#mentally ill Madrigals
foggyfanfic · 4 months
I think the thing that keeps me hooked on Encanto and Bruno is the implications of a mentally ill person in this setting.
Like he is all but confirmed mentally ill, and it’s not a curse, it’s not a metaphor, it’s not even PTSD or Cinematic Crazy Disorder, he has OCD. He has real person OCD, we know his compulsions and can make pretty good guesses at his triggers and obsessions, it is OCD. In a lot of fantasy we know that surely mental illness must exist, because presumably these people have brains and brains are where mental illness is stored, but we don’t often receive confirmation that it does exist. Even when characters start showing signs of PTSD, mileage varies on accuracy, and it often gets hand waved as normal trauma instead of clearly being a disorder that could potentially require a doctor’s help to treat. They have yet to state in canon that Bruno has OCD, but they put it into the script, they built it into his character, and they didn’t even go for the usual Has to Have Everything Neat and Tidy variety that we see in media, instead they’ve made a point to show his compulsions and generalized anxiety. This isn’t Detective Procedural OCD, it’s Based on My Aunt OCD.
And that more than anything has me thinking about the structure of this society and this family. I find myself writing mentally ill OC’s for this fandom more than for others because it feels more organic in the Encanto verse than it does the Buffy verse. I spend more time wondering about Alma and her family history, does she have a cousin or siblings that are like Bruno, or does she just assume he’s like that because of the magic? It seems obvious to me that the Madrigal family tends toward anxiety disorders, and after the comics I’m more convinced Bruno is autistic as well as having OCD, how long until some doctor comes to town and is like “Oh, hey! You guys all have mental illnesses!”? It’s the 50’s in the movie, so knowledge of this stuff ain’t great, but Mirabel would be 89(?) today, her grandkids might have been diagnosed, her great grandkids would definitely be the right generation to receive a diagnosis. Oof, but we saw when Encanto first came out that some people consider mental illness to be a White Thing, so how does the intersection of racism and colorism affect this? Does the great grand kid that looks like Pepa have an easier time getting anti-anxiety meds than the great grandkid that looks like Félix?
I should actually probably take my ADHD meds or this is going to get long.
I’ve been weaving Adelaide into more stories because she was originally designed as a vehicle for Camilo to have heavily autistic kids and grandkids, but ever since writing Juan I keep thinking about the experiences of two autistic kids in a rural village that doesn’t know what that is yet. And I want to play with that! Like he doesn’t struggle with facial expressions so he would fly under the radar, but she does struggle with proper emoting so she doesn’t. On the other hand, he went through a very showy phase that got him labeled annoying, but she’s a girl, and quiet, and society likes that. He has a good relationship with his family, so he has mentors and friends; but she has a bad relationship with her family so she has a found family and when Bruno comes out of the walls she would cling to him because he is an Adult that is Like Her. His special interest is math and math is useful so he gets plenty of opportunities to play with it, her special interest is stars and that’s cool and all but stars are not a job. How do people in rural 1950’s handle sensory issues? How accepting are people of those with mental illness when they don’t realize that’s why little Romero is like that?
And what about the downsides of untreated mental illness? We see through Bruno how isolating that can be, but I inherited my broken brain from my mother and she has taught me all the ways NOT to handle it. How many people in Encanto are self medicating because they have bipolar disorder and no clue that’s what’s happening? I read that folks with autism or OCD can often get swept up in fundamentalism because the rigid Right vs Wrong world view presses all the right disorder buttons for them. So how many of the most heavily Catholic people in town are mentally ill?
Oh my god and schizophrenia! I read that hallucinations and delusions can often reflect the culture surrounding the person with the disorder. So! In Encanto, a paradise that’s surrounded by a super violent conflict (because this is taking place in Actual Real World Colombia in the mid-20th century), what does that look like? Do they have aural hallucinations where they think they can hear distant sounds of screaming? Do they have delusions that they’re keeping the miracle alive by never letting their candles burn all the way down? How does the culture of the Encanto affect people with schizophrenia?! How are those people treated?!
I know it’s a Disney property, so obviously they’re not going to release a series that does a deep dive into what mental illness in the Encanto looks like but ugh! I have so many questions, do I really have to write all the answers myself?! Rude. I mean, I’m going to do it, if I have the time and energy I am one hundred percent going to write a story about being a mentally ill person in a magic rural village. But still!
Stay tuned for a longer story about Adelaide than I’d ever planned to write, and a stream of consciousness about how Julieta’s gift should affect PTSD. If I get around to it.
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laynore-x · 11 months
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They would be good friends ⏳🤝🥼
My entry for the 03 week of @wdtajn event from some months ago, Crossover! 💚✨️
There were amazing entries and collabs in this event!!! 🔥 💙 So many talented people 💯
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jacarandaaaas · 1 year
moment of silence for the madrigal grandkids who most definitely never have had a “sick day” for school 💀
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tizzys-stupid-blog · 2 months
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Here's your monthly silly doodle that you get from me, and it's just Milo..idk man
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gamerbearmira · 1 year
I just had the craziest au idea
What if instead of gifts, the miracle gave curses, like it's a price they pay for the miracle's protection. The Madrigals are seen as martyrs and the villagers help the Madrigals cope with their curses, so it's sort of like an angsty reverse au. Bruno and Mirabel are still singled out, Bruno is considered to have the worst curse of them all, and so is basically coddled by everyone, while Mirabel is curseless and becomes the senorita perfecta as everyone believes she's blessed with the miracle's favor, she spends a lot of her time helping her family with their curses and she worries about them alot. I'm not sure what exactly the curses could be, I might base them off of different struggles and insecurities and maybe even mental illnesses, I'll need to brainstorm that part more
Interesting⁉️⁉️ I can see it. Good looks 🧐 i mean. I do feel bad, don't get me wrong. All them mfs got issues cause of the candle. Why they all gotta pay the price. Like that's CRAZY. Gotta love Mirabel for helping her family though. Like that's so real. Glad she didn't just leave in the dust, cause I would've been big mad ngl 😭
Mirabel when someone tells her that her family is only bringing her down:
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honeybeebytheseaa · 7 months
anyway if you want to know how mentally ill I can get here is my Warrior Cats Encanto AU
Some lore:
• These are not the main four clans based in London, rather four clans in South America (specifically Colombia). The name of the madrigals clan is ‘ Clan de la magia’ (Magicclan, any Spanish speakers feel free to correct me), and was founded upon a large group of loners migrating together to escape a massacre from humans on their species.
• Alma (still debating on a name for her) and her mate Pedro (his name would remain the same as he was a house cat) led the group, and an attempt to protect his family and the remaining loners sacrificed his life. In her grief, Clan Estelar (or they ASSUME) took pity on her and granted the loners a paradise where they’d be safe from humans and other cats. Over time the loners started getting along with each other, and with Alma as their leader they formed Clan de la magia.
• So there is no casita (or at least Casita isn’t a house) or candle in this AU. I do imagine their ‘moonstone’ is more of a giant red stone that emits heat and under the sun looks like a flickering flame. It would be in the middle of camp instead of in the mountains, but typically it’s for forbidden to interact with it unless you are leader, deputy, medicine cat, or just given permission.
• There ARE still gifts, but slightly toned down. I still haven’t figured out how all of them would translate, but like the movie because of their gifted status the Alma bloodline often keeps leadership roles within the clan.
• Clan Estelar (Starclan) is not very involved outside of giving the cats a home. It’s unknown where the gifts come from, but some cats believe it’s Clan Estelars doing, some believe it a different force. Not much is known about these cats of the past.
• There are other clans but they aren’t found until after the mountains around them collapse. Until then, the conflicts are just within Clan de la magia.
• When a Madrigal kits become an apprentice, they also receive some ability to aid and protect their clan. Like the movie, Mirabel did not get a gift and her apprenticeship was held back for awhile as the adults tried to figure out was happening. Eventually she was allowed to train, but it put her behind her ever so talented cousin and made her look slow and weak.
• Even though the mountains keep out humans they do not keep out other dangerous predators. The Encanto is not completely safe as there needs to be a reason they train cats into warriors in the first place.
• The camp of Clan de la magia is stationed on a flattened mountain. This climbing up and down the mountain makes cats of Clan de la magia very strong and have good stamina. They are also known to be great at climbing trees.
• There are a few loner groups around from cats who did not want to settle into clan life. Some loner groups are passive and have alliances with Clan de la magia, not wanting to try clan life but respecting their ways. Some loner groups are uninvolved completely, and others are extremely aggressive and resent clan life and all that Alma has been given. If you happen to run into one of these cats, you better pray you can fight or run like hell because they WILL attack any clan cat.
If you have any questions or ideas let me know 👀 not sure how many warrior fans are also Encanto fans though lol
Here are some of the roles and SOME names. I’m still figuring out the naming scheme since the Spanish version of warriors (obviously) don’t really use the prefix and suffix naming scheme outside of leaders. If you have any name recommendations let me know. Also, the pelt colors and such are temporary until I find something I like.
ALMA — Leader
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Strict, but loving. Alma is a good leader and has a strong sense of justice. She puts a lot of pressure on her clan, but they need that in order to keep functioning. Though most of that pressure falls on her family, ensuring they showcase what a true guerrero is. With her grandkits failed ceremony, she begins to worry about the clans safety.
PEPA — Deputy
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Albeit emotional and a little dramatic Pepa is a great Deputy. Her sensitivity makes her highly aware of danger and her energy never fails to keep the clan on their feet. Though Pepa can’t help but question if she’s actually fit to be leader.
JULIETA- Medicine Cat (Of course)
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Even though she is of the first medicine cats, she has to be the most talented. Her gift does aid her somewhat in healing but most of what she is does all due to the years she spent figuring out what herbs cure coughs and infections. Without her, the clan would cease to exist.
BRUNO — ???
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Formerly the clan mediator, Bruno went missing after his nieces failed ceremony.
ISABELA — Med Cat App.
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Due to her ability to grow plants, Isabela was forced to train under her mother. If she’s truly happy with her role is up for debate.
Dolores — Warrior
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Like Isabela: it’s up for debate on how comfortable Dolores is with her role as a warrior. Though her super hearing makes Alma believe she is perfect where she is.
LUISA — Warrior
no image yet
The strongest cat in the clan. If she were any older, she’d like would’ve taken Pepa’s place as deputy.
CAMILO — Apprentice
No image yet
EXTREMELY talented and quick on his feet. Camilo is speeding through his training with flying colors. Although a good fighter he is best with hunting, blending into the bushes so his prey can’t see him. He’ll likely graduate early due to how well he is performing.
MARIPOSA (Mirabel) — Apprentice
No image yet
The opposite of everything her cousin is. Mirabel is not untalented by any means, but her lack of gift causes cats to either overlook her or worry for her. She feels as if she never really grew out of being a kit, as if everyone is looking down on her even if they mean well. Mirabel trains harder than any apprentice, set on proving everyone wrong and becoming the best warrior she can be.
No image
Just a dude. Just a baby. Two apples tall. Because of Mirabel’s slightly extended stay in the nursery Antonio has a good relationship with her. He believes Mariposa is amazing and talented, and wants to be like her.
Have any questions? My ask box is always open!
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the-weirdos-mind · 7 months
Estella Garcia: Profile Update
Link to old profile of interested (btw this will mention SH and suicide so be warned)
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Name: Estella Madeline Garcia
Nicknames: Stella (by pretty much everyone), Henchman (by Grim), Herbivore (by Leona), Shrimpy (by Floyd), Potato/Little Potato (by Vil), Trickster/Reine des Secrets (by Rook), Child of Man/Child of Magic (by Malleus), Siren (by Lo), Big Sissy Stella (by Castor)
Twisted from Cinderella, Mirabel Madrigal, Luisa Madrigal, Jim Hawkins, Milo Thatch, Loki, Wanda Maximoff/the Scarlet Witch
Age: 16
Height: 5’2
Weight: 120 Pounds
Species: Human
Homeland: Somewhere in the South of the US, Earth/The Forgotten World
Rafael Garcia (Father)
Kendra Garcia (Mother)
Oriane Garcia (Older Sister)
Consuelo Garcia (Parental Grandmother)
Austin Garcia (Cousin)
Selena Garcia (Cousin)
Carlos Garcia (Cousin)
Dorm: Ramshackle
Best Subject: Literature/History
Class: 1-A
Club: Pop Music Club
Pet Peeves: Being underestimated
Favorite Food: Chicken, Chocolate, Ramen
Least Favorite Food: Sour and bitter things
Talents: Writing, singing, and playing guitar
Estella was born into a seemingly normal family. However her family was far from normal, her family is one of the only families in her world to practice magic. It’s kept secret so the government doesn’t know and use the families against each other. They have a secret job; protect their world from the Heartless. Over the centuries the Garcia’s have defeated and protected their home from the Heartless. When a child is 18, they know the family secret and begin their training to help. Their magic unlocks during their training and they spend two years training to perfect their spells. Those married into the family can’t use magic but are offered magical weapons for self defense against their foe.
As a child, she was bullied relentlessly by her schoolmates when she first enrolled in school. She doesn’t know why but she sadly has the aurora that makes her an easy target for bullies. Until her disappearance from her world, she was bullied constantly. In fifth grade was when she grabbed a razor and harmed herself. Due to years of bullying and some family history of mental illness she gained depression and anxiety. She has tried to take her life but chickened out. At times she felt that her parents favored her sister more than her due to her negative emotions and seeing the three head off somewhere to do something. It also didn’t help that she felt like a failure and screw up, thinking her parents saw and were ashamed of her. Whenever she would make a bad grade it was known right away and her parents would scold her on the grades.
It wasn’t until she finally told her parents after three more years of bullying about everything in school and home life. Her parents felt awful as they didn’t see the signs, since they were busy with her sister and she hid everything well. Her relationship with her family had strained during this period and they were just starting to patch things up when Estella suddenly disappeared one night, just like her cousin Selena. They didn’t find a note and feared the worst.
She ended up in Twisted Wonderland and discovered she had magic. Something she wasn’t supposed to know. The Dark Mirror couldn’t read it when she first appeared but the more she stayed, the more it showed.
Estella comes off as a shy and reserved girl due to her trauma. She has learned to put up a shield to protect herself from others. She slowly lowered that shield as her friends had managed to move past those walls. When she feels like she can trusts you then she’s really nice and friendly with you. She’s often sarcastic and mischievous, cracking jokes and making wise remarks that makes her friends laugh. To cope with her issues, she got attached to fiction and would imagine herself in a different world to escape from everything, making her a massive geek. She will ramble on about the fandoms she likes and fictional crushes. There are times when she doesn’t want to do much and would rather stay inside but there are times when she has the need to do some work. It’ll vary depending on what she feels like doing. She would rather stay away from fights but if she’s challenged then she will fight back. Good.
She seems to have everything together but it’s a facade. She hides behind a smile to not worry people and feel like a burden. When she’s alone, she lets it out. If she’s made angry by someone then it’s best to run. Latina’s have a reputation for a reason and she’s not immune to a hot temper. If you mess with any of her loved ones then you better run.
Signature Spell
From Fiction to Reality
This spell allows her to bring any object she has written into the real world. It’s as she described it and the details match. She can’t use the spell to bring living beings into life or alter anyone living. Just objects. When she’s done she simply erases the object away.
Since her arrival in Twisted Wonderland, she has no control over her magic. It comes and goes as it pleases with the sign being the magestone glowing a lavender hue
She speaks with a Southern accent
She knows Spanish and is fluent in it
She taught herself to play guitar to cope with her issues
She wrote as a way to get some thoughts out of her head
She has a cat named Nemo back home
Her cousins taught her to fight
@adrianasunderworld @mangacupcake @writing-heiress @marrondrawsalot @anxious-twisted-vampire @achy-boo @abyssthing198
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lilithism1848 · 1 year
Atrocities US committed against WOMEN
In 2022, the US supreme court overturned Roe V Wade, ending a constitutional guarantee to the right to have an abortion, in place for over 50 years. In response, 26 US states are expected to ban abortion in their state. Women who become pregnant in red states, will now have to drive an increased average of over 200 miles to an abortion clinic. Protests erupted in hundreds of US cities, decrying the decision.
US police officers routinely commit sexual assault and rapes: most go unreported, but over 1200 incidents, including over 400 rapes were committed over a 9 year period from 2005-2013.
In the period following WWII, the US capitalist-controlled media, advertising, and consumer products industries propagandized and glorified the ideal of the housewife-consumer, in order to sell products, make labor space for returning soldiers, take advantage of women’s unpaid labor in the home, and to help build a new workforce and potential army to combat the soviet union. This sparked an era of regression with respect to the feminist victories of the previous 50 years, and caused psychological damage and demoralization to an uncountable number of women. Women who remained in the labor force were primarily only allowed in subordinate positions such as secretaries, cleaning women, elementary school teachers, saleswomen, waitresses, and nurses. This is chronicled in the Feminine Mystique.
In September 2020, it was revealed that ICE had performed mass hysterectomies on immigrant women in several detention centers, reminiscent of the long-standing US policy of sterilization of black and brown women.
From the 1880s onward, many US states (27 + Puerto Rico in 1956) operated a system of forced sterilization of women, rooted in white supremacy. The principle targets were the mentally ill, Native Americans, and blacks. For example, in Sunflower County Mississippi, 60% of black women living there were sterilized without their permission. An estimated 3,406 Indian women were sterilized. California eugenicists in 1933 began sending their literature overseas to german scientists and medical workers, sparking the beginnings of Nazi Eugenics. In the end, over 65,000 individuals were sterilized in 33 states, in all likelihood without the perspectives of ethnic minorities. The US enacted a system of forced sterilization in Puerto Rico since its takeover by the US in 1989: a 1965 survey of of Puerto Rican residents found that about one-third of all Puerto Rican mothers, ages 20-49, were sterilized. 148 female prisoners in two California institutions were sterilized between 2006 and 2010 in a supposedly voluntary program, but it was determined that the prisoners did not give consent to the procedures. In Madrigal vs. Quilligan, many unsuspecting women were coerced to sign paperwork to perform sterilization, while others were told that the process could be reversed. None of the women were fluent in English. 10 latina women were sterilized, and the doctor was found innocent.
US elites in the 18th and 19th centuries pushed a narrative of domestic purity, or the cult of true womanhood, for women as a way of pacifying her with a doctrine of “separate but equal”-giving her work equally as important as the man’s, but separate and different. Inside that “equality” there was the fact that the woman did not choose her mate, and once her marriage took place, her life was determined. One girl wrote in 1791: “The die is about to be cast which will probably determine the future happiness or misery of my life…. I have always anticipated the event with a degree of solemnity almost equal to that which will terminate my present existence.” Marriage enchained, and children doubled the chains. One woman, writing in 1813: “The idea of soon giving birth to my third child and the consequent duties I shall he called to discharge distresses me so I feel as if I should sink.”
In 2019, it was discovered that US Border patrol had been protecting rapes and abuse of its own members since the 1990s. In one instance, a trainee was forced to give oral sex to 5 officers, and then raped while she was unconcious. At least 35 instances of rape by officers was found.
In May, 2019, Alabama lawmakers banned abortion in the state, providing no exceptions for victims of rape or incest. Those caught performing abortions will face up to 99 years in prison. The bill is part of a larger effort to overturn Roe vs Wade, a long-standing supreme court decision affirming a woman’s right to choose. Alabaman women seeking abortions are now forced to travel across state lines, and hide everything about the procedure from friends and family, in order to avoid legal repercussions from their home state. The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a federal suit against the state.
On November 25, 2017, Yang Song died after falling from a 4th floor balcony during a targeted police raid. Her personal messages revealed that in 2016, she was raped at gunpoint by an undercover police officer, and was subsequently harrassed, threatened with deportation, and then likely murdered by the NYPD.
In the 1830s, The Lowell Mill Girls were female workers who came to work in industrial factories in Lowell, Massachusetts, during the Industrial Revolution, and who despite living in cramped boarding houses and working from 5am-7pm every day, developed a culture of defiance against the factory owners, and created reform associations, and began strikes in 1834 and 1836.
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lawnmowereater · 1 year
My requesting rules if u wanna request something.
(If you want a full story please specify, if not, it will probably be in bulleted short sentences.)
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What I will do
One Shots
Character x Reader
Character x Character
Canon x Oc
LGBTQIA+ stories
Drug Usage/Abuse
Alcohol Usage/Abuse
Sh, Suicide, Mental Illness Comfort
Platonic Relationships
Romantic Relationships
Paternal Relationships
Male Reader
Female Reader
Gn! Reader
What I won't do
Smut of Minors
Long Stories ( Like 3 parts max )
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👍 = Experienced
🤔 = Not Experienced
🤠 = In Between
Bob's Burgers 🍔
Calvin Fischoeder 👍
Grover Fischoeder 🤔
Felix Fischoeder 🤔
Jimmy Pesto 🤔
Umbrella Academy ☂️
Klaus Hargreeves 👍
Five Hargreeves 👍
Ben Hargreeves ( Sparrow or Umbrella ) 🤠
Encanto 🏘️
Camilo Madrigal 👍
Isabella Madrigal 🤔
Luisa Madrigal 🤠
Dolores Madrigal 🤔
My Hero Academia 🦸
Shota Aizawa 👍
Izuku Midoriya 🤠
Katsuki Bakugou 👍
Denki Kaminari 🤔
Ejirou Kirishima 🤠
Marvel 🦾
Loki 👍
Steven Strange 🤔
Tony Stark 🤠
Mobius 👍
Monica Rambeau 🤠
Miles Morales 👍
Hobie Brown 🤠
Super Mario Brothers 👨‍🔧
Luigi 👍
Princess Peach 🤔
Undertale 💀
Sans (please specify au) 👍
Alphys 🤔
Undyne 🤔
Papyrus 👍
Frisk 🤠
Lorax 🌲
Onceler 👍
Percy Jackson 🌊
Percy Jackson 👍
Annabeth Chase 🤠
Grover 👍
Nico DeAngelo 🤠
Leo Valdez 👍
Jason Grace 🤔
Piper Mclean 🤔
The Amazing Digital Circus 🎪
Jax 👍
Ragatha 🤠
Ride The Cyclone 🎢
Noel 🤠
Ricky 🤠
Constance 🤠
Ocean 🤔
It 🤡
Richie Tozier 🤠
Bill Denbrough 👍
Beverly Marsh 🤠
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AH shit here we go again. Lilith character since she done dirt by viv i have to defend her. Alma madrigal also known as abuela. People hate her so much i can tell you that. Abuela make sure her community is not harm or hurt by anyone people forgot why she care about the miracle and they deem her to be irredemamble. Lucifer the goofy father who let inner get massacre yet people said he is mentally ill those same people are the one consider abuela annoying
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foggyfanfic · 9 months
Just saw a post that was talking about something relatively serious, so I don’t want to stick blorbo tags on it but it made me think of blorbo. Essentially it introduced me to the idea that men have their own version of the Madonna/Whore dichotomy, which is the Predatory/Baby dichotomy. The idea being that men are either viewed as aggressive, horny, rage machines; or as sweet, gentle, almost childlike teddy bears. And uuuuh… you see where I’m going with this?
I see this happen a lot in fandom, usually in the form of the men being woobified. (In the worst cases the man is infantilized and the women around them receive all the blame for the man’s mistakes, but I’m not talking about Buffy and Spike rn). I see woobification happen with Bruno especially, and I know other people complain about it occasionally.
I don’t really have anything intelligent to say that other people haven’t already said, and while it’s not for me, tbh I don’t think me criticizing the way others enjoy our shared Blorbo would reflect well on me. If a super wooby Bruno makes you happy, more power to you! It’s just that I saw something that put into words a phenomenon I see a lot with this character and I went “!!!!”.
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theseerhesaid · 1 year
𝐶 𝐻 𝐴 𝑅 𝐴 𝐶 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅   𝑆 𝑇 𝑈 𝐷 𝑌  
repost  &  tag  away !  
BOLD all that applies to your muse. italicized  -  applicable in some verses/conditional
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Bruno Madrigal.
• EYES:  blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
• HAIR:  blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
• BODY: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy| athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
• SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other
• GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
• SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other  | doesn’t like labels
• ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels | polyamorous
• SPECIES:  human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | elf | other
• EDUCATION:  high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other
•I'VE BEEN IN: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot | burnt
• POSITIVE TRAITS:  affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
• NEGATIVE TRAITS:  aggressive | bossy | cynical | stubborn | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish  | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | territorial | emotional | crybaby | vengeful  | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative | overly protective
• LIVING SITUATION:  lives at sea | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | lives alone | other
• GUARDIAN: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather
• SIBLING(S): sister(s) | brother (s) |none| other
• RELATIONSHIP: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
• I HAVE A(N):  learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder |sleep disorder| eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability |
• THINGS I'VE DONE BEFORE:  had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
stolen from: @droppingdonkeys not tagging anyone, feel free to steal
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droppingdonkeys · 1 year
𝐶 𝐻 𝐴 𝑅 𝐴 𝐶 𝑇 𝐸 𝑅   𝑆 𝑇 𝑈 𝐷 𝑌  
repost  &  tag  away !  
BOLD all that applies to your muse. italicized  -  applicable in some verses/conditional
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Luisa Madrigal.
• EYES:  blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other
• HAIR:  blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
• BODY: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | average | muscular | pudgy | overweight
• SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored | other
• GENDER: male | female | trans | cis | agender | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
• SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other  | doesn’t like labels
• ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels | polyamorous
• SPECIES:  human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus / succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android | elf | other
• EDUCATION:  high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other ( Private lessons/homeschooled )
•I'VE BEEN IN: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | brainwashed | shot | burnt
• POSITIVE TRAITS:  affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | charismatic | calm
• NEGATIVE TRAITS:  aggressive | bossy | cynical | stubborn | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish  | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | territorial | emotional | crybaby | vengeful  | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative | overly protective
• LIVING SITUATION:  lives at sea | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
• GUARDIAN: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather
• SIBLING(S): sister(s) | brother (s) | none | other
• RELATIONSHIP: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
• I HAVE A(N):  learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability |
• THINGS I'VE DONE BEFORE:  had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
tagged by: @bitofthisandthat and stolen from @runningracingdancingchasing
Dew it!
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ladyvandaele · 2 years
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Bruno Madrigal gets me so horny when I’m at work I imagine him as a sex slave with a chain around his neck I’m mentally ill
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*radio static*
hey internet peoples. my Slumblr is over. 
I’m making this post as a motivation for me to power through the next few weeks. The longer I dance with procrastination and perfectionism, the more terrible I feel. Consider this a journal entry an attempt to hold myself accountable. I hope to blog more soon. 
A few updates about life:
- Thank you Sondheim, now your Passion and Follies will not leave me alone. The trending musical Ride the Cyclone is cute. finally watched Starkid’s AVPM and vindicated my elementary school self. Richard Rodgers may have written some beautiful melodies, but Robert Russell Bennett’s orchestration of them is truly delicious. Anna Moffo’s voice is reeaally attractive. 
- I joined an aapi-oriented mental health awareness club. seems like something a tumblr person would do, lol. Acknowledging struggles and emotions with others is quite heart-warming if you’re with the right people. feeling a bit rebellious given my upbringing
- I performed in the small choir of my university’s Madrigal Feast. basically a Renaissance fantasy comedy with choir pieces in between acts and a multi-course dinner for the audience. this cemented my suspicion that I would have fit in with the “theatre kids” if I had a normal high school experience. 
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it’s me! And a dirty mirror. Don’t think I’ll ever do a face reveal but wearing this ill-fitted peasant shirt, blue vest, and baggy purple pants was a lot of fun(and the first time I’ve ever worn a costume)!
that’s it for now. *in alto voce* Buona sera, mio signore (and everyone else of course)
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siiiiighhhhhh it’s like whenever i wanna have some positivity about the headcanon that bruno madrigal has OCD i go looking for it and every time without fail i wind up seeing a post mentioning how it’s offensive to headcanon him as such, or people saying he doesn’t have ocd but another mental illness that they clearly don’t understand
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