#maybe this isn’t fully about me but considering this person sent me a personal message about this subject a couple weeks ago
insanechayne · 1 year
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Next time you can just @ me sis ✌🏻💖
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jacquelinemerritt · 2 years
Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged Episode 5 Review
Originally posted on October 22nd, 2015
Cloud prepares to dress as a woman, and nobody seems to mind.
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If you’ve been following my blog for a while, it is likely that you’ll recall that in my review of Dragonball Z: Abridged Episode 15, I criticized Team Four Star for their handling of a character meant to represent trans and masculine women, who after having her gender revealed was subject to many demeaning jokes that sent the message of the inadequacy of women who don’t conform to traditional expectations of femininity (a critique that I still hold to).
And then, you might recall that KaiserNeko, one of the lead writers and editors for DBZA, reblogged my review of that episode, apologizing and explaining that they had mishandled the representation of women like Dodoria unintentionally, and their focus was solely on keeping the situation in character.
I bring this up now because Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged Episode 5 does an excellent job at showing just how much Team Four Star has grown as writers since the release of DBZA Episode 15, wiping away any concerns I had about how they would handle this part of the story.
See, Final Fantasy VII contains, as an incredibly important part of its plot, a sequence where Cloud must cross-dress and pose as a woman in order to rescue Tifa, and I was worried that the over-the-top caricatures present throughout most of this series would carry over into their handling of the cross-dressing sequence, which could easily lead to harmful jokes at the expense of trans and gender-nonconforming people.
Takahata101 nails it from the very beginning though, and this happens in part due to the presence of Aerith, whose unbridled optimism and supportiveness has her leading Cloud gleefully through the transition process, where someone like Tifa or Barrett would have immediately rejected the idea.
It’s also incredibly meaningful that Cloud is the one to suggest that he cross-dress; while he makes the comment that he could do so off-handedly, it still suggests that posing as the other gender isn’t outside of his comfort zone, and the ease with which Aerith convinces him to go for it provides more evidence for this, and it is finally fully proven that Cloud desires this when he justifies cross-dressing in the terms of how much better than Tifa he would look while he saved her.
It’s also important to note the positive reactions of Giuseppe and the Church of Brodin to Cloud’s desire. Giuseppe has great dresses all around, but as soon as he realizes that it will be Cloud’s first dress, he abandons the rest of his work in order to make the best dress of his life just for him.
Similarly, the Church of Brodin are planning on forcing Cloud into a masculine challenge of strength to obtain a wig, but when they find out that he wants the wig for the sake of (in Aerith’s words) “becoming a woman,” they give it to him without the contest, claiming that it is not their place to question or challenge his lifestyle choice.
It’s interesting as well that the wig, which normally might be seen as an object denoting femininity, has been adopted by a church of ripped, masculine dudes as a symbol of their god’s masculinity, which is a fairly clever inversion of expectations.
Finally, when the members of the Church of Brodin give Cloud the wig, and Squaticles says that no one has the right to discriminate against another person’s lifestyle, Cloud says that he feels that context is needed. Now, I’m just a girl running a film criticism blog and mostly writing about abridged series, but I can’t help but wonder if, just perhaps, that’s a nod to my criticism of DBZA Episode 15. Maybe I’m being a bit presumptive here, but it would actually be pretty amazing if that were the case, as I’d have a definitive example of my writing having an effect on the world, and who doesn’t want that?
Rating: 5/5
If you enjoyed this review, consider supporting me on Patreon.
Stray Observations
I do feel I should add a brief addendum pointing out that crossdressing and being a trans or masculine woman are not the same, but the handling of gender non-conformity in this episode is still excellent.
Cloud: “Aerith, it would appear to me that Tifa has been kidnapped by a Mafia leader with the intention to give her the sex.” Aerith: “Oh no, she can’t do that ‘til she’s married!”
“Am I, the owner of my own store, sure that I have anything else besides drugs? Noooo, I’m pretty sure.”
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shreddedparchment · 2 years
Perennial Pt.11
Tell It to My Heart
Pairing: Bucky x Reader          Word Count: 2,972
Warnings: language, angst, breakups, jealousy, pining, fluff, heartbreak
Featured Flower: Gladiolus, Lavender, Jasmine
A/N: Oh, Bucky...you dumbass. I hope y’all enjoy this one! xoxo
Please DON’T copy, translate, or repost my fics on any other sites or blogs!
Don’t be an asshole, please.
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How many times have you glanced at your phone today?
"He hasn't called?" Kamala’s gentle prodding comes from concern for one of her idols.
"No," you sigh. "He texted me last night."
Kamala leans against the counter, her apron smothered in soil at the center where she clearly was wiping her hands after moving your orchids into a new pot.
"What did he say?" She wonders.
You swipe your phone on and it immediately pulls up to your texts with Bucky.
Bucky: I'm okay. I'll call you later.
A message he'd sent only after you'd spammed him with concern and worry.
"Nothing to make me worry less."
"Maybe he just needs some space from everyone? Breakups are hard, aren't they?" Kamala asks, and you realize that she probably hasn't had a boyfriend yet.
"Yeah, they can be very difficult. Especially if you really liked the other person. And Bucky really liked Kali." You bite your lip, locking your phone as you consider that he probably loved her.
"Shouldn't you go see him?" Kamala asks, moving to the door. She props it open and starts to pull in the buckets of flowers as the sky outside burns an orange and pink.
"He said he wanted space," you tell her, speaking a little more loudly when she's outside but bring your voice back down when she's walking by. "I don't want to overstep."
"You're his friend," Kamala shrugs then disappears into the back. Her voice floats back out, "And didn't he spend like decades alone with only Hydra? Maybe he doesn't know how to ask or accept help?"
She's got you chewing your lip, tapping your phone as you stare at his last message.
She stops by the counter again, leaning against it as she glances at your phone.
"You know, I am fully capable of closing. I have my key now and I don't think we're gonna get any more customers."
She watches you shift on your feet, fretting about the choice that you've already made but are too afraid to give yourself the permission to push against this line that Bucky has drawn.
Kamala reaches over and locks your phone, picks it up, and holds it out for you.
Something about the way she says it gives you enough of a push and you move around the counter as you pull off your own apron and leave it on the counter.
"Thanks, Kamala! I owe you." You tell her, squeezing her arm as you move for the door, keys and wallet already on you.
You hesitate by the door, staring across the street as you consider bringing what you'd been working on all day for him.
It had been two weeks since bowling night and another week after that since Bucky let you see him. You just wanted him to know that you're there for him.
You hurry to the refrigerator and pull out a modest vase filled with deep purple gladiolus, lavender, and small jasmine spread throughout the green of the bouquet.
Each flower is a wish for the best and maybe he can take some strength from them.
You know that it isn't much. Flowers are hardly a cure for heartbreak. You work with them every day and your own heart is still chipped away at every day.
Even now, walking down the sidewalk to the end of the street where cabs are easier to hail, you think about how this sudden turn with Bucky and Kali has not made you happy.
How can you find any happiness in Bucky’s misfortune? You can't. You don't.
You should be happy he's single again. You should rejoice in the fact that now you might have a chance.
But in your heart is the phone call that broke you.
Bucky’s thick voice, the slight tremble, and tears you could hear but not see.
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"We broke up," he'd said, his breath hitching. "I think she's been thinking about it for a while."
And then you were crying too. You don't know why it hit you so hard to hear him so destroyed but it did.
"I'm coming over," you'd gasped through your tears.
And just like that he shut the door. He told you not to come to him. He told you he didn't want to see anyone and with a firm goodbye, he hung up leaving you in a state of worried despair.
With the bouquet in hand, every step you take towards Bucky’s apartment gets heavier and heavier until about a block away you stop and can't move another step.
What if he gets angry with you for coming to see him? What if he tells you to take your flowers and shove them and slams the door in your face?
Instinct takes over and because you've been without your best friend for several weeks, you've come to rely on your newest companion.
He answers your call after two rings.
"Hey, didn't expect to hear from you today. I thought you were staying at work late?" Steve's voice is as familiar to you now as Bucky’s had been before he disappeared.
"I'm…I decided to close early." You wait a moment, catching your breath before admitting your weakness. "And I'm standing just outside of Bucky’s building."
"Did he ask you to go over?" Steve wonders, a small hint of what you think is excitement in his voice.
"No. He finally answered my texts though." You move to lean against the nearest wall, balancing the bouquet of special flowers you'd made under one arm gently so as not to crush them.
"What did he say?"
"He said he's okay and that he'd call me later." You shrug even though Steve can't see you. "I mean, am I being like, selfish? For wanting to see him?"
"I don't-" Steve begins but you cut him off because now that you're talking about this openly, it's hard to stop.
"This isn't because of how I feel about him…I mean it kind of is but it's also just…the way he sounded that night he and Kali broke up. Steve, I've never heard him sound like that and I haven't been able to get it out of my head.
"Is that selfish of me? Am I being inconsiderate or-?"
This time Steve ends your rambling with a firm call of your name.
"Look, I know you're worried. I think that's exactly what he needs. I won't be back until tomorrow so having you there would ease my mind.
"Buck can be stubborn. Hydra brought out his sullied qualities but he's softer with you. Just knock and if he invites you in, go. If he asks you to go home, do that too. Give him whatever he needs even if you see he isn't doing so great and what he needs is for you to force your company on him."
You're not sure you can do that. At the end of the day, as pathetic as it is, a limited amount of time with Bucky is better than no time with Bucky.
"What if he gets mad at me?" You whisper, afraid to speak louder as emotion squeezes your throat.
"What’s the worst he can do? Send you away? We both know that Buck can't stay away from you anymore than you can keep away from him." Steve tells you, ridiculously.
As if Bucky could ever be as attached to you as you are of him.
Still, you guess he's right.
"I just don't want to make things harder for him," you confess.
"You won't. If anything, I'm sure it'll be good for him to have someone as a buffer between him and his thoughts."
"Yeah," you agree, distracted by the notion of Bucky kicking you to the curb.
"I'd offer to come with you, but I'm still in Alaska." Steve muses, his heart obviously with Bucky just as much as yours is.
"I know. I'm sorry. You said emergencies only but-"
"Buck's depression falls under that category. For both of us, right?" 
"Right." He knows you too well. Too quickly.
Just like Bucky. Are you really this easy to read?
"Wait, what part of Alaska are you in? Your voice sounds super clear."
"I can't disclose that information but Tony's fancy phones help with the service. Don't worry, your presence there can only be a good thing for Bucky. Trust me. Maybe he'll finally be smart enough to see just how much you really care about him."
Your body suddenly grows cold, nervous as your intrusive thoughts about what his breakup with Kali might mean for you come rushing in.
"I wasn't even thinking about that, Steve. It's the last thing on my mind. I just wanna see him out and about again." With a resigned sigh you let yourself succumb to your emotions and tears overflow onto your cheeks.
Quickly you wipe them as they come, making sure that no evidence of your crying will remain for Bucky to see.
“Seeing you can only be a good thing. Trust me. Tell him I send my best, okay?”
With a small sigh you nod even though you know he can’t see you. “Okay. Thanks, Steve.”
“See you soon. We’ll all go out for drinks or something.”
“I’d like that,” you smile.
“Be safe.”
The line goes dead and you give yourself a few minutes to gather your thoughts and nerves before you move right for the front door.
It takes you too long to knock on his door.
You can hear the TV going on the other side. You’ve never been to Bucky’s place before and it’s unfamiliar territory.
Kali must have been here lots of times. He’s probably seeing her on every seat she ever sat in or…in his bed.
You shake the depressing thought away, willing yourself not to be jealous of something that’s obviously already over. Even if for Bucky the scar is still healing. 
Your first two knocks are too soft. Nothing changes inside.
Frustrated, your third set of knocks are too loud. Literal banging on the wooden door.
You chew on your lip, irritated with yourself but finally from the other side you hear movement. A shuffling? Like skin on floor? Thumps. Footsteps, you realize.
There’s a click and the door opens only there’s no one to greet you.
The crack is large enough that you can see inside and opposite the door is just a wall. You move in, looking up at the sconces as they light the narrow hallway and follow it down towards a decently sized living room.
The kitchen is small, about the same size of yours with a similar island but the materials are nicer. There’s a sterling silver coffee machine, fridge with a surprisingly large array of pamphlets, menus, and reminders held up with simple dot magnets. The microwave is white and built in. There’s a landline at one end of the island, a blender, toaster, and stove beside the sink.
You stop just at the end of the island and quickly take notice of the single dining chair against the island, not facing it, just beside it. There’s a single armchair facing the TV at an angle. There’s a side table pushed a little further into the room with a notepad and a lamp, a few surfaces like a small cabinet and a tv stand for his TV which is indeed going over the evening news.
Between the armchair and the side table, Bucky’s made himself a small nest. Two blankets at most and what looks like a throw pillow. It matches the one on the armchair.
Bucky sits down on the blankets, no shirt, black boxer briefs, and his sleek metal arm left out and exposed. You’ve never seen him with it completely out before. The night at your house, he’d worn a shirt so it was still just as visible as it always was when he removed his jacket in your shop.
He sits with his elbows propped up on his knees, staring at the TV with his dog tags dangling at the center of his chest.
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Despite there being a bedroom that you passed on your way towards the living room, he seems completely at ease here instead.
“Hi,” you manage, slightly breathless because you haven’t seen him in weeks and he looks…he looks good and bad. The part of you hopelessly in love with him–because if your reaction to his heart breaking is any indication, you are most definitely in love with him–can’t help but notice how good he looks. He’s perfection.
Super soldier perfection.
The other part of you, the less selfish side of you notices the beard on his chin and face–which yes, also looks really freaking good but he always shaves–and the tired look in his eyes.
“Steve said you were coming,” Bucky tells you flatly.
He’s not looking at you. He’s staring at the TV, not seeing it.
“I was worried about you,” you admit, then look down at the bouquet in your hand. “I brought you some flowers. I know that it’s not much but I…I just thought they might cheer you up.”
He scoffs and your heart gives a shattering pulse.
“Or not…” you shrug, turning away from him to look at the floor.
Why do you feel so uncertain here? You came to make sure he was good and to offer some kind of comfort. Instead you feel like you’re here to be accepted or rejected and it’s making your heart ache.
You take a peek at him and see him staring at the arrangement, his eyes scan it then fly up towards your face and whatever he sees there softens his voice.
“They’re nice, kid. Thanks.”
Hopeful, you look up and meet his eyes, hoping that you’ll see some kind of opening to talk about his breakup.
Instead you remove your purse, drop it on the island beside you as you balance the vase of flowers you brought him before moving around him to place them carefully on the small cabinet at the other end of the living room.
It’s giving you mid-century vibes and the flowers look exquisite against the design.
“I-I wasn’t sure if you’d like them. I know it’s a pretty useless gift given the circumstances. What good will flowers do when so much has gone wrong, right? But I-” Ugh, here comes the ache again. Deep in your chest making you feel like someone’s got your heart in a vice and won’t stop squeezing. “I can’t really do much else.”
Turning you meet his eyes again and he’s watching you with a much softer expression. He looked almost angry when you came in. Surly and disapproving. Now the sadness in his eyes has overcome his entire face.
He’s dropped his guard.
“Buck, I-I’m so sorry,” you whisper, unable to speak any louder as you move over to sit beside him on the floor.
It’s hard and it hurts your leg but you don’t pay it any mind.
He shakes his head, pushing his lines down tight into a straight line as his eyes water and he turns back to the TV.
“I shoulda seen it coming.” He nods. “Truth is, I was never good enough for her. She needed someone a little less weighed down by things and I’ve got an entire past of mistakes to make up for. I have a job that takes me away from here for days, weeks, and even months at a time.
“She needed someone normal. And the kids thing…”
You desperately want to ask if he offered to match her energy. Would Bucky give up kids for Kali? Would he give up his desire for a family?
“...I’m glad I found out now instead of later on down the line when we were planning a wedding or somethin’. I was able to finally give her a reason to end things with me and she didn’t feel so guilty.”
“Did you love her, Bucky?” you wonder, hurting but also invested.
You want to know him, inside and out.
Bucky considers your question and after a very long, very tense moment, he shakes his head.
“I think that’s the closest I’ve gotten in a long time or maybe even ever, but something always felt off. I chose to ignore it because she’s everything I wanted in a girl. Sweet, smart, kind, and she didn’t put up with any bullshit. She was also beautiful. So…so beautiful.”
You try not to think it, but it slips through.
If she’s beautiful, what does that make you?
“What can I do, Bucky? How can I help?” you ask him, leaning over to place your hand on his bicep.
He smiles at you weakly, drained of all emotions and energy.
“I wouldn’t say no to a cup of coffee and some breakfast,” he says, leaning over to nudge you with his shoulder.
You give him that all too familiar look of exasperation you give him when he’s being a complete idiot and look towards the window.
“It’s like seven o’clock, Bucky.”
“Oh,” he says, looking towards the window too. “I guess I should go to sleep then. I haven’t slept in like, three days.”
He breathes in deeply and exhales slowly as he shifts his blankets and abandons his pillow in favor of resting his head on your lap.
“Can you play with my hair?” he asks out of nowhere, eyes already shut. “It’ll put me to sleep so much faster.”
“Uh…” your heart is absolutely pounding. “...sure.”
You slip your hand into his dark locks, they’re surprisingly soft and you haven’t even made one pass through before you hear a soft gentle snoring as his mouth falls open and his body goes completely limp.
You stay anyway, playing with his hair wishing this moment would never end.
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: None
Genre: FLUFF, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: Having come clean about being single for a very long time now and considering herself completely out of the dating scene, Y/N’s confession is taken and responded to with a ton of kindness, especially from a special someone...
Requested by Anon. Hi hun! Thank you so much for your lovely request, it was such a joy to write! I’m so sorry for the long wait you had to go through but the fic is finally here and I hope you enjoy reading it! Love, Vy ❤
I roll out of bed with little to no desire to start my day. We haven’t got a scheduled stream for today and the clouds glooming in the sky seem to be promising rain so really what do I have to get up for except that it’s a rule society installed?
Just kidding, I’m basically stalling and that’s all.
So what happened was the streamer gang and I were playing Among Us last night and our conversation during the pause between rounds somehow swerved into relationship territory. I stayed quiet the majority of if not all the time because I had no valid input to offer. 
If you know me you know I’m not one of the performers on the dating scene. I have never really confirmed it with my fans - well, until last night, that is - but I bet they have picked up on that fact considering I’ve been on YouTube for around a decade and have never had a partner. That being said, I’d have to also mention that I have in fact dated but someone but it was before my YouTube era started. Me choosing this career path, which back then was just a hobby, had nothing to do with the relationship ending but it still motivated me to not to actively look for a relationship while I’m still focused on my career. It’s too much work, too much stress and requires a lot of balance I most certainly either don’t have or I don’t have the energy to put in balancing my romantic and professional lives. Luckily, no one’s ever pressured me into finding a significant other, not yet at least, so no societal pressure for me!
But I gotta admit I felt real awkward admitting all this last night.
“Hey Y/N what do you think? You’ve been awfully quiet?“ Rae asks, causing me to jolt in my seat from where I’ve been reading my chat for the past five minutes, my mic muted.
I quickly unmute to reply, blushing ever so slightly, “Um, sorry I was reading my chat. What do I think about what?”
“The gesture of giving flowers to your significant other, is it romantic or a waste of money and plant murder?“ Rae explains, still managing to catch me off-guard with her question.
I ponder what my response should be for a little bit before deciding to level it to a neutral level where I almost sound indifferent, “It is in fact plant murder basically and artificial flowers would definitely be a better gift - plus they’ll last longer.”
“Mhmm yeah that’s true.“ Poki agrees with me, “But there’s still the question of whether it’s a romantic gesture or not. I personally don’t think it’s overrated or cheesy, I actually quite like it. What about you, Y/N?“
And now she’s got me in a real trap that I can’t wiggle out of without speaking my truth. I don’t know where this sudden anxiety around the subject came from but it now resides within me rent free and makes me feel self-conscious and embarrassed of the confession I’m inevitably make.
“Um, I wouldn’t know for certain, I’ve never received flowers myself...“ I say sheepishly, cringing at the sound of my own voice, “It’s not like I’ve dated plenty of people and the one guy I did date wasn’t really romantic or anything, I mean - we were teenagers, after all. But when I think about it in theory I think I’d like the gesture: it’s thoughtful, plus you get a temporary but beautiful piece of décor out of it.“
I’m gonna hope I didn’t sound too pitiful or desperate. Of course I’m not gonna check afterward on the stream cause I’d rather live in the illusion of having sounded humorous rather than be given the confirmation that I didn’t.
“Wait, wait, wait, did you date your last boyfriend like a decade ago?“ Corpse is now the one talking and that makes me feel even more anxious. This is not the impression one would want to give to their crush, is it? Oh well, no turning back now.
“Correct.“ I reply with a laugh that I hope didn’t sound as nervous as it was.
“And you’ve never, like in your whole life, received flowers from someone?“ He sounds astonished which sort of makes me want to shrink up in my shell like a turtle. Too bad I don’t have a shell though. I’m genuinely thinking of the option to rip the router out of the outlet right now to save me the troubles but I’m not that immature. I’m surprised I’m even reacting this way - this topic doesn’t usually bother me at all but now for some reason I’m red as a tomato and shrinking in my chair. 
I know what the obvious answer is but I’d rather die than admit to it.
“Yeah, yeah, I know it sounds bad but I really don’t care.“ I make an attempt at changing the subject, swerving it back to the main topic rather than my lack of a love life, “I do, in fact, find the gesture sweet - it adds vibrancy to the relationship just like the flowers would add vibrancy and color to the space they’re put in.“
“Oh my gosh, that’s such a cool analogy!“ Rae gushes, “You’re totally right, it might be an old trick, but it’s aged like fine wine.“
Phew, God bless you Rae.
“Exactly, exactly.“ Corpse agrees as well but I don’t think he’s fully heard what Rae said since he sounds to have fallen in deep thought.
At least I got away with it with only making a SLIGHT nervous wreck of myself.
Yikes, was that horrible, though I don’t people will remember it for long. Sure, my fans have sent me thousands of lovely messages and pictures of bouquets and will maybe continue sending them for another day or two - which I highly appreciate, don’t get me wrong. I’m severely touched by this gesture of theirs and it almost makes me glad I finally ‘came clean’ about my romance-less life - however, it’ll fade overtime. I mean, who the heck cares if I’m single or not?
As I pour the milk over my cheerios which I’ve been snacking on dry for the past half hour as I rifled through the many notifications clogging up my lock screen, I hear the doorbell ring. I’m understandably puzzled by this, seeing as how I never get visitors so that doorbell rings only when I’ve ordered something, be it takeout or a random item off Amazon. However, I can’t remember ordering anything, at least not anything that should be arriving at the moment or even anytime soon - that glow-in-the dark curtain isn’t supposed to arrive until next week.  I make my way to the door, unbothered by the fact I’m still in my pajamas, and take a look through the peephole.
It’s a delivery guy...and he happens to be holding a huge-ass bouquet.
“What the...“ I mutter to myself as I unlock and swing open the door in the blink of an eye, “Hi?“
“Hi there, are you Y/N L/N?“ The delivery guy, who I’ve seen many times before and who I’m on pretty friendly terms with, asks me jokingly, sending a wink my way.
“I sure am.“ I reply, my gaze fixated on the breathtaking flowers he’s holding, “But those can’t be for me, that’s for sure.“
He fishes looks at his clipboard one more time, nodding before he looks back at me, “I double and triple checked, Y/N, they’re for you. Here, have a look if you don’t believe me.” He turns the clipboard  for me to see and he is actually telling the truth. I mean, I doubt he’d have any reason to lie to me but mix-ups happen all the time.
“Um, ok thanks. Sorry for the halt, it’s just...I’d hate to be the recipient of the flowers meant for another girl.” I apologize as I take the bouquet for him, still in awe of the fact I’m the one it was made and meant for and sent to.
I say a quick ‘bye’ to the delivery guy before practically running inside to inspect this bouquet for a card from the sender. I have my guesses: it has to be someone who was present during the stream last night and someone who knows my address. Hopefully it’s someone from my friend group and not a fan who watched the stream and just happens to know my address. I’d still appreciate the gesture, but I’d also install security cameras if that was the case.
Something about the color scheme of the flowers - pink and black - gives me Rae vibes since she constantly teases me about my aesthetics contradicting each other. But then again, Poki does it too so it could be her as well....
                                                               ~ ~ ~
I’ve been sitting here, keeping myself a safe distance from my phone so I’m not the first one to send her a text. So I don’t ask if she got what I sent her. So I don’t ask what she thought of it, how the bouquet looks in her living room, how it smells, how it makes her feel. I have so many questions so that phone is best off at a major distance from me. I’m the one who’s better off with such a huge distance between me and the device, to be perfectly honest.
Was it a bad idea? Should I have slept on it - or just thought about it longer cause sleep and I don’t get along? Should I have at least waited a day or two? Should I-
My phone vibrates with a notification and I practically fly to it from across the room, grabbing it and unlocking it asap. My heart sinks and takes off like a rocket simultaneously when I see I’ve been tagged in Y/N’s Instagram story. I nervously tap the notification that sends me to the picture of the bouquet I sent her with some text written over it.
“Thank you, Romeo ;)“
Somehow that one sentence answers all those aforementioned questions.
Is this what people refer to as butterflies in one’s stomach? Cause it feels significantly more like a crush...oh wait.
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arvinsescape · 3 years
A/N: I hope you guys enjoy this one, bit different of a topic to deal with. I have read a lot of stories of these things happening, I have put warnings in and if the topic is too much please don’t read. I will accept constructive critiscm. (I understand that what happens throughout this writing is not a reality for some but it is a work of fiction and I absolutely hold no intent to offend anyone.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, talks of infertility, language.
W/C: 5K... there may be typos.
You were almost in shock as you stared at the test in your hand. Impossible. There was no way that this was true, it couldn’t be, you’d been told as much. You furrowed your brows as you looked up at the doctor.
“This isn’t, this can’t be right.” You stumbled out.
“It is, we’ve tested you almost every way possible. You’re pregnant.” He confirmed and you still couldn’t work out how it made you feel.
You’d never considered this as an option, you were told when you turned sixteen that you couldn’t have children, that you were infertile. You struggled with bad periods and when you went to the doctors they ran full tests on you and that’s how you found out. You’d never thought about children, why would you have? The idea of being a mother wasn’t something you ever considered and now you were faced with it, well you didn’t know how to feel.
You were terrified, you’d come here today because you thought you were ill, not pregnant. You wondered if you were dreaming, you were so sure you’d turned your alarm off and rolled out of bed this morning for this appointment. It must have been a dream, there was no way this was possible.
The doctor continued to look and you and you looked up at him, you couldn’t speak, you didn’t know what to say. You didn’t even know how you should feel, let alone what to say about it. “Would you like us to call Mr Holland?” The doctor asked, he’d grown concerned over your quiet demeanor.
“No,” you shook your head. “He’s away.” You continued quietly.
“Would you like me to call someone for you?” He asked again and you shook your head.
“No, I’m okay. I just, I don’t know. I’d never considered this a possibility. Will it make it? The baby I mean?” You asked quietly and the doctor gave you a small smile.
“You stand the same chance as every other woman who falls pregnant.” He offered, it was almost a comfort to you, the worry setting in that you’d miscarry because you genuinely believed the universe didn’t pick you to have children. You nodded slightly as you stood. “You should talk to your husband.” He added.
“I will.” You confirmed, you just didn’t know how and when. You’d told him about your infertility early on in the relationship so you could save a broken heart down the line, save him getting his hopes high as the relationship progressed. He’d mentioned the idea of adoption, but it was something you both wanted to wait for and hadn’t fully decided if you were going to, what if this hindered the plans you’d made together?
Being a married couple who seemingly couldn’t have children, you’d planned your lives to work a little differently. It never involved a family in your mid-twenties. You’d been with him for three years, married six months and now you were about to become parents. Where would this leave you?
You suddenly felt guilty, you were part of an extraordinarily rare group of women. Shouldn’t you be jumping for joy? Maybe you would be if you weren’t so shocked. You hadn’t exactly been trying, of course you’d gone three years having unprotected sex with no birth control but there was never any need. You were never doing it for the purpose of procreating. You didn’t even track your period, that’s how much you believed you couldn’t conceive.
You made your way out of the doctors, sitting in your car as you pressed your forehead against the steering wheel. You debated telling Tom your appointment was over but ultimately decided not to. He was only an hour ahead of you from where he was filming, you knew he’d be waiting for your text or call but you weren’t ready to have the conversation, you still had a lot to process first. The drive home was almost a blur, making your way back to your shared house.
Tess greeted you, jumping up at you as you mindlessly stroked her head, making your way into the kitchen, she was hot on your heels, your greeting towards her wasn’t what she wanted, it felt off. It was like she always sensed when you were out of sorts or having a bad day, she’d follow you around, make sure you were okay. Pouring yourself a glass of water you thought about what you should do.
Your thoughts spiraled more the more you thought about how you were going to tell your husband. You wanted to feel complete and utter joy, but you couldn’t, so many emotions running through your mind at once. It was almost head ache inducing. Your phone buzzed on the side, bringing you from your thoughts as you picked it up, opening a message Tom had sent you.
Tom: You finished yet? Seems like a long appointment. You okay? I’m getting worried not hearing from you xx
You stared at the text, how do you respond? You can’t tell him news like this over a text or a phone call, it didn’t seem right. You needed to tell him in person, but he wasn’t due back for a month, you swallowed thickly as typed out your response.
You: Yeah, sorry, I forgot to message, got distracted. I’m okay xx
You read his reply, he was happy you were okay, a light scalding about scaring him like that. You needed to see him, but you couldn’t ask him to come home, he’d only worry more, and he was filming, his schedule was tight. You sighed as you pulled up Harry’s contact, it didn’t take him long to answer.
“Y/N? Hey.” Harry said, his usual chirpy self.
“Hey Harry. Can you send me the details of where you’re staying? Want to surprise Tom.” You said as normal as you could muster.
“You missing him already? He’s only been gone a week.” Harry teased with a short laugh.
“Yeah, I just want to see him.” You confirmed, tone dropping slightly.
“You okay?” Harry asked worriedly, he knew you were always up for a laugh, but you’d not taken the bait, so he knew something was off.
“Yeah, like I say I just miss him.” You sighed, hoping Harry wouldn’t press further. “Just don’t tell him I’m coming, yeah?”
Harry promised he wouldn’t ruin the surprise, giving you the location of the hotel they were stopping in. You put the phone down and booked your flight, the next one wasn’t until tomorrow and you needed to talk to someone about this, you also needed to find cover for your shifts. You killed two birds with one stone as you called your best friend, asking her to come over if she could.
“Y/N? What’s up? You okay?” She asked as she made her way into your home. She knew something was off when Tess didn’t greet her like she usually would. The dog only looking at her to make sure she wasn’t a threat before placing her head back in your lap.
“I don’t know.” You answered honestly, you felt tears brim your eyes, the emotional confusion was becoming too much for you. She sat next you, carefully as not to disturb the dog in your lap, who huffed, leaning her head onto you more. She became almost jealous when anyone else tried to comfort you, Tom found it endearing and infuriating at times.
“Have you had a fight with Tom?” She asked carefully, the pups ears pricking up at the mention of her owner. You shook your head in response. “You just missing him a lot?” She pried, trying to get to the bottom of your problem.
“No more than usual.” You answered as you slightly scratched Tess’s head.
“Help me out here Y/N/N, what’s wrong?” She asked and you looked at her, she noticed the tears in your eyes and furrowed her brows. “Y/N/N?” She asked softly and you let the tears fall, you couldn’t help it. Tess standing on your lap as she nudged at your face. She assumed you were missing Tom, she was always so attentive and tried to cheer you up when you cried.
“I’m pregnant.” You said through your tears, pulling Tess into a hug as she placed her head on your shoulder. Your friend looking at you, shocked expression on her face.
“Are you, are you sure?” She asked carefully. Of course she knew about your supposed infertility.
“The doctor said so. I don’t know. I didn’t think it was possible. I know I should probably be happy but it’s so much to take in. I didn’t know this was possible.” You got out. Your friend waited for you to calm down, watching as you cuddled Tessa, the dog licking your cheek every now and again until you calmed down.
“Sorry,” you said as you sniffled, eventually calming down. Your friend smiling at you, in a comforting way. “I just, I don’t know how this is supposed to make me feel.” You said, Tess now peacefully back in your lap.
“I don’t think there’s a hand book for this sort of thing.” Your friend said. “Look, you’re just confused. The impossible has just become possible for you, of course you’re not gonna know how it makes you feel. You told Tom yet?” She asked.
“No, I don’t know what to say. I don’t even know if it’s something he wants right now.” You said, tears welling your eyes. “How do I tell him?”
“I think you should just come out with it. Just say it. He loves you, I’m sure he won’t leave you. This is a good thing.” She reassured as she placed a hand on your shoulder. “A really good thing. Just tell him. I’ll cover your shifts this week, just go and tell him.” She said with a smile.
“You really think he’ll be okay with it? That we’ll be okay?” Being pregnant was already scaring the living hell out of you and the thought of doing it alone? You couldn’t think too much about it right now.
“I know he loves you and I know that the two of you are solid. You guys can work through anything. I think he’ll be over the moon. You’ve been given a chance that not many people in your position do, I know that means you’re scared but you don’t have to be, you’ll be okay. Just let the excitement in.” She said and you took in her words.
Maybe you did need to relax, this was a good thing. You didn’t feel ready to have a child, but you were given a gift that not many other women in your position are. You should be excited, you thought about it for a while, letting the excitement flood you. This felt like a miracle, an absolute gift from the universe.
After a relatively short flight you were met with your brother-in-law’s arms, as he picked you up from the airport.
“I could’ve gotten a taxi.” You smiled and Harry shrugged.
“Toms on a closed set, spoilers and all that. Didn’t have anything better to do.” He teased as he nudged your shoulder and you smiled. “Right, out with it.” He said after your lack of usual response.
“What?” You asked, furrowed brows.
“Something’s off. What’s wrong?” He asked, concern written all over him as he opened the passenger door for you, making his way to the driver’s side.
“I just want to see him.” You shrugged, bringing a hand up to play with your bottom lip.
“I appreciate that, I do. But, you had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and all of sudden you’re rushing to see him.” He observed, he cared for you just like he would his own sister.
“How’d you know about that?” You asked and Harry gave you a knowing look, of course Tom will have spent the last few days worrying about it. “Can I tell you when I’ve told Tom?” You asked quietly.
“Wait, are you sick? Like actually ill?” He asked as he pulled into the drive of the hotel. He turned the ignition off and looked at you. “Y/N/N, are you okay?” He asked again and you couldn’t help as you burst into your second fit of tears in two days. He placed a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to pry I’m just worried.” He furrowed his brows, when you didn’t respond he sighed as he pulled you into a hug.
“I don’t know what to do.” You said vaguely.
“About what?” He asked as he hugged you tighter, it was awkward positioning, but you felt slightly better.
“Harry I need to tell Tom something and I don’t know how he’ll react.” You sobbed, something about being in the hotel grounds had your nerves shooting through you, you weren’t far off Tom right now.
“Hey, whatever it is it’ll be okay.” He said as he rubbed your back, you silently calmed yourself and he pulled you back to look at him. “Come on, let’s get you to your husband.” He said as you both exited the car.
The walk through the hotel didn’t feel long enough, your nerves felt like they were eating away at your heart, making your breathing more difficult as you tried to calm them. Harry was quiet as he led you through the halls. When he stopped outside the door you knew was Tom’s hotel room, you felt panic rise, you couldn’t do this.
“Harry, I can’t.” You said as you stopped him opening the door. He whipped to look at you.
“Y/N/N, when has there ever been a point in your relationship where you haven’t been able to talk about something?” He reassured and you sighed.
“This is different.” You said and Harry smiled sadly.
“It’s nothing you guys can’t handle. You’re a strong couple you know.” He reassured as he grasped your hand in his. You’d always been close to Tom’s family, they became like your own brother’s. “Come on.” He said as he opened the door with the second key, Tom had his back to the door.
“Harry? Where’d you go?” He asked, knowing it was his younger sibling.
“Went to pick up a present for you.” Harry smiled and Tom turned with furrowed brows.
“Wh- Y/N/N?” Tom let out a breath of surprise. Seeing him after almost eight days apart still brought that feeling of excitement in you as your feet moved before you could stop them. Running to him as he opened his arms, ready to catch you. Your body collided with his as he picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist as he buried his head in the crook of your neck.
You inhaled his scent, letting it calm your nerves, it always did. His scent and being in his arms, grounded you, kept you sane. It wasn’t long before the panic set in, what if he wouldn’t be there to ground you anymore? What if he didn’t want this? It was hard, you knew everything about him apart from his want or lack of when it came to children. You didn’t know how he was gonna react.
“I’m just gonna.” You heard Harry excuse himself as he heard your sobs start again. Tom stiffened slightly, holding you tighter.
“What’s wrong? Hey, it’s only been eight days, we’ve done more.” He said as he lightly shrugged his shoulder, forcing you to look at him. He took in your face, how tired you looked, it wasn’t until he settled on your eyes that he saw the fear in them, he didn’t miss a single detail when it came to you. “What’s happened?” He asked and you shook your head before stuffing your face back into his neck.
He held you, let you cry, he knew you’d talk but he wouldn’t push you. As worried as he was he’d wait for you to calm down, wait until you were ready. You stayed like that for a good five minutes before he heard your breathing calm and sniffles quieten, running a hand through your hair and running a hand up and down your thigh in comfort.
“Tom?” You whimpered and his heart shattered, he couldn’t decipher what the fuck was going on and it scared the shit out of him. You’d seen him and cried your eyes out, your sobs shaking your body in a way that had Tom’s heart hammering in his chest.
“What’s wrong baby?” He asked, voice soft as he kissed your temple. “What happened?” His grip tightened when you tried to get down, your body had still clung to him like he’d disappear. Hands relaxed as you let go of the tight grip on his t shirt. He didn’t want to let you go.
“Can I get down please? You might want to sit for this.” You said and Tom furrowed his brows as he did as you asked. He studied you for a moment before you gestured for him to sit on the edge of the bed, wiping at your sore nose. You’d rubbed it so much after all your crying that it felt a little tender. He sat and you sat next to him, taking his hands in your shaking ones as you played with his fingers, he knew you did that when you were nervous or extremely relaxed and he deciphered the reason easily.
“Hey,” he said as he let you continue playing with his digits. “You can talk to me, sweetheart you’re scaring me here.” Tom said, voice incredibly soft, he was scared if he talked any louder you’d break, he’d never seen you so vulnerable.
You breathed in, you had to say it, he’d find out eventually, it wasn’t exactly something you could hide. On top of that you and Tom didn’t do secrets, not between each other. You let out a shaky breath as you looked at your husband, nothing but worry and care reflecting in his eyes.
“I,” you started, voice hoarse from all your crying. “I don’t know how to say it.” You admitted and Tom’s heart dropped, he’d never in your entire relationship seen you so vulnerable, never seen you at such a loss for words.
“Just say it. Rip the bandage of?” He offered in aid, and he heard you take in a deep breath before speaking.
“I’m pregnant.” You breathed out in a whisper. Tom didn’t catch it as he pulled one of his hands from your grasp, eyebrows furrowing as you pulled it back into your grasp. You were grounding yourself, using his hands as a way to keep your emotions in check. He knew that which is why he left his hand he’d previously tried to free.
“Sorry darling, I didn’t catch that.” Tom said as he placed his chin on your head. You played with his wedding ring on his finger for a moment, twirling it on his finger, it wasn’t as mindlessly as you usually did it, before you spoke again, it was still quiet, but Tom didn’t miss it. The words echoing around the silent hotel room. Of all the things he expected to be wrong, this was not it.
“What? How?” Tom got out, shock taking over his system. He didn’t think this was possible, didn’t think you could.
“I’m sorry.” You said, voice quiet, no tears but Tom would be surprised if you had any left. You placed your head on his chest as you waited for his response. You were nervous, incredibly so and Tom was shocked.
It was your fingers playing with his more harshly as you grew more nervous of his silence that brought him crashing back to Earth. His heart hammering in his chest, excitement bubbling through his system. He felt like he’d just been told he was King of the world, felt like every good piece of news had come back to him all at once. This was a miracle.
“Say it again.” Tom said with a smile on his lips, he needed to hear you say it again, just so he knew it was true.
“I’m pregnant Tom.” You said and he couldn’t help himself as he let a tear fall, his chest filling with a happiness he hadn’t felt since you’d said, ‘I do,’ and he was sure this was even happier than then. You’d done something you were told was impossible. “Are you angry?” You asked, voice small as you grasped a hand around his wedding finger.
“Angry? Princess this is the best news in the world. We’ve been given a chance, one most couples don’t.”
You looked up at him and studied his face, it was full of nothing but joy and adoration, you smiled sadly as you let the excitement settle in your chest. You didn’t have to do this alone, he wanted this. You both did.
“I’m scared.” You voiced your concern.
“You’ve got me, and I’ve got you.” He said reassuring as he kissed at your cheeks. “We can do this. Together, like everything else.” He said again and you let go of his fingers as you hugged him, strong hands finding your back as he pulled you tight against him
A month later and Tom had quit the role, the director and his agent understanding, he needed to be here for this, he couldn’t and wouldn’t miss it. He didn’t care if it gave him a bad name, you and your baby came first, always. Luckily everyone understood, well everyone involved in making the film. You still needed to tell your families, your mum and dad had cried at the news, your dad unbelievably so. Your sister was nothing but ecstatic for you, it was not time to tell Tom’s family, Harry had been worried after your exchange when he picked you up, but he stopped pushing when Tom reassured him you were okay.
“What? I thought?” Harry started as he looked at the couple in shock, of course Tom had told him that you were unable to have children. He’d told all of his family to stop the questions about them cropping up.
“So did we.” You said with a smile, nothing but excitement was left now, all your fears and concerns leaving your system.
“Are they certain?” Sam asked, he was just as shocked as Harry.
“Yeah.” Tom said, you’d been to a couple of doctors to confirm the news, the two of you both lived for a solid week thinking you were dreaming and almost needed it confirming as many times as was possible.
“I’m so happy for you.” Harry said with a wide smile, engulfing you in a hug, squeezing you tight.
“Have you told mum and dad?” Sam asked, smile matching his twin’s.
“Not yet.”
“Mum’s gonna cry.” Harry smiled.
“What?” Dom asked, like everyone else, nothing but shock evident.
“Oh Tom,” his mother said as she hugged him, smile on her face as she cried tears of happiness. “This is a miracle.” She said and Tom smiled as he hugged his mother back.
“I thought it wasn’t possible.” Dom was still in disbelief.
“So did I.” You said and Dom pulled you into a hug.
“I couldn’t be more happy for you.” He said into your ear.
His parents understood this was different for you, Tom had made the choice where you’d not had one. As harsh as it sounds Tom could have called it quits in the early stages of your relationship when you’d told him. Whereas for you, you’d lived your life thinking it didn’t matter who you married you’d never have the choice and here you were. Nikki was the next to pull you into her chest.
“I’m so unbelievably happy for you, you have no idea how happy I am for you right now.” She cried into your shoulder, and you smiled, Tom mouthing a slight ‘sorry’ over her shoulder before his dad pulled him into a hug.
It wasn’t until your three month scan that things got incredibly emotional, when the nurse had placed the gel on your stomach to listen for a heartbeat. You all heard two and the only person who didn’t catch on was you, you assumed it was your own heartbeat. Tom cried when he heard them, cried so incredibly hard and you assumed it was because he’d heard his child’s heartbeat for the first time and it was, but it wasn’t only that.
“I knew twins ran in the family but Jesus fucking christ.” Tom muttered as he sniffled, and you looked at him confused.
“Darling, there’s two heart beats.” Tom said as he looked at you, how had you not caught on. You looked to the nurse for help.
“Mrs Holland, you’re having twins.” She smiled and you almost screamed in joy. How had you gotten so lucky? You couldn’t help as you pulled your husband into your arms, he let out a slight breath as you pulled him to your chest and cried into his hair.
Neither you nor Tom cared the gender of your child, male or female, you were ecstatic. The baby reveal was incredible, it brought tears to everyone’s eyes as they watched the two of you with your little confetti canons.
“Okay, darling. On three?” He asked, nerves kicking in for the both of you. He whispered out the numbers and on three you both set your canons off. Blue confetti showered everything in its path, they were both boys. You heard as Harry and Paddy practically roared in excitement, Sam clapping his older brother on the shoulder with a ‘congrats.’
Tom picked you up and cried into your chest, you were both over the moon. You ran your hands through his hair as you kissed the top of his head, you’d never seen him as emotional in the last few months, he cried at everything do to do with your pregnancy.
“We’re gonna have nephews!” You heard Paddy scream as he fist bumped Harry, the two had been adamant they were both boys. You smiled at their excitement.
The labour was long and hard, you felt like you couldn’t carry on through the last four hours. Both boys being born, half an hour apart, you both cried, Tom cutting the umbilical cords with shaky hands.
“I’m so proud of you.” Tom said as he kissed your temple, you were sweaty and in your opinion probably looked like shit, not to Tom though. You looked like an absolute angel.
“I never thought I’d have this.” You said in a small and tired voice, a wave of emotions hitting you.
“I know sweetheart.” Tom said, he knew there really was nothing else to say, no ‘if’, ‘buts’ or ‘maybes.’ What had happened for the two of you was an absolute miracle, a chance not many were given.
“I love you.” You said as a tear slipped, and Tom was quick to wipe it away as he moved the sweaty mess of hair from your forehead.
“I love you to, more than anything.” He said as he rested his forehead against yours.
“Tom, I’m all sweaty.” You groaned as you tried to calm your onslaught of emotions and he laughed.
“How do you think these guys were made, we had to get a little sweaty then didn’t we?” Tom teased and you lifted a tired hand to slap his shoulder. He laughed as he pulled away to hold your hand.
“Thank you.” You said as you played with his fingers, particularly the wedding ring that rested on his finger. Although this time, it wasn’t out of nerves, you were content, happy, in pure bliss.
“What for?” He asked, the gratitude confused him.
“For staying with me, sticking by me.” You said as you closed your eyes slightly, you were so tired, a long labour having caught up with you.
“I told you when I asked you to marry me, I’m never going anywhere, no matter what. Get some rest darling.” He said but it fell on deaf ears, your breathing evening out as you looked the most content and happy he’d ever seen you in his life, sleep consuming you. Your hand didn’t leave his, your two healthy boys were currently sleeping next to your bed. As Tom looked around the room at his family that was much bigger than he’d anticipated at the start of the year he counted his blessings that whoever was up there had given you a chance.
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dreamteamspace · 4 years
They really went there huh
/rp (good lord I rly hyperfixated on this essay huh)
torture tw, abuse tw, manipulation tw, gaslighting tw
So the Dream SMP built a character, once maybe morally gray, who slipped straight into villany with little to no desire to change, and willing to cause a LOT of pain to get his way. Despite this, he doesn’t question what he does enough to stop, justifying his actions with a good intent that doesn’t come close to justifying what he’s done.
C!Dream is unremorseful of what he’s done, he’s quite literally manipulated and gaslit (like actually, not in the way everyone keeps throwing the word around) c!Tommy, almost drove him to take his last life- like, jesus christ. That’s not even to mention blowing up L’Manburg three times, encouraging c!Wilbur, wanting the discs JUST to have power over c!Tommy, etc.
SO, he gets thrown in a box for it so he doesn’t hurt anybody anymore, making his own hubris his downfall (narrative consequence my beloved). This leads us to a good finale - the bad guy, the person who’s caused objectively the most pain and destruction, is now unable to do so anymore, taken down by the person whom he tried to weaken. It is also revealed he was planning on blackmailing and threatening pretty much everyone, but now everyone gets their stuff back.
Good, right?
Especially for the finale, yeah! The message of the finale is good, c!Tommy manages to escape his abuser with nothing more but his clothes on his back and fights his way back to c!Tubbo and his home.
He doesn’t let his trauma (which is still very present!) let him become a terrible person (arguably the way that c!Dream DID let his frustrations make him a terrible person, c!Tommy, despite bearing quite a heavy weight, recognizes when he begins to turn that way and actively works against it).
It shows that while alone, c!Tubbo and c!Tommy were outfought by Dream, but because c!Tommy went the length to ask for help (which he didn’t even really seem to be relying on actually showing up), he wins! It truly is a good message.
C!Tommy escapes his abuser and manipulator, refuses and fights his trauma to not become someone he doesn’t want to be, and defeats his abuser by asking for help and receiving it, even more than he thought he’d get. He refuses to play c!Dream’s “game”, refuses till the very last moment to let c!Tubbo die, to surrender and say goodbye to him.
So, great! Good finale! C!Dream The Villain is boxed like a fish in a prison of, quite literally, his own making. It sent a good message to people. C!Tommy wasn’t expected to forgive him and did, in fact, axe him down twice, causing c!Dream to finally fall from his high horse.
Most media would stop at this point, say the villain is now defeated and never show them again, or have them come back another one or two seasons later, escaped and seemingly unharmed and worse than ever.
Alternatively, there’s a throwaway line, (or, in good media, a genuine, reasonable backstory, complete with remorse and bad role models and complicated situations), that allows the villain to be redeemed.
In GOOD redemption arcs (See: Zuko from avatar tbh), the villain was already never quite as heartless, or stressed their good intent, or felt remorse for what they felt they “had to do”. Then, ideally, the villain takes a looooong time adjusting their habits, regretting their actions and changing until they’re considered redeemed.
Not on the Dream SMP, though.
They don’t stop at c!Dream’s defeat.
He doesn’t dissapear off-screen and is never spoken of again. His life continues on, everyone’s does, just like it would in reality. He doesn’t magically want to become a better person, far from it. So no redemption. But he doesn’t dissapear, either.
They go on to, slowly, stress how awful the conditions in Pandora’s Vault are. c!Bad says c!Dream should be imprisoned, but at least at slightly better conditions. We’re in very VERY morally gray territorry here. Nobody says c!Dream is a good person, of course not, but even c!Bad - who knows Dream was planning on keeping c!Skeppy in a cage to control him with - goes, “yeah, he should stay boxed, but does he really need to like... suffer suffer?”
Still, c!Dream seems to be kindof inconsistent in his behavior. Is he faking his pain? Is he not? His actions don’t fully make sense for either take. He acts differently to each person, but at the same time some things he does don’t make sense if he were just fishing for pity.
Then c!Sam admits to trying (and thinking he succeeded) to “break Dream’s will”, to quite literally starving him for weeks.
Okay, so now we’re a step further. C!Dream is now suffering even more, although already boxed and unable to hurt anyone. Pandora’s Vault is one thing, but now c!Sam just seems to be out for revenge and nothing more. Instead of spending his time with c!Tommy, he spends his time pickaxing(?) c!Dream.
C!Sam isn’t an angel, and we should all know that by now. He does what he thinks is right, but he’s deeper than that, all characters on the DSMP are.
He cares deeply for the Badlands, and would always choose them above anybody else. He’s a capitalist. He built the prison because it would benefit the Badlands resource-wise, despite knowing Dream would probably use it on his enemies, and it was no secret that ALL members of L’Manburg, especially c!Tommy, are his enemies. C!Sam, undoubtedly, knew that. He still built it.
Arguably, he didn’t know about c!Dream’s attachment obsession at the time, but the point still stands.
People have already latched onto the untold story happening between c!Dream and c!Sam, and frankly, we barely know enough about it. Does c!Sam torture him regularly? Do they talk? Does c!Dream try to verbally fight back? CAN he fight back? We don’t know! We’ve gotten proof for both, between c!Sam saying that c!Dream is terrifying even in prison and c!Dream going silent to go on strike. We don’t have enough of an idea how bad or how good it truly is.
So the people who prefer to humanize c!Dream and explore morality imagine c!Sam to downright torture him, people that prefer to see c!Dream as nothing but evil due to his actions imagine prison on the DSMP to not be equivalent to real life prison, and thus nowhere near as torturous as people are making it out to be.
Now all that is thrown out the window as c!Quackity quite literally tortures him.
So now the internet is faced with a question that, judging by some of the impulsive reactions *cough cough* celebrating torture *cough*, it didn’t turn out to be ready for.
Tell me.
How far do we go?
C!Dream hurt a LOT of people. He did a lot of things that caused irreparable damage. Now what? Do we torture him forever? Why? Because he deserves it? How do we determine that without comparing one kind of pain to another?
It’s custom and kindof generally respectful not to compare people’s pain too accurately, because different things vary greatly in severity depending on the person that experiences them.
At what point do we say he’s suffered enough without comparing exile to the prison?
And if we DO compare, does that even make the question easier to answer?
And if he’s never suffered enough ever, killing them would be a mercy...
At what point has a person done enough damage that they “deserve” to die? What if someone only did half of the things c!Dream did. But if c!Dream gets infinite punishment, and half of infinity is still infinity, do they ALSO deserve endless suffering?
Do you think every person that did something you can’t emphasize with deserves to suffer for eternity and die?
I’m not saying we SHOULD emphasize with c!Dream. He did things we cannot justify, that NOTHING can justify. He did things that were, by their nature, unjustified.
I’m also not saying anybody should forgive him. I think it’s a GOOD thing that c!Tommy doesn’t want nor is narratively pushed to forgive c!Dream.
But c!Dream doesn’t need c!Tommy’s forgiveness to be... a person.
There’s a saying that I’m sure you know, that goes “I wouldn’t wish it on my worst enemy.”, because there’s things you wouldn’t want any human being to experience. Not because you like them, not cause you think they’re right, but because they’re human.
And perhaps this is my personal opinion, but I don’t think c!Dream being a bad person justifies dehumanizing him, because then we get into an area where someone needs to meet criteria just to be human.
I met someone once, whom, because of outside circumstances I knew I probably wouldn’t meet again. We’d been getting along just fine for people who just met, and were both getting into an interesting discussion about morality. They kept insisting upon something I kept refuting, so they said they needed to get something off their chest.
They proceeded to tell me that they had, years ago, while a teen, manipulated someone in a relationship, pushed boundaries and tried to convince them to do things they didn’t really want to do to get what they wanted.
They cried, while telling me, too terrified to tell anybody they know, terrified nobody would ever speak to them again, insanely regretful of their actions. They didn’t know whether to go back and apologize or just stay as far away as humanly possible, didn’t know which one the right thing to do is.
It had been years, by then, and I talked them through it. I said that what they did was bad, and there’s no going around that. But I also said what I saw, which is someone who would never do something like that ever again. I saw a human being. Someone who regrets a mistake they did and now, after enough time has passed, would do anything to make it undone.
Someone who is too terrified to be close to anybody in fear that they would do it again. I don’t remember if they already went to therapy or not, but it was definitly on the table, or in the near future.
They asked me how I could possibly even keep talking to them after they told me all that. They implied they felt like some kind of monster despite literally chocking back tears, firmly convinced they don’t deserve to be close to anybody in their life ever again.
I never swerved from the fact that what they did was wrong, and harmful. But I also told them they’re human. The universe isn’t keeping score. They want to be a better person now, and they were never going to learn how if they never let themselves be close to anybody.
I told them to seek therapy, and to slowly, carefully, try. Assured them that the fact that they regret it so strongly will at least help them in not falling back into the same pattern, and if they do, they can learn to recognize that.
They thanked me after the conversation, genuinely, especially for the fact that I didn’t sugarcoat what happened, because I know otherwise it would’ve felt like I was lying, like I was just sparing their feelings. I wasn’t. I was thinking about how to make sure they get to live without hurting anybody.
As per the circumstances, we didn’t speak again after that, which we knew basicly from the very start.
I still think about that conversation a lot.
Do you think they should’ve been locked up for life after it happened, instead?
Do you think this real human being, that I spoke to, that took years to realize their mistake - and never would have realized it if they hadn’t had the time to, if they’d been killed right afterwards - deserves to suffer forever?
Let me tell you something, from someone who’s been in more than one abusive situation: People that hurt you are human.
That doesn’t mean you have to forgive them. That doesn’t mean you have to like them. That doesn’t mean you have to make an effort to understand them. That doesn’t mean you need to go anywhere near them ever again.
You can hate them. You can be angry at them. You can (and should) go as far away from them as possible, and/or defend yourself.
But that doesn’t mean you have to dehumanize them.
You’re allowed to hate and dislike people that are human, because you’re human, especially if they hurt you. That’s how life is.
And to go back to my original point - c!Quackity torturing c!Dream is not something that should be celebrated.
There’s a difference between necessary measures (locking c!Dream up so he doesn’t hurt anyone), and torturing people for fun.
It’s not right. It’s never going to be right, and do not justify literal torture on human beings, and do not make someone lower-than-human to justify torturing them.
Taking revenge on someone for what they did tenfold is romanticized, I know, but I promise you it’s not actually as cool as it sounds.
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wolveria · 3 years
Inside Your Wires - Chapter 1
Pairing: Human!Connor x Android!Reader
Summary: Assigned all cases involving android-related crimes, saddled with a prototype that follows him around like a plastic puppy, Detective Connor Anderson knows this must be karma for all the bad shit he’s ever done.
He thought he'd hit rock bottom, that he didn't have much left to lose, but he's proven wrong by the android sent by CyberLife. And Connor learns just how much further he can fall.
Prompt: For the @dbhau-bigbang​ 2020 challenge!
Series Warnings (18+ only): Eventual smut, slow burn, fantasy bigotry, violence, brief noncon elements, angst with a happy ending
(Story moodboard by @uh-kitty-got-wet​​)
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November 5th, 2038
Friday 11:21PM
The whiskey was harsh and burned like liquid fire as it slid down his throat. He dropped the shot glass onto the bar top and closed his eyes and savored the bloom of the cheap booze warming his chest. The music from the old jukebox behind him belted out tunes that would have been considered outdated when the place opened.
It was like this most nights. He was alone, exhausted, and well on his way to a pleasant buzz. The one thing Connor had going for him was that he hadn’t started in on his third drink until 11 PM.
That had to be some kind of record. On a Friday night, he was usually shitfaced by 10. Call it the long hours he’d been working, or maybe the fact he felt more self-loathing than usual, he’d somehow managed to hold off on spiraling until nearly midnight.
Definitely a record. And Connor deserved to celebrate.
When he tipped the glass with one finger and caught Jimmy’s eye, he nearly looked away in shame. The bartender had never given him shit before, at least in a verbal sense, but the cool stare he gave Connor now made him want to crawl into a hole and die there.
But Jimmy didn’t say a word, just gave him another dose of poison and turned away, leaving Connor in relative peace to enjoy the game. Denton Carter was kicking ass tonight, so at least there was that.
It was all going beautifully until the door opened and the sound of rain echoed throughout the tiny bar, along with a distinct smell of wet asphalt and dirty concrete. Out of the corner of his eye, Connor saw two of the other regulars shift in their seats to stare at the newcomer.
Not another regular, then. And by how lengthy the stares were and the sudden shift in atmosphere, Connor guessed the barometric pressure had taken a drop due to a pair of long legs and pretty eyes.
Turning his body only far enough to get a glance for himself, Connor was not disappointed, eyeing the stranger from their black dress shoes, up their shapely legs clad in dark jeans, past curvy hips and—
Connor turned back in his seat, hunched over and grimacing in disgust, put there by the sight of a blue triangle on a lapel and a glowing armband around one arm. He hadn’t even needed to look higher for the LED to know what the fuck had just waltzed into the joint like it actually belonged there.
He nursed his whiskey, praying the thing would pass him by and leave him the fuck alone. Or better yet, Jimmy would throw it out.
No such luck, of course.
“Detective Anderson,” spoke a smooth, raspy voice to his right. “I’m the YN800 model sent by CyberLife.”
He elected to ignore it. Maybe if he did so for long enough, it would take the hint and go away.
Again, Connor’s luck was not holding out.
“I called your cell phone, but you didn’t answer,” the voice continued, unimpeded. “I then looked for you at the station after checking your home, but you weren’t there either. Your colleagues indicated you tended to frequent the bars in the area, and I was fortunate to find you at the fifth one.”
His eye twitched. This thing had gone to his apartment?
“Well, here I am,” he answered, dry and caustic as he stared straight ahead at the wall of bottles. He calculated how angry Jimmy would be if he took out his service pistol and shot it through the head.
Pretty angry, Connor decided. It would probably leave a stain. Also, he didn’t want to compensate some asshole company for property damage.
“What do you want?” he finally growled, scratching his nail into the bar top already marred with various scuffs and dings.
“You were assigned a case earlier this evening. A homicide.”
Already, a headache was forming between the eyes at the sound of the android’s irritatingly friendly voice.
“Yeah, and?”
“It involved a CyberLife android,” it said in that same smooth inflection. “In accordance with procedure, the company has allocated a specialized model to assist investigators.”
You have to be shitting me.
Connor grit his teeth and clenched his glass tighter, a flush of heat moving through him that had nothing to do with his blood alcohol content. A fucking android was sent to help cops do their job?
Fuck that, and fuck this hunk of junk.
“Good for them,” he answered as he tipped the glass up to his lips. “I couldn’t give less of a shit. Now get the fuck out of my face. We don’t need any help, especially from a plastic pair of tits like you.”
He should have known that wasn’t the end of it. The android spoke again, adopting a tone of what it had probably been programmed as “sympathetic.”
“I understand you may be experiencing reluctance to having an android’s assistance in this matter, but I am—“
“—ruining a perfectly good evening, butting your nose where it doesn’t belong and sure as fuck isn’t welcome.”
Connor put his glass down harder on the bar top than he meant to, nearly spilling his drink.
“I suggest you leave before I void your warranty.”
Connor thought the machine got the message when it finally went silent. He could even see its mood ring spinning yellow out of the corner of his eye before it settled on that annoying placid blue.
He’d just brought the glass halfway to his lips when it said, “I’m sorry, Detective, but I must insist.”
Connor set the glass back down and started to count to ten. He couldn’t lose it now, he’d promised Jimmy he wouldn’t break anything else after the last brawl he’d gotten into.
But the fucking thing just kept on talking.
“My instructions stipulate that I have to accompany you.”
“You know where you can stick your instructions?” Connor growled before downing the glass of whiskey.
It was a good thing he had, because its next words made him choke on spit.
“No. Where?”
Connor set the glass down, and for the first time that evening, fully turned toward the android and stared at it.
The damn thing was staring back, head slightly tilted like a curious puppy. It had large eyes to match the image too, earnest and innocent and entirely too sincere. Its attire at second glance wasn’t the typical android faire. A smooth grey android jacket and a dark, patterned tie marked it as something different. Unique.
And just a little too pretty. Every designed, group-focused imperfection on its face made it that much more appealing. Its hair was neatly coifed, pulled up and pinned behind its head, exposing the smooth curve of its neck.
Hanging down the left side of its face was a strategically-placed lock of hair that Connor immediately want to twirl his finger around. He suspected that was the point.
The further down Connor’s eyes traveled, the more he lost his train of thought. The perfectly sensible tie was lying on the slope of its breasts, something even the jacket couldn’t cover. Why the fuck androids had breasts to begin with, Connor couldn’t begin to fathom, and it seemed even more ludicrous now seeing them on a “specialized model.”
The android hadn’t moved apart from its artificial breathing, another thing about the machines that was uncanny. They weren’t human, and the fact CyberLife kept trying to pass them off as such was a goddamn insult to humanity.
He met the thing’s eye, gave an unimpressed huff, and went back to nursing his drink. If the fucking tin can didn’t understand a dirty innuendo, he certainly wasn’t going to ruin its pristine, virginal programming.
Connor doubted everything that had just gone through his head as those unnecessarily realistic tits were pressed against his elbow, without warning or any sense of decency or a concept of personal space.
“How about this, Detective?”
Connor fumbled, nearly spilling his drink, a massive what the fuck! warning flashing in his head as the machine pressed closer.
“I’ll buy you another drink, on the house. Surely that’s worth a few minutes of your time? And if not, you can send me on my way.”
Connor couldn’t speak with that voice right into his ear like a close confidant, sultry and low and borderline pornographic, so it was a good thing the android didn’t bother waiting for a response.
Instead, it turned to Jimmy and said in a louder, more normal tone, “Bartender, another round for the detective, please.”
Jimmy turned from where he was cleaning glasses on the counter, eyebrows shooting upward as he looked from the machine to Connor. It had backed up a few inches, but there were a lot of reflective bottles on the wall. Connor wondered just how much Jimmy had seen.
Connor gave a little helpless shrug as if to say, Don’t look at me, I don’t know what the fuck it’s doing!
But when the damn thing actually brought out real paper money and set it on the counter, Jimmy got moving. Seemed he wasn’t picky about where his money came from, and Connor almost resented the fact he hadn’t thrown the android out on principle.
Who the hell gave it money in the first place? CyberLife? What, did they hand it a few bucks of allowance before letting it off its leash?
Despite all his reservations, and there were a great many of them, Connor was not about to turn down a free drink. Or two.
“Make it a double,” he grumbled, purposefully avoiding the android’s focused gaze. He could practically feel the thing staring into the side of his head, but at least it remained at a distance and wasn’t pressed against his side like a drunk, horny badge bunny anymore.
“Thanks, Jim.” Connor took the glass and tipped it back, drowning it in one go. The slide of the familiar burn down his throat, spreading throughout his limbs, did quite a lot to help ease the tension in his muscles.
He released a heavy exhale, pushed away from the bar, and got to his feet.
“You want to play plastic cop? Okay, then. Keep up,” he said, tilting his head in its direction without actually looking at it. “Or I’m leaving your ass behind.”
Connor didn’t wait for a response, only raised his hand in parting to Jimmy, and pushed open the door to let the rain-drenched Detroit night swallow him whole. But even through the sound of the rain pinging off the hood of his nearby car he could hear the even footfalls behind him, just a little too close for comfort.
Fucking androids.
Next Chapter
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hacked-by-jake · 3 years
Hbj, first of all I hope you have a great day. The theories about Jake using the character, it's making me crack my head, I've always been suspicious of the fact that he has such a quick love interest in MC, I don't see the point in him trusting and liking lovingly so fast in someone he doesn't know, whenever things get tough, he loves to say sweet things to calm down.
I love Jake, but of all the questions he can ask a stranger he decides to ask if MC has a boyfriend? It's like he wants to make sure he can use this method and after episode 8 when we decided to tell how we felt about what happened with Richy, I found him so cold in his responses, trying to treat the situation as unimportant and that bad things happen and when he saw that he was not convinced, he started to say beautiful things, I found it strange that he thought about giving up his sister for a complete stranger, because that's what we are, we don't know Jake and neither does he know us.
Despite all the theories, I know that when I talk to Jake again I'm going to trust him completely, after all they are theories, but the signs are there.
(If Jake is manipulating MC I will cry for days)
Hey, dear Anon! <3
Thank you very much! I also hope that you have a nice day/evening/night. <3
Well, first of all, even though the topic hurts a little, just like with you, but I love talking about it.
And I apologize in advance that the answer has become so long. I didn't expect that myself. xD
I fully understand your thoughts about this, and I’m also afraid that Jake is just taking advantage of us. I try to be as neutral as possible, so as not to be completely biased.
Okay, so I can say for myself, and for many others, that we’re actually the same on that point with Jake. We also trust him incredibly fast although he is anything but trustworthy at the beginning.
You know, I think the relationship between MC and Jake is a little bit based on soul mates. That it’s not a coincidence that we get to know him and that we get along so quickly.
We write more with Jake than with the other characters with whom we can enter into a closer relationship. For example, Richy, even when you flirt with Richy, it goes very fast to the point where you can get closer to him.
I think in some ways this "everything goes fast" is also simply because of the way the game works. I mean, we can’t take so much time to get to know everybody.
We immediately talk to all the characters, and directly a lot. If it would take longer in the game, it would be strange firstly because of Hannah, because she would be kidnapped much longer, and secondly, there would be a lot of tension missing. At least I think so.
You know, I think he’s asking MC if we have a boyfriend, actually, is more of a sign that he’s really interested. I don’t consider Jake to be someone who gets closer to someone when the person is already in a relationship. I think he really wanted to know. Because if he did all this just to make us trust him, he might not care if MC is in a relationship or not.
As we can notice, Jake has a hard time getting social contacts, having a hard time with things like smalltalk, etc. he tells us (we can ask him that, but I think only in the premium version) that he is and always was alone. (I can’t remember his exact wording.) And later he tells us that Hannah and Lilly are the only family he has left.
I think MC has just been the first person to really care about him for a long time, asking him more private questions. Directly during our second conversation with him, we can talk to him about the desert island, and ask him, for example, which programs he uses to hack.
I think, as he says himself, we immediately had a good relationship with each other. And if he’s been alone for a long time, and then someone like MC comes and pays attention to his personality, and not just superficially, he enjoys it.
We have not been deterred by him and his performances, and have treated him as a normal person. Not, for example, like the government that sees him as a criminal, but we know he’s a hacker, but we don’t let that put us off.
In episode 8, when Lilly criticizes us for really trusting him, we can say that we had no choice. We had to trust him, to help Hannah.
And so it was for him with MC. He was just trying to save his sister who was kidnapped in front of him. And all of a sudden, our number comes from Hannah. He had as few options as we had. He’s just trying to find his sister, so he has to trust the person whose number seems to have something to do with it.
Moreover, we are all in a dark time. A kidnapper and murderer who kidnapped one person, murdered one person, and maybe even a second one, Richy.
Everything is always under stress and we are working hard to find and save Hannah. Stress, grief and worry. When two people like MC and Jake meet and have to work so closely together, then a little distraction is really good. Or being drawn closer to someone when you’re desperate.
And then he writes a pretty agitated message, I don’t know if you ever chose this option, I can recommend it to you.
I think we can see how Jake really is when we talk to him about that Hannah might have done something to herself.
Jake says, "But if you think she might have done something to herself, that’s out of the question."
We can then say it’s okay, and we’ll continue to talk to him. However, we can continue to talk about it and tell him, for example, that we should not exclude anything. He’s still stubborn, and we can tell him, "Why are you so stubborn?"
(well, unfortunately I can’t find the screenshot of this place and I can’t remember his exact wording)
However, he sounds so desperate and worried and it also sounds a bit like a reproach, so that he even apologizes afterwards and says that he did not want us to feel bad about him.
(Maybe there is someone here who has selected it and has a screenshot of it)
Yes, unfortunately Jake, in episode 8 when we talk about Richy, sounds and is very cold and emotionless. I think it’s just hard for him to understand how it felt. And "unfortunately" he is more focused on finding Hannah that is one of the only things that interest him.
I think Jake is also kind of blaming himself for not being able to help Hannah faster.
As we also know from episode 8, Hannah had sent him an email. However, this address was no longer active, and he only saw it when it was actually too late. He called her right away, but if he’d seen the message sooner, that might never have happened. Of course, it’s not his fault, but that’s how we humans are. And I think it’s the same with him.
If he feels guilty, I can understand that he wants to help so badly. He probably blames himself for breaking off contact with her at the time. That he didn’t dare tell his sister he is her brother.
Maybe then everything would have been different, and Hannah wouldn’t have ended up in this situation.
I think he was thinking of giving up on Hannah and running away with MC because it was stressful for him, too. He also suffers from the situation, but does not admit it to himself.
As he says himself, he tries to look at everything as objectively as possible, so he ignores what happened to Jessy and Richy. Because I think he’s also hiding his own feelings.
And in between, we can see him from the emotional side. Only rarely, but sometimes it happens.
And right now he realizes that for some time it would be easier to disappear with MC and turn your back on everything. Since the situation also burdens him, it is quite normal to think about choosing the easier way, which would also make him feel better.
But, as he also says, this would bring nothing. The responsibility would catch up with us and we would live forever with the guilt of just letting Hannah down.
And last but not least: the topic of manipulation.
And yes, that’s exactly what Jake is doing with us, manipulating us by using our feelings for him, and calming us down by telling us nice things.
Best we see this in episode 7. After his pursuers tried to hack us. Although he used this method before, manipulated us, but in episode 7 it is the most extreme to see.
However, I have to say that we are doing the same thing with him. We’re doing the same thing.
And best we see that, in episode 8.
When we tell him that the others want to see what we have for clues, etc., and the others want him to come into the group.
We know for a fact that Jake isn’t thrilled. But we get him to decide against it by saying, "I can’t do this without you."
And that’s actually also a point that shows me that Jake really likes us, he gives in and accepts the situation after we tell him that.
And that’s exactly what happens when we ask him to write the letter to Ted with Lilly, where we can tell him that we’d like him to be there. And from that moment, Jake says yes.
If he really didn’t want it, or he didn’t care that we told him we couldn’t do it without us, he wouldn’t give in.
He would just keep saying that he doesn’t want to and he doesn’t want to talk to us about it.
We wouldn’t even have time to contradict him, or just tell the others everything, since he could have erased any evidence from our phone.
He lets us manipulate him as much as he manipulate us.
And he writes when he joins the group chat that he wants to change his mind to tell the others everything, because of us.
And even the others realize that Jake likes us.
Lilly, for example, says (when we talk to her in episode 6) that he interrupted the vote, that his reaction wasn’t normal just because he cared about the subject. He’s very biased, not just because we’re important to him to save Hannah. It’s because we were treated unfairly by Lilly and the others.
Jessy says to Phil that there’s someone who likes us, but she doesn’t know if we’re reciprocating his feelings.
I don’t think I need to say anything about Dan, do I?
Jake and MC are not as inconspicuous together as the two think themselves.
I think I’ve addressed the most important things now, so I want to say an end conclusion: I really believe that Jake likes us and not just manipulates us. I really think he wants to get closer to us.
I’m not a psychologist or anything, of course, but I think Jake has some psychological problems that he might even know himself. Many things are difficult for him and I can often identify with him on this point.
His actions and manner are not always the right ways, sometimes he does not know how to behave and what is okay and what is not. We can see it with Jessy and Richy.
With us, he tries to show empathy and support us, which is why he wants us to rest a little afterwards.
Jake doesn’t seem to have had an easy life, and of course that leaves its mark. I don’t think he’s that cold sometimes because he means it badly.
I know we haven’t known him for long, but this whole situation is so special that it’s not surprising that MC and Jake get along so well and get closer.
Of course I can’t say exactly, maybe it’s really all just played by him, that we will only see at the end, but I don’t think that everything is fake.
And of course, thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and theories with us. As you can see, I had a lot to say and really enjoyed answering that, and I hope I could help you a little bit.
So, I hope that I have not forgotten anything important now and that I have taken up everything I wanted to and can say. 😅
As I said, I don’t know everything myself, and this is just my opinion. I hope I’ve managed not to be so biased.
Take care of yourself and stay healthy, lovely Anon!💚🎭🌹
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moonlit-jeno · 4 years
fifth time’s the charm? (m.)
pairing: johnny suh x female reader
genre/warnings: explicit sexual content | mentions of recreational drinking/ drugs (weed) | fluff | jaehyun being, well, jaehyun
words: 5.2k
summary: sometimes the universe aligns for you. and sometimes, it really doesn’t
1. There’s a delicious warmth between your thighs, growing with every slow grind of the guy’s hips. You don’t know his name and there’s no chance to ask, not with the way your lips are practically glued together, his tongue doing wonderful things as he licks at the seam of your mouth. He nips at your bottom lip at the same time his hand slides up your thigh, stooping just short of the hem of your dress, and you jolt, whining loudly.
He’s got a cocky smirk on his face when he pulls back to catch his breath, lips swollen and eyes dark. You stubbornly try to pull him closer, wrapping your legs around his waist and grinding your hips up more desperately. The two of you are as close together as the kitchen counter allows you to get. The muscles in his back flex under your fingertips and you’re so turned on that you think you could cry.
You’re just about to ask his name but then his lips are on your neck, leaving a trail of marks down the delicate skin. His hand squeezes at the meat of your thigh and you moan, tossing your head back and smacking it against the cabinet. A soft curse leaves you but the pain doesn’t really register, not when you’re being touched like that. His fingertips are so, so close to your core but he doesn’t dare move there yet. That spot is reserved by his dick, the impressive hardness dragging deliciously against your core.
There’s a commotion next to you and you turn your head to look, immediately regretting it. A guy from one of your classes- Jaehyun, you think- is emptying his stomach contents all over the floor. Your nose wrinkles and you rapidly tap your hookup’s shoulder, trying to get him to pull away. He does, a little confused, but then he follows your gaze just in time to watch Jaehyun throw up again, this time on the opposite side of the same counter you’re sitting on. Your arousal fizzles out and you groan, trying to ignore the wave of nausea that replaces the lust.
“Oh, for fucks sake Jae.” Your hookup groans, running his hand through his messy hair. He turns to you. “I gotta go take care of him, sorry.”
“Friend?” You ask as he lifts you off the counter.
“Best friend. And roommate. Which means I’m probably gonna hear him all night.” He sighs, glancing over to where Jaehyun’s got his face shoved under the faucet. “Thanks for this, though. It was fun.”
You smile, pulling him in for one last kiss. “Sorry we didn’t get to finish.”
He winks as he walks away, throwing a “next time, then.” over his shoulder. You watch as he rubs Jaehyun’s back soothingly, whispering something in his ear before picking him up. “Don’t fucking throw up on me.” Your hookup tells him, adding a “please,” as an afterthought. It makes you laugh.
It isn’t until you get home that you realize you never got his name.
2. You’re on the couch at yet another party when you see him again.
“I’m Johnny.” He offers you a joint and you take it gratefully, placing it between your lips. He even lights it for you. What a gentleman.
“Y/N,” You finally respond after taking a deep hit, watching all of the smoke leave your mouth and float overhead. “Nice to see you again.”
His eyes drift to your mouth when you take another hit and you let your head fall back to expose the column of your neck. “It is.” Johnny murmurs quietly, tongue wetting his lips.
It doesn’t take long before you end up on his lap, his hands grabbing desperately at your hips as you grind down, kissing him with the same ferocity as last time. The only difference now is that you’re high, you’re so, so high, and Johnny feels so good against you that you’re drowning in him.
Johnny pulls away to take another hit, tugging your mouth back to his so that he can pass the smoke between your lips. You accept it easily, loving how the burn in your chest matches the burn in your gut.
“Mhmm, if you feel this good now, I can’t imagine what it’s gonna feel like when I finally get to feel your pussy.” Johnny groans, bucking his hips up against your core. “Bet you’re so wet, so fucking tight.”
“Just for you.” You whisper in his ear, giggling at the deep groan he lets out in response. His hand makes its way under your skirt and you gasp, fully prepared to let him finger you on the couch in front of everyone.
His fingertips graze your core over the thin fabric of your panties and you whimper, swiveling your hips. Johnny’s a tease, just lightly petting your folds, not quite giving you what you want. You open your mouth to beg when a hand clamps down on your shoulder.
You jump when you realize it’s not Johnny’s hand, turning to find a very nervous looking Taeyong.
“Hey, sorry to interrupt. Uh, the house is currently on fire so we’re evacuating everyone.” He explains, trying valiantly to keep his eyes from wandering to where Johnny still has his hand under your skirt.
“Oh, fuck. Is everyone okay?” You ask, standing on shaky legs.
Taeyong nods. “Yeah, I think we’ve got it under control. But we don’t want to take any chances.”
Johnny nods. “Yeah, for sure man.”
Taeyong walks away after bidding the two of you a goodnight. You and Johnny look at each other, sighing deeply before he breaks into laughter.
“Damn, we are so unlucky.”
You groan, laughing despite yourself. “It’s unbelievable.”
3. The last time you’d seen Johnny wasn’t perfect, but at least you got his number.
Johnny texts you like you’ve known each other for years. He doesn’t bother with ice breakers- thank god, because you can’t stand small talk. It’s all memes and stories about how chaotic his day was and honestly? It’s refreshing.
Especially because he always takes the time to ask about your day, letting you rant and giving you support. He doesn’t leave you on read for hours at a time, either- you’re pretty sure the longest you’ve had to wait for a response was about an hour, and that was because he’d been in a class.
Surprisingly, there hasn’t been one suggestive message from either of you. You’d certainly been expecting it, considering the nature of how you met. But Johnny keeps everything family friendly, with the exception of a few dirty jokes and curses.
The most suggestive text he’d sent was a “hey, wanna come over and watch a movie?” But even then, you can’t guarantee that it’s going to lead to sex. You can certainly hope, but it isn’t determined.
Of course, you still shower and throw on your sexiest lingerie. Hell, you even lotion your legs.
Which you’re very thankful for as of right now, because Johnny’s got one hand up your dress and the other cupping your breast. He’s half on top of you, his lips pillowy and insistent against yours. You moan and pull him closer, tugging at his soft hair.
The movie is still playing from his laptop and you lean up to close it, reaching to set it on the floor. You’d hate for it to fall off the bed and break later on.
“I can’t believe it’s taken us this long to fuck.” Johnny huffs a laugh, pulling away to catch his breath. You giggle, tugging at his shirt to get it off.
“Hey, we haven’t fucked yet.” You remind him, sliding your hands up his toned stomach, feeling the firm muscles. He flexes and you slap his chest lightly.
Johnny leans back down to connect your lips, finally moving your panties to the side to run his finger along your drenched entrance. “Well lucky for you, I have a solution for that.”
The door creaks open before the first finger can even slide in. “Johnny! Taeyong baked us a shit ton of cookies, you want some?” You and Johnny jump apart at the speed of light, your hand flying to smooth down your dress while Johnny pats down his hair. The impact of your back hitting the headboard has you grimacing and you distract yourself by focusing all of your energy on glaring at the intruder.
Fucking Jeong Jaehyun. This is the second time he’s interrupted you, although if you take into account that it was probably him that caused the fire, it’s the third. You’re fully prepared to kill him, though you suppose you’ll spare him if he gets the fuck out of Johnny’s room.
He doesn’t.
The idiot’s looking down at his phone, so he doesn’t even notice what position you and Johnny had been in, and he somehow doesn’t even notice how both of you are panting and sitting in unnaturally stiff positions. Finally, he looks up from the device. You raise your eyebrows, waiting for him to notice that Johnny’s shirt is off and that he has multiple hickies scattered across his skin, but he doesn’t! Jaehyun smiles and lifts the tin of cookies.
“I’m okay.” Johnny says shortly. He’s holding a pillow over his lap and he looks absolutely murderous. 
“Suit yourself.” Jaehyun shrugs, wandering further into the room. “Were you watching a movie?” Doesn’t this kid know how hookups work? He had to have seen the two of you together at one of the last parties, has to know that there’s a reason you both have swollen lips and messy hair. 
“Yeah. Inception.” Johnny responds, clearly hoping that the complicated nature of the film will have Jaehyun sprinting away. 
“Oh, I love that movie!” Jaehyun drops the cookies onto your lap and clambers in between you and Johnny, excitedly opening the laptop. “Oh cool, you’re only fifteen minutes in!” He presses play.
Johnny groans. You shove a cookie into your mouth.
4. To say that you’re sexually frustrated is an understatement. 
You like Johnny, you really do. Spending time with him is fun. Texting him is fun. He’s a good person overall, and you want to get to know him better. Another thing you desperately want? His cock.
Every time you try to hook up, you get rudely interrupted. Maybe it’s a sign that you should actually start a committed relationship. Maybe it’s a sign that you and Johnny aren’t meant to be. Or maybe, just maybe, the universe hates you. 
It’s late, way too late to text him to come over, but you’re horny and annoyed and your imagination just isn’t doing it for you. Your attempts at fingering yourself are fruitless, and even though you’re so turned on that you think you could explode, you just can’t get wet. It must be a curse. Probably Jaehyun’s fault, you grumble, though there’s absolutely no way it could be his fault considering he isn’t here.
Your fantasies keep failing you and despite you having clear ideas of what you want Johnny to do to you, it’s not enough. After a full minute of consideration, you grab your phone.
[Me] 11:43pm
You up?
[Johnny] 11:45pm
Of course I am
It’s not even midnight yet
What’s up?
[Me] 11:46pm
Thinking about you
[Johnny] 11:46pm
Oh so I’m boring now
The little quip has you huffing a laugh, smiling down at your phone. You bite your lip and roll onto your stomach, propped up on your elbows.
[Me] 11:46pm
I mean I guess I could change my mind if you prove me wrong
[Johnny] 11:48pm
You only think I’m boring bc I haven’t had the chance to show you how much fun I am
I might even be too much fun for you
[Me] 11:48pm
Prove it
It’s not surprising that your phone starts ringing, the stupid selfie Johnny had taken last time you hung out popping up on your screen. Your stomach jolts in anticipation, teeth finding your lower lip as you answer it.
“Hello?” You roll back over, shoving your pillow under your head. Your free hand rests on your stomach, drawing shapes into your skin.
“Hey baby,” Johnny’s voice is a low purr over the phone and just the sound of it has your stomach flipping, the pet name drawing a soft whimper from you. “It’s awful late for you to be thinking of me. Mind sharing what’s on your mind?” You consider it, sinking further into your mattress and drawing your knees up a little. “Mhmm, I dunno. I’d rather you share what’s on your mind.” That draws a soft laugh from him. “Oh, nothing much. Was just debating if you’d rather come three times on my cock or three times on my tongue.” The bluntness of his words has you sucking in air through your teeth, though your chest is so tight that you doubt you got any oxygen. “Oh.” Your voice is small and you may have been the one to initiate it, but you have no idea how to continue it. “Oh, fuck.” “Yeah?” Johnny laughs lowly on the other line. “Well, which one is it?” “Both.” You try to sound confident but you’re a mess, hand trembling with how hard you grip the phone.
“Greedy girl.” Johnny clicks his tongue, and you can almost see him shaking his head. “How are you going to earn it?” Your mind is blank, nothing but warm arousal shooting through you. “I-” You try to start, finding yourself unable to finish the sentence. The words are too filthy to be spoken out loud.
“Would you suck my cock baby? You’d probably like that, hmm? I know I would.” Johnny’s voice sounds breathless, and you can vaguely hear the slick sounds of him jerking off. “Would look so pretty with your mouth full. Do you want that?” “Yes.” You manage to gasp out, letting your hand find its way between your thighs. Two fingers dip into your core before moving up to trace quick circles into your clit.“Wanna be stuffed full.” A deep groan leaves him. “Fuck, I’d stuff you so full, baby. Do you think you can take my cock?”
“Mhmm, yeah, I can take it.” You moan, finally starting to pleasure yourself the way you want to. Fingers fucking into your core quickly, palm hitting against your clit. “Oh god Johnny, I’m so fucking wet.” “You sound so good princess. Makes me want to-” His voice cuts off and you hum, urging him to continue. He doesn’t.
“Johnny?” You ask, frowning at his silence. A sigh leaves you when he still doesn’t respond and you draw your hand out of your panties to pick up your phone. Your confusion turns to annoyance when you're met with a black screen and a spinning circle. “God fucking damnit!” You scramble for your phone charger but it’s too late, the dead battery symbol popping up when you try to turn it back on. 
You flop onto your bed and scream.
5. It’s been a long time since you’ve had sex, and it’s all you can think about.
Now look, you’re not unreasonably horny. You think about sex the normal amount, and it never actually interferes with your life, but there’s something about Johnny that’s just fucking you up. He’s nice and considerate and makes you laugh so hard that tears stream down your face, and you catch yourself smiling at him fondly even when he’s not doing anything besides frowning at his laptop. Everytime your phone lights up with a notification, you dive for it to check if Johnny had texted you. You’re not in love, but he’s got you wrapped so tightly around his finger that it almost hurts.
It doesn’t help that he’s fucking hot. He’s tall and strong and sexy, and carries himself with so much confidence that you find yourself swooning. You’ve gotten just the slightest taste of what he’s like in bed, but you want the full experience. The whole legs going numb, eyes rolling back, head empty experience. Preferable without any cockblocking roommates.
So no, you don’t think that you think about sex too much. Even if you do end up paying Jaehyun twenty dollars to go see a movie and get dinner so that you and Johnny will finally have the apartment to yourselves. Honestly, you think that locking him in the abandoned storage room would have been more efficient, but this is definitely the more legal option.
Johnny doesn’t look surprised to see you when you knock on his door, letting you in with a smile on his face. He dips down for a kiss and pushes your jacket off of your shoulders, hanging it over the back of a chair. 
“My baby.” He whines, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you tight to his chest. “I missed you!” 
You giggle and melt into his embrace. “Let’s make up for lost time, then.” “Did you have something in mind?” Johnny pulls away a little to look you in the eye, an amused smile on his face. He brushes his thumb over your cheek and you press into the touch like a cat. His smile widens. “You know, Jaehyun’s not here tonight. We have the whole place to ourselves.”
You act like this is new information. “Oh, well then it looks like we’ll have to make the most of it.” 
Johnny hums. “Wanna watch a movie? I’ve got some popcorn waiting to be popped and some wine just begging to be drunk.”
“We could do that.” You humour him, smiling and pulling away when he leans in for a kiss. He pouts and you giggle, pressing your lips to his cheek before moving closer to his ear. “Or you could fuck me.”
Johnny stiffens for a moment and you swear he stops breathing, but then a deep groan rumbles in his chest. “Fuck baby, you can’t just say that.” You giggle and pull back to look up at him with innocent eyes. “I can’t? Why, do you not want to fuck me?” It’s meant to be rhetorical, because you know just how badly he wants you. He’s made it plenty clear. You turn to walk away and Johnny grabs you by your shoulders, anchoring you to him, your back to his chest. He brings his lips to your ear and leaves a lingering kiss on the skin just under your lobe, pressing his hips to your ass. There’s already a sizable bulge there and your stomach flips, mouth suddenly dry.
“Does it feel like I don’t want to fuck you?” Johnny asks, rolling his hips into you. “I want to fuck you so badly that it hurts, baby. Do you know what I imagine doing to you?” 
His breathing gets a little heavier when you grind back on him. “Mhmm, no. Why don’t you show me?” Johnny effortlessly spins you around and picks you up, the squeal you let out muffled by his lips. He laughs softly and the corners of your mouth twitch up. “What?” You whine, pouting at him. “Why are you laughing at me?”
“I’m not.” He doesn’t sound convincing at all. “I’m not! You’re just too damn cute.” The pout on your face is kissed away by his insistent lips and he closes the door to his room with his foot, setting you down on the edge of his bed. 
There’s still a teasing smile on his lips but his eyes are dark. You swallow thickly as he drops to his knees in front of you, the heat of his palms on your bare thighs nearly too much for you. “Will my cute baby let me show her what I’ve been imagining?”
His words have your breath hitching and your head feeling fuzzy but you manage to find the energy to nod, a shaky “yes,” passing through your lips. Johnny moves his hands higher up your thighs, thumbs playing with the waistband of your shorts. Your stomach jolts when his thumb brushes over the bare skin just under your belly button.
“I’m gonna eat you out.” There’s no hesitation in the way he speaks, his gaze determined. Your core clenches at the thought of having his mouth on you, his pretty lips and tongue working to please you. “Help me take these off?” You stand up just long enough for Johnny to tug your shorts and panties down your legs, kicking them off so that they land somewhere far away from you. And then Johnny’s pushing you back down onto the bed, palms on your thighs to push your legs apart, and you nearly scream with the anticipation. You’ve waited so long for him that you feel like you might die if he doesn’t touch you right this second. 
“Fuck, I’ve been wanting to do this for so long.” Johnny groans, staring at your pussy like he’s in awe. He parts your folds with his fingers, tongue coming out to moisten his lips. “You’re so pretty.” He kisses your inner thigh and hooks your legs over his shoulders, dipping down to press a kiss to your clit. You inhale sharply, and Johnny looks up at you with nothing but lust in his eyes as he begins to eat you out eagerly.
You have to throw your head back when he drags his tongue up your entrance, dipping the muscle inside just slightly before moving up to suck at your clit. It’s too much too fast and you feel like you’re falling, head spinning and feeling fuzzy with all the sensations he’s giving you. His hair is soft between your fingers when you reach down to grab a hold of it, trying to simultaneously pull him closer and push him away.
Johnny moans into your core and pulls away to smirk at you. The lower half of his face is covered in your arousal and his plump lips glisten. “Feel good, princess?” There’s a filthy noise as he spits onto your cunt, using his thumb to spread the saliva around. “Because you taste fucking divine.”
Breathless curses of his name leave you as your elbows finally give out, your body hitting the mattress only to arch right back off of it. Your hands fist in the sheets and your head rolls from side to side, your body not quite sure how to handle this much pleasure. “I’m gonna cum,” You whimper, pressing your heels into his back to draw him closer. “Johnny, keep- keep doing that, ‘m gonna cum.” It comes out as a plea, and another few cries of his name leave you before your orgasm washes over you, drowning you in the pleasure. 
The fog finally clears from your mind and you pry your eyes open to find Johnny still kneeling in front of you, licking his lips clean of your release. “Feel good?” You scoot back a little to allow Johnny room to join you on the bed. “Amazing. Knew you had pretty lips for a reason.”
“Aww, you think my lips are pretty?” Johnny teases, making an exaggerated kissy face. You scoff and steal a slow kiss from him, slipping your tongue past his lips at the same time you slide your palm over his dick, feeling the shape of him through the confines of his pants. He moans and tries to pull away but you catch his lower lip between your teeth, nibbling gently.
“I think you’re pretty. I also think we should take care of this, hmm?” You squeeze him gently and his thigh jerks. Johnny laughs breathlessly and reaches down to untie his pants, pushing them down his thighs just enough to free his cock. You waste no time wrapping your hand around the thick length, stroking him slowly. And Johnny makes such a pretty sight, his eyelids fluttering closed and his mouth hanging open. You shuffle back a little further on the bed, moving to lower your mouth to his cock, but he stops you.
“Too impatient,” He pants out, stepping off the bed and throwing his shirt off, kicking his pants to his ankles. “Wanna fuck you.” “I think I’m okay with that.” Your core clenches painfully at the thought of being filled up, and some of your arousal leaks down your thighs. He laughs at your response and reaches for a condom, rolling it on while you rid yourself of your shirt.
You throw your bra at him in an effort to get him to move faster, but it has the opposite effect. He looks at your bra for a moment before moving his gaze to your breasts, swallowing thickly. Both of you groan, but for different reasons.
“Babe, you can look at my boobs while you fuck me.” You whine impatiently. Johnny nods, tongue licking across his bottom lip slowly, eyes still locked on your breasts. It takes him a moment to crawl over to your body, settling between your legs and drawing you into a deep kiss. His dick brushes against your thigh and you wrap your legs around his waist.
Johnny’s always been a tease but you didn’t think he’d be this bad, holding what you want right in front of you, just out of reach. He presses the tip of his cock to your pussy, drags it through your folds, bumps your clit, does essentially everything except for what you want him to do. “Ready?” “Yeah, please,” You sigh, trying and failing not to sound desperate. And yet he still doesn’t put it in. He bends down to place a kiss on each of your nipples, swirling his tongue around one of the buds before moving to the other one. It has you sighing out in pleasure, and his teeth graze the sensitive skin at the same time he finally slides in.
The way his cock stretches you out has your eyes rolling back, your walls clenching around him desperately to adjust. Johnny swears and buries his face in the crook of your neck. “Fuck, babe, you gotta- you gotta stop doing that.” “I can’t,” You arch against him, the action only pushing his cock deeper. “Johnny, you’re so big.”
“You’re just too small.” Johnny quips back, but it’s lacking the normal bite. This time it sounds strained, and your stomach flips at knowing he’s just as affected as you are. “Jesus Christ, how are you so fucking tight?” He finally bottoms out with a groan, grinding into you with a little half-thrust before moving to pull out again. “Guess I’ll have to change that.” Johnny fucks like he simultaneously has all the time in the world and like he has none at all. His thrusts go from hard and fast to slow and deep, the overall effect leaving you with your head spinning and your body burning with pleasure. Your nails dig into his back and you chant his name like it’s a prayer, and he responds by fucking you even harder, sucking bruises into the soft skin of your neck.
One of his hands grasps at the sheets near your head, the other resting on your breast. He gives it a loving squeeze before moving his hand up your arm to lace your fingers together, lifting his head up to find your lips. Both of you are panting heavily but Johnny kisses you like oxygen isn’t important, messily sucking at your bottom lip and meeting your tongue with his own. He lets out a deep groan and breaks away from you, dropping his face back to the crook of your neck. His grip on your hand tightens. “I’m not gonna last much longer.” “Mhmm, okay,” You squeeze his hand back. “Touch me?” He lets go of your hand to clumsily work his hand between your bodies, rubbing tight circles into your clit. Your eyes roll and you arch against him, gasping out his name. Your orgasm is so close, you just need that extra push…
Johnny gets there before you can, teeth sinking into your shoulder to muffle his groan. His hips stutter and his rhythm grows sloppy but he keeps desperately fucking into you, fingers still frantically rubbing at your clit. He presses a messy kiss to your shoulder, moves up to your ear. “Come on, baby. Wanna see you cum for me.”
It only takes a few more of his dirty words, a few more desperate thrusts, a few more presses of his thumb to your clit before you’re coming, legs locking around his waist and nails digging into his back. He swears at how your walls lock around him in a vice, his hips stuttering again as a hiccupy moan leaves him.
He all but collapses on top of you after, rolling to the side and panting heavily. You giggly breathlessly and curl up next to him, head on his chest. His entire body shivers when you press a kiss to his nipple, and he misses the shot when he tries to throw the condom into the trashcan.
“Did it live up to your imagination?” You finally catch your breath enough to ask. 
Johnny shrugs. “I guess.” He cackles and catches your hands in his own when you slap his chest and make an indignant noise, pressing a kiss to your knuckles. “I’m kidding! But actually, it might’ve been even better. We might have to try this again soon, just to be sure.” “Right.” You drag the word out in one long syllable. “Is this your way of saying you wanna go for another round?” “That depends,” He says carefully. “Do you want another round?” You laugh and shake your head. “You’re insatiable.” The air is cold when you roll out of bed and help yourself to Johnny’s closet, slipping one of the sweatshirts that you’ll ‘forget’ to return later on over your head. “But yes. Later though, I’m starving.”
The popcorn Johnny had offered you earlier gets stuck in your throat when Jaehyun barges into the apartment, the door slamming open with way too much force. Johnny snickers and pats your back, moving your water closer.
“Hey man, you have fun?” Johnny asks, only half paying attention as he tries to make sure you don’t die. You manage to dislodge the kernel and give him a thumbs up.
“Yep, nothing better than a free movie!” Jaehyun states happily, chugging the red bull in hand before opening the fridge for another one.
Johnny furrows his eyebrows. “Free? How’d you get free tickets?” 
Your eyes widen and you try to motion at Jaehyun not to say anything, but he’s as oblivious as ever. “Y/n bought them for me.”
“Oh, did she?” Johnny grins, the pieces clicking into place. He turns to look at you, grabbing your hands in his own when you try to bury your face in them. Jaehyun’s already wandered away and Johnny shakes his head in disbelief. “You had this planned, didn’t you?”
“It’s not my fault!” You whine, pouting at him. “Can you blame me for wanting to have sex with my hot boyfriend?”
“Yeah, I am pretty hot.” Johnny sighs, laughing with his entire body when you glare at him. He coos at you and pulls you into his chest. “But am I your boyfriend?”
Your face goes hot and there’s a moment of sheer panic before you shoot your shot. “...yes?”
“So that makes you my girlfriend, then.” His smile looks even brighter now. “Well girlfriend, it looks like we’re gonna be buying Jaehyun a lot more movie tickets now.”
You groan. 
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haikyuuuuuhypeeeee · 3 years
Ch. Fourteen
⚠WARNING: Swearing
• ────── ✾ ────── •
Waking up is painful. Physically painful, at least. You’re not ready to deal with the emotional pain from yesterday, no thank you.
You finally peel your eyes open, a true struggle considering how they were crusted together. You take in your surroundings and form the first coherent thought of the day.
This isn’t my bedroom.
Your eyes seem to be crusted shut. You sit up and realize that no, this is not your apartment, this is Osamu’s apartment. This is his bed you’re currently sitting up from, his blankets wrapped around you.
You then form your second coherent thought of the day.
His detergent smells really nice.
That thought finishes in your head before it’s slammed aside by the rush of yesterday’s memories - group therapy with your friends and Osamu, Oikawa being a complete dick to Osamu, your argument with Oikawa which resulted in Oikawa blabbing of your love for Hajime, leaving the restaurant crying, realizing you lost your keys but they’re at Osamu’s apartment, walking to Osamu’s crying…
From there it’s a bit murkier as your memories intertwined with self-deprecating thoughts and a line of thinking you rarely walk down anymore.
Last night was a night.
You do somewhat remember Osamu comforting you. Letting you know that it was okay and he was there for you.
You glance around the studio apartment, wondering where he was. Oh god, did you force him out good lord you are -
Oh, no he’s sitting on his couch with a cup of coffee.
You’re filled with guilt when you realize you monopolized his bed and completely took over his apartment. Yeah, he maybe didn’t need to sleep last night (a concept you still don’t fully understand nor approve of) but you have fully overstayed your welcome.
Grabbing your phone from the side table you tap the screen, taking in the notifications on your screen.
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Shit, I never messaged Makki or Mattsun.
Your gut feels like lead as you open the group chat with the two. That was a big fuck up on your end.
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Fuck, I’m such a shitty friend.
You don’t waste anytime typing out a message.
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You look up from your phone and are greeted with Osamu’s sleepy gaze, a mug of tea held in his hand for you. You reach for the mug, nodding slowly.
“How’re yer feel in’ this morning?” He asks as you take a sip. You shrug in response
“I’m okay. I’m sorry I just fell apart like that on you.” You say. “I wasn’t having a great night, and my emotions just kind of bled all over the place. And I’m sorry that I fell asleep.”
“Yeah, that was actually pretty funny.” Osamu smiles. “Ya just kinda passed out on my shoulder. I had to lift ya to get ya onto the bed.”
You blink, absolutely mortified. “Oh wow, I am so sorry. That’s so embarrassing.”
“Nah, it was cute.” Osamu takes a casual sip from his mug, seemingly oblivious to the flirty line he just dropped. “But ya seemed pretty upset last night, and i wasn’t gonna let ya walk home like that.” The smile drops from his face and he looks at you with concern. “If ya wanna talk about it ya can, although I don’t want to push ya. It’d be pretty dumb of me to.
“I know I’ve been pretty skeptical about openin’ up and talkin’ ‘bout my feelings, but since meetin’ ya I’ve felt better. Lighter, I guess.” He shrugs. “Ya’ve made me realize how important it is to open up.”
You look down at your tea, a small smile tugging at your lips. Your heart warms at Osamu’s words, part of you preening that you were the one who has helped Osamu, but also you feel genuine relief that Osamu wants to open up more.
“Well, let me treat you to breakfast this morning - it’s the least I can do.” You finish your tea and give Osamu a small smile. “I can tell you about yesterday if you don’t mind listening.”
Osamu smiles in return. “Sure, let me grab my stuff.” He takes the mug from your hand and shuffles into the kitchen. You sit up, stretching your arms and grabbing your phone. A few more messages have come through from Mattsun and Makki.
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You open up your chat with Oikawa, finding hundreds of messages from him. He hasn’t sent you anything since 5am. You quickly navigate back to the chat with your other friends.
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Frantic knocks, one after another, beat against Osamu’s door.
No way.
Osamu gives you a look before walking to the front door. He checks the paper hole, then turns back and looks at you with faint amusement.
“It’s for ya.”
You stand from the bed, moving into the kitchen. Regretfully, you open the door.
A distressed-looking Oikawa is the surprise visitor. He looks absolutely beside himself - his eyes are bloodshot and swollen, snot is dripping out of his nose, and his hair is messy and lackluster.
Oh dear god.
He bursts into tears when he sees you, but surprisingly doesn’t throw himself at you. He must be learning some boundaries. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Y/N-chan! I was being stupid and petty and I didn’t mean to-”
“Ok, ok c’mon. You’re going to wake up Osamu’s neighbors.” You bring the snivelling, pathetic Oikawa inside, quickly closing the door behind him. You help him get his shoes off, glancing around the Osamu. You spot him at the sink, filling a glass with water. He brings it over, giving Oikawa a nod and silently passing the water to him.
“Thank you Osamu-kun.” Oikawa gratefully takes the water and downs it before handing the empty glass back to an amused Osamu. “I plan on giving you a full apology soon, I promise.”
Osamu huffs a laugh and goes back into the kitchen. He sets the glass in the sink as you lead Oikawa through and into the living room.
“I’m so sorry,” you whisper to Osamu. “Do you want me to go?”
“Nah,” Osamu waves his hand. “I’ll get ready for breakfast in the bathroom, and give you guys some space.”
“Thank you, I’ll try to make this quick.”
“Take yer time.” Osamu smiles at you and moves to the bathroom. You turn back to Oikawa, who is watching you with regret painting all over his face.
“I’m sorry I told Makki and Mattsun that you love Hajime.” Oikawa blurts without any bite.
You think you see Osamu flinch out of the corner of your eye but when you look his way you see the bathroom door closing. You look back to Oikawa and sigh.
“Why did you say it then?”
Oikawa heaves a sigh and hangs his head. “I don’t know. I don’t know what to say to make you not hate me.”
“Oikawa, I don’t hate you.” You join him on the couch, leaning into his side. “Talk to me.”
Oikawa presses back to you and you feel his shoulders move up and down as he takes another deep breath. “I knew that uni classes and volleyball would be really really hard - but as long as we all had each other we would be fine. We smashed through high school together, so this was just another challenge.
“But when Iwa-chan died it changed everything. Obviously.” Oikawa takes a shaky breath. “But I still had you, Mattsun and Makki. I knew that we wouldn’t be the same without Iwa-chan, and classes and volleyball would be hard, but we would be friends.
“I don’t think I knew how hard everything would be. My classes suck, volleyball is a chore, and I miss Iwa-chan.” He sniffles. “I miss him so much. I feel like I don’t know who I am without him. But I had you guys, I always had my friends.
“But Mattsun and Makki are in their own world sometimes, and then you started hanging out with Osamu.” He looks at you, tears shining in his brown eyes. “I know it makes me sound like you can’t have other friends beside me, and I really don’t want to be selfish. But you were spending more time with Osamu and it hit me that you were all growing up and becoming different people.” A few tears track down his face and he sniffs. “I don’t want anything to change, I don’t want Iwa-chan to be dead, I don’t want to be a terrible person.”
Oikawa starts to cry and you don’t hesitate in pulling him into a side hug. He’s not really sobbing but you feel his pain deep in your heart. One of your hands comes up to card gently through his hair.
“I know I’ve been a piece of shit the last few months. And I can tell that you really like Osamu, even though you’ve always loved Iwa-chan. Whenever you talked about him you had this happy and bright look on your face. He makes you feel good, but you love Iwa-chan. You moving on meant change, and I hated that.” Oikawa sniffs. “But bringing Osamu to the group therapy session, which I always thought was our group’s thing, made me realize that you were changing. I was so angry, and your secret just slipped out.”
He takes a watery breath. “Isn’t it awful? I’ve been trying to drag you back down to my level, bring you back down to feel the pain that I feel, all because I’m scared. I’m a terrible, awful friend.”
“Oikawa, have you had time to go to your therapy appointments?” You ask gently.
He doesn’t answer right away, and when he gives the tiniest shake of his head you sigh.
“Honey,” you scold gently. “Why are you not going?”
“School and volleyball have taken up a lot of my time.” Oikawa mumbles, his sentence punctuated with another sniffle. “I’ve skipped so many appointments, and I’m too embarrassed to call.”
You sigh, inwardly shaking your head at your friend’s weak excuse. “I don’t want to tell you what to do, but maybe re-prioritize your responsibilities. Getting back on track with your therapy appointments should take top priority. You can talk through these feelings instead of letting them fester.”
Oikawa doesn’t answer right away, but when he does his voice is small. “But I’d probably have to quit volleyball, and that’s all I have left of Iwa-chan.” You see his hands ball into fists. “I don’t want to lose that.” His breath hitches. “I don’t know what to do.”
You let him cry on your shoulder, giving him the time to get all the tears out. You figure this is the most civil conversation you’ve had since Hajime died. The thought brings you relief but also makes you quite sad.
“You know you’re one of my best friends, right Oikawa?” You ask once he’s calmed down a bit. “You’re a diva and a trainwreck, but you’re my diva and my trainwreck.” He exhales lightly but you’re almost certain it’s in amusement. “No matter what, I’m always going to want the best for you, and I’m always gonna try my best to help you.
“But,” you feel him tense up when you continue. “You have to realize that your behavior the past few months has been really shitty. You’ve treated us all like punching bags - we get it, probably more than a lot of people could. But I’m not gonna let you treat me, or any of our friends, like it anymore.”
“I’ll be good.” Oikawa promises immediately. “I promise, I’ll do better for you and Makki and Mattsun. And me.”
“Good.” You give him a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry for yelling at you last night in the restaurant.”
“You don’t have to apologize at all.” He replies immediately. He yawns before speaking again. “Honestly, I’ve been a piece of shit for months now. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” You murur. You both sit on the couch for a while longer as you try to come down from the conversation you just had. You feel like a heavy cloud that’s been floating around your head for months has cleared, and although you know Oikawa won’t magically change overnight you feel better knowing that you’ve had this hard conversation with him. Change starts with communication, and hopefully Oikawa understands now that he has the support to change.
You feel Oikawa leaning against you even further and you look at his face to see his eyes closed and mouth parted open.
“Oikawa, c’mon I don’t want you falling asleep.” You gently push him off you so you can stand and get Oikawa to stand also. His eyes are still closed and he puts nearly all of his body weight onto you.
He must not have slept all night, you think. It’s not uncommon for him to pull all nighters, a habit he picked up in high school watching game tape over and over until the sun came up. But he handles the lack of sleep gracelessly - you could prop him against a door jamb and he’d pass out no problem.
Together you move towards the front door. You’re not going to let him fall asleep here and inconvenience Osamu even more - you’ll take him back to your apartment and maybe try to catch lunch with Osamu. Now you owe him a few meals and unlimited coffee.
“Gotta apologize to Osamu-kun,” Oikawa mumbles when you lean him against the wall.
“Maybe when you’re going to fall asleep standing up, yeah?” You reply, bending down to shove his feet back in his shoes. You hear more mumblings in return but can’t make anything out of them.
As you’re getting your shoes on you hear the bathroom door open and out walks Osamu. He’s dressed and his face is composed into it’s usual blankness. Trusting that Oikawa won’t keel over, you walk over to where Osamu is reaching into his dresser for socks.
“I’m so sorry,” you say. “I have to reschedule breakfast, I have to make sure this idiot won’t sleepwalk into traffic.”
“S’alright. Didja work everything out?” Osamu asks in a measured tone.
“I think so.” Osamu’s not looking at you as he puts on his socks. Your gut twinges with guilt, realizing that he must be upset that you have to cancel breakfast. “But I think I’m gonna take him to my apartment and make sure he sleeps. Do you want to meet up for lunch or something?”
“Can’t.” His short answer makes you blink. “Meetin’ a group on campus for a class project.”
“Oh.” He’s still not meeting your gaze, and you detect a hint of gruffness in his tone. Maybe he’s upset that he has to meet with his group last minute? Or because you basically shoved him into his bathroom while you and Oikawa worked out your issues. “Dinner then? I owe you double now.”
“Probably not.” Osamu stands and gathers a few books and a notebook before shoving them into his backpack. His inability to look at you or hold a full conversation is confusing, but you don’t want to push him.
“Well let’s meet at the coffee shop tomorrow, usual time after morning classes. Sounds good?”
He hums distractedly. Your gut feels heavier and you swallow hard.
“Okay, well I’ll be off now.”
Osamu turns towards you but still doesn’t meet your eyes. “I’ll walk ya out.”
You both make the short walk to the front door. The tension in the room is heavy, unable to lighten even at the sight of Oikawa sleeping standing up. You maneuver your friend while Osamu opens the door for you. It’s a slight struggle walking out of the front door but you manage.
You look back before Osamu can close the door behind you. He’s holding the door knob and staring at the ground. “Let me know if you can do dinner tonight - if not I’ll see you tomorrow.”
You force as much cheeriness into your voice, despite the heavy weight in your chest. Finally Osamu looks at you, giving you a disinterested nod.
He closes the door as you turn to walk away. You look back quickly, catching a crestfallen look on Osamu’s face before the door fully closes.
• ────── ✾ ────── •
A/N: So when I originally thought about this story, I wanted to think about how different people deal with grief. And what I wanted to explore was 1.) is there a limit to how people will grieve? And 2.) can someone grieving push that limit? From the get-go Oikawa has seemingly pushed the limit of what some of you believed, and yet Y/N was still hesitant to call him out. And I loved hearing what everyone had to say about Oikawa - some were willing to give him a pass, and some were NOT happy with him. Now, just because someone is grieving, it does NOT give them a free pass to behave inappropriately or do serious harm to those around them. But I think it’s important to note that what may seem absolutely insane to one person is tolerable to another. And what it comes down to is how the person who is directly affected by another’s actions wants to address those actions (sorry if this is confusing.) Oikawa was treating Y/N and their friends like shit. In the story it was because Oikawa was not taking the necessary actions to keep himself mentally healthy. In Y/N’s eyes, if there is a desire to be better, and appropriate actions are taken to be better, then Oikawa deserves to be forgiven. I have absolutely LOVED reading everyone’s reactions and hearing their opinions on Oikawa’s slowly deteriorating behavior, thank you for sending them in! And just because how Y/N has reacted to Oikawa’s behavior it does not mean there is a right/wrong way! Everyone has different life experiences and different relationships that guide their decision-making! And that’s totally okay! (This obviously applies to non-threatening and morally & ethically right behavior.) And WOOF thank you for getting this far in the A/N’s, this was a LOT! Gold stars for everyone!! 🌟🌟🌟
Taglist Open! Please send an Ask with the request to be added to It’s [Not] Okay Fic & SMAU: @psycho-nightrose @camcam1617 @kamalymaly @toobsessedsstuff @shookykookie30 @roro-707 @qualitygiantshoepsychic @cerealfrdinner797 @ara-mitsue @gray-444 @tanakasimpcorner @rintarovibes @jellien @everytimeswift @bongofrito @babucrow @beidouluvr @kozuken-ma @imarriedachef
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ushidoux · 4 years
Bury the Dead, then Other Things - Matsukawa x Reader
Summary: You figure out what Matsukawa does for a living and you’re more than a little intrigued by his day, er, night job. Inspired by @vixen-scribbles‘s post! (~1.4k words)
Warnings: nsfw, fem!reader, dead bodies, lack of respect for the dead
A/N: I hope the characterization of Mattsun isn’t off, I need to do a second watch (or watch season 4 lmfaooo)
When Matsukawa revealed to you that he worked at a funeral home, over heavily-dressed pasta, glasses of red and white wine, and freshly-baked rosemary bread, you briefly considered that it was an odd choice for such a laid back young guy as him. However, you didn’t dwell on the thought, choosing instead to enjoy your first of many dates. He had brushed past it himself after all, focusing instead on bites of food and asking you about yourself, joking and teasing you throughout the meal.
It didn’t take very long before he had charmed you into going steady, and you quickly noticed Matsukawa was a lot busier than you expected, often working very late into the night, making it hard for you to plan dates.
You weren’t exactly sure what he did exactly at the funeral home and in the couple of months you had been dating, it hadn’t crossed your mind to clarify.
Until tonight.
Matsu, it’s almost 11pm? What burials happen this late?
You bit your lip as you sent the text, wondering if your text sounded too accusatory or too needy, but you hadn’t seen him in a week and the fact of the matter was that you were particularly horny this night, for whatever reason... Maybe it was because things had gotten a little bit too hectic at work or maybe because the days were getting shorter while the nights were getting colder, but all you could think of was how warm your insides would feel stretched out by your boyfriend’s monstrosity of a cock. You could feel yourself just drooling thinking about it, and you hugged your legs as you curled up on the couch waiting for his response. You would give him an hour, and then maybe you’d have to resort to Ol’ Reliables, your Rabbit and a vivid imagination.
He replied within 15 minutes.
I’m embalming, babe. I’ve got one last body to take care of.
Oh, that explained it.
A chill ran through your spine as you conjured up the image of your large boyfriend standing alone in a room filled with the not-so-recently departed, and then you started to think of how much you missed your boyfriend and maybe your wires crossed inappropriately, but a morbid curiosity overtook you and you texted back immediately.
Can I come see?
You weren’t exactly sure what you’d expected. Maybe for him to say no but promise you that he’d come over right after?
Instead he gave you the address to his workplace, and you could almost see him shrugging his shoulders through the text message. He’d told you to be careful, and to make sure that you texted him the moment you arrived so he could come get you, but other than that he had no qualms about you seeing him work intimately with dead bodies.
So here you were, watching carefully, covering your eyes ever so slightly as he worked carefully on a corpse he was preparing, humming softly as you peered over his shoulder.
You winced as needles pierced long-expired flesh, sewing the lower jaw together and small lacerations of flesh, but your body relaxed into a strange comfort as you watched him carefully orient the dead person’s mouth into an almost smiling, peaceful expression and massage the person’s limbs into a pliable state. By the time Matsukawa was done shaving, hairstyling and dressing the body, it looked like the old man was merely resting, and you could almost believe it if not for the heavy stench of formaldehyde permeating the air through your face masks.
He turned to you on his stool, hands folded in his lap to prevent himself from touching you, and smirked as though he were waiting for you to compliment him on his work.
You don’t know what suddenly came over you, but your heart swelled and your lips crashed onto his.
Startled but ready to catch you, Matsukawa snapped off his gloves and pulled you onto his lap in a straddling position, now kissing you with just as much fervor, his tongue invading your mouth much unlike the deference he had to the dead. His hands hesitantly cupped your face, not wanting to spoil your pretty skin with any traces of embalming chemicals, but you were oh so beautiful and of course he had to touch your beautiful face. He pulled back just for a moment to admire you once more, an ever so slight smirk on his face.
“Are we going to do this here?”
Your breath was heavy and your eyes still focused on his, and just the way you looked at him like a cute little animal in heat had him instantly hard, not unlike the stiffness he had just spent so much time softening just moments earlier.
You nodded, a “yes, please,” airily slipping your throat, and he took your chin in his hands and engulfed you in a kiss once more.
Fluidly, you pulled both of your shirts off, and for a brief moment Matsukawa considered the indecency of shoving his cock inside of you right next to recently departed, but how could he deny you when you whined his name like this?
“No need to be hasty, little one,” he softly replied, raising you off of him just enough that you could pull down his pants and unleash him - you had some teamwork between you already - before setting you back down.
But first-
“L-let me suck,” you murmured, quickly hesitating when you remembered exactly how big he was, and before he could stop you and tell you the floor was dirty, you were on your knees, your lips were wrapped around the head of his cock and he was enraptured with the way you worked up and down his shaft, saliva lubricating every inch of skin. And yes, now he was groaning with his eyes closed, fingers tangled in your locks as he accepted this sloppy blowjob right next to a prepared body.
The old man would probably commend him.
His fingers again played with your hair as he reveled in the sound of you taking him in so completely, you were so good to him, how blessed he was to have someone love him so dearly.
You remained like this for minutes and soon, Matsukawa pulled you up to your feet again, deciding that he would take care of you too, pulling your panties off for you to get bare and ready for him.
“You’re gonna take my cock, aren’t you, pretty baby?” He whispered directly into your ear, strong fingers gripping your sides. “All of it?”
“Every inch?”
“Every inch,” you promised, and he smiled again, slipping a finger, then two inside you, getting you nice and wet and prepared for him to enter you.
“You’re so tight and wet, how are you gonna fit me in, little baby?” He whispered, tut-tutting. “Mm, how?”
His fingers pumped in and out faster, making you shudder and lean into him, losing your ability to stand.
“Isn’t she so silly, ojisan?”
Was he really talking to the dead body?
But his fingers worked faster and faster and you could feel your breaths get more labored as you struggled to stay steady on your feet.
“P-please let me…”
“You wanna take me now?” Matsukawa whispered, fingers now curling to find that spot that made your insides quiver. When you let out a cry, he shushed you.
“Shhh… this is a place of rest. Come sit on me, darling.”
He positioned you onto him now and as he entered you, the sear you felt with the stretch was incredible despite being soaking wet, but he muffled your i can’ts, and it’s too much, with his own mouth onto yours.
“See, you can do it anytime, anywhere,” he whispered, holding you tight as you shuddered and squirmed on his cock while adjusting, taking a moment to lick the warm tears now streaming down your face.
“M-move, please,” you prompted him, burying yourself in his broad chest. 
“Mm,” he grunted in acceptance before holding you onto your sides again to raise you slightly before slamming you back down, bouncing you up and down his shaft as he planted his feet firmly onto the ground to prevent you both from falling off the stool.
A delicate game it was to pleasure you so fully, putting on a show besides the resting old man where you cried and he grunted and you moaned and you both agreed that this wasn’t enough and now you were standing, legs wrapped around his midsection and rolling your hips as he rutted into you.
“So dirty, you couldn’t even wait,” he teased. “No respect for the dead.”
“B-but I don’t work here, Matsu-kun, you do,” you quipped between bounces, earning a firmer, almost painful grip on your buttcheeks. He smirked.
“Say more and I’ll fuck you so hard you’ll need my services.”
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Texts from the Lost Tomb, part 5.2
Also yes this is a 5 part story arc, why do you ask, no I’m not “avoiding real life work”
Main Chat
Wu Xie: And we are just so grateful you are above all that.
Zhang Qiling: You were fully awake and insisted we pack and go as soon as possible in case there was, and I quote, “more weird shit happening we can cash in on.”
Wu Xie: I mean it’s kind of interesting that the Zhang family sent a car for us. We could have driven. So what is going on there, I wonder?
Zhang Qiling: I agree, in this particular case, with Pangzi. You should not have gotten in their vehicle while we were still inside the house. It forced us to follow you into the van to prevent separation, and they seemed to be expecting that. I don’t know whether Zhang Rishan intended this, but I don’t trust him.
Wu Xie: :( I got excited and didn’t think it through. I’m sorry.
Wu Xie: oh relax, I’m fine. No fever at all today, remember? I feel a lot better, too.
Zhang Qiling: It is odd to say this, but Pangzi is right again. You are barely back on your feet and could easily get worse again. Wu Xie. Jacket. Now.
Wu Xie: Oh fine. Teaming up on me, I see. Happy now?
Wu Xie: If it is an abduction, it wouldn’t be them moving against the whole Wu family—not with Uncle Erbai in charge. Zhang Rishan strikes me as someone who doesn’t make a move unless he is sure of his plan, and this is all a bit last-minute to be a big shift. Besides, they let Xiao Ge keep his sword and we still have all our phones.
Zhang Qiling: In fairness, you were waving them around and yelling that if they tried anything it was going to be “yippeekiyay motherfucker all up in this bitch.”
Wu Xie: me too. That’s Zhang Rishan on the steps. This must be urgent. Everybody stay shiny.
Zhang Qiling: I will be getting out first. Wu Xie in the middle, Pangzi at the rear.
Wang Pangzi: AND WHAT A VIEW;)
An hour later…
Main Chat
Wu Xie: Is everyone okay? I tried knocking but nothing is getting through, these are some solid walls.
Wu Xie: guys???
Zhang Qiling: Apologies, I was trying to break down the door.
Wu Xie: fuck Pangzi, I know, okay??
I’m an idiot, I’m so fucking stupid. It’s not like it’s the first or fiftieth time I’ve put you two in danger, either.
Zhang Qiling: I’m sorry. This is my fault. My line has a ruthlessly pragmatic streak and they’ve clearly wanted to test us separately to see why the necklace reacted to our arrival like that. It does not excuse Zhang Rishan trapping us in these separate rooms.
Zhang Qiling: no. Wu Xie?
Zhang Qiling: Wu Xie, answer me.
Wang Pangzi: WU XIE
Zhang Qiling: I’m going to try breaking down the door again.
Wu Xie: Hello, Wang Pangzi and Zhang Qiling. My apologies for the rather inhospitable circumstances, but this seemed expedient considering the unknown qualities of the necklace. I could not be sure who was causing what, or what could happen next, and thus have temporarily set you in separate rooms for the sake of everyone’s safety.
Zhang Qiling: Your concerns for everyone’s safety are noted. Thank you for whatever you believe you’ve done right here.
Now. If you release us immediately and return Wu Xie to us, we will consider leaving without direct personal retribution.
Wu Xie: I regret that this has happened, I hope to make it up to you in the future. For the purpose of today’s needs, however—I will have my men escort the two of you out if you so desire, but unfortunately Wu Xie will need to stay until we have finished examining him.
Wu Xie: There is no call for rudeness. He will not be harmed. The artifact was responding to him directly. It has not lit up like this in over 200 years, and I need to understand why it is responding, and responding to someone who is not our kin, which it has never done before. This could have implications for everyone in my family if it could protect someone at the right moment.
Wu Xie: The testing would be going better if Wu Xie wasn’t worrying himself unnecessarily over where you both are, it’s making our readings difficult.
Zhang Qiling: Zhang Rishan. I appreciate that you must think of our family first in your decisions. As must I. I hope you can appreciate what that means for decisions I make.
Zhang Qiling: A compromise: we stay with him as you run your tests. That will calm him and assuage Pangzi’s concerns and prevent me from…testing the limits of your lifespan.
Wu Xie: I accept that this may temporarily impact our relations, but am hopeful that you will come to understand that sometimes I need to make certain choices for this family that are…difficult. I will come to let you—One moment. Something seems to be happening.
Babysitters Club Chat
Zhang Qiling: I’m attempting to convince him to let us out. Of course we will not simply sit there. Some lying to gain trust is necessary here.
At the same time…
Bonnie and Clyde Chat
Xie Yuchen: …so, this is not what I expected to find.
Hei Yangjing: yeah kiddo is a bit freaked out:/ this sucks. I mean I get that they are concerned blah blah blah necklace goes brightbright but maybe we should go find the other two
or at least find a way to let Wu Xie know we are here, that room he’s in looks like a dungeon and not in a good way
Xie Yuchen: Does it look like I’m able to do anything right now? Also, I’m fairly certain they won’t be harmed. Zhang Rishan may be callous, but he isn’t stupid.
Hei Yangjing: r u kidding
he split up Romeo and Juliet, then left Romeo with a sword—seems pretty stupid to me
Xie Yuchen: Yeah I’m not going near that. He made his bed with that choice. What can you see? These Neanderthal guards are blocking my view.
Hei Yangjing: uh so there’s like a lab table situation
Wu Xie isn’t tied up, a good sign in this context
I can’t see what those people are holding, they’re talking a lot and some asshole just grabbed Wu Xie’s arm, looks like maybe they are putting in an IV?
The necklace is—oh. Oh shit.
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enigma-im · 4 years
Third Day of Christmas...
Trope: Enemies to Lovers (NSFW) Relationship: Minotaur x Human Word Count: 4,025
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It all started with a note on the door.
Imani didn't expect to find a letter taped to her door that morning, or any morning for that matter. For a good couple of seconds she feared it was from her landlord, an eviction notice of some kind. That went right out the window as she read the chicken scratched handwriting.
Dear apartment 23 resident,
I'd appreciate it if you would keep the noises to a minimum after 10 pm. The singing has kept me up well past midnight. The stomping at all hours has been less than appreciated. Also, I hate to point out that your dog hasn't been a saint either, barking every morning at 7 am. So if you would please, muzzle the dog and stop the late-night parties.
                                 Signed, apartment 15 resident.
Imani is confused for a moment, walking back into her apartment while rereading the letter. All of it is not true, starting with the singing. She does not sing, especially that late in the day. The neighbor on the other hand has a daughter who doesn't understand her own volume, blaring out BTS songs at odd hours. The stomping is a ridiculous accusation, almost typical in these situations. The only time she can admit that her walking would be loud is when she first gets home and hasn't gotten to removing her shoes. Besides then, she is as quiet as a church mouse. An hour after she gets home she spends most of her time lounging in the living room. so how can she be making noises if she isn't moving?
The woman drops the note onto her kitchen table, put off by the audacity. She looks over to her little dog, shaking her head as she thinks back on the next line. Her dog doesn't bark! He is as silent as can be, never even growling. The most this 'resident' can accuse her pooch over is his nails scratching at the floor. Even then that shouldn't even register through the floors.
With the morning turned sour, Imani quickly organizes her things and heads out for work. The whole day is spent thinking hard on her letter, thinking about what needs to be done. Should she ignore it? Pretend she never got it and go on with her life? That would be the easy approach, even kinder one, but she ain't that kind of bitch.
When she got home late that day she storms into the kitchen, making sure to stop with her shoes still on, and grabs a notebook. She jots down a little message for 'resident 15' with as much passive aggression as she can put into words.
Dear resident 15,
The bold claims you have taped to my door have been read. I'd like to take the time to inform you of your misguided claims. I, for one, am not the local American Idol star. That award goes to Tiny Tina in apartment 22. I don't know why you have such an issue with her music, BTS songs are a bop.
Next on the list is my 'stomping'. Excuse me for correcting you again, but I do not 'stomp' around my apartment. The minute I get home from work I am sitting on my ass watching television till it's time for bed. So I ask you, how can I be stomping around if my feet do not move off the couch?
Finally, my dog. My dog is a saint, for your information, he is the quietest animal I have ever owned. I haven't heard so much as a peep from him since he was a puppy. Maybe check around for other noisy pooches because mine isn't the problem.
With this all said, I hope you find a solution to your problem because bugging me was not it.
                                       Sincerely, resident 23
Signed, sealed, and ready to be delivered. The next morning on the way to work she tapes the little note to the numbers on unit 15. smug, she walks out of there with her head held high.
Feeling proud of herself even further into the day she isn't ready for the speedy reply taped to her door, along with a missing doormat. With a huff, she snatches the note and heads inside. She unfolds the sheet, reading:
Dear 23,
I am not mistaken, and I'm taking your welcome mat until you know how to be a proper upstairs neighbor.
She gawks at the letter, put off by the blatant admission of theft. Are they a child, taking away things as a punishment? This is completely idiotic! She should march downstairs and confront the fool who thinks this is a proper course of action. Well, she would if she didn't also want to get back at them.
Throwing the paper onto the coffee table she flops down on the couch to think. What is the best way to get back at them?
A floor below rests Church the Minotaur. He is getting ready to go on a run, sliding on his sneakers as he opens the door. Glance to the side he catches sight of a gaudy plethora of stickers and glitter, his door dressed to the 9s with rainbows. He is taken aback, looking at the decorations with ire. Above it all sits a folded up piece of paper taped to the door. He quickly snatches it, reading it.
Return the doormat and I'll clean your door.
Church chuffs, grinding his teeth as he looks to the door again. He didn't think he was being unfair when he first gave them a letter. It was a polite way to ask them to shut up. He just wanted some sleep, was that too much to ask? He looks to the door again, apparently, it was.
Imani opens the door fully expecting the letter. With a bit of a pep in her step, she grabs it, reading it as she walks to her car. She snorts, crumpling the paper and tossing it in the trash.
This means war
The next few weeks are filled with pranks of varying variety. The two start small, Imani stomping around upstairs with her heaviest pairs of boots, Church banging his hand against the ceiling during the quiet hours of the night. Next with more glitter courtesy of Church, a well-timed package that exploded in Imani's kitchen. He swears he could hear her surprised scream from below. Imani gets him back with a similar package, one with a jump scare card.
It's a back forth of one-upping the other. Church orders Imani eight pizzas, forcing her to reluctantly pay for it when seeing the nervous kid trying to deal with the mix-up. Imani manages to hook her phone to his Bluetooth speakers, playing random screams at all hours of the night. Church gets her back by attaching an alarm to her door so when walked out that morning she was startled by a firetruck worthy honk.
It seems it’s the last straw for Church when he receives his own glitter bomb of confetti cocks. It gets caught on the carpet, sneaking into the couch cushions, and sticking to his clothes. Quickly dusting himself off he charges upstairs, reaching her door and banging on it. He taps his foot frustrated and angry.
The door clicks open, Church already ready with his rant. Imani is equally prepared, excited with the chance to chew him a new one. When the two see each other they stumble on the words, looking one another over with confusion. Neither of them expected the other to be anything but some angry middle-aged person looking for a fight. They hardly assumed that the other would be so…attractive.
"I, uh," church shakes his head," You! A damn dick bomb? Do you understand how ingrained they are into my carpet? I sent you a cheap one, something you can easily clean up but you couldn't even consider that!"
"What," Imani comes back to her own," those craft herpes were not easy to clean, I'm sure it's still in the kitchen now and staining my clothes. So don't you dare come at me with 'woe is me' look like you had any consideration at all for my floors."
"Well excuse me, I didn't hack into your speakers to play Halloween screams all through the night. I damn near had a heart attack at 2 in the morning because of you," he points to her, debating on jabbing her in the chest. She slaps his hand away before he gets the chance, scoffing.
"At least I didn't make you spend money on eight pizzas! Do you know how much eight pizzas cost? It was like seventy bucks. I'm just glad you didn't splurge on something more than a single topping pizza. But fuck you for making them all pineapple you monster," she bites back.
The two ramble on long enough for the neighbors to peek their heads out. Embarrassed, they close out their argument with a huff and a door slam. Church heads off to his apartment, falling onto the couch while grumbling to himself. Imani growls and mumbles in her bed. They both can't help the thought that ruins all their anger:
God, they were hot.
The pranks don't stop in their frequency. The two continue, using their frustrations at their traitorous thoughts to fuel their revenge.
Imani still plays with his speakers, using screamo songs to annoy him in the afternoons. Church booby traps her door again with more glitter, his preferred weapon as of lately. She takes up tap dancing, he pays the kid next door to blare BTS near the shared wall of her apartment. She puts a fake ticket on his car, he puts vulgar stickers on her's. the childish game goes on and on.
Imani sits in her room one night, frustrated beyond belief with the sexy minotaur. She can't get his face out of her head. Why did he have to be cute? It's not like it makes the little game they have going harder to do. No, it just makes it seem more than it is. She has to constantly catch herself praising his wit in some of the stunts he pulls. Scolding herself nonstop for wanting to stop by his place and yell at him some, just to see him. It's stupid, wanting to actually get to know him.
Church relaxes in bed, feeling more bothered than Imani. He has hit a bit of a dry spell in his sexual life, or his solo sexual life. He can't jerk off without picturing the little hellspawn upstairs. It would be easy to give in and just think of her but it would be too much. She is an enemy, not a potential interest. So what if she is one of the sexiest humans he has ever seen? Who cares if her ability to keep up with him in this little war is kind of turning him on? It doesn't matter, right?
He sighs in defeat, "I don't think I can believe that even if I tried," he grunts as he clenches his shaft.
Imani is at home setting up her next plan when someone knocks on the door. She looks to the clock surprised at someone visiting this hour. Confused, and cautious, she gets out of bed and walks to the door. Looking through the peephole she rolls her eyes at who she sees.
Imani opens the door," if this is about the folk music I'll tell you now I'm not changing it back."
"No," he growls," this is about the tap shoes. Metal on wood makes for some very undesirable sounds."
"Well, excuse me for trying to take up a new hobby. What about you paying off the kid next door to play her music next to my wall? I swear that little demon doesn't sleep," Imani scolds.
"Speaking of little demons, can you for the love of god shut your dog up. Every morning I hear his damn barking and I'm seriously debating calling someone," he takes a step into her space, scowling at the dog behind her.
"He doesn't bark," she pokes at his chest," I have never heard him even make a yelp since he was a puppy so I suggest you come up with a better lie than that."
"A lie," he shouts," your fucking dog barks, stop thinking he is some sort of mute."
"He does not," she shouts back.
"Does too," he steps closer.
"Does not," she raises her chin.
"Does too," he grabs her hips.
"Does not," she tugs at his shirt.
"Does too," he says, lowering closer to her. Before she can get her turn he quiets her with a rather harsh kiss, mashing his lips to hers. They grapple one another, pulling the other closer as they stumble into her apartment.
Church kicks the door shut as he fumbles with her shirt. She helps, parting from him long enough to cast the clothing aside. He tugs her back in for a sloppy kiss, delving his tongue into her mouth as she unbuttons his top. Thrusting his shirt down his arms while they bump into the sofa. Church beings unclasping her bra, uncoordinated as she sucks on his tongue.
The two fall to the couch, church not wasting any time with her freshly revealed tits. Imani gasps, petting down his chest to his pants. As he suckles on a nipple as she pulls him from his pants, holding his cock in her hand. He stutters in his attentions, panting heavily against her chest as she jerks him off.
"Oh, fuck," he groans.
"Like that big boy," she steals his attention, him looking at her cocky smile.
"Shut up," he reaches down to her pants, palming her through her jeans. She bucks into his hand, rolling her eyes at his smirk. He quickly discards her bottoms, tossing them away without a care. He watches her as he pets at her pussy, delving between her lips to feel how soaked she is for him.
"Am I wrong to assume this is all for me," he pushes a finger in. she clenches her jaw, groaning from the intrusion. He chuckles, feeling rather confident as she rides his hand. Not caring for his large ego she reaches for his cock once more, feeling him throb in her grip.
"Am I wrong to assume this is all for me," she mimics back smugly. He throws her an annoyed look, removing his fingers and slapping her hand away. Dropping a hand beside her head he leans down, looking between them as he prods his cock to her pussy. They both flinch, eager above all else. They both watch as his head parts her lips, poking at her clit with short nudges.
"You think I can make you scream like those damn Halloween recordings," he jokes as he grinds into her.
"No, I don't think you have the stamina," she jabs back, trying to stop the urge to buck against him. Church leans down and nuzzles against her neck, pressing a sweet kiss under her jaw.
"I guess we will just have to see," he grins, feeling less confident than his words suggest. His cock is damn near ready to burst with just his tip being coated in her sweet juices.
Church reaches between them, pressing his cock to her entrance. He guides his tip in, stretching his arm up to rest it beside her head. The only warning he gives her is a sultry smile before he shoves forward, both crying out at the suddenness.
"Oh, shit," Church whimpers beside her ear. Imani grabs at his arms, feeling utterly stuffed. He pulls back, thrusting forward quickly. Imani appreciates him not wasting time just pistoning into her. The need has been building up all week, the denial adding a new level of appeal to this want.
He rams into her, listening to her try to hide her cries of pleasure. He feels her body tell him what he needs to know, feels her walls pulling him in with every buck of his hips. She wants him as badly as he wanted her. It's satisfying to church to know this. To know that she needs this as much as he does. Not wanting to miss a thing he sits up, grabbing her hips as he does.
"Look at you," he groans," trying to hold back those little moans and whimpers. Don't fight it, babe, I wanna hear you." Imani startles herself with a cry, arching her back as his words add kindle to the fire. She wants to pretend this isn't happening, that she isn't getting fucked by her apartment enemy. But damn, does it feel fantastic.
Church watches her writhe on the couch, his stomach clenching as he tries to fight off cumming at the sight. Her tits bounce with each clap of their hips and it's driving him wild. Reluctantly he shuts his eyes, thinking about anything else to prolong this blissful torture.
Imani wails and whimpers as her insides are set aflame. As her orgasm comes rushing to the forefront she locks her legs around his waist, grinding like a madwoman into his thrust. She cries out her pleasure, utterly wrecked as she falls apart.
Church chokes on his breath as she clenches around him. He can barely think as she holds him in a vice grip. His hips go wild as he finds himself coming to an end. It's only half a thought that he undoes her legs and pulls out, grinding against her as he cums on her stomach. Imani watches in rapture as he tosses his head back and moans, the sound going straight to her already throbbing clit. She watches him spray out over her and she can't look away for even a second.
Church falls onto his hands, panting as he holds himself over her. He can't believe it. He got to fuck the cute hellspawn that has been tormenting him all month. At this moment he couldn't even think about the countless hours of sleep missed because of her little pranks. Right now all he can think of is holding her close and taking a much-needed nap. As he attempts the action he looks to her stomach.
Imani is bone-deep satisfied. Her body is relaxed against the couch and she feels like she's on cloud nine. She hardly notices when Church climbs off her, his footsteps fading away. When she does notice, it stabs at her heart a little. She watches him button up his pants, reaching to the floor to grab his shirt. I guess he's leaving, she thinks.
Church grabs his shirt from the floor, bunching it up as he turns back to her. She looks surprised when he crouches beside her and mops up the mess on her stomach with his top. He wants to laugh at the shocked expression but bites his cheek against it. With her all clean he tosses the shirt away and crawls in beside her. The couch is rather small so he lifts her onto his chest, lounging on his back. He cradles her against his front, ready to take a well-deserved nap.
Imani is rather confused as she watches him fall asleep. She fully figured he would dip after everything, she surely didn't expect anything from this. They were still in a war. A truce was never called but she can't help but think this changes something.
Shrugging, she snuggles up to him, enjoying his soft fur against her cheek. This is a problem she will deal with in the morning.
Imani wakes up alone in her bed. She is nearly tempted to figure the night with Church was all a dream till she feels the subtle ache in her legs. Ride a bull, you should expect some soreness. She chuckles to herself as she dresses. Walking into the kitchen she prepares for a lazy day indoors while she figures out how to deal with Church and her's relationship. As she gets ready to feed her pup does she realize the lack of said pooch.
"uh, Giovani," she calls out. No answer. She calls out again, searching around her apartment frantically. Did he get out while the door was open last night? Surely she would have noticed if he managed to sneak past. She rounds the apartment again just in case before she runs to the door, throwing it open in a rush. Out of the corner of her eye, she spots something hanging on her peephole. She tenses at the sight, snatching it.
Imani I have your dog Church
Imani scoffs, crumpling the letter as she marches downstairs. She can't believe she let herself think that things would change between them. That this little prank war can be swapped out for an actual relationship, friendship or otherwise. Above all, she can't believe he stole her dog.
Rounding the corner and stopping at door 15 she pounds her fist against the wood. She continues pounding till the door opens, revealing a smirking Church.
"Hello, babe, what brings you here so early," he asks, leaning against the frame.
"You stole my fucking dog, I want him back," she snaps, no ounce of playfulness available. Church nearly stutters on his act, a little worried about her protectiveness over her dog.
"Now, I stole him for his own good," he explains," with his separation anxiety I figured it is best if he got used to my apartment since I'm going to take up training him."
Imani scoffs," Excuse me? My dog doesn't have separation anxiety nor does he need to be trained by some dog snatching idiot with horns."
Church deadpans," idiot with horns?"
"It's early, they can't all be gold," she rolls her eyes," doesn't matter, give me my dog back."
Church shakes his head, frustrated at her denial. Instead of answering her, he calls for the pup, leaning down to pet him when he comes trotting over. With the dog properly excited he takes a step into the hallway with Imani and shuts the door. Imani looks from him then back to the door.
"What are you doing," she asks.
"Just wait," he holds up a finger. They both stand silently, nothing happening. Imani opens her mouth to acknowledge the ridiculous of waiting in front of a door when her dog begins whining, yelping loudly from inside the apartment. Church looks over to her with a smug grin, "Told you he barks."
Imani flusters, gawking at the door and listening to her dog cry out. Church opens the door, the pup running out and jumping at Imani. Still embarrassed, she pets at her dog before picking him up and walking away. Church watches her turn the corner, not saying a word as she departs. He sighs.
It's a good day of nothing that picks at Church. Surely he didn’t push too far, he didn't really intend to keep her dog so it wasn't that mean. He just wanted to prove that her dog did bark, finishing the month-long war on a hopeful note. It wasn't meant as another attack against her. He really did intend to help by offering to train her dog.
Throughout the day he debates going up there and apologizing, to offer an olive branch of some kind so he can actually get to know her. Last night for Church was…amazing. It was something he wants to do again, to explore further. That may be a pipe dream now.
Late into the afternoon church gets a knock on his door. He jumps up, feeling rather stupid as he quickly answers the door. Expecting Imani he is left disappointed as no one is there. No one could have left that fast. He looks down the hall, left to right. Nothing. With a defeated sigh he begins to close the door. He stops when a fluttering piece of paper catches his eye. Excited, he snaps it off the door unfolding it swiftly.
Dinner at my place, 8 pm
Church smiles to himself, refolding the paper and heading back inside to get ready.
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miraculouscontent · 4 years
Gonna deal with all of the asks about the male bodysuits versus female bodysuits in one post:
Anonymous said:
To paraphrase a quote from Doctor Doofenshmirtz, "She's 13/14!"
The age of consent in France is 15, you storyboarding weirdos, and that still wouldn’t make it right.
Anonymous said:
the whole ‘skin tight body suit’ is practical is the sense that you can just draw the anatomy and color in without adding stuff but in that aspect it’s also cheap
Anonymous said:
I always thought the reason why every hero wears a skintight jumpsuit was so it'd be easier for them to be animated. Still doesn't explain all the closeups of Ladybug's ass.
Oh, I fully understand the need to keep things not... “flowy.” That’s why you won’t see me asking for more complex things like wings/capes and just talk about very basic armor/padding. I’ve made 3D models before so I understand that having a lot of physics going on can be a hassle, and thus I avoid designs like that unless I’m just having fun.
But yeah, definitely doesn’t explain the close-up shots.
Anonymous said:
I love the spider marinette design but yeah I didn’t really get why they went with such a basic design either but then again they made hawk moth a fashion designer has created Akumas like the bubbler.
Thanks! I’m glad people like my redesign! (well, more like “me just using Spider-man as a reference”)
And yeah, they really don’t keep in mind the characters personalities in most of the designs or names.
Anonymous said:
This is a really dark idea, but I'm just imagining whenever Marinette detransforms, she takes a few deep breaths because of how constricting her supersuit is.
Okay, so Alya is basically dead then.
Anonymous said:
I guess they didn’t want Natalie exposed like the other girls because I might make the weirdness of the skin tight bodysuits apparent.
Agreed. It’d be even more obvious on the body of an adult woman. Nathalie’s also another person who gets slimmed down in her transformed state soooo, yeah.
libralizard said:
Is it odd that (now that you’ve put them next to each other) I’ve only   just noticed that MisterBug had a waaaay better design than Ladybug? With the black accents to make the dotted red parts pop more - Just like you showed with your spider man comparaison. If they can give Adrien a good Ladybug herosuit, why can't Mari get that sort of treatment with hers?
The difference between Mister Bug and Lady Noire is insane, honestly. Mister Bug gets all that padding and the more complex Ladybug design while you can literally see where Lady Noire’s ribcage is and she just gets this all gray bodysuit with none of the cool stuff that Chat Noir had (like, I legitimately don’t understand what they were doing with her design).
Anonymous said:
I saw someone online say that they liked the simplicity of Ladybug's costume because they thought it sent the message of "I'm here to save Paris, I don't need a fancy costume." Ignoring the fact that she didn't expect the transformation in Origins, it's clear that person forgot that Marinette is a FASHION DESIGNER! By all means, she should have a fancier outfit than the one she's given. Maybe a frilly Lolita dress and a new hairstyle(this IS Magical girl after all)? But no, femininity is bad.
I could see the argument against a dress - not because of the “it’d be harder to work with” argument - but because of the physics issue I mentioned above (a few asks ago).
...I guess an argument could be made considering Mayura has one though.
They could have more feminine outfits and such if they really wanted, but instead they just do bodysuits that end up looking really generic.
Anonymous said:
Could you show us an edit of what the girls would look like with padding/the boys would look like without padding? I just want to see the difference for myself. ;) And yeah, the tight, sexualized outfits of the ladies always irritated me, it's why I like Mayura's the best, since it looks more individualistic and her dress makes her resemble a magical girl more than the others, who just look like generic comic book superheroes. The poses only make it worse, especially Ladybug and Rena Rouge.
I don’t think I would have the skills to edit/remove padding is the only thing. I’m also not great at design so I wouldn’t know where to put padding if it was there.
The other thing is that it isn’t just padding. In the post with the edited Ladybug using Spider-man as a reference. I point out that it’s not totally about the padding; it’s also the colors and where they’re used, as well as the complexity of the design (like, Chat Noir VS Lady Noire is both a padding issue and a complexity issue, not a color issue, among other things).
This basically means that adding padding doesn’t automatically solve the problem. It helps, but doesn’t solve the problem.
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 13: princess
Character A’s little sibling/child wants to meet their favorite celebrity/writer/person for Christmas. Character B is said “Christmas Present” ,, percabeth. for that one anon
Percy can honestly say that he didn’t think this would end up happening.
When he had sent her a message, it had been done absentmindedly, fully expecting it to be ignored. He’s well aware that celebrities don’t respond to people like him, but it was Christmas, Estelle was on his last nerve, and he figured that he could at least try.
Somehow, all of that ends with him meeting up with a super hot Hollywood actress.
As Percy holds Estelle’s hand, who can’t stop bouncing excitedly, he thinks back to that moment. Estelle’s dramatic cry of meeting the princess in the live action remake of Barbie and the Twelve Dancing Princesses had gotten to the point that he decided he was done and took things into his own hands.
It went something like him sending her, hey so my little sister is being annoying about the barbie movie and won’t shut up so can you come meet her so I can get a moment of peace?
When she responded, yeah sure when and where, he thinks he may have had a heart attack. It was surreal, setting up a mini meet and greet through instagram dms of all things, but it worked well enough because here he was, looking out for Annabeth.
“Where’s the princess!” Estelle demands, and Percy wants to bang his head into a wall. She’s practically screaming, and she’s pulling on his arm so arm that it may fall off.
“I don’t know,” he tells her.
“Find her.”
“Estelle. I don’t know where she is. Relax.”
“I want to see her now!” Estelle is only five years old so it’s understandable that she’s so annoying. Percy loves his baby sister dearly, but sometimes he questions why is mother had a baby so many years after him.
“The movie isn’t even that good. She wasn’t even a convincing princess.”
Estelle stomps. “Yes she is!”
Percy snorts. “Yeah, okay.”
It’s then that he feels hot breath on his ear, and he freezes, well aware that he’s just made a very dire mistake.
“Not a convincing princess?” someone whispers into his ear, a hint of humor in their voice. “You offend me.”
Percy whips around, and of course, there she is in all her glory.
He finds Annabeth Chase staring at him with eyes that look much more vibrant in person. She looks small and shy, and Percy thinks she would be the perfect person to hug in the cold.
He thinks she sure looks like a princess with the way her hair falls in old ringlets down her back, and her eyes shimmer in the sunlight. She’s not even dressed as a princess right now, but he could have been fooled.
“I didn’t mean—”
“Sure you didn’t.” Annabeth tightens her coat around herself, clearly cold, and she leans down to say hello to his sister. “You must be Estelle!”
Estelle gives her a wide grin, and Percy doesn’t think he’s ever seen her so happy before. “I am!”
“You look like a princess,” Annabeth tells her, bopping her on the nose gently. “You could be one of my sisters!”
Estelle’s eyes go wide. “You think so?”
“Of course I do, silly,” and wow, even her voice is elegant. Percy’s starting to think that maybe she really is a princess. He considers bowing to her.
“My brother says he’s your friend and that’s how he got you here,” she says, crossing her arms. Percy shoots his sister a look as she continues saying, “Is that true? My brother is a loser so I think he’s lying.”
“You don’t think your brother is cool?”
“Not to be friends with you,” Estelle says proudly.
“But I think he’s super cool! You’re super lucky to have him as a brother.”
Percy can see the change in Estelle’s demeanor having just got told that her brother is cool. Percy knows full and well that she’s about to suck up to him because her idol told her to, and that’s what children do. It makes him want to stick his tongue out at her as though saying told you so, and he would have if Annabeth wasn’t standing right there to see it.
“I’m kidding,” Estelle swears. “I play with him all the time,” which is a blatant lie.
When Estelle is no longer looking, Annabeth gives him a wink and mouths you’re welcome. Percy feels his face turn red because despite not loving the Barbie movie, he’s still all over everything else she’s been in, which is a lot. She’s practically royalty, and she’s talking to him. He’s breathing the same air as her.
At some point, they migrate over to a set of chairs outside the park they’re in. It’s pretty cold with the snow falling around them, but Estelle is vibrating with excitement to the point that he wouldn’t be surprised if she generated her own heat. Percy sits to the side, letting his sister have her moment. As entranced as he feels by the celebrity sitting in front of him, he knows that he probably shouldn’t show it, risking further teasing from both parties.
Annabeth’s super kind, he learns quickly. She laughs with her whole being and brightens up the room with her smile. She tells amazing stories about the fantasy, and Estelle listens intently. She’s so young that she doesn’t entirely realize that she’s not a real princess, and it warms Percy’s heart.
(And from the look Annabeth gives him, it warms hers too.)
It feels like hours that they’re sitting there before Percy decides they’ve had enough. As pleasant as Annabeth’s been for his sanity, he knows she’s probably getting tired herself.
“I think it’s time to say goodbye, Stella.”
And, of course, this cues the meltdown.
Percy sighs. “We need to go home soon.”
“I don’t want to.”
Percy’s temper is beginning to shorten again, and he can tense the temper tantrum that’s about to occur. It’s just a question of which sibling is going to start it at this point.
“We can’t leave Princess Genevieve here without a way to get home!”
Percy almost laughs in his little sister’s face because Annabeth is not a Genevieve by any means. Genevieve is a ridiculous name for a princess anyways. Annabeth is much nicer for a princess. “I’m sure Princess Genevieve has her own ride home.”
“This is why you don’t have a girlfriend!” Estelle loudly blurts. “You never offer girls rides home!”
Annabeth chokes on air, and Percy considers jumping into the Hudson river and swimming away.
“I don’t want a girlfriend anyways, so good,” he says, tugging her hand into his.
“If you were a nice person, then maybe Princess Genevieve would’ve been your girlfriend.”
“They don’t date peasants like us. Come on.”
“Can we please take her home?” Estelle asks.
Percy sighs, dropping her hand. “Ask her yourself.”
He genuinely expects Annabeth to say no, so when his sister walks right on up to Annabeth and stares up at her, he is blatantly shocked as she says, “I would love to.”
It becomes very obvious that Percy ends up losing the fight against a five-year-old as he’s driving the car with Annabeth in the passenger seat and Estelle in her car seat in the back. Estelle’s continuously asking questions, and Percy is somewhat mortified because as time went on, Estelle gets more and more daring with what she asks.
Everything is mainly along the lines of having a boyfriend and pointed coughs in Percy’s direction. Each time, Annabeth would give him a knowing smile and he’d do everything to look anywhere but at her.
Percy can’t be thankful enough when they make it to his mom’s apartment, and he gets to kick Estelle out of the car. She gives a heartfelt goodbye to Annabeth and a glare at Percy before she’s out the door. It leaves him and Annabeth alone in the car, a silence settling between them.
They’ve been together for at least a couple of hours, but they haven’t truly interacted until now, so he’s at a loss as to what to do. It’s as though he’s blacked out during the last few hours, and maybe even the last few weeks, because last he remembers, he was just sitting on the couch doing nothing, and now Annabeth Chase is sitting in his car, looking at him expectantly.
Finally, she says, “Are you going to look at me, or…”
Percy turns his head like a deer in headlights. “I’m sorry.”
“You look like you’re about to pass out.”
“I might. This is kind of weird.”
“What is?”
“Having you in my car.”
“You’re a celebrity.”
She smirks at him. “Do I intimidate you?”
“Uh, yes.”
“Well, don’t be intimidated.”
“I’m sorry, but you’re very famous. I will be intimidated, and you will let me be.”
“I mean, I get that, but there’s really no reason to be intimidated. The other day, I walked past a mirror and actually got excited to meet a celebrity.”
“What? You just forgot your own identity?”
She smiles. “Something like that.”
Percy laughs, slightly more at ease. He’s at least able to look her in the eyes now. She looks back at him and leans against the seat with her shoulder.
“Percy,” she teases. “You can talk to me.”
“Believe me, I’m trying.”
Annabeth rolls her eyes fondly. “Do you know why I’m here?”
“For my sister.”
“It wasn’t really for her.”
Percy frowns, confused. “But you said…”
“I know what I said. The reason I even opened the message wasn’t because of her, though.”
Percy bites his lower lip nervously because the mood in the car has suddenly changed, and he’s certain he doesn’t have tinted windows.
“I opened it because I thought you were hot.”
Percy blinks, a beat passes, and then he bursts out laughing. “You thought I was hot!?”
“You are! I thought maybe it would be fun!”
“You live in LA with a ton of super rich and famous people, and you come after me? The guy that can barely afford his own apartment?” “I mean… it doesn’t really matter if you can’t afford it because I can. But that’s only if, like, this actually goes anywhere.”
“Are you always this forward?”
“Absolutely not, but you couldn’t even look me in the eyes, and I have to leave soon.”
“So you’re saying you want to, what? Marry me?”
“Exactly,” she deadpans.
“Woah, baby, I hardly know you! How could I marry you!”
“It was, wasn’t it?”
“My point is,” she says pointedly, “I like you and would want to see you again. Without a child there.”
Percy’s brain is going bonkers right now because Annabeth Chase just asked him out. It’s even crazier because he’s thinking of saying yes. He tries to withstand, because he knows that he’ll never fit in with everything she’s surrounded by, but something tells him that she won’t mind, so he gives in.
“Fine,” he says playfully. “I guess I’ll take you on a date.”
“Oh shut up. I’ve been around Estelle all day telling me about how much her brother wants me to date him.”
“I didn’t say that, but to be fair, she’s not wrong.”
Annabeth shoots him a surprised look. “You’re not as shy as I thought.”
“Neither are you,” he counters, and it’s true. Annabeth has been making the first moves, and it’s different than what he usually sees. The thing is, he can tell this is exactly the way Annabeth is, and he’s determined to switch things up for her.
“Hey princess,” he says. “I feel like there should be a true love’s kiss before people go on a date, don’t you think?”
“Is that what this is? True love?”
“Isn’t it? You live in a fairytale.”
“I guess we’ll just have to find out, then.”
Percy pouts and whispers, “Bummer,” and then he’s pulling her in for a sweet kiss. It’s not at all him, and he’s sure this is no longer at all her either, but it feels right to both of them. Then, Annabeth bites his bottom lip, lets out a breathtaking whimper, and Percy deepens the kiss.
“These windows aren’t tinted,” Percy jokingly breathes out against her when she unbuckles her seatbelt.
“That’s okay,” she replies, smiling into the kiss. “I’m not one to be shy.”
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jarofstyles · 4 years
SK8ER BOI IV- Aerial
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A/N: THE FINALE!!! Ugh we love these two so much, however, it definitely is a long shot for a highschool fic BUT it’s fun to pretend no? ✨- n + d
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pairing: Harry Styles x Reader
warnings: smut, making up 
word count: 8.8k
Y/N knew she fucked up, she fucked up so bad. She had pushed Harry away when she needed him most all because she was insecure? All because she thought that he’d think less of her and leave? Her worst nightmare came to life anyway, she did that to herself. She’d gone home early, catching a ride with Amber and well, Timothée didn’t seem to notice. Y/N was going to break up with him the next time she saw him, she was positive. It was all just a matter of time before it happened. 
Getting the text from Harry the next morning did surprise her. She thought she wouldn’t hear from him but... he said he had to show her something important? What could it be? She got dressed pretty quickly, not really thinking about how she looked, she just hopped in her bike and rode over. She was nervous to see him, would he still be upset with her? Of course, but she had stopped at the shop to get some snacks and a teddy bear to say that she was sorry.
Harry has showered and gotten dressed rather quickly, knowing she would be over quickly. He knew this would upset her. Not okay because Timothée would technically be lying to her but because it was to Harry. The guy she had gotten close to. He cleaned up his room even though he wasn’t sure she would want to come up there at all, waiting downstairs. When the bell rang, he was quick to answer and let her in. She had a shopping bag with her but he didn’t pay that any mind, bringing her closer into the house. Thank god his parents weren’t home today. 
“Listen, I know you’re pissed with me but I woke up to this. You needed to see if. If I sent you a screenshot you may think I’m lying so I needed you to open it up yourself.” He shoved his phone at her, unlocked. “Instagram. The top message.”
Y/N parked her bike and went inside as usual, being greeted by the kitties but Harry spoke before she could even react to them. She furrowed her brows, taking his phone from him and opened up Instagram. Timmy? She looked up at Harry with brows furrowed, seeing him nod so she opened the message. 
‘Heeeeeyyy Harry, know this is random and all but like... you’re so fucking hot’
‘I wanted to talk to you last night, didn't get the chance to’
‘but if you ever want me to suck your dick I can’
Y/N couldn’t believe what she was reading. Timmy? Sent that? To him? Last night? She swallowed thickly and just read over it a few times. He really didn’t bother telling her? Was just going to cheat behind her back and lead her on? Granted, she was cheating too, but at least she was trying to talk to him and cheating.. she didn’t want to do that. Y/N was speechless, looking up at Harry like a babbling fish. She wasn’t going to cry though, no. Y/N just had what she needed now to break up with him and she would. But not before she talked and apologized to Harry.
“I woke up and I saw those.” Harry swallowed. “And like, obviously I’m not your favorite person right now and I get if you want to leave now cause you saw but I had to show you. I’m not gonna answer but he should know M’gonna show you.” There was no denying it. Considering Y/N and Harry were very obviously getting close to begin with, it was something he was certain he would know. Why him out of all people? He didn’t know. “And I’m just.. wondering if he’s been doin’ that to other guys too that he knows do stuff so like... I just wanted to show you. I know we haven’t been doing much better and that like, cheating isn’t good to begin with but yeah.” He rubbed the back of his neck. Damn. This was hard.
Y/N nodded her head, “no, thanks for telling me.” She said with a soft voice, letting out a small sigh as she handed him his phone back. “I can’t be too mad at him, or I'd be a hypocrite.” Y/N explained and let out a breath, “I’ll... I’ll talk to him later...” She said and then looked down at her bag. “I um...” Y/N started and started bringing up the bag. “I wanted to apologize though... it wasn’t fair of me to talk to you like that when you were just trying to be a good friend... you mean a lot to me and I hate knowing that I made you upset, that I made you feel like I didn’t want to hang out with you anymore...” She reached into her bag to get out a teddy bear that was holding a star. Originally she just went in to get the snacks but then she saw the bear sitting there and she knew she had to buy it. It reminded her so much of Harry and she hoped he liked it. “Will you forgive me?” She asked holding the teddy bear out for him. “I also got some snacks.....”
There was a little star on it. Harry wasn’t one for receiving gifts but this made him feel fond. How she knew him even though it hadn’t been that long. 
“Oh... you didn’t have to get me anything.” He murmured. He would cherish that bear till the day he died. It was thoughtful and lovely. “Course I forgive you. I just.. I hope you know I’m not some dickhead who’s out to get you.” He whispered. “I just want you to be happy. Whether it’s hanging around me or with him. I just hate seeing you sad.” He felt a bit vulnerable. She had tapped into his softer side with the star holding bear. It would be a treasured item of his. “Did you want to stay? Or go figure your stuff out?” He asked. He understood if she needed time to think alone.
“I know, but I wanted to.” She said shyly, pushing a piece of her hair away from her face. “You’re not a dickhead Harry, never thought you were.” Y/N wrapped her arms around him in a hug. She really did miss him, it had been a while since they hung out now that the project was over and because they had that little fight. “Can I stay? Missed you..” and she had. Y/N just wanted to sit around and listen to music and talk with him for hours. Catch up on the stupid shit Niall and Zayn said, maybe watch a movie while they ate their snacks, or they could just be munchies for him to have on his own when she inevitably went to talk to Timothée. “I’m gonna talk to him later..” Y/N repeated herself, pulling out her phone to text him saying they needed to meet up and have a chat. Timothée had agreed, probably knowing what the chat was going to be about because he’d never responded so quickly to her.
Harry kisses the top of her head tenderly. It was hard to refrain from being physically affectionate with her. She called to the caring bits of him and he wanted her to be happy to sit around and be held by him. 
“Course you can stay. Come on.” He grabbed her bag of snacks and carried them up with Y/N and the kitties following behind her eager for pets. It was good to have her back in his bed. To sit next to her while they munched on chips and have her curl up next to him. Her hand held his shirt as they watched some sort of documentary about true crime, and he was happy as hell just to have her there. His mind did wander. Could he ever have this for good? Have it so he could tell her sweet things and not have it be weird or crossing a line? Things felt like they were back to normal, the two of them cuddled up on his bed all comfy cozy and snacking. Y/N could stay like this forever she felt like. Her mind was now made up. She thought that she would be more upset about it all but now that she had something that solidified her beliefs? She didn’t feel so bad anymore. 
Y/N had spent the last 10 minutes of the documentary just admiring him. She’d missed being this close to him and of course, she missed kissing him, missed having his hands on her and hearing those sexy grunts of his. She couldn’t hold back anymore, she just cupped his cheek and turned his attention to her, leaning up to kiss him hungrily. Y/N just wanted to feel it again, feel him and connect with him, needed to remember what made her feel so good before she went to break up with Timmy.
When she kissed him, Harry immediately felt better. Knowing she wanted to kiss him again and didn’t regret anything they did soothed him fully, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to him as he turned so he could kiss her. It was smooth and hot, her tongue against his as he got into her mouth. His hand held her back and kept her close to him, humming happily at the kisses she gave him. He missed it. Even a week of no kissing had made him sad, so to have it back meant a lot. When they pulled apart, he hid his face in her neck to breathe her in. It was warm and she smelled sweet and just like her. He needed that comfort. Needed her affections.
Y/N’s heart felt full again, he’d kissed her back with just as much passion and desire. He had missed her just as much as she missed him and that within itself was comforting. Her hands carded through his hair as he nuzzled against her neck, pressing kisses to the side of his head. Y/N was holding him tight, breathing steadying as she finally felt the calm overcome her. She didn’t say anything though. It was an unspoken thing that the two of them both knew they’d missed each other a lot, that the both of them needed this and just needed to hold and kiss each other like they were meant to. Y/N didn’t want to do anything until it was confirmed that she was broken up with Timothée despite it being that way in her head. Y/N could dare say she loved him but it had only been a month. They did have a very strong connection, that much was undeniable. She looked at him as he pulled back from her neck and pressed a few soft and gentle kisses across his face. Her angel. He had no idea how special he really was to her.
Harry scrunched his nose when she put a kiss on it, letting out a silent laugh. She was spoiling him with attention and it felt rather good. He couldn’t deny that. She had him by the balls. It wasn’t like he was going to open and spill his guts about how much he liked her— but he did. He liked her a lot. Y/N was lovely and soft and sweet to him, she kissed incredibly well, he loved her body and being intimate with her. It was like she pulled up on every stop. 
“Mm. Feels nice.” 
He wondered if she could potentially be his first girlfriend. Proper one. Where he kissed her every day and brought her to school and had her sleep over, made love to her. He wasn’t sure if she would be down for that but maybe eventually. He could wiggle his way into her heart if he was lucky enough.
Y/N smiled fondly at him, pushing pieces of his hair back behind his ear. She pressed another kiss to his lips, letting out a hum. “Please don’t cut your hair...” Y/N spoke softly, pressing another kiss to his cheeks and then his nose. “I mean, I know you’ll have to eventually but.. keep it long, it looks really nice.” After spending a week apart she really just wanted to shower him in affection, tell him all the things she was too scared to say before. She almost lost him. Y/N had long forgotten about the documentary, just focusing on him now. Had he somehow gotten more handsome? Or was she just even more fond of him than ever before? “I’m going to go talk to him, yeah?” She whispered softly, “just want to get it out of the way. I’ll go talk to him and I’ll come back and... and I’ll spend the night if you’d like? I would really like to..” Y/N spoke with blushy cheeks. It was all hitting her pretty hard, but she couldn’t tell him how she felt yet.
“Yeah.. can come back and sleep here.” Harry hadn’t woken up next to her in a while and he missed it. He missed her a lot. It wasn’t that long but he was starting to realize things that he hadn’t before. Things were becoming clearer. Like his feelings for her. He kissed her a few more times at the door, holding the back of her neck to keep her there. He didn’t want her to go but she would be coming back to him quickly and he was looking forward to it. “If you... if you want to, Tonight... we can.” He was dying to fuck her. Dying. And once she was free from him, if she was in the mood? He could more than ever give her a good time. That's what she deserved. “If not that’s fine too but... yeah.” He shrugged. Gently letting her go. “Call me if you don’t want to bike back. I’ll come and get you.”
Y/N looked at him stunned. He wanted to? he really meant what he said when he  gave her his ultimatum? She nodded her head as he let her go, cheeks flushed. “Okay.” She answered shyly, deciding she would have plenty of time to think about it once she got back from Timothée’s house. 
The bike ride over was spent thinking about what on earth she was going to say. Y/N knew she had every right to be mad but she also wanted to be there for him. What if he had no one else to go to? Well, at least there would be no more wondering after today. They were finally going to lay it all out on the table. 
“Hey.” She spoke as he opened the door, stepping inside and following him to his room. Y/N was incredibly nervous, but she had to stay calm. “So.. look, I don’t want to argue, but Harry showed me the DMs you sent him and I just... I wish you told me. I already knew but I didn’t want to push you to come out to me if you weren’t ready but... I care about you timmy, I want to be there for you.”
His face fell. 
“You saw, huh?” Timothée was hopeful maybe Harry wouldn’t show her but, his loyalties lie with Y/N. As they probably should. He didn’t know what to say. It was terrifying. “Please don’t tell anyone. Please ask him not to tell anyone either. I was drunk and it just came out and I’m sorry. To both of you. But please just... I’m not ready to tell people. I messed up.” He was obviously scared. “I know I’m an asshole. I know I should have told you but I don’t want anyone to know cause, I’m not able to deal with it myself.” He swallowed thickly, looking down. Y/N and Harry basically had his life in the palm of their hands.
“Hey, hey, hey...” Y/N frowned and went to wrap her arms around him in a hug. “You’re okay...” She whispered, petting his head gently to calm him down. “I wasn’t planning on telling anyone and Harry isn’t either...” Y/N wanted him to know that they respected his wishes. “Just really hurt me, you know? Cause I just wanted to be there for you... I understand why you didn’t tell me, but I thought of all people, you could trust me, ya know?” Y/N explained calmly, “I’m not mad at you... cause I have something to tell you too.” She was nervous to tell him but hey, she had every right to do what she did knowing now that he was gay. She was never more than a friend to him. “Harry told me cause um... he and I have been um... doing stuff.”
“Stuff?” Not only was his girlfriend— or ex girlfriend? Aware that he’s gay. She was with the guy he wanted. It sucks. So bad. “Oh...” Timothée wasn’t angry at her for the cheating aspect. More so because that meant Harry wasn’t going to want him. It was common knowledge that Harry fucked around a lot and it didn’t matter what gender. He liked that about him. It was jealousy. “Really? I mean... I know I wasn’t touching you and I’m sorry if I made you feel badly about it but... how did that even happen?” He hurt. Was sad. But she wasn’t angry at him. He couldn’t be angry about doing nearly the same thing.
Y/N nodded her head, knowing it must have hurt him because well... he did send that message for a reason. “It’s okay, I get why now...” She started, smiling a little at the thought of her and Harry. “I’ve um.. I had a crush on him for a long time and like... when we had to work together for the project I was um... yeah, it just happened.” Y/N blushed shaking her head a little because she was telling her ex boyfriend, who was gay, that she had been cheating on him. “You like him a lot don’t you?” Y/N could tell, it hurt her knowing he was struggling internally and hurting, but her feelings were valid too. “I’m sorry... but, we’ll find you a really nice boy yeah? Whenever you are ready. Promise.” She said, taking his hand. “I want to be okay again... still wanna be your friend and stuff. Can tell people we just grew apart if that’s what you’d prefer.” Y/N said and squeezed his hand a little, “Whatever you need.” She wanted to be there for him, she really did. “Harry and I aren’t official or anything... obviously... so, that won’t be a thing for a bit...”
“Yeah— Uh, we can do that.” Timothée said softly. It was two hits with one knife and it hurt. It sucks. But at least Y/N didn’t hate him. He was so worried she would. And that she wouldn’t ever talk to him again. “You really don’t hate me?” He was astonished. He had hidden a part of himself from her for a while and pushed her away over and over because of it and it had to have hurt. But she was offering to help him and get him a boyfriend? “I would hate me.” He was glad she didn’t though, accepting her gentle affection. “I’m sorry. That I made you feel like you were annoying. You weren’t. I was just... not able to give you what you wanted. I understand why you went to him.”
Y/N let out a chuckle, “no, I don’t hate you Timmy.” She said softly and let out a sigh. “I thought it was me for a long time... thought that maybe I wasn’t sexy enough for you or that maybe you just weren’t into me like that but didn’t want to hurt my feelings. But I could tell after a while because there was no chemistry like that, could tell I made you uncomfortable.” She explained with a sad sigh. “Kind embarrasses now actually thinking about it...” Y/N blushed and shook her head, “but yeah... I was really upset, I hated that you didn’t talk to me and yeah I was upset with you and angry but I could never hate you. Knew that you weren’t doing this on purpose...” She didn’t want to hurt his feelings or rub it in but she wanted him to know that even though he hurt her and couldn’t be there for her, Harry was. “He’s been really nice to me... Makes me feel really special and beautiful and... I really like him.” Y/N spoke and let out a sigh, “he doesn’t know that but..”
Timmy and Y/N continued their conversation as Harry ran to the store. He got condoms, he got some breakfast food for the next day, he also got a lollipop for her. It was cotton candy and reminded him of her. He quickly came back and fixed the house and changed his sheets to new ones. He wanted it seamless as possible if she was wanting him too. If she wanted to make love. If she didn’t, he would gladly just relax with her and be happy that they could finally move forward with their shit. Thank god. 
‘Hey, just a time check. Are you coming soon?’ He texted her, hoping she wasn’t in the middle of deep conversation with him. He was antsy and wanted her home with him. Wanted to have her strip down and change into maybe one of his shirts. He wanted to feel a bit of ownership.
Once Y/N was positive that Timmy was okay, she felt good. Much better about everything. “Hey. I love you.” She smiled and gave him a hug, “you’re gonna be okay. Promise.” She told him and then looked down at her phone. Harry. He was so cute her heart could burst. He was checking up on her and making sure she was okay. Her sweet angel. “I gotta go though, yeah? I’ll see you at school.” She said and gave him a sweet smile, “if you need anything just shoot me a text.” Y/N cooed and made her way over to her bike. 
‘On my way back now 💓’
And she was off. 
It was while she was riding back to Harry’s that she realized what he had told her earlier. How he said he wanted to  if she wanted to. The idea of it made her mind stomach erupt into a fit of butterflies. She was single now. Single and ready to be Harry’s whenever she decided to tell him how she felt. If he wanted her. 
Harry had told her to let herself in. He had been cooking for them. Just quesadillas and some rice but he knew she needed some food in her. He felt a hand run over his back and smiled to himself as he felt her sneak under his arm. 
“Hi.” He leaned down to kiss the top of her head. It was immediately a lot better. He felt like a weight was off his shoulders. She was here and single and he could do whatever he wanted to her. Perhaps it was reckless because he didn’t know how she truly felt but he would take anything at this point. He had a feeling she wasn’t going to want to fully discuss what had just happened so instead, he handed her a plate he had already made before taking his food off of the pan and sliding it on the plate for himself. “Where do you want to eat?”
“Can we eat on the roof? I wanna watch the sunset.” Y/N thought it would be really romantic and nice and if they were going to do stuff then well... she wanted to get them into the romantic mood. Of course with them it always took just one word and suddenly the two of them couldn’t get their hands off of each other. Since hanging out with Harry, she had become a lot more vocal in bed or a lot more okay with being vocal in bed. She still got shy asking about stuff from time to time, but he was pretty good at encouraging her. They had pretty much done all the basics except for actually vaginal penetration and well... she had yet to give him a blow job. 
“I know you’re wondering.” Y/N spoke, deciding to let him know. “Timmy and I are good... he apologized, asked that we don’t tell anyone about it. Our story for breaking up is that we grew apart and out of love. He was really scared... but I’m glad that things worked out.”
“Good. Hope he knows M’not gonna out him to anyone or anything but you.” He wasn’t that type. “I know I’ve been open about not giving a shit what gender I would used to fuck around with but I know not everyone is lucky enough to have that mindset or be open about it.” Pussy had always been a favorite though. While he did fuck guys, he was more into women. “I’m glad that you’re better though. Have more clarity. Feel better about it.” He did feel a lot better about it now. Knowing she was going to be single now. He could try and say how he felt without saying it. “Also.. my mum comes home this week. If you wanted to stay over on the weekend again— she’s cool, she’ll like you. My parents don’t get weird about like, sex or alcohol. They always said if they didn’t let us experiment that we would find unsafe ways to do it. Granted... I’ve never had someone over to do anything, but you’re different. She’ll love to have you over.”
Y/N always knew about how he didn’t mind who he had sex with, it didn’t really bother her either because it was none of her business anyway as long as he stayed loyal to her. Fuck— she hated that in her mind he was already hers, felt like her breaking things off with Timmy meant they were together but things didn’t work like that. 
“You want me to meet you mom?” She was shocked because she knew his family meant a whole lot to him. They didn’t seem to be home a lot but when they were it was likely a big deal. He was already inviting her back over to meet his mom? “I’d love to.” Y/N smiled softly, “I um... I gotta give my mom an excuse though.” Maybe if Y/N explained the situation to her mom she’d let her go. Her mom would likely be skeptical of Harry but if she knew just how smart he and how nice his family was she definitely wouldn’t have a problem with it.
“You can come up with something.” He shrugged. She always did. Y/N was at his house during the weekends but didn’t always sleep over. It would be fun if she could stay the whole weekend. 
“My dad isn’t gonna be home yet but honestly... probably better. He’s full of jokes.” He laughed. “I don’t want you to be overwhelmed. I just think if we’re gonna hang out more, it’ll be cool for you to know my family.” See if they got along. Granted, it didn’t matter but he knew Y/N would get along with his sister and mum. No doubt. “They’re in and out. My mom goes on book tours. Dad is home more but since we’re older and don’t need to be home as much, he either goes with my mum or works more. It’s kinda cool. He was around a lot when we were kids.” He had a good family.
Y/N felt her heart flutter, it made her happy to know he wanted her around. If she was special enough for her to meet the family, that meant something right? “That’s really nice... They seem really cool, I’d love to meet them.” She said honestly as she finished up her meal. “Thank you for dinner, it was very good... I didn’t know you could cook.” 
She was beginning to realize there was a lot that she didn’t know about Harry, but there were lots that she did know and loved. She could see the two of them going really far together, felt like the two of them really clicked and got each other. From day one they just seemed to get each other. He was great. She wanted him to know that, wanted him to understand how thankful she had been for the past month that they’d spent together. Harry had taught her so much about herself and what she wanted and showed her what it felt like to be truly adored and cared for. She decided that she would give herself to him tonight. She was already his anyway.
“C’mon. Let’s watch something else. Getting cold out here.” Harry wouldn’t be able to see many stars since it was getting cloudy out and he was more concerned with getting her in his bed and kissing on her for a while. They brought their plates inside and Harry left her in the bed as he went down to put the dishes away. He came back up to see her laying upside down, a smile rising to his face. “Alright, silly bunny. If you’re staying here, gotta be comfy, hm?” He walked to his drawer and grabbed a tee shirt of his. “You want boxers with this? Sweats?”
Y/N smiled and rolled over so she could sit up properly, looking at him with a raised brow. “Do I need them?” She asked with a raised brow, deciding that she’d be just fine in a T—shirt and panties. She decided to change in front of him, seeing as it wasn’t really much. Y/N took off her jeans and slipped off her sweater, pulling on his shirt and took her bra off from under it. She folded her clothes and put them off to the side as usual, climbing up into bed. Y/N could see the look on his face but she wasn’t sure why he was so surprised. It was then that she remembered that when they first met she would never do something like that. Now though? She was entirely comfortable around him, she could be naked all she wanted with him. He made her feel beautiful. “What?” She giggled, sitting up and crossing her legs, smiling as muffin came to get her pets and cuddled from Y/N. “Hi sweet girl.” Y/N cooed, scratching behind the kitties ears. It was here that Y/N felt most comfortable and most at home. With Harry.
It was odd. That he felt so comfortable with her. That this was normal and cool and comfortable and he was happy to see her on his bed. 
“Nothing. I just like seeing you in my stuff.” Harry never had wanted anyone in his bed or his clothes and looked so comfortable. When he got into the bed, muffin ran off, looking annoyed Harry had interrupted her cuddles. He was quick with grabbing Y/N’s waist and hauling her to sit on his lap as he sat against the headboard, pulling her against him. “Mm. Hi.” He murmured. His kisses started at her cheeks and moved down her jaw, her neck. He bit down gently, knowing he couldn’t mark her just yet.  Not visibly anyways. “You look really good, wearing my stuff.” He muttered, hands not shy about going underneath the shirt and holding her hips. He had taken his shirt off before getting into bed. He usually always kept something on, even if it was a tank top. But there he was in sweats and nothing else and Y/N felt her heart in her throat it was beating so heavy. Y/N squeaked a bit, placing her hands on his bare chest and hummed. 
“You look really good... not wearing a shirt.” She mumbled out shyly, relaxing into his kisses and touches. Her heart was so full, she couldn’t believe it. Here with him, alone with no worries at all. It was then against the world. They were untouchable together. Y/N let her hand tug at the roots of his hair, making him look at her properly again. She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him how she felt so bad, she didn’t want him to think that she just wanted him for sexual favors, she loved hanging out with him too. Y/N wanted to show him, wanted him to understand. 
“Wanna make you feel good..”
Harry hadn’t let her touch him at all, in the sense of pleasing him. Sure, he had cum all over her but he hadn’t had her mouth on him. It had felt too intimate oddly enough. He was worried that no one else would compare if she never broke up with him. Now? All bets were off. 
“Yeah... okay.” He murmured. “We can try that.” All other times had been no. “Just...” he was surprised at how eager she was to get in between his thighs, looking eagerly up at him as her hand rested on his waistband. Had she truly been this deprived? “Okay— okay, bunny.” He smiled. “Go ahead. Do you want me to tell you want to do or do you just wanna... explore.”
Y/N hadn’t expected him to agree so easily, of course she was eager to get his pants off and do as she pleased. She’d never done it before but she knew the basics. No teeth, take as much as you can, the tip is most sensitive. Y/N looked up at him with a bright smile, finding a place between his thighs. 
“Wanna find out for myself...” She spoke with a blush, “want to see what makes you feel the best.” Y/N explained, hands moving to pull his pants down. She was met with his cock which was rather big even soft, but she could tell that he was getting hard just watching everything unfold. She had remembered how he said he liked a mess, so she gathered as much spit as she could and let it drip down onto his cock. Y/N kept eye contact with him, moving her hand to wrap around him gently, adding a little pressure when she got a positive reaction.
Harry could die happy. Already. His breathing got heavy as he looked down at her, spitting thickly on his cock and stroking him slowly, watching his face. 
“Yeah... I like that.” He whispered as she got him messy. Spreading her spit on him, she looked lusty and excited to finally be touching him. He thinks perhaps this is the claiming rights. That she knew in her head that it was her cock now. Hers to lick and suck and ride whenever the fuck she wanted. Because there was no way he could say no to her now. “That’s good.” He felt himself get harder. It wasn’t difficult. Y/N got him aroused so easily. So perfectly too. She was a wet dream. “I’ve thought about this so many times.”
Y/N was happy to hear him react to her actions. He was always vocal in bed and she loved that, especially when he was stroking her ego. She let more spit travel down his cock until she felt him get hard in her hand, being bold enough to lick from the base to the tip. His moan was music to her ears. 
“I love it when you make noise for me...” Y/N hummed, going back in with her tongue all innocently moving up and down his cock just seeing what he liked best. It wasn’t until she started focusing on that little spot right on his tip that she realized the power she held. She remembered the first time he pleasured her, how he was relentless and continued on doing exactly what made her twitch the most. So she did the same, sucking and licking at his cock, taking as much as she could at a time.
“Fuuuck me. That’s it, Y/N. Good girl.” Harry hissed. His hand was on her head, gently caressing her hair and watching her tongue lick over the spot and suck when she felt like it.
“Nothing is prettier than that mouth stretched around my cock. Hm— not until I get inside your cunt and make you feel it. But you’re doing so well. Driving me mad.” He muttered, helping her move her head down a bit lower when she felt like it. He gently fisted her hair, not pushing too hard but having a steady grip of it. He liked that bit of power he had even if he wasn’t using it yet. He loved having this type of power. She was suckling at the tip of his cock, tongue rubbing against the most sensitive spot. “You gonna let me inside of you today? Or not yet, baby?”
Y/N was very much enjoying sucking on his cock. It was satisfying getting a reaction out of him and his praises made her feel even more special. She was getting the hang of it too, felt like if she did this more often she’d be a pro, but she was just taking it easy and seeing where it went. 
Her mouth popped off of him when he asked, looking up at him with wide eyes. 
“You wanna?” She asked, feeling herself get all blushy. “I—I know you said it earlier but..” Y/N sat up properly but let her hand continue working over his cock. Of course Y/N wanted to let him inside. God, she’d been begging him to fuck her for weeks now and he was finally giving her what she wanted. It was her virginity, but she still felt special when he said he would be her first. She knew he would be gentle and would make it really romantic for her.
“I’ve wanted to for weeks. I wanted to fuck you the first day. But I had to wait and now... I can.” Harry wanted her pussy so badly. Of course he had fucked before but this was different. There was emotion and heat and everything in it. He knew that she would love it. “It’s up to you if we do or not, darling. I’m happy with your mouth on my cock. Can lick out your little holes too, if that’s what you’d like to do instead.” He offered. Y/N deserved that. The choice was hers. “I just want to be buried in you. S’gonna be so good. And then... I can take you everywhere. In my car, at the skate park behind the tree... I want to have you so many places. Mark them like that.” He purred. Maybe she would be adventurous with him.
“I—I want to.” Y/N nearly choked out from excitement, “I want it so bad.” Y/N knew that he’d take really good care of her like he always did. He’d make sure she was comfortable and make sure she felt beautiful and cared for and special and just all of those good things he always did. She understood that when having sexual for the first time you bond with that person in a way, grow attached. Y/N wouldn’t mind growing attached to  Harry because she already has. She felt like when he was finally inside of her, she could really show him how she felt about him, feel as close as humanly possible to him and feel entirely wrapped up in him. It was that level of intimacy... she wanted it so bad. She moved up so she was on top of him, straddling his lap with her clothes cunt pressed against his cock. “Want you to take me..” Make me yours. She wanted to add, but she hoped her eyes could communicate that for her.
“I will. Let’s get you prepped, hm?” Harry gently rolled them over so he was on top. He moved down her body, kissing over the clothes and stopping at her panties. Placing a kiss right over the mound, he pulled the panties down her legs to reveal her cunt. “Always wet for me.” He felt pride in that. Especially because she was always soaked and he barely had to do anything to get her that way. Granted, it was the same for him. “Good girl. I love this cunt.” He rubbed his cock against it as he moved back up her body. He had grabbed a condom and gently ripped it open, sliding it onto his length. One day he would do it without the covering but he wasn’t sure if she was on the pill or not. Didn’t want to ask. “S’gonna feel odd. Hurt a little, maybe but it’ll stop once I’m all the way in. It’s normal. Once I get going it’ll feel a lot better. I promise, I’ll make it good. I’ll make you cum.”
Y/N looked up at him and nodded, watching as he rolled the condom on. He was now properly naked and she still had her shirt on. He had yet to see her tits bare... they’d always done stuff with clothes somewhat still on. So she sat up and pulled her shirt off, she wanted to be skin to skin. 
“Okay..” She laid back down and got comfortable, cupping his cheek as she looked up at him. Y/N didn’t think she would want to be doing this with anyone else, it was all so real. All the weeks that they’d spent together, every sexual act they did lead up to this. She gasped a little when he pushed in, squeezing her eyes shut a bit at the discomfort but it passed after a few seconds. Y/N softened, trying her best to relax. It was... an interesting feeling to say the least. He was slowly filling her up, touching places she’d never touched before herself. “H—harry..” She whimpered, arms hooking under his shoulders.
“I know baby. I know. S’a lot.” Harry knew it would be overwhelming. Especially because he was so big. She was quite tiny in the pussy and he knew that it would be uncomfortable at first. “Just hold on to me.” Pressing kisses to any spot he could reach, he was trying to soothe any discomfort as he finally sunk all the way in. A deep groan of pleasure left him as he finally did fill her up. She was clenching like crazy and it felt ungodly good, but he needed her to relax. “Just relax around me, baby. Know s’hurting a little bit, focus on how good it feels. You’re full of me, yeah? Feels good to be full.” He knew that would be a different way of looking at it for her. He hoped that this was going to be as good for her as it would be for him. “There you go, bunny. Relax yourself. Feels better.” He moved slightly and she whimpered again. “Want me to move a little? Get you used to it?
Y/N was taking slow deep breaths, trying her best to relax herself around him. She let out a happy whine at his kisses, loving how warmth sprouted wherever he placed them. She felt more at ease with them.
“‘m so full..” She breathed, “feel you in my belly, daddy.” She always thought people were joking when they said that it changed you chemically, but Y/N was definitely much more soft and floaty, more willing to listen to him. “Feels good.” She told him, letting out a little ‘Mhm’ when he asked if she wanted him to move. 
He hit a spot. She wasn’t sure what it was because she’d never felt anything like that before, but it felt so incredibly good. The more he moved the more she began getting used to the feeling of him stretching her out. There was something so erotic about the little noises she was letting out. So repetitive, every time he was hitting that spot deep inside of her. ‘Oh’ and ‘uh’ and ‘daddy’ with the whimpers, shaking slightly in his hold. 
“That’s it. You’re taking it so well. Said you can feel me in your precious little tummy?” Harry hummed, hips gliding in deeper so she could feel the full effect of it. It was beautiful. He couldn’t get over it. She was giving him every little bit of her body. He was kissing on her and whispering sweet and dirty things. “Best pussy, baby. Feels so good. So right and wet... love filling you up. Gonna feel me for days.”
Y/N was overwhelmed with feelings. They seemed to keep flooding in the more she thought about how Harry was making love to her. With slow, long, accurate thrusts he was gently coaxing it out of her. The part of her that is human and was born to do this. 
“Can go faster...” She breathed, wanting him to speed up a bit now that she had properly gotten used to the feeling of him inside of her. He was so good to her, so patient with her, and knew exactly what she needed in any given moment. They’d bonded so much and this was just solidifying it. They were very much going to be a part of each other’s lives. Y/N was a moaning mess once he got a rhythm going, writhing in pleasure beneath him. “It’s so— oh daddy!” She whined, clenching around him when he hit a particularly good spot. “You’re—” She wasn’t one to talk dirty, but she wanted to. She wanted to learn and be dirty for him.
Getting Y/N to babble dirty things was a highlight for sure. Harry was going faster now, harder. She was warmed up and ready to take more. He was fucking into her eagerly, whispering filth to her. 
“That’s what I like. Precious little cunt clenching around me like that. You’re so hot around me too. It’s meant to be fucked by my cock, fits me perfectly inside of you.” He whispered, thriving off her whimpers and her nails digging into his back. “Are you going to let me fuck this pussy when I want it?” He muttered. Dirty talk but also a slight claim of ownership. “Let me bend you over or spread your legs open for me to slide in again? Cause... you’re a horny little girl. Been so needy for me and now m’obsessed with you and your pussy.”
Y/N was obsessed. She loved the feeling of having him inside her and knew she would crave it whenever she could get it now that she had it. She was thankful that Harry had made her wait, it felt so much better having him now than it would have ever before. It was perfect, absolutely perfect. She came with a loud scream of his name, squirming and writhing beneath him. Y/N swore she was in love with him, or would be shortly. Maybe he was right about the bonding thing, because now she couldn’t think about doing this with anyone else... Ever. He satisfied her every need.  All she could manage to do in her post orgasmic state was kiss all over his face, whimpering as he moved his hips every so often. She couldn’t believe it had finally happened and that he was actually able to make her cum on her first time. He was amazing. 
Harry had known that their first time would be amazing but this was a whole other level. He was in awe of just how incredible it felt to be inside of her. The other sex he had had couldnt compare to that. Emotion in sex had been the key. It unlocked so many emotions and needs he hadn’t realized he had and he was gone for her. Y/N was his. Completely his. When they’d both calmed, he took care of her. Cleaning her up and picking up his shirt from the side to let her slide on. Giving her a water bottle from his mini fridge. It soothes him, taking care of her like that. 
“S’the first time I’ve had sex in my room.” He admitted to her, pulling her close. “The only person I want to touch is you. So... you’re the only one.” He kissed her forehead. Y/N was ultra sensitive, he could see that her body was still shaky and she would be sore tomorrow. “Gonna run you a bath in the morning because you’ll be sore. I didn’t go as gentle as I should have. It felt too good.”
Y/N felt nice and floaty, every touch was welcome. She was like a little kitten, purring as he cleaned her up and gave her his shirt to wear. It felt so nice, to be completely wrapped up in his scent. She felt so safe, so warm and cared for. 
“You’re the only one for me too..” Y/N murmured against his chest, nuzzling close to him. Of course he was the only one, she was just loopy. “A bath?” She hummed, “that's very nice, Harry, you’re so nice.” Y/N noses at his skin, sponging gentle kisses to his chest without moving her head all that much. “It’s okay... I felt really good.” She giggled, curling her leg around his. “You’re my best friend, you know that? I really care about you...” Y/N told him, getting all sentimental. Timmy has been her best friend for years but Harry... Harry had been there for her through all of this. Was so supportive and waited for her, even when she was being stupid. She felt like she loved him.
Harry really liked her but he didn’t know how to word it right. How to tell her that he felt attached to her and hated that she ever left him at all. For food or to sleep. He was selfish with her. 
“My best friend too.” He promised. It felt more than that though. It felt like kisses and sex and honey and all the good things. Intense emotion that was foreign to his heart. At first he had genuinely thought it was heartburn but it was the overwhelming amount of affection he had for her. He felt like he could burst. It was incredible. He wanted her to be with him. He couldn’t verbalize that properly so, he was quiet and kissed on her gently. “Care about you so much. More than anyone.” That was the best he could do for now. “Can do that all the time, if you want.” He knew sex with her would be mind blowing always.
“All the time?” Y/N questioned softly, he would have to be careful with that offer. He knew better than anyone that she was  constantly horny, but Harry never said no so maybe he had met his match. Y/N felt properly relaxed now, feeling herself gently fall into a sleepy state. She knew now that they both cared about each other a whole lot, realized that the two of them were essentially exclusive, but putting a label on things now seemed too out of place. Y/N really wouldn’t mind, though everyone at school would be thinking Y/N left Timmy if she just started kissing all up on Harry at school. They needed to wait a bit and figure things out. “Good night, Harry..” Y/N hummed, knowing she’d be asleep at any minute especially with the sound of his steady heart beat lulling her to sleep. It always felt so comfortable with Harry, felt like she belonged whenever she was with him. Was this what it was supposed to feel like?
Harry stayed up for a bit thinking. Realistically, he knew he couldn’t just kiss on her at school. They’d have to sneak around for a bit. He didn’t mind if people talked shit about him but Y/N has a gentle heart and it would hurt her to be talked about like that. He didn’t want her to be hurting at all. He stroked her hair as she slept on his chest. It felt like much more of a big deal now. It wasn’t just child’s play. This was a real adult emotion and Y/N was victim to his affection. Not that it seemed like she minded but, still. It was a lot and he knew that.
A/N: FIN. 
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