hates the rest of my living family enough to deny them any access to my wedding, and considering she cheated on me with some random guy... what do you think?
Lukas: considering the points you just listed, I'd say no to this marriage. She always smelt bad, and she would always take forever in the shower anyways...
Erik: agreed. and besides, what whore french kisses a random guy in the public? and you call WellInTheory a slut... Also, the fact you denied wearing and stealing Lukas' makeup... just...
Hilde: take that you racist bitch. I hope whatever's left of your clearly broken family sobers up and disowns you forever. I hope to see you on the streets!!
Me: so I'm the slut, "just out there to get older men", eh? yea, I think not. I mean look at you! You even copied our dress! how shameful. And the fact that your secret boyfriend is here as well, wearing the same suit as my brothers... shame...
EB just stood there, with her mouth easily catching three of four flies per minute
Markus: I think... nah. I'll not marry you. My family's right, you are a disgusting bitch. Now, where's the cake?
The rest of the wedding was spent laughing at, ridiculing, or completely avoiding EB, and a cake fight happened. EB was crying over how "I THOUGHT YOU WERE LOYAL TO ME MARKUS AAAAAAAAGHHHH" or something like that, and every time she tried to rekindle their relationship, Markus would either laugh at her, throw a scalding comment at her, act like she was the black plague, or just flat out ignore her. Remember when I said Markus' personality would be important later? Yea, this was why.
I also stalked her on IG, Facebook, etc. Anytime she got another boyfriend, I sent the video to said boyfriend and warned them and also suggested them to check her phone. They always broke up a day later.
I've mostly gotten over it now, but still occasionally destroy some relationships just to remind her. After all, you mess with my brothers? I ruin your life. Mutual, I think.
(source) story by (/u/WellInTheory)
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erintoknow · 5 years
Something dumb
fallen hero: rebirth / retribution fanfiction. definitely spoilers here + putting my cards on the table with w i l d speculation about stuff we probably won’t get any solid information on until book 3 which... who knows how far away. But it’s more fun to do it like this then make a big nonsense theory post imo. i’ll be fucking shocked if i guessed anything right
uh... anyway! ~2.1k words [ao3]
This is novel; it’s almost eleven and you’re still not dressed. Just a bath towel. In someone else’s apartment. Julia Ortega is upending all the rules you’ve set to keep yourself safe. Can’t shake the feeling it’s going to be your downfall. Careless. Arrogant. 
“So explain this to me, again.” Julia is eating breakfast at the kitchen table, sausage and eggs. You watch her from your position curled up on the couch, arms resting over the back. She watches you back.
“Which part?” Try to smile, try to make it look natural, normal. Are you succeeding? You can’t know.
You try not to look at your arms as you sip the cup of coffee. Julia had insisted, given how little sleep you had gotten. Nightmares, always. You can’t run from ghosts. Can’t run from yourself. Wherever you go, there you are. 
Julia stabs a tiny sausage with a fork before waving it in your direction. “Let’s start with the basics. What actually is a re-gene?”
You bite your lip. “What actually is a person, Julia?”
She flinches, “I’m sorry. I mean like.. I know how people are uh, made. But re-genes? It’s more complicated than the official story, I’m sure.”
Stare into the coffee cup, watch the little swirl of creamer. “I don’t know,” you finally admit.
“You don’t know?”
“Do you think they tell us anything they don’t have to? Do you tell your hammer how it was made?” You snap back at her, slump against the back of couch, hold the coffee cup stretched out before you with both hands. “I know they use the same kind of vats to grow the… the bodies like they use now in hospitals for transplants. Just… you know, they do the whole person.” You perk up, “Actually, did you know – they’re in clinical trails right now for this SRS option that combines lab grown with genetic engineering from the patient’s own genome to neutralize the risk of rejection, and it’s looking really promising and–”
“Ari.” Julia has a hand up. “Focus.”
“Right. Sorry.” You close your eyes, heat crawling up your face.
“I mean, it sounds great. Just… one thing at a time?”
“Yeah.” You blow air across the surface of your coffee mug, set the creamer spinning again.
“So you really don’t know anything?”
“Well…” You flinch, glance up at the ceiling, then back to her. “I mean, I would listen in. Whenever I had the chance. They were pretty good about keeping their guard up, but I mean… I’m just a thing so…”
“You are not a thing, Ariadne.” She looks at you, full force intensity. You have to look away. Can’t meet that. “Don’t ever forget that.”
“…thank you.” You blink your eyes, can’t rub without risking the coffee. “Okay. Well. You know how if you flash clone someone, beside committing a felony you’ve essentially just created like, an adult baby, right?”
“The autonomic nervous system still works. Some basic behaviors, but like, babies still need to learn even the most basic elements of fine motor control. You can flash clone a hundred of your best solider, and they’ll all loll their heads back, sprawled on the ground drooling.”
“That’s what the whole chip thing is for right?”
“…right. We’re not ‘human.’ Just AI-piloted meat robots.”
Julia sits there for a moment, fork in her mouth. Her mouth tugs down in a frown. “Wait,” She puts the fork down. “That’s a lot of super basic behaviors for a program to handle.”
“Well. That’s the secret isn’t it.” Your smile turns dark. “We’ve made a lot of progress in mod interfaces and basic AI routines to run interface between the brain and servos. But Re-genes predate all of that. We still can’t get good enough AI to do proper image recognition.”
“So how…?”
“You cheat.”
Take a moment, close your eyes, will your heart to stop pounding against your chest. “What kind of program already knows everything about how the human body moves and operates? A program so complicated that writing it by scratch is basically impossible?”
Julia looks at you. Does she get it yet?
Dive on regardless. Don’t look back, jump the window. “Do you know what cognitive mapping is?”
She shakes her head. “No… I’m not going to like the answer, am I?”
You purse your lips, a thin line. “N-no, probably not.” You shift on the couch, take another sip of the coffee, will your arms to stop shaking. Some pilot you are, this body always acting on its own accord. “It’s been a theory for ages and ages. But, funny, no one can ever seem to get funding to seriously look into it. I think China maybe just started doing their own research on the question?” The taste on your tongue turns foul, bitter. “I’m sure that will end well.”
“What is it?” The tone of her voice, she knows. She’s got the idea. God you feel sick.
“Cheating.” Another sip of coffee. “Scan a human brain. Translate it into an electrical pattern you can store on a chip. You can even make copies. Quantum effects mean the copies won’t be– can’t be perfect. But you can do it. And you get something you can plug back into a body and it’ll know how to operate it.” You pause, tilt your head. “There’s an adjustment period. Every body is, uh… different you know. The adjustment is lot shorter than waiting fifteen years for a baby to grow up though.”
“Ariadne… are you telling me that–”
You push on, you’ve stewed on this for years. If you stop now, will you ever have the courage to speak about it again? “Obviously I can’t say any of this is for sure. Just… inferences I’ve made. Research I did after I… you know, after I left. But– The processing, the mapping. It’s destructive. The original brain doesn’t survive the process intact. It can’t. And– and–” You swallow, wincing from the tightness in your throat. “You can use a brain that just… just died. But, a living one is better. Clearer signal.”
The blood is draining from Julia’s face. It hurts to see. Somehow it’s worse, seeing her grapple with it than it ever was for you, hitting her with everything at once. It’s taken you years to get to this point, and you still feel sick. “Like Athena I sprang from my father’s head. But I killed him in the birthing. Well…” You blink your eyes, hard. “Some version of me did? Or proto-me?”
“Ariadne… I’m sorry, but that’s…”
“I wonder… D-do I get my own soul or did I just– just steal my donor’s?”
There’s a long silence to that. That’s fine. There’s no way to answer that question.
“Do you have any…?”
“Of Zeus’s memories?” You shake your head. “I–I don’t think so. There’s a lot of mystery to memory but it’s not hard to locate where the brain stores it. And then there are… logic gates? Firewalls? Mirrors. Mirrors that keep that kind of stuff locked out. If– if they even leave it in there at all. The goal isn’t to resurrect the dead after all.”
“That’s… I don’t know whether to call that a mercy or not, Ari.”
“They get other benefits for doing things that way too.”
“Other benefits? What other benefits?”
“They– the farm, the directive, whatever, they think the hero drug results are, are influenced by your mentality. They already… borrow DNA from boosts to uh, ‘boost’ the re-gene’s chances of surviving.”
“Fuck. Does that work?”
“I don’t know.” Chew on the inside of your cheek. “I feel like there are still a lot that got… recycled. For no powers, or… bad powers.” You stare down, voice bitter. “But we’re not real people, so… who cares, right?”
“So… wait.” Julia frowns at her scrambled eggs, then looks across the room to you. “Does that mean there’s like… other versions of you?”
“Uh–” You look away. “I don’t know? You mean, like, from the same uh, donor?” Julia winces at the word. “Or the same body?”
“Both? Either?”
“I don’t know. It’s a creepy question, though. Isn’t it? Am I even the original ‘me’ out there?” You shudder.
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked.”
“It’s fine,” you lie. “You know what I think?”
“…what?” Julia watches you, her expression unreadable. What is she thinking? What is she holding back for your sake? Does she hate you yet? Disgusted by you? Horrified?
“I don’t think it matters?” You bite at the inside of your cheek again, “I don’t know. It’s not like... It’s not like I don’t wonder. Maybe I’m trans because my donor was a woman? Or just my chip was in a female body previously and it picked up something there? Maybe they screwed up growing my body in the vat? Maybe it was on purpose and I’m just another sick experiment.”
“A-anyway, the point is: Descartes is full of shit and mind-body dualism is bullshit too. Whatever the... parts of me where before, I’m just me now. This body... this mind, you can’t separate those. It’d be.. it’d be easier if you could maybe, but...”
Are you going too fast? Saying too much? You don’t want to lie anymore but– Julia is leaning over the table now, propping her head up with her arms. “And you sure about all of this?”
You put the coffee mug down on the end table, rub at your eyes. “I’m not sure of anything. I‘ve spent maybe half of my life on drugs by this point and–”
“Drugs?” Julia cuts in.
“That’s a whole other story.” You scrunch your face. Fuzzy, half-faded images floating to the top of your head. “And– and they can alter your memory, by the way. Erase things they don’t like. Another ‘perk’ to being a chip. Don’t ask me how I figured that one out.”
Julia is up from the table now, walking over to you, around the couch. “This is a lot to take in Ari. I think… I think I need you to slow down. Let me process. Before I do something dumb.”
You glance up at her, watch her sit down next to you. “Something dumb…?”
“Yeah, like burn down city hall.”
That gets a laugh. “Oh this is bigger than just Los Diablos.” You let her grab your shoulder, pull you in against her chest. You can’t relax. Not now. The tension burning in your shoulders.  “But I… I understand. I’m– I’m really taking a risk here too you know.”
There’s just the beat of her heart against you, then– “Yeah. I know.”
“This apartment could be bugged, or the next one over.”
“It’s not, I promise you.”
  “Hell, maybe they’re listening in via your mods, or–”
She waps you on the shoulder, laughing. “Get out of here!”
You huff, “I’m serious. Do you know what they’re doing in there when you’re getting an upgrade?”
“Well…” She shifts the hand on your shoulder, rubbing your arm. “No. I guess not. Thanks for giving me a whole new thing to be paranoid over.” 
“Happy to help.” You lean into her.
There’s a pause then; “You know, if you’re right saying it out loud probably just screwed both of us.”
“Y-yeah. I’m sorry.”
“Stop. I asked you.”
“I’m sorry. For– for dumping all this on you. This isn’t even half of it.”
“I won’t lie Ari, it’s… hard to hear a lot of this.” Her voice is tense. Pained? Probably being truthful. You’re not sure how to feel about that.
“…I know. Thank you… for– for caring.”
“I’m just grateful you’re finally talking to me about it. Ari…” You can feel the words catch in her throat. You’ll have to prod them loose.
“It’s just…”
“I know I said I wasn’t going to make you stop but… maybe it would be better if you stayed low for a while? A long while?” She keeps rubbing your upper arm, fingers firm into your too-exposed skin.
“No.” Your voice is firm. You reach your hand up, pull at your hair. “I– I don’t want to hurt anyone Julia. Well,” You pause, wince. “Almost anyone, I guess. But–” You shudder, swallow down the nausea. “They have to pay.”
“Okay. I’m not going to argue against that, exactly. Just…”
“It can’t be enough to just… destroy the farm, either.” You narrow your eyes, glaring down at your legs, orange lines poking out from under the towel. “The–the very idea of the Directive needs to go down in flames. Every last cocksucking motherfucker involved needs their life ruined and their career on fire. They’ll wish they were dead.” You exhale, let the air out of your lungs in one long shaking breath. Realize your finger nails are digging into your palms. Let go. Try to let go. Swallow the pain. 
There’s silence then; “It doesn’t have to be you, Ari.”
You bite back a laugh. it’s like you’ve come full circle in a year. From begging Julia to retire and let Adrestia go, and now, her she is, holding you up. Asking you. To let it go.
You can’t do that.
“Nobody else cares.” You push back against Julia, draw your legs to your chest, hug your knees. “And I’ll never be safe. They’ll never let me be. They’ll never stop haunting me.”
“I care. And so will others, if you just let them.”
A ghost of a smile on your face. “That’s a nice dream, Julia.”
“This isn’t going to make your nightmares go away.”
You swallow, press your eyes closed, turn your head in towards the crook of her arm. “I… I know.”
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