#my friend tried to speak german when we were there
sophsicle · 5 months
Hey Soph, I'm Izzy (32) from Germany. I read Choices about a year ago and still can't get over it. It's so crazy what it did to me. Just LOVE it! When I saw you were doing a reread I was super excited! I'm currently reading the fic on Spotify too for the German listeners. Maybe one or the other will discover the podcast if you like to link it. Only if you want to! As I cannot insert a link: Search for "Fandom Floo - ein Harry Potter Fanfiction Podcast" or "#1 Choices von Messermoon" will do it:)
I will link it to the next episode!!!!!
Also thank youuuuu!!!!!!
honestly i'm obsessed with Germany, admittedly I have only been to Berlin (twice) BUT still 10/10 would like to live there, just gotta, y'know...learn some german
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aurpiment · 9 months
I dreamed that I was working on an ecology research boat and for some reason aboard the boat there was an injured otter. One of my colleagues started feeding it cat kibble and thawed cooked shrimp on a plate and he even taught her to say yes and no. (Pulling a lever on a striped ball was no, on a plain ball was yes.) The otter was very intelligent and she became accustomed to and even fond of humans. She stayed on the boat even after she recovered. She cozied up to human hands to request to be petted on the head. This made another of my colleagues, who was more senior, very upset. She (the colleague, not the otter) explained to him that it is dangerous for wild animals to become acclimatized to humans.
Here’s where it got weird. We tried to reason with the otter to convince her to leave us forever and go back into the wild, since the otter had learned to understand English and could now speak. I told her that she had lost the instinct to bite our hands, and that otters are supposed to bite. She answered that she was sorry that she used to have the instinct to bite us, because it was rude, and that we were her friends. (She figured out it was rude among humans because she noticed that none of us bit each other, not even playing.)
I relayed this answer to the senior colleague who, after cussing out the other colleague for “de-animalizing” the otter, came up with a plan. (De-animalizing, my colleague explained, turns a wild animal into a pet, and “a house-animal is no animal.” She explained this in German. My German is very bad.)
This was the plan: We were to give the otter a “shamanic experience” to make her think she was having a meaningful vision. My senior colleague would drug her, and drape her in the preserved pelt of another otter, so that when she woke up, she would ask herself, ‘who am I?’ And come out of the pelt thinking she was being reborn. I thought draping her in the skin of a dead member of her own species was macabre and possibly itchy, and that the whole “shamanic experience” idea was pure plastic, but the risk was that she would be de-animalized if she stayed with us longer, so I followed along with the plan.
My senior colleague drugged the otter, the otter woke up and crawled out of the other pelt, and then, since I was the intern on the boat, I stomped rhythmically on closed tiptoes in front of the otter and conveyed information to her in a droning song. I chanted about how it was dangerous for wild animals to stay among humans. I don’t think I was wearing a mask, so the otter recognized me and didn’t get why I was doing that weird song and dance. Ritual does not come naturally to otters, even tame ones. Nor are they in the habit of having dream visions.
But she was sort of enthralled by the rhythmic footwork of the dance and she was still a little cross-eyed and high, so she was paying rapt attention to what I was telling her. She asked me, very earnestly, “do corrupt intentions underlie your deeds?” (Meaning humans as a whole, not just me)
I told her, (in a normal voice, no longer doing the song bit) “My friend, some of us are very corrupt. It’s not safe to trust any of us.“
What I said to her was more words than that, but I focused so hard on saying it that I said it with my real still-in-bed body’s mouth and breath, which woke me up. I don’t know if the otter was persuaded to return to the water.
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tbh-entp · 2 years
Thinking of writing a book called Not Kidnapped Yet, detailing all of the times old men have tried to get me to follow them. It’s happened three times in the past month, including today, and its starting to feel like a bad omen.
#today it was a dude on the train. i was literally watching a show and he stopped me to talk which i'll always talk#then when he got to his stop he's was like you're coming with me right#are you sure? we're getting on so well#which i guessed there was something up because he told me i looked like his ethiopian ex#and that ethiopians are really beautiful (which i'm not ethiopian anyway but thnx)#also that swiss women are too closed off for his taste#and i was like i'd like to get back to taskmaster#he didn't speak much english we were speaking in german and french#earlier this month a man stopped me as i was walking to work carrying bags#he first drove next to me and then pulled over and completely blocked the sidewalk#he came back to tell me my bags looked heavy#he asked me if i wanted to ride with him and asked me where i was going#and after i kinda tried to ignore and keep walking he asked if i wanted to get coffee with him and his boldness astounds me#in august a guy got a hold of my work card and sent me a very long email#one friend didn't believe me about the attention until i was asked twice when we were together in different instances to be photographed#(which in one case i ended up with very hilarious pictures of me in a coat on a harley davidson in bern switzerland)#and the other was halloween and i ended up getting my butt slapped so no more pics thnx#had a guy following me with a video camera in annecy france and then twice followed on the way home and to the port#and this is just the super inappropriate attention not including the basic cat calls#the final thing is that i feel bad complaining abt it because people don't always believe me since it happens mostly when im alone#OR i'm told it's a compliment but like sAFETY is nice too and the privilege of not being bothered#it's literally a poc woman thing here though i'm sure#personal#mine#text
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helen-with-an-a · 2 months
I am an Adult pt 3.5
Hi. So I wanted to a sub-chapter kinda thing about Lena's side of the relationship/first few months etc. So here it is. Also shout out to the anons who gave me some inspo for this - u really helped. Also, I would like to preface this by saying I don't really know much about the Wolfsburg team as a whole, so if anything's wrong please let me know.
In this fic - the bold text is meant to be in German (but I didn't want bascially the whole thing to be unreadable for people) so just imagine it's in German
Barca Femeni x Reader / Lena Oberdorf x Reader / VfL Wolfsburg x Lena Oberdorf
Description: R and Lena's relationship from Lena's perspective
Word Count: 2.7k
Part 1 : Part 2 : Part 3 : Part 3.5 : Part 4 : Part 5
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Lena was too smiley. That was the first thing Jule noticed after the Barca match. The hotel they were staying in was nice, the weather was very warm compared to Wolfsburg, and the day off was well deserved.
“What’s up with you?” She asked her best friend, eyeing her suspiciously.
“Huh? Oh, nothing,” Lena dismissed her as she fell onto her bed, phone in her hand.
“Speaking English now, are we?” Jule teased, studying Lena. She had a slight flush to her skin that wasn’t there this morning. She seemed too happy for someone who had just been ‘exploring’ all day. “What did you do today?”
“Nothing … uh, nothing much; I just wandered ‘round a bit,” Lena said distractedly. Jule hummed in false agreement. Something was going on.
A gasp pulled Jule from her inspection. It was Lena, staring joyfully at her phone before hurriedly typing away. Ok, something was most definitely going on, and Jule was going to find out what and soon.
“I’m going …” Lena cleared her throat and shook her head as if to shake away the English. “I’m going to go shower … uh … yeh.” She gathered up her stuff and headed to the attached bathroom, leaving her phone on the bed. Perfect, it was time to snoop; Jule congratulated the universe on its opportunistic timing.
[Initial]💙❤️: SPOTIFY LINK – One Direction, ‘I Should Have Kissed You’:  https://www.spotify......
L💚: SPOTIFY LINK – Odeal, ‘Next Time’: https://www.spotify.......
Who was ‘[Initial]💙❤️’ ? And why were they sending Lena a link to old One Direction songs? Specifically, ‘I Should Have Kissed You’? And why was Lena sending a song back telling them ‘next time’? The bathroom door opened a little.
“Jule, did I leave my phone?”
“Uhhhhhh, yeh, you did. Here,” Jule quickly locked Lena’s phone and rushed to hand it to her.
“Gracias,” Lena said absentmindedly, closing the door again. Spanish? Since when did Lena speak Spanish?
Slowly, the pieces slid into place for Jule. Lena had been out all day. Lena came back too happy and constantly looking at her phone. Lena replied in English and Spanish. Lena had received a text telling her that someone should have kissed her. Lena responded with the promise of next time. Lena was definitely on a date.
It wasn’t confirmed for Jule until the return leg. Much like in Barcelona, Lena disappeared all day and reappeared, looking far too happy the day after. She definitely went on another date.
“So,” Jule said as she cornered Lena in the locker room during recovery. “How was your date?”
“Oh, it was great. We went-” Lena froze. How did Jule know about her date? “W-what date?” Lena tried to cover slip up. Jule grinned devilishly, refusing to let Lena weasel her way out of this questioning.
“You know, your date with the Barca player,” she laughed at Lena’s horrified expression.
“I didn’t … What … me? No … I don’t,” Lena rubbed the back of her neck, trying to hide the dark blush adorning her cheeks.
“Don’t lie to me, Lena Sophie! I am your best friend. You went on a date, 2 dates, and didn’t tell me,” Jule said, slightly hurt that Lena didn’t trust her with this. It was well known that Lena didn’t do dates; she didn’t do the emotional side of romance. She flirted, she charmed, and she took people home – only to have them leave the next morning, often not quite remembering their name when the sun rose. To see her friend finally consider a date, multiple dates - and maybe something more – Christmas had come early for Jule Brand.
“What d-” Lena started to deny, but after seeing Jule’s face, she knew she was caught. She sighed before spilling her happiest secret, “She asked me after the Barca match if I wanted to see some stuff in Barcelona. It was such a good time. We went to breakfast, and she made me try all these Spanish and Catalonian pastries. Then, she showed me all the tourist spots. She took me to lunch and stuff and then showed me all the quieter places she likes to go. Then, we ended with dinner, and it was just, ugh. So, so perfect.” Jule smiled, liking this side of Lena she hadn’t seen before. “And then, we so nearly kissed when she walked me back to the hotel and then she sent me a song telling me she wanted to kiss me and,” Lena sighed dreamily. “And we’ve been texted and phoning and whatnot, but I asked her out after our match on Sunday, and we went to the Christmas Market, even though it’s only November because she mentioned she’d never been to one before, and we ate far too much and then …” Lena paused, the romantic gushing so uncharacteristic of her. “She kissed me. She kissed me, Jule. And it was so perfect, and, ugh…” she trailed off again. “I’ve never felt like this before,” she whispered, grinning to herself as she confessed.
“She sounds wonderful, Lena. But who is ‘she’?” Jule teased lightly, nudging her best friend.
“Um … Y/N. The number 17 put 2 past us on Sunday,” Lena smiled as she said your name, a lovesick expression taking over. “She’s got this smile and, god, her laugh. It’s like angels or something. She so, so beautiful, Jule.” Lena gushed. Jule hadn’t seen Lena like this, ever, but she wasn’t opposed to the in-love ramblings. She liked this side of Lena and hoped she would stay for a long while. “But she’s also funny, and kind, and sweet, and just … she’s already picking up German for me. I didn’t even ask her to; she just turned up here, and at the Market, she went to ask a seller about this piece of jewellery, and it was in pretty decent German. She was so cute, she got all blushy and shy afterwards and…” she sighed again. Her fingers coming to fiddle with the woven bracelet on her wrist – a gift from you to remember you by. Like she could ever forget you.
“Wow, Lena. When can I meet the girl that’s got you so lovesick?” Jule teased gently, bumping her shoulder against Lena’s.
“Not for a while, sorry, Jule. It’s just, it’s all so new, and we haven’t really discussed what we are yet, and we won’t be able to see each other for a while because of our schedules and, um…” Lena had the decency to look slightly embarrassed at her response, but she loved the idea of being able to keep you all to herself for a little while.
“No, I get it, no worries,” Jule smiled understandingly. “I can see that she makes you happy, and that’s all that matters,” she added, squeezing Lena’s hand at her words. “But I will require regular updates from you about how things are going, ok? ‘Cos … my best friends in loooove,” she sang out, laughing at Lena’s bright blush.
“Yeh, yeh, let’s go to recovery, c’mon,” Lena said, shoving her friend out of the empty changing room.
[Initial]💙❤️: I want to tell them about u x
L💚: Tell em
L💚: Can I tell my team?
[Initial]💙❤️: Omg yesssss xxxxxxxxxxxx
Lena had permission from you to tell the team, and she was so, so happy about it. Telling Jule made everything feel so much more real; she couldn’t imagine how telling the team would go. She figured she’d start with the girls she was closest with.
Jule, Ewa, and Sveindis all gathered in her living room as Lena stood nervously in front of the TV.
“Um, so … I have something I need to tell you guys,” Lena said, fidgeting with the hem of her t-shirt. Why was she so nervous? She loved the idea of being able to take you out on dates without hiding anything; she wanted to be in the crowd when watching your matches; she wanted to kiss you in front of the whole world … and yet she was nervous about this. If she had to guess, she would say it’s because she hasn’t done this before. She doesn’t date, and she’s never had to introduce her teammates to a partner before, but here she was, about to burst your little bubble of private joy. You had told her you’d done it already – or at least, you didn’t discourage the team when they snooped and didn’t stop them from guessing.
“Oh, my god. Are you leaving?” Sveindis asked.
“What? No!” Not yet, anyway. Lena replied.
“Are you dying?” Ewa countered. Lena was slightly shocked at her question.
“Ewa!” Lena gasped.
“Are you pregnant then? Did something happen? Are you ok?” Sveindis sat up, full of concern for her friend.
“No, good God, no. No, I’m fine.” Lena looked horrified that that was what her best friend’s brain jumped to.“I … I just needed to tell you that I have a girlfriend…” There was a split second of silence before Sveindis and Ewa burst into hysterical laughter. Lena looked towards Jule, unsure of the scene in front of her.
“Yeh, right. Good one, L.” Sveindis joked between peals of laughter.
“A girlfriend, nice one, Lena” Ewa wheezed.
“Guys,” Jule tried. She could see Lena’s face fall. When Lena had invited them to come over this afternoon, she had been so excited—she could finally share with her friends, her family, that she had a girlfriend—an actual, real girlfriend who treated her well and made her oh-so-happy. And now they were laughing at her. Was the idea of her being in a relationship so comedic that it brought tears to their eyes?
“You know what, fuck you. Get out, get out now.” Lena shouted, causing an immediate cease to the laughter.
“Lena, c’mon. That was a good joke -” Ewa started.
“It wasn’t a joke. I have a girlfriend. And I wanted to tell you today, but you think it’s basically impossible for me to have one. So, Get. Out!”
“Are you serious?” Sveindis asked.
“Get the fuck. Out. Of my House.” Lena replied, moving to open the door for them.
“Not about that, about having a girlfriend?” She ignored the open door, a clear sign that she was unwelcome at the moment.
“Yes. And I was really excited to tell you, but you guys find it so hilarious that I could have a relationship.” Lena said, hurt that her friends were so disbelieving of her.
“No, it’s just … you’ve told us so many times that you don’t date. You are … were … so adamant over it.”
“And when you stopped mentioning your one-night stands and stuff, we figured you were going through a dry spell or something,” Ewa added.
“We’re sorry for not believing you,” they both hung their heads, embarrassed that they hurt a close friend. Lena closed the door gently and returned to the living room.
“Does this mean I can finally meet her?” Jule asked after a moment of awkward silence.
“You know who she is? That’s not fair; how come Jule gets to know first?” Ewa moaned.
“Not yet, Jule. I still need to tell the rest of the girls first,” Lena sighed, sitting down on the armchair by the window. “And Jule knows first because she figured it out.” She explained to Eva.
“You should have seen her after the Barca match. She was so giddy, all blushy, and staring at her phone. Ugh, it was so cute. And then, after the home leg, she came into the changing room and couldn’t stop smiling. I’m surprised you haven’t caught on sooner; she’s not very subtle.” Jule gushed.
“So, it’s a Barca player? Who is it?” Sveindis asked.
“No, wait, let me guess,” Ewa shouted. “Ba-Batlle? Is that how you say it?” Lena giggled as Ewa bounced excitedly on the sofa.
“No, she has that maybe-thing with Bronze. Coll?” Sveindis countered.
“No, she’s definitely in a relationship; they did a lock screen video thing, and she was her girlfriend” Ewa and Sveindis pushed their heads together, coming up with ideas of who might have stolen their best friend's heart.
“What about Y/S/N? Y/N? Is that her name?” They looked to Lena for an answer. Whilst a verbal one wasn’t given, it wasn’t needed. The beaming smile was all that was required.
“Awww, she’s a cutie.” Ewa came over to hug Lena
“Real sweet, too. She came to check on Camilla when Pina did that tackle.” Sviendis agreed. “Now, tell us all about it. I want all the details!” They all got themselves comfy as Lena spilt all the information about the best few months of her life.
L💚: I told some of them
[Initial]💙❤️: Omg really??
[Initial]💙❤️: What did they say?????
L💚: They didn’t believe me at first ahahahaha
L💚: They thought u may have been Ona or Cata !!!!
[Initial]💙❤️: ahahahahahahhahahhahahahhahahaha
L💚: But then they said ur a cutie and real sweet
L💚: Which u r, obviously xxx
[Initial]💙❤️: Stoppppppp
[Initial]💙❤️: Ur gonna make me cry xx
[Initial]💙❤️: R u gonna tell the rest ?????
[Initial]💙❤️: No rush or anything xxx
L💚: Yeh I am xxx
L💚: I wanna tell the world ur mine xx
[Initial]💙❤️: now I’m actually crying wtf
[Initial]💙❤️: 1 photo image attached
[Initial]💙❤️: I wanna tell the world ur mine xxxxx
L💚: Schatzzzzzzz xxxx
[Initial]💙❤️: A nickname now?
L💚: Shut uppppp
[Initial]💙❤️: never
[Initial]💙❤️: Meine Liebeeeeeeee
L💚: 🩷🩷🩷🩷
“Obi,” Alex called as the training ended for the day. “I need to talk to you.” Fuck! Lena tried to remember what she might have done to piss Alex off. She had behaved all training session – for the most part; the thing with the water was Riola’s fault, not hers. She was guided into an empty media room and was met with Svenja sitting on the table. Fuckkkkk! What had she done? Two players she saw as maternal figures had their Angry Faces on.
“Before you say anything. It wasn’t me,” Lena rushed to cover her back.
“What wasn’t you?” Svenja asked.
“Whatever you think I’ve done,” Lena answered cryptically. She wasn’t admitting to anything.
“So, you don’t have a girlfriend then?” Alex asked. “Sveindis was lying to Vivi?”
“Um … my answer depends on how mad you will be.” Lena ducked her head to avoid Alex’s gaze.
“We’re not mad that you have a girlfriend, Lena.” Svenja pushed herself from the table and took Lena’s hand.
“We’re mildly irritated we found out from changing room gossip,” Alex added, coming over to squeeze Lena’s shoulders. “Look at me,” she instructed when Lena still refused to look her in the eye.
“Your girlfriend is Y/F/N Y/S/N, yes? Barca’s number 17.”
“Yeh,” Lena couldn’t help the small smile that spread across her face at the mention of you.
“Does she treat you well, Obi?” Svenja asked.
“Yes, she treats me very well.”
“And you treat her well?” Alex added.
“I like to think so. She said I make her happy.”
“Good. When will she next be in Wolfsburg? Or at a match?” Svenja asked
“I’m going to see her at her away game in Madrid when we have the free weekend, but our schedules don’t line up for a while after that. They match up again just after the international break, so she’s coming here.” Lena explained.
“Good, gives us longer to prepare a speech.” Alex said to Svenja
“Speech?” Lena asked, slightly weary of what might happen – she knew that the 2 women could be very intimidating, especially if you weren’t German or didn’t know them very well.
“Yes, a speech—the ‘do not mess with Obi’ speech. I don’t doubt you will get one from Putellas and maybe Bronze and Paños, too. They seem very protective of her.” Svenja pulled Lena into a hug as Alex ruffled her hair.
L💚: Whose speech will be worse? Alexia’s or Alex and Svenja’s?
[Initial]💙❤️: Hmm, scary Germans or scary Spaniards???
L💚: I will endure it
L💚: Just for u Schatz
[Initial]💙❤️: As will I
[Initial]💙❤️: Only 4 u meine Leibe
I hope you enjoyed this little sub-chapter thing. I'm on my uni holidays atm so hopefully I can write the next chapter fairly soon but I do have deadlines etc <3
Also thank you to all the love from the anons ahaha - it means a lot to me <3<3<3<3<3<3
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milaisreading · 2 months
🌱🩷: So here is one of the first stories I promised to write for my birthday... week? Idk, these are more of a treat for myself 😋 hope u like it!
Warnings: Reader uses a mix of she/her and he/him, since she is crossdressing. Requests are open! It's a yandere story, so be warned. If u don't like yandere stories, please skip this one
⚽️Blue lock belongs to Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Hm? What's up with those two?" Hiori's eyes widened in disbelief as he looked at the scene unfolding in front of him. Yukimiya, who was sitting right next to him cleaned his glasses and put them on again, inspecting the two Bastard players in equal shock.
"Did I go completely insane?"
"No, you didn't. Or, all 4 of us went insane along with you." Isagi gulped, his grip around his chopsticks tightening.
"Since when is (Y/n) so friendly with that German guy?" Kurona gulped as the four watched (Y/n) and Gesner laugh over God knows what. They were both speaking in English and were a little bit away from them, so they couldn't quite understand what was so funny.
'Why are you so comfortable with him?! I am literally here!' Yukimiya thought as he fixed his glasses, trying to distract himself. Hiori had a smile and empty look in his eyes as he watched Gesner ruffle (Y/n)'s hair.
'Don't touch him with your dirty hands. Get away. Get away.'Kurona felt a unfamiliar rage take over him, but tried to keep himself calm. He can't lose his cool now.
'Why him? Please get away from him!' Isagi screamed on the inside.
As the 4 kept having their inner turmoil, (Y/n) was obliviously talking with Gesner.
"Thanks for those German lessons, they really helped me when communicating with the rest when we didn't have those translators."
"Nothing to thank me for. So, same thing tonight?" Gesner raised an eyebrow as she nodded her head.
"Sure. Now that NEL is finally over we have a lot more time to study." (Y/n) agreed as Gesner hummed.
"So, will you be picking Bastard as your team or Re Al? Just curious since you are invested in learning the language."
"I still didn't decide. But, knowing basics in a language is a good thing regardless." She answered as Gesner nodded in understanding.
The next day...
Now, Kunigami wasn't someone who felt jealousy often, after the whole Wild card thing he doubted he could feel anything. He was just tired, but surprisingly enough (Y/n) was not turned off by his new attitude. Kunigami was surprised, but a part of him felt happy that someone wanted to be around him, despite his more moody attitude. He, liked it. Along the way, he ended up developing feelings for the other player, and would always be nearby to help her with things or pull her away when Kaiser or Ness were annoying her. Of course, Kunigami never expected (Y/n) to fall for him, but he thought as long as she was his friend, he would be happy. But, today he was proven wrong with the way he viewed things.
'Why is that bastard so casually talking to him?!' Kunigami clenched his fists as he watched Gesner pinch (Y/n)'s cheek while saying something to her. Although he couldn't understand what it was the German was saying, the blush (Y/n) had on her face was enough to piss him off and set him into action. Kunigami quickly walked over to them and grabbed Gesner's wrist, pulling his hand away from (Y/n)'s face.
"Huh? Kunigami?" The girl blinked, but the boy spared her no attention as he kept on glaring at the confused German.
"Piss off."
'Scary!' She shivered and tried to separate the two while speaking.
"He wasn't hurting me, Kunigami. He just gave me back the pillow I forgot last night." Just as she said that, she immediately regretted it, as the look Kunigami gave her was full of anger, confusion, and sadness.
'Why was he sad?' (Y/n) thought as Kunigami cleared his throat.
"Can you let go, man?" Gesner said agitated as he tried to pull his hand away.
"What do you mean by last night?"
"I spent the night with Gesner in the monitor room and forgot it there."
'You... why him?!' Kunigami gulped, looking at (Y/n) in horror as he let go of Gesner's hand.
'Did... did I say something wrong?' She thought as she watched the whole ordeal.
Later that day...
Gagamaru was someone who could be perceived as different than the rest, not weird, just different. He was more of a guy who enjoyed nature, fighting with bears, and eating everything with his hands, even if they left messes afterwards. Gagamaru was aware he received weird looks, but one of the people he could count on to not perceive him weirdly was (Y/n). He always looked at her as a reliable captain, a talented player, and a great friend. Whenever he had issues or wanted someone to talk to, he knew (Y/n) would be there. And she was, and Gagamaru was always greatful for that. Along the way, Gagamaru ended up catching weird feelings, nervousness, happiness, anxiety whenever he was near her. It took him a while to understand he fell in love, to the point that he tried to keep her attention on him all the time.
'I wonder where he is...' Gagamaru sighed as he looked around the hallway. He really needed to talk to her, but the girl was nowhere to be found. Not in her room, not in the dining hall, not even in the monitor room!
Just as he was about to give up, he heard voices from down the hallway.
'(Y/n)...' The goalkeeper excitedly looked in her direction, only for the smile to drop when he saw Gesner next to her. They were way too close for his liking.
'Since when are they on talking terms?' The boy thought, weirded out by this.
"Hm? Gagamaru? Why aren't you asleep? It's pretty late." (Y/n) stopped conversing with Gesner and looked at Gagamaru in worry as they reached him. The goalkeeper stopped for a moment, then finally spoke up as he eyed Gesner weirdly.
"I... I couldn't sleep. So I took a walk. Why... why aren't you asleep?"
'And why are you with him so late?' Gagamaru wanted to add in, but stopped himself.
"I was telling Gesner what we can visit in Tokyo. Since we will have a few days off, he wanted to see some places before going to Germany." Gagamaru's eyes widened for a second, a unfamiliar pain hitting him when he looked between the two. (Y/n) having her usual smile while Gesner looked bored and confused due to him not having the translators.
"It's.... It's nothing." Gagamaru bit back his tongue as (Y/n) tried to question him again, but he completely blocked her out.
'Why him? We are your team! Not him!'
Gagamaru waisted no time to run to Isagi's room after (Y/n) and Gesner left. If there was one person who knew the midfielder well, it was Isagi. They needed to stop whatever was going on. But, to Gagamaru's surprise when he entered the room, he already saw Isagi and the other three deep in their own thoughts while Kunigami looked stressed.
"Isagi! We have an issue!"
The boy jumped up in his spot, then turned to look at the panicked goalkeeper.
"What happened?"
"Gesner... Him and (Y/n) plan on going together to Tokyo... Just the two of them."
Isagi quickly turned to look at Gagamaru, the speed made Gagamaru worry that he broke his neck for a moment.
"You... you are joking, right? (Y/n) wouldn't... Gesner and him-"
"Hiori, please don't say it put loud like that. God abandoned us today." Yukimiya sobbed and fell on his knees as Kurona looked at a pale Kunigami.
"What do we do? What do we do?"
Kunigami kept quiet as the boy kept on tugging on his sleeve, but he couldn't answer anything. The only answer he saw fit was bash Gesner's head into the wall for corrupting their captain, but that wouldn't be appropriate. (Y/n) would hate him of he did that.
"We need to call in the rest. It's an emergency meeting."
The players looked over at Isagi, who looked both annoyed and panicked.
Now that NEL was over, the other players were free to roam around without having to answer to the coaches. The BM players were more than greatful for that, even if the room was crowded for now. They had to think of a way to keep Gesenr away permanently. They seriously needed to do something about this development.
"Why are we here? I wanted to sleep." Otoya yawned, looking as annoyed as Rin did.
"Yeah, and why are we cramped up in this room?"
"Why are there clothes on the floor?" Barou looked at the discarded pants near one of the beds as Hiori facepalmed.
"That's not important now, Barou-"
"If the maid is so annoyed with it, he should clean it up. But for real, why did you call us here?" Chigiri questioned, ignoring Barou's annoyed yell.
"Calm down you both." Kunigami commented, looking for once worried.
"Huh? Kunigami, what happened to you? You are not moody anymore?" Bachira raised an eyebrow as Reo looked at the former hero in confusion as well.
"Yeah. Must be pretty serious if even you are invested in this. And why isn't (Y/n) here?"
"That's the thing. This is about him-"
"Damn, your beds are so much softer than ours. Can I sleep here instead?" Kurona held himself back as he got interrupted by Nagi, and he was about to say something but Isagi quickly stepped in.
"Please, this is serious. (Y/n)-"
"Couldn't it have waited after my nighttime routine? And you could have at least invited (Y/n) over to make the trip over here worth it." Aryu said, looking in annoyance at the 6 Bastard players while combing his hair.
"Can you let us finish speaking? This is about (Y/n)!" Gagamaru yelled, finally fed up with everyone's yelling and interrupting. The Blue lock team stopped dead in their tracks and looked at the 6.
"What do you mean about that? What happened? Is he sick?" Niko was the first one to speak up, followed by Tokimitsu who looked composed and calm for once.
"Is there something we need to know? Just tell us."
"I swear I will skin you all alive if you let him get hurt-"
"Calm down, king. This one isn't even our fault. Can you let us finish?" Yukimiya glared at the red-eyed boy as Karasu chimed in.
"Let's all calm down and let them finish. This isn't helping anyone." Although the crow boy said it calmly, they all could see he wasn't calm, at all.
"Thank you, as we said (Y/n) is the one we called you all over for." Hiori started, but stopped as he looked at Isagi for some support.
"He... well, Gagamaru saw him earlier and it looks like him and a German player are having a.... a date." Isagi cringed at the word and so did the others, who then looked back at the rest of the team. The reactions were a mix of everything. Otoya and Karasu looked stunned at each other and then back at Isagi, their expressions clearly giving away that they didn't believe them. Others like Bachira and Niko shrieked at the news and immediately jumped on Isagi, shaking the boy to repeat what he said, which caused Yukimiya and Kurona to step in and pull them away from him.
"You... you guys have to be joking. There is no way (Y/n) would date that guy... He isn't his type. Right, Reo?" Nagi said nervously as he quickly sat up on the bed, looking from Kunigami to Reo.
"That's right, I know him. He likes soft spoken people more. I am sure you misunderstood-"
"He told me that himself. You think I would make up such a horror scenario because I have nothing better to do?" Gagamaru interjected, causing Reo to shut his mouth, eyes widening in fear.
"This can't be... He wouldn't leave me like that...." The heir murmured as he slowly sat down on the bed. Chigiri and Aryu decided to approach this more rationally, there was no way they lost to that blonde guy.
"There must be something else behind it. Why would he pick some guy he just met when he has us?" Chigiri tried to stay calm as he nervously smiled at Hiori.
"You guys must be joking-" Aryu started but Kunigami interrupted him.
"We are not. And, I do find it believable after what I found out."
"Which is? What did you find out?" Tokimitsu spoke up as an eerie calmness took over the room.
"Him and Gesner spent the night together in the monitoring room. (Y/n) told me so himself." Kunigami finally said, looking as disgusted as he did when her told Isagi and his friends earlier. Yukimiya looked at everyone, as expected, none of them looked well, faces pale and looking at them like they were ghosts. He bit his lips and quickly sprung into action along with Kunigami as they heard Barou and Rin scream.
"That nobody, lukewarm player! I will kill him for trying to take him away from me!"
"Not if I do that first. I will make his death as painful as possible."
Yukimiya and Kunigami quickly ran over to them to hold them back from leaving as Hiori yelled at them, looking at Karasu's calm demeanor suspiciously.
"Wait! We need to watch our next actions. If (Y/n) finds out we even had this meeting, we are done for!"
"Are you stupid?! I am not letting some no-name player take him from me!" Rin glared back at Hiori.
"This is all your fault, Isagi! You should have watched over him!" Barou yelled at the blue-eyed boy, who tried to keep his cool after the whole room went into a panic mode.
"I will break that Gesner guy's bones." Karasu declared as he cracked his knuckles, earning a nod from Otoya.
"I will join you there. Leave some for me."
"Hey! I am in this picture as well. I want to see him suffer as well!" Bachira said in a happy demeanor, so happy that it was creepy.
"I want blood, a lot of it. There is no way I will let him go unpunished for trying to take (Y/n) away." Chigiri cleared his throat.
"Is murder legal, Reo? Please tell me it is." Nagi said as he tugged on the boy's sleeve.
"I will bail you out of jail regardless if it is or isn't."
"I just want (Y/n). Where is he?" Niko asked as he held back a few sobs while Aryu glanced back at Gagamaru.
"Where is his room? I know we can talk him out of this."
"So you don't want that Gesner guy to pay?" Tokimitsu wondered as Aryu raised an eyebrow.
"I never said that."
Isagi looked at the whole chaos in front of him as an idea popped into his head. He knew exactly what they can do! Gesner was just one, while the rest of them were a team. Sure, they might not get along, but the do agree on one thing. (Y/n) was meant for the Blue Lock team, and the Blue Lock team only. And the common enemy will make it a lot easier for all of them to get along.
"I have an idea! For that though, we all have to work together. If we want (Y/n) to just focus on us, that is."
The whole room stopped and looked over at Isagi, who had that same expression he would wear when he finally figured out where he could score the next goal.
"Go on." Rin demanded as the rest kept quiet.
2 days later...
(Y/n) was standing near the Shibuya station, waiting for Gesner for the past 30 minutes. The girl was a little worried, and she would have rather picked him up from the facility than let him come here alone, but her parents were insisting on her coming home because of some family meeting.
'It was absolutely worthless, anyway. Where is he even? Did he get lost?' She thought in a worried manner as she dialed his number again, only for it to go to voice-mail immediately.
"How annoying..." She muttered while fixing up her mask, deciding to scroll through her phone while observing some of the people that were passing by.
'The girls are so lucky they can wear those cute dresses... Meanwhile, I am stuck with a boring shirt and pants.' (Y/n) pouted and looked down at her clothes.
"(Y/n)!" The girl's eyes widened in surprise as she heard three familiar voices yells her name while she got tackled to the ground. The passerbys looked at the group in surprise and whispered as they slowly started recognizing the players. But, Bachira, Kurona and Niko paid them no mind as they looked down at the girl.
"Guys, what are you doing here? And, can you get off of me?" (Y/n) asked calmly as the trio agreed and got off her and then helped her up.
"We were roaming around the place and saw you. Why are you here alone?" Niko explained in an innocent manner, trying not to give away that all three of them knew the answers already.
"Yeah, it's kind of weird to be standing alone here of all places." Bachira giggled.
"You are the one to talk." Kurona said in a more defensive manner as he stood in front of (Y/n), to which the girl chuckled a little.
"It's ok, and I was just waiting for Gesner to arrive. He is pretty late and won't answer any calls." She said in a worried tone, but neither of the boys paid it any mind.
'You don't need him.'
'We are all you need.'
'So stop thinking of him, please.' The trio thought as Bachira cleared his throat.
"Well, if he is leaving you stranded like this, Isagi, Chigiri, Otoya, Yikimiya, and Aryu are outside waiting for us. Join us instead."
"I can't just leave him with no warning, Bachira. That's rude." (Y/n) scolded the boy a little.
"And where is the rest? They didn't want to come?"
"No, they did. They are just looking around some malls and will join us as well." Niko quickly added in as Kurona nodded along. But, before (Y/n) could say anything her phone went off. A message! She quickly looked at the sender, relieved it was Gesner who sent it to her. The trio watched her expression slowly drop, and they felt guilty for assisting in making her upset, but that slowly faded as they remembered they could lose her otherwise.
'Sorry,(Y/n). This was necessary...' Kurona gulped.
"Everything ok?" Niko asked obliviously as (Y/n) looked up at him.
"Gesner said he won't be able to come. Noa-san called them in for a last minute meeting..."
"That's sad, but you can now join us instead. What do you say?" Bachira said, not even bothering to hide his excitement as (Y/n) sighed and put her phone away.
"I guess. You won't mind if I joined you out of the blue?"
"Absolutely not!" Niko smiledand grabbed one of ther arms while Bachira grabbed the other.
"Come on! We have so many fun activities planned!"
The two started pulling her towards the station's exit while Kurona was behind and pushing her.
"Hey! No need to do all that! I will follow you three." (Y/n) said I an amused manner, used to their demeanor.
'That's right. Just laugh around us.' Bachira thought as he slowly tightened his grip around her hand.
'Just pay attention to us.' Niko thought, glancing at the girl.
'We will keep you safe from outsiders. Like every teammate would.' Kurona mused to himself as they finally exited the station and saw their group of friends eagerly waiting for them.
"Yoo-hoo! We found (Y/n) on our way here!" Bachira yelled as the group smiled excitedly at the captain.
"We didn't expectvyou here. How was meeting up with your family again?" Isagi wondered.
"It was the usual. Nothing notable." (Y/n) shrugged as the three boys finally let go of her.
"Now that we have (Y/n) here, we should go and eat!" Otoya exclaimed as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
"Shouldn't we wait for the others?" (Y/n) raised an eyebrow as Yukimiya and Chigiri shook their heads.
"They are taking their time, and I am hungry as well."
"Yeah. The slow pokes will catch up to us, anyway."
"Let's go then." Aryu exclaimed as they finally started walking towards a local restaurant. The initial sadness (Y/n) was feeling slowly faded away, enjoying the company of her friends and teammates now.
'That's right. We are all you need. I am all you need.' Aryu thought as je watched (Y/n) laugh at something Yukimiya said.
'This is how it should be. Just him and us... and no outsiders.' Chigiri hummed.
'I wonder when they will arrive. Hopefully soon.' Isagi thought as he remembered the rest of his team that was missing.
'I wanted to bash his head into the wall in, but noo Karasu had to part us like this.' Otoya thought, still salty that he couldn't take part in the other group.
"This is quite a mess. It's a good thing barely anyone is here today." Tokimitsu thought as he looked at all the blood in the shower room. Karasu shrugged his shoulders as he pointed at Barou and Rin.
"Blame them. They went mayhem on Gesner."
"You guys really did the most on him. I can barely recognize his face." Hiori giggled, earning eyerolls from Rin and Barou.
"Of course I will when he tried to steal what's mine." Barou rolled his eyes as Rin sneered at Gesner's body.
"Ours, maid Barou, ours. We said we would share him." Nagi yawned as him and Reo cleaned their hands.
"Reo, for how long will the cameras be defect again?" Kunigami wondered as Gagamaru leaned against one of the walls, staring as Gesner's bloody form with a blank expression.
"You deserved this." The goalkeeper whispered, growing more and more irritated.
"We have still an hour left till the maintenance is done, they will reactivated then. Let's quickly change and leave while nobody is around." The heir smirked as Rin started walking towards the exit of the shower rooms.
'Finally. I have nothing to fear now. He won't leave me for a no name player.' Rin thought, finally letting out a sigh of relief.
"I really wish there was a cleaner way..." Barou groaned as he followed after the younger Itoshi.
"This was as clean as it could get. Now lets hurry up! I want to see (Y/n) again. I didn't see him yesterday or today." Hiori hummed with a smile.
"It was either this or nothing. Intimidating him wouldn't have worked." Kunigami shrugged.
"What's done is done. We just need to make sure (Y/n) doesn't find him like that. I don't  want him to be traumatized by some pest." Reo commented as Gagamaru nodded.
"I am sure someone will find him before he does, and if not, we will keep him away from the shower room."
"You better." Nagi side eyed as Karasu yawned.
"Do you all think they started eating without us?"
"Probably. (Y/n) loves food, so I am sure he is eating at least." Barou nodded his head at Tokimitsu's statement and spoke up again.
"Let's just hurry up now! I miss (Y/n)."
The rest nodded their heads and quickly changed their clothes and packed the dirty one away to get rid of it. After all, they can't have their captain see blood of a no name guy.
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deadricslover · 11 months
Relationship dynamics with SV5
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here's my masterlist!
a/n: this is the first formula one post on my account! if you read my late night thoughts volume one, then you will know my love for f1
summary: just some relationship dynamics and scenarios with our fave <3
warnings: use of y/n...IM SORRY, language, mentions of sexual themes, long post?
pairings: fem!driver!reader x different eras!Sebastian vettel
obvious x oblivious
the Australian Formula One race. It has always been one of your favourites to drive. It is clear why you have such a liking for it because you have so many happy memories from there. The time difference from your home country is the one thing you detest; it is impossible to wake up and go to bed at the right times here.
"last year's winner, how are you feeling" your teammate and best friend Fernando asks, nudging your arm and stopping you from what you are doing
"sleep deprived but excited. what about you? did you sleep at all"
"Very little. I watched a few of the films you suggested to tire myself out, but it didn't work" he responds in that all too familiar Spanish accent
you respond, "they were just too exciting" and you giggle a little. You two continue talking while you get ready for the upcoming race in the sweltering heat. Fernando says he is going to do some laps around the paddock to get some fresh air and invites you to come and you agree, needing to get out of the claustrophobic garage. You two are chatting about strategies and the meal you had the previous night until you hear your name being called. Lewis grabbed your attention since he hadn't spoken to you all weekend and wanted to ask you a few questions and say hello. You tell Fernando to keep moving and you'll soon catch up with him.
he agrees and continues walking until he gets to the red bull garage and spots Sebastian.
"hey mate, how's it going?" seb asks the world champion
"all good, man. what about you?" he replies
"good good. Ferrari are looking strong this weekend."
"yeah we are. this track really suits y/n's style of driving so I have high hopes for us this weekend." Fernando compliments, as soon as he says your name he looks over to you and lewis talking and seb follows his line of view to find you. seb secretly-- well, he thought he was subtle but infact he was the complete opposite, seb had a thing for you and Fernando always tried to get him to ask you out but he never had the guts to.
"yeah, she's great" he says, love oozing from him as he stares at your smile when talking to lewis and the way your hair falls.
"seb, seriously. I cant bear this anymore. please ask her out. you've got a hard on right now" Fernando informs the red bull driver
"what?!" he replies, looking down and seeing nothing and realising Fernando had caught him out.
"fuck off" Sebastian replies.
you look over to see Fernando and Sebastian talking and you smile and wave over, completely oblivious to the looks seb is throwing at you. this wasn't the first time though, seb had tried flirting with you before but you always thought it was friendly banter. you never thought Sebastian could have feelings for you.
"y/n's gonna be too tired this weekend anyway so you got off easy." Fernando tells him honestly. He wasn't wrong though, he could straight up say 'i love you' and you would just thank him. the jet lag kills you.
"another day or I swear-" Fernando starts
"okay, I get it. you want me to ask her out. I'm working on it"
"she is also just so oblivious to the signals you're giving her, so it's not entirely you're fault"
"thank you" seb replies sarcastically as he just now is realising that you're unbeknownst to his attempts.
another day... hopefully.
bf who speaks another language x gf who is learning for him
it's widely known in the formula one community that Sebastian is infact German and German is his first language. for you, however, you don't speak German and you feel like him speaking your native language all the time is a bit unfair. so, you decided to get some lessons and watch some videos to try and learn some German for Seb. he doesn't know about this though and you thought it would be a nice surprise for him. you feel confident enough in your skills now to have a conversation with him. You both were at his parents house for dinner and German was being spoken here and there to accommodate seb's parents.
"Aus diesem Grund werde ich deinen Vater nie wieder kochen lassen" (because of this, I am never ever letting your father cook again) seb's mom tells him and the three of them laugh and so do you, seb looks at you confused and asks
"you don't need to laugh if you don't know what we are saying, basically she said that-" he starts but you cut him off telling him what she said
"she's never letting your dad cook ever again because he destroyed her favourite dish" you inform him and he looks at you lovingly but also even more confused than before.
"how did you know what that meant?" he asks
"I've been learning some German for you. did I get it right?" you answer
"for me? you didn't need to do that, darling" he replies placing a hand on your thigh and drawing shapes on it to show a bit of love.
"it's unfair that you're always speaking English for me, so I need to return the favour"
and with that he couldn't keep his eyes off of you the whole night. for you, it's nothing much, just showing appreciation. but for him, it's everything, the fact you were willing to learn a whole new language just so he could feel a sense of home. he appreciates it more than you know.
chef bf x gf pro taster
you have spent the whole day with one of your dearest friends who moved away a couple of years ago with her boyfriend, but now, she is back in town as they broke up and you offered her a place to stay until she gathered herself and found her own place, of course you had ran this past Sebastian and he was also okay with it as he knew how close you two were even when she wasn't physically with you. you two just got home from collecting her from the airport and getting lunch while seb was out also doing his own thing.
the aroma coming from the kitchen as soon as you stepped inside was unbeatable, Sebastian had spent the evening cooking a lovely meal for the three of you to eat when you got home. you show your friend to the room she is staying in and then make your way down to the kitchen to see seb. you enter the kitchen to see his back turned to you and he was stirring a pot.
"what are you making" you ask appearing next to him.
he informs you what he is making and the sides he is preparing also. he takes the spoon out if the pot full of the food and blows on it to cool it down before placing it in font of your mouth to taste.
"taste it for me? be careful, it's hot" you say before blowing on it again and taking a bite. it was delicious.
"seb, that's so good" you compliment
"I try" he replies smiling
"is this what it's gonna be like living with you guys for he next couple of weeks?" your friend comments entering the kitchen to find the two of you.
"she is my professional taste tester, I need her opinion" he replies to her and we all just laugh it off and eat dinner which was unreal. if Sebastian failed as a driver, he could have been a chef and would have been a renowned world famous one too. not that he wanted that but he sure could have been.
overly affectionate x blushes easily
seb is the most affectionate man you have ever met, he always must be showing you love in some way, whether it's holding your hand, bringing you flowers, letting you decide what movie to watch, he just wants you to know how much he appreciates you. he also notices and takes into account, every little thing you do so he can incorporate that into his daily life.
for example, this f1 season had started out great, but a couple of races back, Ferrari had gotten some new upgrades to the car that didn't work and have been jeopardizing your performance. They assured you and Fernando that they would work out and to give them time and experiment different tactics that suits this particular upgrade. Needless to say, you were not looking forward to this race at all. you hear your name being called from the front of the garage, so you walk out to find seb in his racing suit, ready to go but with a t-shirt saying I heart you but with your initials and racing number. you could have kissed him right there but wanted to keep the pda away.
"seb that's so sweet, I love you so much"
"anything for my favorite driver"he replies which makes you blush
"that's a bit biased, don't you think?" you reply while he grabs your hand lightly in his
"I don't care" he smiles
despite you trying to avoid pda for the cameras, you don't care in the moment, so you kiss him. just like you said you wanted to. To be completely honest, with Sebastian you don't really mind showing a little bit of pda because you care for him so much. he just brings that out in you, he brings out the best in you.
the gesture replays in your mind and you start to blush just thinking about it, seb's lips against yours and his hands around your waist add that all add to that blood rush.
"awh, you're blushing." seb teases as he pulls away
"stop" you whine slightly embarrassed at how easy it is for him to get you to blush. again, seb just really brings that out in you.
seb hums in disapproval as if to say no way and places a kiss in your hair whilst keeping you close to seal it all in. you make a mental note to snap a photo of him in this t-shirt to brag to your friends about how much better seb is than their boyfriends....kidding obviously....
------------------------------------------------- I have a pt. 2 if you guys want it!
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wordstome · 9 months
Shrike pt. 3 - who we are
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König x high school sweetheart reader
2nd person, she/her pronouns, reader is Austrian/has lived in Austria and speaks German for most of the story, romance, pining, friends to lovers, reader's nickname is Thorn, König's first name is Alexander, absolute tooth rotting fluff, corny as hell towards the end
2.8k words
tw: physical and emotional abuse, violence (chokehold, stabbing, throat slitting)
Hello to everyone reading this from my main blog! In case you haven't seen the pinned post on bucca2, this is my new writing blog. Everything I publish will be here on wordstome now. Please feel free to unfollow bucca2 and follow me here!
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What I had left here I just held it tight So someone with your eyes Might come in time To hold me like water Or Christ, hold me like a knife
When you’re in total darkness, your eyes adjust. You can see everything around you, but it’s all devoid of color. Then when the light turns on, it blinds you, but it’s better to be blinded momentarily than to live in the dark forever.
That’s how it feels as you prepare to travel home. To escape. You’re antsy, excited and petrified at the same time. Before, it felt like the days flew past in a murky haze. Now, even the seconds crawl.
It feels like moving in a dream, like you’ll wake up any day now and it will all be taken away from you. Your hope, your new dreams for the future, your König.
A shiver runs through you. Where did “your König” come from?
When you’re not occupied with the anxiety of keeping such a huge secret from your husband, all you think about is König. You’ve spent the past few weeks in a haze, like he’s put some sort of spell on you. You do get a kick out of imagining him as a witch with a hat and cauldron.
But you know it’s something simpler than that. All the feelings you used to have for him have returned.  It’s different than the heady rush you used to get with your husband. It feels sweeter, like you really are a teenage girl with a crush all over again.
It feels naïve, but you also don’t care. You feel safe despite the situation you’re still in, for the first time in a long time. You never would have expected to see König again—even less so for him to become your saving grace.
It seems silly in hindsight that you had been so frightened of him. Sure, the mask was a lot. But it had been something about his energy. It was different than you had ever felt from him, before or after your reunion. If he was that way on the battlefield, then no wonder he had earned the nickname König. You’re not sure if it scares or awes you.
You’re about to find out.
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An anxiety attack is the worst feeling in the world.
You dry heave. Your chest feels like a roiling ball of angry carrion birds hollowing you out. You shake like a leaf in the wind. You fall down a long, dark pit of despair as your stomach seizes with nausea.
The train’s delayed. There’s been an issue with the tracks leading out of the city. No trains will be leaving for 12 hours.
You should have just sat in the terminal and waited, or tried to contact König, but you’re not thinking straight. All of your thoughts are focused on your husband, and what he’ll do if he comes home and finds you gone. You decide, somehow, that it would be wiser to throw yourself back into the lion’s den and pretend everything’s alright instead of waiting for him to come raging into the train station and pull you out by the hair. The thought of that is the only thing that gets you up off the wall you were hyperventilating against and back towards home.
The plan is to get home before he does and hide your suitcases. He’s usually not home by this time, anyway. You chalk the rising sense of dread in the pit of your stomach up to your anxiety and turn the handle to go in.
He’s standing in the kitchen.
The years have not been kind to him. He’s far from the charming young man you married. He’s wretched, unkempt, angry. It’s clear he’s been drinking, maybe even before he left work. The shadows etch themselves into the lines of his face as his expression twists into something awful, inhuman. You stand, frozen, as he approaches you.
“Planning a trip without me?” he asks with an awful grin.
You can still salvage this. “Yes. I’m sorry I didn’t say anything, but I just received word. My mother’s not doing well. I have to go see her.”
“You lie like a whore,” he snarls. “Don’t think I haven’t been paying attention. You’re different nowadays. Not the nice obedient woman I married.”
Your fear turns to anger in an instant. Years and years of this horseshit, waiting on him hand and foot, placing his smallest whims before your own needs and wants—it rushes up through you like hot steam. His nice obedient woman. And the worst thing is, you hate that he’s not wrong. That is what you’ve become.
“Yesterday I came home and you hadn’t even started dinner. Where were you, huh? Running around on me behind my back?” It’s difficult to describe, but his smile is oily: sleazy, untrustworthy, dangerous. “With that big fuck in a hood that came here with the mercenaries, perhaps?”
Your blood runs cold at that. Has he seen you with König? When? Why hasn’t he said anything? It feels like you’re stepping into a trap, but you must move forward if you want to get out.
“He’s going to get what’s coming to him, alright. My manager has a direct line to his boss. One word from him will get that fucker deployed to the middle of nowhere on a suicide mission.”
It’s an absurd threat, and you know it. This drunken idiot has no idea what he’s talking about—as if some middle-management bureaucrat could persuade a PMC to dispose of a soldier like König. But it’s the audacity that irks you. You’ve lived your life serving this man for too long, and now he thinks the world will bend to his whims. There’s absolutely no way he can touch König, but an old and familiar anger rises in you.
A long overdue revelation dawns on you now. He’s a bully. The same as Andreas: little boys with petty insults and empty threats. Pushing people around because their own lives are empty and unsatisfying.
An eerie calm breaks through you like the sky cutting through a storm. The man before you is just a feral animal, snarling and snapping in desperation. You’re not afraid of him anymore.
You reach behind you and slowly roll open the knife drawer, grabbing the first one your fingers land on.
“I’m leaving. I’m leaving this house, this country, and this marriage,” you say, gripping the knife in a defensive position. Your father taught you how to hold a knife like this: backwards, with the blade along your arm, sharp edge facing outwards.
“This way, it’s much more difficult for someone to turn the blade against you,” he had told you, demonstrating the motion by moving your arm towards your chest. The memory makes you smile. At the time, you’d been indulging your old man—he had always said that violence was a last resort, but that the world was unkind and one day you may have to defend yourself. He was right, just as he was when he told you he had reservations about your marriage.
You’re going home. You’re going to see your father again. And you’ll never have to tolerate the loathsome toad before you again.
The beast laughs. “What do you think you’re going to do with that? Stab me?” He’s up against you before you can react, the breath leaving your lungs in a gasp as he pins you against a wall by the throat.
“You. Are. Mine. You will never raise a hand against me because I own you,” he hisses, his alcohol-laced breath foul against your face. “And it’s high time you remembered that.” His grip tightens like an iron vice around your throat, but you’re not afraid. Even as your vision begins to blur and blacken, you stare directly into his eyes. They’re like red-hot coals of fury, but you see what’s behind them now. The fear. The cowardice of a desperate man who has no recourse but to lay his hands on someone who can’t fight back.
“You’re pathetic,” you rasp, lips tugging into a smile. The coals burn brighter. The hand squeezes tighter. The adrenaline surges through you like a tide—and your body acts to protect itself, in a way that you haven’t allowed it to in a long time. A feeling as sweet and familiar as an old friend.
The knife makes its home right between his ribs.
He staggers away from you, as if you had slightly winded him instead of stabbed him in the heart. Your hands instantly go to your throat as you cough and sputter, lightheaded and dizzy but alive, so alive. You’ve never felt so alive as you do right now, watching the demon of your own personal hell look down at the blade sticking out of him.
“You stupid little bitch—” He makes as if to lunge at you, but time slows. Your eyes widen as the shadows behind him melt and solidify into a figure. Tall and hooded. No knight in shining armor, but an assassin of deepest night.
König slashes through your husband’s throat in one deadly, beautiful motion.
Your husband falls to the ground like dead weight, gasping and choking on his own blood. Your eyes are fixed on him, a strange sensation bubbling through you. You’re making some kind of noise, loud and cacophonous, as König steps over the dying animal who has controlled you your whole adult life.
His arms find their way around you as you slowly sink to the ground, howling and wailing. He’s so patient, you think numbly with some corner of your mind that remains untouched by the mania seizing the rest of you. The two of you sit there, his body warm and solid against yours, as your body slowly exits fight or flight mode.
“Alex?” you say hoarsely once you’re in your right mind again.
“I’m here,” he rumbles.
You turn to look at him as he pulls the hood off his head. There he is, your Alexander, all grown up. He’s rugged, with nasty-looking white scars streaked across his face, but so, so handsome. His eyes are still the same as he looks at you with something akin to rapturous adoration. Your green-eyed boy.
“You’re back, rosethorn,” he says with a wide grin. There’s a touch of madness to it, but you can’t bring yourself to care.
“Was I…” Exhaustion sets in, seeping through your whole body. “Was I crying or laughing just now?”
He shifts you onto his lap, cradling you like a baby as you look up at him.
“I think you were laughing.”
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The police release you after just over half an hour of questioning.
You aren’t going anywhere, of course. They’re leaving you, exiting your hospital room with murmurs of well-wishes for your health. They’ve hardly left the room when König comes striding in, instantly moving to your bedside and holding your hand in his.
He looks tired too, his eyes soft as he takes in your small smile. You’re sure he was being interrogated for much longer than you, but it looks like he passed muster as well. Not as if you had anything to worry about—what could the local police have done to the commander of the mercenaries taking down their local terrorist cell anyway?
“Are you alright? Did they clear you?” His expression hardens as he glances at your neck. You nod weakly. Your throat is going to be bruised for a while, but your attacker hadn’t done any lasting damage.
Attacker. Husband. Corpse. All of these words describe the same thing now.
“I’m sorry I wasn’t there sooner,” he says mournfully. “He shouldn’t have had the chance to attack you like that.”
You shake your head at him. He didn’t know that you weren’t on the train heading home, after all. The room is quiet for a few moments, save for the distant beeping of a heart monitor.
“Why…” you manage to ask. He knows what you’re trying to say.
“Why was I there?” He glances around to make sure nobody’s listening, and leans in to whisper in your ear.
“I was there to kill him, of course.”
You shudder a little. He admits it so casually, that he was in your house because he was there to commit a murder. You should be afraid of him, but you feel around in your brain and come up empty-handed.
Instead, you find yourself worried. For him. “What if you had gotten in trouble?”
He snorts. “You underestimate me, rosethorn. I would have just framed it as a robbery.”
You nod. Oh God…does that mean he had planned this? Why doesn’t that horrify or disgust you? You’re just going to have to dissect that later. Right now, you only feel a warm affection towards the man stroking his thumb along your hand in a soothing motion.
“So…what comes next?”
“You’re asking me? We can do whatever you like. I can take you home.”
Home. Where is that, now? It’s certainly not in the house you’ve left behind, where the ghost of the man you were married to settles in every nook and cranny. It doesn’t feel like your childhood home where your parents are, either.
It’s such a corny saying, “home is where the heart is”. But home feels like it’s already here, sitting next to your hospital bed with the fondest look in his eyes.
“I’d like to travel,” you whisper. The with you goes unspoken.
“I have plenty of leave time saved up.”
You flip your hand so you can hold his. It’s huge next to yours. This is the hand that slit your husband’s throat, a hand that has killed countless people.
You’re not sentimental enough to pretend that’s not an issue. You’re not entirely sure this is happily ever after: that all of your problems are solved because you’ve replaced one violent man with another. But another part of you yearns to be the one who gets protected. You’ll take care of König, and you know he’ll take care of you. In his own way.
You can ask the questions later. Right now, you have lost time to make up for.
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“Are you sure you should be wearing that scarf?”
The air is cold, but the wind is soft instead of feeling like tiny blades against your face. You tug said scarf down from your face and take in a lungful of crisp, icy air.
“I’ll be fine,” you reassure König as he hauls himself up the last ridge to where you’re standing. “It’s loose enough. And it’s chilly.”
“If you say so.” He tugs his neck gaiter further up his nose. “What a view, hm?”
You’re standing on Mont Blanc, blanketed by serene white snow just as the name promised. Further below you, the skiing slopes are crawling with tourists, but here in this little outcropping, the only sound is the occasional rush of wind and your voices.
“I think I can see Salzburg from here,” you say, pointing off into gorgeous landscape spread out before you.
“That is most certainly still Switzerland,” König says, amused. You turn to look at him instead and are rewarded with his shining green eyes looking right back at you.
“Whatever!” You let out a dissatisfied hmph, which draws a hearty laugh from him.
“You came all the way to Chamonix just so you could look at Austria again?”
“It’s a very tall mountain,” you argue.
“It’s one of many very tall mountains. We could have just gone to Großglockner.”
“That’s boring. I’ve always wanted to visit France.”
“You wanted to visit a very expensive ski chalet.”
“Bite me.”
“I just might!” You giggle and squeal as he grabs you, chasing your face with his as you squirm around.
“It is beautiful,” he concedes as he holds a hand above his eyes to keep off the sun. “Almost as beautiful as you.”
“I should push you off this peak right now.”
“You couldn’t move me an inch.” He grabs you by the waist and holds you tight to emphasize his point. You can’t even shift his arms off you, no matter how hard you push.
“Ok, fine, you win.” You pout at him, but he doesn’t let you go.
The dynamic the two of you share is so easygoing and relaxed, it’s like you had a rhythm all along that both of you just fell back into. But of course, there are some things you’ve never done together. Like travel together.
Or kiss.
“Are you going to do it this time?” you ask him, smiling.
His nose wrinkles up, uncharacteristically cute for someone like him. “Well, I was going to, but then you had to open your mouth.”
You cackle. “Go on then.”
“Can I?”
“I just said yes!”
“I forgot how much you like to talk,” he complains. Before you can say another word, he captures your lips in his.
The sky is vivid and blue as the whole world stretches out before you.
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Here we are! We're at the end of this little story I started writing on a whim. Honestly, this means a lot to me personally: I wrote a lot when I was younger, but high school and university were very difficult times for me, and I stopped writing fanfiction. I tried to get back into it during the pandemic, but I was never able to finish anything beyond a long-ish drabble. I'm quite proud of this.
Even still, I feel like there are a lot of stories that I still want to tell about this couple. There's quite a lot that I decided to cut from these main 3 chapters for the sake of pacing and time. There's a little bit of dissatisfaction at not having crammed in every little detail that I wanted, but if there's one thing that writing university papers has taught me, it's that perfectionism will keep you from getting anything done. So you will be getting more from Alex and Thorn in the future!
I know a lot of you were anticipating what delicious revenge König was going to exact on Thorn's husband, so I hope you weren't too disappointed ;; While I personally would have loved to have König strap him to a chair in the basement and do some morbid things with a knife, I think it was important for Thorn's character that she's involved in it. While of course the main focus of this story is König, Shrike is also about his beloved Thorn. I hope to explore König and the darker (and pervier) aspects of his character more in subsequent stories. But for now, they're getting a well-deserved happy ending.
One last thing before I go: Chamonix is a resort town in central/southeast France, not far from Lyon. (Sorry, I don't know whether Lyon is south enough to be considered southern France lol). Mont Blanc is Chamonix's main peak of the Alps, and is known for how pretty it is and being at the border of France, Switzerland, and Italy. As König said, if you wanted to visit a mountain as an Austrian, there are several of them at home you could visit, but since I visited it a few years ago, Chamonix has a special place in my heart. I just had to cram it in!
As usual, I'm excited to see your comments and feedback. I've read every single thing everybody has commented about this fic, even if I couldn't respond to you all, and I appreciate it so deeply. Whenever I get feedback I literally feel like kicking my feet and giggling. And if you want to ask questions or request specific scenarios with Thorn and Alex, please do send me an ask!
@crowbird @poohkie90 @cumikering @iytatsworld @papaver-decervicatus @anxietyrain @riotakire @ax0lotly @kneelingshadowsalome @cookiepie111 @kacchasu @no1runawaymilkdad @chthonian-spectre @backwards-readings @yxllowtxpe @garbau @hexqueensupreme @queenthorin1 @violetstyless @her-majesty-theking @vegan-peppermint @peonytarian @ghostslittlegf @euuuuuuun @e1x03 @kokonoiwife @deaddainish @dragonfang @teehee-47 @catluvwr @fireballoveraltanta
psst. to my tag list people while I have you here: naturally I will continue tagging you in other Shrike stories, but I'll also be using this same tag list for every other König fic I write. If you'd like to opt out of that, let me know. (No hard feelings, of course :3)
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matan4il · 8 months
Ive long believed that this recent extremist hatred of “colonists” was more about the perceived value of the people being colonized than about the actual harm to human life that colonization causes. (And I do not think of Israelis as colonizers, btw) The past hours have proven this to me. It’s not about whether they think Israel is truly guilty of colonization; it’s that Israelis would dare go against a group they have decided has fundamentally different and more valuable level of humanity. The same exact people who claim they’d support indigenous Americans taking back the land hate Jews for doing exactly that. And my God, the amount of people who spend most of their time discussing sexism and violence against women now saying that the innocent women being killed and kidnapped en masse is “the price to pay” is making my blood boil. I feel like I’ve witnessed so many people just toss all decency and morality out the window just so they can pat themselves on the back for being “anti-colonialists”. Anti-semetism has so rotted peoples brains. I’m praying for you and for every life caught up in this atrocity.
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask.
Let me just say you're of course right that Israeli Jews are not colonizers of the Jewish ancestral homeland. But I haven't been touching this point, because the truth is... even if they were, would it justify such barbarity? Or do we as human beings believe in the sanctity of life, and understand that violence, rape, torture, mutilation and cold blooded murder, let alone mass murder, should NEVER be accepted as the solution to any problem?
Did people take the Nazis, those who committed the worst crimes in human history, and tried to use them to justify the massacre of all Germans, or to de-legitimize the very existence of a German state?
I actually sadly don't think the world does value the lives of Palestinians. I'm friends with so many. Mainly, as a gay woman, I have gay Palestinian friends. I have friends whose families found out they're gay, threatened to kill them, they applied for refugee status in so many western countries, but none would take them. I'm aware that Palestinians are being discriminated against BY LAW in so many places (for example in Lebanon, where Palestinians are barred from no less than 39 professions). If this were about their well being, then pro-Palestinian activists and demonstrations would be speaking up about the mistreatment of Palestinians everywhere! But they don't. If they can't blame the Jewish state for a perceived wrong, they don't care what happens to Palestinians.
Not everyone, obviously. Many accept the info as handed to them and they think they're being pro-Palestinian, when really they're just being fed, and then end up passing on, anti-Israel propaganda.
So, sadly I think this is a new form of antisemitism, expressed by singling out the Jewish state. It isn't the push for human rights it pretends to be, or the movement would care about the human rights of Palestinians in places like Lebanon and Jordan, too.
I think a good way to sum up what's wrong with people justifying the massacre that we experienced here is found in this image:
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Thank you, I really appreciate the care and the prayers! Sending you endless hugs and love! xoxox
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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raven2012 · 4 months
Secrets - Feli Rauch x Leon!Reader
Warnings: tiny bit of smut
Translations: ,,Schatz'' means treasure and is used in the same context as ,,love'' or ,,babe''
, Hermana, it’s so good to see you. How’s Germany treating you?’’, You were cradled into a bone crushing hug when your sister, Mapi, noticed you. You just flew from Wolfsburg all the way to Barcelona to visit your sister.
Ingrid was next to hug you and then they took your luggage and lead you to their car. The drive to their home was filled with questions about your life in Germany.
You went there a year ago after a few good years at Man United. You needed a new challenge, so you took the best offer outside the Wsl. That offer came from Wolfsburg.
Your sister knew that you are very happy at Wolfsburg what she didn’t knew was who made you that happy.
After a short drive to Mapi and Ingrid's flat you were seated around the dinner table. You were all talking about your upcoming games with the Bundesliga when suddenly your phone was ringing.
You excused yourself and walked into the open kitchen:,,Hey Schatz’’; on the other Hand was your girlfriend, Feli:,,Hey Süße, wie gehts dir? Wie war dein Flug?"(Hey sweetie, how are you? How was your flight?) ,,Mir geht's gut, Schatz. und der Flug war auch gut.’’(I’m fine schatz and the flight was okay)
You talked to your girlfriend for a few more minutes until you realized that your sister and her girlfriend were waiting for you.
You hung up with a promise to talk later. you walked back into the living room and sat down at the table. ,,Who was that?’’, your sister asked:,,Just a teammate from Wolfsburg.’’
Ingrid sent you a knowing smirk. You knew that Mapi did not speak german but it completely slipped your mind that Ingrid played for Wolfsburg some time ago.
After a few hours of talking and lots of laughing you went to the guest room and called Feli.
,,Hey Schatz’’, Felis face appeared on your phone screen. You missed her dearly and both talked to close for a hour until you were tired and got ready for bed.
You just wanted to turn the light off when Ingrid was standing in the Doorway:,, So, Feli Rauch?’’ You heard her teasing tone in her voice and tried to cut out her suspicions:,, Yeah, we are really good friends, she’s my roommate.’’
Ingrid closed the door and sat down on your bed next to you:,,You can tell me you know? And I’m not deaf either. I heard you calling her ,,Schatz’’, she is your girlfriend, isn’t she?’’
You sank back into your cushion:,,Fine, you’re right. She is my girlfriend.’’ ,,Do you love her?’’, Your face lit up, Feli was one of your favourite topics. You could talk for hours about her.
You were home with Ingrid because Mapi was at the grocery store. Earlier today you talked to your girlfriend and you both missed each other so much that she offered to fly to Barcelona for the rest of your break.
Ingrid was standing in the kitchen prepping dinner:,,Ingrid, i got a question.’’
,,Yeah, what’s it?’’
,,Do you think Feli could stay here over the rest of the break? I really miss her and she offered to come to Barcelona.’’
Ingrid had no problem with it, the only problem was your sister, who didn’t know of your girlfriend yet.
You and Ingrid brainstormed and came up with the plan to bring Feli from the airport to Mapi and Ingrids home and then later introduce her as your girlfriend over dinner.
A few days later you and Mapi were picking up Feli from the airport, since your relationship was a secret Feli couldn’t just kiss you in the middle of the airport.
Once you saw her you had to keep yourself from running into her arms, instead opting to wait until she was at a reasonable distance for you to walk over to her and hug her. You closed her into your arms and nuzzled your face into her neck. You breathed in her scent and immediately calmed down.
Mapi may have been oblivious but not so oblivious that she didn’t notice how your entire demeanor changed once you were in Felis arms.
When you got home you showed Feli where the guest room was and since the house only had one, it was where you both would be staying.
Feli walked in behind you and closed the door. She immediately turned you around and pressed her lips onto yours. It was a sweet kiss, a kiss of lovers reuniting after being apart for weeks.
The kiss deepend and Feli walked you to the bed. She gently pushed you onto it. Feli was immediately on top of you and resumed kissing you.
You let your hands wander over her torso, under her clothes. They wandered under her sports bra and pinched Felis right nipple. She let out a quiet moan at that and opened your trousers. Her eyes met yours, the question of consent lying behind the gesture:,, Feli, bitte…’’, you whisper in a desperate voice.
You take Felis hand and pull it into your trousers and put it right over your wet heat. Feli starts circling her finger over your clit, wich was still hidden by the fabric of your underwear. Your head was resting back against the headboard, one hand of yours was in the back of Felis neck and the other gripped the sheets tightly.
You felt yourself getting worked up when suddenly Mapi opened the door:,,Ay dios mio!’’
She immediately slammed the door closed again. ,,I guess the secrets out…’’ Feli said while still laying on top of you. She gave you one last kiss before you both got up to face your sister.
Feli and you walked downstairs, hand in hand. You saw Mapi and Ingrid sitting on the sofa.
Ingrid nodded encouraging at you while Mapi looked at you with a blank face.,, A friend? Really?’’ She then looked at Feli:,, How long have you been sleeping with my sister?’’ You looked a little shocked at that question but your girlfriends answer made you fall in love with her again:,, Around 4 months and I am not just sleeping with her. She is the love of my life.’’ Mapi looked back at you, now with a smile on her face:,, I like her, You chose a good one, hermana. Just next time: lock the door please.’’
You and your girlfriend went red within a second but you were relieved and grateful that Mapi accepted Feli as your girlfriend.
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hey-i-am-trying · 17 days
So, as someone who was watching the stream and watches many of Roiers specifically, but is not Hispanic, first it was clear from when the admin logged on it was someone different than who had been (07) for almost a week. After a bit of the admin playing as a more solitary egg and more standoffish, they told roier to "leave them alone", then roier tried talking with them and explaining how things had been during the week (him trying to explain stuff lore and week events Roier & pepito had)
the admin then said, "You smell like ass too, you son of a bitch. No one asked you"
After Roier let the admin leave to do whatever, after spending at max 30 minutes together, he was clearly uncomfortable being called things, especially by someone he had had no interactions with. He did his own things for a little bit longer.
But afterwards, Aldo, who was watching, spoke about how it wasnt okay specifically. Many tripoiers were thinking Roier would scold chat the next stream, for speaking out against how this admin was acting, but he didnt just. And then later said that they day just wasnt canon anymore. So many believe, he personally reached out to the admin team or Q about it.
From what has been explained to me, by Hispanic friends and other fans, the main issue is that this was obviously said in an insulting manner to Roier, but even if they were trying to "rp" or jokingly say it this admin had 0 relationship with Roier prior to this. Saying these things out of nowhere is never okay and was not okay.
And saying the reason they acted this way was because they were sick and Roier spoke too fast, which aggravated the situation?
And their "apology"? " i never realized that it wasnt in rp that you were uncomfortable "? But they had been online seeing the things said about the situation?
Thank your for explaining! I was no aware it was this bad! It is not anyone else 's place to forgive the admin but Roier, so really I can't say much.
It was definetly rude, and while I will again say we can't make a judgement of a complete person for a moment, in my opinion Roier deserves a better apology.
I can't go inside the admin's mind and say for sure if they meant what they say in rp or not, because I had in the past stumble on social norms like a train rack and I get it not realizing how rude you are sounding in the moment. But again, I would apologize after I realize how I acted.
And about not seeing the posts online, I can't say for sure. I will give an example of a situation I actually saw unfold and why assume that someone saw posts, not metter how "viral" it was or how many they were, is honestly a bad idea.
When Empanada was first introduced, there was a sever moment of hesitation in the brazilian qsmp community, Bagi was one of the most active brazilian players and people liked to go to her stream to just have a portuguse speaking player to listen, but since Bagi has become Em's mom, she barely would speak portuguse and would mostly talk in english with her.
Some brazilians fans expressed very politely why they were feeling bad with this situation, explaining how it made them feel like they were "losing" a portuguese speaker, and in a smp where the principle was having the ccs being able to speak their native languages, it felt like their language was being side line again.
At the same time, they were people not so politely saying what a dumb decision was to give a german egg to a brazilian cc, that they should kill Empanada or fire her admin and hire a brazilian admin for the role.
Bagi's and Em's admin saw the rude posts and not the polite ones. So when they decided to talk about in stream, Bagi was obviously furious about it and was very harsh.
That generated a lot of hate to them and especially to Em because believe that was their answear to the polite posts.
Bagi later read the more polite thread and talked about it in a calmer manner, her and Empanada try to use more of the translator to speak in their respective languages.
I know this feels like a unrealed rant at the end, but I wanted to just give an actually example of how making assumption of what people saw or did not saw is kinda useless and even harmful because we can not actually be sure about it, yes they metion the twitter posts on their letter, but who knows what tweets they actually saw.
Coming back to the situation. They said they are an autistic person, which while not an excuse to be an asshole to someone, can explain losing the grasp social norms, and being unware of what was crossing rp lines, that happens. Not an excuse but an explanation, they are an adult and after understanding they were rude they should have apologize properly.
Life is a bit more complicated than black and white, being an asshole once to somebody doesn't mark them as an asshole for the rest of their lives, I hope the admin can get something out of this situation and learn, hopefully they will reach out to Roier to say sorry.
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tillthereweretangents · 3 months
Paul and Icke (part 6 of N)
In 1966 the Beatles returned to Hamburg, this time as international mega-stars. Icke and several of their other Hamburg friends greeted them at the train station, and were later invited in to meet them backstage.
Paul spotted Icke at the train station and called out to him before the band were rushed through. Later, at the venue, Paul made sure that Icke was invited back to spend time with the band.
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George brought up Till There Was You at this meeting, and Icke explained that there had been some confusion, but we don't know if Paul ever found out. (more info at the end of the translation)
Thanks as always to the wonderful @didwemeetsomewherebefore and her mum for the translation of Icke's autobiography (original German is at the end).
The tour was booked from the 24th - 26th June; three days in three cities. Through the press photographer, Peter Bruchmann, I found out the Beatles would be arriving at 5 30 am on a special train at the Ahrensburg station, so I got up at 4 in the morning not to miss this moment. As the train approached, I stood very close to the edge of the platform. A mass of journalists, fans and other commuters also stood on the platform. It was terribly noisy and nobody could understand a word anyone was saying. Luckily, I found a favourable place on the platform - facing the wagon in which the Beatles were basically stood right outside my nose. I saw the guys standing at the window and Paul saw me too. He moved his lips as though he wanted to say something to me, and pointed to the front where they were going to disembark. Unfortunately this was about 10 meters deep with people who were all trying to see the band. I tried with all my might to push through but I was still stuck in the middle. It was just impossible to get through. The Beatles had already disembarked. They were corralled straight away by the bodyguards who had freed a walkway through the crowd. However, Paul managed to turn around, he called to me, ‘We’ll see you later!’, and then they ran at speed through the walkway, out to where the cars were standing, surrounded by journalists and fans who were waiting for them. They were taken with a police escort to the Castle Tremsbuttel, where they were staying the night.
The fact that Paul could even see him even with so many people is remarkable, and even though they hadn't seen each other in 3 years, and had no idea he would even be there, is a testament to how much Icke meant to Paul. Spoilers for the next part, but he never did forget Icke.
There is also footage of the train station arrival here, and interviews from earlier in the week with Icke, Bettina, and others in Hamburg here. A lot of stories we've already shared in this series are included, and some that we haven't as well.
The whole thing happened so quickly that on the way home, I thought it had been a dream. On the way back in the car, I asked myself, what did Paul mean when he called out to me? How should I approach him, how was it going to work that we would see each other when the instructions had been so vague. The two concerts were scheduled for 3pm - 4.45pm and then 7pm - 8 45 pm. In between both concerts there were press conferences being held, to which unfortunately I wasn’t invited. I managed to get a ticket for the second concert, but I still hung around for three hours with the other fans in the hall. Suddenly on the loudspeaker I heard my name. ‘Icke Braun is asked to come to the desk’. I thought to myself, what do I need to come to the desk for? but I went anyway. A man was standing there who I had met before - he was from the newspaper, Der Bild. He told me that Paul McCartney wanted to speak to me, then turned around and went into the conference room and I followed him. Already outside I could hear John Lennon’s voice and as the door opened, I saw him joking with the journalists. As everyone was only speaking English, I didn’t understand much of it. The Beatles were sitting on a podium together with a man I didn’t know. Later I discovered that that was Neil Aspinall who was the personal assistant to the Beatles.
George saw me and waved me to his side. I went a bit nearer to the stage but kept my distance. Why should I stand around on the stage looking stupid when I had nothing to say? So I stayed where I was and waited until the end of the conference until I said hello to the guys. A few journalists then left the room but most stayed. When the Beatles came down from the stage, George asked me ‘how are you and what are you doing with yourself’? I said, ‘yes I’m good, I’m now married!’, John heard that and called, “Where’s your wife, let’s see your wife!” and Neil said to me; the Beatles wishes must be obeyed! So I called Evelyn and told her the Beatles wanted to meet her. She was able to come straight away because we had talked about something like this happening.
We wonder if John wanted to see her to see how much she looked like Paul, which, if you look at the picture above, there is a bit of a resemblance (she's between Icke and Ringo, the woman on the other side of Paul is Kathia Berger).
We withdrew into a little room, and suddenly I saw that there was Kathia and Bettina from the the Star Club. I must have overlooked them amongst all the chaos. When Evelyn appeared, she was the first to be introduced to the Beatles. Everything revolved around her and as they were all speaking in English, I stood by looking stupid, and I also took the chance to go to the toilet. in order to do that, I had to go through the hustle of journalists who were waiting to grab one of the Beatles. When I came back from the toilet, they were begging me to take them back into the conference room. One said, if you take me with you, I will give you 1000 Marks.    When I got back to the Beatles, I asked if I could bring a few people in to meet them, but John and the others were emphatic; no way, we want this to be just us. Bettina took a few photos out of her bag, which showed the Beatles in the Top Ten and the Star Club. The boys were delighted and told her that they would like to have the photos. I told them that the photographer who took them was standing outside the door. ‘Fetch him in, fetch him!’ said John excitedly. The photographer was called Peter Bruchmann, and was absolutely delighted to be the only journalist to be allowed into the conference room. It was he who had given me the tip that the band would be alighting off the train at Ahrensburg . I knew him from the time when the Beatles played at the Top Ten. At that point he hadn’t heard anything about them, and I had to persuade him to come and see them and take a few photos. These became the most famous photos he had ever taken.
Even three years later, we see how important Hamburg was to them.
And here are some photos from that day! You've probably seen some of them, but now you know who everyone is!
Paul told me before the band went onstage that we would see him afterwards, however they disappeared from the stage straight away; while the public was still clapping and calling for more, they were already in their cars. That was the only way to take them from their fans in safety. This was the only contact that my wife Evelyn had with the Beatles.
There are stories that Paul and John wandered around St Pauli after the show. Based on this we wonder if they realized they hadn't given Icke any actual information and were hoping that maybe somehow he'd be nostalgic too and they'd run into him.
This paragraph is from the introductory part of Icke's chapter about the Beatles, which is why it's more retrospective:
Years later, when the boys were already famous, and I was allowed backstage, we were sitting in the Ernst Merck hall and George Harrison mentioned ‘Till There Was You. I told him that it was actually Kathia’s music taste and not mine. So he understood, but there is still footage from The Star Club where one can hear ‘And now we will play ‘till there was you’ for Icke’
It sounds like George always assumed Icke had a crush on Paul or was gay or that they were together or something based on thinking "Till There Was You" was Icke's favorite song. Icke sounds quick to correct him, and quick to mention it in the book, as this is near the beginning of the Beatles chapter. As you've seen throughout these parts, Icke does a lot of questioning his sexuality and trying to make it clear something doesn't mean what it sounds like. This book is only from 2018. It's very sad to us that he's still doing that even now in his 80s.
Let us know what your thoughts are!
Icke and Paul saw each other one more time (as far as we know, though Icke is still alive so that could potentially change) but we have one more part before we get there, so stay tuned!
Original German of the translation is below!
Original German
Vom 24. bis zum 26. Juni, also an drei Tagen, waren für die Tournee in drei Städten jeweils zwei Konzerte vorgesehen. Hamburg war nach München und Essen die dritte Station. Von dem Pressefotografen Peter Brüch-mann wusste ich, dass die Beatles morgens um 5:30 Uhr mit einem Sonderzug am Bahnhof Ahrensburg ankommen sollten. Also war ich schon vor 4 Uhr aufge-standen, um diesen Moment nicht zu verpassen. Als der Zug einrollte, stand ich ziemlich nah an der Bahnsteigkante. Jede Menge Journalisten, Fans und zufällige Fahrgäste standen auf dem Bahnsteig. Es herrschte ein fürchterliches Gedränge und ein Lärm, bei dem man sein eigenes Wort nicht verstand. Zum Glück hatte ich einen günstigen Platz erwischt. Der Waggon, in dem die Beatles waren, hielt praktisch genau vor meiner Nase. Ich sah die Jungs am Fenster stehen, und Paul sah mich auch. Er bewegte seine Lippen, als ob er mir etwas sagen wollte und zeigte nach vorne, wo sie aussteigen würden. Bis dahin waren es ungefähr noch zehn Meter voller Menschen, die alle zu den Beatles drängten. Ich versuchte mit aller Kraft, mich zu ihnen durchzukämpfen, legte mich mit den Leuten an, die ich dabei anrempelte, und blieb trotzdem in der Menge stecken. Es war einfach kein Durchkommen. Die Beatles waren schon ausgestiegen. Sie wurden sofort in die Gasse geschoben, die die Bodygards für sie freigemacht hatten. Trotzdem schaffte Paul es noch, sich umzudrehen. Er rief mir zu, wir sehen uns nachher, dann liefen sie im Eiltempo weiter durch die Bahnhofshalle nach draußen, wo ihre Autos in einer riesigen Ansammlung von Journalisten und Zuschauern auf sie warteten. Unter Polizeischutz wurden sie zum Schloss Tremsbüttel gefahren, in dem sie übernachteten.
Das Ganze war so blitzschnell gegangen, dass es mir auf dem Weg nach Hause wie ein Traum vorkam. Auf der Heimfahrt im Auto fragte ich mich, wie Paul das meinte, was er mir zuletzt zugerufen hatte. Wie wollte er es denn anstel-len, dass wir uns nachher noch sahen? Die beiden Konzerte waren von 15:00 bis16:45 Uhr und von 19:00 bis 20:45 Uhr angesetzt. Zwischen den beiden Konzerten gab es die erwähnte Pressekonferenz, zu der ich leider keinen Zutritt hatte. Ich hatte für 20 Mark eine Karte für das zweite Konzert ergattert, trieb mich aber schon drei Stunden vorher mit vielen anderen Fans vor der Ernst-Merck-Halle rum. Da hörte ich plötzlich über Lautsprecher meinen Namen: Icke Braun wird gebeten, zur Kasse zu kommen. Ich dachte, nanu, was soll ich denn an der Kasse, ging aber hin. Da stand ein Mann, den ich von der Begegnung an meiner Wohnungstür kannte, also der Mann von der Bild-Zeitung. Er sagte, Paul McCartney will Sie sprechen, drehte sich um und ging zum Konfe-renzraum. Ich hinterher. Schon von draußen hörte ich John Lennons Stimme, und als die Tür aufging, sah ich, wie er sich heftig mit einem Journalisten zoffte. Da alle nur Englisch sprachen, verstand ich natürlich nicht viel davon. Die Beatles saßen auf einem Podium zusammen mit einem Mann, den ich nicht kannte. Später erfuhr ich, dass er Neil Aspinall hieß und der persönliche Assistent der Beatles war. George sah mich und winkte mich zu sich ran. Ich ging ein bisschen näher zum Podium und blieb in einiger Entfernung stehen. Warum sollte ich auf der Bühne blöd rumstehen, wenn ich gar nichts zu sagen hatte. Also blieb ich, wo ich war, und wartete das Ende der Konferenz ab, bevor ich die Jungs begrüßte. Einige Journalisten verließen den Raum, aber die meisten blieben da. Als die Beatles von der Bühne runterkamen, fragte George: „Wie geht es dir, was machst du so? Ich sagte, ja gut, ich bin ja jetzt verheiratet." John hatte das mitgehört und rief „Und wo ist deine Frau? Zeig sie uns mal." Aspinall sagte zu mir: „Der Wunsch der Beatles muss dir Befehl sein." Also rief ich Evelyn an und sagte ihr, die Beatles wollten sie kennenlernen. Sie konnte sich sofort auf den Weg machen, weil wir vorher schon darüber gesprochen hatten, dass sowas passieren könnte. Wir zogen uns in ein kleineres Zimmer zu-rück, das hinter dem Konferenzraum lag, und plötzlich waren auch Kathia und Bet-tina, die Barfrau aus dem Star-Club dabei. Die beiden musste ich bei dem ganzen Trubel übersehen haben. Als Evelyn eintraf, war ich erstmal bei den Beatles abge-meldet. Alles drehte sich um sie, und da sie sich, na klar, auf Englisch unterhielten, stand ich nur blöd daneben und nutzte die Gelegenheit, um auf die Toilette zu gehen. Dazu musste ich mich durch die Journalisten drängeln, die darauf lauerten, einen der Beatles zu erwischen. Als ich von der Toilette zurückkam, bettelten sie, ich sollte sie mit reinnehmen. Einer sagte, wenn du mich mitnimmst, kriegst du 1000 Mark von mir. Zurück bei den Beatles, fragte ich, ob wir nicht ein paar Leute ruhig reinnehmen sollten, aber John und die anderen meinten sofort, auf keinen Fall, wir wollen unter uns bleiben.
The Beatles mit uns im Backstage der Ernst-Merck-Halle. Zwischen George und Paul steht Kathia, zwischen Paul und Ringo sind Evelyn und ich, und neben John sitzt Betty, die damalige Barfrau des Star Clubs. Bettina holte aus ihrer Tasche ein paar Fotos, die die Beatles im Top Ten und im Star Club zeigten. Sie waren begeistert und sagten, die hätten sie auch gerne. O.k., sagte ich, der Fotograf, der die aufgenommen hat, steht vor der Tür. - Hol ihn rein, hol ihn rein, sagte John. Der Fotograf hieß Peter Brüchmann und freute sich wie ein Schneekönig, dass er als einziger Journalist ins Hinterzimmer durfte. Er war es übrigens gewesen, der mir den Tip gegeben hatte, dass die Band am Bahnhof Ahrensburg aussteigen würde. Ich kannte ihn noch aus der Zeit, als die Beatles im Top Ten spielten. Von denen hatte er damals noch nie gehört, und ich hatte ihn mit Mühe überredet, sie sich mal anzusehen und ein paar Fotos zu ma-chen. Es wurden die berühmtesten Fotos, die er jemals gemacht hat.
Vor der Vorstellung hatte Paul noch zu uns gesagt, wir sehen uns hinterher. Aber als sie von der Bühne verschwunden waren und das Publikum noch klatschte, saßen sie schon wieder in ihren Autos. Das war ja auch die einzige Möglichkeit, wie sie sich vor den Fans in Sicherheit bringen konnte. Für Evelyn war dies der einzige Kontakt zu den Beatles geblieben.
Viel später, als die Jungs schon berühmt waren und ich mal in den Backstage durfte, wir saßen da in der Ernst-Merck-Halle, hat mich George Harrison auf Till there was you angesprochen. Da habe ich ihm das dann erzählt, dass der Musikwunsch eigentlich auf Katja zurückging. Das hat er auch verstanden. Aber es gibt Auf-nahmen, die irgendwann im Starclub mitgeschnitten wurden, auf denen man hören kann: „Und nun spielen wir für Icke Till there was you."
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Can you write something with a younger (older teen or young adult) sidekick who gets caught using their power to harm themselves
tw: sh
since I am not able to post much because of my beloved German internet connection, my husband helped me with this one: @epiclamer
Their first instinct was to shake the sidekick. To squeeze their shoulders and shake and shake until they would wake the fuck up and stop what they were doing.
The hero had never been good with the kid. For god’s sake, they weren’t a parent. It was too much responsibility, too much to worry about. It had never been a problem for them, their relationship to the kid had always been one of professional interest. They were here to help the hero. And since their regenerative powers had them covered, the hero didn’t have to worry about them dying.
Not in a short time of period, at least somewhere in the long run. Maybe.
But now, the hero was nearly furious.
“What are you doing?” The hero tried their damnedest not to shout. Shouting would only scare them. The sidekick was old enough — should have been old enough — to understand what kind of mistake they were making.
Upon hearing their voice, the sidekick hid their arm. They turned around, teary eyes looking to the floor.
The hero’s voice quivered. “What are you doing?”
When the sidekick didn’t answer, the hero took a step forward. Yet, as the kid mirrored their movement and took a step back, the hero stopped.
“If there’s anything I did wrong, I—” Somehow it only crossed the hero’s mind now what this truly meant. “What is it? Please tell me. Please.”
Another step forward. Another one back. But the hero was faster this time. They caught the sidekick’s wrists, watching as the blood on their forearms trickled to the ground slowly.
“Did I do something wrong, did I…?” The hero didn’t understand. They didn’t comprehend why they would do this.
“I’m sorry—” they cried. They fell into the hero’s arms hugging them tightly. But the hero was frozen, barely even breathing as their brain tried to catch up.
They longed for an answer, for a reason, for anything that could explain why their beloved sidekick was doing this to themselves. Silent tears brimming their eyes and slowly falling down their cheeks.
The sidekick only hugged them tighter, trying to prod any sort of reaction out of their superior. They were never supposed to find out about this…
“Sidekick…” The hero’s throat formed a sickly feeling lump. Leaving their mouth dry and a stutter in their breaths.
“I-I’m so sorry… I’m so so so sorry…”
They shook their head, tears dropping onto their shaking sidekick. “Why. Why would you…”
Every last part of the sidekick’s heart had shattered. Watching the one they loved and admired be so upset—so disappointed—with them.
The feeling of guilt only crawled from their stomach to their throat and the sidekick tasted bile.
“I— I don’t know—”
“Don’t. Don’t lie to me.” The hero’s eyes flicked back down to their sidekick’s arm, tears blurring their vision as they clenched their jaw and ground their teeth.
They were still bleeding, most of their strength had gone into healing the wound, but their powers were susceptible to emotions and with the outburst they ran haywire. Not properly sewing back up their skin as it left jagged white lines in its wake.
It took every last fibre in the hero’s body to not lose their head. They needed to stay calm. They needed to be strong for their sidekick, like always, right?
But what if it was their fault? What if they were the reasoning behind sidekick’s self harm? Then what?
“Hero, I swear I—”
The hero took a deep breath, staring down at the blood and at their distraught friend. Settling for the decision they thought was best before they dared speak.
“We can talk later. Just please, please tell me it’s not my fault?”
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charlewiss-writes · 2 years
i still am / mick schumacher
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day 24: question (part of one-word november prompts!)
summary: one beer too many and answers to questions you always wanted to know but where always too afraid to ask.
word count: 0.8k
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
warnings: not proofread. alcohol and the consumption of.
mick and you weren't big fans of drinking, but tonight it was a special night: you were accepted into your dream college, and would move away to be closer to it. switzerland was home to you, not only because you grew up there, but because your favorite german boy lived here, and nothing felt more like home than being trapped in his arms.
but you thought that the fuzzy and warm feeling you got when you were close to him was just coincidential. or at least, you didn't want to believe the signs your body tried desperately for you to read. you two were only friends, and nothing more. even if he lived next door, or if he was a world away due to your move. "do you want to play a game?" he shyly said, while closing the fridge and handing you the can of beer. you were seated on the floor on your balcony, just admiring the stars for what could be the last time for a bit. at least, until you decided to come back home.
"yeah, mickie, what do you have in mind?".
"just the old q&a. i ask you a question, you answer, and so it goes" he started to explain, while he squatted down to sit beside you. "if you don't want to answer, you'll have to drink a whole can of beer" mick joked, and you playfully rolled your eyes, which caused him to grin. "so?" he asked again, when you didn't answer him.
"i like it. who will go first?".
"your idea, you go first, schumacher". the german boy laughed at how easy his last name rolled off your tongue. you two started to call eachother by their last names only joking when you were kids, but it had stuck. the thing mick loved the most about your friendship was how many inside jokes you two had, how easy it was when everything surrounding both of you seemed to be so complicated.
"why do you need to get away?"
you knew that he hadn't took well the news about your departure. even tough he was most of the year away due to his job, coming back home and knowing that you would be close to him, like the old times, helped him through the season; you were his string back home, pulling him in when he felt too lost. now, he didn't know how could he still call this place home if you weren't in it.
you huffed, a bit annoyed at the reocurring topic. "mickie, we talked about this. i'm not going away. i'll come back often. you know i can't stay away from home for too long" you joked, reminiscing of when you had travelled to him to join him at a triple header. it meant that you were away from home for almost a whole month, and the distance had definitely impacted you negatively. mick nodded, still a bit unsure, but not wanting to push the subject any further.
"what do you find the most difficult about what you do?". he didn't want his answer to sound so sharp, but it left his mouth without giving it a second thought.
"staying away from you"
it was just mere seconds before he went, like a firefighter, to extinguish any kind of suspicion his statement could have lightened. "staying away from angie, my family, home. when i'm on the track i don't really think about anything. but the nights are hard sometimes". you hummed, like you understood what he was talking about.
as the night went on, the cans of beer getting emptied and your tongues speaking almost without inhibitions, you asked the blue eyed boy something that you couldn't even muster up the courage to think when you're sober.
"did you ever think about us... like, together?".
he smiled and nodded, while finishing his third beer of the night. when you realized he had no intentions on expanding his answer, you continued asking. "why didn't you say something then?".
he laughed at your impatience. "one question at a time, schatzi".
after thinking about it a bit, a few seconds later he took his turn. "you truly didn't realize that i was in love with you?". the newfound information startled you so much that it seemed like the alcohol had evaporated from your body. even if you didn't want to acknowledge it, you had been in love with the boy in front of you since you meet him, back when your family moved to switzerland when you were just a kid. still, you never had a clue of his feelings towards you.
"you were?". he smiled, finding your clueless reaction cute. he always thought that you knew about his infatuation towards you but decided to not say anything to avoid any awkwardness between you two.
"i still am, liebling".
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 6 months
Really long headcanon post for the stuff that I’ve posted on Wattpad :3
-Mans is my height, 5'6, and he hates being bullied about being the shortest of his brothers lmao
-Is twins with New Jersey, though Jersey makes fun of him cuz he's five minutes younger
-he has reddish brown shoulder-length wavy hair and hazel eyes
-mf is built like the Dwayne Johnson though he's just missing the height
-this man acts all tough until the cramps come along. Then he's dead.
-doctor of the statehouse, along with Texas. He deals with sickness/illness whilst Texas deals with injuries. Though he can do both cuz we love that.
-tried learning how to make flower crowns cuz NY would always make them for everyone when they were younger. He tried his best, and he's actually kinda okay at it, so him and any will just hang out and make flower crowns.
-^he has put a spell on every single flower crown that he's ever given or received so that they never shrivel up and die
-OCD, autism, and ADHD
-loves rock, metal, and punk music. Especially FFDP (THEY HAVE NO BUSINESS BEING THAT FRICKIN' GOOD LIKE WHAT-)
-friends with the OG13 (no dip Sherlock-), Maine, Texas, and Louisiana.
-^the moment he met New York, he was filled with the urge to take him away from England immediately. He does pick favorite brothers btw. And it's New York.
-sharp lil canines like he's a friggin vampire smh
-he is a squishy boy and we love that <3 it just makes him better for cuddling
-he's not short, not tall, he's only 5'8.
-he's a pathetic loser tbh but we still love him
-sippi loves stuffed animals, but his favorite is a teddy bear that was given to him by New York (fun fact, teddy bears were invented in Brooklyn, and were named after the president that refused to shoot a bear!).
-he named it Mr. Cuddles, and it is the most beat up stuffed animal that he owns (as in, its ear had to be sewn back on, one of its eyes has been replaced by a button, and it has random stitches and patches all over) but he still loves it and cherishes it to this day.
-friends with (omg he has friends????) Texas, Louisiana, Florida, New York, South Carolina and Georgia
-yes yes he is but a cuddly marshmallow. Until you hurt someone he loves. Then you're dead.
-he SCREAMS whenever there's a bug. Strangely though, he likes ants, moths, and butterflies.
-mans is colorblind
-he doesn't like his squishy-ness and has tried to starve himself on numerous occasions :(
-I think that the fact that he's been owned by 3 different countries is grounds to give him abandonment issues right? Okay.
-if it weren't for his friends just simply existing, he would've been long gone by now. (same tho- I mean what?)
-I'm not gonna say he's hurt himself before, but I'm not gonna say he hasn't either 👁️👁️
-bro thinks that anybody he gets close to is gonna leave him :[
-if he gets hurt, he's not gonna bother telling anyone cuz he doesn't wanna feel like a failure for not being able to defend himself
-this man is T A L L- he's 6'5 (not as tall as Alaska though so HA-)
-I imagine him to be very slim and fit, but he has a tiny bit of pudge around his lower stomach and hips and thighs.
-he LOVES animals so, so much. More than humans tbh.
-he has a horse (Ranger), 5 dogs (Rosco, Daisy, Cassy, Billie, and Maria. Rosco and Cassy are German Shepherds, Daisy and Billie are heelers, and Maria is a demonic chihuahua), 3 cats (Mittens, Sassy, and Milo), and 2 snakes (Spot and Harvey).
-^thats just at the statehouse. Back home, he has an animal sanctuary where he takes care of animals, takes them in, nurses them back to health, ect... It's very adorable and I love it.
-speaking of animals, he cannot, I repeat, CANNOT keep it together if an animal dies or gets hurt in a movie. Homeward Bound? Mans was not okay. Hachi? He wasn't ballin', he was bawling 😔.
-he still wears a binder cuz he doesn't trust the doctors to perform top surgery on him.
-ADHD for DAYS- don't give him an energy drink unless you want a 6'5 chihuahua on cocaine to be following you around.
-ADHD, autism, ocd, depression, anxiety, and ptsd. Idk if daddy issues counts, but he has those for sure.
-this bitch has fallen off of so many things that he no longer takes fall damage
-Mexico was such an asshole to poor Texas...... I wanna skin him alive :)
-Texas CANNOT handle someone raising their hand or voice at him. He can't. He will flinch and/or cry. Which he hates. Cuz he's supposed to have this reputation as the big strong Lone Star State.
-he has SH scars on his wrists, sides, and thighs. They vary from blade marks, to cigarette burns, to even scratches.
-he hates all of his scars so, so much and sees them as nothing but a sign of his weakness and inability to defend himself.
-Texas is also kinda insecure about the little bit of pudge on his lower belly, hips, and thighs. What makes it worse is that he can't really help it. Especially the stomach pudge cuz that's just where his uterus is. Does he know this? Yes. Is he still insecure? Yes.
-he often binds too long or forgets that he has his binder on until it's too late and there is severe bruising and even minor bleeding underneath the band. Along with breathing difficulties.
-^to make the breathing difficulties thing worse, he has asthma :)
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distantlaughter · 8 months
"You have to try to have fun"
originally published 15 January 2004 for Auto Bild Motorsport (x)
His childhood, his second Formula 1 test for BMW-Williams, his growing popularity – Nico Rosberg (18) speaks plainly.
AUTO BILD motorsport: In December you tested for BMW-Williams for the second time. What's it like to drive a Formula 1 car?
Nico Rosberg: The first time, I thought, how long do you need to push this pedal down on the straight? It must be such a hell of a thing. But the bottom line is that you immediately go full throttle. All race cars are similar in terms of handling. You just have to get used to the power. All race cars are similar in terms of handling. You just have to get used to the power. But that's not a big problem. What takes more time is realizing the speed. Everything comes at you so fast. That demands concentration. Then you have to develop a feeling for the brakes. When you step into it, it's like running into a wall. It's difficult to feel when the wheels lock.
Were you nervous?
Yes, because I knew that something was at stake. It's a huge opportunity. In addition, I had a competitor (Nelson Piquet Jr.) who I had to beat.
How did you deal with each other?
The first day he drove, everything was fine. That was the first time we ever spoke to each other. The next day I drove faster than he did. After that, we hardly exchanged a word.
How did you prepare for this important day?
My father gave me one tip: You have to try to have fun and out comes what comes out. That's how I tried to do it.
If your talent was only mediocre, would you still keep racing?
Success is already a big part of my enjoyment of motorsport. I don't know how long I would continue without success.
Has your popularity changed in the last two years?
Oh yes. Especially in Finland it has become funny. I'm very well known there. I get in a cab there and the driver says, "Hi Nico, I named my son after you because I was a big fan of your father." That's a nice feeling, but it's also scary. When I walk around there in the department store, even the men look at me. And that's despite the fact that I don't speak Finnish and I feel like a German (mother Sina is German, editor's note).
What was your funniest encounter with your fans?
Recently in Finland, there were three girls, I saw them four, five times in the department store in half an hour. Then they came up to me and said, "Hi, we're exchange students from Germany. We know you from TV, from VIVA." That was awesome.
How does your father help you?
He didn't help me much when I was racing. That doesn't really work. From the outside, no one can teach the person sitting in the car how to drive fast.
How did you grow up - like the son of ex-Formula 1 world champion Keke Rosberg or like a normal child?
I was lucky enough to grow up in a well-off family. And: We lived in Monaco. That makes a lot of things different. But otherwise I grew up like a normal child. I went to school, then I had to do my homework. Then I went to the beach to play soccer.
You went to an international school, didn't you?
Yes, that's the advantage of living in Monaco. German is my mother tongue. I learned English and French at school. All my friends were Italian, so I learned that language, too.
Why don't you speak Finnish?
My father was never there (laughs), so he couldn't pay attention to it. I don't understand a word either.
Were you already good at sports as a child?
Yes, especially in ball sports, soccer and tennis. That was a lot of fun for me. When I was ten or eleven years old and lost to my father in tennis, I burst into tears. That was cruel. After that, we didn't talk to each other for two days. Then we played again - with the same result. Even today I'm still totally ambitious. I don't want anyone to beat me. (laughs) Sometimes friends get upset because I'm a bit extreme.
You've been racing for eight years and missed a lot of school, but you were still a good student…
Because I want to do the best in everything that's important to me. My parents never had to say much. That always came from myself. I don't know if it's because of the competitive spirit. In any case, I was very good at school.
Did you ever doubt that you could live up to the expectations attached to the name Rosberg?
It's not an easy task to live up to the name. But I believe I can manage to get as far as my father did back then.
Do you have an aggressive side?
Yes. You can see it especially when I play football. That's when everyone goes flying right and left. (laughs) I'm more of a defender, although I'd love to play striker. But I'm not so good at scoring goals.
What does a racing driver need?
Intelligence. That's very important these days. Not only in driving, but also in tuning and developing the car. My impression was that there are almost unlimited possibilities there.
What do you think of Kimi Räikkönen?
He's a very good driver. What I like about Kimi is that when you ask him about his opponent, he doesn't mention a name. He doesn't care which opponent it is. I try to do that a little bit now, too. I thought that was really good. You shouldn't praise opponents. But since I'm still a long way from Formula 1, I can say that he's really good.
Have you had any serious accidents?
In Macau at the Formula 3 Grand Prix I had two big accidents for the first time. Once I crashed into the barriers at 110 mph. The second time was when Pierre Kaffer was right in front of me. I couldn't avoid him, flew over him and landed on the roof. I was hanging in there like a monkey, upside down, hearing the entire field racing past me. That's when I started to get a little scared. I just thought, if someone flies into me now…
What is your understanding of technology?
In 2002 in Formula BMW, I got in, stepped on the gas, got out and enjoyed the time. I've changed since the first Formula 1 test (December 2002). I've grown up, I've seen that you can do even more for it. Now I know how much I want to do that.
What are your private interests?
I now have a girlfriend in Hamburg. Then I'm a sports freak. I simply had to become a sportsman. If racing hadn't worked out, I probably would have become a soccer player.
Is your girlfriend interested in racing?
She has no idea about it and didn't even know I was doing it. We met in Ibiza. I think it's better that way, too. My classmates used to ask me after every race weekend how it was. Even if they had no idea about motorsport. They identified me with racing. That annoyed me.
You are very enthusiastic. Do you sometimes have to stop yourself from cheering or does the rest of the world not matter to you then?
Absolutely nothing at all! You'd have to hear me in the car when I've won. That's awesome. I can't hold myself back. I'm just screaming. I can get so happy about wins. Having success in motorsport is one of the best things for me. But then there are moments that are cruel. You're slow and you don't know why. They can be mistakes that you only find weeks later. It's important then not to doubt yourself. That's not always easy. I could do without that.
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Redneck Neighbor Doug: Why Belters are Space Cajuns
If Mandalorians are space rednecks, then Belters from The Expanse are space Cajuns. This is not up for debate, according to the nerdiest Southern man of all time, my neighbor Doug, who, it turns out, loves this show too. I'm 99% sure he's also a TNG and Battlestar fan, but that would just kill me with exhaustion if we went into full deets about it.
Onto our friends in the Belt and why they have so much in common with the French-Americans who reside in the wilder parts of the deep American south of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama.
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I will elucidate now, via Doug, on what Belters and Cajuns do that make them…them:
They make do: First thing we see in the entire series is how much the Belters are royally crapped on by life. They live in space, which permanently alters their bodies, to the point where they can not survive on a planet. To quote, “Belters work the docks, loading and unloading precious cargo…never meant for us”. They don’t have the wealth of Earth or the incredible military drive of Mars, but they’re scrappy, innovative, and do what they can to survive, whether it’s by smuggling, pirating, or allying themselves with powerful folks. Like the French folks in Acadia who got flung from their homes to the bayous of Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, who scrape a living by fishing, boatmaking, bartending, and/or serving as a member of the X-Men. Cajuns and Belters do what they can to survive, giving them an edge that others do not have.
They party hard: Belters love drinking, having parties on their ships and in port, banging everyone on the crew, and overall just being wild. After all, you never know when you’re going to get your air or water cut off by the Inners, might as well live it up. And Cajuns, well, they invented Mardi Gras and their saying is ‘Laissez les bons temps rouler’ or ‘let the good times roll’. Life isn’t easy on a swamp that is constantly wacked by floods or hurricanes, but they party as much as they can. Just like the Belters.
Their women: Some of the best damn characters in the series are the angry ladies of the Belt (Camina Drummer and Naomi Nagata). Man, they something else. They’re loving, fierce, smart, crazy, and can go from Bambi to Banshee in five seconds. Cajun women love to host parties, help with church, and cook and make an amazing roux from dirt and crayfish, but God help you if you piss one off. Those pot carrying arms can snap a neck quicker than a blue crab shell. 
They speak in patois: Ever heard Cajun French? It ain’t from Paris, that’s for sure. It’s mixed up and raw and beautiful in its own right, and for many generations, it was looked down upon by English-speaking neighbors. Belter creole is similar, a smashed up beauty of a language that has come out of life in space, filled with English, Chinese, Farsi, German, Hindi, and other languages. It even has a similar lilt to the bayou! 
They are ungovernable: There’s a reason the Cajuns were never quite able to fully rebel against the various governments that took over their swampy goodtimes. They’re loyal to each other and their land, and that’s about it. Belters are the same–they’ve tried with the OPA, and even then, there’s different factions and squabbling (Anderson Dawes vs Fred Johnson, for example) and it’s only until there’s a genuine, alien threat to they get all united (plus Camina Drummer comes to power, but that’s neither here nor there). 
They’re good at figuring out solutions: Cajuns live in gator and snake infested swamps that flood and hurricanes smash through routinely. But they live and thrive regardless, with their pirogues and their bridges and their houses on the water. Same with Belters: their lives are lived in space, with crappy gravity and air. But they’re scrappy and tough and figure out how to survive. A Redditor pointed out that many of the more ambitious, driven Earthers left generations ago to live on the Belt, as the option was staying on Earth and living on an increasingly overcrowded, shitty planet. Not unlike the ancestors of the Cajuns who left France. 
The Spice Must Flow: Belters have to pack their shitty food full of peppers and spices to make it palatable, to the point one of the nicknames for their most famous dishes is called ‘red kibble’. And have you ever had proper Cajun food? Crawfish, alligator, boudin, and frogs are freaking amazing when done properly, although my fancy British friends were horrified that I enjoyed them. Pass me them mudbugs with some Cachere’s seasoning, collards, and corn, I wanna feel the pain. 
They work in weird and hard places: See above for both Belters and Cajuns. Jobs Cajuns have had range from oil fields to swamps to cities filled with yellow fever. But they take it and have a good sense of humor about it. Same with Belters–they work on rough ships, in radiation filled places in space, and don’t bitch about it. To quote the gaunt Belter, ‘They built the solar system on our backs’. 
Everything and anything can be used as a weapon: A gun? Peshang! Guns are for fancy Inners. Belters will use guns, AND pipes, chairs, each other, elevators, fists, a toothbrush, shives, you name it, they’ve killed with it. They’re tough and scrappy, and so are the Cajuns, whose fights are notorious in the bayou and beyond. Don’t mess with them. 
So yeah, Space Cajuns.
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