#my brother and i used to argue over who was mario and who was luigi... we both wanted to be mario!
istadris · 1 year
The Mario Movie Fake Dating AU none of you were expecting
Bowser : "that human hanging out with my fiancée...DO YOU KNOW HIM.???"
Luigi, sensing this guy is crazy and jealous enough to murder Mario over some girl he has just met but trying desperately to save his moustache by giving away something : "Y-Yes ! Yeah yeah I know him he's-he’s-he’s HE'S MY BOYFRIEND and he's not interested by your fiancée at all he's just looking for me-e-eeee!!!”
Bowser : "Boyfriends? When you look almost the same ?"
Luigi : "We like to match !! It's a couple thing !! I wouldn't expect you to understa-YIIIIIIIKKES!!!!"
(RIP Luigi's stache)
Cue the most awkward situation because when Bowser’s spies report that Mario and Peach seem close, Bowser decides to "get back" at Mario by stealing his boyfriend, and starts flirting heavily with Luigi (who is both terrified yet doesn't mind that much since 1)it's better than being dunked into lava 2)when he’s not using awful pick-up lines or threatening innocent people Bowser is kinda funny).
EXCEPT!!  Mario and Peach are not a Thing! Mario is currently falling hard for DK, but both are on very different wavelengths about where they are on the relationship scale because they’re idiots, AND Peach and Toad have grown close and are very close to confess but haven’t found the right moment yet because there’s a war going on.
*Waves hand dismissely* Let’s fudge the movie timeline a bit to give everyone more time to know each other, and let’s have them all meet at the wedding,  THE IMPORTANT PART IS,  it's a very, VERY confusing scene: 
 Bowser : "You want to steal my fiancée?? Fine, I don’t care, I got YOUR boyfriend !!"
 Mario : "DK what the hell ?? You’re with Bowser now??"
DK : "Dude, I don't know what he's talking about !! And what does he mean you stole his girlfriend!! Wait, do you see me as your boyfriend ?? "
 Peach : "Bowser, I will never marry you after you threatened my real boyfriend !!"
Toad, starstruck : "I’m your boyfriend ??!! And yeah!! What she said! And she's MY girlfriend, you dumb turtle !!"
Luigi : "Wait, so you seduced me just to make Mario jealous??"
Bowser : "Well you didn't seem to mind cheating on him!!"
Mario : “Luigi ?? You cheated on your fake boyfriend for THAT guy ??!”
Toad : “wait, aren’t you guys brothers?!“
Bowser: “WHAT??!”
Everyone is yelling and arguing like it’s a telenova climax while Bowser’s army is awkwardly standing on the side because they ain’t getting involved into THAT drama.
BONUS/Alternate take :
Bowser : "you might have my fiancée but I have your boyfriend mouhahahaa !!"
Mario : "boyfriend ?? What are you talking about ?"
Bowser : "then who's the pathetic whelp with a moustache who's been crying in my dungeon this whole time??'
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pianokantzart · 9 months
By The Numbers (Pt. 2)
Luigi hoped to use one of his own special talents to give the Super Mario Bros. Plumbing company the leg-up it needed to succeed. But as usual, for all his good intentions, the younger of The Mario Brothers finds himself in over his head.
Part one: X Part three: X
Also available on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/52624285/chapters/133658035#workskin
Once more, Luigi’s eyes darted around in search of his brother. In the half-second it took for him to remember he was alone, his mind clung to Mario's name and face, and held to it like it was the only thing that existed in the world. He remembered when he was smaller, shuddering at everything from leashed dogs, to rumbling thunder, to overzealous distant relatives. He would clutch at his brother’s hand and press close, and Mario would smile at him with a big grin, full of holes from all the baby teeth they worked together to knock free.
“I got ya’!” That was what he’d usually say, taking on the intonation of one of the many superheroes he loved to watch on TV, beaming with pride in his own bravery.
He grew braver as they grew older, while Luigi merely found new methods of holding himself together. The words “sensitive” turned into less forgiving words: sap, sissy, pushover, wuss, crybaby.
In fifth grade, he and his brother stumbled home from school covered in bruises for the first time. That was when their dad first taught them to throw a punch. 
As obedient and attentive as Luigi was, Mario was far more eager to put the newfound knowledge into practice, and practice he did… over and over and over. If ever some inflated ego leapt upon Luigi’s meekness like a shark smelling blood in the water, Mario came out swinging. ___ Luigi barely kept his footing as he was thrust into a barely lit corridor deep within the subway, all but abandoned and perfectly empty in the early morning hours. His freedom was short lived. The moment he tried to retreat the ringleader took hold of him once more, one hand snatching his shirt collar as the other seized his sleeve. In a sleight of hand trick that, in any other circumstance, Luigi would have admired, the man pulled an ace of clubs from Luigi’s wrist cuff. “See?” Warren said, waving the card toward his three companions, “Told’ ya he cheated.” Warren. That was his name… the large man with the golden lapel pin; bad at poker, good at sleight of hand. Luigi had managed to overhear some of the muttered conversations while he was dragged away. The three others– who had thus far gone nameless– were uninvolved in last night’s gambling, but interested in helping Warren “settle the score.”
At once, the three were upon Luigi, tugging at his clothes in search of more hidden aces. “Wait! W-ait!” Luigi tried to argue, his voice hitching on every yank and shove, “The dealer would’ve noticed if I had played any extra caRDS-” A vicious tug on his vest broke off his sentence and one of his little golden buttons. Luigi bent down and tried to retrieve it from the ground, but before he could his left sleeve was gripped, yanked, and ripped along the length of the cuff, nearly dislocating Luigi's arm in the process “Ow! A-and even if he didn’t!” Luigi continued, trying in vain to guard his suit from further damage, “There were cameras on us the whole time! Surely someone would’ve noticed if– hey!” Luigi’s argument was halted when his hat was snatched from his head. He instinctively lurched to grab it back, but the two men on either side of him held tight to his shoulders while the third nameless thug turned the green cap inside out, gripped the inner lining, and began to rip it away, much to Luigi’s horror.
“No! Don’t! Not the hat! My Mom made that for me!” This sentiment caused all four confronters to erupt into gales of laughter, forgetting their fruitless search in order to mockingly yank at Luigi’s cheeks and ruffle his hair.
“Awe, his mom made that for him!” “Oh no! Did you hear that? Not his mom!” “Awe, is Mommy dearest going to chew you out?”
Luigi’s breath quickened. His cheeks turned red and hot as a tiny ember of anger flared up amidst his panic. Teeth grit, he redoubled his efforts to escape, yanking with all his might against his captors to the point that one of them was nearly knocked off his feet.
He was on the verge of wrenching a limb free when Warren, who had mostly stayed off to the side during the ordeal, charged him.
The plumber hardly had time to see the danger coming when a ham-sized fist slammed into his stomach, calloused knuckles blunted with golden rings knocking the fight clean out of him in one fierce, world-shattering blow.
‘Oh, he definitely has boxing experience’ drifted through Luigi’s mind in a moment of disconnect before the pain of the impact crumpled him to the ground, gagging and coughing, desperate to both reintroduce air to his lungs and keep dinner in his concussed stomach.
By ninth grade, their father was reconsidering the lessons he’d taught when Mario came home with a black eye and disciplinary note curled up in his raw fist. A classmate had shoved Luigi into a locker hard enough to send him to the ground in a mess of books and papers. Mario, predictably, leapt upon the bully like an angry cougar.
“Have you lost your mind? Did you think for even a second before doing anything?” Luigi heard his fathers frustrated voice through the thin wall of their home. Pressing his ear up against the wallpaper, he heard his brother respond, equal in tone and volume.
“I was just trying to protect him.” “Stop using him as an excuse! Luigi’s never gonna stand up for himself if you do all the standing up for him.” “He shouldn’t have to!” “Look at yourself, Mario! You're gonna get torn apart if you try to be his shield your entire life.” Things fell quiet for a moment. Their Dad was the first to break the silence, now speaking far more calmly as Luigi heard the disciplinary note crinkle in his hands.
“A week of out-of-school suspension won’t look good on any college application, but short-term it’s probably for the best. Luigi needs to learn to fight his own battles, and you need to learn to control yourself.” Stepping back from the wall, Luigi sat down and thought it over, letting the guilt swim deep inside his stomach as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. He wanted to do better. He intended to do better. He imagined a week where he stood firm, bracing against stray shoves and kicks with raised fists and an unwavering glare, the way his brother did. Be a man for once.
He didn’t, of course. He spent the next seven days on high alert, keeping his head down and his mouth shut, careful to avoid any hallway where danger lurked, spending lunch hours helping teachers shelve books and clean erasers. When the bell rang he dove into the center of his throng of peers to stay carefully hidden from view until he made it to the little light post right outside of school grounds, where his brother stood waiting for him at the end of every day so they could walk home together.
"So, what happened today?" Mario asked, eager to keep a tally of whoever needed to face justice when he returned to school. Luigi shrugged. "Nothing," he said, quietly and truthfully, eyes fixed to the sky overhead.
“Did you hear what I said?” Luigi felt his hat returned to his head and shoved over eyes by the same large hand that knocked him to the ground. “What did you do with my money?”
“Put- … put it away.” Luigi wheezed, grasping to create some sort of response as he still reeled from pain and fear. The few words he could whisper out proved coherent enough for Warren.
“Should’ve figured. A guy as smart as you knows not to carry that much cash around, huh?”
Luigi let out an audible whimper. Scattered laughter rippled through the nameless three before Warren continued. “I’m sure you won’t mind accompanying us to the nearest ATM? Get me my cash back, plus a bit of interest for all the trouble you’ve caused. Sound fair?”
Luigi felt something ice cold and agonizingly sharp pressing up against the side of his neck. He couldn’t see it, his hat was still held firmly over his eyes, but he had a guess about what it was. Message received: this was not a discussion.
“Sounds f-fair.”
And with that, a half-dozen hands laid hold of him and yanked him to his feet. Once more he was dragged away, ushered hurriedly through the lighted subway tunnels and up the stairwell to the city streets above. For a moment, Luigi felt a glimmer of hope that he might encounter a police officer on patrol, or find some opportunity to break away from his captors in a crowded location, where they wouldn’t dare attack him so boldly or make good on that knife’s silent threat. But it was still early morning, and though it was the city that never slept there were small dingy back alleys that wasted away in uneasy slumber, where any desperate screams would be met with turned heads and shuttered windows.
By twelfth grade, Mario had better control of his impulses, no longer jumping fences, climbing scaffolding or starting fights, no matter how noble the reasons. If he or Luigi suffered a particularly cruel offense settling the score was reserved for outside of school property, where fewer and fewer had the gall to actually face Mario man-to-man. As much as he looked like a thirteen year old with a mustache, he hit like an oncoming train, and did not know when to back down.
Given his behavioral record and mediocre grades, Mario’s batting average had been his best hope for getting into college, but in truth he had no interest in it. A scholarship was beyond his grasp, and coming from a blue collar family he felt he belonged there, and was excited to take part.
He liked working with his hands. He like working with people, staying active and solving problems. He didn’t want to be the brains behind any operation, he wanted to be on site doing the heavy lifting. It was no mystery to anyone what trade most captured his interest. Mario was already tearing through instruction videos and old manuals about waterworks and pipe repair. It had reached a point that family and neighbors didn’t even need to call in a professional whenever the toilet got stopped up or the bathroom sink sprung a link. He seemed to have a real knack for plumbing, and every time, Luigi was there to hand him whatever tools he needed.
“There’s a new business that just opened up.” Uncle Arthur said one night at the dinner table. He slid two bright blue business cards across the table toward Mario and Luigi that sported a “Wrecking Crew” logo and a phone number. “They specialize in small-scale demolition, but they do construction too. They’re in dire need of workers, so I don’t think they'll think twice if you ask to apprentice under whatever plumbers they’ve got on hand. Keep at it, and after you two get licensed and rise in the ranks, you can make up to eighty grand annually.”
“Now hold on, we all know what Mario's big life goals are. What about this guy?” Uncle Tony chimed in, elbowing Luigi so hard he nearly choked on his lasagna.
When Luigi recovered from a coughing fit, he found all the eyes of the dinner table upon him. He coughed a little longer to buy himself time to think, embarrassed to admit hadn’t seriously considered it. Of course, it had crossed his mind now and again. It was all anyone talked about at school: graduation and plans for the future. But Luigi did not care what he did for a living, just so long as it paid a decent wage and gave decent hours, allowing him time to do his chores and tend to his hobbies. He was not a man of wild goals or lofty aspirations, he simply wanted to earn his keep, live his life, and be with his brother.
“That’s good money!” Luigi agreed, picking up the business card and looking it over, “I’m interested if Mario’s interested.”
“Interested!? Ha! Just wait Lu!” Mario exclaimed, talking with a mouth still half-full of salad in his excitement, “When we’re done, there won’t be a single slow drain or leaky pipe anywhere from Brooklyn to Queens!”
Luigi smiled wide. Mario’s adoration of what everyone else considered “mundane” was infectious. Where one saw a job, he always saw an opportunity to change the world for the better– to be a hero in what little ways he could. “I’ve got ya’!” Luigi exclaimed, reaching out for a fist bump that Mario eagerly returned, “Nobody stands a chance against The Super Mario Brothers!”
Behind a poorly lit gas station was an ATM machine, glowing gloomily just off from the alleyway that separated a derelict motel from a liquor store. Luigi was escorted into the presence of the screen’s eerie glow where bold white letters read PLEASE INSERT YOUR CARD across the smudged screen. He breathed a quivering sigh and tried to pull himself together, attempting to look on the bright side.
Easy come, easy go. For all he’d earned, it was only one night’s work. It was one very lucky night’s work, but he couldn’t expect that sort of good luck not to come with a retributive flash of bad luck to balance out the universe. Maybe he could keep just enough in his bank account to get his clothes fixed.
He reached into his vest for his debit card… … and his fingers slipped their way through a giant hole, where the seam at the bottom of the pocket had been ripped completely, no doubt the victim of the aggressive treatment his clothes received in the abandoned subway station.
He swallowed, and hoped with all his heart he misremembered. He checked his other vest pocket and his pants, growing more and more anxious as the men around him grew irritated.
“Looks like someone’s trying to buy himself some time.” Warren muttered with a tone in which Luigi could practically felt that blade being unsheathed.
“I’m not! My c-card! You… l must’ve dropped it!” He let out a stressed chuckle while keeping his eyes on the ATM screen.
His hands went back through his empty pockets a second time as he felt the four closing in. The world spun and blurred as he tried to figure out his next move and calculate the odds. What could he say? What could he do? What was the likelihood Warren would make good on his threat? How many people had been killed for less? How many had he killed for less?
At first, Luigi thought the voice was nothing more than his imagination, but his captors perked up and turned to the source of the sound, so Luigi could not help but turn too.
His heart leapt and dropped in a conflicted dance of excitement and terror. There, standing on the darkened street corner, was a very angry looking Mario.
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artycomicfangirl · 4 months
I really like your take on Daisy's parents and how you took real life inspirations for them. I also find it sad that Daisy lost her mother at a young age and thus her father was a bit more protective of her.
How would Daisy's father react when his daughter tells him about the relationship she is in? And how would he react towards Luigi when he eventually shows up in Sarasaland?
Ah man, I have only just managed to catch up with my inboxes that need answering! So sorry for the lateness, but here it goes!
(Like how I state in my other Daisy related Headcanons. I shall use the name Richard for her father, because that’s what it seems most of the fans use!)
- A Father’s First Impressions -
• The Princess claims she has found her soulmate? How surprising, really! As much of a leader Richard is, nothing could prepare him for THIS.
• At first, is the usual “Oh! How delightful!” As his on-the-spot response. But inside the turning cogs of his head, he’s already kind of an uncertain mode. For some reason, he always thought that Daisy wasn’t an easy person to win over. In fact, he even sort of takes pride that his daughter can be strong and super independent. That even a Prince needs to keep up with her.
Basically, he got this kind of vision of Daisy in his head that’s a bit different.
• To put it bluntly. The moment when he sees Luigi, he was a bit skeptical. The King found the plumber to be the complete opposite of what he thought Daisy would be in love with. I mean, nothing exactly bad with that. But it definitely caught him off Guard. certainly not the ideal image of a perfect Suitor for his daughter.
• Richard is definitely one of those type of fathers who appear to intimidate and interrogate. Having gotten Luigi’s first impression as a more timid and polite character, the King takes his approach steadily. Simple questions at first. Then as time goes on, he begins to try and delve for knowledge of Luigi’s being, and test him with other questions so far.
• ESPECIALLY at The Dinner feast for the guests! In a more comedic outcome, Richard might become a little too intimidating, to the point where he renders Luigi bumbling a bit over his answers. As the older brother, Mario immediately catches this (I’d like to believe Daisy actually went to Mario for help when she first found herself falling for Luigi!) and notifies Daisy for a swoop-and-save.
• After Hilariously pulling her father out from his chair and out of the room for a ‘few words’, The Princess right away tells her father to cut it out, and that He’s embarrassing her in front of the guests.
The King tries to cover up his little stunt as ‘Just asking questions!”. But upon being the subject of his Daughter’s steely glare, he gives in, defeated. He deeply apologizes, and confesses that he honestly couldn’t understand why she would choose someone like Luigi. Daisy firmly retorts back that Richard is being ridiculous.
• If I am trying to align the King’s personality with the Kodansha Conic more, He’s not the type I think to want to ‘break up’ the two. But he will be prone to nit-pick and point out things that Luigi might have done wrong. Or passive-aggressively put emphasis on Luigi’s flaws.
• I’d like to think that it’s gotten so ridiculous at some points, that a couple of times Mario’s more take-charge attitude has lead to him to defending his brother every time. And in worse case scenarios, ALMOST wanting to argue back. But by the good grace of his younger brother’s pleads to hold back and just be calm. He does it for Luigi’s sake.
• I’d like to think that at some point though, the King has been proven wrong. There would be a moment where he would see the Mario Brothers at the height of their power, leaving him in awe.
• Although at the end it still does take a bit getting used to accepting the fact that his daughter is in love with someone like Luigi. The King does genuinely apologize at the end for giving Luigi a Hard time. And it is in that moment, where the King reveals a bit on why Daisy means so much to him.
• Or picture this. An Enemy that has backed Luigi into a corner. But the King immediately jumps in front to his defense without hesitation.
And the most surprising thing? You mess with his future Son-In-Law? You mess with the King, the Royal Family…and most likely the other kings from the 4 Kingdoms.
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multicolour-ink · 8 months
More rough draft ideas for the Anastasia AU. This one is the bro's reunion, so if you don't want to spoil yourself for the story I have planned, maybe skip it! (tag will be #au spoilers)
~ also note that (due to memory loss) Mario goes by "Maurice" ~
* * *
They agreed to meet at the fire flower field.
"I'm sorry", Maurice began, softly. "I didn’t want to decieve you. I just...wanted to find out where I come from."
The Prince breathed in deeply, and then out through his nose like he was lifting a weight from his whole body.
"I'm just...so tired", he said weakly. "I'm tired of being tricked."
He raised a hand and aggressively wiped away tears that had already started spilling down his cheeks. Maurice, for reasons he could not fathom why, made to move forward, his hand reached out. However, he quickly drew back as he realised what he was about to do.
Prince Luigi looked back at him.
"You look so much like him. And you're so kind. That's what hurts the most."
Feeling more courage, Maurice gingerly stepped closer.
"Just, please tell me. Who am I?"
He clasped his music box to his chest. The Prince's eyes widened.
"Where did you get get that?"
Maurice looked at it, startled.
"I don't know. I've had it as long as I can remember. I think it's-"
But he stopped himself as he watched the Prince dig into his pocket, and bring out a music box of his own. This one was moon shaped, but the craftsmanship was very like Maurice's.
"Funny", said the Prince. "My music box is supposed to match with my brother's. A sun and a moon. A pair bound together. Would be funny, if you were an imposter, and you had just crafted a fake one just like his."
Maurice swallowed.
"I don't...know. Mine...could be fake. It has weird writing on the back. Might just be a signature or something."
He froze as some form of emotion went over the Prince's face.
"Can I see?"
Prince Luigi put his hand out. Maurice didn't miss the fact that it was trembling. He obeyed.
The Prince took his music box in the other hand, his pupils dilated, and he turned it so Maurice could see there was an inscription on the back.
, as long as we're together.
"My brother and I used to say that all the time to each other", the Prince said, his lip quivering. "We thought it would be fun to inscribe it on the back, so we carried a half each, and remember that we were never alone."
He held out the music boxes side by side. As Maurice looked, he saw that the inscriptions came together to form a full sentence.
Nothing can hurt us, as long as we're together.
"And that's always true", Maurice found himself saying with no warning.
He stopped. Now he was the one trembling.
Prince Luigi then tapped the top of his own music box, and an oddly shaped disc popped out. Taking it, the Prince then inserted it into the front of Maurice's.
"I didn't even know that was there!", he said in awe.
"A secret compartment in each of the boxes", the Prince explained. "That could only be accessed by the other's key."
He then twisted the box. The bottom slid away, revealing a smaller compartment with a tightly folded piece of paper inside.
The Prince handed the box out to Maurice, his eyes begging the younger man to open the paper.
Maurice was not going to argue. Unfolding the paper in shaking hands, he found it was a photo of two little boys. Both exactly alike, but a little different at the same time. They were smiling, holding each other like there wasn't a care on the world.
Prince Luigi had opened up his own secret compartment. Inside was the same photo. A copy.
"So that you two will always carry a happy memory with you."
Maurice stared at the photos. This really was it. He wasn't feeling like this was strange anymore. This was real, and he knew who he was.
He looked back up at the Prince. Luigi was crying, a hand pressed to his mouth as silent tears spilled out, his expression looking like it was begging for this to be true.
"Hi bro", Mario smiled.
The tears were shed on each other's shoulders, as they held each other tight amongst the fire flowers...
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jellyfishinc · 1 year
Mario & Luigi: Yin and Yang
(Yes yes, I know. Alphadream went belly up, no more games, blah blah blah. Don't care. Let me have my fun.)
So it starts off like any other M&L game, but the main conflict wastes no time showing up: Mario and Luigi are mad at each other. And the more they try to talk, the worse it gets.
Until it finally escalates to where theyre so distracted by their fighting, Peach gets kidnapped right under their mustaches! And, of course, that leads to them arguing who's fault it is, until someone yells at them to act like the heroes theyre supposed to be and get back on the same page long enough to go rescue the princess!
And then they don’t, because OF COURSE they have different opinions on which path they should take, so they decide to split up and take their own paths.
The game alternates between seeing Mario and Luigi’s chosen paths, because while this does take place in the Mushroom Kingdom, it's specifically in areas weve never seen before.
The paths are also directly paralleled, down to the music played in both settings.
BUT don't go thinking they're going through the whole game alone. By some magic, they have a "spiritual" brother that accompanies them. Which is the entire games dynamic. Solve puzzles with them, fight enemies, the whole thing.
The secret is the spiritual brothers were made from how the brothers see each other, hence why the spiritual brother may be stronger at some things the real one isnt, and vice versa.
This is because while the new areas are not known to us, they ARE known to the Mario brothers, so we can see in some cases, Mario was right about which path to take, and in others, Luigi was right.
But two things:
1. They miss each other almost immediately upon setting off on their own, but just THINKING about apologizing makes them mad all over again. So the spiritual brothers are created as a compromise.
2. Close to the end, they discover neither of them actually remember what it is they're mad about. But STILL upon considering apologizing, they don't.
Giant Bosses: Bowser and Luigi had their turn, now it's Mario’s. Also the only time until the end the bros are actually working together. All ending with a moment where one of them almost cracks, but one or the other walks away saying nothing.
And then finally at the last area, we find out the Big Evil in fact made the other THINK they were mad at each other to distract them.
So of course the brothers hug and make up, go through the final area together, and in one of the craziest twists ever, are given the spiritual brothers' abilities, thus officially back on the same page.
And at the end, someone says something like, "Let that be a lesson. Nobody mess with the brothers, or watch out!"
The game case would be a play off of this, with their baby selves on the inside:
Tumblr media
Credit: Alexander Milov
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s-creations · 9 months
Fire & Thunder - Chapter 2
The BeanBean Kingdom, one that has been in self-exile for centuries, has finally broken their silence. Arriving to the Mushroom Kingdom with the plan to help their heroes learn how to use their powers.
Training, unfortunately, was just one hurtle to jump over.
Fandom: Super Mario & Releated Fandoms, Super Mario RPG Rating: Teen and UP Audiences Relationship: Luigi/Prince Peasley, Mario/Princess Peach, Mario & Luigi & Wario & Waluigi Additional Tags: Needed Training, The Main Villain Makes An Appearance, Growing Relationships, Character Lore?, In My Stories?, It’s More Likely Than You Think.
The surrounding Toad soldiers jumped when the door was knocked open. Wario more or less stomps into the long meeting room. Pointing towards the door he’d just kicked in and shouted, “Out!”
Only for them all to be frozen in worry. The tension broke when Waluigi stuck his head in. 
“Please depart, we’re in need of this room for the moment.”
They moved at that. Casting a confused glance at the Jellyfish Sisters, who looked very upset for being there, and Wario, who was just fuming. Once the room was emptied, the group walked in. The sisters claimed chairs closest to the exit. Instead of walking around the long table to the chairs on the other side, Wario and Waluigi merely slide across the polished top. Uncaring at the scrunched up face of disgust the sisters were given them. 
“So,” Merri huffed, “you want to talk. What is it?”
“Well, first off, what the hell were you thinking?” Wario growled out.
“We informed you that we would be starting the same way we were trained.” Was the short reply.
“And what would you say your power level is?” Waluigi asked, “Compared to those two.”
That humbled the sister’s defensive glares. 
“We’re barely a Bombom while they’re a Bonzai Bill.” Gigi meekly answered.
“So, your morning assumption was that, even with their power, they could keep the same level of control as you two have? That they could just mimic what you did and be fine? That’s not how this works.” 
“Oh, then you do understand the nuances of how the Firebrand and Thunderhand are used? Because you’ve made it clear this was something that neither of you had any idea what was happening nor wanted. Just placed here because of circumstances,” Merri puffed up again, “Do you know how to draw that power out and to use it as both a tool and a weapon? If not, then you two have nothing to offer in this conversation.”
Wario stood at that, glaring down at the red jellyfish sister, “We may not have access to magic or know any battle tactics. But we know Mario and Luigi. They’re our br- our responsibility for a reason.”
There was a slight pause after Wario’s outburst. Waluigi noted how his brother’s cheeks were turning a slight pink. Dutifully ignoring it to continue his stare down with the sisters. 
“If you two want to help them, then you need to understand what they’re like. They aren’t from here, they’re barely used to this way of living.” argued Waluigi when his brother wouldn’t continue. 
“How long have they been here, in the Mushroom Kingdom?” Gigi asked.
“We’re…coming up to a year now, I believe.”
“Do we know when their birthdays are?” Wario whispered out of the side of his mouth. 
“Oh goodness, do you two know anything?” Merri snorted. 
“We know what you pulled out there was stupid!” Wario fired back, “Why would you make them take their gloves off? You saw how strong they were before they were removed.” 
“Because they can’t rely on those gloves forever. They’re limiting themselves with them on.” 
Waluigi frowned, “You just said they’re holding rather explosive powers. Why would you think allowing that kind of energy out, unchecked, would be smart?”
“Are you not listening or are you two just dense? They need to learn. Lest we forget, we’re on the verge of a war. They need to be ready. Bowser will not wait for them to just take their time. They need to learn fast.”
“You know what, that’s another thing,” Wario huffed, “Why would you even share that Mario and Bowser share a lineage power from the Koopa family? In front of everyone .”
“I had assumed someone would have already told him.” Merri tensely argued back. 
“We had no idea! Why would we? We didn’t even know what these powers really were, we just had names! Even then, you stated this wonderful point of fact at a very vulnerable moment. What did you think was going to happen?”
“You’re coddling them.” 
“By not saying he’s paired with his rival in the power department?”
“These powers are connected to their emotions. They can’t allow themselves to lose to heavy feelings. They’re heroes.”
“They’re people .” 
Waluigi placed a hand on Wario’s shoulder to pull him back. His tone caused the sisters to lean back fearfully. 
“You may know these powers,” Waluigi spoke calmly, “But we know the brothers. Yes, they’re heroes. But they are also new to these roles. Everyday, something new is thrown their way, they’re barely allowed to catch their breath. Hell, we’re born and raised in this world and still thrown off with what’s thrown our way.”
“You’re asking, and assuming, too many of them. You have to give them time. Even if you think we don’t, that doesn’t mean to rush.” Waluigi ended with his arms crossed. 
There was a shift at this. Merri looked dishearteningly sheepish while Gigi looked flustered. Neither could look the brothers in their eyes. 
Wario frowned at the deflation of confidence in the sisters, mainly in Merri. Giving his own brother a raised brow. To which Waluigi just sighed softly. 
“Is there anything you two wish to share?”
“We were told how important this meeting was,” Gigi said softly, “Not only were we looking forward to leaving the BeanBean Kingdom, but also working with the heroes we’d heard so much about. It was a thrill! But, after the excitement wore off…the weight of it all settled on us. We’re entering into a war that we aren’t feel prepared for. Yet we’re supposed to have the heroes battle ready with the powers we just use to heal?”
“It’s a lot.” Waluigi added gently. 
“We’re terrified. We didn’t know what to expect when we left the kingdom.”
“I thought, if we put on a front of determination, of indifference, of strength, it wouldn’t feel so scary.” Merri whispered softly. 
“Arrogance is not the best front.” Waluigi said, which made the sisters shrink back further. 
Wario gently elbowed Waluigi’s arm, who gave a weak shrug. 
“Look,” said Wario, “we weren’t feeling that confident about this either. We know nothing about these powers and they’re hurting our…companions. All we can do is make sure they keep themselves level headed. Which is why we don’t do, or say, anything that would upset them.”
Merri shifted nervously, “No one really knew about it?”
“Is it true?” Waluigi asked.
“Yes, Firebrand is a technique that had it start with the Koopa line. It’s what determines which Koopa is supposed to be the next leader.”
“So, fire-breathing has always gone hand-in-hand with evil turtles. 
“Koopas were territorial in early years, no dictators. They were protective over their land.”
“I think we need to sit down and rethink about all of this,” Wario said, “You have the knowledge of their abilities. We know our heroes. Let’s actually think of a plan to help them.”
Merri and Gigi exchange side glances before nodding. 
“Great… Now, where do we start?”
As her heels clicked against the polished ground, Peach was painfully reminded how deserted the castle was. Once filled with so much life when she was younger. Her parents were ones who loved hosting parties, not even really needing a reason to have neighboring kingdoms filling the large halls. The air filled with music, conversations, and laughter. 
Now more than half of the castle was dark and quiet. It had been a real feat to get the three guest rooms in pristine condition. Or, at the very least, livable. 
Even as her heart longed to see more life back in her home, Peach had to remind herself why she was currently traversing the cold hallways. 
Mario hadn’t been found in the main portions of the castle. No one had seen him run in. Peach concluded he’d gone deeper into the building to avoid who he could. Resulting in her travel down the darkened, musty hallways. Eyes traveling around to catch any sign of Mario’s path. A cracked door or a moved piece of furniture. 
Her first clue however was the sound of the muffled sniffing. Ears twitched as the sound grew louder. 
Relief hit her when she found Mario sitting on the window ledge. The dusty curtains have been pulled back slightly to look out to the warm day. The afternoon light shining off his cheeks. 
He looked over upon hearing Peach approaching him. Quickly reaching up to rub his cheeks and look somewhat presentable. 
“Princess-” Mario was cut off when Peach pulled him into a tight hug. He eventually reached up to wrap to loosely wrap his own arms around her 
“Are you okay?” Peach knew it was the wrong question the moment it left her mouth. 
There was a choked laugh as Mario quickly pulled away. Looking slightly manic as he pulled his hat off to run a hand through his hair. 
“Oh, yeah, I’m great! Who wouldn’t be after learning your uncontrollable ability is shared with your enemy? No, wait, not shared. It’s a family heritage! Not my family mind you, oh no.The Koopa lineage! The hero of the Mushroom Kingdom, who has zero idea as to what he’s doing, has a horrible connection to their greatest threat.”
“If the Toads are worried about this, if they’re…fearful of me… How will other kingdoms react when they learn about this? Luigi and I are supposed to be the face of this kingdom. We’re supposed to be a comfort, to ease everyone’s worries. I’m supposed to be the one that keeps Bowser from destroying everything. Can anyone trust me when they learn about what I’ve done?”
“Enough!” Peach called out. Grabbing onto Mario’s shoulders to force him to look at her. Her furrowed brows softened in hopes to lessen Mario’s worried features.
She led him back over to the window ledge. Pulling the curtains fully back to allow them a clear view of the window before sitting back down. Mario sheepishly follows.
“What exactly have you done? Because, as far as I can tell, you’ve done everything you can,” Peach said softly, “You have an ability given to you. You didn’t choose this, but you’re dealing with this in the best situations that you can. This is not your fault.”
“It doesn’t change the fact that people will…” Mario swallowed weakly.
“I won’t say that people won’t judge you upon the first meeting. But I also know you won’t let that stop you. You’re someone who’s shown, while you care about others opinions, it won’t stop you from helping. That is what people are going to remember about you. Not about what your abilities are connected to, but how you use them.”
There was a pause. Peach saw that Mario was weighing something heavily on his mind. 
“...Do you see me…like him? Like Bowser?”
“No.” She knew she answered too quickly.
Mario looked away. “Don’t lie to me.”
“I remember when these powers first emerged. I was angry, I felt so…terrible. I snapped at you. You…looked scared… The only time I’ve ever seen you that scared is when you look at Bowser.”
“You did scare me,” Peach answered honestly, “When you yelled…your eyes changed and you had smoke pouring from your mouth… But that doesn’t mean anything now!”
“Of course it does,” Mario frowned, “If you’re fearful of me, how could anyone else trust me?”
“Because I do trust you! That reaction, please don’t believe that’s how I see you. Do you really think I would love you if I was fearful of you?”
Mario’s eyes snapped up, tensing as his cheeks turned a deep red. “...You…you love me?”
Peach also turned a deep red, “...Yes, I do. Perhaps it’s too early to say those words. But I mean them. If I truly saw you as a threat, I would not be here. Your actions, your thoughts, your drive to protect everyone speaks louder than your ‘connection’. The fact you’re here, hiding away, worried about all of this, shows me you’re nothing like Bowser. You are a far better person. Your powers are going to be used to protect, not destroy.”
When Peach reached out to take Mario’s hands, he flinched back. She gave a small smile before claiming them both, giving a gentle squeeze.
“You are not Bowser. You are far better.” Peach whispered softly. Gently placing a kiss on the back of one.
The flush darkened on Mario’s cheeks, but he still looked worried. “I really wish I could believe you…”
“You will, one day. But I understand where your worries are placed. Titles can weigh heavily on your actions and thoughts. Even more so when it’s more of less pushed upon you. How about we just relax for the remainder of the day? I think some tea and a slice of cake is needed.”
“W-What about training?”
“I believe Wario and Waluigi are handling that at the moment. Plus, I don’t think you’re in the right mindset to keep going. If I need to order you to relax, I will do so.”
Standing up, Peach held out a hand for Mario to take. Which he eventually did. Sliding off the ledge and allowing himself to be led away from the darkened area of the castle. As they entered the busier section of the area, they were stopped by Toadsworth and a small group of Toad guards.
“There you are, Master Mario,” Toadsworth let out a heavy sigh of relief, “We were worried after you ran off. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?”
Mario was taken aback seeing the worried looks, about his safety and not the destruction he’d caused. “I-uh… No, I’m fine…”
Peach cleared her throat, giving him a pointed look.
“I’m just… I didn’t take the news well. Obviously.”
“I assumed as much. But I don’t blame you one bit,” Toadsworth huffed while a few of the guards nodded vigorously behind him, “Wario and Waluigi have stated that your training is done for the day. They’re currently working out a new plan with the sisters.”
“Oh…that’s good to hear… W-Where’s Luigi?” Mario's eyes flickered around nervously.
“In the gardens still, I believe. No one’s reported otherwise.”
Mario merely nodded at this before heading directly that way. Still holding Peach’s hands while she and the others follow close behind.
If the situation was different, Peasley would have enjoyed taking a stroll through the gardens. While his kingdom had a wide range of vegetation and his own garden was an explosion of colored roses, what was in the Mushroom Kingdom held a number of plant life he’d never seen before. He would have loved to ask Peach as many questions. But the joy of it all was muted as Peasley checked every nook and cranny to find Luigi. 
Currently, unsuccessful. 
“Come on Luigi, where are you?” Peasley whispered fearfully.
Looking around, to make sure he was alone, Peasley knelt down and placed his hand flat on the ground. Eyes closing as he steadied his breathing.
“Please my friends,” Peasley whispered softly, “would you be so kind as to find Luigi? Lead me to him.”
There was a steady pulse coming from the ground.
The wind offers a calming breeze.
Peasley heard a gentle whisper among it.
He only remained there a few seconds before he stood once more. Turning to face the hedge maze. He headed in without a second thought. The gentle wind offers the needed direction. Leading Peasley to the center of the large creation.
Luigi was sitting on a small bridge that stretched over a thin river running through the middle of the maze. His attention was on his hands, which were resting in his lap. Looking absolutely dejected. 
Peasley attempted to gather himself before stepping in. Even as the wind attempted to push him forward. 
“Don’t rush me on this.” Peasley whispered softly.
When he’d built up enough courage, he approached Luigi. Who was only aware that the prince was there when Peasley’s boots hit the wooden bridge. Even then the human kept his eyes staring at his hands. 
Peasley took a seat near Luigi. Allowing the other a chance to flee if he felt the need.
Clenching his hands into fists, Luigi tensed up, shoulders up to his ears.
It was quiet.
“How are you feeling?” Peasley asked softly.
“...I’ve been better,” Luigi laughed softly, “Guess that power isn’t that impressive anymore, huh? Kind of loses that luster when I can just…crack the foundation of solid rock. Terrifying…”
Shoulders slumped, Luigi lowered the cap to cover his eyes. “This has been a horrible show all around.”
“You do realize that we arrived here for this reason? To help you and your brother. To get you to become more comfortable with you using your abilities.”
“But you probably didn’t think it was this bad.”
“Well, I mean, I knew you had a lot of power,” Peasley frowned softly as the human wilted further, “There is no ill-will behind these words…”
“How are you not terrified of me? You saw what I’m capable of. What damage I can cause. For a supposedly ‘great hero’, I cause more damage than anything.”
Biting his lower lip, Peasley contemplated for a few moments before inching closer.
“...Can I tell you a secret?” He asks softly.
Curious, Luigi lifted his cap to look at the prince. “Um…sure.”
“I’m cursed.” Peasley couldn’t help but laugh at the human’s look of bewilderment.
“Were you informed of my kingdom’s involvement in the first war against the Koopas?”
“Um, very minimal,” Luigi confirmed, “Something was said about a BeanStar?”
“It’s an artifact that’s far older than our lands. It allows the holder one with whatever they desire. Not without consequence. When the ruling king asked for his enemies to be destroyed, it killed not only Koopas, but even Bean citizens. Those who spoke loudly against him. The BeanStar taking his words to mean anyone he’d seen as a threat to his status.”
“After the wish was fulfilled, the BeanStar broke. Apparently, the wish was too damaging to keep it intact. It’s as if it was just as horrified with what it had done and never wanted its power to be used again. The only good thing to take from this was the fact that the king’s life was taken as well. Even to this day, it remains in pieces.”
“How does this mean that you’re cursed?” Luigi asked nervously.
“Because following the demise of the king, the royal bloodline only held female rulers for centuries. Queens have ruled over the BeanBean Kingdom. Keeping the peace and our kingdom away from any conflicts. It’s as if the BeanStar’s power made it so no male could rule again and cause such destruction once more. It’s been this way for generations…”
“Until I was born.”
Luigi watched on with worry as Peasley seemed to break slightly. No longer looking confident. Instead, meek and fearful.
“No one will say it,” Peasley whispered, “But I know they’re scared of me. Of what damage I could possibly bring. It’s why I push myself to be my best. Best fighter, negotiator, problem solver. I will take on any task if it means I will be seen in a better light. To never be compared to the old king.”
Letting out a slow sight, Peasley allowed further barriers to fall away. Looking up to the sky as tears fell.
“My citizens are fearful of me because of how I was born. I know some can look past it. But others are never going to see me as nothing more than a terrible omen. They no doubt are preparing for the worse, wondering what destruction I could possibly bring.”
He couldn’t help but twitch in surprise feeling something gently brushing against his cheek. Eyes turning to see Luigi’s hands resting against the prince’s warm skin. The human looked a little surprised with how bold he was being, but he quickly pushed past it.
“I believe…if anyone thinks that about you, they’re more than a little paranoid.” Luigi mumbled softly.
Peasley laughed. Reaching up to lay his own hand across Luigi’s. “Suppose so…”
“Doesn’t mean you won’t stop trying to impress them.”
“You’re one to talk.”
They shared a laugh at that. The atmosphere becomes warm and calm.
Peasley reached up to wipe gently at his other eye before pulling Luigi’s hand away. Pressing the back of it to his forehead. 
“Thank you for listening. Though, I suppose I should apologize, I was coming here to make you feel better.”
Luigi laughed softly. Deciding to build up his bravery once more and, taking Peasley’s hand this time, placed a gentle kiss to the prince’s knuckles. “I think we both needed some kind of reassurance. If anything, it kind of feels like we’re in similar situations.”
Peasley knew his cheeks were a deep blue. His furiously beating heart rising, feeling Luigi’s thumb gently brushing along the back of his hand. “There’s…comfort in that. Do you feel well enough to go back?”
“...Don’t suppose I could convince you to stay here a little longer?”
“It won’t take much. I wouldn’t mind a few more minutes alone.”
So they remained. Both peered up at the clear sky as they enjoyed the warmth and gentle breeze. Hand still clasped together, situated between them.
It was unclear how long they remained there. Enjoying the quiet and the company before it was interrupted by Mario, Peach, and a small group of Toads entering the area. Peasley not minding as Luigi gently pulled away. The younger twin happy to be collected into Mario’s arms. The older mumbling something about ‘I didn’t mean to scare you’. Peach passed the rejoined brothers and went to Peasley, who had just walked off the bridge as well. 
“Is it always this exciting?” The prince asked. Watching as Toadsworth worried over Luigi now.
“Mmm, more or less,” Peach laughed softly, “I do hope this does not…”
“Don’t fret. I have no plans to pull back. I know this is going to be intense. This was just…very eventful.”
Peach didn’t miss the way Peasley’s eyes softened as they focused on Luigi. 
“Apparently.” Peach replied softly.
The following morning was met with a much different mood. 
This time starting off with Wario practically breaking down the twin’s bedroom door. Both letting out groggy moans as they woke up. 
“Up and at ‘em! We have a big day ahead of us!” Wario stated as he tossed the twin’s outfits onto the foot of the bed. 
“What has you so chipper?” Mario asked, rubbing his eyes as Luigi clung to his other arm. 
“This is what happens when he’s given attention.” Waluigi commented from the doorway. But he also looks pleased. 
“Come on,” Wario called out again, “Up, up, up! Get your butts up!”
Breakfast consisted of a quick bite before the group was led outside and separated. Merri and Mario heading towards the large lake followed by Peach and Waluigi. While Gigi and Luigi went towards the still shattered training grounds with Peasley and Wario close behind. Each twin gave the other a comforting smile before being taken away.
Mario’s apprehension over the situation grew as the shining surface of the water came better into view. Turning back to glare at Waluigi, “This was your idea, wasn’t it.”
“Just don’t give me a reason to toss you in and it’ll all be okay.”
“Come along you two!” Merri called out. Her and Peach already sitting near the edge of the lake.
Waluigi reached out to ruffle Mario’s hair before quickly making his way down. The hero letting out a disgruntled huff before following. He was situated between Merri and Waluigi with Peach sitting across. Frowning softly as his eyes flickered away from the gently rippling water and onto Merri. 
“So…what’s the plan for today? I’m not taking my gloves off again, am I?”
“No,” Merri flushed softly, “I do want to apologize for my actions yesterday. In my…eagerness to see your power, I pushed more than I meant to. I clearly crossed a line that I was unaware of, or blatantly ignored.”
“Um, well, it’s understandable-” Mario winced as Waluigi flicked his ear.
“Take the apology and stop being a people pleaser.” The taller brother said.
“The point being,” Merri said quickly, “that there’s been a change of course with how I’m handling this. So, the gloves will remain on until you’re in better control.”
Mario gave a small nod, doing his best to not flinch away as Merri gently grabbed one of his hands. Turning it over to it was palm up. The familiar pull felt as Merri’s hand traveled up Mario’s wrist. The sister pulling back as a fireball appeared in his hand once more. Mario cupped both of his hands around it. Merri following suit. 
“I would like to clear this for you. You and I are more similar in use of this ability than you and Bowser ever could be.”
Mario swallowed weakly, “But…you said…”
“In your strength, yes, you two share the same level. Far more than what’s been seen for centuries. But your handling with it is where your difference lies. Bowser spews from his mouth an eruption of flames, uncaring who or what is in his way. He doesn’t care how it spreads, what it destroys. Bowser is a display of power, nothing more.”
“But you and I, our ability comes through our hands. We build, we construct, we direct. We allow our actions to help and form a brighter path forward. In the BeanBean Kingdom, I’m a physical therapist. I heal and help beings with their recovery. My ability warms and comforts. Even with your limited control, you’ve shown that you want to know how to use your ability for good. It’s a strength, your strength, that will make this work.”
“Where our current concern lies is you feeling confident to comfortably and easily call upon your abilities. Yes, they do react when you’re feeling high emotions. But you need to be able to use them at any time that you need them. Not when you’re stressed.”
“Well, what do I need to do? I’ve already tried ‘calling’ it. But either nothing happens or it just goes crazy. This and yesterday before my…freak out, this is the first time it’s ever looked this…calm.” Mario replied. 
“Your issue lies with not treating this like an extension of yourself. This power is you, but you’re not acting like it is.”
“I…don’t understand.”
“You’re scared.” Waluigi answered.
Mario frowned softly. “That’s not really a secret. Kind of why I’m getting help now, right?”
“What Waluigi is trying to say is that you seem to be more fearful of this power,” Merri tilted her head as Mario shrunk back slightly, “You are safe here. These powers are safe.”
Mario remained quiet for a few moments. The fire flickering as if providing further proof of his internal struggles at that moment.
“It’s an understatement when I say this has all been so crazy,” Mario whispered, “Everything that Luigi and I have faced… It feels so surreal. Like an insane dream. How many people think that a random green pipe would send them to a new land? But…being a hero, fighting Bowser, living here… It’s been crazy, but manageable, in some way. Like, I could sort of associate what I was doing with what I did on Earth. It’s a job, just a little different. It’s a place to live, just a little different. It’s a bully…just a little different.” 
“A hero instead of a plumber. Power-Ups instead of a toolbox. I know it sounds like a weird mentality, but it worked.”
“What of the Firebrand?” Merri asked softly.
“...It’s the one thing I couldn’t push away. It’s not something that fits into a ‘normal’ category. It was a constant reminder that this, all of this, was something that shouldn’t be real. It never disappears. It’s just a reminder that I’m playing a role, that I’m never going to be…ready. What does this world have to offer? What other new changes do we have to face and just be okay with? The more I focus on these powers the more I realize…”
“I’m…very scared. I hate that I have this thing inside me that I can’t control that I’m supposed to just see as normal. That it’s fine. But it’s not fine. I’m realizing that nothing about this is fine . It’s a burden I don’t want and can’t get rid of.”
As if to prove his point, Mario crushed the fire between his hands. Only for small flames to peek out between his fingers. 
Merri gently pulled his hands apart, the fireball appearing once more. With the orb flickering. Shrinking and growing rapidly. 
“This power is a part of you.” She said softly.
“Humans don’t have magic.”
“I know nothing about humans or your past. But this ability cannot just be randomly given. To anyone, not just you. You’ve had this power lying dominant inside of you for a long time. Something that’s only appeared because of your arrival to our world. Regardless, this is part of you. Of your very soul. The more you fight to keep it away, the harder it will fight back to be seen.”
“So, I’m just stuck with this power that’s comparable to Bowser? The being that’s trying to destroy everything? How am I supposed to just be okay with this?”
His breathing became hard, smoke starting to flow from his mouth. Merri focused on keeping the fire contained in its sphere form. 
Peach gently reached out and wrapped around Mario. Pressing her forehead against his. Slowing her breathing, making sure Mario could feel it, smiling softly when he followed her. The fire calmed back down. 
“I thought I was doing fine,” Mario continued slowly, “I just pushed through as I always did. It’s kind of my stand by. Keep moving forward. Then the Boos attacked and I slowed down a bit. These powers showed up and I slowed down more. King Boo arrived and I just… I felt like I was pulling along a Thwomp, but I just kept moving forward. Just marking it all up to something I would get used to. Just…something that’s part of this world.” 
“Then Luigi got sick and…it shook me a lot more than I thought. I thought that…I wasn’t being as attentive as I believed I had been. I was trying to balance two different lives and I don’t know if I’m really keeping it all together. I can’t step back because I took on this role. But moving forward would mean facing something that I can’t deal with.”
“I’m afraid that if I touch something, I’m going to break it. And these powers…they make me a barely contained wildfire. I can’t protect what I could possibly destroy.”
He was broken from his daze when Waluigi plopped down on his other side. The taller brother wraps an arm easily around Mario and Peach.
“You will never cease to amaze me at how stupid you really are.”
“Do you think Bowser, or King Boo, or any of the other insane things we’ve seen the past few months are normal for any of us? We may not be heroes, but this is terrifying for all of us. That doesn’t mean we don’t reach out for help.” said Peach. 
“But it does put us in danger if our best hero is freaking out.”
Mario let out a snort as Peach slapped Waluigi’s arm. Who let out an indignant, “What?”
“The point trying to be made here is that you have a lot of people supporting you. It’s okay to be scared. But…I will say, with your stance on this, you’re a far better person than Bowser. You’re nothing like him. Not even close.”
Mario’s furrowed brows eventually softened. Shoulders relaxing as he leaned into Peach. Eyes going to the orb resting comfortably in his hands.
He shifted his shoulders so he could pull away from both Peach and Waluigi. Still focused on the fire. Merri’s hands remained cupped underneath his. Taking a deep breath, Mario carefully and slowly closed his hands once more. The fire disappeared this time. The hands opened to reveal that it was truly gone. Only for it to return once more. 
Merri beaming, “Wonderfully done.”
Peach let out a joyful laugh. 
Waluigi let out a sigh of relief. 
Mario just looked relaxed, finally seeming at ease with the fire held in his hands. “Alright, well, what do we do now?”
The question was never answered. 
The fire disappeared when the group was stilled by a heavy rumble in the distance. All turning to face where it came from. Mario quickly stood and broke away from the other three and he looked over the horizon. An uncomfortable feeling settling in his gut seeing the sky slowly turning black.
“Oh no… Not now.”
Luigi bit his lip as he tried to remain as still as possible. Even as the build up of nerves wanted to make him shake to release it all out somehow. Eyes following Gigi’s hand as it traveled around the human’s wrist and palm. A concerning hum sounding from the sister. 
For the time they had spent by the gardens, Luigi had been unable to call upon his powers. Despite Wario’s encouragement, Peasley’s words of comfort, and Gigi’s instruction, nothing seemed to be working. Now that even Gigi was having trouble pulling out what she’d been able to find the day prior. 
“Well…this is interesting.” Gigi mumbled softly.
“Found the problem?” Wario asked, leaning forward.
“Mmm, sort of. The Thunderhand ability is still there, it hasn’t just disappeared. That’s not possible. However, it’s faint…very faint. It’s acting as if it’s currently recharging. Or, rather, you’re recharging the energy needed to use Thunderhand. Whatever you’re able to produce relates to how ‘rested’ you are. If you’re tired, then your ability is tired as well.”
Wario crossed his arms, “Seems counterproductive with this ability… Would Mario be having the same issue as well?”
“No, Firebrand is based on another type of energy. Passion, is what it could be called. Luigi’s is more based on ‘life’ energy. The spark of life, if you will. Yesterday’s sudden strength and final output must have depleted all you had stored up.”
Luigi looked down as his hands in thought. “That…kind of checks out, actually. Every time I’ve used my ability, it’s released in a very strong way. Sort of like what happened yesterday. First time it happened, I had the hammer that worked as a conducting rod. But I hit the Piranha Plant with all I had. Same with trapping King Boo. I poured everything into getting him in there. Afterwards, I'll be asleep for hours if not until the next day.”
Gigi let out another low hum as she leaned closer. Letting out a quiet “Hold still please” before placing a hand on Luigi’s chest and forehead. Wario heard a faint but high pitched sound coming from the sister. Luigi seemed to close his eyes in response, breathing slowly.
This only lasted for a few moments, Gigi pulled away. A look of worry resting on her face. “You’re allowed to not answer this. But..have you had a brush with death?”
Luigi swallowed weakly, barely twitching as Wario gently placed a hand on his shoulder. But he did look up to Peasley as the prince gently took one of his hands. The human lets out a slow breath before nodding. 
“A few times, yeah, when I was younger.” 
Gigi hummed softly.
“Is that going to be a problem?” Wario asked. 
“Not so much a problem, but it offers an explanation as to where the issue lies. Your power feeds directly off of you. As stated, off the ‘life’ that you have. If you’ve had incidents where you were close to…passing on, those events create scarring on your soul. A sort of blockade from using your own power.” 
“Currently, the times that you’ve used it, it’s been a full release of what’s been built up. Sort of like running a marathon when you’ve not trained yourself to do so. Your body can’t handle that much loss, even more so when you’re putting such a strain on your already fragile soul. Even then, you’re not able to use what you have to its full potential.” 
“Wait, wait, wait,” Wario frowned, “You’re telling me that, even with Luigi cracking the foundation of solid stone, that’s not the strongest he could be?”
Gigi looked over and gave a solemn nod, “Thunderhand is a strong ability. But even I am a little fearful of how strong Luigi could really be.” 
“Okay, well, e-even with how strong I could be, clearly the b-bigger issue is that I still can’t control it,” Luigi quickly took over, “Going back to the original point. If what you’re saying is true, about how much energy I’m using up, I should still be out at this moment. Right?”
“I can’t provide a proper answer to that. Honestly, you’re an enigma to me. With the information you’ve provided me, you should be as limited as I am. But, that’s clearly not what’s happening… In regards to your energy level and use, my guess is that your body is becoming acclimated to the sudden loss. You’re up and I can still feel the power. It’s just not as strong as it could be to be used.”
“Okay, on the positive side, he’s building up his strength,” said Peasley, looking a little hopeful.
“It would appear so. Not enough to recover the level of power quickly. But at least he’s awake.” 
Luigi flexed his hands. He felt his chest and spine tingle, as if the ability was doing what it could to say ‘I’m here!’ to the worried human.
“Is there a way to fix this? To fix…any of this?” He asked weakly.
“Fix is not the best word for this. But, what we can do is, more or less, strength training. A way so that you don’t expel your power all at once. As well as see if there’s a way to strengthen your core. You’re very strong, but only in short blasts. When it should be a constant current. For today, we should just see if there’s a way to carefully bring it back out.” 
As Gigi moved forward once more, the group froze as the ground suddenly shook. As if something heavy had landed in front of the castle. 
Luigi was up the next second, running towards the front. Only to be greeted with Toad soldiers doing their best to hold off Bowser’s army. The castle already sustained some heavy damage. 
Luigi’s eyes scanned over the area, trying to frantically find Mario among the chaos. When he couldn’t find his brother, he focused on keeping Peasley and Gigi safe. Turning to Wario, he asked, “Do you have a Power-Up?”
“Yeah, Fire Flower.” Wario replied, handing it over.
“Good. Get Peasley and Gigi somewhere safe.”
Luigi faced the battle once more, crushing the Power-Up between his hands and…
The familiar rush of warmth that came with the Fire Flower was missing. Instead, Luigi jerked when he received a sharp sting to his chest. The Power-Up crumbled away to blackened ash. 
“W-What? Why didn’t-”
“Luigi! Move!” Wario called out.
He barely had time to move when something large landed behind him. Luigi slammed into the ground the next second. His head was ringing, vision slowly clearing up as he realized he was being forcefully held down by something large. 
That ‘something’ shifted and Luigi received his answer as to what it was.
Bowser, the King of the Koopa’s, leered at the clearly terrified human. Eyes glowing a dangerous red that matched the same color emitting deep from within his throat. Numerous spikes formed a natural collar around the base of the Koopa’s neck. Even with Luigi being pressed into the ground, the human could tell Bowser towered over everyone. 
“Well, well, this is the famous younger brother of Mario. Is it even possible that you’re a smaller pest than your brother? How pitiful.” 
As if to prove his point, Bowser increased the pressure around Luigi. Who let out a noise of pain in response.
“Let him go, you fiend!”
The smirk turned to a scowl as Bowser turned his attention towards Peasley and Wario. The prince calling out the Koopa, his sword drawn with Wario right by his side. Hammer in hand. Both staring the Koopa down. 
“More players. A wayward soul and a prince of a once proud kingdom. Is this really the best the Mushroom Kingdom has to offer for champions?” 
“I commanded you to let him go.” Peasley pointed his sword at Bowser. Clearly trying to intimidate. Which faltered when the Koopa stood to his full height, Luigi still held tightly in his hand. 
“Well, if you feel so strongly about this, why don’t you come over and get him?”
Heart hammering, Luigi attempted to think of a way out. He couldn’t break out with his own strength. But the Power-Ups weren’t working, so that couldn’t be useful either. All that left was…
“Please, please, please,” Luigi whispered, “I need to get out. Just a little shock. That’s all I need…”
Bowser let out a roar of pain as visibly arches of energy traveled up his arm. Causing him to throw Luigi away, the human colliding against Wario. Causing them both to collapse onto the ground.
Attempting to take advantage of Bowser’s state of pain, Peasley rushed forward. Easily climbing his way up to the Koopa’s neck via the large arm that was on the ground. Trying to quickly locate a vital area before plunging his sword into Bowser’s neck. All resulting in a more annoyed Koopa as the sword barely punctured the thick skin. 
Peasley was easily swiped off. Letting out a pained cry as he hit the ground. Thankfully able to recover fast enough to roll out of the way of Bowser’s fire. Only to land himself among numerous Koopa Troopas, who held him at spear point.
Wario was up next, swinging his hammer at the Koopa’s legs. Side stepping a swipe from Bowser’s claws. Landing another hit before being knocked back with Bowser’s tail. Wario using his tool to keep him upright and slowing himself down. 
Panting weakly, Wario looked over to Luigi. “What’s happening, where did the Power-Up go?”
“I-I don’t know, it just disintegrated.” Luigi replied in a panic.
“What about your Thunderhand?”
“I called on it to get out of Bowser’s hand. I-It just barely came out then. Nothing’s h-happening now.”
“Shit, then we need to-”
Both looked up hearing a panicked scream. Finding Gigi being pulled towards the flying fortress. Peasley doing his best to fend off Bowser’s army. But was clearly losing his fight, covered with numerous cuts and bleeding. They’d barely taken a step forward when the Koopa King blocked their path, letting out a low warning growl.
Luigi scrambled back as he and Wario avoided another attack. Bowser’s red eyes following the human. His row of sharp teeth shown in a sinister smile. 
“Are you really supposed to be the other ‘hero’? Where is your strength, your drive! You just flee and let others fight for you. How could you ever be considered as a threat, on the same level as Mario.”
Luigi felt as if his heart was in his throat. Scrambling further away as clawed hands followed close.
“Where’s your power, your strength! Where is your fight !” 
Pulling back again, Luigi attempted to land his first hit. Only problem was, without powers, it resulted in him almost breaking his hand against the thick, rough skin. Quickly bringing the trembling hand to his chest. 
It was the last words Luigi recalled before receiving a heavy swipe to his side. The human flying back once more and landing back on the ground. Feeling his overalls becoming warm and sticky from where the hit struck. He could have sworn he’d heard Peasley desperately calling out his name.
Slowly sitting up with a hand pressed over the wound, Luigi’s eyes connected briefly with Peasley. Who was fighting back as he was also pulled towards Bowser’s keep. The human’s attention then snapping to Bowser as he stalked closer. 
“I should just put you out of your misery.” The Koopa growled out.
Bowser gave a slight pause when a familiar hammer hit his shoulder. Waving it off easily as Wario stood between him and Luigi. 
“Don’t you threaten him!” Wario glared up at the Koopa.
Bowser just laughed, “Is Mario the only one who can give me even a little bit of a challenge?”
“Lord Bowser!” A lone Winged Koopa appeared, barely casting a glance towards Wario. Less to Luigi who was still lying on the ground. “We have secured the sisters and the prince. Kamek reports he has secured Peach.”
“What!?” Wario twitched as Bowser casually looked back, a smirk playing across the Koopa’s face.
“It seems that the Mushroom Kingdom is not as prepared as I thought they would be. How shameful. Suppose we aren’t as powerful as we thought we were.”
Wario took a step forward, not really sure what he thought he was going to be able to do. After all, he knew his last hit only annoyed the large Koopa.
“Don’t waste your energy. You’ve lost.” Bowser leaned closer, Wario doing his best to glare back. “Be somewhat useful and tell that coward I’ll allow him front row seating to his brother’s death before I take his life.”
Bowser didn’t look away as he easily blocked Wario’s hammer. Who was now furious .
“You are going to regret those words.” Wario hissed out. 
“By whose hands, yours? Perhaps you’ll be the last to lose their lives, to show you how weak you truly are.”
Being pushed back, Wario faltered when he found him and Luigi suddenly surrounded by soldiers. 
“Go save your fallen failure. There’s nothing else you can do.” 
“Don’t turn your back on-” Wario fell quiet as numerous spears were pointed at his neck. 
“Get it through your thick skull. You are not a threat.”
With that, Bowser left towards his fortress with his soldiers following soon after. Wario eventually regained feeling in his legs and weakly shuffled over to Luigi. Practically collapsing next to the human. Panic rising as he finally saw the blood. 
“Shit… Shit, h-hold on Luigi, you’re gonna be fine.”
He couldn’t help how shaky his voice was. Hands trembling as he cradled the severely injured human close, eyes looking up when Toad medics rushed over. Mushrooms held out to heal both Wario and Luigi. The former feeling cold, realizing how quickly it all turned south. 
Mario let out a heavy grunt as he hit the ground hard. Frantically gripping onto the broken ground to slow himself quickly. Arms numb from where the magic attack had landed. 
He let out a growl as smoke poured from his mouth. Getting back up on shaky legs as Kamek floated closer. The magic Koopa smirking at the clear pain Mario was in. 
“How boring,” Kamek said casually, “Where are your powers? Not even Power-Ups? Have you decided to just…give up?”
“You weren’t so high and mighty before.” Mario hissed out.
“Not much of a threat when you can barely stand.” Kamek snorted. It turned into a cackle as Mario attempted to throw a fireball. Which appeared nothing more than a spark. “You poor thing! Firebrand takes years to master, and that’s just for Koopas. The rightful controller over this ability. It has no reason to listen to a worthless human like yourself.” 
Mario’s attention turned away for a moment hearing a heavy ‘thump’. Finding Waluigi doing his best to keep Koopa Troopa’s away, his hammer creating decent sized dents in the dirt.
“Waluigi!” The red dressed hero attempted to run over to help. Only for a beam of magic to wrap around his middle and forcefully pulled him back. 
“We aren’t done talking, child,” Kamek growled out, taking great enjoyment when Mario collided against a large chunk of rubble. The magic user casually floated down. Gleefully watching as Mario attempted to get back up. The human coughing as he tries to breathe.
“Tell me, oh hero, where did you get these abilities?” 
Mario let out a yelp as he was roughly pulled off the ground. Legs kicking desperately as magic slowly squeezed his middle, pushing the air he’d just collected out of his lungs. Feeling as if his skin was being pierced by thousands of needles. 
“WHERE did you get these ABILITIES!” Kamek screamed, clutching the front of Mario’s shirt. Pulling him closer to tower over the human, “This belongs to the Koopa lineage and a worthless, pathetic little worm like you has no right to carry it with you. So, I will ask one more time. Where did you get this ability.”
On the ground, Waluigi slammed his hammer down. Causing the Koopas to scramble back. He was about to swing once more when he heard Mario call out in pain. Wide eyes quickly scanning the area to find the human in his current predicament. 
“Shit,” Waluigi mumbled weakly. Eyes narrowing down on the nearest Koopa, who’d gone inside their shell. “Come here!”
The soldier barely had time to fully recover from the previous attack when they were knocked into the air. Hit one final time to be launched towards Kamek. 
Said warlock let out a squawk of surprise when the shell collided against his back. Causing him to drop Mario. Waluigi was thankfully able to catch the fallen human. 
“I got you. I got you, you’re okay.” The taller brother whispered frantically. Doing his best to look over Mario’s wounds while also keeping an eye on Kamek. Taking a protective stance when the warlock drew closer. 
“Your family had been quite a nuisance for us for too long,” Kamek hissed, “Is this your father’s doing? What did that insect find, what did he give to those twins?” 
Waluigi froze at that, eyes widening as he stared down the warlock. “...What? What the hell are you talking about? How do you know my dad?”
“I don’t have time for this. Tell the worthless magic user that Lord Bowser will be waiting for him. He wants to see how truly powerful that human is. I’m not impressed. But Lord Bowser wants a show. So Mario best deliver.”
Pulling away, Kamek raised his wand. Swinging it in a circle above his head with magic falling over him and the Koopas. All disappearing in a flash of light.
“Wait!” Waluigi called out. But was too late to call anyone back or make any of them stay. Eyes remain still on where Kamek just was.
“...Where’s our dad.”
“Oh, this is horrible! Horrible! How could it turn out this way? No other kingdom will ever put faith in us when a disaster of this magnitude falling at our feet.”
Wario was a little more than forceful than he meant to be when closing the bedroom door. He was exhausted from hearing Toadsworth’s doom rambling. It was turning the already bad mood even worse. Facing the room again, Wario’s attention went right to his brother.
“Say that one more time.”
Waluigi huffed, arms crossed tightly. “Kamek blamed our dad for these two having powers.”
“Anything about where he is?”
Waluigi shook his head.
Wario let out a low curse before shaking his head. “We’ll…worry about that later. What do we do about the current situation at hand?”
“I face Bowser and get everyone out.” Mario responded immediately. Faltering slightly when Luigi flinched at the name.
“That is a suicide mission,” Wario argued, “Power-Ups aren’t working on either of you and your abilities are no go. You’ll be facing Bowser the most human you’ve ever been.”
“You told me that Bowser’s throwing down a challenge to me. I’m not going to ignore it and just think we’ll have time to recover in some way.”
“What about getting everyone out safely, huh? You might be able to get Peach if you beat Bowser’s ass. But you’ll be facing Kamek and whoever else is with him to get the other three.” said Waluigi.
“I’ll figure something out.”
Waluigi rolled his eyes while Wario let out an exasperated grunt. MArio fully prepared for them to start yelling at him. About how stupid this ‘plan’ was and-
“I’m going with you.”
Mario sharply turned to face Luigi. Who was sliding off the bed to stand. Not looking at Mario.
“Like hell you are.” The older twin quickly argued.
Luigi didn’t back down, even facing Mario with narrowed eyes. “I’m a hero too. I’m going to get Peasley back.”
“While you two are being knights in shiny armor for your crushes, we’ll grab the sisters.” Waluigi casually added on. Wario giving a sharp nod of approval. 
“No!” Mario retaliated quickly, “No, I’m not bringing anyone else into this! Bowser has issued the challenge to me, not to any of you.”
“Fine, then we’ll divide and conquer. You focus on Bowser while we get everyone else out.” said Luigi.
“But…you can’t use Power-Ups either. If something happens you just be-”
“A sitting duck? So will you! At least with me focusing on getting Peasley will keep me far, far away from Bowser.” 
Mario swallowed weakly as his eyes flickered down to his brother’s side. Where claw marks were currently hidden. 
He was broken out of his stupor when a hand landed heavily onto his shoulder. Looking back to find Waluigi standing over him. 
“Stop being an idiot.”
Mario opened his mouth to argue back. Only for realization to hit him and he snapped it shut. Eyes going back to a confused and still determined looking Luigi. 
“...Okay,” Mario eventually said, “But I think it would be best to think of a plan first.”
“Oh, well, as long as you think it’s a good idea to plan now.” Waluigi playfully mocked, unable to keep a pleased smirk off his face.
“Shut up.”
Wario casually dropped an arm over Mario. “Alright Mini-Me, what’s the plan?”
“You’re not a very gracious host. Are you aware of that?”
Peasley couldn’t hold back the wince as a spear easily cut his skin. Golden sap staining another area on his white outfit. 
“Keep your mouth shut.” A Koopa grunted out.
For as much lava as he’d seen at the edge of the barren area, Peasley was freezing. The stone halls of the prison caused the area to be dark and damp. The prince only able to see a few feet in front because of the flickering torches. He was being shepard along by two large Koopa soldiers.
Peach had been taken by Bowser to remain with him in the Lord’s throne room. The sisters whisked away to a different part of the dungeon while Peasley was brought to possibly the lowest part of the darkened area. This no doubt being a deliberate move as Bean citizens don’t thrive well without sunlight. 
Peasley was pulled from his bitter thoughts when the bindings around his wrists were cut. Not mentally quick enough to recognize that he was free before being shoved into an empty cell. It seems somehow darker than the hallways.
“Hope the accommodations are to your liking, your highness.” One soldier snidely commented. Both laughing as Peasley pulled at the cell bars. 
“You don’t scare me,” Peasley growled out, “Luigi will be here soon to rescue me.”
“That coward? Ha! You wish! The only thing he’s good at is running away. Best to get yourself comfortable.” 
Peasley did his best to glare at the Koopa’s retreating backs as they continued to laugh. Only moving when he knew he was along. 
First, tugging and pulling desperately at every bar and even the door in hopes he could find a weak point. When that didn’t work, Peasley turned his attention to the stone structure that he now stood in. He knew he was underground. So, even if parts of the wall could crumble away, he would just be met with dirt. 
“One last thing.”
Kneeling onto the ground, Peasley pressed both hands flat against the large stones. Eyes closing, he took a few deep breaths to calm himself. 
“Please my friends… I need your help…”
A bubble of hope grew as Peasley felt the familiar vibration of a growth coming up from the ground. Only for that bubble to pop as quickly as it formed. Peasley opened his eyes to see a pile of ash, that was no doubt the start of the called upon sprout, now resting before him. 
“No…no, no! Friends, what happened?”
Hands going back to the ground, trying to call out once more. But all received in return were whispers of death and decay. Heart shattering further upon realizing what was happening. This land, even with how limited Bowser had been there, could not longer grow life.
Breathing becoming harsh, Peasley wrapped his arms around himself. The cold became further unbearable, like knives against his skin.
“Luigi…please find me…”
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n64gamepak · 1 year
I recently posted a headcanon analysis where I elaborated why I personally think Luigi has autism (which you can read here!), and I was requested to analyze Mario potentially having ADHD.
Just like last time, please keep in mind that having these traits does not necessarily mean you have ADHD.
And also, just like last time, I'll be focusing on Mario's portrayal in the recent Super Mario Bro's movie, since that is his most recent adaptation.
Potential Spoilers Ahead. Read At Your Own Risk.
Mario seems to be impulsive, blurting out his thoughts and jumping headfirst into things without fully thinking things through. There are multiple instances of this throughout the movie, one of the biggest being his fight with Donkey Kong, and impulsively challenging Cranky Kong without fully thinking things through.
While more socially aware than Luigi (who I argued in a previous post was autistic), he still struggles a bit socially, mostly due to his lack of impulse control. He sometimes blurts out his thoughts 
While this might be a stretch, I feel like their chosen occupation (and who takes over which priorities of said job) is due to Mario’s ADHD. Plumbing is a very hands on, active occupation- Perfect for someone with ADHD. While Mario tackles the more hands on aspects of the job, Luigi handles the more technical parts of the job (Luigi recording the voicemail for the Mario Bros. Plumbing number, most likely creating their website, and taking calls)
Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria, especially with his dad. 
Minor struggles with texture- seen with his clear dislike for mushrooms (and still not being able to stomach them throughout the movie!)
Occasional fidgets. (him rocking back n forth on his feet, fidgeting with his hands, etc)
Seen in concept art (here!) Mario’s side of the brothers’ room seems more disorganized and messy, while Luigi’s is more put together and neat.
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Just like last time, this was a mostly rushed post with me jotting things down off the top of my head! If anyone wants a more detailed analysis, using majority of the mainline and spin off games, send in an ask or two! I'd love to if more people would enjoy that.
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samobservessonic · 8 months
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Both our stories in this issue were written by Kitching, but not only that, in this issue we get our first story that was drawn by StC legend, Richard Elson! Meaning that the StC dream team of Kitching & Elson has now begun!
This issue also begins by introducing us to recurring gag characters the Marxio Bros, who I’m sure I don’t need to say are a parody of the Mario Bros combined with the Marx Brothers. That’s why there’s a third one. There hasn’t been a hidden blonde Mario brother lost to 90s Nintendo lore that you didn’t know about This story also takes place in Casino Night Zone and I’m definitely glad to see a fun location from Sonic 2 portrayed by Elson’s visuals
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We start off with some poor guy who lost all of his money to gatcha games- …I mean to gambling at Robotnik’s rigged casino being found by Sonic & Porker. It does interest me how considerate Sonic often is to the Mobians he helps, given how abrupt he usually is. I just like StC Sonic, I think he’s just got a few more layers to him than he gets credit for
Also, while Porker Lewis has featured in past stories, this is the first time we’ve seen him in his “main” design! There’ll be a few more tweaks further down the line, but Porker here is dressed as he was in the concept art for that pilot version of AoStH we’ve seen featured in StC. I assume it was an intentional choice to bring him closer to what they believed would be the Porker design from here on out, same as when Johnny gets his redesign. Now, I do wonder if Porker’s inclusion in this particular story was partly because Tails was off in his own solo story, but at the same time, Porker is one of my favourite StC Freedom Fighters - he’s so often overlooked, but he has some of the best development. So, I’m glad to see him beginning to be established as a character beyond “animal buddy #3”
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Sonic figures out that the giant Robotnik statue is hypnotising the gamblers and then we switch to the villains, who confirm that this is the case. There are, sadly, a lot easier ways to get people addicted to gambling, but for this kids’ comic, let’s stick to the hypnotising statue Also, I love that the blonde brother doesn’t give a fuck. He’s just vibing
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…He does care about the threat of being sent back to Marxio World, however. What can I say? This comic came out at the height of the 90s console wars
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We also get our first example of Porker being the team’s tech genius! Now, back in the pre-Adventure era of Sonic, the games hadn’t established Tails as a tech genius yet. Maybe someone out there could argue that there was earlier lore saying that he was, but I think it’s plain to say that the spin-off Sonic media of the time wasn’t aware that Tails could have this role. Because of this, we get various different tech genius characters in various different spin-offs and for StC, that’s Porker. …At least for now. I’m sure that it’s not much of a spoiler to say that Tekno eventually takes over this role on the main team, after Porker becomes a more Knuckles-centric character, but for the time being, we’ve got our team’s smart boy
Sonic, however, has about as much patience for sneaking around as you’d expect
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Running ahead didn’t get Sonic very far in this issue. We get several pages of the usual bot-bashing and action scenes to meet the target audience quota, before a trap sees both Sonic and Porker get caught. Bet you didn’t expect to see Mario and Luigi kidnapping one of Sonic’s friends today, but here we are
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And here they are, with our issue ending on a cliffhanger of Sonic & Porker tied to the track of a rollercoaster. It looks like maybe Johnny and Joe Sushi are on the rollercoaster as well. Bit of a bumpy ride. They might want to ask for their money back, but at the same time, what did they expect at Robotnik’s casino?
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Welp, with AO3 being down for an indeterminate amount of time here’s a preview snippet of the next chapter of my Bowuigi fic Fit for a King
Chapter 17: Family Discussions
“He’s crass and controlling.” Mario said dismissively.
“He’s clueless and anxious.” Luigi argued. Mario frowned. They clearly had two very different Bowsers in mind.
“Fratellino…” Mario said slowly as he took a breath.
“No! He’s kind and sensitive and cares about me!” Luigi said, putting his foot down.
“He’s the nicest person I’ve ever been with!” He said, as his eyes watered. He quickly wiped them as he glared at his brother. Mario let out a heavy sigh as he looked at him. It was disheartening that this was probably true. Mario rubbed the back of his neck and glanced back at the door. The monster did have a son and seemed to care about his brother a lot.
“He makes you happy?” Mario asked weakly. Luigi nodded adamantly.
“He accepts me for who I am.” Luigi said in a cracked voice. Mario felt his heart ache.
“Luigi…” He said, closing his eyes. Luigi sniffed and Mario held his arms open. Luigi hugged him immediately and Mario patted him on the back. “If he treats you right-“
“He does.” Luigi said at once with a smile. Mario repressed a groan. They pulled back to look at each other. A silent understanding passed between them.
“Okay.” Mario said finally. Luigi beamed. “But if he hurts you-“ Mario said seriously.
“I know.” Luigi said quickly. He beamed and his eyes twinkled. Mario looked away.
“I’m still going to try and find us a way back home.” He said bracingly. Luigi nodded. Mario glanced back at him. “I’ll let you introduce your new, uh, tartaruga marito to the family.”
“Grazie.” Luigi said happily as tears streamed down his cheeks. Mario ruffled his hair and Luigi laughed as he pushed him away. “Does that mean you’ll introduce the Princess to the family too?” He teased.
“Me and the Princess?” Mario sputtered as he started to turn pink. “No! No!” He felt his heart flutter. “What makes you think-?” He began nervously as Luigi rolled his eyes. The doors behind them opened and Bowser strode out. He spotted Luigi and his heart fluttered pleasantly. He held out the star plushie to him. Luigi blinked and took it.
“For our future hatchling…” Bowser said in a low purr as he pulled Luigi close and kissed the top of his head. Luigi’s heart melted and he looked up at Bowser with wide eyes. Mario frowned. The way they looked at each other… He couldn’t deny it. They really were in love with each other. He let out a resigned sigh and Luigi glanced over at him. Mario gave a small nod and Luigi’s eyes sparkled. He took Bowser’s hand and led him over.
“I didn’t get to introduce you two properly before.” Luigi said smiling hopefully. Bowser grimaced. “This is my brother Mario.” He took Mario’s hand. “And Mario, this is Bowser, my fidanzato.” He placed Mario and Bowser’s hands together to shake. They held each other’s hands stiffly. Luigi looked between them beaming.
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carbonateddelusion · 2 years
I will forever hold L is Real close to my heart
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earthnashes · 3 years
You say you love to make the characters interact now that the story has gotten much lighter, so I'd like to ask, how do the Mario bros interact with one another? I've seen many interpretations from 'incredibly and unconditionally supportive, and so caring it rots your teeth' to 'same thing but they steal the remote while the other is watching something and miss match socks if one gets mad at the other'. Personally I think the latter is more realistic, but more importantly it's funny as heck.
Either one is believable, it largely depends on the dynamic of the sibs in question! I personally can relate to either; my younger brother and I rarely ever argue (actually I don't remember the last time we did if we ever had) whereas my older sister and I used to always argue over the smallest, dumbest things and were a little more antagonistic to one another, specifically when we were kids.
For Luigi and Mario, I've always pictured them as always getting along, even when they were "mad" at each other. They might do some petty things every now and then to get a rise out of the other, like Mario scraping his teeth against metal eating utensils because he knows how much Luigi hates the sound, or Luigi always teasing Mario about the fact that he shot up in height while "big bro" remained short, but rarely would they actually get legitimately mad at one at one another. They've been, at worst, mildly annoyed with the other, but it never lasted for long, and it rarely ever escalated to being downright mad.
In particular, they're protective of one another. Mario will absolutely put someone in their place the moment they raise a finger to say or do anything mean to Luigi, and while Luigi is a lot more passive he isn't afraid to throw hands for his bro. I can see Mario maybe even being seen as a tad bit of a trouble maker in school because he'd be so quick to snatch someone up for being mean to Luigi. Eventually, green bro would have to have a talk with his brother and tell him he can handle himself well enough to not need protection (he's not helpless), which Mario would finally back off at his request, but he'd give the dirtiest death glare to anyone who thought about trying anything. Luigi doesn't have to know that though. xD
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“Okay that’s it, party’s over! Get out of my house!”
Alright y’all, buckle up and hold on tight because this one is a doozy! This is 3400 words!! There’s some mentions of cursing and drinking.
October 25
Taking a sip from his red solo cup, he scanned the house, grinning at the activity around him. It was his and Race’s annual Halloween party, the music was loud and the house packed. Albert, as Captain Hook, and Race, as Luigi, were laughing about something in the corner. Jack was leaning over to kiss a black cat, Kat’s costume for the party. And himself was Mario.
His pocket vibrated, catching him off guard. Digging out his phone, he chuckled watching Race shake his head violently, denying whatever Albert had said to him. Opening his phone, he almost dropped it when he comprehended the message that was staring him in the face.
His eyes read the message once, then twice, then again just to make sure he was reading it correctly. He shuffled over to Race, who lit up at the appearance of his husband. “Spottie, imma need you to settle this debate - what’s better Kit Kat’s or Reese’s?”
“That’s what you’re arguing about over here?” Spot shook his head. “Here I was thinking that it was about football teams. But Kit Kat’s are better.”
Albert grinned and pumped his fist, high-fiving Spot. “Thank you my good man. In your face Racer.”
“Whatever.” Race grinned, wrapping his arm around Spot’s shoulder. “Haven’t seen you in a while, snookums. Where have you been hiding?”
Spot leaned up and kissed him with a grin. “Hanging out on the porch with Itey and Hotshot. But I gotta show you something.”
“Does it require the bedroom?” Race rose his eyebrows up and down suggestively.
Giving him a look, Spot slowly shook his head before handing over his phone. “Unfortunately, no but look at this.”
Spot watched Race’s face as he read the text message before looking up at him with tears. “You’re not pulling my leg, right? This is legit happening?”
“I would never pull your leg at this. Now shall we kick all of these people out of the house before heading that way?” Spot asked before Race pulled him into a searing kiss and a big hug.
Jack and Kat came up to them with identical looks of concern. “Everything okay?”
Shoving Spot’s phone in Kat’s hands, he grinned. “Can you help us kick everyone out?”
Katherine squealed reading the text message, giving them a quick hug before nodding enthusiastically. “Absolutely!”
“Okay that’s it, party’s over! Get out of my house!” Spot yelled, walking through the house towards the bedroom to change out of his costume as Race followed behind him yelling the same thing. “Party’s over! Get out of my house!”
Ten minutes later, with shouts of elation from their friends and family, Race and Spot were in the car on the way to their destination. Hands were laced together as Race drove. Spot tapped his toes, wishing things would hurry up and go faster. “Calm down Spottie. These things take time.”
“But Race …” Spot started, squeezing his husband’s hand, with a shaky breath. “This has been our dream!”
Race grinned, pulling into the parking lot of the giant building. “We’ve waited three years, a few more hours won’t kill us. Besides, Jack and Kat will be up shortly - why she didn’t want to show up dressed as a cat is beyond me?”
Spot laughed, leaning over and kissing him. “I love you.”
“I love you too. Shall we go?” Race asked, reaching in the backseat for the backpack that had been packed and in the car for weeks.
As they walked towards the building, they laced their hands, ready to face whatever was coming their way. After checking in, they were directed to a quiet room with a TV, few magazines, and six chairs, a private area to wait.
Dropping the bag on the ground, Race took a seat stretching his legs out. “Come sit, it’s going to take some time.”
“I’ve got to stand. I don’t know how you’re so calm right now.” Spot shook his head. “How have our roles reversed?”
Race opened the bag, taking out his Switch, shrugging. “Not sure but enjoy it while you can. Wanna battle on MarioKart?”
“Not right now.” Spot was tense.
Standing up, Race went to Spot’s side, pulling him into a hug, kissing him gently. “Hey, it’s okay to be nervous, scared and happy. As I said earlier, we’ve been waiting for three years, and it’s finally happening. Now all we can do is wait - if you want to pace, pace. But it’s not going to make the time go by any faster.”
Sitting back down, Race grabbed his Switch, keeping an eye on his husband before starting to play MarioKart. With a sigh, Spot took a seat next to him as Race grinned victorious. A quiet fell on the room with a cuss word coming from Race every now and then when he got hit with a green shell. Before long, Spot was pulling his own Switch from the bag, starting an epic battle of MarioKart between the two.
An hour after they had arrived, and several races on MarioKart, Race’s phone dinged with a text message. “Jack and Kat are on their way up. They told everyone to hang back and we’d text with news.”
Nodding, Spot’s tongue poked out between his lips before throwing a blue shell in Race’s direction. “Damn you Spottie. Give a guy a heads up!”
“Why would I do that?” Spot grinned, focused on the device in his hands. “And I win again …. Wanna go again?”
Race huffed, giving him a look as the door opened, revealing Jack and Kat in jeans and hoodies. “Why would I want to get beat again for the third time? Hi guys.”
“Hey yourselves.” Kat closed the door behind her grinning at the two, sitting near the door. “Any news?”
“None yet.” Shaking his head, Race handed over his Switch to Jack, standing and joining Kat across the room. “Kick his ass for me.”
Race and Kat watched the two hurl threats at one another before Kat nudged Race. “How are you both holding up?”
“Spot was nervous earlier but I pulled him into MarioKart and he’s seemed to calm down some.” Race shrugged, playing with his hoodie pocket.
“And you?” Kat adjusted in her seat so she focused on him, searching for any clues.
He sighed. “Surprisingly calm. We’ve been waiting for this for so long and part of me can’t believe we’re finally here and part of me just wants it to be over.”
“That’s understandable. But you can let yourself be excited and worried and nervous.” Kat put a hand on his shoulder. “You’re gonna be a dad soon, Race and that’s nothing little. Just talk to your brother.”
Race laughed, shaking his head at the memory of Jack holding his nephew for the first time. “I thought he was going to drop Nathan.”
“You and me both.” Kat grinned. “Yes, we had 9ish months to prepare for it but that didn’t diminish all the emotions we felt. Luckily he was better when Lucy came and even better when we welcomed Emmy and Sadie.”
Nodding, he saw where his sister-in-law was coming from. “I guess I’m just being cautiously optimistic since two of these have gone this exact way but the mother’s changed their minds.”
“That was in the past. This one will be different.” Kat smiled. “So many things are already different between this one and the previous ones. You will be walking out of this place with a baby, Race.”
He hoped she was right. “Alright, Aunt Kat.”
She gasped, tears rushing to her eyes with a laugh. “Oh that sounds so sweet. Got names picked out?”
“Four, two of each.” Race grinned. They had opted not to find out what Samantha, the birth mom, was carrying. “And no you’re not finding out early. Shit, I should call Medda.”
“Jack did as we drove here.” Kat gave him a look. “She was a little upset she was hearing it from Jack and not you but she sends her love and forgiveness. She does want a call when they arrive.”
Nodding, Race made a mental note. “When did it sink in that you were truly a mom?”
“When I held Nate for the first time.” She grinned. “Yes I carried him and all but it didn’t hit me until I snuggled him and kissed his forehead.”
Race looked across the room at Spot and Jack who had their heads together talking about who knows what. Feeling his eyes, Spot looked up, sending him an air kiss before grinning at him.
“I always wondered how all of you killed the time in the waiting room when we had the kids.” Kat grinned, as Spot snorted.
“Hence why we brought the Switches.” Spot shook his head, fiddling with his phone. “After Nate, we learned to pack a bag full of snacks, games, and randomness because we never knew how long it would be.”
A knock on the door caught all of their attention. Spot and Race stood up, opening up the door to a nurse who has a bright smile on her face. “Sean and Antony?”
“Yes, that’s us.” Spot widened the door to let her in.
She closed the door behind her before motioning them to sit down. “I’m Anna, one of the nurses in the delivery room and I wanted to let you know that your daughter has arrived - she weighs 7 pounds, 7 ounces, and 22 inches long and was born at 9:56pm. The birth mother just signed her rights away and we’re just cleaning baby girl up and I’ll bring her in shortly.”
Tears were streaming down Spot and Race’s faces as the nurse finished. “Thank you so much for letting us know.”
“Do you have any questions before I head back?” Anna asked looking at the two awestruck dads.
Spot looked at Race before shaking his head. “I don’t think so. Thank you so much for letting us know.”
Anna showed herself out as Race pulled Spot into a hug and a kiss before the tears started up again. “Spottie … a daughter. We have a little girl.”
“Oh I love you.” Spot pulled back, wiping the tears, laughing. “A little girl.”
Race wiped his tears before looking at Jack and Kat who both had tears streaming down their faces. “Congratulations guys. A little girl.”
Jack pulled Race into a hug with a couple of slaps to his back. “Congrats dad!”
Kat did the same, but she was much gentler with Spot. “Congrats papa!”
She laughed when the “oh shit” look crossed Spot’s face as she gave him another hug. “Hey, you’re gonna be okay. That little girl will have you hooked around her finger but that’ll be okay.”
Race bounded over to Kat with a grin before picking her up and spinning her around. “Didya hear? I’ve got a little girl.”
Laughing at her little brother, Kat grinned. “I did hear something about that. Congrats Race.”
The room grew quiet as the door slowly opened revealing Anna with a bundle in her arms. She grinned at the two men who were in awe. “Who wants to hold her first?”
Kat and Jack moved back, each watching Spot and Race point to one another before Race stepped forward for Anna to transfer the baby into his arms.
Sitting down, Race let his eyes sweep over the baby - his daughter. He felt Spot sit to his right as they both admired the sleeping baby. “Oh hello there. She’s perfect, Spot.”
“Yea she is.” He looked at Jack and Kat before looking at Anna.
“I’ll leave you guys but there’s a ringer on the table if you need anything.” She smiled. “Congratulations you guys!”
Spot and Race both nodded, too enthralled with the baby. Listening to the door click shut, Spot turned to Race. “She needs a name.”
“We’ve got two. Feeling any of those?” Race asked as they both thought about the names.
Spot sighed. They had picked out Charlotte Elisabeth and McKensie Kate as their two but he didn’t feel like either name was a fit for their little girl. “No - she doesn’t look like a Charlotte or a McKensie.”
“We’re going to go search for some coffee. Let the three of you have some time.” Kat grinned. Before either could say anything, the door opened and shut again, leaving just Race and Spot in the room.
Spot pulled out his phone, going to the notes section where all of their names were listed. “Alrighty, we got Adeline, Evelyn, and Isabella. Any of those?”
“If I remember right, we both liked Adeline, right? Two nicknames if we wanted - Lina and Addie.” Holding her up, Race looked at their daughter. “I like it. You?”
“Adeline Higgins-Conlon.” It rolls off the tongue. “Now a middle name.”
Race passed Adeline to Spot with a grin. “Here, hold your daughter. What about one of the original middle names we had? Elisabeth or Kate?”
“I am drawn to Adeline Elisabeth Higgins-Conlon.” Spot grinned, brushing a hand over her light brown hair. “What do you think, miss? Do you approve?”
Adeline yawned, smacking her lips with a sigh. “I think she approves.”
The two watched her a bit before Spot looked at Race. “Do you want to go get Kat and Jack? And maybe tell a nurse her name?”
Pressing a kiss to her forehead before kissing Spot, Race nodding standing up. “I’ll be back.”
“We’ll be here.” Spot grinned, watching him leave before looking at the baby. “Hi little girl. Your dad and I are so happy that you’re here. We’ve waited a long time for you. You are so loved, miss.”
He sighed, letting it sink in that him and Race were truly parents and so far it felt pretty good. He knew that cloud 9 feeling would eventually vanish but he was relishing in it for as long as possible.
He was so in his thoughts, he didn’t hear the door open but felt more bodies in the room. He felt Katherine sit next to him and rub his back. “Wanna hold her?”
Kat grinned, holding her arms so Spot could transfer her into them. Kat’s face immediately softened. “Oh hello sweet girl. Look at you. She’s gorgeous, you two.”
“Race, did you call Medda?” Jack pointed at him with a grin. “She wasn’t happy it was me telling her that you were on the way to the hospital and not you.”
Race picked up the phone, dialing a number before listening to it ring. “Hey momma, guess what?” “No, you’re supposed to guess!” “Ok, fine … I’m a daddy. You’ve got another granddaughter. Yea, uh huh.”
Kat looked at Spot. “So what’s her name?”
“Adeline Elisabeth Higgins-Conlon.” Spot said it carefully as not to botch it. “Race and I fell in love with the name Adeline, it means noble, and Elisabeth is after her aunt Kat.”
Tears clouded her eyes, a skip in her breath. “Why?”
“Why not?” Spot laughed, as Race hung up the phone and asked the question. “Addie is going to know how much her aunt and uncle mean to this family. You two have been there every step of the way, much more than anyone else. There was never a question of not using your name.”
Reaching up to brush the tears away, Kat nodded. “I’m absolutely honored. Thank you.”
“Don’t thank us. We should be thanking you.” Race crouched down, kissing his sister’s cheek before running a hand over Addie’s head. “Momma didn’t kill me.”
“Not yet she hasn’t.” Jack grinned. “Is it my turn to hold the munchkin, yet?”
“Sit down first.” Kat gave him a look. “Don’t want you almost fainting like you did with Lucy.”
Jack rolled his eyes but did as his wife asked. “That was one time.”
Kat gave him a look before transferring Addie into her uncle’s arms, who immediately softened at the little girl in his arms. “Oh you’re just a little thing huh? Oh hi little one. Oh you and I are going to be thick as thieves. I’ll sneak you all the Christmas cookies you want.”
“She’s not even two hours old and you're bribing her already?” Race scoffed, shaking his head. “Uncle of the year right there.”
Jack looked up and stuck his tongue out at the new dads. “I’ve gotta let her know she’s got me in her corner.”
Rolling his eyes, Race nodded at Jack. “Don’t spoil her too much before we ever take her home.”
Spot pulled Race into his arms and grinned at his husband. “Let him have his fun. We can ship her over to his house when she’s screaming at 2am.”
“I like the way you think, Spottie.” Race leaned over and kissed him. “I love you.”
“I love you too.”
Six Days Later
It was Halloween and the family of three had been home for 3 days. They hadn’t had any visitors yet, wanting to get into somewhat of a routine but invited their family and friends to stop by during Trick or Treat to see their little pumpkin.
As Spot was on door duty, Racer was keeping an eye on their little one and refilling the candy bucket. “UNCLE SPOT!”
He heard the familiar cry of his nieces and nephew and grinned, heading into the entryway to see a princess (Lucy), a cow (Emmy), a cat (Sadie) and a cowboy (Nathan). “Hi guys!”
“UNCLE RACE!” All four of the kids clamored over to him, jumping up on him for hugs while their parents stood back and grinned.
“Where’s the little one?” Kat asked, grinning at her brother.
Pointing in the room off the entryway, Race hugged and kissed all the kids. “In there.”
He heard her laughter and a “Racetrack” before turning his attention to the kids. “Did uncle Spot load you up with candy?”
“No he said there was something special in the kitchen.” Nate said, giving his uncle a look.
Race shrugged. “Well if Uncle Spot said there’s something in the kitchen then there must be. Go look.”
The kids ran off as Katherine came back into the entryway with Addie in his arms. “Race this has you written all over it.”
“Of course it does. He’s the only one that has spent time in jail.” Spot piped up getting a look from his husband.
“It was a few hours. Nothing major.” Race argued, popping the collar on his Orange jumpsuit. “Besides, Spot looks more like the Hamburglar than an actual prisoner. It’s only fair that Addie girl fits in around here.”
Spot was in a black and white jumpsuit while Addie had on an orange onesie that they had put a piece of cardboard on her that said “l just did 9 months on the inside” with her birthday on it.
Kat chuckled. “She’s the most adorable prisoner I’ve ever seen.”
“Where did our kids run off to?” Jack asked, reaching for Addie.
Turning to the two uncles, Kat raised an eyebrow. “Apparently they have something special in the kitchen, which is code for a bunch of sugar and other things.”
“We made them Halloween goodie bags - some candy, some non candy goodies. It’s all about balance.” Spot shrugged, sticking his tongue out at Kat.
“Great they’ll sugar them up and send them home with us.” Jack said, snuggling Addie. “At this point, we’ll take Addie and you can keep our four.”
“DEAL!” Race said, not even conferring with Spot. “Addie we love you dearly but that was one deafening cry you did this morning at 2:30. I think I might have permanent ear loss.”
Kat and Jack both chuckled. “Oh I do not miss the first three weeks after we brought each one home. We’ll take our four - eventually they’ll pass out. We’ll schedule a sleepover when you’re a bit older, miss Addie. Kids, let’s go.”
They heard the kids before they saw them. “Thank you, Uncle Spot, Uncle Race.”
“You’re welcome.” They both replied as hugs and kisses were given. Jack relinquished Addie back over to Race as goodbyes were said.
Walking out onto the porch, Spot and Race sat on the porch swing, Addie still in Race’s arms, wrapped in her blanket. They swung gently back and forth. “Happy Halloween, Race.”
“Happy Halloween, Spottie and Addie. I don’t need any of the boos, just the two of you and some candy.” Race leaned over and kissed Spot with a grin. “This is the perfect Halloween.”
That was a doozy! Thanks @wide-eyed--wonderer for sending in that prompt!!! I think that’s my longest Drabble to date!!!
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go-dark-turtle · 3 years
A day off with an opportunity and a rescue mission?
(A Mario x Nintendo loop crossover fanfiction) 
Chapter 2: Now it's personal.
 "Say Toad, where did you get that lighting bolt?" Luigi leaned closer as he held onto Toad's headrest. 
Toad sat in the driver's seat of the Parade Kart, he was just about the right height to see the road. His eyes fixed on the road as they drove back down the bumpy hill towards Princess Peach's castle. 
"Oh! Well when I ran off to smash some vases I found one in there and kept it in case we had to make a grand exit. We sure did ha ha ha." Toad laughed "Served them right, taking the princess like that." 
Luigi sat back down and looked behind him and saw the mansion was still small, he sighed and folded his arms "You guys didn't have to wreck the place..." 
"Luigi! We were worried about you and we had to find you quickly." Mario nodded to his brother. 
Luigi huffed and looked to Yoshi "... and you, did you have to eat those curtains?" 
Yoshi shrugged and rolled his eyes. Luigi, feeling more fed up, sighed more and rested his arm on the side and looked at the view heading back to the castle. 
Everyone in the mansion had met in the lobby as everything started to shake and become smaller. Andi rushed to Irri's side and helped him up as BreadSquid and Ralfonic ran in from the tea room.
"Gah! We have to go after them at once! I won't allow what they did to MY lobby!" Irri demanded in a squeaky tone as he dusted himself down . 
Andi and BreadSquid started to laugh and Irri glared at him, they both looked to the floor with the odd giggle. 
Irri sighed "If you two would stop acting like children, we can see where they went! To the car!" 
They walked towards the main doors still broken from earlier, the whole mansion started to rumble all around them as everything went back to normal.
"Sorry boss.." BreadSquid let out a small giggle
"Yeah sorry.." Andi bit his lip to hold in his laughter.
Irri rolled his eyes, huffed at the both of them. Andi ran on ahead to push aside the broken door out the way. Everyone ran out and Irri saw the damage that Mario and the gang had left for them. 
"Ack! My beautiful fountain! That took 3 months to build and now there's a damn kart in it!" Irri clenched his fists and turned to Andi, who was just standing there. "Come on, what are you waiting for?! Get the car and let's go!" 
"Irri... they took Goldie.." Andi started to sniffle and he turned around and held onto his shoulders and burst into tears "They took my precious car Irri..." 
"Eww, you nicknamed your car Andi?" BreadSquid placed her hands on her hips and raised her eyebrow. 
"Yes I nicknamed my car. She is mine you know!" Andi turned his head to the inkling, he rubbed his nose into his sleeve and sniffed again. 
"Ugh, Andi here have this and sort yourself out." Irri reached in his pocket and pulled out a packet of tissues, he gently passed them to Andi. He then started paced up and down the pathway thinking on what to do next. "Aha! I've got it!" 
Andi and Breadsquid glared at each other and Irri cleared his throat and pulled out his flip phone, with a flick of the wrist, he pointed it to the sky and smirked. 
"I can summon a car with this trusty mobile device!" Irri stood proudly with the old school phone in his hand skyward. 
"So dramatic.... Uh boss, you know that model is like 15 years old now..." Breadsquid folded her arms.
"Well I don't see any new phone working on Boo network now do you?" Irri smugly smiled and walked down the path and started to punch in the numbers.
"I mean it's true, no one uses Boo network anymore, Irri." Andi poundered to himself.
"Shh!" Irri covered the speaker with his hand and glared at Andi before continuing his telephone conversation. "Ah yes, hello there, we wish to summon one of your finest taxis please. Oh what's that? My address? Ah yes of course, it's south of south Toad Town, Irri house. Excuse me? What do you mean you don't know where that is?! Ugh, don't get sassy with me, just drive south and you can't miss it. How long? 25 minutes?! Alright, fine! But please hurry, this is an emergency! Good day!" Irri let out an angry sigh.
He snapped his flippy phone shut with a loud SNAP and shoved it in his pocket and shrugged at the others. 
"Well it looks like we can't do anything until the taxi gets here. Tea and scones anyone?" Irri smiled at the others.
"Ah boss you read my mind, a cup of tea sounds lovely after everything we've just been through." BreadSquid jumped up with excitement and then turned to Andi, who was sitting on the step, sighing to himself "Oh come on Andi cheer up, we will get your karty back soon." 
"Goldie actually. Bready get the name right..." Andi huffed stood up and walked down the steps.
"Oh sorry I got your stupid car's name wrong." Breadsquid scoffed and looked up at him.
"My car isn't stupid. How dare you!" Andi huffed.
Ralfonic growled and stood in between them baring his teeth. 
"No Ralf, I won't back down Bready said my car was stupid" Andi folded his arms and looked down at BreadSquid. 
"Says the one nicknaming their car..." BreadSquid wiggled her eyebrows.
"Well I'm just going to get myself a tea. Have fun... Come along Ralfonic. " Irri stepped past them both and entered back into the house. "Call me when the taxi gets here won't you."
Andi stared down at the inkling, she smirked, her hand at the ready by her splat bomb. Andi reached slowly for his back pocket for his lighting bolt.
"What are you gonna do Andi?" BreadSquid smirked.
"Me? Ha! You shouldn't worry about that." Andi smirked back. 
"Well what are you waiting for? DRAW!" BreadSquid encouraged. 
"If you say so!" Andi raised his eyebrow. 
They both fired at the same time, the lightning bolt struck BreadSquid and the splat bomb landed on Andi. Ralfonic watched from the window, curious what was going on.
"Ralfonic, I wouldn't stand too close to the window dear, you might get zapped or splatted." Irri was sitting on the velvet sofa and enjoying a warm cup of tea. 
Ralfonic nodded and sat beside him and looked up to him, Irri smiled down at the wolf and petted his head. 
"Just stay by me and pay no attention to them." Irri sighed as he heard them both squeal and argue. 
"ANDI!" BreadSquid shouted at him as she got smaller and her voice became more squeaky.
"Ha ha ha. Serves you right for what you did. Look at my shirt, it's covered in purple stuff..." Andi groaned at the ink splattered over him. 
"Ha ha ha ha. That's what you get for challenging me Andi." She pulled out her N-Zap 89 and pointed it at him. "And just so you know Andi, it's not purple stuff, it's ink get it right."
"Don't you dare Bready! I will snipe you with my green shells!" Andi smirked.
BreadSquid shot ink ahead of her, turning into squid form and swam into the mansion. Andi shook his head, pulling out a green shell and smacked her right on target. BreadSquid returned to normal size but due to the impact of the sudden snipe of the green shell, she went flying into the tea room. Andi ran up the stairs and pointed at her and laughed.
"HA! I told you!" Andi chuckled. 
"Oh you are DEAD Andi!" BreadSquid used the table to help get her balance back. 
Irri sipped his tea and watched them exchange words with a deadpan expression, BreadSquid smirked at Andi and tried to pull out another splat bomb but Andi nudged her and threw another lighting bolt at her.
"ANDI!" Breadsquid shouted in a squeaky voice again.  "Come here!" 
"Pfft, you are so tiny, Bready. Look at you so small~" Andi smirked and pointed at her. 
BreadSquid pouted, shot Andi with her N-Zap 89 and sneaked out the room. Andi fell backwards on the table, the plate of the scones went into the air. Ralfonic saw them fly and he grabbed the plate and dashed about gracefully catching them all. Irri nodded to the wolf and smiled. Andi quickly scrambled out the room to find BreadSquid, he stood on the landing of the top floor looking up and down the hallway. He giggled slightly as he approached the stairs.
"Oh Andi my dear, please do not think about sliding down the banister." Irri called out.
Andi had already climbed onto the banister, paused in his tracks and his eyes widened. It was like he knew what he was thinking but it was a known habit at this point. 
"Uh, I wouldn't dream of it, Irri...." Andi called back with a nervous laugh. 
Once everything fell quiet again Andi let out a breath of relief, knowing he was alone he smirked and pushed himself downwards.
"EEEEEEEEEERIKA!" Andi giggled with glee as he felt like a kid as he slid down the banister. 
He jumped off at the end and sneaked about the main lobby and bumped into BreadSquid. He flinched and BreadSquid grinned.
"Oh you lied to Irri, I'm SO telling him. Hey Boss!" Breadsquid smirked and nudged past him and started to run up the stairs. 
"Bready, no, stop please, don't tell Irri." He chased after her and pulled out another green shell "Come on Bready! We are fellow guardians, no need to be like this." 
"Boss, Boss, Boss, GUESS WHAT?" Bready smirked. 
"Irri, don't believe what Bready is saying. She is lying!" Andi nudged past her and threw the shell at her feet. 
Bready smirked "So predictable Andi..." She shot the shell with her N-Zap 89. 
They both rushed to the top landing nudging and shoving to get to the tea room first, but a sudden honk from outside stopped them both in the tracks. 
"Uh... is that the taxi?" Andi whispered to BreadSquid.
"I don't know. Maybe you should check." BreadSquid whispered back.
"No, you!" Andi pointed at her.
"No, you Andi!" BreadSquid folded her arms.
Andi pushed her and she shoved him back, they both started to pout. They glared at each other unaware that Irri was right behind them.
He cleared his throat and smiled "Would you both be a dear and check to see if that is the taxi, hm?"
The both of them jumped out their skins and turned around so see a not impressed Irri raise his eyebrow at them. 
"Well see, I was going to but then Andi..." BreadSquid quickly spoke but got pulled back by Andi. 
"I didn't do anything. Bready started this, don't believe what she tells you!" Andi stepped forward and held BreadSquid back
Irri sighed and held the bridge of his nose as the honking got louder and more frequently from outside and the both of them started to shove each other again.
Seeing the sudden change in Irri's attitude both of the guardians scrambled down the stairs as quickly as they could. Ralfonic lowly grunted as he stood at the top of the stairs by Irri. 
"Hey boss, the taxi is here! Oi Andi, that front seat is mine!" BreadSquid called back into the house. 
"No! That seat is mine! Have fun sitting in the back Bready~" Andi smirked as he opened the front passenger door and sat down. 
BreadSquid, annoyed, folded her arms and waited for Irri and Ralfonic. Everyone got in the back seat with Irri sitting in the middle, BreadSquid sitting behind the driver and Ralfonic sitting behind Andi. 
"Alright then, where are we off to?" The driver asked in a posh voice, the driver turned out to be none other than Toadsworth himself. 
"TOADSWORTH?!" Everyone was surprised. 
"Of course, the one and only." He turned around smiling but it faded when seeing Ralfonic "I wasn't informed there would be a dog in my taxi. No pets allowed." 
"Excuse me?! Ralfonic is a wolf, not a dog. How dare you!" Irri leaned closer and glared at Toadsworth. 
"Oh you are in big trouble now, you better apologise." Andi whispered. 
"Ah! A wolf you said. Oh, my mistake I'M, terribly sorry." Toadsworth turned back around nervously chuckling. 
Ralfonic huffed and sighed loudly. Irri noticed his behaviour and sat closer to him.
"Shh, it's okay, Ralfonic. He didn't mean to call you a dog, no please, don't howl..." Irri petted his head again to console him. 
"AWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOO!" Ralfonic howled loudly. 
Everyone covered their ears and clenched  their eyes shut. 
"Oh look what you've gone and done. He's upset because of you!" Irri shouted over the howling. 
"I said I was sorry!" Toadsworth felt bad for the mixup. 
"Ah boss, I have an idea. Here take this." BreadSquid pulled out her switch and gave it to Irri. 
"Good thinking BreadSquid. Hey Ralfonic look Miitopia, it's your favourite." Irri placed the Switch in front of him. 
Ralfonic stopped howling and looked at the screen and wagged his tail. Everyone sighed with relief. 
"If you could please, could you drive us to Princess Peach's castle? Thank you." Irri sighed as he leaned back in his seat. 
"Certainly." Toadsworth reversed the taxi and drove past the broken gates and drove back down the bumpy hill at a steady slow pace.
[Mario Circuit from Super Mario kart totally plays here]
"Soon, we will have our car back and I can ask Princess Peach for a replacement of my velvet curtains... and pay for the damages to my lobby and my fountain..." Irri folded his arms and closed his eyes and nodded.
"Ah soon Goldie, I will be at your side." Andi clasped his hands together. 
"Ohhh~ Goldie, baby, mwah mwah mwah, I wuv you." BreadSquid mocked Andi. 
"Shut it Bready!" Andi turned around and glared "Don't make me.. uh..." he stopped as he saw Irri shake his head and glare at him. "We will talk about this later, Bready." 
"Sure Andi~" BreadSquid smirked but then it faded as she looked out the window and saw how slowly they were driving. "OI GRAMPS! Mind speeding it up a little? We have places to be, you know."
"Gramps?! How dare you!" Toadsworth's eye twitched. "Fine as you wish!"
Toadsworth shifted the gear stick forward and pressed his foot down on the accelerator pedal. Everyone was flung backwards into their seats and braced for the fast and bumpy ride. 
"You just had to go and open your big mouth, didn't you!" Andi nervously hung onto the handrail above him seeing everything up close from the front seat. 
"Oh shut it Andi, at least we are getting somewhere now!" BreadSquid smirked.
"Andi, BreadSquid, we can talk about this later. Toadsworth please slow down." Irri asked nicely. 
"We are nearly there, hang on tight." Toadsworth grinned as he entered Toad Town. 
He swerved the taxi about the town, missing everything and everyone with an inch to spare. The townspeople screamed and ran for it seeing the small taxi come towards them. 
"Toadsworth, this is great, keep going!" BreadSquid jumped up and down in her seat. 
"You got it!" Toadsworth smirked and drove even faster towards the castle "Look just up ahead just another minute and we are there." 
He took a shortcut and drove off a ramp and glided all the way to the castle's front gates. Andi closed his eyes from the intense height before him. BreadSquid was still excited in the backseat and Irri petted Ralfonic to keep him calm. Toadsworth tilted the car upwards and came in for a landing. THUD! The taxi landed with such an impact everyone jumped out of their seats.  
"Here we are. Princess Peach's castle." Toadsworth smiled. 
[End of part 1]
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echoeternally · 5 years
Which Mario characters would be, as Watership Down Characters, and vice versa?
You know, I took some time to think about this one today, and I’ve got to admit, for my tastes, I can’t think of a feasible way that this works out. And it’s for a few reasons that kind of get me hung up.
Honestly, I think it comes down to at least four pretty divisive factors that keep them from being compared on an equal scale, and adds a terribly heightened challenge to it all. These would be: gender ratios (A), inconsistent characterizations (B), mismatching personalities ©, and cast prominence (D).
Obviously, it’s a lot to get into, so, I’ll include that in a portion below the cut. If you keep going, I’ll try to properly explain why it’s not just a clear-cut question to answer for this one.
A) First, gender ratios, which can be worked around based solely on personality, but still glares out big time. Watership Down has some female characters on the roster, but they tend to matter little comparatively. Hell, there are multiple characters that started as male that were later swapped to female roles in later adaptations. It’s good, and shows that the role can be played by a character, not a gender. But it’s also a reminder that the original work is dated in its viable female cast. By contrast, Mario has a nice number, and they stand out a lot better, each with unique and distinct roles, personalities, and general flavors that they add. They’re fun and dynamic, a highlight to see.
B) This actually leads into the next point, though, which would be the inconsistent characterizations. Both franchises kind of mess around with how their characters are portrayed and what they do. Sure, you get the basics well enough with the major characters: Hazel’s the brave hero leader, Mario tends to be that too. Fiver’s the timid younger brother, so is Luigi.
But it gets weirder the further down the cast list you go. Bowser’s the big bad guy, but depending on his role as the main villain or not, he can either be sympathized with, or totally evil; he’s maybe just looking for love, or has insatiable desires for conquest. Bigwig is a strong authority figure, but can either be super loyal or a part-time jerk that questions his own leader’s authority. Peach is helpless, or more powerful than she lets on. Hell, Clover took over half of Hyzenthlay’s role in the latest adaptation, and they’re far from the only instance of variable depictions in the series, further depending on the characters that are used. Overall, these changes can make them flexible to develop over time, but it makes them harder to pin down on which role defines them best.
C) And that flexibility also leads to mismatching personalities between the casts of both stories. Because Rosalina first appeared as this quiet, graceful, and yet all powerful entity, we’d picture that side to her, kind of elevating her above the usual human counterparts she’d stand beside, calling into question if she’s even human herself. But she’s later show to have simple joys and pleasures, so she’s not totally detached and above it all. This doesn’t quite equate to any particular character in Watership Down; you could try to make her on par with the Black Rabbit of Inlé, based on powers and ethereal-vibes, but Inlé is too tied with death to be a fair comparison for Rosalina.
Likewise, we have characters from Watership Down known for their stock personality types: Blackberry is the smart one, Strawberry is the big eater, and Hawkbit is the deadpan snarker. None of these particularly hit Mario characters due to their shifts in depictions. Sometimes the big eater is Bowser, sometimes it’s Luigi (yeah). Rosalina seems smart, but Yoshi and Toad have been depicted this way as well. Virtually any one of the Mario cast can fall into sarcasm and dry humor. It’s touch-and-go, but doesn’t give a solid match-up for anyone.
D) Finally, if the mentions above didn’t already make it obvious, then the issue falls to how the casts line up with first themselves, and then one another. The core cast for Mario’s main game franchise tends to fall upon Mario, Peach, Bowser, and typically Luigi to round up the rest, though sometimes he can be left out. Watership Down’s main group would likely be Hazel, Fiver, Bigwig, and General Woundwart. These are more or less the essential characters to have for there to be a story to tell for the franchises.
From there, have fun figuring out who matters and to what level. You can probably safely include higher profile picks for the major characters of each. Mario tends to favor Yoshi, some form of Toad, and generally a rotating female cast member, plus a sidekick villain or a few. Watership Down gets a way better story including the heroism from Hyzenthlay (or a female character that takes on her role for the story), and the undermining plots of whoever gets to be Woundwart’s second-in-command. That could form your secondary main characters.
But it just keeps going from there, and each character is weighted differently. Toad can be an individual and important, but also can get shafted for another more important Toad (Toadette, Toadsworth), or simply suffice as a species, not an individual. Should he be considered main or minor? Dandelion is usually lorekeeper alongside being the fastest, but both of these roles have been divided and distributed to other rabbits (Bluebell and Blackavar respectively), calling into question his prominence. Kehaar tends to always appear, but he can be written around pretty easily. Similarly, Bowser sometimes relies on the Koopalings, but they can also be missing for something close to a decade without the blink of an eye. Who matters, who doesn’t? It depends on the audience, and their interests.
Honestly, I even tried breaking it down for the characters on each level, and I had a list spanning past 20 characters on each side. And I wasn’t even including everyone, but just the characters that I felt were important. Trying to mix and match them was even worse, to the point where it really couldn’t be done on a really fitting level.
Going by canon interpretations for both, I think you’ve got, at best:
Mario = Hazel
Luigi = Fiver
Bowser = General Woundwart 
Peach = Hyzenthlay
Yoshi = Bigwig
That’s going by a core cast, with some additions to make sure the major-most of each group gets included. It’s not great either, for several reasons, since Bigwig and Yoshi do not have comparable personalities, but are both strong. Bowser’s also got redeeming qualities to him that actually earn him some sympathy points, whereas Woundwart…well, I think writers have tried, but he’s best as irredeemable and blatantly evil.
Personally, if I were to go maybe one extra level and include Daisy for main cast on the Mario side, I’d fit her to Bigwig, and instead equate Yoshi to Dandelion, as both of the latter two are known for speed, while the former two can be tough, but also caring as well. But I don’t feel that Dandelion and Daisy are as important to their franchises, whereas one could argue a little harder for Yoshi, and Bigwig is easily important to the story.
I even tried going on my fanfic interpretations (of at least the Mario characters) to see if that would line up better, but then that just screws up where the main villain connects. Because, that would instead look like:
Mario/Luigi = Hazel/Fiver
Bowser = Bigwig
Peach? = Hyzenthlay?
??? = General Woundwart
Because, based on how I’ve written them so far, Bowser’s even less of an evil force, and more motivated based on his heart and his people. This makes no one particularly equal to Woundwart. Conversely, Peach is a lot, well…she’s hardened. If one were to go by Hyzenthlay’s depiction in the Netflix miniseries, I’d wager that’s good enough. But this splits who Hyzenthlay is, so the character doesn’t quite feel whole. Oh, and Mario tends to be leader-like, but also has weird powers and visions going on, which helps Luigi step up into his role in his absence, so…they both have shades of Hazel and Fiver’s roles.
Furthermore, I get lost in my own biased interpretations of the fanfic I’m never writing for Watership Down, so that would make going down the rabbit hole a lot more terrifying. Well, for you reading this, anyway; I’d be thrilled to keep it going and gush about personalities in my head for the WD cast, lol.
So, that’s kind of how it goes in my mind. Yes, I’m positive there’s enough flexibility to go down each list and match up characters based on as much as possible for each side of them, or by ignoring some things. Mixing some canons together, you could get:
Mario = Hazel
Luigi = Fiver
Peach = Hyzenthlay
Daisy = Bigwig 
Bowser = General Woundwart
Kamek = Vervain/Orchis/Whoever the schemer to Woundwart is
Yoshi = Kehaar 
Toad = Pipkin/Bluebell
Toadette = Clover
Wario = Strawberry
Waluigi = Cowslip
Bowser Jr = Campion
Rosalina = Dandelion
Here, not only do these feel weirdly off when you look further into those characters, but it doesn’t really cover them properly, nor does it pick the best from the rosters of each. Yoshi’s kind of the foreign type to the core cast, so he connects well enough with Kehaar. This, however, chooses to ignore his famous speed that aligns him best with Dandelion, which instead relates his storytelling to Rosalina, because both tell stories, but that’s where their similarities end. We also choose to ignore Yoshi’s big appetite, which would connect best to Strawberry, putting the much less important Wario up to that role.
Similarly, this also confuses the interpretations on certain Watership Down characters based on how they’re depicted, and then sort of picks a Mario character that might connect. The easier one is Woundwart’s right hand scheming little twerp, which has been both Vervain and Orchis in the tv series and miniseries respectively. They work in a role similar to Kamek, a dutiful but terrified henchman.
It gets worse, though, when we hit something like Pipkin or Bluebell, as the latter was absent from the tv series, the former from the miniseries, and though both have some childish innocence to them, neither personality ends here for either. Toad, when he’s fleshed out as a standalone character, probably could be seen as innocent and childish, but I doubt he’s alone, and also has roles that elevate his mindset, which doesn’t quite make him on that same level.
Not to mention that some just don’t outright fit (Junior to Campion), but going that far along, that’s about all that works out well enough for characters that can be argued for their prominence.
Bottom line would be that, while I totally love both franchises and would like to put them on a equal level for comparisons, it doesn’t do either one justice.
All the same, thank you for the interest and the ask! It was fun thinking it over.
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hoseokutie · 6 years
Best Friends Baby 1
Hello everyone! After nearly a month, I am finally publishing the Namjoon series. I’m so so sorry about the long wait, but I thank everyone that was patient and waited for me to post this. You all are greatly appreciated! I hope that you enjoy this series!
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Words: 1.6K
Warnings: Minor swearing, fluff, Sassy Namjoon, smut in future parts.
A/N: Since this blog is mainly AMBW based, Y/N is a black woman.
“Alright so Chinese or Pizza for dinner?” Namjoon asked holding up two menus.
“I’m in the mood for sesame chicken, but I’m also in the mood for some cheesy bread. Let’s just do both. I’ll pay for one and you pay for the other.” You replied.
Today was Saturday, Saturday’s were specifically for you and Namjoon. Neither of you had to go to work or run any errands. Your house was the location of the hangout, more specifically, your living room.
“You have to put another chair right here so that the fort stays up and doesn’t fall like last weekend.” He pointed out.
“In my defense, I was on my period and my cramps were on a level 100. It’s not my fault.” You said.
“Yeah okay.” He mumbled.
You and Namjoon have been friends since sixth grade. You were both new to middle school and had almost every class together. Some call it fate, but you and Namjoon just think that it’s a coincidence.
“Alright the food will probably be here in 45 minutes, so what do you want to do until then?” He asked bending down to help you with the fort.
“We can talk. I feel like we haven’t had a heart to heart in a while, y’know. I miss you best friend.” You said sitting down on the carpet.
“I know, I miss you too. Work has been kicking my ass. Being an English teacher is only fun sometimes. Kids can be so mean.” He said and you shook your head.
“Don’t think of it like that. Kids aren’t always terrible.”
“This is coming from the girl that is literally a pediatric nurse. Your opinion is invalid.” Namjoon rebutted.
“I’m using your lap as a pillow, don’t say no, okay thanks.��� He said to you quickly, while sliding down into your lap.
“Thanks for giving me a choice, you’re lucky I like you.” You told him, running your fingers through his purple hair.
“Your hands are going to put me to sleep.” He mumbled while closing his eyes.
“Good. the quicker you sleep, then the more of your food that I can eat.” You joked and his eyes shot open quickly.
“You know what, I’m just going to stay awake until the food gets here. Entertain me.” He playfully demanded.
“Well there is one thing we can do, but it’s pretty intense, and it involves a lot of movement. Are you prepared for that?” You asked him in a sultry voice.
Namjoon sat up slowly and looked at you while moving closer to your face.
“Are you talking about what I think you’re talking about babe?” He asked.
You bit your lip and nodded your head. He slowly moved his hand over your thigh and down your back, then towards your butt.
“Mario Kart!” You both exclaimed, giving each other high fives.
Believe it or not, but this was actually normal for you and Namjoon. You both have always been flirty with one another, most people even thought that you two were dating, that’s how close you guys are.
“I call using the nunchuck!” You said reaching for it.
“No fair, you got to use it the last time we played. It’s my turn!” He grabbed the nunchuck as well.
“Well you should have called dibs on it.” You pulled it towards you.
“Everytime I try to your loud ass has already said something.” He argued pulling the controller towards him.
“Oh so I’m loud now?” You asked pretending to be offended.
“I don’t know, you tell me.” He said in a flirtatious voice.
You frowned at his words and let go of the device.
“Take it, nasty ass.” You mumbled the last part and turned the game on.
“Oh come on, you love the weird stuff I say.” He said.
“Yeah keep telling yourself that Joonie.” You looked over at him and smiled.
You both chose your characters and the vehicles you wanted. You decided to go for your regular choice, Princess Daisy, and her orange bike to complete the set. Namjoon on the other hand decided to change everything, he’s convinced himself that changing the characters everytime helps improve his chances of winning. He’s wrong. Every time.
“There you go, being basic again.” He said.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head, leaning back against the couch in order to get comfortable.
“This is coming from the man who chooses something different each and every time, but still manages to lose each time.” You shot back.
“You don’t have to be so mean to me.” He mumbled sadly.
“Don’t dish it if you can’t take it.” You stuck your tongue out at him.
The game started and your competitive side jumped out. When it came to gaming your whole attitude changed completely. It didn’t matter who you were playing with, anybody that even dared to be your opponent was asking to feel your wrath.
“Would you look at that, I’m catching up to you. Am I finally going to be the one that knocks you off your winning streak?” Namjoon was trying to mess with you as he often does.
“Sweetie it’s only the second lap. Don’t try and test me Namjoon.” You rebutted, hitting Luigi with a red shell now putting yourself in first place.
“Asshole” He mumbled while continuing to play the game.
“Final lap!” You exclaimed sitting up on your knees, moving closer to the tv.
“Move your big ass head!” He stood up and attempted to push you out of the way, but you stayed planted on the ground.
You were close to the finish line, but Namjoon was right on your back, literally and figuratively.
You could practically see the finish line from your position in first place, when the doorbell rang.
“The food!” You and Namjoon both announced still not taking your eyes off of the game.
“Get the door, it’s your credit card!” You demanded still playing the game.
“No way, that could be the pizza. You’re paying for that one!” He argued.
“Who is it?!” You yelled.
“Chinese Food!” The delivery man responded.
“Fuck!” Namjoon cursed.
“HA! I WIN!” You cheered, standing up and throwing the remote control on the couch nearby.
“You cheated.” He said sadly, walking over to the front door with a tip in his hand.
“No, you just suck.” You said playfully, you turned off the television and clicked on the Netflix icon on your television.
“Hey cheater, your bread sticks are here.” Namjoon said to you.
“Thanks sore loser, grab the sodas from the fridge.” You walked to the front door and smiled at the delivery girl.
“Your total is $10.76.” She said, you handed her the exact change as well as a tip.
“I’m taking the fruit punch soda!” Namjoon yelled as he walked into the living room.
“No you’re not!” You shouted back, handing the girl the receipt.
“Too late!”
You rolled your eyes and sighed, taking your hot food from her.
“You and your boyfriend are adorable.” She said.
You laughed and shook your head at her before looking back at Namjoon.
“He’s not my boyfriend, he’s like my best friend. Or my annoying older brother even.”
“What is taking you so long?” He asked walking up to the front door and taking the food for you.
“I’m making conversation with the delivery girl, she thought you were my boyfriend. Isn’t that funny?” You asked.
Namjoon looked down at you and pouted before wrapping one of his arms around your shoulder.
“Why is that funny, we’ve been dating for almost three years now. We’re even getting married in two months. Are you not wearing your ring?” He asked picking up your hand and looking for a ring that’s not actually there.
You looked at him in shock and hit his chest quickly pushing him away gently.
“Please don’t believe him! He’s crazy and doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” You told the delivery girl and she laughed.
“You two are the cutest, I hope the wedding goes well.” She waved at you both and walked back to her car.
Namjoon closed the door and looked down at you with a derpy smile on his face while poking yours with his pointer finger.
“What in the hell is wrong with you Namjoon!?” You asked hitting his arm again before walking over to the couch.
“I just like it when you get angry. You’re super cute.” He poked your nose amd you swatted at his hands.
“Stop being so weird!” You grabbed a paper plate and began to pile food onto it.
“I have been waiting all day for this.” You said. Handing Namjoon the container of rice.
“Did you eat today?” He asked , scooping some sesame chicken onto his plate.
“No I didn’t. I got in super late from work, so the first thing I wanted to do was sleep.” You explained to him.
“Y/N! I told you to stop doing that. I know that you don’t have much time, but at least have like a yogurt or something. I buy them for you, because you say that you like them.” He told you.
You smiled as you ate your food, it felt nice to have Namjoon worry about you like this. He was always the cutest when he was concerned, and you loved it.
“Alright Joonie, I’m sorry. I will make sure that no matter how sleepy I am, I will at least have a yogurt cup or something. Okay?” You looked over at him and held out your pinky finger.
He looped his pinky around yours and kissed your fingers.
“This promise can no longer be broken, now let’s eat."
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one-last-puku · 5 years
Anyone else grow up with that one bossy best friend you spent all your time with and she always chose all the female characters to 'be' and you were forced to always identify with male characters?
Speaking of representation, I guess... I always grew up identifying with characters I was most like personality wise over gender or race, etc.
One thing that comes to mind, when I was growing up I had such a friend, Shrek just came out and we all went to the movies with her family. Her and her little sister were arguing, "I'm Fiona!" "No! I'm Fiona!" And here I was "I'll be donkey then."
I was also that kid at recess who, while the other girls were arguing over who would be mommy or daughter, I always volunteered to be the dog.
Thinking on that too, we always played super Mario 1-3 on the NES a ton, and while she did claim Peach, she was also always Mario, player 1. XD and I was like "Fine, I like Luge more anyway!" Because we pronounced Luigi, Luge for some reason. I just grew up always identifying with the buttmonkies.
We also played a lot of Soul Calibur II for Gamecube. She always claimed the WHOLE female cast. Talim was her favorite, but she also liked Xianghua and Sophitia. My favorites were Yoshimitsu and Mitsurugi. I had another friend who favored Ivy, but she was... another story.
Same with Smash Brothers Melee, this was just to be expected for us. Her mains were Zelda and Peach. Mine were, no surprise, Jigglypuff and Marth.
It's just, I got used to her claiming all the females, and I always chose the buttmonkeys, the funny character, or the nerdy guy.
As another note, I have this weird specific memory I remember having at age 3, I was still living with a family aunt and uncle. I thought to myself, "I'm going to grow up to be a man." Now, obviously I'm not a man, but sometimes I have the spirit of a shounen boy. Or an old man. I'm just a weird person.
Edit: random note, when I was growing up, for the longest time I named my male farmer in Harvest Moon, Tekken because I really liked playing that game with my preschool-1st grade best friend. He owned the game, I never did, but I really liked it. I gotta remember who I played. I think it was King. My mom always thought he'd be gay because he liked "girl" toys and sailor moon. But we said we'd get married when we were kids. Haha, but he moved to Hawaii one day and I never saw him again. I kinda miss every best friend I've ever had...
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