#metal pots and pans
passionoverfashion · 1 year
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Kitchen Enclosed Phoenix Example of a mid-sized trendy l-shaped enclosed kitchen design with flat-panel cabinets, light wood cabinets, granite countertops, gray backsplash, porcelain backsplash, stainless steel appliances and an island
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lesbian-phoenix · 3 months
au where Winslow, Phoenix, and Beef are best buddies and have silly shenanigans together is my favorite thing in the whole world like . PLEASE tell me your goofy head cannons or scenarios with them I love it so bad… I’ll leave mine in the tags
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brazen-kenobi · 1 month
i love how my mom just makes decisions that affects other people without actually talking to anyone else first.
she threw out one of mine and my brothers main chairs that we use for gaming bc she simply “doesn’t like it” and “it takes up space”
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nyuudoupee · 10 months
new nmixx was announced which means the hype train begins once more... we going full METAL (as in iron and ferric fluid from the likes of the teaser)
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taurusdesign · 2 months
Judith Kitchen
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Sul sul everyone!
I did it! Finally! It's been quite a ride. In addition to the difficulty of making kitchen, the hot weather is killing me and my computer. It's hot as hell!
When I shared the WIP, I said that "The texturing would end next week." But as you can imagine, it didn't happen that way. The most difficult part of making a kitchen is definitely texturing. Because every part needs to look like a perfect whole. And if there are too many swatches, it becomes more difficult. But I think I did it.
I told there were too many swatches. That's why I divided the kitchen cabinets and counters into three. (As Marble, Wood and Plaster counter tops.) In order to be more easily distinguished in the catalog, they are shown with different swatches as follows.
Marble Top
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Wooden Top
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Plaster Top
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The items included in the set are listed below. (Total of 56 items and Base Game compatible)
Kitchen Counter v1 (3 different tops)
Kitchen Counter v2 (3 different tops)
Kitchen Island v1 (3 different tops)
Kitchen Island v2 (3 different tops)
Cabinets v1 (3 different tops)
Cabinets v2 (3 different tops)
Appliance Cabinets (3 different tops)
Tall Cabinets v1 (3 different tops)
Tall Cabinets v2 (3 different tops)
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Wall Stove Hood
Fridge 1-Tile
Fridge 2-Tiles
High-oven (Dream Home Decorator Game Pack Required)
Built-in Oven*
Ceiling Stove Hood (3 heights)
Marble Sink
Metal Sink
Bar Stool
Wide plates
Coffe cups
Water glasses
Oval plates
Medium plates
Soup pot
Dish rack
Stock pot
Soap tray
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I hope you like it!
Love you all! ❤️❤️❤️
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newfruits · 1 year
my roommate put a bag of garbage from the kitchen in the recycling bin to be taken out, which is fine, i do that too until i get around to taking it out. but its been three days. im wondering if she expects me to take it out.... think again girl
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kon-konk · 2 years
There are five people living in my house, so there's like a million kitchen knives from where my cousin and her husband used to live on their own, and my aunt and other cousin used to live alone, and I lived with my grandmother (who owned the house before my aunt), yeah?
I use one. A single one for everything. It's a Dollar Tree knife that I bought like 4(? Maybe more?) years ago (y'know, back when things were still a single dollar there), and it's trying to retire.
So I bought a fuckin Chinese cleaver to fill the position that will be empty when that poor knife has had enough of outliving it's probably supposed to be miniscule lifetime. Why a Chinese cleaver? Dunno just looked cool and seemed like a good overall kitchen knife from what research I've done. Will it live in the kitchen? Hell fuckin no. My tamagoyaki pan doesn't live in the kitchen anymore because my cousin tears up any kitchen implement I've seen her touch. Not happening to my shiny new knife when it arrives.
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theowlburrow · 1 year
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Grease fire 🔥
PSA: Do NOT attempt to put out a grease fire with water! Water on a grease fire can cause an explosion. Instead, turn off the stove immediately and smother the fire with a metal pot lid, metal pan or cookie sheet. It cannot survive without oxygen and will soon burn itself out. If it is a very small grease fire and no metal lid is available, baking soda can also smother the fire. If the fire grows too large to smother, leave the house immediately and dial 911! Don't be like Vap! Be a smart cookie and stay safe! 
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abimee · 2 years
admittedly nothing i have seen has ever sold me on that locked tomb story not even the gay art people make but maybe this is because i never read percy jackson in middle school
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gender-euphowrya · 2 years
cooked an egg in a butter dish so it was the optimal shape for a sandwich. i'm a fucking steven hawkings
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alpaca-clouds · 10 months
How to cook in a medieval setting
Alright. As some of the people, who follow me for a longer while know... I do have opinions about cooking in historical settings. For everyone else a bit of backstory: When I was still LARPing, I would usually come to LARP as a camp cook, making somewhat historically accurate food and selling it for ingame coin. As such I know a bit about how to cook with a historical set up. And given I am getting so much into DnD and DnD stories right now, let me share a bit for those who might be interested (for example for stories and such).
🍲Cooking at Home
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First things first: For the longest time in history most people did not have actual kitchens. Because actual kitchens were rather rare. Most people cooked their food over their one fireplace at home, which looked something like what you see above. There was something made of metal hanging over the fireplace. At times this was on hinges and movable, at times it was set in place. You could hang pots and kettles over it. When it came to pans, people either had a mount they would put over the fire or some kind of grid they could easily put into place there with some sourts of mounts (like the two metal thingies you can see above).
If you have a modern kitchen, you are obviously used to cook on several cooktops (for most people it is probably four of them), while in this historical you obviously only had one fire. Of course, as you can also see in the picture above, you could often put two smaller pots over the flames or put in a pan onto the fire additionally. But yes, the way we cook in modern times is very different.
Because of this a lot of people often ate stews and soups of sort. You could make those in just one pot - and often could eat from the same stew for days. In a lot of taverns the people had an "everything stew" going, which worked on the idea that everyone just brought their food leftovers, which were all put into one pot everyone would eat from.
Now, some alert readers might have also noticed something: What about bread and pastries? If you only have one fireplace and no oven, how did people make bread?
Well, there were usually three different methods for this. The most common one was communal ovens. Often people had one communal oven in a neighborhood. Especially in a village there might just be a communal oven everyone would just put their bread in to bake. (Though often this oven would only be fired up once or twice a week.)
The second version to deal with this some people used was a sort of what we today call a dutch oven. A pot made either of metal or clay with a lit you would put into the hot coals and then put bread or pastries into that, baking it like that.
There was also a version where people just baked bread in pans on the fire, rotating the bread during the baking process. At least some written accounts we have seem to imply. (Never tried this method, though. I have no idea how this might work. My camp bread was mostly done in dutch ovens or as stickbread.)
Keep in mind that the fireplace at home was very important for the people in historical times. Because it was their one source of warmth in the house.
🏕️ Cooking at Camp
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Technically speaking cooking at camp is not that different - with the exception of course that you have to drag all your supplies along. And while in Baldur's Gate 3 and most other videogames you can carry around several sets of full-plate armor and several pounds of ingredients so that dear Gale can whip something up... In real life as an adventurer running around you need to make decisions on what to take along.
If you have read Lord of the Rings, you might remember how many people have criticized Sam for actually dragging all his cooking supplies along and how sad he was for not being able to cook for most of the time, because they were very limited in taking ingredients along.
So, yes, if you are an adventurer who is camping out in the open, you will probably need to do a lot of hunting and gathering to eat during your travels. You can take food for a couple of days along, but not for a lot.
A special challenge is of course, that while you can cook food for several days when you are at homes, you do not want to drag along a prepared stew for several days. So usually you will cook in smaller batches.
A lot of people who were journeying would often just take along one or two pots along.
So, what would you eat as an adventurer travelling around while trying to save the world from some evil forces? Well, it would depend on the time of the year of course. You would probably hunt yourself some food. For example hares, birds or squirrels. Mostly small things you can eat within one or two days. You do not want to drag along half a dead deer. In the warm months you might also forrage for all sorts of greens. You also can cook with many sorts of roots. Of course you can also always look into berries and other fruits you might find.
Things you might bring with you might be salt and some spices. A good thing to bring along would be herbs for tea, too, because I can tell you from experience that water you might have gotten from a river does not always taste very well - and springs with fresh water are often not accessible.
Now, other than what you can access the basic ideas of camping fires and cooking with them has not changed in the last few thousand years. While modern people camping usually have a car nearby and hence will have access to a lot of ingredients. But the general ideas of how to build a fire and put a pot over it... has not really changed.
So, yeah.
Just keep in mind that for the most part in historical settings until fairly recently, there was not much terms of proper kitchens. People cooked over an open fire and hence had to get at times ingenius about it.
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It's a Match! || poly!141 x Reader
[Chapter 28] || [Chapter 30]
Pairing: 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.2K~ cw: illness, injuries, hurt/comfort, fluff Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you? a/n: they're very sick... poor babies
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Chapter 29: Taking Turns
The next couple of days were rough. 
Kyle unable to bend down or stand straight for too long before his hip protested;
John unable to stretch himself in any direction due to his lower back hurting;
Johnny limping from his knee and with an arm on a sling;
and Simon having… not quite the flu but something? and getting dizziness spells every time he moved…
You haven’t gotten any proper rest either and have been running back and forth trying to help care for all of them.
They try their best to help, really… But the amount of groans, winces, and strained voices you hear whenever Kyle tries to make you all food, John tries to bend down to help with laundry, Simon tries to sweep, or Johnny tries to do anything two-handed… It’s hard.
Your flat suddenly feels too small for them, for you. 
Haven’t slept in your bed the whole weekend… But hey, at least you get to cuddle Simon all night every night. He’s like your own heater…
It comes to a head on Monday morning. You’ve gotta get to work… It hurts you to leave them like that, all alone, all day, in the state they’re in.
“So… there’s the spare key-” You handed the spare to John who had tried his best to be up with you for breakfast, leaning himself on the wall by the front door as you talk in hushed tones, Simon sleeping barely a couple feet away on the couch, actually getting rest.
“Don’t worry, we’ll be fine-”
“John…” You murmured as you looked up at him, your face showing nothing if not a deadpan inquiry. “You’re all dying.”
“We’re not dying. We were but we’re doing so much better after having you dote on us all weekend, darling.” He replied with a playful smile, which was cut through by a little wince that made his blue eyes press shut.
“Right.” You retorted and rolled your eyes. “Because you’ve gotten so much better, huh?” You taunted and shook your head.
“It’s fine… we’ve got… 3 or so functioning pairs of legs, 2 spines, 3 and a half pairs of arms and 3 working heads…” He trailed off, humourously listing the unaffected parts of their ailments.
“Ah yes… And somehow none of you are functional at all.” You teased again, smiling playfully, receiving a sigh and a conceding in the shape of an eye roll from him.
“Anyways,” You told him as you cupped his face. “You get back to bed… And try not to die, all of you. This flat isn’t mine, I don’t think you should die in here.” You added.
“Copy that.” John nodded with a chuckle which drew another wince from him. He kissed your forehead lightly then limped his way back to bed.
You had just gone on your lunch break when you shot the lads a message to check on their state:
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you: how r u all doing? 👀
By the time you came back from lunch, you hadn’t gotten a reply to your text… And normally that wouldn’t worry you…
If it weren’t for the fact they’re bunked down in your flat because they’re all injured or sick.
You went back to work with your phone in your pocket, patiently waiting a text from them… 
you: pls tell me ur alive
Even with that message, it still took another hour and a half for an answer to come.
You were about to jump ship and go home early by then, when Johnny answered you.
Johnny: souo you: what? Johnny: soup Johnny: [1 Video Attachment]
The video you got was not one you expected. 
Firstly, it was a very zoomed in 10 seconds of one of your metal pots with a heeping quantity of chicken noodle soup boiling in it.
Then, the camera panned over to display Kyle, John and Simon sprawled on the couch, head’s dangling back over the edge, snoring away.
“We made soup… bonnie.” Johnny said from behind the camera, his voice groggy and dragging, a consequence of the strong painkillers he had been taking for the last 3 days after his gunshot.
“Gonna have seconds… it’s so good…” He announced in a conspiratory tone and shushed the video before he finished the video.
How they managed to force themselves to stand up and stay awake long enough to cook a whole pot worth of soup, you have no idea. 
But, hey, at least they were alive. And that eased your worries.
And so, you got back to work, finishing your work day.
Coming back to work, you were surprised to find the flat in a similar state as when you left, which was surprising considering you expected a mess of dishes and food left for you to clean.
The boys had also moved from the couch and to the bedroom, their snores and heavy breaths coming from down the hall, as well as the sound of the shower running.
You closed the door carefully behind yourself, took off your shoes and padded over to the kitchen with the little shopping bag worth of things you bought after work.
Just as you’re about to start putting things in the fridge and cupboards, a figure show up at the kitchen door, making you jump a bit and huff a breath of surprise.
Turning to look at him, eyes wide and startled, you come face-to-face with a glistening wet Kyle wrapped in your last clean towel. There you go, needing to do more laundry again.
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“Hi, Kyle… Didn’t hear you come in.” You admitted with a smile as you looked at him.
“Hey, lovie… How was work?” He murmured as he approached you and kissed you softly on the forehead. He certainly seemed a bit more mobile than yesterday when you put him to bed.
“It was good… I see you boys made yourselves right at home, huh?” You gestured vaguely to the pot of soup on the back of the stove, lidded to keep for later.
“Yeah… John had the idea… Sent Soap to the shops to get the chicken and the carrot and all…” He trailed off as he nuzzled himself against you, an arm wrapped around your waist as he rubbed his nose against the crown of your head.
“I see… He was able to carry everything one handed?” You asked playfully, earning a chuckle from Kyle. 
“Surprisingly yes…” He trailed off and smiled as he lowered his head to steal a soft peck from your lips.
“What about cooking? Who did that?” You asked playfully as you returned the kiss, then, slipped away from his arm wrapped around you. You resumed putting things away in the cupboards and fridge.
“We took turns…” Kyle admitted a bit sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck. “Every 10 minutes we’d switch spots with each other and sit on the couch…” He trailed off and chuckled. 
“I see… I can imagine how that went… the four of you lot wobbling back and forth between the kitchen and the sofa… leaning your head on the cupboard because of the pain while you TRIED to shred chicken and stir the soup and all?” You joked.
“It was miserable… But the soup’s really good…” Kyle admitted.
“Yeah, bet it is… Johnny sent me a text about it…” You added with a chuckle. “Now how about you dry yourself up and get dressed before you catch something, hm?”
“Or you could warm me up instead…” Kyle quipped and winked at you.
taglist (CLOSED! not adding anyone else, sorry!):
@daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @cod-z , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @xxshadowbabexx
@severenswife , @enarien, @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago , @sodavrr , @cutiecusp , @lilliumrorum , @c-nstantine , @kneelforloki , @comeonatmebruh , @codsunshine , @waiting-so-long , @captainquake42 , @gazspookiebear , @mynameismisty , @reap3erslov3 , @reaper-chan666 , @poohkie90 , @kitwithnokat , @stick-the-dumbass , @mothsdrabbles , @justanerd1 , @thesinsoflust , @thriving-n-jiving , @blckbrrybasket
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werecreature-addicted · 6 months
Fae and their werewolf bf who ban anything metal from the house because of their silver and iron allergies. Fae withers any wolfsbane they see in the forest, and Werewolf bf helps them pick herbs. Just Fae and Werewolf bf fluff ♡
such a perfect cottage core fantasy, just a cozy cabin at the edge of the woods, with a big overgrown garden full of magical plants as well as more normal berry bushes and vegetable patches.
I like to imagine they have a goat or some chickens or something too. Some people might scoff at the idea of a werewolf having livestock but I like to think of them as one of those sheep guard dogs. And he loves his little animals as if they were a part of his pack.
Lots of those mushroom circle fairy rings around their house if the werewolf steps in one accidentally The Fea will pop up out of nowhere and steal a kiss. A fair price to pay if you ask me.
Honestly having no metal in the house wouldn't be that big of a deal, I don't imagine either of them cook a lot in a standard kitchen, Werewolf eats mostly raw meat and the Fea would just conjure up all sorts of custard cupcakes and berry honey teas with magic, but they can still get buy with just wooden cooking utensils and ceramic pots and pans.
The biggest hindrance is not having any sort of fire poker for their fireplace, but again with a fairy in the house tending to the fire with magic is easy enough.
all in all what a cute couple.
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oh hi big sis hru just wanted to ask for bucky making out w reader and "choking" reader? ((not really choking, just his hand on readers neck 🧜🧜 need that metal hand inside me
big sis?! AW GET OUT THATS SO CUTE!! salivating bc it’s such a delicious idea. thanks for requesting, hope you like it💌
bucky barnes x fem!reader — smut/ very suggestive
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word count. 592
warnings. 18+ bit of a hand kink (self indulgent? no😏don’t be silly) light ‘choking’ (basically just throat holding) mdni
Picking up on hints is something Bucky does best - his prior life as a weapon coming in handy when it came to connecting dots. 
But he didn't need his training when it came to you. Your clues were far from decreet.
He had noticed the recent liking you had taken to his vibranium arm - the longing glances, the touches, that look in your eye when he skims you with his metal fingers. 
There was something so lewd and erotic about it: the coldness of the metal when it touched your skin or just the thought of the sheer strength he could wield with it - just knowing the amount of power he could muster and still be so gentle with it around you.
He noticed it more prominently now. Standing together in the kitchen as you prepped dinner, you on Bucky's side as he chopped the ingredients. His right hand skillfully gripping the knife, his left metal hand holding a potato, keeping it still.
You were supposed to be on peeling duty, but every time you caught a glimpse of his hands, all work got delayed, consequentially leading to him having nothing to chop. So you pass him another peeled potato, watching how he brushes your fingers in the process - his hands purposefully lingering longer than they're supposed to.
Bucky's not an idiot. He could see it clear as day: the way your ears pull back, the delayed exhale in your chest, even the dilation in your pupils. He could see it all. 
You continue watching the smooth, fluid-like motion of his hands - practically ogling him as he drops the cubed produce into the saucepan. You're utterly captivated as you gawk at him, following his every move as he effortlessly glides around the kitchen - watching him place the pan onto the heat to boil.
He gives the potatoes a stir —fully aware of your stares— and turns to face you, noticing that same glimmer in your eye. He takes a step closer and presses a momentary kiss onto your lips, then pulls back, picking up on that hint of desperation across your face. 
So he leans back in, kissing you again and again until it evolves into much more than a few chaste, casual kisses. All of it progressing into something hungrier, eager - heavily making out as his lower half cages you against the counter. His cock chubbing up against your lower tummy.
He tests the waters and decides to use the one thing you've been eyeing up all evening. So he teases his left hand over your shoulder, fingers steadily skimming along until he reaches that part between your collarbone and the base of your throat - a faint, whiney moan leaving your lips in the process. The soft dulcet noise muffling into his mouth.
With your silent agreement, he snakes his palm higher - fingers itching up the sides of your throat until they settled in a light, comfortable grip just below your jaw. His grasp is faint, just merely holding your throat as he deepens the kiss, groin pushing you up against the edge of the counter.
He nips on your bottom lip before pulling away slightly, both of your chests practically heaving from the desperate makeout. He grazes his thumb over your chin, itching higher to run over your bottom lip, the pad outing it slowly - his eyes following attentively. 
"Don't you go anywhere," he whispers, pressing another kiss to your lips - moving away to attend to the bubbling pot.
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kitchenwitchtingss · 1 year
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(And other useful things I've learned over the years)
Hi! This is a list of dos, don'ts, tips, tricks, and other fun things that I've learned over the years. I always love finding more effective and efficient ways of doing things so if you have any cool things you'd like to add, leave them in the comments or reblog. I'd love to read it.
Anyways... On with the list ^_^
Light candles around your kitchen space (just make sure nothing flammable is near you)
Annotate your cookbooks with the correspondence of the ingredients.
Mediating is really good to calm the mind before cooking.
Cut oranges and lemons thinly, dry them, and hang them with twine around your kitchen
Need a cleansing tip? Open all your windows near your kitchen. Let some fresh air in.
Cutting sigils into apples, pie crusts, and carved potatoes.
Save lemon and orange rinds, freeze them, and then use them to clean the garbage disposal.
Make infused oils and honey: Things like garlic honey, lavender honey, herb oil, sun oil, moon oil, dandelion oil, and other different edible oils are very fun and useful to make.
Hid sigils in pages of your cookbooks and kitchen witch journals.
Add some plants! Snake plants and spider plants don't need too much light, and growing your own herbs in your kitchen is awesome too. Basil, lavender, thyme, aloe vera, rosemary, etc. are good fits. You could also add some plants that require more sunlight on the kitchen window sill. Like cacti and succulents.
Bring crystals into your kitchen space such as rose quartz, clear quartz, amethyst, or whatever you want the space's intentions to be.
I keep a small money tree on the sill, along with cacti for luck and protection.
Make a simmer Pot! Mostly because it makes the whole house smell good, easy, and fun.
Stir clockwise for best results!
Learning how to pickle things is actually pretty witchy. Plus, anyone could do it as it requires absolutely no kitchen experience. You could pickle any vegetable, even if you don't like pickles. I originally learned this after having to take shelter from a natural disaster. A person brought a bunch of stuff and taught us how to pickle things with different spices and herbs. Very fun!
Decorate your kitchen with your favorite stuff. Crystals, decor, heat mits, that cool mushroom cake stand you've been eyeing at the World Market for the past 2 weeks, cool looking curtains, sun catchers. Why stop there? Paint the walls, hang shelves full of marked-up cookbooks that are a little too well-loved and thumbed through.
Wanna be the person that has the amazing-smelling house every time people come over? Syrups take some time to simmer down, it's actually a pretty good time to leave it on the stove to simmer. Since syrups have a lot of aromatic ingredients, it acts as a really good-smelling simmer pot.
Hang up herbs to dry with twine from cabinets that are rarely used.
Invest in that new set of plates and cups.
Homemade jams, butter, sauces, and syrups are your best friend.
Crochet or knit your own dish rags, pot holders, etc.
Don't pour extremely hot things into a glass that's not Pyrex, it will break, and you will be very sad about it.
Don't cook anything while extremely upset or emotional (For safety reasons)
Make recipes you want to make, not just because you'll like the effect. Make it because you think it's tasty.
Chinese Five Spice works in place of herbs for protection and luck spells a lot of the time! It's cheaper to buy 1 spice than 4 different spices that total up to 15 dollars when you could just spend 3-4 dollars.
Take a shower before cooking (I don't know how to explain this one other than it makes you feel better)
Don't use microfiber/plastic material clothes on hot burners, it will fuse to the burner and melt. It is VERY hard to get off.
I don't know if I need to put this one but I did see someone do it so nonstick pan = wooden utensils and plastic utensils, metal pan = metal utensils. Do not use a metal spoon in a nonstick pan, please. It can make you very sick.
Keep your pets away from hot oil, open ovens, and hot pans.
You can proof bread dough in the fridge overnight if you don't have the time to bake, or want to eat fresh bread right in the morning.
Need a quick witchy meal for dinner in 12 minutes? Use premade tomato pasta sauce and doctor it up with thyme, rosemary, and garlic, for protection and distilling stagnant energies. Serve with pasta of your liking.
You can substitute Butter for Crisco/shortening, buttermilk for 1 cup of milk + 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, and heavy cream for 1 cup of half and half plus 2 tbsp of butter.
Use leftover animal bones to make bone broth
Teach yourself the art of bread scoring (It's fun, and you can show it off to your loved ones!)
Collect and hoard your own and others' family recipes.
Sometimes the food doesn't have to be a spell, sometimes it just makes you feel good and you don't know why.
Listen to your favorite music in the kitchen, it makes the monotonous things like chopping veggies move faster.
Invest in a vegetable chopper if you don't like chopping vegetables.
Find a really good hot cocoa recipe and make it once a week. Master it. Just for your own happiness because hot cocoa is really good. You could also be the friend/family member that makes the best hot cocoa ever.
Focaccia Bread Lasts a very long time, and it's very easy to make!
Keep a first aid kit near where the oven is, in case of burns, cuts, or serious injuries where time is everything.
Quick Bread and no-rise loaves are simple for beginners, tasty, and take little time. They also feel very witchy to make.
Study a bit of Herbalism! It's fun and really helps better understand the herbs you're putting into your food.
While something is boiling, put your wooden spoon over the pot to minimize the chance of something boiling over.
Try a bit of coffee magick, it's simple to get into, and gives you a boost of energy to take on the day!
If you're over 21, wine-making is a very interesting way to celebrate the sabbats. Just with that, make sure you KNOW what you're doing. With anything fermented, there's always a risk if you don't store things correctly. Apple wines, strawberry wines, dandelion wines, etc. all very cool to experiment with. If you're not over 21, vinegar is a similar way to experiment.
Hang up some witchy things, sigils, photos, cool magnets, and other things that give you joy on your fridge. (Sometimes if you are lucky they have some fun magnets at five below)
If you live in the US, for some reason, there are a lot of books in the book section dedicated to witchcraft and spirituality. At least where I live. And they are all under 5 dollars!
Teas are the cheapest and easiest things you can practice being a kitchen witch.
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inkdrinkerworld · 1 year
Remmy not letting his gf do anything ever when he’s there is making my brain go brrr
Him being so happy about it is so cute i love the way you write him plz expand on this remmy he’s so gorgeous to me
Imagine you trying to help cook or something and him literally lifting you up and sitting you down because all his girl needs to do is sit there and look pretty
Hehe I really love this idea of remmy cos hes just such an acts of service bf that he hates you doing anything
You can cook. You’ve coked so many times that you can do it with your eyes closed.
However, you’ve just come home from work and Remus doesn’t want you lifting a single finger.
He’s in the kitchen chopping vegetables for a shepherd’s pie.
“Hey Rem, I’m just gonna go shower really quick before I come down to help you.” You stamp a quick kiss to his jaw and rush to the bathroom.
Remus only hums, wiping his hands on the cloth hanging on his apron before setting the onions and garlic in a hot pan.
You come back in, hands aching to help Remus even as you yawn. You lift the peeler, ready to start on the potatoes when Remus shakes his head.
“Nuh uh,” he tuts, taking the metal peeler and potato from your hands and setting them down.
“What? Rem, c’mon.” Your feet are off the floor in an instant. Remus’ hands are on your hips, lifting you effortlessly before placing you on the counter.
“No ‘c’mon’, you know you’re not allowed after work,” he says, peeling the potatoes as he stands next to you. “Tell me about your day? How was the meeting?”
You’re pouty till Remus gives you a soft smile, nudging your jaw with his nose while he waits for you to speak.
“You’re so bossy,” you murmur and Remus chuckles as he listens to you start up. “Well, it was pretty long! The meeting-“
He smiles, plopping potatoes in the pot on the stove as he listens to you go on about your day. Remus notices how you lean into him, body preening for his touch even in the humid kitchen.
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