#my ass hurts so much from this crusty ass one
your-thighness · 1 year
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oh you know, just always fucking working
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nymph-ette111 · 1 month
hiiiiiii!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) could you do a simon cof x sweet, feminine reader headcannons? made my own headcannons to share with you because ily and i love this prompt(⁠*⁠´⁠ω⁠`⁠*⁠)
♡ i imagine reader and simon would go out, hes wearing the same crusty ass grey hoodie while shes dressed up all cute and pretty >.<
♡ he reeks of nicotine while she smells like neapolitan marshmallows<3 hes obsessed with her scent. he literally loves using her bodycare/haircare products over his 3 in 1 men shampoo (if he even showers that is) because he'd smell more like her.
♡ she shares absolutely everything of her purchases. she'd do little mini hauls to Simon, showcasing her new pink ballerina flats, sugarbunnies plushie she had to fight a war for in mercari, too faced chocolate bar palette, cute japanese stationary, and a lot of new clothes. Simon loves it. he loves seeing her happy. (may even buy her things he thinks she would love if he didn't have a smoking addiction<3)
♡ she doesnt only share that though she also loves talking his ears off about anything and everything<3 at first he was annoyed with her constant talking but when he spoke of it, she stopped talking so much and he got guilty and missed her overtalking. he tried to bring her spark back in talking and it worked
♡ shes compassionate and kind, understanding his struggles (but not condoning his actions) and helping him to get better. (he really wants to be saved by her but feels that he just cannot.)
♡ he really doesn't get why she's with him. Hes depressed, miserable, and difficult to be with. His low self esteem sometimes gets the best of him and he starts believing that he's not worthy of her, often leaving her on read, missing her calls, and ignoring her. (im sensing attachment issues) reader clutches w communication though :3
♡ they'd explore abandoned buildings. Simon's there to smoke blunts while readers there to get awesome fit pictures<3 they would go a long way travelling and reader the most practical girl you know has her feet hurt from walking on platforms. they either take lots of breaks or Simon just carries her on his back (unlikely)
♡ talk about taking fit pictures, Simon's technically her photographer. She has a blog where she posts fashion and besides the mirror pics, Simon's always the one taking the pictures. He's quite good at it too.
some of these headcannons probably won't work in his time but who cares(⁠ㆁ⁠ω⁠ㆁ) hope this prompt isnt that hard to write for..(⁠ᗒ⁠ᗩ⁠ᗕ⁠)you can always ignore if you want!! thankkkkkk you x3 xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxxooxoxoxox
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AUTHOR'S NOTE; WHOEVER REQUESTED THIS JUST KNOW I LOVE YOU!!! probably inaccurate for both the character and the timeline... listen, I don't know what swedish people were up to in 2012 leave me alone. also not very happy with this, still trying to figure out how to write Simon :3
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-he looks comically out of place in your room. just imagine a pastel pink room filled to the brim with cute plushies, shelves full of little trinkets and books, floral bedding and lace curtains. a wall full of movie posters, magazine pages, and little polaroids of your most treasured moments, and then there's a depressed smoke addict.
-you know those videos where it's a boyfriend sleeping in their girlfriend's girly room with a bunch of plushies on top of him? yeah, basically same situation.
-his sleep schedule is fucked up. either he pulls an all nighter or is passed out till 3 pm. when it's one of those times where Simon feels tired, you just let him sleep in your bed whilst you do whatever.
-it's also a great opportunity to gather the perfect pictures for black mailing.
-he just looks so stupid in your room I love him.
-doesn't care about your plushies but will learn to treat them nicely after you yelled at him for 15 minutes straight about how it's unacceptable to throw rilakkuma off the bed just so he could sit down.
-punches the plush when you aren't looking.
-he definitely gives you that pink hello kitty hoodie to wear. or he wears it instead so you two could match. that's probably your idea and he obliges because it's something you love and enjoy.
-really like the idea of him being your personal photographer. he's always the first to leave a like on whatever you post, especially if it's he who took the picture.
-doesn't know anyone besides you. his followings on social media just contain a bunch of his favorite bands and your account.
-a bit sad but I can see him borrowing your money (with permission) to buy cigarettes if his mother refuses to give him any. he wants to buy you stuff you might like but he's too busy spending it on his addiction :(
-he instead draws you your favorite characters so you can put it on the wall alongside your other pictures.
-has never been in the vicinity of a woman without being an awkward shit. moral of the story he doesn't know anything about girls. his knowledge of things is pretty vague, so please don't be surprised if you see him just poking around your vanity and asking a million different questions on what certain products do and why.
-his mother is very happy her son finally found a girlfriend. she approves of you and thinks you're an absolute sweetheart. always asks Simon when you will visit them again.
-you two definitely earn a few stares in public because how did such a sweet and pretty girl end up with a guy like Simon.
-it pisses him off endlessly but can't help his thoughts and feelings. thinks he doesn't deserve you or any of the kind shit you do for him.
-like nonnie said, he probably isn't the greatest boyfriend... there are times where he cancels your hang-outs without further explanation or simply doesn't acknowledge any of your calls and messages. he feels pretty shitty after it and apologizes for his behavior. you forgive him even though you both know he'll do it again.
-he is low-key obsessed with your smell, he smothers anything you have in the shower all over his body without caring what it's for, just simply reads the labels and puts it on... with big amounts. this man is making you go bankrupt. you could literally see the outline of his fingers left in the product..
-his camera is full of pictures of you, he likes looking at them when he feels down. which is pretty often.
-shows you all of his favorite places in Stockholm or even Kirkvile (where does this man live I don't get it) ones that aren't usually full of people, just overly adventurous teenagers from time to time. something tells you that you two have trespassed into private property multiple times but Simon doesn't want to answer that question clearly.
-ugh imagine clipping cute little hair clips into Simon's hair and he just lets you do whatever you want because if you're happy then he is happy and he wants to see you smile :(
-in exchange, you let him do corpse paint on your face.
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lmh8903 · 11 months
Benny Rodriguez x Reader Pt 3
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"Phillips, there's something I need to tell you," I said, taking a deep breath. Phillips's expression changed. "I needed to talk to you too Y/N," he said. "You can go first, Phillips," I say, hopeful that I can think of an easier way to say what I'm about to say. "Can we sit down?" He asks.
I nod and follow him to the porch swing. He takes my hand and looks me in the eye. "I know things got weird between us today," he begins, "and I want to fix that. I love you, Y/N, and I don't want to lose you."
I feel a pang of guilt in my chest. How could I have let myself get into this situation? "Phillips, I love you too," I reply, feeling the tears welling up in my eyes. "But here's the thing I need to tell you."
"I...I kissed Benny today," I blurted out, unable to hold it in any longer.
Phillips's eyes widened in shock. "What? Why?"
"I don't know. It just happened. And now I'm so confused," I said, tears welling up in my eyes.
Phillips stood up, looking angry and hurt. "You kissed him? After everything, he did to you? After he kicked you off the team and didn't talk to you for a year?"
"I know, I know. It was stupid. But I can't help how I feel," I said, feeling more and more guilty by the second.
Phillips shook his head. "I can't do this, Y/N. I can't be with someone so confused and indecisive. I need someone who knows what they want."
"I understand," I said, feeling defeated.
"I think it's best if we take a break. Figure things out. Maybe we can try again in the future, but for now, I need some space," he said, his voice softening slightly.
I nodded, feeling a mix of sadness and relief. It was over. But at the same time, I knew I had to figure out my feelings for Benny before I could continue anything with Phillips, so maybe it's for the best.
As Phillips walked towards his car, I sat down on my front porch, feeling lost and alone.
Phillips's POV
I was walking to my car dumbfounded. I knew Rodriguez would steal Y/N from me one day. Anger just boiled up inside of me. I knew what I had to do, I had to confront him. Instead of going home, I found myself at the crusty-ass Sandlot where I knew he would be. He basically lives there. Sure enough, I was right, there he was practicing and looking like a goddamn idiot.
I approached him, trying to keep my anger in check. "Rodriguez," I said, my tone cold and angry.
Benny looked up, surprised to see me. "Phillips, what are you doing here?" he asked, wiping the sweat off his forehead.
"I need to talk to you," I said, my voice low.
Benny raised an eyebrow. "About what?"
"Y/N," I replied, my anger starting to boil over.
Benny's face fell, and I could see the guilt in his eyes. "Oh shit."
"You kissed her," I said, my voice shaking with anger. "After everything you did to her, you had the audacity to kiss her."
Benny looked down, and then back up. "Yeah? What the hell are you gonna do about it, Phillips?"
My fists clenched at my sides as I took a step closer to him. "Don't push me, Rodriguez. You know damn well what I'm capable of."
Benny smirked, stifling a laugh. "Oh, I know. You're the big, bad captain of the baseball team. Big deal. So what, Phillips? You don't own Y/N. She's not your property."
I gritted my teeth, trying to control my temper. "I know that, Rodriguez. But you know what? I love her. And I'm not gonna let you or anyone else come between us."
Benny's smirk faded, replaced by a look of surprise. "You love her? Since when? You don't know shit about her."
I smirked, "Maybe I don't know as much about her as you do, but remember, I'm the one she's been sleeping next to for almost a year". Benny storms over to me I feel a sharp pain shooting through my nose. That son of a bitch punched me. I then feel the warm and thick liquid dripping down my face.
I stumbled back, holding my nose as I felt the blood gushing out. Benny stood in front of me, his fists clenched and his eyes blazing with anger.
"You don't love her, Phillips. You're just possessive. You think you can own her because she's been sleeping with you? You're a selfish bastard," he spat out.
I wiped the blood off my face and lunged at him, my anger finally getting the best of me. We exchanged blows, hitting each other in a blind rage.
As Phillips walked towards his car, I sat down on my front porch, feeling lost and alone. I start to cry. I cannot fathom my thoughts at this moment in time. I can't even go inside and risk waking Yeah-Yeah up, I don't want to talk to my brother about this situation. He's always been so supportive but I don't want to burden him with my problems.
As I sit there, I hear a commotion coming from the Sandlot. Curiosity gets the best of me, and I walk over to see what's going on.
When I arrive, I see Benny and Phillips in the middle of a fight, their fists flying as they exchange blows. I gasp in shock, unable to believe what I'm seeing.
Suddenly, Benny gets the upper hand and delivers a final blow to Phillips, sending him to the ground. I rush over to Phillips, who is lying there bleeding, but still conscious.
"What the hell happened?" I ask, my voice shaking with fear and anger.
Benny looks up at me, his face contorted with pain and regret. "I'm sorry, Y/N. I didn't mean for it to get like this." 
I shake my head, tears streaming down my face. I kneel next to Phillips, feeling guilty and heartbroken. This was all my fault. If I hadn't kissed Benny, none of this would have happened. "I should have never kissed you, Rodriguez. None of this would have happened if it weren't for me" I said in between sobs. 
"Y/n you know that's not true. Phillips had it coming for a long time anyways" Benny said as if he was trying to lighten up the situation. 
"Benny, this isn't funny. I'm going to take him home" I say as I give Benny a sad expression. 
"Y/N, I-" Benny says and then stops. 
"You what Benny?" I ask.
"You know" He responds cockily.
I just nod, because I do know. It's what caused this entire thing in the first place. I obviously couldn't say it back, Phillips was there and with everything that just happened, I need time to think about things. 
As I help Phillips up and guide him toward his car, I can feel Benny's eyes on me. It's like he's trying to say something but holding back. I want to turn around and confront him, but I can't right now. I need to focus on getting Phillips home and making sure he's okay.
Once I get Phillips home and settled in his bed, I sit beside him and hold his hand. "I'm sorry, Phillips. I never meant for things to get out of hand like this."
"It's not your fault, Y/N. I started it. I kept egging Benny on. I was pissed, he kissed you, I needed to take out my frustration. You know, he actually really cares about you...I said some things I shouldn't have and it lead to this" Phillips says, his voice strained from the pain.
I nod, but I can't help feeling guilty. Now, because of my actions, Phillips is hurt and our relationship may never be the same. "I'm so sorry Phillips, I love you, I do. I just-" I say, but not being able to finish my sentence. 
"You love him too," Phillips responds softly. "It's okay, I've always known. I knew you only started dating me because Rodriguez wasn't interested in you. I just wanted to believe someone as beautiful and perfect as you could want me more" He says hazily. 
Tears are streaming down my face right now, I look over to see Phillips sleeping. I give him a light peck on the forehead and walk down the stairs to the front door. 
I head out the front door and of course, that's when I see Benny in Phillips's driveway. 
As I approach him, he stands up straight, looking at me with a mix of concern and guilt. "How is he?" He asks quietly.
"He's hurt. In more ways than one, but if you're referring to the pain you caused him, he'll live"  I say completely monotone. 
"I'm glad he'll be okay," Benny says, his voice barely above a whisper. "But I noticed you didn't drive to the Sandlot, do you want me to walk you home?" Benny offered sweetly. 
I wanted to turn him down, but I also didn't want to be alone at this moment, so I reluctantly accepted. 
We were walking home in silence until Benny had the courage to break it. 
"I know you're probably angry with me right now, but I want you to know that I never intended for things to turn out this way," Benny says, his voice full of remorse.
"I don't know what to think, Benny" I respond, my voice still quiet. 
"Then you don't have to," Benny said. 
Before I could even respond, his lips were on mine. It felt just as magical as it did the first time. 
As magical as it felt, I knew I had to pull away from him. "Benny, Phillips is hurt because of us. This, right now, it just feels wrong." 
Benny nods with his gaze lowered. "I know. I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have done that. It was selfish of me," he says, sounding defeated.
We walk in silence until we reach my porch. "Thanks for walking me home Benny", I say finally breaking the awkward silence. 
"Of course Y/N, try to get some sleep", Benny responds, his voice soft and somber as he starts walking to his house, which was just a block over. 
I can't stop thinking about what happened as I lay in bed that night. I feel guilty for hurting Phillips and confused about my feelings for Benny. But one thing is clear - I need to figure out what I want and do it soon. The longer I wait, the more damage I could cause.
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negrowhat · 7 months
Hi Eboni!!
Top 5 most frustrating moments in any bl series for you
Hi Tyler! I feel like we haven't talked in a long time!!!
Top 5 Most Frustrating BL Moments. These are the ones right off the top of my head.
Kay shooting his shot with Gui in Oxygen the Series. He just would not fucking go away. Even when it was clear that Gui was not interested in him. He was a nuisance.
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Yang breaking Phumjai's heart into pieces because he didn't want to tell him about his debt in Love in Translation. Because why tf would he hurt my sweet boy like that??? Yang is a sad boy and I get it but like it annoyed me so much.
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Tita Susan bringing her homophobic vibes to Gav's house and triggering him in the process from Gameboys the Movie/Gameboys 2. She really walked her crusty ass into that man's house with her lil garden gnome and made Gav feel like an unloved child and then she dropped some info on him to purposely hurt him. Old bitch. I'll never never over that shit.
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The NubsibAoey stans making Gene feel like he had to break up with Nubsib in Lovely Writer. Those hater ass stans had #GeneIsNotTheDriver trending while they exposed Gene and Sib's relationship and Gene felt like the best thing to do was to break up. Which was annoying because Nubsib only agreed to do the series so he could reunite with Gene. He didn't give a fuck about that show.
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Yeonseok chasing boy Jeong Hayeon after hurting his feelings, kissing him, and then saying it was a mistake in First Love Again. Personally I would've slapped the taste out of his mouth. He was really doing Ha Yeon's sweet face dirty with his wishy-washy ass.
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justyourtypicalwriter · 4 months
service dog au hcs because i cant be normal about them?? 👀
Kyle: 👻🫂💔🌟
Stan: 🎶👽💤😶
Kenny: 👻🎶🦾💔
Clyde: 💤🦾🥇😶
Butters: 👽💔💄😶
Cartman: 👻👽😺😶
Craig: 👻🦾🌟😶
Tweek: 👽🫂🍫😶
sorry its a lot 😭 if youd rather not do any feel free not to lmao
Oh my fucking god this took me way longer than it should have😭-
tw for slight talk of suicide
👻 - OOH OKAY. Now, I could get REALLY into this with a multitude of different things but the main one has got to be not having control. It’s why he hates being “sick” and hates the aspect of having a service dog for a while. He can’t control when he’ll have a P.O.T.S flare up, he can’t control when he’ll have a bad high or low, he can’t control his tolerance to taking food by mouth nor can he control if it’ll trigger a flashback of some sorts. Mainly, he can’t control where he is on the dependency scale. Kyle needs someone to be there for extra supervision, as much as Noble has benefited him. But at the same time, Kyle is a very stubborn, independent person. He doesn’t want some constant dependency on someone. He has no control over his physical or mental health so he craves control over other factors in life so he doesn’t feel like such an unstable mess.
🫂 - Picking someone for this one was tricky but I think I’m gonna talk about Kyle and Tweek’s relationship while I have this. I see Tweek and Kyle as staying kind of close after Tweek was in their group. They help each other out, especially after Tweek is placed with the Broflovski’s during their senior year. Kyle shows Tweek some distraction techniques he’s picked up on and Tweek works with Kyle to find innovative ways to help him slowly regain some of his independence.
💔 - Such bad emetophobia. It’s not really bad when he’s not the one vomiting though. The ARFID really fucks him over. There was a short period of time where he went on and off the nasal tube, I wanna say like every now and then from 11-13. He really thought he was getting better…he wasn’t. The summer of freshman year is when he really started going downhill at a rapid pace. Just the thought of eating could send him vomiting. Sometimes it’s only for a few minutes, sometimes it's an hour plus.  It hurts, it makes him feel horrible and it happens so often. More often than not he’s shaking, hunched over the toilet bowl either fighting back or in tears. And the poor thing is left exhausted and feeling absolutely disgusting afterwards.
🌟 - This one’s a fun one too. He wants to travel, see the world you know? He’s been so coddled most of his life that he never got the proper chance to but he’s determined to make it happen. 
🎶 - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3HoLXMmVuoMXPGbTHk7zvL?si=g9r63piOQz2thQKgmXJ3zg&pi=u-Kr5cAidHSeya (I’m jamming to this rn lmao)
👽 - I’m not sure if this counts as a quirk, I mean I kind of feel like it falls under a personality quirk but has a tendency to react emotionally to some things at times while at other times he could give less of a shit.
💤 - Sleep? WHERE?!? (but for some reason he sleeps perfectly fine when a certain redhead is nearby…*cough* fags *cough*)
😶 - This crusty ass emo wet cat looking bitch LOVES dance. Ballet in particular. He rocks gothic ballet routines but he’ll dance to anything. Just him and his fucking black point shoes. If it weren’t for the crippling depression he’d be unstoppable. And no one suspected that he dances until the kids are like thirteen when Stan was bored out of his mind while the gang was at Starks Pond and started doing a bunch of fun tricks to entertain himself. The rest of the groups standing there, jaws on the floor, minds blown because since when did Stanley fucking Marsh know how to do this.
👻 - Losing a loved one, whether it’s a family or friends. Kenny is immortal, he’s gonna keep coming back, but the others? Any health scare, accident, or attempt of someone worries him a lot. It’s why he always has his bag of shit, he’s so worried about losing someone.
🎶 - https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3lhm5rFXq1TXuMUKDiptuI?si=CY4XjCHAQr-fxXDHwQ4dlw&pi=u-E6jLyFZgTFam 
🦾 - Muscular Dystrophy & Chronic Pain (live, laugh, love chronic pain Kenny)
💔 - Okay, okay this one’s more of the concept is angsty when you think of it, but Kenny himself could give less of a shit. Kenny in this au is relatively happy, I mean yeah being chronically ill sucks total ass but he’s chilling with it. The only thing is that Kenny kills himself a lot. He’s ever curious and loves to see what happens. He ends up hanging in Hell with Damien for a while before being sent back and before he knows it he’s wondering “hm, wonder if that’ll happen again-“
💤 - Clyde has a rocky sleep schedule. His health issues aren’t the reason for it though, it’s Fable. As mentioned in a previous post, she’s a little demon shit and has an ungodly amount of energy. Clyde finds this hysterical until it’s time to get up for school and he’s only slept like three hours.
🦾 - Clyde’s disability for the au is still being debated! Suggestions are currently open!
🥇 - I have a general headcanon that Clyde is really good at videography! Which, for all my Tyde girlies, falls into one of my general headcanons for Tolkien which is script writing. They make short films together and his biggest accomplishment is that one of their films won first place in their school's film contest.
😶 - He’ll play outside in the snow for HOURS. Even more now than when he was a kid since he’s got Fable. Clyde will just take her out for hours and they’ll have the time of their lives.
👽 - Yet another personality quirk: Butters always has a ridiculous amount of enthusiasm for someone who’s been through so much shit in his life. He’s an optimist, it’s what draws people in.
💔 - Okay I just really love antagonizing his parents so so much. Haven is owner trained, Butters bought her himself when he was thirteen. When she was still a puppy something minor happens and Steven isn’t very happy about it so he fucking SELLS her. And Butters is so heartbroken. He only had this dog for a week and suddenly she’s just ripped away. It’s actually Cartman (for the most part) who helps him get her back. 
💄 - I know this one’s really basic but I adore giving Butters his eye scar from ‘Fun With Weapons”. It’s very intimidating but Butters is just a silly, goofy guy. 
😶 - Y’know those Instagram and Etsy shops that sell custom service dog gear? Butters is really into sewing and he runs one! Giving gifts has never been easier, he just makes them a new piece of gear.
👻 - As much as I love antagonizing Cartman, I love when he has a soft spot for the main four (+Butters) a lot more. So if anyone’s acting out of character it lowkey has him shook. And with good reason, the gang has trauma from finding Stan post suicide attempt. It baffled Cartman since Stan had been acting more than okay for the past week. The bastard cares for his friends although he’ll never fucking tell them so he’s been paying attention to behavior changes ever since, even if they’re minor.
👽 - I’m actually gonna go dive a little deeper into the heterochromia thing. So if my memory is serving me correctly, the eye comes from Kenny so it’s blue. But every so often it has a purplish hue to it for a short period of time. Oh so conveniently, our favorite little poor boy is freshly back from Hell and his eye color has shifted from blue to a freakishly violet shade.
😺 - Oooooh y’all really want me to yap about Dolly. Firstly, she’s so soft. Like her fur was already soft but being that Cartman takes such good care of her, her fur is probably as good as it can get. He’s so gentle with her and she absolutely adores him. As for the rest of the kids: she’s not overly eager to go up to them but she likes them. Except for Kyle she fucking HATES him. 
😶 - Unfortunately Cartman is severely underdeveloped at the moment due to him being the most recent addition to the au so I literally don’t have anything else to say about him.
👻 - I feel like all of these fears have been really angsty but Craig’s is just spiders. They creep him the fuck out. Also high school musical-
🦾 - Epilepsy!
🌟 - It’s really a matter of what he wants to do first. He doesn’t act like it but Craig is really ambitious. Working in something with space is always something he’s wished to do. But he’s also into music (a mix of Tweek and Stan’s fault) and wants to learn violin. 
😶 - I love headcanoning that Craig has piercings so let’s jazz this up for the au a bit. In his late teen years he was (illegally) denied service at various piercing parlors because of Saturn. So he self teaches himself how to (semi) safely do piercings without being a professional and does them for his friends if they want.
👽 - Second physical quick of the ask but it’s freckles! I love giving Tweek freckles but the ones that are barely visible at any time that’s not summer. That’s when they come out. 
🫂 - I already talked about his relationship with Kyle so let’s talk about Tweek and Clyde. I only just started playing around with their dynamic a few weeks ago while writing a bunch of Staig drabbles. It’s always really funny to me because you’ve got paranoid sarcasm meets hyperactive sensitivity.
🍫 - What a little stress baker! He can’t cook for shit but the boy sure can bake. And he like over bakes too. He doubles the recipe almost every time. It used to be easy to get rid of the extras, he’d just take them to the shop so they could be sold. But after the meth bust he’d basically ding-dong-ditch his friends and leave baskets of baked goods on their doorsteps. 
😶 - Him, Kenny, Kyle, and Bebe all drove out of Colorado for the weekend when they were seventeen because they all needed a break. They stayed at an inn for the weekend and no one knew where they went. So yeah, they were having the time of their lives while everyone back home was losing their shit.
feel free to ask if you want elaborations!
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I absolutely HATE that this horrible crusty man was at her show and the thought of her actually dating him is rubbing me in all the wrong ways. Why would anybody even come in a 10 ft radius of such a problematic man??? Dont get her sometimes
so most of my dash has been discussing this and i. have a few things to address: a) making fun of his appearance won't hurt him but might be noticed by people who look like him or have similar insecurities, b) the sun is literally the least reliable source ever like please, c) it's very weird to see this fandom infantilize taylor and judge any choices she (potentially? nonexistentially?) made like the commentary about cheating, moving on too soon, making bad choices, addiction (yes. I can't believe y'all went there), etc are extremely unnecessary and absolutely should not be coming from the fans because we don't know her personally and it's not one of our business, d) he's a shitty person. this isn't excused if they're not dating but are friends because honestly i wouldn't want to be associated with him even as a friend but maybe we're not ready for that conversation, e) ALL OF THIS IS CONJECTURE. f) we got an album announcement. in the middle of a whole ass tour. I'd much rather focus on that
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Can I make a request with the guardians who find out that in another world fem!MC didn't have a good father figure? She has suffered psychological trauma and is afraid of men. Therefore fem!MC literally cries every time the guardian shows concern for her or gives her some kind of gift, because her father never did it.
Thank you for considering my request!
— anon🍤
We're really in it for the daddy issues huh, anon? well, same.
Guardian! School staff + fem! Mc with a shitty father back in her Home- world
Characters : Dire Crowley, Divus Crewel, Mozus Trein, Ashton Vargas
TW : Crowley being delusional. Slight mentions of emotional abuse.
Context : (y/n) is always doing her best as both a student and a classmate, helping people all the time and studying must be exhausting! her guardian knows that, and as recognition for her efforts, he sends her a gift. (Not Trein tho, he has enough kids to notice somethings wrong right away)
But wait, why is she frowning like that?
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Dire Crowley
Oh! what a good student you are! what a kind classmate, no doubt!
of course all thanks to your amazing role model.
You're such a good kid! you never complain when your beloved dad asks for tiny little favors!
unlike your crusty, musty, almost rodent- excuse for a roommate
Ah, yes! such a great attitude is worthy of a sweet, sweet reward, right?
when you go back to Ramshackle after your classes, you notice a package in front of the door.
it has a note on it.
"Like father, like daughter! thanks for being such a great example for the others, (y/n)! ( please, open this inside)"
it also has a little poorly drawn picture of himself smiling and waving in the back of it.
when you get inside and you open it, it has ten claw-shaped silver rings, similar to the ones your guardian is always wearing.
you put them on one by one, and stare at your hands for a while.
you're frowning.
in fact, you feel your cheeks get warm, your eyes water.
what is this?
Crowley literally spawns out of nowhere, from behind you.
He rushes to see what's wrong.
you don't even question his presence, i mean, it's Crowley.
he's probably been there for a while, just to see your genuine, grateful reaction to his amazing gift!
and now you're crying.
"Are you okay, y/n ?? Does it hurt your skin???" he says noticing you're not wearing gloves underneath. "wait you're not fae either way... what's wrong????"
Your weird-ass dad is worried sick and that only makes you more emotional.
you two sit down on one of the couches.
You see, Crowley is not the best person on earth, let alone guardian.
In fact, in a lot of ways he's very questionable.
you knew that.
And still he was so much better than your actual father back home.
He had never ever insulted you, or shouted at you while he watched you cry.
It's true that sometimes he could be a little off-putting, but you never felt the need to be alert in his presence.
And when he gives you a gift it's not something he doesn't want, hell, it isn't any kind of up-front payment for any favor.
it wasn't an apology.
it was just a gift.
and for some reason, there's something so heartbreaking about that notion, there's so much grief that you're feeling, and have no idea of what to do with it.
so things like this do happen, huh?
you didn't want to think you hated men. it was stupid to hate half of the population.
And yet you always found yourself avoiding your teachers, and many students, except for Epel, for some reason.
Crowley was a good reason as to why believe that men in general were straight up sketchy.
And still, there he was. Silently by your side. waiting for you to let it all out. (confused, but trying)
Maybe he wanted to hug you, he wasn't sure if he should.
You just covered your face with your clawed hands.
Once you were done crying, you looked at them silently.
you weren't alone anymore. And the tears shining as they slid off the silver were proof of that.
By the way, Crowley is finally researching how to reach your world, but just so he can punch your father in the gut.
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Divus Crewel
In Crewels eyes, you were the perfect kid. No questions asked.
You were always sincere about anything he asked you regarding his appearance.
"What do you think about this new tie, y/n?" "Do you think the socks and my coat are mismatched today? i have the impression..." "Hey, pup! is it noticeable that I'm wearing scarlet gloves today, instead of the usual crimson?"
Also, you showed to be quite determined and responsible, which was amazing but,
you were always alone, for some reason.
Anyone would think you were just very shy and introverted.
He kinda knew there was more to that but he also thought it would be better to let you open up to him about that subject.
also, you kept asking him to do your projects alone, in potionology, alchemy and so on, you always insisted in not having a partner, stuff like that.
even with this habit of taking all the work to yourself, you had pretty decent grades, so he decided to buy you a gift.
after your last class of the day, your guardian texts you, he has a surprise for you, so come see him!
When you do, he's waiting for you holding a beautifully wrapped box.
you open it and....!
there's a plushie of a puppy inside!
"Do you like it, pup? would you at least let him accompany you?"
you stay silent.
"it reminded me of you... Hey, are you okay?"
Why are you holding the plush like that, sinking your fingers on it? so tight that it looks like you want to suffocate it?
And why isn't Crewel immediately asking for something in return?
why does he look actually concerned, instead of expecting?
And most important, why are you asking yourself that?
"how much did it cost...?" you ask faintly.
"Why would you ask me that? y/n, are you okay?"
"Sorry, i didn't mean to-" and there they are, the tears that had been blurring your vision.
Since you got here, on Twisted Wonderland, no one has really treated you like back at home.
The boys tend to be kind and chaotic, and if they try to tease you they're immediately scolded by the teachers.
Right, the teachers. Your new guardian, Crewel never treated you with disrespect, he didn't scream at you like your father did, he was sassy on occasion, but he never insulted you.
But you weren't as relieved by that as you thought you should be, so
why were you so mad? so enraged?
why was your blood boiling while you stared at the cute puppy you were holding?
Because you had always deserved that, that's why.
Because it's right now, and not sooner, that you're finally experiencing the treatment you had always deserved.
Because you didn't even know what was it like to be loved and appreciated by your father, you only knew that yours was failing you at that.
you finally let yourself cry like a baby, Crewel, unsure of what to do, hugs you from the side and lets you complain about how you hated how your father back at home treated you.
You thank him for the gift and finally express your issue with men in general, you had to grow wary of them as a result of your home life.
next day you suddenly have a partner for the next upcoming project, and it seems like it's a certain someone that is more than glad to help you, and that will be patient no matter what.
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Mozus Trein
I tell you, this man knows what's up.
He got really mad at you once, you kept dozing off during his lesson and threw a tiny piece of chalk at you.
obviously it wasn't meant to hurt you or anything
but your reaction was... strange.
just by raising his hand he noticed that you were... a little startled.
you flinched even before the chalk flew towards you, like if you fully expected it.
It was the first and last time he did that, because he didn't quite like that look on your face.
also, you apologized a little too many times about that.
For goodness sake, you hadn't killed his cat or anything.
So yeah, he kept an eye on you after that.
He noticed that you didn't like to hang out with your peers, it was strange
Because personality wise, you were nothing like, let's say, mr.Shroud.
Today, you're not even looking at him in the eye.
when he asks about homework, you mutter that Grim ate it.
Now, don't misinterpretate this situation ok?
he believes you
But Grim is your roommate, you LIVE WITH HIM
It's your responsibility yk you're the one living with a literal monster.
As scary as Mr.Trein sounds, the rest of the students are laughing their ass off behind their books
and i don't blame them.
but you're starting to get a little too upset.
So you get up and and go away.
you were crying. literal tears???? but why????
he had only raised his voiced a little.
It wasn't even that big of an issue-
why were you crying???
you're more embarrassed than upset ngl
when the lesson ends you're a bit more calm, and he calls you in.
He knows that you've been crying.
You know he knows.
what a mess.
after apologizing a million times for leaving earlier, he finally asks you directly.
was he really that scary?
Since you've had time to think, you explain what kind of home life you had before and that in retrospective, it may had fucked you up a little bit.
after a very uncomfortable silence, maybe you can't tell-
But his gaze has softened.
"y/n, dear... that is not going to happen again, and I'm personally responsible for your wellbeing so, if i try and show more patience, could you perhaps gift me some of your trust?"
yeah it's definitely easier said than done.
Still, the following days every time you fuck up he will teach you how to do things right, instead of angrily asking you why you didn't get them right in the first place.
it's a little step at a time, but you're already feeling better.
Also, Grim is a great ice breaker, you find out that half of your classmates are straight up himbos.
you're safe here.
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Ashton Vargas
this is yet another overly proud dad.
he will refer to himself as your dad no matter what. you're his kid now alright.
Truth is, you two don't have a lot in common, at least interest-wise.
but he appreciates you for always trying your best.
lately he had noticed you yelling obscenities at the tv.
you're not really into sports but you've been watching the sport's channel a lot.
turns out there was certain team from certain academy that you ABSOLUTELY DESPISED
so you watch their competitions just to pray on their downfall. It's really satisfying seeing them lose especially since they are so popular.
Ashton finds this so entertaining omg
It's almost as funny as watching the first time Mr.Ashengrotto tried to get on a broom.
next weekend he surprises you with two tickets to their next game!
you are so excited!!
since the very minute the game starts you insult them every chance you get, every time they mess up.
your guardian is also having the time of his life seeing you so invested.
Dad is so proud of his little hater girl!!!
suddenly the crowd goes silent.
there's so much tension in the air!!!
you jump and cheer, to no one in particular actually.
then he notices you're tearing up a little.
"what's wrong? did you actually want them to win???" he shouts so you can hear him
you look at him as tears run down your face, at first you have a big smile on your face but then...
Your guardian can be a little too much at times.
He can be tiring, sometimes he can be very hard headed.
But he always means well.
Since you got to twisted wonderland, he's the one you come after when you're scared, or tired, or sad.
he's very good at being a dad!
oh you can tell.
because never in your life you would be living a moment like this back at home.
it's a bittersweet feeling, really.
Because your own father could not even treat you like a person with, actual feelings most days.
And then, this teacher that knows so little about your previous life is so open to help you whenever you need, to lift up your spirits and push you to be better...
when you arrived you were intimidated by the rest of the school staff but honestly this man has made everything easier.
is it enough reason to feel so moved?
maybe, who knows...
you will tell him everything he should know about what kind of challenges you went through
but now,
right now,
This stupid team that you hate so much has lost yet another time.
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zestyaahbutler · 1 year
if nobody fills your inbox like i’m gonna fill heinkel’s ass, they’re not doing it right
HAD TO ASK MY FIRST QUESTION: since i want amulya away from those crusty white men for a minute, how do you think she is as a mother? and what was her brief relationship with integra like?
love your writing so much btw<3
Thank u sunslept, I will provide u with enough Amulya content as you ask for. I salute u in your Heinkel endeavors!!! I be going crazy at the fact that I have such a dedicated fan. Your comments and interactions have made me smile a bunch. I felt soooo bad for not getting this out the day you sent it in. I shall include a doodle for the inconvenience:
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Fuck them old guys >:)
Amulya’s relationship with Integra
TW: mentions of suicide, questionable dynamics, mental illness, average Hellsing lore
Amulya was extremely happy to become pregnant with Integra. She first became pregnant with Integra almost 2 years. As I said before, her pregnancy was relatively normal. Her mental state has never been the best but it was at least manageable. 
However, when the full scope of what the organization was revealed to her and Arthur mentioned Integra being designated as the eventual heir, Amulya was very much against it. She was dealing with a ton of emotions and hormones so finding out near the end of her term. For Arthur to lie about her and give her such big news felt like a huge betrayal. She didn’t want Integra to be involved with an organization that dealt with such heinous creatures. Even if it was for the good, she wanted Integra to be normal and grow up to be whatever she wanted. It felt too soon to expect their daughter in a leadership role. As worried as she was, she tried to understand Arthur’s views on the matter and suppress her own opinions. 
Integra was born on October 27th, 1977, at 7:43 in the morning. Fortunately, she was a very healthy baby. Both Amulya and Arthur were ecstatic about Integra coming into the world. It was surreal for her to hold and get to know someone who had been growing inside her for nine months. Even as happy as she was, Amulya developed post-partum depression. She couldn’t say why she felt as sad and guilty as she did but it was an overwhelming amount. She would often cry about how she felt horrible for bringing such a pure human being into the terrible world. She wanted to leave that terrible world and would feel even worse. She was scared of holding Integra herself. Amulya couldn’t bare the thought of somehow hurting Integra. Amulya was also terrified of being alone with her. For months, she relied on nannies, maids, or Walter for helping with Integra. She had a routine of having them hold Integra while she sits next to them. If she ever hold Integra, it was for short amounts of time. 
Amulya felt like an inadequate wife and mother. She had difficulty sleeping. Integra would wake up at odd times at night which didn’t help. She was scared of Integra possibly dying in her sleep. While she trusted everyone to look after her and had more help than she could’ve asked for, there was still always the feeling something could happen. The worst times for her were when she would walk to Integra’s room at night sleep deprived and just look at her. Nothing in particular would happen but she would be thinking about taking Integra and leaving, strangling Integra so she wouldn’t have to live in such a world, or taking her own life. She never acted on hurting Integra but those thoughts were the ones that made her too scared to hold her. 
Arthur was supportive and tried to ease Amulya’s mental state as much as he could. One of the steps he took to help was using one of the organization's psychologists to help Amulya process the information on the organization much better. This was an older woman who had kids herself and was plenty experienced with helping victims with trauma regarding the supernatural. This woman played a massive part in Amulya becoming more comfortable with the organization and keeping her spirits up. 
Arthur was always a very busy man. He always loved Integra since she was born. There were just not a ton of opportunities for him to take time off.
After almost a year, Amulya was able to hold Integra on her own. She even had Integra sleep in the bed with her. Due to her less-than-stellar start to motherhood, she tried her best to make up for it by spending as much time as possible with her daughter. She designated time for herself and for her hobbies but spent the majority of her time raising and doting on her. Amulya wanted to be there for every milestone. Not that Arthur would ever want to break her heart, but Integra’s first word was said around him. Amulya and Arthur were both present when Integra took her first steps. Amulya felt more and more whole seeing Integra growing up. She even saw bits of her personality forming. Integra wasn’t too needy but when she was set on something, she would throw a bit of a fit. It didn’t help that Amulya would give in. These fits were mainly Amulya putting her down for more than a few minutes or not being able to give Integra to Arthur while he was working. This resulted in Amulya spending some days in the office with Arthur while holding Integra. She even had a couch put in his office so she would have somewhere comfortable to sit. 
Amulya adored how Integra looks. Her looking so much like Arthur was the best to her. Integra’s hair was blonde to her surprise. She doesn’t have a clear idea on how the genes were that strong but she wasn’t ever unhappy with it. She was excited to get Integra her first haircut but was destroyed at some of her beautiful hair being cut off. She styled Integra’s hair in bows and clips. She dressed her in fancy outfits and hats. The accessories would come off while Integra was playing but was sure to take pictures of her before they did. Amulya was very excited for the holidays so she could dress Integra up for parties. 
Amulya was picky choosey on who she allowed around Integra. She never had a good experience around Richard. He wasn’t allowed alone with Integra or even hold her. She was convinced that he always had a different motive than getting to know his niece. 
She was ore than happy to show off Integra to the members of the round table. If there as a meeting, there was a chance of Amulya popping in for a brief distraction to announce that Integra had woken up from a nap. 
While she was a very caring mother, she still dealt with depression and anxiety. This might be a little weird to say but just because she was very happy doesn’t mean she never had intrusive thoughts or episodes. The times that she was really bad were impulsive decisions. She never regretted Integra, she regretted being the one to be her mother. Ultimately, she felt like she was too weak and too much of a burden to the people around her.
Just me talking: I hope that helps! <3 If anyone has any more questions, drawing requests, or story requests regarding Amulya, let me know. I apologize for taking a while to respond to this. I got a little too passionate about my small story with her and Walter.
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mega-punani · 2 years
Celebrity vs Hitman au:
You are a rising star who stopped producing music because of your abusive manager/spouse. You hid away until you finally felt the urge to start making music again. You boom in popularity with your comeback as a strong independent foo who don't need nobody. But uh oh, your apartment is getting bulldozed, and you gotta go NEOW.
Here comes a conveniently placed ad for a mansion with cheap ass rent. Here's the catch: roommates. You move in with a bunch of really nice skeletons! And hey! Turns out they are fans of your music (but in a cool, nice sort of way). You get along with them, not knowing that they are all very dangerous hitmen. But they won't hurt you, no worries! They're your biggest fans!
This is given me allota fluff and cute stuff.
Wild West au:
You're a no bullshit sheriff of your small hometown, and your folks have recently been getting terrorized by some masked hooligans! You've heard they were a dangerous bunch, and they've been known to stage some robberies. Now they're here to bother the old rich man on the edge of town. Of course, you lowkey don't like him cause he's sexist, but it's your job, so here you go.
Right when you get to that coot's house, they would all just scamper off like they had never been there. Tired after a long day, you hop by the bar to visit your old pal Sans, the bartender. You guys talk about everything, and he's pretty transparent about his life. What he won't tell you about is the little gang he runs. That same gang that's been harassing your little town.
This is given me Romcom, like a villain flirting with a hero type beat.
Demons au:
Why is there a glowing red pentagon in the middle of your room? AND WHY IS IT GLOWING!?
Your good friend, a pursuer of science, decided that they wanted to test if demons were real or not. In order to do that, they needed to test out an old crusty book they found in the back of an antique store. And what better place to do it than your living room floor. You, being the nice friend you are, supervised them and gave them a drop of your blood (cause your friend is anemic 😔) and BAM. Skeleton demons in your fucking house.
They are insufferable at first, but they eventually grow on you. So much so that they start getting hella clingy...
This is given me slice of life. Keep it emotional though 👍
Mafia au:
Okay, so the problem w/ this is that I have way too many ideas for this one. But let me get this clear: in all of these ideas, the skellies are mobsters.
1: Y/N is a ring fighter that used to beat the living shit out of people for rich people entertained. They used to be the skelly gang's top fighter but stopped (moral reasons, a kid, injury, family, etc) and no longer affiliates w/ the family.
Hold up! There's another fight coming up, and Sans really needs to win this one, and who else to call but you?
This one's allota hurt, misunderstanding, bad communication. Angst and sad back stories galore.
2: You save this gloopy lookin skeleton man from getting hit by a bus, AND NOW HE WANTS YOU TO INHERIT HIS CRIME ORGANIZATION!? You politely refuse (cause you have no idea how to run one of those), and so he suggests you pick one of his many sons to pick up his legacy. Now you got hot skellies flirting, threatening, and bargaining with you to choose one of them. You might just snatch that title outa spite....
Romcom again. Flirty, fun, dramatic. All the jazz.
3: Alright this one hella self indulgent.
You're the only child of a nefarious crime lord, and they appoint their best men as your body guards. They body guards being hot skeleton men. Oh hey! They also like you romantically cause, who tf wouldn't??? You're so segsy and amazing 🥰. Thas all I got though, no plot.
This one's giving me elegant romance. HELLA ELEGENT 😡. Kinda the same vibe as my hotel au.
Reincarnation au:
This one is essentially a rip off of those "villianess reincarnates in a dating sim/romance novel" mangas/manhwas.
Y/N was just a regular person who got hit by a bus and given a second chance at life. Surprise, surprise! They got reincarnated into a novel where the skellies are royality and all fight for the affections of an MC. Unfortunately, Y/N got reincarnated as a villain instead of literally anyone else. Yah know what else? The villian dies in the end! Wahoo!
In order to prevent this terrible end, you pull a few strings to make sure you're alive at the end of the day. But hazzah, the main characters are inescapable, and now their affections are geared towards you!
This one is a lot of romcom stuff.
That's all I have got so far, but yeah. Just some ideas drabbled on to one post. You might see em again soon?
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gremlintheslut · 2 years
Forever theirs chapter 2
Don't reupload, translate or do anything like that without permission from me
Words: 1155
Warnings: gore, language, talk of past relationships, cliffhanger, fem and afab reader
I woke up early so I could do the laundry before work. I then did my normal routine and took my clothes out of the machine. As I was hanging them up I notice some of the clothes that I know I put in the wash were no longer there. I walked up and down the path, I took to get from the washing machine and the clothesline. I walk back and forth several times but still didn't see any clothes on the floor. I checked the machine and it was empty. I could have sworn I put them in.
I check the time and it was 7:15. If I leave now I might be able to catch the bus. Even if I catch the bus I still have to walk at least half of the way to work. I'm tired I'll take the bus. I grab my bag and begin my long journey to work. If the traffics not too bad and I run to the next bus stop I might not have to walk at all. I don't like taking the bus but, I just don't feel good at all. If I wasn't struggling so much I would have called in sick. I woke up dizzy and pale. I started to get my color back when I was finishing my morning routine. I still look ill though.
I'm trying hard not to think about the state my neck was in when I woke up. There was dried crusty blood all over my neck, shirt, and bed. I'm glad I got up early so I could do the laundry because there was no way I was gonna wash the sheets when I got home. Once I was done washing the blood off of my neck there were two small circular holes in the side of my neck. To be honest I don't want to know what happened to me. If I had someone to talk to I'm not sure if I would tell them.
I see the bus leaving its stop as I approach. "no!" I exclaim. I feel the side of my neck throb. Should I just walk home and call out sick? I can't. All of a sudden I feel dizzy like I did this morning. I might have to go home. Then the dizziness gets worse and I start to stumble. Two arms hook themselves under my armpits. I'm grateful that someone caught me and I didn't fall on my ass but only for a moment. The man's voice finally  rendered in my head. "you alright there Princess?" the Irish man asked. Finn. "are you back to try and fuck me or did you just not want me to get hurt" I mumble at him. "that depends on how you answer my question. Are you okay?" he chuckles at first before changing to a more serious tone.
"m fine" I slur my words as I try to stand but fail immediately. "how about I take you home?" he asks. "yours or mine?" I try to joke but, as I let out a small laugh the scab on the holes in My neck started to crack and sting and a small amount of blood started to drip out of them. He didn't laugh at my joke but moved my head to the side to look at my neck. He didn't seem surprised at all. He let out an understanding sigh. I was confused but brushed it off as me miss reading it.
Then in the blink of an eye, we were in my bedroom. My dizziness was at an all-time high as he placed me down on my bed. "I'll call your work and tell them I'm a friend and you passed out okay?" he asked as he walk away. I let out a barely audible hum as he walks out the door. He turns his head to look at me when he sees it but keeps walking. I'm shocked he heard me at all. Even if he was right next to me that would have been really hard to hear.
I am no longer as dizzy as before but I have never felt so much pain before. It feels like someone is stabbing me with red-hot needles in the neck. I had no idea there was more than one person just outside the room that knew my body was successfully fighting off the venom from vampire fangs. I also didn't know that one of the people outside was the owner of those fangs.
Finns pov
"haven't you been tracking them?" I asked rhea and she nods. "I have. But she got it totally off schedule she was supposed to get it in a week" I believe her. When Y/N gets her period it gives rhea and dom unbelievable cravings for her blood. They go mad from smelling it and they can't stop themselves. Being a vampire is much harder than being an incubus and I have to keep that in mind. "I'll take all your watches for the week Damien can take all of Doms," I say shortly poking my head into Y/N room and seeing her on her bed in tears breaks my heart. "thanks, I'll take a few of your shifts when it's over" she offers. "no it's fine," I say as I take a step forwards towards Y/N room. "you sure?" I nod and open the door slipping in.
Thanks to my heightened hearing I know rheas heading back to base. The farther away from y/n she is right now the better. "hey, love bug" I say grabbing her hand. She winces and I lower my voice. "are you alright?" I ask quietly. She nods but the way she's holding her head and whining I can tell she's not. "I think I know a way to get rid of that headache of yours," I say and she looks up at me with desperate eyes. "really? What is it?" she asks and I barely catch what she says. "say yes," I say simply and she looks disappointed instantly.
"no, I can't" she whines. "why not?" I ask and she gets visibly upset. Is he not over edge? I know she loved him but it's been months. Was he too scared to come and say goodbye after the judgment day kick his ass to the curb? I instantly feel sorry for her. No warning he just left her. The scumbag told her they couldn't date under incubus laws knowing damn well they could oh but he wanted to fuck other bitches that aren't half as good as this pretty girl.
She lying down on her back and I wrap my arm around her stomach. I put my head on her shoulder giving her a half-assed hug. "I know about edge and I am so sorry," I say shortly and wait for her reply.
Thank you 💕💕- gremlin
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rollingsins · 1 year
Hi! What a nice surprise to wake up to. I'm on my way to work and reading this now cause I am desperate and can't wait until my break. Let's go!
Ugh Richie get your nasty cheetoh fingers off of her! R doesn't want to catch your crusty disease.
Oh boy. R will have a bruise cause of Richie. He is dead. Tara will gut him. See ya never again, bye! 👋🏼
Lol immediately R screams. Love that. She doesn't let Richie boss her around. Good.
Oh fuck yes! Well done Sam! Even if he isn't Ghostface, she should have kicked him out anyway. Finally Sam came to her senses. Better late than never.
Ha go drag his sorry ass! Too much to drink and just saw her. What a creep he is. Seriously, can Tara please kill him?
Oh no. Go get Tara! RUN R!
lol, terrible timing cause Tara is probably getting stabbed right now but I knew it! That stupid darn whistle was entirely useless! Take that, whistle. I won.
Uff. My heart. Tara is never scared. She always has the upper hand. Now she can't do anything. Poor baby. She's probably so scared to die and leave R. R, just throw Richie at Ghostface and save Tara. He's expendable.
Hmm. Ghostface is bigger than Tara. That's not a miracle cause it applies to nearly everyone...
Okay, I hate Richie as much as the next person but "Mister Ghostface" made me cackle in the bus. That's so stupid but funny.
Hmm. Ghostface attacked the police. So maybe not Judy? But she is even more desperate to solve the murders for Wes so that's where the frustration can come from!
Tara 🥺
DAD SHUT UP. Of course Tara wants to see R. Blood or not. Ugh, men 🙄
Lol yes. Everyone against Richie. You go Dad!
Unless she wasn't expecting it. Someone she knew. Who de we know that can break into a house and disarm an alarm. JUDY SHE IS A TRAINED SHERIFF. COME ON PEOPLE. (I hope in right cause I can't imagine/think of someone else...)
AS IF IT'S SAM. Nah ah. She would never hurt Tara. It's Mindy before it would EVER be Sam. No way in hell. (If it is Sam I will come for you btw)
Lol Mindy is prepared! Love that. (That you need a girlfriend line feels like a call out cause I also heavily thought about who Ghostface is... I just don't have a folder)
Nope. I take it back. Don't love it. Mindy is the horror buff but she fails to see the obvious connection of the victims being linked to R, so she accused Sam!?? Not in my watch! Obviously I don't want Tara to get caught but Sam IS NOT Ghostface! Focus people and figure it out. Ugh.
Oh right the police outside! Who can control the police? JUDY HICKS.
Yes Tara, please kill Richie. Pretty please 🙏
No Mindy you're not right and if you don't shut up I will punsh you.
Being in the hospital didn't work out that great for Tara in the movie...
How adorable is it that Tara got sliced and diced yet she still wants to protect R. Murderous tendencies aside, she really is the perfect girlfriend!
Phew what a chapter. Dragging Richie is my favorite past time activity.
Onto the suspects!
Richie clearly is not Ghostface. What a shame. Sam absolutely no way in hell. The Scooby Gang nah. As if they cared that much about Wes or anyone else to get revenge on Tara and R. That just leaves Judy! Who else could it be?? Someone strong and trained to take out an alarm system. Someone who knows about Tara and R. Wes probably told her. It's her.
I live for your reviews 😭 please never stop. Re suspects… everyone is a suspect
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mikeellee · 1 year
You know what? I want to share my two cents here, here it goes my controvery opinion:
His speech is dumb! People want so hard to see his words as deep and such but is so hollow for a number of reasons
1) His speech is ass bc he never bother to reach or know any hero. So him equating "all heroes hurt their families" is incorret. Look at Izu and Ochako.
2) He starts to talk about his father- mind you NO ONE KNOWS HE IS TENKO - out of nowhere. Lets not forget he hurts families too(not counting his own family) Xless sure had a family, Crusty too and many others and Shig killed without remorse "why his violence is accetable but heroes arent" throwing his damn words against his fandom.
3) What he has of his father is risks of a memory from a very traumatized man ...who even after as a ghost still tried to save his son. Which is way more than Endy did in canon.
4) understanding why a person is a villain or hero doesnt change things. "I killed Bill bc he insulted me" we understand but dont condone. Also, pretty hypocrite of him as HE NEVER TRIED TO UNDERSTAND ANYONE
5) I guess the scene was supposed to be talking about his trauma but lets be honest, as much awful Kotaro is ...AFO wins bt a longshot so why not direct the anger to AFO?
6) on that note: it is insidious of Hori to make one of traumatized characters in the story to express his anger but...in the middle of a war...one he actively killed people(look I dont think Shig had any control in that war, I dont see him as this powerful leader, and yes he did come out of the tube fresh of torture and get beat up...but he also gladly killed heroes and make no attempt to talk. At all)
7) its a really lame line, not gone lie. Shig is hot and all but thats it. Actually, that is his entire character "look hot" and nothing else. What Shig planned to accomplished? What were the goals or plans? He canonically didnt know and what a let down
8) If Hori wanted to show anger Shig making a big speech...make Shig say how UA and heroes mistreat Izu! Make Shig have some ideas...maybe a mirror (more or less) of Stain. Stain thinks AM is the best? Shig think Izu is worthy. (I can see if Shig had done that...villains stans would throw a fit)
9) his family was never an importance to him. He remember in MVA of his family bc....PLOT. and never again. His family doesnt feel it matter to the character even if Hori says otherwise.
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moonjxsung · 10 months
hi it’s 🪲 again!!
RIGHT?! like i went from exclusively dating women (literally god’s gift to earth) to dating HIS CRUSTY ASS and THATS WHAT YOU DO?! i was so mad lmfao but i was also so fucking devastated because that was my best friend. i seriously spiraled to insanity after that because he was just such a big piece of me and i would always ran to him for support whenever my ptsd was triggered or anything like that, he just understood me in a way i never experienced before. so i was more hurt by the loss of my best friend more than anything. but i knew i couldn’t stand for the disrespect so i cut him off.
he did try to apologize, and i kinda gave him a chance as a friend because again, i missed the fuck out of my best friend. but i found out later on that he was telling the girl he cheated on me with every personal thing i’d told him. like i’m talking sexual abuse and parental abuse growing up (i probs won’t get into it because it’s heavy stuff and i don’t wanna trigger anybody) but yeah. like who does that?? i got dehydrated from crying so hard after that.
then summer came and i went back home and i shit you not, not a single minute of it was spent sober. i fucked around with boys and girls alike and i got myself pregnant, got an abortion, continued fucking around after that to ignore my grief of having to lose my child because i was in no way capable of taking care of it. and i was just a hot mess honestly.
i’m with someone new now, and she’s honestly so amazing. she’s so gentle and it’s like she’s developed this sixth sense where she just knows when i’m having a hard time. we’ve been together for a year now.
and now that i’m in a better place, i just look back and am shocked at the amount of red flags i ignored. like one time i was complaining about how my thighs really hurt after we had sex the night before and he deadass said: “that’s because you’re always so tense, i can feel you pushing me but i’m stronger” LIKE SIR???
but yeah men suck. point blank period.
also the guy who hurt you like that what the hell?? how dare this guy play you like that??? it’s on SIGHT ISTG i’m sorry he traumatized you like that, but you’re doing amazing and please please don’t let this asshole keep you from falling in love again, i promise they’re not all like that. ugh i hate men so so much and you deserve the world, star, i really mean it and i just know you’ll get someone that’ll make you happy and that won’t make you sick like that again 🥹❤️‍🩹💞
!!! I’m so happy to hear you’ve found someone who treats you better!!!! You deserve it so so so much bestie 🥹🫶 I’m just still baffled at somebody pining so hard after you and then doing all that shit to hurt you like HUH 😭 and divulging in all your private information to the other girl?? HELLO????? What a fucking dunce 🤢 it’s crazy when you look back and realize the red flags you ignored! I was letting every single thing slide and in hindsight it’s like yeah whyyyy would this have ended any other way? I hope you’re healing from everything you went through and I hope your new partner treats you the way you deserve (or else it’s on sight😤) I love you and my inbox is always open if you ever want to vent or just talk about how great things are going from here 🫶
I hope my ex dies simply put LMAO I don’t even try to date anymore or entertain anybody I just don’t think the stress of it is for me honestly 😭 I think writing and just existing by myself is fulfilling enough 🫶🩷 sending you all the love!!!!
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bottlepiecemuses · 6 months
You are just a piece of shit who seems to think Israel is innocent and the victim
Laughable - truly can't comprehend how you survived without getting decked once in your pathetic life. Living is a privilege you don't deserve.
Why are dna Tests in Israel court mandated?
Why were Ethiopian Jews sterilised?
Why were Yemeni Jewish babies stolen from their families and put into white European ones? Heard it still seems to be an issue today in Israhells society
Why have Muslims, Christians and Jews lived well in peace next to each other before the zionists came? Explain! Or are you just going to tell me to shut the fuck up? Tell me I’m a bigot and insult me some more without stating any facts?
You have been so brainwashed 😂
Disgusting uneducated moron
Can’t comprehend how you can look at yourself in the mirror without going crazy - don’t worry ugliness and arrogance are the only things you seem to have.
You lack a will to live and therefore have no inner peace
But thanks to you I could let out my anger for a bit
Also got anon because crazy bitches like you don’t stop at when they are blocked either
Go kill some more kids and drink tea and post some picture of yourself crying about how hard it is to live during war times💀 while you sit in you Cheeto dusted crusty dusty ass bed
I hope your soul never finds any rest and you will be hurt over and over again 🥰
I have never seen so much Pro-pallywood misinformation. First off Ethiopians were sterilized by a group who doesn't represent Israeli policy as a whole. Also DNA tests aren't mandated. Also learn something about Dhimmitude before you spout shit that they all lived in harmony because second class status was the norm for Jews and Christians. Anyone saying they lived in harmony could say the same thing about Jim Crow south which is everyone lived in harmony unless they knew their place but even that didn't prevent it because there were anti-Jewish riots before Israel was reformed. No you kool aid drinkers are far up the propaganda that you really hate anyone who doesn't see you bigotry as valid. Yemeni babies were not stolen by Israel and that plays ironically into old anti-semitic tropes. We don't get off on babies getting killed but you doofuses so ignore children on the Israel side dying by palestine's hand and want to still depict them as underdog victims.
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random thoughts on pll bc we just finished s3
troian truly was in her oscars bag this season. she deserved all the awards for that performance. she was my favorite part of the season but what else is new
i hate aria so so much bc all her plots revolve around nothing but crusty ass ezra. i know she’s a victim in this scenario but. it doesnt make for good television alsfjskdfs
and this kid plot is especially heinous. she just needs to dump him and be done with it but i knooow i will never have peace and that will never happen
also i know these girls are all in high school and they’re dumb but the way its like. “my partner has a life outside of me/had a life before me and hasn’t spent every minute of their life since birth dedicated solely to me” and it’s a huge fucking offense that they know another person of the right gender or sexuality for them to hypothetically date. how could they???
shana. just shana. no black wlw on this show is having a good time. also maybe she just couldnt act but the way they insisted that there was tension between her and paige at the costume shop when they were literally just standing there. like what are you talking about
and paige apparently dated her for three weeks and then emily is offended that paige didnt tell her, or tell her everything there is to know about the girl? yall are all stupid
ALSO the non-spencer girls are also all stupid for thinking that spencer is suddenly evil and trying to hurt them bc she was on the A team for five minutes. like you know what A is capable of and if spencer is working for them then obviously either she’s doing it under duress or she’s working as a double agent like come onnn
hanna was also being dumb bc like she wanted to throw a hissy fit over caleb’s dad being a thief when her mom stole thousands of dollars from a senile old lady and also ran over a cop with her car but lets worry about $5 and a goddamn bell??? hello??
then darren just shows up in town totally fine a few days later? that’s wild. but i think he’s dead now so thank god. one less pedo in town
that scene with him and ashley was good tho cause he’s genuinely creepy and it was good tension
i knewww toby wasnt dead but also i was like lol what if toby’s dead? but then i had to stop cause i was scaring myself </3 anyway i knew it was him when he showed up and i still screamed when i saw him
literally was on the verge of tears when him and spencer were having sex to that lana del rey song im just so happy they’re back together i love them so much
love mona too im glad she’s teamed up with the liars now (i think) i hope they get into some good shenanigans together next season. i also hope she has more scenes with caleb bc they’ve only had like 2 scenes together but they’re hilarious and have great chemistry together
oh caleb was also acting his ass off when he started crying i was about to start cry he’s been thru so much i just want my boy to be happy </3
umm over all the s3 finale was pretty lame. like following the bell tower and ian dying, the motel and mona A reveal, and then just. the lodge fire? kind of weak sauce. felt anticlimactic. but it just makes me more eager to start s4 lol
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kharti · 9 days
[ Good Sir, Mad Lad #15 ]
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When the cocoa was placed in front of him, Stede felt a tug pull him back to reality.
“Since when did we have cocoa on the ship?” he asked, breathing in the chocolatey aroma.
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When the cocoa was placed in front of him, Stede felt a tug pull him back to reality.
“Since when did we have cocoa on the ship?” he asked, breathing in the chocolatey aroma.
“It’s my secret supply,” Lucius replied. He stood with his hip against the table and his arms crossed over his chest. “Tell anyone and I’ll cut you.”
That bubbled a laugh up from Stede’s chest. He finally set down the teacup so he could pick up the mug and took a tentative sip.
“So, tell me what that idiot did.” Lucius looked at him with sharp eyes that seemed ready to make good on the promise of cutting.
Stede opened his mouth, and the tears sprung forth anew before he could get the first syllable out.
Lucius moved to stand beside him, one hand on his shoulder, rubbing a slow circle against it. “Go on, let it out. This is a safe space.”
“He—” Stede choked on the words, felt the air leaving his lungs as he tried to speak, struggled to breathe it back in as his chest heaved.
It was ugly, the kind of sob his children had when they were young. With tears and snot and sentences broken by the need to gasp and shudder.
He slumped forward to hide his face, which only made it that much worse somehow. He felt like he was being torn inside out and nothing he did could stop it.
The more he tried to stop, the more he wept.
“That fucking bastard,” Lucius said under his breath. “Shh. It’s okay, love. I’ve got this.” He squeezed Stede’s shoulder. “I’m fantastic at breakups.”
Breakups. Oh, the word tugged at something deep in his gut and made him want to retch.
“You—” Stede breathed in and tried to force the words out before he choked on them. “You warned me—”
“I did, but that’s not important right now, is it?” Lucius patted the top of his head. “Drink your cocoa, and I’ll let the idiot know he’s no longer welcome here.”
Stede felt like he should have stopped him, but he didn’t. He couldn’t think of a good reason to spare Jack from Lucius’s ire, not when he felt like there was a wound deep in his chest.
So he just sat there and wept while Lucius walked away.
He tried to reason with himself, that he shouldn’t be so torn up, that their time together hadn’t been that substantial, that he had given too much of himself too quickly.
That he had fallen for the wrong man.
And that thought actually stuck; the others slid away, but that one remained. Jack was the wrong man for him.
He should have seen it sooner, now that he thought about it. Jack was a filthy man whose only interest was getting his dick wet. Stede had thought it was fun and exciting and a bit charming, but he felt—manipulated.
The tears had stopped, he realized as he stood up and started to walk without conscious thought. He still hurt, still ached, but the tears had stopped.
Up on deck, he found the crew gathered near his quarters, the door ajar, voices from the other side just audible enough.
“—and you can take your crusty ass back where it belongs,” Lucius’s raised voice snarled.
“Sounds fuckin’ good to me, man. The sooner the better.”
Stede cleared his throat and the crew collectively jumped out of the way to let him through, and as soon as he crossed the threshold, it was as if someone else came out the other side.
“I couldn’t agree more,” he said, rounding the corner. “In fact, we have a dinghy at the ready for you to row yourself off my bloody ship.”
Jack blinked, leaning away from him in surprise, before he snorted. “Fine.”
“Fine.” Stede tipped his nose in the air. “I wish I could say it was a pleasure to have met you.”
“Oh, it fuckin’ was, and ya know it was,” Jack growled out, storming across the room toward him. “Don’t be a bitch.”
Stede didn’t falter, didn’t flinch. “That’s Captain Bitch to you, thank you very much.”
Jack worked his jaw for a moment before he threw his hands in the air. “Great! Can’t wait to get some proper fuckin’ head.”
“Great! The dinghy’s waiting!”
Outside, Stede heard someone shouting for the dinghy to be lowered and the ladder unfurled.
“Great,” Jack repeated, not moving from his spot. “Hope to never see ya again, Captain Bitch.”
“The feeling is plenty mutual.”
Lucius physically interrupted, squeezing himself into the space between them with his back to Stede. “Since we’re all in agreement, you can go now. Bye-bye.”
Jack’s lips twitched into a sneer and he spat at their feet before lumbering past them and out of the room. Stede didn’t want to imagine what sort of reception he received on deck, if his crew was on his side or if they pitied the man.
His anger started to falter at the thought, and Lucius turned around just in time to catch his expression falling.
“Listen, sweetheart, you’re going to feel a lot of different things for a while, and it’s going to be confusing.” Lucius took his hands in his own and squeezed them. “But we’re here for you, yeah? Talk it through as a crew and all that?”
Stede’s eyes fell to their joined hands. “I… think I just need some time to myself, actually.”
Lucius nodded and gave one more squeeze before letting go. “Sure thing. I’ll go make sure he leaves.”
Once he was alone—and oh, how thinking that word started the pain again—he looked at the room and took stock of what lay before him.
Most of it was tainted, now. Tainted with memories of their morning blowie ritual, their time spent on the couch kissing and fondling and, once, nearly making love before Stede chickened out in fear they might break the thing.
Idiot. There was never any making love about it. He chewed on the inside of his cheek as he went over to the bed and ripped the comforter off.
It had just been sex. Just fucking around, as Jack would put it.
He grabbed a pillow and dragged the comforter with him over to a corner of the room, far from anything that reminded him of Jack. The floor was cold and hard, but he curled up in his little nest and hugged the pillow to his chest as the tears came back, but without the sobbing.
Just a silent cry, just the tears falling down his cheeks, just the feeling of his broken heart bleeding.
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