#my mind was blown i was confused i was puzzled
sweetstrawberrymilk · 8 months
okay, so nobody laugh but i recently learned that there was more than one robin??? like, as in batman’s sidekick??? looks a bit like a traffic light, THAT lil guy??? apparently there are many and i’ve just been living under a rock up until a couple of months ago and honestly idk what to do with this information because the deeper i dig the more i find. nothing is as it seems, and most pressingly of all none of them appear to be okay. one seems like he’s holding on by a thinning thread, another one apparently became a crime lord for a time, another one just gives off the same energy as that one kid at the back of the class who chugs energy drinks and never knows peace, and another knows how to use a sword. a SWORD, people. he’s, like, ten. he is an infant with a murder weapon. oh, and apparently there was a blond girl one for a second???? guys please i’m spiraling GUYS—
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evera-era · 1 year
a new kind of love. (pt. 1)
synopsis: ellie thinks relationships are too complicated, and has since written them off. but what is she supposed to do when she starts developing feelings for her best friend?
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ellie williams x fem!reader
warnings: slow burn AF, jealousy, some sassy ellie, male tries flirting with reader for like 3 seconds, lots of playful banter.
a/n: this was honestly so fun to write,, slow burn + friends to lovers go brrrrr
“Did you see that shit?!” Ellie exclaims, almost cracking her neck to look at you. “Fuck yeah! That’s a new high score.”
“Nice.” You mumbled, but your eyes didn’t drift from the book you were reading.
“Seriously? You’re not even looking.” She groans. “Whatever. If you did, your mind would’ve been blown. And you would’ve at least given me, like, a high five or something.”
“Okay, okay, sorry! I’ll look now — do it again.” You say, folding the corner of the current page you were on. Ellie adjusts her backpack as you put your book away.
“I can’t just ‘do it again,’” She says, mocking you. “My chances of ever getting that far again are practically zero.”
Ellie had managed to successfully skip a rock all the way across a large stretch of lake. It was a big deal to her, clearly. She had done this everytime you went on this particular path during patrols, but today was a new record for her.
The air was still. You took a moment to examine the trees around you before speaking. “Everything seems clear.” You said, turning to her. “Should we head back now?”
Ellie stops to take a look around. She gives a quick nod. “…Yeah. Guess so.”
You grinned before raising your hand. She turns, slightly puzzled, before narrowing her eyes at you.
“C’mon,” You wiggle your outstretched fingers a little. “Your celebratory high five, like you said!”
“Yeah, but now it’s out of pity. And about two minutes late.”
She waits for you to step aside, but you don’t put your arm down. “Mm-mm. I’m not moving til we make up, Els.”
Make up. The phrase makes her stop, just for a second. She found it a little amusing — you’ve never said that before. But she knew you were trying to make her feel better, so she chucks it up to you just being you.
She claps her hand against yours before making her way down the trail. “There. We made up. Happy?” She says, already having placed some distance between you two. You jog to catch up with her as she mounts Shimmer.
The two of you arrive back in Jackson about an hour earlier than any other given day, since today’s route was shorter than the rest. As you’re dropping off the horses, Ellie looks at you.
“I’m starving.” She says, guiding Shimmer. “Wanna grab lunch?”
“Sure.” You reply.
“Cool.” She offers you the horse’s lead. “Think you can put her up for me? I’ll be back in a sec.”
When Ellie returns to the spot she left you and Shimmer in a moment ago, she’s confused. The horse was not in her stable. In fact, she was nowhere to be found — and neither were you.
Ellie blows raspberries, slightly concerned. But that quickly fades when you turn the corner, Shimmer’s lead in hand.
“Ta-da!” You cheer. Shimmer’s hair is littered in fake plastic butterflies, tucked neatly within her strands. “It’s those little hair clips I found on our last patrol. Isn’t she purty?”
Ellie rolls her eyes, dropping her hand from her hip. “Really?”
“Yes, really.” You frown. “You don’t like it?”
“Looks kinda weird.”
“Ellie!” You whine.
She sighs. “Okay, sure. She looks… purty… indeed.”
“‘Course she does,” You say in a proud manner, walking Shimmer confidently to her stable. Ellie looks off to the side, her face beginning to warm as she murmurs “Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
She pretended to be annoyed, but truthfully, she cherished days like these. The two of you hadn’t gotten scheduled together in a while. And even though you were adults now, and had other responsibilities, she didn’t miss your company any less.
She still liked Jesse and Dina, of course, but she wasn’t nearly as close with them like she was with you. You and Ellie were basically inseparable; you had been, ever since the very first day that you joined the community.
You broke the silence first. “Hey, maybe one day, you’ll let me play in your hair.”
Ellie glares at you. “Absolutely not.”
“Why not?” You urged. “Come on, I bet I could make you look just as pretty as Shimmer.”
She shakes her head. “Nope. Hell no.”
“Hm… you’re right.” Your devious grin widens. “You could never look that good.”
Ellie elbows you in your side, and you burst into a fit of giggles.
“Shut up. Let’s go eat.”
A few days later, Ellie was at the pub with Jesse when she glanced over and got caught off guard.
You were walking in, talking and giggling with some random guy that she had never seen before.
The interaction she witnessed left a weird taste in her mouth. You were so engaged in the conversation that you didn’t even look where you were going. If you did, you would’ve seen that your best friend was actually in the same bar.
It might’ve just been platonic, but for some reason, it annoyed her ever-so-slightly. You and Ellie talk about everything, and yet you’ve never mentioned him.
To make matters worse, his eyes were lusty and unwavering and practically embedding themselves into yours. And you didn’t seem to notice — or maybe you just didn’t care — which pissed her off to no end.
“Who’s that?” She questions, jutting her chin in your direction. Jesse looks over his shoulder, then back at his drink.
“Uh… stable boy, is what they call him. I think.” He says. “Came into town two nights ago, along with his dad. An old friend of someone’s.”
“Is he, like… into her, or something?” She mumbles, watching intently. Jesse replies with something along the lines of “Hm. Might be.”
The guy was tall, which forced you to look up at him through your lashes. He was smiling the whole time; he clearly liked this angle of you.
Ellie resists the urge to clench her teeth. Can’t you see that he’s so obviously thinking with his dick right now?
Ellie knew it was wrong to feel this way. You were allowed to make new friends, and she shouldn’t interfere with that. But she couldn’t help it — the guy seemed like a fucking creep. She hated that you were even talking to him.
Thinking about it wasn’t enough. Whatever it was, it was bubbling up under her skin, as if someone lit a match underneath her.
“Gonna introduce myself.” She says, setting down her glass. She doesn’t even wait for Jesse’s response before she’s hot on your trail.
When she approaches you, she says nothing. Merely clears her throat and gives a curt nod to your new friend.
“Oh, hey Els!” You say, touching her shoulder. You looked back over at him. “This is my best friend, Ellie. She looks scary, but she’s nice. I promise.”
Ellie remains silent, just purses her lips and puts her hands in her pockets. There’s a noticeable shift of energy in the conversation. Stable boy must have picked up on it; it’s not long before he excuse himself and leaves.
It’s almost comical how quickly Ellie relaxes upon his exit. You drop your hand and give her a dramatic stare, jaw agape.
“Really?” You say in a loud whisper. “Els, I know it might be hard for you sometimes, but you don’t have to be a dick!”
“Pfft. I was not being a dick.” She protests. “And even if I was — he literally deserved it! That dude was looking at you like he wanted to bone you. It was fuckin’ gross.”
“Oh my god, Ellie—“
“What? It’s the truth!” She states, like it’s a fact. “Look, I get that he probably hasn’t seen a cute girl in a fucking millennium, but—“
“Did he tell you that?” You ask sarcastically.
“Whatever.” She mutters. “I just took him down a couple notches, that’s all. He’ll survive.”
“He was just being nice.” You say before pausing. “Wait. Did you call me cute?”
Honestly, the words had came out before she had a chance to catch them. She’s not really sure why she even said it at all.
Ellie didn’t normally lie, but she knew you’d never shut up if she didn’t. So she glances at you, then sneers. “And risk it getting to your head when it’s big enough as it is?”
You punch her in the arm, to which she very quickly defends herself against. She’s in the middle of playfully warding you off as Jesse approaches the two of you.
“We abusing Ellie now?” He jokes, glass in hand. Ellie gives you a light shove as you let go of her forearm.
“When isn’t she?” She says.
“Puh-lease,” You enunciate. “That was nothing. You’re gettin’ soft, Els.”
The auburn-haired girl laughs it off. As you and Jesse begin to make conversation, Ellie — for some reason — can feel her face wanting to tingle again.
She didn’t like it. It was ticklish, it annoyed her, and it seemed to only start doing that around you, nowadays.
What the fuck is happening?
Maybe she was getting a bit soft after all.
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beababoobies · 8 months
Oh, oh! I love him this snake boy so much! May I request a sort of part two to Somethin’ Stupid where it fouces on their relationship afterwards?
Pentious getting the love he deserves? Yes. Absolutely. I’m on it. You got it boss, we love the silly snake boy!
Somethin’ Stupid - Part 2.
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part one here! Sir Pentious x Reader. words : 1k.
Ever since that night - full of tears and embraces, kisses, and even some discovers of more of a certain body part than you had expected - your life at the hotel at flipped. It went from dejected rehabilitation as your complete last resort to something out of one of those stupid teen romance books you read when you were still alive. 
Your days were still spent trying to get into Heaven, sure. You still had to do all the motions of rehabilitation, you still had to get up early and deal with Angel and Husks’ bickering, your favourite wall being consistently blown up, and Charlies’ occasional toxic positivity breakdowns where you were worked out of your mind. But you did it hand in hand with your anxious, yet charming serpent boyfriend. 
You spent your nights cuddled up against him, you had even given up your room to share one with him. You had also learned that he could shed. Not your favourite thing about it, to put it nicely, but you accepted every part of your little ball of insecurity. Because he was your little ball of insecurity. And he made you feel like the prettiest sinner in every ring of hell. 
He would bring you flowers, compliment you at any chance you wanted. He was good in bed - though that was just a bonus. He listened patiently, and he gave you your space. And now that you could actually get close to him, you discovered that not only was he adorable, he was also your new best friend. Your personalities fit together like a puzzle piece.
And here you were, thinking all this, cuddled up against him with him gently holding you to his chest, listening to him go on about his old rivalry and big fights. His egg boys - who were practically now your egg boys as well, and you loved them dearly. He started on about how he admired you for so long. This, you wouldn’t mind listening to. 
“I thought you were the mosssst beautiful a ssssinner could be.” He says with a soft sigh, hand rubbing small anxious circles into your back. “Thought you had to be an Angel, becausssse I didn’t know ssssinnerssss could be that angelic.” He hums out, pressings a kiss to the top of your head, cuddling up against you, feeling content. He looked the most relaxed in the past weeks than you’d ever seen him. 
“You were very.. oddly charming.” You day with a small giggle, looking up to see him all pouty and confused, making the smile on your face grow wider as you try not to laugh at his expense. “You’re clumsy, and anxious but.. you don’t try to hide it behind anger.” You say as you lean up and peck his cheek, watching his face grow red. You sigh contently. “You’re so unforgivably vulnerable and that’s why I love you so hard.” 
He melts at your words, bottom lip trembling and you giggle, nuzzling your cheek against his before noticing his state, tears forming in his eyes as he tries to hold back tears. “Are you about to cry?” You say with a small giggle, gently holding his face in you palm, sighing softly. “‘S okay baby, you can cry around me.” You say with a genuinely smile.
He bursts out into a half-sob half-rant about how lucky he is to have you, how he doesn’t even believe you’re real because you’re so pretty. You listen to it with a big smile and it gets so sweet you even feel tears forming in your eyes, using your thumbs to wipe the tears away from the face of the man you love oh so much. 
“I jusssst - jussst love being around you. Can’t believe i’m with you. That you l- like me! Me! I feel like I ssshould be calling up my mom, telling her I made it.” He says between sobs and sniffles, and all you can do is nod along with his words. Sighing softly as you watch him pour out all his loving emotions to you. “I ssstood there for monthsss, thinking I don’t have a chance. Sssshouldn’t even talk to you. But I don’t even want redemption now. I have my Heaven right here..” he mumbles out the last part, looking up at you with those teary eyes, hiccuping softly.
“I think Heaven might suit you a lot better, though.” You say sweetly, gently leaning down to press another kiss to his other, now tear-soaked cheek. “Think they need someone as kind as you up there.” You say reassuringly, watching him shake his head, making you smile. “Don’t want redemption. I have you.” He says again, nuzzling his cheek against your palm.
“Y-you know.” He starts, raising one of his hands to cup at your cheek, and so you take one of your hands from his face and cradle it against his gentle and loving touch, raising your eyebrows. “I know?” You question with a smile, watching him smile. 
“I’m glad I went and ssssaid ssssomethin’ ssstupid like….” He pauses, realizing he hasn’t said it since, piercing his lips together as he realizes the awkward situation he’s put himself in. You chuckle softly and squeeze his hand, getting his attention back on you.
“I love you?” You question, ending his statement for him. You watch as he lights up all over again, eyes still wet with tears, agreeing to your statement with a kiss, before pulling away. He nods again. 
“I love you.” 
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animezinglife · 6 months
Maybe it's my age talking, but I do think the Azriel vs. Lucien thing is blown way out of proportion.
There's a difference between attraction and being in love with someone, and another difference still between having a crush and being in love.
TL/DR: I genuinely think the biggest piece people overlook in this Azriel vs. Lucien puzzle is Elain herself and the layers of her internal conflict. Personally, I suspect it's much bigger than them both.
Here's the thing:
Azriel is gorgeous and is basically described as looking like a dark, fallen angel. He went into Hybern's war camp and got her out of there alongside Feyre, took her in his arms and flew her to safety. He's been kind to her, too. He hasn't pushed her to talk and has a quiet, strong presence that I'm sure is quite comforting to her.
There is zero expectation with him--zero pressure that she would even be able to create in her own mind. There's no "mate" term dangling over them and no friends or family breathing down their necks at every turn, acting like they should be supervised for something they didn't do. They're the only two people in their current circle (exempting Mor, though that's a bit different) who are still single. They both are constantly bombarded with this idea of "mates" and being on the outside of what that means.
I don't think it would be a reach at all to call her and Az friends.
It's not odd or confusing to me at all that she would have a crush on him; be attracted to him, want him to kiss her, or even to sleep with him. It seems completely natural.
I would argue that Az has been a gentleman towards her (and I will stand by the fact that internal frustrations are very different than actions, and that something expressed in confidence to your brother is nowhere near the same as acting out of turn), but I also wonder, too, if there's a part of her that makes her think she doesn't want a gentleman right now.
That while she's handled her trauma very differently than Nesta (thank the Cauldron), there's a part of her that's taken that robbing of life to heart and Graysen's whiny bitch comments/rejection to heart. That it's impacted her self-worth to make her think she is something "other" that's beyond saving or isn't worth the kind of fairytale love she always dreamed of for herself.
If I read into it perhaps a bit too much, I think Az is a little off when he assumes Elain doesn't know about the types of things he's done, whether that be atrocities or something more private. She might even see her involvement in killing Hybern to be some dark thing outside her nature she's having difficulty coming to terms with.
I'm not at all saying Az isn't a good guy who's deserving of love too, but I don't think what Elain's looking for with him in that extra chapter has much of anything to do with love. I think she wants a distraction with someone she thinks understands.
I think there's a chance, too, she's overwhelmed by Lucien being in the same house. Overwhelmed by that strong, involuntary pull she feels towards him and that she doesn't know what to make of him at all.
I will say it until I'm blue in the face, but I genuinely think the only barrier--the only real issue--that prevents her from warming to Lucien in the same or a similar way is that heavy, life-altering M-word that got slapped onto them both on arguably the worst day of her life.
He hasn't had the luxury of being around her as part of her family like Az has. Hasn't had the luxury of Elain seeing him fully through her own eyes without the "mate" label being forced into their lives. Yet it doesn't lessen the pull she has towards him, and that combined with everything she's experienced of mates thus far can't exactly be easy to process, especially after a brutal rejection, lost love, and lost future.
She isn't able right now to see the bond as a choice.
She doesn't even get the chance to evolve naturally into seeing it as a choice with the way her family hovers and breathes down her neck. How suddenly the most un-purity culture people in existence magically start caring a great deal about Elain's choices in that regard and insert themselves into chaperone roles like Elain and Lucien are two teenagers who can't control themselves at a junior high dance.
How confusing and contradictory that must be for Elain, who's been condescended and told by her sisters (namely Nesta) that the Fae don't live by human customs when it comes to sex or anything of the like. How the one time she did take that chance with someone she thought she loved it only got thrown back in her face by both Graysen and Nesta?
And what do we know about Lucien? He's devastatingly beautiful. Elegant yet rakish. An intelligent, educated, trained courtier and the son of a high lord. Even Feyre--a happily mated female--can't go five minutes in her internal monologues without noting how attractive and sexy he is even when he's doing absolutely nothing and minding his own business.
She knows he's Feyre's friend. She's heard some of the stories there. So she is aware, then, of at least some of the qualities her sister sees and admires in him despite their current rocky relationship.
Lucien is, in every way, being respectful of Elain's wishes and giving her space even though her rejection hurts him. He's still warring with the guilt of his own lost love in his mind and with a sense of unworthiness. He's been achingly thoughtful towards her; the epitome of a gentleman.
Elain would know that especially with that bond she doesn't fully understand, he's not someone she could simply have a pleasant distraction with. That he's someone who could see through her in every way she wants to hide and that she would never be able to hide in the mere idea that he simply doesn't press her (in the way Az doesn't press her).
Az feels safe right now and someone still attached to her comfort zone. He's a place she can continue to hide without fully facing her present and future and all Prythian is.
She can't hide her pain or suffering from Lucien in the same way. She can't quietly stare out the window into the sunlight without him knowing and feeling exactly what she needs.
She knows--senses--that she won't be able to separate the most vulnerable fragments of herself from her bond with Lucien. Again, a bond she didn't choose, and doesn't currently see that she still has a choice in.
So, she turns away from it in every way she knows how and looks for new ways to do so.
The way people treat Elain when it comes to her love life is so predictably (to her) unlike how Feyre and Nesta have been treated. Elain has always been different from them both, especially when it comes to love and sex. She's more modest and more reserved; has never been the type to fall into bed with some random man or Fae male. She's more guarded; a bit more protective of her own heart.
Maybe, to some extent, there's something she feels she needs to prove to herself. That she can fit within this more sexually liberated Fae world and that she's not some outsider in need of being treated with kid gloves.
Az, in that capacity, is definitely not someone who will. He's also not someone she can't keep her guard up with and can't keep her vulnerability from.
It would not surprise me either if there's a part of her that wants to deter Luicen (thinking back to Mor's tactic of deterring Azriel when she slept with Helion), but more strongly and importantly, to deter and distract herself from the bond. She doesn't want to allow herself to feel anything towards him.
The fact that she does feel a strong pull and, more likely than not, an overwhelming attraction of some kind makes me think it wasn't fully coincidence that she approached Az on Solstice when Lucien was in the same house.
I think she very much wanted to tie someone else to what she's feeling and try to get Lucien, the bond, and that dreaded M-word out of her mind.
Running the risk of sounding crude, Az could probably achieve that at least temporarily.
But it'd come right back. It's always been interesting to me that everyone seems to note that their bond is strong despite nothing having happened between them yet.
Until Elain acknowledges that bond and Lucien one way or another, that internal conflict she's clearly feeling is never going to change for her.
Two things can be true at once: we can fully acknowledge that neither Elain nor Lucien had a choice in the bond snapping between them, and that until they face it, neither one of them are going to have much choice in anything else at all. Not beyond a meaningless tangle in the sheets with someone else.
I think it would've been worse in the long run for Elain to learn that the hard way.
I also genuinely don't think Elain understands that there's nothing wrong with her for being different than her sisters or being different than the Fae norms. That there's nothing wrong with her for struggling to process this or for being overwhelmed.
She's still healing. She still has wounds she hasn't addressed. She's still hiding and seeking distractions while growing restless about wanting more from her life and being frustrated by her sisters' low expectations.
Feyre and Nesta love her, and it's not the protectiveness from love in itself that's wrong.
But they're suffocating her.
Lucien is, in every way, a person who never could. He's something so different and "other" than what she's used to both as a human and as a Fae while also being a bridge between those worlds. He can function in both. He can thrive in both.
He can see, perhaps too clearly, all sides of her whether she likes it or not.
I think she also very much senses he's the type she could fall in love with. The type she'll never be able to fully distract herself from if she lets herself fall or take that leap.
Her heart's still wounded, and she's not ready to risk opening that again right now.
That doesn't mean she won't be later on, and that doing so won't be incredibly worth it.
She will never find herself or open that chance up to herself, though, if she also keeps hiding in only the channels she knows. The barriers--intentional or otherwise--set around her by her sisters.
I do think that's inevitably going to be the difference between them, though: Elain and Lucien are going to face their reality and find healing together and in each other, and in the process, are going to end up falling in love. Real, true, soulful love.
Lucien's love is the kind that will leave her wondering why she ever thought she'd known what love is in the first place, and what they could find in each other is the kind of love they both deserve.
I cannot wait to see Elain facing her fears when she's fully free to do so. I can't wait to see her getting to know Lucien without the IC watching their every move and making her feel like a caged animal. I can't wait to see her find her strength, her love, and the fullest extent of her freedom.
That's not to say that Az would not have many wonderful qualities he could offer her too, but the person she's going to find more of herself than she every thought possible with is Lucien.
Az, in my humble opinion, is likely going to end up with someone else. An actual mate where he'll find his own healing alongside.
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foreverfangirlsblog · 4 months
Unresponsive (Husk x Mute!Reader)
3356 Words
Husk wasn't at the Hotel when you were first introduced to the residents so how was he supposed to know you couldn't talk? He would try to make conversation with you but to no avail. Was it something he did? Did you simply not like him? You seemed to get along with everyone else...so why not him? And even more so, why did it bother him so much?
**This is cross posted
The most recent extermination was a rough one...you didn't double die but you did run into some extremely heinous exorcists. Instead of killing you the group of exorcists decided to have "fun" and torture you. The torture included many beatings, cuts, and degrading. But worst of all...they decided to rip your tongue out after you threw some vulgar words their way. Even though they didn't kill you they may have well left you for dead, who knows maybe after all their torture and mutilation they really did think that they finished you off. Not you, you wouldn't give that easily. No way in hell.
The next couple of days after the extermination you went from alley to alley trying to avoid as many people as you can. Your apartment was also blown up by the bastards and without the ability to talk, well what were you supposed to do? You couldn't get a new place without talking, you had no phone to help you translate, so sleeping on the streets honestly seemed like the easier option.
One night as you were huddled up in the corner of an alley trying your best to drown out the surrounding noise someone came up to you. You tried ignoring them as the approached but they were coming straight for you and then tapped your shoulder, can't avoid them now.
You sighed as you raised your head from your fetus position. The girl standing before you was a tall girl with light blonde hair and red circles for cheeks, dressed in a red suit. "Hello!" she said way too enthusiastically. "My name is Charlie! I couldn't help but notice you over here..." she took a look around you, noticing your belongings in some dufflebags to the side of you. "...are you living on the streets?"
You slightly nodded annoyed that she would ask such an obvious question.
"Oh that's great!" she said as she bounced, clapping her hands together in glee.
Your face was deadpanned, as you tilted your head to the side to show confusion. 'How the fuck is that great' you thought to yourself instead of speaking like you would've liked.
"Oh no no I didn't mean-what I meant is that's great because I have a place you can live!" she said trying to clarify, but you were still confused and waited for her to continue. "I have a hotel, the Hazbin Hotel! It's a place where sinners can live for free while they try to atone for their sins, redeem themselves, and hopefully get into heaven!!!" she finished stating as she did jazz hands.
You stayed silent thinking over her proposal. You didn't really know if getting "redeemed" was actually possible but what better option did you have? Continue living on the streets? No thank you. You stood up and dusted off your pants before extending your hand out to her with a shy smile, trying to show that you'd like to take her up on her offer.
She squealed and gladly took you hand, shaking it wildly. "Oh my goodness that's amazing!! You're my first recruit!!! Well besides Angel of course...oh never mind! I'm so excited for you to come! Here come with me we can go right now! Oh! Here let me carry your bag for you too!" she rambled excitedly.
You simply laughed at her and helped her with the bags as you followed her out the alley, before she stopped."Oh wait I'm so sorry I didn't get your name."
You stiffened and stopped walking, you opened your mouth to try and say something but had no luck. 'Dammit' you thought
She looked at you puzzled so you did something you hope you won't have to do again...you open your mouth to her and pointed to show her why you weren't answering her question.
She gasped a little and gave you a look of sympathy. It's easy to assume how this happened to you so she didn't ask anymore questions. "Don't worry I have an idea" she said softly as she took out her phone from her pocket and handed it to you with it unlocked, notes app ready to go. You typed slowly into the phone and then show it to her 'My name is YN'
She grinned happily before taking the phone back "Well Y/N its so nice to meet you! Let's get you to the hotel shall we?"
---Flash Forward to arriving to the hotel with Charlie---
Charlie burst through the doors of the hotel suddenly, eager to tell everyone the news about the newest resident. "EVERYONE GET TO THE LOBBY NOW I HAVE EXCITING NEWS!!" She yelled to an empty room.
Slowly a group of demons entered the room and gathered in the lobby space, expectedly looking to Charlie for her announcement. You saw 5 demons in total. "Everyone this is Y/N! Our newest resident!! Y/N this is Alastor, Sir Pentious, Angel, Niffty, Vaggie, and Hus-oh where's Husk?" Charlie introduced everyone one by one but then stopped, asking no one in particular.
The red deer like demon who you now know to be Alastor answered her "Oh I sent old Husker on an errand for me" His voice was filled with static like an old radio and had a tone of slyness to it.'He looks like a deer but sounds as sly as a fox' you thought to yourself.
"Oh okay no matter!" Charlie waved it off as everyone said hello to you then waited expectedly for you to return a greeting. But instead you simply waved shyly and looked at Charlie for help. "OH!"Charlie exclaimed, "I forgot to mention uh..." she hesitated "Y/N can't really talk. But no worries! I'll be going out later to get a phone for her to communicate and participate in our exercises!"
Majority of the group really didn't know how to react and just stood there looking at you with that same look of sympathy that Charlie did earlier. 'Is it sympathy or just pity?' you thought to yourself before Alastor broke the deafening silence, "Welcome my dear! In absence of our normal concierge allow me to get you settled in hm?"
With that Alastor guided you away from the others and thus started your journey to redemption.
You decided to mostly keep to yourself that day after Alastor got you settled in, besides you didn't know when Charlie would give you the phone to help with communication and you didn't really want to play charades to make conversation with anyone.
Despite you wanting to stay away from the others your stomach betrayed you, you had to get something to eat and drink or else you'd go mad. You slowly made your way out of your room and towards the lobby. As you entered the lobby you immediately noticed someone who you weren't introduced to before. 'Is this that Husker guy they mentioned before?' you thought to yourself. The person, or I guess cat in front of you is black and white with speckled gray here and there, a top hat and matching bowtie. 'Not bad looking'.
As you advanced further the cat stopped looking down the bottom of his beer bottle and instead looked in your direction, finally acknowledging your existence. "Who the fuck are you?" he scowled.
You were shocked for a moment but then scowled right back at him 'Who pissed in his drink' you thought, put off by his unprompted sour attitude.
He stared at you expectedly. But when you didn't responded he spoke again, louder than before "Are you stupid?? I asked who-"
Before he could finish Charlie interrupted. "Y/N! There you are I was just about to bring you the phone!"
'Thank goodness'
Charlie quickly walked over to you and presented the new phone to you. You gave her a grateful smile as you held the phone close to you.
"Haha you're welcome!" She responded before realizing Husk was still staring at you, annoyed. "Oh Husk I'm sorry this is our new resident Y/N! She arrived earlier today while you were out on an errand" Husk nodded. "Husk Y/N, Y/N Husk!"
"Nice to meet you Y/N" Husk mumbled grumpily, a bit embarrsed by his rashness from before.
Your smile faded as you awkwardly waved to him.
"Y/N you must be starving come let me show you to the kitchen!" you were grateful to Charlie for getting you out of that situation.
As the day passed you ventured out of your room more and more frequently but gradually. You kind of developed a routine. You'd sit in the lobby and hang out with Angel on most days, sometimes Vaggie too. You'd converse with them as best you could then later at night when most everyone went to sleep you'd visited the bar for a drink. You were a bit embarrassed having to use a phone to talk to people, so if you could get away with it you wouldn't use it. Answering questions with a simple nod, shake, or shrug seemed to do the trick a lot of the time. Often when you talked to Angel and Maggie you were comfortable enough (and they were patient enough) to allow you to use the phone to have better, meaningful conversations with them...but other people....or cats.....weren't the same.
The first time you went to the bar Husk quickly asked you "What do you want?".
'Blunt isn't he' you thought. You didn't know what was available and didn't really care to go through the efforts of asking so you just shrugged.
"Dammit you'll drink whatever I give you then" Husk turned his back to you a muttered some other choice words before presenting you with a drink. You awkwardly had a few more then went away to your room.
Things continued like this for quite sometime, a month even. Every night you'd make your routine visit to Husk at the bar, have a mostly one sided conversation with Husk-throw in some nods and shrugs consume a handful of drinks the leave.
Husk wasn't use to people not trauma dumping their problems onto him. You didn't really open up to him at all. You'd get your drink and HE would be the one having to pry a conversation from YOU. Even when he'd ask you a bunch of questions to try and get to know you better the most he'd receive is a nod confirming his question, or shrug indicating what? It was none of his business. This annoyed him GREATLY. Man was frustrated. He wanted to get to know you, everyone else seemed to love you. You bonded well with everyone,..but him. You intrigued him.
One night you and Angel were having such a fun time hanging out in the lobby together. Your laughter even filled the room, and much to Husk's annoyance, his ears. Usually Angel had to work late nights with Val so he never joined you for your late night bar trips so this was the first time he was able to join you at the bar for some drinks. "Come on bitch lets go get wasted"
Husk stiffened, mentally preparing himself to be a third wheel in this conversation.
"Get us allll the drinks Husker! I'm finally getting this hot chick wasted" Husk rolled his eyes at Angel as you blushed at Angels confidence
"Alright alright, don't kill the poor girl"
"She can handle her liquor!" Angel laughed and turned to you, but you just shrugged.
You and Angel sat right next to each other, as close as possible so Angel can quickly see your responses on your phone as you typed.
After many drinks and jokes Husk was growing more and more irritable. He didn't know what you both were talking about and it was driving him mad that neither of you bothered to include him in the conversation. 'At least speak loud enough for me to eavesdrop damn...' he thought.
"Alright toots ill be right back I gotta take a piss, don't wait up have a couple more rounds" Angel said quickly as he winked at you before leaving to the bathroom "Keep her entertained whiskers!"
"Fuck off!" Husk yelled after him before he was out of sight from you both.
Now it was your turn to tense up. You were a bit tipsy now and it was growing harder and harder to communicate via typing with your agility becoming so discombobulated. Husk sighed and leaned closer to you. "Do you even know how many drinks you can have before you black out? Cause I'm telling ya right now I'm not carrying you to bed and neither is your long legged buddy after he's done" Husker teased and you responded with a small laugh and shrug.
Not as reactive as he would've hoped but it was still something.
Husk slipped another drink to you before asking his next question, "So, I hope you don't mind me asking...' he started much more serious "but how'd you wind up here? I know almost everything about everyone here, except for you. Ms. Mystery" Husk teased slightly.
You took out your phone and started typing a response to him sloppily and slower, much slower than usual.
Husk showed a hurt expression on his face before contouring it into anger and annoyance. 'Who the fuck just blatantly ignores someone like that??' Husk thought. "Listen if you don't want to talk to me just tell me there's no need to be a bitch about it!" He said angrily.
You stopped typing and looked up at him shocked.
"Don't act innocent now you just straight up ignored me! You can leave my bar for all I care! You-" Husk was growing louder and angrier by the word but before he could continue Angel came running over to you both.
"Husk why the fuck are you yelling at Y/N?!" Angel asked Husk glaring at him.
"Tried to keep her company like you said but this bitch just pulls out her phone and ignores me! Like I don't have better things to do than have a one sided conversation with her" Husk stated as if it was obvious
"Oh my god you fucking idiot"
"What??" Husk said growing even more annoyed. Oblivious to the situation.
"Huh?" His voice was significantly quieter now, almost not audible, "the fuck you mean she can't talk?"
"She's been here for almost a month and you didn't know she couldn't talk??? Are you stupid or just dumb??"
Husk didn't know what to say. He looked over to you and his heart broke. You were looking down trying not to cry in from of them. Angel followed his gaze to also notice the fight against your tears. "Look what you did you asshole" Angel glared at Husk before holding your shoulders, leading you away from the bar and towards his room "Come on Y/N lets go play with Fat Nuggets he missed you the other day"
'I fucked up.....' Husk thought to himself.
Husk couldn't sleep at all that night. He felt so incredibly guilty for yelling at you like that, and even more for not knowing that you couldn't talk. How did he not notice it before?? No one is that shy. Why didn't anyone tell him? That's kind of an important detail to mention when you introduce someone. Then he remembered Charlie didn't mention it when she introduced them. 'Where's Charlie?!'
"Charlie!!" Husk said, almost yelling as he knocked aggressively on her door.
"Husk?" Vaggie said with a raspy morning voice "it's like 5 in the morning why are you knocking on our door like there's fire!" She was obviously irritated by being woken up.
"I need to talk to Charlie" Vaggie gave him a questioning look "Please, it's important" Husk practically begging? Vaggie woke up Charlie to talk to him.
"What's wrong Husk? Did something happen?" Charlie asked before yawning.
"Um, well. Not exactly. But I need to know something" Charlie looks at Husk confused as he stumbles on his words "Y/N can't talk?"
"HE DIDN'T KNOW Y/N CANT TALK?!" Vaggie practically yelled
Husk groaned as Charlie hushed her girlfriend.
"Ya I know im a fucking moron hahaha." He deadpanned, "Why can't Y/N talk????"
"Husk....Y/N had her tongue ripped out by an exorcist"
Husks face dropped even more than it already had, he felt like he was gonna throw up "What?"
"You really didn't know?? That's why I gave her the phone the first day I introduced you remember? She uses it to communicate"
Husk facepalmed and dragged his paw down his face "I'm so stupid." He hit his head "Stupid stupid UGHHHH"
"Why?? WHAT happened Husk?" Charlie insisted.
"I may or may not have yelled at Y/N because she was on her phone instead of talking to me?" Charlie's mouth was open from shock "I thought she was ignoring me...I don't know. I messed up"
"Royaly" Vaggie said.
How was he going to fix this?
Over the next few days your normal routine changed. You ignored Husk as much as you could. He hated himself more and more everyday for the misunderstanding and wanted to apologize as soon as he saw you, make it up to you. But he never saw you.
Husk was at the bar late in the evening as Angel got back to the hotel from work and tried to pass him to get to the hallway. "Angel wait please"
"Wow never thought I'd hear you say please. What do you want Husk?" Angel said annoyed, just now noticing the bags he carried.
He could't help his curiosity "What's all that?" Husk questioned motioning to the bags
"Uhh its drinks for Y/N actually...since you know"
Husk felt sick again. Angel turned away to continue to the hallway "Wait let me bring those to her"
Angel turned to husk confused "Why the hell would I let you do that?"
"Please" Husk begged "I want to apologize to her but she's been avoiding me, let me do this, she'll answer the door and I'll make it better." Angel was hesitant and skeptic "Please, I'll owe you one'
Angels eyebrow raised "Tempting....fine here, don't tell her I approved this"
"Thank you" His quickly took the bag of drinks from Angel and went to your door.
'Okay Husk don't fuck this up'
*knock knock knock*
Husk could hear rustling behind the door. Then a few moments later the door cracked open and Y/N peaked her head out to check who it was. Upon seeing Husk there, in his tired form, Y/N's mouth made an O shape. "Y/N" he breathed "Can I come in please. I brought a peace offering" he referred to the booze.
Y/N opened the door wider for him, allowing him in her room.
He was instantly hit with the aroma of her scent. It made his fur stand up a bit straighter.
After she closed the door and took the offering away from him she looked at him expectedly.
"Listen uh. I wanted to apologize for yelling at you. I really am an idiot I genuinely, GENUINELY didn't know about your...situation." You broke eye contact with him for a moment but then you locked eyes with him again before he continued "Im an asshole. You didn't deserve that I just-just didn't know why you didn't talk to me like you did the others....You seemed to bond so well with everyone else but you never opened up to me. I just, I don't know"
This time you held up your finger, indicating for him to wait a moment. You took out your phone and typed 'So what you're saying is you were a jerk because you want to get to know me better?'
He laughed and shyly responded "Yeah basically"
'Lets. sit down and crack open these drinks. Seems like we have a lot of catching up to do' you typed to him and he blushed. Thank hell you were so understanding.
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whispersofalostsoul · 1 month
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Summary: Image if Lando Norris has follen in love for the first time….with a woman that he never thought he could fall for… and when his whole world turns upside down, he finds himself alone…once more...
(Please leave comments to help me improve my story ! Would also love to hear your opinions ! thank you !)
Chapter 1 - Encunter --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/756913230598815744/runaway?source=share
Chapter2 - Belgium ---https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757021516150030336/runaway?source=share
Chapter 3 - Dinner --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757096323375824896/runaway?source=share
Chapter 4 - The fight --- https://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757270709880930304/runaway?source=share
Chapter 5 - Sleeping inhttps://www.tumblr.com/whispersofalostsoul/757554318977204224/runaway?source=share
Chapter 6 - Confrontation
Chapter 7 - Greece
The Greek breeze felt amazing against Dalia's skin, like a cool splash of refreshment. Syros, a lesser-known gem compared to the more famous Santorini, was just the right spot for celebrities wanting to escape the spotlight. Its charming streets, vibrant culture, and serene beaches offered a perfect retreat from the relentless attention of the media.Carlos, Lando, Oscar, and Alex had booked a spacious villa on the outskirts of Ermoupoli for their summer getaway. The villa, with its traditional Cycladic architecture, boasted whitewashed walls and blue shutters that mirrored the colors of the Aegean Sea. As they stepped out of the car, the intoxicating scent of blooming bougainvillea and jasmine filled the air, wrapping around them like a warm embrace."Finally!" Lando shouted, his voice echoing with excitement as he parked the car beside the stunning villa. The sight before them was breathtaking: the place was nestled among gorgeous plants and flowers, with a sprawling terrace that overlooked the sparkling sea. Lily, Alex's girlfriend,  dashed toward the terrace, her eyes wide with wonder. "Look at this view!" she exclaimed, leaning over the railing to take in the panorama of the coastline. The azure waters stretched endlessly, dotted with small boats bobbing gently in the harbor.
Carlos chuckled, shaking his head at Lily's enthusiasm. "Just wait until you see the sunset from here. It's like the sky is on fire," he said, joining her at the railing. Alex, meanwhile, was already unpacking their bags, his mind racing with plans for the week ahead. "We should hit the beach" he suggested, glancing back at the others. "I heard there's a secluded cove not far from here. Perfect for some sunbathing and swimming without the crowds."Oscar nodded, already envisioning the adventures that awaited them. "And we can explore the local tavernas for some authentic Greek food. I'm craving moussaka and fresh seafood!". "Hey Carlos, how did you end up with this place?" Lando asked as he stepped onto the porch. "I thought you already knew," Carlos replied, looking a bit puzzled. "It was your buddy Max who suggested it." Lando just shrugged. Meanwhile, Lily had left with her boyfriend to pick out their room. Carlos leaned in closer to Lando, still gazing at the stunning view. "Looks like this is your chance," he said with a grin. "I'm not so sure," Lando admitted, looking confused. "Last time she called our situation a 'friendship,'" he said, rubbing the back of his neck. "And you want to keep it that way?" Carlos shot back, giving Lando a playful jab in the groin and chuckling. "Come on, Lano, grow some cojones!"
The hallway seemed to go on forever, filled with tons of rooms. Dalia peeked into each one, searching for the right choice. On her fifth attempt, she flung the door open wider and was blown away by the stunning room. The decor was pretty minimal, featuring white walls and a spacious double bed. A classic wooden nightstand fit right in with the dresser. There was a window showcasing a beautiful vase of colorful flowers and a balcony that offered a direct view of the sea. In its simplicity, the room radiated elegance, comfort, and a refreshing vibe. "Have you set up you mind ?" Oscar asked leaning against the frame. Dalia nodded in contempt. "How about you ?" she asked. He sighed heavily and plopped down on the bed. "I'm really trying to steer clear of the room next to Carlos. That guy gets up at the crack of dawn and starts working out. Plus, I want to avoid Alex and Lily too, you know," he said, making a face at Dalia. "Those... weird noises." Dalia chuckled at his words. "What about the room at the end of the hall?" she suggested. "Ghosts," he shot back, looking dead serious. "Wait, you actually believe in ghosts?" Dalia laughed as he went on about how every horror movie shows those rooms as haunted. Just then, they heard a voice. "Have you made your choice?" Lando asked, standing by the door. "Yeah, I'm taking this one," Dalia said. "Cool, then the next one is mine," Lando replied. "No way, I already called dibs on that one," Oscar interrupted, chasing after him. The two guys bickered for a while, while Alex and Carlos just watched, clearly entertained. Eventually, they all decided to settle it with a card game.
The private villa beach was just a short stroll from the back garden. The chairs and sunshades were already set up, ready for a day of fun. The guys took off first, sprinting toward the sparkling blue water, while Lily and Dalia decided to whip up some lemonades and snacks before joining in. Dalia felt lucky to have Lily by her side; she was such a sweet girl and had opened up to her pretty quickly on the way here. Unlike the typical image people might have of F1 drivers' girlfriends, Lily seemed like someone Dalia could really connect with. "So, are you and Lando a thing?" Lily asked, slicing a lemon. Dalia felt her cheeks heat up at the question and replied, "No, no, we're just friends." "Hmm," Lily said, taking a bite of a lemon slice. "The way he talked about you was a bit different." Dalia's heart raced at the implication, and she couldn't help but ask what Lando had said. "I don't know, things like 'Oh, Dalia is such a gorgeous woman; you all are going to love her. '" Lily waved her arms around, trying to imitate Lando's voice. "You know, not in a 'just friends' kind of way, but more like an 'I find her attractive' vibe," she said, giving Dalia a cheeky smirk and a playful wink. Dalia's eyes lit up with curiosity. "You should totally make the first move!" Then she sat up straight, her face turning serious. "I mean, I know Lando, and even though he seems all confident, he's actually pretty shy around girls." Lily shot Dalia a playful grin. "He just needs a little nudge."
The water felt amazing, and Dalia just couldn't get enough. While everyone else headed back to the beach to soak up some sun, she chose to stay a little longer. With her eyes shut, she soaked in the soothing sounds of the cool waves and the warmth of the sun on her skin. It was like she had found her own little slice of paradise. The water started to ripple a bit more, and Dalia spotted Lando swimming her way. He flashed her a smile and said a quick hello as he reached her side. His eyes, reflecting the blue and green of the water and his sun-kissed skin made him look even more attractive. The way the water cascaded off his toned arms and shoulders only added to his allure, making her heart race a little faster. "Hey," she replied, trying to keep her tone casual, though her cheeks felt warm. She brushed a strand of hair behind her ear, suddenly aware of how the sunlight danced on the surface of the water, creating a shimmering backdrop for their conversation. "So do you like it here?" he asked his eyes not leaving hers. "Yes I do, thank you for the invite" she smiled shily, "Of course" he whispered as if his thoughts were trailing away.
Lando couldn't take his eyes off the woman standing before him; it was a feeling he had never experienced. When he caught sight of her in her swimsuit, he was taken aback. She usually wore baggy clothes, so he had no idea her figure would be so appealing. Her skin appeared incredibly smooth, and the blush on her cheeks made her utterly captivating. Those round brown eyes sparkled with a mix of innocence and warmth, drawing him in like a moth to a flame. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was a turning point, a moment that would change everything.  The thought both excited and terrified him. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if he ruined again whatever they had ?
Dalia caught Lando's gaze drifting from her eyes down to her lips, and her heart raced. The world around them faded into a blur, the sounds of water dimming as the intensity of the moment enveloped them. Finally, she thought, he's going to kiss me! The anticipation was electric, sending shivers down her spine. Oh please, just kiss me already! Dalia's pulse quickened, and she bit her lip, a nervous habit that only seemed to draw his attention further. She could see the flicker of desire in his eyes, a silent conversation passing between them that needed no words. Her thoughts spiraled, imagining the softness of his lips against hers, the warmth of his hands cradling her face, the way time would stand still in that perfect moment. But as she waited, the seconds stretched on, and doubt crept in. What if he didn't feel the same? What if she was reading the signs all wrong? No way! I won't let these doubts take over again. Just when she was about to lean in, her heart racing with anticipation, Lando suddenly plunged into the water with a splash that sent droplets flying in all directions. The moment was so unexpected that it startled her, breaking the tension that had been building between them. He stayed submerged for a bit, and Dalia held her breath, half-expecting him to resurface with a serious expression, ready to address the unspoken words hanging in the air. But instead, he popped back up, his hair slicked back and water glistening on his sun-kissed skin. "Come on! It's time for dinner!" he urged as he started swimming back towards the villa.
Lily was spot on; Dalia had to take the initiative. The thought of stepping out of her comfort zone sent a shiver down her spine, but deep down, she knew that she couldn't let fear dictate her life any longer. It was time for a change, she thought as she slipped into her light green dress adorned with tiny white flowers. With Lily's help, she styled her hair into a messy bun that framed her face beautifully, allowing a few delicate strands to cascade down her neck. The casual elegance of her look made her feel more confident, and she could see the excitement in Lily's eyes as she added the final touches. "You look amazing, Dalia! Tonight is your night," Lily encouraged, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. Dalia took a deep breath, feeling a mix of nerves and exhilaration.They decided to have dinner at a cozy outdoor spot in a traditional Greek restaurant, where the air was filled with the tantalizing aroma of grilled meats and fresh herbs. The soft glow of string lights overhead created a warm and inviting atmosphere, perfect for a night of new beginnings. As they arrived, Lando, dressed casually in his white shirt and black shorts, felt his heart race when Dalia appeared.
She looked stunning, and the dress highlighted her complexion perfectly, accentuating her natural beauty. The way the fabric flowed around her as she walked made it seem as if she were gliding rather than simply moving. Her hair pulled up showcased the lovely curve of her neck and shoulders, making it hard for him to catch his breath. As she approached, Lando couldn't help but notice the sparkle in her eyes, a reflection of her newfound determination. "Wow, you look incredible," he managed to say, his voice slightly shaky. Dalia smiled, a hint of shyness creeping in, but there was also a glimmer of confidence that hadn't been there before. "Thank you" she replied, her voice steady and filled with a newfound. They were all gathered around the big table, the atmosphere buzzing with laughter and the clinking of glasses. Oscar and Carlos sat across from Dalia and Lando, while Alex and Lily were at the end of the table enjoying the view from the window. As the conversation flowed, the Australian driver wasted no time in complimenting Dali's appearance. The compliment hung in the air, and Lando felt a slight knot form in his stomach. Without really thinking about it, Lando reached his arm around Dalia, gently brushing against the bare skin of her back. The warmth of her skin sent a jolt of electricity through him, and he immediately regretted the impulsive gesture. Dali was surprised by the unexpected touch, her eyes widening for a brief moment as she processed the intimacy of the action. However, she quickly adjusted to it, leaning slightly into Lando's side, a subtle smile playing on her lips as she turned her attention back to the conversation.
As the night wore on, the conversation ebbed and flowed, with jokes and playful teasing filling the air. Lando and Dalia found themselves gravitating toward each other, their connection deepening with each passing moment. They shared plenty of close moments, their conversations punctuated by playful nudges and knowing smiles. Occasionally, Lando's hand would lightly brush against hers, a fleeting touch that lingered just a bit longer than necessary, sending a ripple of warmth through them both. Sometimes, she'd notice him gazing at her, his eyes twinkling with delight as he absorbed the sound of her laughter. There were also times when he'd lean in to whisper something in her ear, his breath warm against her skin, sending delightful shivers down her spine. The intimacy of those moments was intoxicating; she could feel the heat radiating from his body, and the way his voice danced just above a whisper made her pulse quicken. Each time he leaned closer, he couldn't resist taking in the sweet scent that surrounded her—a delicate blend of floral notes and something uniquely her, a fragrance that lingered in the air long after he had moved away. 
As the evening stretched on, the group figured it was time to head back to the villa since exhaustion was starting to set in. When they arrived back to the villa, Dalia grabbed Lando's hand, halting him from joining the others inside. The suddenness of her grip surprised him, and he turned to her, a bit confused, waiting for her to say something. Dalia felt a wave of panic wash over her, fidgeting nervously as she tried to muster the courage to go for that kiss she had been dreaming about for weeks. "Are you alright?" Lando asked, puzzled, his brow furrowing slightly as he searched her face for answers. "No, please don't say anything," she begged, her voice barely above a whisper, as she gazed up into his eyes. The intensity of his gaze made her heart flutter, and she felt as if the world around them had faded away, leaving just the two of them in this suspended moment. She could see the concern etched on his features, but all she could think about was the way his lips curved when he smiled, the way his laughter echoed in her mind long after it had faded.
Without further thinking, she leaned in closer, closing the distance between them. Lando's breath hitched as their lips met, a spark igniting between them that felt like fireworks exploding in the night sky. In that moment, everything else faded away, leaving only the two of them lost in the intensity of their connection. Dalia jerked back, laughing nervously, "Oh my god, I actually did it!" Her heart raced as the adrenaline of the moment coursed through her veins. The thrill of spontaneity had taken over, and she couldn't believe she had just kissed him. Lando, still in shock from the moment, blinked rapidly, trying to process what had just happened. "No way, that doesn't count," he replied. he moved with a quickness that took her by surprise. In a fluid motion, he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her closer. The warmth of his body enveloped her, and she felt a rush of electricity at the contact. He closed the distance between them, capturing her lips with his. The kiss was soft at first, a tentative exploration, but it quickly deepened as they both surrendered to the moment. Dalia felt herself melting into him, her worries and doubts dissipating like mist in the morning sun.
His hands found their way to her waist, pulling her closer, and she could feel the steady rhythm of his heartbeat against her chest. Each gentle caress sent shivers down her spine, awakening a longing she hadn't realized was there. Dalia's fingers tangled in his hair, feeling the softness of each strand as she deepened the kiss, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and vulnerability.Time seemed to stand still as they explored this new territory together, their breaths mingling in the cool air. She could taste the sweetness of his lips, a flavor that was intoxicating and addictive.
In that moment, nothing else mattered. The chaos of life, the expectations, the fears—all of it faded into the background as they lost themselves in each other.
As they finally pulled away, breathless and wide-eyed, Dalia searched his gaze for reassurance. The warmth in his eyes mirrored her own feelings, a silent promise that this was just the beginning. She knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, they would face them together, emboldened by the spark that had ignited between them.
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quillthrillswriting · 6 months
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do any other fanfic writers ever look back at something they've written and just wanna cry because you want what they have 😭 bcos same 😭😭 this exerpt is from my fic where i take the common zutara trope of zuko saving katara from a loveless relationship with aang and flip it on its head until it becomes kataang hehhee :) also new aang au fic coming soon!!!
Once she closed it, she turned to leave, but… hesitated. The wind, it seemed, had blown one of Aang’s cupboard doors wide open. But that wasn’t what gave her pause. No, what confused her was the glint of ice blue stone that seemed to shimmer inside. She stepped closer, then, silently apologizing to Aang for definitely invading his privacy, she reached in. 
And drew out what looked like a traditional Southern water tribe proposal necklace. 
For a moment, she was sure that her mind was playing tricks on her, that she was somehow misinterpreting something, but as she turned the necklace over, back and forth in her hands, she knew that this was unmistakably a proposal necklace. One she’d never seen before. The pendant itself, in style, shape, and material, mirrored her mother’s necklace, but the combination of carvings on it was different- two that were water tribe, that in fact matched her mother’s necklace perfectly, and two that looked distinctly air tribe. 
Before she could puzzle it over for much longer, she heard the clearing of someone’s throat and a gentle knock on the doorframe. She whirled around, feeling as though she’d been caught red-handed, only to see that it was Aang. He grinned at her, opening his mouth to ask her what she was doing snooping around his office, only for him to feel the words dry up in his throat when he saw what she was holding. 
She panicked, interpreting his expression as disappointment. “I found it by accident, I swear, I-”
“It’s okay, Katara,” Aang assured her, and he meant it. Maybe it was better that she’d found it this way. Spirits knew that it would’ve taken him much longer to work up the nerve to broach the subject with her.
“Who-who’s it… for?” Katara asked, trying not to make the tremble in her voice too obvious. She wasn’t sure if she’d be able to keep it together if he told her that he’d found a lovely water tribe girl who wasn’t her to settle down with.
“She’s beautiful,” Aang smiled softly, shaking his head lightly. “She’s stubborn, opinionated, with a short temper at times, and I love how passionate she is about what she believes in. About helping people. She’s an incredibly talented and exceedingly humble bender, and she’s so, so kind, and, did I already mention how beautiful she is? Because spirits, she is. And I’m so in love with her. I have been since I was twelve.” He took a deep breath, his hands shaking now.
“I’m so, so, so in love with you , Katara.”
Katara suddenly could no longer form sentences.
“Do you want to know when I made that necklace?”
She nodded, staring up at his eyes, her own welling with happy tears. 
“The moment we arrived in the Northern Water tribe, years ago, I found a carver to teach me the significance of the symbols. Later on, I had Toph help me find an earthbender who specialized in teaching the skill required for etching tiny symbols in rock. I’ve carried it with me every day since.”
Katara’s tears were flowing freely now.
“I don’t want to rush you, don’t want to pressure you, and if you don’t want me the way I want you, then just say the word, and I’ll never mention it again, but Katara, I need you to know that I am head over heels for you. I meant what I said in my letters.
I am forever yours, always, if you’ll have me.”
♥ the rest of the (completed) fic can be found here!! ->
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icee133 · 6 months
This is part 4 of my ongoing Marionette series. I figured I'd answer this here as someone asked about it. I called her "Nette" as a shortened version of Marionette. Kinda like 'the radio demon' it's just her title. Hope you guys enjoy this part. Sorry for any writing errors 🤍
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The Marionette
Part One, Part Two, Part 3, Part 4 🤍
Word count for this part: 1838. Enjoy! 👻👻
A new overlord has manifested in hell seemingly overnight. One that overpowered many if not all of the current overlords in all the right ways. Will this overlord use her powers for good to help the members of the hotel? Will she fall in love with a man and end up in a loving gentle relationship? Or will she get her heart broken and turn against them all, burning each bridge she meticulously made. 
The Marionette is a heart wrenching fic with many turns you won't see coming. Stay tuned for each of the episodes as they are released.
The marionette turned swiftly, taking a few steps forwards then turned to face the 3 boys kneeling on the ground. She squatted down to eye level with them before pulling on each of their chains towards her. “I told you all to behave on the trip over here. I suggest we quickly remember exactly what that means. Now sit on the couch and wait until you’re told to do otherwise. Understand?” She growled out at them. Releasing them they all stood moving towards the couch where they sat down quickly so as to not anger their mama further. Nette turned towards the gentlemen and princess before saying “I will fix the damage done to the building, Charlie if you could lead me there that would be great.” “Of course” Charlie said, walking towards the hallway with Nette following behind her. The men in the main area followed the 2 women with their eyes. Confusion setting in as the overlord didn’t allow another second for argument about the task. Just simply stated she was going to do it and walked away. ‘That woman has balls’ Lucifer found himself thinking. 
Down the hallway the 2 females walked in silence. Charlie not wanting to upset the overlord anymore than she obviously already was, but also worried she might not want to hear about the hotel anymore. “Apologies for my suddenness back there, I try not to raise my voice because I don’t like violence. But my boys tend to think themselves unstoppable and like to pick fights with anyone if it means they can prove their strength. Sometimes I have to remind them that just because they’re down here does not mean they can’t die again.” Charlie opened the door to a room before walking in. Nette following closely behind her. Upon entering Nette realized this must be the room that took the most damage. “It’s okay, I understand you’re worried about your children, as most parents are” she said to the overlord walking to switch on the lights. Nette quickly set her cane down, and walked towards the blown out section of the wall before untying a cobalt blue string from her wrist. She began using it to essentially ‘stitch’ the wall back into place. Pulling each piece up and putting the wall together like a puzzle. Every piece had a place and Each piece in its place. The strings were light with their movement easily lifting even the largest of pieces of the wall and dusting the smaller pieces back together. Charlie watched in awe as she hadn’t seen anything like this before. The strings were almost lucid. Like they had minds of their own, floating around moving with an almost musical approach. She thought it was beautiful.
Nette snapped her out of her trance when she began talking “ yes I protect them, but I’m worried they will get themselves into trouble in which I won’t be able to. And attempting to fight the king of hell isn’t something I ever want them trying to do. No matter how bad things get, or how things turn out I don’t want to see them walk that path.” Nette said with a strained face. Charlie could tell this overlord cared truly and deeply for the boys she called her own. She protected them with every fiber of her being and would do so no matter the cost. “You truly care for them” “with every fiber of my being” Nette said carefully. “Well enough of that, why don’t you tell me about this ‘hotel’ you guys are running here?” Nette said as her strings were putting together the small last part of the wall. “Of course! So the hotel is called the Hazbin Hotel. We are working towards redeeming sinners so they can get into heaven. So far we have been working on trust, and love, as well as caring for other people. We have made a lot of progress in terms of the sinners that are staying here.” Charlie said proudly, smiling the whole time. Nette could immediately tell she was very passionate about this project and about helping sinners. “Have you managed to get anyone into heaven?” Nette asked curiously. “Well no but we have managed to find out a little more about what gets a person into heaven so we are working on that for now.” “If you are trying to help sinners get into heaven why not ask the angels for help?” The question made Charlie’s skin crawl a bit. “Heaven is not as easy as you may think. We went there and spoke to a seraphim in front of a court to plead our case and it did not turn out well. It caused for the next extermination that took place to be targeting our hotel specifically. Which led to us losing a member of our family here at the hotel. He gave his life trying to protect us, and we are forever grateful for him.” 
“Hmm well can I give my opinion on the matter?” Nette carefully said. “Of course” Charlie looked right at her. “What if you're asking the wrong people for help? Angels such as seraphim are heaven born. They’ve never experienced life on earth. Living through a time where things are hard and you have to do things to survive. They’ve never gone through that. So why would you ask them what gets someone into heaven? It’s like asking a Sin down here what gets someone into hell- Granted that might be an easier question for them to answer- they’d have a hard time telling you because they’ve never lived a life on earth. Shouldn’t you ask the souls who ended up in heaven what happened during their lives that made them get into heaven?” Charlie looked at her for a second before standing abruptly. “Why didn’t I ever think of that! Of course, angels born in heaven wouldn’t know what gets someone into heaven. All they’ve ever known is what has been told and taught to them there.” She began walking out the room quickly before coming back in and gesturing for Nette to follow her.
Nette stood and walked behind her back to the living area. Quickly glancing back at the wall to ensure it was fixed completely. Upon looking at it she couldn’t tell the wall was ever damaged to begin with. Walking back into the living room, Nette saw that the boys were still seated on the couch but seemed to be glaring at both the king of hell and the radio demon just the same. Charlie then quickly announced “hey guys come here for a sec” Each member of the hotel walked back into the main area and took a seat waiting to hear what Charlie was so excited about. “We were talking in the other room and -sorry what do we call you?” “Nette is fine” “okay well Nette had a very good idea about the hotel. In terms of figuring out what causes a person to get into heaven. Why not ask the people who made it into heaven what their life was like so comparisons can be made and we can see what each of you has to do in order to get there.” “That actually makes a lot of sense babe, but how exactly are we gonna talk to someone who made it to heaven. We all know how our visit to heaven went last time” Vaggie said. “Yes, that's the one part we have to work out is how exactly we are going to talk to one of the souls.” Charlie said then sat down and began thinking. “In the meantime Nette would you want to stay at the hotel with us? We could really use your help if you are willing to” Charlie said to the blue-hued overlord who was standing behind her sons.
Nette turned to her sons, thinking quietly to herself. Would this really help? What could she even help with at the hotel? Of course she had to go off and open her stupid mouth about something and end up in this weird situation. Living alongside not only the radio demon, but both the princess and king of hell as well. But then again they wouldn’t have to pay such expensive rent, and each of the boys would get their own rooms. Which means no more fighting about who gets to use the shower first. The issue might lie in the fact the boys play games so often and bringing a newer model TV might be out of the question considering the asshole of a tv overlord. But in the end Wouldn’t this just be the best option for them? It provides security as well as safety knowing so many powerful people live under the same roof. Nette sat pondering over the options of the hotel comparing their current life to the one they would possibly have at the hotel. Quietly Charlie hoped they would say yes. Not only are her strings powerful but it was obvious her contracts were as well. This overlord was one that might be able to help against the Vees should that time ever come. “I don’t know…” Nette looked at each of her sons seemingly asking their opinion on the matter. The others couldn’t tell but each of the boys could talk to their mama through the string connected to their wrists. So they all had their hands on the string discussing the pros and cons about moving. Kai then said out loud “I wouldn’t mind it, doesn’t seem too bad of an option” followed by Alex smacking him and saying “well it’s not your decision” Nette turned to face Charlie directly and said “I think we might just take you up on your offer, but I’m sure the boys have many questions about what they are and are not allowed to bring with them.” Charlie smiled warmly and nodded quickly signaling she didn’t mind discussing rules and the like of the hotel. The group began discussing what things the boys have, and cracking jokes about the stupid things they would bring with them.
Nette found herself smiling as her boys seemed to get along rather well with Nifty and Angel. Hopefully things go well from now on and they can learn to get along with both the red-haired overlord and prideful king. For now anyway they would have to figure out a way to get things moved into the hotel. But Nette figured that conversation could wait till a bit later as she couldn’t bring herself to tear her boys away from the group who were laughing and talking about random things. Nette turned and saw Alastor standing just past the doorway into the kitchen. Slowly he made eye contact with her, giving her a look and then walking into the kitchen. Nette knew what that  meant. He wanted to talk to her alone, but what could he possibly want with her? She’d have to go into the kitchen to find out. 
@popamolly @preciousbabypeter
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judethejudas · 2 years
How they would react to you being trans— MW2 Headcanons
This includes all types of trans— so trans women, men, non binary (which would require much more explaining to the boys). Also it’s okay to not want to take hormones or do surgeries, it does not make you less of who you are. It’s just for the headcanons, my loves.
- He’s silent the whole time you’re coming out to him
- He just stares at you, with so many thoughts in his mind.
- Of course he knew trans people existed but he never figured you’d be one of them.
- You were already on hormones but not the surgeries, which made sense to him now because you always avoided the showers with everybody and preferred covering up.
- Ghost covered up quite a bit too so he felt closer to you in that way. That you both valued your privacy.
- He realized now it was because you didn’t have much of a choice. Even though he couldn’t have known, he felt guilty for it.
- He caught onto the pain in your eyes as you explained that your transition wasn’t easy. You lost friends, family, people you really cared about.
- “All because you were trans?” He couldn’t believe it honestly. That someone would break a bond because you wanted to be yourself.
- He put a hand on your shoulder, giving it a comforting squeeze. “This doesn’t change anything between us and if anyone has a problem with it, you come to me. Is that clear?”
- You brushed the tears off your cheeks and nodded, before Ghost sent you off to do something productive.
- He’s quite shocked when you tell him and he doesn’t make much of an effort to hide it.
- You’re transgender? How? How does that work? Do you mean you’re going to transition into the opposite gender?
- He’s not stupid but he’s confused. Our confused ally.
- You had to explain to him that you already did years ago but didn’t have the surgeries, which is why you covered up a lot.
- “I thought you and ghost were just starting a little club getting all cozied up like that.” He’s so puzzled and asking a lot of questions, like how your voice sounds like that and how this happened.
- The only letters this man knew of the lgbtq2s+ community is gay and lesbian.
- You explained hormones to him and he was just blown away.
- Then you started talking about how unsupportive people have been to you and he felt terrible.
- “I’m not like that, am I?” You reassured him immediately that he was not and he was relieved. He had grown to like you on his team, how you two bickered and joked with each other on missions— especially when you two ganged up on Ghost.
- “You’re definitely gonna have to run it by me a few times but I got your back, (y/n).”
Captain Price:
- I ain’t gonna lie to you, this man?? Is all kinds of phobic. He’s old, he can’t help it.
- He had taken a liking to you as time went on and you proved yourself to be a valuable member of the team.
- So when you came out to him, it was just pure shock. He didn’t know what to do or say. Suddenly everything had changed. About you.
- He was taught not to respect members of the lgbtq2s+ by his family and grew up with that mindset. He knew every slur in the book.
- But you being one of them? He couldn’t fathom it. But he also couldn’t bring himself to hate you.
- You explained to him how you were alienated and hated ever since you came out, so you found a family when you joined task 141.
- He felt horrible now.
- To anyone else, he could be bitter about it and he wouldn’t feel one ounce of guilt. But not to you. This was you.
- “Alright look, I can’t say I understand.. this. I’ll need time to process it since I was raised differently, but I’m not gonna throw ya out..”
- You were happy he was willing to put aside his prejudice for you, but you did need to correct him on a few terms that weren’t horrifically transphobic or homophobic.
- You, Ghost, and Soap end up giving him the nickname of Captain Pride, absolutely bombarding this old man until he’s had enough and making you all scrub toilets.
I seriously doubt Ghost and Soap would be assholes about reader being trans. I just don’t see them caring that much other than asking a few questions, but Price? 😭
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Some of the imagery of BD is a little scary - like you know the decapitation and the sewn faces and missing people who apparently suffered for a while beforehand. but to m,e it’s not very scary? Like. At first it’s confronting, but Something about the way you write does bring up those scary ideas but the flow of it pulls away the revulsion of the idea in a funny but gentle way? Kinda like being in a theme park ride. conseptually I’d hate any fic that kills off characters willynilly, but something about the attitude and styling turns it to being some of the purest for of Entertaining I’ve read. I’m a big fan.
this is the least scared of torture and murder I’ve been tbh, and the most invested I’ve been in a comedy focused story with what could be considered ‘horror’ elements. It’s a little like Generation Loss in that sense? But tbh I like BD better
otherwise, moments of tension aren’t scary, more just has me reading onward to see what happens next. More exciting than genuinely scary.
I’m telling you all this mostly because I’m blown away by how much I like your writing, so I keep thinking about it, but don’t have anyone to talk about it with XD
Part of the balancing in this fic comes from the pov. Cellbit has seen way worse than a decapitated head. He’s done worse than a decapitated head. It’s all just a puzzle to him- just look at him dig through that deer corpse in the opening scene, he doesn’t acknowledge the horrors in front of him because, to him, the horrors are what used to be his everyday reality. He’s more confused than disturbed. My guy’s a “reformed” cannibal, nothing outside of his own mind can scare him
If it was another pov, there’d 100% be more time spent on the actual horrors. But Cellbit skips right through any disturbing moments to get to the puzzle at hand because. Well. He’s a bit special, isn’t he?
Just look at when he was running for his life from the werewolf in chapter three. He was laughing and smiling and having a legitimately great time despite being two seconds from death and despite the bleeding and the child and everything. Or the end of the most recent chapter when Roier is freaking out over the blood and the chase and the spreen and all Cellbit does is giggle because! Enigma do medo!
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zedpercyfan · 11 months
Pokeshipping Week '23 - Day 1 - First Date
The Ash Way
ASH KETCHUM’S eyebrow twitched alongside Pikachu’s perturbed ear movements as they watched with bemusement as Cilan pranced around a whiteboard.
“Simply put, Ash,” he gushed, “my coveted ‘win the girl’ five step first date plan is a certified three-out-of-three stars course!  Its divine quality has been tested over the centuries by countless unknowns from around the world and written down both factually and fictionally to attest to its indomitable success rate.  Simply put, you’ll have her in the palm of your hands if you follow these steps.”
“Um, thanks, Cilan,” said Ash, masking his confusion quite well.
“You’re most welcome!” enthused Cilan.  “Trust me, my Kanto friend.  It pleases me so much to be asked advice by thee in regard to that enigmatic corner of the human experience: amour…!”
Once Cilan had finished his overblown monologues, Ash politely excused himself from the room as he prepared for the demonstration match.  “Huh…what a plan,” he said thoughtfully.
Cilan had been meticulous, mapping out every action and step and placing them in a way that was easy to understand.  Ash knew Cilan is a careful and thoughtful thinker and that his assessment of various situations was often the correct.  Which is why – PLONK – he threw it into a trash can.
“I appreciate the thought,” said Ash quietly to himself, “but I think this is a situation where only I can help myself… If I can even manage.  Oh well.”  He checked his belt and his five other choices of Pokémon.  “It’s battle time!”
Just a few days prior, Misty had out of nowhere asked him out on a date.  He’d only been back from Kalos for a week and after regaling to his Cerulean Gym leading friend his adventures in that region, Misty had seemed…irate.  He still really doesn’t know the why or how, but somehow that rage had turned into a “go on a date with me” talk.
Despite the weird goings on in the background, Ash battled with aplomb.
He knew he couldn’t just let Misty be mad with him.  He had to find a way to let her vent her stress in a way that didn’t end with him getting his eardrums blown up alongside getting hammered with a mallet that she’d somehow have on her person.
“Hmm…”  Grabbing his phone, Ash texted her a question, then a request…
Misty blinked in surprise, but she still texted back a ‘yes.’  She was still puzzled, however.  “Huh…?  The hell does he have in mind?”
Ash grinned when he saw Misty at the meeting point.  Luckily, she’d done as he suggested and wore sports clothes.  “Bike shorts as you said… Where’re we going?” she quizzed.
“You’ll see,” he smiled.
Ash made biking look easy as Misty kept up, trying to keep a rhythm to her breathing.  He stormed a winding road furiously as he changed bike gears.  “Pikachupi!”
He looked back and was relieved and pleased to see that Misty was keeping up with him, he’d always enjoyed that natural tomboy tenacity of hers.  “Keep it up, Mist!” shouted Ash.
“Where are you even taking me?!”
“You’ll see!”
She rolled her eyes but gritted her teeth all the same and peddled after him.
The destination soon came.  At first Misty was cross at stopping in the middle of the road but before she could finish her sentence of indignation, Ash motioned to the side.
“Whoa,” she gasped.  Before her was a beautiful view of the valley toward Cerulean City.  The ocean in the horizon, pretty wisps of clouds above, trees, grass fields, and buildings just able to be seen through the treetops.  “Pretty.”
“Yeah.  It’s the view I saw last time I came through here on my walk from the airport.”
“That so?  Gosh, can’t really say if I can remember seeing such a nice view.”  That gave Ash a smug smile and Misty lightly slugged him for it much to Pikachu and Azurill’s amusement.  “Yeah, right… Is this all you have to offer on date.”
“Only plan I have in your dreams,” he muttered as he soothed the area of his ribcage where she’d elbowed him.  “Our day’s just started, Mist.”
Unlike when they’d headed up the hill, Misty took delight in coasting downhill.  As they roamed along Ash kept thinking and thought it strange how Misty’s reaction had been slightly underwhelming.
“I’d have thought she’d have appreciated a pretty view.”  Then a line from Cilan’s little manual struck him…
When she says something’s beautiful like a view or another girl.  Tell her she’s more beautiful than that…
Ash mentally hit himself for that.
Though by the time they reached the next destination, Misty was noticeably in a better mood.  “A…diner?”
“Yeah!  It’s said this place has the best sundaes around.”  To Ash’s delight, Misty’s eyes lit up as soon as she heard that.
It got even better once she dug into the sundae.  Ash found himself taken in by her look of bliss as she devoured it and even a bit of shame as he had to point out smudges she got on her cheek.
The rest of the date went well and by the time the sun was nearing the horizon they were both exhausted.  They sat, energy depleted, on a bench.
“So…” huffed Ash, “…had fun…?”
“Yeah, I did…thank you, Ash.”  She gave a small smile and paused.  “So, who gave you the idea for this date?”
He shrugged.  “No one, came up with it myself.”
“Wow.  Quite the idea.”
“I just figured I’d do the sort of things we had fun with as kids and…a few…other things.”
“I took ya to see that view because I figured you’d like that sort of gesture.  Showing you something…nice.”
“…”  Misty paused and thought about it for a second.  Ash felt sweat dripping down his forehead as he waited for her answer.  “Well, it certainly worked.  It blew me away.”
“You’re welcome.  That and they say exercise is a great way to work off a bad mood.  I didn’t want you to stay mad so I figured some long bike riding would make things more fun between us.”
“Makes sense,” she laughed.
“Hey, er…”  Ash paused thoughtfully.  “…why’d you ask for a date?”
Misty sighed and leaned back.  “I got jealous hearing about that Serena chick.  Did you…like the kiss she gave you?”
“I thought it was awkward, really.  I see her as a friend, I only hope I can make that clearer next time I see her.”
“What about you and me?”
“Well…”  Ash trailed off and reverted his gaze up front.  It was then he noticed the sun’s setting rays lighting up the coastal view from the park they were at.  “Now that’s a sight.”
“Yeah!  The light, the water… Beautiful.”
Ash looked down, ruminated for a second, and turned to Misty.  “Not as beautiful as you.”
The orange-haired girl went red and averted her eyes.  “D-did you get that pickup line from someone else…?”
“I mean it, though.”
“O-oh… so, do you…like me?”
“I…I su- I suppose I do.”  Ash blinked.  The day flashed again before his eyes.  “Yeah.  Yeah, I do!”
“Prove it, then.”
“Okay.”  Ash leaned in slowly, his face getting hotter and hotter.  It felt weird but not wanting to let fear take over, went right for a kiss!  It was warm and cozy.  For a moment, Ash questioned if Misty even is liking it…
…then he felt her reciprocating just as lightly.  He softly parted from her after a few seconds.
“Okay...” said Misty softly.  “That’s the answer then.”  She paused.  “I love you, Ash.”
“Love ya too, Mist,” he replied.  Without another word, Misty rested her head on Ash’s left shoulder as he used that arm to gently hold her.
Author’s Note: You know, it wasn’t until I began brainstorming for this day that I realized just how superfluous this theme is to me given my mistake of penning Left Behind just prior to getting down to writing these.  It is a quintessential aspect of a relationship of course, so it would’ve felt wrong to immediately eschew this.
That and I also realized that Left Behind’s dating scenes are surrounded by a more somber and thematically deep affair and tone, so I reckoned I owed it to myself and you the readers to write something more lighthearted and took a bit of inspiration from the recently adapted Tomo-chan is a Girl!  At any rate it was a writing refreshing necessity to counterbalance that other fic whose conclusion is incoming in a short bit. 
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olympiansally · 3 years
hey, you saved me. when my heart was ripped out, stretched, torn, burnt, and scattered by the people who I thought loved me and everyone else, you were the one who put me back together. im not sure if ill ever find what im looking for, but what you said will always carry me thru these dead, sleepless nights. maybe that's all i need. you said that someday ill know that ill get it? you're right, and i know that everyone else will too. thank you Lu, you are worth everything.
Hey anon, quick question - and I mean this in the nicest way I possibly can - but wtf like <3 ?
I mean, I’m serious btw, I am like incredibly moved by this and I’m so happy to have had such a positive impact on you but I cannot for the life of me figure out what I did and it is driving me a little insane so I need you to pls pls pls clarify it for me I am like straight up begging? lmao
I mean, I am so very grateful for you saying all these incredible nice things and being so very sweet in your compliments and I am so honored in having helped you so much. It’s amazing that you feel this way and you’re very kind to tell me about it and I honestly really appreciate it!
But I am just? Sincerely baffled and so confused because how can I not know what I did to help you so much? I mean, some of what you said with like “someday I know that I’ll get it” seems to be referencing this quiz, but that just doesn’t feel like enough? If it is, I’m really glad that the quiz and my writing in it meant so much to you but I honestly feel like there must be something else I did because this is too much? I’m really glad to have helped you though - in whatever way I did - and I hope that you do find what you’re looking for and that you get to be very happy and loved.
I just kind of which I knew what I did to be “worth everything” but thank you so much for the sweet words, I will honestly hold them in my heart forever and I’m very very happy to have been able to help you and to be seen in such a beautiful light by you
So really, thank you, dear anon <3
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chrisevansredbelt · 2 years
The Snow Maiden: Two
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read chapter 1 here!
pairing: bucky x reader, bucky x hydraexperiment!reader , bucky x enhanced!reader
warnings: not that much here i don’t think. maybe like mention of missing persons. kidnapping… uhhh hmm i think that’s it.
i’m sorry this chapter feels very short but i promise it’s juicy and a lot to unpack inside 🫣
summary: one very big step closer to finding out who the girl is? perhaps…
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*・゚☆
After a moment of confused stares and glances between Steve and Tony, Steve speaks cautiously in a manner not to scare Bucky into thinking they don’t believe him or anything like that.
“How do you know?”
“The dream.” Is all he mutters out in response, a far off look in his eyes as he recounts the events in his dreams that turn up foggy in his mind. Squinting a little in frustration at how little he remembers even though he’d woken up less then 2 minutes ago, “I think- maybe, they tried to wipe my memories of her when they took her away.”
“They took her away?” Tony interjects, raised brows as he tries to piece out the puzzle.
“I don’t know-“ Bucky shakes his head, “In the dream, she was yelling for me… Like she was being taken.”
Tony just nods, taking note of the name before prompting Bucky to add more, “Anything else?”
Bucky thought for a second that he might mention the warm feeling he felt, her hands. But figured there wasn’t much they could probably do with that and they already knew about her hands. And maybe the warm feeling was just the thought of her… He doesn’t exactly know what he means by that. So he just shakes his head ‘no’.
Tony just nods, closing up the thick file in his hands that contained all the documents Steve had given him, plus the small scribble of the name ‘Y/N’, “I’ll let Fury know.”
And with that, Tony pulls out his phone and exits the lab.
It’s comfortably silent as Steve and Bucky sit across from each other now. Bucky deep in thought while Steve just waits patiently for Bucky to speak. After a while, Steve starts to notice the furrow in Bucky’s eyebrow deepen to a point where he grows a little concerned.
“Are you okay?” He breaks the silence in the room, making Bucky inhale quickly and come back down to earth.
“Yeah, yeah-“ He shakes his head, smiling shortly at Steve before sighing, “It’s not the worst dream I’ve had.”
He would’ve added a sly comment on how it was probably one of the better ones he’s had but that wasn’t exactly the mood at the moment.
Steve knew he was refraining from telling him what was really going on in his head. But that was okay, Steve was sure he was probably just overthinking.
Steve just offers a small smile in response before speaking, “I think- with what you’ve given us- we’ll be sure to find her in no time.”
Bucky had gone back to bed that night but it was no use. He tried to dream of her again, hoping to gather more information about her vicariously through his dreams but also because… something about the dream just made him feel warm.
It was so difficult to explain, but he just longed for that warmth so bad. The second he closed his eyes and felt the coldness of a nightmare start to build, he shot awake.
After a few more tries of dreaming that both led to one nightmare after the other, Bucky eventually gave up and found that it would soon be morning anyway.
When it was a more decent time of the morning, Bucky had made his way down to the compound gym before showering and making himself breakfast.
Halfway through eating, Steve had clapped him on the shoulder with a hopeful look on his face and signalled for Bucky to follow him.
Bucky had followed almost instantly, trailing behind Steve as he guided him through the compound on an all too familiar route to Tony’s lab.
Entering through the open door, Bucky eyed Tony and Banner momentarily before his eyes flew to the screen in front of him. Many pictures of a young girls face blown up on the screen, a missing child poster and a rendition of one of the photos made to look like what said girl would look like if she was older.
“Y/F/N. Missing since she was 10 years old, kidnapped on her way to school in Voronezh, Russia. Presumed dead. No father, mother died of pneumonia a year after the loss of the child.” Tony reads off his computer, looking cautiously at Bucky before pursing his lips and finalising, “No remaining family.”
Well, they at least had their motive as to why she was specifically kidnapped. No remaining family to mourn for her loss and maintain her case.
All three men watch as Bucky scans the projector a mile a minute. Steve is the first to speak to him, “Recognise her?”
Bucky just nods quickly, eyes never leaving the screen- as if scared she won’t be there if he takes his eyes away, “That’s her.” He confirms. He remembered. Well, he still didn’t know exactly who she was, but he knew it was her, “I-Is there anything else?” He asks Tony, a hint of desperation in his voice that only Steve caught on.
“Nothing on her whereabouts now.” Tony shakes his head, “But with a name and a face, shouldn’t be too hard.”
Whether that meant to infiltrate hundreds of abandoned bases to find information, to travel to Sokovia or Russia and conduct a man hunt by his lonesome, Bucky didn’t care. He didn’t know why, but something inside him ached for him to find her.
To find you.
Bucky had since gone off with Steve to do some more intense research on current data they had on Hydra bases they’d raided previously. They didn’t exactly know what they were looking for, anything really though. Anything that hinted to her whereabouts, maybe where she was held, any missions reports she’d been on, testings conducted. Anything.
In the meantime, Tony had continued sifting through the police reports and the missing persons case that had long been closed. There wasn’t much evidence aside from a few statements, possible connections to other missing child’s cases and a few conspiracies but that was it.
So Tony had a bit of work ahead of him. He would have to look through hundreds more reports of missing children’s, then all their evidences, then the timeline, then possible sightings, then location points. It was a lot.
And considering his area of research was Russia, who better to help him than the Russian herself?
She would translate a lot for him, most documents he needed being in Russian and all.
So now, as Natasha sits and scribbles the translation of a document in front of her, Tony stares aimlessly at the projection in front of him still showing the pictures he had shown Bucky early this morning.
“You don’t recognise her at all, do you?” He suddenly asks Natasha, the thought popping into his head intrusively. He figured not otherwise he’s sure she would’ve said something, but just to be safe he thought he’d ask anyway.
Natasha just looks up at him before darting her eyes briefly to the screen, “No.” She shakes her head, glancing up at Tony every so often as she reverts her eyes back to the paper in front of her, “Why?”
Tony just shrugs, “It’s just so strange how similar you too are.” He begins to search on his computer, entering different files before opening up the security footage from the convenience store- replaying and slowing down the clips of the girl fighting. He watches the same extraction about 7 times before turning to Natasha, “You would think, if they’d only had her captive in Hydra that she’d fight more like Bucky.”
Natasha can only blink dumbly and shrug, “I-I don’t know.”
Her weak answer falls on deaf ears as Tony continues to watch the video, focusing on a different part now. It’s silent once again for a while before he speaks, “Maybe when Bucky went down and trained you, she went along too.” He concludes thoughtfully, seemingly proud of his answer.
“Maybe.” Natasha nods.
Tony looks directly at her now, only just noticing her strangely short responses to all of his questions. But as she continues to translate the document in front of her for him, he just shrugs it off, figuring he probably pulled her out of her focus.
Yep. That was definitely the reason.
Steve and Bucky hadn’t come up with much. Only one document that had briefly mentioned a female as part of a possible serum test run but said female was only referred to as ‘The Girl’ and other than that had little to no physical descriptors on her appearance or identity.
They did however find other things of particular concern that they would maybe create seperate, unrelated missions for in the near future, so it’s not like their search was completely useless by the end of the night.
But after so many hours of reading what felt like the same group of words over and over, Bucky was glad to be finished for the night. He wasn’t sure where they would go on from there, what Tony had found (if he had found anything), but right now, all he hoped for was to sleep… and hopefully dream about the girl.
And luckily tonight, that’s exactly what he did.
“What’s the first thing you would do if you got out of here?” He asks her, paying no mind to the way her thumb comes up to rest in the indent of his chin. Warmth.
Were they cuddling?
“Burn the place down with everyone inside.” She says simply, softly biting her lip to refrain from smiling as Bucky softly laughs.
He didn’t know he was capable of such emotion… not in there.
He squeezes her shoulder tighter, whispering, “Then what?”
She thinks seriously now, a cute thinking face blessing his vision- again, he didn’t think anything so beautiful was possible to be seen in here.
“Maybe…” She hums quietly, music to his ears. “Maybe touch the grass.”
He just nods softly. Understandable. He can’t remember the last time he’s seen, let alone touch, grass- or any kind of nature for that matter. Unless, of course, concrete and metal counts.
But it’s not the exact answer he’s looking for.
“And then what?” He continues, “Where would you go? If you could go anywhere?”
“Home.” She answers, without a moments hesitation, “But considering they probably blew up my house, then…” She thinks to herself again, smiling softly as a memory fills her mind- one of very few that she’s managed to keep very close to her heart, “My mother took me to Romania a lot, we always stayed at NF Palace in Old City… I would go there. I’d ask to live there.” She explains, looking up at the miserable ceiling above their heads before resting her head back against his chest, “What about you?”
“Home.” He repeats her same answer, “America.”
“How would you get there?”
“Any way I can.” Flashes of Steve, the Commando’s, Rebecca flashed his mind and for a second, Bucky’s conscious mind worried this would turn into some sinister nightmare.
“Take me with you?” She asks softly, voice so small.
Bucky can’t help the heat that he feels upon his cheeks,“What about Romania?”
“Romania wouldn’t have you.” She just shrugs simply, before flashing a familiar smile up at him.
Bucky wanted to die the moment he woke up at whatever ungodly hour he didn’t care to check. It was 4am.
He rubbed his eyes so hard he saw stars, almost trying to engrave the dream into his brain somehow. It all felt so real. Her touch, her laugh.
Sliding his hands down his face, he eyed the charging laptop on his bedside table before reaching for it and opening it up on his lap.
Immediate regret shot him in the face as the brightness of his screen blinded him. But he just squinted and carried on. Hurried fingers typed frantically into google, scared if he wasted even a second that he’d forget.
Google Search: NF Palace, Old City Bucharest
He had typed into the search bar, eyes scanning the result that Google had given him.
A 3.6 star hotel in Romania… ‘Permanently Closed.’
Bucky didn’t go back to sleep after his discovery. Surprise, surprise.
No, he’d stayed awake and paced all around his room before doing some more digging on the hotel. Permanently closed yet still standing. Abandoned. Still fully furnished.
He hardly waited for everyone to get settled into their day once it had hit a reasonable time for everyone to wake up. No, he had practically stood at Steve’s door until he came out of the shower and asked if he could call an emergency meeting with Tony.
Which, surprisingly, led to now. A disgruntled Tony and a worried Steve staring at Bucky as he holds his laptop.
“I think I know where she is.” He finally exhales, seemingly releasing a breath he had been bottling up ever since he woke up at 4am.
“What?” Tony yawns, rubbing his eyes as Bucky shoves the laptop in his unsuspecting hands.
“I think she’s here.”
Tony squints and blinks his eyes, adjusting to intrusion of blinding light before coming to his senses. Steve leans over to look as well.
“Romania?” He asks, looking up at Bucky.
Before he can respond, Tony asks tiredly and thoroughly confused, “How would she have gotten out of Sokovia?”
“I don’t know.” Bucky shrugs, “I just feel like she’s there.”
“Another dream.” He quickly answers, a little frightened at the possibility that they don’t believe him, “I know it sounds crazy-“
“Okay.” Steve interrupts him, nodding, making Tony turn to him even more confused… it’s too early for this shit, “Okay, we’ll head out tomorrow morning.”
Though Tony was still very confused and… half asleep, he took Steve’s word for it. Anything to get back to bed.
Steve saw the desperation in his best friends eyes. He knew this was obviously important to him, saw how much it was eating away at him despite only being presented with the case two days ago.
Though he didn’t know why this was so important, what the girl had meant to him, or what he remembered, he knew he had to trust Bucky on this one.
True to Steve’s word, they had left first thing the next morning. The mission was labeled an emergency and Sam, Natasha and Clint were all called to join Steve, Tony and Bucky on the mission.
No one really complained at the sudden mission, it was nice to get out and travel once in a while and it’s not like they were entering dangerous and violent territory. If all goes to plan, this should be pretty easy. Get in, find the girl, get out.
The flight to Romania was pretty long but nothing they hadn’t dealt with before and it wasn’t long before they were landing in a safe house out in the open fields of countryside Romania.
It was night time when they’d landed so they had all unanimously agreed to begin the search first thing in the morning.
The rain was what awoke the team up from their deep slumbers- the jet lag quickly kicking in as their bodies and minds confused each other at the sudden change in time difference and temperature.
It was definitely much colder in Romania.
Doing their best not to look like a threat to the community, they had dressed in usual, winter attire with vests and weapons underneath.
The car that Tony hired coming in handy as they made their 40 minute drive into the city of Bucharest.
Despite the drowsy weather, the city still looked so beautiful.
Bucky had barely taken his eyes off from out the window, somewhat hoping he would miraculously spot the girl walking along the street.
It wasn’t until Tony had pulled up to the destination that Bucky felt the adrenaline kick in.
The front door of the abandoned hotel was dead bolted and chained up, boarded with wooden plans and rusty nails. So they opted for a back entrance.
Slowly and carefully, they each made their way inside the seemingly fragile building. Even from the inside they still felt the strong winds making its way from the outside and there were points in the ceiling where the rain slipped through.
Bucky’s heart picked up when he saw a bucket placed underneath a leak. Sign of life. Inhabitance.
“God, look at this place.” Tony whispered, eyeing the luxurious furniture that still inhabited the building despite its abandonment.
Golds and velvet reds, Persian rugs and chandeliers, painted ceilings of renaissance artwork.
Natasha’s sharp gasp made everyone whip around and reach for their guns, eyes following to where her gaze followed a small group of mice that scurried past her feet.
“Guests are a rowdy bunch.” Tony joked before moving forward.
Every further step they took without so much as a creak in the wood and the squeak of another mouse, Bucky lost an ounce of hope.
“Seems pretty empty.” Tony sighs, “If she was here, she would’ve heard us by now.” Voicing nearly everyone’s thoughts.
A soft, barely audible intake of breath was heard from behind them yet again and they all stopped and turned expectantly to Natasha… who only looked up at them all confused as she hadn’t said or done anything.
Steve flashed his torch behind them, momentarily lighting up the stunned face of a (seemingly) deer in the headlights.
It was Bucky’s turn to gasp now as his eyes landed upon a very familiar face.
˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆。・:*:・゚★,。・:*・゚☆
OMGGGGGGG dramaaaaaaaa eeee i’m so glad you guys enjoyed the first part of this and i’m so excited to continue writing the rest of this story!!
requested taglist: @catleen9 @impoeticbeauty
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donghyuckcuyhgnod · 3 years
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park jisung x fem!reader
genre: fluff, crack
warnings: swearing, haechan sees reader naked for like two seconds, implications of showering with jisung, jisung’s clothes are too big for reader, implies that reader has long & dark hair, reader uses she/her pronouns
2.2k words
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you were jisung’s little secret. as an idol, being in a relationship was not only risky, but hard to contain. not only did jisung worry about his own repuatation, but the most important thing to him was your happiness and your safety. and if the world knew about you, he was sure that both of those would be at risk. so he kept you to himself; not even his closest friends and fellow members knowing about you.
you didn’t mind, of course. you appreciated the way he took your feelings into consideration. you didn’t want to be famous, not one bit. you didn’t want to be known as the girl who dates an idol. jisung meant the world to you, and you didn’t want anything to get in the way of that.
so, the two of you opted for hanging out only when the fellow dreamies, who also happened to be jisung’s dormmates, weren’t home. and after your departure, he would make sure that every tiny trace of you was gone. he thought he’d been caught just recently—jaemin had found a piece of long dark hair in the laundry room and was quite puzzled. of course, jisung feigned the same amount of confusion as the other boys. and luckily, he wasn’t questioned.
or even when renjun found a tube of lipgloss in between the couch cushions when he was cleaning one day. luckily, donghyuck’s sister had visited recently before that which made a great excuse as to why there could be a tube of lipgloss in the couch. however, jisung couldn’t help but taste that same lipgloss on his lips from the day before when the dreamies weren’t home.
but he hasn’t been caught, and he hadn’t planned on getting caught any time soon. it’s been over a year since the two of you began dating, and to be honest, both of you were quite shocked at how long you’ve kept this secret. jisung promised you that one day, when ready, he’d gladly introduce you to the members; but for now, laying low was the only viable option.
you sighed at the feeling of the hot water trickling down your back, your hands running through your hair to get the suds out. the only type of wash jisung had in the shower was men’s shampoo, but the smell was absolutely heavenly so you weren’t really complaining. he had just previously gotten out, opting to let you finish washing your hair while he searched for a movie for the two of you to watch before you had to leave the dorms.
you heard the knob of the bathroom door turning, a smile immediately adorning your face at the thought of your boyfriend’s pretty face, free of any makeup and hair completley natural. you were about to greet him, until you heard a voice that definitely wasn’t jisung’s.
“jisung, we’re home a little early. jeno forgot to text you that we were on our way back,” you heard a high-pitched voice say, and you could lightly make out the shadow of a figure walking towards the sink in the bathroom. your eyes widened, a state of pure panic taking over your body.
shit, what do i do now? i can’t say anything, my voice clearly isn’t jisung’s! but if i stay silent, it’ll be weird! oh, fuck!
“dude?” the boy said after another moment, confusion laced in his voice at the lack of response. your hands flew to your forehead in frustration, holding your breath in a nervous habit. the figure walked a bit closer towards the closed shower curtain, and you could see the way he bent down and picked something up.
“bro, why are there women’s underwear on your floor? and a bra?” you heard a laugh. “i had no idea you liked to wear these types of things, jisung,” the boy teased, and you could practically feel the smugness in his tone. suddenly, you heard the voice of your lovely boyfriend. finally.
“hyuck! h-hey, what’s up?” jisung casually asked, and you could clearly hear the nervousness in his voice. you could make out his figure faintly through the curtain, his hands on his hips as he rocked back and forth on his heels.
“oh- jisung? why is the shower running if you’re not in it?” the boy questioned, a tint of suspicion in his voice.
“oh, you know. just cleaning the tub!” jisung laughed it off, and you rolled your eyes at his pathetic excuse and terrible lying skills.
“cleaning? dude, you never clean!” the boy, that you now know as hyuck, laughed. “let’s see just how good you cleaned the bathtub then,” he mocked, and the panic began to rise in you once again as you saw his figure get closer and closer to the shower curtain. and suddenly, there were fingers hooked around the ends of the curtain and a panicked jisung yelling, “no! hyung, stop!”
and before you knew it, your eyes met a pair of brown ones that had blown incredibly big at the sight of a girl in the familiar shower. the scream you let out was loud and ear-piercing as you tried your best to cover yourself, a similar noise coming from the boy you’d never met before.
“WHAT THE FUCK!?” he screamed, immediately covering his eyes, running out of the bathroom as you heard his loud footsteps. you stopped the water, not knowing what else to do as you heard jisung chase after him.
suddenly, a series of voices began to reach your ears, a loud and shocked “THERE’S A GIRL IN OUR SHOWER!?” coming from another voice, but this one a bit deeper. you cringed, an overwhelming amount of regret taking over you. as fast as you could, you exited the bathroom, thanking the gods above that your boyfriend’s bedroom was only one room over. you threw on the first thing that you could find in jisung’s closet—a large shirt and a pair of sweat shorts.
after speedily getting dressed, you made your way towards the door of jisung’s bedroom. your hand hesitated on the knob, a heavy breath leaving your lips as you prepared yourself for an interesting encounter, and also to properly explain yourself; although, you weren’t really sure there was a proper way to explain all of this.
opening the door, you slowly and nervously made your way down the hall and nearing the living room, where several different voices were bickering and talking back and forth—you being the main subject.
rounding the corner, you caught sight of the five boys you had heard so much about. your body shook with nerves and your wet hair felt heavier than normal on your head and your shoulders. they hadn’t heard or seen you yet, their minds too occupied with questioning and interrogating the youngest of the group.
you lightly cleared your throat, gaining the attention of all six boys as they went completely silent. all twelve eyes were on you, wide and shocked, confusion evident in the way they looked at you. jisung silently cooed at the way you looked with his baggy clothes on your small figure, but now was not the time for that.
“who are you!?” one of them screeched, his bright orange hair swaying as he shook his head in confusion. before you could even get a word out, jisung interrupted.
“chenle! don’t talk to her like that!” he defended you. the way the five unfamiliar boys stared at you had involuntarily made you shiver, your nerves causing you to flinch away from their stares.
“guys, this is. . . uhm,” jisung cleared his throat, looking down at the ground as his cheeks went red. he scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact with his five best friends, and especially you. your eyes sparkled at him, a gentle smile taking over your face at his cute antics. although, you couldn’t really blame him for acting in such ways. this was an awkward situation. “this is y/n. my girlfriend,” he blurted out, his voice going high-pitched at the end of his sentence.
“girlfriend?” another said, his eyes going wide as he stared at jisung. “since when have you had a girlfriend?” he said, his pink hair nearly covering his wide eyes.
“about a year and a half,” you responded, and they seemed shocked to hear you speak. your voice was small and nervous, but had a sweetness to it that made their hearts melt. you were so small compared to them, jisung’s clothes hanging off of your dainty figure like a dress.
“you’ve been keeping this from us for over a year!?”
“yes, renjun!” jisung responded with annoyance. “she just said that, didn’t she?”
“oh, don’t you dare talk to me like that-“ renjun started, but was cut off by the final boy, his round glasses slowly sliding down his nose as he shushed renjun.
“i’m really sorry,” you said, your eyes wide in regret as you nervously played with your fingers.
“why are you apologizing? it’s my fault i didn’t tell them,” jisung said, a look of sincerity in his eyes.
“no, no, no. it’s not your fault. i’m sorry for intruding when you guys didn’t even know i existed. it was wrong of me and i apologize. i’m the one who agreed to see jisung in secret, when i should’ve been encouraging him to be truthful with you all. i-i didn’t mean to offend any of you,” you spoke softly, and the boys couldn’t help but soften at the way you basically shriveled into a ball from nervousness.
“it’s okay,” hyuck said, noticing the way jisung looked at you with sadness in his eyes. he had never seen such a look on the younger’s face, and it almost made him feel bad for making such a scene. almost. “it’s jisung’s fault. he’s the idiot for keeping an entire person from us,” he finished.
“hey!” jisung defended, and you couldn’t help but giggle at that, covering your face to hide your blushing and embarassed cheeks. the boys smiled at you, somehow finding you quite adorable. it had only been a mere few minutes and they had barely even spoke to you, yet somehow you were already like a little sister to them. maybe it was the look in jisung’s eyes when you emerged from his bedroom, or maybe it was the way you smiled at jisung after hyuck made you laugh.
“you guys are all assholes, you know! instead of approaching the situation calmly you just automatically freaked out on me!” jisung said, huffing as he stomped his foot.
“calmly!? park jisung, i saw a naked girl in our shower. how the hell was i supposed to react calmly to that!?” hyuck said, causing you to break out into giggles once again as he shouted at your boyfriend. the boys joined along in your light laughter, all amused; except for your boyfriend, of course.
“well. . . i don’t know! also, why are you still holding those!?” jisung shouted, noticing the familiar pair of blue underwear in hyuck’s hands. your boyfriend snatched them from his friend’s grip, hiding them behind his back. you yelped in embarrassment, for they weren’t necessarily a normal pair of underwear—but rather, lack-there-of.
“yeah? why is your hair wet, too?” chenle pointed out, the boys all noticing his dripping wet locks, similar to yours. jisung’s eyes widened, his mouth hanging open in shock. suddenly, his entire face was a deep shade of red and his eyes were trembling. “wh-what are you talking about? i took one before her!”
“yeah, right! your hair would’ve been dry by now! our little maknae isn’t so little anymore, huh?” the boy with the pink hair smirked, a teasing laugh escaping his lips as the boys joined along. “shut up, jaemin!”
“hey, i don’t blame you, sung! from what i saw, she’s got a nice pair of-“
“don’t you dare say it!” he yelled at hyuck. you put your face in your hands, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
“our maknae can get it!” the boy with glasses said. “shut up, jeno!” jisung responded, clearly at a loss for words.
you giggled again, your mood suddenly lifting. you no longer felt weird and embarassed by the way they looked at you, but rather comfortable. they had already made you laugh quite a few times, and you had only just met them. you looked at jisung and the way he sighed in frustration, and you couldn’t help but smile at him and the way they nagged and teased the younger.
despite jisung’s protests, you could already make out the clear brother-like relationship between the boys. it was evident in the way they teased him, their remarks full of affection. weirdly enough, you enjoyed seeing so much love being put forth towards your boyfriend, no matter how much he disagreed.
for the days after that, you no longer saw jisung in secret. you started to spend a lot more time at the dorms, whether the dreamies were there or not. you even began spending nights there, up until sunrise playing games with jisung and his fellow members. you felt closer to your boyfriend than ever, and you were happy to call the five other boys your new friends.
maybe being a secret wasn’t the best option, afrerall.
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all rights reserved, © euphoriclele 2021
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iwaslut · 3 years
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— itty bitty titty committee
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⤷ anonymous asked: Could you make a jjk characters with a small chested reader (of course, only if you are taking requests, inglesh is not my first language so I'm sorry for any mistakes)?
note: no need to apologize at all, babes! and of course i can <3
ft. fushiguro megumi, gojo satoru, itadori yuuji, nanami kento, tōdō aoi
warning: afab!reader, not full-blown nsfw but strong nsfw themes and very suggestive, everyone is of age
disclaimer: all of them love titties!!!! of all sizes!!!
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— fushiguro megumi.
it actually settles fushiguro’s nerves that your tits are on the smaller side. it’s not as intimidating to him. 
don’t get me wrong, just because he’s not as intimidated, doesn’t mean he’s not still incredibly awkward. he likes your tits, but fushiguro has a difficult time expressing just how attracted he is to you.
therefore, he’s probably not very good at comforting you </3
he doesn’t know how to phrase it the right way — that he loves your boobs just the way they are — so he shows you through his actions.
yeah, he fucking worships your tits
he places soft kisses all over them and gently swirls his tongue around your nipples. but the moment fushiguro manages to pull a moan out of you and feels you tug harder at his hair? he’s gone. he can’t hold back anymore and starts sucking hickies everywhere. when he’s done, your skin is all marked up and fushiguro realizes just how much he likes the look of it.
fushiguro is a sucker for when you wear bralettes, especially cute lacy ones. he thinks it’s so fucking hot and he’ll drag his lips and tongue over your skin through the fabric. he tries to be delicate, but he might accidentally tear the material in his haste to get it off of you </3
— gojo satoru.
god, gojo....
yeah this man is a whore, but he’s a whore for you only.
you’re insecure????? not if gojo has anything to do with it.
he will not hesitate to shower you in compliments.
your cheeks burn when he whispers in your ear about just how hot he thinks your tits are and what he wants to do to you.
he’s the type to slip his hands under your shirt so they can cup your boobs at any moment.
sometimes, he’ll just rest his hands there, but he’s a cheeky bastard, so more often than not, it leads to more.
his chest is firmly pressed to your back as he trails kisses up the column of your neck. gojo slides your shirt all the way up and makes you bite down on the hem of it, so it’s not in his way. he smiles into your skin when he hears your breath hitch and feels you go lax against him.
gojo loves when you don’t wear a bra. if he had anything to do with the matter, he’d toss out all of them. he loves how your tits look through a shirt when you’re not wearing a bra. his attention hones in on how your nipples poke through the fabric, and gojo can feel his cock twitch in his pants.
— itadori yuuji.
itadori’s a bit of a dummy so if you ever express that you’re insecure about how small your boobs are, he’s so fucking confused. he just loves you so much and everything about you, so he’s all ????
god, he tilts his head at an angle, looking all puzzled and just says “but, there’s nothing wrong with them?”
i know he said his type are tall girls with a fat ass, but itadori’s not all that shallow.
like yeah, he appreciates looks, but he likes your tits because they’re yours. my man does not give a fuck about their size. it honestly does not even cross his mind.
he does think they’re so fucking cute. he nearly drools whenever he sees you wearing a bikini top or a sports bra. he just loves the way they look.
he loves laying on your chest. he claims that it’s the comfiest place to rest his head on, besides your ass.
itadori also really likes just popping a titty in his mouth. most of the time, it’s not even a sexual thing. my boy just has an oral fixation <3
— nanami kento.
 your appearance isn’t what made nanami fall for you, it was your personality. that’s not to say he doesn’t appreciate your looks, he’s not fucking blind. nanami is well-aware of how attractive you are, but he genuinely doesn’t really care for boob size.
he’s really perceptive of your feelings, so if you’re ever feeling insecure about how small your tits are, nanami knows even before you choose to voice it out loud.
he’s so fucking good at comforting you. he’ll seat you on his lap with your legs spread obscenely wide for him. one hand is nestled in between your thighs, fingers curling into your dripping cunt while the other is playing with your tits. nanami’s warm breaths hit the shell of your ear as he softly murmurs praises about how beautiful you are.
one of nanami’s favorite looks on you is when you wear a baggy shirt with no bra. he just assumes that you’re wearing something underneath your t-shirt, so it’s a pleasant surprise when his hands come in contact with the bare skin of your tits instead on the usual material of your bra.
— tōdō aoi.
menace. he loves tits. so. much. 
if you ever feel self-conscious that your boobs are small, tōdō will tell you, in a completely serious tone, that “a true man appreciates boobs of any size.”
you’re convinced that you’re dating an idiot, but tōdō’s comment does make you feel better.
no but tōdō for real makes you feel so much more comfortable with your own body. he worships you and your body <3 he never fails to make you feel desirable.
he has no issue telling you about how attractive he finds you. you bury your face into your hands in embarrassment when he proudly proclaims that “he loves your boobs” in public.
he wants to have his hands on your tits at all times.
tōdō is huge and definitely has a size kink, so when he sees how tiny your tits look when he cups them, his dick gets so fucking hard.
if you wear crop tops or tight shirts, tōdō actually goes feral. he will toss you over his shoulder and just drag you off somewhere with no warning. your tits just look so fucking good, how is he expected not to fuck you? 
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uncouth-the-fifth · 2 years
imagining sam and pythia!reader starting out playing wordle really casually and innocently but as time goes on it turns into a full blown war and whoever wins has bragging rights for the day. competitive glares from across the breakfast table while dean gets uncomfortable basking in the wordle-based tension and has to take his breakfast to his room
i feel like you've reached into my mind bc this is literally the next episode of pythia's plot 👁 so enjoy some dumb headcanons! read my supernatural rewrite if you haven't here, for more tasteful word-game shenanigans. forgive me for romanticizing scrabble.
but fr tho their thing as a relationship has to be Words, and Literature, bc there's nothing better to care about when you're a hunter-kid in the 90s.
they started off playing scrabble around high school, bc it was the only board game they had and were good at. i feel like she knows more actual words while sam is better at coordinating them on the board to get more points; she has breadth and he has strategy, so they're pretty evenly matched.
since dean is never too eager to get in on their nerdy game, it becomes one of the few times where it's just the two of them - so, simultaneously, they plot to use the game as a device to get each other alone. it is also a game that requires you to sit next to each other, so they could get away with all the arm-brushing and flirty shoulder-shoving they wanted.
reader gets Sam the deluxe traveling edition for the road. they keep the same notebook inside, where they have pages upon pages of tallied games. the same year, he gets her a Vocabulary For Dummies, which begins the vicious cycle of word-game revenge.
he also has the little brother instinct to be a competitive monster, so he slowly starts dropping bets as they play. "whoever loses has to do the other's homework for a week," "first to three rounds gets lunch from the loser," etc. but she is ALSO a competitive monster, specifically bc she loves to impress/infuriate/arouse/confuse sam, so she devours these bets without hesitation.
they get to the point where they can play it like mf speed chess, which results in even worse sexual tension bc their hands keep touching when putting down words, or she has to pick her new letters out of Sam's big, warm palm after he fishes them out of the bag for her. cause you know the hand-touching would be EVIL.
post-stanford, they're off their game. reader has no one to play with, but lays in wait for the day when her skills will be needed again, mourning the only man she'd ever loved (to play scrabble with), her only equal. she weeps over crosswords. her puzzle books grow dust in the trunk of the Impala. Dean offers to play with her, but two turns in, her skin crawls with disloyalty. what kind of scrabble opponent would she be if she played against anyone but Sam?
while away, sam tries to play with other people, but ultimately realizes he has only one true Scrabble Soulmate - only one person who could ever challenge him at the written word. he sits on the hood of his car and broods about it. Jess gifts him sudoku puzzles and he tears through them all, starved to replace such a crucial piece of himself. but despite all his attempts, he can't help but hone his vocabulary and stare at reader's picture in his wallet, waiting for a game he's unsure will ever come.
okay I was joking but also I'm a little serious about it. like this much 👌
the first time it's mentioned again they stand across from each other like cowboys in a quickdraw duel. "I'd love to see a rematch," Dean jokes, but he's unknowingly looking for bloodshed.
finally, they can't stand it anymore. sam can't sleep and she doesn't want him to be up lonely, so they leave Dean in their motel room and put the board down on the Impala's bonnet at 3 in the morning. they both feel alive again!! miraculously, they tie somewhere in the 110s, and thus the second wave of their nemeses-with-benefits rivalry begins.
through the following years of their lives, they play other games: poker, chess, Catan, codenames. their wordle phase lasts the longest, and grew to a point where Dean had to stage an intervention for everyone's health.
when they do play with others, like Dean and Beth on family nights or (living) friends, it goes unspoken that they have to be on the same team together - unless everyone wants to be witness to the most drawn-out, elaborate playing schemes known to man. Garth still talks about the time Sam deliberately and ruthlessly wiped out him, Dean and Bobby just to get "his lady love" all to himself for a game.
it's just best that he and reader stick together :)
tags: tags: @cookiemumster1 @lacilou @cevans-winchester @leigh70 @seraphimluxe @emily-roberts @emme-loou
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