#mockery of the axis
capricorn-0mnikorn · 3 months
I get the feeling that, among Amatonormative* folk, the Queerplatonic Polycule is a favorite target of mockery.
I don't know if this is, in fact, a common "Cringe Meme," or if I'm just hypersensitive to it because I am aroace, and want to be in a polycule (and instead, I'm a singleton, with no prospects for that to change visible on the horizon).
And if it is a common "Cringe Meme," whether that's because it's actually a common desire among aroace people, or whether it's just a reflection of amatonormative prejudice. After all, asexuality and aromanticism go against the cultural norm on one axis, and polyamory goes against the cultural norm on another. So the idea of a queerplatonic polycule is "doubly weird," and liable to trigger the "Eww!" response among those who engage in cringe 'humor' / purity culture.
Or if it's a common meme for both these reasons.
In any case, since learning that asexuality an aromanticism are real, queer, orientations (and that I've never been as straight as I assumed I was). I've spent the last handful of years realizing a couple of things:
The reason I am romance-repulsed is because I hate the feeling of being the singular focus of someone else's romantic desire (I want to be loved, not desired); polyamory spreads that emotional load bearing. And:
Looking back, I've always imagined my adult life being part of something resembling a kitchen table polycule -- since my age was still counted in single digits; back when I assumed my parents and I were all straight, I just thought that meant marrying into a family with lots of in-laws.
Anyway, I just wanted to get that off my chest.
*Link to a Wikipedia article.
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viviuxd · 9 months
INNOCENT LOVE : a viking is in love with me! (Part 2)
SYPNOSIS:You are explaining to the Viking king why you cannot marry him, while you do so he agrees to join your belief and leave his gods, just for you.
PAIRING:Viking x Christian!reader
TW:mention of difference in spiritual beliefs.
Part 1
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"What are you doing?!" You shouted angrily. Your hands instantly landed on his chest, pushing him back as you averted your gaze, noticing some servants present. You felt embarrassed for exposing your life in front of those people and hid your face, looking down.
Thorkell noticed your sudden change in attitude and chuckled playfully at your shyness. He turned toward your gaze and realized what was happening. He smiled mischievously and stood tall.
"Everyone, out! Our queen needs privacy," he demanded with a deep, powerful voice that echoed in the room.
You watched as everyone present left immediately, almost running. "I am not your queen," you murmured, glancing at him sideways.
"Soon you will be," he affirmed, grabbing your wrist with a firm grip that hurt you a little due to the force he exerted.
They took a few steps until they reached the throne. He let go of your wrist and turned on his axis to stare at you. He examined you with his eyes and then nodded toward the throne where he had been moments ago.
"Sit there," he demanded with the same dominant voice that sent shivers down your spine.
You were about to refuse. You didn't want to give hope that you'd accept, but neither could you decline; you didn't want to be disrespectful. Besides, Thorkell's gaze intimidated you. You were sure you'd have nightmares about him that night.
You climbed the steps leading to the throne. It was huge, imposing, and beautiful, just like Thorkell. You sat on it; it felt strange. You had always dreamed of being the queen of a nation, and now you had the opportunity, but you felt bad for disobeying God's commands.
You shook your head and clumsily got off the throne, embarrassed by what you had just done.
"I can't, I can't be the queen of Dantohira, Your Majesty," you apologized insistently, looking down in a gesture of submission and respect so that Thorkell wouldn't take it as an offense.
"Damn it!... Could you explain why you're forbidden to marry me?" He grunted angrily, one of his hands resting on his head, rubbing his temple.
You played with your hair, trying to calm your nerves a bit. "We're different... You believe in pagan gods, and don't take it the wrong way, Your Majesty," you said. "It's just that I am faithful to my God, my Lord, and I know that it won't please Him for me to join someone who doesn't love Him. Besides other differences..."
"Name them," he replied sharply, staring at you intently.
You sighed nervously, still not ready to have a discussion with the King. "I don't like your customs... I wouldn't like to marry a man who has several women, or a bloodthirsty man. I'd be in constant fear."
Thorkell approached you, this time respecting your space.
"You'll be the only one. I'll never look at other women, and if I do, I promise to gouge out both my eyes."
You chuckled a bit, charmed by what he had just said.
"That would be very nice, but... even so, you would still worship other gods," you looked at him sadly, noticing his attempt to maintain the marriage proposal.
"I'm not asking you to give up what you do for me-" You were interrupted by Thorkell's sudden action.
Thorkell turned around, leaning on the royal throne, grunting.
"Teach me about your God," he grumbled.
"Then are you going to become a Christian now or something? I never imagined you doing something like this for someone, Thorkell." Tyr, Thorkell's younger brother, mocked him and his infatuation with you.
"Shut the damn mouth, Tyr," Thorkell growled, fed up with his brother's mockery.
"Brother, understand me, you've never been interested in a woman, and now you're doing these stupid things for a Christian girl. I'm starting to think she's a witch or something," he joked again, bursting into loud laughter.
"Anyway, that girl is quite pretty, I don't believe she's still a virgin... surely she's already slept with some lad over there," mentioned one of the guards who was close to Tyr. He was about to burst into loud laughter until Thorkell punched him, causing him to fall to the ground.
"Don't you dare talk nonsense about her, you useless," Thorkell growled as he kicked the guard's face forcefully.
"If she comes out of your mouth again, I'll knock out all your teeth, got it?"
Tyr grabbed Thorkell to prevent more blows, smirked mockingly, and looked at Thorkell.
"You see what I mean? You're more aggressive than usual, and it's because of that girl."
"Thorkell, you're in love with her."
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hero-israel · 11 months
One of the reasons for the "Left" becoming more and more like a cheerleading squad for exactly the kind of things Leftists are supposed to hate is because so much of this new coalition of young people are coming from conservative backgrounds, but not doing any real work to deradicalize themselves.
They grow up with these Puritanical ideas of sin and justice, crime and punishment, and instead of unlearning any of this they just switch the targets of their disdain. It's switching teams for them, not learning that they don't have to play the game. Most of them are soft conservatives who just want free healthcare.
And these Leftoid chud debate pervert streamers like Hasanabi are a big contributing factor to this, not the only factor, but a prominent one. He definitely puts this veneer of artificiality and commodification over the Left. American society is under a lot of stress right now, culturally and economically. Instead of the Left organically building coalitions it's mostly unorganized college kids reading Al Jazeera and Russian and Chinese propaganda and running as fast as they can away from privilege and having a toddler understanding of class consciousness. It's so pathetic and basic and it will not save us.
You cannot save a society that you don't think is worth saving. They're just practicing radical disengagement and some kind of edgy nihilism. They purport to hate America and the West and want to burn it all down but they know that will never happen which is why they're so comfortable with the cognitive dissonance. It's why they don't vote, and why organizing and demonstrating is like teeth pulling for them. Either black activists have to do all the leg work for them, or the protests have to be about tearing something down, not advocating for any positive change, right now that's Israel. Soon it will be something else.
Unironically, the pussy hat resist lib wine moms did way more with their women's marches than any of these wannabe philosopher college kids are doing with anything. Like I know for a fact a "Leftist" would read a post like that and be like "L + ratio libshit, imagine supporting the neoliberal fascist colonialist concept of due process?" like we're so beyond the pale at this point. When fascism takes over, I'm sure they'll think they're fighting back, but if the fascists learn to coopt enough phrases about climate and Palestine and healthcare, will they even notice the fascists taking over?
I've got a few friends who were raised hardcore fundie Christian, "gays will burn" creation and rapture types. They went to normal public colleges and wound up becoming very left-wing, all the left memes and slogans you can think of, fastidious in their distinctions between and protections of every conceivable marginalized group (which none of them are, on any axis). And.... you can't disagree with them about anything. Can't point out that a source is questionable or that a slogan is psychologically backfiring and producing skepticism or mockery instead of benefits. They will not hear of it, because they are still fundies. They did a binary flip from one team to another but never moderated their tactics or temperament.
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thricedead · 6 months
* Do not call me, the writer of this post, "allo" or "an allo" in any manner. I am a gay victim of CSA and repeated relationship abuse, and my relationship to romance and sex is shaped by a lifetime of trauma. If you trivialize me into your "allo boogeyman", my response will not be kind
I spent hours upon hours yesterday in the "amatonormativity" tag, reading blog posts from over a hundred individuals as well as longer entries structured as articles and even excerpts from published books - you can't accuse me of pulling a definition of "amatonormativity" out of my ass, because I approached it with great attention and made detailed notes to identify those characteristics of "amatonormativity" that are universally considered to be present and harmful, and to discard the personal opinions of more extreme individuals. It is not my intention to engage with people whose revulsion towards romance comes from a place of personal trauma, but to challenge and refute the seemingly VERY popular idea that there is a societal construct/axis of power present in *all of society* that forces *all people* to couple romantically, and that romantically coupled people hold innate power over lifelong singles.
...every single trait of "amatonormativity" that aro bloggers universally bring up can be attributed to a different, pre-existing oppressive construct. Mainly "amatonormativity" is a jumbled mix of patriarchal/misogynistic ideals, consumerism and white supremacy. Also, the supposed equation of amatonormativity falls completely into trash when you try to include mentally and physically disabled people, homosexual and transgender people, mainly.
Familial/peer pressure to find a partner is cited as a form of amatonormative abuse most often. However, this is plainly a patriarchal standard. People perceived as women and men alike are expected to pander to the patriarchy by partnering - women, because they are still valued mainly as objects of beauty and belonging, which is to say, romantic partners. Lifelong single women are not harassed because they are single, but because they are unavailible to men. You can see this being true because lesbians are pressured by their families to partner with men in the same vein acearo women are - if amatonormativity were real, f/f relationships would be generally seen as an acceptable happy end for a woman... but partnered gay and bisexual (in f/f relationships) women still face abuse ranging from pressure to turn to dating men, invasive questions about their relationships, conversion therapy, corrective rape, forced marriages, violence and murder. Don't try to say "but my family would rather I date a woman than no-one at all!". If it's so, you are one in a million, and even then you surely have relatives and friends who think the opposite. Believing that a woman needs a (male) partner to be fulfilled is not "amatonormativity". It is misogyny.
As for men, they are pressured to find (female) partners in order to take their "rightful" place within the patriarchy. This is not "misandry" by the way - this is an extension of women being perceived as a man's right. A man who does not have a woman is perceived as lesser because of patriarchal standards, and is seen as emasculated and unable to wield patriarchal power. Likewise, homosexual and bisexual (in m/m relationships) men are not accepted by society just because they are partnered. They face violence, vitriol and mockery on a worldwide scale. Your parents are not asking you if your friend of the opposite gender is your partner & "who do you have a crush on" because of "amatonormativity" - they are doing so because of patriarchal expectations.
The idea of a nuclear family and monetary benefits to having one is also often cited as amatonormativity. But *the concept of a nuclear family was pushed as an antiblack political move, primarily to target Black single mothers and families that do not fit a white western ideal*. It is a racialized construct, and first and foremost a tool of white supremacy. Though nonblack singles also suffer the unfair tax brackets and marital expectations, they are not its primary targets, and if anything are proof that white people are willing to sacrifice even the more misfortunate of their own for a sliver of a chance to hurt and control Black citizens. This is antiblackness, not "amatonormativity".
The third problem, the one i see cited alongside the first two even though I do not consider them to hold equal weight, is the oversaturation of media with themes of romance and sex, celebration of Valentine's day, couples' merchandise and so on. *This is just consumerism*. Romance and sex sell so they will produce more romance and sex to sell more. It's lame, and I am against the trivialization of love in order to sell it as a cheap product. I empathize with the fact that the media you love is filled with cheap romance, because I'm not a huge fan of the genre and am especially uninterested in m/f romance. But this is not an unique struggle. You can argue that m/m and f/f relationships have been gaining more representation in media, but this is largely because companies figured out that they can make money off of them. Gay media largely does not exist because gay love is celebrated and valued. *It is a product to sell*. Gay couples in media are not "amatonormative" - they are facets of consumerism or gay artists' yearnings (and those aren't aimed at hurting you, and aren't the real issue).
Lastly... how can you claim that the pressure to partner is universal, when eugenics and marriage inequality exist? Mentally disabled people - autistic people with support needs, people with learning disabilities, speech impediments, personality disorders - we are all purposefully desexualized and deromanticized as well as demonized or infantilized for the sake of preventing us from partnering and reproducing. *This is ableism, and its goal is to isolate and exterminate disabled people from society.* Physically disabled people are desexualized and infantilized to an even higher degree, people whose appearances reflect their disability are demonized *and most prominently, people lose their disability benefits if they get married. This is eugenicist violence, and its goal is to weed out disabled people from society.* Where is "amatonormativity" now? Disabled people are not even allowed to dream of partnering.
And the gays you blame for reinforcing amatonormativity and forcing their love upon you? *In many places, gay and bisexual people are systemically encouraged to be celibate through religious abuse*. A gay person remaining celibate is deemed as virtuous! When I came out to my mother, she told me that she could accept my inclinations "so long as I don't commit physical sin". Gay people are not encouraged to partner. Never have been, never will be. Gay people also face medicalization of our orientation, conversion therapy, forced marriage and corrective rape. Gay people also have straight standards shoved down our throats. But we are not your oppressors. Gay love is encouraged exclusively in gay circles, and if you condemn our expression of our love that has always been repressed and demonized, don't cry when you make enemies here.
What about transgender people? Transgender people - especially transgender woman - are painted by cisheteropatriarchy as sexual deviants, as predators looking to corrupt. They are not encouraged to partner - no, not even transhets. They are deemed unloveable. They are wanted alone, miserable, and then dead. Where is "amatonormativity"?
In conclusion, the idea of "amatonormativity" stands on legs so shaky they can't be called legs. What you are trying to isolate is actially an intersection of the cisheteropatriarchy, white supremacy and capitalist consimerism. I understand that aromantic people face difficulties, I do. I understand you feel frustrated and want a simple construct to make an enemy of. But you can't dismantle "amatonormativity" alone because it is a delicate net of far more complex axes of power. Focus your strength on dismantling the patriarchy, white supremacy, ableism and capitalism. When women, gay and trans people, Black people and other people of color and disabled people are free, no one will turn on you so long as you don't shoot stray bullets in your pointless war on romantic love.
Feel free to respectfully comment and offer your differing opinions, because I really want this discussed.
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sistersorrow · 4 months
I'm gonna preface this by saying that I know that Games Workshop are not fascists and that Warhammer 40k is openly intended to be a criticism and parody of fascism and other forms of authoritarianism
However, GW has still kinda stumbled into a similar issue that The New Order did, that issue being what I'm gonna call The Problem of the Reasonable Fascist because pretending I'm doing something clever makes me feel special
So, The New Order: The Last Days of Europe is a mod for Hearts of Iron 4 set in a timeline where the Axis won WW2 and things are to put it lightly not going well
Over time, the setting's lore has gone through a bunch of revisions, with a pretty big one being the removal of Esoteric Nazism as a distinct ideology group
In early versions of the mod, there was Fascism (ie. the ideologies practiced in real world Germany and Italy in during WW2) and then there was Esoteric Nazism, which was basically Batshit Insane Fascism, which takes Fascist ideology in darker or downright bizarre directions (eg. A vaguely 40k-inspired Russian Imperial Cult that believed that Alexei Romanov was still alive and would return once the country was "cleansed") and represents some of the worst possible excesses of Fascism
These ideologies still exist in TNO, but were moved into the same ideology group as the non-esoteric fascists and went through revisions because the developers concluded that when you have groups like the Order-State of Burgundy wanting to trigger global nuclear war so True Aryans will inherit the Earth (ie. the ending of the Turner Diaries), the 3rd Reich seems a bit less crazy
That's what I'm referring to as the Problem of the Reasonable Fascist, the way some anti-fascist narratives are written can create something so over the top that it accidentally makes less extreme forms fascism seem not as horrible
40k runs in to this same issue due to the way it handles characters and the pre vs post-Horus Heresy Imperium of Man
The Imperium of Man in the 40th millenium is a theofascist hellhole so incomprehensibly vast that the death of billions each day to keep the war machine running isn't even a statistic, it's a rounding error, but it's also repeatedly presented as an empire in decline whose existence is a mockery of the Emperor's vision, which runs into the exact problem I'm talking about
The pre-Heresy Imperium was authoritarian, xenophobic in multiple meanings of the word, and openly hostile to any schools of thought that wasn't their own, but in comparison to the post-Heresy Imperium, it was a golden age, and those who fought in defense of it are generally written as pretty reasonable even though they're still authoritarians
Hell, the Horus Heresy happened in part because Horus saw a vision of the 40th millenium and thought that was the Emperor's end goal
The bar is set so low in the modern Imperium that if you aren't the kind of zealot who shoots someone for stuttering during prayers, you are basically treated as a pillar of rationality by the audience
Again, GW and its writers are not Fascists, but this is an interesting phenomenon I've noticed
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sweetsweetbbyboy · 4 months
Will was a beacon, a sliver of warmth in the ashen wasteland that Hawkins had become. He was walking towards Mike, that familiar, lopsided grin lighting up his face just like it always had, even amidst the encroaching darkness. The sight was enough to make Mike's chest ache, a painful reminder of everything they were fighting for.
And then it was gone.
One moment Will was there, bathed in the eerie, flickering glow of the Upside Down, the next he was gone. Erased. A monstrous appendage, barbed and dripping with a viscous ichor, had erupted from the ground, spearing Will through the chest. The force of it sent a spray of blood across the shattered pavement, a gruesome mockery of the rain that perpetually plagued Hawkins.
Mike couldn't breathe. Couldn't scream. He stood rooted to the spot, his eyes glued to the horrifying spectacle unfolding before him. The world seemed to tilt on its axis, his senses overloaded with the grotesque tableau of Will's impaled form.
A choked sob tore through him, raw and primal. It was a sound of utter devastation, of a soul ripped asunder. The fight drained out of him, replaced by a wave of nausea so intense he thought he might be sick. This couldn't be real. This couldn't be happening. Not Will. Not his Will.
"I don’t even know why I’m writing this. You’re not here. You’re not ever coming back. It’s stupid, writing a letter to someone who’s… gone. But I don’t know what else to do. Talking to you was always the easiest thing in the world, and now it’s the one thing I can’t do.
It’s been a week since… since Hawkins. Since you… God, Will, I can’t even write it down. It’s just a black hole in my head, a constant replay of that… thing, taking you from me.
I should have told you. I should have told you how much you meant to me. How much you still mean to me. It was always you, Will. From the moment we met, it was always you. I was just too scared to admit it. Too scared of what people would say. Too scared of what you’d say."
Mike Wheeler 1989.
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the greek/roman gods
Format is GREEK NAME/ROMAN NAME: description
starting at the beginning,
CHAOS: the void, everything and nothing, sometimes a deity, sometimes a stasis.
then there were the Primordials, that arose from Chaos and were more concepts than gods,
EROS (the elder)/PHANES: love and procreation
TARTARUS: the original deity/representation of the underworld
GAIA/TERRA: mother earth, the ultimate creator
EREBUS: darkness
NYX: night
AETHER: child of Erebus and Nyx, day
HEMERA: child of Erebus and Nyx, light
MOROS: child of Erebus and Nyx, doom
THANATOS: child of Erebus and Nyx, death
KER: child of Erebus and Nyx, violent death
MACARIA: death of the blessed
HYPNOS/SOMNUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, sleep
MOMUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, mockery and blame
GERAS/SENECTUS: child of Erebus and Nyx, old age
OIZYS/MISERIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, misery
NEMESIS: child of Erebus and Nyx, retribution
PHILOTES: child of Erebus and Nyx, affection
APATE: child of Erebus and Nyx, deceit
ERIS/DISCORDIA: child of Erebus and Nyx, strife
MOIRAI/PARCAE: child of Erebus and Nyx, the three fates
CHARON: child of Erebus and Nyx, ferryman of the Underworld
CHRONUS: the elder primordial of time
OUREA: created by Gaia, the mountains
NESOI: child of Ourea, the islands
PONTUS: created by Gaia, the sea
THALASSA: child of Pontus, a sea goddess
NEREUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, god of the sea
CETO: child of Gaia and Pontus, sea goddess
THAUMUS: child of Gaia and Pontus, a sea god
IRIS: child of Thaumus, goddess of rainbows
OURANOS/CAELUS: created by Gaia, the sky
TYPHON: son of Gaia and Tartarus, volcanic forces, the father of all monsters
CRONUS/SATURN: son of Ouranos, god of the harvest, slayed/castrated his father
then came the Titans, the children of Gaia and Ouranos (unless specified otherwise),
RHEA/CYBELE/OPS: goddess of fertility
OCEANUS: god of the oceans, conceived the Oceanids with Tethys
TETHYS: god of the rivers
TYCHE/FORTUNA: one of the Oceanids, goddess of good luck
STYX: one of the Oceanids
HYPERION: god of light, but more in a sunlight sense
THEIA: goddess of light, but in a light of the blue sky sense
HELIOS/SOL: child of Hyperion and Theia, god of the sun
SELENE/LUNOS: child of Hyperion and Theia, goddess of the moon
EOS/AURORA: goddess of dawn
CRIUS: god of the constellations
EURYBIA: child of Pontus, sea goddess
ASTRAEUS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of stars and planets
PALLAS: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of war
PERSES: child of Crius and Eurybia, god of destruction
THEMIS: goddess of law and order
IAPETUS: god of mortal life
ATLAS: child of Iapetus and Asia (an Oceanid), carried the celestial sphere, god of astronomy
PROMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of foresight, creator of man and giver of fire to humans
EPIMETHEUS: child of Iapetus and Asia, god of hindsight
MNEMOSYNE: goddess of memory
COEUS/POLUS: god of the celestial axis
PHOEBE: a moon goddess
LETO/LATONA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of motherhood
ASTERIA: child of Coeus and Phoebe, goddess of falling stars
HECATE/TRIVIA: child of Asteria and Perses, goddess of magic, ghosts, and necromancy
ZEUS/JUPITER: god of sky, weather, and kingship
then the "modern" Pantheon,
ATHENA/MINERVA: sprung from Zeus' head, goddess of wisdom, war, and crafts
APOLLO: child of Leto and Zeus, god of the sun, healing, prophecy, music, and poetry
ASCLEPIUS/AESCULAPIUS: son of Apollo and a nymph, god of medicine
ARTEMIS/DIANA: child of Leto and Zeus, goddess of the moon, hunting, and the wild
HERMES/MERCURY: child of Maia and Zeus, messenger of the gods and patron of thieves and travellers
PAN/FAUNUS: child of Hermes, god of nature and shepherding
DIONYSUS/BACCHUS: child of a mortal and Zeus, god of wine, festivity, and madness
DIKE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of justice
EUNOMIA: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of good laws
EIRENE: child of Zeus and Themis, goddess of peace
HERA/JUNO: goddess of women and marriage
ARES/MARS: child of Hera and Zeus, god of war and courage
EILEITHYIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of childbirth and midwifery
HEPHAESTUS/VULCAN: child of Hera and Zeus, god of blacksmithing and fire
HEBE/JUVENTIA: child of Hera and Zeus, goddess of youth, cupbearer of the gods
DEMETER/CERES: goddess of agriculture
PERSEPHONE/PROSPERINA: child of Demeter and Zeus, goddess of springtime and queen of the Underworld
POSEIDON/NEPTUNE: god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses
TRITON: child of Amphitrite and Poseidon, messenger of the sea
HADES/PLUTO: king of the Underworld and god of the dead and wealth
HESTIA/VESTA: goddess of the hearth and home
APHRODITE/VENUS: sprung from the sea foam created by Ouranos' body being thrown into the sea, goddess of love, beauty and pleasure
HERMAPHRODITES: child of Aphrodite and Hermes, god of androgyny
EROS/AMOR/CUPID: child of Ares and Aphrodite, god of love
NIKE: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of victory
ZELUS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of zeal
KRATOS: child of Styx and Pallas, god of strength
BIA: child of Styx and Pallas, goddess of force
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seokka0o · 1 year
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Kim Minjae x Afab!reader
Prompt: 2 -"use your words" and 20 - "spread your legs "
Warning: unprotected sex
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Minjae laces a hand over your hair, across the top of your head and pulls back. You gasp and lose your axis, trying to maintain posture by your hands, but it wasn't such an easy task considering that minjae's evil had already started before he starts to fuck you properly.
"Spread your legs" he pushes with his knees and you open more for him, for a position on all fours there shouldn't be much secret, but apparently in his vision there was. When he finally has what he needs, you try to contain it, you feel the tip click into place and you tremble with the sensation, your moisture did the job of lubricating it, minjae entered so easily that it ended up denouncing how much his body was missing
"F-fuck" you muttered arching your back and trying not to push your hips towards him
"Slut" he said in a tone of pure mockery. His hand fits on your ass and leaves a slap followed by a squeeze. Soon he was fucking you for real, nothing subdued, the sound of hips on impact echoing through the room without much effort. Your moans keep company with the minjae's mutterings and curses, together.
You leaned over to lay your back on the bed, minjae who until then had been holding your hair slides his fingers down your back now returning both hands to your ass and hit, while he concentrates on fucking you.
Reckless, that was the perfect definition for minjae, he smiled in satisfaction, in watching you squirm every time you arch your back and moan louder, your hands gripping the sheet so tightly, he feels your walls trying to push him out, the sassy hand wandering between your own legs, you tried to circle your bud looking for more than you might be able to contain.
"If you want to come, you'll have to ask for it" you mumbled in desperate plans, you bit your lower lip, groaned with the slap he landed on your already burning ass.
"Hm…please" you whispered, between the sheets, moving your hips towards minjae, trying to take him deeper
"What?" He asked "I can't hear you"
He was playing with you and you had to roll your eyes to hold back any kind of curse that could get you punished
"Use your words" minjae continued "loud and clear"
"C-can I come now?" You syllable, louder now, feeling the forces leave your body even little by little, the peaks rising and staying longer, the abdomen contracting.
"You must" he replied at the height which in a way sounded a little uncertain, minjae wasn't someone that easy to please, but somehow your moans and pleas pleased him, even the way he fucked you could tell. You didn't think too much about it, not least because you didn't want to miss the opportunity, even though it looked like a trap you let it come, with the force of an avalanche, pressing your hips over minjae's and he started to pound, crackles and then he groaned, that's when your eyes swiveled, the sound of his deep voice rushing up to your ears and your orgasm causing you to lose all concentration.
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rin-tezuka · 1 month
i would personally say that the erasure of language for a-spec and nonbinary people is a real problem. granted that's not an excuse for brainrotting transmisogyny, but unlike """"transandrophobia""" aphobia and exorsexism are in fact real, you know? i don't know if I'm being very clear and I don't want to be a jerk in anyone's inbox just because i disagree with an offhand comment, but I was left thinking this basically. for every aromantic TME theyfab or whatever there's a TMA nonbinary aromantic transfem equivalent, and they have less institutionally vested interest in appearing the "most oppressed" to declare themselves ontologically privilegeless the way TME people often use other positionalities as a cudgel against transfems. but for that person, the erasure of aromanticism as a real possibility for humans to be that's equally healthy and important and not a mental illness to be fixed is a real problem. the fact that aromanticism is something to be mocked and dismissed both in and out of "queer" spaces is a real problem. That allo people who are queer some other way still benefit from the social legitimacy of getting into relationships and get to mock and dismiss aphobia as a problem while they fight to receive more social and legal capital for being in relationships is a real problem. binary people putting all gender oppression in binary terms (correctly) without accounting for the fact that you get shit on harder for being nonbinary because there is no framework for your gender so much as existing and that binary people have trouble even conceptualizing of enben as people who are in front of them and not abstract stragglers is a real issue even if TMEs use it to cry and wail and piss their pants over being called TME. you're nonbinary (referencing your bio), so maybe saying that is pointless, but I see even other nonbinary people forgetting exorsexism is a real axis of gender oppression and not an accidental attachment to oppositional sexism sometimes. and this isn't a thought exercise to guilt trip a stranger with to me, this is a real person, someone I know personally. and maybe someone making "just call me a slur" jokes at a-spec terms isn't quite a "real problem" compared to that, but it doesn't reflect well on your supposed "community"'s ability to take the power they wield over you and the capacity to hurt you with it seriously if they're rolling their eyes at you for merely having words to say it with, does it? I guess the point of this is just that I wish people would articulate their grievances with the "everyone welcome except transfems" culture without shitting on aspec people. Oppression based on aromanticism or asexuality is a real thing I experience and a lot of my friends experience, mockery of any aspec words and experiences whatsoever both from straight people and queer people is a thing that happens a lot, and it doesn't become funny to point and laugh at the sentiment that it's rude and gross and aphobic of some people to equate our words to slurs or assimilationist nonsense just because that person who said it is also a transmisogynistic bigot.
sorry for writing an essay. It's just something I'd like to stop seeing from the people whose posts i like, since I have to see it everywhere else in my life anyway. I really want to say that I'm not trying to crucify you or judge you by a statement on the internet or anything! It's Only A Blog and all that. I guess this is just to say that I personally dislike the conflation of discussions of aphobia and exorsexism as "fake problems" like "transandrophobia" for TME people to cover their asses when they are very much real things. that's it. have a nice day! :3
I mean don't get me wrong i don't really disagree. I kinda just think concerns about stuff like making jokes about QPPs (a term i haven't heard for like 8 years) is hollow coming from somebody who hates trans women, yknow?
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gemsofgreece · 11 months
Famous Greeks who fought in the Greek resistance against the Axis Powers in WWII
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Odysseus Elytis (middle): The nobelist poet served as a second lieutenant in the Greek frontline. After a few months he contracted a severe case of typhus, so he had to be hospitalized. He recovered and a lot of his future poetic work was inspired by the war.
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Nikephoros Vrettakos (standing on the right in the first picture): The poet and author fought in the frontline in 1940 and almost got killed in Klisura. After his regiment was dissolved, he joined EAM / ELAS (Greek People's Liberation Army) and continued fighting until 1944.
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Nikos Kavvadias (seated): Well known for his poetry inspired by his adventures in the sea, the sailor rarely wrote prose, but when he did, it was usually inspired by his days in land fighting in the war.
Many other poets also fought in the war. Ángelos Sikelianós volunteered to join the army, but he was rejected because he was 56 years old at the time.
Rebetiko and Laiko musicians and composers Markos Vamvakaris and Vassilis Tsitsanis also went to war. Tsitsanis entrusted his buzuki instrument with his mother and promised to return to take it back.
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Painter Yannis Tsaruhis also fought in the Albanian frontline (Italy invaded Albania and then marched from Albania into Greece, Greece halted them there and then counterattacked, pushing the Italian forces back, which is why a lot of the war during 1940-1941 took place in the Albanian mountains). Tsaruhis heard that a soldier had a vision of Virgin Mary. He immediatedly made this religious icon, using a kipper can as a canvas and he named it "Η Παναγιά της Νίκης" (i panayá tis níkis, the Blessed Virgin of Victory). The paint had not even dried before a rumour was spread in the camp that the icon was supposedly miraculous.
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Comedian Dinos Iliópulos, was a Greek of Alexandria, born and raised in Egypt. He completed his millitary service in Greece, even though he was an expat , so it was entirely optional for him. He had returned to his home in Egypt for just one day after finishing his service, when he heard of the bad news. He left immediately, returned to Greece and joined the army.
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Lambros Konstandaras (centered in the left picture): the great actor volunteered to join the army and fought in the frontline. At some point he was severely injured in the head and the hip. He was rescued by the aforementioned poet Odysseus Elytis! After his recovery, he insisted on returning to the battlefield, but he was prevented from doing this. He was suffering from his wounds for the rest of his life, although his vibrant charisma and talent in cinema and theatre never allowed anyone to see this.
Kostas Hatzichristos (right picture): the hysterical comedian originally dreamed of a military profession, so when the war broke out, he joined the army and fought passionately. However, his days in the army were crazy. He was in the northern front and soon his legs developed frostbite. At some point he was sent to serve in a military hospital. Next to it was a cafe owned by an Albanian man and his sister Orhana. Hatzichristos, a notorious womanizer, fancied Orhana and provided supplies to her constantly and made her other favours as well. At some point Orhana disappeared. Hatzichristos found out she was collaborating with the Italians and was giving them all the supplies he was providing her! He became the target of a lot of mockery in the Greek camp. He was moved to regiments on the rear and then he had a lieutenant who just did.not.like.him and bullied him constantly. Once, Hatzichristos stumbled upon Italian soldiers trying to flee during his patrol. The lieutenant screamed at him to shoot them but Hatzichristos saw how young they were and how they were begging for mercy by crying out “Fratello, fratello” (brother in Italian) and felt sorry for them. He did not obey the lieutenant's order. The lieutenant was furious. Hatzichristos fetched them in front of him and said: "You kill them, since you are the tough guy". Hatzichristos always had a way to deliver lines and the lieutenant broke in laughter. He was so amused that he agreed to spare the lives of the Italians. He knew that an Italian regiment would pass from that point in a few hours, so they tied the two Italians in a tree, placed a little canned food next to them and left them there to be found by their own people once they passed.
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Famous movie and theatre actor Dionysis Papayannópulos participated in important battles in extreme conditions in the mountains. He said that the battles lasted so long that when they ran out of bullets, they would keep fighting with sticks and stones. During the Axis occupation of Greece, Papayannópulos resumed his job as an actor in the theatre. One night, Max Merten, the Kriegsverwaltungsrat of the occupational forces in Thessaloniki, attempted to meet Papayannopulos at his dressing room in order to congratulate him on his performance. The actor refused to open the door and receive him. Merten was responsible for the deportation of the 50,000 Jews of Thessaloniki.
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The great theatre actor Manos Katrakis (center) fought in the frontline and saw his commander commit suicide before his eyes when they were caught and disarmed by the enemy.
Eleftheros Typos, through Lavart
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vel-hell-ael31 · 1 year
Full name: Axel Marc Anthonyson
Nicknames: Axie -Anthony -Tony - Sonny - Single Father- Greñas
Sexuality: ⚣ Gay
Ethnicity: American 🇺🇸
Place of birth: Columbus, Ohio, United States
☆彡彡-Physical Appearance- ミミ☆
Age: 17
Eye color: Hazelnut
Hair color: Dark brown
Hair style: Curly. Mullet, cut on the sides of the head.
Height: 1'85cm
Voice: Warm. Don't worry. Intimidating when angry or upset
Color: Green, Black, White and Brown
Animal: Cats, dogs, parakeets, ferrets and lizards
Other: Spend time with his friends. Watch movies. Go anywhere on a skateboard.
Hobbies: Draw. Go do Graffiti. Read. Write. Listen to music. Go for a walk with her pets. To be with her friends. Art. Photography. Basketball. Guitar
Mother: ✝︎ Laila Steward
Born 07/18. She die at the age of 48.
Father: Jake anthonyson
Born 01/23
Best Friends: Arthur D'Oyly and Isabella Ruiz
Crush: ????
Couple: ????
Introvert. From time to time arrogant. Faithful. Genuine. Somewhat demanding with his work. Considered. He is usually spiteful when someone deceives him or is disloyal. Honest. Comprehensive. Protective. Tolerant. calm and patient
──── ❝Axel Anthonyson❞ ───
"The art boy"
⚣ gay
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[Neta, are you telling me that those five sticks are a person? We have quite a lot of work to do if you want to pass...]
─── ❝Rodrick Heffley❞ ───
"The boy in the band"
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[Let's see, sir "I know how to draw and you don't" How the hell do you want me to draw it? Look at him, my brother is literally a stick. ]
──── ❝ Isabella Ruíz❞ ───
"The Bestie Goss"
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[Just look in the mirror Ax; you're the graphic representation of "lovesick fool" And no, I don't make that face with Allison.]
──── ❝Arthur D'Oyly❞ ───
"The DJ Friend"
⚲ Gender Fluid
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[Brother, what do you want me to tell you...if you don't keep it, someone else will take it, or worse, another. Now help me make Maxie jealous at the party. ]
───❝Allison Williams❞───
"The bad girl"
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[Hum... Maybe she fell to the ground and searched badly. But, one thing... What was that "she's eating Allison" scandal, huh? Do you like the idea? that's why you're so red right?]
────❝Lucian Smith❞───
"The German Boy"
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[What do you want me to tell him? Hey, hello... I'm Lucian, I've wanted to talk to you since the beginning of the course... But I didn't dare until now, you seem very cute... He's behind me, right?]
────❝Maxie Miller❞───
"The boy from the skating rink"
⚥ Bisexual
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[Hello, some skates for two hours please... You're Arthur, from my class, right?]
──── ❝Jake Anthonyson❞ ───
"The father"
⚤ Straight
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[I know that since mom is not here I have focused only on the company... But honestly I am very proud of you.]
✰ Glance is a fanfic inspired by the Disney movies "The Diary of a Wimpy Kid" which in turn is based on the book series by author Jeff Kinney. But the story of Axel, his friends and Rodrick is completely mine.
✰ Character information taken from Wikipedia, Fandom and Amino. The height is an approximation.
✰ The photos are not mine, only the edited ones. Credits to their respective owners.
✰ Possible containing +18 (it will be notified before its appearance) and profanity.
✰ Efforts will be made to follow the thread of the series
✰ Story with Homosexual content. gay. yaoi. If you don't like it, I kindly ask you to withdraw without making bad comments
✰ There will be some other misspelling that will be corrected later. I make mistakes, I'm not a machine. Of course, he accepted constructive criticism and so on, but said with respect, not with mockery or etc.
✰ If you have any ideas or suggestions, you are free (obviously if you wish) to tell me privately or in the comments. Even if it's something minimal, you can tell me, it won't bother me, rather, you'll make my day
✰ I will try to narrate and make it understandable as well as possible.
✰ From time to time, it is inevitable for me to have some writer's block. I hope you understand me
✰ My native language is not English. I am very sorry if there are mistranslated or misspelled words.
✰ The story will start with some events from the first book/movie and then something from before the second book/movie "Rodrick's Law" although most things will come from my imagination, there will be references and situations based on the books/movie.
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(Boys love)
The story is about a homosexual couple of men. If you don't like this containing, I ask you to refrain from making any bad comments and retire.
(Girls Love)
The story will also deal in part with a homosexual couple of women. If you do not like this content, please refrain from making any bad comments and retire.
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camillathe6th · 1 year
Snippet. You catch me, I catch you.
DISCLAIMER: Obviously, this is all inspired by Baldur's Gate 3 and Larian Studios. CONTEXT:  Another short snippet to explore my Tav's demeanour, her bullshit, the vibes of the group, her dynamics with Astarion and all that. The goal was to write your character(s) caught in a lie, and observed by a third party. Shadowheart is the POV of choice for this. SOME DETAILS: Hero is a bard, she plays the lyre, she loves psychic damage, she's weak of arms and poofy of shorts. If you're into her, she appears in another snippet here. I think that's all you need to know! There's no spoilers in this, this is just for fun and the location/quest is invented.
Somewhere in Faerûn, 1492. (SHADOWHEART)
It happens like it always happens—sometimes, more and more, I do wonder. I do wonder if they already know and delight in being caught all the same. The theatrics of the aftermath. Sharing something as real as anger by way of the lie.
The jewellery case lies at the back of the room; we have agreed to leave it alone. It will curse us all, said the sentry; it will mess with our heads, and our heads are already tilting on an unstable axis. Mine, because it is full of shadows; theirs, I surmise as they grow in power, because it is feasting on illithid parasites. Better focus on the delusions that come for us at night, and look away from the Amulet of Godliness.
I believe too much in gods to be tempted by it; Hero believes in them too little. But Astarion…
“I’ll scout ahead and lockpick the door,” he whispers, slipping on his gloves. “Wait for my signal.”
She is looking at him. She does not miss a beat.
“Careful”, she says, eyes alight with a spell I don’t know. “The turret’s beam falls right on the door. You can hide behind the jewellery case to reach the lock.”
She was looking at him; not at the room. I think my brow arch; but he doesn’t see, no: he is looking at her too.
“No traps on the jewellery case?”
She blinks away the diamond glow, and there she is again, the picture of innocence, her face as youthful and soft as a fairy stool.
“No traps,” she whispers, holding his gaze. “Just stick to the shadows, vampling.”
“Trust me, I always do,” he preens, his sharp chin raised, his sharp smile cutting.
She smiles back; here, now, next to his blade of a face, she looks like sweetness incarnate.
“I do trust you,” she says, quickly, just a breath, like a secret escaped, and with a touch at his wrist so fast and artful it manages to look instinctive. The need for contact. The impulse to connect. This is what faith does, doesn’t it?
Of course, that is her biggest lie of the day.
“And I trust you, little lyre,” he lies right back. His fingers against her cheek are a surprise: there is intimacy there I didn’t expect. He turns away quickly.
And there he goes, swift as a sigh, weaving in the darkness of the room, a bare glint of opal through the stone-forbidding hall. I lean back against the wall; our gazes follow his trajectory to the coffers and the case, behind which he disappears altogether.
“What are you doing?” I whisper.
She looks up at me. This time, the smile is genuine. I think.
“Just testing a theory.”
“You think the Amulet…”
The scREAM cuts me off. 
At the back of the room, a column of radiance has fallen on the jewellery case, and Astarion stumbles away with a howl, his graceful hand burnt charred black; around us, the room EXPLODES in sounds of shots and fractures; defensive turrets whirr to life, sweeping the ground for hidden intruders, blasting derelict statues to bits.
“Hero!” Astarion screeches, running towards us through the chaos, teeth bared. “I’m going to ki—”
“Don’t threaten me, you ass-white half-corpse!” Her eyes shine blue, her voice booms above the shattering of rock and glass; Astarion dodges a magical beam but hits the wall nearby, holding his head.
“Stop using vicious mockery every time we fight, or I will use my teeth,” he seethes.
“Is this really the time?” I sigh, redirecting one of the blasts with the blade of my glaive.
“My hand is burnt to a crisp!” Gods, his voice does really reach new heights when he is angry. “How dare you! You said there were no traps!”
“And you said you wouldn’t steal the Amulet of Godliness.”
Apparently, it is really the time. I roll my eyes and pull Hero through the latch from whence we came. This little detour heist will have to wait until the turrets’ have discharged.
“It’s called the Amulet of Godliness. Of course I was going to steal it,” Astarion huffs, following us lithely. “You’ve made your point. Now cure me.”
“No.” Here it is; that face is her genuine one: mouth hard, chin high, she looks like a petulant little lord. And he doesn’t like being lorded over.
“Cure me, bardlet, or I’ll have to take a hand for a hand,” he hisses, fangfull.
There’s something there, though, in the treat of the threat: after all, he could ask me to cure him. He prefers the game of inconsequential violence, I think: a dance of darts, an equal footing of non-lethal strikes. Her stubborn mask melts into a smile as whetted as his dagger.
In the dark, I sit on a chest we’ve already looted, smooth out my leather skirt, and settle for the show.
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whisperingwisterias · 2 months
Hetalia: Axis Powers and Stereotypes
Hetalia: Axis Powers is a well known anime that attempts to explain history in humorous ways using anthropomorphized countries and their relationships with each other. Although it’s quite controversial because of the way it portrays certain countries and toes the line between satire and offense, I think this show also provides a unique perspective on our world that can still be appreciated even if it is not enjoyed.
One of the biggest issues that this show runs into is its use of stereotyping which is often used for humor but can also be interpreted as unfair stigmatization. One of the biggest ways this happens in the show is how Italy is portrayed. In every episode he is shown to be weak, a bit air-headed, a bit stupid, and almost single-mindedly focused on pasta. In the “chibitalia” sections he is often infantilized and treated like he is completely unaware of the world around him. This is showcased particularly in one episode where the Allies attempt various methods to lure Italy to them to capture him, each one of which works easily. Every time they capture him he offers them whatever knowledge they want without hesitation and does not object when they start treating him like a pet. Many other countries also get an unflattering portrayal: Japan’s hobby is said to be reading the room, refraining from speaking, and saying no to everything; austria is portrayed as being uptight, strict, and prone to nag the other countries; England is delusional; France is said to be too flashy and showy and almost as weak as Italy, shown by a montage of France embarrassing themselves in several wars and summed up by the sentence “their killer technique is profiting from the sidelines.”
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While definitely mocking and unflattering, I think such portrayals also serve the purpose of seeing how these countries are thought of and seen by the world in general, something I noticed in particular when it came to America’s character. He starts off the show very loud and boisterous, optimistically claiming that all the problems in the world can be solved if they all work together. However he also takes a very clear leadership position, saying that no one is allowed to disagree with him in the meeting. Over the course of the show he is also shown to be very self-centered, insisting that he will be the hero in the war and the other allied countries will only need to back him up. His self-centeredness is also shown when he opens up a map of America and is surprised when he doesn’t find Japan on it, a mockery of how America believes they are at the center of the world. America’s unhealthy consumerism is also shown in the mountain of burgers America is seen to eat and the giant sodas he guzzles down. While all of this is an obvious mockery of America and also obviously not an entirely accurate portrayal of the country, it is an enlightening look at how other countries see and define America.
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Overall, while this show has its issues, it’s a very intriguing concept that, while mocking, also challenges our own definition and view of other countries in a way that hopefully inspires its audience to lessen its uninformed stereotyping of other nations.
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boethiah · 11 months
some connections between the soft doctrines of magnus invisible and the 36 lessons of vivec, sermon 10
working on the theory that one is the response to the other
"The Thirty-Six and the Horde That Never Rests are hollow, unworthy of worship. They birthed us, created us, made us their children, their slaves, their prisoners, a mockery of their shortcomings. The Thirty-Six are still Eight and One, twice removed, even if man and mer no longer recognize the quarters. [...] Aurbis is a prison. We are condemned to half-lives, recapitulating false creation. [...] We are slaves to the star-clock, which beats faster in every age. Only the drummer can stop the beat." (soft doctrines I)
responded to in sermon 10
"'The eyelid of the kingdom shall fill thirty and six folios, but the eye shall read the world.' [...] A short season of towers, a rundown absolution, and what is this, what is this but fire under your eyelid? [...] SITHISIT is the start of all true Houses, built against stasis and lazy slaves. Turn from your predilections, broken like false maps. Move and move like this. Quicken against false fathers, mothers left in corners weeping for glass and rain. Stasis asks merely for nothing, for itself, which is nothing, as you were in the eight everlasting imperfections."
there's a lot of shared wording here and shared imagery. which is probably unsurprising for lorebooks written at the same time, but this feels very direct. more connections
then, on love:
"Loving is more perilous than a dragon, harder than steel. Returning love is more perilous than a nine province army, harder than ebony. Love for love's sake is meaningless. Love for one's own sake is emptiness. To the clerk in the counting-house, coins have no value. The poor man knows the shape and weight and flaws of each." (soft doctrines)
and sermon 10: "We pledge ourselves to you, the Frame-maker, the Scarab: a world for us to love you in, a cloak of dirt to cherish."
also from sermon 10:
vs soft doctrines V
"This is the lesson of The Tower and The Serpent: every Wheel needs an Axis. This is the lesson of Magnus and The Twins: every Reflection needs a Mirror."
and soft doctrines I
"Every hero is an image, a reflection, a tone played on the tightest string between the ur-mirrors of sky and sea. False heroes are the shattered reflections of the jailed jailer; a three-headed beast gnashing its own throats."
this is not anything more than me trying to jot my running thoughts down on paper, but these parallels jumped out at me immediately
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stalefruitlooops · 4 months
is losing her halo
a fallen angel
of misery
her rings fall
losing them all
to the black sea
her many moons
call her name
send love letters in the rain
ones she wont receive
falling off her axis
wondering how she had this
crying for me
rolling in the gutter
smiles when cameras shutter
through each tear
a fan club is a mockery
imitation was once flattery
now shes gone flat
hollow to her core
rings fell farther than you could soar
and she smiled
and sang her song
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theherdofturtles · 9 months
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Fandom: Hetalia Prompt: Rage Against The Reflection Rating: T Word Count: 5,133 Gilbert is forced to reflect on the decisions that had him dissolved and separated from Ludwig. He's determined to run into Ludwig again.
[Continuation of Mockery of the Nations and Our Flatmate Must be Dead. This will make much more sense if you've read those parts first.] @badthingshappenbingo
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