#my brother told me this is how he knew im gay before i came out
gildedmothroot · 2 years
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this is winston, a character of mine in blackthorne, sweetbrier :) winston knows all things at all times, but because he is a cat, no one knows to listen. winston appears on every. single. object. i come in contact with. paperwork? definitely, multiple winstons for these. any whiteboard? with permission, of course. things that need to be identified as mine (water bottles, lab equipment, etc) absofuckinlutely.
winston is my only love
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coolprettyleo · 7 months
know its for the better - begin again au ☆
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wc: 1.8k
tw: drinking. angst. family angst. kinda fluff. slut shaming. I think I got them all
ryan leonard x hughes sister au
ryan and frankie walked down one of the busiest streets in boston; frankie hoping to find inspiration and ryan trying the make sure she doesn't kill her self doing so.
he couldn't understand why she was so reckless with her life? she was very loved and important to so many people. i mean he knew he loved her when he first met her. why couldn't she see how amazing she was?
"I have my fake with me, plus the bouncer adores me so i think i can so get you in" she says acting annoyed but secretly happy. even though she wanted to act like ryan coming along with her was a drag, it wasn't. she liked having him here. it made her feel seen.
"frankie, i still dont think this is the way to solve things" he says to her as they get in line to go into frankies favorite bar.
"not everything has to be solved it just has to be dealt with, and this is how im dealing with it" she said with an eye roll.
ryan opened his mouth to say something but stopped when her phone when off. he sees her screen light up with a Group FaceTime call; her brothers. but to his surprise she declines?
"spam call" she waves him off after she sees ryan eye her skeptically.
"you didn't tell them yet?" he said after a moment.
ryan knew her too well.
"nope" she says popping the 'p'. "and I dont plan on it anytime soon" she adds.
"so you just plan to lie to them for the rest of your life?"
"its not lying, its avoiding. I dont lie" she said not looking at him.
"I think you’re scared to tell them because you know once you tell them. It’ll be real" he says looking at her with a challenging look.
"ryan. this is real life right now, your not dreaming" she says sarcastically, wiggling her fingers in his face.
she was so cute. even if she was being a pain in the ass.
they got to the front of the line, where the bouncer was and frankie was quick to whisper something into the bouncers ear. the bouncer eyes running up and down ryan, before ultimately deciding to lift the rope and letting them through.
"I dont think I want to know what you told him" he said to her as she pulled him by his shirt collar. something that he found to drive him crazy.
"dont be dirty, I just told him you were my gay friend. so dont get with any girls tonight please. he'll know im lying"
your the only girl I want.
"im here to watch you, not to get with girls and party" he says seriously as she orders them drinks.
"no. if im going to let you follow me around like a puppy tonight your going to party with me mr. leonard." she says handing him the drink throwing him these eyes. eyes that have gotten her everything she's ever wanted. those eyes. eyes that made ryan want to complete every wish she's ever wished.
"if I take this shot with you, you have to listen to me, tonight. I know you like to run away. so dont"
"okay! yay!" she says as she pinky promises him.
frankies hallway filled with giggles as ryan said another dad joke. she kept her promise and didn’t run away. it was one a.m. and it had honestly been the earliest she came back from a night out. and to her surprise she was only tipsy. ryan had actually kept her good company all night.
"did you hear the rumor about butter" he says while leaning against the wall as she looks for her keys in her purse.
"ryan shutup please" she said laughing.
"okay. I wouldn't want to spread it anyways!"
"oh god" she said as she looked at him with so much adoration. she didn’t realize how much she needed someone to care and to show they cared. the way ryan did.
“thank you ryan” she said seriously. and a thought couldn’t help but bloom over her mood as she realized what was most likely going to happen.
“anytime pretty” he said as starred into the eyes that make him want to do flips off rooftops.
“I know drew is your teammate and everything, but like please dont be a stranger”
“im sorry?” ryan was confused to what she was trying to say.
is she drunk?
“like im saying since i won’t be around as much anymore and you guys are probably going to wanna be respectful to drew and stuff, just dont be a stranger. so please if you, will, and gabe ever see me just dont be afraid to talk to me. i’ll always be nice.”
ryan couldn’t belive his ears. she thought they were all just going to stop talking to her?
“franks. just because my teammate is an asshole doesn’t mean we dont care about you. you are a person who is easy to love and unbelievably smart. and im sorry drew couldn’t see that. you dont deserve that at all” he said looking into her eyes as Frankie’s eyes couldn’t help but water.
this was the nicest thing a guy has ever told her.
“you really think so” she whispered just realizing how close they were standing next to one another. he smelt like what frankie would call a comfort smell. and as she looked at him she just wanted to trace every one of his freckles while he told her everything that’s ever happened to him.
“I do” he said. luckily for ryan. this wouldn’t be the only time in years to come he would say this to frankie. they both leaned in as frankie stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. a kiss that made her stomach do flips. a kiss that made his stomach do flips.
ryan couldn’t help but wrap his arms around her waist as she wrapped her arms around her shoulders and bring him closer. the kiss felt like they’ve searched for one another their whole lives. it felt right. time stood still.
ryan pulled away first as he realized they were both tipsy and she was probably more tipsy then him. the insecurity of she was going to act like nothing happened tomorrow creeped up on him.
“what’s wrong” she said with a hand on his cheek. her heart dropping when he pulled away.
“im sorry, i shouldn’t. we shouldn’t. we’ll talk tomorrow, go inside frankie” he said stepping away from her.
“did I do something?” she said feeling her heart drop.
“no- its just- i don’t want you to wake up tmrw and regret this, i want it to actually mean something and I dont want to be just another guy to add to your roster” he says not knowing that made frankie feel like shit.
I mean she knows herself she's the type of person to have a good time. but the fact he just thought she was going to play him? is that what drew thought when she was getting with him.
maybe thats the reason he never opened up to me
“dont worry your far from it now ryan!. have a good life” she said opening her door.
“frankie i didn’t mean it like that-“
he couldn’t even explain himself because the door had already slammed in his face.
frankie didn’t know why ryan saying that hurt her so much but it did. he basically just called her a whore in her mind and she wanted to run into her room and scream into pillow. but of course her life never went her way.
standing inside were two out of her three brothers looking like they wanted to strangle her.
“where the hell have you been” luke yelled. as jack got off the phone with whoever he was talking to. mumbling something about how frankie just walked in.
frankie was actually speechless. she never thought her brothers would make the trip to boston to see why the hell she was ignoring them.
“out of all the irresponsible things you’ve done in your life , this has to be the worst. mom was so close to calling the cops. she’s on her way with dad. we thought you were dead!” jack scolds her as she takes off her coat.
"thats a little dramatic"
"no! it isn't. we gave you space but then imagine our surprise when your coach calls and says you quit!" luke counters back. "if your having a manic episode or whatever they call it, tell us. we'll help you" Luke adds in a gentler tone.
frankie wanted to do nothing but run away as she just starred at them. the fear she had been running away since she quit was standing in her living room and they were standing their angry.
"does mom and dad know" she said after a long silence.
"yes. we all have. we've been waiting for you to own up to it and tell us though" jack answered.
"is everyone mad at me" she said as her eyes filled up with tears.
"im mad that you've had us worried sick. I mean I had to resort to asking rutger and gavin to ask their world jrs teammates if they've seen my own sister" Luke said with a scolding look. one that looked scarily similar to her mothers.
"dont listen to him, I dont know why you were s scared to just tell us. its not going to change anything between us" jack said as he walked over to his little sister and gave her a hug.
frankie didn't like hugs. she felt so awkward with them but in that moment she wanted nothing but to sob into her older brothers arms like she once did when the other girls at school were making fun of her because she played hockey and didn't do dance or cheer like the rest of them. she needed her family.
"cmon Luke" she said opening her arm out to her brother who stood of to the side. Luke accepting because he could never stay mad at his little sister.
"just dont ever do this again. if you want attention go find yourself a lover or something" Luke said laughing as they pulled away.
"hey! none of that" jack said not thinking anyone was ever going to be good enough for his sister.
"dont worry jack, I need a break from boys" she said with a sigh as she remembered what happened with ryan about ten minutes ago.
"dont talk to us about your boy problems thats why you have Quinn" jack said gagging.
"quinn also wants you to call him" jack said as he started walking to her guest bedroom.
"you good?" Luke said as he started settling into her couch and noticed her sister looked as if her mind was far else where.
how do I tell him I ruined my reputation. everyone thinks im a slut.
"I dont know"
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malarkgirlypop · 5 months
Love BoB and love your works! If you feel so inclined to help me…I would love a fix it fic where the reader somehow gets Muck out of the foxhole before they get hit in Bastogne. I just want to feel ok again. Just did my rewatch of Breaking Point 😔
I just want to feel ok again (Skip Muck x F!Reader)
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So lovely @i-guess-im-hecking-gay came up with this amazing idea of a "fix it fic". And you know what I actually do feel better after writing this. So I hope you all enjoy not being sad.
Based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters.
if anyone wants to be tagged in my work please let me know.
“Will you scoot over!” I pushed back against Skip who had fallen asleep half on top of me. 
“Skip!” I said in a hushed yell. I was supposed to be watching the line but that was hard when my body was being dragged back down into the hole by his dead weight. 
“Huh? What?” Skip yawned sleepily stretching his arms over his head. 
“Warren Muck if you don’t get your ass off me in two seconds, I will knock you over the head with my gun.” I whispered angrily at the man. 
“Aw Y/N I love it when you get all mad.” Skip teased poking me in my sides. 
“Would you quit it!” I slapped his hand away trying my best to focus on my task at hand. How I had ended up on the other side of the world sitting in a foxhole in the freezing winter, I had no idea. 
Skip and I had known each other forever. Two peas in a pod our mothers used to say, but I thought it was more, I was stuck in the pod with the most annoying pea in the world.
When Skip told me he had signed up I had marched right over there after him and done the same. See I was the stronger out of the two of us and I couldn’t let my friend get beaten up without me. 
Luckily enough we were sectioned in the same Company, I had written a strongly worded letter about how much of an asset I would be to the team. I think they had let me join as a joke, not taking me very seriously. But I proved them wrong nonetheless. 
So now here I was being half squished by my idiot friend in the middle of freezing cold woods on a standoff with the Germans.
“Stop fighting!” I was tackled from the other side as Penkala dove into the hole. 
“Alex!” I cried trying to get out of the dog pile the men had squashed me into. 
“I am trying to hold the line would you fuckers piss off!” I huffed in annoyance trying to keep my eyes on the misty scene before me. Not like I could see much anyway, the snow and mist hung so low I could barely see the ground 5 paces ahead of me.    
“Alex come on, the girl has a serious job to do.” Skip teased trying to get his cold fingers under my scarf where I was somewhat warm. 
“Yeah, she’s big and scary and going to kill a bunch of Germans.” Penkala tried the same move from the other side. I tightly scrunched my shoulders up to my ears to try and prevent the menaces from getting to my ticklish neck. 
“You are the worst holemates in the world! Where’s Luz and Malarkey when I need them?” I fended off the two idiots who tried their best to tickle me to death. 
There were plenty of times where I thought I was going to die in this war, and I’m ashamed to say one of them was when Skip and Alex had pinned me down and tickled me so hard I thought I was going to suffocate.
For however annoying the pair were together I loved them deeply. Penkala reminded both Skip and I of our younger brothers, easy to tease and get into mischief with. And Skip, well Skip was the only person I could truly bare my soul too. 
We had been through it all, thick and thin, good and bad. All. Most of my early memories were with him, his bright smile and hearty laugh. 
He was everything good in the world. He brought joy to so many, he made an impact on people, made friends so easily, everyone back home knew his name and had a story or two to share about him. 
Skip was kind and thoughtful. He never made anyone feel left out, the best guy. I was glad he chose me to be his person. 
“Need saving?” Luz asked from a squat outside the foxhole. 
“I do!” I reached out for his grasp. 
Luz chuckled, taking my hand and dragging me from the hole. The pair whined and groaned as I slipped out from between them. 
“You’re on watch now, behave!” I pointed at the pair of them like a school teacher reprimanding  her class. 
I headed to the back of the line with Luz. We arrived just in time as lunch was served to the soldiers taking their breaks at that time. 
We ate quickly and in silence, too hungry to talk. I sighed leaning back against the tree we had perched in front of. 
“I miss my mother’s cooking.” I said in a melancholy tone. Imagining the flavourful dishes my mother whipped up for us. 
“Same. This just doesn’t hit the spot.” Luz nodded, pushing away his empty plate. 
“Hey, stop complaining about the food! If you don’t want it, don't eat it.” Joey the chef complained. 
“Joey, we aren't complaining. Just wanting things we can’t have. Like a bed. God I miss my bed.” I groaned, I tried to not think about things from home, made me more sad and miserable than I already was. 
“I miss heaters.” Luz sighed. I nodded in agreement. 
“Baths.” I whined, the thought of sinking my cold bones into the hot water made me want to cry. 
“Oh stop, Y/N, you'll make me weep.” Luz covered my mouth, but his eyes crinkled at the sides. 
“Let’s head back. Those men probably have gotten themselves killed, their a liability together. 
“Tell me about it!” I laughed, getting to my feet and hauling George up, so we could make our way back to the front.
My teeth chattered together so hard I was sure the Germans could hear the clacking from across the field.
“I don’t think my toes are still attached.” Penkala shivered next to me.
“Is my nose still there?” Skip asked, patting around his face trying to find his bright pink nose.
“Yes your nose is on your face, don't worry you can’t miss it.” I laughed as he jabbed me in the side. 
“Oh you think you’re so funny?” Skip sneered teasingly. 
“I do! I am! Aren’t I Alex?” I looked over to Penk with raised eyebrows egging him on to agree with me. 
“No! I’m not getting in between a lovers quarrel.” Alex held his hands up in surrender. 
“Oh!” I groaned.
“Alex!” Skip scolded the man elbowing him in the ribs. “How many times do we have to tell you, we aren’t lovers!” 
“Sure, sure. You say that everytime, but I have a sense for these things ok!” We rolled our eyes at the man.
Penk always went on that he was a love guru and could tell when people were made for each other. 
I mean when he first met us he assumed we were married, even though we told him numerous times that we weren’t. 
“I have a gift and you will thank me for it later.” Alex declared adamantly.
The Germans didn’t hold back on their onslaught of artillery. The amount of bombs they dropped onto our line was horrific. Countless men were dead and many more injured. 
I watched as they carted away Toye and Bill, their legs mangled and hardly attached as they passed me by. 
“This is hell.” I muttered to myself as Skip, Penk and I walked back to the foxholes to clean up the debris from all of the shellings. It was time to dig in again, make more covering for our holes.
“It will be over soon. They are talking about having an attack on Foy sometime soon. Then we will be outta here!” Skip wrapped his arm around my shoulders giving me a gentle squeeze. 
I sighed leaning into his embrace, it seemed to be one of the only things that brought me comfort. That he was here with me and that we had each other. 
Night fell quickly, but somehow the men still had high spirits, even after all we had seen. I guess it wasn’t good to dwell on the bad when we knew there could be even more coming. 
We huddled in a small circle as Luz told us stories from the previous bombing. 
“You fellas know I got no reason to bullshit you, right?” Luz says, as we chuckled. 
“Yeah, right.” Skip says sarcastically. 
“Look, I’m not gonna bullshit you. This is what I saw. It was so unbelievable, you might not believe me. So you-know-who comes running up to Lipton. He’s got no helmet, no gear, no nothing.” Luz tells us. “Ah, 1st Sergeant Lipton, you organise things here, and I’m gonna go for…help.” Luz mimics Dike’s voice. “I need to go polish my oak leaf clusters.” The men and I burst into fits of laughter. I shook my head wiping the tears from my eyes. 
“No way that is real!” I was shocked.
“All true, I swear on my life.” Luz put his hand over his heart and lifted the other into the air.   
I heard someone clearing their throat, we all straightened as we looked behind George to find Lip. 
We all suppressed our laughter, biting our lips and clearing our throats, pretending we hadn’t been up to no good. 
We all knew that Lip doesn’t like us to bad mouth Dike, he says it brings down morale and it’s not helpful. It’s true but you gotta rant sometimes especially about Dike. I grin at the man as he gets called away by Lip. 
“Alright fellas.” Luz looks sheepish as he turns to go talk to Lip. 
“Goodnight, goodnight all.” Don says as he makes his way back to the foxhole.
“Night!” I called to Don waving as he walked away. 
“Alright roomies!” I gathered the two men under my arms as we made our way back to the hole. 
“Penk do you think you could try to not snore tonight?” I asked cheekily, earning a side-eye from Alex. 
“How about you don’t fart.” He retorted. I gasped in shock.
“I do not!” I defended myself against the false accusations. 
“Do too!” Alex poked out his tongue at me. 
“Oh my god, you two need to be separated.” Skip said wrangling free from my grasp and pushing in between Penk and I. 
I stumbled forward, looking down at my worn out boots I noticed the issue. The laces of my boot were untied. I bent down out of Skip’s hold, the pair paused noticing I wasn’t with them. 
“You guys go ahead, I won’t be long.” I shooed them away. 
Normally tying laces was an easy task, but in sub zero degrees with frozen fingers it took a little longer than normal. 
I cursed, pulling my gloves from my hands, the night air had a stinging bite. I tried to rub some warmth back into my freezing digits but it was no use. I fumbled with the laces trying to get my fine motor skills to work in the chilling temperatures. I finally got the bunny into the hole and pulled them tight. I paused as a sound pierced the quiet. A sound that sent shivers up my spine. 
I didn’t even get time to lift my head to gauge where the sound was coming from exactly before the first shell hit the ground with an almighty boom.
The shaking of the ground was constant as more explosives ripped the trees apart around me. 
The dark night was now brought to life with bright bursts of light. 
“Shit!” I hollered, trying to get to my feet. I need to be in a foxhole not crouching out in the open. 
I got to my feet, trying my best to stay on them as I sprinted back towards the foxhole and I was sharing with the boys. 
I could see them in front of me, they hadn’t made it to the hole either. Why were they not in it yet?
“Y/N get moving, come on!” Skip screamed at me, ushering me to move faster. 
The men were faster than me, I could barely stay on my feet. I crashed to the ground again, cursing wildly under my breath. 
I looked up, from deep in the pitch black sky I could see a shimmer. A black glossy object descended quickly. 
It was only a split second of glancing its trajectory, but it seemed like it was heading straight for our hole. 
The hole the Alex and Skip were both b-linging for.   
“Stop! Wait! Guys!” I screamed, getting to my feet as quickly as possible.  
But the pair didn’t turn to look at me, my voice probably couldn’t be heard over all of the explosions and the ringing in our ears. 
I dashed towards them both, Skip more ahead than Penk. 
Time seemed to still. All I could hear was the blood rushing in my veins and the ragged breaths that left my mouth. I was so close to them, but so far at the same time. I dug my heels in, willing my body to go faster, to work harder.    
I finally reached Alex, I harshley shoved the man off to the side. He flew through the air landing on the hard ground. Penk seemed to be confused but I couldn’t stop in my crusade. 
Skip had reached the hole. 
“WARREN!” I screeched, the man paused before he jumped into safety. Turning to look at me.
I flung my body towards him, hands outstretched. I collided into Skip, knocking him off balance. The force of my tackle pushed up both off to the side, landing adjacent to the foxhole. 
It was barely a second before said hole was hit. A blinding light blasted us as we clung to each other, we could feel the hot explosion on our skin and hear the sizzling of our exposed skin. 
The bombing continued on, but we couldn’t collect ourselves enough to move. So we held each other tightly begging for the rain of shells to end. 
“Holy fuck!” I heard from above us, some of the soldiers stood around gawking. I leaned back, my eyes quickly glancing over Skip. He appeared to be all intact and alive. 
“Are you guys alright?” Luz asked, pulling us apart. We nodded both in shock. 
My eyes darted around, I sighed in relief, there still lying in the snow was Alex. 
“Y/N you saved my life!” Skip said, pulling my attention back to him. 
“Yeah.” I nodded. 
“What do you mean, ‘yeah’? You risked your life to save me.” Skip stared at me in awe. 
“Of course I would. I love you. You would do the exact same thing for me.” I said as if it was a simple chore. 
“I love you, Y/N, so much.” Skip moved towards me, embracing me in his arms. Skip pulled back and before I could say anything else he pressed his lips sweetly to mine. A kiss that was filled with so much love it made me melt even in the freezing cold.  
“And that boys is how I saved your Father.” I smiled at the two small children who sat in front of me wide eyed.   
“Mum, tell it again!” They begged. 
“No, it is time for sleep.” I bent down kissing their heads and tucking them up tightly into bed. 
“Please Mumma!” The youngest asked sweetly. Before I could shake my head no, the other joined in. 
“Yeah Mum. One more time. Please!” He sprung out of bed, and flew towards me. Landing in a heap on his younger brother’s bed. 
“Are you two behaving for your Mother?” Skip voice entered the room. 
“Daddy!” They cried in unison, both jumping up to rush to their father. 
“Warren! I was trying to get them to sleep.” I scolded him, but the grin on my lips didn’t play into the facade. 
“What story did she tell tonight boys?” Skip asked the pair. 
“How she saved your’s and Uncle Penk’s lives.” The older child grinned up at his father. 
“Oh yes your Mother loves to tell that story.” I rolled my eyes at my smiling husband.
“Should she tell it one more time?” He asked the children. 
They agreed enthusiastically, scurrying back over to their beds and sliding in under the covers. 
“One more time and then bed.” I reminded them. Skip climbed in beside the youngest, while I laid with Elmer. He rested his head on my chest and I started the story again from the beginning. 
“Will you scoot over!”
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Went out to local comedy last night. It was my first time at one of the pub nights since mid-February. I was going fairly regularly for a while before then, but I got so busy with work, and I’m tired all the time. But this was fun. It’s a gay bar in a basement that hosts an open night every Monday, and the audience is at least 70% comedians so it’s a terrible room to perform in but quite fun to watch. 7 or 8 comedians do 6 minutes each, unless they don’t notice the light in which case they do like 10 and no one cares, a feature might do longer and might not, someone will MC, much of the time the comedians working behind the bar will at some point do a set and then go back behind the bar. It’s a good time.
I got there and felt vaguely awkward because everyone else there knew each other and I sat at a table by myself, which shouldn’t be a weird thing to do at a comedy show (actually I’m vaguely aware that some people feel awkward going to the movies or to a restaurant or something by themselves, I’ve never felt remotely awkward about that, I just felt awkward in this instance because the rest of the bar consisted entirely of comedians who knew each other so I felt slightly like I was crashing a party, even though I was in fact attending an event that was open to the public). One comic came up and chatted briefly with me, who was on the bill with me the last time I performed months ago, and she was nice. I assumed no one else would remember me as it had been a while and I’ve never done that much and even when I was going to comedy most weeks I am too socially anxious to speak to people.
Then the show started, and about five minutes into the first section the host turned to me, addressed me as “[My brother’s name]’s sister” (as my brother is an actual comedian whom they all know well), and asked me a question about Hitler. I gave him an answer that he couldn’t do much with, partly because I wanted his edgelord-y Hitler-based riff to run out of steam so he’d stop it, and partly because I couldn’t think of anything more amusing to say.
This was annoying to me because it broke what I thought was a pretty good streak of not getting talked to by comedians. I quite like sitting in the front at comedy shows, it makes for a more immersive sensory experience, and I frequently have people ask me why I do this when I should be worried that they’ll talk to me. I always reply that this isn’t a concern, I don’t look interesting enough for any comedian to pick on. And I backed that up for ages, sitting in the front whenever I could and I never had to participate in crowd work. But last night, I actually sat relatively near the back (but in a fairly open pub that was not full, so it wasn’t hard to see me), and still got addressed.
They did a break halfway through, and I went up to the bar to get some more water (my goal that I set at the beginning of this year to stop drinking alcohol is… I mean obviously it’s not going perfectly, if it were I’d still be making posts all the time about how miserable it is to live without alcohol like I was in early 2024, but it’s not going that badly, I am drinking significantly less than I have in any year between 2009 and 2023, and I’m certainly not drinking on a work night), and the host was standing there, and he said hi to me, which surprised me because he’d never spoken to me before outside of that moment while he was performing. I didn’t even realize he knew my name, until he addressed me by my name while we were standing at the bar, establishing that he does not only know me as “[My brother’s name]’s sister” as he called me on stage.
So I said hi, and then for some reason, I was feeling too socially anxious to think straight about this, I told him that I have a streak going about never getting talked to in crowd work, and now I’ve broken it because someone had to ask me about Hitler, and what a stupid way to break it. And I meant for that to come off as sort of jokey, but he didn’t laugh, and then I immediately realized this was probably a weird thing to say to someone I do not know personally at all, like that’s a joke you make with a friend, but with a stranger it probably just sounded like I was talking shit about act. When in fact, I did think his edgelord schtick was annoying (I’ve heard that guy make jokes that I like before, including a few last night, but that one was pretty hack, going for a laugh just because he’s willing to mention Hitler), but I didn’t mean to tell him that. I just thought I’d try speaking to a comedian, since apparently some of them do remember my name.
So that was awkward. In the second half, three different comedians addressed me from the stage as “[My brother’s name]’s sister”, though two of them also used my actual name later in the interaction, suggesting that the awkwardness I’d felt before the show started, about feeling like I’d crashed a party that was just for people who knew each other but I don’t know these people so shouldn’t be allowed here, may have been unwarranted. Apparently they all remember me. And because of that, I got to participate in some absolutely sparkling crowd work. For example, one guy asked me if I play baseball. Someone else in the crowd (one of the few non-comedians there, a drunk heckling woman) yelled at him that he was being stereotypical, I guess for assuming I must play baseball just because I’m a lesbian, even though if that was her logic, then she was also stereotyping me by assuming I was a lesbian because of my appearance (it’s an accurate assumption). He clarified that he wasn’t stereotyping, he just thought he saw me playing baseball once and wanted to know if it was me, and anyway that’s not even the lesbian stereotype, it’s not like he said softball. He then argued with the heckling woman for a while before giving me the chance to say I have never played baseball in my life. Another guy later started listing the types of lesbians in this gay bar, and identified me as “[My brother’s name]’s sister, the trucker lesbian”, presumably because I was wearing a hat. Again, absolutely sparkling crowd work. I spent most of it distracted by worrying about just how socially awkward I had been while trying to interact with that guy during the break.
Some of the jokes were good. Lots of them weren’t but it was supposed to be new material so it was fine. The host won my respect back by really over-committing to a bit that was no working at all and keeping at it every single time he went up, I can respect that. The headliner was actually good. There were a lot of gay jokes and references to pride month.
It’s about a half-hour walk or a 10-minute bus ride back to my place from there, I walked there and was going to get transit home, but once I got outside I decided to just walk. Walked home at midnight, on a clear night and the one time of day when it was finally cool enough to not get miserably hot from being outside, I played music through my headphones, it was really nice. It reminded me of when I used to coach regularly, and we’d go to the pub after practice and then I’d put my music and while walking home in the middle of the night, and I’d feel like I was part of something and doing something with my life. Not that I thought at the time, “I’m part of something and doing something with my life.” But just that after COVID hit and I stopped coaching, I stopped being part of anything or doing anything with my life, and now I remember it that way. That feeling of being sort of wired and appreciating the beauty of the city I know so well when it’s quiet and empty and dark. I do actually love this city.
It's a totally artificial feeling, induced entirely by the feeling of a light breeze on one's face in the city centre at night, as attending a pub comedy night doesn’t actually make me part of anything. But it might count as doing something with my life, sort of. It’s leaving the house for reasons besides work or errands. I don’t do enough of that, and I forget that it does sort of make a person feel alive. I keep putting that off because my job is so tiring, but I've done more of it than usual in the last few days, and I'm thinking I might start adopting the motto of "Do it tired" for a while. I am still feeling self-conscious about how awkward that interaction was. But I guess that's the price one pays for doing things.
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God is real and he told my grandma i was gay
My friend tries coming out to her dad and it doesnt go well
She comes to me for advice and disappointedly i have none
The experience of coming out to parents is not one i know
I have never had the displeasure of sitting parents down and telling them any secrets ive had tucked away in my pocket. 
Ive often joked that if i knew coming out
Would kill my dad
Give my mom the last big shock of her life 
I would. 
Only then would i say anything. 
But i dont know that. 
What i do know is that it is easy to come out to family that doesnt exist
Telling my cat im gay is easy
Telling my brother who came out first is easy
Telling my grandma who replies that she already knew was easy
And i knew it would be 
When i was 9 my grandma sat me down
Told me school came before boys
Education over everything 
A degree put power into my hands 
I would never rely on a man like she did
And i nodded, bright eyed and happy
Unaware that i didnt need to be told to not love men
When i was 12 my grandma was unloading dishes while i put them away
She told me to never rely on a man and then her voice hitched 
And she added “or woman” 
And spoons and forks clattered out of my hands onto the floor. 
She helped me pick them up and said nothing else to me that night. 
The next week she told me to find a good girl. 
That girls could still be bad to me. 
I asked her what she meant and she said:
That god told her i was gay. 
And if that means god is real i guess i believe
Because how did he know before i did?
But why would he take my one coming out from me?
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vthetease · 1 year
One that was a beautiful poem, and two sorry for your loss
Thank you! I'll take a moment to talk about a topic I'm super passionate about which is suicide prevention and mental health awareness so this is warning it's gonna get really sad
This song always makes me think of his as he was such a gifted piano player and so graceful like the song but the dissonance slowly breaks your heart
Luke was one of the most most gentle, considerate, and talented individuals I've ever had the pleasure of sharing space with. He was brilliantly smart and played piano, cello, keyboard, and clarinet. We talked often in our classes together and back stages making jokes when waited for shows to start, and bring raised religiously, he had lots of questions about the real world and my exposure to it.
Our sophomore year, on a vacation to Nashville, Luke was harassed by several boys our year for taking photos at the pool. While I don't condone taking photographs of unaware people, it should be known that same year our varsity quarterback was expelled for actually taking pictures up a teachers skirt, so when they took video cornering him in the hotel until he admitted he was gay...
Tumblr media Tumblr media
He struggled with his sexuality and depression for so long, and I was just a teenage girl myself. It wasnt always easy being Luke's friend. I had my own shit to sort, and Luke sometimes felt like the little brother nagging you to be better. The day he asked me to smoke weed for the first time sent a chill down my spine. He was hurting so bad, he'd given up on his ethics and moral code to soothe the pain.
I've seen many reactions to getting stoned, but I was so hurt when he was angry with me.
" give me that shit. stupid ass drugs "
In my anger I hadn't realized how scared he must have been
I took him home to sleep it off
And he started to get much more distant, but still around like a shell of his old, bubbly self
His first attempt was in the garage; he left the car on with the garage door closed.
His little sister found him, pulled him out and called his parents
She just graduated holding his picture
His second attempt, he did at school; he took half a bottle of caffeine medication, and collapsed. He was ambulanced to the hospital and there for three weeks for treatment. Medications and therapy and isolation
When he came back, so behind on class, and unfamiliar with his pieces for band, he looked me in the eyes and said,
" i go to where I want to die and look sometimes. If I try again... I'm going to succeed."
I have never hated someone so much as that moment. To put that on my shoulders when I can barely spend a night sober. I don't want you around me so I can influence you, and now Im responsible for keeping you alive
I went to an adult at the school, one of the only ones who truly knew what was going on, and she told me,
" you hit rock bottom and came back up. Sometimes you just have to let them ride it out. "
This is the same the woman who I told I was being abused and replied, " no you and him don't have the healthiest relationship but it could be worse!!"
On Monday, November 17th, 2019, he sat down at his table of 4.0 math whizzes and said,
" what would happen if you jumped off a bridge?"
And unbeknownst to those poor boys, with their textbooks and brains, they would go through gravity and angle prospects with a boy who would jump from an interstate overpass less than a mile away in less than 12 hours.
Our last interaction, in 7th period, study hall, that day, he asked me to borrow my computer charger, and instead of coming to sit next to me, he took it back to his seat. He brought it back at the end and he stared blankly at the wall before final bell.
I bump his shoulder and ask if he's good
Luke's last words are ones I cant say alone to this day
"it's just one of those days, I guess."
He didn't not leave a note, or a text
He did not say goodbye to me
He is buried in a graveyard less than 1000 meters from my mother's house
This song is the only real memory of the time I have after; its the only thing that helped my out of body feeling
I have never been the same without him, and will always wonder if I could have done more.
I miss him and go sit with him and talk with him alot.
It was painful to write this. I am crying. But you should be too. Everyone should. Luke deserved better and my community failed him.
I would do anything in my power to ensure no one else has to experience this pain. Because it hurts today just as awful as it did years ago.
Please, if you are struggling. Think about your loved ones and those who love them. Your pain will not disappear. It will transfer to everyone around you.
I genuinely would rather hear you rant, cry or scream than hear your obituary
You are so loved, and thank you for your love as well 💕 treat eachother gently
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beaversatemygrandma · 3 years
my dad was going through recent/old pictures he had and there was one that my sister drew in like 2019 of the family and she fucking clocked me. Drew me with a masc anatomy. Fuckin clocked. She knows.
And i actually smiled after seeing it. Like Wow.
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years
Afterwards- F9 Fic
Mia glared at Dom, who stood across from her on the other side of her kitchen
"We're going, Dom." She told him firmly
It was late when she had called him and told him to come over. She needed to talk to him urgently and she didn't care what time it was.
Mia grinded her teeth even more. "Dom, I swear-"
"He messed up. I'm not giving him a second chance."
"Are you kidding me?!" Mia hissed. She desperately wanted to scream and get into his face but not when her kids were sleeping upstairs. And she knew Brian was awake upstairs, keeping an ear on them just in case something happened. "He's been out of our lives for years, comes back and now you want to throw him out again?"
"He only came back into our lives for the Ares device."
"I don't care!" Mia snarled back. "He's our brother and I don't want to lose him again!"
She watched as Dom's emotionless mask started to weaken
"It's not that simple-" he began
"It's not? Why isn't it?" She snapped
Dom glared at her but stayed silent
Shaking her head, Mia felt tired. They had been having this fight for years and it never went anywhere. But this time, Mia was going to force Dom to go with her to see Jakob
"I know where he is. He's been giving me updates after what happened. We should go see him."
"Go without me." Dom grunted
"Dom." She sighed. "I want him back. I want him to meet my kids, I want them to know they have another uncle. Don't you want Little Brian to have the same?"
Dom looked away from her before turning his back on her
"We'll leave in the morning." He said over his shoulder and left
Stunned, Mia listened as his car peeled out of the driveway and down the street
Stretching, Jakob yawned loudly as warm rays of sunlight streamed into the luxurious beach house he had rented. Outside the window, he could hear the soft crashing of waves and birds singing
Smiling softly, he turned his face away from the beautiful sight outside and looked down at the one next to him
Owen was still sleeping peacefully next to him, face shoved into a pillow so the sunlight wouldn't bother him. The sheet was tangled around his feet and he was wearing sleep pants with dogs on them
Reaching down, Jakob combed a hand through Owen's much longer hair and chuckled at the sleepy grumble the other man made
"Get up, Owen. I'll go make breakfast."
He only got a groan in response as he slid out of bed and out of the bedroom. He knew he'd be coming back in to wake Owen up, probably having to physically get him out of the bed
Tying his robe loosely around his waist, Jakob walked towards the fully stalked kitchen. But stopped when he heard the doorbell
His hand immediately went for one of the extra guns he had hidden around the house. You could never be too sure when one of your enemies were going to come knocking
Slowly, Jakob made his way towards the door and used the peephole to look out
"The fuck are they doing here?" Jakob hissed and pocketed the gun. They would see it, but he didnt really care all that much. Swinging the door open, Jakob glared out at his brother and sister
Mia gave him a tentative smile while Dom tried to give a neutral expression
"Hi, Jakob." Mia said softly and took a step forward
Jakob didn't hesitate to open his arms for his little sister and couldn't believe how big she was. When he had left, she had been a little girl, just barely in her teens. Now, she was an adult, with a family and husband
He wished he hadn't missed so much of his sister's life
"What are you doing here?" He asked wheb she finally pulled away
"We wanted to talk." Mia looked up at him sadly. "Our family shouldn't be split up like this."
Jakob glanced at Dom and could see the warring emotions in his eyes. Squaring his shoulders, Jakob nodded
There wouldn't be any harm in talking to them
Opening the door more, he motioned them to enter. Shutting it behind them, he opened his mouth to say something before a thought slammed into him
"Give me a second." He grunted and walked away before either could say anything
Speed walking down the hallway, Jakob let out a breath of relief when he saw Owen still asleep. Quietly, Jakob approached the sleeping Shaw
"Owen." He whispered and gently shook his shoulder
"Nnngh." Owen moaned
"Owen, I need you to stay in here until I tell you. I have a business meeting right now and they don't know you're here."
The other man only shoved his face deeper into the pillow. Shaking his head, Jakob rolled his eyes and left him to sleep. Locking the door behind him, he only hoped Owen would get the message
He didn't need his brother and sister learning he was gay. Not like this at least
Stepping back into the main living area, he saw Mia sitting on the kitchen and Dom standing by a large window. Glancing between them, Jakob wasn't sure what to say
"I think," Mia spoke up. "We need to talk about what happened to Dad."
Jakob clenched his jaw and refused to look over at Dom. He had already explained his side of the story
"Why was he in debt?"
Blinking, Jakob was surprised Dom had willingly spoken up and had asked a question rather than start accusing him
"Gambling debts." Jakob told them. "He never had any luck but was convinced he would win big and pay it all back. He never did."
"And the race?" Mia asked quietly, almost as if she didn't want the answer
"The men he owned money to were betting against him. Told him he could pay a lot of it back by losing the race."
He saw the grief in both of their faces as he explained. No doubt they wished they could have helped their dad so he didn't have to resort to such measures
"Sounds just like my da."
Jakob's eyes went wide as he heard the suave voice behind him. He could see the equally shocked looks on his siblings faces
"What are you doing here, Shaw?" Dom growled
Jakob's eyes widened. How did Dom know Owen? Looking over his shoulder, Jakob didn't enjoy seeing the mischievous glint in Owen's eyes. The other man smirked at him as he walked further into the living room, still shirtless
"Was enjoying a nice vacation," Owen drawled and draped and arm over Jakob's shoulders. Without thinking, Jakob wrapped an arm around Owen. "Wasn't expecting company."
"They came unannounced." Jakob said, looking between the three
"Jakob, how do you know him?" Mia's face was so soft, Jakob almost didn't hear the hint of anger underneath it
"We shag occasionally." Owen shrugged
"Owen!" Jakob hissed and glared at him, but the smaller man only smiled up at him sweetly. Letting out a huff of frustration, Jakob looked back at Dom and Mia. "Look, this isn't how I wanted to tell you guys-"
"That you're sleeping with the guy who kidnapped me?" Mia snapped
"-that I'm gay." Jakob finished at the same time and stared at Mia, who stared back at him just as shocked
Before he could even ask for an explanation to that, a thundercloud of anger passed over Mia's face. Instinctively, Jakob tightened his arm around Owen
"What the hell, Dom?!" Mia screeched and stormed up to their older brother. "Did you really kick him out because he's gay?!"
Dom looked as if he was slapped as his mouth hung open and he made an odd grunting noise. This didn't appease Mia as she got into his space and shoved at his shoulder
"Did you actually throw him out because of Dad or because of who he's attracted to? I thought you were better than that!"
"I didn't know he was gay!" Dom finally snapped
Jakob could only stare as Mia continued to lay into Dom. After a minute, he felt Owen slip out of his grip
"Im going to take a shower. Come get me when they leave." Owen whispered in his ear before sauntering out of the room and leaving Jakob to deal with the mess
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flappingdragon200 · 3 years
Noelle gets noticed by her big brother and his rival. Noelle gets caught and the two have to explain themselves (Sorta). But all in all, Noelle finally strikes a deal with her siblings.
"You know..." Her brother sighed before continuing, " I should have challenged you to a game of poker. I would have won. And I'd also have more money on my behalf." He looked up and smiled, and Fuegoleon dipped Nozel and... and...
MY BROTHER IS GAY?!?!?!?!?!?!
Noelle didn't know what to do. She stood there, eye's wide, as her brother's rival kissed him, on the lips, passionately, as his hands traveled up and down Nozel's leg heatedly. Noelle couldn't believe this...
Her brother moaned...
Never in her lifetime of living with her brother, never ever, had she heard him make that kind of sound before. But here she is, seeing what she couldn't believe was possible.
W-wait... What..?! I... I have to be seeing things...
Noelle blinked twice, she even rubbed her eyes to see if it was real. And in fact... It was.
Noelle backed up feeling very confused, but she didn't know that there was a table with a vase on it. And yes by now I think you know what's going to happe-
The vase fell and broke as she bumped her hip against the table.
She saw between the crack of the door, they looked at the crack and saw someone, but they didn't know who...
"See! I TOLD you! You idiotic oaf!" Nozel said as he slapped Fuegoleon in the face with an obvious blush on his face.
Noelle didn't know what to do as her brother came closer to the door. Her feet yet again deciding for her, she sprinted for her life as she ran down the hall.
As Nozel gotten to the doors and opened them to see who was out there. But as he looked from his right to his left, he saw just the outline of someone's feet running the corner of the hallway. Nozel walked back over to Fuegoleon.
"You... Will stay here and wait till I come back. You got that?" Nozel said as he pushed a finger to Fuegoleon's chest harshly as he backed up and put his hands in the air as a, "I surrender" Move.
After he did so, Nozel tried his best to run as fast as he could in heels, hoping to catch the culprit who dared to sneak a peek inside of the room, while he was doing something that he should have never been doing.
Damn it..! My reputation is ruined now..!
{Back With Noelle}
Noelle didn't stop running until she knew she was far away, where any of them couldn't find her.
Noelle put her hands on her knees and bet over, as she caught her breath. It took 5 minutes to regain her normal breathing. Her throat was dry after breathing so hard. Her legs didn't seem to be working anymore, so she sat down and regained her composer.
As she did so, she looked around at where she was at.
She didn't know where she was at. She didn't even know that this place existed. She never saw this place before. But. It looked like it hasn't been touched in years.
It didn't seem like anyone, not even a single soul has traveled through these halls, and you could tell by the many cobwebs and spiders, and the old paint on the broken tables, and the rickety doors that could break any moment someone touched them.
Despite Noelle's legs that ached with every move, she stood up to wander around to see where she was at.
Noelle traveled down hallways, opened up doors to old bedrooms, guest rooms, bathrooms, living rooms, lounge rooms, and many more.
Noelle opened the last door from the hallway she was in and took a quick look inside. Nothing was new, it was just another guest room.
All in all, there wasn't much to explore, there was just 4 guest rooms, 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 lounge room, and 2 living rooms, and an abandoned hot spring, with no controls as they were ripped out of the wall, and the pools where the hot water would be were empty and the paint was dried and cracked, and it also smelled horribly disgusting.
Noelle closed the door and continued to walk down the rest of the door-less hallway and turned another corner.
What she saw was, at the end of the hallway there was a pair of double doors, quite large, with gold, and silver designs on them.
Noelle got curious and walked toward the door. She got closer to the door. And soon enough, she was looking at the door handle wondering if she pulled that handle, what would be on the other side of the door.
But she was immediately stopped when she remembered why she was here.
Wait... I'm not here to be exploring! I'm here to fix things with my siblings..!
Noelle shook her head, and walked back down the empty hallway, back the way her siblings were at.
{Meanwhile With Nozel and Fuegoleon}
"This is all your fault..!" Nozel shouted at Fuegoleon as he stripped from his "Dress" and put on his regular attire for the day as Fuegoleon had his back to him, doing the same thing.
"How is this my fault? I had nothing to do with this." Fuegoleon replied while putting on his under white/tan T-shirt, and soon following it, his abnormally heavy cardigan.
"If you hadn't started that fight and struck that deal, then afterward suggested that we did whatever we did in that... Room... Then this would never have happened..! It's your god damn fault! My reputation is ruined because of you and your silly games!" Nozel finished as he put on his choker and went to get his sandals.
"Look. I didn't know that someone would sneak on us and take a look. I can't tell the future Nozel." Fuegoleon said as he tied his belt around his stomach and finished his look by putting on his boots.
In fact, Fuegoleon was right. He couldn't tell the future.
"Well, you better start trying," Nozel said as he put on his sandals and stormed out the door yet again.
Fuegoleon sighed as he picked up the suit he was wearing before this event started, and folded it nicely as he set it down on Nozel's bedside table.
"Well, that was a waste of time. So much for trying to get him to soften up a bit." Fuegoleon said as he rubbed the back of his head as he climbed out the balcony window and went back to the other side of the Silva Estate.
{Yet Again Back With Noelle}
Noelle walked the halls of the Silva Estate in search of someone, a maid, a butler, hell, even one of her siblings.
As Noelle was walking down one of the hallways about to turn the corner, something or someone, rushed by the hallway in front of her.
(If this is confusing I'll just- you know what... Here...)
Noelle fell to the ground as she wondered what the hell just happened. She blinked a few times before she stood up once again.
Noelle shook her head in disbelief.
No... That couldn't be him... That can't be-
Noelle poked her head up to see her big brother, in his normal attire look at her with a raised eyebrow and a light crimson blush on his face.
Noelle yet again rubbed her eyes to see what she was seeing was true. And yet again, in fact, it was, real.
Noelle's face turned bright red as she got in a stance to run.
And she did.
As Noelle did run her head only thought of one thing,
Soon she found herself being wrapped up in something cold, and smooth. Her legs kept swinging as if she was still running when she was actually being lifted up from the marble floor.
And in an instant, she was looking at her big brother's eyes in terror.
"I think we need to have a little talk..."
"Ooh~! H-Hey Nozel~! Didn't see you there! How is life going for you?~" Noelle was sweating underneath her clothing as she felt his cold gaze upon her as she looked anywhere but at him.
"Enough of the pep talk. Your coming with me." Nozel said as she lost all hope of trying to escape from his magic's grasp.
"I'm screwed..." Noelle said as a ghost-like figure came from her mouth as she looked while as a ghost.
[Mini-Time skip!]
Noelle was now, sitting on the couch, accompanied by Fuegoleon and her big brother Nozel.
It was dead silent. Noelle was shaking in her seat.
"Look. Noelle. I'm sure whatever you saw was a big misunderstand-" Fuegoleon was cut off by Nozel.
"She's not an idiot like you. She has eye's you know..." Nozel glared daggers at Fuegoleon and he just sighed.
"Then you take it from here. I have no idea why I was called here in the first pl-" Fuegoleon had gotten to stand up but was grabbed by the arm and pulled down by Nozel.
"You're staying right here, and you're not going anywhere until I say so." Nozel shot daggers at Fuegoleon's figure.
Fuegoleon just sighed and crossed his arms while sitting back in the seat, closing his eyes, waiting for them to continue what they were going to talk about.
"I have no idea who let you in the first place, and if that was you at the door, you have seen nothing. Do I make myself clear?" Nozel said glaring at his little sister as she was in a different dimension at the moment in this timeline.
Then an awkward silence fell between them, with Nozel waiting for an answer, clearly, he wasn't going to get any time soon, and Fuegoleon who was just laid back as usual, and Noelle... Going ape shit crazy as of the moment.
Noelle Couldn't focus. But it was only when Fuegoleon called out to her multiple times she awoke from her wonders.
"Uhh... Y-Yes?" Noelle spoke and Nozel sighed, thinking that would be the best answer he was going to get out from the younger one.
Nozel pressed on the bridge of his nose and asked her a question, "What are you even doing here anyway? I thought you didn't like it here..." he spoke not looking in the direction of the teenager.
"uhh... well... You see... uhh..." Noelle was sweating. No. beyond sweating. She felt like a burning volcano.
"Well?" Nozel looked at her in the eye with a questionable look on his face.
Brother Nozel is scary. I think even scarier than Captain Yami...
Noelle gulped, and took a deep breath then shouted, "THE TRUTH IS I WANT TO MAKE A DEAL WITH YOU!!!"
Nozel nearly fell off his seat, and Fuegoleon flinched heavily.
Who knew the girl could scream so loud?
After both of the older males' ears came back from the dead, Nozel asked her another question, "What kind of deal..?"
He was a bit scared. But he wouldn't admit it.
"Well..." Noelle looked around and saw servants looking their way, then responded, "I think it's better with privacy. I don't want rumors spreading..." She then looked back to the ground contemplating her existence.
Nozel shot a deathly glare at the servants signaling to stop whatever they are doing and go as far away as possible.
The servants were now on the other side of the estate.
Nozel looked back to Noelle, "Continue." He said while Fuegoleon sweatdropped.
Noelle looked up to meet her brother's gaze, she once again gulped, but this time, with fear, "The truth is, I don't want the bond we barely even have to break... I don't want to live in fear every time I have to see you or Solid and Nebra anymore. I want to have a normal family, like everyone else..."
Both males' eyes widened at her statement.
Nozel was beyond shock. Fuegoleon just smiled in disbelief.
Noelle looked at Fuegoleon and then her brother. She looked down to the floor. She didn't know what to do. How will they react? What will they think of her?
It was a long silence before someone spoke up. Guess who? It's secret. (Just read ahead)
Nozel cleared his throat before speaking, "I will notify Nebra and Solid about this matter. Until then you will have to wait for an answer. I will send you a letter to your squad's headquarters." Nozel sat up from his seat and pulled Fuegoleon by the ear.
"Ouch! Hey! What's the rush?!" Fuegoleon was dragged across the room, and up the stairs questioning Nozel.
"We, have more important matters to discuss..." Nozel growled as he pulled Fuegoleon, by the ear, even harder.
Noelle watched them bicker as they walked off into the distance. She sat there figuring out what had just happened.
Noelle blinked a few times before smiling and laughing.
Well... That's not what I had expected... But. it's a great start!
Noelle sat up with a smile on her face as she went to leave the estate. As Noelle did so, she passed by the portrait of her Mother. She stopped to look at it and smiled even brighter.
I hope your watching mother... I hope you're doing well. I know I am.
And Noelle continued to walk outside and to The Black Bulls hideout. She cant wait to tell them what had happened.
No. She really can't.
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maccreadysimp · 3 years
breaking down this anti-ian article bc it bothers me ( from the child of a bipolar mother and a male teen with same sex attraction ) while also providing valid reasons ian sucks ( from someone who likes ian )
ive had this drafted for a while so i dont think i cover anything from season 11
tw for i^cest and r^pe
he was with a married man
in this point it points out that he was with kash and he continued his relationship with kash even after linda put cameras in the store
“Ian didn't seem to care about how wrong his affair with Kash was or how much it could hurt Kash's wife Linda, whom he saw at the store regularly. “
that is a quote from that part.
ian gallagher was fifteen in season one, kash was an older man who bought him gifts and payed attention to ian ,, that was not on ian , none of that was ian fault because he was a child
ian wasnt open with lip
“ Ian didn't tell Lip about his preferences and forced Lip to figure it out on his own. Lip was instantly accepting of his brother's truth and even offered to help him figure out any confusion he might be harboring, so it's really strange that Ian wasn't just upfront with his closest confidant from the start.”
no , lip wasnt forced to figure it out on his own and he also wasn’t instantly accepting.
in this point it mentions that ‘they’re extremely close ( bestfriends and brothers ) so its strange ian didnt tell him’
like point 1 , ian is a fifteen year old boy, growing up on the southside , and thoughout the show it has mentioned multiple times that the southside isnt that accepting
back to lip -- lip wasnt accepting, sure he was fine but ‘helping your younger brother figure it out’ by having a (female) classmate give him a blowjob isnt helping
he secretly dated his best friends brother
“Most friends have an unspoken rule about not dating each other's siblings, but Ian broke this rule by secretly entering into a relationship with Mandy's closeted brother Mickey.”
the only thing i have to say about this is , he was still with kash and mickey was a boy in his age group who was gay , growing up in the southside ian probably thought he was the token gay so of course hes going to chase after mickey
he stood by as kash attacked mickey
“Ian didn't do anything to stop Kash from shooting his new lover, and didn't even tell the police about his boss' over-the-top display of jealous action so proper justice could be served.”
okay. because two men he had fallen for had gotten into a fight, there was a gun involved and he panicked, in the end after mickey got shot he went to him
now to address the quote, he didnt say anything to the police because he probably knew that that would bring shame onto kash and his family, along with mickey and his family who are very homophobic
oh yeah and it was like 2011 and cops suck and THEY LIVE ON THE SOUTHSIDE
he and lip tried framing terry milkovich
oh the homophobic and racist dad of his boyfriend and bestfriend who tried to kill him and r*ped his daughter ?
yeah , shit man , that was real bad they shouldn’t have done that /s
he dated jimmy-steves married father
“Ian didn't bother telling Jimmy the truth about his father and didn't end his relationship with Lloyd upon finding out that he had a secret wife and family, either.”
at this point ian is probably sixteen but that doesnt matter bc i wont even address that
he met him at a club and then used his relationship with ned to make mickey jealous which was one of the reasons he kept seeing him, he didnt tell jimmy-steve about the relationship or his father bc he shouldnt find out from him he should find out from his father , again like kash, ned was an older man who payed attention to ian and ned later did develop feelings feelings for ian
he stole lips identity to enlist in the army
he enlisted because he didnt know what to do with himself, its implied/stated that the army timeline was the start of his bipolar
“While impersonating Lip, Ian had tried to steal a helicopter and then proceeded to go AWOL.”
this is because of the bipolar he suffers from, it is referenced later in the series after he gets back and hes manic
ian refused to accept being bipolar
of course he didnt accept it, it is made very clear that his family thinks lowly of monica so of course if hes the lucky duck to get what his siblings demonize her for, of course he’ll not want to be it
“He refused to take medications that could alter his personality or mood.”
okay. this is why im making this whole post, this goes along with part 15 ( or so idk ) ,,
my mother , my dear mother, who is bipolar and doesnt take her meds because they are mood altering , my mom doesnt take med because she told me once that they make her feel like shit, she told me that a little after i was born she started taking them but realized she felt nothing, she felt nothing for my dad or for i ( making her numb )
she told me anti deppresents dont help either because when shes on them and manic it pushes her past productive and into angry
my dad told me that when my mom was on bi polar medication she would seem angry most of the time
he wasnt faitful to mickey
“Ian's bipolar disorder made him very reckless and impulsive and led him to be unfaithful.”
lets break that down.
ians. bipolar. disorder.
this plot point i actually didnt like, mainly bc ian never addresses it so ill give the article a point. but then i take away 2 because they have more of a problem with his bipolar messing with him rather than the fact he never apologized and they never worked it out
ian stole yevgeny
before i start quoting i should mention because his boyfriend, who has supported and helped him is suddenly telling him he needs help, he was helping raise yev so he’ll see yev as his own
“Ian failed to recognize just how crazy he was acting...”
cuting you off right there , he was in a bipolar state, he wasnt ‘crazy’ and isnt ‘crazy’
he cant even keep count of his number of partners
just slutshaming i see
he helped throw frank off a bridge
“His relationship with Frank was understandably never the same after that, as Frank struggled to get over this act of betrayal and cruelty.”
‘was never the same after that’ frank never liked ian, ian was probably his least favorite and that point is very apparent
also , it wasnt just ian , his siblings and his boyfriend caleb
he left a healthy relationship to be with mickey
he fell in love with mickey at 15 , mickey was a comfort and always someone to fall back on, when mickey was taken away and no longer in the picture his heart still obviously was with mickey and when mickey came back he didnt know what to do
he told mickey he had a boyfriend but because mickey has been such a constant in his life he finally has back of course he couldnt resist
he liked trevor, i could tell he did but trevor wasnt the one he watched get r^ped by a russian prostitute, he wasnt the one ian was secretly dating bc it would be a death wish other wise, he wasnt the one there when ian was manic or depressive ( at the start )
he tried blackmailing an old client for money
“Instead of raising the money in an honest manner, Ian chose to visit an old client from his time working at the Fairy Tail and blackmail him into funding the shelter.”
because he felt indebted to trevor and wanted to make it up to him, it would have taken longer to do it in ‘an honest manner’ when his sister would have gotten it instead, he knew how much gay youths like he once was needed a safe place
“He grew up wanting to be nothing like his father, but this whole money-making scheme was straight out of the Frank playbook”
because thats all he knows, he grew up with that ‘playbook’ so of course hes going to take a page out of it, he is nothing like frank , franks money making schemes are selfish and for his own greed while ian wanted the money to help build a safe space for lgbt youth
he let fame inflate his ego
of course he did, hes a southside kid who was destined to fail
also it is very apparent that during the gay jesus era he went off his medication which didnt help
“Before long, he just completely forgot about his ex and focused solely on being a deity”
as much as yes, he did let it mess with his head, he was trying to still help lgbt youth and was going against anti gay churchs , in the end it didnt work out for him because he was off his meds and went over board
he stopped taking his meds
see previous point and ‘ian refused to accept being bipolar’
he actually wanted to stay in prison
because he was doing good in there
ian was helping others and was spreading awareness about lgbt with in the prison , and as him and jail scenes go , we can see people were listening to him and he was trying to make it safe sane and consensual
he let down his army of followers
“Ian admitted that most of his actions were completely irrational and the mere results of his bipolar disorder.”
he didnt want to, we can see this, because he knew he would let down everyone, his family were the only ones to ever ground him and they knew it would be the best option for his own mental health
during the gallavich wedding we can see that a lot of his supporters still have his back because they must know how hard it was for him to put all of that success on something he can’t control
he constantly wasted his potential
this is actually the only point in this article i actually agree with , so only 1/20 i agree with
his relationship with mickey wasn’t actually great
“Mickey spent the first several years of their relationship denying his feelings for Ian.”
he was raised by a homophobic and racist father who he knew would react the way he did when terry had caught the two that one day
“Even after he finally embraced his true self, Ian's bipolar disorder kept them from becoming truly happy together.”
yes but mickey was there for him the entire time and helped him through it, he told him he loved him which was really big for him and did his best to care for him
“They couldn't seem to remain faithful to each other for more than a few weeks.”
back to the point about ians bipolar but for mickey he wanted monogamy , now that scene in s11 may say otherwise but it is very clear that he wants a monogamous relationship with ian and ian ( after getting help ) wants one too, and in the later seasons they are monogamous
“When Mickey asked Ian to run away to Mexico with him, Ian refused.”
he wanted to, it’s obvious, but ian has his family and didnt want to abandon them again, i think part of him knew he would see mickey again because they always find eachother, he gave mickey all of his money and wanted mickey to have a good life
“Their relationship was simply never healthy.”
no it wasnt, but thats why the ship is great in its own way, the gay closet kid raised by a homophobic man is obviously going to have a lot of baggage , and ian who is bipolar and struggling with himself will also have a lot of baggage , but in the end they love eachother and that really shows in season five and season seven specifically
that is all lol ,,, this is long sorry
now, i am not a ian apologist , i love ian but hes a dumbass sometimes
actual valid reasons ian sucks
genuinely believes frank is worse than terry
yes frank was definitely abusive but terry is definitely worse ,,
mentally/physically/sexually abusive , the whole nine yards
terry hired a prostitute to r^pe his son , threatened to kill him and ian on multiple occasions , r^ped his daughter who ended up pregnant and is actively racist
frank on the other hand will make gay jokes but in the end doesnt give enough of a shit , he has attacked his children on multiple occasions but not to the brutality that terry has ( this isnt me excusing it )
sorry ian , terry is worse
never apologized
he never apologized for all the shit he put mickey and his family through, never apologized to mickey for cheating on him , never apologized for all the manic and depressive episodes mickey endured with him
never apologized for walking away when he couldn’t handle it, in hall of shame mickey actually acknowledges this saying ‘its youre whole MO’
debbies sexuality
he has constantly made statements saying debbie isnt gay and that bothers me because , why does it care ? as a gay man and as a gay man who soent time with a lot of lgbt youth wouldnt he support his sister even if shes just ‘experimenting’?
in the recent season he doesnt seem to care and doesn’t say anything but it still bothers me
mickey only getting like 80% of his heart
okay look , i get what ian means when he says this , everyones hes been with has made him who he is but fucking hell dude ,, shut up , thats your husband , thats the love of your life you shouldnt be saying shit like that , especially to him
and then this man had the audacity to say mickey probably feels the same about past flings when he knows that ian is the only one hes probably ever been with/serious about
obviously there is probably more but those are the main ones that come to mind
before anyone brings up the trans or bi thing im going to explain my thought process for him
like ive probably mentioned multiple times he grew up southside and obviously only ever grew up with lgb and not t ,, trevor did inform him a lot and ian became supre accepting of everyone,, sexual preference isnt transphobic but i do think he approached the matter badly
now the bi thing , legit all i think is that he doesnt hate bisexual people its just that the man he really liked slept with a woman and never expressed any heterosexual attraction so it probably just suprised him and pissed him off because caleb did cheat on ian
if you read this far HOLY SHIT THANKS LOL ,, im not adding things that i think are pro about ian this was just me breaking down that article and giving my two cents :)
feel free to message me and talk to me or send me articles like this about any other character/relationship and i will totally break that one down too lol
thanks for letting me rant
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
heyy i just wanted to ask for a headcannon of the brothers reacting to a closeted bi mc coming out to them and please preferbaly fluff :> ive been scared to come out to anyone as bi and only one of my closest friend know and honestly yea im just rambling idek if you will choose my request but if you do TQSM i hope you have a nice day :D
Most likely by the time I've written this you've perhaps made progress on your situation, who knows - I'm sorry it's taken me so long to get this done. I've been trying to get through as many drafts as i can but of course the build up happens and requests sit waiting to be done
I'm bi myself, I lukcily had a mostly safe environment to come out. I was scared regardless - all my parents knew I liked guys (at the time it appeared I was straight but now I've realized I've just been super gay for the majority of my life) and so when I finally liked a girl, it was big. But I never stated I was bi, my parents just gathered it by my consistent romantic attraction to both binary genders (I didn't share my attraction to non-binary folk as my parents don't get it and my sister isn't accepting)
I originally was going to come out as pan but my bisexual sister really shat on pansexuals and it made me feel really unsafe and upset. I just told people I was bi when asked but now that I'm older I still identity as bi I don't have a preference of gender/lack of gender or if your cis or not.
Sexuality is for you and it's up to you to decide what you prefer to call yourself, if you even want to call your sexuality or gender anything. It's all up to you and your unique experience.
I really hope the people around are accepting and safe to come out to. But please always remember, you don't have to come out - either for self protection or you just want don't decide to. Straight people don't come out so why should we? It's up to people's choice though as being gay can be dangerous depending where you are.
Really do hope your journey as a member of the LGBTQ+ community is a happy and safe one.
It was the day. The day you decided to come out to the demon brother's. You were worried about how they'd react; sure you've seen plenty of same sex couples and interactions from the demons and other demons but apart of you still felt your stomach drop. There was plenty of cases of members of the LGBTQ+ community being hypocritical and hateful to other members.
That was your fear. What if they shunned you?
You texted them all earlier to come to the living room. It wasn't long before they all come to meet you, all confused and concerned.
"Please- just sit and wait, this is very important."
They all kept silent. Getting comfortable in their seats and you sat across them. You inhaled a deep breath, it only came as a shaky exhale. You clenched your shirt, attempting one more deep inhale.
"I think it's time to finally come out....I love you all, you're all so nice and supportive to me and I just want to tell you all that-"
You choked on your own breath. The brothers eyes boring into you, waiting for you to finish your sentence. Mammon opened his mouth to speak but Satan held his shoulder, a silent way to tell him to keep quiet.
"I'm bisexual."
They all had a first reaction, a simple natural 'oh' but they all understood that this was a big deal for you.
"I'm so glad you decided to come out to us, I'm very proud of you."
Relief hit you. This crushing pain of fear and Insecurities dropping to the floor. But you still hoped to hear the other boys reactions.
"are you- are you not mad? I didn't tell you all for so long-"
Asmo stood up from his seat, cautiously approaching you. He held your shoulder. You flinched but stayed in his gentle grasp.
"(Y/N), We love you and we get that you humans have problems with these kind of things but in the Devildom, it's free to be who you are and love who you want - it wouldn't make sense anyone would disapprove."
"We're all poly pansexuals." Levi chimed in, smiling.
"don't forget non-binary! I heard the human world is becoming more accepting of them, it's about time!"
Mammon sat up for a moment before falling back onto the sofa, rolling his eyes.
More of the stress lifted off your chest. Tears forming in your eyes as you grew more giddy. But there was still this latching fear and need to explain yourself.
"oh- right, I just know that some people can still be unaccepting regardless-"
"you don't have to worry about that from us or anyone here."
"if anyone gives you trouble just call me or Beel, we'll make sure they regret it."
You bursted out into tears. Grinning as you kept nodding your head. Asmo caressing your trembling shoulder.
"Thank you- thank you everyone! This was really difficult for me and I'm so glad you accept me."
"we'll always accept you, you're apart of our family and we care about you."
The brother's all finally approached you. They pulled you into a group hug, you gripped them. You've never felt so much relief and joy flooding through you. There was nothing more freeing than this. To be accepted and embraced.
They were always going to accept you and you couldn't ask for better people to spend your time with, to call your family.
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
About your atla ship songs, I have a couple of questions (sorry if my phrasing comes out wrong, english isn't my first language and I worry it might across as accidentally defensive): how did you end up with the choices for zukka, jetko and yuekka (note: I haven't seen the great comet, so feel free to obsess over it, I'm intrigued now and the hype is appreciated!)? Sidenote: I think the mailee choice is HILARIOUS and the tokka one just make me sad, I didn't expect to be attacked like this😭
kdjfha;s i love you im gonna obsess SO HARD over great comet now. you may regret this
this is gonna be so long so the rest is under the cut whoops
yuekka: no one else from great comet
where do i even begin. WHERE DO I EVEN BEGIN
okay so background information on this show: it's based off of a 76 oages excerpt from war and peace and its centered around a woman named natasha (and this guy pierre but he's irrelevant to this song so we wont worry about him) and natasha's bethrothed is off fighting in the war right now. she hasn't seen him in a while but she is in love with him.
every single lyrics of this song SCREAMS yuekka to me. the innocence and purity of their love. the love at first sight. and even the melancholy ending just- i go apeshit for this song. i love this song so much. and denee benton's voice??? kljsdhflwksugf please listen to this song if you haven't already. listen to the whole show. your life will be changed forever.
onto the lyrics (i stg this is ab to be the whole song whoops)
"the moon"
THOSE ARE THE FIRST WORDS ON THE SONG. natasha and andre (her bethrothed) met underneath the moonlight. Sokka and Yue first spoke to eachother at night and always met each other for their most intimate moments under the moonlight. also yue is LITERALLY the moon so like: right of the bat with those two words it's yuekka.
"and i saw your eyes / and i saw your smile / and the world opened wide"
sokka fell in love with yue the moment he saw her in the canal. she literally enchanted this motherfucker. everything about her made his heart go crazy. and 'the world opened wide' to me is from yue's perspective. Yue had never left the north pole and sokka had seen a good chuck of the world at the point. He took her on appa, he told her about his adventures. he saw the world yue wished to see and you know damn well that Sokka would have done anything to give it to her.
"oh the moon /oh the snow in the moonlight / and your childlike eyes and your distant smile / ill never be this happy again / you and i and no one else"
natasha sings fondly about the moon and the snow, seeing as it was where she fell in love with andre. yue and sokka LITERALLY fell in love in the same place: in the snowy nothern water tribe under the light of the moon. childlike eyes: THEYRE CHILDREN!!! distant smile: this is where it gets a little sad. theyre both children with way too many duties during a world that has known nothing but war for the past century. they want to be happy but yeah, theyre smiles are distant and far away because happiness seems out of reach for them most of the time. i'll never be this happy again: the moments yue and sokka shared together were probably the happiest either of them ever were. they were able to ignore the war and the world in the moments they shared together. and with no one else. no one else would be able to give each other this sense of peace and happiness and love.
"joy and life inside our souls / and no body knows just you and me / it's our secret"
Yue and Sokka had to sneak out in secret at night to go and see each other. Yue and Sokka couldn't be together for real because Yue was already engaged, but they were literally in love so she decided to see him anyways in secret. kasdjfhklasjd im losing my mind over them at this point.
"this winer sky / how can anyone sleep / there was never such a night before / i feel like putting my arms around my knees / and squeezing tight as possible / and flying away"
these are my FAVORITE lines in the entire song. yue and sokka had never felt this strongly about anyone before and that's why they are so drawn to each other. they had never experienced love before and they wanted to hold onto it for as long as they could even though they knew they couldnt. Sokka takes yue up on appa and she is wistful and wishes she could live like he does every day: ie flying away. oh my god these two deserved so much better. so much fucking better.
now for the saddes part. the saddest fucking part.
"maybe he'll come today / maybe he came already / and he's sitting in the drawing room / and i simply forgot"
natasha misses andre so intensely at this point. when i first listened to this show and heard this song i was like "wait a min... is andre like... dead?" and im sure i wasnt the only person who assumed that this was why natasha felt so sad by the end of such a beautiful song. (spoiler alert andre is fine)
but this line really exemplifies how sad natasha is, and hints at the fact that andre may never come back. it implies that their relationship is doomed (at least in my opinion) and that's all yuekka. Sokka misses yue intensely when shes gone. Yue accepted her fate almost immediately but sokka was in denial. he thought there had to be another way. but in the end it wasn't meant to be. and sokka will go on, loving yue, wishing for her back, even though it's not possible.
fuck im gonna cry.
zukka: all i've ever known- hadestown
"i was alone so long / i didn't even know that i was lonely / out in the cold so long / i didnt even know that i was cold"
sokka is from the swt so theres where the cold comes in. also in the gaang (initially) it was just him katara and aang. and katara and aang were much closer to each other than sokka was with aang and the two of them were benders so sokka was kind of an outsider with the two of them. He also represses a lot of his emotions and feels the need to do everything himself so i do see a lot of loneliness in sokka. and the fact that so many people in his life have left him (his mom, yue, his dad, suki briefly, etc...) he is known to keep people at an arms length. i see a lot of loneliness in sokka.
zuko's loneliness is a lot more obvious: he has literally been cast out and abandoned by everyone except iroh. and even then he still feels the need to be alone (remember zuko alone? thought so) these boys look after themselves and push others away and revel in their loneliness in order to keep themselves from getting hurt. at least in my opinion on canon and also some fanon because id be a liar if i said fanon didnt influence how i view ALL my ships (not just zukka)
"all ive ever known is how to hold my own / but now I wanna hold you too"
COME ONE MANNNN, they just wanna hold each other. theyre both very big protectors as well and kljhflkasdhg they wanna protect eachother like kljdhfl im gonna lose it rn.
"You take me in your arms / And suddenly there's sunlight all around me / Everything bright and warm / And shining like it never did before / And for a moment I forget / Just how dark and cold it gets"
SUNLIGHT SYMBOLISM. zuko is literally powered by the sun. i don't think i even NEED to elaborate on this one anymore lol. They find comfort in each other away from all of their trauma. when they're together nothing else matters and i personally love that for them. they both deserve love.
"I knew you before we met / And I don't even know you yet / All I know is your someone I have always known"
these two are extremely similar in canon. many parallels. older brothers overshadowed by their prodigy little sisters. longing to make their fathers proud (granted one dad is good and one is fuckin evil), both are pretty bad with emotions. both are seen protecting others before themselves (sokka protecting suki during the serpant's pass, sokka protecting toph on like multiple occassions, zuko protecting katara in the final agni kai), the list goes on. they know who the other is because they see themselves in the other person. they already know each other because they are each other (in a way, not entirely, but the similarities are strong in my opinion)
"I'm gonna hold you forever / The wind will never change on us / Long as we stay with each other / Then it will always be like this"
i just think this line is so cute and sweet (ignoring all the symbolism and foreshadowing that comes with the last line in the musical itself. im gonna pretend this is nothing but happy) and i think these boys deserve happiness so yeah. this song is zukka to me lol.
jetko: thrill of first love- falsettoes
if you've never listened to this song go an do it now. you will know INSTANTLY that it is jetko because of the dynamics alone. marvin and whizzer are pure jetko and i take no crticisms.
marvin and whizzer are both extremely stubborn, and they don't always get along, and they fight a lot, and they get mad at each other a lot, and they are both passionate as hell, and they will bring this passion into everything. they love each other that is without a doubt, but they arent perfect and they are once again stubborn and determined as fuck.
sound familiar? it's literally jetko.
the lyrics aren't what remind me of jetko, but the dynamic itself. the lyrics are too on the nose for a gay couple in 1970's america so that rlly cant apply to jetko all that much. but the way these two characters bounce off of each other and get annoyed with each other and argue with eachother reminds me of jetko. because let's be honest: these two are the most stubborn characters in the whole show. they will fight for what they believe and it will take literally everything to change their minds.
i love jetko but i think they would have petty arguments all the time and get aggravated by one another so easily. and this is even seen in canon: they work so fucking well together but they did not even HESITATE to fight one another after neither of them would give in and let the fight about whether jet was right or wrong about zuko being a firebender. like i cannot say it enough they are stubborn as fuck.
but underneath all that stubborn pettiness and bickering: marvin and whizzer still love each other. and jet and zuko would still love each other. because even though they are stubborn when it comes to arguments, they are even more stubborn and determined when it comes to each other. these two passionate motherfuckers are in love.
(now when i chose this song i decided to ignore the fact that this song literally spells out the fact that marvin and whizzer's relatinoship is doomed because they literally say passion dies. thats the difference between jetko and whizzer and marvin because i dont think passion dies. i chose this song strictly for the bickering lmao)
and i know you didnt ask about tokka but,,,,
i rlly wanna talk about the tokka one
so im going to
tokka: on my own- les mis
look. i KNOW this song is about unrequited love and i love tokka as a couple but,,, the unrequited love in this song just SCREAMS unrequited tokka to me so thats what i went with.
eponine is a girl who has neglectful parents who lives life by her own rules: toph. eponine is shown to be tough and confident and spunky to others but behind all of that she has emotions, she feels love, she hides her vulnerability so much: toph. she is in love with a guy she cant be with because he loves someone else: TOPH
eponine is toph to a t and toph is eponine to a t. this is not up for debate lmao
"without him i feel his arms around me"
toph is always seen grabbing onto someone (and its almost ALWAYS sokka) when she's somewhere where she can't use her feet to see. FEEL and ARMS cmon. look at it.
"and i know / i know that he is blind"
COME ON. IMAGINE TOPH SINGING THIS LINE. this line is already powerful enough in les mis but having toph, a blind character, sing it just makes the symbolism even deeper. toph sees the potential relationship they could have together. toph sees that sokka is oblivious to this. toph is not blind to the truth or the potention, but sokka is blind to her feelings. im about to lose my mind over this line.
"I love him / But every day I'm learning / All my life / I've only been pretending / Without me / His world will go on turning / A world that's full of happiness / That I have never known"
i need to sit down for a moment. toph grew up in a household where her parents did not understand her. she has learned to hide her true emotions and vulnerabilities from everyone. and its the fact that toph knows that she and sokka will never be together and the fact that she still loves him in spite of that is what makes this even more heartbreaking.
"but only on my own"
thank you for indulging my theatre kid nonsense. you are very sweet and kind and lovely and awesome and i hope you have a lovely day bestie :) <3
ask me why i think these songs go with these ships
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lollytea · 4 years
Fearless (part 2/3)
( PART ONE okokok some parts of this are pretty good. some not so good. but the important part is im tryin my goddamn best out here.)
[OCTOBER 22ND, 7:02PM] The sun had melted away beneath the distant hills and Louie had somewhat calmed himself down.
At least, he was no longer hyperventilating. The feathery tufts on his cheeks were not as fluffy as before, now clumped together from his waterworks earlier. 
He lit the last of his lights, drawing the match away and allowed the head of the flame to seize its last moments. It danced with delight, flickering as it devoured the thin strand of poplar wood.
Louie watched it too long, finding solace in the glow of gentle orange. Just as it was teasing to taste his fingertips, he snuffed it out, not nearly as interested in the arising string of pale smoke. Seven illuminated oil lamps circled his room, washing him in warm, yellow light. But still, It would breed an array of shadows, outlining everything with subtle pools of gloom. Shadows made Louie uneasy. They gave him the strangest feeling that he was being watched. Reminded him of people and powers that were best not to think about. But a shadowy room was preferable to pitch black. He was scared of the dark. Come to think of it, he was scared of a lot of things. Louie had a complicated relationship with fear. He was, by no means, the skittish kid from five years ago. He simply couldn't live with that mindset for long when thrust into the life of McDuck royalty and all the madness and danger attached. So, he adapted. His busiest days tended to fall in the order of breakfast, adventure, magic, certain doom, barely escaping with your life and then sleep. Rinse and repeat. Living like that didn't phase him much anymore. How could it when he was surrounded by the most courageous family put on this earth? And when you continue to survive when that was your Day-to-Day, it had a tendency to boost your confidence. He had gotten braver for sure. Much braver. And yet, he couldn't help but feel like he was lying to himself sometimes. Being afraid of the world around him had never quite faded, he just gotten much better at handling it. Recent years made things all the more messy. His brothers weren't as brave as they used to be these days. Not after what they went through. As a spot of hope, Huey was starting to rebuild a stronger, improved version of his old self. But Dewey still needed time. It made Louie wonder if his intrepid brothers could be broken like this, should he even bother trying to toughen up? He had never been like them. Not naturally, at least. He didn't stand a chance when his time came. He figured that with all he's experienced, he should've at least developed past his more irrational fears. But he didn't.  Deep down, silly stuff still unsettled him. Spiders, violence, surprises. The dark. Ty knew he was afraid of the dark. Ty knew most of the stuff he was afraid of. And despite teasing Louie for pretty much everything else, never his fears. He claimed his brother was the same so he didn't find it all that weird. Louie called bullshit on that one. From what little he knew about Ben, it was impossible to picture that guy being scared of the dark. Ty was most likely trying to ease his insecurity. It didn't work. He felt uncomfortable sometimes, being somebody scared of so much, being close with somebody like Ty. Fearless. It sorta made him wonder if he was inferior. As if standing alongside Ty just wasn't right. The balance didn't seem equal. Wow. Louie was never gonna be good enough, was he?   Wait, no, stop it. Fucking stop it. He had no right to be feeling all sorry for himself for the probability that he wasn't good enough for Ty. On the grounds that he wasn't brave enough? No. Of course Louie wasn't good enough for Ty. That was an irrefutable fact. But what mattered right now was that his carelessness had almost gotten Ty killed today and he couldn't, in good conscience, be focusing on anything else. He almost got Ty killed. He almost got Ty killed. He almost got Ty killed. That was a little more important than "Boohoo, cute bear boy is never gonna kiss me. I'm sad." To make matters worse, Louie had gone and chosen the perfect time to figure out he was in love with Ty. Sure, It had left him happily dopey at the time. But now, after everything that happened, it was like his imaginary little love letter left a paper cut on his heart and splashed it with lemon juice. Ty was going to resign as his retainer. The more Louie said this to himself, the easier it would be to accept it when he received the news. It was truly possible Ty was currently out of his life for good. As much as Louie was trying to talk himself into hunting the boy down right this minute and begging for forgiveness, there was a part of him speculating that Ty would prefer not to see his stupid royal face ever again. It hurt. It really did hurt. But if that's what Ty wanted, Louie would silently abide by the request. He hated to admit it but the spineless side of him didn't want to face Ty either. The last look at him had been his still body laying on an iron bedstead in the castle infirmary. Beakley had assured the stricken Louie that Ty was not dead but refused to divulge the details as she ushered him out and exiled him to his room for the rest of the night. He needed to see Ty conscious. He needed to see him alive. It would be one weight off his chest just to know his retainer had bounced back. But also.....he didn't want to know the damage he'd done. He want to know how badly Ty had been wounded nor how close he had brushed by death. It had been Louie's fault. And he knew that. But the thought of confronting it head-on was a difficult reality to swallow. Even though he should. He should. Completely unrelated but another dumb, embarrassing thing that made him jump out of his skin? Sudden noises. Still completely unrelated but there was a knock at his door.
[OCTOBER 22ND, 11:24AM]
The sky was clear, the autumn air wasn't chilly but pleasantly crisp and there was a lively gathering in the forest. It was held in a wide clearing, bursting with happy people, milling around and chatting. Surrounding them was an almost perfect circle of tangled old oaks, their branches wreathed with strings of homemade lanterns and flower garlands. 
Ty and Louie were quick to turn on tunnel vision towards the table with a large arrangement of party food. They came away with armfuls of bread, cheese, fruits and two tankards of apple cider. They found a spot for themselves, hiding away behind a stack of bailed hay just on the outskirts of the festivities. They set up their little feast, which they wasted no time in devouring. 
There were minstrels playing a vibrant tune. But even with all their flutes, fiddles and practice, they fell short in comparison to the natural music of Ty Cloudkicker's laughter. Louie was talking fast. He was gravitating into Ty's space as he did so, lured in by the bubbling sound. He was eager, grinning deliriously as he spouted out more and more of his story to keep the laugh from fading.
As if it was a lifeline. Like the back of his mind was utterly terrified it would stop. Yet he was entranced with a flood with endorphins, so enamored with the resonance that he couldn't help but be elated as he rattled on to keep himself alive. "Okay, so nobody specifically told Uncle Donald that keeping snacks in your crown was not considered "Kingly" behavior. But see, he just saw it as an extra pocket. He didn't get what the big deal was." 
When Ty laughed hard enough, he started snorting. He attempted to control himself. Louie wished he wouldn't. "So imagine being one of those advisor buzzard dorks, right? And you're having this big, important royal audience with the new king. And then right in the middle of discussing warships or something, he reaches into his crown, (not breaking eye contact.) and starts munching on a fish sandwich. They looked at him like he just spat on their mothers' graves." The octave skyrocketed and Ty disintegrated into high pitched cackles, tightly clutching his side as if he would split in half. It swept away the narrative in Louie's head, fizzling the thought process as he continued to gaze at Ty as if he were channeling golden light. However, his brain did not send the memo to this mouth that it was time to stop talking. Which led to Louie stuttering out "And the--....He--...uh, he--,um...." a brainless smile slapped on his face all the while. He couldn't stop smiling. He was crashing and burning and he couldn't stop smiling. He was certain he would be humiliated over this blunder later but right now, it was pretty funny. Thankfully, his subconscious had mercy on him, cutting him off with a nervous, breathless giggle. Ty was oblivious to whatever kind of gay breakdown Louie was having as he was trying to regain composure from his own hysterics. He was beginning to calm down, occasional wheezy yet delighted noises still sputtering out of him. His shoulders relaxed and he leaned back with a shaky exhale, still stuck with that huge sunny smile. They fell into a silence in the aftermath, content to sit and just listen to the music. Ty picked up his cider and took a gulp. Louie mirrored him. Then Ty's entire frame bucked with a surprise hiccup and Louie nearly choked. He was pretty sure he saw his whole life flash before his eyes as he collapsed into a coughing fit, Ty thumping him firmly on the back. "I'll live, I'll live!" Louie gasped, regaining himself. "Stop hitting me, I bruise like a peach." "Sorry." He drew his hand away. Then he hiccuped again and Louie lost it. "It's not funny!" Ty insisted, a desperate crack to his voice. It was pretty hilarious, actually. Not just the ridiculous little noises, but the way his shoulders jumped and how he would blink in split second afterwards, startled and bewildered like a baby animal. Ty gave him a shove, Louie still snickering and flailing his hands to halfheartedly fend him off. "Hey, hey, what gives you the right to attack me? I nearly choked and died 'cause of you." "Sounds like a "you" problem." "Where'd those hiccups even come from? Your papa bear never teach you not to drink your cider so fast?" Ty's bottom lip jutted out, irritated. He shook his head "Nah, it's--" Hic. Louie snorted. "Shut up!" He snapped. Yeah, his face was definitely a darker shade of pink than usual. "Sometimes I get hiccups if I laugh too much." "Huh. that's a thing that can happen?" "Yeah. A thing I gotta live with." Hic. "Lemme guess, this hasn't happened in a while?" "Huh?" Ty turned to him, perplexed. "Nah, it happens all the time. And when I tell ya it's the most annoying thing--" "You can't be serious." Louie smiled with a disbelieving shake of the head. "You, like, barely laugh anymore." "What's that supposed to mean?" "What?" He shrugged. "You don't." Ty rolled his eyes and directed his vision elsewhere. "I usually do whenever I go back to the glen." "Are Ben and Lottie really that funny?" "They are the least funny people I know. Also they suck and they're cheaters and I hate them." Hic. Let's see. So, he was clearly pouting. Acting all petty about his siblings. The Glen. Laughing to the point of hiccups. "Lots of tickle fights, huh?" Louie deduced, a smirk playing across his beak. Ty considered him for a moment, as if he was thinking about decking him right then and there but ultimately decided it wasn't worth the effort. (Louie was offended.) He then looked off into the distance, an indescribably haunted look in his eye. "Soooo....I'm gonna guess you usually lose the tickle fi--?" "I do not!" Ty abruptly yelled, shooting him an indignant look. "Let's get this straight, if it's one-on-one, I win. I always win. You better not forget that, your highness." He jabbed Louie's chest with his forefinger. "I'm the best fighter out of the three of us. In fact, I probably got the potential to be the best fighter in the whole kingdom!" "Real modest." "It's just if they team up, then it's unfair! That's why they're--" Hic. Louie watched, delightfully entertained as Ty hissed "God. Damn. Hiccups." "And how often do they team up?" He didn't answer right away. Then reluctantly grumbled "Most of the time." "So what I'm hearing is--...." Louie casually leaned against Ty's side, propping his elbow on the latter's shoulder.  "You do lose most of the time?" "Shut up." "No." "Okay, so here's the thing. Let's say you're a big, strong brave knight. You're super cool and heroic and everybody respects you." Hic. "Then you go back home and then suddenly you're just someone else's baby brother and they see you just standing there, minding your business and they're just like "Well! Guess I gotta obliterate him!" And they do not hold back." "Ohhhhh, I get that, I totally get that." Said Louie. "Well, not the brave knight part. But y'know. Me and my brothers had to share a room. It was tiny. There was always a foot in your face or whatever. And sometimes when were bored, they started getting rowdy and throwing hands and it's not like I asked but I got dragged in too. When I was just trying to sleep, man! I wasn't asking for a spontaneous duel at 2am." Ty snorted. "Oh yeah, and sometimes Dewey calls me a little bitch." "He's right." Louie knocked his body against Ty's, making a sound of faux outrage. Ty only found that funnier. Huffing, Louie pawed around for the cluster of grapes at his side. He twisted one free and twirled it around his fingers for a moment. "Watch this. I can feel it. I'm gonna do it this time." "Are you now?" Said Ty in such a distinctly pleasant tone that Louie could not possibly interpret it any other way than "I do not believe that but I'm humoring you but I also want you to understand that my sweet voice is oh, so bitterly sarcastic. Fuck you." "I see you're doubting me." "Me? Doubt my liege? I could never." "Yeah, yeah, yeah, you're a real court jester. Now shut up and observe." Louie wiped all expression from his face and inhaled deeply to obtain peak tranquility. He relaxed his whole frame. If he could pull this off, this would be his day for sure. Ty was watching. This moment would define his life. Thinking a hasty prayer to every known God, force and entity  that had ever favored the unlikely ones, he tossed the grape in the air, threw his head back and opened his beak. The grape finished rising and gravity took control. It fell. Down, down, down, down. Louie now understood the concept of meditation. He was so in the zone, he could've sworn the grape was descending in slow motion. Yes, yes, it was aligning directly below his beak. He was gonna catch it! Down, down, down, down. Then Ty snatched it right out of the air and swallowed it whole. Louie sat, slack jawed, attempting to process what had just happened. He slowly turned to Ty, completely blank. Huh. That moment really did define his life. "You bastard!" He squawked. "Me bastard!" Ty exclaimed, looking insufferably proud of himself. "How could you?! I know our allyship has been complicated but this is high treason!" "Sorry, sorry, I just--" He sat back a little, shaking with silent laughter. He then formed a square with his hands and hovered it before Louie, squinting one eye. "I just needed to see the face you would make and god, it was worth it. You think you could hold that face for a few hours to get a portrait made? I'd get it framed and hang it in my room." He was teasing him. Louie knew he was teasing him. And yet he still blushed bright red from the fragment of fondness blurred in the implication. "W-well, well I would--I'd--" He floundered, racking his brain for a retort. "You think there's any musical instruments that could replicate your dorky little hiccups? I'd hire minstrels just to have them play it for me! Y'know, for when I need a laugh." Ty's smug grin dropped and his eyes flicked about uncertainly. "I--..." He dragged the word out, face flushing at a rapid rate as he folded his knees up to curl in on himself. He crossed his arms. "I think they're gone now anyway." He mumbled. Hic. God, that never got old. "If you laugh one more time, I'm putting you in a tree and leaving you there." Louie laughed again, out of spite. "Nobody's fault but your own. Imagine you've just fought an epic battle and you think there's no more enemies to take on. But as soon as you say that out loud, boom! Second ambush! You would think a warrior like you would get that." "Your highness?" "Yeah?" "Shut your huge mouth." "No." "Okay. Dunno why I thought that would work. Never does." "Y'know I would offer to spook your hiccups away. But we both know that wouldn't work." "Yeah, probably not." Said Ty with a shake of his head. He perked up a bit. "Lottie gave it a shot once. Nothing." "Well, it's just like you said that one time." Louie shrugged, then faltered when the back of his mind took notice of the dimly glowing orange irises he was met with. His voice softened involuntarily. "You're fearless." He didn't know what he said wrong. Ty's face fell. He looked so utterly devastated that Louie, completely lost to why he was even upset, felt his own heart shatter to pieces. He wanted to start sobbing just from seeing him. "Oh..." Ty whispered. He clutched one of his hands with the other and began fidgeting with his fingers. "Well, see. Uh, the thing about that is--...." Concerned, Louie scooched in closer, peering at the face that had once again turned away from him. He hesitantly touched Ty's upper arm. "Hey. Ty. Are you--?" "HEY, LOOK AT THAT!" Ty blurted out, his voice nervously rising in pitch. He attempted to subtly clear his throat. Louie followed the direction of Ty's pointer finger which was gesturing out to the thick expanse of forestry. There was nothing there. But then he caught a flash of movement and noticed two figures tucked away in the shadows of the trees. A young man and woman, probably only a few years older than them. "The couple?" Louie asked, puzzled. "The what now?" Then Ty did a double take, then snapped to attention as if he had just noticed them. "Oh! Oh, yeah, them, sure. I mean, yeah, that's what I meant. Them. Uhhh....look at them!" "Uh. Okay? Why?" "Theeeyyyy're....cute? Gross? They're something. They're definitely something." Louie hummed, taking the two into consideration. The girl was letting out a peal of laughter and the guy was blabbing away animatedly, looking thrilled with himself that she was finding him funny. He was trying so hard.... Louie didn't know if he wanted to gag or coo out an "aww!" "Grossly cute." He decided. Ty snapped his fingers. "That's it!" "You know, I don't get why they're over there. There's tons of people around here. Why would you wanna show up to a party if you're just gonna hide away and hang out with one person the whole time?" "For real though." For the next few minutes, Ty and Louie observed the couple, keeping up a running commentary on the guy's obvious nerves and the girl's less than subtle advances. Ty and Louie learned a lot about themselves in those few minutes. Namely that they were both terrible at lip reading. "He said Pants." Ty was certain. "No, he said Nance." Louie countered. "Her name is probably Nancy." The girl clapped her hands together, nodding eagerly. "Then what's that for, huh? Clearly he just offered to tailor her a personalized pair of pants." "You are so dumb, that's not what's happening here at all." The guy took a dramatic step back and twirled his wrist an unnecessary amount of times before offering her his hand with a half-bow. She took it, giggling. The two them scampered off, out of the shadows and into the heart of the party, where other couples were twirling around as the minstrels played. He curled an arm around her waist, smiling as though this was his greatest honor and they spun into the motion, flowing so naturally amidst the other dancers as if they were simply another cogwheel in the world's most elegant clock. "Dance." Said Ty and Louie in unison. "Pretty sure we were close." "Pretty sure we're idiots." "Yeah, I know but just let me pretend." Ty suddenly snickered, his eyes glinting. "What was that thing he did with his hand anyway? And why did she eat it up?" "It's called flair, Tiberius." "Kinda dumb." "You're just mad that flair is not something you possess." "Bullshit, watch this!" Ty sat up straight and bent his arm into a perfect ninety-degree angle. "Prepare to be amazed." And then his entire forearm began to spin and spin and spin and spin and spin like a windmill in a hurricane. "Flair, flair, flair, flair," He was chanting and Louie had already collapsed in a giggle fit. It wasn't even remotely funny. It was dumb, it was so dumb. But Louie could admit to himself that dumb schticks get like ninety percent more humorous to him if there's a really cute boy performing them. He was easy like that. Ty was extremely committed to the joke as he kept spinning and spinning for over ten seconds. He kept shooting Louie glances and his grin got wider and wider every time he looked away. "FLAIR!" He let his arm go, throwing out an open palm and nearly knocked it against the side of Louie's head. "Hey!" He dodged. "Watch where you swing that thing, you could've whacked me!" "But I didn't!" Said Ty gleefully. He lowered his hand but did not withdraw. It remained unwavering and offered out to Louie. He took it. He didn't think, he just took it. It was only when they made contact that Louie woke up and his heart promptly spiked. But besides a light blush, he managed to keep his face neutral. "So, I guess it's not just that girl who's impressed by this stuff." Ty was nonchalant. His smile then twitched, as if aching to stretch wider but he was reigning it in. "You are too." They were still touching, which, by all accounts, should continue to fluster Louie. But as seconds ticked by, a sense of calm was settling over him. The very thing originally causing panic was now bringing him comfort. It was the weirdest thing, "I was laughing at you, not with you." He said evenly, catching Ty's contagious smile. "Ehh," He shrugged. "I'll take it." Louie would count this as a new domain for sure. Uncharted waters. As if he and Ty had stumbled in accidentally but now they were here, their curiosity was urging them to explore. Not to a dangerous extent, of course. But maybe just edge along the sidelines and see what they could discover. "Your hands are so tiny, it's crazy." Ty commented, tilting his head. Turning it over, he slid his thumb thoughtfully across Louie's palm. "How do you even hold anything?" Louie wasn't even eyeing their hands but was regarding Ty's pensive face. "It's kinda the worst. Whenever we find treasure and I get my cut, the fancy rings and bracelets are huge. I always gotta go to a jeweler and get them resized if I wanna wear them."' Ty was fiddling with Louie's fingers now, fixing him with a decisive nod. "I'll get you a ring for Christmas." "Woah, woah. For real?" "Yeah. I'll put it in one of those fancy boxes. But then you'll open it and see it's made out of grass and try to have me beheaded." As they were speaking, their hands continued to play around. Ty had flattened his own, aligning his palm against Louie's. Louie spread his fingers and Ty laced his through. "Uncle Donald says I'm not allowed to say "Off with his head" anymore or I'm grounded 'til I'm thirty-five. It "makes the people want to revolt."" Louie air-quoted with his free hand. "But I would fire you for sure." Ty snorted. "You would not and you know it." There would never be any proof that they held hands that day. Not a single eye witnesses, including themselves, as both boys had turned a blind eye to their own actions. They were afraid to look down, as that would be an acknowledgement. Louie had no mental image of the moment, fuschia fur intertwined with snow feathers, only a rush of heat and a hazy ponder if the dampness was his sweat or Ty's. And if the feel of Ty's touch was just an illusion of the mind, there was one poignant hint of the reality and that was how gentle their voices had gotten. "Oh, so, you're really gonna test me like that, Tiberius? Pushing me around, stealing grapes, calling me a little bitch. Is this any way to treat your liege? You don't think I'm at the end of my rope with you?" "Nahhhh...." Ty drew the word out, grinning. He twisted his muzzle into an exaggerated pout and batted his eyes. "You would never because I'm awesome and cool and smart and you love me." It was Ty's utter nerve that left Louie too astonished to even blush. Instead, he simply tilted his head, an eyebrow cocked. "Do I?" He challenged. To his credit, Ty did not relent either. However, the impishness gradually died from his eyes until he was left solemn. "Maybe?" He spoke softly, as though too much force would crack the delicate little word. He bore into Louie's eyes, like he was searching for an answer. Pleading for an answer. Louie felt his own hand squeeze Ty's. He inhaled. He knew he was going to say something, he was just leaving it up his own scattered subconscious to determine what. He would open his beak and whatever words wound up tumbling out would seal his fate. He didn't have a second to panic, to fret, as he was already speaking and he was petrified by how fast this was all going. "I--" Something shattered and a woman screamed in pain. Indistinct shouting and Ty cursed under his breath. Louie scrambled around to see the commotion and the last few things he registered were the gleam of sunlight catching unsheathed weapons, the girl he called Nancy with crimson pooling from her forehead, Ty demanding "Get down!" and knocking him stomach-down into the ground. 
“Stay there and don’t move.” Then Ty had rushed off and everything went to shit.
[OCTOBER 22ND, 7:13PM] Louie was well acquainted with that knock. Firstly, one firm rap against wood, proceeded by two more rapid-fire. He associated it with a twinge of annoyance, high sun beams streaking in his window and somebody near, dear and insufferable to his heart, pestering him from the other side to rise and shine already or his breakfast would go stale. This usually occurred around 9:30AM. If given a say in the matter, Louie would sleep til noon. But he didn't have a say in the matter because every morning, without fail, there was a retainer banging down his door. Something was off this time. Once he knocked, Ty had fallen uncharacteristically silent. No continuation of drumming out an obnoxious little tune and and no insisting he open up. Louie was hesitant to do much of anything. It seemed his door was the only thing protecting him from facing repercussions right now. If he fell deep enough into denial, he could pretend Ty wasn't there. So long as he kept his door shut, he could pretend everything was alright. Ty didn't almost die. It was a tempting thought. It resounded in such an appealing voice inside his head that Louie seized his latch before he could give in. The brass shocked a chill to the pads of his fingers as he held on tight. He had to open up. He had to. His hand fidgeted, stalling the moment. He thumped his forehead against the door, heaving a steadying sigh. "You don't wanna see me, do you, your highness?" He heard Ty say in hushed tones, his voice startlingly close to where Louie had situated himself. "Ehh, if we're being honest....not really." "Oh...." "Do you wanna see me?" "I mean....I kinda don't? The idea of seeing you right now is making me nauseous." The statement skewered Louie's heart. He shook it off. "Why'd you knock?" "'Cause it doesn't matter what I want, I gotta see you right now. It's important." An prolonged pause hung in the air, buzzing with a mutual uncertainty. Louie tapped his fingers to the wood and after a second or two, Ty did the same. Their respective rhythms aligned. "But..." Ty continued, his voice faltering. "If you don't wanna see me, I can go--" "Convince me." Louie was blurting out before he thought twice about it. "Huh?" "I need to open this door but, like surprise surprise, I'm scared. You've done it before. I get scared and you talk me into stuff. Do your big strong hero magic and get me to suck it up. Please, I need it." "Oh, uh, I--" He could hear how flustered Ty had gotten suddenly being put on the spot. "Well, I--...I guess you don't have a choice 'cause if you don't open up, I'm strong enough to barricade the door down. So, I figure we should just do this the easy way." Despite the circumstances and the scruple wrung tense in his stomach, Louie felt the corner of his beak twitch at the tentative touch to Ty's tone. He felt his stiff shoulders relax. "Is that a threat, Tiberius?" "Uh, no." Ty admitted, sounding sheepish. "That was just a joke. See, it was the first thing that came into my head and then suddenly I was saying it. Sorry, I dunno for sure if now is "joke time" and I figured it'd be kinda weird to ask so--" He didn't get to finish rambling. His hair whipped to the side with the rush of air that came with the swift swing of the door. Louie fixed him with a hard look, processing the sight of his retainer standing there, alive and bright eyed. Ty's hand was still hovering awkwardly in the air, where he assumed it had been resting against the door. He blinked back at him, puzzled and a little alarmed, as if caught under a spotlight. He didn't look angry. But Louie knew better than to lull himself into thinking he was in the clear. Whatever resentment Ty was feeling would spill out in time. Louie braced himself. "Hey, Ty." He said stiffly. "Come on in."
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God is real and he told my grandma i was gay
My friend tries coming out to her dad and it doesnt go well
She comes to me for advice and disappointedly i have none
The experience of coming out to parents is not one i know
I have never had the displeasure of sitting parents down
telling them all the secrets ive had tucked away in my pocket.
Ive often joked that if i knew coming out
Would kill my dad
Give my mom the last big shock of her life
I would.
Only then would i say anything.
But i dont know that.
What i do know is that it is easy to come out to family that doesnt exist
Telling my cat im gay is easy
Telling my brother who came out first is easy
Telling my grandma who replies that she already knew was easy
And i knew it would be
When i was 9 my grandma sat me down
Told me school came before boys
Education over everything
A degree put power into my hands
I would never rely on a man like she did
And i nodded, bright eyed and happy
Unaware that i didnt need to be told to not love men
When i was 12 my grandma was unloading dishes while i put them away
She told me to never rely on a man and then her voice hitched
And she added “or woman”
And spoons and forks clattered out of my hands onto the floor.
She helped me pick them up and said nothing else to me that night.
The next week she told me to find a good girl.
That girls could still be bad to me.
I asked her what she meant and she said:
That god told her i was gay.
And if that means god is real i guess i believe
Because how did he know before i did?
But why would be take my one coming out from me?
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hinatas-sunshine · 4 years
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Request: It's 5:32 in the morning from where I am, so sorry for asking this early. How Kenma, Ushijama, and Tsukishima react to their s/o that just unintentionally roasting them, other people, and things? - @animmle
tiny a/n: thank you for the request! No matter how early or late I always appreciate them! 🤍 ~ this isn’t my best work but I couldn’t think of much :(
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None
Requests: Open!
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☾ Tsukishima Kei ☾
• You knew walking into a relationship with him, let alone friendship, you had to have a thick skin
• What he didn’t know is how thick HIS skin had to be too
“I don’t know tsukishima maybe if you tried a little harder things would run smoother.”
• He knew you had no ill intentions though, especially by the way you kissed his nose and smiled at him
“Don’t kiss me it’s emba-“
“Finish that sentence. Do it. Finish that sentence.”
• Honestly you had to be the only person who tsukishima was intimidated by
“I’m not scared of you y/n.”
“I don’t expect you to be.”
“....Yeah why would I ever be scared of a small person. How silly of-“
“I’m not scared of you either, how could I be scared of a tall guy who doesn’t care about anything but music and school. Sounds nerdy to me.”
• You laughed lightly while he glared at you
“I’m only kidding!”
• Yeah he didn’t talk to you for a few hours after that-
• Your problems weren’t only with him though...no....
“Oh so the king is going ba-“
“Why are you roasting on kageyama? The boy can’t even talk to other people you think he cares what you think?”
• Tsukishima was cackling at this while Kageyama turned red in embarrassment
“Y-y/n you really just helped him and then k-killed him!”
• Looking at Kageyama you automatically started apologizing
“I’m so sorry Kageyama! You’re amazing at volleyball, so it’s okay that maybe you prefer the game over the people! It’s not weird or anything!”
• As your boyfriend and Hinata’s cackling intensifies along with Kageyama’s red cheeks Daichi sighed pulling you away from the situation
• He doesn’t do anything to stop you from roasting other people and things he really just lets you continue
“I don’t know I don’t like this girl.”
“One time she told me she hated dogs. And if you hate dogs how are you even a tad bit trustworthy?”
“I’m right here?”
“Okay and I’ll say it again?”
• Now you were full on bickering with her 🙈
“You got yourself into that.”
“It’s not my fault she got all defensive.”
• when he confronted you about it-
“Y/n you have a big mouth.”
“I think it’s pretty normal sized if you ask me-“
• he laughed lightly watching you touch your pink lips and look confused
“No I mean, you offend people. And you don’t know when to stop.”
• You furrowed your eyebrows on confusion even more.
“Could you explain a little more?”
• Tsukishima sighed and sat with you on the floor next to your bed where you were studying, placing his face in the crook of your neck placing small innocent kisses on it
“I’ll explain another time.”
“Okay lazy bum.”
“No I knew what I was saying.”
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✰ Kenma Kozume ✰
• You’re terrible at keeping your comments to yourself and he knew this
• The thing is, he loved it.
• Was it ever too quiet for his liking there you were
• Many people Kuroo thought it would’ve bothered him but the moment you say something it’s like he can’t help but smile
• It’s not that you were outgoing automatically, but you knew out of you and Kenma you had to be the talker and you knew this since you were younger
“Your hair is so long! I thought you were a girl..”
• Kenma hated you when you first met because of this
“But honestly you’d be prettier than half the girls here!”
• Yeah you were only making it worse
• But once he got over it, he saw you just had a big mouth and said whatever came to your mind
“I don’t know Kuroo, you sound very sus to me. I used to not trust you when we were younger.”
“What why?”
“You give off bad boy vibes, I guess In the end you were just a big nerd. What a plot twist in my opinion.”
• Kenma cackling while Kuroo tries to claim he is a bad boy
“It’s not a bad thing!”
“It’s not a good thing!”
• Kenma sees how honest you are and thinks everyone should have someone like you in their life
“Everyone needs a y/n in their life.”
“Really? That’s a first.”
• You laid your head on his lap while he smiled looking down at you, hair covering his face
“You have such a pretty face my love, you cat looking eyes top everything off.”
“I don’t have cat looking eyes?”
“Eh you do.”
• When he tried to confront you about how much you babble with no filter-
“Oh I know.”
“You know?”
“Yeah, but if I didn’t say what I was actually thinking- that’s just as bad as lying. No?”
• Kenma stared at you for a second
“Babe, your brain. It’s amazing.”
“I like to think it’s pink and cute but okay.”
• Kuroo, Yaku and Yamamoto don’t get you but the moment you met Lev-
“So you’re like the opposite of Hinata?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“You’re tall, can’t seem to want to learn to play the sport, and you come off as intimidating.”
“No...no more like you come off as stupid.”
“Kenma :(“
• Yeah Lev is the only one who doesn’t get offended by you because he focuses on the wrong things
“You’re so lanky and tall.”
“Am I really that tall?”
• Kenma hates your interactions with Lev because he thinks they’re not funny
“Don’t talk to her Lev.”
“Why?! Me and y/n are best friends!”
“No you’re not.”
“We aren’t but we can be aquatinted!”
“That sounds so much cooler suck it Kenma.”
• Yeah You were the reason everyone found out how dumb Lev was
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✰ Ushijima Wakatoshi ✰
• He likes to think you’re as unfiltered as him
• But he also thinks you’re too unfiltered and it’s not that you unintentionally roast people you kind of expose them
• He also definitely saves you when you’re about to say something
“I don’t know your skirt seems kinda unflat-“
• Like then, he cupped a hand over your mouth and dragged you away without a word
• And that’s how you knew if you were saying something offensive, your boyfriend would cup his hand over your mouth and drag you away.
“I don’t know Tendou, you have creepy eye-“
• You pouted before looking at your boyfriend
“I wasn’t finished! But I think it’s bad ass! I’d be intimidated if I didn’t know you were a crackhead!”
• Tendou was definitely your best friend and he eggs you on to say stuff you shouldn’t
“What do you think about Ushijima’s spikes today hmmmm?”
“I couldn’t focus I was too busy looking at those beefy ar-“
“OH yeah I mean not as strong as usu-“
“How can I fix them?”
• Every now and then you knew when to speak up and when to not, when it comes to volleyball you don’t because you’re not a pro?
• You managed to catch yourself sometimes but then you turn into an even worse babbling mess
“Semi you remind me so much of Sugawara from Karasuno, that guy. Such a good setter- NOT THAT YOU ARENT A GREAT PLAYER TOO! You’re an amazing player!-“
“Y/n I get it.”
• Ushijima gets entertained when you babble, he’s never seen anyone think as fast as you do in situations like this.
• He doesn’t ever think to confront you, mainly because he thinks it’s a cute quirk of yours and finds it somewhat entertaining
“Goshiki reminds me so much of Rock Lee. I can’t be the only one who sees it?”
• Tendou had a field day with this statement and Goshiki just didn’t know who Rock Lee was
• Ushijima just watches-
“No I asked Ushijima out and he turned so red I swear-“
“That’s enough talking.”
• He cupped his hand over your mouth and dragged you out while you waved bye 🧚🏻‍♀️✨
• You often almost exposed your boyfriend
“He sleeps with a volleyball night ligh-“
“He always asks me to pick out the pickles in his-“
“He hates when I hug a pillow instead of h-“
“He seems superior here but when it’s us it-“
• This is when Tendou and Semi rise and snatch you from him
“What were you saying y/n?”
“Yeah finish what you were saying about Wakatoshi~”
“Oh yeah!”
• And there your boyfriend stood ready to take you away when-
“Ushijima has a bunch of you guys’ pictures framed! It’s really sweet!”
“Oh really?”
“Wakatoshi that’s so sweet!”
• You smiled at your boyfriend who looked at you and sighed
“You’re a hassle.”
“What how?”
“Y/n is an angel Wakatoshi!”
“Thank you Tendou.”
“I never said she wasn’t an angel, just a hassle.”
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depressedtransguy · 3 years
im tired so I can’t think of a threat but if you read this and you’re not @angelwiththeblue-box ue-box then I’ll cut off your uvula and make you drown in your own blood
Anthony was just stepping out of the Sanctum when he got the call on his glasses. They buzzed gently against his face as his sister's name flashed right in front of his eyes, reminding him that his sister was the only person connected to his spectacles. And she only called him for one thing. "I will thank every god in the multiverse if you tell me right now that you're not in prison again," Anthony whispered with a seething rage as he answered the call, his fingers flexing on a stress ball.
Her overly long silence wasn't comforting. I'm in prison again.
Not knowing whether to scream or break things, Anthony just inhaled sharply as his stress ball popped. "Frigga, I'm about to go on a date! With Atreo! Remember, the Greek god of a man that I'm somehow dating?"
I remember.
"Is there at least not anyone there who's going to immediately kill you? Can you wait a night? Please?"
There was a huff from the other end. You're going to leave your sister in prison for a night to have sex with a mortal?
"Well he doesn't make me break him out of space prison!!" Frigga was right of course. He had to help her. And normally he didn't mind it, it was cracking codes and breaking laws, two of his favorite things, but Atreo was... hot. And Anthony was gay. It was unfair. But like the message of every single Fast and the Furious movie, family came first. "Fine. I'll help. But you owe me big time."
Okay okay, I owe you I owe you, just help me get out of here.
So with the gay side of his mind screaming at him to go hook up with a man carved out of stone, he teleported into his lab and plopped down into his swivel chair with a huff, then letting it roll him over to his main computer. "What prison are you at?" He started up the monitor and tossed his destroyed stress ball over his shoulder.
The Xandarian one.
Anthony groaned. "Again? Stop going to Xandar! They know you're a war criminal!"
It was just a little treason, don't be such a bitch.
"It's not the crimes, it's the fact that you keep going to the places where you know you'll be arrested. I'm a felon on at least 12 planets, but at least I'm smart enough to avoid them," Anthony pointed out, tapping the correct coordinates into the computer before dragging out the 3D model of the building and spinning it around in his hands. "But I guess it's better than one we've never broken out of before. Even though you'll probably be locked up twice as much and have three times as many guards making sure you don't get out. Fun. Really really fun." Anthony double tapped the side of his glasses to increase the volume on her end. "Where are you right now?"
I'm in line for my mugshot. My wrists are locked together with power dampers and there's a guard ready to taser me if I take a wrong step, but besides that I'm pretty free. So I was able to tap the piece with my shoulder and they just think I'm crazy talking to myself. Same place as last time.
The young scientist increased the size of the hologram prison until he spotted the room she was talking about and he then pulled it out before pushing it back into the computer. The camera footage from that room immediately popped up. Due to Frigga being arrested so frequently, he had already programmed the entire hologram with the codes needed to access both their camera and security system. It just made the whole process a lot simpler. "Alright I'm in." Anthony rolled forward in the chair and squinted at the monitor, increasing the picture with two outstretched fingers until he could zoom in on where his sister stood waiting for her mugshot to be taken next. "Oh my god, you put up another fight didn't you?"
With a groan Anthony leaned back in his chair and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You may be powerful Frigga, but you, with your wrists and neck locked, and your powers suppressed, and four Xandarian guards surrounding you, you absolutely will not win in any situation." And it was obvious she didn't win that time either. A black ring was around her eye with blood dripping down her philtrum and her chin, as well as what appeared to be another bruise on her left cheekbone.
Says the guy with more scars to mark his battles than me.
She was right. She was. But that didn't mean he liked it. "This isn't about my problems right now, this is about yours," Anthony pointed out. "Focus on listening to directions. I don't want you to get hit again." Even though she was messing up his date, that's not how he wanted to get revenge on her. He already had a better plan that was calming his anger just from knowing they'd be even in the end.
You're not breaking me out now?
"Surrounded by guards and other unstable patients and chained up to your ass? I'm not stupid. Just trust me, I know what I'm doing."
A sigh came from her end. Fine. But I need to get a new prison breakout guy. My current one's too slow.
Anthony laughed back. If he was suffering emotionally, then she could too. It was only fair. "I'm the best in the business honey, don't underestimate me. And I don't make you pay me. Calculating the exact price of a hacker-if we ignore the fact that they would have to be available for you at any time since you get arrested way more than the average person-with the amount of times I've helped you out, including now, that adds up to about... $14,191. And we're poor."
Fuck you.
"Fuck you too, I'm out of fourteen hundred dollars and a date. Now just pretend to be obedient for the next 20 minutes and I'll get you out."
I still hate you.
"I hate you too."
The siblings fell into silence as Frigga's arm was grabbed and she was then pushed onto the platform, right in front of the electronic height measurer that all mugshots had for some reason. In her flat shoes she rose up to the marking of 6' 1". Which did annoy Anthony a bit, as he sort of received the short end of the stick when it came to tall genetics, but he swallowed his jealousy and listened to what the officers had to say while she was scanned and her pictures were taken. ACAB might be true, but they did have some pretty interesting banter.
She's back again? one guard, who Anthony nicknamed 'Terry' on the spot, commented with a hint of sarcasm.
Yep, the other guard, nicknamed 'Jake', responded with a small *pop* on the 'p'. The bounty's big on her, I'm surprised she wasn't handed over sooner.
Well she's escaped out of here thrice, so she's obviously got some tricks up her sleeves.
Jake let out a low whistle. Three times? That's gotta be a record.
It is. She just... slips through our fingers every single time. I don't know how she does it. Maybe with an accomplice or something, something that our camera's can't detect, maybe a brother or a parent or a friend, but there's no way they'll get through this a fourth time.
The two space cops laughed and assumedly bumped their fists together based on the small popping noise that came from the other end. Anthony only smirked and then tuned out their annoying voices when it moved to annoying prison stuff to then jot down the information typed out on the wall where she stood, describing her ethnicity, criminal background (there was a lot of that), special powers, descriptive marks, etc etc. He didn't look up when she was told to turn to her side.
You're paying attention, right? I can hear you writing something, Frigga suddenly interrupted.
"I have to record all the information they have on you to figure out if it can possibly be exploited. I'm organized Frigga, and anything can be important."
Frigga just groaned. Just get me out.
"Patience... is a virtue."
Patience can kiss my ass.
"You can kiss your ass goodbye if you don't shut up and follow the guards; I can see them looking at you." Although it was mostly to shut her up, he technically was telling the truth, as one of the guards broke out from the group to grab Frigga's bicep and pull her away from the mugshot space. Normal prisoners moved on their own with guards nearby, but three time escapists were snatched and moved on their own. Which Frigga wasn't used to, nor did she like. If Anthony wasn't there to bargain with her for her peace she definitely would have put up another fight and made practically everything ten times harder for herself. "I'll lead your escape plan in the direction of killing that guard," he offered as a reward if she stayed calm. A pretty useful tactic that both of them used on each other whenever something that they weren't good at was involved and needed to be done.
And it worked as usual. Frigga just huffed and pushed her shoulders back in order to hold her head high as she was walked toward where she would be temporarily staying, knowing she'd get to slaughter the person manhandling her in the end. Anthony followed them through the different rooms along the different security cameras.
More and more shackles were added as they went. A muzzle slapped on that thankfully still let her speak, new and bigger handcuffs, legs chained together to be dragged along the floor, and a full on torso restraint, all with Frigga looking more and more annoyed. It was actually pretty funny. Not that Anthony would say that aloud since he knew she'd just get (rightfully) mad. Although he had clicked record a minute prior and planned to laugh his ass off in front of her later. Once no one's life (but his) was in danger.
Eventually there were enough chains on her and she had reached her single containment facility, so while one guard lifted her up from the ground, the other opened the door for her to be thrown inside like a sack of potatoes before they then slammed it shut. At that Anthony had to laugh audibly at.
Oh fuck off.
"You didn't- they just- they just fucking threw you-" Anthony struggled out, wheezing through the words due to how hard he was laughing. It was so fucking funny. "You should have seen yourselffff."
Get me out of prison quicker so I can kill you quicker.
Anthony had to take another minute or two to stop laughing before he could actually get to work. "Alright, could you describe your surroundings? I have no quick way of getting in there."
Fine. I'm in a small, most likely vibranium room, about four feet by ten feet by... 12 feet. There are some sort of magnets in the back that connect to the chains' padlocks, so as soon as I was tossed in they snapped together, so now I'm hung up kinda like Jesus Christ on the cross. The room besides the door is bare.
"Any cracks above or below the door?"
Not a thing. They really don't want me to get out of here.
"But you will. Could you describe your chains to me? I didn't get a good look when I was watching you before."
The links are about three inches across, the metal an inch thick, and the cuffs are as heavy as Jeff, being almost four inches up and one and a half inches thick. They cover most of my forearms. The color is... a dark gray with a little hint of navy blue. Uh, I should paint this scene. I think I could really piss some Christians off with it because no joke, I'm exactly positioned like Jesus was in the El Greco pai-
Silence followed for a few seconds. Anthony was planning on telling her to focus once her sentence was done and comment on her mention of Jeff, their childhood 15 pound cat, but the end of it never came. So he just zoomed in on the door and increased the volume on her side once more. "Frigga? Come in Frigga."
There wasn't even silence on the other end. Static started to come through. "What the-" Anthony's work didn't produce static. His inventions and creations didn't create static. Ever. "Frigga tell me this is a joke, what's going on?" There had been no movement at the door, and as he was forced to take Frigga's word about the room's layout, there was no other entrance to it. "Frigga. Come on."
The only reason he was snapped out of the repeated cycle of him adjusting his glasses and repeating his sister's name was because his other senses perked up and he caught the feeling of a presence behind him. A certainly unfamiliar one. But before he could even turn or react, he was snatched from behind and his whole world went black.
Frigga was being manhandled again when she woke up. "Ugh, did you dickheads knock me out again?" she hissed as she twisted in her shackles, surprised to be out of her personal prison with no warning, but still angered. "I was thinking about painting, asshole." She was struck in the face (as expected) for her rudeness. At least Anthony didn't scold her for it. Could you do your best to not piss everyone off while you're vulnerable? That would be great, is what he always said. As your doctor I have to tell you that it's a stupid ass thing to do. But he said nothing.
In fact there was no sound at all from Anthony. Not even breathing. Just static...
Wait. "What's your name?" the guard holding her up by her biceps demanded before she could properly think about where her brother was. "Who are you?"
"Who am I? You guys have arrested me four times! In fact I should be asking you that, are you a new hire or something? I didn't see you the last time I was here."
The guard brought his arm back to hit her again, but that time the other one stopped him. "Her sleeve is torn. She's telling the truth; she has been arrested multiple times."
"Then explain why she isn't in the system!"
"I can't. But she's not lying, so you shouldn't hit her. Let's just bring her to the mugshot area, get a photo, and then put her in the hardcore containment facility so we can figure this stuff out on our own," he bargained with the more unstable guard.
The guard did agree after a bit more negotiating, and soon enough Frigga was brought back to the mugshot area and positioned on it. It didn't look like the same one she was in just minutes earlier. Well, it looked... similar? Yet... outdated. Like the old system they used to use. She didn't say anything aloud, as she knew that would just get her hit again, but she tried to imprint the oddities in her mind as best she could. Dammit why did Anthony get Dad's photographic memory?! she mentally hissed as details vanished from her brain almost seconds after. Why do I have to be forgetful?
"Yeah yeah, I know I know," Frigga grumbled, reluctantly doing as told and then eyeing the information they were presenting about her on the screen. Some of it was from the identifying marks and tears on her clothing, like her escapist status and such, but most of it had come from the special type of scanner that The Kyln owned that could identify everything from hidden objects on the body down to a being's DNA. Hers was correctly listed as 50% Terran, 50% Jotunn. Her ear piece wasn't recognized just like Anthony had designed. But, in an odd turn of events, none of her powers were listed as they usually were. Not one.
After the scan was done, leaving both the guards and the young demi-god with more questions than answers, Frigga was grabbed by the bicep and led over to a containment facility. Not her usual single one, but a seemingly group one with approximately 13 more people inside. Only a few had handcuffs. And no chains were added to her, leaving her completely open spare her wrists, which was a ridiculous oversight on their part. (There had been a lot of weird oversights on their part by then.) At least it would be an easy break out. "Anthony, are you there?"
No answer.
Frigga bent her arms and reached over to press into the ear piece in case it accidentally got turned off when she was passed out. She said her brother's name again, ignoring the looks she got from other hardened criminals inside. "If you're fucking with me you are so dead when I get home."
"Hey crazy, stop talking to yourself, some of us are trying to nap here."
The familiar voice made Frigga stop in her action and turn toward it. "Rocket?" The other guardians also laying down looked up at the call of his name. "What- what are you all doing here? You're supposed to be in New Asgard."
They all looked extremely confused. "What? Look, lady, I don't know who the hell you are or what New Asgard is," Rocket continued, reluctantly pushing up to his paws and rubbing out the flat spot in his fur, "so I guess I'd prefer for you to talk to 'Anthony' because what you're doing now is creeping me out even more."
"Okay- no. I'm not the crazy one here. Everyone and everything has been weird, and now you guys too? Come on, this isn't fair."
"Hey, isn't New Asgard that place where Thor was living before he joined us?" Quill questioned as he too sat up.
Rocket only groaned. "Great, let's get more people in on this conversation. Peter, please don't enable her, she's obviously lost her head."
"What do you mean she lost her head, her head's right there on her shoulders!" Drax chimed in, getting up and gently shaking her back and forth with a grip on her shoulder to show that her head was really on there.
Frigga was used to Drax's typical maneuvering and his deafness to sarcasm, so him moving her back and forth was the least of her worries at that point. It was the others. "Mantis, come on, you remember me, right?" Frigga said in exasperation, being the only one in the room who was completely lost making her a bit worked up. Especially since she didn't have Anthony in her ear. He was always with her when she was arrested; in one way or another.
Mantis seemed to sense this and walked over to press her open palm to her revealed bicep. "You feel... desperate."
"Well I am desperate because I'm the only sane one here but you're all looking at me as if I'm the crazy one. Rocket, Quill, Drax, Mantis... Groot! Come on, you all know me," she went on, just waiting and practically praying that one of them would grin and tell her it was just a stupid joke. But that didn't happen. In fact the only change in their expressions was Groot looking up and murmuring something about it being too loud for him to play his game. "Oh come on!" With a huff she plopped down on the floor and rested her head against the wall's cool steel, bending her elbows again to cover her eyes with her hands and hoping that it would all just disappear. But, as one might guess, that didn't happen, and in fact she felt someone move over and sit next to her. Most likely out of pity.
It was Quill, of course. "What's your name?"
Maybe they were hit with some memory loss thing. Maybe there was a reasonable explanation. So Frigga opened her eyes and turned her head toward him. "Frigga."
His eyes widened a bit and Frigga got a little too excited. "Do you finally recognize me?"
"No- sorry, but that's just this- guy that I know's mother's name. Frigga," he gently explained with a slight blush and a nervous scratch at the back of his head.
The movements were a little confusing at first, but then Frigga realized that they were coming from the mention of Thor, and didn't have to do with her at all. But why would he act like that? Thor and he had been dating for decades. Since before she and her brother were born. She and baby Anthony were at their wedding. He was in a little blue tux and she in a little green dre- wait a fucking second. "Quill... What year is it?"
"What do you mean? It's 2024. What else would it be?"
Frigga gasped and jumped to her feet. It all clicked at once. Why the guards didn't know her. Why all the technology and architecture seemed older and outdated. Why her own uncle and the guardians didn't recognize her. She hadn't even been born yet. But the only question still there was... how? And also, why? But in order to have a prayer at answering those questions, she had to get back to Earth where she knew the Avengers as well as her parents would be. Although they technically weren't her parents yet. God are they even dating yet? It didn't matter. She just needed to get there and hope that Anthony was there too. The only problem (besides every other problem that she had) was that she had never escaped a prison without him before. They could only do it with each other. It seemed like a major roadblock... until she glanced over at the raccoon.
"Hey, Rocket, could you remind me again of how many prison's you've broken out of?"
Rocket, who had clearly been trying to ignore them but was just accepting his fate as his name was called once more, turned toward them with crossed arms. "About 24. What's it to ya?"
A small smile spread over Frigga's face. "And how many times out of here?"
"Just the one."
"Great. If you bring me to Earth, I'll help you get out."
He scoffed as if that was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. "And why would I need your help out of here?"
"Because I've escaped here three times myself. And, you don't have Gamora, nor is Groot an adult as he was last time. Earth isn't even that far from here, just a few jumps, so why not pad your escape with me- a demi-god by the way -and just take me there in return?" she bargained, getting more and more calm and excited as her thoughts clicked together. Sure, everything was still weird, but at least she was able to get a grip on her situation.
Based on his extremely annoyed expression, Rocket knew that she was right and that they could use the help, yet was extremely reluctant to admit it. "Demi-god? We already got a half celestial, I don't think we need any more half- things," he tried to point out.
But Quill was on her side. "No, no, I think we should hear her out. Especially since I don't even have the powers of a half celestial anymore. If she's escaped from here three times then she could really be a big help for us. They've changed a lot of things since we were last here, and we're in a new area. And, although I'm not sure how she knows about Gamora and Groot, she's right about that too."
Rocket snarled as Frigga smirked and raised her arms up at him in a shrug. "The man's got a point."
"That man is also an idiot. But fine. You can join us, and we'll bring you to Earth."
Frigga grinned wider as Rocket moved closer and removed what seemed to be some sort of bobby pin from the back of his head, making her cuffs fall off in under a minute. She rubbed her sore wrists and thanked him. "We should probably pick up Thor from Earth anywhere, I'm pretty sure he's still there with the Avengers," Quill pointed out as he joined them and glanced at the red rings on her skin. "Why were those so tight?"
"Well, due to my powers they need to restrict me so I don't just slaughter them all and escape like that, and they usually do that with overly tight power dampers," she explained to him as she continued to try to get the blood flowing normally back into her hands. "You get used to it. Especially since they get steadily tighter and tighter due to the guards' fear in me increasing every time. I killed a bunch last time so the chains applied doubled. Until I woke up in 2024 of course, but I'm ignoring that for now."
Quill very obviously had no idea what she was talking about, but as he wasn't one to judge with making sense he just smiled at her. "Good, you can do it again."
"After this stunt? Fuck yeah I'm going it again."
<finish prison scene and go to anthony>
Stephen had no idea why he was being called to Avengers Tower. Except for the occasional meeting that he was forced to attend that he usually managed to escape early from, he had never been asked to go to their living and working quarters. So he couldn't imagine what the problem was. "What's the situation and how can I get out of it quicker?" was the first thing that fell out of his mouth once he stepped out of the portal. He was met with the stares of all six Avengers and Loki. Great. "What the hell happened?"
"We found a kid."
Definitely not what Stephen expected Tony to say. "What?!"
"Okay that was a shitty explanation. Just look." The group parted to reveal a body rested on their couch with handcuffs around his unconscious wrists. The only indicator that he was alive was the small rise and fall of his chest. He looked young, easily 18, with dark brown hair that slightly fell over his forehead, and glasses over eyes of a hidden color. Stephen noticed most of all was that he had two thick scars on the dorsal side of his hands; one for each. "We found him in our meeting room. There's no identifying items on him, and his fingerprints aren't in the database, so we have basically no idea who he is."
"So what can I do?" Stephen questioned.
"Ask Loki. He's the one who requested you."
Only then did Stephen look up to lock eyes with his fellow sorcerer. One that he had never really gotten along with. "You?"
"To be fair I didn't request you, I just said it would be useful to have another magic user here. John Doe here has magic practically radiating off of him," Loki tried to explain without making it seem like he wanted Stephen there, hints of forced annoyance and real nervousness leaking through. The 'John Doe' reference was imprinted in the sorcerer supreme's mind without a clear reason. Since when does he know Midgardian terms? "Can't you sense it?"
Stephen could. There was a large amount of power coming from him. "It's a multitude of different types. I can't even distinguish them; they're all so mixed up."
Loki agreed. "I was planning on picking through his memories, but due to the mixture of magic and power, I thought it'd be more safe if I waited for you to hold him down if anything goes wrong." An uncomfortable amount of silence passed between the two, unknown whether to continue genuinely or be sarcastic and snarky. "Not that I think you're capable of it, but you're sort of better than nothing."
There it was. The Avengers looked around at each other as they were described as 'nothing', the sorcerers forgetting about anything that wasn't the other, as usual. "You're very kind, Loki," Stephen drawled out with a sarcastic smile.
"I am, aren't I?" With that he jumped over the couch and kneeled down next to the body, gingerly going to place his fingers on his forehead.
But just as they brushed his skin the entire tower shook lightly and made everyone look up. FRIDAY spoke up to fill them in. The Guardians have arrived, sir. And they have a guest on board.
"Well that was quick," Thor murmured under his breath. "They're getting better at escaping."
"Were they in prison again?" Bruce questioned.
Thor nodded back. "I'll go greet them, you guys stay here and figure out his identity." With a small wave the god of thunder then left the room, and all other attendants watched until he left the room and then they all turned back toward the boy on the couch. Except- oh. Fuck.
"Where did he go?" Loki whispered.
"I'm right here."
The entire group swiveled to see the boy formerly laying on the couch sitting in a chair behind them all, his legs and arms crossed tightly, handcuffs done, and a stern expression on his face. "And I'd like to know what the hell is going on."
"You're the one who somehow got into our tower, why don't you explain it to us?" Clint shot back.
The boy only looked at him with a face void of all amusement. And with eyes that were a colored a blood red.
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