#mustard plays guitar
abandoned-as-mustard · 11 months
Hey there Delilah is quite possibly one of the easiest songs to play on ukulele. But nooo the guitar has to have two barre chords that switch quickly. I checked the music video and yes he does use those exact shapes.
But lazy me has just transposed it down and put a capo on 2 so I can get away with doing the comparitively easy 4 string F chord. Wooh.
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yyokkki · 3 months
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Riddle Rosehearts
A former city boy who ran away from home after refusing to become a doctor like his mother was.
Actually works as a lawyer at a small firm in the nearest town. He commutes by car and it's only a 30 minute drive with minimal traffic (thank god cuz his road rage is abysmal) but he works remotely on most days.
Is often found at the town saloon (the community centre after you fix it!) holding tea parties with Trey, Cater, Ace and Deuce or at the local library.
Loved Gifts: Strawberry Tart, Fairy Rose, Ruby, Universal Loves
"...Oh! Ahem, thank you farmer. Expect a return gift in the mail soon."
Hated Gifts: Eel, Clay, Royal Sword Cola, Universal Hates
"Ugh! This is unacceptable!"
Trey Clover
The local baker! His family runs a bakery in the city and he moved to NRV on his own to open another branch of Clover's Confectionaries.
He says the fertile soil and rich foragables make it the perfect place to gather ingredients on his own.
Rumour has it he runs a backdoor business for specialty toothpastes.
Is often found at the town saloon serving his pastries for Riddle's parties or at his bakery tending to his mini garden at the back.
Loved Gifts: Limestone, Pearl, Candied Violets, Universal Loves
"Thanks farmer! How did you know I needed this? ...I don't owe you anything, right?"
For Limestone and Pearl: "This is perfect! Now, to extract the calcium carbonate..." (Yes, for toothpaste)
Hated Gifts: Broken Glasses, Mustard, Universal Hates
"Oh... Uh... Thanks?"
Cater Diamond
A social media influencer and former travel blogger.
Used to travel a lot but decided to settle at NRV. He claims it's because the scenery and people are 'cute'.
Occasionally will go to the city with Kalim and Lilia to perform and hold concerts.
Is in a band with Kalim and Lilia, plays the guitar.
Is often found at the town saloon with Riddle, Trey, Ace and Deuce or in the town square chatting up the other residents.
Loved Gifts: Spicy Ramen, Diamond, Universal Loves
"Aww, you shouldn't have! #lucky #cutefarmer"
Hated Gifts: Anything Sweet, Clay, Universal Hates
"Aww, thanks but no thanks. #lame"
Ace Trappola
The local carpenter! Stays at Night Raven Valley with his older brother who he learned all his tricks from (bad and good).
Loves causing trouble and playing harmless pranks on the other residents (Deuce is his biggest victim), good at magic tricks too.
Plays basketball on sunny Saturdays with Jamil and Floyd.
The first character you meet, who was assigned with fixing up Ramshackle Farm. Shit talks your farm right to your face and holds no remorse.
Is often found at the town saloon at Riddle's tea parties or at the back on the arcade machines.
Loved Gifts: Cherry Pie, Cherry, Royal Sword Cola, Universal Loves
"Dwoes the wittle farmer have a crush on me~ Ack, I'm kidding!"
Hated Gifts: Clay, Oyster, Universal Hates
"Gross! Do you hate me or something??"
Deuce Spade
The local mechanic/handyman! He's self taught and lives with his mom, Dylla Spade who handles the deliveries in town.
Used to be a delinquent but has since turned a new leaf.
His passion project is modding the hell out of his motorcycle and hitting the roads.
Goes on runs with Jack every sunny Wednesday.
Volunteers at the Adventurer's Guild and takes requests from the board for security as his goal is to become a full time officer in the future.
Is often found at the town saloon at Riddle's tea parties or at the back getting obliterated by Ace in Junimo Cart.
Loved Gifts: All Eggs (Except Void Egg), Omelette, Battery Pack, Universal Loves
"Farmer! I knew you were a real one!"
For Battery Pack: "Thanks dude! I needed this for the finishing touches..."
Hated Gifts: Void Egg, Juice (He drinks it, it just reminds him of Ace), Bell Pepper, Universal Hates
"Hah? Oh, I thought you were pickin' a fight..."
TWST x SDV Masterlist
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thecynthh · 8 months
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summery - going out to a concert with one of y/n friends, a weird turn is taken when matt makes a move.
notes - SMUT, ROCKSTAR MATTY POOOOO, guys im a virgin idk how sex works MADE FOR MY GIRLY @ihrtchris love u girl hope the wait was worth it <3 NOT PROOFREAD
a/n - guys it looked longer than it is i promise
also the bolded parts during the concert means its the song lyrics, also i love this song
the bustling noises of a busy kitchen fill my ears as i hear people shout and flames crackle. “so i think i'll have a sweet tea and a number 6 please.” i ask the waiter as she takes my order. 
“of course ma’am and for you?” cadence’s eyes swept over the whole menu again before speaking. 
“lemonade and a number 2 please!” the waiter nodded towards us and walked off to the kitchen. 
“hey are you busy tonight? i’m free and have nowhere to go, was hoping you knew about a party or something later.” i knew cay would know about any parties happening tonight, she was an epic journalist and worked for the editorial company i was at. 
“hm, come to think of it, no, i don’t think so. didn’t get an invite, i guess all the famous people are taking a break from being bitchy and petty.” i laugh at her statement about the rich and famous, we’ve met countless celebrities and models and almost all of them were like cay said, bitchy and petty. 
“come onnnn the one night i'm free from work and there’s nothing happening.” i drop my head dramatically on the table, careful not to hit the ketchup and mustard. 
“well….” cadence trailed off.
“well what???” i almost break my neck looking up at her. 
“i mean i saw a poster for this band, and they are playing at pacific square if you wanna go watch it, im down if you are.” cadence offered. 
“a concert? im not sure, i mean if the guys are cute” i joked. 
“ouh girl, i sure can tell you they are so hot.” she pulls out her phone looking through her photos. she taps on it and shows it to me. oh shit. they were really hot. 
the one thing that cay forgot to mention was that the band that was playing in our home town was starsturns. “WAIT! you mean starsturns is playing here??”
“okay, im convinced, i think i just found my husband.” i practically threw cay’s phone back to her, feeling a small piece of drool develop on the corner of my mouth looking at the drummer. 
“show starts at 8 i’ll be at your house with the uber.” cay says slipping her phone back into her pocket 
“holy shit i can’t believe we are going to see starsturns!!!” 
the ding of a bell goes off and we see the waiter sway towards us with our plates of food. i guess i have plans tonight. 
getting to the venue was a little troubling due to the death inducing trafic we were stuck in but cay is very much a hardass so when we did get to the venue she shoved her way to the front. 
“move your asses, two super fans over here!!!” cay’s enthusiasm scares people which lets us pass through sort of easily. 
being right at the rails that has to be only a metre away from the stage gets me riled up, we hear the curtains draw and and the stage lights get low. 
the sun just started to set and the neon flashes of their large stage lights flicker at the audience. the leader singer and lead guitarist chris looks behind him peering over his shoulder to the audience. the girls yelled and shouted, he was definitely a lady killer. 
chris began strumming his guitar in a steady pace as his brother nick, on the bass, keeps a steady beat emerging from the shadows. 
a slow rhythm on the drums begin to build up, slowly getting faster and with each tap of the snare the lights get brighter, and brighter. 
matt is revealed to the fans in such an epic way as the fans, including me and cadence goes crazy. 
the crash of matt’s cymbals begins their set list as their first song begins. 
time seemed to have lasted forever as they now have moved to a couple of slower songs that are more lyric focused. i throw my head back as i belt the lyrics living in pure harmony. this was my favourite song and i wanted to soak up every moment. 
chris noticed and waved a hand towards cadence and i letting security know to let us onto the stage. i shake cadence to snap her out of her little trance and yank her to the small stairs that lead up the stairs, a smile graces chris’ face as we run up to him. 
cay takes his hand as he spins her around, i stand back trying not to get hit by her long hair. i try to cover my mouth as i giggle a little seeing her have her moment with her favourite group member. i start skipping around the stage still keeping up with the song soon coming up to nick as he keeps his eyes on me as his bass still continues strumming. 
i lock eyes with matt, coming over to the back of his drum kit and wrapping my arms around his neck, 
“i dont wanna lose you now, 
im looking right at the other half of me” 
i sang my heart out as i hug matt while he kept his hand and foot trained on the instrument. he detaches the mic that was for his vocals and passes it to me, im a little shocked by his action but understand what he wants from me. 
i take the mic and start to sing. 
“show me how to fight for now,
and i tell you baby it was easy”
i felt alive. my idols and i sing this song with our hearts. i belt and add accents to my voice and really feel myself in the song. i bring the mic down to matt as we both sing into the mic as chris and matt begin to chant “you are, you are the love of my life” underneath my vocals letting me take the lead on the song. 
“you are my reflection, and all i see is you”
the song ends and i’m panting from using an excessive amount of air for singing and from prancing around. matt and my eyes never leave each other caught up in the moment. 
“give it up to y/n and cadence for singing this song with us!” chris yells into the mic. he holds up his signature rock n’ roll sign showing it to the fans, “thank you guys for coming out here tonight! love you all, have a good night!” with the last echo of his message to the fans the curtains move down and everything but the crowd lights turn off, still providing light for those going home. 
i hop down from matt’s little stage leaving the microphone i’ve been using on a table that was next to matt and meet up with cay at the front of the stage. 
cay was engaged in a conversation with nick and chris, talking to them like they’ve been friends since forever. 
“oh my gosh, thank you for letting us up on stage like that chris!” i knew cay was fangirling underneath her cool calm and collected front. 
don’t get me wrong, chris is very attractive, but simply not my type. i didn’t feel as strongly about him as i did with matt. 
“oh come on you guys are great singers! especially you y/n.” chris says as i walk over, i feel a wave of embarrassment wash over me with that compliment. 
“ah- thank you but it’s getting late, cay call an uber i’ll meet you by the gates in a second, just gotta run to the bathroom. 
i pat my pockets checking for my phone that wasn’t there. i make a quick run to matt checking his whole set up for it. when i pick it up i immediately get caught in someone’s hand. 
matt’s muscular hand grips my bare arm causing all my attention to look up to the man above me. “hey,” his voice is lower so his brothers don’t hear. “we are staying at a hotel tonight then sightseeing tomorrow, we’ll be in town for a night or two. we thought we’d visit our parents and take in the home town scene again before we travel again. was wondering if you wanted to come with me to our hotel.” 
“you can come to my house-“ i blurt out. “m-more privacy and it’s not that far from here or whatever your hotel is. i can get you back there just in time for your brothers to wake up…”
“ah, sounds like a plan, we just gotta take our equipment to our bus then i’ll meet you there, how does twelve sound?” he nods understanding my intentions. 
“uh yeah! sounds good, wait lemme give you my numb-“ 
“oh doll, don’t worry about that, gotta be a little careful with who you leave your phone around,” he winks as his grip on me loosens and falls. 
i almost ran out of the venue, finding cadence and the uber waiting outside on the street. “girl come on!” she waves me in letting the uber driver know where we were going. 
i close the door behind me gripping my hands very hard on my phone. cay rests and hand atop mine and looks at me with concern. “hey, what’s up?” 
“matt just- matt- matt invited me to their hotel.. but now we are meeting at my house at twelve.” my eyes are trained on the headrest in front of me. 
“YOU WHAT, HE- HE WHAT????” cay starts freaking out as much as i would’ve if i hadn’t been in such a state of shock. 
“yuuuup,” the uber slows down getting stopped close to my house. “i have his number in my phone, he said he was going to come when i text him my address.” i open my car door seeing as we’ve stopped right in front of my house. 
“all the details tomorrow morning at work !!” she yells as i exit the car, waving thank you to the driver from outside the car i walk to my house to finally freak out. 
WHAT THE FLYING FUCK was i doing?? no way am i about to have a one night stand with the drummer of sturnstars, one of my favourite bands  
i pull my phone out of my pocket to see a new contact that was put in named “hot drummer” with a new number. 
you shared your location with “hot drummer”
hot drummer (matt s)
not too long after i hear the doorbell ring throughout my house and i quickly rush to my front door. taking a deep breath in and out i push down on the large handle seeing matt on the other side of the door. 
matt leans on the side of my door frame looking as delicious as ever. “hey” a smirk grows on his face as he scans my body. the black cropped long sleeve i was wearing was getting clawed at by my long done up nails. my skirt was barely covering my ass and showed a lot of my legs. 
he looked at me like i was his last meal. he launches himself off the door frame as i take him by the hand, leading him to my bedroom. 
he looks around at the posters on the wall, one including their old tour one. his finger glides across the arctic monkeys and slipknot ones. 
“so you're a fan?” he asks coming to sit next to me. 
“yeah you could say that, i’m not crazy tho, some girls are worse. if i’m being honest i didn’t even know you guys were coming here.” i say truthfully 
“so if i do this,” he leans and kisses me, sparks fly in my stomach. “you’ll be okay with it.” 
“and if this happens,” his hand undoes the clasp and zipper on my mini skirt, “you’ll be okay with it?” 
his lips touch mine as i help him moves my skirt down to the floor as i hold the hem of his shirt pulling to take it off. my long sleeve and bra meet the floor not too far after matt’s shirt. 
he manoeuvres on top of me now pressing his raging hard on top of my heat. “please matt,” i say in a whiny voice, feeling more anxious and excited. 
“please what princess?” he teases. 
“please fuck me,” my hand snakes to the nape of his neck as i pull him in for a kiss. his fingers clad with rings, slip into my panties as he makes cold contact with his thumb onto my clit, my eyes roll back feeling him circle around my hole before plunging in. 
“oh- god matt please don’t stop,” i moan feeling him pump in and out of me. a familiar knot builds and snaps quickly due to the constant stimulation. 
“mhh, come on babe, give it to me” i squeeze around his fingers hard before i cum all over his fingers. “good job baby, you did so well, you ready for me?” i nod frantically as he sticks his fingers into my mouth for me to taste myself, letting me such on his two fingers while he tugs on my panties making the small fabric keeping the whole thing together come unloose. 
he's quick to undo his cargo pants letting the baggy material fall, and he tugs down his boxers letting his length spring out. i 
“what the fuck, that is not going to fit in me?!?” he laughs at my surprise, pumping up and down on his monster dick. 
“hey, i’ll take it slow, tonights ‘bout you.” he says hovering over me, “just tell me if it’s too much, alright?” he lines himself up and just puts the tip in, i arch my back in ecstasy feeling so full already. 
“fuck, matt keep going.” he takes this as an invitation to push all the way in. my moans only become more airy as he gets deeper and deeper. 
he gets more confident in his movement and keeps a steady pace, he lifts my leg, folding it by my knee, letting him hit a new spot. 
“mhhh, matt don’t stop.” his pace is steady with him constantly hitting my g-spot, “i-i-”
i couldn’t even get my sentence out before i completely collapsed underneath his arms, letting myself go. “you did such a good job pretty girl, can i cum in you?” 
“YES, yes matt please!” a slight feeling of overstimulation washes over me as matt grunts and shoots his load into me, falling onto my bed next to me. 
“ah, come on, let's get cleaned up. nick and chris are gonna be wondering where i am.” 
who knew, maybe dating a drummer isn’t that bad. 
taglist - @westwiing13 @comet235 @mayhem-72 @pepsiimaxx @strniolosworld
taglist is open !
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the-kr8tor · 1 year
What about a little Drabble with a reader that can sing? Nothing professional, just had a little training growing up and only does it for fun. Maybe hobie finds her singing and listens for a bit but as soon as he’s discovered she gets kinda embarrassed about it and stops. Or he’s playing music and she just starts singing along cause singing to a song is easier than by yourself, yknow? One of those two, whichever sounds more fun to you :D
Hi angel! Thank you for requesting! Hope you like it ❤️ there was supposed to be a snippet of lyrics here but I remembered copyright law lol.
Hobie Brown x fem!reader
No specific physical description of the reader.
No warnings just FLUFF 🥰
Grabbing your walkman from the table then clipping it to your sweatpants, you slap the headphones over your ears, while arming yourself with the colorful feather duster–you press play.
The familiar guitar riffs booms loudly through your headphones, you really shouldn't listen to music this loudly; But to hell with it, you need the background music so you could focus on cleaning the flat. 
Tapping your socked feet rhythmically on the wooden floor, you shake your hips slightly to the music, harmonizing with the singer, you're home alone, the usual bashfulness when you're singing is nonexistent. 
Starting with the surface of the counter, you walk towards it with a pep in your step. You dust the wooden top in rhythm with the drum beats.
You mumble through the beginning of the song, waiting for the chorus, which is your favourite part because of its iconic lyrics.
You sing without a care in the world, while you use the feather duster as your mic. Continuing on dusting away when you don't remember the next lyrics.
Unbeknownst to you, Hobie stops himself mid-greeting once he sees you dance and sing along to the faint music coming from your mustard yellow headphones. 
He chuckled to himself when he recognizes the lyrics you're belting out.
You hang around him too much, before you started dating this kind of music wouldn't be your cup of tea. But now? You're the one who's dragging him to every concert. 
He watches you from your windowsill, one leg up on the metal hinges, nonchalantly perched on it. Hobie wishes he has a camera on him to record your little concert. Mentally memorizing the scene in front of him would do for now at least. 
You try to match the cadence of the singer as you turn around, clutching the duster like a mic. 
You screech when you see Hobie's familiar figure, dropping the rainbow duster "Hobie! How long have you been there?!"
Hobie opens his mouth but no sound comes out. Forgetting about your headphones still blaring music, still in shock with embarrassment creeping up your cheeks.
Hobie stands up, motioning for you to take off the headphones. 
You take it off your ears leaving it hanging over your neck, still hearing the muffled music through it, you definitely shouldn't have been listening to it this loud, or you would've heard Hobie coming in, saving yourself from embarrassment.
"Been here since the beginning" He smirks at you teasingly. 
You cringe, face palming yourself "oh god!" 
Hearing Hobie's footsteps you sneak a peek through your fingers. Instead of closing the gap, he shoots a practiced web on your waist. Pulling you towards him in one swift movement, you twirl around, feet sliding effortlessly until you're in his embrace.
You squeak out, grasping his strong arms to stabilize yourself, Hobie has the same idea, he holds the small of your back, lifting the hem of your shirt slighy, his thumb grazing the exposed skin.
"Got you" He gives you his signature smirk, turning your legs into jelly, good thing he's holding onto you.
You're amazed by how he can just take your breath away with minimal effort. 
You hide your face in his leather vest, groaning in embarrassment. 
"Didn't know there's a concert at your place, where's my ticket, hm?" He eggs you on, playfully shaking your form. 
"Stooop" your muffled voice reverberates through the spandex of his suit. Hobie finds you adorable, he likes your singing voice, he'll tell you that later, but Hobie likes teasing you too much.
"Alright, alright I'll stop," Hobie says in between laughs.
You poke your head out from his vest, looking at him through your lashes with a pout. 
"When I'm done" he finishes his sentence, grinning. "I didn't know they had a new band member, you got a double life too? Like Hannah Montana?" 
"Augh, you're a menace!" You hide your face in his vest again, popping your head out quickly, you look at him suspiciously "wait, you know Hannah Montana?" 
"Who?" Hobie feigns ignorance. He leans towards your face, cupping your chin, leading you in.
"You–" before you could get a sentence out, Hobie crashes his lips to yours, silencing any quips.
You can both still hear the music playing through your headphones, the singer chants out the last lyric of how much they can't keep their hands to themselves.
Hobie finds the lyrics appropriate as he kisses you deeply. 
Thanks for reading! Consider reblogging if you enjoyed it ❤️
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skeleton-mischief · 7 months
Red Serrif
I actually used to hate Fell Sans because he sexually harassed women. Bro is canonically a woman respecter what happened actually?
Anyways, I decided to make him my little meow meow instead and he's thriving
To Note: Some of these are actually canon facts but I'm putting these here for more organization
- Official height 5'5, he has sneakers after all
- He/Him
- Nihilist
- Emotional constipation is this guys middle name do NOT expect him to give good advice
- Horrible at taking care of himself, his bedroom is yucky
- Drinks Mustard
- Extremely patient with his brother, despite acting otherwise
- He blames himself for his bad dynamic with his brother, he knows that Pitch is trying to mend it but the two just don't know how to go about it
- Older brother model with Rus
- Ha has little to no filter
- Assertive, pessimistic, cynical, overthinker, lazy, distrustful, blunt, playful, easily irritated, teasing, confrontational, laid back, intuitive, and reckless
- He had a weird relationship with Gaster, and he wishes that he was able to do more before he watched Gaster lose HOPE
- Prefers pranks and knock knock jokes over puns
- Will welcome a fight, though he tends to provoke them at times since he learned that being a smug asshole shows his cool guy persona
- He has outright thrown Burgerpants out of Grillby's before
- He is a dog person but doesn't admit it to Pitch
- He curses often, but he actively tries not to in front of Pitch
- He likes action films since it's fast paced and dramatic, but he secretly loves romance films sometimes and can get sucked in a telenovela
- He doesn't admit it, but he gets jumpscared by horror films and ends up feeling embarrassed
- He'll eat practically anything and compliment someone's garbage food, but you can tell he likes something when he takes his time
- He only likes Grillby's burgers, no one can perfectly get it right
- Wore mittens underground, but he doesn't use them much when he was thrown into another alternative timeline
- He uses his magic to light his cigarettes, flicking his thumb to do so since his magic involves flame like abilities
- His magic smells of burning wood, while his magic tastes of cherry
- He has ash and yellow tinted bone due to his smoking and overall environment undergroung
- I think he'd be allergic to cats, so he always knows when Doomfanger is around
- He feels like he can't protect Pitch anymore, especially since he remains distant with Pitch, he's the one to push the distance between the two
- He wears sneakers to annoy others, especially in Snowdin since they squeak
- He has a collar he got from Alphys, so he gave it to his pet rock. Instead of it being a "tame rock" he'll take it on walks and go "down! Down boy!" As if it growled. Frisk has probably heard it do so before but no one knows if it's sentient or not
- He sweats due to his heavy jacket & stress. Because of his stress, his eye glows constantly in one eyelight
- He always wears 5 rings and uses magic to prevent them from falling off, he's basically flexing that he can use his magic for dumb reasons
- Calls Pitch any variation of Boss. "Chief, Jefe, Boss, Honcho, Boss Man, etc"
- He tried Pitch's boots once and felt alive
- Pays Grillby in socks, even if it pisses him off. Grillby doesn't seem to mind though, since he can be seen wearing them
- He got a custom jacket from Grillby for making him laugh once. This is canon since it's proven to be a copy of what Grillby wears but I decided that it would be cool if it was customized by Pitch to give him an original style
- He sells chimichangas that his brother makes instead of hot dogs
- Likes fist bumps
- Would play electric guitar if given the chance
- Has beef with Error
- wore a grey jacket, mismatched socks, Crocs, and a nasty red shirt before he got yassified
- Opens his mouth with fire in genocide battle
- He struggles expressing himself, so he uses physical touch instead
- He would make a horrible first impression
- He would call Frisk "pipsqueak"
- An angry crier, he hyperventilates and can lash out at others. He doesn't like to do that though, so he often will hide away to cry
- Would call his lover "sweetheart"
- Plays the trumpet
- A woman respecter
- Has a red tricycle with small little red flames to look cooler than Vanilla's bike
- "His room would be messier with a bunch of socks,slippers, and sneakers (all mix matched) he’d probably have a pile of broken alarm clocks that papyrus gave him (smashed them all), a coat hanger that has one gray hoodie on it." I believe this is paraphrasing the canon creator Underfella
- His rings and gold chains act as collar/leash for his gaster blaster's during the betrayal route, I still think he'd use them even outside of this
- His red eye is reflective of his corrupted emotional state, so when he uses gravity/spacetime magic, his eye flickers yellow and orange.
- Likes green martinis [specifically honeydew martinis, an appletini, or a margarita.]
- Only calls Pitch Pap or Papyrus when it's serious or when he needs to get his attention
- Somehow has an employee discount at hot topic
- Is far from a morning person, you'll see him act like a corpse and drag a blanket around while his eyes are mostly closed. He stays up gaming though so you can't feel too bad for him
- He has a mug for coffee with just the giant words "CUM" on it
- He has reading glasses but they broke and he wants to look cool. As a result he squints his eyes a lot
- Has sleep paralysis often due to his anxiety and stress
- He shares his music tastes with others but won't let others know his favorite hobbies
- He has bitten people before. I'm sorry, I don't make the rules (I do)
- He's actively fled from his brother when it's time to clean or bathe. I know this mf smells god awful while underground. I think only above ground when he's no longer needing to put his focus on survival does he start to take care of his hygiene
- Has some cracks and scars on his bone, but no one sees it because he hides this
- His soul has a dullness to it and actively was cracked at some point. He's very protective of it and he won't show it until waaaaay later
- He can't take the heat if you flirt with him back, kinda getting a little goofy and being unable to take himself seriously- especially if you're smiling and laughing with him
- Games he likes to play are more free shooter games, sandbox games such as Minecraft, and in secret he has ACNH where he makes sure his island has style and a good aesthetic
- He would be the king of socks like Vanilla but he gives his socks to Grillby instead
Closing Notes: some of these are straight up from Underfella, so I recommend going over to their account to give this popular AU some fun! I don't expect the creator to ever see my stuff, but I wanted to stay at least devoted to their creation while throwing out my own interpretations and hc's! Thank you for reading
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burins · 16 days
tagged by @door!
last song: we went to Waterfire in Providence a few weekends ago and their playlists are impeccable for writing/editing. So I last listened to Mariama Kaba by Boubacar Traoré, which I had to look up, but he's a Malian singer/songwriter with a really lovely haunting guitar/vocal combo.
favorite color: i've never been good at this question because i like colors in combination. burnt orange + ultramarine, coral + turquoise, a nice warm orange or mustard yellow + forest green.
currently reading: the hunter x hunter manga, Loving Mountains, Loving Men, innumerable fanfictions
currently watching: haikyuu! after we successfully watched all 140-something episodes of hxh despite historically being wretched at watching TV, we're entering our anime era. i care about all of these boys so much. WILL they make it to the big game! i am on the edge of my seat.
last movie: i recently watched practical magic for the first time since I always see people getting nostalgic about it around this time of year. did NOT realize, based on its usage in the wider fandom landscape, that this was a movie about sisterhood and abuse!
sweet, spicy, savory?: honestly? sour/salty. i love a vinegar or a pickle, and i am constantly craving salt. so yes to savory but mostly yes to salt.
relationship status: this is such a funny question i feel like we're back on facebook. i got married almost a year and a half ago :)
current obsession: hunter x hunter has seized me in its iron grip. there are SO many little freaks in that show and they have so many problems. and also it's a show about friendship, and growing up, and playing high-stakes dodgeball with not one but two gorillas on your team.
tea or coffee: we have an entire cart for tea... i haven't been able to drink coffee in years. like the taste but it sends me straight to hell in several dimensions
last thing i googled: actual answer? "waterfire music" so I could link it for this post. but NOT for this post, "ophelia in the river painting" bc i could not for the life of me remember john everett millais' name.
tagging @timetoboldlygo @luckydicekirby @try-set-me-on-fire @capricioustube @vinelark and you, if you'd like to play!
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justforbooks · 9 months
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David Soul, who has died aged 80, stormed to fame in the 1970s as half of the television “buddies” detective duo Starsky and Hutch, who careered across Los Angeles in their red and white Ford Gran Torino, over the roofs and bonnets of other cars, and through piles of cardboard boxes.
“When the Starsky and Hutch series was showing, police on patrol duty were adopting sunglasses and wearing their gloves with the cuffs turned down,” claimed Kenneth Oxford, a British chief constable. “They also started driving like bloody maniacs.” In south London, a council lowered a wall after fans of the tyre-squealing screen action used it as a launchpad to jump on to parked vehicles.
While Paul Michael Glaser played the streetwise, cardigan-wearing, junk food-eating Dave Starsky, Soul’s character, Ken “Hutch” Hutchinson, was the quieter, yoga-loving, healthy-eating one – two cool cops looking after each other as if they were brothers.
Over five series (1975-79), they patrolled a rough area populated by muggers, drug dealers, sex workers and pimps. They also fraternised with Huggy Bear (played by Antonio Fargas), a snazzily dressed, “jive-talking” informant with his own bar.
Soul traded on his newfound stardom to return to his first love, music. He recorded the ballads Don’t Give Up on Us (1976), a No 1 in the US and UK, and Silver Lady (1977), another British chart-topper.
His television career continued, but the starring roles rarely resonated beyond his homeland. An exception was the miniseries World War III (1982), in which he played an American cold war colonel trying to avert a nuclear holocaust. It also chimed with his political and social campaigning, which included supporting the anti-nuclear movement.
He took up the tempting offer to play Rick Blaine in Casablanca (1983), a five-part TV prequel to the film classic, in the role originally played by Humphrey Bogart, but it proved a flop.
Soul found renewed success – particularly on the West End stage – after moving to Britain in the 90s. He even hit the headlines beyond the review pages in the title role of Jerry Springer the Opera (Cambridge theatre, 2004-05), taking over from another American actor, Michael Brandon, as the “shock” talkshow host.
The BBC’s decision to screen Richard Thomas and Stewart Lee’s musical, complete with thousands of swear words, transvestites, tap-dancers dressed as Ku Klux Klan members and a nappy-wearing Jesus, received more than 60,000 complaints from viewers.
Soul simply relished the chance to fulfil his “dream to play in the birthplace of English-speaking theatre” after failing to “cut the mustard” when auditioning on Broadway.
He was born David Solberg in Chicago to June (nee Nelson), a teacher who had also performed as a singer, and Richard Solberg, a Lutheran minister of Norwegian descent. His father’s work as a representative of the Lutheran World Relief organisation during the reconstruction of Germany after the second world war meant the family moved to Berlin in 1949, returning to the US seven years later to live in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, where David attended Washington high school.
He then acted in plays while studying at Augustana College, before moving to Mexico with his family. Influenced by his father’s work, he initially had plans to join the diplomatic service, and learned Spanish and studied Latin American history. He was also taught to play the guitar by Mexican students.
After a year, he hitchhiked to the US, landed a job singing Mexican folk songs at a coffee shop in Minneapolis and set his sights on a career in music. He also gained some acting experience with the city’s Firehouse theatre company.
While talking with friends about the metaphorical masks people wear, he came up with the idea of wearing a real one while performing so that the music stood on its own merits, and billed himself “David Soul, the Covered Man”. The William Morris Agency signed him up after hearing a demo tape, and he soon had bookings. One was in The Merv Griffin Show on TV between 1966 and 1968, when he eventually dispensed with the mask. More significantly, a talent agent spotted his acting potential.
He had a regular role in Here Come the Brides (1968-70), a comedy western series set after the civil war, as Joshua Bolt, one of the brothers running a logging company in a male-dominated Seattle frontier town and importing marriageable women.
A guest star, Karen Carlson, became Soul’s second wife (1968-77), following the dissolution of his first marriage, to Mirriam “Mim” Russeth, in 1966, three years after their wedding.
Soul was then popping up all over American TV in guest roles himself, and had a short run in 1974 as Ted Warrick, the defence lawyer’s assistant, in Owen Marshall, Counselor at Law, before wider fame came in Starsky and Hutch. By then, he was living in an “open” relationship with another actor, Lynne Marta. When he moved on to his third marriage, to Patti (nee Carnel, 1980-86), former wife of the 60s pop idol Bobby Sherman, he hit the headlines for all the wrong reasons.
In 1982, having already struck Patti several times, he returned home drunk one night following a day’s filming on Casablanca – which he correctly feared would bomb – and hit her repeatedly. He was arrested on a charge of misdemeanour battery, but a judge spared him jail on condition that he underwent therapy. Soul admitted to having a violent streak and, although he and Patti were reunited, the marriage was soon over.
He kept working, landing starring roles as Roy Champion in the cattle ranch soap-style drama The Yellow Rose (1983-84), the private eye of the title in the TV movie Harry’s Hong Kong (1987), and “Wes” Grayson, leading an FBI forensics team, in Unsub (1989), but his star was on the wane. Another marriage, to Julia Nickson (1987-1993), also failed, before he had a relationship with the actor-singer Alexa Hamilton.
Soul’s career was revived when in 1995 the theatre producer Bill Kenwright was looking for an American to star in the comedy thriller Catch Me If You Can on tour in Britain. He played Corban, a newlywed whose wife goes missing. There were other tours and Soul was in the West End as Hank in The Dead Monkey (Whitehall, now Trafalgar, theatre, 1998), Chandler Tate in Alan Ayckbourn’s Comic Potential (Lyric, 1999-2000) and Mack in Mack & Mabel (Criterion, 2006).
In between, he had one-off roles on British television, including as a locum surgeon in two episodes of Holby City (2001 and 2002), a Boston detective helping to investigate his wife’s murder in Dalziel and Pascoe (2004) and a criminology lecturer in Inspector Lewis (2012). Soul and Glaser had cameos in the 2004 film spoof Starsky & Hutch, alongside Ben Stiller as Starsky and Owen Wilson as Hutch. In the same year, Soul was granted British citizenship.
He is survived by his fifth wife, Helen (nee Snell), whom he married in 2010, and five sons and a daughter.
🔔 David Soul (David Richard Solberg), actor and singer, born 28 August 1943; died 4 January 2024
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at Just for Books…?
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League of Villains band au where:
Btw this is a no quirks au, skdjkdndmdmdnd
It starts with an announcement on Kurogiri's bar. Tomura had been on and off for a whole year on different bands, but nothing worked, so he decides to start his own project.
Giran owns Kurogiri a few favors, so he makes some calls and eventually comes across two young punks who look exactly like Tomura's brand of crazy.
Toga is a drop-out high-schooler who was kicked from home. She was making a name for herself singing in the streets while playing either the drums or her guitar.
Touya's dream was to be a pop king like his dad. After his accident and recovery, Rei and the other Todoroki kids agreed to help Touya change his appearance and move to his own apartment, where Enji wouldn't find him. He can't sing like before due the damage on his vocal cords, but his a total showman on the guitar or bass and an insane lyricist.
Tomura processed the trauma of his family death through music from a young age. In other words, he's able to play a good number of instruments and knows a lot about music theory. He prefers the piano, however. The movement on the fingers help him relax.
The first time they play together because they can't decide which genre they want to play or who sings or who plays what. They decide to find at least one or two more bandmates and try it out.
That's how they met Spinner, a barely known bassist from a small town, and Twice, a kinda older drummer that makes it sound like he has more arms than he has when he plays the drums, holy shit.
They try again. It takes them a few intense days until they make it. Funnily enough, they were chilling all across the bar messing with some cover when Kurogiri walked in and started correcting them individually. That's how they learned that Kurogiri is some musical genius or something.
They start pulling their influence. Found in Magne a make-up artist and in Mr. Compress a visionary man when it comes to the stage arrangements. Mustard is their first fan, Muscular their bodyguard and they have a poor mutilated plushie that they call nomu, the mascot of the band.
They start playing on Kurogiri's bar, getting barely enough money to buy a broken ass van and travel as they can to other places. Their reputation is mostly due how crazy they all look stumbling down the van and getting on stage. They're like a fever dream.
They start creating their own lore. Maybe there's a superior evil pulling their strings. Maybe the world turned them into villains. Maybe Dabi can breath fire and Tomura always wear gloves because he destroys everything he touches and Toga has fangs and drink blood and Spinner ir a lizard man and there is a different Twice every night and...
Before they know it, it's not about the fame anymore. They sign with Meta Liberation records. Magazines are calling them a menace to the music industry. They're competing with the best boy bands and solo artists and records of Japan.
It's a delicate thing to find themselves a second before diving in a spiral of fame and attention. It's chaos and it's hurting them but also there's nowhere else for them to be.
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How does anyone ever learn finger picking without giving themselves permanent rsi, I would dearly like to know
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dujour13 · 7 months
Hehehe. 3, 13, 18, 42 <3
Thanks Dolly, intriguing choices lol 🥰
Some PWOTR spoilers under the cut
3. How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Well, he’s a bit of a chaos monster so it really depends. The one thing you can almost always catch him doing is playing guitar in the evening, with a glass of wine if he can get one, staring off into the distance and just vibing and winding down. It might be the only thing that saves his sanity during the Crusade. It’s absolutely canon that he reads Ophenia Thwait novels in his downtime too.
He’ll usually try to make his way to somewhere in the bed vicinity to sleep because it is comfiest, but in which direction and whether dressed or not is a coin toss. Once Woljif starts coming around evenings he develops more regular habits.
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Love how this is phrased.
He knows he looks amazing in an assortment of pastels and earth colors, but especially sky blue. Lilac, mustard and leaf-green are good too.
In reality I think he would look great in earth tones with just flashes of color here or there. It would complement his hazel eyes, tawny-blond hair and tan skin really well. Alas he only wears browns, beiges and deep greens as accents and not the other way around.
18. What embarrasses them?
This is a hard one because with that laid-back attitude and that Cha score I think he can easily fake his way through even some of the most awkward situations. (usually. no one is above a nat 1)
Because of his guilt/failure complex he can’t always disguise his feelings when someone rightly criticizes his performance, whatever kind of performance. He’ll crack a self-deprecating joke and laugh it off but you can tell he’s a little peeved underneath it all. To his credit he will try to do better.
42. How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
When the end goal was leading the Crusade to victory, he wanted it badly enough to stick with it even when things got bad, even when gargoyles destroyed the camp and Woljif ran off, even facing swarms of vescavors, even being exiled to the Abyss. For him to commit to that extent is extraordinary. I joke but he is actually capable of committing when his mind is made up about something. He’s a lazy, flaky, careless person until some strange, unpredictable flame ignites in his heart and then he’s unstoppable.
Post-crusade he’s just as committed to his new goal of ending mortality but the stakes are quite a bit higher and there are forces aligned against him that he has no conception of. I’d still put money on him but I’m not sure Woljif would.
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bobafett51 · 9 months
Dear Grandpa
I played Samba Pa Ti during my Grandpa's funeral. On my acoustic guitar, right after I gave his eulogy. It was easily the hardest speech I ever had to give, I imagine I'll have more hard ones down the line.
When I say I played Samba Pa Ti, I really mean I played the first few riffs. After that, I don't know what I played. I was possessed by the Holy Spirit and went into what Carlos Santana calls supersonic mode. Supersonic mode is when you allow the Holy Spirit to take control during your solo. It allows you to play the things you don't know how to otherwise express or feel. I've never seen the experience of losing yourself to the music described in any better way to me.
The reason I played Samba Pa Ti was because my grandpa loved the song (so does another one of my close relatives). Further, Santana and my Grandpa are what got me into playing guitar. My Grandpa would always talk about Santana and I wanted to be like someone my Grandpa really liked, so I decided to pick up the guitar.
Recently, I was really missing my grandpa. I thought I had fully processed the trauma of losing him, but I hadn't. Due to my autism and Alexithymia, up until a few months ago I never processed any of my trauma. Last week my mom pointed out how my Grandpa and I shared a unique bond together. One that we didn't have with anybody else in the world. We were special to each other and loved each other in a way only we could love one another. The one thing about losing a loved one is that there will always be a hole in your heart. A hole that will never be filled on this mortal earth.
The same night my mom did this I really wanted to reach out to his best friend, who was a close family friend, like an uncle to me. But I couldn't sleep, the whole night I laid tossing and turning. When I did get a little sleep I think I saw my uncle. When I gave up on sleeping and decided to start getting ready for the day, my family got a phone call from his daughter. My uncle passed away that same night.
Looking for guidance for this and other uncertainties in my life I turned to the bible and was guided to Luke 17:6, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, `Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it will obey you." I have faith in god's designs and plans, including the painful parts I used to wish never happened.
I have come to love the things I wish never happened. I'm here for my uncle's family, I understand what they're going through, I can help them better because of it. Similarly, my friend is currently losing her grandpa and I can be there for her, even better because of what I've experienced. Suffering, grief, loss, they're all part of the human existence. But by experiencing them we can form even deeper connections to those we care about and that are in our lives.
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rolandkaros · 2 months
11, 16, 25 <3
11. Do you have a comfort item? Tell us about it!
tbh i get very sentimental abt objects so i have a lot of comfort items...but realistically my guitar is probably the item that actually provides the most comfort. i've had it for i think 7 or 8 years now and it's gotten me through thick and thin. i play it almost every day and it's consistently the best stress reliever i've ever had :)
16. What's something you want to create soon?
well, i've got a lot of half-baked fics right now, so those are all kind of on the table...i've also really wanted to get back into video editing (partially inspired by you actually) but i've always done more long-form stuff (like youtube video type format) and i have no idea how to execute the ideas i have right now...so we'll see if that goes anywhere!!
25. If your soul was a color, what would it be?
i think like a mustard. i actually lowkey don't like yellow in general but i feel like mustard fits. it's not always a pleasant color, but if you put it in the right environment, it clicks.
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gunslinginnhogtyin · 10 months
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Ernest Miller Jr.
TITLE(S): “The Rough n’ Rowdy Bandit”
AGE: 32
SPECIES: human/demon hybrid
SEX: cis-male
INTERESTS: Butch loves playing his guitar and has recently discovered new century music which has only intensified his love for music! He also enjoys cooking, gardening, good ol’ fashioned fist fights and shooting his guns. But he especially loves riding his horse, especially when she’s taking him towards adventure!
PROFESSION: cowboy turned outlaw/banditry
BODY TYPE: lean/athletic
EYES: Bright blue
HAIR: Sandy blonde
SKIN: fair/tan
POSTURE: has relatively good posture on account of the fact that he’s constantly trying to look taller than he actually is.
VOICE: gotta go with Jack McBrayer (vc of Wander from Wander Over Yonder, specifically! So close to Butch’s accent and everything!)
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: His mustard yellow long sleeve button up under a brown vest, dark brown pants and a championship bull riding belt to tie it together— those red boots, his red leather gloves, red bandana around his neck, and his brown cowboy hat! Sometimes he wears chaps when they’re necessary.
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: This man has never had a meaningful relationship aside from the one he thought he had with Darlene Alden.
COMPANIONS: Darlene Alden (former), Edgar Alden, Saskia Kenji, & Dar (his steed)
ANTAGONISTS: Countess Zora, self proclaimed Pirate Queen Bonaccorso, infamous bounty hunter Rufous Red, Eldritch Witch Darlene Alden
STRENGTHS: physical combat, handling a rope/lasso, operating dual pistols with key precision, speed, charisma (special demon abilities I won’t put here bc they do not yet apply).
WEAKNESSES: Holy water would probably hurt! Emotional intimacy for sure, commitment (now we’re just getting too real), calling him by his legal name
FRUITS: though he loves all types of fruits, Dragonfruit is by far his favorite.
DRINKS: water, the occasional soda pop
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: Scotch, Rum, Whiskey, Bourbon—any type, really, this man isn’t picky! Though his favorite drink would have to be a homemade Old Fashioned with Rye and an orange peel.
SMOKES: Yup! Butch rolls his own cigarettes with home grown tobacco! He will occasionally smoke out of his pipe; he also likes cigars from time to time.
DRUGS: Occasionally he will dabble in plants of the weed variety but aside from that… nope!
Tagged by: @cablexclub :3c
Tagging: @arcanescholxr, @fantasyconcrete, & @villains4hire and anyone else who wants to do it!! !
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dollarbin · 1 year
Dollar Bin #10:
Bob Dylan at Budokan
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My famous brother went out on one of his classic limbs this past week and told his approximately 64 million followers that it was time to get excited about Dylan's latest Archive reclamation project. 
The Archives series has already saved Self Portrait and saved the Saved era; now Dylan and my brother want to convince us that Dylan at Budokan, Bob's cheese favored concert album from 78 is a misunderstood classic. 
Without having listened to the entirety of this Dollar Bin mainstay in a few decades I'm going out on a much narrower limb than my brother right now and saying he's wrong.  Wrong! I first picked this record up at my local library in about 90, back when you could still check vinyl records out of libraries. It sucked then, and I say it still sucks now.
Problem is, my famous brother is famous in part because he's never wrong about stuff like this. I told him Saved was unsaveable a few years back and he patted me on the head, chuckling. Then Dylan put out Trouble No More and proved my brother right. I also told him in about 1983 that I would always be taller and more handsome than him. And look what the hell happened.
Point is, my brother knows what he's talking about. He's famous for a reason. And yet! Lately he's been telling me I should listen to Manassas records, claiming that Stephen Stills' other 70's "supergroup" doesn't suck. Well, that sounds like a load of horse crap. Stephen Stills sucks, bro, and so does Dylan at Budokan. 
So let's drop the needle and take a listen. I'll write this entry in real time, beer in hand. May the best brother win.
Side 1
Mr. Tambourine Man opens the album. Every time I try to listen to this record I start here, obviously. I can already see why I don't get much further. The song's arrangement is incredibly complex, and everyone is clearly talented. The opening guitar riff is lovely and returns toward the end to ramble and shine. But why does the flute never, ever stop? If I wanted someone on stage with a magic flute, I'd ask for it, Bob. I'm not asking for a magic flute, Bob. Ever.
Next we've got Shelter from the Storm performed by a strident Greek dramatic chorus. Sounds pretty good, I guess. The song makes sense for ancient masked tragedy. It describes a world of steel eyed death and men fighting to stay warm; they sell the guy's clothes; doom alone counts.  But in-between verses tragedy falls away and Steve Douglas, the man formerly fingering his endless flute, is staggering around like the guy in a fat suit in a Satyr play, his sax beating everyone on the head like it's a giant pigskin phallus.  His name, of course, is Steve; he and Stills outta go and compare their mammoth ding dongs in private: we don't want to see them.
Love Minus Zero follows.  Dylan is suddenly fronting Van the Man's Caledonia Soul Orchestra, one of the best live bands of all time, but Bob has them juggling pineapples and riding unicycles. Rob Stoner, who possesses the best name for a bass player in the history of white people, ignores them all, rocking out underneath. The track is better than I remember, but everyone is still playing hopscotch gleefully during one of my favorite songs of all time, so the album still sucks - so far.
At this point, my famous brother is beginning to tremble with fright because he knows what comes next. Ballad of a Thin Man gives Steve "Must Be Related To Stills" Douglas another chance to slather his sax sized wienerschnitzel with all kinds of mustard and wave it in everyone's face. That thing was meant for procreation, Steve, not for playing with in front of the poor Japanese audience. Jesus Christ, the album is even worse than I remember.
And now it gets even more terrible! It Ain't Me Babe has a rumbling your way to the crapper vibe; something Bob ate is not sitting right inside him and the stage swirls while his drummer's bass drum drops a smoking load all over the floor. 
Okay, bro, sure, the guitar solo mid-song is kinda awesome; but by that point everyone in my house, hell, everyone on my block, has their heads in their hands and is begging for it to stop. Bob's satin jumpsuit needs to be thrown away; no detergent will ever get these stains out. But even so he wants us to know it's alright, it's alright, it's alright!
Time to flip the record, and get another beer. We've got a long way to go.
Side two opens with Maggie's Farm. Never my favorite song, frankly.  The wild thing about this album is how intricate the arrangements continue to be.  Do I like this James-Belushi-running-up-a-series-of-down-escalators-at-full-speed take on the song?  No.  But everyone in the band charges on earnestly, working through reams of intricate lead sheets; even the drumming is perfectly notated so as to induce maximum seasickness.
Now One More Cup of Coffee is a song I always enjoy. It's creepy and seductive, a prequel to Senior, which Dylan must have been working on at this point. But this take replaces the sinister, elusive vibe of every other version with misplaced, chest-pounding bravado.  What's Dylan need another cup of coffee for if the valley below is a place where everyone will gather and cheer while he does clap-as-you-rise push-ups? It sounds like Dylan is surrounded by Bukokan's finest break dancers. My brother stands to one side, cowering in shame.
However, Like A Rolling Stone is actually good here.  This take lays the sonic foundation for much of Street Legal, the well-above-average album of new songs Dylan recorded with this band in the middle of this tour. Here, Douglas channels All Things Must Pass rather than Elvis's laced up leather pants. Sure, he flashes his midsection monster yet again at the end to interrupt a pretty solid guitar solo, but we're thinking about Dylan's great phrasing of the timeless lyrics, not Steve's Johnson.
The verse work on I Shall Be Released gives my brother's cause for further hope, but the chorus turns the song into This Little Light of Mine complete with hand gestures. The song is about dreaming of freedom, Bob. It should not sound like an upbeat prison torture soundtrack.
Speaking of Street Legal, Is Your Love in Vain is as great on this album as you'd expect, maybe better than the studio version at moments, especially when the mandolin elbows in.  The song comes from a particular genre in the Bobosphere: the "Bob Shares Insights into Why He Never Stays Married" genre. The songs are often pretty good in this genre; but the lyrics are by turns offensive, hilarious and (hopefully) ironic. What Was It You Wanted? is a fun member of the club; Something's Burning Baby, is a particularly terrible entry, not because it features tender husband bon mots like, "Something is the matter baby, there's smoke in your hair," but because it's unlistenable. Bob, buy a clue: if your ladyfriend is on fire, don't write a song about it. Rather, go get a hose.
Just in case Bob's not sure, let's tell it to him straight, right here and now: no one wants to be asked if they can cook and sew and make flowers grow for you, Bob. Therefore, no one wants to understand your pain. But we still like your song! 
Okay, we are almost 1/2 way through this record and the score is me 4000, my brother 2. But Going, Going, Gone sounds alright!  We've got a pretty full rewrite going on, and the guitar noodles along nicely.  I'd love to hear Bob Uecker sing this version of the chorus as a ball leaves the yard. 
But then mid-track something wicked and gross this way comes. In what I guess we'll call the bridge, the band veers off Gordon Lightfoot's Carefree Highway and is suddenly going, going, gone into the River Acheron (you know, the one that welcomes all souls to hell).  Moments later, the band regains form, and we are no longer trembling alongside Dante. But then the whole reckless thing restarts and I'd rather get in Charon's boat and compliment his flaming wheel eyes than listen a moment longer.
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It's time for side three!
Finally we hear Alan Pasqua front and center on Blowing in the Wind; here he tinkles mysteriously along, going somewhere exciting.  His intricate, conversational and utterly original playing on Murder on Most Foul led me down a lovely internet rabbit hole a few years back.  Somewhere on the net (look yourself, you lazy reader, and bring me another beer while you are at it. I'm busy surviving this experience.) there's a huge and exciting interview with Pasqua all about this tour and his occasional work with Dylan during the past 45 years.  Someone, somewhere in all that reading compared Murder Most Foul to A Love Supreme. The comparison is ridiculous, yes, but it's also interesting. All kidding aside, Dylan has made some of the last century's weirdest and best art. Just not here.
Anyway, this arrangement of Blowing gets increasingly intolerable as the rest of the band comes in; I'd be far more excited to have Dylan work the whole song through alone with Pasqua.
Just Like a Woman sounds nice here; it's another entry in the "I recommend you divorce me" Bobfiles, but if he wanted to play this at my $1000 Wedding I'd be fine with it.  Dylan busts out his harpoon for some classic warbling at the end, setting the stage for the best harmonica playing of his whole career three or four years later on Every Grain of Sand.  Blow Bob, blow! Your catching my brother up!
But uh oh, broheim, Oh Sister is moody and unrecognizable.  Where is this going?  This song has always been one of Bob's most terror inducing.  Is he singing about lying in the arms of his actual sister?  Is Oedipus joining them afterwards for light drinks and conversation?  By the time Steve Douglas fingers his giant, one eyed, Achaean blood sausage yet again everything sounds like the fourth, thankfully edited out, hour of Boogie Nights.  During the final instrumental section things are actually pretty exciting, but I'm glad Bob didn't introduce this one the way he introduces the next ("Here's a simple love story, happened to me...") because if this song and this version are non-fiction there are three headed people in Minnesota descended from Dylan's coupling with some poor sibling.  Yikes. Next track, please.
Simple Twist of Fate is good!  I'd prefer it if Dylan's hotel wasn't "renovated" and I'd be fine without the bridge, but David Mansfield's violin soars nicely towards the end, swimming in a lovely current with Billy Cross's lead guitar and Pasqua's surging organ. Score another one for the famous brother.
What can I say about All Along the Watchtower?  Stoner's bass is bigger here than his bong. Mansfield's violin is awesome; the background vocals are great.  Does this compete with Jimi Hendricks, or the Dylan and the Band version from 74, or the original?  Hell no.  But this is probably my favorite track so far: Dylan gives one of Dylan's most cinematic songs a great reboot.
Wow.  I Want You!  Maybe my brother is famous for a good reason after all.  This take is soulful, unrecognizable and tender.  It nearly wins my brother the whole bet. One of his big claims is that Bob really sings on this record, rather than the shouting he'd done on the previous tours. I concede that point, at least for the moment.
I'm at the bridge now (Remember? All this is being written while I sit here suffering! But this song is amazing so far.) and I'm praying Bob sent his sax player and his unsheathed whispermaphone straight to Tokyo jail.  Ooooh - it's even better than that: Bob's making the guy play recorder instead.  Forget you ever saw the long term tenant in the sax guy's trousers because we're swooning here.  Wow!  If Bob's reissue sounds like this my famous brother is going to be right yet again and I'll be left with Bob's own backyard brood of chickens' eggs all over my face.  Curses!
Side 4
Are there really only four sides so far? How many beers have I had? Do I really have to listen to All I Really Want To Do? It doesn't even crack my top 400 Dylan songs; Handy Dandy holds down number 400 and cannot be budged.  Handy Dandy: he's got an all girl orchestra and when he says strike up the band, they hit it. Love that song....
It doesn't matter if it's Dylan giggling through All I Really Want to Do himself or if World Party are playing hommage to it, I've just never wanted to be friends with anyone while listening to this song.  And this version isn't making me social; a few more minutes of this and I'm gonna go out and punch a neighbor.  Any neighbor. All I really want to do is get to the end of this damn song.
Knocking on Heaven's Door explores whole new realms of terrible. Here's Bob, hawking bananas and other ripe fruits.  He'll show you a yo-yo trick; he'll squeeze your baby's cheeks with affection and scare the hell out of them in the process.  This might be the worst thing on the whole album.  I'm winning, people! My famous brother: infamous. A plethora!
The next track lands like a jiggling jello dropped from a great height.  It's Alright Ma combines with Gates of Eden to form the least tolerable moments of Bob's first golden era of solo folk; sandwiched between two stone cold classics on the acoustic side of his fifth record, they make clear that Bob going electric is a good idea.  But then in 74 Bob sailed It's Alright Ma into his rushing flood of hollered greatness. Even the president of the United States has to love that version.  But here at Budokan, Bob karate chops his way through each verse, surrounded by a flash mob of belly dancers.  I don't want a sensie, Bob. I want this record to end.
Thankfully, we're winding down. My family is no longer begging me to turn this crap off. Forever Young and The Times They Are a-Changing end the album and both sound reasonable here, like leftovers from The Last Waltz's studio sessions, where the fabulously nuts Richard Danko and Richard Manuel were chained down to their desks and ordered to not freak out. Stoner takes one very intentional bass step at a time throughout each track, like he's completing a connect the dots page with fierce concentration. Slowly an image is revealed: a giant, white guy afro in profile: Dylan in 78.
Okay, it's over. Did I win? Of course not! No doubt my brother is right and the reissue will feature more outtakes like this one, leaving him the victor, yet again.
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bee-dot-exe · 11 months
Hey, it's my first and absolutely not last, QSMP fic. I had the idea for three settings, and all of them made my stomach hurt, but I didn't want to choose, so voila. Apologies for the inevitable heartbreak.
You're Beautiful, But You're Not Quite Her
710 words
Angst. Nothing bad. Just Wilbur missing our girl.
I: Garden
The leaves rustled softly in the trees above, some held onto the branches with the last bit of strength they possessed, some already fallen on the ground below, all on the cusp of changing shades, an array of soft green and mustard yellow and umber brown.
The lake nearby ran gently and splashed against the shoreline, the fine lavender sand becoming a pulp like texture in places.
The kaleidoscope of autumn crunched beneath my boots as I neared my destination. The garden I intended to build with her. A tunnel of mostly sage green supported by mauve tree trunks. The ground was covered in flora, lilacs and roses and dandelions to name a few.
I found a spot that was bare, save for the olive grass, and sat with my back against the grape wood and my legs crossed.
I reached a hand to the entrance edge beside me, brushing some stray leaves off the surface of a block of black concrete, and rested it there for a moment, hoping I was making some sort of connection with my girl, wherever she was.
I positioned myself, put the guitar I brought from inside onto my lap, and began to play.
II: Lullaby
The moon shone down on the world, giving an almost powder blue tint to the areas not illuminated by the soft clementine hue of nearby torches, in place to ward off possible threats. I kicked the leaves in front of me gently, more as a way to stave off boredom as I walked than to create a path, but I wasn't going to complain that both were being done.
El cielo de las tortugas.
A large area that was technically underground but wasn't entirely blocked off, made up by dirt and cobblestone and moss, with a wooden gate at the entrance. Dozens of turtles with varying patterned shells roamed, some finding refuge in the foliage, some stayed in the open, curious of my presence. I maneuvered around the ones that were in my path or trying to get under my footing as I walked to a just wide enough hole in the ground.
The opening lead to a separate room, not as grand as where the turtles found solace above, but comfortable enough, made of sandstone. All that resided in it was a torch and a drawing on the wall of a tiny white egg wearing a maroon beanie with a peach background.
My sun, moon, and stars. Mi niña. My Tallulah.
From the painting, or perhaps behind it, was a melody. It was short, but played on an endless loop. There were no lyrics, just the gentle strum of acoustic guitar. It was what I played when she was lost shortly after our first meeting.
The ground wasn't the most comfortable, tiny bits of dirt and sand fell as the earth shifted above, but I stayed anyway. I didn't have any kind of bedding, but I laid down anyway. I felt tears forming in the corners of my eyes and creating tiny trails on my face, but let the christened lullaby take me to a dreamless sleep anyway.
III: Amipola
There was almost more sign than room visible around me.
You're my favorite superhero. I have a lot of love to offer. Please never forget me, I'll wait for you, always.
I picked up my guitar from the cushion beside me, the springs in the sunny yellow couch creaking softly as I shifted my weight, and played. Maybe I was only filling the silence, the empty space. Maybe she was listening. A wooden chest sat on the floor in front of me.
An amipola for every day you've been gone.
Bits of emerald and burgundy were practically bursting between the container and lid. There were well over a hundred. I got up from the couch, took a couple of the flowers, and very gently climbed the ladder to her bedroom.
I placed a sturdy black chest in the room's center, and put in the poppies, a photo of the two of us, a piece of paper containing the chords to our song, and some blank signs for her to let us know she heard us. So she knows I'm back home. That I waited too.
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bouquetshark · 1 year
regressor! wasabi and caregiver! dr bones headcanons if you wish to accept?
Regressor!Wasabi Cookie Headcanons
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As a general baseline, Wasabi Cookie is still as unhinged as ever, which can be a very...concerning thing for Dr Bones to deal with despite her brilliance as a scientist———firey breakthroughs, and unorthodox methods. From her outlandish experiments to her reckless abandon; she can be quite the handful! This, however, does not mean she isn't loved. Quite the opposite, actually.
CW: some body horror & limb detachment mentions at the bottom! Nothing explicit, but be warned.
• Regresses from 19-17, very fluid in sliding. Wasabi isn't very secretive about her regression, in fact she's quite shameless; but Cookie's have yet to ask her about it - Mustard included. So it's a secret but not really.
• Wasabi Cookie makes her own food, usually..mainly because her diet is extremely questionable (and potentially dangerous). Which always puts Dr Bone's into a kahoot. She's been permanently banned from using the oven.
• When Wasabi drives, she's very prone to speeding —even out of regression because she has no care for traffic laws, so Dr Bone's drives or lends her a bike.
• Has been feeding a small colony of cat's, and managed to get them all microchipped and constructed them an outdoor cat house that connect's to her house. So now there's just 5 or 6 cat's encouraging her shenanigans and rubbing against Dr Bone's leg's.
• Knows how to play the electric guitar, does so frequently. She can also play the flute, but most don't believe her on that one—despite the giant flute case in her laboratory. A lot of Cookie's assume it's a bomb. Which is understandable considering Wasabi's history with explosives. She does actually really enjoy playing though, and is really good at it. She finds it relaxing.
• Wasabi's love language is psychical touch and quality time; just co-existing with Dr Bone's or doing parallel play with him is enough for her. Though that doesn't mean she isn't a fan of cuddles! Quite on the contrary, actually, she's pretty clingy when she isn't doing experiments.
• Very gentle with Dr Bone's, and actually has a fear of one of his limbs just.. popping off in her hand. Or him disassembling because he doesn't have dough. This has yet to happen, thankfully.
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Caregiver!Dr Bone's Cookie Headcanons
As a general baseline, Dr Bone's Cookie is a very caring, excitable, and passionate caregiver. Though, he can sometimes get over the top, or even helicopter esc...Wasabi helps him regulate, just not with his anxiety. Dr Bone's love's her very much; but she can be very unhinged when she wants to be. No matter what, though, Wasabi is very healthy!
• Dr Bone's Cookie frequently work's overtime or double-shifts to ensure his patients safety and well-being (he really doesn't need to do that most of the time), so by the time he gets home he's absolutely exhausted. He can't count the amount of times he's fallen asleep at his desk and woken up in bed.
• Likes to listen to Wasabi play the guitar —he finds it impressive and soothing. Same with the flute! He's never been one to play any instruments; but is overall curious on the topic.
• Is very afraid of explosives, which doesn't really par well with Wasabi's culminating interest in them. Has jumped into her arm's more than once out of terror.
• Wasabi bought Dr Bone's Spotify Premium for his birthday, he absolutely loves it. On that note, Wasabi introduced Dr Bone's to the punk and rock scene—he absolutely adores the band's Eyes Set To Kill and Eths. His favorite songs from them are Liar in the Glass and Crucifère.
• Despite his spooky appearance, Dr Bone's doesn't dress up for Halloween. The same cannot be said for Wasabi, however, as she has won at least 40+ costume contests in her lifetime.
• Dr Bone's is extremely afraid of spider's, Wasabi is the saving grace that set's then outside or keeps them as pets.
• Enjoys playing chess with Wasabi, he hasn't won once against her and he still doesn't know how (she's been eating the pieces when he isn't looking). /ref /nsrs
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