#midtown high imagines fics
writemoment · 4 years
That’s Not What I Meant
Writer: Ellie-Mae (Pen Name)
Part: 1/1
Summary: (request) “I dare you to take a NSFW prompt and make it as the most innocent and pure thing as possible.” (We have a safeword for a reason/ Wait- is that a banana in your pocket?)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Warnings/Rated: Misleading lines and fluff
Word Count: 796
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( Reader ) P.O.V.
Peter and I have been together for over a year now. I can’t say everything has been easy, especially when it comes to him being Spiderman, but it has been well worth the minor trouble.
Ned teases us because we tend to fluster one another constantly. We get flustered because Ned teases us. See the issue? The thing is, Peter is such a sweet boyfriend but neither of us are very experienced when it comes to relationships...
I’m sitting in the lunchroom, laughing at Ned. “We just don’t have our minds in the gutter like you do, you dork! Peter and I are too busy just being ourselves, no matter how awkward we may be.”
“Don’t get me wrong, Y/n, I know that. I’m just saying that you guys need to be more aware of what you say out loud.” Ned explains, smiling. I agree that we can be a bit oblivious at times.
Peter doesn’t show up for lunch because he had to run out for Spiderman duties, so Ned and I continue through the school without him. When he’s running around, it never fails to bring a wave of worries my way. Though Peter is more than capable of handling himself, I still feel sick when I think about him getting hurt.
He doesn’t show back up until after school, in which he finds me and Ned chilling in his bedroom. “Hey guys,” He greets, climbing through his open window. I smile at him, loving the way his hair looks disheveled after swinging around town.
I stand up and quickly peck him on the lips. “How was your d- Wait... Is that a banana in your pocket?” I ask, laughing at him as he pulls out the yellow fruit.
“Yeah- I didn’t have enough time to stop for food, so I grabbed this on the way out of Delmar’s.” His explanation makes sense, but Ned laughs before giving me a ‘I told you so’ look.
Shaking my head, Ned re-asks about his day of crime-fighting and we all sit around to listen. The way he gets so excited about helping others, his kind eyes lighting up as he recounts his tale- it makes me fall in love with him more and more.
Ned bumps my shoulder and raises his eyebrows because he notices this as well. Ned has become my best friend since Pete and I have gotten together. We had always hung around each other, but now we’re closer.
Ned leaves soon after, leaving Peter and I to our own devices. I look shyly up at my boyfriend. Even after all this time, I still can’t get past the rush I get when I’m alone with Peter. Ned’s words echo in my head.
“Hey, Pete...?” His eyes immediately turn up to me and he hums in acknowledgement. “Ned mentioned something interesting that I think we both have been overlooking. I was just wondering, well, do we inadvertently make innuendos?”
Suddenly Peter looks very uncomfortable and a bit panicked. “Have we?! I didn’t mean to- did I say something wrong? I’m so sorry.” He worriedly takes a step closer, as if to comfort me.
“No, no, no! You’re fine, no need to apologize to me. I just think that we need to be more aware of what we say from now on...” I admit, gazing softly up at him. He stares down at me, seeming confused at the mischievous glint in my eyes. “Or we could purposely mess with Ned. Of course, we do need to work on what we say but he doesn’t need to know that.”
His brown eyes light up and dimples dent his cheeks as he smiles at me.
The next day at school, Ned and I are standing by the lockers as we wait for Peter. Footsteps and chatter rush past as the hallways gets crowded with students. “Do you want to hang out tonight?” Ned asks, leaning against the cool metal. 
“Yeah, that’d be great! I don’t think Peter has any other ‘fun plans’ for tonight.” I say, referencing his superhero duties. Ned nods in understanding.
“We have a safeword for a reason, Y/n. You wouldn’t want anyone to get the wrong idea.” Peter says, popping into the conversation from behind Ned. I have to hold back the obnoxious laughter that is bubbling in my throat. Ned’s face is shocked and he gives me a look of bewilderment.
I mumble a greeting and Peter winks at me. Ned is still staring between us. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” He says as he walks away, throwing a glance back. 
A smile spreads across my face and Peter places a kiss on my temple. “This is going to be fun.” I announce before we follow our friend out.
Masterlist Here
A/N: I figured I might as well post something while everyone is bored in isolation and this has been in my drafts forever. Hope you enjoy!! Stay safe out there, friends! xx - Ellie-Mae
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byebyelullabye · 2 years
Smile in Your Heart - p.p
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peter parker x filipino!reader
you don't like valentine's day. peter parker changes that.
A/N: Can be read as gender neutral reader :) can be imagined with any peter parker. the gif usually depends on which British jawline is clogging my dash
Warnings: none other than cavity-inducing fluff 💖 FIRST FIC AHHH!!? Really bad writing and weird ending? angst if u squint really tight. also so many references to Filipino pop culture
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Ay, shet.
Red, white, and pink invade all your senses on your commute to Midtown High. Bouquets were blocking your view everywhere you went. Every couple in the subway and hallway was holding hands. Hell, even your parents were extra lovey-dovey this morning as Yeng Constantino sweetly sang on the radio before you left for school.
Love is in the air. It's just too bad Lysol doesn't come in travel-sized cans.
You would have gladly forgotten about this dreaded consumerist holiday. You could have even gaslit yourself into thinking it's Easter if it weren't for-
"Happy Valentine's Day, y/n", a chirpy voice greets you.
There he is: Peter Parker, in all his brown-eyed glory. If it weren't for him, Valentine's Day probably wouldn't hurt this much.
He's giving you a kind smile. His boyish demeanor is endearing all the time. It's unfair. It's not his fault he's so fucking pretty. Butterflies flutter in your stomach. You've been in love with him far too long to even keep track anymore.
He first spoke to you in first grade when other kids were making fun of the way you looked and the way you spoke English. Everything about you was ridiculous to them and no matter how much you cursed in your native language, it didn't really matter if they could never understand you. Peter took your hand and promised to keep you safe as you both hid underneath the slide (considered by 5-year-olds as the most impenetrable hiding place on the playground).
Then, the bullies started hurting Peter too. Because apparently your words only added fuel to fire, you did what you had to: you took action. And threw a rock. And may have hit some kids' chin.
You and Peter Parker have been inseparable since.
Lately, though, you rarely see Peter outside of school. Weekly movie nights are either canceled or interrupted. He's always rushing somewhere when school ends and now you have to resort to texting him at ungodly hours of the night/day (if he even bothers replying). Whenever you ask him where he’s going, he either says something about an important internship or he gives you a sly grin as he does a flattering impression of you saying, “Si-kreeeeeeeeeettt…” (Secret)
You turn to him as you irritatedly wretch open your locker.
"Peter, 'Happy' and 'Valentine's' don't belong in the same sentence if you're single."
He doesn't reply but he smiles widely with his eyes crinkling, in that bright sunshine-y way that makes your heart clench, your mood lightens, and your day just a little a million times better. You can't help but smile back.
Ya got it bad.
"Do you know you have flowers in your hair?"
Before you can object, he reaches out a hand to pull out a few red rose petals and buds from your already messy hair. His face scrunches in concentration as he focuses on being gentle, knowing how you feel about people touching your hair. His hand lightly brushes against your cheek when he pulls it back. Your eyes meet.
All the clever retorts die on your tongue and all you can shyly say is, "Thanks."
You tuck hair behind both your ears and hurriedly start pulling books out of your locker. Peter smirks a little and blushes, bouncing on the balls of his feet.
When you finally meet his lovely beautiful gorgeous eyes again, he asks, "Got any plans tonight?"
"Yeah, actually. A double date", You playfully quipped as you went through your bag, missing the disappointment in his eyes.
"Rea-Really?", he whispers.
"Me and my strawberry ice cream are meeting up with Kathryn and Daniel later tonight"
Relief floods his face as he sighs and leans back on the locker door next to yours.
"Oh, Liza and Enrique canceled?"
"They won't even return my calls anymore!" You whined with a grin.
In all your years of friendship, your love of cheesy Pinoy movies and TV may have rubbed off on Peter. Not that he's complaining about the presence of Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla, although he's more partial to Liza Soberano and Enrique Gil. You two alternate between Star Wars (or any Sci-Fi Peter can get his hands on) and the worst of Asian telenovelas (most of which you spend hours debating about). May also watches them (though she will never admit that).
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3 months earlier…
"Wait a minute, wait a minute", he says as pauses his laptop playing 'The Half Sisters'. You hum in acknowledgment.
"So, Karina had twins…
"...But Diana and Ashley have different fathers?!"
His hands wave like a muppet, closing and opening his mouth, hopelessly trying to make sense of the episode.
"That's!! Not?? Possible??"
"It wouldn't be if Diana and Ashley were identical but they're not so yeah, it works…" You shrug, shoving more popcorn in your mouth, trying to contain your laughter.
"But there's like a 1 in a million chance of that actually happening!"
"It's a telenovela, Peter. Anything, and I mean anything, can happen. Don't try to argue with the logic, it only hurts the brain."
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"So, which ones are you watching this time? Can't Help Falling in Love? Crazy Beautiful You?"
Does he realize what he's saying? The fucking implications? He can't be this clueless, can he?
"I'm actually thinking, The Hows of Us...or Barcelona: A Love Untold"
He laughs before turning to you, "Fantasy double dates aside though, I gotta ask:..."
"Yes?", you replied a little too quickly.
"How did you get flowers in your hair?"
He notices you deflate.
You chuckle, "Oh, Valentine's Day decided to bitch-slap me."
His brows furrow before you clarify ashamedly, looking down at your shoes, "I got smacked by four bouquets on my way here."
He doesn't laugh or even chuckle. His honey-brown eyes find yours and his soft warm hands reach out to hold your cheeks. His thumbs are right on your cheekbones. Dizziness fills your head. He leans in closer, your foreheads touching, his longing gaze never strays from your face.
"Are you okay?", he softly asks.
Lord, kunin niyo na po ako. (Lord, take me please.)
Your mouth is dry. All you can do is nod.
"Y/n…", he softly whispers.
The bell rings. Peter Parker lets go of you and your world grows a little colder. He smiles and nods before a sea of students separates you two.
You shake your head trying to remove the memory of Peter's hands on your face before walking to your first class.
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After class, you realized you never asked Peter about his Valentine plans. Partly because you couldn't bear to think he was spending it with someone who wasn't you, being all romantic and totally not platonic.
He catches you as you walk out of the gates, stopping in front of you.
"Hi", he smiles again. Your heart rate spikes. "Hello"
Before an awkward silence settles or before you lose your nerve, you ask him, "Do you have plans tonight?"
His face falls. "I actually might have that internship thing tonight."
"Oh, ok." You pause. It's better than him having a date. "Good luck with that." You smile tightly.
"Thanks", he looks at you before continuing...
"If your ice cream flakes out on you and I get done early, maybe I can join you on that double date with KathNiel?"
"Unlikely, ice cream never abandons people." He laughs at your lame joke. God, why must his laugh be perfect?
"But if the ice cream just so happens to get sick of me, and you just so happen to be free, sure. I know Kathryn and Daniel won't mind." You grin.
He looks down before staring into your eyes. "I'd never get sick of you, y/n."
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You're halfway through your second movie of the night when an inconsistent tapping distracts you from Liza Soberano's rage-filled monologue. You pause it.
Spiderman is outside your window. Carrying a small reusable grocery bag.
Tangina. (Fuck)
Your phone next to you starts to ring. You hesitantly pick it up.
"You brighten my day, showing me my direction. You're coming to me, giving me inspiration" Peter's voice croons through your phone.
You look at the superhero outside your window, who is holding a phone to his ear.
You freeze. The world stops. Your brain buffers. Millions of questions spring to your mind. Spiderman rips off his mask to reveal your sweaty-haired best friend, Peter fucking Parker. Your body goes on autopilot as you put the phone down and open your window. Peter smiles as he gets into the room.
"How can I ask for more from you, my dear?", he whispers-sings.
Before he can finish the lyrics, however, you start to slap his chest repeatedly.
"PUNYETA" Slap. "KA" Slap. "GAGO!" Slap. (YOU’RE AN IDIOT!)
"Y/n! I'm sorry, I couldn't tell you yet! I had to protect you! No one else knows!" He weakly tries to defend himself. He holds your arms down in a face-to-face embrace and in your rage, you don't realize how close your faces are.
"ALAM MO ANG SARAP MONG SAMPALIN! Trying to protect me?! By leaving me hanging during our conversations? Never knowing where you're going that's so important? BEST FRIEND KITA EH! KUNG HINDI MO KAYA SABIHIN SA'KIN, EDI KANINO PA?! ALAM MO BA GAANO KAHIRAP ISIPIN NA WALA KANG TIWALA SA'KIN?! MAHAL KITA KASI, GAGO!"
You know Peter doesn't understand Tagalog but you can't help it when your rage takes over. Liza Soberano taught you well.
Then, silence falls. Peter lets go of you to sit on the sofa. You're still standing a few feet away from him.
"I know what you're saying", he whispers.
He looks up at you as you move closer, sitting near his feet.
"I know what you're saying. In Tagalog, I mean. Not everything, I’m not that good but I know some phrases. Especially that last one though…” He smiles boyishly.
God fucking damn it.
You blink several times. “How?”
“Apart from the whole Spiderman thing, which is just the internship I was talking about, I’ve been going to that Asian market you like so much. The one where you buy all your snacks. You told me once that the lady who runs it, Ate Nadine, is Filipino and so during my free time I go there and she teaches me Tagalog.”
You stay silent as you try to make sense of it all. Peter is learning Tagalog? Why? Why didn’t he go to you?
As if reading your mind, he continues. “It was supposed to be a Valentine’s Day surprise for you. That’s where I went after school, I bought these.” He opens the grocery bag, nearly forgotten on the floor, and pulls out all your favorite snacks. Dried mango, banana chips, Chuckee cartons, Chocnut, Haw-Haw, Inipit, Rebisco sandwiches in your favorite flavors…
You reply as you look at him, stunned, “You remembered.”
“Of course, I did. It’s you.”
You sit next to him, picking up and opening 2 Chuckee cartons and handing one to him.
"...Dahil mahal rin kita." (Because I love you too)
His pronunciation of the vowels was fairly off and his American accent was holding him back from rolling the r's, but it doesn't change the way your quickening heartbeat pounds in your ears.
Peter Parker loves you too.
He leans in, his face an inch away from your face. His eyes staring even deeper into yours.
"God, we're both idiots."
You grab his cheeks as you connect your lips to his soft ones and the world shatters. He responds instantly, closing his eyes and holding you by your waist. You can taste chocolate and toothpaste in the best weirdest way possible. Peter fills all your senses. His hands on your waist. His soft lips on yours. The warmth of his cheeks. There is too much space between the two of you as the kiss deepens.
The two of you almost forget that you need to breathe as you reluctantly pull away.
Once Peter's recovered from the kiss, the first thing he asks is, "Where are your parents?"
"Ugh, what a mood killer", you say playfully as you pull yourself into his lap and start playing with his hair. "Anyhoozle, they're having date night."
"Oh, so we have the whole house to ourselves?" He grins wickedly.
"Did you take off your shoes?"
"Always do when I'm here with you." He grins.
You pretend to think, "Wanna chaperone Liza and Enrique?"
"Oh, what happened to Kathryn and Daniel?"
"...They left when I started thinking of you."
You start assembling a little blanket pit with pillows and snacks. You sit next to Peter, who's changed his clothes, with his arms around your waist and your head on his shoulder.
"I have one question though before we restart the movie." He turns to you. You look up at him.
"Will you give me a smile in your heart?"
You kiss him. Yes
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@darling-im-moonstruck (bes i need feedback pls 👉👈)
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brokebonewritings · 2 years
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Hello all of my loves! I've decided that since I want to continue to better myself at writing fics I would create a Masterlist post so I can keep it organized for you. Please enjoy! ♡
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Steven Grant
Knowing How to Romance
♡ Steven Grant never could figure out how to flirt with the ladies of each season. That is until you become the Diamond of the Season. (18+, Smut and Fluff)
Part 1 Part 2
Close Enough to Kiss
♡ You and Steven spend a nice evening at home, this includes your first kiss. (Fluff, Imagine)
Marc Spector
When the World Caves In
♡ You are sent on a special mission to become an avatar for a Goddess in need. The boys go on a mission to bring you back home to them. (18+, Angst, Hurt/Comfort)
Goodnight Starlight
♡ You spy on Marc putting your little one to sleep for the night. Both of you get a little carried away when you get back to your own bedroom.
Country Drives (Fluff, Short Fic)
Jake Lockley
♡ Office hours were for questions, and going over materials. Maybe too many questions can lead to an assignment not in the syllabus. (18+, Smut)
In the Kitchen (18+ Minors DNI)
Little Sister (Ask Request)
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Matt Murdock
Bless me, Father
♡ Seeking a priest for guidance. You just weren't expecting this priest to be an ex, and a vigilante. (18+ Smut, Violence, Angst)
15 Ways to Love Matt Murdock (Songfic Series)
Ask Box Requests
Sincerely, Anxiety. (Fluff)
Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity (Fluff)
♡ You and Matt go to a candlelight concert for your first date. You learn something new about music, and he leaves you with a new sense of love.
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Peter Parker
♡ You meet Peter Parker in your GED class. Who knew that the blip would allow two people to meet and become friends? Though, you didn’t remember a Peter Parker at Midtown High.
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Ask Box Requests
God Only Knows (Eddie Munson)
♡ Ask request by Kaidalorian; Eddie caught you sneaking back into your trailer, and offers a warm place to stay for the night. (18+, Smut, some Fluff)
Hair Ties (18+, Minors DNI)
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dividers (used in most fics) : @cafekitsune
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a warm december
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pairing: college!peter parker x reader
request: Since it's the holiday season, I was wondering if I could request something with Peter and female!reader where they're dating but reader doesn't know that he's Spider-Man and one night when it's particularly cold, Spider-Man comes crashing through reader's window. Turns out the heater in his suit failed and since he has issues with thermoregulation, it's up to reader to warm him up? Can be either fluffy or smutty or a combo. Author's choice! 😉 by anonymous
warnings: some soft-ish smut, unprotected sex (u already know to be safe, wear protection y’all) 
word count: 3.6k
notes: so i was clearing out my inbox but when i came to write this i figured i should make it a full fic instead––also u can imagine this takes place like the second week of december so it can be for either hanukkah or christmas or kwanzaa or anything! happy holidays <3
It felt good to be back home for the holidays. You had a good time at college but you were happy to be done with exams. You were also more than grateful to be able to sleep in your own bed in the comfort of your own home. You had made a lot of good memories thus far in all your classes, in your dorm that you were able to decorate the way you wanted with your roommate, Gwen––but you had missed your family and you had missed your boyfriend as well.
You and Peter’s colleges were only a few hours away from each other, so you could have visited each other, but your schedules were too busy and something always seemed to come up on both your ends. You were both swamped with work and sometimes you just didn’t have the energy to travel, but you both understood. 
So instead, you and Peter had facetimed and even used zoom to talk for hours after class when you both were free or at night before you went to bed. He’d even met some of your friends and he’d won them over almost immediately, his charm never ran out. You’d also met some of his friends as well, the one you’d seen most was named Harry. He was a flirt, but you knew it was all in good fun––you both liked to see Peter flustered and annoyed, but out of love of course. 
Unfortunately, you had yet to see Peter since you had gotten back. You understood that he needed some time to settle in, and you knew for certain that May missed him more than anything. You’d been home for a couple days now and you’d spent your time catching up with your parents, and helping decorate the apartment. You put up some white fairy lights in your room, wanting to feel the holiday spirit a little more in your space––the lights always made you feel more cozy too. You smiled to yourself as you turned them on, already feeling more calm before looking in your desk and grabbing the small spider-man snow globe you’d gotten at the store a few years back. Peter got weirdly blushy when he first saw it, but you never really asked why. 
You set it down on your dresser and went to find your midtown high sweatshirt, it was one of the warmest ones you had. Though the heat was on in your home, you could still feel the cold air seeping through from the walls and the windows that looked out into the city. You could see the small figures of people walking down in the cold street, bundled up, the lights in every window of the buildings across the street. 
You were about to make sure the window was closed properly when a figure appeared on the outside of your room, slowly opening the window. You stood frozen in fear, too shocked to even scream. Your eyes widened when you realized who exactly was making their way into your room, the famous red and blue suit contrasting with the white specks of snow falling outside. 
“You––You’re Spider-Man––” You were stuttering in disbelief as the hero stood in your room, closing the window quietly. He turned around immediately, it seemed he hadn’t thought this through. The eyes of his mask were wide, almost frantic as he looked at you and put a finger up to his lips, gesturing for you to be quiet. 
You nodded slowly and quickly closed your door, making sure your parents were nowhere near. You locked the door just in case. You had already said goodnight, so they probably wouldn’t come by anyway, but you never know. 
You turned back around and took a few deep breaths to calm yourself down. Surely there was an issue? Spider-Man wasn’t known to make home visits––
Your brows furrowed when you focused on the masked hero in front of you. He was almost hunched over, his limbs moving slowly as they trembled. You stepped towards him, your hands outstretched but sticking close to you as you were unsure of what to do.
“Are you okay?”
He paused, looking down, muttering something to himself that you couldn’t quite hear. “I––Shit. I didn’t want you to find out like this, I swear.” 
You only looked at him, even more confused. 
He tried to stand up straight and you could hear him wince as he looked up at you. “I––” He cleared his throat. “Please don’t be mad, okay? I just didn’t tell you because I wanted to protect you and I could never figure out the right time to say it––” He pulled off his mask and your eyes widened, a gasp escaping you when you took in his familiar features. His eyes were wide and apologetic, his hair fluffy and messed up, but as you looked closer you noticed his nose, cheeks and red were all a painful red, his lips almost blue.
You closed the distance between you, your hands coming up to hold his cheeks and you could feel his body sigh in relief from the warmth of your palms. “Peter, oh my god! Are you okay?” Your eyes were scanning his features, the only thing on your mind being your worry for him.
You could feel his eyes watching you carefully up close as you held him gently. “You––” Your eyes flickered up to his when you noticed the trembles in his voice as he spoke up quietly, almost as if he was scared. “You’re not mad?”  
You pouted at him, “No baby I’m not mad. I understand, really. It makes sense why you were so busy all the time.” You gave him a small smile but it quickly slipped off your face when you focused on the boy in front of you. “But you’re freezing Pete. Doesn’t the suit have a heating feature or something?” 
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes sparkling as he wondered how he got so lucky. “I um––” He shook his head, trying his best to pay attention when a shiver ran through his body. “Yeah it––It does but the thermoregulation malfunctioned earlier when I um…” He trailed off and you raised a brow, trying to catch his eye.
He looked down and licked his lips, already starting to feel his face a little more in the temperature of your room. “I kinda…” He scratched the back of his head. “Bumped into a building earlier?...” 
You paused and Peter looked up when you didn’t say anything, whining your name when he noticed you trying your best to suppress a smile. “Oh come on it’s not funny!” 
You bit your lip, nodding as you tried to calm down. “Of course, right. I’m sorry.” You rubbed your thumb across his cheek and you could see him warming up to you again, subconsciously pressing his face into your palm. “It’s just, you really bumped into a building? How did you even do that, Pete?” You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh.
He rolled his eyes but you could see a sheepish smile tugging at his lips. “I uh––I was swinging by the park where we had our first date and I kinda got distracted, started daydreaming about you honestly.”
You smiled at him, recognizing that the fresh blush on his cheeks was no longer from the cold.  “Aww Pete,” you cooed, pulling him in for a sweet kiss. Your lips connected softly, your movements familiar despite the months you’d spent apart. When you pulled away, the both of you were smiling wide. “Missed you, Pete.” 
He wanted to reach out and hold you so badly, but he knew that his suit was cold, especially his hands, so he let his arms lay limp at his sides. “Missed you more and more every day.” He leaned in and pressed a short kiss to your forehead, the small gesture making your cheeks heat up. 
“I’d let you take a shower to warm up, but my parents would probably see you…”
He nodded, “No, it’s okay! I was...Actually hoping you could warm me up? If you don’t mind, of course––”
Your eyes brightened as you watched him stutter, he was still as cute as ever. “Okay. I think you have some clothes left over here too, so I’ll get them.” You went over to your dresser and looked through the drawers to find the sweats and hoodie he’d left over for you. 
Peter pressed the middle of his chest and sighed as he let the damp material slide off of him. He stepped out of it and put it on your chair along with his mask, before putting his hands together and blowing hot air in between them. He was shifting from side to side, rubbing his hands together quickly as he waited patiently. He just really wanted to hold you. 
You quickly turned around when you found the clothes, pausing in your tracks when you noticed that he’d gained some muscle since the last time you saw him. Your mouth ran dry as your eyes trailed down his body. “Um––” You set the clothes at the end of the bed. “You know I think sharing body heat is a good way to warm you up.” 
His eyes widened, “Yeah, I mean, sure. That––that should work.” 
You took your sweats off, then your sweatshirt, along with your shirt and you could feel his eyes burning through you. You got into the bed, beckoning your boyfriend to come closer. “C’mere.” 
He rushed over and got under the covers, a small smile on his face as he laid down next to you. His hand was inching towards your waist but he paused, looking into your eyes. “I tried to warm my hands up but they’re still a little cold––”
You laughed at how cute he was being and grabbed his hand, bringing it over to hold you. If anything the cool feeling of his fingertips soothed you as he dug them into your waist softly. You moved closer together until you were sharing a pillow, your noses almost grazing each other’s.
You brought a hand up to play with his hair, your legs tangled together as he pulled you as close as possible. He sighed contently and let his eyes flutter shut for a moment. There was a satisfied and almost reminiscent smile on his face when he looked back at you. “Missed this.” 
You bit your lip and took your hand away teasingly. “Missed what?”
He immediately pouted, “Hey––” He whined, dragging out the word. He took your hand and placed it back in his hair and you couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable he was being. “Don’t be mean to me. I had a rough night.” He gave you the best puppy dog eyes he could muster and you rolled your eyes.
You leaned in and pressed a kiss to his nose. “Such a baby.” 
He gave you a cheeky smile. “Your baby.” 
“Yeah,” You smiled, still playing with his hair. “My baby.” 
You pressed your lips against his and he pulled you impossibly closer, breathing slowly as he kissed you deeply. Your heads tilted in sync, your mouths moving together, softly and sweetly. He raised himself up on one arm so he was hovering over you slightly and unintentionally rubbed his thigh between your legs, making you sigh and squeeze your legs around him, your arms coming up to wrap around his neck. He pulled away when you hummed into the kiss.
You looked up at him, pure want and adoration in your eyes. “Need you, Pete. Wanna feel you.”
He nodded and looked into your eyes, his thumb caressing your cheek. “Haven’t felt you in a while, have I?” His voice was soft as he took in your features. “I’ll give you anything you want, princess.” He pressed a quick kiss to your lips before sliding his boxers off, as you slipped off your underwear. 
He climbed over you and settled between your legs, and as cheesy and weird as it was, he felt at home. “Do you want me to––” He looked down, and you easily filled in the blank. 
You raised a brow, “How exactly is that going to warm you up, Pete?” 
He blushed, his eyes darting around you. “Well I just––I haven’t tasted you in a while…”
You could feel yourself getting flustered and he could hear your heartbeat quicken but chose not to comment on it. “Maybe tomorrow, babe.” You swore you saw his eyes light up. “But for now, get in me please.” 
He nodded immediately. “Yeah, yeah okay. Let me just––” He was about to slip a hand down when you stopped him. He paused and you grabbed his wrist gently and brought his hand up to your mouth, slipping two fingers in eagerly as he watched you in shock, his jaw dropped. Your eyes were innocent as you looked up at him, your lips wrapped around his fingers, sucking and wetting them thoroughly. 
When you let them go with a pop you simply smiled and shrugged. “They were cold.” 
He let out a breath of laughter in disbelief, before coming down to kiss you passionately. Your hands came up and held his face and you sighed when his fingers came down to spread your lips and rub your clit. “God, I missed you.” He said when pulled away, looking down at you in awe. 
He rubbed his fingers along your slit, collecting and spreading your wetness and teasing your clit before slipping his fingers inside of you, biting his lip at the way your head tilted back, your eyes fluttering shut as you moaned. He leaned forward and pressed small kisses along the column of your throat, enjoying the way he could feel your pulse under his lips. He trailed his kisses up to your sweet spot, each one lasting longer and becoming more sensual as he reached it. 
The vibration of his voice felt good as he spoke up against you, his fingers thrusting into you at a pleasing pace. “That feel good, baby?” 
You swallowed and nodded, licking your lips. “Mhm. So good.” 
His lips curved into a smile against your skin, still pressing kisses as he marked your neck––it’d been a while since he’d been able to do this and he was going to savor it as much as he could. When he was done putting the finishing touches on his first love bite, he sped up his fingers and decided to press his thumb against your bundle of nerves. You gasped as your thighs clenched around him unconsciously, your hands coming down to hold his arm. 
He pulled away from your neck reluctantly, finding that he’d found comfort resting his lips against your skin––he’d have to ask you if he could leave more marks later on. He noticed the look of desire in your eyes, the way your lips were parted almost in a silent plea. 
You were close but you still wanted to feel him. You wanted all of him. “Pete I need you––”
He licked his lips “Can tell you’re close though, baby.” He pressed harder against your clit and you whined, your hips bucking desperately, making him smile. “Just wanna see you fall apart on my fingers. Haven’t seen it in way too long.” He was looking at you from under his lashes, his eyes somehow filled with both hunger and tenderness. “Gonna let me watch you cum on my fingers, princess?” 
You breathed out and nodded, the pleasure clouding your thoughts. “O––Okay.” 
He kept the same pace, knowing what you needed to tip over the edge and grinned absentmindedly when your thighs trembled and weakly tried to shut around his hand. He gently pushed them apart and slowed his movements, rubbing your clit softly as you mewled and ground your hips into his touch slowly to feel the extent of your climax. His eyes were trailing over your features, the furrow between your brows, the way your eyes rolled back before they fluttered shut, the way you bit your lip when the peak of your orgasm washed away. He was so in love with you and everything about you. 
He gently slid his fingers out of you and brought them up to his mouth to lick and suck them clean. His eyes were still watching you absentmindedly that he didn’t even realize you were staring at him, your mouth open in shock and lust. He only snapped out of it when your hand reached down to grab his cock.
You rubbed his tip through your folds, getting it wet as you stroked his hard member. He easily took over for you and held your thigh as he slid in slowly, letting you accommodate to the stretch and feel every inch of him that you’d missed for all these months. 
“So good––Feel so so good.” He groaned as he bottomed out and felt your walls practically suck him in where he belonged. His head fell back for a moment as he got lost in the pleasure––you felt much better than his hand. 
His hands dug into your thighs as he took a moment to collect himself, not wanting to finish just yet. He leaned forward so that his body was pressed up against yours, since you were doing this to share body heat after all. You wrapped your arms under his and around him, letting your fingertips dig into his back as he started to thrust into you, slow and deep.
“Missed being inside you.” He grunted out, his lips grazing yours. It felt nice to finally be connected without any barriers in the way, skin to skin as you poured your hearts out to each other. You could feel your heartbeats and your breaths syncing together as you went on, Peter’s hips thrusting into you at a faster pace as one of his hands squeezed between you to rub at your sensitive clit. 
“Gonna give me one more, yeah?” His remark was more of a statement than a question as he stared into your eyes, the look in them warm and wanting. You found yourself nodding anyway, smiling to yourself when you noticed his lips curve up at your response. 
With a few more purposeful thrusts and rubs of his thumb, you were tipping over the edge, Peter not far behind as he pressed his lips against yours urgently to muffle the both of your moans and cries.Your legs tightened around his waist, pulling him in as he rutted his hips into you, releasing inside you with a long and satisfied sigh against your lips. 
As you settled down from your highs, your fingers slowly released their grip on his back, your limbs sinking back into the sheets as you relaxed. You pressed a few small kisses to each other’s lips, the last one lingering a bit before you pulled away from each other. Peter watched you for a few moments before kissing both of your cheeks and pulling out of you slowly, biting his lip as he focused on the sight between your legs.
Though you tried to let Pete stay in bed in the warmth of the sheets, he insisted that you’d done a good job warming him up, and kissed you hand before making his way over to find the package of baby wipes on you always kept on your dresser to clean you up. He noticed you’d already taken out the little spider-man snow globe and smiled to himself, feeling a light coating of blush rise to his cheeks.
He made his way back to you and pressed a knee onto the bed as he cleaned between your legs gently, apologizing quietly when you jolted at the feeling. The wipe was wet and cold, but it was also soothing––Peter’s hand that was caressing your leg also helped soothe you as well. He quickly discarded the wipe in the trash near your bedside as you plugged in your phone and got ready for bed, the two of you working like clockwork. 
Peter made his way back under the covers with you and with open arms as you scooted closer to him, resting your head on his chest as he wrapped his arms around you, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You nestled further into him, the both of you had sappy smiles on your faces. 
“So, are you warm enough now?” You asked, slinging your arm and leg around him.
“Definitely. That was way better than the heating system in my suit.”
You laughed and pinched his side teasingly, making him whine playfully. 
A comfortable silence fell upon the room and you waited a moment before speaking up again. “I’m glad we can do this again.” You admitted quietly.  
He knew exactly what you meant, how you felt––because he felt the same. He’d been counting down the days until he’d be able to hold you again. He held you tighter. “Me too. Couldn’t sleep as well at first without you by my side, you know.” His hand mindlessly traced patterns on the bare skin of your back.
You looked up at him. “You never told me that.”
He shrugged, looking up at the ceiling. “Didn’t want you to worry.” He looked back down at you and his eyes were so focused on you that he didn’t blink for a moment, just taking all of you in. “Now that I’m with you, I’m not letting you go until I absolutely have to, though.” 
You let out a sound between a hum and a content sigh and tilted your head up to meet his lips with yours for one last sweet kiss before you went to sleep. “I’m okay with that.” 
He smiled cutely and you rested your head back on his chest. 
“Goodnight Pete.”
“Night sweetheart.” 
give me feedback! :)
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itsany62 · 3 years
SteveTony - Superfamily
Here are some Superfamily fics that I love. Don’t forget to leave kudos and nice comments in every fic!
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What We Learn?, by nannersmelo, 1 k >, Fluff.
“Who is this?”
“That doesn’t matter. What matters is that we have your husband, so you will listen very closely-”
“My husband Tony? Tony Stark?”
“Oh well,” Steve laughed, “good luck with that.”
Intruder, by wordscorrupt, 500 words.
Steve and Tony face a rather tiny, adorable intruder in the middle of the night.
the privilege of loving you by starklystar, 7 k > words.
“Why won’t you let me touch you?”
It’s a desperate plea, half-shouted and half-whispered, Steve’s voice cracking at the end. Tony stops in his tracks, halfway to the stairs. He doesn’t dare to turn back, and he really doesn’t want to fight, or to leave, to spend the last month of his life away from his husband and their son. But Steve can’t know, can he?
Or: Tony has palladium poisoning, but he doesn't tell Steve and Peter
ah-choo by starksnack, 3 k words, Hurt/Comfort.
Peter catches a cold at the park while Tony is away for work. Steve is all out of sorts trying to care for a sick child on his own.
The Sign by nightwalker, 2 k > words, Adoption.
Tony hadn't slept the night before and he knew Steve hadn't either. They'd just laid there, side by side, listening to each other breathe and thinking their own thoughts. Somewhere around dawn Steve had rolled onto his side and splayed his fingers over Tony's heart.
Bellflower (unwavering love) by S_Horne, 1 k > words.
“Aw, man.” Tony shook his head at himself as he finally broke. He bent down and tucked his hands underneath Peter’s armpits, hoisting him up onto his hip with a practiced ease. “You’re lucky you’re cute.”
“No m’not.”
Tony shook his head, straightening Peter’s shirt out where it had bunched up around his chest. “You’re in one of those moods today, aren’t you?”
Peter shook his head sagely and Tony huffed a laugh. “Not. You’re just mean.”
“I swear,” Tony said, blowing out a sigh, “if your Pops walks in and you turn into an angel, you’re grounded until you’re 50.”
a little lemonade by tonystarkssnipples, 1 k > words.
Tony came downstairs after putting Piper to sleep to find Steve with about 10 pounds of lemons spread across the table. At Tony’s footsteps, Steve looked up at him with wide eyes. “The recipe says a cup of lemon juice per gallon.”
“I don’t know how many lemons make a cup of lemon juice.”
It's summer and Steve wants to help their daughter with a lemonade stand.
Distracted by a Dime by happyaspie, 56 k > words, Homeless Peter Parker.
Peter Parker thinks he has everything figured out. Where he can eat, sleep and make a little bit of money. What he needs to do in order to continue attending Midtown High and being Queen’s friendly neighborhood Spider-man. How to keep his entire situation under wraps and most importantly, who he can trust.
Then, along comes Tony Stark with an offer he can’t refuse. The plan is to remain professional, to not get too close to the Stark-Rogers’ family. Not getting comfortable means not slipping up and saying anything that he can’t take back.
...but for Peter- things rarely go as planned...
one makes me want another by parkrstark, 12 k > words, Adoption, Angst with a Happy Ending.
Steve and Tony adopt Peter when he's 6-years-old and 10 years later, he still thinks he's living the best life with two father doting on him. Until they tell him about the new baby they're bringing home and suddenly, the attention is all on her.
steve rogers-stark: full time dad/husband, part time spider relocator by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Spiders, Fluff.
"Love, what's wrong?" He called out, waiting for a reply.
"Steve!" Tony instantly screamed back. "Come here! I need you!"
Steve quickened his pace slightly, trying to keep himself calm so he didn't worry Peter. Babies could sense that stuff. "Where is 'here', love?"
come morning light (we'll be safe & sound) by parkrstark, 14 k > words, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a Happy Ending.
After a strange mission, Steve, Tony, and Peter find themselves trapped in their own living nightmares. Some memories of their past, some they hoped to keep from even each other, and some of the worst 'what if's their minds can imagine. All they have is each other until they wake up...but is that enough to survive until they figure out how?
Gelid Feint by geekymoviemom, 21 k > words, Fluff and Angst.
Gelid: icy; extremely cold
Feint: a deceptive or pretended blow
Steve Rogers’ world had completely changed since he was discovered in the Arctic Ice. Not only had he led a team of actual superheroes to defend New York against an alien invasion, he had also found love, and the family he’d never dared to dream he could have.
So when Nick Fury asked Steve on a simple mission to retrieve materials from a hidden bunker, Steve thought nothing of it.
Until the demons he’d thought he had buried within the Red Skull’s airplane suddenly reappeared, and he was forced to face the one enemy he’d thought he had vanquished.
He had cut off one head, but now two more had taken its place.
love lives on by parkrstark, 6 > k words, Teacher Steve Rogers, Alternate Universe.
Steve doesn't like picking favorite students, but when he gets Peter in his class, he can't help it when this sweet little boy becomes his favorite. He shouldn't be surprised when one day his father picks him up, and Steve realizes that he's the son of Tony Stark...the love of his life he let go back in high school. Steve wants his second chance, even if Tony doesn't want anything to do with him anymore.
maybe love is the reason why (we're seeing it eye to eye) by parkrstark, 134 k > words, undercover as a family, Fake/Pretend Relationship.
"I'm sorry. Repeat that again." Tony leaned forward in his seat from across the table. He even stuck a finger in his ear as if he was cleaning it out. "I don't think I heard you right."
Fury rolled his eyes-- or well, eye. "You and Rogers need to go undercover as a married couple in a community out on Long Island."
After Civil War, Tony and Steve are sent on an undercover mission as a couple to try and find Hydra informants. Somehow, they end up with Peter as their undercover son who decides to play matchmaker even if the two of them are doing their best to ignore their feelings after Siberia.
little moments like this by parkrstark, 1 k > words, Domestic Fluff.
Steve grabs the blanket and covers himself. "Stop it! My husband will kill you!"
It takes Tony only a second to realize what Steve thinks is going on and he laughs. "Steve, it's me. Tony." He tries to take the blanket off, but Steve doesn't let him.
"Don't-- take advantage of me! My husband will kill you!"
Or, Steve is loyal to no end. Even after a night of drinking Asgardian mead.
Trapped in the Shadows by geekymoviemom, 97 k > words, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Parent Tony Stark.
All Steve Rogers wanted after a lifetime of war was to immerse himself in quiet, and solitude. Opening a bookstore seemed like the perfect answer. He could escape to any world that he desired, all while keeping his past firmly behind him, where it belonged.
Until the day Peter Stark walked in.
anytime by complicationstoo, 714 words, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Established Relationship.
Steve is there, holding Tony's sleepy one year old against his chest and stirring scrambled eggs on the stove with his free hand. He's murmuring quietly to Peter, low enough that Tony can't quite make out the words, but there's a soft smile on his face as he talks.
Tony wanders further in, sneaking up behind him and wrapping his arms around his waist. He buries his face into Steve's hair, and he can hear the grin in Steve's voice as he says, "Good morning, dear.”
How To Change A Diaper by writerstrash, 1 k > words, Established Relationship, Fatherhood.
Steve and Tony deal with a wriggly, crawly baby Peter who enjoys keeping his parents on their toes.
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New beginnings [P.P]
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A/N: I guess I’m unofficially back or in other words I got too excited that I finished a fic and wanted to post it. I was inspired by the picture of Tom in a graduation cap and I really wanted to write Peter’s graduation which hopefully we’ll see in the movies. Anyway enjoy and now I’m gonna go hibernate until I can actually write the next chapter of tale as old as time. 
I’m also looking for a new beta reader for my fics so please let me know if you’d be interested! 
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
WC: 2.9k
Warnings: some angst and tears but mostly fluffy fluff
Peter took a deep breath as he looked at himself in the mirror. It almost felt like a dream version of himself staring back as he looked at the black robes and graduation cap that sat on his head. He’d dreamt and wondered about this day for so long and now it was finally here. His high school graduation. 
His eyes flickered over to the photo frames that stood on his dresser, two men stared back at him and Peter imagined their proud faces. He wished with all his heart that they could see him walk across that stage or give his speech. 
“They’re still here with you and they’d be so proud Peter.” 
Peter turned as he heard his aunt’s voice from the doorway. He sniffled and nodded, not realising that tears had started to form in his eyes. May wrapped her arms around him and hugged him close. He melted into the familiar comfort and hugged his Aunt just as tightly back. 
“Thanks May.” 
She pulled back and adjusted his cap, smiling proudly at her nephew. He’d been through so much even death and yet here he was, valedictorian of his class and ready to graduate. 
“I’m proud of you too.” 
Peter could sense May began to cry and he quickly shook his head with a laugh. “If you cry, I’m gonna cry and then neither of us will get to the ceremony on time.” 
She gave a watery laugh and patted his cheek, taking a deep breath. “You’re right. I’m gonna go get the car ready.” 
“Thanks May!” He called after her as she left his room, closing the door behind her and leaving Peter once again to his thoughts. He rehearsed his speech again and then again, nerves growing in the pit of his tummy. 
Just as he was leaving his phone buzzed. He worried that it would be an alert of some kind but Peter was pleased to see your name staring back at him with the words “Good luck!” and a dozen heart emojis underneath. He smiled wide as he headed to the car and met May, suddenly feelings less nauseous than before. 
May tried to speak to Peter on the drive but he could only focus on one of two things: you and his speech. He imagined what you would be wearing and the smile that could instantly make him feel better as it lit up a room. May noticed a pink tint forming on Peter’s cheeks and smiled to herself as she saw you waiting for him outside the school.
“Ready?” She looked over at her nephew and smiled, sighing softly. May couldn’t believe how much Peter had grown and how far he’d come in such a short time. He wasn’t the scared kid she knew anymore, he was braver and stronger and he’d faced everything that life had thrown at him. He deserved this moment of happiness. 
Peter nodded and took a deep breath, his hands tightly clutching the cards on which his speech was written. 
“You got this.” May encouraged with a smile. “And it looks like it’s not just me cheering you on.” She nodded to where you were standing, waiting patiently for Peter. He looked over and the smile that broke out on his face was wide enough to squash all his fears. 
You were wearing a pretty mid-length dress under your gown with a pair of sneakers and your hair perfectly styled underneath your cap. You looked beautiful. He told you so as he walked up to you, both of your eyes lighting up with happiness as Peter hugged you, practically picking you up off the ground. 
Peter always made you blush with his compliments and he’d love it when your cheeks went red because of him. He thought it was the cutest thing. Even on your worst days, Peter would always tell you why he loved you and why you were the best thing that ever happened to him. 
You and Peter had been dating for a little over a year now and there wasn’t a moment you would change. Even through the hardships and the fights, every moment with Peter was worth it. The biggest challenge had been college acceptance letters. 
Peter had got accepted into Empire State University and you had chosen to go to Columbia. Luckily it was only a 25 minute drive but even you both knew how crazy college would probably get. You’d heard about relationships, not even just the long distance ones failing because of the workload of college plus with Peter’s spidey duties there was added stress but you had both made a promise to try your hardest to make it work. You couldn’t lose each other, not after everything you’ve been through. 
He was always amazed by how perfectly your hand fit into his as if it were made to be held by him. You noticed as you walked closer to where the ceremony was taking place that Peter’s grip became tighter and his palms became sweatier. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” 
Peter looked at you and took a deep breath, nodding. He smiled as you cupped his cheek, leaning into your touch as it comforted him. 
“Thank you princess.” 
He leaned in and captured your lips in a sweet kiss, letting himself get distracted by the taste of your lips and the way they moved against his own. As he held you close he felt his nerves fade away and he felt he could take on anything. You were his anchor as his whole body felt on edge. 
Peter had never been one for public speaking. Sure he would give speeches as Spidey when he needed to and even though he was still awkward and nervous, he was hidden behind a mask and no one would be able to make fun of him the next day. 
As if you had read his mind, you placed your hand on his arm and kissed his cheek. “Pete, it’s the last time you’re gonna see most of these people so who cares what they think. Just keep your eyes on me, you got this.” 
Your words brought comfort to Peter as he held onto the cards for his speech. He could feel the kiss on his cheek lingering and it made him feel stronger to know he had you to support him. You took his hand in yours once again and smiled before leading the way to your seats, right next to MJ and Ned who both gave Peter a thumbs up.
He waved at May a few rows behind them and smiled, remembering to focus on his breathing as the time drew nearer. He tried not to focus on how many people there were or the different sounds that made him on edge. You knew that when Peter was nervous his senses started to make him feel on edge so you squeezed his hand and leaned into his side. 
Peter noticed your small gesture and focused instead on you; the smell of your perfume, the hum of your heartbeat and the way the sun was catching your face in a serene way. He calmed down almost instantly but it didn’t last long as soon after his name was called by Mr Harrington. 
“I’d like to welcome your class valedictorian, Mr Peter Parker.” 
The crowd of people applauded and it took Peter a moment to process as you pushed him lightly onto his feet. With one last squeeze of your hand, he pulled away and gave you a nervous smile as he walked up the small stairs to the stage. 
Peter stood behind the podium and placed his cards down, his eyes fixated on them for a moment before he looked up at the audience. He took a deep breath, trying to stop the shake of his hands as he gripped onto the podium. 
“Woo Penis Parker!” 
It didn’t take two guesses to know who was shouting in the crowd but Flash was quickly shut down by MJ who kicked him in the shin. Peter smiled at that before his eyes found yours and he felt the anxiety in his mind quieten just enough for him to start speaking. 
As he spoke and delivered his speech about gratitude and learning, his eyes rarely left yours. He rambled a bit off text as he thought of funny anecdotes to tell about his time at Midtown and he noticed the proud smile on your lips as well as the tears that had started to gather in your eyes. 
“My time at Midtown has been interesting for sure. I’ve done things in the past 4 years that I would never have dreamed of and at one point I wasn’t even sure if I’d make it here.” 
You sniffled, remembering when Peter had gone to space and left you and May worried and how the blip had almost threatened to tear you apart. You remembered the night that you first saw Peter after the battle, his face was bruised and the marks of cuts still lined his face but he was more broken beyond that. The emotional scars he’d suffered were far worse than any physical ones. 
He used to lay in your arms and cry most nights and whenever he slept he’d wake with terrible nightmares. Sometimes he’d space out or have flashbacks that left him shaking but you held him through it all. 
“I wouldn’t be here without my friends,” Peter gave a subtle nod to MJ and Ned who smiled back at him. “My family,” He looked over at May who was wiping her eyes with a tissue and Happy who was smiling back at him. “And my love.” His eyes finally met yours once again as he smiled wide. You felt a tear slip down your cheek but you didn’t even care as you smiled back. 
“I am proud to be standing here as your valedictorian and you should all be proud of yourselves too. Part of the journey is the end and tomorrow will mark the start of the new ones we take wherever they lead.” 
Peter smiled as he finished his speech, being met with loud applause from the crowd. You made sure to be extra loud and even gave a whistle which made Peter laugh. His cheeks were red but his smile was brighter than the sun as he walked off of the stage and came back to his seat. You wrapped your arms around him tightly and kissed his blushing cheek. 
“I’m so proud of you baby.” You whispered as you both sat back down, Peter’s smile widening at your words as he took your hand and squeezed. 
The rest of the ceremony went by slowly as you both waited for your names to be called. You watched MJ sigh as she went to grab her diploma but you could tell she was excited and that there was the hint of a smile playing on her lips as you, Peter and Ned all cheered for her. 
Ned almost tripped up the stairs as he got his but quickly laughed it off and happily accepted his diploma. His family cheered just as loud as his friends and Ned walked off the stage with a wide smile, being careful not to trip again. 
When it was your turn, you could feel the pace of your heart pick up, every nerve in your body was tingling. Peter kissed your cheek before you got up and made you blush as you went to accept your diploma. You swung the tassel of your cap to the other side and did a little bow which made Peter and your supporters in the crowd cheer even louder. You didn’t know if you wanted to laugh or cry more as you walked off stage. 
Peter almost looked startled when they finally read his name. He got up quickly and walked up onto the stage, feeling more confident than he had before his speech. He smiled at the teachers and members of staff as he passed them before shaking hands as he got his diploma. He smiled out at the crowd focusing on you and May as you both cheered him on. 
Peter wished he could freeze the moment, the two most important people in his life smiling proudly at him and he knew that if Tony and Ben could be here they would be too. And for the first time in a long time, Peter was proud of himself as he stood on that stage. 
Soon enough all the names had been read and the ceremony was coming to a close. There were so many mixed emotions as the principal said the last words of his speech about moving on and wishing luck to all the graduates. It felt strange, like a dream. This chapter of your lives was really ending. 
Peter watched all the graduation caps being thrown up into the air, it almost felt like slow motion as they fell to the ground signifying the end of his high school years. He was grateful and sad and happy all at once. Yeah there had been bad times but the good times far outweighed them. 
He smiled as stole a kiss from you as you parted to go be with your own families. Peter headed towards May and Happy, accepting hugs from both of them. 
“You did so good, honey!” May ruffled his curls, making Peter roll his eyes fondly. “Happy cried too.” 
Happy gave May a look before looking back at Peter with a laugh. “Your speech was really good Peter.” 
“Thanks, both of you.” Peter smiled at them, he owed a lot to both of them especially May who had raised him. She hugged him again tightly and kissed his head before noticing you walk up to the three of them. 
“Congrats Y/n!” May pulled you into the hug with Peter, making both of you laugh. Peter was the first to pull back, his cheeks almost bright red as he gave his aunt a knowing look before asking if he could go with you. May nodded but not before kissing his cheek. 
You swung your hand with Peter’s as you walked away with a giggle. Peter lifted your hand to his lips and kissed it, making you blush. You smiled and giggled with Peter as you walked away from everyone else, soon stopping at a nearby tree which you instantly recognised. 
When Peter had first asked you to be his girlfriend, you were sitting under this tree reading as you sat between his legs on a warm summer day. You remembered the small shake in his voice as he asked you and how his smile had widened as you said yes. It was as easy as answering your own name.
Peter showed you a little tool knife which had his uncle's initials engraved and smiled. “I thought we could officially make this our spot.” You smiled wide and nodded, squeezing his hand before he started to carve both of your names with your help. 
You both smiled proudly at your work, Peter tracing his fingers over the carving of your names with forever written underneath. “It’s perfect.” He turned to face you and cupped your cheek, brushing his thumb over your cheek, “just like you.” 
You blushed and leaned into his touch, smiling softly at your boyfriend. Both of you felt so lucky to have each other especially after the blip. You never wanted to take each other for granted and you made sure you never did. 
Peter’s hand slipped into his pocket and pulled out a small box, looking like it contained a ring. You looked at him with wide eyes in shock. 
“P-Peter, I- are you-?” 
Peter furrowed his brow before realising what you were saying, his eyes going as wide as yours. He quickly shook his head and blushed with a laugh. “N-no. Maybe one day but no I’m not proposing.” 
You smiled at the mention of the future you hoped with Peter and let out a small sigh of relief. After all, you had only just graduated high school. That was a big enough life milestone for today. 
“This is a promise ring.” Peter spoke as he opened the box, showing you a beautiful silver ring that was engraved, For me, there is only you. “I love you Y/n, i don’t know what i’d do without you and I don’t want to be without you. These past few years have been crazy for sure but you’ve been my anchor through it all. This ring is to remind you that even though we might be in different places and we might not be able to spend as much time together as we want, I will always be yours. It’s only you, always has been, always will be.” 
You sniffled and wiped away a tear that escaped from your watery eyes. “Pete I-” You shook your head, feeling speechless as you held out your hand and Peter slipped the ring onto your finger. You didn’t know what to say so you said the only words that made sense in that moment. “I love you.” 
“I love you too princess, so much.” Peter caught your tears before pulling you in for a kiss, locking his lips effortlessly with yours. 
Peter knew that he’d lost a lot in such a short time and the pain of those losses might not ever go away but he had you and May, his friends and a new journey ahead of him that he was ready to take. Saying goodbye to a chapter of his life was hard but he had to focus on what laid ahead. After all, as a wise man once said; part of the journey is the end.
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Being in a bad mood a few minutes removed from feeling as if one of his legs had rather quickly and effectively shattered in multiple places seemed more than fair to Will Scarlet. Having all of that happen on Thanksgiving weekend, with his only recently-labeled girlfriend in the stands made it worse, too. Ten-thousand times worse.
What made it better surprised him. In a pleasant sort of way, perfectly fit for the holiday season.
Because he’d never been known as a very good post-game quote, after all.
Rating: T for Thanksgiving feelings
Word Count: Just under 5K
AN: Hi, it’s me. I write fics, I horde fics and then decide to post them randomly when I realize that it is, in fact, a timely moment to post the fic I had been hording. Remember when I wrote all those Blue Line era Will x Belle stories? This is the inevitable reaction to that game in Philadelphia. If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope you all get to eat all the variations of potato that a single human being can. Also, uh, If this bears a striking resemblance to a particular scene from Ted Lasso, just...just acknowledge it and move on. This is mostly for @shireness-says​ @optomisticgirl​ and @eleveneitherway​. Who love Will Scarlet as much as I do. 
The thing was—
Flickering lights were one of Will’s pet peeves. Not a super prominent one, or anything. Not like blunt rudeness or those people who felt like they could skip check-out lines for whatever pitiful reason they managed to come up with. Being late, or needing to buy something in an exceptionally quick manner. Not even like Midtown tourists. He’d been a tourist once, after all. Gaping at skyscrapers in the middle of Times Square was something of a right of passage to all human beings who set foot on the concrete between 34th and 60th Street, and Will wasn’t entirely sure how someone changed the poem at the base of the Statue of Liberty, but he figured something as crucial to the human experience as gaping at skyscrapers should be documented. In ink. Or cast iron, or whatever. 
Give me your poor, your weak, your downtrodden, and...traffic disruptors. 
Perfect. Rolled right off the tongue, like silk. 
High-thread count sheets. 
A variety of smooth things. 
Strictly speaking, though, he wasn’t entirely sure where the poem on the base of the Statue of Liberty was located, exactly. Outside? Inside? You could go inside the base of the Statue of Liberty, right? Yeah, he thought so. Maybe not now. And that was only partially because he was less-than-confident in his ability to stand without falling over. 
The light flickered again. Right at the edge of his vision, causing a ripple of anger to skitter up Will’s spine. To circle the corners of his skull and everything already hurt so much already, he couldn’t imagine the state of his skull would have any sort of lasting effect.
On his physical or mental state, really.
He stared. 
At the light. 
All the flickerings. 
Three seconds on, flicker. Five seconds, that time. Flicker. Glance away, count, seven more seconds, flicker, flicker, flicker. 
Gritting his teeth, the huff of air that barely escaped had nothing to do with Will’s natural predisposition toward a variety of other inconsequential pet peeves. Most people wouldn’t expect that of him, actually. Not with the devil may care attitude most people saw. From him, specifically. 
Nine times out of ten, he was the roll of silk. Or, high-thread-count sheets. He really had no interest in being polyester. In this metaphor, at least. 
Things rolled off and rolled away. Drifted toward far more metaphorical gulleys and dips in whatever path of gravel his life had formed, and that one time out of ten usually was rather quickly dealt with when he shook sweat-logged gloves off his hands, lifted his chin up, and grinned at some bastard who inevitably thought landing a right hook would be enough to jumpstart the lackluster morale of his shitty hockey team. 
Punching back had always felt like the best option. Only option, sometimes. Nothing more than a role Will filled and a chance to work out that tenth of a percentage. Of pure, unmitigated frustration. Toward a variety of people, places, and things. 
Including flickering light bulbs. 
“Lazy fuc—” He took another breath. Did absolutely nothing. “Can’t even fix a light bulb, leave me in here with this horror movie room. Fucking, fuck, fuck!”
If he grit his teeth any harder, he was going to snap his jaw in half. Which would be counterproductive, Will imagined. Being in possession of multiple broken bones in a variety of places could not possibly be conducive to an immediate on-ice return, and he refused to be held accountable for the noises he had made on the ice. 
Yelling was pointless. Hurt his throat. Will hoped Victor heard it wherever he’d skulked off to. With promises of six to eight weeks hanging off the edges of his mouth.
Flicker. Flicker. Flicker. 
Whole-body shudders that threatened every bit of muscle fabric he was currently in possession of. Too much fabric, it seemed. Based solely on how much all of him still hurt. Little pangs and prods, some analogy about a metal rod, and possibly some joke about blacksmithing that he was sure would make sense if he felt even the least bit cognizant. 
Sitting on a medical table that appeared to take its existence as a challenge to even the theory of human comfort, Will rolled his shoulders. Let his head drop back, to bounce against a wall with very little give, and that was probably what walls were required to do, by, like, building code, or whatever, but it sent another shockwave of multiple emotions through him and forced his tongue to the corner of his mouth. Where it poked against skin, or whatever technical and biological mumbo jumbo made up the inside of his cheek. 
It was entirely possible Will had passed out on the ice. 
Back to staring, then. Waiting. He hated waiting. Nobody waited on the ice. Waiting led to breakaways and missed chances to clear the zone, and it was a strange thing to possess so many conflicting personality traits at once, easy-going and impatient, unsettled and understanding, but Will figured it had something to do with the inalienable inconsistencies of the human spirit, and finding his balance on one foot was far more difficult than he was entirely prepared for. 
There had to be light bulbs somewhere else in this room. 
Maybe a closet. 
Keeping his hands flat on the table, Will craned his neck. Did his best to see through cabinets with fogged-over glass and those little bubbles underneath, and the hopping wasn’t particularly dignified, only his cheeks were still a little salt-stained from whatever tears had leaked out of his eyes while he’d been half-dying on the ice and—
He hadn’t heard her. No noticeable clack of a heel on linoleum. No sixth-sense. Not that usual prickle that ran up his arms, like every facet of his being was simply attuned to her presence. And the lingering scent of the body wash she used. 
Belle lingered in the doorway. 
Vanilla. Always vanilla.
Just not from Bath and Body Works. Too expensive, she told him. Nothing if not frugal his gir—
Why it was open, was anyone’s guess. Will didn’t guess. Didn’t want to guess. Wanted to shout. Scream. Throw his head back and curse a variety of clearly vengeful gods who dictated the last forty-seven minutes or so of his life, and decided it would be a real kick to fuck with him. 
To examine all the different ways he’d monumentally fucked up his leg. 
“Sit down.”
He didn’t. Couldn’t. Was having some trouble processing the length of her jersey sleeves, quite honestly. Long enough that they covered half her hands, leaving thin fingers covered in matching blue nail polish poking out and effectively poking into him. Directly into those little personality holes Will only noticed when something God-awful happened, as if disappointment came solely to remind him of everything he wasn’t and hadn’t done, and Victor wanted him to stay overnight. At a hospital. Where they presumably had better x-ray machines. 
“Were those two words especially confusing to you in that order?” Belle asked, forced lightness that made her crossed arms seem especially ridiculous. Fabric twisted underneath them. 
Clack, clack, flicker. 
“You’re not supposed to be back here during the game.”
“I’m serious,” Will continued, but she was moving, and he wasn’t, and there was some mathematical equation that explained away the speed of her ensuing steps. Every shift was measured, steady. A slight bend in her knee. Swaying strands of hair each time her shoulders rose. Thin lips, pressed together with the same obvious tension Will felt stretching between his shoulder blades, and he wasn’t sure when the last time he blinked was, only that it was also somehow affecting the dryness of his mouth and his ability to consistently inhale oxygen. 
“They’re going to kick you out of Philadelphia,” he pressed. No response. Not audibly, anyway. Belle’s lips tilted, a tiny drop as her eyes narrowed, and frustration was sort of theme of the evening, but Will was exhausted and hurt, and everything hurt so bad, and he didn’t—
“I’m serious, I—” The room was running out of oxygen. He was running out of oxygen. Swaying on the spot, like one of those little cat things that Chinese restaurants always had in their windows. Will was the arm. Forward, back, forward back. Never finding equilibrium, unable to stay still, and that had always been a problem when he was a kid. 
“Gonna be embarrassing. Getting thrown out of Wells Fargo, ‘cuz that’s what’s gonna happen. You know that, right, sweetheart? Will probably fuck up your record, or something.”
Click, flick, flicker. 
Racing somewhere. Toward something. To be something, and rationally he knew this wasn’t the end. Challenging the pet peeves and the ghosts of insults past, the kind that simply refused to take refuge in the lock-boxes his brain provided for memories like that, was still a possibility. Inevitability, really. There’d be more skates to lace up and gloves to drop, and it was going to be fine. 
Except, sometimes—
Well, he’d seen injuries. Happened in a game like this. Strapping knives to your feet ensured there was something of a dangerous edge to this sport and the people who agreed to play it, but it had never really happened to him, and he was—
Clack, click, stop. 
Hands found his shoulders. Eyes lifted to his. Wide, now. Defiant, even. Another challenge the tiny, defiant jackass of a kid that still lived in him was contractually obligated to meet. 
To her credit, her voice didn’t rise. Her eyebrows stayed frustratingly still. There was no pinch between her brows. None of the telltale signs of looming frustration or exasperation that Will was almost waiting for. To remind her that this was—
“Go back outside.”
Belle shook her head. “Sit down.”
“I mean it, stay away from—” His leg didn’t give out, really. Technically. He wasn’t standing on the broken one, and that hadn’t been officially diagnosed yet, but Will wasn’t a complete idiot, and the tears welling in his eyes were nearly enough to drive him to distraction. His voice cracked as he mumbled, “You gotta get out of here, ma moitié.”
“Throw me out, then.”
She was wearing his jersey. She’d been wearing his jersey. Every game. Home. Away. With the too-long hem hanging over dark jeans that were quickly becoming the star of a variety of mid-day fantasies. 
Her showing up in Philadelphia might have been the greatest thing that had ever happened to him. 
It was entirely possible she might have been the greatest thing that had ever happened to him. 
Belle’s hand moved. Dragged across his shoulder. Traced the angle Will’s neck had become because at some point his head had fallen, and he wasn’t sure when that had happened, only that it likely made it at least a little bit easier for her fingers to curl around the curve of his jaw and he’d never made that noise before. 
Air quivered out of him, the tightness between his shoulders growing. Squeezing his eyes only ensured that the tears finally started to fall again, not quite hot against his cheek. Almost as if they couldn’t muster up the emotion that required. As if the tears were just as exhausted as Will was. 
His knees bent. One knee. Waist, shifted too. Back onto the edge of that torture-inducing table, Belle’s arm slung around his shoulders, and the tension didn’t dissipate, not entirely, but the crook of her neck appeared to be the exact right size as the top of his head currently was. 
As if his head size could change. 
Will hoped it did, almost. To fit this moment, precisely. 
Turning his head, closing his eyes, all he smelled was vanilla. Soft and somehow warm, because in this scenario a smell could also possess a temperature, and he was on a metaphorical roll of increasingly absurd metaphors and he couldn’t be bothered with specifics when there were nails scratching lightly through his hair. 
She didn’t once ask if he was ok. 
Would have been pointless, anyway. 
She never once told him she was freaking out, too. 
“How’d you get back here?”
Will’s voice didn’t sound like him. Rasping out from between his lips, as it was. Belle smiled. He didn’t have to look. “Cap told security to let me through.”
“Cap now, is it?”
“They’re freaking out.”
“Serves ‘em right, took the lot of them fucking forever to hear me screaming back there.”
She hummed. Kept moving her fingers. Almost as if she were taking stock of whatever still-functioning body parts he was in possession of. And Will didn’t try to move. Didn’t once consider lifting his head. Not when he could feel every single one of Belle’s inhales, just as steady as her steps had been, like she was trying to provide a metronome he could time his own pulse to, and that was a rather daunting impossibility at the moment, but he was admittedly kind of distracted by the one shoe that fell off her foot. When she jumped onto the edge of the table next to him. 
He knew, anyway. 
And the light kept flickering. Right in the corner of the room, directly above Victor’s left shoulder while he droned on about recovery time and what a shit facility Philadelphia was running, the second of which got a scoff of something almost resembling laughter out of Will. 
Belle took his phone. Her lips barely moved as she spoke, but she kept speaking. Giving updates and nodding whenever appropriate. To the air. She was nodding to the air because she was in Philadelphia, and she’d come to Philadelphia, and there was never a question. Her hand stayed wrapped up in his the entire time they sat in the back of an ambulance. 
She took both her shoes off at some point. On purpose. 
Bare feet curled underneath her where she sat twisted in the lone chair his hospital room offered. His long-dead phone was tossed on the nightstand, a picked-at plate of food and half-full cup of water, and that observation likely suggested he was inching back toward positive, but Will was also seriously considering reporting the lighting conditions of the Wells Fargo Center’s training rooms, so. Probably made it a wash. 
Belle’s eyes fluttered.
“Shit,” she breathed, and Will’s smile was like instinct and inevitability, and it felt strange on his face, “when did I fall asleep?”
“After me, at least.”
“Yeah, well, you’re walking wounded. You’re supposed to be asleep. That’s how medicine works.”
“Not being able to walk helps, too, and you’ve made sure to threaten me appropriately if I try. Were you standing vigil at my bedside, darling?”
“I’m clearly sitting down.”
“‘S a very common turn of phrase. Have you wept for my poor, prostrate body?”
“Your face has to be down to classify as appropriately prostrate.”
“I could try and move if that’d make you feel better.”
Belle’s phone dinged. Take two. 
Belle’s phone dinged.
“Ariel won’t stop texting me. She’s already got schedules and ideas, and I guess Cap was—” Her sentence cut off. Stopped behind lips that were difficult to see when they pressed together like that, and Will could not fathom or possibly rationalize why his face kept falling into this. Twisted and knotted, a steady thrum of annoyance lingering at the top of his nose. Like an especially aggressive sinus infection that took offense to the idea that anyone was actually upset. For him. Because of him. Belle’s smile did not reach her eyes. “Anyway,” she added, “I, uh—they’re probably back in New York by now, the doctor here says we’ll be good to go tomorrow morning. This morning. Few hours from now, probably.”
“Tell A to get some goddamn sleep, and then turn that off,” Will suggested, before letting his frustration and curiosity get the better of him. “So, Cap have to bribe any of the security guards, or how did it work, exactly?”
Belle blinked. 
“There was some well-meaning glaring that happened, for sure.”
Huffing out oxygen was not quite equivalent to laughing. Was as good as it was going to get, right then. “Did you glare too, babe?”
He said it because he was an asshole. Of the noted variety, who genuinely could not believe he’d considered that glass of water as half-full twelve point seven seconds earlier. Contradictions ate at Will. Sank their teeth into several internal organs. Threatened to tear and pull, to rip him apart at the seams in front of someone whose shoulder had only recently dried. It had been damp because of him. Because he was scared, and he’d never been hurt before. Not like this. Not like he’d watched his teammates be. With fear clawing at the back of his throat, some sort of monstrous and otherwise invisible mountain looming in front of him 
Sat up straighter. Gripped just one of the chair’s sides, and the undeniably ancient plastic beneath her creaked. In an important sort of way. 
Preparing itself for conversations yet to come. 
“You didn’t have to stay here, you know.”
Her face was stone. Must have been, for all the emotion it did not hold, just steady eyes and the clear swipe of her tongue across the front of her teeth. Will’s stomach clenched. 
Belle’s tongue pressed against the seam of her lips. Left a slightly smaller mountain between them, one Will wasn’t quite as intimidated by. None of his metaphors made sense anymore. He’d blame the morphine. Or the oxycontin. Whatever they gave him. It was starting to wear off, anyway. 
“Maybe we should ask the nurse if you can have more morphine.”
“To dull my exceptionally rough edges, you mean?”
“Smart guy.”
“Smarter guy wouldn’t have lost his edge.”
“I’m not a hockey expert, quite yet,” Belle murmured, “but I don’t think your overall intelligence level has a huge impact on the way you can skate.”
“Was embarrassing.”
“Is that what you’re mad about?”
She knew the answer. He knew she knew. She knew that he knew that she knew. And so on, and so on. Will shook his head, and the mattress didn’t dip next to him. Was far too hard for something quite that sentimental, fingers back in his hair and vanilla wrapping around him like that was the blanket the hospital had provided for him. 
Strange, he hardly heard Belle. Whispered words barely reached Will’s ears before they evaporated into air molecules that he figured were required to smell like an overwhelming mix of bleach and artificial lemon. But despite the overall volume of jumbled syllables, Will would have argued that he felt the letters more. Let them settle beneath his skin. Push into those muscle fabrics and fibers he’d been so concerned with. They didn’t fix his leg. Didn’t bind his bones or dull those previously discussed edges. 
“What’s the schedule look like for reaching hockey expert status?”
“Depends on the day of the week, really,” Belle admitted, “and how confident I am in understanding why lifting your skate affects whether or not it’s offsides.”
“Stupid rule, that’s why.”
“I swore I heard it.”
Nothing about the sentence or the sentiment it conveyed was enough to fix everything. But it came pretty goddamn close. 
Her fingers were warm. Laced between his, as they were. 
“I, uh—” Will started, licking his lips. “I love you.”
No blink, that time. Belle’s eyes bugged, big and round and gaping at Will with way too much surprise. That was kind of a knock on his self-confidence, actually. 
His lips were very dry.
“Hurt like hell, you know,” he muttered, “I wasn’t kidding about the screaming. Jeff’s probably gonna be scarred for life.”
“Blood-thirsty little librarian.” Shaking her head, strands of hair clung to Belle’s cheeks, and it took Will a moment to realize why. They were damp. Tear-stained. “Babe…”
“No, no, no, that’s—” Her teeth really were very straight. Easy to notice when they were barred in his direction. “You know, what? Screw you, monumental jackass.”
His eyebrows jumped. No, leaped. Straight up his forehead. “Excuse me?”
No way had that chair been comfortable to sleep in. 
“Why do you think I’m here, right now?”
“To provide moral support in my time of need. Plus, I’m seriously freaking out. Crisis of confidence and all that, and,” his voice dropped, “I’ve never been hurt before.”
Belle’s throat shifted. She swallowed three times. Will was counting. “Never?”
“Not like this, at least.”
“I didn’t like that sound.”
“You were too far away to hear it, love,” he reasoned, thankful that neither one of them mentioned that shift in endearment. Less glad that his pronouncement hadn’t been returned in kind. Although, Belle was starting to look like an inverse bobblehead. Shaking back and forth on a single, horizontal line that could not be doing anything to help the state of her neck. 
“No, I wasn’t,” she whispered, “I—it...it felt like it rattled around my brain. Like everything froze, waiting for the sound to disappear eventually. Sound’s not supposed to loiter like that.”
“Was it standing on a street corner?”
“I’ll pinch you.”
“I don’t think I’d feel it, actually.”
“That’s stupid.”
“Becoming something of a common thread ‘round here. I’m sorry.”
Her shoulders sagged. Whatever fight she’d been clinging to almost visibly fell out of her, and there wasn’t enough space between them on that bed. It threatened all of their remaining and collective legs. Only three of which were functioning at that point. 
“I was supposed to go first.”
Will’s breath caught. Halfway down his throat. “What?”
“First,” Belle repeated, “I—I had a plan, and seriously, what do you think I’m doing here?”
She pinched him. Right at the top of his bicep, the team-branded shirt they’d let him change into not defending his visible skin and a put-upon girlfriend who—
“Keep repeating yourself.”
“I’m going to call the nurse.”
“Tell a better story, and maybe I’ll be able to keep up with the plot.”
None of the lights in that room flickered. Were almost too bright, honestly. So he could see absolutely everything, in startling, high-definition detail. 
“That hurt,” he mumbled.
“I could hear it, I know I could, and I—shit, how did you just say it? This is harder than I thought it was going to be.”
“Tu es un âne.”
“Did you learn French to insult me?”
“Not the whole language, what kind of schedule do you think I have?”
Will lifted a shoulder. All the blood felt like it was rushing out of his leg. Hung in the air, like it was. He didn’t think it was supposed to do that. Most of tonight was not supposed to happen the way it had. “So, just specific insults, huh?”
Plus, he was an athlete. 
“Sorta insulting, too, honestly.”
“I had at least six-eighths of a really legitimate plan,” Belle said, “that was going to be good and did require a win, but I’ve got a lot of confidence in your forecheck, so—”
“Tell me more hockey terms, please. Also, reduce your fractions, God.”
She snarled. Which made it difficult to entirely prepare for the press of her lips against his, as if the energy barely contained by her rib cage pushed her forward and directly into Will’s mouth. His smile felt more natural, now. 
Albeit an injured one, with that mountain and Ariel’s inevitably obnoxious texts, but Belle had never pulled her fingers away from his, and that was enough. To jumpstart the shitty morale of this two-person team. 
Didn’t even have to drop gloves. 
His hand moved before he did, turning her head and pulling Belle closer, and that ensured their noses bumped in a decidedly non-romantic way, but feeling the curl of her mouth was enough to temper any concern regarding body placement, and her pulse jumped. Directly beneath his thumb. And, they’d done this enough that Will was fairly certain the stutter in his chest was simply a requirement by now. 
This time, though. 
This time he was concerned his chest would simply crumble under the force of his suddenly determined and proclaimed heart, and he’d already professed quite a bit more than he ever expected to. So, he figured, if his heart flew out of him, and landed somewhere on the collective surface area of their three functioning legs, then that was more like cutting out the middle-man than anything. Left Belle free to take the stupid thing as her own. 
Which it was, really. 
Had been for some time, now. 
He couldn’t cope with her nose. With the way it brushed his cheek, tilting her head, and he didn’t bother opening his eyes. Figured it would be easier to let the memory brand itself on whatever part of his brain controlled that thing if he wasn’t distracted by hospital lighting and how much he hated the smell of lemon. Vanilla, Will only wanted to smell vanilla. 
From here on out. 
Everything else fell away. In perfect time with his more metaphorical heart. Faded, until there was no sound. No beeping machines. No half-panted breaths. Will forgot where he was. Managed to ignore the pain in his leg for at least twenty-six seconds straight. 
Repeat, repeat, believe. 
He wasn’t counting, so that was admittedly a well-educated guess. Plus, Belle’s tongue was in his mouth, and that took precedent. Until her tongue was gone. And her lips were moving. Words pushed at the bubble, the one surrounding them and keeping the rest of the noises out, a last line of defense against worry and fear and—
“I love you, I love you, I love you.”
Belle pressed the words into his cheek. Beneath the jut of his chin. Against the bridge of his nose. Just below his left eye. Above his right brow. Over and over. Again and again. Beyond a shadow of doubt, without a single crack.
“I’m sorry it scared you,” he whispered, “but I am glad you’re here. In a selfish sort of way.”
“Not selfish.”
“Nah, that’s a trademark of professional athletes with scores of interested and occasionally attractive fans. Patent pending.”
“This is not working as well as you think it is.”
He kissed the top of her hair. Once, twice. Smiled against her scalp. “Eh, I don’t know about that, here you are professing love to an invalid, so I’d say I’m coming out ahead in all of this.”
“I’m not sure I really qualify as appropriate internet fodder,” Belle said, an undercurrent of nearly-appropriate laughter in her voice, “what with all those occasionally attractive fans, although I am confident in my superior fashion sense.”
Nipping at the tip of her nose ensured the laughter bounced off the walls. “God, shut up.”
“You want to take it from the top, then?”
“I think you’re real pretty.”
She beamed. Rivaled the lights, flickering or otherwise. Straight into him and through him and Will seriously could not feel his leg, but—
Chuckling against her neck left Belle squirming at Will’s side, and he rather suddenly had a brand-new list. Of things. Stuff he didn’t enjoy, and would rather avoid repeating again. Scaring her was sitting squarely in first place. Well above everyone and everything else.
“What if I filed a complaint with the manufacturer or your skates?”
“For pain and suffering?”
“Near-total breakdown in section 112 of Wells Fargo Center. Several old men in head to toe orange were appropriately scandalized.”
Even line-cutters. 
So, that was a pretty big, legitimate deal. As far as big, legitimate deals went. 
“I’m really very, entirely, ridiculously in love with you.”
About a boy and a girl and how much they despised the entire history of the city of Philadelphia, but loved each other in an unexpected sort of way defied both Benjamin Franklin and the Phillie Phanatic. 
“Let’s not do this again, ok? The injury part, I mean. Also, I love you, too, take two”
Will nodded. “For sure, ma moitié.”
Second time he’d used that. Second time he meant it with everything he had, and then some. Which was, actually, slightly less than usual, what with the state of his leg, but Belle didn’t appear to have any intention of moving off that bed any time soon, and Will heard her perfectly when she started talking. Telling a story, directly in his ear. 
“Baseball’s an exceptionally boring sport, that’s why,” Will mumbled, only to be pinched again and quickly shushed. Kissed too, right at his temple. 
He took a deep breath. Closed his eyes. And the glass of water was entirely full again when he woke up the next morning, hair that smelled strongly of vanilla, stuck to his cheek with Belle’s fingers still wrapped up in his. 
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parknerficrecblog · 3 years
Angst fics please?
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This is a good angst fic
hit me (i wont break, even if you do) by MayWilder
“He called,” she rasps, nails digging into Peter’s skin hard enough to draw blood. Her voice is dry and hoarse from disuse, but she pushes on. “He called this morning, to try and apologize. Said he’s gotten help. Help. Says he sorry. As if—as if it changes what he did to us!” God, Abby is angry. She yells again, seemingly trying to expel every bit of negative energy from her body. Peter holds her and cries with her, in disbelief that someone could ever cause their child this kind of pain. Peter’s seen the evidence of Henry Keener’s abuse before. He’s kissed at Harley’s scars and wiped away tears after a particularly bad dream, but the other boy has never been like this. This anger, this heartbreak, is a different level of pain that Peter can only imagine. He’s lost a lot in his life, yes, but he’s never had the two people who were supposed to take care of him fail so spectacularly. He decides, right then and there, that he will not fail Abbie Keener. cw: depression
one of my favorite writers who has a habit of writing angst
I can't fix what was done to you (but I'll shield you from the rain) by yeeharley
Harley had never been inside of Peter's head, but he caught snippets of breakdowns and panic attacks. He knew his boyfriend's past, knew about the awful things that had happened to bring him to the point that he was at. He had no idea how big Peter's darkness was. All he knew was that it was growing rapidly, and no matter how hard Peter beat it back with his metaphorical baseball bat, it kept encroaching on the bright parts of his brain. The parts of his brain that made Peter the person he was. The worst thing about it was that Harley didn't know how to help. All he could do was watch as Peter slowly deteriorated, crumbling under the pressure of protecting an entire city. Watch as his under-eye bags grew bigger and darker, as he worried at his bottom lip to the point of drawing blood, as he became pale and thin and tired. He didn't know what he was going to do. And he had to figure something out before it was too late. cw: mental health issues, gun violence
If you like presumed dead aus
Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again by impravidus
Life moved on, but Harley Keener did not. CW: presumed dead
Some Harley centric angst for the soul
Willow by Shaderose
He sighs, and drops his hand back down, feeling stupid, pathetic all of a sudden, ignoring the light throbbing of the side of his head. He shouldn't even be here. Why did he come here? He had known he couldn't stay in Rose Hill, but he should've gone somewhere else. Anywhere but here. Anywhere where he was wanted. CW: Abandonment issues 
In my top for not sad angst
Harley Had a Problem by michellejones_stacy
It wasn’t a big deal. Peter was gone when Harley woke up, and they didn’t talk about it. And then it happened again. So he went with it. or Harley might be in love with Peter, and he might not do all that good a job at hiding it. (And Tony loves his Idiot Children.) CW: drug addiction implied/reference
One of my favorite new writers to the parkner scene
Crescendo by The_Devils_Sunflower
Peter is still struggling with the death of Toomes. Harley doesn't know whats up with Peter. Tony decides his son needs a vacation. Here's what happened after.
Sadly can’t do angst without including someone known for angst
The Curse of the Angel and Demon by WaywardFairchild
The angel who protected the world and the demon who destroyed it. Forever fighting. Once they were lovers but slowly the curse takes hold and they die as enemies in each other's arms. / Tony Stark must stop the curse from taking his interns like it did his friends. CW: major character death sort of
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givelove-always · 4 years
I Love Him Not, I Love Him
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A/N: Hi! This is my extremely late entry for @bucky-smiles​’ 2K Bollywood Writing Challenge (I’m so sorry for the delay aahhh!)! My prompt was one of my fave songs, Subhanallah from Yeh Jawaani Hai Deewani, so that’s what this fic is loosely based on! Also a big thank you to @parkerpetey​ for taking the time to edit this and leave hilarious comments throughout the Google doc, ilysm for that. I hope you enjoy!
Summary: The three times you didn’t accept that you were crushing on Peter, and the one time you did.
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 7.3k words
Warnings: None, just tooth-rotting fluff and reader being frustrating :)
Something everyone talked about, yet nobody really talked about, was how being the new student in the school, especially given that it was your senior year, was ridiculously tough.
You had recently moved from Toronto to Queens, and you absolutely despised it. You’d spent three extremely long years at your old school creating a name for yourself, be it through your strong academic scores or your commitment to numerous extracurriculars. You weren’t exactly popular, but were definitely spoken of quite highly if you were brought up in conversation, regardless of whether it was teachers talking or your fellow students. You were on the perfect path to becoming valedictorian of your class.
… Until you were uprooted and brought here. Sure, your dad really pulled all the strings he could to help you secure a spot at Midtown, especially given that it was senior year - it’s hard enough as is to secure a spot in freshman year, what with it being insanely competitive and for genius students and all, and while your grades were stellar, it would’ve still been close to impossible securing a spot - and you really appreciated it, but that didn’t mean that you still didn’t miss your school and your friends back in Toronto.
It felt like everyone was talking about you - who was the new girl? how did she manage to get a spot three years after everyone else? was she genuinely smart, or was there some other way she got in? - but at the same time, it felt like you were invisible. People wanted to know more about the circumstances surrounding you than know more about you as a person.
With every day that you went to school and came back home after unsuccessful attempts at restarting your social life and making friends, your morale was deflating. As much as you tried to push it aside, the pang in your chest was becoming more and more undeniable when you constantly saw people surrounded by their friends, laughing and chatting, while you sat to the side all by yourself.
Even then, it was all bearable. Just one year here, and then you could go make friends in university, where life would practically be a clean slate - a fresh start for everyone. Who knows, maybe you could even go back to Canada to a university where some of your old high school friends would be attending. You kept telling yourself that everything would work itself out, and if it had to be after a year of loneliness, then so be it.
The only thing that still felt terrible were the daily walks to and from school all alone. Back in Toronto, you and your best friend would always text each other in the morning to try and coordinate the time that you’d leave so that you could walk together, chatting each other’s ears off the entire way there. If you had time in the morning, you’d often even stop by the Tim Hortons on the way and get yourselves a little breakfast.
Here in Queens, there were tons of cute little cafés and little convenience stores and such on your way to school, and while you would still often stop by to pick up a quick snack or drink (or even just to say a quick hello to Mr. Delmar, the kind man who owned the little sandwich shop around the corner, and pet his adorable little cat), it never was the same as going with a friend. That constant loneliness started to change though when one day, you left home and arrived at Mr. Delmar’s shop earlier than usual.
It had been a long night with very minimal sleep. You were up working on a Physics assignment until almost five in the morning and you knew that if you slept then, you wouldn’t wake up in time for your morning classes. The extremely prominent bags under your eyes stood as proof of your exhaustion and you had no energy to make yourself breakfast, hence your early arrival at Delmar’s.
You sat at a little table by the window observing the street outside. Most people look at the way others are dressed outside as an indication of the weather. You, on the other hand, liked to think of it as more of a personification of the weather. If the chilly November weather were to be a person, they would definitely be one of those speedy walkers roaming the streets in some fuzzy boots and a trench coat.
As you sipped on your hot chocolate and tried to assign a more rounded personality to the November weather for no reason other than trying to wake yourself up, the sound of the bells chiming as someone entered the store caught your attention.
Peter Parker.
He was that really smart kid in your Physics class - the one subject you were struggling in. You knew him from that one time you guys were paired up for a quick chemistry lab, but you didn’t know him know him. You remembered vividly and appreciated how nice he was the whole time - it was difficult to find that over the last few months. Either that, or you just somehow managed to keep getting paired up with the wrong people.
You realized you were staring at him when you saw him facing and waving in your direction.
That was unusual, nobody ever really seemed to acknowledge you.
You turned to see if there was someone behind you he might have been trying to talk to, but very quickly realized that you were seated in the corner when your eyes were met with nothing but the plain white wall. ‘Stupid move,’ you told yourself. ‘How do you just forget that you’re sitting next to a wall?’
Grimacing a little, you turned back to face him and waved at him. You gave him a small smile, which he very politely returned before he went up to place his order.
‘Great, you can’t even greet a person normally. What is wrong with you Y/n? This is why people aren’t trying to befriend you right now, if-’
“Hey, do you mind if I sit down here?” a slightly timid voice interrupted. Your eyes locked with Peter’s as your head shot up.
“Oh! Um, yeah- I mean, no! I mean, no, I don’t mind, go ahead!” you stuttered, feeling all the blood rush to your cheeks.
Peter let out the softest giggle you have ever heard as he sat down, and if you didn’t have such sharp hearing, you were sure you would have missed it.
“How are you? How are things going?” he asked as he set his sandwich onto the table.
“Oh, well, they’re going,” you smiled and shrugged. “This point in the semester’s always a little crazy, but it’s not the worst. How are you doing?”
“Yeah, it does get hectic around this time,” Peter sympathized, scrunching his nose slightly in an effort to show mutual distaste over the stress. “I’m not too bad, just really tired from working on that physics assignment. How’d you find that?”
“Oh my gosh, don’t ask,” you groaned, rolling your head before laying it smack against the table. “I literally cannot physics, it took me forever to complete it, and I’m still not confident about a solid chunk of it.”
Peter let out a laugh at your reaction, the sound falling like music onto your ears. You discreetly peeked up from your position on the table to look at his undoubtedly glowing face, and the image you were met with was nothing short of beautiful. His eyes were scrunched up and his perfect teeth were on full display, cheeks turning redder by the second. The sunlight falling on his brown curls gave them a softer hue and made them look even softer than you’d already imagined them to be. Nobody had ever looked this angelic.
It was a sight you wouldn’t mind getting used to.
‘Wait, what? Why did you just think that? Y/n you barely even know the guy, stop being creepy!’
You pulled yourself out of the trance and slowly sat back up, giggling lightly to avoid making it obvious that you had just been staring - that would be awkward to explain.
“I’m sure you did just fine,” Peter chuckled. “And if anything, physics isn’t my worst subject, so um, if you want, I’d be more than happy to help.”
“That’s very sweet, thank you Peter, I appreciate that more than you realize,” you smiled, picking up your backpack. “I hate to cut this conversation short, but we need to start heading to school soon if we want to get to class on time.”
“It doesn’t have to be cut short!” Peter said abruptly standing up, catching you off-guard a little. “I-I mean, we could walk together if you’d like? No pressure though, it’s totally cool if you don’t-”
“Of course, I’d love that,” you cut him off with a smile.
“Okay,” you nodded. “Let’s head out?”
“Yeah, just hold on one quick second,” he said as he quickly rushed over to the front of the shop.
Eyebrows furrowed, you followed him, only for your expression to instantly morph into one of awe as you were met with Peter petting Murph, Mr. Delmar’s cat, before he jogged back to where you were standing, a goofy smile adorning his face. “I’m ready now.”
Saying a quick goodbye to Mr. Delmar, the two of you made your way out. You shivered a little as the icy wind hit you. Peter picked up on the way you tried to discreetly rub your hands together, your outfit not doing nearly enough to cope with the sudden sharpness of the atmosphere, but stayed quiet, not knowing if it was appropriate to say something or not.
“So you’re a cat person, eh?”
“I’d say so, yeah. I’m just as much of a dog person too, though. Murph trumps all other animals though - I’ve been seeing him since Mr. Delmar got him, and he’s so adorable,” Peter gushed. “What about you, a dog person or a cat person?”
“Oh, a hundred percent a dog person, though I would make an exception for Murph, he is pretty cute,” you chuckled. “My best friend back in Canada has the sweetest little puppy named Maple and I practically lived at her house for the sole purpose of playing with him. Her uncle would drop off his two poodles occasionally too when he was travelling, and there was no way to get me out of her house when all three puppies came together.”
“Maple? That’s the most Canadian thing I’ve ever heard, I love that!” Peter physically had to stop for a minute because he was bent over letting out what could only be described as a ‘hearty laugh’.
If it were anyone else, you would most certainly be offended - what was so funny about having a pet with a stereotypical Canadian name? - but Peter exuded an aura of kindness and innocence, and despite only having spoken to him for such a short period of time, you knew his intentions were nothing but pure. Also, you had to admit, it was a little comedic how stereotypical the name was.
“Anyway, speaking of Canada,” he spoke through light chuckles once he’d calmed down a little and you both continued walking, “I don’t mean to be intrusive, and you definitely don’t have to answer if you’d rather not, but um, how come you transferred here senior year? Was it hard to get in? How did that work?”
“No no don’t worry, you’re not being intrusive at all, I don’t mind! Basically…” you started your not-so-entertaining story of how you ended up at Midtown, and no matter how many times you stopped yourself to apologize for how “boring” you were being, Peter assured you that you were anything but.
The long walk to school couldn’t have been long enough, because you were at your locker way too quick for your liking. And judging by the way Peter stayed with you as you grabbed your stuff and offered to walk you to class, he felt the same way.
You found yourself beginning to set your alarm for just a little while earlier than usual that day onwards, and morning walks together became more common as the month went on. Sure, you adored your sleep, but having a potential chance to run into Peter and walk to school with him again? It was worth it.
Despite having only briefly known him, there was a sense of comfort that you felt in his presence. He made you feel like you could share anything with him. Everytime he smiled, forget full-fledged laughed, you felt like maybe, just maybe, things were going to be okay for you.
To top it all off, it didn’t hurt that he was more than easy on the eyes. Those gorgeous eyes and that cute button-nose, not to mention his beautiful brown curls? You wouldn’t mind signing up for that one bit.
‘Y/n, stop. No. He’s just your friend. He’s just being nice, and you’re just happy you have a friend. You do not see him in that way - there is no chance of anything along those lines happening. You just haven’t had much interaction with people and now you’re playing up a friendship because you have nothing better to do. You do not like him.’
You reminded yourself that every time you caught yourself looking at him for even a moment more than what would be acceptable when you conversed. Peter was a great guy, but you guys were just friends, and you intended on keeping your feelings about him that way.
Besides, the reason you were down to lose some sleep wasn’t just being able to walk into school with Peter. You always had a problem with getting to school just in time to catch the bell, and this gave you an excuse to be more timely.
That’s all it was. A friendship and a way to be more punctual. Not anything more than that.
***** two
“Peter,” you clutched your stomach, loud laughter escaping you, “I’m literally going to pee myself!”
“Y/n, stop entertaining him or he won’t stop making those terrible jokes,” Ned groaned.
Peter had introduced you to his best friends Ned and MJ about three days into your friendship, once you’d gotten the remainder of your paperwork after your transfer completed and could finally sit with the rest of your classmates for lunch, and you’d all instantly clicked.
Here you were, two months later. Colourful lights shining all around you, the sound of squeals and laughter from a multitude of people constantly surrounding you, and a game to play every few steps you took - not to mention the numerous prizes waiting to be won.
Ned has suggested that the four of you go down to the arcade nearby to destress after the exhaustion of your end-of-semester exams, and you all had instantly agreed.
As much fun as you were having playing the different games and winning all those tickets with the people who had grown to be your closest friends, what was absolutely making your day was the way in which Peter would just not stop making hilarious puns and jokes.
“You’re just jealous you’re not as cool or as hot as me,” Peter playfully scoffed and made exaggerated hair-flip movements, grabbing your hand as he dragged a giggling you to the next game. “Come on Y/n, they’ll never know what it’s like to be iconic.”
“Woah Peter, what’s gotten into you today?”
“I’m just happy. I’m a happy boy. A happy boy who’s happy about being at this arcade with his wonderful friends because it’s a happy environment,” he glanced at you over his shoulder as he put in the tokens to play basketball.
You chuckled as you reached out to playfully pull his cheeks. “Well, happy boy, let’s win this thing and win it together. In case you didn’t know, my basketball skills are somewhat impeccable.”
“Y/n, you literally can’t walk five steps without tripping, it’s pretty hard to imagine you being any good at a sport that involves a lot of running,” he sassed.
“Ah, well that right there is the thing - I’m incapable of walking. When it comes to running, I’m a whole other ball game. Basketball game, to be more specific,” you spoke slowly, nodding your head wisely to emphasize your wisdom.
Peter let out a wheeze neither of you had expected, and it sent you both into a fit of laughter. When Ned and MJ made their way over to you a few seconds later, all they saw was the two of you clutching your stomachs, faces red and laughter escaping your throats as though you’d just rewatched another one of those ridiculous ‘5-Minute Crafts’ life hacks.
In the midst of the hysteria, as Peter went to slap his knee, he accidentally slammed the Start button on the game. The ever-so-jolly-yet-ominous-sounding countdown of the machine finally pulling you guys out of your bubble.
“Oh my gosh Peter stand up, it’s starting!” you exclaimed through giggles, smacking his arm repeatedly with the back of your hand to get his attention.
“Oof okay okay, let’s do this thing!” Peter rubbed his palms and cracked his neck, getting in a serious stance and grabbing the first basketball that came through the machine before tossing it straight into the hoop.
“My turn, my turn!” You shoved him with your hip playfully to make room for yourself and get a better angle to shoot.
Ned and MJ, who had been standing close behind and observing this all go down, just looked at each other, heads cocked to the side. Claps and cheers when the other one scored and purposeful bumps into each other every single time you switched, given you guys’ speed and surprising accuracy, were all they could see and hear.
“The two idiots… they really don’t see it, do they?” MJ questioned, looking between the both of you, genuinely puzzled.
Ned groaned and rubbed his hands over his face. “Dude, I swear I can and will cry right now if they don’t stop playing this ‘you’re just my best friend’ game, I’m so tired of it.”
“Are we gonna say anything to them to make them ‘fess up though?”
“Nah, I kinda wanna watch it play out, as much as it exasperates me,” Ned shrugged.
“Alright Petey boy, you wanna take this jackpot shot or do you want me to?” you looked over at him and asked. “No pressure buddy, but it is an extra five hundred tickets.”
“All yours, m’lady,” he curtly bowed, drawing a laugh from you.
You took your stance, legs slightly spread apart and knees bent just a little, preparing for the big shoot. You grabbed the final basketball, dribbled it on the ground twice, and tossed it, aiming straight for the hoop.
“She shoots,” Peter commentated, watching the ball leave your hands, “and… she scores!”
You let out a squeal and jumped straight into Peter’s arms, giving him the biggest hug you could possibly render. Peter caught you and spun you around, cheering and laughing all the while as the machine spewed out your tickets.
“Okay kids,” MJ called out, pulling you both out of your little moment of euphoria. “Chill for a second and pick up your tickets because I will gladly take them if you don’t want them.”
You chuckled her comment and separated from Peter before quickly walking up to grab the tickets. “Hey, Peter and I worked hard for these, back off,” you playfully pouted, hearing Peter chuckle from beside you.
“Okay okay,” Ned laughed. “MJ and I are done with our tokens, are you guys ready to call it a day and get the prizes too or..?”
“I’m ready to go, Y/n?” Peter asked.
“Yup, I’m done too, let’s go.”
You all made your way over to the corner of the arcade where you could total up your tickets and redeem them for prizes. Despite your constant refusal, Peter not only let you take the entirety of the tickets you both won from the basketball game instead of splitting them, but also gave you all the tickets he’d earned that day so that when combined with yours, you’d be able to get the adorable person-sized teddy bear you were planning on saving up for.
Ned decided to splurge on a number of small prizes, like the classic ginormous plastic sunglasses and little notepads, while MJ got herself a Rubik’s cube and a sticker that said “Caution: Falling Rocks”. Nobody knows why she picked that one in particular - she’d simply shrugged when Peter had asked her about it.
You felt bad that Peter didn’t end up getting anything, but he insisted he was totally cool with it. Something about “not having any more space for obscure things to stuff in my cupboards anyway.”
“Guys, I’m hungry,” you said, bringing the attention to you while you all headed out of the noisy arcade. “Let’s go grab a bite somewhere?”
“Ooh yes, I know this place that’s only like five minutes from here - Ned and I went there like last week. It’s-”
Peter never really got to finish that sentence. He was walking backwards, trying to make eye contact with the three of you while relaying his expertise on the restaurants in the area, but the man-child had tripped over his own two feet and landed flat on the ground.
“Oh my gosh, are you okay?” you all rushed over to him.
“I’m okay, I’m okay,” he assured you guys as he grabbed Ned’s hand and pulled himself up, dusting off his jeans.
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you right then. “Hey Pete, what was that you said earlier about me not being able to walk five steps without tripping?”
“Hey, cut me some slack, okay. MJ’s sticker said ‘falling rocks’ and I was just testing the validity of that statement. Now, with experiential evidence, I can confirm that it is, in fact, false.”
You and Ned burst out laughing at what was probably Peter’s only good joke all afternoon. MJ rolled her eyes, but even she couldn’t stop the smile that took over her face.
You all started to head towards the restaurant Peter suggested, Ned leading the way.
“Hey Y/n?” Peter leaned over.
“Did you lose an electron? Because you’re positively glowing.”
“Oy smarty-pants, make your own puns, don’t steal them from your t-shirt,” you chuckled, shaking your head. You increased your speed and walked up ahead to where Ned was walking to join him and, hopefully, prevent Peter from the bright red that overtook your features from that one little out-of-nowhere compliment.
You and Ned were joking around about the events of the day and how much fun everything was, and as much as you enjoyed Ned’s company, you couldn’t help but let your mind wander a little.
Why did Peter have such an effect on you? How was he able to make you feel so giddy - all he did was give you one punny compliment and you were blushing? How come this never happens with anybody else?
‘It’s because sometimes you just click with some people more than you do with others. Yeah, that’s what this is. That’s all it is. You just click with him slightly more than you do with the others, and so his compliment is just a little bit more meaningful in that sense,’ you rationalized.
That’s definitely all it was. A strong friendship. Not a crush - definitely not a crush.
***** three
It was the end of senior year, and you were finally in Europe for your long-awaited senior trip that the Midtown teachers had organized for your graduating class.
You’d managed to fall sick on the second day of the trip, but despite the absolute nightmare that all the nausea and headaches had been, it had luckily turned out to only be a 24-hour bug, and you’d been up and running, ready to explore the place by the next morning.
Ned and Peter shared a room while you and MJ shared another, and while the four of you would occasionally hang out in each other’s rooms when you weren’t already out and about, Peter had insisted on practically staying in your room when you were sick so he could take care of you.
You’d pushed them all out of the room to go out and have fun, or even just go sit in the other room so they wouldn’t accidentally contract whatever it was you had.
Peter, though, just would not listen - he kept taking MJ’s keycard and coming in to check up on you, making sure you were hydrated and had everything you needed. You’d woken up the morning after to a number of texts from Peter, scattered at different times throughout the night, telling you that he hoped you were feeling better and reminding you that you could call him if you needed anything, no matter how late or early it was.
You’d made it known to him the next time you saw him how much you appreciated him doing that, but also how you wished he’d have slept without worrying about you so much.
He’d only smiled in response.
Once you’d gotten better - which luckily was by the next afternoon - the four of you would spend time in one hotel room all evening. Watching movies together, having popcorn fights, or just talking, laughing and reminiscing about the year that had flown right by you.
During the day, you would all go out and explore whatever city you were in, making sure to cover all the general tourist attractions and getting tons and tons of pictures with and of each other. MJ had become your unspoken designated photographer, capturing breathtaking candids of you all whenever she got the chance.
Mr. Harrington had mandated that anybody who went out to explore or do something that wasn’t on the itinerary report back to the hotel by sunset so he could keep track of everyone, so you would always make it a point to be in your rooms by then.
Most people stayed out anyway, but not the four of you - you didn’t want to worry the poor man. He worked hard all year too, and he was kind enough to supervise this trip - the least you could all do was ensure that you weren’t burdening him with any added stress.
Occasionally, you would end up getting back to the hotel earlier than others in your group. Sometimes, MJ would want to wander by herself, and Ned would try to approach and converse with Betty, who he found really cute.
Times like that, you and Peter would be the only ones in your respective rooms. The very first time that happened, you both very quickly realized that if you were in that situation, boredom would usually follow very soon.
So the next time onwards, even if none of the others were there, you and Peter would just hang out together in one of your rooms. It didn’t really matter what you were doing - just being in each other’s presence made things fun.
It was guaranteed, though, that obscure things would always happen when it was just the two of you left unsupervised. One time, Ned walked into his and Peter’s shared room only to find you and Peter in the midst of a very soulful rendition of A Whole New World from Aladdin - complete with exaggerated dance moves and hairbrush-microphones. Another time, MJ returned from her walk to a nearby park to you and Peter indulged in a heated discussion about whether pop tarts should be considered a sandwich or ravioli.
The four of you would often stay up until odd hours talking about anything and everything. The later it got, the deeper your topics of conversation would get. They would go from sharing nostalgic memories from your childhoods to passionate conversations about how many pets one could get before they’d be considered too many.
One of those days, when you had a one hundred percent free day because the event on your itinerary got cancelled, MJ and Peter decided they wanted to go visit a museum. Ned brought up that he wanted to go shopping around the city instead, and since you were planning the same, the two of you went out together.
You and Ned decided to hop onto one of those red double-decker buses, because if you’re a tourist in London and don’t get on one of those buses even once, are you really a tourist in London? Since neither of you had anything specific you wanted to shop for or any specific place in mind, you decided to take a random bus and get off wherever you felt would be worth it.
After about fifteen minutes of looking around at the hustling streets, you finally passed through an area that seemed to be filled with a variety of stores, making it the perfect place for some obscure shopping.
You both walked around, entering random stores whenever something in the display caught your eyes and buying random articles of clothing. At one point, you found a really cool thrift store and decided to style each other - the results being surprisingly more wonderful than either of you had expected. You both did an impromptu ramp walk for each other, filling the trial rooms with the sounds of laughter and giggles.
As the evening started to set in and the gorgeous colours started to take over the blue sky, you decided that you should start heading back to the hotel soon. It wasn’t too far from where you were though, considering the fact that a quick fifteen-minute ride would get you back, so you two did have time to stop by one or two more stores quickly if you wanted to.
As you strolled around, looking at the displays to see if there was something you might like, a pretty off-white floral sundress caught your attention. “Ned, can we go in here? I want to try this dress on!” you said as you tapped him excitedly on his shoulder.
He agreed, and as soon as you found the dress and tried it on, you absolutely fell in love with it. It was just the right length for your preference, and fit your body just right. In fact, it would even go perfectly with the adorable cross-body bag you’d picked up earlier in the day. You didn’t have to think twice before heading to the cash register to buy it and officially make it yours.
“Today burned a hole in my pockets, but it was so much fun Y/n, thanks for coming with me,” Ned said as you both got seated on the bus.
“Hey, of course! I had so much fun too! It was so refreshing to, thank you for letting me try on eight thousand different things,” you grinned.
The two of you continued conversing and joking around as the bus slowed down at a stop to let passengers on and off.
“Man, as great as museums are, nothing beats the joy one gets from mindlessly shopping - those two definitely missed out on some hilarious jokes and the best fashion show of the century,” you chuckled, making a reference to your antics back at the thrift store.
Ned laughed, shaking his head.
You relaxed in your seats, just letting the feeling of the wind flowing through your hair encompass you. The slight coolness of the evening breeze was euphoric yet also grounding in a sense, and you wanted to let it consume you for as long as possible.
“Y/n, can I ask you a question?” Ned softly broke the silence.
“Yeah, what’s up?”
“You like him, don’t you?” he smirked.
You turned to look at him, eyebrows furrowed. “Like who?”
“Come on, don’t act so oblivious,” Ned laughed. “Peter - you like him, right?”
“Uh, yeah, he’s one of my best friends, so I definitely do like him?” You were genuinely confused at this point.
“No Y/n, I mean like like. Like as in more than a friend,” he clarified.
You froze for a split second and the heat rushed quickly to your face for reasons unknown to you. Almost too quickly, you responded, “What? No! Why would you think that?”
Ned rubbed his face, groaning. “Y/n, why are you both so ridiculously oblivious?” He had no clue how both you and Peter, two people so hopelessly crushing on each other, couldn’t see it.
“Wait, what do you mean?” you questioned.
Ned couldn’t stop the knowing smirk that overtook his features at the quizzical look on your face. He wanted to see two of his best friends happy together, but he needed you both to figure out your feelings for each other because it would be unfair of him and MJ to try and get you both together before that happened.
In this moment though, the utter cluelessness in your eyes was absolutely comedic to him.
“Oh, would you look at that, it’s our stop!” he quickly picked up his bags and walked off the bus, leaving a very perplexed you to follow him.
You pestered him to explain what he meant by that the entire way up to your respective rooms, but he wouldn’t do anything but grin. Your split-second panic and silence, combined with the redness of your cheeks as soon as he’d asked you about Peter was confirmation enough for him. He’d lit the spark, the questioning, inside of you, and that was all he felt was appropriate for now. Now, you needed to let it grow into a full flame and come to terms with your feelings.
“Bye Y/n! I’ll see you in a little bit!” he waved at you as he quickly slipped behind his door.
You groaned, stomping back to your room. You tossed your bags to the side and flopped right onto the bed.
‘Why was Ned asking me that? What did he mean by saying Peter and I are ‘oblivious??’ And why did I panic? Is there a chance that I- No, don’t finish that thought. Y/n, Peter’s just your best friend - feelings involved make things messy. You know what though? You don’t have to worry about that, it’s fine, because you don’t have feelings for him anyway. It’s all good. You’re just best friends, it’s nothing more than that, for sure.’
You lay there, staring at the ceiling, and rationalizing whatever supposed “feelings” you had for Peter until you heard MJ swipe her keycard. In walked both Peter and MJ, and you watched as his eyes lit up as soon as he saw you.
You felt your lips curve upwards into a smile, and before you could even realize that your body was moving, you had both engulfed each other in a massive hug.
That was normal though, right? You would hug MJ right after that too - you always hugged your friends. That didn’t mean anything.
Ned was probably just fooling around. Yeah, that’s probably what it was. One of his extended pranks. That explanation made sense.
Either way, you know what your feelings for Peter are: platonic. Absolutely, positively not anything other than that.
***** one
The day you’d been dreading was finally here: the end of your senior trip.
You were in your hotel room, zipping up your suitcase and making sure you had packed all of your belongings.
“I guess this is it, huh?” you squeaked out.
Hotel rooms had become your home for the last almost two months. They were where you and three of the closest people in your life right now spent so much time together, laughing, crying, just enjoying each other’s presence. Now, you were being made to say goodbye to that, and it was too soon for your liking.
“It is, yeah,” MJ gave you a small smile. “Don’t be upset about it though, we’ll all still be together and go out all the time once we’re back.”
“I know, I just…” you sighed. “I just liked this whole ‘no-other-responsibilities-to-tend-to’ version of going out. Time really does fly when you’re having fun.”
MJ placed the last of her clothes in her suitcase and zipped it up. “Well, at least it was fun while it lasted, right?”
You nodded. It was fun while it lasted. Was it insanely tiring walking around every single day because there was always so much to do? One hundred percent. Was your sleep schedule messed up from staying up late hanging out with your friends and waking up early to go grab breakfast and get ready for the day? More than ever before. Would you trade the experience for anything else in the world? Absolutely not.
You did one final sweep of the room to make sure you’d grabbed everything you’d brought in. “Ready to go?” you asked as you placed your suitcase upright on the ground.
“Yup, let’s head downstairs before the bus leaves,” MJ chuckled, shaking her head. “I am so ready to sleep in my own bed again.”
You laughed and grabbed your keycards. MJ placed the remote back on the TV stand and wheeled her luggage out the door and you followed suit, pulling the door shut behind you. Once you double-checked that the door had been locked properly, the two of you headed down to the lobby, where you were supposed to meet the rest of your classmates.
Dropping the keycards off at the front desk, you made your way over to where you could see most of your cohort already gathered.
“Oh good, you’re both here,” Mr. Harrington checked your names off his list. “The only ones left now are Flash and Brad. They’d better come down soon, wouldn’t want to- ah! There they are!” he marched over to where the two boys were.
“Wow, I don’t think I have ever seen him look that relieved. Is it just me or did he get taller?” you heard a voice approaching you.
There he was, walking towards you, wearing that blue checkered shirt that looked oh-so-good on him. Something about him today hit you differently. You couldn’t put a finger on what exactly it was, but it was safe to say that you felt your heart skip a beat at how amazing he looked.
“As much as I hate to say it, I agree with you,” MJ joked. “Crazy what lifting some weight off your shoulders can do for you.”
“Crazy how quickly this whole trip is already over,” Ned spoke. “I don’t know if I’m ready to go home yet.”
“Oh hush, just last night you were on the phone telling Betty that you couldn’t wait to take her to the movies once we’re all back in Queens,” Peter quipped, effectively making Ned blush and all of you laugh.
The aura of the lobby was very mixed. On one hand, the atmosphere felt lively as people chatted with their friends about all the fun times they had over the last few weeks, about the constant highs they all felt. On the other hand, there was a certain longing in most people’s eyes, a willingness to hold on to this feeling for just a little longer.
It was a very bittersweet vibe, and very understandably so.
“Alright guys, um- hey, can I get your attention for just a minute please?” Mr. Harrington squeaked. He raised his arms up to try and grab everyone’s attention, and to his own surprise, it worked.
“So, basically, I just wanted to say thank you to every single one of you for attending this trip, and I hope that it was a great experience for you all. Our bus should be here shortly, but before we go, I was hoping to get one quick picture with the entire group, if that’s okay?” After confirming that nobody had an issue with it, he handed his camera over to one of the staff members from the reception desk, who quickly snapped a wonderful picture of you all.
He thanked her, and then went outside to check for the bus.
“Looks like there’s still some more time before we leave,” you stated, peeking out through the glass windows and noticing the absence of a bus.
“Judging by the way Mr. Harrington’s seeming frustrated, I’d say you’re probably right,” Peter chuckled. “Hey, let’s get some pictures of our own in the meantime, I still have some film left on my camera!”
You, Ned and MJ agreed, and Peter pulled out his camera from his carry-bag. You all took turns posing with each other, starting off with simple smiles, but progressively getting goofier and sillier until you’ve hit the point where you were just standing in the middle of the lobby recreating iconic memes, sending you all into fits of laughter.
“Okay, okay, enough of this,” Peter giggles, still coming down from moments ago when he was guffawing at your attempt to recreate that one young Cardi B picture. “Let’s get some group shots now.”
MJ quickly asked Yasmin, another one of your classmates, if she’d be okay with getting a few shots of them and explained to her how to work the camera.
You went to grab a sip of water and stood off to the side, letting the three have their moment. They’d been there for each other for four years, and while you were all close now, you’d only come into the picture recently. You wanted to let the squad - the original squad - get some pictures too, you’d been in enough with them already, it was okay.
Ned said something which you couldn’t hear, but it drew out undoubtedly heartfelt laughs from the other two. Eyes scrunched and faces radiating with nothing but joy, Yasmin saw this as a perfect moment to capture, and you saw her take what you were sure would have turned out to be an amazing candid.
Yasmin went to hand the camera back to MJ, but Peter quickly stopped her.
“Hold on one second please, would it be okay if you got just one last picture? With the whole group?”
She nodded, stepping back.
“Y/n! Why are you off to the side?” Peter rushed over to you, pulling you out of your thoughts. “Come on, we can’t take a full group photo without you in it!”
In that very moment, as Peter grabbed your hand and gently pulled you to where the rest of the group was standing, something in your mind clicked. You laughed as Peter abruptly stopped and you bumped into him, hearing the click of the camera go off. None of it seemed to matter though. All you could see was Peter smiling back down at you, the crinkles by his eyes more defined than ever, but also surprisingly more beautiful than ever.
You could sense the three people around you continuing to throw up more poses quickly, Yasmin capturing them, but the entire while, your eyes wouldn’t leave Peter’s grinning face, your mind slowly stopped registering anything other than the feeling of Peter’s arms around your shoulders. The pure warmth he radiated pulled you in further, and everything around you except his perfect smile blurred.
One thing became very clear in that moment of complete encapsulation though, despite it being a completely foreign feeling to you, as the same words played in your head, over and over.
‘Holy crap, I think I’m in love with my best friend.’
If only you knew, those were the exact same words racing through Peter’s mind.
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comingtothetree23 · 4 years
New Year New Me
Paring: Peter Parker x reader
Summary: Every year of High school is just the same and you thought Junior year was going to be the same, then Peter came into your life.
Warnings: oh, You know the usual. Swearing, My personal problems, all that jazz.
Word count: 3.7K
A/N: so uh, You’re getting a lot of me and my struggles in this fic. So, I’m sorry for that. I really am. I think we all need a Peter Parker.
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It was a new school year at school, You walked down the halls of Midtown High you look around to see many students walking around you. You frowned as you tried seeing any of your friends which you didn't. You let out a sigh before looking for your first class. 
'Of course.' You thought to yourself as you sat yourself down in the new class. Your friends weren't in this class, you frowned as you stared at the desk. You tried not to look at the students around you as they sat down.
"Hello class, my name is Mrs. Smith. It's really nice to meet all of you, I am so excited about the new year and to get to know all of you, I'll do roll-call now..." You started to tune her out. Your eyes meet the classroom clock, already wondering when class is going to end. 
This year you're a junior and being honest, You feel like you're wasting your high school experience. You know that movie made it seem like the best thing ever but you never expected high school to be that great honestly. You just wanted to have nice friends and have fun but lately, you've been feeling really... lonely even with your friends. 
"(Y/n) (L/n)."
"Here." You said raising our hand a bit so they'll be able to see that you're here. The teacher smiles at you which you weakly returned. She wrote something down before continuing. 
You watch as Kids marked their presents here and frowned leaning your head against your hand. You silently wondered if you could make any new friends in your class. Don't get me wrong, your friends are great but... You don't know. You feel happy with them but they don't feel like your actual friends at times. It's weird. 
"Peter Parker." 
"H-Here." You hear the voice next to you speak. You turn to look at the boy and you gotta admit, He's cute. You observed him for a minute with a small smile, imagine being him being your friend. That sounds amazing. You two suddenly made eye contact making you look away quickly, after a minute or two you looked back to see him looking at his desk with a cute smile on his face. You turned back to look at the teacher with a shy smile on your face. 
Maybe this year will be different. 
"Now, talk with the student next to you and get to know them." Mrs. Smith states before sitting at their desk and kinda just watching to make sure you actually talked to your partner. You frowned as you leaned your head against the desk, you hated these. No one actually talks to each other! You jumped when you felt someone tap your shoulder.
"H-hey, I was uh wondering if you wanted to talk?" You looked up to see Peter looking at you. You smiled as he continued, "You don't have to if you don't want to it's just you looked like you didn't have anyone, that sounds mean I didn't mean to-" Your small laugh made him stop rambling.
"Y-yea, we could talk." You smile shyly as you move to face him, "I just uh- Don't know what to talk about." You give him an awkward smile, which he returned one of his own.
"Me neither," he says making you let out another laugh, which made him proudly smile. 
"Then this is going to be an awkward five minutes." You joked, causing Peter to laugh making you laugh with him. When you two calmed down you gave a small sigh, "Sooo, What are your hobbies?"
"Oh, Uh, I use to be apart of robotics lab but I had to drop out. I'm part of the Academic Decathlon with a couple of my friends."
"Academics Decathlon?" You ask looking at him with wonder before leaning your head on your hand with a chuckle, "I could never." 
"Why not?" He asked you, you closed your eyes and let out a humorlessly chuckle.
"I would suck at that so much I mean imagine me answering questions, can't. I'm not that smart, Peter." You shook your head with a smile before shaking your head, "Anyway continue." 
"I'm sure your smart." Peter said making you frown at him, you tilt your head in confusion, "I've seen you around before in a totally not stalker way and your smart, (Y/n)." You look at him for a moment before giving him a smile and looking at the floor.
"Thanks, Peter." 
"Anytime." Peter smiles before you two continue to talk throughout the whole class. That suddenly became one of your favorite classes, you could already tell. 
You tugged on the straps of your backpack nervously as you enter the lunch room, You searched around for your friends. You didn't really see them you walked around for a bit before sighing. Your shoulders drooped as you started to walk out of the cafeteria before you felt someone gently take your hand. 
"There you are, (Y/n)." You looked up to see Peter smiling at you and gently holding your hands, "I was looking for you." That shocked you but you smiled anyway.
"Really? You were looking for me?" You smile as Peter cheeks suddenly turned red and he avoided your eyes. 
"Uh Y-yea, I was looking for you. I wanted to know if you-uh wanted to sit with me and my friends?" He asked quickly and quietly but you stilled smiled at him. he finally looked at you when you nodded at him.
"Of course, that sounds amazing actually." You looked down with a shy smile before peter perked up and lead you to the table. That's where you met Ned and M.J. which honestly the best decision of your life. 
With them, you were able to geek out, talk about anything without being judged or yelled at. Another thing that was nice was they treated you like an equal, a friend. That's something you'll always appreciate. 
Over the next couple of weeks, You and Peter become closer as he and his friends are in a couple of your classes. It got to the point where you two practically lived at each other's houses. Not gonna lie, You were terrified when Peter first was coming over. thinking your room was either too messy or too childish? But oh boy! You were wrong, Peter loved your room for some reason but you loved his. 
"You got the homework for science?" You ask while doing homework on Peter's top bunk. You had to go to a meeting that class and no one gave you the homework yet. You were able to catch the Papers without looking up from your work, "Thanks." 
"Anytime." Peter smiles from his spot at his desk. This wasn't new anymore, at first when you two did homework together it was silent and honestly awkward but now you two were relaxed with each other. 
"Honestly I emailed her I was busy and she didn't even give me the homework," you grumbled as you wrote down some answers, or at least you hoped was the answers. 
"She's like that," Peter smirked before moving his head to dodge the ball of paper thrown his way.
"I know! But still!" You waved your arms around before going back to your work. Blowing hair out of your face. 
"Well, I think I'm done for now." Peter smile before moving the chair to face your direction as he smiled, "Wanna watch a movie?"
"Heck yes!!" You scrambled off the bed because Movie night also meant cuddle night and your life deepened on Peter's cuddles by this point in your life. Aunt May knew if it was Friday night and you were over you two would fall asleep cuddling each other, she was prepared with her phone now.
Her new favorite thing is to tease you two by showing you some of the photos. There was this one that you kinda love, You were passed out halfway off the arm part of the couch but Peter was holding you Spooning you to make sure you didn't fall off. What you loved most of it was that Peter's face was on your back and it was A D O R A B L E! You actually made it your phone lock screen which always makes Peter flustered when anyone sees it. 
That's exactly what happened this Friday night, You got your cuddles, Peter got his movie, May got her photos, Everybodys happy! 
As Homecoming was coming sooner and sooner people started asking more and more questions to you two.
"Are you two going together?"
"If you two go together that would be everything!" 
"How long have you two been dating? Wait, You arent!? You should." 
"Please go, that's all I ask." 
You two would just laugh it off before doing something chaotic. Rumors started flying around that you two are dating and when You and Peter debunked they started leaving you two alone. 
So a day before homecoming Peter asked if you two wanted to go as friends He hated that last part You of course said yes. You decided to change it up for junior year Homecoming and got yourself a dresses Freshman and Sophomore you would never but you actually like how it looks on you.
"She'll be out in just a minute." Your mother states before going to grab her phone, Yea she was taking pictures too. You can't escape them. You walked down your stairs and made eye contact with Peter, he was looking at you in awe.
"Heya Parker." You smirked as you now stood in front of him, He looked good in his Homecoming outfit, "Looking good." 
"Y-you too." He stuttered as he gave you his dorky smile, which you returned, "You look really nice." He repeated before closing his eyes with a cringe-making you laugh. 
"Picture time!" Your mother came in the room with her camera, making you roll your eyes, "Don't roll your eyes, Smile!" You wrapped your arms around Peter's neck for the picture, causing his smile to grow bigger and bigger the minute. Pictures were taken as you two were off to your Homecoming. 
Most of the time you and Peter stayed with your friends but at one point you looked at the dance floor before smirking and turning to Peter.
"Wanna dance?" You smirk as you nudge his shoulder, He looked over at you in shock before looking at the dance floor.
"I thought you couldn't dance?" He asked looking at you with sus eyes, making you nod understandably. You could be a little shit sometimes so yea you understand.
"I can't but we can try if you want." You shrug before turning away but Peter took your hand causing you to smile as you knew what was coming. BaD dAnCiNg!
You two laughed at each other as you two tried dancing, you two really couldn't dance to save your life! People around you was either annoyed you were in the way of their dancing or amused at you two together. 
Suddenly a slow song came up, making your laughs slowly stop. You two look around at the couples dancing together before looking at each other with a shrug. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around your waist, making you shudder a little. You two followed the people around your pace and slowly moved side to side.
"This is awkward right?" You laugh lightly as you looked around the room to the other couples. You looked over and saw M.J. smirking at you causing you to subtly shake your head at her, causing her to nod at you.
"I don't know, kinda?" Peter shrugged making you laugh a little before resting your chin against Peter's shoulder while closing your eyes, "It's kinda nice." 
You let out a hum in agreement as you moved closer to the boy. Peter rested his chin on the top of your head. You two continue to move you smiled you breathed in his cologne, it actually wasn't that bad kinda smells good. You gotta admit Peter really did look good today, well he always looks good but today be tried more which defiantly worked. It was also kind of him to ask you to come. Your eyes opened wide as you realized something.
You liked Peter.
which how did you now know already, You always thought he was cute, always thought he was kind, but now when he's holding you in his arms it felt good. It felt right. That's how you finally realized you've fallen for Peter.
The next couple of months continued and it was pretty much the same expect you became more flustered and blushy around him. Apparently, you suck at hiding your feeling. Can toy imagine Peter as your boyfriend? That would be amazing but you knew it could never happen. He wouldn't think of you that way, he wouldn't think you would be pretty or kind enough to date. It was a nice thought tho.
"C'mon (Y/n). Please!" Peter begged as he followed you around your house. 
"No Peter I told you I won't be good at it." You crossed your arms as you started making food in the kitchen. Peter frowned as he sat on the table instead of the seats. 
"You don't know that for sure." Peter crossed his arms with a pout, making you blush before quickly continuing to make you and your friend food. 
"Yea I do, I'm not smart enough like you or ned or M.J. or..." You continued in thought as you grabbed two sodas before handing it to Peter which he gladly accepted.
"Do we have to talk again?" Peter crossed his arms as he raises a brow at you. You two had that talk of you being smart enough to join the Academic Decathlon but you always declined every time, "Can't you at least try? It'll be fun. We'll go to the practices with Ned and M.J., We'll go on field trips which are always fun."
"The last field trip you guys almost died at Washington." 
"well, Actually I wasn't there." Peter lied as you looked over at him confused, "I kinda ...ditched the class?" He explained to you causing you to stare at him in shock before shaking your head, chuckling.
"Peter Benjamin Parker skipping class. Shameful." You chuckled as you handed him his food, "Never thought I'd see the day," You smiled as you sit next to him.
"Leave me alone." He mumbled before biting into the sandwich. He suddenly looked up saying, "Hey waitaminute, Don't change the subject! You should join!" 
"If I say I'll think about it will you leave me alone?" You rolled your eyes at the boy, this has been going on for months. 
"For now, yes." 
"Then I'll think about it." Peter smiled at you before nodding, You stare at him for a moment longer before taking another bite. You might join just to see his smile. 
So after a few more times of Peter conniving you, you joined. Which you gotta admit it was kinda fun, you didn't know all the answers at first but now Peter helps you with it and you slowly know more and more.
But you regret it so much right now.
"Why'd you do this to me." you whimpered out as you two sat next to each other at the competition. They decided to let you do it since you seemed to be learning the hang on it but now you felt like you would throw up.
 "C'mon you got this." Peter smiled and gave you a thumbs up before frowning. Under the table, he took your hand and held it, "I'm being serious (Y/n), you got this. Now let's get started." He shook your hand a little before it started.
After a couple of rounds, you and the other team were tied which made you even more nervous since you didn't even answer one question yet. 
" What sorts of signals does the brain use to communicate sensations, thoughts and actions?"
Your eyes widen as you remembered the question, you looked at your team to see them struggling to remember before looking at the other team to see one of them about to push the button. You frown before slamming the button.
"Midtown high?" You closed your eyes before letting out a nervous sigh and gives a smile.
"The single cells in the brain communicate through electrical and chemical signals?" You closed your eyes as you waited for their response, You felt Peter's hand tighten around yours.
"That is...correct! Midtown wins!" Your team stands up cheering and screaming jumping around as you laugh. The team gave you a big hug as they cheered before Peter laughed and picked you up and spun you around.
"I knew you could do it!" He yelled before he puts you down smirking at you, "Didn't I say you'd be great?" 
"Hey, calm down tiger. It was one question." You held up one finger, causing Peter to roll his eyes before pushing your hand down.
"One question that got us to win." Peter gently punched your shoulder, "You shouldn't be proud we won. Now put your jacket on!" You give him a confused look before you felt fabric being placed around your shoulders. You look to see the same yellow jacket everyone else was wearing which made your smile even bigger.
"My own jacket?" You looked up at Peter was bright joyful eyes making him chuckle.
"You were supposed to wear it during this but oh well. I guess no one told you." He smirked as you blushed out fo embarrassment before punching his shoulder.
"Why didn't you tell me!?" peter laughed before wrapping his arm around your shoulder and leading you back to your team. Which gave you another big hug making you hug them back laughing.
Peter's arm never left your shoulder that day, not that you minded.
After that day and Homecoming, Peter started to high-key ship you two. They even came up with a ship name. You found that part after one of your old friends texted you about it, making you confused.
"Hey, you know we have a ship name now?" You brought it up once, You two were studying in the library but you two stayed close. too close for some people but you two didn't care. You had your feet in his lap while you leaned back in your seat reading a book.
"Wait really?" Peter asked as he closed his book and looked toward you, "We have a ship name?" 
"Yea, it's (Ship name)." 
"T-that's crazy." Peter sighed before running his hands through his hair, making you look at him confused. he did that when he's nervous or stresses.
"You alright there?"
"Y-yeah, it's nothing," Peter says before going back to work. You stared at him confused and worried, maybe he didn't like you that like. Who are you kidding of course he doesn't your just....you.
How could he want you? 
Those thoughts started coming up more and more as you hung out with Peter and the others. The year is going through fast actually, your like 3 months until it's over. Time moves fast.
You frowned as you lied in bed in your room, you were on your phone before placing it down. You feel lonely right now which is silly, you were with your friends yesterday. You shouldn't feel lonely. Thing's have been a little different with Peter, you didn't know what but you would tell. Which hurt your heart but you never asked about it.
You sat up from your bed as you heard a knock on your window, You frowned before going up ad opening it. You look to see Peter standing there with glassy eyes making you frown. 
"Hey, hey, hey What's wrong." You walked up to him and cupped his cheeks making him look at you, "Are you okay?"  Peter's brown eyes met yours as he stared at you before sniffling.
"I just really miss him." Peter whimpered out making you confused but you didn't ask him about it. He needed comfort and that's what he's getting like it or not.
"It's fine, we all miss people it's completely normal. " You rub your thumb against the tears, "I'm sorry I don't really know how to comfort people. I just don't want to see you sad. I care too much about you." Peter stared at you for a minute before quickly giving you a peck on the lips. he pulled away and covered his face as he realized what he did.
"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to- I didn't think. I'm making things worst." Peter continued to ramble as you stare ahead frozen and blushing hard. You shook your head before smiling at Peter and taking his hands away from his face.
"Hey Pete, it's fine. I liked it." You smile as his eyes widen as he thinks about what you said.
"Y-you liked it?" He looked up at you with so much hope it would be cruel to joke around with him.
"Yes, I did." 
"Can I?" Peter asks as he sits up and your faces are inches apart. You nodded once and that was all he needed before cupping your cheeks and placing his lips on yours. You grab his wrist as you kiss him back, you've been waiting months for this moment and it was finally happening! You couldn't believe it.
...He actually liked you. 
"I've been meaning to tell you for so long." Peter breathed once you two broke apart, "I've wanted to tell you that I love you so much. You're so smart, pretty, amazing and I would be lucky to date you." That caught you off guard before you smile at him. 
"You're lucky to date me? I'm lucky to date you!" You smile as you give his neck a good kiss causing him to let out a small adorable giggle, "You feel better now?" 
"Better than ever." Peter smile before leaning back on your bed, you smile as you cuddle your face in his chest as he wraps his arms around you, "I'm so lucky." he closes his eyes as you stared at his face. You smile as you close your eyes.
"You're everything I ever wanted, Peter Parker." 
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mjscornerr · 4 years
the can-can
for @broskepol (i don’t know if you meant this to be a writing prompt but i vibed with it and im bored at work)
(warning: can-can from orpheus in the underworld was blasted during the writing of this fic and as a result the entire work is on crack)
It had been stuck in Loki’s head all damn day.
It was a classical song with some sort of trumpet melody. “Can-can,” he remembers Peter calling it last night at his after-school Drama Club meeting. Peter claimed it was the Drama Club’s theme song.
A drama club that, believe it or not, Loki was a proud member of.
When Thor had brought Loki back to Earth, the team decided first and foremost that the god of mischief needed to be contained, to be isolated. He was too chaotic for their planet.
Whatever, Loki had thought. This coming from the gentleman that wanted to put a suit of armor around the world? Talk about paranoid.
Though when all was said and done, Thor hadn’t even been able to convince Tony to let Loki exist in harmony with mortals.
It had been Peter.
Peter suggested rehabilitation. He was the one that had seen Loki sitting bored out of his mind behind a thick sheet of glass, had been the one to hear Thor’s story of how Loki saved their people. He was the one that demanded Tony find any other method of familiarizing Loki with both humans and the world because, as far as Peter had been concerned, locking a person away just because they unleashed an entire alien race on the biggest city in the world “wasn’t fair.”
The punishment didn’t fit the crime, so it goes.
So there Loki was. Spreading strawberry jam and peanut butter on two slices of bread, humming “Can-can,” and silently wondering how he was finally living without a target on his back, silently thanking Peter.
“Are you...humming?”
Loki spun on his heel with a jump, butter knife flying out of his hold and splattering peanut butter and jelly on the floor as he made eye contact with Clint, who was leaning against the compound refrigerator with narrowed, suspicious eyes.
“No.” Loki spun back around, his chin raised as he brought the two pieces of bread together and settled the sandwich on a plate. “I hate music. It’s too...happy.”
Clint scoffed, his arms crossed over his chest as he sauntered forward. “And I’m...what? Just supposed to believe that?”
“Do what you will,” Loki shrugged, taking a bite of his sandwich and raising a brow smugly at the avenger. “I don’t control you.”
Clint clicked his tongue with a laugh, shaking his head. “Alright. I see how it is.”
“And how is it, bird man?”
“Don’t bullshit me. You’ve been in my head before. I don’t know what fucked up game you’re playing here, but we’ve taken you down once. Don’t think for a second we won’t do it again.”
“I’m sure I don’t know what you mean.”
“Cut the crap. Alright? You’re the god of mischief for christ’s sake. It’s in your blood.”
Loki clenched his jaw, his chin remaining raised as Clint stood inches from his face.
“You may have everyone else fooled, but not me. You can never belong here.”
Loki puffed his chest out, anger seeping into his gaze, his ears and cheeks burning red-
“Woah, woah, woah-“
Loki snapped his head toward the kitchen island as Tony jogged inside, his hands raised in mock surrender.
“Let’s all just take a breath. Alright? Legolas, you want to, uh...?”
Clint scoffed and turned on his heel as Tony brought a hand to the man’s shoulder and clapped it, turning over his shoulder and offering Loki a smile.
“Makin’ yourself some lunch there, Dark Knight?”
“...Trying to.”
“Right. Carry on.”
Tony led Clint out of the kitchen and heaved a sigh, hand remaining on his friend’s shoulder as they sauntered toward the great windows of the compound.
“...You wanna pull yourself together, dear?”
“He was humming, Tony. Humming a song like he’s innocent.”
“Look, alright, he’s getting there. But we can’t provoke him like that anymore.”
“Why are you okay with this? The guy is the literal master of manipulation and deceit, Tony. And why do you let him hang around the kid?”
“Loki can’t hurt Peter. There’s no one alive that can look in that kid’s eyes and try to hurt him. I don’t make the rules. Besides, Loki needs a friend that isn’t Thor.”
“I’m sorry, since when are we beating around the bush and treating him like royalty? In 2012 he’s killing at random and sending galactic armies down on us and now he’s making sandwiches in our kitchen? Humming?”
“Maybe he likes music.”
“Where did he even hear it?”
“Does that matter? He’s...immersing himself. He’s trying to be better. Who cares where he heard it?”
“It’s just weird,” Clint shrugged, squinting as he looked out the window at the blinding blue sky. “He doesn’t have a phone, and he definitely doesn’t watch TV. Just makes you wonder, you know, where he heard the song.”
Tony raised his jaw and narrowed his ryes suspiciously Clint’s direction, imagining all the ways Clint would flip his lid if he ever found out that Loki, for some reason Clint’s great enemy, was attending Drama Club meetings at the Midtown School of Science and Technology with Tony’s kid.
“...Could’ve been anywhere.”
Tony’s answer had been far from satisfactory.
Clint was about to head home to his family for the weekend when he spotted Loki sneaking out of the compound, fully clad in a sweatshirt and jeans. He looked over his shoulder once before he was letting the door slip shut behind him.
Clint narrowed his eyes and followed him out, bow in hand.
Loki stopped beside one of Tony’s Audi’s. He looked both ways again anxiously before he was opening the passenger side door.
“Oh, no you don’t.” Clint growled and reached behind him for an arrow, fastening it in place, closing one eye for precision-
Clint’s eyes flew wide when he spotted Tony in the driver’s seat. He choked, quickly lowered his weapon, and watched numbly as Loki climbed inside the vehicle and shut the door behind him. The Audi peeled out of the driveway soon after.
“...What are you up to, Stark?”
Clint followed loosely behind the two in his car for about forty five minutes before Tony finally parked the car.
Midtown School of Science and Technology...?
The two climbed out of the car and began making their way through the front doors. It was four o’clock, so obviously school had ended by then.
Clint narrowed his eyes in suspicion and snuck after them.
They sauntered through the halls casually before Tony led them into the auditorium. Clint hurriedly ran to keep the door from shutting and slipped inside after them, bow and arrows still at the ready.
“...Okay, so, looks like everyone’s here, except...”
Clint crawled behind a row of seats in the audience, squinting as he watched a group of kids conversing, all seated in a circle on stage.
Two kids were standing looking at a clipboard. A blonde girl, sixteen or so by the looks of it, and...
“Oh, nevermind, there he is!”
“Hey, Loki!”
“What, no greeting for me?”
“Hi, Mister Stark.”
Tony patted Loki’s back as Loki hopped over the lip of the stage and crossed to the one empty chair in the circle.
“I beg your pardon,” Loki said in a polite, unfamiliar tone, smiling nervously as he sent an awkward wave to the group of kids. “I appear to have lost track of time.”
“You’re right on time,” the blonde one assured him, her smile beaming. “We’re covering improv today!”
“Oh, great,” Tony grunted as he seated himself on the front row in the audience. “I’m something of an expert at improv myself, you know. I have never planned anything that’s ever happened to me, ever.”
“Do you wanna join, Mister Stark?”
“...Nah. You guys got it.”
“If you say so. Alright, someone get the music.”
One of the kids hopped up from their seat and jogged backstage. A second later, classical music began playing softly around the theatre.
Clint gasped, betrayal flashing in his eyes as he narrowed them.
“The can-can...”
“Let’s warm up with the freeze game! Noes goes!”
The kids each quickly raised a finger to their nose. Loki was the last to do so.
“Aw, okay, Loki’s it for the first round.”
Clint scoffed. It? Loki’s it? Like he’s playing a god damn game of hide and go seek?!
“This should be good,” Tony said from the front row.
Clint saw red.
Peter sensed this, snapping his head out toward the audience in alarm. Tony frowned, turning over his shoulder.
But Clint was already running and fast, the music crescendoing as he grabbed an arrow, positioned it in his bow, leapt over the stage, landed on the apron-
“Get down!”
Peter’s cry of alarm sent everyone screaming and diving to the stage floor, hands over their heads protectively. Loki was standing with wide, terrified eyes as Clint aimed and fired his bow.
Peter leapt forward and caught the bow a mere few inches before it could collide with Loki’s face. He stared at it in shock for only a moment before he was turning back to Clint, eyes wide.
“Mister Clint, what’re you-?!”
“Get down, kid.” Clint shot another arrow Peter’s way, the arrow exploding into a net and entrapping Peter inside as he collapsed to the ground. “I’m trying to protect you.”
Loki reached for Peter desperately, though Clint returned his aim to the demigod, expression seething.
“Don’t move a muscle.”
“Are you out of your damn mind?!”
Clint glanced to the side as Tony jumped over the lip of the stage, horrified gaze darting between the arrow aimed at Loki’s face and his kid, kicking and thrashing inside of a net.
“I was about to ask you the same thing.”
“I mean, Jesus Christ, Barton. I shouldn’t even have to tell you how wrong this is.”
“Dammit, Tony, this isn’t real. Okay? None of this is real! Until he’s been inside of your head, until he’s controlled your mind, you’ll never understand that everything he’s ever done was just for show.”
The auditorium doors clicked open. Clint faltered as Natasha, Thor, Steve, and Bruce walked inside, eyes immediately wide at the sight on stage.
“What the hell is going on here?”
“Brother? What is the meaning of this?!”
“Golden Archer here had a bright idea to ambush a high school to settle a grudge. That’s the meaning of this.”
Clint lowered his weapon, clearing his throat uncomfortably.
“...what are you guys doing here?”
“We’re here for the play.” Steve lifted a flyer from his pocket, eyebrow raised. “It’s Loki’s first show. It was on the fridge.”
Loki sent an accusatory scowl Tony’s way. “You told them?!”
“It...might’ve slipped out over dinner. But I didn’t hang that on the fridge, I swear.”
Loki narrowed his eyes again, this time Peter being the victim.
“...sorry, Lo.”
“Wait...” Clint scoffed, eyebrows knitted together in confusion. “You signed him up for this, Tony?”
“...The guy’s already a drama queen. What else was I supposed to do?”
“We came to find you,” Natasha explained to Clint, “but you weren’t in your room. We assumed you already went home for the weekend.”
“I can’t believe this.”
“Um, excuse me,” the blonde girl was saying from the floor, her friends around her shivering in fear, “but what is going on? And why is Peter in a net?!”
“Good question, Miss Brant.” Tony strode forward, sending a seething glance Clint’s way before he swiped one of his arrows from out of Clint’s pouch and used it as a knife to slice through the ropes of the net.
“You good, kid?” Tony brushed Peter’s hair out of his eyes gently, worry etched into the lines of his face.
“‘M good, Mister Stark. Thanks.”
Tony was just about to turn around and tear Clint to shreds, though someone beat him to it.
“If you hurt the child again,” Loki warned through gritted teeth, “I’ll be the one holding the arrow to your face.”
Clint scoffed. “See, Tony? He’s still the same Loki. He hasn’t changed a bit.”
“Do you even hear yourself right now? That was eleven years ago. I mean, look at him. He’s wearing a sweatshirt and jeans for godsake. He’s at a Drama Club rehearsal. What’s he gonna do, huh? Kill us all with the plastic prop sword backstage?”
“I don’t-I don’t know, okay? He’s got Asgardian powers. Any second he could turn on us.”
“He would never do that.”
Clint raised an eyebrow as one of the kids rose from the ground hesitantly, hands still raised in the air.
“Loki is...we really like him here. He’s good at drama.”
“Yeah,” Betty nodded, rising to her knees. “He’s the club historian. He takes all of our pictures for us. He even started on a scrapbook.”
The group chorused in agreement. Loki fought a genuine grin when he remembered that the avengers were watching from the audience seating, listening.
“Plus, he’s one of my best friends.” Peter smiled up at Loki from his knees. “Right, Lo?”
Loki bit his lip before he grumbled something under his breath, throwing up his hands in mock surrender.
“Fine. Fine, okay? I may have...I may have bonded with the humans. And I-I listen to music now, and I go to Drama Club meetings, and I wear...whatever style of clothing this is.” Loki turned to Clint, his stance still defensive though his gaze was sincere. “I’ve changed. Or, at least, I’m trying to change. All I need is a second...second chance.”
Loki stuck his hand out for Clint to shake. Clint raised an eyebrow, raising his jaw.
“No tricks?”
“No tricks.”
“No lying? No infinity stones? No alien armies?”
“None whatsoever.”
Despite himself, Clint’s lip quirked ever so slightly in a smile and he was taking Loki’s hand in his, shaking it with a nod.
“Well...alright then.”
Clint slung his bow over his shoulder and turned to face the avengers in the house of the auditorium, his gaze apologetic. Natasha, Steve, and Bruce was smiling up at him. Thor was wiping tears out of the corner of his eye.
“Brava!” Thor clapped, his lip quivering. “Excellent! Excellent display!”
“...You realize that wasnt the show, right?”
“I would be fine if it was.”
“Eh,” Tony shrugged. “I think that’s enough Drama Club for one day. What do you say, kids? Rendezvous for some shawarma?”
The group of teens all chorused in excitement, rising from the ground and all thoughts of danger vanishing from their minds. They slung their backpacks over their shoulders and descended the steps of the stage excitedly.
“Mister Stark,” Peter frowned as Tony wrapped Peter in a side hug, squeezing him. “I thought shwarma was reserved for after missions?”
“Well...” Tony gestured his head toward the lip of the stage, where Loki was dangling his legs off of the side and engaging in conversation with the avengers.
Actually talking. No fighting, no weapons, nothing.
Thor was ruffling his brother’s hair fondly, tears still brimming his eyes. Loki was rolling his own, scoffing at Thor’s adoration.
Clint was still suspicious though Natasha was nudging him in the shoulder, a smirk on her lips. Bruce had an arm draped around Steve’s shoulders as Steve threw his head back with a laugh at something Loki had said.
“...Mission accomplished, kiddo.”
//do not tag as st*rker or th*rki//
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atiny-orbit1219 · 4 years
I Am Not Spiderman
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*Pairing: Spiderman Mark lee
*Genre: Fluff
*Plot idea: (This master piece was inspired by my friend @sharklee127​‘s imagine about Spiderman Mark and I wanted to make it into a longer fic!) Mark lived a painfully boring life. Nothing special ever happened to him, he even resorted to joining Yearbook club so he could at least observe more interesting lives. But all of that changed when the new girl shows up and Mark gets lost during his tour of Osborn Laboratories. 
*Word count: 3,600
*Warnings: Cussing, cute baby Mark
 You first met Mark in the crowded hallways of your high school. You had just moved from your small town home in Upstate New York all the way to Queens because your father had received a once in a lifetime position at Osborn Laboratories. You were hesitant about moving and leaving all of your friends and your old school behind but like the supportive daughter you were you transferred to Midtown High “school in Forest Hill, Queens with a smile on your face. Maybe that had something to do with the fact that you were also given an internship at Osborn Laboratories and that would look excellent on your college applications, whatever it was you soon found yourself in one of the largest schools you have ever seen. Thousands of students must have to attend here which made you slightly nervous, how were you going to make friends when there are so many people to get to know at once? Internship… remember the internship. So you walked into the building with your head held high and your earbuds pushed snugly in your ears as you used your music to drown out the unfamiliar sound of hundreds of kids screaming at each other. 
    You got a few looks from the people who realized they’ve never seen you before but the majority looked right through you, and one boy even tried to walk right through you. “Oh my god, I am so sorry!” The stranger rushed out as you fell to the floor. His books in hand followed in suit, the hardcovers making an obnoxiously loud sound. “It’s okay.” You muttered, letting out a soft sigh before leaning forward to help the clumsy boy pick up the textbooks. “Are you okay?” He asked, extending a hand for you to take, which you did; you had to make friends somehow. You just nod at his question, handing him the books with a small smile. “Oh, Thanks… Are you new here? I’ve never seen you before.” You look up at the lanky boy, his hair was so fluffy you had to restrain yourself from reaching out and seeing if it’s as soft as it looks. He wore thick black-framed glasses that had their fair share of tape holding them together, so he was always this clumsy. “How could you tell? There’s like a million kids here.” You exaggerate, your smile growing. He was kind of cute. 
    “Try a little over three-thousand. And when you walk the same halls for three years you start to pick up on faces, even the people you’ve never talked to. Plus it does help that I work with the yearbook.” He was shy when he spoke, his voice quiet and he avoided any form of eye contact, he had the habit of scratching behind his neck every few seconds but yet you were still intrigued. “A little over three-thousand is a lot compared to the school I used to go to.” you joke with a small smile. “I’m Y/N, I know its a bit sudden but you’re the first person I’ve talked to here, do you think you can show me around? I have my schedule but it makes absolutely zero sense.” You were hopeful, maybe you didn’t have to be the new girl who got lost on her first day. “I’m Mark! And despite the fact that I talk too much sometimes and I fall a lot, I’m a pretty damn good tour guide.” You let out a small laugh and hand him your schedule. “Then lead the way Mark.” 
    “Looks like you and I have Chemistry together first period!” The boy said with an excited smile, “And we’re in the same lunch block! You can sit with me if you’d like, I’m sure Ned won’t mind.” Mark rambled and you just listened, nodding your head along. You found the nerdy boy quite amusing, and really, really cute. “Sure! Sitting with you sounds a lot more appealing than sitting by myself.” You reply, giving the dark-haired boy a smile, which he returned. “And we have arrived! This is the Chemistry lab.” He opened the door to the lab and led you into the room, “We do experiments Tuesday Thursday, and lectures Monday Wednesday, and a free workday on Friday.” Mark brings you to one of the many lab tables and takes a seat, you follow, sitting on the stool next to his. “Oh, cool! I like chemistry.. And just science in general.” You confide, excited to see what experiments you would be doing in this class. “Really!? Me too!” There it is… another one of his perfect smiles. You admire it while it lasts but his attention is diverted from you to the teacher walking in. 
    Lunchtime has finally rolled around. You didn’t know exactly where the cafeteria was, but your plan was to just follow everyone else after the bell rang. But it turned out you didn’t have to do that because as soon as you walk out the door of your AP Calculus class you are met with Mark leaning against the lockers. “Figured you didn’t know where the lunchroom is.” He said simply. Just the small action sent the long-dormant butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy. “How’d you guess?” You teased, falling into step with the taller boy as you two walked down the crowded halls together once more. “Just a gut feeling.” he teased back, and you couldn’t help but laugh. 
    “So how are your other classes? Probably not as interesting without me right?” You playfully roll your eyes as you sit down at the lunch table in the far back, the previous mentioned Ned was not there yet so it was just you and Mark. “Oh of course, without Mark Lee my life is just dim hues of grey.” You say dramatically. Mark chuckled and rolled his eyes back. “Maybe you should drop the whole science thing and become a theater major… Drama queen.” You scoff but before you could give your snarky reply someone joined the two. “Oh Hey! Ned this is Y/N, Y/N this is Ned, my best friend.” You smile up at the new addition to the table, giving him a small wave. “Nice to meet you!” you say sweetly before reaching into your bag and pulling out your lunchbox. It was only your first day and you made two new friends… Success. 
     “Dad I think you’re more nervous than me.” Today was your first day for your internship at Osborn Laboratories and your dad was driving you to the large building. “What? No! I’m just excited! You and I are working together, it’s like every day is bring your daughter to work day.” You smile at his enthusiasm, humming along to the soft music coming from the radio. 
      You two approached the company and you couldn’t lie, you were just excited as your father, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. The selection process for this internship is tough, hundreds of teens apply but only five make it in, and you just happened to be one of those five and so did… “Mark??” Even from behind you could tell that it was your new friend. After a week of following him around the school, you’ve become accustomed to the messy bedhead and bad posture. The boy turned around in surprise, following the sound of his name. “Y/N?! What are you doing here?” He asked, an automatic smile appearing once he saw you. He jogged over to where you were walking and took his normal spot next to you. “I’m here for the internship! Today is the first day.” You explain, ignoring your father’s questioning eyes for now. “No way! Me too!” you look up at him with shock, what were the odds. Even if you didn’t meet at school you two were destined to cross paths at some point. You only smile widely, bumping into the other’s shoulder playfully, “Guess we’ll be spending even more time together.” You say with a raised eyebrow and Mark only smiled. “Guess so.” He replied.
        You two joined the other three interns once you walked through the large glass doors, the intro tour was starting soon but Mark had left after a few seconds to go to the bathroom before the important information was given. You pitied your friend, the directions he got to the bathroom were even more confusing than the school hallways you were still learning. When the tour started and Mark wasn’t back yet you started to grow nervous, the guide’s voice going in one ear out the other as you look around for the lanky boy. Did he really get lost? You were too scared to pull out your phone, knowing it would look disrespectful, so you just try to forget about Mark for now and focus on the guide, you can just give the boy a recap once you see him again. Which wasn’t until the end of the tour. The skinny boy came rushing towards you from some random doorway and you let out a breath of relief. “Mark Lee where the Hell have you been?” You whispered angrily as he got close enough to be in earshot. “To be honest, I don’t really know, I got lost like majorly lost, I don’t wanna talk about it.” You tilted your head curiously, wondering why your friend was gripping the back of his neck, he stopped doing that as often as you two got closer so it was weird to see. You just shrugged and turned away. “Can you catch me up on everything?” He asked, leaning over so his head rested on your shoulder from behind you. “What are friends for?” 
    Its officially been one month since you transferred to this new school and met Mark, and you can safely say there hasn’t been one boring day. After your first day as interns Mark started acting a bit weird. He no longer wore his glasses but he excused that with his new love of contacts. He was stronger and his body was not as lanky as before and overall just gave off a new aura. He didn’t feel like your normal nerdy Mark. You weren’t complaining, of course, That boy needed some confidence you were just curious about its sudden appearance. 
     “Have you guys heard of that Spiderman dude?” You ask nonchalantly at the lunch table, you lift your head from your phone and look over at Mark, his eyes met yours and it was hard to hide the blush that appeared. Shy or confidant Mark, it didn’t matter, as time went on you fell head over heels for the fluffy-haired boy. He shakes his head quickly, “N-No! Spiderman? What stupid name is that?” He rushed out. “God you’re so weird Mark Lee, I was just asking. I saw a video of him on Twitter last night and he looks pretty cool, the suit could use some work though.” You shrug before taking a quick sip of your chocolate milk. “What’s wrong with the suit?!” Mark asked defensively, Ned glared at his friend and punched his arm from under the table, but you didn’t miss the way Mark flinched. He cleared his throat, letting out a nervous laugh, “Uh... I mean.. From what you’re saying, he’s a new hero right? He’s probably still working on the suit and other minor things.” Mark covered up poorly. You look over at the flustered boy before turning your head to Ned. “I guess..?” You replied simply. 
      The rest of the day was uneventful, Mark was still being his weird self but you were getting used to it. He had yearbook club today after school and you stayed with him since you guys carpooled together to Osborn. He knew you found yearbooking extremely boring though so he excused you and you left to wander the halls, it was rare to see them so empty and you took advantage of the quiet. You hummed softly to yourself as you scrolled through your phone, more and more videos of this Spiderman guy popping up on your feed. After a few minutes of silence, you were brought back to reality by the sounds of yelling and lockers rattling. Being the curious person you were you followed the noise. 
      “Mark?!” You were not expecting to see the boy you have a crush on, on top of the high school football star, both were throwing punches left and right. Mark had blood dripping from his lip while the other had a busted nose. You run-up to the nearest bystander, “What the Hell Happened?” You ask. You were too shocked to do anything, you thought you’d never live to see the day where Mark Lee got in a fight and was winning. “I don’t know! Levi was talking his normal shit talk and yearbook boy wasn’t having it, he just lunged at him.” Holy shit, the Mark you knew would never do anything like that. Just as you finally move to step forward and do your best to convince your friend to stop, the booming voice of the principal echoed throughout the halls. “What is going on?!” Just at the sound, everyone started running, including you. You ran towards Mark, grabbing his hand and pulling him up quickly. “Come on dumbass, if you get expelled you’ll lose the internship.” Levi apparently had the same idea as he also got up and bolted. 
    You and Mark ran hand in hand all the to his car and while you were completely out of breath, he was doing just fine, well except for the cut on his lip. As you two rushed into the car you couldn’t hold back anymore. “What the fuck were you thinking??” You almost yell, disappointment seeping through your voice. This bastard had the audacity to laugh. He was laughing! “Should I drive? You don’t seem mentally stable.” You only half-joke. “No no no I’m okay, I’m okay. Honestly, I’ve never been better! Do you know how long I’ve been wanting to do that? Since Freshman year.” You just watch Mark as he speaks. His hair was messy, his lip was bleeding, he had a bruise forming on his cheek, yet this was the happiest you have ever seen him. “I’m used to him making fun of me.. But he said something about you and I don’t know what came over me… all I know is that it felt good, really good.” Mark explained as he drove the familiar path to the lab. “What did he say?” You ask curiously, he did it for you..? “Something about taking you away from me, that you were too good to hang out with Ned and I… in his words you are too ‘hot’ to be associated with us… I hated it, I hated the way he talked about you. He doesn’t know how smart you are, how clever, you’re a genius and all he sees is how pretty you are.” Mark was in one of his many rants but with each word, your face grew redder and redder. Mark soon realizes his mistake and he shuts up too, a blush of his own growing. “You are though… You’re really pretty.”
     Once you two reach the lab you walk over to Mark’s side of the car and as soon as he got out you grabbed his hand. He didn’t argue and allowed you to lead him to the break room for the interns. “Sit down.” You said softly, pointing to one of the many chairs. For the first time, the air was awkward around you two and you hated it, no you despised it. You took what you needed from the first-aid kit before walking back over to your friend. You pulled another chair in front of Mark’s and when you sat down your knees were pressed against his. You both gulped nervously from the closeness but you just continued, leaning in slowly, using the edge of a cotton swab to clean the cut on the boy’s bottom lip. Your eyes were trained on the wound you didn’t even know Mark’s eyes were focused on the same thing. He couldn’t stop himself from training his gaze on your lips. He meant it earlier, he found you absolutely stunning, which was why he attacked Levi the way he did… because a part of Mark believed that the other boy was right. You were too good for him. “Y/N?” The boy whispered. “Hm?” you reply, not really paying attention to his words. “Can I kiss you?” That caught your attention. You looked up at Mark in surprise, your eyes wide. Did he just say what you thought he just said? “What?” You ask although you heard the question but your brain refused to process the words. “Can I kiss you? I’ve been wanting to kiss you since I met you but something happened to me recently that changed how I view the world and I just don’t want to live with regrets an-” Mark’s rant was cut off as you place your hand on the back of his neck, pulling him close so your lips met in a soft kiss. The first thing you noticed was how warm he felt against you, you felt safe and comfortable, kissing Mark was like sitting by a campfire during a freezing night, it was an escape, and you were afraid that with this one taste you would grow addicted. Mark was quick to act, his hands pulling you closer so you were literally on the edge of your seat. He also couldn’t believe this was happening, he’s liked you since he met you and he never thought the day would come where he would be kissing you and it felt so much better than what he imagined. After a few more seconds the both of you pulled away, your foreheads resting against each other as you let out a soft laugh.
    It’s been a few weeks since Mark and your’s first kiss, and you two have had plenty more since then. You couldn’t believe that you settled in so quickly to this new school. You had a group of friends and even a really cute boyfriend. But you couldn’t get the thought out of your head that Mark was hiding something from you. He would disappear randomly for hours at a time and give you pisspoor excuses as to why. Sure you were nervous and curious… but every time you asked about it he would just change the topic. You tried to ignore these thoughts though, just wanting to enjoy the date in Central Park with your boyfriend. “I think I figured out why you disappear all the time.” You muse with a teasing smile. “You’re Spiderman! Just think about it, I’ve never seen you and Spiderman in the same room, and every time you’re gone Spiderman is off saving the city.” You were teasing of course. Your hand was laced with his, the light from the buildings and the smog in the air hid most of the stars except for the brightest but the night breeze was very much appreciated. Autumn was coming to an end, the colorful leaves that once hung from the trees covered the ground. The street lights lit their path as the couple enjoyed the hot chocolate they bought a few minutes ago. Everything was perfect.
   “Hahaha very funny. I’m not Spiderman.” Mark said, giving you a playful look. You didn’t notice the way he tensed up when you brought up the idea. “I don’t know, you and the spidey boy have similar bodies.” You continue to joke, meeting Mark’s eyes. “First of all don’t call him spidey boy, and second of all, I. Am. Not. Spiderman.” Mark replied, not liking this conversation one bit. “I think you’re Spiderman.” You say with a simple shrug, you, on the other hand, found this game very fun. Mark stopped you two from walking before moving in front of you. He bent down slightly and cupped your face with his free hand. “Y/N.” He said sternly. He leaned in and placed a quick peck on your lips. “I.” Another peck. “Am.” A longer kiss this time. “Not.” Another peck. “Spiderman. What do I have to do for you to believe me?” You smiled up at Mark, your cheeks pink from the affection. “Hmmm.” You pretended to think before grinning, “Kiss me again… and again… and again..” Mark just laughed and pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around you tightly. “Okay.. I will kiss you as much as you want.” He answered before leaning in once more, his lips immediately meeting yours. You gripped his jacket as he moves to deepen the kiss, swiping his tongue over your bottom lip. But before that could happen Mark ripped away from you and turned around, following the sound of an explosion.
    You watched in shock as one of the tallest buildings in the city erupted into flames. “Oh my god.” You mumble the fire reflecting in your eyes as the screams filled the air. The shock didn’t end there, you saw Mark take his coat off in the corner of your eye, the rest of his clothes following to reveal the familiar red and blue suit. Before he pulled on the mask he looked over to you with a shy smile. “I will explain everything later.” was all he said before placing one last sweet kiss on your lips then raising one of his arms, webs shooting from his wrist to the nearest building. Mark swung out of sight, leaving you on one of the many sidewalks of Central Park, wide-eyed with your heart racing a mile a minute. All you could think of at the moment was one word, and it brought a smile to your face. 
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justcallmehitgirl · 5 years
Good Woman Part 1 (Peter Parker x Female Reader Smut)
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Summary: Peter Parker can be a bit of a peeping Tom.
Warnings: voyeurism, exhibitionism, smut, suit!porn, and language
Word Count: 3200
A/N: I’ve been on a roll lately, and this just happened. Point of view switches between Peter to Y/N so hopefully it’s not too confusing. I don’t condone spying on people, but suspend some reality for this fic please. 
(5/7/20): I fixed some typos, grammar mistakes, character inconsistencies, etc. from my original posting. I also made some stylistic changes.
He knows he shouldn’t. He feels downright sleazy. He’s the friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man. He’s someone that people admire and look up to. He’s an Avenger. But he’s also a seventeen-year-old hot-blooded male who can’t keep a boner down when a PG-13 sex scene pops up on screen.
It’s a dilemma Peter faces on a cool September night, the crisp air sending a shiver down his spine, as he peers inside your bedroom window. His eyes are fixed on you—lounging on your bed in nothing but an oversized shirt with your smooth legs stretched out in full display. The glow emanating from the TV screen illuminates your face, highlighting your features.
Peter is well-aware of your reputation at Midtown. You’re smart, pretty, and a tease—barely giving any attention to the boys at Midtown. You didn’t date (save for that one short-lived summer fling that became school-wide gossip), you rarely went to parties, and you never stayed out past curfew. You are, and have always been, way out of Peter’s league.
He’s known you since elementary school, silently observing you throughout the years even though you were in the grade above him. You've always been nice and polite to him, though. You always said “excuse me” when you brushed past him in the hallways, and you always gave him a small wave or smile whenever he accidentally made eye contact with you.
Peter has no idea if you even know his name, but he likes to think that you do.
He swears it’s a coincidence that he found your window. He had randomly swung by and landed on your fire escape to take a quick breather after stopping a petty theft down the street. He was about to leave when he spotted you from the corner of his eye, your presence taking him by surprise.
And as usual, Peter couldn’t stop himself from staring.
His heart beats rapidly as he stares at you sprawled across your bed—eyes glued to your TV, head propped up by a mountain of pillows. You let out a yawn, face contorting, with your arms stretched out above your head. Your shirt rides up, revealing a pair of black, polkadot panties.
Peter gulps, imagining his hands pushing your shirt up higher to expose more of you.
He swallows hard, knowing that this is an absolute abuse of power. He knows he should leave, but he stays rooted in his spot. 
He continues gazing at you until your eyelids begin to droop, body relaxing against your mattress. Your mouth parts slightly while your chest rises and falls evenly.
Peter thinks you look like a princess in a fairy-tale. 
He imagines running his fingers through your hair and tracing patterns over your soft, bare skin. He imagines the feel of your plush lips pressed against his while his hands roam over your body.
He frowns and glances away. He knows that it will never happen— girls like you didn’t give guys like him the time of day.
He hangs his head and exhales, quietly cursing himself under his breath. He starts to stand, but he senses movement from inside your bedroom. He crouches back down and cocks his head, eyes flickering with curiosity.
He takes in a sharp breath while his jaw practically drops to the ground. He gapes at you, pupils dilated, as your hand moves down your stomach and grazes the waistband of your underwear. He leans forward, feeling his cock instantly harden underneath his suit. He bites back a groan as he watches with building intensity as your hand disappears beneath the thin, cotton fabric. 
Your back arches off the bed—fingers frantically moving over your clit, knuckles straining your underwear. Your body writhes, and you let out a soft whimper. You roll your head to the side, facing him. 
He watches your face scrunch up in ecstasy. You bite your bottom lip, and your eyes flutter open. 
Peter’s breath catches in his throat; he knows he’s fucked.
You blink, eyes adjusting. You immediately pale, eyes widening at the shadowy figure pressed against your window. Your heart lurches in your chest. You quickly rip your hand from your underwear and scramble off the bed. You stand on wobbly legs, bottom lip trembling as fear grips throat.
You step backwards until your body hits the wall, eyes frozen on his form. You cower against the wall and try to will your body to make a run for it. You size him up, taking in every detail even though he was bathed in shadows. 
The figure holds his hands up and frantically shakes his head, his movements almost pleading.    
You blink once, then twice—just before your eyes go wide with recognition, and your breath catches in your throat.
It’s Spider-Man.
You want to feel relieved. You’re well-aware of his superhero reputation—saving the Academic Decathlon team in D.C. and taking down Liz’s dad. But despite his prior good deeds, you continue to eye him warily. You had no idea who was underneath that mask, and your mind races through the possibilities—from a 30-something-year-old pervert to a deranged psychopath preying on high school girls.
You start to move towards your door—back still pressed up against the wall for support. He presses a hand on the window, almost begging for you to open it. You tilt your head as you start to wonder how long he’s been out there—and how much he saw. You shiver at the thought of him watching you, skin tingling. 
You pause at your reaction, and your curiosity begins to gnaw at you.
You know you should run out of the room; maybe call the police or the national news while you’re at it—expose Spider-Man as being a total creep. 
But another thought pops into your mind—one that sends a tingle down your spine.
You nibble on your bottom lip. You're known as being such a good girl—always coloring within the lines and following the rules. Your life has been dictated by your professional aspirations. You’ve spent your life carving out a respectable reputation as the responsible daughter, dependable friend, and exemplary student. 
But at seventeen, you already felt weighted down by the pressure and expectations.
You seldom take any risks—always choosing the same ice-cream flavor, shopping at the same stores, and sticking to the same hairstyle. You even broke up with your first—and only boyfriend—because he tried to inch you too much out of your comfort-zone.
You suddenly feel a wave of exhaustion. You’re tired of feeling like you’ve been merely ambling through life and not actually living it; tired of being safe—of being just the good girl.
You slowly push yourself off the wall and step forward.
Peter knows he should leave, but he feels frozen in place. He watches you slowly pad across the carpet towards him, an unreadable expression on your face. You carefully push the window open, and he braces himself for your wrath—expecting you to yell at him or shoo him away.
But instead, you simply press a finger to your lips. He gawks at you, feeling dumbstruck. You wave your hand, motioning for him to come inside. He gulps and tentatively crawls through your window.
Once he enters, his senses are immediately assaulted by your scent. His eyes dart around the room, quickly taking in his surroundings—from the pink and purple hues covering the walls to your frilly bedsheets.
He looks over at you as you quietly shut the window close behind him. You turn to face him, eyes flickering with and nod towards your bed. He silently obeys, his body stiff as he takes a seat on the soft mattress. 
He eyes you warily, almost afraid of what you’ll do next. You sit beside him, your body facing his side with your legs folded underneath you. He turns his head, and watches you tuck a piece of hair behind your ear and lick your lips. You scoot closer until your knees are lightly brushing against him, causing him to blush.
You slowly reach over, your fingers lightly grazing his gloved hand before taking it into your own. You splay your hand over his, your eyes fixed on his hand engulfing yours. He merely stares at you as you quietly play with his fabric-covered fingers.
“This is a strange material,” you murmur, eyes cast downward at your entwined hands.
He hesitates before clearing his throat. “It’s durable. . . and tear-resistant. It’s waterproof too.”
You look up, eyes sparkling. “You sound younger than I imagined,” you muse.
“You aren’t scared of me?”
You give him a half-shrug. “No, not really. I just. . . didn’t really think this far ahead.”
“I’m sorry for being a creep,” he blurts.
You shake your head. “Only a little creepy. . . d—do you do this this with a lot of girls?”
He immediately straightens. “I don’t! I—I’ve never done this before.”
“You’ve never been a peeping Tom or you’ve never seen a girl touch herself?” you tease. 
He hesitantly mutters, “Both.”
You purse your lips and pause, cheeks turning pink. You tilt your head. “Are you a virgin?” 
Peter bites the inside of his cheek and looks away. He quickly ponders whether he should tell you the truth. As Spider-Man, he can say anything he wants—be whoever he wants.
He looks back up and opens his mouth, but your doe-eyed look gives him pause. He merely nods in response.
“Me too,” you breathe. “It’s not a religious thing or anything like that. I just haven’t found the right person to do it with.”
You look down and continue playing with his fingers, twisting and entwining them with yours. 
“I feel pretty silly right now,” you whisper. “You probably thought I was some experienced sex goddess or something when I invited you inside. Instead I’m just pathetic and lonely.”
He frowns. “Hey, don’t say that. You’re amazing.”
You look up, brows raised. “How would you know that? You don’t even know my name.”
Peter flinches, inwardly scolding himself. “I mean, you seem very. . . put together,” he mumbles.
Your mouth twitches before you let out a soft giggle. “Inviting a stranger into my bedroom is the exact opposite of being put together, don’t you think?”
“Fair enough,” he chuckles lightly.
Your eyes roam over his covered face, smile fading as your eyes burn with curiosity. “Do we know each other?”
Peter stiffens, jaw tight. You look at him inquisitively, waiting for an answer. He knows he should tell you the truth—ripe it off like a band-aid. But instead he just frowns and shakes his head.
Silence fills the room again.
“I wish I could kiss you,” you blurt.
He tenses. 
“Oh my god,” you groan. “I’m sorry. . . just forget I said that.”
Peter quickly breathes, “Okay.”
Your eyes widen. “R—really?”
He lets go of your hand and clutches the bottom of his mask. He hesitates slightly before lifting it up right underneath his nose, revealing his jaw and lips. 
You gulp. “You have very nice lips.”
He gives you a crooked smile. “No girl has ever said that to me before.”
“Well I guess tonight is a bunch of firsts for both of us.”
He nods in agreement.
“I—I’m going to kiss you now,” you announce. It sounds more for yourself than for him, he muses.
“Okay,” he murmurs.
Your hand cups his cheek, your breath softly caressing his exposed skin. You lean towards him and tilt your head. His heart pounds as your mouth hovers over his.
Peter feels a surge of confidence and closes the space between you, pressing his lips to yours. He closes his eyes, feeling electricity move through his veins as he kisses you. He’s never felt more alive. 
Your soft lips kiss him back, and you slide your hand to his neck to tug him closer. He pours everything he has been feeling for so many years into the kiss. He wishes he could tell you how long he’s been wanting to do this. 
He pulls back and smiles brightly. “Wow,” he breathes.
Your eyes flutter open, pupils flared. Without hesitation, you surge forward and kiss him with so much fervor and passion that that he thinks he’s going to pass out. Your tongue traces the seam of his mouth, and he parts his lips to welcome your probing tongue. 
Peter pulls back and trails wet kisses down your chin to your neck. You tip your head back and moan. He grips your waist and swiftly lifts you up onto his lap. You settle on him.
“Oh,” you cry.
Your face flushes, and you take your bottom lip between your teeth, his hard bulge pressing against you—separated by his suit and your panties. You grab his shoulders, anchoring yourself as you begin to move over him, movements slow and tentative. 
He splays a hand on your back while his other hand tentatively plays with the edge of your shirt. He pushes it up, and you gasp as his gloved hand touches your bare stomach. 
“Is this okay?” he breathes against your neck. “Should I stop?”
You place your hands on his chest, and he lifts his head up. You grab the hem of your shirt and pull it over your head in one fluid motion. He leans back, mouth falling open while his eyes hungrily drink in the sight of your bare chest.
“You’re so beautiful,” he blurts.
You bite at your bottom lip and blush. He reaches to brush a knuckle just under the swell of your breast. Your body trembles slightly as your lashes flutter. He licks his lips, sliding his hand over your skin and smoothing his thumb over your nipple. He cups your breast and squeezes softly while an airy gasp tumbles out of your mouth.
He leans forward and swipes his tongue over your other breast, lips closing around your nipple. You whimper as he sucks it softly into his mouth while he tweaks the other between his fingers. He licks at your skin, and you let out a breathy whine. 
“P-please touch me,” you beg, sliding his hand down towards your pussy.
He eagerly pushes your soaked underwear, dragging his fingers over your damp folds. He lets out a strangled groan, his mouth watering as your slick coats his fingers.
“I didn’t know it could be this wet,” he says in awe. 
He slides his fingers up and down your slit until his thumb finds your clit. He presses on it, and you let out a soft sigh.
“There?” he asks, and you fervently nod. 
He starts rubbing your clit in steady strokes, eyes glued on your face as he studies your reactions—making adjustments to the pressure and direction depending on your expression. Soft moans fill the air as you continue grinding on his covered cock, your movements increasing with need. You claw at his shoulders, your breathing growing more and more restless.
“I—I’m almost there,” you pant. 
He circles his thumb faster over your clit, and you start to tremble. You bury your face in the crook of his neck to muffle your cries as you tip over the edge. Your body spasms relentlessly, legs quaking.
You shudder in his arms and breathe heavily. He presses kisses on your naked shoulders and pulls his hand away from your clit. He holds you close as you come down, wilting in his arms. 
“Was that good?” he whispers.
You lift your head up and look at him, eyes half-lidded. “You did amazing.”
His mouth curves in a wide smile. He reaches gently caresses your cheek. “I can’t believe you’re even real.”
You rub his jaw affectionately. “I feel like I know you from somewhere,” you murmur.
Peter swallows, smile faltering for a moment. He quickly forces a small chuckle. “Of course you do. I’m your friendly, neighborhood Spider-Man.”
You roll your eyes and snort, “Right."
He presses his lips against yours, the kiss soft and slow. He pulls away and glances at the clock on your nightstand. “Shit,” he frowns. “I have to go.”
You draw your lower lip between your teeth and nod. You lift yourself up off his lap, taking a step back to bend down and grab your discarded shirt. You slip it over your head and toss your hair over the collar. He rises from the bed and tugs his mask down over the rest of his face. You fiddle with the hem of your shirt as you follow him to your window. 
“Will you come back?” you blurt, pursing your lips.
He faces you, cocking his head. “Y—you want me to?”
You bat your lashes and nod enthusiastically in response. 
“Then I will,” he says softly. He crawls out the window, feet landing on the fire escape. 
“Hey Spidey!” you call out, and he whirls around. “Knock next time, okay?” you wink, eyes sparkling.
He chuckles softly and nods before turning to disappear into the night. 
Back in his bedroom, Peter lies in his bed, his arm folded underneath his head as he stares up at the ceiling. He smiles to himself, body buzzing with excitement, thinking about the next time he’ll see you. He lifts his hand up and eyes it closely. He chews on his bottom lip, basking in the memory of all the things that his hands did with you—to you. 
He may be Spider-Man, but he knows tonight was all Peter Parker. He thinks that maybe, just maybe, he might not be totally out of your league after all.
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farfromtommy · 4 years
🥝 - "You're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that won't be true. It'll be because you're an a**hole." - The Social Network With Peter x Stark!reader please. It's not my favourite movie or quote but I thought this would be funny with Peter x stark!reader. Well done for the follows!!!! So proud!!
a/n: im so sorry this took forever to write ive had 0 motivation to write but I DID IT!! AND IT WAS SO FUN! <3 this is unedited and probably sucks but i’m trying to get back into writing actual fics and work less on my social aus! leave feedback if you like it and reblogs are always appreciated
masterlist social media au masterlist  taglist 
Peter Parker is your best friend, that’s a given. Your dad brought him on to join the Avengers and introduced you to him, saying you needed more friends. You were homeschooled most of your life, being a Stark and all that. Your dad realized you needed to develop better social skills and had you enrolled in Midtown.
Everyone at Midtown couldn’t believe that THE Y/n Stark would be attending their school. Everyone knew Y/n Stark, daughter of Tony Stark, head of weapon and suit design for the Avengers, heir to Stark Industries, probably the next Iron (wo)Man and leader of the Avengers.
Imagine the surprise when you walked in through the doors on your very first day, chatting it up with Peter? He was showing you around and talking to you like it was nothing.
“Penis Parker! Why are you bothering this lovely lady? Don’t you know who she is?” Some guy came up to you and Peter as he was showing you your locker, shoving his way in front of your face. You looked the guy up and down with a look of disgust and looked around him to Peter. You raised an eyebrow and Peter mouthed ‘Flash’ and you looked back at him.
“Hello there Miss Stark. What are you doing talking to Parker over here when you could be talking to me? The man of your dreams.” Flash grabbed your hand and brought it up to kiss the back of it. You quickly took your hand back before he could and chuckled dryly.
“Uhhh I don’t think you are the one I’m dreaming about.” You shut your locker and walked past him and let Peter lead the way to your next destination. Everyone around looked at you in shock and then started laughing at how Flash made an absolute fool out of himself. Peter led you towards his locker where Ned and MJ were standing waiting for him
“Hey, guys. This is Y/n. Y/n this is Ned and MJ.” You waved to them before shuffling a little closer to Peter, feeling shy and nervous to meet his friends he always talks so much about.
All Ned could manage to stutter out was a ‘hi’ before he was whispering to Peter about how he couldn’t believe you were here. MJ stuck out her hand with a smirk on her face.
“I saw you make a fool out of Flash. I think we’re going to be good friends.” You let out a short laugh and then shook her hand. Ned couldn’t stop asking you questions about your life and telling you how cool he thinks you are.
The rest of the day passed with some minor incidents. A few teachers asked if some of the Avengers would be interested in coming in as guest speakers. A group of girls pulled you to their lunch table and begged for you to go to a party they were throwing and kept asking you why you were hanging out with the ‘losers’. You rolled your eyes at them and got up to take a seat right next to Peter and tell them about how ridiculous people were being.
“I don’t think high school is for me. I was there for one day and I had half the school throwing themselves at me. Did I tell you about the girl who followed me into the bathroom and waited right outside the stall because she wanted a picture with me?” You threw yourself onto your bed, exhausted from the ridiculous day you had. Peter chuckled at your dramatics and sat in the chair at your desk.                              
“I can’t tell you how many girls came up to me today asking if I was really friends with you. A few asked if I wanted to go out with them sometime, probably so I would introduce them to you.” He leaned back and threw a rubber band ball in the air. You let out a snort and sat up, clapping your hands to get Peter to throw the ball at you.
“Why are some girls so … weird? They were lining up to ask me on a date just so they could meet you. Like, how shallow is that? Girls like that would never date some weird nerd like me. Like you. You would never go out with someone like me.” He said, throwing the ball to you. You caught it and looked at him, a bit taken aback.
“Girls like … me? You’re putting me in the same group as those girls? Shallow and self-centered? Are you kidding me?” you scoffed and stared at him. His eyes shot open, realizing what he just said.
“No, no. Y/N, that’s not what I meant. I wasn’t calling YOU shallow. I just meant that you’re popular and all that just like them, and people like that are shallow and only care about looks.” He scrambled to backtrack and fix what he said.
“You know what, Peter? You're going to go through life thinking that girls don't like you because you're a nerd. And I want you to know, from the bottom of my heart, that won't be true. It'll be because you're an asshole.” You stood up from your bed and crossed your arms, still staring him down.
“Y/n please that’s not what I meant. You aren’t like that! Those girls would never like me, for me! Tell me honestly, Y/n. If you showed up to school today not knowing me as you do, would you talk to me?” He stood up to stand in front of you.
“God, Peter. For a smart guy, you are really dumb. Tell me this, Pete. If I’m “one of those girls that would never like you”, then why am I absolutely in love with you?!” You yelled out. Peter opened and closed his mouth like a fish. His eyes so wide you thought they were going to pop out of his head.
“Wait, what?” He held his hands up and just stared at you.
“Peter, I’ve been in love with you basically since the day we met!” You exasperated. Peter walked up to you and grabbed your hand.
“Don’t mess with me. Because I will literally kiss you right now, this better not be a joke.” He whispered. You grabbed his face with your free hand and kissed him quickly and softly, just to test the waters. The second you pulled away he let go of your hand and brought his to cup your face. His eyes darted across your face before he pulled you in for a deeper kiss. You smiled into it and brought your hands to rest on his chest.
He pulled away after a few seconds, rubbing his thumbs along the apple of your cheeks. “Can we please do this tomorrow, in front of Flash? He may actually have a heart attack.” Peter smirked and you swat his chest with your hand, mumbling ‘asshole’ under your breath.
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everydaymj · 4 years
Rant about Flash Thompson
Okay like I get it, he's a bully and makes poor Peter's life hell. That's wrong and I am not at all defending that.
But what I want to know is why more fic writers aren't giving him a redemption arc? Like especially with Tony Revolori's version giving us a new world of possibilities! For the first time we have a Flash that is shown to be smart, he wouldn't have been on the Academic Decathlon team if he wasn't, or at Midtown at all if we're being honest. So imagine with me this:
Flash growing up, realizing that the popularity of high school means nothing in the real world and having to figure out how to make relationships based on something other than his family's money or status.
Flash going to college in NYC and landing himself and Internship at Stark Industries because he is brilliant and earned it. This is something he worked for, his parents didn't buy this for him and he is proud of it.
Flash running into none other than Peter Parker, the head intern at Stark Industries and having to confront how horrible he was to him.
In his own snarky way of course, but telling Peter that he never deserved the hell he out him through. That really he was jealous of the friends that liked him for no other reason than they just did. And he definitely won't repeat this but he hopes that they can make the best of working together
Flash having to report to Peter as his boss and Peter loving it more than he should. Like of course this is the perfect opportunity for a little bit of sweet revenge.
Flash and Peter having a begrudging working relationship that slowly grows into an actual friendship.
Flash catching Peter in the suit as he takes off the mask and just being like "The fuck??? You??? You're Spiderman???" And peter just loses his shit laughing.
Flash being like "My entire life is a lie, stfu Parker!! Don't you dare laugh you shit head!"
Flash being like "Where is the number for the exterminator??? BECAUSE I HAVE A SPIDER TO FUCK UP!" And In response, on his desk the next day there would be a toy car that looked just like his dad's. Peter would have gotten there early to put it there.
Flash realizing that his biggest hero as a teen was the guy he was awful to and making the vow that he was going to make it up to Parker by being a real friend.
Flash and Peter being able to move on from childish pettiness and be bros.
Just Flash Tompson getting a real character arc
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kianisabitch · 5 years
Ummmmmmmm I’m like high af on hardcore pain meds after my top surgery and literally all I can imagine is Peter Parker trans headcanons and I feel too crappy to write a fic: SO HAVE A LIST
-Peter being obsessed with superheroes when he’s little and always telling everyone that his favorite was Iron Man because he wanted to be just like Tony Stark when he grew up. And people don’t get that he wants to be smart and a superhero and a man.
-Aunt May being really confused when her nephew started drawing Tony Stark’s facial hair on in permanent marker, but she’s super duper supportive so she just helped him do it in eyeliner instead so that it doesn’t hurt his skin.
-Peter practicing ‘walking like a man’ by copying the way Captain America walks in videos and him freaking out when he meets Steve for the first time and they walk identically and then all the other avengers make fun of them but Peter secretly loves it.
-Peter having a picture of Thor taped to the inside of his locker because he is inspired by ‘how manly he is’, but he really just has a crush and his mind can’t make up if he wants to be Thor or date Thor.
-Tony literally throwing money at his spiderson to transition and using his privilege to get Peter in with a top surgeon months before the waitlist.
-Peter crying when he wears a packer for the first time, but freaking out when he drops it on the floor of the bathroom of school. Flash makes fun of him, but eventually he starts reclaiming the whole ‘Penis Parker’ joke as something he’s proud of and ignoring Flash making fun of him.
-Peter being the president of Midtown’s GSA (MJ is the Vice President, but everyone knows she gets more done then Peter). The administration hates him, but he gives zero fucks and runs a walk out against hate and changes a policy on bathrooms.
-Peter struggling with rooming on school trips, but Ned being the best friend literally ever and always insisting I’m rooming with Peter so that he doesn’t have to room alone or with girls and so that administration can’t screw him over even more.
-Tony and May starting a blog about raising a transgender teen and it becoming really successful. Like a year into their blog people find out that Tony Fucking Stark runs the blog and he becomes a huge public ally for parents of trans kids and when transphobes drop their stocks, he pubslishes their names online to shame them for being horrible.
-Spider-Man coming out as trans and publically calling out bigots and making it very clear that superheroes do not stand for hate and bigotry.
-The Avenegers having a giant ass float at NYC pride and Peter discovering that Bucky and Steve call themselves ‘old gays’ because they’ve been queer for decades and Tony loudly annocuning that he is pansexual and very proud
-Everyone telling Peter to stay away from Loki, but when they meet they automatically bond over both being trans and they spend a lot of time talking about Peter’s dysphoria until Loki uses magic to make his voice sound lower before he starts testosterone
-Peter feeling more comfortable in his body after he transtions and discovering that he is gay and being a soft gay who flirts terribly, but loves art museums and picnics in Central Park and holding hands with cute boys
And ummmm add more, please and thanks !!
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