#merlin saying after
cthulhum · 2 months
does anyone realize how crazy it is to have the actor of a mostly headcanoned queer ship say the fans were never crazy and they were right all along after 10+ years of everyone just absolutely going nuts over the said queerbaited ship
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justaz · 25 days
merlin (immortal) giving arthur (pendragon) the only blade that could kill him
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I'm glad you're here, Merlin
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chelshiart · 5 months
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In 2011 I drastically reduced my DWJ book intake to dripfeed levels, so it was only in the 2024 new year that I finally decided to read Deep Secret. My god - out of all her books this seems targeted at me personally? Stressed late-20-somethings, making fools of oneself in vicinity of fav authors, artist alleys?? Also, blatant unmistakable LGBT-rep??? I can't believe I slept on this one for so long!!! Definitely putting it on the upper tiers of my DWJ bookshelf.
Anyway, here's some designs I've whipped up for the characters! As always, might tweak 'em if ever I draw more in the future, but that's what's fun about figuring out character designs. Rob in particular is a joy to me.
btw Zinka plsplspls let me table with you
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weaponizedducks · 3 months
i forget sometimes that bbc merlin canon isn't arthurian legend canon bc i was watching red shoes and the seven dwarfs movie and merlin's a prince doing magic openly and i was like woah what the fuck merlins arthur's servant and isn't magic like punishable by death
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theroundbartable · 11 days
Me: *writing* He looked at him and wanted to fuck.
Me: *100% convinced* That's sexual tension, yes?
My gf: ...
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fluffypotatey · 1 year
I find it deeply aesthetically pleasing, character-wise, that Arthur and Merlin are both very much like their mothers, which is especially meaningful in Arthur's case since he's never known his mother beyond a single painfully brief meeting in "Sins of the Father."
Not only does Arthur look like Ygraine (which adds several layers to the clusterfuck of his and Uther's relationship) but it's clear that he takes after her temperament, too. Yes, he sometimes shows his father's temper, and yes, he does stupid things when he's in a temper, but unlike Uther, who literally took his prejudices to his grave and beyond, Arthur never stays mad at people, and he's overall a far more caring and kind person than his father, which is an interesting case of nature vs nurture.
And then on the other hand, we have Hunith, who told a mounted, armed brigand to go fuck himself, later fought another (also armed) brigand with a twig broom, harboured fugitives on multiple occasions, and raised an illegal magic child out of wedlock, and Merlin "Fuck the Police" Ambrosius, who got in a fistfight, got thrown in jail for the fistfight, called the prince a bitch to his face in a public market square, got in a second, armed fight all within his first 48 hours in Camelot, and then committed treason on a daily basis for the next 10+ years, compared to Balinor, who became a weird antisocial hermit that lived in a cave for twenty years.
couldn't have said it better myself bestie
also, there's a reason hunith and ygraine never met in the show. their dynamic duo would outshine everyone, they'd be unstoppable, untouchable, I FEEL ROBBED
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forecast0ctopus · 1 year
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“ballistic markings are like the fingerprints of a gun”
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dont-let-me-eat-pears · 2 months
aside from them never letting anyone who was in on merlin's secret live for long, i feel like the writers knew they couldn't allow lancelot to continue hanging around being merlin's kindest, purest, most supportive and loyal and protective friend because he made arthur look pretty bad by comparison.
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vampiricsheep · 3 months
Don't think I've seen this question make the rounds before, so:
Do any of your OCs hunt/fish/trap? Who taught them, and why do they do it? Do they have preferred gear or quarry?
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th3d0nutl0rd · 4 months
Since this was one of my best posts and I'd like to preserve it (despite it being lost to the Tumblr void), the original post read:
How funny would it be if in Arthurian legend, King Arthur would now wake up on Christmas Day 2022, because of the sheer willpower of Tumblr users, and he doesn't know why but then he finds out it's because ppl want him to fuck that old man
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nextstopparis · 2 years
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Ada Limón
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somebody call an ambulance
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justaz · 19 days
soft!merthur obsessed with each other and being completely, glaringly obvious about it. walking close enough for their fingers to be constantly brushing, talking with their other hand and refusing to break the touch. standing next to each other in a group, slowly shifting closer and closer until they’re pressed up against each other. despite there being other people, whenever they speak the other just has to respond leading them to turn to one another and have their own back and forth, their heads tilting closer and closer until their noses are just inches apart. merlin pretending to find issues with arthur’s clothes to fix that aren’t actually there just to touch him but arthur’s not gonna comment on that bc it means he gets to feel merlin’s touch. gazing at each other across the room, across the training field, across camp, etc and just watching them exist with the softest gaze and a small, tender smile. when the other feels their gaze they look up at them first and meet their eyes unflinchingly. them staring at each other for a moment before they resume what they should be doing (albeit slightly flustered). arthur finding any excuse to keep merlin in his chambers just a little while longer when he should be retiring for bed
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dabingusbongus · 14 days
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Hey guys I made a fuckywuky do yall still like me 🥺👉👈
The answer is a resounding no by the look of Raz. Feli looks pretty underwhelmed by my blunder it's as if he was expecting it.
Look it's not burnt on the inside even though this is the farthest thing to a buttermilk pie that there is.
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windblume-violet · 2 months
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Do... do I go with the username for the running gag of "worst kept secret" or do I say fuck it and say magister Merlin for giggles to see his reaction
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