#menaces wear white pants
rk-x-yz · 1 year
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..................is it a girl.....................
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candycandy00 · 2 months
My Sweet Pet - A Suo x Reader x Sakura Fanfic Part 2
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You’re a hybrid cat girl in a pet shop, and Sakura Haruka is a fellow hybrid in the cage beside you. After becoming friends, he promises to protect you. A week later, you’re both purchased by Suo Hayato. 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
Smut. 18+. Fem reader. Hybrid AU. Suo and Sakura are bisexual. Oral sex. First time sex. Threesome (sort of). Voyeurism. Humiliation. Dividers by @anitalenia and @benkeibear!
I’m having a really rough time right now so any feedback at all would be especially precious to me! Thank you!
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The next morning, Sakura wakes up to find Suo standing over him, smiling down. 
“I thought we’d have a little chat,” Suo says. 
Sakura sits up, wincing at how sore he’s become overnight, sleeping on the floor with his arms behind his back. He looks up at his owner with an angry expression. 
Suo sits down in the nearby chair, gracefully crossing one leg over the other. “I’m going to remove your restraints. I probably don’t have to say this, but if you cause any problems, your lovely friend will be the one who suffers for it.”
Sakura frowns. “Still threatening her?”
“It’s the simplest way to make you behave,” Suo replies. Then he leans forward in his chair. “You might not believe me, but I genuinely have no desire to hurt either of you. At least not physically. The ideal situation would be for the three of us to enjoy each other’s company.”
Sakura is looking at him skeptically. “Then what the hell was that about last night?”
Suo laughs lightly. “If I didn’t give you two a push, you’d be blushing at each other for the rest of your lives. And besides,” he adds, his eye taking on a menacing gleam, “it’s way too fun to tease you both.”
Sakura can feel his face heating up, knows he’s going red, though he’s not sure if it’s from anger or embarrassment. “So you are just playing with us!”
Suo stands up and walks over to him, kneeling down behind his back and unfastening the restraints. “Surely you didn’t think I bought you two with no intention of enjoying myself,” he says as the restraints fall to the floor with a clink of metal. 
Rubbing his sore wrists, Sakura resists the urge to attack. He won’t do anything to jeopardize her safety. 
Suo walks to the door. “One of the servants will see you to your room. Please clean up before coming to breakfast. There’s dried cum on your clothes.”
Growing red again, Sakura looks down to see the obvious spots on his pants and bottom of his shirt. Great, now he’s embarrassed to walk down the hall! He grits his teeth and goes to the door, dreading whatever games Suo has planned for today. 
You wake up in your huge, plush bed, stretching and yawning. You’ve never laid in something so soft and roomy before, and despite your anxiety over the events of last night, you fell asleep quickly. 
After putting on one of the pretty, too short dresses, you go to your door, where a servant is waiting to lead you to the dining room. When you walk inside, you’re surprised and relieved to see Haruka already sitting at the table. He’s dressed very differently from anything you’ve seen him in. He’s wearing a crisp white button down shirt and black pants. His hair is clean and shiny, slightly pushed back from his face. He seems a little uncomfortable with the new look, but at least he’s not restrained anymore!
When your eyes meet, his face turns pink and he looks away from you. Is this his usual shyness or does he not want to look at you after last night? Feeling awkward, you take a seat closer to Suo. 
“I trust you slept well last night,” Suo says. 
“Yes, thank you!” you say, then your eyes are drawn to the door as three servants walk in, carrying trays of food. They sit numerous plates on the table, revealing more food than you’ve ever seen in one place before. Everything looks delicious! 
“I wasn’t sure what the two of you like to eat,” Suo tells you as a servant pours him a cup of tea, “so I asked them to make a little of everything. You can inform the kitchen staff of your likes and dislikes before lunch.”
You look over the plates excitedly, then realize you don’t even know what some of them are. You recognize the basics like fried eggs and toast, but there lots of things you’ve never seen before. You’ll probably sound silly to the staff when you tell them you like sandwiches. You don’t even know what else you like. 
As if reading your mind, or perhaps noticing your hesitation, Suo smiles at you. “If you’d prefer to try lots of different things first, then tell them what you like, I can have them make sampler platters.”
“That would be wonderful,” you say, returning his smile. You weren’t sure last night, but today you’re almost certain: you and Haruka got lucky! Suo is generous, and is treating you more like guests than pets. Even if you’re expected to do intimate things with him, it’s not so bad with someone like him. 
You glance up at Haruka across the table, wondering if he feels the same way, but he’s just staring at the food with a sullen expression. 
“Please feel free to go ahead,” Suo says, sliding an empty plate over to you and motioning for you to fill it. 
With little attempt to be polite, you begin placing food on your plate and trying the different dishes. Everything is so scrumptious, so delectable, you almost feel like crying. It takes a moment for you to realize you’re the only one eating. The other two are watching you, Suo smiling and Haruka wearing a slightly softer expression. 
You blush and lower your fork. “Um, aren’t you two going to eat?”
Suo shakes his head. “I’ll be eating a little later. Sakura, why don’t you have something? You’re making her feel shy to be eating alone.”
Haruka looks surprised for a moment, then begins placing a few things on his plate and taking small bites. He sniffs everything first, thoroughly examining each thing as if he thinks it’s been poisoned. It’s then that you notice the bandages on his wrists, peeking out beneath his sleeves. 
You stand up from your chair and rush around the table to be next to him, taking his free hand into yours. “Are you hurt?”
His ears twitch as he looks at you. “Uh… no… I’m not hurt. The restraints left marks.”
You sigh in relief, then return to your seat. The rest of breakfast is uneventful, though you worry about Suo not eating. 
As servants clear the table of plates, your owner stands up and pushes his chair in. “Both of you are free to explore the house as you please. This is your home now too. You’ll be expected back here at noon for lunch.”
And then Suo is gone, leaving you and Haruka alone. The cat fidgets with the sleeve of his shirt for a moment, looking nervous. He opens his mouth to say something, stops himself, and looks at the table. Does he want to talk about last night? Or maybe he wants to avoid talking about it. 
“This is a really nice place, isn’t it?” you ask, hoping to get him talking. 
His eyes dart up to your face, as if he wasn’t expecting you to speak. “It’s big, I guess.”
“I’m surprised we get to walk around freely. I thought we’d be confined in some way.”
“I’m glad you like it here,” he says, “but be careful. I don’t trust our owner.”
“Suo? Why not?” you ask. 
He sighs. “I think he just likes to mess with us. We’re entertainment to him.”
You think it over. Haruka has been watching out for you for a while now, and his instincts are sharp. “Okay, I’ll be careful. I trust you more than anyone, Haruka.”
He reddens and looks away. “Thanks. And… about what you said last ni-“
A servant suddenly bustles into the room, gathering the rest of the plates from the table. Haruka grumbles and says, “I’ll tell you later.”
For the rest of the day, you and Haruka walk around the estate together, exploring the massive garden, looking through the kitchen, and even visiting each other’s rooms. 
Haruka digs through all the drawers in your dresser while you sit on the edge of your bed. 
“He really didn’t leave you any underwear,” he says with a frown. “Fucking pervert.”
Then his gaze drifts over to you, to your bare thighs, and he blushes before averting his eyes. 
“It’s okay,” you tell him. “There’s a hole for my tail in the dresses so it’s easier to keep them pulled down.”
“Ah, okay,” he says, seeming a little uncomfortable. 
Lunch and dinner are both extravagant affairs, with even more delicious food you’ve never tried before. And at both meals, Suo eats nothing, seeming content to watch you and Haruka enjoy your food. 
“Will you eat later… master?” you ask. He hasn’t told you what to call him, and you were taught to call your owner ‘master’ until they specify something else. 
He smiles warmly at you. “You can call me Suo for the time being. And yes, I’ll eat later. Thank you for your concern.”
Later that evening, both you and Haruka are called to Suo’s room again. The two of you meet outside his door, and Haruka turns to you. 
“Did… did he hurt you last night?”
You shake your head. “It was embarrassing, but nothing hurt.” You decide not to add that it actually felt very good. 
Haruka hesitates for a moment, then says, “If he does try to hurt you, I’ll stop him. I won’t let anything bad happen to you.”
You feel your own face heat up. “Y-you too! I won’t let anyone hurt you!”
He gives you the softest smile you’ve ever seen him wear, then puts his hand on the doorknob and opens it. 
Suo is waiting for you in his chair, and he doesn’t stand up this time when you both walk in and close the door behind you. 
He smiles as he makes the usual greetings and pleasantries, asking how you spent your day and if you need anything else. Then, without further delay, he tells you what the three of you will be doing tonight.
“It occurred to me that I’m the only one who didn’t cum last night,” he says in that calm voice. “That doesn’t seem fair, does it?”
You blink, then glance at Haruka. What happened after you left the room last night? The thought of them together makes you feel heated, and you subconsciously press your thighs together. 
Haruka is blushing again as he frowns at Suo. 
“What do you want us to do?” you ask. He has a point that it’s not fair if he’s the only one not feeling good. As shy as you are, you’ll do your best to please him. 
His one visible eye moves to you, then slides down your form. “Come closer, kitten,” he tells you.
Gripping the hem of your dress to hold it down, you step gingerly over to him. He looks up at you and says, “Can you get on your knees for me?”
Your heart races. You were taught many things as a hybrid, so you know where this is leading, even if you have no practical experience. Carefully, to avoid letting your dress ride up, you get down on your knees in front of his chair. 
His hand moves to your face, softly petting you. “So pretty. You don’t have to worry about a thing. I’ll take care of everything from now on.”
You look up at him, your brows slightly creased. “But I’m worried about you, Suo. Are you really eating?”
His eye widens, blinks, and then he smiles. It’s the first time his smile has seemed genuine. “You really are a sweet little cat, aren’t you? But if you’re worried about me, then I’m failing as your owner,” he says, his tone kind. “I’m in perfect health, I promise.”
“I’m glad,” you say, and you mean it. Your heart has begun to stir for Suo, just as it does for Haruka. 
His hand is gently rubbing the top of your head, his thumb stroking your twitchy ear. “Do you know what I want you to do for me?” he asks. 
You glance at his lap, at the barely visible bulge concealed by his dark pants, and nod. “I know.”
He pulls his hand back from your head and smoothly opens his pants. “Do you know how?”
“I watched demonstrations,” you say, your gaze locked on his hand pulling out his cock. It’s a little bigger than you expected, perfectly shaped, pale in color, flushed slightly pink at the tip. It’s elegant, just like Suo. 
“But you’ve never actually done it before?”
You shake your head. 
He smiles again. “It’s okay. Take your time. Do what feels right to you.”
You take a deep breath and then lean forward.
Sakura watches as the woman he loves leans forward and gives Suo’s cock a few delicate kitten licks. She’s hesitant, moving slowly and carefully. She’s probably trying to figure out how best to please her owner. 
Despite his frustration at the situation, Sakura can’t stop himself from getting hard while watching her suck lightly on Suo’s tip. It’s too easy to picture her soft lips around his own cock. He wants to feel that so badly, wants to look down and see her on her knees in front of him, wants to hear what kinds of sounds she would make as she sucks him off. 
Instead, he’s watching her suck Suo’s dick from a few feet away. 
Suddenly Suo looks up at him. “Sakura, why don’t you help her out?”
Sakura reddens. “Huh?!”
Suo smiles. “Teach her how to please me.”
“I’m not gonna-“
Suo’s smile disappears, and an eerily empty expression replaces it as the man stares at Sakura. There’s something oddly threatening about it, even though Suo didn’t say another word. Would he hurt her if Sakura refuses? Could he hurt such a sweet and beautiful woman trying her best to pleasure him? Sakura doesn’t know the man well enough to make that judgement, so he grumbles as he walks over and gets on his knees beside her. 
She pulls back and looks at him. She seems a little excited, her eyes shiny as she watches Sakura lightly grip Suo’s shaft. Without hesitating, Sakura suddenly spits on Suo’s cock, then uses his hand to stroke up and down the length. 
“You have to get it wet,” he says, avoiding looking her in the eyes. Sakura has the benefit of knowing exactly what feels good, but it’s still incredibly awkward to give her instructions like this. 
He lets go and she takes over again, this time licking Suo’s cock all over, letting her own saliva coat it. Sakura looks up at the other man, who wears an irritatingly passive face. He feels the urge to make Suo react in some way, to see the poker face crack just a little. So while she’s running her cute kitty tongue over the length, Sakura leans forward and licks the tip, tasting the pre that’s beginning to leak out. 
He can hear Suo’s breath catch, but other than that, no reaction. The man is obviously good at keeping his cool. Sakura pulls back and says to the woman next to him, “Take as much as you can into your mouth.”
He feels dirty and perverse for telling her that, but Suo did order him to teach her. And, if he’s being honest with himself, a part of him wants to see her do it. 
She opens her lips and moves forward, letting Suo’s cock slide into her mouth. Fuck, she looks so pretty like this! Sakura’s erection is pressing against the fitted black pants Suo gave him to wear, threatening to burst through the fabric. The little sounds she’s making, the look in her big glassy eyes as she looks up… Sakura doesn’t know how Suo hasn’t already cum. 
His cat ears are sensitive to sounds, and he can hear Suo’s breathing getting quicker, even if the man is trying to keep it under control. She’s bobbing her head back and forth, taking Suo deep into her mouth and back out, over and over. Suo has to be getting close. With a start, Sakura realizes their owner probably intends to cum in her mouth. In her sweet, innocent mouth…
Just as he hears Suo’s breaths become even more rapid, Sakura hurriedly pulls her back and then wraps his own lips around the throbbing cock between them. He made it just in time, as Suo cums immediately after, filling Sakura’s mouth. 
Suo stares down at him, for one tiny moment looking surprised. Then he laughs, probably trying to cover up his ragged breathing. “I didn’t realize you were so competitive, Sakura. And I haven’t even explained the game yet.”
Sakura still has the man’s cock in his mouth, the last spurts of cum shooting out. He has no idea what Suo is talking about.
“Whoever swallows my cum gets a reward,” Suo says, wearing an absolutely devilish smile. “And whoever doesn’t… well…”
He doesn’t finish, but Sakura’s mind fills in the rest. Whoever doesn’t will be punished! He grabs her, the woman he loves so much, and kisses her, prying her lips apart with his tongue and sliding Suo’s cum into her warm mouth. 
After making sure she got most of it, he pulls away, strings of cum connecting their mouths. He never imagined his first kiss with her would be like this, and he hates it, but he can’t risk her being hurt. 
Suo watches them happily before going on. “I was going to say, whoever doesn’t swallow it will also get a reward, since you’re both being such good kitties tonight.”
Sakura’s head snaps up to look at Suo. “What?!”
Suo laughs as he stands up, then extends a hand to the lovely lady, helping her to her feet. “But since you swallowed most of it, you’ll get your reward first,” he says to her as Sakura seethes and gets up from the floor. 
Suo, still holding her hand, leads her to his huge bed and tells her to lie on her back. Sakura watches her face, looking for any signs that she’s frightened, but she only looks excited and perhaps a bit shy. Suo climbs onto the bed, hovers over her, and then slides her dress up to her waist. 
Sakura can’t pry his eyes away as Suo pushes her legs widely apart and then leans his face down, burying it in her glistening pussy. She cries out, arching her back off the bed, her tail sticking straight out beside her with the fur standing on end. 
Ahh, he wants to taste her too. 
It takes all of Sakura’s will power to not start stroking his hard on right there. Seeing her in such a lewd position, her hands gripping the sheets and her legs trembling as Suo holds them down, makes Sakura so hard he’s about to start humping a pillow again. 
All at once, Suo stops and sits up on the bed. “Sakura,” he says, “come here and get your reward.””
Sakura doesn’t move, just stares at Suo suspiciously. 
Suo stands up. “It’s part of her reward too. Come to the bed and fuck her.”
Sakura’s eyes widen, his ears twitch, and his face goes redder than ever. “I can’t just-“
“Oh?” Suo asks, cutting him off. “She’s already said she’s in love with you. I’m sure she’d rather lose her virginity to you than me. Isn’t that right?” he asks, turning to her. 
She sits up, clutching the hem of her dress and pulling it back down. She’s blushing furiously as she looks at Sakura. “I’d rather it be you, Haruka,” she says. “Only if you want to! If you don’t, that’s okay…”
If he doesn’t want to? He wants nothing more! His last thread of self control snaps, and he crosses to the bed in three steps. 
Haruka is on you within seconds, sliding your dress up your body and over your head before pushing you back onto the bed and climbing on top of you. 
He pauses, his pink tinted face hovering above yours, as if studying your expression. Is he trying to make sure you want this? To encourage him, your hands move to his shirt, shaky fingers trying to undo the buttons. He’s seen you naked twice now and it’s not fair that you haven’t seen him. 
His breathing quickens as he helps you unbutton his shirt and then slips it off his shoulders, displaying his well toned torso. Your eyes are drawn to the thin trail of fine hair leading down below his pants. 
Before undressing any further, he leans down and kisses you, slowly and softly, the way you always dreamed of him kissing you. The taste of Suo is still on his lips, but somehow that turns you on even more. 
He draws back and unbuttons the expensive black pants, opening them and pushing them down his hips. Apparently Suo didn’t leave any underwear for him either. 
Haruka is different from Suo. A little thicker, a tiny bit longer, a base lined with two colors of soft hair. He’s rock hard and leaking already as his hand lightly strokes his cock. You glance over at Suo, who is standing nearby, watching with an unreadable expression. It’s embarrassing to do this in front of someone else, but you want Haruka so much, you think you would let him fuck you in front of the whole world. 
He sits back on his knees and lifts your hips, pulling you into his lap. His face is still red, but his expression is serious, focused, as he lines himself up with your dripping entrance. Then, oh so slowly, he begins pushing in. 
There’s a sheen of sweat on his body, his teeth gritted as if he’s fighting some desperate mental battle. His hair that had been pushed back has fallen back into his face. God, he’s beautiful. And he’s trying to be so gentle with you, easing in, taking his time. 
You feel yourself stretching around him, molding to his shape, and you only want more. More of him inside you, more of his body brushing against yours. You feel your own breaths hitching, your skin feeling hot as you look up at him. 
Suo moves closer, looking at Haruka. “I admire your restraint,” he says. “Must be hard to control yourself with such a tight, wet pussy wrapped around you.”
“Shut up, Suo!” Haruka practically growls. 
Suo laughs. “Such a feisty cat! But oh, look how pretty she is under you, looking up at you so lovingly. I bet you want to plunge in and fuck her sweet little brains out.”
Haruka growls again, his sharp feline teeth showing. Is it that hard for him to hold back? You wouldn’t mind him going a little faster…
“Haruka,” you say, “You don’t have to hold back! You can be rougher with me!”
He pushes further in, still slowly. “Fuck! I want this to be special for you! I want you to feel good!”
You reach up and touch his face. “I do feel good, just being touched by you. I want you to feel good too!”
His grip on your hips tightens, and he pulls your body further onto his cock. He’s moving a little faster, going a little deeper. It feels amazing! You want him to reach the deepest parts of you. 
“Haruka! Please… deeper!”
He shoves in, finally going all the way to the hilt, making you gasp and clench around him. He’s panting as he begins thrusting in and out of you, still being careful not to hurt you. “Fuck… you feel so good around me,” he says, looking you in the eyes. 
His tip hits a spot that sparks such pleasure, tears spring to your eyes. He pauses, his face alarmed. “Did I hurt you?”
“No!” you cry out, desperate for him to hit that spot again. “Please don’t stop!”
He starts again, going even harder and faster, building a rhythm that makes you moan and writhe beneath him. He hits it again, your sweet spot, and your body jerks  
Suo is beside you, and he puts one hand on your head, stroking your hair. “You’re doing so good. Sakura is nearly at his limit.”
The praise only intensifies your pleasure. All of it combines to make you feel almost delirious. Haruka’s sculpted body above you, dripping sweat, his heavy breaths and growls, his hands gripping your hips, his cock filling you so full, hitting something deep within you that makes your toes curl. Then Suo’s hand gently petting your hair and ears, his soft voice telling you how pretty you look and how good you’re doing. 
You fall over the edge, all the stimulation overtaking you. As the orgasm washes over your body, you cry out, tears leaking down your face. Suo’s free hand rubs down your arm to reach your hand, where he takes it in his own and pulls it up to his face, kissing it as you ride out your high. 
Haruka is looking down at you, still thrusting into your clenching pussy, his eyes looking wild, feral. You stare back at him, teary eyed. “Haruka… I love you!”
He grunts loudly, shoving in as deeply as possible as he finally cums, shooting everything he has directly into your core. When finished, he nearly collapsed, but catches himself on his hands on either side of you. His face is inches from yours. 
He kisses you again, then looks directly at you as he says, “I love you too!”
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brairslair · 7 months
your monster trio nsfw headcanons were immaculate (seriously Zoro's was PERFECTION) could you do the same for Law and Ace?
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yes ofc! and thank youuu 💓💓 i got the 2nd req from a wonderful anon after i started writing this, so i decided to combine the two! here ya go mls :)
part 2 to this post
18+ ONLY (minors… 👉🏻🚪)
a/n: just me lusting over these men so ofc they’re all yappers, + i apologize to any usopp enjoyers for making usopp’s section a lil shorter 💌
don’t forget to like, comment, reblog, and follow to support my work!
“see what you do to me?”
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tough guy syndrome TM
puts on a cold front, but will wear flowers in his hair if you pick them for him
the kinda guy who can dish it out but can’t take it
in every sense
he can say the most flirtatious, descriptive, borderline pornographic shit to you with a smirk on his face
but the second you return the same attitude, he gets all flustered and fumbles over his words
he acts all dominant and in control when he’s making your eyes roll into the back of your head, whispering the filthiest shit in your ear
he takes great pride in his affect on you
“feels good, yeah?”
but when you take the reigns, he literally turns into a puddle at your fingertips
- “cat got your tongue?”
“shut up-”
clearly a switch
specifically a bratty sub + mean dom switch
so basically just a little bitch 24/7
when he’s a mean dom tho, he is a fucking mean dom
he’ll edge you until your crying from frustration, and then make you cum over and over until you lose count
“honey, are those tears? it’s just too much for you, isn’t it”
“you wanna be a good little slut for me, don’t you? then hold it.”
“count down from ten, nice and slow, and don’t you dare fucking cum until you get to one”
has a choking kink (giving and receiving)
also really likes to use toys on you, or watch you use them yourself
his favorite tho is your wand vibrator
he’ll hold it against your clit until you’ve cum so many times you’ve lost track, and you’re eyes are watering from overstimulation
or he’ll push it against you while he thrusts into you at a brutal pace, making you feel so much pleasure all at once that you see white behind your eyelids
he’s not a huge fan of pda, unless he’s jealous, and then he’s got you pressed against a wall with his tongue down your throat
if you get needy while he’s busy, he’ll make you ride his thigh
he’ll continue on with his work, acting as if you aren’t even there soaking through his jeans
his gentle hand on your hip, dick already hard against your knee, and a soft “good job, baby” when you cum are the only indicators that he was paying attention at all
get’s rly cocky when he catches u staring at his chest/back/tattoos
even worse when it’s his hands
will 100% use it against you to tease you all the time
will put his hands on your waist/thigh if he catches you looking for too long in public
then later he’ll make you come on his fingers and keep his mouth running the whole time
“bet this is what you were thinking about, huh. staring at my my fingers all day? couldn’t help it, could you?”
“oh, you can take more than that. cmon, one more”
“awh baby, i can feel you squeezin me already. you wanna cum so bad, don’t you sweetheart? not yet.”
he’ll get you right to the edge just to slow down to an agonizing pace and then make you beg him to let you cum
then he’ll have you suck his fingers clean
he’s a menace
but he’s also really good at aftercare, and will tell you how well you did and make you feel so loved and relaxed
now, as a bratty sub…
he is such a pain in the ass
he knows every way to get under your skin and get you exactly where he wants you
when you’re kissing him he’ll fight you for dominance even though he’s clearly losing
makes sassy ass comments whenever you speak just to piss you off
he could literally already be doing something but refuse if you tell him to
- “take off your pants”
“say please”
even when he admits defeat, he’ll continue to run his mouth for as long as possible before his brain turns to mush
if you use your mouth on him, it’s over
he’ll go from being a brat, to gripping the sheets in seconds
once you shut his brain off, he’s a total mess
his hands and mouth sloppy and all over you
when you ride him, he can’t take his eyes off of where your bodies meet, groaning at the wet sounds of your slick with every bounce
when he does look up at you he almost busts as soon as he sees your proud smile and blown out eyes looking down at him
his moans are loud and gravelly, and he’s desperately gripping at your hips, and whining, and cursing, and panting in your ear
the only words he seems to remember are “fuck” and your name
he loves it when your mean
- “you don’t get to touch unless you ask nicely. go on.”
“oh fuck- please”
also low key a sucker for light bondage (both ways)
acts like he doesn’t like when you mark him up because he doesn’t want other people to see, but it’s actually because every time he see’s your work on his skin he wants to pounce on you
and he can’t have that 24/7 now can he (i wish tho tbh)
will bite on your shoulder when you finally let him cum, leaving dainty little tooth shaped bruises behind like a medal
and of course, a few minutes after he comes down from his high, he goes right back to being a little shit
such a cocky motherfucker
but in a cute endearing way
also allergic to shirts apparently, and he would be lying if he said it wasn’t to show off for you at least a little
but he get’s all proud when he notices you ogling him
he’d say somthing goofy like
“like what you see?”
while wiggling his eyebrows
he is a messy kisser
like super sloppy
he just can’t get over how lucky he is to even be able to have your company, or be able to touch you at all, so getting to kiss you blows his mind a little and makes it short circut
soft dommmm
ace just wants to take care of you
he loves to slowly make you fall apart over and over, being there to be your anchor
but he’s also super talkative
“that’s it, princess. keep making those pretty noises for me, yeah?”
“just like that, keep going. doing such a good job”
“just a little more baby, you can take it”
loves eating you out, and he’s good at it
he likes to hold your hips down with one arm, and use his other hand to stretch you open
goes insane if you pull his hair
will put your legs over his shoulders
both a tits and ass guy
will bury his face in either and be perfectly content if he suffocates
he’s always kissing some part of you, wether its your lips, your neck, your thighs, your wrists, doesn’t matter because his mouth is on you
absolutely loves hearing your sounds, especially if you’re whimpering and whining
hearing you be so needy all for him drives him up the wall
kind of a dumbass sometimes, but can surprisingly lead to amazing sex sometimes
doesn’t realize how everyone ogles him wherever he goes
and he certainly doesn’t realize when other girls are throwing themselves at him
you know he doesn’t intentionally engage, but it’s still hard to not feel jealous watching the interactions
but when he notices you’re jealous… oh boy
he gets SO cocky (like more obnoxious than usual)
“awh, baby, are you jealous?”
“you know i only have eye’s for you”
“want me to prove it?”
and he will
he’d bring your hand to his dick, allowing you to feel how hard he is already
“see what you do to me?”
“this is all yours, baby”
“i’m alllll yours”
and then he’d proceed to fuck you until your legs are shaking, heat burning in your chest from overstimulation
but he makes sure to reassure you that he didn’t even notice the other girls intentions, because the only girl that he cares about is you <3
he’s not the jealous type himself, because he knows there’s no need to be
he trusts you, and he believes you when you tell him how much you love him
however, he does not trust other people
therefore, he is extremely protective of you
he’s honestly into pda
he just loves showing you off any chance he gets
one thing about ace is he will talk you through it
and he’ll hold your hand the whole time too
“yeahhh, there you go, princess”
“mm, there’s my girl”
“go on baby, soak me”
does the tummy push thing
also does the knee thing
goes feral if he sees you in any of his clothes
especially his hat
this is a “save a horse ride a cowboy” relationship
loves to put his weight on you, still being careful not to squish you
he just wants to be as close to you as humanly possible
and he’ll pin your hand’s above your head with one of his, interlacing your fingers
gets super giddy and proud when he fucks you dumb
“look at you, all pretty and fucked out”
“lettin me fuck you dumb, huh? lettin me fuck your brains out?”
“fuck, you can’t even think anymore, can you? feel too good to think, huh pretty girl”
he’s a biter and will sometimes leave marks, but he is not sorry
temperature play perhaps
is a fan of cockwarming
im also an avid believer in gamer bf ace
so he’ll have you just sit on his dick while he’s gaming, feeling you pulse and twitch around him in restraint
every once in a while he’d move his hips just enough to make you gasp, but then back to nothing
if you do move your hips he holds them still, reminding you of your agreement
he’ll make you sit there, almost completely still until you’re pleading and whimpering for him to let you move
“go ahead, pretty girl”
“take what you need”
he will buy you lingerie, and he will lose his mind every time he sees you in something he bought for you
face sitting enthusiast
will say “i love you” during sex at least once
will also probably quote an action movie while balls deep inside of you and completely brush past it like it was nothing
no matter what pace is set, he fucks hard
he’ll lift your legs from around his hips to push them against your chest, because the angle feels so much deeper
he’ll gradually build up speed, just to slow back down when either of you gets too close, to make it last longer
this will go on until you’re begging
“shh, hey, it’s okay baby, i’ve got you”
“just let it build with me, hm? we have all the time in the world”
“promise it’ll feel sooo good”
and when you’ve both evened out your breathing, he smothers you with affection and makes sure to take good care of you
he’s a sub, full stop.
tried to dom at first, but it was just not natural to him at all
still will try to act all tough and in control, but he’s in the palm of your hand in seconds every time
more than willing to do anything you ask of him
gets flustered SO easily
will become a total mess from the smallest things
he gets defensive when you tease him, but he secretly really enjoys it
thigh guy
face sitting fan #2
loves kissing you and would do it all day every day if he could
any amount of pleasure you give him will turn him into a babbling mess
he’ll just say anything honestly
“hmm- feels so good”
“can i kiss you? please let me kiss you-”
little bit of a mommy kink but embarrassed about it
suuuuper reactive
was 100% a virgin before you, so you have to help guide him in the beginning
you also help him discover what he likes and dislikes
he has a massive praise kink
“good boy” has him panting and fisting the sheets
he also really likes your hands
the way you hold his jaw so firmly when you kiss him
or gently squeeze his shaft when you tease him through his boxers
and even how you press your thumb past his lips to stifle his noises as you make him cum in your fist
his moans are whiny and a soft, getting lost in the pleasure
“ohhh- wow”
once his brain is long gone, he honestly doesn’t talk much until he’s getting close
thats when the incoherent stuttering starts back up again
“you’re so- ahh- so good at that”
“don’t stop, don’t stop-”
“i think i’m gonna… i’m cumming”
when he does cum, he’s either whining your name like a broken record, or so fucked out all he can do is pant and gasp and paw at your skin
he’s also a crier when he gets overstimulated
always polite and says thank you <3
asks are open! <3
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dearlyjun · 1 year
— study date 𖤐 choi beomgyu
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summary: you and your boyfriend have a homework date to spend time together, but he can’t keep his hands to himself.
pairing: nonidol!/collegeboyfriend!beomgyu x afab!reader
genre: college students au, smut (18+ readers only pls!!)
word count: 1.5k
warnings: beomgyu is very sweet, use of pet names, lots of touching, whimpering, whining, fingering, clitoral stimulation, unprotected sex (umm don’t do this), beomgyu is kind of a menace, swearing, beomgyu hits it from the back lolll, cumshot lol, some kissing but not much surprisingly? oh and glasses beomgyu!!! think that is all.
authors note: I have been having insufferable beomgyu brain rot and I blacked out and wrote this. not proofread because I’m lazy so if you see a mistake no you don’t. I made the reader a stem girly because well, if I do anything it’s gonna be representing my fellow stem girls!! blueprints are kind of boring…
quick links: taglist | masterlist
“are you comfortable?” beomgyu sweetly asked you, whilst typing on his computer.
“Mhm.” You hummed, glancing at the time in the bottom right corner of his screen. 10:40pm. “I’m almost finished.”
Both of you were doing homework. Beomgyu typing an essay on his computer, while you were studying blueprints. You were sitting on his lap to keep him company, and you just wanted to be near him. Sometimes with your busy school schedules this was the only time you got to be together; both enjoying each others company while working on assignments.
He reached down, giving your bare thigh a squeeze. It slightly startled you. You placed your hand over his, making him smirk to himself before adjusting his glasses on the bridge of his nose.
“Gyu it’s getting late.” You hoped you could get him to save his file and be done. “Don’t you have an early class tomorrow?”
“No, remember sweetheart?” His voice was right in your ear, making you shift in his lap. “My professor is on vacation. So my class isn’t mandatory tomorrow. I might not even go.”
Beomgyu reached for something on his desk, putting his arm around your waist; his palm landing near your rib cage. His hand placement made you very aware that underneath your loose t shirt, you weren’t wearing a bra.
You looked down at your homework, twirling your pencil and your mind now wandering. Thinking about all of the things that Beomgyu would be doing with his mouth and tongue against your skin. His keyboard clicks were white noise until he cleared his throat, pulling you from your trance.
“Something on your mind?” Beomgyu sweetly kissed you by your ear, shifting in his chair slightly.
“No, just doing math in my head.” You joked, trying to play it off that you actually were doing that.
“Math?” Beomgyu laughed, one of his hands finding purchase on your inner thigh. He knew what he was doing. Damn him. “What kind of math?”
You didn’t really have an answer for him. “Trying to figure out how much time I have left to study for this test.”
“When is it?” Beomgyu asked as his other hand slipped the slightest bit underneath your shirt.
“Next week. Like Wednesday I think?” You desperately tried to ignore him.
There was a moment of silence before Beomgyu leaned close to you, brushing your hair away from your face.
“How long is it going to take for you to tell me what’s really on your mind, hm?”
If it wasn’t for Beomgyu’s hold on you, you swore you could have fallen onto the floor.
“Beomgyu.” Your voice came out whinier than you wanted it to.
“That’s a start.” Beomgyu chuckled to himself, smirking as he kissed behind your ear a few times. “Go on.”
You leaned into him; your back against his chest. “I want you to touch me. Fuck me. Do whatever you want to me.”
You felt Beomgyu suck in a harsh breath. “Such nasty things coming from your mouth. Take your pants off.”
He was referring to your black sweatshorts, which you gladly let fall to the ground.
You were back in his lap, back against his chest like before. Beomgyu quickly saved his paper on his computer, then clicked out of it. He leaned back in his chair, then changed your position on his lap so your legs were open.
You knew you were almost embarrassingly wet for absolutely no reason at all, feeling your arousal close to your inner thighs.
Beomgyu reached down, brushing over your clit through your cotton panties. Your body shuddered. You had no idea you would be this sensitive already.
“So sensitive for me and I haven’t done anything yet.” Beomgyu spoke, his voice low and deep. “Needy for me. I like it.”
He slipped his hand into your panties, dipping his fingertips into your folds. You were soaked; you could hear it already.
You leaned your head back against Beomgyu, letting out a quiet whine.
“Fuuuuuck.” Beomgyu swore, drawing out the words. “You’re soaked. Oh my god.”
“Please. Please. Please.” You reached one of your hands behind his neck, pulling him closer to kiss him.
Your pleading went straight to his ego, as if it needed a boost.
“Please?” Beomgyu didn’t break eye contact with you. He removed his hand from inside your panties, pulling the fabric away and making you feel a rush of cool air along with hearing what could only be the elastic ripping. “My smart girl can’t form a full sentence?”
You knew what he was doing. He would always give into you, but you had to work for it first.
His fingers circled your clit slowly, then he gave a few firm taps. You squeezed your eyes shut, whining again.
“Hey, hey look at me.” Beomgyu’s voice had a sweetness to it, and you looked at him.
“Don’t tease me, please.” You were surprised that you were able to get the words out. “God, I’m gonna cry.”
Beomgyu smirked, kissing you on the neck near your jaw as his fingers circled your clit again. “I’ll make you feel good, baby. Don’t worry.”
Finally, Beomgyu slipped his middle and ring finger past your folds and into your cunt, pressing your walls hard.
You let out a rather loud moan, grabbing onto his arm as well as the desk chair you were both in.
“Yeah. Feels good doesn’t it?” Beomgyu mumbled, slipping a third finger inside of you. You wanted to scream. Of course it felt good.
“Yes. Fuck. Oh god, yes.” You finished the sentence with a whimper, biting down onto your lip. Your walls were clenching his fingers already and he has just started.
“Fuck. My girl is clenching my fingers already.” Beomgyu swore, smirking. He quickly pulled his fingers out, sloppily rubbing your clit a few times before fucking them into you again. “Can I make you cum just from this?”
Stupid question, because as much as you wanted to prove him wrong, you were so close.
You nodded, tears forming in the corners of your eyes.
Beomgyu was so ready to make you cum on his fingers, until he changed his mind.
“Nah. Changed my mind. You’re gonna cum on my cock instead. Get up.”
Beomgyu pulled away from you, helping you to your feet in front of him. He removed his cardigan sweater, and quickly took his glasses off.
“Bend over the desk for me.” Beomgyu instructed you, pushing away his chair to give him more room before lowering his sweatpants and underwear.
You did as he said, moving your homework out of the way and leaned over the desk. You felt Beomgyu’s fingers move the fabric of your underwear out of the way again.
Then, you felt him align the head of his cock with your entrance, making you suck in a breath.
“Shit, you’re so wet.” Beomgyu gripped your waist with one of his hands, while he used his other hand to guide himself inside of you.
He bottomed out in the first thrust, letting out a sigh of pleasure. Beomgyu barely gave you time to adjust before he formed a rhythm.
“Fuck.” He spoke through gritted teeth. “You’re so fucking–“ he couldn’t even finish his sentence.
“Fuck me, gyu.” You whined, knowing he liked to hear his nickname. “Your cocks so big. Feels so good.”
“Yeah, you like it?” Beomgyu started fucking you harder, making you whimper. “Tell me how much.”
He kicked one of your feet for you to put them apart further. You knew you weren’t going to last much longer.
“Fuck.” You sounded like you were about to cry, practically laying on top of his desk. “It’s so good. You fuck so good.”
Beomgyu leaned down to you, now hitting deeper with his cock. Your walls clenched him as your legs started to shake.
“My girl’s gonna cum isn’t she?” He brushed away your hair to see your face, practically in tears.
Beomgyu snaked his hand around to play with your clit, and then it was over.
“Fuck, gyu.” You sobbed, practically trembling beneath him as he continued fucking you through your orgasm; chasing his own.
“Tell me, baby.” Beomgyu’s hips stuttered as your core clenched him as you rode your high. “Gonna cum in your sweet pussy if that’s okay.”
You always said yes, but you found it sweet how Beomgyu always asked for permission first.
“Please, please.” You rutted into him, desperate for it. “Wanna feel you, please.”
Beomgyu combed back his sweaty bangs with one of his hands. “Fuck, I’ll give it to you.”
He let out the hottest moan you’ve ever heard as you felt him finish inside of you; making you bite down onto your bottom lip.
Beomgyu was panting before he pulled away, admiring the mess he’d made of you. He fixed your panties, before turning you around to kiss you sweetly.
“I think we should get back to studying.” Beomgyu said with a smile on his face. “I think someone has some homework she has to finish.”
tags: @dearlyjoonie @tyunsrkive @mhasimp666
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Musician Age Gap AU Pt 7
When Kara receives a text from Lena that her ride to the restaurant has arrived, she half expects to see Lena waiting for her inside. She's only a little disappointed when to find the seat empty. What's more strange is that the driver doesn't take her to a restaurant, but rather a hotel.
Before she can wonder if maybe the restaurant is inside the hotel, a young woman emerges from the lobby and approaches the vehicle.
"Kara?" she asks a little breathlessly. Kara nods. "Hi, I'm Jess, Lena's assistant."
"Oh," Kara says, her stomach dropping. "Did she need to reschedule, or...?"
"Oh! No! Nothing like that, she's upstairs waiting for you." Jess hands her a keycard, offering a congenial smile. "Penthouse."
Blinking in surprise, Kara accepts the card with numb fingers. "And I just..."
"Yup! Staff and security are expecting you, so just go on in."
Jess holds the lobby door open, but doesn't follow her inside. When Kara pauses to look back, the woman is slipping into the same car Kara had just exited. As the car pulls away from the car, Kara takes a moment to collect herself.
This is fine. This is happening. And she's fine. She can do this.
Drawing her shoulders back, Kara presses further into the lobby, navigating herself to the bank of elevators with minimal fuss. When she presses the button for the penthouse suite, the car doesn't begin to move until she swipes her keycard against the sensor.
Catching sight of herself in the reflection of the doors, Kara feels flushed but exhilirated. For the first time in a long time, she feels... desirable.
When the elevator doors open, it spits her out directly into the middle of an expansive living space. Though a savory aroma fills the air, there's absolutely no one in sight.
"In here!" Lena's disembodied voice calls from Kara's left. Kara drifts towards that direction, eventually turning a corner into a kitchen area bearing evidence of intensive cooking. Lena looks up from a saucepan she's stirring to grace Kara with a warm smile. "Hey."
"Hey," Kara echoes. Lena wears a stained white apron over what looks to be a black jumpsuit, pants long and elegant against her fair skin.
"I figure this is probably not what you expected for tonight, and I should have warned you, but I promise the food'll be as good as any restaurant's."
Only then does Lena seem to actually absorb what Kara is wearing. Green eyes widen minutely, then track up and down Kara's figure.
"Wow," she breathes.
A rush of pleasure floods Kara. She'd been mindful of her look even beyond the dress. She'd left her hair in a chignon, exposing the understated dangling earrings that brushed her bare neck. A gold cuff encircles her right wrist, catching the light as she leans against the island between them.
"Wow yourself," Kara returns in a low voice. She gives a teasing smirk. "I admit, when you said 'something fancy' I didn't think you meant chef boyardee."
Lena blinks, then throws her head back in a peal of delighted laughter. By the time she turns back to the pan, she has to scramble to save whatever is cooking.
"Oh shit!" she curses, still giggling as she  fumbles to turn off the heat. "That was close--- you're a menace!"
Kara lets her grin linger, watching Lena slide the pan onto a trivet. Then it's her turn to stare when Lena removes her apron, revealing a neckline that swoops lower than her sternum, accented by several strands of long, delicate chains looped around her neck. When Lena removes her hair tie, long hair spills around her shoulders.
With the intense styling from the show, her hair is soft and silky, as dark as ink in the overhead lights-- which Lena soon dims as she nods towards a small table set up with a pair of place settings.
"The wine cabinet is on that side. Care to pick something while I serve up?"
Kara readily obeys, if only to have a moment to calm her racing heart. She settles on a white she thinks will pair with the chicken she'd seen in the pan. She pretends not to see the label, one she does not recognize that she's sure is worth her half her yearly salary.
"Oooh, good choice," Lena observes when they converge at the table. As Kara sits, and Lena leans a little to deposit a plate in front of her, the inner curve of one breast becomes visible for the briefest moment.
Kara clears her throat, waiting for Lena to take her seat across the table. "You're full of surprises today," she tells her host.
"Let's just say I like to keep a girl on her toes." A mischievous glint sparks in Lena's eye as she lifts her wine glass. "To you," she toasts. "For making a certain niece slash goddaughter very happy."
"To both of us, then," Kara counters. Their glasses clink, and she's suddenly struck by how intimate her circumstances currently are. It's quiet in the penthouse, the only noise the sounds of their forks and knives clicking.
"Thank you," Lena says quietly. "For coming. I should have told you I didn't intend to bring you to resturant."
"I understand," Kara reassures her. "I can't imagine what the press would say if we were seen together--"
"What? NO. That is NOT what I meant." Lena leans forward, placing her hand on Kara's. "Are kidding? I would have absolutely zero shame being seen with you."
Kara flushes. "Oh."
"I wanted to spend time with you," Lena continues. "But being out there... it would mean sharing myself with the entire city. And the only person I want to share myself with tonight is you."
Her words descend to a low rumble, a tone that sends heat straight to her groin. She shifts in her seat, subtly adjusting in an effort to ease sudden arousal. It doesn't work.
"I hope you know how highly I think of you."
Kara's brow furrows. "That's part of what I don't understand. You don't... you don't know me."
She expects a denial, a claim of some profound connection that somehow explains everything. But Lena doesn't do that.
"You're right. We don't know each other very well. But do you know what I see when I look at you?"
"Honestly... no," Kara confesses. "I really don't."
"I see a busy woman who took time out of her evening to take her niece to a concert. Someone ran into a celebrity and didn't ask for a single thing except directions. And I see someone who saw a phone number on the back of a ticket, and had the courage to call it."
Lena gazes at her with even focus. Kara does her best to hold eye contact, until a flush creeps up her neck.
"I want to know more," she continues. She shrugs, lifting her wine glass to her lips. "Does it have to be any more profound than that?"
Kara considers her words, and to her surprise her anxiety about the whole thing begins to ease. Maybe Lena is right. Maybe Kelly is right too.
Maybe, sometimes, it's nothing more than two people enjoying each other's company. And sometimes, it doesn't need to be anything more than that.
"No," Kara agrees softly. "I suppose it doesn't."
The woman in front of her brightens even more, somehow. Lena leans back in a dignified sort of slouch, and Kara feels herself respond in kind. Her muscles loosen, and her grip on her fork eases.
"In that case," Lena says, "we have a whole evening ahead of us. Whatever shall we talk about?"
Kara meets her gaze, and relishes the energy she channels into it. Time to meet Lena exactly where she is.
"Anything you like."
'Anything' ends up spanning Kara's work, her family and even her limited travels, and she can't bring herself to feel self-conscious about how little it is. Despite having three times the worldliness at half her age, Lena listens with rapt attention, drinking it in.
It's easier to share than Kara thought it would be. She goes on and on, but it doesn't feel like too much, even when she figures it should be. Still, she makes a point to redirect the conversation to Lena, when they transition from the table to the couch for their second glass of wine.
"What about you?" Kara asks.
Lena snorts. "What about me?"
"Well, do you like to travel?" Kara settles into the cushions, letting her legs stretch a little. She notes the way Lena's gaze flits towards them for a brief moment before lifting back to Kara's face. "I mean, clearly you do travel, but do you like it?"
To her surprise, Lena shrugs. "It's part of the job. I don't really ever get the tourist experience, though. I think this afternoon is the closest I've come to it."
"Well, I'm always happy to be your travel guide to National City." Kara grins. "Next time I'll show you the karaoke bars I went to in college."
Lena stares at her, eyes sparkling pleasantly. "You said next time."
Instead of denying it, or trying to explain it away as a slip of the tongue, Kara tilts her head. "I did, didn't I?"
"You know..." Lena purrs, shifting to sit a little sideways, letting one finger brush the skin of Kara's shoulder. "I only had dinner in mind when I invited you out tonight."
"Mhmm," Kara hums.
"But ever since you showed up wearing this..." Lena's finger strokes the strap of Kara's dress. "I can't stop thinking what it might look like on my floor."
Kara's breath catches.
"No pressure," Lena continues, voice deep in her throat as she leans a little closer. "I just want you to know that you look.... ravishing." Lena's nose bumps the skin of Kara's neck. "And that I'd love to make you feel so, so good..."
Before she can think twice about it, Kara turns her head to meet Lena's lips with hers. Almost immediately, Lena gives a little moan, her hand coming up to cup Kara's cheek, deepening the kiss.
Kissing Lena feels less like fireworks, and more like a languid descent into velvet bliss. Lena feels soft, tastes sweet, and responds to Kara as though she lived inside her brain. Just as Kara reaches to tug Lena closer, the woman levers herself over to straddle Kara's lap. Now, both of Lena's hands are on Kara's face, and Lena's long hair brushes Kara's chest as she perches there, chin dipped to give Kara all her attention.
It's not until Lena's right hand begins to drift down towards Kara's chest that Kara pulls back for air.
"Wait," she urges breathlessly.
Lena pulls back immediately, concern plain over flushed cheeks. "Sorry. I didn't mean..."
"No, it's-- you're-- it's fine," Kara stumbles over her words. It's a struggle to form any words, let alone rational ones, past the cotton of desire stuffed between her ears. "It's just-- I haven't--"
Lena's brow furrows. "Ever?"
Kara barks a laugh. "No. Just a while." Letting her head fall back against the cushion, she sighs. "I don't want to do anything we both might regret..."
Suddenly, Lena sounds small. Young in a way she hasn't before. Kara opens her eyes in time to see Lena's brightness dim, a shutter close behind her eyes.
"No, hey--" Kara reaches for her, but Lena pulls back, refusing to meet her eye. "Lena..."
"If you don't want this, you've got a shitty way of saying so."
Kara blinks in surprise at the shift in the woman's tone. But it's not anger that undercuts her words, but hurt.
"Not wanting isn't the problem," Kara murmurs. She reaches for Lena's wrist, and this time she lets her. "Usually, it is. But not this time. Not with you."
Lena looks at her, expression guarded, but says nothing.
"But I'd be lying if I wasn't afraid of what where this might lead. If tonight isn't... enough."
What had Lena said before? That she felt drawn to Kara... and if Kara were a magnet then Lena is the sun, with a gravitational field that could swallow planets-- and Kara-- whole.
"So... what do you want?" Lena asks soft.
"You." The answer is an easy one. "But maybe, whatever this is..." Kara waves her hand, encapsulating whatever invisible string was drawing them together. "Maybe it can last for more than tonight?"
Finally, Lena features soften into a timid smile. "Pen pals are cool too."
"Pen pal--!" Kara's incredulous exclamation gets swallowed by another kiss, this one soft and gentle, lingering.
"Friends, then," Lena murmurs. She looks into Kara's eyes, her gaze unfathomably deep. "And a reason to come back to National City."
When Kara leaves that night, Lena kisses her cheek one last time.
"You have my number," she murmurs, letting her hand run the length of Kara's arm as they part. "Use it."
When their fingers tangle together, Kara gives Lena's a squeeze goodbye.
"I will."
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fruitglazed · 8 months
rough sex w matt pls im in heatttttttttttt
I hope this makes your pussy throb. ୨⍣୧
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Turning off the water, you open the shower door, grabbing the towel you placed on the counter. Wrapping it over your body, you hear a ding. Checking your phone, it reads “See you at 6pm, pretty girl.” Confirmation text from Matt, your boyfriend of a few months. Followed by another ding, you glance down at your phone again. “Bro, I’m right next to you, no need to text me.” His brother Chris sent back. Chuckling to yourself, you dry both your hands off on the towel around your frame. “See you boys tonight. And Nick, what’re you wearing?” Pressing send, you smile to yourself. Our hebdomadal dinner was a go tonight. The four of you decided on a fancy Steakhouse. One of your favorites in particular. Expensive, but yummy. It was Matt’s turn to pay. You love to watch Matt get riled up whenever Chris would order almost the entire menu since he wasn’t in charge of the bill this time. Running out of the bathroom after finishing your hair and makeup, you head into your room browsing through your closet. With another ding from your phone- “White tank top and my corduroy striped pants. The purple ones.” Loving the message, you threw your phone on the bed. Time to get to work. Stripping each article of clothing you had from its place, you managed to decide on a simple satin dress. Eggshell shade, buttons on one side, starting from the hip, down to the slit of the dress. Not too short, just the perfect length. Thin spaghetti straps, hanging over your shoulders. The dress fit you in all the right places. To compliment Nick, you found a pair of open toed purple sandals. Adding on all your gold accessories, you look at the clock. 5:49pm. Dousing yourself with your favorite smell, you head back into your room and grab your phone. As you scroll through, you press Matt’s contact to give him a call. “Hey, baby. What’s up?” Matt says. “Just finished getting ready, I can’t wait to see you tonight. I’m wearing a pretty dress for you, I hope you’ll take it off of me later.” You breathe out. Almost moaning. You and Matt were like wild animals when it came to sex. Time and place didn’t matter. Matt’s breathing became louder as he spoke into the phone. “You don’t have to ask me twice. Should I just cancel dinner and come do it now?” Laughing you said you wouldn’t mind. Matt could fuck you any time he pleased, and you’d thank him. You weren’t shy when it came to him touching and fucking you. “I think we should role play tonight.” You suggested. This was one of your favorites to do with Matt. He thought it was fun, especially since you always got into character. “Sure, baby. That sounds like fun. We’re on our way to get you now.” Cheerfully, Matt had responded back. “See you soon, baby.” Blowing a kiss over the phone, you hung up.
Luckily the drive to your place from theirs, was only 2 minutes give or take. You locked up the house and walked to the end of the driveway. Pulling up, you see Matt in the drivers seat, and Chris in the passenger seat. Chris hops out of the door to offer you the front, but you decline and slip into the backseat next to Nick. “Hi boys! Are we ready for dinner this evening?” You exclaim. “Oh yes girl. Chris has been pissing me off all day because he’s hungry. Literally at any point he could’ve gotten a snack and just shut the fuck up.” Nick huffed out, smacking his lips. “Nick, shut up. You know I don’t eat much when it’s not my tab I have to worry about.” Chris spoke, rubbing his hands together, with a menacing laugh, all the while he stares down Matt. Smiling to yourself, you know Matt’s going to punch Chris when he sees the bill. “Hi, Matt. Ready for dinner?” I say in his direction. He eyeballs me through the mirror, taking turns looking at the road, then me. “Mhm.” His throat vibrates out. Hm. He must be getting into character already. You shrug and spark up a conversation with Nick and Chris. Once arrived at the Steakhouse, you all shuffle in and pick your seats. Matt goes on the opposite side of the table, across from Nick. Pulling the chair out from the table for you, expecting you to sit next to him, and Chris to sit with Nick, you decline again. You plop down right next to Chris, taking Nick’s usual spot. Furrowing his eyebrows, Matt stops and stares at you. With a blank look on his face, not taking his eyes off you, “Nick, sit next to me.” Leaves Matt’s lips. Nick puts his hands up and nods, sitting down next to him. Matt takes his seat still with his eyes locked on you. Staring back, not intimidated by him, you smile and make sure everyone has a menu. “Okay…” Chris says, breaking the tension between the Matt and I. “Yeah, what’s the deal?” Nick pipes in. “Nothing! I’m totally cool. I’m excited for tonight, I’m hungry and I’m with my best friends. Besides, it’s all on Matt, tonight.” A smirk creeping onto your lips. Nick and Chris giggle, while Matt is still monotone. Just before anyone can say anything else, a waitress stops by to take the tables order. “Hi there, welcome in! what can I get started for drinks for you all?” She says, pulling out her pen and notepad. “I’ll take an ice water with lemon. Thanks sweetheart.” Matt says smiling, looking from her straight to you, but dropping the smile. “Uh, yeah. We’ll do 3 more of those. Thanks!” Nick quickly says, hurriedly getting the waitress away from the table. You look at Matt, biting your lip almost laughing in disbelief. Looking back at your menu, skimming all the possibilities, the waitress appears with the lemon water and some bread and butter. As she’s setting them down on the table, she takes her hand and caresses Matt’s shoulder. Watching his every move from behind your menu, you roll your eyes. “Thanks again, sweetheart.” Matt repeats, this time with more of a flirtatious tone. Two can play at this game. Ignoring them and rescanning the menu, Chris leans over next to you- “Oh, by the way, you look very pretty tonight. You clean up nice, kid.” He says, innocently. You look up from your menu and glance at Matt, then turning to Chris. “Aww thanks Chris. That’s so sweet of you. I must say you’re looking rather handsome yourself.” You wink at him, bringing your hand up to his face just underneath his chin, giving his cheeks a little squeeze. You blow a kiss at him, then bring your eyes back to Matt. Anything goes when you role play. You can tell he’s seething in his chair. Trying not to make it obvious that it clearly had an effect on him. “I’ll be right back you guys, I’m going to the bathroom.” You excuse yourself and head to the ladies room. Once you find the bathrooms, you head in. Looking in the mirror, thinking to yourself this is not how tonight is supposed to go. In an instant the bathroom door flies open. Matt enters, locking the door behind him. “What the fuck was that?” He says harshly. Almost anything goes when you role play.
Playing dumb, you respond. “What was what, sweetheart?” Matt is two inches from your face. “You know what.” Sternly and not holding back, he gets even closer. “I pick you up, and you get in the back? We get here, you don’t sit next to me? Now you’re out there getting cute with Chris?” His chest is now touching yours. Not saying a word, you just look up at him. “He might look like me, but he can’t fuck like me.” Matt says brazenly. Your cheeks burn. Your core is on fire. Staring into his eyes, his pupils widen, getting darker by the second. Trying to slow your breathing down, you shrug. “Turn around. Now.” Matt flips you around, both of you looking at yourselves in the mirror. His dick outlined through his pants, grazing your ass. You softly moan to yourself. “Don’t make a sound unless I fucking tell you to.” Matt replies. Pressing his hand on your back, he pushes your chest to the cold counter. Matt brings his hands up your thighs to the buttons on your dress. In a motion he tears at your dress, buttons flying everywhere. All you can do is stare at him. “Good girl.” He breathes out. Pulling up your dress to the small of your back, exposing your ass and glistening pussy. “No panties? And you’re already soaked? I haven’t even touched you. You’re such a slut for me.” Dropping to his knees, he’s face first with your core. He drags his thumb up and down your cunt. Standing back up behind you, he shoves his finger in his mouth, licking it clean. Unbuckling his pants with one hand, they fall to the floor. Without warning, he shoves his cock deep inside you with no time to adjust. “Matt!” You yell out, forgetting what he just said. “Shut the fuck up.” He grits through his teeth. Matt takes his hands and wraps them around your throat, slightly squeezing each time you make a noise. Holding onto the sink, you could feel his rage with each stroke. Tears forming in the corner of your eyes from the pain, yet pleasure he’s enduring on your tight little pussy. “Don’t you ever think about sitting next to anyone else but me. Don’t ever touch anyone else but me. Next time, I’ll fuck you in front of them. Show them what’s mine.” The sound of moans and his hips slapping against your ass is definitely loud enough to hear from outside the bathroom. “Who fucks you like this, huh? Whose pussy is this.” Matt grabs ahold of your face, lining it up with the mirror. Watching him use you, sliding his cock in and out, making you take him deeper and deeper with every breath he breathes. Looking him in the eyes, you whisper out through tears “It’s yours, Matthew. This is your pussy.” A moan leaves your lips. Eyes rolling in the back of your head. Speeding up his thrusts, he’s hate fucking you, you can barely form a sentence. “Matt, I can’t take it-“ Throwing your head back. Matt grabs your hips, guiding your body with his slams into you. Clenching his member with your walls, you wish he could be buried in you forever. Your wetness leaking down your legs, hoping that he will lick it up afterwards. “Gonna fuck my load right into that cunt of yours. You’re gonna take every last drop.” His voice was dark. His thrusts began to slow, but he was still in control. Pumping in and out of you once more, he came in an instant. Matt pulled out and immediately crouched down, staring at your sweetly filled pussy. Watching his cum drizzle out of you, he took two of his fingers and stuffed it right back inside, swirling it around. Once he was satisfied, he brought his fingers up to your lips and shoved them in. Observing you suck the conjoined juices off his fingers, made him ready to fuck you again. Matt placed a sweet kiss on your lips and fixed your dress. Buckling his pants and running his hand through his hair, he grabbed your hand. “Let’s go baby, we have a dinner to ever back to.” He smiled back at you. Almost like he didn’t just fuck you senseless in your favorite Steakhouse’s bathroom. Walking out hand in hand from the women’s restroom, you get back to the table.
“Nick, do you mind if I trade seats with you?” You say, still holding onto Matt’s hand. Nick stands up and lets you sit, scooting the chair in for you. Chris and Nick both look at you and Matt, and then back at each other, laughing. “What?” Matt scoffs. “Oh nothing, just wondering if you love birds squashed the beef you had, or if you needed to go back to the bathroom for round 2?” Chris cackled. “Oh my god, you heard that?” You gasped. I mean you knew, but you didn’t want to believe it. “Oh sweetheart, everyone heard it.” Nick added. Rolling your eyes while giggling to yourself, Matt leans over to you. “I’ll be ready for round two when we get home.”
hiiiiiii…,,,,,,,, so I feel like I got sloppy at the end. >:-( ! anyways hope this was good enough 4 u anon <3 thank u 4 requesting this. Let me know anything yall want me to make come to LIFE! Mwah 💋
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wildemaven · 7 months
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This made me think of Dieter and Poppy 🎨 I can see Dieter absoutely taking care of her sore feet as he listens to her talk about her day 🥰
dieter x f!reader (nicknamed poppy) word count: 1341 content warning: 18+ blog; established relationship, sweet creature universe, foot massage, mention of food, massaging with foot, foot job— FJ (is that a thing?), slight begging on dieter’s part, praise (one use of good boy), poppy being a menace this go around, Poppy is readers nickname, no descriptive features given for reader, let me know if I forgot anything notes: thank you @kteague for sending this. I was like “oh this is so perfect and cute” but then my mind started wandering and this happened… oops!
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“Ugh— I��m so glad parent teacher conferences are over.” You groan as your body collapses into the plushness of the couch. “No more late nights or dealing with parents who think their children are too perfect to get less than an A on their tests.”
“Can’t be that bad.” Dieter says as if he’s the one partaking in these meetings.  
He holds out a white paper carton of warm noodles and chopsticks from your favorite takeout place from where he’s sitting on the opposite end of the couch. You gladly accept, your mouth watering as you  settle back into the pillows. 
“Ha! Can’t be that bad? I had one parent this week tell me her son needs to stay late sometime next week because she has a date and won’t be able to pick him up. I had to explain to her that I’m not a daycare.” You mumble out between a heaping pile of noodles, suspended from your mouth to the chopsticks. 
“Did she offer to pay though?” Dieter asks before taking a bite of a crispy roll. He nods, approving of the flavor as he inspects the contents, then shoving the rest in his mouth. 
“You’re ridiculous!” You playfully kick his leg resting on the couch, he’s quick to grab for your ankle before you can pull away, his thumbs instantly kneading into the arch of your foot. “No, she didn’t offer to pay. But she was offended when I gave her the number of an actual daycare.” 
“Could be good money if you ever considered. So, did they ask about me this week?” Looking down at where his hands continue to massage out the stress you’ve been under dealing with nagging parents over the course of the last week.
The achiness is quickly exchanged for a more enjoyable pressure. Dieter’s foot rubs and takeout at the end of a long work week is a ritualized experience you always look forward to going into a relaxing weekend.
“You know I thought something was off! Not one kid asked about you. They must have forgotten who you are— shame.” You smirk at him over the carton of noodles. 
“What do you mean they forgot about me?” His hands still, a mixture of shock and sadness plastered all over his face at the thought of your students forgetting who he was. 
You love messing with him because it’s so easy, but his pinched brows and sad puppy dog eyes is your least favorite reaction when you do take a chance at joking with him.
“Babe, I’m just kidding. They never stop talking about you. I swear I get asked at least once by each of them at some point during the day, When is Uncle Dude going to visit us?” 
“That’s it, foot rub is over for you! Can’t believe you would do that to me!” He drops your foot into his lap, hands lifted to prove he will no longer be implementing your weekly foot rub tonight. 
“You make it too easy sometimes. I saw an open opportunity, so I took it.” Wiggling your untouched foot at him, hoping he has it in his heart to even out the lingering pain still radiating through it. 
“I’m sorry, did you need something?” He asks, a singular eyebrow arched, looking at you then back to your foot before grabbing for another crispy roll and television remote off the coffee table.
The man is a menace and he knows it too. Luckily, or unlucky for him, you are too and take any chance to give it right back to him. 
Your attention shifts to Dieter’s pants, his favorite pair he wears when he’s lounging around the house. The thin material covered in stripes running lengthwise of the pant legs, varying in different shades of gray. Material so thin, they do little to prevent what hides beneath the cotton fabric. So they’ve easily become your favorite pair— for obvious reasons. 
It’s innocent at first. Your foot skimming over the top of his thigh. Back and forth, back and forth. He doesn’t even mention anything, too focused on flipping through the selected streaming service in search of some sort of cinematic entertainment for the rest of the evening. 
You sense he was getting aroused as you inched further and further up his thigh, your own body responding in kind. Feeling bold, you slowly slid your foot across his lap and let it rest on his growing bulge, applying just enough pressure which resulted in Dieter letting out a low moan, encouraging you to continue.
“Poppy, what do you think you’re doing? fuck.” His locked on you, lids already heavy as he began to succumb to your pleasurable wrath. 
“Hmm— I don’t know what you mean. Did you find a movie?” You could feel the heat radiating from Dieter's body already. “Maybe that one Nic Cage movie where he plays himself?”
“Mmmmmmmmm.” A blissed out groan is all Dieter manages. 
Mission accomplished!
But you couldn't resist the temptation to tease him a little more. With your toes, you traced the outline of his cock. Every delicious inch of him rock hard and straining beneath his lounge pants. 
“Fuck, Poppy!” Dieter gasps, his head falling back onto the arm of the couch, your touch proving to be too distracting.
“You like that, Baby?” Taunting him with a sultry voice as you take another bite of noodles.
“Mmhmm!” His eyes screw shut, nodding his head frantically. 
“I need words, Dieter. Otherwise I don’t think I can continue.” You tell him, stilling your foot. 
“YES! I like it so much, Pop! Please don’t stop!” Practically begging with you to keep at it. 
You could sense that Dieter was already on the edge, and you wanted nothing more than to push him over it. 
Feeling bold, you decide to take it a step further. With one swift move, cupping the bulge in his pants with both of your feet. Oscillating your movements between lazy up and down caressing to hard drawn out dragging motions down the length of his cock. 
It’s no surprise when Dieter lets out a loud groan when you jump straight to his most requested stroke that is always one to reduce him to a whimpering mess. Now mimicking the move without the help of your hands by applying just enough pressure at the base of his shaft with one foot while the ball of the other foot moves in circular motions over his leaning head. His pants are sticky with pre-come under your feet, smearing everywhere, completely delighted by the effect this is having on him.  
Dieter hips start to buck against your feet, grinding and rhythmically rolling in search of more friction. Poppyyesyesyes, he was desperately pleading, signaling that he was close.
“Dieter, you’re doing so well. Be a good boy and come for me.” You purr, continuing to move over his cock, rubbing and teasing him. 
He doesn’t get a chance to warn you, but the way his body goes rigid as he grips at couch cushions is more than enough warning for you that he’s going to come. 
“F-fuck!!” That coiling tension winding tightly in his abdomen finally snapping as he lets out choked sob.  
Dieter dissolves into a euphoric pleasure as he explodes inside of his pants, releasing his hot arousal all over himself and your feet. 
There was a pleasant sense of control and satisfaction that washed over you watching Dieter come undone. The way his cheeks and neck were flushed from the satisfied desire buzzing through him. A sheen of sweat speckled across his forehead, a few drops managing to roll down his face. His already disheveled hair now soaked and messier. 
You dig the chopsticks back into the carton, winding the noodles around and around in preparation for your next bite. 
“I forgot to ask— how was your day, Babe?” A lopsided grin forming as you lifted your gaze up to admire the way Dieter’s chest expanded up and down. His labored panting filling the living room as he tried to regain some sort of consciousness. 
“Fuck you, Pops!” Lifting his head so he can give you his full attention, his mouth curving into a smile that makes your stomach all fluttery. “It was good— So fucking good.”
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acciojaeyun · 2 years
good boys bring heaven to you ; lee heeseung smut
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pairing: lee heeseung x fem!reader genre: smut (minors dni)
in which lee heeseung, the campus’ smart arse, have not-so innocent desires for the woman who needs his help in a class he succeeds in.
warnings: dom!heeseung, degradation, slight manipulation, heeseung is a fucking menace, unprotected sex (reader is taking pills; but still, wrap it before you tap it), hints of switch!hee at the bottom words: 3,603
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Lee Heeseung had enough.
He had enough of the way you groaned during Chemistry. He had enough of the way you would bite your lip whenever you frustrate over elements and whatnot. He had enough of watching you suffer when he knows he could help you in the best way that he can.
And you, on the other hand, were quick to accept his invitation that was done as soon as the bell rang, hands on the strap of the bag of each huddled on each of your shoulders. Since then, you’ve tried to read the basics – however, it seems like even the General Science have given up on you.
Not like Heeseung would judge you – oh, no. He wouldn’t judge you. Not now, not ever.
But would people judge you considering that you have checked your reflection on each possible surface where your reflection could be refracted? Possibly. But have them ask you the reason behind you do, they’d possibly understand. It was undeniable that the façade of the smarty-pants of your batch in this semester’s Chemistry was as pleasing as his wit.
Yes, the whole campus agreed that Lee Heeseung is an attractive man.
Maybe that was the reason why you couldn’t seem to pass your Chemistry class, having to have seated beside him, and it’s not like you would ever want to change your seat; one, you’ve grown comfortable with it; two, this was the best class-to-board distance; and three, you had the opportunity of sitting beside him – because, fortunately, the boy looked like he didn’t have any plans on changing his seat the whole semester.
Which leads you to here, phone in hand as you try to locate Heeseung’s dorm room in the dormitory hall across yours. You double-checked the room number a lot, hoping not to mess up by knocking on a different dorm room. 
Oh, and another thing: you didn’t quite understand the reason why Heeseung had decided to tutor you in his room, of all places, when the University library is of approximate distance between each of your dormitory hall. And while there is no strict prohibition for people of the other sex to visit the opposite sex’ rooms, you find yourself gushing over the idea that maybe Heeseung wanted you alone; and while however the thought sends you into a frenzy, you decided to tone things down tonight.
From your thoughts down to your clothing, keeping things simple with a casual white tee with a varsity jacket over it, paired with jeans and white sneakers.
Taking a deep breath, you knocked on the door, and as soon as you felt a gush of air, you were welcomed with Lee Heeseung wearing an ensemble almost the same as yours minus the jacket. And of course, he couldn’t forget his signature black specs and dangling earrings.
A breath hitched in your throat, maybe accepting the offer was a bad idea, you thought. You couldn’t understand how having Heeseung, the boy that caused more distraction and destruction than inspiration, would help you in reviving your grades for Chemistry.
But Heeseung was a determined man, and he will make sure you understood it by the end of the night.
“Hello,” he smiled, eyes squinting as he ushers you in, “make yourself at home, Jake will be leaving soon.” He said as he eyed the foreign guy hunched over a pile of books in his desk.
“I am?” the boy, Jake, asked as he bit the tip of his pencil as he seemed deep in thought over whatever he was studying that time. 
Heeseung gave a look at Jake, to which made Jake realise something. Gaping and nodding in realisation and smiled, “I am!” he exclaimed, rather too obviously, which made Heeseung roll his eyes and rush Jake to leave the room.
“So, as I said, make yourself at home,” Heeseung smiles as he offers to take your things from you, bringing your attention back at him as he placed all your belongings in his desk. You watched him as he walked towards the cooler, retrieving a drink.
You watched as he tipped his head backwards, downing the drink in the most – dare you say it – alluring way as possible. It didn’t help that Heeseung had recently dyed his hair ash gray, making him look ten times more attractive than he already was. His Adam’s apple bobbed, and you were certain you gulped as he downed on it.
As he was finished drinking, he looked at you and tried to hide a smirk, “Do you want some?” 
“No, thank you,” you muttered as you realised that you were openly gawking at him. However, you coughed as soon as you said that. Maybe you were looking at him for too long.
“Come on, I drink this before I study,” he chuckles and walks towards you with the half full bottle of his cold honeyed tea. And while you expected him to hand over the bottle for you to drink from, he held your chin and made you open your mouth when he pinched your cheeks with his hands.
“Mouth open, baby,” he said as he poured the drink on your mouth, to which your eyes widened at such erotic action. Shit, you thought, he knew.
And as you gulped the drink down, you met his gaze and he smirked. With a drop of the tea running down your chin as you tried to swallow the sweet liquid, his eyes darkened, and he let his initial thoughts take over him as he used his thumb to wipe it off, bringing it to his lips for him to suck on his thumb.
“Sweet,” he’d whisper while never breaking eye contact.
You were left standing there as you watched the boy move towards the desk on his side of the room, pulling Jake’s desk chair in the process. “Come here,” he beckoned you over, patting the chair beside him as he turned on the lamp of his table.
And you didn’t know what happened, but as soon as Heeseung scooted his chair closer to you, you were sure you were in a trance because of the overpowering aura the boy exuded. Smelling of blackberry and bay, with hints of fresh linen and books (and you swear to yourself you could smell the faint honeyed tea which you shared a while ago).
“Are you alright, Y/N?” he’d ask once he noticed you didn’t answer a question he had just asked a while ago.
Snap out of it, Y/N.
“Yeah, yeah – “
“You don’t really seem concentrated, do you?” he tutted as he held your gaze, his hand coming near you to push your hair behind your shoulder.
“I am!” you spoke too soon, making the boy chuckle. “Oh, you are now?” he challenged, licking his lips as he played with the ends of your hair, “Say, what is the unit that we call for the amount of a substance in a solution?”
“Oh, honey,” he fake-pitied, tutting as he pulls your chair closer to him, the act making the sound of the wood against the floor creak, mixed in with your squeal, “that’s wrong, I’m sorry,” 
“How about, let’s turn this into a game?” he challenged, eyes darting back and forth between your eyes and lips, his teeth taking in his bottom lip as he thought of the things he would do to you.
“W – what game? I don’t – I don’t think that’s –” 
“Relax, baby, I’ll take care of you, you want to learn now, don’t you?” he chuckled as he dimmed the light of the dormitory. He started ghosting his lips over the expanse of your cheek as he bowed over your figure, “Now, let’s start with some instructions, shall we?”
You nodded at his inquiry, to which he slightly groaned at your obedience. “God, you’re making me go crazy, babe,” he said as he traced your face with his finger. “First, get one question right, I’ll strip one clothing of mine; get it wrong, and it’s your clothes that are off.”
“No touching, and of course – do your best, what do you think, baby?”
You seemed to be at a loss of words, that the best thing that you could do was a silent ‘yes’ with a frantic nod of the head. You were entirely submissive to this man, and it was driving you crazy.
“Well then, sweetheart, let’s say that water is hard,” he starts, accentuating the last word as he used his finger to force your face to meet his, “is it because of the presence of calcium, sulphate, or magnesium?”
“Fuck,” you whispered, trying to remember what the professor had mentioned last time, “I can’t –“
“Of course, you can. Surely enough you weren’t that distracted by me, ‘no?”
“I – sulphate?”
His eyes darkened as he smirked. He intended to confuse you with the way he constructed his question. He licked his lips as he pulled away, “Top off, sweetheart. It’s sulphate, calcium, and magnesium.”
You gulped and nodded, slowly trying to understand the trajectory of everything that is happening.  You stood up and timidly tried to take off your top, Heeseung’s eyes trained on to every inch of your torso from the waist up. 
“God, you’re so sexy,” Heeseung said in a low voice before retrieving your jacket and white t-shirt to discard on his bed. He winked when he saw your cheeks redden, “Come on, we don’t have the whole night,” he says impatiently as he pulls you back to your seat.
“What’s the purpose of the salt bridge in electrochemical cells?” he asked as he started peppering your shoulders with kisses, as his means of distracting you.
You, on the other hand, almost broke down at the feeling of his lips. You could feel your underwear cling to you the longer it gets soaked by the wetness of your pussy. “Heeseung,” you pleaded, eyes fluttering shut as you tried to relish the faint ghost of his lips.
“That’s not the answer, princess,”
“I – they – um, they –“ you continued to stutter as you feel his mouth sucking on the root of your neck, each word being replaced by a moan, and your hands tried to grip on him but he was quick enough to hit them away.
“Dumb girls don’t get to touch their tutors now, do they?”
“Heeseung, please,”
“Oh, never thought you’d be into begging. Tough luck, sweetheart, you came here to learn. And by the looks of it, you seem to be enjoying this rather than not.” He tutted, biting your skin, making you gasp at his sudden action.
“What’s the answer?”
“Fuck – I don’t know!”
Heeseung sighed in faux disappointment, “They neutralize electrochemical cells. Why don’t you take off your trousers too, baby? It seems like being exposed while I’m fully dressed seem to turn you on more than humiliate you, ‘no?”
You kept your mouth shut as blood rushed to your cheeks.
“Ah, I should’ve thought so,” the ash grey-haired boy said as he started stripping off his clothes. This was way too much for you to handle, so you think. At some point, your thoughts had run back to the time where you were caught by Heeseung whenever you gave him the side-eye. 
You were right, Heeseung had seen everything. The way you look at him and the way you seductively bite your lip whenever you take a sight of him even from afar. He’d seen you gush over him whenever he was around – oh, Heeseung would deem himself crazy if he chooses to let you go. And now that he had you wrapped around his finger, he wasn’t ever going to let you go.
And never he will as your eyes widened when he pulled his pants down, cock springing out from the tightness of his jeans. “Ah, shit, baby, all this for you,” he motioned at his erect cock.
Heeseung pulled the chair farther from you, where you couldn’t reach him. He sat in such a manner where you could see his dick so clearly: thighs spread; hips bucked forward. His right hand that was jerking himself off in a slow pace was the cherry on top.
“Get one question right and I’ll let you sit on my cock, what do you think?”
Your head perked up at the thought, eyes twinkling at the thought of finally getting something. You nodded at his bargain, and he almost laughed out loud at how stupidly cock-drunk you were, considering that you haven’t even had a taste of him yet.
“What makes soaps a surfactant?”
“I – shit, I know this one,” you said as you closed your eyes as you racked your head trying to remember something – at least, something.
“Micellar forces! The soap reduces the surface tension of the surface it is trying to reduce the surface tension, increasing the number of micelle or surfactants in the interface.”
“Shit, baby, you sounded so hot saying all of those,” Heeseung said, biting his lip. “C’mere, baby, sit on my lap,” he beckoned you over with two of his fingers. 
You happily obliged, cradling your legs over Heeseung’s lap, grinding your soaked pussy over his erect dick, both of you moaning at the friction that settled between you both. 
“God, if I only knew you’d answer correctly just for my cock, I would’ve done this ages ago,” he said as he pushed your underwear to the side, two of his fingers immediately coming up to play your clit, making you arch your back as you held on to the backrest of the wooden chair where Heeseung was sat.
“So fucking wet, baby,” he commented, meeting your hooded eyes as you tried to grind on his fingers. “Stop that.” He ordered, making you halt and surrender to the dominance that embodied Heeseung, the man that you thought was too innocent for these things.
Without a warning, he plunged in two fingers in you, making you cry at the sudden intrusion. “Oh, fuck, Heeseung!”
“Yes, baby, that’s my name,” he said, bringing his bottom lip between his teeth as he started to pump his fingers in and out of your drenched hole, spreading his fingers in a scissor-like motion occasionally to stretch you for his size. “Come on, darling, come for be, be the fucking cock-slut you are.”
“Ah, shit, Hee – oh!” you whined as he increased his pace when he added a third finger, fog protruding his lenses as he took in the sight of you, “Heeseung, I’m going to come, I’m going to – oh, fuck!”
And just when you were about to come on his fingers, Heeseung had replaced his long, slender fingers with his thick cock. He pulled you down as his hands held your waist while he thrusted up and down, “Fuck, baby, you’re so warm,” he commented as he brought his face between the valleys of your breast, kissing and licking, trying to commit to memory how good you’ve felt.
Heeseung didn’t even manage to remove your bra, he pushed the cup of your bra to the side by his face, and he took his time in licking, sucking, and biting on your left nipple, making it sore and blowing it with air afterwards to elicit a reaction from you. 
“Shit, baby, you’re clenching around me,” he said as his eyes almost rolled back to his head, “You feel amazing, God – you’re so fucking sexy,” he praised as he desperately tried to chase his high along with yours.
The sound of skin clapping together, the scent of sex, and the long-forgotten Chemistry lectures were all what overstimulated your senses. And all you could ever say were profanities and Heeseung’s name, you swore you felt like you were on cloud nine. He was fucking you good, he was fucking you raw.
“Are you close?” he would ask in between pants as you nodded and whined, “Come with me,” he responded as he gave your pussy a hard thrust, his hand coming down to vigorously play with your clit, his mouth immediately latching on to your right breast; making you lose all sanity as you warned Heeseung that you were close again for the second time – and you hope, this one would be successful. 
“Go, fuck, come, sweetheart – oh, shit,” Heeseung pants as you collapsed on him, hand immediately caressing your bare back as he waited for you to calm down. You were still whining slightly at the feeling of Heeseung inside you – so big and so delicious.
“Are you done?” a voice shouted from outside as they audibly felt like they hesitated in knocking on the door.
“I – I think I should go,” you blushed as you realised that Jake, Heeseung’s roommate, might have heard what you were doing. 
And your ego could go low for as far.
Heeseung helped you slide off him and change back into your clothes. And against his better judgment, Heeseung jutted a kiss on your forehead as he smoothed out your hair. “See you on after lecture on Thursday?”
It was still Friday.
“Yeah, sure, see you, thank you, Heeseung.”
You have been counting the days until it was Thursday. And to be honest, you’ve never realised how time moved so slow until you realise it was still a Monday considering that you’ve felt that you’ve done so much already during the weekend. 
It also didn’t help that Heeseung never reached out to you – not in texts, nor through social media.
But what happens when at the darkest hours of the Monday evening, you were greeted with a Heeseung in his pyjamas, ash grey hair ruffled as if he had just gotten out of bed, he bit his lip at the sight of you in short pyjamas and a shirt too lose that it had situated way past your shoulders, exposing your collarbones.
“I – I –“ Heeseung stuttered as he tried to formulate an excuse inside his head, on how he almost ran his way towards your dormitory without any glasses on (he swears he almost knocked on the wrong door).
“Yes, Heeseung?” you giggled at his lost figure; it wasn’t usual that Heeseung would be at a lost for words. But then again, there was a first time for everything.
“I heard you’re good in Biology,” he blushed.
“I am,” you rose an eyebrow at his statement.
“Maybe you could teach me?”
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ladykailitha · 3 months
Sweet Surrender Part 4
Here we are guys, the end of the sequel of the summer Valentine fic. Thank you all who liked, commented, and reblogged this lovely story. I love seeing my regulars interact with their comments and tags. It's makes me so happy.
And if regularly do and haven't lately: I get it, it's not always easy to comment (whether as a comment or in the tags) on every part, just know I missed seeing them.
Sadly no prom-posal because they can't really go together-together, but Eddie did go over and ask in person. He's not a complete idiot.
This is my longest "chapter" I've written clocking out at 3700+ words because I refused to split it up further dammit!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Damn it scheduled for 10pm not am but here we are just a few minutes late.
Eddie sat at the back of the class as he always did, trying to come up with ideas of what to do for prom. Because of course Steve said yes.
Steve’s eyes lit up and he swung Eddie around chanting, “Yes, yes, yes!” until the pair of them fell to the floor giggling like children.
They kissed and laughed until they couldn’t breathe.
Steve already had a suit, he really hadn’t grown that much since the funeral and just needed a nice cummerbund to make it school dance worthy. So he didn’t go with the Hellfire boys to get their tuxes.
Jeff had gone for a blue suit jacket with black pants and bow tie with a white button up. Gareth went for a double breasted black jacket and bow tie with matching pants. Brian had picked up a white jacket and bolo tie with black pants.
Eddie though?
Eddie had gone for a thin black neck tie and tight dress pants and then was going to wear his leather jacket over the top.
Steve was positively salivating at the thought.
They were sitting at the table discussing prom ideas when Nancy came up to Steve.
“Hey, do you have a date to prom?”
Steve and Eddie shared a concerned glance before Steve just shrugged.
“These guys didn’t get dates either,” he explained, “and offered to let me go with them as a group. Why? You asking?”
Nancy’s face twisted in disdain. “No, of course not. I’m not going to that meaningless high school mating ritual.”
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Jonathan didn’t want to go, huh?”
“He won’t let me pay.” She crossed her arms over her chest and stomped her foot.
Steve rolled his eyes and shared a glance with Eddie who shared his exasperation.
“What do you want, Nance?”
She pursed her lips and looked down at the floor. “I thought that if you had a date, then we could double and Jonathan wouldn’t feel pressured to spend a lot of money.”
Jeff and Brian looked at each other and then burst out laughing with Eddie joining in.
“Tell me you’ve never been poor without telling me you’ve never been poor,” Brian huffed out between gales of laughter. “Jesus H. Christ, he’s gonna feel even more pressure to spend a lot because he’s gonna see Stevie here go all out for his date and he’s going to get flustered and upset he can’t do the same for you then there’ll be huge fight, leaving you stranded at the prom waiting for Mommy Dearest to pick you.” He wiped away a tear of laughter.
Steve nodded and then half shrugged. “I’m with him on that one. It’s a guy thing. You’re out to wound his pride and you’re only going to catch hell for it.”
“Here’s a thought, Nancy Drew,” Eddie said with a menacing grin, “why not skip it and do it next year. At your actual senior prom since he’s so worried about it. Give him time to save up for it so he can do something nice for you and stop pushing people around.”
Nancy’s jaw dropped and she turned to Steve. “Are you just going to sit here and let him talk to me that way?”
Steve swirled in his chair to look up at her. “We aren’t dating, and he’s not wrong. Plus, I’ve been asked to prom by a couple of very forward girls and had hints broadly dropped that I should ask them to prom. Tammy Thompson was the worst of the lot. Talking about how a king should be with a proper queen or some shit like that. And I’ve turned them down because all of them want the Harrington charm and money and not me, also they’ll want sex or worse, to go steady and I just can’t handle that right now.”
He looked pointedly at her.
She frowned for a moment and then her eyes went wide and her mouth formed a silent ‘O’.
“Yeah,” he said, turning in his seat to out his back between them. “So you’ll pardon me if I don’t want to do you any favors.”
She slunk off back to the table with the rest of her friends and Jonathan.
Gareth shook his head. “The absolute nerve. Jesus Fucking Christ.”
Steve could only agree.
“Come on, man,” Gareth huffed, crossing his arms. “If we all pool our money we could rent a limo and show up in style.”
Steve threw back his head and laughed.
They were all sitting around Gareth’s garage making the final plans for prom.
“Dude, you could,” Steve agreed. “But those things take up at least three parking spots and you will have the rest of the student body hate your guts for all of time for it being in the way of everyone else.”
Gareth slunk further into the couch with a sneer. “It can’t be as bad as he’s making it out, he just doesn’t want us to have any fun.”
“That’s because you were a freshman when Tommy H. and Carol Perkins did it for junior prom last year,” Steve said, shaking his head. “They got so much shit for it, and it took Tommy bullying certain people to get it to stop.” He raised his hands. “Something I didn’t condone by the way.”
Jeff winced and shook his head. “Hard pass on being hated more than we already are.”
“I’m with Jeffy on this one Gare-bear,” Eddie said with a grimace. “Let’s take Mr. Romance’s advice on this one, yeah?”
“Fine!” Gareth growled. “But I refuse to get in the fuck ugly Bimmer of Steve’s and I’m not to be seen in these nice suits in Eddie’s van.”
“I never said we couldn’t rent a car,” Steve said reasonably, “just that we shouldn’t rent a limo.”
Suddenly the four other boys were leaning forward in their seats, looking at him in rapt interest.
“What did you have in mind, Stevie?” Eddie asked, slowly licking his upper lip.
“Who hasn’t had the dream of showing up to school in a shiny convertible?” Steve asked with a smirk. “It’ll be nicer than a limo, and most likely cheaper, too. And of course I bet we could get Eddie’s Uncle Wayne to rent it for us, with the little bribe that he gets to drive it around first.”
Eddie threw back his head and cackled. “That would work! He would love the little bribe, too.”
The other three boys looked at each other before Jeff said, “All in favor of getting nice convertible for prom?”
All the hands went up and Steve sat back, looking like that cat that got the cream.
Steve stayed over at Eddie’s the night before the dance. The plan was that after lunch, Steve would go home and get ready for the dance and then Eddie would pick everyone up for dinner then they would go to the dance.
Eddie had other plans, of course, but Steve didn’t know about those. Yet.
Around ten o’clock in the morning, with the two boys still tangled up in each others limbs there was honking of someone’s horn, followed by Wayne yelling at them to get the hell out of bed.
Steve and Eddie blinked bleary-eyed at each other for a moment before the fog of sleep cleared and they were on their feet in an instant. Steve threw on some sweats as Eddie yanked on a pair of jeans. They were out the door before Wayne could honk again.
He was leaning up a red 1984 Chrysler LeBaron five seater with white upholstery with the top down. His arms were crossed and had the biggest smile on his face.
“So what do you think, boys?” he said cocking his head to the side. “You think it’s fancy enough for that dance of yours?”
Eddie and Steve shared matching grins. They ran down the stairs in their bare feet up to Wayne and the car.
Steve was already running his hands over the body of the car. “Wayne, she gorgeous. She wasn’t too much was she?”
Wayne shook his head. “You boys’ money more than covered it for the night. I’ll return it tomorrow with a full tank of gas, no worries.”
Eddie hugged his uncle tightly. “Tonight is going to be the best night ever!”
Wayne hugged him back as Steve continued to admire the car.
“I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to find one that would fit all of us,” he breathed, “but fucking hell. It’s perfect Mr. Munson!”
“I’m glad you’re happy with it, Steve,” Wayne murmured as Eddie let go of him to follow Steve around the car. “Brian will probably have to sit in the front seat to be comfortable, but other than that, you’ll be golden.”
“Well, old man,” Eddie said after Steve and he looked over every inch of the car, “She’s all yours. Just bring her back by five so I can pick everyone else up.”
Wayne chuckled and opened the driver’s side door. “She really is a beaut, Ed. I can’t wait to let her unwind on the open road.”
Steve smiled and shook his head, knowing that he wanted to do the exact same thing. He followed Eddie into the trailer, a skip in his step.
Eddie made for the kitchen to starting making them breakfast and Steve sat down at the small table they had nearby.
“So we’re going out to eat at Enzo’s,” Steve murmured. “Which I really don’t want to know how Gareth pulled that off, considering everyone goes there for prom and getting reservations are vicious. It’s almost a blood sport.”
Eddie chuckled pulling out the eggs to scramble. “Gareth’s mom is friends with the owner and she always has a standing table there.”
“Well that’s a relief,” he said wiping his brow. “I thought he had murdered a couple of our fellow students for the privilege.”
“I love that it’s Gareth you think would be the murderer,” he called over his shoulder, “instead of anyone else coming with us tonight.”
Steve half shrugged and started counting them off on his fingers. “Brian is a staunch pacifist, Jeff gets sick at the sight of blood and you are so sweet that it’s impossible to believe that would harm anyone unless they started shit first.” He tapped his fingers on the surface of the table. “But Gareth is the quiet one and everyone knows that serial killers are the strong and silent types.”
Eddie poured the beaten egg mixture into the heated frying pan and began to stir it around.
“I guess that makes sense,” he said after a few moments. “I love your absolute faith in me, by the way. If there were any serial killings in this town, the mob would come after me first.”
Steve sighed. “True that. Unfortunately.”
Eddie scooped the cooked eggs onto two plates, bringing them over to the table with a couple of forks.
They settled down to eat. After a few minutes of silence Steve asked. “You thinking of doing anything after the dance? I know we haven’t really talked about what we’re doing after.”
Eddie got that soft secret smile that made the butterflies in Steve’s stomach take flight. “There might be a couple of things I might have in mind.”
Steve shook his head fondly. “And let me guess, it’s a surprise and I’m not supposed to know?”
“Yup!” Eddie replied with a grin. “No eat up, I have plans for this morning...” he wagged his eyebrows suggestively.
Steve started immediately shoving egg into his face to Eddie’s cackling glee.
To say Steve was nervous would be a fucking understatement. He’d never been picked up for prom before and not knowing when Eddie was going to show up only made his anxiety spike further.
It wasn’t that Steve didn’t know when Eddie was going to leave to start picking everyone up, it was that Steve was third after Brian and Gareth, who were first and second respectively.
In his hand was a corsage for Eddie. It was black rose wrapped in a silver ribbon. And he was doing everything in his power not to crush the clear, plastic box it was in.
There was a knock on the door and Steve’s face fell a little when he saw it was Gareth at the door.
“Wow,” Gareth snarked, “don’t look all excited and shit to see me or whatever.”
“I–I guess I was expecting Eddie...” Steve muttered. He shook his head and tossed the box on the table. “I’m ready to go.”
Gareth frowned a little bit and then his expression cleared when he saw what was in the box. “Oh hell no.” He held up a finger and dashed back to the car. He yanked Eddie out of the driver’s seat and toward Steve’s door.
As they neared Steve heard Gareth grumble, “You are not fucking this up already!”
Eddie opened his mouth to protest when he saw Steve at the door looking dejected. He snapped it shut with an audible click. He saw the box on the table and looked back at Steve.
“You got me flowers?” he breathed. He couldn’t believe it. He had told Steve that he was taking care of everything.
But he forgot one thing and the fact that Wayne hadn’t brought it up, meant that Steve had gotten it for him as a surprise but told Wayne to keep Eddie from buying one for himself.
Steve gulped down the lump in his throat. “It’s just a silly corsage. The other guys aren’t wearing one, so I’ll just tak–” he reached up to remove his own white rose corsage when Eddie put his hands over Steve’s.
“No, sweetheart,” Eddie murmured. “I screwed up. I was supposed to be wooing you tonight and I already misstepped. I should have come to the door to pick you up. That wasn’t fair to you.”
“It’s not a big deal,” he mumbled still trying to remove his corsage.
Eddie took his face in his hands and pressed their foreheads together. “Baby, it is. Because it’s important to you. So what we’re going to do is, you’re going to stop trying to remove yours so it doesn’t get ruined,” and immediately Steve’s hands dropped to Eddie’s waist. “Good boy, now the next thing you’re going to do is pin that pretty flower you got for me on my leather jacket and then we’ll go get Jeff, okay?”
Steve let out a shuddering breath and then nodded. Then with trembling hands he took the black rose out of the box and pulled out the pin that would be used to attach it to Eddie’s jacket lapel.
Eddie wrapped his hands gently around Steve’s quivering hands again, this time to calm him. “Take your time, Stevie.”
Steve took a deep breath and looked Eddie in the eyes.
“There you are, princess,” Eddie cooed at how much calmer he looked now. “If it helps, I can knock on the door and we can start over.”
Steve shook his head but took a step back. He brought Eddie’s lips to his and kissed him deeply. “This will just be some stupid story we tell our grandkids when we’re old and grey.”
Eddie burst out laughing. “Only a month in and you’re already planning our grandkids! And I thought I moved fast.”
“Nope!” Steve teased, kissing him again. “You move fast, I move faster.”
Eddie giggled as a more confident Steve pinned the corsage to his leather jacket. They walked out and got into the LeBaron. Steve hopped into the back seat with Gareth who grumbled under his breath.
“I told him he should have gone up there and not send someone else, but noooo,” he muttered darkly. “I’m a little squashmore who’s never gone on a date in my life, what would I know?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Eddie huffed. “Rub it in. And where oh font of wisdom did you gain such knowledge, hmm?”
Gareth erupted, throwing his arms in the air. “I watch movies!” he huffed as Eddie pulled out of the driveway. “My mom and brother love romantic comedies. The dude always goes to the door unless he’s meant to be the douchebag loser.”
Steve burst out laughing. “He’s got you there, Eds.”
“Mistake made,” Eddie said dryly, “lesson learned.”
They got to Jeff’s, who’s mother had gotten Brian, Gareth and her son all corsages. They all had a single red rose to match Eddie’s black and Steve’s white roses.
“Ooh,” Eddie murmured. “Uncle Wayne was playing the long game, wasn’t he? He told you not get me and Steve corsages because Steve had them covered, didn’t he?”
Mrs. Laurence shook her head, barely containing her smile. “Steve coordinated it with me and I filled your uncle in.”
Eddie shook his head fondly and took Steve’s hand.
She took pictures of everyone in the tuxes and then sent them off with a wave.
Dinner was amazing. Especially with Steve gently guiding them with which forks to use, the meal was delicious and company was even better.
Their waiter even commented that he wished him and his friends had thought about just getting dressed up anyway and going to prom as friends. It would have been better than them sitting at home eating pizza and feeling sorry for themselves.
Steve just smiled up at him as the rest of them filled him on the rest of their plans. Well... all but Eddie anyway.
They got to the dance and while Mrs. Click was absolutely fuming, she couldn’t bar their entry because there was nothing in the rules that said they had to bring dates and as long as they had their tickets, she had to let them in.
Eddie took great pleasure in smiling at her as they walked into the gym.
The theme was of course Sweethearts so the gym was decked out in hearts of every size and of every shade of pink and red imaginable.
Steve chuckled as Jeff and Brian gagged. Gareth smacked them upside their heads and went off in search of punch, the other two boys shuffling behind him.
Eddie and Steve stood at the entrance a moment.
Eddie rocked back and forth on the balls on his feet, shoving his hands in his pockets to hide how never he felt. “So what do you do at a dance when you can’t dance with the one you want to?”
Steve looked over at him and tilted his head. “Make yourself as big a menace as possible, of course.”
Eddie grinned as Steve grabbed his wrist and they melted into the crowd.
About an hour into it, Eddie led Steve away from all the loud music and sweltering mass of teenage bodies.
“Eddie!” Steve protested with a laugh. “Where are you taking me?”
Eddie just cackled and kept pulling him along. They got the drama room and Steve was amazed he could hear the music.
“How?” he whispered.
Eddie grinned again. “They have speakers in here from the gym. They’re usually turned off as some brave stage crew managed to figure out a way to stop it from streaming in so kids could practice their lines and shit and not have to listen to basketball scores, but I got someone to turn them on for us.”
Steve turned to him in shock. “Us?”
Eddie nodded and led Steve further into the drama room. It was decorated in fairy lights and sparkling hearts.
“Oh, Eds...” Steve breathed. “It’s beautiful.”
“I paid one of the drama kids to do this for me so I could surprise you,” he murmured.
Just then a soft love song came over the speakers and he held out his hand to Steve. “Dance with me.”
Steve let out a watery chuckle and folded into Eddie’s arms. They danced cheek to cheek to the music and were still dancing slowly when the song changed to something more upbeat.
“I was so worried I couldn’t dance with you up there,” he murmured into Eddie’s ear, “and then you went and found a way for us to do it down here instead. God, I love you so much, sunshine.”
They kissed and danced until the announcement came over the speakers that they were crowning the prom king and queen. They walked back to the gym hand in hand.
“I tried to get myself removed from the ballot,” Steve said softly just as they reached the doors. “I told them that I didn’t want even be here, but they refused. Said that I was nominated by someone else and only they could remove from the ballot. They wouldn’t even tell me who. But then you came along and I still don’t want to be prom king, but I figured at least being here with you would be worth the price of admission.”
Eddie smiled and kissed him gently. “I think you’d look pretty in a crown, darlin’.”
Steve let out a nervous giggle. “You would.”
They let go of their hands and walk back in.
Steve made prom king. Like everyone assumed he would. And even though Billy hadn’t been on the ballot he came in second place with a lot of write-ins. Steve suspected that Billy had actually won, but as he wasn’t on the ballot and the principal not wanting it to go to a thug like Billy Hargrove had cinched Steve’s bid for the crown.
Prom queen was Tammy Thompson. Which she obviously had insider knowledge of when she broadly hinted to him to take her to prom. She even hissed about him probably wishing he had taken her when he had the chance as to not leave her poor date standing there on the sidelines.
Steve just smiled and nodded and suffered through their dance.
Once it was all done, he handed the bouquet of flowers to Jeff, the sash to Gareth and the crown to Brian.
“You’ve got nothing left, baby,” Eddie murmured as they walked out of the gym and into the darkened halls of the high school.
He gave Eddie’s hand a quick squeeze. “No, Eds. I’ve got you.”
That night after they had done all their after dance activities, they would make love in the back of the LeBaron under the stars at the quarry after they had dropped everyone else off and in the morning after they waved off the LeBaron as Wayne drove it back to the rent shop, Steve would drag Eddie back into the shelter of the trailer and kiss him senseless.
But until then, they had each other and that was enough.
Also if you saw this yesterday NO NO YOU DID NOT!
1- @mira-jadeamethyst @rozzieroos @itsall-taken @redfreckledwolf @spectrum-spectre
2- @slv-333 @zerokrox-blog @gregre369 ​@a-little-unsteddie @chaosgremlinmunson
3- @messrs-weasley @maya-custodios-dionach @goodolefashionedloverboi @val-from-lawrence @carlyv
4- @wonderland-girl143-blog @irregular-child @bookbinderbitch @bookworm0690 @dam28lh
5- @anne-bennett-cosplayer @yikes-a-bee @awkwardgravity1 @littlewildflowerkitten @genderless-spoon
6- @dragonmama76 @ellietheasexylibrarian @thedragonsaunt @useless-nb-bisexual @fullpoetrybread
7- @disrespectedgoatman @counting-dollars-counting-stars @tinyplanet95 @moonshadows-13
8- @skyewaytohell @swimmingbirdrunningrock @croatoan-like-its-hot @lolawonsstuff @lololol-1234
9- @dotdot-wierdlife @ravenfrog @dauntlessdiva @thelittleclare @steddieyourself
10- @w1ll0wtr33 @kultiras @sadisticaltarts @micheledawn1975
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4ragon · 7 months
maybe a klapollo fluffy thing in which Klavier is afraid of meeting Mikeko bc he's heard that cat is a MENACE to anyone but Apollo and Mikeko just... Instantly likes him and bonds with him and that makes Apollo fall in love with Klavier even more (klav is part disney princess don't @ me)
“Alright, and you’re wearing long sleeves, right? I don’t want him scratching up your arms or anything.”
“Ja, for the last time, I am wearing a jacket.”
“And long pants, right? You’re wearing jeans?”
“Nein I thought I’d try cutoffs today, they go so well with my yes I’m wearing jeans.”
“Okay, and if he tries to make a break for it, just, do not let him through the door under any circumstances, alright—”
“Herr Forehead, please, I’m already nervous enough as it is,” Klavier shot back, knuckles white around the phone. “Just…I’ll call you back if anything happens, alright?”
“Right. Okay. Good. Great. Thanks, Klav.” There was a loud bang, and some shouting in the background, and Apollo cursed. “Stupid—whatever! I’ll be there in like an hour. Or two hours. Some amount of hours.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Klavier said. The elevator dinged, and he was on Apollo’s floor. “I’ll make sure Herr Kätzchen doesn’t starve while you’re in transit.”
“Thanks. Alright, bye.”
“Tschüss.” And with that, Apollo was gone.
Leaving Klavier standing outside Apollo’s flimsy apartment door.
Klavier took a breath. Alright. It was just one cat. He could do this, right? He was already supposed to be heading to Apollo’s place today; now he was just flying solo. Not the end of the world.
Klavier fiddled with the new key on his keyring for a second, before finally slipping it into the lock. He unlocked the door slowly, and then, in one fluid motion, he pulled the door open a crack and slipped inside.
Immediately, the cat that was trying to squeeze out into the hallway sprinted away.
“Ach! Sorry, Herr Kätzchen,” Klavier said, quickly locking the door behind him. “Didn’t mean to startle you.”
No cat. Klavier glanced around. Well, no disaster so far. “Herr Kätzchen?” he tried, not expecting much. And then, with a shrug, he turned toward the kitchen.
Apollo had warned him this would happen. Mikeko was a bit shy, after all. Or, well, maybe the words had been ‘a complete bastard’ but Klavier decided to give him the benefit of the doubt. No scratching and hissing so far, so that was probably a win.
Klavier strode over to Apollo’s tiny kitchenette. Now, it wasn’t as if the place was very big, there weren’t many places the cat food could be hiding. It took a moment, but finally, Klavier found it on a bottom shelf. He swiped up the bag, turning.
There was a pair of eyes staring at him from part way out from under the couch.
Klavier froze. The cat froze. They stared at each other.
Admittedly, Klavier was a dog person, and had been for a long time. It wasn’t that he didn’t like cats, he just grew up around dogs. He knew dogs. He knew what noises and gestures a dog would make before snapping at his hands. Cats, however, were a mystery.
Said mystery just continued to stare at him. “H-Hallo, Kätzchen,” Klavier greeted, striding over toward the empty food bowl as he shook the bag of food. “Unfortunately, your normal chef is stuck in traffic on the other side of town. Hopefully I’ll do just as good of a job, ja?”
The cat crept closer as Klavier began to fill the bowl, before scurrying over as Klavier straightened up.
“There we go. Hopefully that’s enough.”
The cat ate quickly as Klavier returned the bag to its shelf. Then he sighed, cracking his back and making his way over toward the ratty couch in the middle of the room.
They were supposed to have a date night tonight, but Klavier had a feeling they would just order takeout when Apollo finally got there. Not the worst night he could’ve imagined.
A small mewl at his feet, and Klavier jumped, head snapping down. The cat was looking up at him with big eyes. Klavier froze. Was that good? Bad? Threatening? Friendly. “Kätzchen,” he greeted cautiously.
The cat mewled again.
Klavier glanced around. Was it trying to tell him something? Did he want Klavier to give him more food? Maybe he should let the cat smell his hand, that was what you did for dogs, right? “Do you need something, mein freund?” he asked, carefully holding out his hand.
The cat paused, sniffing Klavier’s hand. And then the cat lunged forward, rubbing its entire face against Klavier’s hand and making a low, rumbling sound.
Klavier froze.
“Okay, I’m home!” The door slammed shut behind Apollo as he sighed, hair drooping. “Can’t believe I had to pay for an uber in this mess. I swear, when I fix my bike chain—” And then he froze.
Klavier looked up at him, a look of wonder and panic on his face. Mikeko sat directly on Klavier’s chest, curled up and purring. “Herr Forehead is this good or bad?” he asked weakly.
“How did—wh—” Apollo gaped, mouth opening and closing. “...you little bastard, why the hell do you never want to cuddle me like that?!”
“...the cat or me?”
“Shut it.”
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luimagines · 4 months
Congarts on the two year old blog!
If it's fine, can I request a FD sky in the royal au; just getting to know reader, flustering them at every turn and being a genuine menace to them
Content under the cut!
You didn't know what to do with the man that sat across from you.
If you could even call him a man.
His hair was stark white, perfectly accented by the bright red feathers in his hair as it draped over his shoulders. He had a pearlescent cape with a design of the country's emblem on the back. His clothes were about as casual as you could get when speaking to the King.
He's wearing black pants at least but his shirt holds the regality of the royal family. It's also white with stars and moons embroidered in golds around the edges with swirls that connect from one side of the tapestry to the next. It looks almost like a story was woven directly into the fabric. You're tempted to read it, but you don't want to be seen openly ogling the King in his own house.
His eyes were just as white as his hair with no sign of which direction he would be looking in, but it was clear to every hair that stood up at the back of your neck that he was very much watching you. More so than you were watching him.
A shaky hand reaches for the tea cup he's order to be served to you. You're not sure why you're here or what he wants with you, but he seems relaxed at least.
But you don't know what that means for you, so you're still a nervous wreck.
"I hear that your bakery is the best in my kingdom." He says after a beat once you set your tea cup back on the little saucer. You try to focus on that instead of the booming voice that threatened to pour into your very veins.
The cup has a beautiful floral pattern. It looks like porcelain but you could be wrong. The beautiful forget-me-not pattern echoes on the saucer below. the swirling flowers are beautifully painted.
But you feel dizzy and nauseous in an instant.
You put the cup away.
"Thank you... Your Majesty." You finally answer him. "I wouldn't personally say it's the best. but business has been good and your people have treated me nicely."
"My people?" There's an up tilt to his words and you have the slightest suspicion that there's humor in his words, but you struggle to read him.
"Yes." You answer calmly. "Your people."
"Are you not one of my people?" He picks up his own tea cup and takes a sip. You feel like running away.
"I'm not originally from here." You bite your lip and grip the seat beneath you. Every fiber in your being is telling you to run for it. But you're rooted to the spot.
The king nods and tilts his head as if in thought. "I suppose your accent would check out in that regard."
He says nothing as he takes another sip of his tea. Can't you just go home already?
"I'm having a party." He says at last. "I was hoping you'd be willing to cater it."
You feel your heart stop as relief threatens to melt you into a puddle. It's just business. You can do business. "O-oh... is that all?"
He nods once more. "I'd like a list of your menu and potential skills outside of your typical armory. I'm sure it goes without saying that you should bring the best of your accomplishments."
You can feel your nerves stealing in you as he speaks. You'll show him. These will be the best of the best. "Of course. I've never disappointed a costumer. I don't plan on starting now."
This time he actually smiles. "Perfect. May I ask for the estimate? I plan on giving a hefty down payment first-"
"No. For free." You cross your arms, ignoring the tea.
He stills, clearly not expecting that. His eyes don't obviously dart to you but the energy changes. The hair on the back of your neck stand up once more but you're not willing to budge on this.
"...I don't think so." He says calmly. "I pay for the full deal. I don't accept handouts."
"It's not handouts." You try to not glare at him. "It's exposure. The business that would result from this would payback tenfold the amount it would take to cater your party."
He frowns and stares at you as if you've said something dumb. "...I'm paying."
"No, you're not." You cross a leg to emphasize the point.
The King tilts his head. "Yes. I am. End of discussion."
"No you're not." You feel it in yourself to be indignant.
"Yes." He's smiling but you're not sure what to think about it. "I will pay the full price one way or another. I've enjoyed our chat but I'm afraid I've got other matters to attend to."
"That's a shame." You shrug. "Because this conversation isn't over until you let me do this for free."
The King of the land stops as he gets to his feet and kisses your cheek. "Then I suppose I'll simply have to invite you again, my dear. I'll see you soon."
You freeze and stay rooted to the spot once more as he leaves the room.
Your tea has gone cold by the time you're escorted out of the castle. This wasn't exactly what you had in mind- nor are you confident in yourself to keep surviving interactions with this powerful man.
Why couldn't he just have dropped it?
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enterdivinity · 7 months
if you are taking requests can you please write this?
So it’s mafia au and your bakugou’s girlfriend and he lets his team use you like Mina, Denki, Kirishima, Sero and I can see Jiro in the group as well so if you want to you can also add her
cw: spitroasting, gangbang(again), cunnilingus, cervix kissing, rushed asf(blehh:3), mafia au(i’m not good at aus btw)
Apparently, being a mafia boss’s girlfriend can lead to some…interesting scenarios. No wonder why Katsuki, aka your boyfriend, and his little posse were eyeing you like some piece of meat. Especially Mina and Denki, they looked like they wanted you from the start. Well, you did look cute, wearing a burgundy slip dress with a big slit at the thigh could definitely do something to a man(and a woman too). She walked up to you slowly, grazing her fingers up and down your arm, making goosebumps on your skin. Damn, a lot of them looked like succubi, was this some sort of plan that the hot-headed blond made with them?
“Your boyfriend said that we should do some stuff to you, yeah?” Mina asked, turning her head to Katsuki. He nodded, looking hot like he always did. You chewed on the inside of your cheek, feeling indecisive. It was a hard choice. Would you either get fucked by his posse, or face the consequences?
Well, go big or go home.
How did you even get into this situation? Lying down on the bed on your back while Mina was riding your face, her pussy juices soaking your face. Each and every noise that you made was muffled by her pretty pink pussy. Your legs were on Sero’s shoulders as he slowly thrusted inside and out of your cunt. He had that menacing and smug smirk on his face, like always. His hands were on your hips while the other two, being Denki and Kirishima, were jerking off to your pretty body. Those pretty curves and edges that you had drove them crazy. While this was happening, your boyfriend kept watching like a hawk. There was a huge tent in his pants from his pretty dick. Too bad you couldn’t see him, there was pussy on your face!
You started to suck on her clit, trying to please his friends while Sero’s long dick was kissing at your cervix. It felt like heaven on earth, even if heaven was getting fucked. Well, everyone’s definition of heaven was different, so who even knew? His groans were like music to your ears, especially when they were mixed with the other three’s noises. Kind of like some sexual symphony. You lapped at her folds and stuck your tongue inside of her pussy as she let out a pretty moan. She leaned her head back while holding onto your tits for support. Denki whined as his cum sprayed on your stomach and abdomen, he was such an early bloomer. Kirishima was early too, letting all that white and sticky liquid drip down on your tits. Typical early bloomers.
A few minutes later, Sero and Mina reached their highs. The black haired boy pulling out and cumming outside of your pussy, while the pinkette shoved her juices inside of you. She got off of you, letting you take a breather. Go big or go home indeed.
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imyourbratzdoll · 2 years
lloyd hansen x reader, fluff/hurt/comfort/angsty
you and lloyd being that couple, you’re both on a hunt to take down six after betraying y/n. which lloyd didn’t like at all. lloyd being sociopath he is, doesn’t stop blowing up buildings, killing innocent people for his pleasure, cause that’s him. just full of badass moments, lloyd looking at y/n in complete proudness and satisfaction of his wife :)
hi, sorry this took so long. I hope you like it.
the gif I use isn't mine, divider by @newlips
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Lloyd and his wife, Y/n, are currently hunting down one of the members that betrayed her. They sit in the command room with their minions, Lloyd wearing his usual black turtleneck and white pants, whilst Y/n wears an off-shoulder black top with black dress pants. Y/n sits on Lloyd’s lap as he gives orders to the people.
“Blow up that building!” He points, his other hand resting on Y/n’s hip. The man hesitates, opening and closing his mouth as he stutters about innocent people being inside. “Did I fucking stutter?! Blow up the fucking building, dickweed. Unless you want me to come over there and shove a grenade so far up your ass that you choke on it.” His glare was menacing, the man shakily pressed the button, causing the building to explode, and the screams of many can be heard through the footage.
Y/n leans back into her husband, her hand gripping his as she runs her thumb along the gold band. Her eyes focused on the screens, watching as her husband wreaked havoc among civilians. His voice soothes her even if he is shouting commands and talking about death. She doesn’t notice Lloyd looking at her, a soft smile that’s only reserved for her on his face as he takes in her features.
Lloyd’s happy he found you. He’d probably be dead if he never met you. You are the calm to his storm. If anyone knows Lloyd, they’d know he was a psycho, and he doesn’t hold back, but when he met you, he toned it down because he wanted to come home to you in one piece. 
A sense of pride rushes through him as he stares at his wife, his arms tightening around her form, and he gives her hand a soft squeeze. He leans forward, his moustache and upper lip brushing against her ear. “I love you, sunshine. Don’t worry about the people who betrayed you because I will destroy them for you.” 
A soft hum leaves her lips, eyes slowly drifting close and heart filling with warmth when Lloyd places a gentle kiss on the back of her head.
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thank you for reading!
feedback and reblogs are greatly appreciated.
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luckicharmher · 3 months
Table for two..
It’s date night & I’ve made reservations at your favorite spot. You walk swiftly around the kitchen island, wearing a fitted black dress, heels with thin straps that hug your calves.
I’m standing by the door and as you approach I grab your hips to kiss you. Making sure to kiss you softly so that I don’t smear your lipstick. You reach up & grip the back of my neck, pulling me closer to you, kissing me harder, sucking my tongue.
mm - your perfume, the way you keep moaning and biting my lip is turning me on so much.
My hands fall from your waist and grab your ass.
Oof 😩 you’re so soft, they way I just wanna take you right here.
..Still cupping your ass, I push my hand forward a little so that my fingers can feel how wet you are thru your panties from behind. My knuckles curl into your thighs as I begin to lift your dress up—only for you to grab my wrist and push my hand down. You kiss my cheek and say no more touching me tonight babe 😘.
I stand there so stuck—a lingering ache travels from my stomach to between my legs—trying so hard to suppress my arousal. I hate you when you make me wait. But, deep, deeeep down I love when you challenge me. I love when you get the confidence to take control.
We decide to take an Uber so that we both can enjoy the night. Our car meets us at the edge of the curb I reach out to open the door but you jolt in front of me bending down slightly to lift the door handle. Pressing your ass against me. Teasing me. You climb over the seats and I follow closely behind. The whole ride is silent. You sit diagonally with your back nestled between the car door and the seat. Your legs crossed and flowing into the center of the car, almost spilling on to my side. F*ck, you look so good tonight. I keep my eyes straight forward. I won’t give you the satisfaction of seeing my desire for you. I know how much that frustrates you. You want me to want you. You want me to break & beg. Every now and then I can’t help myself from gazing down at your legs as the city lights rush across them. You catch me staring down and you stroke my pant leg with the point of your heel. I exhale deeply and turn sharply to look at you. You smirk back at me, cunningly. You enjoy this.
The Uber stops in front of the restaurant. I open the door and exit first reaching back to offer my hand. I see you hesitate, wanting to grab it but you grab the head wrest to pull yourself upright instead. I smile at you and you roll your eyes walking ahead of me inside of the restaurant.
The waiter escorts us back to a dimly lit corner of the dining room. There’s a small table covered in heavy white linen with two chairs at opposite ends. Before you’re able to sit down, I move your chair adjacent to mine then motion you to sit. We browse the menu, still silent—only hearing the faint echoes of the other couples dining around us.
After a few minutes, I slam my menu down loud enough to catch your attention: so, how long is this gonna last? Me, not being able to touch you?
You smirk and answer without taking your eyes off the menu.
I don’t know, I haven’t decided yet
The waiter doubles back to grab our order & collects the menus.
You sigh (still with that menacing smile) and ask: are you having fun baby?
I make a strong effort to look you up & down with the intention of undressing you with my eyes. Lingering stares at your lips and breasts. All to make you blush for my personal enjoyment. Tension is rising…you’re staring right back at me, parting your lips the way you do when you’re ready for me to kiss you. I know you want me. You finally break eye contact with me & I can tell you’ve done it because your feelings are becoming harder to bear.
I move closer to you and slide my knee under the table between your legs. The fabric of my pants tickling your thighs. You squirm, hitting my leg trying to shove me away. What’re you doing?!?
You scold me. You heighten your posture nervously scanning around the room trying to see if anyone is watching us. Once you’ve finished, you settle back into the chair and scoot to the edge so that my knee is pressed right against your p*ssy.
You grab the bottom of my suit jacket to steady yourself as you rock into me. Slowly. Staring into my eyes.
What’re you doing?!
N-uh Nothing
Your breath is getting shaky and you start whimpering softly making sure that I’m the only one who can hear you. You close your eyes to tune me out as you pleasure yourself on me.
I creep closer to you adding pressure with my knee
mm Y-you can’t touch me remember?
I’m not touching you
yes mm yes you are-ah
I pull my knee out from between you. You open your eyes, stuck & flustered. It’s like you’ve been pulled out of a dream. You’re trying to ponder why I stopped but desperately trying to appear unbothered.
You glance down at the table and realized that at some point we were served our food. This makes you noticeably embarrassed.
You finally pull yourself out of your head and focus on the plate of food in front of you. You reach for the fork and take a bite. I purposely drop my napkin on the floor & as I reach down to get it on the way back up I slip two fingers inside you. You drop your fork over the plate with a loud clank. Your moans barely escaping your mouth full with food. I look you in the eyes and say: this is touching you
I push deeper & whisper in your ear
..are you done?
you continue chewing, ignoring me. Grabbing the edge of the table..
I pull out & push back in. Hard
mmmphh.. y-yes
I slowly pull my fingers out of you and my hand fully slips away from under your dress.
The waiter approaches the table to ask: how’s everything?
To which I reply, looking directly at you, finger licking good.
dipping a finger that was just recently inside of you in my mouth.
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anikasheep · 10 months
You and Asmo have match wearable blankets, the shape are bunny, you bought a gray tabby cat one for Solomon cause you know if you don't buy him one he's be upset and jealous.
Your teacher is a menace who has sins of Pride and Envy at the same time and you can't really deny him so...yep.
Still, thanks to these two, now the others know you three have match wearable blankets.
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Secretly want one to match you.
You can buy him a white unicorn one and he'd say no while he wear that.
Or you buy him a dark gray wolf one and he'd use that to tease you.
"Now I am the wolf, doesn't think you'll warm me up with your warmth, lit' bunny."
He's the last one to try it, and he might only wear that when his brothers won't see him.
Beel met him once in the midnight, and Lucifer bribed him to forget that event.
If only you two in his study or room, he'd play with your bunny ears, cuddle with you on his lap.
You two made out in the blankets sometimes before wash them.
Lucifer's breath ghost around your neck and ear, the pleasure of being destroyed and put together again by his love polish your soul and your heart.
Your fingers interlocked.
"Good bunny. Sweet bunny. Time to reward you."
He marked you and chuckles lowly.
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You bought him a crow hooded blanket.
He's over the moon right now.
Always try to trap you in his blanket.l, it's doesn't matter if you are having a movie night, just tap a glass or water or looking for some snacks.
The greedy man just want to hold you.
Steal his blanket if you think his is more comfortable.
He's fk turned on if you only wear his blanket and spread on his bed, the jewelry and Grimms surround you.
Mammon hover over you while he trace his point finger your curves.
Picking up a coin, he kiss it before put it on your nipple.
You pant and gulp when you feel the coldness against your skin.
Mammon shushes you and licks his lips, the greedy shining in his blue eyes.
"The favorite things in my life, money and my human. Now you're in my nest, I think it's time to start party, don't ya think?"
Can you believe that? Solomon, this the greatest and powerful sorcerer in human world, would brag about his adorable apprentice gift him match wearable blankets to other demons.
Barbatos sighed and shook his head, Simeon and Diavolo laughed and low-key envy of that. Luke want to have one too so that he could wear that if you came to the HOL for sleepover night.
Definitely post the photo of you two wear the blanket and doing sth domestic.
Like you're holding a tray of tea and desserts.
Or dusting the living room, or writing some papers.
The one makes the brothers want to roast this sorcerer one is Solomon snapped the face when you're sleeping, on his lap.
One hand ruffles your hair and the thumb is rest againsr on your cheek.
It's belongs to a certain one who is obviously.
Solomon pecks your cheek when you're busy with the papers.
You huffs though it turns to be a smile.
"Need some help?"
"Yeah, I don't understand, what is it asking for?"
Solomon cages you from behind, his cheek lay on top of your head.
"The whole sentence are trying to misleading you. This part is useless, the key words is this one."
He points at a place on the paper. Your eyes follow his beautiful and slender fingers.
"...you didn't listen, do you?"
Solomon humms after your answer. The next moment, you found that you're laying on the desk, your teacher stands in front of you, your legs is spreaded wide and his fingers poke your delicate petals which between your legs.
"Ahh~ah, my adorable apprentice is really naughty, what should I do to teach them a lesson?...I have a great idea."
He winks at you before your world start to spin and heated.
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dragonrider9905 · 5 months
Racing Heart
Chapter 2
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(Part 1)(Part 2)
Summery: You catch up with the Batch at last...and you can finally learn the truth about Tech and what he feels for you. Warning: Angst with a happy ending; jealousy; feelings of anxiety.
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You pulled the drop of your hood further down to obscure your face and swirled the contents of your drink. The colors spinned and turned but refused to be mixed. The blue and purple layers were separated by a yellow one and when you turned the liquid about, it created a fascinating illusion. The lights were dim in the bar where you sat, but the illumination behind the bar created just enough light to throw beams into your glass. The ice cubes caught and increased the colors. It was a good thing it was all the entertainment you needed because you’d been sitting there a long time. 
“Can you please stop that? You’re making me dizzy.” Your companion grumpily slurred. 
He was bent over the counter, same as you, but his eyes darted to and fro, expertly and unsuspiciously. He turned his glass more gently, as if he were a connoisseur trying to decide how he felt about it. You didn’t understand how he could be so cool and act like he’d belong in any setting. You admired it. You wished you possessed the same amazing tactics but you didn’t. You were easier to read than a book. If it wasn’t for him, you'd have been spotted sooner than a sore thumb a long time ago. You’d been seen as you were, lost and far from home in a big and threatening galaxy full of scary beings. You were good with facts and figures. Data and books and computers. Dealing with people wasn’t really your forte.
Of course all that time in the field refined his talents but it was a talent nevertheless. In fact, if Crosshair hadn’t insisted on taking over at Safa Toma, you would have begged him to. 
You and Crosshair walked into the Safa Toma Speedway like you owned the place. The glare and saunter were natural to him, but for you, well, it was less so. Crosshair rolled his eyes. 
“Could you look any more phony? I asked you not to stand out. Your glare looks like you’re going to combust. Literally screaming “ask me, I have a secret”. Just relax and think about the time Wrecker spilled spaghetti sauce all over that white uniform of yours right before the decoration ceremony, and you had to wear that ridiculous looking jacket that didn’t match your pants in front of the entire assembly.” 
You scowled at the memory and your face heated producing a fine, red blush. You’d had to wear your oil stained brown pants from helping Tech upgrade the Marauder with a spare gray uniform jacket. They didn’t match in the slightest, but were the only things you had in the closet as your spare uniform was dry-cleaning after your latest mission. You were the only one out of the ten receiving metals to look that ridiculous. Wrecker apologized profusely and Tech assured you no one seemed to notice. Maybe he hadn’t, but others certainly did. You were completely and utterly humiliated. 
“Precisely, look annoyed and follow my lead. You’ll be fine. Try crossing your arms. Usually does something for me.” 
You huffed a laugh and the corners of your mouth turned up.
“Wipe that smile off your face.”
“Why? Can’t smiles be just as menacing?”
“Not yours. Yours are always too sweet.”
You had to figure out if that was a compliment or an insult or both. 
“Am I detecting a high level of sass?”
You tried hard not to smile, but a chuckle came out anyway. 
“And they say I’m the difficult one.” Crosshair rolled his eyes. “Just don’t say anything. And try not to look like a lost puppy.”
You arrived at the apartment said to be Millegi’s, the sponsor for the racer named Venim, to test your theory about his association with ‘Cid’. Considering he responded with your cryptic message by saying he’d meet you. You were pretty sure you were correct. 
Upon entering the finley furnished apartment, you saw Millegi sat reclined on his sofa, a hint of malicious humor on his face. He cut right to business just as you suspected. 
“I hear you’re looking for Cid. What do you want with her?”
Crosshair put on his coldest face and crossed his arms over his chest. “Let’s say I have unfinished business with her, and I hear you know how to find her.”
“What’s in it for me?”
“I know powerful people, and trust me, I’ll make sure you disappear so fast, you’d wish I’d gifted you with death.”
And that’s how you found yourselves sitting in Cid’s bar. Waiting. Forever. Waiting for the runaways to return home. The longer you waited the more you wished you hadn't come. You didn’t know if dreaming about this moment and wishing so hard it hurt was better than the actual waiting because right here, right now, reality was happening. In your dreams you’d run to Tech and he’d wrap his arms around you and everything would be happy and fine. You could control the outcome. Everything would turn out how you planned no matter the scenario.
This was the unknown. You didn’t know what would happen. And to top it off, what would happen, would be final. No more alternate scenarios. No more differing factors. You didn’t know if Tech would even be happy to see you. What if he didn’t even remember you?!? Despite Crosshair’s assurances and annoyance at something that should be obvious (which was honestly more comforting than the assurances) the familiar anxiety bubbled in your stomach and you felt the bile rise in your throat. Unconsciously, your knee started bouncing against the chair. 
“Hunter’ll hear that all the way from the space port.”
“Ha. Ha.”
“This isn’t exactly an easy moment for me, either.”
Your knee stopped bouncing and regret seeped into your bones. 
“I’m so sorry, Crosshair. I haven’t been considerate. I’ve been so focused on myself and my problems…” You sighed and looked down. “I’ve done so much wrong.” You ran your fingers through your hair, trying not to disturb the cloak too much. “I can’t even seem to do right by my friends. You deserved so much more consideration. Your step took more courage than mine; and I haven’t expressed enough how grateful I am that you came with me.”
“You’ve expressed it almost every day since we left.”
You shrugged. “I am grateful. I just want all of us together again, the way it should be. But this waiting is unbearable. Not knowing how they’ll accept us is the worst part. I mean, you’re they’re brother. You’re more likely to be wanted than me.”
“Don��t count on it after our last meeting. Not to mention what I’ve done since.”
“Crosshair—” You’d been over this so many times with him. Thinking of different ways to defend him but he was obstinate in his self-loathing.
“Save it.”
Crosshair glared but the ice melted when he saw the hurt in your eyes. He sent an apology look, not able to find the words he wanted to say, and not even knowing exactly what to say. But spending weeks with Crosshair on the run, you’d learn how to communicate with him this way. You felt you knew him on a whole new level and could talk without words. 
You wished you could still say the same about Tech. 
Then a noise caught your attention. The three patrons who’d been second-handedly annoying the both of you for the past few hours excitedly welcomed someone. 
“Well look who’s back!” the one you ascertained was Bolo, said. 
“Hey, when are we getting another dejarik game! It’s been pretty boring without you.” the one named Ketch added. 
The female pirate by the identity of ‘Phee’ spoke next. You’d been listening to her stories and they seemed too fantastical to be true, but they were entertaining to listen to while you waited. You thought Crosshair’s eyes would get stuck behind his skull with how often he rolled his eyes while she spoke, claiming he had better ‘real’ stories. But he must have enjoyed them enough because he kept listening and making off-handed comments.
“Well look who it is, if it isn’t my favorite group of clones.” 
You peaked in the direction to see the Bad Batch file in and try to scoot past the overly excited, ‘bored’ patrons. Probably to talk to Cid if they had just gotten done with a job. 
“Limping again, Brown eyes? You really ought to be more careful.” Phee put her hand on Tech’s shoulder and you almost lurched at the hint of softness in her voice. He had found someone after all. In the corner of your eye, you saw Crosshair give you a sympathetic look but you refused to meet his gaze. 
“Maybe this was a dumb idea.”
“No.” Crosshair said sternly. You looked up to meet his eyes and saw a kind earnestness in them. “No it wasn’t. No matter how this ends, what they say, we’re out of the Empire and that’s all that counts. I have you to thank for that.”
You smiled faintly. “We could always trek out on our own. I have the brains and you have…well everything else.”
Crosshair chuckled. “Let’s say we get this over with.”
You could only let out a breathy “Okay.”
You were aware of a hush that came over the boisterous group. 
“Who are those two?” You heard Hunter stage whisper. You didn’t have to look over your shoulder to know he’d crossed his arms and was staring at the two of you. 
“Dunno, they’ve been sitting there since before we came in. Long time.” Ketch said. 
You could bet they were sharing concerned looks among each other, trying to decide what to do. Your breathing quickened.
You heard Crosshair’s chair turn. “No one important. Just your brother and your friend.” 
Okay, Crosshair, maybe not the best intro. 
You stayed glued in place, not wanting to face them. 
“Crosshair?” You couldn’t tell which of the brothers said that. All the world started to turn before your eyes. The blood rushed to your ears and you completely missed the exchange happening between the torn Batch. The loud fuzziness overtook all that was happening around you. You were only focused on the void, empty feeling. 
Tech has someone.
“Glad you’re back, brother.” broke through the haze along with the clanking of armor. You could only guess that meant they embraced. 
They wanted Crosshair back. That’s good. Maybe I should just leave quietly…
Maybe you didn’t have a place with them anymore but you did return their prodigal brother to them and that was reward enough. 
Then you heard teary laughing and other clanky embraces. You heard an excited little girl squish her face into her brother’s chest or shoulder (depending on whether or not Crosshair knelt for her or not) and cry happily. 
This was your chance. You moved swiftly and silently like Crosshair had shown you over the last few weeks and made your way toward the back exit. The shadows of the backroom covered you and you took one last glance where the light poured in. You saw happy faces of a reunited family. Laughing and jesting and happy, relieved tears were poured out. Just the way they should be; you felt a smile growing on your face. Yes, all was well. 
You turned to leave with that last happy memory. 
You made your way out the back door and out the alley toward the front entrance and slowly started to make your way to a spaceport to book a passage with the fake ID you made. You had a few credits left. You could get by on them until you thought of what to do next. 
The day was ending and the world was alive. The day-timers were heading home from work and the night-shifters were getting up and going to their posts…or bars. Wherever they kept vigil. That wasn’t for you to know or care. The sun was setting and giving off the most beautiful orange…
You heard your name and you turned around surprised. You knew who the voice belonged to and a part of you wondered if you were dreaming. There would be no way Tech was actually chasing you, could there be? 
You saw him bobbing in the crowd, looking about frantically. You’ve never seen him so scattered. He called your name again, louder, more frantic. If you had half a brain left, you would have answered. But you were tired, numb, and heartbroken. Your feet hurt and you didn’t know if you could face him. Instead of leaving quietly or approaching him, you stood there with your mouth agape, watching as if this were a holofilm and you were not the main character on the screen. You couldn’t be the main character. You’d plain forgotten your lines. 
Your feet decided to move without your brain’s permission. You didn’t know if you were going to go toward Tech or turn away, and you never found out because in that moment, Tech spotted you and your eyes locked. He smiled a full smile and pushed through the moving masses toward you and was by your side in an instant.
“Mesh’la, you’re here! You’re here!” Tech excitedly said. There was a dancing fire in his eyes and a laugh on his lips. “I can’t believe my calculations, you’re here!” Before another moment passed, you were wrapped in a hug. His arms came around you and brought you close to his chest. He lowered his head so it was resting on yours, then stayed silent for so long it started to worry you. Tech was never silent.
“Tech.” Your voice cracked from how dry it was.
He parted and cupped your face.
You felt your whole face on fire and you couldn’t look Tech in the eye. Your ears were pink to the tips. You knew what that word meant. He couldn’t possibly mean it. Did Crosshair put him up to this?
“What?” Tech looked taken aback and slightly hurt.
Woops, must have said that part out loud. 
You cleared your throat. “Did Crosshair…I mean…” tears filled your eyes and you sighed. You tried to look anywhere but him but his hand, though gentle, was firm and held your head in place. Besides, you were loath to lose the contact just yet. “Crosshair knew…so I was wondering if he sent you…told you to…”
“Crosshair knew what? Told me to?” He repeated.
You took in a deep breath and held it. You’d say it fast. 
“Crosshair knew that I loved you and was searching for you forever and when I saw you racing I knew I could find you and really wanted to find you so I decided to trust him to see if he wanted to come and we left the Empire together to find you. You’re a good racer, that was good racing.” You let out the rest of the air in a heavy sigh. One breath. 
Tech smiled. “You were searching for me?”
You tried to look at your shoes. “Yes.” Your voice was so small but that was all you had left. 
“You love me?”
“Yes!” That was a little more vehement and you rolled your eyes. You had a transport to catch. If he didn’t mind, you really had to get going. “It KILLED me when I thought you were dead. I didn’t know…”
He leaned in closer to your ear. 
“I love you too.”
You let out a sob and pressed your face into his chest. Your heart felt like it exploded and adrenaline rushed through your veins and you started to feel dizzy. Your muscles relaxed and the tired, achiness returned, reminding you you needed to rest. Tech felt the extra weight and shifted to support you. But your happiness was replaced with confusion.
“But…your girlfriend? How can you love me if you have a girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” Tech sounded so surprised you had to look him in the face. His eyebrow was up in a quizzical form. The one he always made when he was drawing a blank. You loved this expression because it was so rare, and he could never replicate it when he tried at your request. It was a look of complete honesty. You almost laughed at the hope your heart started to thud to. 
“Phee, the pirate woman…”
“She is most definitely not my girlfriend. Did she say she was? Or did you draw that conclusion from her rather flirtatious greeting?”
“Maybe I did have incomplete data.”
“Did you notice I did not address the flirtations?”
“No…my mind was too busy reeling.”
Tech smiled again, but this time mischievously. 
“What if I give you a better subject for you to meditate on?”
He leaned in and kissed you. Softly and perfectly. You broke it first.
“We’ll have to continue later.” You chuckled, “I can’t stop smiling.” You rested your head against his chest and heaved a relieved sigh.
“I agree, we shall have to continue this exercise later.”
You laughed and started back toward the bar. Tech limped after you and your smile turned upside down. You hadn't noticed before. He moved with such urgency and swiftness. It had to hurt.
“You’re limping.”
“Yes, I had a misfortunate accident on the last mission.” He shrugged. “It’s nothing.”
“No it’s not. Let me have a look.” You returned to his side and brought Tech’s arm around your neck so he could lean on you for support. “Where’s your ship? Do you have any ice for me to help bring down the swelling, or should I run back to Cid’s real quick to get the ice then bring you to the ship or…” 
You were cut off by Tech’s chuckle. “We have the necessary supplies on the ship. That way.” He nudged his head in the right direction, but his gaze remained on you. It sparkled with all the love and adoration you never thought you’d see aimed toward yourself from the goggled eyes. Your heart swelled and your lips radiated that happiness with the biggest smile you’ve ever made. You were where you were meant to be. You were home at last. 
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Dividers by @djarrex and @ve-ti-ver
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