#my only complaint is that she's TOO tiny. I wanna hug her but my hand is bigger than her lmao
kotoal1011 · 29 days
Having a plushie of your f/o is amazing, but also, consider: your f/o having a little plushie of you. Even if they're considered to be cold and stoic, they treat the plushie as their most beloved possession– because it is. They take care of it, they keep it near whenever they're watching or playing something, they even give it a goodnight kiss before holding it tight and falling asleep.
Bonus: imagine you and your f/o making the plushies of both of you kiss.
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rollinouttahere · 1 year
Yandere Strawhats + Ace x Isekai Reader
2.2k words
Part 2
Yet again, this fic is inspired by @lovelybrooke ‘s Isekai reader stories.
I also want to say thank you for all the support and kind comments on the last story I wrote! I’ve actually been working on my own yandere one piece fic that I’m hoping to start posting in a few days give or take, so if you like what I’ve written so far, keep an eye out for that! All future writings are gonna be posted on my writing blog @rollinouttahere-writes​ so go follow that blog if you’re interested!
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Trying to act normal and inconspicuous in the One Piece universe was a far from easy task. Being the massive fan of the series that you were, it was damn hard to not give away that you knew all about the crew that was so generously letting you stay with them after appearing on their ship with zero explanation.
It became even harder to stay lowkey when Ace temporarily joined up with the Strawhats. All you wanted was to hug that man and tell him how loved he is and that he deserves to live just as much as anyone else, but you really couldn’t say or do any of that without looking weird. You’ll just have to settle for being extremely nice to him, which was very easy.
Ace himself was already an easy guy to get along with (now at least), but he was noticeably very interested in you. You couldn’t blame him, what with Luffy almost immediately outing your insane situation to him. He seemed incredulous at first, but warmed up to and accepted the story way faster than you expected. It didn’t take long for his questions to go from feeling like an interrogation to being genuine.
You were so busy soaking up the attention from such a beloved character that you almost missed how jealous your crewmates were getting. Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were taking it the best. Chopper probably because he was still so new to the crew that he wasn’t all that bothered by one of them not paying as much attention to him. Usopp was too busy building Nami’s weapon to concern himself with it too much. Meanwhile, Luffy was just so happy to see Ace again that he didn’t really notice that you were spending a lot of time with him. That, and he would usually be hanging out with both of you anyways. 
The others though, oh boy did they not like this. Nami was the most blatant about it, straight up glowering at you and Ace whenever you two were too close for her liking. You’re pretty sure the only thing keeping her from up and dragging you away from him is Luffy dismissing her complaints and telling her to stop fretting over it. You love being a part of their crew, so she should quit worrying!
Sanji and Zoro were both vying for your attention in their own ways as well. Sanji suddenly wanted more help around the kitchen, insisting that he needed an extra pair of hands now that there was another mouth to feed. Given that Ace’s appetite was on par with Luffy’s, you could understand the desire for help. Zoro’s attempts were considerably less convincing. One time he wanted you to spot him while he was working out, making you laugh right in his face at the mere idea that you would be able to help him with the ridiculous weights he lifts. His face had gone bright red after you pointed it out to him, prompting him to walk away immediately, much to your amusement.
Right now, though, you weren’t with Ace. Him and Luffy were busy doing something and you didn’t want to butt in on all their time together. Instead, you were ogling Ace’s boat that was currently tied to the side of the Going Merry.
You absolutely loved the design of his ship, it was such a clever idea to use his devil fruit ability to power a steam engine and make what looks like a tiny sailboat function like a jet ski. It didn’t appear in the anime too many times but everytime it was on screen it looked so cool. 
“I wonder what it’d be like to ride that,” you quietly mused to yourself.
“Wanna find out?”
You almost jumped out of your skin at the sudden arrival of Ace. He laughed at your reaction, not a care in the world for the near heart attack he just gave you.
“Oh my God, Ace, you scared the hell out of me!” You lightly slapped at his shoulder, your other hand resting over your now racing heart.
He laughed some more, “I could tell, and I’m sorry about that.” He didn’t sound even vaguely sorry. Ace elbowed your side, “But seriously, do you want to go for a ride?”
The offer had you staring wide-eyed at him. Then the boat. Then back at him again. “Really? Are you sure?” You were desperately trying to keep your cool and not show how insanely excited you were about the idea.
“Of course! I wouldn’t have offered it if I wasn’t. Come on,” he hopped up onto the railing and held his hand out to you. You didn’t need to mull it over, eagerly taking hold and stepping up with him. As soon as you did, he wrapped an arm around you and was ready to jump down onto his boat when Nami started yelling.
“Woah, woah, woah, what the hell are you two doing???” Nami, who was previously pruning her trees, had abandoned the activity entirely in favor of sprinting over to where you were and grabbing onto your leg.
“(Y/N) wanted to try riding my boat, so we’re going for a little joyride, that’s all,” Ace flashed Nami a dazzling smile, not at all deterred by her interruption.
“No way! What if they fall off? That thing doesn’t look safe at all!” Nami was now pulling on you, trying to get you down from the railing.
Ace held on tighter in response, “It’s perfectly safe, it has to be. I’m a devil fruit user, remember? (Y/N) isn’t, so really, I’m in more danger on that than they are. It’s fine.”
You could tell Nami was ready to argue more, but thankfully Luffy piped up, “Don’t worry about it Nami! If Ace says it’s safe then it’s safe!” Luffy, who was perched on his special seat at the bow, came bounding over, “But I wanna go next!”
“Sure thing, Luffy, we’ll be back in a bit,” Ace was quick to jump down with you in tow, not wanting to give any of the other Strawhats a chance to object. After untying it from the Going Merry, he knelt down slightly, “Hop on my back, you’re not gonna want to have your feet down there when we get going.”
Not wanting to get set on fire, you obliged. If you weighed anything to him, he didn’t show it, simply standing up straight as soon as you were on. “Ready?”
You excitedly nod your head, holding on tight to Ace in preparation. It was a good thing too, because he decided to immediately start at the leisurely speed of what felt like mach 7. A shriek emits from your throat as you take off. You think you can hear Nami yelling something again, but couldn’t make it out over your own screaming and the noise of the steam engine roaring to life.
Ace laughed loudly at your reaction, but did slow down slightly, “Sorry about that, I just wanted to get some distance before anyone else tried to stop us.” One of his arms let go of your leg and tugged at your arms around his neck, “But would you mind easing up a bit? I won’t be able to take us back if you choke me out.” 
“Oh oops, I’m sorry!” You immediately loosened your arms and readjusted them. Accidentally strangling Ace was not something you wanted to do today. Or any day really.
He simply shrugged it off, telling you not to worry about it. It’s not like you could really hurt him. “I’m gonna speed up again, you ready for it this time?”
The second you confirm that you are, the boat lurches forward, cutting through the waves like nothing. Now that you weren’t panicking, you could properly take in the experience and thoroughly enjoy it. 
The wind was whipping through your hair and sea water misted the air, droplets clinging to both yours and Ace’s hair. He hit a particularly big wave causing the boat to go airborne for a moment before crashing back down. You found yourself laughing and cheering as Ace continued to show off, which only egged him on more.
After a while, Ace slowed to a stop and let you down from his back. “C’mere, step up on this,” he stepped to the side and motioned for you to step up onto the front of his boat. His hands rested on your hips to keep you steady, presumably not wanting to get chewed out by Nami if you came back sopping wet. 
“This is one of the best parts of being at sea,” he was staring straight ahead. “Sunsets out here are something else, you don’t get a view like this on land.”
He was completely correct, it was beautiful. Orange, red, and pink hues colored the sky and reflected gorgeously in the ocean. It was a breathtaking view, one you would remember forever.
The two of you fell into a comfortable silence, quietly admiring the view with nothing but the natural sounds of the ocean around you. It was nice, very peaceful. 
“What do you think about staying here?”
You tense at Ace suddenly speaking. “Like staying out here a little longer?” As lovely as this was, the others were bound to get antsy if you stayed out after dark.
“No, I mean staying here in this world,” he stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms fully around you and resting his head on your shoulder to be able to see your face. “It’s nice here, right? Why not stick around? I know Luffy wants you to. Hell, I’m sure the rest of the crew does, too.”
You were taken aback by this statement, and weren’t really sure how to respond. Sure, it could be nice here when you all weren’t being hunted for sport by marines, but this wasn’t a place you could see yourself staying long term. That, and you had a life back home, you couldn’t just throw your friends and family to the wind like that.
Sucking in a breath, you searched for the nicest way to say all that. “It is nice here, but I have to go back.” You could feel his posture stiffen behind you, “Don’t get me wrong, you all have been super nice to me! It’s just that I’ve got all my friends and family back home and I miss them terribly.”
“Your family?” Ace said this so quietly that you weren’t even sure he was saying that to you. Abruptly, he straightened up, “I know! If you want a family so bad you can join the Whitebeard pirates!”
What? You joining the Whitebeard pirates? You already feel inadequate enough around the Strawhats, you can’t imagine how pathetic you would feel around those people. Of course, it would be awesome to get to meet them, but you want to keep to yourself as much as possible since you will eventually have to go back home.
While you were thinking, Ace kept going, “Pops would love you, I just know it. We haven’t gotten another sibling in a while, everyone would be psyched to meet you.” His once comforting hug was growing tighter by the second. Suffocating even.
“And you already have friends with my brother’s crew, so that’s all taken care of!”
“Ace, ple-”
“Of course, I’m your friend too, but after you join I’ll be your big brother!”
“ACE!” Your yell startled him, mercifully making him let go of you. You take the opportunity to inch forward and create some distance, however minute.  “That’s,” oh, how to put this without hurting his feelings, “that’s very kind of you to offer, but I’d rather stay with the Strawhats for now.”
“Oh…” You don’t even need to turn around to know how disappointed he was by this declaration. He chuckled awkwardly, “I’m sorry about that, looks like I got a little carried away there.”
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it,” frankly, you just wanted to go back to the ship after that. The atmosphere was uncomfortable now.
After a few more seconds of silence, Ace cleared his throat and spoke again, “We should probably head back now, it’s gonna be dark soon.”
You were quick to agree and clambered onto his back, “Yeah that’s a good idea, Nami would throw a fit if we stay out much longer.” She’ll probably be mad regardless, but still.
Ace got his boat going and began the trip back. The Going Merry was a lot further away than you’d realized, it was so small that you could just barely make it out in the distance. You internally cringe, your crewmates are no doubt unhappy about you being this far away.
Despite the distance, you couldn’t help but notice how slow Ace was going compared to earlier. It’s like he wanted to drag this out for as long as possible. You decided not to call him out on it, not deeming it worth it.
“I’m not giving up, you know.”
“I’ll drop it for now, but I’m not giving up on you joining Whitebeard’s crew. Just… think about it, okay?” Ace’s voice was quiet, just barely loud enough to hear over the engine. 
The rest of the ride back remained dead silent, giving you plenty of time to mull over what just happened. It felt so… Weird. Out of character, really. He’s known you for, what? 24 hours? If that. Yet he’s trying to talk you out of going home and seems dead set on replacing your family with his own. Granted, everyone’s been more clingy than you thought normal, but this was downright bizarre. 
You really need to find a way home, and fast.
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shares-a-vest · 1 year
WIP Word Search Game
rules: share snippets of your work containing each of the words the previous poster selected for you (optional addition: if you can't find the word in your WIPs, or you simply don't have any WIPs, you can just write a sentence around the word)
Tagged by @ghost--enthusiast thanks for the tag Jam 💖 Sorry I took forever to get to this, I got distracted by Steddie Week
My words: Debt, Linger, Throw, Flinch, and Camp
Debt: Didn't have this one in my drafts but have this little exchange between Steve and Wayne at Eddie's bedside post-s4
Steve stops in his tracks a mere two steps into Eddie's hospital room. He makes a startled yelp sound that is loud enough Wayne Munson turns around. The man stuffs his newspaper onto his chair as he stands and bounds for him just as Steve seriously considers making a run for it. "You're the Harrington boy?" Wayne asks, holding out his hand. "Uh, yeah," he replies shaking his hand perhaps a little too firmly due to his nervousness. And then Eddie's uncle is pulling him into a tight hug, crushing enough it sends shooting pain through the barely-healed gashes on his back. He hugs the man in return, looking over his shoulder to Eddie, surrounded by beeping machines and tubes. He balls Wayne's plaid shirt in his fists as he sniffles back a sob at the sight. "I'm forever in your debt, kid," Wayne chokes, "You saved my boy." "No, sir," he insists, shaking his head, "You don't owe me a thing."
Dustin asks - nay - begs him to let Hellfire meet up for a campaign at his house. The Wheelers won't let Eddie in their house, Lucas and Erica is basically grounded for life after skipping out on a police interrogation during the Vecna stuff, the Byers have barely moved back to Hawkins (aka Hopper said 'no') and Claudia is sick of, "all the fighting and shouting, Dusty". "Yeah, that makes it more convincing," Steve says to the last one and Dustin realises he in fact has two mothers.  He asks about the other Hellfire guys (who he barely knows) and Dustin said it's a combination of lingering Eddie doubts floating around town and the shouting and fighting complaints too.  Again, not filling Steve with much confidence.
They both peer over the top of the box in unison. The two tiny furballs are curled up together for warmth. They’ve been like this pretty much all week. And thank god, because Robin has been on tenterhooks, fearing that her mother will burst into her bedroom at any second. Or her brother who will immediately spill the beans. She’d had a close call yesterday when her mother did a lap of the house announcing her laundry schedule, walking into Robin’s room for her band uniform. Luckily Robin was sitting at the foot of the bed, an easy distance to throw a jacket over the box. But her mother made a face. These kittens really do meow a lot. Robin folds in on herself, bringing her knees to her chest even though she is already balancing on the edge of the bed. "I really can’t keep them here much longer," she panics, shaking her head.
"You okay, man?" "Just reaching an unbelievable level of annoyance and I’ve only been doing this a week," he lamely gestures to his badge as his hand on the plastic container becomes enveloped by Eddie’s. Steve thinks he lets out some kind of desperate whimper, a squeak even, but Eddie doesn’t flinch. Instead, he starts petting his hand. "Wanna come see the band next Tuesday night? I can guarantee an evening of headache-inducing loud music and mildly-stale refreshments." "Sounds splendid." Splendid, really? "In the meantime," Eddie winks as he pushes their hands down onto the container, "These are from Henderson’s Mom. She said you didn’t come over for dinner last week, or something."
Camp: Didn't have this one in any of my wips so I bent the rules and wrote a little ficlet.
No pressure tags: @sharpbutsoft @wynnyfryd @daysarestranger @princessstevemunson @thefreakandthehair plus anyone who wants to do this 💖
Your words are: Sparkle, Pink, Stars, Flower and Splendid
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b0ther · 3 years
her body fit right in my hands
lisa insists on fucking you even after you told her that kaeya was coming over. now that he's here, she wants to act shy, but you know her better than that.
pairing : lisa x reader (masc pronouns, amab), kaeya x lisa x reader (masc pronouns, amab)
rating : explicit, not safe for work (sexual content)
type : one-shot
tags : threesome (m/f/m), dirty talk, praise kink, breeding kink, verbal degradation, the usage of the words “whore”, “doll”, and “slut”, blow job, bimbofication, manhandling, exhibitionism, riding, cumming inside, choking, walking in on someone, reader and kaeya have big dicks, reader and kaeya objectifies lisa (and she loves it), lisa is mouthy
word count : 3,674
author's note : title from 'señorita' by camila cabello and shawn mendes. i wanna suck on lisa's cunt.
( masterlist │ ask/request│ ao3 )
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You tried warning Lisa that Kaeya would be stopping by your room that night—you were recently promoted as his right hand man and he wanted to share some congratulatory drinks in your chamber. You made it clear with Lisa that tonight was a night that cannot be disturbed.
But she was so good, so pretty in her tiny nightgown, just short below the curves of her ass, and it was enough to falter you.
“But I miss you,” her fuckable lips frowned.
And before you know it, Lisa had her fingers wrapped around your cock, her head rhythmically bobbing up and down as she took your full length down her throat. She had always known how to make you feel good.
“It won’t take long,” she eventually whispered, aligning the tip of your dick with her entrance as you sat on the edge of your bed. “I just need to feel you— ngh!”
Lisa was cut off by her own initiative of dropping down on your cock, knees shaking as if welcoming you inside her for the first time. You felt your lap greeting wetter as her sopping cunt took in your cock.
“You’re so fucking tight,” you gritted your teeth, pressing your hands on her hips, spreading her ass cheeks open. You leaned and kissed her lips, making your way down to her neck. “Let me see those beautiful tits, baby.”
Lisa moaned out your name in tiny gasps, slipping the straps off her shoulder, and you were greeted with the magnificent view of her massive jugs as her loose dress gathered on her waist, your cock throbbing inside of her as she bounced up and down.
“D’you feel good?” She asked, as she bit her lips and looked at you, her eyelashes fluttering prettily. You had no reason to say no.
“Fuck, you’re filling me up,” she wrapped her arms around your neck and pressed your face to her chest. You happily obliged, lapping on her hard nipples, taking them softly between your lips. Lisa moaned out your name, rolling her hips against you, her fat ass displayed out in the open, “I missed you so much.”
“You sucked me off this morning,” you chuckled against her tits, hands busy kneading her ass.
She pouted, “That’s not the same, you know it.”
How did you end up with such a good girl? You grinned at her as she fucked you.
“What? ‘Cause I don’t have my cock buried in your pussy?”
Dirty talk always makes her falter, she likes it when you put her own words into your mouth. Lisa whimpered, shamelessly nodding her head, “My pussy missed you.”
You glanced down at the way she was taking in the full length of your cock, her knees occasionally wobbling against the bed.
“So needy for my dick,” you murmured, turning your focus on her chest and you could feel the sudden change in urgency in her fucking. Lisa bounced herself in a much more erratic pace, tits going everywhere. Her walls clenched around your length, driving you to your own orgasm.
As your cream filled her, Lisa hugged your head into her chest, not letting go as she mewled, her hips rolling at the same rhythm of her own orgasm washing over her.
“Oh?” A sudden light engulfed your candle lit room, and you turned to see your captain by the doorway, his arm crossed on his chest as he assessed the situation that he had caught you in. “Seems like I’ve caught you in a terrible time.”
Still high on her orgasm, Lisa’s moans got even louder when she realized that someone was watching her ride your dick. She let go of your head, and instead buried her face on your neck.
You grinned at Kaeya, giving him a look only he could decipher, beckoning him to enter the room with your head.
“Oh my,” Kaeya continued to muse as he closed the door behind him. Lisa whimpered, and you gave her ass a good squeeze before manhandling her, turning her body around for Kaeya to view. “With Miss Lisa too.”
Her breath was heavy, tits shimmering with your salivation. She braved himself to look at him, swallowing her shyness before turning away again at how Kaeya was drinking in the shape of her jugs, the way her face was so openly tantalizing, as if challenging him.
“Look, Kaeya.”
You lifted Lisa off your cock by the plumps of her thighs, letting her sit on your lap as you spread her throbbing cunt open with two fingers, letting him a view of her glorious, glistening hole.
“You have to try her pussy, the tightest goddamn cunt you’ll ever fuck.”
Lisa whimpered against your neck when you easily offered him to take her cunt, softly calling out your name when you slipped a finger into her entrance, kneading her tit on the other hand.
She tried hiding her face again, but the arousal she was gathering from having Kaeya watch as you finger her was obvious.
“Fuck,” she gasped, tugging on the material of your shirt as you fucked her with your finger. You could feel her walls tightening around your thick digit, and decided to enter another one, eliciting a lewd moan from her, “more more more more.”
Kaeya chuckled, breaking free of his stares of awe at her cunt, and her attention immediately went to the growing bulge suffocating in his pants.
“She’s got a pretty mouth too,” he mused, hands already busy unbuckling his belt.
“Oh,” you laughed quietly when Kaeya finally let go of his dick, slapping against his shirt with a low thump. “Look at him, Lisa. He’s ready for you. Good thing I prepped you up beforehand, huh?”
You watch Lisa’s expression melt at the sight of Kaeya’s cock—fat, but also long, with a vein running up to its tips that was oozing with precum. Her eyes widened in nervousness, and you took the opportunity to curl your fingers in her. She arched her back, grinding down on your hand.
“It’s so big…” She murmured, you can feel her cunt squirming in excitement, closing her legs to feel more friction on her clit.
“Don’t be shy, Miss Librarian,” you propped her up against your body, sitting her down on your lap and pulling her thick thighs even further apart to let the cool breeze hit her wet core. “Your good cunt can take him in, right?”
With your encouragement, Lisa bit her lips and nodded obediently.
“Good girl,” you praised as Kaeya stepped forward. You turned to him a with a slight smirk etched on your lips, “Wanna fuck her mouth or pussy first? She’s amazing at both.”
He raised an eyebrow, “You seem proud of your little doll.”
“She’s something to be proud of,” you cooed, kissing her soft cheek. She whimpered underneath you, clinging on your shirt, breath heavy as if entering another high.
“What a good girl,” Kaeya agreed, grabbing her jaws to peer into her emerald eyes.
Inhibition filled Lisa’s chest and she looked away in diffidence, but he shoved her face to look at him. He studied her face, cock throbbing at the sight of her vulgar gaze; her mouth gaping as if inviting him to slam his thick rod down her throat.
But before Kaeya could do that, he turned to you. “What does she like?”
You hummed at your considerate captain, turning towards the restless woman, softly brushing her brown hair, laced with her sweat, back to her scalp. “Hmm, what do you like, sweetheart?”
Lisa stayed quiet for a moment, glancing up at you—so sweet, like asking for your permission—before looking at Kaeya, lips pursing in humiliation. She muttered something that none of you could quite catch.
“What was that?” You asked, and Kaeya scoffed at her reserved attitude.
“Fucking speak up,” Kaeya took one menacing step forward, and both you and Lisa shuddered at the sudden authority taking over his body. The way he loomed over you, but Lisa mostly, excited you.
She threw her gaze away, drowning in her own indignity. “Big… cocks….”
The answer drew a laugh from both you and your captain.
Archons. What a sweet little thing she was.
“Big cocks?” Kaeya patted her cheek in satisfaction, grinning meanly as he stared her down, “You’ll take any cock given to you, huh?”
Lisa nodded, a bit too enthusiastically, and looked up at you, eyes asking if she did a good job in answering his question. You could only give her a sloppy kiss, before turning your attention to Kaeya again, your chin nestling on her shoulder.
“She likes bouncing on my cock, I think being on top gives her some kind of gratification. Makes her think she’s in control.”
Kaeya’s lips turned into a small ‘o’ shape. “Hmm,” he tugged a strand of hair behind her ear. “What a shame, I like fucking into my cunts with them underneath me.”
“I’m sure she can make an exception,” you pressed your thumb against her neglected clit, your idle fingers suddenly moving in rhythm to the heavy breathing of her chest again. “Right, baby? You’ll let Captain Kaeya take you just like this, right?”
Lisa groaned, burying her face on your neck, mindlessly nodding, ”yesyesyes” as she rolled her hips to ride your fingers, trying to get back to the high that you initially abandoned. “What a good whore,” your quiet praise excited her, almost driving her to orgasm.
But before she could reach her climax, you easily slipped your fingers out of her cunt. She shot her eyes wide open, eyebrows furrowing. Complaints came flying out of her mouth, but you quickly shut her up with your large digits on her mouth.
Her eyes were wide, almost looking innocent as she took you in compliantly, sucking your fingers in like a devoted follower. Her empty hole was now grappling at nothing with juice continuously leaking out of it.
“So,” you turned to Kaeya, “you’ll take her cunt?”
Lisa wrapped both hands on your arm, hollowing her cheeks as she pumped your fingers in and out her mouth.
“Yeah, I’ll take her pretty cunt,” Kaeya paused to admire the way her plump lips were surrounding your calloused fingers, suckling on them dry as if her life depended on it.
He pressed his palm flat against her cunt before stroking his length, using her slick to get himself wet enough to penetrate her cunt. She groaned at the friction, but kept her focus on your fingers.
You watched him line the tip of his cock just outside her entrance, teasing her by slipping just a little in between her pussy lips. Lisa stopped her movement, breathing heavily against your fingers and angled herself so he could mount her better.
“Keep sucking on my fingers, doll,” you reminded her of the presence of your tongue by pressing down on her mouth. She whimpered quietly, but didn’t waste another second lapping on them.
You felt your dick growing, you were always so weak for obedient Lisa. But it really wasn’t your fault, not when she was looking this, so faithful in trying her best to please you.
Kaeya’s eyes lingered to her chest, and how you were handling her ample tit with one hand, constantly pinching and squeezing on her areola. Her swollen nipple protruded between your fingers, and Kaeya leaned down to take it between his teeth, messily slurping on them, swirling his tongue around her bud, pressing them flat only to suck it back in again. You grinned at how Lisa paused to take in the pleasure she was receiving from the captain, and held her tit up to give him easier access.
“Kaeya,” she drawled, pronunciation hazy due to the large digits in her mouth. One of her hands went to his head and took a fistful of his hair.
“Mhmm,” he responded, still busy enjoying her plumpness in his mouth.
You took your fingers out of her mouth and groped her other, untended jug. Lisa pouted, oh her sweet little pout, and forced him off her chest. She pulled him closer, their hot breaths mixed with each other as her eyebrows furrowed, cute face trying to look stern with her bottom lips sticking out.
“Don’t look at me like that,” Kaeya whispered, giving her cheek a long lick before lightly sucking on her bottom lip. “You make me wanna fuck you silly.”
Lisa sucked in a deep breath at the threat, but held her facade strong.
“That’s what she wants,” you chuckled and nibbled on her ear. “She’s acting all tough right now, but just wait ‘till she begs for you to pound her cunt, what a sweet little slut.”
“Yeah?” He chuckled, placing both hands on the bed, on either side of your body, to steady himself. His eyes were dark, vicious, as if hungry and was going to consume her whole. “Bet she’s the type of whore to cry if you don’t let her cum, huh?”
“The type of whore to cry no matter how you fuck her,” you pinched her nipples. “Right, Miss Lisa?”
Lisa huffed, but before she was able to come up with a reply, she got the words taken out of her throat as Kaeya slammed his fat cock in her pussy all at once, forcing her hole open to accommodate his size.
“You talk too much,” Kaeya groaned, pulling out from her before pounding into her back again, his pace intense and merciless. “Use that pretty mouth to beg.”
You grinned at the pleasure on Kaeya’s face—her pussy was taking him in so good, you could feel Lisa writhing under your touch as wordless gabbling slipped from her mouth.
“I— Kaeya, fuck fuck fuck my pussy,” she whined, voice loud and high. Her limp hands grabbed his shoulders, fingers digging in his shirt. “You’re so— nghh you’re so big!”
You moved your hand from her teats to her torso, holding her still in her place to let Kaeya use her cunt the way he wanted, and used your other hand to keep her wide open for him.
“You’re so tight,” Kaeya kept up with his pace, his large cock hitting every possible corner of her insides.
He grunted, sharply glancing at you as you gave him a coy smirk. “You get to fuck this tight pussy everyday?”
“What?” You raised an eyebrow, “You jealous, Cap?”
“Who wouldn’t be?” He looked down to where his cock was disappearing into her fat folds, scorning lightly at the way her nightgown was covering the sight. “Hold your dress up, doll, let me see how good you’re taking me in.”
Lisa, with her breath chopped by every thrust he was giving her, used one hand to lift the material, fist squeezing it when Kaeya drove into her harder when he could see the way she was hugging him so perfectly.
“Fuuuuck,” she arched her back, but you kept her in her place, restraining her movements by holding her down. “Fuuuuck, please please please please, Kaeya.”
Kaeya turned to drink in her begging, watching her face turn stupid with her eyes rolled to the back of her head, drool all over her chest from her loose tongue as she got high from his big cock.
“Hardeeeer,” she cried, still trying to grind up to him, as if you’d let her. “Harder—fuck fuuuck—fuck me harder, make me cream all over your cock—“
“You’re so fucking mouthy,” Kaeya placed a hand around her throat, blocking out the sounds she was attempting to make. She gripped his large arm, slobber dripping on his skin. Her cheeks were flushed red, sweaty, and so needy as she let out severed moans.
He loosened his grip, suddenly missing her dirty gabs, still keeping his hand on her throat. His eye peered deep into hers, wondering how pretty her face would be with his jizz drizzled on them—how his white cum would make her emerald eyes stand out.
“I’ll cum all over your face, how’d you like that, Lisa?”
Lisa whined again, but shook her head relentlessly.
“Nooo,” she took her bottom lip between her teeth, body breaking with every thump he was giving her. “Haaaah— n-no. Cum inside me— mhmm fuck, fill me up with your cum, in-instead.”
You hummed at her request and licked the sweat off her jaw. “You’ll get pregnant if you keep letting men who fuck you cum in your cunt, Lisa.”
“I don’t—“ she gasped. It was cute how determined she was in getting Kaeya to bury his seeds inside of her. “—I don’t care, mhmmm shit. I— I want to feel you— nghhhh.”
Kaeya grunted, “Can’t even fucking talk.”
“His cock made you dumb, Lisa?” You laughed, only receiving a weak nod in reply. You turned to Kaeya, “Think she wants you to breed her—“
Lisa gasped, the thought of being bred and used to you and Kaeya’s will exhilarated her—having thick cocks entering her in all places and at all times. She imagined letting you fuck her like a sex doll, your cock splitting her open as Kaeya’s fat one slam down her throat, his heavy balls slapping against her face
Her cunt tightened around Kaeya’s length as she let go of her dress, and she let out a prolonged moan, naughty gasps slipping out of her lips. You let loose of your grip and Lisa arched her back as she felt herself get off her orgasm.
“You came?” Kaeya watched her sap on his cock, creaming it as she subsequently weakened against your chest.
“Kaeyaaa,” she whimpered, fresh orgasm apparent on her face as she encouraged him to use her pussy.
“Fucking whore,” you chuckled darkly against her ears. “That’s what you’re into? You like the thought of bearing a kid, not knowing who the father is?”
“Mhmmm,” Lisa laid as she watched Kaeya increase his vigor, plummeting deep into her, the tip of her cock reaching her cervix.
“She just loves being a cum dump,” Kaeya grunted; feeling her tight walls brushing against his length as he approached his own high. He leaned down and sniffed on her neck, her smell driving him to the edge as he took in her skin in his mouth.
You watched as Lisa’s face melted as Kaeya continued abusing her used cunt, feeling yourself get excited, the throbbing feeling on your hard cock only getting more intense, slapping against the skin of her fat thighs.
“I’ll cum deep inside you, yeah, Lisa?” He bit her neck, causing a large moan, “fuck a kid into you, see how heavy these tits will get.”
He slapped one of her melons and she nodded, already building up on another orgasm.
“Fuck,” she rolled her hips, “fill me up with your seed, Kaeya. I need you I need you, fuck me fuck me.”
How could a girl be this naughty? Lisa’s hot voice entered your ears; after being fucked twice, all she could ask for was another fuck. You watched as her breath heaved again, she really was your perfect slut.
Not having to be told again, Kaeya ended his high with a harsh thwack, his own warm semen squirting inside of her needy cunt, decorating the wall of her womb with white.
Kaeya used her neck to muffle his feral growl, keeping his dick buried inside of her for a few moments before finally slipping his limping dick out.
As soon as he did that, you yanked her off your body and turned to lightly throw her on your bed.
“What a good girl,” you watched as her cunt twitched at the nothingness it surrounded, Kaeya’s thick, white cum oozing from her hole. She looked up at the both of you with half lidded eyes, mouth babbling on about how good Kaeya had fucked her, how she felt so full with his seeds planted in her.
You stood up next to Kaeya, dick standing in midair admiring the expression she was making; drunk on orgasm and on the two best cocks she had ever felt.
“How was it?” You glanced at your captain, his cock glistening with a mixture of both of their juices. He placed his knee on your bed, approaching Lisa.
“She was the best fuck I’ve ever had,” Kaeya chuckled, his softening dick growing hard again when he decided to grab her thigh and spread her legs on the bed. She lazily rubbed her clit with her fingers, drawing circles on them, pussy lips twitching as more of his semen trickled out.
She stared at you, her bottom lips between her teeth.
“Look at the way she’s seducing us,” you spit on your palm to take your meat in your hand, beating it. “You can’t get enough of all these cocks?”
“Aren’t you tired?” Kaeya teased, before looking at you. “You think she can handle two cocks at once?”
Hearing his question, Lisa moaned and quickened the pace of her finger pressing her own clit. Her tits were bouncing, she grind down as you got in the bed.
“She liked that,” you smirked, crawling next to her head to offer her your throbbing dick, slapping it softly against her cheek. “She’s a whore, I’m telling you. She’ll take anything you give her.”
Lisa opened her mouth, and you softly pushed yourself inside.
“Right, Lisa? You’d like to take us both at the same time, right?”
She nodded obediently, staring up at you with fluttering eyelashes, taking you in her mouth.
“Fuck,” Kaeya was already positioning himself between her legs. “That’s hot.”
“You’re going in again?” You watched Kaeya run his hand along his own length, at the same time rubbing himself all over her.
“Look at her,” he shrugged, already propping the tip dick in her cunt, “Can’t say no to a pussy like that.”
You turned to Lisa and recognized her giddy gaze, chuckling softly as you rid the strands of hair sticking on her face. “You’re in for a long night, baby.”
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bat-winged-brothers · 2 years
It Only Takes A Taste
I dusted my hands against my jeans and stretched my fingers to relieve the dull, building ache. The bucket I’d been holding hadn’t seemed too heavy when I’d started washing the windows but, after forty minutes of refilling and moving it around the homestead, the handle felt like it was biting through my skin and made the joints in my fingers burn. Standing up to my full height I leant backwards in a stretch that shouldn’t have nearly sent me toppling sideways. Note to self, work on your posture when you’re doing the other side of the house! “It only gets worse from here.” I whipped my head around to the right and saw Anne approaching with a glass of water and could happily have hugged the woman. It wasn’t a hot day but the humidity was a little uncomfortable and made it feel like I was working harder than I was. Reaching out my hand I shot a grateful smile at Anne before gulping down the drink. “Careful,” she warned, “it’s cold.” The warning came too late as my brow furrowed and my temples burned in complaint. Anne just grinned and shook her head at me, “you kids are always in such a rush.” I returned her smile, handing her back the glass before rubbing my hands over my face in a moment of self-pity.
“I don’t know how you do it,” Anne said with her hands on her hips, “there’s not a streak in sight.” I grinned and swatted at a fly that was buzzing around my face, “white vinegar” I laughed, toeing the bucket with my boot. “Ahh,” she nodded, standing back and further admiring my handy work. “I should have the rest of the place finished in a little over an hour,” I offered, “was there anything you wanted me to do after that?” Anne paused for a moment and puckered her lip in thought, “not yet, but I’m sure I can find something for you. Lord knows you won’t want to take the afternoon off.” I tipped my head back in silent laughter, rolling my eyes for good measure. “What can I say, Anne, it’s my social time!” She grinned at me and shook her head again, “you’re much too young to be counting your work hours as your social life. Trust me, save that for when you’re my age.” I swatted at another fly and rolled my eyes fondly at her, “it’s not my fault that the company in town just can’t compare to that on your farm.” Anne scoffed, pulling a leather glove from the pocket of her jeans to throw at me, “save the sweet talking for someone that needs it.” I laughed and leant back down to grab the cleaning rag from my bucket, getting ready to move on to a new window.
Anne opened her mouth to speak when three short horn blasts could be heard from halfway down her long driveway. “Ahh, shoot! I forgot I asked Andy over to help with the colt today,” she grumbled. I nodded my head, swiping strands of my fringe away from my sticky forehead, “is he giving you trouble?” Anne looked at me, puzzled, “the colt I mean.” She tipped her head to the side in thought and tried to find the right words to say. “Not trouble, per se, he’s just… Spirited would be a good word. But that ain’t so good if you wanna be hitting the trails. He just… He needs to learn who’s boss, and that’s why Andy’s here.” I nodded in understanding, twisting the rag in my hands. I’d never really been a horse person, I kind of missed that phase most of the girls in my class went through early in elementary school. I’d been more focused on wanting a dog that I could cuddle and sneak into my bedroom. A horse seemed a lot harder work to fit through the door of our tiny house. “I’d best let you get back to these windows,” Anne said, hands returning to her hips, “and I’ll go help Andy for a minute. You give me a shout if you need anything?” I nodded and shot her a grateful smile before she turned and headed for the front of the house.
Almost two hours later and I was finally done with the windows. The front of the house, where the driveway ran in front of Anne’s bedroom, was caked in thick mud that had stubbornly refused to budge, no matter how much elbow grease I gave it. When I finally got the worst of it off, I made a note to ask Anne if I could stay on top of it more regularly; just to try and make life easier for myself from then on! Picking up my bucket, I carted it around to the drive and set off towards her garden shed to start cleaning up. I was lost in my thoughts as I made my way along the dirt track and almost meandered off into the overgrown grass until I heard a loud whinny and the sound of hooves crashing down on soft earth, over and over again. Freezing in place, my eyes darted around me, trying to find the oncoming threat, finally landing on a training ring in the paddock beside me. When the ice left my veins, I could see Anne leaning against the fence as someone stood, inside the ring, arms spread as the horse continued to rear up. Fascinated, I hurried to drop off my supplies before I skedaddled over to join Anne and the stranger in the paddock.
I wasn’t sure what the protocol was with approaching horses. I know that with snakes you try to make sound so that they know you’re coming and can slink away, but horses… Would it freak out if I just appeared out of nowhere? Would it get agitated if I distracted it from, whatever it is that’s going on in the ring? I settled for a happy medium, approaching quietly but without controlling my footfalls so anyone even slightly listening could be sure of my approach. “Hiya sweetie,” Anne murmured, never taking her eyes from the horse in front of her. “Hey,” I whispered back, settling into a lean against the wooden railings and watching, enraptured, as a boy about my age corralled the horse into submission. Arms in front of him, palm outstretched, he coaxed the animal down to complete calmness before sidling up and caressing its nose gently. It nudged at his cheek and he grinned softly, continuing to rub his hands along the muzzle before scratching it behind its ears. I’d never seen anyone so natural with such a temperamental creature before, I mean, sure, there were the wildlife patrol who would come and remove the really venomous snakes from your house, but this was different. This was like… Like they respected each other, rather than a master and his underling. Clearly the boy was in control, but you could feel the wild still roiling beneath the horse’s skin; it was choosing to behave, it didn’t have to.
“Have you ever seen a horse get broken before?” Anne asked, finally turning to look at me. I’m sure I looked ridiculous, all wide eyed and parted lips as I took in the scene before me. I shook my head as I kept watching. I heard her chuckle as she laid a palm on my shoulder. “He’s going to teach it who’s boss,” she whispered, “he won’t hurt it but… that colt’s got fire in it’s blood and it’s too dangerous to ride at the moment. It needs a stern hand to get through to it.” I whipped around to look at her, “whaddya mean, ‘a stern hand?’ He’s a kid!” Anne grinned and shook her head, “aww sweetie, he’ll be fine. He’s grown up around horses. His daddy’s had him doing this since he was six! He can read ‘em like a book.” With that the boy stepped back and started edging the horse to the right before abruptly switching arms and ushering it back the other way. The colt reared again and knocked the boy’s hat from his head. He left it in the sand at his feet, keeping eye contact as he brought the horse to calmness again and soothed it with more pets.
“I think that’ll do for one day, Anne,” the boy called, still fussing with the horse’s ears. It nudged him in the chin and he grinned as he looked it over. “I think you’re right. Don’t wanna go undoing any of your hard work, now,” she called back, uncapping a water bottle and taking a swig. The boy nodded, patting the horse on the flank before stepping back to retrieve his fallen hat. He dusted it off and sat it back on his head as he made his way over to us at the fence, climbing through the railings and then lounging against the pine poles. “Y/N this is Andy, my horse whisperer,” Anne offered. The boy, Andy, swatted at a fly around his face before outstretching his hand, “Dodge,” he offered, “you can call me Dodge.” I felt warmth tingle high up my cheeks and I tried to will it away before he could notice it. “That was,” I stumbled over my words for a moment, “amazing.” He dropped my hand and shook his head, “no,” he looked back towards the horse that was now trotting laps of the ring, “but he’s working on it.” Anne looked between the two of us as I twisted the toe of my boot in the dirt, “I’m gonna go fetch us some lemonade. Andy, will you join us for lunch?” I opened my mouth to agree but Andy, Dodge, whatever his name was, shook his head again, checking his watch with a sigh, “not this time, Anne, I start in an hour.” She nodded, chewing her lip for a moment before brightening up, “more for us then, kiddo,” she laughed, patting me on the waist before signalling us to follow her back towards the house.
As we reached the front of the property again, Anne pulled out a wad of bank notes from her back pocket and began thumbing through them. “You know, it’s a pity you’re not staying. I made your favourite blueberry cobbler for dessert,” she grinned at Dodge. His brow quirked a little, his jaw ticking as he swallowed thickly and I could almost see a hint of regret dance across his eyes before he schooled himself into neutrality again. “Maybe next time,” he offered, accepting the cash Anne offered him and pocketing it without counting it. Watching the two of them together, I was struck, once again, with how grateful I was that Anne took me under her wing. She was such a kind woman and, in a dead end town, it was nice to have someone championing our causes. “I’ll see you on Wednesday, Mister, wear your seatbelt and say hi to your sister,” Anne called, patting the top of the white car as Dodge sunk behind the driver’s seat. He placed his fingers by his temple in a mock salute, rolling his eyes with the trace of a sarcastic smile on his lips before he tugged on the seatbelt and clicked it in place. “Good boy,” she grinned, “have a good shift,” and with that the car spun out of the driveway, spattering tiny pebbles and a cloud of dust over my clean windows. I groaned as I waved the dust away and Anne just chuckled, placing an arm around my shoulders, “I’ll make sure he makes it up to you.” Warmth filled my cheeks again as my stomach twisted in giddy knots. What the hell did that mean?
Lunch, as it turns out, was amazing. Anne really seemed to have gone all out to show her appreciation to Dodge and I for helping out and I was capitalising on his absence with second helpings of both the roast vegetable lunch and the delicious cobbler dessert. If he knew what he was missing out on, no wonder he’d been reluctant to leave. I leaned back in my chair, rubbing my belly and moaning in pain as Anne laughed at me while she collected my plate. “You kids and your appetites,” she grinned, shaking her head as I whined pitifully and rested my head on the table. “A couple of summers ago, Andy and his sister were both staying out here for a few days, helping out with a new filly, and they ate me out of house and home ever night. Without a word of a lie, I had to buy more produce every day because those two had devoured every fresh fruit and vegetable I put before them.” I picked my head up and turned to watch her rinsing the plates in the kitchen. “You know them well?” I called, earning a muffled ‘hmmmm?’ in response. “Dodge and his sister?” I continued, hauling myself up from the chair and following Anne into the kitchen. I hopped up on the kitchen counter, earning a raised eyebrow for my efforts before she went back to rinsing plates. “I used to know the whole family, they would compete up and down the Mid-West region on the rodeo circuit. Took out near every competition I ever saw them at. And those kids, my God,” she shook her head and wiped her hands on her jeans, “those kids had the goods. Two tiny little things they were, but they could outride folks twice their age.” I rested my chin in my hand as I listened to her talk, smiling at her obvious fondness for the family. “Andy’s sister, Dayna, blimey,” Anne looked towards the ceiling and sighed, “it just wasn’t right,” she concluded. I tilted my head, puzzled, but Anne shook her head, indicating that the conversation was over.
Sighing, I jumped down from my place on the counter and went to grab a tea towel to start drying up. “Honey, can you grab me a Tupperware out of that cupboard,” Anne asked, nodding towards a cabinet door near my face. “Sure thing,” I mumbled as I searched around for a container. When I found one I handed it to Anne who placed a large helping of the cobbler inside and snapped the lid on firmly. “I need you to run into town for me and pick up a few supplies and, while you’re there,” she grinned, “would you mind dropping this off to Andy? His mama works so hard and I don’t know when the last time they had a treat was.” I smile my agreement and grab the notepad on the sideboard to make a quick list before picking up the dessert and telling Anne I’d see her soon. My tummy twists and loops again and I try to tell myself to stop being ridiculous as I drive the few miles into town.
I make visiting Dodge my final stop, collecting potted flowers and bags of fertiliser, vegetable seedlings of so many varieties I’ve never heard of half of them, and visiting the hardware store to replace the garden hose that finally split after too much time in the sun. I pop by the pharmacy and the bakers, collecting fresh sourdough loaves, and finally find someone at the diy store to help me pick out a replacement lock for the homestead’s back door. As I cross the last item off my list, I look to my right and see the container of cobbler still sitting on the passenger seat. Bright blue eyes flash before my vision, observing the horse with such kindness and compassion, but could just as easily see right through your soul… A shiver runs up my spine and I shake myself off. “Stop being stupid,” I tell myself as I throw the truck in reverse and make the short drive to Dot’s Diner.
The little bell over the door announces my arrival and the patrons sitting at their tables mechanically swivel their heads to see who has just walked in. I nod my head in greeting as I pass friends of my parents or relatives of the people I went to school with over the last 13 years. In a small town everyone knows everyone, no matter how much you’d like to be able to slip into a store unnoticed. I make my way over to the counter and take a seat only for a menu to land in front of me a moment later. “Can I get you anything?” He’s leaning on his forearms, the counter slightly digging in and forming lines, and all I can do is blink owlishly at him for a few moments, unprepared for a conversation of any kind. “Hey, I know you. You work out on Anne’s farm.” Dodge spares me from having to initiate the small talk, a favour that I will be forever grateful for. “She’s good people, that’s for sure,” he mumbles, more to himself, as he pushes off the counter to grab a tea towel and dry a couple of glasses. “She, uh, she sent this over for you,” I offer, grabbing the container from the counter beside me and sliding it towards him. Dodge pops open the corner of the lid and a grin spreads over his lips, his eyes lighting up like a kid on Christmas as he looks over the slice of cobbler. Schooling his face back into the practiced neutrality, he clips the lid back on and hides it under the counter, “thanks for dropping it off. I’ll tell Anne thanks when I see her next and drop her back the Tupperware.” I nod to myself and chew on my lip, not quite wanting to go but also not really having a reason to stay.
“Is anything good?” I ask, nodding to the menu when Dodge quirks his brow a little. “Well, it’s pretty hard for me to fuck up a Coke,” he counters. “Sounds good,” I grin, “with ice, please.” He turns around and makes my drink before setting it in front of me. “Thank you,” I meet his eyes before lowering my gaze to my drink and sucking on the straw. “You’ve got manners,” he observes. “It’s a dying art,” I scoff and I see his shoulders twitch, like he almost broke composure. Suddenly, it’s my mission to make him break. A smile, a laugh, I don’t care. I just need to get through. “This is Texas, sweetheart,” he drawls, “Southern hospitality demands they never go out of style.” I drop the straw from my lips and raise my eyes to meet his, “well, bless your heart.” Another round of giggles hits me and I see his shoulders shake a little more.
“You want another one?” Dodge nods to my Coke that is now just ice and dregs. I shrug and settle more comfortably into my seat. I’m amazed at how comfortable this is, just bantering with the boy as he wipes down the counter and whispering comments about customers as he walks by to serve them. When old Mrs Wesley complained, again, about her coffee not being hot enough, I muttered that it’s the problem with ice queens. Dodge bit his lip and pulled his mouth into a hard line but the corners of his eyes crinkled as I watched him tip the coffee before placing the cup in the microwave. I caught his eye and he shook his head, leaning against the wall until the timer beeped and the cup was scolding hot. Filling up the coffee pot to take to her table, I hear Dodge mumble under his breath, “it’s not worth it,” before he serves the bitter old woman. She sighs in delight and he finally makes his way back behind the counter, shoulders buckling slightly when he’s a safe distance away. “Ya know, something about you just screams ‘customer service’ to me, have you ever thought about it?” Dodge just rolls his eyes and picks up his tea towel again. I resume chewing on my straw and sneaking glances at the tall boy ambling about the diner as patrons slowly left.
“Are you sure you’re gonna sleep after that much Coke?” I look up from my phone and see Dodge leaning on his hip against the counter, brow raised and watching me like some kind of fascinating experiment. “I’m not gonna sleep anyway,” I shoot back, “might as well accept it and medicate for it.” He nods, seemingly understanding, before pulling out a large bag of sugar from under the counter and collecting empty sugar jars from above the service window. “There’s a story in that,” he claims. I nod my head absentmindedly, “yeah, maybe. But it’s not for today.” Placing the bag of sugar back on the bench, Dodge lowers himself to my eye level, resting on his forearms again. “What is your story, Y/N? It’s a small town. Why don’t we know each other?” I shrug and fidget my foot on the stool. “You’re the new guy. You’ve been very good at making sure you don’t know anyone.” I raise my brow in challenge and he nods his head along, seemingly ready to bite. “Maybe there wasn’t much for them to know?” I scoff, “or, maybe you like the air of mystery.” The air was getting thicker, my stomach was doing backflips at being so close to him, at playing this game of cat and mouse, but I couldn’t stop. “You think I’m mysterious?” That smirk would be the death of me. “I think you wish you were,” I grinned and he feigned a hurt expression. “Well, there goes my whole persona, thanks Y/N.” I twirled my straw between my fingers magnanimously, bowing my head and accepting the accolade.
Dodge’s jaw twitched as he eyed me from the other side of the counter. Kicking off from his place he walked over towards the door, lifting chairs onto the tabletops as he went. “Closing time, m’gonna have to ask you to finish your drink.” I glanced down at my glass of half melted ice cubes and stabbed at them half-heartedly with my now mangled straw. “Yeah, right. Sorry! I should let you finish up and head home. I’m so sorry for…,” Dodge crossed the length of the diner in a few strides. I suppose those long legs came in handy when he actually utilised them. His hand twitched as he moved to reach towards me but then dropped his arm, his jaw clenching and unclenching. I climbed up off of the stool and smoothed out my clothes after sitting for so long. My eyes flicked up to meet crystal blue and I smiled softly at him as I stepped a little closer. We both fidgeted a little awkwardly before he moved to stand behind me and stretched an arm out towards the exit. “Now I know how the horse feels,” I grinned and he rolled his eyes, an exhausted smile tugging at his lips. He pulled the door open a few inches, stopping just shy of the bell, and rested his forehead on his arm, looking through the gap at me. I slipped out and we stood about a foot apart, either side of the threshold, waiting for the other to say goodnight.
My phone buzzed and I looked down at it, suddenly remembering that I was supposed to have returned the supplies to Anne this evening, before I was distracted by a tall, dark, mystery. “I’d better be going, let you close up and enjoy your pie in peace.” Dodge nodded, the weight of it swaying the door slightly as he moved, “I almost forgot about that.” I feigned shock, exaggerating a gasp and clutching at my heart as I took a step away from him. “You can’t! Not after all the effort I took to bring it to you!” Dodge tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at me accusingly, “oh yeah, it was torture for you.” I swatted at his chest and grinned as he glanced to the sky. “What am I gonna do with you,” he asked the moon. “I don’t know,” I smiled, “but I look forwards to finding out.” Shaking his head, Dodge lowered his gaze to my face and sighed, “til Wednesday?” I bit my lip, slowly beginning to back away without losing eye contact, “we’ll see.” And with that I finally turned around and headed back to my truck, hearing the hard click of a commercial lock and the tinkling of a doorbell disappear into the night behind me.
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shadlad24 · 2 years
EF#10: Missing
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“And then the arrows came flying down…”
“Wait. You stopped Melosa from killing Krykus right after you killed Solano?” Gabrielle asked as she sat writing in the waning evening light. “Why?”
Xena sighed, not looking up from sharpening her sword. “What’s with you lately? You’re usually not this slow. …Hand signals.” She snorted.
Gabrielle blushed. “Oh!” she said after a moment. “Because Krykus was unarmed while Solano wasn’t?”
“That’s certainly part of it.” Xena pressed harder upon receiving only silence, “But what did I find you doing when I came back to the Amazon village? …Come on, Gabrielle. What did I promise you last week?” Then she saw the glassiness in her friend’s eyes, along with red rims peeking out of the blonde’s new top. “Gabrielle!”
“What? I’m sorry!” the girl’s voice rose in fright as her friend bounded over the fire between them.
Xena hissed upon grabbing her sidekick’s face. “You’re burning up! Why didn’t you tell me you were unwell?”
Gabrielle smiled hazily. “‘Cuz I’m not! I- What are you doing?” she squeaked when Xena yanked her into an embrace.
“Cover yourself,” was all she got by way of reply before the ties of her corset got sliced with the breast dagger, her whole top ripped from her.
The girl yelped and immediately hugged herself, flinching when Xena laid a hand on her shoulder and then pushed her away to see her better.
“You’ve got spots!”
Unfocused green-blue eyes drifted between the warrior princess’s hands. “Heeey! Those are mine! And that was from Terreis!”
Xena didn’t respond, instead going to get Gabrielle’s usual blouse, along with blankets, and then quickly bundling the bard in them. Too, she pressed a waterskin into Gabrielle’s hand with a terse order to drink.
“No, no! Let go! I wanna stay with Xena!” the girl whined as she squirmed to get out of Xena’s grasp.
“It’s alright. I’m taking you to her,” the woman soothed after a second’s hesitation, soon leaping onto Argo’s back carrying Gabrielle since she didn’t trust the girl to be able to stand on her own.
“…What about my staff?”
“I’ll come back for it later,” she mumbled. Mentally running through her friend’s symptoms and their recent history, the word typhus pounded in her head with each hoofbeat. Her mind’s eye showed her Lyceus at death’s door from the same condition in their childhood. Her brother’s face hovered over her friend’s, and she was struck again by how much they looked alike. “Faster!” she urged Argo. “Don’t you dare make me lose you,” slipped from her lips as her arms tightened around the girl.
“You won’t lose me, Xena,” Gabrielle answered dreamily once more. “No matter what, I’ll always find you.”
Xena’s chin trembled so much that she had to grit her jaw. Growling, she said, “That’s another thing. Don’t you dare try to follow me either! You’re staying with the Amazons until you are completely healthy! End of discussion!”
“But that’s not fair! I don’t wanna get left behind. You always-”
“Gabrielle, if you take one step out of Amazonia while I’m gone, then I will leave you there for good. Do you understand me?”
The girl huffed her overly warm breath, itching Xena’s cleavage.
“I’ll do it, Gabrielle! I will!” Burning heart cracking when the tiny blonde whimpered and snuggled closer to her, she whispered, “Don’t make me do that either. …Please.”
Gabrielle’s tears evaporated with the coagulation of Xena’s. Smiling sleepily though her small hand clung to her friend’s breastplate with all her negligible might, she murmured, “You’d miss me.”
A hard swallow’s pause later, the warrior princess conceded, “I’d miss you.”
Gabrielle’s complaints and questions ringing in her ears the next morning, Xena shook her head as if the bedridden girl was still looking up at her with accusing eyes. “I can’t tell you. You’d never understand.” Her dark thoughts dispersed when children’s laughter reached her ears.
Especially his laughter.
From her hiding place high up in a tree, she gazed upon another version of Lyceus in miniature form. She had not seen the child since he was a newborn; the opportunity to rectify that situation having presented itself to her, she was using it to full advantage.
“Solan, look out!” another boy called. “Pass to me!”
For the rest of the day, the warrior princess watched her son play in the centaur village adjacent to Tyldus’s.
And when the sun went down and the mixed group of youths started heading home, Xena copied them. It was time to visit Cyrene.
Damn. 750 words. And I could’ve written a whole real oneshot or more from this episode too. Ah well. I will only write this story from now on, I think. And on that note, I think I will retire from the FFLMs too. No one cares, right? Yey. *on a happy cloud thanks to my beloved Ren who always showers such kindness on me* Ahem.
Ooh, also! Don’t blame me for Gabrielle being weird with intermingling random nonsense and lucidity. That’s just how it goes when she gets sick. See “One Against an Army” and “The Abyss” for proof. haha 😝
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chibiwritesstuff · 4 years
Could you do a headcanon for how the dorm leaders and their S/O would react if their kid(s) from the future magically appeared on campus?
I might have gone overboard with this... but at the same time, I feel like I rushed this. I’m so occupied by work that I have to slowly work on this from midnight to six am before heading to bed then go to work around 10 am for two weeks now... I hope it turned out the way you like it. Yes, the ones with unique magic is inspired with FGO’s Noble Phantasms... I’m still stuck in that hellhole of a gacha game. I think you can tell who my faves are by the length I’ve written for them XD
Now, let’s enter this twisted wonderland~
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“Queen’s Rose Maze!” All five of the Heartslabyul main guys heard. “Traverse in the twisting maze of the Queen of Roses!”
All of them rushed towards the location of the voice only to see a tiny Riddle with (h/c) hair instead.
“What did I do?!” Heartslabyul A-kun whimpered as he seemed to be stuck in a rose maze.
“As stated by the Queen of Hearts’ Rule #186: Never eat hamburg steak on Tuesdays. You just broke a rule and you must be punished.” The kid scolded. “To think this is what my esteemed father deals with everyday…”
“By father, I assume that would be me?”
Surprisingly, Riddle seems to take this information in stride. The kid will turn around and his suspicions were confirmed.
The kid will run and hug him asking if he’s doing a good job. He introduces himself and everything Riddle asked, (s/n) answered perfectly.
Well, until you showed up that is.
“Mother!” He’ll call out in joy as he bounced towards you.
And there goes Riddle’s composure.
Oh great seven, you two have children?! Is his first thought followed by, We will get married, have children, and be together forever!
While initial surprise caught you off guard, you slowly accepted the fact that you and Riddle are now interacting with your future child.
When he can finally go back to his time his final words made both of you blush.
“Farewell, mother and father!” He’ll wave happily as he disappears. “I have to watch over the twins you two just have after all!”
Wanna try betting who’s redder? (It’s Riddle)
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Someone – more like two – that is not him or you is on his bed.
Who dares occupy my bed?!
The little girl stirred from her sleep and upon making eye contact with you two she’ll screech in joy.
“(s/n)! Wake up! Mom and Dad are here!”
Both of you flinched both from the high pitch voice and the statement she just made.
The young boy will wake up as well and greets you two in a much calmer way.
They’ll tell you that someone’s unique magic transported a bunch of kids to the past and now they’re here.
Slowly but surely, you both can tell that (d/n) is a daddy’s girl and (s/n) is a mommy’s boy.
You all decided to take a siesta together, with the children in between.
When you both stirred in your sleep, the kids are gone. There’s a note stuck on Leona’s chest saying that they have to return to their time and they enjoy the siesta as always.
“Can’t wait to have you two soon.” Leona will mutter as he pulled you to him before going back to sleep.
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A girl is crying in the lounge and it's disturbing the customers causing a bunch of complaints, forcing the twins to abandon current tasks to find the girl.
As soon as the girl spotted the twins, she grabs on them. “Uncle Jade, where’s daddy?”
Oh, Jade and Floyd are gonna have a field day with this. They kept questioning the poor girl about everything about her time to the point of scaring her.
“Aw, what a cute girl.” You’ll end up cooing.
“Mommy!” Tears are forming in her eyes as she hugs your legs tightly. “Mommy, I’m scared.”
“(y/n), I wasn’t aware you have a child…” You hear Azul trail off at the news.
He’s crestfallen on the fact that you have a child already. He will start doubting himself, thinking, of course, your relationship wouldn’t last, he’s not good enough, that he didn’t realize the kid is running towards him.
“Daddy! Uncle Jade and Uncle Floyd are scaring me again!”
“D-Daddy?!” He’s so taken aback he fell on his bum.
Jade and Floyd are laughing at his reaction while you just stared back and forth towards the child and Azul.
Ironically this is the time one of Azul’s customers decided to eat and run. Just as he asked the twins to deal with it the kid waved her magical pen.
“Everlasting Summer Spree!” And the guy is now over buying almost everything in the lounge. “Splurge in the joys of summer and shop to the fullest!”
Azul is so proud and started babying her with the very money she earned from one customer alone.
When it's time for her to leave he’s crying… which made her cry as well.
Looks like I’m going to be stuck with crybabies… is the only thing you thought of as you smile.
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“Papa!” Echoed in the middle of the party that Kalim assembled.
When a young boy tackled him, Jamil was ready to grab the said kid until he noticed their features, and boy did he paled up upon the sudden realization.
“Oya, do I remind you of your papa?” Kalim smiled and hugged the kid. “That’s flattering, kiddo!”
“Uh, Kalim you might want to take a real good look on that kid,” Jamil said as he readied to call you on his phone.
When you arrived at the Scarabia dorm, you see Kalim pampering a young boy that has your eyes and complexion. A table full of food, toys, and jewelry scattered around to make the kid happy.
“Mama!” The boy called out to you while your brain is trying to process everything.
“Isn't (s/n) so cute! He’s really smart too!” Your lover kept on praising the kid as he played with Jamil, who looks like he wants to disappear.
Your mom mode instincts kicked in and scolded the two for overdoing things.
They kept saying sorry as Jamil finally got out of the predicament.
When the kid can finally return to their original timeline, he’ll give one last hug to the entire Scarabia dorm’s students before leaving.
“I’m so excited!” Kalim will tell you with a blinding smile. “Arent you excited as well?”
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Vil was looking for Rook when he saw the said man playing with a little blonde girl. The archer noticed his presence so he beckoned the girl to come with him.
“Roi de Poison looks like your beauty runs in the family.”
The little girl did a curtsy as she greeted him. “Greetings, father. I’m (d/n), your daughter from the future.”
He’s amused, seeing as the girl acts gracefully by greeting alone. After doing his usual 5-second head to toe judgment, he nods and beckons her to follow to Pomefiore for a spa day.
No surprise but as they walk the premises of the campus, lots of stares and gossip started spreading.
Before either Vil or Rook can do anything, she once again spoke. “Father, may I ask for permission to use my unique magic?”
This piqued his interest, “Very well, show me what you got.”
“Smile of the Princess~” With an elegant smile flashed to everyone, “Hark, for the fairest’s daughter has graced you her smile~”
You just happened to walk by when you saw the commotion. Color yourself surprised when you saw a girl with Vil’s beauty and grace but with your eyes and preference of hairstyle cast her magic.
You might not have magic but you are quite good at noticing the quirks of everyone’s unique magic. A smile crept on your lips as you realized what her magic really does and who she might be.
They all got enamored with her and waited for her command. “Do get lost and focus on your duties, you pitiful potatoes.”
“As you wish, princess.” Everybody affected by her magic responded and went on their merry way.
“Oh my, so your magic is similar to Monsieur Multi.” Rook happily commented after the display.
“That’s incorrect.” (y/n) responded, already figuring out the true nature of her magic. “Smile of the Princess merely makes her target pay their fullest attention to her. It's her charisma that made them follow her orders.”
“So you noticed as well,” Vil confirmed which you happily nodded.
“Greetings, mother.” She curtsied and introduced herself once more. “We’re currently heading to father’s dormitory to treat our skin. Would you like to join us?”
Ah, so your hunch was right…
“She is going whether she likes it or not,” Vil answered for you as he smirked at your flushed face. “We do need a family bonding after all, don’t we, my dear sweet potato?”
“Yeah… what he said.” You sweatdropped as you unwillingly got dragged to their spa day. “Are we seriously ignoring the fact that she just said we’re her parents?”
“Are you opposed to having children with me?” He raised an eyebrow before facing your kid. “How many siblings do you have?”
“My older brother remains in my timeline with his acting job, father.”
You all end up doing the said spa day and enjoyed getting to know your daughter. You can't help but sigh in relief when she told you that she choose following Vil’s lifestyle of her own will rather than being forced to.
When she has to leave, rather than curtsying, she went and hug both of you instead.
“I know father’s at work and barely spend time with you but please don’t leave him…” She looks away with a sad smile. “He doesn’t mean to make you lonely.”
Against Vil’s protests, you grabbed his hand and raised it with a huge smile. “I promise I won’t let him go until he tells me to.”
Cue to Vil blushing, Rook laughing, and (d/n) smiling as she waves goodbye.
“You better keep that promise, you stupid sweet potato…” Vil mutters under his breath with a small smile.
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The one rare time he leaves his room is when he visits you or he’s out to get his pre-orders. Today’s reason is visiting you.
He hears giggling from his brother and what sounds to be another child. He’s so curious if Ortho made a new friend that he didn’t even process the fact that there’s another person in your dorm.
“Big brother! Your son is here!” Ortho happily announced as he pointed at the giggling boy on your lap.
“AAAHHHH!!!!” Idia.exe has crashed. Please restart your system to continue.
“Ahaha, dad is still so jumpy as always.” (s/n) stood up and walked towards him. “Hi, dad! I’m (s/n), your son from the future.”
He’s the main suspect from all these time-traveling shenanigans. Creating a time machine wanting to meet you two which led to all the children wanting to go as well.
He explains the mechanics of the time machine along with its timer-based setting to return them to their timeline with no fail.
Idia is now just so invested in how this creation works that he sat down on the couch with his holographic computer typing notes and giving his ideas to the kid.
You’re just happy that Idia is finally interacting with someone else even if it's his son.
Truth be told when he randomly showed up in your dorm, (s/n) geeked out so much on how he unlocked the secret episode on his life story. He immediately bombarding you with questions about your current relationship with Idia.
It was overwhelming… thank god for Ortho’s random visits that you managed to calm the kid down.
In the end you four played video games – constantly yelling hacks when someone else wins – and had a great time.
When the timer started beeping, he gave you three a hug. “I love you guys! Please don’t forget the parent-teacher meeting tomorrow, Dad.”
“I believe that something you should say to future us…” You sweatdropped as Idia held back a nervous laugh.
“I-I’ll try.”
Le gasp from all three of you.
When (s/n) disappeared, Ortho starts chattering on how he can’t wait to be an uncle. Leaving so he can make lots of detailed plans for the future hangouts he’ll have with your son.
“(y/n),” He caught your attention as his face and hair slowly turns to fiery red. “I may be the biggest introvert in the world but I promise I’ll do anything that I can to make you happy.”
“Huh, I guess this is how Hades wooed Persephone to marry him…” You smirked as he covered his face to muffle his screaming. “Should we start planning for our wedding now?”
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You two were having a peaceful picnic by the school grounds when a young boy appeared on top of the tree. He lost his balance though and leave it to Malleus’ fast reflexes to catch the boy with no sweat.
“Thank you, father.” The boy with a striking resemblance of your lover spoke as he regained his footing. “This isn’t how I planned to meet you two…”
“Father?” You two both asked.
“Okay, I’m aware that you are god knows how old but I wasn’t aware you have a child?” You can't help but look back and forth between the two boys.
“Neither do I.” He calmly answers, confusion evident on his face. “I haven’t bed anyone in my whole life.”
“My apologies! I’m (s/n) Draconia, your fifth son from the future.”
Cue to you doing a spit-take. “Fifth?!”
Malleus is just beaming in joy from this news, he does love a big family. Oh, he can't wait for the future to come, get married to you and have children… five children!
“There’s eight of us, actually…” He whispered but you both heard it anyways.
Spit-take part two with a bonus of your face being redder than any tomato in existence and Malleus just vibrating in happiness. “EIGHT?!”
He goes on and telling their names and current accomplishments, all to how the youngest sister is about to be born in a few months.
“So, I guess that actually makes it nine.” (s/n) corrects himself one last time.
You passed out while mumbling “Nine… nine kids…”
As much as Malleus wants to keep talking, he chose to care for you first, chuckling at how you passed out from said information.
He brings you and his kid to his room to make sure you have a better mattress to lay on. The two Draconia’s will keep talking about how the future of the family works.
Oh, imagine the horror on his face when tend to always be at doors death every delivery time. Now he knows that it's quite common for humans to die when giving birth.  He second-guesses the idea of having so many children if your life is at stake.
(s/n) have to remind him that they all live, so everything's fine.
After that reassurance, you stirred awake and saw the kid once more. He now wants to snuggle with you on the bed, which Malleus followed suit.
“Mother, please sing me that lullaby again.” He yawns as the older fae encases you two in a hug. “We all love your song…”
You can’t help but smile seeing how adorable your son is being that you hummed the first lullaby your mother has sung to you in your younger days.
You two noticed he’s fading, assuming that he is going back to his timeline once again.
You both placed a kiss on his forehead, saying “We love you, (s/n).”
Malleus chuckles and pulls you close as he peppers your head with kisses. He’s so excited for the future that he’ll share with you and you can't help but feel the same way.
“So… who’s going back to clean up the mess we left at the school grounds?”
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ktheist · 3 years
04 — show me yours & i’ll show you mine | m
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➙ muses. seokjin x college student / gamer!reader ft. best friend! taehyung
➙ genre. best friend’s brother au. university au. working au. fwb au.
➙ word. 2.9k
➙ warnings. angst
➙ index. 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | finale | side story 1 |
➙ warnings. explicit content. smut. 
➙ synopsis. 
“you wanna say goodbye?”
“yes, i would love to say goodbye.”
one second, you’re exiled from taehyung’s room and the next, you’re under lockdown in the same exact room you were forbidden to enter. 
the boy who always made a fuss about cleaning up - cleans up his mess without a single complaint. you thought he’d come knocking on the (his) door and ask for your help but after an hour of twiddling your thumbs and swaying your feet in the air, kim taehyung finally walks in with beads of sweat on his forehead and that ugly stain of a vomit on  his shirt.
he pulls it over his head and tosses it into the laundry before pulling a fresh mickey mouse printed shirt and slips into bed. the temptation to text jeongguk or hoseok or jimin to pick you up has never been stronger but you bite the inside of your cheek, lay out the futon and turn off the lights.
“good night, tae.” you say into the darkness, not expecting for an answer.
“why did you do it?” the darkness whispers back.
“it just happened,” you know better than to offer half-baked excuses for something you completely intended and would even pursue if you didn’t get caught in the middle.
when silence lapses into the room, you thought the matter done and buried six feet under you and taehyung’s conscience. 
not the first time you’ve been wrong.
“why seokjin? why not me?” his lips brush yours, tasting like heartbreak and missing the part where he’s supposed to be drunk and out of his mind for even daring to get so close to you.
to let his hair brush against your forehead. to let his hand snake down your thigh with feather light touches until he’s an inch away from grabbing your ass. if he dared try, your kick wouldn’t be aimed at the air to which he moves it away and places that hand next to your head, boxing you under him completely.
“ew, what the fuck?” and despite the trapped-between-a-rock-and-a-hard-place situation, you manage to lean as far away as you can. or so you’d like to think, but you can still feel his breath fanning your neck.
you wish you have an owl’s ability to twist its neck all the way to the back.
“you’re my best friend, taehyung! get off!” you feel like a child hitting her father with her tiny little fist. taehyung doesn’t even flinch when it hits his chest.
but he pulls away anyway, standing on his knees over you within a lull in time before he falls back on his butt in the space between your parted calves. the wrist of his hand that’s propped against the floor brushes against the side of your foot.
“do you get it now? we grew up together,” his voice echoes into the dark, “my brothers are your brothers- that- what you did- that was messed up, ___.”
“so? was creeping up on me like that necessary?” you retort,  pushing yourself up and hearing the thud pillow you vehemently hurled at the silhouette of the man hunched over a couple feet away from you, “you perv!”
“how much do you like seokjin?” he asks, trapping the pillow in his lap, under his elbow, but before you can even say anything, he shoots you another string of question, “do you even like him?”
“stop making it sound like i’m the bad guy,” you huff, “as if your brother’s such a saint. he wanted it just as much.”
“i don’t care who wants it more, fuck’s sake,” he says roughly, “all your past relationships have only been sexual.”
holding up one hand, you find your shadow cloaked fingers much more nails, “your point being?”
“don’t you stop to think about how much things’ll change? how awkward it’ll be at family dinners once you finally got tired of each other? how awkward it’ll be for me?” 
“oh, because everything’s about you, isn’t it?” you roll your eyes yet your stomach churns.
only silence hangs over the darkness as your teeth sink into the soft flesh of your bottom lip. taehyung pushes himself out and marches out of the room whilst you stay rooted in your spot, curled into a ball with your legs against your chest.
when morning comes, you’re awaken to the sound of taehyung padding around with a towel wrapped around his waist, water dripping off his hair and trickling down his chest, “there’s no one if the bathroom, if you wanna wash up.”
it’s the only exchange you have in the morning and throughout the drive to your uni until taehyung parks the car in the spot somewhere near your faculty.
“i thought about it,” you finally say, breaking the silence. the way he turns to you in your periphery makes you want to shrink into the seat and crawl away like an ant but you shrug instead, “what you said last night - i thought about it... you’re right, you guys are the closest family i have here. and i don’t wanna ruin that just cause i can’t keep it in my pants.”
the soft hum of the music fills the space between you, making the unspoken truth a bit more bearable than a pin-drop silence. taehyung’s hair sways for the briefest moment as he arches his brows in contemplation before unsmiling lips curl into that signature box smile, “really?”
“yes, really,” you roll your eyes, “one dick wasn’t worth losing my best friend over.”
“i’d hug you but i’m still having withdrawals from what i saw last night,” tahyung’s face scrunches in disgust.
“oh so that’s what it takes to get your sleazy hands off me. by the way seokjin-” trickles of laughter escapes your mouth as you hop out of his car, managing to avoid his swatting hand just in time, “bye! thanks for the ride!”
the mindless banters between you and taehyung never cease, if anything, it goes from playing rock-paper-scissors to decide where to eat to googling up and showing each other pictures of poisonous shrooms in case you get lost in the woods for more than 36 hours.
you used to have lunch together every other day, but taehyung comes to you for a continuous three day, hitting four days streak in between classes this week. each time bearing that boyish grin that could fool just about anyone when it comes to picked-up pieces of a broken heart.
“she texted me,” he shrugs, twirling his chopsticks in the bowl of cold noodles and letting the silence hang stale without any hint of providing more information until you nudge it out of him.
“i didn’t text back.” he says it as if it’s the easiest thing to do.
“it’s so easy for you boys, huh?” you don’t know where in the deities greenland he got the narrowing of your eyes and the scrunching of your nose as-
“seokjin didn’t text you?” the titled smile of his tempts you to smack it off his face right that instance.
“how- wha- that literally has nothing to do with your bitch ass ex-girlfriend who were talking about though?” kim taehyung doesn’t offer any response, only the sway of his shoulders as he laughs before digging into the sweet, savory noodles in front of him.
it’s only after you’ve returned to your faculty, fast-walking towards your lecture, that you find out the subject matter himself sitting hunched over on one of the benches laid out along the roofless pathway that leads to your faculty. the jaws of the girls and gays that happen to be standing a few feet away, drops at the way seokjin looks up, eyes squinting at the sudden intrusion of the sunlight before his lips curl into a smile.
“hey,” there’s that smile you miss so bad.
it turns out seokjin’s little shit of a brother and your ass of a best friend snuck into his room, flashed a light over his face, bypassed his phone’s lock and deleted your number, blocked you on snapchat and unfollowed you on instagram.
“and here i thought you were done with me,” your jaw would have hung loose if you don’t have the tip of your venti mocha swirl keeping your lips together as you stare at the pavement, walking aimlessly with seokjin down the path of rose beds.
“i took the day off, decided to try my luck, and hope you’d see me at waiting for you awkwardly - everyone probably thinks ‘who the hell is this old ass guy hanging around-’“ his words get cut off by your gasp as you feel your face hurting from the way your lips are almost reaching your ears.
“you did?” shoulders sagging, you press a hand to your chest where you heart flutters with a sort of warmth, “for me?” before holding your arms out in an invitation for a hug and retracting them not even a second later, “no wait- i promised tae i wouldn’t do this.”
somewhere along the lines, you find yourself at the sky rose garden because the pathway you found him at, all of a sudden, becomes a runway for the girls and gays. they pass you in a guise of walking by whilst their eyes linger on his broad chest and pants that hug his thighs and the protrusion of his natural size that wasn’t going to get smaller than that.
“what he doesn’t know won’t kill him- or us,” there it is again, the melodic hymn of a chuckle as he opens his arms for you, the action ever so natural, as if he’s done this a couple of million times.
and just like that, you fall into his embrace, cheek mushing against his chest as you inhale the familiar scent of mint seaside and the faintest scent of woody earth. you find it unfair that his heart beats steadily whilst yours thrash in your chest. maybe that’s the cause of your cheeks heating up.
“i can do it, you know?” his voice vibrates against your ears in a honeyed tingles, “i can use my ‘big bro influence’ and get him off our backs.”
you lift your head, breath stuttering at the sight of star glinted eyes gazing down at you with the gentles smiles, “should you?” but you shake your head a second later, “no, he’d hate me forever - he’ll know i put you up to this because you’re too nice. you’d ne-”
a finger under your chin and a tilt of your head and you’re lost in an ocean of galaxy, “i brought up the idea, if anyone’s gonna get in hot water, it’s gonna be me.”
“that’s not what taehyung’s gonna think,” the recollection of your conversation with the aforementioned man floods your mind and almost as if an invisible current wraps around your body, you find yourself  taking a step back in surrender.
“and he’s right, seokjin,” the way his eyes flash with a sort of emotion - one that you can’t pinpoint, let alone interpret the meaning of - doesn’t go unnoticed by you yet you go on, “this has to stop. once the passion simmers down and we get bored of each other, what do you think is gonna happen?”
but the words that hits the air is like frostbites to your warm, beating heart, “you already have it in your mind that we’re gonna break up.”
it takes you a second to clear your throat, another to gather your thoughts, “relationships like ours always end with a break up.”
galaxies are littered with illuminating stars but you’re a fool to have turned a blind eye to its dark side. and seokjin’s stars have dimmed, leaving only a trail of shadow in those clouded eyes.
but the half-hearted smile that curls on his lips appears like a ray of sunlight on a cloudy day, “do you wanna at least goodbye?”
your eyes follow his that trail down to the noticeable bulge in his pants.
“yes,” you beam, “i would love to say goodbye.”
the cars and the scenic view of the highway pass by in a blur, not that you’re in a position to stare out the window like a heartbroken woman whose fiancee set out for way.
“slow down,” there’s a desperate plea in his voice, “i don’t want to cum too early.”
the stern, warning look he shoots you is makes you giggle. what with his flushed face and twitching self in your hand.
how adorable.
“but you taste so good, jinnie,” your tongue sweeps past your lips, licking the pre-cum off his oozing tip.
“keep teasing me like that if you want me to pull up and fuck you on the side of the road,” the threat on his tongue sends tingles down your spine.
eyes glinting, you can basically hear the blatant disregard in his voice when he first asked if you’d climb up in his lap while he was hitting the back of your throat after you’d quickly scurried into his car for the last goodbye.
so you take it slow, licking him down his length as his hand settle on your head, caressing your hair.
the door closes behind you as seokjin pushes you against it, his hand on your cheek as he crashes his lips against yours and your hand reaching under his boxers. it looked almost painful as he zipped up his pants before getting out of the car and walking the distance between the parking spot and the apartment.
you distinctly remember the sight of a blanket on the couch and an opened laptop on the coffee table, the red of the cans of energy drinks laying around on the ground and surface of said coffee table - they only ever try to clean up when they know you’re coming for your weekly stay over.
but who are you to judge when your clothes soon join the cans on the floor, forming trails down the hallway.
by the time your body lightly bounces on top of seokjin’s bed, you feel the cold air brush against your skin whilst he stands over you like a beast drinking in the sight of the prey he’ll devour. but you don’t mind if that allows you to admire the beautiful landscape of tight abs and powerful physique.
a sort of dread washes over you at the thought of such length coming close to the apex of your legs. taking him in your mouth was doable but only because you’ve had enough practice to know how to adapt to certain lengths by steadying your breath. but you’ve had enough experience to know you wouldn’t just be able to get use to his size right off the bat.
and he’s the biggest you’ve ever met.
your hand runs over the ridges of his muscles biceps before they twine together over the nape of his neck. it must have been the way you look at him, the yearning that pours through gaze and beckons him like a siren’s song. 
the spot of the bed a few inches from your head dips as he props himself on his forearms, lips marking your skin as his.
“seokjin- ah!” you should already used to the bold caress of his tongue around your nipple.
your control is devastated, your thighs are quivering and seokjin’s touches have enthralled you in a fierce flare of yearning. 
“ah,” you breathe out, gaze unfocusing as pleasure and discomfort flood from your core while he deliberately stretches you out.
his hand returns to the side of your face as he stays inside you, lets you feel him, take him for what he is whilst he kisses your cheekbone, your jawline and burry his face in your neck. 
your breath stutters as you feel him slide out of you, heart beat stammering for the briefest moment when his tip kisses your entrance before he pushes himself in deeper than before.
but you know you haven’t taken all of him in.
not yet.
“you’re stretching me out so good,” you say barely above whisper.
“not even half is in, baby,” is all he says before you feel the muscles in his back flexing as he shifts most of his weight onto his hands, thrusting deeper into you.
“fuck,” you moan, the discomfort fading away as pleasure surge through your body in waves as your arms wrap around seokjin’s neck, face buried in his shoulder until you don’t know where he starts and where he ends.
lost in wicked delight, your fuzzed mind barely registers the sound of your phone despite its blares a few inches above your head where you remember tossing to before slipping out of your jeans and succumbing to the reckless savage lust that neither you nor seokjin should speak about to a single soul.
“pick it up,” the man’s husked voice drums in your ear clearer only because of the cease of ripples of pleasures as he stills.
“wha-” you don’t say much, groping around for your phone before shooting him a pleading look of ‘can’t this wait till after you give me the greatest orgasm of my lifetime?’
“it’s taehyung,” the name that spills out of your mouth strikes guilt into your beating heart.
“hm? you’re tightening up. is it because of my little brother?” the surge of possession in his voice tempers with your sanity, it drips like sweet honey rose and mars your skin with its thorns, “answer the call.”
note. ooof ig yall know what next chapter’s gonna be. maybe.
taglist. @aretha170 @scalubera @ambersaesthetics​ @heyjiminnie​ @hyuck-me​ @fanfuckingfic​
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amane-by-together · 4 years
Pocky || Amane Yugi
genre: fluff
summary: [name] and amane doing the pocky challenge
warning: like a hot chocolate, it's sweet but heated ;)
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“[name]...” Amane entered his bestfriend's apartment and showed her the plastic bag that he was holding. “I went to the nearest store and bought you some food.”
“Oooh~!” [name] looked behind the couch, she looked at the plastic bag with curiosity. “What did you buy?”
“Two boxes of chocolate pocky and two cans of Sprite.”
[name] smiled blithely at him, then Amane sat next to her and placed the plastic bag at the table in front of them. The female grabbed the remote and turned on the television. Amane grabbed the box of pocky from the plastic bag, opening it and took a snack. “Amane-kun, can I have some?”
“Ah sure, here you go [name]-chan.” Amane pulled out a pocky stick from the box and gave it to [name] earning a grin from the female.
[name] and Amane have a pretty platonic type of friendship. They met when they entered Middle School during the entrance ceremony. It was a clumsy encounter because they hit their heads first thing in the morning.
So the two of them have to endure the whole day with a red bruise on their foreheads. They started by apologizing and they ended up grinning and blushing at each other.
Because of that incident, Amane sort of developed feelings towards [name] as they got closer. It started as a infinitesimal crush to an astronomical one, to the point that he will internally scream and blush whenever their hands will accidentally brush against each other.
Amane fixed his gaze towards [name], who was grinning from ear to ear while watching the show from the television as she takes a bite from the pocky stick. He felt the tips of his ears when [name] caught him staring. “Is there something on my face?” she asked.
Amane shakes his head no while smiling. He wanted to say “No, it's just that you're pretty and I can't help but to stare at you.” The thing is that he's too shy to tell her yet sometimes he playfully flirts with [name] using cheesy pickup lines.
Since [name] is the type to fall for someone easily, she eventually falls for his charms and has no idea what to do whenever she's around him without blushing and stuttering.
“Ne, [name].”
“Wanna play the pocky challenge?” Amane shakes the box of chocolate pocky in front of [name]. “It depends if you're up to it of course, it's fine if you don't want to.”
“Well...” [name] puts her pointer finger under her chin to think about it. The Pocky challenge is well known and it involves two people on each end of the stick and bites it till it reaches the middle. [name] was confused about the goal of the challenge because basically, the Pocky challenge can lead to a kiss—“Sure, let's try, Amane-kun.”
The two of them faced each other cross-legged on the large couch. Amane grabbed the snack from the box and waved it in front of [name]. “Of course, there will be consequences~” he smirked.
“The first one to pull away will treat the winner whatever they want~”
“What kind?” [name] questioned. “Food related?”
“Sure.” Amane tilted his head and smiled at [name] teasingly. “I better get a box of donuts when I win~”
“Deal.” [name] narrowed her eyes at Amane. “I'll win this thing you'll see—”
“I'd like to see you try, sweet cheeks~”
[name] blushed as she pulled back away from Amane. “What's with the nickname—?”
“Felt like it~” Amane raised the pocky stick near his lips. “Come on we gotta start now—”
“Why are you having the chocolate part?” [name] pointed out her brows creasing at the sight of Amane in verge of biting the stick.
“Do we really have to fight about this—?” Amane deadpanned at [name]'s complaint. He brushed his hair between his fingers and sighed. “Okay, I'll let you have the chocolate part, only because I want my donuts when you lose.”
“So you pretty much choose the donuts than me—?”
“No no, I don't mean it like that! I rather choose you than the donuts—” Amane covered his mouth when he spat out those words to [name]. Both of their faces turned red like two strawberries looking at each other. “I mean, ugh, can we just get this over with?”
[name] fanned her face while adjusting the neckline of her shirt. “Sure, l-let's get this over with.” she grumbled under her breath.
Amane bites the end of the pocky stick and motioned [name] to take a bite. [name] hesitated at the moment but she didn't want her pocket money to go "sayonara" because of the donuts if she loses.
[name] took a deep breath, then she tucks a strand of hair behind her ear, and after that she finally took a bite of the snack.
The two of them started to nibble on the snack between them. Amane was looking at [name] while biting closer towards her as if to taunt her to pull away from the stick. [name] notices that Amane, in a closer look, he looks so breathtaking, and she can see how detailed his amber irises are.
It reminded her of the crescent moon.
'Calm yourself, you're just a best friend.' [name] tells herself causing her to snap out from her trance. She bites the snack into tiny pieces while closing her eyes, afraid on what's going to come. 'Just don't pull away no matter what!'
Amane grinned a bit at the sight of his crush closing her eyes. He notices that the two of them are only a few bites away to the middle. Then an idea came inside his mind that would probably make [name] pull away.
Amane wrapped an arm around [name]'s waist as they were almost reaching for the middle of the pocky stick, tugging her closer while tilting his head slightly. He smirked, he's sure that can fluster [name] to make her reel away and win the game.
[name] slightly opened her eyes and saw that Amane is holding her in an intimate way. Their lips are just a few inches apart for them to totally kiss. She slightly squirmed when she felt Amane's hand carressing her waist, still nibbling on the stick and his gaze fixed on hers.
The dark haired boy flashed her a quick grin whilst the pocky still remains between his teeth. [name] blushed, she wanted to pull away but she wanted to win the game. So, she'll just close her eyes instead no matter what happens just to save her pocket money from Amane's evil scheme.
'Aww she's closing her eyes' Amane thinks while holding her chin between his thumb and index finger as he started to lean in, biting the remaining pocky.
He stopped when he almost grazed his lips against [name]'s. Amane tugged her closer by the waist causing [name] to place her palms on to his chest.
Amane was confused since he knows that in this position [name] would pull away, but she didn't. Deep inside, Amane wanted to kiss [name], and the game he suggested is kind of an excuse to smooch with her.
There are two choices in this situation, it's either one of them will pull away or the two of them will kiss whether they will still be friends after that.
Amane finally made his decision. 'Ya know what, screw it.' he thought to himself before delicately places his lips against hers.
[name] felt her cheeks grew warm and the sound of her heart beat roaring through her chest. The person whom she fully liked since the beginning of middle school is kissing her right in the spot. Her knees grew weak on how she felt his soft lips moving with hers in sync, it was clear that they were yearning for this moment.
Amane wraps his arms around [name]'s waist while kissing her passionately. He slightly flicks his tongue against her lips, tasting the chocolate from the pocky, and then he slips his hands under her shirt caressing her skin underneath. [name] wrapped her arms around his neck deepening the kiss.
The two of them broke the kiss for air but their lips are slightly apart from each other.“Sorry, it was hard to resist...” Amane apologized.
“That was my first...” [name] mentions.
Amane smiled mellifluously. “Same.”
He leaned his forehead against hers. “I love you.” Amane confessed while tucking a strand of hair behind [name]'s ear. “I really do, ever since we were in middle school...”
“I love you too, Amane-kun.” [name] smiled while ruffling his hair.
“I've been meaning to tell this but, will you go out with me [name]?” Amane grabbed her hands while nervously waiting for an answer.
“Of course, I'll go out with you.” [name] smiled blithely as her eyes were sparkled with mirth. To her surprise, Amane tackled her into a hug letting out a little laugh from the latter.
“Yayy!” Amane cheered then after that he nuzzled his face against [name]'s neck as he planted light kisses causing her to giggle since she's ticklish.
“Wait—Amane that tickles—” she grinned when Amane pursues by peppering kiss to her neck and then he stopped, resting his head on the crook of her neck while smiling contently.
“It's just that...I'm glad that you're finally mine...” he mentions while wrapping an arm around her. “I love you, [name]...”
“I love you too, Amane...” [name] runs her fingers through his choppy hair then planting a kiss on his forehead.
Few moments after that the two of them are now bundled up in a blanket while eating pocky, their eyes glued on to the television, watching a horror movie. [name] was about to eat another pocky until she felt Amane's hands trail underneath her shirt. “Amane?” she chuckled while glancing over to him.
“You're very warm [name]~” Amane tells her. “Just focus on the movie, don't mind my hands...”
“Okay then...” [name] gently pats his head and grabbed another pocky stick from the box. Then her face heated up when his hands slightly trails upwards. “A-Amane—?!”
“What?” Amane lifted his head and looked at [name] innocently. “Something wrong, [name]-chan?” he asked while he subtly trailed his hand towards her thigh making her squeak.
“N-nothing, haha~” [name] shrugged it off, swatting the pocky on her hand. Amane smiled as he leaned in to peck her lips.
[name] stood there in shock, completely distracted by the kiss. Amane snickered as he grabbed the pocky stick from her hand and plopped it between his lips. “Hehe~”
“That was so low—” [name] muttered while blushing.
“Here I'll let you have a bite.” Amane leaned in once again with the pocky still between his lips.
“Let's just watch.” [name] slightly evades from him, pointing at the television but not breaking eye contact with Amane. Amane sweatdropped in response, then he smiled while petting her head.
“But I get to do this okay?” Amane slips his hands underneath [name]'s shirt. She opened her mouth to protest but sighed with a smile. Amane gave her a close-eyed grin while blushing.
And for the rest of the day, the two of them ate pocky while watching the movie that was played in front of them.
a/n: here's another oneshot *cough* two days till the next chappy of tbhk manga *coughs* like and reblog this post if you love this oneshot~
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korissideblog · 3 years
ohhh i hate posting angst so often but aughheshsj i just wanted to put this out before i started on the requests in my inbox <3
[themes of parental abandonment, if that's something you don't vibe with, you can meet us at the next post <3 ]
Doors slammed often in the Takao house, especially since a certain little boy finally got tall enough to use a doorknob. “Mama!” he chirped, the coat Guadelupe put over the handle doing very little to muffle the noise of the door slamming against the wall. “Mama mama mama!”
“Mijo…” Lupe mumbled, sitting up and holding her sheets close for warmth. “What did I say about being careful with the doors?” she asked rhetorically, smiling with exhaustion as the child scaled the side of her bed, his tiny fingers gripping the blankets for dear life as she clawed her way up.
“Sorry mama! I just wanted to know where daddy’s going!” he asked eagerly, quickly crawling across the bed.
“What? Daddy’s right-” Lupe turned to touch her partner’s side when… she found an absence. The sheets were still warm, so he likely wasn’t far. “Oh...um, Daddy’s probably just getting some more medicine for your arm.” she said, sure that he just wanted to beat the morning traffic. He probably didn’t wanna bother Lupe with it, seeing as she would probably struggle with going back to bed if he woke her… yeah. He would do that. He was considerate like that. Lupe was still lost in her thoughts till her daughter climbed into her lap, snuggling under Lupe as if shielding himself from rain.
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“I… I’m sorry I made Minnie g-go away” the boy whispered, holding his bandaged arm as if the incident was in any way his fault. “You love Minnie”
“Oh, no no baby” Lupe cooed, wrapping her arms around the child and hugging him impossibly closer “you didn’t make Minnie go away, and I don’t want you to think that. Minnie is just a bit too rough to be playing with you.” she explained, wishing that she had put her foot down about giving Minnie up back when she was pregnant, or at least before her baby had any time to bond with the doberman pinscher. “But none of this is your fault. Minnie is very very happy with her new family. She has so much space to run and play- and I hear the Nakamuras are planning on getting a little puppy, so Minnie will have a new friend to play with!” Lupe said, desperately trying to wipe the pouty little frown off Aito’s precious little face. “And no matter how much I love Minnie, I will always love my little Aito more.”
Aito’s frown finally broke as she buried herself further into her mama’s arms. “I love you too mama.” he giggled in the way that could melt a heart of stone, and never fails to remind Lupe why she wanted a child so badly. To hell with the rest of the world, as long as she had her baby, she’d be happy.
“Now… you know the rules.” Lupe said, roughing up Aito’s curls as he groaned his complaints. “Oh it is much too early for little monsters to be running around like this, go on back to your room and I’ll wake you up when daddy gets home, ok?” she offered, Aito immediately perking up at the mention of her father, and quickly jumping off the bed.
As Aito touched the doorknob, she paused, looking back at her mother before climbing back onto the bed and giving her a kiss on the cheek, again scrambling off the bed and slamming the door behind him. Lupe shook her head fondly as she heard the slapping footsteps of her little demon running down the hall and back to his room.
Well… Lupe was already awake… might as well try.
Lupe reached for her phone on the nightstand, and selected her husband’s contact.
Unbeknownst to Lupe, Aito didn’t go back into her bedroom, instead opening and closing the door to give the illusion of it. She quietly stalked out of the hallway and into the living room, crawling up to the nook in the wall.
Lupe let the phone ring once… twice… three times… four…
Aito’s knees were thankful for a soft place to rest as Aito stared out the window, hands and face flush against the glass, as if she were trying to hold her own refection.
[“Hey, it’s Takao-”]
“Babe! Wh-
[“Sorry I couldn’t come to the phone right now.”]
Aito continued waiting silently, her wagging tail being the only part of her to move as she awaited her father’s big black car to peak over the hill’s crest, with a little bag of medicine for her arm and a little piece of chocolate for her smile.
[“Leave a message and I’ll try to get back to you”]
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[the script for this was originally a comic script, so there may be some things that don't get through without a visual. so, Minnie is the name of the dog that bit Aito (from this post), and this takes place a day or two after the bite. idk if Aito's clocked this yet, but his father leaving was actually caused by the discovery of Aito inheriting his quirk. i don't think she's connected the dots just yet bc it took so long for her to figure out that he had a quirk (other than his mama's), that plus the fact that Aito doesn't even remember this event would make me think that Aito hasn't figured it all out just yet]
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lunarliza · 4 years
JJ Maybank Must Die | Chapter 2: Ping Pong Balls
fuckboy!JJ x Reader
series masterlist | chapter one
JJ Maybank is the island’s most infamous fuckboy- not that you ever cared. But when a group of tourist girls come to your surf shop crying to you about him, you agree to help them plot revenge. Sabotage is all fun and games, until you find that the playboy you were sworn to ruin happens to be falling head over heels for you.
Yes, this is based on John Tucker Must Die lol
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Problem not solved.
You and Sophia eagerly sipped on your smoothies, waiting for the trio to show up to their five-o’clock session the Monday following the party. Alas, they piled through the front door with deflated shoulders. 
“Well?” Sophia perked, eyes gleaming, “How’d it go? Did you make him cry?! Please don’t spare any details!” Her palms clasped together in front of her like a kid who just came up with an evil-genius plan.
“Tell them what happened,” Annalise ordered Arabella, clocking the fiery-haired girl’s shoulder. 
Arabella sighed dejectedly. “Well... not exactly. So I went to the party, hoe clothes on and everything like we planned. Saw him, used my signature look and look away move, and it worked! He came over and we started talking and-”  
“She fucked him,” Maia finished bluntly, prompting a betrayed gasp from Sophia and face-palm from you. 
“Mhm,” Annalise added, “He whisked her away before me or Maia could get the chance to interfere.” 
“I couldn’t help it!” Arabella cried, covering her face in mortification, “He was just so... smooth and sweet. And those eyes! We started talking about sea turtles! You guys know they are my weakness.”
You couldn’t help look on your face. Arabella was sweet, no doubt, but boy, the girl sure was spineless. It was a good thing she was pretty.  
“He is the devil!” Sophia enunciated each word of her sentence and huffed. “This is going to be harder than I thought!” 
“We just need someone stronger! Someone with a heart of steel unlike this one,” Annalise added, smacking her friend on the back. 
“We could give it another go,” you agreed, “but who’d be our guinea pig now?”  
You pondered at the ceiling until you felt all four pairs of eyes practically stab at you. It was like jumping into a vulture’s nest. 
“Oh no, not me!”
“Why not?” Maia questioned, frustrated. “You’re the only available one left. Plus, you couldn’t give two shits about him. It’ll be like busy work to you.” 
“Yeah not gonna happen. Find someone else, please. This is non-negotiable.” 
Out of nowhere, Sophia seized your hand and tugged you into the back room of the shop. “Excuse us for a minute,” she said to the girls before shutting the door of the crammed space.
It was a good thing your supervisor left early for the day, your asses would be toast if he were to witness the scene. 
“I think you should do it,” your best friend urged.  
“Have you lost your mind?!” you yelled-whispered. 
“Oh come on, y/n! Do it for me. For Annalise. No! Do it for all the girls on this island who has ever shed a single tear for him!” 
You sighed heavily. “I can’t do it, Soph. I’m sorry. He’s terrible and Karma has her kiss for him, but not me. Also, you know how I feel about those parties at the Boneyard.” Your look grew to one of disgust. 
“Mhm,” she crossed her arms, “This wouldn’t be because of Pope would it?” 
Yes. It absolutely was. 
So you might’ve maybe use to have a teensy tiny little crush on Pope Heyward-one of JJ’s best friends. It wasn’t your fault he was so cute and smart... and respectful! 
The boy stole your heart and ran away with it when you were paired up for science lab sophomore year. Him, being the genius he was, always did the experiments so gracefully while you royalty fucked everything up. 
One day, you poured the wrong solution into the beaker and the goopy liquid exploded everywhere. However, without an ounce of complaint, Pope offered to stay after with you to scrub down the walls and tables. A modern day romance if there ever was one. 
After months of daydreaming about him, you finally worked up the courage to ask him to the end-of-year dance. Sophia and your other friends hyped you up as you approached his locker after school.
Much to you dismay, he said no. But he did it in such a nice way, you couldn’t hate him for it. If anything, it made you hurt even more that you got rejected so kindly. Ever since then, you never stepped foot near him or his friends, too humiliated to even think of it. 
“You’re a terrible liar, y/n,” Sophia stated. 
She then grabbed onto your shoulders to stare you straight in the eyes. “Look, I know you swore never to see Pope again, but, honestly, fuck him! He missed out on a kick-ass date. But think- you could kill two birds with one stone! Go to the Boneyard, look hot as fuck, dance on JJ a bit and then vamoose! Pope’s jealous and JJ gets a bite in the ass!”  
Your brows furrowed in annoyance. Leave it to Sophia to convince you into her petty ploys. “I don’t know...” 
She persisted further. “Okay, I wasn’t going to tell you this because I knew you’d be super jealous, but my cousin got me front row to Venus Panic in Charlotte at the end of the summer.” 
Your eyes jolted out of your head. “No fucking way!” 
You loved Venus Panic with a dying passion. They were your favorite band who never ever came to the U.S. 
Sophia let out a long breath. “Yes. If you do this, y/n, the ticket,” she paused, “the ticket is yours.” 
It was like pulling teeth from her to make that kind of offer. Damn her for being so conniving! 
“Alright. For Venus, I’ll do it.” 
“Thank the gods!” Sophia leaped up and down in the confined room, hugging you and thanking you a ga-zillion times. 
She looked as if she sealed a million dollar deal when you two emerged from the room. You, on the other hand, were ready to fling yourself to the seagulls. 
“Operation JJ Maybank must die is a go girls!” she announced before the group started frolicking up and down, earning stares from people looking through the glass. 
“Alright, alright,” you said as they settled down, “Now that we have that done, can we please actually surf now?” 
The night of the next Boneyard party, you and Sophia drove to the condo the girls were staying at. Pulling up to the building, both yours and Sophia’s eyes widened. You knew the complex was on Figure Eight, but you didn’t know it was that luxurious and huge. They even had valet at the front, and you were greeted by doorman on your way in. 
Apparently Annalise’s dad was an important rich man in Virginia. He remarried, and was currently honeymooning in some exotic island. Sending his condolences, he let her choose whichever one of his condos she wanted to stay at for the summer with friends. For some unknown reason, she chose the Outer Banks. 
“Party’s here!” Sophia sang when Arabella answered the door. 
You entered into the spacious unit, in awe. The endless kitchen was lined with white Italian wood while the counters were topped with the fanciest marble you had ever seen. The living room was the size of your house with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the island. And the view was spectacular. 
So this was how the other side lived. 
Maia and Annalise squealed when they emerged from their rooms and hugged you and Sophia hello. They had on silk robes with their hair up in rollers. The Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show had nothing on them. 
They handed you two some seltzers from the fridge before Maia dragged you to the gigantic vanity in her room. Eyeshadow palettes, brushes, and compact powders littered the surface. She sat you down and fiddled with the ends of your hair. 
“So, y/n, what kind of look do you wanna go for tonight?” 
You were taken aback. “I’m not sure. Maybe something natural since we’re gonna be outside?” 
Maia scoffed playfully and shook her head. “Y/n, it’s a party! If you’re not glamming you’re not scamming. Actually say no more! I know exactly what we’re gonna do.” 
And so, she worked her magic as you watched through the bulb-lined mirror. You asked her about the products she was using while she gave you the rundown of the importance of each item and step. She was very knowledgable and swift with her hand- especially when it came to the winged liner. 
You got along with Maia. You learned that she had a successful makeup channel and wanted to start her own brand one day. She also told you about her boyfriend and how he was in Thailand for the entire summer. 
After two hours of searching for lost lip glosses, waiting on Annalise to change for the tenth time, and chugging your fifth seltzer, the five of you finally made it to the Boneyard at its peak hour. 
Linking arms, you all strutted down the beach, ready for your mission. 
The four scattered when you reached the sea of people, leaving you to locate the blonde target. After a few minutes of searching, you couldn’t find a single trace of him or any of his friends. 
Heading over to the keg, you poured yourself a drink in hopes it would loosen your raging nerves. It also didn’t help that Maia’s bikini top was hardly covering your nipples. You knew a nip slip was just waiting to happen at some point in the night. 
You casually sipped your drink and circled the party again, catching a glimpse of the wavy-haired boy at the beer pong area. 
JJ slammed his fists on the table after landing another shot. 
“Fuck yes! One last shot and your ass is grass!” he belted to his competitors: two random tourist boys who were chugging at a ridiculously slow pace. JJ then proceeded to high-five his friend, John B, who you also recognize from school. 
“Don’t be a coward,” you muttered to yourself before striding to the crowd clamoring around a fold-out table. 
From the sides, you attempted a few of the “flirty glances” Arabella taught you but no luck. The boy would much rather bounce a ping-pong ball.
You resorted to crossing your arms and waiting for the game to be over. With no surprise, JJ and John B won as the tourons groaned and withered away to the bonfire. 
“That’s right baby! Undefeated!” JJ gloated with his hands smugly flung in the air. 
“Alright who’s next?” John B shouted, earning no response from the herd. 
Welp... it’s now or never. 
“I’ll play,” you volunteered and stuck your hand up. You could feel JJ staring at you quizzically.
“Alright, alright we have a challenger! But who’s your partner?” John B asked. You wanted to slap yourself for not thinking this through properly.
“I’ll do it,” a deep voice spoke behind you. You whirled around to meet eyes with none other than Pope. He stood cooly behind you with a beer in hand. 
You originally planned to avoid him at all costs during the party. But that all went down the drain as he set down his drink and started ordering the cups in a pyramid formation. 
“You’re going down Heyward!” JJ hollered, taking the first shot. The ball glided into the first cup with ease. John B’s shot followed, but bounced off to the side. 
Your partner grabbed the beer and hurled it down instantly, using his wrist to wipe his mouth. You snatched the fallen ball on the ground while Pope nodded for you to go first. 
So this might have been the first time you’ve every played beer pong in your life. But, in your defense, you’ve done it a million times on your phone. It couldn’t be that hard. 
You tossed the first shot and it wheezed over all the cups. Whoops. 
“This is too easy,” JJ jeered, eyeing Pope as he made the next throw. It landed in one of the back cups and John B swallowed the contents down. 
“Sorry, I’m just off my game today,” you mumbled to your partner. 
“Nah, don’t worry about it. You wanna know my trick?” Pope raised as another one of JJ’s balls flew into one of your cups. You raised your brows as he handed you the beer. 
“The more drunk you are, the better you play.” 
Guzzling down the liquid luck, you fingered another ball and took your aim. Flinging it towards the mass, you gasped when it actually landed into the center cup. 
“Oh my God!” you cheered as Pope’s face mimicked yours. He high-fived you with both hands as you bounced up and down in glee. 
“That’s what I’m talking about y/n!” 
For the rest of the game you and Pope played neck-and-neck with the other two, continuously making shots and chugging down beer. His tactic worked. You were on fire. 
The flock around you chanted your name every time you scored. You could see your friends hanging around in the far corner hollering your name and sending you thumbs ups. 
It was game point as both teams had one target left. It was their turn. JJ took the stage, chucking the ball skillfully. Much to your demise, it swirled along the rim before plopping in. JJ roared out in victory. 
“Hold your horses,” Pope interjected with a finger in the air, “We still have redemption.” 
“Let’s see it then,” John B panted, worn out from the tension. 
“You got this.” Pope patted you on the back and handed you the ball. 
Your eyes bursted. “W-What? No no no, Pope you go.” 
“Relax, y/n! I believe in you. Just focus.” 
You gulped and turned to the boys taunting you across the table. Saying the quickest Hail Mary in your head, you launched the ball and had to shut your eyes. 
A sudden rush of shrieks alarmed you. Peeling your eyes open, you saw both JJ and John B’s jaws plummet to the ground. 
It went in. 
“Now that’s what the fuck is up!” Pope hurled his fist at this chest. You were frozen in utter disbelief. Maybe the Gods were in your favor. 
Pope added two more cups to your side of the table as John B copied his actions. The four of you went at it a few more times before you were one-and-one again. Both John B and JJ missed and the balls rolled back over to you. 
Taking the first shot again, you slung the ball, but it flew off the rim. You were chattering on your nails as Pope proceeded to make his attempt. 
One swish and the ball landed straight in the hole.  
You both jolted up in the air, doing a little victory dance. JJ shushed you- ready to go for his redemption kill. His ball missed the cup by a hair and John B’s slid off the table, deeming you and Pope the winners. 
In your exhilarated drunken state, you threw your arms around Pope, and he let out a soft chuckle. You hastily pulled away after you realized what you were doing. Thankfully, the crestfallen losers immediately came over to shake your hands and say “Good game.” 
JJ’s hands hung onto yours a moment longer. He studied you with his eyes before treading away towards the bonfire. 
As winners, you and Pope stayed a few more rounds before getting beat out. You noticed JJ come back to watch you for a few rounds, eyes fixated on your every move. 
After shaking hands with the girls who beat you, you waved a confused Pope goodbye and jogged over towards the drink area for water. In the corner of your eye, you saw JJ hurry up to you with giddiness. 
“That was some game you played out there,” he complimented as you swigged down your water. 
“Thanks! Guess I just got lucky back there.” 
He leaned both arms on the table, raising his brows suggestively. “Might just be your lucky night then.”
Oh brother. 
You threw him an uneasy smile and treaded away to the dancing crowd. Of course, he followed you, struggling to keep up with your pace. 
“Hey, what’s your name? I’ve never seen you around before.” 
You scoffed low enough to where he couldn’t hear. Never seen you? You’ve been in the same classes since second grade. 
“I’m y/n.” You slowed down a bit, remembering your sworn duty. 
“Well I’m JJ. JJ Maybank.” He flashed you a toothy smile. 
You stopped amidst the dancers as a popular, high-beat electronic song came on. You flung you hands around JJ’s neck and pulled him close. “Dance with me, JJ Maybank.” 
The two of you rocked back and forth for a while before the music transitioned to a provocative rap song. Both you and the light-haired boy rapped the entire first verse with ease, giggling once the chorus hit. 
“So... how come I’ve never seen you at one of these parties?” 
You shrugged tossing him a look of disinterest. “Not really my thing.” 
He tugged you in so his forehead was on yours. “Then what is your thing then, hm? What’s a cute girl like you up to all summer?” 
“I’m a surfing instructor.” 
“Is that so? You know, I’m a pretty good surfer myself...” His hands traced down to your swaying hips. 
“I’ll be the judge of that,” you retorted, running your hands up and down his biceps flirtatiously. 
It was probably the alcohol doing all the work, because in that moment, you knew you were being absolutely irresistible to the boy who’s hands were burning to stay in the... respectful areas. 
“Maybe one day I can show you,” JJ rasped. You barely heard him through the booming of the speakers, but still locked eyes with him alluringly. 
“Mmm, don’t really have time for amateurs.” 
“Ouch... feisty aren’t we?” His lips were millimeters from yours. 
“Please, you know you like it.” You decided to close the gap. 
Boy, were his lips soft. His chiseled hands made way to tangle up in your hair as he expertly kissed you amongst the throng of people. He slid his tongue into your mouth, and you could feel how hungry he was. 
You stopped after a minute, purposely cutting it short. His eyes were aching for more, but you refused. You wanted to starve him. 
“Wanna get out of here? There’s a cool place on the beach I can show you,” he asked, fingers toying with the back string of your bikini. 
You shrugged. “Why not.”
Smirking, JJ’s hand snaked around your waist as he led you to the back trees of the Boneyard. You approached a small patch of sand enclosed by a circle of trees, and it all clicked in your head. This was his sex hideout. 
You glanced around the spot. The moon beamed straight into it, and the leaves of the trees hung down fancifully. In its own weird way, it was kind of romantic- if you didn’t think about how many times he’s taken people there to fuck.
He tugged you towards the center, wrapping you in his muscular arms. 
“You’re the cutest girl I’ve ever seen. I could just eat you up,” he muttered seductively, nipping at the sides of your jawline. 
You were beginning to understand it now- his irresistibility. The guy was charming. You let him kiss you for a little bit until you felt him undo your back bikini string. 
You quickly jerked away, tying it back into a bow.
“You know what, I think I’m good,” you said abruptly, backing away. 
JJ looked as if someone offered a kid ice cream and knocked the cone off the second he was about to dive in for the first taste. “Wait! Where are you going?” he urged.
His face flooded in disbelief as he let out a loud scoff, darting after you as you jogged back to the dancing pack.
“Wait! Y/n come back!” he called out. 
“What for? I’m not sleeping with you JJ!” you shouted, making sure everyone around you heard. 
When his face went beet-red you knew you work was done. 
You sped up the sand, out of sight, to Annalise’s car where your friends were circled. They whooped and cheered at your presence. 
“We saw everything!” Maia exclaimed, hauling you in for a bone-tight hug. 
“That was so awesome! Y/n, you’re my hero!” Arabella chimed in while you all crammed into the Mercedes. 
“Ladies, ladies,” Annalise began before pulling out of the parking lot, “Tonight we celebrate the fall of JJ Maybank!” 
The car erupted in drunk glee as everyone swaddled you from their seats. 
As you drove back to the condo, Sophia rolled down her window from the backseat and stuck out her head. 
“Fuck you JJ Maybank!” 
note: dw there is even more D R A M A to come lolz 
chapter 3
tags: @obxlife​ @rudyypankow​ @yeehaw87​ @ilymarkchan​ @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @tangledinsparkles​ @toloveortobeinlove​ @pixelated-pogues​ @normatural​ @teamnick​ @drizzlethatfalls​ 
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the-mad-starker · 4 years
Starker Smut: Helping Uncle Tony
Thank you to @petercherryparker for giving me my first commission! It means so much to me that you were willing to give it a try and for being patient with me since I haven't done this before either 😅
Uncle Tony somehow fucked up his hands and has them both in casts.
Peter volunteers to help then he helps.
Notes: uncle/nephew incest, handjob, frottage, come swallowing, anal sex, dirty talk, praise kink, size kink, ambiguous age for Peter, first time
WC: 9139
(AO3 Link)
"Boss, Mrs. Parker and your nephew are requesting entrance."
Tony pauses in his rambling speech. Dictating. He's dictating the lines of code for his next project while he lounges in the lab. On the screen, Friday completes the last line before she automatically switches to the security camera on the first floor.
His sister, Mary Parker, is waiting impatiently and there, a familiar mop of curly brown hair… His nephew. Peter.
"What time is it again?" Tony mutters but he's already getting up.
It's a bit difficult because he can't use his hands. Both hands are stuck in bright red casts and are covered from his knuckles all the way down to his elbow.
He hates them but he's not letting them stop him from working on his tech.
"Think I can beat them to the penthouse?" Tony says when he gets into his private elevator.
Peter did text earlier that day with a message saying they were coming over from Queens. He's been so caught up getting this program done that time just slipped through his fingers.
"Probability just reached 0%," Friday informs him and he finds out why when the doors ding open.
"Tony!" His sister is already waiting for him in the penthouse and judging by the look on her face, she knows exactly where Tony's been.
She rounds up on him, scarier than his assistant and his board of directors. "You're supposed to be resting," she sighs with exasperation.
"Yeah, you know that's unlikely," Tony says without missing a beat. "It's my hands that broke–" he wiggles his immobilized arms at her for emphasis, "–not my brain. You know I can't just stop."
In response, Mary softens but she tries to hide it by clearing her throat.
"I know and that's why–" she turns back towards her son and tugs him forward, "I'm lending you this one to help you."
"Hi, Uncle Tony," Peter says shyly from her side. He gives a little wave but doesn't really look Tony in the eye.
"Hey there, champ," Tony says, distracted, before he turns back to Mary. "You know I can't do that to him, Mare. It's summer break, he should be– I dunno, going to Jones beach or hanging out with his friends. All that fun stuff."
Mary's lips thin in that way which means she's about to start arguing but surprisingly, Peter interrupts.
"Actually– I'm the one that bugged mom about helping…" Peter says as he steps closer.
Tomy's gaze switches to him and his brows scrunch in confusion. Peter's cheeks take on a pink hue when their eyes meet, a peculiar reaction that Tony's gotten used to. His nephew's always been a sweet but shy kid.
"Pete, I really appreciate it, but you don't gotta be stuck with me when you should be having fun," Tony reiterates but the boy stubbornly shakes his head.
Peter's curls bounce in that cute little way that makes Tony want to pet them. His expression mirrors Tony's, brows scrunching adorably in the middle and honey brown eyes going all soft and pleading.
"It'll be fun!" Peter says firmly and what gets to Tony is that he actually sounds genuine. "I always have fun when I'm with you, Uncle Tony… And I get to see all the cool stuff you're working on… Maybe even help you make some stuff?"
The last bit is said with those puppy eyes turned up to max efficiency and Tony's resolve crumbles. He could never say no to his one and only favorite nephew. Mary knows it, too, because there's a smug little grin on her face.
"See, there you go, Tony," she says. She pats Peter's shoulder fondly. "How long did the doctors say your cast has to stay on?"
"A couple weeks…" Tony says in defeat. "But I should be fine if Pete just wants to stay a week…"
"Mom can drop off more of my clothes on Sunday," Peter says, excitement pitching his voice higher. He bounces the duffle bag in his hand to show the older man. "I brought some clothes already. Toothbrush, too, so you don't gotta worry, Uncle Tony."
Looking at his nephew's puppy dog eyes, of course, Tony can't refuse. Besides, his nephew is right. They always have fun when they're together and ever since the Parkers moved to Queens, they just haven't had as much time. He has missed his nephew even when work keeps him busy.
"Alright, you got me, kid," Tony says, "we'll try it out for a week, okay?"
"A week," Peter agrees but somehow, Tony feels as though he's the one humoring Tony instead of the other way around.
"Brat," Tony says fondly.
Mary sticks around for a few minutes more but she eventually decides to head out. Before doing so, she pulls Peter aside for some last minute words.
Tony tries not to eavesdrop but considering he's right there, it can't be helped.
"I want you to remember what we talked about in the car," she says seriously. "I know you and Tony like to mess around in the lab and do all your sciency stuff but Uncle Tony's recovering, okay, Pete?"
"I know, mom," Peter says dutifully. "Even if we're having fun, I need to help Uncle Tony and make sure he doesn't do anything to hurt his hands."
"That's right, sweetie," Mary smiles, "and you know your Uncle Tony. He's always jumping ahead of things so I need you to really be on top of things. We want Uncle Tony to get better and that won't happen if he doesn't let it heal properly. I need you to be his hands until his gets better."
"I can do that, mom," Peter promises sincerely, "I'll watch him like a hawk and he won't even lift a finger while I'm here."
"That's really sweet but–" Tony has to interrupt.
"No buts!" Both Mary and Peter cut in. Tony ends up pouting at them but he really can't refute anything Mary says.
When she's finally gone, Tony looks at Peter and smiles awkwardly.
"Just you and me, kiddo," he says to break the silence.
"You and me," Peter smiles brightly then perks up like an eager puppy. "Wanna show me what you were working on before mom and I got here…?"
And just like that, the awkwardness vanishes.
Tony grins and makes a grand gesture towards the elevator.
"Let me show you to my lair…"
They settle into a routine and truthfully, Tony's having the best time of his life.
It starts off slow because even if he's the one that needs help, he feels bad asking for the simplest things. Peter takes his job seriously though and has a keen eye for when Tony's itching to do something.
Peter takes over all the things Tony would struggle to do and he does it so effortlessly with no complaint. It leaves the older man feeling a tiny bit embarrassed at his dependency but he's grateful.
It becomes easier to just let Peter handle everything and soon, Tony relaxes into their routines.
His nephew is a god-send. He has all of the Stark smarts and none of the bullshit that Howard hammered into Tony's head since he was young.
This means that Tony can ramble on and on about his work and Peter keeps up astonishingly well. He listens with wide eyes, lips parted as though Tony was speaking prophecies. Even better, the kid throws back ideas, suggestions that make Tony's mind whirl with fantastic possibilities. It's surreal, it's wonderful, it's just how they are.
Tony and Peter.
"I really should be paying you," Tony groans when the boy digs his thumbs into a stiff muscle.
Peter has some magical hands and somehow, he just seems to know where to press on Tony's back. He kneads the tension right out of the older man's shoulders and Tony has to slump on the desk so he doesn't tip over out of pure ecstasy.
"Not taking your money, Uncle Tony," Peter sounds exasperated but there's a fondness to it that softens the bite.
"You're basically babysitting me," Tony still tries to convince him. "How about $800 a day? Dunno what the going rate for babysitters is but I'll throw in a bonus cause you're my cute little nephew."
Tony knows Peter won't take it so he's just rambling for fun.
Peter, though, goes quiet and his hands pause in their motions. His arms come around from behind and his chin settles on Tony's shoulder.
Hugs are nice and it isn't the first time Peter's helped himself to one. The older man doesn't think much of it, only squirms cause Peter's breath tickles his neck.
"I'm just happy being here with you, Uncle Tony," Peter tells him honestly. "I really missed being able to just walk a couple of blocks and hang out."
Warmth blossoms in his belly and if it was anyone else, Tony would've pulled back emotionally and physically. But Peter has always been like this, always loved hugs and affection. Once again, he has Stark blood but he's better.
Tony would usually pat the boy's hand but with the casts, he's more likely to be reprimanded. So instead, he slowly turns and Peter moves with him so that they're embracing. Even then, Peter's careful with the casts and makes sure not to brush against them.
"I missed you too, kiddo," Tony admits. "I'll make sure we have more hang out days when my hands are good, okay?"
"I'd like that," Peter mumbles into his shoulder.
Peter's mom drops off more clothes. She's satisfied that Tony is doing better, even smiling more frequently. Peter glows with pride beside him.
A day shy of being together for a week and Tony wakes up tangled in his sheets, body sleep-warm and cruising from pleasant dreams.
"Morning!" Peter cheers as he walks in carrying breakfast on a tray.
Tony's mind is still all fuzzy without his morning coffee so he just lays there and hums in acknowledgment. The bed dips under Peter's weight and the silence is so unusual that Tony peaks an eye open.
The boy's bottom lip is caught between his teeth while his cheeks are flaming red.
"Kid?" Tony's voice is rough from sleep. It startles Peter and those honey brown eyes shoot back up to his face.
The blush doesn't recede though.
"Um… Do you… need help, Uncle Tony…?" Peter mumbles, edging closer so that his knee presses against Tony's blanketed thigh.
"Help���?" Tony echoed. "Help with what–"
Peter's eyes dip down and this time, Tony follows him.
"Oh," Tony groans, aghast.
He's sporting some serious morning wood. And well, it's to be expected if he really thinks about it. Before his accident, Tony was a heavy believer in self-love. One can even say he's a serial masturbator, but he just… hasn't been able to do anything about it with his hands out of commission.
Sometime during the night, his dick must've slipped through the slit in his boxers so the only thing keeping him decent is the thin blanket over his lap.
"Just– ah, fuck. Just ignore it," Tony says, embarrassed.
He can't even hide it under a pillow or turn over. Both require the use of his hands which… Not possible.
"That can't be comfortable…" Peter still mumbles, completely ignoring Tony's instructions. "It looks really… big. And uncomfortable. Does it hurt…?"
"Not as much as my pride," Tony grumbles. "Can't you just… I don't know, put a pillow on my lap? It'll go away if we both ignore it."
It's an embarrassing situation and Tony's barely holding it together. He's been caught in all sorts of scandals but never one so personal as this. If it's embarrassing for him, it's probably worse for his poor nephew.
He expects Peter to listen to him, to save himself from this awkward mess and just leave him to his breakfast.
What he doesn't expect is to feel Peter's curious hand on his cock.
Tony sucks in a sharp breath, eyes flying open in disbelief.
He's not mistaken.
Peter is leaning over him, one hand gently gripping the base of his covered cock.
"Kid… What are you doing…?"
Tony fights against the need to thrust into his nephew's hand. His cock doesn't care who it is that's helping him out, it just cares that it's getting some love.
"Uncle Tony…" Peter breathes out as he looks at Tony with wide but determined eyes. "Mom said to make sure you're comfortable… If I do it like this… I'll make it go down faster, right...?"
His hand on Tony's cock starts to move. It steals away the words Tony wants to say as his hips twitch towards the source of friction. This shouldn't be happening, he shouldn't be feeling so good from Peter touching him...
"That's–" The older man tries to stop this but his words stutter and fail. "You shouldn't, Pete...!"
"Am I doing it wrong…? Am I making it worse?" Peter's lips tremble into a frown. It looks so wrong on his nephew's sweet face that Tony shakes his head, unwilling, even then, to upset the boy.
"Feels good..." Tony tries to stifle the moan working up his throat. It comes out as breathless gasps instead while his legs shift restlessly in the bed. "But you shouldn't…"
The frown melts away to reveal a sweet, happy smile.
Peter looks so determined, eyes focused where his hand is moving up and down over Tony's hard length. He's doing it so gently that it makes Tony's body crave for more, for a firmer grip.
"I don't mind doing it, Uncle Tony," he says while stroking Tony's cock. "I know it can hurt… And you're already going through a lot. I love you, Uncle Tony, and I want you to feel good."
What can Tony say in the face of such sweet words? Even if he wanted to, he couldn't bear to stop him now.
"Let me take care of you, Uncle Tony," Peter says. "Oh– let me…"
Tony groans in defeat when Peter pulls the blanket down. There's no hiding it now.
His cock stands proudly between his legs, fully erect from Peter's ministrations. It's flushed a rosy hue, prominent veins up and down the length… A thick mushroom tip that's darker in color than the rest of the length.
"Pete…" Tony says, helpless but so turned on when Peter resumes his duties.
His hand wraps around Tony's cock again, no hesitation, and Tony tries to stifle a moan that works up his throat. This is not the right response but it feels so good… Just the sight of Peter's hand wrapped around him sends arousal skittering up and down his spine. It looks so obscene, too. His nephew's finger can't even fully encompass the girth of his cock.
"Like this, Uncle Tony…?" Peter asks as he starts to stroke again. His thumb swipes over Tony's leaking cockhead and his hips jerk from the sensation.
All rational flies out the window.
"Ah– T-tighter…" Tony gasps.
The desire for release rises to the forefront so embarrassingly quick that the older man bites down on his lip to ask for more.
Peter complies with such sweet obedience that Tony moans and then oh– it's heaven. His nephew is clumsy and a bit awkward in his attempt but it smoothes out into something beautiful when Tony's hips start chasing after his hand.
His eyes are mere slits as he throws his head back. His hips jerk desperately into the sweet grip milking his cock. He doesn't think about what he's doing even when Peter continues to make soft encouraging comments.
It should freak Tony out but he's caught off guard. The loss of the use of his hands has affected him more deeply than he anticipated. The pleasure sings through him after just a week of not being able to do this and he craves it with a ferocious hunger that scares him with its intensity.
Just a week and Tony's hips are thrusting into his nephew's touch. His cock is leaking. He swears that his cock is so hard for Peter and that he's never been as hard for anyone else. Peter, his sweet innocent nephew, is the one making him feel so good, it's sinful.
Peter… He shouldn't be doing this to Peter but the boy's so focused on his task. The pink in his cheeks is so alluring… And how has Tony never noticed the shape of his lips? Or how it looks so soft and inviting, parted the way it is. Tony could easily slip a thumb right between and what would Peter do…?
Tony could just imagine the shock in Peter's pretty brown doe eyes and then the way they'd slowly drift closed. The pleasure of a new discovery would make his nephew's features slacken. Would he suck on Tony's fingers? Would he moan for his uncle…?
The older man hisses when Peter squeezes him just right, bringing him right to the edge. Tony struggles to cling on. It's so wrong, so wrong… His precum is dripping all over the boy's fingers, but Peter's not stopping.
"Uncle Tony… Is this okay? Does it feel good?"
Peter has such good intentions even while doing such a dirty act.
"Pete– Pete, I'm gonna…" Tony groans out the words but his eyes slip shut in defeat.
"Oh!" Peter knows what's coming but his little nephew surprises him again in the most delightful way.
An even sweeter heat envelops his cock. Just the tip but this new sensation is warm and wet. Tony can recognize that type of heat anywhere and he loses it. Peter's mouth is on his cock.
His eyes fly open and he's treated to the sight of his nephew's pink lips suckling on his cockhead. Peter looks up at him with wide eyes and his hand still makes sloppy, aborted jerks in an attempt to maintain his rhythm.
Such a good boy...
Any semblance of control completely deteriorates and Tony comes with a shocked groan. His cock pulses, balls drawing in tight, as he shoots into his nephew's mouth.
It happens so quickly and his muscles tighten with the intensity of his orgasm. Peter tries to take it all, every single load that Tony sends pulsing into his mouth.
It's too much for him. Tony sees it when the rush of cum gets too much. Peter's eyes widen even more and he pulls back coughing with his uncle's cum dripping down the corner of his lips.
He goes back down like the champ he is though and tries to take the rest of Tony's cum. He gets a load shot across his face for his efforts and the image will be forever seared into Tony's mind. Peter looks so beautiful with Tony's cum on his face that the older man can't find it in himself to even feel guilty.
He does feel bad, though, when Peter's face crumples in dismay.
"Oh, God, I-I'm sorry, Uncle Tony." His bottom lip even trembles. His distress is genuine and Tony's barely catching his breath. "I was trying not to get it everywhere… I thought I could do it but I made a mess. I'm sorry– Let me go get some paper towels and I'll clean it all up."
Not having the use of his hands is such an inconvenience. He can't even stop the kid from running off but he tries.
"Peter," Tony says firmly enough that the boy pays attention. His tone softens when the boy hesitates. "Pete. Just wait a minute, okay. Just– C'mere. Lie down next to me, okay?"
Peter does as he's told. He must be feeling even worse than he says because he scoots in close and curls up against Tony's side. The reality of the situation becomes an urgent need to discuss what just happened but Tony's mouth has gone dry.
"I'm sorry…" Peter whispers in the silence and Tony's heart aches.
"Hey, hey," Tony tries to soothe him. He can't turn onto his side so instead, he says, "Look at me, kid."
Once those brown eyes are back on him, Tony takes in a deep breath. He refuses to do anything that would make his Petey cry or feel bad. God forbid he do anything like that, his nephew's too good to him.
"Nothing to be sorry about, Pete," Tony says gently. "You really helped me out, okay? And– ah… Was that your… first time doing something like that…?"
Peter flushes and his lips press into a displeased line.
"Was it obvious…?" Peter mumbles, looking away.
To Tony, it had been but he's not gonna say that.
"Only cause I've been around," Tony says offhandedly. "But there's nothing to be sorry about, Pete. If anything, I'm sorry that I wasn't in better control."
"You were fine, Uncle Tony!" Peter protests, "And besides, you shouldn't be doing anything strenuous so really, I should be the one to, um, take care of all of that."
Tony wants to argue, of course, especially given the circumstance but he knows he's unlikely to win. And maybe… maybe, he doesn't want to win in this one.
So instead, he hums in acknowledgment.
Peter's hand creeps up his chest as the boy curls against his side.
"Did it feel good though…?" he asks quietly, hopefully. "I can do it better next time."
Next time… Tony's mind latches onto the words and even worse, his traitorous body floods with excitement.
"It was amazing, kid," Tony confesses. He turns just enough to kiss the top of Peter's head. "You did good, sweetheart… So good…"
That sweet smile that Tony has come to love so much spreads across his nephew's face. Peter practically glows with pleasure, a pleased little smile on his face. Tony practically melts in the face of it.
"You know, in things like things, I'd really want to return the favor if that's something you want, too," Tony says then before Peter can protest, he adds, "I can do other stuff that won't hurt my hands."
The boy looks perplexed for a moment but then his face brightens as he considers the proposal. There's something he wants and Tony would give him anything and everything.
"Kiss…?" Peter asks softly. "Can we do that…?"
The question surprises the older man. Peter has just given him one of the most mind-blowing orgasms Tony has ever had and his sweet boy is asking for a kiss…
"Of course, angel," Tony replies easily.
When he goes to lean down for a kiss, he can't help smiling at how Peter's eyes drift closed and his lips make the slightest little pucker.
Their lips touch, a gentle and chaste kiss but when he pulls away, Peter's eyes open and there's a quiet wonder in them.
"Wow…" Peter breathes. "Again? Please, Uncle Tony?"
Tony chuckles in response but instead of answering, he just presses in for another kiss and another and another… Until they're both lost in one another.
Because of what happened, there are drastic changes but some things also stay the same.
Tony tries to be the good, responsible adult he's always worked to be but Peter won't let things go back to how they were.
"Helping" his Uncle Tony feel good becomes an imperative task to the boy.
Tony protests at first. He feels like he has to put an end to it but little by little, those objections become half-hearted attempts that fade into drawn out moans of appreciation.
Whenever he looks down at Peter between his legs, he thinks, 'fuck, I'm going to hell…' but then another thought kicks in. It may be very much worth it when he has his angel of a nephew sucking him off. Those pretty pink lips… They feel so soft and warm and perfect on his cock…
The moment his resolve broke entirely is the first time he guides Peter into getting off. He can't stand the thought of being the only person feeling good. It's even worse when the boy would squirm on his knees, shyly pressing the heel of his hand against his own little problem.
Nope, Tony isn't having it.
Peter's cute little face is flaming red and Tony knows that he badly wants to flee to the bathroom to take care of himself.
"C'mere, kid," Tony breathes.
Peter shuffles closer and then gasps when Tony slots his leg between his. Tony's knee bumps against the boy's hand, pushing it against his covered erection.
"When my hands heal up," Tony starts to say, "I'm gonna make you feel so good, Pete. Gonna touch your pretty little cock and make you come for me."
The boy whimpers, a soft, pleading sound, but his wide eyes flutter in pleasure. His mouth trembles, a clear indication of how Tony's words affect him.
"But for now…" Tony nudges his leg closer and in response, Peter's hip jerks forward. "Move your hand, Pete… Let me feel it."
"Uncle Tony… That's…" His sweet innocent nephew has had Tony's cock in his mouth on multiple occasions but he still can't say such dirty things. It makes Tony feel so bad that he wants to dirty him up.
"It'll feel good, angel," Tony promises him, "for both of us. I'll make me feel really good to know you're getting something outta this, too."
Peter's eyelids flutter as he considers it. It doesn't take him long to decide either.his nephew is a good kid but the promise of pleasure convinces him.
"Should I take it out?" Peter asks hesitatingly. The very tips of his ears turn bright red, an adorable reaction.
The possibility crosses his mind, an image of Peter creaming his pants if he chooses not to take it out.
Tony's mouth goes dry.
"If you want to," Tony encourages instead of outright saying yes like he wants to. "Don't want you to chafe against your jeans or anything."
The boy bites down on his bottom lip before nodding thoughtfully.
"It's not as big as yours," Peter says as though warning Tony. It's cute that he even thinks that that would matter to Tony.
Regardless, Peter unbuckles his belt and tugs his jeans down though he has to wiggle a little to get them down his thighs.
Tony gets a glimpse of the tent his boxers make before he tugs those down too. His hand shyly covers his erection, glimpse of pink flesh between his fingers before he reveals himself.
"Oh, you're perfect, sweetheart," Tony promises.
Peter's cock is indeed smaller than Tony's but it fits his boy well. It's just as dainty as the rest of his body, perfectly proportionate to the more slender build he has.
His nephew blushes adorably as he circles the girth of his cock with his hand. He gives half-hearted strokes as though unsure of what to do now that they've reached this point.
Tony gladly takes the reins.
"I want you to press close to my leg," Tony instructs gently, "Just like before, Pete. Since I can't do it for you… Just listen to my voice, alright, angel?"
The blush on his cheeks may as well be a permanent fixture. Tony hopes Peter never loses this endearing quality, so shy and eager for his uncle's touch.
Peter leans closer, his hands resting on Tony's leg.
"Ah…" the soft exhale gives away the moment Peter's cock comes in contact with Tony's leg. Besides that, the older man feels it, hard and so hot even though his pants.
"Move for me, baby," Tony tells him. "Just like earlier… You can rub against me, I don't mind…"
His leg muscles flex as he nudges his leg closer.
"O-okay, I'll try…" Peter mumbles, peeking at his uncle with darkening eyes.
His hips start to move. At first, the movements are barely noticeable. Even when Tony feels that hard outline brush against him, it's still so faint. He lets Peter take his time though, just watching the boy slowly lose his inhibition.
"Mm…" that first soft moan is a victory to the older man even when Peter tries to clamp his mouth shut.
Their eyes meet and the boy shudders, dark, thick lashes threatening to cut their connection. Peter holds on though they tremble. His mouth looks soft, lips parted around an O of pleasure.
"That's it, baby…" Tony encourages the boy when his hips start to move. "Feels good rubbing against me, right? Even if I can't touch you… Can't jerk you off, you like me seeing you like this…"
"I… I do…" His nephew answers in a soft whisper as though it's a secret between them. "It feels… feels good…"
His hips start to really move and Tony can feel his nephew's cockhead grazing up and down his leg. Peter's still too shy.
"Good, sweetheart… That's good…" Tony doesn't push. "Wanna make my best boy feel so good…"
More pleasure causes the boy's expression to slacken but his grip on Tony's leg tightens. It isn't long before he starts to lean against his uncle.
Tony then takes the opportunity to press forward.
"O-Oh!" The cry of pleasure that Peter makes and the harsh jerk of his hip is worth Tony playing dirty.
He expects Peter to pull away but perhaps his nephew has been wanting this much longer than he initially knew. Once Peter feels that delicious friction against his cock, it's like his hips glue themselves to Tony's leg.
It's all there on his face, naked and exposed. Pleasure and need.
He presses in tight, his cock a firm solid line of heat against the older man.
"There you go…" Tony almost coos to the boy. "That feels better, doesn't it, Pete?"
His own cock starts to thicken in his pants again. He's amazed by how quickly he's recovered. That's the effect Peter had on him.
"Uncle Tony…" Peter whimpers softly. There's a desperate edge there as he clings to Tony's knee. The older man recognizes it well.
"Go on, baby," Tony encourages hungrily, "Keep going, keep rubbing against me… Wanna make you feel good too, Pete."
Peter can't seem to keep his eyes open so they're squeezed shut. His pretty mouth, though, is parted, letting out the breathless little moans that have Tony's ears straining for each one.
His hips jump in desperate jerks as he chases after his pleasure and Tony's voice guides him along the way.
Tony knows the moment Peter's right at the edge. His nephew's face is flushed, sweat-damp curls sticking to the sides of his face. Honey brown eyes look at him through barely there slits.
The older man just wants to eat him up, especially when Peter starts to say his name in that breathless needy tone.
"Uncle T-Tony… Uncle Tonyy… 'm gonna…" Peter mewls. His brows are scrunched up in the middle, mouth trembling.
Tony wants to sink his hands in Peter's hair and just haul him for a kiss. He can't though– such a shame.
"A-ah…" Peter comes with a soft cry, eyes squeezed shut, and body shuddering violently.
There's a rush of warmth when his cum spurts messily over Tony's leg but the older man just continues to murmur soft praises about how beautiful Peter looks, how gorgeous and good his sweet nephew is.
Peter shudders one more time, his cheek pressed against Tony's knee. Tony hears the boy's harsh breathing but ends up sucking in sharply when Peter's hand slides up and between his legs.
His fingertips bump against Tony's half-hard cock upon finding out his uncle's predicament, Peter looks up at him with pink cheeks. His eyes are at half-mast, the most enticing bedroom eyes that Tony's ever seen.
It kills him that Peter's probably unaware of just what it does to him.
"Uncle Tony…" Peter murmurs as he nuzzles against any part of his uncle he can reach. "You're hard again…"
Tony swallows, Adam's apple bobbing.
"Yeah…" he doesn't deny it, "Watching you, Pete… God, you don't even know what you do to me, do you…?"
A sweet smile pulls at Peter's lips and his touch grows firmer as he runs his fingers over Tony's swelling length.
"I'm just me, Uncle Tony…" he says like he thinks Tony's just being nice. "Want me to help you again…?"
"I'm not gonna say no…" Tony chuckles then leans back when Peter shuffles closer.
Getting hard so soon after having Peter's mouth is something that hasn't happened before. But then again, he hasn't had his sexy nephew rubbing against him before either.
Peter's mouth closes around his cock and Tony groans at the feeling of his tongue swirling around his cockhead. He leans back and watches, enjoying the sight of his nephew's pretty lips stretched around his cock.
That tiny nagging thought that this was wrong has all but disappeared. Peter's gaze locks with his own as he seeks approval and Tony gives it happily.
"Good boy… Such a good boy…" Tony sighs.
He'll find more ways to return the favor.
Week two edging into week three.
They've just returned from his doctor's and Dr. Cho has declared that his hands are healing up nicely. She says it with surprise as though she had expected Tony to come in with a sheepish grin, hands banged up and in worse condition than she left it.
Of course, Tony attributes the progress to his blushing nephew and she nods in understanding. He introduces his nephew to her as his amazing little helper. Peter blushes at the praise but Tony can tell he's happy about it. He listens even more closely to Dr. Cho's advice and tips for recovery than Tony does.
It's progress but she also says that it may take a few more weeks. Tony reassures her that he's in good hands.
When they get back to the penthouse, Peter disappears into the guest room that he's claimed his own when he first arrived. He barely uses it now, preferring to stay in Tony's bed, but most of his stuff is still there.
There's a report waiting for Tony in his email so he lets the boy be.
Around dinner time, he seeks him out to find out what Peter's craving for.
The door to Peter's room is cracked open but Tony still doesn't want to just walk in and possibly startle the boy.
"Pete?" He calls out. "I'm feeling for some burgers, what do you think…?"
He nudges the door open and his jaw almost drops.
"Uncle Tony–" Peter's face is flushed in that adorable pink shade that Tony's come to love and this time, yeah– it's appropriate.
His nephew is shirtless and bent over the side of the bed, those sinfully tight jeans of his pooled around his ankles. He's reaching back awkwardly and Tony follows the length of his arm down… down… where the boy has two fingers nudging into his little hole.
"Am I interrupting?" Tony asks dryly. He shuts the door behind him even though they're the only ones in the penthouse.
"Um, no," Peter mumbles shyly as he straightens up, "I was kinda hoping you'd come in sooner actually."
"Were you now…" Tony says as he walks towards him. It feels like there's a hook pulling him closer and he's unable to resist.
He takes in his nephew's lean form, eyes going from top to bottom and making a show of it. Peter's gotten bolder and more daring in the time they've spent together so if he's inviting his uncle to take a look at him, Tony will.
The older man has come to know Peter's body almost as well as his own. Even then, Peter still takes his breath away every time, especially when he's like this.
His nephew is just the perfect twink. He has a slender build with just enough muscle on his arms and legs that it hints at strength. Not to mention his skin, paler than Tony's, just takes on such pretty color when he's aroused.
Tony watches as the flush deepens when Peter sees him looking. It crawls down his neck, sweeps across his collar bones, and makes it midway down his chest where his pink nipples stand peaked.
His half-hard cock bobs in the air between soft thighs and Tony's mouth waters with the need to suck on it just to hear the boy cry.
"I looked up how to do this…" Peter admits coyly, calling Tony's attention, "But I was thinking that maybe you can help? Please, Uncle Tony?"
Tony's ready to jump right in but there's a hunch tickling the back of his mind.
"What brought this on?" He decides to ask.
His nephew gives him that sweet smile that Tony knows he can't resist.
"I, ah, just figured you'd like this better?" Peter says. "I know I've gotten better with my mouth… But this would be better, right?"
"Oh, sweetie," Tony murmurs. "You don't gotta do that for me."
Peter's sweet smile turns into a pout. He kicks his jeans off in a blatant disregard for them and then completely naked, he presses in close to his uncle.
"But I want to," Peter says stubbornly. "Wanted to make you feel even better, Uncle Tony. And since Dr. Cho said your hands are doing better, I thought maybe we could celebrate…?"
Those sneaky, greedy hands of his rest against Tony's chest then start to slide down. It's done in such a teasing manner that Tony wonders where his sweet, innocent nephew learned such a thing. It tugs at all of Tony's desires, his nephew's familiar touch eliciting such a keen response.
"I heard it could feel really good…" Peter murmurs. His face tips up, lips just begging to be kissed. "Can't you show me, Uncle Tony?"
"Fuck, kid…" Tony gasps when Peter starts to touch his cock. "Didn't need much convincing before, don't think I need it now either but I like it when you try."
The bright smile Peter gives him says he knows just how hard Tony finds it to say no to him. In this case, it was never even a possibility.
"Wanna show me what you were trying so far?" Tony prompts even when he lightly presses Peter's hand down harder on his cock.
Just as expected, Peter's hand slips away when Tony shows the slightest inclination to use his hands. The kid's concern for him is too much sometimes even when it has Tony feeling so warm from the inside.
"I can do that," Peter says. He leans up and presses a chaste kiss to Tony's lips before turning back to the bed.
Just like before, he positions himself so he's bent over. Tony gets the perfect view, his nephew's bare back presented to him with its adorable scatter of freckles. And further down, past his slim waist, a perfect peach just begging to be grabbed and squeezed.
He has to swallow the lump in his throat when the boy reaches back and pulls his cheeks apart to reveal a glistening pink hole.
"Christ, kid…" Tony breathes, "if I didn't know any better, I'd think you're trying to give me a heart attack."
"Uncle Tony…" Peter protests and wiggles in place.
Tony only groans at that and comes closer. He wants to touch his nephew so badly… He has to force himself not to reach out and just do it.
"What were you using?" he says to distract himself.
"I, uh, took some of the vegetable oil when I first tried…" Peter admits, shyly, "But, um, this time, I took one of the lubricant bottles you had in the nightstand? I hope you don't mind…"
Tony wants to shake his head at the vegetable oil comment but he's glad Peter isn't using it anymore. He only wants the best for Peter and he wants the kid to feel good too. Subpar tools, even if they work, just aren't good enough for his boy.
"Not at all," Tony says reassuringly, "it's better, isn't it?"
"Yeah, definitely better," Peter agrees breathlessly. One hand inches closer to his glistening hole. "Wanna see, Uncle Tony?"
His cock wants him to do more than just observe but Tony knows that waiting is worth it, especially if he gets to see Peter playing with himself.
He licks his lips.
"Yeah, baby, show me what you were doing…" Tony says. His voice drops to a low, intimate murmur.
His nephew, excited and so eager to please, squirms in place. Maybe even rubs his hard cock against the bedsheets.
"The stuff I read said to go slow," Peter says as he starts to nudge a finger in. "Go slow and use lots of lube."
Tony hums in agreement as his nephew starts to dip his finger in and out. He watches hungrily as that single finger pushes in smoothly. The boy's tight little rim clamps down, basically clinging to the small intrusion before Peter slips it back out. It's the worst kind of tease, watching his beautiful boy's body begging to be filled.
"One finger feels okay… Two is…" Peter cuts off with a hitched gasp as he adds another.
"Tight…?" Tony suggests.
"Mm… ah… y-yeah…" his nephew groans.
Tony comes even closer and lays a hand on Peter's trembling flank.
"Uncle Tony–"
"Shh," Tony soothes the boy, "Just touching you, kid, not gonna try to press hard or anything."
Peter's skin is warm beneath his fingertips, but he longs to feel the jump of muscles under his palms. Later, he tells himself.
The boy settles down, grudgingly accepting that Tony is being careful. Maybe part of it is that he wants his uncle to touch him as much as Tony wants to.
"Breathe, sweetheart," Tony instructs, "Breathe and relax… Bear down when you push in and it'll help."
The boy obeys beautifully, those slim fingers nudging in slowly when he inhales. A soft whimper escapes him when he does it.
"Don't rush it," Tony gently tells him. "You gotta work for it, Pete. Get your hole used to being stretched like this."
He knows what it's like being an overeager teen, knows that there's been a hunger in his nephew every time he's handled Tony's cock. How long Peter's wanted him, perhaps Tony will never know.
"That's it, kid," Tony encourages when Peter's body relaxes, melting into the bed. "You're gonna have to put another one… Gotta stretch yourself good for my cock. Your fingers are so small compared to what you want… You do want my cock in you, don't you, Pete?"
The boy shudders and whimpers, wrist flexing and fingers pumping faster at Tony's words.
"I do, Uncle Tony…" Peter groans, "Want you to put it in me…"
Tony caresses the boy's side soothingly, still light enough that Peter doesn't protest. Not only that, but the boy actually arches into his touch with a soft moan.
"I will," Tony promises, "as long as you're ready for me."
His cock throbs in his pants and he's tempted to ask Peter to help him out of them. But his nephew looks so caught up in the moment, eyes squeezed shut in concentration as he works himself loose for Tony.
Tony sneaks a hand to the band of his sweatpants and nudges it down. He hasn't bothered to wear underwear since Peter's been so greedy for his cock so his sweatpants are the only obstacle.
"One more finger, baby," Tony says soothingly, "One more then–" he presses his cock, blood warm and so hard, against the boy's ass and Peter's eyes fly open at the touch.
"Oh–!" He leans up to get a look and his eyes lock on the older man's cock.
Tony, himself, loves the view. His cock is ready, swollen to an intimidating size with prominent veins decorating the length. His cockhead, a deeper color than the rest of him, is already damp at the slit.
With Peter's eyes on him, Tony nudges his cock forward toward the boy's fingers stretching his hole apart. The cockhead bumps against them and his breath hitches in his throat.
"Oh, God…" Tony hears Peter moan.
Those slim fingers retract, leaving Peter's pink hole to close around nothing. It looks so desperate, lubed up and ready to be fucked but not quite yet.
Even so, Tony takes the opportunity to rub his cock right there, his sensitive tip brushing against Peter's equally sensitive hole. The boy shudders and he even rocks back, trying to get his uncle's cock to slip into him.
But Tony makes sure that besides teasing them both, his cock doesn't press in.
"One more, kid," Tony reminds him. He reaches over and nudges the lube towards Peter. "Add more, too. You'll need a lot more if you want my cock inside you."
A soft whine is all Tony gets but Peter hastily obeys because he knows Tony's won't continue if he doesn't. The cap is popped off and more lube is added to the boy's wet fingers. It's probably more than he actually needs but Tony isn't going to call him out on it.
"Good boy…" Tony murmurs when Peter returns to the task.
He presses three fingers to that soft little hole. The excess lube drips down and Tony catches it with the tip of his cock. While Peter starts to finger himself, Tony lightly spreads the excess lube along his length. He wants to be ready for the boy, too.
His breathing is harsh but Peter's is even more evident. The boy is moaning, eyes watching his uncle while he gets used to the stretch.
He has three fingers nudged in now. The skin around his hole is rosy and wet as he works his fingers in and out slowly. Soft, sloppy sounds combine with his moans and Tony decides to add to it.
"See, I knew you could take it, baby," Tony praises him, "Three fingers… Almost ready for me..."
"'m ready… So ready, Uncle Tony," Peter swears, cheeks red and hips rocking.
His fingers push in deeper, past the second knuckle, and his entire body shudders. He's trying so hard to show Tony that he can take it.
"I know, baby… I know," Tony murmurs softly. "Take em out, Pete. Gonna put my cock inside now."
A soft exhale then a soft moan as Peter extracts his fingers. "Ah…"
The pink little hole, worked open to accommodate his cock, slowly closes but in those few seconds, Tony can imagine what his nephew would look like with a gape. He just wants the use of his hands so that he can spread the boy apart with his thumbs and just tease him there with his cock until neither of them can take it anymore.
"God, Pete… The things you do to me…" Tony groans when he presses his cock right against that wet hungry hole. "Wanna just… do really bad things to you, Pete… Wanna fuck this tight hole of yours until you're loose and dripping with me… Wanna make you mine..."
The boy whines and rocks against him. This time, Tony doesn't pull away. He groans when he feels the inviting heat of Peter's hole slowly opening around his glans. So warm and tight…
"You can, Uncle Tony," Peter pants, "if you want to… I want it too, please…"
Tony breathes in harshly then slowly starts to sink in.
Despite Peter's efforts, the sheer size of Tony's cock is still so much to take for someone as inexperienced as his nephew. Peter gasps and his hand clenches in the sheets, hips instinctively pulling away from the penetration.
It's still just the tip but Tony pauses anyway.
"Keep going…?" Tony gives Peter the option to tap out but the boy shakes his head adamantly. Those endearing brown curls bounce as he rejects the very idea.
"N-No!" Peter's voice shakes and his entire body trembles. "I-It's a lot…"
More deep breaths but Tony could see the boy trying to relax.
Tony leans down so his chest presses lightly against Peter's back. Gently, he slips a hand around the boy's hip and between his legs.
He finds Peter's hard cock and gently rubs it, up and down, with his fingers. The cast makes the movement clumsy and it takes away from Tony feeling the warm, heavy weight but it does the job.
Peter whines and grows restless beneath him, body tight with growing pleasure but also softer and more welcoming.
"More, Uncle Tony…" Peter groans. He reaches back, tries to spread himself open with one hand for the older man.
It's too tempting to resist… Tony nips the boy's shoulder before he straightens himself. His hands aren't healed enough to carry the weight of his body and he's not chancing the possibility that they have to stop because he hurt himself again.
His cock sinks in slowly. Inch by inch, he works his erection into the boy's body with short, gentle thrusts. He has to, for his sake and Peter's.
The boy is so tight around him and everything about it is too much… It's not just the sensation either, though the heat and pressure around him are enough to leave him breathless.
It's the fact that it's Peter. It's his nephew that's making him feel good. The boy's moans are what's making Tony unravel, those soft whimpers and the eager, almost desperate way that his body silently begs for more.
When he gets that last inch inside, they're both panting with exertion. Peter's knuckles are white where they're curled in his sheets but everything else about him is full of color.
The tips of his ears are red, his lips, a trembling pink, and his shoulders… Down to where that pink little hole, stretched so tightly around his cock.. That, too, is such a rosy color and Tony's barely even put it to use...
Tony runs a hand down the boy's trembling back and Peter melts into the touch.
"Too much, sweetheart?" Tony asks. His voice is strained, his entire body is struggling not to just fall into instinct.
"'m okay," Peter whimpers, "m okay…"
Despite saying so, Tony gives him as much time to adjust as he can. It's only when the boy becomes restless once more that Tony starts to move.
When he does, he intentionally seeks out that sweet spot in Peter's body.
One of the reasons why he hates not being able to touch Peter is because he couldn't stimulate that spot inside him. He couldn't show Peter all those sensitive areas that could have pleasure bursting like fireworks.
He intends to do that now.
Every push in and every pull out threatens his control but he grits his teeth and bears it. Peter moves with him, clumsy and unrefined, just trying to fall into the rhythm that Tony sets. Tony guides him into it with a hand lightly set on his hip.
His fingers itch to press down but Tony focuses on his initial task.
Peter is just so receptive, so eager for this… He moans and cries out with every thrust but Tony knows when he finds his sweet spot. With his hips angled just right, Peter's entire body jolts when Tony's cock brushes right there where he needs it.
"Mm!" The boy cries out. His hips push back harshly, chasing after that shock of pleasure.
"There it is…" Tony groans and aims for it again and again. "Found your sweet spot, Pete."
"U-Uncle Tony…!" Peter cries out. More words try to come out but all he can manage is a jumble of moans and whimpers.
The moans that come out of the boy are on a whole other level. They're high pitched with shock and it melts into drawn out whines even as he pushes back desperately.
Tony gives it to him just like he wants, just like they both want. Their bodies fall into a perfect rhythm, Peter pushing back while Tony fucks forward.
Pleasure is shared between them in a continuous loop, strengthening with each pass. It's not sustainable though and Tony feels it the moment Peter comes from being fucked.
That tight, warm space he's made for himself in Peter's body just clenches down so viciously that Tony's thrusting aborts. His eyes squeeze shut as he tries not to blow his load right then and there.
"Oh– oh, fuck, Pete…" Tony grunts. "You coming, baby…? Fuck–"
Peter whimpers beneath him and when Tony's hand slips between his legs, he finds wetness on the sheets and dripping down his thighs.
"You, too–" Peter groans once he's regained speech, body clenching down and massaging Tony's cock. "Please, Uncle Tony… Want you to finish, too…"
Tony hissed but he starts up again with harsh thrusts that have his hips slapping against Peter's ass. He isn't going to last long, especially now that he knows Peter's already come.
Sweat drips down from his hairline and the older man grunts in exertion. Peter just lays there, his entire body willing and accepting every thrust.
And then, just like before, he reaches back and spreads his cheeks apart for his uncle. Tony gets the perfect view of his cock stretching that pink hole apart…
"Come in me, Uncle Tony," Peter begs softly. "Please, Uncle Tony, wanna feel it… Wanna feel you come inside…"
"Pete– Oh, fuck, Pete…!" It's enough to push Tony over the edge.
He buries his cock right to the root and his balls press tight as he starts to unload inside his sweet, begging nephew.
He groans in completion and it's accompanied by Peter's soft whimpers as he's being filled. The pleasure overwhelms him and it's so good that it almost hurts.
He doesn't know if it's intentional or not, but Peter's tight walls milking his cock becomes too much. He's too sensitive in the aftermath.
Tony pulls out with a hiss then groans when his cum comes spilling out and drips down in thick trails.
Immediately, Peter's fingers are there, so curious and tracing over his used hole and Tony's cum seeping out of it. The look in his eyes is full of wonder and somehow, still so hungry when he looks at Tony.
And God help him, Tony can't resist him. Doesn't even want to.
He's still panting and coming down from his high when he says, "C'mere, sweetheart."
Peter goes eagerly, arms wrapping around Tony's body and face tipped up with a pleased smile.
"Was that good, Uncle Tony?" Peter asks sweetly. There isn't even a hint of insecurity in his voice, he knows his uncle so well now.
Tony wraps his arms around Peter's waist, pulling him close and kissing those irresistible lips.
"The best, Pete, the best," Tony tells him. "You always take such good care of me…"
The boy nuzzles close, so affectionate, so perfect.
"Always will, Uncle Tony," Peter promises and Tony knows he means it.
There's no stopping what they have now.
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peaceoutofthepieces · 4 years
Sink Or Swim
tag list: @cleocc @feeling-kinda-so-so @hopelessromanticvirgo @dreamy-slytherin @adora8 @lockerfivethreefive @painfully-oblivious @poeticinemaa @jjustonemorething @saraben00 @wedarkacademia @coolguyssyndrome @hischbabe @suckerforsobbe @tayspots @starmansander @theah0lt @zoenneforever
Wednesday, 10:57
Song: lauv, Troye Sivan - i’m so tired
Jens can’t wait to get home. No, that’s not right. He has no particular interest in going home. He just can’t wait to be done with classes for the day.
He has to manage another hour or so, and then he’s free to go. Right now, he’s lingering with the boys by Moyo’s locker in the few minutes between classes, resting his head against the metal with his eyes closed. He’d had the worst night’s sleep and his head is splitting and Aaron’s loud cackles aren’t really helping. Robbe’s soft giggles mellow it out, however, and Moyo’s antics are usually enough to drag a smile out of him, so he endures. It’s better than sitting in any of these classrooms for longer than he has to.
Robbe pokes his side and Jens lolls his head around to look at him. Robbe smiles softly. “You okay? You look tired.”
“I am tired,” Jens admits, shrugging. “Bad sleep. I just need to start doing my assignments on time. Nothing to worry about.”
A tiny crinkle forms on Robbe’s brow, like he disagrees. “You know if you ever want help with anything, you can ask. I’ve been told I’m actually a good study partner.”
“I don’t think anatomy is what I really need to be studying and I don’t think Sander’s opinion counts,” Jens raises his brows.
Robbe shoves him and blushes. “I was talking about Yasmina.”
Jens mock gasps. “Does Sander know about this?”
Robbe smacks him over the head and Jens whines a complaint, stepping away. “Okay, okay, I concede, don’t, I have a headache.”
“Excuses,” Robbe jokes, but he gives his arm an apologetic squeeze. Jens raises his hand with a questioning flick of his brows. Robbe rolls his eyes, but nods and braces himself. Jens cuffs the back of his head.
Jens smiles. “You wanna come to the skatepark after?”
Robbe gives him an apologetic smile. “I promised I’d meet Sander for lunch, so I can’t go right after. But maybe later? You could go do your homework for an hour and then meet me?” he suggests.
Jens narrows his eyes at him, then settles back against the lockers again and shrugs. “Can’t do homework. Headache. Need fresh air.”
“You’re a mess,” Robbe shakes his head, smiling fondly. Jens doesn’t need anyone to tell him that. He’s fully aware. “But I still can’t meet you until later.”
Jens sighs, but it’s what he had expected. He’d be surprised if Robbe didn’t have plans with Sander. He understands it, he does. During his relationship with Jana, she’d monopolised a lot of his time. He knows that it’s different for Robbe, that Sander is not only his current loving boyfriend but his first meaningful relationship. More than anything, he’s proof that Robbe can now truly be himself, and Jens has never seen his friend at peace the way he is with the blonde. Jens doesn’t think he’s ever felt that peace. He’d thought, maybe. But looking at Robbe and Sander, that isn’t like him and Jana. Even before their problems.
So, he understands. If he had a Sander, he’d skip out on his friends every now and again, too.
And it’s not like Robbe has completely ditched the Broerrrs, or Jens. He’s still their Robbe. Even when he does abandon them for Sander, on a lot of occasions both boys then end up joining them. It’s as nice for Sander to have them, Jens knows, as it is for Robbe.
“Okay, fine,” he relents eventually. He shifts the textbook in his grasp and uses it to hit Aaron’s shoulder, causing the other two boys to look at him. “What about you two? Skatepark?”
“I can’t, man, Amber wants me to take her on a date,” Aaron shrugs.
Jens rolls his eyes. That’s a subject he isn’t going to touch. That’s another new coupling he’s just had to accept. Amber doesn’t quite enjoy joining their outings the way Sander does, so it’s not quite as easy. “Okay. Moyo? You don’t have anyone to ditch me for, right?”
“Not in the gross, lovesick way these two do, but yes in that I need to go home and watch Izzy.” Moyo grimaces apologetically as Jens groans. “Sorry, man. You can take some of my stash with you if you want, though?”
Jens closes his eyes for a moment and lets out a breath. It’s fine, he tells himself. It would’ve been nice to hang out with his friends and take a break for a while, sure, but he also likes going by himself. He nods, accepting Moyo’s after, reminding himself to find him after school. He is, admittedly, running out of anything to smoke. He hasn’t been smoking as often lately. It doesn’t seem to have the same effect as usual, but it’s better than nothing. At the least, it might help him sleep, and it’s something he’s capable of doing on his own. He likes having time to be on his own and find some peace and let himself think.
He’s been thinking too much, lately.
The sudden voice startles them all. Jens looks around and immediately comes face to face with a smiling Jana, teeth on show and fringe perfectly straight. It’s a recent addition that Jens had noticed instantly, had stopped himself from asking about, had berated himself for paying too much attention to. It’s been almost two years since they broke up. Jens shouldn’t still be thrown by a new hairstyle. It’s none of his business. It doesn’t matter what he thinks.
He notices Amber, Luca and Zoë with her, Amber sidling up to Aaron and placing a kiss on his cheek as Luca wrinkles her nose, making Zoë stifle a laugh. Before he can force out a response, Robbe is cheerfully greeting, “Hey,” and moving forward to accept Zoë’s kiss on the cheek. “Everything okay? Where’s Yasmina?”
“Last minute revision for a biology test,” Zoë says. “Don’t you have that too?”
Robbe raises a hand to his face and curses, and Jens laughs at him as Zoë ‘aw’s apologetically, biting back her own amusement. Robbe flips Jens off with a sigh and turns back to Zoë, shaking his head. “And what did you all want then?”
“We’re just here to pass on information, as usual,” Zoë shrugs.
“Good information?” Jens raises a brow.
“Party on Friday,” Luca shrugs, clapping her hands. “Very rare event.”
Robbe giggles quietly and Jens smiles, shaking his head. “Whose party?”
The girls share a look before Jana eventually says, “Luka’s.”
Jens very purposefully does not stiffen or scoff. He doesn’t roll his eyes. He doesn’t do anything that would indicate the pure discomfort and distaste that swims through him at just the sound of the name, right out of Jana’s mouth. He doesn’t care. It’s not his place to care.
They’re all looking at him anyway.
He raises a brow. “So...when is it?”
“Ah,” Jana blinks, then looks at Zoë where she stands under Robbe’s arm.
“Senne and I usually show up a little after ten and it’s already in full swing,” she shrugs. Then she smiles, reaching up to pinch Robbe’s cheek. “Of course Sander is welcome too.”
“Of course Sander’s welcome, they like Sander more than us,” Moyo rolls his eyes. “Seriously Robbe, you could’ve gotten your boyfriend a lot earlier and we might’ve actually been popular.”
Robbe protests, “Sander only talks to Senne and he’s interacted with Luka like, once.”
“And he instantly fell in love,” Aaron adds dramatically, hugging Amber to his chest and making her laugh.
“Hard not to, with that hair,” Jana nods.
Jens heaves a sigh, fanning himself as he says, “And that everything else.”
They laugh as Robbe shoves him again, almost sending his textbook tumbling to the floor. Jana reaches out to steady it amidst her giggles and keeps her easy smile when she meets Jens’s gaze. It makes it easy for him to return it. It used to be so easy, with Jana. He’s trying to get there again. He’s really really trying.
Luca eventually interrupts to ask, “So, everyone’s coming then?”
“Yeah, of course,” Robbe smiles, and that’s that, because they aren’t going to say no to Robbe.
“Nice.” Luca grins, already turning to ask Amber, “Who else have we left to invite?”
“You have friends other than us?” Moyo teases, fake-shocked. Luca flips him off and otherwise doesn’t respond.
“We still have to invite Noor and Britt, and Lucas maybe?”
“Definitely,” Luca nods, grin returning. “Come on then, let’s go see if we can find them if we take the long route.”
Amber pecks Aaron’s cheek and asks, “Are we still on for after?” She waits for Aaron’s affirmation before shooting them a bright smile and heading off after Luca. With a pat to Robbe’s arm from Zoë and a little wave from Jana, they follow.
Moyo instantly turns his attention to Jens. “Since when is she back with Luka?”
Jens purses his lips, shaking his head as he shrugs. “Since at least that party at the weekend I guess. Why should I know? It’s probably not what she’d tell me about if she was talking to me anyway.”
Moyo raises his hands apologetically and turns back to his earlier conversation with Aaron. Robbe takes the opportunity to turn back to Jens, gaze vaguely inquisitive. “I thought you and Jana had been talking more again. I knew there was kind of a bump there for a while over the summer but it wasn’t a big deal, right?”
“Yeah, we have. Nothing’s wrong with Jana. That doesn’t mean I have to know everything that’s going on with her.”
“I know that, Jens,” Robbe says gently. He does that even more than he used to, now. Employ that soft-spoken tone, and use it to probe and question in a way that’s subtle and non-pushy. “And you know it’s okay to still be upset by it?”
The late bell rings and Jens once again pushes himself away from the locker, hiking his bag further up his shoulder. “There’s nothing to be upset about,” he shrugs. “I can’t be any later, I’m already behind in this class. Text me if you can come to the park, okay?”
He barely gives Robbe time to nod before starting off down the hallway, closing his eyes briefly as the pounding returns to his temples and makes his ears ring. He’s brushing Robbe off, yes, but he also means it. There’s nothing to be upset about. Jana dating someone now has nothing to do with him. He’s had time to get well over that and move on. She can date or hook up with whoever she wants. Sure, it’d probably be better if it wasn’t Luka, but Jens has no say in the matter. It has nothing to do with him, so he has no reason to be upset. Not about Jana.
He just kind of misses having someone as his. He just kind of wants someone to talk to who doesn’t have their own partner as their number one. Who actually wants to listen and talk to him. Someone who isn’t Moyo, who just wants to smoke with him most of the time, or Robbe, who always has Sander in the back of his mind, or Jana, who was obviously right about being better without Jens. He just kind of wants to talk to someone like him, is what he understands he’s feeling, even though he isn’t sure what that means. He isn’t sure what he’s like.
He just feels a little left out right now, is all. A little behind.
He’s just a little stuck.
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ateezmakemeweep · 4 years
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richboy!seonghwa (part 30)
word count: 4k
(part 29) (series masterlist)
walking the stage at graduation had been a lot easier than you anticipated. perhaps you were just neurotic of how clumsy you proved to be, the idea of tripping up the stairs or falling as you excepted your diploma a seemingly perfect way to end the academic year at your rich school. 
but you’d handled it with an uncharacteristic level of grace, your cheeks flaming at the shouts of your name by a select few boys. you shook your head as you passed each of them by, wooyoung and san smiling proudly while hongjoong and yeosang looked away like they had no part in it once so ever; but mingi and yunho knew better, smirking at your face and mouthing “good job.”
“you guys are so embarrassing,” you whined the second the ceremony was over, stomping up toward the boys with a pout on your face. you look at your boyfriend who’s wearing a shit eating grin, smacking him lightly with your cap. “and you too? i strictly told you last night that that was my number one-”
“sh,” he says, bringing you into him and wrapping his arm tightly around you. your complaints are muffled by his chest, letting out a tiny huff as you melt into him. “congrats, baby,” he mumbled into your ear, pecking a kiss on your cheek that makes the three boys groan. 
“yeah, just rub it in why don’t you, assholes.”
“the cheek? what a pussy.”
“where’s my kiss, yeosangie?” 
you giggle as yeosangie pulls away and smacks san in the shoulder, growling at him to never call him that again. your eyes catch mingi and yunho walking towards you guys, a squeal leaving you as you run toward the boys and pull them into a group hug. 
“hey, little one. good job,” yunho says, his lips on your head as you tighten your hold around your two best friends. “you too,” you smile up at them, “we did it.”
“and you didn’t even fall on your face,” mingi says, your eyes narrowing at him as you poke his sides. “shut up,” you mumble, the boy smirking as he smooths out a piece of your hair gently. 
“you two are coming tonight, right?” wooyoung asks, the four boys making their way over. the graduation ‘party’ which will consist of the eight of you, younger jongho included, is planned to be at wooyoung’s tonight. he all but demanded it, really, bragging that he had the biggest pool and best array of snacks. 
“yeah,” mingi says softly, “thanks for inviting us.”
“duh,” he says, looking up at the tall boy like he’d grown five heads. “you’re not just y/n’s friend, you know. we like you guys too.” and because of that, wooyoung smirks as he looks over at yunho teasingly. “speaking of which, you never gave me that new years kiss. so how ‘bout a graduation one tonight?” 
the growl that leaves mingi is not like one you’d ever heard before, the toothy grin on wooyoung’s face proving he got the exact reaction he wanted. the redhead boy steps forward like he’s about to ring his neck, his deep grunt of “no,” causing you and yunho to pull him back. 
“it was a joke lover boy,” you say teasingly, smirking over at wooyoung as you shake your head; now that these two were official, it was a little too easy to make shy, reserved mingi completely transform into boyfriend mingi; and he was a whole lot more possessive and protective than you would’ve thought. 
“when did i say that?” wooyoung quips, his head cocked to the side innocently. the boy knows he’s pushing his luck, the obvious size difference making it even more daring, but he just can’t help it. he loves the reactions of young love, especially coming from a boy as aloof as mingi. 
“don’t think i won’t-”
“oooh he’s gonna crack your head open now, too,” yeosang says, smirking at mingi but also smacking wooyoung away in the process. yunho smirks as he extends his long arm to rest on mingi’s shoulder, squeezing it affectionately and feeling the boy slightly relax.
it’ll take some time getting used to, having a group of friends who just tease and playfully mess with each other all the time. but it doesn’t stop him from throwing a dirty look at wooyoung, the smaller boy smiling cheekily before skipping off happily to hongjoong. 
“who knew pretty boy was so-” you eye yeosang and his words immediately halt, an innocent smile making its way on his face as he pulls you toward him again; because judging from the slight blush on mingi’s face, it doesn’t seem like he can take much more. 
“stop being a bully,” you whine softly, poking his side roughly. “it won’t age well. you’re not in high school anymore.” he rolls his eyes despite the fondness behind them, leaning down to peck your lips softly. you meet the kiss and smile against his lips, breaking apart when you hear the clearing of a throat.
you pull back and feel your cheeks warm immediately. 
“oh. hi, mom. dad,” you say, immediately taking the yellow flowers from your dad’s hand. “thank you, guys.” your mom has tears in her eyes and you chuckle in embarrassment, insisting there’s no reason for her to cry.
you had introduced yeosang to them the same day you told them you decided on a college an hour away in the city; they were more shocked by the news you’d had a boyfriend for the past several months opposed to your decision, hugging you tightly and expressing their happiness. 
yunho had been right, they didn’t wanna hold you back and were happy about your decision. they even laughed in your face when you told them about your hesitations, telling you they’ve already thought about converting your room into a movie room. yeosang snorted as you let out an offended huff, your parents guiding you both down the stairs where you sat around the table and they got to know yeosang.
“are you guys doing something later?” your dad asked. yeosang answered with a nod of his head, explaining to him wooyoung was having a small get together at his house. 
“would you wanna go to lunch then? we won’t keep you long.” your parents asked shyly, your mom’s eyes still teary and hopeful before you nod your head. 
you turn around to see everyone with their parents, hongjoong’s brother having him in a chokehold whilst wooyoung’s mom and brother play monkey in the middle with the cap of the graduate himself. you feel your heart break realizing yeosang’s mother hadn’t made it, the boy telling you quietly last night she didn’t know if her flight was gonna get home in time. 
“i’ll pick you up later then?” yeosang asked, taking your hand in his and squeezing gently. your face falls and his eyes immediately swarm with a questioning glint, having no idea the way your heart is hurting for him; because he shouldn’t be alone on a day like today.
but your parents beat you to it, your dad immediately shaking his head. “we’d like to come too, yeosang. if you and your family aren’t doing anything.” he looks at your dad and feels a lump form in his throat, squeezing his hand in yours again as you slowly trail your thumb over it. 
“oh-uh-i,” he says and you don’t think you’ve ever heard your boyfriend stutter like that. “thank you, sir. but it’ll- it’ll only be me.” you don’t miss the way your mom frowns, her glossy eyes moving to you as you shrug your shoulders with a matching expression. 
“even better,” your dad says, nodding his head knowingly at the boy. “i can give you more awkward, passive aggressive dad to boyfriend talks.” a deep chuckle leaves the boy’s mouth as he nods his head, looking over at you and smiling softly. you press up on your tippy toes to kiss him when your parents turn around, your wide eyes playful and teasing as you ask him if he’s ready for such a talk. 
but of course, the talk never came. the dinner was relaxed and carefree, yeosang telling him all about the...good moments he had with you. and perhaps morphing the truth about some others. 
“this asshole really told my parents i was the smartest person he ever tutored. what did you say? a natural academic?” 
he smirks as he takes a sip of his soda, staying far far away from the beers after the shit show that was the new years eve party. you assured him that it was fine for him to drink, that you wouldn’t be so sensitive and annoyed by it tonight. but he kissed the tip of your nose and grabbed the can of coke anyway, shrugging his shoulders carelessly before pulling you onto his lap.
“but you are smart,” he coos against your neck, mingi in particular rolling his eyes after witnessing just how smart he thought you were back then. he still feels tempted to kick the boy’s ass when he thinks about it; but not more than another black-haired boy, the loud cackle coming from him and his mother nearly identical. 
the woman had brought out an extremely ritzy platter of cheese, watching in disgust as the boy’s toppled over one another to devour it. “you boys are nasty, this is why he’s the only one with a girl here,” she says, her hand flailing toward yeosang who’s smiling at the woman.
“you’re right, mrs. jung. thank you. i always tell them that.” she eyes the boy harshly before taking the empty platter and whacking him on top of the head, your own giggle causing the woman to look at you in amusement. 
“i’m ordering a pizza. you guys didn’t deserve that cheese.”
you bite your lip to halt another giggle from leaving your mouth, mingi and yunho watching you with a small smile. you still don’t know what the boys are doing about school, if they’d decided to do something similar to you and yeosang or are choosing to go separately and do long distance. 
but you do know that there’s no chance the boys are breaking up, if their knees touching and intertwined hands are any indication. 
the night is filled with laughter and screeching and banter back and forth, san being thrown in the pool resulting in all of you jumping in and splashing one another. games of chicken nearly left hongjoong with a broken neck, because who in their right mind really thought jongho was gonna accept any sort of defeat from his long-time enemy turned friend. 
when you all got out, wooyoung’s mom left you with towels and lit the fire, shouting that you weren’t allowed in the house until you were all dry. but even without that warning, you think you guys would’ve stayed out there all night. especially after little sentimental san asked if you guys were ever gonna see each other again.
“you dramatic fuck,” yeosang said, your elbow smacking into him at his vulgarity. “of course we are.”
“b-but we’re going to different schools and everything’s gonna be-”
wooyoung and hongjoong immediately flick the boy where both his dimples are, shaking their heads before the latter boy speaks. “we’ll be fine. seonghwa’s all the way in france and we still talk to him everyday. what makes you think we’ll be any different?” 
and because his words are final, they seem to comfort san. it only emphasizes the point of you guys making the most of the next two months, planning trips and pool parties and outings before college orientations and moving days start. you know it’s probably gonna fly by but you’re all gonna do your best to savor each day, your head resting on yeosang’s shoulder and his arm wrapped tightly around your stomach as you listen to plans of road trips and beach getaways. 
“you okay?” you hear him mumble against your head, his lips brushing your hair as his thumb starts to caress your stomach. you look up and smile at him softly, his eyes roaming your face before placing a kiss on the tip of your nose. 
“hey! no kissing!” san yelps, flinging his wet towel at the both of you. “we’re trying to plan.”
“what? if we’re gonna start kissing, i know who i want-” wooyoung begins to say. but he can barely finish the sentence before mingi jumps to his feet and drags the boy by his shirt, the shorter boy’s loud laugh and protests followed by the sound of a body splashing into the pool.
and even wooyoung’s mom watching from the window can’t help but snort, bringing out another towel for her son who she knows probably deserved being manhandled into the water. 
a year and a half later:
“are the grades in yet?” you asked breathlessly on the phone, your feet smacking on the pavement as you run through the streets of yeosang’s old neighborhood. 
“nah,” your boyfriend sighs, the clattering of pots and pans in the background. “i checked like five times today.”
your first year of college had been....eventful to say the least. you and yeosang ended up getting an apartment way out of your price range, the high rise apartment ridiculously extravagant and large for just two college students. 
“this was really the only option,” he told you, the spectacular view of skyscrapers in the night sky making you more and more angry at him.
“you’re such a liar, yeosang!” you whine, smacking him on the chest. “this isn’t fair. it was a condition we agreed on.”
“baby, c’mon,” he smirked, his arms wrapping around you from behind as he nuzzles his face into your neck. “it’s pretty.”
“that’s exactly the problem!” you say, shooting around to look at him seriously. “i could never afford this.”
“you don’t have to.” and when your eyebrows furrow at him, the boy wanting to laugh at the anger expression on your face, he quickly speaks up again. “look, if you have to pay for something, how about the groceries?”
“and the tv,” you say after a few silent moments of contemplation. he rolls his eyes as he lets out a sigh, looking down at you with a pained expression. but when he sees you’re unwavering, he nods his head.
“fine. the groceries and the tv,” he whines. you scoff at his tone before turning around, thinking that this being your first apartment for college all seems a little too good to be true.
but everything in that aspect went smoothly. you and yeosang easily fell into the role as roommates, choosing to share a bathroom despite the other three because “that’s the experience, yeosang. we have to.” you liked seeing your toothbrushes next to one another, the counter messily splayed out with your makeup and his face products; because yes, it appears every handsome rich boy has an extensive skin care routine. 
your classes had been challenging but you enjoyed them nonetheless, more nights than you care to admit spent cramming for your tests and taking breaks with yeosang to eat and then relieve yourself in other ways. 
but just like you thought, your rainy day breaks were always your favorite days. under the covers of your bed, your head on his chest and his arm around you as you watch movie after movie and ordered takeout. your schedules were busy but you always found time for one another, whether it be cuddling in bed or going out and exploring the city together. 
and with classes over for the summer, you two were back at home and getting ready to have the boys over for dinner at yeosang’s. you had stopped at home to visit your parents for a few hours, filling them in on your classes and living situation with yeosang. luna greeted you at the door and purred against your leg for hours, an idea forming in your head that perhaps she’d love the view your high-rise windows have to offer.
but now, you feel foolish for thinking she deserved such nice treatment.
“what are you doing anyway babe?” yeosang chuckles, hearing how breathless and flustered you sound. 
“luna got out again. saw a bird and took right off and i’ve been chasing her for like twenty minutes.” 
yeosang’s chuckle only makes you whine to him, the boy biting his lip as he attempts to read a recipe for a chicken dish. “just do that cat noise. pst pst pst.”
“wow, you’re a genius. i didn’t even think to do that,” you snap sarcastically, the boy’s laugh ringing through your ear again. you keep your gaze on her white fluffy tail, your feet speeding up only egging her on even more. and then when you see her disappear under a hedge of bushes, you yelp into the phone.
“fuck! she just went in someone’s backyard. i’ll be over after i get her. if i don’t, i’ve been thrown in jail for trespassing.”
“noted,” he chuckles out, eyeballing just how much half a cup of onion would be. “see you soon, baby.”
he hangs up and you stick your phone in your back pocket, looking under the hedges to see her sitting happily in the middle of the fancy yard. “you little shit,” you grumble, heavily debating just crawling through the dirt to make your way over to her. but instead, you move around and feel grateful there are no cars in the driveway of this beautiful house, so intent and distracted by this stupid cat you don’t realize how familiar this iron cast gate is. 
how familiar and easy it is to jump it and make your way over to her. 
“luna...we’re not doing this again,” you say, voice stressed and pleading. “i was gonna bring you to the apartment but now i know you don’t deserve it.” her delicate meow is the only response you get, which isn’t surprising since she can’t say anything else. 
“okay, i’m sorry, i’ll still bring you if you want. but you have to come with me before the owners get home.”
but the sassy cat only continues her prowl through the yard, jumping up on the bar and stretching out on the granite top. you let out a shaky sigh, rubbing your hands over your face. 
you extend your arms out and slowly make your way over to her, taking the oh so helpful advice from yeosang as you lowly say “pst, pst, pst.” and it’s like she’s mocking you, watching with curious cat eyes as you make your way closer and closer to her. 
“luna....” you say warningly, eyeing her carefully and with the sternest look you can muster. and just as you go to grab her around the stomach, she jumps on the barstool and onto the floor. you ball your hands in fist, eyes trained on the counter as you try to gain your composure.
because you just wanna scream, tell her this is such unnecessary behavior and that a cat about to move into a fancy apartment can’t act in such a-
“pst, pst, pst,” you hear from across the yard, your body whipping around to see luna at the foot of a man. he’s watching from the step with a smirk, luna’s tail wrapped around his leg and you just know from the look on her face she’s purring. but that’s the least of your concerns, because when your eyes travel up to see who it is, you nearly collapse on the floor. 
“this is strangely familiar, y/n.”
his deep voice is one you haven’t heard, in person, in over a year. but it immediately brings a smile to your face, shocked and in disbelief and feeling so stupid that you hadn’t recognized this backyard. 
“seonghwa,” you breathe out, staring at the boy in utter shock. his face looks exactly the same, if not better, but his now light brown hair is slicked back and he’s wearing a long black coat that accentuates his long legs. 
“hi, y/n,” he says, smiling over at you before bending down to pet the cat wrapped around his leg. it’s like no time has past for her, purring against his hand and completely infatuated with him. “hi, luna.”
you finally rip yourself from your dumbfounded state, shaking your head before slowly making your way over to them; half because you don’t want luna to run away again, although that seems unlikely, and half because you really can’t believe he’s back.
“you’re back,” you dumbly blurt out, his neck craning up so he can smile at you; he’s really just as handsome as you remember.
“i’m back,” he says. “just got back from the airport. so imagine my surprise when i pull up and see someone jumping over my gate like they’d done before or something.”
a laugh bubbles out of your mouth as you hide your face in your hands, cheeks and ears burning red at the horribly embarrassing parallels. 
“please don’t call the police on me,” you say, seonghwa biting down on his lower lip as he smiles at you. 
“we’ll see,” he says, sitting down on the stoop as he leans back and looks up at you. you comment on his fancy coat, telling him that he looks very european and he can’t help but snort. 
you ask him about his time in paris and about yeonjun while he asks about where you go to college now and how everyone is. 
“wait. you didn’t tell them you’re here?” you squeak next to him on the step, your mouth forming into an o shape. he smirks at the look on your face, his hand still rubbing over luna’s soft, white fur. “no, i wanted to surprise them.”
“well you can definitely do that!” you squeal, jumping up from his step and bouncing excitedly in front of him. “come with me!” 
and twenty minutes later, when you pull up to yeosang’s in seonghwa’s car, you put your finger to your mouth as he rolls his eyes. “we’re still in the car, they’re not gonna-”
“wooyoung hears everything,” you remind him, the boy snorting as he nods his head. “okay, good point.”
you both tip toe into yeosang’s backyard, creeping around the edges as you do your best to hide seonghwa behind you. you stop just before the front door, telling him to stay there and smiling at him excitedly as you make the rest of the way alone. 
you open the door and a chorus of voices yelp your name, attacked in a hug that almost has you unable to breathe. yeosang looks up and smiles upon seeing you, pushing the boy’s out of the way before dipping his head to place a kiss on your lips.
“hey, baby, you find luna?” he asks, looking over your face and immediately sensing your excited energy. 
“i did,” you tell him, bouncing around as you can barely contain yourself. “but i also found something else. a surprise for all of you.”
“oh?” san says, his ears perking up at the sound of that. 
“what is it?” wooyoung asks, looking over your body like it’s gonna be in your hand but coming up empty. “are you lying? don’t get us excited for nothing.” you bite your lip and smile at them, turning around just as another pair of footsteps are heard.
“excited for nothing?”
there’s a beat of silence as the boys register seonghwa’s voice, his looming frame in the doorway causing everyone to look at one another in shock. but then it’s san’s cry of “seonghwa!” that sets everything in motion, the three boys taking him in a hug that nearly knocks him on his feet.
“when did you get here!”
“did you get taller!? this isn’t fair.”
“you look so european!”
you feel yeosang’s presence behind you as a laugh bubbles out of your mouth, watching the boy struggle as he’s attacked with a year and half’s worth of clingy boys missing him. 
“all the backyards luna could’ve snuck into and it was his?” 
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an-angels-blessing · 3 years
Performance of Our Lives
Song🐣🎵- Sit Still Look Pretty,
Artist🤸‍♂️🎤- Barrett Wilbert Weed, Grey Henson
Warnings😳⛔- Fluff, Embarrassed Kageyama
Prompt🥺🔥- N/A
“There will be a five minute intermission between performances.” After hearing that announcement, I continued pacing faster as the nervousness grew. I suddenly felt a hand on my own stopping me from moving. “Come on, you’re going to be great, especially when you look like that. There is no way he won’t be looking at you.” The smaller one wore the biggest smile. It seemed to instantly calm my nerves, I was hot and I knew that I was. A smile started to form on my face and the nervousness casually disappeared. “You wanna talk about me, look at you Shoyo. If only you were straight.” We both sit there for a moment, taking in my previous words before we both bust into a fit of laughter. “I love you Angel.” I heard him say while calming down, his face was now serious, and I knew exactly why. “I love you too Shoyo, now let's show him what it means to be a queen.” He pulls me in for a long hug, one that we both definitely needed. “Okay, today we have the amazing opportunity to introduce, straight out of Mijagi, Angel Ace.”
As soon as I hear that, I let go of Shoyo and walk out on stage, as soon as I do the crowd erupts into cheers making me smile. I grab the microphone from the DJ, looking out to the crowd to see 200 people easily, but of those 200, I spot the Karasuno volleyball team almost instantly. “Hi everyone, I know I just got off tour to focus on school, but you can’t forget where you came from right?” I point the mic towards the crowd to hear dozens of people screaming ‘yes.’ I giggle slightly before holding the microphone back to my lips. “So, I wrote two new songs. And you all are going to be the first to hear it, is that okay with you?” Yet again came dozens of responses from the crowd. “First, can everyone do something for me? I invited a few of my friends, can you all clear a path for them to be in the front?” I point at the team and the spotlight is instantly placed on them. The crowd parted like the red sea, giving them a direct path to the stage. Kageyama was the first to move, with a smug look on his face, if only he knew. The rest of the team followed, and before too long they were directly below me. I bend down slightly to talk to them, Suga was the first to talk. “Do you see Hinata, he said he was here.” I could hear the concern in his voice, it made me laugh internally but I had to play it off. “The tiny one with orange hair? I think he went to the bathroom.” Suga nods his head in satisfaction and I stand back up preparing to start. “This song goes out to my lovely boyfriend.” I send Kageyama a smile and motion for the DJ to start the track.
“Could dress up, to get love, but guess what? I'm never gonna be that girl who's living in a Barbie world. Could wake up, in make up, and play dumb, pretending that I need a boy, who's gonna treat me like a toy” As I start singing I could see the confusing in Tobio’s face start to sink in, “I know the other girls wanna wear expensive things, like diamond rings. But I don't wanna be the puppet that you're playing on a string.” I take off my promise ring that he got for our 2 year anniversary and throw it at him, the rest of the team look at him confused and dazed at my action. I haven’t taken that ring off since he bought it for me, not even when I was overseas on tour.
“This queen don't need a king” I can slightly hear Kei snicker and whisper to Tobio about my use of the word king. “Oh, I don't know what you've been told, but this girl right here's gonna rule the world. Yeah, that's where I'm gonna be because I wanna be. No, I don't wanna sit still, look pretty” I pick up a crown from off the stage and lean down to place it on Tobio’s head before tilting it to make it crooked. “You get off on your 9 to 5, dream of picket fences and trophy wives. But no, I'm never gonna be 'cause I don't wanna be. No, I don't wanna sit still look pretty” I back up and walk towards the curtain, I grab Shoyo’s hand and pull him on stage, he looks at me with confusion. “This wasn’t part of the plan.” I smirk at him as I hear gasps from the crowd, but mostly from the team. “Yes it was, now sing. I know you know the lyrics.” I smirk at him before motioning towards the team and handing him the mic, he seems to stop on Tobio before gaining some confidence and singing. “Mr. Right could be nice, for one night, but then he wanna take control. And I would rather fly solo” He starts off pretty shaky, but when we lock eyes he starts to get the feel of the music.
I start clapping and dancing to the music, the crowd seems to get my flow and follows along with me. The looks on the team’s faces makes me laugh, Shoyo suddenly grabs my hand and dances with me, both of our skirts flying up and down. “That Snow White, she did it right in her life. Had 7 men to do the chores 'cause that's not what a lady's for.” The music starts getting louder and we both start getting a music high, forgetting that anyone was even there. “The only thing that a boy's gonna give a girl for free's captivity. And I might love me some vanilla but I'm not that sugar sweet. Call me HBIC” When he finished that line, the whole crowd went wild, we both shared a mutual glance and decided to finish the song together.
When we finished the song, the whole crowd was yelling and shouting my name. When the music finally stopped all the lights went off and the two of us went behind the curtain. I could hear the groans and complaints from behind the curtain, one of the tech crew took the microphone and put a headset microphone on me and Shoyo. “You thought that was it?” The crowd heard my voice and started going crazy. I started changing with Shoyo into my other outfit, but the crowd shouldn’t be left alone. I learned that after 6 years of touring and entertaining, the crowd should never be bored. “I have one more thing to do, well actually two.” Shoyo and I are almost finished getting dressed, so let’s introduce the next song. “Ok. girls, gay’s, they’s and overall Queens. We don’t need a king to be happy.” We finally are done getting dressed and we are right in front of the curtain. “But, love is a beautiful thing, so if you find the one, hold them close. We don’t need a king, but it never hurts to have one.” I grab Shoyo’s hand and walk out onto the stage. As soon as the crowd sees us, they start screaming thinking that we are dating or something.
I could see the smug look on Tobio’s face when he sees the crown I’m wearing, and of course they match. That was the plan, I pull Shoyo towards me as we take center stage. “This, my adoring fans, is Hinata Shoyo. My best friend, he is a queen yet I can not call him mine because he sadly belongs to someone else.” I fake sadness, turning my head away from him. I can feel him laughing because I’m still holding his hand, this causes me to laugh as well. When I turn back to the crowd I see that Tobio’s smug look is now full of horror. I let go of Shoyo and move towards the front of the stage, I put my hand out to Tobio, he hesitantly takes my hand and I pull him up on stage. I manage to force him to stand center stage between Shoyo and me. “And this is our ex-boyfriend. Kageyama Tobio. Cute, isn’t he?” They seem to be able to sense the sarcasm in my voice and stayed silent. Shoyo speaks next, continuing my little monologue. “By ex, she means that he dated us at the same time, and it almost worked.” Everything goes silent, as they don’t know where we’re going with this. “Yet, what he didn’t know is that we… are twins.” At that very moment, nothing could be heard except screams and gasps. “We don’t look the same, because of course we’re fraternal. And she dyes her hair.” Both of our smiles widen and we turn towards Tobio. “This final song ISN'T dedicated to you, but two very special people in this room.” Shoyo looks at me when I speak first, yet I maintain my innocent smile. “I will be taking this, thank you for holding it Tobio-chan~” His nickname comes out mockingly as I take the crown off of his head. I walk over to Shoyo and take the crown off his head as well before placing a tiara on top, “Perfect, now where are our Prince Charmings.” When I finish my sentence, the music starts playing on que.
“Boys seem to like th  e girls who laugh at anything. The ones who get undressed before the second date” I start singing and push Tobio towards the front of the stage but not far enough so he would fall. He quickly gets the hint and gets off the stage and joining the others. “Girls seem to like the boys who don't appreciate, all the money and the time that it takes.” I hear Shoto start singing and I turn around to look him in the face, smiling at his confidence. “To be fly as a mother. Got my both eyes out for Mr. Right. Guessing now I just don't know where to find them. But I hope they all come out tonight” He sees me looking at him and shrugs his shoulders, but as soon as he finishes that last line he smiles wide. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away? I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company. Looking high and low, someone let me know. Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?” We decided to sing this part together, he ran up to me and jumped on my back causing me to laugh. We might be twins, but he’s still shorter than me. “Boys seem to like the girls who like to kiss and tell” I put him down and kiss his cheek when he sings this part. “Talking them up about things that do so well” I sing the next part, taking his hand and spinning him. “I'd rather find a boy who is down for the chase. Putting in the time that it takes to be fly as a mother.” I stop him in front of the stage and wink towards his obvious crush, he won’t admit it but the blush on his face says enough. “To supply all of my heart's demands. Suit and tie 'cause undercover, he's gonna save my life like superman” I walk behind Shoyo while he sings this part, I place my hands on his shoulders and point him in the direction of the team. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away? I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company. Looking high and low, someone let me know. Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away?” I smirk at Shoto as we both sing this together, he raises an eyebrow at me.
I walk over to the end of the stage and reach my hand out once again, but not to Tobio, to Kei. “Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go” Shoyo starts singing nervously, but still good nonetheless, Kei takes my hand and I pull him up on stage with us. I start clapping along to the beat and the crowd follows me before I cover my mic and whisper to him, “Go to your princess.” He widens his eyes at me, but I simply motion to Shoyo before smirking at him. “Will somebody tell me, tell me” I hear Shoyo finish the line and I push Kei over to him, I could lightly hear Kei say, “I’m right here.” A light smile appears on my face, but I quickly regain my focus on the crowd. “Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go. Tell me where the good boys go” I continue clapping, but I can hear light “oos” from the crowd. I turn around to see Shoyo and Kei kissing. I walk over to them, still singing, and place a crown on Kei’s head. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away. I'm a good, good girl who needs a little company. Looking high and low, someone let me know” Shoyo surprises me and starts singing, I chuckle slightly and sing with him. He catches my attention and motions towards the group, my eyes widen and he smirks at me. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away. Hide away, hide away. Hide away, hide away” I give in and walk towards the end of the stage, touching a few fans' hands as I pass by. Instead of pulling someone up, I jump off the stage into our group of friends. “Looking high and low, someone let me know” I look back up at Shoyo and Kei and he nods at me, I let out a deep sigh and get ready to sing the next line. I grab Asahi’s head and place my lips on his, I can feel him tense for a moment before relaxing. He kisses me back, grabbing my waist and pulling me towards him.
When we finally break for air he places his forehead on mine. “Where do the good boys go to hide away, hide away” My voice fades out as I look him in the eyes, then the whole club goes dark as he turns the lights off. While in this darkness, I manage to place the crown in my hand on his head before kissing him again. This one full of passion and longing, I pull away and grab his hand and pull him on stage with me. The lights turn back on as we walk towards Shoyo and Kei, all I can hear are screams and cheers from the crowd but I let go of Asahi, completely ignoring the crowd at the moment. I grab Shoyo and we hug each other, this one I’ve waited 3 years to do. “If he hurts you, I will kill him. I don’t care that he’s my best friend.” I can feel him chuckle slightly as he hugs me harder as soon as I finish talking. “I could say the same. But it’s Asahi-senpai.” As soon as those words leave his mouth I almost break down into tears but we have a show to finish. We both pull away but grab each other’s hand and walk center stage and take a bow. “Sorry babes, but this is the end of the show.” I hear dozens of groans and ‘no’ come from the crowd, which only makes me smile. “We both have school on Monday, but she has a LOT to catch up on.” Shoyo continues my sentence and pulls me in for a side hug, “But remember, it is never too late to find your king,” “Or queen.” Shoyo finishes my sentence as we both turn around and grab Asahi’s and Kei’s hand. “If you ever want to see us,” Shoyo starts motioning for me to finish. “Look for this dynamic duo playing volleyball at Karasuno,” I wink at the crowd once more before we all turn around to face the curtain. “This was fun, but we have to go. Bye” We say together as we walk off the stage and the club goes dark once again.
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maluminspace · 4 years
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Genre: Fluff
Pairings: Original Female Character/Female Reader
Word Count: 2.6k
Requested by: anon
Little sister!reader and big brother!Ashton - reader gets caught heatedly making out with her girlfriend so is forced to come out to her brother.
Trigger warnings: mild sexual content, coming out
A/N: I feel like I haven’t posted a fic in forever, I’m sorry! It’s a weird time rn and I’m sending you all so much love. Anyways… I love writing wlw and this was a really great way for me to start doing more of it! 💕
The walk home from school is turning out to be torturous, as usual. Every time your fingers brush the back of Emily’s hand, the familiar surge of electricity raced through you, begging you to take hold of her. The increasingly intense flirtatious glances you’d share every-so-often aren’t helping your growing lust, either.
Keeping your romantic relationship with Emily a secret from the rest of your friends is getting tougher by the day. It seems incredibly unlikely that no one else can sense the tension between the two of you. Somehow though, everyone else in your life remains oblivious to the fact that you’re dating the most beautiful girl in the whole world.
As you near your house, you notice that your mum’s and your brother’s cars aren’t parked in the driveway. That means that you and Emily could have the whole house to yourselves for a while and the thought makes you kind of giddy. It feels like a lifetime ago since the last time the two of you had shared more than the occasional hasty kiss in the lesser-used girl’s bathroom in the science department of your school. 
You unintentionally quicken your pace a little, shooting a smile at your secret girlfriend as she meets your gaze. “Well, this is me.” You grin, cutting across Lillian’s latest complaint about her boyfriend. “I better go and get stuck into the English homework…” You fake a yawn which pulls a half-hearted giggle from one or two of your friends.
“Wanna work on it together?” Emily asks, her tone so casual as she brushes a strand of her long black hair behind her ear. 
Nodding in what you hope is a natural way, you gesture towards your front door before bidding the rest of your friends goodbye. None of them seem surprised that Emily wants to hang back with you, even if it’s just to work on an English paper together. They all aim vacant waves and unenthusiastic goodbyes at you both before continuing on along the quiet suburban street.
Emily lets out a shy giggle as you open your front door and let her in, her dark eyes twinkling in the late afternoon sun as she waits patiently beside you.
“God, I can’t wait to have you all to myself.” You whisper, jamming your key into the lock. “It feels like today has dragged on forever.”
Your girlfriend nods before aiming a cautious glance over her shoulder as though she’s worried that one of your neighbours, or a random passerby will somehow know what’s on her mind. It’s a ridiculous notion but you get it, the thought of anyone else knowing what the two of you get up to in secret is quite scary. It shouldn’t be, but is...
Swinging open the door, you stand aside to let Emily into the house, breathing in the scent of her floral shampoo as she brushes past you. She kicks off her shoes and stores them on the rack beneath the coat hooks, just as she has done a million times, before heading into the kitchen. 
You allow yourself a moment to revel in the simple little domestic gesture. Emily’s starting to feel so at home in your house now and it means a lot to you. 
Following your girlfriend out of the hallway and into the kitchen, you find that she’s already grabbing a couple of glasses from the cupboard, ready to fill them with water. Instead of helping her out, you end up admiring her ass and legs as she stretches up onto her tiptoes. An involuntary moan escapes as you remember the way it feels to slip your hand beneath her skirt. It turns you on so much, just thinking of the way her cherry red lips usually part around quiet little gasps as your fingers inch higher up her thigh… 
Your tiny moan brings a shy smile to Emily’s face, her cheeks reddening as she moves over to the sink to fill the glasses with water from the tap. “What was that for, sugar?” She giggles, her pet name for you melting your heart the way it always does. 
“I just want to press you against the counter and kiss you until you beg for more.” You reply, unable to engage the filter that you know you should have between your brain and your mouth.
Emily, to your surprise, continues filling both glasses with water before placing them on the counter next to the sink and turning to face you. At first her expression is unreadable but her eyes darken when she meets your gaze. “Then what’re you waiting for?”
A smirk curls your lips as you surge forward, cupping Emily’s soft cheek in your hand before kissing her with all the desperation that’s been building inside of you throughout the day.
Within seconds, it becomes very clear that Emily’s been as excited for this moment as you. She gasps into the kiss as she slips her fingers into your hair. 
It doesn’t take long before your urges start to become irrepressible. You run one hand down her body, allowing it to linger briefly on her waist before dropping it lower to rest on her thigh. 
“Sugar, please…” Emily whimpers, pressing her body as close to yours as possible.
Groaning at the use of the pet name again, you begin to move your kisses along her jawline towards the sensitive skin of her neck. You’re so caught up in the moment that you don’t sense the sudden change in Emily’s body language and the distinct horror in her voice when she mumble’s “fuck…” In fact you continue to kiss your way down her neck until she physically pushes you away. 
Utter confusion takes over you as you ask what has happened, studying your girlfriend’s face in the hope of finding some clue as to what you’ve done wrong. Emily simply stares right past you, her eyes wide with terror. Still feeling entirely bewildered, you turn to see what she’s looking at. Your eyes are immediately met with the startled hazel orbs that belong to your big brother, Ashton. He looks kind of frozen in place, a weird mixture of surprise and confusion on his handsome face.
Your immediate reaction is to start babbling. Words begin spilling from your mouth in a nonsensical jumble. Of course it’s ridiculous to try and explain the situation away, that fact doesn’t stop your panicked brain from trying, though. “...It just happened and I don’t know…”
Words seem to fail Ashton, but he obviously doesn’t want your terrible excuses and he holds up a hand to stop you. You fall silent as Emily straightens out her clothes beside you and slips her hand into yours. She could have easily ran for hills, but instead she’s staying with you, showing you support and solidarity in the most terrifying moment of your life.
When no one speaks for an uncomfortably long moment, you break the silence with a single word. “Ashton…” Every ounce of fear, desperation and uncertainty flooding your body finds its way into the quiet uttering of your brother’s name.
“You don’t have to explain anything to me, peanut.” Ashton says, finally stepping forward and placing one of his huge hands on your shoulder. “I love you no matter what.”
The simple statement of love and acceptance from one of the most important people in your life hits you hard in that moment. Tears spring to your eyes as you drop your gaze to the tiled floor. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you…” You sob, tightening your grip on Emily’s hand.
“That was partly my fault.” Emily admits, her voice quiet but determined. “I wasn’t ready for everyone to know about me just yet. I asked her to keep it a secret.”
Ashton only responds by pulling you both into a huge hug. His strong arms have never felt more welcoming as you cuddle into him gladly. You feel Emily sink into him as well, sniffing a little as she lets some of her emotion out in the form of tears. Letting go of her hand in favour of wrapping your arm around her waist, you pull Emily closer to you as well.
The three of you remain in a silent embrace for a long moment until Ashton finally pulls back just enough to look you in the face. “Don’t you ever apologise for this, peanut.” He smiles, his hazel eyes a little watery as he moves his hand to your face and cradles your cheek gently. “Neither of you owe anyone anything. Your feelings are your business and I just want you both to know that I’m here for you no matter what, yeah?”
Unable to stem your stream of tears any longer, you allow them to flow freely down your cheeks as you pull Ashton back in for another hug.
Your older brother lets out a tiny giggle before placing a kiss to the top of your head. 
“I should probably leave you two to talk.” Emily whispers after another long moment of silence. She gently untangles herself from your embrace and takes a step away from you and Ashton. 
You can tell that Ashton’s torn. The way he scrapes his teeth across his bottom lip worriedly, is a tell-tale sign that he’s struggling to know what to say or do. You get it, though. Part of him wants to talk this through with you and make sure you’re okay. Another part of him wants to leave you alone with Emily to discuss the inevitability of telling other people about your relationship. You’re not so sure which option is more terrifying.
“Will you be okay?” Ashton asks after a moment of contemplation, his question clearly aimed at Emily. “Do you need us to walk you home or anything?”
Your girlfriend shakes her head, wiping a stray tear from her pale cheek. “I’ll be fine.” She turns to you and gives you an uncertain smile. “Call me later?”
You nod quickly pecking a kiss to her cheek before she heads off into the hallway. “Don’t worry about this, okay? Ashton won’t tell anyone.”
“Of course i won’t!” Your big brother agrees easily. “I just want to talk to my little sister to make sure she knows I’m here for her. The same goes for you too, though… I’m here if you need someone to listen or anything.”
A minute ago, it would have seemed impossible for you to love your brother more than you already did, however now, your heart feels set to burst with it. Before you can even attempt to put your feelings into words, Ashton smiles softly at you. “Go and say goodbye, I’ll make us a drink and order some pizza.”
Judging by the fond expression on her face, Emily seems to adore your brother as much as you do in that moment. “I hope my family are as understanding as you.” She shrugs, offering Ashton a watery smile before continuing out into the hallway.
You follow your girlfriend, allowing her to put on her shoes before you wrap in her another tender hug. “You know that you don’t have to rush telling anyone, don’t you? We can still take our time, Ashton won’t tell anyone.”
Emily gives you a brief kiss before picking up her backpack. “It’s probably time we started talking about coming out, anyway.” She explains, “It’s scary, but I think I’m ready.”
Nodding in agreement you open the front door for her. As much as you fear telling everyone in your life that you have a girlfriend, the exciting possibilities of being ‘out’, help to balance things in your mind. Once everyone knows, you can hold Emily’s hand on the way to school and finally tell your mum that you’re in a serious relationship so that she can stop trying to hook you up with Ashton’s friends. “I think you’re right…” You sigh, a tiny smile curving the corners of your lips. “Being able to tell the world that I love you is enough to stomp out any fear of the assholes that won’t like it.” 
Emily looks so soft as she blinks back more tears. “You’re right, sugar.” She whispers. “I’m also kinda excited to fight the haters.” There’s a faint glint of defiance in her eyes and you realise that you’re incredibly happy not to be on her bad side.
After another swift kiss and cuddle, Emily steps out of the house. She aims a wave at you before turning out of your driveway and disappearing from view. You take a deep breath as you close the front door and prepare to have a potentially incredibly awkward conversation with your big brother.
When you return to the kitchen, you find Ashton leaning casually against the sink, two steaming mugs of coffee on the counter beside him. His attention is entirely fixed on his phone as he swipes and taps away periodically.
“You better be ordering double pepperoni.” You giggle, hoping to start the conversation off on a light note. 
Ashton’s soft hazel eyes drift up to meet yours as he opens his arms, inviting you in for another hug. “What kind of a brother do you take me for, huh? Do you think I don’t know exactly what my baby sister needs at a time like this?”
You hurry towards him and wrap your arms around his waist, resting your head on his chest. “You know I need big brother cuddles, but your taste in pizza has always been questionable!”
A faux-offended scoff escapes Ashton as hugs you close. “My taste in pizza is fucking incredible.”
Rolling your eyes you glance up at your brother, trying not to let the love you have for him overwhelm you. “Pizza taste excluded, you’re a pretty amazing person, Ash.” You smile softly. “Thank you for being so cool about this.”
Ashton places a kiss to your forehead. “I don’t care who you date, peanut. All you need to know is that I will fight anyone who ever hurts you.”
Despite his large muscles and stern manner, the thought of Ashton kicking anyone’s ass is hilarious. He’s too much of a soft soul for that. “Well I know that you won’t ever need to fight Emily… She’s a good girlfriend.”
“So you two are an actual ‘thing’, then?” He asks hesitantly. “Like dating, it’s not just a fling?”
You shake your head. “We’re serious about each other, She makes my heart feel so full and my knees go all wobbly around her…”
Ashton smirks cheekily. “Well that settles it… I need to finish ordering this pizza so that you can tell me all the gossip! I wanna know everything about her and how you fell for her!” He looks kind of misty eyed, like the old romantic that he truly is. 
“You really want to hear about all that sappy stuff?” You ask, feeling your cheeks heat up a bit. 
“Of course!” Ashton insists. “We haven’t had a good old sibling heart-to-heart in a long time and I need to know about the girl you’re seeing. I have to make sure she’s good enough for you, don’t I?” He pulls away from you just enough to give himself room to complete the pizza order. “Grab the coffees, peanut, it’s time for you to spill all the beans to your old bro.”
You do as your brother asks, picking up the two steaming mugs before following him into the living room. It’s clear how lucky you are, knowing that in the scariest time of your life so far, you at least have the love and support of your amazing big brother.
Tag list: @gamerboymike @byxthexway @afuckingunicornn @painkillerash @moonchildsblack @calumbbyyy @h0tsos @loveroflrh @sexgodashton @megz1985 @myfalsedevotion @aulxna @honeyedlashton @tea4sykes @ghostofmashton @fairyintheglass @cashworthy @cashtonasfuck @opheliaaurora23 @5sosnsfw @wildmichaelflower @loverofcashton @irwinkitten​ @cxddlyash​ @wildmalumflower​ @cashtonasff5sos​ @iovehemmings​ @lowpowermodex​ @pinkbubbles-and-bigtroubles​ @celticclifford​ @5-secondsofcolor​ @queer-5sos​
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