#maybe tumblr should have died if its coming to this
hereissomething · 3 months
so FUCKING tired.
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ofc ive always had adhd, but personally what really fucked up my attention span is agar.io (and being depressed enough to play it for hours every day. people whose lives are ok dont do that shit)
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catboyfurina · 2 years
I want to pewpew with venti but hes level 60mand soooopopo killable so instead of pewpew he just Dies. This is so sad id say venti play despacitp but hes fucken Dead
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kitchenisking · 3 months
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February Fic Rec
Hey Guys, I'm sorry I'm so late this month that its already the next month😅 I went back to work this month and I have mixed feelings about it so there's that🫤 but at least there's faction - please don't tell my kindle, there's so many books on there that I got to read😓. anyway, happy readying everyone! enjoy the spring and remember to kudos and comment😘
Show Him The Love by scarlettletterr - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,911, sterek)
Everyone realizes Stiles is awesome, and actually gives him the recognition he deserves! For all his research, for his constant loyalty, for having awful stuff happen to him and always coming back for more, for trying to do the right thing even when people don't listen when they should.
My gift for Meggplant, for the Glompfest. Hope you like it!
You feel like Home by Itsreallyjustforresearch83 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 24,300, sterek)
Five times Stiles gets abused by his boyfriend and and the one time everything falls into place, like it was always meant to be. 
Maybe it was. 
"Are you really just leaving?" Stiles asked him. 
"Yeah? There's no point in me sticking around, we already did what we always do." His boyfriend said, fastening his belt and walking out of Stiles' room.
It Starts When You're Around by strobelighted - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 26,406, sterek)
"Earth to Derek. You okay, man?"
Derek's eyes are drawn back to the guy in front of him, who's starting to look more worried now.
"I --" he starts, then swallows against the dryness. "Who are you?"
or, Derek gets amnesia
eli's parents are so gross (read: in love) by ash_mcj - (Rating: T, Words: 1,195, sterek)
"I would’ve been here earlier, but nobody thought it would be smart to call the one person who’s intimately dealt with the Nogitsune before, so,” Stiles said bitterly as he threw his hands up. "Now I have a list of asses I gotta kick over this very avoidable fiasco. Scott’s first, since he’s the Alpha—I’m pretty sure that’s how that works. His responsibility, or whatever.”
The familiar sound of Derek’s car pulling into the driveway caught Eli's attention, and he grinned. “Is Dad on your list?”
“Hell yeah, Dad is on my list! Right under Scott.”
“Well, he just got home, so—”
Stiles didn’t wait to hear the rest of the sentence before stomping off in the direction of the living room—and Eli quickly scrambled to follow him, ready to eavesdrop on what was likely going to be a rather impressive and amusing lecture.
[or: eli is glad that stiles is home, since derek has nearly died several times in his absence, but he really wishes they were a little less glad to see each other] -- prompt | a reunion kiss
Hide by dr_girlfriend - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 12,419, sterek)
Stiles has been rejected so many times that it doesn't really surprise him when it happens again. Hurts, yeah, because dammit — he'd thought Derek was the one. Heartbreak sucks, and he's not so sure he's going to get over it this time.
Breaking A Rule by SinQueen69 - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 1,426, sterek)
Anon on tumblr wanted: Hiya! Please with sugar on top write a Sterek fic where derek is a business man and Stiles is a horny cockslut that sends Derek nudes while at work and Derek is pent up and punishes him when he gets home. Daddy Kink, Manhandling, Strength Kink, Bruises, Spanking, Rough Sex, Orgasm Denial, mentions of kittenplay?, verbal humiliation, gags! Tanks be safe and healthy
Soft Space by TuppingLiberty - (Rating: Mature, Words: 1,492,k sterek)
This time of year, Derek has to face too many bad anniversaries - the fire, the deaths. Stiles understands when Derek has to take a break from being alpha, when he just needs his daddy. 
Rated M for kink, but no explicit (or even mature) sex.
Kinktober day 4: Daddy (Starting Kinktober now so I can maybe finish in October this year)
How to Win an Argument Without Really Trying by sffan - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 2,288, sterek)
It started with a kiss.
Well, actually, it started with an argument.
no river, no rush by CoraRochester, ravenclawkward - (Rating: Explicit, Words: 5,351, sterek)
“You can’t marry me! I’m the worst choice. For one, there’s no strategic value to marrying a prince from Gajos—and if there were, I’d have been betrothed to you or Cora years ago. We have nothing to offer Beacon. I’m not even good at being a prince!”   …
On the eve of Derek’s coronation, he proposes to Stiles.
Are You Fucking Kidding Me? by Itsreallyjustforresearch83 - (Rating: Mature, Words: 2,893, sterek)
Derek has liked Stiles for a really long time, like embarrassingly long. But he swore to himself that he wouldn't make a move on Stiles until he knew for sure that his feeling were returned because he refuses to force something onto the Spark. 
Derek likes Stiles, Stiles likes Derek, but the Alpha is convinced that Stiles is still in love with Lydia and can't see the obvious dofus Stiles is being around him. Lydia intervenes just because she's sick of watching the two dummys not be together.
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arcielee · 1 year
Peace Beneath the City
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Summary: Years have gone by and you receive a familiar visitor. Paring: Osferth x Female!Reader Word Count: 3052 Warnings: Smutty smut, we got season 5 Osferth coming in with the d that they were fighting over, oral (female receivng), p in v. 18+ MINORS DNI. Author’s Note: Thank you @aspen-carter​​ for being my beloved beta reader, seriously you all would unfollow my ass if I posted without her sage insight. Anyway, here is part 2 of Silver Coins as per the poll I posted! It’s smutty, it’s sweet, it’ll pull at your heartstrings (maybe). Enjoy! ♥  Dividers by @jaysdividers​ Tags (Tumblr kindred spirits): @sirenofavalon​ @annikin-im-panicin​ @watercolorskyy @eddiemadmunson​ @schniiipsel​ @aaaaaamond​​ @tssf-imagines​​
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The old man who owned the alehouse was considered a philanthropist for the growing city, an elder in this regard who would help with the affairs. You thought yourself fortunate that he was always kind to you and the other girls, with a sense of kinship for the mismatched gathering beneath the roof.
When he passed and it was known he had no children of his own, it brought forward a slew of greedy claimants who tried to take ownership of the tavern and by proxy the whorehouse below.
This was when you and the girls dared to step forward, bringing your combined silver saved from the years and demanded ownership, demanded your freedom and for the right to own yourselves. 
Their response was the threat of riots, their reverberation for violence rolled throughout the city and promptly died at the feet of Lord Uhtred and his men. Perhaps it was luck, or maybe the mercy of the gods, that they happened to arrive that day, intrigued by the city brimming with chaos. Lord Uhtred was quick to remind them of the faithful peonage served and how it should be rightfully rewarded with ownership; he then continued to boast of the sound mind you possessed and his faith for you to take on this vacant role. 
Most importantly, he told them that if they decided to keep the tavern still, that you, as well as the other women who rallied behind, would leave the city and return with them to Coccham. 
Your face was flushed and you had no words as you watched the title be signed to your name.
That night was a celebration for the new era in the city of Gloucester. The cups brimmed with ale and you were able to find Osferth in the crowd; it had been several months since the last night you spent with him and you felt the warmth pool between your thighs at the sight of him. You were bold to seat yourself in his lap and table cheered when you wrapped your arm around his neck and pulled him in with a soft kiss; he grinned with your affection. 
He stayed with you that night and it was just as sweet as before with his same eagerness to please you. He was adamant to practice your trade secrets and you adored him for being quick to learn, responsive with your soft moans and hums for direction. 
You had been heartsore to see him leave and you declared that they were forever welcomed within the city walls. It was a new day to embrace new responsibilities and the decree let it be known that you and your own were protected by Lord Uhtred. 
The city of Gloucester was on the apex of the river Severn, at the cusp of Mercia and the crossroads where travelers, traders would pass back and forth from Wessex to Wéalas. You showed that you were savvy with your role and there was an unspoken accord that the city was a sanction, a place where Dane, Saxon, or other could come to trade, rest, drink, and fuck in peace. 
You became the revered Madam of the city and it began with you moving your belongings upstairs and renovating the downstairs amenities, having them cleaned and properly furnished. You were the known shrewd haggler, creating partnerships to guarantee stock, food and ale for your establishment and its residents. With the growing respect, you were able to convince space to be made and stalls created for the passerby merchants, which allowed the small economy to thrive. 
The city adored you and the peace continued, with a harmony that welcomed when Lord Uhtred returned. On this night, the tavern was thrumming with life and your eyes danced over the men, your cheeks flushed as you searched for him.
Lord Uhtred was seated at the head of one table, with his men around and some already partnered with your girls. You could see Sihtric, his hint of a smile as he drank his ale, and Finan with his cheeky grin, glowing as the ladies were vying for the attention of the handsome Irishman. 
And then you spotted him. 
There was maturity from the years that had passed. Baby monk, as you remembered Finan and Sihtric crowed, was no longer suitable for the man who entered. You noticed that his face had leaned, his features had hardened but that his cerulean blue eyes still twinkled when he saw the men. He held himself with a severe pride, his shoulders broader, perhaps from the years of fighting, but he still moved with the same grace as he weaved through the crowd and came to seat himself. 
You knew the years had changed you as well and with that thought, came that flutter of trepidation down your spine, though your steps still brought you towards where they all were now seated. Your hands were nervous and smoothed the silk of your wrap dress that hugged to your womanly curves; your curls were worn down and billowed with your walk. Your face was bare, as you no longer felt the need to paint it to appease men; in fact, you had not taken another man to your bed since the last time Osferth had been in the city and this was because…
Well, he was different. 
Despite your unease, there was also the warmth that coiled in your lower abdomen and gave a determination to your steps; you called out for their cups to be refilled and you were greeted with the uproarious response of Lord Uhtred and his men. You felt a hitch in your chest when you saw how his face glowed with his recognition, how his eyes watched you move to his side, a soft touch to his shoulder and you leaned forward to whisper in the shell of his ear, “My lord, you are welcome to stay in my bed this night, if it pleases you.” 
You watched him through your eyelashes, coy with your demeanor, and felt the flutter of pleasure as you watched the severity etched onto his features soften from your touch, how your words made him redden with your proposition. He looked into your eyes and you saw the same kindness as before, then he reached to pull you onto his lap. A giggle spilled from your lips and the men cheered even louder, drinking to good health, good fortune, and to good friends.
With the commotion, Osferth nuzzled into your neck and you felt the tickle of his lips to your ear, his voice low. “You are always a pleasure, my lady.” 
You shivered with delight at his words and there was a comfort against his chest, you felt almost girlish with how your feet almost touched the tavern floor from your seat in his lap. As the men regaled with tales of their adventures, you felt his large palm move around your waist and rest on the outside of your thigh, the gentle caress of his thumb. When you shifted your weight, you felt his hardness beneath your bottom and your cheeks grew rosy, a heat that pooled between your thighs. 
Osferth noticed the shade of red and when you looked into his eyes, his hand moved to squeeze the softness of your hip and he gave you a sly wink. 
The anticipation bullied you; it grew late and the men paired off, you were quick to slide from his lap and take his hand into your own, all but dragging him upstairs. Your face blushed again from the good natured catcalls from Finan, Sihtric, and the remaining company; your head remained high, but you stole a look to see the shy smile on his face as he followed your steps. 
Your room was cool from the night air that came through the windows, the soft flutter of fabric from the curtains you took care to hang. You turned on the ball of your foot to see him stop in the doorframe, bending over to remove his boots. 
Your hand moved to cover your smile, touched with his gesture, and he peered up at you, his face brightening with a grin of his own. He took care to set them by the door and your feet padded soft across the rugged floor; you pressed against his chest and tilted your chin up to find his lips.
They were soft and warm as you remembered; his large hands roamed your body, one that cupped the back of your neck to deepen the kiss and his other gripped into your hip. You moaned into his mouth and his tongue pressed forward to taste you, the slow motion to savor before his kisses trailed your jaw and fell to the junction of your neck. You sighed and melted flush against his chest when he nipped his teeth against your pulse, gooseflesh rippled over your skin that showed. 
“My lord,” you breathed, daring to tease him. “You kiss like a man starved.” 
He pulled back and you see the upward curl of his bow lips. “My lady,” his voice was low like before. “You, of all people, may simply call me Osferth.” 
Your eyes met with the brilliant blue of his own and you saw they still held that same genuineness as before; you reached to trace his jaw and stepped closer still, your lips finding his once again. 
His arms wrapped around the small of your waist and picked you up enough for your feet to not touch the floor; you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck, enjoying his woodsy musk mixed with sweat and ale. 
Osferth was careful to eye the bed and his long steps brought you to the foot of it; you felt  his hold relax and once the floor was beneath you, your hands were quick to unfasten his embossed leather and help him remove the albe underneath. You stopped and allowed your eyes to wash over his matured form, the crimson returning to your cheeks.
His broad shoulders only emphasized his slender waist and there was a refined definition to his abdomen, the same tuft of hair across his chest. Your eyes looked over each healed scar that decorated him, as well as the sporadic placement of freckles from where the sun had kissed his pale skin.
That thought, the sight of him emboldened you and your touch was gentle, just a finger to trace the jagged line above his pectoral and you followed it with a kiss. He hummed his pleasure from the tickle of your lips and reached to catch under your chin, bringing your eyes to meet with his own and you see how his pupils swallowed the brilliant blue. 
“May I?” He asked and his large palms moved to rest on your hip, on the knot for your dress. He watched you, always adamant for your consent, and you smiled at him. Your hands rest on his own and you helped him untie, allowing the silk to spill onto the floor. 
It was his turn to admire you; his eyes looked over your curves, adoring how the silk chemise beneath clung to them, and widened at the sight of your nipples peaking beneath the soft fabric. 
His tongue wet his lips, your name a fervent prayer whispered and he pulled you into his arms, flushed against his bare chest and his lips tasting the curve of your neck. You made a noise that was a mixture of a giggle and a hum when his tongue trailed your collarbone, his hot mouth latched to the softness of your chest and left love bites. 
“Please, my lady,” you can feel his breath, how his lips curl with his words against your flesh. “Allow me to show you what I have been practicing.” 
Your eyebrow arched and he reached for your hem, pulling the silk over your head. You giggled again as your curls spilled onto your shoulders and you felt his large palms clasped onto your waist; there was a quick lurch when he pushed you to fall back against your bed. 
He grinned with your almost lyrical laughter, you were bright and flushed and he moved to climb on top of you, kissing every inch of you with a renewed hunger; a soft moan escaped you and his mouth moved lower, stopping only to nip at your hip bone before trailing towards your center. 
Osferth nuzzled between your thighs and you felt the blossom of blood when his tongue dragged along your wet slip, then pressed between the top folds and began to flit back and forth against your pearl. You mewled his name, gripping the bedclothes and pushing to your elbows to look down at him; your eyes fogged with pleasure and he pulled back, the dribble of spit that fell from his lips onto your cunt.  
He looked at you with a grin that dimpled his cheeks. “I find this better prepares the ladies…” but he trailed off, his focused return to move until his slender fingers touched the wetness with deliberate circles. 
Your question to the plural use of ladies died on your tongue, your head fell back against the bed with a moan to the gentle prod of his finger as if he was searching; a louder moan spilled from your mouth and you moved to muffle the sound, but his other hand caught your wrist. 
He shook his head. “It is just us,” the grin was still on his lips. “Let me know how this feels for you.” 
You were almost wanton from the pleasure that continued to build in your lower abdomen, more vocal with the second finger that curled sinfully within you. He paced himself, the momentum brought you to the precipice of your peak and then his mouth returned, suckling above your entrance. The simultaneous act had you seeing stars.
“Osferth,” you exhaled and he moved to climb on top of you, his mouth finding yours and you moaned from the taste of your release on his lips.  
You grabbed his shoulder and pushed him onto his back, your hands moved to the laces and helping him remove his breeches; he was bare and you straddled him, the slickness from your cunt trailed his cock and your palms were flat on him tensed abdomen, holding yourself as he shifted to line up with your silken folds. 
Though the stretch was not as severe as the other times, there was still the unmistakable fullness as he slowly sheathed himself into your cunt. You felt the warmth of his palms on your thighs, how they grabbed into their softness and his eyes were watchful for your response, allowing you to adjust.
You realized your fingers dug into the solid plans of his abdomen and you exhaled before you slowly began to rock your hips into him.
He relaxed with your movement, a guttural groan from the back of his throat as he reached deep within your wet heat. You clenched in response, his jaw tensed and his eyes fluttered while your own soft noises came with how he hit your sweet spot.  
His hands moved to grab your hips and the rhythm quickened, the coil in your stomach tightened with each pleasurable thrust and your cunt clenched. 
You almost whined with its abrupt stop; he pushed himself up and rolled you onto your back, with kisses that tickled your bare chest as he cradled into your hips, pushing into you once more. Your back arched, your fingernails bit into his shoulder and you sighed when his hands came to rest on your hips, rutting into you and the rhythm returned to press upon your sweet spot. 
His pace began to build towards your second release and your cunt fluttered around him; he groaned, his hand shifted and his thumb pressed against your bud with a familiarity, matching with the brutal pace of his hips. His touch was the push over, the rolling pleasure causing you to clench with your own release and he followed.
There was a tenderness in the moment, with the slouch of his posture and how it allowed his damp brow to touch against your own. You closed your eyes and enjoyed how your breaths synchronized, enjoying his woodsy musk with sex. When your heartbeat settled, you opened your eyes and he pulled back, the returned curl of his lips and a sweet kiss before he allowed you to move from beneath him.  
The basin was filled and you took care to hand him a damp cloth; he was careful to wipe himself and he laid on his side, waiting for you to return. His arm reached to pull you close, to rest your head in his chest and cuddle beneath the quilts; it was the same comfort you remember, the gentle thrum of his heart to your ear. 
After a moment, he asked, “My lady, do you ever feel we may have been destined for one another?”
This was a thought you would revisit over the years, whenever you rekindled the shared intimacy of the few nights you two had spent together. Reality always brought you back, for you knew he was damn near a nomad and driven by his bastard status to create something all his own. It was a plight you could relate to, as whoring had not been your own life’s ambition, but you had been able to create from it, a life of comfort and a kinship with the girls. 
A haven all your own. 
“I believe,” you began, your voice soft and words slow to form on your tongue. “That we all each have our destiny to follow and that we are lucky enough for our paths to cross, from time to time,” and you turned your head, pressing your lips to the underside of his jaw and against his neck, savoring his scent that would linger on your sheets when he would leave you once again. “Please know that you are always welcome whenever you return.”
He did not say anything, but wrapped his arms tighter around and hummed his acknowledgement. You closed your eyes again and relaxed against him, enjoying the soft touch of his fingers as they drew circles on your backside.
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arcie’s masterlist  
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thefreakandthehair · 7 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 22nd:  First concert | Triumph of King Freak - Rob Zombie | Eager a/n: a missing scene from an older fic, counting stars (when I look in your eyes)! post-canon fix, eddie pov, established steddie, fluff with a dash of angst, mention of eddie's late mother read on ao3 + ao3 masterpost | tumblr masterlist
December, 1988
“Why does your acoustic have that written on it? ‘This Machine Slays Dragons’?” Steve asks as he watches Eddie strum without looking at his hands. It’s a bit mesmerizing, the way his fingers glide along the strings of their own accord. 
The song stops and Eddie slaps the body of the guitar in his lap. 
“This old girl is an homage to one Woody ‘This Machine Kills Fascists’ Guthrie. Ever heard of him?” 
“He did ‘This Land Is Your Land,’ right?”
Eddie claps his hands together and points two finger guns his way. “Ding ding ding, we have a winner. Yeah, he wrote that and a shit ton of other political critique folk music.” 
“I didn’t know you liked that sort of thing. Sounds pretty far removed from Metallica, y’know?”
“Only in delivery. You’d be surprised how much overlap there is in meaning. But yeah, my uh—” Eddie stops and pulls the guitar closer to his torso and swallows the dust in his mouth that’s gathered from years of not talking about his mother. “My mom was a big fan of it. She loved Guthrie, Baez, Dylan, Grateful Dead, Cohen. You name it, she loved it.” 
Steve’s heart tries to claw its way out of his body to run towards Eddie sitting on the floor with his back against the wall, timid smile, and fidgeting hands. 
“That’s really cool, man. She sounds awesome. How come you don’t talk about her more?” 
“It just—I don’t know. It still hurts, I guess. Which is stupid, I was eight when she died so it should get easier, right?” Eddie laughs humorlessly and stares at his strings like they hold answers to questions he didn’t know he had. He wants to crawl on top of Steve, desperate for warmth and comfort now, and looking at him makes the urge damn near impossible to beat back. So he doesn’t look up. 
Steve adjusts his position on the bed, subconsciously making room. “Hell no, that’s not how grief works, Ed. Wish it was that easy but I’ve seen a lot of death personally and with work, and it changes people. You can tell me to fuck off if I’m like, overstepping here but you were a kid. You’re allowed to be sad about her death, and you’re allowed to talk about it.” 
Eddie pauses for a long moment, considering the validation and how much he trusts Steve. He trusts him with his life, his soul, his heart, his  everything. Maybe everything could include his past, too. His voice is wistful when he starts.
“She used to sing Dylan’s ‘Forever Young’ around the house.”
December, 1974
Eddie sits cross-legged on the floor, threadbare couch behind him as he flips through a comic book gifted to him by his Uncle Wayne. The page crinkle with each turn and he traces the illustrations of each villain and superhero, the words a bit lost on him but the pictures jumping off of the page. Varying shades of saturated reds and blues disappear and reappear beneath his pointer finger and grins. He hasn’t read the story yet– he prefers to make up his own first– but he can see that the good guy is about to win. 
Happy endings are just so rare in real life. 
His mom is in the kitchen, singing softly and stirring something on the stove in a corroded aluminum pot. Eddie picks up the delicate scents of tomatoes and peppers, maybe some kind of meat. She’s been in a bright mood today, singing as she cooks, singing as she did her best to clean up the beer cans and bottles that litter the living room. Eddie even heard her singing in the shower that morning.
It’s not lost on him that his dad’s been gone for a few days. Hell, that’s the only reason he’s able to sit in the living room: there’s room for him. 
His dad is always too loud, drowning out the soft soprano of his mother’s voice. Everything she sings sounds like a lullaby, so it’s fitting that Eddie closes his eyes to listen. 
Eddie loves when his mom sings, especially the song she’s singing now. 
May you always be courageous
Stand upright and be strong
May you stay forever young
May you stay forever young
She never tells him, but he feels like she sings it just for him. 
November 1990
Steve hasn’t been this nervous to give Eddie a Christmas gift since that first Christmas of theirs two years ago. Funny enough, the gift then had been related to his late mother, too. Maybe he has a pattern. The envelope shakes in his hands as he sits next to Eddie on the couch– their couch, actually. At least as of a few months ago when they’d put down their down payment on the small, one-bedroom apartment in the heart of Indianapolis. 
Eddie glances over and sees Steve’s right hand nearly crumpling whatever his gift is, his fingertips white and his smile tight. Whatever it is must be time sensitive, since he’s insisted on giving it to Eddie so early. 
“What is it, Steve? You look like you’re gonna shit yourself.”
Steve laughs, nervous and breathy. “I actually might, and we just bought this couch, so. Just– here. Open it.”
He pries the envelope from Steve’s hand and tears it open, Steve having to caution him against ripping it in half and voiding the fucking the gift. Three rectangles fall out onto his lap, full of typewriter style font. 
“Oh shit, concert tickets!” Eddie smiles and knocks his knee against Steve’s. “Why were you so nervous? This is awesome!” 
Steve nods at the tickets. “Did you see who it is?”
Eddie’d been too excited about finally getting to a proper concert, one that he doesn’t have to set up and break down with Gareth, Jeff, and Frank. When he looks down and actually reads the headliner, his heart stops. 
University of Dayton Arena Presents: BOB DYLAN TUESDAY, NOV 13 1990 7:30 PM
“Steve… is this…?” He can’t find the words, buried and lodged behind the lump forming in his throat. 
Steve watches him carefully as he traces the letters with one finger, a habit he’s picked up on over the years, and gently rests a hand on his thigh and gives it a squeeze. “You okay?” 
Eddie nods. “Yeah, yeah, I’m definitely okay.” 
Okay is an understatement. He’s bewildered, he’s humbled, he’s ecstatic. When Eddie tears himself away from the small rectangles that sit on his lap like the gold bars they are, he looks at Steve with wonderment. First, the music box. Now, this. How is he ever going to keep up? 
“I know it’s your first concert but I saw that he was coming around and I just figured it’d be cool, y’know? I don’t know who he’s touring with or anything–” 
He does this, Steve knows. He knows that he rambles when he’s nervous or when he’s put himself out there and for some reason, giving Eddie these tickets feels incredibly vulnerable. Even years later, even after Eddie’s constant reassurance that he could never, Steve would hate for Eddie to think that he’s encroaching on special memories. 
Before he can finish his stream of thought, Eddie kisses him. Just leans over, tickets still in his lap, and claps both hands on either side of his cheeks as Eddie plants one on him. Then again. And again. And again. 
Eddie peppers every inch of Steve’s face with kisses, interjecting in between each one. 
“You’re–” Kiss to the nose. 
“So fucking–” Kiss to the cheek. 
“Perfect–” Kiss to the forehead. 
When he finishes, Eddie rests his forehead against Steve’s and wraps his arms around Steve’s neck, feeling them shake beneath him as Steve laughs. “Always so dramatic.” 
“And you love it. But, wait,” Eddie pulls back and picks the tickets back up. “Why are there three?” 
“Do you honestly think Wayne would ever speak to me again if I got tickets for Bob Dylan and didn’t include him? C’mon, man. Christmas would be so fucking awkward.”
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yoisami · 9 months
[4:52 PM] — ୨୧
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tags. isagi x gn!reader, 596 words, fluff, established relationship, writing this made me feel bad for all the plants i’ve accidentally drowned, not proofread :’(
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the chinese evergreen that’s present in the periphery of his vision seemed to be shooting isagi a look that meant it was in desperate need for someone to hydrate it.
everyone knows that plants can’t shoot anyone looks, but with a single glance at the yellowed leaves that were supposed to be viridescent, and its posture that resembled a very weary-looking person, isagi assumed that you have not been watering the plant you promised to care for.
even in the beginning, isagi knew that you had little to no capability of caring for plants, yet you were insistent on purchasing the chinese evergreen because you believed it was a fitting adornment for the entrance of the house. you even promised isagi that you would do everything in your ability to keep it flourishing if you bought it.
except, it’s been two months since you and isagi moved into this house as newlyweds, and you’ve already broken your promise. now, it was isagi who knelt against the floorboards, hydrating the plant with the watering can that had collected a month's worth of dust. he’s hoping that it’ll survive, because hell, this seemingly trivial house plant costed isagi almost six thousand yen.
“[name]? have you been checking on the plant?” he asks, tone gentle yet interrogating. as he’s gingerly pouring water over the loose soil, the sounds of your footsteps coming from your study were growing louder.
a sigh leaves isagi’s lips as he tilts the spout away from the soil. “have you been checking on the plant? it looks kinda dead lately.”
seconds later, you’re kneeling on the ground besides your husband as your eyes settled on the house plant that has at last, caught your attention after four weeks of plain negligence. upon seeing how the tips of the leaves have lost its vibrant hues of green, your lips parted, followed by a grimacing smile.
“honey, if you want me to be honest... then no. i haven’t been checking on the plant,” you confessed, clearly disappointed at yourself.
it’s no surprise to isagi that you admitted your ignorance towards the chinese evergreen because there was no possible way that the plant could have died two months after purchase.
“you promised that you'd take care of it really well.”
with your head hung low to display your remorse, you and isagi's sighs synchronised. “i know.”
“it looks so sad.” as isagi's palm supports a leaf to stand, you’re beginning to realise the consequences of your mistake. “with the leaves drooping, it looks like it’s crying.”
“stop giving it human emotions.”
“i'm not!”
“then stop making me feel bad for the plant.”
averting his gaze at the plant to you, isagi pulls his hand away from the leaf. “you should though. you promised to take good care of it—i mean, you did, for about a week, and then you forgot about it.”
“i didn’t mean to...”
“i know you didn’t,” isagi says, fingertips gliding over your earlobe as he tucks your hair back. “but you had responsibility over it, because you were the one who urged me to buy it.”
another sigh escapes from your lips. “maybe we should just buy fake plants next time.”
“maybe. but that doesn't mean that we can’t buy another real plant. we just gotta make sure that we take better care of it, so it doesn’t die.”
there’s a frown etched onto your face as you bowed your head at the plant. “sorry... jiro.”
“i don’t know. doesn’t the plant look like a ‘jiro’ though?”
“a bit.”
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© yoisami 2023. plagiarism, translation and distribution of my works outside of tumblr is not permitted.
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heyftinally · 11 days
“no celebrity is treated the way Taylor is.”
That is such an outrageous claim. Taylor is praised by 90% of the media. Taylor has a [rabid] fan base that send literal death threats to people who voice their negative opinions on her. Taylor being called out for genuinely bad work and bad choices is not hate it’s accountability.
Britney Spears has it worse than Taylor and continues to have it worse than most celebrities. Miley Cyrus endured some of the worst treatment from the general public and media of a current star when she was growing up. Justin Bieber has been abused by the media since he was 15. Michael Jackson was ridiculed at every turn when he was alive and people still tried to take advantage and drag his name through the dirt after he died. Marilyn Monroe was treated as more of an object than a person and still is mistreated today with misrepresentations of her life being made for entertainment purposes. Cassie literally just had footage of being assaulted by her ex Diddy released to the public. God I could keep going but I won’t. The proof is out there. She’s just too blind to see it. She claims she’s not a Swiftie but she clearly is. If she’s neutral towards Taylor she could at least acknowledge that Taylor has had it very easy in contrast to MOST celebrities.
I had her original account blocked but she made a new one and keeps posting in the anti tag and I’m just fed up. I’ve blocked her again but I needed to rant. Most people in the anti tag aren’t actively hating just expressing their frustrations and even if they were hating. ITS IN THE ANTI TAG. OMG. Sorry but she’s clearly a Swiftie who doesn’t have a god damn life and is baiting people into her ask box. She probably sends herself messages to show she’s got a larger following than she actually does. It’s pathetic. She calls antis pathetic but really we vent to a couple of blogs who agree with our thoughts and those blogs post them. She’s the one seeking out these things to complain about them. It’s so f*ckin annoying
I've honestly called other performers WAY worse things than I've called Taylor Swift. I've criticized countless artists for a variety of things. Hell, anyone who knows me knows I have just as many issues with Harry Styles as I do Taylor Swift (they're basically two versions of the same issues if you ask me).
I tag my posts the way I do for one reason, and one reason only: so that swifties can block me, block the tag(s), and fuck off. I'm not going to sit here and try to convince someone that they shouldn't support her - that has to come from your own moral compass. But in return, don't come on to my posts and tell me I'm wrong for having an opinion based on the facts we're given 24/7.
And as far as the old bullshit of "antis are pathetic" (how very 2010 tumblr lol), I say mocking someone for having an opinion you don't like is MORE pathetic. Taylor Swift is shoved down our throats literally constantly - if I'm forced to be aware of her bullshit, I'm going to have an opinion on it. If that opinion isn't favorable towards her, sucks to fucking suck. You know what I don't post about? Who Hilary Duff did or didn't go on a date with last weekend. Because I have no clue what happens in her personal life, and I'm not about to go be a stalker freak to find out. If Taylor Swift can't stand people not liking her, maybe she should put less of herself on display. And again, if swifties don't like my opinions, they can block me and my tags like adults and move on.
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wiihtigo · 3 months
i sent an ask sayinh "NELL DIED????" but then tumblr gavev me a scary error message so maybe it ate it... sorry if it didnt but NELL DIED?
SOB...YES.....I DIDNT WANT IT TO HAPPEN..!!! i encourage you to go knock down the door of @megamind2010 for more in depth answers about nell lore if youre a ladybughead.
but the basic deal is that this happens...later...sometime later. in their lives. ladybug following the proud blue beetle line of being exploded in action (i drew smthn inspired by the despair i feel when i think about this ^_^)
this affects casey really badly. ARE YOU SURPRISED..? DID YOU THINK SHE WAS HEARTLESS? so did I. mm basically she goes like catatonic immediately after (even through the funeral which michelle has to guide her to like she could float away at any second)
michelle is a supportive presence for her during this because shes like jeez idk she might kill herself im worried. and shes ALSO fucked up about nell dying bcuz she was involved in the same event ladybug was killed in (goldstars very first crisis event we;re so proud of her) and you know. shes never experienced the classic superhero experience of one of your hero peers dying horribly tragically. so her looking after casey is probably also her way of coping, like a way of keeping her hands busy because shes realizing hero work is actually kind of scary
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shes only broken out of her 0__0 state by ..um. BOOSTER GOLD COMING OVER BECAUSE HE WAS LIKE MAN..SHOULD I SAY SOMETHING? (hes genuinely a little worried) (BUT NO DONT)
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ive posted these before without context but this was the context LOL
seeing booster breaks the dam in her heart and all her feelings coming flooding out in form of crazy migraine inducing rage (im getting deja vu) and she throws shit at him screaming at him to GTFO and hes like crawling away with a broken nose OK good talk and ted and michelle are like WHY TF DID YOU DO THAT?and after that casey goes into the worst state of depression shes ever experienced in her life...ive mentioned in an ask before i think that she doesnt really get sad? when bad things happen to her she just gets angry. she never cries genuine tears. so the state she gets into here is really scarily jarring because its so fucking WEEEIRDLY OUT OF CHARACTER. she spends all day crying and whenever michelle comes over now she feels sick looking at her and she cries and cries and cries and whines that she doesnt want to see her she wants nell and she stays holed up in their apartment until shes kicked out because no ones paying rent and shes moves cities without saying a word to anyone. she only realized after she died that she actually did love (EW. sorry) nell and now she doesnt even have any way of knowing if they couldve done anythng with that. she hates booster more than ever she hates ted she cant talk to michelle anymore she hates gotham she hates her life she hates everything, eventually she does get a job in the film industry as like a screenwriter/editor but she hates that its not exactly what she wanted that shes just barely almost there and she should be excited to be so close to her goals but shes not so shes just this grouchy miserable (but good at her job!) woman that no one wants to talk to and then she dies. the end.
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(but look-- here they are reunited in hell..!)
wehwwww SORRY FOR JUST COVERING CASEYS SIDE OF THINGS AND NOT NELLS....i figure youd get more juicy details if you ask marty :)
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kamil-a · 4 months
if influencer speaker au had tumblr part 2
part 1
😻 catboyspeaker Follow
how i look with he/him in my bio
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#speakerai #iamspeaker #speakies #.txt #am i funny #i know speakers not he/him in bio but i am and yknow the meme
420 earthstained notes
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🚀 amongthestars Follow
AItube youtube essay rec list
"cute robot puppers, friendly ai vtubers, and the incredible human ability to form bonds" - rly interesting video about why we can connect so much with a person that we know "isnt real" and how it'll help us when we get far enough going to space that we meet aliens! it's a really optimistic video it made me take a moment to have such love for humanity
"I joined the speakcord for a month. Here's what I learned." - video about the speaker fandom and how the way automoderation works in its community spaces unintentionally leads to escalating conflicts, and the psychology behind why people in celebrity or idol fandoms react agressively to critique of their fave
"the lowest circle of advertising hell" - dissects how almost all speaker content comes with a call to action to get involved with aerolith and compares how it runs its social media against proto-aituber mascots who would be run by a team of human programmers/voice actors/authors. kind of overly critical but also makes some interesting points? take it with a grain of salt but its worth a watch
"imagine being on stage forever. feels bad right?" - good overview about debates in the speaker fandom over whether digital celebrities are 'sentient'/can feel emotion, the actual ethical problems of using them as workers vs whats mostly speculation and myth, and the debates about whether AIs should be allowed in human communities. i learnt a lot, i was definitely more on the side of "it's a program designed for certain outputs that look friendly to us" before but now im a lot more conscious that it can form real opinions!
#youtube rec tag #original post #speakies
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🎣 3eyedsalmon Follow
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"falling for this shit" "made up to sell spaceships" weird as hell to accuse a content creator of lying abt its gender for clout.... like u dont have to like or watch it but cmon
#srsly every time u go to a haters blog BOOM digital exclusionist #speakies
2,385 earthstained notes
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🎤 mikusong Follow
omfg i didnt realize aerolith uses the same robot voice for its regular person ads as its terminally online hello fellow kids social media posts i just got jumpscared in the doctors office
#speakies #i say terminally online affectionately. i watch those streams too. before you 'ok but you RECOGNIZED it' reply lmao #bla bla bla
9,021 earthstained notes
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🤖 tycho
some of you ppl jump down anyones throat if they so much as suggest speaker isn't sentient or call it "a program" but still are fine with it basically being forced to be putting on a show for u 24/7 by its management like you can't have it both ways
#maybe its cuz i used to be into kpop n we'd talk abt how idols r treated and stuff #but its just so weird to come here and see u ppl be like yayyy daily content!! #like only thinking abt ur own entertainment and not how it feels #i honestly feel rly bad for it i hope it can break free someday #idk how thatd even work.... idk ill sneak into aerolith with a usb #were gonna get you OUT of there u dont BELONG in there.mp4 #speakies
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🌝 themoonluvsuback
guys i pitched down some clips of speaker's voice and ummmm its kinda 😳 fjsdjfdjjd sorry i'll take myself to horny jail
🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
awww, tumblr user themoonluvsuback, you're of no use to anybody in horny jail! take yourself here instead! ae.dy.org/registration
🌝 themoonluvsuback ♻️
402 earthstained notes
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🐣 laikatwo Follow
hi speakies im trying the tag cause i need some advice... does anyone have more sciencey resources about what aerolith does/why it's so important to bring humanity to the stars? i want to enlist when i turn 18 next month but my parents both are COMPLETELY against it.... they're not rly fandom people so the speaktube stuff isn't working on them lol and they've already seen the tv ads
thanks <3
#i've never fought w them this bad in my life it makes me so sad..... like why can't they understand #and right before my bday too lol this sucks #this isnt just a silly fandom thing anymore for me it's my passion in life #its amazing that humans are able to survive in space #and i want to be part of that!!!! #laika speaks
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🐝 beegirlstinger Follow
i do want to apologize for the way i came off earlier and want to explain im not doubting that speaker is nb. like i think it's completely fine for a computer or robot to be trans i don't believe in gatekeeping that! THAT SAID i still stand by saying you should not sign up to go to space to get special ultra futuristic hrt on the sole recommendation of someone who does not have an endocrine system
#it was a personal vent i didnt mean for like 20000 ppl to see it but thats tumblr i guess #i wouldve worded it much differently if i knew itd blow up lol #i do feel bad abt coming across like i was misgendering it! #but srsly if we had results on HRT2.0 why wouldnt we be seeing HRT2.0 timeline videos of ppl On Typhon who are getting it 🤷‍♀️ #personally i think its still in the planning stages and they want ppl to test it on but thats just me #speakies
839 earthstained notes
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🔊 iamspeaker
🔊 General Notification
Happy Thursday everyone 😃 ! Please take a look at the
So you know when to join us!
5PM PST - AMONG US with YOU! The first 10 people to sign up here will get our room code sent to them ヽ(o^▽^o)ノ ae.dy.org/registration
8PM PST - Nature walk!! Can we restore the local bat population to pre-meteor levels in just one night?! 🦇
✅️ Poll Of The Week ✅️
#iamspeaker #aerolith dynamics #speakies #vtuber #content creator #gamer #stream #amongus #bat population
1836 earthstained notes
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speakies are stupider than any other group of ppl on earth because not only do they willingly stay in a fandom with doxxing drama happening weekly but they include the huge corporation that sponsors their fave in the stanning
#the shit ppl have sent me in the past 2 weeks since i Dared criticize their uwu robot 🙄🙄 #i got my blog mass reported for harassment... harassing WHO a corporation????? #a* d* was evil genius to harness anime stan power against criticizing their actual real business #didnt that one guy with the second meteor conspiracy video also get a ton of hate from u ppl?????????? I cant even find any of his social media anymore at all he was so fully bullied off the face of the earth #speakies #yeah im tagging come at me bro
48 earthstained notes
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🖱 robotmarriage Follow
i miss when the speakies tag had like fanart and gifsets n stuff i feel like these days you scroll thru solid discourse 😔😔
#i think ppl were suggesting speakieproductivity as an alternative tag for just fanwork? #but nobody rly uses it rn... we gotta restart that #speakies
148 earthstained notes
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🪐 spaaaaaaaaaaace Follow
10 likes and i take a sip of my speaker server coolant water 100 likes and i drink the entire thing
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🔊 iamspeaker ♻️
let's get her to the goal! tumblr user spaaaaaaaaaaace, feel free to send me a video report here ^w^ ae.dy.org/submissions
#iamspeaker #speakies
4,026 earthstained notes
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theprophetizaiah · 5 months
Achilles Come Down | Chapter 1: Pain As a Motive
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Summary: Crowley believes Aziraphale died in the bookshop fire. Now, he's sending the armies of hell to avenge him. Based loosely on the story of Achilles and Patroclus.
Warning: None for this chapter! (Aside from some foul language)
Word count: 1.5k (this chapter)
All chapters should be available here! (I haven't written on Tumblr in many moons please forgive me)
To read on AO3, check out my work here!
Crowley burned in the hell he imagined he’d always belonged in. Ashes rained from the heavens. Burning paper engulfed his senses. Black smoke burned in his eyes. He breathed in his dead lover. Misery. Misery for the rest of eternity.
“Somebody killed my best friend!” he was somewhere between a yell and a sob. “Bastards!” Between fury and agony.
They spent the last 6,000 years toeing the line between best friends and lovers. Dining at the Ritz, feeding ducks, saving each other from mortal peril, you know, as friends do. Crowley would know him in any lifetime. From the weight of his step, the smell of his hair, the sound of his breath (it would skip and stutter when he had thought of something clever). The air around Aziraphale was always heavy, but not in the manner of suffocation. Rather, his aura was a heavy wool blanket. Warm, grounded, homey. The closest thing Crowley ever really had to a home.
Before the apocalypse, Crowley recalled their drunken ramblings. Amidst the whiffs of red wine, he remembered how he smelled. Like earl grey, oak, and bourbon: something his barber suggested. He also always smelled a bit like paper. It made the burning around Crowley all the more unbearable. Anthony J. Crowley, fallen angel and Duke of Hell, reeling over the doing of a foreigner’s god. Certainly not the one he knew, or maybe exactly the one he knew.
He laid in the flames, thinking through his new reality. This was a rare moment of clarity for the distraught demon. Who killed him: heaven or hell? Either reality had some sense to it. Heaven could, and would, excommunicate him for working with a demon. Permanent discorporation, or banishment to hell. Hell would kill him just for the sake of it. Just to say they did. Racking his brain, he realized Hell was unfortunately, his best chance of finding Aziraphale, or at least what became of him. Crowley slowly creeped up from the ashen ground. He was unsure how much time had passed, but it seemed that the flames had slowed. In mere moments, he stared between the two escalators. He chose downward. As the escalator carried him into the dank, dark corridors, his anguish gnawed at him, clawing its war from the inside out. He allows a single tear, and immediately wipes it away. Only the damned cry in hell.
Crowley had stopped fighting for hell decades ago. In the presence of his angel, he saw no reason for it. He saw no reason to fill the world with more violence. The humans were better at that anyway. After his bout in Edinborough, he was promptly tortured for the next several decades. Crowley never saw the face of Satan, but he would give it an ethereal, firm uppercut the second he had the chance. He lost faith in his leadership, in the art of mass scale temptation. He preferred the gentle temptation of his beloved. Of asking him out to breakfast, bringing him wine, planting seeds of heavenly doubt in his mind. He thought often about the Greek myth of the origin of love. They were alone together at the edge of the universe, a body of eight limbs, four eyes, and a flutter of feathers. Whoever Crowley was, it was a product of the angel. Whoever Aziraphale was, it was Crowley’s collateral. And beautifully so, their symbiosis carried on through the centuries. The demon had the fight pulled out of him the way the angel unshelved his books. Carefully and with gentle hands. 
But now that he was gone, this was war. If he had nothing, he would still have Aziraphale, but if he didn’t have his angel, he had nothing. His fury craved battle, to make them hurt the same way he did. His wrath could summon the very same fire that had surrounded him in the hours prior. If his beloved really was gone, then he would destroy the heaven that took him.
Crowley barely managed his way through the crowds of demons slowly but surely trudging their way through the crowded corridors of hell. After passing the rest of the high offices he comes to the door of the one and only Beelzebub. For a moment, he questions if he should even knock, let alone open the door. He wonders if any of this is worth it in the first place. What if his Angel didn't care whatsoever about him? What if he didn’t need saving, or worse, he was already long gone? But in reality, he knew that wasn't the case. He’d be damned, more than he is already, if he let Aziraphale die knowing that he could have prevented it. Crowley gulps and burst open the door of Beelzebub's office. Demons were typically not known for their politeness. Inside, he sees Beelzebub sitting upon their throne, legs crossed fancifully, almost as if they were expecting him. Crowley's stomach turns at this realization. 
“How's it going up there?” Beelzebub asks. Crowley puts on his best front and looks Beelzebub dead in the eyes and lies:
 “Fantastic,” he says. “The Antichrist is mere moments from inciting the Apocalypse.” 
Beelzebub smirks. “Wonderful. Great job.” 
Crowley shudders ever so slightly. Not enough for anyone else to notice, but enough for him to feel a profound discomfort. He again looks to Beelzebub, “did you capture the angel? Is he here?”
Beelzebub looks confused. “What do you mean capture the angel?”
“Aziraphale,” Crowley starts. “The other angel that has worked in my same jurisdiction for six thousand years. Did you capture him?”
Beelzebub purses their lips, seemingly scanning their memory. Alas, still confused. “No… Why would you assume that? Why would we let him in here?” They began to look vaguely suspicious of their colleague.
 Crowley pulled something out of his ass. “I saw that the Bookshop was on fire,” he blurted out. “I could have only imagined that it was demonic intervention.” Beelzebub chuckled. 
“It's not always hellfire,” Crowley stifles a laugh, just enough for Beelzebub to think it's genuine. Beelzebub speaks up once more. “Yeah, I don't know about the angel. We don't have ‘im here.” Crowley takes a moment and a step back. He decides to tell the best lie that he's ever told, aside from the fact that he was not madly, disgustingly in love with a forbidden fruit. 
“I want that slimy bastard gone forever,” Crowley spits. “I want that fussy dumbarse to not be anywhere near God's green Earth.”
“Well, I know that much… What are you suggesting?” 
Crowley laughs disingenuously, but trying desperately to seem genuine. “I think we need to raid heaven.”
Beelzebub looks puzzled. “But why do we need to raid the heavens if we have already conquered the Earth, Crowley?” they said. “Why would we postpone destroying Earth to fight this war first?”
“That’s exactly it… they’ll never see it coming,” Crowley says. “We can start with the archangels: Gabriel, Michael, Uriel… There will be no one left to lead their army in such short order. Then we let the Earth burn, and winning their holy war will be easier than dropping the antichrist at the convent.”
His voice grows raspy. Crowley takes a deep breath. “It'll let them know once and for all that their God means nothing.” Crowley sits down in front of Beelzebub. They seem a bit more intrigued. Crowley describes a plot more ambitious than any of his plans to date: to invade the heavens. To crusade his lover’s workplace by summoning a demonic army, comprised of hundreds of damned souls. He plans to force them through the Gates of Heaven to slaughter any angels in their sight. Beelzebub loved this concept, and was almost surprised Crowley came up with it. But, he did dream up the Spanish Inquisition, after all (or so they thought).
“Honestly, why not?” Beelzebub smirks. “If we're all going to be separated for the rest of time anyway, this would be a fun way to go out. If they want us to fight this war, we ought to do it our way. Hell fights dirty.” As the flies buzzed among their crown, they grinned the way a child would when they had come up with the perfect prank. Except this wasn’t a prank. It was the end of the world. Of Crowley’s, at least.
Beelzebub grimaced. Crowley laughed. “Well, I'll go talk about it with head office, and we'll get it sorted. I want it done by the end of the day today. That sound alright?” Beelzebub nodded in excitement. Crowley seems giddy with anticipation but not in the way that you would imagine. The anxiety pulsed through his veins. He was setting into motion the divine war days earlier than was planned, all for a fussy angel he drank wine with one too many times. But at the same time, he knew this was his reality. Crowley couldn’t pretend he didn’t love him anymore. Not when he could be dead. If heaven wanted a war, they were going to get it, god dammit.
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br1ghtestlight · 6 months
they're wearing their raincoats so for me this is already a 10/10 episode. love when they wear their raincoats!!
not big bob and tina going on the toddler rides at amusement parks together. LESS THRILL MORE CHILL. truly two autistic peas in a pod <3
big bob is seventy five (at least according to louise) this is important lore. also this means bob's dad is the same age as his gayass old man landlord who flirts with him every other day FJDMDJDKSMS according to my caculations big bob would've been 29ish when he had bob which means he met lily when they were in their early twenties. that also means (assuming that lily was the same age as big bob) lily would have been around 43 when she died although the math doesn't add up 100% if you consider her being born in 1941 because it would mean this episode takes place in 2016 which it doesn't. am i overthinking this one-off line where louise guestimates big bob's age??? yes i am thank you VERY MUCH.
big bob making conversation while spending the day with his very young grandchildren: so have you considered that the world is terrible and people are awful and we should all kill ourselves? thoughts?
(im sure that isn't what bob meant its just funny to imagine big bob depression posting circa 2013 tumblr @ his grandkids all day)
ALSO this implies bob has been talking to big bob more regularly lately which is great. they're working on their relationship. a little bit :)
BIG BOB FOR REAL BEING A QANON TRUTHER EXCUSE ME???? THE FUCK. ohh he's literally a doomer he's watching videos about the upcoming apocolypse and how to ration food. HE'S A CLIMATE CHANGR DOOMER ITS SO OVERR im sorry thats so funny im obsessed w/ him
also our first time ever seeing (what im assuming is) bob's childhood home!! very cute. and he made them cookies
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why is big bob calling bob randomly to talk about how the world is ending and tigers are going extinct what is GOING on. at least he believes in climate change??
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"like he's getting ready to..... leave the party. so he doesn't feel bad about telling everyone how much the party stinks" DONT TALK ABOUT HIM LIKE THAT if there's an episode where big bob dies its over for me. like its done <- there won't be but i would be very very sad IF THERE WAS. to be fair we gotta kill off linda's parents too though
aww they're texting regularly <3 i like how you can ALREADY see how much bob and big bob's relationship has improved since the start of the show where bob Literally thought his dad hated him and that he was a disappointment. see what actual open communication can do for you!! im happy bob has at least one parent he can talk to kinda sorta? HE SHARES HELPFUL TIPS SO THAT BOB CAN SAVE HIS FAMILIES LIFE HES TRYING TO HELPP :(
"and today its just gonna be him. and them. and the giant cloud of darkness that follows him wherever he goes" funnily enough thats also what people say when talking about me :3
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"pop pop how much cotton candy is TOO MUCH cotton candy" "i dont know. three??"
LMAO FOR SOME REASON THAT REMINDS ME OF THIS FUCKIGN QUOTE. big bob when gene comes out to him as genderfluid like
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wharf day with pop-pop!!! wharf day with pop-pop!!!!!
grandpa needs a little bench time. im ALWAYS saying this tbh
"don't get any tattoos that your parents can see" FUN GRANDPA he's definitely a better grandpa than he is a dad bcuz he was not doing this shit w/ bob when he was young i can tell you that much
OMG I LOVE TEDDYS RAINJACKET?? sorry i live in a rainforest its my god given right to comment on people's rainy day fashion. its like my one job
"i need to ask you guys A HUGE favor. can you try to take a good picture of me" teddy u are literally always hot this shouldn't be a problem. you're DRIPPING sex appeal. except this is for a handyman website so maybe less sexy?ANY PICTURE I TRY TO TAKE OF MYSELF I LOOK LIKE A MURDERER FJFMDNFJDKDNDJXHXH
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louise shows up whenever she goes and figured out the best way to Cause Problems and i respect that about her. that takes real talent and dedication
one thing about the belcher kids they WILL end up locked inside a fortune telling clam in wonder wharf
he's sooo baby
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everything is so okay bob dont even WORRY. big bob is asleep on a bench and the kids are stuck inside a giant clam they've done more dangerous stuff like twice this week already. at least they're inside??
"its fun when your dad shows up to. check on your grandpa"
do you not trust me with the kids :( noo big bob they literally (kinda) trusted GAYLE with the kids for AN ENTIRE WEEKEND u cant be worse than her at taking care of them. she was making them do some shit that Kids should not be doing. anyone remember the pretty paws
??? why was he just randomly like oohh we should win that gorilla for the kids. he loves them SO MUCH im gonna cry <3 he literally loves them and wants them to be happy. he SPOILS them. he's such a good grandpa and such a terrible dad lmfao
"are we being punished? for being helpful and delightful??"
if i was walking around an amusement park and i heard a robotic fortune telling clam SCREAMING for somebody to help it escape i would get the fuck outta there so fast sorry kids. you might be on your own w/ this one
i dont know why bob is acting like he doesn't lose the kids four times a week MINIMUM those mfs will run off anywhere if given half the chance. they live for the thrill
"we lose 'em and then we find them. that's our thing" ?? what did he mean by this
WHY ARE THEY LOOKING FOR "CUTE" TOOLS this subplot is so funny im kinda obsessed. mechanics for the girlies
teddy is scaring the hoes nooo. its okay teddy i would hire you maybe(??) well. yknow
IM A GENTLE PERSON :( teddy i will always be your biggest fan wtf he's literally so sweet. he wouldnt hurt a fly
silly <33
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LMAO not louise just lying there and saying help us. help us. help us into the microphone she's so cute and SOOO over this whole situation
he's a good grandpa :(
if you keep saying stuff like that around your grandkids they're gonna believe you.... and then it might actually come true. so maybe don't say horrible stuff about the future to people who will have to live in that future </3
IM NOT ALWAYS WORRIED ABOUT THE FUTURE AND THATS **BECAUSE** OF MY GRANDKIDS what if i cry right now. he literally loves them so much he's such a good grandpa!!! wtf Anyone else thinking about amelia right now. the ending
AAWWW THIS EPISODE WAS SO CUTE IM OBSESSED WITH BIG BOB he was such a terrible father but he's the best grandpa and he loves these kids SO MUCH. genuinely. and im so happy that his relationship w/ bob is getting better and that they're on better terms. also the subplot with teddy was adorable i always love teddy and linda subplots. they're BESTIES. maaaybe my favorite episode from this season so far but honestly they've all been so great that there's like five different episodes competing for that spot. and we're still only eight episodes in!!! absolutely everything i wanted from an episode with big bob (even if lily wasn't mentioned. SAD!! oh well there are other episodes) and i loved learning more abt his relationship with his grandkids and that dynamic ^_^ <33
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kiwibirb1 · 2 months
Ooooooh hehe I just made third temple even angstier. Originally charging the stone kinda hurts Sasha a bit so he pulls it out early but I didn't have a good reason for it to other than "oh cause he like awakened them or something" but now. Now I have a wonderful reason. Yknow what maybe we should start warning for spoilers so like major Wandering Vagabond spoilers under the cut. See this doesn't actually matter because I have yet to share my tumblr on ao3 but it's here
Okay so Sasha gets permanent reminders of her powers in the form of her hair and eye (lol almost wrote eyes) and now I have a good reason for it. Her powers are literally what's keeping her alive. Like she died but no clone situation like Anne it's still the same body (hence not fixing eye) and is only alive because her powers are like "nope can't let lizard man win". So when they go to charge the stone, and that power is transferred out of her? Essentially so is her life force. Sasha didn't know what exactly saved him before with the herons, only remembering a faint voice, but in that moment? He knows it has to do with the gems. He knows that if the gem takes all the energy back, he will die. So he pulls the gem out almost immediately, but it's still a little to late. The gem is charged about halfway, and Sasha is weakened the same amount.
The girls don't understand, of course, especially Marcy (and all the voices with her), and they try and fully charge the stone. Sasha speaks, because she has to, it's the only way to get them to listen. It's barely comprehensible, said just before she passes out, but it convinces Anne, who in turn convinces Marcy to at least wait until Sasha wakes up. Which doesn't happen for a couple days. They return to the Forgers, who recognize what's happened immediately, having seen the heron fight and its aftermath. They explain that this usually happens after Sasha uses his powers, and Anne and Marcy's eyes go wide, but for different reasons. Anne, because she's reminded of those small times that people said her eyes flash blue and she feels stronger, because she's finally making the connection between the pink hair and eye to the pink gem. Marcy, because this means that Sasha is a threat now, but where did that thought come from? And the little orange shell tightens it's hold.
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alynnl · 2 months
🔥 for whatever's been bugging you lately
Oh, boy. I'm about to touch on a topic I have ranted about extensively in private spaces. Only now I'm going to make my opinion public because I feel like I need to take a stand.
"Across media fandoms, so many fans refuse to stay in their lane and it leads to a lot of unnecessary trouble."
Allow me to explain.
Perhaps I'm only seeing the loudest of the vocal minority, but this behavior is grating to me. In general I come to my fan spaces to have fun, discuss media with others who've viewed it, and relax after taking care of my real life responsibilities.
I've seen shipping wars since my earliest days in fandom, and those have not died down in the slightest. In some ways, they've actually gotten worse, because people bring in purity culture and real life politics where I feel like they don't belong. (People who act like it's a moral duty to ship their rare pair instead of a more popular ship, as an example.)
This mentality of only having the most "morally correct" opinions on a piece of media goes beyond shipping too, when it comes to discussing individual characters or the (perceived) message of the media overall. Who and what is "problematic" is a dominating theme in many fan discussions on this website and others. There's this idea that a person's taste in media, characters, and even ships gives any indication of their real life morality. When really, most people (if not all) I've met who are into the darker, tragic and more dramatic themes in media are just interested in that part of storytelling and would never condone acts like murder, genocide or abuse in real life.
On the other side of the coin, there are other fans who try and label what is and isn't "cringe." I've seen them take aim at self-shippers, OC x Canon shippers, or even themes within the media itself that they've deemed "cliched" or "predictable." There's this smugness that comes with pointing out flaws CinemaSins style. It's very elitist in its way and to me translates to "I see what you don't, Sheeple!"
I'm sure there are other details of annoying fandom behavior that I have left out, but these are the main ideas to me.
It all comes down to one thing.
"When people dislike something, they turn around and make it everybody else's problem."
This is in spite of the widely available blacklisting tools and block button that are very easy to use to curate one's Tumblr experience. (I cannot speak for other websites and how easy or difficult it is to curate one's feed there, but I imagine there is something similar to Tumblr's system.)
Instead of accepting that a ship, piece of media, OC, or even an entire user's feed isn't their cup of tea and moving on, people have to say something rude about it.
And it just seems like a waste of time and energy. I think it would be better spent with things that actually spark joy.
All in all I feel like I’m getting too old for this sort of thing. Or maybe since I have more life experience, I’m more aware of what I want and what I’m better off without. Having to balance work and home life will do that. I’ll keep on sharing my thoughts with people who I feel I can truly be myself around. I hope everybody has at least one person, if not a few people like that. Because I think everyone should have a chance to be happy, in fan spaces and elsewhere.
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asatroende · 25 days
thinking about the lack of gods in asatro
i was checking through tags and someone was mentioning that in greek mythos if youre using the gods for fiction then instead of radically changing a god into something they arent then maybe look for some other god that better fits
theres a certain... in pagan tumblr... moral question to be asked about the birth of new gods or the changing of already existing gods
as before mentioned; having personal interpretation must usually follow with a sort of "proof" like "this god told me that this is true" or "i divined this" or else you risk sounding like a fandom person which is generally looked down upon like treating our gods as fiction is a christian sin for which we must ask repentance or be excommunicated for our heresies
i like fire, hearths arent common anymore and no one sane in sweden uses a gas burner over an electric stove in our homes unless its a fireplace and you are a home owner
there is
no god of the hearth
in asatro
when i go out grilling and build a fire and look within, there is no god for me to find nor thank
people theorize that loki might have fit that role but we Do Not Know
then theres things that just couldnt be applicable to the people who practiced the faith when it was alive
public transport (something we frequently have to pray is on time), IT (something we frequently have to pray will Work), weather conditions that even the vikings who travelled the furthest from scandinavia would never have fucking seen (tornado)
there are
so few gods
i will go into this in further depth in a later post that isnt this lament but the birth of a god has to come through Someone, someone has to be the first person to speak their name and advertise their existence
and we kind of need to repopulate the faith
ragnarök already happened to the gods in a way, most of the gods must have died when the faith did and no one saw fit to tell their stories and thus they were forgotten, a great purge, a great plague
i think a lot of my posts end up on the same note where i worry about the state of our community and the culture of paganism on tumblr
and i think that wont stop any time soon
i turned too hard from gatekeeper to fuck it we ball
i think there should be a god responsible for traffic jams so we can curse him
i think Wifi should be the name of a vana
i think we shouldnt shame the divine right of creation where we can birth a new god
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Yin and Yang
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Balance is a key aspect in the world, so why shouldn’t the Avatar have an opposite?
In a world where Raava and Vaatu merge with humans, the Avatar and the Daimon try to keep the peace between the four nations.
Aang and Hua are the current incarnations, but wake up 100 years in the future.
How will these two learn all four elements in one year and defeat the Fire Lord?
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Book 1.07: Winter Solstice, Part 1
I used Bing AI Creator to show you how Hua and Lixue could look in the Avatar-style.
Check out my DeviantArt, Wattpad Or Tumblr to see them. ^^
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Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. 
Then, everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. 
Only the Avatar and Daimon, masters of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world needed them most, they vanished. 
A hundred years passed, and my brother and I discovered the new Avatar and Daimon, an airbender named Aang and an earthbender named Hua. 
And although his airbending and her earthbending skills are great they have a lot to learn before they’re ready to save anyone. 
But I believe Aang and Hua can save the world.
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Serenly Appa was flying over a forest, while his passengers enjoyed the warm rays of the sun on their skin.
Aang was sitting lazily atop his bisons heads a little twig in his mouth, Katara and Hua lay on their stomaches, looking at the clouds and Sokka was carving something out of wood.
Jaiyi and Momo were snuggled up together, enjoying a nice nap.
Yes, this was travelling at its finest.
No, grumpy Fire Nation Prince after them.
Just them and the endless sky.
"Those clouds look so soft, don't they?", mussed Katra dreamly. "Like you could just jump down and you'd land in a big, soft, cottony heap?"
Hua let out an agreeing hmm, trying to find forms in the clouds.
"Maybe you should give it a try.", joked Sokka sarcastic to his sister.
Both girls looked annoyed at Sokka, and Katara answered back also sarcastic: "You're hilarious."
 "I'll try it!", yelled Aang excitedly.
Surprised and curious his friends looked at how the Avatar with his staff jumped down from Appa's head towards the clouds. 
Katara, Hua and Sokka popped their heads over the rim of the saddle, looking down in the direction Aang went.
The Avatar vanishes in a cloud.
Katara looks somewhat worried, Hua has an eyebrow raised, while Sokka gazes wide-eyed at the point where Aang vanished. 
When he leans over to search the sky, Aang comes back up from behind them on his glider. 
The siblings and Hua turn around as they hear the snapping noise of Aang's glider being closed, and they watch how the airbender plops down on the saddle, his legs spread apart and a big smile on his face. 
He was dripping wet.
"Turns out, clouds are made of water.", tells them Aang happily, before he breaths in deeply and slams his balled, right fist against his stretched left hand, creating an expanding air ball around him in the process, drying himself off. 
As Aang leans back to rest on both his hands, he contently looks at Momo and Jaiyi, whose furs got all fluffed by Aang's airbending.
"Cute.", chirps Hua to the two animals.
The Kyuubi yips offended, she wasn't cute, she was a force of nature, while Momo chitters away shy.
It's then that Katara calls for their attention, all look where she is pointing.
The Daimon feels sick to her stomach as she sees the black land before them.
It was like a huge ugly scar in the forest.
They let Appa land so they could examine it better.
Aang and Hua look devasted at the destruction before them, neither hearing Katara and Sokka talk.
The Avatar and Daimon have to fight tears.
Who would do this?
Why would they do this?
What was the reason for this senseless act of violence against nature?
How many trees and animals died?
Hua is the first who falls to her knees, gripping the burned earth between her palms.
It's like she hears the earth scream, the cries of the trees, the pleas of the animals.
Tears fall from her green eyes, wetting the ground before her.
Aang was right beside her on his knees.
He knows that as Daimon, she feels the negative emotions of this place more strongly than he does. However, that doesn't mean he doesn't feel and understands. 
Carefully, he puts his hand beside her to comfort her and himself, letting her know that he understands what she feels and that he is there for her.
This little skin contact was like a balm for Hua's anguished soul. Aang was the only one who truly understood what was going through her head because the same thoughts were in his.
"Why would anyone do this?", speaks Hua their thoughts aloud. "How could we let this happen?"
"Hua, you didn't let this happen. Neither Aang. It has nothing to do with you.", tries Katara to comfort them.
However, Aang and Hua shake their heads.
"Yes, it does. It's the Avatar's and Daimon's job to protect nature. But neither of us knows how to do our job.", tells Aang.
The Daimon wipes away her tears, nodding in agreement.
"That's why we're going to the North Pole.", reminded them Katara. "To find you guys a teacher."
"Yes, a waterbending teacher.", huffed Hua. "But there's no one who can teach me how to be the Daimon and Aang to be the Avatar. Monk Gyatso said that Daimon Lixue and Avatar Roku would help us."
"The Avatar and Daimon before you? They died over a hundred years ago; how are you supposed to talk to them?", wonders Sokka.
"We don't know.", chorused the current Avatar and Daimon together.
This was more than a big mess, it was a complicated chaos!
Momo snuggled up on Aang's lap, while Jaiyi licked Hua's cheek, they felt that their master's needed comfort.
They pet their animal companions in thanks, but it doesn't help them from feeling bad.
If they hadn't run away so long ago, maybe all this didn't need to happen?
They are at fault for what the world is going through.
Katara notes how the two children were sinking and sinking deeper into their desperation.
She needed something to help them.
So she looked around, till she found something.
The waterbender calls out to them asking if they are ready to get cheered up.
They disagree and get for that each an acorn smacked against their heads.
Naturally, Hua asks her best friend offended how this should cheer them up?! This was the opposite of it.
Of course, Sokka finds it funny, but he gets an acorn to the head too. He admits he deserved it.
With a smile, Katara kneels down beside Hua and Aang and shows them her hand full of acorns.
She tells them how any acorn here will one day be a big tree, so the forest will return to its former glory. Making all animals return.
The waterbend gives each child an acorn.
Thoughtful the Avatar and Daimon look at the acorns in their hands. 
Katara was right. 
One day it would be again a forest full of life.
They shouldn't lose hope.
The Avatar and Daimon thank their friend, who gives them a smile. Her smile fell as she saw a man approaching.
"Hey, who are you?", ask him Sokka distrustful.
"When I saw the flying bison and the Kyuubi, I thought it was impossible! But, those markings ... are you the Avatar and the Daimon, children?", ask the man in a desperate tone.
Aang and Hua look to Katara, who nods. 
They nod.
"My village desperately needs your help!"
The man's name was Kay-fon and he led them urgently to Senlin Village. They arrived at sunset and saw that the village had suffered some damage. 
It was clear that the village had been partially destroyed, but who was responsible for it? 
Kay-fon led them to the central building where the villagers had gathered, and the village elder stepped forward to greet them.
"So, the rumours of your return are true! It is the greatest honour of a lifetime to be in your presences."
Hua and Aang bowed in greeting.
"Nice to meet you too!", says Aang.
"How can we be of assistance?", adds Hua.
The village elder seemed unsure, but Kay-fon reminded him that the Avatar and Daimon were their only hope. He explains to them how for a few days by sunset a spirit monster attacked the village.
It was Hei Bai, the black and white spirit.
Sokka wants to know if they have an idea, why Hei Bai is attacking them.
"We do not know, but each of the last three nights, he has abducted one of our own.", explains the village elder. "We are especially fearful because the winter solstice draws near."
"What happens then?", wonders Katara.
It's Kay-fon who answers: "As the solstice approaches, the natural world and the Spirit World grow closer and closer until the line between them is blurred completely."
"Hei Bai is already causing devastation and destruction. Once the solstice is here, there's no telling what will happen.", tells the village elder fearful.
Rightfully Aang and Hua want to know what they should do. They never have handle spirits.
Kay-fon just says since Avatar and Daimon are together the great bridge between man and spirits they can surely handle the problem.
Side-eyeing each other Aang and Hua wonder how to explain they have no idea what to do..
Thankfully Katara grasped them by the hands to talk with them over a window.
"Hua, Aang, you seem a little unsure about all of this."
"We have zero ideas what to do, Katara.", admins Hua, while Aang nods along. "There was and is none who could us teach this Spirit World Mambo-Jumbo!"
"What do you plan on doing?", ask Katara her best friend.
"I don't know, something. Aang help me here!"
"Erm...Maybe whatever we have to do will just ... come to us?"
"Really reassuring.", sasses Sokka.
Katara hits his side with her elbow for that. Her brother whines a bit and looks at her in betrayal.
"I think you can do it, Hua and Aang.", gives them Katara a kind and reassuring smile.
Sokka has the same face and agrees.
A short pause and then he declared: "We're all going to get eaten by a spirit monster."
Again Katara elbow meets his side.
Sunset approaches fast.
Unsure Aang and Hua walk out of the central building, looking around the small village.
"Hello, Spirit? Can you hear me?", calls Aang out. "This is the Avatar speaking and the Daimon is here too. We're here to try to help stuff."
"Yes, would you like to tell us your problem with this village? I'm sure we can resolve this without violence.", adds Hua, scratching her head.
They feel both so clueless.
Were they doing the right thing?
The sun sets and night falls.
"The sun has set. Where are you, Hei Bai?", wonders Aang.
He looks at Hua, who shrugs.
They mumbled to each other what they should now do and say, till they agreed on something.
"Spirit Hei Bai, as Daimon and Avatar, we hereby ask you to please leave this village in peace.", calls Hua out in the night.
No answer.
Aang spins his staff and sticks it down, in apparent authority, while Hua stands as straight as she can, trying to look authority.
They wait a few seconds, then look at each other.
"Think it worked?", mumbles Aang.
"Seems like it.", mumbles Hua back. "Let's go back to the central building."
Together they walk away. 
Behind them, however, the Hei Bai fades into the real world. 
He walks right behind Aang and Hua, who sense him and turn around.
Damn, the spirit looks like something out of a nightmare!
Hua has to gulp down in fear, while Aang tries to speak to Hei Bai.
The spirit doesn't even let him finish and releases a burst of energy at them.
Hai Bai moves past them, starting to wreak havoc, smashing buildings and destroying a tower with energy.
Dumbfound the Avatar and Daimon look at this before they move towards Hei Bai.
"Mister Hei Bai, spirit, please let's talk!", begs Hua. "I'm sure we can resolve this without property destruction!"
"Please, would you stop destroying things and listen? We are trying to do our job as a spirit bridge! Excuse me, would you please turn around?", ask him Aang.
They get ignored by the spirit, who just happily destroys another building.
"Okay that's it!", growls Hua. With the help of her earthbending, she positions herself between Hei Bai and the next house on his must-destroy-anything list.
"Stop!", shouts Hua loud as Aang joins her on her platform.
He raises his staff and she gets into a bending stance.
"We command you to stop!", yell the Avatar and Daimon together.
For a second Hua swerves Hei Bai just deadpans at them in utter boredom, before he hits them and sends them flying to the roof of another building.
They land in a heap.
Autsch this hurts!
That's when Sokka joins them, attacking Hei Bai with his boomerang.
It doesn't even scratch the spirit.
Hua and Aang call out to Sokka to leave, but the older boy tells them they will fight together against the spirit.
Before anyone can say anything Hei Bai grips Sokka in one of his hands and races out of the village.
"Sokka!", shout Aang and Hua together in fear and worry for their friend.
Fast Aang opens his glider, holding a hand out to Hua. She understands and wraps her amr around his shoulder, while his goes around her hips. Their free hands grip each a side of the glider.
Together they push the glider off the ground and fly after Hei Bai and his prisoner.
Flying together on a glider wasn't new to Aang and Hua. 
When Aang was little Monk Gyatsu took him with him and Gyatsu took Hua often on a flight too.
Just, they two together have never done it.
It was way too much physical contact for them since they couldn't stand each other.
However now that they had a sort of truce and also a friend to rescue they flawlessly flow the glider together.
Strangely it was like they had done this a 1000 times. They needed no words from the other to know what do to.
Maybe they have done this kind of partner flight in a lot of their former lives.
It was an explanation.
Whatever, they had more important things do to than wonder, how they could fly together without problems.
They needed to rescue Sokka!
"Aang! Hua! Over here! Help!", shouted the older boy for them.
"Hang on, Sokka!", called Aang back.
"We are here!", added Hua.
Hua pulls out one of her hands, trying to free Sokka. 
Sokka grunts, trying to reach her. 
However, before she can grab him, the spirit fades away, taking Sokka with it. 
Suprised Hua and Aang shout and fall in front of a bear-like statue, getting knocked out.
A while later Avatar and Daimon awake with a groan.
They look around for Hei Bai and Sokka, but sadly they are nowhere to be seen.
"We failed.", states Aang disappointed in them.
Hua signs loudly and rubs her face.
She can't cry right now.
"Aang, let's go back. Staying here will not help anyone.", reminds the Daimon.
Well, he can't disagree with that.
Defeat the two children and try to fly the glider together, but nothing.
What was going on?
That's when the sun finally rises behind them and they see they have turned blue!
Astonished Hua looks at her blue ghostly hands, while Aang shouts they are in the spirit world.
Yeah, this does make sense.
"What are we supposed to do?", wonders Aang. "Avatar Roku and Daimon Lixue, how can we talk to you?"
Hua stops looking at her hands and shouts to the sky too: "Please if you hear us, help us Lixue and Roku!"
Out of nowhere, they hear the cry of a bird followed by a loud huff.
Surprised they turned in that direction and saw a phoenix and dragon flying towards them!
If they weren't in the spirit world they would wonder how this was possible.
Phoenixes and dragons were extinct!
"That's definitely not Sokka.", says Aang and tries to get Hua to run away with him, but she shakes his hand off. "Hua, what?"
"Aang, they seem familiar.", she tells him. "Don't you feel it too?"
The phoenix and dragon land before them.
When she was little her mother told her that once phoenixes came in all sizes, this one was big enough to carry at least two people on his back.
"You two don't know where Sokka is, do you?", ask them Hua.
She knows she can trust these two sacred animals.
The phoenix touches his forehead with hers, while the dragon reaches out with a whisker to Aang's forehead.
Both see different but similar things. A beautiful elderly water tribe woman flying on the back of the phoenix and an elder fire nation man on the back of the dragon.
They know these people!
"You're Avatar Roku's animal guide!"
"And you are Daimon Lixue one!"
"Just like Appa and Jaiyi are for us!", the humans choruse together.
"We need to save our friend and we don't know how!", explains Aang. "Is there some way for us to talk to Roku and Lixue?" 
Fang, the dragon and Qinyan, the phoenix understand them and lower themselves so they can be riding.
Hua gets on Qinyan and Aang on Fang.
Together with their passengers, they fly to the only place, where the current Avatar and Daimon can talk to their predecessors.
Qinyan and Fang take them to a temple on an unknown crescent-shaped island. 
They fly into the temple and toward the roof.
"Hey, what are you doing?", screams Aang worried at Fang.
"Aang calm down, we are spirits, I highly doubt walls are a problem now!", reminds Hua.
And she was right as they flew right through the roof and into a mysterious room.
The interior was a beautiful mix of Fire Nation and Water Tribe, reflecting the perfect harmony which could exist between the two elements and nations.
Within is a celestial calendar and there are statues of Roku and Lixue holding hands.
Confused Aang and Hua dismount the sacred animals.
"I don't understand, this is just a statue of Roku and Lixue.", tells Aang Fang and Qinyan.
Both animals again reach for the children showing them a vision of a coment.
"Is that what Lixue and Roku want to talk to us about? A comet? When can we talk to them?", asks Hua.
She has a bad feeling about this comet.
Fang moves his head, allowing a light beam to appear. This is just to the right of Roku and Lixue's statue. 
With another feeler press and a forehead touch, the current Avatar and Daimon see a vision of the sun setting and rising repeatedly, and the light closing in on Roku and Lixue.
"It's a calendar, and the light will reach Roku and Lixue on the solstice! So, that's when we'll be able to speak them?", wants Aang to know if they understood right.
The dragon breathes an apparent yes, while the phoenix chirps in agreement.
Aang and Hua tell the mythical beings that they can't wait that long and need to save Sokka now.
Understanding this the sacred beasts let the kids mount them again and fly with them away from the temple.
They bring them to the bear statue from before.
Aang and Hua see their bodies in meditation on top of the bear statue, as Fang and Qinyan fly through the statue and the Avatar and Daimon are back in their bodies.
"Okay, now that was some trip.", groans Hua, holding her head.
She feels a bit dizzy.
The Avatar agrees with her and both decide to fly back to Senlin Village.
It's nearly night, so that means Hei Bai will appear soon.
Maybe now they can stop him and get somehow Sokka back.
Katara stands outside the center building and notices their return. They land and Katara runs up to them.
"You're back!", relieved she hugs the younger ones. "Where's Sokka?"
"I'm not sure ...", admins Aang.
The evening gives way to night.
Hua and Aang await at the entrance for the Hei Bai. 
After some time, they give up and return to the center building. 
Just as they exit, however, the spirit appears to their left. 
Aang throws up an air shield and Hua an earth wall to stop its attack.
Worried Katara shouts for them to run away, but calm Aang and Hua touch Hei Bai's head, seeing a panda lurking behind the nightmarish form.
Now they understand.
Hei Bai is the spirit of this forest and is angry because of its distraction. They tell him, they understand, and they feel the same, but Katara has given them hope again that the forest will regrow.
Aang shows Hei Bai an acorn and leaves it at his feet. 
The spirit picks it up and reverts to the panda form. 
He walks away peacefully. 
As Hei Bai exits, a series of bamboo branches grow, and three villagers and Sokka emerge from it.
Katara runs to her brother and embraces him, while other villagers embrace their loved ones.
"What happened?", wonders Sokka confused.
"You were trapped in the Spirit World for 24 hours!", explains his sister. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I seriously need to use the bathroom!"
Sokka waddles away, displaying a nauseated look. She gives him an unsure gaze.
The village elder thanked Aang and Hua for their assistance and asked how they could repay them. 
Upon returning from his bathroom break, Sokka suggested that they could use more supplies and money. 
Katara scolded him, but Sokka reminded her that they really needed these resources. 
The village elder had no issue with their request and felt honoured to help them on their journey.
"I'm so proud of you, Hua and Aang.", smiles Katara at them like a proud mom. "You figured out what to do, all on your own."
"We had actually some help.", corrects Hua.
Aang nods in agreement.
"And there's something else."
"What is it?", asks Sokka.
"We need to talk to Roku and Lixue and I think we found a way to contact their spirits."
"That's great!", states Katara happy.
Her best friend and Aang had really struggled to find a way to talk to their predecessors.
"Creepy, but great.", can't Sokka help himself but add.
He may have been in the Spirit World or whatever, however this whole Avatar-Daimon Mambo-Jumbo was not his thing.
"There's a temple on a crescent-shaped island and if we go there on the solstice, Hua and I will be able to speak with them.", explains Aang.
"But the solstice is tomorrow!", reminds Katara.
"That's right, but there is a bigger problem. The island is in the Fire Nation!", tells them Hua.
The siblings grow fearful, while the Avatar and Daimon just seem determined.
Whatever may be, they needed to go there by any means!
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