#minor systems
im a system, but im bodily very young. like, teenager. i dont like to bring it up around my friends and we try to keep our switches subtle. we're traumagenic with a few endo headmates and i dont know what to do, ive lived with my headmates for so long that theyre part of my life now (ive been able to hear them for like 5 years) but what if im subconsciously faking because im
so young? help???
Hello. I hope we can provide you with a bit of reassurance here.
We genuinely do believe that the vast majority of systems form or develop in childhood. Our own system formed as a toddler, and there are many other systems who found themselves in a similar situation. Forming a system as a child is relatively normal for plurals.
Further, while sometimes individuals may not have their “syscovery” or fully realize/understand that they are plural until adulthood, that does not mean that those who discover their plurality as children are faking or misunderstanding their experiences. Children are smart. They are capable of learning about themselves and coming to their own conclusions about their identities. If a child can understand that they are transgender at a young age (which they can, and often do) then a child could certainly understand they are plural or a system as well.
If a child, after some time of identifying as a system, comes to realize that they were mistaken or aren’t plural after all, that’s quite alright. No harm done. There is nothing wrong with questioning, trying out labels, or being wrong about your experience. That is just a part of learning, growing, and existing.
Finally, on faking:
Faking something as all-encompassing as plurality would require much planning and effort, and those who do fake being a system are likely consciously aware that they are faking. Even if someone is pretending to be a system while simultaneously being a singlet, if that experience works for them and is beneficial, we don’t see a problem with this. However, we truly believe that this sort of phenomenon is incredibly rare. If you’re worried about faking (a very common concern among systems), chances are, you’re not. And again, even if you were, that is just fine and we will still welcome you in our spaces as one of us.
We will link a post we’ve written in the past on dealing with denial as a system. I do hope that it will be able to help put your mind at ease a little bit.
I hope this post proves useful or beneficial for you. Regardless of your age, or how your system presents, or your origins, or any other factor, if you believe you are plural then you are plural. And that’s all there is to it, as far as we are concerned.
We are wishing you hope, comfort, and understanding as you continue to discover and learn more about yourself/ves. Rest assured, there is no lower age limit to plurality, and you are welcome in the plural community as long as you wish to be here.
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finleycannotdraw · 1 year
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I don’t have the capacity to be coherent right now but. this movie is so good
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maiaczy · 4 days
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Sometimes taking a leap forward means leaving a few things behind.
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bixels · 1 month
I'm not explaining why re-imagining characters as POC is not the same as white-washing, here of all places should fucking understand.
#personal#delete later#no patrick. “black washing” is not as harmful as white washing.#come on guys get it together#seeing people in my reblogs talk about “reverse racism” and double standards is genuinely hypocrisy#say it with me: white washing is intrinsically tied to a historical and systematic erasure of poc figures literature and history.#it is an inherently destructive act that deplatforms underrepresented faces and voices#in favor of a light-skinned aesthetic hegemony#redesigning characters as poc is an act of dismantling symbols of whiteness in fiction in favor of diversification and reclamation#(note that i am talking about individual acts by individual artists as was the topic of this discourse. not on an industry-scale)#redesigning characters as poc is not tied to hundreds of years of systemic racism and abuse and power dynamics. that is a fact.#you are not replacing an underrepresented person with an oft-represented person. it is the opposite#if you feel threatened or upset or uncomfortable about this then sorry but you are not aware of how much more worse it is for poc#if representation is unequal then these acts cannot be equivalent. you can't point to an imbalanced scale and say they weigh the same#if you recognize that bipoc people are minorities then you should recognize that these two things are not the same#while i agree that “black washing” can lead to color-blind casting and writing the behavior here is on an individual level#a black artist drawing their favorite anime character as black because they feel a shared solidarity is not a threat to you#i mean. most anime characters are east asian and i as an east asian person certainly don't feel threatened or erased. neither should you.#there's much to be said about the politics of blackwashing (i don't even know if that's the right word for it)#but point standing. whitewashing is an inherently more destructive act. both through its history of maintaining power dynamics#and the simple fact that it's taking away from groups of people who have less to begin with#if you feel upset or uncomfortable about a fictional white character being redesigned as poc by an artist on twitter#i sincerely hope you're able to explore these feelings and find avenues to empathizing with poc who have had their figures#(both real and fictional) erased; buried; and replaced by white figures for hundreds of years#i sincerely hope you can understand the difference in motivations and connotations behind whitewashing and blackwashing#classic bixels “i'm not talking about this chat. i'm not” (puts my media studies major to use in the tags and talks the fuck outta it)
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anti endos thinking they're punk. lol. lmao even.
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alwaysbewoke · 4 months
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this is chief among the reasons why i have no respect for black republicans.
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sneeplerbeepler · 2 months
Hindus are being gangraped, lynched, and having their property destroyed in Bangladesh rn. Amidst all the news coming out of there don't forget about the minority that always ends up dealing with the brunt of chaos. in 1971 most of the victims of the genocide were Bangladeshi Hindus and everyone conveniently leaves this detail out.
(And i know some mf will either no true scotsman this or say that it's all lies and that all the videos coming out are fake or propaganda from the BJP or something instead of another event in a long chain of violence. The Hindu population has crashed from 30% at independence to 9% today. Estimates say that in the next 30 years, Hindus will be extinct in Bangladesh)
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teaboot · 2 months
Did you know there's fascists, eugenicists and overall bigots following you?
And defending you doing security work? You're doing a bad job making minorities feel safe around you.
I know you can be better.
You. You realize I can't control that, right
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notholaenas · 11 months
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A Martyr From the Ashes
For everyone in the fandom saying saying that Danny thinks Martian ManHunter is cooler than Superman, we don't really see it all that much in writing.
I'mma try and fix that...
The Martian Book of Legends held the heroic tale of Saint Da'han'yul Fen'tuun of Mars, a sickly albino priest of a small town that held marriages, sermons regarding life and how it should be enriched and lived to its fullest, and specialized in funerals that used cremations with fire, a feat thought to be physically impossible by the masses. As people saw him look into the flames without fear while others cowered, rumors spread that the young man was blessed by H'ronmeer himself, the Martian God of Fire, Life, and Death.
People spoke about how Da'han'yul turned down all attempts at courtship, for he had decided to dedicate his life to bring light in the darkest times to all lives in the name of his God. He was a thing of beauty with a gentle soul and shy demeanor, even the Red and Green skinned who had still held a firm belief on the caste system could not deny his charm. How the terminally ill Martian carried on his mission with a smile, nobody knew.
However, tragedy struck on the day that should have spelled the beginning of the end for the Martian people. A parasitic species had invaded the Martian Homeworld and was causing untold havoc. As civilians fled from the threat and prepared a counter offensive, it was Da'han'yul Fen'tuun who charged into the danger headfirst to save his people from becoming prey.
As others pleaded for him to run away, in a great bright flash of light, a gigantic Martian loomed over the enemy emerged where the ill Martian stood, coated in flames in a form they've never seen before with a halo and body that burned a haunting green.
The deafening silence still held as the enormous creature brought a massive fist on the giant pale walker that was destroying homes. A wave of its hand sent a wall of green flames raced towards the foot soldiers, reducing them to ash while his people and buildings were not harmed in any form without an ounce fear of these fires the creature used to purge the enemy. Within the hour, the threat had been neutralized and peace was brought back to the red planet.
As the Martian people looked to the titan, they knew. H'ronmeer's had chosen his most loyal servant, Da'han'yul, as the avatar of his wrath to smite those who would bring his people harm. The people hugged and wept tears of joy and cheered for the priest and H'ronmeer for saving them, but the tears soon became tears of sorrow.
The giant groaned in pain as he fell on one knee as it began to crumble into ash before the people's very eyes. Like a flame, Da'han'yul Fen'tuun had burned his brightest when life needed him most, and now death called to him as it slowly extinguished it to give him peace. With a final message, he pleaded to his people to come together as one and to not see one another as lesser or greater than, but as equals who can help one another in the darkest of times and the hardships yet to come. With his final moments gone, a final telepathic embrace was given to all before he fell silent for the last time.
The massive pile of ash that were his remains was brought back to his little village and made into a beautiful garden of ash in the temple where the newly titled Saint made his home in, where it would be made a holy site that many would come to give their thanks and pay their respects for H'ronmeer' and his champion alike.
And for centuries, peace was held before it was shattered by Ma'alefa'ak, who unleashed the Fire Plague to take vengeance on his people for his inability to experience the psionic way of life that was the norm. His smile as his people screamed in anguish was knocked off his face in the most literal of terms when a Martian struck him down and had him by the throat.
A Martian with eyes burning in anger as Ma'alefa'ak failed to break free and was being beaten severely for his crimes against the people of Mars. A Martian made entirely up of ash and green embers.
Saint Da'han'yul Fen'tuun had returned, if only for a moment longer. And he was not happy.
Quickly, one by one across the planet, the martians set ablaze burned a gentle green that healed them. In this miraculous act of divine intervention, not a single Martian had lost their life. Most were now unconscious with labored breathing being heard.
J'onn watched on as his brother screamed in agony as his body burst into green flames as a pool of ash began to swallow his brother whole. Before disappearing entirely, Da'han'yul told him the punishment his brother would be facing.
"Ma'alefa'ak's psionic abilities have been awoken. He will be sentenced to become a living flame until he has lived the collective life span of all that he has tried to extinguish."
J'onn was too stunned to speak. With how long a Martian can live, it was the equivalent of telling him his brother would be suffering for an eternity. It seemed unethical, but he knew his brother had dug his own grave the moment he saw the reanimated remains of Da'han'yul Fen'tuun's ashes take swift action.
"Everything will be ok now, J'onn. Go to your family and tend to them.
"Da'han'yul...Thank you. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help you when you were still alive." J'onn solemnly uttered as he looked to the ground, unable to look at his deceased youngest brother.
"Nonsense J'onn, it's not your fault...The caste system...it–"
"I could've done more! Instead I saved myself instead of being there when my brothers needed me most!"
"J'onn...you were just a child."
"It makes none of it right!"
He was right in that aspect, but it still didn't feel right. Ma'alefa'ak' was ostracized by society, was treated like a freak of nature for lack of natural gifts and he wanted to burn society to the ground in the most literal of terms because of it.
While Da'han'yul, the forgotten youngest brother, was treated horribly for being albino and treated cruelly. He contracted a deadly disease when he separated himself from the family to live in isolation with other albinos that made him sickly and cut his life expectancy down severely. Knowing what befell him, seeing him struggle to move and hold down food at times while J'onn and their parents did nothing.
These tumultuous emotions sat in J'onn for so long. The way he wanted to go and help them both, but the fear of association and social punishment for merely being seen with his brothers made him cry when he younger for being so weak willed. It wasn't until their parents bragged about the sacrifice their forgotten child had made, the sone they purposely scorned made him snap.
"J'onn, promise to keep my message alive for me. Help our people become whole again."
"Of course, brother." Is what J'onn tells him as he watches his little brother vanish again for a third and final time.
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dunmeshistash · 4 months
I don't think that's really a desire to "marginalize" the kobolds, but rather an excuse to fight over the resources, scarcity turning things into an us vs them situation. I'm sure in their language the kobolds also tell themselves that the "human" races are impossible to reason with, or that they're liars who can't be trusted, or some other kind of slander so they don't feel bad about taking what little resources there is. It's not that kabru & the rest of the cast is prejudiced towards kobolds for no reason, but that the "human" races would rather have kobolds die than humans, and the kobolds would rather have humans die than kobolds. Kinda like what happened to the orcs in the dungeon.
Every prejudice has a 'justification' us or them is very common way where people start making up reasons to dehumanize the other ones. I didn't mean he made up the reason to marginalize them as something intentional he created so he could be racist, I meant it's what was taught to him and he never questioned it
I don't think it's productive to try and justify these reasons tho "they were fighting for resources" might be a context but the racism goes beyond that. Kabru believes these people deserve less rights than other humans because he thinks there's some innate savagery to them. The same thing happened to the Touden siblings in their village, the xenophobia was also due to fighting for resources but they took it with them, the idea that "there's some people you should just kill".
Anyway lets not both sides systemic racism a situation where one of the sides has most of the power. Kabru hasn't lived in Utaya since he was 7 the prejudice he took with him was never justified but even less now.
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setsu0000gen · 5 months
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sequel to my Maid Day Zhuzhi-Lang from last year (full version in the Poipiku link)
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ok18mii · 5 days
people need to stop dictating how a system can consent. if they're both consenting adults, it's not up to YOU to say if they consent or not
genuinely tired of people trying to say that only certain alters can consent and some can't. you are not their system
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gandalf-the-bean · 1 year
when you have chronic pain you just kinda get used to that spot hurting but when a NEW spot that’s not a Hurty spot starts to hurt and it’s like not even that bad but suddenly you can’t do anything cause the Wrong Spot is Hurting
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dyed-indigo · 1 month
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i may or may not have written a fanfiction
[ID: Shang Qinghua and a human Mobei-Jun wearing a doctor's coat sit at a table together eating a bowl of bugs. Mobei-Jun looks satisfied with a pair of wings sticking out of his mouth, while Shang Qinghua has a cricket leg stuck to his face and is crying. Shang Qinghua is also thinking about himself at an earlier point in time, gaming on a livestream and saying "Chat, I'm not gonna eat bugs!" /End ID]
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violetdisasterzone · 1 year
me standing at the podium: "Luo Binghe is not actually manipulative! Shen Qingqiu's love being transformative is the whole point of the book! Bingqiu canonically have good sex that makes sense for both them and the narrative themes! Shen Jiu is still an abuser even if it's a result of the horrible abuse he was put through! The extras are a vital part of the story and analysis of canon without including them is-"
* I am dragged from the room and beat up in the parking lot *
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