#much of them are still in there but i’m still an impulsive dumbass so i ignore that and desperately try to seek him out and he’s so fuckin
nightshadow1607 · 1 year
Immortal Izuku: What’s up guys? I’m back.
Shinsou: What the- you can’t be here. You’re dead. I literally saw you die.
Immortal Izuku: Death is a social construct.
Aizawa: I slept for almost 12 hours but I might still be tired so let’s go for 12 more just in case.
Hizashi: Shou, that's a coma.
Aizawa: Sounds festive.
Vigilante Shinsou: Are you sure this is the right direction?
Informant Kaminari: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest!
Vigilante Izuku: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Vigilante Izuku: I was arrested for being too cool.
Shinsou: The charges were dropped due to a lack of supporting evidence.
Feral Izuku: Just because I'm too short to reach the lowest self in the cabinet doesn't mean you shouldn't watch out for your kneecaps.
Shinsou: With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later.
Aizawa: I’ve come to a point in my life where I need a stronger word than fuck
Izuku, holding a python: I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Hizashi, in the verge of a heart attack: You did WHAT–
Shinsou: William Snakepeare
Izuku: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Aizawa: Oh, you’ve been?
Izuku: Once. In Monopoly.
Shinsou: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Aizawa: You're like 15 years old
Shinsou: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
*Izuku and Shinsou are doing something absurdly dangerous*
Vigilante Izuku: I think Houdini did something like this once! Why, if I recall correctly, he was out of the hospital in no time!
Vigilante Shinsou, deadpan: Well that's encouraging.
Izuku: Bad things keep happening to me, like I have bad luck or something.
Bakugou: Deku, you don't have bad luck. The reason bad things happen to you is because you're a dumbass.
Kirishima: If I accidentally sat on a voodoo doll of myself, would I be trapped forever in that position, doomed to starve to death?
Tokoyami: How am I supposed to know?
Kaminari: You say, as if we don’t use you as a source of knowledge of the occult.
Tokoyami: *sighs*
Tokoyami: You wouldn't be trapped.
Spinner: What do you think Dabi will do for a distraction?
Mr. Compress: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Mr. Compress: ... or they could do that.
Izuku: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Shinsou: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Quirkless Izuku: I’m going to defeat you with the power of friendship! ... And this knife I found.
Uraraka: What do you call a fish with no eye?
Iida, not looking up: Astyanax mexicanus
Uraraka: fsh
*Shinsou and Izuku sitting in jail together*
Vigilante Izuku: So who should we call?
Vigilante Shinsou: I’d call Aizawa, but I feel safer in jail
incorrect quotes because why not? (part 5)
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kyoghurts · 3 months
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LA VIE EN ROSE — mash burnedead village au! mini series written by. @kyoghurts : idea full credits to. @seneon
❀𖥨᩠ׄ݁ mash thinks you’re beautiful. he will show this to you in his own, beautiful way. a flower in his hands, and his heart encased in yours.
IN WHICH : mash brings a flower everytime he visits you, one who’s selling pastries in another village, each visits come with different flowers. ( CHP I. )
CONTENT : just mash being his awkward self. mentions of greek mythology. most of this chapter is just me showcasing the nature of this au; the slowburn, pure and teenage sweetheart behavior and their first time having an object of affection, the budding start of a friendship. also displays of familial love and The Siblings™
la vie en rose masterlist ; PRELUDE ← CHP i. → CHP ii.
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for someone who wants peace at all cost, mash always leaves a distinct trail of trouble wherever he goes (and all of them are unintentional.)
when lance accompanied him in search of a flower shop, a huge wave of regret start to drown his being, like pouring frigid cold water to his skin that elicits an uncomfortable shiver.
“mash, no, you can’t take all those flowers” his arms tug at the end of his shirt with force when his friend starts to pull too many variations in his hands, and he doesn’t even have the energy to question how it all fits to his grasp, with no limit to his impulsive snatching. “wait- be gentle with those sweet peas!”
lance could see the colours of the cashier’s face draining at an alarming speed, he looks like he wants to intervene but can’t. paralysed to the ways his dumbass of a friend treats the flowers.
after a few reprimands and scoldings, along with manpower to put mash in place, they finally get kicked out of the shop. the ring of the bell knocking against the entrance door echoes in the air like defeat, he slumps and murmurs “sorry, i got carried away”
lance can only muster up a sigh. “at least you got one”
mash promptly lifts the remaining flower in his hand, good thing he caught it in the last minute, and it was actually the first that pulled his attention the moment they entered prior, the same feeling when he sets on the white amaryllis flourishes, the beating of his chest quietly whispers him to cherish it, both the flower and the feeling.
“do all flowers…” he starts musing as they walk. “have meaning of their own?”
“yes. i’m no expert, though” lance then points towards the one he’s holding. “i can’t say for sure what that particularly means, too”
“we can ask the others.”
the blue haired nods, although reluctant to ask, he does so with his usual tone of nonchalance. “why do you want to know, though?”
mash slows his pace, just one step at a time, his eyes still locked on the flower. ‘for a mere thing, he gets all contemplative’ but he isn’t judging, its more of a faint amusement written on his face, he stays quiet until mash speaks.
“i get the feeling you don’t just give something like this to someone without knowledge. it’s like working out without a goal in the end.”
a pause, tongue-tied, not expecting him to give them so much thought. “..true.”
“i’m really sorry about earlier. i promise i won’t do it again.”
mash is a lot of things, being a man of his words are one of them.
lance mumbles something of accord before they stride off towards their friends.
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“what is that? it looks edible.”
“dot what the hell.”
it’s summer afternoon, meaning time can either run slow or fast depending on the activities spent in these hours, though most days mash and his friends dread over the heat and boredom (a horrible combination, all of them complains) as they try to squeeze some fun in between.
today though, mash suggesting they’d lounge in their personal tree house as they help him figure out some flower’s name and background, as if investigating a mysterious case, proves that the afternoon might just be a little more productive than usual.
dot’s laugh rumble through the open, he leans against the wall as he sits down cross legged. finn, sitting beside dot, takes the flower from mash where he lays down and limbs spreading out like a starfish, all comfortable and still. finn briefly inspects it while dot tilts his head, curious.
“this is,” to be honest, all of them are just as clueless as mash is, but finn thanks himself for having even just a pinch of memory with the flower book he once read at a small library, so he says with a grin, “a white anemone!”
the red haired lets out a soft “ohhh.” amused as he mutters, “still looks edible.”
finn winces from the awful joke brought twice. “i say go for it,” lance interjects, asserting himself with his arms crossed. he’s leaning against the doorframe one foot carrying the weight of the other, the distance between them is safe as he taunts dot, who’s very close to shaving his head, glaring, “you might as well digest all the toxic of this world and i wouldn’t bat an eye if you start choking to death.”
dot retorts, “why don’t you eat this instead and see if anyone would ca-”
“guys!!” the booming sound of lemon’s voice out of nowhere has lance falling off his feet like a frightened hamster. he gets up just as quickly. “i saw a very cute cat just now.” she jumps in excitement, adrenaline coursing between her veins as she smiles with quivering anticipation. she probably ran all the way here, considering how she slightly pants and heaves.
as if her energy easily spreads within the circle, dot immediately rushes to her,“where?!”she insists as she pulls his wrist and rushes out, three of the remaining all clueless. lance languidly follows with a sigh, and finn scratches his cheek from their antics.
seems like a productive afternoon alright.
finn’s the last one to leave, perhaps? well, mash doesn’t look like he’ll move anytime soon. he asks him, still splayed on the floor, “are you staying?” as he’s about to descend to the stairs. it takes a few pause of silence before he sees him shake his head. something about this hesitant nature of mash gives finn the impression that his friend is thinking about you, and him mumbling under his breath, ‘heading to the bakery soon’ kind of confirms it.
he doesn’t fully comprehend it himself, but he nods regardless. it’s a crush, isn’t it? or probably just a fleeting infatuation. he’s not sure, but he has to admit that mash is so genuine and upfront in his approach, giving you a flower on the second time you both just met? considering the white anemone back in his grasp as it rests on his chest with his hands above it, he’ll continue greeting you like this?
‘i’d cry if someone gifts me flowers like that,’ finn thinks to himself as he follows lance, dot, and lemon as their figure gradually blurs in the distance, walking without haste. ‘it’s sweet.’
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“how is it?” you ask, a little breathy and more tense than you’d like to admit.
you attempt to layer your worries with self-reassuring stillness, as if to act cooler in front of your younger sister. instead of trying to gauge out her expression during the assessment of your baking-in-progress session, you busy your hands placing each doughnut parallel to each other on the tray, lining them to perfection.
“its good!” lei, your sister, finally exclaims. putting a stop to the antsy feeling building up inside you, now dispersed and fading outwards. you let out a soft exhale in relief.
she nods, enthusiastic, “its sweet, just the way i like it!” this makes you want to pat yourself on the back, because lei has a similar sweet tooth to that of grandma, meaning if she likes it, she’ll most likely feel the same as well.
a chuckle starts to bubble from your throat as you ruffle her hair too roughly on purpose, dishevelling it in the process. she cries out, “uaghhh, devinn! stop that!” and pushes your hand away, pouting, and that only gives you more reasons to mess with her. things turn chaotic in the kitchen soon after.
her hand takes a fistful of your hair and mirrors your action when grandma inquisitively peeks, “what’s going on here?” her tone is fond, doting even. you hear her low, quiet giggle as she makes her way towards you and lei. “your hair’s not being ruined by devin again now is it?”
you shove her away and smile, playfulness curling around the edges of your lips, reaching up to the crinkle of your eyes. “definitely.”
lei groans out loud, you choose to ignore her as grandma eyes the pastry on the tray. and that squirmy feeling starts to simmer in your stomach once again.
you don’t notice yourself holding your breath once she takes a bite. immediately your gaze drift to her eyes, the one that’s most expressive out of every features.
you love seeing the light that glints from it, you love grandma just as much as you love baking.
and when her eyes do light up, everything else seem to glow of happiness.
“this is good, devi!”
still, your sister is undoubtedly interested in today’s session as she stands beside you, a look of curiosity as she sees how grandma commends your work. so you push down your giddiness back to the ends of your stomach and act more calm, just to save yourself the embarrassment. lei could snitch you to your other siblings, and they wouldn’t let you off until they chew you with their brutal teasing to bits.
you like to act tough, you’ve been doing it since the day your siblings developed a sense of purpose to bully you every waking moment. (which seemed to backfire every now and then, you hope this particular moment doesn’t though)
you don’t need to wear it like a mask for too long. lei’s still a kid, no older than 7, which means that afternoon’s her favourite time to escape the house and run around with her friends outside until curfew rolls in. and grandma knows this all too well.
“i noticed amara waiting for you with her doll outside, dear.” grandma looks at you rather than lei. when she gapes in realisation, she starts bolting for the door and shout so loud “i’m coming amara!! wait for me!!” that both you and grandma suddenly burst into snickers.
as if its natural, you come to her side and ask “too sweet, wasn’t it?”
your grandma bumps her hips with yours in affection, sliding in as she takes another bite of your doughnut and lets out a satisfying hmmm you’ve ever heard, shaking her head that serves an answer to your question.
“you’ve improved a lot ever since you told me you wanted to take over.”
“i’m serious about this.”
“that i know,” she pinches your cheek. “i know you’re a serious person, dear. but,”
she swallows and places down her food as she holds both of your hand and smiles warmly, as warm as butter toast with creamy coffee on a usual sunday, the one that puts your head into wandering thoughts of introspection and comfort. her voice is soothing, you almost didn’t catch what she’s trying to tell you.
“i want you to loosen up a bit, okay? you don’t have to always tend to this old bakery of ours. you have other hobbies like reading or writing, but you can go out there with your friends or just have a little breather.”
you want to protest. you’re sure it’s written all over your face, because she continues, “everything should be in balance and moderation, devin. i want you to have fun out there.” she grips your hand a little more tightly, with creased brows of determination. “and you don’t try, you must.”
“you know. when i was your age i used to-”
“okay! okay!” you end up giving in, not wanting to sit through another story of your grandma’s past for the nth time. you grin in reassurance. “i will. thanks.”
“you will.” she repeats, “you make sure you stick to your promises.”
“when have i ever broke them my dear granny.” you rub your thumb against her knuckles, feeling the lines of wrinkles and bones, time is etched in every parts of her, a figure of love and pureness despite everything, you want to cherish these minutes with her, so much that you feel reluctant to leave her side even for a short while.
but at the same time, you’re too soft-hearted for her to disregard her wishes, despite it being insignificant for you, and making promises you can’t keep burns your tongue in a bad kind of way, like acid and bitter taste combined.
she settles for an exhale and gently drop your hands. “i just don’t want you to have regrets.”
you’re still young. you can practically hear her thoughts, maybe because she sees herself in you, maybe because your serious nature is nothing new to the bloodline, and that maybe she wants you to take on the role of change.
none of which you can make a promise of.
however, you do know you can trust yourself to leave the house whenever. yeah, you’re going to start doing that by tomorrow then.
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“oh, mash! good to see ya!”
mash stiffly nods, muttering “devin, good to see you too.”
it’s certainly a trait of yours, but you quickly read the atmosphere, and you don’t have to make it more awkward than it already is. so you tone down your excitement, another trait of yours with which you’ve mastered throughout the years. “when you said you’ll drop by again, i didn’t think it’d be today.”
in less than a minute, you ready the cream puffs (that you reserved for mash in secret) even before he says it. he doesn’t smile, but you like the way his eyes light up like a child receiving his favourite thing in the world, reminds you a lot of your own self when you’re given the chance to dirty your kitchen in god awful amounts of flour and mess.
he takes it from your hands and he pays and then usually this is the part where you bid someone goodbye. but something in his posture, tense and rigid but expression full of expecting, tells you he that he has more to say than simply walk out at this moment.
you wait for him to start, but immediately regret falls upon your face once you grant him the chance to wander about his thoughts, and he seemed lost already. staring at you the same way he did the first time.
after a few seconds pass of awkward staring and of what felt like agonising minutes, you decide to proceed through the conversation. “you really do love creampuffs. may i ask why?” you lean over the counter, your arms crossed and a gentle smile forming your lips.
he blinks, quickly averting eye contact. “m-me? uhm.” you see his hands start fiddling the ends of his fingertips. “no particular reason. it’s just my favourite.”
you hum, genuine curiosity evident in your tone. “just like that?”
it makes mash come to an ease slowly, treacle and sweet, as he nods. “just like that.”
“…i see.”
“do you also have a favourite?”
“lots of favourites, yeah.”
“you can’t choose one?”
“well. i do. but then if i ate it all the time, it might lose it’s appealing flavour.”
he blinks, and for a moment he stays quiet.
“..that’s not a favourite.”
you tilt your head in question.
“i think that, no matter the time or place or how frequent you eat it, if you really like it, the taste will never change.” he expresses his opinion in a way that brings you to a pause, lets you question as though it holds importance to know if you really have a favourite or not.
well, do you? and if you could eat it as frequently as mash does with his creampuffs, would you say that it’ll never grow out of you?
“i uh, didn’t think it that way. maybe i have a favourite, orrr maybe i don’t. who knows?”
“will you tell me what it is if you found one some day?”
“you really wanna know?”
“yeah, it’s why i’m asking.”
“sure. we can go pick up this topic again once i have.”
he opens his paper bag full of creampuffs and fishes out one as he takes a bite, his expression melting into softness as he does. seeing this does something to you, so inexplicable that you can’t find a reason as to why a small grin makes its way to your lips.
then his munching stops, as if he remembered something. “what’s wrong?”
in one go he swallows the whole thing before gently patting his hands together, wiping off the crumbs and a cold sweat breaks through your temple. no, what the heck? how could someone do that- you rub your eyes to see if you’re not mistaken, surely enough, he’s already packing his paper bag into his tote bag—this, you find new, you didn’t expect him to be using this sorts considering that he only buys an amount that suffices the hand to carry. is he or has he gone to the market beforehand?—he’s pulling something out from it and then you’re gaping even more because he’s giving you yet another flower like last time.
“here. it’s uh…uhm..yeah, it’s for you.”
you stare at it in awe, breathless as you say. “a white anemone.”
mash nods wordlessly, even though he knows you can’t see him. but you do, because you briefly flash a beaming smile at him before he could prepare his heart, you chuckle, “it’s so pretty!”
you turn to caress its petals, feel its collar of leaves and the slight bend of stem. “is this a mounthelm thing? you greet someone with flowers?” your question tumbles out of your mouth supposedly to be taken as a joke, or a rhetorical one. mash stutters a no, and you can’t wrap your head around this information. so you laugh for the sake of it, a laugh that expresses your amusement and happiness. “thank you regardless.”
“you’re welcome.” he seems happy, not from the facial features that which he lacks, but from the ambience itself. you can’t place a finger on it, but mash can be easy to read without relying on the obvious.
maybe it’s just a you thing, though.
you’re satisfied with your point either way.
“there’s a story for this pretty thing right here.” you slightly wave the flower, and you suddenly realise what you just said too late as you quickly follow “i-if you’re not in a hurry! sorry, i might actually bore you and you have other things to do-”
“i’m all ears.” he hasn’t moved from his position, still giving you his undivided attention. “i don’t have anything to do for today, besides, i’m interested.”
you stop breathing, the air stuck to your throat. “really?”
he nods. “tell me more.”
“uhh, okay.” you smile, awkward lines tied around the stroke of your lips. “white anemones vary in their symbolic meaning, for me, this flower reminds me of the word ‘renewal’, ‘purity’ or ‘innocence’ because of its color, and ‘wholesome love’ if we’re being romantic.”
“in greek mythology, anemone flowers were sacred to aphrodite.”
“to who?”
“aphrodite, or venus in her roman goddess counterpart, she’s the goddess of love and beauty.”
“there are many versions to go about this, but aphrodite met a young man named adonis and fell in love. while they were together, the sun was bright and the soil were kind to the people, flowers were blossoming and even the fruits were ripe. actually, another goddess fell in love with adonis too, and she didn’t want to give up on him so easily.”
“in other words, adonis had chicks?”
you wheeze, not expecting him to interject. “he was said to be handsome among many. anyway…”
“this goddess, persephone, would spend time with adonis in autumn and winter; spring and summer with aphrodite. but one unfortunate day, he tracked down a wild and mighty boar. aphrodite wasn’t with him, he hurled his spear but only ended up wounding the boar. he ran away, alas, the boar quickly caught up to him and killed him with its great tusks.”
a gasp elicits from his lips “he didn’t survive…” he muttered under his breath, full of musings with undertones of sadness.
“he didn’t, and aphrodite was devastated when she heard his cries high over the earth. she loved & grieved him so much that she turned his blood into a dark red flower, the same color as adonis’ blood, and anemones were then born.”
“oooh..” his lips form in a small ‘o’, the fascination in his wide eyes are hard to miss.
you laugh, sheepish. “i wanted to keep it short and as summarised as possible. if there’s any question you like to ask or to clear any confusion, i’d.. be happy to fill you in.”
“you’re a great storyteller.”
the compliment catches you off guard, you smile that reflects the sun behind mash, gleaming until it reaches your eyes. “thank you, mash.”
the sun has yet to bid the sky farewell when the two of you are relentlessly still conversing about..from favourite food to greek origins of the flower then to a little bit about your perspectives on the story. and honestly, you haven’t had any type of long conversations like these in a long while, the doughnut you made earlier ago is now a remnant and fleeting taste residing on the roof of your tongue, your duties long forgotten as you spend the remaining afternoon with mash.
it’s only when you notice the time when the sun finally leaves a trail of blazing orange as some street lamps start to blink into existence, and you have never felt embarrassment this heavy in a long while, too. “ah.. it’s nearing late.” you mumble, dumbfounded. he blinks at you only to flinch at the realisation as well.
“i’m so sorry.” he bows, his droopy expression turning prominent, “i didn’t mean to take up so much of your time, but i need to go now. pops will be worried at home.”
“no- i should be the one apologising!” your hands frantically move in front of you, finding the bow unnecessary, when he stands upright and makes eye contact with you, you see the same shyness flashing across his gaze. “g-go! your father’s probably worried sick now. see you again, mash!”
he stuffs a creampuff before waving at you, “see you, devin” briskly walking ahead as you crane forward from the counter, watching him as you wave back.
when he turns and blurs through the distance, you crouched in the corner of a wall, your hand covers the lower half of your face, feeling yourself warm. “i did not just rambled to a guy i recently just met-”
“but you did!”
when you look up, the devils themselves had emerged in probably the worst and perfect time to torment you. your three siblings ready to bombard you with questions through their mischievous eyes and ruthless mouths.
you stand up to your feet, their heads quickly lifting as they held you in captive of their intense gazes. you defend yourself as firmly as you can, “it’s not what you think it is.”
nikol devilishly grins, “you always say that.”
“since when ?!”
“they’re finally coming out of their shell~”
you cringe at the three of them. lei being the only one partially confused and partially happy despite not knowing what’s going on. honestly, why do you even try to explain.
johann’s snickering makes you sigh out of exhaustion, she steps closer, invading your space completely with her arms now wrapped around you. she’s always been affectionate, her smile resembling a lot to grandma’s. “who is he, devin?”
“he’s not just some stranger now is he?” nikol wriggles his brow implicitly, and you nearly want to smack his head when johann pulls you tighter, you returned the hug instead.
you take your time answering, not minding the silence of an after-shock of everything that happened so far, trying to take them all in. after a few moments, you admit, “you’re right.”
the white anemone rests on the counter, placed near your book. a friend beside a friend, purity in its sleep.
you spare it a glance, for the first time, you want it to stay awake and alive for as long as possible. “his name is mash burnedead, and he’s a friend of mine." a smile of endearment ghosts around your lips, "yeah, that sounds about right.”
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"what took you so long???"
"...i forgot the cheese.."
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TAGLIST : @seneon @luvmequmi @ansbobcar @pompompuriina (its open btw! just send an ask and i'll add u)
NOTES : oh my GOD this took forever bro i cant believe i had a hard time writing this HAHJAHJHWJHWJHA THE OUTLINES I MADE NEVER SAT WELL WITH ME AND THE REVISIONS WERE BRUTAL but im sure there's still a bunch of errors stuck in between :/ anyway, sorry for the long excruciating wait. the big sigh i let out when i finished is immense, the later chaps won't be as difficult to write as this one trust!!
© kyoghurts. 2024 ୨୧ la vie en rose. please do not repost !
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fic rec friday 18
welcome to the eighteenth fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.
1. A Kind Of Cosmic Joke by @eatdirt
And it's not like it's a big deal. It's decidedly not a big deal. Really it's hardly a deal at all. It's just that, maybe, in the trick of the light, if you squint and turn your head just so, Keith is…
Keith is big.
nothing in the entire history of voltron legendary defender, nay the history of voltron entirely, is funnier than the moment where lance called keith grizzled. he absolutely deserves to be clowned on for that for eternity, even in modern aus, like this fic. lance freaking out about keith getting bigger is funny in every universe in every way and this fic nails it lol
2. only a hippopotamus will do by perfchan
Lance walks into the kitchen and stops. Physically stops, the cup in his hand that’s in need of a refill completely forgotten.
He turns, slowly. Raises an eyebrow. Are those...cookies? He blinks.
Yep. He leans in closer to inspect. Sugar cookies in the shape of pine trees. Green icing, mostly, with the stars on top slathered on in yellow. Well. They’re sort of messy, more like green and yellow blobs, actually. But that’s clearly the intention. Sprinkles for ornaments.
Christmas cookies.
There’s a whole plate of them---a paper plate, stacked high with handmade cookies, wrapped in plastic wrap---and they just randomly appeared. Right here on his kitchen counter.
Lance huffs out little sigh and shakes his head. Maybe mutters something under his breath. But he doesn’t give it much thought once he’s left the kitchen. Afterall, his perpetually cranky, sourfaced roommate basically lives to do weird shit to annoy him. Or something. Lance has found that living with Keith means one thing: expect the unexpected.
And everything tends to get a little crazier when the holidays roll around.
sweetheart keith! overdramatic lance! yes yes yes! and i mean overdramatic lance in this fic lmfao he is epitome dramaqueen bisexual. this fic kills me tho bc for starters its a modern au, and i fckn love modern aus, but further still it is an au wherein lance gets keith as a roommate entirely bc he finds keith hot and his smile breathtaking. what a dumbass nerd. love him
3. Trying Times by @shyfoxes
Keith comes back Hot and Lance has a crisis on the bottom bunk.
u know those fics that make u fan ur face a little? not necessarily bc it’s explicit or anything but bc its just so swoony and romantic and shit and ur embarrassed about how affected u are?? that’s this fic.
4. As If by @surveycorpsjean
The five times Lance was his impulse control, and the one time he wasn't.
y’all know me with 5+1s. i love this one in particular tho bc keith is such a prick lmao. i love when keith is rough and scowly and doesnt handle other people well and can’t emote to save his life. i love when he loves deeply and endlessly with his whole heart but in the least conventional possible way, and i love fics where lance slowly learns to recognise the strange ways in which keith says i-love-you and this fic kills that
5. A Human Thing by @xirayn
Lance comes through a wormhole as a woman. It doesn't change much. aka Lance is gender fluid so getting gender bent by space magic only presents one problem, which turns out not to be Keith.
“Lance, can we just talk? After that you can go back to avoiding me.” Lance scoffed even as her eyes remained stubbornly forward. “I’m not avoiding you.” “Then what are you doing?” That earned him a glare, which would have been annoying if not for how happy Keith was to have her looking at him again. “I’m being a good partner and giving you space while I'm not your type.” Keith crossed his arms and met her eyes with a glare of his own, brow furrowed and lips a tight line. “Not my type?” Lance let out a long sigh of exasperation. “Female, Keith. I don't want you to feel like you have to force yourself to be attracted to women just because your boyfriend currently is one.”
genderfluid lance loml! this fic explores that entire concept so so well, even with the complications of extablished klance and team dynamics and UGH this fic is genuinely one of my faves. the slow trickle to the reveal near the end was planted there the whole time, but i was so caught up that i didnt realise it so when it finally came to light i was gagged!!
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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candeathbereal · 8 months
Just a small roast of some placements
If a person has Leo and Aries placements then that Virgo Venus means meh imo. Idk I’ve met so many with that and they don’t act like people with Virgo Venus that I’m used to. The impulsive and dumb manner of us fire signs are a moment. I can roast these motherfuckers cause I got all three fire signs in my chart. Quite literally a fire dominant with a Virgo moon. That Virgo moon is fucked but she is trying her hardest. I think if I didn’t have my Saturn in my tenth house I probably would have a shitter work ethic than I do now. I have no proof but ehh fuck it.
Also cancer placements don’t pack the punch I thought they would have. Scorpios aren’t mysterious they are just dumbasses who know how to keep their mouth shut. Yeah I said it! Plus Pisces I got nothing for you sorry. I got Pisces in my eighth house so you guys are confusing to me. I can’t roast without proper interaction. Like you guys are delusional but so are us Neptune dominants.
All the fixed signs have an odd stubbornness which is to be expected from them. And yet it surprises me how much it’s there. Mutable signs have the fun parts of going with the flow and all the lovely vibes of not properly dealing with their emotions especially mutable moons. I don’t blame us for wanting to try new shit but dealing with our emotions in a “healthy” manner is not one of the ways I’m going to be trying. I have to deal with my trauma first before I even try to grasp the idea of crying in front of people unless I intensely trust them. Don’t even get me started on the idea of comfort while going through a mental breakdown. I try to take care of my shit before I get to that point because it’s either that or having a mental break and being extremely exhausted but still having shit to do. Like bruh how can I get better if I have to depend on others emotionally? The Virgo moon is busting out of me rn. Like I know it sounds dumb asf but I feel like ranting and roasting at the same time. This is how dumb we sound but it’s just the brain functioning like it has to.
To sum it all up emotionally we can deal with it later cause other people need a good/easy time. Sag moons do it by staying positive and fun and I love them for it. They just gotta learn that crying your eyes out can be fun. Just make it a game you fools! Geminis have a similar vibe but idk how to describe them. I think they are more likely to have a decent upbringing compared to sag moons. Idk most sag moons I’ve met have some of the worst upbringings oddly similar to cap moons. The key difference is how they cope with those emotions. Cap moons can be workaholics whereas sag moons probably can but not really ya know?
-I am wondering how people can say moon square moon in synastry shows short term. I can grasp it to a certain degree but general this aspect can stay together. It just seems that the common theme is that they have something shared like a child or a pet. Maybe even a business but ehh. For instance my own parents have squared moons and stayed together for years before their divorce. They argued a lot sure but in the end, shit moved on. Traumatizing a little bit but overall could have been worse for sure imo. Oh and they were together for 20ish years but married for 18 of them I think.
That’s it for now
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mur-art · 2 years
*Spicy* Historical California Headcanons (Part 1)
I found a book at the used bookstore called “Hellacious California! Tales of RASCALITY! REVELRY! DISSIPATION! and DEPRAVITY! and the Birth of the Golden State” by Gary Noy. 
Needless to say, I had to buy it. 
It includes tons of primary sources and is like, a totally serious historical account of 19th century California. Anywaaaay...here are some silly headcanons about my favorite dumbass elbow macaroni, based on some of my favorite facts from said book. I’m sure there’ll be a Part 2 at some point. 
-California is extremely reckless and impulsive; it’s ingrained in his fundamental personality. As this book points out, hundreds of thousands of people traveled across the world on a reckless gamble: that they would find gold and get rich against all odds. That’s the kind of culture that California grew up immersed in, this “try everything, morality be damned” mindset. Yes, he likes to tell himself that he’s changed and is more rational now, but even today, every time he gets into an argument solely for the adrenaline rush or can’t stop himself from making an unnecessary comment, that’s the impulsiveness shining through. He still finds it really hard to turn down a dare or a decision he knows won’t end well. 
-Related to the first point, he has “died” so many times in really stupid ways. He’s pissed off the wrong people and gotten shot in the chest. He’s fallen off of cliffs while drunk, messed around with rattlesnakes, drowned at sea, and gotten trampled while racing horses. Of course, he gets right back up and recovers and ends up doing it all over again. Because what’s self-preservation when you’re immortal? 
-California taught Nevada how to gamble. California always enjoyed it, and played card games and other games of chance almost religiously. (In the 1850s, playing cards were even called “California Prayer Books,” and the first slot machines were invented in CA.) California gave Nevada his first deck of cards, and taught him all the table games. Nevada rolled with it (literally) and California tried to distance himself from it later during the Gilded Age/late 1800s, when he was trying and failing to be more “respectable” and “mature.” (Gambling was *officially* outlawed in CA in 1872, but that stopped exactly no one.)  
-When he was younger, California was incredibly awkward around girls, and was terrified to even talk to them. This is based on the fact that only 8% of people in Gold Rush California were female. People would literally pay money just to SEE  a woman. 
-Luckily, Cali loved the other 92% just as much as he loved women...
-There’s a section on wine history in this book which further solidifies my HC that California used to not-so-secretly steal communion wine from the padres (the Catholic dudes, not the baseball team, although he would steal wine from the baseball team if he could) and get super drunk to make it through Mass whenever he was forced to sit through it. 
-There’s a really hilarious story in the book about a bunch of California winemakers trolling a “Wine Expert” who was super snobby about European wine being better than California wine. They replaced all the labels on the European wine with California labels, and vice versa, and suddenly the “Wine Expert” was unknowingly complimenting everything about California wine. And THAT, my friends is Pure California-- California would absolutely pull a stunt like that. 
-California has literally always been an annoying little argumentative shithead. I love this quote:
“The Californian [spirit] involved [...] a certain daring,  a refusal to be fazed or be put off by bad luck or circumstances, an unwillingness to give up... But there is still more to the California spirit than a willingness to gamble and accept dares... The Californians promptly acquired rather large chips on their shoulders, and in addition to a certain [haughtiness], the California character becomes notably disputatious [argumentative] and competitive.” 
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eliasthemagi · 9 months
who?: @chancellorxlaer where?: hakanalia
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They needed the elves to teach them and not even Elias was an exception, but he didn’t need anyone’s help in Rome for an entire year. A paradigm shift changed things sure, yet that didn’t mean that he was going to start kissing their asses all of a sudden. But Elias’ impulses were still very human. The elves walking around the party looked good, really good, and maybe it was the molly but he couldn’t help but go slack jaw whenever one of their radiant bodies floated past. He felt like a dumbass locked in silent eye contact for so long only to look to the ground slightly bashful first in the end, so his ego wouldn’t allow him to let things end there. “I like your outfit,” Elias blurts out as he shoves his way through to the Chancellor. He had to say something, not wanting the elve to turn away and think him stupid or something. “Honestly, color me impressed. How all you guys squeeze into the tightest outfits is beyond me, but I’m thankful for it. Eye-candy is useless if my imagination has to pick up too much slack.”
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vampirewalterskinner · 6 months
ok i love love love loved the previous alphabet answer so here's more for the most normal fbi agents and their boss :3
g, t, u, z
I’m so glad you loved it 🥰
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It think it’s a pretty safe bet to say it all starts with Fox and Dana getting together 😂 They all certainly had strong feelings for one another but those two getting their act together is what leads to Walter getting involved. As well put together he is, I don’t think Walter has much confidence when it comes to romance and I don’t think it’s necessarily because of a lack of confidence, I think he’s just one of those people who just doesn’t expect others to crush/lust after him. It takes awhile for Dana and Fox to get him to understand they are NOT joking when they tell him they’re interested in him. (That said, canonly speaking, I think Fox and Dana started pursuing/admitted their feelings to Walter in season 6. The tension and unsaid words in SR 819 was INSANE. It reeked of “my agents told me they loved me but I don’t believe them” vibes. I still can’t get over how sassy Fox and Walter were to each other when Fox questioned him about waking up alone 😂 spicy boys)
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Fox is the king of shitty nicknames. Dana and Walter are exasperated by every last one of them, but they still love him. (Much to their chagrin.) Although, Walter and Dana do tend to refer to Mulder as “dumbass” and “asshole” frequently enough to be considered a nickname. 😂 The only nickname Walter allows is “Walt” but he still prefers his full first name to be used. (Ngl, they say each other’s last names way too much for me to get excited about nicknames. I was foaming at the mouth in season 7 when Fox called Walter by his first name. FOAMING. I played it on loop. Season 8 alone contains the three of them saying each other’s first names so much I 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠 best season. Anyone else who says otherwise: fuck you, you’re wrong ajsvxgdshsbs)
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Fox is the most impulsive but Dana definitely has her fair share of impulsive activities. The two of them definitely keep Walter “eats at the same restaurant and sits in the same spot every time” Skinner on his toes 😅 For the most part he just loves to be near them, even if that means breaking into the pentagon or catching a cold from UFO hunting on a rainy night in the middle of the woods.
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Fox was definitely the most eager! He yearned long enough. As soon as he knew a relationship with the both of them was possible he went for it. He wouldn’t let anything stop him. Not even Walter’s “I’m not good enough” stubbornness 😂 I think Dana would be very straightforward and adamant about her wants but I think she has more patience than Fox because she understands Walter’s thoughts/personality a little better than Fox does. Walter was definitely reserved. He didn’t want to come between the two of them and lord knows he was struggling with himself for liking two people at once. Plus, he knows he can be closed off emotionally and he does worry about how that will make them feel. (Little does he realize they actually help him open up 🥰)
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ruhrohrichie · 2 years
“What’s the most selfish thought you’ve had lately?”
Eddie’s breath caught in his chest. God, Richie always asked the most unexpected questions when they had their deep, late night one-on-one hangouts. When the quiet of the night subdued them a bit, the clandestine feeling of nighttime making them even more open with each other than usual—vulnerable, brave.
“Just thoughts?” Eddie asked. He squeezed at the beads inside the bean bag they were lying on through the fabric and didn’t look at Richie. “Or things I’ve done?”
“Thoughts,” Richie said decisively, sitting up. “You think through your actions too much. I wanna know what Eddie Kaspbrak’s pure id looks like.” He smirked as Eddie met his eyes. “Relax, Eds, this is a judgement free zone. I’m not gonna arrest ya for thought crimes.”
But Eddie couldn’t relax. Richie wasn’t wrong—there were times Eddie could be impulsive, but that wasn’t his usual MO. Usually he did still monitor himself somewhat, but that was only polite, right? He couldn’t go around saying and doing everything he thought. Especially not around Richie.
Which was why he was hesitating now.
“Come on,” Richie goaded him. “Something you’ve thought about, all consequences and niceties be damned.”
Eddie swallowed. Met Richie’s eyes, then looked away. Selfish. Eddie’s brain could get quite selfish, especially at times like this, when he had Richie all to himself, just like he was always wanting so bad.
He started out soft. “I dunno,” he mumbled, still looking at his own lap. “I guess I was a little selfish today. I was really fucking annoyed you picked Bill as your Scrabble partner.”
Richie barked out a laugh at that. “Yeah, that’s fair. None of you stood a fucking chance.” Eddie huffed and crossed his arms.
“Not because he’s an author and you’re a freak genius, dumbass.”
Richie’s eyebrows shot up past his glasses, and that’s when Eddie knew Richie knew even though he hadn’t said it. “Aw, Eds,” he beamed, clearly too pleased as he leaned in closer, “did you wanna be my partner?”
“Yes!” Eddie burst out. He was aware he was pouting, and blushing, but Richie didn’t even comment on it. His eyebrows were lifted more gently now, like he was surprised and waiting for more, waiting for an explanation, or a cue.
So Eddie explained. “I always wanna be your partner,” he said. “I always want you to choose me. I want you to want me, more than you want anyone else. That’s my most selfish thought.”
“Eds—“ Richie started. But as dilated as his eyes were, as soft as his voice was, Eddie couldn’t stop there.
“No, I’m more selfish than just that. I want you to want me so bad you can’t think straight. I want you to want me so bad you can’t help yourself.” At some point, Eddie’s hands had balled up into fists. “You know what I think about, Richie?” He turned his head toward him, finding Richie already leaning closer, absolutely rapt. Eddie took a shaky breath and, looking at Richie’s lips, said, “I think about sucking you off. Every night before I fall asleep I think about how nice it would feel to have your cock in my mouth, to feel it on my tongue.”
Richie’s jaw clenched, and he took in a breath through his nose, purposeful, like he was trying to control himself.
Eddie didn’t want that.
“My most selfish thoughts are the ones I have about you every day,” Eddie breathed. “If I could have anything I want, I’d want to be on my knees with your hand in my hair and your cock down my throat. I want to feel you slowly lose your grip on your control—because I know you would try to control yourself at first. You wouldn’t wanna hurt me. But I wanna see how long you last caring about that before you go just a little too far and feel me gag around you. I wanna watch you try to hold back, try to apologize, but you just have to shove your cock even further down my throat, because it’s really hot to watch me choke on it, isn’t it? I want you to think I’m so pretty while I’m crying on your cock, I want—“
“Eddie,” Richie nearly growled. And that was all the warning Eddie got before Richie rolled on top of him, nailing him to the bean bag as he kissed him. “You’re so fucking pretty,” he panted. Eddie could feel Richie’s lips curling into a smirk. “So pretty, and so small, and so cute.” Richie pinned Eddie’s wrists down and forced his hips between Eddie’s legs. Eddie cried out as Richie bit down on his neck. “And it is just so fucking cute that you think I’m gonna even try to control myself once I have my cock forced down your tight little throat.”
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In your dreams, kid (Ch. 2: early to rise)
Fandom: Omori Timeline: Post Good Ending Ships: Suntan (Sunny/Kel) Links to First and Next Chapter List of Accompanying Playlists for this Fic Pinterest Moodboard for this Fic Summary: Under Sunny’s hypocritical, well-intentioned advice, Kel puzzled over his mental checklist as the bruised house drifted out of sight, now a grey blur. An assortment of surgery, artery-clogging snacks? Check! Mixtape Sunny made special for him, covered in little red hearts and a doodle of the two of them holding hands? Check (No, actually, he will not read into that, thank you for asking). An 8-pack of Monster so Aubrey wouldn’t fall asleep at the wheel while he drives her mad with alien conspiracies and iSpy all night? Check! (Sunny downed three, the absolute madman, before they even stepped foot in the car, but he figured it still counted) Homework? ...check. An excuse for stealing Ms. Suzuki’s car, running away with her son and "future daughter-in-law", and showing up at his incredibly busy brother’s dorm room? You know, something even remotely better than “You sounded like you were about to cry over the phone last night and you don’t cry and I’m so worried and distracted and madly in love with you, I simply had to come check on you, so...Surprise!” ...He’d check that one off sometime before they got there. Probably.
If Aubrey stuck to her early jogging routine like she once stuck to Mari or Basil’s insomnia didn’t feel like lending itself any rest, there was a good chance they’d spot his widened eyes from the stairs and ask about a supposed morning. Kel, of course, would say no, but he’d take note of the thin hue of light draped over the sky, since that basically meant it was sunrise, which basically meant it was morning.
To him, at least.
Kel was intrinsically aware that “morning” meant going out and getting…something, but putting together mental to-do lists was hard on good days. Harder still with bony arms gingerly wrapped around him in a vain attempt to stop Kel’s trembling, whispering scripted yet sincere sweet nothings. The hands on his back were embarrassingly welcome, yet so hesitant, only daring to brush over the cotton fabric, tickling rather than soothing. The effort, as always, was appreciated. Even his gentle rocking back and forth feels awkward, like Sunny never learned quite how to shift his weight right.
Like he was the one used to being held.
...Oh. Oh, boy.
He was probably about to cross some boundaries today. Maybe even upset Sunny. God, he hoped not. He could hear the signature pitter-patter of a wild Basil from the living room, the clang and clatter of nervous hands finally quieting. They didn’t seem stable enough to handle two friends close to tears.
Still though. He always had questions (Hero used to gush over that. Called it a “learner mindset!” His teachers were less impressed). If he didn’t get an answer today, he’ll be restless all morning, and no one liked a restless Kel besides Kel (and Aubrey, when she was looking to pick a fight).
“Heh,” Kel prayed his sleepy voice didn’t make that sound forced. “Mari teach you all this?”
Something anxious and kinda pushy in the back of his head told him to add something about being totally fine now, no worries, man. Maybe some kinda vague, tongue-in-cheek “no homo” joke to make sure Sunny didn’t read any farther into this blatant cuddling. You know, with “ENJOYING HIS WAY TOO MUCH FOR A STRAIGHT MAN” practically stamped in bold red ink on his massive forehead.
The impulsive dumbass with too much control in his head felt it appropriate (for some ungodly reason) to comment on how this was the perfect atmosphere for a first kiss. The nerve-wracking silence made shutting him up difficult, but Kel was always up for a challenge.
Still, his touch-starved ass was taking any distraction from that lingering dream he could get his slick hands on. He buried his nose further into the black shoulder strap instead. Sunny seemed satisfied with that answer, hummed in response. Hummed again, and again, and again, and…
Oh, Kel knew this song!
...Well, not by name, but he knew Mari and Sunny’s songs when he heard it. Their duet, Mari called it. Close enough. Kel had a feeling Sunny would rather he not know the title. He seemed determined to keep it a sibling thing, something he could share with her beyond the grave. Kel could respect that.
Despite the raspy texture of grogginess and selective mutism, he carried each note with such loving precision. Like a musician who loved their job more than their well-being. Kel knew how dangerous dwelling over her memory in public was, (stupid overemotional bullshit, worrying anyone who caught him!), but, hey. It was late (well, it felt late), and the strongest image of her floating around in his head at the moment was too unnerving to really tinker with. So, using a faint memory of their impromptu duet during one of her picnics as reference, he scrunched up his face in thought and tried to picture the implications of that melodic texture.
Just the two of them, snuggled up in her fluffy sheets, shadows cascading over their silhouette (How did they always manage to look so mysterious?). Sunny’s little fingers digging into her sides, like his lifeline could slip through his fingertips at a moment’s notice (the irony is rude and disrespectful, as far as Kel is concerned). His ragged breaths and tightlipped whimpers settling into a steady unison part, intertwining with her voice as he slowly melts into her chest. The dispassionate rigor of their violin and piano playing could never compare to the sound of them mixed up in each other, communicating in a way only they understood. “It’s okay. You’re safe now. I’ll protect you.” without words to bog down the intimacy of its delivery.
The last time he crawled into bed with Hero, he chuckled and said something about Kel being a little too old to deal with nightmares like this, ruffling his hair before draping the covers over him and pecking his forehead. He probably wasn’t being serious.
Kel stayed out of his room anyway.
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jmagnabo92 · 2 years
Trevor’s Body (fic)
I wrote a little bit of a different ending for Thursday’s episode.  Spoilers.  Starts with Jay POV and goes to Trevor’s POV as he deals with his death.
Trevor’s Body
        Despite understanding exactly why Trevor and Sam are so gung-ho about getting Trevor’s parents back together, Jay still can’t help thinking that it’s a bad idea as he makes breakfast the next morning.  He and Sam had actually argued about it since she seemed to think that he didn't understand why it was so important to both of them.  
        Hence, why he’s up early, having not really slept.  He doesn’t like to disagree with Sam, it reminds him of the event that started this mess and the reason that no matter how much he loves their eight idiot kids he has a very difficult and different life to the life he imagined with Sam when they got married.  Sometimes, he wonders if it wouldn’t be better if they’d never inherited the house, but then again, they have given some closure to the ghosts and their families... which is good, even if they also come up with hair-brained schemes to get their parents together.  
        Why do you hate me?
        The question rings out in the air of the kitchen, causing him to jump about a mile.  “What the fuck, No Pants?!”
        Why do you hate me?
        Given that Trevor is clearly wants an answer to his question, Jay sighs, “I don’t hate you.  Why would you think that?”
        Besides the obvious?
        Jay frowns, “If this is about your hair-brained scheme, I’m not rejecting the idea because I hate you because I don’t hate you – you’re one of our eight idiot kids – I love you as much as I love all of the ghosts (even if you annoy me sometimes) –, but I don’t think you’re considering the repercussions of trying to get them back together.”
        Eight idiot kids?
        “You’re going to ignore the rest?”
        Yes.  It’s just – I was the cause of their divorce - well, my death.  And it’s bad enough that they didn’t know that I died and why I suddenly went missing.  But for that to cause them to split up - I just feel responsible for getting them back together.
        “You are not the cause of their divorce – there’s obviously other factors at play here, divorce isn’t something that is caused by one thing.”
        Even if it was just a factor, what if it was the one factor that pushed things over the edge?
        Jay wishes he could actually see Trevor for this conversation but settles for giving him a soft look in the direction of the iPad.  “Look, T-dog, I understand your impulse, but you have to think about what they want.  Okay, so your plot for the perfect date worked out and they got back together last night - how long is that going to last back in New Jersey?  Do you think that one night is enough to make things last when it ended twenty years ago?  Twenty years is a long time.”
        Look, I get what you’re saying - really, I do.  I just - maybe they didn’t divorce because of me.  Maybe I should be thinking of them rather than myself, but I don’t have a lot here and I just want to see them be happy.  Don’t you understand how hard it is to be so close and so far at the same time?  I mean, it was just heartbreaking to hear them talk about not knowing where I was or what happened to me and they went through that because I was a dumbass – because I trusted my bros, who turned around and threw me in the lake.  I just...
        Jay sighs, he can see now what Sam says about Trevor being like a kicked puppy.  He sounds like a kicked puppy and Jay can’t even hear his voice or see him.  “Okay, alright.  I can see this means a lot to you and I did make that special dinner you asked for for them because as I said I do love you, and I still don’t get how you knew that.  I don’t know that kind of information about my parents, but I want you to promise me that that’s it – if they wake up this morning and decide that was it, one final hoorah, you let it go, capiche?”
        I know it’s weird.  It’s just I always loved hearing the stories about it.  I always wanted a relationship like theirs and instead, I wasted the only time I had to find that.  Then to find out that they divorced... but I promise that I won’t do anything else – it helps that it appears to have worked, and I am sorry if it’s been making you and Sam fight - I just had to try at least and I couldn’t have done it without either of you.
“I’m sorry, bro.  I am.  Sometimes, I think I forget how much it must suck to realize that the world kept turning in a world that you’re only partially a part of,” Jay states.  “A world that you can barely interact with and a world that your family is still a part of – unlike the others, you’re one of the few whose family is still around.”
        He really does feel bad for Trevor now.  It’d been just like Bela had said at Christmas that he really was a good guy underneath all that false douchey frat bro stuff.  That maybe he’d judged the surface rather than get to know him despite living with him for the last year and a half.  Not that Trevor made it easy, but Jay could’ve tried harder.
        Yeah.  Not easy.
        Before either of them could speak again, a new voice speaks.  “What - what was that?”
        It is Trevor’s mother.  She’s staring at the iPad very concerned and confused, but before Jay could even think to ask what she’s talking about and pretending that he hadn’t just had an entire conversation with her ghost son, the iPad speaks again.
        Hi, mom.  It’s Trevor.
        Jay throws his hands in the air in frustration as he sees Esther looking very confused, but oddly accepting.  “This is why I called you one of our idiot kids.”
        “I - I don’t understand.”
        “Well, it’s kind of a long story, you see apparently about five percent of people stay behind as ghosts, and you don’t see them, but we - my wife and I - know about them because Trevor was playing around with his power, which is to touch things, and knocked over a vase.  Sam fell down the stairs and was technically dead for three minutes and when she woke up, she could see ghosts,” Jay states.  “Including your son.”
        I just happen to be one here at the estate.  I was here partying with my ... friends and it made my heart explode.  Since we were doing drugs, they didn’t call an ambulance and instead threw me in the lake - I didn’t know for a long time.  Only when Ari showed up at the mansion last year did I find out what they did.  I was rather distracted by suddenly being a ghost to know what happened – Sass told me when we heard Ari being all suspicious during the visit.
        “Why haven’t you written to us if you’ve had this ability the whole time?” Esther asks, entering the room and moving by the iPad where they are both assuming Trevor is standing.  
        Given that Trevor’s been the one to encourage interaction with Pete’s family and Flower’s brother, Jay can’t help wondering this himself.
        Well, I - I guess I was afraid to reach out... besides, what I was I going to say - hi mom, I’m the ghost of your dead son, maybe you should visit the B&B sometime?
        “What is going on here?” Sam asks, jarring their attention to the doorway.
        It’s quiet for a minute until... Jay and I were talking, and my mom overheard so ... now she knows.
        Sam looks very stunned, so Jay offers, “We weren’t really thinking about being overheard, and it just makes more sense to tell the truth.”  He pauses and turns to Esther, “And now, I’m sure that you’d like some time alone with your son.  If you’d like, you can take the iPad into another room... I’d offer this room, but I’m cooking so...”
        Esther smiles.  “Yes, I’d like that.”
        Getting to talk to his parents had not been something he had ever expected, but he was far more thrilled with that than getting them together for what would definitely be one last time.  His mother had explained that they had been on the verge of divorce since he’d been a preteen since his father was always busy with work and wandering eyes (clearly he inherited some bad traits from his dad) and only stayed together until he and his brother had left the house (only Jeremy never left) and they decided to divorce once Trevor went missing.  
        Knowing that it really had nothing to do with him or his death had helped him a lot.  He just wants them to be happy, and his mother assured him that as long as they could talk now, they’d be happy.
        After their talk, they had the memorial before they packed up to leave.  
        Seeing them leave was not as hard as he thought it would be since he would be able to talk to them whenever he wanted, but it still hurts a little bit.  It hurts that he couldn’t hug them goodbye.  It hurts knowing that he might never properly see them, again.  It hurts knowing that they’ll move on with their lives (even if they should).  It just… hurts realizing that he couldn’t go with them, no matter how much he wishes he could.  He didn’t want to watch them drive away – he wanted to be in the car with them, pretending that this this was all a bad dream.  
        But it wasn’t a dream.  He was dead – he’d be buried soon and that was it.  
        Deciding that he needs some space to deal with the overwhelming emotions coursing through him, he goes for a walk by the lake.  The place that had been his watery grave (only he didn’t know it) for so long.  Now, it isn’t.  They would bury him in New Jersey when they arrived home.
        He can feel a sense of closure but loss as well.  He still can’t believe they spent twenty years not knowing anything about what happened to him, at least now they knew.  
        He wishes that he hadn’t let them down because whether or not they think it, he feels it.  He let them down by dying stupidly and trusting the wrong people with his life.  He let them down by not reaching out and even though they have closure now, he’s sure that they’d rather he’d not be stuck as a ghost.  
        It’s just so much that he’s dealing with right now, so much that he doesn’t want to deal with.
        “Trevor?” A voice calls to his left.  
        He turns and sees Sam standing there.  “Hi, Sam.”
        “I just wanted to check on you,” Sam says, offering him a soft smile.
        “I’m fine,” Trevor lies.  He didn’t know if he was fine exactly, but he didn’t want to worry her.  He knows that she and Jay had fought a bit over the parent trap situation, and he feels guilty about it.  He doesn’t want to cause problems for them because they might actually be the one couple that could be aspired to.  
        “It hasn’t been an easy couple of days for you – I can’t imagine what you’re feeling right now and…”
        “You don’t have to worry about me, Sam,” Trevor states, sincerely.  “Despite Jay saying that I’m one of your idiot kids, you don’t have to babysit me.  But I do appreciate you trying to help me this weekend, even though it caused you and Jay to fight.  I didn’t want you guys to fight.”
        Sam chuckles.  “We weren’t fighting about you – exactly.  It’s more that I tend to go a little crazy when it comes to situations like your parents or …”
        “Or Bela and Eric?” Trevor offers.  He should’ve figured that after how crazy she’d been over the holidays that she was really crazy about romance ideals.
        “Yes, them, too,” Sam admits.  “I think it’s because my parents divorced when I was young enough to keep hoping that every time there was an event that they could’ve gotten back together at and kept being let down.”  She pauses.  “You’d think I’d be a little less idealistic instead, but all I want is to make people happy.”
        Trevor gives her a small smile that he knows probably doesn’t reach his eyes.  “Yeah, I could see that.”
        “And you don’t really look very happy…”
        “I told you that I’m fine.”
        “Really?  Considering how things have been last month or so, I’d be surprised if you actually were fine.”
        Trevor shakes his head.  Yeah, it had been a rough month or so – almost getting to be with Bela, the entire situation with Hetty, and now the situation with his parents and death.  He had a lot more going on than he ever believed possible, but he’ll figure out – he’s got an endless amount of time.
        “Alright, you’re right.  I’m not doing great, but to be honest, I think I just need some time to figure things out on my own.”
        Sam nods.  “I get that – I just wanted you to know that if you ever wanted to talk, Jay and I are here for you.”  She smiles, “Because you’re one of our idiot kids.”
        Trevor laughs.  “Thanks, Sam, I appreciate that and thank Jay for me – he, uh, was actually helping a lot this morning before my mom interrupted.”
        “I will.”
        When he finally heads back inside, he doesn’t go to his room that he shares with Thor. Choosing instead to go his old room since there weren’t any guests and it would give him a chance to not have to talk to anyone as he really didn’t want to talk.  He just wanted to cuddle with someone and pretend that everything was fine – and maybe it will be, but he knows that’s not to be as no one usually likes cuddling with him.
        He makes it to his old room only to see Hetty standing by the window.  “Hetty, I’m not in the mood to argue with you –”
        “I’m not here to argue with you, Trevor,” Hetty states as she moves towards him.  She’s so quick that he can’t manage to ask what she is there for before he suddenly finds himself being hugged by don’t-you-dare-touch-me Hetty.  
        He doesn’t react at first, but as she tightens her arms around him, he finds himself melting into her arms.  It’s exactly what he’d been craving – just someone to hold him.  He’s just surprised it’s Hetty.
        Not that he minds.
        He closes his eyes and just enjoys the feeling, especially as Hetty runs one hand through his hair.  It feels good, surprisingly comforting and he’s not sure how long they stand there before they both loosen their grips although not letting go completely.  He brushes under his eyes (because even though he can’t cry, he can still feel as though he has been crying).  
        He clears his throat.  “Uh, thanks.”
        “I am – not – the best at being comforting, Trevor, but is there something that I can do that would make you feel better?” Hetty offers.
        “Honestly, I don’t want to ask anything of you that you wouldn’t want to give – I know cuddling isn’t really your thing and that’s all I really want right now.”
        Hetty smiles at him and grabs his hand before leading him to the bed.  “One might be surprised how much cuddling I could enjoy.”
        “Really?” Trevor asks as she gestures for him to lay down.  
        “Yes, really.  I have recently discovered that I am more than okay with it,” Hetty states as he lays down and offers his arm, so that she can cuddle into him.  
        As she cuddles into him, despite feeling content, he can’t help asking, “Why are you doing this – for me?”
        “Trevor, we all care for you, but after our little dalliance, I find myself caring for you quite a bit differently than I imagine the others would care for you.  I wanted to be the one to be there for you, but I do not know how to be that person.”
        Trevor smiles, softly.  “Well, I think you’re taking a step in the right direction.  Just being here – like this and silently supporting me through my parents visit.  Although I never want to hear about you watching them ever again.  Maybe if you want – we could just say what we need and it’s okay if one of us doesn’t want to do whatever it is.”
        “I believe that is acceptable.”
        “Good – then, let’s just … relax here for a while – maybe fall asleep.”
        “As you wish, Trevor.”
        It’s quite for a few minutes as Trevor realizes just how comforting it is to have someone so close after so long and for it be Hetty after the last few weeks means more to him than he can say.  
        “Yes, Trevor.”
        “Thank you for being here.”
        “Of course, Trevor.  Always.”
        Trevor smiles.  “Always, I like the sound of that.”
        And just like that, he feels a lot better and can put this whole messy last month behind him, and hopefully onto a better future.  Only time would tell.
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yeehawbvby · 2 years
EDIT 12/4/23 - IGNORE ALL THIS unless you’re interested in Max’s old lore!! It doesn’t apply to her anymore :3
Because I’m balls deep in PLA brainrot, and I didn’t wanna make a new oc just for this, I now have properly outlined Maxine lore for those who care 🗣🗣🗣
- born in Unova
- became a trainer at like 13 and was kinda on her own/constantly on the move from then-on. Stayed in the region for the most part but rarely went home
- moved to Galar at like 19-21
- earned the terribly corny nickname DynaMax from Leon and Hop and when she grew popular it became a widely used nickname for her amongst fans UGHHHHH
- almost the same story as the protag in SWSH. Became champion at 24
- pressure got to be too much so she left for Paldea a year or 2 later to try and settle down a little bit/go to school/figure out what she wanted
- wound up getting mixed up in all THAT stuff
- eventually graduated, didn’t know what to do from there
- impulse got a bunch of pokemon-related tattoos during a crisis lol, mainly related to legendaries she’s encountered and her starters but some god-likes (Arceus + Giratina) were mixed in there
- canonically she fucking dies (I still dunno how, maybe pokemon battle or something)
- is reincarnated from the same age into Hisui because Arceus saw the tattoo as some kind of pitiful plea at a second chance from someone it deemed like.. mildly worthy (even though It Was Not lmaooo DUMBASS)
- kinda follows a mix between canon and a few fanfics I’ve read from here
- keeping it vague for now but I just know she fuckin SOBS when she sees Ingo because she knew him and his brother and hasn’t seen them in forever but now Ingo doesn’t even know her because of his memory loss. Like she doesn’t handle it well at all that her one connection to her prev life doesn’t recognize or remember her or anything (she gets it and doesn’t hold it against him or anything and hides it the best she can but still!!)
Idk how I’ll bring her back for the next games but I think this is kinda fun uwu I might make character sheets for each region too✨
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
Anyway, back to [“Huh. Didn’t think Techno would be down for prison labor.”] I laughed, very hard. [it’s a little fucked up, y’know?”] It’s good to see Tubbo being aware of how fucked the entire situation is, I think Wilbur might be starting to forget that a little (in his defence he’s pretty used to skipping past a lot of fucked up shit).
I’m already failing at doing this by character because I am Looking at Wilbur telling Tubbo he’s staying willingly and I just can’t help myself. It’s the wanting to be different, but having no proof thing again. He needs Tubbo to know that he’s different. That he has changed. Because he feels so different form who he was and he wants to be more than just the Pythia, so he needs to say something and change the image Tubbo has off him in his mind.
Poor Tommy, that wasn’t even the most terrifying thing to happen to him that day. Also, I give him a lot of shit for being an impulsive dumbass, but Wilbur is just as bad. Like he did not think ahead to have to explain himself further. It’s a good thing Tommy is so good at adapting. And he’s not technically lying, he’s just leaving out exhibit B.
Remember when I said Tommy was an impulsive shit? Yeah why would you tell him Wilbur could have left MULTIPLE TIMES?! Like it's because he’s still pissed about Tubbo suggesting killing him. He’s still trying to prove he’s not a threat. But don’t tell him Wilbur had the opportunity to be a threat multiple times. Like it works to convince him, but this is gossip land and you don’t want that to get back to Jack or Niki. Also, people would either get pissed at Tommy or Phil and Techno depending on who they think should have told them.
Anyway, Tubbo accepts that Wilbur is no longer a threat because they are all still alive and (skips straight over the fact that he had multiple opportunities to leave and nobody knew even though he should be mad about that) offers to have dinner together.
Also, for as much as Tommy pushes his own opinions, he still makes sure if Wilbur wants to eat with them (despite it being very obvious that he wants to ear with his friends and misses them). And I’d say this is the first real brother’s moment because Wilbur just looks at how excited Tommy is and gives in immediately.
I'm glad you laughed at that line I thought it was really funny and definitely something tubbo would say. I love writing tubbo's dialogue so I was very happy to get back into it with this chapter. and yeah, because tubbo is more of an 'outsider' to the situation (hasn't interacted with the pythia as much) he's still able to see just how fucked up the situation is, while wilbur, and by extension the people closest to him, are starting to lose perspective a bit
he needs to be different!! he desperately wants proof that he's changed as a person since he got there but he can't admit that to himself. he wants proof that he's not really the pythia anymore but also he can't not be the pythia because what else would he be??
literally wilbur and tommy are so well suited to each other bc they're both dumbasses
yeahhh that was a really dumb move on tommy's end. it did the job at convincing him, but really bad way to phrase it right off the bat. at least tubbo was able to accept that wilbur is no longer an immediate threat to them. he also is definitely pissed that no one mentioned the fact that he had a chance to leave several times now, but he just knew he wasn't really gonna get anywhere getting angry about it now and more than anything tubbo is tired of being pissed at tommy, just like how tommy's tired of being pissed at tubbo. the two of them are best friends. they miss each other and are overwilling to move past stuff they really shouldn't just to talk again
wilbur can't say no to tommy when he looks that excited... the little brother effect is working now
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unheavenlybody · 2 years
hi i ended up writing an entire essay while trying to vent so feel free to ignore: 
its frustrating that there's no way to talk candidly about mental health problems without the looming fear of forced institutionalization, at least in my case. people trying to force medication on you. wellness obsessed fitness people recommend you start doing yoga and “clean eating” and only using certified nontoxic products and adopting a more positive mindset and ~recognizing your inner magic~ or whatever even though no one asked (literally a dig at my sister LMAO). so much of it just seems self righteous and self congratulatory and devoid of any genuine compassion or understanding for people’s unique circumstances??? recognizing that a lot of life is just hard and miserable and sometimes its ok to just sit with that??
i hate the idea of some dude with a degree from whatever ivy at my school’s counseling department keeping a record of everything i say which can potentially be used against me even tho its supposed to be confidential. treating me like a fragile baby bird but also slicing our meetings in half and arriving late and leaving me to fend for myself after asking me to dig up buried trauma and then offering no support for the next two weeks other than “i understand, that must be hard.” recommending we look into a psychotherapist during our next meeting, which i cant even afford, and then not following through. repeatedly tiptoeing around the question of whether i have suicidal thoughts and if so how severe, like, my guy, i 100% wouldnt tell you that in a million years. even if it’s true.  
i'm caught between recognizing that a healthy diet and exercise and enriching hobbies and social connection are necessary parts of getting better, but people seem to conveniently forget that these aren’t equally accessible options for everyone. and even if i maintain all of these things, will it be enough to keep me here? i just don't understand the impulse to shame people for not trying “hard enough” when it’s so easy to neglect these things if you don’t have money, adequate resources, or emotional support. not everyone was born to be entirely self sufficient (is anyone really, lol?) but grindset wellness fuckers will have you convinced you’re just an undisciplined weak-willed piece of trash and simply need to become more like them. or at the very least get medicated and stop complaining. but can you prioritize a healthy organic diet if you barely have enough money to scrape by as it is, when understandably cheap fast foods are one of the only things that still bring you comfort that you can regularly afford? how can you safely exercise in a way that's both sustainable and enjoyable if you can't afford a gym membership or exercise equipment and live somewhere that neglects public parks or is highly polluted and congested? or if you have chronic pain or fatigue and can’t get treatment for it because your dumbass country doesnt think universal healthcare is a human right? you can’t even maintain certain hobbies and especially long term relationships unless you have money for outings and some means of reliable transportation (which in the US obviously means having a car). how can you get out of an abusive or hazardous living situation when the resources that do exist are often underfunded, discriminatory, or exploitative themselves? when you have no one else to depend on? everything is increasingly designed to strip you of any opportunity at having a happy fulfilling life and maybe some people are just less equipped to deal with this reality. maybe i am weak lol. or they see through the bullshit and can’t bring themselves to care anymore. 
like yeah i know that’s not a great mindset to have, and you should still try to find joy in life, but most days i can't help but feel that I am trying to get better by exercising or eating healthy or allowing myself to love things all for nothing. like maybe ive already been robbed of a healthy, happy life by circumstance and i could try to exhaust myself further by insisting things can and will get better when maybe realistically they won't in the way i want them to. i dont know how to end this i just wish it was easier to talk about with someone lol sorry for the essay byeeee
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imthejudge · 2 years
make sense of me
Warren Graham x Nathan Prescott
Chapter Three Word Count: 8,700
Chapter Two
Tags: fluff, hurt/comfort
Read on Archive
Chapter Three: without you
When Warren opens his eyes there are a lot of things that run through his brain. Most prominently among them, and at the forefront of his mind, is a simple: huh. Warren blinks his wide, disbelieving eyes owlishly. There’s nothing. No wind, no rain, no lightning…no storm. And it’s somehow daytime.
Okay then.
He’s strangely calm about it, until a fact that comes rushing back to him makes him launch himself forward in his seat to peer at the ground in front of his car. Oh shit. Yup. He definitely hit something. With a still blank mind, Warren’s body reacts for him, fumbling clumsily at the door handle to let himself out and almost trip his way around to the front of his car. Shiiiiiiiit.
There’s a soggy, red heap on the ground.
No—a person.
Oh no, not a person.
Nathan Prescott.
He hit Nathan Prescott with his car.
Are you kidding me?
Warren might have laughed for the sole reason that this was some cruel twist of fate, except he might’ve just killed Nathan Prescott. That will definitely affect his chances of getting into Stanford University, he might as well throw his 4.0 GPA out the window at this point. Oh my God I killed Nathan Prescott. He’s spiralling, quickly. And he doesn't realize he hasn’t taken a breath since leaving the car until the red heap—that he has deduced is Nathan—stirs and lets out a long groan.
Crouching down next to him, Warren immediately has a grip on each of Nathan’s shoulders as he rolls to his side, “oh fuck, you’re alive!” Okay, that was a little dramatic to yell in his face.
Warren’s sure Nathan is barely conscious enough at this point to even know what’s going on, but it doesn’t stop him from swatting away Warren’s hands and spitting like some feral cat. “Getthefuckoffme!”
Straightening up, Warren can’t help the relief that floods through him at Nathan’s reaction. He didn’t kill the guy, after all. I can still go to Stanford. “Oh my God, you’re okay. I mean–are you? Are you okay?”
Nathan’s now standing up beside him and Warren realizes how close they are. Only inches apart, really. Nathan seems to notice, too, as he gives Warren a quick yet scrutinizing once over before jabbing a finger into Warren’s chest. “You? Again? How–no, I’m not okay. Ease the fuck up though, would you?”
Stumbling back a little, Warren rubs the spot that Nathan so forcefully prodded him with, “right, yeah…uh, sorry.” He’s able to properly take in Nathan’s appearance now, still completely dripping wet as if walking straight out of a storm–which he had–to the point where a puddle has begun to form beneath his feet. That varsity jacket he always seems to wear has somehow grown, its arms sagging way past Nathan’s hands and overall looking much more weighted than usual. His dark blonde hair sticks to his temples and neck in a wild fashion, droplets of water running down his cheek…and his neck, disappearing beneath the collar of his shirt–
“Can you stop looking at me like some freak science experiment that you’re trying to analyze?”
Warren’s attention immediately snaps back to the situation at hand, his eyes averting back to Nathan’s hard stare that bores into him, “right, s-sorry!” Warren apologizes again, mentally cursing himself for making the already awkward situation ten times more awkward. He thinks of a way to rectify it, though it’s on impulse that he suddenly shoots out a hand in offering to Nathan, “I guess first things first, I’m Warren Graham.”
At first, Nathan doesn’t do anything, then his eyes narrow to slits and Warren thinks he might get decked in the face by him. Again. “I know who the fuck you are, dumbass.”
“You do!?” Warren doesn’t mean to sound as surprised as he is, clearing his throat after a second, “I, uh, didn’t think you did.” He still holds out an extended hand, which Nathan looks down at as if Warren just offered him a cake made out of dogshit. But before he has the chance to retract it, Nathan turns one eighty degrees and proceeds to stomp away. “Uh… wait, where are you going?”
“Away.” Nathan responds without turning around.
“Away?” Warren repeats, trying to catch up. “Where?”
“I don’t know, to get some dry fucking clothes for starters.”
Warren supposes he has a point, the guy was sopping wet. He gives a slight shrug while continuing to follow behind Nathan. “Yeah, that’s probably a good idea. But I’m also slightly concerned over–well–pretty much everything that–”
“Without you.” Nathan reels back around to face Warren, making him come to a sudden halt and try his best to avoid crashing into him. The words, full of venom, cut Warren off. “I don’t know what the fuck just happened, or why the storm we were caught in two minutes ago has somehow miraculously disappeared and it’s fucking daytime,” he digs a finger into Warren’s chest again, forcing him to take a couple of steps backwards, “but I do know that you’re right at the centre of it all. So stay the fuck away from me.”
Ow. This time Warren doesn't bother to say anything, or follow, when Nathan continues walking away from Warren and out of the parking lot. Suits me just fine, he thinks to himself. After all, he had been trying to avoid the guy since the whole incident earlier that day. If Max could have seen the complete and utter trainwreck that occurred just now–with Warren stupidly trying to introduce himself, nonetheless–he can’t bare to think it. He brings a hand to rub over his face, letting out a strangled groan. How embarrassing.
But embarrassment aside, Warren is finally able to ponder upon the very strange occurrence of the storm and its sudden disappearance. He drops his hand, casting his gaze upwards to the cloudless sky, no hint of a storm ever having happened. Something is off… There’s no way he could have been imagining it, not when he’d been driving in it mere minutes ago. Not when Nathan was proof of how badly it had been raining due to his soaked and dishevelled state.
It made no sense.
“You okay, my dude?” Beside Warren stands a guy who’s currently stopped to check him out and Warren doesn’t have to glance over to know that it’s Trevor, judging from his cropped black hair and baggy skater clothes that can be made out in his peripheral vision.
“Oh, hey Trevor. I’m okay, it’s just been a…strange day.”
“Trevor?” The guy questions, prompting Warren to actually look at him. The Trevor he thought was Trevor wasn’t Trevor upon closer inspection…Though he looked strikingly similar. Too much so for it to be a coincidence. Does Trevor have a brother? No, he would know that… “Sorry dude, you must have me confused with someone else. Pretty tubular name tho, if I do say so myself, so I’m not mad about it.”
Tubular? Warren hasn’t heard that one… pretty much ever before in his life.
“And I’ll say, strange indeed, my dude. I was just asking since you’re staring into space and your car’s smokin’ away.”
Not Trevor certainly talked as much as actual Trevor, wait–“my car’s smoking?” The guy shrugs, pointing behind Warren and sure enough, when whipping around to face his car, there’s a cloud of smoke forming at the back end.
Oh shit. Warren’s running over to his poor old Chevy, dancing on his feet a little in his hesitation to even touch it in case the whole thing goes up in flames. Shit shit shit. It dawns on him that the smoke doesn’t actually look like it coming from the car but rather within it. He furrows his brows together, curious at what that could possibly mean when a thought occurs to him. He tentatively reaches out a hand to pull open the door to the back seat, confirming that it is indeed not his car, but rather his time machine–thesis project–that was to blame.
Warren stares at it open mouthed like an idiot, because he doesn’t understand. A creeping suspicion forms in his mind, one that he’s quick to shake off because no. But it’s hard not to piece together the storm and how he was sure he’d been struck by lightning–which happened to be enough energy to power his time machine–right before being launched into a stormless, bright and sunny day.
But no, no way.
Out of curiosity–and if only to squash any lingering doubts on the ridiculous idea–Warren pops his head out of his car to zero in on not Trevor, who has luckily hung around and is toeing his skateboard idly. “Hey,” he calls out, “uh, what year is it?”
If it’s a weird question to ask, not Trevor doesn’t let it show as he barely even blinks when responding, “1983, my dude.” He waggles a ‘hang loose’ gesture with his hand, but Warren can’t fully comprehend it. His eyes drift back to the time machine, almost laughing because no. No, no, nope. Nahhhhh. That’s a joke, not Trevor’s just messing with him.
But then his gaze focuses on the digital interface of his time machine, which still glows with the date he’d set it to back at the lab. The date he’d insisted on wanting to travel to. The date October 7th, 1983.
He has to tell Nathan.
…right? Would it really be so bad if Warren didn’t? On one hand, the guy kinda deserves walking aimlessly around a Blackwell 30 years prior to their current time. Or future time. Especially since Warren still doesn’t feel inclined to go anywhere near Nathan, who will most likely rip Warren to shreds once he does mention the fact that they’ve been launched back in time. If Nathan believes Warren, that is.
Warren barely believes it himself, still wrestling with his own mind at the sheer impossibility of it all. The idea of him dreaming all of it up definitely crossing his mind, but Warren rarely dreamed and never this vividly. Things were too real.
And on the other hand…there’s no way that Warren, in good conscience, can let Nathan go about like this unknowingly. As much as Warren hates the guy, he can’t leave him stuck here. He considers that Nathan might not have been involved in the accidental time travel were it not for Warren in the first place, having hit him with his car at the exact moment it got struck by lightning which Warren presumes is when they got spat back out in 1983. It’s only right that he tries to amend Nathan’s unintentional involvement.
So when Warren finally snaps out of his dissociative state of acceptance, he goes after Nathan. Except…he doesn’t know exactly where he’s run off to, no way of knowing in which direction to head past leaving the parking lot. All Warren has to go on is that Nathan intended to find a change of clothes. Naturally, his dorm room is the most likely place he’d want to go. The only issue is that Nathan’s room…isn’t his room anymore. He can only assume it’s vacated by a student attending Blackwell during the current time they’ve been sent to.
Rolling the back windows of his car down just enough to let the remainder of the smoke escape, Warren clicks his car keys over his shoulder to lock the Chevy as he bolts out of the lot, waving a tentative goodbye to not Trevor as he goes. If he’s right, and Nathan’s headed to the dormitories, then Warren has to catch up. Quickly.
As much as the fact remains that he’s been sent back in time 30 years ago, it’s very much still October with the same notorious chill in the air. Warren makes haste across the school grounds, taking in the people he passes as he does so. Blackwell Academy itself looks exactly as it does 30 years in the future, its tall, orange-bricked building standing ageless while nestled at the foot of Arcadia Bay’s hilly forests.
What really strikes Warren are the students that loiter around campus, their image alone a true representation of the '80s. Neon and denim donned by nearly every person around him, with hair so voluminous or slick with gel he wonders how early each student has to get up before classes just to style it. The amount of gel some of them use would give Nathan a run for his money.
If he wasn’t in such a rush, Warren might have ogled the people he passed more thoroughly. He’s glad that at the very least, the layout of the school is the exact same, so he doesn’t have to worry about getting lost in his frantic race to the dormitories as much as getting lost in the crowd of people. Warren narrowly manages to break through the crowded steps down to the courtyard, squeezing between a couple of guys carrying a ridiculously large boombox that he thinks is a bit too on the nose for the setting with a strangled ‘scuse me!' before seeing a flash of red at the building's entrance.
“Nathan, hey, wait up!” but he doesn’t. Because of course he doesn't. He’s out of breath when he finally catches up, planting himself in front of Nathan like a roadblock in his path, arms spread out on either side of him. “Listen, I know this is going to sound crazy, but this isn’t the Blackwell we know. Somehow we’ve been sent back in time to 1983…”
Nathan’s stopped now, and Warren waits for him to react. But all he does is stare blankly back at him. Then something like heated annoyance flashes behind his eyes. “Oh gee. No way.”
“You’re.. strangely calm about it.” Warren drops his arms, taking on a slightly skeptical expression.
Warren’s face falls, “you don’t believe me.”
“Okay, okay, I can explain–” Nathan’s already pushing past him, even as Warren continues to ramble on in some sort of attempt at convincing him, following him up the set of stairs that lead to the dorms. Nathan slips inside the building, and Warren almost has the door slam in his face behind him. “My thesis for science class, that thing that you smashed to pieces? It’s a time machine I’ve been building–and then fixing. Not a real one! Or–it wasn’t supposed to be. But there was a storm, right? And then there wasn’t, because what I think happened is the energy from a bolt of lightning from the storm hitting my car somehow launched us–since I, uh, hit you with the car at the same time–all the way back to–”
“Stop talking.”
Warren does, only because Nathan’s suddenly halted and reached out his arms at their full length to keep Warren from running into him, holding him in place. The contact jolts him and keeps him quiet after Nathan drops his arms and begins to dig in his pocket for something. It’s a key, his dorm key, Warren assumes, making him look around where they’ve stopped in front of Nathan’s room. And parallel from it across the hall, Warren’s room. Future room.
It’s eerie how similar everything looks. Part of Warren can’t blame Nathan for taking literally anything he’s said as true, considering the two of them aren’t even friends to begin with. They’re barely acquaintances, Warren wanting next to nothing to do with the guy before today. “Nathan, I really don’t think you should–”
“Hey, Prescott!” Whatever Warren was going to say dies in his throat when he’s interrupted by the booming shout that echoes down the hallway toward them. Both boys whip their heads in the direction it came from to see a big, burly guy. Hardly someone Warren might suspect to be a student attending Blackwell from the looks of him. Maybe students in the ’80s were just built different.
Instead of facing them like Warren expects, the guy is forcefully pounding at one of the doors a couple rooms down from where they stand. It comes to an abrupt stop when the door suddenly whips open and reveals the student Warren can only assume whose room it belongs to. He has blonde hair, styled out of his face in a way that represented the current time period they were in yet also maintained a certain air of maturity to it. He’d answered the door with a scrutinizing demeanour, offering a slightly demoralizing, “what is it?” Kurt and equally commanding. “Did my father send you?” it comes out as a scoff more than anything else, and Warren almost flinches on behalf of the dude at the other end of the interaction from how harsh it sounds.
“Yes, family business.” the burly guy gruffly responds.
“It’s about time, I’ve been waiting for ages. I swear sometimes I think I’m the only competent one in this damn family.” The student’s ushering burly guy in with an impatient motion of his hand, glancing down the hallway to assure their discretion before deeming it relatively good enough–Warren assumes–when he slams the door shut once more.
“I totally thought he was talking to you for a second, almost crapped my pants–” Warren’s breathing out in relief but cuts himself off after turning back to Nathan. His face has drained of all colour, resembling that of a sheet of white paper, and his eyes have blown wide with some sort of disbelief, gaze still fixed past Warren.
It clicks in place for Warren then, his rational mind finally catching up with the rest of him as he quickly sucks in his breath, “was that…? Is that your dad!?” He says it under his breath, fixing Nathan with a pointed expression, but the guy is clearly far from the conversation at hand. Without warning, Nathan’s pushing past Warren back the way they’d come in, leaving Warren dumbstruck before calling after him yet again and willing himself to follow. “Where are you going now!?”
But of course, there is no answer, just a frantic Nathan to follow after as he launches out of the building. He walks right up to the first person he spots, an unsuspecting student lounging against the railing of the dorm steps who is chatting with some of his friends. The guy eyes Nathan intensely when he corners him and points a finger at his raised hand. “Give me one.” His cigarette, that’s what Nathan had been interested in, and now extorting this poor guy over. Warren thinks he’s gone feral.
“Uhh…” the guy starts, his and his friends' laughter immediately cut off by the unexpected disruption that is Nathan, who remains rooted to the spot, eyes narrowing further.
Warren’s shocked to find the guy start rooting in his pocket, fumbling as he brings out a pack and then a single cigarette from within it. Nathan snatches it and walks off without so much as a ‘thank you’. Warren offers them an apologetic smile as he runs past, their frozen state of shock imprinted in his mind.
“What was all that about?” Warren’s caught up with Nathan now, who’s ceased his alarmingly fast pace to stop and dig a hand into his still soggy jacket.
“Neededa fuckin’ cigarette,” Nathan mumbles around said object now sticking out of his mouth.
“Right.” Warren’s pretty sure he could’ve figured that much out himself. “You good?”
“Mm’fine.” He produces a lighter, cupping a hand over the flame as he ignites it and brings it to the end of the cigarette. Warren watches as Nathan hastily sucks in, the action greedy as if he was using an inhaler after having an asthma attack. It accentuates his already prominent cheekbones and Warren realizes he’s staring for a socially unacceptable amount of time again when Nathan’s eyes flick up to his under heavy lids.
“I, uh–I, are you sure?” Warren devastatingly stutters out. “Just because, you know, that was your dad and all, which pretty much proves what I’ve been trying to say…” he trails off toward the end, unable to hold Nathan’s penetrating stare.
“I’m fuckin’ dandy, alright? So you can leave me alone now.”
“What? No–come on, dude! We need to get back, and the best chance of that happening is if we stick together.”
“I said, fuck off, Graham.”
“Listen, I get it, this is all pretty fucking crazy. At first I thought this was…” Warren reflexively runs a hand through his hair. “At first I thought this was some insanely detailed dream my mind managed to conjure up. But it’s not! Somehow we’ve both ended up in 1983–”
“No thanks to you.” Nathan hisses out.
“I know, and I’m sorry! But we need to try to get back, so please!” His hands motion erratically in front of him, “please try to be a little more helpful with this. Try to be less–” he cuts himself off, not knowing exactly how to express what it is he’s trying to say.
“‘Nathan’?” Nathan suggests, eyes narrowing and lips pressed down into a thin-lipped frown. “Less like myself? Less crazy?”
Warren’s quiet because, yeah. That’s basically what he’d meant, without fully thinking it, at least. He’d never openly admit that, though.“No!” Warren sighs, finding his own frustration building and trying his best to let it fizzle out. Of course it has to be Nathan Prescott of all the people he is stuck in time with. It would have been manageable with literally anyone else, hell, it might have even been fun with Max. The thought of trying to figure it all out on his own the only thing motivating him to pursue Nathan so fervently at this point. “I need your help, Nathan." Warren finally admits.
He scoffs at that, which comes out eerily similar to when his dad had done the same.
Just then a noise that sounds like a smothered animal of some sort erupts in the air between them. Startled, Warren can’t help the way his attention snaps to the culprit, which happened to be Nathan’s stomach. He then looks back up at Nathan, “you…hungry?”
“No,” Nathan immediately retorts. An awkward silence follows, Warren not exactly knowing what to do in this sort of situation with a guy you kinda hate but can't walk away from like you want to do ‘cause you need his cooperation but his stomach just growled at you and now you’re just staring at each other and no one wants to break the silence because what do you say after something like that, not to mention he’s still wet from the storm they’d escaped, though, not dripping like he’d been previously but still damp enough to the point where Warren thinks it must be uncomfortable and even his hair has dried somewhat, making the ends curl, a detail that Warren is strangely hung up on, since when did Nathan have slightly curly hair–
“You’re doing it again—“
“—I’m sorry.”
An idea then crosses Warren’s mind, grabbing at his butt pockets with both hands in search of–yes. He still has his wallet. He’s thankful that he’d come to the past somewhat semi-prepared with a few necessities. Extracting it, he unfolds the wallet and finds two twenty dollar bills inside. Nathan’s eyeing him skeptically all the while, brows drawn together with scrutiny but not without interest at what Warren is doing.
“How about this,” he holds the bills up, “we go to Two Whales to get some food in you–”
“You trying to get in my pants? I can buy my own dinner, thanks.” Nathan’s smirking triumphantly at what Warren can only assume is a successful attempt at a jab at him. Warren tries not to roll his eyes at his stupid interruption.
“Yeah? You don’t really strike me as the type of guy who’s carrying wads of cash in his drenched-through jacket.”
The realization dawns on Nathan’s face, smirk promptly falling away. He takes another drag of his cigarette, scowl back in place. “Fine. So what’s in it for you then?”
It’s Warren’s turn to smile now, flashing Nathan his teeth when he responds, “I get you some food, you spend the time it takes to eat going over ways we can get back to our time with me. Deal?”
He can tell that Nathan isn’t overly fond of the idea, his mouth pulled down with an air of disgust. But then he rolls his eyes. “Fine. Whatever."
Warren opts to use his car to drive the two of them to the diner. As much as taking a bus may have been preferred, saving the little bit of cash won out in favour over having to sit in a still somewhat smoking car. To be fair, the smoking came primarily from the reactor still buckled in the back seat, not the car itself. That and a still smoking Nathan, who salvaged the rest of his cigarette right up until the butt, which Warren tells him to finish outside the car before getting in.
“Why? Your car smells burnt to shit anyways.”
“Burnt metal and plastic can air out, cigarette smoke becomes part of the car.”
“Doubt it…” Nathan says under his breath as he finishes his cigarette, dropping it to the ground to crush under his heel. Warren gets in behind the wheel of his car and Nathan slips in on the passenger side. There’s something so odd about it all, Nathan sitting in his car beside him. It’s weird just being around the guy without being targeted in some way. He can’t recall many times in the past that they’ve crossed paths, really. The only interactions consisted of passing each other in the halls where Warren altogether avoided looking his way. It was always brief, and Warren never felt the need to linger. Nothing like the physical alteration that now feels like ages ago. Taking place in the same parking lot that they’re currently sitting in now. Yeesh.
Driving isn’t so bad, if not a little awkward. The smoke actually stopped a while ago by the looks of it. The slight hazy aftermath all that was truly left in its wake, nothing a brief roll down of their windows didn’t solve. Warren’s internally thankful he’d opened the windows earlier, too, before chasing Nathan down so as to avoid hotboxing the interior of the vehicle.
They eventually make it to the Two Whales diner, finding the lot to be relatively busy. Nathan’s eager to exit the car, and Warren scrambles to follow after him in what is quickly becoming routine for the two of them, but not before collecting his backpack from the back seat.
The light jingle of the diner door opening is quickly drowned out by the crowd of people inside. Warren feels like he’s just stepped foot into a movie by the look of the place and the people that inhabited it. Not to mention a much more loved jukebox that is in full swing. The diner had its busy days, sure, but Warren has never seen it like this, so lively and full of other teens. It must have been the hotspot for Arcadia Bay back in the day because the place was packed.
It all seems to be dawning on Nathan by the looks of it, too, standing beside Warren in the entryway with a slightly overwhelmed look about him. Warren has no idea how he’s taking the whole ‘travelling back in time to the 1980s’ thing internally, but externally he’d been holding up pretty well. Almost too well, other than when he’d seen his father, which solidified what Warren had been trying to tell him.
After the brief moment of being blasted by this past version of the diner, they walk over to what looks to be the only free booth–which happens to be Warren’s booth of choice whenever coming here– towards the back of the room. Warren and Nathan slide in opposite of one another, and Warren can’t help but notice the almost new condition and vibrant colour of the seats.
Two Whales has always been a place of sanctuary to Warren, spending countless nights studying for his classes over a constant flow of their signature coffee. Or even the occasional visit with Max for lunch to chat about the latest movies they’ve watched. It’s safe to say Warren was familiar with the worn and graffitied tables, the wear of pleather on the faded booths, and even how the Jukebox would glitch and play a song unprompted after sitting idle for a solid couple of hours. Warren’s aware of how time had taken its toll on the old diner but continues to hold a certain fondness over even these minuet flaws. So when he’s sitting there now in the days of its prime, Warren can’t help but find himself a little emotional at its pristine condition. All that’s missing is–
“Welcome to the Two Whales, can I start y’all off with some coffee?” Warren peers up from his seat to see a young waitress giving him an all too familiar warm smile and a quirked eyebrow. Her long, blonde hair is pulled into its usual high ponytail as she leans on the table with one hand on her hip and the other branding a coffee pot, steaming and waiting to be poured.
Warren is staring with his mouth gaping open, noticing that Nathan is surprisingly mirroring his expression, the both of them fully gawking at the girl. The girl that Warren has no doubt is Joyce. Her complexion is much more youthful, though she still has the same easygoing glint in her eyes.
When the two continue to stare in stunned silence, her brows crease together in concern, “did y’all…need some time to think it over? I can come back…”
“Uh…” Warren dumbly responds, aware of how his mouth still hangs open, which he quickly snaps shut.
“I’ll come back,” she concludes, giving them a wink. And then she’s gone.
The two immediately lock eyes for a split second before frantically lowering their heads closer together within the booth,“did you see–!”
“Was that–!?!”
“No way that was–”
“–Joyce!” Warren finishes whisper-shouting between themselves. The excitement in the air quickly dissipates as Warren clears his throat and Nathan’s already leaning back in his seat. “First your dad, then Joyce, not to mention all the wack fashion and technology,” Warren’s counting on his fingers as he lists all the proof he’s seen since leaving his car after the storm, “you have got to believe that we travelled back in time now.”
“80’s fashion is better than whatever you call that,” Nathan nods at Warren, looking him up and down.
Warren frowns, “what’s wrong with my clothes?” It’s not that he disagrees with the statement, hell, Warren totally nerds out over all stuff 80s. The video games, the movies, the old world tech, but he can’t deny himself a good graphic tee.
“Where to begin…”Nathan mutters from behind a menu that he’s conjured up like a wall between them.
In a stroke of courage, Warren places a hand on top of the menu to press it flat against the table, “but you believe me right? About–” he throws a cautious glance around them, lowering his voice when he turns back to Nathan, “about ending up in 1983…”
Nathan takes a second before he replies, his expression suddenly unreadable, “yeah. I believe you.”
Warren exhales in relief, sinking back into his seat. Nathan believes him. And Warren believes Nathan when he says he believes him. He doesn’t realize how desperate he is for the justification. Perhaps it’s only for the sake of knowing he isn't losing it. They really did get sent back in time.
Oh fuck, we really are stuck in 1983. A new wave of anxiety washes over Warren, Nathan confirming what he already knows hitting him with the reality and severity of the situation all over again. How the fuck are we going to get back.
“I can’t choose between the waffle or house special.”
Blinking, Warren stares at Nathan, who is back to looking over the menu in his hands. This whole thing is crazy, sure, and Warren still doesn't understand how it is at all plausible, but at least he isn’t alone. At least he has someone to keep him grounded, someone who is in the same boat as he is and assure him he’s not going crazy.
“You look crazy.”
Nathan’s now staring at him and Warren hadn’t realized he’s pressed his fingers into his hair on either side of his head, elbows leaning against the table edge. He drops his hands if only to retain some semblance of keeping up a totally sane appearance. “Yeah, just…freaking out a little.”
“I can see that. Anyways, I can’t choose between the–”
“You can have some of my Belgian waffle. I usually don’t finish it anyway… That way you can order the house special.”
Joyce makes her way back to the table and they order their food, she mentally notes everything while pouring their coffees before passing it along to the kitchen. They down their coffees in unison. Warren can’t remember the last time he had something to eat, thinking back to the coffee shop he’d driven to to fix the reactor before the storm and how it was the last place he’d consumed anything. The smell of bacon frying is enough to make his mouth start watering but the anticipation of digging into the diner’s famous waffles manages to hold him over.
“Okay. Let's go over what we know…” he takes a deep breath, crossing his hands on the table between them. Nathan looks back at Warren with little to no interest when breaching the subject, so Warren begins. “We got sent 30 years into the past. A fact most likely due to my totally not meant to be real reactor I built for my thesis project…which then became an actual time machine, with my car as a vessel, when activated after absorbing enough energy from a well timed lightning bolt brought on by the storm.”
The words come out in a rush, left to hang in the air between them. Wow. Some people say it can be cathartic to voice everything out loud, but Warren only comes to the conclusion that this whole situation is completely fucking bonkers.
“So, how come my ass came along for the joyride?” Nathan questions, to which Warren is thankful of. Anything to keep him from internally spiralling on the matter.
“Honestly, I’m surprised it didn’t kill you,” Warren blurts out, the image of Nathan in lump formation in front of his car flashing before his mind. It sends a shiver across his whole body which he tries to shake off. “It makes no sense, but none of this really makes any sense. I think I’ll go crazy if I try to make sense of it.” Just thinking about it is enough to make his head hurt, putting his thoughts out in the open becoming a whole new level of weird.
The sweet and savoury aroma of their food hits Warren before he actually sees it, turning his head just as an incoming Joyce places their heaping plates of food down in front of them. He’s ravenous at this point, not holding back with knife and fork already equipped in each hand as he begins to demolish the generously garnished waffle before him. It’s topped with strawberries, blueberries, chocolate sauce, ice cream, and whipped cream which he haphazardly cuts himself a piece of with the attempt at getting a little bit of everything in one bite. He fails, naturally, as the blueberry he’d forked on falls away and the dollop of ice cream dejectedly plops in the space between the plate and his mouth. But he doesn’t care, it’s still the most delicious thing he’s ever tasted in his entire life.
“I suppose it doesn't really matter.” Warren thinks aloud, the words muffled from speaking around a mouth full of waffle. He swallows to continue, “we don’t have to figure out why we came here, all that’s important is how we get back.”
Nathan, who’s taken a much more retained approach to eating his own food, shrugs in response. “Sure.” He’s far more interested in his meal than the conversation, so Warren lets him indulge.
Inhaling the rest of his waffle, Warren makes sure to leave a solid quarter for Nathan. “Time to devise a plan,” he pushes the remainder of his waffle beside Nathan’s plate, making room for all the things currently in his possession. He begins by taking out his car keys–adorned with a keychain of the millennium falcon–his wallet, phone, and the USB drive Max returned to him, placing them down on the table. Once his pockets are empty, he swivels to begin unpacking his bag. There isn’t too much within, namely his pencil case consisting of the tools he’d taken to the coffee shop to fix his reactor and his notebook full of notes on the machine as well as a list of materials he’d used to build it–coming in more handy now than ever.
“What are you doing?” Nathan’s finished his food, moving onto the bit of waffle Warren has left him and sending a furrow-browed look over all the items Warren has placed on the table.
“Taking out everything I have with me. Maybe something here can help us.” It was a long shot, but Warren thinks it's worth trying. At the very least, it couldn't hurt.
To Warren’s astonishment, Nathan starts doing the same. He digs into his pockets to produce a lighter, a set of keys, a folded up flyer–thoroughly dampened by the way it flops on the table–and his own cell phone. He places them adjacent to Warren's pile in a substantially neater fashion. Upon doing so he proceeds to shed his varsity jacket and cardigan–equally as soggy–underneath it so he’s left with only a black tee. Warren notes how he doesn't think he’s actually ever seen him without his jacket before, being a staple to who Nathan is in his mind.
Then Nathan’s back to eating, leaving Warren to freely examine everything in their combined collection. There isn’t much to go over–lighter, USB, dorm room keys–most of which are items of little use to their predicament. Their phones, too, which are nothing more than digital bricks in this time. Upon further examination Warren can’t help but notice the poor shape Nathan’s is in, a spider web-like crack covering more than half of the screen. Must be nice to have the money not to care over safeguarding such things, Warren thinks to himself with slight disdain. He tries not to let it fester, but it’s difficult when he’d spent the entirety of the summer before moving to Blackwell Academy working a shitty part-time job just so he could afford to upgrade his own while people like Nathan just got whatever they wanted whenever they wanted.
His eyes travel back up to where Nathan sits quietly crouched over the remainder of his meal–or, the leftover meal Warren gave him. It’s a stark contrast to the angry, spitting, frantic version he’d been stuck with for the last 12 hours. His focus migrates to the still-angry looking scratch marks on his cheek, then lower to a bruise that’s beginning to form along his jaw. Was that from punching him earlier? Warren presses his lips together, he’d never been one to get into physical altercations, he might have still avoided doing so were it not for Max being involved. The thought of his friend walking away from the confrontation with a bloody nose more terrifying than it happening to himself, and all because of some stupid run-in between them in the bathroom.
Warren still doesn't know what went down in the bathroom between him and Max, and what caused Nathan to go full rage after her like that. Although, he supposes it doesn't take much for someone like Nathan. Warren still wants to know, desperately, but part of him convinces himself now’s not the time. Especially with how calm Nathan is for the time being. Warren doesn’t want to risk setting him off again.
As if suddenly aware, Nathan shifts under Warren’s quickly-growing noticeable gaze, darting his attention back down to their things strewn about the table. He latches onto the first thing–which happens to be the flyer–reaching over to pick it up and unfolding it under the guise that he’d sought to do so in the first place.
Written across the back, smudged but still legible enough, is a neatly printed list of…drugs. Ah. Of course. The lettering is too neat to be Nathan’s hand, though other than that fact there’s really nothing else of significance to the paper. That is, until he turns it over to examine the flyer itself. The list of drugs aptly makes more sense now as Warren realizes it’s a poster for the upcoming Vortex club party. The same poster he’d seen in the hallway what seems like eons ago, all crazy fonts and neon graphic design. Horribly done, in Warren’s opinion. He wonders if Nathan had any involvement, but before he can ask, something catches his eye.
Holding the poster a little further away from his face, Warren takes the time to properly read it.
Enter the Vortex Club: Struck by Lightning Party. It’s Going to be Electric! Don’t miss out. October 10th.
October 10th. Of course! Warren wants to laugh–or cry–with joy. That feeling of eureka! hitting him as if theorizing in class or taking a test and suddenly finding the exact answer he’d been looking for. Eureka! like he’d been Archimedes exiting the bathtub, but instead of discovering volume displacement in regards to water, it’s of how they’ll get back home.
“Why are you grinning like that?”
“Like a genius?” Warren offers, smiling as he lets the poster fall on the table.
“Like an idiot.”
“Because this is it! This is how we get back home! Look,” Warren smooths out the poster in front of Nathan so it’s facing the right way for him. “Do you see? October 10th.”
Nathan tilts his head down to study it, going from a deep frown to a slightly-less-furrowed frown. “The anniversary of when the statue outside Blackwell got struck by lightning…30 years ago.”
“Exactly! That's in 4 days. Another bolt of lightning, another bolt of energy to send us on our way.” Warren excitedly explains, though Nathan doesn’t seem to share his enthusiasm.
“What about your thesis thingy? Isn’t it fucked from getting us here in the first place?”
“It is, but luckily I have all my notes with me right here,” he pats his notebook fondly.
“Okay… but how are you actually going to fix the thing?”
“I have an idea for that, too. Who’s to say we aren’t still students attending Blackwell Academy? We simply gain access to the science labs and I’m positive I can get the reactor back up and running.” Nathan lets out a reserved hmm while Warren’s already running through the process in his head. “We might need to replace some materials, but I’m sure it’s doable. Then all that’s left is securing a proper line of power from the impact of where the lightning is supposed to strike on the 10th.”
Something dreadful occurs to him then, halting his burst of elation in its tracks. In order for this to work, they need to know not only the place but the precise time the lightning strikes. They didn’t exactly have the option to wait it out for the entirety of the day, not without raising suspicion, at least. How the hell are we going to figure out the exact time it will happen? There’s no way they can even figure something like that out–
“10:04 P.M.”
Warren blinks.
Nathan rolls his eyes, “I could see you freaking out.”
“But how? How do you know?”
Nathan taps the poster, “it’s a Vortex party. Vic and I had to come up with the theme. She does most of the planning and research behind them, but,” he shrugs, “I thought of the idea after going through one of my father’s books on the history of Arcadia Bay.”
If Warren didn’t have more self-restraint–or a table between them–he might have hugged the guy right then and there. This was going to work. Their plan was going to work. His excitement from before comes rushing back. So much so that he doesn’t get the chance to be hung up over the fact that Nathan Prescott took the time to read a history book. “That settles it then! We have 4 days to fix the reactor and be sent back into the future. This is going to work.”
Nathan’s gone quiet again, prodding at a lone blueberry halfheartedly. Warren’s too distracted to notice from the anticipation bubbling within him. With a plan ready to go and their food long finished, he flags down Joyce for their bill. She takes their plates and tells them she’ll be back in a minute, leaving the two in each other's company once more. A silence falls between them filled only by the clanging of cutlery and distant conversation from the diner’s other patrons. It leaves Warren with difficulty at finding something to say. He has the option of staying silent, though he’s never been one to sit comfortably in it.
His focus shifts erratically around the diner’s setting but eventually finds its way back to Nathan, clearing his throat when he does so. “How’s your cheek?”
“It’s alright. How’s your nose?” he counters flatly, making Warren wonder how he can remain so calm after everything they’re currently going through. Calm in the sense that he isn’t freaking out about the whole time travel thing even half as much as Warren is. Nathan still retains his anger–as dormant as it may be at the moment–but that’s just who he is.
“Okay.” He answers. It was true, the pain had long subsided since getting smashed into at the parking lot. It only really stings when he touches it. Safe to say it isn’t broken. He thinks all things considered, Nathan probably has it worse. “I’m sorry, by the way.”
Confusion is evident on Nathan’s face, amongst the usual scrutiny.
“For hitting you with my car. I’m sorry, I never apologized for, uh…that.”
That same blank stare turned into something venomous that Warren received earlier is back as Nathan’s eyes narrow and stare daggers toward him.
“W-what?” Warren stutters out, slightly taken aback by the sudden flip, and harsh expression pointed his way.
“Don’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Pretend to care. About my fucking cheek or getting me back to 20fucking13 or apologizing for shit like we’re friends or something.”
Warren frowns, not having anticipated the sudden lash of anger from Nathan, “I wasn't–”
“Wasn’t what? Trying to help me? Don’t act all fucking selfless, Graham. Why bother helping me at all?”
“I guess I…feel like you’re my responsibility.”
As capricious as ever, the anger momentarily melts away when Nathan’s face contorts back to confusion.
Warren sighs before deciding to elaborate, “It’s my fault you’re here, isn’t it? I accidentally brought you with me, so it’s only right that I try and get you back to our time, too.”
Nathan’s face drops, Warren finding it hard to get a read on him as he grabs his phone and turns away to shrug his varsity jacket back on. “Well, don’t worry about it. I’m absolving you of any responsibility. You’ve got your plan, now you can leave me the fuck out of this.”
“Why?” Warren demands, stone-faced and trying hard to sound commanding when he directs the question at Nathan. It’s enough to gain Nathan’s attention back. “Why won’t you try to figure this out together?”
“Because we’re not friends!” Nathan shouts, jolting up from where he’s sitting to lean over the table, and by extension, into Warren’s face. “I’m not your problem. So don’t act like it, okay?” He doesn’t give Warren the opportunity to respond this time, storming off to leave Warren as the sole occupant to their booth before he even gets the chance to fully process what just happened.
Whatever Warren expected to transpire from the conversation, it definitely isn’t the turn of events he’s now faced with. And yet after everything he can’t help thinking back to what Max said about Nathan during their phone call. How she felt bad for him and that something was going on with him. Warren’s sure Nathan wouldn’t appreciate her pity, but he’s starting to understand she might’ve been right. That there is more to Nathan than he’d originally thought.
“Everything all good, hun?” Joyce returns to the table, bill in hand and a look of concern creasing her features. He gives what he hopes is a reassuring nod. She returns one that’s just as convincing before leaving the bill with him. Warren places his money on top and begins to put all his stuff from the table back into his bag, making sure to grab the Vortex club poster and Nathan’s lighter that he left behind.
Waving his departure to Joyce behind the counter, Warren finds Nathan standing at the curb just outside the diner, his frame illuminated by the harsh neon light of the Two Whales sign. He approaches, though hesitantly, offering a thin-lipped smile in hopes of it acting as an olive branch when Nathan looks over his shoulder. He looks back to the road in front of him, somehow not running off or turning around to clock Warren in the face like he half expects him to, which he considers a win.
Nathan fidgets with a cigarette in his hands, Warren not having the faintest idea of how he managed to get another one. He then takes out Nathan’s lighter, holding it out to him. Warren decides to let the silence linger this time, seeing if Nathan will be the one to initiate anything between them.
Nathan takes the lighter from Warren’s hands, sticking one end of the cigarette in his mouth to light the other. He takes a drag, exhaling slowly, then shuffles on his feet. “You’re my ride back to school.”
Ah. There it is.
“Listen, I’m sorry–” Nathan throws him a warning glance more threatening than any glance Warren has received before,“–I mean, no more apologizing, right–I just want to say that I get we’re not friends. And though you don’t actuallyreally need to be friends with someone in order to apologize to them–”
“I swear to God, Graham.”
“Not the point, right,” Warren takes a deep breath. Right now is not the ideal time to be rambling, taking a second to try to collect his thoughts and put into words what it is he wants to articulate. He’s not even a hundred percent sure what it is that he wants to say. The only thing he knows for certain is that he wants to try. He wants to try and help Nathan. He’s not going to leave him behind. “We’re not friends,” he repeats, “and I’m not saying we will be, but that doesn’t mean we can’t work together. If we stick it out, then I think we can make it. I just know I can’t do this alone.”
Nathan’s still looking ahead as Warren speaks, letting the exhale of smoke out in breaths to cloud around them. He has no idea if anything he’s saying is even being absorbed by Nathan, or if he’s choosing to blatantly ignore him. It’s with a last ditch attempt and a swell of courage in his chest as he holds his breath that Warren offers a single question.
“Are you with me?”
There’s a long, existential pause that seems to last for an eternity between them. Until at last Nathan responds. “I’m with you.”
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captawesomesauce · 1 year
Thoughts at 955am...
An Ode to an Idiot.... 
Most of the books I read are about normal people in abnormal situations, just doing their best and almost all of them succeed. It’s a common motif through the majority of them. 
But sometimes... sometimes!!! these books are written by morons. Absolute morons, the stupidest fuckers around. Normal people mind you... just really fucking stupid ones. 
And they’ll be the first to admit that. Looking back 20-30-40 years on their life, and their decisions... these books are full of regret about the choices they made, the actions they did, and so much internal and external.
I think back to Brennan’s Wars - and how he always had choices to better himself, be an officer, go to this school, marry this girl... and instead he was impulsive and impudent and often wasted great opportunities and almost always nearly got himself killed. 
The book I’m reading now is also THAT kind of moron. He thinks everyone hates him and he feels isolated, and he’s not wrong! He admits that he was foolish, and brash... impulsive and undisciplined... and that if they hadn’t kicked him out, he would probably have gotten everyone around him killed. He had been given a full ride to go to college and was even given a private tutor and still refused to study or even go to class. He met an amazing woman but he screwed that up too by being selfish, aimless, and just stupid. He was even given the chance to be a partner in a company, and he worked really hard at it for once, was good at it, and because he was stupid, while everyone else got very very rich by holding on to the stock and stuff, he sold it early for just a couple of hundred bucks because he was bored with the whole thing. 
He even ends up doing hard time in jail, and it’s not until he gets out that he manages to get some control over his dumbness.  So why am I reading a book about a moron? Because as cringeworthy as most chapters are, it’s the people around him that are intriguing. Here we have a complete and total dumbass, but he’s constantly in the mix of greatness, strength, heroism, and brilliance. Think forest gump without the aww shucks sweetness and ability to always come out on top. 
We’ll see how i feel once i finish the book though...
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nrrrdgrrrl2002 · 1 year
You have any more facts/info on your ink!cuphead that's apart of ur bendy and the artificial industry au?
Ooh yeah!
I forgot to share his background on here
So ink cuphead here came to be because gent sold an ink machine to the company that makes the cuphead show in this universe (idk cuphead lore well enough to know who’d that be)
It didn’t go right so the company gave him and the ink machine back to gent.
Gent kept him locked up, figuring he could be useful for them later on.
Eventually they figure the rainbow ink he was infused with when created could make him able to beat the ink demon, so they sent him off to do so
Problem: this kid isn’t aware of where or what he is and still thinks he’s the cuphead from the show who’s fighting some demons sent after him alongside mugman and miss chalice.
Bendy manages to knock some sense into him and get him to realize the reality of what’s going on and what he’s doing.
And he doesn’t take it well.
He goes ballistic on the ink siblings before having a breakdown and
MASSIVE s•icide trigger warning:
uses his rainbow ink finger gun to shoot himself in the head before he can be stopped
(He survives)
Gent manages to fix him up after and he gains a small, docile form.
Eventually, him and bendy go through the “I’m tied up with my enemy and we have to work together” trope and become friends.
Cupheads still convinced he’s the cuphead from the show and that his memories are real, despite bendy bringing up that those memories are fake and the things and people in the show don’t exist.
But otherwise they’re actually pretty good friends
As for fun facts:
•he has a big monster form (that I still need to finish designing). This is actually how he started off before Gent “fixed” him
•he originally couldn’t talk and can’t speak in his big form. But he can talk in his smaller form, only having a slight glass cracking sound with each word he speaks
•he looks tall but he’s only like, 5’2” in his small form. His big form, on the other hand, is huge. He’s of a similar size as shipahoy Wilson but with a much thicker build, similar to a heavyweight fighter
•he hasn’t actually existed for very long but he’s mentally/technically physically 12-13
•unlike the ink siblings, he can taste and smell (turns out the lack of a sense of smell/taste is mostly exclusive to pure ink creatures made by the original ink machine)
•he enjoys eating normal food but his ACTUAL food source is color. He can suck the color out of things with his stingers
•he misses elder kettle, miss chalice and mugman SO much. ESPECIALLY mugman. He’s actually considered trying to recreate mugs with an ink machine but knows it’s a bad idea
•he’s actually not as impulsive as his cartoon counterpart. He’s still a dumbass but he has somewhat realized how dangerous his impulsivity has been
•he’s extremely attached to Bendy. Bendy reminds him a lot of mugman so he’s kinda clingy. He even develops a crush on Bendy that Bendy ultimately can’t reciprocate
•also he’s a bisaster cause I say so
Im sure I have more but I’ll probably bring ‘em up later.
Thanks for the ask!
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