#maybe i'll update what time i went to bed when this posts
timetrees · 1 year
what are you guys's sleep:wake ratio. i mostly do ~10-15 hours awake, ~12-15-rarely 18 hours asleep but apparently this isn't "normal"
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shiki-jin · 5 months
(part 0 here)
was listening to TruE on loop while writing the last part of this, it's genuinely such a good song ugwvdya
also can you spot the contradiction ;D it's plot relevant i promise
not proofread, dont bully me ill write a thesis on why youre a meanie
you had long deleted genshin, since you had other things to do. you had wanted to go back to the game for a while now, now that you were less busy, but there was just one little problem.
it was now taking up nearly triple the amount of space that it was when you uninstalled it. around 300 whole gigabytes.
jesus christ, what phone can even handle this???
your phone, apparently. because as you opened the game to see if maybe a miracle would happen and that if maybe they would just, like, remove half of the things in the game, it just… kinda loaded?
no installing new files, no checking for anything, no nothing…. just an immediate pan to the gates of celestia.
you decided to check if it was the right genshin since this was just way too weird, but countering your judgement, every link you found led you to the same game, leading you to believe it not to be a bootleg or an illegal version.
guess i’ll trust it then.
you clicked on the gates which opened smoothly, and your screen turned white. then, the symbols of the seven elements appeared in gray.
and then the game just… opened. no loading time, once again. no getting stuck on the geo symbol, nothing. nada. just a smooth entrance into what you had to assume to be teyvat — but your surroundings didn't really support that claim.
the grass was brown and just looked off, the sky was gray. a darker shade than, say, mond’s walls, but it was like one of those game crashes.
well, except you could still move around.
you moved your current character around (the traveller? since when were they the only one in your team?) and decided to open the map after not figuring out where you could possibly be.
hold on, this is springvale? since when?
eveything looked dead, like it had been rotting for a century. you tried to ignore it though, and teleported to the inside of mondstadt. surely this was just some glitch, right? one that would fix itself if you teleported?
maybe the world loaded incorrectly, maybe the fact that nothing took time to load meant that it couldn't load, maybe this or that, maybe…
maybe this really was how the game looked normally. you hadn't done any quests though, so you wondered if it could be restored.
you took a screenshot of the your surroundings — the stone, worn down and dirty. the houses which looked to be in a horrible state, and… the npcs, all sickly and pale, like they were starving.
you went to reddit (yes, reddit), and posted the screenshot, asking if it was normal.
you closed the game and decided to take a nap, too tired to really deal with this shit any further.
while you slumbered, people replied to your post.
╰┈➤ lol me too anon, me too
╰┈➤ isn't the game closed or wtv? how'd you get this wtf
╰┈➤ they're trolling
╰┈➤ o makes sense oops
╰┈➤ So we’re all still mourning huh
╰┈➤ jokes aside that's a super impressive edit ngl
you remained unaware of the truth, but you'd find out soon enough.
actually, you'd find out now, apparently…
what the fuck?? why is my bed so hard now?
you groaned and forced your eyes open, seeing a dark, nearly black sky.
the only light was a single star, lingering right above you.
“since when was i outside...?"
a voice spoke to you, answering your question.
“you always have been, have you not? but would you like to head inside, my lord?”
... huh? i recognize that voice...
p.s. place your bets on who it is, i’m thinking of one specific character but if there's a fan fav i'll make it them instead since i haven't written anything beyond this point (⁠・⁠_⁠・⁠;⁠)
p.s.s. don't expect updates to this series too quickly, i wish i could write as quick as i think of ideas but sadly that's not the case orz
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syoish-aot · 3 months
okay okay I'll post more...
post canon, reverse isekai, memory loss
currently rated T
word count: 1147 [updated June 27]
<- PART 1 | PART 3 ->
“Who the hell are you?”
You’re pinned to the bed below Eren. One of his hands is firmly against your wrist to keep you from moving (although it’s obvious to him that you don’t have the strength to fight against his hold, even if you tried). 
He stares down at you, his heart hammering against his chest in a mix of anxiety and confusion.
How the hell do you know who he was, but he has no memory of you? Or this bed? Or this room? Or anything besides Mikasa’s blade against his throat and the tears lining her eyes. 
You’re trembling below him, clearly terrified, indicating that you’re equally clearly not a threat. 
Eren’s not sure what’s going on here, but he doesn’t want to do anything too rash and complicate things further. 
So he lets you go.
“Sorry.” He mumbles as he pulls away from you and sits on the edge of the bed.
Immediately you sit up and turn towards him. “Are you okay?” You ask, staring with eyes wide and clear concern splashed across your face.
For some reason, it causes Eren’s stomach to twist uncomfortably, even though he has no idea who you are. He says nothing.
“Did you have another nightmare?” You ask softly.
The way you say it indicates that this may be a common occurrence. So he lies: “Yes.” He answers. “Sorry. Guess it freaked me out a bit.”
You give him a comforting smile and, again, it causes his stomach to twist.
“Don’t worry about it,” you say softly. “You’re awake now, right? So everything’s okay.” You lean forward to kiss his cheek before pulling yourself out of bed. “Armin said we needed to be at the restaurant at one.”
“Armin?” Eren quickly asks.
You can’t help but laugh at the way Eren is looking at you. His eyes are wide, eyebrows raised, lips parted just slightly as he sucks in a breath. “Yeah, Armin.” You confirm. “And everyone else.”
“Who else?”
You sigh. “Eren, you really need to get better at remembering the plans we make.”
“Who’s going to be there?” Eren repeats, ignoring your comment.
You laugh as you stand so you can cross the room to finish putting on your makeup in front of the large mirror next to your dresser.
“Besides you, me, and Armin, Niccolo obviously. I’m still surprised he managed to plan the whole thing.” You joke as you start on your eyeliner. “Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, and Marco for sure because they’re reliable when it comes to making plans. Historia texted me yesterday and said Ymir didn’t want to come because apparently she and Reiner still aren’t over that fight they had last week. Oh my god speaking of that fight, did you know that they put it on pause to go get beers together at Maria’s? Literally just went ‘I hate you but we have to watch this game together so we’ll be friends for a night and then go back to our bullshit’. Honestly, I commend them for being able to do that.” You laugh. “Anyway, if Historia is set on coming, Ymir will still show up and we can see that drama unfold in real-time. Sasha will be there for the food, Pieck will be there for the booze, Porco will be there for the Pieck being there for the booze. Obviously Jean’s going to be there and you better behave. Connie, duh! And Mikasa finally flew back into town so she’ll-”
“Mikasa’s going to be there?” There’s something to the way he says it. This strange… hope in his tone. It leaves you confused.
“Yes?” You answer. Or maybe you’re asking, you aren’t too sure. “Didn’t she call you to talk about it literally last night?” He’s still staring at you but you shrug and turn back to the mirror. “Now get your perfectly sculpted ass out of bed so you can get ready or we’ll be late.”
Without saying another word, Eren stands up and leaves the bedroom.
If you hadn’t known any better, you would have thought he hesitated at the door, glancing around the apartment because he wasn’t sure of the layout.
But you and Eren had been living there together for over a year.
So it wouldn’t make sense for him to be confused.
It wouldn’t make sense at all…
Eren fumbled his way through getting ready. He tried his best not to talk to you because talking to you was… confusing.
Anytime you were too close to him or your eyes met in a specific way, his stomach would erupt into butterflies as his heart felt like it began beating ten times faster.
It was a purely physical reaction to your closeness and it was- it was… odd. 
To say the least.
It felt like his head and his body had different ideas of who you were. 
In his head: you were a stranger. Someone who’s name he could barely remember (and had almost forgotten several times). You were confusing, potentially dangerous, but obviously some sort of key to figuring out what was going on; which became especially apparent as you rattled off the names of almost everyone he knew.
In his body: you were everything. You were someone he felt an intense desire to touch. To feel. To be around. His body pulled him towards you at every opportunity it got, sometimes even to the point that he had to physically stop himself from reaching out to take your hand, grabbing you by the wrist- kissing you. And every time it happened he could recall what it would feel like to follow through with those movements. Somehow he knew the warmth of your lips on his, your body flush against him, your fingers curled into his palm- fitting so perfectly, like your hand was meant to be there. Instinct. His reaction to your presence was pure instinct.
And he had no idea what to make of that.
But when you’d told him that the two of you were meant to be somewhere and rattled off names of people he knew (and not in the way that he “knew” you, these were people he actually knew), he hoped that talking to them would clear things up.
So, he spent the morning playing the part. Doing what you told him to. Following you around the strange apartment that the two of you, apparently, called home.
He didn’t want to alert suspicion, not yet.
Especially when you said Mikasa’s name and his stomach sank.
“There.” You said with a smile as you finished knotting his tie and pulled it perfectly tight against his neck. Your hands moved to his shoulders, flattening out his dress shirt. 
                           Who were you?
    Who were you?
                                                                            Who were you?
It’s all Eren could think as you smiled up at him and his whole body felt like it was on fire.
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Shadows of Fluttering Leaves
When Skies Are Gray, Chapter 7
Series Masterlist             Next Chapter
pairing: Frank Castle x fem!reader 
summary: Frank’s life has reached a crossroads: he can either continue to seclude himself and pursue a dark, lonely future, or he can open himself up to connecting with someone again and maybe achieve happiness. Being the grump that he is, Frank has already committed to the lonely path, but his curious new neighbor might just turn that around. 
warnings: depressed reader, grief, victim blaming, implied history of sexual assault/harassment, bad parenting, not super healthy coping mechanisms
a/n: I am so sorry I've updated everything sporadically this year, y'all. I've been working really hard to stockpile updates so I'll be able to post at least biweekly for the rest of the year (if everything goes to plan!) As always, please comment/reblog to leave feedback. And a giant thank you to @gracethyomen for helping me plan this arc and make their fight more cruel. She is the queen of angst, go follow her.
w/c: 4.8k
You didn’t recall much from the past three days, but that was because there wasn’t anything to recall. After your conversation–if it could even be called that–with Frank, it was as if your soul had unstitched itself from your body. You went through your days as an emotionless husk. Your creative spark extinguished, your joy unreachable.
The walls in your building were thin enough that you could hear him moving around. Going to work and returning home to Max as if you'd never existed. Perfectly fine without you. Every heavy footfall that penetrated the rotting drywall brought a fresh sheen of tears to your eyes. 
The burly marine had become such a welcomed part of your life, losing him was like losing a limb. His absence felt like a bad dream. If you focused hard enough, you could still feel his calloused hands, smell the cheap soap and spicy clove aftershave he used. But a simple exhale would wash the scent away, and you were alone again–tired, anguished, and unloved.
You drifted through the day, unsure what to do with yourself. You couldn’t bring yourself to go into work, or even communicate with Leo and Stacy for more than a brief text to prove you were still alive.
While this evening hadn’t been much different, the sight of your mom’s name flashing across the top of your phone screen as it buzzed had caused enough of an adrenaline rush to force you to chat with someone. Your throat felt sore after talking for the first time in nearly 72 hours, your vocal chords still recovering from their sudden overuse. Shuddering as you willed the memory of the call to fade, you felt the tell tale prick in the corners of your eyes.
Staring down at the damp concrete, you blinked frantically in an attempt to keep the endless tears at bay. The tilt of your head caused raindrops to drip off of your hood, rolling down your forehead. Around you, the slam of water against pavement and steel drowned out the thud of your determined footsteps. Blowing out a breath you slipped an unfeeling mask onto your face as you continued your walk to the bakery.
It wasn’t more than a few blocks from your apartment to the Rainy Day, but the beams of street lights would draw attention to your glassy eyes, and you didn’t need to highlight your fragility for any creeps that might be lurking at this hour. You'd had more than enough unwanted male attention for the week. Once you were safely behind the locked doors, you could look as broken down as you needed to.
Though you were exhausted, your confusion-and-betrayal-addled brain was still unable to rest and your hands itched to do something. Wallowing in your bed wouldn’t quell the uneasiness that speaking with your mom had ignited mere hours ago. But cooking might. At least, you hoped that was the case.
A crackle of lightning illuminated the bakery as you approached; the strike of light refracting through the windows made the place look rather sinister, draping it in oddly shaped shadows. Slipping the keys from your pocket, you tried not to cringe at the cold rain as it splattered against your exposed hand. Thunder rolled overhead as you waggled the key in the lock, finally getting the damn thing to budge enough for the door to shove open.
Stepping inside, you bolted the door behind you, using your phone flashlight to maneuver through the stacked tables and chairs as you moved to the kitchen. Before getting to work, you stripped out of your semi-drenched top and slipped into a clean t-shirt adorned with the logo of the cafe. Flicking on the overhead lights, you threw a hand up to shield your sensitive eyes as they strobed briefly before steadying into their normal bright rays. Taking a place by your preferred station, you took a moment to reflect on the tasks you had cut out for you.
Though Leo was more than capable of replicating your work if you detailed the recipes, they were happy to let you be the creative lead in your shared kitchen. As they’d mentioned multiple times over text the past few days, your absence from the space meant less variation in pastries for the bakery, and more for Leo to do. If you weren’t so emotionally depleted, you would have felt more guilty about abandoning them so suddenly.
Apparently, the emotional turmoil that talking to your mother always stirred was good for something. It had gotten you here, at least. Coating your station in a thin layer of flour, you ran through the motions of a basic croissant recipe.
You weren't quite feeling up to experimenting yet, but croissants you could do.
Soon enough, the smell of salted butter and yeast engulfed the room and your fatigued mind began to wander. Despite your best efforts to forget the comment, your mother's voice echoed in your ears.
“Really, sweetheart, what did you expect?”
The condescension in her tone clung to you like the barbs of an untrimmed rose. Your brain feebly tried to reassure you that she had no idea what she was talking about. To remind you that she didn't even know his name, that you'd told her—at most—three sentences about the whole situation.
But the majority of your brain was still reeling from the abrupt collapse of your relationship with Frank. And it was far too weak to not spiral at the implication of your mom's question.
Because, while she wasn't fully aware of who Frank was and what he meant to you, she was intimately informed of your history with men–hence her thoughtless words this evening.
Your dating history was...pitiful, to say the least. You tended to draw attention from the wrong men. Bosses, teachers, even your own relatives.
It had been your reality for as long as you could remember. As a child, whenever you'd come to your mother with another sob story about attention that you hadn't meant to attract, the blame was always placed squarely on your shoulders. Your outfits were too provocative, your actions too enticing. It didn't matter that they were the ones misunderstanding your kindness as an open invitation. It was still your fault.
Expecting her to sympathize with you when you told her you'd been grabbed by a stranger as you left the construction site was foolish. But it still hurt to know that she didn't.
What hurt more was the little voice in the back of your head that agreed with her. Knowing damn well that you'd chosen that outfit to fetch the gaze of a specific man. That the low cut neckline was meant to be provocative. That it was your fault that you'd been humiliated. That your own desperation had led to the continued phantom sensation of a large hand gripping your arm against your will. 
“If you dangle bait long enough, something will bite.” She reminded you. It wasn't the ocean's fault that you'd been hoping for a specific fish.
“But I didn't want them.” You'd lamented to her. You were tired of being a plaything, a quick fuck. You wanted something more, something real. And it had turned to ash in your delicate grasp before you could so much as appreciate it.
She wasn't sympathetic. Chastising you for forgetting your place, for getting attached, for seeking love in places it didn't exist.
“Love is harder to come by when you're, well...you know.”
You slammed the ball of elastic dough onto the bench, kneading it aggressively as tears poured down your face. Your stomach twisted as it heaved with sobs, the sentiment from your mother sounding eerily similar to the curt observation that Frank had hurled at you.
You ain't my wife.
He was right. You weren't his wife. His wife was beautiful, and caring, and patient. She'd loved him, had children with him, made a home for him.
Think I'm your little boyfriend or somethin'?
Biting your lip to stifle a sob, the feeling of foolishness crested in your chest again. It was humiliating to be called out like that,  especially when your naive little heart had been convinced he felt the same way.
I never wanted that.
Those words still hit you like a sock to the gut. He never wanted a relationship. He never wanted you.  Your stupid feelings were clearly unrequited, but how were you supposed to know that?
Was your childhood so deprived of love that simple acts of kindness had your heart doing backflips? Were his pet names and compliments just his gentlemanly nature because he was afraid to offend you?
This was a mistake.
His sweet remarks, calling you beautiful, the constant teasing—the relationship you once had with Frank began to play in your head; the muted colors of the picture doing nothing to make your chest ache less when his face sprang to mind. Your brain continued its depressing montage: Frank smiling at you, his gruff voice lifting around the word “sunshine”, his genuine interest in your work, his daily visits to the cafe, the way he leaned into every touch you offered him. All meaningless. Just another regret.
Exhaling forcefully, you flapped your hands in an attempt to stop their trembling. If the fragile dough ripped between your fingers, it would ignite a full meltdown. Clenching the muscles in your hands, you relaxed them as you forced every thought from your head, focusing on the pliant mass beneath your rolling pin as you mashed it into a lopsided rectangle. Carefully lifting the edges of the shape, you tossed it onto the sheet pan you'd prepared as tenderly as you could.  Using your fingertips to stretch it into a more appealing shape, you nodded in satisfaction, shoving the tray onto a cart and picking up your rolling pin again.
Each extension of your forearms, pressing the wooden cylinder into the raw pastry, condensing and lengthening the blob with small, stiff movements. Your elbows creaked with every stretch of the elastic dough, the swing of your arms feeling almost foreign despite being a common practice in the kitchen. A 72-hour break was too long, apparently. Any other day, you'd dance through this recipe effortlessly; Today though, every step felt choppy and hesitant, as if your brain expected you to fail again and again.
You hadn't felt this hopeless in a kitchen since the last few weeks of your atrocious entrepreneurial experience years ago. Yet another example of you being too trusting, too optimistic.
Your mouth flooded with the metallic tang of blood as your teeth dug into the flesh of your cheek, halting the choking despair that threatened to drag you down to the linoleum floor. You wanted to give in; your brain was still a ball of exhausted mush incapable of handling your day-to-day tasks.
Sloppily prepping a few more trays for their initial rise, you shoved the croissant dough onto the proofing cart and out of sight. The smell of yeast usually made you happy, but the biting edge of the scent was turning your stomach. It was becoming increasingly clear that you'd thrown yourself into your work without the stability to handle the sensory input of the bakery. Your head was pulsing because of the fluorescent lights, the whir of the electric mixer rattling your ear drums. Once the sticks of butter you'd added to the stainless steel bowl of the machine were smooth, you shoved the lever to shut it off—letting out a breath you hadn't realized you were holding.
Slapping heaping scoops of the creamed butter into a half-sheet pan, you set the pan in the fridge to solidify and shuffled blearily into the break room, collapsing onto the worn leather couch.
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“You are such an asshole.”
Gritting your teeth as the words ripped you from an uneasy sleep, you peeled one eye open reluctantly. Two shadowy figures swayed in your field of vision, neither looking particularly happy with you.
The taller figure marched towards you. ”Three days? THREE DAYS? No calls, only a single fucking text,“ The annoyed voice grew closer, making you curl in on yourself.
”'M sorry.“ You mumbled, tears springing to your eyes.
”You better have a better apology than that. They were worried sick.“ A blurry image of Stacy manifested against the doorway to the breakroom, her arms crossed. Standing in front of your shoulders, hands firmly attached to their hips, was Leo.
”We were worried sick,“ Leo corrected, throwing Stacy a look.
Not denying the allegation, Stacy's cheeks dusted pink.
Crouching in front of you, Leo gave you a once over. Their furious expression quickly morphing into one of concern. “Did you sleep here?”
“Didn't mean to, the kitchen was just,” You gave a limp shrug, avoiding their piercing gaze. “Too much.”
“How long have you been here?” Stacy asked, striding over to drape her legs across the arm of the couch.
“Since midnight-ish.” You muttered, shame pitching your voice lower.
“Babes,“ Leo sighed, running a palm over your exposed arm as you tried to shrink into the couch cushions. ”What happened? Was it your mom?“
You should your head, tears pooling in your eyes. “Pete.”
“Pete?” Stacy raised an eyebrow, looking at Leo with wide eyes.
“What did he do, hun?” Leo plopped into a cross-legged position, leaning against the couch with an expectant look.
“Did you break up?” Stacy's voice was uncharacteristically soft, but the words were still teasing.
You burst into tears.
“Stace!” Leo scolded, climbing onto the couch and hefting your torso up so that you could lay in their lap as you bawled.
“What? It seemed impossible!!” Stacy said, mortified. She absorbed Leo's vacated spot, hands hovering apprehensively in front of you. “Shit. Please don't cry.”
“It's a bit late for that.” Leo huffed, cradling your cheek with one hand. “What did that bastard do to you?”
Gulping in air, you cowered against Leo's thigh. Your friends sat quietly, patiently awaiting your story. With a stuttering inhale, you wiped the newest round of tears from your face and pushed yourself into a seated position—gratefully leaning into the arm Leo threw around your shoulders. Looking up at them wide-eyed, you waited for their encouraging nod before speaking.
“Um..” Your voice was hoarse, words shaky. “So three days ago, I tried to bring him lunch...”
As if your consciousness was sparing you from the depressing events, the words tumbled from your lips instinctively, thoughtlessly. The story pouring directly from your torn heart, accompanied by a few stray tears.
Throughout your ramble, your friends remained silent–sandwiching your body between them. Leo's sturdy frame was a comforting weight to your left. Stacy had migrated to your other side, tentatively resting a manicured hand on your shoulder. They were both eerily still as you caught them up on the implosion of your relationship with your neighbor.
Eventually, you sighed, your body sagging with exhaustion. Briefly lifting your hands, you gestured to the small, bare break room you'd passed out in. “And then you found me in here, and that's it I guess.”
Your mouth snapped shut, your eyes flinging the final few droplets of saline off of your lashes as you blinked at your lap. There was a beat of silence. Two. Three.
Then all hell broke loose.
“Is he fucking serious?“ Stacy bit out, retracting her hand to cross her arms. Her brows were raised, jaw clenched as she looked at Leo.
”He told you that you were a mistake?“ Leo squawked, clearly fuming.
“I mean, that's not—” You began to reason, words dissolving on your tongue as Leo grabbed your hand with a glare.
“Absolutely not. Do not start that bullshit.”
Frowning, you averted your eyes. ”I'm not doing anything.“
“Princess, we love you, but don't pretend you're not blaming yourself.“ Stacy scoffed, standing from the couch and tugging at the roots of her hair.
“And defending him while you're at it.” Leo gently prodded your side with a knuckle, giving you an all-too-knowing glance. At your resulting pout, they sighed. “I know that hearing your mom blame you again and again is hard to unlearn, but she's wrong. So is Pete and all the other men who have done this to you. You deserve better.”
“Seconded.” Stacy nodded firmly, pointing a finger at you. “The next time I see him, I swear on my grandmother—”
The petite brunette was pacing, fists clenched in her fury. Leo looked equally angry, though they were much less obvious about it. Smirking at Stacy's empty threat, they finished it for her. ”We'll beat him senseless with a baseball bat.“
Giggling, you leaned into the hug Leo offered, exhaling into their shoulder. ”I appreciate you both, but I'd rather just move past it.“
”Deal.“ Leo kissed the top of your head, holding out a hand to help you stand from the couch.
”Speak for yourself, I am not willing to let this slide.“ Stacy called with a huff, stalking out to the counter to begin prepping for the morning rush.
”Should I be worried?“ You bit your bottom lip, eyes following her out of the break room.
”Nah, you know her. It'll pass, this is just how she shows her love.“ Leo reassured you, striding into the kitchen at the ambling pace you set. ”We would do anything for you, you know.“
Smiling bashfully, you nodded. “I appreciate it, Leo. Thank you.”
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Though you were still dead on your feet and reeling from the emotional whiplash you'd been put through, an odd form of peace had engulfed you. Talking things out had taken a massive weight off of your shoulders.
You felt heat prick your cheeks as you sheepishly recalled the way you'd isolated yourself after leaving the construction site. At the time, it had felt like the natural path forward. But it clearly hadn't done you any good.
Your coworkers were eternally patient as you fumbled your way through your daily tasks, your brain still a glob of jelly after being berated by both Frank and your mother.
Gritting your teeth in frustration, you collapsed onto a bar stool. Kneading your forehead with one hand, you inhaled deeply.
Peeking around the corner of the walk-in, Leo frowned. “All of them?”
Nodding miserably, you forced a response around the lump in your throat. ”Every. Single. One.“
”Aw, babes.“ Leo pouted, coming to inspect the trays you'd thrown around your station as your defeat grew.
”They're all flat. How did it slip my mind that the rain would throw off the humidity in the main room? That's, like, proofing 101.“ You moaned, prodding one of the dense croissants with a finger. ”Christ, I feel like I've lost my mind. It should not be this hard to do something simple.“
Patting your back reassuringly, your best friend ignored your protests, lining your ovens with the ruined croissants and setting a timer. “Do you remember the first time Ez and I broke up?”
Ezra, Leo's on-again-off-again partner, had broken things off for the first time right before you both took your final preparation exam for your first pastry class in school. Leo had nearly flunked the course after they used salt instead of sugar in every dish.
Stifling a chuckle, you fiddled with the strands of your apron. “I seriously think Allard was reconsidering his decision to teach. His face!“ You and Leo snorted in tandem, picturing the old french man's grimace.
”Oh he definitely had regrets. My point is, the brain works in mysterious ways when you're grieving.“ Leo stated matter-of-factly.
”Grieving?“ You asked. “Frank didn't die–”
“I know that, smartass. But you still lost something, did you not?”
Pondering for a moment, you conceded. “I suppose.”
“So, your brain is handling this just like any other loss. Grief processing is its current main priority, remembering how to make picture-perfect croissants is not even in the backlog.”
“It should be, given that we operate a bakery.” You grumped, watching the pitiful slabs of dough puff slightly in the oven.
Smacking you gently over the back of your head, Leo's expression turned endearingly stern. “You, my dear, need to be kinder to yourself. Something huge and incredibly hurtful just happened to you. Give yourself a moment to breathe.”
Their soft command gave you pause. They weren't wrong. You'd jumped from escaping, to wallowing, to working without so much as a millisecond to relax. Had this bullshit happened to anyone else, you would've been much more understanding. But being kind to yourself was never your strong suit.
Mulling over the possibility of granting your brain a smidge of grace, you watched the flat pastries expand ever so slightly as they began to brown under the yellow oven lights. Realization finally striking you, you turned to Leo with a quizzical expression.
“You put them in the oven.” You stated simply, mind not quite forming a question to remedy your confusion.
Chuckling, Leo nodded. “I did.” They leaned against your station with a smile.
“Kitchen adaptations, hun. What did we used to do with pastry dough that didn't rise properly?”
Understanding dawning on you, your lips parted. “Croissant sandwiches.”
Squeezing your shoulder, Leo hummed in confirmation, striding back to their station to finish shaping bread loaves. You continued to watch the thin crescents puff, reminding yourself that the mistake was fixable. Sure, they wouldn't be the gorgeous, fluffy pastries you'd envisioned—but they could still be made into something delicious. For today, that was enough.
Feeling less hopeless, you wiped your hands on your apron and strolled over to the lines of proofing bread, moving them to the proofing cart easily. ”What are we stocking today?” You asked, hoping they'd notice the hidden meaning of the question.
“Let's stick to simple comfort foods. The weather is nasty, we probably won't be too busy. After we finish the staples, we could make some baguettes and a soup or two? Maybe some kitchen sink cookies and brownies too. Those won't take much effort.“ Leo tapped their chin thoughtfully, looking to you with a soft expression. ”Sound good?“
Smiling, you nodded–glad that Leo was willing to take charge for the day. Sliding your arms around your best friend's waist, you squeezed them tightly before bustling off to prepare some yeast.
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Over the next few weeks, your mood improved significantly. Out of concern for you, and more than likely out of concern for the bakery, Stacy and Leo had spent a handful of nights at your place–helping you wind down after work, and motivating you to get up the next morning. Their presence and constant glares towards your and Frank's shared wall made it easier to move forward without him. You could feel your consciousness wading through the stages of grief, rapidly approaching acceptance.
For now, though, you were still moping–much to your friends’ dismay.
”C'mon, Princess! Live a little!! You haven’t gone out with us in forEVER“ Stacy whined, pinching your arm as she took a seat on the counter you were cleaning.
Scowling at her, you switched your rag out for a broom, determined to keep tidying around the obstruction she presented. ”I already told you. I don't feel like going out tonight, Stace.“
Sweeping stray coffee beans from under the machines, you fought back an eye roll at her snort. ”Oh, I'm sorry, did you have plans besides crying on your couch while watching rom coms?“
”Christ, Stacy, I told you to invite her, not insult her!“ Leo scolded as they exited the kitchen.
”Someone needs to say it!“ Stacy threw her hands in the air, looking at you pointedly. ”Being sad has its time and place, but the only way to truly get over a man is by going out and getting wasted, you both know I'm right!“ She huffed in frustration as both you and Leo opened your mouths to protest.
Scratching the back of their neck sheepishly, Leo raised a brow at you. “She actually might have a point.”
Pumping her fists victoriously, Stacy leapt from the counter. “See? It'll be good for you!”
Glancing between her and Leo, you sighed. Pouting in distaste, you knew you had been outvoted. If you refused to go, they’d drag you out anyway. “Fine.”
Your friends cheered, high-fiving their success. Stacy danced over to you. “It's gonna be great, princess. You'll see!”
“Oh, I’m sure.” You snarked, dipping the formerly abandoned rag in a bin of bleach solution and resuming your afternoon disinfecting duties in the front of the cafe while your coworkers plotted the outing.
“What are you going to wear, hun?” Leo called over their shoulder to you, after complaining to Stacy about their lack of cute clothes.
“Considering I am only going to please the two of you? I'm not quite sure.” You snorted, tone still sharp with irritation.
“Well, since you're clearly in such a great mood,” Leo giggled, wrapping an arm around your shoulders. “Maybe we could get ready together?”
“We totally should! While blasting EDM really loudly in your living room!” Stacy grinned, feigning innocence despite her clear intentions to make Frank's life a living hell.
“Ok now you are definitely not invited.” You frowned, imagining how much he'd curse at you if you became a horrid neighbor on top of all your other faults.
“It's cute that you think you have a choice!” Stacy laughed evilly, rubbing her hands together in a movie-villain-esque motion.
Groaning miserably, you stiffened as Stacy padded over and held a hand out for the rag.
Making a grabby hand gesture, her other palm landed on her hip. “Hand the towel over, princess. You and Leo can head to your place to get you all fixed up and I'll finish cleaning.”
“I'm not sure whether I should be offended that you're implying I don't look stunning like this,” You circled a hand around your unwashed face. “Or worried that you're offering to lock up. You hate closing.”
“Exactly. That’s how much I want you to have a good night out, dude!” Stacy gave you a stern look, flicking her eyes between the damp rag and your stubborn expression.
Sighing heavily, you tossed the rag to her and slipped out of your apron. “If this place isn't gleaming tomorrow–”
“Yah, yah.” Stacy waved you off, putting earbuds in as she walked to the other end of the room.
“The disrespect.” You muttered, turning to Leo who was clearly amused at the fact that you'd been outwitted by the other girl.
“C'mon, sweets. We'll need to stop somewhere for drinks unless we want to go into debt to get drunk tonight.” Grabbing your hand, the two of you left Stacy and the bakery behind as you braved the heat outside.
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Slogging up the stairs, arms laden with a paper bag filled with the cheapest alcohol the three of you could stomach, you adjusted your center of gravity to avoid toppling down the stairs. It felt like you were swimming upstream, given the weight in your hold and the immense humidity of the stairwell. Finally reaching the landing, you scrunched your nose as a bead of sweat dripped from it.
“Took you long enough,” Leo remarked, smirking at you from your front door, having made it up the stairs long ago. 
“Not all of us have a lithe athletic build and the heart rate of an Olympian.” You huffed, shuffling toward them with a small smile. Despite your initial apprehension, excitement had started to build in your chest at the thought of the night ahead of you. As you were about to express that much to Leo, the click of a doorknob stopped you in your tracks. 
Stepping out of his apartment, adorably happy pitbull in tow, was none other than your neighbor, Frank Castle. 
Frozen in place, it was a miracle you didn’t drop the bag in your shock. You’d assumed he’d avoid you just as you’d avoided him. Apparently you weren’t that lucky. 
Looking a bit surprised himself, Frank hesitated for a minute before plastering a scowl on his face and tugging at the leash in his grasp. “C’mon Max.” 
Watching Frank stalk past you without so much as a glance in your direction, your mouth dropped open with indignation. Poor Max was dragged to the stairs behind him, despite the dog’s efforts to greet you on the way down the hall. 
Gritting your teeth, you marched to your own door and unlocked it. Carefully depositing the bottles on the ground, you grabbed a handle of cherry vodka, cracking it open and taking a swig as you stomped into your apartment. 
“I suppose that’s one way to handle whatever just happened.” Leo murmured, studying you with a concerned frown. “Wanna talk about it?” 
“Nope!” You grinned, pulling another gulp of liquor from the bottle. “Care to help me pick an outfit? I’m hoping to drink for free tonight.” 
Striding into your room with Leo on your heels, your gut burned as the lump of despair you’d been clinging to for a week burned red hot with rage. Your friends were right. You deserved better. 
If Frank Castle didn’t want you, then you sure as hell didn’t want him.
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Taglist: @cheshirecat484 @xxdrixx @smhnxdiii @mattmurdocksstarlight @danzer8705 @mjsvinyl @softieekayy @sweetpov @dreamtofus @zomtart @mjsvinyl @senjoritanana @marytheweefrenchie @siampie @gracethyomen @pone21 @ignore-mp3 @screechingphantommaker @fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @paradox-brody-chase @msjb2002
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logansargeantsbabymom · 4 months
Too Good To Say Goodbye pt 5
Logan Sargeant x Fem!Reader, Lando Norris x Fem!Reader
warnings: cursing, mentions of miscarriage/stillborn
part 1 I part 2 I part 3 I part 4 I part 5 I part 6 I part 7 I part 8 I part 9 I part 10
F1 Masterlist
Follow my instagram account (THATS STRICTLY FOR THIS BLOG) for updates on when i post and fun stuff like that!
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I couldn't put this off anymore. I had to talk to Logan about the night in the delivery room and I had to tell Lando about my reoccurring dreams. I know I technically haven't done anything wrong and I haven't cheated but something about my dreams have been feeling a little too real. My feelings for Logan might be too real.
No, stop that Y/N, Logan treated you like shit, there's no way you possibly like him. No. You're not that naive , you know better than to have feelings for a man that treated you like shit. But he also gave you a kid. A kid you so desperately wanted, one you needed to have, to love, to hold, to care for, to cherish after my first born passed.
I'd gotten off the phone with Logan shortly before Lando re-entered our room.
"She's finally back down, her pacifier fell out of her mouth." all Lando said before he got back into bed, trying to cuddle me. I felt so awful with myself and felt like I didn't deserve his comforting touch so I scooted away and attempted to get out of bed.
"Hey what's wrong? Where are you going?" a hint of sadness in his voice but that was quickly covered up with a simple clearing of his throat.
"Shower. Me and Lily are gonna hang out. Maybe you and Oscar could have Yelena for the day? I know Oscar has been begging to take her out and be the favorite uncle but I don't trust him alone with my daughter." a chuckle leaves my lips as I try not to sound nervous.
Why is the thought of having a civil conversation about the well being of my daughter with her father making me feel so icky and nervous? Part of me longs to have a healthy relationship with Logan, I mean he was my everything. Logan made me believe in love, he gave me 2 wonderful pregnancies even if I'll be able to never meet my other baby.
I quickly gathered things that I would need for my shower, a McLaren t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a bra, underwear, my Bose speaker, and a pair of slides before I made my way into the bathroom. I turned the shower on hot before I set everything down and got all my hair products that I'd need.
I took my H/C hair out of the bun I'd just had up prior, letting it fall past my shoulders in a curly nappy mess. I loved my hair don't get me wrong, but all the products I needed for it and how fast it would get nappy would sometimes be too much for me.
Stepping into the hot shower, I let it flow over me and letting my hair get soaked before I started lathering on some shampoo. While I was working the shampoo on my scalp, I couldn't help but imagine a life where Logan and I were endgame, a life where we didn't have split custody of our daughter, a life where when me and Yelena went to the paddock we were going into the Williams garage to cheer for Daddy instead of going into McLaren to cheer for mommy's new boyfriend, a life where little Theo James Sargeant was still alive.
Thinking about little Theo always made me emotional, I couldn't ever imagine a moment in the future where I could talk about him and not want to sob and quite frankly, I don't want their to ever be a time where it doesn't. I'll feel like I forgot about him and that's the last thing I want.
Maybe if Theo was alive none of this would've happened, me and Logan would still be happy, we could have 2 kids instead of 1. If Theo were here all my problems would be solved, I would be happy, Logan would be happy, but I wouldn't be with Lando. Life had its ups and downs, I wouldn't trade my relationship with Lando for the world.
It felt like I was lathering my scalp while being deep in thought for hours but in reality, when I snapped out of my trance I heard the ending of Taylor Swift's All Too Well (10 minute version). I quickly rinsed the shampoo out before quickly conditioning and brushing my hair out. I put my hair up in a little bun to allow my hair to soak up as much conditioner as possible while I scrubbed the rest of my body clean, I decided that today would be one of my ‘everything’ shower days so I also grabbed Lando’s razor that he has in the shower and shaved my legs and armpits.
Once I was done shaving, I took my hair out of the bun and rinsed the conditioner out while simultaneously raking my hands through my hair to get rid of the knots that formed. Once that was done I turned off the shower, wrapped my velcro towel around my body and wrapped my hair in a towel wrap. I’d looked at the time on my phone while trying to change the song, only to realize that I’m supposed to meet Logan at a little coffee shop that was 10 minutes away, in 20 minutes and I wasn’t ready yet.
I’d quickly a no makeup makeup look before quickly drying off my body and throwing my clothes on. I took my hair out the wrap and quickly, but efficiently worked some product in my hair to make sure I still had the curl and bounce when it dried.
I was so busy rushing out of the bathroom that I almost ran right into Lando who was holding Yelena.
“Oh there’s mommy!” Lando says while he points in my direction while simultaneously poking Yelena’s tummy “We were just coming to say bye to you. Oscar is waiting in my car” a smile appears on my face. Lando’s been so good to me and how do I repay him? I’m going behind his back to talk to my ex and baby dad about reoccurring dreams I’ve had about us being a happy family after our little “moment” in the delivery room.
I place a quick sweet kiss against Lando’s lips before I place a big fat one on Yelena’s head “Sorry I took long in the bathroom. Took an ‘everything’ shower, you know how it is.” a small chuckle leaves his lips before we hear a honk from outside “You guys should get going before Uncle Oscar gets mad” I say while I also place delicate pokes on Yelena’s tummy. A quick nod, faint goodbye and a goodbye kiss from Lando was what I got before he left.
I checked my phone again, I had 5 minutes to get to a coffee shop that was 10 minutes away. I quickly shot Logan a text saying that I was gonna be about 5 minutes behind schedule because I got caught in ‘traffic’. I figured it was believable when Logan shot me a ‘All good, I’ll be here when you arrive’ text.
When I’d arrived at the little coffee shop I spotted Logan in a quiet corner. He quickly spotted me because he’d basically leaped out of his seat to welcome me.
“Hey, I figured since you were gonna be late, I’d just order your drink for you. I got you a y/f/d, I hope that’s still your favorite.” the nervous smile that sprawled across his face made my heart clench. He was so cute, oh how badly I wanted to grab his face and pull him close to me. I shook my head to rid the thoughts in my brain.
“Yep, once my favorite always my favorite.” I graciously took the drink from his hands before we both sat down. We sat in silence for what felt like forever before Logan started the conversation.
“So, I called you here because, oh man, how do I say this? I asked you to be here because,” he let out a shaky breath before continuing “because ever since that night in the delivery room, I haven’t stopped dreaming of you. About us, all of us being one big happy family. Me, You and Yelena just living the life and I can’t help the yearn for that. I know you want nothing to do with me but” he placed his hand on top mine that rested on my drink “I know I fucked up big time all those months ago, and I know you hate me and want nothing to do with me, but please, give me one more chance. One more chance to prove to you that I’m a better, changed man. To prove to you that I’ll do anything it takes to be the best father and husband I can be. I love you and Yelena, will all of my heart, soul and bones I love you.”
Tears welled up in my eyes, I can’t tell him I’ve had the same dreams and that I feel that way too. The universe has a weird way of trying to get people together.
I pull my drink up to my lips which caused his hand to fall off mine. “Logan, I- We can’t- I’m with” I closed my eyes and took a long deep breath before I tried to continue “Logan, I love you more than you’ll ever know. You gave me a beautiful daughter and a life I never thought I’d have. I owe you so much but that debt I owed you went straight down the drain the moment you said that I should’ve killed myself, the moment you said I was another piece of ass to you and the moment” a few tears slipped “The moment you said you could impregnate ANY woman.”
I placed my drink down before grabbing a napkin from the dispenser on the table to wipe the fallen tears off my face. A beat or two passed before anyone said anything.
“Do you ever think,” Logan waited a beat before the continued, almost as if he was regretting what he was about to say “Do you ever think that if Theo were still here, none of this would’ve happened? That we’d be happy and together, that Yelena would be able to meet her big brother?”
I could see the tears forming in Logan’s eyes and the tears that once stopped falling came right back.
A choked sob left my throat at the mention of our late son. My body shook with so much pain and sadness that I hadn’t notice Logan left his seat. Not at least until I felt his big strong arms wrap around my body in a tight embrace. I could feel his body shake in his own quiet sobs. We stayed like this for what felt like hours, just in an embrace, sobbing, in public, where everyone is staring.
“Y/N?” Oh no, I recognized that voice. We pulled apart at the mention of my name turning to see Lando pushing a stroller and Oscar following suit “I thought you said you were hanging out with Lily?” Lando sounded suspicious as he looked between Logan and Me observing both of us red eyed. “Why are you both crying? Baby, are you okay?”
“Oh! Yes! Haha, Lily was running late so I grabbed a drink and saw Logan here and then we started talking about Theo” I said wiping the tears from under my eyes again
Oscar’s eyes closed and his face contorted in its own way of saying ‘oh no’
“That’s so funny babe because” Lily walked in “We actually ran into Lily and she mentioned nothing about your guys’ plans. Actually said that she’s been trying to set up a day where you guys could spend the day out and shop and have girls night but said that you kept postponing it. So why are you here with Logan and why’d you lie?”
The tension between us so thick you could hack it with a butcher knife a few times and it wouldn’t cut.
I’ve been caught in lies before but this one, I don’t know how I’m getting out of it.
“I promise I will tell you everything Lando, just not here”
Lando turned and whispered some things to Oscar and Lily whom nodded in agreement before handing them the stroller and the diaper bag and kissing Yelena goodbye.
He’s taken on such a natural fatherly role in her life that to the outside world, Yelena was his daughter and that’s what I admired about him, that’s why I fell in love with him and that’s why I really, really can’t lose him.
“We’re leaving.” was all Lando said before I whispered a goodbye to Logan and followed him out the door and to his McLaren.
The car ride home was awkward and silent. It hadn’t felt this bad in a car alone with him since I told him all those months ago about what happened with me and Logan. After what felt like an eternity we finally arrived at our house. The walk inside and into our bedroom was also awkward and silent.
Oh how I hated when Lando was mad at me.
“Why’d you lie?” it sounded cold, kinda made my heart break “Why were you out with Logan and why did you lie to me?”
“I-” I released a shaky breath “I met with Logan because” I was cut off
“Are you still in love with him?” betrayal and heartbreak coated Lando’s voice
“No! Absolutely not! Lando please don’t think like that!” I quickly walked over to him cupping his face and used my thumb to wipe a stray tear from his face
“I was with Logan because he wanted to talk about that night in the delivery room. He wanted to tell me that he’s been having dreams of us being a big happy family. He asked me what he could do to get me back, to win us back” the look in his eyes told me he believed what I was saying
“and what did you say?”
“I told him that after the way he treated me that I would never get back with him.” I felt him nod against my hands that were still holding his face before I wrapped them around his neck and pulled him into a tight hug feeling his arms wrap around my waist and squeezed tight.
I wanted to stay like this forever, wrapped up in his tight embrace. I felt like nothing bad could happen, I felt on top of the world and that’s how I wanted to stay, but all good things eventually come to an end.
The churn of my stomach is what pulled me away from Lando and I knew I was gonna be sick. I rushed myself to the bathroom before spilling my guts into the toilet. Lando quickly rushed in to hold my hair back and rub my back.
“I’ll be back. I’m gonna grab you a bottle of water” Lando said before he quickly jogged to the kitchen.
I’ve been sick before, but this felt different. I’ve felt this kind of sickness before. Twice, actually. I rested my head in my arms on the toilet seat before frantically looking around in the sink cupboard. I had to search quickly before Lando came back, I couldn’t find it and I didn’t want to call for Lando. One more quick search of lifting things up is when I finally see them.
pregnancy tests.
@luckyladycreator2 @itsmiamalfoy @jeffs77 @ilivbullyingjeongin @forevercaffeinated-lee @daemyratwst @gulphulp @callsignwidow @f1wintermoon13 @teenwolf01 @victoriassecret101 @hiireadstuff @formulaal @kazza72584 @zabwlky1999 @dark-night-sky-99 @rougekiki @xoscar03 @jess-wither @bountychanti@dhanihamidi @Ggasly.p @tellybearryyyy
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k-s-morgan · 3 months
Hi, I don't know how to write this differently... I'm kinda, little bit, very very worried 😅 I don't want to make you feel obligated to answer this, with the electric outages and everything, but please just a little update if you're ok 🩷 Rusáci jsou kundy, přeji ti hodně sil 💛💙 srdečné pozdravy z Česka (Russians are cunts, I wish you strength, теплий привіт з Чехії*)
*I could only think of best wishes in English, which is not the same, so I hope google translated it with the same warm sentiment 😊
Ask from @princessgotham21: Hi Kat, we've not heard from you in a while so I hope you're safe and okay. I don't care about updates, I just genuinely want to know your wellbeing. Sending prayers and love 🤍
Ask from @seiji-amasawa: I’ve been following your stories for years now, and with news headlines about what’s going on in Ukraine has me really nervous for your well being. I hope you and your loved ones are doing well. You’re in my thoughts <3
Ask from @disappearinghills: You haven’t posted in a week, I hope you’re okay love❤️
Hi! I'm finally home and with a steady connection - in fact, while I was gone, my Dad did some techno-magic, so now I'll have the Internet even when there is no power! Seeing all these asks made me so warm and happy, and cared for. Thank you all so much! I really didn't expect the connection to be this bad in the mountains. That place had WiFi, both of my cell operators were accessible, and yet nothing connected properly 99% of time. Not sure how it works. On the other hand, I took a really good rest from the war-related news, air raids, and other stuff. I heard just one explosion at a distance in over 2 weeks.
@jebemtimater7890, ah, I really appreciate your sentiment <3 Дуже дякую за такі чудові слова! It always warms me so much to know that so many people from different countries support Ukraine. Maybe it's the result of my vacation, but I started to feel a little more optimistic about the war than I have in over a year. Not sure it will last long, but it's such a relief to feel like this for now.
I went to the mountains with my Mom, and the place we were staying at had the loveliest cat who instantly realized I'll be more than happy to let her share my bed :D It was very hot for one week, and then it rained non-stop for the next one, so we got all kinds of experiences.
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I'll miss the peace and quiet of that place, but being home is also good! I missed my set of silly pets, half of whom didn't immediately recognize me and tried to flee before figuring out who I am :D
The first part of a series of ATLWETD updates will be up in a few hours. I'm doing the last quick read - it probably isn't necessary, I've edited it already, but I can't help it, I always feel like I'll catch some more mistakes/unfortunate turns of phrases.
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CAN YOU MAYBE. Elaborate on the bridgella tower au idea 👀
Well, it's based on this post, which I initially posed on 16 August at around 9 pm (my self-imposed bed time) and I cannot actually remember typing. But I descided to post it because I figured the fandom might be interested in playing with this idea, as not a lot has been said about adult Bridgella up to this point.
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Current working title of the fanfiction I'm writing in my notes app is "Your Word And My Word"
So the main premise is this: the coup happened, but Red didn't travel back for whatever reason (currently thinking she just froze up and forgot), letting Bridget and her army take over Auradon.
Bridget ended up imprisoning all of the royal families of Auradon, starting with the Charmings (obviously). She ordered for all who didn't submit to her will to be executed. Most of them went quietly, others didn't (RIP Snow White and Ben's parents), and at the end there was a lot of bloodshed, and somewhere in the confusion, Bridget had faked Ella's death while secretly transporting her back Wonderland, where she was locked in what I'm currently just calling "The West Tower" (Anod to myself about a small fic I scrapped that basically had that as the name of a spare bedroom/Red's time-out corner).
The main point brances off into a couple of different directions, but the main focus when I say "Tower AU" is Bridget and Ella and The West Tower.
Bridget, being not over Ella and their teenaged situationship (why Ella isn't dead), occasionally visits her. Mostly to try and convince Ella to accept her fate, occasionally to brag, sometimes to vent about her trauma (being gay in the early 90s). But it leads to them talking again. And with the talking, comes the old feelings they had for each other when they were young, bubbling back up to the surface.
Of course it's angsty, as Ella is worried about her husband and kids (who think she's dead and she has know idea how they're doing) but also she has to deal with years of internalised homophobia. And Bridget doesn't know how to process her feelings and ends up taking it out in all the worst ways.
Something, something, time goes on, and Ella is given slight freedom by Bridget (allowed to walk around the castle with card-knights escorting her), and meets Red. Red has her own whole thing quietly in the background (mostly shown through Bridget's pov) and might reveal the Charmings are alive. Who knows when, but it's an inevitable now.
Something, something, later on Ella and Bridget get into a fight as they always do, and they end up kissing, that then leads to sad tension as they're both horrified by it and so so in love. And later it leads to sex, which is this scene I posted on 21 August (yesterday at time of writing):
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"I'm never going to let you leave me again." "Is that a promise?"
And that's where I'm at. It's all scattered right now, but yeah... I'll keep you guys updated if I descide to continue the fic, or if I get any serious ideas.
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fallinforerling · 2 years
LOVE ISN'T ETERNAL. chapter 5 - jb
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Song recommendation for today's update: Tink - Toxic
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s masterlist
ೃ⁀➷ jude’s taglist
ೃ⁀➷ masterlist
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The rest of the night went without you even noticing, mostly because of the extra drinks you had after telling the girls about the little selfie with Gio. And as you supposed, they loved how well played it was.
Another thing you could still remember vividly while you managed to open your eyes was that even after you said goodbye, you encountered Gio once again on the dance floor.
You danced together for a couple of songs. It was obvious you were having fun; Gio always behaved like an absolute sweetheart, super respectful, and even though you knew some flirting was there, he never made it obvious. He was good company. 
Now you were fully awake, having a dejávu when you realized Mia and Nikki were sleeping in the same position from a few days ago. Odd.
“I can't believe we partied until four A.M” Mia's voice, sounding raspy as always when she drank too much, made you notice that she was also waking up. “Now I'm seeing the consequences of my actions.”
“Yeah...” You agreed, feeling how your body was heavier than usual, making it difficult to move. So you didn't. “I think I'll live here forever, I don't have the energy to get up. Not today, not ever again."
“What time is it?” Nikki whispered, still wrapped in two covers. You didn't even had two covers on your bed the day prior... Where did she find them?
“Hold on...” Mia moved around the bed for a moment before letting herself fall again into the mattress. “Oh God, it's 3 p.m”
The three of you gasped before laughing. Yep, that seemed reasonable.
“We need to eat something or else.” You said after a while, making sure none of them had fallen asleep again. “Are any of you craving some shawarma?”
“Hell yeah.” Nikki said, still wrapped around the covers, but fully awake as far as you could tell.
“Nice, let me grab my phone.” While getting up, you started to see the disaster the three of you caused around the bedroom. Your clothes were everywhere, the bathroom door was fully open and even being far away you could notice that three drunks were there. “Great...”
You didn't have the energy to care for cleaning right now. The bags were strangely safe, carefully placed by your vanity. Priorities. Luckily, all your stuff was still in your purse, which was a miracle of its own. The only strange thing was your phone, which was buzzing like crazy. The battery was almost gone, but you could see the many notifications popping up second after second.
“What the...?” You took it, fearing the worst. “Gio's story...” Now that you thought about it, maybe being posted and tagged on a famous footballer's insta story wasn't the smartest option when you wanted to keep a low profile. “Fuck my life...” While you unlocked it, Nikki and Mia were out of bed, looking at you with curiosity.
“What happened?” Mia said, arching an eyebrow.
“I think I just exposed myself to the world.” You said, gasping when you saw that most of the notifications were from Instagram.
"What do you mean "exposing yourself”? You didn’t post a nude picture, did you?” Nikki questioned, getting out of the covers.
“I think that’ll be easier to fix if that was the case…” You unlocked your phone, trying to calm down and not succumb to the rising panic you were starting to feel.
Tons of notifications were still coming, but you decided to go directly to Instagram and find out what kind of disaster was starting to unfold. Your notifications were up to at least 5.000 only in mentions and following requests. Thank God you kept your IG private. Before your trembling fingers made a mistake, you went to your DMs, which were even worse than the notifications because not only hundreds of people were asking who you were, but also sending you videos and photos. With a deep breath you started to open the recent ones. 
“What’s going on? You look pale.” Mia got up from the bed, taking your arm carefully. “Come on, sit before you pass out.” 
“I feel like I’m about to…” You sat between the two of them, letting them see your phone screen. They peeked over your shoulders, gasping when they saw the amount of DMs. 
Some of the messages were just things like “Are you Gio’s new girlfriend?” or “Are you friends with Gio? Give him my number lmao” while others were worse, not because they were threatening you or anything similar, but because they mentioned Jobe’s twitter photos or that people were sharing videos of you dancing with Gio last night. 
You went through some of them, feeling more and more anguished by the minute. 
“Is this you with Gio????” 
“Oh my god, are you dating both Jobe AND Gio?”
“Are you the same girl from the photos of the twitter threat?” 
“You look kinda similar to Jobe’s new girlfriend”
“It’s giving clout chaser”
“Are we seeing the rise of the next WAG?” 
“You’re pretty asf”
“Omg, I could swear on my mom I’ve seen you before in Dortmund with Judeeeee”
The last caught your attention more than you wanted. It wasn’t that impossible, since you did go out for walks with Jude after his practice or drive him around town when you were visiting. But back then it was impossible for the few people that saw the two of you together to figure out who you were. Now, with your face out in the open, maybe more people could start recognizing you.
God knows what could happen.
The absolute worst part of all this was people recognizing you from that stupid Twitter threat. You weren’t dating Jobe, but who was going to believe you? It was better to stay silent while figuring out what to do from now on. 
“Look, someone’s calling you.” You blinked, coming back to the real world. You didn’t even notice that you spaced out for a bit. 
The screen read “Unknown number”
“You take that, I’ll see what’s all this fuss about.” Nikki got up, reaching for her bag. 
“I’ll go make us some coffee.” Mia gave you a look that said I’m sorry.
“I’ll help you with that” Nikki almost ran after Mia, giving you that look of sympathy you hated before leaving. The door closed behind them with a click. Now you were alone with this call. 
You didn’t know why, but you knew it was Jude. 
“Hello?” You picked it up before it went to voicemail, regretting it almost immediately. 
“I’ve been calling you all morning! The fuck is happening? Why are you on Gio’s IG?” Yep, that was Jude’s voice. 
You didn’t know what you were expecting when the first call after the breakup happened. Feeling excited? Hopeful? Happy? None of that was happening at the moment; you were pissed. Because how dare he call after weeks of silence to confront you about what you did as a single woman?
“Excuse me?” You said, feeling your blood boil. “Why would I give you an explanation?”
“Because you’re my-” 
“Your what, Jude?” Your voice remained firm while your heart shattered all over again. Why was he doing this? “Your ex-girlfriend? Yes, I remember. I’m not your problem anymore, why are you calling me?”
“You’re still my friend, you know that” Ouch. “You didn’t even told me you were going out with freaking Gio.” Why was he mad at that?
“And why should I inform you about that?” You wouldn’t admit you just happened to run into Gio yesterday.
"Because now people think you're his fucking girlfriend!"
“So what?! You didn’t let me know when you went out partying and when you made out with some girl a week ago, did you? Do you even care if people assume that's your fucking girlfriend?” 
The line fell in an awkward silence for a few seconds. You almost laughed. 
“How do you know about that?” At least he didn’t try to deny it.
“Why does it matter?” You avoided answering him. “You’re acting like a hypocrite. Why are you calling me? To make me feel bad about moving on and having fun with my friends, just as you did a week after you broke up with me?” 
“That’s not what-” 
“You know what? I don’t really care what you are trying to do here. Don’t call me again.” And you hung up. 
Before he could call again, you blocked his number. And then, like a wall collapsing, you started to sob and then to cry. 
“Fucking prick!” You wanted to throw your phone, but that wasn’t going to make you feel better. You hated him more than ever. And you hated that he had this effect on you. 
“Honey! What happened?” Both girls came running into the room, startled by your scream. 
“That fucking asshole!” You said, unable to stop your sobs. Were you crying because of how mad you were or because you still felt a little bit of hope about this call being different? “He dared to call me to ask questions about why I was with Gio last night… Like he had any rights to do shit like that.” 
Your friends hugged you without saying anything, knowing what you needed right now. 
When were you going to get over him?
462 notes · View notes
danses-with-dogmeat · 11 months
Day 31 -- Edward Deegan
The (nsfw) details for Kinktober 2023, Day 31 are just below the cut!
Minors, please don’t interact.
Aphrodisiacs with Edward Deegan x g/n!Sole
Lordy lordy, how I was SO excited to write for this man. And hopefully this doesn't disappoint!
Sorry it took so long to get out as well, some life stuff came up this past week that held me up, but it's out now! 😁
I hope you all enjoy immensely lol 😏
Also, thank you to everyone who indulged me this October! Your support (especially with some of these lesser-known characters) was absolutely amazing! ❤️ I'm going to be taking somewhat of a lil break for the next couple weeks to post everything on AO3 and recover lol, but after that, I'll post an update and see about opening up requests for the first time in... Jesus, a VERY long time. I'll talk to y'all then!!!
Here is the link to my  Kinktober 2023 Event List so you can stay up-to-date, or re-visit these works as you please.
Included: Aphrodisiacs, masturbation, fantasies, voyeurism-ish, attempted confessions, actual confessions, kissing, touching, hand jobs, affection, sweetness, cuddling.
Words: 4.6k
The door burst open with a crash, almost rattling off its hinges in his haste, in his salacious wrath and desperation. Edward closed it just as aggressively, feeling the surface of his skin itch, feeling his breath pull in with heavy, heady gulps that had his chest straining at the seams. Sweat poured from him, in a way the ghoul didn’t even know it could, with his ruined skin. 
Is it happening? Is it… working?
He hoped so. 
After the hell he just went through? The embarrassment of the overwhelming heat that was encasing him, the labor of his breaths, the haze in his expression. Normally, he’s cool as can be, smooth, stoic, even, but he was gasping, shaking, and more so than that, he was tenting out the front of his cargo pants to the point of blunt obviousness. 
The symptoms don’t matter. He told himself, as the memory of Sole's baffled expression flashed in his foggy mind. As long as it works, none of it matters at all. 
They’ll see him, for the first time, he hoped, Sole would see what he was before he was… this. 
Edward didn’t like to wave his own flag too vigorously, no, he wasn’t a vain man, but he had been… maybe handsome was too strong a word, but he hadn’t been this, that’s for certain. Jack had reminded him time and time again, that he had been more attractive back before his ghoulification, but now he was more intimidating. It made his job of protecting the family and occasionally threatening people a bit easier, they both agreed on that account. 
When it came to Sole though… he wasn't sure he wanted to be intimidating. 
He didn’t know what he was doing, trying to get wrapped up with a pre-war widow(er) like them, but logic had nothing to do with this shit. Before them, he hadn’t cared, hadn’t minded the way he looked, hadn’t minded his solitude, his loyalty to this family and lack of contact with anyone outside of it. Edward had always promised not to dabble in Jack’s serums, no matter what outcomes they promised, but when it came to Sole, when it came to being… acceptable by their standards, he’d thought this was a good idea, thought it could make him… well, desirable was another strong word for him to use, but he at least hoped they could see him as something more than Jack Cabot’s bodyguard. 
Edward growled as he tugged his hat from his head, throwing it to the worn, wooden floor below. His room was dark, musty, and consisted of nothing more than a weapon’s trunk, a dresser and a single bed on the far side of the little room. He cast bits of armor and clothing over the whole of the floor as he moved towards that shoddy mattress, hearing it squeak and protest as he laid back on it and tugged at the stiff fabric of his cargo pants. His underwear followed shortly after, both being kicked to the base of the bed as he spread himself out on it. 
He felt he could crawl out of his own skin, hell maybe he wanted that. Maybe the transformation was happening now, but… goddamn, why was he so hard? Why was his mind so... stuck?
It’s true, he was usually thinking of Sole these days, but never this… disrespectfully. That curious expression of theirs as he excused himself from their and Jack’s meeting, the way their eyes had followed him out, the concern he saw there, right at the end. Oh, but how he craved their attention, even when it worried for him. 
He imagined the sort of expressions they’d make if he had his hands on them now, if he could’ve stayed, thrown Jack out of the dining room instead of leaving himself. He could take them over the table, lying down the dining mats to keep the wood from harshly bruising their soft skin as his hands moved over their body, as he laid overtop them, pressing them into the oaken hardness until they were arching against it, setting his mouth on them, his lack of lips, his hot tongue, hearing them gasp, feeling them grow needy beneath his worshipful touch. 
Edward’s breaths left him in pants now, very nearly moans as he found his dry, rough hand moving over his rigid, drooling cock. 
What the hell?
He hadn’t even realized he’d grabbed ahold of himself, he’d been so wrapped up in his fantasy. Already, the sensitive skin around his shaft burned with the ungentle friction of his hand, but… he couldn’t stop himself, no matter how he tried to use logic, tried to think about the pain his thrusting palm was causing him, it was even more painful to consider pulling away, to leave himself stiff and wanting. 
It was impossible, too, not to think of Sole. As much as it made him feel dirty, it made his teeth grit and his chest ache, there was nothing else in Edward’s head. No thoughts beyond them. He had no past, no present, no Cabot issues, no frustrations beyond the need to be near to Sole, the want to feel them in his arms, the gripping, dizzying necessity of feeling their warmth all around him, caressing, encasing his cock. 
It was shallow, it was rude, it was creepy, but fuck… it felt too good. 
He kept imaging it, in details like brushstrokes of a world-famous masterpiece, he saw the light in their eyes, the way their hair spread like a crown around their head, splendid and mussed from his attentions, the glisten of their spit on their lips, of his spit mingling there from their recent kisses, that vein bulging in their neck from the strain of holding back, from the greatness of the pleasure he brought them. 
“Sole, holy shit…” Edward rasped through gritted teeth, hearing the slap of skin as his hand moved rapidly over his erection, hitting the base of him with such force it had him flinching and bucking into his touch in the same movement. 
“Wish you were here.” He growled out, his voice a dry husk, breathless and scratchy. 
If they were here though, is this really what they’d want to be seeing? Want to be doing... with him?
Probably not. Edward’s mind tried to reason. Still though, shit doesn’t stop me from wanting it. Needing it. 
What the hell was in that serum? 
 The ghoul felt his cock might burst into flames with the increasing friction of his hand. He felt the foreskin catching at his textured palms, his calloused fingers, he felt pre-cum drooling down steadily, slicking what little it could as his hand tugged and bullied himself until tears sprung to the corners of his pale, bloodshot eyes. 
Sweat poured in rivers down the grooves of his flesh, unchanged, unsmoothed and still just as ghoulish as it’d been yesterday and a hundred years before that. 
If it doesn’t heal me… what will this serum do?
It was all his mind could afford to think. In short sentences, simple collections of words, as the bulk of his focus remained on Sole. Their face in the throes of pleasure, the imagined feel of them all around him. Their sweet scent, gritty but old-fashioned, somewhere between the adventures of the Commonwealth and home. The way their nails would scrape at his skin, the way they’d breathe his name, the way they’d seek him out, their eyes, their lips, their affections, all for him... In this ideal, fictional headspace of his. 
Still though, Edward's imagination had his body frantically catching up, growing closer and closer to his release as he painted the image in his mind of what they’d look like in the midst of their own climactic end, brought about by his hand. The way they’d cry his name, grip tightly to his cock, pull him further into their desperate grasp as they shuddered below his frame– it was so real, his imagining of it all, that Edward went tumbling over the edge right along with them. 
The ghoul couldn’t help the gasps leaving him, the moans that he begged the drywall not to allow to pass through, just in case Sole’s meeting was over now, in case Jack came to check on him, in case the house was silent, but for him. It was no use pleading with the house though, not when his voice was so stubborn. 
Not when his imagination decided to materialize something beyond his comprehension– beyond his wildest fears. 
“Shit… Ed– I’m sorry, I should-- yeah, I'll just...”
Sole’s voice was so quiet, like it was entering his ears from another dimension; distant, like melodies from a neighbor’s radio across the street. 
He almost didn’t react to their presence at all. 
No true words left the ghoul, then, as he frantically pulled the scratchy blanket over his lap on the mattress. It did little to cover the way his erection still stood, stiff and stubborn, tenting the fabric as he moved to conceal it and as much else of him as he possibly could in such haste. 
Edward allowed himself one clear of his throat, before he began apologizing, explaining his actions away, pleading their forgiveness, questioning if they saw anything– all at once in a strange amalgamation of nonsense that even he scratched his head at. 
“S-sorry. Not– This isn’t– You should probably– Ah, shit, Sole…” He ended with a defeated shake of his head, feeling embarrassment of two separate types heating his ears and cheeks with each passing moment they spent looking over at him. First, was the shame of this person that he loved and admired seeing him utterly debased and wretched in his dark little room, with their name on his tongue as he did it. Second… Well, the shame that he’d tried to change himself for them, without even knowing if they were interested at all, that he’d been so desperate as to do this to himself, rather than simply be honest with them. 
Two hundred years of protecting an ancient, powerful family from all manners of incomprehensible harm, and he was still a coward. Afraid of his own feelings, afraid of rejection, afraid of his own damn skin. 
“Are you…” Their gentle voice snapped him out of his mental anguish, “I just wanted to come and check on you. After you ran out on the meeting, well… It looked like you were gonna be sick or something. I wanted to make sure you’re okay.” 
Edward gulped, audibly and visually, and felt another wave of heat threaten to consume him, his cock jerking angrily below the blanket as a chill ran up his spine. 
Knock it off. His command to his body became more of a plea as he felt the serum bubbling up in his veins once again. 
“Wish you hadn’t seen this, Sole.” 
They didn’t leave, didn’t cringe or cry out or laugh at him, not when they first saw him, and not now. No, instead, Sole reached around and closed the door with a click behind them as they stepped into the dim little room, and made their way to sit on the far edge of his bed. 
“Are you alright?” Their bright eyes stayed locked to his, “What happened, Edward?”
His name on their lips was like a firebrand to his heart, setting it aglow with new, resounding affection that made his fingers twitch and his teeth grit together. 
“The serum…” He managed out, “Thought I could take some. See what happens, see if…” 
Edward’s own gasp interrupted him, as his body carried on with its basal needs without his consent. His fists clenched until his knuckles ached, until he felt the blood flow from his wrists halt in its tracks. 
“That’s what did this to you?” Sole blinked at him, their eyes remaining respectfully on his face as his body reacted to their voice, their proximity, the continuing effects of that damned serum.  Still though, even with all their unflappable respect for him, Edward could see they way their fingers fidgeted, the way their face seemed to heat, the way they so stubbornly made sure to keep their gaze on his face, and as far from his lap as they could without being overtly obvious.
"Jack said that he was experimenting a bit with the serums, but this is... Well..."
Sole cleared their throat as Edward mentally kicked himself.
Should've checked with the boss before trying this shit out on myself.
They must've seen the way he chastised himself within, for in the next moment, Sole scooted themself closer, and put a hand on his covered knee.
"I don't know if it's any of my business, really, but... Why did you take it?"
None of their business..? Edward could've laughed aloud at that. If only they knew.
"Thought it could help." He said vaguely, his voice still strained, his breath still more rapid than it had any right to be.
The place where their hand laid over his knee, even with the bed sheet keeping their skin from his, zapped life-giving defibrillations all throughout his body. It charged the blood in his veins, collected in pockets of heat in his chest, the base of his spine, the back of his head, between his legs, imprisoning the words in his head that he fought to pull out through his mouth. He wanted to tell them the truth, felt he needed to now, that they deserved to hear it, but his body demanded more. It wanted to act on his debased musings and pull Sole into his arms right now, to set his hungry mouth upon them, to tell them, not with his voice, but with the grip of his hands, the aching need of his heavy breaths, to show them, in favor of messily prying the words from his throat.
Can't do that. His true self told his body firmly, as many times as it could, to keep his hands in place on the mattress, to keep his eyes on the wall, rather than sweeping over their vault-suit clad body.
If I give myself an inch, I may not be able to stop.
That terrified him more than any other effect the serum could have on him. It scared him and made his mind and body tremble like the thought of becoming feral.
"Help what?" Sole prompted with a gentle whisper, and he could taste their breath as it washed over him. Jack's dessert coffee. Chocolate bon bons. Those sweet, frozen cherries the family has managed to keep all these years.
Edward's mouth watered.
He must've been silent longer than he realized, but finally, the ghoul was able to blink, to take in a breath and hold it there, rather than panting it back out straightaway like a dog.
Maybe it's wearing off?
He could only hope.
Yet... The persisting aching firmness of his cock, the sweat collecting at the base of his back and along his chest, under his arms, it all told a different story.
"Sorry," He all but choked out the word. "I... It was for you."
Forcibly, he took the chance and set his gaze upon their face, trying to keep his body under his firm control as he took in their reaction.
"M-me? How... Why?"
Why? He let out a dry chuckle. That's a dangerous question to ask if you want to be out of here before dawn.
"Wanted to be better. Wanted to change so you could... So we..." A forceful shudder ran through his body, stilling his tongue, forcing his muscles to clench until they knotted, making his hips buck up off of the mattress until Sole was forced to pull their hand away.
"Shit--" His voice was back to a growl: low, intense, and charged with carnal desire he only dreamed he could keep at bay. "Have to leave, Sole. It's coming back."
"W-what is?" They stayed firmly, infuriatingly, next to him on the bed, their voice concerned, but also... something else.
"Edward," He felt his cock pulse and drool below the sheet at the way his name left them. "Tell me how to help you. I want to help."
"No." The ghoul shook his head, even as it fell backwards, slamming into the wall behind him as his body writhed and demanded attention.
Fuck. He thought, his head still shaking in denial. Don't say that.
"It hurts me to see you like this. Especially if I had something to do with it."
Everything to do with it, more like.
"T-touch me."
It left him before Edward had a chance to reign it in, before his consciousness could plead with this serum-induced need of his and tell him to be patient, to speak to Sole, to tell them the whole truth, to take things slow, to make it last.
To his surprise though, instead of being offended, of scoffing and walking away, of looking disgusted or scared at his request, Sole, at last, let their eyes trail down his body. They even smiled as they bit their bottom lip, and moved their hands out towards him.
Without thinking, Edward leaned forward and into their touch, letting their palms press to the rough hills and valleys of his frame, letting them slide over his bare, glistening chest until one moved up to his face, and pulled him into a surprisingly lustful kiss.
Their passion rivalled his own, even, as they crawled almost on top of him, as their fingers thirsted for more area to touch, as they tilted their head and set their soft, warm lips upon his with vigor, kneading over his own marred mouth like his tongue held the key to their survival. It seemed theirs really did, in his case. His body needed them-- their touch-- like life needs water, needs air, needs sunshine, like a heart needs blood and a mind needs a thought. These feelings, the sensations they inspired, were a direct product of his being, but also the very reason he seemed to exist.
Edward finally gave permission for his own hands to set upon them in turn; though, he held back the force that the serum screamed to take them with. Stiffly, his palms caressed their waist, the jut of their hips, the small of their back, up to the base of their neck. He touched them like he was meant to cover them in it, like he was stained with paint meant to encase their entire being. Edward let himself kiss them, too, with the fervor this heat within him demanded. Let himself commit the shape of their lips and the sweet taste of them to his memory.
In case I never get the chance again.
He wasn't sure he'd blame them, if that was the case, but... at this point, there were many signs that pointed to something he hadn't considered.
Do they... Have they wanted me too? All this time?
Edward wished he could ask, but thoughts were like rising steam, and he wasn't able to grasp onto a single one and form it to words. Especially as Sole's hands travelled over him, as their lips left his and they moved their body downwards, adjusting so they could pull the sheet from overtop his bare form.
They did it slowly, their eyes asking before their voice could: 'Is this okay?'
He nodded to them, breathless, with his hands still firmly set upon their body, and they slid the scratchy blanket off him and to the unoccupied side of the mattress.
Sole barely took a pause, their eyes looking him over with just enough time for him to doubt their attraction-- no, their tolerance-- to and of his appearance. But then their hands were moving again, one sliding to the back of his neck, urging him back to their beckoning lips, while the other grazed over the head of his weeping cock, and took it in-hand.
"I've wanted this too, you know." Sole whispered into him, their hand moving slowly but firmly along the stiffness of his shaft, building that ever-growing heat in him to the point of pain.
Edward's mind was so addled, so distracted by their blinding touch, that he almost didn't hear what they'd just confessed. His eyes blinked open, his grip tightened unwittingly on their body as his expression pleaded 'tell me again.'
"You don't have to change a thing, Edward." Their thumb circled over the overly sensitive slit in his cock, and he pulled a hissing breath in between his teeth. "I want you just the way you are now."
Sole leaned in again, and he pressed forward more firmly than intended, thanking them with actions rather than the words he couldn't seem to muster in his current state. He moaned into the kiss, even, as their hand continued its relentless stroking, as it circled and tugged at his skin in a way more delectable than he ever seemed to master, than he ever thought was even possible.
But maybe that was because it was Sole's hand that was doing it.
They tried to pull away, to take in a much needed breath, and Edward couldn't help himself, couldn't pry his phantom lips away from their skin. He set them upon their cheek, down to their jaw, feeling the way their muscles clenched there in response, the way they shuddered when his rough lips journeyed to their sensitive neck.
Edward could feel everything.
He wasn't sure if it was the serum, or just the way his mind and heart clung to this contact-- to the fact that he was really here, doing this with Sole, with the man/woman of his dreams and most profound desires-- but he could feel every raise of a goosebump on their skin, feel their pulse thundering in their veins, could taste the essence of their being in their scent, on their flesh.
Their whole story: living before the war, the soap they'd used all those years ago, the cream they'd rubbed into their skin, and then their years locked away in their frozen prison, the hint of ice, of coolness they radiated from those long years, the ache of their great sadness, the strain of their muscles for undergoing that horrendous trauma. It was all there, beneath the touch of his lips, caressed by the heat of his breath. Edward cherished every bit of it, loved them for their scars, the same way they cared for him in spite of his own.
He didn't know why he didn't let himself see if before, didn't let himself believe it was true, but they really were a fine match.
Him and Sole... they understood each other. He knew their experiences better than any born and raised wastelander could, knew their struggles more intimately than the Cabot family ever could... and Sole knew of his own suffering more than any other human ever could.
Why'd I have to turn to extremes so soon? Risk fucking this up...
It was the only question-- the only thought-- he could stand to formulate as of now, as their grip squeezed over him, as their stiff fingers wrung his pleasure from his core out to the surface. Edward felt it building, felt the swell, the rhythm of his bucking hips grow fevered and desperate, and he felt their smile, even, before he glanced up to see it.
It was a focused sort of grin, their brows were drawn, their pupils blown wide and dark and wanting in a way that he thought it might just be his own reflection shining in them.
How could Sole look this way, for a man like me? A man, that isn't even--
The ghoul didn't have time to finish that thought, not as their thumb swiped over his tip again, as their other hand went down to join the first, massaging and kneading over his aching, burning, destitute hardness until he was holding back cries.
The meat of his wrist fit between clenching teeth, his forehead pressed to the hardness of Sole's collarbone as he leaned into the contact, aching and screaming for more with everything apart from his voice.
If Jack heard, or Wilhelmina...
If he hadn't been so occupied, he might've shuddered at the thought.
But this? Letting go, being vulnerable, allowing himself pleasure, a moment that was truly private between him and Sole? Anything was worth that. He'd lose his job, his room here, his name, his life, if it meant he could do this, see this, feel this again, with Sole by his side, in his arms, touching him this way.
He half wondered if he'd passed out in his bed after the last bout of pleasure, if he'd fallen asleep and the serum inspired the sweetest dream there was.
Sole's voice though, the feel of them, the way their scent and being surrounded him in every way... it couldn't be the case. It was sweeter than he believed reality could be, especially these days, but damnit, there was no doubt in his head that it was real.
"Let go, Edward."
Their voice was pleading with him, their hands pulling him along, never ceasing, as they brought him straight into that all-encompassing bliss. He couldn't hold back now, not at his climax, and Edward's head flew back, his muscles straining, his mouth falling open to release the most animalistic of sounds: a groan from the very base of him that had Sole writhing and gasping right along with him.
I made him sound like that. Their touch cried out as their hands squeezed and clenched until his essence was spilling out onto his clenching stomach, pouring down over their fingers and soiling the bedsheets below.
"Yes." Sole breathed, and he felt another shudder jolt through him, another spurt of seed from his pulsing cock. "That's it, hon. Let go for me."
Tears were collecting at the sides of Edward's eyes, his relief and euphoric release leaving him in trembles and heavy breaths.
It took a few moments, took the last of his pleasure to bleed out, and then Edward was back on earth, back in his room, back in this skin once more.
Sole pulled their touch from his over-sensitive cock, wiping their soiled hands carefully on the bedsheet before lying down beside him and resting their head on his shoulder. A cool hand smoothed its way over his body, making a home over his sweltering, still-heaving chest as Sole clung to him.
The serum hadn't quite worked, not the way Edward had intended it to, but... It really had worked though, hadn't it? Not the way he imagined, sure, but the end result was... close enough.
He didn't even realize it, not until his cheeks began to ache, but he was smiling, grinning toothily like a fool in love, as Sole rested against him, as he wound his arms around their form, holding them close, savoring every ounce of the person who accepted him, who didn't turn him away, who cared for him... as he was.
"Thank you." He rasped, sliding his hands over them as soothingly as he could manage.
Sole only hummed, a sweet, happy sound, and he felt the vibration of it throughout his body as they lay against him.
He felt at peace, then. He felt warm, he felt sated and valued and more content than he could ever recall before, and yet... A familiar sort of churning, a boiling sensation rose from deep inside him. His muscles twitched and his tired member gave a rousing pulse between his legs.
Edward could only swallow and do the ghoul equivalent of blushing, as Sole's wide eyes peeked up at him with one eyebrow quirked in question. Though, as he looked down at them-- in a coy, apologetic sort of way-- they still wore that fond, fiendish smile.
The night wasn't over just yet.
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mashiraostail · 9 months
Hi there, I was wondering if you would write some vlad, Kugo, and hound dog x fem reader with nipple piercings and how you think the guys would feel abt them, if they like them or not and if they play with their nipples more because of it I love your writing btw 🖤
I'm gonna start going through old asks but feel free to send new ones! I have mine done and they certainly slay. I did also spend the past two years getting crazy body mods and making myself unemployable hehehe idk what this phD is even for because I'm big time tatted up.
I wanted to start with my best boys (esp Kugo :3) and some headcanons. I've been rewatching the show which is what made me think abt and miss the blog a little. Idk if the demand for MHA content is still there so I'll probably make an updated post with other shows and media I enjoy (big Bauldr's gate rn!!! yall already KNOW who it is.) NSFW under the cut!
Vlad: *I think he would be the least surprised upon noticing them. He's maybe seen them on other partners, or just is familiar with the concept. *the first time he notices them through your shirt probably went something like this: You're fresh out of the shower, pajamas sticking to your still damp skin as you pop into the kitchen for a drink. The relationship is new, and he's still in awe of you. He's always eyeing you in an appreciative way, especially when you're freshly showered, his eyes climb up your exposed legs shimmering from your body lotion, to your stomach and waist, and of course to your chest. Usually they'll slide up to your shoulders and linger on your neck and the cut of your jaw, but today they stop. Your shirt was smaller than usual, and of course it complimented your chest but there was something else. "What?" You pull the bottle of water away from your lips, "do I have toothpaste on me?" "No." He shakes his head, "no you don't." You cap the bottle and shrug, starting to walk by him, "I'm gonna go watch the-" Before you can get by him he grabs you by your arm, "what is that?" He's looking at your chest again. "My boobs-" "No I know." He looks up at your face, "are those your-" "Oh yea. I guess you've never seen them like this before huh? You can see them through a tight shirt." He's blinking, he's taking it in. All you can do is laugh, "go ahead." "No I'm an adult. I don't need to squeeze-" "It's fine, go ahead." You bridge the short gap between your lips and kiss him, holding him by his jaw and pressing the full weight of your body against his. After the fact he might be slightly apologetic for getting worked up so easily. *H's probably the most delighted by them too. I feel like he's just a horny guy, he's easily worked up, his brain always goes right to the wrong place. *Wearing a baby tee with no bra underneath so he can see them prominently will drive him up a wall. *He might get used to it with time, but all you have to do to hook him in is lean over the table at him, get him to look a little too long and he'll be bent at your will. *He loves them, he loves when you change the jewelry, colorful rhinestones, short chains, or captive hoops are all equally enticing to him. Red is his favorite on you though. *He'll lavish them with attention in bed, especially when he's going down on you, one of his hands is always occupied. If you're especially sensitive you'll need to tell him. *He likes to use his mouth too, the metallic taste on his tongue paired with the taste of your skin is a huge turn on for him.
Kugo: *Most perplexed. He's probably not encountered them before. Show him the ropes, let him know they help rather than hurt and he'll be good. The first time he sees them he's going to have a lot of questions: Honestly, getting into a car and going home with Gang Orca was not necessarily in your plans for the evening. If anyone asked Kugo, taking home a random reporter was also not like him at all, in fact he had never done it. Maybe it wasn't fair to call you random, he had your phone number, you'd met before, you even had a friendly and slightly flirtatious banter. Maybe you had been sending him signals all along, maybe he had failed to pick them up, until now. He doesn't even get the chance to ask you if you're sure about this, if you want to sleep with him, if you'd been hinting at that this whole time, because you're straight to business as soon as his front door closes, climbing him like a tree. He guesses you were sure. Your excitement was contagious, you were handsy and giggly tugging him further into his home. You end up ontop of him, stopping your assault of kisses to sit up around his waist, "hey are you sure you want to..." You trail off, hands at the hem of your shirt, "I won't be offended, I was probably coming on so strong this whole time." You laugh a little but Kugo shakes his head, "take off your shirt." Your sweater flys off, something about the fact you've been bare skinned under that sweater all night makes his stomach warm with arousal. His eyes catch two shiny, metallic adornments. He reaches up instinctively to touch them. One hand still holding your waist. Your gasp makes him pull back. "Sorry does it-" "No it doesn't hurt." You catch his hand before he can pull it away any more, "the opposite." He spends most of your first sexual encounter fixated on them, licking, brushing his fingers over them, squeezing and so on, but you don't mind. *That being said he'll grow to love them as well. *Especially enjoys seeing you touch them in bed. *If you're riding him he won't be able to keep his hands off though. *Doesn't have a preference for jewelry, but if you ask him to pick you out something he'd secretly be delighted, he'd probably pick a barbell with some small charms on the ends, maybe hearts. *Lowkey already a huge boob guy so they just draw more attention to what he likes!
Hound Dog: *Mostly indifferent, doesn't get the point. *Until you're fucking, then he gets the point, then he likes them. A lot. *He doesn't avoid them during sex but he doesn't give them special attention either until one specific night: You're in missionary below him, his hands are holding onto your waist as his pace increases from dizzying to bruising. He likes to watch your face, your furrowed brows and the way you draw your lips between your teeth drive him nuts, it's almost impossible to get his eyes off. He'll let his gazy flicker downwards though, he likes your body almost as much as he likes your face, seeing the bounce of your stomach or the way your thighs shake is also rewarding for him. Today he stops on your chest though, bouncing to his almost abusive pace the dim light in the room catches on the jewelry, it's tantalizing, begging to be touched. When he ducks his head down to roll his tongue over one the moan you let out and the way you say his name would have probably made him cream his pants honestly, and the cherry on top is the way you hold the back of his head, practically burying him in your chest. Safe to say he gets the appeal after. *Lowkey likes rings better than barbells, he'll start to gently tug them, enjoying the way it makes you buzz. *Likes to pick jewelry out for you, for all your piercings, wants them all to match!
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changingplumbob · 22 days
Last night when I went to bed I did not go to sleep. Instead I stressed about today and decided to distract myself by reading some articles I need for info on a character. Long story short didn't get to sleep until maybe one am. Then I woke up at five am worried I'd miss my six am alarm.
Travelled in to the hospital to see the dietician and it went okay. Apart from me needing to check what the question was halfway through a ramble because I was so tired, did that several times. But she gave me some things to try.
What did I do on my computer after lunch? I know I used it. Definitely went in game. Oh took photos of Glenn meeting another spellcaster, and their horse being distracting in the background. Took a new profile pic for Pollock because I'd forgotten that when he aged up, then updated that household post. Played with some sims from @simmerbeans to get a background sim I'll need for my next rotation.
Then I just could not do anything more and put the laptop away. Watched the latest episode of Only Murders in the Building, it was either more bizarre than normal or my brain was too done to keep up.
Now it's finally late enough for me to have my last lot of painkillers and go to sleep! Sorry if my comments have been brief or nonsensical as you can see it's been a day. May be quiet tomorrow to while I rest up if my brain can't form words.
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rosedere · 1 day
The Liyue Lotus and the Merchant from Snezhnaya (Pantalone x Fem Reader)
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MDNI +18
Cw: kidnapping, Stalking, non con elements, Graphic violence (later chapters), Yandere content *will update as the series goes
Cross posted on AO3
Part 1,Part 2,Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6,Part 7, Chapter 8: The lotus sailing into Port (you are here), Part 9, Part 10~
Synopsis: Unfortunately, The Regerator develops a fixation with you while you are working undercover for Yelan. And there’s no one who can get in his way of his prized Lotus.
You tell me you're the best I'll get
Just don't know how to treat you yet
You pin me down, I make you let
Me do what I like and baby you're mine
Even learned to like the way
I get so close to say your name
And baby we'll learn to ride that wave
You could give it time, you'd learn to be mine
You didn't realize how soon you were supposed to go to Snezhnaya.
But you didn't expect the next weekend that was already upon you. Naturally, you didn't know what you needed to prepare when you went to the most frigid region in all of Teyvat.
And worst your missing Bow and Vision were nowhere to be found, bothering Galina every day if she had found your vision only for her to insist it had been nowhere once more, you were going to be completely vulnerable in a new world.You tried telling yourself through the small panic that it probably was at most going to be similar to Pantalone's recent trip back to Liyue.
This was going to be a vacation at best; maybe you'll finally figure out what he was currently planning with his various branches of banks. And maybe he might grow tired enough of you to slip away.
But oddly enough you weren't finding him to be as unbearable as he was when he first decided to court you.
Pantalone's entire demeanor changed since he had come back from his business trip. The quaint smile you remember when you first crossed paths with him was back as he carried on with his duties in his office downstairs.
And to your surprise he would now allow you to wander the outside courtyard you barely knew existed, coming up with his work sometimes or just to read beside you on the bamboo benches underneath the tall trees.
Of course, his lone eye was watchful as you busied yourself with various hobbies Galina and Fedor had gotten you into as he sat in blissful silence with you.
You couldn't place your finger on what was making you feel off about his abrupt mood change, but every day since then he would also come to check on you.
Sighing to yourself you gave up trying at the task you were busying yourself with before bed by packing your things.
Abandoning the small bag filled with just the basics you could think of you looked back towards the bed briefly before you began to walk back downstairs.
Pantalone was only casually browsing some papers in the bed that you couldn't see, just assuming they were notes he was making to himself, his hair casually let down revealing the true length as you heard him scribbling on the paper.
Deciding not to bother him you only slipped out of the room entering the hallway.
Reaching the spiraling staircase you were beginning to descend, your foot on the lower step when you heard the pained hiss and groan from below you.
Your ears perked up at the sound you turned back towards Pantalone's open bedroom behind you making sure it wasn't him.
Only once more was he in his world scratching the document with his ink pen.
Deciding it probably was something you confused for the stairs you kept going down the stairs, your destination to once again bother Galina. 
At a third of the way down the sound once again was heard, this time very clearly.
“A -aaa h” 
Stopping in your footsteps you leaned over the guardrailing of the stairs staying hidden as you looked over. You couldn't see anything in the lower foyer but the hallway was brightly lit up, unusual for this time in the evening since most of the help would be in the kitchen or cleaning before bedtime came.
“I—is it bad ?” 
“ It's got to be bad if you aren't saying anything ” 
“Hold still Lina– I can't properly see with this ambient lighting ” 
Your eyes widen in realization, their voices sounding hushed and panicked from the usual formal tone they had around you gone.
“Did you inform the Lord harbinger?” 
“Of course not– This is more of an urgent matter anyway” 
“But Fedor that spy is trying to take (Name) to god knows where ”  
A pained groan was heard once more before the shushing from Fedor.
“Please Galina calm down, I will take care of it before we depart tomorrow back home”
“Right now I need to make sure the arrows didn't pierce your vitals ”  
“but what if she attacks you? That goddamn psycho woman almost killed m e ”
You didn't need to think too deeply about the words from the conversation you weren't supposed to be witnessing's actual meaning.
Starting to feel bad about what you had accused her of only weeks ago about not trying hard enough.
But you only let your frown take over as you realized the stakes once more in this highly complicated infiltration.
Deciding it was best to withdraw with your new knowledge you returned up the stairs assuming you'd see Pantalone back at his desk writing diligently.
But a thankful surprise was instead waiting there. 
At the desk was the silhouette of your boss and roommate sifting through the journal he had been occupying most of his time filling out when he wasn't focusing on you.
You took a few footsteps to approach before you saw the blue and white flash beside you grazing your cheek.
The damp spot turned to frost as you gazed at it with your fingertips before it bled out little rivets of scarlet.
“You're losing it (name)” Yelan chuckled before flickering her deep sapphire eyes at you standing in the middle of your bedroom.
“well maybe if I was back on the field I'd be strong as ever” You pouted your lip, “You know I lost some vitamins since pretending to be his girlfriend?”
Yelan only raised a brow at you, noticing her face you realized she had certainly been roughing someone up by the few scratches she had on her neck and hand.
“Hopefully he wasn't poisoning you or anything; I'll have to get you checked out by Dr. Baizhu once we get back to the safe house” She muttered to herself.
“Wait? Like today?”
I'm finally free? 
“Of course; He murdered all of my operatives that bastard— and if what I'm reading is true…” she shook her head.
“W-wait but I can't leave yet I haven't found my vision or my bow yet,” you said to her looking over to where your bed was
“I had it and I lost it a few days ago; I have zero idea where it could have gone” you panicked.
“Unfortunately you're going to have to abandon them for now; the Fatui are all leaving this fortress tomorrow to Sneznyhaya we can retrieve them after they leave” Yelan reassured you putting a hand on your shoulder.
“Come on; let's get out of here before he realizes I'm not down in the dungeon he has” She grabbed your evening dress sleeve pulling you towards the balcony; you didn't have any shoes but if it meant your freedom you assumed you could handle a few rough pebbles as you and yelan ran off towards the open balcony.
“Lián !” 
You paused but Yelan only pulled you along by your dark navy sleeves.
Fedor was standing in the entrance with his sacral blades out around his form.
“Hurry! This is our only chance!” Yelan pulled harder on your sleeve almost ripping the delicate fabric.
Your eyes flicked back at Fedor for a moment; you had spent so much time with him and Galina but your freedom to go home was finally here.
Desperately you flashed a look of apology before running along with Yelan towards the balcony.
“Lord Harbinger The target has Lián!” You heard Fedors deep voice call from behind the paper screen panels lined across the balcony.
Yelan got up first over the railing, grabbing your hand you tried to get yourself up on the railing, but every time you tried your bare feet couldn't get a grip only causing you to slip under the sleek metal.
Desperately you tried to lift yourself into the metal. Finally feeling defeated you found some success in grabbing the railing hoisting yourself up and semi heavy gown you'd pick for the night.
“Grab on tightly (name) I've never used my glider with two people before” Yelan grabbed your hands placing them around her waist.
You tried not to look down; despite being inside a cave the drop was still at least as tall as a skyscraper below in the carved rocky surface below.
Closing your eyes you braced for the drop as Yelan jumped and began to glide.
Trying to resist the urge to kick you held on so tight to Yelans curved waist you thought you were going to squeeze the life out of her as you felt the cool breeze around your bare feet.
The sound of chatter and banter coming from the balcony growing distant from behind your billowing hair from the small draft in the cave opening coming slowly into view.
You began to squint as the choppy wind began to subside now smoothly gliding forward down out of the tall cave mouth.
Calming a bit you busied yourself with looking down at the passing clouds and the small amount of fog forming from below the mountain.
“Yelan what happens now?” You asked still holding onto her tightly.
“Well first things first we're not going to the Harbor— those rats are going to try to swarm and search for you over there before they decide to check in the mountains,” she said still focusing on gliding down towards the opening.
“And of course, our home is off limits for a bit— were going to take you to Chenyu Vale near Fontaine so if they do find you at least it's going to be hell for them to get into the village” Yelan dropped a little lower finally reaching the mouth.
Your stomach dropping now being completely in the sky with no ground in sight for meters on any side of you.
“Darn, I thought I could make sure all my snacks were still in my stash and not in the stomach of a certain Official I'm riding on” you teased. 
“Tch– your snacks are all in the cupboard, I've mainly been running around doing what you and the trio used to do,” Yelan said.
After a bit of gliding through the tall mountains that made up the Mt. Aocang Yelan began to glide down slightly.
“Man this is a workout I wasn't expecting to make but at least we're away from That spiraling battle palace that rich guy has” Yelan sighed to herself.
“I see a flat patch of ground there maybe we can stop,” you said pointing towards a flat plain below the two of you.
Taking your advice Yelan began to gracefully glide down towards the quiet grassland.
Your feet were firmly planted to the ground as you both landed.
Of course, you practically fell forward onto the grassy knoll below you as you sighed in relief.
Yelans laugh once again becoming a melody that would be familiar to you as she stood over you.
“Yeah definitely once we get you back to work you're going to do some stamina training once again–” Yelan teased before she stood next to you.
Groaning you only peeked up at her.
“ugh anything but that— I’ll admit maybe thats the only thing I'll miss about pretending to be his girlfriend” You sprawled yourself on the grass.
“Speaking of, now what do we do about him? Since there's no more intel on him what are we going to do” you casually asked.
Yelan looked in the distance at the starry sky beginning to form above the both of you.
“well I did find a lot of stuff when I broke into his estate— Him and the Knave and Il Dottore are all in cahoots together,” She said scratching her chin for a moment.
“He was the one responsible for the attempted infiltration to become the new Tianshu— he even admitted to getting his agent to flee and hide out in the place you were staying out before secretly letting him slip back to Snezhnaya” 
“Woah so he has his secret agents working with him?” You narrowed your eyes.
“If what I read was true; he's got a whole prison down there in the mountain,” Yelan said
You shuddered remembering everything you had seen down in the mountain after following the mountain water stream.
“So did he ever mention me? Was I good enough at hiding my identity” you asked rolling in the grass to lay on your back.
Yelan only stayed silent looking back up at the sky for a moment.
“Come on!!! I thought I did a good job I even pretended to have feelings for him and everything”  You punched the side of her leg from where you lay.
“Maybe too good of a job (name)” Yelan lowly said
“What do you mean?” You snorted not picking up on how tense Yelan had become.
“Do you really wanna know?” Yelan said to you.
“I mean yeah I wanna know if you're going to torture me and force me to become someone's lover again” you bickered, “it was already difficult since he kind of looks like him if he was younger” 
Yelan flinched at the mention.
“You still think about that traitor?”  Yelan scoffed 
“He was probably going to turn on all of us and do what that damn Harbinger did to all our shadows” Yelan coldly said, not an ounce of compassion she usually had
You frowned looking up at her now.
“How dare you say that— we were a team and he was going to Abandon the Fatui and work with us permanently” 
Your words however only went into the empty void of the sky as Yelan began to keep gazing out towards the rolling hills surrounding both of you.
“Well I'm all rested now; we should hurry towards the Vale before the Fatui follow my energy” Yelan gestured to her back getting ready to walk off the edge of the hill.
You only quietly followed grabbing onto her waist once more getting a sturdy grip onto her before you both took off down the mountain once more.
It was after midnight when you both crossed the unofficial border towards Chenyu Vale. The lights and different water that flowed through the secluded mountains were otherwordly, different turquoise and deep reds were all around the two of you as you both were gliding down.
Only occasionally coming here once every 4 years to do errands it was a welcomed sight to the horrible trip to Snezhnaya he had probably planned for you.
Most likely selling you off to someone as the human trade in that region was high in demand .
Shuddering at the thought you only focused on the close-approaching the wooden planks of the small boat dock near the main village you and Yelan had been to before.
“you glad to see something that isn't mountains,” Yelan asked you as she landed with grace onto the open landing.
Trying to shake your legs awake you only merely nodded, rubbing your calves in discomfort.
“I just can't wait to see a bed; way past my bedtime” you murmured as you began to observe your surroundings.
“Well, follow me; Thankfully we aren't that far from the room you'll be staying in” Yelan gestured for you to follow.
Both of you weaved past the few people in the stony streets, some people still roaming around due to the weather and the clear skies as you both walked almost to the edge of the village towards a small run-down house.
“I'm not going to lie it's not the best quality but Once Dr. Baizhu checks you out and makes sure you're clear you can come back to our home in a new disguise” Yelan smiled.
You only observed the small run-down house, it was a step down from what you had been staying in.
Grabbing onto the creaky rickety door you walked in to see a cozy one room; one bed beside the window and a small stove and bathroom on the side of the house; nothing too special from what you had seen in the harbor.
Reminding yourself this was temporary as you plopped onto the bed sprawling yourself over the stiff mattress.
“Ah~” you let out a sigh of relief as you rolled onto your side.
“I still can't believe this is real— I thought I was going to be married off officially in Snezhnaya tomorrow” You stretched your legs letting yourself get comfortable on the bamboo mattress below your body.
You looked up to see yelan looking back at you with a small smile on her face.
“And I'm glad that at least I was able to rescue you from the trio,” she said before going towards the small 4x4 table near the stove and sitting on top of the small oak stool.
“You should get some rest (Name) I'll just be on watch here just in case Pantalone and his little pitiful guards come by again” She let her feet stretch underneath the table leaning with one arm folded on top of the table.
“I will but I can't sleep without you being here too,” you said propping your arm up on the bed.
“Like I said maybe once we go back home we can but for now” she looked over her shoulder towards the window.
“I gotta be on the job” she smiled at you.
Once more you practically had no recollection of how you fell asleep.
Or how long...
But you were being carried in someone's arms.
You couldn't open your groggy eyes but you heard the sound of something opening akin to a window maybe.
Before falling asleep you did fall asleep right next to the wide gated window you calmed down realizing it was probably Yelan closing the window before she crawled into bed herself.
The arms around you did feel like her after all.
You lazily swatted turning away from whoever was holding you.
But your sense came to you when you realized you weren't in your bed; the fabric around you was similar to a sheet.
And heavily insulated.
“Ye…?” You mumbled with barely functioning lips.
“Hmm? Oh, are you finally waking up?” 
The voice was not Yelan.
But neither was anyone you'd heard around you either; Their voice was hearty and light with a hint of a fontainian accent.
“Yelan?” You asked once more in your groggy voice, your eyes were still heavy with sleep however leaving you to just see the spaces your eyes created.
“You must be silent Lián– If that spy woman notices anything is amiss We might not make the ship in time” 
Oh no
You carefully let your eyes flutter open just enough to see a slit view of whoever was carrying you against their chest.
You could see a dark ebony hood over her snow-white hair peeking from underneath her hood.
Her face was obscured by a dark black mask, adorned was what seemed to be her darl red eyes.
Looking inside of the now cracked window where you were just sleeping in.
You froze.
This had to be an assassin from the Fatui ,no way was this associated with Liyue. 
You only shut your eyes tighter. When trying to think of anything to save yourself an irrational thought occurs.
Maybe if you make yourself heavy you could fall from the woman's grasp, she was only barely holding onto you anyway as she was balancing out of the window trying to shut it at the same time as holding you in her arms.
Concentrating you tried making yourself heavy in her arms; she didn't budge now but you knew if you let yourself stay heavy she would either drop you or just give up.
“The coast is clear” she whispered.
You felt yourself jolt up.
Was she flying? 
You felt yourself being transported in the early morning winds.
Despite the urge to try to open your eyes, you kept them closed only experiencing your trip through sounds and smell as you heard the two of you fly through the night.
A soft thud indicating you both landed was how you knew you were not in the small sleepy village anymore.
The sound of water rushing was all you heard like the oppressive sound of waves crashing at sea.
This time you knew exactly who was calling you from somewhere behind you.
“Galina— please allow me” The timbre tipped you off who it was exactly.
A precession of footsteps came from out of nowhere around you and the woman holding you.
You tried to relax your breathing pretending you were still asleep, or at the very least unconscious.
“Oh? I didn't realize how popular your beloved lotus was” your feminine kidnapper said to Pantalone somewhere in front of both of you.
“trust me when I say it was an unexpected ambush by the Tianquan of Liyue's eyes, Snatched away and taken to a dump of a town for god knows why” Pantalone snickered.
“Maybe she was going to be a bargaining chip,” Your kidnapper said extending their arms into Pantalone's feeling the weight transfer now in Pantalone's arms.
“Perhaps; but if it's who I think it was the vendetta that woman has against me knows no bounds” Pantalone replied.
Silence for a moment from what you could hear.
“Are you heading back to Snezhnaya? To the capital of course,” the woman asked.
“Yes, I decided to immediately go from here to the port before That spy tries to harm my lotus once more” You felt his gloved hands run a finger over your rustled hair as he said this.
“You need not worry Knave, I will not back out my word— the funds agreed upon for the children and the house of hearth will be immediately released by the bank once we arrive” 
“I thank you for your kind patronage,” Pantalone said once more.
“Bon voyage Regerator” She said, the sound of heels hitting the wooden planks below away from the group near you.
Now was a good time to pretend to wake up.
Fluttering your eyelashes open you now were greeted with a dock that you weren't familiar with. The water was reminiscent of Chenyu Vale but was more Blue and clear.
The grass was not the same as the familiar grass from Liyue.
And of course to confirm your worst fears was Pantalone looking down softly at you; his hair tied back into a neat bun and his heavy insulated cloak around his body.
A whole squad of fatuus on each side of both of you from what little you could see over their shoulders.
The urge to widen your eyes in silent shock was suppressed when you realized the ship you were supposed to board tomorrow was also on the horizon.
“Pantalone?” You managed to say.
“Where am I?” 
Instead of answering your question, however, he only began to walk towards the luxury liner in front of the small dock.
Feeling every step underneath he crossed the dock towards the unloading ramp only feet away from you as he brought you inside the small vessel.
It was around daybreak when you sailed from the small port near Fontaine.
Pantalone had left you in his private chambers; once again lying on the plush mattress facing the enormous wrap-around window.
You were defeated.
It seemed like this morning would have been spent going back to your small run-down upstairs room with Yelan.
The sunrise was pretty however, you thought to yourself.
You still haven't changed from your dress; mostly since you weren't sure where any of your things were.
A lurch was felt in your abdomen.
You clutched your stomach instinctively.
A feeling akin to butterflies was beginning to burn into your lower abdomen wall near your pelvis.
Now rolling yourself into a ball as the sensation began you assumed the worst— you had never been on a ship as long as this one before maybe you were getting motion sick.
But as much as you laid in your form under the dark amethyst silk sheets you realized it wasn't hurting.
Just a small flutter.
You heard the heavy metal door behind you swing open.
“Lián?” The familiar sing-song voice was heard.
You unsprawled yourself looking over your shoulder; Galina was holding a tray of a simple breakfast, some fruit, and a glass of water. 
However, you were more concerned about the bandages on her arms and shoulders.
Yelan must have gone in on her from the way Galina struggled to walk over to your bedside.
“I didn't realize you would be awake” She smiled from underneath the mask.
“Thank goodness my timing is impeccable even under the Hydro archons region,” She said leaving the tray on top of the desk furthest from the bed near a small wardrobe similar to the layout of his home in Liyue.
“Were in Fontaine?” You asked with alarm.
“Of course, Thankfully your kidnapper was dumb enough to take you near the Knave's territory; a little small favor to them and they brought you back safely home” Galina smiled to herself as she sat herself in the desk chair firmly bolted to the ground with nails.
You smiled masking your unease by trying to get up off the bed.
Momentarily you forgot the weird sensation in your stomach until you felt it once more when you went to retrieve the tray.
“Are you alright Lián?” Galina asked from where she was sitting.
“Not sure—” you dismissed waving with your hand.
“I think my stomach is trying to be seasick despite only being a few meters away from the dock still” you smiled to yourself.
Grabbing a hold of the tray before returning to the side of the bed grabbing for the piece of Sunsetta sitting on the furthest corner.
The door was once again opened; this time being faced with Pantalone as he entered the room.
“Oh? Am I interrupting something” 
“No, I was just sitting for a moment before I headed back” Galina began to get up from the chair, slightly hissing from the speed at which she got up.
“Galina I told you it was fine to rest during the Voyage— you defended with honor during the attempted kidnapping” Pantalone smiled interlacing his fingers together.
“I know, I just wanted to be sure Lián was safe” She finally steadied herself before brushing her cloak off.
“Besides, I won't see her for a while once we return” 
“Wait what? Are you leaving” you asked with surprise dropping the half-eating Sunsetta in the tray.
“ah– yes I'm taking a temporary leave along with Fedor once we reach the port of Snezhnaya” Galina responded meekly.
“But don't worry! Once you get to the palace you will see us again” She smiled.
Suddenly they both began discussing something unrelated to the conversation leaving you to sit with your thoughts as the boat began to rock slowly, the flutter beginning to grow intense with each bite of the fruit.
Patting your stomach helped you enjoy the rest of your meal sitting next to the warm sunlight hitting your backside.
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Day 2 Updates!
So, it's been 2 days since my first shot, 2 days since I started Spiro. I thought writing about my experiences in the order they happen would be a good idea. Not only for me to look back on in the future, but to potentially help any un-cracked eggs, or anyone else just starting their journey. As anyone talking about changes, these are my experiences and everybody and every body is different, so your mileage may vary. This post is 18+ as it will be mentioning genitalia and sexual drive. Just giving that heads up.
The first thing I've noticed is the consistent mental clarity. After discovering who I am, but before my first dose, I would have long moments of mental clarity, feeling as though I truly exist and present in the world. This would eventually fade as the day went on and more crap piled onto me. However, over the past couple of days, the mental clarity has been very consistent until I got super hangry, but more on that later.
With the mental clarity, I'm already having an easier time noticing my emotions. In the before time, I was really only depressed or angry with some fleeting happiness. Now I'm just rather content or happy, with irritation and anger noticeable, but nowhere NEAR as all encompassing as it used to be.
Now, we get to the hunger. Yesterday while I work, I had lunch. Then about an hour or so later, I felt as though I hadn't eaten anything. Before getting home, I ate 2 more sandwiches. When I got home, I had a normal serving of dinner, then a pack of 10 sushi from the grocery store and a couple more snacks before finally going to bed. Until I ate my sushi, I was HANGRY. I was irritable and could only think about what I'm going to eat next. And I can already feel this starting to happen again and it's not even time for lunch!
The final thing I've noticed is I'm already producing far less mucus than I normally would. Especially during allergy season, I would regularly need to clear phlegm from my throat with the most disgusting sounds you've heard multiple times a day. And it only recently came to my attention, that I've hardly felt the need to over the past 24 hours.
Now on to the 18+ stuff, so if you're under 18 and have read up to this point, you're excused.
AHEM, my balls have already started to shrink some. The skin tends to be more wrinkled now and they don't hang nearly as low as they did. And while my penis seems to be about the same length hard, it's gotten slightly smaller while flaccid. I was hoping to get bottom surgery one day, so I guess we'll see in a couple years where it's at!
My sex drive has also changed somewhat. It seems to be easier to control, though this could be more of the fact I have a more appropriate level of dopamine buzzing around my brain. But beyond that, I feel I need to think a little bit more to get myself excited, and I've noticed some music helps with that process more than it did before my first dose.
But that's all my changes for two days! Not much, but I'm feeling incredible and I'm SO excited to see what the coming days have in store! And I'm POSITIVE I'll be updating more as I notice changes. As I said, at the beginning, I'd love to look back on this for myself one day. And maybe all of the embarrassing and possibly even gross moments might help others realize that this is a long process and that if something feels bad, it won't last forever!
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manchurian-barnes · 5 months
Coffee Shop Blues and Red FINALE (Peter Parker x F! Reader)
Post NWH - Collage Peter!
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Busy nights filled with college course work, leads to late nights in a crappy coffee shop, the only perk? Friendly neighbourhood company.
To keep updated heres the Series Masterlist and for my other works, you can find My Masterlist Here!
Two hours. You'd been waiting two hours...and honestly it was past the point of freaking out. You were angry, and you felt guilty over feeling angry, and then you felt worried and guilty that you hadn't felt guilty first off. Two hours, sitting in a silky dress watching the news for updates as your date, quite literally was off saving the world.
"C'mon man!" Peter yelled as he jumped to another building, scorpion jumping after him and slamming his stinger into the bricks making them glow with his green poison. "Let me finish this then araña-" The psycho called back at him. Peter stood on the edge of the building with his hands on his hips. "Now, why would i let you poison me and the people of NYC Gargon?! Logic please-" He sassed back as he webbed the stinger and tried to pull it off. "If you just go to the raft tonight without a fight-maybe you make parole!" He yelped as the scorpion grabbed him by the leg and threw him into the middle of the street. He literally dented the middle of the road. Letting out a pained yell of "IVE GOT A DATE MAN!"
It was midnight when you heard a thud on your window. Forcing it up with a gasp when you saw the state of him. "Get in here-Oh my god Peter you should be at a hospital-" You scolded. He didn't respond he just shushed you. He pulled a battered flower from behind him. "S-Sorry, I missed our date...I have a good reason-" "Scorpion was trying to poison the population of the city with hallucinogenic?" You answered for him. Holding his arms and guiding him to lay on the couch. Hooking the side of his mask and tugging it off. "Tell me what I need to do here Pete-" You begged him.
It took a while but eventually you got the hang of stitching him up, every gash on his chest and arms. Leaving him to get a hot flannel and clean off most of the blood. He looked to you, studying your face as your hand ran back and forth across his chest. "I bet you thought the first time you'd see me shirtless would be more exciting-" He coughed out a laugh. "Who said this isn't exciting?" You let out, voice flatter. He took note of that, "I swear I was on my way-" "I believe you..." He caught your wrist in his hands. "y/n this is sometimes the reality...gimme a day and I'll heal up nice-" "You think this is putting me off?" You laughed for a moment. Leaning down, looking into his eyes, free hand reaching up to push his hair back, eyes tracing his face, staying on his lips for a moment.
"You wanna sleep here?" You asked him. He shook his head, "Ill swing home-" "I have a bed-" "a spare?" He asked softly. "No, I was thinking we just share my bed...so that if you need me...you can y'know just nudge." You chuckled. He took in a sharp breath in a bed with you all night...how was this not playing out the way he wanted it to?!
It didn't take long for peter to fall asleep, however you stayed up, watching him, caressing the side of his face to settle any discomfort as he slept. You'd never seen him up so close...he couldn't sleep...peacefully...always seemed to stir unless your hand was on his chest, anchoring him down a bit. His heart beating as steadily as you figured it could given the circumstances of this evening.
When Peter finally woke up, he was dazed and mildly confused as to why you weren't beside him. "y/n? are you there? Y/n-" he paused when you came around the doorframe. "You snore." You stated with a small chuckle, walking to the bed and laying back down beside him. His hand went to the side of your face and he just stared into your eyes for a while and he smiled at you, making your heart want to burst. "Thank you…I will make it up to you…" He promised. Laughing at the way you rolled your eyes at it. You leaned against his hand, enough to turn to kiss his palm. Making Peter's heart burst a bit. "I want flowers and chocolates-" You teased, and he found enough strength to push himself up on one arm and lean down to you. "Anything you want…you got it." To punctuate he kissed your forehead and just lingered there. "You got a shitty first date huh?" He whispered…mad at himself honestly.
You gave him an old t-shirt to wear and he just used his suit around his waist as trousers. Spending the day with you, laying on the couch. You didn’t complain, not once about having to nurse him. You just did everything you could to make him comfortable. Ending up with your head on his shoulder. "So, where will we go, on this redo first date?" you asked him. He chuckled.
"I know this really good coffee shop."
End Of The Series! - Thanks to everyone who has followed and supported this series, hopefully you’ve enjoyed it enough to drop a follow to see when my next one comes out! if I ever decide to write more...
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If you enjoyed this series and are curious to see more of my works you can find them on My Masterlist!
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Hello!!! Would you please make something about the scene before Zach sleeps in cam's bed in UWS? ( Like immediately after his mission with joe) cause he said he got stupid? Thanks!
Hello! You guys! This goes in the basket with the scene where he finds Macey instead of Cammie. I love this scene. I think I have an in depth analysis of it in my drafts. (Update: I DO. I'll post it next.) Let's do it!
Rachel softly closed the door to her office. The man inside would be fine for now. The boy in the hallway, however...
"Thanks for getting him back in one piece." Rachel told Zach. He was leaning against the wall, hands in his pockets, and not looking at her.
"It was the least I could do," was all he said. "I can, um,"
"Stay." Rachel interrupted. "Zach, these things happen. But you both made it back," she placed a hand on his shoulder. "That's what is important."
Zach looked from her hand and then finally to her face. Finding only sincerity there, he nodded.
She smiled at him. "Good. Besides, I think my daughter will be very upset if she doesn't get to see you when she gets back."
Zach inhaled, of course Rachel had anticipated the question he had wanted to ask. "Is she...?"
"She should be back soon," Rachel said. "You should wait for her."
Zach nodded. He moved to follow her back into her office, but Rachel blocked him. "Why don't you head up to the girls room?" she asked.
Zach seemed taken aback by the suggestion. He blinked at her, trying to judge if it was a test or something. Rachel just smiled at him. "They should go up there directly after arriving anyway. If not, that's where I'll send her. She'll be happy to see you."
It struck Zach in that moment that somewhere along the way, Rachel had decided she trusted him.
She was still smiling at him. "I trust you know the way?" When he nodded, she waved her arm in dismissal. She went back into the office to tend to Joe while Zach made his way through the halls.
As excited as he was to see Cammie, the guilt over what happened on his mission with Joe was weighing on him. With every step he realized he didn't know how Cammie would be returning. What if she had been hurt? Rachel hadn't said anything, but maybe she didn't know yet.
He reached her door and paused. Maybe this was a bad idea. Or maybe it was the self sabotage talking.
The girls had locked their door, which Zach had anticipated. That hadn't been a problem in the past (a thought that he hated out of context). It did strike him that Rachel had also likely anticipated that and that Zach would still be able to get in.
Their lives were weird.
The room was different without at least some of the girls present. It still had the lived in, homey feel and character of the four girls it was just... still.
He found himself moving around the room, the door clicking shut behind him. He had never spent a long amount of time in the girls room and when he had been in there his focus had been on one thing in particular. It was like, for the first time, he processed there were things in that room. Books and make up and scrunchies and pens and trinkets pertaining to each girl. He found himself walking around Cammie's bed, gaze trained on her bedside table.
There was a picture of her and her mom and another of her with Bex and Liz, probably from their first year. Next to them were photobooth pictures of them with Macey, possibly from the semester Zach had been there. There was a tube of chapstick, a few hair ties, a necklace, and other usual items. It was interesting how a few years ago he would have looked at all those items to learn about her, but now it didn't tell him anything he didn't already know.
Without anything else to occupy himself, he suddenly felt awkward. What was he supposed to do until she got back? Standing in the room felt weird, but so did sitting at her desk, or on her bed. He was still by her bedside table so he sat on the bed, testing it out. He wasn't facing the door so he didn't feel quite like a puppy waiting for it's person to get home.
It was then that he realized, in typical Cammie fashion, she hadn't bothered to make her bed before leaving. Which he could single her out for because all of her roommates had made theirs.
Smiling, he at least rearranged her comforter so it looked more put together. She'd likely be tired when she got back, he knew he was. Although, it hadn't hit him until he sat on her bed again. The beds at the Gallagher Academy were the most comfortable he'd ever been fortunate enough to sleep on.
Careful to keep his shoes off her bed, he let himself recline back. His head fell on Cammie's pillow and he became engulfed in the scent of her shampoo. And just... her. It was sweet but subtle. Flowery and... something else.
Zach hadn't planned on his eyes drifting shut. He caught himself a few times and tried to shake himself out of it. He couldn't, however, bring himself to get up again.
Ultimately, Cammie won out and he drifted off to sleep. Surrounded by her both physically and in his thoughts.
It paled in comparison to waking up to the sound of her saying his name. He opened his eyes and there she was. Perfect.
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endtown · 9 months
the amazing bear and nadine fic. chapter 1. 1,268 words.
hello all. it is kc. i was thinking earlier today about how much i miss writing the stupidest fanfic of all time without any kind of thought or planning like i did when i was 13. and i don't really involve myself in fandom spaces, so i decided.... why. not just do that for my ocs?
i'll update this post (or the next) with an actual summary when i come up with one, but i'm sort of just going with the flow for now. for the time being, i'll try to update this weekly or biweekly, and i have no idea where it will lead. so uh, feel free to leave suggestions and stuff if that's what ppl do.
anyways, enjoy!
It was normal for Bear to struggle with sleep. It was something that he usually didn’t mind, but the past few days, he had actually been resting well. So as he watched the clock on the wall, it all felt a lot more defeating than usual. Whenever he got more than one night of good sleep, there was always this small hope that maybe this meant things would just be better.
A naive thought, sure, but he couldn’t help it.
There was a typical routine that he went through when this kind of thing happened. Lay in bed for a while, hope to sleep, decide that wasn’t going to happen, and head into the little makeshift kitchen they’d set up in the library attic. There, he could listen to the radio and eat. Or read whatever book he was interested in that week. Or maybe, if he was feeling especially brave, even write in a journal. But typically, by this point, he’d given up. The goal was no longer to sleep, but instead, to pass the time before work.
After a bowl of cereal without milk, and some time spent listening to a man on the radio talk about the science of stars, Bear decided he was done waiting. It was a quick drive over to the only gas station in the town of Palmyra, leaving him 30 minutes early to open up but... Well, Bert wouldn't mind. If anything, Bert would go on some long rant about how Bear was one of the few in his generation with actual work effort, and whatever else older guys who were kind of balding liked to talk about.
(It was always something about "I wish my kids were this motivated." And Bear never said it out loud, but he wished sometimes that he wasn't.)
It was just him at this hour, Bert wouldn't show up for a few more. He had never minded opening the shop early, though. There was a sort of peace that came with the soft flicker of the lights as they turned on, the sound of a mop against the floor as he cleaned up, and the radio playing softly in the background.
Jean jacket always stays on at first, while he waits for the heat, but it's taken off and thrown over his chair behind the counter after a while. By the time the door is unlocked, he is stood in one of the aisles with a box of chips to unpack, dressed in simple jeans and a shirt. His boots were work boots, plain and simple. Only worn because they were borrowed.
It was early, meaning that aside from the occasional bell, there really wasn't much noise. At a certain point, Bear even decided to sit behind the counter for a bit with one of the books he was working through. This one, Lenny had promised, was a classic. The Outsiders. Just the right size book for a day like this one.
And while he can read through quite a bit, he certainly cannot read through the loud, obnoxious arguing that comes with a couple pushing in the doors at six, loudly insisting on including everyone in their debate. Well, everyone meant Bear, because who the fuck else was there to talk to?
(Passing cars? The only thing near the gas station was trees and the highway.)
The argument was over dinner plans, or something. He didn't care enough to try and work it all out, and instead focused on trying to finish the page he was on. But, mid thought, one half of the couple comes right up to the front desk.
"Can I get the bathroom key?"
Their hair is bright pink, matching nails and makeup. The outfit that they've got on is not only bright for a small town like this, but far nicer (and more revealing) than what Bear was used to seeing in town. It was funny, considering whoever they were with was dressed a lot closer to Bear. Except this guy's shirt had some kind of sports branding, while Bear's was basic.
And though he fumbles for a moment, that could easily be blamed on the time of day. Key is produced from under the counter, handed off, and pinky is gone. Bear doesn't have to look up to know that the guy, (a boyfriend? protective friend? general creep? he couldn't tell), had been watching the whole thing. With his partner gone, though, the stranger takes to finally looking throughout the place for something.
He comes up after a bit with some chips and a couple of energy drinks. The same brand Bear had at the beginning of his shift. The process of scanning them in is typical, reading out the total of around seven dollars to the guy, and waiting. Because the guy could just pay, and they could not deal with each other anymore. But of course not.
He pats his pockets, before groaning. "Fuck. I left Nadine with my fucking wallet." He mutters, and without saying much else, wanders off. There is another ring as the front door closes behind him, and Bear wonders for a moment if that will just be it. But the banging on the bathroom door and the yelling that follows is loud enough to be heard through the walls. So when the guy comes back in, Bear is not shocked to see how angry he seems.
"Have you got like. A fuckin'.... Extra key, or some shit? They won't answer the fucking door." And he wonders for a moment if the guy is worried about his potential ...whatever they were. But no, this is just pure anger. Bear doesn't get a second to even think before the guy is waving a hand in his face to make sure he's following along. So with a quiet nod, Bear produces the backup key. Of course.
It is an awkward walk out to the little bathroom they have set up, and Bear gives a gentle knock just to make sure he isn't going to open the door on anyone. But once again, nothing. The entire time, whatever this guy's name is, is muttering to himself about how much of a bitch Nadine was, and whatever else. It was less muttering, and more... whisper-yelling? Once again, making it hard to focus.
But Bear does get the door open. And inside? Yeah, absolutely nothing. Not even the original bathroom key had been left behind.
"THAT FUCKING BITCH STOLE MY WALLET!" Comes from behind him, making Bear jump just a bit, but it doesn't matter. It seems that interest has been entirely lost in the gas station worker, as the guy runs back to his shitty excuse for a sports car. Whatever he was doing, he was doing it without explanation and quickly. Well, as quickly as he could. There is two, three, four attempts to start the car before it goes. And then a few moments adjusting mirrors and settings before he finally drives off.
Bear is left with silence, again, as he watches the car disappear out of sight. Expression does not change, because not even an energy drink could perk him up to deal with shit like this. No, there is not a reaction from him until he hears a voice behind him.
"God. What a fuckin' loser."
And to his shock (dismay? he really didn't want to be in the middle of anything), he turns to see the pink haired stranger standing behind him, and in the middle of the tiny excuse for a bathroom.
Fuck this. He should've stayed in bed.
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