#miku is a universal constant
nubs-mbee · 8 months
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It’s not ALL bad
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mononijikayu · 24 days
cantarella — gojo satoru.
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“Satoru.” you called softly, holding up the flower crown you had made. It was a simple creation, woven from a mix of daisies, buttercups, and clover. The flowers were arranged in a delicate, colorful circle, their petals still fresh and dewy from the morning sun. He looked up from his sketchpad, his expression as indifferent as ever, but a hint of curiosity sparkled in his eyes. “What’s that?” he asked, his tone more inquisitive than dismissive. You knelt beside him, holding the flower crown out. “It’s a gift for you.” you said cheerfully. “I made it just for you. I thought you might like to wear it.”
GENRE: Alternate Universe - Nobility;
WARNING/s: Angst, Not Safe For Work (NSFW), Dark Fic, Yandere! Gojo, Toxic One-Sided Romance, One-Sided Incest, Emotional Hurt, Emotional Incest, Hurt/ No Comfort, Character Death, Grief, Mention of Depression, Mention of Mourning, Depiction of Physical Touch, Depiction of Mental Anguish, Depiction of Violence, Depiction of Death, Depiction of Harm, Heavy Angst, Heavy Pining, Please Save Reader;
WORDS: 11k words.
AUTHOR'S NOTE: this was inspired by this version of cantarella by kaito and miku i watched a long long time ago. i remembered about this notes i had about it while sitting and studying for uni. and i wrote it sitting down instead of reading more because inspiration came to me. i hope you enjoy it, even though its a dark fic!!! i love you all <3
main masterlist
kayu's playlist - side 1000;
if you want to, tip! <3
YOU WERE FREE, YOU THINK. As the heavy iron gates of the convent swung open, the world outside flooded your senses, a stark contrast to the cloistered life you’d led for years.
The scent of damp earth and blooming flowers replaced the cold, sterile air of the convent, while the distant hum of life—a world you had been shielded from—pressed in on you. Your eyes blinked against the sudden brightness, the light almost painful after so many years of darkness.
The distant memories of your parents’ tragic deaths haunted you, lingering like a dark cloud over your soul. Their faces were blurred now, softened by time but not forgotten.
The whispers of their absence were loudest in your heart, a constant reminder of the life that had been ripped away from you. Grief had been your only companion, even more than the nuns who had raised you, and now it threatened to drown you as you took your first steps into the world beyond those gates.
Now, as the newly orphaned Duchess, the title weighed heavily on your shoulders, burdened with expectations you weren’t sure you could fulfill. The responsibilities that came with it loomed over you, a shadow of the future that awaited. You had been a child when the world had last known you, but now, the world demanded more—a woman, a Duchess, a leader.
You stepped out into the open, the gravel crunching beneath your feet as the cold wind whispered through the barren trees. The carriage waited in silence, an imposing reminder of the life you were about to inherit—a life you had never asked for. The estate loomed in the distance, its shadowy silhouette framed against a darkening sky.
It was supposed to be home, a sanctuary, yet it felt nothing like it. The sprawling lands, the echoing halls, and the faceless people who would serve you—they were yours now, or so everyone insisted. But as you stood there, shivering in the twilight, you couldn't help but wonder what "yours" truly meant.
Was it the title bestowed upon you, heavy and hollow, that now defined your existence? Or was it the legacy that clung to your name, a legacy built on the sacrifices and sorrows of those who came before?
Perhaps it was the past, a mosaic of memories and losses that had shaped you, leaving cracks in your heart that would never fully heal. And now, as you faced the uncertain road ahead, you realized that your future, too, was bound by these invisible chains. A future where each step would be weighed down by duty, expectation, and the inescapable fear of the unknown.
But despite the fear gnawing at your resolve, despite the weight of the unknown pressing down on your shoulders, you knew there was no turning back. The world outside the convent walls, a world you had once seen only in fleeting dreams, had now become your reality.
A reality where your choices—or lack thereof—would define not just your life, but the lives of those who depended on you. And so, with a heart heavy with dread and determination, you took a deep breath and stepped forward. Ready or not, you had to face it.
The carriage stood before you like a silent sentinel, its dark velvet interior offering little in the way of comfort. The family crest, meticulously embossed on its side, glinted ominously in the fading light, a stark reminder of the bloodline that bound you to this life.
As you approached, the driver, a man of few words and fewer expressions, gave a brief nod, his face as unreadable as the future that awaited you. There was no comfort to be found in his gaze, only the cold efficiency of someone accustomed to serving the powerful.
Climbing into the carriage, you felt the chill of the autumn air seep into your bones, mingling with the dread that clung to your skin. The unfamiliar path ahead stretched out before you, winding through forests and fields that you barely remembered.
Every jolt of the carriage wheels against the rough terrain seemed to echo the uncertainty within you, the sense of being unmoored from everything you once knew. Yet, despite the fear that tightened your chest, a quiet resolve began to build within you. The path was dark, and the journey would be long, but it was yours to take.
As the carriage began to move, you allowed yourself one last glance at the world you were leaving behind. The convent, with its high walls and serene silence, had been a place of refuge, but it was also a cage—one that you had outgrown. The life ahead, with all its unknowns, was daunting, but it was also a chance to carve out a new destiny, one that was truly your own.
YOU WERE FINALLY HERE. Days had passed before the carriage finally came to a halt. The endless journey had given you time to think, to imagine what awaited you, but nothing could have prepared you for the reality.
The estate loomed large and imposing before you, a testament to the power and wealth that now rested on your shoulders. But it was not the grandeur of the estate that caught your attention as you stepped down from the carriage—it was the man who stood waiting.
Gojo Satoru. Your cousin. The only family you had left.
You had heard of him in whispers and letters, the distant cousin who had managed your affairs while you grew up behind convent walls. The cousin who had wanted to raise you himself but had been overruled by those who deemed it more proper for a young duchess to be sheltered and shaped by the church. A cousin who had become a stranger over the years.
But now, standing before him, you saw just how much he had changed. He had grown handsome, undeniably so. Tall and broad-shouldered, his presence was commanding, his silver hair catching the last rays of the setting sun, giving him an almost ethereal glow.
The dark glasses he wore only added to the air of mystery, concealing his eyes and leaving you to wonder what lay behind them. His lips curled into a smile that was anything but comforting. It was a smile that promised more than a simple welcome; it promised possession.
You were drawn to him, as you had been as a child. The way he moved, the way he spoke—it was as if the world bent to his will. But now, as a woman, you saw the darkness in his gaze, the twisted hunger that had taken root in his heart over the years.
"Cousin." he murmured, his voice smooth and sickly sweet, as if every word was coated in honey, "it’s been too long."
You swallowed hard, trying to steady yourself in his overwhelming presence. "It has, Satoru. I... hardly recognized you."
His smile widened, a flash of white teeth that made your heart skip a beat. "And I, you. But then, how could I recognize someone I’ve only known through letters and rumors? Yet here you are, in the flesh, finally free from those cold walls."
There was something in his tone that made you uneasy, a sharp edge beneath the politeness. "Yes, finally," you replied, your voice quieter than you intended. "Thank you for... taking care of everything while I was away. It must have been a burden."
"Burden?" He chuckled softly, the sound rich and unsettling. "Not at all, my dear. It was a pleasure, truly. I did what any family would do—protect what is ours, and ensure it would be ready for your return.”
“Then…Then, I thank you, cousin.”
Though…." he paused, his gaze lingering on you, "I must admit, I didn’t expect you to have grown into such a… lovely woman."
The way he said it made your skin prickle. There was no mistaking the intent in his words, the way his eyes, hidden though they were, seemed to strip you bare. You took a small step back, trying to reclaim some sense of control.
"I suppose we’ve both changed," you said, keeping your voice as steady as possible. "But we’re still family, Satoru. I hope we can... get to know each other again."
"Indeed," he replied, his voice dropping to a lower, more intimate tone. "Family is everything, after all. And now that you’re here, we can finally be together, as we were always meant to be."
The way he said it sent a chill down your spine. There was something more in his words, something that hinted at a deeper, more dangerous desire. You forced a smile, hoping to mask your unease. "Yes, together. It’s been so long, after all."
He stepped closer, closing the small distance you had created. "Too long, cousin. But now that you’re back, I intend to make up for all the lost time. You and I… we have so much to catch up on."
The finality in his tone left little room for argument, and as he offered his arm to lead you inside, you had no choice but to take it, feeling the warmth of his skin through the fabric of his sleeve. His grip was firm, almost possessive, as he guided you through the grand doors of the estate that would now be your home.
But as you crossed the threshold, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were stepping into something far more dangerous than you had ever imagined. And that the cousin who walked beside you was not just your protector, but something far darker, something you were not sure you could escape.
The estate he led you to was vast, cold, and eerily silent. Each step echoed through the corridors, the sound bouncing off the stone walls that seemed to close in on you with every passing moment. It was a place meant to impress, to awe with its sheer size and grandeur, but all it inspired in you was a deep sense of unease. The shadows seemed longer here, the light dimmer, as if the house itself had secrets it was unwilling to reveal.
Gojo’s hand hovered just above your lower back, never quite touching, but close enough to make you acutely aware of his presence. It was a silent assertion of control, a reminder that he was guiding you, that you were under his protection—or perhaps his possession. The gesture felt more like a threat than a comfort, his proximity sending a shiver down your spine.
As you walked, you noticed the servants—silent, spectral figures who moved quickly to avoid your gaze. Their eyes darted away whenever they saw the two of you, averted as if they knew something you did not, as if they feared something you were only beginning to sense. They kept their distance, and when they spoke, it was in hushed tones, their whispers carried away by the drafty corridors, lost in the vastness of the estate.
The grand halls, adorned with portraits of ancestors long gone, felt more like a mausoleum than a home. The faces in the paintings seemed to watch you with disapproval, their cold eyes following your every move, judging you, questioning your right to be here.
The air was thick with history, but it was a history that felt oppressive, as though the very stones of the house were weighed down by the sins and secrets of those who had lived here before.
Gojo’s voice broke the silence, low and almost conspiratorial. “It’s been a long time since these halls have seen life,” he said, his tone carrying a hint of something unspoken. “I’m afraid the estate has grown as cold as its master in your absence.”
You forced a smile, trying to shake off the unease that clung to you like a second skin. “It’s... it’s very grand,” you replied, struggling to find the right words. “I suppose it will take some getting used to.”
He chuckled softly, the sound devoid of real warmth. “Grand, yes. But it is a lonely place, cousin. One grows accustomed to the silence, to the emptiness, but I’ve always thought it would be different with you here.”
The way he said it made your skin crawl. There was something too intimate in his words, something that suggested his desire for you went far beyond familial affection. You glanced at him from the corner of your eye, but his expression was unreadable behind those dark glasses, his lips curled into that same unsettling smile.
“You’ve taken such good care of everything,” you said, trying to steer the conversation to safer ground. “I’m grateful, truly. I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.”
His smile widened, but there was no joy in it, only something dark and possessive. “There’s no need for repayment,” he murmured, his voice dipping into a more dangerous register. “You’re here now, and that’s all I’ve ever wanted. We’re family, after all.”
Family. The word echoed in your mind, but it felt hollow, like a cage closing in around you. The estate, the title, the wealth—it was all yours, but at what cost? And as Gojo led you deeper into the heart of the mansion, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you were being led into something far darker, something that would be much harder to escape.
At last, you reached what appeared to be a sitting room, the heavy doors creaking as Gojo pushed them open. The room was dimly lit, a fire crackling weakly in the hearth, casting flickering shadows on the walls. The furniture was old but well-kept, the upholstery dark and rich, but it did little to warm the cold atmosphere of the room.
“This will be your sanctuary,” Gojo said, guiding you inside. “A place to rest, to think, to remember that this is your home now.”
You nodded, feeling the weight of his words. As you looked around, the reality of your situation began to sink in. This was your home, your life now. But the estate that should have been a sanctuary felt more like a prison, and the man who should have been your protector felt more like a captor.
“I’ll leave you to get settled, cousin.” Gojo said, finally stepping back, though his presence lingered in the room long after he had left. “But don’t be a stranger, cousin. We have much to discuss, and I’ve been waiting a long time for this.”
As the door closed behind him, the silence of the room enveloped you, cold and suffocating. You were alone now, but the shadow of Gojo’s presence lingered, and you knew that this was only the beginning.
YOU WERE THE CENTER OF THE WORLD. Or at least that’s what Satoru had said when he told you that society celebrated your return with much joy.  A ball was to take place in your honor, a grand affair meant to celebrate your return to the echelons of noble society.
The thought of it filled you with a mix of excitement and dread. After years of isolation, the idea of stepping into a room filled with the most powerful and influential members of the ton was daunting. You could already hear the whispers, feel the weight of their expectations. 
Your reflection in the mirror stared back at you, a stranger dressed in silks and jewels. The gown you wore was exquisite, a deep sapphire that brought out the color of your eyes, the neckline adorned with pearls that once belonged to your mother. But despite the finery, you couldn’t help but feel exposed, vulnerable in a way you hadn’t since leaving the convent.
A soft knock at the door pulled you from your thoughts, and before you could respond, Satoru entered the room. He moved with an easy grace, his presence commanding and almost overwhelming. Dressed in a tailored black suit that accentuated his broad shoulders and tall frame, he was every bit the image of a duke, a man who could have anything and anyone he desired.
His eyes, hidden behind those dark glasses, seemed to pierce through you as he approached. “Nervous, cousin?” he asked, his voice smooth and laced with amusement.
You tried to smile, but it felt forced. But you could not help it, to be this nervous. To feel like you were going to vomit and find yourself in fright. This was your social debut, after being far away from your kind for so long.
“A little.” you admitted, your hands twisting together in your lap. “I haven’t been to a ball since I was a child. I don’t even know how to behave anymore.”
Satoru’s smile was gentle, but there was that ever-present edge to it, a darkness that lingered just beneath the surface. He stepped closer, taking one of your hands in his. His touch was warm, firm, and it steadied you, even as your heart raced beneath your chest.
“Don’t be.” he murmured, lifting your hand to his lips. He pressed a kiss to the back of it, the gesture both tender and possessive. “None can rival your beauty, or your existence. You will be the brightest star in the room tonight, and they will all fall at your feet.”
The way he spoke sent a shiver down your spine. His words were meant to reassure you, but there was something almost predatory in them, as if he was not merely presenting you to society, but staking his claim on you before them all.
“I just… I want to make a good impression.” you said, your voice barely above a whisper. "I am a duchess of the realm. I must do well. For our family."
“You will, cousin. Do not worry much.” Satoru replied, his thumb brushing lightly over your knuckles. “But remember, you have nothing to prove to them. You are the Duchess, the true heir to this estate. They should be the ones worrying about impressing you.”
You looked up at him, searching his face for any sign of doubt, but all you saw was confidence, a certainty that made you feel both comforted and trapped. There was no escaping the life you had returned to, and Satoru was a constant reminder of that.
“I’m here, by your side,” he continued, his voice a low, soothing murmur. “No one will dare speak ill of you. Not with me watching over you.”
His words wrapped around you like a protective veil, and despite the unease that still lingered, you felt a flicker of hope. Perhaps this night wouldn’t be as terrifying as you feared. Perhaps, with Satoru by your side, you could navigate the treacherous waters of noble society.
“Thank you,” you said softly, your fingers curling slightly around his as you let yourself lean into his presence, if only for a moment. 
“Think nothing of it,” he replied, his smile growing wider, more possessive. “Tonight is just the beginning. And I’ll make sure they all know that you belong to me.”
With that, he offered you his arm, guiding you out of the room and toward the grand hall where the ball was to take place. The music had already started, the sound of violins and piano filling the air with an elegant melody. 
As you stepped into the room, all eyes turned to you, and for a brief moment, the world seemed to hold its breath. You could feel the weight of their gazes, the scrutiny, the admiration. But Satoru’s hand on yours was a constant anchor, a reminder that no matter what, you were not alone.
And as the night unfolded, with dance after dance, with whispered conversations and stolen glances, you realized that Satoru’s words had not been an empty promise. You were indeed the brightest star in the room, and every person who approached you did so with a mix of awe and reverence. But beneath it all, you could feel the shadow of Satoru’s presence, always there, always watching.
And though you smiled and played your part, there was a part of you that wondered just how deep that shadow, and how much of yourself you would lose to the man who claimed to protect you.
As the evening progressed and the ballroom filled with the sounds of laughter and music, the time for dancing arrived. You had been introduced to countless faces, each more eager than the last to make a connection with the newly returned Duchess. But all the introductions and small talk had left you feeling exhausted, your nerves frayed by the constant attention.
Then, as if sensing your unease, a man approached you. He was tall, with a calm demeanor that immediately set him apart from the others. His hair was blond, neatly combed, and his sharp features were softened by the warm, sincere expression on his face. He bowed gracefully before you, his eyes meeting yours with a quiet intensity that made your breath catch.
"Your Grace," he said, his voice steady and kind, "may I have the honor of this dance?"
You hesitated for only a moment before placing your hand in his, feeling a sense of relief wash over you. There was something about him—something genuine, something safe—that made you feel at ease in a way you hadn’t all night.
"Of course," you replied, allowing him to lead you to the center of the dance floor.
The music swelled as the two of you began to dance, moving in perfect harmony with the waltz. Unlike the others who had tried to impress you with their skills or status, this man—Count Nanami Kento, as you had been told—was different.
He was careful with you, his touch gentle as he guided you through the steps. His eyes never left yours, and in them, you saw not the hunger or ambition you had grown accustomed to, but something else entirely—kindness, understanding, and a quiet admiration that made your heart flutter.
With each turn, each graceful movement across the polished floor, the weight of the world seemed to lift from your shoulders. The laughter and chatter of the ballroom, once so overwhelming, now faded into a distant hum, a backdrop to the moment unfolding between you and Nanami.
The lights softened, the grand chandeliers casting a warm glow over the sea of dancers, yet all you could focus on was the man guiding you effortlessly through the crowd. His touch was gentle yet firm, his presence steady, grounding you in the here and now.
As you glided together, Nanami spoke in a voice so soft it felt like a secret shared between the two of you. He asked about your life, your thoughts, your dreams—questions that were simple, yet carried a depth that surprised you.
His gaze never wavered, and the way he listened made you feel as if every word you spoke was of utmost importance. There was no rush, no need to impress; just a quiet, sincere interest that drew you in.
Nanami was a world apart from the overwhelming force of Satoru, who often swept into your life like a whirlwind, leaving you breathless and off-kilter. Satoru’s presence was impossible to ignore, a vibrant, chaotic energy that demanded attention.
But here, with Nanami, everything was different. His calmness soothed the edges of your anxiety, his steady demeanor a balm to the storm that often raged within you. There was a reliability to him, a sense of safety that you hadn’t realized you craved until this very moment.
You found yourself drawn to him in ways you hadn’t anticipated. It wasn’t just the contrast to Satoru’s intensity, though that was part of it. There was something about Nanami’s quiet strength, his thoughtful nature, that spoke to a deeper part of you.
As you danced, the rest of the world seemed to fall away, leaving just the two of you in a cocoon of shared understanding and unspoken connection. It was unexpected, this pull you felt toward him, yet it was undeniable.
Your graceful dance continued and little by little, you allowed yourself to get lost in the rhythm, in the soft cadence of his voice, in the comforting warmth of his presence. The worries that had plagued you moments before melted away, replaced by a sense of peace that was rare and precious.
In that fleeting moment, it felt as though time had slowed, and all that mattered was the steady beat of your hearts moving in sync, the unspoken promise of something more that lingered in the air between you.
As the dance came to an end, he held you a moment longer than necessary, his hand lingering on yours. His eyes, warm and sincere, held yours, and you felt a rush of something you hadn’t felt in years—something like hope, like the promise of something good. When he finally released you, he bowed again, his voice low and sincere.
"Thank you, Your Grace," he said softly. "It was truly a pleasure."
The words were simple, but the sincerity in them made your heart swell. You offered him a genuine smile, the first you had felt all night. "The pleasure was mine, Count Nanami."
As he stepped back into the crowd, you found yourself watching him go, your heart still racing from the unexpected connection. There was a warmth in your chest, a sense of peace that you hadn’t felt since you’d arrived at the estate. By the end of the night, you couldn’t deny it—you had fallen for him, the quiet, steady count who had treated you with such care.
But then, as you turned your gaze away from where Nanami had disappeared into the crowd, your eyes were drawn to a figure standing in the shadows at the edge of the ballroom. Satoru. His dark glasses glinted in the low light, but you could feel the intensity of his gaze, piercing through the distance between you. His expression was unreadable, his lips curved into a faint smile that sent a chill down your spine. 
You knew that he had seen everything—the way you had smiled at Nanami, the way your guard had dropped in his presence. Satoru’s eyes bore into you, and the warmth that had filled you moments before was replaced by a cold dread. 
No matter how much comfort you found in Nanami’s gaze, you couldn’t escape the shadow that Satoru cast over your life. And as the night drew to a close, you realized with a sinking heart that the feelings you had developed tonight would not go unnoticed or unchallenged.
IT WAS OBVIOUS, THAT YOU WERE SMITTEN. In the weeks following the ball, the once overwhelming silence of the estate became bearable, softened by the anticipation of receiving each new letter from Count Nanami Kento.
The grand halls, with their cold marble floors and towering ceilings, no longer felt as lonely when you held his carefully penned words in your hands. His letters arrived with a sense of regularity, as if he knew precisely when you needed them most, each one a lifeline connecting you to something warmer, more genuine.
As you unfolded the delicate parchment, the world outside your window seemed to fade away. His handwriting, neat and precise, reflected the man himself—thoughtful, deliberate, with each word chosen with care.
His letters were not just a form of polite correspondence; they were conversations, deep and meaningful, where his interest in your life and well-being shone through. He asked about the small details, the little things that most overlooked, making you feel seen in a way you had not experienced before.
Nanami’s words were a balm to your troubled heart, each sentence carrying a sense of calm and reassurance that eased the tension that often gripped you in the estate’s oppressive atmosphere.
His kindness wasn’t ostentatious or overwhelming, but quiet and steady, like a gentle stream that slowly erodes the hardest stone. Through his letters, he offered you a refuge, a place where you could express your thoughts and feelings without fear of judgment or dismissal.
As the weeks passed, you found yourself eagerly awaiting each new letter, cherishing the moments when you could escape into the world he created with his words. His thoughts and feelings were laid bare, revealing a depth of emotion and understanding that resonated with you on a level you hadn’t expected. In a place where everything felt rigid and predetermined, his letters brought warmth and a sense of possibility, reminding you that there was more to life than the cold formality that surrounded you.
In his words, you felt understood and valued in a way that was rare and precious. The letters became a bridge between your two worlds, drawing you closer to him with each exchange. What had started as a simple correspondence had grown into something more, something that brought light into the darkest corners of your life.
And as you carefully folded each letter and tucked it away, you couldn’t help but feel that this connection with Nanami was something special, something that had the power to change everything.
However, not everyone was pleased with this growing connection. One evening, as you sat in the dimly lit parlor, absorbed in the latest letter from Nanami, the quiet solitude was suddenly disrupted by the sound of footsteps.
You looked up to see Satoru standing in the doorway, his presence filling the room with a tension that hadn’t been there moments before. His usual carefree demeanor was nowhere to be found; instead, his expression was stern, his blue eyes darkened with something you couldn’t quite place.
Satoru had been quieter than usual lately, his playful banter and easy smiles replaced by an uncharacteristic stillness. The change in his demeanor was subtle at first, but now, as he stood before you, the weight of it was undeniable.
His normally relaxed posture was rigid, his shoulders squared as if he were bracing himself for a confrontation. The way his eyes narrowed as they flicked to the letter in your hands sent a chill down your spine, making your stomach tighten with unease.
He didn’t say anything at first, but the silence between you was heavy, charged with unspoken words. You could feel his gaze, intense and searching, as if he were trying to unravel the connection you had been so carefully building with Nanami through your letters. The air in the room seemed to thicken, the warmth of Nanami’s words in your mind now clashing with the coldness radiating from Satoru.
Finally, he spoke, his voice low and controlled, but there was an edge to it that made your heart skip a beat. “You’ve been spending a lot of time writing letters.” he remarked, his tone betraying the undercurrent of disapproval he was trying to mask. The implication was clear, though he didn’t directly mention Nanami’s name. 
You felt a surge of defensiveness rise within you, but it was tempered by the confusion and hurt that came with seeing Satoru like this. The man who had always been a whirlwind of energy and confidence now stood before you, guarded and almost vulnerable in his own way. The tension between the two of you crackled in the air, a silent battle of wills as you both struggled with what was left unsaid.
Satoru’s gaze bore into yours, and for a moment, it felt as if the world had shrunk to just the two of you in that room, locked in a standoff where neither wanted to be the first to back down. The letter in your hands, once a source of comfort, now felt like a weight, a reminder of the widening chasm between you and the man who had always been a constant in your life.
“And I have heard from whispers, dearest cousin. You’ve been spending a lot of time with count Nanami.” Satoru remarked, his voice edged with an irritation that was difficult to ignore. “I see he’s become quite the confidant.”
You looked up from the letter, surprised by the sudden shift in his tone. “He’s been kind to me, Satoru. He’s welcomed me back into the ton with kindness.” you said, trying to keep your voice steady. “We’ve exchanged letters, but it’s just a way to stay connected, to find some comfort in this unfamiliar world.”
Satoru’s smile was thin and cold. “You’re aware, I’m sure, that count Nanami’s intentions aren’t as noble as they seem. He’s a man of ambition, just as any man is and you’re merely a means for him to elevate his own status. He’s using you, and yet you seem to take his words to heart.”
The accusation stung, and you felt a surge of defensiveness rise within you. “That’s not fair, Satoru. Count Nanami has always been genuine with me. He’s been nothing but respectful and kind. I don’t believe he’s using me for his own gain.”
Satoru’s expression hardened, his gaze growing colder. “You’re naïve if you think he has no ulterior motives. He may seem kind now, but he’s a count—an ambitious one at that. He sees an opportunity in you, and it’s only a matter of time before he tries to exploit it.”
“I don’t think you understand him at all.” you said, your voice rising with frustration. “Nanami is not like that. He cares about me, and I care about him. Why can’t you accept that?”
Satoru’s eyes flashed with anger, the dark glasses doing little to mask his irritation. “Careful, cousin. It’s one thing to indulge in a fleeting fancy, but it’s another to be so blinded by it that you risk your own position and safety. I’m only trying to protect you.”
“Protect me from what?” you demanded, rising from your seat. “From finding someone who treats me with respect and kindness? Nanami is not a threat—he’s a friend, someone who has shown me a different side of life.”
Satoru stepped closer, his demeanor imposing. “A friend who will inevitably use you to further his own ambitions. I’ve seen this game before, and it’s not one you want to be a part of. If you can’t see that, then I’ll have to make you understand.”
The tension in the room was palpable, and you could feel the walls closing in as Satoru’s anger boiled over. His words were like daggers, each one aimed at driving a wedge between you and Nanami. But despite the fear and the rising sense of dread, you stood firm.
“I won’t let you dictate who I can and cannot befriend,” you said, your voice trembling but resolute. “Nanami is more than his title, and if you can’t see that, then perhaps it’s you who doesn’t understand what’s truly important.”
Satoru’s face darkened, and for a moment, the room was filled with a tense silence. The air was heavy with unspoken words, with the weight of conflicting loyalties and emotions. Finally, he turned on his heel, his frustration evident in his stride.
“Do as you wish,  cousin.” he said coldly. “But remember, I warned you. And if you find yourself disappointed, don’t come seeking my sympathy.”
With that, he left the room, the door slamming shut behind him. You stood there, heart racing, the echoes of his harsh words still ringing in your ears. The letter from Nanami lay on the table, a reminder of the solace and understanding you had found in him. Despite Satoru’s anger and warnings, you knew that you couldn’t turn away from the connection you had begun to cherish.
The world outside the estate might be filled with ambition and deceit, but in Nanami’s letters, you had found a glimpse of something real—something worth holding onto, no matter the cost.
A few weeks later, as the seasons shifted and the public gardens came alive with the colors of spring, you found yourself meeting Nanami Kento in a secluded corner of the park. The air was crisp, filled with the scent of blooming flowers and the gentle hum of bees. The vibrant landscape provided a stark contrast to the somber confines of the estate, and as you walked along the winding paths, your heart felt lighter, freed from the constraints of your daily life.
Nanami awaited you beneath a canopy of flowering trees, their petals drifting down like confetti around him. His eyes lit up with warmth as he saw you approach, and for a moment, the world seemed to narrow to just the two of you. He offered you a soft smile, his gaze filled with a tenderness that made your heart flutter.
“Your grace,” he said, taking your hand in his as you reached him. His touch was gentle, and he guided you to a nearby bench, where you both sat, the blooming flowers forming a natural backdrop to your intimate conversation.
“It’s so beautiful here,” you remarked, looking around at the garden’s vibrant colors.
“It is, my lady.” Nanami agreed, but his attention was solely on you. He reached for your other hand, holding both of them on his own. “But not as beautiful as you.”
The sincerity in his voice made your cheeks flush, and you glanced down, unable to hide the smile that curved your lips. “You always know how to make me feel special.”
Nanami took a deep breath, his gaze locking onto yours with a seriousness that made your heart race. “There’s something I need to tell you, my lady. I hope I may be so prude as to ask you for your kindness.” 
You smiled at him tenderly. “I give you leave, my lord. You need not ask my permission.”
“I….I must be honest with you, my lady.” he began, his voice steady but filled with emotion. “From the moment we first danced together, I knew that you were someone extraordinary. Over the weeks, as we’ve exchanged letters and shared our thoughts, my feelings have only deepened.”
He paused, his fingers tightening around yours. “I am in love with you, more than I’ve ever thought possible. And I intend to marry you, if you’ll have me.”
The words hung in the air, their weight both exhilarating and overwhelming. You stared at him, the truth of his confession sinking in. The garden, the flowers, the world seemed to fall away as you looked into his eyes, seeing the depth of his affection reflected back at you.
“Yes, my lord.” you said breathlessly, your voice filled with emotion. “Yes, I will marry you. I’ve been waiting for someone who sees me for who I am, and who makes me feel truly alive. I can’t imagine my life without you.”
Nanami’s eyes softened, and a relieved, joyful smile spread across his face. He pulled you gently into his arms, holding you close as he whispered, “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”
You nestled against him, feeling the warmth of his embrace and the promise of a future together. The garden around you seemed to celebrate with you, the flowers blooming even more brightly, the air filled with a sweet, intoxicating scent. For the first time since your return to the estate, you felt a sense of genuine happiness and hope.
As you looked up at Nanami, the man who had shown you a different side of the world, you knew that this was the beginning of a new chapter—one filled with love, joy, and the promise of a future where you could finally be yourself.
YOU HAD NEVER BEEN HAPPIER. The news of your engagement to Nanami Kento spread like wildfire, and by the time of the next grand ball, it was the talk of every guest in the room. The ballroom, usually filled with the hum of polite conversation and the clinking of glasses, was now charged with an air of curiosity and excitement.
Everywhere you looked, people were whispering behind gloved hands, their eyes alight with speculation about the upcoming union between the Duchess and the influential Count. The event, ostensibly a celebration of the merging of two prominent families, felt more like a stage for the spectacle of your new life—a life that had changed so swiftly, it sometimes felt as if you were watching it unfold from a distance.
As you moved through the room, graciously accepting congratulations and well-wishes, you couldn’t help but notice the eyes that followed your every move. Some gazes were filled with admiration, others with envy or curiosity, but all of them were fixated on you, the woman at the center of this momentous occasion.
The weight of their expectations settled on your shoulders, making the air feel heavier, the music louder, the lights brighter. Despite the celebratory atmosphere, a part of you felt detached, as if this wasn’t your life at all, but a role you were playing in a story written by someone else.
Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces and forced smiles, your eyes were drawn to one figure that stood out from the rest. Satoru. He was present at the ball, his imposing figure a stark contrast to the lively crowd around him.
He cut an imposing figure in his formal attire, his white hair catching the light as he moved with the grace of someone who had long been accustomed to being the center of attention.
Yet, tonight, there was a distance about him, a coldness that had not been there before. He was surrounded by admirers and well-wishers, as always, but even in the midst of the crowd, he remained aloof, his eyes scanning the room as if searching for something—or someone—he could not find.
Your heart ached as you watched him, the memory of your last confrontation still fresh in your mind. The distance between you had grown wider in the weeks since then, an unspoken tension hanging between you like a storm cloud that refused to break.
You longed to mend things, to reach out and bridge the chasm that had formed between you and your cousin, but every time you caught his eye, he looked away, his expression unreadable.
The ball continued around you, the music swelling, the dancers twirling, but your thoughts were with Satoru. The joy that should have accompanied your engagement was tainted by the unresolved tension between you, and you couldn’t shake the feeling that something precious was slipping through your fingers. Nanami’s presence beside you was steady, his hand warm on yours, but it was Satoru’s absence—his emotional distance—that gnawed at your heart.
As the night wore on, you found yourself searching for moments when you could catch Satoru’s gaze, hoping to see some sign that he was still the cousin you had grown up with, the one who had always been by your side.
But each time, he remained distant, his walls firmly in place. The chasm between you seemed insurmountable, and as the ball continued, the realization that you might never bridge that gap settled heavily within you.
Yet, despite the ache in your chest, you knew that this night was a turning point, a moment that would define the course of your future. The ball was not just a celebration of your engagement; it was the beginning of a new chapter in your life.
But as you danced with Nanami, his presence comforting and reassuring, your thoughts kept drifting back to Satoru, the one person who should have been standing by your side, sharing in your happiness. Instead, he stood apart, a distant figure on the fringes of your new life, and the pain of that realization was almost more than you could bear.
With a deep breath and a determination to confront the situation, you made your way across the ballroom toward Satoru. The crowd parted slightly, and his gaze met yours as you approached, his dark glasses hiding his true emotions but his posture unmistakably stiff.
“Satoru, dearest cousin.” you began, your voice steady despite the fluttering in your chest. “I’ve been wanting to talk to you. I’m sorry for how things went the last time we spoke. I didn’t mean to defy you or hurt you.”
He regarded you for a moment, and then his expression softened slightly, though he remained guarded. “I’m sorry too, my lovely cousin.” he said, his voice low and sincere. “I let my frustrations get the better of me. It wasn’t fair to you. I only wanted what I thought was best.”
Before you could respond, Nanami approached, his presence a calming contrast to the tension between you and Satoru. He offered a warm smile to both of you and extended a hand in greeting. Nanami then shifts his face, looking towards your own cousin.
“Is everything alright?” Nanami asked, his tone gentle and concerned.
Satoru glanced at Nanami, then back at you, and after a brief pause, he nodded. “Yes, everything is fine, my lord. I was just about to make a toast in honor of the engagement.”
He signaled to the servants, who quickly moved to bring in bottles of wine and glasses. The murmur of the crowd grew as they sensed something significant was about to happen.
With a gracious nod, Satoru raised his glass, and the room fell into expectant silence. His gaze shifted between you and Nanami, and though he spoke with his usual composure, there was a sincerity in his tone that was hard to ignore.
“Ladies and gentlemen, my gracious lords and ladies.” Satoru began, his voice carrying through the ballroom. “Tonight, we celebrate not only the union of two distinguished families but also the beginning of a new chapter in the lives of these two wonderful people. To my cousin, the duchess, and to my lord count Nanami Kento, I offer my heartfelt congratulations.”
He turned to you and Nanami, his smile warm but tinged with an underlying complexity. “May your life together be filled with happiness and prosperity. May you find joy and support in one another through all the challenges and triumphs that lie ahead.”
The room erupted in applause, a cascade of sound that seemed to envelop you from all sides. The clinking of glasses followed, a symphony of celebration that filled the grand hall, yet in the midst of it all, your heart was racing with a blend of emotions you could barely contain.
Relief washed over you like a cool breeze, cutting through the tension that had been knotted in your chest for what felt like an eternity. The applause wasn’t just for the announcement of your engagement—it was for the moment of reconciliation that had just played out before everyone’s eyes.
Satoru’s gesture, though unexpected, had sent a ripple through the gathered guests. His choice to stand and raise his glass in a toast, his expression carefully composed but unmistakably sincere, was more than just a public acknowledgment of your engagement.
It was a sign—a signal that he was willing to accept your choice, even if it pained him to do so. For so long, the distance between you had been a source of quiet anguish, an unspoken rift that neither of you had known how to bridge. But in that moment, with everyone watching, Satoru had taken the first step toward closing that gap, and the weight of that gesture settled over you with a mix of gratitude and sadness.
You felt Nanami’s hand tighten around yours, the warmth of his touch grounding you amidst the swirl of emotions. When you looked up at him, his expression was calm, yet there was a depth in his eyes that spoke of an unspoken understanding.
He didn’t need to ask what you were feeling; he knew. He had always known. Nanami’s quiet strength, the steadiness that had drawn you to him in the first place, was your anchor in this moment. His support was unwavering, his presence a silent promise that he would stand by you through whatever came next.
The applause continued, but the world around you seemed to blur, the faces and voices fading into the background as you focused on the two men who meant the most to you—one by your side, offering you a future, and the other across the room, finally offering you his acceptance. There was a bittersweet quality to the moment, a recognition that while you were stepping into a new life with Nanami, something else was being left behind.
As you smiled and nodded in response to the well-wishes of the guests, the gratitude you felt wasn’t just for the applause or the approval of those around you. It was for the unexpected turn of events that had allowed a measure of peace to be restored between you and Satoru, even if things would never be quite the same as they once were.
The mix of relief and gratitude in your heart was tinged with a quiet resolve—to honor the connections that had brought you to this point and to move forward with grace, knowing that you were not alone in this journey.
In that moment, with Nanami’s hand in yours and Satoru’s gaze finally softened by acceptance, you allowed yourself to breathe, to feel the weight of the past lift just enough to let you take the next step forward. The path ahead was still uncertain, but with Nanami by your side and the lingering warmth of Satoru’s gesture in your heart, you felt ready to face whatever lay ahead.
“Thank you, Satoru." you said softly, raising your own glass in acknowledgment. “Your words mean a great deal to us.”
Satoru inclined his head slightly, acknowledging your gratitude, and then turned to mingle with other guests, leaving you and Nanami to share a moment of quiet reflection.
The evening continued with renewed energy, and as you danced with Nanami, you felt a sense of peace, knowing that despite the challenges, you were surrounded by people who cared for you and were willing to bridge the gaps that had formed.
As the night continued, the ball's festivities seemed to intensify, with guests dancing and chatting in high spirits. But amidst the celebration, you noticed that Nanami appeared increasingly pale and uncomfortable. His hand, which had been warm and reassuring in yours, grew cold, and he occasionally grimaced, as if battling an unseen pain.
Concerned, you guided him to a quieter corner of the ballroom, away from the crowd. “Kento, my love.....are you alright?” you asked, your voice filled with worry.
He tried to smile, but the effort was clearly painful. “It’s nothing, my darling.” he said, though his voice was strained. “I’ve just been feeling a bit unwell lately. It’s probably nothing.”
You helped him to a nearby chair, your hands trembling as you guided him down. But as soon as he sat, you noticed something terribly wrong. His face contorted with discomfort, his brows knitting together as a pained gasp escaped his lips.
His breathing grew shallow and labored, each breath a struggle that sent a jolt of fear through you. His hand moved to clutch his stomach, his fingers digging into the fabric of his coat as if trying to ward off an invisible agony. His skin glistened with sweat, and his once calm and steady demeanor was replaced by something raw and unsettling.
Before you could even react, his body suddenly slumped, going limp in the chair. The color drained from his face, his eyes fluttering shut as if the strength had been completely sapped from him. Panic surged through you like a bolt of lightning, your heart racing as you dropped to your knees beside him. “Kento!” you cried, your voice thick with fear, hands shaking as you desperately tried to rouse him. But he didn’t respond—his eyes remained closed, his body frighteningly still.
Frantically, you called out for help, your voice breaking as terror gripped you. The noise of the ballroom, once lively with chatter and laughter, fell into a stunned silence. The sudden shift in the atmosphere was palpable, as if the entire room had collectively held its breath, waiting to see what would happen next.
Satoru was among the first to arrive, his tall figure cutting through the crowd with an urgency that matched your own. His usual easygoing demeanor was nowhere to be seen; instead, his expression shifted from confusion to alarm as he took in the scene before him. His gaze darted between you and Nanami, the gravity of the situation sinking in as he knelt beside you, his own hands hovering over Nanami’s still form, unsure of what to do.
A doctor, who had been attending the event, quickly rushed over, pushing through the gathering crowd with a determined expression. You watched in desperate anticipation as the doctor knelt on Nanami’s other side, his fingers moving quickly to check for a pulse, to feel for any sign of life. His face grew increasingly grave as the seconds ticked by, his lips pressing into a thin line.
The minutes dragged on, each one feeling like an eternity as the doctor worked, his movements precise yet tinged with a growing sense of urgency. The room’s tension mirrored the heartache building within you, a crushing weight that threatened to overwhelm you. Every second that passed without a sign of improvement, every quiet murmur from the doctor that you couldn’t quite hear, only deepened the pit of dread in your stomach.
The once festive atmosphere of the ball had been completely shattered, replaced by a chilling silence that seemed to echo your worst fears. The world around you seemed to fade away, leaving only the cold, terrifying reality that the man you loved was slipping away, and there was nothing you could do to stop it.
Finally, the doctor straightened, his expression sorrowful. “I’m afraid there’s nothing more I can do, your grace.” he said quietly. “Count Nanami is dead.”
The words struck you like a physical blow, leaving you momentarily paralyzed as their meaning sank in. It was as if the ground beneath your feet had been pulled out from under you, and you were left to freefall into a void of disbelief and despair.
You stared at Nanami’s lifeless form, his face pale and still, the strong and steady man you had known reduced to this fragile, unresponsive shell. It didn’t seem real—couldn’t be real. The vibrant world around you blurred, the colors bleeding into one another as your vision wavered. The music that had once filled the ballroom, the laughter that had echoed off the walls, now seemed like a distant, haunting memory from another life.
The sounds around you dulled, as if you were underwater, the cacophony of voices and gasps of disbelief fading into a muffled, indistinct hum. The air felt thick, suffocating, as if it were pressing down on your chest, making it difficult to breathe.
The reality of the situation was too much to comprehend, too overwhelming to process. Nanami, who had been so full of life just moments ago, was now gone. The finality of it was like a weight crushing your heart, and you felt as if you were being dragged into a darkness from which there was no escape.
Satoru placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, a gesture meant to offer solace, but it only deepened the emptiness that had settled in your chest. His touch, usually so warm and reassuring, felt hollow and distant, as if even he couldn’t bridge the chasm that had opened up between the life you had known and the unbearable reality you now faced.
You didn’t look up at him, couldn’t bear to see the reflection of your own grief in his eyes. Instead, you remained fixated on Nanami, your mind desperately trying to reject the truth, to find some way to undo what had just happened.
The guests, who had been caught up in the joy and excitement of the evening, were now stunned into silence. Their expressions of shock and somber concern mirrored the confusion and heartache you felt. The whispers began to spread through the room, a low murmur that grew in intensity as people tried to make sense of the tragedy that had unfolded before them.
The once celebratory atmosphere had been shattered, replaced by a palpable sense of unease and sorrow. The collective joy that had filled the ballroom had evaporated, leaving behind only the cold, stark reality of loss.
As you stood there, your mind spinning and your heart breaking, the world around you continued to move forward, indifferent to the pain you were experiencing. The echoes of the music and laughter that had once filled the room now seemed like cruel reminders of a happiness that had been irrevocably taken from you.
The life you had imagined with Nanami Kento, the future you had so carefully envisioned, was gone in an instant, leaving you adrift in a sea of grief and uncertainty. Nothing was left behind.
You clutched Nanami’s hand, tears streaming down your face. “No, cousin....I....I cannot....” you whispered to him. “This can’t be happening. He was just here. We were about to start our life together.”
Satoru’s voice was gentle but firm. “We need to get you out of here, you cannot stay here.” he said, guiding you away from the scene with a sense of urgency. “Come with me.”
As you were led out of the ballroom, your mind was a whirlwind of grief and disbelief. The promise of a future with Nanami had been abruptly stolen from you, leaving you with nothing but the crushing weight of loss. The vibrant night that had once held so much promise now felt like a cruel mockery, its joy eclipsed by the shadow of tragedy.
YOU COULD NOT COPE WELL. Months had passed since Nanami’s tragic death, and despite the time that had elapsed, the ache in your heart remained as fresh as ever. The estate, once filled with the excitement of the engagement and the promise of a future, now seemed like a silent, mournful shell. Each day felt like an endless repetition of grief, with memories of Nanami lingering painfully in every corner.
Satoru, your cousin and now your closest family, had tried to coax you back to some semblance of normalcy. He encouraged you to attend social events, to engage with the world beyond the estate’s walls. But each time, you found yourself unable to muster the strength or the will. The world outside felt alien and unforgiving, a stark contrast to the warmth and hope you had once known with Nanami.
One evening, after yet another failed attempt to persuade you to join him for a dinner gathering, Satoru’s patience finally wore thin. His frustration, masked for so long, burst forth in an outburst that left you reeling.
“Why can’t you just move on?” he demanded, his voice sharp. “It’s been months. You can’t spend the rest of your life hiding away in this grief-stricken state.”
The words stung, and you felt a surge of anger and sadness collide within you. “You don’t understand,” you cried, tears streaming down your face. “You didn’t lose him. You don’t know what it’s like to have everything ripped away like that.”
Satoru’s expression softened, a flicker of regret in his eyes as he saw the depth of your pain. The harshness in his voice faded as he approached you, his demeanor shifting to one of concern and gentleness.
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly, his voice now filled with an earnestness that cut through the earlier anger. “I didn’t mean to be so harsh. I’ve been trying to help, but I know I can’t truly understand your pain.”
He reached out, gently taking your hand and guiding you to a nearby armchair. His touch was soothing, a stark contrast to the emotional turmoil you were feeling. “Let me help you,” he said softly, kneeling beside you. “I know this is hard, but you don’t have to go through it alone.”
Satoru’s presence was a grounding force, his usual aloofness replaced by a sincere attempt to offer comfort. He poured a drink from a decanter on a nearby table, holding it out to you with a reassuring smile. “Here,” he said, “a little something to help calm your nerves.”
You accepted the drink, your hands trembling slightly. As you took a sip, the warmth of the liquor began to ease the tight knot of grief in your chest. Satoru settled beside you, his presence a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions.
He placed a comforting hand on your shoulder, the gesture tender and supportive. “I know it’s not the same as having Nanami here,” he said quietly, “but I’m here for you. We can get through this together, even if it takes time.”
You leaned into him, finding solace in his steady presence. The tears continued to flow, but amidst the sorrow, there was a small flicker of hope—hope that perhaps, with time and the support of those who cared for you, the heavy burden of grief might one day become a little lighter.
Satoru stayed with you, his hand resting gently on your back as you cried. In that moment, his support and understanding offered a sliver of comfort, a reminder that even in the depths of loss, there could be moments of compassion and connection.
The truth began to unravel slowly, almost imperceptibly. You had been grieving, struggling to find any semblance of normalcy, and trying to rebuild a life that seemed forever altered by Nanami’s death. Satoru, in his way, had been both a source of comfort and a persistent presence, urging you toward recovery. His support, once reassuring, began to feel increasingly intrusive, as though his concern masked something darker.
One evening, as you were going through some old letters and personal effects, a hidden compartment in one of Nanami’s personal belongings caught your attention. Inside, you found a stack of letters and documents that seemed out of place. As you sifted through them, a particular letter stood out—a letter from Nanami to you, written shortly before his death. Its contents were cryptic and filled with a sense of unease that made your heart race.
The letter spoke of suspicions of being watched, of a growing sense of danger, and a mention of a mysterious figure who had been lingering in the shadows. That evil forces were coming, investigated by the Crown. That he was a blue shadow, a dark shadow. You put the letter down, your chest tightening.
The pieces of the puzzle began to click together in your mind, and a chilling realization dawned on you. Satoru, he...he was called the Queen's Blue Ghost. That was what he does for the Crown. You bit the lower edges of your lip. You could feel your legs losing strength as you grabbed the table to balance yourself.
You shake your head, almost as though you were in denial. It can't be. Your cousin....He would not. He promised, that he would always be good to you. To everyone. He, he can't be.
Desperate for answers, you confronted Satoru, your heart pounding with a mix of fear and anger. You cornered him in his private study, your voice trembling as you demanded the truth. He raised his head and smiled at you. But quickly, that retreated the moment he saw that look on your face.
"Cousin, is something wrong? Dearest one, you are agitated. You must—"
“Satoru, please.” you said, trying to keep your composure. “I require your honesty. Please. I need to know the truth."
"Whatever about? I have always been honest with you."
"Not on everything. And you know this. I know this."
"Dearest cousin, calm down—"
"What really happened to Nanami Kento? About the others. How many? How many others did you hurt?"
Satoru’s face, usually so controlled, betrayed a flicker of something dark and unsettling. He stepped closer to you, his eyes gleaming with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. The moment you said his name, the moment it all snapped. You could feel your heart pound as he corners you, traps you, in his vicinity. You swallow the bile down your throat.
“The truth, you say?” he replied, his voice smooth but laced with a dangerous edge. “I’m afraid you might not like it, cousin. I fear I might upset you. And....that is out of the question."
You took a step back, the fear overwhelming you. “What did you do? I know you had something to do with it. Did you poison him?”
A cold smile spread across Satoru’s lips. “You’ve been more perceptive than I gave you credit for,” he said softly. “Yes, I was responsible. But it was all for you, my dear cousin.”
The words struck you like a blow. “For me? What are you talking about?”
Satoru’s gaze softened, but the malice beneath it was unmistakable. “I’ve always been in love with you. Even when we were children, I was captivated by you. Everything I did, every action I took, was driven by my desire to have you for myself. And I do not care, how many suffers for it. That lowly count, those pesky tattletales. I do not care, cousin. As long as I have you. ”
The enormity of his confession hit you with a force that left you reeling. “You killed my Kento… just to have me? Do you....do you know how derange that is? How could you? How could you do this to me?”
He stepped closer, his voice a whisper that was both chilling and intimate. “No one else could ever be right for you but me. I couldn’t bear the thought of anyone else taking you away from me. Nanami was an obstacle, and I removed him to clear the path for us.”
Horrified and desperate, you tried to flee, but Satoru’s reflexes were swift. He grabbed your arm with a strength that was both frightening and unyielding. You struggled against him, but his grip only tightened as he pulled you close. Your heart pounded, and tears streamed down your face as you realized the extent of his obsession.
“Let me go!” you cried, your voice breaking with desperation. “I can’t be with you. Not after this.”
Satoru held you tightly, his arms encircling you in a possessive embrace. “No,” he said firmly, his voice unyielding. “You belong with me. I’ve waited too long for this moment, and I won’t let anyone—least of all you—deny what’s meant to be.”
His words, though tender in their own twisted way, were laced with a darkness that left you feeling trapped and helpless. You could see the unshakable resolve in his eyes, the certainty that he was the only one who could provide the life he believed you deserved.
“I did it all for you, dearest one.” Satoru continued, his tone a mix of reverence and obsession. “Everything I did, every sacrifice, was to ensure that we could be together. You’ll see, in time, that no one else can care for you the way I do.”
It was as though for a moment, your memories echoed. That boy Satoru was, the distant and aloof boy you had looked up to, chased after — he was not there anymore. All that’s left is a monster. A monster who believed that loving you meant hurting you. Tears fell as you remember the boy he was. 
The large, sunlit gardens were a backdrop to a series of memories, each one highlighting the contrast between your vibrant, spirited nature and Satoru’s reserved, emotionless disposition. 
You were only six years old when you first encountered Satoru’s indifference. He was sitting alone in a secluded corner of the garden, surrounded by books and sketches, seemingly lost in a world of his own. His silver hair gleamed in the sunlight, but his eyes, hidden behind dark glasses even then, were as cold and distant as the surrounding shadows.
Despite his aloofness, you were determined to reach out to him. You approached him with a bright smile, holding a daisy you had picked from the garden. “Satoru,” you called out, “would you like to play with me?”
He glanced up briefly, his expression unreadable. “I’m busy,” he replied curtly, his voice lacking warmth.
Undeterred, you sat down next to him, placing the daisy on his sketchpad. “But it’s such a nice day! Don’t you want to come outside and enjoy it?”
He stared at the daisy, then at you, a flicker of something—perhaps curiosity or irritation—crossing his face. “I don’t see the point in playing,” he said, turning his attention back to his sketches.
You persisted, your enthusiasm unwavering. “It’s not just about playing. It’s about having fun and being together. We can make up a story about the garden and pretend we’re explorers!”
“I don’t want to.” He whispered.
You pout. “But that’s no fun!”
As a young girl, you were determined to break through Satoru’s emotional barriers. One sunny afternoon in the grand estate’s garden, you devised a simple, yet heartfelt plan. You had spent the morning picking a variety of wildflowers, their vibrant colors brightening your small wicker basket. You were excited to surprise Satoru, who was once again immersed in his books and sketches in his usual secluded spot.
The garden was alive with the hum of bees and the soft rustling of leaves, and the sunlight filtered through the trees, casting playful shadows on the ground. You spotted Satoru sitting against a large oak tree, his focus intensely fixed on his work. With a smile, you approached him quietly, careful not to disturb his concentration.
“Satoru,” you called softly, holding up the flower crown you had made. It was a simple creation, woven from a mix of daisies, buttercups, and clover. The flowers were arranged in a delicate, colorful circle, their petals still fresh and dewy from the morning sun.
He looked up from his sketchpad, his expression as indifferent as ever, but a hint of curiosity sparkled in his eyes. “What’s that?” he asked, his tone more inquisitive than dismissive.
You knelt beside him, holding the flower crown out. “It’s a gift for you.” you said cheerfully. “I made it just for you. I thought you might like to wear it.”
Satoru’s usual aloofness seemed to falter as he took in the sight of the flower crown. There was a brief flicker of surprise in his eyes, a momentary break in his emotional armor. He looked at the crown, then back at you, clearly unsure of how to react.
Without waiting for his response, you gently placed the flower crown on his head, adjusting it carefully so that it sat comfortably. Your fingers brushed against his hair, and you beamed at him with an innocent, genuine smile.
“There!” you said, stepping back to admire your handiwork. “Now you have a crown fit for a king.”
Satoru’s initial reaction was one of shock, his mouth slightly agape as he touched the delicate flowers with hesitant fingers. The corners of his mouth twitched, and for a brief moment, you saw a rare, genuine smile break through his usually stoic expression. It was a fleeting, but unmistakable, expression of delight.
He looked up at you, his eyes softer than they had ever been. “You made this for me?” he asked, his voice betraying a hint of warmth that was seldom present.
“Yes, cousin!” you replied, your eyes sparkling with happiness. “I wanted to do something nice for you. I thought it might brighten your day.”
Satoru’s gaze lingered on you, and you could see the conflicted emotions playing across his face. The flower crown, so simple and yet so heartfelt, seemed to have touched him in a way you hadn’t anticipated. He looked away, his expression growing contemplative.
“It’s… nice.” he said quietly, a hint of genuine appreciation in his tone. “Thank you.”
You smiled, pleased with his reaction. “I’m glad you like it, cousin!” you said, reaching out to gently touch the crown. “I hope it makes you smile.”
As you walked away, you felt a sense of accomplishment. You had managed to break through Satoru’s emotional wall, if only for a moment, and the sight of him wearing the flower crown was a memory you would cherish. Little did you know that this simple act of kindness would become a significant, albeit bittersweet, part of your lives.
The contrast between the boy who had once been so distant and the man who now held you captive was stark and painful. The memories of your childhood—the times you had tried so hard to reach out to him, to bridge the gap that had always seemed to exist between you—now echoed in your mind like a cruel mockery.
Those moments, once filled with innocent hope and longing, now served as a haunting reminder of how drastically things had deteriorated. The boy who had seemed unreachable, who you had thought might one day come around, had instead grown into someone who was both terrifyingly close and dangerously unrecognizable.
As you struggled in his arms, the harsh reality of your situation became all too clear. Satoru’s love, which had once been a source of warmth and comfort, had twisted into something dark and all-consuming. The affection that had once made you feel safe was now a prison, its walls closing in around you with every passing second.
The realization that his love had warped into an obsession sent chills down your spine, and the fear that gripped your heart was unlike anything you had ever known. You had always known Satoru was different, that there was something in him that set him apart, but never had you imagined that his feelings for you could turn into something so possessive, so terrifying.
His grip on you was unrelenting, his arms a cage that you knew you could not break free from. No matter how hard you struggled, how desperately you tried to push him away, his hold only tightened. There was no trace of the gentle boy you had known in his eyes now—only the cold, determined gaze of a man who would not be denied.
As he held you close, you could feel the weight of his obsession pressing down on you, suffocating you with its intensity. The warmth that had once drawn you to him had been replaced by a chilling darkness, and the love that had once been your sanctuary had become the source of your greatest fear.
A profound sense of betrayal and loss settled over you, heavy and unyielding. The man who had once been your closest confidant, your protector, had now become the architect of your greatest sorrow.
The trust you had placed in him, the bond you had thought unbreakable, had been shattered beyond repair. The future you had dreamed of, filled with hope and happiness, was now overshadowed by the bleak reality of his possessive love.
In that moment, as you were held captive in his arms, you understood with a heartbreaking clarity that the Satoru you had known was gone, replaced by someone you could no longer recognize.
The boy who had once been distant, yet filled with potential, had become a man whose love had turned into a dark obsession, and the life you had once envisioned was now lost to the shadows of his twisted affection.
“I waited so long for this day, to have you free from the nuns, from the watchful eyes of the church, from anyone who would keep you from me." He whispered. “And I had to deal with that pest, that lowly pathetic count. All of those who wanted to steal you from me!”
The air in the room thickened as he stepped closer, his breath brushing against your skin. You knew what he wanted, what he had always wanted. It was written in the way he looked at you, the way his fingers twitched as if resisting the urge to reach out and claim you right then and there.
But you were no longer a child, no longer the naive girl who would blindly follow where he led. You were a Duchess now, with power of your own, and you would not be so easily consumed by the flames of his obsession.
Yet, as his hand finally found its way to your chin, tilting your face up to meet his gaze, you couldn’t help but feel the pull. The twisted, sick desire that mirrored his own, the yearning to give in to the darkness that had always lurked beneath the surface of your soul.
"You will be mine, cousin." Gojo whispered, his lips hovering above yours. "Whether you like it or not."
You were drawn to him, as you had been as a child. The way he moved, the way he spoke—it He reached for you, his hands rough yet strangely tender as they cupped your face, his grip firm and unyielding.
Before you could react, his lips crashed against yours with a force that stole your breath. You struggled, tried to push him away, but he was stronger—much stronger. Your fists pounded weakly against his chest, a futile attempt to break free from the iron hold he had on you.
Tears welled up in your eyes, spilling down your cheeks as you felt the helplessness of the situation, the weight of his obsession bearing down on you. But even as your mind screamed in protest, there was a part of you that responded to his touch, a dark, twisted part that had long been buried beneath years of repression.
His hands roamed over your body with a fervor that mirrored the storm brewing inside you, fingers tracing the curves of your form as if memorizing every inch. He pulled you closer, his embrace tightening until there was no space left between your bodies, the heat of his desire searing through your clothes, igniting a fire deep within you.
You hated yourself for the way your body betrayed you, for the way your heart raced not only with fear but with a sick anticipation. You could feel the hunger in his touch, the same hunger that had lurked within you, hidden and denied for so long. 
Gojo’s lips trailed down your neck, leaving a burning path in their wake, his breath hot against your skin. His words were a whispered promise, laced with a dark possessiveness that sent shivers down your spine.
"You can’t escape me, cousin." he murmured against your throat, his voice thick with desire. "I’ve waited too long, dreamed of this moment for too many nights. You’re mine now, and I’ll never let you go."
His hands slipped beneath the fabric of your dress, fingertips grazing the sensitive skin beneath as he explored with an urgency that left no room for doubt. You gasped, the sound caught between a sob and something else, something far more dangerous.
As his touch grew bolder, you realized with a sickening clarity that no matter how hard you fought, no matter how many tears you shed, you were losing yourself to him. The line between love and hate, between desire and fear, blurred until it was impossible to tell where one ended and the other began.
Gojo pulled back just enough to look into your tear-streaked face, his eyes darkened with a twisted satisfaction. His thumb brushed away the tears that still fell, a cruel smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"Don’t cry, my dearest." he whispered, his voice laced with mockery and something softer, something almost tender. "You’ll learn to love this, to love me, just as I’ve always loved you."
And as his lips claimed yours once more, the last vestiges of your resistance crumbled, swallowed whole by the darkness that he had nurtured within you, until all that was left was the Duchess who belonged to the Duke—no matter the cost.
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clownmoontoon · 1 month
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⭐️ HEYO LOVELIES!! 🌈 as a colored pencil artist all my fan art is on paper and it PILES UP!!
so ive finally decided to clear out the pieces (including some ink pieces from past inktobers!) im ready to let go of to try n fund my move out of an abusive home! ;u; AND ive become the owner to a family of cats! (two adults and two kittens!) and the person who agreed to help me take care of them (money-wise) has decided they dont want to anymore so i rlly just wanna get all of us out of here as soon as i can!! ^^;
all of it is in order by fandom, descending price, and shipping is included if youre in the US!! (if youre outside the US and interested in buying pls dm me and we can work smth out! <3) basically selling off all the fanart ive done up to this point (including stuff i never posted!) minus homestuck (i legit dont know what happened to that art aaaAA if i find it ill prob put it up too) and my matsu era bc that one is rlly special to me still and i wanna keeps ; v ;
💖 REBLOGS DEF APPRECIATED!! and pls check out the other sales i have going on in my pinned post! <3<3
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🎪 the amazing digital circus + helluva boss $400
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❤️ undertale + deltarune $400
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🦆 disney ducks $300
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🍔 mob psycho $300
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💚 encanto $200 SOLD!!
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🌸 animaniacs $200
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💖 steven universe/MOSTLY spinel $200
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🐶 yakuza/mostly majima and SURPRISE MIKU LOL $200
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🌲camp camp $150
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🌈 lotta misc! $150
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joltyflare · 3 months
TSAMS & LAES Fanfic/Short Story Ideas
So I decided to dump my fanfic ideas here!! Most, if not all, of these particular ones, will be short stories that I'll probably post both here and on A03.
Ruin X Earth AU
I've come to love this ship ever since the whole fiasco with Moon using star power and Ruin protecting her and being concerned for her. I might do a whole writeup on this but I feel like the dynamic would be interesting!
I feel like Ruin would be showing concern for Earth and she'd feel conflicted. She'd probably try to keep brushing him off and force herself to feel angry at him but wouldn't be able to. He'd probably become a bit of a flirt too and she'd find herself falling for him against her will. (Enemies to lovers but not really 'cause Ruin doesn't see her as an enemy so it's one-sided.)
(Also, for angst purposes and ship purposes, Monty might die in this story.)
Eclipse's Intervention AU
Basically, an AU where Earth sits Eclipse the hell down when he's in constant pain and is dying and is stern with him and sorta forces him to rest and do her best to help him recover. It's one of the less angstier stories in my roster and more focused on a fluffy build-up of Earth and Eclipse's friendship.
Ruin's First Kill
This would just be a story of what I think Ruin felt when he had to make his first kill under his deranged persona.
Sun's Intervention AU
Basically, Sun truly turns to alcohol in this AU and needs an intervention from someone. Probably would during the current events that are going on right now. Maybe an x reader fic. Maybe platonic with someone else in the show, like maybe even Earth or Lunar. Maybe have that freaky Miku do it because Sun would honestly be embarrassed if she was right all along and it'd be a wake-up call for sure XD
Evil "Princess" Earth AU
No, this fic wouldn't be about the "Evil Earth" we saw in one episode. This Earth would definitely be more evil when compared to her (as that Earth was supposed to be as evil as an Earth could get...but this is a rant for another post)! Instead, this would be a story about Earth truly becoming evil. It would take place after Solar's death and would involve Eclipse as well.
Earth would become evil for one reason or another (I haven't decided which event would cause it) and Eclipse, who has grown to care for her, would become extremely loyal in this story and would be her "knight", so to speak, and an executioner of sorts. He would do anything for her here...even kill if he had to.
Bonus Possibility: Ruin X His Roxanne
This would be a fanfic about my theory where he got with his Roxy in his own universe and lost her due to the Creator. I still like the thought of this being a tragic love tale. Might merge this with his First Kill story? Not sure. Iffy on writing anything too detailed about his past because I wanna know more about it before making shipping fanfics. Just for curiosity reasons. (And to not get my hopes up lol).
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lunatic-pudge · 1 year
Hello!! I'm new~ I can order 2d headcanons and noddles (noddles kid, but she sees o/s as her older sister) with her o/s comforting them by making them lay their head on her lap while o/s hugs, caresses, kisses and tells them everything will be okay
Here you go! I kinda died, but I'm back and ready to cause chaos! :D
Comforting Noodle
• It started off as a nightmare
• A weird blur of fuzzy memories that Noodle couldn't quite describe
• Scientist, weapons, other children, and the screams
• Oh how the screams echoed deep within her
• It was so hard to make out the full details of everything
• It was going by so quick
• But it also felt like it was going by so agonizingly slow
• It all just seemed so overwhelming
• But then something started changing
• A comforting shake, a gentle warmth was near
• Noodle woke in a cold sweat, tears welling in her eyes
• Looking up she saw them, eyes filled with concern and a frown adorning their face
• "Are you okay, Noodle?"
• Those words brought Noodle to tears, sobbing gentle as they pull her into a hug
• One hand on the back of her head and the other rubbed up and down on her back, they let Noodle get everything out
• Incoherent words that were interrupted by her sobs
• Noodle felt safe in their arms
• She always did when they held her
• Noodle had always looked up to them as an older sister
• They were the one who went above and beyond to understand and help Noodle when she came to Kong Studios
• They were the one who would protect Noodle from dealing with Murdoc's druken rage
• Or seeing the constant drug and alcohol abuse that was rampant between Murdoc and 2D
• They were the one who always made sure Noodle had clean clothes to wear, fresh food to eat, a room to feel safe in, and someone there to comfort her when things weren't great
• With a gentle kiss to the top of her head, Noodle looked up at them
• Tears now finished flowing
• "Thank you (y/n). I just don't understand why I keep having these nightmares. They won't go away"
• "Oh, Noodle, it's going to be okay. We'll work through this together."
• They hugged Noodle a little tighter, making sure she was okay
• Noodle smiled, no matter how bad the nightmares got, she knew they were there to keep her safe
• Her dear older sister
(More) 2D Headcanons
• Man has the COOLEST horror movie-esque collection EVER
• We're talking about rare copies of movies, signatures, actual horror movie props, ect.
• He's always going to horror cons to meet his favorite actors
• Is always looking for horror recommendations
• I can also seeing him being an urbex (urban exploration) type of person
• He has albums from his explorations
• It probably gives him horror movie vibes
• If he has an S/O, he'd want them to go with him
• If they say no, he'd be sad but very accepting of their decisions
• I know that all virtual singers live in the same universe but HYPOTHETICALLY (plz hear me out) let's say that Vocaloid was also same for them as it is for us (the cds with the voicebanks instead of them being actual idols/people). I can see 2D having a copy of Vocaloid and Miku's voicebank. He wouldn't publish any songs with her but he def has fun using her to sing his favorite songs and Gorillaz songs
• BUT NOW IF WE MAKE THE VOCALOIDS ACTUAL PEOPLE, he's gone to a bunch of concerts, has met the Legend herself, got her autograph on his forehead, and def kept in contact with her. Murdoc aggressivley refuses to let Miku collab with them (he just doesn't wanna admit that he's a Miku fan)
• Don't know if I said it before, but he has def tried to play all sorts of instruments. Let's just say he's forbidden to be even in the same room with a violin
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i3utterflyeffect · 3 months
untitled-3, TCO, and TDL probably have to find other hobbies than destroying websites in the decade or so before the showdown. TDL might disguise themself when rampaging so untitled doesn't know, then hollowheads might not have the horrible reputation they have in the original timeline/universe
i just love the idea of them doing things. untitled designs some buildings for the new stick city. TCO plays some video games. TDL attends a miku expo and gets her autograph. they attend stick classes. TCO fights euler's number. don't forget the constant undercurrent of doom that untitled-3 experiences...
bonus: i've imagined untitled's fire to be a dull red, since hotter things burn bluer.
OUGHHHHHHH, SO TRUE..... SO TRUE.... i don't have much to add to this sorry anon </3
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ask-crammaster-ham · 2 years
seeing a bunch of terfs… or let’s call them what they are, transphobes who are obsessed with maligning womanhood to a state of constant & essential suffering and co-opting the language of liberation to do it, reblogging my horse post. whatever they’ve done, they’ve managed to tie the original post to some terf posts in the “related” algorithm. so sorry to be ooc but… part of the humor of having this url over time is seeing how far i can push believability, how much people will uncritically universally accept something that says “not the real deal” in the bio as legitimate. so seeing terfs, people who insist that they have some sort of contrary recognition of the truth, accepting shit like horse reincarnation from thomas jefferson miku binder person as serious is like… look in the mirror at your dumbass self. you’re not cute.
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l1nghuarchive · 2 years
HI THERE ASTRIE!!! I was browsing through ur blog when i realized. wait. i can request mystic messenger stuff???? WOH OMG????
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Well as a die hard Yoosung simp, now i feel like ive been called upon by hatsune miku herself to request a Yoosung x reader where they dye their hair together (oneshots pspsps)
Ive never requested anything from u before, so feel free to decline this! and also. TAKE. UR. TIME. Idk if u know this from how i am on Amia's blog but. IF U ARENT TAKING CARE I WILL BE VV ANGRY >:( SO U BETTER NOT OVERWORK URSELF OR GRGRGRRRR
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Pairing : Yoosung Kim x reader
Warnings : n/a (mention of rikas death ig?)
A/n : i actually took my time :') (1 week+) hope you enjoy this tho!! Btw you are NOT the mc and instead a college friend of yoosung.
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COLLEGE was rather… Stressful to say the least, with you entering one of the best universities out in Korea you expected yourself to always do good in your studies and that is what you did. Though, you didn't expect yourself to befriend one of your classmates who didn't really enjoy studying as much which really made you wonder how he even got into SKY University perhaps by luck? But yet you heard that Yoosung got in with a scholarship and is going to be working for the corporate heir Jumin Han, of course silently you did envy him after all being on C&R's waiting list could only be achieved in your dreams..
You didn't expect to be dying your hair on the weekends where you could be studying for upcoming exams, well you didn't really have any choice with Yoosung's constant pleas. You both decided to dye your hair together since Yoosung's hair colour was fading as well,though your parents wouldn't have allowed you to dye your hair they aren't here to nag at you! So why not just live your life without the eyes of your parents?
You were lucky enough to convince your parents to pay for your tuition fees, after all you were a grown adult and should be finding a job instead of asking your parents for money. Though they did pay a crazy amount to get you in here, you still felt guilty for them spending so much on you.
Yoosung's voice awoken your train of thoughts before your vision cleared as you saw Yoosung snapping his fingers in front of you with a worried face.
"are you okay? You don't look too good.. I didn't put any hair dye on your eyes right!?!"
You shook your head before a calm smile on your face as both of you waited for your hair dye to dry, you weren't one for small chatter and often it was Yoosung who started conversations between you both though it was silent between you both it wasn't awkward at all and instead it just added to the calm atmosphere.
"So, how is RFA doing..? Do you perhaps plan on holding another party soon?"
You always refrained from talking about anything related to RFA after hearing that Yoosung's cousin had sadly passed away, comfort wasn't your strong suit but yet you still try and gave him encouraging words. Though you always wanted to attend a party held by the RFA and even if you got the chance, you knew it might clash with your studies after all you had always placed studies above all even when you were in high school. You never really went to parties, instead you were always cooped up in your own room reading or studying you technically weren't a loner. You still had friends but they weren't really in your inner circle and you only interacted with them when it was lunch.
You looked over to see Yoosung ranting about the new member of RFA with stars in his eyes, unknowingly a small smile dawned on your face for some reason your heart was slightly warm perhaps not used to this feeling of someone actually wanting to talk to you though you won't deny it isn't a good feeling.. You had always found yourself smiling and enjoying whenever Yoosung rants about his day or his games, was this what your books.. Call a crush?
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Reqs are closed as of currently sorry! Likes, reblogs and follows are always appreciated tysm if u do any of those!
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graysbullshit · 1 year
My college, my UNIVERSITY, has one of those boards for you to advertise on. Sometimes Hatsune Miku is there, sometimes Chuu Ex-loona is there, today there was a poster for Ariana Grande, but the only constant is Xie Lian. There is ALWAYS a poster for Xie Lian. It reads "Would you send money to this poor trash collector so he can pay his lunch?" and bellow that there is a sticker from a school project to serve breakfast in our cafeteria.
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numberonesnarkfan · 1 year
writing a DID character, from a DID system
do you ever notice that every character you've ever seen in media with DID has been a disgusting old man in a horror movie that assaults and kills people? You might not have, but we certainly have.
this assertion is honestly laughable. DID is written like psychopathy by directors who've never met a system.
The worst thing any of my alters have ever done is tell a teacher to 'fuck off'. None of my other alters' actions have come even close. That's a far cry from the DID you've seen in movies, isn't it?
the worst part isn't even the fact that this media exists. It's the fact that people (almost exclusively men) will fake-claim people with DID for not being like those movie villains.
One thing a real person said to me once was "I had a friend who had a DID girlfriend, one day she just turned around and stabbed him. If you had DID, you would be in jail". I still highly doubt that that 'friend' wasn't a fictional character, or just a pathological liar.
So, what are DID people like? While I can't talk for OSDD, since I don't know much about that area and don't know if the symptoms are different, I can tell you what being a DID system is really like.
first of all, you have to understand the basics. DID forms exclusively in people with extreme childhood trauma. When you look at a person with DID, you're looking at a person who was once a child and was forced - perhaps physically - to mature faster than all the other kids due to constant trauma at home.
If you've heard of the idea of systems having 'protectors' and 'caretakers', that is true. While not every system has outlined jobs that all of their members fall into, the majority have at least one protector, at least one caretaker, and a league of others that simply exist.
This leads directly into my next point: Alters are people. No matter what redditors will tell you about how you should be bullying people who have disorders that contain 'delusions' as part of their criteria, alters are real people. They have real, separate emotions to the host, and their own identity. I hate the smell of smoke, while some of my alters don't mind it or even like it. I am attracted to men, women and nonbinary people, while some of my alters are only attracted to one gender. Every alter is different.
my system has exclusively fictives. (A fictive is an alter whose source material is fictional, while a factive is an alter who forms from the identity of a real person.) It's perfectly fine to write DID characters with completely unique characters in their system that formed suddenly. Hell, one of my fictives didn't have a form they wanted to be seen as until they looked on google images and decided they wanted to be a dragon.
However, and this is only my opinion, I have always wanted to see media with a DID character who has fictives. Maybe the fictives are in-universe, they have an alter of your fictional universe's equivalent of Hatsune Miku or something, or a character from an in-universe tv show. I have always wanted to see media that normalises fictives.
Furthermore, while people with ADHD or autism are much more likely to develop DID, making a character with DID and autism, but not explaining that they have both, is not a good move.
And now, for the most dreaded part: WHAT MAKES THE EXPERIENCE OF HAVING DID SUCK! I've always said having DID in and of itself isn't the problem. It's everything else:
-the trauma. DID is actually a good thing in and of itself. It helps us survive (as long as we have a good relationship with our alters). It's the trauma that caused it that makes it bad.
-the fake-claiming. Honestly, I've had more trauma in recent years from getting fake-claimed than from almost anything else. I've lost friends because they decided I was "faking". (they googled DID and I didn't show every single symptom, they thought. We were online friends...) People are fucking stupid, and will stop and nothing to feel like the hero. I'd love to see media that highlights the primal rage and sadness that comes with being fake-claimed. I still lie awake at night having intrusive thoughts about the people who fake-claimed me. It hurts more than much else.
-the fake-claiming, part 2. Some people find out that some psychiatrists don't think DID is real, and go on a crusade to tell every system ever that "I can't believe you would just make up a disorder like that", or accuse us of being schizophrenics.
These are pretty much the two things that make life with DID harder than it needs to be. If we lived in a society of people who didn't find the need to white knight for their own ego all the time, it would be different. Nothing makes you realise that the majority of people are unbearable Karens than having DID. Everyone has to give their two cents on your disorder.
-when an alter fronts, it can sometimes be sudden. Sometimes someone will be talking to us and suddenly get "oh, uhh... I'm Nigel now. Anyway, keep going." It can be awkward, which is why many of us only show ourselves online, mostly on Discord, where bots like pluralkit can help us feel less awkward about our existence.
-cosplaying yourself. Many of my fictives have me buy clothes for them so that they can dress up as themselves. My Nigel alter had me buy a hair curler so he could recreate his natural hair, but we've all been too scared to use it.
-voices! Sometimes, when an alter fronts irl, they will go completely nonverbal, despite how verbose they may be online. Sometimes it's just too much dysphoria to be forced to speak using the AFAB host's voice, especially if the alter is male. This can be reversed too, where a female alter may feel uncomfortable in an AMAB host's body.
-and the dreaded R word... roleplay. Yes, yes, we all know, being a system looks like rp from the outside. We all get told it so much that a lot of systems take extreme offence from having their disorder compared to roleplay, and I don't blame them. But the fact also is, to develop DID, you HAVE to have an active imagination, because it forms from the child escaping into their headspace too much. Many people with DID do roleplay! They play D&D, they online rp. This doesn't make them any less of a system. BUT if you're writing a DID character, unless you have a person with DID to be your editor, you should avoid making them an rp-er, because this may come across as disingenuous or sysphobic. Think of it like how gay men are fully allowed to be flamboyant and feminine, but writing a gay character like that may be in bad taste.
-identity vs. personality. There's a reason DID is no longer called "split personality disorder", and it's because the difference between alters and hosts is more about identity than personality. My alters and I largely have the same worldview and morals, but we all present ourselves differently. I am hyperactive and funny (I hope), while some of my alters would prefer to present as mysterious, or graceful. Sometimes an alter can seem completely different from the host.
-memory loss. Sometimes when an alter stops fronting, I wake up with only vague memories of what happened. Also, long term memory loss. Almost all people with DID have more childhood amnesia than normal and can appear as very forgetful.
-and finally... the dissociation. Yes, DID does also come with dissociation. Sometimes it can be regular dissociation, feeling floaty and nonexistent, and sometimes it can come in the form of feeling dissociative about your own life. Sometimes your memories barely feel real, sometimes the people around you feel like they're only videogame constructs. Sometimes you look down at your hands and realise acutely that there's bones in there.
This is not by any means a comprehensive post, this is mostly just me rambling. Feel free to ask me to cover any more specific parts of having DID.
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r3dvlvet · 3 months
There is something fun about explaining things that just seem like universal constants because they’re so in your sphere of influence. For example, I had to explain who Hatsune Miku is and what a vocaloid is
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non-operator · 4 months
sorry, this is about h*zb*n h*tel again because youtube still remembers that time i clicked on stuff about it, but this is more about the music then anything
So, it recommended me a miku and teto cover of "Poison" and I listened to that, but it got me curious about the actual song. And I don't know why exactly I feel this, but... I feel like the vocaloid cover was more emotionally impactful than the original?
Maybe it's because I listened to the vocaloid cover first? But I keep thinking about it and I don't feel like that's it, but any other explanation I come up with doesn't seem exactly right either. With the original song, it feels more like it's trying to be more catchy than sad. so even if it is depicting Angel's sexual abuse and exploitation, I feel like it's very. emotionally flat...? Except for the very end segment where they have a little static filter for the voice, but for the most part, it kind of felt like that?
But it's also I think that the vocaloid cover focuses a lot on the exploitation part of the song. Because the ai voices don't give a lot of emotion in the same way a human voice does, that kind of mood seems to be more created from the fact that the vocaloid cover has a darker color scheme, starts off with showcasing an unhappy pair of miku and then teto. And when the chorus starts, it still maintains the gloomy atmosphere. On the other hand, the original "Poison" is a lot more... fast-paced? sporadic? I don't mean to say it *doesn't* focus on Angel's abuse, because it clearly shows that in rapid flashes or brief moments where Angel's mask falls to show he's not really comfortable with his current situation. But I think the main part is how the sexual abuse and exploitation takes places in flashes while the majority of the song shows him like, acting confident and dancing a sick choreography.
I can definitely see what the writers and animators were going for with this, so I can't say that this is a "wrong" way of depicting Angel's issues. Like, they wanted to highlight how Angel copes with his shitty conditions by acting he's fine with it or ignoring it through drug/sex-induced pleasures. It's even framed by the fact that in-universe, he's acting in a video/film (porn? I don't know the actual context for this, and I don't plan on watching this), so the center of the song is about his facade as a coping mechanism, highlighting that it is just a mask and that the "real" him actually hates how he's being treated.
I don't know... I think the vocaloid cover that focuses on the trauma aspect just affects me more. Perhaps the original is more impactful with the show's full context, but without any knowledge of the show, I personally think that if the show has been building up to Angel admitting that he's unhappy, there probably would've been signs before that his mask is just a mask-- which is to say, this would seem like a better place to focus on the more sincere side of Angel's issues rather than showing off his false confidence and persona, because that's something the audience has already seen and is familiar with, which would probably call for a greater focus on how he actually feels about his abuse than how he deals with it, if that makes sense. And if this is the first time the audience is actually getting a hint that Angel's not as he seems, this... isn't a *bad* way to set it up or reveal this info, but I feel like it's dumping quite a lot onto the audience at once about Angel's background for a first step towards realizing his character arc, but it does get the job done, so I guess it's fine? It certainly made me feel uncomfortable to see the constant flashes of Angel's sexual abuse as he's dancing, which I think was the intention.
I won't lie though, it is a good song. I just like the covers that make it sound a bit haunting or have voice cracks to show the emotional strain. The original sounds too... stable? Not the word I'm looking for, but I can't think of another one right now-- and this isn't meant to insult the voice actor because he is a good singer, it just felt like he was singing for a radio or album, if that makes sense.
Not really relevant to "Poison", but I also checked out the other song that people apparently like a lot, "Loser, Baby", and. It's not bad? But there are also some parts that put me off it that I wouldn't want to hear it on repeat or put it on my song list. Like, it doesn't feel particularly... symmetrical...? The only example I can recall at the top of my head is that part where the cat demon thing says "I have an appetite for gambling" and Angel follows up with "I have an appetite for sampling/drugs and sex toys [this last line is inaccurate, I can't remember what it actually was and i'm not going back to check]", but like, it just irks me that Angel's line doesn't end with "sampling"; I know it doesn't make sense contextually and grammatically, but it just makes that part sound uneven to me. I did like the line "Forget your self-loathing, excuse yourself, let hope in, baby". The VA for the cat demon has a great voice and the rhythm for that line was so fucking smooth. Banger sentence too.
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writtenfromthestars · 8 months
❝𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐞 𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐞𝐬, 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬❞ │ 𝐚 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐟 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦.
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┊    ┊   ┊  ✧・゚
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✧・゚ Amidst nocturne skies, and gently created from stardust, this blog of mine, merely a thought before, comes into existence, finding itself bathed in moonlight; a small piece of this ever-expanding universe that I sought to hold close to my heart. In a quest to find my own comfort and rediscover my passions, I express in hopeful tones that I wish for this little place to become of help to me.
You may call me Saturn — embracing complete honesty, anything should be fine, but I can only imagine that everyone deserves to have a name by which they can recognize their own identity, no? One way or another, among the infinite stars which form this environment, I will be focusing on creating constellations connected to writing. However, I cannot truly believe within my heart that we will be limited to that; certainly, you can expect to see me prattling on about one of my interests around here from time to time.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
⸺ ❝Silence woke them up in the early hours of the morning. It was always the silence that brought them out of their dreamless rest.❞
⸺ ・ 。゚☆:☽✧ ✦ ✧☾:☆゚. ⸺
❛How might one find that which they search for when faced with a universe in constant expansion?❜. Well, my dearest, I'm beyond glad you asked! Just follow the stellar glow of the words below, and I promise, you will be able to escape searching through the myriad of planets that don't interest you all that much, allowing those eyes of yours to consume that which your heart desired from the beginning.
— 「 ⭐ 」 Teardrops of Stars Dream — 「 🌻 」 Português. — 「 🌼 」 English. — 「 🎨 」 Art — 「 ✒️ 」 Writing — 「 🐻 」 Original Writing — 「 🧸 」 Fanfiction — 「 🥦 」 My Hero Academia — 「 🐼 」 Jujutsu Kaisen — 「 🎣 」 Hunter x Hunter — 「 👺 」 Demon Slayer — 「 🎴 」 Tokyo Revengers — 「 🔍 」 Bungou Stray Dogs — 「 💌 」 Ouran High School Host Club — 「 👻 」 Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun — 「 ✨ 」 Genshin Impact — 「 🌌 」 Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All! — 「 🪄 」 Obey Me! Nightbringer! — 「 🪡 」 Ikemen Sengoku — 「 🎼 」 Hatsune Miku: Colorful Stage! — 「 💉 」 Your Turn to Die: Death Game by Majority — 「 🍳 」 QSMP — 「 🕰️ 」 WIP — 「 🍀 」 (Un)lucky │ Yandere! OC's — 「 🌙 」 Condenada │ Yandere! Killua — 「 ❄️ 」 Deceptions of Snow │ Genshin Impact — 「 ⛸️ 」 Wandering on Ice! │ Genshin x Ice Skating AU! — 「 ♟️ 」 Checkmate │Kavetham — 「 🗝️ 」 Keymaster │ Your Turn to Die
— 「 🎤 」 Words into the Void — 「 🍵🫖 」 Tea Party Amidst the Stars — 「 📰 」 News from the Stars — 「 📮 」 Asks — Both requests and questions are always welcomed, and it will be a pleasure of mine to respond to each of them as soon as possible.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
「 🐇 」 A gentle warning that yours truly here doesn't write anything NSFW. The request which contains sexual matters to any extent will be cast into the void, to die slowly with no one there to witness its final moments. Which means, I will simply be deleting those types of requests.
「 ⚔️ 」 Now, concerning non-interaction, it's simple enough. Bigots and Zionists can head to the nearest exit, such a presence will never be welcomed. And for personal reasons, I would appreciate if blogs that are mostly NSFW could avoid interaction as well.
. . . . . ╰──╮꒰ ⭐ ꒱ ╭──╯ . . . . .
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I posted 65 times in 2022
That's 65 more posts than 2021!
55 posts created (85%)
10 posts reblogged (15%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 54 of my posts in 2022
Only 17% of my posts had no tags
#universal collision - 54 posts
#multifandom - 44 posts
#kami 12 - 12 posts
#wattpad book - 10 posts
#wattpad - 8 posts
#another eden - 8 posts
#d4dj - 7 posts
#carlosyt - 3 posts
#dragalia lost - 3 posts
#michiru kaibara - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 27 characters
#hatsune miku colorful stage
My Top Posts in 2022:
Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name(s): Elias (Bottom right), Maritimus (Middle(?))
Class: 5★
Summoner/Duo: Yes (Duo)
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Bow (Elias Only) (EX Weapon: Song of Anthem)
Current character status: Released
Info (Both from Dragalia Lost Wiki)
Info (Elias):
A young boy from the Harmonia Choir. He boasts a heavenly voice, and expects the best from both himself and others when it comes to singing. He likes sweet things a great deal, but fears this makes him seem a bit childish.
Info (Maritimus):
A dragon who protects the Harmonia Choir. He has long lived in the town where they are based, where he is beloved by all. He enjoys being fashionable, and wears a bell the choir children gave him around his neck with pride.
VC (Only duo to have 2):
Elias VC: Keep this tempo and we're golden! - Physical resistance of all allies +35% (1 Turn), and restore HP of all allies (L)
Maritimus VC: I'm gonna protect the HECK out of you! - Grant Guard on user (3 Turns), and physical and type resistance of all allies +75% (1 Turn)
Guard: Guard: The character receives damage in place of other party members. It also prevents them from getting knocked out. All damage and knockback effects from enemy received by party redirected to user. Activates constant Status Hold Ground on user until end of turn. Does not redirect self-damage from other users. Effect ends before pain/poison damage or EoT attacks. Takes priority over Rage. If afflicted by stun/sleep/confuse/petrify, effect will be canceled.
Skills / Abilities:
Utempo Chord - Piercing attack on a single enemy (L), and type resistance of enemy -25% (3 Turns) (Max Stack: -75%)
Virtuoso Anthem - Grant Song Status on User (3 Turns)
Song: Activates Singing status on user: inability to act and applies song effects on all party members.
Does not replace active Stances and vise-versa, can be active at the same time.
Is not considered a Stance for Stance-related skill effects.
Confused singer can still start new song randomly.
Effects and passives will be overwritten by new songs from other characters, but previous singer will still be unable to act until remaining duration ends.
Disrupted by Sleep, Confusion, Stone, Stun, Freeze, Knockback, Death
Elias Song effect: Delayed Crystal type Piercing attack on all enemies x3 (XL), and Water/Crystal Type Resistance of all enemies -25% (3 Turns) (Max Stack: -75%), and restore 1000 HP to all allies
Polar Roller - Combined Water and Crystal type blunt attack on all enemies (XL), and restore HP of all allies (XL), and inflict stun
1 note - Posted October 1, 2022
Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Catherine
Class: 5★
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Lance
Current character status: Released
Info: (From Dragalia Lost Wiki):
The daughter of the mayor of the rural town of Quinbell. Her domineering attitude tends to drag people into her affairs, but she's actually quite stoic. Despite her pampered origins, she strives every day to be a perfect version of herself.
There is no outcome better suited to me than victory. - Deploy Piercing Flash Zone and stack “Perfect Escort” on user
Perfect Escort effect: Extend Lunatic turns by 2 Turns (Permanent, Once per battle)
Skills / Abilities:
Perfect Order - Water type piercing attack on all enemies x6 (L) + Power, Speed, DEF, & M.DEF of all allies +40% (Max Stack: 3, +120%) (3 Turns)
* When 6 “Perfection Embodied” are stacked, consume all and remove zone for extra damage & cleanse all debuffs from all enemies
Beck and Call - Strength of all allies +30% (3 Turns) + Stack 1 “Perfection Embodied” on user
* Perfection Embodied: Speed of user +30% per stack
2 notes - Posted December 15, 2022
Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: SMG4
Class: 5★ SP
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Fists (Secretly a SPECIAL type)
Current character status: Released
[SPOILERS], more commonly abbreviated as SMG4 and also known as SuperMarioGlitchy4, is one of the two main protagonists (alongside Mario) of the SMG4 series.
He is a major protagonist in Season 1, one of the two main protagonists (alongside Mario) of Seasons 2-8, the deuteragonist of The Waluigi Arc, a supporting character in The Rapper Bob Arc, one of the two tritagonists (alongside Luigi) of Season 9, a major character in The Anime Arc, a major character in Season 10, the deuteragonist of The YouTube Arc, the main protagonist of Season 11, SMG4 Movie: 10 Year Anniversary Special and the Genesis Arc, and one of the four tritagonists of Season 12 (alongside SMG1 and SMG2 and SMG3) and later the main protagonist of The Lawsuit Arc and the final third of Season 12. He is also a supporting character in SMG4 Movie: Meggy's Destiny.
He is a partly amnesiac [SPOILERS], Mario's closest ally (rival in the War of the Fat Italians series), the de facto leader of his gang, and the former arch-enemy of SMG3. SMG4 has been passionate and protective of his work; that aside, he seems to play the sane man who is often annoyed or shocked by Mario's crazy, flamboyant idiocy. Despite this, they are friends in most episodes, especially in the recent ones. SMG4 enjoys being around the presence of his friends, going on many zany adventures and fighting great enemies in story arcs. During the Genesis Arc, he started searching for answers about his origins and earned most of his answers in the end, until he put the pieces of the puzzle together and learnt the truth behind [REVELATIONS SPOILERS] at the end of the Revelations Arc.
Allies (Some excluded due to spoilers or “too many allies”):
Mario (best friend and avatar), Luigi, Princess Peach, Fishy Boopkins, Meggy Spletzer, Tari, Saiko Bichitaru, Jeeves, Toad, Bowser, Bob Bobowski, Axol (deceased)
Goddamn it, Mario! You still don’t listen! - Blunt attack on a single enemy (L), Power of user +50% (2 Turns), and stack Meme Energy on user
Skills / Abilities:
Elemental Ball - (Water/Fire based zone) Magic type attack on a single enemy (L), and inflict Freeze/Burn (based on zone)
Memes!! - Blunt type attack on all enemies (XL), inflict a random status on all enemies, and Awaken Zone
Rocket Launcher - Combined Magic and Piercing attack on all enemies (XL), and physical and type resistance of all enemies -100% (2 Turns), and deploy Roaring Bash Zone
Meme Energy: Increases power of user +75% (3 Turns), and increases number of attacks (Max Stack: 10)
SMG4 Awaken Zone Effect:
Power of the Multiversal Memes - grant +999% on all stats to all frontline & subline allies (3 Turns)
2 notes - Posted October 13, 2022
Universal Collision: Meet the Adventurer Support Assists!
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Name: Eugene
Class: 5★
Summoner/Duo: No
🎂Birthday🎂: No
Weapon Type: Sword
Current character status: Released
Info: (From Dragalia Lost Wiki):
A dour, contrary young man. He talks a big game in his insistence he doesn't need friends, but this stems from his loneliness. In reality, he's a ball of nerves who doesn't want to talk, and yet in reality he yearns to change.
VC: A team of friends, winning together...and I'm part of it! - Critical rate and Magic critical rate of all allies +70% (3 moves)
Skills / Abilities:
Checkmate - Water type slash attack on all enemies (XL), and consume a check for a delayed water type slash attack on a single enemy x3 (XL) if user has stacked a “check”
Signature Tactics - Critical rate of all allies +70% (3 moves) + Change weapon attack type on user based on the highest number of weapon attack type users (Ex: 4 Lance, 2 Sword, 2 Bow = Piercing) + Stack 1 “Check”
* When using Signature Tactics again, Strength of all allies +35% (3 Turns), and Magic attacks of all allies +35% (3 Turns)
* When using the skill for a third time, deploy Dazzling Slash Zone + Stack 3 “Check”
Frigid Blast - Water type magic attack on all enemies x5 (L), and grant Kaleido to all allies whose attacks are resistant against enemies (5 Turns)
* When in a zone, Initiate Awaken Zone + Extend all user buffs by 2 Turns
Kaleido: Change all attacks of user (Includes basic attacks, skills, Ultimate Skills, Linked Skills, etc.) to specified element
3 notes - Posted December 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Yep, this feature added to Universal Collision Season 2 Chapter 18
For those asking why there are three SP Supports:
Character must be either from a popular media (affects affiliated characters from said media)
Character must have Anniversary Costume
Characters who did not have anniversary costumes cannot have an SP Support
Q. Why is Muni there in some Adventurer Supports?
A. The character is either a Duo or a summoner (Elijah & Lailah, Elias & Maritimus, or Axol). More Muni Adventurer Supports will be added later as the story progresses
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List of available supports (based by weapon given according to the creator):
(Sword) Subaru Akehoshi (Sparkling Even More!)
(Sword) Rinku Aimoto (Hero in Memory)
(Katana) Isuka
(Katana) Akane Maruyama (Nebari Gachi)
(Bow) Elias & Maritimus
(Lance) Violet Lancer / Alter Toova
(Bow) Yukino
(Bow) Yukino (Another Style)
(Bow) Madoka Kaname
(Staff) Elijah & Lailah
(Staff) Akaira Shinakura (1st Anniversary)
(Fists) SMG4
(Staff) Axol
3 notes - Posted August 7, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Admin here, guess I’ll be doing this to @colorcodedlyricswhatif as well
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mikuheritageposts · 2 years
goodness my account really is blowing up. glad the universal love for miku stays constant
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honeyblair · 2 years
i'm bored so here's a list of yuri on ice headcanons that i have concerning attachments to
yuuri studied music in college. doesn't matter if he majored in it or minored with a more "realistic" major but i refuse to believe that music hasn't played a part in his life (also there's a lot of evidence that he's a pianist.)
victor is an avid literature enjoyer. in the blu ray version of the show the scene with victor's home is changed to have literally wall to wall bookshelves filled to the brim. you cannot tell me that man hasn't read every single one backwards and forwards.
when phichit and yuuri met in detroit, phichit immediately attached himself to yuuri. at first, yuuri probably didn't understand phichit's extroverted insistence. but eventually phichit drew yuuri out of his shell and got him to actually socialize like a normal college student.
to add on to the last one, yuuri actually was pretty well known at his college but he himself thought he was invisible. little did he know, he was actually pretty popular but many people thought he was intimidating or scary to approach when, in reality, yuuri thought that of everyone else.
yuuri arrived in the united states already fluent in english. it is really REALLY common in the skating world that camps and coaches teach you english as a second language if you're competing internationally. also, it would make sense for the katsuki's to know at least a little english as they run a one-of-a-kind inn in a town popular with tourists.
yuuri never really was into anime as a child/teenager but was formally introduced when phichit forced him to watch a handful of shows after learning his friend had little anime knowledge. yuuri responded well and took interest to various soundtracks and anime composers.
phichit introduced yuuri to vocaloid and yuuri's life has not been the same since. phichit almost regrets it as yuuri became obsessed with the technology behind the vocaloid software but is glad he's obsessed with the music aspect rather than the anime girls.
yuuri has attended a hatsune miku concert. do i really need to elaborate.
yuuri hated wearing warm and super bright colors for the longest time. if it wasn't blue, purple or black, get that shit out of here. victor slowly opened him up to the idea of other colors though.
victor isn't fond of teenagers. i mean, i think we all know how close he was to snapping at yurio multiple times throughout the show. he's fake nice to their faces but is probably fucking tired of teenage angst.
victor's had some sort of major injury in his career. it's been alluded to in the show but i seriously wouldn't be surprised with his work ethic and constant training since he was a teenager.
yurio knew of yuuri before the sochi gpf. maybe he was even a fan of yuuri's.... but he'd rather be six feet under than admit it to his face.
victor and yuuri don't get married until a few years after their barcelona engagement. while i feel like victor would want to rush into marriage, yuuri would most defiantly push back and need more time to adjust to the new state of their relationship. they went from strangers to fiancés in the span of only 8 months after all.
yuuri and victor don't stay in russia for long. depending on in-universe laws and stuff, same sex marriage might not be legal in russia and, to be honest, i don't know if i could see yuuri or victor happy in russia for the rest of their lives.
yurio absolutely hates the faux parental roles yuuri and victor have adopted and pisses them off on purpose. he grows to appreciate it eventually and values their commitment to him even while he was an angsty dick of a teenager.
yurio has a handful of bands he listens to in secret and would murder anyone who found out. these bands consist of my chemical romance, panic at the disco and other emo classics.
victor eventually takes on more students in addition to yuuri and quickly realizes that he has no idea how to properly coach younger skaters because how are you supposed to train children when your only coaching experience is the unprofessional methods (literally just flirting) you used on the man you crushed on
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