#metal flower poems
cicadaknight · 1 year
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[function: true]
{{Sharing tree shade}}
{{with a butterfly}}
{{friends in a previous life.}}
[function: true]
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hotteststar · 2 months
hi guys so that's a poem i wrote bout ummmm feelings ig???? i feel like I haven't explained well the um feelings?? so like pls help me idk how to say things idk how to talk idk how to write i just don't know man
I'm dead.
i'm dead and i'm here,
i'm walking, i'm breathing, i'm looking,
i'm touching, i'm loving and i'm hating.
i'm waiting, i'm fearing and i'm crying.
And i'm dead.
Because i'm just like those flowers
the ones all around me right now
they're all pretty, all cute, all fine.
But it's not the kind of pretty flowers
that you decide to look growing
waiting and observing them until their death.
They are the kind of flowers that you pick
you kill them, hold them in your hands
watch as they slowly pass away.
And you smile,
because they still look pretty
still look cute, still look fine.
So here we are, I'm already dead
i just haven't lose my colors yet
like those flowers when you pick them.
They look alive but it's just fake
they seem fine but that's not true
they keep faking to be okay.
They don't show you their pain
they just silently accept that
they're already dead.
There's nothing they can do
and they must wait until they lose
all the life that dwell inside of them
to see people accpeting that
they are actually dead.
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1ove1ess1overs · 2 years
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Hi there!
I’m new here.
Female 25
I’m a professional photographer, business owner, and a neurodivergent BPD gal.
I dabble in many crafts, and you all get to see those. Sooo… congrats to you 😆
Here’s to lots of laughs, good vibes, and manic posts.
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geranium-folly · 1 year
Ghosts by Dana Jaye Cadman
A hallway full of shadeless lamps suddenly goes dark Upon the simultaneous bursting of the globes. Glass is everywhere, and so thin it forgets
To reflect even the tiny glimmer of your Matchlight as you pull out your wish  Cigarette. 
This is it. The immediacy of the final desire.
I know the dead I know where ghosts go to feel at home in the float
And how they commune with the living through the lightswitch  or the smells of honeysuckles off  the highway upstate I say
But you don’t
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youryanderedaddy · 2 months
tw: female reader, obsessive behavior, captivity, fantasy lore, abuse, murder mention, suggestive (?)
"You seem to be upset."
He's leaning against the window not too far away from you. Not too close as well - just far enough for you to feel at ease.
"Aren't you a mind - reader." You respond under your breath, trying to focus on the book you're currently reading - but the letters are escaping you, and you find yourself re-reading the same paragraph for the third time. He sighs, much like a disappointed father, before stepping towards you. And if you flinch just slightly, he doesn't pretend to notice or care.
"What is wrong, my flower?" The man gestures theatrically, soft velvet voice unbecoming of the monster he is flowing easily into the open air. You don't know what to say, really. It's been two years - or so you think, there is no way to keep track of time in this kingdom, not that time goes the same way in the elfen world as it does in the human, yet the part of you still capable of logical thought seems to think so. Two years, and there is very little you haven't already said. Very little left to be said, so your conversations are mostly rehearsed repetitions of what you already know. What you already fear - that you're going to die here. Or even worse. That you've become incapable of aging, so very consumed by this foreign land you detest that you've given up death for a life of boring, purposeless immortality.
"Don't I shower you with lavish gifts?" The noble moves closer, stalking towards you - observing you as if you're a butterfly pinned to a wooden frame under a microscope. "Don't I buy you the shiniest jewels? Not even the queen herself owns such sparkling emeralds." He scoffs, painfully used to your lack of response. You clear your throat, turning a new page - having little to recall about the last. It's completely meaningless just like all the other pages in all the other books you read. How funny, you think. In that distant, dreamy past of yours you were too busy to read - busy with work, busy with family, busy with friends. Busy with life. Now nothing gets in the way of your reading, you have all the time in the world - but there's no one to share the knowledge with. No one to spoil the ending. No time limits. No goal to it all, no final destination. So you read, and you soak the pages with salty tears not remembering a word.
"I am grateful for all the treasures you give me, my Lord." You answer nonchalantly, keeping your pointer at the end of the paper in a desperate attempt to find the sentence exactly where you left it off. You can feel him move closer to you - and the only indication of your growing fear are the shivers that travel down your spine with the beat of your violently full, thumping heart.
"Don't I provide you with all the entertainment your little human heart could possibly bear?" The duke clicks his long sharp nails together once against the other - an ugly metallic sound echoes deep into the ceiling reminiscent of a dying forest clow. "There has never been a lack of wine or music or dance in my court. I've gifted you more golden dresses than you can wear in this life. I've written you more poems than you can read." He keeps going, describing every little thing he's done for you, despite the fact that you've never asked for any of it.
"I admire your taste for indulgence, my Lord." You repeat almost automatically, the praises sitting on your tongue just waiting to be spilt from parted honey lips. Your eyes are glued to the book, but you've given up on reading long ago. Now you're simply trying not to cry - focusing your eyes at one word at a time and blinking repeatedly, manically, feeling as if the world with end the moment you let him see your weakness. You can't believe you still have so much pain in you - enough to feel loss and anger and, what's even worse, hope. Hope that one day you'll be free again.
"And tell me, flower—" His fist wraps around your low ponytail, forcing you to look up at him and meet his eyes for the first time tonight. What's staring back at you might as well be the bottom of the ocean itself, misty and dark, cold and unknown. Human eyes convey so much affection - so much care that you can never mistake it for anything else. With elves it's different - you can spend centuries looking for a hint of kindness, and you'll only get lost in those beatiful bottomless pits. Shiny and sparkling and completely empty. "Don't I give you love? Don't I embrace you tightly every night?" His voice lowers dangerously, barely above a whisper.
"I don't understand what more you could possibly want. Should I prove myself to you? Should I slay a dragon for you? Perhaps I could tie the heads of your enemies with a pretty bow and give them to you as a wedding gift, hmm?" He's babbling incoherently, nails digging into your scalp with unyealding grip. "Would that finally, finally make you happy, beloved?"
"No, no, please let go." You cry out in agony, wriggling out of his hold - but he's too strong, too massive to move. "I'm happy, I'm—" You sob pitifully, weakly pushing at his chest. "I'm happy with you. Please, you make me so happy, just please let go. And please don't hurt anyone."
He slowly pulls away, chest heaving in and out wildly. The scariest part is always his face. It remains unbothered - cold and defined like a statue of a god, his true feelings hidden by a mask of barely contained rage.
"You're happy with me?" He raises an eyebrow, foot stomping on the ground impatiently. You nod hesitantly, too shaken up to comprehend what you're even agreeing to. "Then prove it. Show me just how happy I make you." He grabs your wrist, pulling you face-first into his hard chest. "Do it, and I might reconsider my other more... inhumane methods of courtship." His lips twist into a cruel smirk. "And may the Gods help you."
As you sink to your knees you try to think of what book to read next - but no title comes to mind.
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klausinamarink · 8 months
You’re Never Too Much
rating: T | cw: negative self talk | wc: 1.5k | tags: angst with happy ending, hurt Steve, arguing and making up, established relationship, post-canon | prompt: Love is giving them space when they need it
written for @steddielovemonth
Steve knows he can be unbearable with his partners sometimes. 
He can’t help it. He doesn’t have a switch that shuts down the sparkling fountain of love like his parents apparently possess. It just naturally flows his veins without pause and surges anew every day.
His first girlfriend Heidi had broken up with him three days into the relationship, saying that Steve was too much for her. He had been more confused than devastated back then because since when did hugging your girlfriend from behind with a kiss to the cheek become ‘too much’? It only confused Steve more when he saw Heidi’s new boyfriend doing the exact same thing with her and they’d been together for three months by then.
Steve had ignored the tiny pang in his chest, shrugged off Carol’s comments, and moved on. Maybe he and Heidi weren’t meant to be anyways.
But it kept happening with the other girls. Leaving romantic poems in the locker instead of make-out invites? Too much. A bundle of flowers after class? Too much. Wanting to cuddle after sex? Too much. Stay the morning after? Too much.
Then came Nancy and she had adored every one of Steve’s antics that none of his previous girlfriends had liked. He quickly made his own schedule of sneaking into her bedroom late in the evening to help her study because he loved her blush and the bright gleam in her eyes. The day when Nancy told him that he was a dork was the day when Steve felt his heart swell because finally, he wasn’t being too much. 
And then Barb disappeared and monsters turned out to be real.
Nancy stayed with him but it wasn’t the same anymore. She would still laugh at his corny jokes and affirmations but Steve had seen her distant eyes, no longer bright with the same love. Like she had managed to switch it off by herself.
Steve should’ve split up with her. But he didn’t want to be an asshole and leave her miserable with no support who knew nothing about the Upside Down. But she hadn’t pushed him away or told him his efforts were too much. So he stayed.
If he had left sooner, then Steve wouldn't have been told in a stranger’s bathroom that his love wasn’t just too much, they were bullshit instead.
He couldn’t trust himself with another romantic partner after that.
And then about two years later, he and Eddie started dating. 
Everything that Steve had been told was ‘too much’ or ‘bullshit’ became ‘give me more’. More lazy kisses in the morning, more cuddles on the couch, more help with the laundry or dishes, more lovemaking, more, more.
Steve also found out real quick that Eddie loved whenever Steve quoted Shakespeare - especially Romeo and Juliet or Much Ado About Nothing - for no reason except to watch his boyfriend turn and scream delightfully into his own shoulder. Of course, Steve had taken his advantage, dialing it up with the Harrington charm just to make Eddie’s face redder. Whenever he thought that was too much, Eddie turned back around and kissed him with stupid smiles on both of their faces.
For a while, Steve had thought he finally found the perfect partner.
But he forgets that he doesn’t know how to shut his heart down.
Steve casually leans against the living room wall, acting totally non-suspicious as hides from view of the front door. He hears it swing open and then Eddie coming inside, the metallic clicking of his crane accompanying his steps. Steve waits just a bit longer until Eddie makes his way to the kitchen. Then he hurries around the corner and giddily wraps his arms around Eddie’s torso, lifting the man up.
“Welcome back-” Steve starts, a petname ready to fall out as he’s ready to bemoan his loneliness. But Eddie’s cold tone makes his jaws instantly clamp shut.
“Put me down.”
Steve obeys, swiftly but carefully as not to agitate Eddie’s leg. He keeps his arms around his boyfriend, squeezing just once in what he hopes comes off as assuring. However, Eddie only stiffens and says in the same cold tone-
“Let me go.”
Steve does. Eddie continues on towards the kitchen, not even glancing over once. Anxiety starts to drill into Steve’s spine, already making its way into the lining of his stomach. Something clearly happened to Eddie that’s putting him in a foul mood.
Tailing after him, Steve finally finds his voice and asks, “Is everything okay?”
Eddie doesn’t respond. He plops down onto a chair, burying his face in his hands. His shoulders are starting to shake. The anxiety shifts into concern as Steve hurries over to his side. “Eds-”
Eddie suddenly slams his hands onto the table, startling Steve back. He whips his head around to glare at Steve, yelling, “Is it too much to leave me alone for one minute?!”
Too much.
Steve swallows the thick lump in his throat, mumbles something he hopes is an apology, and stumbles outside to the backyard. He stares at the pool for a second before he quickly rounds to the side of his house, stopping just along the walls where he always felt the sunlight wouldn’t reach. Steve slowly crouches down to the ground, staring at nothing in particular despite the burning pressure behind his eyes and heart.
He should’ve seen this coming. Actually, he had known the day when Eddie finally had enough of his unbearable actions was approaching soon. They’ve been together for nearly a year. Just as long as Steve had with Nancy before that Halloween party. But Steve’s been living in blissful ignorance, hoping that it wouldn’t happen.
But even that had been too much.
A wet laugh bubbles out of his lips and Steve quickly clamps a hand over it. He feels like a kid, hiding behind his house like he’s avoiding his father instead of Eddie. It’s so stupid but very on-brand.
He lets the tears drop, forcing his hand to remain on his mouth so he can stay quiet. He doesn’t want to upset Eddie anymore.
Crunching stones under shoes approach. Steve doesn’t even look up when he hears a sucking of breath and Eddie’s murmuring voice, “Shit, Stevie.”
Calloused, ringed hands gently cup both sides of his face. Steve barely catches himself from sinking into the grasp. It’s always too easy to enjoy the feeling of Eddie’s hands on his cheeks. Was it too much for Eddie as well?
“Stevie, please look at me.”
Despite his brain screaming at him no, Steve does so. Eddie’s eyes are bloodshot red and tracks of tears practically shine on his face. In another scenario, he would look as beautiful as ever. But instead, he looks like shit.
Eddie’s fingers tap on his hand, the one still clamping over his mouth. Steve shakes his head quickly. He doesn’t want to break down into a sobbing mess and demand Eddie’s comfort.
“I’m sorry.” Eddie rasps out, a line of spittle popping out of his mouth. His voice sounds rough like he had just cried. “I’m so sorry, Steve, I shouldn’t have yelled at you. Work was-” He closes his eyes, shudders out another breath, and opens them again. “What happened at work wasn’t an excuse and never should be. Even if I was exhausted and upset, I shouldn’t have lashed out. I wish I could take those words back, baby.”
Steve finally removes his hand, managing to speak coherent words just before the sobbing finally breaks out. “Am I too much though?”
He catches the horrified expression before Eddie suddenly pulls him forward into a tight embrace.
“You’re never too much, sweetheart. You’re just fucking perfect.” Eddie whispers into Steve’s ear, clear as day.
Steve doesn’t know how they spend kneeling on the ground as his entire body rattles out from crying while Eddie keeps holding him and occasionally gently shushing Steve. Eventually, Steve’s eyes dry out and he feels so tired that he just wants to tuck himself into bed and sleep.
Eddie helps him up and guides him back inside the house. They linger at the foot of the stairs, both of them realizing the same thing.
“Do you… want me to sleep with you still?” Eddie asks softly. He hasn’t let his hand go from Steve’s where it occasionally squeezes around his fingers. It fixes something in Steve’s heart but it’s barely enough to soothe the ache over.
“I-” Steve cuts himself off. Eddie looks at him earnestly, his brown eyes appearing to grow bigger with the still-there shining tears. Steve sighs and continues, “I think I want.. space. Just for tonight.”
Eddie nods, pursing his lips. “So do I. I think that’ll be good for tonight.”
“You won’t leave?” It hurts Steve to ask even though his gut is certain that Eddie will rather chew his hand off than leave.
“I’ll still be here.” Eddie raises a hand up with a small smile. “Especially in the morning when we’re rested and less pissed-off.”
Steve smiles back, “Okay.”
And when the morning does come, Eddie’s still here. When they talk and apologize, Eddie tells Steve again that he never thought of Steve as an unbearable boyfriend.
It makes Steve feel warm from the overflow of Eddie’s love.
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hearthandheathenry · 8 months
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All About Imbolc
Imbolc, also known as Imbolg, celebrated on February 1st, marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox in early Ireland and Scotland, and also signified the beginning of the first signs of spring after all the harsh winter days. Originally a pagan holdiay in pre-Christian times, there is little in writing about the historic traditions and customs, although many historians believe it revolved around the Celtic Goddess Brigid, lambing season, and cleansing due to observed ancient poetry.
Brigid is a Goddess and daughter of the father-God of Ireland, Dagda. She is associated with quite a few things depending on the sources, but universally associated with wisdom and poetry. Other associations of hers are blacksmithing, protection, domesticated animals, childbirth, fire, and healing. She was also known as a protector of the home and the family.
Once Christianity arose, it is believed that the Goddess was syncretized with the Irish Saint Brigid by Christian monks due to the many overlapping associations. This caused Imbolc to quickly turn into St. Brigids Day and the next day into Candlemas with the rising Christian popularity, enmeshing the holiday associations together.
Today, many people have mixed the traditions and melded many associations from both religious and cultural history to celebrate their own unique way. Common ways to celebrate are making a Brigid's Cross, welcoming Brigid into the home, having a feast in her honor, cleaning the home and oneself, visiting a holy well, and in some parts of the world they still hold festivals and processions carrying a representation of Brigid. Many pagans nowadays are using associations of hers and their connection with nature to create their own ways to celebrate, however, and you can absolutely celebrate however you feel called to do so.
Imbolc Associations:
Colors - white, gold or yellow, green, and blue
Food - milk, butter, cheese, seeds and grains, breads, herbs, blackberries, oat porridge, wild onion and garlic, honey
Animals - sheep and lambs, swans, cows, burrowing and hibernating animals
Items - candles, corn dolls, Brigid's cross, fires, snowdrops and white flowers, crocuses and daffodils, flower crowns
Crystals - amethyst, garnet, ruby, quartz, bloodstone
Other - lactation, birth, feasting, farm preparation, cleansing and cleaning, the sun, poetry and creative endevours, smithing, water
Ways To Celebrate Imbolc:
make a Brigid's cross
light candles
have a feast
bake bread
plan your spring garden
leave an offering for Brigid
make a corn doll
craft a flower crown
clean your home
take a cleansing bath
make something out of metal
have a bonfire
look for the first signs of spring
make your own butter or cheese
do divination work and seek wisdom
write a poem
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Word List: Sun
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beautiful words with "sun" to help illuminate your poem/story
Sunback - having a low-cut back for tanning and coolness—used of an article of wearing apparel
Sunbaked - heated, parched, or compacted especially by excessive sunlight
Sunbath - an exposure to sunlight or a sunlamp
Sunberry - the edible fruit of the black nightshade; also called wonderberry
Sunbird - any of numerous small brilliantly colored oscine birds (family Nectariniidae) of the tropical Old World somewhat resembling hummingbirds
Sunblind - awning (i.e., a rooflike cover extending over or in front of a place as a shelter)
Sunblink - a glimmer of sunlight
Sunbow - an arch resembling a rainbow made by the sun shining through vapor or mist
Sunchoke - Jerusalem artichoke
Sundeck - the usually upper deck of a ship that is exposed to the most sun; a roof, deck, or terrace for sunning
Sunder - to become parted, disunited, or severed
Sundew - any of a genus (Drosera of the family Droseraceae, the sundew family) of bog-inhabiting insectivorous herbs having leaves covered with gland-tipped adhesive hairs
Sundial - an instrument to show the time of day by the shadow of a gnomon on a usually horizontal plate or on a cylindrical surface
Sundress - a dress with an abbreviated bodice usually exposing the shoulders, arms, and back
Sunfall - sunset
Sunfast - resistant to fading by sunlight
Sunfish - any of numerous North American freshwater bony fishes (family Centrarchidae, especially genus Lepomis) usually with a deep compressed body and metallic luster
Sunflower - any of a genus (Helianthus) of New World composite plants with large yellow-rayed flower heads bearing edible seeds that yield an edible oil
Sunglow - a brownish yellow or rosy flush often seen in the sky before sunrise or after sunset that is due to solar rays scattered or diffracted from particles in the lower and upper air
Sungrazer - any of a group of comets whose perihelions are very close to the sun and which are often destroyed by their close approach to it
Sunless - lacking sunshine; dark, cheerless
Sunpocket - solar trap (i.e., a garden or terrace so oriented as to take advantage of the sun while protected from cold winds)
Sunporch - a screened-in or glassed-in porch with a sunny exposure
Sunscald - an injury of woody plants (such as fruit or forest trees) characterized by localized death of the tissues and sometimes by cankers and caused when it occurs in the summer by the combined action of both the heat and light of the sun and in the winter by the combined action of sun and low temperature to produce freezing of bark and underlying tissues
Sunseeker - a person who travels to an area of warmth and sun especially in winter
Sunsquall - a large jellyfish
Sunstone - aventurine (i.e., a translucent quartz spangled throughout with scales of mica or other mineral)
Sunstruck - affected or touched by the sun
Sunup - sunrise
Sunwise - clockwise
If any of these words make their way into your next poem/story, please tag me, or leave a link in the replies. I would love to read them!
More: Word Lists
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sweet1delusi0ns · 3 months
Class 1B boy Random headcanons ──☆*:・゚
Summary: Random thinks they do or say as your boyfriend*.•
Characters: Awase, Kaibara, Kamakiri, Kuroiro, Shishida, Shoda, Tsuburaba, Tetsutetsu, Fukidashi, Honenuki, Bondo, Monoma, Rin!
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He pranks you all the time, just silly pranks like putting salt in your cereal. Nothing to serious but if he ruins something of your such as cereal he will make you more!
He welds you metal flowers with his quirk and says that cringy ass pick up line “my love for you will stop when this flower dies…btw it doesn’t die :)”
He tried making you food, sometimes it’s good sometimes it not- but you pretend to like it no matter what because it makes him happy and if you refuse it he will look dead in your eyes and say “eat it. Please.”
He likes gardening, he used his hands as drills in the dirt which makes it really easy to plant them. He asked you to pick out flowers and seeds to plant! He gives you the flowers he plants!
He loves playing with your hair, he loves curling it around his finger when he is bored
Whenever he gets hurt he whines until you kiss it better. You tend to his wounds then wait for you to kiss if
On the same topic he is kind of clumsy he trips over his own feet sometimes- but don’t worry he will be ok as long as you give him a kiss
He’s scared to kiss you sometimes because of the sharp appendages sticking out of his cheeks, he worries he may cut you. So you normally kiss him instead of him kissing you
He likes it when you compliment his hair, it makes him feel like a bad ass when you do!
He loves bugs so get him anything but relatable and he will be so touched! You also say he reminds you of a mantis, which he doesn’t mind. He’s sometimes insecure abt his looks so it helps!
He is like tokoyami, very poetic so he writes you poems sometimes. If you ask him to read them to you he will stammer over the words and blush about it, he is shy when it comes to you~
He scares you in the dark sometimes, like if the power goes out you literally can’t see him so he could jump scare you; “hey y/n” “HOLY SHIT!” “Oh I’m so sorry!”
He giggles like a dumbass, you could pop the most cringe at joke and he laughs like “hehehehehehehehehe” as if it’s actually funny
He acts cool to other people but once you come into the conversation he turns smitten
He lets you brush his fur, he is sometimes to lazy to do it himself so he lets you do it instead
He sometimes thinks he scares you, he knows he looks a little scary because he is a ‘beast’ but he never wants to scare you so he has to make sure you aren’t. “I’m so sorry did I scare you!” “What no? You could never scare me your like a big teddy bear” “oh!”
You call him big boy to tease him, he blushes about it but does like it~ any time you call him that he covers his face with his hands!
He’s such a cutie patootie, he loves being held by you. When cuddling he will inch closer to you until you wrap your arms around him, he would ask but he’s too scared too
He is insecure since he is a little bigger BUT you make sure he does feel loved anyways by complimenting him or saying it doesn’t matter; “don’t you think I’m too big…?” “what? No! Your adorable!!!” He blushes :>
He cares for your wounds everytime, if you have a cut or something he will always disinfect it and bandage it, he also kisses it if he’s feeling brave!
His idea of flirting is blowing you heart shaped bubbles your way with his quirk, if you pop them he sulks in the corner LOL
He literally thinks your a goddess, bro worships you and the ground you walk on, he would tie your shoes for you, or carry your bags whatever you want him to do!
His friends troll on him for liking you so much, he will NOT stop yapping about you.
Play with his hair. He will die if you don’t; “please I’m literally going to cry if you don’t” “Omg fine I’ll play with your hair.”
He also worships you but 10x harder, he would kiss your feet if you let him- which also means he is very protective of you. He would bark at anybody who tried anything funny with you
He tries flexing his quirk on you by doing dangerous things, most of the time he gets hurt and when you ask “why would you do that?” He says “I just wanted to impress you”
He worries you secretly like kirishima, since they are very similar. You heard him talking to kirishima saying if he ever when after you he would break him. After that you calmed him down and assured you wouldn’t leave him.
He makes cute little emoticons at you like (*^‿^*) to distract you from the fact that he is a walking thought bubble-
He reads your favorite manga just to impress you by bringing up scenes in stuff, he’s tryna make you think he is cool!
He’s canonically really short so he’s timid with you sometimes because you are much taller but if he uses his quirk right he can at most be 5,3 which ain’t the best either, you convince him that you don’t mind and honestly find it cute
He’s very shy when being romantic if he tries kissing you he mostly strikes out and flashes a sweat drop emoticon before turning away~
Out of everyone in that class he is the shyest with his partner, he is also very low in self esteem cuz of it.
He’s very insecure of his looks, he finds his teeth gross and scary, but you hold him and kiss his cheek letting him cry if he wants until he feels better
He’s great at massages, after training he always massages your neck and back! One time he accidentally hurt you and he cried a little over it-
He’s very funny, he’s your little comedian! He tells you silly knock knock jokes just to heard your sweet laugh~
He’s a very awkward boy, he is honestly shocked that he’s dating anyone let alone you. One he’s very socially awkward and looks different. But you asked him out anyway
He stutters sometimes when talking to you about dates or cuddling; “s-s..sure we can cuddle I g-guess.”
He doesn’t talk much, he definitely talks more than koda but he does shy away because he has voice cracks sometimes and it makes him feel stupid, you find it cute tho
This little shit, he thinks it’s funny copying your quirk just to show you ‘how easy it is’ but most of the time it back fires and he gets hurt
He turns into such a big baby when he’s hurt, he whines like he’s paralyzed and begs you to care for him. “I need to be held it’s the only way I’ll be comfortable! In your arms!” “It’s not that serious. But fine.”
He’s really good at cooking, he makes full course meals and mostly eats it all himself. He saves a little bit for you tho
He’s not shy, or awkward with you he’s just kind of…aloof- he sometimes just stared at you with a straight face like 😐 and when you ask what’s wrong he just goes “I’m just looking at your beauty?”
He loves laying in the sun, and watching the clouds n stuff with you, although he does get sun burned sometimes but he doesn’t listen when you tell him to put on sunscreen so he deserves it
He cares for you so hard, he lays blankets on you, he feeds you, he make sure you drink water! He is such a caregiver because he can’t handle if something happeneds to you.
Omg I love them. ANYWAYS ima post another class 1A Post then ima post a haikyuu headcanon I’ve benn workin on
Not proof readddddd
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taesancore · 4 months
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kim donghyun x f!reader
📜 .ᐟ part one of the bnd as one direction songs series!
📜 .ᐟ synopsis: in which you were oh so curious about your sunbae, kim donghyun
wc: 2k, lowercase intended
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“seriously, just go talk to him if you find him cute!” hanni replied as you continued to stare at him. kim donghyun. your senior and the main RJ for your school’s daily radio show. it wasn’t just the fact that you found him cute—scratch that, angelic. it was the fact that he was quite literally a walking talking enigma of some sort.
his mind was a one of a kind, you had thought when you first heard his deep voice talk about through the poem you wrote. you had sat up with a start in the middle of the break period as he continued to read out the poem you had submitted out of boredom (mayhaps to also spread your winter blues to everyone else for fun).
“wow, this person must really hate winters, they’ve described the sadness in how all the plants tend to die due to the cold” he had mused. back then you didn’t have an inkling of who he was. but his words, they weren’t even anything wise or profound. his simple take on your depressing poem had you wondering, just how was he so positive?
“i don’t know…on the bright side of it, i think winters can symbolise a time of rebirth and rest don’t you think? the flowers grow back looking much healthier and prettier after winters, in the spring. everything has a bright side to it right? even the most harshest of winters have beauty in them”
you had crept up to the broadcasting room as he was just beginning to conclude the show for that day. your curiosity had gotten the best of you, dying to know who had read your poem and turned it into a warm ray of hope amid the cruel winter. hearing the shuffling behind the door, you quickly hid behind the wall near the broadcasting room as the door opened and—
oh. oh wow. he was beautiful. was it his large doe eyes? or the slender shape of his nose? or the way his rosy pink lips had a natural quirk to them even when he wasn’t smiling? you weren’t sure what about him was beautiful. but at the same time everything about him was simply angelic, to put it straight. you were lucky he didn’t catch you gawking at him while he was bowing politely to the people who greeted him, as he walked away.
you learnt that he was kim donghyun, the one who was in charge of the break programme along with your senior han dongmin. the two of them hosted it under their RJ names leehan and taesan. their show consisted of them played rock or metal songs that dongmin often enjoyed dissecting musically while donghyun read out different letters, thoughts or writings that students sent.
“it’s not that hanni” you sighed, finally taking your eyes off him as you faced your friend. “…..i want to talk to him” you finished poorly.
“then do it!!” she said exasperatedly.
“how do i explain it to you?! i wanna know him as a person you know? he always somehow makes my poems seem like a ray of sunshine in someone’s cloudy life, and he sees things so positively all the time? i wanna be him and see life though his eyes once”
hanni was left gaping at you after you finished your speech.
“wow you’re in love”
“oh shut up i’m not”
the next day you had prepared another poem for the week, yet another pessimistic one. at this point you weren’t sure why you were writing these sad poems (maybe it was to just hear donghyun read them and state his opinion) but you loved the thrill of being an anonymous listener of gongfourz programme.
tiptoeing near the box where the letters were submitted near the broadcasting office, you barely had time to turn around and walk away after dropping your poem in the box, before you bumped into a sturdy chest.
“careful there” came a familiar voice from above you as you steadied yourself. you held back an embarrassing gasp as kim donghyun’s curious eyes met yours.
fuck, they were probably home to a thousand galaxies weren’t they? you didn’t realise you were staring until he chuckled softly, snapping you out of your reverie.
“i’ll get going then” he smiled, brushing past you into the broadcasting room, leaving you standing there still staring in his direction.
“what if he saw me put my poem in his box?? hanni i’m doomed!” you were currently wailing at your best friend who was calmly sipping her coffee. it was a free period for you as your teacher wasn’t present, giving you enough time to mentally prepare yourself for leehan and taesan’s broadcast. and it also gave you time to cry about your first encounter with him…which wasn’t exactly the best.
“relax y/n, so what if he does?” she questioned.
yeah…so what if he does? you wondered for a minute.
“i don’t know…it’s not like i like him anyways, you’re right” you said to yourself as hanni snorted.
“you don’t like him? sure honey” she snickered as you scowled.
“don’t even try lying to yourself here, you get so excited before his broadcast starts, look at him every time he enters the lunch hall hell you even eat your food at a snail’s pace to leave the hall at the same time as him” she finished befit you could defend yourself, smirking at your dumbfounded reaction to her speech.
“how do i prove it to you?” you mustered weakly.
really though, you didn’t like him…you just liked his brain. god it even sounded stupid in your head but that was the truth! his way with words really did render you speechless at times and dare you say made it flutter too— no. no it didn’t.
“talk to him then” came hanni’s reply. well.
“that you know i can’t!” you whined. “oh the radio’s starting! quick!” you ushered hanni into your regular seats in the classroom as the last remnants of one of taesan’s favourite song faded, the guitar riff still ringing in your ears.
“now let’s see, the first letter! kim donghyun sunbae you’re a greek god— why thank you” he exclaimed politely as taesan burst out laughing.
“you sure you didn’t send that?” hanni elbowed you slyly as you shot her an annoyed look.
“haha very funny.”
“next up, oh my little poetess sent another poem!” my poetess. you loved the little nickname he gave you, it never failed to bring a warm feeling inside you.
“hmm, looks like you’ve had quite the experience with some people on earth, considering how you’ve written that hell is up here itself” his mellow voice floated through the speaker in the classroom as you attentively listened.
“however, maybe hell isn’t the only thing that’s up here? i have a feeling that there are angels in disguise on the earth you know”
“are you referring to yourself?” taesan joked as leehan’s chuckles came from the speaker.
“maybe, but i’m referring to my poetess as well, i’m not gonna lie i’m very curious about you” he replied as hanni let out an excited gasp.
“oh my god?! he wants you so bad” she giggled at you who was still jaw-dropped at his words.
“oh don’t be silly, he doesn’t even know me!”
“are you really flirting with one of our anonymous writers han?” taesan’s amused question made leehan chuckle again.
“if you see it that way then sure. i however do think my poetess is one of the angels in disguise you know…sometimes i wish i could see the world from her view as she makes even the most heartbreaking things seem ethereally beautiful”.
the entire classroom was silent, taking in the senior’s words. you were sure some of your classmates who were his fangirl were glaring daggers at the speaker, probably cussing out ‘his poetess’ in their minds. you? oh you were a blushing mess, you were sure you had no feelings for your senior but now? you suddenly weren’t so sure anymore.
“hanni” you said in a small voice.
“i think i’m gonna talk to donghyun sunbae”.
the next day you had prepared another poem, one that you had penned during the early hours of the morning due to the lack of sleep. you couldn’t help it, you had to do something about the weird feelings you were starting to feel for him, he was a senior for gods sake!! your poem was quite simple this time, talking about how the heart tends to make stupid decisions by catching feelings, ignoring the advice of the head (totally not inspired by your current mood).
upon reaching the broadcasting room before class started, you patted your coat pocket to reach out for the envelope….which you didn’t find.
oh no. oh no no this can’t be.
you frantically pulled out all your pockets, searching the floor beneath you if you accidentally dropped it anywhere until-
“looking for this?” came a low voice from behind you as you whipped your head around.
your worst nightmare had come true for there was kim donghyun, with your envelope in his hand. he smiled at you, a smile that told you that he knew everything already.
“sunbae! good morning!” you bowed down hastily, meeting his eyes with a steady gaze of your own.
be confident. stay calm. stay cool.
“it’s nice to finally meet you my little poetess” he greeted you, walking closer as he handed the envelope to you.
“w-what are you talking about?” you shuffled away from him, stuffing the envelope back in your jacket while still maintaining the eye contact.
“no need to pretend now, i saw you earlier you know?” he said amusedly.
“…fine it’s me” you gave in, looking everywhere but at him now. his smile widened slightly as he tilted his head.
“aren’t you my junior? the one who stares at me during lunch?”
you felt your face burn at his words as you glared at him, yet you couldn’t find a suitable reply because…you did stare at him.
he laughed a soft laugh, and you may have melted inside because hearing it in real life and not through the rusty old speaker in your class felt so heavenly.
“it’s not like that..” you finally managed as he quirked an eyebrow.
his feet moved forward, while yours moved back.
“…i’m curious about you too, sunbae” you finished as you found your back thud against the door of the broadcasting room.
his eyes glimmered with an amused glint, drawing you deeper into their endlessness as you struggled to acknowledge the barely there distance between you two.
“and what do you find curious about me?” he mused, lips tilting upwards into his signature little smirk. or smile. hell you weren’t sure at this point because all you could think about was his warm scent floating around you.
“your…brain” you mumbled, not breaking eye contact this time.
his brain. really. god you sounded like a loser there, so much for confidence.
he laughed, a beautiful sound that bounced off the walls. you stared, ears blushing red as he threw his head back. that smile oh wow.
“you’re quite the funny one” he giggled once he calmed down, still smiling widely.
“no im being for real! you always turn my gloomy poems into something happy! just how do you manage to do that?? and the nickname, my poetess? it keeps replaying in my head everywhere, god you’re everywhere at this point it’s making me crazy!” you burst out, breathing heavily as you felt a weight lift itself off from your chest.
shit. what had you done. your eyes widened as you watched donghyun’s expression go from amused to flabbergasted to something undecipherable…almost soft?
“okay my poetess, how about this? you can satisfy your curiosity by getting to know my brain better hmm?” he said, smiling at you as you furrowed your brows.
“what do you mean—how?”
“meet me after today’s broadcast? it’s a date y/n” he grinned, eyes disappearing into little half moons as he finally stepped away from you.
you were left staring at him for the second time this week as he sauntered away into the broadcasting room, the door shutting behind him with a soft sound, not louder than the booming of your heart though.
hmm. you decided that you liked— no scratch that, really liked the sound of your name when he said it.
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a/n: man im pretty sure i used the word broadcast more than 50 times in this LMAO but let’s be fr, don’t we all love leehan’s brain :3
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149panda149 · 11 months
TGCF: My theory on the inspiration behind the 4 calamities
In some of the oldest Chinese myths and legends, there are 4 guardian gods of the four cardinal directions - the green dragon, white tiger, crimson bird, and black tortoise, and each have a colour, season and element associated with them. I'm not sure if anyone has made this connection before, but I'm writing it down if anyone is interested. There are spoilers about the calamities' identity.
First, the 青龙 (qing long, green dragon) --> Qi Rong, Night-touring Green lantern.
The qinglong's territory is the East, and its colour is qing, which means green, or turqoise. Its element is wood, and its season is spring. Closely associated with royalty and the imperial family.
Now, for the similarities with our favourite green goblin. "qing" is literally the colour in Qi Rong's title, and his colour scheme. Qi Rong has a habit of hanging corpses from trees, which may be his relation to the element "wood". He does not have any obvious coleration with the season "spring"- perhaps he was born in spring. He is royalty, part of the imperial family as cousin to the crown prince.
Second, the 白虎 (bai hu, white tiger)--> Bai Wuxiang, White Clothed Disaster upon the Earth.
The baihu's territory is the West, its colour is white, element is gold/metal, and its season is summer. It is the king of all beasts, associated with disease and war, often used as a guardian symbol by soldiers.
On the other hand, Jun Wu's title, alias and colour scheme are all white, and has plenty of weapons that may be his link to the element of "gold/metal". I don't think he has anything to do with summer, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. He is king of the gods, a god of war, and the one to spread the human face disease.
As east and west are considered a pair, the guardian spirits are meant to reflect each other. In Chinese poems and such, symmetry is important, and both Qi Rong and Jun Wu were princes, one becoming revered by the highest of gods, covered with masks and false identities, one becoming the object of disgust by the lowest of ghosts, using his real name and face. There is a certain poetic symmetry to it, don't you think?
To the second pair. The 朱雀 (zhu que, crimson bird)----> Hua Cheng, Crimson Rain Sought Flower
The zhuque rules over the south, its colour is red, element is fire, and its season is summer. It is the king of all birds, more powerful than even the phoenix, immortal and undying. As such, in many places it is also considered a symbol of life.
Now, to the most popular ghost king: Hua Cheng. The english translation of his title is "crimson", and his colour scheme is indubitably red and autumn-y shades. He also re-re-met Xie Lian in autumn ( I think - I mean, the leaves were all red in the donghua??), and has died again and again to return like the zhuque. He is the king of all ghosts, with a great determination to live(sorta? are ghosts alive??) for his love.
Lastly, my personal favourite, the 玄武 (xuan wu, black tortoise)---->He Xuan, Black Water Sinking Ships
The xuanwu, also called a tortoise, is actually the only spirit to be a combination of 2 animals, a snake and a tortoise. It rules over the north. Its colour is black( sometimes depicted as dark blue), element is water, and its season is winter. In earlier legends, he is considered a guide and guardian to the netherworld, of death and of long life.
Thus, to our poor indebted water ghost. He Xuan's name is "xuan", the same! goddamn! character! as the spirit! His title and colour scheme are all to do with the colour black, and he is a water ghost because he died because of the Water Master. He has been marked by death, yet survived and vowed revenge. This, and the fact that his house is called the Nether Water Manor, is probably his relation to the netherworld of the xuanwu.
To the pair of south and north. Both Hua Cheng and He Xuan have suffered and suffered again, yet Hua Cheng chooses to linger on due to hope and love, and He Xuan due to revenge and hatred. But hatred and love are two sides of the same coin. If Hua Cheng hadn't experienced the hatred from his childhood, he wouldn't have thrown himself from the city wall and met Xie Lian. If He Xuan hadn't loved his family, so much, he wouldn't have broken that hard after their deaths to lose himself to hatred and empty vengence.
Aaaaaand that concludes this essay. Keep in mind that this is a theory, and probably even isn't true, but if anybody wants a more detailed description of the guardian spirits, or to know more about the similarities between the mythical creatures of ancient china and tgcf, I will be more than happy to make a part 2.
Thanks for reading!!
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geranium-folly · 1 year
Requiem by John F. Matheus
She wears, my beloved, a rose upon her head. Walk softly angels, lest your gentle tread Awake her to the turmoil and the strife, The dissonance and hates called life.
She sleeps, my beloved, a rose upon her head. Who says she will not hear, that she is dead? The rose will fade and lose its lovely hue, But not, my beloved, will fading wither you.
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wolfish-trickster · 6 months
Choso headcanons
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(I'm sorry i just love this gif so much 😩)
He likes to listen to indie bands
There's just something about having a band "all to himself" and being the sole fan where ever he goes
But after a while starts to feel a little lonely not having any fellow fans for friends
Doesn't really see the point in people taking care of plants in their home, especially those that only bloom once and then they die
Isn't a dog or a cat person, he likes both
Would want to learn at least the basics of every skill he can find
His favourite day of the week is friday
Stays up super late even thoigh he promises himself to fix his sleep schedual
Spoiler: he never does
Keeps fit and builts muscle to protect his family
If he meets people who are pretty agressive about their opinions and unable to listen to a different point of view he just up and leaves, doesn't want to waste the energy
Doesn't look like it but he's quite artistic, he especially enjoys making his nose mark into different shapes and ornaments to make himself look cool
His favourite part of working out is laying down and letting his body cool
Learned how to cook so he could take care of his brothers
At the begining he would be just observing you
Not even trying to befriend you or your friends, nah
Just quietly watching from afar
His brothers would call him creepy for that
But he just wants to be sure you'll be worth the try
Eventually he's betrayed by Yuji who straight up tells you he has been looking at you when you do your thing
He tries to explain that he isn't shy or anything, but yeah, he was pretty closed off from you after you guys started talking
But since he spoke less he heard more and learned all your little quirks
Where others would buy you generic things for your birthday like a book or a mug he would buy you three new headphones becuase he remembered how you complained to him how often they break for you
Or he would give you something you genuenly need in your life and what would be useful
Also he would want to show you his creative side
Sketch you, write poems and haikus for you
He even tried to crochet you a flower but that failed quickly
He made you an origami instead 🥹
As he started to have feelings for you he needed advice from his brothers on what to do
They all just told him to ask you out
He didn't like that idea
What he did instead was collect his favourite hard rock and metal songs about love and give you that playlist on a CD on your birthday
He hoped you would get the hint
Your oblivious ass didn't 😭
He literally had to spell it out for you the next time you guys met
You gladly accepted his feelings (who wouldn't)
He asked you out on a date the very next day
Homeboy had no idea what to do on the first date tho...
So he improvised and went to ask the almighty google
He made a list on his phone consisting of advices he took from google and rom coms: first he had to take you see a movie, then go to a theme park, then restaurant and then either take you home or to a hotel
Not his ideal plans for the first date but it's how humans do it apparently
Long story short, it was a catastrophy
As he went to your house to pick you up it started to rain real bad
You guys decided to wait it out in your home
Rain turned to storm
Choso then admited he had a plan written on the phone Yuji gave him
You told him ypu guys cane have home date instead
You and him watched a movie
You guys spent a long time deciding what to cook together but eventually agreed on pasta with some exotic sauce
You had lots of fun
You guys ended the date curled up under your sheet cuddling the night away as the storm raged on outside
Choso found out he loves home dates
He only ever does that from then on
One night him and you decided to take quizes to learn more about eachother
His love language is physical touch
Which makes sense since from his first night of cuddling he has had his hand on any part of your body anytime you guys met
It's like his hand and your body were two magnets
He loves hugging you from behind, shows how much smaller you are than him
Sometimes he likes to lay on your chest and listen to your heartbeat (is what he would tell you but really he just likes to listen to your blood moving in extreme speeds through your body, but he wants to be romantic for you)
Not the one for PDA, will jold your hand at max when outside but inside the house he goes all out
All cuddling positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Your first kiss happened a week after you had the furst date
He honestly had no idea what kissing was
You introduced him and gave him few lectures 😉
It's safe to say the student surpassed the master
His lips are surprisingly soft and warm
The first time you kissed him he was a little stunned and his nose mark swerved a little
But then he got addicted
Giving you kisses all over your face
He likes the neck the most
Especially the parts where he can feel the blood in your veins
And when he found out tongues can get involved?
He almost didn't let you breathe
The feeling of your soft and wet muscle against his was heavenly to him
At first a little weird but he quickly got used to it
Would chuckle everytime your teeth clinked together
You also thought of introducing him to the concept of hickies but he already figured it out on his own
Doesn't like giving them too often tho, to let your veins regenarate properly, otherwise he would be painting your neck purple every day
He had his time when he read a post on social media about a guy literally dying after his girlfriend gave him a hickie and oit of fear and anxiety refused to give you any hickies for a month
After about half a year of dating he decided to introduce you to his brothers
They already knew all about you
Choso doesn't talk often but when he's in the mood he won't shut up
And lately he has been talking mostly about you
All of them were nice to you and all of you got along super well
Choso fell for you even more
One date night you picked a movie that was a little less innocent than all the ones you watched before
Thankfully you didn't have to explain the birds and bees to choso when a particularly heated scene came on
But you needed to explain to him how to get rid of his very first boner in his life 💀
Your first time happened a year after your first date
He wanted it to be special since it's both of your first time
He studied
Aka he watched porn
Didn't get hard from watching it tho, only after he started playing out the scenes in his head with you and him in the actors' places
His first ever jirkoff happened because of this
He made a playlist to get both you and him in the mood
Wasn't needed in the end
After the very awkward first round you went into it like rabbits
Remember what i said about Choso and cuddling? Same goes for positions
All positions, all surfaces, all times of the day
Tho he had his favourites
Among his favourite positions were those he could have you in his lap
He loved it when you could drap yourself all over him
He also like the access to the skin he got
His least favourite ones are where he can't see your face
The different facial expressions he gives with different thrust angles are what keeps him going
His favourite places are the bed or the couch
And he doesn't really care about the time of the day as long as both of you are willing and not busy
The first one to propose oral was him
He was curious about how it tasted down there
He didn't find the taste anything spectacular but could see the appeal
He liked the texture on his tongue more
He also found out your juices taste different during different parts of your month cycle
That way he could keep track of your period better than you
Sometimes after he was done eating you out he mentioned how your time of the month is coming so you should be prepared
Made you chuckle every time with how bluntly he says that
You also offered to give him head
Likes it when you gently drag your teeth along his shaft
Like the feeling when you have an itchy spot and you give it a good scratch, that's the same for him and your teeth
Isn't really sure if he prefers to give or recieve yet
But doesn't mind either way
Period sex is a whole different stuff to him
As soon as he found out coming can help period cramps he was all in
At one point he was curious about what would happen if he pulled out the entire inner lining with his cursed technique
Ended your period bleeding that very day
You loved him even more
Does that for you every single month
But he's not gonna lie, he has a little sadist hidden inside of him
Likes to see blood on his dick
But only period one, as soon as it's real blood from harming you he's out
Doesn't really have any other kinks than that but he's open to explore with you
Would quickly find out he has his horny days too
On those days he would ask you all shy if you two could fuck
You never told him no how could you with those eyes
Long story short he got to try a lot of exciting things with you, for which he's grateful
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probablyfunrpgideas · 29 days
Door Puzzle Idea
This locked door, perhaps in a dungeon associated with riddles or elemental magic, has four bowls that can receive items or liquids. Engraved in metal letters above is a poem: Every season has its time, Calling us to live our best. Read this ancient portal's rhyme To continue on your quest. Summer heat gives fiery gifts, Autumn falls with mellow notes Of sage advice, while winter lifts A raspy bark to coughing throats And what spring wants, within its heart? Take one more look at the start.
Scattered throughout the rooms nearby are shrines or themed areas for the four seasons - spring has a garden of flowers and herbs, summer has a beach illuminated by a false sun, and a bonfire with marshmallows for toasting. Autumn has a pile of leaves and a desk with some books on history, music, and philosophy. Winter has piles of snow and a handkerchief, in case you catch a cold. Include other items as well, if you like.
The trick (it may be obvious) is that the poem refers to seasoning of food, and all the keys can actually be found in the herb garden. To open the door, insert a chili pepper, some sage, some cinnamon, and some thyme!
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passions-and-pupils · 16 days
I like to imagine macaque used to love writing poetry but never showed anyone his work, instead keeping it safe in a special box on flower fruit mountain
I like to believe Wukong found it sometime after Macaque died. And inside he first found poems written durring his imprisonment.
Interspersed between poems of hatred and resentment were a thousand apologies of grief and yearning. He switched between begging for forgiveness, to go back to being young and untouched by war, for a second chance to do more than just suggest and find a way to get Wukong to listen, and furiously yelling at Wukong for leaving Macaque with his mistakes, for never being satisfied even when they had it all, for caring more about what his enemies thought about him than what his friends knew to be true.
Then, under all that were two poems written right before the attack they sieged on heaven.
The first poem was for after they won and described Wukong as the center of Macaques world, filling his life with light even on the darkest of days, and asking if Wukong could even comprehend how much he meant to him if the sunset thinks he too is beautiful. Even if not Macaque was content with admiring from afar, reciprocated or not.
The second poem was for after they lost the war. It revealed that while Macaque held out hope they would win he could never truly believe it, but if he were to die fighting alongside his Sun it would be worth it nonetheless. He truly believed that if they lost Wukong would be the only one left alive. Then, he asks if it was worth it if he really cared that much about gaining the universe when he already had the world. And if they somehow made it out not victorious but still in one piece, he asked that they stay on the island for a while. A break was all he really wanted. To be by his king’s side not as a warrior, but as a consort.
Wukong read through each one, and buried them incased in metal next to Macaques body.
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namusthetic · 1 year
The Writers' Series
Who wrote you, based on your aesthetic?
British Edition
Oscar Wilde
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"You can never be overdressed or overeducated."
Irregular sleep schedule
Sprawling on a sofa quoting poets long gone
The forbidden sweetness of guilty pleasures
The gently whispered name of a lover
Losing oneself to sensations and feelings
Writes poems for their lovers
Dressing up only for the pleasure of doing so
That dizzy feeling of late night adventures
Procrastination and unsent letters
An old silver framed broken mirror and forgotten withered roses
Sitting alone late at night. The thick, stuffy air in the room is making you dizzy and dulls your senses
Virginia Woolf
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"How many times have people used a pen or a paintbrush because they couldn't pull the trigger?"
The soft first autumn breeze
Spending winter afternoons in hidden library corners
Taking long walks along the riverbank in the early afternoon
Gives good advice but doesn't follow it
Scented candles and gentle nostalgia
The furious, quiet calmness of the ocean before a storm
Orange blossoms and sea salt
The texture of paper under your fingertips and the sound of chirping from outside the window
Wants to change the world one word at a time
Never forgives, never forgets
Reads poems in the golden afternoon light
Romantic but won't talk about their feelings
William Shakespeare
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"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves."
Wine stains on victorian shirts
The sound of footsteps on marble floors
Scribbling random Latin sentences in other people's notebooks
Dark, alluring, and a little bit occult
Writes poems on random scraps of paper and then forgets about them
The line between dreams and reality starting to blur
Loud, contagious laugh
Sword fights back stage
A lone flickering candle in the night
Laughs and cries at the same time when overwhelmed with emotion
Believes in the power of the unsettling and the forbidden
Sprawls on any available surface just to read tragedies and drink wine
Mary Shelley
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"When I looked around, I saw and heard of none like me. Was I then a monster?"
The sound of your heart beating in your ears when waking up from a nightmare
Anatomy and science illustrations
Equations and formulas scribbled everywhere
The touch of cold metal on warm skin
The clap of thunder and insistent drumming of heavy rain on the windowpanes
The muffled sound of cracking thunder from outside
Organized shelves and absentminded humming
Cold gravity and solemn silences
The cold shudder of realisation
Pacing back and forth trying to solve grave problems and unexpected results
Empathizes easily
Agatha Christie
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"Poirot," I said. "I have been thinking."
"An admirable exercise my friend. Continue it."
Hot chocolate on cold winter days while people watching inside an old Café
Sitting down in parks and reading the paper
The scent of clean laundry
Windswept hair and sharp looks
Spontaneous conversations and smiling at strangers
Could prove anyone wrong solely for their own amusement
Wet pavements glinting in the sunshine after a rain shower
Apricot jam, fresh baked croissants and café au lait while reading the newspaper in the early morning
A glint in their eyes and a spring in their step
Peppermints and vanilla hand cream
Sarcasm and condescending smiles
J.R.R. Tolkien
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"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to."
Early morning dew sparkling on spiderwebs
The awareness and clarity that comes with crisp morning air
Daisies, gingerbread and warm comfy clothes
Really into folklore
Snail shells and acorns kept in a jacket's pocket
The scent of fresh homemade bread in the morning
The gentle murmur of the wind blowing through the trees
Nothing could make them miss their afternoon tea
Knows the name of every plant or bird species
Presses flowers in their notebooks
That spark for adventure glims constantly in their eyes
George Orwell
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"But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought."
The smell of cigarettes and the sound of steps on the wet pavement
Long night walks around the city
The cold winter wind howling against the windows
Cheap black coffee drank in a small almost empty 24/7 coffee shop
Tired eyes and vivid dreams of liberty
Messy, rushed writing
The condensation on a cold window
Minimalist notebooks and black ballpoint pens hidden everywhere
Trying desperately to be free, to feel alive
The deafening silence of loneliness and the gentle quiet of solitude
T. S. Eliot
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"For I have known them all already, known them all / Have known the evenings, mornings, afternoons, / I have measured out my life with coffee spoons."
Coffee and ink stains
Tiny scribbled notebooks carried around in worn out messenger bags
Reads to escape the real world
Reading on public transportation and almost missing the stop
Falls in love five times a day
Strong coffee and dark chocolate
Feels like nobody can truly understand them
Doesn't take care of themselves
Stacks their books randomly around their house, forgetting empty coffee mugs and notepads on top of them
Flopping facedown on the bed and listening to the sounds of the life out the window
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