#maybe the social media manager was just bored
skruttet · 1 year
what did they mean by this
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heliads · 28 days
wouldn't you love to love her? - jack hughes
The New Jersey Devils have a new social media intern. Jack Hughes is determined not to care at all, except for the fact that he does.
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“We’re getting a new social media intern,” Luke remarks offhandedly.
Jack tries not to roll his eyes. He’s not sure he succeeds. For as long as he’s been at the Devils, there have been perhaps dozens of new social media interns, one after another in a chain of pretty girls shoving phones into his face. Every time, it’s always the same. Another girl, fresh from college or in between jobs, asking him and the others to learn dances or take part in trends. Luke will flirt with the intern. Dawson too, probably. Even Jack, when he gets bored. Then, the internship will be up in a month or two, and they’ll get another one. Prettier, maybe, or funnier. And the cycle will begin again.
It’s not like he can really blame them, either. The hockey industry is precious, even for people who aren’t playing. If these girls want in, an internship is a great way to start. Any entry post’s a good one if it gets you where you want. Only, social media’s a pain. Jack came here to play hockey, not be in a dozen new photos and videos a day. It drives him crazy sometimes, or all the time.
So, when his brother tells him they’re getting another intern, he really couldn’t care less. Luke, more prone to fits of passion over the latest girl in Devils red, is still staring at him wide eyed, waiting for a reaction, so Jack rolls his eyes and gives him one.
“Good,” he says dully. “It’s been too long since I saw a phone camera shoved in my face. Can’t wait.”
Luke groans. “Come on, man. They’re fun, don’t give me that bullshit again. Besides, I saw you trying to buy the last one drinks.”
Jack can’t argue with this. He had been trying. It was something to do. “Won’t do it this time. I’ll leave that for you.”
Luke heaves another dramatic sigh. Jack wants to do something to stop the oppressive judgment, so he does, snatching the hat off Luke’s head and shoving it towards his mouth. Luke, predictably, nearly falls out of his chair and starts squawking indignantly. Jack just chuckles and gets up from his seat, heading towards the door. They’ve been idling in one of the cafes in the massive arena where they practice, called there early for business stuff that ended up getting delayed. Meetings always run late, and now Jack has the rare feeling of tardiness not actually being his fault.
He heads down the hall towards the locker rooms, ready at last for practice. Luke follows a few paces behind him, still complaining, something about saving violence for the ice. Bullshit, obviously. Jack does what he wants, where he wants. Hasn’t Luke figured that out by now?
Jack steals a glance over his shoulder just to rub in the injury. Luke meets his gaze and glowers, still pissy from almost taking a nose dive off his chair, but all of a sudden his eyes widen at something in front of them. Jack whips around just in time to collide with someone exiting one of the offices.
It’s not an accidental almost-impact, either, this is a complete disaster. Papers go flying. Jack manages to keep his balance, but the victim of his distraction is worse off. He has to fling out both hands to steady them, catching at their arms at the elbow before they fall over. A dozen apologies rise to his lips, but Jack only gets through about half of them before he actually looks at the person he’s just bumped into– and look, indeed, he does.
Jack has just run into a girl his age, and a very pretty girl at that. He gets lost in her eyes without even meaning to, captivated by the way the light shines in them as she opens her mouth and says, “What the hell are you doing?”
Jack blinks in surprise, feeling like he’s just been abruptly pulled out of a dream. “Huh?”
The girl stares at him like he’s crazy. “Why are you holding onto me?”
Too late, Jack realizes he never actually let go of her when he was trying to steady her. He snatches his hands away, the sinking feeling settling in that he actually has no idea how long he was standing there, captivated. No wonder this girl thinks he’s insane. This random guy comes up, runs into her, then silently holds her in his arms for what’s probably more than just a second or two? Yeah, that’s crazy in anyone’s books.
“Sorry,” Jack says again. They look at each other warily for a moment longer, then collectively, both gazes drop to the papers spilled across the ground.
Immediately, Jack dives for them, trying to gather as many as he can. He springs up again, and, not trusting himself to say anything that isn’t stupid, just awkwardly holds out the papers until she takes them. The girl gives him one last disbelieving glance, then walks purposefully past him. Jack turns and watches her go, wondering why he feels vaguely disappointed that she hadn’t stopped to talk longer. He didn’t even get her name.
Raucous laughter breaks out the second the girl disappears around a corner. Belatedly, Jack remembers that Luke has witnessed the whole thing, which is just great. The last thing Luke needs is more ammunition for making fun of him.
“That was, like, the least smooth thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Luke chokes out. “What the fuck was that?”
Heat flares into Jack’s cheeks. “Shut up,” he says, turning back to continue walking down the hallway.
Luke, however, is unwilling to let go of the horrific blunder. He trots up to walk by Jack’s side, regardless of how much Jack tries to pick up the pace. “I mean, Jesus. Way to make an entrance. Poor girl’s probably going to log that with HR.”
“Shut up,” Jack repeats through gritted teeth. “I’ve seen you do worse in front of fans.”
“We’re not talking about me right now, we’re talking about you,” Luke says happily. “I’m so telling Quinn about this.”
“You are not,” Jack warns, but even after many threats of serious violence, he’s not entirely convinced that his older brother won’t hear about this.
Jack almost manages to put the whole thing out of his mind until he and the others are hanging out in the locker room later that day. They’re all dressed, but their coach wanted a few words before they hit the ice, apparently something bureaucratic that Jack can’t wait to forget.
Instead of being introduced to a new friend of the owner or some wealthy donor, however, Coach announces that they’ll be meeting their new social media intern. Online presence is crucial for sponsors, apparently, and the Devils need to up their game. So they say. Jack thinks it’s a lot of nonsense, and is fully prepared to treat it as such until their coach beckons the new intern into the room and Jack realizes he knows her. This isn’t a stranger, someone he can ignore without another thought. This is the pretty girl Jack just ran into earlier today, and she’s the one in charge of most of his Internet footprint.
Across the room, Luke is grinning ear to ear. This is so not what Jack wanted. The coach is saying something about how they’ll all be pulled one by one today for introductions and a few quick videos that can be parceled out during the next week or so. Usually, they would ask Nico first, captain rights and all that, but they need him to advise on some drills, so they go for the next best– Jack himself.
They’ll be filming TikToks or whatever a few halls over so as to not distract anyone, so Jack makes his way over with no small amount of trepidation. She hadn’t seemed so excited to meet him earlier, but maybe she’ll have forgotten who he was. It was a fast exchange. Maybe this means nothing at all, and they will have a great meeting, and he could even get her number or something. Yeah, not a problem.
The girl is setting up a phone on a stand when Jack shows up. She glances once at him as he approaches, then nods. “Oh, we’re starting with Mr. Observant. Cool.”
Jack feels his face turn a bright scarlet. “I’m not– I’m sorry about that. Honestly. I just didn’t see you.”
“That’s fine,” the girl says with a listless wave of her hand. “It was funny. I just thought hockey players would have more reflexes or something, I don’t know. Anyway, what’s your name, again?”
This is a simple question. It really is. Yet for some reason, Jack finds himself bothered. He’s been with the team for a while now, had that A on his uniform for a while now, and maybe he shouldn’t, but he’s gotten comfortable with his reputation. People know who he is. He’s recognized on the street, asked for photos while he’s getting coffee, all of that. And now this girl– this intern– is pretending like she doesn’t know who he is, and insulting his reflexes to boot?
“Jack,” Jack replies tersely. “Are you going to tell me your name, or should I just guess?”
“Y/N,” the girl answers him. “What do you do on the ice except run into people?”
“I play hockey,” Jack deadpans. “What else do you want me to say?”
Y/N just smiles at him, the picture of innocence. “Your position? This is supposed to be an introduction, isn’t it? I have to make sure I have a good picture of the team.”
Fine. Fine. Jack can be civil. He’s going to play along and then he’s going to leave and make somebody else deal with her.
“Yeah, position. I'm an alternate captain, a center. Left wing. That matters.” He feels like he’s rambling. This is stupid. He’s stupid. He never does this.
“Sure it does,” Y/N says, one eyebrow raised. “Do you have to tell everyone you’re cool or just the interns?”
“Huh?” Jack asks. “I’m not– I’m just talking.”
Y/N nods. “I’m sure you do. Talking and hockey, that’s impressive. I can see why the Devils wanted you.”
“Your team spirit needs some work,” Jack notes. “Why’d they hire you, your winning personality?”
“That, and I’m wonderful at making infographics,” Y/N informs him breezily.
“I bet they’re terrible,” Jack says on instinct. “Clashing colors and all that. Can you even draw a straight line?”
Y/N cocks her head to the side. “I don’t know, can you shoot on goal without getting injured?”
Jack takes a step forward on instinct before he remembers that he cannot fight social media interns and backs down. Still, the anger simmers in his head so bad he’s not sure if the red all around him is for the Devils or just the film of rage clouding his eyes.
This isn’t good for him. His team needs him out there on the ice with a level head, even in practice. Jack forces a smile and says, “I guess you’ll see at our next game, won’t you?”
Y/N meets his gaze with a mirror smirk, which bothers Jack more than if she’d tried to one-up him again. He grabs his stick with more force than necessary, making himself step past her and onto the ice before he does something he’ll regret. Once he’s out there, skating broad loops to warm up, Jack can almost put the whole exchange out of his head.
Luke finds him after practice, because of course he does. Somedays, Luke swears that little brothers must be born with an innate knowledge of how to stick their heads into other people’s business. Fleetingly, he wonders what Quinn would think about that, then moves on before that lesson can settle in.
“I love our new intern,” Luke says happily on the drive back to their apartment.
Jack scoffs. “Sure you do. You love rubbing this in my face.”
Luke glances at him, surprised. “No, honestly. I think she’s great. Super funny, too.”
Jack turns to stare at him with disbelief so abruptly he almost swerves the car into a telephone pole. Veering to correct course, Jack spits out, “Y/N? You think Y/N is great?”
Once Luke stops pretending like they’ve almost died– which they didn’t, by the way, Jack had everything under control– he calms down enough to say, “Yeah, I do. She was super nice to me. I need to ask if she’s local so we can hang after the internship ends.”
Jack feels as if he’s been dropped into an alternate reality. “You’re serious. You really do like Y/N?”
Now Luke’s looking at him like he’s the crazy one. “Like I said, yeah. Why, what happened when you talked to her? Was she still mad about earlier?”
“You could say that,” Jack grits out, knuckles white around the steering wheel.
Luke chuckles. “That’s kind of funny, actually.”
“It is not,” Jack mutters, but Luke remains in high spirits the whole drive back anyway.
To the great amusement of his younger brother, Jack and Y/N continue to be at odds the next time the Devils have to film social media videos, and the next time, and the next. Even when they start off a meeting on relatively stable ground, something will happen to have them sniping again, and they’ll be at each other’s throats by the time they leave the building in the evening.
What makes it worse is that Jack is apparently the only one suffering from Y/N’s cold shoulder. Everyone from the captain to the rookies seems to have gotten along just fine with their newest social media intern, yet Jack feels like he walks around with a target on his back every time she’s in office. They’ve started to ignore each other instead of purposely tossing insults, but that’s as close as he’ll ever get to a truce.
Jack has started counting down the days until she leaves. He would love some peace and quiet. Maybe the next intern will be normal, or they’ll all be poisoned forever just because Y/N L/N showed up and changed Jack’s life for good.
God, he feels like she’s crept into every part of his world. He’ll be scrolling on his phone and the videos she filmed will appear on his For You page out of nowhere. Jack swears he can sense her in every quick cut, every box of text, every song selection. Walking through the arena, he sees her everywhere– ducking into a meeting room, discussing potential videos with some of the PR agents, tucked into the bleachers so she can watch them practice and snap some shots. Jack is starting to seriously wonder if there has ever been a time when she hasn’t been wound around him like a loose thread come undone from his favorite coat.
Even now, he can see her. Jack has finally left a late-night practice, breath fogging up in the cold evening air. He’s glad for the warmth of his car when he slides in. Luke went back with some friends, but Jack had wanted to hang around a while longer to practice some skills before the next game.
Y/N must have been working late too, because he can see her now, walking out of the parking lot and towards the sidewalk leading into town. Jack assumes she’s waiting for someone to pick her up, but Y/N’s steps don’t show any indication of slowing down. Is she actually walking on a night like this? Jack is cold just thinking about the weather outside. Y/N has a coat on, but it won’t be enough to discourage the bite of the wind.
Before he can even think about what he’s doing, he’s pulled his car alongside her. Y/N looks panicked when he comes to a stop, but relaxes somewhat when Jack rolls down the window and calls out to her. “Are you waiting for someone?”
Y/N shakes her head. “No, I’m walking back. Have a nice night.”
She turns back to the sidewalk, evidently expecting him to keep driving. Jack also expects himself to keep driving, but he doesn’t. “It’s awfully cold to be walking. How far is your apartment?”
“Not far,” Y/N says. “Twenty minutes, maybe?”
That settles it. “You’re not walking twenty minutes in the freezing cold,” Jack decides. “Besides, I thought you were dropped off. Isn’t someone coming to pick you up?”
Y/N pauses oddly, and it occurs to Jack that he probably shouldn’t be noticing how she gets to and from work each day. Still, when she speaks again, he’s pretty sure the annoyance in her voice isn’t directed at him, for once. “I was dropped off, but my friend canceled on me. Hence the walk.”
Jack’s mood immediately sours. That’s a shitty move for sure, and even if he doesn’t always see eye to eye with Y/N, he’d never leave her out here, shivering even after a few minutes of walking. And he won’t tonight, either.
“I can drive you, if you like,” Jack offers abruptly. He’s not sure why he does it. He never has before. They’ve never been in a position like this before, and maybe they won’t either. Still, he doesn’t take it back.
Y/N, apparently heedless of the gravity of this offer, just smiles and shakes her head. “That’s alright, I’ll just call an Uber. Thanks, though.’
Jack blinks and stares at her. It had taken such a rush to get the words out that it honestly didn’t occur to him that she would just say no. “Is this because you’re mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you, Jack,” Y/N laughs. “I’m walking. You should get going soon, you’re going to disrupt traffic.”
“Fuck traffic, you’re cold,” Jack says disbelievingly. “Get in the car, Y/N. Please?”
She looks like she’s going to argue, but a particularly frigid gust of wind rips through that thin jacket and a moment later, Y/N is settling into his passenger seat. She turns to look at him, and Jack looks back at her, just a few spans apart. They’re close enough that he can see the flutter of her eyelashes as she blinks. Close enough that he could reach out and touch the slow bloom of cold on her cheek if he just tried.
“So?” Jack manages to pull himself together long enough to ask, “What’s your address?”
Y/N blinks, evidently startled out of some reverie, then pulls it up on her phone. Jack follows the directions, fingers drumming absentmindedly on the steering wheel. The car is quiet, and it weighs on him like a burden until he finally blurts out, “Why do you hate me, though?”
Y/N looks baffled. “I don’t hate you.”
Jack snorts. “Of course you do. You get along with every single member of this team but me, it’s a little hard not to take that personally. Come on, just tell me. Is it because I ran into you that first day?”
Y/N laughs again. It’s one of the few times it’s with him, not at him, and Jack lets the sound wash over him like sunlight. It’s a good sound. He wouldn’t mind hearing it again, maybe.
“That was funny. No, it wasn’t that. It’s just–” Her voice drops off, suddenly serious. “Do you remember Emma? She was your social media intern last summer. She’s the one who suggested I take this program, actually.”
Vague memories appear in Jack’s head. “Kind of? We’ve had a lot of interns.”
“Yeah, well, she’s one of my best friends, and the most important piece of advice she gave me before I started was to stay the hell away from you.”
Jack almost misses his turn. “What? Why?”
He risks a glance away from the road and towards her, but Y/N is keeping her head perfectly straight, not allowing herself to look at him in the slightest. “Something about you breaking her heart. She seems to remember you flirting a lot, buying her drinks, then dumping her for someone more interesting the second the internship ended.”
Jack winces. “That does sound familiar, actually. Sorry. I didn’t mean to–”
Y/N interrupts him with a wave of her hand. “Yeah, no, I get it. I love Emma, I really do, but she’s got a habit of moving quickly. Still, she was really hurt for a while. I figured anyone who could do that to my friend and not even remember was someone who didn’t need me to be nice to them.”
Guilt starts to pool in Jack’s stomach, icing him down to the core. “Still. I was a dick.”
“You still are, on occasion,” Y/N says, smiling slightly, “But I’ve been bad too, I think. I wanted to get revenge for my friend, but I’ve been more mean than needed. I’m sorry too.”
Jack comes to a slow stop in front of one of the notoriously long red lights of their shared city. As the scarlet of the traffic light washes over them, Jack takes advantage of the stopped traffic to hold out a hand to her. “How about a truce, then? If we’re both sorry?”
Y/N considers his outstretched hand, then nods at last and shakes it. “I’m good with that. Let’s start over.”
“Let’s start over,” Jack repeats. 
Her hand is still a little cold in his, even after the few minutes they’ve spent talking. It occurs to Jack that he could probably sit here for a while longer, warm her hands up with his, and then Y/N nudges him in the side and Jack realizes the light has turned green. He drops her hand hastily, turning back to the road in the hopes that she won’t notice the slow flush of heat to his cheeks.
The rest of the drive back is uneventful. Jack offers to walk Y/N to the door of her apartment complex, which Y/N jokingly calls creepy then smiles for real when he insists. They part with a promise to try harder next time, and Jack doesn’t think his feet have ever felt so light on the walk back from practice. He goes to bed that night like a little kid, practically giddy at the thought of the day ahead.
Looking back on it, Jack isn’t sure what he expected to happen with them after that. A celebration, maybe some fanfares? Or just a normal conversation in which she expressed how glad she was to see him and Jack could do the same? He doesn’t get any of that. In fact, they hardly see each other for most of the next few days. This isn’t too unexpected; although they love to complain, the players and media don’t see each other that often unless someone’s sworn on live TV or otherwise messed up their online presence.
Still, by the time Jack’s path finally crosses with Y/N’s, he’s really hoping for something special. He’s sort of crazy the whole time they’re filming videos, all raised eyebrows and hopeful glances, but instead of seizing the opportunity to make fun of him, Y/N just giggles a little and goes on with her life. It’s not bad, all things considered, but Jack– Jack wants more.
When hasn’t he, after all, wanted more? He wants to be better at skating. He wants to score more goals. He wants to stop getting brushed off by the commentators. He wants, more than anything, for some reason, for the pretty girl interning for their media department to do more than just look at him with a faint smile every now and then.
The sheer wanting starts to consume him. Jack goes out of his way to be exceptionally funny, astoundingly clever, practically fantastic in every way, yet nothing seems to wow Y/N. They’re just talking, which is certainly more than he had a few weeks ago, but Jack doesn’t want to just be talking to her, he wants to be back in his car again, with her leaning over and laughing at his jokes, her cold hands in his, telling him that maybe she’d misjudged him after all. Jack doesn’t just want more, he wants her, and that is making him insane.
Worse still is the fact that he doesn’t have her. Jack has spent his whole life, it feels like, hating the ‘pretty boy hockey player’ persona. He’s certain it’s cost him deals or trades or something over the years with the way people refuse to take him seriously. Yet now, Jack isn’t cursing its existence, but rather wondering why the hell it hasn’t worked. He’s still the same guy, same face. That stubborn acne patch on his chin has been clear for weeks now. He got a haircut, and people said it was good this time. Everything should be in his favor, looks-wise. So why doesn’t it seem to have a single effect?
It’s baffling, honestly. Jack cannot stand it. Worse still, the internship period is starting to slip away, and soon enough Y/N will be gone for good, leaving Jack to reel in her absence and wonder why he couldn’t make her like him enough to stay.
His mood sours whenever he thinks about it, which is often. Like now, even, in between Jack’s hours on the ice. They’re swapping out players in shifts, and Jack won’t be on for another five minutes or so. He’s sitting on one of the metal bleachers, hoping that watching the others will help keep his mind off things, but it’s not working too well.
Someone sits down right next to him, and Jack is about to start asking why they couldn’t pick anywhere fucking else to sit when he realizes it’s Y/N.
“Oh,” he says, trying desperately to sound cool and not bone-tired from practice, “Hey. D’you need another TikTok or something?”
“No TikToks,” Y/N says, smiling. “We can do a bonus one if you want, though, I know how much you love them.”
Jack chuckles. “They’ve been growing on me.” No reason why.
Y/N grins like she knows exactly what he’s thinking. “High praise. I hope you carry that spirit to the next social media intern, too.”
Jack sighs plaintively. “Do you really have to go? You fit in well, you know. You might as well stay a little longer.”
“That so?” Y/N asks, one eyebrow raised.
Jack looks away. “I don’t know. I heard some of the guys saying–”
Y/N cuts him off, lips twitching up into a smile. “I don’t care about the guys, Jack. What do you think?”
“I think you should stay,” Jack mumbles. He still can’t look her in the eyes. “With me.”
As soon as he says it, he knows it’s true. It doesn’t have to be through the Devils or not. He just wants Y/N with him for a while longer, to tease him when he’s being stupid and cheer for him during the games. He wants to hear her laugh longer than just the next few days. He wants to get coffee and buy flowers and match outfits and do a hundred things that would be special because he’d be doing them with her. That, more than anything, is what he wants.
A soft pressure on his hand; Jack looks up to realize Y/N has put her fingers over his, and squeezes slightly. He squeezes back by instinct.
“I want that too, Jack,” she tells him.
The smallest spark of luck is creeping back into his veins. “I thought you didn’t go for hotshot hockey players,” he says. “Especially not ones that flirted with the interns.”
Y/N rolls her eyes, but she’s laughing slightly, so they’re okay. “I wasn’t supposed to do that. The idea was that I would try to avoid it.”
Jack grins. “How’s that working out for you?”
“Surprisingly badly,” Y/N confesses. “I’m not too mad about it, though. Something tells me we’re going to make this work out.”
“It will,” Jack promises. He’s going to make sure of it. Looking at Y/N, the light in her eyes when she smiles, Jack knows that he’s going to do everything in his power to keep her. He rubs his thumb over her hand, still in his, and cannot help but think about how lucky he is.
Y/N looks like she’s going to start blushing. “Let’s talk about this when all of your teammates aren’t watching,” she says suddenly.
Jack glances up and realizes that he’s on the receiving end of quite a few curious looks from the Devils still on the ice. Luke, especially, looks like he has several questions he wants to ask. Jack groans, mentally preparing himself for the absolute nuisance his little brother will become on the drive home.
Still, it doesn’t faze him for long. “How about we talk about it this Saturday?” Jack asks. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”
Y/N is breathtaking when she smiles at him. Jack might have to keep looking forever, just so he remembers. “I think that sounds alright to me.”
Jack opens his mouth to say something stupid like how he can’t wait, but the coach blows a whistle to usher him and some of the others back onto the ice, and Jack is saved from himself. “I’ll see you then,” he repeats somewhat needlessly.
Y/N nods, and Jack turns to leave. He’s still got most of his senses intact, despite evidence to the contrary, and Jack does know better than to kiss Y/N in front of his whole team and coach in the middle of practice, but– well, there’s a difference between what Jack knows and what Jack does, and today, he kisses her anyway. It’s good. Really good. Good enough to deal with the teasing when he finally makes it down to the ice. Good enough to keep him hooked until their date, and the next, and the next. Good enough for forever.
hockey tag list: @locke-writes
all tags list: @wordsarelife
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haikyu-mp4 · 6 months
Media presence
word count; 649 – gn!reader, can you tell I love a manager!reader?
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“Your lack of social media presence is simply unacceptable,” you said, trying to be stern even though your mind was thinking of what you wanted to have for dinner later. “Will you please work with me on this?” Being a PR manager for MSBY Black Jackals tested your patience every day, but Sakusa wasn’t usually your biggest problem.
However, the senior managers had started to pester you about his lack of presence.
Sakusa had one leg crossed over the other, hands interlaced and resting on his thigh as his eyes bore into you from above the face mask he almost always had on. He took a long breath, seeming to prepare for a whole discussion, but all he said in the end was “No.”
You stared at him with the tip of your pen resting on the notebook you had open on your desk, blinking as you registered his word. His one word. “I see. I do love these meetings with you, Sakusa. They’re so rewarding.” you kept mumbling sarcastically, finally moving your hand to write down some thoughts you had. The pen was pushing just a little too hard into the paper, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care at the moment.
While you weren’t looking, a small smile fell on Sakusa’s face from your visible frustration. Not that you would have seen it anyway, but he was always worried that his eyes were simply not as cold as he wished they were when he talked to you. “I feel the same way,” he said. It made you bite the inside of your lip, wondering if there was something behind his words or if he meant it sarcastically like you. The safest option was to assume the latter. You finally turn your swivel chair back towards him, holding out a piece of paper you ripped from the notebook.
“I wrote some options. If we make a contract with set demands, you can demand something in return,” you suggest. You were a promising manager for sure, with a sharp brain and an attractive way with words. Maybe that’s why Sakusa was so infatuated with you despite never making a move. “For example, you could get an extra paid lunch break in exchange for posting daily on your Instagram story.”
Sakusa looked at the list after taking it from you without touching your hand. He slowly nodded. “I’ll think about it.” His agreement to consider it made you smile wider, doing a quick little victory dance. Sakusa frowned, but only because he enjoyed it so much that it annoyed him.
“Wonderful! Maybe I can finally get the seniors off my back for wasting such a pretty face,” you say, focusing more on your work than the words that actually tumbled out of your mouth.
“Thank you,” he said, and this time you could hear the smug smile in his voice. Clearly, he spent too much time with Atsumu.
“Their words, not mine.” you try to defend, squinting at him like it’s a challenge.
“Mm. How disappointing,” he said, finally scooting the uncomfortable chair back so he could get up. Your gaze follows him, trying desperately to fumble for a way to win this.
“You’re always wearing that mask anyways, how would I know,” you say, raising an eyebrow.
The proud moment is punctured though, when Sakusa slowly turns his head to the huge Black Jackals poster hanging to your right where his face is in the front with no mask on. He turns back to you, mirroring your raised eyebrow. “You were saying?”
“Get out,” you say, barely holding back your laughter at the stupid interaction, hoping your cheeks didn’t look as warm as they felt.
“See you around.”
“I wish you wouldn’t.” That was a lie, but neither of you needed to point that out. You both knew it was. For now, it could stay as an unspoken thing.
part 1 ║ part 2 ║ part 3 (final part) ║ headcanons ║ masterlist
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meo-eiru · 24 days
Would Elias be okay with a Yandere Darling? Someone who is just obsessed with him as he is with us? Like Darling/us stalks him basically all the time, knows where he lives, job, favorite place to eat, what shampoo he uses and fucking favorite underwear idk just crazy shit. They design clothes for him to wear while modeling but it's always sent anonymously with flowers and poems. And if they end up together Darling will threaten to kill anyone who dares try to get close to Elias. Even if it's looking at him a certain way, saying his outfit looks nice/hair or flirting, like they will kill just to keep his eyes on Darling. They love making clothes for him and dressing him up just for them to see and loving all over him, calling him "My pretty baby" while just kissing all over him. They don't care if he's boring, they love him no matter what.
This ask got me thinking, we've talked about a reader who's also obsessed with Elias before here and here but imagine just how utterly unserious it must be to be obsessed with this man.
And yes this will call out the Elias fans a bit as well but just think for a second. This man doesn't have a favorite color, doesn't have a favorite food or drink, no interest, no hobbies, just sits in his house most of the time and rarely goes to work and he isn't even the one who takes care of most of the actual work related stuff.
If you're stalking him legit the only interesting info you can get is what beauty products he uses and occasionally get angry over people falling in love with his looks. He doesn't even go on dates, there's literally nothing for you to start drama over.
If you hacked his phone in hopes of finding fun stuff you'd just be so disappointed because the only people in his contacts are his parents (whom he hasn't called in months) and his manager (whom he rejected most of the calls from). Most of his messages are just spam and ads, there are barely any pictures in his gallery (we are assuming you two aren't dating yet), hell there aren't even any games what the fuck does this man spend time on.
His phone wallpaper is the default one the phone came with and his screen time is probably 1 hour a day at most because he doesn't even have social media apps to spend time on. His manager takes care of his social media presence anyway so he doesn't feel the need to download them himself.
You could maybe MAYBE start drama about how close he is with his manager if Elias at least gave two shits about him and the poor manager wasn't miserable trying to keep Elias' job together while constantly getting ignored by him.
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jelliedink · 9 months
Your Obsessed Butler Headcanons
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Warnings: smutty smut, non-consensual drug use, potential blackmail, manipulation, name calling. Author's note: I'm back, loves! Writer's block hit hard and left me with thousands of unfinished WIPs but nothing I could complete. Yes, this is a screen cap of One Piece Klahadore because this man has awaken things in me and I'm still not over it. I hope you enjoy! Screenshot not taken by me. Beautiful divider by @saradika
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It may be cliche, yes, but I absolutely love the obsessed butler trope. Specially one that has managed to successfully seduce their darling. Even aware that you're just using them for sex, they are still thrilled that they get the opportunity to feel your body and serve you in every way.
It's the middle of the night and you woke up hot and heavy? For them, there was no better way to wake up than to the sight of you grinding yourself on them.
Are you afraid of loud storms at night? They would hold you close and make love to you until it was gone, assuring you that as long as you were by their side, there was nothing for you to be worried about.
Felt bored out of your mind? They would organise things to run smoothly without them for the the next hours so they could give you head until their mouth was sore.
Found a new kink you wanted to try? They would hurry up the rest of the staff so they could get to your room as early as possible, ready to spend the night doing whatever you ask from them.
Suddenly felt needy during an event hosted by your parents? If you promise not to be too loud, they would manage to keep people away from the storage room for 30 minutes and lock both of you there, fucking you stupid against a wall with one hand on your mouth just to be safe.
They never, ever said no to you.
But everything comes with a price.
They manipulated you until you accepted not to use any condoms.
They had remote access to your devices and social media, and used it to sabotage every one of your relationships until they were the only ones you could rely on.
They've convinced you that you had everything you needed at home so you hardly ever went outside, staying the whole time in their field of vision.
They tempered your food when you went too long without requesting their special attention, not letting you forget what only them could make you feel.
And should the idea that you could live without them ever cross your mind, they had records of the nastiest things you both did to remind you that maybe that maybe you should think twice. But they were sure they'd never need it: they changed their appearance to your liking, learned how to fight and shoot to protect you and ran the house impeccably. They were everything you needed, so why would you be such an ungrateful bitch?
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hazbinwhoree · 8 months
Guardian angel pt.2? I'm already addicted to and love your stuff. Thx! :3
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Guardian Angel
Part 2/3 Part 3
A/N: Can anyone guess how I’m gonna end it?
Even if Adam wanted to bring (Name) to the light, which he didn’t, the task would prove nearly impossible anyway. Because Adam was coming to learn that (Name) was quite the little sinner. In only one week, she exhibited each of the 7 Sins.
She got in a fight with her best friend and refused to apologize, even though it meant sacrificing their relationship. Pride.
She spent over a hundred dollars in one sitting online shopping for shit she didn’t need. Greed.
She spent ten minutes going through another girl’s social media page, making snide comments about her as she went. Envy.
She broke a lamp in a fit of rage over, well, Adam didn’t even know what her temper tantrum was about. Wrath.
She kicked Adam out so she could have some “Self Love Time” as she called it. Lust.
She was a glutton not of food, but of weed and alcohol, never satisifed unless she was not sober at least once during her day. Gluttony.
She would spend entire days rotting in her bed, neglecting all responsibilities. Sloth.
Long story short, Adam was pretty certain that were (Name) to die, she had herself a one way ticket down to Hell. The thought bothered Adam, and he realized that it really was up to him to make sure she got into Heaven.
“You’re sinful,” Adam blurted out one day while (Name) was listening to CPR by cupcakKe. (Name) paused the music. “It’s the song, isn’t it.”
“No… well, yes, but not just the song. I’ve seen you commit every single fucking one of the 7 Sins just this week. How do you expect to get into Heaven like that?”
“I don’t,” (Name) shrugged, going to unpause her music.
“You don’t care about going to Hell?” Adam was flabbergasted.
“Not particularly.”
“Well I’m your guardian angel, sweetie, so it’s my job to help you get into Heaven.”
“Really? Cause I don’t even know how you made it into Heaven. Their standards must be pretty low, I have a chance.”
“Oh eat shit,” Adam snapped, narrowing his eyes.
(Name) smirked.
“Have you heard of the Seven Heavenly Virtues?” Adam asked. (Name) looked bored. “I’ve heard of them… don’t know what they are.” “Well you’re going to do something that encompasses each one this week.”
And Lucifer be damned, Adam managed to get her to do something for every virtue.
She apologized to her best friend and they began to repair their relationship. Humility.
She gave a bunch of clothes she didn’t need to her younger cousin. Charity.
She left positive comments on that girl’s social media page. Kindness.
She did breathing exercises the next time she got angry instead of destroying her surroundings. Patience.
She stopped her copious amount of weed and alcohol consumption. Temperance.
She stayed on top of her responsibilities and began taking her job more seriously. Diligence.
Adam was proud of both her, and himself for getting her to do these things. Maybe she had a chance to get into Heaven yet.
“Why is it so important to you that I get into Heaven?” (Name) asked one night at dinner. Adam paused eating. “Uh, cause it’s my job, bitch.” (Name) rolled her eyes. “Yeah but you didn’t start doing your job until recently. What changed?”
“Maybe I never want to have to say goodbye.”
(Name) hadn’t been expecting such a confession. “You want me to go to Heaven… to be with you?”
Adam scowled, embarrassed. “No.”
They fell into awkward silence.
“For what it’s worth,” (Name) said. “I wouldn’t mind spending eternity with you.”
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hanniebaeee · 4 months
This man
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Best friend Jeonghan x fem!reader
Warnings: maybe a little swearing, kissing
Genre: idiots to lovers, fluff/suggestive MDNI
Summary: You've loved your best friend, Jeonghan, since forever. You're so obvious, but he's an idiot. The question is, are you an idiot too?
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You spot Jeonghan as soon as you step into the cafe. This was one of your most favorite cafes, so many good memories here. He was with Joshua (as usual). You and Jeonghan were best friends since primary school, and he found Joshua during his University years. Two best friends from two different times.
You wave hi and take off your coat, hanging it on the back of your chair before sitting down. Jeonghan looked at what you were wearing and smiled. Somehow you two had managed to dress similarly on one too many occasions. Today he wore a pastel green and white chequered shirt with light blue jeans, while you were dressed in a pastel green dress with little white daisies sprinkled on it.
'So, what was so important that I had to get here asap?' You ask.
'Were you busy?' Joshua asked. 'We could have met later.'
'I was working on something with Ver-' You were cut off by Jeonghan who was placing your order all of a sudden, very loudly.
He knew your regular order from here, so he ordered without even asking you. And you just stare at him (a little starstruck every time, but also with a stab of annoyance this time). Communication wasn't one of Jeonghan's strongest points and miscommunication, on the other hand, his natural self. You knew he was mad about something.
'So you were saying?' Joshua said, taking a sip of his coffee.
'Right. I was with VERNON.' You said, emphasising on your friend's name because you knew this made Jeonghan very jealous.
You didn't even know what it was about Vernon that got to Jeonghan so much. Vernon was one of the coolest people you've ever met. You felt lucky to be working with him since he always had the most creative ideas (and best snacks and the bestest cats!).
'Oh right, how's that new project going?' Joshua asked, ignoring Jeonghan's annoyed sighs.
'Really well!' You reply with a smile and you could sense Jeonghan's eyes bore holes into your head.
'What's the matter Jeonghan?' You ask, giving him an irritated look. 'What are you looking at me like that for?!'
'I'm waiting for you to stop gushing over Vernon for a minute' Jeonghan retorted.
'Yah! I wasn't gushing!' You snap, kicking him under the table.
'Oh real mature, Y/N' he grumbled kicking you back. But his shoe landed on your bare calf, making you gasp.
'That's my leg you idiot!' You say, glaring at him.
He looked to the side as you lift your leg from under the table. His expression changed immediately.
'I'm sorry, I'm sorry' he cooed suddenly, bending down to run his hand over the skin. You feel butterflies in your tummy as his fingers touch your skin.
'It's alright.' You said, feeling the heat creep up your neck.
You sit up straight, only to see Joshua giving you a look.
'What?!' I mouthed to him and he just shook his head with a grin.
Jeonghan straightened as well and said 'You obviously enjoy spending time with him more than with me now.'
'Like you enjoy spending time with Joshua more than with me?' You tease back.
'I don't!' Jeonghan whined.
'Yah!' Joshua had a funny frown on his face.
'Stop bullying me now!' Jeonghan said, taking a bite of his cake.
'Ok ok, so what's the 'thing' you had to tell me?' You ask, digging your fork into Jeonghan's cake.
'So we're having a party at ours this weekend to celebrate the release of my first single album!' Joshua said with a big grin. 'It's doing really well, so we thought we should celebrate. Just some close friends.'
'Oh great!' You said with a smile. 'It's all I see every time I open social media!'
Joshua blushed and said, 'You should bring Vernon too.'
'Of course I will.' You said and you could see Jeonghan rolling his eyes at that.
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Jeonghan was mad at you all day. He ignored you and backed out of any conversation you were part of. It made you so mad!.
'Whats the matter babe?' Vernon asked.
'Hannie's being a bitch and I don't even know why!' You muttered, taking his cup from him and sipping his drink.
'Go talk to him' Vernon said with a shrug.
'Right, he runs away every time I try.' You said sadly, sitting next to him, and placing you head on his shoulder. He rested his head on yours and said, 'You two are the biggest idiots I know.'
'What? Why?!' You asked sitting up and looking at him.
'Because, Jeonghan is whipped for you. And you are for him. Two idiots.'
'He's my best friend.' You said with a pout.
'So? Can't best friends love each other? Can't they be a couple?' Vernon asked.
'Yah, don't be loud!' You whispered, touching his hand.
'Well?' He asked. 'I know you love him. Not as a best friend, but as something more.'
'I can't risk it, Vernon. He's not just my friend, he's literally my whole life.' You said sadly. 'I would rather be his friend than going and ruining it all for more.'
'Darling, he feels the same way' he said. 'You should see the way he looks at you and the way he's glaring at me right now' Vernon laughed.
'Stop it!' You said, slapping his hand. 'Oh God, help me!'
'Go for it!' Vernon hyped you up. 'Please, so that he would stop giving me those death stares'.
'He does not!' You said, not believing your own words since you knew how he felt about your friendship with Vernon.
'Please turn around' Vernon said, and you did slowly.
Jeonghan had a drink in hand and he leaned against the door to the kitchen. He WAS actually glaring at you both. You have never seen such a look on Jeonghan. He wasn't a hot head. He actually never got that mad - he was more into solving his problems strategically than with his fists.
'You should go.' Vernon said again, nudging you with his elbow.
'I think I should' You agree and stand up. Taking a deep breath, you walk towards Jeonghan. Seeing you, he pushed himself off the door and started walking away. You run, blocking his way.
'Hey!' You said, 'I want to talk.'
'I don't' he said, trying to step away. He was way taller than you, so it wasn't that hard for him to escape.
'Hannie please!', You said in a small voice, head hung. The only voice you knew would get him. You were right because he froze and turned to look at you. Taking your chin between his index finger and thumb, he raised your face up.
'What's wrong?' He asked, his voice laced with worry.
'We have to talk' You said, and he nodded, taking your hand and leading you to his bedroom. He shut the door behind you. Folding his hands against his chest, he said 'Go on'
You squirmed under his gaze. He was just looking and you were falling apart.
'Um' Your voice and vocabulary decided to say goodbye at the very moment and you stood gaping at the gorgeous man in front of you. His beautiful brown eyes set on you and his dark hair falling over his forehead, almost over his eyes. His black round neck T-shirt and light blue jeans looked perfect on him. You thought he was way too beautiful for someone like you.
You felt the soft material of your navy blue dress crumble under your tight grip.
'What's it sweetheart?' He asked softly. 'Since when do you need all this time and formality to tell me anything, hm?
'Since I'm an idiot and a little bit greedy at this point.' You said, blushing.
'What do you mean?' He asked.
You couldn't look at him. You were embarrassed of yourself, and your pathetic attempt to tell this gorgeous human being that you have been in love with him for a good 10 years. You wanted to cry and you wanted him to just understand already. But Hannie's a tease. Even if he knew he wouldn't say anything.
You sigh and said, 'Sorry I wasted your time, Hannie. You should get back to your party.'
He looked way too shocked to even move. And the look on his face scared you to death.
'You've gotta be kidding me!' He said, his eyes wide.
'Whaat?!' You whine.
'You should try not to tease a man like that!' He growled. 'I just want to spank you for all the times you bring it this far and brush me off!'
'Oh woah woah woah!' You say, holding your hands up. 'Me?! I AM THE TEASE NOW?!'
'Of course you are!! Every single time I think that it's about to happen you pull away! You FUCKING pull away and leave me hanging!'
'I've NEVER brushed you off!' You said, your body shaking. 'Why would I ?!'
'Why don't you tell me that?' Jeonghan snapped.
'Why don't you?'
'You first'
'Jeonghan!' You let out a frustrated sigh.
'I won't let you out of this room until you give me an honest answer.' Jeonghan said, shaking his head.
'Oh right, we'll see about that!' You snap and walk towards the door.
He was there first with his bloody long legs. He blocked your way, locked the door and pressed his back to it.
'Move.' You said as seriously as youbcould. 'Now.'
'I'm sorry, can't do that'
'Why Jeonghan, pray tell!' You said, trying to pry him off the door.
'You know why sweetheart' he said, his voice low and menacing.
'I don't! I can't think why, ok?' You lied, even though could see it now. Vernon was right. THIS MAN!
'Oh you know.' jeonghan teased. 'I can see it on your face.'
'I could just kill you right now!' You mutter, taking your hands off him.
'You naughty girl. Brining Vernon here even though you know that it makes me so mad.' He said, taking a step towards you.
'Hannie. Stop.' You said, putting your hands against his chest to hold him back. 'Vernon is my friend. You know that.'
'Really? Just a friend?' Jeonghan asked, his voice anything but innocent.
'Yes' You said.
'Doesn't feel like it'
'Wow, sounds like a you problem!'
He took another step forward, you took one back. The back of your legs hit his bed and you lost balance. You plopped down at the edge of the bed, looking up at him. Your heart raced and the butterflies in your tummy did you no good. He just looked at you and he looked absolutely ravishing.
'Jeonghan, stop looking at me like that!' You whine, covering your warm face with your cold hands.
You hear a chuckle before he kneels down in front of you.
'What's wrong baby?' He teased, his hands on your wrists, pulling your hands off your face. 'Don't hide from me.'
'Oh my God!' You were absolutely melting under his gaze.
He laughed, not his usual gremlin laugh, but a more sweeter one.
'Are you shy?' He asked. 'Really? For me?'
'I won't shy away from slapping you if you don't stop teasing me!' You warn him.
'Go on then.' He said, turning his face a bit, showing you his right cheek. 'I don't think I can ever stop.'
And you shocked yourself by pressing a kiss on his soft cheek. And before you could pull back, you felt his hand at the nape of your neck. And his lips against yours. You think you died for a moment there, before he pulled you back to life.
Biting his lip, he watched you. Then he kissed you again. And again. And again.
'Baby why are you crying?' He asked, his forehead pressed to yours.
You didn't even realize that you were crying until he asked that question. Wiping your face quickly with the back of your hands, you said 'I've wanted to do that for so long, Hannie'
'How long?' He asked, tilting his head.
'Um... 10 years?' You said, shy and embarrassed.
'What?!' That incredulous look came back to his face. 'You kept this from me for 10 years?!'
'I was scared!' You said. 'I didn't want to lose you!'
'Did you ever stop to think that maybe I felt it too? Why do you think I never had a girlfriend? Why did I put you first all the time?'
'I thought you had a secret girlfriend because you used to giggle into your phone all the time after you started uni!' You said with a shrug.
'What?! I don't giggle!' He said, squeezing your thigh.
'That's not the point. The point is that I thought you met someone at uni. Until I knew that it was just Joshua. Then I thought you were with Joshua!'
'You DID NOT!' he said, turning beet red.
'I'm sorry, Hannie. I knew that when you brought him home' I said giving him a sheepish smile. 'He wouldn't stop flirting with me, haha'
'Mhm' he said with a smile. 'And?'
'You wanted to say something?' He asked, his hand still on your thigh.
'Maybe' you muttered. 'Since you're being a big baby and you won't say it first.'
He didn't say anything, just grinned.
'I love you, Hannie. I'm so in love with you.' You said, your insides feeling warm and fuzzy. 'So so much.'
'Yeah?' He asked, cupping your face with his hands. 'That's good, because I'm in love with you too.'
You squeal like a little girl and throw your arms around him, giggling and kissing his cheek.
'Say it again' you say, holding him close.
'I love you. I love you. I love you.' He said, hugging you tight. He kissed you again, long and deep. His lips are wet and warm on yours. This is simply the bestest kiss ever. Then with one arm around you, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellphone.
'Shua's looking for us' he said, putting it back.
'Come on, let's get back to the party. Poor Shua.' You said, standing up.
On your way to the door, you stopped still as you felt his hand land a slap on your butt. Face red and voice shaky, you asked, 'What was that for?!'
'For cuddling up to Vernon before' Jeonghan replied simply.
'I thought we were over that'
'You deserve it for teasing me all day!'
'Says the tease!' You retort and move back quickly as he took big steps towards you, caging you between his body and the door, his arms on either side of you. You grin even though this made your legs go all wobbly.
'You are so hot, oh my god!' You said, hands covering your face again.
He laughed and said 'I'm trying to look intimidating here!'
'Ok, hot and intimidating' You said, as he pulled your hands off your face. Again.
He just leaned forward and delivered another mind blowing kiss. 'And, just so you know, you're hot as fuck too'
You laughed and said, 'I love you Hannie'
'I love more, baby.' he said with a wink.
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Joshua and Vernon grinned like idiots as they saw you, but were kind enough to keep the teasing for later. But you knew that you wouldn't hear the end of it for a very long time.
When Jeonghan drove you back home, you asked him if he wanted to go up to your apartment with you.
'And do what?' He asked, wiggling his eyebrows.
'Shut up!' You said, turning away to hide your burning cheeks.
He laughed, parking the car and coming up with you. Your roommate was spending the weekend with her boyfriend so you had the house to yourself. Keeping your shoes on the rack near the door, you walked in, for the first time as a couple.
Jeonghan followed you into your bedroom and climbed into your bed. He patted the spot next to him and held out his hand for you. Heart fluttering and legs shaking, you were way too nervous.
Though you have had way too many naughty dreams and fantasies about Jeonghan, seeing him on your bed was a bit scary. You've slept on the same bed so many times over the years, but things are so different and easy when you're just friends.
You put your hand in his, letting him pull you into his arms. Placing your head in his chest and listening to his heartbeats felt surreal. He may have noticed how tense your body was because he kissed your forehead and said 'We don't have to do anything today, ok? I just want to cuddle with you and kiss you for now. We can take it slow.'
'Thank you Hannie' You said, feeling relieved.
You place a soft kiss on his chest. Jeonghan smiled and pulled you closer, if that was even possible. Flush against his toned body, you were trembling a bit.
'I've only ever dreamed of this...I can't believe you're really here, like this-' You didn't even know what you were saying.
'Yeah? What other dreams do you have? We'll make them all true!' Jeonghan whispered, pressing a kiss on your forehead.
'Don't be so cute!' You said, burying your face in his chest again.
His breathy laughs were the best. Everything about him was just more beautiful now. He's your boyfriend after all.
a/n: I'm in love with these cute dividers by @saradika ❤
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adventuringblind · 11 months
Misheard, Misjudged
Lando Norris x Leclerc Reader
Genre: Angst with a pinch of spice
Summary: Lando overhears a conversation and thinks it’s about him
Warnings: Lando’s self-esteem plummets
Notes: I’m aware I have things to do but I’m doing a friend a favor
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Lando and the little Leclerc are everybody’s favorite couple. He clings to her every second of every day and she gets livid when her brother call her little. Younger then Arthur by a minute and she never hears the end of it.
Their families love them, the fans love them, but most importantly is that they love each other.
They met when Arthur started racing again. She was bored without her partner in crime, so Charles took her on as is social media manager. Needles to say they banter a lot. Charles’ fashion choices are horrendous at times but she loves him nonetheless.
Charles teases them all the time about how they are practically glued together. Which is probably true, considering they are like magnets in the paddock.
So in Lando’s head, it makes no sense why she would say such things about him. In their home. With her friends.
‘Sure he’s good looking, but like - is there really anything else? He’s so childish and whines like a bitch. Also, have you seen how clingy he is?”
He couldn’t listen anymore after that. Is he really that clingy? And for all intensive purposes, isn’t she also clingy? He never thought it was that bad. Sure, people tease, but who cares what they think? Or, maybe he’s just overthinking and he should just ask about it.
Scratch that - a terrible plan. Instead he shall withdrawal himself and see if it makes her happier.
The first week she looks confused and a little hurt by his actions, but she doesn’t say anything. No more initiated physical contact. No random hugs and kisses. He doesn’t cling to her during the race weekend like normal.
See! He isn’t cling! if anything, she’s definitely the more clingy one out of the two.
Week two hurt more then the first. He catches snippets of a few phone calls between her and Charles. She’s locked in the bathroom and her voice is cracking. “I don’t understand what I did, Charlie.”
Doesn’t understand what she did? You can’t just say things about a person and expect everything to be okay after. Why doesn’t she talk to him about it? If she wanted more space he would’ve just rather have talked about it then have overheard the love of his life shattering his heart into pieces.
He turns her back to her in bed starting week three. She looks tired over the next few days. Not just yawning, but the dark circles under red eyes screams that something is wrong.
she starts leaving sticky notes on his things, on the counters, the insides of cabinets, and even plastered all over thee mirror.
He ignores them. Yet his mind starts to wonder if maybe he should just ask her why. But it’s not like she talked to him, so why she he talk to her now?
He wonders again when he catches Max glaring at him.
And again when Oscar grows concerned.
And then when George gives a PowerPoint presentation with how to communicate properly.
Yeah, ok - so this wasn’t the right way to go about this. He really wishes George and his stupid PowerPoint had come earlier.
The icing on the cake is when he comes home one day and passes Charles as he’s leaving. He doesn’t look happy at all, and honestly, Lando can’t blame him.
He goes straight to bed, face buried in the pillow. Limbs tossed dramatically like a Disney princess in despair.
“Lando?” Her small voice shreds every ounce of strength he has left. She sits on the bed beside him. He doesn’t look up and she sighs heavily. “Please talk to me.”
When he does finally look at her. Truly, for the first time in months, he sees just how broken she looks.
“What’s there to talk about?” He curses himself and his tone because she flinches away at it.
“Why are you avoiding me? I don’t understand what I did…”
He scoffs. “Don’t know what you did? Last month at your little get together? Calling me a clingy whiny bitch behind my back?” He chokes on the last part.
She looks at him, head tilted in confusion. The same look she gives when he’s trying to read directions. Confused, loving, patient. Why is she smiling?
“You didn’t hear the beginning of that did you?”
“No.” He pouts.
“Lando, love, light of my life - that was about Charles.”
His entire body freezes. It’s true that her friends like Charles and she hates when the fawn over him. Oh, he’s been an idiot. An Absolute asshole.
“I’m so sorry.” He throws himself at her and every ounce of anxiety over the past month is washed away as soon as her fingertips touch his skin.
“Charles is terribly clingy to everybody and he’s my brother. Of course he’s a whiny bitch in my eyes.” He would respond but his brain is mush at her hands in his hair.
“I just got so in my head. I’m so sorry I didn’t talk to you - George gave me the whole lecture about proper communication.”
“I Know. He said you were hopeless.”
“How encouraging of him.”
Lando pulls her on top of him. Her warmth, her skin, her full body weight is everything he ever needs to survive.
“I can’t believe you’re smiling at me.”
“I’m mad at you, but maybe we can make up.” She raises her eyes suggestively.
“I think I can make that happen.”
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flowerandblood · 3 months
The First Impression (Drabble)
[ coffee maker • Aemond x student • female ]
[ warnings: angst, him being a mean bitch ]
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[ description: He hates his job and she makes him hate it even more. Or maybe not entirely? A very old request from the anon. ]
* English is not my first language. Please, do not repost. Enjoy! *
Word count: 700
My other works chapters: Masterlist
He hated his job. He couldn't think of anything worse and more boring than pouring coffee, cutting fucking cheesecakes and signing cups for little hipster girls who then took pictures of themselves with them, grinning like idiots.
However, nothing annoyed him more than those momentary, watchful glances as if someone was under the impression that he was just imagining things, looking at him more closely to make sure that in fact one of his eyes was prosthetic.
He felt like pouring hot coffee in their faces then and asking: anything else?
Of course, he couldn't do that, and that vision remained only in the realm of his dreams. He wanted to support his mother and pay his own rent while studying at the University, and few employers were willing to go along with him when it came to working hours.
He had no choice but to endure it somehow.
He was devastated when it turned out that, according to the fashion, they were supposed to learn how to make different patterns on coffee so that they resembled different shapes or characters. He felt like an idiot when, for the tenth time, he had to repeat the movements that would allow him to create a heart shape out of the liquid, and then he had to do the same thing, only that for the female customers.
For them it was romantic, for him it was pathetic.
One day he saw a girl bending over a cup he handed her – she was sitting at a table taking a picture of the design she had ordered, which was a flower.
He thought she was probably some kind of influencer and rolled his eyes, thinking that at a time when someone had to work hard like he did, others were simply putting their pictures on social media, making a product of their lives.
She surprised him when she approached him, undeterred by his stony face expressing boredom and disapproval.
"Could I ask for that most complicated pattern, with the dragon's head?" She said, and he closed his eyes thinking that this was the worst day of his life.
Why, why did it have to be him?
"You don't like doing this." She muttered finally, trying to make out his answer from his face. He turned involuntarily over his shoulder, not wanting his manager to hear him.
"Not really." He admitted reluctantly, thinking after a moment that he was a moron, that she would write about him on her blog and he would lose his job because of her.
"We study at the same university, so I have to warn you." She finally confessed.
"Your boss hired me as a secret client. This is my last day of work. He wants to know how you talk to your clients. But I won't tell him about it. Just be careful because he might do it again. I wouldn't want you to lose your job over such stupidity." She said quietly, leaning towards him, and he froze, feeling the cold sweat on his back.
"– fuck – I –"
"Don't say anything or he'll see it on the cameras later. Just make me that coffee. By the way, you're very good at it. I even sent a picture of your creation to my mum." She said with amusement and he swallowed hard, tense and nodded, taking a clean mug from the counter.
He figured he'd put his whole heart of stone into the design on her coffee as a thank you for warning him, and made out his boss's face with his big glasses and moustache. When he placed her cup in front of her she burst into loud, warm laughter.
"Beautiful. This is better than the previous one. He's even similar. So sad to drink." She sneered, pulling her wallet out of her bag, taking out her credit card.
"Thank you. You know." He said, tapping the amount she should pay into the terminal, handing it to her so she could put her card close to it.
"It's okay. I'm just glad I had the chance to meet you and talk to you for at least a moment. See you at the University?" She asked lightly and he nodded, embarrassed.
"See you."
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goldsbitch · 6 months
Just don't talk--------
-you might say something that hurts.
p10 to Just don't talk
summary: Enemies to lovers on steroids. The PR teams strike again.
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Y/N was unusually giddy while doing interviews on the grid that day. It was hard to be nervous when in the corner of her eye she saw Lando, in his usual glorious unbothered style, seemingly more confident than he'd been the past few weeks.
Smiles shared in secret, both of them being lifted up by enormous amount of butterflies. Yet they both tried their best to keep busy in order to push off their inevitable "what are we" talk.
She was more than sure what she wanted to be to him. But the thought of him not being willing to make the lead was a scary one - so let's just ignore it and keep thinking about his tongue on her neck. And Lando? He was doing exactly the same. Both of them blissfully unaware that their crush has started to become impossible to hide.
"Y/N, what do you think about the car on this track? Will you be competetive enough for a podium?" was a simple and boring question that Y/N tried to answer in a creative way, but nothing was coming to her mind. With a great smile, she replied: "Yeah, I have a pretty good feeling that things are turning out for good."
Lando was "not so accidentally" passing by at that exact moment, deliberately taking the rout where he would have to walk past her, because his body just wanted to be near her at any point possible. His school boy instinct kicked in and in the same way as a five-year old boy would pull his crushes hair, he snatched Y/N team cap of her head gracefully in order to tease her.
"Hey!" she screamed in the middle of listening to another question from the interviewer and turned around, knowing well who that was, as she watched him approaching before. A small amused smile escaped her, it was impossible to stop it. Same for Lando.
"Oh, hello, Lando," the interviewer acknowledged him, hoping for some good viral content.
"Hey," was his speedy response, probably not ever trying to hide his own amusement.
Y/N tried to keep it cool and look at his lips. "Give it back, Lando." Nope, she failed at keeping her smile in.
"You know where to pick it up, honey," he said simply, winked and said goodbye to the interviewer as he walked away. Y/N's stomach dropped at how obvious he was with his flirting in public and how impossible she found it to keep herself together. She took a moment before resuming, internally fuming. She was happy and mortified at the same time.
"Well," Y/N said as she turned back to her interview. "Where were we?" And there it was - a fatal smile that would cost her in the future.
The interviewer was full on a mission to not let that go. "I see the mood has shifted between you two, has the previous feud passed now?"
"I guess you could say that, yes," she replied, slowly pulling herself back, heart still beating like after running a marathon.
"Do you guys spend time together off the track? Has that maybe helped?" How the fuck was she supposed to answer that?
Not so confidently, she pulled out a cliché line in order to save her. "We do our talking on the track." It was technically not a lie - what they did in their spare time was definitely not limited to talking.
"I see," the interviewer said, not satisfied with her answer.
"I'd love to chat, but my team is calling," he pointed somewhere off camera, somewhere where there definitely was not someone from her team pointing at her. She excused herself and strolled away, in the other way that Lando went, as quickly as possible.
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Yes, she did. Oh god, it was becoming unbearable. How was he so infuriating? How can one manage to be so....ugh!!
The day passed by in a blur of meetings, interviews and fan meet and greets. Since their "joint" interview was live though, it took only few hours for the first edits to appear on social media, hashtags getting created and the two of them going viral once again. It was all a bit overwhelming, Y/N sat there and secretly watched every single edit she came by. There is one thing to fantasize secretly about your crush, another thing is when the whole seems to get on the same boat and romanticize the fuck out it. Was it making the whole thing more awkward? Probably, but Lando's and Y/N minds were too busy thinking about each other in order to take in the point of view of others. The whole grid became aware of the pair quickly becoming a meme.
Oscar limited himself to eye rolling only, as he was more than aware of what was going on.
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Y/N was shocked to find Lando already sitting in with his and her team in one of the FIA's meeting rooms. The fact that this was happening outside of their team premise should have been a clear sign - they are being called into the same meeting. Nowhere to hide now.
Lando was sitting there, casually cramped up in a chair in an anatomically impossible position, legs twisted all around. "Can't he not sit like a normal person for once?" was Y/N first thought. The reason he sat like that was to prevent himself from foot tapping the whole building down. Acting cool and innocent, that was his strategy. He was sure they'll tell him to tone it down, not to bother Y/N publicly, he'll just nod at everything they say and then go finally cum all over her chest once again, just to prove to her that she is his. Not a hard task. He glanced at her innocently as she stepped in, doing a real bad job at hiding her shock. He rolled his eyes and smirked. This girl was so innocently cute. His own comms team shot him a warning look, so he just proceeded to stare into the ground. Y/n had very little time to get her strategy ready, cursing herself for not discussing this with Lando prior to this.
"Thank you both for coming on such a short notice," was how Lando's team opened the conversation with. You could cut the tension in the room with a butter knife.
"As you're both aware, we have tried several strategies in the past in order to get your image out in the best light as possible."
Y/N let out a laugh which she could not contain in, to which Lando shot her a surprised, horrified and slightly amused look. Unbelievable.
"Continue, please. I am listening," he said, just to spite her.
"Thank you. Please guys, let's keep this civil and adult," this time her team stepped in to put her down. Lando could not remember having this much fun.
"To continue what my colleague started to say, lots of several approaches which did not bring the ideal results. And with today's development, we feel like this is another time for us to step in. You're both faces of prestigious brands and the teams rely on you being likable characters. Am I right?"
Lando nodded, as if he was lying about understanding a new topic in a math lesson - maybe little too much. Y/N just bit her lip and remained silent.
This whole thing was so bizarre, like being caught for stealing a candy bar while having a stolen gold necklace in your pocket.
"What would you suggest?" Lando asked and Y/N doubted anyone in the room was fooled by his act and must have seen though him. He was obviously having the time of his life. At this rate she would have a hole in her lower lip if she would keep biting it down this was.
"I'm glad you're asking, Lando, and hope you'll be able to cooperate."
"You can count on my sincere involvement in your strategy," he stated seriously and stared at Y/N comms team. His own team knew what was up with his attitude but decided not to call him out just yet.
Y/N glanced at the papers resembling a contact on the table. This is it, she thought, the no contact and no involvement agreement. They're going to stop them from talking to each other in public? Is that even allowed?
His's comms manager took a deep breath. "The numbers on all our socials have spiked up greatly since your interaction became of a positive nature. What we've seen today - that will make our sponsors more than happy."
Lando was quicker than Y/N to connect the dots. His mood changed drastically within seconds and he finally sat up straight.
"No. Not a chance," he burned his team with his hard stare.
"Lando, please, let us finish."
He was not having that. "I know what you're going to say and no, you can't just order us to do that."
"Nobody is ordering you to do anything. We're simply...Putting this on the table.
"Forget that, no way in hell am I ever going to agree with this," he said, pointing at the contracts lying on the table. The room went silent for few seconds.
"I'm sorry, what are we talking about here?" asked Y/N, not really having the dots connected just yet. Lando briefly forgot that she was in the room, suddenly regretting his quick dismissal. But he was not the one to be forced into anything like this. Better him having it break to her then them, right?
This time he was the one to take a deep breath and while speaking to Y/N, he still stared at the comms teams. "They want us to start fake dating for PR." He was hoping he got it wrong. But the silence on the other side of the table just proved him right.
This came as a shock to her. Was this their masterplan? Did they really have to meddle all the fucking time? "I...I didn't think these things actually happened in real world," she stated, honestly.
Why couldn't these two just get a minute to talk among themselves? Y/N's mind was once again stuck in a rut because of Lando Norris existing at the same time as she did. Million questions on her mind, but the biggest one - why was it such a hard and obvious no from him? He did not even consider it. This could have been an easy escape for them.
"What would that look like exactly?" she asked, wrapping her head around it.
She received smiles from the team, them being happy that she was seemingly somewhat on board. "Well, we would set a clear timeline with a deadline and a scheduled break up, set up a social media strategy, you'd accompany each other on social event and the PDA would be very clearly stated upon the mutual agreement between you and your lawyers. Involvement of other people around you would always be discussed prior and clear communication is key. We do not want to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Of course, an NDA is part of this agreement."
It was impossible to look at him just yet. Her head was spinning. She was on the verge of crying and had to somehow hold herself together in front of all those people. She had to get out fast, like fast fast. She had her answer. He did not like her in the same way she liked him.
"Excuse me for a moment, I feel sick," she said and swiftly got up, nearly tripping over her own feet as she sprinted out.
part 11
@scopeiguess @leclercsluv @sulliamour @starmanv @riverxsq @eviethetheatrefreak @chonkybonky @bicchaan @saachiep81 @chezmardybum
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dameronology · 2 years
liar (bucky barnes)
based on the paramore song of the same name lol a.k.a the one where bucky barnes is scared of his own feelings a.k.a jazz is back in her bucky era
warnings; language
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Bucky Barnes had never considered himself a liar.
If anything, he had a hard time not telling the truth. It escaped from his mouth before he even had the chance to think about; no, Steve, I think your new hair cut sucks and sorry Sam, she wasn’t actually checking you out, she was waving at the guy behind you. Call it a product of his years as an assassin - because he couldn’t recall being this truthful back in the war - but it was part of who he was now. Sometimes he thought it meant he should come with a warning; something to say don’t pull the pin on this grenade, because he won’t lie to your mum about liking her food. Would that have been the worst Tinder bio ever? Yeah, no doubt.
Bucky had a hard time even lying to himself. That had become clear as soon as you whirl-whinded into his life. That day was still as crystal clear in his head six months later. It had been an early morning at the SHIELD HQ - the F-train had been delayed an hour and he’d come sprinting into a national security meeting, Starbucks in one hand (he was already late, he figured five minutes more for a frappuccino wouldn’t hurt) and a jumbled apology ready to offer. Then, not two seconds later, you’d come sprinting through the door, smacking into the back of him and launching the iced coffee from his hand, into the air, and straight into the lap of the British prime minister. 
Bucky was late, but you’d been even later. He liked that about you.
You were a whirl-wind in his life; his best friend from that day forward and the reason he could let go of the breath he’d been holding for so many years. Meetings were never boring with you, nor was the paperwork after long missions or the early starts. Every time he was late, he knew you’d take even longer because maybe his commute from Brooklyn was long but you lived three blocks away from work and managed to sleep through every goddamn alarm you’d set. 
It was clear about exactly three seconds after you met that you and Bucky were not destined to just be friends. You knew it and he knew it but neither of you wanted to talk about it. Avoiding the truth wasn’t necessarily lying - Bucky was thankful for that, because he knew that if you asked, everything would come out. He wasn’t ready for that. He wasn’t ready for love. 
So, you both left it to rest (and maybe to rot). 
“I hate meetings,” you grumbled. It was eight o’clock on a Monday morning and thanks to a national security threat, you once again found yourself in the SHIELD meeting room earlier than you felt to be natural. “Can’t they just put this in an email?”
“Probably,” Bucky replied. “Hi guys, there’s a terrorist threat. If you see something, say something. Lots of love, the security council.” 
You snorted. “Did you know I have all of their emails sent straight to my spam?”
“I would do the same but I can’t work out how the Facebook app works,” he muttered. “Why are there so many buttons? What are cookies?”
“Buck, why would you have the security council on Facebook?”
“Isn’t that…” he paused, scratching the back of his head. “Isn’t that where emails go?”
You dropped your head in your hands and let out a groan. “I only just got you used to Twitter. I’ll leave it a few weeks before I overwhelm you with any more social media apps.”
“What about TikTok?”
“I am never letting you download TikTok,” you said. 
“Sam said that I should make thirst traps-”
“- please no!” you cut him off. “Never take life advice from Sam.”
Sam was sat across the table from you, a scowl on his face. He was a morning person - hell, the man had already been for a run that morning - but the combination of you and Bucky at any point in the day was enough to drive him up the wall. He glanced between you both, brown eyes calculating for a second, before a grin spread across his face. 
“Don’t worry, he doesn’t,” Sam chirped. “Remember last week when I told you to do that thing, Buck?”
Bucky’s eyes widened. “Shut up, Sam.”
“What thing?” you frowned.
“It’s not mine to share,” Sam shrugged. “But based on the last five minutes’ worth of interactions alone? I think it would be best to listen to me-”
“- I swear to god if you don’t stop talking!” Bucky cut him off; then he glanced at you, blue eyes wavering for a second. “Don’t listen to him.”
Sam knew that he was doing; playing devil’s advocate because a) it meant he could piss off Bucky and b) hopefully get two of his best friends to finally get together after months of pining. It had gotten to the point where him and Steve had literal bets on it. Not necessarily on if you would get together, but more on when. 
“I’m not, but you’re acting weird,” you said. “Want to share with the class?”
“No,” Bucky firmly said.
“Buck,” you warned; it was clear by your voice that you weren’t fucking around. “I don’t know what immature high school bullshit is going on right now but I don’t appreciate it.” 
“I’ll talk to you about it later, okay?” he said. 
“You’re an ass,” you replied.
Picking up your bag and coffee, you shuffled over to the other side of the meeting table where Steve was sat. He hadn’t said a word in any of this; you quite often cursed the lack of boundaries amongst the four of you, but you couldn’t fault Steve that morning. He’d kept to himself, simply watching in awe at the chaos that had just unfolded. 
You stopped in the seat beside him, glancing over at him. “If you say a word, I’ll hit you.”
“I’m not saying anything,” he held up his hands in defense.
The meeting was quick, thankfully. Even worse, it definitely could have been put in an email. You also couldn’t help but notice the British diplomats watching your coffee carefully every time you moved - that was a joke you could have made to Bucky, had he not managed to get himself into your bad books.
You’d barely been out the board room five minutes before you were practically wrestling him by the ear into a quiet corner. The meeting had been quick, thankfully. It hadn’t felt that way for Bucky, who’d been sat opposite you the entire time, barely avoiding your dagger-y gaze. If looks could kill, his vibranium arm would have had a fair few dents in it. 
“So?” you asked. “What was that all about?”
“It’s nothing,” Bucky quickly replied. “I promise-”
“- bullshit!” you cut him off. “Why are you keeping things from me, Buck?”
“I’m not.”
“You are!” you exclaimed. “Look, I don’t even want to know what you and Sam were talking about but at least have the common decency not to keep me out of a conversation that’s about me!”
“Why aren’t you mad at Sam too?!”
“Believe me, I have it out for Sam too but it’s worse when this stuff comes from you!”
Bucky thinned his eyes at you. “Why?”
“You know why.”
He sighed, shifting from one foot to another. Eyes to the ceiling for a second, he took a deep breath. 
“Sam told me last week that I should ask you out,” he said. “Said something about how everyone around us can see what we don’t, and that we’re kidding ourselves, and…”
You sniffed, trying to stay composed. It had been a long time coming, there was no denying that. Bucky had been avoiding the conversation because he wasn’t ready but you’d been avoiding it because you were terrified of the answer. Rejection from literally anyone else in the world would have been fine, but from him? There was no metaphor for that pain, or that fear. 
“And what?” you asked. “What do you think of that?”
He shrugged. “I think it’s…”
You both waited for a second, the tension in the air almost suffocating.
Your eyebrows shot up. “Dumb?!”
“Yeah?” Bucky sounded unsure. “We’re best friends, and-”
“- that’s bullshit!” you snapped. “Buck, I know you can be confusing but…if there’s one thing I am certain of, it’s that we are not just best friends and you know it!”
“Do I?”
You took a step back, sniffing. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s dumb. Forget I said anything.”
“Wait, don’t be like that-”
“- it’s fine, James,” you sniffed. “I’ll see you around.”
“Are we good?”
“Yeah, we’re good.”
(You weren’t good.)
“Okay, I’m glad. Call me later, yeah?”
“Yeah, of course,” you forced a smile.
(You weren’t going to call him.)
Five days.
That’s the longest Bucky had gone without talking to you since he’d met you and also the exact amount of time you’d been ignoring him for. He’d given in calling you after three days, and considered coming around your apartment after four, but then he got a last minute call onto a mission where your name was at the top of the call sheet. Fab. 
Bucky liked to consider himself a good flier, but it certainly would have been easier to co-pilot a jet with someone who was actually willing to talk to him. It was quite amazing, actually, to see the lengths that you were willing to go to all in pursuit of icing him out. 
“This is Barnes to air traffic control on QJ564. We’ll be approaching our destination in about five minutes, currently at 10,000 feet, over.”
“This is ATC to QJ564, you’re cleared for landing in Munich, runway four. Over.”
“This is Barnes to ATC on QJ564. Runway four confirmed, thank you. Could you also tell my co-pilot that I’m sorry and that I miss them? Over.”
“Uh…this is ATC to QJ564. Barnes says he’s sorry and that he misses you. Over.”
“This is Barnes’ co-pilot on QJ564, tell him that I think he’s a cun-”
“- this is Captain Rogers monitoring the channels for suspicious activity from the headquarters. May I remind the pilots aboard QJ564 of the appropriate workplace manners over professional channels? Over.”
After Steve’s voice, the lines went silent. Bucky glanced over at you, eyebrows raised. 
“That was rude.”
You continued to ignore him, attention turned to landing the jet safety. It wasn’t hard - Tony Stark had built a jet that practically landed itself, but it was still a good enough excuse to blank out your best friend for the next five minutes. Still, none of that conversation was worth the absolute castigating you were about to receive from Captain America as soon as you were back in New York. He was no fun sometimes. 
With the jet safely on the runway, you parked up at the airport and made your way down to the tarmac where the agents were waiting. All you had to do now was await instructions from headquarters on what to do next. That gave you more empty time with Bucky, who was stood next to you. So, you moved away and leant against the wheels of the plane, pulling out your phone to play Doodle Jump.
The call came through eventually, but it was to Bucky’s radio instead of yours. 
“Right, agents,” he began, though it was more a sigh than anything. “Coulson is currently ten minutes out on another quinjet to lead the mission. Agent (Name) and I have been removed from this operation for the foreseeable future so that we can sit in the jet, man the communications systems and re-take the online seminar about appropriate workplace language.”
“What?!” you exclaimed. “Nice one, Barnes!”
Bucky forced a smile, trying not to crack up in front of the fifteen junior agents stood in front of you. “Why we have to retake it is a mystery to me.”
“Good luck out there, guys,” you huffed. With that, you spun around and stormed back on board the jet. 
Bucky was hot on your heels, closing up the door behind him as he went. He didn’t really know what to say - somehow he’d made you angrier, now - but apolgoising profusely felt like a pretty good place to start. 
“So you’re talking to me now?” he asked, following you through the fuselage. 
“You just did!”
“Fuck off, Bucky!”
“And again!”
“Leave me alone!”
He grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks. “I’m sorry, okay?”
“Sorry doesn’t even begin to cut it,” you huffed.
Taking a seat, you curled your legs up in front of you. You didn’t try and swat (or hit) Bucky when he leant down in front of you, which he took as a good sign. It was time to pull out the big guns. 
“Can I talk for just…maybe five seconds, possibly ten, without you interrupting?”
You nodded.
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I never want to hurt you because you’re the last person in the world I’d ever want to upset but I was put on the spot by what Sam said, and then by what you said, and it freaked me out a little,” he began. “You and I both know that he’s right - but never tell him I said that - and honestly, the silence you’ve given me over the last five days made me realise that more than ever.”
You smiled. “What are you saying, Buck?”
“I love you,” he said. It was plain and simple, completely without hesitation and entirely with conviction. “I’ve known that for a while but I just didn’t want to admit it to myself, but like I said…five days without you made me realise I don’t even want to go five seconds without you.”
“That’s how you apologise,” you gave him a watery grin, poking him in the chest. 
“So what?”
“Anything you want to say to that?”
“Oh, yeah!” you exclaimed. “I love you too.”
Bucky pulled you into a kiss; he held you flush against him, one hand holding the back of your neck, metal one gripping the back of your tac-vest. Despite everything, he was warm and you were certain then that you were never going to let him - if not a little ecstatic that you’d found a new way to shut him up. 
You both jumped back when you heard the doors to the jet go, only to turn around and see Phil Coulson on the phone, a glare on his face.
“What is it with you two and inappropriate work place behaviour?”
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gambleofstars · 8 months
Electrician Reader as Vox’s Assistant (Pt. II)
₍ ⌨ ᶻᶻᶻ gambleofstars is typing ... ₎
↳ ❝ [a/n: i’m on a roll, expect a third part also haha, i kind of love this concept to be honest, not to mention i work an office job too so, pretty relatable to me. also minor content warning for smoking, but it's just casual, really] ¡! ❞
Part I
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⋆♡* In fact, you liked hell, because people were much less judgmental.
⋆♡* In the overworld, your coworkers would judge you for every move. You were polite? You were a suck-up. You were cold? You were rude. You were professional? You were distant. So when you started calculating your every move? You were scheming.
⋆♡* But here? Your scheming qualities were greatly appreciated and utilized.
⋆♡* Your boss would let you stay in the conference room for business holder meetings. He doesn’t want you to know, but Vox definitely observed your reactions during these meetings. Every twitch of your brow and rolling of eyes you thought went unnoticed, were important.
⋆♡* And having a boss who sees your abilities is a sure way of making a loyal employee. Maybe this was also scheming on Vox’s part but hey, who judges who in hell?
⋆♡* If Vox’s honest, the 8am coffee and your faint groan of annoyance at his client was a bit of a highlight of his day, if you will.
⋆♡* He has to listen to either: boring meetings or other vees’ tantrums every day, so your small presence is welcome as a solidarity of someone seeing what he has to deal with.
⋆♡* (Even though his own hissy fits are no less ridiculous and much more dangerous)
⋆♡* You do get bonuses for putting up with them though. Don’t be mistaken, this is a business transaction, after all.
⋆♡* Sometimes though, you wonder who he was on earth? Or if you crossed paths in any way. You get this sentimental feeling at times that you can never explain…
“FUCK!” Vox exclaims as he slumps down on his desk (?) chair after raging about the PR management team messing up their work. Yet again. At this point, his bowtie is all messed up and his button-up is half wrinkled.
He’s still seething, but you can see the anger is slowly sizzling out. Good, you were really not in the mood for playing therapist this evening. You already had a long day of sorting out the PR nightmare that is Valentino’s social media (which was partially the reason for Vox’s current exhaustion).
Usually, you’d listen to Vox yap about 99 problems in his vicinity. Let him let it out and then distract him with an upcoming business opportunity - kinda dealing it like you would with a teenager.
For some reason though, this evening the soft breeze coming through the open windows of the office and purple dust color of the hell’s sky, you felt an olive branch form in your heart.
“Would you like a cigarette?”
It always worked for you. After the stress of sorting out numerous affairs for the Vees (primarily your boss), a cigarette felt like a piece of heaven, really. So, why not? Bonding time with your boss or whatever.
He eyes your outstretched hand that’s holding a pack of Malborry Red (delivered straight from the gluttony ring); he seems almost suspicious, which makes you laugh.
“Don’t worry boss, drugs is Mr. V’s style. This is just tobacco”
“Fuck it”
He grabs the cigarette out of the pack and sighs like a single dad of 50 kids. Before you can laugh at this pathetic little man, you get out your lighter and light the cig up as courtesy, seeing as you’re the one who offered it.
There’s a tense moment when he just looks at you. You don’t know what he’s thinking at times and this is one of them. It bothers you a bit, like you can’t read an open book.
Either way, when he takes the first drag, he slowly goes to lean over the balcony railing with his elbows as you light your own stick. You don’t join him though.
Both of you stay silent in the comfort of an otherwise empty wing. The only noise is from the city down below and the quiet whirring of Vox’s fans to filter out the nicotine-filled smoke.
It’s kind of relaxing, in all honesty.
“Maybe I should just jump off here” he says out loud. The casual tone makes you scoff with amusement as you join him on the balcony as well. You stay close to the door though.
“Please think of the company’s integrity sir” you remind him, taking a drag of your own cigarette “Also, you can’t really die here. There are 75 electricians and technicians on standby at all times.”
Vox groans and puts the screen of his head down onto his forearm, his cigarette hanging off the 50 story building with just his two fingers as a safety measurement.
“Then maybe I’ll go out of commission for a week and ignore everything and everyone for once” he concludes with the same casuality.
“You need to be present at the shareholders meeting tomorrow afternoon or it won’t commence” you explain, honestly a bit delighted in deliberately pissing him off.
“You go do it then”
“No thank you”
Another sigh and a comfortable silence. You’d think Vox fell asleep if his fans weren’t still whirring. Even though feeling pity for the rich is a bit ridiculous, you find yourself approaching him and leaning with your back on the railing.
“Tell you what boss, I think you need to present the angelic security plan by tomorrow at 4:45” you suggest, eyeing his reaction.
He looks up at you a bit confused “Right after the meeting?”
You chuckle a bit mean-spirited “What are they gonna do? Leave?”
He picks up at what you’re putting down and a wicked smile crosses his face “So that means I won’t have any meetings until Friday”
You pick up an ashtray on the coffee table next to you and hold it out for him. But seeing as he doesn’t even notice how his cig is burning away as he plans his Thursday, you pluck it out of his hands to put it out for him.
It’s almost laughable how perplexed he looks, but you resist as you put your own stick out too and place the tray back down.
“Do you need me to plan anything for Thursday sir?”
“Do you think on earth we ever crossed paths?”
Well that was out of the blue “I don’t know sir, never thought about it” that’s a lie, you’ve thought about it every time you left the office with a feeling of deja vu.
“Whatever, who gives a shit” he said, aloof and walked back into his office “You’re more useful as my assistant down here anyway”
Maybe. Not like your life was any less stressful on earth, right? (please, do note the sarcasm).
Still, watching your boss blow up like a bomb every other morning was enough entertainment to make this job amusing.
Not to mention, on earth, this fleeting moment of fondness never crossed your heart. How ironic that you find the most vulnerable part of yourself in the flaming pits of hell filled with sinners alike you.
Maybe that’s why. The fact that you found someone who can keep up the pace with your deliberate chess-piece kind of thinking with no guilt, is a bit of a blessing in disguise.
How a string of your heart happily tugs at his victories.
You won’t let him know that though.
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i'm really liking writing out my office work frustrations in these small drabbles ahaha >:) anyway, my request box is open if you wanna drop by :) <3
signing off, gambi 💋
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An important (and overwinded) announcement regarding this blog below the cut.
Hello everyone! This is Rawkin Ghoul/ Tumblr Ghoul/ Tumblrina/ Soda/ etc etc.
First thing’s first: no, this blog is not an official Ghost social media account.
I started this blog in late 2022 when ghost-official started blowing up (I do not believe this one to be real either, and honestly I won’t believe they have a Tumblr until it is linked on their official website) and thought, “wow, I could make a better Ghost blog than that. One that’s way better organized and actually advertises properly for them, and posts regularly!” So I did.
Originally it was meant as just that, a little joke between some friends, and wasn’t meant to really get farther than that. But then I thought, Ghost does have a lot of fans on Tumblr- a lot of exquisitely talented and devoted fans. Maybe I can kinda “roleplay” it for a while, build almost a bit of a portfolio, and then either offer the blog to management or offer to run it for them officially, for fun, if they were interested.
More time passes and more people followed. I thought “xofficial” as a username was a common enough joke/ gimmick that people would realize it wasn’t for real (and in fact, when I first searched the URL, I found that this username was once in use years ago! Sorry, previous owner), especially after posting that April Fools joke post- this was wrong of me to assume. There are a lot of roleplay/ joke “official” Ghost accounts all over the web but I failed to really properly disclaim that I was one of them.
I of course don’t plan to reach out to Ghost anymore and haven’t for some time, for multiple reasons including Tumblr just not being a good website for advertising. But another one is I got pretty loose on here. Tumblr is so different from Twitter and Insta and all that- you guys (and myself! I go here too) don’t want to have someone sell something to you- but you do love interaction and jokes and solving things together.
I think we can all admit it- when Ghost is dormant, the fans can get bored and even agitated, and can start to have a go at eachother. I’m certainly not guiltless there either. I wouldn’t say I’m notorious or even particularly well known in general but I’ve gotten into drama here and there. I figured the blog would be a fun way not just to distract the community, but really engage with it. The blog passed 5k a month or so ago and I started thinking, we could do something really cool with it. Smaller events like fanart contests and zines. But what if we did more? Organizing pre-ritual meetups. Larger community projects like fan-made music videos. ARG. Maybe even a short video game- there are so many incredibly skilled and hard-working Ghost fans and I wanted to try to bring them together because I think our love for Ghost, for whatever reason we love them, screams so loud and everyone deserves recognition (also a reason I started Fanart Friday as a regular thing).
You guys know I do my best to keep up with your tagging and what you’re saying and everything and I’ve seen the people pointing out the blog isn’t real from the beginning- I didn’t want to address it directly at first because I thought if nothing else people enjoyed the mystery.
But, more lately there’s been more and more people who are agitated, disappointed, and even a little scared to hear that this blog is not official.
I want to offer my very sincere apologies to people who I made feel that way. I should have made it obvious sooner- I know so well that there are a lot of very young Ghost fans especially who wouldn’t necessarily surmise that this isn’t real. I’m really sorry to those of you I disappointed.
I will never ask you for money here, or any personal information, or send asks anonymous or otherwise from here or my main personal blog as “Tumblr Ghoul”. I have had one person ask to message me so I messaged them to allow them to do that. If somebody contacts you claiming to be the person running this blog, they are lying. Please block them. My interactions here I aim to keep as public as possible, hence being increasingly liberal with replies and reblogs as the number of people interacting grew.
My only goal with this blog is to advertise for a band that I love and to entertain/ help the fandom when and where I can. I love and appreciate all the fanart and interest in the character of Tumblr Ghoul but I don’t want anybody to feel obligated to me and I especially don’t want to hurt anybody. I started this blog for fun and that how I want it to remain- fun for everyone.
People pointed out when I didn’t post for some time a few months back and it was because I had lost interest in the blog and was going through a rough time- and then one particularly bad day I got on to check it by chance and just seeing your guy’s tags and comments made me feel so much better. I tell people that I found Ghost when I really needed a friend and they fulfilled that for me, but the past few months you guys have done just the same for me. I am so sorry to have betrayed that and made you feel unsafe and lied to in return.
As of posting I do intend to still run the blog as I have been (with a disclaimer added to the bio regarding the legitimacy of this account)- posting about tours, chapters, merch, etc, as well as Fanart Friday. I 100% understand if anybody doesn’t want to be involved in that, so anybody who has tagged me in something and don’t want it on the blog now, I can open messages and you can let me know. I will probably close them again after a week or so if I get a large flood of unrelated messages.
Please do not message me asking me who I am, who knows about the blog, etc. Gaining popularity was never something I wanted from this so I will stay anonymous, for the time being at the very least. A very small number of people know who is behind the blog and to my knowledge only one of them is even on Tumblr and in the fandom.
Thank you for all the support you’ve shown me, Ghost, and eachother. It can be easy to see the bad parts of a community and roll your eyes electing to keep your distance, but since starting this blog I’ve been reminded what good community is even when it’s frustrating sometimes.
Thank you for reading, I won’t hold it against anybody who wants to separate themselves from this blog at this point, and please don’t let my oversight and general dummyness sour your experience with Ghost or its other fans. Enjoy the rest of this tour and whether it’s with or without me, please keep rawking 🤘 Be good to eachother.
Thank you.
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forever-rogue · 1 year
Hiiii 🐻
What about an Eddie fic where they are at an award show nominated in the same category but they are exs. They ended things because right person wrong time type of deal. His career took off and hers was in the early stages.
And he wins the award and spots her in the crowd
Link for reference
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AN | I changed the prompt just a little but I hope y’all enjoy! 🥰
Warnings | Language
Pairing | Modern!Rockstar!Eddie x Fem!Reader
Word Count | 2.7k
Masterlist | Main, Eddie 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"He's going to be there, you know," the soft tone of her voice caused you to look up from your phone as you caught her eye in the mirror. Your grip around your phone tightened as her expression turned doe-eyed, "Eddie. His band is nominated for a few awards."
You knew that, of course you did. You wouldn't admit that you still closely kept up with what was going on with him. But, despite the fact that you'd broken up almost a year ago, you still cared deeply for him. 
"Oh," you swallowed the thick lump that had welled up in your throat, trying to keep the tears at bay, "well, that's alright. These things will continue to happen and I'll just have to learn to deal with it."
"You'll be okay?" She finished up your hair and settled her gentle hands on your shoulders. She gave you a tender squeeze as you nodded, "if you need anything, you can always text or call me. I'm not your hairdresser but your friend too, and I'm here for you."
"I'll be alright," you promised, heart constricting at the kindness she displayed, "I'll just have to learn how to deal."
"You'll do great, my love," her smile was gentle, "you're solid gold and one day you'll find exactly what you're looking for."
What if you had lost what you had been looking for?
"Thank you."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Eddie was sprawled on the couch in the studio, scrolling endlessly through his social media. A heavy sigh escaped his lips despite his best efforts; he was feeling a type of way he couldn’t quite explain. It wasn’t bored or tired or…anything really, just sort of down. 
“Hey man,” Jeff sat down at the opposite end of the couch causing Eddie to lift his head in question, “I just heard that umm…well, she is going to be there tomorrow night.”
Eddie tried not to let his face light up entirely but it was hard not to perk up at even the smallest mention of you. His heart ached as he pictured your face; it had been so long since he’d even seen you in person. To put it quite frankly, it sucked. 
“Oh?” He tried to keep his voice as nonchalant as possible but even he could hear the curiosity in his voice, “how did you find that out?”
“Seth told me,” ah. Of course their manager would know all about that, “wonder why she’s going. She’s not even a musician, just an actor…maybe she’s someone’s date or something…”
“Date?” and yeah he almost choked on that singular word. The idea of you going on a date made anger bubble in his blood, “you don’t seriously think that she’s dating someone, do you?”
“I dunno man,” Jeff shrugged lightly, “I mean…you were the one that broke up with her. And it’s been almost a year. She's going to date someone else eventually."
"I know!" He snapped, rubbing his tired face with his hands. Jeff recoiled slightly from Eddie's sudden sharpness. He knew that you were still a sore subject for him and he'd hope to negate any bad feelings by warning him that you'd be there. But now he was wondering if he'd made a mistake - maybe Eddie wouldn't even have noticed you.
"I'm sorry, Ed. You'll be alright," he offered him a tight lipped smile, "and it'll be over before we know it."
"Yeah," he replied dismissively, raking a hand through his messy curls, "let's fucking hope so."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You look amazing."
You studied yourself intently in the mirror, staring at the dark pink dress that you were currently sporting. Your mind had immediately drifted to wondering if Eddie would have liked your dress. He always enjoyed the fact that you were so opposite of him. Sunshine and rain, he'd always said, balancing each other out.
So much for that. But you tried not to dwell on the past. You'd already given into the fact that you would ever be completely over him. A part of your heart would always belong to him.
"Thanks," you smiled but it didn't quite reach your eyes. You were nervous going to the awards show tonight, even if you were just going to accompany one of your friends. 
Your stylist touched up your hair and set your makeup before letting you go. After you slipped on your heels and waited for your ride, you couldn't help but go on to IG and scroll through photos of the red carpet to see who had already arrived. 
Everything was fine until you reached a post that caused your heart to almost stop. There was Eddie, looking as gorgeous as ever, standing on the red carpet with the rest of his band members. You'd be lying if you said you weren't relieved to see that he didn't have a date.
Not that it mattered. Of course not. It was all peaches and he could do whatever he wanted. Even if it would break your heart a little further.
"Your chariot has arrived ," you looked up when you saw Angelica walk through the door. You let out a sigh of relief when you saw her standing there, looking as amazing as you hoped you did too, "ready to go?"
"Yup," you grabbed your bag and walked over to her but you could tell that something was on her mind, "what's wrong?"
"I…Gareth texted me a little while ago. They're already all there," she gave your shoulder as a squeeze. You appreciated all the concern but it really wasn't helping. It would have been preferable to just have everyone ignore the blatant obviousness that Eddie would be there.
"It's fine," you insisted softly, "really. I'd rather just not worry about it at all. It is what it is; he broke up with me and that's it."
"Seriously," you took her hand and squeezed it gently, "let's just go and have fun."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
One of the many wonderful things about Eddie was that he didn’t really care what anyone thought of him. Even as a world famous rockstar, he couldn’t really be bothered to worry about that. So he didn’t worry about the way he looked around the crowd, blatantly obvious as he scanned the sea of people for you. Unabashed and unashamed as ever. 
Just when he’d almost given up, he found you. Clear across the room, looking stunning as ever and sitting among your friends. He knew them all and he knew that you wouldn’t be anyone’s date, not like that anyway, and that served to put him at ease. A silly, dopey little smile tugged up the corner of his mouth. 
But then he remembered - you weren’t his. Not anymore and more than likely never again. 
“You gonna keep staring all night?” Eddie’s cheeks pinked as he turned his gaze away and back to Jeff, “you couldn’t be anymore obvious!”
“Shut up,” Eddie hissed as he shifted in his seat so he couldn’t look at you as easily, “it was just one look.”
“Mhmm,” he raised an eyebrow and pulled up his phone, showing Eddie a few articles that had already popped up. All about the two of you - speculation that this meant that the two of you were back together or fans attempting to manifest it, “you’re only going to make it worse.”
Eddie folded his arms across his chest and shrugged, “it’ll be fine. Let’s just hope this night goes fast.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A few hours had passed, in relative ease and peace, and you were relieved to know that it was almost over. Then you could go home, have a hot bath with a glass of wine, and get some much needed sleep. 
But then the award that Eddie’s band was nominated for was announced. You listened to the announcer rattle off the nominees, heart beating wildly in your chest as you hoped that he didn’t win. It was so incredibly selfish, you knew that much, but it was just all too much at once. 
Corroded Coffin won, which didn’t really didn’t come as a surprise to you or anyone else. It was a well deserved and hard fought win, and you knew it should have been them. You clapped along with everyone around you, watching the stage closely as the guys walked on, with Eddie coming up last. Suddenly it seemed like he was the only one in the room and you couldn’t take your eyes off him. He looked good, but worst of all he still looked just like Eddie. 
He hung back as the rest of the band all spoke, but you could see him scanning the crowd. When it was finally his turn, he laughed nervously before looking out into the audience and somehow managing to find you. His eyes looked with yours as a small gasp escaped your lips. You knew that he was aware that he was staring right at you. A smile spread on his face, easy and soft just like the one he’d blessed you with so many times. Despite everything that had happened you couldn’t help but smile back at him. 
It didn’t matter what he was saying, you were only vaguely away of it, the moment was all that mattered. People scattered throughout the audience seemed to catch onto what was happening; you could hear them tittering about and looking at you and back at Eddie. It made your face warm up but none of that mattered. The moment belonged solely to you and Eddie. 
Unfortunately it was over much too soon for your liking and the boys were herded off stage. You turned your attention back to the table and you could feel the silent questions being thrown your way. Ignoring them all you grabbed your glasses and chugged down the rest of the champagne. 
What a series of unfortunate, or perhaps fortunate, events.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
After it was all said and done and you were ready to head home, insisting on taking a cab so and skipping the afterparty, much to Angelica’s dismay, you made your way out of the building, heels in hand. It was quiet here and allowed you a few moments to breathe and absorb all that happened. 
Then you heard your name being called out. Urgently and loudly, in a voice you’d heard so many times before. You had two options - keep walking and pretend you hadn’t heard or didn’t care, or face him. You knew which one you wanted, long before the opportunity had even presented itself. 
You turned around and found Eddie running towards you, his curls bouncing wildly. He didn’t stop until he was right in front of you, attempting to catch his breath. 
“Eddie?” your voice was small, so soft he almost didn’t hear it. You opened and closed your mouth a few times, trying to ignore the butterflies in your stomach, “what are you doing here?”
“You,” he said softly as your expression turned doe-eyed; that look always made him look weak in the knees, “miss you - had to see you.”
“You missed me?” he nodded, taking a last gasping breath before straightening up and looked at you.Your brain felt like it was turning to much as you tried to process everything taht was going, “what do you mean?”
“I fucked up,” he shrugged and threw up his arms in exasperation. He was so mad at himself for ever letting you go, “I fucked up and I lost and I just…I really fucking miss you.”
“Eddie, you’re the one that broke up with me,” you blinked back tears as he ran a hand through his messy curls, “but now you miss me?”
“I should never have broken up with you,” he shook his head, a bitter laugh escaping those plush lips you so desperately missed kissing, “biggest mistake ever.”
“Then why did you?”
“I…I thought I was doing the right thing,” he explained, “I thought I was going enough for you and with things really taking off with the band, it felt like I didn’t have enough time for you and didn’t treat you the way you deserve to be treated. It seemed like the right thing at the time. I figured that maybe you would fine someone that deserves you but honestly, I really hate the fucking idea of anyone else having you.”
“Oh. Oh,” the realization crashed over you like ice cold waves, “well, I admit the idea behind breaking up with me was admirable, but deciding how I felt wasn’t exactly your choice. I never thought you weren’t good enough or didn’t give me enough of you. Eddie, I was so in love with you, nothing else mattered. We could have figured things out together - we always have. I never wanted anyone else, and no one even crossed my mind. Even now, almost a year later.”
“Really?” he choked on his question, feeling his own eyes start to burn with tears.
“Yeah,” you promised him, reaching over to give his arm a gentle squeeze, “it’s getting late. I should head home.”
“Ba - wait-”
“It was good to see you,” and you meant it. It was good to see him, and hear him out, and maybe it would serve as a bit of closure. You tried to walk away, but he held onto your hand and gently kept you from walking away, “Eddie?”
“Wait, just,” he stammered as he tried to format even a coherent sentence, “I-I love you. I’m still in love with you, I never stopped. Fuck, I don’t ever want anyone else. No one, just you.”
“Give me another chance,” those words made your mouth drop open as you blinked at him a few times, “please. I’ll do anything, just…don’t walk away. I don’t deserve another chance, and I’m an asshole, I know that. But please…one chance is all I’m asking for. I don’t think that this is the end of our story, I think that we’re-”
You caught him by surprise, cutting off his rambling by taking his face in your hands and pressing your lips to his. It was the first time you’d kissed him in so long, but it still felt so right, so magically wonderful. His large, warm hands settled on your waist as he pulled you into him and continued to kiss you deeply. 
Neither of you were willing to break apart until you were both left dizzied and breathless. He pressed his forehead to yours, a smile dancing on his lips as you exchanged soft chuckles. 
“You’re an idiot, Eddie Munson,” you whispered before pressing a kiss to his lips, “but you’re my idiot. And I think you’re right…”
“I’ve never thought about anyone else but you either,” that made his entire face light up with happiness, “and I think you and I have a very long story ahead of us.”
“Yes,” you promised, “you’re it for me, rockstar. You always have been and will be.”
“Baby,” he let out a slow breath, feeling like he was able to properly breathe for the first time in a long time. He took your face and peppering it in kisses, causing you to giggle at the ticklish sensation, “let me take you on a date. Let’s go right now.”
“It’s almost one in the morning-” 
“And our favorite diner is open 24/7,” and yeah. You were in love with this fool, “and I don’t know about you but I’m starving. The little bits of fancy food they served were definitely not enough. Whaddaya say?”
“Let’s go,” you moved to slip your heels back on but Eddie stopped. He kneeled down and motioned for you to get on his back; you laughed but did so nonetheless, climbing onto his back as he held onto your heels. You pressed a kiss to his shoulder before closing your eyes and inhaling his familiar scent, “I love you, Eddie.”
“I love you too, baby. So fuckin’ much.”
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ripleyresonance · 11 months
Some Things Never Change
Hello, lovely Moshers. I have Mami brain rot so I figured I would put these thoughts out in the world. I hope you enjoy it.
Rhea x Fem reader!
“7…8..9…and 10” Rhea grunted setting the weights down. 
“That was…great.” You mumbled behind the camera. 
“Hey, thanks for coming along today princess. I don’t really do the whole “social media” thing so it helps that you’re here.” 
“WWE really wants me to post and…blah blah” is what it started to sound like to you as you watched Rhea wipe her sweat with her towel. 
It was insane how even the slightest movement made her look like a Greek goddess. You had always had a crush on her but she had only gotten more gorgeous over time. 
Rhea was your older sister's friend. You were only one grade apart so you basically grew up together. She always was kind to you. All you had to do was say please and she would spend her allowance on you as quickly as she got it. She even beat the shit out of one of the boys in your grade after they pushed you on the playground once.
High school was a different story though. Over the summer you turned sixteen everything changed. Your braces were off and you learned how to dress you had a newfound confidence. And you were determined to use it to be with Rhea. But no matter how much you flirted she would just say “Very cute princess”. 
She was always interested in wrestling. Your sister, Iris, and Rhea would try out moves they saw on the last episode of RAW and Smackdown on each other so it was no surprise when she started taking wrestling more seriously. She started coming around your house less and less until she was gone. She didn't even say goodbye, no note or anything. Iris said she dropped her off with her parents at the airport and she left. 
You were so happy she finally got everything she wanted, but you had to admit it stung a little that that did not include you. 
You finally became content watching her shine from a distance until your sister called you out of the blue. 
“You have to come by the gym tomorrow I have a new client for you to shoot some social media content for.” 
And while you got ready throwing on your most average gym set and no makeup you were applauded when that client was your very own Rhea bloody  Ripley. 
“Is my work life that boring to you… Princess.” She winked at you. 
You grit your teeth at the nickname not knowing whether to blush or slap her. 
“Can you just go throw some heavy things around so I can quench the thirst of your fans?” You said, sounding more annoyed than you meant. Rhea noticed, giving you a soft smile. 
“Hey I know we did not leave off on the best terms but I still-” Rhea said rubbing the back of her neck before your sister approached interjecting.
“You’re almost done muscles, I got to pick up the kid from school.” She said distracted by her phone. 
“...I’ve only done one circuit of my workout, Ris. I got four more to go.” Rhea told Iris. 
They both stared at each other until Iris busted out laughing.
“You're a freak, Ripley.” 
She threw a set of keys at you barely managing to catch them.“Close up after ‘Mami’ is done with her workout.” Iris laughed at the nickname making Rhea flip her off as Iris headed for the door. 
You ran after her grabbing her arm. 
“Hey, you never said it would just be me and her.” You said kind of nervously. 
“Awww still have that schoolgirl crush on her?” Iris said too loudly making you sush her. 
“I do not! She chose her life after all and I wasn't part of it.” You said lowly. 
Iris frowned a bit “This is a good chance for you to talk to her then. Maybe let go of the past?” She said smiling at you before her phone rang. 
“Shit okay im late make sure to lock the back door too!” she said running to the door. Before you could stop her again she was gone and then it was just you…and Rhea. 
You sighed turning back around as Rhea looked like she was moving to the free weights. 
“Thank god she's gone now, it's only the cool kids.” Rhea joked with a smile, obviously trying to lighten the mood. 
You gave a polite smile in reply but kept it professional. “I'm going to record your back while you lift it seems like your fans like that the most.” You said grabbing your phone. 
“Uh yeah sure,” Rhea said slightly defeated. 
You recorded a few more clips of Rhea working out. It was hard to be mad at her when she looked this good working out. You needed to get out of there and take the coldest shower of your life. 
“All the footage looks good so you can pack up and I'll lock up behind you.” You said grabbing your bag and walking past Rhea. 
“Princess wait–” Rhea said grabbing your bag and getting your attention. 
“You know you could drop the nickname, we are not five anymore,” You snapped coldly. 
“Listen I know you're mad at me,” Rhea started.
“Mad? No, I passed mad a long time ago I'm furious Demi.” 
“Uh oh, the legal name.” she nervously laughed as you dropped your bag. 
“Cut the shit, do you want to talk or are you just going to keep trying to joke to make me forget you left without a word?”  You questioned, walking closer to her.
“Listen it was more complicated than that,” Rhea said gritting her teeth. 
“Complicated? No taxes are complicated saying goodbye to me was easy and yet Iris was the one who came home to tell me you were gone. I know I wasn't your best friend but I thought you thought of me better than that.” you said a tear rolling down your cheek
“Of course not I-” Rhea said 
“You what!? What was such a good excuse that you would move continents without even saying a word-”. 
“BECAUSE I LOVED YOU OKAY?” Rhea shouted stepping closer to you. 
You froze knowing she could not have possibly just said those words out loud. 
“I loved you okay…and it hurt too much to say goodbye…” Rhea said gently cupping your face and wiping your tears. 
“You….you loved me.” You were barely able to say above a whisper.
“I never stopped..” Rhea whispered back tilting your chin upward as she moved so her lips grazed yours. 
You gasped before your lips collided. It was soft and sweet. It's like she was apologizing over and over every fiber of her being went into your kiss. You moved your hands to her neck deepening your kiss trying to find any way to ground yourself. You have had dreams like this before and if this was one too you didn't want to wake up. 
The longer the kiss went on it felt like all the words unspoken between you both came spilling out in one rush. The kiss got needier and sloppier until you felt Rhea back you into a workout bench causing you to lay your back against it. 
Rhea leaned over you her lips traveling to your neck making you let out an embarrassing whimper. 
“God, do you know how long I have wanted you?” Rhea questioned her eyes fluttering to meet yours.
“God you were always flirting with me, batting your pretty eyelashes up at me like I was the only thing you wanted,” Rhea grunted moving her knee in between your legs and causing you to gasp. 
“And Ris noticed too. She said she would kill me if I ever even thought about taking you out on a date. So I pushed it down, dated other women.” Rhea said moving her hands underneath your shirt. 
“But I could never get you off my mind princess.” 
She whispered pinching your nipple. You moaned at her touch. Her callous hands massaging your breast her thumb grazing over your nipple over and over. Between that and her knee rubbing against you it was embarrassing the sounds you were letting out. 
“I never left your mind huh?” You caught your breath to ask. 
Rhea stopped looking up at you. 
“Then show me what you were thinking of all this time.” 
Rhea smirked immediately getting on her knees in front of the bench. 
You sat up going to protest until she grabbed your hips pulling you to the edge her mouth dangerously close to your heat.
“Anything for you…princess.” 
You opened your mouth to protest the nickname but a moan came out as you felt Rhea spread your legs exposing your core in your pink leggings. 
“Fuck I barely even touched you and you're soaked. Did seeing me flex turn you that much?.” Rhea mocked, using her thumb to rub over your clit. 
You hissed at the feeling.
“I can be mad at you and still think you are the most stunning woman I have ever seen.” 
Rhea laughed in appreciation at the comment. 
“So sassy even when you need something from me,” Rhea said pressing into your clit harder. 
You whined obviously wanting her to eat you out but she wouldn't fold so easily. 
“Good girls use their words, don't they?” Rhea raised an eyebrow looking up at you. 
“I--fuck you know what I want.” You bit your lip looking down at her. 
“Oh right, you're mad at me you probably want me to just stop rubbing right here–” 
You jumped a little as she pushed her thumb harder against the growing wet spot. 
“Fuck please eat me out, Rhea.” you moaned earning a hum from Rhea as she slowly pulled your leggings down. She made sure to kiss every inch of your thighs leaving light bites in some spots. 
You thought you would go crazy if you didn't get some friction and fast. As you opened your mouth to complain you finally felt her tongue on you. 
It was embarrassing the sounds that started escaping you but at this point, you didn't care. Mad or not at her she knew just the ways to move her tongue to make you forget all of that. 
She started off slow, moving her tongue in a light figure eight right on your clit. The warm sensation only built in your stomach as she started circling one finger around your hole. 
“Think you can take my fingers, sweetheart? “ She managed to mumble between your legs. You excitedly nodded as she slowly pushed one finger into her entrance your hands immediately flying to her hair. 
It was like she knew every spot by the way she curled her fingers up and flicked over your clit so well with her mouth. That warm feeling inside you was getting stronger and stronger. 
“Fuck me harder.” You blurted out catching Rhea by surprise. 
“Harder?” she questioned seeing you nod quickly before laughing. 
“Your wish is my command.” Rhea smiled before thrusting her fingers inside you so deliciously hard. 
Your eyes started to roll back and your legs began to shake. Just as you were slowly rushing to your peak Rhea made you dive as she began sucking on your clit, making you grip her hair and moan in ecstasy as you road out your high. 
Rhea put down your legs letting you rest for a moment while you tried to catch your breath. 
She smiled down at you softly helping you stand. 
“I know somewhere we could go to cool down.” You whispered in her ear.
The warm droplets of water bouncing off the tile echoed through the shower although that light and delicate sound was drowned out by the moans and wet sounds coming from the two of you. 
The sight was truly something sinful as Rhea stood under the water. Her hair glistened as the droplets ran down her toned abs hitting your face. 
You were on your knees with one of Rhea's legs over your shoulder eating her out like your life depended on it. 
Her raspy moans were honestly enough to get you off again but if that didn't it was her words. 
“Fuck you look so pretty on your knees for me princess.” Rhea moaned grabbing your hair in a tight fist.
Your eyes rolled back from that motion as she fucked her face on your tongue. 
“That's it, good girl, let mami fuck that pretty mouth.” She grunted as you hummed against her clit. This must have been the motion that set her off as she bucked her hips three times harder and harder and let out the most gorgeous sound you had ever heard.
You swallowed every drop of cum you could get as Rhea grabbed your neck to pull you up gently to kiss her. 
You both panted with your foreheads resting against each other as you both looked for the right words to say. 
“I meant every word I said,” Rhea whispered. 
“And I am so sorry I never said goodbye no matter how painful it was to me.” Rhea looked into your eyes searching for your emotion.
“Hmmm, I don’t know if I believe you.” You whispered back seeing the hurt in Rhea's eyes. 
“Buttttt” You quickly added. 
“I may have a few ways…and positions you can make it up to me in” You smiled kissing her cheek and turning away from her.
You gasped as she quickly smacked your ass as you walked away. 
“I could do this all day princess.” 
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faustandfurious · 4 months
My issue isn’t with adults who like Disney as much as with the way Disney and similar fandoms (ATLA, Harry Potter, Pokemon, Super Mario) are being marketed on social media as “acceptable” nerdy/childish interests for a millennial adult to have, in a way that borrows from actual fandom but still manages to feel incredibly stale and inauthentic. Maybe part of it is the way nerd identity is built around pieces of media that are so mainstream you’d be hard pressed to find people in the Anglosphere with no knowledge of them, or maybe it’s the nostalgia-washing of consumption-as-a-hobby, or maybe I’m just old and grumpy enough to think that “let people have fun”, while being a statement I broadly agree with, has, in some contexts, become a sort of cosy blanket of mindless capitalism to wrap yourself up in as an alternative to participating in society on the mundane, boring, frustrating grassroot level where it’s possible to effect actual change if you just have the patience. And maybe I’m tired of performative political statements about marginalised group representation in blockbuster movies, or social media activism with the sole goal of spreading some vaguely defined “awareness”. And I don’t think the internet has to be the great evil it’s often painted as by certain members of older generations who grew up without it, but I do think there is a real risk, with an increasingly ad and algorithm driven internet experience, on top of the real issues with AI and misinformation, that we end up amusing ourselves to death at the expense of our democracies, ecosystems, and local communities.
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