#mj: batman voice
silentsneezes · 1 year
i’ll probably make a second part to this (no promises)! here’s 2k of sick m/iguel o/hara and snz kink p/eter b p/arker (you can read it as platonic or romantic, but i definitely hint at poly p/eter m/iguel and m/j)
also i don’t speak spanish so i used google translate; it’s probably wrong, sorry!
Miguel’s eyes snap open as a loud thud sounds from outside his apartment. He’d been napping peacefully on the couch, cradling a half empty box of tissues and snoring softly.
He groans, sitting up and cursing as his vision sways. He tosses his blanket aside and walks to the door, peering out the peephole and mumbling, “mierda,” as he spots Peter standing in front of his door.
He opens the door and massages his temples as he takes in the sight in front of him: Peter B Parker is holding a shockingly large basket filled to the brim with tissues, cough drops, tea, meds, movies, and comics. Miguel figures Peter contributed the movies and comics and Mj constructed the rest of the basket’s contents.
“Hey big guy!” Peter grins as he pushes his way past Miguel and into the older man’s apartment. Miguel sighs and shuts the door, feeling especially annoyed at how charming Peter’s smile is; asshole.
Miguel pauses as his breath catches in his chest, broad shoulders moving dramatically as his breath hitches, “hhih-HIH’ZSHHH’ssshh-uh” he dives into his sweater clad elbow to catch a heavy sneeze.
“Gesun-,” Peter starts.
“-h’ITDSHHH-SSHhuh!” Miguel’s shoulders shake with each expulsion, and Peter feels a familiar warmth flood his stomach. Each sneeze sounds incredibly wet, even when muffled into his sweater sleeve.
“Gesundheit! It’s a good thing I’m here,” Peter comments as he starts unpacking the basket, passing Miguel a travel pack of tissues.
He nods his thanks and rubs at his nose with a tissue before tucking it in his back pocket.
“Why /are/ you here?” Miguel asks, cringing at how congested and gravely his voice sounds.
“Lyla said you were sick,” Peter shrugs, “So Mj sent me to the store to get supplies.”
Miguel rolls his eyes, of course Lyla told Peter B Parker of all people.
Peter keeps up a steady commentary as unpacks the basket on the kitchen counter, “Ooh this is the good kind of cough drop. The menthol ones are too intense,” he takes out Dayquil, Nyquil, tissues, cough drops, a thermometer, fever reducers, and vicks vapor rub, “MJ packed a lot, but I packed the real essentials,” he holds up a few Batman comics and 3 CDs, grinning widely.
Miguel opens his mouth to reply, but instead his expression crumbles and he pitches to the side, “-hhITDSHHHHhew!”
Peter watches as Miguel hangs on the edge of a sneeze, chest rising and falling dramatically as he hitches. He presses a tissue against his flaring nostrils to catch two more harsh, loud sneezes, “hhHH’ITZXSHHHh’uhH- hHIDDTZZZSSCHh-shuh!”
Apparently his nose isn’t satisfied because he continues holding the tissue over the itchy appendage, “hheh-.”
Peter hesitates before placing a comforting hand on Miguel’s back, “Hey, it’s alright,” he comforts softly. Initially, Miguel tenses under the touch, but after a moment, he relaxes. Peter smiles and rubs his thumb along Miguel’s shoulder blades; he reminds himself that he’s doing this to comfort Miguel, not to admire his toned back. With his hand on Miguel’s back, he can feel each desperate hitch that taunts the sick man.
Peter shivers as Miguel gives one last quiet “hhh?” before diving into his - now soaked - tissue, “Hd’IZTDSHHHHhew-snDNF!”
Miguel blows his nose into a new wad of tissues, cursing as his nostrils twitch, “¿De nuevo? [Again?]”
Peter watches, completely enthralled with Miguel’s need to sneeze. He blushes as the older man mumbles in Spanish, followed by a liquid sniffle.
“hMDTSSCHHHH-SHhuh,” Miguel muffles the sneeze into a wad of tissues, rubbing harshly at his nose and sending shivers up Peter’s spine as it squelches.
“Wow! You’ve got one hell of a cold, bud,” Peter swallows, hoping he doesn’t sound too lovestruck.
Miguel clears his throat, “You should go,” he suggests thickly, cringing at the obvious congestion, “I’mb definidley condagious.”
Peter frowns, “but I brought movies,” he pouts, holding up the CDs.
Miguel sighs and scowls, too tired to bicker, “fide, but if you ged sigk, it’s od you,” he moves towards the couch, slumping down and pulling a blanket over his lap. He gestures to the cushion next to him, looking up at Peter as he paws at his pink, running nose. Peter complies, taking a seat and blushing as his thigh touches Miguel’s.
After a few minutes of fumbling around with the CD player, Peter manages to get the movie started.
It doesn’t take long for Miguel to start drifting off, entering a sleepy haze. Peter watches the movie, occasionally glancing at Miguel and smiling at the dozing hero.
“hHRR’IZSHHHHshuh,” Miguel snaps out of his half-asleep state as an unexpected sneeze tears through him. A heavy spray lingers in the air, illuminated by the light from the television.
He grabs a nearby tissue and rubs it harshly, hoping to alleviate the itch - he rarely sneezes just once.
Peter swallows, shifting and pulling the blanket onto his lap so his hard-on isn’t obvious. His stomach fills with a hot sensation as Miguel sprays the air, too tired and feverish to cover in time.
“hehHHIZZTSCHHHUh! Joder, no se detendrá” [Fuck. It won’t stop], Miguel mumbles before giving his nose a thick, productive blow.
“Bless you,” Peter comforts once Miguel stops blowing his nose and sits back, sighing tiredly and rubbing his temples.
“Thanks,” Miguel grunts, voice worn and gravely.
Peter sighs, as much as he’s loved the display of sneezing tonight, he can tell Miguel needs to sleep. He grabs the Nyquil and hands it to the sick man, “Here. Take this and get some rest. I should probably head home.”
Miguel seems surprised at Peter’s comment, and his fever-glazed eyes widen for a moment. He nods, checking his watch and frowning. It’s eight, so Mayday’s already down for the night. He hesitates, shoulders tense.
Miguel takes a deep breath, clenching his jaw and suggesting, “You could stay here,” while staring at his hands. Peter blinks stupidly, wondering if he misheard Miguel, whose jaw is set squarely as he pointedly avoids eye contact.
“You want me to stay?” Peter asks, surprised at Miguel’s request. Clearly the fever is affecting his judgment, Peter deduces.
Miguel nods and shrugs, “Might as well finish the movie.”
Peter’s confident that Miguel couldn’t care less about the movie, but he nods anyway, “Yeah, I can stay.”
He smiles; finding comfort in the fact that even heroes like Miguel enjoy company when they’re sick. Miguel sits back, looking uncharastically unaware of his surroundings; his eyes are glazed with fever and he’s shivering beneath his sweater.
Peter grabs the small plastic thermometer and turns it on. Miguel glances over as it beeps, and his scowl deepens. Noticing this, Peter argues, “Common! It’s not that bad. Plus, it’ll be over in a minute- two tops,” he flashes Miguel a charming grin.
Miguel scowls, “I’m fide, Parker,” he deadpans, the congestion undermining his statement. Peter rolls his eyes, gesturing at Miguel with the thermometer in hand, “Yeah yeah, whatever tough guy.”
Miguel tenses at the taunt, “Señálame eso otra vez. Te reto” [Point that at me again. I dare you], he threatens, voice low.
“Dónde está la biblioteca?” [Where is the library?] Peter replies, “I failed Spanish 101,” he admits as he attempts to shove the thermometer into Miguel’s mouth.
Even sick, Miguel’s spider senses are intact enough for him to grab Peter’s wrist, extending his claws and smirking as the thermometer falls onto his lap.
“Geez!” Peter yanks his arm out of Miguel’s grip, rubbing at the spots where the claws pierced his skin, “You make a bad patient.”
Miguel rolls his eyes, “so what, that makes you the doctor?” he asks, a smile tugging at his lips.
“What? Why’s that so funny to you?” Peter defends, “I could be a doctor!”
Miguel doesn’t reply, but he grins for a second: a rare, but nice occurrence, Peter notes.
Peter webs the thermometer, flicking his wrist habitually and catching the small plastic stick, “ready to try again?”
“No,” Miguel growls simply, brows furrowing as he glares at the thermometer.
“You are such a drama queen,” Peter comments sassily, finding it incredibly endearing that Miguel O’hara is so petty when he’s sick. Before Miguel can retort, Peter says, “I should probably call MJ. She asked me to update her.”
Miguel waves his hand, his scowl unwavering as he folds a tissue over his nose and blows. Peter pulls out his phone, dialing MJs number and noticing Miguel’s face dissolve into a familiar, fargone pre-sneeze expression. MJ picks up as Miguel’s breath starts hitching softly, causing the sick man to berate his nose with a thumb and forefinger.
“Hey love. How’s Miguel?” MJ asks affectionately. Peter swallows, tearing his eyes away from Miguel’s twitching nose, “He’s definitely got a fever, but he’s pretty anti-thermometer so-,”
Peter’s voice falters as Miguel squashes a sneeze, fingers clenched around his pink nose, “hHN’GXZT!” His shoulders jerk forward with the suppressed expulsion, shuddering towards his lap.
“-uhm,” Peter loses focus as Miguel sniffles liquidly, “He asked me to stay here for a while. I’ll probably wait until he passes out before heading home, which might not take long; He’s pretty tired.”
MJ hums sympathetically in acknowledgement before asking, “And how are you holding up?” teasingly. She knows how flustered Peter can get when someone has a fit.
MJ found out about Peter’s kink a few months into their relationship, and she’s always been more than willing to indulge in it. Over the years, she’s grown to be somewhat attracted to it as well.
Peter rolls his eyes, “I’m hanging in there,” he admits, cheeks red with embarrassment.
Miguel sucks in a deep breath and clamps his fingers around his nose again, pitching forwards with two strong stifles, “hN’KZCH!-NNG’dZX!-uh”
Peter freezes, and MJ laughs on the other side of the receiver; despite Mighel’s attempt to stifle, MJ can still hear him sneeze through the phone.
“What a tease,” she jokes, ignoring the pang of guilt she feels for the sick hero; Miguel’s stifles sound painful and strained, “Good luck Petey.”
“You’re a real smartass, MJ,” Peter replies, smiling lovingly.
“I love you too,” MJ comments, “Take care, and make sure Miguel takes Nyquil and fever reducers before he passes out.”
“Yeah yeah, I’ve got it under control,” Peter rummages through the meds until he finds the fever reducers, “Love you.”
He hangs up, glancing over at Miguel, who’s tending to his running nose.
“Bless you, by the way,” Peter gets up, making his way towards the kitchen and filling a glass of water, “You really shouldn’t hold them in,” he suggests, but a part of him wants to hear Miguel stifle again.
“I didn’t wandt do inderubd,” he cringes at the heavy congestion in his voice. He scowls, sniffing wetly and clearing his throat as he folds a tissue.
Peter walks back over as Miguel empties his cold ridden nose into a few tissues. He sighs as the buzzing sensation in his sinuses returns, nostrils quivering with anticipation. He paws at his nose, feeling frustrated with its fragility and sensitivity.
Peter watches, enveloped by the sight in front of him. Miguel’s too caught up with the need to sneeze to notice as Peter gawks at him, eyes wide and dick hard.
“huh’IESSCHHHHhew!” Miguel flinches dramatically as the sneeze grates against his throat. Another desperate sneeze follows, sending a shiver of desire down Peter’s spine, “hhHHR’IDTSZZZSHHHUu!” The sneezes tear through Miguel’s strong frame, leaving him sniffly and disheveled.
“Bless you!” Peter comments, still staring at the sick man.
“Gracias,” Miguel mutters, blowing his nose again and cringing as he rubs at his raw nostrils. Peter pushes the glass of water towards him, setting two small pink pills beside it, “Fever reducers, since you’re so hellbent against thermometers.”
Miguel picks up the pills wordlessly, swallowing them dry and sitting back against the couch. Peter rolls his eyes, “You should drink some water, it’ll help.”
Miguel’s gaze shifts to Peter for a second, “No, thanks,” he says clearly, looking Peter in the eyes. Peter glances at Miguel’s fangs before making eye contact, blushing as he makes eye contact with the sick, sniffly man.
sorry for the sudden ending, i lost motivation for this fic! please ignore any spelling or grammatical errors, i only proofread this once at 1 am. any comments/tags are appreciated <3
i hope you enjoyed !!
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thevindicativevordan · 8 months
Comics this week?
Anonymous asked: Comics this week ? Especially Ultimate Spider-Man.
Anonymous asked: What did you think about Ultimate Spider-Man?
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 - Dare I say it: Amazing. Spider-Man is back to being the best/hottest book on the market. Like the original USM we go an entire first issue without Peter even wearing the costume, but every bit of set-up here felt like it was expanding the kind of possibilities for where Hickman could go. Peter and MJ both sound and feel right in a way the 616 version do not anymore. MJ being a business owner and the real bread winner of the family raises an interesting possibility in a world where corporations run everything. How far could she possibly climb? Enough to attract the Council's attention? I called Ben living in this universe while May died, but I did not see Ben and Jonah being the best buddy duo of 2024. Love their dynamic and I really hope neither of the two die any time soon. I like what I see of Ben, he's the same principled guy as always, but he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder here that explains why Peter usually does too. Normally we just don't get to see that because he only exists to die. Can't talk about the kids too much yet, although I want that scene of May holding the ball with the spider to be foreshadowing her own future as Spider-Girl.
Spider-Man has always been an interesting hybrid of the Superman/Batman archetypes, but 6160 Peter I think leans more towards the Superman side. Besides the obvious similarity of Peter being an investigative reporter, here being a hero is what he wants, he's seemingly motivated not by guilt like 616 Peter, but out of a sense of altruism and also a desire for more from his life. Oh and his first big foe is a bald guy who controls NYC via money. Guess the "reveal" regarding the variant covers is that Peter's StarkTech suit (can't believe Hickman went there and did it in a way I don't hate) is that it can shift in appearance between the different suits at will. I cannot wait to see the Peter and Harry dynamic play out, sure looks like we will see their friendship form from joining forces as Spider-Man and Green Goblin, only to fall apart as Harry falls more and more into madness. Now I really want to see him married to Gwen, but it seems like he's a bachelor. Perhaps Gwen is a cop in this universe and she might still enter the fray.
Responsibility is the ubiquitous theme of Spider-Man, but here it's presented in a different light. Peter had a heroic destiny taken from him, and he accepts it back willingly despite the costs it's sure to inflict. Hickman seems to be tackling the idea that the rich and powerful have robbed us of the glorious future we were supposed to have, and now the question is if there are enough good people who feel responsible for the collective good left in the world to take that future back. Certainly a relevant topic, one that puts a new spin on Marvel being "the world outside your window".
Action Comics #1061 - Timms levelled up on art and gave us one hell of a fight sequence. Poor Jupiter is down one moon. Good issue, Bizarro tapping into magic to recreate his home via replacing Superman's is an interesting premise. Aaron's got a good handle on Clark's voice and the voices of his supporting cast, think this Marvel Star writing Superman will go down easier than the last one did.
Green Lantern # 7 - Found out where the other Lanterns are and that "death" scene for Kilowag is a total fakeout with no body. Bringing Hal to Sinestro and trying to talk things out was a doomed endeavor, no way was that confrontation ending without violence.
Blade #7 - Kind of a filler issue, Hill's been uneven lately here which is disappointing because he started strong.
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wyxan · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
The delightful @noxnthea tagged me in this last WIP Wednesday, thank you 😊💜
I have two fic WIPs on the go with a decent chunk of words down.
I’m also working on three bits of art for the DC/Marvel Crossover Fanworks Event and having so much fun! If you want to join I think there’s still plenty up for grabs. It’s very low pressure and just about showing crossover works some love ❤️ you can create playlists, moodboards, art, remixes, podfics…
Fic WIP snippets:
1) Next instalment in the Sunrise on the East Side series. This one is a case fic with identity reveal, and a focus on Tim and MJ’s characters. I’m thinking it’ll be multi-chapter and I want to write it before I post it because I know how bad my ADHD brain is about get the exact feedback it wants to maintain motivation, so I want to just be able to organise a schedule to share something I’m already proud of.
“Tim? Look I need to ask a favour, a big one -”
Tim could hear a rasp in MJ’s breath over the crackling line, footsteps echoing at a run.
“- Peter’s, Peter’s missing. And Tony’s - I don’t fucking know where Tony is except never around when I need him to be -”
A door slammed in the background as Tim’s grip tightened on the phone. Peter was missing? It had to be coincidence - the vigilante disappearances were mounting, but for a civilian to vanish in the same window of time…
“You said - shit - you said you used to take pictures of Batman? In Gotham? Can you show me where you saw him? I know this sounds crazy, but Peter needs help.”
Her usually placid voice cracked at the end and Tim frowned.
“And you were thinking of, what, asking him nicely?” A vision of Bruce’s stony expression and clenched jaw flashed across his mind.
MJ’s tone was utterly dangerous as she hissed her reply.
“I’m asking nothing. I’ll climb every rooftop in Gotham if I have to, I’ll trample through every case. I’m not leaving until he helps - it’s Peter.”
2) Jason / Bucky fic set just after CA:TWS and just as Jason is arriving back in Gotham from the League. It’s an exploration of two different responses to trauma, what they can learn from each other, and what to learn accept about themselves. Unreliable narrators galore. Not gonna lie I’m kinda hurting my own feelings with this one.
He gestured wildly at where Bruce stood, cape heavy, mouth an impassive line.
“He should have burned the Batman down just for the chance to scatter the Joker’s ashes over Gotham. Why, why is he still standing there?! Where is the rage? Where is the grief? Where is my dad?”
Bruce moved for the first time since Bucky’s entrance, stepping towards Jason. One arm lifted as though reaching out, but his fingers curled limply away. Always the push and pull, always conditional. Jason raised the gun again, roughly scrubbing rain from his eyes as he took aim. Before he could drop his hand from his face, Bucky slid in front of the barrel.
Bucky held Jason’s gaze, eyes soft even in the eerie light. His shoulders didn’t so much as twitch as Jason nudged the gun forwards, pressing against his thin t-shirt - all that was covering Bucky’s vulnerable chest.
“Bucky, move. Don’t think I won’t do this.”
He flicked the safety catch. Bucky had advanced healing, he could probably survive a gunshot. It would hurt, but it would be worth it, wouldn’t it? He could feel the handle pulse with a heartbeat - from Bucky or from his own palm, what did it matter. Jason’s finger moved to the trigger.
Would love to see any snippets you lovely lot are working on!
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
In Defense Of J.Jonnah Jameson
When asked about fictional jornalists that would he a part of Fox News we are likely to see Jameson. His MCU interpretation specially goes into this comparison hard. And I think this is unfair.
The thing Jameson - in most medias, he still have some good somewhat recent comic appearances, it really depends on the run - was extremely flanderized over the years until he became basically a joke. His whole personality became "he hates Spiderman" and I think it takes away an interesting discorse behind his feelings about your friendly neighboor Spidey.
▫️Jameson and Responsability
Here that's the only point that matters. J. Jonas Jameson doesn't hate Spiderman. Let me explain: of all big popular heros Peter is the only one who can't be taken acountable.
We the readers know Peter is responsable and has a guilty complex only rivaled by Batman, we know he is a good guy who cares a lot and would never do something deastic. But Jameson doesn't.
To Jameson Spider is a powerfull person doing good things. Except this particular powerfull person has no face, no adress and no name.
We all know why it's so important that Peter keeps his secret identity but again Jameson doesn't. He doesn't know Peter is poor and would not be able to aford top security. He doesn't know about Peter's elderly aunt or friends or MJ or any of the people whose life would be endengered if the secret camr out. All he knows is that Peter is super enhanced and can sense danger and is out there.
He is a hero NOW. But if Spiderman decided to go around killing criminals for the greater good or even just became an straight up villain... than all we could do would be hope the heros do something. If Spider does a grave mistake but thinks he is right. That's it. No one can tell him otherwise. We can't ask about what Spiderman is doing, we can't really question his moviments, or better we can (Jameson does) but we can't do it directly or ask for an answer.
Even when all the Avengers keept their secret identities they had Tony Stark (pretending to just be their sponsor) as a spokesperson and a mailbox. People could send their fears and complains and if the Avengers fucked up they would have to talk about it, to cut their funding via Tony. People can hold them acountable.
The X-Man had the school and later a whole different nacion who abide by their own laws but also by international diplomacy. They can be hold accountable. The Fantastic Four has the Baxter Building. Always had.
Spiderman isn't a team. He doesn't have a known base or a spokesperson or even a small group to discuss his decisions with. If he fucks up and he will because he is just an well-intencioned guy. This is it. And we know Peter will hold himself accountable. That he will try to fix it. But Jameson isn't a reader. He doesn't know Spiderman's intencions (he knows Peter but not Spider and that's why he stops bashing Spider in most timelines after he discovers his identity, because he knows Peter can be hold accontable and won't go mad with power) and so how can he trust him.
Is it really weird for him to question the insanity of an world who is just happy to praise and accept this new guy without any concerns? Yes his headlines are overeactions and insulting but that's the only way one can sell, most newspappers have misleading headlines. It sucks but isn't a Jonah problem is an industry problem.
Yes Spiderman saved his son and he should be more gratefull. But should he let his private emotions influenciate his supposed unbiased bussiness. Saving his son didn't made Spiderman more acessible, didn't made so Spider can hear the normal or even underpriviledge comunities voices. Didn't mean that he will respond if he comits a crime. (We know Peter listens and wada wada wada this isn't me bashing on Spider, he is great, is explaining why for someone who doesn't have the reader privilegde of onipotency it makes sense to do it).
Peter doesn't deserve Jonah's critics. He is a true hero and a great guy who truly cares and listens. He doesn't deserve hate and he already has too many problems as it is. But Jonah doesn't know that! Is s shitty situation with no guilty parties.
▫️Social Work
Good portrays of Jameson besides explaining his motivations show him as someone with a huge sence of comunity he was pro-mutant in a time where other newspappers were all against them and we can assume the same for other minorities.
Not only that but he isn't a hypocrite either (well wasn't nowdays he mostly is but oh well) he listens to criticims and either explain his points or tries to improve. He is open to be taken accountable by his viwers AND by his employees. He pays his employees well and is open to hear them and after offering an unfair salary to Peter he listens to Parker and raises it.
Jameson is a good guy. He is -should be- more than a joke. He should be a guy that makes Peter question things he shouldn't. There should be a tragedy in this two good man working together who could help each other and be great allies but, by complex circunstances Jonah can't truly understand, they aren't.
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hayley566 · 2 years
Rest in Peace Kevin Conroy
If you don't know, I shared a story from DC Pride about Kevin Conroy's story to becoming Batman in Batman: TAS. https://www.deviantart.com/hayley566/status-update/Sharing-this-after-the-news-936491294
I left a reply to one of the comments and re-reading it, I felt I should add it here. Just a reason for why a picked that story in particular to share.
The reply I sent:
"This story made me cry because it reminded me of my own story for why Spider-man became such a comfort character for me as a bisexual person.
I was surrounded by people that told me that queer people were evil rapists that were destined for hell. It made me be in denial for so many years and then hide that part of me for even more. I felt like Peter did. He'd sit there and listen to how the media would call him a menace and murderer. He'd hear his own loved ones talk about how terrible spider-man was and it made him keep that mask on tighter.
Even someone he loved deeply, Gwen Stacy, said that Spider-man was a murderer and how she would never forgive him for her father's death.
It's also why I ship him with MJ so much more. She didn't judge spider-man and loved both sides of Peter. His spider side(the "queer" side that many hated and feared) and his human side(the "straight" side that was mostly accepted and seen as an upstanding and moral person).
It's also why me and several other bisexuals don't care what Stan Lee or anyone else says. We see Peter Parker as bisexual and always will. "
I've seen a lot of hatred for the LGBT+ in the comicbook community from several people. People who were so enraged and disgusted by Tim Drake and Jon Kent being bi or Iceman being gay. People who will go on long rants about how spider-man being queer "ruins the character" and that the only reason people would want that is to "cater to the SJWs" or to "make fangirls OTP canon". Hell, people still deny that Deadpool is pansexual years after it's been a fact in canon.
The point I'm getting at is that these characters resonate with a lot of people for different reasons, including LGBT+ people. Never let the toxic anti-SJWs try to force you away from it or tell you that you don't belong. Kevin Conroy didn't let that stop him from being a beloved voice for a beloved icon.
It's sad to see him go but never forget what he meant to so many. Rest in peace, Kevin Conroy.
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photokineticspider · 11 months
the symbiote tendrils trailing down peter's fingers & webbing in between his fingers are void-black, writhing as they stretch towards gwen's wrist. he's trying to pull her AWAY from @acrobatick's side. DICK GRAYSON MIGHT BE NIGHTWING & THE LEADER OF THE TITANS, BUT HE CAN'T HAVE HER. HE DOESN'T DESERVE GWEN, he doesn't deserve the warmth, selflessness, love & light she radiates. she is worth fighting for.
gwen's eyes widen in alarm as she sees the symbiote tendrils reach for her, heart leaping into her throat. she instinctively takes a step backwards, keeping as close to dick as she possibly can... without getting in the way of his weapons, should the need to use them arise. she's terrified of this version of peter. this isn't the same man she fell in love with.
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peter... WHO BARELY EVEN LOOKS HUMAN. both in his body language & his actions over the past few days. he nearly killed mj, his best friend since childhood, for getting him out his unconscious state, for SAVING him. he almost killed kraven without a second thought, & then he fought & almost killed miles for trying to stop him. (❝ you almost killed him, man! what are you doing?! that's not what we do! ❞ ) he's hurt people without a care in the world. but peter doesn't care about any of that.
ALL HE CARES ABOUT HIS GWEN. HE CAN'T LOSE HER. she's the last good thing in his life, now that may is gone. because of HIM, because of otto, because of norman fucking osborn. he can't let anyone take gwen from him.
he won't.
possessiveness & a rage unlike any other scratches at peter's insides, an urge to shed blood so powerful it's all-consuming, dizzying. the only other time he's felt like THIS was his showdown with otto almost a year ago. he hadn't been murderous then, only desperate to save his aunt may & angry. so fucking angry.
now, though...
the thought of gwen, his girlfriend, siding with SOMEONE ELSE who isn't him... the thought has completely enraged him.
he wants to kill dick. he's going to kill him, & then he's going to take care of everyone else, & save the only person who means everything to him.
peter snarls lowly & takes a single step forward, taking note of gwen's hands flickering with pale, golden light. in response, peter's darkness spreads further across his black symbiote suit. next to dick, ethan narrows his eyes slightly at peter. he's entirely unafraid of dick, but he keeps an eye on ethan. just in case. venom & host agree: ethan is the BIGGER THREAT out of the three of them. he needs to get him off the playing field before he can kill dick & take his gwen back.
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❝ you can't have gwen. ❞ peter snaps at dick, his friend & ally. the man's irises flash black. the symbiote warps his voice in an unsettling manner, making his words take on an inhuman, snarling quality lined with sharp, guttural hisses. he doesn't sound like himself. gwen flinches, looking a little nervous between peter & dick. ❝ she's ours. she makes us better. she's everything to us, & we refuse to let you take her from us. ❞ OURS, US, not his. whatever the symbiote is doing to him, it's nearly impossible to reverse by this point. host & parasite are almost one.
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angelayan183 · 1 year
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farsight-the-char · 2 years
Comic Reactions:
Swamp Thing Green Hell: Mother Of All Sacred Fuck, that was amazing. I am thankful to finally have this, I truely am. (Pick of week)
Captain Carol and the Xmen: okay something was up, i think i missed an issue. Will report back when i get things sorted.
MJ Black Cat: Fun.jpg
Marvel voices Wakanda: Pretty good.
Batgirls: Seeing Red.... Not the result i expected, but still good. (Pick of week)
Batman Scooby Mysteries: Fun tribute to the silver age Batgirl and Batwoman.
Lazarus Planet Dark Fate: Excellent mix. Brilliant Cass story with Xanthe. (Pick of week)
Mauraders: Better then previous issues.
The Wasp: Excellent. Love the references to Unstoppable Wasp.
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Nothing Left to Lose
by seekrest
“You okay?” He hears a voice ask, Dick going to lift his head up only to gasp in pain.
“Ooh, not okay, alright,” the voice says, rushing up to him and immediately pressing a hand to his chest. Dick looks up to him and blinks a few times, confusion flooding him as he tries to make sense of who is kneeling above him.
“Jason?” He asks, watching as they tilt their head to the side.
“Is that your name?” The voice asks. “Hi Jason, I’m Spider-Man.”
 Or, Dick finds himself in a place where no one knows who he is.
Peter Parker understands.
Words: 5305, Chapters: 1/2, Language: English
Series: Part 40 of with great power
Fandoms: DCU, Batman - All Media Types, Nightwing (Comics), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Dick Grayson, Peter Parker, Wally West, Michelle Jones Watson, Ned Leeds
Relationships: Dick Grayson & Peter Parker, Dick Grayson & Wally West, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, MJ/Peter Parker
Additional Tags: canon nudged to the left, Crossovers & Fandom Fusions, Multiverse, Post-Spider-Man: No Way Home (Movie), tfw when you get launched into another universe, what the kids call a soft comic crossover, (times two), Comic Book Science, Comic Book Violence, Peter Parker is a Little Shit, Dick ‘this might as well happen’ Grayson, me to me: I’m gonna give me everything that I want, Hopeful Ending
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/44078709
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fanfic-she-wrote · 3 years
Mistletoe Kiss
A quick drabble where the reader is a superhero and during a fight with Doc Ock they find themselves under the mistletoe.
Some mild swearing and a little blood
AN: I kinda got the idea from Batman Returns. Also, the reader isn't a cat or anything they just have really sharp claws. Coming up with superpowers is hard 😅
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It was night time in New York. The lights were all aglow against the dark sky looking almost as if they were stars themselves. It would be beautiful if not for the fact that you were in a fight with none other than Doc Ock himself.
"Where's Spiderman?" He angrily asked as he sent one of his metal limbs shooting towards you.
"He's taking a vacation for the holidays." You answered, narrowly avoiding it as it collided with the wall behind you, sending bricks flying everywhere.
It was true. You and Peter Parker had been friends for some time and knew that he needed some time off. It had taken quite a bit of convincing, but he finally gave in, and truth be told he was rather grateful to get to spend some time with Aunt May and MJ without having to worry about any supervillains.
"Ever think about taking one yourself, Doc?" You remarked, leaping high into the air towards him, claws extended. You raised a hand to swipe at him, but he quickly dodged you.
"Not really." He scoffed, as one of his actuators suddenly grabbed you by the wrist and flung you through a shop window.
"Ugh..." You groaned lying on the floor, your head spinning from the impact. A few seconds later Doc Ock reappeared, his metal arms gliding him over the shattered glass across the floor with ease. Quickly you rose to your feet, ready to fight, trying to appear unaffected by all those blows. How did Peter do this? You wondered.
"Who are you anyway?" Ock asked.
"I don't know. I haven't thought of a name yet " you replied, flinging a shelf of expensive purses at him.
"How about "pain in the ass"?!" He exclaimed breaking the shelf in half. That would actually be pretty funny if it weren't directed at you.
"Aww, that hurt my feelings." You mocked, trying to sound offended as you swiped at him once more, your claws grazing the side of his face.
"Ah!" Otto hissed, placing his gloved hand over his fresh cut. You hated doing that to him. You thought he was actually quite handsome for a bad guy. He glared back at you and slammed one of his actuators hard into you pinning you against the back wall of the shop.
For a moment you squirmed against the metal wrapped around your neck. "Who are you under that mask?" He wondered, his head titled curiously to the side as his hand reached for your mask. Nope! There was no way you were going to let him find out who you really were. With one last ditch attempt, you extended your claws once more and dug them into his side, then kicked him to the floor.
You bit your lip as you watched him laying there slightly dazed. Unlike the other villians that you had encountered, something about him made your heart race and not just from fighting. Deciding to give him one last tease before making your escape, you carefully placed yourself on top of him, this time pinning him to the floor. "Sorry, I wasn't about to let you find out my real identity. You'll have to work much harder than that." You said, lowering your voice, your faces mere inches apart. His sunglasses had fallen off by the point and you were able to look into his dark brown eyes. Damn. He was hot, you thought.
"Look," he breathed, pointing behind you. "Mistletoe." You felt your face become hot as a blush formed underneath your mask. You hadn't even noticed that. You hesitated for a moment, unsure whether you should or not.
"Well, I'm not one to break tradition..." You whispered, your lips hovering just above his. Finally unable to resist you finally close the distance, parting your lips and pressing them against his. His lips were soft and gentle, fitting perfectly with yours. You went to pull away, but he stopped you by placing his hand behind your head, pulling you close, and deepening the kiss.
"Still disappointed that I'm not Spiderman?" You asked, pulling away.
"Not exactly..." He managed to say as he watched you get up.
"Merry Christmas, Otto." You said with a wink, before dashing out the door. As you made you way back home, you found yourself looking forward to seeing him again, but maybe without the fighting...
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We know Batman Beyond is a great Spider-Man cartoon, but is it a better Spider-Man cartoon than Spectacular Spider-Man?
Ashamed to admit that when I was first exposed to Spectacular Spider-Man, I didn't like it because of the art style. It took me going back and rewatching it as an adult to really appreciate how good that show was, with the simpler animation style allowing for much more fluidity in the action scenes, along with Spidey getting to actually throw punches unlike the 90s cartoon.
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This show feels like the last great Spider-Man adaptation to primarily draw on the 616 source material rather than the Ultimate Spider-Man comics (although those definitely influenced the show as well). My favorite part was the development of MJ copying her arc in the 616 comics. MJ starts out as a party girl and slowly matures over time just like her comics incarnation, as opposed to all the other adaptions of her skipping over that character growth to just pair her and Peter together immediately. Peter himself is great, Josh Keaton would be my default "voice" for Peter if I hadn't already been raised on Christopher Barnes, and I liked how the show wasn't afraid to remind you that Peter could be a real asshole at times. Spectacular Gwen Stacy was the best incarnation of the character because it was the only one to ever give Gwen a personality or anything resembling growth until ITSV Gwen came along. Real shame we never got to see her and Peter together for an entire season because I really wanted to watch how Weisman would portray their romance and how it would end given he's said MJ was endgame.
But the real standout has to be the villains. Weisman's need to tie everything together actually works out well here because the show is focused on crime in a single city rather than an entire universe. Most of the supervillains are connected to Osborn or Tombstone in some way, because the villains are necessary to keep Spider-Man distracted. Doc Ock in this show was fantastic, I'd bet anything that the Insominac version looked to this take as a model, because seeing him go from sniveling sycophant to psychopath was masterfully done. Eddie Brock was the dark reflection of Peter Parker here that the comics have wanted him to be but never successfully pulled off. And of course this show's take on Norman Osborn/Green Goblin was perfect, Weisman and Osborn are a match made in heaven. If there's anyone besides Lex Luthor who can be the vehicle for Weisman's love of villains leaning back in their chairs and going Just As Planned! after the hero deals them a major setback, it's the guy who orchestrated the Clone Saga.
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Damn shame this is one Weisman show that has zero chance of ever coming back. Sony's post Raimi movies were terrible but if this show had gotten to continue I would have happily taken it over the MCU movies. Ah well, what could have been right? Perhaps that upcoming MCU cartoon will look to this rather than it's horrid successors for inspiration.
(And much as I like Batman Beyond nah, it's not the better animated Spider-Man cartoon).
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brawltogethernow · 4 years
How inadvisable is the idea of a film!MJ talking MJ's actual ridiculous patter lines. (Yes I am thinking about your soulmates post where May is just like "who talks like that?")
I think a Spider-Man adaptation could work really well with the kind of deliberate vintage-homaging anachronism Batman: The Animated Series used. In that context I would absolutely want MJ at the forefront of talking how Stan Lee wrote patter, where she belongs.
In a more standard attempt to write in a timeless present, I’d still enjoy it immensely. Maybe specify that this version of MJ is a nerd for old movies as part of her acting aspirations. (Or just...don’t explain it at all. This would probably be a bad choice, but I personally would adore even more.)
But this is actually a distant second in my book after updating how she talks -- while still trying to convey the effect the way she spoke when she was introduced was supposed to have. It is absolutely critical that people would still go “Who talks like that??”
MJ’s speaking style and way of dressing and acting were very loud characterization shorthands to the audience of the time that are all nearly silent today. BUT they all have modern equivalents that an adaptation of MJ could wear well, netting you characterization that lands for a modern audience who lack prior knowledge while still being true to her.
I want a modern MJ adaptation who uses a barrage of current slang to an extreme that waltzes on the border of incomprehensible. I want it to make perfect sense that May cannot understand her. Yes, this would give the work a strong chance of aging poorly. I am willing to take that risk.
And leave her fondness for alliteration: It makes the dialogue fun and indirectly conveys that not being a STEM major doesn’t mean her mind isn’t whirring at mile a minute.
Peter, in this version, should still sound vaguely like a radio personality from 1969. The specifics of his speaking style are more integral to his voice, they don’t update to a modern equivalent without masses of information loss, they aged better and are more likely to still mean something to a present day audience, he’s old man kin, AND it enunciates that Peter and MJ are foils who don’t seem like they should be going to the same place. Nerd and cheerleader?? No! Man who talks like he passed up an invite to Woodstock to stay in studying and woman who talks like TikTok embodied and brought to life by a genie.
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milkytheholy1 · 3 years
Turtle Titan to the rescue!
Hi! Love your writing ✍️💖 it’s very fluffy and cute 🥰
Anyway I’ve been on an ‘03 kick, and. Omg. I always forget how much I love 03 Mickey and then I see him and I’m just 🥺💖 (the Xmas episode though???)
I’d appreciate some love for my boi, like. Maybe reader meets him as turtle titan and she puts two and two together (cause rlly, 4 infamous turtles in nyc…and one turtle themed super hero? Hmm) but doesn’t say anything. Maybe it’s Peter Parker-MJ scenario?? Idk I just want to see Mikey get kissed okay thank you 🙏🏿 if the Turtle Titan thing doesn’t vibe just ignore lmao
A/N: Okay so far warning, I haven’t really watched past season 3 of the 2003 series, I have been working my way through it though. So some characters might not sound or act like how they should from the show and I might end up getting some stuff wrong, so sorry in advance. This story will flip between 1st and 3rd person narrative. Hope you enjoy!
TMNT masterlist
Ultimate masterlist
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“Calling all units we have a 10-30 in progress at a bank in Harlem, all units report to the scene for further back-up.”
“Copy that, we’re on our way.”
Ah New York, the city that never sleeps; always bustling with life. Every time I put my feet up there seems to be another clown getting his grubby hands on something. Lucky for them, Turtle Titan is here to put a stop to their crimes!
It’s been almost a full year since I’ve dawned the green spandex, kinda hard to put on when you have a shell like me, they don’t tell you stuff like that in the manual. My brothers think it’s stupid that I dress up, especially when I’m already a mutant ninja turtle, but it’s not so much the costume than what it stands for. These people want to feel safe in their communities and if that means I have to dress up then what the heck! So far only my brothers know who the Turtle Titan is, only because of a chance encounter with them when I snuck back into the lair.
- 5 months ago -
“Ha, that guy didn’t see what was coming to him. And Raph says I’m not good at stealth.” Mikey laughed, walking up to the entrance of the lair. The sewers were quiet, save for the few drops of water here and there, but otherwise, it seemed his family had gone to sleep for the night.
Mikey poked his head into the common area, surveying the scene; absolutely empty. Perfect. He crept past the t.vs, startled when the screens lit up one by one showcasing the news coverage of the so-called Turtle Titan. Mikey’s face dropped, did he do that? Leo emerged from the shadows with the t.v remote in his hand, “Seems you’ve been rather busy, hm?” he probed, brow raised in question.
Mikey let out a low chuckle, a tingling sensation running up his spine, “Ha Leo, what are- what are you doing up so late?”
“I could ask the same to you, where have you been Michelangelo?” he continued to interrogate him, his voice stern but his face full of worry. Mikey stuttered for a thought, should he tell his older brother the truth? It’s not like he could lie to Leo, I mean, c'mon it’s Leo!
“Okay, truth is…I’m a superhero,” he admitted through a sigh, his head dropping down, shoulders slumped. He missed the way Leo teased him with a smile, the thought that his brother was so devoted to helping people that he would wear such ridiculous clothing brought a proud warmth in Leo’s stomach. “So you’re this Turtle Tot?” he bemused, Mikey flinched up at him, “It’s Turtle Titan, actually.” he corrected with a pout.
- End of flashback -
Yeah, it wasn’t long after Leo found out that the others did too. Raph made fun of me, told me the outfit looked dumb and no one would ever thank me, but I don’t do it to be thanked, I do it to protect the citizens, man! Donnie gave me a costume upgrade, made me an actual suit instead of just a red cape. I kinda like it, makes me feel more like a classic superhero like Batman or Captain America.
“Officer Barton, we got a 10-34 on Southbank.”
10-34? If I remember right that’s an… Assault! I gotta be quick if I want to get there before the police. I ran as fast as my turtle legs and ninja training could take me, jumping over alleys and running through flocks of pigeons. When I finally approached the area the police scanner reported, I investigated the area from above. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, perfectly normal for New York at night. That’s when I heard someone running, their footsteps echoing through the dense walls of the alley below me.
I saw a Women running from a small group of men, looked like the purple dragons from where I was standing. Jumping into action, I manoeuvered my way to the group, hiding in the shadows like their worst nightmare.
“Alright lady, give us that bag of yours’s ‘n we won’t hurt ya, much.” Daggers snickered, flipping some blades in his hand. You backed away from the men, coming closer and closer to a brick wall, nowhere to run. What a time to be alive! All you wanted was a bottle of milk from the store, so what you saw the Purple Dragons dealing with the Foot? They didn’t have to kill you over it! Stepping back further you felt the cold, harsh concrete of the wall behind you, nowhere to hide either.
“C'mon girly, we ain’t got all night.”
Just before Daggers could raise, well, a dagger at you a shadow leapt across your vision and throw a fist at him. Daggers went sailing to the floor, wiping the small dribble of blood from his mouth, “What are you dopes standin’ there for! Get him!” Just like a pack of trained circus mice, the rest of the Purple Dragons leapt at the mysterious figure, throwing punches and kicks to his stomach and jaw. “Hey mam?” the mystery man called out, “I’m gonna need you to run away now.” he joked, ducking to avoid another punch.
You didn’t stay to argue, instead opting to follow the stranger’s advice and made a mad dash for the alley you had come through. Pulling your phone out of your bag, you flicked through your contacts until you found Mikey’s name. It took a few rings before he picked up, “Hey (Y/N), what’s up?” he sounded like he was out of breath, panting heavily into the speaker. “Are you okay, Mikey?”
“Yeah, yeah, just, er, sparring?” he questioned, a gruff escaping his mouth when Daggers throw a blow to his stomach. “Are you sure?” you asked, throwing your head to the side, barely able to see the fight breaking out, “Definitely, so what-” he stopped, sounds of men grunting and muted screams blaring in the distance. You stopped running and stared at your phone, what was he doing?
“So what can I do you for?” he questioned, his voice soon flooding back on the line. You flicked your head to the fight, seeing that most men were out cold, still looked like this stranger could do with some help. “I’m at Southbank, some Purple Dragons were chasing me down but this guy came and helped me,”
“He seems nice,” Mikey mused, pulling his head away from the phone to avoid a blade. You smiled at the stranger, completely forgetting that they needed help “Yeah,” you whispered.
“Sooo,” Mikey started, snapping you back into reality, “Oh, right. You and the guys need to get here quick and help him, he seems pretty good but I don’t think he’s gonna last much longer.”
“What? I’m- I mean, I’m sure he’s doing fine,” he grunted, running up the wall and barreling over Daggers. “Just hurry, please.” you begged, unable to take your eyes off of the flexible stranger, “On it!” Mikey promised, quickly ending the call.
Great, so how am I meant to do this then? God if I had known that it was (Y/N) before approaching I would have hidden the outfit. How am I meant to be in two places at once?! Think Mikey, think! My eyes widened when I felt the breeze of Daggers’ left-hand swoosh past my face, I’ve just about had enough of this guy.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to take a ladies purse?” I smirked, watching as he crumpled to the ground with a kick. He spits where I stood, a dangerous glare in his eyes, “What’s it to ya, pal. You’re just like those turtle freaks!”
“As a turtle freak, I take offence to that.” I joked, he didn’t look like he was gonna go anywhere, too tired after the fight. He fell back onto the ground, eyes closed and chest panting hard. I stood over him just in case he tried anything, okay, now all I needed to do was wait for the police to come and check up on…Oh no, I forgot about (Y/N)!
“Erm, excuse me?” a voice came from behind me, my eyes widened in panic, she’s gonna see right through this disguise I’ll have to change my voice! “Ah, well hello there young lady,” I greeted her with a British accent, she looked puzzled but carried on, “I just wanted to say thank you for saving me, it’s usually my friends that do the saving.”
“They seem like pretty good friends to me, but don’t worry about it, as a superhero, my job is to protect the innocent.”
“So what’s your name, Mr. superhero?”
“Well, you can call me Turtle Titan!” I yelled triumphantly, my cape flowing in the small breeze. Her laughter pulled me back from my heroic moment, I watched her as she cackled away, a hand pressed to her stomach. Was she okay? “I- I can’t do this anymore,” what was she on about? Does she get chased like this often?
“Mikey,” she muttered, wiping a tear from her eye. I froze right then and there, sweat forming under my mask, “ah-ha, erm, not sure what you’re on about. Who’s this, er, Mikey? Sounds like a pretty fun dude.” my British accent was slowly fading, how did she know it was me? Is it that obvious?
She waltzed up to me and pulled off the head of the mask, "So, how long has this been a thing for?" she questioned, examining the material in her hands; running her fingers over the fabric. I shrugged nonchalantly, "About a year or so, was doing pretty well in the secret identity apartment, well up until now."
"Do your brothers know?"
"Oh them? Yeah, they know." I waved off dismissively, I looked around at the men on the ground, how long does it take the police to get here, jeez? "Thanks," (Y/N) muttered out, staring into my eyes with a warm smile, "Don't mention it," I praised giving her a thumbs up. The red and blue of the police sirens finally started illuminating the alleyway, the alarms filling the lulling atmosphere. Looking over at the approaching men, I take my mask back from (Y/N) and put it on, "I'll see you back at the lair?" I asked with hope.
"Certain of it," she nodded, stepping back. Before I could run she called out my name, jogging over to me before the police came any closer. Leaning up she pecked her lips against my cheek, pushing the fabric of the mask so she could land a clean mark. I could feel my cheeks warm at her touch, the tingling sensation was unmatched. Her lips retracted, I pouted at the cold feeling that resided from where she once was.
"I- wh-what was that for?" I stuttered out, embarrassed how flustered she easily made me, "That was a little reward for saving my life tonight, Turtle Titan," she teased, pushing me to leave, "Now go before the cops catch you." she giggled. I sprang away from her and made my way up the building opposite, hands on my hips as I began my heroic speech:
"Citizens all over New York can relax in their homes knowing that I, Turtle Titan, will be there to stop crime where ever it lay! I will answer the call, the call of heroism in a world full of chaos. I will save the day!" I bellowed, whipping my cloak before disappearing back to the lair.
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andilovetowrite · 3 years
39 and 47 from your prompt list? Peter Parker x reader!! Maybe reader has long hair n it gets stuck in his shirt or something 🥺😭🥺😭 super fluffy
Always Stuck
Peter Parker x Reader
Summary: Getting your hair stuck in everything was a pain. In ice cream or your lipgloss. In the car windows and your hairdryer. But just this once, you didn’t mind it getting stuck somewhere.
Prompts Used: “I don’t want to risk our friendship, but I can’t keep this hidden anymore.” and “Because I love you.”
Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff and a bit of angst. A few bad words here and there as well.
Word Count: 1.7k
Here is my Masterlist, and my prompt list :) Hope you enjoy this one!
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Damn it”, you muttered, pulling your hair out from under the pillow. Having long hair, especially for someone who hates tying her hair up, was a bit of a pain. Constantly pushing it out of your face, as well as trying to keep it out of everything else, had become a part of your life.
So why didn’t you cut it off? Well...because of Peter Parker. Peter was your best friend, a partner in crime, the Batman to your Robin. You had known him from pre-school, where he would come in with colossal building blacks falling from his backpack and an Iron Man lunch box in his hand. As time passed, the friendship between the two of you deepened, and by the time you both were in high school, your feelings towards him had morphed into something much less platonic.
Peter knew how much you loved having long hair, and even if it did give you trouble now and then, he knew you would be unhappy if you cut it off. Your mother had long hair too, well… before she died, and she loved that you grew your hair out to match hers. You remember that you had vowed to have long enough hair to cut it off and give it to her once her chemo-therapy had stopped. Sadly, she didn’t live long enough for that to happen, as the cancer got too her much too quickly. Nevertheless, you had still kept it, not wanting to chop off a piece of yourself that connected you with her.
You might say that that was the only reason for you to keep your long hair…. But it wasn’t. As you were saying, Peter Parker played an important role. He loved your lusciously long hair. A lot. Whether it was just combing his hands through it or styling it when he was bored, he loved playing with your curls. After the patrol, when he came in through your window, it was only a matter of time before he was nestled up next to you, hands entangle in your hair as he fell asleep. So, you didn’t have a strong need or urgency to cut your hair...until today.
It was like the universe was screaming at you to lose your mind. Starting in the morning, you had gotten out of the shower, and while drying your hair, almost half of it got sucked in by the annoying machine. Wasn’t the best start.
Fast forward to an hour later, while you were at school. You hadn’t seen Peter around all day, and you didn’t even have any classes with your friends, so you weren’t in the best mood. Bring out your lipgloss; you looked into the mirror, grimacing at your dry lips. Smothering on a thick layer, you turned around, only to be hit with a strong gust of wind. Blowing hundreds of strands of hair into your face, about half of them stuck to your lips, making you huff out in annoyance.
Since most of your face was covered by your unruly hair, you tried to maneuver yourself to the washroom, hoping to regain your sight, but instead banged into the lockers, causing a loud BANG to go through the hallway. Students voices began ringing out, and soon enough, a flash went off infront of you.
“Get out of my way”, you growled, pushing aside the crowd as you sought out MJ. She frowned apologetically, moving both of you to the bathroom, where you spent the next twenty minutes cleaning out your face and hair from the lipgloss residue and grumbling about how annoying your classmates were.
Not wanting to get any more attention, you decided to leave for the day, as you bid MJ goodbye and began walking to the bus stop.
You would’ve thought that’s enough for the day, right? Nope. While getting onto your bus home, the doors closed...way too fast. Since you were in Queens, the weather was unpredictable. One minute it could be bright and sunny, next? Rainy and gloomy. Today, however, was one of the windiest days ever. So when your were trying to haul your bag into the moving bus, your hair got caught in the door, leaving you wide eyed as you tried to pull it in. People began whispering around you, as you grit your teeth. Pressing the red button to stop the bus, you got off, deciding to walk the next 30 minutes back home.
And what a long thirty minutes they were. You decided to grab a coffee to cheer yourself up, but, as luck would have it, you spilt it when you stumbled on the side walk. Now, was your hair not only covered in lip gloss and pulled apart to look frazzled, but it was also soaked in cold brew.
Taking a deep breath as you entered the house, you ran straight to the shower, dumping your stuff on the ground the minute you walked in. You decieded to shampoo your hair nicely today. Not that you didn’t like the smell of coffee in your hair, but you needed to wash it.
Besides...Peter was coming over tonight. Now, you would’ve thought that washing your hair would not be an issue. You have been doing it your whole life. But boy oh boy, were you wrong.
Squirting the liquid into your hands, you started massaging your scalp. You sighed, finally peaceful after the day you had had. But then… tragedy striked. As you started to wash it out, your eyes began stinging.
“Wha-”, you said, rubbing the water out of your eyes, but it just made it worse. “Holy shit, what is thi-” Stumbling out, you tried to reach for a towel, but your hand got stuck in your wet hair, making you trip. Grabbing onto the lever next to you, the water suddenly became scorching hot, making you cry out before running out into your room. Reading for whatever cloth was next to you, you rubbed your face furiously, until the burning sensation stopped.
Taking a deep breath, you walked back into the bathroom, grabbing a towel and looking at the mess you made. Watching closer, your bloodshot eyes widened as they looked at what you used.
“Shoot, that’s Y/D/N’s shampoo! I used a dog’s shampoo, damn it!” Pissed off, you walked into your room, slipping on your comfiest clothes before putting your stud-ridden hair in a towel, not wanting to see it anymore. Crawling into your bed, you closed your eyes, feeling the tiredness hit you like a wave, and before you knew it, you had fallen asleep.
“Hey Y/N”, Peter’s voice floated in through the quiet air of your room. You slowly opened your eyes to see Peter’s face, his lips in a cute smile and his brown curls hanging down his forehead as he looked down at you.
“He-hey Pete, when did you get here?”, you asked, drowsily.
‘Bout an hour back”, he whispered, picking up some things on your desk as he organized them. Pushing yourself up, you looked around your room, shocked to see it so clean.
“Wha-why is, why did you-”
Peter sighed, smiling at you. “MJ told me what a day you had, so I decided to help you out a bit.” He chuckled, smirking a bit. “Especially after your room looked like a tsunami hit it”
“But still, why would you go through that trouble? You must be tired, right? To-today was training-”
“Because I love you. And you always help me out like this when I have a tough day”, he said, shrugging his shoulders. For a second, your heart had skipped a beat, but then you realized that he said it as a best friend. A friend. You wanted to say it back. Say what you’ve been meaning to say. But you just smiled back, opening your arms so he could crawl in, hugging you against his buttoned-up chest.
You huffed out, the buttons digging into your cheek. “Peter, take this off, why must you wear a shirt? Go get a sweater or something”, you said, knowing he left about 5 of his jackets here for how much he slept over at your place.
But all Peter responded with was a loud, exaggerated sigh. “But whyyy. I’m comfy?”
You laughed quietly at his tone, so you started to get up to get him one, but was pulled down. Sitting up back, you realized your hair was caught in his shirt, pulling it up, exposing his taut torso.
“Peter! My hair”, you said, trying to untangle yourself, but only making it worse.
“Huh, oh”, he said, leaning up to unravel your hair, making his face only a couple of inches away from you, letting you see his freckles that adorned his skin.
Too shocked, you just sat there, as Peter’s finger worked his shirt, since, at one point, he realized it would just be easier to take it off. So, you sat there, your body hot and face possibly red, while your (chiselled and muscular) best friend untangled your hair.
“Okay”, he said, leaning back. You stuttered, looking at your hair then at Peter, who just realized he was topless. You could see his cheeks turn pink, and his pupils dilate as he looked at you, and you couldn’t hold it in any longer.
“I don’t want to risk our friendship, but I can’t keep this hidden anymore. I-” you looked at him, feeling a surge of energy go through you, “I really like you, Peter. Hell, I think I love you.” You sighed, worried when he didn’t say anything. “Peter, please say something-” You looked away, tears pricking your eyes. “Damn it, I shouldn’t have said anythin-”
“I love you. Too. You are-I can’t. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to tell you but I-”
You would’ve loved to hear what else he was talking about, but your mind had other things to focus on. Like his lips. Kissing him lightly at first, you deepened it when he didn’t pull away. You felt his hand sneak into your hair, and for the first time, you didn’t mind it at all. He pulled away as he caressed your face.
“Oh my god, I love your hair…”
You laughed out loud, hugging him. “Is that the first words you wanna tell me as a couple?” You pretended to act hurt. “One might even choose to believe you like me for my hair”
He smirked, whispering in your ear. “Oh no, you got me. I am deeply in love with your hair, not you too much. Sorry you had to find out like this”
You became serious, hugging him more tightly. “I was gonna cut my hair today. Thank for-”
“I’m glad I was there to protect the love of my life”
“You are talking about me right?” you asked, looking into his playful chocolatey eyes.
“Who else?”, he asked back, winking…
Thank you so much for requesting this Anon! I loved writing it, and even though I myself don’t have long hair, I highly respect anyone who does, because it's a lotta work. Anyway, my requests are still open, in case you wanna send in ideas that you may have, or just wanna chat. Until next time 👋
Tagged: @idkatee @eternalscribblesforthesoul @loudbluepancake @poisondevotion @scram1326 @t-hollanderr @305weasley @starknik22 @marvelfansworld @lou-la-lou @lomlparker @marvelfansworld @wowitsel @vanteguccir @fullcheesecakeengineer @ladykxxx08 @allegras-sunflower @a–1–1–3
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adiarosefandoms · 3 years
Today in Fandom History: March 14
Fandom: Actors
March 14, 1976, Daniel Gillies was born. Best known for his role as Elijah Mikelson in the Vampire Diaries universe, mainly TVD and The Originals, spiderman fans might also remember him as MJ’s fiance in Maguire’s second film, who Mary Jane leaves at the alter in favor for Peter Parker. His part in that makes me laugh now as I actually didn’t even realize that was him until my Spiderman rewatch following No Way Home’s release. He’s also been in Saving Hope, Captivity, Virgin River, Broken Kingdom, Bride and Prejudice, SEAL Team, and Into the West. On top of being a skilled actor, he’s also a screenwriter, film producer, and has done some directing. Happy 46th Daniel Gillies! Always and forever.
Fandom: Actors
 March 14, 1933, Michael Caine was born. I know this actor best as Alfred Pennyworth in Christopher Nolans Batman trilogy, a role that he absolutely nailed by the way. He’s also been in Going Out in Style, Harry Brown, Alfie, The Man Who Would be King, Now You See Me, Last Love, Sleuth, King of Thieves, Miss Congeniality, and Inception along with many, many more. Caine’s won two Oscars, three Golden Globes, was nominated for twelve more, won a Britannia award, an Empire Lifetime Achievement, and more. Far too many to list. But one of note is his place as a Commander of the British Empire, a prestigious title granted to those in prominent roles in the region. Who doesn’t know and love Michael Caine after all? With a career spanning over 70 years over which he remained a constant presence in films of many genres, Caine has become a British icon. Well known in the industry and memorable from his specific voice with his proper vowel inflections to his look which is often accompanied by black or grey framed glasses. An absolute master at acting, he’s made his mark in many films over the decades as well as a mark just generally in pop culture. Happy 89th birthday Michael Caine! 
I saw the Batman in theaters a bit more than a week ago but haven’t had the time to post about it yet. I’m going again this weekend though, so I’ll make sure to get something up on it then. What I can tell you right now though is that the movie is fantastic!
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Let Him Win - Peter Parker x Stark!Reader x DC Characters (3/4)
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Words: 6644 Pairing: Peter Parker & (f)Stark!Reader & DC Characters Featuring: Peter Parker, Ned Leeds, MJ, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne (mentioned), Bruce Wayne/Batman, Clark Kent/Superman, Lex Luthor (mentioned), Tony Stark Warnings: kidnapping, dumb men Summary: You are on the academic decathlon team for Midtown and made it to the final stages of the competition, meaning you and your team get to travel to Metropolis for the national competition! You run into an old friend, which comes in handy when some goons think it's smart to mess with you. Author’s Note: I looked it up to figure out where Gotham and Metropolis are and went with Metropolis being in Delaware and Gotham being in New Jersey. But tbh the timing is weird on how long it takes so just go with it.
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Tony / Peter / DC / Full Masterlist
"It's a bright and sunny morning in Metropolis, perfect for our visitors from all over the country! With the weather being as great as it is, be sure to keep an eye out for our one and only Superman flying above and waving. In today's news-"
You smiled as you listened to the news playing on the TV in the hotel lobby. Mr. Harrington gave your group a spot to wait in while he attempted to check in at the front desk. The lobby was riddled with kids of all ages, meeting in Metropolis for the national competition for the academic decathlon teams, and Midtown was the winning school from New York.
"You know," Peter leaned into your side. "It's weird not having Flash here to make fun of me the whole time," Peter laughed.
"Huh, good and bad that he graduated and we're seniors?" You smirked back. "I agree; it's weird. But I'm sure he'll still be around to make fun of you, if not in spirit," You told him.
Peter nodded. "Can't get away from him forever. With my luck, we'll end up at the same school."
You shook your head at Peter for being just a tad paranoid. "You're a dork. Anyways," You said and turned to the rest of your friend group. "Everyone excited for tomorrow?"
"Yes!" Ned said. "I hope we spot Superman."
"Oh yeah," MJ responded. "I'm ready to beat everyone's butts and then get to explore a new city. Sounds fun."
"I'm excited to go to the Daily Planet and the other tour places we get to see. Jameson won't be happy that I get to meet some other reporters, but it's not like I'm going to take work in another city," Peter said.
You perked up. "I forgot about that! I asked the reporters that dad likes if they'll be there, and Lois Lane said she would make sure they would be. She said they'd be happy to give you some pointers," You said.
"Stark?" You heard a deep voice. "What are you doing in Metropolis?"
You looked up to see the face of the voice. "I could ask you the same thing."
Dick Grayson pointed behind him at a group of much younger kids. "Damian's on the team for his school, and Bruce made me chaperone to keep an eye on him. Plus, I needed to get out of Gotham. At least for the weekend," Dick said. "And you?"
"We're on the team from New York!" You said. "It was about time Peter and I got to visit Metropolis. After Gotham, dad wasn't too keen on letting us leave New York again," You explained.
Peter put up his hand as a slight wave. "Good to see you again, Dick," Peter offered a small smile.
"Ah, you too, Peter," Dick responded.
"So," MJ started, "You gonna introduce us to your friend?" She asked.
You laughed a little and stood up. "Right! This is Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne's son. We met at the party that I convinced dad to take Peter and me to, and he also showed us around Gotham a few weeks ago," You said. "And Dick, these are our friends Ned and MJ."
"Nice to meet you guys," He nodded to the other two sitting on the couch.
"Oh! I've seen you before!" Ned said. "Bruce Wayne's first son, right?" Ned asked.
Dick nodded. "Yeah, pretty much."
"I didn't expect Damian to be involved in this kind of stuff," You said, but it came out as almost a question.
With a shrug, Dick looked over his shoulder to see his brother entertaining a conversation with one of his classmates. "Bruce encouraged it. He's really smart and wanted him to have a semi-normal life," He said, tilting his head when he said that to hint as to what he meant to you and Peter. "He likes it enough, and it makes Alfred happy."
You sighed. "I'm pretty sure Damian doesn't even like me," You said.
"That's not true," Dick shook his head. "He respects you, but he's not very good at showing emotions. He had a rough childhood with his birth mother, and Bruce is his father, and he also isn't good with emotions," Dick said. "Trust me; he likes you more than he likes Tim."
"Ah, well, that's good to know," You said with a smile. "Thanks for the reassurance."
There was a cough behind Dick that caught his attention. "Mr. Grayson, we'd appreciate it if you could come with us to the rooms," The teacher said.
"Yup," Dick replied. "Nice to meet you two, and hopefully, I'll see you guys around!" Dick waved as he jogged over to the group of children.
The three of your friends looked at you after you waved. "Since when was that a thing?" MJ asked.
"When what was a thing?" You asked, clueless.
"Hello, Dick Grayson?" Ned said.
"I keep telling her! She doesn't believe me!" Peter exploded. "I've been telling her since the party!"
You rolled your eyes. "We've been over this, Peter."
"He so likes you," MJ winked, and before you could retort, Mr. Harrington walked over.
"Alright, kids!" He called to direct attention to him. "Got us all checked in and our rooms assigned. Get with your pre-assigned roomie and come get your keys. We'll get settled in, and all meet up for dinner, then head back here for a good night's sleep before the competition tomorrow," He went over the itinerary for the day. Once he dismissed everyone, the groups got together and lined up to get their keys, then headed off toward the elevators.
You and MJ were getting ready for bed. The TV was playing a random free movie that was very quiet, enough that the two of you could talk it over. Fluffing up your bed and shoving things in your suitcase while making a small conversation was a great way to end the night.
"I'm excited for tomorrow," You told MJ. "I think we could do really well."
"Me too," She said. "We've been practicing a lot lately, but I think it will be fun no matter what," MJ replied. "Hopefully, you get to see Dick again," She joked.
You sighed loudly at her teasing. "Two reasons why that would never happen: I don't think he likes me, and even if he did, my dad would kill me!" You told her. "He can't stand Bruce Wayne! For more reasons than he even knows," You said. Oh god, if Tony ever found out about Bruce being Batman, he'd go ballistic, and it would only contribute to why he dislikes Bruce Wayne. Plus, then he'd find out that his sons are also his crew of bats, and that wouldn't end well for anyone.
MJ knew you were stubborn, so she gave up with a chuckle. "You overthink too much."
"Whatever. I also don't need Bruce Wayne to get any impressions from me. I think it's best we stay friends," You elaborated as you climbed into bed. "Now, I'm ending this conversation so we can take Mr. Harrington's advice and get a good night's sleep," You said and leaned over to shut off the lamp between your beds, the TV still lighting up the room somewhat. It was enough noise for both of you to fall asleep to, but it didn't distract.
It wasn't even too late, only around 11:30, when you fell asleep. Which, for teenagers, was going to be great for the following day.
Only an hour passed before you woke up to the cold night wind blowing in your face.
Ugh, we forgot to close the window — Rang through your head. You opened your eyes and turned over so you could easily get up to shut the window and peacefully go back to sleep. As soon as you got to the window and pushed the curtains out of the way, you were greeted with a masked face and two hands grabbing you. You screamed loudly, but only a few seconds in, one of the hands covered your mouth, and you were carried out the window. You tried to struggle as hard as you could or make any noise, but you weren't sure how well that was working. As soon as the person holding you reached the ground, you blacked out.
MJ jumped up as soon as she heard your scream. "What’s going on?" She called out, followed by your name, and ran to the window, but as soon as she looked out, she couldn't see you — or who took you. "Oh my god!" She screamed, grabbed her phone, and ran out of the room. Three rooms over, she started to pound on the door. "Peter!" She whisper-yelled, and the pounding ended shortly after.
"MJ?" Peter said, rubbing his eyes awake. "What's going on?"
"Someone just took her!" She said as she marched into their room. Technically, at competitions like these, girls were not allowed in boys' rooms, but she didn't care at this point. Before Peter could ask what she meant, MJ began retelling what happened. "I woke up to her screaming and being dragged out of our window. As soon as I looked outside, she was gone. We have to find her!" MJ said.
Ned immediately got out his computer and started typing as fast as he could. "Woooh, okay, I'll call Tony," Peter said. As they listened to the dial tone, Peter pulled out his Iron Spider suit, which he snuck along. He called Tony five times before he realized he wasn't answering. It wasn't even late; what could he be doing? Maybe he passed out from working too much, or he's too focused and doesn't have his phone with him. Whatever it was, he wasn't going to get ahold of him.
He tried Happy three times, Natasha Romanoff three times, and Cap once for good measure. No answer. "Okay, no one's answering. This isn't good-" Peter said but cut himself off. "Oh my god, I gotta go!" Peter said and got the rest of his costume on quickly and threw a robe over it.
"I'm trying to see if I can find any cameras. Where are you going?" Ned asked.
"I can't tell you, but I know who can help. You guys stay here and call me if you see anything!" Peter said and ran out of the room.
You did say it earlier: Peter was a little paranoid (well, for different reasons, but still). Thanks to his paranoia, he happened to know the exact room number that he needed.
Peter didn't wait for the elevator and instead ran down two flights of stairs hoping it would be faster. He looked for room 813, and as soon as he found it, knocked on it as hard as he could, just like MJ did a few minutes ago.
He could hear swearing from inside the room, but he didn't stop knocking until the door opened, and he almost hit Dick Grayson in the face. "What the hell do you want, Peter?" Dick asked, not amused to be woken up. Honestly, Peter wasn't sure he was asleep in the first place, but he was not happy that he was being disturbed.
"(Y/N)'s been kidnapped!" He said, barely able to get the words out. "I can't contact Tony or the other Avengers whose phone number I have. MJ is her roommate and said once she looked out the window, they were gone, and we have no idea what happened. Since I can't get ahold of the Avengers, I need-"
Dick grabbed Peter's arm and pulled him into the room so he wouldn't be spewing out any secrets; who knows who could be listening or if the cameras had sound. Dick slammed the door to make it a point. "Right, you need Nightwing," He said with a big sigh. "I didn't even bring my suit here because I was really hoping to have a relaxing weekend, but I know I have to do something," He said and led Peter into the room so he could grab his phone.
It sure was lucky that Dick was a chaperone and got a room all to himself because this would have been a very strange conversation if a teacher or anyone else was in there. Peter was even glad he wasn't sharing a room with Damian, because Damian scares Peter.
"Sit down, and I'll call Bruce, see what he wants me to do," Dick said. Though normally he would try to handle this on his own, there wasn't much he could do. Dick was without his suit and weapons, and though Damian would help if asked, Dick didn't want to draw any more attention to this than they needed. Peter, in his Spider-Man getup covered in a robe, knocking loudly on Dick Grayson's door was already suspicious enough.
Peter didn't listen and did not sit down; instead, he walked over to the window and pushed it open to look out and listen if he heard anything. Dick didn't bother to stop him; he knew it wouldn't work, and continued on with his phone.
"Shouldn't you be asleep since you have to help watch fifteen kids tomorrow?" Bruce asked when he picked up.
"It's not that late, but this is more important than all that," Dick said, completely serious and hopeful that Bruce would hear it in his tone. "You know our good friends from New York? They're at the same competition but for the high school level. Peter Parker just barged into my room because Miss Stark was kidnapped." Dick explained quickly.
Bruce sighed as he processed what was just said, and it sounded like he stood up. "Yes, that is urgent," He said, and Dick could hear him gathering things. "And Spider-Man is there?"
"Yes, but her friend didn't see anyone when she looked out of the window, and Peter didn't hear it. I didn't bring my suit, and I don't want to bother Damian. How fast can you get here?" Dick asked. "Or tell me what to do."
It was silent for a moment. "Not sure; it depends on how fast I can get the Batwing up. Hopefully not too long and-"
"Hey, Dick," Peter called from the window. "Uh, can you come here?"
"Hold on," Dick hushed him as he tried to keep listening to Bruce.
Peter winced at the reply and continued staring out of the window. "Spider-Man?" Another deep voice asked. "Why are you in Metropolis?"
Dick recognized the voice immediately and turned around, rushing to the window. He cut Bruce off with his greeting. "Oh, hey, Superman," Dick waved.
"Dick?" Superman cocked his head. "Oh, right, the competition thing," He reminded himself.
"Clark is there?" Bruce sighed. "Already?"
"Yeah, uh, let me talk to him. Keep me updated on your arrival," Dick said and hung up. "What are you doing here, Superman?" Dick asked.
Superman looked between the boys. "Am I interrupting something...?" He trailed off.
"No!" Both boys yelled and stepped an extra step away from each other. "What are you doing here?" Dick repeated himself.
Superman looked around, still flying in front of the window. "I heard a scream come from here, and it stopped abruptly. I suppose it could have been something else, seeing how many teenagers are here, but I thought to check it out," Superman explained.
"That's my friend!" Peter shouted. "That’s my best friend, Tony Stark’s kid, and she was just kidnapped. Her roommate didn't see anything when she looked out, and Tony isn't picking up, and none of the other Avengers are, so I came to Dick because I figured I could ask Dick-" Peter said and stopped himself. "Sorry, I ramble."
Dick shook his head. "Long story short, he knows about Bruce and me, and since no one answered him, he came to me for help. But I don't have my suit, and Bruce is on his way."
Superman looked between the boys again, trying to work out how Spider-Man found out about Nightwing and why was Spider-Man in a robe? "Okay, we'll talk about that later. Has she been kidnapped before?"
"No," Peter said quickly. "We don't leave New York much, and I figure people know a lot of muscle guards her," He explained. "But someone probably figured she'd be less guarded here," He sighed. "I gotta find her," Peter scrambled and threw the robe off, pulled on his mask, and stuck his hand out to swing to a building. Before he could follow through on his web, Superman grabbed him to stop him from getting away.
"Can't leave yet, Spider-Man," Superman apologized. "I'll sweep the city and see what I can see and hear. Don't worry, we'll find her. Hopefully, it's just someone hoping to get some money out of Stark," Superman said and placed Peter back inside the room before taking off again.
Peter closed his eyes to try and calm his mind, and talking would help. "I should've known that you know Superman. Do you know his identity?" Peter asked.
"Only because he knows ours, and no, I'm not telling you," Dick clarified. "Bruce may fight with Superman, but he'd kill me if I let another secret out."
Peter nodded, understanding. It never hurt to try, though. He pulled out his phone and tried calling Tony again, and after two more tries, he gave up. "I wonder what's got him so tied up," Peter sighed to himself, and before he could answer the question, Superman was back in front of them.
"I think I found where she is," He told the boys. "I saw two men get out of a car in front of a building," Superman explained.
"And that means it's her because..." Peter dragged out, waiting for him to continue.
"I also heard them say Miss Stark doesn't know what's coming," He clarified. "So, I think that clears it up for us. The only thing is," Superman looked right at Dick, "Lex Luthor owns the building."
Dick groaned loudly and turned around. He put his hands over his eyes, sighed, and turned back around. "Of course it is!" Dick threw his hands out to the side.
"What? I thought he was a billionaire; why would he hold her for ransom?" Peter asked.
Superman shook his head. "It's not a ransom for money. He wants something else. And I can't go in there blindly; he probably knows I know about this and already has kryptonite set up," Superman said. "But, I'll lead you to the building. Come on, Dick," He grabbed Dick's arms and carried him as he flew. Spider-Man followed behind, swinging from building to building. They weren't too far away from the hotel, and the building looked like it had been worn down and was unused.
They all looked at each other as they stood atop the building, and Dick had pulled the hood on his jacket over his head to try to give him some anonymity, just in case. "I tried calling Tony back there, but he still didn't pick up. What do we do?" Peter asked.
Superman looked over to Dick. "You heard from Batman yet?"
"I got a text that he should be here soon, and he's in the Batwing, so hopefully quicker than we expect," Dick nodded. "What do you think Lex wants?"
Looking over at Peter, Superman directed his question at him. "You're close with the Starks. Does Tony happen to have any kryptonite around?" He asked.
Peter thought for a moment. "Ah, I don't know. We help him in the lab a lot, but I've never seen him have kryptonite. If he does, it's locked up in a safe somewhere. And if he does, it's most likely to experiment on it. I know him; he wouldn't use it to hurt anyone," Peter explained.
Dick and Superman glanced at each other, not entirely believing Peter. "I'm serious," Peter said. "He may not like you, but he wouldn't go that low. Even if he does have kryptonite, which, like I said, I've never seen!" Peter defended.
As if on cue, Peter's phone started ringing. "Oh my god, it's Tony," He said and quickly picked up. "Hey, Tony! So glad you called."
"What's going on? Why have you called me like twenty times?" He asked, a little concerned.
Peter took a deep breath as he went to explain. "Okay, um, (Y/N) was kidnapped-"
"What!?" He shouted.
Peter started to freak out. "We have it covered! Superman is here and-"
"That Tony? Let me talk to him," A new, deep voice surprised Peter from behind him. Peter quickly turned around to see Batman.
Without another word, Peter gave his phone to Batman. "Mr. Stark?" He said. "Hi, it's Batman. I just got here with word from Superman, and I promise we'll explain all of this to you later. But trust me, I will make sure your daughter is okay."
"Batman? How the hell do you know Spider-Man?" Tony asked.
"As I said, I'll explain later. We've already found where she is and know she is being held by Lex Luthor. Do you have any kryptonite?" He cut straight to the chase.
Tony was quiet for a moment, realizing that this was much different than he was expecting. "I mean, yeah, a little. But only because Dr. Banner and I found some and wanted to experiment on it. She and Spider-Man don't even know I have it, and it's encased in lead. We haven't touched it in years," He explained. "I'm getting into my suit now, and I'll be on my way."
"Great, we'll keep you updated. I have a plan, and I promise we will get her out by the time you get here," Batman said, and the call ended. "Sorry I took it from you, Peter, but I needed to get to it," He said and gave Peter his phone back. By the time the call was over, Dick was already in his Nightwing suit and much more confident.
"Tony does have kryptonite, but she doesn't know he has it," Batman explained. "He said it's encased in lead, so I believe him when he says it's for experimenting," He said. "But if she doesn't know about it, she won't be able to give them what they want. We need to get in there," Batman said.
Superman looked down and appeared to be looking into the building. "They're in the basement, and seven men are surrounding her, and she's on a chair. I'll wait outside to keep an eye on the door," He said. "And if you need me, you tell me."
"I think the three of us can handle it. Nightwing, Spider-Man, let's go," Batman directed, and Spider-Man followed the two off the side of the building.
"My dad doesn't have any kryptonite!" You shouted and rolled your eyes. "And I would know. I've lived there all my life and am literally in his lab every day. He doesn't even care about Superman enough to have any!" You said.
The men didn't believe you, even though you had said it countless times. "Yeah, right; Tony Stark has a little bit of everything."
"What do you think I did when I was homeschooled? I know every inch of the Tower, and I've never seen any kryptonite," You recalled, just hoping they wouldn't get so impatient that they would hurt you. Who even were these guys anyway?
Batman, Nightwing, and Spider-Man could hear you complaining to the goons, and it was clear the goons were having none of it. "There's seven of them, right?" Batman asked, and Nightwing and Spider-Man nodded in response. Batman grabbed something off his belt and handed it to Nightwing. "Okay, I'm throwing mine on the left; you throw yours on the right. Spider-Man, do you have anything that could protect her from a blast, or should I go in with my cape?" He asked.
Peter's eyes grew wide when he realized he handed Nightwing a Batarang, which would explode in a matter of seconds once thrown. "Yeah, I can protect her. When do I run in?" He asked, ready to utilize his suit in ways he hasn't before.
"I'll tell you. Nightwing: one, two, three!" Batman counted, and they each threw their Batarangs. A few seconds passed, and Batman said, "Go!" and Peter rushed in. He jumped above you, his spider arms came out from his back, and a web net came out of his back, protecting both of you. He had you in a hug, and the chair fell back onto the floor, but neither of you were hurt. Once the blast finished, and all the men were on the ground, groaning, Peter set your chair back up.
"Peter! You're here!" You sighed in relief. He smiled back and walked around to untie your hands. As he did that and untied your ankles, Nightwing and Batman were putting cuffs on the men.
They both looked at you when they were done, happy to see you were unharmed, maybe except for a few bruises. Once you were free, you jumped out of the chair and immediately ran into Batman — Bruce's, arms for a hug. It was comforting to know they were there for you, and hopefully, this would help your dad come to terms with them. It was a quick hug with Batman; then you turned to give Nightwing a quick hug as well, and finally, Peter the tightest hug you have ever given anyone.
"B must like you," Nightwing complimented. "He let you hug him."
"I'm just too loveable," You joked and let go of Peter. "You call dad?"
"He's on his way," Peter said.
You and Peter followed Batman and Nightwing out of the mostly empty building. Outside, there were three more men on the ground. "What happened?" Batman asked, and Superman flew down.
"When the blast went off, these guys ran out," Superman replied and saw you standing between everyone. "Miss Stark, I was hoping to meet under better circumstances. Glad you're alright," Superman smiled wide.
You smiled back. "Thank you, all of you. I guess now I have to keep my repulsor on all the time. Or, at least when I leave New York," You stifled out a laugh. "I'm gonna go call my dad, and then we can head back to the hotel," You excused yourself, and you and Peter stepped away from the others.
Superman smirked. "So, how'd you let that secret get out, Batman?"
Batman stared at him. "Nightwing's fault for letting them at the manor when we had an issue with Robin," He said. "Found their way into the cave, but I think we're even since we know who Spider-Man is," He shrugged. "But now Stark's gonna be on my case about how we know Spider-Man."
"Maybe we tell him, and he gives us the kryptonite?" Nightwing suggested.
"I think after she was kidnapped over it, he was going to get rid of it anyway," Batman said. "I'll figure it out. We don't get along, but I'm sure we can come to some sort of compromise."
You and Peter wandered back over. "He should be here soon, and he said he'll meet me back at the hotel. He also says thank you for being there when he couldn't. He hasn't slept for two days and fell asleep in the lab into a deep sleep, which is why he didn't answer," You explained for your father. "And thank you guys, really, I'm not sure what I would've done."
"You got yourself a good friend, Miss Stark," Superman complimented with a nod to Peter. "I'm sure we'll be talking with your dad tonight, and we'll clear things up."
You visibly cringed. "Also, I'm really sorry if this gives your identity away to my dad. You know that was never my-"
"I know. It was more important to Nightwing and me that you were safe. I can handle Tony, as much as we dislike each other," Batman promised you. "Let's get back to the hotel."
Superman checked your window from outside and made sure it was shut, and shut tight. Batman even gave you a Batarang in case anyone tried anything else, even if it was unlikely. You saw your dad right before you went to sleep; he wanted to give you a big hug and make sure you were okay. FRIDAY analyzed you and only found some bruising and stress, but nothing that you'd never had before. He decided on getting a room for the night since it was far too late to fly back to New York now, and he was not going to leave you after all this.
Once he let you go to bed, he invited the other heroes to his room so they could talk.
"Thank you, guys," Tony said. It was a little rough for him, considering how much the Justice League and Avengers don't get along, but they must be good enough if they were going to save his child. "What happened?"
Batman recapped how they got you back and who was behind it. Tony was both shocked and not shocked that Lex was in charge of this, but at least you got out of there before he came out.
"Oh right, Superman, I didn't see any kryptonite when we were in there, but I bet there was something, like vents, that would have stopped you. Probably best we went in," Batman said, forgetting about that little piece of information.
Tony perked up. "Speaking of that," He said and grabbed something that was attached to his suit. "Here's the kryptonite I had. Take it, get rid of it; I don't want it anymore," He tossed the lead cylinder to Superman. "Sorry I had it in the first place."
"All is forgiven. I'm just glad your daughter is okay," Superman said.
"Now," Tony crossed his arms. "How do you guys know my Spider-Man, and why was he comfortable calling you? How did he even call you? They know who you are, don't they?" Tony smirked.
Batman and Nightwing looked at each other with worry in their eyes. "Just tell him. Is he really going to revolt after you just saved his daughter?"
"What, and let him win?" Batman retorted.
Tony laughed. "Let me win what?" He asked.
Batman took a deep sigh as he knew he was going to regret this. "Fine, yes, they know who we are. But it's his fault," Batman pointed to Nightwing.
"Again!" Nightwing groaned. "You're the one that called me back to the manor when you knew I was with them! Honestly, it's Peter's fault for being a nosey little shit," Dick rolled his eyes.
"Oh my god, of course it is," Tony shook his head. "Who else does my daughter know from Gotham? And it makes too much sense with your constant band of robins," Tony started to put it together. "Well, I'm glad to know we aren't much different in and out of suit, huh, Bruce?"
Batman nodded. "Yep, guess so," He said. "But, considering that the kids are safe and unharmed-"
"Oh, I won't tell anyone. Maybe just tease it from time to time. But I really am grateful for what you did tonight," Tony expressed his gratitude once again. "I'm happy you could see past us and help her."
Bruce pulled back his cowl back and stepped toward Tony, and held his hand out. "I know you'd do the same if it were one of my kids. No matter how much we argue, I know we both can see past it."
Tony shook his hand and smiled. "Glad we could have this conversation. I'm sure we'll keep in touch," He said as they got ready to leave. "But don't worry, I've got my eye on your next, Superman," Tony joked, and they walked out.
The next day, morning
Before the actual competition, all the groups had the choice of different places they could see in Metropolis. It included different things to see, and the small group you were a part of got to visit the Daily Planet among one other place. It made sense for your group to be here, since you're all kind of nerds and enjoy this kind of thing. And some where there because there was going to be a big story about this competition and they wanted to be interviewed.
The tour guide led you through the near-vacant Daily Planet. Since it was a Saturday morning, most people were either at home or working remotely, but there were a few people here and there. "I think our reporter covering the competition is up at her desk, so she can give you guys a rundown before choosing who to talk to," The tour guide said as he walked up the stairs.
He pushed the door open to let the group into the big room, which only had two people standing in the middle of it. "Ah, crud," The one with glasses muttered when he saw the group.
"Oh, Clark, I was unaware you had a visitor. Please forgive me; we were looking for Lois," The tour guide said.
"She went to get coffee because she got mad at me because she forgot to ask me to pick it up," Clark Kent clarified. "She'll be back soon. And it's no problem; he's on his way out."
Bruce Wayne held his hand up to give a slight wave to the group. "Bruce Wayne?" Ned gasped. "Shouldn't you be in Gotham?"
You and Peter looked at each other, a bit confused why he was still here. "You're right; I should be. But I had some business to talk to Mr. Kent and Miss Lane about and realized that my son was going to be at this competition, so why not kill two birds with one stone?" He explained. The group muttered amongst themselves when Bruce turned back to Clark. "Let me know when you guys are done here, and we can pick back up later," Bruce said to Clark as they shook hands.
The small group watched as Bruce made his way to the door, cutting around the group. Right before he made it out the door, he turned back around. "Good luck with your competition today, I can't wait to read the story all about it," He said and left.
"Strange," Peter whispered to you, not exactly clarifying what he meant.
"Uh," Clark coughed, and all the attention returned to him. "I think Lois and I got the times a little off, but she will be here soon. My name is Clark Kent, Lois Lane and I work together, and we're very excited to take on this story and see all you have to offer later-"
You squinted and leaned back into Peter's side. "What's strange?"
"He was at Bruce's party, and they were talking today. So now it's clear that Bruce knows him," Peter observed.
"Hmm, that's true," You smirked. "Very interesting."
Before you and Peter could discuss any further, the door opened loudly. "Smallville, we have to hurry- Oh! They're here!" Lois Lane entered and immediately put on a big smile. She scanned the group and saw you, nodding her head as a hello. She walked through the group, handed Clark one of the cups she was holding, and set her stuff at the desk. "Bruce left already?"
"Yeah, I'll talk to him later," Clark replied.
Lois began to tell the group about how the story would go. They wanted to get some interviews about the kids being excited about the competition, and they would be watching some later. "So, let's do a few interviews first, then we can see if anyone has questions or wants to see anything. Sound good?" She asked.
Collectively, the group agreed, and Lois started to walk toward you. Before she could, MJ cut her off. "Hi, I'm Michele Jones. Love your work," She started saying, basically inviting herself into the interview.
You and Peter laughed at her because you both knew MJ wasn't interested in being interviewed, but more so that she admired Lois for all her work and wanted to talk to her. "Miss Stark, are you interested?"
"Oh, of course," You responded. You and Clark walked over to his desk, which was away from the group, so there was some space and privacy for this.
"First off, I'm glad to hear you're all right after the craziness of last night."
You cocked your head and sighed. "How do you know about last night?" You asked.
"Oh!" He said. "You know us reporters, always the ones to follow up on the gossip," Clark tried to convince you.
"Right," You nodded. "Has anyone told you that you aren't a very good liar?"
Clark leaned back in his chair in surprise. "What do you mean?"
"What I mean is I'm a pretty good detective, Supes," You said in a low voice with a sinister smile.
He didn't acknowledge your accusation, but he knew whatever he said, he wouldn't convince you otherwise. You already had all the evidence you needed, and his silence and non-protest confirmed it one hundred percent. Clark got straight into the few questions he had for you, ignoring the first part of your conversation.
They both interviewed a few people, and Peter got to ask his questions about journalism and even got to show him some pictures he had taken for Jameson. "If you lived in Metropolis, we'd have you working here," Lois had told him.
It was time to head back to the hotel to get ready for your stage of the competition; then afterward, you'd get to go to your other location to finish out the day. As the tour guide led you back out of the building, Peter whispered. "Is he-"
Before he even finished his question, you answered it. "Oh, he is."
"How'd Damian do?" Clark asked Bruce when he found him sitting in the back of the room.
Bruce looked up from his phone. "Very well, he's a smart kid. Seems like the team had fun. Now they're out for their second activity."
"How's Dick chaperoning?"
With a shake of his head, Bruce looked around before looking back at Clark. "He said he's never doing it again."
Clark laughed in response. "I think I saw that coming."
"How'd the interviews go?" Bruce asked.
With a big sigh, he was going to regret telling Bruce what happened. "The Starks scare me."
Bruce's eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What did she do?" He asked, knowing Clark was specifically referencing you, and Clark's look on his face gave it away. "Don't tell me she..." He trailed off, and Clark nodded in response before he could even finish the question. "How did that happen?"
Before Clark could answer, he was cut off by Tony walking up to them. "Gentlemen!" He greeted. "I figure you're heading out soon since your son's group is all done?" Tony asked, and Bruce nodded in response.
"Yeah, got lots of work to get back to," He said.
"Well, it was a pleasure seeing both of you, as always," Tony joked. "Oh, Mr. Kent, been meaning to ask," Tony said, and Clark was worried about what he could ask. "Do those glasses actually, you know, do anything? They can't be that good of a disguise," Tony smirked and put his own glasses on as he went to find a seat.
Clark groaned slightly once Tony was out of earshot. "How?"
"To be fair, it is kind of obvious," Bruce shrugged. "But I also don't doubt that his Iron Man suit scanned you. At least now we're all on the same playing field."
Your team walked into the room and found your place on the stage behind the big tables. It had been an eventful weekend, and now you were ready to win the high school division competition.
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