#movie title game
mathgirl24 ยท 3 months
Thank you for the tag, @norbertsmom !! ๐Ÿ’œ
Challenge -> Youโ€™re starring in a movie with the last person you saved in your camera roll, and the last song you listened to is the title.
The person: Goran Visnjic. This is my lock screen.
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The title: Hallelujah (k.d. lang version)
Okay, I'm loving this idea!
Bring it on!
I'll tag @stargatelov3r @districtunrest @mollywog @ununpredictableme @kissedbydragonfire @nevada-b-1780 @magnificentcowboypeanutpaper @lostworldminethy @vaxilfan @lonelyspectator12 @patientlibrarian @titanicnerd-blog @mega-aulover and anyone else who feels like playing.
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inwhichiramble ยท 1 year
Idk if this is just me, but does it seem like the Hunger Games movies left out most of the stuff about food in general?
Maybe I just noticed this because in my first read I was worried that all of them were cannibals, but likeโ€ฆ in the movies it seems like they were never actually that hungry. Like, we know that Katniss and Gale have to hunt, and that Peeta gave Katniss the bread, but a lot of the details about just how hungry they were to get to those choices were justโ€ฆ gone. And when theyโ€™re in the Capitol on the Victory Tour, they mention the vomit-inducer but it was more of an offhand thing. What got me especially though is that in Mockingjay Pt. 2, their time with Tigris appears to be much shorter, but alsoโ€ฆ she doesnโ€™t feed them! And from what I remember that was fairly significant in the books, especially considering the position they were in.
In the books, hunger was the driving force of the vast majority of decisions they made. Katniss literally spent a good chunk of her first games desperately searching for waterโ€”Haymitch rewarded their performances with foodโ€”Katniss described every single thing she eats and primarily characterizes new places based on their food (the Capitol and District 13 especially). TBOSAS supports this even further when you see how even people in the Capitol were starving in the aftermath of the warโ€”thatโ€™s why sponsors were added to the game!
I justโ€”the whole series is literally about starvation and what it means to be human, but the movies just focused on love and war.
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insert-goofy-trash-noise ยท 7 months
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Welcome welcome~
This is a prequel comic based on the super Mario bros movie (2023)
Iโ€™ll be posting a page once a week here and then a bunch of pages on instagram
Hope you guys enjoy
- Start Comic -
Pages separate:
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 - 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32 - 33 - 34 - 35 - 36 - 37 - etc
Pages grouped:
1-5 6-11 12-16 (after the comic is done, Iโ€™ll post the grouped stuff)
Notes: The comic will be read top left to right
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itsajollyjester ยท 5 days
The Victor of the 50th Hunger Games
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I've already warned all my family, friends, and coworkers about how insufferable I'm going to be until this book is released
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sleepy-writes-stuff ยท 1 year
(Possible continuation for Lair of Mystery au)
โ† Main Prompt
*Danny showing up in full king costume and subdues world ending threat then spots JLD members*
Danny: Hey guys! How's it going? We still up for movie night at my place?
Constantine: Yeah, shouldn't be a problem.
Billy: I just have a few minor things to wrap up (i.e. homework) and I should be free.
Danny: Awesome!
Meanwhile the rest of the Justice League is freaking out over the amount of death magic rolling off of this new guy and Batman's off to the side wondering how JLD are on friendly terms with what basically amounts to an ancient death god like:
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babycharmander ยท 17 days
I like how ALL of the โ€œALL PSYCHONAUTS 2 CUTSCENESโ€ videos are missing justโ€ฆ a ton of cutscenes because whoever recorded them never took time to explore between major cutscenes.
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kukekakuningaskris ยท 4 months
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millennium-queen ยท 10 months
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Annie Cresta and Johanna Mason Victors of the 70th and 71st Hunger Games respectively
Powering through one of those weird stages where nothing looks right by trying to design some victors Iโ€™ve not drawn yet
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istadris ยท 1 month
Got another idea.
Pretty sure King Boo didn't even acknowledge the prisoners being lowered down to the lava pit during the wedding in the movie but what if he did? What if he had acknowledged Luigi whilst trapped in his cage and stuck around to see him survive when being so close to death and took an interest in him at that point? This would make their interaction in the first LM game a lot different.
King Boo didn't care for weddings.
Celebrations for mortal milestones felt ridiculous at best and offensive at worst for ghosts. Why would weddings, birthdays, coming of age, graduations matter when death and eternity inevitably came? Time claimed all in the end. To highlight its passage felt almost insulting. The only way ghosts found interest in such frivolity was by either repeating such events indefinitely in their loops of obsession, or by halting them forever, tricking time itself.
King Boo was of the latter category, when he deigned to bother with such nonsense. His collection of painting held many mortals stuck forever in their most terrifying or joyful moments. Works of art, all of them.
But the actual events...Umph. Not to mention the bright and joyful emotions displayed at such celebrations tasted mushy and soppy. Give him a good, crisp fright anytime.
Yet despite his distaste for them, he had bothered to show up to the Koopa King's wedding.
Firstly because Bowser, as loud and boisterous as he was, was still an useful ally, at least enough to stay on his good side.
Secondly because despite what Bowser claimed, it was obvious to all that his future bride hated his guts. A welcome change from the syrupy sentiments usually dripped from marriages.
Thirdly, and most importantly, because Koopas had the finest wedding tradition for their warriors : a ritual sacrifice of their prisonners of war. And of course, as their king, Bowser spared no expenses.
Dozens of captives to be slowly lowered in lava to be burned alive. All of them helplessly watching their doom unfold. Different heights for the cages so they could watch their companions of misfortune die one by one before their turn came.
The cocktail of abject terror and despair oozing from the sacrifice tasted perfect.
And on top of that, there were different toppings! Penguins, Kongs, Yoshis, even Koopas! With a Luma without a care about their death to spice it up!
And even a human! Now that was one unexpected surprise! King Boo had been dead for a long time and yet had not met many humans in all of his afterlife. But now Bowser was marrying one, while murdering in front of her the only members of her species she would probably ever meet!
Truly, Bowser was a Koopa of taste.
So now King Boo observed with attention as the cages were lowered, not caring in the slightest for whatever nonsensical vows would be exchanged. His attention was all on the captives. Which ones would scream the loudest? Which ones would go insane before death claimed them? Which ones would see their souls turn into Boos?
...Could humans turn into Boos? Oooh, that was an interesting question! Would it be stronger? Weaker? Would its sould fuse with another species before creating a Boo?
Now King Boo was truly captivated. To the point of ignoring completely the princess' little meltdown and ensuing brawl: when a Koopa spear traversed him, he only shrugged and floated away. If Bowser couldn't bring to heel his new bride, that was his business.
Instead he leisurely flew closer to the cages, noting with pleasure the human's was the lowest of all. He would be the first to die, followed closely by the Kong King. Oh, it made his teeth grow sharper from hunger. Just a little lower...
The cages stopped and King Boo scowled. Bowser couldn't have changed his mind, could he? Thankfully, it seemed the Koopa wasn't this weak; instead, the princess had frozen the pulley of the cages in a desperate attempt at saving their lives.
Cute. But it wouldn't be enough, King Boo noted with a nasty smile as he turned invisible and slipped through the cracks of the ice, slowly breaking it apart. Not all at once, so he could enjoy the panic off the princess when she noticed.
Uncaring of King Bob-omb exploding, King Boo watched in delight the cages lowering once again. Oh, the human's fear was the strongest, the loudest, and yet he was fighting the hardest, struggling in every way possible to delay the inevitable, even as the bottom of his cage melted away, then the lower bars, then the middle ones...
His terror tasted so good, so raw, so pure. King Boo, eyes darkening, tongue lolling out, saliva dripping between his fangs, only wished he had a frame to capture this moment, bottling the abject horror of the human and stretching it for eternity.
So close, so close...
And then the cages stopped.
And rose up.
And the human managed to get out of his cage and- and even start to climb up!
Was he denied?? Was he deprived of his food ?! Right when he was on the verge of bliss? He glowered at the Kong pulling on the lever, teeth grinding, ready to grab him and throw him in the lava.
But before he could make a move, a scream made him turn, along with a brief zest of hope crushed by complete panic.
He had slipped! That fool had slipped! Glee filled him as he watched the human plummet to his doom, screaming the whole way down. At least one of the prisonners would die, and it would be a pure flavour of a soul, untouched by any other. He was about to see a new kind of Boo! He would..
What happened next too him a moment to register. Something flew so fast by him he didn't have time to react, and it collided with the human. No, it snatched him! And took him away!
It stole his food! His delicacy! His Boo-to-be! How dare he! Furious, he followed after this -this thief!
Which turned out to be...another human? Wait, how many of them were they?! But it didn't matter, since now his delicious morsel of fright had turned into a mushy paste of hope and love and fuzzy feelings.
Urgh. Disgusting.
Such a waste.
He was tempted to rush the group and tear through the slush of happiness just out of spite. Better a spoiled meal than none. But looking around, it seemed that he had underestimated the princess and her allies. Bowser was frozen in ice, his troops knocked out or scattered, the wedding alley ruined.
And if he didn't fear mortal attacks or power-ups, disposing of them would be too much a hassle. At least that was his excuse to get away when Bowser launched the Bomber Bill, then as he watched from afar while the entire castle was sucked into the Warp Pipe.
Too bad.
Really, really too bad.
Such a fine buffet, all ruined, all spoiled.
He would need to find the other human again. Make sure to teach him the consequences of angering King Boo.
As for the green one...
His fear tasted so fine.
But maybe the other one would taste even better?
Or both together?
He would need to try.
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justabigoldnerd ยท 21 days
For the WIP tag game, I have to know more about number 16, the Soviet Russia Memes Incident, please!
AKHDJSSKHDJ Okay so I was inspired by these memes:
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And started writing a modern crack fic where Solo and Gaby torment Illya with them ๐Ÿ˜…
Here's a snippet, under the cut!
"So," Waverly started, leaning back in his chair, "Would either of you like to tell me exactly how this happened?" He gestured between the two men vaguely.
Solo moved the icepack he was holding against his swollen eye to glance over at Illya. The Russian wasn't in much better shape; blood was drying around his nose, and a colorful bruise blossomed along his jaw. He was sitting up perfectly straight, his arms crossed and a frankly pissed expression on his face. Solo rolled his eyes and flexed his sore knuckles.
"Iโ€ฆ.may have misused the work group chat."
"'Misused,'" Illya scoffed under his breath.
"Misused, how?" Waverly prompted.
"In my defense," Solo drawled as he wrangled his phone from the inner pocket of his blazer, "They were hilarious."
A crease formed in Waverly's brow as he accepted the phone, but as he scrolled through the seemingly endless number of messages, his confusion gave way to annoyance. "To be perfectly honest, Mr. Solo, I am impressed at just how many of these you were able to find."
"I made a few of them myself," he preened, "I'm particularly fond of the 'in Soviet Russia, its not iPhone, its OURPhone' one."
"Is not funny," Illya grumbled.
"Right. Mr. Solo, I believe some sensitivity training is in order. However, I don't believe the onslaught of memes warranted an assault. So, in lieu of a harsher penalty, I'll just have you apologize to each other."
Solo huffed, and looked to Illya, who mirrored his indignation.
Waverly leaned forward again and clicked his pen threateningly, "Or would you prefer paperwork only for a month?"
With a sigh, Solo shifted in his chair to half-face Illya, "I'm sorry for sending you a hundred Soviet Russia memes, Peril."
"One hundred and thirty five," he corrected through gritted teeth.
"You counted?"
"When messages keep you up all night, nothing else to do but count."
"It wasn't-" Solo tried to protest, but a pointed look from Waverly made him stop short, "I'm sorry for sending you one hundred and thirty five Soviet Russia memes."
Illya's glare didn't waver in intensity, even as he tipped his head to the side and held Solo's gaze. He was silent for a few moments, then took in a deep breath and muttered, "I am sorry for punching your face. Might have been overreaction."
Solo chewed the inside of his cheek, unable to conjure much anger when he was faced with Illya's ridiculously adorable head tilt, and he had no right to be that attractive with blood smearing his face.ย 
"I didn't break your nose, did I?" he asked before he could stop himself, in a soft tone that made him curse inwardly. Maybe Illya had concussed him.
In a fraction of a second, something flickered behind Illya's murderous stare, and he turned away with a shrug. He cleared his throat and stared at a missed spot in the freshly polished tile. "Doesn't feel broken."
"Good," Solo nodded, an extremely unfamiliar feeling of awkwardness churning in his stomach.
"Well then," their boss cut in, sounding more like a middle school principal than the commander of an international espionage force, "Now that's all settled, Mr. Solo, I expect you to be front row at next week's sensitivity seminar. Otherwise, you're both dismissed."
"Thank you, sir," Solo beamed bitterly as he stood, "Looking forward to it."
Illya mumbled a similar acknowledgment and slunk out of the office. Once Solo shut the door behind them, he sighed and mused, "Now the only question is how did Gaby get out of this one."
"No idea," Illya shook his head, "Even screenshots I took were altered. Without my knowledge. Couldn't even track changes."
"She's getting too good at this game," Solo tsked, a bit of pride swelling in his chest nevertheless.
"Da. We make her pay."
"How do you suggest we do that?"
His partner's fingers drummed against his leg, and the muscle in his jaw jumped as he considered their options. "We take engine."
"The whole thing?"
The corner of Illya's mouth quirked up in a poorly hidden smile, "Is just bizarre enough to be good payback."
"She's gonna be pissed," Solo laughed quietly, "Hide it in rendezvous three- no, two. The storage rack in there is taller."
Illya nodded along, mischief washing away the anger in his eyes, and checked their surroundings before giving Solo's chest a pat, "Come on, Cowboy. Let's go steal an engine."
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popcorn-plots ยท 1 month
Benedict Cumberbatch Movies
based on this post by @elennemigo
The Electrical Life of Louis Wain (2021, Romance/Comedy, PG-13 โ€“ Prime Video)
The Courier (2020, Thriller/Action, PG-13 โ€“ Amazon Prime, YouTube, Apple TV)
Doctor Strange (2016, Action/Fantasy, PG-13 โ€“ Disney+, Hulu, Apple TV, Amazon Prime, YouTube)
The Child in Time (2007, Drama/Romance, unrated โ€“ YouTube, Apple TV)
The Whistleblower (2010, Thriller/Crime, R for violence โ€“ Hulu, Apple TV, YouTube, Sling TV, Amazon Prime)
Sherlock (2010, Mystery, 4 seasons, PG-13 โ€“ Hulu, Amazon Prime, BritBox, Roku, Apple TV)
1917 (2019, War/Action, R for violence, language, disturbing images โ€“ YouTube, Amazon Prime, Apple TV)
Broken News (2005, News, 1 season)
The Imitation Game (2014, Thriller/War, PG-13 โ€“ Tubi, Netflix, Apple TV, YouTube)
The Power of the Dog (2021, Western film/Romance, R for brief sexual content/full nudity, violence โ€“ Netflix)
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incorrect-fnaf-quotes ยท 4 months
Fic game thing "Forced to Order but Nothing's on the Menu"
Doug has a rough day.
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take-ya-to-the-ghey-bar ยท 23 days
itโ€™s harder than you think. NO using google. every answer must start with the first letter of your museโ€™s name. / PLEASE REPOST. DONโ€™T REBLOG.
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๐๐€๐Œ๐„ : Minato Mito ๐€๐๐ˆ๐Œ๐€๐‹ : Monarch butterfly ๐๐Ž๐˜๐’ ๐๐€๐Œ๐„ : Michael ๐†๐ˆ๐‘๐‹๐’ ๐๐€๐Œ๐„ : Mitsuki ๐‚๐Ž๐‹๐Ž๐”๐‘ : Mauve ๐Œ๐Ž๐•๐ˆ๐„ : Midsommar ๐’๐Ž๐Œ๐„๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐๐† ๐˜๐Ž๐” ๐–๐„๐€๐‘ : Makeup ๐ƒ๐‘๐ˆ๐๐Š : Midori sour ๐…๐Ž๐Ž๐ƒ : Mochi ๐’๐Ž๐Œ๐„๐“๐‡๐ˆ๐๐† ๐…๐Ž๐”๐๐ƒ ๐ˆ๐ ๐€ ๐๐€๐“๐‡๐‘๐Ž๐Ž๐Œ : Medicine cabinet ๐๐‹๐€๐‚๐„ : Mississippi ๐‘๐„๐€๐’๐Ž๐ ๐…๐Ž๐‘ ๐๐„๐ˆ๐๐† ๐‹๐€๐“๐„ : Medical emergency
๐‘บ๐’•๐’๐’๐’†๐’ ๐’‡๐’“๐’๐’Ž: @thuganomxcs
๐‘ป๐’‚๐’ˆ๐’ˆ๐’Š๐’๐’ˆ: @akumanoken , @cuteteacakes {for whoever you'd like to pick~}, @malafxde {for Gabs u w u}, @nacreousxhearts {for whoever you'd like to pick~, and while imma skip tagging the other blogs-- you can count this as a blanket tag for the other usual bois too lmao}
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fanofspooky ยท 1 year
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365 horror movies day 252:
Funny Games (1997)
โ€œ...whether by knife or whether by gun, losing your life can sometimes be fun.โ€
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ceramic-saturn ยท 1 year
Wooooooo skrunkly
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starfall-isle ยท 1 year
Aside from Sega tie-in games (and stuff like Lost world) I think Itโ€™s so sad that the last time we saw Reala was like 15 years ago
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