#maybe they just get lots of cravings but they can still eat normal food
robintherobiner · 1 year
guys what if the reason Tim isn’t aging is because he’s a vampire? we don’t know what happened during his splenectomy! if anyones gonna have access to vampires, its gonna Ra’s al Ghul, lets be honest.
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allgoodnamesrgoneee · 3 months
Hey! Can you do a Kylian imagine with a heavily pregnant reader who is having a hard time with her pregnancy. Just lots of fluff & supportive Kylian please
Baby Blues
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𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — Your husband loves taking care of you, especially now that you're pregnant
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — Husband!Kylian Mbappé x Wife!you
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 3.5k
Warnings! Fluff, soft Kylian, tough pregnancy, eating problems, insecurities, sad reader, Kylian being the best husband ever.
Pregnancy was a scam.
A total scam. There were so many things that were a surprise to you once you actually were pregnant, but one of the biggest surprises to me was just how hard it was on your body. It wasn't like you didn't think it would be hard. But this was hell.
Kylian and you had been trying for a year, and when you finally got the positive pregnancy test, you thought everything would be okay. You thought it would be a normal pregnancy and then you'd be able to hold your little baby in your arms.
But it was just too hard.
The morning sickness had been terrible. It didn't just stay in the mornings, and you'd been puking so much that you'd lost weight instead of gaining it. Something which which had your doctors and Kylian worried.
It'd gotten to the point where you couldn't even eat any more. The smell of food would make you sick. It made you sick just to think about it. You'd tried to hide it from Kylian at first. You didn't want to worry him, and you knew he was already worrying.
He'd always worried about you. He'd worried about you since the moment he met you, and he was going to continue to worry about you for the rest of his life.
It was sweet. It really was.
But sometimes, you just wished he'd stop worrying. Worrying so much was making him tired, and you knew he was going to be a father soon. He needed to get some sleep. So did you. You sighed and sat up in bed, looking around the dark room. The sun had barely risen. You could hear Kylian's snores coming from the other side of the bed. It made you smile.
You threw off the covers and stood up, heading to the bathroom. You weren't sure what time it was, but you were hoping it was close to breakfast time. Your stomach growled at the thought of food. You hoped that you could keep something down today.
Maybe some toast.
You opened the bathroom door and stepped inside, flipping on the light. The bathroom was large, and the shower was huge. There were multiple heads, so you could be pummeled with water from all angles. It was heavenly, sometimes being to keep your morning sickness at bay. The pressure feeling so good on your skin.
You flipped on the light and looked in the mirror. The girl looking back at you looked terrible. She was pale and thin and tired. You could the insecurities licking up your spine. How could he still love you when you looked like this.
You sighed and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water flow down your body. You moaned at the pressure of the jets your skin, and your eyes closed. You tried to ignore the thoughts racing through your head, but you just couldn't.
Why was he still with you? You were nothing like the girl he met. You were thin and tired and just plain ugly.
You tried to shake the thoughts away as you washed yourself off. When you were done, you stepped out and wrapped yourself in a towel. You brushed your teeth, making sure your breath smelled good and not like puke.
When you were done, you left the bathroom and headed to the bedroom. You pulled out a pair of shorts and Kylian's sweatshirt. You slipped them on and walked back to the kitchen.
You stopped in your tracks when you saw what was set up in the kitchen. There were flowers all over the table, and breakfast was made. Kylian was sitting at the table, sipping a cup of coffee. He looked up when he saw you.
When did he wake up? Why hadn't you heard him? And why did he look better than you did.
"Hey," he smiled at you. "I thought I'd make you breakfast. I didn't know what you were craving, so I made pancakes and eggs." He stood up and pulled out a chair for you. "I hope it's okay."
tears welled up in your waterline at his gesture. Fuck thses hormones. But you couldn't help it. Not when he was such a good husband, so good to you. He deserved better. He deserved the girl he fell in love with.
"It's perfect," your voice was shaky, so you masked it with a smile. "Thank you, babe."
He walked over to you, pulling you into a hug, his warmth melting you. "I'm glad you like it," he kissed the top of your head. "I missed you so much yesterday. I'm sorry I wasn't here for dinner." He pulled back and studied your face. "Are you okay? You were in the bathroom pretty long. Got me worried, pretty girl." Pretty girl. Yeah right. More like fat whale. You wanted to cry.
You nodded, letting him pull you down into a chair. "I'm good," you lied, forcing a smile. "I was just so tired last night. I didn't want to wake you up."
He nodded and kissed the top of your head again. He went back to the kitchen and brought you a plate of pancakes and eggs, along with a cup of tea. You smiled up at him and dug in. It was good. Really good.
He was a good cook. But you didn't want to eat much. You were terrified of getting sick in front of him. He'd been so stressed lately, and you didn't want him to worry more about you.
You took a few bites and then put the fork down, pushing your plate away. "Thank you," you said. "It was really good."
His eyes narrowed, studying your face. You knew you were lying. But you were good at it. Or at least, you thought you were.
He leaned over and grabbed your hands into his. He made sure he was eye level with you, his eyes searching yours. You met them and held his gaze. "Tell me the truth," he said.
"I don't want to eat," you said, your voice low. You hated lying to him. You always felt terrible after doing it. But he didn't need to know about how bad it was. He was stressed enough.
His face softened, and his hands squeezed yours. "Pretty girl, why won't you tell me?" His voice was soft and sweet. He really was such a good husband.
You shrugged your shoulders. You couldn't look at him. If you did, you knew you'd cry. "I just don't want to eat," you mumbled.
He sighed and leaned forward, grabbing your face into his hands. He made sure you looked at him before speaking. "You are my wife," he said, voice low and husky. "My wife, the mother of my child, and my best friend. I love you, and I'm so proud of you. But I can't be there for you if you don't tell me the truth. I need to know what's going on with you. I need to take care of you."
You wanted to cry at his words, at his softness. How could he love you so much when you were such a mess?
"I don't want to worry you," you said, your voice breaking. "You're already so stressed."
His eyes softened, and he pulled you into his arms. You went willingly, letting his warmth melt you. His arms were your happy place, and you knew you'd always be safe with him. He kissed the top of your head and held you close, stroking your hair. You breathed in his scent. It made you feel at peace.
"I love you," he whispered, his voice low. "I love you so much. You don't have to worry about me. I need to take care of you."
You sighed and nodded against him. "I'm sorry," you said. "I just can't eat right now. The smell of food makes me sick. I haven't eaten in days."
He held you closer, his arms tightening around you. He kissed the top of your head again and sighed. "I'm going to call a doctor," he said. "We'll figure this out, okay?"
You nodded against him and smiled. "Okay."
He pulled away and stood up, helping you stand. "Let's go back to bed," he said. "I'll call the doctor from there."
You nodded, letting him lead you back to the bedroom. You climbed into bed and watched him pick up the phone. He dialed a number and pressed send, holding the phone to his ear. You could hear the ringing of the other line.
He looked at you as he talked, his eyes soft. You could see the worry in them, but it only made you love him more. He was always so worried about you. You wanted to make it better, to make him not worry.
He hung up the phone and tossed it onto the bed. He sat next to you and took your hand into his. "I called the doctor," he said. "He said to bring you in to see him. I'm going to call his office now and tomorrow we're going, okay?."
You nodded and squeezed his hand. "I love you," you said, your voice low. He squeezed your hand back and leaned forward to kiss your lips. His lips were warm and gentle against yours. You sighed into his mouth and let him take control.
He kissed you deeper, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You moaned as he pulled away. You wanted more. But he just smiled and stood up, his phone in hand.
"I love you," he said. "I'll be right back."
You nodded and snuggled under the covers, closing your eyes. You knew you weren't going to fall asleep. Not with all the thoughts swirling through your head. You sighed and turned over, trying to clear your mind. You couldn't. Not when you kept thinking about how he'd said he was so proud of you.
It made you want to cry. He loved you. He truly, truly loved you. He was proud of you. You felt like you were anything but strong. But he still loved you. He still thought you were strong. That made you smile.
You sighed and rolled over, closing your eyes. You let your thoughts run away with you as you drifted off to sleep.
You woke up to Kylian shaking your shoulder. He had a smile on his face and looked so happy. You smiled up at him and sat up (with great difficulty), rubbing your eyes. "hi, beautiful," he said. "Get up the masseuse will be here soon."
You blinked up at him. What was he talking about? Who was the masseuse? He chuckled and ran a hand through your hair. "I thought it would be nice to have a spa day at home," he said. "I got you some scented oils and candles, and I hired a massage therapist. I thought it would help you relax." He smiled at you, his eyes soft. "Plus, I thought it would be nice to spend the day together. We can talk more about everything that's going on."
You wanted to cry at his words, at his sweetness. He was such a good husband, and you loved him so much. He always wanted to take care of you, and he wanted to be there for you.
"Okay," you whispered, voice raspy with sleep. He grabbed your hand and squeezed it. His eyes softened, and he kissed your lips. "Come on, babe," he said. "Let's get ready."
He stood and pulled you up with him. You wobbled on your feet, and he chuckled, his hands going to your hips. "Easy," he said. "I've got you." He held you close until you could stand on your own. Then, he let you go, only to grab your hand again. He led you out of the room, to the living room. You stopped in your tracks when you saw what was set up.
He had candles lit all around the room, and the scents of lavender filled your nose. There were towels and oils set up on a table, and the windows were open so there was a nice breeze. It was warm but not too hot.
"This is amazing," you said, smiling at him. He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "I'm glad you like it," he said. "I wanted it to be perfect for you." He ran his hand down your back. "Now sit here and don't move." He instructed, as he helped you sit on the couch. A task that was now getting more and more difficult for you as your pregnancy moved along.
You nodded and sat down, watching him leave. You could hear him talking to someone on the phone, Then a few minutes later you heard the front door open.
"Hey," you heard him say. "Thanks for coming. She's on the couch. You can go ahead and set up."
You heard the front door shut, and then footsteps coming closer. You turned your head to see a woman coming towards you with him. She was gorgeous, with long brown hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a black top with what you guesse was her spa logo and black pants.
You hated the way your mind immediately went to wondering how you measured up to her. You felt like a fat whale, and she looked perfect. Kylian wouldn't be attracted to her, would he?
You sighed and forced your mind away from those thoughts. They were not healthy.
"Hey," Kylian said, walking over to you. "This is Ashley. She's the massage therapist I was telling you about."
You mustered a smile and smiled at her , trying to push aside your insecurities. Ashley returned the smile warmly, introducing herself and offering a handshake. Despite your initial self-doubt, you couldn't deny the genuine kindness in her eyes.
It made you feel horrible for the negative thoughts you had about her. You felt like a horrible person.
Ashley began setting up her equipment, chatting lightly with Kylian. You felt a pang at the smile he gave her. You knew you were being ridiculous. Kylian smiled at everyone. But in that moment you couldn't help but wonder if he wished he had a woman who was more like her.
"Y/N, baby are you okay? You spaced out." You blinked, bringing yourself back to the present. Kylian's voice was filled with concern, his eyes searching your face. You nodded quickly, trying to shake off the lingering doubts. "Yeah, I'm okay. Just a bit tired," you mumbled, offering a small smile.
He returned your smile, though the worry in his eyes didn't dissipate. He leaned down and kissed your forehead, his lips warm and comforting. "Just relax, pretty girl. Ashley is here to help you feel better."
You took a deep breath and nodded again. Ashley finished setting up and approached you with a kind smile. "We're going to start with a gentle massage, okay? If anything feels uncomfortable, just let me know."
You appreciated her calm demeanor and found yourself relaxing slightly. You lay down on the soft towels she had prepared, and Ashley began her work. The scents of lavender and chamomile filled the air, mingling with the gentle pressure of her hands on your aching muscles.
For the first time in a while, you felt a semblance of peace. Kylian sat nearby, watching over you with a protective gaze. You loved this side of him. Loved when he watched over you like he would do anything to keep you safe. He would.
You knew a long time ago you had picked the right man to be the father of your children. But everyday he makes you a little prouder of that decision. You couldn't wait to meet your baby. To watch him interact with her.
You had already gotten glipmses of their bond. How she would kick at the sound of his voice. How he would talk to your belly, whispering sweet promises and silly jokes. You knew he would be an amazing father, just as he was an incredible husband.
As Ashley continued the massage, you felt some of the tension in your body ease away. The soothing touch and the warm oils worked their magic, and for a moment, you allowed yourself to simply be. To exist in the present, without the weight of worries and fears pressing down on you.
Kylian sat close, every now and then, he would reach out to gently stroke your hair or squeeze your hand, silently reassuring you that he was there, that he had you.
"You're doing great, Y/N," Ashley said softly, her voice blending seamlessly with the calming ambiance of the room. "Just breathe and let yourself relax."
You followed her instructions, taking slow, deep breaths. With each exhale, you felt more of the stress melt away. The soft music playing in the background, the fragrant candles, and the tender care of both Kylian and Ashley created a bubble of tranquility that you hadn't felt in a long time.
Time seemed to slow down as the massage continued. You could almost forget the relentless nausea, the fatigue. You could even feel yourself getting a little hungry.
When the massage finally ended, you felt a profound sense of relief. Ashley helped you sit up slowly, her hands gentle and supportive. "How do you feel?" she asked with a warm smile.
"Better," you admitted, surprised at how true the word felt. "Thank you, Ashley. This was exactly what I needed."
"I'm glad I could help," she replied. "Remember to take it easy and stay hydrated. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to reach out." She patted your shoulder one more time before getting up.
As Ashley packed up her things and left, Kylian was by your side in an instant, helping you stand and guiding you back to the couch. He wrapped an arm around you, pulling you close. "Do you feel better now, baby?" he asked softly, his eyes full of concern.
You nodded, resting your head against his chest. "Yes, much better," you whispered, feeling a sense of calm you hadn't experienced in weeks. "Thank you for this. It was perfect."
He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "You deserve it, Y/N. I just want to see you happy and healthy. And I know it's hard right now, but we're going to get through this together. Okay?"
You looked up at him, tears welling up in your eyes again, but this time, they were tears of gratitude and love. "Okay," you said, your voice trembling with emotion. "I love you, Kylian. So much."
"I love you too," he replied, holding you even tighter. "Now, are you hungry?"
You hesitated for a moment, unsure if you could handle eating. But the massage had genuinely helped, and you felt a glimmer of appetite returning. "A little," you admitted.
Kylian's face lit up with a hopeful smile. "Great! How about a cheese sandwhich? Nice and simple, just the way you like it."
You nodded, feeling a bit more confident. "Sounds good."
He kissed your forehead and stood up, heading to the kitchen. You watched him move with a grace that seemed effortless, and it warmed your heart. The man you loved was doing everything he could to make this easier for you, and you couldn't help but feel a surge of gratitude.
As you waited, you let yourself relax further into the couch, savoring the lingering sense of tranquility from the massage. The lavender scent still hung in the air, and you breathed it in deeply, feeling more at peace than you had in days.
Kylian returned shortly with the cheese sandwhich and a small cup of tea. He set it down on the coffee table in front of you and handed you a piece of the sandwhich. "Here you go, trésor."
You took the bread and nibbled on it cautiously. To your relief, the plain taste of cheese and bread was gentle on your stomach, and you managed a few more bites without feeling nauseous. Kylian watched you with a mixture of hope and concern, his eyes never leaving your face.
"This is good," you said softly, giving him a small smile. "Thank you."
He smiled back, the relief evident in his eyes. "I'm glad. You need to eat, even if it's just a little bit at a time."
You finished the toast and sipped on the tea, feeling a little more like yourself. The warmth of the tea spread through your body, soothing you from the inside out. You leaned back against the couch, feeling content in this small moment of normalcy.
Kylian sat down beside you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders and pulling you close. You snuggled into his side, feeling his steady heartbeat against your cheek. It was a simple comfort, but it meant the world to you.
"Thank you for everything," you whispered, your voice barely audible.
He kissed the top of your head and held you tighter. "You don't have to thank me, Y/N. I'm just doing what I promised. To love you and take care of you, no matter what."
You closed your eyes, letting his words wash over you. Despite the challenges, despite the sickness and the doubts, you knew you were in this together. And in that moment, wrapped in his embrace, you felt peace beyond comprihension.
The road ahead might be tough, but with Kylian by your side, you knew you could face anything.
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doki-doki-imagines · 5 months
hello! I am the person who requested that reader with a cat who likes the boys a lot if u remember that request.
may I request (if ur not uncomfortable with it) some period comfort with an afab!reader (they/them pls) just taking care and helping reader with their period? if it's not too much can u also include reader sleeping a lot and craving lots of food (typical ik) and how reader just gets mad rlly easily.
characters: bi-han, syzoth, shang tsung, kenshi, raiden and liu kang
thank u and have a good day :) (smiling through the pain)
author note: I'm super late, but I suppose it's better than never. Hope you'll like these! Link to the cat post
Kenshi Takahashi: -He…He can smell when you are on your period. -Actually Kenshi can even tell when it is coming so he is always ready with food when it finally comes. -He tries to keep your pelvis warm and treat you softly since your body gets sore way more easily. -Kenshi goes a bit insane when you're ovulating, so now he is more calm and soft. -He'll try to make your mean comments slide, but it is hard for him, so it's better not to exaggerate, or Kenshi will snap back.
Raiden: -Really sweet and understand your needs. -But Raiden won't be a sticky boyfriend. He has work to do and won't take a day off. -When he finally understands how this period works for you, he will be prepared for the next one. -Your fave food? Check. Warm beverages? Check. Cover and 3 different kinds of movies to match your current mood? Check. -When Raiden gets home tho he is all for you. He likes to put you in his arms and draw circles on your hand, waiting for you to fall asleep on his chest. -Mean words are nothing to him. A king of taking the hit and making it slide off him.
Liu Kang: -"You bastard! Couldn't you erase menstruation while creating this world?" You whine into his arms, cramps making you curl in his body.
"Would you rather lay eggs, dear one?" Liu Kang replies, with a smile on his face, forefinger lifting your chin up to make you look into his brilliant eyes.
"You are just a meanie." You snap back, pushing his face away from yours, making a laughter blossom in his throat. -He tries not to make you eat too much junk food, but he'll back off when you look at him with fury in your eyes. -His body is better than any cover.
Bi-Han: -I'm sorry, but he would be pretty cold. -He was raised in a way that even if you were dying, you should take care of yourself without the help of anybody, so at max, he'll send your way a doctor. -Bi-Han has to work A LOT on being a normal human. He really doesn't know how to work around normal feelings that are outside his field of work. -And the future grandmaster lessons he has been given as a kid never focused on helping his partner out. It is already much that he decided who to be with. -Bi-Han probably knows very little about how menstruation works, mostly because they taught him not to care about other people and just think about how to be the perfect Lin Kuei's leader. -First work on making him act as a decent human, then Bi-Han will even make you a special tea to make your cramps less painful. -And if you look particularly pitiful he may snuck junk food too…
Syzoth: -The first time he saw you losing blood, he panicked because "Why are you losing blood?!?!" -After you explain how things work, Syzoth will let out a breath of relief. -Surprisingly, he understands pretty well that losing blood is a pain, so he doesn't mind following your order like a butler. -Syzoth is gonna snuggle under the covers with you, btw. -Not used to you being mean tho, even if he understands you aren't fine, he still takes those words personally.
Shang Tsung: -Actually, he'd make a potion to make your cramps fade. -But he doesn't do anything for nothing…are you ready to try his next experiments? Maybe the potion isn't as safe as he says. -Shang Tsung satisfies your cravings, but don't nag too much, or he'll get annoyed. -Also, don't be mean, or he will snap back, then you'll start to cry, and actually Shang Tsung has a weakness: your tears. Then he'll have to try to make you stop, but sadly, another mean word slips…it's an endless cycle that makes him think just "Hope this will end soon."
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the-s1lly-corner · 3 months
Pocky game w/ various HH characters part 3/3
Chat do you prefer brownies or cookies.. also side note i randomly chose a gif and i didnt see the whole thing so imagine my shock when the gif turned into cute pocky game to two girls grinding up on each other like WHAT!! anyways new gif
Characters: carmilla, cherri bomb, vox
Notes: reader is gn, bonus hc of what flavors i think they would like!
CWs: none
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i can see her being an almond crush or even a matcha fan! maybe even cookies n creme... hmm... though i think the last one is because of her colors
not much of a sweet tooth other than the occasional craving, but she will do a round of the game with you if you ask and if she doesnt have anything to do
not much of a tease but she does think youre a little cute for getting so into it or getting shy
doesnt rush in but she doesnt not participate, meets you in the middle at an appropriate pace... soft gentle quick kiss
i dont really headcanon her doing quick short affection a lot of the time, usually shows her affection in the relationship through quality time and stuff but this is still nice i think
well shit there isnt any cherry flavors as far as i can see on the site, BUT i do see her being a fan of the crunchy ones: almond crush and crunchy strawberry, she likes the texture over the original or the normal strawberry
well aware of the game and shes got a sweet tooth, will go all in when playing the game with you
devours the stick before you have the chance to get too far
might even bite your lips a little, but in a playful way
she might go a little overboard with teasing you, youre going to have to let her know if shes going a little too far
i like to think that food just phases through his screen and thats how he eats! its a little... weird... and kissing him can be a little uncomfortable and/or unconventional thanks to his flat face
probably shocks you a bit when your lips meet, or at least your lips to his screen
its hard to tell if he shocked you on purpose or not
shit eating grin through the entire thing, hes definitely on some trip especially if youre a little shy about the exchange
knows about the game as well through keeping track of trends
a fan of the original but i can see him keeping up with the newest flavors to keep in tune with his constant keep to keep up with upgrades and new products and what not
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nethhiri · 4 months
Siren Charms: Chapter 8
Zoro x Siren!Reader
Warnings: mentions of violence and blood
The Straw Hats were a lot more welcoming than you expected them to be, more welcoming than you deserved from them. The only one who maintained a distance was Zoro. It was plain to see he still didn't trust you. He hesitated about giving your sword back, eyeing it with some curiosity, as he did so. He seemed to realize you didn't need a sword to hurt anyone. Your body was the weapon. 
All the human contact was a bit overwhelming for you, more so since you were so hungry. You often set yourself apart, sitting on the figurehead or the roof of the crow's nest. You were a nocturnal creature, so it was easy for you to climb into one of the trees on the ship and fall asleep on a limb during the daytime hours. A few times you might have been so deeply asleep and weak in general that you fell out of the tree. You didn't even wake up one of those times and it was a miracle you didn't fall into Zoro's lap since he often slept in the shade of the trees.
You found yourself in the kitchen, quite shamefully. Sanji greeted you with his normal enthusiasm and astutely noticed your demeanor. "What's wrong, mademoiselle?" 
"Remember the other day, when you yelled at Luffy for stealing food?"
"I do."
"It... was me." Your craving was so intense you broke the lock on the fridge and ate a few steaks raw from the fridge. "I'm sorry." You felt bad that Luffy got whopped on the head for your thievery. 
Sanji lamented, "Am I not feeding you well enough? Is my cooking subpar?!" He dramatically put his head on the counter. "I apologize for starving you so!" He was impressed that you basically ripped the fridge door off the hinges trying to get in. Nothing Franky couldn't fix. 
"No, no. That's not it. Your cooking is great." You didn't know how to explain. "I need...more. More than food." You actually didn't need to eat food at all, but you could still enjoy the flavors. "I need blood...from people." 
"Oh like for your devil fruit?" Sanji nodded. "Don't you worry about it. I got you covered." 
You didn't correct him. They seemed to be under the impression you had some kind of vampiristic devil fruit power. There wasn't a reason to correct them in your eyes. They could create their own justifications in their head for why you were this way. No one had outright asked you, so it didn't matter that much anyway.
That evening you during dinner, one of the only times you were with everyone together, Sanji delivered a cup of viscous red liquid. You grabbed his wrist as he pulled it back from setting the cup down. There were bandages around his hand. In a flash, you tore the bandages with a nail to reveal a thin red line. "You didn't have to do that." You pressed the flat of your tongue against his palm and let his hand go. "There." The cut on his hand was a healed pink line. 
Chopper was fascinated. "How did you do that?!" He made a mental note to examine the properties of your saliva later.
"Just can." You shrugged. While Sanji was saying something about never washing that hand again, you tried exercising self-control in drinking the blood he provided for you. That failed almost immediately when you chugged it and then stuck your tongue as far down the sides as you could to lick the sides clean. 
Luffy was ecstatic that Nami and Usopp immediately relinquished their plates out of queasiness. 
"Maybe let's not have blood at the table," Nami said, almost apologetically. 
You shrank, feeling like you were in trouble. "Sorry." You wiped your mouth on the back of your hand and excused yourself. 
It was difficult assimilating. You had odd habits and odder tastes. At least now you had some human blood in you. You could already feel a pump from the energy. All you needed was a jumpstart. With that little bit you could grow your wings and locate other food sources. You would have been able to sooner had Luffy not banned you from feeding on the crew. You sat atop the crow's nest, eyes scanning the horizon. The wind tossed the scent of humans close by at your nose. 
You waited until everyone had gone to bed, pulling your mask over your face. Franky had taken it while you were hurt and inspected it, fascinated by the foreign technology. It was an oxygen concentrator. Helpful for when you were at high altitude or deep sea, where the element was somewhat scarce. It also helped give you a performance boost in normal circumstances. 
It felt so good and so freeing after a week of being human-bound for your wings to sprout from your back, erupting from your skin in a black flourish. As soon as the feathers settled into position, you launched yourself to the sky, a few flaps of your wings sending you gliding under the stars. The promise of a good meal had you rocketing towards the smell of humans. For you, a distance of a few miles was well within your hunting range. Your internal compass was impeccable and there was no worry in your mind that you wouldn't find your way back. Plus your green snack had such a hold over you, that you felt like his scent could bring you back from twice as far. In fact, the entire time you fed, you pretended it was him you were draining, for the brief feeling of satisfaction. 
Without a sound, several hours later, your feet touched the deck. A pair of gray eyes watched you, narrowing, wondering where you had gone. 
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virgoitgirl-blog · 2 months
How i managed to cut out sugar for four months now, as someone who has a sweet tooth:
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- im not a professional, this is what worked for me, helped me control my cravings. so it might not work for everyone.
- to be fair and honest, I would (some)times let myself have a taste of something that contained sugar but it didn’t happen often.
- I’m talking about (added) sugars.
- I consume fruits, honey, dates, natural sweeteners in general, artificially sweetened foods and drinks.
so let me start from the beginning, it was very hard at first…like VERY. And by first I mean the first 2 weeks. I used to crave sugar so badly especially when it’s right in front of me but I couldn’t have any. but it wasn’t right to cut it out completely from the start. it had to be reduced gradually and in moderation because if you suddenly stop having sugar you might lose control one day causing you to binge on it in one sitting. so what I used to do is: note before I start: I cut out sugary beverages completely even at the beginning…sugary drinks were a big no for me not even in moderation. Because a “drink” having too much sugar doesn’t feel right to me. 1. Start small by decreasing your portions, say I was invited somewhere and they served cake, normally I’d have the whole piece but I only ate half of it…that’s how I started. now I can say no to sweets without feeling like I’m forcing myself. (which wasn’t easy at all) you will reach a level where you won’t be tempted by sugar anymore, but it’s going to take much time and effort. note: if the cake was sugar free I’d have the whole piece lol. so start by decreasing your portions from time to time. Tip: say and think “I don’t eat sugar” instead of “im trying not to eat sugar anymore”, when you hear yourself say that it creates a sense of responsibility for your actions. 2. Find a substitute, when you’re trying to break any habit you should find a replacement to satisfy your cravings. At first my substitute used to be artificially sweetened foods, i consumed A LOT of them—artificially sweetened candy, chocolate, ice cream, etc. but i told myself that it’s okay because I’m trying to cut out sugar, I had to consume something that gave the same feeling and satisfaction till I stop craving it. I still consume artificially sweetened foods btw. I eat more fruits now and I even started to crave them whenever I needed something sweet, so artificial sweeteners and fruits were my substitutes for the cravings. Tip: find sugar-free recipes for whatever you crave and prepare them by yourself. You’ll feel good preparing something healthy and tasty for yourself. —a few weeks back: I was really craving a hot chocolate but where could I find a sugar free one? I searched and found a recipe, it was so good I felt so proud to make an actually good hot chocolate without adding sugar to it. 3. Don’t hide the sugary stuff from yourself, especially when you’re just starting because you need to see it to build discipline and ACTUALLY control yourself. It hurts I know but this is what helped me become capable of saying no to sweets I love when I’m offered some. Which leads me to my next point… 4. “Can’t I have a little bite?” You can if you really want to, it’s better not to but if it’s your favorite dessert, an occasional dessert, etc. you can let your self have a little. I do this rarely though I prefer not to. important to note: I only do this when I KNOW I can control myself and stick to just a small bite. maybe some would ask what about the progress? actually your progress will still go pretty well. a little of your favorite dessert won’t and can’t ruin months of progress. just to clarify: why “having little”? Because im not trying to consume too much sugar and risk triggering my body to crave sugar again, after all the effort I’ve put in. 5. Once you get used to it, sugary stuff will actually make you feel sick or disgusted when you consume them. You’ll feel like it’s too much because your body got used to not having sugar. 6. Have nutritious meals, especially for breakfast. A healthy balanced breakfast that will keep you satisfied can help reduce your cravings throughout the day. Pay attention to what makes you full and satisfied in the morning. 7. Some extra benefits that I noticed: - cutting out sugar helped me noticeably lose weight. - my skin looks better it used to be so dull. - my energy levels are better.
before I end this, I want to say that it wasn’t easy at all and I worked so hard on myself to stop craving added sugars, yes it will occupy your thinking at first but it will get easier I promise.
I didn’t know if I could do it at first but I did it, and I’m sure you can too if you’re planning to.🤍
that's the end, hope you find this useful.
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richeeduvie · 5 months
Maybe a bit triggering on ED ⚠️
No because I just thought of Baby using her charm on Roman so he can enjoy a treat.
We know Roman engulfs the food Baby makes but I feel like he still struggles with cravings like idk he wants a bagel or something and can’t fully enjoy it like a normal person because of his issues and probably gets a lot of guilt after eating it and pokes his stomach thinking he’s gross
But imagine Baby just feeding whatever food she knows he had been craving for months just so he can enjoy it, she’s sitting on his lap putting the pastie on his mouth and only like that Roman can allow to enjoy a “cheat food”
He's picking at a bagel. It's plain. You know he's been wanting one with cream cheese on it, but Roman can barely handle the idea of putting that in his body. Fully.
You watch him not want to enjoy food, because to him...and sometimes to you, with old habits dying hard, enjoying food and meals and the act of eating seems disgusting. But it can't be like that, not when you like to see Roman healthy, lost in the way he can enjoy the taste of something.
"Roman, you've murdered the fucking thing."
He glares at you before indulging you, low and guilty eyes. He shoves a large, broken piece into his mouth while he chews too quickly and loudly.
He doesn’t like that you can perceive him eating.
“I can feel the calories cascading down my glands. Fucking disgusting.”
“It’s just a bagel.”
“It’s yeast blown up to be fatty. Again, gross.”
Roman throws another piece of bagel into his mouth, so quick like he’s trying to make you miss it the way he bites.
You take another piece and do the only thing you know what to do.
You take a bite, eyes staring into him.
“Does it taste good?”
Roman’s almost hunched over the table.
“…it tastes fine.”
“You’ve been asking me to make you a toasted bagel-“
“Well you didn’t make one. It’s bakery bought and what I get is mediocre, circular bread and five pounds.”
You sigh. You get home you get Roman’s guilt along his face as he fiddles with a broken bagel piece.
He makes a twisted face with a squeak when you sit on his lap, taking the bagel(s) from him.
Roman shifts, trying so his stomach doesn’t press in your back. But his hand comes on your waist, chin over your shoulder.
“Open wide.”
“…Fuck you.”
But Roman does, and he lets you feed him. He eats away with your fingers pressing against his lips. He chews like he wants to eat.
“I’ll make you something tonight, okay?”
“Fine, whatever.”
And he opens wide without you asking, but he’s asking. You smile, too happy at how he enjoys himself.
You’ll do this forever if it means you can have moments like these.
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sonicasura · 1 year
Biological Complications of a Half Troll
I just realized that Jim might've bitten way more than he could chew with becoming a half troll. Especially when you consider how shoddy the bath bomb Merlin made was. Like Jim can't even walk in sunlight without getting burned by the sun despite his human half. So biological angst ahoy!
Let's start with his age. He's around 16 so he still has a bit of growing to do as a human. Now here comes the troll side of the issue. 16 years old is literally still a baby for the species since they age more slower than humans.
Jim is now half of both. Would his growing rate remain the same or get fucked up from the troll side? Jim can potentially grow like a bloody bamboo as you can't forget how big trolls can get. Also his species is unidentified so yikes.
Like imagine turning seventeen throws you an extra three ft. Also it doesn't happen normally since the magical bath bomb is shoddy as fuck. Jim just walking under a door one day only to suddenly grow a few feet and put a hole through the roof with his horns.
Next is the appetite. You know Jim might need more food since he's now half troll. Experimenting with what the young man can eat is probably quite common. I won't be surprised if Jim craves a lot of raw meat as trolls do feed on animals. Possums, cats, HUMANS, etc. Imagine Jim just going feral and tries to eat whatever he can get his hands on from hunger. Fucking yikes.
I can't forget the dysphoria he must have either. Jim was shorter than his mother as human and is now a foot taller than her. No one could handle such a change so easily. Jim probably bumped his head or got himself stuck somewhere cause he unconsciously thinks he's still human size.
Next is features. I won't be surprised if Jim might get more than just stone skin and horns. A lot of people headcanon that he might have a tail under his armor since the Eclipse Armor covers his whole body.
Imagine what else might be hidden or he could potentially have as he ages because his troll half is still unknown. Motherfucker can possibly get extra limbs such as arms maybe even wings. Imagine poor Jim waking up to find out his extra eyes and wings.
Or am I being just a sadist?
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captain-mj · 2 years
Heya, I love your writing! It’s the good shit.
Talking about good shit, you have dragged me into price x graves hell. It’s cozy here, so I‘m not complaining, but your recent angst headcanons for them made me crave more.
If you have the time/motivation for it, would you be up for expanding on those? It can take any form, really. More headcanons or maybe a short drabble about an instance where Price couldn’t trust Graves' word, but it came out he was being truthful (or anything about any of the previous headcanons rly (the food as apology hit different ngl), I just need angst rn).
Hope you have an amazing day! :D
The food apology has not left my brain, so here you go! Included a couple of my headcanons here
Graves was staring a hole into him. "So you don't trust me?"
"Look, it's not that."
"No. It is that. It's good fucking intel, Price. Makarov will be there tomorrow. I have a few people who work there and..." Graves trailed off, just staring at him. He looked hurt and Price didn't get why.
"Graves. You can't tell me who the source is and... you know what happened in Mexico. I can't tell my team this intel on your word alone." Price was tired of this conversation. It felt like they had some version of it every week. He waited for Graves to do what he normally does, get angry. Maybe raise his voice a little before just giving up because he knew Price wouldn't budge.
Not this time. Graves quietly pulled on his coat, not looking at Price this time. Price frowned and went to touch his shoulder but Graves pulled back.
"I get it. I understand I... I messed up in Mexico. Really badly. Did things I'm not proud of. But you said you forgave me." He looked up at him. "If it really was just your team you're worried about, I'd accept it. But this isn't about your team. You just... don't trust me at all. You don't trust me with anything." Graves didn't look angry. "I'm going to head out for a bit. Want to grab some stuff for tonight."
Price sighed. "I'm sorry."
Graves looked up at him before shrugging and leaving.
Price went to his office as normal. They were all on base, plus Alex which was nice. He was American so a lot of them used him as a translator for Graves because asking that man to explain himself usually just made them more confused. Graves had laughed when he found out, saying he was glad someone spoke both their languages.
Price shouldn't have brought up Mexico. He sighed, watching Soap and Ghost continued their conversation about the map and best plans of execution. The map they were talking about was where Makarov had been seen lately. It made zero sense on its own, just a confusing set of points that looked painfully random.
Graves came in and paused. Most of his team had gravitated towards his office so there was quite a few people in his way.
"Ghost." Graves handed him a bowl. "Hand that to Price. Your stupid British stores are annoying, had to travel across your entire goddamn country." Ghost did as told, setting the food in front of Price.
Ghost looked up. "How the fuck did you make gumbo here?"
"How the fuck do you know what gumbo is?"
"I was stuck in Texas a while, don't want to talk about it, do you have more? Is it good? I'll pay?"
Soap hit him lightly, trying not to laugh.
Price was still stuck on what gumbo was.
"Well, I had to make a few substitutions and the base kitchen was missing some things, but you make do. There's plenty if you guys want some."
Alex and Ghost were gone.
Price frowned. "Why did you bring me food? You usually just wait for me to not be busy."
Graves blushed the smallest bit. "Look, it just got done cooking so eat it or don't." He crossed his arms.
Price quickly tried a bite, not wanting to be on Graves's bad side anymore than he already was. It was spicier than he was expecting, but good. Really good.
Gaz stole the spoon from his hand to try it. He got up. "I'll be right back."
Soap looked at Graves. "Ya didn't poison it did you?"
"I wouldn't waste the food on you guys. Would've just made fucking beans on toast." Graves glared at him. Soap nodded and noticing he was alone with them, quickly left.
"I hope you like it." Graves looked shy, not looking at him anymore. "Felt kinda homesick. Knew some of your crew had experience with the South and thought it would be nice."
Price got up and pulled him over, kissing him softly. He felt Graves stiffen before melting. They wrapped their arms around each other and stayed still for a minute. Price squeezed him before hearing his phone buzz. He pulled away to check it and saw that Makarov had been seen. Exactly where Graves said he would.
Graves looked at his phone and he could feel him biting his tongue to not say 'I told you so'.
"I'm sorry..."
"It's okay." Graves didn't have any inflection in his voice. "Do you guys have time?"
"We'll attempt. Do you want to come?"
Graves looked excited. "Yes. I'd love to come."
Price squeezed him a little tighter. Neither knew how to apologize. It seemed to work just fine for today.
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kindestegg · 1 year
Platinum Bones Week - 03/04 - Day 4: Feast
Day 4!! WHAT!! And that means we are so close to WAD too!! This one is WAY sillier, still with my teen/future King and Collector in mind.
Premise for this one is King is very hungry after going out hiking with Colly and they decide to hit up the local fast food joint. Shenanigans ensue.
King's paws scraped the earth underneath them, giving way as he slid down the hill and jumped off at its foot, ready to take the road back.
He puffed, quite tired, paws on his knees. At least, the water still dripping off his fur helped him cool off.
Collector was not too far behind.
"That was fun!" They exclaimed as they landed next to King, grabbing each of their pigtails and wringing them dry. "I'm glad Luz was right, and that trail did lead to a waterfall with normal water."
"Yeah, but now I'm tireeeed." King whined. His stomach grumbled, and he put a paw over it. "And hungry."
"You want me to carry you? Again?" Collector put their hands on their hips and raised an eyebrow.
King shook his head. "Nah. I do still want to get food, though."
"Okay, just say the word!" Collector began swirling his finger in the air, sparkles stirring around it, ready to conjure up anything.
"I was actually craving some Beast Killer's. Their burn-gers are the best around and we haven't had some in a while." King told him.
"Aw, okay." Collector removed their finger from the air, wagging it to dissipate the magic. "You wanna go to the Bonesborough place? That went pretty well last time."
King giggled. "Yeah, if you can call that well."
"Hey, it worked, didn't it?" Collector was already playing with some fake snails he had made appeared, throwing them and shuffling them around their hands.
"So what are we paying with this time? Snails? Tears? Screams?" They grinned devilishly at him.
King laughed. "Maybe this time we don't scare the staff half to death just to steal some fast food?"
"Boo. I know you had fun." Collector crossed their arms and pouted. "Besides, they don't even need the money, they're a megacorp, they're super wealthy!"
"I know, but scaring the poor overworked employees doesn't really add anything to that. We can steal ethically." King raised a claw.
Collector laughed. "You're such a weirdo. But okay, hmmm... how about we kidnap the employees later and give them lots of money for it afterwards? Then their bosses won't even get a cut and can't get mad at them!"
King laughed even louder. "What?! And I'm the weirdo?!"
"What! It's a good plan! I'm being nice I'm compromising!" Collector protested.
King tried to calm himself and finish laughing. "Fine, fine. That does sound kind of fun."
They walked some more until they reached the town, and looked for the restaurant.
Finally, they walked into the busy fast food joint, swinging open the doors and nearly knocking over the cardboard cutout of the restaurant's mascot, a grinning grey skinned demon dressed in leather garb and giving a thumbs up while holding up a skewer with a stabbed boar on its end.
"Hello, everyone! Good afternoon!" Collector announced, already holding up a star spinning around his fingers.
The entire restaurant turned to look at them, staff and costumers alike, trembling in place, not daring to move a muscle.
"Huh. They're already pretty antsy." King whispered to Collector.
"U-uhm, hello! Would you l-like a table?" A waiter finally showed up in front of them.
"How kind of you! Yes, please." Collector nodded happily.
They were walked to a pretty comfortable looking one, close to the window and with cushioned seats by the wall.
"And what would you like to e-eat?" The waiter asked.
King had glanced at the menu briefly, but already knew what he wanted: "The full roaring killer pack combo, please. Oh, and fairy acid, big bucket sized."
"Woah! That's a pretty big order, King." Collector commented raising an eyebrow.
"Hey, I told you I was hungry, dude." He side eyed them, then patted his belly. "I'm a growing titan, I need my nutrients."
"Alright, alright." Collector smiled and then turned to the waiter, holding the glowing star close to his face: "My friend here is pretty hungry, so please consider prioritizing his order."
"A-alright." The waiter gulped, backing away from the star that was held too close for comfort.
He turned to Collector: "Anything for you?"
"Hmmm. I don't need to eat but..." He took a look at the menu. "Could I get the swirling blood meteor shower ice cream dessert? It's so pretty!"
"You're not gonna pocket that to just freeze it and look at it forever like last time, right?" King asked him.
"Nah, I actually wanna eat this time. Wanna know what it tastes like. Consume it so the prettiness stays in me forever." Collector assured him.
"Is that why you're always trying to bite me?" King mumbled.
"What?" Collector asked.
"What?" King repeated.
"Anyway." Collector turned back to the waiter. "You don't have to rush mine, so worry about King's first, please."
"A-alright, right away!" The waiter nodded and soon rushed to tell the kitchen.
"And now we wait." Collector stretched their arms over the table and drummed on it a bit. "Hope yours doesn't take too long, big guy."
"Eh, it's fine." King wagged his tail at the term. "I don't think they're gonna dare take too long."
"Oh no, I should've told them to take care with your order..." Collector covered their mouth. "Then it won't be perfect!"
"Collector, it's a fast food joint. It's not supposed to be perfect, just good to fill your belly." King leaned back on the seat, arms tucked back.
"Hmm, alright, if you say so." Collector leaned back too.
A pause, King drummed his claws on the table making a clacking sound.
"Man, I smell like wet titan." Collector commented after a while.
"Oh, you smell like wet titan?" King repeated, huffing playfully.
"Yes, me." Collector responded. "You jumped right on top of me like five times! I remember your big titan butt pushing me down to the bottom."
"You were fiiiine. Besides, you were giggling the whole time!" King pointed out.
Collector broke out a small grin. "Never said I didn't like it. But I do smell like wet titan."
"And so do I. Or maybe I smell like wet collector." King smiled back.
"Okay, h-here's your roaring killer pack combo, and the fairy acid, sir." The waiter returned, barely being able to hold everything, relying on magic to keep the rest in the air.
"Ohhh." Collector clapped. "Look, King! It's all for you!"
King didn't respond, instead licking his fangs as an embarrassingly loud growl escaped his stomach and soon his own throat was making the noise, eyeing the food ferociously.
The waiter let out a shriek of fear seeing the huge titan react like that, and set the plates down and ran off.
Without much delay, King dug in, growling happily as he pushed it into his maw, taking pauses to delicately drink from the straw of his beverage.
Collector simply stared happily, getting splattered by some of the sauce flying in the titan's attack.
"Thith ith weally good!" King munched on a bone fragment, then stretched out a beast leg at him. "You want some?"
Collector shook his head, still smiling warmly. "Nah, I got my own order coming up."
"Suit yourfelff." King shrugged as he continued to chow down.
Collector watched for a bit longer, and eventually his order came to the table as well, the waiter as usual rather nervously setting it down.
"Ooooh! So pretty!" Collector had stars in his eyes, jumping up and down in his seat. "Almost looks too good to eat!"
"Collector." King scolded him. "You said you'd eat it."
"I am! Just admiring it, sheesh." Collector rolled his eyes and grabbed the spoon.
"Hey, wait." Collector called before the waiter left. "Could you get us the latest promotional toys, please? I want the Slobbering Dragon."
"Oh!" King stopped and wiped his mouth. "Can I get the Vampire Moth? I don't have that one yet."
"Ah, those only come with the kids meal promotion, sirs." The waiter tried to inform.
"Oh!" Collector grinned and snapped his fingers, summoning the star projectile again at his hand. "I think you misunderstood! We just want the toys, please."
"No, no, I understand! I'll get you those!" The waiter waved his hand in the air and then summoned the two toys as asked, and set them down on the table as well.
"Aw! He's so sleepy and drooly..." Collector grabbed his toy and squeezed it, the rubbery plastic dragon bulging the bubble that came out of its mouth at the pressure.
"Hey, Colly, check this out." King paused to try out his toy as well, putting his claws on top of the plastic moth and pressing.
The motion revealed pointy plastic fangs that erupted under its maw, while its eyes lit up red. "Raaaaagh!" It cried.
"Oh my stars, I love it!" Collector fawned over it too. "I'll have to get it next time."
"Can't you just make any you want, though?" King asked.
"Yeah, but it's not the same! I like getting these to collect properly." Collector explained, and finally popped a spoonful of ice cream into his mouth.
"I swear that toy shelf you have just keeps getting bigger." King shook his head and smiled, going back to finish his meal.
"Collector magic, baby! You should expect that." Collector grinned while digging around to catch more star sprinkles in his spoon.
After getting another spoonful in, he added: "Next time you come over, check out some of my duplicates. I could let you have some!"
"Hmm, do you have any plush ones?" King scratched his chin.
"Yeah, I got a few." Collector licked the spoon.
They fell silent again, until they finished their meals.
The Beast Killer's employees woke up, remembering having only been at their shift while that terrifying star child that had once ripped up the Isles and the last living titan were at the restaurant.
They soon realized they had all been tied up and dropped at the back alley behind the establishment, struggling to get up and look around.
Soon, their kidnappers revealed themselves, stepping out of the shadows.
Oh... great. So those two finished eating.
"Hey, everyone! Great job!" Collector declared happily. "We were very satisfied with your service!"
"Uh, sorry about this, we'll let you go in a minute." King lifted up a paw in the air awkwardly.
"To thank you, and make sure your pesky bosses don't take your cut, we've decided to give you some prize money ourselves!" Collector continued, and winked. "That way, you got kidnapped, and whatever happened is not your fault."
They snapped their fingers and a mountain of snails rained on the staff, making them cry out in surprise and try to duck from the impact.
"Uhm, Colly, maybe it'd be better if they were in bags? Y'know, easier to carry?" King tugged on their coat.
"Ah. Good point." Collector snapped their fingers again, and the snails disappeared and then reappeared in small purple bags with stars on them, each in front of an employee.
"Well, you're free to go everyone! Bye, bye!" They clapped their hands, and the ropes binding the staff disappeared.
Immediately, they scrambled for their bags and ran off.
"Heh, what nice young witches." Collector put their hands on their hips, smiling and rolling their eyes.
"Well, are you heading home now?" King asked.
"Hm, yeah, probably. Need a lift to your place too?" Collector smiled and summoned their star board, now bigger to accommodate their larger teen selves.
"OK, but go slow, or that roaring beast will come back to haunt you." King told him.
They looked at each other and both laughed, then got on the star and started on their way home.
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Words: 4030
Summary: Steve Harrington has always dreamt about running away from Hawkins and his parents. Ever sense he could form his own thoughts, he has always wanted to travel the world in a beat up van with those he loved. Yet obvious circumstances stop him from leaving. Instead of being on a beach somewhere he is stuck in Hawkins, Indiana waiting for the world to end at any time. He loves all of his friends, but he has been missing a piece of himself for a long time. After taking the first steps of self discovery and putting down the crown, he realizes that he’s barely touched the surface of who Steve Harrington really is. Even if it means running away from home last minute, taking chances and using the flimsy excuse of a family emergency to get away from his friends for a while, he’s willing to do what it takes to make himself feel whole again. Make those thoughts finally disappear and maybe be more then what others has set his image to be.
Part : 1/?
Ao3 link
Note: I have the next few chapters planned out, but I don’t think this will be a terribly long fic. Five chapters is most likely max. But who knows I might like writing this so much that I add a few more. I just didn’t want to rush the process and not have Steve returning to Hawkins different hit the way I wanted it 😭
Steve runs a hand through his hair, water droplets falling down his forehead and down his nose. Watching each one move down his freckles through the reflection of the mirror. It wasn't uncommon for Steve to sleep in, honestly it was very common for him to sleep until nine am at the latest. Lately though, his body has been craving for a lot more sleep then what he can offer it. Flapping his hands a bit, spraying water around the small little bathroom of the diner moves himself out of the cramped space. Giving a tight smile to a older male that pushes his way through before he's heading back to his table. Moving, wiping his hands off his pants a little, fidgeting a bit before he plops himself into his designated spot next to Robin. Who was currently rambling about something, hands flying in the air as she leaned forward at the table in a chaotic manner. Matching Eddie, who was nearly standing on the opposite side of the booth from excitement. Steve isn't sure what part of the conversation he catches them in as his brain goes foggy again. The splash of cold water not grounding him into reality like normal. The feeling was annoying, and instead of catching either of his friends attentions he moves to start eating his food. Zoned out a bit as he planned out his day in a way that he could get a nap in. Maybe he was coming down with something?
For the last couple of months? Yeah no fucking way dude. There was something wrong with him and he wasn't sure what. Though he was physically good in health, maybe cutting back the amount of time going to gym was making him feel so ill. But that also didn't make any sense, he still felt the same icky feeling going to the gym, one of the reasons why he stopped going more then twice a week. He's chewing carefully on a strawberry when Robin playfully shoved him with a soft smile. Not showing concern, but looking curiously at him. Steve furrows his eyebrows as he swallows the fruit in his mouth. Letting a soft hum out, "Hm?" Licking his lips shortly after as he turns his head to glance over at Eddie who's properly kneeling on the booth seat, head cocked to the side a little bit. Trying to read him almost.
"Do you want the rest of my pancakes?" She asks gently. A common ritual between the two friends. Her eyes would be bigger then her stomach which left Steve swooping in and finishing what was left. He needed the calories anyway, constantly burning a decent amount on his morning jogs and in the gym. Though with the cut back of exercise he wasn't feeling all that hungry. That was the excuse he came up with as he shakes his head no, carefully licking some whip cream off from the top of his mouth.
"Nah, I'm find Robs." He responds with a hum. Watching the way she stops mid movement, holding the plate in her hand as if she was already on her way in moving it to put on Steve's. He chuckles gently, raising his eyebrow at how awkward she looks. Startled as well as she jokingly moves a hand forward and touches Steve's forward with the back of her palm.
"You feeling okay Dingus?" She asks softly. Not holding the plate for much longer as Eddie moves quickly scooping it from her hand. She doesn't bother looking over at the table, where Eddie was currently shoveling the food in as if he hadn't eaten a hamburger, a full plate of fries, and a strawberry milkshake with chocolate syrup mixed in a little bit. Steve had thought once the other wasn't on the run any more he would stop shoveling food into his face so fast that he nearly hit some of his fingers off. That, did not seem to be the case.
"Yeah, just started cutting back on how much I go to the gym." He admits, "so I'm not as hungry." He says softly. Watching Robin relax, the softness in her eyes grounding him better then the water in the bathroom. Her eyes crinkling a bit as she playfully pokes him lightly in the stomach.
"See, I told you so. Lady's dig the dad bods dude." She teases playfully. Causing Steve to laugh gently, shaking his head amused as Eddie starts to choke on a piece of fruit. Coughing a bit as he pulls back from hovering over the plate, any closer and his nose would have been touching the glass.
The day goes the same, for the most part. Steve drives to his shift at Family Video, sharing it with Robin like normal. Watches the neighborhood kids come in and leave after inspecting the shelf that held a , "new movies" sign above it with a life sized cut out of David Hasselhoff leaning against kit the talking car. It was a couple of years old, but it worked fine with getting the younger boys excited about the car. More desirable then having to move a life sized cut out of a girl in a bikini away from a drooler. He's fiddling a random rhythm on the counter as he tries figuring out what he has to do. Feeling a tad forgetful lately he frowns as he moves crouching down as he picks up a lollipop stick off the rug. Probably Robins wrong doing, scrunching his nose from disgust as he moves it likes it's the plague, to a trash can. Hearing the bell of the front door going off, following along with a very pissed off Dustin. Steve's lost as he swings himself over with the rolling chair.
"This is such bullshit Steve!"  Spit goes flying everywhere as Dustin has no control over his lisp. Voice Loud enough that it echos through the store catching Robins attention. Who had been opening new boxes of tapes. Behind Dustin is Max who looks agitated, Will Byers who looks confused and wants nothing to do with this conflict along with Mike Wheeler who's face is a light pink and looks like he's done something. What, Steve isn't sure. If they didn't all look like they were in one of the most serious situations in their life's Steve may have snorted and cracked a small comment to Dustin about "saying it not spraying it."  However the saying went.
"What is Henderson?" Steve asks slowly. Furrowing his eyebrows tiredly as he tries to catch onto what the other was talking about. He hadn't forgotten anything had he. But even if he had Dustin would not be this pissed. Mistakes happened, and most times Dustin made sure to ride his bike everywhere.
"You're parents!" Dustin spits out again. Steve's lost again, he hasn't heard anything from his Mother and Father in a couple of weeks. Doing god knows what in god knows where.
"What about my parents?" He asks confused. Moving his arms a bit as he looks concerned as well.
"Hellfire Club, or any club that doesn't fit a Christian like bubble can not and will not be allowed at Hawkins high because someone's parents refuse to donate money to the school if it's not a preppy Christian love nest!" Dustin says upset. And oh, that makes sense.
"But- I thought hellfire was banned already?" He asks confused.
"It was! But you don't understand, the only clubs that are allowed are all sport oriented." Dustin snaps.
"Ok—" Steve drawls out. "You can't create you're own—" before he can finish Dustin's snapping again.
"This is bullshit! Of course you would side with your parents, and here I thought you were on my side!" Dustin in clearly upset as he slams his hand on the counter. Normally Steve would be able to handle a out break like this, he understood he used to be a moody teenage boy himself. For the most part Dustin wasn't all the angry. He stands up startled, eyes glancing over at Max who says softly. Almost as if she was shy, moving her body around as she keeps her arms crossed around her self.
"They cut robotics club-" and oh. That made sense why Dustin was so pissed. He had been so close to creating a device where no matter how far away you were, it would use some form of connection to connect to another device. The purpose was to be able to tap on it, like Morse code almost. Which he somehow knew, along with his girlfriend Susie who would definitely appreciate the more private way of communicating instead of having a sibling eavesdropping. Though knowing this Steve was also a bit upset.
"Too far Henderson-" he says calmly, trying to get rid of the agitated part of his tone. Watching the way Henderson's shoulders deflate under the words. Meeting his eyes a bit. That mutual agreement they had months ago coming through, not once has Steve ever had to say to far to Dustin about something. Normally it was Steve who took the jokes to far sometime. Used to tough jocks his age who made fun of stuff like that, not a small teen boy who was obviously going to have some insecurities. "First off, I don't agree with my parents. Honestly, I didn't even know they were doing that. Haven't spoken to them in weeks, with the 'earth quakes' my phone line has been down, and I just got it fixed a few days ago. Plus, it’s not like my parents ask me for permission to do anything before they do it!" he rambles out. Most days he doesn’t even touch his phone, it was always through the radio that he contacted the group by.
"Second, I am sorry about your club. I'm sure that you brainiacs will figure out a way to steal the parts back and finish it up by yourselves. You've got a lot of it done. Third, no I am not on your side dude. I'm on all of your guys. Which includes the others not just you Henderson." Steve says waving his right hand loosely, leaving the other on his hip. Cocking said hip off to the side a little bit, his nose flaring a little as he hears Robin moving around in the back. His head was starting to kill him from all of the commotion, as he moves forward grumbling under his breathe as he pulls a ibuprofen out. Popping it in his mouth before swallowing and then sassily waving his hands for the kids to get out.
"Now scadadle. Start coming up with ideas for your own clubs, I'm sure you can create your own. Don't need money to just hang out with each other. Plus, I expect you to figure out a way in stealing what you started to  create Henderson." Steve says with a playful huff. Dustin his moving back a little as he nods his head eagerly. Much more calmer then what he been earlier. Now he looked like he had a part of a plan formed in his head as he playfully bounces up and down walking backwards out of the store with the other goons following shortly behind as their voices start to mix and go over each other as ideas started to form.
"You okay Steve?" Robin asks curiously. Moving over to him, slightly hovering over him as he sits down on the chair. He looks up with a soft smile, feeling her hand laying on his shoulder where his neck met his shoulder. He moves his own hand placing it on top of her tinier in a comforting manner. As if he wasn't the one who needed it.
"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiles dimly, watching his friend relax before patting his shoulder absent mindlessly then walking away to go finish what she had started.
Thing is, Steve has always randomly gotten the urge to pack up and leave. Leave everything behind, start over, become someone new - someone that wasn't Steve Harrington. Son of two rich assholes who didn't have any real touch to reality. Become something more, be something more then the image his parents have created, no spray painted all over this town. Of course he's used to it but the thoughts are particularly hard to shut up tonight.
Has Steve really not changed at all?
Is he still like his parents?
What if everyone around him was better off without him?
Now, the last thought was a bit shocking. Steve wasn't suicidal, he just wanted to curl up somewhere and disappear for a while. He didn't want to die, but he didn't want to be living in a sense. He was exhausted, feeling his bones ache to just lay in bed for a while. Though he was tired, he couldn't fall asleep. It was the most annoying thing he's ever felt. He rubs a hand through his hair, runs a hand down his face. Sitting up when the reality of the situation hits him. He can start over, he can leave Hawkins behind, he can go off and start off fresh. The excitement fills every part of his body as he throws himself out of his bed, looking around the room as he realizes he can make his own room. Have something that was his own, just as long as he got out of this town. Just as fast as he makes the decision to leave, he is quick to shut it down. Running a hand through his hair. Stressed out by the thought of even leaving Robin and the kids behind.
Deflated of all hope he moves curling back into his bed. Deciding he would much rather live in misery, then conflict any hurt feelings on his friends. His rambling thoughts are non stop as he stays curled up, now on top of the comforter. Feeling the sun beaming through his window as he turns on his shoulder getting more excited about getting up and seeing Robin. Though slightly agitated that he had just spent the last eight hours laying in bed doing nothing. Hopping off the bed he moves, pulling his sweats off, then his shirt before scratching at the slight happy trail he had that connected to even more hair hidden behind his boxers. Moving his body at weird angles as he starts to get changed, tracing his v-line as he looks at the mirror. Slight scaring placed underneath his finger tips before he pushes himself out of his room, heading to the diner to meet Robin and Eddie for breakfast.
And today feels like yesterday, then feel the same as tomorrow. As he sat down next to Robin he felt like everything was moving around him so fast. Robin and Eddie’s voices drowning out in the back of his head. Eyes glossed over with exhaustion as he looks around the diner. Eyes stopping at the newspaper that had been pinned up on a board near the kitchen. Swallowing a bite of food he leaves his eyes trained there. Looking at the image of a town further away, that seemed to somehow be smaller then Hawkins. That seemed nice, Hawkins was pretty big for a rural town. In his head Steve realizes he’s daydreaming about leaving. About just disappearing, imagining everyone’s reactions. Knowing that not many people would care. Most likely only Robin and Dustin would be the only ones to notice his absence.
The slight shove against his side and his attention is back on Robin who’s not asking this time as she forces the last of her pancakes on his plate. Leaving a bit more for him then what she normally would, as if she was trying to make up for the day before. Steve smiles tiredly as he starts to eat. Staying silent as he glances over at Eddie. Who was a little disheveled this morning. Hair a mess, bags under his eyes as he rambles his thoughts out as well. Robin seemed a bit more tired then normal as well. “What’s got you two so tired?” He teases. Knowing his excuse, but it was rare for Robin and Eddie to have sleepless nights on the same night. It was more common for one to come in like a zombie and the other to be beaming until their roles were reversed. Steve would be the consistent one, always getting enough sleep. On occasion though he had his moments, like today.
“Oh, Eddie decided he wanted to throw a long ass session yesterday. Argyle, Jonathan, and I were all up until three am dealing with his bullshit.” Robin laughs gently. Steve looks amused, though his chest ached. Logically he knows he wouldn’t have been playing with them, but it still stung that he hadn’t been there when they were playing. He wouldn’t mind watching. And typically before every session he was invited to join anyway, to watch which he gladly accepted. Though there is no comment said about him not being invited, as if it was just common knowledge that he wasn’t accepted in the group.
“Oh?” He chuckles gently, running a hand through his hair as he lets the topic die. Letting Eddie take over, talking about some movie that was coming out. His brain wandering, not finishing his food as he steps out of the booth when it’s finally time to leave. Normally the minutes went by super fast, and he didn’t want to go. Today, he was bored out of his mind and couldn’t wait to head back home. Not having a shift today, maybe he could get a quick nap in. Waving at Robin, who would catch a ride with Eddie who would be passing the family video on his way home. Steve moves clicking himself in the car and rubs his eyes. He’s on a loose thread, and he felt like something was coming. Something that was just going to cut it in half and force him to have to do something he had no plans on doing.
And it does. When he gets a phone call from Keith, the store manager. Who’s trying to get him to come in on his day off. Wanting him to cover a shift, that someone else could easily cover. Steve was close to passing out, there was no way he was able to get behind the drivers wheel and drive like this. “Keith! Can you - dude I can’t come in right now!” He snaps. Running a hand down his face. This was really going to be his last straw. Something so small yet so big. The urge to run away was getting stronger, to escape from the real world. His exhaustion running deeper then just physically but also mentally. Before he can even think about what he was saying he spits it out. “Fuck dude! You know what, I quite. Don’t even bother calling me again, my uniforms already in my locker so I don’t even need to drop it off.” Steve snaps. Slamming the phone into its holder.
It felt amazing, the slight relief of not having something tying him down. The feeling was addictive as he sets his back against the wall. Sliding down dramatically as he feels tears forming in his eyes. Then the relief is gone and he’s overwhelmed. Overwhelmed with everything. Soon, he knows Robin will be calling him. Probably chewing him out about quitting the only stable job there was in Hawkins. His mind was making everything seem bigger then what it really was, anxiety eating away at his stomach as he tilts his head back. He felt like he was drowning, though just a few days ago he had been perfectly afloat. Fine really. Then something happened and he was being pulled down. Shuddering at the thought of a hand wrapping itself around his ankle and yanking him down he throws himself off from the cold floor. Rushing to go to his room.
Logic was gone, he needed to leave. Before this town dragged him down any further. Duffel bag on his bag, his movements and decisions are erratic and stupid. Any person staring and watching from a third persons view could see that. God even Steve could see that, but his brain was so wrapped around the feeling of being buried alive that he doesn’t even care. He wasn’t crying, but he wasn’t calm either. Pulling what he needed out, this was all last minute and he knew that the second he left Hawkins he would be stuck in shitty hotels and sleeping in his car for awhile. Though that sounded more exciting that sleeping in this empty house.
Moving to his closet next he pulls out what he needs, leaving everything else as is. There wasn’t much he needed here. Grabbing his walkie, hoping that where he went would be able to catch the station the kids were on. Moving to the bathroom packing soaps and his toothbrush. Careful not to let any of it explode in the bag. Moving out to his car tossing it in the trunk, before he’s moving back in grabbing any food that wouldn’t expire any time soon and didn’t need to be refrigerated. Though he was panicked, he was clear minded enough to think about cleaning the fridge out. Not much in there anyway. Running a hand through his hair he grabs his keys and takes one final look at the house. He could back out now. But that made him more upset then the thought of leaving Robin and everyone behind. Of course he left a small note, where he knew Robbie would find it. Though he’s sure that he would call when he got to a gas station. Coming up with an excuse about a family emergency.
Moving out side he realizes the thought of never returning to this ugly house didn’t phase him as much as he thought it would. Growing up he was convinced that he would be crying when he drove away from it for the last time. Instead none of those emotions were there. Instead his hands shook as he gripped onto the steering wheel. Looking forward, and not behind him as he pulls out. He shouldn’t be driving, with the lack of sleep he really shouldn’t. Though he needed to hold onto the walkie. Moving and grabbing it from the other seat he presses it hard on his right thigh. Letting the windows down, wind wipping his hair all over. He’s sure that this stunt would only last him a couple of weeks, he would be back in no time.
As the sun comes up, he slips his glasses on. Beaming excitedly as he turns the radio on. Letting whatever station that had been on last play. Heading off to god only knows where, with only what he got, a wallet with all of the money he’s saved up over the past couple of months and a bank account filled with hush money that has been yet to be touched. There was nothing but looking up from here. Letting the road take him where ever it wanted to, hours away from Hawkins. And when it was time for him to meet Robin and Eddie at the diner for their daily breakfast, he’s tempted to turn back. Hearing the panic in Robins voice through the speaker. Reminding himself that he would call later, he turns the thing off. Throwing it to the seat, hearing it thud to the car floor. Nothing but the woods and dirt roads surrounding him now as he finally fulfills his dream of running away.
With the time he had, he knew he was being stupid. Stupid got you killed. But kids his age were allowed to be stupid, so why wasn’t he allowed to be stupid. It wasn’t fair. He sighs as he sees a huge sign that read open. Moving and parking in the driveway, feeling and hearing his tires crunch against the rocks as he heads to eat in a entirely new diner, all by himself and alone for the first time in months.
And god, did it feel good.
Tag list; @whalesharksart @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steddie-as-they-go @justforthedead89 @kengwisi @anzelsilver @miss-wright
*note if you wanted to be added to tag list let me know, though again I don’t plan on this being more then a few parts and no more then 20-30k words because I’m also working on a bang fic lol*
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Tell me why I can’t stop thinking about little Steve with an Iron Stomach™️ who doesn’t really love food but is very fond of non-food objects?
Basically, object vore… I’ve been so, so obsessed with object vore recently. 🥴🥴 I can’t help it. There’s just something about it 🤌
Little Steve with object vore:
Unbeta’d Steve Rogers belly kink. Warning for object vore, stuffing, slight oviposition, etc. DO NOT EAT NON-FOOD ITEMS. IT WILL MAKE YOU SICK. IT IS NOT SAFE. THIS IS PURELY FANTASY.
Steve would love being full of sand because it’s just… so heavy. There’s no way he can be filled up with sand and walk normally. He’s forced to waddle, swaying unsteadily, and not making it too far before he has to take a rest. Constantly out of breath under the dome of sand in his pot belly. He’s also forced to arch his back to compensate for so much weight tacked onto the front of his body. It’s like he’s overdue with too many babies.
When he’s swallowed as much sand as he can, his belly is totally, perfectly round, filled from the top of his stomach, taut, to the bottom of his stomach where his intestines bulge out too. However, his belly is also drooping. It wants to center the weight on his hips. It wants to hang low between his legs. Sand is heavy. It’s a lot of work to carry it around, but it’s so worth it. It feels so good. It fills him up so good.
Sand fills Steve so easily, too. The sand particles are so small that they fit into every little nook and cranny of his throat, belly, and intestines. The more and more full he gets, the more the sand weighs, and the more it stretches him. Bigger and bigger. He feels like his very own play sandbox. His own beach.
Another great, great thing about sand is that no matter how full he gets of sand, it still shifts around inside him. Steve can be completely solid when totally full and yet if he rolls from one side to his other, lying down, struggling under the small beach’s worth of sand in him, he can feel it move. He feels like a stress ball. Or maybe like a snow globe, if snow globes were full of sand rather than liquid.
Also, there really isn’t anything as satisfying as pressing his fingers into his belly when it’s packed full of sand. He can be so full he’s about to pop, but there’s still just a little bit of give. A little bit of squish. It’s the perfect feeling.
Steve craves the feeling of coins once they’re in his belly, they aren’t the best to swallow, especially the larger, heavier ones, but once he has them down… oh, God, they’re so clinky and heavy and cold. Which, all of those attributes are good things to Steve. He loves it.
Also, he doesn’t mind the taste - metallic and smooth on his tongue, in his mouth. Then, less smooth down his throat, but he’ll deal with that one downside because it’s really all about the belly feel here. Past the throat.
Filling him.
Rounding him out with a lumpy, uneven belly. Leaving his tummy to have visible impressions of the hard edges of the coins, especially as he swallows more and more. It’s so obvious, what he’s done. What he swallowed. What he’s full of.
When Steve is full of coins, jumping or running is a no-go, obviously, that’s too much. But shifting around a little, walking slowly, and/or squeezing and massaging his own belly is the best. All those little clinks… coins hit together and thump against the tender inside of his belly. All the heavy weight behind his every shift, every step, and every squeeze. It reminds Steve of how much he’s swallowed.
Squeezing his tummy when it’s full of coins is so nice. It’s lumpy and hard and weighs heavily on his lungs when he sits down or lays on his back, but there’s something about the feeling that feels good, too. The coins pressing against each other and against him… yes. He knows he’s freaky, and it probably wouldn’t feel nice to anyone else, but to him it’s everything. So full.
And the cold temperature of the metal coins feels good too - for as long as it lasts until the coins heat to his temperature - it leaves him with a solid, chilly core. There’s nothing he would rather do on a hot day than first have a freezing belly, like he’s filled with ice cream but so much better. So much more solid and heavy and yes. Then, when his coins heat up, he can pant and struggle around their weight. At that point, he feels like a hot water bottle, sweating and turning red, but… with cargo much more precious than water…
He’s like a fucking coin purse.
Something to be used and treasured and ideally kept full. Always, always full.
Not just regular marbles though, the big ones.
Jumbo marbles.
Steve likes these marbles for similar reasons to coins - they’re clinky, heavy, and cold. But, different from coins, these feel heavier and are nicer on his throat. When he swallows them down one after another after another after another, they practically roll down into his stomach. Hitting the growing pile with a satisfying little chink. And there’s almost nothing better than that.
A belly full of marbles? Jesus. It gets him so heavy and so noisy. He can’t even breathe without them making noise. Shifting inside his gut. Resting heavily in his lap. Pressing harshly into Steve - hurting just enough to feel good. He’s so painfully full. Steve couldn’t fit another marble into him, right?
Then why does his mouth water at the thought of popping just one more into his mouth and letting it roll down his esophagus, bulging his throat, until it finally makes its home in his huge tummy?
When Steve gets really full of marbles, it makes his belly look like he’s stuffed full of little eggs or golf balls. Maybe he should try golf balls… but, aren’t golf balls lighter than marbles? Maybe not. He likes his belly, his cargo in his belly, heavy.
Steve loves the idea of all those marbles rolling around inside of him. Massassing him, almost, from the inside. If they were eggs, they’d grow and expand inside him. They’d get heavier and heavier and he would want them out so badly, whining and moaning about how he’s about to pop - about to burst. Too heavy. Too full. Too much. And, yet… always wanting more. Always wanting his collection of eggs to grow and get larger and larger.
Rubber bands
Steve started swallowing rubber bands by accident. The first time he ate one, it was because he had been chewing on it like it was a piece of gum. It’s not too dissimilar, really. And it’s especially not too dissimilar if you’re Steve and you tend to enjoy non-food items texture and taste more than real food items… Anyway, when Steve swallows a rubber band, it hardly feels like anything. It hardly feels like anything when he swallows one at a time.
But he can stuff in quite a few at once.
Also, they build up.
The more rubber bands he swallows, the fuller he gets. They’re relatively light and small, so it takes a long time to get there, but… it’s well worth it to Steve because when he gets enough in his belly, it makes him all rubbery and squishy and almost perfectly round. His muscle and skin cover the gaps between rubber bands and any uneven ways they might poke out. So he just turns into a dome. Round. Smooth.
When he’s full up of rubber bands, Steve likes to imagine he’s swallowed a single rubber band ball, solid, just one huge mass of stuff.
Squishable while still being firm. Heavy enough that he can feel all of what he’s shoved down his throat but still light enough that he can walk and do anything he likes.
He can lie on his belly when it’s full of rubber bands, they presses into him a little bit but… it also feels so nice. Again, it’s squishy. And there’s something so nice about feeling all those rubber bands squish inside him, making his belly bulge out from his sides and making him look wider and fatter than he is when he presses his belly into the ground. Maybe he’s lying on his bed, but maybe he’s just stopped what he’s doing to press himself to the floor of his apartment. He can be mobile and do things while full of rubber bands, but he can’t not get distracted. He likes feeling full too much. It drives him crazy. All he wants to do is swallow more and more and more and get bigger and larger until he’s enormous and everyone can’t believe their eyes, seeing such a little guy carry such a massive gut.
In conclusion: I have no regrets.
I'm so obsessed with little Steve who has a huge belly because he's so desperate to be full that he will stuff anything into himself 🥵🥵
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rhythmic-idealist · 2 months
sorry if this is unwelcome but i saw your food post and wanted to share some of the foods that works for me. i have to eat a protein heavy diet, which is something else you might find helps you?
my favorite thing to do is to cook up a kg or two of chicken and then have 200 or so grams for my first meal of the day. this is about 350 calories and 60 grams of protein, which is my daily goal!
things like cheese strings, schneider turkey / pepperoni bites, cottage cheese (mixed with chocolate protein), those cups of minute rice mixed with an egg and chopped up green onion, tomatoes and spinach are really tasty too!
a slice of protein rich bread (i like country harvest's protein plus bread) with two eggs that have some cottage cheese mixed in is a great breakfast
and a great snack is tofu chia pudding! not only is it great for protein but it really satisfies that snacky craving while also being really filling. easiest is one block silken tofu with about 3 tablespoons chia seeds and your choice of sweetener & flavoring
Thank you so much! This is definitely welcome.
In the future this type of post will be blacklist tagged “#food talk.” Update your blacklists accordingly.
So yeah! Thank you, this is definitely welcome. Weirdly, one of my theories (just on impact, without having crunched the numbers yet) is that sometimes I have recently focused too much on protein?
And then I wind up feeling physically full after each meal, and knowing I’ve eaten enough grams of protein to gain muscle… and so not quite knowing why I have a headache or my stomach feels bad.
In a much more casual way, I’ve been known to forget carbohydrates exist. I’ll accidentally get through a day without eating any and then go “why the hell am I craving so much sugar again?” …..Because I work a physically demanding job, and my body is craving carbohydrates………….. hell, this used to make me feel ill some days even when my lifestyle was a lot more sedentary.
For now, I’m counting my calories (with the goal of bringing my numbers UP, and without any concern for a ceiling). I know I have instincts for giving myself protein anyway, so I know I’ll still be reading protein counts on things and trying to hit my goals accordingly.
That said this is an EXTREMELY welcome ask, thank you very very much. I’m only describing my difference in experience (so far?) because it might be relevant to someone else too!
…..And with all that said. I think maybe I was just never actually reaching a remotely good protein goal. I never googled anything, I mostly just looked at what I thought was a normal amount of food to eat, and then picked within THAT for things that were protein dense. So maybe as I eat more food I also do in fact still need to focus harder on protein. This was not on my radar - I mostly knew my “neglecting carbs” problem. So thank you!
And what I AM gonna do is go home and google which things in your ask are the most calorie dense. Especially cottage cheese. I love cottage cheese.
For the most part I’m gonna spend at least a while concerning myself entirely with calories. No matter where they come from, what kind they are, how my body uses them. Just hitting that mark. I tried really hard today, and I haven’t hit it yet, but I think I can come within a couple hundred once I’m home.
Thank you so much 💗
a lot of us struggle with eating enough and I am definitely touched and happy to hear from people. This ask was a nice little way to reach out and hold hands w someone in a similar boat
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rianafying · 10 months
i’m sitting on the 51st floor of my friend’s apartment building, it’s a lounge area that looks over melbourne cbd and it is gorgeous, but the lights in this room are blinding. i’ve had a really long day and i’ll probably have an even longer one tomorrow but i don’t wanna leave this building. i feel safe here. i don’t wanna go back home. home is representative of my source of anxiety. home is messy and dirty. home is where the tasks await me. and i just can’t. so with my 48% battery on my phone, i will stay here for as long as i can. it’s already 10:31 pm. but it’s okay my house is a 5 minute walk away. i feel incredibly lonely tonight, like i’ve been craving some sort of romance. and ( very embarrassing ) physical touch. especially when i see or hear about other people in love, it makes me feel so alone. but this is not the time for me to date anyone. and i don’t really like the people i know. i have a therapy session booked for day after tomorrow, basically the day after this assignment is due. so hopefully my brain will be a little clearer by then.
i feel really sleepy and tired even though i overslept the last two days. it’s just that time of the month. pms and psoriasis. causing fatigue. i chopped off a lot of my hair today. didn’t really think it through but it’s fine. idrc. same when i dyed it black. i just do things and it doesn’t matter. it’s just hair.
my friend is really lucky she gets to live in this building. it’s quite a lot more expensive than my apartment. the one i live in is already too expensive for me but somehow i’m managing.
i sat super still for an hour so the motion detector wouldn’t catch me and the lights dimmed down and i stayed by the window for 2 more hours. i really didn’t wanna come back home but i was hungry so i did.
i had one of those chicken curry pies from woolies, i only bought them because they were on sale but damn they are so good, but normally they’re priced at 8$ for 2 pies which is out of my budget :((. but it’s okay i can make my own and freeze them.
2.75+4 + ingredients i already have i can make like a whole bunch of curry chicken pies. but it might not be as good as the store bought ones cause my little toaster that i use as a makeshift oven kind of sucks.
im still hungry, the little pie did not fill me up enough, which makes sense because i only had two tiny pieces of sushi in the last 30 hours. i’m craving another pie but i don’t have any. also something about having food with mayo makes me feel gross and oily. like it’s all over my face. i can’t stand it anymore. i’m so tired. i know ill be getting my periods soon because i have been getting cramps all day.
i finally found the time to open the bag of stuff my uncle dropped off because they’re moving and they no longer need em. there’s a whole bunch of sauces and spices in there. i wonder if my cousin bought these cause these are good ingredients. i’m kinda hungry but there’s nothing to cook at home. there’s pasta but it’s not gonna be substantial enough. i’ve been wanting to buy some parmesan for the longest time but it’s so expensive, and i go through it pretty fast because it’s too good not to. i also kind of like goat cheese, not really in pasta more with like fruit on toast. there’s a thing of frozen shrimp in my fridge afaik, but it’s stuck solid in with the ice layer in my fridge and i wrestled with it but i couldn’t get it out. i’ll just dump it out when i clean my fridge and let everything thaw. it will be okay. it was old anyway.
i’m just so hungry. but i’m just too lazy to make anything or get creative, or eat something i cooked. i wish there was like a sandwich or something i could eat rn. well there’s rice, surumi, wasabi, soy sauce, sriracha, mayo, chilli oil, carrots, and nori. but i just wish i had some cucumber. i’ll go buy some tomorrow along w some cooked shrimp. maybe the frozen cutlets. i kind of miss them.
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alcospray · 6 months
tuna, nope. cream dory, no. halibut, eh. salmon, meh. where’s the mackerel?
the last time i was here, looking for the mackerel, i was with tetsurou. he would always know where the mackerel is; an accomplishment he deemed deserving of a kiss. a reward that i always denied to give because – i will not kiss you in front of the fishes, tetsu. it’s weird they’re like looking at us with their freaky fisheyes.
browsing the shelves at the fish section should not be melancholic. but it is inevitable when this particular place holds a lot of memories. as pungent as it is, the smell reminds me of countless, repeated conversations about the benefits of docosahexaenoic acid in mackerel and a trick to pick the best, fresh slice of fish: remember that it should not smell sour or ammonia-like, clear eyes, firm flesh, and red blood lines.
bass… tilapia… cod… mackerel, bingo!
it has been three months since i fucked all it up given my hobby of self-sabotage and isolation. do i deserve to cry when i was the one to hurt both of us? do i deserve to miss him? because i do, i miss him to the point that i would crave grilled salted mackerel when i do not even like eating fish. maybe it’s true that the tastebuds crave what the heart misses. food is more than food; it is medium of connection and love. that’s why when i give you piece of my mackerel, i’m giving piece of my heart to you. that’s what he always said. (and oh god, i think i’m going to cry. i can’t breathe, i can feel tears welling in my eyes).
“this is the last place i would have expected to bump into you,” a playful, familiar voice jerks me out of my thoughts.
bad timing. bad timing. bad timing. the universe is out to get me today because why now when i’m trembling, forcing myself to not cry. craning my neck to my left, i see tetsurou with his perpetual bed hair, tall and lean stature, and his god-awful neon red windbreaker, sporting a polite smile.
“hey,” i try to say normally while hiding the fact that i’m on the verge of breaking down in this grocery store’s fish section.
"yo," his voice sounded taken aback, possibly in reaction to my flushed face. "are you okay?
i awkwardly laughed, “yeah, yeah… i’m okay probably just allergies… from the fish smell.” what the fuck did i even said.
“what?” amusement drawn on tetsurou’s face, scratching his cheek in thought.
“nothing, forget what i said,” i say sheepishly. “so…”.
“it was nice to see you again,” he offered me a soft look in his eyes and a genuine smile that i don’t think i deserve from him, especially from him.
i exhaled, trying to keep my tears at bay and my heart from beating out of my ribcage, “yeah, me too.”
he waves goodbye, retreating to the produce section to buy potatoes, a fact that he let out as a goodbye. i just hope that he did not notice the mackerel in my basket.
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tetsurou, on the other hand, also hope that you did not see the content of his basket — chicken breasts, bottles of soy sauce and vinegar, bay leaves, onions, garlic, and packs of sugar and peppercorns. more importantly, he wishes that you don't catch him buying a kilo of potatoes to be used in your infamous chicken adobo with tons of potatoes.
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this is not the best but i just needed to post this for my own sake. but for a first try-ish to write, i'm proud of this. still experimenting with the povs and the overall style that i'm comfortable writing with. highly self-indulgent; writing to process things in my life. not proofread <33 in a way, inspired by michelle zauner's crying in h mart
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callsign-joyride · 2 years
John Wayne | Chapter 3 | Rhett Abbott
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Despite the mood board suggesting otherwise, my fics are size and POC inclusive.
Series masterlist | Previous part | Next part
Summary: Rhett ends up in the city for a friend's wedding. You're going through a rough breakup. A meet-cute in a cafe changes both of your lives.
Every John is just the same I'm sick of their city games I crave a real wild man I'm strung out on John Wayne
Pairing: Rhett Abbott x f!reader
Content warnings: This is a fast burn fic now, fluff
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You and Rhett had been texting almost nonstop. It wasn’t like you couldn’t live without talking to each other, but it was that you didn’t want to. Of course, your coworkers were pretty relentless with the teasing. No one really believed you when you said that you were dating an actual cowboy, not even with the pictures to prove it. You promised to call him when you were done with work, which seemed to work perfectly. You got done with everything at around 7, and there was a two-hour difference between New York and Wyoming.
“Can we FaceTime? I’ve been dying to see your face,” Rhett said after you told him that you were back at the apartment.
“I don’t see why not. Just give me a minute to get my food.”
You ate together and had a light conversation until after both of you were done eating. That was when he started to ask some of the more “hard-hitting” questions.
“Okay, so, where do you see yourself in ten years?” He asked. You leaned back in your chair and took a minute to answer.
“Well, I hope I can have all of my student loans paid off by then. I love working for The Times so I’m hoping that maybe I’ll have a change in position or a raise. Maybe a house if I can afford it, one or two kids. What about you?”
“I don’t know if I’ll ever leave Wabang. I didn’t go to college and I’m not good at a lot. I think I could see myself with kids. I love Amy, she’s my niece, so I feel like I’m good with kids. Definitely don’t quote me on that, though. I’ve got a foul mouth on me.”
The statement made you chuckle. He was definitely right about having a foul mouth. You completely lost track of time until Rebecca walked in.
“Hey, Rhett,” she said.
It wasn’t long before you cleaned up the kitchen and went back to your room. You were still on the phone with Rhett, which was surprising. You didn’t normally do long phone calls, but he was special. It was getting late and you had to get ready for bed, but you made sure to text Rhett before you fell asleep.
“Who is that girl that he’s been on the phone with?” Cecelia asked Royal and Perry.
“He didn’t tell you? They met at a cafe in New York. We stopped there for coffee and they really hit it off,” Perry said.
“Huh, well are you sure that she’s even real? That boy has never had a girlfriend, let alone one that lives in the city,” Royal added.
“Oh, she’s real. Super pretty and nice, too.”
“I’ll believe it when I see it.”
You were eating lunch with Danielle when your phone chimed. It was a text from Rhett. You read it as it flashed across the screen.
“Oh my God!” You exclaimed.
“What? What is it?” She asked.
You quickly unlocked your phone and slid it across the table. Rhett texted you to ask if you wanted to visit him and his family in Wyoming.
“You need to go. He’s a bull rider, right?”
You nodded your head and took a sip of your drink.
“Ask him when his next ride is and go then. You know he’ll win, anyways. And you have a lot of vacation time saved up.”
His next competition wouldn’t be for another two weeks, so you had time to get things figured out. The rest of the day seemed to go by alarmingly fast, but it also wasn’t really a busy day at the office. You texted Rebecca to meet in your room once you got back to the apartment because you “had news”. You almost jumped out of your bed as she practically kicked the door to your room open to ask what the news was.
“Rhett asked me if I wanted to go to Wyoming and meet his family… And I said yes.”
“What?! You’re kidding, right? Because you’ve only known each other for like two weeks and maybe that wouldn’t be a super great idea.”
“No, I’m serious. Danielle said to wait until his next competition and go then, which won’t be for another two weeks. So there’s time to get my stuff packed and everything. I’m actually really excited because they sound like nice people and everything. So hopefully, I don’t end up getting murdered.”
“I’ll help you pack but I hate that you are the way you are… I never said that he was gonna murder you.”
“It was heavily implied.”
It took a lot of persuading but you eventually got Rebecca not to pack your bags for you then and there. You were willing to let her take you shopping, but that was it. You didn’t really feel like you needed new clothes for the trip, but you loved going shopping with Rebecca so it was a fine balance. The first week went by in a blur. 
Maybe it was the excitement and the nerves, but that second week was agonizing. You couldn’t wait to get out of New York, even if it was just for a short amount of time. You made sure to send Rhett a picture of your ticket so that he had everything he needed to pick you up from the airport. Shopping with Rebecca quickly derailed as she dragged you into a Victoria’s Secret and picked up a black lingerie set.
“Okay, Wyoming is hot but it’s not that hot,” you said. She glared at you and sighed.
“Wear it under your clothes, dumbass. Or you could just wear it in general. No one cares. Well, no one cares that much. It’s a small town.”
“Yeah, and that’s part of the problem. Everyone knows everyone. It would be embarrassing.”
“Whatever. You’re hot. You know you’re hot, he knows you’re hot. I don’t really see the problem.”
“I guess I’ll buy it but I’m not listening to your advice. I’ve almost been arrested multiple times by taking your advice.”
It was hard not to laugh. Both of you knew that you were right, but it was quiet in the store and you didn’t want to look crazy. You got everything that you needed and (almost) everything that Rebecca thought you needed before walking around the mall some more. The candle store was irresistible even though you had at least one candle in almost every room of the apartment. You only had a gneral idea of what you were going to bring with you to Wyoming, so it took you a while to get your bags packed and put by your bedroom door.
“Okay, I love you, don’t get murdered, and take pictures of all of the cows,” Rebecca said as she pulled up to your gate at the airport. It was barely six in the morning, but you figured that an early flight would be best. You chuckled before making sure that you had everything that you needed in your bag.
“I can do the first two. Not too sure about the cows, though. That’s kind of a weird request.”
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