#mf vocab
prepolyglot · 1 year
Body Parts in French
Please note there are NSFW terms in this vocab list.
english | french
body | corps (m.)
head | tête (f.)
face | visage (m.) hair | cheveux (m.pl.) eyebrow | sourcil (m.) (often plural: sourcils) forehead | front (m.) eyes | yeux (m.pl.) (singular: œil (m.)) eyelash | cil (m.) (often plural: cils) nose | nez (m.) nostril | narine (f.) mouth | bouche (f.) lip | lèvre (f.) tooth | dent (f.) (often plural: dents) gum | gencive (f.) (often plural: gencives) tongue | langue (f.) jaw | mâchoire (f.) chin | menton (m.) ear | oreille (f.) cheek | joue (f.) (often plural: joues)
neck | cou (m.)
throat | gorge (f.) Adam's apple | pomme d'Adam (f.) shoulder | épaule (f.)
arm | bras (m.)
armpit | aisselle (f.) forearm | avant-bras (m.) elbow | coude (m.) wrist | poignet (m.) hand | main (f.) knuckle | articulation (du doigt) (f.) (often plural: articulations) finger | doigt (m.) fingernail | ongle (m.) (often plural: ongles) thumb | pouce (m.) pointer/index finger | index (m.) middle finger | majeur (m.) ring finger | annulaire (m.) pinky finger | auriculaire (m.)
torso | torse (m.)
collarbone | clavicule (f.) chest | poitrine (f.) nipple | mamelon (m.) breast | sein (m.) (often plural: seins) belly button/navel | nombril (m.) / ombilic (m.) back | dos (m.) spine | colonne vertébrale (f.) waist | taille (f.)
hip | hanche (f.)
pelvis | pelvis (m.) penis | pénis (m.) testicle | testicule (m.) balls | couilles (f.pl.) vagina | vagin (m.) bladder | vessie (f.) butt | derrière (m.) buttocks | fesses (f.pl.) anus | anus (m.)
leg | jambe (f.)
thigh | cuisse (f.) knee | genou (m.) calf | mollet (m.)
foot | pied (m.)
ankle | cheville (f.) heel | talon (m.) toe | doigt de pied (m.) (plural: doigts de pied) toenail | ongle de pied (m.) (often plural: ongles de pied)
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or better translations!
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ghostsfruit · 2 months
Mfs be kinnin' A.B.A when you should be gettin' therapy
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starscelly · 1 month
feel like my style of writing is soooo unhelpful for writing fics because it adds Spark and Enjoyment to casual non fiction writing (like papers/analysis for class) but if i tried to do the same direct translation of how i Speak to fics it’d be a fucking. “He Would Not Fucking Say That” fest
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ackee · 1 year
when in our art journey did we all start saying rendering instead of shading. . .
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since when was quizlet paywalled wtf
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astreids · 15 days
the day you and megumi broke up was the worst day of gojo satoru's life.
now, not only did he have to deal with a moody teenager at home, he also had to deal with you at school.
"what do you mean you both broke up?"
"it means we're no longer together."
"but — but WHY?"
"reasons," megumi deadpanned, not taking his eyes away from the tv in front of him. gojo watched him for a minute and when it became clear that the kid wasn't gonna cry and ask him for help so that he could win you back, he knew exactly what he had to do.
a few blocks away, you had just finished tearing up over a sad song which reminded you of your current predicament when your phone pinged with a new notification.
you reached over to dig your phone up from the pile of pillows thrown on your bed and almost threw it out of the window when the name 'sea urchin🥊💍' stared back up at you.
you snapped back from your trance when it pinged again — and again and again and again until you couldn't take it anymore and opened the messages, your heartbeat echoing in your ears.
sea urchin🥊💍
do u care bout me be honest
i am giving you 5 secs pls pls pls
take me back 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
if this doesn't work lemme try this
c'mon u have to take me back now it's only being NICE
i am going to sleep now last chance
come onnnnnnnnnn
hello this is his dad do u care about megumi
on the other side, gojo was furiously trying his best to make it seem like it was megumi who was texting you and so far, he was absolutely convinced that he was getting the hang of it. it was only when the phone buzzed with a new notification that his dream of mastering espionage was shattered.
megumi's vocab includes yes, no, fuck off, what the fuck and itadori NO
he will strangle u if u use emojis
nice try tho sensei
tell that mf to talk to me if he wants to
or wtv
is he ok
not that i care
make sure he sleeps early tonight bc he got that training thing tomorrow morning
again i do not care
also delete these messages
(thank u)
gojo looked up grinning from megumi's phone, his eyes locking on his kid. megumi was fast asleep on the couch, his head leaning back against the back of it. even from some distance, gojo could see the tiredness etched on his face and something else that made him so restless. and despite not seeing you, he could bet his entire fortune that you were the same way and it made is heart hurt, seeing the two kids he loved like his own hurt so horribly like this.
looking at the messages you sent and your obvious care of him, he was sure that you'd both be okay.
gojo was there to make sure of it. and if one of the reasons for doing it was because he didn't wanna deal with antsy and moody teenagers for god knows how long, well, that was no one's business but his own.
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warpedtour08 · 1 year
it's not even tuesday???
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justagamerandaweeb · 1 month
Peer Pressure - Modern AU! Gyutaro x Reader
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There isn't a lot of writing for this sexy MF. And seeing that I've only made a smut with this dude once, why not give him another one?
Art by @rasshu-benaio, divider by @mikeykuns, And MDNI banner by @roseschoices
The following smut includes: sex (duh), choking, blowjob, cum swallowing, rough sex, usage of aphrodisiacs, drugged sex, dry humping, doggystyle, missionary, nipple sucking, slight degradation, a lot of f-bombs (thanks to Gyutaro's vocab), female ejaculation, and ass smacking.
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Gyutaro puts his car in park as he looks at you and says, "I can't believe you dragged me to be here." You pat his arm as you responded to him, "Come on, it'll be fun! Besides, you need to get out more." You unbuckled the seatbelt, and got out of the car. "Yeah, if you consider talking to people you don't know, getting drunk, and regretting your choices the next day fun."
"And that, my friend, is the best part about college parties." You said, having a puerile smile on your face. He scoffs as he follows you to the front door of the big house that was owned by Michikatsu, and rung the doorbell. You both waited for the door open, and then heard the sound of the lockset unlocking, and the door opened.
It was Kaigaku who opened the door, wearing a onyx colored jacket with a black shirt under it and black ripped jeans. "Oh shit, hey guys! I didn't think you two would show up." He said, a little stupefied that you both actually came. "That's what I had in mind, but this rat insisted that we go." He said, pointing directly down at you.
"Hey! You hush, you praying mantis! All you do is stay in your dorm and play video games! You clearly don't have anything better to do." You clapped back at him, unaware that he was about to slap you on the back of your head. Kaigaku chuckles as he comments, "Well, at least y'all here now. Come inside, we got food, drinks, and some games we're about to play." He walked upstairs as Gyutaro smacked your head.
You held the back of your head as you exclaimed, "Ow! What was that for!?" He looks at you as he goaded, "That's for calling me a praying mantis." And smacks your rear, making you yelp. "Let's get this party over with so I can go back to my dorm." And went inside. You grumbled as you had no choice but to follow him.
Once they both made it upstairs, they were taken aback by how many people were there. Give or take, you both expected the Hantengu brothers, Douma, Hakuji, Kaigaku, Nakime, and Michikatsu to be here, but not the Hashira Club, excluding Gyomei.
"Whoa..." (Y/N) elicited.
"Yeah, mostly the people that we know are here. Even the others from the Hashira club. Supposedly this is a "Private party", as Michi calls it. So, uh... nothing much else to say other than have fun, I guess." And walks away. Shortly after, Gyutaro decided to sit on the couch, and pull out his phone.
You pouted as you trotted up to him, and yanked his phone away from his hands. He stayed there for a few seconds, and his neck snapped at you as he said, "Give me my phone."
He stands up and walks up to you, towering over you as he repeats himself, "Give me my phone." sounding more aggravated that time. You put his phone in your back pocket, and crossed your arms with a juvenile smile on your face as you repeated, "No."
A thick vein popped up on his forehead as he tried to reach for his phone by groping your ass, but you quickly backed up away from his as you waved your finger at him and said, "Ah, ah, ah, you can only have it back if you socialize with the others."
His eyes were slanted down to visualize his anger as he responded, "And if I say no?" You giggled as you said, "Then I'll break your phone." Gyutaro was about to say something crazy, but he sighs and rolls his eyes in defeat as he says, "Let's get this shit over with." A smile crept up to your face as he said, "Don't start."
"I'm sorry, I just can't help it." She said as she started to walk around, and he followed her. The first person they went up and talk to, was Hakuji. (Y/N) liked him as he was respectful to her. If anything, he was respectful to every woman he ever came across.
He was talking to one of the people from the Hashira club, he had yellow hair with red streaks at the end, and a small ponytail at the back of his head. Both of them were talking about... whatever college boys talk about during parties.
"Hey guys!" (Y/N) shouted out at the duo, and they both turned their attention to them. "Oh, hey (Y/N), Gyutaro." Hakuji said as he hugged her, and then gave Gyutaro a fist bump. "How you two doin'? I honestly thought you two were gonna stay on campus. Well, Gyutaro, was gonna stay on campus."
"Yeah, but luckily I dragged him to be here so he can be more social." She said with a smile on my face that reads, I'm proud that I did this. "Oh, well, in that case, welcome to the party," Hakuji stated as he patted (Y/N)'s, and Gyutaro's shoulders. "I take it you both met Kyojuro? He's the second in command of the Hashira club at the university."
The fiery-haired man had a bright smile on his face as he reached his hand out to both of them as he introduced himself, "Hi, name's Kyojuro Rengoku." (Y/N) immediately felt warm to his presence, something about his aura just made her feel like they've known each other since they were kids, while Gyutaro was deadpanned from all this, he just wanted his phone back, not to talk to these people.
(Y/N) shook his hand as he carried on the conversation, "So, I heard you're name is (Y/N), right? Nice name." (Y/N) chuckles as she responds, "Thank you." His attention changed from her, to Gyutaro, and so he extended his hand toward him, and he just looked at it. "C'mon Gyutaro, don't leave him hanging." (Y/N) commanded him as he sighed through his nose, and shook his hand. "Hey."
"Hey, nice to meet you. You two enjoying the party?" He questioned both of them, seeing that they came to him, and Hakuji trying to start a conversation. "Oh, we just got here. Gyutaro wanted to sit down and be on his phone, so I'm confiscating it until he's socialized with enough people."
Kyojuro hums as he acknowledges (Y/N)'s response, and says, "Well, that's an interesting way to make your friend sociable. But, if it works, it works. You two want a drink while we're at this? I don't mind getting them for you." He said, pointing his index finger at both of them while holding his cup.
(Y/N) made a brief inhale, but didn't get the chance to speak as speak as Kyojuro overlapped her and said, "Y'know what, you don't have to say anything, I'll go get y'all a drink!" And he trotted away. Hakuji elicts a nose laugh as he then looked at both of them and clears his throat and says, "So... How are you two doin'?"
"We're doing good, thank you for asking." (Y/N) stated as she was tapping her shoes on the floor, hearing the overlapping conversations around them. "That's good to hear. But, can you almost believe that this is our final year? Just goes to show how much time has passed by so fast." He said as he took a swig of his cup.
The thought didn't process in her mind, but when it did, her eyes were extremely widened as she stammered, "Holy shit, you're right. How long has it been since we applied to this place?"
"If I remember correctly, about three years."
Thankfully, (Y/N) didn't have a drink in her hand, 'cause she would've dropped it after realizing she's been in this university for this long. "That's... Man." (Y/N) felt like she just had an entire revelation at the fact, and Hakuji softly patted her back as he consoled her, "I know. But, it's our last year. Make some memories while you still have the time."
"I guess so..." (Y/N) mutters out as shortly after their conversation, Kyojuro walks up behind them as he is holding two red cups. "Here ya go!" Gyutaro and (Y/N) grabbed the cups and Gyutaro immediately took a sip of it while (Y/N) looked in the cup to see a goldish-yellow liquid inside. "O-Oh... Is this beer?" (Y/N) asked Kyojuro as she was watching it slowly slosh around.
"Of course! We're at a party, it's expected to have a strong beverage at the party. Unless you want me to go get you a soft drink, which I can do." He said as he extended his hand out as if he were requesting her to give him the cup. "Oh, no no no no, I can drink it. It's just that I've never had a drink before."
All three of them looked at you with surprise. Hakuji softly laughs as he exclaimed, "Well shit. Well, here's to your first drink at a university party. And here I thought, that you drunk at the past parties we were in."
"Just because I have a red cup in my hand, doesn't mean I'm drinking." (Y/N)'s eyes trail down to the cup and she brings it up to her nose as she softly sniffs it as she softly recoils back from the smell. It had a malty smell to it, which felt alien to her.  She glanced up at Kyojuro as she asked him, "You didn't lace anything in this, did you?"
Kyojuro elicits a dramatic gasp as Hakuji almost choked on his own drink and Gyutaro continued to drink. "Now I would never roofie a vulnerable woman at a party! That would tarnish my reputation! I promise, it's just beer, nothing else." Kyojuro reassured her as she puckered her lips, and took a small sip.
Her face immediately cringed at the taste, it was bitter, and had a tangy taste to it. But she didn't want to be embarrassed in front of everybody spitting it out, so she mustered up the courage, and swallowed the booze that was in her mouth, making her physically and verbally shiver when she did.
"Ugh..." Her eyes scowled and her bottom lip was puckered as she looked at Kyojuro, and formed a weird smile as she raised the cup up. Kyojuro smiled as he bumped his cup into hers and took a sip of his drink.
(Y/N) took one last sip of her cup, and placed it on the counter as she shivered and vigorously shook her head. Hakuji cheered for her as he patted her back and said, "Not bad finishing your first drink. Honestly, I thought you would stop after the third or fourth sip."
"I considered it. But, I'm not a coward." (Y/N) uttered out before she softly burped and groaned. "But, what should we do now?" Hakuji was about to talk, but flinched when he heard the sound of someone talking behind him, "Hakuji-dono! I want to talk to your friends!~"
Oh shit. They all thought. Hakuji felt someone's hand rest on his shoulder and turned around to see Douma towering above him. "Hey.~" All three of them can speak for each other and say they hate— no, not hate, despised Douma as a whole. His narcissistic personality, having little regard for people and how they feel, and his shit-eating smile that was latched onto his face made him the most disliked student of the whole university, and a well-deserved reason for that matter.
"Douma." Hakuji uttered. Douma scruffs his hair up, which made Hakuji pop a vein on his forehead, his fist balled up as if he was about to sock him in his jaw, but he had to refrain from making a scene as someone would record this, post it online, and he would get in trouble.
"Why so hostile? We're at a party, we're supposed to have fun, right? Gyutaro, (Y/N), Fireboy, isn't that what parties are supposed to be?" Gyutaro, Kyojuro and (Y/N) all looked at each other and (Y/N) decided to take the initiative to speak as acknowledged, "Y-Yeah, essentially."
Douma does an annoying chuckle as he responds, "See? Even they get it. So, why can't you?" Hakuji inhales through his nose, and lets out a shaky exhale as he was trying his hardest not to punch him in the jaw. "As a matter of fact, you two, follow me. We're gonna have fun with the brothers. At least they know what to do at a party." And started to walk the other direction.
Gyutaro followed him, and before (Y/N) followed suit, she patted his shoulder, and said to him, "Just one more year, and you don't have to see him again." Hakuji scoffs as he says, "Yeah, hopefully not." And he touches her hand.
(Y/N) felt Kyojuro touch her shoulder and he said, "Don't let him take advantage of you, alright?" "Agreed." Hakuji said. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna give him the chance." She smirks as she says, "Don't worry. I won't let him." She slid her hand off his shoulder as she started to follow Douma and Gyutaro.
She walks by a few people she knew, along said hi to the people who were in the Hashira club, until she got to Douma, Gyutaro and the Hantengu brothers. Out of the four, Urogi was the first to come up to her and hug her as he said, "(N/N)! How you doin'? You enjoyin' the party so far?" He said in a childish tone.
"It's... Eh. It's okay, I guess. Not much to go around though." (Y/N) responded to him as she Urogi chuckled and said, "Well, we can fix that for you. We're about to play a game soon so, it's good timing that you came along." He said, playfully punching her arm.
(Y/N) rubs her bicep before following Urogi to see what the others are doing. Aizetsu was just sitting on the couch as he was watching Sekido and Karaku playing Mortal Kombat. They were playing as Ethernal Mileena and Hellfire Scorpion. It was the last round, so any one of them could win. She leaned down on the couch as she watched the fight unravel. It was mostly blocking and jumping, mixed in with a few anti-air uppercuts and a few combos here and there.
Both of the character's health were very low, and all it took was one immaculate combo for the other character to fall. Mileena tried to do a ball roll, but Scorpion blocked it as he does an overhead flame heel, and engulfs himself in flames using Flame Aura.
Him doing Flame Aura stunned her long enough for him to do a three hit combo, teleports behind her, hits her two more times before throwing his spear and shouting, "COME HERE!!!" He jumps over her, does a jump front punch, hits her with an Eternal Vengeance combo, does a Flameport, grabs her while she's falling, and the camera does a brief slow down as they show Scorpion slash Mileena's neck open, slashes her stomach, and uppercut her head, practically exploding, thus ending this Kombat off with a Brutality.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened from the sudden gore as Sekido quickly stood up and boasted against his brother sitting down. "Get shit on, you bitch! Sorry ass Mileena user!" He said, getting into his personal space. "This coming from the guy who uses Scorpion, and Flame Fist Liu Kang."
Sekido's eyebrows frowned down as he had his fist above and behind his head as Karaku quickly retracted his statement and said, "But, you won, so gg." Sekido's face softened, but not a lot for his angered expression was still plastered on his face, but he backed away for Karaku so he could sit back up properly. "Now that that's well and done, hey (Y/N), how you doin'?"
(Y/N) shrugged her shoulders as she uttered, "Living. Not complaining though." She said as she did a soft sniff shortly after. "Ain't nothin' wrong with living, I'll tell you that much. But you know what's better than living?" He grabs something out of his pocket, and reveals it to be a box of chocolates that had the cover Tabs on it. "Living like there's no tomorrow."
(Y/N) cringed at the banal sentence, as Karaku vaulted over the couch, he pointed to her, and Gyutaro. "You two are gonna play a little game, where it involves eating this delicacy that's in my hand. Now, before I give you two these, did you two eat?"
(Y/N) and Gyutaro both looked at each other before they shook their heads and said, "No." "That my friend," he snaps his finger, "is what we need to do first. Aizetsu," Aizetsu's head perked up as he looked up at his older brother, "Fetch these two some grub before I give them a good night."
"Do they have to? I mean, are they even on that level of relations? I know they're dormmates, but—" Aizetsu's yammering was interrupted when he felt Sekido twist his ear and he quickly said, "Okay! Okay! I'll give them some food!" Sekido lets go of his ear, and he chuckles as he looks at Urogi and say, "You, me, MKX, now."
"I'm down." Urogi said as he grabbed the other controller and sat down on the floor as he picks his character. "C'mon you guys, I'll get you some food." Aizetsu said in a melancholic tone as he stood up off the couch and walked to the kitchen. (Y/N)'s eyes slightly widened at the variety of foods that was on the table and counters. Ranging from vegan, vegetarian, plants, meat, dessert, the whole shebang.
"Grab a plate and enjoy yourselves for the time you have left. Whatever happens for these next couple of minutes will be, you're going to need it." And walks away. They both grabbed a plate and both of them grabbed their own assortment of foods. Due to Gyutaro having a high metabolism, he has a lot of food on his plate, and (Y/N) had some food, along with sweets on hers.
They both go back to watch the brothers play games as they sat down on the floor and began to eat. As they were eating, (Y/N) takes Gyutaro's phone out of her back left cheek pocket, and tapped his shoulder with it. He takes it and continues to eat as she says, with her mouth full, "Yow wekom." And he scoffs, but has a soft smirk on his face.
(Y/N) elicited a sigh of satisfaction as she put her hand on her stomach and patted it. "I'm stuffed." She covers her mouth as she softly burps and groans. Gyutaro softly coughs as he is on his phone. "Well, now that y'all are satisfied, it's about time that we make this more, interesting so to speak."
Karaku takes the box of chocolate out of his pocket as he opens it to reveal three small golden wrappers. "Wow, fancy. Although, not worth 4,639.67¥." He takes one of the wrappers out and each gave it to (Y/N). The wrapper that had the sweat droplets emoji on it. (Y/N) puckers her lips as she softly blushes from the implication of what the emoji meant.
"Not a subtle presentation." Gyutaro deadpanned, leaning against (Y/N)'s shoulder peeking at the wrapper. He sighs as he says, "That's just get this over with, it's not like it isn't gonna do much anyway." (Y/N) unwraps the small chocolate to reveal its look, as there was a corner vertical line that could be broken apart. (Y/N) breaks it apart to where it was two triangles, (Y/N) gave Gyutaro the other half and they both started to chew.
The taste of it was surprisingly good. The texture of it felt smooth, and velvety, as if it was melting in their mouths as they chewed the chocolate. They both swallowed the chocolate, and (Y/N) makes a hum of satisfaction while Gyutaro asks, "So, how long does it take for it to kick in? 15, 20 minutes?"
"Actually, 30. It might take some time for the effects to kick in, so best to get comfortable." Karaku said as he stood up and cracked his back as telling the duo to follow him. They do so, where the more they walked, the more quieter it became. Karaku opens the door which leads to some sort of big closet, which is a little concerning to both of them.
"This where y'all will do your business once the effects start to kick in. Once they do, you both will have seven minutes to do what you want with each other. Simple enough?" They both went inside the closet as he rambled on, "I'll put a timer on my phone just in case you guys forgot about this game. Other than that, have fun." And walks away.
Both of them were sitting right beside each other as (Y/N) was looking around the closet. "Man, this closet is big. Is this even a closet?" (Y/N) questioned like a curious child discovering a new everyday item for the first time. "This is Michikatsu's place, he's a rich bastard so it probably is." And (Y/N) hums.
"Do you wanna watch something, while we wait for this shit to take over?" He said, holding his phone. (Y/N) scooted closer to him, and rested her head on her shoulder, which confused him as he asked, "Why are you so close?" A faint blush formed on both of their faces as she responded, "Just... trying to fit the mood. Seeing that we both ate chocolate and waiting for the effects, might as well make it feel more intimate, y'know?"
Gyutaro groaned at the thought, but sighed as he wrapped his arm around her and asked, "What do want to watch?" (Y/N) 's mouth was gapped open, but closed as she smirked and giggled a little, making Gyutaro's pale face turn into a red complexion. "Shut up..."
A couple minutes passed as they were watching a video, when suddenly, Gyutaro stopped the video and asked her, "Do you feel tense, or hot anywhere?" She looked up at him to see that the blush on his face reappeared, but at the same time, his eyes were half-lidded, and from his perspective, the deafening sound of his heart was beating in his ears.
He started to take his hoodie off, which reveals his black plain tee, and his scrawny, yet tone arms. "You okay, Gyutaro? You look really hot..." (Y/N) said, concerned at his behavior. Gyutaro looks down at her as he says something that gives her the clarification that he didn't hear her correctly. "And so do you..."
"U-Uh... Gyutaro...?" (Y/N) said. Gyutaro dropped his phone on the floor as he the towers over her, making her fall on her back, which results in her being pinned on the ground, with his arms being beside both sides of her head. "You're so hot..." he caresses her cheek with his thumb as he starts to lower his head down and closes his eyes.
For a second, (Y/N) was scared, scared that despite being in her 20s, her first kiss was about to be with her dormmate that she'd been with throughout the last four years.
Just for a second, though.
For another second that sense of fear, turned into a sense of euphoria as she closed her eyes and let the moment happen as she felt his chapped lips touching hers. Both of them were inexperienced at this, their teeth scraping against each other as they moaned with every disconnect.
Gyutaro stops as he looks down at her. Her face, was red. Her eyes, half-lidded, nearly closed. Breath, visible. Gyutaro swallowed his saliva as his lips were quivering as he asked her, "Was... that alright?" and she nodded. She then wraps her arms around him as she pulls him back down and utters, "More." And kisses him again.
Gyutaro graons as he wrapped his arms around his arms around her body, and laid down on their sides as they were getting more into it with the kissing. They hesitantly stuck their tongues into each other's mouths, and slowly started to twirl with one another. It felt so weird to both of them, but them being laced with aphrodisiacs, it felt like they could do anything without any trouble.
They briefly stopped as Gyutaro grabbed the zipper of (Y/N)'s jacket, and zipped it down to reveal her white shirt. He grabbed the bottom, and was about to pull them up, but he refrained himself as he exclaimed, "F-Fuck... I don't care what I say at this point, but can I see your tits? My mind is just aching to see what they look like and I can't seem to control myself..."
Sure, Gyutaro has taken drugs during his years in university, but not the type that would make him really horny, so this was like a new thing to him. (Y/N) nods as she softly spoke, "I-Its... okay. I'm excited about this too... so don't stop." He chuckles a little as he pulls he pulls her shirt up to reveal her solid black sports bra which had her erect nipples poking out of them.
"You freaky bitch..." Gyutaro uttered out. Something inside (Y/N)'s mind clicked. Him calling her a bitch felt degrading, but at the same time, it made her mind a little fuzzy. There wasn't enough time to ponder about it as Gyutaro pulled her sports bra up to reveal her breasts to her. "Fuck..." He elicited as he roughly groped them, making (Y/N) softly moan.
His hands were so rough against her, as he was squeezing them and was surprised at how soft they were in his hands. It felt like marshmallows to him, which was an amazing feeling to him. He licks his lips as he stopped fondling with one of them, and started to lick her nipple. (Y/N) moans at the tingling sensation of his tongue licking her, snd fondling her at the same time.
"G-Gyutaro..." She whined out his name, as he was licking her sensitive teat. (Y/N) made a loud gasp as she felt him gnawing his teeth on her, which made her whimper, and her leg tremble a little. He stopped as he cups the breasts in his hand, and started to suck on it, which made (Y/N) wrap her arms around his head.
Gyutaro groans as he wraps his arms around her waist and places her on his pelvis where she felt something poking her inner thigh, but she was distracted at the fact that Gyutaro was sucking her breast. She lays her head down on his head as she lets out a few whimpers here and there. The aphrodisiacs that were flowing through her made her feel so much more sensitive as not only him sucking her teat made her feel good, but the lips between her hips were slowly soaking her panties.
He stops as he exclaims, "Fuck... Why does this feel so good...? I want more... I need more..." He then pinned her down to the floor as he mounted on top of her, and started to grind on her. Both of their covered genitalia were touching each other, which made them both moan with each grind that he did.
The friction of their parts touching together with their clothes on, made them feel something that they couldn't describe. "G-Gyutaro... Y-Your—" he interrupted her as they both locked lips with each other. They both moaned into each other's mouths as he started to softly thrust his hips.
His shaft was twitching inside his pants, almost as if he was about to finish right then and there, but he had to control himself. If he came right here, he would feel like the biggest loser on the planet, knowing that he ejaculated in his pants all because of a few pumps. But at the same time, his doing this had no business for him feeling this good.
"I can feel it..." (Y/N) whimpered out. Her body felt so light, it was as if she was a feather flowing through the wind as Gyutaro continued to thrust his hips. "I wanna fuck you so badly... your body is so soft and slender, that I can't hold myself back anymore. Will you... let me give you the pleasure I want?"
Him speaking to her that way in such a demanding, but begging tone made her throb down there. Her entire body shivered from that speech he did, and she almost choked on her spit as she said, "Yes... Please, fuck me, Gyutaro." A smile crept up to his face she watched him sit up and watched him grip the rim of his sweatpants.
He was about to pull them down, but turned around to see Karaku open the door behind them. "Whoa, you two got busy. Had I forgotten about the timer, you two would've done it. C'mon, get up and get out of the closet." Gyutaro scooted back away from her as she sat up and rolled her sports bra and shirt back down. Their faces were so red from this moment, it didn't even feel like 7 minutes went by.
Gyutaro picked up his hoodie as he then grabbed (Y/N)'s wrist and started to speed walk. "Gyutaro, w-what are you—" "We're going back to my dorm. This chocolate is making me feel something I've never felt before, and I refused to get blue-balled because of it." He said as he looked down at his stiff erection bulging out. Thankfully, he was wearing sweatpants, thus making it less visible. Fuck... and this is just gonna get in the way if I don't do something about it.
There were people having turns playing Mortal Kombat, this time it was a white haired tall man up against Kyojuro as they were playing Shirai Ryu Takeda, and Outlaw Erron Black. Urogi noticed that Gyutaro and (Y/N) were in a hurry, so he asked them, "Hey, did you two have fun?"
They both nodded as (Y/N) stammered, "I-It was a good party, but we gotta go back to our dorm." Urogi tilted his head like a curious dog as he responded, "But you two just got here. At least play a few games before you guys just leave us."
"You s-see, we wish we could, but our stomachs don't feel right and it would suck if we threw up while we were having fun." (Y/N) said as Gyutaro continued, "Yeah, so bye. Thank you for the fun time you gave us." And continued to speedwalk. "But the bathroom is... right there. Oh well, their loss. We're starting to bet money on this game now." He said as he was counting the amount of yen in his hands.
(Y/N) and Gyutaro both entered the car and we're fumbling to put their seatbelt on, once they did, Gyutaro put the keys in the ignition and twisted it as he put the car into reverse, backed away from one of the cars in front of them, and does a u-turn as he drives the street of the cul-de-sac.
Both of their breaths were trembling as (Y/N) was constantly rubbing her thighs together, and Gyutaro had a firm grip on the steering wheel. Both of them didn't say anything as they tried to maintain their composure so they didn't get into an accident.
My body feels like it's on fire... how can a piece of chocolate that small, affect us like this...? (Y/N) thought as she laid her head down on the dash and her leg was bouncing. Gyutaro on the other hand, was heavily striving. His hands were so firmly gripped on the wheel, that his veins started to pop out on his hands, and forearms.
Not only that, but he was so stiff down there. Stiff, and hard as a 2x4. He wanted to rip his own clothes off so he could feel cool and relieve himself. But, he only lived three minutes away from his dorm, he could get through this painful erection that he had, hopefully.
(Y/N) however, could not. She's never felt this level of lust of her life. It was almost scary to her from how needy she was to have some sort of stimulation, both to the brain, and her body. She sat back up and glanced at Gyutaro to see that he was still looking at the street he was driving in, and she took the opportunity to take her hand under her pants, and move her fingers up and down.
She puts her head on the dash, and her breath was trembling, as she felt the soaking sensation of her panties being drenched from her discharge. She mewled as her eyes were clenched closed as her fingers were moving on their own down there. This feels... so good... She balls her first that was above her head as she was moving her fingers up and down."I know, but just wait a few more seconds, alright? Once we make it to my dorm, I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you." He said, as he grabbed and squeezed her breast.
She bit her lip to refrain a moan to come out of her mouth when he touched her, its almost a surprise when he didn't bother to look what she was doing when he said that to her. It was like he tried to make her more horny than before, in which he did, but not on purpose. "O-Okay, Gyutaro..." she uttered out while in the process of touching herself.
They both arrived on the residental hall, and Gyutaro hastily unbuckled his seatbelt and turned the car off as he opens the car door. "Get out of the car. I'm gonna make sure you—" he looks to his left to see that (Y/N)'s head was arched back from the seat as as her legs were spread open while she was touching her wet and creamy slit down there.
His eyes were bulging out of his skull as he closed the door, trotted to the other side, opened it, unbuckled her seatbelt, and picked her up with no effort. Despite having a scrawny build, he was strong enough to pick her up with ease. They both kissed as Gyutaro was walking up the small concrete stairs to the main entrance of the door.
"I'm gonna fucking ruin you." He snarled, which made her shiver a little. He puts her down, but she grabs his hand, and makes him fondle her. "Are you trying to make me more horny than I already am? I'm fucking stiff as a rock and yet you're making me touch you."
"Is it working?"
He unlocks the door, pulls her into the room, pushes her into his bed, and mounts on top of her. They looked into each other's eyes, both of their faces had a blood-red color on their top half, and their ears as they were both slightly sweaty. "Show me your fingers. The ones where you were touching yourself when I was driving." He demanded her as she pulled her hand out of her pants as she revealed her wet, creamed covered fingers.
"Disgusting... You're such a slut, you know that right?" He said, which made her feel a little flustered, but the good kind, of course. "N-No, I'm not... it's the c-chocolate..." she said, avoiding eye contact with him. He chuckled as he wrapped his hand around her waist, opened his mouth, and licked her fingers that were covered in her discharge.
He closed his eyes as he was licking them, some of it even got down to the webbing, and he licked there as well. (Y/N)'s face turned red as a tomato as she watched him lick her fingers so sensually. She didn't think he would be capable of doing something so erotic like this.
Once he finished, he sat up, and scooted back as she started to untie her shoes and dropped them on the floor. He grabbed the rim of her pants, and pulled them down to reveal her panties that were completely soaked. So much so, that it was transparent and he could see her slit, camel toe and and her erect clit. "Wow... You're so wet..." he started to rub his palm on it, which made her flinch a little. "And it's squishy too... did me grinding my dick on you excite you that much? Or did me groping you amplify that?" He croaked out, his voice sounding raspy, which made her body shiver yet again.
"I-I... Um... it was... both of them." She mutters out, which he didn't hear so he asks her, "What was that? I couldn't hear you. Try moaning it out for me." He moved his fingers up and down. She stifled a moan she blurted out, "Both. I-It was both." He smiles as he gets an answer from her, and he stops as he unties his shoes, takes them off, and takes off his sweatpants.
He took off (Y/N)'s pants, and threw them somewhere on the floor as he was now on his knees, and his boxers had a huge tent poking out. He wraps his arms around her legs, and started to grind his his hips up and down against her wet panties. They both started to moan due to the friction of their undergarments touching against each other, both of them extremely sensitive from the pleasure that was flowing throughout their bodies.
"So fucking good..." he uttered as he felt himself twitching. His boxers were slowly becoming drenched as not only that (Y/N)'s juices were dampening them, but so was his precum that was seeping through. It smelled so musky, but in the sense that made (Y/N) dizzy with lust. Her head felt fuzzy for a second as she said, "G-Gyutaro..."
He stops as he looks at her and says, "What? You wanna do it now? Not that I'm complaining." She softly shook her head as she said something that she would never say if she was sober. "No... I... wanna... I wanna suck your c-cock."
Her saying that activated something inside him, his shaft was frantically twitching as he didn't ask any more questions, and pulled them off. For a man who looked like he had little to no muscle mass, he was packing quite the package down there.
Although there was a bit of messy hair down there, but that didn't matter to (Y/N). He then sat down and said, "Come here." Which she complied as she was slowly crawling up to her. She wrapped her hand around it, and it felt so hot. It was like her hand was melting due to how warm it felt in her hand. She then lowered her head down as she caught a whiff of its arousing musk surrounding it, making her head go blank for a quick second before she snapped back to reality.
"Well? What are you waiting for?" He questioned. (Y/N) swallowed the spit that was in her mouth as she started to give kitty licks on the tip of it. It tasted a little salty, but it didn't bother her in the slightest. Gyutaro softly grunted as she watched her do this, and so he stroked her hair as he gave her a little praise, "There you go, that's a good girl." And softly slaps her.
She moaned from the slap, which is something she never thought she would be into, but she was becoming corrupted by the drug in her body, so her principles were being bent as time went on. She started to kiss the tip, and soon, started to twirl her tongue around it. His breath hitched and he elicited a moan as he closed his eyes and uttered, "F-Fuck..."
His hips then coiled as he felt her warm lips wrap around him, and she started bobbing her head up and down. His neck arched back as he lets out a shaky exhale as he gripped his bed sheets as she was only sucking the tip, but it felt like he was gonna finish at any moment.
He tastes so good... my mind is just going black just from sucking him off. I feel like such a whore doing this, I've never done this before, and yet I want more from him... she thought as she closed her eyes and put her hands on his inner thighs as she was pleasing him.
He was about to grab his phone and record this, but then he remembered that he put his phone in one of his pockets in his pants, so all he could do was just watch her as she swallowed his length. Give or take, she was heavily inexperienced at this, but that didn't mean she was doing a good job of making him feel good. A pleasurable blowjob is enough to negate all the negatives of oral pleasure.
Gyutaro's face started to look drunk-like. One of his eyes was closed while the other was struggling to stay open. His face looked a bit sweaty as he was covering the bottom half of his face with his fist. (Y/N) started to become sloppy as her saliva started to run down his shaft, and her head started to bob faster. Some of her spit was going down her chin due to how much effort she was putting into pleasing him.
She would slurp the saliva she had produced as he started to deepthroat him. His warm, thick length filled her mouth, making her jaw hurt as she was making him feel good. "Dosh it phel gud, Yutaro?" She said, with her mouth full. "Y-Yeah... It feels really good... Too good..." he then grips her head and starts to thrust his hips into her mouth. (Y/N) slightly whimpered as it felt like his tip was hitting the back of her throat.
There is a plus in this situation however, she didn't have a gag reflex. Meaning that he could be aggressive with her and not worry about her throwing up. Her throat might take some time to heal though, but a minor drawback at the end of the day. Or in this term, night.
Her hands slid off his thighs as she felt her body go limp, her mind slowly going blank as he was skullfucking her. His hair down there was being moisturized from the spit that was leaking down his shaft, and the sound of her slurping on him was like white noise to his ears.
His breath starts to get heavy as he huskily utters out, "Fuck, I-I... ngh..." (Y/N) felt his shaft twitching inside her mouth, nearing his arrival. He arched his head back as his breath was trembling he scrunched his eyes closed, and clenched his teeth as his moans were audible enough for (Y/N) to hear them.
"F-Fucking... gonna..." his thrusts were faster as his shaft started to twitch more and more. He then moved his hips back, and left her mouth with a faint pop elicited from her lips as he wrapped his hand around him as he frantically stroked it. He grips her hair as he commands her to, "Open your mouth."
She opens her mouth, and stuck her tongue out as he breathlessly vociferated, "Just like that. Just... like..." he couldn't finish his sentence as he curled his toes as he was getting closer and closer. (Y/N) closed her eyes as she waited for him to release his spunk onto her face. "Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck, O-OH... f-fuck..." he huskily exclaimed as his muscles constricted and shot out his white, sticky ropes all over her face.
(Y/N) flinched as she felt his warm load sticking to her face, each one feeling thicker than the last. It got everywhere on her, from her chin, her cheeks, her forehead, the bridge of her nose, essentially her entire face. Luckily it didn't get in her hair or eyes, otherwise, there would be problems between them. But some of it did get into her mouth, the slimy, sticky texture of it felt so weird in her mouth, but she had no choice but to swallow it, feeling his seed going down her throat.
It's so... salty... and bitter... she thought as she shivered a little from the taste. "F-Fuck..." Gyutaro wheezed out as he bent his head back and looked at the ceiling. He laughed as he said, "You... Are one freaky ass girl, y'know that?" His breathing was calming down as his heart was slowing down. Despite all that, he was still erect and it was aching for more.
(Y/N) didn't say anything, but had a blush on her face as she got out of his bed and walked to the bathroom to clean her face. His cum dripped down on her hand as she grabbed a roll of toilet paper, and cleaned herself off. As she was doing this, she felt his arms wrap around her waist, and hotdogged his shaft in between her cheeks.
He kissed the back of his neck as he softly croaked, "How did my cum taste? Was it salty to you? I saw the way you swallowed it without any hesitation." The blush on her face started to get redder as he started to grind his shaft on her making her whimper a little. "C'mon, admit that you liked it. There's no point in denying it." His humping started to get more aggressive, enough to make (Y/N) budge with every thrust.
"It... did taste salty, and bitter. But, I couldn't help but swallow it..." she admitted with a hint of shame in her voice as she wiped her chin that was covered in his cum and her spit. She threw the pieces of toilet paper in the small trash can as she felt him pull her panties down, and started to slide his rod on her lips.
Her arms started to tremble as she bent down on the sink as she started to feel weak from him rubbing his shaft against her. "You're so wet down there, even after you sucked me off. Guess I should repay the favor, huh?" He then picked her up, and walked back to his bed as he dropped her face first into the comforter, and pulled her back so she was standing.
He puts his fingers down there, making (Y/N) mewl as her legs begin to shake while she is on her toes. "But, before I do, I want to hear you say it. Say you want me to fuck you, and I'll give it to you." He said that with a wanton smile on his face. He was teasing her as he was moving his fingers around her lips. Her mouth trembled as she elicited a quivering exhale as she whined out, "P-Please... F-Fuck me..."
The smile on his face got a little bigger as he grabbed his rod, and started to move it on her sensitive cunt. "What was that? I couldn't hear you loud enough." He bit the tip of her ear as she said it a little more clearly for him to hear as she iterated, "Please, fuck me, Gyutaro."
A moan escaped her lips as she felt his tip going slowly inside her, and was slowly moving in and out of her. "Repeat that one more time for me." He said as he wrapped his hand around her neck, and tightly gripped it.
Tears of depravity rolled out of her eyes as she vo​cif​er​at​ed, "P-Please fuck me, Gyutaro! S-Stick fat cock inside me as you rail me, and make me drunk for you! I want to—" Gyutaro kissed her lips as he wasted no time, and propelled his hips into her.
Her eyes closed as she felt her body become limp as Gyutaro let go of her neck, and she plopped face-first into the comforter, slowly becoming a moaning mess. "Th-Thank you, Gyutaro... thank y-you..." she reverberated with each thrust that was making her voice sound bouncy. "Anything for a slut like you." And he smacks her ass.
She educed a yelp from her lips as she groaned from the small stinging sensation of his print on her left cheek as he was fucking her with his long, thick, meaty cock. Sweat began to develop on his forehead, as wiped the sweat off of his head, while having strands of hair stuck to his forehead as he started to take his shirt off, he threw the shirt on the floor as he was fully naked, and was going all out.
How is she so wet, and yet so tight? It's like she wants me to cum as fast as possible from this combo. But that ain't gonna happen, not until I feel satisfied with her. He reckoned as his hips were moving like a piston, having a firm grip on both sides of her waist. (Y/N) was moaning and groaning from every thrust that she received as her wet, creamy, sticky cunt was being pounded by him.
"G-Gyutaro...~" she mewled out his name as her legs began to shake. He was gripping his bedsheets as all she could do at the moment was take him. The sound that her slit was making was do lewd, someone might've thought that they were making pasta. She yelped as she felt him smack her ass yet again. "You like that, huh? You like when I smack your fat ass and watch it make waves when my hips hit yours?" And he smacks it a third time.
She slowly nods at him as she stutters out, "Y-Yes... My body feels so hot that it feels like I-I'm melting... snd your cock is the only thing I can feel right now. And you smacking my ass, it feels like a shock flowed through me, i-it stings, but it feels so good...~" she plopped her face into the comforter as her moans were muffled, but still audible.
"You're such a fucking whore. And I love it." He then slides out, making (Y/N) almost collapse on her feet when he turns her body around, and picked her feet up so she could be laying down on the bed. He mounted on top of her as he grabbed her shirt and pulled it up for her to take off.
He threw the shirt, and pointed at her sports bra and commanded her, "Take them off." (Y/N) sits up, but straight enough to make a 90° angle, but enough for her to grab the rim of her sports bra. She slowly pulled them up as her breasts were getting caught in her bra, until Gyutaro witnessed them drop and softly bounce once she took it off.
She dropped her bra, and she was fully naked. both of them, their hearts beating out of their chests, their body temperature going through the roof, the lack of air in their lungs as they were making eye contact with each other. (Y/N) laid back down, and spread her legs open as she extended her arms to him, and said, in a rather hush, venereal tone, "Please, fuck me, and make me scream, Gyutaro."
Something snapped inside of Gyutaro when she said that to him. It was like he lost all of his senses of control, as he wrapped his hand around her neck, and reentered inside her and moved his hips so fast and rough, that the bed was plangently creaking.
A crooked smile formed on his face as he stated, "You wanted this, didn't you? All those years of tension with us being together finally caught up to you. Who knew, that all it t-took, ngh... was an edible for you to let it out..."
She hated it admit it if she was sober, but he was right. It took one edible for her to realize her true intentions to him. She just didn't expect how much has been holding back throughout these semesters. A single tear formed in her eyes as she made eye contact with his eyes and said, with her voice sounding raspy, "I-I... Love you."
Love you...? Gyutaro repeated in his mind. She, loved him? Despite him giving no time to breathe to please himself after all the bullshit he had to withstand with her? She was either too cock-drunk, or this were her true feeling towards him, despite her still being on the effects of the aphrodisiacs.
He wasn't sure how to respond, as he slapped her again, albeit with a sense of weakness behind it, and wrapped both of his hands on her neck. Her eyes closed as she makes smile, and wrapped both of her hands on his wrists. "M-Make me cum... p-please..."
Gyutaro felt conflicted choking her now, now that she said that she loved him, so to distracted himself from it, he lowers his head, and kissed her. Gyutaro groans while (Y/N) puled as both of their tongues were dancing with each other. Their saliva going down their chin as their heads were tilted to make the kiss deeper. The way his tongue was dominating hers, it was like he was showing her who was in charge here.
But, she wasn't complaining.
They both stopped kissing, their saliva stretching between each other as (Y/N) slowly opened her eyes and repeated the words, "I l-love you..." Gyutaro's face turned burgundy when she said that to her the second time, and yet it felt more sentimental than the first one. Maybe it was because they both kissed? Maybe it was because she was letting him choke her? So many questions, for so little time.
Gyutaro let's go of (Y/N)'s neck, showing a faint imprint, and depressed himself to (Y/N)'s breasts, and started to suck on them. He wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s body, his hands felt so bony against her skin, but it felt in some way reassuring to her. "I-I... Wuv phyu tu..."
(Y/N) smiles as she wrapped her arms and legs around him as she says, "T-Thank you..." tears streaking down on her face. The continuous sound of the bed creaking, and their cream-covered genitalia stroking each other filled the dorm, as (Y/N)'s breath shuddered like she was on ecstasy, as her stomach started to form a knot as her body felt tingly.
"G-Gyutaro, I feel weird..." she said as her breathing started to become unstable, and she was struggling to stifle a few moans. "Gyutaro... Gyutaro..." she repeated his name in a high pitch tone as she curled her toes and felt the knot snap inside her stomach as she squirted her cunt-juice all over his pelvis and cock, all while he was continuously thrusting his hips, making her feel maximum stimulation.
She dug her nails into his back and scratched him, making his back draw blood as her hands started to go down. He bit her nipple, which caused her to arch her back and neck while eliciting a soundless scream and her brain became static.
He stops as he rose back up and says, "You're so... fucking... sexy." He lays his head on her shoulder, and he lets out a few moans in her ear. (Y/N) moans as she felt his teeth scrape her neck, and he started to lick it. Her entire body felt numb at this point, it was like she was paralyzed and all she could feel was his rod rearranging her insides.
His breathing began to sound heavy as he felt himself constantly twitching. His body felt tingly as he bit his lip and lets out a stifled groan as he started to move faster and faster. "Do it... do it..." she begged. Gyutaro clenched his eyes closed as he bit her neck, making her elicit a shaky groan as he made a few final thrusts, before he slipped out and his spunk spewed out. He moans as he felt his shaft throbbing and shooting out his seed onto (Y/N)'s skin, each throb being a little bit more painful than the last.
Once he finished, his entire body was shaking, and his arms were striving to help him hover above (Y/N). They both looked down to see the mess they both made from their fluids. "Fuck..." They both looked back at each other and stared for a few seconds before Gyutaro cupped her cheek, narrowed the distance between each other, and kissed. (Y/N) whimpered, while Gyutaro lets out a shaky groan as they pecked each other's lips and twirled their tongues together.
They stopped, and Gyutaro crawled out of bed as he walked to the bathroom. (Y/N) couldn't do anything but look up at the ceiling as she was so exhausted from getting fucked. But, she loved it. She has never felt anything like what just happened before. If anything, if she was sober, she might've equally as enjoyed it if she wasn't drugged. He came back with a roll of toilet paper and started to tear it up to clean her stomach and her part off.
It didn't feel much when he cleaned her stomach, but she felt a sharp pain when she felt the piece of paper rub her abused slit. She jolted and groaned as Gyutaro says, "S-Sorry. I'll try to be less rough." And he started to clean her more gently.
Her legs flinched with every stroke of the toilet paper, but it wasn't so painful as his intital swipes. She softly groaned with every swipe, her breath trembling as she let him clean her. Once he finished, he grabs the bundle of used toilet paper, and threw him in the trash can.
Walks back to his bed, grabbed the comforter, and lays down next her. Gyutaro wraps his arms around her, as he kissed her forehead, and said, "I love you..." before succumbing to his tiredness and went to sleep.
(Y/N) smiles as she kissed his lips and says, "I love you, too..." and laid her head on his chest.
Dawn was arriving, as Gyutaro was the first to wake up, and was met with an aching headache. He was about to sit up, but something was weighing him down. He looks under the cover to see a sleeping, naked (Y/N) laying on his chest, and he softly pulled the covers back down as he looks at the ceiling and thought, Holy shit... so what happened last night wasn't a drug trip... I really fucked her...
He looks to his right to see some sort of sticky note on his phone on the nightstand. He removes the sticky note and read in his head,
Make sure you don't leave your stuff in a random strangers closet.
- U.
And at the bottom left shows a small doodle of Urogi with his tongue sticking out and and x across his face. Gyutaro clickd his tongue as he placed the sticky note back on the nightstand as he gets on his phone. He then heard the sound of (Y/N) groaning awake as he lifted up the covers and see (Y/N) slowly opening her eyes.
She looks up and froze when they both made eye contact with each other. "G-Good morning." (Y/N) stammered. "M-Morning." They both continued to stare at each other for what felt like a prolonged time, until she sat up, with her breasts on full display, and he couldn't help but stare at them until (Y/N) spoke.
"Do you... recall about what we did last night?" Gyutaro ponders at that night and the first thing that popped up in his head was him skullfucking her, making his face more red. "Yes. Do you?" (Y/N) also pondered at that night as the first thing she recalled was him smacking her behind as he was thrusting her.
She blushed hard as well as she responded, "Yes... I do." She puts her hand together, avoiding eye contact with him. He sat up and pecked her forehead as he asked, "Did you enjoy it?"
She looked up at him to seeing his eyes looking genuine, like he wanted to know the definitive answer of whether she liked it or not. She pecked his lips as she responded with a, "Yes."
Gyutaro smirks as he wrapped his arms around her, and gave her a kiss, lasting for five seconds before they disconnected. "Your breath stinks." (Y/N) deadpanned as Gyutaro couldn't help but laugh at that comment. But, he clapped back as he responded, "And you smell."
(Y/N) pouted as she sat on the edge of the bed, and was about to stand up, but collasped as her legs felt so weak. Gyutaro laughs as she says, "It's not funny. Help me get to the shower."
Well, seeing that were both naked... why not? Gyutaro thought as he removed the covers off his bed, and got out as he crouched down and put her arm around his neck. They both started to walk to the shower, and Gyutaro, surpisingly being a gentleman, turns the shower on.
He went back to get their towels as (Y/N) was leaning back on the wall. Although it was nice of him to do this, her bottom half still hurted like hell. Specifically, her pussy. He was so rough with her, it's honestly a miracle that the bed didn't even break.
Luckily it didn't take long for him to recover the towels as he puts them on the sink. He sticks his hand out to see how warm or cold the water was, and came to find out that it was the perfect temperature. He opens the curtans and grabs (Y/N)'s wrist as he softly pulled her to the shower.
Once she got in first, he followed suit. The both stood together as they were being drenched in the warm water. Gyutaro lowered his head down and kissed her neck as he repeated, "I love you... I love you so much." (Y/N) giggled as she pets his hair and says, "I love you, too." And they both started to clean each other.
A couple minutes go by, and Gyutaro twists the handle down as the shower turns off. (Y/N) opens the curtains and grabbed both of their towels as they began to dry off. They both dried off their hair, which made (Y/N) vulnerable as she turned around while doing it in the process. He looks down to see her cake open to him, and he couldn't help but give it a hard slap, letting his intrusive thoughts win.
(Y/N) yelped as she looked back at him to see a smile on his face that read, "Yeah I smacked your ass, whatcha gonna do about it?" (Y/N) turned her whole body around as she looked at him and said, "Now you turn around." He chuckles as he obeys her, and looks back at her. She raised her hand up, and smacked it, making Gyutaro laugh as he says, "Didn't feel a thing."
She pouts as he turns back around and kisses her forehead. "But, if it makes you feel any better, I'll admit that it stung a little." And scruffed her hair. She smacked his ass again, and blurted, "Okay, that one didn't even hurt."
Once they finished drying themselves off and brushing their teeth, they both wore their undergarments as Gyutaro wore a pair of boxers, and (Y/N) put on panites and a shirt. Gyutaro yawned again and said, "You wanna take a nap? It's Sunday, so we don't have to do anything for the day." And scratched his head. "I..." She yawned as well, stretching her arms, "...don't need to sleep again."
He scoffs as he responded, "Yeah, sure you don't." He then got under (Y/N)'s bed as he prepped the pillow and laid down. "If you change your mind, you know what to do." He said as he pulled his closed his eyes.
(Y/N) stood there for a couple of seconds before she lets out a sigh of defeat and walked up to her bed as she got under the covers and laid next to him. A smirk crept up to his face as he said, "I knew you couldn't resist." Which made (Y/N) blush as she retorted back, "Shut up."
He chuckles before he wraps his hand around her, and went back to sleep. (Y/N) drops the pout on her face as she made a smirk before she laid her head on his chest, and went back to sleep.
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04-25-24 - I feel like the last part wasn't really needed, but I'll leave that up to y'all. Hope you guys enjoyed this, had to write something good for arguably the most underrated character in the show.
Until next time,
Take care.
And to any of you who are cruious about that Scorpion combo that Sekido did to Karaku (probably not a lot), here.
T/CW: video game gore:
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teabutmakeitazure · 1 year
Chrollo with a darling whose native language he doesn’t understand is such an… interesting concept… I know that mf would eventually start studying grammar textbooks as a side gig just to annoy you with his eventual development in understanding… but honestly if it was me in that situation I would simply start basing my whole vocab in some OLD ass slang with the thickest campagna accent just to annoy that mf to death
You think you're being sly with cussing him out and insulting him in your native language, but one random day he replies, "How sweet of you, dear," in your native language with a smile and you just short-circuit. The most you get as a reaction to your speechlessness is a laugh.
Chrollo makes it a habit to scold you in your mother tongue whenever you're being disagreeable, and sometimes even goes as far as to flirt with you in the language as well. He jokes that it's a way for you both to get closer but you aren't having it. When you start using extremely old slang that doesn't exist in dictionaries with an accent he can't quite understand - because it's grandparent level old and from the streets - he just sighs and shakes his head. You may think you've won but he'll learn all that as well soon
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prepolyglot · 2 years
Grandiose by Pomme Vocab
grandiose - spectacular
le ventre - womb
taire - to keep quiet
l’envie (f.) - longing, desire, envy, jealousy
menaçante - threatening, ominous
tracée [inf. tracer] - plotted
s’effleurent [inf. s’effleurer] - touch
déborde [inf. déborder] - overflow
bats-toi [inf. battre] - fight
Please let me know if there are any mistakes or better translations
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readreactrant · 3 months
"Love, or Something Ignites" might just be the best goyuu fic ever!!! let me explain!!! (Thoughts and Review)
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Some quick context but cuz this review was already going to be pretty long without my flashback sequence so pls scroll down to the red text if you don't want to hear my history of opinions with JJK and its ships.
I've been deep in the goyuu tag since the beginning of the year, which I found kind of strange at first since I watched S1 way back in 2022 and did not give much of af about the whole show.
I kicked my feet a bit at SukuFushi,  tried to like it more, and even searched out a couple of fics but they just weren't giving AT ALL.
At the start of 2023 I watched jjk 0 and I was kinda hyped to get back into the show, but my shipping heart still ached for something to latch onto so I went on AO3 and picked up the first fic I found. Surprise, surprise, it was a goyuu fic featuring role reversal. I wouldn't say I liked it but it did tickle something in my brain I would have explored if I wasn't neck deep in my bakudeku era at the time.
Then S2 happened and it all just sorta clicked for me. Before then I'd mainly been a SukuIta believer, I didn't frequent their fics but I DID gobble up their twincest doujins like I was starved when I had the time. 2nd cour of S2 coming out practically sealed Goyuu for me, I'd always felt there was a bit of something I saw between them but Yuuji screaming out for Gojo in that last frame...just...*chef's kiss*
I didn't go back to rewatch S1 where a majority of their reactions were like some diehard fans would but the clips and screencaps I've come across now and again are enough to solidify for me that yes! They are made for each other!! (Hope the wrong stsg fans don't find this ◉‿◉)
I'd really love to go on and on about their dynamic but this was supposed to be about my February fic of the month, "Love, or Something Ignites" by lainebee.
Like I said, I've been deep in the tags and the only others I think that come close to this one are "No Sanctuary" by eddie01 and both world's sequels.
Now I'm not saying there aren't other good ones, like I'm just halfway through the hundred and something AO3 pages of their ship tag, so there's a lot I've yet to see. Still, this is a sorta subjective review and I just hope to spread the word of this masterpiece and maybe meet others who've read it so we can fan together in the comments.
(Now that's all out of the way, there will be mild spoilers and also warnings for; omegaverse, mpreg, and voyeurism so let's hop to it (✿^‿^)
The fic is set in a historical Japan au where Yuuji and Sukuna are brothers, with Sukuna being much older and ruling over a kingdom in the south. Thing is, he's constantly at war with the Gojo clan cuz these two mfs are just built like that in every verse. Shit happens and they come to a truce and as a sign of goodwill Sukuna offers Yuuji, his recently presented omega brother, as a gift (I honestly thought Yuuji was like 16 or 17 but he's 19 so like whatever idc (╥﹏╥)
"So what's the problem?" you might ask, well aside from the obvious marriage of convenience plot, Gojo doesn't give a fuck, he's still hung up on Geto (kinda tho, it's complicated but they aren't in love) and he's pretty much intended to go through it for show.
But that's not the end; not only do our boys have no feelings for each other and have never even met, but THING IS... Sukuna has demanded a public consummation cuz he's a bastard like that and we love him for it. Worry not there's no fucking on a stage for everyone to watch...just fucking in a 'room' for a handful of witnesses to watch from behind those dresser screen things (vocab not working lol).
The fic is definitely kinda long and tho there are some slow-burn vibes a lot of it essentially takes place in ONE FUCKING DAY. My first assumptions going into this were, "pacing issues???" and "oh the author is going to either insta love them, make them fuck and spend the rest of the fic doing fluff, or they will fuck with some angst then spend the rest falling in love."
Color me surprised when yeah, they did fuck but that was one or two chapters from the last of about nine.
You expect this kind of shit to feel rushed as fuck but the writing is so fucking divine that you never feel like putting it down. There's always so much going on but time is never wasted dwelling on one subject for too long, it's fast, it's funny, and the characters and setting are constantly giving the energy you know and love from the original show but probably two times better.
One of the things I noticed a few GoYuu writers struggle with is accurately reflecting Gojo cuz he's actually an enigma and arguably one of the most complex characters in the show with a broad range of emotions. He doesn't particularly fit one kind of vibe whereas for everyone else you can pick one or something close to it. Gojo on the other hand goes from one end of the spectrum to the other pretty quickly and that's super hard to capture and explore, especially when it comes to the shorter smutty fics (Not complaining too much tho, I live for the E rating.)
I love the direction the author chose to go with him, and it feels so true to his character, his immature but his teasing doesn't feel over the top or come off as exaggerated. His status as the strongest is just told but shown to us with the way he behaves and I like that we get instances of him getting work done despite knowing he's a rebel. It reminds us that yeah, he's working to make the clan the way he wants but he's just going along with what he has to in true Gojo fashion.
Yuuji, is totally something else, it's implied that he actually killed people...and I don't think we got a paragraph of him feeling guilt over it but that's somewhere toward the end so forget it. Yuuji is the absolute sweetest here and I adore every scene he's in along with how bratty he tends to be with Gojo. It's not frequent and most of the time he's pretty respectful but when he's not...Yeah. His inner thoughts and his conversations with most of the other characters really bring life to the story and you literally feel you're right there with him through it all.
Then there's the smut...oh. my. fucking. GOD. It's absolutely delicious. If you were iffy about it being omegaverse, I beg you to actually consider it cuz all probably more than four thousand words of it are fucking precious.
I had no idea I'd be into sex with some commentary when I began reading but the conversation from the characters picked was spot on and even added to the spicyness.
My favorite part is when Yuuji moans like a fucking pornstar and the zenin guy (forgot his disgusting ass name) goes "The boy is a whore."
Like boohoo bitch just say you wish you were getting all that, I wish I was (╥﹏╥)
If you're still iffy about the Omegaverse trust me it's not that big of a deal, the focus is mainly on Gojo and Yuuji trying to find some mutual ground to get on so the consummation isn't fucking awkward but by talking, joking, and getting to know each other something even more starts to blossom.
There are definitely traces of insta love but I personally see it as a weird mixture of attraction and possessiveness but this book is just like the prelude to the main course which is the second part in the series which I'm not done with yet but fucking hell...all the intrigue and tension that you will find in Love, or Something Ignites, gets doubled with more angst and mystery in the second fic, along with goyuu being stupid as well as stupidly in love.
So give it a try, and if you have, let me know what you think. I'd usually say where the tiny flaws are but for this book there are none...unless you count Yuta being Maki's mate instead of Rika's but that's my personal hill to die on. Let me know if there's a fic you want me to write about and I'll maybe get to it
Well, that's all from me today, it's 3 am and I'm fucking exhausted.
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blue-blues-world · 8 months
mk 1 2023 characters as starbies workers
A/N: sorry for not posting on this page after leaving it dead for years, a lot of shit has happened lol. my mom got cancer, i lost all my friends, covid happened, then i got cancer, i almost didn’t graduate high school, then i got a job as a barista at the siren and i’m in college full time so i barely have any free time, but MK 1 came out and i love so many of the characters, so i couldn’t resist projecting onto them. if i get any requests, i’ll make sure to do my best to complete them, and if you ever submitted one and i didn’t get to it pls hmu again so i can get that done.
also if you guys like this AU and want more headcanons based on it, lmk :)
Starbucks Vocab:
DM - District Manager
SM - Store Manager
ASM - Assistant Store Manager
Proxy - A manager from another location who acts as a substitute for a store’s SM when they’re absent
Shift Lead/Shift - Shift Supervisor
Partners - Starbucks Employees
Connections - Partner/Customer Interaction
Connection Score - A score on a scale of 1-100 determining your store’s rate of connection with customers
Hot Bar - Where espresso drinks, teas, and matchas are made
Cold bar - Where frappucinos, refreshers, iced teas, iced coffee, and cold brews are made
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kung lao
- works at a cafe store in a popular shopping center with raiden (jr.)
- pretty good at customer connections, primarily with the older ladies lol, older men don’t rlly like him
- barista, tried and got promoted to shift lead but demoted himself after the first week, thought it was too much work lol
- godly on bar, loves cold bar
- mf stays arguing with rude customers
- always puts his music on the in-store speakers
- it’s all 2010s club music
- most unserious person in the planet
- liu kang wrote him up once and all he said was ‘aight shawty damn’
- literally gives no fucks
- barista trainer, at first he only chose to do it for the bonus pay, but realized he really likes teaching the newbies plus he’s really good at it so he’s stuck to it
- bro is always filming tik toks at work that should definitely get him fired but he’s too good of a worker to be let go
- i can imagine him making parody videos making fun of that joboi dude, like bruh wtf is a griddy frappucino
- he usually gets a grande cold brew with a splash of sweet cream and three pumps toffee nut, but loves a good peach green tea lemonade too
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raiden (jr.)
- was also a barista, but offered to promote to shift lead after kung lao quit and got the job almost instantaneously
- gets along with everyone, almost none of the customers give him trouble, and honestly how could they?
- elders love him, children love him, older women love him, teenage girls love him, he’s very well loved
- pretty well-rounded and is great on all positions, but front and warming is his strength
- constantly meal violating because he’s always scheduled for mid-shift and he works at a high volume store that gets most of the rush in the afternoons, so he’s always stepping in to help even if he’s on break
- someone please make this man eat his lunch
- always makes sure the floor is prefect before passing it on to the next shift, best believe he’ll have ovens done, floors done, cards done, ice bins done, lobby checked, stations restocked, all the other shifts are resisting the urge to kiss him on the mouth after they transition with each other
- doesn’t bend the rules too much
- that being said, he refuses to throw out the food at the end of the night. he won't tell you to take anything, but will definitely turn a blind eye
- wiping down the counters for his partners on the floor when it’s really busy is his love language
- bro eats like an old man, he’s constantly marking out oatmeal for every break, he’s like 15% oatmeal now
- he drinks the brewed coffee??? with cream and two splendas if he’s feeling sweet?????? not even an iced espresso, straight up pike. mf is an old soul fr, kung lao can’t stand it
- only exception is when he sometimes gets a tall iced matcha with coconut milk
- he was raised by his grandfather (raiden sr.), who is also his namesake
- loves his grandpa so much, it’s actually so endearing
- definitely could become an ASM if he wanted to, but he prefers being a shift since he’s still figuring himself out
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liu kang
- he’s the store manager lol
- was offered to promote but chose not to, too much responsibility and he saw how disconnected district managers are from their baristas, and prefers working with them more closely
- is fed up with kung lao’s shit but can’t bring himself to fire him
- someone ordered the griddy frappucino once when he was on register, nearly short circuited
- constantly working on his dissertation, how he’s even pursuing an education and being such a good SM at once is beyond anyone’s understanding
- when asked how, he just says he meditates, which is not the advice most people expect or really want if we’re being honest
- super patient with his coworkers, and usually lets the petty stuff go
- wearing something slightly out of dress code? as long as it’s not a health code violation he doesn’t give a shit. got an apron pin that isn’t starbucks-approved? as long as it doesn’t have any profanity he couldn’t care less
- always has his trademark calm demeanor, but the only people who have ever managed to make him crack are kung lao (duh), johnny cage (double duh), and shang tsung (triple quadruple duh)
- His main drink is a trenta iced passion tea with no water and three splendas, or a tall cold brew with two pumps of sugar free vanilla, a packet of stevias, and a splash of coconut milk, usually enjoys it with a spinach feta wrap
- very healthy very granola indeed
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shang tsung:
- is that regular that only ever seems to come in to give the baristas a hard time
- places orders that make the sticker the length of a novel and it changes every time
- it only gets worse when liu kang is on bar
- “may i have a trenta iced coffee blended with extra water, extra ice, twelve pumps of caramel, twelve pumps of classic, extra soy milk, extra coconut milk, extra almond milk, vanilla sweet cold foam, chocolate cream cold foam, matcha cold foam, and two splenda packets”
- no amount of meditative breathing can stop liu kang from nearly popping a vein every time he comes in
- he never even drinks the shit he orders
- always sends it back even if he didn’t even take a single sip
- throws it in the trash on the way out the door and makes sure everyone sees him do it
- what even is his drink order??
- sometimes comes into the store in costume pretending to be someone else (it’s obviously him)
- the ultimate grinch but just for liu kang
- comes in on christmas every year and hands everyone envelopes with their names on them, everyone’s envelope has $50 in it while liu kang’s envelope only has a dollar
- just an overall menace
- apparently was liu kang’s biochemistry professor his sophomore year of college, the beef has been going on since then
- when will it ever end? how did it even start? no one knows
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johnny cage:
- doesn’t work at starbies either, instead he’s an ex-actor and entertainment business mogul that stops by before his meetings
- always stopping in cause he gets bored
- even chats it up w/ the regulars every now and then, usually kenshi
- speaking of kenshi, they were best friends in high school and college and have kept in touch since
- it’s also worth mentioning they were both total losers in high school
- they also were in a band together in their college years
- at first, partners at this store thought he was kind of obnoxious, liu kang included, but he won them over when he almost got in an argument with shang tsung in the parking lot and punched him
- no one made themselves an official witness but everyone talked about it
- gets a venti iced americano with two pumps of hazelnut and cream
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- she’s so sweet y’all
- an ASM at Kitana’s location
- pretty straight edge
- gets along well with everyone on the team and often is in charge of coordinating holiday parties, store meetings, and activities
- is very passionate in the whole community outreach thing, and has won the award for it multiple times
- comes from a rough background, so she applied at starbucks specifically for their free college program with Arizona State
- basically corporate’s employee wet dream
- that doesn’t mean she’s totally okay with the way they handle things, and sometimes bickers with kitana over how the store should be run
- hates hates HATES the forced connections thing, she believes conversation and interest in others should be genuine, not a sales tactic
- usually gets a grande iced black tea with strawberry açaí base, or a hot mocha with oatmilk
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- works as a store manager for a drive-thru location near a high school, but serves as a proxy for liu kang’s store
- rules that place with an iron fist, most of the baristas are scared of her
- but that usually goes away when they realize she’s a massive dork
- she pulled into the drive thru in a naruto t-shirt and hello kitty pajama pants once on one of her off-days and the illusion was shattered for everyone
- plays k-pop over the speakers and insists it’s a starbucks playlist (it’s not)
- girl is always stressed and always tired, doesn’t know how liu kang is still sane
- loves unpacking the carson order, it’s a nice getaway from the pressure of drive times and connection scores, plus she gets first dibs on any cute cups
- speaking of, she’s a chronic cup hoarder, it doesn’t matter if the cup is ugly, she still wants it
- almost cried when raspberry was discontinued
- gets an iced quad espresso with two pumps of vanilla and a splash of soy in a venti cup
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- also an SM for a different drive-thru location next to a grocery store, her and kitana are almost like day and night
- tanya is her asm, but they’re dating so she’s in the process of transferring to another location
- tried keeping it under wraps but truthfully they’re fooling no one
- girl is really just there for the vibes
- she would be bordering on terrible manager if she didn’t let her partners have fun
- wanna put your music on the speakers? go ahead but if she thinks your music sucks she’ll make you do a trash run
- forgot to request a specific day off three weeks ahead? you’re good, she hasn’t even made the schedule for that week yet lol
- are you batching frappucinos? thank fuck, she’s really trying to get those drive times down
- someone being a dick? let her know so she can argue with them lol
- whatever you do tho, keep those connections scores up. it’s the one thing she really gives a shit about
- her store is a high theft store, so she’s been doing her best to keep the store and her partners safe, but is always super paranoid when she works a closing shift
- trying to reach her phone on a day off is borderline impossible unless the store is being robbed or someone is dying, bi-han is her proxy but he’s not very friendly either so you’re fucked either way
- was also devastated when raspberry was discontinued
- gets a grande iced chai with oatmilk, two pumps of hazelnut, and strawberry cold foam, she’ll add on a couple blonde shots if she’s working an early shift
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- she’s the DM, it used to be kronika but she was fired for reasons no one will disclose
- vast improvement, let me tell you
- goes harder on both milleena and kitana, she refuses to let her daughters benefit from nepotism
- admires liu kang greatly, and was very disappointed when he rejected an offer to become a DM at a different district
- venti iced americano with 3 splendas and soy milk
- scary but nice
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raiden sr.
- y’all know i couldn’t leave him out
- he wasn’t really in the new game but he’s too important
- doesn’t work at starbies at all, but is one of liu kang’s professors in college
- he is very fond of liu kang, they work closely together on his dissertation
- stops in every morning to see his grandson and his student, usually gets a black coffee or an earl grey tea
- is constantly scolding kung lao, he considers him a second grandchild and unfortunately that manifests in constant nagging
- loves his grandson to death and is very proud of him, but expresses it in a way that only raiden (jr.) and kung lao understand
- always beefing w/ shang tsung, except unlike liu kang’s beef w/ him, this shit goes back DECADES
- literally rancid beef
- always dissing each other
- shang tsung: surprised to see you here
- raiden: i come here almost every day, are you so old that your memory is failing you?
- shang tsung: i’m just surprised to see you haven’t died yet, old man
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- SM at a high volume drive store located next to a busy highway and proxy for milleena’s store, hates his life and hates his job
- he barely likes anyone aside from his brother and tomas
- so friendly to customers that it’s unnerving to the partners on the floor with him
- seeing his customer service smile is so terrifying to everyone that knows him
- it gives like,,,,american psycho vibes
- only reason no one’s completely terrified of him is because he insists on wearing his fucked up high top vans to work and they aren’t non-slip so he’s constantly sliding around
- at this point he’s hoping he falls so he can go home early or injure himself badly enough to go on medical leave
- grabs the scalding hot dishes fresh out of the dishwasher with his bare hands just to feel something
- also doesn’t give much of a shit about the dress code, just don’t make it a problem with the food and health department
- loves hot bar, but hates that he has to talk to people because the hand off is right next to the espresso machine
- because of this, he’s usually on customer support
- he would quit if it wasn’t for sareena, his ASM, she’s the one thing keeping that place from falling apart
- has to take a smoke break after every shift
- someone PLEASE tell this man that coffee and a cigarette isn’t a meal
- huge coffee hipster, borderline pretentious and hates the bullshit that starbucks teaches
- “dead shots aren’t real, you idiot” - bi-han to tomas at some point
- never makes drinks to standard, always changes it to what he thinks is better
- “you’re supposed to pour the shots over the ic—“ “—no, it makes the shots taste like shit” - also bi-han to tomas at some point
- somewhat appreciates covid for the fact that it normalized wearing a face mask, it’s rare to ever see the bottom half of his face
- fell to his knees when the very berry refresher was discontinued
- that was the start of his villain arc
- now he only drinks a straight up iced quad blonde espresso, no cream, no sugar, no nothing
- however, he does love a good pour over
- tried the griddy frappucino in secret and loved it, fell to his knees a second time in despair
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kuai liang:
- no one ever believes him when he says he’s bi-han’s brother because they’re so different
- consistent with connections, but always seems to attract the strangest of people so it usually ends awkwardly
- ultimate multitasker, excels in front and warming
- constantly burning his hands tho
- he keeps trying to convince bi-han to wear non-slip shoes
- he bought him those non-slip crocs and bi-han stopped talking to him for a week
- popular with teenage girls that come in because they think he’s dark and mysterious
- he’s just awkward
- hates the taste of coffee
- usually gets a pineapple passsion fruit lemonade with passion tea and no inclusions, he thinks they’re gross
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smoke (tomas):
- literally carrying the majority of bi-han’s store’s connection score on his back
- big sweetheart, but kinda gullible and a bit of a pushover with customers
- let them start shit with other partners though, if you wanna see him mad
- wears the non-slip crocs that kuai liang bought for bi-han since he didn’t want them
- his barista love language is swapping out the sanitizer buckets and emptying the grounds drawers during peak
- people call him smoke cause he’s burnt so many cookies in the oven
- please don’t have this man on front and warming he’ll burn the store down
- average london fog enthusiast
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cyb3rspyd3r · 9 months
" why dont you bring your girlfriend ."
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contents: gwen x mari , kissing , a short scenario then headcanons
A/N: mari is @gw3ndyswonderland , this is a story for her since she made one for me , this my day one fr yall .. anyways i hope u guys enjoy reading it if u want !
gwen headed home after a long day of working for her band , she walked home around 5:19 pm. she felt a buzz come from her phone , which was in her back pocket. she took it out , seeing that it was a text from her girlfriend , mari .
"where are youu , imy" the text from mari read , causing gwen to smile at her phone. she quickly texted back , not waiting a second to respond to her love .
"i'm on my way home love , is smth wrong?" she texted back , briefly looking up from her phone to check her surroundings , she was outside walking by herself. "margo said she's having a party tomorrow , help me pick out a dress mama" mari texted back , glancing over at the 3 dresses she had in option , being the indecisive girl she was.
gwen squinted at her screen , the word party going into her mind and running through along with thoughts of mari being there without gwen. gwen was protective of mari , she let her have her freedom though. but a party??? she wanted to go too..
"why dont you bring your girlfriend?" she wanted to go to the party , but she hadn't got an invite from margo. yet. this kinda frustrated gwen , her and margo were good friends , she wondered why she hadnt been invited .
"well , i could bring you .." mari replied , but the moment she went to continue typing her next sentence , gwen said "great ! i'll find a dress and stuff , omw home now i love youu" leaving mari to stare at her screen , she couldn't even finish her sentence..
Headcanons ★ .
jackets and hoodies hoodies and jackets.. this is the MAIN thing these mfs exchange , gwen owns a light pink hoodie with a white star on it; well .. she used to own it.. it simply belongs to mari now , it even has her scent
when the relationship first started , gotta admit it was rather awkward. mari is gwen's first gf so she tries to do her absolute best taking care of mari (she does wonderful)
gwen loves baking , she always bakes little cupcakes or things for mari when she misses her , and is always the one to make her cake for her birthday
gwen copies mari's lingo..ALOT... mari said it? going straight to gwen's vocab on a daily
"OH EM GEE THAT LOOKS SO GOOD ON YOUU" "stealing my lingo .. ily"
gwen likes learning how to braid so she can do mari's hair , she LOVES mari's hair shes always messing with it , playing with it , or doing it
kisses .. they both love kisses .. and don't give a damn where they're at ... they're gonna kiss...
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i'll prolly make more of these .. i kept procrastinating and was barely working on it .. i apologize mari ..
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luwritesomething · 2 years
if you're still taking requests, protective dodge mason I beg of you..... I went thru all your writings and I love them so much and I love my boy
Protective Dodge Mason Headcanons.
Warnings: cursing, as always.
Edited?: No, sorry ;/
Reader pronouns: not stated.
Summary: Dodge headcanons about his protectiveness.
Author's note: Thank you for requesting and sorry for taking so long! I'm very glad you like my writing and THANKS FOR THIS REQUEST BECAUSE protective Dodge Mason has been stucked in my mind ever since he got that individual challenge where he thought Dayna was in danger and he went batshit crazy. I decided to do ths as headcanons because your request wasn't that specific so... Also, I decided to make it as Dodge and Reader already have an established relationship :) . Anyways, here goes nothing. This isn't too long but I hope you like it, excuse any grammar or vocab mistakes since I wrote this in a rush!
okay so we all agree dodge mason is a protective mf, great
dodge had a very specific plan, alright? getting a romantic partner and kinda falling in love wasn't in it
but how could he not fall in love with the person with the prettiest smile and sweetest soul?
accepting that he wanted to be with you was kinda hard for him. because that meant he was dragging you into his revenge plan.
but you're dating so hurray!! he made it.
your biggest argument was probably when you told him that you did want to play panic (if it was for the money or the thrill that's up to you)
1. it was in conflict with his plan (the one he hadn't told you about just yet because he's still testing the trusting waters) and 2. it put you in danger, actual danger.
listen, dodge doesn't scream
but when he's concerned about your safety it shows that he's mad.
you just couldn't understand what worried him so much
and he wasn't able to say that you were one of the very few people that made him feel like he was truly there.
losing you would be the third tragedy of his life, and he couldn't risk it --- he wouldn't take it
and seeing you hurt was a living nightmare
i feel like im blabbering, sorry
dodge just carries too much weight on his shoulders, and once he starts dating you, more weight is added.
i mean, you aren't a burden, but he worries --- a whole lot, to be honest. dodge is always making sure you're feeling okay, listening to you when you're not, reassuring that he cares about you if you needed
if you get hurt, he sees it like its his fault --- you have full autonomy on your decisions and actions, but dodge is a caregiver and he feels like he should be there to protect you
but then again he has this complicated relationship with his feelings (i mean, how many times have you seen him talking about them openly?) and he's unable to say all those things when you first argue about that
so the argument remains still for some days and things are tense between you two.
it's you who forced the subject back into your conversations, and it is you who promises him that you'll be careful enough to not get hurt, that he has to trust you.
relunctantly, dodge ends up agreeing and easin up to the idea --- it's not like he can or will forbide you for participating, it's your choice.
so he starts worrying x1000 when panic begins.
when escaping the cops in the second challenge, you hurt your knee and scratched it when you fell to the ground, pushed by all the people trying to escape. and although dodge is the one who had almost fallen from a very high height, he's so pissed (not at you) that you've gotten hurt. even if it's the smallest thing as a scratch.
say that it was ray who accidentally pushed you to the ground --- it takes everything for him not to fight ray right then and there. seeing how little he likes ray it just gives him more reasons to want to punch him in the face (and dodge is not really a violent person).
your safety during panic will probably be the reason to all of your arguments, given he's not jealous at all.
he also hates the whole 'i'm trying to get you jealous' so don't try it, please. dodge doesn't deserve that. if you try to get him jealous, he WILL, and it will hurt him. he learns to trust you wholeheartedly, that's why he knows you won't do dumb shit, but if you're the one who is trying to make moves to other people just for fun... bad thing.
anyways so he ends up, probably, telling you that you're not his responsability but you kinda are. not exactly like that, but he opens up.
it takes a lot of reassuring from your part to make him see that he can't carry so many responsabilities and that he basically needs to chill.
communication, people !! i bet communicating for him it's hard, given how quiet and reserved he is, but he grows very into it.
also on another protectiveness note,,,
romantic partner or friend, dodge is that one person that will text you to tell him that you've gotten home safe.
he's also willing to walk anyone home if they feel uneasy going alone, even if he doesn't know them too well.
he'll pick up if you call him because you need someone to talk to while walking home late at night, and if you think someone is following you he'll run to wherever you are. he's not taking any bullshit.
dodge can hold your cup while you go to the bathroom --- and you can be damn sure no one will put anything on your drink if he's watching it.
going back to romantic partner, if you need reassurence during a challenge or a social situation where he's present, you can bet he's going to surround your waist with his arm to keep you grounded. reassuring touches are his specialty (and also his need).
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tsunamiwavesurfing · 2 years
yesterday i watched someone ask meek if he’s neurodivergent and watched him get clowned for saying he doesn’t know what that means and from the outside looking in this was crazy to me because no one talks like this in real life. i watched these words enter ppl’s vocab in real time online and like - let’s be honest - if you not on the internet arguing all day every day lmao you not walking around talking like this - most people aren’t. what’s insane is son said “we don’t use words like that where i’m from - what does that mean?” and ppl clowned him. he didn’t pretend to know what it means and made himself look like an idiot - he said “i don’t know, what does this mean?” and-
i like a good cooking session - but never when it feels mean spirited or if it is mean spirited it has to at least be deserved. not when a nigga says he doesn’t know something. it kinda reminded me of a tweet i saw awhile ago along the lines of “mfs be online all day being mean af while promoting positivity”
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miam0re · 11 months
HI!!!! uhmmm i love the way you write SO MUCH!!!! i was hoping for a requessttt!! i CANNOT stop thinking abt this scenario, i truly hope i inspire you and get u to write my idea 😭😭 i love your work sm!! i feel like my writing lacks so much english vocab when it comes to smut writing, so thats why im here,,, asking such a LOVELY WRITER BTW like damn
- carmine
(p.s, if this ask is too long, im debating to write this idea out but im so scared to post a smut :(( tysm if u consider doing my req!!)
very close with march, comfy enough to talk about stuff, gossips, anything really, helps each other, close enough with stelle as well
oc!reader trailblazer (not caelus or stelle) having a natural allure, ur so kind, naturally motherly figure like, perfect lover type shit aura, always caring for others, AND oc!reader skillful af (any weapon y/n uses) voluptuous, flexible and speedy as shit, (im fast asf boi) but basically,,, think of,,, a hot and caring killing machine lmfao, her morals are more on the good side, shes kind, all that, but when it comes to battle, holy shit who tf is this mf??? battle lust, ruthless, relentless wtf (and the dynamic and duality of oc!reader seems to naturally attract the men who witnessed both oc!readers combat skills and being acquainted enough to know that this mf is like, the dream goddam)
the hsr men that you encountered are so obviously attracted to u, have the hots for you (canon way to their characters ofc), they all ask march annoyingly, still trying to be respectful to her whenever they can, just to try to get to know oc!reader, mfs cant muster up the courage to GET CLOSER WITH OC!READER!! and march got so fed up that she devised a plan, classic march yk?
— march basically got fed up abt the hsr men asking her about oc!reader (but not because of jealousy n shit, nonono shes happy and amused that her bff is that hot to them and shes so proud of herself for being close n shit) she adds all the men to a gc, and her being the mastermind yk texts and gathers them to a place (be it belobog, xianzhou u choose) and march PLANS to let the curious, secretly needy for ur attention, men eavesdrop in another room.
— SO!!! AND THERE THE SCENE PLAYS!! march had gathered welt, dan heng, gepard, jing yuan shit all of them, they felt so guilty abt this but they were too curious about you, march asked a clueless stelle to accompany her and oc!reader to this whole,,,, situation lmfao, march then asks subtly, not too obvious abt what she thinks about these hsr men.
— you talk abt them so nicely, with details, about yk, all of them one by one, ur so nice, so caring, every voice is filled with affection, march sweating in the bg cause of the hidden men within the room listening in like pervs lmfao
uh oh
— following the display of affectionate words ur clueless fat (butt) ass, march asks a question, a question that would change everything and reveal another side to her, a specific one, subtly nsfw and not at the same time, yk, to not be obvious, "so.. uhh y/n, would you wanna get close to them? one of them at least?"
— oc!reader: "without a doubt, but they... i feel like theres a certain hesitancy of... air around them? a wall? distance? (big sultry pout sigh that lets the men listening in shiver grrrr)" leaving the men ashamed as fuckkk from their hesitancy to get close with oc!trailblazer lmaoooo
march, (narrowing her eyes, disappointed at the eavesdropping hsr men lmao): "... i think they're just complete losers! :D *ahem* how close do you-"
oc!trailblazer/reader, (mf blushing): "-yes."
march: "???? oookay..." (contemplates to ask one of sampos questions, before finally getting the courage to ask) "so... y/n... would you want to be intimate with them? like- you kn-"
oc!trailblazer: "yes." (eyes become fogged with lust as she begins to fantasize about them, not knowing theyre in a hidden room)
march: "???!!!)_9_(__(($#)"!!2?????? o-okay! ahah! uhm... w-who are you thinking of in specif-"
oc!trailblazer: "...i dont care, i can take them all, and not in a fight..." (huffing subtly lmao)
march: "?????????????????? BITCH? HUH???"
oc!trailblazer: [insert slutty horny shit, absolutely bewildering both stelle and march, not knowing the HSR MEN ARE ALL LISTENING]
oc!trailblazer: [insert more slutty whore-y shit, if given the chance she would want to take all of their thick cocks <3 also getting carried away as she forgets march and stelle are with her]
march & stelle: [appropriate canon response of their close friend being so fucking horny]
hsr men eavesdropping: (both horny and disbelief and looking at each other like the spiderman meme shit idk let your imagination run wild)
— lets not forget the men eavesdropping and listening to the one whom they admired talk about getting fucked ruthlessly and mercilessly by all of them, gangbang, as shes finally expressing her inner slut to march and stelle LMAO, u can add their reacts too behind the hidden room conpartment reacting to oc!trailblazer!
yeah i
this is one of my ideas and obsessions so i hope u take inspiration and do this... in your own way ofcs! i just typed out dialogues n shit for a clear idea of what im going for, if u read all this thank you so much for at least reading and i hope all kinds of inspiration hit you like a truck !! 😭
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Hello there Carmine <3 First of, thanks for the love for my writing like please I'm blushing from your niceness 🤗
Reading through your idea I think I could write up something quick. Maybe the reader is going on about her fantasies of taking the men and then in the other room describing their reactions and thoughts. You say reader and Stelle are different right? I'll keep that in mind while writing.
Also you said that you wanted to try writing this but are scared...I say go for it!! We all start from somewhere. I still remember when I wrote my first few smut fics and they were obviously much worse compared to where I am now but I only got here by writing and writing and I feel like I still have a long journey ahead of me. If you really want to, I encourage you to try writing this in your own way :))
Apart from that, I'll try to write this as soon as I can hehe
P.S. No apologizing for being horny and sharing horny thougts. This is a safe space for thirty people huehuehu
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